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to structural load bearing requirements,

the foundation usually has a different

insulation arrangement in the outer
perimeter (ring wall). There are edge heat
losses (or gains, depending on ambient
temperatures) to be considered. The inter-
nal part of the foundation actually has
heat loss (or gain) to the deep soil below as
its dominant heat transfer mechanism.
Today with the availability of numeri-
cal FEA (Finite Element Analysis) model-
ing software which can operate on a PC
or engineering workstation, the complex
heat flow patterns which actually occur
in a heated foundation can be simulated
by either an approximate two-dimension-
al FEA model or (preferably) more accu-
rately simulated by a three-dimensional
FEA model. The general FEA method
involves dividing the foundation struc-
ture into a mesh of geometric elements all
interconnected. Each of these elements is
then computationally defined as to loca-
tion, dimensional size, and material
properties. Once convection boundary
conditions at the edges of the exposed
concrete ring wall and the heat genera-
tion resulting from the regularly spaced
heaters are defined, the FEA
software/method develops a set of equa-
tions for all of the elements which can be
solved computationally by elimination
The use of the FEA modeling technique
is of greatest advantage in the design of
foundation heating systems due to the
presence of non-uniformity (primarily in
the ring wall area) in the load bearing
insulation that is typically installed in a
cryogenic vessel foundation. In addition,
the convective heat losses to ambient at
the foundation edge and the conduction
heat losses to the soil perimeter also con-
tribute to the non-uniformity in heat flow.
To illustrate the temperature profile that
can occur, a three-dimensional foundation
model has been created by Thermon for a
typical LNG storage vessel which is being
electrically heated. When the heating is
placed uniformly across the foundation in
bove-ground cylindrical LNG
storage tanks have a concrete base
or foundation which is either pile-
supported or supported directly on the
underlying ground. An electrical heating
system is provided within the foundation
to prevent soil freezing (and the adverse
effects of "frost-heave" that could damage
the foundation and the tank itself) result-
ing from the flow of heat from the ground
through the base insulation into the LNG
tank. The electrical heating elements are
usually arranged in an array of parallel
conduits in a horizontal plane, as shown in
Figure 1.
The Heat Transfer Model
Early efforts to model the heat flow from
the foundation-heated plane upward into
the cold or cryogenic fluid were primarily
based on one-dimensional heat flow mod-
els. The heat distribution between heating
conduits was also rather simplistically
modeled with the use of a one-dimension-
al radial heat distribution model.
Clearly, when considering the entire
foundation structure, there cannot be a
perfect symmetry in the heat flow patterns
as would be implied by such models. Due
LNG journal March/April 2005 page 24
Design and Thermal Modelling of LNG Tank Base Heating
This article describes the different technologies in use for LNG tank base heating, their optimization with the help
of accurate thermal modelling using finite element analysis, and the best practice in design and operation to
ensure efficient, reliable, and trouble-free heating systems.
Vincent Schuhl, Thermon, Gerard Gross and Laurent Ducoup, SAIPEM SA, France
Fig. 2 Thermon three dimensional FEA model - without ring wall heater

Fig. 1 Section through base of above
ground LNG tank showing heating system
Fig. 3 Typical ring wall heater layout
Third annual conference
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q H.E. Abdulla Khalid Al-Attiya, Governor, Qatar Central Bank
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q H.E. Sheikh Jassim Bin Thamer Al-Thani, Deputy President, Qatar National Olympic Committee
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p24-29.qxd 04/05/2005 16:54 Page 1
conduits on 1 m centers, the results of the
FEA modelling show that the temperature
distribution is not uniform and varies
from center to edge of the tank, as shown
in Figure 2, by some 35 C.
Thus in order to maintain the entire
heated plane at above freezing, it is neces-
sary to put additional heater power into
the design. In order to correct this, an
additional ring wall heater installed as
typically shown in Figure 3 should be con-
sidered. Repeating the FEA model with
the ring wall heater operating yields new,
more uniform temperature profiles as
shown in Figure 4 for two cases : operation
in an outdoor ambient of -12 C, and with
the same loading but at a summertime
average ambient of 27 C.
