GURU GRANTH SAHIB – (Sacred Scripture
of the Sikhs): Quadricentennial, 1604 - 2004
Contents Page
1. Guru Sahibaan 4
4. The contents 13
5. Important references 18
7. Universality aspect 29
Sacred Scripture of the Sikhs
Guru for Sikhs forever. This was not something done out of
any exigency, but something in-built in Sikhism and
inevitable. Right from the time of Guru Nanak, the concept
of “Shabd Guru” or Revealed Divine Word is central to
Sikhism and it has been preached and practised by all the
Gurus during their lives and has been discussed in detail in
their verses enshrined in the Guru Granth Sahib. Guru
Gobind Singh issued an order for all Sikhs to obey the Guru
Granth Sahib as their Spiritual Guru. It will be pertinent to
note here that unlike other religions, Sikhism does not
derive its name from its originator. Instead, Guru Nanak
preferred to call his followers “Sikhs”. The Sikhs follow the
Revealed Divine Word, the Shabd Guru. It was none else
but Guru Nanak, who declared that Shabd was his Guru. In
his most pertinent discussion with the “Sidhs” he was asked
who was his Guru. Guru Nanak answered: “Shabd is his
Guru” and further defined the follower as disciplined,
attentive mind. It is recorded in the Guru Granth Sahib:
kvx mUlu kvx miq vylw ] qyrw kvxu gurU ijs kw qU cylw ]43]
(rwmklI mhlw 1 isD gosit ] gurU gRMQ swihb - pMnw 942)
Sidhs asked Guru Nanak: “What is the life’s root, the
source of all? What teachings hold for these times? Who is
your Guru? Whose disciple are you?” (GGS – Page 942)
pvx ArMBu siqgur miq vylw ] sbdu gurU suriq Duin cylw ]44]
(rwmklI mhlw 1 isD gosit ] gurU gRMQ swihb - pMnw 943)
Guru Nanak replied: “From the air is the beginning and this
is the age of the True Guru’s Teachings. The Shabd, the
Divine Word is the Guru, upon whom I lovingly focus my
consciousness; I am thy disciple.” (Page 943)
Some more examples of the concept of “Shabd Guru” as
enshrined in the “Guru Granth Sahib” are listed below:
sbdu gur pIrw gihr gMBIrw ibnu sbdY jgu baurwnM ]8]
(soriT mhlw 1 - pMnw 635)
The Shabd Guru, the Divine Word is my Guru and Spiritual
Teacher, profound and unfathomable; without the Divine
Word, the world is insane. (Guru Nanak, Page 635)
siqgur kI bwxI siq siq kir mwnhu ieau Awqm rwmY lInw hy ] ]
] 14 ] (mwrU mhlw 1 - pMnw 1028)
Always consider the Guru’s revealed Word as an
embodiment of Truth and then get immersed in the True
Lord’s love by diverting the mind from the worldly
attachments. (Guru Nanak, Page 1028)
Bvjlu ibnu sbdY ikau qrIAY ] nwm ibnw jgu roig ibAwipAw
duibDw fuib fuib mrIAY ] 1 ] rhwau ] guru dyvw guru AlK AByvw
iqRBvx soJI gur kI syvw ] Awpy dwiq krI guir dwqY pwieAw AlK
AByvw ] 2 ] (rwgu BYrau mhlw 1 - pMnw 1125)
How is one to be ferried across the sea of existence without
the Guru’s Word? Without the Lord’s True Name, the
world is afflicted by the malady of duality and this sinks the
fortunes of all men. (Pause). The Guru is God,
unfathomable and mysterious but through the Guru’s
service, one knows the mysteries of the universe. The
beneficent Guru himself blesses and one attains to the
unfathomable and mysterious God. (Guru Nanak, P. 1125)
jy sau cMdw augvih sUrj cVih hjwr ] eyqy cwnx hoidAW gur
ibnu Gor AMDwr ]2] (Awsw kI vwr mhlw 2 - pMnw 463)
Even if hundreds of moons were to shine or there were
thousands of suns showing their sunshine, there would still
be no effect on the darkness of ignorance in our hearts. In
spite of all this brightness, without the Guru’s guidance
there appears total darkness all around. (Guru Angad, P463)
sBu ikCu Awpy Awip hY dUjw Avru n koie ] ijau bolwey iqau bolIAY
jw Awip bulwey soie ] gurmuiK bwxI bRhmu hY sbid imlwvw hoie ]
nwnk nwmu smwil qU ijqu syivAY suKu hoie ]4]30]63]
(isrIrwgu mhlw 3 - pMnw 39)
The True Lord is manifested through all His Creation and
there is none else besides Him. We only utter what the Lord
directs us to say. The faithful ones always speak of the True
image of the Lord as they have realised Him through the
Guru’s Divine Word. O Nanak! Let us preserve the True
Name of the Lord in our mind, so that in His service we
could enjoy the eternal bliss and a peaceful life.
