Althusser Lahtinen-Politics and Philosophy Niccolo

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The document provides an overview of a book that discusses the political philosophies of Niccolò Machiavelli and Louis Althusser, focusing on concepts like aleatory materialism.

The book discusses the relationship between the political theories of Niccolò Machiavelli and Louis Althusser. It focuses on analyzing Machiavelli's ideas through the lens of Althusser's interpretation of historical materialism and aleatory materialism.

Some of the main topics/ideas discussed include Machiavelli's views on politics and the role of the prince, Althusser's contributions to Machiavelli scholarship, concepts like the general and particular, political praxis, and aleatory dynamics.

Politics and Philosophy

Book Series
Editorial Board
Paul Blackledge, Leeds Sbastien Budgen, Paris
Michael Krtke, Lancaster Stathis Kouvelakis,
London Marcel van der Linden, Amsterdam
China Miville, London Paul Reynolds, Lancashire
Peter Tomas, Amsterdam
Politics and Philosophy
Niccol Machiavelli and Louis Althussers
Aleatory Materialism
Mikko Lahtinen
Translated by
Gareth Grimths and Kristina Klhi
Tis book is printed on acid-free paper.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Lahtinen, Mikko.
Politics and philosophy : Niccolo Machiavelli and Louis Althusser's aleatory materialism / by
Mikko Lahtinen ; translated by Gareth Grimths and Kristina Kohli.
p. cm. (Historical materialism book series, 1570-1522 ; 23)
Translated from the Finnish.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-90-04-17650-8 (hardback : alk. paper) 1. Althusser, Louis, 1918-1990Political and
social views. 2. Machiavelli, Niccol, 1469-1527. 3. Materialism. I. Grimths, Gareth. II. Klhi,
Kristina. III. Title. IV. Series.
B2430.A474L34 2009
ISSN 1570-1522
ISBN 978 90 04 17650 8
Copyright 2009 by Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, Te Netherlands.
Koninklijke Brill NV incorporates the imprints Brill, Hotei Publishing,
IDC Publishers, Martinus Nijhof Publishers and VSP.
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vvi1iu i 1ui
Foreword. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ix
Authors Preface to the English Edition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xI
Chapter One Introductory Comments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1. Althusser, Machiavelli and political theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.z. Althussers contribution to Machiavelli scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.z.1. The general and the particular . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.z.z. The political praxis of a prince . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.z.. Aleatory dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.z.. Verit effettuale della cosa The effective truth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.z.. Morals and politics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
1.z.6. Materialist political theory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
1.. The approach of the present study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Chapter Two A Critique of Hegelianism. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
z.1. A critique of Hegelian dialectics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
z.z. Althussers Marxism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
z.z.1. Overdetermination and underdetermination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
The morphology of the over- and underdetermination of
contradictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
The reality of contradictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Displacements and condensations in ideological apparatuses
ideological apparatuses as the displacements and
condensations of contradictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
The metaphoric nature of the topographic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Russia 1q1;. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
z.z.z. Summary: complexity and chaos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
v. Contents
z.z.. Engels and individual will . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
The individual will . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
z.. Althussers self-criticism. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
z..1. Elliotts theoreticist interpretation of Althusser. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
z.. The Machiavellian Lenin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
z..1. Towards a theoreticisation of practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Chapter Three Aleatory Materialism. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
.1. Prologue: Machiavellis solitude. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
.z. The underground current of the materialism of the encounter. . . . . . . . 95
.z.1. Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
.z.z. Surprises. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Chapter Four Althussers Aleatory Machiavelli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
.1. A preliminary schema: the two dimensions of Machiavellis
differentiae specicae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
.1.1. Theoretical differentia specica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
.1.z. Political differentia specica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
.z. Machiavellis differentia specica in the history of political thought . . . 113
.z.1. Machiavelli Montesquieu Aristotle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
.. The praxis of The Prince: the text as a political act . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
..1. Machiavellis utopianism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
.. The praxis of the prince: the aleatory truth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
..1. The aleatory of the subjective and objective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
The man of action and his case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
..z. Beyond the aleatory of the subjective and objective . . . . . . . . . . 162
.. The praxis of the prince: the project and strategy of the new prince . . 171
..1. Machiavelli and Polybius . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
..z. The conditions for the political project and strategy of the new
prince . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
... The lawless hero . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
... A popular ideological hgure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
The instinct of the fox. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
Displacements and condensations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
... The dialectic of the interests of the prince and the people. . . . . . . 200
..6. The state and the law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
Contents v..
.6. Epilogue: Althussers interpretation of Machiavelli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
Chapter Five The Subversive Machiavelli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
.1. The art of war and the art of politics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
.z. The destructive current of fortuna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
.z.1. The actors prudence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240
.. The aspects of fortuna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
..1. Kronos and Kairos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
.. Lady Fortuna and the young men . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
.. The rise and fall of Cesare Borgia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256
..1. Cesares misfortune . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
.6. A stable people . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
.6.1. A people and a nation in the context and terminology of the
early cinquecento . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
.6.z. Machiavelli in the Florentine context . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281
Class position and ambitions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285
.6.. Utopian texts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290
Nazione and Machiavelli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
.;. Epilogue: Machiavelli and the taming of chance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302
Chapter Six Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323
In the mid-1qqos, at the time I was completing the
original Finnish version of this book, nowpublished
here in English, we were living in the aftermath of
the crisis in Marxism and the collapse of real social-
ism. This situation also created a less favourable
academic-intellectual atmosphere for writing a book
on a communist philosopher such as Louis Althus-
ser. In a situation where the initiative of the Left
was at a low ebb, it felt very reassuring to read
apart from Gramscis Prison Notebooks Althussers
then recently posthumously published analyses of
Machiavelli and aleatory materialism. It was
illuminating to delve into his later views views
that can be traced to his earlier writings on the
theoretical problematics of the political intervention
reected in his analyses. I found an Althusser for
whom it was essential no more, no less to reect
onthe questionof what is to be done inthe conjunc-
ture, or to reect on how the conjunctural under-
standing of history and reality could offer a theoret-
ical starting point for a subversive political strategy.
In the present book, it is indeed essential to read
Althusser above all as someone who advanced a
theory of materialist politics, and whose later writ-
ings open up potential albeit incomplete views
for the advancement of Marxist political theory. As
x Foreword
I state in the Preface to this English edition of the book, neither the later Althus-
sers interpretation of Machiavelli nor his notion of aleatory materialism have
been studied in any detail as analyses of political action and intervention but
rather, more conventionally, from the point of view of a philosophical per-
spective where politics has been excluded.
The present English edition of my book does not signihcantly differ fromthe
original Finnish edition, although here the footnotes and quotes refer (when
available) to English editions of texts.
I would like to thank warmly the Kone Foundation and the Emil Aaltonen
Foundation in Finland for their funding of the translation as well as Gareth
Grifhths and Kristina Klhi for sparing no effort in their translation.
It is
certainly true to say that without the encouraging support of my friends Juha
Koivisto and Peter Thomas this whole project would never have been realised,
though the responsibility for its contents falls fully on the author.
Mikko Lahtinen, December zoo;
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank G.M. Goshgarian for help on
translating the citations.
Authors Preface to the English Edition
1. Louis Althussers interest over several decades in
the history of political philosophy in eighteenth-
century French political thought as well as in
Hobbes, Locke and Machiavelli was nothing new
to those who attended his lectures at the cole nor-
male suprieure in Paris or who had the opportu-
nity to familiarise themselves with the widely cir-
culated copies of his lecture notes.
Of Althussers
writings on political philosophy, the only ones to
be published during his lifetime were his study on
Montesquieu and his analysis of discrepancies in
Rousseaus social-contract theory.
Even on the basis
of these two texts alone, however, it becomes clear
that Althussers critical objective was to analyse
philosophical ideas withinthe contexts of the social
contradictions and struggles of their time.
Althusser encapsulated his objectives in his Sou-
tenance dAmiens of 1q; by reference to his own
Althusser 1qq and Althusser 1q6;. Cf. Matheron zoo6, p. 1q; cf. also Goshgarian
zoo, p. xi. Already in Soutenance dAmiens (1q;), Althusser discusses Machiavelli,
Hegel, Hobbes, Spinoza, Locke, Montesquieu, Rousseau and Kant as individual objects
of study (Althusser 1q;6b, pp. 166;). The lectures contained in the collection Politique
et histoire de Machiavel Marx, published in zoo6, dealing with Montesquieu and
other eighteenth-century French philosophers, date fromthe 1q6 academic year, the
Rousseau lectures from 1q66 and the Hobbes lectures from 1q;1z (Althusser zoo6,
Summary). In the 1q;z academic year Althusser gave for the hrst time his lectures on
Machiavelli based on the Machiavelli and Us manuscript.
Althusser 1q;zb, pp. q1oq; Althusser 1q;zb, pp. 1116o.
x.. Authors Preface to the English Edition
dehnition of philosophy at that time, according to which philosophy in the
last instance is class struggle at the level of theory. According to Althusser,
this dehnition, emphasising the primary nature of the class struggle, implied
a reversal of the traditional relation between philosophy and politics. Hence
it was also possible for Machiavelli to be considered a philosopher in a strong
sense, even if he says almost nothing about philosophy. Descartes, on the
other hand, even if he says almost nothing about politics, can nevertheless
be consider a political thinker in a strong sense.
In his study of Montesquieu from the end of the 1qos, Althusser was not
so much interested in Montesquieus philosophical life as in how both in and
with The Spirit of the Law he took a stand in contemporary politics: But I am
also thinking of another life. Of the life too often masked by the very same
discoveries that we owe to him. Of his preferences, his aversions, in short, of
Montesquieus parti pris in the struggles of his age.
During the next decade, the 1q6os, Althusser dehned the problem of the
relationship between theory and class struggle as the central question in both
Marxist theory and the ideological struggle. In his article On the Materialist
Dialectic, dated spring 1q6, the focal points of Althussers analyses are
Lenins thesis that the soul of Marxism is the concrete analysis of a concrete
situation and Marxs formulation about dialectics as a revolutionary method
rather than the theory of the fait accompli.
The problematic of the interrelation
between theory and practice is a central theme also in the different stages of
Althussers so-called self-criticism (from 1q66 onwards) as well as in his later
views during the 1q8os.
In his last known interview, with Fernanda Navarro
in 1q8;, he characterises the relationship between philosophy and ideological
hegemony as follows:
Althusser 1q;6b, pp. 166;.
Althusser 1q;zb, p. 1.
Althusser 1q;q, p. 18o and p. zo6.
It is important to note that Althusser analysedthe relationshipbetween philosophy
and the class struggle already in his writings from the early 1q6os, even though later he
indeed described his objectives at the time as being limited by a theoreticist tendency.
Withthis he referred, above all, to his dehnition at that time of philosophy as a theory of
theoretical practice, which he used in particular in Reading Capital. It is more difhcult,
however, to discern the tendency towards theoreticism in Althussers articles fromthe
early 1q6os, collected together in For Marx, particularly those in which the object of his
analysis is the revolutionary leader Lenin.
Authors Preface to the English Edition x...
Even in its most abstract form, that of the works of the great philosophers,
philosophy is situated somewhere in the vicinity of the ideologies, as a kind
of theoretical laboratory in which the fundamentally political problem of
ideological hegemony that is, of the constitution of the dominant ideology
is experimentally put to the test, in abstract.
z. The importance of Machiavelli to Althusser has become evident for the
wider audience mainly after his death through the posthumously published
writings Machiavellis Solitude (published in German in 1q8;, English in
1q88 and French in 1qqo), his autobiography The Future Lasts a Long Time
(1qqz), the manuscript titled The Only Materialist Tradition (1qq), his letters to
Franca Madonia (1qq8) and particularly his lectures titled Machiavelli and Us,
published in 1qq, as well as his hrst Machiavelli lectures from 1q6z.
Finally, with the publication of Machiavelli and Us, it also became indis-
putable that Althusser had a much more appreciative attitude towards Gram-
scis views as indeed also his students have recounted than could be de-
duced from his inuential, but one-sided and faulty, critiques of Gramscis
historicism and philosophy of praxis.
It is also interesting to note that
the hrst version of Machiavelli and Us was written at the same time as the
important work Elements of Self-Criticism (written in 1q;z, published in 1q;).
As G.M. Goshgarian has shown in his signihcant prefaces to English trans-
lations of the posthumously published texts, the self-criticism did not mean
that Althusser would have denounced the central theoretical views that he
had developed in the beginning and middle of the 1q6os, encapsulated in his
anti-theological critique of the Leibnizian and Hegelian expressive totalities
or emphasis on materialism. The changes above all concerned how Althus-
ser perceived the relationship between Marxist philosophy and the economic-
political class struggle of the masses, which interested him throughout his
Althusser zoo6a, p. z8;.
Cf. Althusser zoo6b. Only the hrst part of Althussers manuscript The Only Mate-
rialist Tradition, which focuses on Spinoza, has been published in English (Althusser
1qq;). The latter part, which focuses on Machiavelli, is presently only available in
French (Althusser 1qqa, pp. 88o;).
Althusser and Balibar 1qq;, especially pp. 1z6;. On the problematical aspects of
Althussers critique, see Thomas zooq, and Sotiris zoo8 on the political background of
the Althussers critique of Gramscis Marxism.
x.v Authors Preface to the English Edition
whole oeuvre. With the self-criticism, this question was directed more clearly
than it had been earlier regarding his own intellectual role and actions as a
communist in philosophy.
Already in the summer of 1q66, Althusser self-critically stated that his the-
ories of theoretical practice and epistemological break isolated theory from
non-theoretical social practices. Goshgarian summarises this hrst moment of
Althussers self-criticism as follows: Theory became theory by virtue of a dis-
tantiation that ruled out both its internal determination by ideology and its
direct intervention in ideology; a theory, by dehnition, had no practical rela-
tion to the ideological practices with which it broke.
In this context, Althus-
ser criticised the theoretical conceptions of theoreticism he had advanced in
his earlier book Reading Capital (1q6), which he now saw as an overreaction
against the absolute historicism of Gramscis philosophy of praxis. Althus-
ser had argued that a central problem in Gramscis thinking was that the real
philosopher is simply the politician.
The hrst stage of the self-criticism had been preceded by a resolution from
the Central Committee of the French Communist Party (PCF) to dissociate
itself from the Stalinist tradition and to adopt the viewpoint of humanist
Marxism. Louis Aragon and Roger Garaudy, intellectuals on the Central Com-
mittee, had central roles when the resolution was being debated in the winter
of 1q66. Althusser lost the battle, and the resolution document published in
LHumanit on 1 March 1q66 was based on the views of Aragon and Garaudy.
Althusser wrote a long letter to the Central Committee in which he aimed to
showthe theoretical problems contained in the resolution. The letter, however,
was never sent.
For Althusser, the defeat was a harsh experience andalso a concrete example
of the complex relationship between philosophy and politics: theory cannot
be simply applied into practice from the outside in the case of class strug-
On the other hand, with his isolated position within the PCF, Althus-
ser understood that he lacked the possibilities for political intervention, and
Goshgarian zoo, especially pp. xiiixxii; Goshgarian zoo6, especially pp. xivxvi
and xxxixxlvii.
Goshgarian zoo, pp. xiiixiv.
Althusser and Balibar 1qq;, p. 1z8; see Goshgarian zoo, p. xv.
See Lewis zoo;, pp. 11; for Althussers letter, see Althusser zoo;; see also
Goshgarian zoo, pp. xixv; and Matheron zooo, pp. 1;o.
Cf. Goshgarian zoo, p. xx.
Authors Preface to the English Edition xv
thus the only way to have any inuence was by way of pure theory, that is,
Withdrawing into pure theory did not mean, however, a return
to the theoreticism of Reading Capital but, rather, a continuation of the self-
criticism and further work on the problematics of the relationship between
theory and practice. For example, Althusser planned to publish a book on the
union between theory and practice, but from the extensive material only the
long article Matrialisme historique et matrialisme dialectique was sent for
publication, published only in the Cahiers marxistes-lninistes (April 1q66) and
written already before the humanist controversy.
In 1q68, the year of student and worker radicalism, an interview with
Althusser, titled Philosophy as a Revolutionary Weapon was published in
LUnit (February 1q68). Althusser emphasised the importance of Lenin, who
had been rejected by philosophers, for the critique of French academic philos-
ophy. Althusser discussed Lenins importance in a more systematic way in the
small book Lenin and Philosophy which was published at the same time:
[A]cademic philosophy cannot tolerate Lenin (or Marx for the matter) for
two reasons, which are really one and the same. On the one hand, it cannot
bear the idea that it might have something to learn from politics and from
a politician. And on the other hand, it cannot bear the idea that philosophy
might be the object of a theory, i.e. of an objective knowledge.
Althusser agreedwith Lenins statement that the majority of philosophy teach-
ers were petty-bourgeois intellectuals functioning in the bourgeois education
system as so many ideologists inculcating the mass of student youth with
the dogmas however critical or post-critical of the ideology of the ruling
In the LUnit interview, he also emphasised that left-wing intellectu-
als hada long, painful anddifhcult re-education aheadof themif they wanted
to become ideologists of the working class (Lenin) or organic intellectuals
(Gramsci). The precondition for the development was an endless external and
internal struggle.
Althusser presented his self-criticism against theoreticism
in a more systematic form in the small book Elements of Self-Criticism, written
Althusser zoo6a, p. z; cf. also Suchting zoo, p. .
Goshgarian zoo, p. xi.
Althusser 1q;1, p. ;.
Althusser 1q;1, pp. ;8, cf. also p. 6;.
Althusser 1q;1, p. 16.
xv. Authors Preface to the English Edition
in 1q;z and published two years later. The object of the self-criticism was also
nowhis speculative dehnition of philosophy fromthe early 1q6os as a theory
of theoretical praxis, which represented the highest point in the development
of this theoreticist tendency.
Even now, Althusser emphasised the primacy
of the class struggle in relation to philosophy and theoretical praxis, which
was encapsulated by his newphilosophical dehnition adoptedsoon after Read-
ing Capital: philosophy represents the class struggle in theory.
In his theo-
reticist stage, the juxtaposition had been the opposite, that is, the primacy of
theory over practice.
The question was not, however, about whether philos-
ophy should be seen as a less important activity than previously, but, rather,
the fact that the ground on which philosophy is based lies outside it, and usu-
ally goes unnoticed: all the social practices are there in philosophy . . . in the
same way that the stars are in the sky.
Instead, Althussers own philosophy
was to lie within the sphere of the class struggle taking place on the theoretical
Althusser attempted a new philosophical-ideological intervention against
the leadership of the PCF after the party suffered a bitter defeat in the French
legislative election in March 1q;8 and the Socialist Party (PS) led by Franois
Mitterrand became the largest left-wing party. A series of four articles was
published in Le Monde in which Althusser strongly criticised the leadership
of the party for building fortihcations between the Party and the masses. He
dehned the relationship between the Party and the masses as the decisive issue
for the Party and proposed that they abandon the fortihcations. Here, he was
referring to Machiavellis principle, according to which the prince must not
ensconce himself in the fear of his own subjects but, rather, must earn their
love and respect.
Therefore the Communists would have to bring back to life
a theory which will not dodge mass initiatives and social transformations,
but which will, on the contrary, openly face them and impregnate and nourish
itself with them.
Now the primacy of the class struggle also meant that the
connection to the masses was the conditions of life for Marxist theory.
Althusser 1q;6b, p. 1z.
Althusser 1q;6b, p. 1z; cf. an early formulation (1q6;) in Althusser zoo, p. z1;.
Althusser 1q;6b, p. 1z, note 1q.
Althusser 1qqob, p. zq, cf. also Koivisto 1qq, p. 6.
Machiavelli zoo, Chapter zo.
Althusser 1q;8b, pp. q and .
Authors Preface to the English Edition xv..
Though Althussers self-criticism increasingly emphasised the importance
of the interaction between theory and practice, he never put forward any con-
crete analyses concerning intellectuals and the masses in relation to questions
of organisation as Gramsci had done in his Prison Notebooks. Using Gramscis
terminology, Althusser did not analyse the organisational-political connections
between Marxist science and philosophy in relation to the ideologies or senso
comune of the masses or the intellectuals and other lites. Thus, the effects of
the possible change in this relationship on philosophical-scientihc institutions
and practices themselves also remained outside the focus of Althussers obser-
vations or, at the most, remained critical remarks about the petit-bourgeois
position of teachers of philosophy or other intellectuals.
The essential questions in Gramscis philosophy of praxis questions
about learning from the masses, about philosophy as the critical element of
the senso comune of the masses, or about the views of intellectual and moral
reform and the analysis of social institutions and practices linked to it as well
as their transformation do not have a central role in Althussers thinking,
despite the emphasis of the connection to the masses in the 1q;8 critique of the
PCF. Althussers analyses of the political-historical positionings of theory in
social reality are indeed clearly less substantial and more abstract more the-
oreticist than the cultural-materialistic analyses of Gramscis Prison Note-
books. For Gramsci, philosophy appearedalso as a concrete social-cultural prac-
tice, whereas for Althusser, philosophy as well as his own role as a philoso-
pher was after all primarily a theoretical practice in abstracto. When Althus-
ser, for instance, writes about the class struggle in theory, he does not reect
very much about what kind of effects this could have on the material practices
and institutions of philosophy or the sciences, or about how a revolutionary
Marxist science and philosophy would or should be articulated in relation to
the economic-political struggles that the working class undergoes in the his-
torical conjuncture, that is, by changing the world. In Althussers analyses,
the intellectual who has adopted even a Marxist theoretical anti-humanism
seems to remain a researcher or philosopher-theoretician who spontaneously
reproduces the division between intellectual and material work typical of the
capitalist class society.
. As is well known, Althusser withdrew from public life after his 1q;8 cri-
tique of the Party, until the tragic events of November 1q8o brutally dragged
xv... Authors Preface to the English Edition
him to the centre of attention. After the posthumous publication of previously
unpublished works, it became clear, however, that Althusser had not ceased
writing but had developed his views on the underground current of materi-
alist philosophy, real materialism, aleatory materialism or the materialism
of the encounter. However, he did not leave Marx behind. On the contrary,
by studying the history of the underground current he also tried to estab-
lish a foundation for his proposed analysis of Marxs Capital.
Between 1q8z
and 1q86, he also reworked the manuscript Machiavelli and Us; among other
things, he changed the references from dialectical materialism to aleatory
materialism and changed the vocabulary into the language of aleatory mate-
Studies of the posthumously published later writings of Althusser have
thoroughly discussed the contradictions, shortcomings in argumentation and
reasoning as well as the conceptual problems and inconsistencies in the frag-
mentary developments of aleatory materialism.
But despite all this research,
to date (December zoo8) there is still no study apart from the present book
that systematically analyses Althussers interpretation of Machiavelli or how
Machiavelli and Us can be placed in relation to Althussers overall thinking or
his views on philosophy and its relationship with the class struggle under-
taken by the masses at different stages of his self-criticism.
In various writings discussing Althussers posthumously published works,
especially his later manuscripts and notes, Machiavelli appears as only one of
the materialists of the underground tradition among others from Epicurus
to Heidegger and Derrida. Perhaps the neglect of Machiavelli has been aided
by the fact that according to the spontaneous concept of philosophy Machi-
avelli has not been considered despite Althussers remarks as a philosoph-
ically important hgure. It should be kept in mind, however, that, of all the
thinkers of the underground current, Machiavelli is the only one to receive
a detailed and systematic analysis in the later texts of Althusser. Also, for this
Althusser zoo6a, p. 188 and p. z6o.
Matheron 1qq, p. 1 and p. 16.
Suchting zoo has systematically mapped the inconsistencies; cf. also Tosel zoo,
pp. 1qo.
The second edition of Elliotts Althusser. The Detour of Theory (zoo6) contains a
useful, long Postscript and a bibliography of Althusser scholarship undertaken since
his death, as well as a bibliography of Althussers published writings.
Authors Preface to the English Edition x.x
very same reason, the interpretation of Machiavelli in the aleatory texts of the
later Althusser should have a considerably more central position than it does
in the existing Althusser scholarship.
. In the Althusser scholarship published when I was undertaking my own
research, as well as since then, only Franois Matheron, Emmanuel Terray
and Antonio Negri have focused on Althussers interpretation of Machiavelli
and its culmination in Machiavelli and Us.
In the philosophically slanted writ-
ings of Vittorio Morhno who has worked more systematically with the later
writings of Althusser Althussers interpretation of Machiavelli occasionally
becomes the object of analysis, as it also does briey in Federico Dinuccis and
in Andr Tosels interpretations of aleatory materialism, in Yoshiyuki Satos
book on power and resistance in Althusser, Deleuze, Derrida and Althusser,
and in the substantial analyses of Filippo Del Lucchese of the concept of occa-
sione in Machiavelli.
In the writings of Jean-Claude Bourdin, Yann Moulier
Boutang and Wallis A. Suchting on aleatory materialism, Machiavelli is only
mentioned as one aleatory materialist among others.
In the introduction
written for the original French language edition of Machiavelli and Us, Math-
eron only provides the background to the manuscript and does not present a
more detailed analysis of it. Gregory Elliotts introduction to the English edi-
tion is also rather cursory inits brevity.
Matherons article Louis Althusser ou
limpure puret du concept (zoo1), on the other hand, contains a discussion of
several pages of the central arguments in Machiavelli and Us (e.g. the book The
Prince as a manifesto and Machiavelli as a theoretician of the conjuncture).
Matheronzoo1; Terray 1qq6; Negri 1qq6 (Frenchoriginal Negri 1qq), Negri 1qq;. In
Negris and Hardts book Empire, the Gramscian viewpoint on Machiavellis The Prince
as a political manifesto as developed by Althusser in Machiavelli and Us is discussed
(Hardt and Negri zooo, pp. 66).
Cf. Morhno zooz, pp. qo1, p. q, p. q; and pp. 1oz; Morhno zoo6, p. z1; Morhno
and Pinzola zoo, pp. 1z; Dinucci 1qq8, pp. 111z; Tosel zoo, pp. 1;6; Sato zoo;,
pp. 1q8zo1; Del Lucchese zooz, p. 6z, note 61, where he refers to Althussers view on
Machiavelli as the hrst theoretician of the conjuncture.
Rather strangely, I would argue, in two of the most recently published general
introductions to Althussers work (Montag zoo, Ferretter zoo6), little space is given to
Althussers later thinking and his interpretation of Machiavelli is completely ignored.
Bourdin zoo, pp. 1oz; Moulier Boutang zoo, pp. 16; Suchting zoo, p. z
and pp. z81, pp. , p. o and p. 66; Matheron 1qq, pp. 1o1, p. z1 and pp. q1;
Elliott 1qqq, pp. xixxii.
Matheron zoo1, pp. 8o.
xx Authors Preface to the English Edition
Apart from Goshgarian, of the above-mentioned interpreters, Morhno and
Negri are perhaps the ones who have most highlighted continuity between the
philosophical-theoretical views that Althusser presented at different times.
Morhno also makes interesting comparisons between the later Althussers
aleatory materialism and his earlier views, and indeed uncovers ideas in
his later writings that already occurred in his writings from the 1q6os (albeit
sometimes appearing only in the margins).
Negri, on the other hand, has
argued that, besides the continuity, there is a particular positive turn, die Kehre,
in Althussers thinking, realised by his aleatory materialism.
A central aim in my own study has also been to discuss a viewpoint that
justihes important theoretical continuities. An even more important aimin my
study has been to highlight the aspiration permeating Althussers thinking
to present a theoretically argued starting point for the possibility of political
intervention. The basis for such argumentation is the unconditional rejection
of the Hegelian idea of the expressive totality. Instead of the self-development
of the Hegelian historical totality, the question was about a complex social
formation and the need to understand it conjuncturally. In On Theoretical
Work: Difhculties and Resources (1q6;), an article Althusser wrote in the early
stage of his self-criticism, it becomes clear that he considered the conjuncture
in particular as a substantial concept in terms of Marxist history and political
To take only one example, Lenins political texts (analyses of the situation
and its variations, decisions taken and analyses of their effects, etc.) give us,
with dazzling insistence, in the practical state, a theoretical concept of capital
importance: the concept of the present moment or conjuncture. . . . Only a
little attention is needed to grasp the decisive import of this new theoretical
concept. Not only does it retrospectively cast light on the distinctiveness of
the Marxist theory of history, on the forms of variation in dominance within
the social structure on the basis of determination in the last instance by the
economic, and thus on historical periodisation (that cross of the historians);
not only does it for the hrst time permit the enunciation of a theory that is,
On the interpretations of the possible Kehre in later Althussers thinking, cf.
Sotiris zoo8.
Morhno zooz, especially p. 8;; cf. Morhno zoo6, where he emphasises anti-essen-
tialism as a permeating thread in Althussers thinking.
Negri 1qq6, pp. 86o.
Authors Preface to the English Edition xx.
a genuine conceptualisation of the possibility of political action, detached
at last from the false antinomies of freedom and necessity (the play of
the variations in dominance in the conjuncture), and of the real conditions of
political practice, in designating its object (the balance of class forces engaged
in the struggle of the present moment); not only does it allow us to think the
articulation of the different instances whose combination of overdetermined
effects can be read in the conjuncture but it also allows us to pose, in a
concrete manner, the problem of the union of theory and practice that is,
one of the most profound questions of dialectical materialism, not only in
the domain of political practice but also in the domain of theoretical practice.
. . .
The conjuncture was indeed one of the most central concepts connecting the
different stages of Althussers work. It had an important theoretical position
already in Althussers writings from the beginning of the 1q6os, particularly
in the articles contained in For Marx (1q6). The conjuncture also played a
central role when Althusser attempted to [re]construct a theory of Marxist
history from Marxs Capital and particularly from Lenins political writings,
which could offer a theoretically appropriate starting point for the analysis of
the conditions of political activity.
. Althussers interpretation of Machiavelli as the hrst theoretician of the
conjuncture is guided by Gramscis interpretation of The Prince in the Prison
Notebooks as a passionate political manifesto: The Prince is not a book of
science, understood academically, but of immediate political passion, a
party manifesto that is based on a scientihc conception of the political
art. Furthermore, Machiavellis works are expressions of a personality that
wants to intervene into the politics and the history of his country and in
that sense they have a democratic origin.
With Gramscis interpretation
as his starting point, Althusser analyses The Prince both as Machiavellis
specihc political act in his own conjuncture and as a unique analysis in the
practical state of the conditions of a specihc political act. In my study, I have
characterised this double viewpoint with the terms practice of The Prince
Cited in Althusser 1qqob, pp. 6.
Gramsci 1q;, pp. 1qz8q.
xx.. Authors Preface to the English Edition
and practice of the prince,
the former referring to the political intervention
Machiavelli carries out with his book in his own conjuncture and the latter to
the political practice of the prince that emerges in the book.
Emmanuel Terray hits the nail on the headwhen he says that Althusser him-
self returns to these afhrmations, pointing out that a manifesto of a moment
both analyses a conjuncture and proposes an action.