Different Cable
In general, two basic categories of heaters
have found general acceptance for service
in the design of electrically heated planes
for foundations. These heaters are gener-
ally of the parallel construction. That is,
the heater is comprised of a series of
heater zones or a continuous matrix con-
nected along a common set of power bus
wires. The advantage of this construction
is that the power output per unit length of
the heater is relatively constant with
length within the manufacturer's recom-
mended maximum circuit length guide-
lines. Thus the design of each individual
conduit heater based on its specific length
or groupings of a number of heaters as one
single series heater is not required. The
parallel constructed heaters generally use
non-hygroscopic dielectric insulation
materials that are ideal where the poten-
tial for moisture build-up is evident. In
addition, because each conduit heater is
independent, providing service to a single
conduit without removing adjacent
heaters is possible. These parallel-con-
structed heaters can be further divided
into two categories that are generally dis-
tinguished by the nature of their power
delivery characteristics. The first category
is constant wattage type heaters, which
deliver a power level that is independent
of temperature.
The constant wattage type permits
installation without design consideration
of power changes with heater operating
LNG journal March/April 2005 page 25

Foundation Rcating
for Frost Rcavc Prcvcntion
As a world lcadcr in thc manufacturc of hcat tracing products, Thcrmon
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Find out how Thcrmon can providc you with thc most rcliablc,
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Typical FEA Dcsigncd Foundation Rcating Systcm
Convcntional construction or offshorc gravity bascd structurc,
Thcrmon will cvaluatc your systcm using thc latcst 3D FEA thcrmal modcling
and providc rccommcndations . . . pcrformancc guarantccd!
temperature. That is, there are no cold
start-up currents to design around. These
heaters can be simply unreeled, cut to
length, and terminated at the proper loca-
tion within the conduits. Because of the
zone construction, a non-heated cold lead
connection is built-in. When designing a
system with this type of heater, the calcu-
lation of the maximum operating sheath
temperature in the actual operating envi-
ronment of the application is required to
assure expected longevity as well as to
assure hazardous area compliances.
Because of the nature of frost heave pro-
tection operation, only parallel constant
wattage heaters that have a thermal cyclic
rating should be used. A typical heater of
this construction is shown in Figure 5.
The second category of heater is the
self-regulating type heater, which is com-
prised of a continuous, positive tempera-
ture-coefficient, resistive polymer matrix
connected along a common set of power
bus wires. The advantage of this con-
struction is that as the heater temperature
increases, the power output reduces to
give the self-regulating effect. This feature
is especially of interest in situations where
the tank may be partially buried and
where the heat loss strongly varies with
tank depth. Depending on the nature of
the resistive polymer matrix material
used, various slopes of power turn down
are possible. The self-regulating aspect of
this heater permits installation without the
design consideration of calculating operat-
ing and maximum sheath temperatures. It
Fig. 4 Thermal profile comparison of
operation in two different ambient

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Fig. 5 Typical parallel zone type constant
wattage heater
p24-29.qxd 04/05/2005 16:55 Page 2
LNG journal March/April 2005 page 26
has its maximum operating sheath tem-
perature rating for hazardous area instal-
lations fixed based on operation under
near adiabatic laboratory test conditions.
A typical heater of this construction is
shown in Figure 6.
Power System
Factors affecting the power system
design in a foundation heating system
are as follows:
1. Cold storage or cryogenic temperature
2. Load bearing insulation type(s) and
3. Size or diameter of foundation
4. Type of heating system chosen and
the safety or over-design factors
5. Power distribution (zones of heating)
6. Presence of water in the heating
7. Power supply voltage
8. Minimal ambient temperature
9. Inner tank anchoring due to the
seismic conditions
LNG is typically stored at temperatures of
-164 C. The heated plane for such a foun-
dation is ideally controlled at tempera-
tures of 5 C (plus or minus 2 C.)
The load bearing insulation layer
beneath the tank can be minimized as a
design strategy thereby reducing initial
installed cost. Design strategies where
energy costs over the life of the tank are
considered will typically implement
more substantial insulation thickness and
reduce the heat leakage and thus lower
overall power requirement. In either
case, the insulation layer must be
designed to withstand the structural
loading anticipated. In the specific case
of an LNG tank, there is usually a higher
compressive strength layer of cellular
glass in the outer ring wall area and a
lower compressive strength layer in the
internal region of the foundation. It is
important to note that the higher com-
pressive strength insulants are in general
more thermally conductive. Insulation
thicknesses of 380 mm and higher are
typical for an LNG foundation. As an
order of magnitude, total power require-
ments can range up to 100 kW for a tank
foundation 80 m in diameter or more.
