2.3.3 - CE Water Networks

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CE .



This specification covers the materials, equipment, methods, testing and work required for the repair of existing water distribution networks. Such distribution networks may comprise: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Primary and secondary distribution pipelines Valves Bulk water meters Domestic water meters Chambers Pumping stations Borehole installations Reservoirs.

This specification shall form an integral part of the repair contract document and shall be read in conjunction with portion 3: Additional Specifications included in this document. This specification shall act as a guideline to the Particular Specification and, in the event of any discrepancies between the Technical Specification and the Particular Specification, the latter shall take precedence. The Contractor shall at all times adhere to this specification, unless otherwise specified in the Particular Specification. The scope of work for .. covers the following: (a) Repair work to external water reticulation network



GENERAL STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS, REGULATIONS AND CODES The latest edition, including all amendments up to date of tender, of the following specifications, publications and codes of practice shall be read in conjunction with this specification and shall be deemed to form part thereof: SABS 1200 D SABS 1200 DB SABS 1200 G SABS 1200 L SABS 1200 LB Earthworks Earthworks (pipe trenches) Concrete (structural) Medium-pressure pipelines Bedding (pipes)

CE 02.02

OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY ACT OF 1993 All regulations and statutory requirements as laid down in the latest edition of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993 (Act no 85 of 1993) shall be adhered to.

CE 02.03






All equipment and materials shall be installed, serviced and repaired strictly in accordance with the manufacturers' specifications, instructions and codes of practice. CE 02.04 MUNICIPAL REGULATIONS, LAWS AND BY-LAWS All municipal regulations, laws, by-laws and special requirements of the Local Authority shall be adhered to unless otherwise specified. CE 03 AS-BUILT INFORMATION

The Contractor shall at the start of the Contract be given all available as-built information. The Contractor shall be responsible for the compilation of an inventory list. CE 04 EXECUTION OF REPAIR WORK

CE 04.01GENERAL The Contractor shall investigate and inspect all areas of the installation to confirm the extent of the repair work required and shall report to the Engineer. The Engineer will thereafter demarcate any areas to be repaired and shall instruct the Contractor with regard to the repair work to be done. At the start of the repair Contract all the systems, installations and equipment shall be repaired as specified in the Particular Specification. This repair work shall include but not be limited to the specified Particular Specification details. All repair work shall be executed using approved materials and equipment suitable to the systems and/or installations they serve. All materials and equipment shall comply fully with the requirements as specified for each installation.


CE . 3 The said repair work shall be executed in accordance with the relevant codes of practice, standards, regulations, municipal laws and by-laws, manufacturers specifications and codes of practice and all additional and particular specifications included in this document. All repair work shall be executed within the approved period for repairs to be agreed at the start of the Contract period. All new equipment, materials and systems shall be furnished with a written guarantee with a defects liability period of 12 months from date of completion of repair work. These guarantees shall be furnished in favour of the Department of Public Works. On completion of the required and specified repair work the systems, installations and equipment shall be commissioned and handed over to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Repair work items for the water distribution systems shall be categorised under the following headings: (a) (b) (c) (d) Repair of existing pipelines Cleaning of existing pipelines Repair of fittings Repair of existing structures.

CE 04.02REPAIR OF EXISTING PIPELINES This section covers the requirements for the repair of the water distribution pipelines for defects such as pipe breaks and leakage for distribution pipelines. CE 04.02.01 General Repair work to the water distribution system is detailed in the Particular Specification and may include but not be limited to the following: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Replacement of damaged, broken, underground pipework and fittings; leaking, corroded above and

Replacement of damaged, broken and missing manhole covers and frames; Repair work to damaged manholes; Initial unblocking and clearing of all water distribution pipes and manholes; Repair and upgrading of water distribution system where necessary; Introduction of additional connections to the water distribution system; Removal of unauthorised connections; Reinstatement and making good of walls, concrete, road surfaces, etc, to an approved acceptable level where any repair, upgrade and/or service work have been executed; Video surveying of all underground drainage pipework to establish root ingress, damaged pipework, fat build-up, blockages, incorrect falls, sagging and as-built information. This survey shall be utilised to establish the extent of repair and upgrade work to be executed; Test pipe system for leakage; Repair, replace and service valves, which shall include new gaskets, gland packings, seals, bolt and nuts, etc;


(j) (k)


CE . 4 (l) (m) (n) Where valves do not close properly, all these valves shall be refurbished, descaled and if necessary replaced; Repair, clean and service all strainers, including the replacement of strainer elements where corroded and installation of new gaskets; Repair, service, test and readjust pressure-reducing valves. Pressure gauges are to be recalibrated and checked. Up and downstream pressures are to be logged. Downstream pressure has to be adjusted to an acceptable level, taking into account the allowable working pressure of the system and its components; Repair, service and check the proper functioning of all non-return valves; Repair, service, readjust and calibrate all safety and expansion relief valves; Repair, service and clean out all air release valves and vacuum breakers; Repair, service and log readings of water meters including cleaning of integral strainers; Water storage tanks are to be emptied, cleaned out, repaired, sealed and put back into operation. Ball float and/or filling valves to these tanks are to be serviced and repaired where required; Water pipes are to be sampled for corrosion and scaling. The Engineer will evaluate the actions to be followed if the outcome of this sampling requires attention; Water supply has to be sampled and chemically analysed for the suitability to the systems and materials it serves; Pressure test and sterilise repaired new installation and equipment; Reinstatement and making good of walls, tiling, floors, concrete, finishes, holes, chases, surfaces, etc, to an acceptable level where repair, upgrade and/or service work have been executed.

