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Q1. Choose the correct statement. [GATE 2003] The set of all strings over an alphabet ={0,1} with the concatenation operator for strings a) does not form a group b) forms a noncommutative group c) does not have a right identity d) forms a group if the empty string is removed from * Q2. Consider the set of all strings * over an alphabet ={a,b} with the concatenation operator for strings, and choose the false statement a) the set does forms semigroup b) the set does not form a group c) the set has a left and right identity d) the set forms a monoid Q3. Consider the set of all strings * over the alphabet ={a,b,c,d,e} with the concatenation operator for strings. Choose the false statement a. the set has a right identity and forms a semigroup b. the set has a left identity and forms a monoid c. the set does not form a commutative group but has an identity d. the set does not form a semigroup with identity Q4. Nobody knows yet if P = NP. Consider the language L defined as follows: L=()+1)* if P = NP And L= otherwise Which of the following statements is true? a) L is recursive b) L is recursively enumerable but not recursive c) L is not recursively enumerable d) Whether L is recursive or not will be known after we find out if P = NP [GATE 2003] Q5. Consider the language defined as follows L= {a^n b^n|n>=1} if P=NP And L={ww|w in (a+b)+} otherwise Which of the following statements is true? a) L is recursive but not context sensitive b) L is context sensitive but not context free c) L is context sensitive d) What L is will be known after we resolve the P=NP question

Q6. Consider the language defined as follows L=(0+1)* if the CSLs are closed under complement And L=(0*1)*0* if P=NP And L=(10*)1* if P is not the same as NP Which of the following statements is true? a) L is always a regular set b) L does not exist c) L is recursive but not a regular set d) What L is will be known after the two open problems P = NP and the closure of CSLs under complement are resolved Q7. Consider the language defined as follows L=(0+1)* if man goes to Mars by 2020AD And L=0* if man never goes to the Mars Which of the following is true? a. L is context free language but not recursive b. L is recursive c. Whether L is recursive or not will be known in 2020AD d. L is a r.e. set that is not regular Q8. Given an arbitrary context free grammar G, we define L as below. L=(0+1)* if G is ambiguous And L= if G is not ambiguous Choose the true statement a. L is a context-free language b. L is recursive but not r.e. c. What L is depends on whether we can determine if G is ambiguous or not d. What L is is undecidable Q9. Given an arbitrary turing machine M and a string w we define L as below. L=(0*1)*0* if M halts on w And L=(0*1*)* if M does not halt on w Choose the correct statement? a. The type of L is undecidable because of the halting problem b. L is a context-sensitive language c. L is recursively enumerable and not context-free d. L is context sensitive and not regular Q10. Consider the language L defined below L=(0+1)* if P=NP

And L=(a^nb^n|n>=1} otherwise Choose the false statement a. Whether L is a regular set that is not context-free will be known after we resolve the P=NP question. b. Whether L is context-free but not regular will be known after we resolve the P=NP question c. L is context-sensitive d. L is not recursive Q11. It is undecidable if two cfls L1 and L2 are equivalent. Consider two cfls L1 and L2 and a language defined as follows L={a^nb^nc^n|n>=234} if L1=L2 And L={a^nb^nc^nd^n|n>=678} otherwise Choose the correct statement. a. L is recursive b. L is context-free c. We can never say anything about L as it is undecidable d. L is regular Q12. At present it is not known if NP is closed under complementation. Consider L defined as below L={w wR w| w in (0+1+2)* and wR is the reverse of w} if NP is closed under complement And L = {a^nb^nc^nd^ne^n|n>=34567} otherwise Choose the correct statement a) L is recursive b) L is context-free and not context-sensitive c) L is recursively enumerable but not recursive d) We will be able to say something about L only after we resolve the NP complementation issue Q14. Nobody knows if P=NP at present. Consider a language L as defined below L=(0+1)* if satisfiability is in P L=(0*1)0* if satisfiability is not in P L=(1*0)1* if 3-sat is in P L=(0*1*)* if 3-sat is not in P L=(0*1*0*1*)* if 0/1 knapsack problem is in P L=(1*0*1*0*)* if 0/1 knapsack problem is not in P L=(0*(00)*(1*11*)*) * if max-clique problem is in P L=(0*(00)*(1*11*)*) * if node-cover problem is not in P L=(0*1*)****(010)* if edge-cover problem is not in P L=(0* + 1* + (00)* + (11)*)*(0100101010)* if the chromatic problem is not in P What can we say about the string 0000111100001111=x

a) b) c) d)

x is always in L whether x is in L or not will be known after we resolve P=NP the definition of L is contradictory x can never be in L

Q15. An arbitrary turing machine M will be given to you and we define a language L as follows L=(0+00)* if M accepts at least one string L=(0+00+000)* if M accepts at least two strings L=(0+00+000+0000)* if M accepts at least three strings ----------------L=(0+00+000+---+0^n) *if M accepts at least n-1 strings Choose the correct statement. a) We cannot say anything about L as the question of whether a turing machine accepts a string is undecidable b) L is context-sensitive but not regular c) L is context-free but not regular d) L is not a finite set Q16. We are given two context-free languages L1 and L2 and L defined as below a) L=(0+1)* if L1=L2 b) L=((0+00+000)*(1+11+111)*)* if L1 is contained in L2 c) L=((0(10)*)*(1(01)*)* if L2 is contained in L1 d) L=(00+11+0+1)*(0+00+000)* if L1 and L2 are incomparable Choose the correct statement a) As all the conditions relating to L1 and L2 are undecidable we cannot say anything about L b) L is recursively enumerable c) L is recursive but not context-sensitive d) L is context-sensitive but not context-free e) L is context-free but not regular Q17. It is undecidable if an arbitrary cfl is inherently ambiguous. We are given a cfg G and the language L is defined as below L= (0+1)*01(0+1)* U 1*0* if L(G) is inherently ambiguous L=(0+1)*10(0+1)* U 0*1* if L(G) is not inherently ambiguous Choose the incorrect statement a) L is regular b) L iscontext-free c) L is context-sensitive d) The above choices can be resolved only if we know if L(G) is inherently ambiguous or not Q18. We are given an arbitrary turing machine M and define the language L as below L=(0*+1*)* if M halts on blank tape L=(0+1*)* if M ever prints a 1

L=(0*+1)* if M ever enters a designated state q L=((0+1+00+11+000+111)+)* if M accepts an infinite set L=0*(10*)* if M accepts a finite set L=1*(01*)* if M accepts exactly 45 strings Choose the correct statement with reference to the string x=00000111111000000111111 a) x is in L b) x is not in L c) we can never decide if x is in L as all the problems of the turing machine are undecidable d) whether x is in L depends on the particular turing machine M Q19. We are given a language L defined as follows L=(0+1)* if the Hamiltonian circuit problem is in P L=(0*1*+0)* if the Traveling salesman problem is not in P L=(0*1*1)*0* if the bin packing problem is in P Choose the correct statement a) the definition of L is contradictory b) What L is will be known after we resolve the P=NP question c) L if a finite set d) The string 01010101001010110010101 is in L Q20. The intersection of two cfls can simulate a turing machine computation. We are given two cfls L1 and L2 and define the language L as below a) L=(00)* if the intersection of L1 and L2 is empty b) L=((0(00)*)(0(00)*))* if L1 is regular c) L=(00+0000+000000)* if L2 is not regular d) L=(00)*+(0000)* if the complement of L1 is a cfl Choose the correct statement a) L is a finite set b) L is a regular set c) L is undecidable d) L is recursive but not context-free Q21. Nobody knows at present if P=NP. Consider the definition of L below L=(a^ib^jc^k|i>j>k} if the sum of subsets problem is in P L=(a^ib^jc^k|i,j,k all unequal} if P is not the same as NP Choose the correct statement a. L is regular and not finite b. We can tell the type of L after resolving the P=NP question c. L is recursive and not context-free d. L is context-free and not context-sensitive Q22. The regular expression 0*(10*)* denotes the same set as

a. (0*1)0*

b. 0 + (0 +10)*


d. none of the above

Q23. The regular expression 0*(10*)* denotes the same set as a. (1*0)1* b. 0 + (0 +10)* c.*0+1)*10(0+1)* d. none of the above [GATE 2003] Q22. The regular expression 0*(10*)* denotes the same set as a. (0*1)1* b. 0 + (0 +10)* c.*0+1)*10(0+1)*+0*1* d. none of the above Q23. The regular expression (0+10)* denotes a. the set of all strings not containing two consecutive 0s b. the set of all strings containing two consecutive 0s c. the set of all strings with an even number of 0s d. none of the above Q24. The regular expression (+0+00)(1+10+100)* denotes a. the set of all strings not containing three consecutive 0s b. the set of all strings containing three consecutive 0s c. the set of all strings with an odd number of 0s d. none of the above Q25. The regular expression (00+11+(01+10)(00+11)*(01+10))* denotes a. the set of all strings with an even number of 0s and an even number 0s and an even number of 1s b. the set of all strings over {0,1} c. the set of all strings with the 0s and 1s alternating d. none of the above Q26. If the strings of a language L can be effectively enumerated in lexicographic (i.e. alphabetic) order, which of the following statements is true? a) L is necessarily finite b) L is regular but not necessarily finite c) L is context free but not necessarily regular d) L is recursive but not necessarily context free [GATE 2003] Q27. If the strings of a language L that is accepted by a turing machine can be effectively enumerated in lexicographic (i.e. alphabetic) order, which of the following statements is true? e) L is necessarily finite f) L is regular but not necessarily finite g) L is context free but not necessarily regular h) L is recursive but not necessarily context free Q28. If the strings of a language L that are accepted by a multidimensional turing machine M can be effectively enumerated in lexicographic (i.e. alphabetic) order, which of the following statements is true? i) L is necessarily finite

j) L is regular but not necessarily finite k) L is context free but not necessarily regular l) L is recursive but not necessarily context free Q29. If the strings of a language L that are accepted by a 3 pebble machine M can be effectively enumerated in lexicographic (i.e. alphabetic) order, which of the following statements is true? m) L is necessarily finite n) L is regular but not necessarily finite o) L is context free but not necessarily regular p) L is recursive but not necessarily context free Q30. If the strings of a language L that are accepted by a multitrack turing machine M can be effectively enumerated in lexicographic (i.e. alphabetic) order, which of the following statements is true? q) L is necessarily finite r) L is regular but not necessarily finite s) L is context free but not necessarily regular t) L is recursive but not necessarily context free Q31. If the strings of a language L that are accepted by a nondeterminisitic, 56 pushdown tape machine M, can be effectively enumerated in lexicographic (i.e. alphabetic) order, which of the following statements is true? u) L is necessarily finite v) L is regular but not necessarily finite w) L is context free but not necessarily regular x) L is recursive but not necessarily context free Q32. If the strings of a language L that are accepted by a nondeterministic 987 counter machine M, can be effectively enumerated in lexicographic (i.e. alphabetic) order, which of the following statements is true? y) L is necessarily finite z) L is regular but not necessarily finite aa) L is context free but not necessarily regular bb) L is recursive but not necessarily context free Q33. If the strings of a language L that are accepted by a turing machine with 2-way infinite tape, can be effectively enumerated in lexicographic (i.e. alphabetic) order, which of the following statements is true? cc) L is necessarily finite dd) L is regular but not necessarily finite ee) L is context free but not necessarily regular ff) L is recursive but not necessarily context free Q34. If the strings of a language L that are accepted by a 4567 headed nondeterministic turing machine,can be effectively enumerated in lexicographic (i.e. alphabetic) order, which of the following statements is true?