Because of this high power level, the sup-
ply voltages normally selected are 230
Vac or higher. Often three phase power
with operating voltages such as 380, 400,
415 and 480 Vac are used because of the
desire to deliver balanced power from the
supply transformers, reduce the current
draw and hence the size and cost of the
power distribution system.
The very selection of the system operat-
ing voltage has an impact on the type of
heating system selected. That is, if self-
regulating parallel type heaters are to be
used, their voltages are generally limited
to operation at 277 Vac or lower due to the
limitations on the voltage stress field
allowed to be generat-
ed within the heating
element polymer
matrix. Constant
wattage parallel type
heaters, on the other
hand, can be used at
voltages up to and
exceeding 600 Vac
since the heating ele-
ments are generally
metallic and remain
largely unaffected by
high voltage stress
fields. Where three-
phase power is used,
the power of each con-
duit should operate on
a different phase to
minimize the impact of
a temporary phase
power loss on the over-
all system operation.
Typically, all instru-
mentation and moni-
toring equipment is
supplied by a separate
independent power
source. This provides
better assurance that
independent monitor-
ing information is still
available should an
upset in the primary
heater power occur.
Because of the criti-
cality of operation in
foundation heating sys-
tems, power levels of at
least 40% safety margin
and more are usually
built in to the electrical
design. In addition,
more safety margin
(above the 40%) is
added in to allow for
situations where one
or more electric heated
conduits may need to
be temporarily
removed from service.
To achieve the
desired power control
and temperature uni-
formity, the power
control system for the
interior region oper-
ates based on tempera-
ture inputs from resist-
ance temperature
detectors (RTD) located at representative
points in the heated plane. These sensor
points are typically located midway
between two conduits in the heated
plane. The power in the interior region
may be divided into multiple zones each
with its own RTD sensor to allow for
minor deviations in the foundation struc-
ture as well as to allow balancing of the
power load on a phase basis, or as a sin-
gle zone. For large diameter LNG tanks,
as many as 18 control zones have been
employed. It is important to note that
due to the large mass of the foundation,
the response time to changes in RTD con-
trol settings can be quite long (of the
order of days, even weeks). It is therefore
sometimes an exercise in patience to fine
tune the temperature control settings
during start-up.
Fig. 7 Effect of moisture build-up on heater power
Fig. 6 Typical parallel self regulating
p24-29.qxd 04/05/2005 16:56 Page 3
LNG journal March/April 2005 page 27
The power in the ring wall heater sys-
tem is monitored by its own RTD which is
located to the side of the heater at a dis-
tance midway to the distance of the ring
wall heater conduit from the outside
foundation and just above the primary
heated plane (between the crossing con-
duits). In cases where multiple ring wall
heaters may be required, the sensor
should be located midway
between the two ring wall
heating conduits.
Due to the below ambient
temperatures which are usu-
ally being maintained in the
electric heating plane, con-
densation build-up within
the conduits can occur. In
order to minimize the
amount of condensation
build-up, one control
method commonly used uti-
lizes a proportional cycle
omission control algorithm,
in which the percentage
power output typically
increases from 60% at 7 C to
100% at 0 C.
By the use of the propor-
tional control method in con-
junction with zero crossing
solid state switching relays,
it is possible to maintain a
level of heating at all times
in the heating conduits (by
50-60 Hz cycle omission). By
maintaining heat on at all
times, the breathing effect
resulting from on-off control
and temperature swings -
that results in moisture
build-up within the conduit
system - is minimized.
Where moisture build-up
within the conduits does
occur, it is important to con-
sider the effect on the heater
type being considered for
installation. In Figure 7 the
effect of water filled con-
duits on the various types of
heaters typically used is
shown in comparison to its
standard power output in a
dry conduit. As can be seen,
constant wattage type heater
power is relatively unaffect-
ed by the moisture build-up.
This is to be expected since
when a heater operates in a
water-filled conduit, its
operating temperature
drops dramatically. The
heating elements used in a
constant wattage heater
experience minimal resist-
ance change with decreasing
temperature. On the other
hand, depending on the
resistance versus tempera-
ture curve for the particular
self-regulating heater being
considered, the increase in
power in a water-filled con-
duit can be rather substan-
tial. For the steeper self-reg-
ulating curve of the Type B
cable, the increase in power
is a factor of two. From a
power system design stand-
point, this increase in power must
be anticipated in the switchgear sizing
As the electrical power system in a
foundation heating system such as an
LNG tank can be located in an electrically
classified area, special design provisions
must be taken to satisfy the safety require-
ments as specified by the electrical codes
having jurisdiction. For LNG tanks locat-
ed in areas having a hazardous area classi-
fication (typically Class I, Div.2 or Zone 2),
the use of explosion proof (Exd) enclo-
sures and/or purged (Type P) enclosures
for equipment is generally required. The
heating system and all components should
conform to the appropriate standards such
as IEEE, IEC or CENELEC and should be
certified by a nationally recognized testing
laboratory for use in the electrically classi-
fied area.