{Guru Amardas, Page 39)
iekw bwxI ieku guru ieko sbdu vIcwir ] (mhlw 3 - pMnw 646)
There is but one Divine Hymn, one Preceptor Guru and
there is one Revealed Word to contemplate. (Page 646)
(mwrU mhlw 3 - pMnw 1057)
The Guru’s Word is the Nectar of Revealed Hymns.
Whosoever recites the Lord’s True Name every day and in
whose heart is enshrined the True Lord, that heart becomes
immaculate and truthful. (Guru Amardas, Page 1057)
bwxI gurU gurU hY bwxI ivic bwxI AMimRqu swry ] guru bwxI khY syvku
jnu mwnY prqiK gurU insqwry ] 5 ] (nt mhlw 4 - pMnw 982)
The Word is the Guru; the Guru is in the Word; within the
Word are contained all the Elixirs, the Ambrosial Nectar.
One must accept what the Word proclaims; then the Guru,
for sure, emancipates his devotee. (Guru Ramdas, P. 982)
poQI prmysr kw Qwnuu ] swDsMig gwvih gux goibMd pUrn bRhm
igAwnu ] 1 ] rhwau ] (swrg mhlw 5 - pMnw 1226)
This sacred Book is the Avode of the Transcendent God. It
contains the perfect wisdom of God’s way, and the holy
congregation sings to praise the True Lord through Word.
(Guru Arjun, Page 1226)
Akaal Muratt, Ajunee, Saibhang, Gur Parsaad.}
Almighty God, One Immortal Supreme Entity – Sole
Universal Creator, Eternal Reality – Everlasting Truth,
Creator of the Universe and the whole Cosmos, Neither
afraid of anyone, Nor enmity with anyone, Invisible Entity,
Timeless and Formless, Beyond birth and death, Ever Self-
Existent. The Creator’s Grace is attainable by practising the
Divine Word.
realise that the whole Universe is His creation and His Light
is pervading everywhere.”
The contents of Guru Granth Sahib have an appeal, which is
Universal, for it has nothing sectarian in its form and spirit.
It puts Truth in a light, which removes darkness from all
human minds. Perhaps there is no other Scripture in the
world, which takes the common man to the realm of Truth
in such a simple but compelling manner. It does not
prescribe any rituals to be observed, but on the other hand,
it urges us to abdicate all rituals. It teaches the devotees
how to approach the Almighty God through recitation and
practicing the teachings of Gurbaani, the Divine Word. In
the guise of a clergy/priest, no intermediary is necessary.
the forms of hymns, which are devotional, deeply reflective
and morally inspiring. He continued to record his verses
popularly called “Baani” – the revealed Divine Words in a
“Pothi” – sacred volume. With a view to share and spread
his spiritual message with the humanity at large, Guru
Nanak travelled far and wide on foot to various regions,
accompanied by one of his most devout followers, Bhai
Mardana, a Muslim, who played on the rebeck while Guru
Nanak sang his heart-searching hymns to audiences of all
the peoples in a language which they spoke and well
understood without any distinction. He had travelled not
only throughout India’s north, east, south and west but also
far beyond into Afghanistan, Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Burma, Sri
Lanka, Tibet, and including Pakistan & Bangladesh.
When Guru Nanak breathed his last in 1539, he selected
one of his followers named ‘Lehna’ and appointed him his
successor. Guru Nanak gave Bhai Lehna a new name “Guru
Angad” on this occasion. At the same time, the “Sacred
Pothi” containing Baani recorded by Guru Nanak together
with the writings of other saints was also passed on to the
successor for sharing with the congregations. Guru Angad,
whose period of Guruship lasted from 1539 to 1552, added
some compositions of his own though he was mainly
amplifying the deeper meaning and significance of the
inspired composition of his Master, Guru Nanak. Similarly,
the next successors, Guru Amardas (1552-1574) and Guru
Ramdas (1574-1581) with the fervour of inspired devotion,
added a large volume of sacred Baani to what they had
inherited from Guru Nanak and Guru Angad.
Since all the Sikh Gurus used their common pen name as
“Nanak”, distinction was made by designating them as
Mahla 1 for Guru Nanak, and Mahla 2, 3, 4 and 5 for the
successors. ‘Mahla’ literally means body. The hymns were
arranged in accordance with the order of Gurus, followed
by the compositions of other Saints (Bhakats), according
first place for Saint Kabir and then Saint Namdeo, Saint
Ravidas, Sheikh Farid and others as listed at next pages.
Singh on 7th October 1708, “Pothi Sahib/Granth Sahib” was
ordained to be “Guru Granth Sahib”. Since then this sacred
Scripture has been revered by Sikhs. The same tradition has
been continuing all over the world wherever Sikhs have
built the Congregation Halls, known as “Gurduara Sahib”.
In the Sikh Reht Maryada – The Code of Sikh Conduct &
Conventions, it is specifically mentioned that: “No book
should be installed like and at par with the Guru Granth”.
