Technological Environment
Technological Environment
Technological Environment
Science and technology have profoundly influenced the course of human civilization. Science has provided us remarkable insights into the world we live in. The scientific revolutions of the 20th century have led to the emergence of many technologies, which promise to herald wholly new eras in many fields. As we stand at the beginning of a new century, we have to ensure the fullest use of these developments for the well being of our people. .
Technology is rapidly changing our world. It is bringing us advantages beyond our grandparents' wildest dreams. It seems that with each year the pace of change quickens. Each new process or invention makes even further advances possible. Such 19th and 20th century inventions such as the telephone, the phonograph, the wireless radio, the motion picture, the automobile, and the airplane only to enhance the nearly universal respect that society in general felt for technology. With the development of assembly-line mass production of automobiles and household appliances, and the building of ever taller skyscrapers, acceptance of innovations became not only a fact of everyday life but also a way of life in itself. Society was being rapidly transformed by increased mobility, rapid communication, and a deluge of available information from mass media. Since the 1950s, technology in R&D activities has also advanced significantly. There are numerous factors that have contributed to these changes. Rothwell and Zegveld (1985) (Reindustrialization and Technology, Lolzgman; London) identify three important factors: Technology Explosion: Both authors surmise that 90% of our present technical knowledge has been generated during the last 55 years. Shortening of the Technical Cycle: The technology cycle includes scientific and technological developments prior to the traditional products life cycle. These cycles have been slowly shortening, forcing companies to focus their efforts on product development. As a result, the market life of a model of a moto(cycle has reduced drastically. Earlier, a model proved to be a cash cow for an organization for years. But today companies are launching new models every next year, sometimes even within the same financial year. Globalization of Technology: Countries of the Pacific Rim have demonstrated the ability to acquire and
assimilate technology into new products. This has resulted in a substantial increase in technology transfer in the form of licensing and strategic alliances. Defining Technology Technology denotes the utilisation of the materials and processes necessary to transform inputs into outputs. People create technology and technology affects people in turn, especially through the goods it produces and the working conditions it creates. Technology may be described as a set of specialised knowledge applied to achieving a practical purposes. Technology is a term with origins in the Greek "technologia", meaning "craft" and "logia", meaning "saying". Though a strict definition is elusive; "technology" can refer to material objects of use to humanity, such as machines, hardware or utensils, but can also encompass broader themes, including systems, methods of organization, and techniques. The term can either be applied generally or to specific areas: examples include "construction technology", "medical technology", or "state-of-the-art technology". (Web) The term technology is applied widely to objects as diverse as manufacturing hardware, search procedures, or anything found 'inside one's brain' or skills possessed by people. Technology has been defined in many ways. It has been defined as 'the ensemble of forces by which one uses available resources on order to achieve certain valued ends' and as 'any tool or technique, any products or process, any physical equipment or method of doing or making, by which human capacity is extended.' It is also defined as 'the systematic modification of the physical environment for human needs' as 'the sum of ways in which a social group provides itself with the material objects of its civilization.' (Random House Dictional], 2nd edition). The definitions mentioned covers widely diversified aspects. Putting all these aspects together we can say that technology encompasses the hardware (machines) and software (technique), which are meant for particular purposes. Besides this, it also includes certain skills and knowledge, though often not mentioned, as they are essential to ensure the effective and efficient use to technology. Technology is embodied in tangible products such as machinery or industrial complexes, or in legal documents such as patents, licenses or know-how contracts. It may also be expressed in the form of a skill, practice, or even a 'technology culture,' which is sometimes so diffused that it is difficult to notice. A definition that appears suitable was proposed by UNCTAD (1979), 'technology means a process or the rendering of a service, including any integrally associated managerial and marketing techniques.' Thus technology is practical knowledge of how to do and make things. Storper & Walker (1989) defined technology as 'technology refers to the general capabilities of human societies to transform nature into useful products for human consumption.' Technology can be defined through the following understandings:
1. 2.
Technology is more than the 'hardware' or the non-natural objects manufactured by humans. Technology includes 'know-how', i.e., having the information, skills and procedures necessary to design, produce or use technology. Such 'know-how' is not sufficient in itself.
Technology is the process of manufacturing the hardware, which includes the economic, social and political environments that make this manufacture possible (for example, an important part of understanding a technological development is understanding how and, as a consequence, why it is funded).
Technology is the use of hardware and people in order to extend human capabilities (For example, the use of automobiles leads to a system of roads, gas stations and driving laws. It is this combined system that extends the human capability of moving about).
Technology is an ordered, rational effort to solve definable problems. Technology enriches and eases daily life, but can carry with it unanticipated side effects. It is
important to consider the benefits compared with the costs--in terms of resources, value and money-before and during the development of a technology. There is always a degree of risk involved, because of the difficulty in predicting all the effects of a particular technological development. Technology involves four main elements: 1. 2. 3. 4. General theoretical and practical understanding of how to do things (social knowledge). Objects (goods). Installed techniques of production (processes). The personal know-how and abilities of workers (skills).
Components of Technology The transformation of natural resources into produced resources can be described in the following terms: 1. Inputs: Natural resources and produced resources (semi finished products and goods). 2. 3. 4. Outputs: Produced resources. Production Activity: The mode of converting inputs into outputs. Technology: The transformer and the core of the transformation facility.