(o) (p) (q) (r) (s)


(u) (v) (w)

CE 04.02.02

Construction The Engineer will indicate the pipeline sections in need of repair and shall instruct the Contractor with regard to the repair work to be done. (a) Excavation The width of the excavation shall be sufficient to allow the proper laying, bedding and backfilling of the pipelines. The width of the excavation for each type and size of pipeline shall be as set out in SABS 1200 DB. The depth of the excavation for each type and size of pipeline shall depend on site conditions and the amount by which the excavation is to exceed the proposed level of the invert of the pipeline and shall be sufficient to allow the type and thickness of bedding material instructed by the Engineer. Where excavation is to be carried out through asphalt premix or concrete, the asphalt/concrete shall be cut neatly and vertically with approved sawing equipment before the asphalt/concrete is removed.


CE . 5 Cutting, breaking out and replacing of concrete pavements will be paid under Subclause CA.02. Excavations shall extend such that, where possible cut in may be reduced by lifting adjacent pipes. (b) Classification of excavation All excavations shall be classified as follows for payment purposes: (i) Hard material Material which cannot be excavated except by drilling and blasting or with the use of pneumatic tools or mechanical breakers and boulders exceeding 0,10 m shall be classified as hard material. Where more than 40 % of any material (by volume) consists of boulders each exceeding 0,10 m in size, the material shall be classified as hard material. (ii) Soft material All material not classified as hard material shall be classified as soft material. Notwithstanding the above classification, all material excavated from previously constructed fills, subgrades and subbases shall be classified as soft material. (c) Disposal of excavated material Where excavated material does not comply with the requirements for backfilling material as specified or is surplus to backfilling requirements, such excavated material shall be removed from the site and disposed of where directed by the Engineer. Material suitable for use in the works, however, shall be used as prescribed. (d) Removal of damaged pipelines Where indicated by the Engineer damaged sections of pipelines shall be completely removed and replaced. (e) Pipe couplings Repair sections will be joined, utilising existing pipe sockets and collars where possible. Repair couplings shall be used with the approval of the Engineer. (f) Laying of uPVC pipelines New sections of uPVC pipelines shall be laid on a granular bed suitable for flexible pipelines as directed by the Engineer. The inside of the pipes shall be smooth and without any displacement and all pipes shall be laid true to line and level with a minimum slope of 2 % or as directed by the Engineer. Refer to SABS 1200 LB: Bedding (pipes), for the specification on bedding.


CE . 6 (g) Laying of asbestos cement, concrete or galvanised mild steel pipelines New sections of the pipelines shall be laid on class A or B bedding as directed by the Engineer. The inside of the pipes shall be smooth and without any displacement and all pipes shall be laid true to line and level with a minimum slope of 2 % or as directed by the Engineer. Refer to SABS 1200 LB: Bedding (pipes), for the specification on bedding. (h) Rock foundation Where rock, shale or hard material is encountered on the bottom of excavations a bed of fine material as required for class B bedding shall be placed before laying the pipe. (i) Concrete encasement Where instructed by the Engineer pipes shall be encased in concrete. All such encasing shall be done in accordance with the Engineer's instructions and sufficient allowance shall be made for movement joints. (j) Extension of existing pipelines Where existing pipelines require extension or where damaged sections are replaced the new sections shall be placed at the same grade and, where they join the existing service, at the same level as the existing pipeline. Existing chambers or other structures which may obstruct any new work shall be demolished and removed. The demolition and reconstruction of new structures shall be paid for under the relevant sections in the specification. (k) Construction in existing roads Road crossings shall either be constructed utilising sufficient provision of bypass roads or utilising the half width of the road. At all times a through route shall be maintained for all traffic. (l) Repairing of leaks Where leaks occur at pipe sockets or collars the effected section shall be cut from the pipeline and repaired using repair couplings. Where obvious leaks occur due to displaced sealing rubbers, the rubbers shall be replaced if the replacement can be done economically by lifting adjacent pipes. (m) Replacement of pipes damaged by exposure to extensive ultraviolet light Pipes damaged as a result of excessive exposure to sunlight shall be replaced where indicated by the Engineer. CE 04.02.03 Quality standard Pipelines shall be laid at even gradients within the points of correction, to the satisfaction of the Engineer and the applicable specifications.


CE . 7 CE 04.02.04 Materials Materials and equipment to be used for repair items shall be suitable and/or adaptable to the existing installation and shall comply with the following: (a) Supercast cast-iron pipes and fittings Supercast cast iron pipes can be used for underground and above ground installations. Plain ended cast iron pipes and fittings shall be used, manufactured from 150, Grade A, grey iron in accordance with SABS 1034. Fittings and pipes shall be free of pinholes, blowholes, blemishes, flash and foundry sand and have a smooth bore. All pipes and fittings shall be sand blasted and coated on the inside and outside by submersion in a corrosion inhibiting oxide primer or bitumen paint. The pipes and fittings shall be joined by means of stainless steel neoprene couplings as supplied by the manufacturer's of the pipe system. The coupling shall be installed according to the manufacturer's specification and is to be tightened with a torque wrench to a torque of 6,8 Nm. (b) uPVC pipe and fittings underground uPVC pipes and fittings can be used for underground installations. For pipe sizes larger than 160 mm diameter, uPVC minimum class 9 pressure pipe to SABS 966 shall be used with prefabricated uPVC bends and junctions. Prefabrication shall be done by means of hot-air welding of fittings to be covered with three layers of fibreglass reinforced lining over welded sections. The resin to be used shall be as specified by the manufacturer for usage with PVC. Bends shall be manufactured out of 3 to 4 sections per bend. Pipe joints shall be done by means of couplings fixed with solvent cement for PVC piping. This joint shall be reinforced with a fibreglass lining of three layers. Piping is to be supported and bracketed with properly sized and designed brackets consisting of two half sections clamped over the pipe and hanged with two hanger rods. Pipes are to be pressure tested in sections as specified in this specification. (c) Prefabricated galvanised steel piping and fittings above ground Prefabricated galvanised steel piping can be used for above ground rainwater drainage systems. The pipe to be used shall be plain-ended medium gauge uncoated pipe to SABS 62, galvanised to SABS 763. All fittings are to be manufactured out of the same material, welded with flanged ends or rolled ends to fit clambon fittings. Fittings are only to be galvanised after manufacturing. All joints are to be either flanged or equipped with clambon couplings. All fittings and junction to be 45 sections. The pipe system must be properly secured and bracketed at regular intervals with correctly sized and designed galvanised brackets. Pipes are to be pressure tested in sections as specified in this specification. (d) Geberit HDPe pipe and fittings Geberit HDPe pipes and fittings can be used for underground installations where specified. Pipes shall be plain ended and only Geberit HDPe bends and fittings shall be used. Jointing of pipes and fittings shall be done by butt welding, electro-sleeve couplings and/or flanged joints. Pipes and fittings shall