In his short article, in
which he refers only to Solitude of Machiavelli (Machiavelli and Us had not
been published at the time when Terray wrote his article), Terray does not,
however, systematically analyse Althussers analysis of Machiavelli. Without
knowing of Machiavelli and Us, Terray also ends up making the excessively
polarised conclusion that
inthe absence of a real Marxist political theory, it is fruitless to pretendto graft
Machiavellis political theory onto Marxism, notwithstanding the undeniable
similarities. When we come to the role of the masses who are, after all,
the Reply to John Lewis reminds us, the ones who make history, a far from
Machiavellian formula then rejecting this graft becomes inescapable.
Machiavelli and Us, however, related to Althussers views about the possibility
of political intervention as well as his theory of the conjuncture or his compar-
ison between The Prince andThe Communist Manifesto couldhave shown Terray
that there was no basis for such a polarised conclusion. On the contrary, it is
important to take seriously Althussers view that Machiavelli
went a lot further than Marx on a number of issues, for example in trying to
conceive the conditions and kinds of political action in its pure form, that is
to say at the conceptual level. What struck me again was the radical manner
in which he took account of the chance nature of every conjuncture.
Despite everything, Terray along with Matheron, Negri and Tosel is one of
the few commentators to have noted that for Althusser The Prince was, besides
Lenins political writings, a rare example of both a theoretical problematic of
a political intervention and a political intervention in and with a text. I hope
that the present book convinces the reader that Machiavelli should not be
Cf. Chapter . and ..
Terray 1qq6, p. z6z.
Terray 1qq6, p. z;.
Althusser 1qqc, p. zzo.
Authors Preface to the English Edition xx...
reduced to a single thread in Althussers fragmentary and, in many places,
contradictory aleatory materialism. Althussers interpretation of Machiavelli
is an important achievement, which (together with Gramscis interpretation)
deserves much greater recognition than it has received so far.
Such recogni-
tion should not be strived for simply for of academic reasons but also because
Althussers philosophy of the conjuncture and aleatory interpretation of
Machiavelli can be an intellectual pointer, a revolutionary weapon, on the bat-
tlehelds of global capitalism in our own conjuncture.
Machiavelli and Us has been almost completely bypassed also in Machiavelli schol-
arship, which in recent decades, at least in the English-speaking academic world, has
been one-sidedly dominated by the republicanistic interpretation of Skinner and his
students. After the publication of Machiavelli and Us, it is clear that the effective truth
is not the whole truth about the nature of Machiavellis thinking and its possible impor-
tance. In my study, I pay attention to the most central problems of Skinners interpreta-
tion, which unfolds particularly well against the background of the interpretations by
Althusser (and Gramsci).
Chapter One
Introductory Comments
.. Althusser, Machiavelli and political
Of those writings by French philosopher Louis Al-
thusser (1q18qo) published so far since his death,
Florentine political philosopher and statesman Nic-
col Machiavelli (16q1z;) is the object of study
in hve of them. Apart from Machiavelli, there is
also present in most of these writings the under-
ground philosophical tradition that Althusser char-
acterises as the materialism of the encounter or
the philosophy of the encounter,
and real mate-
rialism or the only materialism.
The most exten-
sive of these writings is the approximately 1oo-page
manuscript titled Machiavel et nous.
While Althus-
ser was still alive, German and English translations
were published of a lecture he gave in 1q;; enti-
tled Solitude de Machiavel, but the original version
was only published after his death. Two other writ-
ings essential to Machiavelli scholarshipare Lunique
tradition matrialiste and Althussers autobiography
Althusser 1qqc, p. 61; Althusser zoo6a, p. 188.
Althusser 1qqza, p. q; Althusser 1qqc, p. 1o.
Althusser 1qqa; Althusser 1qqq.
z Chapter One
Lavenir dure longtemps.
The oldest of the posthumously published writings
is Althussers manuscript of the lecture series he gave in 1q6z at the cole
Normale Suprieure, titled Politique et histoire de Machiavel Marx.
My objective in the present study is to show that these hve writings pub-
lished after Althussers death contain an important contribution to Machi-
avelli scholarship, political theory and political philosophy. What makes the
task more difhcult, however, is that most of Althussers writings in which he
discusses Machiavelli and the underground current of the materialism of the
encounter are incomplete, unpolished with regard to form and structure and
very fragmentary with regard to their argumentation.
Despite this, however,
they shed further light on those of Althussers writings published during his
lifetime and, furthermore, demonstrate that the claims that Althussers struc-
turalism, structuralist Marxismandtheoretical anti-humanism ignore human
freedom are one-sided and erroneous.
Even though, in those of his writings published during his lifetime, Althus-
ser does not specihcally analyse Machiavelli, I aim to demonstrate (in Chap-
ter z) that many of them are nevertheless concerned with Machiavellian
themes, the central issue of which is the identihcation of the theoretical con-
ditions for political practice. The question of political practice can be found
in these writings in his critique of Hegelianism and, in particular, Hegelian
Marxism, as well as his theoretically antihumanist interpretation of Marx.
The main object of critique in Althussers writings from the 1q6os and
1q;os is the idea of expressive totality in Hegelian Marxism. The central factor
connecting this earlier critique to his writings from the 1q8os is the critique
of teleological thinking as well as the philosophy of essence [philosophie de
lessence]. Even though Epicurus and Machiavelli are perhaps more central
Lunique tradition matrialiste, in the hrst part of which Althusser discusses Spinoza
and the second part Machiavelli, was originally included in the manuscript of Althus-
sers autobiography. However, he left it out of the last known version of the manuscript.
It was only published after his death, together with the incomplete autobiographical
text Les Faits, written in 1q;6 (see Corpet 1qq, pp. ;z and Elliott 1qq, p. 1;q). Only
the hrst part of the manuscript has been published in English, The Only Materialist
Tradition, Part I: Spinoza, in Montag and Stolze (eds.) 1qq;.
Althusser zoo6b.
Althusser states that he intends to write a book that would bring together Machi-
avelli, Hobbes, Spinoza and Rousseau. The book, which had the working title La vrita-
ble tradition matrialiste [The True Materialist Tradition], was never completed (Althusser
1qqza, p. z; Althusser 1qqc, p. z1; see also Corpet 1qq, pp. ;z).
Introductory Comments
hgures than Marx in Althussers writings from the 1q8os, the critique of
philosophical idealism as well as the essentialism and teleologism it contains
are still strongly evident. One could also say that, in these late writings,
Althusser attempts to dehne more precisely and further develop the critique
of essentialism, teleologism and philosophical idealism that he developed in
his earlier writings, such as Lire Le Capital (1q6) or Pour Marx (1q6).
One central consequence of Althussers critique of Hegelianism namely,
that Hegelian philosophy is unable to dehne the possibility of political action
in a theoretically valid way has particular relevance from the point of view
of Althussers interpretation of Machiavelli. Althussers own alternative for
understanding political practice, elaborated in his writings from the 1q6os
and 1q;os, was formulated around concepts such as overdetermination and
underdetermination. Althussers analysis of the revolutionary leader Lenin in
his article Contradiction et surdtermination (1q6z) (in Pour Marx) is also
particularly relevant from the point of view of the problematic of political
practice. Even though Althusser only briey mentions Machiavelli in this text,
it is obvious already at this point that his analysis of Lenins actions in the
Russian conjuncture of 1q1; was to some extent inuenced by his reading of
The same applies to Althussers so-called self-criticism from 1q66 onwards,
which includes viewpoints that are more or less parallel to his interpretation
of Machiavellis The Prince. For example, the idea in his self-criticismabout the
revolutionary nature of theory refers to his thesis also put forward earlier
by Antonio Gramsci (18q11q;) regarding the revolutionary nature of The
It is important to keep in mind that Althussers writings about Machiavelli
were not all written at the end of the 1q;os or in the 1q8os. Even though
there are few references to Machiavelli in the writings published during
his lifetime, he nevertheless stated that he discovered Machiavelli already
in the summer of 1q6, when on holiday in Italy.
According to Franois
Matheron, the editor of the posthumously publishedworks, Althusser lectured
on Machiavelli for the hrst time in 1q6z at the cole Normale Suprieure
Althusser 1q86, p. q; Althusser 1q;q, p. q.
Cf. Chapter z..
Althusser 1qqa, p. qo.
Chapter One
(ENS), as part of his classics lectures, and again in 1q;z.
Althusser kept
modifying the manuscript of the 1q;z lecture up until 1q86. As Matheron
states, it is impossible to determine the exact dates of the corrections, additions
and cuts to the manuscript. Probably a large part of the corrections was
made between 1q; and 1q;6, and the references (of which there are almost
twenty) to aleatory and encounter [rencontre] were added during the 1q8os.
This, however, does not necessarily indicate an abrupt change in Althussers
Matheron indeed refers briey to Althussers notes and letters from
the 1q6os and 1q;os in which he already used the expressions rencontre and
For example, the notes dating from 1q66 that is, those notes
made almost immediately after the publication of Lire Le Capital include the
following comments:
1. A theory of encounter or conjunction (= genesis) (cf. Epicurus, clinamen,
Cournot) chance, etc., precipitancy, coagulation. z. A theory of conjuncture
(= structure) . . . philosophy as a general [gnrale] theory of conjuncture (=
The background to these comments is probably the analysis in Lire Le Capital
of the conception of the modes of production and the transition from one
mode of production to another, which tienne Balibar developed in his part
Matheron 1qq, pp. 1z1. Althussers claim that he discovered Machiavelli in
the summer of 1q6 (even though he had already lectured about him in 1q6z) is
justihed, in the sense that he wrote a new manuscript for the 1q;z lecture series
whose interpretation differs from the 1q6z version. Listing all the differences between
the lecture notes would require studying the manuscript for the 1q6z lecture series,
which is kept at the IMEC Althusser archives in Caen (lInstitut Mmoires de ldition
Contemporaine). With regard to the previously mentioned article, Contradiction et
surdtermination, it is perhaps signihcant to note that Althusser wrote it the same year
(1q6z) as he gave his hrst lecture on Machiavelli.
Matheron 1qq, pp. q1.
The expression the aleatory character of the formation of states [le caractre alatoire
de la formation des Etats] also occurs in Solitude de Machiavel, that is, Althussers
public lecture from 1q;; (Althusser 1qqoa, p. 6; Althusser 1q88, p. ;6).
Matheron 1qq, pp. z1z.
Cited in Matheron 1qq, p. z1. Antoine Augustin Cournot (18o1;;) was a French
philosopher, mathematician and economist who developed probability theory and
mathematical economics. His works include Exposition de la thorie des chances et des
probabilits (18) and Considrations sur la marche des ides et des vnements dans les
temps modernes (z parts, 18;z). As far as is known, Althusser does not comment on
Cournots works, but only refers to this great but neglected thinker in connection with
his discussion of aleatoriness (Althusser 1qqc, p. 66; Althusser zoo6a, p. 1q).
Introductory Comments
of their collaborative book.
Thirty years later, Balibar self-critically stated
that, at the time of writing his contribution to Lire Le Capital, he had not
understood much about the nature of historical transition.
Althussers notes
showthat the problems of historical transition had occupied his mind, too. The
debate and critique generated by Lire Le Capital were also perhaps a reason
for this. It seems that it was in response to these problems that Althusser
devised his theories about conjunctions and conjunctures. A systematic
development of such theories, however, is not included in Althussers writings
published at the end of the 1q6os or during the 1q;os. Instead, at the end
of Le courant souterrain du matrialisme de la rencontre, written in the
1q8os and published after his death, there are a couple of page-long sections,
separate from the rest of the text, in which Althusser tries to demonstrate
that it is possible to hnd in Marxs writings both an aleatory and essence-
materialistic teleological notion of the conception of the capitalist mode of
production; Althusser roundly criticises the latter.
On the last page of the
manuscript, Althusser refers to Lire Le Capital and to the notion that the
analysis of the double combination of the means of production and relations
of production contained in Balibars section of their book should be developed
On the basis of the above examples, one can surmise that, in the 1q8os,
Althusser aimed to develop further themes and questions that had been on
his mind already much earlier but which he had not spoken about, at least not
publicly. Assessedinthis light, his writings fromthe 1q8os provide no evidence
of any abrupt change in his thinking. Instead, his later writings can be seen as
attempts to identify and resolve the questions that had arisen already in his
earlier writings.
Cf. e.g. the chapter De la priodisation aux modes de production in Althusser et
al. 1qq6a, pp. z; Althusser and Balibar 1qq;, pp. zoqz.
Balibar 1qq6, p. 11.
Althusser 1qqc, pp. 6q;6; Althusser zoo6a, pp. 1q6zo.
Althusser 1qqc, p. ;6; Althusser zoo6a, p. zo.
The questions of political theory and practice interested Althusser already in the
1qos, as shown by his study Montesquieu. La politique et lhistoire (Althusser 1qq).
In his Soutenance dAmiens thesis of 1q;, Althusser states that in around 1qq
o he submitted to Jean Hyppolite and Victor Janklvich an outline for a grande
thse on Politique et philosophie au XVIIIe sicle franais and a petite thse on the Second
Discourse of J.-J. Rousseau. He also states that he never really abandoned the project
(Althusser 1q;6a, p. 1z8; Althusser 1qqob, p. zo). Furthermore, Althusser says that,
already at that time, he was a communist andbelievedthat studying eighteenth-century
6 Chapter One
One perennial question that occupied Althussers thought is that of politi-
cal practice. The working note cited above does not directly refer to the ques-
tion of politics, but, rather, to the problematic of historical transition in general:
how historical conjunctures are conceived and coagulate to form structures
and, on the other hand, how history can be understood as conjunctural pro-
cesses of transition in structures.
Besides Lenin, it is Machiavelli who initiates Althusser into the inner
questions of conjunctures and political action as well as the conjunctural
problematics of political class struggle. In his autobiography, Lavenir dure
longtemps suivi de Les faits (1qqz), Althusser writes that he always had a keen
and intuitive understanding of the conjuncture and its consequences.
Machiavellis texts in which the segretario orentino analyses the conditions
for changes in his highly aleatory Italian conjuncture were of inspiration in
the theoretical reections about such an intuitive understanding:
Machiavelli was a later discovery, and in my view he went a lot further than
Marx on a number of issues, for example in trying to conceive the conditions and
kinds of political action in its pure form, that is to say at the conceptual level. What
struck me again was the radical manner in which he took into account the
aleatory nature of every conjuncture. In addition, he revealed that what was
needed, if Italian national unity was to be achieved, was for a nobody starting
with nothing and from nowhere in particular, but outside the framework of
an established State, to bring together the fragmented elements of a divided
country, without any preconceived notion of unity which might have been
formulated in terms of existing political concepts (all of which were bad). We
have not yet, I believe, explored all the implications of this piece of political
thinking, the hrst of its kind and sadly without sequel.
philosophy and politics would provide an introduction to understanding Marx. In his
autobiography, Althusser explains how during his incarceration in a German Stalag
XA in Schleswig in northern Germany he came to understand how one had to come to
terms with the imponderables of the situation as well as gaining an understanding of
the rules laid down by the only man and I mean the only man who thought about
the prerequisites and the forms of action albeit exclusively in the sphere of politics.
. . . Machiavelli. Althussers theoretical reections on these rules indeed became a life-
long project, in which Machiavelli rose to a central position (Althusser 1qqza, p. q;
Althusser 1qqc, pp. 1o).
Althusser 1qqza, p. 18; Althusser 1qqc, p. 166.
Althusser 1qqc, p. zzo; my emphasis, translation modihed.
Introductory Comments
For Althusser, Machiavelli is indeed the analyst and theoretician par excellence
of the conditions and forms of political action. In addition to his opinion that
Machiavelli goes beyond Marx in his analysis of political action, Althusser
states that he considers Machiavelli much more fascinating as a writer than
In Althussers opinion, Machiavelli is indeed the greatest materialist
philosopher in history the equal of Spinoza.
Machiavellis appeal for
Althusser is further due to the radical manner in which he took account of the
aleatory nature of every conjuncture [la prise en compte radicale de la factualit
alatoire de toute conjoncture].
In the case of Machiavelli, however, the terms materialism and philoso-
phy do not allude to any philosophical system in which material would be
dehned as the substance of reality, as opposed to the spirit of idealistic sys-
tems; that is, as either materialism or idealism. On the contrary, Machiavellis
materialism, so to speak, lies in the fact that he did not construct a philosoph-
ical system. He is a writer who, according to Althusser, reopens the Epicurean
tradition in philosophy.
The world of Epicurus was conceived (or hxed) in
the collision of atoms, as one of themaccidentally swerved fromits course run-
ning parallel to that of other atoms. The world is not the result of the creation
of the gods, who are at any rate not interested in what happens in the world.
The world has no deeper purpose or telos that philosophers could discover and
dehne. With the word aleatory which refers to dice (Latin: alea) and dice-
throwing, as well as adventure Althusser refers to the unpredestined nature
or arbitrariness of the collision of atoms. An emphasis on the primary nature
of the aleatory is a factor shared albeit in very different ways by philoso-
phers of the Epicurean tradition, from Epicurus to Machiavelli and Rousseau
through to Marx, Heidegger and Derrida.
The history of philosophy has not, however, beensignpostedwithEpicurean
hgures. While Sophism had to give way to Platonism, Epicureanism had to
Althusser 1qqa, p. q1.
Althusser 1qqa, p. 161; Althusser 1qqq, p. 1o. On the other hand, Althusser states
in his autobiography that it was specihcally Marx who taught him that nominalism
was the royal road to materialism (Althusser 1qqza, p. q; Althusser 1qqc, p. z1;; cf.
Althusser 1qqza, p. zo; Althusser 1qqc, p. z11).
Althusser 1qqza, p. z1; Althusser 1qqc, p. zzo; translation modihed.
Althusser 1qqa, p. qq.
Jacques Derrida tells of how Althusser irted with Heidegger, even though he
never referred to him publicly (Derrida 1qq, pp. 188q1; see also Spiegel 1qq;).
8 Chapter One
give way to philosophical storytellers, those who pictured different justihable
principles and bases for the world, human beings, and societies:
Principles should be understood in every sense of the world: hrst principle
or cause or essence, whether these principles are ontological (as in Aristotle
or St. Thomas) or moral (as in Saint Thomas when he discusses politics). It
is, above all, this total break with all the moral principles of politics that is
blinding in Machiavelli; but the transition from moral causes or principles to
the ontological causes and principles that presuppose them is an easy one,
because one and the same mode of thought is involved.
Machiavellis materialism, as well as its philosophical subversiveness, is based on
the notion that he does not invent any moral, juridical or theological origins
for the state, but presents in The Prince and his other writings
. . . an empirical-factual description, a conjunctural description in the full
sense of the word, of the really existing state of all the Italian principalities
and republics.
For the very reason that the question is only about the empirical-factual def-
inition of a single conjuncture, Machiavelli is able to detach himself from the
terrainof philosophy andmove towards the terrainof political practice. Machi-
avelli theorises political practice, as Althusser states, referring to Gramsci.
However, Machiavelli did not theorise practice in general, build a generally
applicable theory, or propose a practical philosophy regarding what practice
is. Instead, he focused and posited his writings within the political conjuncture
of his own time and place, of sixteenth-century [cinquecento] Italy. Machiavelli
was not primarily interested in practice in general, but, rather, the practice of
his own time and place, the Italian conjuncture in its uniqueness.
Althusser states that he had to reconcile his experience as a practising philosopher
with his view that philosophy is ideologically fraudulent: my objective: never to tell
myself stories . . . . That is, Althusser saw traditional idealist philosophy as a system
inventing stories about the original causes, the laws of history, goals, essences, etc.
(Althusser 1qqza, p. 161; Althusser 1qqc, p. 16q; cf. also Althusser 1qqza, p. zo;
Althusser 1qqc, p. z11).
Althusser 1qqa, pp. qq1oo.
Althusser 1qqa, p. 1oo.
Introductory Comments
.. Althussers contribution to Machiavelli scholarship
In the present study, I strive to show that Althussers interpretation of Machi-
avelli, as the theoretician of the political conjuncture, contains noteworthy con-
tributions both to Machiavelli scholarship and to political theory and philos-
ophy in general.
In the following section, I will demonstrate the grounds for
such a claim, and outline my analysis of Althussers interpretation of Machi-
avelli and the materialism of the encounter.
... The general and the particular
Althusser shows in his interpretation of Machiavelli that the latters im-
portance, which transcends his own time, does not lie primarily in having pro-
posed universally-valid and effective general rules [regole generali] of political
practices, but, rather, that he teaches his reader including also Althusser to
analyse the particular characteristics of each political conjuncture at any given
time. This does not mean, however, that Machiavelli did not present generali-
sations about political practice. As I will show later (in Chapter .z), the point
is whether the status of such generalisations is substantially different in schol-
arship emphasising the connection between Machiavelli and modern science.
Machiavellis general rules are not laws contained in a theoretical system, but
rather constants recurring from one case to another; knowing what these are
may be of use to the political actor when planning a strategy of action. The
constants can also be a drawback when one blindly trusts that the present or
the future is like the past, thus bringing disaster to the political actor. The rea-
son for this is that the position of constants varies from one case to another;
that is, in each case, the general and particular form in a unique way a con-
juncture with each other. Likewise, it does not follow that if certain laws pre-
vailedin some earlier case that they wouldnecessarily prevail or have a similar
inuence also in the actors own case.
For example, in the works of Mansheld 1qq6 and Masters 1qq6 there are no
references at all to Althussers views, even though Solitude de Machiavel had been
published in English already in 1q88. The only book on Machiavelli I have come
across which refers to Althusser is a French translation of The Prince published in 1qq6.
Even then, however, in the beginning of the Foreword, probably written by the books
translator, Jean Vincent Pris, it only cites Althussers autobiography (Pris 1qq6,
p. ;).
+o Chapter One
The political situation is indeed characterised by uncertainty. In Machiavel-
lis texts, the odd logic of political practice as Althusser characterises it
is encapsulated by the concepts of virt and fortuna.
Althusser dehnes virt
as a concept through which Machiavelli outlines the political actors aim to
reconcile his deeds in the conditions of the conjuncture characterised by the
whims and uctuations of fortuna.
As one can see from the hnal chapter of The Prince, Machiavelli appeals to
an anonymous new prince who would raise a banner and unite Italy into
an extensive and centralized state.
The new prince was indeed, for Machi-
avelli, a political actor par excellence. Machiavellis texts open the viewpoint
of the man of action to the political conjuncture. With the expression man of
action [homme daction], Althusser refers to the political actor who strives to
arrange the matters of the conjuncture so that the latter would promote the
implementation of his own goals.
Because a man of action cannot through his
deeds and knowledge ever perfectly control the conjuncture, he is forced to
take risks. Althusser indeed compares the man of action to an adventurer, for
instance the typical hero of the American Western hlm, who arrives in town
from nowhere, puts things to right and then exits the stage (see Chapter ..).
(One must remember that, in the so-called Wild West, there were also female
adventurers, such as Calamity Jane. Nevertheless, I shall stick to the more com-
mon phrase man of action as this is consistent with Althussers usage.)
... The political praxis of a prince
Althusser shows that The Prince is not only a text about the political practices
of princes but also a political act in itself. Even though the subject of the
political action (the agent) presented in the text is the prince, the criteria for
this activity are established fromthe point of viewof the people or the many
or multitude (popolo, multitudine, molti, etc.). This is a question of an alliance
Althusser 1qqza, p. z; Althusser 1qqc, p. z1; and Althusser 1qqa, pp. qq1o1.
Machiavelli zoo, p. xxvi.
With the expression man of action, Althusser also refers to real men [les hommes
vritables] (Althusser 1qqza, p. q; Althusser 1qqc, p. 1o) who efhciently organise
practical matters, such as those among his fellowprisoners in the German prison camp,
where he was a prisoner of war from 1qo to 1q (cf. Althusser 1qqza, Chapter 1o and
Althusser 1qqzb).
Introductory Comments ++
between the prince and the people against the few, the nobles (grandi, pochi,
etc.) who oppress them. In the present study, I will show how Machiavelli
carries out this subversive political act and what its consequences are.
The radical nature of Machiavellis political act also shows that The Prince
is not just some textbook for how to be a prince among similar works in this
old genre (known as a mirror for princes), but a work that elevates the
people as a central factor although not yet quite the central actor in
political practice.
Althusser shows the one-sidedness of both Machiavellian
and democratic interpretations of The Prince. Machiavellian interpretations
are one-sided because, according to them, The Prince is merely an amoral
textbook for princes and rulers generally. This view, however, hides the fact
that this is also a question of a revolutionary political manifesto, where the
political practice of the prince is dehned through a political objective as seen
from the viewpoint of the people. Democratic interpretations, on the other
hand, are also one-sided because, according to them, The Prince is a republican
book, which, by cleverly utilising the textbook genre, reveals to the people the
secrets of the amoral practice of princes, so that the people could be liberated
from the princes yoke (as argued by Rousseau) or so that the people would
moralistically condemn the politics of princes (as argued by Ugo Foscolo).
Such interpretations, however, do not take into account the viewpoint raised
by Gramsci in his Prison Notebooks that, according to Machiavelli, the people
need as their leader a new prince who has the necessary political skills.
... Aleatory dynamics
Althusser manages to open up Machiavellis dynamic conception of political
practice. The picture that emerges of Machiavellis thinking is rather different
from that found, for instance, in Quentin Skinners interpretation, which has
receivedmuch attention in recent decades. According to Skinner, Machiavellis
political dynamics, circling around the notions of virt and fortuna, remain in
the shadow of a sort of political statics concerning republicanism, which in
For the history of the genre Mirrors for the Princes in Renaissance Italy, see
Skinner 1q;8, pp. 1 and pp. 1168; see also Skinner 1qqo, pp. 1z11, in which
he to some extent revises his earlier interpretation of Machiavellis relationship to the
humanist-republican tradition.
+z Chapter One
itself is meritorious but formalistic.
Eventhough Skinner pays attention to the
notion that it is not possible to found a republic in a state of advanced corrup-
tion but, rather, being liberated from corruption requires the autocratic action
of a single person, he does not analyse the logic of political practice linked with
the problematics of corruption and liberation from it. Instead, he concentrates
mainly on the end result of the process, namely, the republic (and in Machi-
avellis republican ideas), which, according to him, is Machiavellis preferred
form of government.
Althusser manages better than Skinner in getting to grips with the dynam-
ics of political action.
This happens specihcally with the help of his Epi-
curean aleatory logic. In his interpretation, the most essential question does
not concern, for instance, whether or not Machiavelli supported republican
or monarchist forms of government or perhaps a combination of the two. It
is more important to analyse the logic of the actions of political actors and
groups of actors than such already hxed forms, because they try to use the
aleatory situations to their advantage and cope within them. As I try to show
in the hnal chapter, this aim to govern the aleatory reality can be characterised
as taming chance.
One historical response to a highly aleatory situation has
been to found a republic, or, alternatively, a monarchy or a mixed form of gov-
For Skinners interpretation of Machiavelli, cf. Skinner 1q;8 and Skinner 1q;q.
Skinner 1q;8, especially p. 1z; cf. also Skinner 1q;q, pp. 6;q.
My critique may seem strange in relation to Skinners emphasis on concepts and
concept changes in political struggles. However, I agree with Kari Palonen, who shows
how Skinners interest, even in concept changes, is primarily on the rhetorical level, in
other words, concernedwiththe legitimisation rather thanthe explicationof conceptual
novelties and conicts, and rather on the level of established language use than the
construction of prohled conceptions (Palonen 1qq;, p. 1o). To this I would add that
Skinners interest is directed at the conceptual-rhetorical manifestations of political
conicts and not other kinds of less rhetorical functional dimensions of conicts
and their logic. By this, I do not mean that rhetoric would not be an essential part
of political activity or that rhetoric would not also exist materially, but rather that
political action is not merely a question of rhetoric, nor must the history of political
thinking be analysed only by means of a research method concerned with rhetoric or
conceptual history.
The expression the taming of chance, comes from Ian Hacking (cf. e.g., Hacking
1qqo and 1qq1). His central argument is that the erosion of classical Laplacian determin-
ism in the nineteenth century did not lead to an emphasis on freedom, but rather to the
taming of chance, which was evident in both theory and social practice. This meant, for
instance, an alliance between statistics and the control of the population (cf. Hacking
1qq1, p. 18).
Introductory Comments +
ernment. Even though not even Althusser denies that Machiavellis thinking
would not include republican elements and preferences (cf. the viewpoint
of the people in The Prince), it is more important to pay attention to the
conditions of each historical conjuncture (cf. the necessity of the arrival of the
newprince inThe Prince), during which the political action occurs andbecomes
For Althusser, the point is to elaborate the aleatory and case-specihc nature
of political practice, for instance, in the founding of a new state or form of
government. In Althussers interpretation, Machiavellis The Prince and his
other works are theoretical analyses of aleatory situations and series of events.
Understood this way, the problematics of virt and fortuna refer to political
action with no guarantee of success (it is in this sense that we can understand
aleatoriness as adventure). Even though the republican form of government
would be the ultimate political goal, the conjuncture does not necessarily offer
realistic opportunities for such an attachment. For instance, in Machiavellis
own historical context, the new prince and the principality led by him the
foundation of a kind of monarchy was also a weak aleatory possibility.
Not a single existing city state, prince or principality had what it took to be
a model for the new principality, and there was no new prince looming on
the Italian horizon. One opportunity had opened and closed, namely Cesare
Borgia and his troops. But even his aleatory adventure, which had begun
successfully, culminated in disaster due to the fateful whims of fortuna (cf.
Chapter .).
... Verit eettuale della cosa The eective truth
According to Althusser, one of the main reasons why Machiavelli can be
dehned as a theoretician of the conjuncture is that he studied the conjunctures
of both the past and his own time from the point of view of the verit effet-
tuale della cosa, that is, the effective truth. As already mentioned, accord-
ing to Althusser, Machiavelli presents empirical-factual descriptions of con-
junctures. This is an important observation because it enables the critique and
surpassing of antagonistic dualisms such as realimaginary, authentic
artihcial or moralpolitical. The problematic of the effective truth of
Althussers materialistic interpretation is evident, for instance, in relation to
the prince and the people. Althusser characterises the prince as the hrst
+ Chapter One
ideological state apparatus,
which functions by means of the effective truth.
The princes apparatus materialises in his institutions and practices as well as
in the strategies through which he inuences such materially existing institu-
tions (such as the Church) that produce and renew moral-religious beliefs and
As is well known, Machiavelli argued that there are two ways of hghting,
by law or by force, and that the hrst way is natural to men and the second
to beasts. This led to his well-known argument that a prince must understand
how to make use of both the beast and the man. In terms of beasts, he gives the
specihc examples of the fox andthe lion: one must be a fox in order to recognise
traps and a lion in order to frighten off wolves.
According to Althusser,
prince requires the instinct of a fox in order to realise when to appear honest
in the eyes of the people and when to appear cruel, when to appear virtuous
or whatever. He emphasises that Machiavellis prince has no essence; he is
not good or bad, but, rather, his essence lies in the notion that he can
appear the way that he should in each situation in order to achieve what he
... Morals and politics
It follows from the above argument that the thesis repeated in the standard
politics textbooks, namely that Machiavelli separated politics from morals,
is problematic.