From the above perspective, four basic components of technology may be identified: 1. 2. 3. 4. Technoware: Object embodied technology Humanware: Person embodied technology Infoware: Document embodied technology Orgaware: Institution embodied technology
encompasses any tools and facilities. It consists of equipment, machinery, vehicles, physical
facilities, instruments devices, structures and factories. Humanware consists of skills and knowledge, wisdom, expertise, proficiency, creativity, diligence, dexterity, ingenuity and so on. Infoware includes all kinds of documentation and all accumulated facts and figures pertaining to process specifications, procedures, theories, designs, observations etc. fOrganware comprises allocations, systematisations, organisations, network communications, groupings and all aspects of management practice. All components interact with each other and the phenomenon of technology becomes active works. Characteristics of Technology
Technology has following principal characteristics: 1. 2. 3. 4. It involves a particular set of elements for the production of a given service or commodity. Technology is a dynamic phenomenon that changes over time to develop new methods of production and new products. Any set of technology associated with a unique range of outputs in term of type, quantity and quality. Technology is characterised by the dynamic or incessant improvement, which means that it needs to be continually improved. 5. Just as technology is determined by the designer, the environment and the user, it also needs to be looked at in terms of location (regardless of which the definition of technology is used, it tends to differ according to the place in question). 6. 7. 8. 9. Technology is constantly replenishing able national resources. It generates wealth, which in turn is the key to power (economic, social and political). Technology is the prime factor in domestic productivity and international competitiveness. It is a driver of new alliances among academia, business and the
From an R&D perspective the company's technology can be of the following types: 1. 2. 3. 4. Core Technologies Complementary Technologies Peripheral Technologies Emerging Technologies
Core Technologies: The core technology is usually central to all or most of the company's products, like, for instance, diesel engine technology is central to Mahindra &Mahindra. Complementary Technologies: Complementary technologies are additional technologies that are essential in product development. For example, designing, shockers, deferential are complementary technologies for automotive companies. Peripheral Technologies: Peripheral technology is defined as technology that is not necessarily incorporated into the product but whose application contributes to the business. Computer software, or microprocessor technology are peripheral technologies for Mahindra & Mahindra. Emerging Technology: These are new to the company but may have long term significance for the product. Alternative fuel technology is an emerging technology for Mahindra & Mahindra. It is important to mention that what is today an emerging technology will be a peripheral technology in the future. Similarly, what is today a peripheral technology can become a core technology
tomorrow. As alternative fuels (bio-diesel, solar, etc.) may be an emerging technology today but in the future as the prices of fossil fuel will rise, alternative fuel technology will certainly become the core technology for the industry.
chemical machining processes, hot machining of hard materials, laser applications in machining and measurement, ultrasonic processes, abrasive machining process, ceramic cutting applications have revolutionised not only manufacturing operations, but also design quality. Above all, the technologies are being optimized through the use of statistical process control (SPC) techniques. It has been said that more, than 90% of all scientific knowledge has been generated in the past 30 years and the pool of knowledge will double in the next 12 to 15 years. With this high rate of industrial innovation and rapid technical advances, we should address ourselves to the challenge of whether Indian Industry can cope with the formidable problems of the introduction of such technology and catch up to become competitive in the global markets.
Product: According to Philip Kotler, success doesn't lie in merely satisfying the customer but in delighting him/her. If an organization doesn't delight the customer then someone else will do so, and the organization will lose the customer. Even under the best of circumstances, staying competitive today is more difficult than ever before because the conditions that determine competitive advantages change at an unparalleled speed. Today's hot product may be tomorrow's flop; technological advances and increased competition
today rack the secure, stable market. Investment in technology can deliver new and augmented products every time. Bajaj is classic example of this as it recently launched new models at short intervals where each new model cannibalized its old model because if they didn't do it, someone else would have. The result was phenomenal as the company's sales surged rapidly. Successes such as LG, Samsung, Hyundai and others have invested in a reasonable amount of product innovation.