25. Basant (1168 to 1196); 26. Sarang (1197 to 1253);
27. Malaar (1254 to 1293); 28. Kanarra (1294 to 1318);
29. Kalian (1319 to 1326); 30. Prabhaati (1327 to 1351);
31. Jaijavanti (1352-1353); and followed by -
Saloak Saheskriti (1353-1360); Gatha-Phuneh-Chauboley
(1360-1364); Saloak Kabir (1364-1377); Saloak Farid
(1377-1384); Savaiyye (1385-1409); Saloak Vaaran tey
Vadheek (1410-1426); Saloak Mahla 9 (1426 to 1429);
Mundavani Mahala 5 (1429) & Raag Mala (1429-1430)
Barah Maha Majh Mahla 5 (133 to 136) and Tukhari
Chhantt Mahla 1 Barah Maha (1107 to 1110);
Gauri Bavan Akhari Mahla 5 (250 to 262) and Raag Gauri
Purbi Bavan Akhri Kabir jee (340 to 343);
Gauri Sukhmani Mahla 5 (262 to 296);
Babarbaani - Asa Mahla 1 – (360, 417-418) and Tilang
Mahla 1 (722-723);
Asa kee Vaar Mahla 1 (462 to 475);
Alahannia – Raag Vadhans Mahla 1 (578 to 582);
Aarti – Dhanasari Mahla 1 (663, 695);
Anand Karej Lavan – Raag Suhi Mahla 4 (773-774);
Anand Sahib – Raag Ramkali Mahla 3 (917 to 922);
Ramkali Sadd (923-924);
Ramkali Mahla 1 – Oankaar (929 to 938);
Ramkali Mahla 1 – Siddh Gosett (938 to 946);
Ramkali kee Vaar – Rai Balvand tathaa Sattey Doom Aakhi
(966 to 968);
Saloak Bhagat Kabir jee (1364 to 1377); Sloak Sheikh Farid
jee (1377 to 1384); Swaiyyas by the Bhatts (1389 to 1409);
Saloak Mahla 9 (1426 to 1429)
benevolence is showered on holy congregations of the
humble”. (Guru Nanak, Page 15)
isrIrwgu mhlw 1 - pMnw 62] schu ErY sBu ko aupir scu Awcwru]
Everything is below Truthfulness, but Truthful Living is the
highest of all virtues. (Guru Nanak, Page 62)
Awsw kI vwr mhlw 2 - pMnw 474 ] slwmu jbwbu dovY kry muMFhu
GuQw jwie ] nwnk dovY kUVIAw Qwie n kweI pwie ] 2 ] 21 ]
Guru cautions us: “If a person does not accept complete
surrender to his Master by wiping out his self and ego, and
on one hand he worships the True Lord while on the other
argues and questions the Lord, then he is not acceptable to
the Lord as he has lost his way”. (Guru Angad, Page 474)
iblwvl kI vwr slok mhlw 3 - pMnw 853 ] jgqu jlMdw riK lY
AwpxI ikrpw Dwir ] ijqu duAwrY aubrY iqqY lYhu aubwir ] siqguir
suKu vyKwilAw scw sbdu bIcwir ] nwnk Avru n suJeI hir ibnu
bKsxhwru ] 1 ] 10 ]
Guru prays: “O God! The world is in flames. Save it with
Your Mercy. O True Lord! Save it by whatever method
You deem it fit. The True Guru has revealed that he who
reflects on the Divine Word is ever at peace. O Nanak!
Without the True Lord, there is no one else to bless us with
forgiveness.” (Guru Amardas, Page 853)
rwmklI mhlw 3 AnMdu - pMnw 918 ] AYsw kMmu mUly n kIcY ijqu
AMiq pCoqweIAY ] 11 ]
Guru says: “Let us avoid any such action or deed for which
we have to repent or feel ashamed in old age or at the time
of death.” (Guru Amardas, Page 918)
vfhMsu mhlw 4 - pMnw 561] myrw hir pRBu suMdru mY swr n jwxI ]
hau hir pRB Coif dUjY loBwxI ] 1 ]
Guru says: “My beloved True Lord is really very beautiful
and charming, but I was such a fool that I could never
appreciate His Greatness. Instead, I was always engrossed
in worldly false attachments due to my dual-mindedness,
having completely forgotten my Lord”.
(Guru Ramdas, Page 561)
myrau myrau sBY khq hY ihq isau bwiDE cIq ] AMiq kwil sMgI
nh koaU ieh Acrj hY rIiq ]1] mn mUrK AjhU nh smJq isK
dY hwirE nIq ] nwnk Baujlu pwir prY jau gwvY pRB ky gIq ]3]
Guru says that I have found out the falseness of all world
attachments. Everyone seeks his own happiness, one’s wife
or one’s closest friend claims, “He is mine, he is mine”.
When a person is alive, they all cling to him but in death
neither friend nor wife keeps company. Such are the
world’s strange ways, which I have often taught thee this.