gg) L is necessarily finite hh) L is regular but not necessarily finite ii) L is context free but not necessarily regular jj) L is recursive but not necessarily context free Q35. If the strings of a language L accepted by a turing machine, which has 1000 two way infinite tapes, 1000 symbols in the tape alphabet, 2000 input symbols, l345 dimensional tapes, 34567 heads, optional 345 pushdown tapes, can be effectively enumerated in lexicographic (i.e. alphabetic) order, which of the following statements is true? kk) L is necessarily finite ll) L is regular but not necessarily finite mm) L is context free but not necessarily regular nn) L is recursive but not necessarily context free Q36. If the strings of a language L that are accepted by a machine which can keep 400 pebbles anywhere on its infinite input tape, but has no tape symbols, can be effectively enumerated in lexicographic (i.e. alphabetic) order, which of the following statements is true? oo) L is necessarily finite pp) L is regular but not necessarily finite qq) L is context free but not necessarily regular rr) L is recursive but not necessarily context free Q37. If the strings of a language L that are accepted by a turing machine, with a whose tape alphabet is a singleton set, can be effectively enumerated in lexicographic (i.e. alphabetic) order, which of the following statements is true? ss) L is necessarily finite tt) L is regular but not necessarily finite uu) L is context free but not necessarily regular vv) L is recursive but not necessarily context free Q38. If the strings of a language L={<M>|encoding of turing machine M}, can be effectively enumerated in lexicographic (i.e. alphabetic) order, which of the following statements is true? ww) L is necessarily finite xx) L is regular but not necessarily finite yy) L is context free but not necessarily regular zz) L is recursive but not necessarily context free Q39. If the strings of a language L ={<M>|encoding of 45678 push down tape machines} can be effectively enumerated in lexicographic (i.e. alphabetic) order, which of the following statements is true? aaa) L is necessarily finite bbb) L is regular but not necessarily finite ccc) L is context free but not necessarily regular ddd) L is recursive but not necessarily context free

Q40. If the strings of a language L={<M>| M is an encoding of turing machines, pushdown automata, linear bounded automata, finite automata}, can be effectively enumerated in lexicographic (i.e. alphabetic) order, which of the following statements is true? eee) L is necessarily finite fff) L is regular but not necessarily finite ggg) L is context free but not necessarily regular hhh) L is recursive but not necessarily context free Q41. If the strings of a language L ={<M>| M is an encoding of turing machines that have more than 34567890 states}, can be effectively enumerated in lexicographic (i.e. alphabetic) order, which of the following statements is true? iii) L is necessarily finite jjj) L is regular but not necessarily finite kkk) L is context free but not necessarily regular lll) L is recursive but not necessarily context free Q42. Let G=({S},{a,b},R,S) be a context-free grammar where the rule set is SaSb|SS| Which of the following statements is true? a) G is not ambiguous b) There exist x and y in L(G) such that xy is not in L(G) c) There exist a deterministic push down automaton that accepts L(G) d) We can find a deterministic finite state automaton that accepts L(G)

Q43. Let G=({S},{a,b,c},R,S) be a context-free grammar where the rule set is SaSa|bSb|c. Which of the following statements is true? e) G is ambiguous f) There exist x and y in L(G) such that xy is in L(G) g) There exist a deterministic push down automaton that accepts L(G) h) We can find a deterministic finite state automaton that accepts L(G) Q44. Let G=({S},{a,b},R,S) be a context-free grammar where the rule set is SaSb|SSSSSSSSSSS| Which of the following statements is true? i) G is not ambiguous j) There exist x and y in L(G) such that xy is not in L(G) k) There exist a deterministic push down automaton that accepts L(G) l) We can find a deterministic finite state automaton that accepts L(G) Q45. Let G=({S},{a,b},R,S) be a context-free grammar where the rule set is SaSb|aaSbb|SS| Which of the following statements is true? m) G is not ambiguous

n) There exist x and y in L(G) such that xy is not in L(G) o) There exist a deterministic push down automaton that accepts L(G) p) We can find a deterministic finite state automaton that accepts L(G) Q46. Let G=({S},{a,b},R,S) be a context-free grammar where the rule set is SaaSbb|SS| Which of the following statements is true? q) G is not ambiguous r) There exist x and y in L(G) such that xy is not in L(G) s) There exist a deterministic push down automaton that accepts L(G) t) We can find a deterministic finite state automaton that accepts L(G) Q47. Let G=({S},{a,b},R,S) be a context-free grammar where the rule set is SaaaSbbb|SS| Which of the following statements is true? u) G is not ambiguous v) There exist x and y in L(G) such that xy is not in L(G) w) There exist a deterministic push down automaton that accepts L(G) x) We can find a deterministic finite state automaton that accepts L(G) Q48. Let G=({S},{a,b},R,S) be a context-free grammar where the rule set is SabSba|SS| Which of the following statements is true? y) G is not ambiguous z) There exist x and y in L(G) such that xy is not in L(G) aa) There exist a deterministic push down automaton that accepts L(G) bb) We can find a deterministic finite state automaton that accepts L(G) Q49. Let G=({S},{a,b},R,S) be a context-free grammar where the rule set is SaaabaaaSbbbabbb|SS| Which of the following statements is true? cc) G is not ambiguous dd) There exist x and y in L(G) such that xy is not in L(G) ee) There exist a deterministic push down automaton that accepts L(G) ff) We can find a deterministic finite state automaton that accepts L(G) Q50. Choose the correct statement for the language L={a^nb^n|n>=0} a) L is inherently ambiguous b) L is deterministic context-free c) L is regular d) There exists a deterministic two way finite automata accepting L Q51. Choose the correct statement for the language L={a^100nb^100n|n>=0} e) L is inherently ambiguous f) L is deterministic context-free g) L is regular h) There exists a deterministic two way finite automata accepting L Q52. Choose the correct statement for the language L={(aaabaaa)^1000n(bbbbbbb)^34567n|n>=0} i) L is inherently ambiguous

j) L is deterministic context-free k) L is regular l) There exists a deterministic two way finite automata accepting L Q53. Choose the correct statement for the language L={(^n ) ^n|n>=0} m) L is inherently ambiguous n) L is deterministic context-free o) L is regular p) There exists a deterministic two way finite automata accepting L Q54. Choose the correct statement for the language L={(begin)^n(end)^n|n>=0} q) L is inherently ambiguous r) L is deterministic context-free s) L is regular t) There exists a deterministic two way finite automata accepting L Q55. Let G=({S},{a,b},R,S) be a context-free grammar where the rule set is SaSb|SS| Which of the following statements is true? gg) G is not ambiguous hh) There exist x and y in L(G) such that xy is not in L(G) ii) L(G) is the set of all strings of balanced parenthesis with a as the opening parenthesis and b as the closing parenthesis. jj) We can find a deterministic finite state automaton that accepts L(G) Q56. Consider two languages L1 and L2 each on the alphabet . Let f: -> be a polynomial time computable bijection such that (x)[xL2]. Further, let f^-1 be also polynomial time computable. Which of the following CANNOT be true? a) L1 P and L2 finite b) L1 NP and L2P c) L1 is undecidable and L2 is decidable d) L1 is recursively enumerable and L2 is recursive Q57. Consider two languages L1 and L2 each on the alphabet . Let f: -> be a polynomial time computable bijection such that (x)[xL2]. Further, let f^-1 be also polynomial time computable. Which of the following CANNOT be true? e) L1 P and L2 finite f) L1 NP and L2P-SPACE g) L1 is undecidable and L2 is decidable h) L1 is recursively enumerable and L2 is context-sensitive Q58. Consider two languages L1 and L2 each on the alphabet . Let f: -> be a polynomial time computable bijection such that (x)[xL2]. Further, let f^-1 be also polynomial time computable. Which of the following CANNOT be true? i) L1 P and L2 regular

j) L1 NP and L2P k) L1 is undecidable and L2 is decidable l) L1 is context-sensitive and L2 is recursive Q59. Consider two languages L1 and L2 each on the alphabet . Let f: -> be a polynomial time computable bijection such that (x)[xL2]. Further, let f^-1 be also polynomial time computable. Which of the following CANNOT be true? m) L1 P-SPACE and L2 DSPACE(n^1000) n) L1 NP and L2DTIME(2^1000n) o) L1 is undecidable and L2 is decidable p) L1 is recursively enumerable and L2 is accepted by a 2PDA Q60. Consider two languages L1 and L2 each on the alphabet . Let f: -> be a polynomial time computable bijection such that (x)[xL2]. Further, let f^-1 be also polynomial time computable. Which of the following CANNOT be true? q) L1 P and L2 is accepted by a 2NFA r) L1 NP and L2is accepted by a linear bounded automata s) L1 is undecidable and L2 is decidable t) L1 is recursively enumerable and L2 is accepted by a turing machine that halts on all inputs Q61. Consider two languages L1 and L2 each on the alphabet . Let f: -> be a polynomial time computable bijection such that (x)[xL2]. Further, let f^-1 be also polynomial time computable. Which of the following CANNOT be true? u) L1 P and L2 is accepted by a deterministic push down automata v) L1 NP and L2P w) L1 is undecidable and L2 is decidable x) L1 is recursively enumerable and L2 is accepted by a deterministic linear bounded automata Q62. Consider two languages L1 and L2 each on the alphabet . Let f: -> be a polynomial time computable bijection such that (x)[xL2]. Further, let f^-1 be also polynomial time computable. Which of the following CANNOT be true? y) L1 P-SPACE and L2 is in NSPACE(2^2^2^2^n) z) L1 NP and L2P aa) L1 is undecidable and L2 is decidable bb) L1 is recursively enumerable and L2 is finite Q63. Consider two languages L1 and L2 each on the alphabet . Let f: -> be a polynomial time computable bijection such that (x)[xL2]. Further, let f^-1 be also polynomial time computable. Which of the following CANNOT be true? cc) L1 is finite and L2 is context-free

dd) L1 NP and L2NP ee) L1 is undecidable and L2 is decidable ff) L1 is recursively enumerable and L2 is recursive Q64. Consider two languages L1 and L2 each on the alphabet . Let f: -> be a polynomial time computable bijection such that (x)[xL2]. Further, let f^-1 be also polynomial time computable. Which of the following CANNOT be true? gg) L1 P and L2 finite hh) L1 NP and L2P ii) L1 is undecidable and L2 is decidable jj) L1 is recursively enumerable and L2 is recursive Q65. Consider two languages L1 and L2 each on the alphabet . Let f: -> be a polynomial time computable bijection such that (x)[xL2]. Further, let f^-1 be also polynomial time computable. Which of the following CANNOT be true? kk) L1 context-free and L2 regular but not finite ll) L1 NP and L2 is accepted by a deterministic turing machine mm) L1 is undecidable and L2 is decidable nn) L1 is recursively enumerable and L2 is recursive but not context-sensitive Q66. Consider two languages L1 and L2 each on the alphabet . Let f: -> be a polynomial time computable bijection such that (x)[xL2]. Further, let f^-1 be also polynomial time computable. Which of the following CANNOT be true? oo) L1 is finite but not necessarily regular and L2 is context-free but not necessarily context-sensitive pp) L1 NP and L2P qq) L1 is undecidable and L2 is decidable rr) L1 is recursively enumerable and L2 is recursive but not necessarily contextsensitive Q67. Define languages L0 and L1 as follows: L0={<M,w,0>|M halts on w} L1={<M,w,1>| M does not halt on w} Here <M,w,I> is a triplet, whose first component, M is an encoding of a turing machine , second component w, is a string and third component I is a bit. Let L=L0 U L1. Which of the following is true? (a) L is recursively enumerable but L is not (b) L is recursively enumerable but L is not (c) Both L and L are recursive (d) Neither L nor L is recursively enumerable Q68. Define languages L0 and L1 as follows: L0={<M,0>|M halts}