Price: Price is a decisive factor in today's marketing warfare. We are living in an era of value maximisation. Value can be maximized by making a value added product at a competitive price. This can be done only through technology. Technology not only helps in producing augmented products but also reduces manufacturing costs. Today, every firm in India is investing in R&D to reduce its manufacturing costs. Prof. c.K. Prahlad has said that in India, wealth lies at below the pyramid, i.e., a lower income people. This is the reason that HLL did R&D for a whole year and developed a new technology and launched an ice cream of international quality at Rs. 5. Extensive R&D is also going on among hardware companies in India to launch a computer at less than Rs 10,000 in the country. Today national wide companies provide shampoos, eatables, etc. at Re. 1. All this is possible because of technology. Thus it is because of technology that even the lower income groups in India can enjoy a product of international quality. Promotion: Technology has today enabled all national, international and regional producers to reach
out to consumers in the remotest of areas via the electronic media and other forms of mass communication. It is because of technology that today a wide variety of promotional media and options are available to organizations. If companies today wish to launch a product at the regional level, they don't have to spend at the national level. In the last fifteen years, we have seen a great surge in several regional brands (Ghari, Priyagold, Ujala, I<avin Care, etc.) graduating to become national brands and giving a tough fight to established national brands. All dus is possible because of the new promotional media, which they can afford. Place: "Jo dikhta hai woh bikta hai" is a popular and true maxim of sales and distribution management. HLL is the emperor of the FMCG market only because of its distribution network. Coca Cola acquired Parle not because of its brands like Thumps Up but because of its distribution network. Distribution network is a critical success factor for all products. Value maximization. Value can be maximized by making a value added product at a competitive price. This can be done only through technology. Technology not only helps in producing augmented products but also reduces manufacturing costs. Today, every firm in India is investing in R&D to reduce its manufacturing costs. Prof. c.K. Prahlad has said that in India, wealth lies at below the pyramid, i.e., a lower income people. This is the reason that HLL did R&D for a whole year and developed a new technology and launched an ice cream of international quality at Rs. S. Extensive R&D is also going on among hardware companies in India to launch a computer at less than Rs 10,000 in the country. Today national wide companies provide shampoos, eatables, etc. at Re. 1. All this is possible because of technology. Thus it is because of technology that even the lower income groups in India can enjoy a product of international quality. Promotion: Technology has today enabled all national, international and regional producers to reach out to consumers in the remotest of areas via the electronic media and other forms of mass communication. It is because of technology that today a wide variety of promotional media and options are available to organizations. If companies today wish to launch a product at the regional level, they don't have to spend at the national level. In the last fifteen years, we have seen a great surge in several regional brands (Ghari, Priyagold, Ujala, I<avin Care, etc.) graduating to become national brands and giving a tough fight to established national brands. All dus is possible because of the new promotional media, which they can afford. Place: "Jo dikhta hai woh bikta hai" is a popular and true maxim of sales and distribution management. HLL is the emperor of the FMCG market only because of its distribution network. Coca Cola acquired
Parle not because of its brands like Thums Up but because of its distribution network. Distribution network is a critical success factor for all products. Technology provides an edge in this field too. Modern logistics management is totally dependent on technology. Whether it is Cold Chain Management, Fleet Management, or Scheduling, all these are dependent on technology. It is because of technology that McDonald's provides the same quality of peanut butter and bread all over India, and HLL is able to provide the same quality of ice cream all over India. Apart from helping all the Ps of the marketing mix, technology also provides an edge in all the three critical success factors common to almost all the industries. That is Value Addition, Differentiation, and Cost. We have seen that technology helps in differentiation and value addition by providing not only new products but value added products. Technology helps in adding value by providing various services, increasing their usability, adding accessories, and making available various models, that too in different shapes and colours. Today, white goods are no more 'white' because of technology. "Thus technology adds value, makes a different statement and reduces my cost, " What else do I require as a manufacturer or service provider ?
Technology thus provides competitive edge in all fields in all facets of business --Human Resource Management, Sales Management, Manufacturing, Finance, Marketing, Training, etc.
Innovate or Perish
To survive the emerging hyper-competition across categories, FMCG companies need to make innovation an integral element of their growth plans. Producing soap more cost-effectively, for instance, may no longer be enough. It is more important to produce soap with a novel usage proposition - just as, say, single-serve sachets revolutionized the shampoo market in the early 1990s. Innovation can no longer be considered an exception; it needs to become an integral driver of growth. In fact, innovation is increasingly becoming a yardstick by which corporate performance is being measured. For instance, a Fortune magazine study put "degree of innovativeness of the company" as the strongest predictor of investment value. Hard data corroborates this. Take the case of Reckitt Benckiser, where close to 40 % of the revenues are generated from products introduced during the past three years. Since the formation of the merged entity in 1999, Reckitt Benckiser has more than doubled its net profit, and its operating margin has soared from just shy of 12 % in 1999, to over 19 % in 2004. In fact, it is one of a mere handful of companies that meet Accenture's definition of a high performance business globally. Most CEOs recognise the strategic potential of innovation, and it remains a key strategy to lever competitive advantage. It is no surprise that in an Accenture study, 83 % of senior executives surveyed said innovation was vital to the future success of their company.
In brief, in order to work, innovation must be a collaborative initiative in which the top management takes conspicuous ownership. According to Bart, "At Reckitt Benckiser, innovative ideas are generated from consumers, from suppliers, from creative shops. In fact, everybody in this organisation is there to generate ideas and to bring them to the table. The more ideas I have, the better my chances bf finding a winner." Another Accenture study on entrepreneurship showed that the common barriers to innovation are, in order of importance, aversion to risk and failure, lack of innate entrepreneurial skills, slow decisionmaking, lack of resources and little readiness to change. For successful FMCG companies, innovation becomes a holistic issue focused on building the company-wide capability to develop a constant stream of innovative products and bringing them to the market faster. One way of achieving this is to create a structured process involving cross-functional teams with distinct phases built on the themes of strategy, execution and capability-building. The first phase should typically be planned around a number of key questions such as: Wruch consumers do we want to serve and what do they value and need? What is the current portfolio and does it optimally align with overall strategy and consumer needs? Where do innovation opportunities exist that meet consumer needs and are in line with the portfolio strategy? Which innovation stream is required to meet shareholder value-creation targets? Next, the target innovation stream and the required capabilities should be viewed in conjunction to define a two-pronged execution plan. In this, a distinction must be made between the specific capabilities needed to realise particular innovations and the generic capabilities to become inherently more innovative. In recent years, the ability of firms to innovate is creating significant differences between the best and the rest. A study of over 200 companies entitled "Winning New Products" conducted by the Kellogg Graduate School of Management shows that successful innovation firms were more likely to generate growth rates of 20 % or more compared with less successful ones. (Ashish Nanda, Business Standard, Oct. 262005)
Technology Transfer Technology transfer is the application of technology to a new use or user. It is the process by which technology developed for one purpose is employed either in a different application or by a new user. The activity principally involves the increased utilisation of the existing science/technology base in new areas of applications as opposed to its expansion by means of further research and development. (Languish et aI, 1982, Wealth from knowledge, Macmillan, London) Seaton and Cordey-Hayes (1993), The development and application of interactive models of technology transfer, Technovation, 13(1), 45-53 have defined technology transfer in following manner: The process of promoting technical innovation through the transfer of ideas, knowledge, devices and artifacts from leading edge companies, R&D organizations and academic research to more general and effective application in industry and commerce. Point to Point technology transfer occurs when a single donor transfers technology to a single recipient, e.g., firm to firm or from one research institute to another. Diffusion conversely refers to the situation where there are many recipients, all having easy access to technology.