It is equally important in any electric
power system optimization to build in suf-
ficient operational monitoring capability
to allow system operators to fully under-
stand the system during both normal and
abnormal operating conditions.
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p24-29.qxd 04/05/2005 16:56 Page 4
Foundation heating system control and
monitoring equipment for LNG tanks can
range from multizone dedicated tempera-
ture, current, and ground leakage control
and monitoring units located near the ves-
sel with RS 485 data highway interlinking
to a PC in the control room, or can be con-
trolled directly by connection/operation
through the facility DCS system. In
whichever system is utilized, provisions
are generally made to allow the operator
to recognize at minimum the following
alarm events:
1. Low temperature alarms
2. Low current alarm within a control
3. High current alarms within a control
4. High ground leakage current within a
control zone
5. Loss of purge pressure within purged
6. Loss of communications to the PCS or
DCS monitoring equipment
7. Loss of RTD sensor
8. Loss of power/phases
9. Loss of instrument power
The Enviromental Factor
Under the best scenario operating condi-
tions, the performance and reliability of an
electrically heated foundation heating sys-
tem today is such that a service life of
twenty years or more can be expected.
The actual service life experienced, how-
ever, is dependent on how well the system
is designed to endure "the environmental
factor". This, of course, is first of all how
well the system is designed (and the sys-
tem installation is executed) to combat the
presence of moisture resulting from con-
densation from cold surfaces.
As a separate environmental factor,
depending on the specific water table
characteristic in the vicinity of the vessel
foundation, the foundation can be subject-
ed to fluctuating water table levels over
time. The heating plane conduits can thus
be subjected to periodic flooding. In
extreme cases, the addition of a moisture
barrier below the foundation may need to
be considered.
As protection against water intrusion
and corrosion, in some cases, the addition-
al cost of stainless steel conduits has been
justified. Corrosion protection by apply-
ing cathodic protection (tying the negative
pole to the conduit system) is generally
required when using stainless steel con-
duits. In addition the stainless steel con-
duits must be isolated with nonmetallic
sleeving wherever the conduits necessari-
ly touch the steel reinforcing rod system
within the concrete.
To better seal conduit systems from the
possibility of water leaking in at conduit
joints, the application of joint sealant and a
secondary seal of heat shrink sleeving is a
common practice. All electrical connec-
tions that are within the conduit system are
required to have a redundant sealing
design to further ensure that moisture does
not enter into the heater itself. The ground-
ing braid on the heater (required on all sys-
tems to ensure proper operation of the
equipment protection devices) shall be cor-
rosion resistant and shall be further cov-
ered with an overjacket. The overjacket not
only protects the heater as it is pulled into
the conduit but also forms a secondary
moisture protection layer for the heater.
Likewise, all temperature sensors must be
suitable for use in, under the extreme case,
continuous water immersion conditions.
Today's Best Practice
Based on the teachings of past experience
in design of LNG foundation heating sys-
tems, the following are key ingredients in
a successful LNG foundation heating sys-
tem installation.
The design of a foundation heating
system for an LNG tank (though simple
in concept) requires a great deal of
attention to detail in the design phase.
Optimizing the functionality of the
system should be the primary objective
if system longevity is to be achieved.
When the foundation heating system is
properly designed using three-dimen-
sional FEA analysis, the addition of a
ring wall heater zone in addition to the
standard uniformly spaced conduit
system will result in the most uniform
temperature profile within the heated
plane. Energy savings of up to 20% or
even more can be achieved due to
reduced refrigeration capacity require-
ments by adding the ring-wall heating
The designer and owner should in the
very early design stages establish clear
LNG journal March/April 2005 page 28
Fig. 8 Tank base under construction
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Ref: LNG journal 1st International
Middle East LNG Shipping Forum
s Overview of the LNG tanker industry in
the Middle East and internationally: A
short and medium term perspective
s Global LNG supply and demand and the
importance of the Middle East
s Identifying emerging LNG markets and
s The LNG spot market and its impact on
s Special Focus: The use of larger LNG ships
- An operators perspective
- A buyers perspective
s What are the implications of increased
capacity of the dynamics of the LNG
trade in Asia?
