Unit Preliminary Investigations, Location and Site Selection
Unit Preliminary Investigations, Location and Site Selection
Unit Preliminary Investigations, Location and Site Selection
1.I Introduction
BUIC Requirement? Zoning and ()ther I-'actors Enviro~~r~~ Impact z~~ta Stildy l @IS) Need for i;xpc-rtisz in Site Selection
The first arid most important part of the decision regarding a building project is about its location. With increasing demand for land for a variety of developmental activities, locations which would be ideal for different types of buildings, are becoming scarce. The criteria for the seleclion of a suitable location are becorning more and more complex, due to developmental control rules imposed by National, State and Local governments. Climatic considerations are equally important not only for functional efficiency, but also bccausc of the adverse impact of large scale building constructions on the environment. I11 adiiitio~i to the local topographic considerations, the engineer will have to consider the above mentioned aspects at the very initial stages of a building project. Such a detailed study is bound to help the engineer to choose an ccononiical and appropriate location in order to avoid costly reclification expenditure at a later stage. In these discussions, the term location is used with respect to a relatively Iarge area, such as a district, taluk or town. The term site will refer to the specific land, within such a location. where a building or a project will be constructed.
After studying this unit, you should be able to collect the iequired climatic data at global and local levels and make a decision on the suitabiIily of location, site and orientation of building(s), examine the topography of the site, and assess the possible areas where the of cut and fill and having adequate buildings can be built safely with minilnu~n drainage, study the basic hydrology of the site and plan for tapping the ground water, nlake provision for drainage and also anticipate problems of excavation, if at all, due to higher ground water table,
Planning of Buildings
study the nature of underlying soil and its probable behavior underneath the foundations and hence, decide on the type of foundation needed, understand the development plans, controls, rules and regulations of the government and local agencies, which may affect the very feasibility of a construction project. Final location and orientation of a building at a particular site may be governed by these overriding criteria, and appreciate quality and extent of the environmental impact due to the project. A thorough knowledge of the above aspects will enable you to anticipate problems and avoid costly errors of judgment in locating, choosing the site and orienting your buildings.
Buildings are generally classified on the basis of occupancy and type of construction. Since Development Control Rules and Building Byelaws are based on occupancy criteria, such a classification is essential for planning and design. The National Building Code of India (NBC,1983) has classified buildings as outlined below : G r a p A :Residential Buildings Residential buildings include any building in which sleeping accommodation is provided f a normal residential purposes, with or without cooking or dining or bathing facilities. Sabgrorgs have been identified as follows : (A 1) Lodging or rooming houses (A2) One- or two- family private dwellings (A3) Dormitories (A4) Apartment houses (flats) (A5) Hotels Group B :Educational Buildings These buildings include any building used for a school, college or day-care purposes, involving assembly for instruction, education and recreation. Group C :Institutional Buildings These buildings shall include any building which is used for medical treatment or care of persons suffering from physical or mental illness, disease or infirmity, care of infants, convalescents or aged persons and for penal or correctional detention. Institutional Buildings ordinarily provide sleeping accommodation for its occupants. Sub-groups are as follows : (Cl) Hospitals and Sanatoria (C2) Custodial institutions. (C3) Penal and mental institutions Group D :Assembly Buildings This group shall include any building where roups of people congregate or gather for amusement, recreation, social, religious, pah ! i 'otic, civil, travel and similar purposes; examples are theatres, motion-picture houses, assembly halls, auditoria, exhibition halls, museums, skating rinks, gymnasiums, restaurants, places of worship, club-rooms, passenger stations and terminals of air, surface and marine transportation services, recreation halls and stadia. Group E :Business Building Such buildings are used for transaction of business, for keeping of accounts and records, professional establishments, service facilities etc. Examples of this group are city halls, town halls, court houses and public libraries. Business buildings shall be further subdivided as under : (El) Offices, banks, professional offices of architects, engineers, doctors, lawyers and other consultants etc.
PImning of Builcli~igs
(d) Noise
(0 Hazardous situations
(g) Energy supply and natural resources depletion (11) Protection of ei~vironmentally critical areas - flood plams, wet-lands, beaches and dunes, unstable soil, steep slopes, aquifer recharge areas,
Land use in coastal areas Redevelopment in built-up areas Neighbourhwd character and continuity.
sng 1
Give the classilicallon under whlch the following bulldings fall :
( 1)
( 5 ) Jail
(6) Library (Public)
(2) Museuin
17j Hospital
(4) Hotels
(8) Dairy
r b) What are the baslc requirements for judging the suitability of a site for aH types of buildmgs?
These shall include buildings which are used as shops, stores, markets for display and sale of merchandise, either wholesale or retail. Sub-groups are as follows : (Fl) Shops, stores, a market with an area upto 500 m2 (F2),Underfround shopping centres, departmental stores with areas more than 500 m Group C ; : Industrial Building These are buildings in which products or materials of all kinds and properties, excepting those which are hazardous, are fabricated, assembled, manufactured or processed; examples under this category are assembly plants, laboratories, dry-cleaning plants, power plants, pumping stations, laundries, gas plants, refineries, dairies and saw-mills.
Group H : Storage Buildings
Such buildings are primarily used for the storage or sheltering (including servicing, processing or repairs, incidental to storage) of goods, wares or merchandise, vehicles, or a~limals; exalnples are warehouses, cold storages, freight depots, transit sheds, store houses, truck and marine terminals, garages, hangers (other than aircraft repair hangers), grain elevators, bars and stables. Storage buildings are characterised by the presence of relatively small number of persons in proportion to the area.
Group J : Hazardous Buildings
These shall include ally building or part of a building which is used for the storage, handling, manufacture or processing of highly combustible or explosive materials or products which are liable to burn with exlrerne rapidity andlor which may produce poisonous fumes or explosions; for stcxage, handling, manufacturing or processing which involves highly corrosive, toxic or noxious alkalis, acids, or other liquids or chemicals produciiig flame, fumes, and explosive, poisonous, irritant or corrosive gases; and for the storage, handling or processing of materials producing explosive mixtures of dust which results in the further division of matter into fine particles subject to spontaneous ignition.
Other Classifications
While the ahove classification is based on the nature of occupancy, which is important for the functional design of buildings, it is also necessary to have sub-classifications on the basis of fire-resistance characterstics. The selection of site for a particular building depends not only on its functional use and fire-rating but also on climate (global and local), topography, and the developmental needs of the site. In addition, socio-political aspects may also have to be considered. In the various sections that follow, you will learn about the relevant rules andlor I'ecluireillents.
Climate has a considerable influence on the life of man and his economic activity. The climate of a particular site is determined, first and foremost by its location on the globe. Hence global climatic considerations will have to be taken into account first. Secondly, local site conditions also affect the climate and hence the site-climatic considerations will have to be studied next. It is possible to control the specific climate of a particular building by structural design andor mechanical devices. This aspect will be considered while we discuss the planning of various types of buildings in Unit 2. It is important to realise that the increasing tempo of the developmental activities of man has started affecting the global environment itself (in an adverse manner) and many national and international agencies are demanding the imposition of controls on development at national, regional and local levels. However, this is a topic beyond the scope of this text. A study of the physical parameters that influence the climate will help us to choose locations properly and site our buildings in the most effective manner, and to design our buildings and services to take advantage of the natural climatic conditions and also to mitigate the negative impact of such building activities on the environment. Climate is defined as that state of atmospheric environment that results from the combined processes of the elements of weather, averaged at any given place, over a period of years. Climate is dependent on the geographical latitude, elevation above sea level, the physical state of the atmosphere such as its temperature, humidity, rainfall, wind conditions and the terrain of the place. Let us now proceed to study the various physical aspects of climate at the global and local levels respectively.