7. To enhance the competence and potential of foreign subsidiaries. Methods of Technology Transfer Technology can be transferred via the following methods: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Direct Foreign Investment Licensing Franchising Management Contracts and / or Turnkey Arrangement Contract Manufacturing Joint Venture
Foreign Direct Investment: Through the FDI rout organizations transfer the technology to target nations through its own subsidiary, that is, by investing themselves. As in India, Hyundai established its own subsidiary and thus brought its technology to India. Licensing: Organizations transfer the technology and provide licences to the user for use of technology. Under this arrangement only a license holder can use the technology. As in the case of software, the user purchases the licence to use the software from the technology provider, against royalty or payment of other fee. Franchising: Franchising is similar to license, where organizations establish their own franchise and transfer their technology to the franchisee. The franchisee operates on behalf of the organization. In the franchisee system companies have a direct control, but under the licensing system the control of the company is only up to the limit of providing technology. As the franchisee operates on behalf of franchiser, the franchisee carries the name and trademark of the franchiser. For instance McDonald's creates its franchises and transfers the technology to the franchisee. Management Contracts and / or Turnkey Arrangement: This is a point to point technology transfer where organizations either transfer the technology to other organizations under certain terms and conditions, or simply establish a project for a host, train its personnel to operate it and transfer the control to the host. In India the steel plants of Bokaro, Bhilai, etc., are established under this type of contract. Contract Manufacturing: Under contract manufacturing organizations transfer the technology to the user and get the product manufactured from the user for themselves. It is a common type of technology transfer. BPOs are a typical type of contract manufacturing. Many Multi National Pharmaceutical Companies transfer their technology to the companies of nations like India and get their drug manufactured from India because of low manufacturing costs in the country. Similarly, many Indian companies like HLL, Marico,
Bajaj Electricals, Colgate, etc., transfer their technology to some other manufacturers and get the products manufactured from them. Joint Venture: Under joint ventures organizations transfer the technology to their joint venture partner. They provide the technology to the host nation through a partner from the host nation. This arrangement is beneficial for both. Maruti Suzuki, Kawasaki Bajaj, Hero Honda, are examples of very successful joint ventures where technology transfer have taken place.
Absorption Phase
Design and adaptation, Construction, training, Operation of Plant and machinery, domestic diffusion
The first stage is selection of technology and the transfer. These need basically technical expertise to evaluate and determine the suitability of technology and consideration of social and cultural background and present status of the technology. The selection of appropriate mechanism, as discussed earlier, depends on National Policy and ingenuity of recipients.
Absorption' is the second phase of the transfer process. When direct investment mechanism is in operation,
all the problems that crop up are solved by the transferor. But in case of less active mechanisms, greater effort is required from the recipient organisation. The Japanese government followed a policy of restricting foreign ownership and control over imported techno1ogy. At the same time, it made a major effort to improve the absorptive capacity and indigenous technological progress. This formed the key for the success of the Japanese process of technology transfer.
This suggests that the recipient organisation and the country has much to do on the above lines for effective absorption of technology. If the transferor's involvement is restricted and the recipient neglects
to improve absorptive capacities and intensive measures like training at their works, frequent communication on problems, need to 'know-why' are not considered, the total technology transfer process may end up as a failure. The 'absorption' phase can be divided into three parts. Information transfer. Adaptation Adoption or ingestion period.
As per the systems concepts, these phases can be represented as a feedback systems model. These explain the inputs, transformation, output and controls required at each stage, as shown in following Figures.