In the light of Althussers interpretation of the practice of
the prince, one can see that Machiavelli by no means separated politics from
morals but rather, on the contrary, that he politicised morals. In other words,
he studied morals, as well as religion and justice, from the point of view of the
effective truth. He assesses and teaches others to assess moral, religious and
juridical principles, discourses or doctrines according to their effective truth.
It becomes evident from Machiavellis correspondence, for example, that he
Althusser 1qqa, p. 1o6.
Machiavelli zoo, p. xviii.
Althusser 1qqa, p. q.
The thesis goes back at least to Benedetto Croce, in his writings about Machiavelli
from the end of the 1qzos (Croce 1q81, p. zo; for other examples see Cochrane 1q61,
pp. 116).
Introductory Comments +
was deeply interested in what makes people believe that there are deeper
moral-religious principles behind the existing world.
Seen in this light, Skinners interpretation according to which Machiavelli
only abandons Christian morals and virtue ethics but not morality as such
remains incomplete. According to Skinner, the question is not about the con-
trast between a moral viewof politics and a viewof politics as divorced from
morality, but the essential contrast is rather between two different morali-
ties. Machiavelli is not without morality, that is, immoral, but his morality is
contained within the admonition that the prince must by any means available
maintain his state [mantenere lo stato].
However, Skinner does not take into
account the other side of the matter, namely, specihcally in what way Machi-
avelli is interested in the Christian morals of his time as the effective truth. The
problem with Skinners viewpoint apart from being anachronistic is that
he understands morality, like philosophy itself, as a question about good and
evil, and not as an essential dimension of the political practice established from
the viewpoint of the effective truth, as does the object of his research namely,
... Materialist political theory
Althussers interpretation of Machiavelli and his concept of the aleatory are
signihcant contributions to political theory. He outlines his notion of an alea-
tory Machiavelli and, with the help of the Epicurean tradition, also a theory
of materialist politics that opens up a view of politics as an action occurring in
a conjuncture where each actor aims to organise and govern the effective truth,
but where no single party can ever be certain about their victory. And each
victory can only be temporary. Even every hxed political formof organisation
rests on an uncertain aleatory foundation. Aleatory logic, indeed, refers to the
fact that there is a struggle at the centre of politics, whereas the state of peace
is a displaced form of struggle. Therefore, the Althusserian theory of politics
is the theory of struggles and conicts characterised by displacements and
condensations within the effective truth.
Skinner 1q;8, pp. 1.
+6 Chapter One
This does not mean, however, that political action could not strive for a
world better than the existing one. On the contrary, Althusser was interested
in how the revolutionary political movement should operate in order for its
strategy to be both effective and utopian. As he shows in the case of Machi-
avelli, utopia does not, however, refer to the construction of an abstract ideal
society but to a political goal, the attainment of which requires a theoretical
analysis of the historical conjuncture and the political action that effectively
utilises and adapts the conditions of the conjuncture.
.. The approach of the present study
The present study can be described as a philosophical-theoretical conceptual
analysis of Althussers interpretation of an aleatory Machiavelli. Addition-
ally, the aim, particularly in the last main chapter (Chapter ) is to further
develop certain viewpoints in Althussers interpretation, such as his analysis
of the relationship between the prince and the people in The Prince.
In the hrst main chapter (Chapter z) I focus on those writings published
during Althussers lifetime. Of these, I give particular emphasis to those the-
oretical viewpoints that create a basis for understanding his posthumously-
published writings on Machiavelli. I will pay less attention to the histori-
cal context of Althussers own writing, the French political conjunctures and
debates from the 1qos to the 1q8os, so that the study can remain a sufh-
ciently compact conceptual-theoretical introduction to Althussers interpreta-
tion of Machiavelli (I will look at Althussers intellectual-political battles in
Chapter z., as an introduction to his self-criticism). Instead, the last main
chapter (Chapter ) contains sections clarifying Machiavellis historical and
Unlike his contemporary Francesco Guicciardini, Machiavelli is not content with
studying only the internal relationships between the social groups in power, that is, the
relationships between the nobles and the actual political actors (the actual citizens),
but, instead, focuses on the relationships between the rulers and those being ruled.
In this regard, it is worth mentioning Neal Woods interpretation of the difference
between Machiavellis thinking andthe political theory of classical antiquity. According
to Wood, the difference lies specihcally in the fact that Machiavelli brings to the
theory of politics a new potential group of actors, the many (Wood 1qqo, pp. lvii
Introductory Comments +
conceptual-historical context. This is necessary so that the theoretical analysis
of the relationship between the prince and the people does not become
This latter interpretation will be presented and analysed in
Chapters and .
Typical of the use of language of the time, in Machiavellis writings there are
several dehnitions for the various groups of people. Not among them, however, is the
word nazione [nation] in the sense of a nation-state. The word people here refers to
Italian expressions such as popolo, molti (or many) and multitudine. I will discuss these
questions in more detail in Chapter . Mostly, however, I will use the expressions few
[pochi] and many [molti] when referring to the struggles between the aristocratic and
lower classes of the city-states.
Chapter Two
A Critique of Hegelianism
The following critique of Hegelianism is based pri-
marily on the section of Soutenance dAmiens (a
text containing the main arguments with which Al-
thusser presented his submission for the degree of
doctorat dtat at the University of Picardy) entitled
La dernire instance . . . [The Last Instance . . . ]. In
this text, hrst published in La Pense in 1q;, Althus-
ser summarises the critical starting points and goals
of his interpretation of Marxism. The Soutenance
dAmiens was later republished in the collection
titled Positions, which contains Althussers writings
from 1q6 to 1q;. It was hrst published in English
in 1q;6 with the title Is It Simple to Be a Marxist in
Philosophy? in Essays in Self-Criticism.
Dating from this same period is Althussers l-
ments dautocritique from 1q;z,
which I will also dis-
cuss in the following critique. lments dautocritique
is relevant in the present study because, amongst
other things, it is here that Althusser discusses the
question of the revolutionary nature of theory,
which is an essential element in his interpretation
of Machiavelli. This very issue also arises in Althus-
sers interpretation of Machiavellis The Prince,
which he calls a revolutionary political manifesto.
Althusser 1q;; English translation: Althusser 1q;6b.
zo Chapter Two
.. A critique of Hegelian dialectics
Althussers starting point in La dernire instance . . . , as the title indicates,
is the much-debated formulation by Engels in his letter to Joseph Bloch in
September 18qo.
According to the materialist conception of history, the determining element
in the last instance in history is the production and reproduction of real life.
Other than this neither Marx nor I have ever asserted. Hence if somebody
twists this into saying that the economic element is the only determining
one, he transforms that proposition into a meaningless, abstract, senseless
phrase. The economic situation is the basis, but the various elements of
the superstructure political forms of the class struggle and its results, to
wit [ . . . ] also exercise their inuence upon the course of the historical
struggles and in many cases preponderate in determining their form. There
is an interaction of all these elements in which, amid all the endless host
of accidents (that is, of things and events whose inner interconnection is
so remote or so impossible of proof that we can regard it as non-existent,
as negligible), the economic movement hnally asserts itself as necessary.
Otherwise the application of the theory to any period of history would be
easier than the solution of a simple equation of the hrst degree.
According to Althusser, Marx and Engelss modest-looking expression that
the economy determines in the last instance, in fact upsets the whole ruling
conception of society and history.
Not enough attention has been paid to the hgure or metaphor in which Marx
presents his conception of a society in the Preface to the 18q Contribution.
This hgure is that of a topography: that is, of a spatial apparatus which assigns
positions in space to given realities.
Marxist topography presents society in terms of the metaphor of an edihce
whose upper oors rest, as the logic of an edihce would have it, on founda-
tions. The foundation is in German die Basis or die Struktur, which is tradition-
Cf. also Engelss letter to Conrad Schmidt (z; October 18qo) (Engels zooa, p. ; et
Engels zoob, pp. 6.
Althusser 1q;6a, p. 18; Althusser 1qqob, p. z1.
A Critique of Hegelianism z+
ally translated as base or more often infrastructure: it is the economy, the unity
of the productive forces and relations of production under the dominance of
the relations of production. From the base of the ground oor rise the upper
oor or oors of the berbau, in translation the legal-political and ideological
The point here is not that the topography of the base and the superstruc-
ture has not been researched and interpreted,
but rather that the epochal
subversive meaning of the topography in relation to thinking about society
and history has not been understood. Thus, the decisive difference of the
topography (presented by Marx) in relation to the notion of history and soci-
ety in Hegels dialectics has also not been understood. In his own inter-
pretation of Marx, Althusser sets himself the task of dehning this decisive
difference as well as showing the epochal meaning of this difference: he
strives to understand what Marxismmeans [de comprendre ce que marxisme veut
As Althusser sees it, one central difference between Hegelian and Marxist
dialectics is that Hegel thought of society as a totality [totalit], while Marx
thought of it as a complex whole, [tout] structured in dominance.
The concepts
of totality and whole differ decisively:
If I preferred to reserve for Marx the category of the whole rather than
that of the totality, it is because within the totality a double temptation is
always present: that of considering it as a pervasive essence which exhaus-
tively embraces all of its manifestations, and what amounts to the same
thing that of discovering in it, as in a circle or a sphere (a metaphor
which makes us think of Hegel once again), a centre which would be its
According to Althusser, in Hegels philosophical system, society and history
manifest themselves as an expressive totality [totalit expressive]:
Althusser 1q;6a, p. 18; Althusser 1qqob, pp. z11, Althussers emphasis.
When Althusser refers to topique (topography), he probably had in mind Freud,
who spoke of topological expressions and concepts when locating psychological
phenomena (see, e.g., Laplanche and Pontalis 1q;, pp. oq).
Althusser 1q;6a, p. 1z;; Althusser 1qqob, p. zo. Althussers emphasis.
Althusser 1q;6a, p. 1; Althusser 1qqob, p. z1q; Althussers emphasis.
Althusser 1q;6a, pp. 1; Althusser 1qqob, p. z1q.
zz Chapter Two
. . . in which all the elements are total parts, each expressing the internal unity
of the totality which is only ever, in all its complexity, the objectihcation-
alienation of a simple principle. [ . . . ] And borrowing from Montesquieu
the idea that in a historical totality all concrete determinations, whether
economic, political, moral or even military, express one single principle,
Hegel conceives history in terms of the category of the expressive total-
Even though Althusser does not deny that Hegel took into account, for in-
stance in his Philosophy of Right [Rechtsphilosophie] (18z1), political, moral and
military dehnitions, it inevitably logically follows from the general nature
of his philosophical system that the internal and mutual differences and
contradictions between such concrete denitions are, in the last instance, merely
apparent and not actually real: these differences are always afhrmed only to be
denied and transcended in other differences . . . [les diffrences ne safrment que
pour se nier et se dpasser dans dautres diffrences].
In the Philosophy of Right and
in the introduction to History of Philosophy, this is manifested in the process of
the negation of the negation, where different circles unfold, each in turn so as
to hnd their truth in the State [pour trouver leur vrit dans ltat].
In Hegels dialectical system, history becomes an enclosed circle:
A circle is closed, and the corresponding notion of totality presupposes that
one can grasp all the phenomena exhaustively, and then reassemble them
within the simple unity of its centre.
The apparent nature of differences means that the basis of the Hegelian
dialectic is conservative. The mutual conicts between the differences and
spheres are justihed only by participating in the development of the totality.
No single part or sphere of the system has its own autonomous history and
modus of logic. Another way to characterise this is to say that, despite the
multitude of spheres and differences, there exists only Universal History,
Althusser 1q;6a, p. 1; Althusser 1qqob, p. z1q.
Ibid.; cf. Althusser 1q86, p. 1o;; Althusser 1q;q, p. 1o8.
Althusser 1q;6a, pp. 16; Althusser 1qqob, p. zzo.
Althusser 1q86, p. 18o; Althusser 1q;q, p. 1;8.
A Critique of Hegelianism z
which is the history of the totality or self-development of the Spirit, which,
in Hegels Philosophy of Right, takes the form of world history.
The internal and mutual differences and contradictions of parts or spheres
are not real. Their development expresses one and the same basic principle,
the history of totality and its law of development. This is a question of the
endless but teleological movement of theses, antitheses, and syntheses towards
a centre, towards a State or Absolute Spirit, where the harmony of a higher
degree is realised. In this way, the centre of the totality becomes the immanent
goal [telos] of Universal History, which affects all events of history. Thus
Hegels dialectic is teleological, as Althusser argues in his essay Contradiction
and Overdetermination, referring to the idea of the Ruse of Reason:
For Hegel, material life (civil society, that is, the economy) is merely a Ruse of
Reason. Apparently autonomous, it is subject to a law outside itself: its own
Goal, which is simultaneously its condition of possibility, the State, that is,
spiritual life.
Seen from a different angle, this means that understanding some sphere and
the modus of logic of its parts requires their derivation fromthe basic principles
of the law of development of the totality. Whatever happens, this is ultimately
explained through the history of the totality. No matter how surprising or
exceptional some event may seem, any surprise or exception can in principle
be derived from the law of development of the totality.
Even though, in Hegels dialectic, the question is indeed about the spon-
taneous self-development of Spirit (something which, Althusser notes, Marx
guards himself against)
i.e. an immanent process the totality cannot have
an outside. Irrespective of this, due to the logic of the expressive totality, the
Hegelian dialectic ends up with theoretical anomalies with regard to the prob-
lematic of freedom. Even though the process as a whole (the self-development
of Spirit) is characterisedby freedom, the parts of the process nevertheless have
no real freedom at all. The contradictions are apparent contradictions because
they are solved in a synthesis at a higher level, which, in regard to civil society,
is represented by the state.
Althusser 1q86, p. 1o;; Althusser 1q;q, p. 1o8; Althussers emphasis.
Cf. Althusser 1q;6a, p. 1q; Althusser 1qqob, p. z1.
z Chapter Two
Interpreted logically, this means that it is not possible to interfere with the
course of history because it is determined by the law of development of the
whole and the telos of history that this describes.
From this goal of history,
which has an inuence already at the beginning of history as Althusser
later characterises the issue
it follows that the Hegelian dialectic cannot
theoretically justify the actual possibilities of political practice, as Althusser
states, sounding somewhat like Baron von Mnchhausen:
I made the point in passing: no politics have ever been seen in the world
which were inspired by Hegel. For where can you get a hold on the circle
when you are caught in the circle?
Thus, the Hegelian dialectic contains the thought of necessity. From the point
of view of the parts of the totality, this means that the solution offered by
the Hegelian dialectic to the problem of freedom is idealistic and specula-
One must note that Althusser acknowledges that to his merit Hegel rejected every
philosophy of the Origin and of the Subject (Althusser 1q;6a, p. 11; Althusser 1qqob,
p. z16). Althusser sees a connection between Hegel and Marx in that each realised that
the subject is not its own origin: . . . that you must never judge someone on the basis of
his own self-conscious image but on the basis of the whole process which, behind this
consciousness, produces it [ . . . quil ne faut jamais juger quiconque sur sa conscience de soi,
mais sur le procs densemble qui, dans le dos de sa conscience, produit cette conscience] (ibid.).
Admittedly, Althusser adds the remark that Marx was close to Hegel just in respect
to those features which Hegel had openly borrowed from Spinoza. However, when
freeing himself from the subject-centred philosophies, Hegel produces a new subject.
This new great subject is Spirit, which ties together the histories of its parts into one
Universal History.
Althusser 1qqa, p. 61.
Althusser 1q;6a, p. 16; Althusser 1qqob, p. zzo.
Wallis Suchting poignantly characterises the determinism, teleology and conser-
vativeness of Hegels dialectics as follows: First, for Hegel the held of the dialectics
is, in the hnal analysis, that of ideas, of essences. The unities in question are the unity
of the aspects of an essence. Second, since development is basically the unfolding of
the nature of these essences, it is necessary and characterized by an immanent goal or
telos. So, in Hegel, Spirit is essentially rational freedom and the source of the dialectical
development the conict between the necessity for Spirit to attain its telos and the vari-
ous successive inadequate conditions for this to occur. Third, insofar as the system has
an immanent telos the development envisaged is one towards reconciliation of conicts
in a larger harmony; hence the Hegelian dialectic is conservative in its very foundations
and not merely as a consequence of certain historical and personal factors. . . . Fourth,
since the held can be achieved a priori as regards basics if not as regards all empirical
details (Suchting 1q8, p. 181).
A Critique of Hegelianism z
That does not mean, however, that, in Althussers opinion, the dialectic
should be abandoned tout fait, but, rather, that for Marx its status must be
other than in Hegelianism.
With Marx, the dialectic does indeed receive its
meaning only through the fact that its basic principles are materialistic:
In submitting the dialectic to the constraints of the topography, Marx is sub-
mitting it to the real conditions of its operation, he is protecting it from spec-
ulative folly, he is forcing it into a materialist mould, forcing it to recognize
that its own hgures are prescribed by the material character of its own con-
The danger is that the dialectic becomes a mystical, speculative and idealistic
historical-philosophical system that takes the place of reality, as occurred in the
actual object of the Hegelian critique proposed by Althusser, namely Hegelian-
Marxism (see Chapter z.).
There one ends up on a theoretical ground where
the dialectical system begins to decide the reality: Thinking, Spirit, produces
this world literally fromitself, and thus itself as this world as W.F. Haug states
critically, referring to Hegels Phenomenology of the Spirit.
In order to avoid idealistic temptations, it is not enough, however, that the
Hegelian spirit be replaced by materia. This in itself does not yet lead to
a different kind of theoretical ground. Even in its materialistic variant, the
dialectical system remains primary in relation to its materiality; in other
words, the movement on the ground of idealism continues.
The often repeated statement from Marx, that in order to de-mystify Hegels
dialectic it is enough to stand it on its feet is, indeed, according to Althusser,
just a hgure of speech.
It is does not tell the whole truth about the deci-
sive difference between the dialectics of Hegel and Marx.
Understanding this
During the last years of his life Althusser seems to have thought that all dialectics
even Marxist dialectics were very problematic (Althusser 1qqb, pp. 1z8q). On the
other hand, he emphasised already in his writings from the 1q6os that dialectics was
inferior to materialism.
Althusser 1q;6a, p. 1o; Althusser 1qqob, p. z1.
Althusser 1q;6a, pp. 11z; Althusser 1qqob, p. z1.
Haug 1q8, pp. z.
Althusser 1q;6a, p. 1; Althusser 1qqob, p. z18.
According to Franois Matheron, the notion of turning Hegel on his feet is
insufhcient for Althusser, because an inversion does not modify the structure of a
relationship (Matheron 1qq, p. 1; my emphasis). In other words, the metaphor of
turning something on its feet is on its own insufhcient for emphasising the theoretical
z6 Chapter Two
decisive difference requires that one traces a line back [in Marx] from the con-
clusions to the materialistic premises of the dialectic [aux prmisses matrial-
Marx himself did not theoretically explicate such premises but, accord-
ing to Althusser, the new categories that follow the materialist premises are
in a practical state in both Capital and Lenins writings.
But what are these materialist premises if the criteria of materialism is
deemed insufhcient when Spirit is replaced by materia?
According to Althusser, the answer is hidden specihcally in the change of
terrain, which occurs when one moves from the logic of the expressive totality
of the Hegelian philosophical system irrespective of whether its content is
spirit or materia to a new philosophical practice, as he argues in his
lecture La transformacinde la hlosoha,
heldat the Universidadde Granada
in 1q;6. The central theme of the lecture is the critique of existing philosophies,
to be replaced by a new kind of philosophical practice. The lecture also
offers an interesting angle on how Althusser dehnes both materialism and
materialistic dialectics.
Althusser begins his lecture by stating that the term Marxist philosophy
presents an internal paradox because Marxist philosophy exists, yet it has
not been produced as philosophy.
When dismantling this paradox, he
refers to the fact that all philosophies up to the present have been produced
as philosophies. The existence of such philosophies is justihed (at least in
the new era) in rational and theoretical systems that generate discourses,
treatises and other systematic writings, which can be isolated and identi-
hed as philosophy in the history of culture.
Thus, philosophy differ-
entiates itself from other discourses and bodies of writing, above all from
change of terrain from philosophy to social practices. For a discussion of this change of
terrain fromthe philosophical meaning to the ideological-theoretical meaning, cf. Haug
1q8, pp. qq; Koivisto and Pietil 1qq;.
Althusser 1q;6a, p. 1; Althusser 1qqob, p. z18.
Ibid. Cf. also Althusser 1qqob, p. z61. For example, in Lire Le Capital (written 1q6
), Lnine et la philosophie (written 1q68) and Marx et Lnine devant Hegel (written
1q68), Althusser aims to theorise the conceptual and theoretical starting points that
are in a practical state in Marx and Lenins writings (cf. also Althusser 1q;6a, p. 1;
Althusser 1qqob, p. zo).
Althusser 1qqob, pp. z16.
Althusser 1qqob, p. z.
A Critique of Hegelianism z
However, this is not only a matter of differentiation but also of
philosophy placing itself above the sciences as a highest science or science
of sciences:
. . . declaring that it alone possesses their truth, installs itself in power over
the sciences, which supply the model of its own rational and systematic
Producing philosophy as philosophy thus leads to philosophy placing itself
in a position from where it argues that it can subject all human ideas and
human practices to a radical philosophical form.
Philosophy also argues
that it can tell the truth about all human ideas and practices. Thus truth and,
furthermore, differentiating the truth from the untruth or right from wrong
becomes a characteristic feature of the philosophical discourse.
In regard to
Hegels philosophy, this means, as Althusser puts it, that philosophy thinks
the whole.
He continues:
In fact, all the social practices are there in philosophy not just money, wages,
politics and the family, but all social ideas, morality, religion, science and
art, in the same way that the stars are in the sky. If everything is there, if
everything is perfectly collected and united in the interior of philosophy,
where is its exterior space? Is it perhaps that the real world, the material
world, does not exist for all philosophies?
This, of course, is not even the case in the view of the solipsistic idealist, but
BishopBerkeley was a manlike any other.
The questionis about a conjurors
trick, which, by using philosophy, takes the outside into control by sucking it
inside itself:
Althusser 1qqob, p. z. When including Heidegger in the underground cur-
rent of the materialism of the encounter, Althusser argues that he has often been
subjected to idealistic interpretations, along with other aleatory materialists, which
has meant covering up and rejecting the radical nature of his philosophy (cf. Chap-
ter ).
Althusser 1qqob, p. z.
Althusser 1qqob, p. zq.
z8 Chapter Two
In truth, philosophys exterior space must be sought within philosophy itself,
in this appropriation of extra-philosophical space to which social practices
are subjected, in this operation of exploitation, and hence deformation, of
social practices that permits philosophy to unify such practices under the
Along with this absorption, philosophy is turned into an ideological prac-
tice. Philosophers do indeed argue that they deal with eternal questions, even
though at the same time they understand that they deal with questions that,
while being eternal, also have an importance in their own time. When telling
the truth about eternally burning questions, the latter simultaneously posi-
tion themselves in the held of existing ideologies:
Philosophy is neither a gratuitous operation nor a speculative activity. Pure,
unsullied speculation indulges its self-conception. But the great philosophers
already had a very different consciousness of their mission. They knew
that they were responding to the great practical political questions: how
could they orientate themselves in thought and in politics? What was to
be done? What direction should they take? They even knew that these
political questions were historical questions. That is, although they lived
them as eternal questions, they knew that these questions were posed by
the vital interests of the society for which they were thinking. But they
certainly did not know what Marx enables us to understand and which
I should like to convey in a few words. Indeed, it seems to me that one
cannot understand the task, determinant in the last instance, of philosophy
except in relation to the exigencies of the class struggle in ideology in other
words, the central question of hegemony, of the constitution of the dominant
ideology. What we have seen occurring in philosophy that reorganization
and ordered positioning of social practices and ideas within a systematic unity
under Truth all this, which apparently transpires very far from the real,
in philosophical abstraction, we can of course see being produced in a
comparable, almost superimposed (but not simultaneously), form in the
ideological class struggle.
Althusser 1qqob, p. zo.
Althusser 1qqob, pp. z8q; my emphasis.
A Critique of Hegelianism z
Seen in this light, the Hegelian systemturns out to be an imaginary and spec-
ulative solution to contradictions occurring in real material practices. From
the point of view of understanding the materialism of the Marxist dialectic,
it is important to note that the base and superstructure are not components
of the philosophical system with the help of which Marx would have aimed
to build his own system as an alternative social philosophy or philosophy
of history. This, in turn, makes it understandable why Althusser, in several
instances, emphasises the primacy of materialism in relation to dialectics. It
is no longer a question of the internal materiality of the philosophical sys-
tem but that the social practices (social praxis) are primary in regard to theory
and the dialectic.
Fulhlling this demand requires developing a new type of
science that can theorise those practices, that can deal with the differences and
contradictions occurring in them as real differences and contradictions instead
of them being solved philosophically:
Marx was the hrst to show us the way by putting philosophy into practice in
a new and disconcerting form, refusing to produce a philosophy as philos-
ophy but practising it in his political, critical and scientihc work in short,
inaugurating a new, critical and revolutionary relation between philosophy
and the social practices, which are at one and same time the stakes and the
privileged site of class struggle. This new practice of philosophy serves the
proletarian class struggle without imposing uponit an oppressive ideological
unity . . . but rather creating for it the ideological conditions for the liberation
and free development of social practices.
In other words, one must develop a philosophical theory that does not
represent imaginary solutions or political dogmas for those people battling
with practical problems, but insteadone must offer theoretical support to those
In a letter to Fernanda Navarro, dated 8 April 1q86 (Althusser 1qqb, pp. 1z8q;
Althusser zoo6a, p. zz), Althusser states that the dialectic . . . is more than dubious;
indeed it is harmful, that is, always more or less teleological. Althusser also states that
he would like to demonstrate this, if he has enough energy to do so. It seems more than
likely that he never undertook such a task, as the posthumously published writings
end in 1q86 and they contain no such critique of dialectics. On the other hand, one
must note that, in his texts from the 1q8os, Althusser does not mention dialectics, but
instead aims to develop a materialist philosophy that would detach itself from all kinds
of teleological and (in their teleological nature) idealistic ways of thinking.
Althusser 1qqob, p. z6.
o Chapter Two
actually solving those practical problems.
This approach, which subjugates
theory to practice, yet at the same time retains the requirement of high quality
scientihc theory, also characterises Althussers theoretical aims, particularly
his self-criticism, which I will discuss later (Chapter z.).
.. Althussers Marxism
In this chapter, I will discuss certain concepts concerning Marxismthat Althus-
ser put forward in the 1q6os and 1q;os: overdetermination, underdetermina-
tion, the revolutionary nature of theory, the nature of the actions of the politi-
cal actor and the question of the last instance. The discussion will prepare the
basis for an understanding of the problematics of Althussers aleatory materi-
In Soutenance dAmiens, Althusser characterises Marxist theory as follows:
Marx says only that you must distinguish, that the distinctions are real,
irreducible, that in the order of determination the share of the base and that
of the superstructure are unequal, and that this inequality or unevenness in
dominance is constitutive of the unity of the whole, which therefore can no
longer be the expressive unity of a simple principle all of whose elements
would be the phenomena.
The task of Marxist theory is to make a theoretical distinction in order to under-
stand the differences existing in real social practices in Lenins words, the
concrete analysis of a concrete situation [lanalyse concrte dune situation con-
However, Althusser does not claim that the base or the superstruc-
ture as such exist in reality. As mentioned earlier, it is a question of a metaphor,
the theoretical-practical apparatus of a topography, a means of practically
grasping the world [le dispositif thorico-pratique dune topique, le moyen dune
As will become clearer later, the question of the positioning of Marxist theory and
philosophy is particularly emphasised in Althussers self-critique.
Althusser 1q;6a, p. 16; Althusser 1qqob, p. zzo.
Althusser 1q;6a, p. 18; Althusser 1qqob, p. zzq; cf. also Althusser 1q86, pp. z1z
and zz; Althusser 1q;q, pp. zo6 and z18.
A Critique of Hegelianism +
prise pratique sur le monde].
Topography must not take the place of reality, but
present society in terms of the metaphor of an edihce whose upper oors rest,
as the logic of an edihce would have it, on its foundation [dans la mtaphore dun
dice, dont les tages reponsent, en bonne logique ddice, sur sa base].
In order to understand Althussers theoretical aims, it is indeed important
to note that he attempted to develop the theoretical means to open the way to
the empirical phenomena on which theory is based, and which are manifested
for active subjects at the level of perceptions. From this premise, however, it
does not follow that paying attention to the notion of determination by the
economy in the last instance would mean that a pure or real economy or
primary contradiction could be found somewhere beneath the surface, but,
rather, that the prevailing relations of production in capitalism (the antagonis-
tic contradiction between labour and capital) inuence, for instance, the artic-
ulation of events that manifest themselves in the empirical reality as everyday
political disputes.
One must also note that Althusser uses the concept of whole [un tout]
instead of totality [une totalit], or more specihcally a differentiated, therefore
complex and articulated whole [un tout diffrenci, donc complexe et articul].
By the term whole, he refers to the social formation, which, apart from the base
and superstructure, contains different incidental costs and their failures [faux
frais et de leurs dchets].
Althusser 1q;6a, p. 1;; Althusser 1qqob, p. zz1; cf. Machiavelli zoo, pp. 88q,
Althusser 1q;1, pp. 11z (see also Althusser 1qqb, pp. z;6).
Althusser 1q;6a, p. 18; Althusser 1qqob, pp. z11; my emphasis. According
to Gramsci, it is obvious to everyone that the skeleton constitutes the basis of mans
anatomy, but nobody assumes that mans skinis merely an illusion. With a tone of irony,
Gramsci declares that no woman (sic.) falls in love with a mere skeleton (Gramsci 1q;,
p. 1z1).
Althusser writes that, with the term Ideological State Apparatuses (ISAs), he
refers to a certain number of realities which present themselves to the immediate
observer in the form of distinct and specialised institutions (Althusser 1q;6a, pp. 8z
; Althusser 1q;1, pp. 16). He goes on to say that while it is clear that there is one
Repressive State Apparatus, there is a plurality of ISAs, but that even presupposing
that it exists, the unity that constitutes this plurality of ISAs as a body is not immediately
visible (ibid.).
Althusser 1q;6a, p. 1o; Althusser 1qqob, p. z1.