The earth receives almost all its energy from the sun in the form of radiation and thus the sun has the dominant influence on climate. This radiant energy is transmitted to earth as ultra-violet radiation (short waves) and infra-red radiation (long waves). Most of this energy is perceived as heat and only an insignificant part is visible as light (Figure 1.1).
a . t re
la 19' 1
q1 I,
4 tf
144 i i f
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* ~ V H F UHF Radar
cm mm
The earth moves around the sun in a slightly elliptical orbit (Figure 1.2). One revolution is completed in 365 days, 5 hours and 48 minutes. The solar distance varies from 152 million kilometers to 147 million kilometers. The earth rotates around its own axis, every 24 hours, and the axis is tilted to the plane of the elliptical orbit at an angle of 23.5' w.r.t. the vertical. Due to this tilted position, the area receiving the maximum radiant intensity falls alternately to north and south between the tropic of Cancer (Latitude 23.5 N) and the tropic of Capricorn (lalitude 23 S). This is the main cause of seasonal climatic changes. The earth has an atmosphere which revolves along with it. As the earth rotates the length of the suns rays passing through the atmosphere changes and hence, the intensity of radiation, incident on earth surface, froni the sun also changes (Figure 1.3).
Planning of Buildings
Figure 1.4 illustrates the incoming radiation while Figure.l.5 shows how the earths surface releasaheat and thus, achieving a heat balance, each year. Buildings and the surrounding vegetation affect the heat balance and hence, the micro-climate of the site. Unless thermal balance is maintained, the temperature of the earth and its atmosphere Toht radiation amving (solar constant =loo% )
would keep increasing and would soon cease to be favourable to most form of life. In fact we are concerned about global warming and ozone depletion these days. There are alarming indications of this imbalance which have arisen due to uncontrolled developmental activities and use of dangerous chemicals. Temperature is measured in degrees Celsius by a maximum-minimum thermometer. A simple sunshine recorder will register the duration of sunshine, expressed in number of hours per day. The temperature which is reported usually is called dry bulb temperature
a - Long wave radiation b - Evaporation, thence radiation c - Convection, thence radiation Total
(b) Winds
Winds are basidally convection currents in the atmosphere, tending to even out the differential heating of v a r h s zones. The pattern of movements is modified by the earth's rotation which bas a speed of 27 krnlmin at the equator. At the maximum heating zone, which is someqhere between the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, air is heated'by the hot surface of the elarth; it expands and its pressure is reduced, and thus, it becomes lighter. As a result, thi$ air rises vertically and flows at a high level towards colder regions, parts of this air having cooled down at the higher level; and it descends to the surface in th'e sub-tropic regi~ns, from where the cooler, heavier air is drawn in towards the equator from both the Eiorth and south regions. The area where the air rises, and these northerly and southerly winds meet and where the tropical calm ,is formed is called as the inter-tropical convergence zone. This area experiences either completely calm conditions or light breezes (Figure 1.6). The atmospheric envelope rotates along with the earth. As it is light in weight and behaves like a fluid, it has a tendency to lag behind the earth at the equator, where the tangential speed of earth's surface is the largest. Thus, there is a slippage at the boundary layer between the earth and its atmosphere; and this is experienced as a wind blowingin a directionopposite to that of the earth's rotation, which gives rise to the north easterly and south easterly winds. These are known as trade winds (Koenigsbergar,et al, 1975). Around 30' N and S, there are two bands of continuously high barometric pressure zones (descending air). Winds in these zones are typically light and variable. Between 30' N and 50' N and similarly in the south. strong westerly winds prevail, blowing in the same direction as the earth's rotation. The origin of these winds have been explained bythe law of conservation of angular momentum of the earth-atmosphere system. Further, down the poles form 60' N and S the air flow pattern is similar to that of the equator. Hence, the north easterly and south easterly polar winds.
Planning of Buildings
The prevailing wind direction is a major factor in selecting a site for a populated place and the allocation of functional zones. Account should be taken of the fact that the local topography has a significant influence; for example, in the daytime, the earth is heated faster than water and hence the air mass near the earth becomes less dense, creating a zone of low pressure. This gives rise to a wind that blows from the sea towards the shore. At night, the temperature of water is higher than that of the air and this condition reverses the direction of the wind. Wind velocity is measured by a cup-type propeller known as anemometer, and its direction is measured by a wind-vane.
(a) Oefine Clinlate. (b) Climate of a specific buiiding can he controlled by structural desipl anct/nr rnccllanical deviccs. Give examples from your expcriabce. h e (ci The school Atlas is a very good sowce of climate information. Study t Rainfall and Wind map of India for the month of January aild describe the rainfall and wind pattern for India. id) Study the Rainfall and Wind Map of India for the month of July iuld descriht the rainfall and wind pattern for India. Why is the wlnd palten1 reversing lo south west ? Which is the predominmt rainfall month for West Bengal and Karnataka?
(4 Humidity
The air in the lowly layers of the atmosphere always contains a certain amount of water vapour resulting from evaporation of water on and in the earth's surface. The rate of evaporation depends primarily on temperature and wind. It has been estimated that the surface of the ocean, in the tropics, evaporates in a year a layer of water upto 3 metres in depth. This must be replenished by rainfall and run-off from the rivers. The ability of air to absorb and retain the maximum amount of water vapour is directly related to temperature.
Absorute Humidity is defied as the amount of water vapour in moist air at any given time and is expressed in gm/m3 of air. Relative Humidity (RH) is d e f i e d as the ratio of water vapour in moist air to water vapour in saturated air, expressed in percentage. For example, if the absolute humidity of air, for any given temperature is equal to 7gm/m3, and saturated air (at the same temperature) contains 10 gm/m3, the ratio 7 : 10, expressed as a percentage will be the relative humidity. 7 .. RH=-x 100=70% 10 Humidity is usually measured by wet- and dry-bulb hygrometer. (d) Precipitation (Rainfall) Precipitation is the collective term used for rain, snow, hail, dew and frost, i.e. all forms of water precipiated from the atmosphere. It is measured by rain gauges and snow gauges and is expressed in millimeters per day or month. (e) Climate Data It is important to note that climate at a globallregional level is best described by measured data, over a period of time, such as sunshine (hours per day), radiant heat (watts per meter square per day), wind velocity (metrelsec) and wind direction (N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W and NW), rainfall (mm per month), relative humidity (percentage) and temperature (maximum and minimum in degrees Celsius). It is not easy to understand the nature of a particular climate by merely looking at the vast amount of data collected by the nearest meteorological station. It is necessary to sort, summarise and simplify the available data with reference to the objectives of site-selection exercise. This is the best accomplished by adopting a standardised method of graphical representation. Figure 1.7 illustrates a graphical method that was developed for describing the climate of any location.