CE . 8 only be installed by Geberit approved installers and the Contractor shall furnish a certificate to this effect. Pipes and fittings shall be installed strictly according to the Geberit application technique. Pipes are to be pressure tested in sections as specified in this specification (e) Galvanised steel pipe installations (i) All galvanised steel pipes shall be medium or heavy gauge mild steel screwed and socketed or flanged pipes to SABS 62 and shall be normalised and marked as such by the manufacturer. Pipes shall be hot-dipped galvanised to SABS 763. All fittings shall be malleable cast-iron fittings to SABS 509 and galvanised to SABS 763. All 80 diameter and larger pipes shall be joined with Class 16 flanged couplings to SABS 1123/1600 (1977). The bolts, nuts and spring washers to be used on these joints shall be cadmium plated. In pipe ducts and elsewhere pipes shall be fixed onto walls, soffits, etc, with approved type of supports, holderbats, clamps, etc. Brackets shall be designed to structurally support and fix the pipe system and shall have enough clearance from walls, soffits, etc, to insulate hot-water pipes and maintain equipment.

(ii) (iii)


(v) Pipes shall be supported according to the manufacturer's specifications with approved brackets at the following maximum intervals: NORMAL SIZE (mm) 15 dia to 20 dia 32 dia to 40 dia 50 dia to 150 dia HORIZONTAL (metre) 1 200 1 830 2 450 VERTICAL (metre) 1 830 2 450 3 050

(vi) Pipes shall be installed in such a manner as to prevent airlocks. A minimum rise of 1:250 shall be maintained to high points, which shall be fitted with suitable air release valves. (vii) (viii) All pipes shall be marked according to SABS 0140 or as specified by the Engineer. All surface pipes shall be painted. Pipes shall be installed flush unless otherwise instructed by the Engineer.

(ix) Provision shall be made for thermal contraction and expansion. (x) The type of pipe joint compound shall be approved by the Engineer and used sparingly with good quality hemp. For pipes larger than 80 mm diameter a jointing compound such as Epidermix 32 shall be used. (xi) Any pipes buried shall have at least 900 mm cover and be coated and wrapped to SABS 11 17 and tested in the presence of the Engineer. (xii) All exposed hot-water pipes shall be lagged as specified.


CE . 9 (xiii) All pipework and fittings shall be pressure tested and sterilised as specified.

(xiv) Valves shall be installed on all branch pipes and ball-o-stop valves on all connectors to basin pillar cocks, sink mixers, cistern type WCs and other fittings. (xv) Approved type expansion bellows shall be installed where required for expansion and contraction to prevent excessive stain on fittings and pipe joints.


uPVC underground pipe installations (i) uPVC piping shall conform to SABS 966 with rubber ring type joints. (ii) All bends shall be uPVC type fittings with rubber ring joints. (iii) All other fittings such as T-pieces, reducers, flanges, etc, shall be bitumendipped cast iron rubber ring jointed fittings to SABS 546. (iv) No solvent weld type fittings will be allowed. (v) All cast iron fittings shall be coated and wrapped to SABS 1117. (vi) All pipes shall be laid on a 100 mm sand-bedding cradle and covered with 300 mm sand before backfilling. (vii) (viii) All backfilling shall be to the Engineer's specification and approval. Pipe trenching and bedding shall be as follows: AREA Vehicle traffic Under surface bed Other areas MINIMUM COVER 1 100 600 900 BEDDING TYPE Flexible pipe bedding as per SABS 1200 LB MAIN FILL Soilcrete Soilcrete 90% of modified AASHTO density

(ix) All thrust blocks shall be cast between the pipe and the undisturbed trench material. (x) No concrete shall come into direct contact with the uPVC pipe. At the thrust blocks the bend shall be wrapped with Densopol 80 HT Tape or approved equivalent. (xi) DPE pipe connections to UPVC pipes up to 50 mm diameter can be done by means of SG iron manufactured saddles with the appropriate gaskets and cadmium-plated bolts and nuts. (xii) (xiii) All pipe crossings under traffic areas shall be backfilled with soilcrete and compacted as specified. All pipework shall be pressure tested with all joints uncovered, to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

(xiv) Suitably sized air release valves built into valve chambers shall be installed at all high points of the pipeline.