Althusser 1q;6a, p. 16; Althusser 1qqob, p. zzo. In regard to surpluses [dchets],
Althusser states: Nor does he [Marx] say that everything must fall into these categories,
but everything is either infrastructure or superstructure. You could even argue for the
idea, essential to Capital, that the Marxist theory of societies and of history implies
a whole theory of their incidental costs and their failures (Althusser 1q;6a, p. 16;
Althusser 1qqob, p. zzo). In his autobiography, Althusser refers to the same thing when
z Chapter Two
Even though the whole is characterised by differentiation and complexity,
the question is about an articulated whole that has certain structural and
relatively established properties. The question is, in other words, not about
a chaotic and structureless formation. Despite differentiation, the parts of
the whole are not isolated from one another or arbitrarily organised, nor
are they as such the result of pure accident, but, rather, different interactive
relationships prevail between them. The social whole is indeed characterised
simultaneously by both diversity and unity: unity because the parts affect one
another; diversity because the effect is not a mechanical determination:
The mention of the last instance in determination thus plays a double role:
it divides Marx sharply off from all mechanistic explanations, and opens up
within determination the functioning of different instances, the functioning
of a real difference in which the dialectic is inscribed. The topography thus
signihes that the determination in the last instance by the economic base can
be grasped only within a differentiated, therefore complex and articulated
whole (the Gliederung), in which the determination in the last instance hxes
the real difference of the other instances, their relative autonomy and their
own mode of reacting on the base itself.
The dialectic between the economic level or the last instance and different
particular instances refers to both the interaction of the instances and their
relative independence. The interaction and relative independence together open
a view to the complex social formation,
which cannot be perceived through a
mechanical cause-and-effect model or the Hegelian metaphor of the circle and
its centre, which would be its essence.
Instead, Althusser attempts, from the
stating that for a long time he has been of the opinionthat there existedeverywhere and
at all times what Marx called the incidental costs of production or expenses, losses
without right or reason (Althusser 1qqza, p. 1;q; Althusser 1qqc, p. 18;). Althusser
says no more about this issue, but seen in the light of his posthumously published
writings on the aleatory, he was clearly interested in the kinds of surprising turns that
no economic theory can explain or predict.
Althussers notion of the whole [tout] is directed not only against the concept of
the totality [totalit] but also against social notions characterised by an atomistic or
individualistic methodology, where, for instance, the levels of the superstructure (e.g.
politics and culture) are isolated or autonomised both fromthe economy and fromeach
other (cf. e.g., Althusser 1q;q, p. 11).
Althusser 1q;6a, pp. 1qo; Althusser 1qqob, p. z1.
Althusser 1q;6a, p. 16; Althusser 1qqob, p. zzo.
Althusser 1q;6a, p. 1; Althusser 1qqob, p. z1q.
A Critique of Hegelianism
points of viewof over- and under-determination, to understand contradictions
and the relationships between them that inuence social formations.
... Overdetermination and underdetermination
Althusser states that he himself did not invent the concept of overdetermination
but borrowed it from other disciplines in the absence of anything better,
specihcally from psychoanalysis and linguistics.
As Althusser himself notes,
in studying the mechanisms and laws of dreams, Freud reduced their
variants to two: displacement [Verschiebung-Verstellung] and condensation
[Verdichtung]. In turn, Lacan recognised these as two essential hgures of
speech, called in linguistics metonymy and metaphor.
I did not invent this concept [overdetermination]. As I pointed out, it is bor-
rowed from two existing disciplines: specihcally, from linguistics and psy-
choanalysis. In these disciplines it has an objective dialectical connotation,
and particularly in psychoanalysis one sufhciently related formally to the
content it designates here for the loan not to be an arbitrary one. A new word
is necessarily required to designate a new acquisition. A neologism might
have been invented. Or it was possible to import (in Kants words) a con-
cept sufhciently related to make its domestication (Kant) easy. And in return,
this relatedness might open up a path to psychoanalytic reality.
Althusser does not attempt to dehne or use the concepts he borrowed from
psychoanalysis in exactly the same way as Freud did. He does not attempt to
be more loyal to Freud than is necessary for his own theoretical aims. Com-
plete loyalty would, of course, not even be possible, because, for Freud, the
problematics of overdetermination are part of his theory of the interpretation
of dreams, whereas the object of Althussers interests lies in social mechanisms
Althusser 1q86, pp. 81z8; Althusser 1q;q, pp. 8;1z8. I amnot particularly taken
by this term overdetermination (borrowed from other disciplines), but I shall use it in the
absence of anything better . . . (Althusser 1q86, p. 1oo; Althusser 1q;q, p. 1o1).
In his article Freud et Lacan, Althusser states: . . . Freud studied the mecha-
nisms and laws of dreams, reducing their variants to two: displacement and con-
densation. Lacanrecognisedthese as two essential hgures of speech, calledinlinguistics
metonymy and metaphor (Althusser 1q;6a, p. z; Althusser 1q;1, p. 1q1).
Althusser 1q;1, p. 1q1.
Althusser 1q86, p. z1z, fn. 8; Althusser 1q;q, p. zo6, fn. 6.
Chapter Two
and practices and the contradictions that have an inuence in these.
more, in those of Freuds writings dealing with the interpretation of dreams,
there is an explicit use of the concept of overdetermination but not its coun-
terpart, underdetermination, which Althusser makes explicit. tienne Balibar
has indeed remarked that, for Althusser, overdetermination is never separate
from underdetermination.
However, most of the studies on Althusser refer
only to overdetermination. The only place where Althusser actually explains
the connection between overdetermination and underdetermination is in the
Soutenance dAmiens, and, even there, he does it rather briey:
I am deliberately stressing underdetermination, because while certain peo-
ple easily accepted a simple supplement to determination, they could not
accept the idea of underdetermination that is, of a threshold of determina-
tion which, if it is not crossed, causes revolutions to miscarry, revolutionary
movements to stagnate or disappear, and imperialismto rot while still devel-
oping, etc.
The concepts of underdetermination and the threshold of determination have
a central role in Althussers analyses of, among other things, the reason why
in concrete social formations the antagonistic that is, irreconcilable pri-
mary contradiction
between the levels of the relations of production of the
working class and capitalist class did not after all cause a revolutionary situa-
tion or why the primary contradiction did not after all lead to a revolution,
but, rather, the irreconcilable contradiction was reconciled and controlled
as an internal question within the capitalist system by means of actions that
did not concern the last instance or the most essential to quote Gram-
See, for example, Freud, The Interpretation of Dreams (Freud 1q6), Chapter VI
Dream-work [Die Traumarbeit], especially the sections Condensation [Die Verdich-
tung] (pp. 1z1) and Displacement (Die Verschiebung) (pp. o).
Balibar 1qq6, p. 11.
Althusser 1q;6a, p. 1o; Althusser 1qqob, p. zz.
Althusser dehnes primary or general contradictions as, among other things, . . .
the contradiction between the forces of production and the relations of production,
essentially embodied in the contradiction between two antagonistic classes [ . . . la con-
tradiction entre les forces de production et les rapports de production, incarne essentiellement
dans la contradiction entre deux classes antagonistes] (Althusser 1q86, p. q;, Althusser 1q;q,
p. qq).
Gramsci 1q;, p. 1q1.
A Critique of Hegelianism
Furthermore, it must be noted that, even though Althussers studies, almost
without exception, are focused on the over- or underdetermination of contra-
dictions, the question can be about the over- or underdetermination of any
constitutive element of a society [de tout lment constitutif dune socit].
constitutive elements are, for instance, political forces within particular social
formations and the relationships between them, as well as their aims to adapt
and change these relationships. The reasons why Althusser concentrated on
studying specihcally contradictions are crystallised in the basic Marxist propo-
sitions that contradiction is the motor of all development,
and the class
struggle is the motor of history,
as he puts forward when referring criti-
cally to Hegels thought onthe negativityof positivity. Combining the previous
statements: contradiction is the motor of history.
Althusser 1q86, p. 11; Althusser 1q;q, p. 11. Althusser names nature and the
relation to nature as the conditions of existence of every human society (Althusser
1q86, p. z1, Althusser 1q;q, p. zo8).
Althusser 1q86, p. zz; Althusser 1q;q, p. z1;; cf. Althusser 1q;6a, p. 1q; Althusser
1qqob, p. zzz.
Althusser 1q86, p. zz1; Althusser 1q;q, p. z1.
Althusser ends his reply to John Lewis as follows: History really is a process
without a Subject or Goal(s) where the given circumstances in which men act as
subjects under the determination of social relations are the product of the class struggle.
History therefore does not have a Subject, in the philosophical sense of the term, but
a motor: that very class struggle (Althusser 1q;6b, p. qq; Althussers emphasis). For
Althusser, the lack of a subject in history is the theoretical starting point of research.
Fromthis follows that concepts must be developedwith whichit is possible to approach
those social and historical contradictions and relationships in which people and groups
of people become subjects. Thus the specihc analysis of contradictions and their mutual
relationships becomes the main point in Althussers Marxism. In the case of the class
struggle, one must note, however, that the question is about a theoretical concept with
which Althusser aims to understand the social relationships that prevail in society and
which for the subjects always manifest themselves as displaced or condensed social
relationships. Thus class struggle does not exhaust itself as political class struggle.
The political class struggle is the displaced and/or condensed form of the economic
class struggle, and not the crystal-clear political project of a uniform class which is
transparent to itself: . . . we know . . . that the class stuggle is never crystal-clear, and
that the proletariat, which hghts its own class struggle, a different one fromthe struggle
of the bourgeoisie, is not transparent to itself, a composite class, always engaged in
forging its unity. It is in the class struggle that the proletariat comes to disentangle
and confront the relations of forces in which it is enmeshed, and succeeds in dehning
the line of its struggle. None of this resembles the clarity of the case in which a
pure consciousness confronts the pure objectivity of a situation. For the whole process
is constituted and dominated by contradictory relations which are only realized and
discovered little by little, and may later reveal some surprises, either of anticipation
(overdetermination) or of retardation (underdetermination) (Althusser 1q;;b, pp. q
1o). Marxist theory must not present ideological slogans or philosophical truths in
support of this process, but rather it must develop theoretical tools by means of which
6 Chapter Two
In order to ground the historical meaning of over- and underdetermination
and the problematics linked with social relationships, it is useful to hrst look
at the general morphology of these concepts. After this, I will substantiate
my own viewpoints on the concrete, contents-related issues of contradictions
which have a real inuence on social formations, and which are also the actual
objects of Althussers analysis.
The morphology of the over- and underdetermination of contradictions
In the Soutenance dAmiens Althusser states:
. . . if you take seriously the nature of the Marxist whole and its uneven-
ness, you must come to the conclusion that this unevenness is necessarily
reected in the form of the overdetermination or of the underdetermination of
contradiction. Of course, it is not a question of treating overdetermination or
underdetermination in terms of the addition or subtraction of a quantum of
determination, a quantumaddedor subtracted froma pre-existing contradic-
tion that is, one leading a de jure existence somewhere. Overdetermination
or underdetermination are not exceptions in respect to a pure contradiction.
By over- and underdetermination, Althusser refers to the fact that, in social
formations, the contradictions (or even usually its constitutive elements)
not clearly differentiated from each other, but are originally impure. The
primary contradiction of the economy cannot be differentiated within other
secondary contradictions, as a person a head taller than others in the crowd,
nor can the primary contradiction of the economy or the economic dialectic
be found anywhere in a pure state. There will never be a lonely hour of the
last instance [lheure solitaire de la dernire instance].
Stephen Cullenberg
characterises this as follows:
contradictory relationships that constitute and dominate the process can be analysed
and made visible for subjects of the class struggle. On the other hand, this means the
critique of the ideological explanations and masks including also those going under
the name of Marxism that control these conicts.
Althusser 1q;6a, p. 1;; Althusser 1qqob, p. zz1.
When I refer later to the over- and underdetermination of contradictions (or over-
and underdetermination generally), I also refer to other constitutive elements, though
I do not mention any specihc examples.
Althusser 1q86, p. 11; Althusser 1q;q, p. 11.
A Critique of Hegelianism
For Althusser, all the contradictions comprising the totality mutually deter-
mine one other. The contradictions are conditions of existence of each other,
as well as the conditions of existence for the complex totality.
Contradictions do not exist independently of one another, but become con-
tradictions and receive their concrete content in the same interactive process in
which they inuence one another.
This can be outlined as follows: the con-
crete existence of some particular contradiction (here called contradiction y)
requires other contradictions (here called contradiction x1-xn). From this fol-
lows that contradiction y is overdetermined by contradiction x1-xn. Seen from
the other angle, one of the x1-xn contradictions participating in the process of
overdetermination, or a kind of subgroup of them, is not sufhcient on its own to
produce contradiction y. Contradiction y is underdetermined in relation to any
sub-group of x1-xn. For instance, the primary contradiction of the economy
is the central overdetermining factor in the evolution of secondary contradic-
tions, but none of these secondary contradictions can be explained merely by
means of the primary contradiction, that is, by being reduced to it. Rather, the
secondary contradictions are underdetermined in relation to the primary contra-
diction; that is, the primary contradiction underdetermines the secondary con-
tradictions. The social formation has no centre, but, on the other hand, the
total structure of the social body [la structure du corps social tout entire] is the
precondition for the existence of each contradiction:
. . . the contradiction is inseparable fromthe total structure of the social body
in which it is found, inseparable from its formal conditions of existence, and
even from the instances it governs; it is radically affected by them, determining,
but also determined in one and the same movement, and determined by the
various levels and instances of the social formation it animates; it might be
called overdetermined in its principle.
Naming contradictions with symbols (x, y) may, however, direct ones
thoughts towards the notion that the contradictions inuencing any overde-
termination would be clearly differentiated from each other or would inu-
ence one another as they are, as if the question would only be that instead of
Cullenberg 1qq6, p. 1;.
Althusser 1q;6a, p. 1q; Althusser 1qqob, p. z1.
Althusser 1q86, pp. qq1oo; Althusser 1q;q, p. 1o1; Althussers emphasis.
8 Chapter Two
one inuential reason there would be several or even very many reasons (here
contradictions x1-xn) together producing a certain effect (here contradiction y).
Even though the conceptions of over- and underdetermination are con-
cerned with the critique of such mechanistic and reductionist cause-and-effect
explanations (for instance, the critique of economism), where, for each effect, a
single origin is sought (for example: x1 causes y or y is the effect or expres-
sion of x1),
complexity on its own is not sufhcient to differentiate the differen-
tia specica of over- and underdetermination. In order to understand this, one
must ask in what way these contradictions inuence one another, how they are
the preconditions for the existence of each other and what quality of processes
the question is about in the processes of over- and underdetermination.
With regards to the processes of over- and underdetermination, it is impor-
tant to keep in mind that the contradictions overdetermining each contradic-
tion present themselves each time in an overdetermined contradiction as dis-
placed and/or condensed.
Contradictions x1-xn are not clearly differentiated
from one another within contradiction y because they are manifested in its
appearance specihcally in a displaced and/or condensed form. They are not
differentiated from one another in the same way as, say, the wall elements of a
prefabricated building or the people pushing a car in the process of pushing.
Freud does indeed describe dream-work as a process by which the appearance
of the dream that which is seen as a dream(the symbols, episodes, etc. of the
dreams) is the sometimes even seemingly absurd end result of the displace-
ment and condensation of a few hidden elements of countless dream thoughts
that have broken through the dream censorship. In the same way, contradiction
y can be seen as the end result of the displacements and condensations of the
contradictions x1-xn participating in the overdetermination, from which one
cannot immediately see or deduce the specihc overdetermining effect of each
specihc contradiction x. Just as with dreams, where many latent elements are
condensed as a single revealed element, one can think that the contradictions
x1-xn participating in the overdetermination of contradiction y are condensed
as contradiction y, or some elements of contradictions x1-xn are displaced or
condensed in contradiction y.
Cf. Althusser 1q;6a, p. 1;; Althusser 1qqob, p. zz1.
Cf., e.g., Althusser 1q86, p. zzz; Althusser 1q;q, pp. z116.
In The Interpretation of Dreams, Freud presents the following outline of the relation-
ship between dream-content [Trauminhalt] and dream-thoughts [Traumgedanken]: Not
A Critique of Hegelianism
When describing the contradictions that overdetermine contradiction y with
the symbols x1-xn, one must not think that contradiction y would be a kind of
union or sum of x1-xn. Contradiction y (like other contradictions) has its own
and specihc (but not separate) identity and dynamic (such as, for instance,
the educational institution).
Even though the existence of contradiction y
does indeed require the existence of contradictions x1-xn, on the other hand
contradiction ys own dynamic, like dream censorship, actively affects what
kind of elements can be displaced and condensed into it from contradictions
x1-xn. This means that one must not assume with regard to the condensation
and/or displacement of the contradiction just as you must not in the case of
a dream that contradiction y would simply passively receive displacements
and condensations from contradictions x1-xn.
In order for contradictions x1-xn to produce together through overdetermi-
nation a realistically existing contradiction y, specihc displacements and con-
densations must occur in the whole material regarding contradictions x1-xn,
as Freud proposed with regards to dreams.
It follows from this that it is very
problematic, even impossible, to speak of over- and underdetermination if one
fails to understand that it is a question of a process characterised by displacements
and condensations. Displacement and condensation are indeed the core aspects
in the theory of over- and underdetermination for both Freud and Althusser.
only are the elements of a dream [dream-content] determined by the dream-thoughts
many times over, but the individual dream-thoughts are represented in the dream
by several elements. Associative paths lead from one element of the dream to sev-
eral dream-thoughts, and from one dream-thought to several elements of the dream.
Thus a dream is not constructed by each individual dream-thought, or group of dream
thoughts, hnding (in abbreviated form) separate representation in the content of the
dream in the kind of way in which an electorate chooses parliamentary representa-
tives; a dream is constructed, rather, by the whole mass of dream-thoughts being sub-
mitted to a sort of manipulative process in which those elements which have the most
numerous and strongest supports acquire the right of entry into the dream content
in a manner analogous to election by scrutin de liste. In the case of every dream which
I have submitted to an analysis of this kind I have invariably found these same fun-
damental principles conhrmed: the elements of the dream are constructed out of the
whole mass of dream-thoughts and each one of those elements is shown to have been
determined many times over in relation to the dream-thoughts (Freud, 1q6, p. 18).
Cf. Althusser 1q;6a, pp. ;; Althusser 1q;1, p. 1z8.
Freud 1q6, p. 18.
Althusser points out that Jacques Lacan recognised (Althusser 1q;6a, p. z8; Althus-
ser 1q;1, p. 1q1) displacement and condensation as two essential hgures of speech,
called in linguistics metaphor and metonymy, which, as theoretical concepts, go back
at least to Aristotles Poetics: Metaphor consists in giving the thing a name that belongs
o Chapter Two
For instance, Cullenbergs otherwise consistent interpretation remains incom-
plete because it does not take into account the importance and role of displace-
ment and condensation in the problematics of over- and underdetermination
(it is notable that Cullenberg does not mention even once displacement and/or
condensation, nor even underdetermination).
In the case of displacement and condensation, one must further emphasise
that the question is not only about the overdetermining effect of numer-
ous contradictions (contradictions x1-xn) on contradiction y, but specihcally
about interaction. Each contradiction overdeterminedly affects back towards
the contradictions that overdetermine it, and, in this way, affects what and
how the elements of these contradictions manage to affect it. Displacements
and condensations occur in several directions (and also in other contradic-
tions: e.g. in contradictions z1zn, etc.).
In this sense, it would indeed be
misleading to call contradiction y the overdetermined end result of contra-
dictions x1-xn, because contradiction y in a corresponding way participates
in the overdetermination of contradictions x1-xn; which, again, means that
contradiction y actively affects which and what kind of overdetermining
elements is condensed in it from contradictions x1-xn. And so forth: when
affecting back on contradictions x1-xn these inuence back on contradic-
tion y.
Thus it is also possible to think that when participating in the overdetermi-
nation of x1-xn (also) certain elements are displaced and/or condensed from y
into x1-xn, elements that stem from y or x1-xn and vice versa. These elements
to something else; the transference being either from genus to species, or from species
to genus, or on grounds of analogy (Aristotle 1q;, 1;b;q). Aristotle also pays
attention to how metaphors produce impressions of unfamiliarity and barbarism,
which are specihcally due to the transference and condensation of meaning and not
a change in the matter itself: By unfamiliar usages I mean loan-words, metaphors,
expanded forms and anything close that is out of the ordinary. However, the exclusive
use of forms of this kind would result either in a riddle or in barbarism a riddle if
they were all metaphorical, barbarism if they were all importations (Aristotle 1q;,
Cf. Cullenberg 1qq6.
In the case of Freuds interpretation of dreams, one may indeed ask how and in
what way the elements of the appearance of the dream the dream being seen that
have been worked upon in the dream-work inuence back on to the hidden elements
that overdetermine them. Is this a question of transference and condensation and
what would they be in this case?
Cf. Althusser 1q86, pp. qq1oo; Althusser 1q;q, p. 1o1.
A Critique of Hegelianism +
do not, however, even in this case, return as they stand to contradictions x1-
xn, but, rather, as displaced and condensed into elements overdetermined by
these contradictions.
This means that some particular solution regarding contradictions is not
reected back as it stands into the contradictions that overdetermine it; that
is, it does not produce a corresponding solution in the latter:
So, in Marxist theory, to say that contradiction is a motive force is to say that
it implies a real struggle, real confrontations, precisely located within the structure
of the complex whole; it is to say that the locus of confrontation may vary
according to the relation of the contradictions in the structure in dominance
in any given situation; it is to say that the condensation of the struggle
in a strategic locus is inseparable from the displacement of the dominant
among these contradictions; that the organic phenomena of condensation and
displacement are the very existence of the identity of opposites until they
produce the globally visible form of the mutation or qualitative leap that
sanctions the revolutionary situation when the whole is recrystallised. Given
this, we can explain the crucial distinction for political practice between the
distinct moments of a process: non antagonism, antagonism and explosion.
For example, the reformistic solutions concerning the relations of production
carried out in the institutions of the political system do indeed transform
the historical nature and expression of antagonism, even though they do not
remove their antagonistic nature as the following section will make clear.
The reality of contradictions
Even with regard to Althussers views on over- and underdetermination, one
must keep in mind his basic starting point in materialism. The key issues in
the materialist interpretation of the social formation are the real social practices
and the contradictions and struggles occurring within them. Theory must be
developed in order to understand them.
In the case of the over- and under-
determination of contradictions, it should not be thought that the contradic-
tions would merge to formone large, unresolved cluster of contradictions (this
Althusser 1q86, p. zzz; Althusser 1q;q, pp. z116; Althussers emphasis.
Cf., e.g. Althusser 1q;6a, p. 1q; Althusser 1qqob, p. z1; Althusser 1q86, p. z1z and
p. zz; Althusser 1q;q, p. zo6 and p. z18.
z Chapter Two
would lead back to the idea of an expressive totality; for instance, thoughts of
a sphere and spheres of spheres, and consequently to idealism, where the
real and material character of social practices, as well as their irreducibility to
each other, is denied), or that, in the case of the processes of the over- and
underdetermination of contradictions, it would be a matter of some sort of
functionalistic system.
Althusser did not attempt to build a general and generally applicable philo-
sophical theory of over- and underdetermination he specihcally criticised
such system-building and world-view activity in regard to both Hegelian Marx-
ism and philosophy in general but rather to interpret through these concepts
the complex and non-expressive character of the social formation. In other
words, he was trying to understand those real, social institutions and practices
that are primary to theory, yet which transcend the immediate observation,
where people and groups of people act as individual or class subjects.
It, indeed, should be emphasised that contradictions exist or are situated in
very different social practices and historical situations
for instance, in fam-
ilies, workplaces, educational institutions, collective bargaining, the market,
parliaments, courts of law, states, between states, and so on and that they
have their own dynamics and development history which differ from other
However, contradictions and their developments are linked
Althusser thinks similarly about the case of ideology. Ideology has no history but
rather and, here, Althusser draws a parallel to Freuds proposition that the unconscious
is eternal ideology is eternal, i.e. omnipresent in its immutable form throughout
history (= the history of social formations containing social classes) [ . . . sous sa forme
immuable, dans toute lhistoire (= lhistoire des formations sociales comprenant des classes
sociales)] (Althusser 1q;6a, p. 1o1; Althusser 1q;1, p. 1z). On the other hand, however,
he claims that there is no ideology except by the subject and for subjects (Althusser
1q;6a, p. 1oq; Althusser 1q;1, p. 1q). Like contradictions, ideology also exists solely
in concrete, really existing ideological apparatuses and their practices (see Althusser
1q;6a, pp. 1zz; Althusser 1q;1, p. 1q).
In the same way, also ideological state apparatuses (ISAs) present themselves
to the immediate observer in the form of distinct and specialised institutions, and
Althusser presents an empirical list of these (Althusser 1q;6a, p. 8z; Althusser 1q;1,
p. 16). However, the differentiation of ideological apparatuses does not mean that they
are isolated phenomena. On the contrary, they each have some kind of historical role
(albeit differing from each other) in the reproduction of the means of production, even
though the unity that constitutes this plurality of ISAs as a body is not immediately
visible (Althusser 1q;6a, p. 8; Althusser 1q;1, p. 1;).
Inregardto ideology, Althusser states: . . . the category of the subject is constitutive
of all ideology; but at the same time . . . the category of the subject is only constitutive of
all ideology insofar as all ideology has the function (which dehnes it) of constituting
concrete individuals as subjects [ . . . la catgorie de sujet est constitutive de toute idologie,
A Critique of Hegelianism
and interconnected in many but varied ways, which is something that specif-
ically the concepts of over- and underdetermination, as well as condensation
and displacement, aim to describe theoretically.
In order to concretise the problematic of over- and underdetermination and
to understand its concreteness, it is necessary to pay attention to the argument:
1) that the question is about realistically existing contradictions or contradic-
tions that have existed and their complex over- and underdetermined rela-
tionships; and that z) displacements and condensations only and solely occur
between these real contradictions. One must indeed ask what is displaced
between the contradictions and/or what is condensed.
Answering this question requires that, in the case of the problematic of
over- and underdetermination, one also emphasises Althussers views on
reproduction, ideology, ideological state apparatuses and the struggles in
society. Thus, the problematic of over- and underdetermination is concretised
and its content in relation to Althussers thinking becomes clearer.
Displacements and condensations in ideological apparatuses ideological apparatuses as
the displacements and condensations of contradictions
It should hrst be noted that social apparatuses and practices in which displace-
ments and condensations are realised are specihcally Ideological State Appa-
ratuses (henceforth ISA) and their ideological practices. The ideological nature
of the apparatuses means that each ISA in some way also participates in the
reproduction of the relations of production that have an inuence at the level
of the means of production of society. ISAs cannot, however, be reduced to the
viewpoint of reproduction. Such a functionalistic and reductionistic viewpoint
would, of course, point back to the thought patterns of an expressive totality:
each ISA would be a mere primary expression or function of the primary con-
tradiction of the economy. But if, instead, one thinks that the displacement and
concentration of contradictions occur specihcally in ISAs or are conveyed by
them, then one can further deduce that the overdetermining effect in ISAs of
the primary contradiction is a displaced and/or condensed effect.
mais en mme temps . . . la catgorie de sujet nest constitutive de toute idologie, quen tant que
toute idologie a pour fonction (qui la dnit) de constituer des individus concrets en sujets]
(Althusser 1q;6a, p. 11o; Althusser 1q;1, p. 16o). From this it is evident that ideology is
located in different places and times.
Chapter Two
Freud dehned dream censorship as a factor due to the effect of which all latent
elements of the dream do not get into the appearance of the dream. In turn,
Althusser directs his attention towards the struggles for the control of the
struggles in the ISAs, as well as the opposition and alternative ideological calls
occurring within these. This means that not all factors come to inuence to the
same extent the content of the contradiction and the ISA. This does indeed
reveal the other dimension in the overdetermination of contradictions: there
are already a number of factors that aim to overdetermine a contradiction
above the amount that gets to determine the contradiction and inuence
it. Here, the dynamics and history of ISAs inuence in what form and in
what way elements from other contradictions and ISAs are displaced and or
condensed into them. Althusser refers to this when talking about their relative
autonomy and, for instance, about the possibility of resistence.
ISAs are not monolithic, and not a single ISA is a seamless, homogeneous
whole in which only one kind of ideological call would be heard. As Althusser
notes, ideology and ISA do not exclude the possibility of the discord from
resistance, bad subjects [mauvais sujets] or different ideological calls:
The Ideological State Apparatuses are multiple, distinct, relatively autono-
mous and capable of providing an objective held to contradictions which
express, in forms which may be limited or extreme, the effects of the clashes
between the capitalist class struggle andthe proletarian class struggle, as well
as their subordinate forms.
Put briey, in the case of contradictions and the ISAs within which they
are contained, the question is not that these would only passively receive
those elements that are displaced and condensed into them from elsewhere.
Instead, contradictions and ISAs have, on the basis of their own dynamics, an
active inuence on what kinds of elements of other contradictions and other
ISAs are displaced and/or condensed into them and how this occurs.
The inuence of several overdetermining factors explains why no actor can
completely control or hegemonise (intellectually or functionally) a situation;
rather, the actors own deeds and actions are overdetermined by other actors,
Althusser 1q;6a, pp. 86; and p. q; Althusser 1q;1, pp. 1qo.
Althusser 1q;6a, p. 1zo; Althusser 1q;1, p. 16q.
Althusser 1q;6a, p. 88; Althusser 1q;1, pp. 11z.
A Critique of Hegelianism
contradictions and so forth in society. It also follows from this that contradic-
tions must not be understood in a subject-centred way, but, on the contrary,
subjects must be understood through the struggles occurring and being fought
in these contradictions.
Even though ISAs are relatively independent, nevertheless no class can
hold State power over a long period without at the same time exercising
its hegemony over and in the State Ideological Apparatuses.
This does
not mean, however, that implementing such hegemony would necessarily
The Ideological State Apparatuses may be not only the stake, but also the site
of class struggle, and often of bitter forms of class struggle. The class (or class
alliance) in power cannot lay down the law in the ISAs as easily as it can in
the (repressive) State apparatus, not only because the former ruling classes
are able to retain strong positions there for a long time, but also because
the resistance of the exploited classes is able to hnd means and occasions
to express itself there, either by the utilization of their contradictions, or by
conquering combat positions in them in struggle.
Thus, in the contradictions actually occurring in society, the question is also
about the struggle for their control and organisation. In other words, contradic-
tions are manifested as different kinds of struggle, which, in turn, can refer
to compromises and agreements, and thus do not necessarily lead to an open
conict. In his article Sur la dialectique matrialiste Althusser talks about the
non-antagonistic, antagonistic and explosive stages of the political strug-
A political struggle is fought, for instance, over the extent to which dif-
ferent political groupings and social classes have opportunities to participate
in the organisation, adaptation or solving of contradictions, or to what extent
different groups andclasses are able, thoughtheir ownactions, to inuence, for
instance, in what way the political institutions of a society are shaped and how
solving or handling the primary contradiction occurring within them takes
place. When analysing the modes of production or the relations of production,
Althusser 1q;6a, p. 86; Althusser 1q;1, pp. 1qo.
Althusser 1q;6a, p. 86; Althusser 1q;1, p. 1q.
Althusser 1q;6a, p. 86; Althusser 1q;1, p. 1o: Althussers emphasis.
Althusser 1q86, p. zzz; Althusser 1q;q, p. z16.