L1={<M,1>| M does not halt } Here <M,I> is a pair whose first component, M is an encoding of a turing machine starting with blank tape, second component is a bit. Let L=L0 U L1. Which of the following is true? (e) L is recursively enumerable but L is not (f) L is recursively enumerable but L is not (g) Both L and L are recursive (h) Neither L nor L is recursively enumerable Q69. Define languages L0 and L1 as follows: L0={<M,w,0>|M halts on w} L1={<M,w,1>| M does not halt on w} Here <M,w,I> is a triplet, whose first component, M is an encoding of a 1200 push down tape machine , second component w, is a string representing the input, and third component I is a bit. Let L=L0 U L1. Which of the following is true? (i) L is recursively enumerable but L is not (j) L is recursively enumerable but L is not (k) Both L and L are recursive (l) Neither L nor L is recursively enumerable Q70. Define languages L0 and L1 as follows: L0={<M,0>|M accepts at least two strings} L1={<M,1>| M does not accept at least two strings} Here <M,I> is a pair, whose first component, M is an encoding of a turing machine , second component I is a bit. Let L=L0 U L1. Which of the following is true? (m) L is recursively enumerable but L is not (n) L is recursively enumerable but L is not (o) Both L and L are recursive (p) Neither L nor L is recursively enumerable Q71. Define languages L0 and L1 as follows: L0={<M,0>|M accepts an infinite set} L1={<M,1>| M does not accept an infinite set} Here <M,I> is a pair, whose first component, M is an encoding of a turing machine , second component I is a bit. Let L=L0 U L1. Which of the following is true? (q) L is recursively enumerable but L is not (r) L is recursively enumerable but L is not (s) Both L and L are recursive (t) Neither L nor L is recursively enumerable Q72. Define languages L0 and L1 as follows: L0={<M,w,0>|M halts on w} L1={<M,w,1>| M does not halt on w} Here <M,w,I> is a triplet, whose first component, M is an encoding of a three counter machine machine , second component w is a triplet giving the initial position of the pebbles, is a string and third component I is a bit. Let L=L0 U L1. Which of the following is true?

(u) L is recursively enumerable but L is not (v) L is recursively enumerable but L is not (w) Both L and L are recursive (x) Neither L nor L is recursively enumerable Q73. Define languages L0 and L1 as follows: L0={<P,w,0>|P halts on w} L1={<P,w,1>| P does not halt on w} Here <P,w,I> is a triplet, whose first component, P is an encoding of a C++ program, second component w, is a string and third component I is a bit. Let L=L0 U L1. Which of the following is true? (y) L is recursively enumerable but L is not (z) L is recursively enumerable but L is not (aa) Both L and L are recursive (bb) Neither L nor L is recursively enumerable Q74. Define languages L0 and L1 as follows: L0={<Q,w,0>|Q halts on w} L1={<Q,w,1>| Q does not halt on w} Here <Q,w,I> is a triplet, whose first component, Q is an encoding of a java program, second component w, is a string and third component I is a bit. Let L=L0 U L1. Which of the following is true? (cc) L is recursively enumerable but L is not (dd) L is recursively enumerable but L is not (ee) Both L and L are recursive (ff) Neither L nor L is recursively enumerable Q75. Define languages L0 and L1 as follows: L0={<M,w,0>|M halts on w} L1={<M,w,1>| M does not halt on w} Here <M,w,I> is a triplet, whose first component, M is an encoding of a multidimentsional, multiheaded, multitape turing machine , second component w, is a string and third component I is a bit. Let L=L0 U L1. Which of the following is true? (gg) L is recursively enumerable but L is not (hh) L is recursively enumerable but L is not (ii) Both L and L are recursive (jj) Neither L nor L is recursively enumerable Q76. Define languages L0 and L1 as follows: L0={<M,w,0>|M halts on w} L1={<M,w,1>| M does not halt on w} Here <M,w,I> is a triplet, whose first component, M is an encoding of a nondeterministic 789 pushdown tape machine , second component w, is a string and third component I is a bit. Let L=L0 U L1. Which of the following is true? (kk) L is recursively enumerable but L is not (ll) L is recursively enumerable but L is not

(mm) Both L and L are recursive (nn) Neither L nor L is recursively enumerable Q77. Define languages L0 and L1 as follows: L0={<M,w,0>|M accepts on w} L1={<M,w,1>| M does not accept w} Here <M,w,I> is a triplet, whose first component, M is an encoding of a turing machine , second component w, is a string and third component I is a bit. Let L=L0 U L1. Which of the following is true? (oo) L is recursively enumerable but L is not (pp) L is recursively enumerable but L is not (qq) Both L and L are recursive (rr) Neither L nor L is recursively enumerable Q78. Define languages L0 and L1 as follows: L0={<P,w,0>|P halts on input w} L1={<P,w,1>| P loops on input w} Here <P,w,I> is a triplet, whose first component, P is an encoding of a C program, second component w, is a string and third component I is a bit. Let L=L0 U L1. Which of the following is true? (ss) L is recursively enumerable but L is not (tt) L is recursively enumerable but L is not (uu) Both L and L are recursive (vv) Neither L nor L is recursively enumerable Q79. Define languages L0 and L1 as follows: L0={<M,M1,0>|M is equivalent to M1} L1={<M,M1,1>| M is not equivalent to M1} Here <M,w,I> is a triplet, whose first component, M is an encoding of a turing machine , second component M1 is the encoding of a turing machine, and third component I is a bit. Let L=L0 U L1. Which of the following is true? (ww) L is recursively enumerable but L is not (xx) L is recursively enumerable but L is not (yy) Both L and L are recursive (zz) Neither L nor L is recursively enumerable Q80. Define languages L0 and L1 as follows: L0={<M,M1,0>|M accepts a subset of what is accepted by M1} L1={<M,M1,1>| M does not accept a subset of what is accepted by M1} Here <M,w,I> is a triplet, whose first component, M is an encoding of a turing machine , second component M1 is the encoding of a turing machine, and third component I is a bit. Let L=L0 U L1. Which of the following is true? (aaa) L is recursively enumerable but L is not (bbb) L is recursively enumerable but L is not (ccc) Both L and L are recursive (ddd) Neither L nor L is recursively enumerable Q81. Define languages L0 and L1 as follows:

L0={<M,M1,0>|M is equivalent to M1} L1={<M,M1,1>| M is not equivalent to M1} Here <M,w,I> is a triplet, whose first component, M is an encoding of a turing machine , second component M1 is the encoding of a pushdown automaton machine, and third component I is a bit. Let L=L0 U L1. Which of the following is true? (eee) L is recursively enumerable but L is not (fff) L is recursively enumerable but L is not (ggg) Both L and L are recursive (hhh) Neither L nor L is recursively enumerable Q82. Define languages L0 and L1 as follows: L0={<M,M1,0>|M is equivalent to M1} L1={<M,M1,1>| M is not equivalent to M1} Here <M,w,I> is a triplet, whose first component, M is an encoding of a turing machine , second component M1 is the encoding of a halting turing machine, and third component I is a bit. Let L=L0 U L1. Which of the following is true? (iii)L is recursively enumerable but L is not (jjj)L is recursively enumerable but L is not (kkk) Both L and L are recursive (lll)Neither L nor L is recursively enumerable Q83. Define languages L0 and L1 as follows: L0={<M,M1,0>|M is equivalent to M1} L1={<M,M1,1>| M is not equivalent to M1} Here <M,w,I> is a triplet, whose first component, M is an encoding of a turing machine , second component M1 is the encoding of a finite automaton machine, and third component I is a bit. Let L=L0 U L1. Which of the following is true? (mmm) L is recursively enumerable but L is not (nnn) L is recursively enumerable but L is not (ooo) Both L and L are recursive (ppp) Neither L nor L is recursively enumerable Q84. Define languages L0 and L1 as follows: L0={<M,M1,0>|M is equivalent to M1} L1={<M,M1,1>| M is not equivalent to M1} Here <M,w,I> is a triplet, whose first component, M is an encoding of a turing machine , second component M1 is the encoding of a deterministic pushdown automaton, and third component I is a bit. Let L=L0 U L1. Which of the following is true? (qqq) L is recursively enumerable but L is not (rrr) L is recursively enumerable but L is not (sss) Both L and L are recursive (ttt)Neither L nor L is recursively enumerable

Q85. Define languages L0 and L1 as follows: L0={<M,M1,0>|M is equivalent to M1} L1={<M,M1,1>| M is not equivalent to M1} Here <M,w,I> is a triplet, whose first component, M is an encoding of a turing machine , second component M1 is the encoding of a deterministic linear bounded atuomaton and third component I is a bit. Let L=L0 U L1. Which of the following is true? (uuu) L is recursively enumerable but L is not (vvv) L is recursively enumerable but L is not (www) Both L and L are recursive (xxx) Neither L nor L is recursively enumerable Q86. Define languages L0 and L1 as follows: L0={<M,M1,0>|M is equivalent to M1} L1={<M,M1,1>| M is not equivalent to M1} Here <M,w,I> is a triplet, whose first component, M is an encoding of a turing machine , second component M1 is the encoding of a nondeterministic linear bounded automaton, and third component I is a bit. Let L=L0 U L1. Which of the following is true? (yyy) L is recursively enumerable but L is not (zzz) L is recursively enumerable but L is not (aaaa) Both L and L are recursive (bbbb) Neither L nor L is recursively enumerable Q87. Define languages L0 and L1 as follows: L0={<M,M1,0>|M is equivalent to M1} L1={<M,M1,1>| M is not equivalent to M1} Here <M,w,I> is a triplet, whose first component, M is an encoding of a turing machine , second component M1 is the encoding of a 100 tape nondeterministic turing machine that halts on all inputs, and third component I is a bit. Let L=L0 U L1. Which of the following is true? (cccc) L is recursively enumerable but L is not (dddd) L is recursively enumerable but L is not (eeee) Both L and L are recursive (ffff) Neither L nor L is recursively enumerable Q88. Define languages L0 and L1 as follows: L0={<M,w,0>|M in the course of its computation visits state w} L1={<M,w,1>| M does not halt visit state w} Here <M,w,I> is a triplet, whose first component, M is an encoding of a nondeterministic 789 pushdown tape machine , second component w, is a state and third component I is a bit. Let L=L0 U L1. Which of the following is true? (gggg) L is recursively enumerable but L is not (hhhh) L is recursively enumerable but L is not

(iiii) Both L and L are recursive (jjjj)Neither L nor L is recursively enumerable Q89. Define languages L0 and L1 as follows: L0={<M,w,0>|M prints symbol w} L1={<M,w,1>| M never prints symbol w} Here <M,w,I> is a triplet, whose first component, M is an encoding of a nondeterministic 789 pushdown tape machine , second component w, is a symbol and third component I is a bit. Let L=L0 U L1. Which of the following is true? (jjjj) L is recursively enumerable but L is not (kkkk) L is recursively enumerable but L is not (llll) Both L and L are recursive (mmmm)Neither L nor L is recursively enumerable Q90. A single tape Turing Machine M has two states q0 and q1, of which q0 is the starting state. The tape alphabet of M is {0,1, B} and its input alphabet is (0,1). The symbol B is the blank symbol used to indicate end of an input string. The transition function of M is described in the following table 0 1 B q0 q1,1,R q1,1,R Halt q1 q1,1,R q0,1,L q0,B,L The table is interpreted as illustrated below. The entry (q1,1,R) in row q0 and column 1 signifies that if M is in state q0 and reads 1 on the current tape square, then it writes 1 on the same tape square and moves its tape head one position to the right and transitions to state q1. Which of the following statements is true about M? (a) M does not halt on any string in (0+1)+ (b) M does not halt on any string in (00+1)* (c) M halts on all strings ending in a 0 (d) M halts on all strings ending in a 1 Q90. A single tape Turing Machine M has two states q0 and q1, of which q0 is the starting state. The tape alphabet of M is {0,1, B} and its input alphabet is (0,1). The symbol B is the blank symbol used to indicate end of an input string. The transition function of M is described in the following table 1 0 B q0 q1,0,R q1,0,R Halt q1 q1,0,R q0,0,L q0,B,L The table is interpreted as illustrated below. The entry (q1,1,R) in row q0 and column 1 signifies that if M is in state q0 and reads 1 on the current tape square, then it writes 1 on the same tape square and moves its tape head one position to the right and transitions to state q1. Which of the following statements is true about M? (e) M does not halt on any string in (0+1)+