Cold Moderate
. .
Warm- humid
8 1 2
59? Z l k , 1 6 & . b ~ m
bf-nk,ftl'~ 102m
Figure 1.8 shows how wind speeds and directions are recorded for a specified period. Based on such climatic data certain zones and belts of approximately uniform climates have been identified and described as under (Koenigsberger, et al, 1975). (f) Clssification of Climates
Planning of Buildings
Air temperature is 27' to 35OC during the day and 21' to 27' C in the night. Relative humidity remains high at about 75%; but it may vary from 55 to almost 100%. Rainfall is high throughout the year. Annual rainfall can vary from 2000 mm to 5000 mm and monthly rainfall may exceed 500 mm. During severe storms the down pour may be also as high as 100 mm~hr. Wind velocities are low, calm periods are frequent but strong winds exceeding 30 m/s can occur during rain squalls. There are usually one or two dominant directions of wind. Special characteristics of this region are that the high humidity accelerates mould and algae growth, rusting and rotting. Organic building materials teild to decay rapidly. Mosquitoes and other insects abound. The thunder-storms are accompanied by frequent air-to-air electric discharges. The subsoil water table is usually high and the ground may be water-logged. (ii) Hot Dry Climate This type of climate occurs in two belts at latitudes between 15' and 30' north and south of the equator. Two marked seasons occur, a hot and a somewhat cooler period. Air temperature during day time may reach a maximum of 43' to 49' C in the summer. The night temperature will range from 27' to 32OC during summer. During the cool season the day time temperature reaches 27O to 32" C. Night time temperature may vary from.O0 to 18O C. The relative humidity varies from 10 to 55 percent. Rainfall is slight and variable throughout the year from 50 mm to 150 mm per m u m . Flash storms may occur over limited areas with 50 mm rain in a few hours. Winds are usually local and whirlwinds are often created. Winds are hot, carrying dust and sand, and often develop into dust-storms. The soil is usually dusty and very dry. The sub-soil water table is very low. The high day time temperatures and rapid cooling at night may cause materials to crack and break up since the daily temperature variation reaches 17' to 22OC. (iii) Monsoon Climate Monsoon climate occurs over large land masses near the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, which are sufficiently far from the equator to experience marked seasonal changes in solar radiation and wind directions. Our capital, New Delhi is subject to such a climate. Approximately one-third to two-thirds of the year is hot and dry and the other third may be warm and humid or cool and dry as the latitude increases from the tropics; day-time temperatures in the hot and dry seasons will vary from 32' to 43OC. Night time temperatures may be 21" to 27'C. During the cool and dry seasons the day time temperature may dip down to 4' to 10C. Relative humidity during dry period rises from 55 to 95%. Rainfall varies from 500 to 1300 mm per year with 200 to 250 mm in the wettest month; there is little or no rain during the dry season. Winds are hot and dusty during the dry period. Wind changes direction in the beginning of the warm-humid seasons, but monsoon winds are fairly strong and steady.
There is a risk of soil erosion during monsoons. In the dry season. strong ground glare is experienced. Seasonal changes in relative humidity cause rapid weakening of buildiug materials. Dust and sand storms may occur. Termites are common. (iv) Other Climates Mountain regions and plateaus, more than 900 to 1200 metres above sea level experience special climates as also the coastal regions and islands. Site selection and orientation of buildings, and the selection of building designs will have to be suitably adjusted to suit such climates.
Explain the construction of a wind-rose diagram for a particular site. preferred orientation of a school building to take advantage of natural weather conditiol~s ? What are the materials you will select for the construction of your building to withstand the local weather '?
(6) Describe the climate of the region in which you are residing. What will be the
Planning of Boildings
Relative Humidity depends as much on the air temperature as on the actual amount of water vapour in the air. During the day, as the lowest layer of air is being heated by the ground surface, its relative humidity is rapidly decreased. The rate of evaporation is increased, if there is water available to be evaporated. An open surface of water or rich vegetation would provide an abundant supply of water. At night the situation is reversed as the lowest layer cools its relative humidity increases, the point of saturation is soon reached, and with further cooling the excess moisture condenses out in the form of dew. When the dewpoint point temperature is reached, the formation of fog will start, and if there is no air movement, a deep layer of (40 to 50 cm) fog can develop near the ground. This affects the visibility prevailing on uansportation network, particularly at the airports. Where the ground changes level by more than 300 m, the wind-ward slope can be expected to receive more than the regional average of rain fall and the lee-ward slope correspondingly less (Figure 1.9). This is due to the phenomenon that the air mass is forced to rise up the hill by the prevailing wind, and as it rises it cools and can no longer support the moisture carried by it and hence, rainfall is induced.
Regarding the behaviour of wind on a hilly site, the greatest wind speeds will be experienced on the crest of the hills. Small valleys and depressions will normally experience low velocities, except in valleys which are oriented in the direction of the wind.
Wet slope
Figure 1.9 :Precipitation on Hills
Dry slope
In regions where wind can provide a welcome relief from sultry weather, the crests and wind-ward slopes are preferable as building sites, to the lee-ward sides of hills. Large stretches of water can give rise to the local coastal breezes. On-shore breezes (from water to land ) during the day may lower the temperature by as much as 10' C, but are likely to increase the humidity. It is obvous, buildings should be broadly spaced for adequate breeze penetration. As a rough guide spacing between long roofs of buildings should not be less than 5 times their height.
The extent of deviations with respect to the site climate can be substantial. The air temperature can be 8' to llC higher then the surrounding countryside. The relative humidity is reduced by 5 to 10% due to quick run-off of rain water from paved areas, absence of vegetation and higher temperature. Wind velocity can be reduced to less than half of that in the adjoining open country.
(a) What are the three factors, which may cause local deviatio~ls from the zonal cli~llate ? (b) .Describe temperature inversion. (c) What causes fog ?
(d) Whcre will you locate buildings on a hilly site ?
Planning of ~ui~diings
Past experience indicates the categories of data that is most likely to be useful. For example, foundation conditions and the water table are the key sub-surface conditions to be considered. The rock or the earth below the ground level has importance primarily with regard to the way in which they can be excavated, their drainage characteristics, and the manner in which they will support the structures and plants. The engineering characteristics of the soil depend on its type and moisture content. While critical problems must be studied by laboratory methods, a surprisingly good picture can be gained from field reconnaissance also. Other sources of information include small test pits, geological maps, existing cuttings and foundations, the types of vegetation at site and the experience of previous builders and engineers. Money spent on these preliminary investigations will help in avoiding : (a) expensive site-preparation, (cut and fill, drainage of the sub-soil etc), (b) rectificationof damage caused to buildings (due to settling, sliding and tilting), 4 and (c) discomfort due to dampness, insanitation, flooding etc. Plants and trees are particularly good indicators; they speak not only of the climate, but of the soil, the water and the history of the place. We shall study in the following Sections, the methods of collecting data: and reaching broad conclusions. In the case of large-scale projects the services of experts will have to be utilised.