situation was overcome byemploying factory equipment more intensively by using shifts, more maintenance staff, etc. However, quality and precision requirements of products place absolute limits on the feasibility of substitution of human skills for machine capabilities. Sophisticated machines require minimal operating skills to achieve high quality and productivity. This must be backed up by a high level of planning, co-ordination and maintenance skills. In case of simpler machines with less automation, a heavier burden is placed on supervisors, workers and quality personnel. In some cases, the factor may be 'abundant' like 'unskilled labour,' but use of such resources may turn out to be more expensive. Thus, factor-price distortion arises. In all such cases a detailed study is essential. The process capability studies of the machines and cost-benefit analysis must be carried out before adoption of suitable techniques depending on the scale of production. Especially when production is on a small-scale, modular design principles help in economical production. At the same time, suitable quality plans are to be drawn and planning for material and production are to be thought of. In these cases, following in the footsteps of the collaborators may mislead altogether. The shortage of experienced and reliable suppliers and national policies like import restrictions, make it imperative to have a systematic; approach to maintaining quality. In the case of design also, suitable modifications are to be made when taken from collaborators. The design of the transferor depends on particular environmental conditions, customer usage, operational requirements and maintenance facilities and economic situations. The design modifications are to be made to match the market needs of the recipient country. When the equipments or machines are supplied world-wide and the same equipment is manufactured at different places, there should be a high order of conformance to quality control standards to facilitate inter changeability and servicing; There should be uniform standards of reliability and performance, though produced under a wide range of production environments and hence may be requiring significant departures from the normal qp.ality control procedures applied by the collaborators. Each recipient has to adapt to the systems to meet the standards of the transferor. The sources of differences in quality could be material specifications, supplier capabilities, availability of testing equipment, etc. Quality personnel are to be trained,.to fully get acquainted with the latest techniques of measurement and quality control procedures. Training in Quality Assurance is strongly programmed in all technical transfer tasks of advanced companies. Quality Control is associated much with brand image and name. Major collaborating companies do not want its name to be used by the licences unless the products c01llply with their quality standards.
It is seen that in insulating economies against external competition, some nations undermine commercial incentives to reduce costs of improving quality. Besides, attempts are made to cheapen the products, or to increase. production by lowering the quality standards, with shortsightedness. This will turn out ultimately to be an expensive process. The defective products may put at risk the bigger system, causing enormous losses. Quality and productivity must go together. A systematic effort is required on the part of the recipient to establish these objectives. A few of the basic requirements for establishing effective quality control systems at the recipients works are: A systematic adaptation of designs. Adequate information on local materials and capabilities of suppliers are to be obtained in case of components which are to be replaced at an early or subsequent stages. In case of substitute materials, the materials are to be obtained, tested and approved before use in production. Inspection plans must be adequate; in many cases, intensive inspection may be required to overcome the existing status of capabilities and supplies. Process capability of the machines is to be determined for 'the different components and suitable QC procedures are to be specified. Adequate QC and testing equipment must be identified and procured in time. Proper record of field performance and analysis are to be ensured. The operation and maintenance manuals are to be suitably modified taking into account the adaptations made in the product designs.
Systematic Effort in Establishing the Design and Quality Standards at Technology Recipients Site
The application of new/modern technologies may bring in its wake productivity gains. Unless this is matched with new investments, diversification, additional share of markets or creation of new markets, there is danger-of loss of jobs temporarily till new jobs are created. Unless new business plans are well thought of ahead and time lag in creation of new jobs' is eliminated, initial loss of jobs will psychologically affect the introduction of new technologies. Similarly, the application of new technologies calls for structural changes in the organisation. Demands to acquire new skills; requests for transfer to various other areas within the company; or seeking greener pastures in other organizations will have to ve anticipated. All this calls resources. for dynamic manpower planning to make business planning compatible with the availability of human
Technological Literacy
Technological Literacy can be described as the intellectual processes, abilities and dispositions needed to understand the link between technology, individuals and society in general. Technological Literacy is concerned with developing awareness of how technology is related to the broader social system, and how technological systems can never be divorced from the political, cultural and economic frameworks that shape them. In order to achieve an informed, balanced and comprehensive analysis of the technological influences on their lives and then be able to act on the basis of their analysis, students require certain levels of knowledge, skills and abilities. These include: understanding that technology includes hardware, know-how, cultural needs and desires, and economic and political decision making; understanding how technology shapes and is shaped by society; understanding that technological issues involve conflicting assumptions, interpretations and options; having the necessary data collection and decision making skills to make intelligent choices; having the ability and desire to take responsible actions on social issues.
Technological innovation includes the process right from R&D to successful commercialization in the marketplace. Innovation is a process that covers everything, from invention to its first commercial use, and includes improvement in existing technology. Innovation is market driven. Innovation can also involve improving the performance of the products/ systems technique by adopting a change or using alternative technologies. An innovative product also makes a leap in the benefits-to-costs ratio. Innovation is a systematic, organized, rational task usually carried out many stages like analysis, tests, experiment, etc. Schumpeter's theory argues that successful innovation brings about techno-economic growth. He believes that innovation is necessarily linked to the entrepreneur who derives new economic combinations by means of introducing five parallel types of changes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Introducing new products Introducing new production functions that reduce the input needed to produce a given output Providing new consumers by opening new markets Exploiting new sources of materials and Reorganizing an industry. Companies that have established themselves as technical and market leaders have displayed an ability to develop successful new products. Leaders in industries from aerospace to pharmaceuticals and from motor cars to computers have demonstrated their ability to innovate.
Market Leaders Boeing Glaxo - Wellcome Mercedez- Ford Intel, IBM & Microsoft
Innovative Products Passenger Aircraft Ulcer treatment drug Car design & associated product development Computer chip technology, Hardware, Software.