(f) M does not halt on any string in (0+11)* (g) M halts on all strings ending in a 0 (h) M halts on all strings ending in a 1 Q90. A single tape Turing Machine M has two states q0 and q1, of which q0 is the starting state. The tape alphabet of M is {0,1, B} and its input alphabet is (0,1). The symbol B is the blank symbol used to indicate end of an input string. The transition function of M is described in the following table 0 1 B q0 q1,1,R q1,1,R Halt q1 q1,1,R q0,1,L q0,B,L The table is interpreted as illustrated below. The entry (q1,1,R) in row q0 and column 1 signifies that if M is in state q0 and reads 1 on the current tape square, then it writes 1 on the same tape square and moves its tape head one position to the right and transitions to state q1. Which of the following statements is false about M? (i) M halts on any string in (0+1)+ (j) M halts on any string in (00+1)* (k) M does not halt on all strings ending in a 0 (l) M does not halt on all strings ending in a 1 Q91. Consider the following deterministic finite state automaton M. 0 0


0 0,1 1 1

Let S denote the set of all seven bit binary strings in which the first, the fourth and the last bits are 1. The number of strings in S that are accepted by M is (a) 1 (b) 5 (c) 7 (d) 8

Q92. Consider the finite state automaton given below 0 1 A b a B c a C c d *D d d Let S denote the set of all seven bit binary strings in which the first, the fourth and the last bits are 1. The number of strings in S that are accepted by M is (a) 1 (b) 5 (c) 7 (d) 8

Q92. Consider the finite state automaton given below 1 0 A b a B c a C c d *D d D Let S denote the set of all seven bit binary strings in which the first, the fourth and the last bits are 0. The number of strings in S that are accepted by M is (a) 1 (b) 5 (c) 7 (d) 8 Q93. Consider the finite state automaton given below 0 1 A b a B c a C c d *D d d Let S denote the set of all six bit binary strings in which the first and the fourth bits are 1. The number of strings in S that are accepted by M is (a) 1 (b) 4 (c) 7 (d) 8 Q94. Consider the finite state automaton given below 0 1 A B a B C a C C d *D D d The following can be said about the set accepted by the finite automata a) 001 is compulsorily a substring in the language accepted b) 011 is compulsorily a substring in thelanguage accepted c) 0* is in the language accepted by the finite auotmata d) 11 is compulsorily as substring of any string in the language accepted

Q95. Consider the finite state automaton given below 0 1 A B a B C a C C d *D D d Let S denote the set of all five bit binary strings in which the first and the fourth bits are 1. The number of strings in S that are accepted by M is (a) 1 (b) 4 (c) 7 (d) 8 Q96. Consider the finite state automaton given below 0 A B B C C C *D D 1 a a d d

Choose the correct statement a) the head of any string accepted is from the language set of all strings over (0+1)* not containing two consecutive 1s b) the set (0+1)* is accepted by the finite automata c) the set 001(0+1)* is the language accepted by the finite auotomata d) any string accepted has an odd no of 0s Q96. Consider the finite state automaton given below 0 A B B C C C *D D 1 a a d d

Choose the correct statement e) the set of all strings with an odd number of 0s(except 0) , followed by a 1 is accepted by the finite automata f) the set (0+1)* is accepted by the finite automata g) the set 001(0+1)* is the language accepted by the finite auotomata h) any string accepted has an odd no of 0s Q97. Consider the finite state automaton given below 0 1 A B a B C a C C d *D D d Let S denote the set of all four bit binary strings. The number of strings in S that are accepted by M is (a) 1 (b) 3 (c) 7 (d) 8

Q98. Consider the finite state automaton given below 0 1 A B a B C a C C d *D D d Let S denote the set of all three. The number of strings in S that are accepted by M is (a) 1 (b) 5 (c) 7 (d) 8 Q99. Consider the finite state automaton given below 0 1 A B a B C a C C d *d D d Let S denote the set of all two bit strings. The number of strings in S that are accepted by M is (a) 1 (b) 5 (c) 7 (d) 0 Q100. Consider the finite state automaton given below 0 1 A B a B C a C C d D D d Let S denote the set of all one binary strings. The number of strings in S that are accepted by M is (a) 1 (b) 5 (c) 7 (d) 0 Q101. Consider the finite automaton given below 0 -q0 q1 Q0 1 q1 q1

The set accepted by the finite automata can be denoted by the regular expression a) (0+1)*00 b) (0+1)*00(0+1)* c) the complement of (0+1)*00(0+1)* d) (0+1)* Q102. Consider the finite automaton given below 0 -q0 q1 Q0 1 q1 q1

The minimal finite automata corresponding to the above automaton has a) 2 states b) 3 states d) 1 state d) no states Q103. Consider the finite automaton given below 0 -q0 q1 Q0 1 q1 q1

The set accepted by the above finite automaton is a) the set of all strings not containing two consecutive 0s b) the set of all strings containing two consecutive 0s c) the set of all strings not containing a 0 d) the set of all strings containing a 1 Q104. Consider the finite automaton given below 0 -q0 q1 Q0 1 q1 q1

Let S denote the set of all six bit binary strings in which the first and the fourth bits are 1. The number of strings in S that are accepted by M is (a) 1 (b) 4 (c) 7 (d) none of the above Q105. Consider the finite automaton given below 0 -q0 Q1 Q0

1 q1 q1

Let M1 be the machine obtained by interchanging the final and nonfinal states of the above automaton. The set accepted by M1 is a) the set of all strings containing two consecutive 0s b) the set of all strings no containing two consecutive 0s c) the set (0+1)* d) the set of all strings not containing a 1 Q106. Consider the finite automaton given below 0 1 --*q0 q00 q1 *q1 q0 q1 *q00 q1 The minimal finite automata corresponding to the above automaton has a) 3 states b)4 states c) 5 states d) 6 states

Q107. Consider the finite automaton given below 0 --*q0 q00 *q1 q0 *q00

1 q1 q1 q1

The regular expression denoting the set accepted by the above finite automaton is a) complement of (0+1)*000(0+1)* b) (0+1)*000(0+1)* c) (0+1)* d) (0+1)+ Q108. Consider the finite automaton given below 0 --*q0 q00 *q1 q0 *q00 1 q1 q1 q1

The set accepted by the above finite automaton is best described as a) the set of all strings over {0,1} not containing three consecutive 0s b) the set of all strings over {0,1} containing three consecutive 0s c) the set of all strings over {0,1} d) the set of all strings over {0,1} not containing two consecutive 1s Q109. Consider the finite automaton given below 0 --*q0 q00 *q1 q0 *q00 1 q1 q1 q1

Let S denote the set of all six bit binary strings in which the first and the fourth bits are 1. The number of strings in S that are accepted by M is (a) 1 (b) 4 (c) 7 (d) none of the above Q110. Consider the finite automaton given below 0 1 --*q0 q00 q1 *q1 q0 q1 *q00 q1 Let S denote the set of all six bit binary strings in which the first and the fourth bits are 1 that are accepted by a machine M obtained by interchanging the final and nonfinal states of the finite automaton given above. The number of strings in S that are accepted by M is (a) 1 (b) 4 (c) 7 (d) none of the above

Q111. Consider the finite automaton given below 0 1

->qs q1 *q0 q0 q1 q1 q2 q3 q2 q4 q0 q3 q1 q2 q4 q3 q4 The set accepted by the above finite automaton can be described as a) the set of all strings over {0,1} that starting with a 1 and interpreted as the binary representation of an integer are congruent to 0 modulo 5. b) The set of all strings over {0,1} c) The set of all strings over {0,1} that interpreted as the binary representation of an integer are congruent to 0 modulo 5 d) The set of all strings over {0,1}not containing a 0 Q112. Consider the finite automaton given below 0 ->qs *q0 q1 q2 q3 q4 q0 q2 q4 q1 q3 1 q1 q1 q3 q0 q2 q4

The minimal finite automaton corresponding to the above machine has a) 7 states b) 6 states c) 5 states d) 8 states Q113. Consider the finite automaton given below 0 ->qs 1 q1

*q0 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

q0 q2 q4 q1 q3

q1 q3 q0 q2 q4

Let S denote the set of all six bit binary strings in which the first and the fourth bits are 1 that are accepted by a machine M obtained by interchanging the final and nonfinal states of the finite automaton given above. The number of strings in S that are accepted by M is (a) 1 (b) 4 (c) 7 (d) none of the above Q114. Consider the finite automaton given below 0 ->qs *q0 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 q0 q2 q4 q1 q3 1 q1 q1 q3 q0 q2 q4

Let S denote the set of all six bit binary strings in which the first and the fourth bits are 1. The number of strings in S that are accepted by M is (a) 1 (b) 4 (c) 7 (d) none of the above Q115. Consider the finite automaton given below 0 ->Q0 Q0 Q1 Q0 Q11 Q0 *q111 Q111 1 Q1 Q11 Q111 Q111

The minimal finite automat corresponding to the above automaton has a) 3 states b)4 states c) 5 states d) none of the above Q116. Consider the finite automaton given below 0 1 ->Q0 Q0 Q1 Q1 Q0 Q11 Q11 Q0 Q111 *q111 Q111 Q111 The regular expression denoting the set accepted by the above finite automaton is

a) b) c) d)

(0+1)*111 (0+1)*111(0+1)* complement of (0+1)*111(0+1)* complement of (0+1)*111

Q117. Consider the finite automaton given below 0 ->Q0 Q0 Q1 Q0 Q11 Q0 *q111 Q111

1 Q1 Q11 Q111 Q111

The set accepted by the above automaton is, over the alphabet {0,1} a) the set of all strings containing three consecutive 1s b) the set of all strings not containing three consecutive 1s c) the set of all strings containing three consecutive 0s d) the set of all strings ending in three consecutive 1s Q118. Consider the finite automaton given below 0 ->Q0 Q0 Q1 Q0 Q11 Q0 *q111 Q111 1 Q1 Q11 Q111 Q111

Let S denote the set of all six bit binary strings in which the first and the fourth bits are 1. The number of strings in S that are accepted by M is (a) 1 (b) 4 (c) 7 (d) none of the above Q119. Consider the finite automaton given below 0 ->Q0 Q0 Q1 Q0 Q11 Q0 *q111 Q111 1 Q1 Q11 Q111 Q111

Let S denote the set of all six bit binary strings in which the first and the fourth bits are 1 in the machine M obtained by interchanging the final and nonfinal states in the above automaton. The number of strings in S that are accepted by M is (a) 1 (b) 4 (c) 7 (d) none of the above

Q120. Consider the finite automaton given below 0 ->Qs Qs Q1 Qs Q0

1 Q1 Qs

The set accepted by the finite automata over the alphabet {0,1} can be described as a) the set of all strings over {0,1} b) the set of all strings over {0,1} where every prefix does not have one more 0 then 1s nor one more 1 than 0s. c) the set of all strings over {0,1} where every prefix has one more 1 than 0s or one more 0 than 1s d) none of the above Q121. Consider the finite automaton given below 0 1 ->Qs Qs Q1 Q1 Qs Q0 Qs The regular expression denoting the set accepted by the above automaton is a) (01+10)* b) (0+1)* c) (00+11)* d) none of the above Q122. Consider the finite automaton given below 0 ->Qs Qs Q1 Qs Q0 1 Q1 Qs

The minimal finite automata corresponding to the above machine has a) 3 states b) 4 states c) 5 states d) 6 states