m from its M
e Section
Contours are sets of imaginary lines that connect all points of same elevation on the ground (Figure 1 .lo). The sets of ground points to be connected by these lines (each set of points corresponding to one particular elevation) are separated by some regular interva4 : 0.25,0.50, or 1 m. Contour lines are always continuous within the space of any one map and do not merge or cross each other except at vertical or over-hanging surfaces. The closer they are together, the steeper the ground is. The more nearly parallel they are, the more regular the ground surface slope prevails. In rolling land, they take the shape of
flowing curves; over plane surfaces they run in straight lines. One easily identifies the contour patterns of typical topographic features : stream, valley, ridge, bowl, depression, flat, grade, escarpment, pass, the peak etc. Contours are easily sketched or adjusted to describe the required ground form. An easy familiarity with these patterns is essential for a site planner. While contour maps are the standard way of representing ground form, there are other methods. One is to record the spot elevations of key points on the ground : the crests, valley Imttoms, breaks in grade, floor levels of structures etc. This record may be made t some imaginary grid, a more useful by giving the elevation of every intersection ~ o i nof method often used for precise calculations in small areas. The old method of hachures is still sometimes used in which short lines, perpendicular, rather than parallel to the slope, are drawn side by side the curving runs. Their direction points directly up or down the hill, their length indicates the length of the slope, and their closeness together shows the steepness. They demand skillful drafting. If well done, they give a vivid picture of the general terrain. The visual exposure of a single point or the relative exposure of a land area can be analysed and plotted. Figure 1.12 is a single point analysis that displays with dark grid lines areas that can be seen in 360 degrees. When one is standing at a point of observation. Such diagrams have been utilised to locate restaurants and water-towers in hill areas (Joseph De Chiara, et al, 1978). Topographic surface, the boundary between earth and air is the richest in living things. It has a particular implication for site development. The gradient of paths, the flow of utilities, the use of areas, the disposition of buildings and the visual aspect are all affected by it. The designer must grasp the character of the land form as a whole and identity its key points for the purpose he has in mind. In most cases, the existing topography has an underlying order brought about by the flow of surface water (Kevin Lynch, 1971). Slope can be classified according to their potential use, such as, a flat ground, can be used for intensive activity. Slopes over 10 percent require considerable effort to climb; and to erect buildings on them, more complicated form and foundations and more difficult utility connections are required. Another critical aspect of ground form is the way in which it limits orientation by means of roads, gravity based utilities, such as sewers. Grades under 1 percent are difficult to drain naturally by gravity.
Preliminary Investigations,
Location and Site Selection
Planning of Buildings
important today in weathering and soil formation, took place in the last half bFion years. Most of the surface deposits and soils which are of interest to the engineers, yere formed in the past few million years and many influences upon these materials date back to less than ten thousand years (Hunt, 1972). The loose deposits covering the bedrock are called surface deposits. They are composed largely of mineral matter, like the bedrock from which they are derived. Their thickness may vary from 3 to 30 meters. Most surface deposits are sediments weathered from bedrock in one area and transported by water, wind or ice to another area. Because of this, they are often unrelated rnineralogically to the underlying bedrock. Some surface deposits are non-transported layers and they are, as such, called residual deposits. Still other non-transported deposits are formed by the accumulation of organic matter at the location; accumulation of plant material forms peat. Weathering of surface deposits causes the development of layers of different types of soil. Thus, at a building site, we may find surface deposits as well as weathered soils which are relatively modem. The engineering properties of the soil layers depend upon the nature of weathering, moisture content, degree of fragmentation and to a certain extent the chemical nature of salts present in them. Soil engineering is the subject which deals with such phenonmena. Apart from this, the stability of large structures, such as dams, is influenced by geological features like faults in the earth's crust. Changes in the crust really occur on a gigantic scale resulting in earthquakes, eruption of volcanoes, faults and creation or disappearance of large land masses. The ground on which we build is, geologically speaking, really unstable, but then human knowledge is growing steadily to * cater, to some extent, to such extraordinary forces of nature. Structure of the Rocks
Bed rock, the parent material of surface deposits (and ultimately of soils), is classified according to mode of their formation: igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic. There are many varieties of each kind depending on the minerals in them, and their texture. Igneous rocks were once molten lava, granite is a typical example.
Sedimentary rocks were once unconsolidated sediments and subsequently these became: compacted and firmly adhered to each other to form a rock. Some such rocks are chemical precipitates like limestone and dolomite. Sandstones and shale are other examples. Metamorphic rocks are those that were once either igneous or sedimentary, but were subsequently altered or recrystallized by heat andlor pressure at great depth in the earth's h crust. Marble, the metamorphic equivalent of limestone or dolomite is widely used i building construction for ornamental purposes. Based on the structure of rocks certain physical behaviours can be predicted as under : (i) Permeability - it is'the degree to which water can enter and flow through the inter-stices within the rock. It is high in sandstone, at 10 percent. But it is 14w for igneous rocks such as granite. Water absorption by small specimens is an indirect test for permeability. Specimens of igneous rocks may absorb water only upto 1 to 2 percent of water of its weight.
(ii) Fractures are structural characteristicsof a rock that influence its weatherability. Fractures in massive igneous rocks (fissures and cracks) have preferred directions, and water which may carry dissolved acids seeps into such cracks and reacts with rock walls causing chemical alterations. Few sedimentary or metamorphic rocks are massive, and most of them are stratified. Water can seep along the bedding planes and open up further fractures and damage these rocks faster. (iii) Freezing and thawing of water and hydration of minerals are major factors in the weathering of all types of rocks. (iv) Erosion of rocks takes place by the action of wind and water. Shale is easily eroded, and sandstones are susceptible to erosion by rain.
Ground Stability
Ground stability is dependent on numerous variables, one of which is slope. Rocks in which bedding planes or fractures dip in the same direction as the slope of the hill are dangerously subject to landslides, particularly if water can enter these fractures. When a cutting is made in rocks for roads and foundations, horizontal bedding planes even in
poorly frosted sandstone often give near-vertical faces, which are stable. Heavy rain, especially after a drought, saturates the material forming the slope, and thus, increasing its mass and the gravitational pull; and the reduced friction between the joints, due to water thus, initiate a rock slide in hilly regions.
Constructions at Rocky Sites
Dams are meant to hold water and the rocks at the ground and those below them must be impervious. The consequences of increase in water table elevation and the deposition of sediments on the foundation rock must be studied. Fault zones filled with pervious deposits as well as open joints may serve as paths for leakage to occur. In the case of tunnelling, the feasibility, planning, design, the techniques used and the risk of serious accidents during construction are all dependent on the geology of the site. Location of quarries for production of building stones, crushed stone aggregates etc., also requires geological studies. However, a detailed study of geology is beyond the scope of this text.
Engineering Geology
The systematic study of geology, including testing of engineering properties of rocks and surface deposits, which fall within its scope (that covers areas between classical geology and older disciplines of Civil Engineering such as tunnelling, dam construction, bridge construction etc.) is called engineering geology. In a major engineering project, the following stages of geological investigations are essential : (i) preliminary investigation using published information, such as geological maps, (ii) a details geological survey of the site, possibly with aerial photographs, (iii) applied geophysical surveys to provide information about the sub-surface geology. . (iv) boring, drilling and excavation to provide confirmation of the results so far arrived at and quantitative detail at the critical points on the site, and
(v) testing of soils and rocks to assess their suitability, particularly their mechanical properties, either in situ or in the laboratory. These tasks are performed by experts but it is necessary to apperciate the situations wherein the advice of these experts is needed.