Defining Innovation
Innovation can be a new invention, discovery, new ways of doing things, a new product, new ways of servicing, new uses of existing products, etc. Myers and Marquis (1969) (Successful industrial innovation: Stutyof factors underlying innovation in selected firm~ National Science Foundation, NCF 69-17, Washington) have defined innovation as: "Innovation is not a single action but a total process of interrelated sub-processes. It is not just the conception of a new idea, nor the invention of a new device, nor the development of a new market. The process is all these things acting in an integrated fashion." The senior Vice President for research and development at 3M, defined innovation as: 1. 2. Creativity: the thinking of novel and appropriate ideas. Innovation: the successful implementation of those ideas within an organization. Innovation can be of many types. It can be Product Innovation (development of a new product), Process Innovation (new manufacturing process), Organizational Innovation (new accounting procedure, new type of structure), Management Innovation (as Six Sigma, TQM etc.), Production Innovation (new inventory management techniques, JIT), Marketing Innovation (a new sales approach, new positioning strategy, innovation about new advertisement spots), Service Innovation (Internet Banking). The lexicon defines innovation as the act of introducing something new or unusual. In the commercial sense it is better understood in the words of Peter F. Drucker. According to him, innovation is "the task of endowing human and material resources with new and greater wealth-producing capacity". In the context of a developing country like India, this means a great deal.' India has huge resources and large human capital. Yet the capacities to transform these resources into wealth-creating assets are often lacking. There is also a lack of innovative efforts to improve capital output ratios which are far below the world standards.
wearer needs. Chosen by Popular Science magazine as the best recreation ..invention of 2004. Translucent Concrete: Developed by Hungarian architect Aron Losonczi and called LitraCon it is based on a matrix of parallel optical glass fibres embedded into concrete that can transmit light and colour from the outside. Kaon or Flower Sound: These plants that play music. Invented by Japan-based Let's Corporation. Flower bouquets will act as loudspeakers when placed in a special vase that has electronics embedded in the base. Intel Express Chipsets: Grantsdale and Alderwood are the code names of Intel's newest chips that will provide superior and inexpensive built-in sound and video capacities for PCs, including the ability to do high definition video editing without additional computer cards. SonoPrep: Invented by bioengineer Robert Langer, it is a device that will deliver medication by sound waves rather than injection. According to the Sontra Medical Corporation, SonoPrep's manufacturer: The small, battery-powered device applies low-frequency ultrasonic energy to the skin for 15 seconds. The ultrasound temporarily rearranges lipids in the skin, opening channels that let fluids be delivered or extracted. After about 24 hours, the skin returns to normal.
Related to Product/Technology: An innovation could be 'technology push' or 'demand pull' or some combination of both. That
is, did the idea originate with the firm's R&D activities or did it emerge in what might be called
the marketing activities of the firm through the identification of the need or the market opportunity. These innovations are generally related to the product itself. The Japanese are leaders of technology and remain confident about the future because Japan has a strong industrial base and a huge lead in R&D. The speed of innovation in Japan is much faster than in any other country. 2. Related to Organization: Apart from the product or technology-related innovations, there is one more important category of innovation which is more relevant to us today. They are innovations which are initiated by a need identified by the management within the organisation but where this need is not the customer's need. These innovations are related not to the product itself but the process or system, which makes the product available to the customer. The organizations that do not accept new technologies and do not adapt themselves to accept new technologies will fall behind. 3. Innovation Dijfusion through International Alliances: Innovation diffusion means the adoption and implementation of innovations. It is affected by the results in changes within the organisation. Alliances between international companies over the past few years are accelerating the innovation
diffusion process in India. The joining of foreign firms is creating stronger and more competitive companies through the interaction of technical people, managers, manufacturing and research techniques. An example is the automotive i~dustry wherein global players are now entering into license agreements, joint ventures, etc., with local Indian players. As a result of these international alliances, the diffusion in international technologies (robotics), management style (Total Quality ManagementTQM), and inventory methods Oust in Time-JIl) are taking place. As a result of the opening up of the Indian economy, the country's industry has gained from innovations and regained its competitiveness. 4. Related to Work Culture: There is no doubt that companies competing in today's economic environment are forced to deal with changes almost on a daily basis. Culture is a key ingredient for change that is inevitable when dealing with the implementation and development of innovation. How a company handles changes due to the adoption, implementation and development of new products, ideas and techniques, determines how well that firm will perform over time. Many traditional Indian corporate cultures are barriers to increased speed. Speed is important for innovation because of the need to retain existing customers, competitive market pressures, and changing consumer needs.
Growth Orientation: The companies whose objective is growth are innovation oriented. Vigilance: These organizations always keep an eye on happenings in the external environment. Commitment to Technology: Innovative organizations are committed to new technology. They
exhibit patience in permitting ideas to gen:linate and develop over time. They invest in promising ideas.
Acceptance: Every innovation is not a hit. Innovative firms have to be ready to take that risk. Cross Functional CoOperation: Inter -departmental conflict is a well-documented barrier to innovation. A close functional co-operation is required between various department as between R&D, production, and marketing for continuous innovation in the organization. Receptivity: The capability of the organization to be aware of, identify and take effective advantage of externally developed technology is the key to effective innovative strategy. Adaptability: The organization must be adaptive to innovation, which may require changes in the management styles, work culture and structure. If an organization is not adaptive, the innovation may prove to be futile. Diverse Range of Skills: Organizations require a diverse range of specialized skills and knowledge in the form of experts. Futuristic: Innovative organizations are future-oriented. They develop the strategies and work on them for the distant future. They not only work on projects of current importance but invest significantly on basic research for futureoriented innovations.
