Process For Employee Performance Appraisal
Process For Employee Performance Appraisal
Process For Employee Performance Appraisal
# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Version 1.0 1.1 1.2 Date Rationale for change Initial Version 1st IQA Change is made to the Performance Appraisal Form
PA 1.1 19-May-04
Change Description Employee Feedback form was created Performance Appraisal Form version 2.0 is introduced
25-Mar-04 19-May-04
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Table Of Contents
PROCESS SUMMARY.......................................................................................................................3 REFERENCES.....................................................................................................................................3 DEFINITIONS AND ACRONYMS...................................................................................................3 ORGANIZATIONAL POLICY.........................................................................................................3 PROCESS INPUTS.............................................................................................................................3 ENTRY CRITERIA.............................................................................................................................5 PROCEDURE......................................................................................................................................5 VALIDATION CRITERIA.................................................................................................................6 QUALITY RECORDS........................................................................................................................6 PROCESS DELIVERABLES.............................................................................................................6 MEASUREMENT AND ANALYSIS.................................................................................................6 EXIT CRITERIA.................................................................................................................................6 ANNEXURE.........................................................................................................................................6
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Process Summary
Performance Appraisal deals with establishing objective criteria against which an employee performance can be measured. The objectives of performance appraisal are: To provide feedback to the employee to assist in performance enhancement To serve as an input for remuneration and reward decisions To define performance objectives for an employee and set reasonable performance targets To enable an employee to set his own KRA and develop competencies To identify the training needs of the individual for synergetic growth with the company
CMMI ISO Clause Process Area 9001 2000 6.2.1,6.2.2 Organization Training
Organizational Policy
Process Inputs
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Entry Criteria
Approved directive from SM to initiate Performance Appraisal
1 Prepare Performance Plan 1.1 The performance criteria's and performance targets for each employee for each appraisal period will be specified. (DM/SM) 1.2 The Quality Manual will provide the current roles of the employee. (SM, APR, HR) 1.3 Key Result Areas will be identified by the Appraiser and the Appraisee as per the guidelines (DM/APR/APE/HR) 1.4 The employee will specify the performance targets for Key Result Area in quantitative terms wherever possible (DM, APE) 1.5 Prepare the Employee Performance Plan based on the information collected from the above inputs and discussions. (APR) 2 Perform Self Appraisal 2.1 Recollect the achievements performed over the appraisal period and complete the Appraiser/ Appraisee Form including achievements on KRA (Appraisee) 2.2 Identify the list of factors that may have restricted your performance 2.3 Specify what additional inputs you need to enhance your performance Perform the employee evaluation 2.4 Evaluate the employees performance through reference of Weekly and monthly reports(DM) 2.5 Arrange to conduct a one to one interview by the immediate superior with the concerned employee to compare and discuss their respective appraisal. 2.6 Clarify any ambiguous issues on achievements with the reporting head. Refer to existent Weekly reports of the previous appraisal period to determine any special tasks that may have been accomplished. (APE, DH) 2.7 Discuss and determine employees communication, leadership and other relevant skills as appropriate. (DM, APR) 2.8 Based on the Self-Appraisal Form and Appraisers Appraisal Forms on the employee, evaluate the accomplishments and the improvements needed. Consider the trainings he/she had, rate the usage of knowledge acquired from trainings in projects/functions in terms of 1 to 5 scales. (APR) 2.9 Prepare a Performance Report and discuss it with SM. (APR, SM) 2.10 Review the Employee Performance Plan. Ensure that the Performance Report is maintained confidential. (APR, SM) 2.11 Provide the Employee Performance feedback to the employee. (APR, EMP) 2.12 Discuss with the employee the feedback given by the appraiser (APR,APE)
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2.13 Initiate employee training (Refer to the Process for Training), if planned for in the Employee Performance Plan. (APR) 4.1 5. Feedback: Feedback is received from the employee on the Process once the activity is completed Employee Feedback Form
For every quarter, Employee satisfaction survey is carried for analyzing the level for contentment employee.
Validation Criteria
Review Report of Employee Performance criterias and the KRAs
Quality Records
Completed Appraisal Forms
Process Deliverables
Employee Performance criteria's KRAs Performance Report
Exit Criteria
Completion of Appraisal cycle Employee getting appraised
1. KRA form 2. Appraiser / Appraisee Performance Appraisal form 3. Performance Appraisal form 4. Performance Appraisal Report
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