(a) Describe the nature of the terrain whose the contour map is shown in Figure 1.10. Indicate the saddle point ? (b) Soils, generally about a metre or two thick, are developed from one of the three types of transported surface deposits : (1) set based on glacial (ice) movements, (2) alluvium based on river deposits, or (3) loess based on wind deposits. Classify the surface deposit of the area in which your residence is situated into one of the above types. Give reasons for your classification.
Planning of B u i l d i s
Many structures and potential building sites are located in flood plains and thus, are susceptible to flooding. Studies about the use of flood plain by the building industry show that some encroachment is undertaken in ignorance of the consequent hazard; most of the encroachment takes place because it is profitable for private owners to undertake such development and shift the cost of eventual hazard to the society.' To escape this dismal cycle of losses, partial protection, further induced development and further, unnecessary losses, careful building regulations and development policies will have to be laid down. Gathering and dissemination of data on past floods, making estimates of future floods and investigating alternate methods of dealing with flood losses in areas where intensive development is envisaged, should be all be done before major actions are taken. Flood protection requires adjustments both in structures and in building utilization practice, and itinvolves keeping water out as well as reducing the effects of water entry into a building. It is better to avoid the construction of important buildings in flood plains (Joseph De Chiara, 1978).
Ground Water and Drainage
Essential factors (in site selection) include a water table low enough to protect buildings against basement flooding and interference with sewerage, the absence of swamps and marshes, and sufficient scope to permit surface drainage of normal rainfall and a free . flow of sanitary sewers. Periodic flooding due to high ground water table should disqualify a site, For drainage of a relatively flat site, it must be remembered that the minimum slope for paved gutters is 1 in 200. Surface and subsurface drainage systems are to be provided by the engineers for the collection and disposal of storm drainage and subsurface water. The selection of a site should thus be based on drainage requirements also.
Water Supply Requirements
One of the first steps in the selection of a suitable water supply :source is determining the water demand based the average daily water consumption and the peak rate of demand. Protected water supply, under pressure, from municipal sources is not to be taken for granted, supply from shallow or deep wells has to be planned for. The importance of a sanitary survey of water sources cannot be over emphasized. Persons trained and competent in public health engineering acd in the epidemiology of water borne diseases should conduct this sanitary survey. If ground water is proposed to be utilised, the character of local geology, nature of soil and underlying porous strata, sc e of water table, extent of drainage area likely to contribute water to the supply, an b e type and cost of the wells required are all to be studied at the planning and site selection stage itself.
(a) Buildings are often constructed in flood plains and peopk are evacuated with their belongings in times of flood. What are the data to be mllected at a site to assess the potential of flood hazarda ? (b) What are the data to be collected to plan an economical m g e system associated with the given building site ? (c) Protected water supply to buildings from municipal sources is becoming scarcrx If you are required to plan for water supply from subsurface m r c e s at the \ I ! , itself, what are the factors you will consider for the purpose ?
but also in terms of its site is important not only in terms of its engineering relevance to natural life systems such as vegetation, animal and insect life etc. We will emphasize in this section the engineering properties of the surface soil, vis-a-vis a given site. Structures are heavy and their heavy weight must be borne by the land upon which they are built. But the substructure of the soil and earth is not always what it seems to be from the surface. Therefore, before the construction of a building can begin, samples of the soil, through borings, will have to be taken and analysed. No matter what the structure is, it must be supported by a sturdy foundation. This foundation links the structure to the earth. A well-designed and well-built foundation will always help protect the structure from shifting or sagging. It will be thus, realised that soil exploration in respect of a site is an important activity which is bound to influence the site selection. The following factors are important for site exploration : (a) Depth to seasonal high water table (b) Depth to bed rock (c) Drainage characteristics (d) Suitability for the functioning of septic tanks, excavation and grading (e) Value as foundation material (f) Susceptibility to compaction (g) Susceptibility to erosion (h) The pH rating , (i) Soil fertility We will present a brief review, only of the items which will aid the engineer in proper site selection.
General Considerations
The type of site explorations to be carried out is dependent on the loads transmitted to the ground and the functions of a building. These factors can vary widely. The following are presented as guidelines (Krymine and Judol, 1957) in this regard : Generally for lighter structures, the depth to which the investigations are carried is limited, whereas for heavier structures it is generally necessary to explore the entire depth of soil covering the rock and even to penetrate into the roek, if necessary. The drilling work should be limited to a strictly necessary number of holes of reasonable depth. Laboratory soil and rock testing are to be considered as integral part of the lexploratory programme. Besides the soil and rock exploration proper, all information is to be obtained concerning the earth work to be done in connection with the building. / , The magnitude and especially, the cost of the exploratory ~ r o ~ r a & n e depends on the importance and cost of the building.
I '
The nature of exploration wiU depend on the proposed type of foundation such as spread footings, mat or raft, caissons, piles etc. The safe bearpg capacity may have to be obtained from load tests for importantstructures, if the behaviour of underlying soil is suspected, even if these be expensive. Some foundation problems are common to all kinds of buildings such as excavation problems: unstable foundation material and ground water problems. These may have to be considered at the very initial stages. Extensive geotechnical investigqtions for ordinary residential buildings may not be necessary. Simple trial pits or bore holes are adequate along with the observation of adjoining buildings.
Planning of Buildings
Co~nrnercial buildings are characterised by a heavy concentration of loads, generally transmitted to the foundation by columns. Many of them have ,deep basements, a fact that calls for a careful ground water investigations. The ideal programme would be to have one bore hole at every column location, but ordinarily sufficient information about stratification may be obtained from the bore holes drilled at the building comers and at the locations of the interior columns which will carry the heaviest loads. In soils, suspected to be of highly variable nature, additional holes for exact correlation of the data should be drilled. Industrial buildings include warehouses, factories and garages. In such buildings floor loads may be very heavy and individual footings for heavy machines may be required. In manufacturing plants, besides the usual dead and live loads, it may be necessary to consider vibration effects. Particularly sensitive to vibrations are relatively loose sands and gravels, and compaction of these materials by vibrations is responsible for settlement of footings placed on them. Because of the large site of these buildings sufficient bore holes should be drilled to locate possible critical changes in sub-surface materials. High water table is of concern, since it may cause uplift on the floor slabs when they are placed directly on the soil, and cause buoyancy on the footings or interfere with excavation. In the case of power plants and pumping stations, intense influence of vibrations, and their sensitivity to relative settlements are important. Subsurface investigations should be very detailed and thorough. All bore holes should go to a depth equivalent to if times the width of a power plant. All faults, shear-zones, weathered zones, closely spaced changes in rock type etc, should be studied thoroughly with the help of sufficient number of bore holes.