CE . 10 (g) HDPe underground pipe installations (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) HDPe piping shall be Type 4 HDPe pipe to SABS 533. All fittings shall be of Plasson compression type, conforming to ISO/DIS 3458. All pipes shall be laid on a 100 mm sand bedding cradle and covered with 300 mm of sand of selected material. All backfilling shall be to the Engineers specification and approval. Pipe trenching and bedding shall be as follows: AREA Vehicle traffic Under surface bed Other areas MINIMUM COVER 1 100 600 900 BEDDING TYPE Flexible pipe bedding as per SABS 1200 LB MAIN FILL Soilcrete Soilcrete 90% of modified AASHTO density


No concrete shall come into direct contact with the HDPe pipe. At these points the fittings shall be wrapped with a Densopol 80 HT tape or approved equivalent. All pipe crossings under traffic areas shall be backfilled with soilcrete and compacted as specified. All pipework shall be pressure tested with all joints uncovered to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Suitably sized air release valves built into valve chambers shall be installed at all high points of the pipeline.

(vii) (viii) (ix)

(h) Valves (i) Gate valves underground in valve chambers to connect to uPVC piping (65 mm NB and larger) Gate valves are to be equipped with non-rising spindle, spherical graphite iron body to SABS 936 Grade 42, cast-iron nitrile butadine rubbercovered gate, stainless steel spindle, nitrile butadine rubber O-rings and seals, cast iron bonnet and gunmetal thrust collar to BS 1400 LG2. The valve shall conform to SABS 664 and/or 665, and shall be capable of withstanding a working pressure of 1 600 kPa. The valve shall be fitted with a square key spindle top to close the valve in a clockwise direction and socket ends to SABS 665 to fit into uPVC Class 12 pipe and installed to detail. (ii) Gate valves underground in valve chamber to connect to HDPe piping The gate valves shall be of the dezincified brass type with brass gate, brass body, non-rising spindle and BSP threaded socket ends. The valve shall conform to SABS 776/1965 Class 125. The valve shall be able to withstand a working pressure of 1 600 kPa. The valve shall be fitted with


CE . 11 a hand wheel on an extended spindle shaft of 700 mm to close in a clockwise direction and installed to detail. (iii) Gate valves above ground for temperatures up to 40 C to connect to steel piping (65 mm NB and larger) Gate valves to be equipped with non-rising spindle, spherical graphite iron body to SABS 936 Grade 42, cast-iron nitrile butadine rubbercovered gate, stainless steel spindle, nitrile butadine rubber O-rings and seals, cast iron bonnet and gunmetal thrust collar to BS 1400 LG2. The valve shall conform to SABS 664 and/or 665, and shall be capable of withstanding a working pressure of 1 600 kPa. The valves shall be fitted with flanged ends to SABS 1123/1600 (1977), hand wheel to close the valve in a clockwise direction and installed in an upright position or side ways to a maximum 90 from upright. (iv) Gate valves above ground for temperatures above 40 C to connect to steel piping (65 mm NB and larger) Gate valve shall be equipped with non-rising spindle, spherical graphite iron body to SABS 963 Grade 42, cast-iron gate, gunmetal seat and gate rings, high-tensile bronze spindle, cast-iron bonnet and gunmetal thrust collar to BS 1400 LG2. The valve shall conform to SABS 665 and shall be capable of withstanding a working pressure of 1 600 kPa and a temperature of 90 C. The valve shall be fitted with flanged ends to SABS 1123/1600 (1977), hand wheel to close the valve in a clockwise direction and installed in an upright position or sideways to a maximum 90 from upright. (v) Gate valves above-ground to fit to copper pipes (65 mm NB and larger) Gate valves shall be equipped with non-rising spindle, gunmetal bronze or dezincified brass body, gunmetal or dezincified brass gate, graphite asbestos packing in the gland. The valve shall be fitted with a hand wheel to close in a clockwise direction and installed in an upright position or sideways to maximum 90 from upright. The valve shall be equipped with flanges to SABS 1123/1600 (1977), hand wheel to close the valve in a clockwise direction and installed in an upright position or sideways to a maximum 90 from upright. (vi) Gate valves above-ground for temperatures up to 100 C (up to 50 mm NB) The gate valves shall be of the dezincified brass type with brass gate, brass body, non-rising spindle and BSP threaded socket ends. The valve shall conform to SABS 776-1965 Class 125. The valve shall be able to withstand a working pressure of 1 600 kPa. The valve shall be equipped with a hand wheel to close in a clockwise direction.


CE . 12 The valve shall be installed in an upright position or sideways to a maximum 90 from upright and shall be so placed with other fittings to be removable without cutting the pipework. (vii) Ball-O-Stop valves (15 mm diameter - 25 mm diameter) This valve shall be a full-way ballcock type with BSP threaded ends. This valve shall conform to SABS 1056 Part 3, 1985, shall be rated for a test pressure of 2 000 kPa, and shall be chrome-finished where exposed. (viii) Angle regulating valves This valve shall be a 15 mm diameter chromium-plated angel regulating valve with a 350 mm chromium-plated copper tube and cap nuts where required. (i) Strainers (i) Strainers for connection to steel or uPVC pipes (65 mm NB and larger) These strainers shall be of the Y-type with cast iron body, stainless steel or bronze strainer element and shall be equipped with flanged ends to SABS 1123/1600 (1977). The whole size of the strainer element shall be maximum 1 mm diameter and be removable without dismantling of pipework. The strainer shall be suitable for a temperature of up to 90 C at a 1 000 kPa pressure rating and installed with the element facing downwards or a maximum of 45 sideways. (ii) Strainers for connection to steel and copper pipes (up to 50 mm NB) The strainers shall be of the Y-type with bronze or dezincified brass body, stainless steel strainer element and must be equipped with BSP threaded socket ends. The whole size of the strainer element shall be maximum 0,8 mm diameter. The strainer shall be suitable for a temperature of up to 90 C at a pressure rating of 1 000 kPa and installed with the element facing downwards or a maximum of 45 sideways. (j) Non-return valves (i) Non-return valves for cold water (65 mm NB and larger) The non-return valve shall be of the spring-loaded dual flap plate type fitted between two flanges (wafer). The non-return valve shall be equipped with a cast-iron body, aluminium bronze plates, stainless steel springs and neoprene seals on the plates. The valves shall be suitable for a working pressure of 1 000 kPa. (ii) Non-return valves for hot water (up to 100 mm diameter) and cold water (up to 50 mm NB) The non-return valve shall be of the spring-loaded piston type, with bronze or dezincified brass body, stainless steel spring and bronze disc with neoprene seal fitted with BSP threaded socket ends. The valve shall be suitable for a working pressure of 1 000 kPa and a temperature of up to 90 C. All valves shall be installed as to be removable without extensive pipework removal.