But, my foolish mind, thou hast grasped not my teachings
till now! Saith Nanak: Only by singing the songs of the
True Lord can the pilgrim safely cross life’s terrible ocean.
(Guru Tegh Bahadur, Page 536)
rwgu soriT bwxI Bgq kbIr jI kI - pMnw 656 ] ihRdY kptu muK
igAwnI ] JUTy khw iblovis pwnI ] kWieAw mWjis kaun gunW ]
jau Gt Biqir hY mlnW ] 1 ] rhwau ] laukI ATsiT qIrQ nHweI
] kaurwpnu qaU n jweI ] 2 ] kih kbIr bIcwrI ] Bv swgru
qwir murwrI ] 3 ] 8 ]
Saint Kabir says: “O Mate! In your heart is deception
though you talk of Divine Wisdom. What does it avail you,
hypocrite, to be always churning water/speaking lies? What
spiritual gain do you get from scrupulously washing your
body when your heart remains unclean? A gourd may be
taken to bathe in each of the sixty-eight Hindu holy places
of pilgrimage, but even so it will never lose its bitter taste!
Saith Kabir, in deep meditation: Help me, O True Lord, to
cross the trouble seas of the world. (Saint Kabir, P 656)
slok Bgq kbIr jIau ky - pMnw 1376 ] kbIr mnu jwnY sB bwq
jwnq hI Aaugnu krY ] kwhy kI kuslwq hwiQ dIpu kUey prY ]216]
Saint Kabir cautions: “O Kabir! The human mind realises
and understands everything but knowingly commits
mistakes and indulges in sinful actions. What could you do
when a person carrying a lamp in the hand still falls in the
well?” (Bhagat Kabir, Page 1376)
rwgu goNf bwxI nwmdyau jIau kI - pMnw 875 ] ihMdU AMnHw qurkU
kwxw ] duhW qy igAwnI isAwxw ] ihMdU pUjY dyhurw muslmwxu msIiq
] nwmy soeI syivAw jh dyhurw nw msIiq ] 4 ] 3 ] 7 ]
Saint Namdeo advises: “The Hindu is totally blind while the
Turku (Musalmaan) is blind of one eye whereas a Giani (a
learned person) is wiser than both. Because Hindu worships
the god-idols while Musalmaan goes to the Mosque for his
prayers in the belief that God resides therein only. O
Namdeo! I have worshipped the True Lord alone, who is
Omnipresent, and is neither stuck up in a temple or
mosque”. (Bhagat Namdeo, Page 875)
Awsw bwxI sRI rivdws jIau kI - pMnw 487 ] mwtI ko puqrw kYsy
ncqu hY ] dyKY dyKY sunY bolY dauirE iPrqu hY ] 1 ] rhwau ] jb
kCu pwvY qb grbu krqu hY ] mwieAw geI qb rovnu lgqu hY ]1]
Saint Ravidas tells about our state of mind: “This human
being, a pigmy of earth, moves around with such an ego,
which can see with the eyes, hear, speak and move around.
Whenever he gains something, he feels elated with pride,
but on losing wealth he starts crying and wailing”. (487)
slok syK PrId ky - pMnw 1378 ] PrIdw jw lbu qw nyhu ikAw lbu
q kUVw nyhu ] ikcru Jiq lGweIAY Cpir qutY myhu ] 18 ]
Sheikh Farid says: “Where there is greed, how can there be
true love? How long will a leaking roof shelter us from
rain?” (Page 1378)
gUjrI sRI iqRlocn jIau ky - pMnw 525 ] AMqru mil inrmlu nhI
kInw bwhir ByK audwsI ] ihrdY kmlu Git bRhm n cInHw kwhy
BieAw sMinAwsI ] 1 ]
Saint Trilochan tells us about a hypocrite: “The man is full
of the filth of sinful actions and vicious thoughts though
out-worldly he poses to be leading the life of a detached
mendicant. He has not realised the True Lord, abiding
within his inner-self. What is the use of dressing up like a
so called mendicant?” (Bhagat Trilochan, Page 525)
Awsw bwxI Bgq DMny jI kI - pMnw 488 ] pwKix kItu gupqu hoie
rhqw qw co mwrgu nwhI ] kwhY DMnw pUrn qwhU ko mq ry jIA frWhI
Saint Dhannaa says: “The small worm/insect living in the
rocks has no outlets for feeding himself. If he could be
sustained and fed therein, O Man! Why are you worried
about your livelihood or survival?” (Bhagat Dhanna, P 488)
sRIrwgu bwxI Bgq byxI jIau kI - pMnw 93 ] inkutI dyh dyiK Duin
aupjY mwn krq nhI bUJY ] lwlcu krY jIvn pd kwrn locn kCU n
sUJY ] Qwkw qyju auifAw mnu pMKI Gir AWgin n suKweI ] bwxI khY
sunhu ry Bgqhu mrn mukiq ikin pweI ] 5 ]
Saint Beni expresses: “You have developed a lot of love for
your grand children and seeing them keeps you amused.
