Knief Chapter 3 Nuke Engineering
Knief Chapter 3 Nuke Engineering
Knief Chapter 3 Nuke Engineering
American Nuclear Society, Inc. 555 North Kensington Avenue La Grange Park, Illinois 60526 USA
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Knief, Ronald Allen, 1944 Nuclear engineering : theory and technology of commercial nuclear power 0 Ronald Allen Knief. 2nd ed. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-89448-458-3 1. Nuclear engineering. 2. Nuclear energy. I. Title. TK9145.K62 2008 621.48dc22 2008029390
ISBN-10: 0-89448-458-3 ISBN-13: 978-0-89448-458-2 Library of Congress Catalogue Card Number: 2008029390 ANS Order Number: 350023 2008 American Nuclear Society, Inc. 555 North Kensington Avenue La Grange Park, Illinois 60526 USA All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publisher. Printed in the United States of America
Overview 1 Introduction
Nuclear Fuel Cycles
Nuclear Power Reactors
87 96
Reactor Physics
Infinite Systems 100 Finite Systems 108 Computational Methods 113 Exercises 131 Selected Bibliography 133
Light-Water Reactors
Boiling-Water Reactors 262 268 Pressurized-Water Reactors Exercises 282 284 Selected Bibliography
The Nuclear Fuel Cycle Fuel Cycle, Uranium Processing, and Enrichment
Nuclear Fuel Cycle Uranium 513 Exercises 532 Selected Bibliography 508
Fusion Overview 636 643 Magnetic Confinement Inertial Confinement 650 Commercial Aspects 655 Non-Thermonuclear Fusion 659 Exercises 661 Selected Bibliography 662
The Impending Energy Crisis: A Perspective on the Need for Nuclear Power 677
Energy Crisis 678 683 Options Proposed Solutions 694 Exercises 698 Selected Bibliography 702
After studying this chapter, the reader should be able to: 1. Explain the differences among the mechanisms by which charged particles, electromagnetic radiation, and neutrons interact in materials. 2. Define absorbed and equivalent dose and perform calculations in SI and traditional units. 3. Describe radiation damage mechanisms in materials and biological tissue for charged particles, gamma radiation, and neutrons. 4. Define LD50/30. State the value of LD50/30 for whole-body radiation to humans. 5. Estimate radiation dose and dose rate from specified alpha, beta, and gamma sources. 6. Explain each of the three primary and two subordinate dose reduction principles. 7. Identify the three major purposes of a reactor shield. Describe the origin and effects of "secondary radiations." 8. Perform calculations for attenuation of primary gamma and neutron beams. 9. Summarize the three-part ICRP philosophy for radiation protection. Explain briefly the bases for setting external and internal dose limits.
Basic Theory
Prerequisite Concepts
Nuclear Radiations Radioactive Decay Nuclear Reactions, Cross Sections, Flux Chapter 2 Chapter 2 Chapter 2
Nuclear fission results in the production of many types of radiation by the direct and indirect processes considered in the previous chapter. The major potential hazard of commercial nuclear power is associated with the ability of the radiations to damage biological and material systems. Public perception of radiation hazards is colored in part by the three following considerations. 1. Atomic and nuclear science is relatively new, dating back only as far as 1895 when W. K. Roentgen discovered the x-ray. The basis for nuclear energy applications the discovery of fission announced in 1939. t 2. Radiation is not directly detectable by any of the human senses except at levels well above lethality. 3. The detonation of two nuclear weapons in Japan in 1945 provided the world with a dramatic and terrifying introduction to nuclear energy and radiation effects. These have led to the concept of radiation as a new, invisible, silent, and deadly hazard. In reality, radiation effects are not conceptually different from those known to occur from physical, chemical, and/or biological agents. Radiation effects have been very thoroughly studied and are better understood than the effects of many common environmental "insults" like the emissions from coal-burning power plants and motor vehicles. The radiation environment associated with the fission process results in several unique problems in nuclear reactor design. Based on origin and effect, the following classifications are useful: 1. fission prompt neutrons, and gamma radiation emitted at the time of fission 2. activation-gamma radiation emitted as a result of (n, y) reactions 3. delayed neutrons emitted by fission fragments and spontaneous-fission neutrons from transmutation products 4. delayed alpha, beta, and gamma radiations with half-lives from fractions of a second to millions of years emitted by fission fragments, activation products, and transmutation products The first category consists of radiations that are emitted only while the fission chain reaction continues. As shown in Table 2-2, these radiations account for 90
t Although the history of the "atomic and nuclear age" is fascinating, little of it is traced herein. Kaplan (1963), Rahn (1984), Leclercq (1986), and especially Rhodes (1986) integrate history and theory well for the technically minded. Hiebert and Hiebert (1970) profile the leading personalities in interesting pamphlets directed to a general audience.