In a lecture given to the Royal Society in 1992, former chairman of Sony, Akio Morita, suggested that
unlike engineers, scientists are held high in esteem as science provides us information which is previously unknown. Technology is an outgrowth of science that fuels the industrial engine. And it is engineers and not scientists who make technology happen. In Japan, he argued, you will notice that almost every major manufacturer is run by an engineer or technologist. However, in the UK , some manufacturing companies are run by CEOs who do not even understand the technology that goes into their own products. Indeed, many UK firms are headed by Chartered Accountants. With the greatest respect to accountants, their central concern are statistics and figures of past performance. How can an accountant reach out and grab the future if he or she is always looking at the last quarter's results (M:orita 1992,'S' does not equal 'T' and 'T' does not equal'!', Royal Society, February)
like J E Bose, CV Raman, S.A. Ramanujam, S.N. Bose, Sir M. Visvesvaraya, Birbal Sahni, P.e. Roy and M.N. Saha have made us proud.
Some of the remarkable achievements in the field of science and technology over last 50 years are listed as below: : India's own satellites have soared into space on rockets developed by Indian scientists indigenously. Indian super-computers confront the most complex strategic and civilian challenges. Biotechnologists have produced the first leprosy vaccine. Alternative energy technologies are transforming life in isolated villages. When India initiated a space research programme, the world scoffed, and critics declared that such research had no relevance in a poor and underdeveloped country. India is, today, one of only seven nations in the world with its own satellite launch capabilities. Development of remote sensing and communication satellites that encompasses Mastery of solid propulsion fuels Development of cryogenic engines Development of closed loop control and guidance system Development of strap-on staging satellite launch technologies. Satellite monitoring of earth-atmosphere-ocean systems has revolutionised the forecasting and management of natural disasters. High speed computers run sophisticated mathematical models to forecast extremes of weather, saving thousands of lives every year.
Atomic research in India dates back to the 1940s, and by 1956 it bore fruit in Asia's first nuclear reactor, Apsara. Today, India has an installed capacity of 1,840 megawatts of atomic power, and possesses the potential for setting up a thorium based generating capacity of 200,000 Gigawatt years of electric energy. In the process, Indian atomic scientists have successfully mastered the entire atomic fuel cycle and'production of atomic materials.
India has developed three indigenous diagnostic kits for the detection of AIDS. A sophisticated liposome delivery system for drugs to cure fungal infections. Diagnostic kits for tuberculosis, Hepatitis- B, A & C, kala azar, and Japanese Encephalitis in an advanced state of development.
A wide range of bio-fertilizers and biological control agents to supplement and reduce the use of harmful chemical pesticides and fertilizers. Developments in drugs, therapeutics, medicine and the wider field of health services have resulted in the doubling of life expectancy since Independence.
Dreaded diseases such as smallpox have been completely eradicated. Defence research organisations have excelled in the development of missiles, and India is more secure because of the wide range of tactical missiles now available to the defence forces. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Prithvi: surface-to-surface tactical battlefield missile. Akash: medium range surface-to-air missile. Trishul: short range quick reaction surface-to-air missile. Nag: a third generation antitank missile, rated among the best in the world. Agni: re-entry missile with capabilities to perform as an intermediate range ballistic system.
A sophisticated low-level warning radar, Indra, has been developed Multi-barrel rocket system Pinaka has been developed. India has its own battle tanks: Arjun and Ajeya. India also has, to its credit, the development of fourteen new drugs, many of which are now being exported.
Compound rate of growth of IT industry has been: 55% over the last five years. India commands over 16% of the world market for customised software services.
India is now poised to emerge as a major manufacturing base and an exporter of telecom equipment in the world. A number of world-class facilities for electronic component manufacture have been established, and India now produces integrated circuits and other components with the latest device geometry. Many MNCs like GE have established R&D centres in India, the first outside of the US. Besides, organizations like Intel, Motorola, Microsoft, Oracle, HP, etc., have their R&D and manufacturing centres here. Nokia too is planning to establish its manufacturing unit in India.