You feel proud of your big family whereas they may not
even care a fig for you. You always aspire for a longer life
when you cannot even see properly. The life’s glitter comes
to an end, when your soul leaves the glamorous body and
no one is interested in keeping you in the house. O Beni!
Listen to me, saintly brothers. Who has earned salvation at
the time of death? (However, one can achieve emancipation
through True Lord’s Name during one’s life itself provided
one lives according to His Command/Hukam.)” (Page 93)
gUjrI sRI jYdyv jIau - pMnw 526 ] goibMd goibMdyiq jip nr skl
isiD pdM ] jYdyv Awieau qs sPutM Bv BUq srb gqM ] 5 ] 1 ]
Saint Jaidev guides us: “Let us recite the True Name of the
Lord, Who is Master of all occult powers and is the
benefactor of all worldly possessions. O Jaidev! I have
sought the support of the Almighty God, Who is ever
Omnipresent and pervades everywhere. Let us always
meditate on Him!” (Bhagat Jaidev, Page 526)
rwgu soriT bwxI Bgq BIKn kI - pMnw 659 ] hir kw nwmu AMimRq
jlu inrmlu iehu AauKDu jig swrw ] gur prswid khY jnu BIKnu
pwvau moK duAwrw ] 3 ] 1 ]
Saint Bhikhan says: “O True Lord! Your True Name is the
only Nectar and pure like water which could function as the
panacea of all the worldly ills. O Bhikhan! This human
being could attain salvation through His Grace only”. (659)
Saint Ramanand tells us: “O Almighty God! I would offer
myself as a sacrifice to You, Who has helped me to get rid
of all my misgivings and dual – mindedness. O Ramanand!
I sing the praises of the True Lord, being imbued with His
love, as the Guru’s Divine Word helps me to rid myself of
all my doubts”. (Bhagat Ramanand, Page 1195)
bwxI sDny kI rwgu iblwvlu - pMnw 858 ] mY nwhI kCu hau nhI
ikCu Awih n morw ] Aausr ljw rwiK lyhu sDnw jnu qorw ]4]1]
Saint Sadhnaa says: “O True Lord! I am nothing in myself;
I have nothing to offer; there is nothing that by right I can
claim from Thee! At this moment of desperation, Sadhna,
Thy devotee prayeth: O God, protect me from shame” (858)
DnwsrI bwxI Bgq sRI sYxu - pMnw 695 ] mdn mUriq BY qwir
goibMdy ] sYn BxY Bju prmwnMdy ] 4 ] 2 ]
Saint Sain shares his feelings: “O Almighty God! May You
save me from this tortuous ocean of life, being the
personification in the form of complete equipoise. O Sain! I
always worship the True Lord alone, the source of all
bliss!” (Bhagat Sain, Page 695)
rwmklI sdu - pMnw 924 ] hir gurih Bwxw dIeI vifAweI Duir
iliKAw lyKu rjwie jIau ] khY suMdru suxhu sMqhu sBu jgqu pYrI
pwie jIau ] 6 ] 1 ]
Baba Sunder narrates: “By the Divine will was this
greatness conferred, as Writ since Primal Time by the True
Lord predestined. Says Sunder! Listen all you devoted to
the Master! The whole humanity makes obeisance to the
Almighty God.” (Page 924)
why Sikhism is an independent religion and that too why it
is the most appealing to non-Sikhs as well. It is as modern
as any other cosmos invention by the world Scientists.
About five centuries ago, Guru Nanak Sahib shared his
spiritual enlightenment with the audience. {Relevant Page
number from the Guru Granth Sahib (GGS) is shown in
brackets at the end}:
]jpu] DrqI horu prY horu horu ] iqs qy Bwru qlY kvxu joru ]
“The Universe has no end and it extends further. Except
God, no one knows its end”. (P. 3)
]jpu] kvxu su vylw vKqu kvxu kvx iQi q kvxu vwru ] kvix is
ruqI mwhu kvxu ijqu hoAw Awkwru ] vyl n pweIAw pMfqI ij hovY
lyKu purwxu ] vKqu n pwieE kwdIAW ij ilKin lyKu kurwxu ] iQiq
vwru nw jogI jwxY ruiq mwhu nw koeI ] jw krqw isrTI kau swjy
Awpy jwxY soeI ] 21 ]
“No one knows the time, date, period, day, or season or
month of the year when this Universe came into existence.
Let it be clearly understood that the Lord alone knows who
has created all this and none else could venture into such
details. Had it known to someone, they could have recorded
it in their holy scriptures with supporting evidence”. (P. 4)
] lyKw hoie q ilKIAY lyKY hoie ivxwsu ] nwnk vfw AwKIAY Awpy
jwxY Awpu ] 22 ]
“There are hundred thousands of planets like the earth and
firmaments above the skies. In fact, there is no end to God’s
Creation. Countless persons have got weary of their
research but without any clue. Even people with knowledge
of their holy scriptures have tried in vain, finally admitting
it as beyond their grasp, the Universe being limitless.