6 Chapter Two
as well as their reproduction in the ISAs, Althusser does not claim that the
former necessarily would be reproduced along with the ISAs, but, rather,
that if the modes of production and the relations of production are to be
reproduced, then it is necessary that the conditions for the existence of the
primary contradiction can be reproduced to a sufhcient degree.
With the concepts of displacement and condensation, as well as over- and
underdetermination, Althusser aims theoretically to substantiate why the
forms of political class struggle and the aims of the subjects embodied within
them do not after all follow the antagonistic modus of logic required by
the contradiction of the economy. This refers to the notion that the class
struggle or the antagonistic contradiction of the economy do not return to a
phenomenon at the level of consciousness; rather, it is a matter of a complex
process characterised by over- and underdetermination which constitutes
subjects and classes, in which ISAs do not directly express or mask the primary
antagonistic structural contradiction of the economy.
Here, the line is also drawn between economic and political class struggles,
as well as between economic and political contradictions: the economic class
struggle continues as long as the relations of production characterised by class
antagonism continue to be reproduced. However, this antagonism does not
necessarily manifest itself or get its meaning for the subjects forming within
it as an antagonistic arrangement. (This also means that the economic class
does not necessarily have to be a politically organised class.) On the contrary,
it is important from the point of view of the ideological reproduction of the
relations of production that the antagonistic contradiction does not get its
meaning for the subjects as an antagonistic contradiction and political class
On the other hand, the non-homogeneity of an ISA, which the concepts
of over- and underdetermination highlight (contra the expressive totality),
creates space for the theoretically substantiated understanding of the actual
opportunities of the political actions of the subject-individual [individu-sujet].
In a letter written in April 1q86 to Fernanda Navarro, Althusser proposes that
the theory of the ISAs is . . . quite the contrary of a determinist theory in the
superhcial sense.
He justihes his claim by referring to the plurality of the
calls of ideology:
Althusser and Balibar 1qq;, p. 1z8; Althusser zoo6a, pp. z1z.
A Critique of Hegelianism
The interpellation of the individual as subject, which makes him an ideo-
logical subject, is realized not on the basis of a single ideology, but of several
ideologies at once, under which the individual lives and acts [agit] his practice.
These ideologies may be very local, suchas a subject inhis family andat work,
in his immediate relations with his family and friends or his peers; or they
may be broader, local in the broad sense, either regional or national. Such
ideologies are, for the most part, always initially inherited from the past, the
tradition. What results is a play and a space of multiple interpellations in which
the subject is caught up, but which (as contradictory play and space) consti-
tutes the freedom of the individual subject, who is simultaneously interpel-
lated by several ideologies that are neither of the same kind nor at the same
level; this multiplicity explains the free development of the positions adopted by
he subject-individual.
Althusser and Balibar 1qq;, pp. 1z;8; Althusser zoo6a, p. z1; Althussers empha-
sis. The quote in which Althusser comments on the interview manuscript by Fernanda
Navarro raises the question, however, of whether Althusser himself ends up with a
pluralistic interpretation of ideological state apparatuses (ISAs) in which the sensitivity
towards the order of determination of contradictions and ideologies, the hegemonic
relations and the ultimate over- and underdetermining inuence of the primary con-
tradiction of capitalism in other conicts and different ISAs disappear. Althusser him-
self wants to justify how the displacement of subjects from one political-ideological
position to another (e.g. the bourgeois Marx and Engels going over to the ideological
positions of the working class) is possible (Althusser 1qqb, p. 1z8; Althusser zoo6a,
p. z1). This correct attempt to justify theoretically, among other things, the possibil-
ities for resistance and political intervention is, however, not sufhcient to bring out
those ideological calls which attain a hegemonic position. The beginning of the cited
letter (8 April 1q86) shows that Althusser acknowledges the question of the hegemony
and the ruling ideology when he states that historical periods marked by a dominant
ideology that is truly one and truly unihed are rare: the dominant ideology is always
more or less contradictory, tending toward a controlling [dominateur] unity, but attain-
ing it only very rarely and with great difhculty. It would be preferable to speak, as
you do elsewhere, in terms of the (contradictory) tendency of an ideology which seeks
to constitute itself as a (non-contradictory) unity and aspires to domination over ide-
ological elements inherited from the past, elements which it never succeeds in truly
unifying as a unique, dominant ideology (Althusser 1qqb, pp. 1z6; Althusser zoo6a,
p. zq; Althussers emphasis). Yet even this does not raise the question of the relation
between the ruling ideology andthe economy. Unlike in his articles fromthe 1q6os and
1q;os, in his letter Althusser does not refer to questions regarding the last instance of
economic conditions in the formation of the dominant contradictions. This may be a
symptom of the fact that, towards the end of his life, Althusser abandoned the thesis
of the last instance of the economy, even though it had formed an essential Marxist
theoretical starting point in his thinking. The interpretation of ideology that Althusser
presents in the letter to Navarro indeed comes close to Foucaults views in which the
dominant discourse formations are the object of the analysis, yet not much attention is
8 Chapter Two
For example, in the case of the political ISA, in which Althusser includes
the political system and its political parties, the primary contradiction can
manifest itself as the internal solution to the system, by means of which the
parties strive for solutions characterised by arbitration and compromise. One
may think that these also affect the relations of production, but in a way that
reproduces the capitalist mode of production by transforming its historical
form. At the same time, these compromises, like the other non-antagonistic
paid to the connections between these and the capitalist means of production and the
relations of production. It is perhaps no coincidence that, in his letter, Althusser refers
specihcally to Foucault, praising his materialist view of the ideological apparatuses
(Althusser 1qqb, p. 1z6; Althusser zoo6a, p. zo). Stuart Hall, however, has criticised
Foucaults views on power and resistance as being thin in comparison to Gramscis
concept of hegemony, with which he can highlight both the connections from the ideo-
logical struggles to the organisation of the relations of production and the dimensions of
these struggles which are not reducible to the economy (Hall 1q88, especially pp. o;).
On the other hand, Althussers letters as well as the manuscripts linked with the arti-
cle on ideological state apparatuses (Althusser 1qqb [Sur la reproduction]) show that
he aimed to emphasise the non-functionality of his ideological theoretical approach
for which Hall has also criticised him (see Hall 1q88, pp. 8q). However, in the letter
to Navarro, the problem would not seem to be that of functionalism; rather, on the
contrary, Althusser seems to slide towards pluralism. Though one should not assess
Althussers ideological-theoretical views from the 1q8os on the basis of a single letter,
it is nevertheless clear that his analyses of the historical mechanisms and forms of ide-
ologies remain more abstract compared to those put forward by Gramsci in his Prison
Notebooks (which Hall emphasises). Instead of being criticised for being functionalist,
Althussers theory of ideology can indeed be criticised for its abstractness or univer-
sality, as has indeed been done within the German Projekt Ideologie-Theorie (PIT). The
target of PITs critique is Althussers neutral view of ideology, according to which
there is no difference between ideological and non-ideological practices, in which case
the individual subjects are forever doomed to the ideological. Though ideology would
not be a functional system, but would rather be a matter of the struggle or competi-
tion between different ideological interpellations, nevertheless ideology or the ideo-
logical becomes the universal dehnition characterising the existence of the individual.
Two important contributions of PIT in the ideological-theoretical debate have been in
making an analytical difference between ideological and non-ideological socialisation
[Vergesellschaftung] and in emphasising the analyses of concrete and specihc ideological
powers and their historical genealogy. In this conception, the term ideological refers
to the historically-developed forms of vertical socialisation, of which the most central inde-
pendent ideological power is the state. In Althussers thinking, on the other hand, the
history of the origin of ideological powers is easily covered over by the idea of ideo-
logical universality. The merit of the PIT viewpoint is that it enables the concretisation
and historicisation of issues concerned with the critique of ideology and resistance,
which, in turn, makes possible the theoretical and political critique of ideological pow-
ers and their practices which limit the ability of the subject to function. For a discussion
of the PIT contribution to the ideology-theoretical debate, see Koivisto and Pietil 1qq,
pp. z6, and Koivisto and Pietil 1qq;.
A Critique of Hegelianism
events of the political system, have ideological effects when these events
increase the actors faith in the non-antagonistic nature of the society.
The metaphoric nature of the topographic
If one does not stick to the metaphorical understanding of the concepts of base
and superstructure, there is a danger that the base and the primary contra-
diction become the transcendent metaphysical starting points for the over-
and underdetermination of contradictions. When Ernesto Laclau and Chantal
Gramsci describes the compromises between classes and the hegemonic aspira-
tions within them as follows: The fact of hegemony presupposes that account is taken
of the interests and tendencies of the groups overwhich hegemony is to be exercised,
and that a certain balance of compromise is formed in other words, that the leading
groupmakes sacrihces of aneconomico-corporative kind. But there is also no doubt that
suchsacrihces andsucha compromise cannot touch the essential; for though hegemony
is ethico-political, it must also be economic; it must necessarily be based on the decisive
function exercised by the leading group in the decisive nucleus of economic activity
(Gramsci 1q;, p. 1q1; my emphasis). Even though the ruling groups in capitalist soci-
ety indeed have to make compromises in order to retain their hegemony within the
economic sphere, as long as they intend to reproduce their position in society the com-
promises will not affect the capitalist means of production and relations of production
in themselves. This, of course, does not mean that such upheavals could not happen.
The question, then, would be of a serious organic crisis in an already existing means
of production and economic system (for more on cyclical and organic crises, cf. Gram-
sci 1q;, pp. 1;q8o). Gramscis idea of cyclical and organic crises can be interpreted
through the notion of the last instance, in this case that the means of production and
the relations of production are the last instance, such that if these were to change radi-
cally it would bring about a crisis or even collapse of the capitalist systemitself. In other
words, the reproduction of the capitalist system is ultimately dependent on the repro-
duction of the last instance. Seen from yet another viewpoint, the struggles must take
on displaced forms so that they do not condensate into a battle that seriously endangers
the capitalist means of production and relations of production. This is a question of a
reciprocal process in which, due to displacement, the economic antagonism is mani-
fested as non-antagonistic political disputes and solutions. These solutions, however,
do not solve the economic antagonism itself but, through overdetermination, inuence
its concrete, historical content. As a consequence of displacements and condensations,
the events in one conict are not as such reected in another conict (cf. also Althusser
1q86, p. zz1; Althusser 1q;q, p. z1, in which Althusser characterises the relationships
of the economic and political class struggle). Gramsci analyses more precisely than
Althusser the persuasive solutions to these relations of production. There are examples
of this in, for instance, his essay Americanismo e fordismo (Gramsci 1qqo, pp. 1;8;
Gramsci 1q;8, pp. 16z) as well as in his Prison Notebooks under the heading High
Salaries. Both Gramsci and Althusser mention that the working-class struggle plays a
part in any compromise. On the other hand, a struggle that has moved towards these
forms of class compromise can also be analysed as an historical displacement of class
antagonismthat takes place within the framework of the capitalist mode of production,
albeit adapting the framework.
o Chapter Two
Mouffe, for example,
criticise Althusser for holding on to the thesis of the
determination in the last instance by the economy because it leads to meta-
physical essentialism and economic determinism, they assume that Althusser
himself fell for what he criticised in others, that is, mystifying and hypostasis-
ing an economistic interpretation of the base.
Laclau and Mouffes interpre-
tation, however, is problematic, because in their rather abstract philosophical
explications they lose sight of the difference Althusser makes between theoret-
ical and empirical concepts. The base, superstructure and primary contra-
LaclauandMouffe 1q8, especially pp. q;1o; andLaclau1qq1, especially pp. 11
Laclau and Mouffe 1q8, p. qq. Laclau and Mouffe also argue that the concept
of overdetermination tended to disappear from Althusserian discourse, and a growing
closure led to the installation of a newvariant of essentialism (Laclau and Mouffe 1q8,
p. q8). In their opinion, Althussers essentialism is crystallised in the concept of the
last instance, which is incompatible with the concept of overdetermination. Accord-
ing to Laclau and Mouffe, this incompatibility is due to the fact that overdetermination
always refers specihcally to the overdetermination of meanings (cf. Ricur 1qq, p. ;)
in other words, to the symbolical level, and therefore cannot be compatible with the
essentialist last instance thesis. In their opinion, it was because of this incompatibil-
ity that the problematic of overdetermination disappeared from the Althusserian dis-
course (Laclau and Mouffe 1q8, pp. q;8). Laclau and Mouffe are undoubtedly cor-
rect in saying that the conceptual-historical roots of the concept of overdetermination
are to be found in symbols, that is, in the analysis of meanings, as Aristotles observa-
tions onmetaphor andmetonymy already demonstrate. Althusser does not claim, how-
ever, that he would use the concepts of over- and underdetermination in their original
meaning. Instead, for the lack something better, he strives with these terms to criticise
economistic determinism criticised also by Laclau and Mouffe and to understand the
dynamics of societal relationships and contradictions as well as the relation of these
dynamics to the ideological practices of the ideological state apparatuses, where and
only where these contradictions are manifested and become meaningful for the sub-
jects acting within them. Instead of thinking that such an emphasis on the dimensions
linked with the economy of material practices would be an expression of an essen-
tialism that would be incompatible with the concept of overdetermination, one could
think that it is a question of emphasising the material starting points of the symbolic
level or the formation and displacement and/or condensation of meanings. Thus, the
last instance thesis is perhaps not after all incompatible with the concept of overde-
termination but rather links the contradictions that in a certain way become meaning-
ful for the subjects as part of the dynamics of the capitalist society that transcends the
level of observation. In other words, it is also possible to consider Althussers materi-
alist interpretation of the overdetermination of meanings as a positive contribution to the
problematics of overdetermination and not as an irrelevant attempt at an application
of this concept. Furthermore, the claim that the concept of overdetermination starts to
disappear from the Althusserian discourse and that already in the mid-1q6os with the
last instance thesis there is a return to essentialism is strange when seen in the light
of, for instance, the Soutenance dAmiens (1q;). Indeed, in that text, the concepts of
over- and underdetermination have a central role, as Althusser distances himself from
the idea of the Hegelian expressive totality and presents his own alternative interpre-
tation of Marxism.
A Critique of Hegelianism +
diction of the economy are not notions for which a direct or immediate equiva-
lent in reality could be empirically observed. ISAs and their practices are man-
ifested and present themselves to the immediate observer [qui se prsentent
lobservateur immdiat] as a motley assortment of different social practices
and institutions.
When Althusser states that the economic dialectic is never
active in the pure state, or that the lonely hour of the last instance never
he means that economy, economic base, modes of production,
relations of production, the primary contradiction of the economy and so
forth, are central theoretical concepts of Marxist theory, and by developing
and adapting these it is possible to understand and to perceive the complex
processes of over- and underdetermination which hide beneath the empirical
surface of contradictions.
If one does not differentiate between the empirical and the theoretical, the
danger is that one ends up with a critique like the theorisation of Laclau
and Mouffe, which takes place within a philosophical form but appeals to
a theoretical reality: hrst, it is established that a base and economic instance
cannot be found in empirical reality; then, on the basis of this observa-
tion, they are labelled as metaphysical concepts.
In this instance, however,
Laclau and Mouffe have not paid attention to the fact that Althussers cri-
tique is aimedat bothtranscendent metaphysics and empiricism.
As becomes
Althusser 1q;6a, pp. q6;; Althusser 1q;1, pp. 16;.
Althusser 1q86, p. 11; Althusser 1q;q, p. 11.
Althusser 1q;6a, p. 8; Althusser 1q;1, p. 1;.
Carl Boggs claims, based on E.P. Thompsons aggressive critique of Althusser, that
the latters theory is so schematic that it obscures the rich empirical reality of every-
day social relations, culture, and consciousness formation that is the essence of living
historical change; without this, there can be few insights into counter-hegemonic pro-
cesses leading to social transformation (Boggs 1qq, p. 11). Without going any further
into either Boggss or Thompsons critiques, one can nevertheless state that nothing
in Althussers theories prevents one from performing a concrete analysis of everyday
relationships and studying the possibilities of an everyday counter-hegemonic activity.
On the contrary, Althussers theory can well be used as a theoretical starting point for
such empirical analyses.
In the 1q8; article Post-Marxism without Apologies (published also in Laclau
1qqo, pp. q;1z) Laclau and Mouffe respond to the critique by Norman Geras (Geras
1q8;) of their book Hegemony and Socialist Strategy (Laclau and Mouffe 1q8). In re-
sponding to Geras, they defend the view that the economic space itself is structured
as a political space, and the war of position is not the superstructural consequence
of laws of motion constituted outside it (Laclau 1qq1, p. 11). According to them, in
the analysis of capitalist societies one can well give up the last instance thesis. Even
though capitalist society indeed establishes basic structural limits to what is possible
within it, these limits do not prevent the effective political actions of the working class.
z Chapter Two
evident, for instance, from the critique Althusser aims at Hegelianism, the
concrete is not identihed with the empirical; rather, it is a question of the
theoretically-substantiated aim to understand the complex tendencies and
processes that produce the empirical appearance of a concrete situation.
Even though Laclau and Mouffe admit that capitalist society can indeed contain basic
structural limits, they nevertheless do not pay attention to the fact that despite even
brilliant results and benehts, these are the achievements of those who do not own
the tools of production or decide about their control, but rather only use them. In
Laclau and Mouffes post-Marxist interpretation which rejects the notion of the last
instance the relations of production and the ownership of the means of production
become a single condition of political struggle amongst others, in which case the
analysis is no longer sensitive to the unique characteristics of the capitalist mode
of production (in this sense Laclau and Mouffes post-Marxism can be considered
convergent with Francis Fukuyamas end of history ideology. Cf. Fukuyama 1qqz).
Stuart Hall has argued that Laclau and Mouffes analyses, which operate on a high
level of abstraction, produce the concrete philosophically, in which case also the
structuring force, the lines of tendency stemming from the implementation of capital,
for example, simply disappears (Hall 1q86, p. 8).
In the 1q6 article Marxisme et humanisme, Althusser states as follows regarding
the theoretically subversive critique of the category of the subject: By rejecting the
essence of man as his theoretical basis, Marx rejected the whole of this organic system
of postulates. He drove the philosophical categories of the subject, of empiricism, of
the ideal essence, etc., from all the domains in which they had been supreme. Not
only from political economy (rejection of the myth of homo conomicus, that is, of
the individual with dehnite faculties and needs as the subject of classical economy);
not just from history (rejection of social atomism and ethico-political idealism); not
just from ethics (rejection of Kantian ethical idea); but also from philosophy itself:
for Marxs materialism excludes the empiricism of the subject (and its inverse: the
transcendental subject) and the idealism of the concept (and its inverse: the empiricism
of the concept). This total theoretical revolution was only empowered to reject the old
concepts because it replaced them by new concepts. In fact Marx established a new
problematic, a newsystematic way of asking questions of the world, newprinciples and
newmethod (Althusser 1q86, p. z; Althusser 1q;q, pp. zz8q; Althussers emphasis).
The new questions and concepts in Marxs texts (from The German Ideology onwards
[written 18/6]) are still in a practical state. Thus they have to be extracted from the
texts and set out within an anti-humanist research programme. In the quoted article,
publishedin1q6, Althusser emphasises the subversive theoretical importance of Marxs
thinking, whilst the revolutionary importance of the Marxist theory for the political
practice of the working class remains unformulated. In his self-critique Althusser
indeed states that at that point he and his students still did not properly understand the
political importance of Marxs theoretical revolution. When challenging the traditional
theoretical categories, such as that of the humanist category of the subject, Marx
also challenges the ideologies that govern the subjects of bourgeois society. In doing
so, he develops theoretical tools by means of which it is possible to take a position
that helps the working class man perceive his own class position in the system of
social relationships, a position which differs markedly from the man of the capitalist
A Critique of Hegelianism
When Althusser refers to the primary contradiction of the economy, it is
a question of a theoretical attempt to outline the central characteristics of
the capitalist mode of production, which inuence the empirical reality both
directly in the sphere of production and economic activity and in a more
displaced way, for instance, in the institutions of representative democracy.
What sorts of inuences take place in the case of each practice and its conicts,
and the types of displacements and condensations by which it is conveyed,
are questions requiring a theoretical analysis that is concrete yet transcends
the immediate appearance of the empirical cases.
Another counter-argument that can be made against Laclau and Mouffes
claimof determinismhas to do with Althussers viewof the nature of the over-
and underdetermination of contradictions. Earlier (z.z.), I quoted Althussers
viewpoint that
it is not a question of treating overdetermination or underdetermination in
terms of the addition or subtraction of a quantum of determination, a quan-
tum added or subtracted from a pre-existing contradiction that is, one lead-
ing a de jure existence somewhere. Overdeterminationor underdetermination
are not exceptions in respect to a pure contradiction.
However, those of Althussers writings published during his lifetime do not
include concrete historical analyses of how, for example, the primary antagonistic
contradiction in relations of production inuence the ISAs or how these inuence
back on the organisation of the relations of production. In the case of Gramsci, an
excellent example of such an analysis is Americanismo e fordismo, where he presents
a historical analysis of the historical changes in the capitalist mode of production in the
early twentieth century (Gramsci 1qqo, pp. 1;8). In the case of Althusser, the analysis
of Christian religious ideology contained within Idologie et appareils idologiques
dtat is an exception. This text, which was hrst published as an article in La Pense in
1q;o (and then included in the anthology Positions [1q;6]; cf. also Althusser 1q;1), is,
however, as its subheading Notes pour une recherche suggests, only a part of a more
extensive study, the other parts of which were only published in 1qq in the anthology
Sur la reproduction (Althusser 1qqb). The oo-page manuscript contains chapters in
which Althusser analyses the historical development of the French political and trade-
union ISAs. In comparison to these analyses, the presentations of ISAs published
during Althussers lifetime seem more concretised and less functionalistic or abstract
than has been thought on the basis of the variant published in 1q;o. It becomes evident
from Althussers autobiography that at the end of the 1q;os and beginning of the 1q8os
he planned and to some extent also had time to organise a fairly extensive multi-
disciplinary project to study, with the help of comparative sets of data, amongst other
things, the history, ideologies and theoretical doctrines of the organisation of newsocial
movements (Althusser 1qqza, pp. z8q; Althusser 1qqc, pp. z6).
Althusser 1q;6a, p. 1;; Althusser 1qqob, p. zz1.
Chapter Two
Contradictions are originally impure. Because all contradictions are or
have been real contradictions they also are or have been overdetermined
contradictions. When, furthermore, it is it taken into account that over- and
underdetermination are characterised by displacement and condensation, one
notices that all contradictions are or have been displaced and/or condensed
contradictions. Again, displacement and condensation, like overdetermina-
tion generally, are possible only if elements from some other contradiction
or contradictions are displaced and/or condensed into the contradiction, and
vice versa.
This means that contradictions only exist when they are in an interactive rela-
tionship with each other. The contradictions processes of displacement and
condensation do not have an Origin or Centre from which the overdetermi-
nation of contradictions would then begin to radiate. Thus the interaction of
contradictions exists already at the beginning; or the beginning is also char-
acterised by interaction and impurity. The processes of over- and underde-
termination must therefore not be characterised as linear cause-and-effect pro-
cesses or even as multi-linear cause-and-effect processes, because already the
starting point has many beginnings andis complex; the processes of change are
from the beginning complex processes of over- and underdetermination.
Specihcally, it is the idea of the complexity of reality and its contradictions
that forms the core point in Althussers argumentation. At the same time, it
reveals the specihc point of the critique he aims at mechanistic and determin-
istic schemata. From the point of view of analysis or cognition in general, the
question is about the fact that contradictions always appear as underdeter-
mined to the subject analysing them. On the other hand, from the point of
view of action, there are insufcient conditions for some desired consequence
such as the revolutionary working-class viewpoint, according to which con-
tradictions would condense into revolution. In other words, the desired or
intended consequence is underdetermined, and instead some other alternative
consequence for instance, a reform or compromise to be carried out within
the framework of an existing political system is realised. In regard to the
Freud states with regard to dreams that the connections between the dream-
content anddream-thoughts are distinguishedby the specially ingenious interweaving
of their reciprocal relations (Freud 1q6, pp. 181q).
A Critique of Hegelianism
latter functional viewpoint, Althusser uses the term threshold of determination
[seuil de la dtermination].
The connection between the viewpoints of cognition and action also reveals
the fact that Althusser tried to develop a Marxist theory of over- and under-
determination as well as a critique of ideology specihcally for the needs of the
political practice of the labour movement, so that it could be liberated from
abstract dialectic schemata (for instance, Hegelian Marxism or economism), in
the light of which both the failures of revolutions in developed capitalist soci-
eties and the realisation of revolutions in the undeveloped peripheral areas
of the capitalistic world economy appeared as exceptions. In his article Con-
tradiction and Overdetermination, hrst published in 1q6z, Althusser writes:
Let us return to Lenin and thence to Marx. If it is true, as Leninist practice
and reection prove, that the revolutionary situation in Russia was precicely
a result of the intense overdetermination of the basic class contradiction, we
should perhaps ask what is exceptional about this exceptional situation,
and whether, like all exceptions, this one does not clarify its rule is not,
unbeknown to the rule, the rule itself. For, after all, are we not always in
exceptional situations? The failure of the 18q Revolution in Germany was an
exception, the failure in Paris 18;1 was an exception, the German Social-
Democratic failure at the beginning of the twentieth century pending the
chauvinist betrayal of 1q1 was an exception, exception of the success of
1q1; . . . exceptions, but with respect to what? To nothing but the abstract, but
comfortable and reassuring idea of a pure, simple dialectical schema, which
in its very simplicity seems to have retained a memory (or rediscovered
the style) of the Hegelian model and its faith in the resolving power of
the abstract contradiction as such: in particular, the beautiful contradiction
between Capital and Labour.
Thus, whenAlthusser analysedthe conditions andprerequisites of the October
Revolution and other revolutions, he argues that all cases are exceptions. The
exceptional does not refer, however, to the complete uniqueness of the case,
Althusser 1q;6a, p. 1o; Althusser 1qqob, p. zz.
Althusser 1q86, p. 1o; Althusser 1q;q, p. 1o; Althussers emphasis.
6 Chapter Two
but to the fact that the capitalist world system at the turn of the century and
all the tendencies typical of it were articulated differently in different states
and societies. A pure ideal-type of capitalism or imperialism could not be
found anywhere. The beginning of the twentieth century can be characterised
as the imperialist stage of capitalism. From such a general dehnition, one
cannot, however, infer how the effects of capitalism were manifested in, for
instance, Russia. The history and dynamics of Russian society also inuenced
howand in what way the international and global overdetermining inuences
were displaced to Russia and condensed there. According to Althusser, the
revolutionary leader Lenin well understood in his own analyses and strategies
of action the problematic of the uniqueness of the conjuncture:
Lenin knew perfectly well that he was acting on a social present which was
the product of the development of imperialism, otherwise he would not been
a Marxist, but in 1q1; he was not acting on Imperialism in general; he was
acting on the concrete of the Russian situation, of the Russian conjuncture,
on what he gave the remarkable name, the current situation, the situation
whose currency dehned his political practice as such.
As the starting point for his own alternative explanation for the success of the
October Revolution (and the failure or underdetermination of Western revolu-
tions), Althusser takes Lenins theory of the weakest link and the comparison
contained therein: the chain is as strong as its weakest link [une chane vaut
ce que vaut son maillon le plus faible].
According to Althusser, also Marx, like
Lenin, emphasised the concrete analysis of the actual situation:
. . . when Marx (and the whole Marxist tradition) explains, with the aid
of a thousand examples, that such and such a contradiction will dominate
according to the case, etc., they are appealing to a concept that might appear
Althusser 1q86, p. 18o; Althusser 1q;q, p. 1;8. In the preface to the hrst edition of
The State and Revolution, dated August 1q1;, Lenin claims: The question of the state is
now acquiring particular importance both in theory and in practical politics. The impe-
rialist war has immensely accelerated and intensihed the process of transformation of
monopoly capitalisminto state-monopoly capitalism. . . . The question of the relation of
the socialist proletarian revolution to the state, therefore, is acquiring not only practical
political importance, but also the signihcance of a most urgent problem of the day, the
problem of explaining to the masses what they will have to do before long to free them-
selves from capitalist tyranny (Lenin 1qz, p. 1; emphasis).
Althusser 1q86, p. q; Althusser 1q;q, p. q.
A Critique of Hegelianism
to be empirical: the conditions, which are simultaneously the existing con-
ditions and the conditions of existence of the phenomenon under considera-
tion. Now this concept is essential to Marxism precisely because it is not an
empirical concept: a statement about what exists. . . . On the contrary, it is a
theoretical concept, with its basis in the very essence of the object: the ever-
pre-given complex whole. In fact, these conditions are no more than the very
existence of the whole in a determinate situation, the current situation of
the man of politics, that is, the complex relation of reciprocal conditions of
existence between the articulations of the whole.
The termexisting conditions does not here refer only to Russias national cir-
cumstances but also to the international conditions of existence that overde-
termine them. Only these together produced the conditions for the 1q1; Rus-
sian Revolution. The Russian case consisted of both Russian national and his-
torical conditions as well as global conditions. From the international view-
point, the Russian national conditions were undeveloped or underdevel-
oped. But this lack of development
means, at the same time, that Russia was
the weakest link in the capitalist world system. It was on this weakest link
that the self-destructive effects of capitalism, along with imperialism, could be
displaced and condensed, so that the October Revolution could become possible.
According to Althusser, Lenin understood this when he organised revolution-
ary activity, such as the Bolshevik Party:
How was this revolution possible in Russia, why was it victorious there?
It was possible in Russia for a reason that went beyond Russia: because
with the unleashing of imperialist war humanity entered into an objectively
revolutionary situation.
Underdevelopment was not at all an obstacle for the success of the revolu-
tion, but the condition for exceeding the determination threshold of the revo-
Even though the effects of the war were visible as revolutionary stir-
rings around Europe (such as the revolutions in Germany, Finland or Hungary
Althusser 1q86, pp. z1z1; Althusser 1q;q, pp. zo6;; Althussers emphasis;
translation modihed.
Other examples of the collapse of the weakest link mentioned by Althusser are
the Chinese and Cuban Revolutions.
Althusser 1q86, p. q; Althusser 1q;q, p. q; Althussers emphasis.
Cf. Althusser 1q;6a, p. 1o; Althusser 1qqob, p. zz.
8 Chapter Two
or the general strikes in France and Italy), it was only in Russia that events
condensed during the course of 1q1; into a successful revolution. The reason
was that in the system of imperialistic states [to use Lenins term] Russia
represented the weakest point.