CE . 13 (k) Air release valves and vacuum breakers (i) Double orifice double-acting air release valves with sizes from 50 mm NB to 200 mm NB The air release valve shall be fitted with small and large orifice. The air release valve shall be fitted with a cast-iron or stainless steel body, stainless steel or fibreglass balls, integral shut-off valve and flanged ends to SABS 1123/1600 (1977). The valve shall be equipped with an antishock facility. The valve shall be suitable for maximum pressure of 1 600 kPa. (ii) Single orifice air release valves for main water lines with sizes from 25 mm NB to 50 mm NB The air release valve shall be fitted with a small orifice, cast-ron or stainless steel body, fibre glass or stainless steel ball float and BSP threaded inlet. When the valve is installed a shut-off valve shall be installed on the inlet side. The valve shall be equipped with an anti-shock facility. The valve shall be suitable for maximum pressure of 1 600 kPa. (iii) Single orifice double purpose air release valves for domestic water lines up to 15 mm NB The air release valves shall be fitted with a stainless steel float, brass or cast steel body with an integral shut-off valve fitted. The valve shall be capable to withstand a working pressure of 1 000 kPa at 110 C. (iv) Vacuum breaker up to 40 mm diameter The vacuum breakers shall be fitted with neoprene seal, spring-loaded disc in a dezincified brass or bronze body. The valve shall seal watertight and shall be designed to withstand a working pressure of 1 000 kPa and a temperature of 90 C. (l) Pressure-reducing valves (i) Combination pressure reducing stations Where a high peak flow can occur as well as a small flow and the small flow is out of the range of the large pressure-reducing valve, a small pressure-reducing valve shall be installed in parallel with the large pressure-reducing valve. The two pressure-reducing valves in parallel shall be set according to the manufacturer's specification. (ii) Large pressure-reducing valves (65 mm NB and larger) The pressure reducing valve shall be equipped with a cast iron body, neoprene-nylon reinforced diaphragm, bronze seal disc washer, stainless steel shaft and flanged ends. The valve shall be pilot operated and shall be designed to handle high flows at a minimum head loss.


CE . 14 The valve must be adjustable to handle a wide range of incoming pressure at a constant downstream pressure. The valve shall be equipped with flanged ends to SABS 1123/1600 (1977). (iii) Small pressure-reducing valves (15 mm NB - 50 mm NB) The pressure-reducing valve shall be equipped with brass body, balanced single seat and integral strainer. The valve shall be able to handle a wide range of incoming pressure while the downstream pressure stays constant with maximum inlet pressure of 1 000 kPa and a maximum water temperature of 40 C. The valve shall be equipped with BSP male threaded brass union couplings. (m) Water meters (i) Combination water meters Where high peak flow as well as a low flow can occur, and the low flow is out of the registration range of large water meter, a small diameter water meter shall be installed in parallel with the large water meter to cater for the low flows with integral automatic change-over valves. These valves shall be designed to have a minimum pressure drop at the operating point. (ii) Water meters (50 mm NB and larger) These water meters shall be of the dry type with all gears and transmission and roller counters in a dry head, and shall be equipped with flanged ends to SABS 1123, cast-iron body with high quality corrosion proof coating. The meter must be protected from magnetic fields and sealed to prevent tampering with adjustments. The meter must be able to work up to a pressure of 1600 kPa under a maximum water temperature of 40 C. The scale of meter must be in cubic metre (m 3) and equipped with needle indicators reading in litres. The accuracy of the meter shall be not less than 98 %. The meters shall be installed with leading and trailing lengths of pipes to the manufacturer's specification. (iii) Water meters (up to 50 mm NB) The meter shall be of the volumetric rotary piston type with brass body equipped with union couplers. The meter reading must be in kilolitres. The meter shall have an accuracy of not less than 98 %. The meter must be able to operate up to a water pressure of 1000 kPa at a water temperature of 40 C. The meters shall be installed with leading and trailing lengths of pipes to the manufacturers specification. CE 04.03 CE 04.03.01 General Repair work to the fire water piped reticulation networks is detailed in the Particular Specification and shall include but no be limited to the work described below. This