According to Semantic texts like Qur’an, there are eighteen
thousand worlds but there is only fundamental truth that
there is no end to the Lord’s Creation and none could limit
God’s limitless creation. Instead, persons who ventured into
these details have perished leaving the job incomplete. Had
they known, they could have recorded in their Holy
Scriptures! O Nanak! Let us admit that the Lord is Great,
Limitless and beyond our comprehension and He alone
knows His Vastness and Greatness”. (Page 5)
]jpu] Awsxu loie loie BMfwr ] jo ikCu pwieAw su eykw vwr ]31]
“The True Lord pervades everywhere and He has
established Himself through the regions of the Universe.
For the Creation’s sustenance and survival, God has
provided everything once for all times”. (Page 7)
hovY Gwit nw jwie ]2] nw Ehu mrY n hovY sogu ] dydw rhY n cUkY
Bogu ] guxu eyho horu nwhI koie ] nw ko hoAw nw ko hoie ] 3 ]
“O my dear Mother! Why should I forget such a Lord, who
is True and whose Name is an embodiment of Truth?
Neither does the Lord die nor He is affected by any grief.
He constantly showers His favours on us, so we should
never forget His blessings. Also remember that neither
anyone else ever existed before Him nor in future there will
be anyone equivalent to Him in Greatness”. (Page 9)
isrIrwgu mhlw 1 - pMnw 62 ] schu ErY sBu ko aupir scu Awcwru
] 5 ] sBu ko aUcw AwKIAY nIcu n dIsY koie ] ieknY BWfy swijAY
ieku cwnxu iqhu loie ] krim imlY scu pweIAY Duir bKs n mytY
koie ] 6 ]
“Everything is below Truthfulness, but Truthful living is the
highest of all virtues. Everyone, being created in the image
of God, is considered high and with esteem, none can be
bereft of the True Name”. (Page 62)
“O Brother! No one knows for how long a person shall
remain alive in this world and as such this the only chance
in life when one should take refuge under the the protection
of the Almighty God”. (Page 176)
gauVI suKmnI mhlw 5 - pMnw 266 ] srb Drm mih syRst Drmu
] hir ko nwmu jip inrml krmu ] sgl ikRAw mih aUqm ikirAw
] swDsMig durmiq mlu ihirAw ] 3-8 ]
“Of all devotion, the best devotion is to recite the Name of
God and perform noble deeds. Of all the actions, the best
action is to remove the filth of evil inclinations by
association with saints in holy congregation”. (Page 266)
rwgu Awsw mhlw 1 - pMnw 349 ] vfy myry swihbw gihr gMBIrw
guxI ghIrw ] koeI n jwxY qyrw kyqw kyvf cIrw ] 1 ] rhwau ]
“O my True Lord! You are the Greatest Power, established
in an exalted position and You are like an ocean of virtues
and the highest qualities. None else knows the extent of
Your Great set up”. (Page 349)
Awsw mhlw 1 - pMnw 350 ] swihb myrw eyko hY ] eyko hY BweI eyko
hY ] 1 ] rhwau ]
“O True Lord! You alone are the exclusive power in the
Universe and throughout all the ages – in the very
beginning, past, present and future. You are the only True
Authority bestowing all the Bounties”. (Page 350)
Awsw kI vwr slok mhlw 1 - pMnw 466 ] hau ivic AwieAw hau
ivic gieAw ] hau ivic jMimAw hau ivic muAw ] hau ivic idqw
hau ivic lieAw ] hau ivic KitAw hayu ivic gieAw ]
“Everyone in this world is being controlled by his ego and
pride. Person is also born or faces death under the effective
control of ego. We give something to others under the
effects of ego and also take under the same pretext.
Similarly under the influence of our ego, we perform many
actions leading to profits or losses in life”. (Page 466)
Awsw kI vwr sloku mhlw 1 - pMnw 468 ] kUVu rwjw kUVu prjw kUVu
sBu sMswru ] kUVu mMfp kUVu mwVI kUVu bYsxhwru ] kUVu suienw kUVu
rupw kUVu kUVu pYnHxhwru ] kUVu kwieAw kUVu kpVu kUVu rUpu Apwru ]
kUVu mIAw kUVu bIbI Kip hoey Kwru ] kUiV kYVY nyhu lgw ivsirAw
krqwru ] iksu nwil kIcY dosqI sBu jgu clxhwru ] kUVu imTw kUVu
mwiKau kUVu foby pUru ] nwnku vKwxY bynqI quDu bwJu kUVo kUVu ] 1 ]
“This whole world is a big mirage and fantasy in falsehood;
So the ruler and the ruled are both perishable. All the
palatial buildings and the vast establishments with canopies
around appear false like the dramatics of the magician.