Althusser refers to a fairly large group of varying contradictions and other
factors, the combined overdetermining effect of which produced this revolu-
tionary condensation:
Contradictions of a regime of feudal exploitation . . . Contradictions of large-
scale capital and imperialist exploitation in the major cities and their sub-
urbs, in the mining regions, oil-helds etc. Contradictions of colonial exploita-
tion and wars imposed on whole peoples. A gigantic contradiction between
the stage of development of capitalist methods of production . . . and the
medieval state of the countryside. The exacerbation of class struggles
throughout the country, not only between exploiter and exploited, but even
within the ruling classes themselves . . . The detailed course of events added
other exceptional circumstances, incomprehensible outside the tangle of
Russias internal and external contradictions. For example, the advanced
character of the Russian revolutionary lite, exiled by Tsarist repression; in
exile it became cultivated, it absorbed the whole heritage of the political
experience of the Western European working classes (above all, Marxism);
this was particularly true of the formation of the Bolshevik Party . . . ; the dress
rehearsal for the Revolution in 1qo, which, in common with most serious cri-
sis, set class relations sharply into relief, crystallized them and made possible
the discovery of a new form of mass political organization: the soviets. Last,
but not the least remarkable, the unexpected respite the exhausted imperial-
ist nations allowed the Bolsheviks for themto make their opening in history,
the involuntary but effective support of the Anglo-French bourgeoisie, who,
at the decisive moment, wishing to be rid of the Tsar, did everything to help
Very specihc national factors such as the developed and civilised revo-
lutionary doctrines upon which the Russian intellectuals in exile drew, thus
Althusser 1q86, p. q; Althusser 1q;q, p. q.
Althusser 1q86, pp. q; Althusser 1q;q, pp. q6;; Althussers emphasis.
A Critique of Hegelianism
making their exile worked against those who had expelled them actually
made it possible for the Russian situation to condense into a revolution.
I will return to the theme of the Russian Revolution at the end of the present
chapter. There, however, the viewpoint will not be that of the actor after
the event, as in Althussers analysis, but, rather, of the actor at the present
moment, which Althusser assesses in the light of the revolutionary leader
Lenins political analysis of the situation. In preparation, however, it is worth
summarising the interpretation of Althussers Marxism that has been essayed
thus far.
... Summary: complexity and chaos
Etienne Balibar has presented the interesting observation that along with the
viewpoint of the over- and underdetermination of the contradiction
conjunctures can no longer be studiedas brief moments inthe life of the struc-
ture or displacements from one stage of the structure to another, because the
structure is nothing else than the unforeseeable consequence of the conjunc-
tures; and vice versa, the conjuncture determined by a specihc general frame-
work of the structure.
Balibar refers to the fact that the economic base and its primary contradiction
or the imperialist stage of capitalism are not homogenous or total structures,
on top of which the secondary contradictions or national circumstances of
the superstructure would be attached in a manner akin to political cycles or
conjunctures in the narrow sense of the word attached. Instead, the bases and
superstructures or national and international factors together formthe complex
conjuncture at any moment.
In Contradiction and Overdetermination, Althusser proposes that the con-
cept of the overdetermination of the contradiction refers specihcally to the
fact that the effect of the economic structure in the last instance occurs in a
real andcomplex circumstance formedby national traditions andinternational
and national conjunctures.
Thus, the conjunctures describe that real terrain
Balibar 1qq6, p. 11.
Althusser 1q86, pp. 11z1; Althusser 1q;q, p. 11.
6o Chapter Two
where the inuence of the economic instance becomes evident. Balibar, how-
ever, does not claim that conjuncture would be the same as structure. Struc-
tures can be understood as dispositions that generally characterise a conjunc-
ture such as the capitalist means of production, its tendencies, the contradic-
tionof the relations of production, andso forth but these structures do not live
their own separate lives; they exist and receive their concrete historical appear-
ance only and always in conjunctures or conjuncturally.
Balibar refers only
cursorily and provisionally to the fact that this giving up of the antagonism of
the structure and conjuncture has a potential consequence: it leads to a com-
plete transformation in the traditional problem of historical transition (and
more profoundly, of historical time, which can no longer be represented as a
successive order with uniform duration).
The question is about a change in viewpoint. Instead of studying the all-
encompassing linear, forward displacement of the structure or social forma-
tion, attention is directed towards those conjunctural processes of over- and
underdetermination where the displacements and condensations of the con-
Balibar 1qq6, p. 11.
Ibid. The question of the extent to which Althusser himself at that time under-
stood such consequences better than his students is certainly problematic. Perhaps he
really did have a better understanding than his students due to the fact that, already at
the time of Lire Le Capital, he had read and studied Machiavellis writings, in which
specihcally the conjuncturality of history takes on a central position. As mentioned ear-
lier, however, Althusser did not include Machiavelli in his interpretation of Marxism,
except for a few individual remarks, such as the following short but interesting state-
ment in the article Contradiction and Overdetermination: Lenin gave this metaphor
[the weakest link] above all a practical meaning. A chain is as strong as its weakest
link. In general, anyone who wants to control a given situation will look out for a weak
point, in case it should render the whole system vulnerable. On the other hand, any-
one who wants to attack it, even if the odds are apparently against him, need only
discover this one weakness to make all its powers precarious. So far there is no revela-
tion here for readers of Machiavelli and Vauban, who were as expert in the arts of the
defence as of the destruction of a position, and judged all armour by its faults (Althus-
ser 1q86, p. q; Althusser 1q;q, p. q). What could have been in Althussers mind when
writing these lines was Machiavellis words of warning to those heads of states and
commanders of armies which led their troops into battles, into narrow passes and thus
placedthe whole fortuna of their state or army on a single strategy (see Machiavelli 1qo,
I.z; III.1z and III.;). To generalise, the whole system may end up in chaos because a
small and unimportant factor failed at the critical moment. (Sbastien Le Prestre de
Vauban (later Marquis de Vauban) [161;o;] was a soldier, economist and the fore-
most French military engineer of his age. He wrote a number of inuential military
treatises, such as Trait de lattaque et de la dfense des places, on the defence and siege
of fortresses and developed a fortihcations system that was in use in France until the
nineteenth century).
A Critique of Hegelianism 6+
tradictions occur and in which the structure receives its historical form. Balibar
states that, when Althussers students attempted despairingly as Balibar
himself did in Lire Le Capital to apply Althusserian overdetermination in
their research of transformations or passages from one structure to another,
they infact followedthe classical model of periodisation: without understand-
ing hardly anything about what it means to abandon the antagonism of struc-
ture and conjuncture.
Balibars self-critical statements can be interpreted to mean that at least
Althussers students were still tied to the thought patterns of the Hegelian
totality. They had perhaps not completely understood after all the theoretical
consequences of the distinction between the Marxist complex whole and the
Hegelian expressive totality.
As Balibar states, Althussers interpretation of the concept of historical time
was perhaps, already at the time of Lire Le Capital, something else than time
measuring the historical transition of the structure.
This difference can be
characterised as the difference between the viewpoints of universal history
and the many histories. The time of conjunctures is not that of the general
time of history: in fact, history does not have a general time. Each conjunc-
ture and its development have their own timetable, which is manifested in
them in the processes characterised by over- and underdetermination, where
contradictions are condensed and displaced, or in which the conjuncture is
articulated in a particular direction.
Relinquishing the antagonism between structure and conjuncture does not
mean that Althusser pays attention only to conjunctures. The issue is at the
same time also about a newkind of theoretical interpretation of conjuncture. As
Balibar argues,
a conjuncture is no longer merely a factional or insignihcant
matter in the world history of structures. Now, the nature of history itself is
conjunctural, it has nothing but factions, insignihcant matters and excep-
tions. These factions, insignihcant matters or exceptions or borders and
edges as they were termed in Althussers writings from the 1q8os are not,
Balibar 1qq6, p. 11.
Perhaps a symptomof Hegelianismis that Cullenberg uses the termtotality when
describing Althussers views on overdetermination (Cullenberg 1qq6, p. 1;).
Balibar 1qq6, p. 11.
6z Chapter Two
that is to say, isolated neighbourhoods or islets; rather, other conjunctures
over- or underdetermine the timetable and direction of a national conjuncture
and its development.
The capitalist world economy does not have a despotic centre that would
have determined how matters developed in, for instance, Russia. Instead,
the capitalist world economy or imperialism was a general framework or
disposition for the complex and multifaceted whole formed by national and
international conjunctures.
Following on fromthis, it could be argued that the lack of a centre also does
not mean that there do not exist even very strong overdetermining factors and
dominating tendencies in the capitalist world order. Seen from the viewpoint
of conjunctures, the development of capitalism is not about a single history
of a capitalist world order, but of different and differently levelled national
and international conjunctures, which together form what, with a certain
degree of abstraction and generalisation, can be characterised as the capitalist
world economy or the imperialist stage of capitalism. Thus the question is not
about whether capitalism exists or not but about what kind of historical form
capitalism receives in each specihc place and time.
If, in over- and underdetermination, the question is about complex series
of events in which there are unique and unrepeatable features, then instead
of mechanical models of causality and totalities with a single centre, there is
a temptation to arrive at opposite conclusions: that reality is an impenetrable
chaos, in which innumerable different reasons, contradictions and chains of
events have an inuence, where the birth processes of emerging contradictions
are, by their very nature, a unique and contingent series of events in which
cannot be found any structural, permanent factors and tendencies, on the
basis of which contradictions and inuential factors could be typihed and
Althusser sought answers to the questions of chance, necessity and con-
tingency. These were addressed in particular in his posthumously published
writings dealing with the notion of the aleatory. However, already before then
(for instance in an appendix to the English translation of the article Contra-
For a succinct presentation of the dependency relationships and unique features
of the capitalist world system (e.g. the global division of labour and relationships of
dominancy) see Wallerstein 1q8 (cf. also Wallerstein 1q;q).
A Critique of Hegelianism 6
diction and Overdetermination, published for the hrst time in 1q6q),
criticising Engels interpretation of determination by the economy in the last
instance, Althusser refers to the problematics of chance and necessity.
... Engels and individual will
In the appendix to Contradiction and Overdetermination, Althusser contin-
ues his analysis of Engels letter to Joseph Bloch (dated z1 September 18qo).
Althusser pays particular attention to those characterisations by Engels that I
deliberately ignored in the preceding article.
One such characterisation by
Engels is the following:
The various elements of the superstructure . . . in many cases preponderate
in determining their form. There is an interaction of all these elements (the
superstructures) in which, amid all the endless host of accidents (that is,
of things and events, whose inner connexion is so remote or so impossible
of proof that we can regard it as non-existent, as negligible), the economic
movement hnally asserts itself as necessary.
According to Althusser, Engels here proposes a theoretical outline or model
based on the dualism of chance-necessity: on the one hand, the microscopic
inhnity of events has an inuence in society; on the other hand, there exists
an economic movement which, in the last instance, clears the way through
these innumerable accidents. Althusser states that such a model can have a
heuristic value but it does not explain why and how the economy manages
to prevail.
The inexplicability is due to Engels having only two alternatives to chose
from: 1.) Explaining the development of society with microscopic events. In
this case, however, the explanation remains void because we are epistemolog-
ically helpless in front of this inhnity of events. And, to reiterate as Engels
himself also states the inner connexion of the things and events . . . is so
remote or so impossible of proof that we can regard it as non-existent, as
Althusser 1q;q, pp. 11;z8.
The appendix is also included in the 1q86 edition of Pour Marx, which I have used
here (Althusser 1q86).
Althusser 1q86, p. 11;; Althusser 1q;q, p. 11;.
Engels cited in Althusser 1q;q, pp. 11;18.
6 Chapter Two
negligible. That leaves a second alternative: z.) An economic movement that
pushes its way through an opaque chaos characterised by accidents. Accord-
ing to Althusser, this explanation resembles the Marxist explanation but only
resembles it, because it does not explain how the economy picks its sovereign
An appeal to the economy as the last instance is insufhcient as an
explanation, for it is the very thing that needs to be explained. This, however,
Engels does not do, for the role of the economy in the last instance has only
to be taken in good faith.
According to Althusser, there is, however, yet another alternative, one that
canbe proposedinthe analysis of the historical forms of the base andsuperstruc-
ture. And this indeed is what Marx does, for instance, in his work The Eigh-
teenth Brumaire (18z). Unlike Marx, Engels passes over the historical forms,
instead of taking them as the starting point of his analysis:
It is astonishing to hndEngels inthis text presenting the forms of the superstruc-
ture as the source of a microscopic inhnity of events whose inner connexion
is unintelligible (and therefore negligible).
Althusser does indeedwonder howEngels couldpass so rapidly over the issue
of the historical forms of the base and superstructure, particularly as the idea
of Marxs Marxist analysis, as in the above-mentioned Eighteenth Brumaire, is
specihcally that it is aimed at these forms because they are perfectly knowable,
and in this respect they are the transparent reason of the events that derive from
Transcending Engelss model based on the dualism of accident and neces-
sity, as well as presenting a historical explanation for it, requires choosing a
conceptual level that would enable one to grasp the historical forms of the basis
and superstructure in which, and only in which, the last instance effect of the
economy would be manifested.
In Engelss model the last instance effect of the economy is, however,
completely external in relation to the microscopic inhnity of events.
Engels, the last instance effect of the economy is dehned as a separate
Althusser 1q86, p. 118; Althusser 1q;q, p. 118.
Althusser 1q86, p. 11q; Althusser 1q;q, p. 11q.
Ibid.; Althussers emphasis.
Ibid.; Althussers emphasis.
A Critique of Hegelianism 6
historical event,
which emerges from the chaos of microscopic events as a
deus ex machina. Marx, on the other hand, in his own analysis, does not confuse
the historical effects of these factors with their microscopic effects:
The forms of the superstructures are indeed the cause of an inhnity of events,
but not all these events are historical . . .
Althusser does not deny that a microscopic inhnity of events would not
continuously inuence social formations. These can, however, not function
as the theoretical starting point of an analysis. If, in Engelss model, the
last instance nature of the economy refers to the notion that the economy
eventually redeems its place and does indeed emerge through the chaos of
the microscopic inhnity of events then, withregardto Marx, the last instance
refers to the process of the evolvement (over- and underdetermination) of
the historical and concrete forms of the base and superstructure, and not its
assumed and desired end result. Even though Marx uses abstract theoretical
concepts, he does not lose sight of the concrete reality, and indeed grasps it
specihcally through such theoretical concepts. Althusser encapsulates this in
his own self-criticism, referring to the concepts of position, function and Trger
[carrier] as referred to by Marx:
Marx constantly uses the concepts of position and function, and the concept
of Trger, meaning a support of relations: but this is not in order to make con-
crete realities disappear, to reduce real men to pure functions of supports it
is in order to make mechanisms intelligible by grasping them through their
concept, and beginning with these (since this is the only possible way) to
make intelligible the concrete realities which can only be grasped by making
a detour through abstraction.
Following Marxs analysis, Althusser emphasises how the economic base and
the primary contradiction are in an overdetermining way inuencing the
historical development and formation of political institutions and what kind
of overdetermining repercussions they have, in turn, on the historical form of
the modes of production and relations of production at each moment.
Althusser 1q86, p. 1zo; Althusser 1q;q, p. 1zo.
Althusser 1q86, p. 11q; Althusser 1q;q, p. 11q; Althussers emphasis.
For the concept of Trger, cf. Mepham 1q8, pp. 1q.
Althusser 1q;6b, pp. 1zqo; Althussers emphasis.
66 Chapter Two
The individual will
In the second part of the appendix, the so-called second level, Althusser
moves on to analyse the end of Engelss letter to Bloch, and starts by quoting
Engels at length:
History is made in such a way that the hnal result always arises fromconicts
between many individual wills, of which each again has been made what
it is by a host of particular conditions of life. Thus there are innumerable
intersecting forces, an inhnite series of parallelograms of forces which give
rise to one resultant the historical event. This may again itself be viewed as
the product of a power which works as a whole, unconsciously and without
volition. . . . Thus past history procedes in the manner of a natural process
and is essentially subject to the same laws of motion.
Here, the inhnity of microscopic events is dehned as conicts between many
individual wills. The individual wills unknowingly participate in the process
of history, the resultant of which points towards the historical event. In the
model that Engels borrowed from nineteenth-century physics (evident in the
comparison to the parallelogramof forces), his actual object turns out to be the
individual will [la volont individuelle] familiar from eighteenth-century social
and judicial ideologies. This revelation by Althusser is particularly important
if one takes into account the historical connection of the bourgeois judicial
ideology to the concept of the birth of the modern subject.
In other words,
Engelss viewrefers back to the subject-ideological discourses of the eighteenth
century, though, on the conceptual level used by Marx, it is possible to criticise
such subject-centred viewpoints.
Likewise, it becomes evident that the end result of the conict between
individual wills a historical event is no longer external in relation to
individual wills but the internal essence of the action of these wills.
Engelss ad hoc-type specihcation in the contradiction between individual
wills does not, however, remove the problem that occurs in the beginning.
There are still only two alternatives, even though the presentation method has
Engels cited in Althusser 1q;q, p. 1zo; Engelss emphasis.
Cf. Althusser 1q;6a, p. 1o;, Althusser 1q;zc, pp. 1;8.
Althusser 1q86, p. 1z1, Althusser 1q;q, p. 1z1.
A Critique of Hegelianism 6
been retouched: 1.) The intersecting forces of the innumerable individual
wills, which are impossible to analyse due to their number; z.) The end result
of the forces, their resultant.
With the latter alternative, one must continue benevolently to trust that a
desired resultant emerges from the innumerable conicts of individual wills:
Once again, either we trust to the inhnite (that is, the indeterminate, episte-
mological void) for the production in the hnal resultant of the resultant we
are hoping to deduce: the one that will coincide with economic determination
in the last instance, etc., that is, we trust a void to produce a fullness.
Engels still does not present theoretical reasons why specically this economic
last-instance resultant encapsulating the harmony of the wills comes about,
and why the result is not something else:
. . . what is there to prove that it will be what we want, the economic, and not
something else, politics, or religion?
As mentioned earlier, Althusser proposed that, instead of the analysis of the
microscopic events, the starting point and object contra the epistemological
void must be those forms and events of the historical base and superstructure
where the microscopic reasons are manifested. Now, Althusser adds that the
core of the problemis located specihcally in the concept of the individual will:
But unfortunately this so secure basis establishes nothing at all, this so
clear principle merely leads to darkness unless it withdraws into itself,
reiterating its own transparency as a hxed proof of all that is expected of it.
Precisely what is this transparency? We must recognize that this transparency
is nothing but the transparency of the presuppositions of classical bourgeois ideology
and bourgeois political economy. What is the starting-point for this classical
ideology, whether it is Hobbes on the composition of the conatus, Locke
and Rousseau on the generation of the general will, Helvetius and Holbach
on the production of the general interest, Smith and Ricardo (the writings
abound) on atomistic behaviour, what is the starting-point if not precisely
the confrontation of these famous individual wills which are by no means the
Althusser 1q86, p. 1z; Althusser 1q;q, p. 1z; Althussers emphasis.
Althusser 1q86, pp. 1z; Althusser 1q;q, p. 1z; Althussers emphasis.
68 Chapter Two
starting-point for reality, but for a representation of reality, for a myth intended
to provide a basis (for all eternity) in nature (that is, for all eternity) for the
objectives of the bourgeoisie?
If one chooses the individual will as the conceptual starting point, then expla-
nations again remain epistemologically void, or one ends up in vertigous
philosophical speculations involving a clash of wills:
. . . and we hnd it impossible to distinguish in it between the epistemological
void and the philosophical vertigo, since they are nothing but one and the same
When htting the concepts of the last instance, base and superstructure
into the philosophical concept of the individual will, Engels takes a step
back to the terrain of philosophy (in fact, to eighteenth-century philosophy-of-
law discourses).
Marxist concepts become non-concepts, which no longer
explain historical events, but instead mystify them and make them a matter of
belief, in which case the theoretical explanation of historical events turns into
ideological mysticism:
What makes such and such an event historical is not the fact that it is an event,
but precisely its insertion into forms which are themselves historical (the forms of
the structure and of the superstructure), into forms which have nothing to do
with the bad inhnity which Engels retains even when he has left the vicinity
of his original model, forms which, on the contrary, are perfectly denable and
knowable (knowable, Marx insisted, and Lenin after him, through empirical,
that is, non-philosophical, scientihc disciplines).
Althussers critique of Engels is interesting in many ways. It is clearly evident
that the notions of the last instance, base and superstructure, are theoretical
concepts which help one to grasp the historical forms of the base and super-
structure in any particular case, as well as their historical processes charac-
terised by over- and underdetermination. Historical forms or events are thus
Althusser 1q86, pp. 1z; Althusser 1q;q, pp. 1z; Althussers emphasis.
Althusser 1q86, p. 1z;; Althusser 1q;q, p. 1z;; Althussers emphasis.
Althusser 1q86, p. 1z8, Althusser 1q;q, p. 1z8.
Althusser 1q86, p. 1z6; Althusser 1q;q, p. 1z6; Althussers emphasis; translation
A Critique of Hegelianism 6
not manifested merely as the unexplainable or arbitrary chaos of microscopic
reasons: rather, this chaos can be sorted out and understood theoretically
from the viewpoint of the historical development of contradictions.
Here, understanding refers not only to speculative and belief-based ide-
ological worldviews, such as philosophical systems. The goal is the concrete
but theoretically substantiatedanalysis of social formations. The analysis is tar-
geted at the contradictory processes of over- and underdetermination in which
economic factors have a central role, but one which is always and everywhere
displaced and/or condensed by other impure, time- and place-related fac-
tors. The last instance of the economy is not the guarantor of the historical
development of social formations: nevertheless, it offers a theoretical starting
point from which the development of the social formations and the histori-
cal forms of the base and superstructure it received at any instance, can, at
least to some extent, be understood and explained. Thus the notion of the last
instance also opens the way beyond the political forms of the superstructure
and their microscopic events as it directs attention: i) towards those over-
and underdetermining effects that economic contradictions have when politi-
cal institutions and practices are forming, and, ii) towards the question of how
the latter, in turn, inuence the historical forms of the means of production and
relations of production.
Even though reality is characterised by complexity, this does not lead to an
epistemological void and/or a faith-based belief that the economy in the last
instance takes care of things. With the help of the problematics of over- and
underdetermination, it is indeed possible to develop theoretical analyses in
which there is no need, as with Engels, to brush aside complexity, for it is still
possible to get a theoretical understanding of it.
In connection with the theory of the weakest link, Althusser also presents among
his writings from the 1q8os on aleatory materialism the following interesting remark:
If it is theoretically acceptable to talk of the conditions without sliding into the
empiricisms or the irrationality of thats howit is andchance, it is because Marxism
conceives the conditions as the (real, concrete, current) existence of the contradictions
that constitute the whole of a historical process (Althusser 1q86, p. z1; Althusser 1q;q,
p. zo;). Even though the actual historical situation in Russia was complex and many
unique and exceptional factors inuenced it, the Revolution was not, however, an
inexplicable coincidence or a whim of fate. It is possible to explain the Russian case
or series of events from the viewpoint of imperialism or a viewpoint that combines the
unique circumstances of the country. Instead of coincidence, hazard or chance, Althusser
uses the term dveloppement ingal (unequal development) when referring to the
unequal development of capitalism and the (at least some degree of) unpredictability
o Chapter Two
Althusser does not claim, however as neither did Freud in his interpreta-
tion of dreams that all contradictions (and other constituting elements) inu-
encing complex processes could be traced and their effects foreseen. He also
does not assume that it would be possible to predict with certainty the events
of history. The analysis of contradictions always remains incomplete because
missing reasons beyond knowledge always inuence the contradiction that
is the object of analysis at any given moment.
Reality is opaque or obscure
for the person who analyses it, or for the subject acting within it.
this does not mean that it would not be possible to say anything exact about
these processes (or that dreams should be considered merely mystic nightly
phenomena or meaningless remnants of the day, which could be dismissed
with the disparaging comment but that was just a dream).
Even though it is impossible to fully explain or anticipate how, for instance,
the primary contradiction of the economy has an over- and underdetermining
inuence in some specihc contradiction, the last instance thesis, however,
helps the person making the analysis to get an understanding of the economic
factors inuencing this contradiction.
Thus, complexity does not refer to the chaotic nature of matter or to micro-
scopic reasons, but to the complex development processes of their historical
that is linked with it. It is not possible to anticipate the development of some known
society in the light of facile dialectical schemes. Prediction instead requires concrete
situational analyses of a concrete situation. These, however, are not empirical analyses.
From the viewpoint of empiricism, the situations seem arbitrary or such as they are
at this particular moment.
Cf. Balibar 1qq6, p. 11.
Freud states about the unconscious: It is essential to abandon the overvaluation of
the property of being conscious before it becomes possible to form any correct view of
the origin of what is mental. In Lipps words [18q;, p. 16f.], the unconscious must be
assumed to be the general basis of psychical life. The unconscious is the larger sphere,
which includes within it the smaller sphere of the conscious. Everything conscious has
an unconscious preliminary stage; whereas what is unconscious may remain at that
stage and nevertheless claim to be regarded as having the full value of a psychical
process. The unconscious is the true psychical reality; in its inner-most nature it is as much
unknown to us as the reality of the external world, and it is as incompletely presented by the data
of unconsciousness as is the external world by the communications of our sense organs (Freud,
1q6, p. 61; Freuds emphasis). As is well-known, Freud did not draw the conclusion
that it would be completely impossible to study the conscious and the unconscious but
rather that the study of them could not be consciousness-centred research or empirical
research, but rather such research must be directed beyond the immediately given to
those phenomena which form consciousness.
Cf., e.g., Freud 1q6, p. z;, where he dismisses the statements that belittle the
meaning of dreams as esprit descalier on the part of psychic censorship.
A Critique of Hegelianism +
forms in which microscopic reasons appear. However, in the context which
the microscopic inhnity of events provides, it is also possible to get a theoreti-
cal understanding of them which differs from the abstract schemes tied to the
way of thinking characteristic of the Hegelian expressive totality. In his article
On the Materialist Dialectic, Althusser encapsulates these as follows:
. . . Nevertheless, the fact that the Hegelian type of necessity and the Hege-
lian essence of development should be rejected does not mean at all that
we are in the theoretical void of subjectivity, of pluralism or contingency.
Quite contrary, only on condition that we free ourselves from these Hegelian
presuppositions can we be really sure of escaping this void. Indeed, it is
because the process is complex and possesses a structure in dominance that
its development, and all the typical aspects of this development, can really
be explained.
Althussers critique of Engels is also enlightening when it comes to interpret-
ing Althussers aleatory writings from the 1q8os. When Althusser deals (in
writings published after his death) with, for instance, the problematics of the
aleatory or encounter, as well as the problematics of events and conjunc-
tures, the question of the relationship between the surprising and hxed
nature of the conjuncture arises. Even though conjunctures are always in a
certain way hxed or organised, it does not follow from this that even radical
surprises could not occur in the conjuncture, as a result of which prevailing
regularities are questioned or could be questioned.
As the following chapters will show, in his writings from the 1q8os, Althus-
ser attempted to understand particularly through Machiavelli the prob-
lematics of change in the conjuncture (e.g., the conditions for political prac-
tice) from the point of view of the people or groups of people that live within
it. Althusser interprets Machiavelli as the theoretician of praxis but one who
does not, however, propose a general theory about practice (practical philos-
ophy). Instead, in his writings, Machiavelli positions himself and his work
within his own conjuncture in a way that makes it possible for the actor to
present problems of political practice from the viewpoint of the goals of his
political project.
Althusser 1q86, p. zz1; Althusser 1q;q, p. z1.
z Chapter Two
Before moving on to Althussers aleatory materialism and his interpretation
of Machiavelli, it is worthwhile discussing: i) Althussers self-criticism and
ii) Althussers analysis of the revolutionary leader Lenin. Althussers self-
criticism is both temporally and theoretically parallel with his text Machiavelli
et nous. His analysis of Lenin is also relevant because, already there, Althusser
touches on questions linked with the problematic of the man of action, which
later, in his interpretation of Machiavelli, takes on a central position.
.. Althussers self-criticism
As a way of introducing Althussers self-criticism, it is worthwhile recalling
the theoretical and political opponents from the 1q6os and 1q;os in relation
to which Althusser posited his own theory.
From the point of view of
the present study, Althussers main critique is targeted at: i) the previously
discussed Hegelian Marxism and its evolutionistic, economic and mechanistic
derivatives; ii) the dogmatic doctrines of the French Communist Party (PCF)
regarding theory and practice; iii) theoretical humanism and the Marxist
philosophical twaddle based on it.
According to Althusser, what these three positions have in common is
that they treat Marxist theory as the hrst available ideology.
Marxist the-
ory is transformed into dogmas and belief-based doctrines or subject-centred
philosophies supporting existing humanist ideologies. Such doctrines include
viewpoints, drawing on Lukcs and young Hegelianism (for example, Roger
Garaudys Marxism), that posit that within the proletariat the essence of
humankind itself is manifested as alienation. This essence then becomes
real, along with the revolution and the discharging of the capitalist relations of
production which maintained such alienation. There are also economic doc-
trines about how capitalism inevitably evolves towards its own destruction.
A good introduction to Althussers critique and the critique aimed towards him is
contained in the Foreword to the English edition of lments dautocritique (Althusser
1q;6b). Cf. also Sprinker 1q8;, p. 1;8, note z, which lists and briey assesses the
literature dealing with Althussers political context and other literature that can be
placed within that political context; as well as Benton 1q8 and Elliott zoo6; for the
history of the French Communist Party (PCF), cf. Courtois and Lazar 1qq.
Althusser 1q;6a, p. 16; Althusser 1qqob, p. z1z.
A Critique of Hegelianism
Likewise, Althusser criticises Lucien Sve who briey enjoyed a kind of
semi-ofhcial position in the PCF for the ultimate subject-centredness of his
philosophy. Even though Sve indeed attempted with his thesis about the ex-
centration of essence [ex-centration de lessence] to distance himself from the
notion of subject-centredness, his attempt remained a compromise. According
to Althusser, Sve fails because there is no such centre from which an ex-
centration could begin.
In his theoretical critique, Althusser emphasises the political-intellectual
problems in the relationship between theory and political practice. These prob-
lems had an inuence both inside the PCF as well as in its relationship to its
opponents. Inside the Party, the problem was condensed in the relationship
between the masses and the leadership. In the pamphlet and series of articles
Althusser wrote at the end of the 1q;os, he did indeed criticise the PCF leader-
ships relationship with the working class (masses) and highlighted the theo-
retical starting points inuencing the background of this relationship.
In his
articles, originally publishedin Le Monde then subsequently publishedas a sin-
gle volume Ce qui ne peut plus durer dans le parti communiste, Althusser criticises
Althusser 1q;za, p. q; Althusser 1q;6b, p. q6. There is a very long footnote inSves
monumental work Marxisme et thorie de la personalit (Sve 1q;, pp. q;1o6, note 1) in
which he presents his own critique of Althusser (see also Sve 1q8o, pp. z8;). Sve
attempts to show that the mature Marx does not give up the category of man as
radically as Althusser claims. To support his argument Sve refers to the Grundrisse,
written in 18;8, but not published in French until 1q6;, which Althusser, in Sves
opinion, does not take into account in his interpretation. According to Sve, Marx does
not give up the idea of human essence but only its abstract interpretation. However,
Sve himself does not pay attention to the fact that Althusser by no means denies that
real people live and act in societies. The question is rather whether Althusser distances
himself from a form of Marxism where man is the centre of theory as an abstract or
non-abstract essence. Instead, for Althusser, the starting point of theory and the object
of analysis are those contradictory social relationships in which real human beings live
and act in relation to each another. The essential point is thus not whether Althusser can
be caught out for not noticing some remnant of theoretical humanismcontained in the
works of the mature Marx. More important than suchphilological analyses, favoured
by many Althusser critics, is the question of howAlthusser furthers the theoretical anti-
humanism contained within the thinking of the mature Marx.