CE . 15 specification only covers the water piped reticulation for the fire water protection system, whereas the equipment to this installation, such as fire hydrants, hose reels and extinguishers, are covered and detailed in Technical Specification JC: Conventional Fire Fighting Equipment. This specification must be read in conjunction with the afore-mentioned specification. Repair work to the fire water piped reticulation networks may include the following: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Replacement of damaged, broken, leaking, corroded above-ground and underground pipe work, fittings and equipment; Repair, replace and service valves which shall include new gaskets, gland packings, seals, bolt and nuts, etc; Where valves do not close properly, all these valves are to be refurbished, descaled and if necessary replaced; Repair, service and check the proper functioning of all non-return valves and backflow preventers; Repair, service, readjust and calibrate all pressure gauges; Repair work to bracketing systems including fixing and repair of existing brackets and the introduction of additional brackets where required; Report all related problems to fire fighting equipment to the Engineer; Water storage tanks are to be emptied, cleaned out, repaired, sealed and put back into operation. Ball float or/and filling valves to these tanks are to be serviced and repaired where required; Pressure test and sterilise repaired new installation and equipment; Reinstatement and making good of walls, tiling, floors, concrete, finishes, holes, chases, surfaces, etc, to an acceptable level where any repair, upgrade and/or service work have been executed; Record pressure readings on supply to installation.

(i) (j)

(k) CE 04.03.02

Material and equipment specification for fire water piped reticulation networks Materials and equipment to be used for repair items shall be suitable and/or adaptable to the existing installation and shall comply with the relevant specification.

CE 04.04CLEANING OF PIPELINES The work under this section involves the removal of silt, debris and lime deposits from within the pipelines and the general cleaning in areas resulting from leakage. CE 04.04.01 Construction Prior to the cleaning of any pipeline sections, the Contractor shall arrange with the Engineer for an inspection of the pipe route. Based on the inspection, the Engineer will instruct the Contractor as to which sections of the network require cleaning.

CE . 16 Visual inspections utilising check circuit TV cameras will not be required unless deemed essential on large diameter pipelines. Sections of the pipeline may be removed for a more detailed inspection. Such sections will be repaired as specified in Subclause CE 04.02. Sections will only be cut from the pipeline where specifically instructed by the Engineer. The method to be applied for the cleaning of the pipelines will be chemical or mechanical and shall be followed by disinfection of the related section. The method to be applied for each section of the pipeline will be instructed by the Engineer. Material removed from the pipelines shall be disposed of as instructed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall discuss the method proposed for the scouring of the pipelines where insufficient scour valves are present with the Engineer prior to implementation. CE 04.04.02 Quality standard Pipelines shall be cleaned such that head losses along the pipe route are negligible under simulated fire flow, when measured at convenient points along the route. CE 04.05 CE 04.05.01 REPAIR OF FITTINGS Construction The Engineer will indicate the fittings that are to be repaired. The repair of the following fittings may be required: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l) CE 04.06 Gate valves Fire hydrants Viking Johnson couplings Pressure-reducing valves Ferrules Domestic water meters Bulk water meters Stop-cocks Tees Bends End caps Saddles.

REPAIR OF STRUCTURES The Engineer will indicate the structures that are to be repaired. Damaged existing structures shall be demolished to the extent directed by the Engineer on site and the resulting debris spoiled at designated sites. The reinstatement of damaged structures shall be carried out to the same standards prescribed for new construction.



Except where otherwise provided in the Contract, the Contractor shall provide all labour, materials, power, fuel, accessories and properly calibrated and certified instruments necessary for carrying out such tests. The Contractor shall make arrangements for such tests and he shall give at least 72 hours notice to the Engineer, in writing, prior to commencement of the test. In the event of the plant or installation not passing the test, the Employer shall be at liberty to deduct from the Contract price all reasonable expenses incurred by the Employer or the Engineer attending the repeated test. Whenever any installation or equipment is operated for testing or adjusting as provided for above, the Contractor shall operate the entire system for as long a period as may be required to prove satisfactory performance at all times in the occupied space served by that system for up to twenty-four hours a day continuously until the system is handed over. The Contractor shall provide all labour and supervision required for such operation and the Employer may assign operating personnel as observers, but such observation time shall not be counted as instruction time. After complete installation of the system all equipment shall be tested, adjusted and readjusted until it operates to the satisfaction and approval of the Engineer. The Contractor shall submit certificates of tests carried out to prove the quality and proper functioning of all equipment and also certificates to be obtained from all relevant authorities and statutory bodies, etc. CE 06 QUALITY ASSURANCE SYSTEM

The Contractor shall institute an approved quality assurance (QA) system which shall be submitted to the Employer or Engineer for approval. The records of this QA system shall be kept throughout the duration of the Contract and be submitted to the Engineer at regular intervals as required.

CE 08 CE.01 CE.01.01

MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT REPAIR OF DOMESTIC WATER DISTRIBUTION PIPELINES Repair of existing pipelines.............................................................Unit: metre (m) The unit of measurement shall be per metre length of pipe replaced. In each case the Contractor shall agree on the length of pipe to be replaced and the method of coupling the pipes. The tendered rate shall include full compensation for cleaning and grubbing, excavation, removal of existing pipeline, dealing with water logged conditions, provision of bedding and additional backfill, logging and backfilling of replacement pipeline, finishing, repair of kerbs, road surfaces, accommodation of traffic, excavation in all materials, removal of unsuitable material from the trench, disposal of surplus materials. Separate items will be scheduled for house connections and distribution pipes. The provision of the materials and installation will be measured separately under CE 01.02.