Whatever is in existence is bound to vanish ultimately. O
Nanak! I feel that apart from the True Lord, rest is all
transient, false and perishable”. (Page 468)
Awsw kI vwr sloku mhlw 1 - pMnw 470 ] imTqu nIvI nwnkw gux
cMigAweIAw qqu ]
“O Nanak! Sweetness and humility are the essence of all
virtues”. (Page 470)
DnwsrI mhlw 1 - pMnw 660 ] swihbu myrw nIq nvw sdw sdw
dwqwru ] 1 ] rhwau ]
“O Brother! Our True Lord is ever fresh and new, who is
bestowing His favours on us always, being our Lord -
Benefactor”. (Page 660)
sUhI mhlw 1 - pMnw 728 ] hm nhI cMgy burw nhI koie ] pRxviq
nwnku qwry soie ] 4 ] 1 ] 2 ]
“O Good Mates! How could we call ourselves good and
others bad? Prays Nanak: the Emancipation could only be
attained through the True Lord alone”. (Page 728)
rwgu sUhI mhlw 4 - pMnw 759 ] siqguir myrw sdw sdw nw AwvY
nw jwie ] Ehu AibnwsI purKu hY sB mih rihAw smwie ] 13 ]
“O Friend! The True Lord is ever existent and ever lasting.
He is neither born nor faces death any time. In fact, such a
Supreme True Entity is pervading all beings and whole
creation, being Omnipresent and never perishes”. (P 759)
“We could seek the right path of uniting with the True Lord,
instead of finding out details about someone’s birth or caste.
But the real caste and status of a person is known by his
actions alone. Through the Lord’s True Name, one gets
emancipation”. (Page 1330)
slok Bgq kbIr - pMnw 1372 ] kbIr kaufI kaufI joir kY jory
lwK kroir ] clqI bwr n kCu imilE leI lMgotI qoir ] 144 ]
“O Kabir! This human being collects money bit by bit and
amasses wealth in crores, but at the time of his death,
nothing accompanies him. In fact, he goes naked and with
empty hands from this world”. (Page 1372)
“O Farid! Try to be nice to a person, who has inflicted some
injuries and loss to you, without bearing any malice towards
him. Foregiveness will result in your eternal bliss else you
will be fretting and fuming inside with revenge, and you
will gain everything in life”. (Page 1381-82)
slok mhlw 9 - pMnw 1427 ] BY kwhU kau dyq nih nih BY mwnq
Awn ] khu nwnk suin ry mnw igAwnI qwih bKwin ] 16 ]
“O Nanak! The person, who neither frightens anyone nor is
afraid of anyone, is to be considered a true learned person,
having full understanding”. (Be friendly, helpful and nice to
all). (Page 1427)
through the writings of Plato and Xenophon. Budha has left
no written memorials of his teaching. Kung fu-tze, known
to Europeans as Confucius, left no documents in which he
detailed the principles of his moral and social system. The
Founder of Christianity did not reduce his doctrines to
writing, and for them we are obliged to trust to the Gospels
according to Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. The Arabian
Prophet did not himself reduce to writing the chapters of the
Quran. They were written or compiled by his adherents and
followers. But the compositions of the Sikh Gurus are
preserved, and we know at first hand what they taught.
They employed the vehicle of verse, which is generally
unalterable by copyists, and we even become in time
familiar with their different styles. No spurious
compositions or extraneous dogmas can, therefore, be
represented as theirs”.
Prof. Arnold Toynbee says: Mankind’s religious future
may be obscure; yet one thing can be foreseen that in this
coming religious debate, the Sikh religion, and its Scripture
– Guru Granth, will have something of special value to say
to the rest of the world. Of all the known religious
scriptures, this Book is the most highly venerated. It means
more to the Sikhs than Bible to the Christians, Qur’an to the
Muslims, Bhagwad Gita to the Hindus or Torah to the Jews.
Do your work with your hands and feet, but keep your mind
attuned to God.
God will not ask the person to what caste or race they
belong, but He will question what good actions they have
Do not blame others for your faults. Your own evil deeds
are to blame. As you sow, so shall you reap!
Blessed are the twelve months, the seasons, the lunar and
the solar days, the hours, the minutes and the seconds when
we constantly and spontaneously keep on remembering
True Name of the Almighty God.
If you are keen to play the game of love, step into my street
with your head on your palm. Having set your foot upon it,
lay down your head without any fear or grudge.
The Guru is the ladder, the boat, the raft, by means of which
one may attain God.
O foolish person! Why are you proud when you are bound
to quit the world as and when God so pleases?
If our friends are blessed with virtue, let us share the same
with them but at the same time give up our own vices.