horticulture, natural resource management, livestock, fisheries and agricultural engineering. The Technology-led developments in agriculture have made India self-sufficient in food grains and a leading producer of several commodities in the world. The Green Revolution in crops, yellow revolution in oilseeds, white revolution in milk production, blue revolution in fish production and a golden revolution in horticulture bear testimony to the contributions of agricultural research and development efforts undertaken in the country. India has received worldwide acclaim in the field of agricultural research and education. The agricultural research system has significantly contributed to growth in productivity in almost all the sectors of agriculture. For instance, with reference to 1950, the gains in productivity are nearly 3.3 times in food grains, 1.6 times in fruits, 2.1 times in vegetables, 5.6 times in fish (aquaculture), 1.8 times in milk and 6.4 times in eggs. Development of about 3,200 high yielding improved varieties of different crops and their production technologies and preservation of 2.2 lakh germplasm accessions of agri-horticultural crops and their wild relatives for future use in breeding programmes, are some remarkable achievements of the National Agricultural Research System. It is also revealing to note that modem technologies have contributed to saving of the area , other resources and in increasing revenues and exports. For instance, modern varieties of rice saved nearly 39 million hectares and the wheat varieties saved about 37 million hectares of area. Green Revolution: The Green Revolution, marked by increases in productivity through the use of high yielding technology and modern inputs, has been instrumental in the impressive gains of food grain output in India. Food grain production increased almost four-fold from about 50 million at Independence to more than 198 million metric tonne in 1996-97. Per capita availability rose from 395 grams per day to 578 grams in the same period. The High Yielding Varieties (HYVs) of seeds formed the core of modern agricultural
technology. In addition, over 500 private seed companies are engaged in their own research and also supply seeds and planting material to the farmers. White, Blue and Yellow Revolution: The third phase of agricultural growth emanates from the diversification and commercialisation of agriculture to high value crops, horticulture, floriculture, animal husbandry, fisheries and sericulture. There has been commendable progress in the field of dairy, oilseeds, sugarcane and cotton. With a 69 million tonne produce, India is one of the largest producers of milk in the world. Milk production quadrupled from 17 million at Independence to 69 million metric tonne at present (popularly known as the White Revolution). Fish production rose from 7.5 million to nearly 50 million metric tonne during the last five decades (Blue Revolution). Oilseed production increased five times from around 5 million to 25 million metric tonne since Independence (Yellow Revolution). Today, India is the largest producer of fruits in the world and the second largest producer of vegetables. Liberalisation and technology-led development have opened new vistas for rural development. Indian corporate is now investing in agriculturalS technology. Companies like Pepsi, Macdonald's , Godrej, SriRam, HLL and ITC are investing heavily in agriculture. What the Indian government couldn't do for India's rural economy in the last 55 years, ITC has done with the help of information technology (for detail see the chapter Rural Market). It uses information technology for: Delivering real-time information and customise knowledge to improve farmers' decision-making ability to align farm output to market demands and secure quality, productivity, and improved price discovery. Aggregating demand in the nature of a virtual producers' cooperative to access high quality farm inputs and knowledge at the lowest cost, and St;tting a direct marketing channel virtually li,nked to thematl,di system for the purp()sl'lS of price discovery, yet 'eliminating wastefcl intermediation, multiple handling and thus reducing transaction costs and making logistics efficient and cost effective.
Thus, modern technology is not only bringing wealth to India and its rural parts but is also generating various business opportunities for the Indian corporate sector.
Showing: Top 20 Innovative companies in the World 2005 porr of 940 Senior Executive in 68 countries by BCG (Boston Consultancy Group)
Technology Adoption Technology adoption is a process of making the technology fit for the organization. In the process of adoption of technology, it is re-engineered or modified significantly to match the socio-economic and technological situation of the user. Adaptation of new technology also involves matching it with the characteristics of technology utilizers or human resources, including workers/operators of the technology. Sometimes it may even require changes in the management structure. As the company shifts from labour intensive technology to capital intensive technology, it requires drastic changes in its structure of management.
Technology Diffusion The extent of diffusion of a technology at any given time is defined by the degree to which it is being applied at that time. Diffusion thus may be seen as the continuous or 'gradual' process of growth of the application of a technology with the passage of time. The rate of the diffusion of a technology depends upon the characteristics of the country. Diffusion of information about technology always precedes the diffusion of technology. The better the diffusion of information, the easier will be the process of diffusion of technology. Appropriate Technology No single technology can be considered appropriate for every country or organization. What may be appropriate for the US totally may be a totally unsuited for Bangladesh or Zambia, or what may be appropriate for HLL may be misfit for KTC (Ghari Detergent). Before the adaptation of technology its appropriateness should be checked. To produce the same product there can be machine intensive technology and Labour intensive technology. Selection of technology is merely a means to achieve an end (objective). Thus, if selection of technology does not solve the purpose, or if it has a high opportunity cost, then it is obviously not appropriate. Capital intensive technology (machine intensive technology) has a strong emphasis on high investment in machines and thus requires a considerable lesser amount of labour. On the other hand, labour-intensive technology places greater emphasis on the human factor. Thus, technology should be selected on the basis of availability of labour and its cost. For a technology to be appropriate it should meet the technical, socio-cultural, political and economic requirements of prevailing situation. Its appropriateness can be judged on the basis of following criteria: 1. 2. 3. 4 5 6 Effectiveness Affordability Cultural Acceptability Local Sustainability Efficiency Measurability (its impact and performance need proper evaluation)
Application of Technology There was a time when the United Kingdom bagged the maximum number of Nobel Prizes while Japan was getting wealthy. During this time Japan was not giving any significant emphasis on basic research. Thus, wealth lies not in inventing and discovering technology but in its application. Application of technology requires a set of specific capabilities. These capabilities are different in nature from those
involved in innovation or invention. Technology also requires the ability to make effective use of technological knowledge. Technological capabilities require better application of technology including the ability to acquire, use, assimilate, adapt, change and create technology. Four different kinds of technological capabilities are identified: acquisitive, operative, adaptive, and innovative. While operative capabilities pertain to production know-how, adaptive and innovative capabilities relate to technological efforts that are central to the effective assimilation of technology and to simultaneous as well as subsequent adaptation to fit local circumstances better. Two examples of market innovations based on existing technology: The walkman - the invention of the walkman meant no new technologies, only a new application of technology. The breakthrough of the Internet in the mid-90s; at that time this particular technology was already old. The breakthrough was a result of a convincing constellation of applications.
Changes in technology affects (i) (ii) physical devices (such as machines, tools, instruments and equipment); and techniques and working methods.
Thus technology usually influences: 1. 2. 3. 4. Employee training needs The nature of employees' tasks Organizational structures Employee job satisfaction and attitudes towards work.