Building foundations on fills have become necessary because of shortage of desirable sites in urban areas. Bed fills, including city dumps, reclaimed lands at the ocean shores and swamps and shallow water areas, permanently or periodically flooded, are to be carefully investigated. Old fills generally have a hard crust and may support a very light building; it is advisible to remove the qust and some of the underlying material to a depth of at least 1 meter and then place a new fill. Generally, field explorations should provide samples to test for shear failure and possible settlement of the\ fill. If piles are used to support a building, they should be driven through the fill to a firm bearing stratum. i \ \ Description of Soils (Peck,et a 1 1974) Engineers must know the principal terms which describe soils. Gravel, sand, silt and clay are the common terms used. Most natural soils consist of a mixture of the two or more of these constituents and many contain an admixture of organic material in a partly decomposed state. The mixture is given the name of the constituent that appears to hatre the maximum influence on its behavior and the other conqtituents are indicated by adjectives. Thus, a silty clay has predominantly the properties of a clay, but contains a significant amount of silt. Gravels, greater than (4.75 mm particle size) and sands (4.75 to 0 . 7 5 mm) are known as coarse grained soils, while silts (0.75 to 0.002mm) and clays are fine grained soils. Clay is predominantly an aggregate of microscopic and sub-microscopic flaky shaped crystalline minerals. It is characterised by the typical colloidal properties of plasticity, cohesion and the ability to absorb ions. These properties are exhibited over a wide range of water content. Clay particles are less than 0.002mm in size.
Behavior of Soil v p e s Gravels do not shrink gr swell and have a high bearing capacity unless they are free to flow
Clay cannot be drained off easily. Settlement takes place gradually and may persist for years. Clay shrinks when dried. Capillary action is significant in clayey so?ls and it is , difficult to construct and support foundation of buildings in a purely clayey soil. When there are layers of these soil types underneath building foundations the resultant behaviour is complex and requires the services of a soil mechanics specialist to predict the behaviours. Safe Bearing Capacity (NBC 1983) Safe bearing capacity of a soil is the maximum intensity of loading that the soil will safely carry without the risk of shear failure, irrespective of any settlement that may occur. Allowable Bearing Pressure Allowable bearing pressure is the maximum allowable loading intensity on the soil for a particular fouildation, taking into account the safe bearing capacity, the amount and kind of settlement that is prescribed and the ability of the structure to take up such settlements. The safe bearing capacity of various types of soils for purposes of preliminary estimation of foundation size has been listed in NBC Group 2 : 1983, and a partial list is given in Table 1.1. Table 1.1 : Safe Bearing Capacity of Some Rocks and Soils S1. No.
Types of Rocks Granite, trap and diorite Sandstone and limestone Residual deposits of broken bed rocks and hard shale, cemented material Soft rock Gravel and sand-gravel offering high resistance to excavation Coarse sand, compact and dry
Dry means that the ground water level is lower than the width of foundation below the base of the foundation.
Medium sand compact and dry Fine sand, silt Fine sand, loose and dry Soft shale, hard or stiff clay in deep bed, dry Medium clay, readily indented with thumb nail Moist clay and sand-clay mixture which can be indented with strong thumb pFessure Soft clay indented with moderate thumb pressure Very soft clay which can be penetrated to several cm with thumb
.# %
!J ~ : ) L I arv rc b u ~ i d a cinen~a thtl;ltrt. nl a srnn-urban Itwatton vhat are the Pour llllportirllt silc cxploratioll activities you will undcr~ake':
Planning of Buildings
'. ~.tlc!n.
A comntrrcia! 'ngildjnr; (a textile nl;lllj i s to he built in the o!ltskirt: of a city. F l r : ~i:i;ii;v \><ii.i: l~~:!t:p w::uiil jr03 a(Ivjse. z ? : ? ?x&!!r! C i why ! '
Proceed to the nearest building excavation. Examine the soil structure. Classify the various layers. Examine the water table. Now estimate safe bearing capacity for a spread footing on this site.
All development projects have values attached to them and a wrong site selection may adversely affect the value of the project. Value of a construction is the price a prospective buyer is willing to pay and seller is willing to accept. The purchase price of a site is really only the beginning; part of the value analysis is a real estate parcel. Every parcel of property is subject to property tax which, although levied by the local government body having jurisdiction over the property, may include, in addition to the local municipal (authority), state and regional authority for taxes and levies. This aspect must be given adequate attention by the owner, while relevant control rules will influence the planning and development of the project by the engineer.
Land use is controlled by zoning and the classification of zones is given as under : (a) Residential zone, including residential with shop lines at ground floor,
(c) Industrial zone, consisting of service, general and special industries, (d) Green zone, including ribbon development along roads,
(e) Special reservations for governmental, defence and transportation purposes. The various building uses and occupancies permitted in the various zones shall be as given in the master plan of the area, which is to be consulted before the selection of a site. Development on plots shall be permitted only when it is accessible by a public street of width not less than 6 meters. For high rise buildings and buildings other then residential buildings, additional provisions of means of access shall be ensured as outlined below : (a) the width of the main street on which the building abuts shall not be less than 12 m and one end of this street shall join another street, not less than 12 m in width. (b) the main entrance to the plot shall be of adequate width (4.5 m) to allow access to a fire engine. The building line, the line upto which the plinth of a building adjoining a street may lawfully extend, shall be set back at least 3 m from internal meails of access in a layout of buildings in a plot; In residential and commercial zones of 0.3 hectares or more, community open spaces of 15 percent of the area of the lay out, shall be provided subject to a minimum of 450 m2. In industrial zones of area 0.8 hectare or more, 5 percent of the area shall be reserved for amenity open space and parking space. Where such amenity open space exceeds 1500 m2, the excess area can be utilised for construction of banks, canteens, and welfare centres etc. ' Each residential plot shall have a minimum sizelfrontage as under : Type Detached Building Semi-detached Row type plot size (m2) > 250 125 to 250 50 to 125 Frontage (m) > 128 to 12 4.5 to 8
For industrial plots the minimum plot size is 300 m2 and its width shall not be less then 15 m. For coinmunity halls the size of the plot shall not he lets then 1000 m2 For theatres, the minimum size of the plot shall be calculated on the basis of seating capacity of the building at the rate of 3 m2 per seat. The niaximum height of a building shall not exceed 1.5 times the width of tlie road abutting plus the front open space. Layouts shall provide for facilities such as nursery and primary schools and higher educational facilities, health facilities, commercial & communication facilities etc. It is evident from the foregoing that development control rules, while restricting to some extent the freedom of the owner in developing his site towards maximum utilisation , ensure ventilation, insulation, natural lighting, prevention of shadows on streets, good access and facilities for fire fighting, and good living.
Plnr~ning of Buildings
( 1 ) The authority who is to issue permission for develophent as also the various requirements for site approval.
MMDA has divided its 1170 sq km into various divisions, townships and panchayats and allocated Survey Nos. for appropriate zonal development. On the other hand, the Tamil Nadu Municipal Building Rules have specified the form of application for construction, specified extensive regulations for sites, location of foundations, plinths, substructures, spaces around buildings and height of buildings, parking spaces, dimensions of rooms, ventilation of building stairs, chimneys and drains and sanitary conveniences. Similar rules are found in Bombay Municipal Corporation Builidng Rules or those of Delhi, Calcutta and other cities. Engineers are advised to get familiar with the above rules, regulations and guide lines for the area, they govern the planning and construction of buildings. It is not enough to acquire analysis and design capabilities to raise a structure in the village, town or city. Further more, it must be realised that we, in this country, have adequate rules and regulations for orderly development of all types of building projects and services which are considered adequate for orderly development of human habitats.