s The Suez Canal & LNG shipping
s Financing LNG ships in Qatar: A lead
arranger's perspective
s The legal aspects of financing LNG
s SPA's and their impact on shipping and
s How ship-owners are responding to the
growing demand
s The design and build of LNG ships
s Alternative propulsion options for LNG
ships: A classification perspective
s LNG: Terrorism and the myths
s Operational challenges: Manning LNG
s Maintaining standards in a era of rapid
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Official Media
p24-29.qxd 04/05/2005 16:56 Page 5
specifications for interrogation and
monitoring of the heating system's
performance to ensure that operators
have a clear picture of the performance
especially during possible abnormal
operating condition scenarios.
The high thermal inertia in the founda-
tion mass makes fine tuning of the tem-
perature control in a foundation heat -
ing system a process spanning weeks of
observation. Patience is required.
The power system should be designed
with sufficient design margin to
compensate for the removal of a speci-
fied number of conduits from service
without allowing localized freezing to
The effects of water entry into the con-
duit system must be anticipated and
proper design allowances taken to en-
sure continued operation in such cases.
The value in the use of state-of the art
three-dimensional FEA analysis to opti-
mize the thermal design of foundation
heating systems has been demonstrated.
Likewise, the power system can be opti-
mized through the use of best practice as
has been described. Implementation of
the optimization techniques presented
here can result in improved operational
performance, reduced energy cost, and
enhanced system reliability for owners
and operators of LNG and other cryogenic
vessel storage facilities.
LNG journal March/April 2005 page 29
Vincent Schuhl
is the head of
the French
affiliate of
Thermon Man-
u f a c t u r i n g
Company. He is a graduate
of INPG with a Bachelor in
Material Science. He has
more than fifteen years of
extensive experience in heat
tracing applications for the
oil and gas industry. He is
recognized expert for the
IEC, for equipment used in
hazardous areas, and a mem-
ber of the French committee
of the UTE for normalization
for the use of equipment in
hazardous areas.
Gerard Gross
is the head of
the Electrical
Depart ment
at the Engi-
neering and
Process Division of SAIPEM
SA in France. He is a gradu-
ate of CELSA University with
a Bachelor of Science in
Power Engineering and also
of the CNAM (National Con-
servatory) in 1985. He has
over thirty years of extensive
experience in staff manage-
ment, engineering, construc-
tion and project manage-
ment, and the management of
design, development, con-
struction, implementation,
inspection and testing in the
oil and gas industry.
Ducoup is a
senior engi-
neer from the
group. He
graduated as an Engineer in
Steel Structures (CHEM)
from CHEC (Center of High
Studies of Construction -
France). He has been work-
ing for Technigaz for 10
years and has been involved
in many LNG storage tank
projects, including current
Technigaz projects in Spain,
Egypt, India, China, and
France. He was also involved
with the Working Committee
that formulated a new Euro-
pean code dealing with
LNG storage tanks, due for
publication soon.
we th|nk
about how to effect|ve|y store LNG
about how to prov|de the so|ut|on to th|s
y you th|nk
We understand the sensitivity of bulk storing LNG and the challenge of effectively
managing it. That's why we recently introduced our new Entis LNG Pro
management solution, specially designed for operating LNG bulk storage tanks.
This fit for purpose system combines supervisory software with all tank
instrumentation, such as servo level gauges, temperature sensors and density
profiling devices into one integrated solution.
An advanced graphical user interface provides up to date information about your
tank content and its behavior. t warns you well in time on the risk of any
unwanted situations occurring. Extensive control functionality over all equipment
makes sure you don't miss any bit of information about what goes on.
The proven interfacing with major control systems grants a seamless integration
into any plant automation solution. Tested, reliable and risk free!
We have done this many times with our Entis concept already and of course
provide you all the services needed.
Why? Because we know that there is still a lot more information to provide.
But also to effectively deal with it. And that's what it is all about. At Enraf, we are
there to help you improve the effectiveness of your operations. You can do your
part, we takes care of ours.
Discover for yourself how the new Entis LNG Pro management solution will
satisfy your needs and call or e-mail us today, or visit our renewed website.
Enraf B.V. - P.O. Box 812 - 2600 AV Delft, Holland - Tel.: +31 152701100 - E-mail: info@enraf.nl - www.enraf.com
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