Q123. Consider the finite automaton given below 0 ->Qs Qs Q1 Qs Q0

1 Q1 Qs

Let S denote the set of all six bit binary strings in which the first and the fourth bits are 1 in the machine M obtained by interchanging the final and nonfinal states in the above automaton. The number of strings in S that are accepted by M is (a) 1 (b) 4 (c) 7 (d) none of the above Q124. Consider the finite automaton given below 0 ->Qs Qs Q1 Qs Q0 1 Q1 Qs

Let S denote the set of all six bit binary strings in which the first and the fourth bits are 1. The number of strings in S that are accepted by M is (a) 1 (b) 4 (c) 7 (d) none of the above Q125. Consider the finite automaton given below 0 ->*Qs Qs *q1 Qs *Q11 Q11,0 *Q11,0 1 Q1 Q11 Q11 Q11

The set accepted by the above automaton can be best described as a) the set of all strings over {0,1} where every pair of consecutive 0s occurs before any pair of adjacent 1s b) the set of all strings over {0,1} where every pair of adjacent 1s occurs before any pair of adjacent 0s c) the set of all strings over {0,s} d) none of the above Q126. Consider the finite automaton given below 0 1 ->*Qs Qs Q1 *q1 Qs Q11 *Q11 Q11,0 Q11 *Q11,0 Q11 The minimal finite automata corresponding to the above automaton has a) 4 states b) 5 states c) 6 states d) none of the above

Q127. Consider the finite automaton given below 0 ->*Qs Qs *q1 Qs *Q11 Q11,0 *Q11,0

1 Q1 Q11 Q11 Q11

The minimal finite auotmata accepting the complement of the language accepted by the above finite auotomaton has a) 3 states b)4 states c) 5 states d) none of the above Q128. Consider the finite automaton given below 0 ->*Qs Qs *q1 Qs *Q11 Q11,0 *Q11,0 1 Q1 Q11 Q11 Q11

The regular expression denoting the set accepted by the above automaton can be best described as a) (01+0)*(1+10)* b) (10+0)*(0+10)* c) (0+1)* d) none of the above Q129. Consider the finite automaton given below 0 ->*Qs Qs *q1 Qs *Q11 Q11,0 *Q11,0 1 Q1 Q11 Q11 Q11

Let S denote the set of all six bit binary strings in which the first and the fourth bits are 1. The number of strings in S that are accepted by M is (a) 1 (b) 4 (c) 7 (d) none of the above Q130. Consider the finite automaton given below 0 ->*A A B C C D *D 1 A,B C D

Let S denote the set of all six bit binary strings in which the first and the fourth bits are 1. The number of strings in S that are accepted by M is (a) 1 (b) 4 (c) 7 (d) none of the above Q131. Consider the finite automaton given below 0 1 ->*A A A,B B C C C D D *D Let the above machine M accept the language L. Consider the machine M1 obtained by interchanging the final and non-final states of the above machine and accepting the language L1. Which of the following is correct? a) L1 is a subset of L b) L1=L c) L1 is the complement of L d) L1=(0+1)* Q132. Consider the finite automaton given below 0 ->*A A B C C D *D The minimal dfa for the above automaton has a) 6 states b) 7 states c) 8 states d) 10 states Q133. Consider the finite automaton given below 0 ->*A A B C C D *D 1 A,B C D 1 A,B C D

The language accepted by the above machine is best described as a) the set of all strings over {0,1} where the third symbol from the right end is a 1 b) the set of all strings over {0,1} where the third symbol from the right end is a 0 c) the set of all strings over {0,1}* d) the set of all strings with an even number of 0s

Q134.Consider the finite automaton given below 0 ->Qs Q0 Q0 Q00 *Q00 Q00

1 Qs Qs Qs

The minimal finite automata corresponding to the above automaton has a) 3 states b)4 states c)5 states d) none of the above Q135.Consider the finite automaton given below 0 ->Qs Q0 Q0 Q00 *Q00 Q00 1 Qs Qs Qs

The minimal finite automata accepting the complement of the set accepted by the above automaton has a) 3 state b) 4 states c) 5 states d) none of the above Q136.Consider the finite automaton given below 0 ->*Qs Q0 Q0 Q00 *Q00 Q00 1 Qs Qs Qs

Let S denote the set of all six bit binary strings in which the first and the fourth bits are 1. The number of strings in S that are accepted by M is (a) 1 (b) 4 (c) 7 (d) none of the above Q137.Consider the finite automaton given below 0 ->Qs Q0 Q0 Q00 *Q00 Q00 1 Qs Qs Qs

Let S denote the set of all six bit binary strings in which the first and the fourth bits are 1 in the machine M obtained by interchanging the final and nonfinal states in the above machine. The number of strings in S that are accepted by M is (a) 1 (b) 4 (c) 7 (d) none of the above Q138.Consider the finite automaton given below 0 ->Qs Q0 Q0 Q00 1 Qs Qs




The language accepted by the above automaton can be described as a) the set of all strings over {0,1} ending in 00 b) the set of all strings over {0,1} c) the set of all strings ending with a 0 d) the set of all strings over {0,1} ending with a 1 Q139. Consider the finite automaton given below ->Qs Q0 Q1 *Q00 *Q11 0 Q0 Q00 Q0 Q00 Q0 1 Q1 Q1 Q11 Q1 Q11

The set accepted by the finite automata can be described as a) the set of all strings over {0,1} ending in 00 or 11 b) the set of all strings over {0,1} not ending in 00 or 11 c) the set of all strings over {0,1} d) none of the above Q140. Consider the finite automaton given below ->Qs Q0 Q1 *Q00 *Q11 0 Q0 Q00 Q0 Q00 Q0 1 Q1 Q1 Q11 Q1 Q11

Let S denote the set of all six bit binary strings in which the first and the fourth bits are 1 in the machine M obtained by interchanging the final and nonfinal states in the above machine. The number of strings in S that are accepted by M is (a) 1 (b) 4 (c) 7 (d) none of the above Q141. Consider the finite automaton given below ->Qs Q0 Q1 *Q00 *Q11 0 Q0 Q00 Q0 Q00 Q0 1 Q1 Q1 Q11 Q1 Q11

Let S denote the set of all six bit binary strings in which the first and the fourth bits are 1. The number of strings in S that are accepted by M is (a) 1 (b) 4 (c) 7 (d) none of the above Q142. Consider the finite automaton given below ->Qs Q0 Q1 *Q00 *Q11 0 Q0 Q00 Q0 Q00 Q0 1 Q1 Q1 Q11 Q1 Q11

The minimal finite automata corresponding to the above machine has a) 2 states b) 3 states c) 4 states d) 5 states Q143. Consider the finite automaton given below 0 ->*Qs Q0 Q0 Q00 Q1 Q0 *Q00 Q00 *Q11 Q11 1 Q1 Q1 Q11 Q00 Q11

The language accepted by the above finite automaton can be described as a) the set of all strings containing 00 or 11 as a substring b) the of all strings over {0,1} ending in 00 or 11 c) the set of all strings over {0,1} d) none of the above Q144. Consider the finite automaton given below 0 1 ->*Qs Q0 Q1 Q0 Q00 Q1 Q1 Q0 Q11 *Q00 Q00 Q00 *Q11 Q11 Q11 The minimal finite automata accepting the same language as the above machine has a) 3 states

b) 5 states c) 6 states d) none of the above Q145. Consider the finite automaton given below 0 ->*Qs Q0 Q0 Q00 Q1 Q0 *Q00 Q00 *Q11 Q11 1 Q1 Q1 Q11 Q00 Q11

Let S denote the set of all six bit binary strings in which the first and the fourth bits are 1. The number of strings in S that are accepted by M is (a) 1 (b) 4 (c) 7 (d) none of the above Q146. Consider the finite automaton given below 0 ->*Qs Q0 Q0 Q00 Q1 Q0 *Q00 Q00 *Q11 Q11 1 Q1 Q1 Q11 Q00 Q11

Let S denote the set of all six bit binary strings in which the first and the fourth bits are 1 in the machine M obtained by interchanging the final and non-final states in the above machine. The number of strings in S that are accepted by M is (a) 1 (b) 4 (c) 7 (d) none of the above Q147. Consider the finite automaton given below ->*Q00 Q10 Q01 Q11 0 Q10 Q00 Q11 Q01 1 Q01 Q11 Q00 Q10

The minimal finite automata accepting the same language as the machine above has a) 4 states b) 5 states c) 3 states d) 6 states Q148. Consider the finite automaton given below

->*Q00 Q10 Q01 Q11

0 Q10 Q00 Q11 Q01

1 Q01 Q11 Q00 Q10

The set accepted by the above automaton can be denoted by the regular expression a)(0+1)* b)(00+11)* c)(00+11+(01+10)(00+11)*(01+10))* d)none of the above Q149. Consider the finite automaton given below ->*Q00 Q10 Q01 Q11 0 Q10 Q00 Q11 Q01 1 Q01 Q11 Q00 Q10

Let S denote the set of all six bit binary strings in which the first and the fourth bits are 1 in the machine M obtained by interchanging the final and non-final states in the above machine. The number of strings in S that are accepted by M is (a) 1 (b) 4 (c) 7 (d) none of the above Q150. Consider the finite automaton given below ->*Q00 Q10 Q01 Q11 0 Q10 Q00 Q11 Q01 1 Q01 Q11 Q00 Q10

Let S denote the set of all six bit binary strings in which the first and the fourth bits are 1 in the machine M. The number of strings in S that are accepted by M is (a) 1 (b) 4 (c) 7 (d) none of the above Q151. Consider the finite automaton given below 0 ->*A A *B C C C 1 B B C

The set accepted by the above automaton can be best described as a) (0+1)*

b) 0*1* c) 0*1+ d) (0*11*)* Q152. Consider the finite automaton given below 0 ->*A A *B C C C

1 B B C

Let S denote the set of all six bit binary strings in which the first and the fourth bits are 1 in the machine M obtained by interchanging the final and non-final states in the above machine. The number of strings in S that are accepted by M is (a) 1 (b) 4 (c) 7 (d) none of the above Q153. Consider the finite automaton given below 0 1 ->*A A B *B C B C C C Let S denote the set of all six bit binary strings in which the first and the fourth bits are 1 in the machine M. The number of strings in S that are accepted by M is (a) 1 (b) 4 (c) 7 (d) none of the above Q154. Consider the finite automaton given below 0 ->*A A *B C C C 1 B B C

The minimal finite automata corresponding to the above automaton has a) 3 states b) 4 states c) 5 states d) none of the above Q155. Consider the finite automata given below 0 1 ->Qs Qs Q1 Q1 Q10 Q1 Q10 Qs Q101 *Q101 Qs Q1 The languages accepted by the above automaton can be best described as a) one or more repetititons of the string: the set of all strings ending in 101

b) one or more repetititons of the string: the set of all strings ending in 101 and having only one occurrence of 101 c) the set of all strings over {0,1} d) none of the above Q156. Consider the finite automata given below 0 1 ->Qs Qs Q1 Q1 Q10 Q1 Q10 Qs Q101 *Q101 Qs Q1 Let S denote the set of all six bit binary strings in which the first and the fourth bits are 1 in the machine M obtained by interchanging the final and non-final states in the above machine. The number of strings in S that are accepted by M is (a) 1 (b) 4 (c) 7 (d) none of the above Q157. Consider the finite automata given below 0 ->Qs Qs Q1 Q10 Q10 Qs *Q101 Qs 1 Q1 Q1 Q101 Q1

Let S denote the set of all six bit binary strings in which the first and the fourth bits are 1 in the machine M. The number of strings in S that are accepted by M is (a) 1 (b) 4 (c) 7 (d) none of the above Q158. Consider the finite automata given below 0 ->Qs Qs Q1 Q10 Q10 Qs *Q101 Qs 1 Q1 Q1 Q101 Q1

