Overview of 8051
Overview of 8051
Overview of 8051
Architecture of 8051
Just as we have studied earlier in one of the previous classes, that microcontrollers can be classified in various ways. The Family (manufacturer) being one of it, in this Part of the course we shall be putting into consideration one of the families of the microcontroller namely the INTEL family. In the INTEL group of family there are various types of microcontroller grouped into family of 8bits group (8XC42, MCS51,MCS48) , the 16bits group (MCS96, MXS296) and so on.
Each of these groups has its distinct features that differentiates them from others and also within each group every member also has distinct features that differentiates them from all other members in the group. However in this part of the course our concentration shall be on the MCS 51 family and in the family our attention shall be on the 8051 microcontroller.
Architecture of 8051
The INTEL MCS 51 family is also known as the 8051 family, this is as a result of the popularity and the wide use of the family member 8051. This is owing to the fact of the large market share the member 8051 enjoys almost all other microcontrollers since its introduction into the market in the late 70s. The INTEL MCS 51 family consists of microcontrollers within the range of 8031 to 8751. That is to say all Intel microcontrollers that falls within the number range of 8031 to 8751 belongs to the family of MCS-51, otherwise known as the 8051 family. The MCS-51 are manufactured based on the CMOS and NMOS construction in variety of packages such as the DIP, PLCC etc. #what is CMOS,NMOS,DIP, PLCC?# CMOS(Complementary metal oxide silicon), NMOS(N- channel metal oxide silicon) , DIP (Dual-inline package), PLCC (Plastic lead chip carrier).
In a summary of the memory features of the 8051, the figure below is used to illustrate memory features.
The 8051 , just as in the case of the ROM has the capability of accessing up 64KB of RAM for its RAM operations, if the on-chip RAM provision is not enough.
Just as we have mention earlier the 8051 is a 40 pins IC. The figure below shows the pin out of the 8051.
Others pins used in interfacing / connecting external peripherals includes ; P3.6 and P3.7 on port 3. P3.6 WR is used to write to the external memory while the P3.7 RD- is used to read for the external memory . In summary When interfacing an external memory to the 8051, the following pins are used WR, RD, PSEN,EA ,ALE . The figure below shows the 8051 connected to an external memory .