If y m are required to sclecl a plot icy a three storeyed residential building having !1>117 .r; :?' sc 13 IT :.a,:! :i?ri-.'v;ha4 :< the minlrnunt SIT: r,"'nl r . \.IU~-~..' ::'
:)c '
subjected to the variations of temperature, humidity and to the l i p t and sound transmitted through it. All construction activities affect &fa &em of air and hence all of us. Polluted air has a hannful affect on respiratory tract, a dw~asing affect on the psychics, injurious to plants, animals and to the very buildings and structures we build. Equally serious are our contributions to the pollution of water and the land, we use. If we continue like this without adequates chacks and measures, we may inadvertently initiate an irrevocable process of permanent damage to our ecology and hence, ensure our extinction. Engineers must lead to save this planet earth by initiating enqroninental impact studies (EIS) for each one of their projects. In a simple manner, an engineer should avoid dust pollution, discharge of contaminated water, due to construction activity into habitable areas, and also h&ardous disposal of building wastes. He should take every possible measure to avoid noise pollution as well during construction.
In this unit, we have noted the basic objective of the subject matter to enable you, as an engineer, to locate and site important constructions and buildings, taking into account the considerations of climate, site drainage, nature of foundation required, planning and control regulations of authorities, tax implications and the envioronmental impact of such constructions. First, we have noted the various types of buildings classified on the basis of their occupancy. For the location of a project in a state, or district, or town, it is necessary to consider zonal climate, taxation regulations, availability of transportation including railways, zoning regulations of the competent authority and community acceptance. Site selection depends upon local climate, site drainage and availability of physical resources such as water, materials and labour, and also the local topography. We have noted how different climates come about which is due to the tilting of the earth's axis in its rovolution around the sun, the differential heating of the tropics and conseqent winds. We have also noted how much of solar radiation reaches earth at different times. The climates in tropical zones have been classified as : warm humid climate, hot dry climate and monsoon climate, and we have understood their broad features. Elevated places have special climates. We have noted that site climate and urban climate can be different from zonal climate of tlie area due to topographica(features (hilly, deep deprersions, man-made surfaces, heavily built-up, wooded). Wind speeds register a decrease, and air tempertures register a rise in built-up areas where industries are present, etc. We have noted the broad guide-lines for the orientation of buildings in the three tropical climates. We have also noted how topographical features are represented on paper, e.g. contours, slopes so that we can note the implications of cut and fill, and drainage. We have looked at the importance of geological considerations when large and critical structures such as dams are being planned. Rocks have been classified and some elementary but important characteristics of rocks have been identified, such as water absorption and fracture. The implications of identifying and planning buildings in flood prone plains have been seen. Flood protection measures are needed as well as measures for draining the accumulated rain water are essential. Water supply requirements from a very essential part of location and site planning exercise. Ground water sources should be investigated for purity, adequacy, depth of availability and type of wells needed. Soil below the surface where a building is going to be built sould be investigated thoroughly for all projects except ordinary ones. Observations normally to be made at site include water-table depths, drainage features, suitability for septic tank construction, suitability as foundation soil, erodability, consolidating nature, alkalinity or saltproneness ,and fertility. For iinportant projects a geotechnicai investigation is required, for which bores are made ,and expert assessment is done. The extent to which bore holes are to be made is noted. A brief description of different types of soil is given. Safe bearing capacity of soil is defind. Typical safe bearing capacity values of different types of soils are available from tables. Brief introduction on the role of bye-laws and regulations of local authorities are noted.
A little mo; detailed presentation of National Builidng Code prescriptions is noted in terms of FAR, Land-use zoning, access-related controls for construction, amenity areas to be provided in land-zoning to different types of accupancy, height regulations etc. More detailed ~ l e and s regulations are to be obtained from locally governing bye-laws.
We have noted tlie possible impact of constructions and structures on'the enviornment and the engineer's obligaion to minimise air, water and land pollution.
Planning of Buildings
(a) Classification of the buildings, as per NBC, is as follows : (1) LPG Cylinder storage - Hazardous (2) Museum (3) Hospital
(4) Hotels (5) Jail
(6) Library (public)
(8) Dairy
(b) Basic requirements for judging suitabilty of site, for all types of builings are : (i) availability of physical resources such as good water supply, power (electricity or diesellpetrol), materials required for cmnstruction, labour etc., (ii) climatic consideration including excessive rainfall, heat, snow, cyclones, (iii) site topography and soil-conditions.
(a) Climate is that atmospheric environment which results from the combined processes of its elements namely, temperture, humidiy, rainfall, winds, solar radiation and the terrain of the place. (b) Control of climate by structural design or through mechanical devices : (i) providing shading to solar radiation in tropical buildings, e.g., adjacent buildings, light-roofing over roof slab. (ii) providing adequate window openings for natural ventilation, (iii) providing heat-insulating walls by mechanical devices, and (iv) installing an air-conditioner or desert cooler. (c) Ralnfall pattern in India in January In the north west of India, namely J & K and Himachal Pradesh,rainfall ranges from 50 to 125 im;at some places, it exceeds 125 mm. In the mid-eastem coastal areas of Tamil Nadu, rainfall is about 75 to 125 mm. Other areas d Tamil Nadu, excepting north-westem Tamil Nadu, register rainfall ranging from 50 to 75 mm. Rest of the country has low rainfall, less than 25 mm.
Wind pattern in India in January
In the north west and northern India, the wind blows from the north-west. In south India, lower peninsular region, the winds are predominantly from north-east. In the western India, the direction is variable but predominantly from north-east. Both in central India and in Rajasthan the wind directions are variable, which prevail either from north or from south. (d) Rainfall pattern in India in July Close to the westem coast of peninsular India, in the extreme north-eastem India, namely in Arunachal Pradesh and in Bhutan, heavy rainfall occurs , exceeding I000 mm. In the other west coast areas, some parts of Karnataka and in the north-east, the rainfall exceeds 250 mm. Most of India receives rain in the range of 75 to 125 mm. Some parts of the country, however, receive lesser rainfall, in the range of 25 to 50 mm. These are west Rajasthan, some parts of lower Deccan plateau, and west Tamil Nadu.