Althusser 1q;8a and1q;8b. Althusser hadjoinedthe PCF in 1q8 but resignedfrom
it only after the death of his wife Hlne Rytman (1q1o8o) (Althusser 1qqza, p. 18q;
Althusser 1qqc, pp. 1q;zoo). In his autobiography, Althusser discuses the question
of why he did not resign earlier. The main reason would have been that by resigning
he would have lost all opportunities to inuence the party line (see Althusser 1qqa;
Althusser 1qqc, especially Chapter 1q).
Chapter Two
the PCF leaderships notion of both theory and political practice. In his view,
the PCF leadership had forgotten the importance of the concrete analysis
of the concrete situation emphasised and practised by Marx.
Instead, the
Central Committee appealed to the consciousness of the masses in order for
them to adopt the doctrines of the party programme. This revealed the Partys
idealist notion of politics, in which consciousness is dehned as the solution
to all problems. The party leadership was not interested in what the party
members had to say, but assumed that they were the external truth that
needed only be conscious of the ideas manipulated by the party leadership.
The leadershipassumedthat, whenthe consciousness of the members changed
in accordance with the party programme, they would hnally begin to act in a
way as proposedby the programme, andthus the turntowards socialismcould
For the opponents of Marxism, such party dogmatism was an easy target
and a weak theoretical opponent. Althusser does indeed emphasise that it is
necessary to return from history to the science that came about as a result
of Marxs developmental work, which began with The German Ideology and
culminated in Capital. One had to return to Marx and rethink what Marx had
It is only as a high-standard science able to withstand critique that
Marxist theory can be the revolutionary weapon of the proletariat. Althusser
set this as the goal of his own research projects. The hrst fruits of this project
were the collection of articles Pour Marx and Lire Le Capital, both from 1q6.
The critique in these works is aimed not only at the ofhcial Marxism and
economism of the PCF but also the young Marxs theoretical humanism
drawn from the theories of alienation.
Althusser continued the latter critique, hrst in an article a response to
a critique of Althusser by the British philosopher John Lewis published
in English in autumn 1q;z, and then in an extended version of the same
theme published in French in 1q;.
In the article, Althusser criticised the
Althusser 1q;8a, e.g. pp. zo and pp. q6.
Althusser 1q;8a, pp. z and pp. 1ooz.
Althusser 1q;6a, p. 16; Althusser 1qqob, p. z1z.
John Lewis presented his critique, The Althusser Case, at the beginning of 1q;z
in the journal Marxism Today. Its editor-in-chief James Klugmann invited Althusser to
respond, and his response was published in the autumn that same year, and as an
extended version in French (Althusser 1q;za) the following year (cf. Lock 1q;6, pp. vii
A Critique of Hegelianism
philosophy of Jean-Paul Sartre, whom he considered Lewiss mentor. Althus-
ser developed his own views on the relationship between theory and political
practice in his self-criticism published the following year.
I will deal withAlthussers critique of Lewis later. Interms of Althussers cri-
tique of Sartre, however, we shouldbriey note nowthat Althusser maintained
that the Critique de la raison dialectique represented a return to the Cartesian
subject-centred philosophy that preceded Marxism and Freudianism. Even
thoughSartre wantedto render his services [rendre des services] inthe develop-
ment of Marxist and Freudian theory, he becomes, just like Lewis, a hindrance
to their development.
In his theory about human freedom and the human
situation, Sartre takes a petit bourgeois idealistic position.
This is because
his theories are based on an individual-society dualism, with man at the cen-
tre, and not those historical circumstances and social relationships born as a
result of the class struggles, where humans become subjects. Sartres anthro-
pological and anthropocentric subject-centred philosophy strengthens those
dominant ideologies where the human is put at the centre of reality, instead
of the human being studied from the viewpoint of the historical develop-
ment of social relationships. In other words, Sartres philosophy covers over
contradictory relationships, even though one should specihcally pay attention
to them in order to be able to understand them also in a theoretically reective
In his self-criticism, Althusser further develops his own viewof the relation-
ship between theory and political practice, which is encapsulated in the the-
sis of the revolutionary nature of theory. He states that, at the time of writ-
ing Lire Le Capital (1q6), he and his students had not yet fully explored
all those consequences that the change of terrain due to the epistemological
break in Marxs thinking had brought forth in regard to understanding prac-
tice and theory as well as the relationship between them.
Developing such
Althusser 1q;za, pp. z; Althusser 1q;6b, pp. 6o1.
Althusser 1q;za, p. q6; Althusser 1q;6b, p. q8.
Althusser 1q;za, pp. q8; Althusser 1q;6b, pp. q;q.
Althusser 1q;6b pp. 1oz, 1o6, 11o, 1zz. Althusser presents his self-critique
in a systematic way in lements dautocritique, written in 1q;z. Self-critical elements
are contained already, however, in the lecture series Philosophie et philosophie spon-
tane des savants, held in 1q6;8 (published 1q;; see Althusser 1qqob, pp. 6q16), in
which he presents his second dehnition of philosophy: Philosophy is class struggle
in the held of theory; the work Lnine et la philosophie, written in 1q68 (Althusser
6 Chapter Two
an understanding required a realisation of what the change of terrain means
with regard to the positioning of Marxist theory. In Althussers own opinion,
in 1q6 he and his students had continued to assess science (and philosophy)
too much from the position of bourgeois science. This had meant falling for
the temptation of theoreticism and failing to understand the whole mean-
ing of the revolutionary nature of theory with regard to Marx and Marx-
The question is not only about the science and theory that revolutionaries
can use as a tool in their revolutionary actions (as a mirror image for science
and theory which the counter-revolutionaries can utilise), but also about the
science which they [the revolutionaries] can use because it rests on revolution-
ary class theoretical positions.
For instance, when Marx establishes and expli-
cates in Capital the theory of history, he also at the same time implicitly estab-
lishes a new philosophical practice. Althusser presented this idea already in
his writings from the early 1q6os (e.g. Lire Le Capital), but it is only in his self-
criticism that he delves into the issue of the possible revolutionary importance
of Capital for the working class movement. Even though Capital is a theoretical
work, and must withstand scientihc critique, it is also a political work that can
1q6q; cf. Althusser 1q;zc, pp. z;68); and the Preface to the Italian edition of Marxs
Das Kapital, where he presents critical remarks on his own work Lire Le Capital. Fur-
thermore, in his counter-critique of English Marxist philosopher John Lewis (written in
1q;z, included in Althusser 1q; and in English Althusser 1q;6b) Althusser uses con-
cepts and applies viewpoints that he had already developed in his self-critique (see
Elliott zoo6, pp. 1;8zo). One must also note that the emphasis of the self-critique
on the primacy of the class struggle and revolutionary practice are parallel with the
events of May 1q68. The events of 1q68 were indeed central inuential contextual
factors in Althussers self-critique and the critique of theoreticism contained within
Althusser 1q;6b, pp. 1zo, 1zz, and 1o1.
Althusser 1q;6b, p. 1o; Althussers emphasis. It is interesting to note that the hrst
known version of Machiavel et nous was written in 1q;z, just a couple of years before his
self-critique (published in 1q;). This is perhaps no coincidence because in the former
lecture manuscript Althusser attempts to show the subversiveness of Machiavellis
position (see Chapter .), which is also a main objective of the self-critique, though
the main emphasis is on Marx and not Machiavelli. After the publication of Machiavel
et nous it is indeed possible to think that it was specihcally reading Machiavelli that
offered Althusser material for his self-critique. Machiavellis subversiveness is based
on the fact that his writings, such as The Prince, were not traditional theoretical texts
but rather writings in which he took or produced the revolutionary position in his own
context that was characterised by the conict between the few [grandi, pochi] and the
many [moltitudine, molti].
A Critique of Hegelianism
be of assistance to the working class in understanding, in a theoretically highly
sophisticated way, its own social position and the conditions for changing it.
In his self-criticism, Althusser states that the primary criterion of revolution-
ariness is the relationship of theory (or philosophy) to revolutionary practice
and social contradictions. Althusser emphasises that, in Marxism, one must
be able to develop theoretical concepts by means of which one emphasises
the real problems of concrete history.
Otherwise, Marxism would become
(and, indeed, had already become) a dogmatic doctrinal structure that cov-
ers over such problems or proposes unfounded solutions. Marxism must be a
(self-) critical science and not propagandist ideology or belief-based slogans.
This science will be a revolutionary science if it succeeds, through its theoret-
ical ideas, to bring forth the real contradictions in social formations and dis-
mantle the dominating forms of thought that obscure them.
In Soutenance
dAmiens Althusser states as follows:
Thus, in opposition to the subversion to which Marxs thought had been
subjected, it seems to me indispensable to lay stress on one simple idea: the
unprecedented and revolutionary character of this thought. Unprecedented,
because Marx had in a work of conceptual elaboration which begins with
The German Ideology and culminates in Capital founded what we might
call, as a hrst approximation, the science of history. Revolutionary because
this scientihc discovery which armed the proletariat in its struggle caused
a complete upset in philosophy; not only by causing philosophy to revise its
categories in order to bring theminto line with the newscience and its effects,
but also and above all by giving philosophy the means, in the form of of an
understanding of its real relation to the class struggle, of taking responsibility
for and transforming its own practice.
When Althusser develops his theoretical antihumanism, the critique of the
concept of man involves not only a theoretical critique of theoretical human-
Althusser 1q;6b, pp. 11;18; cf. 1o6, 11o11, 1o1 and 16o.
Althusser 1q;6b, p. 11o.
Althusser criticised the PCF party leadership: instead of seriously discussing the
relationship of theory, analysis and ideology to the political practice of the masses, the
Partys strategies, ideologies, theories and analyses were, he argued, instruments and
tools for the manipulation of its membership (Althusser 1q;8a, p. 1oz).
Althusser 1q;6b, p. 116.
Althusser 1q;6b, p. 1;.
8 Chapter Two
ism but also a critique of humanistic forms of thought, which have a domi-
nant position in society and which are central to bourgeois science and ideol-
ogy. Froma political viewpoint, theoretical anti-humanismis indeed a political
intervention where it (i) sets itself in opposition to the world view of human-
istic ideology, and (ii) sets forth the problem of the subject in a way which
enables a theoretical critique of humanistic forms of thought and ideologies.
Althusser emphasises that in this intervention it is not primarily a question of
the abstractly, theoreticisingly set antagonisms between structuralism and
humanism this is just a pseudo-antagonism
but about developing a the-
ory that would highlight the ideological-political dimensions of humanistic
theoretical categories from the class position of the working class.
A concrete example of the critique of the starting points of theoretical
humanism, and an intervention on the battleheld of philosophy, is the pre-
viously mentioned reply from Althusser to Lewis. Althusser criticises Lewiss
thesis man makes history for being an ideological thesis that mystihes both
man and history. For all his Marxism, Lewis positions himself within the
terrain of philosophy, in the ideological position of bourgeois science, thus ulti-
mately serving those whose interests it is, as a generalisation, to talk about
man and not, for instance, classes, class conicts and class struggles.
How could one carry on the class struggle on the basis of the philosophical
Thesis: it is man who makes history? It might be said that this Thesis
is useful in hghting against a certain conception of History: history in
submission to the decisions of a Deity or the Ends of Providence. But,
speaking seriously, that is no longer a problem!
It might be said that this Thesis serves everyone, without distinction, whether
he be a capitalist, a petty-bourgeois or a worker, because these are all men.
But that is not true. It serves those whose interests it is to talk about man
and not about the masses, about man and not about classes and the class
struggle. . . . If the workers are told that it is men who make history. You do
not have be a great thinker to see that, sooner or later, that helps to disorient or
disarm them. It tends to make them think that they are all-powerful as men,
whereas in fact they are disarmed as workers in the face of the power which
is really in command: that of the bourgeoisie, which controls the material
Althusser 1q;6b, p. 1z8.
A Critique of Hegelianism
conditions (the means of production) and the political conditions (the state)
determining history. The humanist line turns workers away from the class
struggle, prevents themfrommaking use of the only power they possess: that
of their organization as a class and their class organizations (the trade unions, the
party), by which they wage their class struggle.
Even though, in Marxist theory, one must be able to show in a scientihcally
valid way the ideological nature of such categories as man and the historical
connection to the class interests of the bourgeoisie, one must not develop
alternative ideological concepts in their place. Instead, one must develop the
theoretical tools that assist in explicating andanalysing the conditions of actual
struggles in history.
In his self-criticism, Althusser does indeed give up the idea that the distinc-
tion between science and ideology could be dehned once and for all as well as
in a universal way. Such a distinction expresses a rationalist-speculative inter-
pretation, the theoretical basis of which does not take into account the position
of Marxist theory in the class struggle, even though it correctly highlights
the theoretical-conceptual epistemological break that occurs with the develop-
ment of Marxist thinking in relation to the logical starting points of bourgeois
ideology (e.g. the category of the subject):
I wanted to defend [in the 6os] Marxism against the real dangers of bourgeois
ideology: it was necessary to stress its revolutionary new character; it was
therefore necessary to prove that there is an antagonism between Marxism
and bourgeois ideology, that Marxism could not have developed in Marx
or in the labour movement except given a radical and unremitting break
with bourgeois ideology, an unceasing struggle against the assaults of this
ideology. This thesis was correct. It still is correct.
But instead of explaining this historical fact in all its dimensions social,
political, ideological and theoretical I reduced it to a simple theoretical fact:
to the epistemological break which can be observed in Marxs works from
18 onwards. As a consequence, I was led to give a rationalist explanation of
the break, contrasting truth and error in the form of a speculative distinction
between science and ideology, in the singular and in general. The contrast
Althusser 1q;6b, pp. 6.
8o Chapter Two
between Marxism and bourgeois ideology thus became simply a special
case of this distinction. Reduction + interpretation: from this rationalist-
speculative drama, the class struggle was practically absent.
In relation to class struggle and social conicts, Marxist science is not, and
should not, be a neutral science, but, rather, it must locate itself in the position
of the proletariat in the class struggle. This does not mean, however, that
Marxist science should have an arrogant attitude towards the achievements
of bourgeois science. Instead, Marxist science should aim to make historical
reality understandable in a way that withstands theoretical critique, yet also
being aware of the fact that it serves the goals of the proletariat in the class
struggle and that scientihc disputes also include aspects that refer to the class
struggle. This is why science, despite its scientihcity, is ideological in the
sense dehned by Althusser after his self-criticism; that is, there is no longer a
general opposition between science andideology.
If Marxist science becomes
a dogmatic system, it is no longer science but rather ideological propaganda in
a sense that is opposite to the word science, in which case, amongst others, the
intellectuals will reject it as unscientihc rubbish, as Althusser stated (in 1q;6)
when referring to Lysenkos and the Stalinist doctrine of two sciences.
In order to understand Althussers self-criticism, it is important to note that
it is not primarily about a change within the theory or a theoretical change
in his thinking. Althussers interpretation of the central concepts of Marxism
and the philosophical differentia specica position for instance in relation
to Hegelianism and theoretical humanism, is essentially the same before and
after the self-criticism.
Put briey, Althusser is a theoretical anti-humanist
both before and after the self-criticism. Althusser refers to this continuity in
his theoretical thinking in the Soutenance dAmiens, which was written after
the self-criticism:
Althusser 1q;6b, pp. 1o6; Althussers emphasis.
Cf. Althusser 1q;6b pp. 11q and 1;8.
Althusser 1q;;b, pp. 116. According to Ted Benton, Althusser emphasised that
self-critique must not lead to the rejection of the requirements of the theoretical status
of historical materialism (Benton 1q8, 1q8;). However, Benton does not pay adequate
attention to the problematic of the relationship between the theoretical and the practical
contained within the self-critique, and its importance when, for example, assessing the
nature of intellectual action in society.
On the other hand, Benton suspects that simultaneously fulhlling the demands of
both the revolutionary nature of theory and the scientihc nature of theory may be more
difhcult than Althusser believed (Benton 1q8, p. qz).
A Critique of Hegelianism 8+
No doubt Marxs philosophy is, as Lenin said, contained in Capital but in a
practical state, just as it is also contained in the great struggles of the labour
movement. I decided that it had to be extracted, and basing myself on the
available fragments and examples, I tried to give it a form resembling its
concept. That is why the question of Marxist philosophy naturally occupied
the centre of my attention. I did not make it the centre of the world, I
did not raise philosophy to the level of command, but I had to make this
philosophical detour in order to grapple with the radical character of Marxs
This conviction has always been with me. I would now formulate it differently
from in For Marx and Reading Capital, but I consider that I made no mistake
in locating philosophy as the place from which Marx can be understood,
because that is where his position is summed up.
The essential change does indeed concern the way in which Althusser outlines
the socio-political and ideological dimensions and consequences of Marxist
science (andthe epistemological break) as well as the critical andrevolutionary
positioning of its followers with regard to these practices. In other words,
with his self-criticism, Althusser went into more detail than previously on the
issues of the political, social and ideological consequences of the philosophical
position that Marx had taken. This change has repercussions on Althussers
views on philosophy, science and ideology and the relations between them. As
has become evident earlier, with the self-criticism he no longer pitted science
and ideology against each other. Instead, the ideological character of science
refers primarily to the relationship between science and the class struggle and
not a lack of scientihcity.
... Elliotts theoreticist interpretation of Althusser
Althussers self-criticism has turned out to be a stumbling block for Althusser
scholars. A good example of this can be seen in Gregory Elliotts book Althus-
ser: The Detour of Theory, which nevertheless is skilfully written. Elliotts inter-
pretation can be called, referring to Althussers own terminology, theoreticist
[thoriciste]. Such a description is justihed by the fact that Elliott does not pay
Althusser 1q;6b, pp. 1;; my emphasis.
8z Chapter Two
much attention to the problematics of the relationship that emerges in the self-
criticism between theory and practice or between philosophy and politics,
nor to the theoretical importance of these. Instead, he complains how, in his
self-criticism, Althusser retreated from the highly sophisticated and original
versions of Marxist philosophy and historical materialism of 1q6z into the
schematic Marxism-Leninism of 1q68;.
Elliott does not, however, take into account that also in Althussers self-
critical-based views about the relation of philosophy and science to politi-
cal practice and class struggle, the question is about a theoretical contribution.
The essential importance of this contribution is that it offers theoretical tools
and viewpoints with which to analyse the relation of social contradictions in
philosophy and science. Additionally, the self-criticism offers starting points
for the theoretical analysis of the social conditions of intellectual activity. One
must not, as Elliott does, reduce the self-criticism to an expression of the polit-
ical conjunctures of its time (for instance, Althussers supposed political move
towards Marxism-Leninism). Instead, one should pay attention to the theoret-
ical contribution Althussers self-criticism makes to the relationship between
theory and practice; an important contribution that transcends its own time
and is worth developing further. The self-criticism can be used as a theoretical
starting point when explicating, for instance, the philosophical concepts that
are generally held to be perennial and universal, such as man and citizen,
the connections to the historical contexts of the philosophers and philosophies
using these concepts, and the social relationships and contradictions that inu-
ence them. In short, Althussers self-criticism offers the tools and viewpoints
by which it is possible to pay attention to the connections between the domi-
nant ways of thinking in philosophy and their historical-social context at any
given time, as well as the intellectual role of philosophers in renewing and
questioning such ways of thinking.
In the appendix to Lnine et la philosophie, Althusser reminds us perhaps
also here self-critically that teachers of philosophy are teachers, in other
words intellectuals who are employed by and subjected to servicing a particu-
lar educational system. Most philosophers accept this, and settle for working
within a practice and position of petty-bourgeois ideology.
Elliott zoo6, p. zzz.
Althusser 1q;zc, p. 6; Althusser 1q;1, pp. 6;8.
A Critique of Hegelianism 8
Like Marx and Lenin, Machiavelli is for Althusser a writer whose works
subversive character remains elusive [insaissable] if the revolutionary character
of their theoretical and political position is not understood. Assessed in this
light, the subversive nature of Machiavelli is not based primarily on the radical
nature of his realistic theses but on the way in which he positions himself
and his writings in relation to the theoretical and political conjuncture of the
early cinquecento Apennine peninsula. The ideas contained in the self-criticism
are indeed present in Althussers interpretation of Machiavelli and one may
suspect that Machiavelli, the organic intellectual in the time of the rising city-
state bourgeoisie, is present behindthe lines or betweenthe lines of Althussers
self-critical texts.
Before moving on to these questions, however, it is worthwhile discussing
Althussers Machiavellian aleatory interpretation, which he presented al-
ready in the 1q6os, of Lenins actions in Russia in 1q1;. This interpretation,
contained in the article Sur la dialectique matrialiste
in the section titled
La pratique politique marxiste, is noteworthy, hrstly because it encapsulates
the political meaning of the critique of the Hegelian expressive totality; and,
secondly, because it refers to the central question of the next chapters: what
is political practice or politics?
Althussers analysis of Lenin can indeed be considered a kind of agenda that
he is drawing up on the problematics of political practice, the question of the
contents of which he returned to in those later writings eventually published
after his death.
.. The Machiavellian Lenin
According to Althusser, it is possible to extract from Marxs writings (such
as Capital) his philosophy, though it remains in a practical state [ ltat
Correspondingly, it is possible to extract the Marxist political
practice from the writings of revolutionary leader Lenin, such as State
Althusser 1q86, pp. 161zz; Althusser 1q;q, pp. 161z18.
Cf., e.g. Althusser 1q;zc, p. z; Althusser 1q;1, p. 6; and Althusser 1q86, pp. 1;6;;
Althusser 1q;q, pp. 1;.
8 Chapter Two
and Revolution,
which he wrote in AugustSeptember 1q1;.
In his writings,
Lenin does not present a theoretical answer to the question of what political
practice or politics are. Political practice is not the theoretical object of his
analyses. Furthermore, he does not present a theory of political practice in
general, but, rather, his practical object is his own political practice, the Russian
conjuncture of 1q1;, the topical questions of the day and the solutions to them.
So they are texts for direct political use, written down by a man involved in
the revolution who is reecting on his practical experience within the held of
his experience itself.
In Lenins writings, it is not, however, merely a question of describing the
existing situation, but also presenting a theoretical analysis of the situation.
Lenins writings are theoretical writings, but the object of this theoreticisation
is his present situation and not political practice in general. The object of the
political practice of Lenin and the Bolsheviks is, in turn, neither universal
history nor even the general history of imperialism, but imperialismas Lenin
encountered it in his concrete present:
Lenin meets Imperialism in his political practice in the modality of a current
existence: in a concrete present.
In other words, Lenin studied his political object the practice in which he
himself was involved theoretically. However, this does not mean a general
historical analysis of imperialism in itself, but, rather, a theoretical analysis of
howhis practical object, opening up as a concrete present, is constructed, and
what kinds of displacements and condensations occur in this conjuncture.
Lenin analysed what constituted the characteristics of its [the Russian con-
junctures] structure; the essential articulations, the interconnections, the
strategic nodes on which the possibility and the fate of any revolutionary
practice depended; the disposition and relations typical of the contradictions
in a determinate country (semi-feudal and semi-colonialist, and yet impe-
Lenin 1qq.
Althusser 1q86, pp. 1;;8; Althusser 1q;q, pp. 1;6. At the end of Chapter ,
Lenin proposes a transition in his utopia: it transcends the Russian conjuncture, from
capitalism to the hrst phase of communist society to its higher phase, and with it the
complete withering away of the state (Lenin 1qq, p. ;).
Althusser 1q86, p. 1;q; Althusser 1q;q, p. 1;;.
Althusser 1q86, p. 18o; Althusser 1q;q, p. 1;8; Althussers emphasis.
A Critique of Hegelianism 8
rialist) in the period in which the principal contradiction was approaching
explosion. This is what is irreplaceable in Lenins writings: the analysis of the
structure of a conjuncture, the displacements and condensations of its contra-
dictions and their paradoxical unity, all of which are the very existence of that
current situation which political action was to transform, in the strongest
sense of the word, between February and October, 1q1;.
And furthermore:
For Lenin knew better than anyone else that the contradictions he analysed
arose from one and the same Imperialism, the Imperialism that even pro-
duced their paradoxes. But knowing this, he was concerned with something
else in them than this general historical knowledge, and it was because a
tested science had taught him the latter that he could really concern himself
with something else, with what it was that constituted the structure of his
practical object: with the typicality of the contradictions, with their displace-
ments, their condensations andthe fusion in revolutionary rupture that they
produced; in short, with the current situation that they constituted.
For Lenin, political practice opened up as an actual situation, as a conjuncture
that was indeed overdetermined by different national and international fac-
tors. At the same time, however, it was also the writers own terrain of action.
In this held, Lenin is a man of action who reects on the conditions of his polit-
ical actions in order to change them. What emerges is the difference in Lenins
position compared to a historian or a Hegelian philosopher of history who
looks at the conjuncture in retrospect [aprs coup], when in fact it is already a
fait accompli and therefore irreversible past.
He goes on talking to us about something quite simple: about his revolution-
ary practice, about the practice of the class struggle, in other words, about
Althusser 1q86, p. 181; Althusser 1q;q, pp. 1;8q; Althussers emphasis.
Althusser 1q86, p. 18z; Althusser 1q;q, pp. 1;q8o.
As will become clear later on (..), the irrevocability of the past is a matter different
from the necessary development of historical events. Althusser criticises the latter notion
because, according to it, the events of history are explained after the event as the
expression of some deterministic law of development. The former notion, on the other
hand, refers to the fact that the historian cannot do anything about the past itself,
whereas the man of action, through is own actions, can inuence the future, which is
specihcally due to the fact that history does not develop according to irrevocable laws
but is characterised by aleatory encounters.
86 Chapter Two
what makes it possible to act on History from within the sole history present,
about what is specihc in the contradiction and in the dialectic, about the
specihc difference of the contradiction which quite simply allows us, not to
demonstrate or explain the inevitable revolutions post festum, but to make
them in our unique present, or, as Marx profoundly formulated it, to make
the dialectic into a revolutionary method, rather than the theory of the fait
Lenins future-oriented analysis differs from both the philosophy of history
and historical analysis. The former difference is encapsulated in the following
question: What enables action in the middle of this one and the same present
time of history? For Lenin, the situation in Russia was not the expression
of universal history or the general history of imperialism, but a complex
conjuncture in which it is possible to act in a revolutionary manner. The
possibility of successful action existed but its timely utilisation required both
an apt analysis of the situation and the power to get the revolutionary forces
on the move at the right moment, so that the determination threshold of the
revolution would be exceeded. The concrete situation in Russia was not a
contingency where necessity is realised, which, so Althusser argued, it
would be according to the Hegelian speculative thesis.
In other words, the
contingent factors in the Russian situation were not expressions of universal
history, but referred to those special conditions during which, and by means of
their utilisation, a revolutionary turn was possible. Lenin is also not a historian
who would have found an aprs coup explanation for the events in Russia. He
was a man of action, a revolutionary leader,
who reects on the present in the present, on the necessity to be achieved, on
the means to produce it, on the strategic application points for these means;
in short, on his own action, for he does act on concrete history!
Here, necessity [ncessit] does not refer to the necessary course of universal
history or to the necessary consequences of imperialism, but to such tasks of
Lenins own situation, which necessarily have to be realised if one wants to utilise
the opportunity that has opened up for revolution.
Althusser 1q86, p. 18z; Althusser 1q;q, p. 18o.
Althusser 1q86, p. 18o; Althusser 1q;q, p. 1;8.
Althusser 1q86, pp. 181z; Althusser 1q;q, p. 1;q.
A Critique of Hegelianism 8
... Towards a theoreticisation of practice
Particularly from Essays in Self-Criticism onwards, Althusser attempted to out-
line a Marxist theoretical practice by means of questions regarding the posi-
tioning of theory. A central point in Marxs writings is to aim for a theoretical
understanding of theoretical practice in the practical situation. In the previous
section, I discussed Althussers attempt to perceive Marxist political practice
from the viewpoint of the practice of the revolutionary actor, as opposed, for
instance, to studying the idea of the Hegelian expressive totality or the fait
accompli viewpoint of the historian or the general fait accompli. In this task,
undertaken during the 1q6os, Althusser took the particular example of Lenin,
the man of action. As is clear fromthe previous section, as a revolutionary leader,
Lenin was interested in the specihc situation of Russia in 1q1;, rather than the
general. In order to understand the specihc situation and, in particular, to
be able to carry out strategic decisions for action, having general information
about imperialismwas not enough, even though such general knowledge, cor-
rectly used, might be of help in the tactical and strategic political solutions
made in that conjuncture.
As I will try to show in the following chapters, it is specihcally Machiavelli
who offers Althusser, for instance via The Prince, guidance with both the
political practice of the man of action and the positing of theories in theoretical
One must keep in mind, however, that Althusser had acquainted himself
with Machiavelli already in the 1q6os, and indeed from 1q6z onwards lectured
several times on the subject of Machiavelli at the cole Normale Suprieure.
Therefore, it is possible that Machiavelli acted as a dormant inuence already
in Althussers writings from the 1q6os, and also offered guidance when he
wrote his self-criticism and attempted to distance himself from the tempta-
tions of theoreticism. When assessed from this point of view, the aleatory or
Machiavellian Althusser appearing in the next chapters is not a particularly
different theoretician from the Althusser who analysed the theories of Marx
and Lenin. On the contrary, assessed in the light of each, a rather consistent
whole can be seen in Althussers posthumously published writings from the
1q8os and the earlier writings.
Chapter Three
Aleatory Materialism
.. Prologue: Machiavellis solitude
The only text by Althusser published during his
lifetime that focuses on Machiavelli is Solitude de
Machiavel, originally presented at a conference ar-
ranged by the Fondation Nationale des Sciences Po-
litiques in 1q;;.
It was hrst published in a German
translation in 1q8;,
and then in English,
and only
in the year of Althussers death, in 1qqo, in French.
Althussers references to solitude and fatherlessness
refer not only to Machiavelli: in an article Freud et
Lacan, published already in the early 1q6os, Althus-
ser writes about the solitude of Freud.
The question
here is primarily about theoretical solitude or the-
oretical fatherlessness:
The characterisation the solitude of Machiavelli existed as a dehnition, spirito
solitario, already in Francesco De Sanctiss text Machiavelli (from 18;o): The other
utopia of Machiavelli was in believing that his ideal world was the act of life of the
nation; instead, it was the testament of a solitary spirit (De Sanctis 1q;q, p. ;8, my
emphasis). Gramsci, too, refers to the solitary thinker but denies that Machiavelli
was merely qualche solitario pensatore [some solitary thinker]. Both Althusser and
Gramsci obviously borrow the expression from De Sanctis, since both were familiar
with his interpretation of Machiavelli (cf. Althusser 1qqa, p. 1o1; Althusser 1qqq,
p. , in which Althusser refers to De Sanctiss inuence on Gramscis interpretation
of Machiavelli).