CE . 18 CE.01.01.01 Location and Protection of Existing Services Hand excavation necessary for locating and exposing existing services in all material: (a) (b) In roadways.............................................................Unit cubic metres : m3 In all other areas......................................................Unit cubic metres : m3

The rates shall cover the cost of excavating by means of hand tools within authorised dimensions, for all precautionary measures to protect the services from damage during excavation and backfilling, and for subsequent backfilling and compacting. Compaction of material in all areas except in roadways shall be to 90 % of the modified AASHTO density. The rate for hand excavation in roadways shall include compensation for compacting excavated or selected backfill material to 93 % of modified AASHTO density. The tendered rates shall also include for keeping excavations safe, for dealing with surface and subsurface water, for removing surplus excavated material from the Site, for transporting all material to an approved dumping site to be supplied by the Contractor, and for supplying adequate supervision during both excavation and backfilling operations. Location of existing Before underground or excavation work is carried out, the Contractor shall ascertain the presence and position of all services likely to be damaged or interfered with by his activities. He shall obtain up-to-date plans from the Engineer for this purpose, showing the position of services in the area where he intends to work. As services can often not be reliably located from such plans, the Contractor shall determine the exact position of such services by means of careful hand excavation where necessary in order to expose the services at the positions of possible interference by his activities. This procedure shall also be followed in respect of services not shown on the plans but believed to be present. All such services, the positions of which have been located at the critical points, shall be designated as known services and their positions shall be indicated on a separate set of Drawings, a copy of which shall be furnished to the Engineer. While he is occupying the Site, the Contractor shall be liable for all damage caused by him to known services as well as for consequential damage, whether caused directly by his operations or by the lack of proper protection. Protection during construction The Contractor shall exercise all the necessary care to prevent damage to known services during construction operations. Major excavating equipment and other Plant shall not be operated dangerously close to these services. Where necessary, excavation in close proximity to these services shall be carefully carried out with suitable hand tools, excluding picks wherever their use could damage the services. No additional payment will apply to such more difficult work. Services left exposed shall be suitably protected from damage. CE.01.02 Provision of materials and installation (a) Pipelines......................................................................................Unit: metre (m)

CE . 19 The unit of measurement shall be the metre of pipe replaced. (b) Fittings............................................................................................Unit: number The unit of measurement shall be the number of fittings installed. The tendered rates shall include full compensation for all transport, storage, labour and material costs. Separate pay items shall be listed for the pipe materials and fittings per diameter and class. CE.01.03 Replacement of manhole covers, grid inlets and the like (a) Cast iron manhole covers to SABS 558: .01 .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 Type 2A.................................................................................Unit: number Type 2B.................................................................................Unit: number Type 1A ................................................................................Unit: number Type 1 B................................................................................Unit: number Type 4A.................................................................................Unit: number Type 4....................................................................................Unit: number

(b) Cast iron gratings to SABS 558: .01 product number G2078...........................................................Unit: number .02 Product number G2159..........................................................Unit: number .03 Product number G2292 .........................................................Unit: number .04 Product number G0096..........................................................Unit: number .05 Product number G0960..........................................................Unit: number The unit of measurement shall be the number of covers or frames installed. The tendered rates shall include full compensation for procuring, furnishing and placing the new covers, grids and/or frames, for removing and disposing of the damaged covers, grids and/or frames, all transport, storage, labour and material costs. CE.01.04 Repair of corrosion protection Corrosion protection of pipes with diameters of: (a) Up to 100 mm dia........................................................................Unit: metre (m) (b) 101 to 200 mm dia......................................................................Unit: metre (m) (c) 201 to 300 mm dia......................................................................Unit: metre (m) (d) 301 to 400 mm dia......................................................................Unit: metre (m) The unit rate of measurement shall be meter length of pipe painted with corrosion protection in accordance with Specification LB: Corrosion protection.


CE . 20 The tendered rate shall include full compensation for preparation of pipe fittings, application of corrosion protection and curing of corrosion protection, all transport, storage, labour and material costs. Separate items shall be scheduled for different types of pipework. CE.02 REPAIR OF FIRE WATER PIPE RETICULATION NETWORK Measurement and payment items from CE 01, CE 03, CE 04 and CE 05 will be utilised for work done on the external fire water pipe reticulation. Additional payment items for specialist fittings shall be paid under Specification JC. CE.03 CE.03.01 CLEANING OF PIPELINE Cleaning of deposits in pipeline by mechanical means for pipes of diameters of (difference must be made between rodding, special machinery and high-pressure jetting): (a) Up to 100 mm dia........................................................................Unit: metre (m) (b) 101 to 200 mm dia......................................................................Unit: metre (m) (c) 201 to 300 mm dia......................................................................Unit: metre (m) (d) 301 to 400 mm dia......................................................................Unit: metre (m) CE.03.02 Scouring of pipeline to remove trapped debris for pipes of diameters of: (a) Up to 100 mm dia........................................................................Unit: metre (m) (b) 101 to 200 mm dia......................................................................Unit: metre (m) (c) 201 to 300 mm dia......................................................................Unit: metre (m) (d) 301 to 400 mm dia......................................................................Unit: metre (m) The unit of measurement shall be metre length of pipe cleaned or scoured. The unit rate of measurement for item CA.03.01 shall include full compensation for the emptying of the pipeline, cleaning, refilling and reporting on the condition of the pipe after cleaning. The rate shall also include the disposal of waste material in and appropriate manner. The unit of measurement for item CA.03.02 shall include full compensation for the scouring of the pipeline and refurbishing of the pipeline. The unit of measurement shall be the total length of filled pipeline from which the water is scoured. The length shall be agreed with the Engineer prior to scouring. The provision of additional scour points shall also be included in the rate. CE.04 CE.04.01 REPAIR OF FITTINGS Servicing of valves..............................................................................Unit: number The unit of measurement shall be the number of valves serviced. The tendered rate shall include full compensation for cleaning, removing rust, scale or other solids from surfaces or moving parts, proper greasing of all moving parts,