In the south western part of India winds are south westerly. In Bengal, Assam and other north-easterly states winds are southerly and sometimes easterly. In the Gangetic plains, the winds are south easterly. In west coast of India, the wind is westerly. In the state of Rajasthan, the winds are south westerly. Punjab experiences south western breezes as well as variable winds. The shift of the predominant wind direction as from the south in the month of July compared to the predominant winds of January (which are from north) is due to the shift in the location of the inter tropical convergence zone (ITCZ) from south in January (almost along the Tropic of Capricon) to the North in July (almost along the Tropic of Cancer). This happens due to the maximum of heating received from solar radiation in areas near the Tropic of Cancer in summer. The predominant rainfall months are as below : West Bengal - October
(a) Procedure for construction of a wind-rose diagram is as follows : (i) Draw first a small circle, 1 to 2 cm i n diameter. (ii) Draw eight thin radial lines starting from the circumference, going outwards, each making 45' angle with the adjacement line, starting from the line pointing due north. (iii) Choose three or four (3 or 4) distinctive line thicknesses for indicating wind speed levels. For example, they can be 0.5 mm, 1.0 mm, 2.0 mm and 4.0 mm thick to indicate wind speed levels of 0.5 to 2 m/s, 2 to 5 m/s 5 to 10 m/s and greater than 10 m/s respectively. (iv) Assign a linear scale for percentage of time of prevalence (of a given wind r n for 1 or 2 percent prevalence speed level). For example, it can be 1 m during a calender month. (v) Choose the month for which the diagram is to be drawn. (vi) Obtain from the meterological data, the wind direction, and wind speeds given hourly. Compute for each one of the eight directions for each level of wind speed,the percent prevalence during the month. (There are eight directions and say, 4 wind speed ranges and hence, data will be summarised under 32 columns). (vii) Draw the wind-rose diagram starting with the lowest wind-speed level, the length of line calculated from percent prevalence of that speed level, using the appropriate thickness of line. ~escri~tib of n.Climateof the Place. Example : New Delhi or Agra It is a typically monsoon climate. During the hot-dry summer season (MayJune), the external air temperature in the shade, during the day, often exceeds 40C, even reaching 45O C, at times. The night minimum temperture in this season is rarely less than 25' C. There is very little rainfall in this season. Winds are dusty and blow strongly during afternoons or evenings. Vegetation becomes dry. Sleeping indoors at night is uncomfortable. During the winter, November to March, it is predominantly cold-dry season. External air temperatures reach about 20' C, rarely above 30' C. Minimum night temperture, however, around 6 to go C and rarely falls below 2' C. Nights are cold. Warm clothing is needed most of the time. Days can be pleasant, and outdoors, under bright sunshine which occurs most of the days. Odcasionally the days are rainy. The rainy season, July to September, is warm-humid. The day maximum temperatures are around 32 - 3g0 C. Night tempertures are about 22 - 30C.
Planning of Buildings
Relative humidity mostly above 60 %. Days are sultry and uncomfortable. Vegetation comes alive. Mechanical devices are needed to provide comfort to human body. But total rainfall is not very high, about 100-125 r n m in the season. The preferred orientation of a school building in this climate is east-west for the long axis of the building. West wid1 should have no openings. Roof of the building should incorporate a light shade to avoid too much reduction of incoming light. Walls and Roof are to be made of dense and heavy materials which are both insulating and heat-storing so that interior air tempertures during the day are low and lag considerably behind the external variation. Reflective surfaces of walls are useful to reflect solar radiation.
(a) The three facators which cause local climate to deviate from zonal climate are : (i) specific topography of the place, namely, elevaion, windward or leaward slope, deep depression or valley, orientation to prevailing winds, nearness to sea, etc. (ii) nature of ground surface, namely, its reflectivity and capacity to absorb solar radiation, permeability to rain, soil temperature and moisture which . influence vegetation, and run-off characteristics, and (iii) man made or natural objects such as buildings, rows of trees, obstructing walls and spires, etc. which cause shading and obstruct flow of wind. (b) Temperature Inversion Normally, the ground gets warmer sooner than the atmosphere by solar radiation, and the warming ground heats the air adjacent to it. The temperature of the air is lower as one goes higher up in attitude. But, late in the evenings and nights, in places like valleys or deep depressions, after the sun has set, the temperature of the ground drops rapidly. This results in the air nearer to the ground surface to get cool and heavier. The air tends to settle down on the ground. The air will also contain moisture or water vapour since its relative humidity will be higher, say, at near saturation point. This process is known as temperature inversion. Fog occurs when due to temperature inversion and the high condensation of water vapour, the moist air settles down nearer to ground. The fog r e m n s still when there is no air movement. A deep layer of moist air can become stationary for significant period of time. (d) Guide-lines for locating buildings on a hilly site It is preferred to locate buildings on peaks or crests. Windward slopes also provide good ventilation when it is desired in tropical climates. (e) Causes for atmospheric pollution at urban sites (i) changed surface properties like, reflectivity, heat absorption, reduced evaporation and reduced permeability to rain water that inhibits vegetation, (ii) user generated waste from buildings of all types, energy seepage from heated or airconditioned buildings, cold storage, industrial processes, heat, fumes and vapour from automobile and other internal combustion engines, (iii) atmospheric pollution from water-products of boilers, exhaust fumes from chimneys, factories etc. SAQ 5 (a) Refer to Figure 1.10. The terrain is undulating. The saddle points are near the top of the hills. (b) If the residence is located in Delhi, the surface deposit of the land will be alluvium-based. The reason for this is the closeness of river Y arnuna and the fact that all the water courses through Delhi lead to and drain into the river. These would have carried substantial alluvium over the years.
(a) Data to be collected to assess the potential for flooding at a site, is as follows : (i) watershed areas draining to the site, their area and rainfall, (ii) existing encroachments and built-up features that block natural flow of rain water, (iii! past flood data-levels, runoff etc., (iv) estimate of future floods, (v) alternate methods of drainage.
n economical drainage system at a building (b) Data to be collected for planning a site, is as follows :
Water table depths, presence of swamps and marshes, slope of ground, presence of surface and sub-surface drainage paths. (c) Factors to be considered for planning water supply to a building project, is as follows : (i) average daily water demand of the project, (ii) peak rate demand, (iii) sanitary surveylinvestigation of underground water, (iv) local geology, nature of sub-surface soil, presence of porous layers and acquifers, (v) water table depths, (vi) type of wells that can be made and likely quantity of yield.
(a) For construction of a cinema building at a semi-urban location, the four important site exploration activities to be made are as follows :
(ii) engineering name of soil and its likely safe bearing capacity, (iii) features of surface water flow, erodability of soil and drainability of water, (iv) chemical nature of soil, acidic or alkaline or neutral and suitability for constructing septic tank and cess-pool. (b) Foundation problems which are common to all types of buildings x e : (i) Excavation difficulty - hard and stiff, water-logged and marshy, collapsing etc. (ii) Unstable foundation material - consolidating,swelling and shrinkuig, requiring extensive shoring during trenching. (iii) Ground water seepage and high water table - needing pumping. (c) Bore holes required for the construction of a textile mill in a city : At each comer of the proposed building, one at centre; and if the factory is very large in plan area, boreholes at 30 m intervals along mutually peqendicular grid-lines aligned along the axis of the proposed building. SAQ 8 The minimum size of plot for a 3-storeyed residential building, having 4 flats of 120 sq m each per floor is estimated as follows : Plinth area of building at G.F. = 4 x 120 = 480 sq m Add 25% for stair case and access Assume nearly square plot, say 24 x 25 m. Requied dearness in front, rear and sides = 3 m each size of plot = (24 + 6) x (25 + 6) = 930 sq m
= 120sqm
Total = 600 sq m
Planning of Buildings
480 1.5
- 960 sqm
= 32 m x 30 m (say)