Live within God’s Command, having unblemished body
and Turban on head.
wishes too, present voluntary contribution in a humble way
and then sit down on the carpet without any disturbance and
listen to Kirtan and Katha attentively – (Sikh meditation is
through singing and recitation of the sacred Hymns from
the Guru Granth Sahib). Such an assembly of Sikhs is
called “Sangat” – Congregation. Should there be any doubt
or any person needs some more clarification, they should
contact the Gurduara Management or any other Gursikh,
who is well conversant with all aspects of the Sikh religion.
qum mwq ipqw hm bwirk qyry] qumrI ikRpw mih sUK Gnyry ]
koie n jwnY qumrw AMqu ] aUcy qy aUcw BgvMq ]
sgl smgRI qumrY sUiqR DwrI ] qum qy hoie su AwigAwkwrI ]
qumrI giq imiq qum hI jwnI ] nwnk dws sdw kurbwnI ]
O Almighty God! You are our Master and we pray to You.
It is by Your Grace that we are given this body and soul.
You are our Mother and Father both, whereas we all are
Your children. Through Your blessing, we are enjoying this
comfortable life. O True Lord! No one knows Your
bounties, greatness and virtues, as You are Limitless and
the Greatest of the Great. The whole Universe, with all
worldly materials, is kept in a disciplined manner under
Your Command. Whosoever is created by You, follows
Your Edict. O Lord! You alone know Your functions &
limitless power. O Nanak! We, being Your humble
devotees, offer ourselves as a sacrifice to You. (GGS-268)
{All recite this Hymn.}
[Then an officiating Granthi starts the Sikh Prayer]
the Guru Granth Sahib, and say, “Waheguru” – (Wondrous
True Lord, the Destroyer of worldly darkness).
creation become happy and prosperous thereby. Wherever
the Khalsa brotherhood is present and resides, may there be
Divine protection and grace, let there be victory over
worldly attachments, let there be protection of the tradition
of grace, victory of the Panth, let there be Almighty’s
protection and say, O Khalsa! “Waheguru”.
May the passions in the minds of the Sikhs remain calm and
the reason, flow clear. O Almighty God continues to guide
us all.
Gurbaani. Kindly pardon our errors, omissions and
shortcomings and bless us all with your limitless bounties.
AwigAw BeI Akwl kI, qbY clwXo pMQ [ s~B is~Kn ko hukm hY,
gurU mwinE gRMQ [ gurU gRMQ jI mwinE, pRgt gurW dI dyh [ jo pRB ko
imlbo chy, ^oj S~bd mih lyh [ rwj krygw ^wlsw, AwkI rhy nw
koie [ KuAwr hoie s~B imlyNgy, bcy Srn jo hoie [
The Will of God has ordained the Order of Khalsa. All the
Sikhs are ordered to obey the Granth as their Guru. Also
accept the Guru Granth as the visible body of all the Gurus.
Whosoever desires to realise the Almighty God, understand
the Divine Word and then follow its revelation. The Khalsa
shall rule, there shall be no despair. The frustrated ones will
come together, those who seek refuge with the Khalsa, shall
be saved.
After the Prayer, the officiating Granthi will open the Guru
Granth Sahib and read one “Shabd” at random. This is
called a “Hukam/Vaak – Command”. The entire
congregation listens to it carefully and in complete silence.
Thereafter, Karhah Prashaad – Sacred Pudding specially
prepared for the occasion, is consecrated with a ‘kirpaan’ (a
small sword), and then it is distributed to all without any
should feel honoured as if they have come to the Guru’s
House, which belonged to all in equal measure. Sikhism
believes that a person who has more should consider it as
God’s trust and share it in the same spirit. A human being is
only an instrument to serve others because, in reality, the
giver of bounties/goods is God, the Guru of us all.
Guruhood before breathing his last in 1708. So, all Sikhs
where ever they reside should feel pride in their unique Sikh
Identity, high moral character and truthful living.
9. Sikhs recognize all human beings as belonging to
one race, and ever endeavour to live in harmony;
10. Sikhs follow their own independent “Sikh Religion”
because they are neither Hindus nor Muslims but
respect all persons without any discrimination;
11. Sikhs have their unique identity by keeping up their
long uncut hair, beard, moustaches, eyebrows & the
Turban for Singh males and scarf for Kaur females;
12. Sikhs have their own Sacred Scripture well known
as “Guru Granth Sahib” installed at all the Sikh
Gurduaras – Congregational Halls which are open to
all persons without any distinction;
13. Sikhs believe in the “Amrit Initiation” thereby
enjoined to keep up “Articles of the Faith” – five
Kakkaars i.e. (a) Kes: long uncut hair, (b) Kangha: a
small wooden comb tucked in the hair-tress, (c)
Kaschehraa: an underwear, the specially designed
breeches, (d) Karaa: a steel ring worn on the right -
hand wrist and (e) Kirpaan: a small sword in baldric.
Sikh Organisations are kindly requested to improve
upon this Booklet and get it printed for free distribution
amongst the Sikh families, other communities, schools,
universities and institutes interested in knowing the Sikh
religion and its adherents. In the voluntary service of the
Guru Khalsa Panth, there are no Copy Rights.