percent of the energy associated with fission. Thus, both radiation shielding and energy removal are required during power operation. Activation gammas are present only when there is a neutron source. Because most neutrons appear with fission, the impact of these gammas is comparable to that of the prompt fission gammas (except as noted below). During power operation the delayed and spontaneous-fission neutrons are overshadowed in number and total energy by the prompt fission-neutron source. However, they are the only neutrons that exist after shutdown of the chain reaction. They are also the only delayed radiations capable of causing nuclear reactions and thereby producing secondary radiations and radioactive species in a reactor. The major significance of the small fraction of delayed fission neutrons is in reactor control (as considered in Chap. 5). The direct effects of delayed neutrons generally disappear within tens of minutes after reactor shutdown because of the short half-life. On the other hand, components activated by the neutrons may provide a radiation source of relatively long duration. Certain of the new nuclides produced by transmutation undergo spontaneous fission and consequently emit neutrons. The isotope 240pU, for example, is a longlived spontaneous-fission neutron source in all irradiated fuel that contains 238U. Substantial concentrations of 240pU or other such nuclides require continuous neutron shielding after reactor shutdown. The final category of fission-related radiations includes the betas and gammas from fission products and the alphas, betas, and gammas from transmutation products. The fission-product radiations are responsible for 7+ percent of fission energy (as per Table 2-2). According to Eq. 2-10, the power falls off only as roughly the one-fifth power of time following shutdown, e.g., to roughly 1 percent of operating power after one day and to 0.1 ,percent after two months. The long-lived activity leads to a requirement for virtually constant shielding, heat removal, and/or remote handling for reactor, spent-fuel storage, reprocessing, waste management, and related transportation operations. Decay heat is also a very important energy source to consider in reactor accident scenarios (e.g., as described in Chaps. 13-15). The transmutation [transuranic-element] products as a group generate less power soon after shutdown, but have longer half-lives than their fission-product counterparts. For a typical LWR, their post-shutdown power is only 3-5 percent as great for on the order of a year. At very long times, however, the heat and radioactivity of the transuranics becomes the dominant problem of waste management (as described in Chaps. 6 and 19).
An alternative classification scheme for the radiations is based on the basic mechanisms by which they interact with various atoms and nuclei. The charged particles, electromagnetic radiation, and neutrons each behave in fundamentally different ways.
Charged Particles
Alpha particles [iHe 2 +], beta particles [_ ?e], and fission fragments each have one or more unpaired charges. The charges experience electrostatic [Coulomb] forces when they come close to the electrons of the atoms that compose the medium of interest.
Basic Theory
As a result of the action of these forces, the charged particles lose energy with each interaction. This energy, in turn, ultimately appears in the system as heat. The Coulomb forces are proportional to the product of the charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them, or
for force F, charges q and q', distance r, and proportionality constant k. According to the equation, the force decreases fairly rapidly with distance, but becomes negligible only at very large distances. This implies that at any given instant of time a charged particle experiences forces from a large number of electrons. The resulting energy losses are found to be rather well defined for each charged particle and each material medium. The net macroscopic effect of charged-particle interactions may be characterized by range and linear energy transfer [LET]. As the name implies, the range is the average distance traveled by a charged particle before it is completely stopped. The LET is the energy deposition per unit distance of travel. Mathematically,
dE LET = d.x
for particle energy E and distance x and where the LET itself is generally a function of E. Because the range R is the total distance of travel for initial particle energy Eo to be reduced to zero,
Both the range and the LET of a specific radiation contribute to the effect they have on a material. The range determines the distance of penetration. The LET determines the distribution of energy deposited along the path. Fission fragments generally have masses between 80 and 150 amu (Fig. 2-6) and charges of about + 20e at the time of fission. The combination of large mass and high charge result in a range of only a few centimeters in air and a fraction of a millimeter in solid material. Thus, fission fragments generally stop very near their point of origin and deposit all of their energy within this short distance of travel. As a consequence, they have a very high LET. Alpha particles have a mass of 4 amu and are doubly charged. At typical energies, they have ranges only 3-6 times greater than fission fragments and LETs about an order of magnitude lower. As a point of reference, this sheet of paper is thick enough to stop any of the alphas or fission fragments produced in nuclear reactor materials. The combination of low mass and single charge gives electrons relative ranges about 100 times greater than those for alpha particles and LETs correspondingly reduced. Because of their low mass, the paths traced out by electrons deviate greatly
from the roughly straight paths of the heavy charged particles. Both the total path length and net straight-line distance of travel (i.e., the range) vary substantially for individual electrons but have a predictable "spread" of values.
Electromagnetic Radiation
Photons of electromagnetic radiation interact directly with electrons and more rarely with nuclei. Three important mechanisms shown by Fig. 3-1 are:
I. The photoelectric effect-photon energy is converted completely to kinetic energy of an orbital electron. 2. Compton scattering-photon transfers a portion of its energy to an electron and leaves the reaction at a correspondingly lower energy. 3. Pair production-photon energy is converted to mass and kinetic energy of an electron-positron pair.
Only the photoelectric effect results in the complete loss of an x- or gamma-ray photon. The Compton process reduces the energy and changes the direction of the incident photon. The energy imparted to the electron is dissipated to heat as for any charged particle. The pair production interaction can occur only for a photon whose energy exceeds the mass of the two particles, i.e., twice the electron mass (5.5 X 10- 4 amu = 0.511 MeV) or 1.022 MeV. When the positron ultimately stops and contacts another electron, the combined mass is converted into two 0.51 I-MeV photons called annihilation gammas. Thus, the net effect of pair production is the conversion of one high-energy photon into two of 0.511 MeV (plus heat). Very short-range forces govern the electromagnetic mechanisms. A photon must essentially "hit" an electron for an interaction to occur. Thus, a parallel drawn to the neutron interactions described in Chap. 2 shows the same type of statistical behavior. Because an individual photon may travel essentially any distance, the concept of photon range may be defined only in terms of the average or mean of a large sample. This, of course, is in contrast to the well-defined range associated with charged-particle interactions. A very rough comparison of relative range and LET for the three naturally