The minimal finite automata corresponding to the above automaton has a) 3 states b) 4 states c) 5 states d) 6 states Q159. Consider the finite automata given below 0 ->Qs Qs Q1 Q10 Q10 Qs *Q101 Q10 1 Q1 Q1 Q101 Q1

The set accepted by the above automata can be described as a) the set of all strings over {0,1} ending in 101 b) the set of all strings over {0,1} not ending in 101 c) the set of all strings over {0,1} d) none of the above Q160. Consider the finite automata given below 0 ->Qs Qs Q1 Q10 Q10 Qs *Q101 Q10 1 Q1 Q1 Q101 Q1

The minimal finite automata corresponding to the above machine has a) 4 states b) 5 states c) 3 states d) 6 states Q161. Consider the finite automata given below 0 ->Qs Qs Q1 Q10 Q10 Qs *Q101 Q10 1 Q1 Q1 Q101 Q1

Let S denote the set of all six bit binary strings in which the first and the fourth bits are 1 in the machine M obtained by interchanging the final and non-final states in the above machine. The number of strings in S that are accepted by M is (a) 1 (b) 4 (c) 7 (d) none of the above Q162. Consider the finite automata given below 0 ->Qs Qs Q1 Q10 Q10 Qs *Q101 Q10 1 Q1 Q1 Q101 Q1

Let S denote the set of all six bit binary strings in which the first and the fourth bits are 1 in the machine M. The number of strings in S that are accepted by M is (a) 1 (b) 4 (c) 7 (d) none of the above Q163. Consider the nfa M given below 0 ->A B,D 1 D

*B ---------C C C,D D C,D A,D Let L be the language accepted by M. Let L1 be the language accepted by M1 where M1 is obtained from M by interchanging the final and non-final states of M Choose the correct answer a) L1 is the complement of L b) L1 is a subset of L c) L1=L d) L1=(0+1)* Q164. Consider the nfa below ->A B *C *D 0 B,C A,B C D 1 D B,C C D

Let L be the language accepted by M. Let L1 be the language accepted by M1 where M1 is obtained from M by interchanging the final and non-final states of M Choose the correct answer e) L1 is the complement of L f) L1 is a subset of L g) L1=L h) L1=(0+1)* Q165. Consider the nfa given below 0 1 ->A A A,B B C C C D D *D ----------Let L be the language accepted by M. Let L1 be the language accepted by M1 where M1 is obtained from M by interchanging the final and non-final states of M Choose the correct answer i) L1 is the complement of L j) L1 is a subset of L k) L1=L l) L1=(0+1)* Q166. Consider the nfa given below 0 1 ->A A,B A,D B C ---*C --------------D --------------E *E ---------------

Let L be the language accepted by M. Let L1 be the language accepted by M1 where M1 is obtained from M by interchanging the final and non-final states of M Choose the correct answer m) L1 is the complement of L n) L1 is a subset of L o) L1=L p) L1=(0+1)* Q167. Consider the nfa given below 0 ->A A,B B C C D *D ------------1 A ----------------------------------

Let L be the language accepted by M. Let L1 be the language accepted by M1 where M1 is obtained from M by interchanging the final and non-final states of M Choose the correct answer q) L1 is the complement of L r) L1 is a subset of L s) L1=L t) L1=(0+1)* Q168. Consider the nfa given below 0 1 ->A A,B A B C ---*C ----------Let L be the language accepted by M. Let L1 be the language accepted by M1 where M1 is obtained from M by interchanging the final and non-final states of M Choose the correct answer u) L1 is the complement of L v) L1 is a subset of L w) L1=L x) L1=(0+1)* Q169. Consider the nfa M given below 0 1 ->A B,D D *B ---------C C C,D D C,D A,D Let S denote the set of all six bit binary strings in which the first and the fourth bits are 1 in the machine M obtained by interchanging the final and non-final states in the above machine. The number of strings in S that are accepted by M is (a) 1 (b) 4 (c) 7 (d) none of the above

Q170. Consider the nfa M given below 0 1 ->A B,D D *B ---------C C C,D D C,D A,D Let S denote the set of all six bit binary strings in which the first and the fourth bits are 1 in the machine M. The number of strings in S that are accepted by M is (a) 1 (b) 4 (c) 7 (d) none of the above Q171. Consider the nfa below 0 1 ->A B,C D B A,B B,C *C C C *D D D Let S denote the set of all six bit binary strings in which the first and the fourth bits are 1 in the machine M obtained by interchanging the final and non-final states in the above machine. The number of strings in S that are accepted by M is (a) 1 (b) 4 (c) 7 (d) none of the above Q172. Consider the nfa below 0 1 ->A B,C D B A,B B,C *C C C *D D D Let S denote the set of all six bit binary strings in which the first and the fourth bits are 1 in the machine M. The number of strings in S that are accepted by M is (a) 1 (b) 4 (c) 7 (d) none of the above 173. Consider the nfa given below 0 ->A A B C C D *D -----1 A,B C D ------

Let S denote the set of all six bit binary strings in which the first and the fourth bits are 1 in the machine M obtained by interchanging the final and non-final states in the above machine. The number of strings in S that are accepted by M is (a) 1 (b) 4 (c) 7 (d) none of the above 174. Consider the nfa given below 0 1

->A B C *D

A C D ------

A,B C D ------

Let S denote the set of all six bit binary strings in which the first and the fourth bits are 1 in the machine M. The number of strings in S that are accepted by M is (a) 1 (b) 4 (c) 7 (d) none of the above Q175. Consider the nfa given below 0 ->A A,B B C *C ---------D --------------*E -----------

1 A,D --------E -----

Let S denote the set of all six bit binary strings in which the first and the fourth bits are 1 in the machine M obtained by interchanging the final and non-final states in the above machine. The number of strings in S that are accepted by M is (a) 1 (b) 4 (c) 7 (d) none of the above Q176. Consider the nfa given below 0 1 ->A A,B A,D B C ---*C --------------D --------------E *E --------------Let S denote the set of all six bit binary strings in which the first and the fourth bits are 1 in the machine M.The number of strings in S that are accepted by M is (a) 1 (b) 4 (c) 7 (d) none of the above Q177. Consider the nfa given below 0 1 ->A A,B A B C ---------C D ----------*D --------------------------Let S denote the set of all six bit binary strings in which the first and the fourth bits are 1 in the machine M obtained by interchanging the final and non-final states in the above machine. The number of strings in S that are accepted by M is (a) 1 (b) 4 (c) 7 (d) none of the above Q178. Consider the nfa given below

0 1 ->A A,B A B C ---------C D ----------*D --------------------------Let S denote the set of all six bit binary strings in which the first and the fourth bits are 1 in the machine M. The number of strings in S that are accepted by M is (a) 1 (b) 4 (c) 7 (d) none of the above Q179. Consider the nfa given below 0 1 ->A A,B A B C ---*C ----------Let S denote the set of all six bit binary strings in which the first and the fourth bits are 1 in the machine M obtained by interchanging the final and non-final states in the above machine. The number of strings in S that are accepted by M is (a) 1 (b) 4 (c) 7 (d) none of the above Q180. Consider the nfa given below 0 1 ->A A,B A B C ---*C ----------Let S denote the set of all six bit binary strings in which the first and the fourth bits are 1 in the machine M. The number of strings in S that are accepted by M is (a) 1 (b) 4 (c) 7 (d) none of the above Q181. Consider the 2DFA given below ->*Q0 *Q1 Choose the correct statement a) the machine accepts all strings ending with a 1 b) the machine accepts 0* c) the machine accepts 01 d) the machine accepts 001 Q182. Consider the 2DFA given below ->*Q0 *Q1 0 (Q1,R) (Q0,R) 0 (Q1,R) (Q0,R) 1 (Q1,L) (Q0,L)

1 (Q1,L) (Q0,L)

Let S denote the set of all six bit binary strings in which the first and the fourth bits are 1 in the machine M. The number of strings in S that are accepted by M is (a) 1 (b) 4 (c) 7 (d) none of the above

Q183. Consider the 2DFA given below ->*Q0 *Q1 Choose the false statement a) the machine loops on 01 b) the machine does not accept 0000 c) the machine accepts strings ending with a 1 d) the machine accepts strings ending with 10 Q184. Consider the 2DFA given below ->*Q0 *Q1 *Q2 0 (Q0,R) (Q0,L) (Q1,L) 0 (Q1,R) (Q0,R) 1 (Q1,L) (Q0,L)

1 (Q1,R) (Q2,L) (Q1,L)

Choose the correct statement e) the machine accepts all strings ending with a 1 f) the machine accepts 0* g) the machine accepts 01 h) the machine accepts 001 Q185. Consider the 2DFA given below ->*Q0 *Q1 *Q2 Choose the false statement e) the machine loops on 01 f) the machine does not accept 0000 g) the machine accepts strings ending with a 1 h) the machine accepts strings ending with 10 Q186. Consider the 2DFA given below 0 (Q0,R) (Q0,L) (Q1,L) 1 (Q1,R) (Q2,L) (Q1,L)

0 1 ->*Q0 (Q0,R) (Q1,R) *Q1 (Q0,L) (Q2,L) *Q2 (Q1,L) (Q1,L) Let S denote the set of all six bit binary strings in which the first and the fourth bits are 1 in the machine M. The number of strings in S that are accepted by M is (a) 1 (b) 4 (c) 7 (d) none of the above Q187. Consider the 2NFA given below 0 1 ->*Q0 {(Q0,R)} {(q0,L),(q1,R)} *Q1 {(Q1,L)} {(Q1,L)}

Choose the correct statement i) the machine accepts all strings ending with a 1 j) the machine accepts 0* k) the machine accepts 01 l) the machine accepts 001 Q189. Consider the 2NFA given below 0 1 ->*Q0 {(Q0,R)} {(q0,L),(q1,R)} *Q1 {(Q1,L)} {(Q1,L)} Choose the false statement i) the machine loops on 01 j) the machine does not accept 0000 k) the machine accepts strings ending with a 1 l) the machine accepts strings ending with 10 Q190. Consider the 2NFA given below 0 1 ->*Q0 {(Q0,R)} {(q0,L),(q1,R)} *Q1 {(Q1,L)} {(Q1,L)} Let S denote the set of all six bit binary strings in which the first and the fourth bits are 1 in the machine M. The number of strings in S that are accepted by M is (a) 1 (b) 4 (c) 7 (d) none of the above Q191. Consider the turing machine M defined below 0 1 B ->Q0 (Q0,0,R) (Q2,1,L) (Qf,-,-) Q1 (Q2,1,L) (Q1,1,R) (Qf,-,-) Q2 (Q2,1,L) (Q2,0,L) (Qf,-,-) *Qf ------------------------------Choose the correct statement m) the machine accepts all strings ending with a 1 n) the machine accepts 0* o) the machine accepts 01 p) the machine accepts 001 Q192. Consider the turing machine M defined below 0 1 B ->Q0 (Q0,0,R) (Q2,1,L) (Qf,-,-) Q1 (Q2,1,L) (Q1,1,R) (Qf,-,-) Q2 (Q2,1,L) (Q2,0,L) (Qf,-,-) *Qf ------------------------------Choose the false statement m) the machine loops on 01 n) the machine does not accept 0000 o) the machine accepts strings ending with a 1 the machine accepts strings ending with 10 Q193. Consider the turing machine M defined below 0 1 B ->Q0 (Q0,0,R) (Q2,1,L) (Qf,-,-)