CE . 21 preparation for corrosion protection coating and painting of valves, all transport, storage, labour and material costs. Separate items will be listed in the Schedule of Quantities for different types and sizes of equipment. CE.04.02 Recondition valves..............................................................................Unit: number The unit of measurement shall be the number of valves reconditioned. The tendered rate shall include full compensation for dismantling, cleaning, removing rust, removing scale or other solids from surfaces and moving parts, replacing components such as hinges, spindles, hard wheels or gates, swing axles, swing gates, replacing or repair of seals, skimming of seal surfaces, proper greasing of all moving parts, preparation for corrosion protection, painting or any other action or cost necessitated to recondition a value to a perfect functional drop tight condition, all transport, storage labour and material costs. The rate shall also include the disposal of waste material in an appropriate manner. Separate items will be listed in the Schedule of Quantities for different types and sizes of equipment. CE.04.03 Decommission and remove valves....................................................Unit: number The unit of measurement shall be the number of valves decommissioned and removed. The tendered rate shall include full compensation for all labour and equipment required to decommission and remove valves, such as installation of temporary isolating valves or blank flanges, removal of unserviceable valves, loosening and removal of bolts and nuts, or any other related action required. Excavation to exposed partially buried valves shall also be included in the rate, all transport, storage labour and material costs. The rate shall also include the disposal of waste material in an appropriate manner. Separate items will be scheduled in the Schedule of Quantities for different types and sizes of valves. CE.04.04 Repair of house connections..............................................................Unit: number The unit of measurement shall be the number of house connections repaired, provision of material and installation. The tendered rate shall include full compensation for appurtenant fittings, excavation, backfilling and other necessary work to repair existing house connections, all transport, storage labour and material costs. The rate shall also include the disposal of waste material in an appropriate manner. All connections to the distribution pipelines, up to a diameter of 32 mm shall be measured as "house connections". CE.05 CE.05.01 REPAIR OF STRUCTURES Demolition and removal of damaged existing structures (a) (b)

Plain concrete................................................................Unit: cubic metre (m3) Reinforced concrete.......................................................Unit: cubic metre (m3)

CE . 22 (c) (d) Brickwork.....................................................................Unit: square metre (m2) Precast concrete manhole sections.............................................Unit: number

The unit of measurement for CE.05.01(a) and (b) shall be the cubic metre of existing material demolished, determined from 70 % of the rated cubic metre capacity of the truck used to remove the material. The unit of measurement for CE.05.01(c) and (d) shall be the square metre length of brickwork and the number of precast concrete manhole sections. The tendered rates shall include full compensation for all labour, equipment and tools for removal of the damaged sections, trimming the bedding and for loading, transporting and disposing of the material. The reinstatement of damaged sections shall be paid for under the relevant items for constructing new structures. CE.05.03 Repair of structures (a) (b) (c) Brickwork.....................................................................Unit: square metre (m2) Concrete........................................................................Unit: cubic metre (m3) Precast concrete manhole sections.............................................Unit: number

The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of brickwork or concrete constructed. The tendered rate shall include full compensation for the provision of materials, transport, preparation and placing of foundations, labour and all other associated work to complete the work required. Separate items will be scheduled for specific installations. CE.05.04 Marker posts........................................................................................Unit: number The unit of measurement shall be the number of marker posts installed. The tendered rate shall include full compensation for the manufacture and installation complete as shown on the drawings, all transport, storage, labour and material costs CE.05.05 Sample testing (a) Extract sample to determine lime deposition, corrosion and general condition for pipes of: (i) Up to 100 mm dia..................................................................Unit: number (ii) 101 to 200 mm dia.................................................................Unit: number (iii) 201 to 300 mm dia.................................................................Unit: number (iv) 301 to 400 mm dia.................................................................Unit: number The unit rate of measurement shall be the number of sample tests carried out.


CE . 23 The tendered rate shall include full compensation for cutting into pipe and extraction of sample, visual inspection and reporting on condition of pipe. The tendered rate shall also include full compensation for the appropriate disposal of the sample and for the repair of the section pipeline. Compensation for provision of new pipes and fittings, shall be measured under CE 01. CE.06 CE.06.01 TESTS AND INSPECTIONS OF REPAIR WORK Pressure testing (a) Pressure test pipeline in sections of pipes with diameter of: (i) Up to 100 mm dia...............................................................Unit: metre (m) (ii) 101 to 200 mm dia..............................................................Unit: metre (m) (iii) 201 to 300 mm dia..............................................................Unit: metre (m) (iv) 301 to 400 mm dia..............................................................Unit: metre (m) The unit of measurement shall be the metre length of pipe tested. The tendered rate shall include full compensation for isolation of test section, filling of section with water, testing for required duration and reporting on performance of pipes, the provision of any additional water shall also be included in the rate. The rate shall also include the provision of all equipment, labour and supervision necessary for the completion of the pressure test. CE.06.02 Provision of equipment for visual inspection of underground pipeline network........................................................Unit: lump sum The tendered sum shall include full compensation for the provision of suitable equipment, such as torches, lights and mirrors, etc, to enable a basic visual inspection of the pipeline network. CE.06.03 CCTV inspection of underground pipework (a) Pipes of diameter: (i) (ii) (iii) 100 mm dia....................................................................Unit: metre (m) 150 mm dia....................................................................Unit: metre (m) 200 mm dia....................................................................Unit: metre (m)

The unit of measurement shall be the metre length of pipe inspected. The tendered rate shall include full compensation for site establishment, contract/subcontract management, camera work, reports, tapes and GIS database, but shall exclude any cleaning of pipelines.


CE . 24


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