Q1 (Q2,1,L) (Q1,1,R) (Qf,-,-) Q2 (Q2,1,L) (Q2,0,L) (Qf,-,-) *Qf ------------------------------Let S denote the set of all six bit binary strings in which the first and the fourth bits are 1 in the machine M. The number of strings in S that are accepted by M is (a) 1 (b) 4 (c) 7 (d) none of the above Q194. Consider the turing machine M given below @ 0 1 $ ->Q0 {(Q0,@,R)} {(Q0,0,R),(Q1,0,R)} {(Q0,1,r),(Q1,1,r)} {(Q2,$,L)} Q1 {(Q0,@,R)} {(Q0,0,R),(Q1,0,R)} {(Q0,1,r),(Q1,1,r)} {(Q2,$,L)} Q2 HALT {(Q2,1,L)} {(q2,0,L)} ---Choose the correct statement a) the machine is guaranteed to halt on all inputs b) there exists an input for which it halts c) it is undecidable if the above machine will halt d) the machine does not accept a context-sensitive language Q195. Consider the turing machine M given below @ 0 1 $ ->Q0 {(Q0,@,R)} {(Q0,0,R),(Q1,0,R)} {(Q0,1,r),(Q1,1,r)} {(Q2,$,L)} Q1 {(Q0,@,R)} {(Q0,0,R),(Q1,0,R)} {(Q0,1,r),(Q1,1,r)} {(Q2,$,L)} Q2 HALT {(Q2,1,L)} {(q2,0,L)} ---Choose the correct statement a) the machine complements the input over {0,1}and halts b) the machine does not halt c) the machine leaves the input unchanged d) none of the above Q196. Consider the fa M given below 0 1 ->*A A B B C B C A B Let S denote the set of all six bit binary strings in which the first and the fourth bits are 1 in the machine M. The number of strings in S that are accepted by M is (a) 1 (b) 4 (c) 7 (d) none of the above Q197. Consider the fa M given below 0 1 ->*A A B B C B C A B Let S denote the set of all six bit binary strings in which the first and the fourth bits are 1 in the machine M obtained by interchanging the final and non-final states. The number of strings in S that are accepted by M is (a) 1 (b) 4 (c) 7 (d) none of the above

Q198. Consider the fa M given below 0 1 ->*A A B B C B C A B The minimal finite automata accepting the same language as M has a) 3 states b)4 states c) 5 states d) none of the above Q199. Consider the dfa given below 0 1 ->A B C *B A C *C B A Let S denote the set of all six bit binary strings in which the first and the fourth bits are 1 in the machine M. The number of strings in S that are accepted by M is (a) 1 (b) 4 (c) 7 (d) none of the above Q200. Consider the dfa given below 0 1 ->A B C *B A C *C B A Let S denote the set of all six bit binary strings in which the first and the fourth bits are 1 in the machine M obtained by interchanging the final and non-final states. The number of strings in S that are accepted by M is (a) 1 (b) 4 (c) 7 (d) none of the above Q201. Consider the dfa given below 0 1 ->A B C *B A C *C B A The minimal finite automata accepting the same language as M has a) 3 states b)4 states c) 5 states d) none of the above Q202. The language accepted by a pushdown automata whose stack is limited to 10 items is best described as A. Context free B. Regular C. Deterministic Context Free D. Recursive [GATE 2001] Q203. The language accepted by a deterministic pushdown automata whose stack is limited to 10 items is best described as E. Context free F. Regular G. Deterministic Context Free

H. Recursive Q204. The language accepted by a two pushdown tape automata whose stacks are limited to 10^1000 items is best described as I. Context free J. Regular K. Deterministic Context Free L. Recursive Q205. The language accepted by a 1000 pushdown automata whose stacks are limited to 123456789 items is best described as M. Context free N. Regular O. Deterministic Context Free P. Recursive Q207. The language accepted by a pushdown automata whose input is limited to 10 items is best described as Q. Context free R. Regular S. Deterministic Context Free T. Recursive Q209. The language accepted by a turing machine whose input tape is limited to 10 squares with a finite input and finite tape alphabet is best described as U. Context free V. Regular W. Deterministic Context Free X. Recursive Q210. The language accepted by a multitape, multiheaded, multitrack nondeterministic turing machine whose input tape is limited to 10 cells and whose input and tape alphabet is finite is best described as Y. Context free Z. Regular AA. Deterministic Context Free BB. Recursive Q211. The language accepted by a pushdown automata which never uses its stack is best described as CC. Context free DD. Regular EE. Deterministic Context Free FF. Recursive Q212. The language accepted by a turing machine whose ink dries up after printing 1000 symbols is best described as GG. Context free HH. Regular II. Deterministic Context Free

JJ. Recursive Q213. The language accepted by a multiheaded, multitape, multidimensional, nondeterministic turing machine whose ink has dried up after 1,000,000 symbols printed is best described as KK. Context free LL. Regular MM. Deterministic Context Free NN. Recursive Q214. The language accepted by a linear bounded automata whose ink dries up after 100000000000 symbols printed is best described as OO. Context free PP. Regular QQ. Deterministic Context Free RR. Recursive Q215. The language accepted by a deterministic linear bounded auotmata whose input tape is limited to 100000000000000000000000000000 cells is best described as SS. Context free TT. Regular UU. Deterministic Context Free VV. Recursive Q216. The language accepted by a finte automata with 100000000000000000 states as the upper limit is best described as WW. Context free XX. Regular YY. Deterministic Context Free ZZ. Recusive Q217. The C language is a. A context free language b. A context sensitive language c. A regular language d. Parsable fully only by Turing machines [GATE 2002] Q218. The Java language is e. A context free language f. A context sensitive language g. A regular language h. Parsable fully only by Turing machines Q219. The C++ language is i. A context free language j. A context sensitive language

k. A regular language l. Parsable fully only by Turing machines Q220. Machine language for the random access computer is m. A context free language n. A context sensitive language o. A regular language p. Parsable fully only by Turing machines Q221. Assembly language is q. A context free language r. A context sensitive language s. A regular language t. Parsable fully only by Turing machines Q222. To evaluate an expression without any embedded function calls a. one stack is enough b. two stacks are needed c. as many stacks as the height of the expression tree are needed d. a Turing machine is needed in the general case [GATE 2002]

Q223. The smallest finite automaton which accepts the language {|x| length of x is divisble by 3} has a. 2 states b. 3 states c. 4 states d. 5 states [GATE 2002] Q224. The smallest finite automaton which accepts the language {|x| length of x is divisble by 30} has e. 20 states f. 30 states g. 40 states h. 50 states Q225. The smallest finite automaton which accepts the language {|x| length of x is divisble by 500} has i. 200 states j. 300 states k. 400 states l. 500 states Q226. Which of the following is true? a. The complement of a recursive language is recursive

b. The complement of a recursively enumerable language is recursively enumerable c. The complement of a recursive language is either recursive or recursively enumerable d. The complement of a context-free language is context-free [GATE 2002] Q227. Given that L is a recursively enumerable language which is not recursive and L1 is its complement which of the following statements about L1 is true? a. L1 is necessarily recursive b. L1 is necessarily recursively enumerable c. L1 is either recursive or recursively enumerable d. L1 is not recursively enumerable Q228. Consider the nfa below ->A B C *D a A,B --------b A C D ---

Which of the following statements about the machine above is true? a. the language accepted is (a|b)*abb b. the language accepted is (a+b)* c. the language accepted is (a+b)+ d. the language accepted is (a|b)*aab [GATE 2002 MODIFIED]

Q229. The minimal dfa for the language (a|b)*abb has a) 3 states b)4 states c)5 states d) none of the above [GATE 2002 MODIFIED] Q230. Consider the dfa below a B ->Qs Qa Qs Qa Qa Qab Qab Qa Qabb *Qabb Qa Qs The minimal dfa for the above machine has a) 3 states b)4 states c)5 states d) none of the above [GATE 2002 MODIFIED]

Q230. Let L be a language accepted by some turing machine and L1 its complement also accepted by a turing machine then choose the correct statement a) L is recursively enumerable but not necessarily recursive b) L is recursive but L1 is not necessarily recursive c) Both L and L1 are recursively enumerable but not necessarily recursive d) Both L and L1 are recursive Q231. Let L be a language accepted by some nondeterministic multitape turing machine and L1 its complement also accepted by a two pushdown tape machine then choose the correct statement e) L is recursively enumerable but not necessarily recursive f) L is recursive but L1 is not necessarily recursive g) Both L and L1 are recursively enumerable but not necessarily recursive h) Both L and L1 are recursive Q232. Let L be a language accepted by some nondeterministic multitape turing machine and L1 its complement also accepted by a nondeterministic two pushdown tape machine then choose the correct statement i) L is recursively enumerable but not necessarily recursive j) L is recursive but L1 is not necessarily recursive k) Both L and L1 are recursively enumerable but not necessarily recursive l) Both L and L1 are recursive Q233. Choose the correct statement a) there exists a universal turing machine which can simulate any turing machine M on its input w b) there does not exist a universal turing machine which can simulate any turing machine on its input w c) the set Ld={<Mi,wi>| the encoding Mi of the ith turing machine does not accept the input wi, in an enumeration of turing machines and input strings} is recursively enumerable d) the universal language is recursive Q234. The printing problem of turing machines is whether a turing machine ever prints a 1 on its tape. Ram takes the set L={<M,w>| encoding of turing machine M that does not accept w} which is known to be undecidable. He modifies M such that in an accepting state no moves are made. Shyam further modifes M to M1 so that in an accepting state it prints a 1 and then halts. Choose the correct statement. a) We can conclude that M1 prints a 1 and halts only if M accepts w, and thus the printing problem reduces to the problem of L being recursive b) We cannot conclude that the printing problem is undecidable c) We can conclude that the printing problem is recursive but not necessarily recursively enumerable d) None of the above. Q235. The state problem of turing machines is whether a turing machine ever enters a state q. Ram takes the set L={<M,w>| encoding of turing machine M that does not accept w} which is known to be undecidable. He modifies M such that in an accepting state no

moves are made. Shyam further modifes M to M1 so that in an accepting state it moves to state q and then halts. Choose the correct statement. e) We can conclude that M1 halts only if M accepts w, and thus the state problem reduces to the problem of L being recursive f) We cannot conclude that the printing problem is undecidable g) We can conclude that the printing problem is recursive but not necessarily recursively enumerable h) None of the above. Q236. The printing problem of turing machines is whether a turing machine ever prints a 111 on its tape. Ram takes the set L={<M,w>| encoding of turing machine M that does not accept w} which is known to be undecidable. He modifies M such that in an accepting state no moves are made. Shyam further modifes M to M1 so that in an accepting state it prints a 111 and then halts. Choose the correct statement. i) We can conclude that M1 prints a 111 and halts only if M accepts w, and thus the printing problem reduces to the problem of L being recursive j) We cannot conclude that the printing problem is undecidable k) We can conclude that the printing problem is recursive but not necessarily recursively enumerable l) None of the above. Q237. The blank tape halting of turing machines is whether a turing machine started on blank tape halts. Ram takes the set L={<M,w>| encoding of turing machine M that does not accept w} which is known to be undecidable. He modifies M such that in an accepting state no moves are made. Shyam further modifes M to M1 so that it starts with a blank tape and first prints w on the tape and behaves just like M. Choose the correct statement. m) We can conclude that M1 halts only if M accepts w, and thus the printing problem reduces to the problem of L being recursive n) We cannot conclude that the printing problem is undecidable o) We can conclude that the printing problem is recursive but not necessarily recursively enumerable p) None of the above. Q238. The aim of the following questionis to prove that the language {M| M is the code of a turing machine which, irrespective of the input, halts and outputs a 1, is undecidable. This is to be done by reducing from the language {M,x|M halts on x}, which is known to be undecidable. Ram proceeds as follows. He takes the turing machine M and modifies it so that it makes no moves in its final state and then it prints a 1 in the final state and halts. Shyam further modifies this M so that it initially takes an arbitrary turing machine M and its input x, and if M accepts and halts on x then M will start its operation otherwise not. This he achieves by having M enumerate turing machines and strings till the encoding for M and x are obtained. Choose the correct statement

a) the modified M will accept all strings and print a 1 provided M halts on w, but we have a decision problem for M then we can resolve whether M halts on w b) M is always recursive and the modified M accepts a recursive language c) The above argument shows that M is recursively enumerable d) The above argument shows that M is recursive but not necessarily context sensitive Q239. The emptiness problem for r.e. sets is whether for any r.e. set L we can decide if L=. As L is a subset of {a} we conclude that a) L does not satisfy the containment property so L cannot be r.e. b) L is a regular set as {a} is regular c) L is recursive always d) L is recursively enumerable Q240. The completeness problem for r.e. sets is whether for any r.e. set L we can decide if L=*. a) as no finite subset of L can be the same as L we conclude that the set L is not r.e. b) L is r.e. as L is regular c) L is recursively enumerable as we only require a turing machine that halts on all inputs d) L is recursive but not necessarily context-free Q241. The regularity problem for r.e. sets is whether for any r.e. set L, is L regular? a) the regularity problem is decidable b) as the regular sets are contained in the context-free languages if the regularity problem is decidable then by the containment property every cfl must be regular c) every r.e. set is trivially seen to be regular as every turing machine has a finite control d) as every regular set is contained in the set of all strings, the latter must be in L by the containment property and that is known to be undecidable. Q242. The context-freeness problem for r.e. sets is whether for any r.e. set L, is L context-free? e) the context-freeness problem is decidable f) as the regular sets are contained in the context-free languages if the regularity problem is decidable then by the containment property every cfl must be regular g) every r.e. set is trivially seen to be context-free as every turing machine has a finite control h) as every context-free language is contained in the set of all strings, the latter must be in L by the containment property and that is known to be undecidable. Q243. The recusiveness problem for r.e. sets is whether for any r.e. set L, is L recursiver? i) the recusiveness problem is decidable j) as the regular sets are contained in the recursisve if the regularity problem is decidable then by the containment property every recursive set must be r.e. k) every recursive set is trivially seen to be regular as every turing machine has a finite control

l) as every recursive set is contained in the set of all strings, the latter must be in L by the containment property and that is known to be undecidable. Q244. Let L0={<M,0>|M is the encoding of a turing machine that accepts the empty set} And L1={<M,1>|M is the encoding of a turing machine that does not accept the empty set}.Let L=L0UL1. Let L be the complement of L. Choose the correct statement a)L is recursively enumerable but not recursive and L is recursive b) L is recursive and L is recursively enumerable c) L is not recursively enumerable and L is recursive d) Neither L nor L is recursively enumerable Q245. Let L0={<M,0>|M is the encoding of a turing machine that accepts an infinite ty set} And L1={<M,1>|M is the encoding of a turing machine that does not accept an infinite set}.Let L=L0UL1. Let L be the complement of L. Choose the correct statement a)L is recursively enumerable but not recursive and L is recursive e) L is recursive and L is recursively enumerable f) L is not recursively enumerable and L is recursive g) Neither L nor L is recursively enumerable Q246. Let L0={<M,0>|M is the encoding of a turing machine that accepts a singleton set} And L1={<M,1>|M is the encoding of a turing machine that does not accept a singleton set}.Let L=L0UL1. Let L be the complement of L. Choose the correct statement a)L is recursively enumerable but not recursive and L is recursive h) L is recursive and L is recursively enumerable i) L is not recursively enumerable and L is recursive j) Neither L nor L is recursively enumerable Q247. Let L0={<M,M,0>|M,M are the encodings of turing machines that accept the empty set} And L1={<M,M,1>|M,M are the encodings of a turing machines that either one or both do not accept the empty set}.Let L=L0UL1. Let L be the complement of L. Choose the correct statement a)L is recursively enumerable but not recursive and L is recursive k) L is recursive and L is recursively enumerable l) L is not recursively enumerable and L is recursive m) Neither L nor L is recursively enumerable Q248. Let L0={<M,0>|M is the encoding of a turing machine that accepts a cfl} And L1={<M,1>|M is the encoding of a turing machine that does not accept a cfl}.Let L=L0UL1. Let L be the complement of L. Choose the correct statement a)L is recursively enumerable but not recursive and L is recursive n) L is recursive and L is recursively enumerable o) L is not recursively enumerable and L is recursive p) Neither L nor L is recursively enumerable

Q249. Let L0={<G,G,0>|G,G are the encodings of cfgs that generate the same set} And L1={<G,G,1>|G,G are the encodings of cfgs that either one or both do not generate the same set}.Let L=L0UL1. Let L be the complement of L. Choose the correct statement a)L is recursively enumerable but not recursive and L is recursive q) L is recursive and L is recursively enumerable r) L is not recursively enumerable and L is recursive s) Neither L nor L is recursively enumerable Q250. Let L0={<G,G,0>|G,G are the encodings of regular grammars that generate the same set} And L1={<G,G,1>|G,G are the encodings of regular grammars that either one or both do not generate the same set}.Let L=L0UL1. Let L be the complement of L. Choose the correct statement a)L is recursively enumerable but not recursive and L is recursive t) L is recursive and L is recursively enumerable u) L is not recursively enumerable and L is recursive v) Neither L nor L is recursively enumerable Q251. Let L0={<G,G,0>|G,G are the encodings of cfgs that generate infinte languages} And L1={<G,G,1>|G,G are the encodings of cfgs that either one or both do not generate infinite sets}.Let L=L0UL1. Let L be the complement of L. Choose the correct statement a)L is recursively enumerable but not recursive and L is recursive w) L is recursive and L is recursively enumerable x) L is not recursively enumerable and L is recursive y) Neither L nor L is recursively enumerable Q253. Let L0={<G,G,0>|G,G are the encodings of csgs that generate the same set} And L1={<G,G,1>|G,G are the encodings of csgs that either one or both do generate the same set}.Let L=L0UL1. Let L be the complement of L. Choose the correct statement a)L is recursively enumerable but not recursive and L is recursive z) L is recursive and L is recursively enumerable aa) L is not recursively enumerable and L is recursive bb) Neither L nor L is recursively enumerable Q254. Let L0={<G,G,0>|G,G are the encodings of unrestricted grammars that generate the same set} And L1={<G,G,1>|G,G are the encodings of unrestricted grammars that either one or both do generate the same set}.Let L=L0UL1. Let L be the complement of L. Choose the correct statement a)L is recursively enumerable but not recursive and L is recursive cc) L is recursive and L is recursively enumerable dd) L is not recursively enumerable and L is recursive ee) Neither L nor L is recursively enumerable

Q255. Let L0={<G,G,0>|G,G are the encodings of linear bounded automata that generate the same set} And L1={<G,G,1>|G,G are the encodings of linear bounded automata that either one or both do generate the same set}.Let L=L0UL1. Let L be the complement of L. Choose the correct statement a)L is recursively enumerable but not recursive and L is recursive ff) L is recursive and L is recursively enumerable gg) L is not recursively enumerable and L is recursive hh) Neither L nor L is recursively enumerable Q256. Let L0={<G,G,0>|G,G are the encodings of unrestricted grammars such that they generate L and LR respectively with L=LR} And L1={<G,G,1>|G,G are the encodings of unrestricted grammars that generate languages L and LR with L not the same as LR respectively}.Let L=L0UL1. Let L be the complement of L. Choose the correct statement a)L is recursively enumerable but not recursive and L is recursive ii) L is recursive and L is recursively enumerable jj) L is not recursively enumerable and L is recursive kk) Neither L nor L is recursively enumerable Q257. Let L0={<G,G,0>|G,G are the encodings of C programs that produce the same output for all inputs} And L1={<G,G,1>|G,G are the encodings of C programs that do not produce the same output for all inputs}.Let L=L0UL1. Let L be the complement of L. Choose the correct statement a)L is recursively enumerable but not recursive and L is recursive ll) L is recursive and L is recursively enumerable mm) L is not recursively enumerable and L is recursive nn) Neither L nor L is recursively enumerable Q259. Let L0={<G,G,0>|G,G are the encodings of C programs that produce some output for all inputs} And L1={<G,G,1>|G,G are the encodings of C programs that do not produce some output for all inputs}.Let L=L0UL1. Let L be the complement of L. Choose the correct statement a)L is recursively enumerable but not recursive and L is recursive oo) L is recursive and L is recursively enumerable pp) L is not recursively enumerable and L is recursive qq) Neither L nor L is recursively enumerable Q260. Let L0={<G,G,0>|G,G are the encodings of C programs that loop on some input} And L1={<G,G,1>|G,G are the encodings of C programs that do not loop on some input}.Let L=L0UL1. Let L be the complement of L. Choose the correct statement a)L is recursively enumerable but not recursive and L is recursive rr) L is recursive and L is recursively enumerable

ss) L is not recursively enumerable and L is recursive tt) Neither L nor L is recursively enumerable Q261. Let L0={<G,G,0>|G,G are the encodings of cfgs where the intersection of the langugaes generated is a cfl} And L1={<G,G,1>|G,G are the encodings of cfgs where the intersection of the languages generated is not a cfl}.Let L=L0UL1. Let L be the complement of L. Choose the correct statement a)L is recursively enumerable but not recursive and L is recursive uu) L is recursive and L is recursively enumerable vv) L is not recursively enumerable and L is recursive ww) Neither L nor L is recursively enumerable Q262. Let L0={<G,G,0>|G,G are the encodings of cfgs that generate regular sets} And L1={<G,G,1>|G,G are the encodings of cfs that both or either does not generate a regular set}.Let L=L0UL1. Let L be the complement of L. Choose the correct statement a)L is recursively enumerable but not recursive and L is recursive xx) L is recursive and L is recursively enumerable yy) L is not recursively enumerable and L is recursive zz) Neither L nor L is recursively enumerable Q263. Let L0={<G,G,0>|G,G are the encodings of cfgs such that L(G) is contained in L(G)} And L1={<G,G,1>|G,G are the encodings of cfgs sucht that L(G) is not contained in L(G)}. Let L=L0UL1. Let L be the complement of L. Choose the correct statement a)L is recursively enumerable but not recursive and L is recursive aaa) L is recursive and L is recursively enumerable bbb) L is not recursively enumerable and L is recursive ccc) Neither L nor L is recursively enumerable Q264. Let L0={<G,G,0>|G,G are the encodings of cfgs which generate languages whose complement is also a cfl} And L1={<G,G,1>|G,G are the encodings of C programs that generate languages whose complement is not both a cfl}.Let L=L0UL1. Let L be the complement of L. Choose the correct statement a)L is recursively enumerable but not recursive and L is recursive ddd) L is recursive and L is recursively enumerable eee) L is not recursively enumerable and L is recursive fff) Neither L nor L is recursively enumerable Q265. Let L0={<G,G,0>|G,G are the encodings of ambiguous cfgs} And L1={<G,G,1>|G,G are the encodings of unambiguous cfgs}.Let L=L0UL1. Let L be the complement of L. Choose the correct statement a)L is recursively enumerable but not recursive and L is recursive ggg) L is recursive and L is recursively enumerable hhh) L is not recursively enumerable and L is recursive iii) Neither L nor L is recursively enumerable Q266. Let L0={<G,G,0>|G,G are the encodings of inherently ambiguous cflss}

And L1={<G,G,1>|G,G are the encodings of cfls that are not inherently ambiguous}.Let L=L0UL1. Let L be the complement of L. Choose the correct statement a)L is recursively enumerable but not recursive and L is recursive jjj) L is recursive and L is recursively enumerable kkk) L is not recursively enumerable and L is recursive lll) Neither L nor L is recursively enumerable Q267. Choose the false statement a) PCP over a one symbol alphabet is decidable b) It is undecidable if a csl is a cfl c) It is undecidable if a turing machine accepts at least 10 inputs d) It is undecidable if two regular grammars generate the same set

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