Althusser 1q8;; see also OHagan 1q88, pp. 61;.
Althusser 1q88.
Althusser 1qqoa.
Althusser 1q;6a, p. 1; Althusser 1q;1, p. 18z. The theme of solitude manifests itself
o Chapter Three
. . . search as he might for theoretical precedents, fathers in theory, he could
hnd none. He had to cope with the following situation: to be himself his own
father, to construct with his own craftsmans hands the theoretical space in
which to situate his discovery, to weave with thread borrowed intuitively left
and right the great net with which to catch in the depths of blind experience
the teeming hsh of the unconscious, which men call dumb because it speaks
even while they sleep.
Like Freud, Machiavelli was also theoretically, but often also emotionally,
solitary. Emotional solitude was caused by, amongst other things, the fact
that after the Medicis were restored to power in Florence in 11z Machiavelli
lost his position as segretario orentino and, after having undergone brief
imprisonment and even some torture, was forced to retire to his small estate
outside the city walls.
He no longer received any important government
positions, and had to live in some degree of economic misery. Of course,
Machiavelli still had friends: during the day he played cards with the peasants
in his local tavern and occasionally visited friends at the Orti Oricellari circle
to discuss practical and theoretical questions.
Though his careers as segretario orentino and diplomat came to an end
with the return of the Medicis and the exile of his benefactor gonfalonier
Piero Soderini, Machiavelli nevertheless still dreamed even in his last years
even earlier than this. Already in the preface to his study Montesquieu: La politique et
lhistoire, writtenin 1qq, Althusser writes: That is why Montesquieureveals something
of the profound joy of a man who discovers. He knows it. He knows he is bringing new
ideas, that he is offering a work without precedent, and if his last words are a salute to
the land hnally conquered, his hrst is to warn that he set out alone and had no teachers;
nor did his thought have a mother. He notes that he really must use a new language
because he is speakingnewtruths. Evenhis turns of phrase betray the pride of anauthor
who illuminates the ordinary words he has inherited with the new meanings he has
discovered. In that moment when he is almost surprised to see its birth and is seized
by it, and in the thirty years of labour which constituted his career, he is well aware that
his thought opens up a new world. (Althusser 1q;zb, p. 1; Althussers emphasis. I look
at this issue in more detail in Chapter .z). Althusser also refers to how Montesquieu
was very interested in ships and seafaring and, like Machiavelli, compared his own
extensive projects with sailing on the open sea (ibid.).
Althusser 1q;6a, p. 1; Althusser 1q;1, p. 18z.
On Machiavellis short imprisonment, see De Grazia 1qq, pp. o.
Good biographies of Machiavelli include, amongst others, Ridolh 1q6 and De
Grazia 1qq. Also Machiavellis correspondence (Machiavelli 1q81; 1q88) sheds light
on his private life.
Aleatory Materialism +
about returning to real action. In fact, he was given the task of directing the
construction of the fortihcations of Florence, but burdened by this ofhce he
died on z1 June 1z;.
In the evenings, Machiavelli wrote and studied intensively, particularly the
classical ancient Roman histories. Nevertheless, he felt that he was not living
life to the full, whenhe couldonly ponder uponandwrite about what he before
had been able to participate in.
Freudborrowedhis concepts fromthe branchof physics dealing withenergy
as well as from the political economy and biology of his time. The sources
of Machiavellis loans were twofold: on the one hand, men of action from
antiquity, such as Tacitus, Livius, Cicero and Sallustius, and, on the other hand,
such notions as virt and fortuna based on the popular beliefs and mythologies
of antiquity and the doctrines of the cardinal virtues of Christianity.
If existing philosophical notions, such as consciousness, were more of a disad-
vantage thananadvantage to Freud, the same also appliedto Machiavelli. Both
princes and the clergy banned his writings, in which old words and concepts
often received interpretations that seemed paradoxical: the prince was urged
to learn how to act wrongly,
and the title of the most virtuous of men was
given to the most defamed man of his time, Cesare Borgia (1;1o;).
Freud had to be his own, in Althussers words, father in theory, and the
same was the case with Machiavelli, living a theoretical solitude. He too had
to get by on his own in a situation where the doctrines of the Platonic or Aris-
totelian tradition of the city-state, the doctrines of the mediaeval scholastics
regarding natural law, the great chain of being or the hierarchical order of
InThe Prince, Machiavelli differentiates betweenthe majority who judge the actions
of the prince with their eyes and the minority who judge the princes actions with
their hands: Everyone sees what you appear to be, few experience what you really
are (Machiavelli zoo, p. ;6). Perhaps Shakespeare had this passage from The Prince in
mind when he wrote the following in Hamlet:
Yet must not we put the strong law on him:
Hes loved of the distracted multitude,
Who like not in their judgment, but their eyes;
And where tis so, the offenders scourge is weighd,
But never the offence
(Shakespeare, Hamlet, Act IV, Scene III).
The natural sciences and astrology of the Renaissance era inuenced Machiavellis
thinking, as made evident in the studies on Machiavelli by Parel 1qq and Masters 1qq6.
Cf., e.g. Machiavelli zoo, Chapter 1, pp. 66.
z Chapter Three
things did not offer theoretical tools with which he could outline the condi-
tions for the implementation of a new project, a united Italy covering a large
area. Titius Liviuss Ab urbe condita and other histories, as well as Machiavellis
own experiences as a diplomat and secretary of state, offered him the material
about the political practice of the antiquities and his own time, the simultane-
ously immutable and changing character of which he strived to understand.
If Freud had to be his own father in theory, similarly Machiavelli was
unable to hnd a father hgure from any earlier theoretical family.
His solitude hrst of all consists in this fact, that he seems unclassiable, that
he cannot be ranged in one camp alongside other thinkers, in one tradition,
as other authors can be ranged in the Aristotelian tradition, or the tradition
of natural law.
The fatherless Freud became the father of the psychoanalytical and psy-
chotherapeutic tradition, whereas Machiavelli has at times been described as
the father of modern political science (from traditional textbook dehnitions
to Benedetto Croce), the father of immoral Realpolitik (from the Jesuits to
Leo Strauss), the father of ragion di stato (from Giovanni Botero to Friedrich
Meinecke), or the Renaissance era representative of the republican tradition
(fromJean-Jacques Rousseauto J.G.A. Pocock andQuentin Skinner). The prob-
lematic nature of such classihcations lies in the fact that there is still no con-
sensus regarding what Machiavelli represents or how he should be inter-
If the great unknown caught in Freuds net was the unconscious uttering
in nightly dreams, what, then, was caught in Machiavellis net? He also
caught something which people believed one should not speak about, namely
the political practice of governing and the use of power. The ideological
displacements of this matter, which was strange in its ordinariness, were
those philosophical and theological doctrines stemming from antiquity and
the Middle Ages, where the origin and nature of the state were hidden behind
different moral and judicial hctions. Althusser encapsulates this as follows:
Althusser 1qqoa, p. z;; Althusser 1q88, p. 6q; Althussers emphasis. Cf. Althusser
1qqa, p. 1o: Alone, without a father, like all the great hgures, like Machiavelli
Aleatory Materialism
Instead of saying that the state is born of law and nature, he [Machiavelli]
tells us how a state has to be born if it is to last and to be strong enough to
become the state of nation. He does not speak the language of law, he speaks
the language of armed force indispensable to the constitution of any state, he
speaks the language of the necessary cruelty of the beginnings of the state, he
speaks the language of a politics without religion which has to make use of
religion at all costs, of a politics which has to be moral but has to be able not
be moral, of a politics which has to reject hatred but inspire fear, he speaks the
language of the struggle between classes, and as for rights, law and morality,
he puts themin their proper, subordinate place. When we read him, however
informed we may be about the violences of history, something in him grips
us: a man who, even before all the ideologists blocked out reality with their
stories, was capable not of living or tolerating, but of thinking the violence of
the birth throes of the state.
For Freud, dreams opened the gate to the unconscious, to those latent mech-
anisms and elements which, as a result of dreamwork, appeared as symbols
that were displacedandcondensedinto an unrecognisable meaning or as other
manifested elements of the dream. Even though everybody has dreams, the
real importance of these nightly performances linked with the waking life had
not been understood scientihcally until Freud. The same was the case with pol-
itics. Even though everybody saw performances of the political theatre, and
some also acted in them, people nevertheless had not dared or wanted to put
into words the real content and importance of these performances. Further-
more, just as Freuds revealing of the world of the unconscious horrihed and
irritated his contemporaries, also Machiavellis analysis of those practices and
institutions which express the contradictions and struggles between people
and groups of people have scared or angered people from one generation to
the next.
It is evident from the hrst pages of Freuds The Interpretation of Dreams that
in spite of many thousands of years of efforts, the scientihc understanding of
dreams has made very little advance.
Freud knew and also often was made
to suffer the consequences of being a pioneer, the founder of a new science.
Althusser 1qqoa, pp. 6; Althusser 1q88, p. ;; Althussers emphasis. Cf. also
Terray 1qq, p. 1z.
Freud 1q6, p. .
Chapter Three
Machiavelli was also aware of his dangerous and thankless role as a pioneer
or explorer, which is evident in the ironic hrst lines of the hrst book of The
Although the envious nature of men, so prompt to blame and so slow to
praise, makes the discovery and introduction of any new principles and sys-
tems as dangerous almost as the exploration of unknown seas andcontinents,
yet animated by that desire which impels me to do what may prove for the
common beneht of all, I have resolved to open a new route, which has not
yet been followed by any one, and may prove difhcult and troublesome, but
may also bring me some reward in the approbation of those who will kindly
appreciate my efforts.
Like his contemporary and fellow countryman Christopher Columbus (11
1o6), Machiavelli knew he was sailing in dangerous waters through which
he had to open his own fairways to unknown continents. In order to reach
new land, Columbus had to sail for several months and for thousands of
miles, whereas for Machiavelli it was enough that he travelled in his study
through past times. Nevertheless, it took far longer than the discovery of the
new continent for his moral and political goal, a united Italy, to be achieved
and Machiavelli himself was never aware that he had sailed to such a place.
Nor could he know for what kind of purposes his ideas would be used when
a united Italy was hnally being forged.
If Columbus left old, known continents and shorelines behind and headed
for the open sea, then Machiavelli left the old moral and legal illusions and
delved into things as they are in an effective truth:
I have thought it proper to represent things as they are in an effective truth
[verit effettuale della cosa], rather than as they are imagined.
The consequences of Columbuss voyages of exploration were not only visible,
however, in the new world but, as part of the evolving system of capitalist
world economy and politics, they also inuenced the whole of the old world.
Machiavelli, too, did not leave morality and justice untouched when he left
behind the existing moral and judicial discourses, but rather placed them
Machiavelli 1qq, I. Proemio, p. 8q; Machiavelli 1qo, I. Introduction, p. 1o.
Machiavelli zoo, Chapter 1, p. 6; translation modihed; my emphasis.
Aleatory Materialism
in a new light: their ideological-political effects in the effective truth were
revealed, but this naturally did not please those in power, such as the rulers
and the Catholic Church (e.g. highly inuential groups such as the Jesuits).
.. The underground current of the materialism of the encounter
Even though Machiavelli was theoretically fatherless and did not have any
family tradition at his disposal, he nevertheless belonged to a family that
Althusser described as the underground current of the materialism of the
encounter (Le courant souterrain du matrialisme de la rencontre though
Althusser does use this expression in his notes, it was the editors of the
published version of the manuscript that lifted it out as a title)
or aleatory
materialism, as he dehned it in his later writings. Althusser outlines this
family chronicle of a materialistic, fatherless family in his notes from the
. . . I would like to bring out: the existence of an almost completely unknown
materialist tradition in the history of philosophy: the materialism . . . of the rain,
the swerve, the encounter, the take [prise]. I shall develop all these concepts. To
simplify matters, let us say, just for now, a materialism of the encounter, and
therefore of the aleatory and of contingency. This materialism is opposed, as
a wholly different mode of thought, to the various materialisms on record,
including that widely ascribed to Marx, Engels, and Lenin, which, like every
other materialismin the rationalist tradition, is a materialismof necessity and
teleology, that is to say, a transformed, disguised form of idealism.
In addition to Machiavelli, as part of his idea of the materialism of the encoun-
ter, Althusser also referred to Epicurus, Lucretius, Spinoza, Hobbes, Rousseau,
Marx and Heidegger. In his notes he also mentions how philosophers such
Cf. Althusser zoo6a, p. zo.
With the term maternal I refer to the word mater (mother), which is the etymolog-
ical root for the word materia.
Althusser 1qqc, pp. qo; Althusser zoo6a, pp. 16;8; Althussers emphasis. In
the quote it is important to pay attention to the conditional form of the expression:
je voudrais mettre en vidence [I would like to bring out . . . ]. Althussers manuscripts
from the 1q8os dealing with aleatory materialism at times contain very incomplete and
sketchy ideas.
6 Chapter Three
as Democritus, Nietzsche, Deleuze and Derrida offered elements and starting
points for the formulation of this materialist philosophy.
The list of names seems surprising, as Althusser himself states,
it contains, for example, Martin Heidegger, who usually is considered more
of an idealist than a materialist philosopher. According to Althusser, all the
philosophers listed above even Marx and Democritus have been subject to
idealistic interpretations. Their thinking has been repressed [refoul] and per-
verted [dtourn] into an idealism of freedom because such a philosophical
tradition has been too dangerous for it to be completely neglected.
Why have the philosophers of this tradition been considered so dangerous
that their thinking has had to be tamed in the form of idealism? Althussers
reply is concerned with the problematics of freedom and necessity. From their
central and dominant positions these philosophers rejected such concepts as
essence [ousia, essentia, Wesen], reason [logos, ratio, Vernunft], law [nomos], goal
[telos, n], origin [origine], primordial or natural order [ordre], original cause
[cause originaire, cause antcdente], whole [tout] andcentre [centre]. Their danger
is due to the fact that they question such philosophical-religious, judicial and
moral doctrines in which reality, such as the existing social order, is legitimised
by presenting it as an expression of the natural or rational order, divine reason
or providence, or by claiming that the development of reality follows certain
historical-philosophical lines and principles.
In the philosophies of the materialism of the encounter, there is, instead of
Order and Law, a void or vacuum [le vide], or in the atomic doctrines of Epicu-
rus and Lucretius the atoms, like rain, fall parallel to each other in the void,
until unforeseen swerves [dviation], encounters and collisions occur, the
result of which is the birth of the world.
If Althusser criticised Hegelian phi-
losophy at the beginning of the 1q6os for its idea of expressive totality accord-
ing to which the different levels and spheres of reality express the teleological
lawof the development of history then his critique is still aimed at such ideal-
istic philosophies and theories about history in which it is thought that things
have a certain natural essence and where the development of things follows
Althusser 1qqc, pp. o1; Althusser zoo6a, pp. 168, 18q.
Althusser 1qqc, p. 1; Althusser zoo6a, pp. 168;o.
Althusser 1qqc, p. o; Althusser zoo6a, p. 168.
Althusser 1qqc, pp. z, 61; Althusser zoo6a, pp. 168q, 188.
Althusser 1qqc, p. 1, Althusser zoo6a, p. 168.
Aleatory Materialism
some pre-set conformity to law. Even though Althusser in his Le courant
text refers directly to Hegel only briey,
the point of the critique is aimed at
teleologism and essentialism,
for instance the idea that, in the development
of things, an encoded goal would affect things or that the reality would
form a single whole [le tout] which would wind around a single centre [le
centre], or, in order to substantiate its existence, one could present some
original cause [la cause originaire] or some goal where the original cause is
As a historical andtheoretical introductionto the traditionof the materialism
of the encounter, or aleatory materialism, Althusser discusses the atomic
theory of Epicurus as well as Lucretiuss De rerum natura. The philosophies
of Epicurus and Lucretius are particularly interesting because, according to
them, the world has come about by chance.
The gods have not created the
world nor do they inuence its course. Before the birth of the world, there was
only an empty space or void in which atoms were falling parallel to each other
like drops of rain until one of them swerved slightly.
The atom that swerved
by accident induced an encounter with another atom, which changed its
Althusser 1qqc, pp. ;, 6o, 66; Althusser zoo6a, pp. 1;, 188, 1q, 1q6.
The Hegel quote, in which Althusser emphasises the process of becoming and the
aleatory basis for the necessities that arise within it, is as follows: If we must therefore
say that there can be no result without its becoming (Hegel), we must also afhrm that
there is nothing which has become except as determinedby the result of this becoming
this retroaction (Canguilhem). That is, instead of thinking contingency as a modality of
necessity, or an exception to it, we must think necessity as the becoming-necessary of
the encounter of contingencies (Althusser 1qqc, p. 66; Althusser zoo6a, pp. 1q).
For the relationship between the original cause and the objective see also Althusser
1qqza, p. z1o; Althusser 1qqc, p. z1;. Also, in explaining how he came to think as a
materialist Althusser refers to refusing to believe in the end as an original cause, that
is, by a mirroring of the origin and the end (Althusser 1qqc, p. z1;).
Only a few letters and fragments have remained of Epicuruss texts, which has
partly led to Lucretiuss philosophical poem De Rerum Natura being emphasised in
interpretations of Epicurus. For a systematic presentation of the relationship of Epi-
curus to Lucretius see Clay 1qq: see also, for example, Gerson and Inwood 1qq, p. .
Also Marxs doctoral thesis Differenz der demokritischen und epikureischen Naturphiloso-
phie and the notes linked with it are interesting documents on the issue of Epicurus
(Marx 1q;, I.1). Althusser does not refer to Marxs texts directly. It would certainly be
interesting to test the hypothesis that this writing by the very young Marx (from 181)
inuenced Althussers development of the materialism of the encounter.
In the English translation of Epicurus by Gerson and Inwood, the expression
clinamen atomorum is translated as swerve of atoms (Gerson and Inwood 1qq)
and similarly also in the English Preface to a Greek language edition edited by Merrill
(Merrill 1qo;).
8 Chapter Three
trajectory so that it collided with a third atom and so forth.
Althusser calls
this aleatory or dice-like (cf. Latin alea dice, aleatore gambler) and, by its
nature, non-necessary process of chance fromwhich a world is born, following
Lucretius, the clinamen [deviation or swerve]:
But the accomplishment of the fact is just a pure effect of contingency, since it
depends on the aleatory encounter of the atoms due to the swerve of the
In the Epicurean theory of atoms, the atoms themselves are abstract or
shadow-like [fantomatique] elements which exist only in the process of swer-
ves and encounters:
. . . the atoms very existence is due to nothing but the swerve and the encounter
prior to which they led only a phantom existence.
One can indeed say that the world takes place in the collision or that the birth
of the world can be accomplished [accomplissement] through the collision or
that the world, from this point of view, is an accomplished fact [fait accompli],
where certain laws and necessities have an inuence after the collision. These
necessities do not, however, manifest or express generally applicable teleologi-
cal or causal regularities that predetermine how and where the encounter will
occur. Therefore, the world and its necessities are consequences of aleatory
encounters [rencontres].
There is no telos inherent in the atoms of Epicurus or a code determining
when and where they will collide: we know not where, we know not when
[on ne sait o, on ne sait quand], Althusser quotes Lucretius.
The birth of the
worldis a contingent, non-necessary event. Those necessities that inuence the
world at each moment do not in themselves exist out of necessity.
Althusser 1qqc, p. 1; Althusser zoo6a, p. 16q.
Althusser 1qqc, p. z; Althusser zoo6a, pp. 16q;o; Althussers emphasis.
Althusser 1qqc, p. z; Althusser zoo6a, p. 16q; Althussers emphasis.
Althusser terms his materialism as both aleatory and the materialism of encoun-
ters, which would be regarded as synonymous. On the other hand, the expressions
also differ from each another: aleatory is an adjective that dehnes the non-determined
nature of encounters.
Althusser 1qqc, p. 6; Althusser zoo6a, p. 1q1; see also Althusser 1qqc, p. 1;
Althusser zoo6a, p. 168, and Lucretius zoo;, II.zq.
Nor can we once suppose
In any way tis likely, (seeing that space
Aleatory Materialism
According to Althusser, the Epicurean viewis dangerous because the neces-
sities it proposes for the world are relativised: that which is, is not necessarily
as it is; that which happens does not necessarily happen in the way it happens.
Undoubtedly, one of Epicuruss motives in developing the atomic theory was
the logical justihcation of the possibility of human freedom and responsibility:
because the world is not necessarily as it is, it can also be otherwise. Because
no divine reason or order inuenced the world and God has not created it,
is also possible and justihed to question the existing world and its order. Man
is both a free and responsible actor because he has real possibilities to change
the existing world and its necessities.
According to Lucretius, atoms have certain kinds of hooks or points
enable them to take hold of [prendre] each other and form into series and
chains. Althusser purposely uses the term prendre or pris, making the con-
nection to the German Begriff, concept, and to the verb behind it begreifen, to
grasp, and furthermore its substantive, Greifen, understanding or grasping.
To all sides stretches inhnite and free,
And seeds, innumerable in number, in sum
Bottomless, there in many a manner y,
Bestirred in everlasting motion there),
That only this one earth and sky of ours
Hath been create and that those bodies of stuff,
So many, perform no work outside the same;
Seeing, moreover, this world too hath been
By nature fashioned, even as seeds of things
By innate motion chanced to clash and cling
After theyd been in many a manner driven
Together at random, without design, in vain
And as at last those seeds together dwelt,
Which, when together of a sudden thrown,
Should alway furnish the commencements ht
Of mighty things the earth, the sea, the sky,
And race of living creatures
(Lucretius zoo;, II.1q1).
Cf. Lucretius zoo;, V.16q, the title of which is The world is not created by gods.
Most often it is the hedonistic views connected with the doctrine of Epicureanism
that are emphasised. However, from the viewpoint of the history of moral philosophy,
the essential importance of Epicurus andhis followers lies not so muchwiththese hedo-
nistic doctrines or the doctrines which emphasise ones peace of mind, but rather the
radical consequences entailed by the emphasis on the arbitrariness and the contingency
of the foundation of the world.
Lucretius zoo;, I.qq6.
Althusser 1qqc, p. 6z; Althusser zoo6a, p. 18q.
+oo Chapter Three
The taking hold of that occurs with the encounter of the elements gives form
[prenne forme] to the whole formed by the elements that take hold, which in
turn makes it possible to take hold of the form (for Epicurus and Lucretius,
the atoms themselves could not be grasped because they were too small or
were invisible) and it can be comprehended through some concept:
. . . in order that this encounter take hold, that is to say, take form, at last
give birth to Forms, and new Forms just as water takes hold when ice is there
waiting for it, or milk does when it curdles, or mayonnaise whenit emulsihes.
Hence the primacy of nothing over all form, and of aleatory materialism over
all formalism.
The validity of the concept is limited in two directions: (i) the notions describe
only forms that have already been taken hold of, as well as their internal and
therefore contingent necessities; (ii) nothing guarantees that these forms that
have been taken hold of, and their necessities, could not be otherwise or could
change, and concepts that were valid before would become invalid.
Every encounter is aleatory, not only in its origins . . . but also in its effects.
The formation of concepts must not lead to formalism, where morphology
covers over the aleatory processes that precede and follow the taking hold of
... Law
In Le courant, Althusser indicates how his views on the aleatory nature of
taking hold have important consequences from the point of view of under-
standing the concept of law [loi]. If no historical-philosophical law specihes
what kind of encounters occur and what kind of forms take hold therein, it
means that
. . . no law presides over the encounter in which things take hold. But, it will
be objected, once the encounter has taken hold that is, once the stable
hgure of the world, of the only existing world (for the advent of a given
Althusser 1qqc, p. 6; Althusser zoo6a, pp. 1q1z; Althussers emphasis.
Althusser 1qqc, p. 66; Althusser zoo6a, p. 1q; my emphasis.
Aleatory Materialism +o+
world obviously excludes all the other possible combinations), has been
constituted we have to do with a stable world in which events, in their
succession [suite], obey laws.
When a certain world has taken hold, at that particular moment it excludes
all other possible worlds [tout les autres possibles]. The existing world is not,
however, the only possible world.
One could at least imagine other kinds
of worlds, even though these other worlds would not exist historically. The
world that has taken hold and been realised is just a factum, as Althusser states,
referring to Spinoza and Wittgenstein.
According to Althusser, the trust in
universal laws is, after all, the nave belief of the honest player that everybody
Althusser 1qqc, pp. 6;8; Althusser zoo6a, pp. 1q.
For the discussionof the hnite age of the world, the non-permanence of its structure
andthe eetingness of everything, see Lucretius 1q6, V.z;q. It wouldbe interesting
to compare the ideas of Epicurus and Lucretius, in terms of the principle of plenitude,
to better-known ways of thinking, such as that of Aristotle, according to whom each
possibility is at some point realised if a genuine opportunity presents itself. The
thinking of Epicurus and Lucretius would not seem to agree with this interpretation of
the modalities of opportunity, impossibility and necessity, which dominated thinking
until the late Middle Ages because, according to them, the realised world could have
remained unborn forever because no general law can preordain the set of actualising
opportunities. For interpretations of the principle of plenitude see Knuuttila 1qq;
and, in particular, Weiss 1q6; and Hintikka 1q;; concerning Aristotle. Simo Knuuttila
localises the interpretation of the modalities that govern present-day language use
and which differ from the principle of plenitude in the radical reinterpretation of
the concepts of the possible and necessary that occurred in the fourteenth century
(Knuuttila 1qq6, p. 18). This claim certainly holds true if it is assessed as a hegemonic
term in the forms of thinking in Western culture. The example of Epicurus, however,
may show that also a different kind of interpretation of the modalities existed already
in antiquity, but that it was forgotten with the triumphal march of the principle of
plenitude and the ideological batteries that supported it, such as the Roman-Catholic
Church. In his book Modalities in Medieval Philosophy (Knuuttila 1qq) Knuutila does not
analyse the views of Epicurus and Lucretius but only briey refers to the assumption
put forward by some scholars, according to which . . . perhaps Epicurus, as distinct
from Lucretius, did not accept the principle of plenitude with respect to types of being
(White 1q8, pp. ), but neither atomists nor sceptics developed any remarkable
theory of unrealized generic possibilities (Knuuttila 1qq, p. 6). Even though Epicurus
and Lucretius would have differed in this regard from each other one can at least
assume that studying them would bring out such interpretations of the modalities that
would, like sophism, lose the philosophical-historical battle of hegemony. Perhaps the
defeat was due to the dangerousness of such views (atomists, rhetoricians and sceptics)
that relativised the necessities and truths of the existing world, as one may indeed
think with reference to Althusser.
Althusser 1qqc, p. 68; Althusser zoo6a, p. 1q; cf. Althusser 1qqza, p. z1o; Althus-
ser 1qqc, p. z1;.
+oz Chapter Three
plays according to the rules. Belief in the power of laws and authority contains
the great temptation to think that these laws of order guarantee absolute
protection, and that, while the same laws prevail, these same forms would
be repeated indehnitely. Falling for such a temptation, however, would be to
deny that order and its laws are the consequence of aleatory encounters; and
the aleatory does not disappear, even though certain kinds of worlds that have
taken hold are realised.
With the notion of law, Althusser refers not only to the assumed laws of the
natural or historical reality but also to the positive laws created by man, that
is, the existing legal, moral or theological principles of law and justice that are
meant to describe or legitimise the existing social order. He does not strictly
differentiate between these two types of laws. Here, Althusser refers to Marx,
who aimed to show that the laws of classical political economy are, in fact,
laws linked during a certain historical era to particular class interests. Such
laws of the economy are not only pure objective science but also ideological
constructions that articulate and legitimise the interests of certain groups of
people in a certain era, presenting them as generally applicable laws.
Althusser refers to Rousseau, who maintained that
. . . the [social] contract is based on an abyss by defending the idea,
therefore, that the necessity of the laws that issue from the taking-hold
induced by the encounter is, even at its most stable, haunted by a radical
instability . . .
As is evident in Rousseaus The Social Contract,
nothing guarantees that the
general will and the social contract could not be abolished and the abyss
[abme] would not be opened. The social contract and the uncertainty of the
basis of the general will it expresses do not, however, tell about a weakness
in Rousseaus thinking. Rather, the ultimate lack of guarantees (the fragility
of the social contract) shows that Rousseau understood the aleatory nature of
the laws, and did not attempt to deny it by presenting imaginary scenarios.
Althusser indeed compares Rousseaus interpretation of the natural state to
Althusser 1qqc, p. 68; Althusser zoo6a, p. 1q.
Althusser 1qqc, pp. 68q; Althusser zoo6a, p. 1q; see also Althusser 1qq, pp. z8
z; Althusser 1q;zb, pp. 1z, in which Althusser presents his analysis of the changes
in the interpretation of the law in a new era.
Althusser 1qqc, p. 68; Althusser zoo6a, p. 1q; Althussers emphasis.
Rousseau 1qq, I.6.
Aleatory Materialism +o
Epicuruss theory of the rain of atoms: Rousseaus forest as a metaphor for
the state of nature is equivalent to the Epicurean rain of atoms into the void.
The human individuals living in the forest wander around in it without any
encounters that would produce lasting social relationships:
Of course, a man and a woman can meet, feel one another out, and even
pair off, but only in a brief encounter without identity or recognition . . .
According to Althusser, Rousseau radically differs from all other social-con-
tract theoreticians because, unlike him, they understand also the state of
nature as something social. They assume that the state of nature contains
either peaceful or war-like social relationships. Only in Rousseaus conception
does pure nature entail a radical absence of society [nant de socit].
The lack of social relationships or their non-naturalness is the nonexistent
starting point of all emerging societies, or the only empty essence of all
possible societies. According to Althusser, the thesis that the radical absence
of society constitutes the essence of all society is an audacious one, yet its
radicality escaped both Rousseaus contemporaries and later critics.
radical nature of the thesis is due to the fact that, for Rousseau, there is no
transcendent basis or some natural social order already arising from a state
of nature that dehnes the essence of the society. For Rousseau, the formation
of society is simply a matter of a mutual agreement between people, which is
undertaken so that, if they were united, they could better avert external threats
such as, for instance, natural catastrophes.
Althusser 1qqc, p. ;; Althusser zoo6a, p. 18.
Althusser 1qqc, p. ;; Althusser zoo6a, p. 18.
Ibid. On the other hand, Rousseau presents the following observation: But, as
men cannot engender new forces, but only unite and direct existing ones, they have
no other means of preserving themselves than the formation, by aggregation, of a sum
of forces great enough to overcome the resistance. These they have to bring into play
by means of a single motive power, and cause to act in concert (Rousseau 1q66a, I.6,
p. o; Rousseau 1;6z, Chapter 6). In other words, the social is not anything completely
new but rather a novel way of combining the already existing so that it overcomes
resistance. Seen from the Althusserian viewpoint, this part of Rousseaus The Social
Contract can be interpreted to mean that the social contract does not create anything
new that would be permanent, but rather combines old elements in a new way. This
combination, however, disintegrates again when the forces disperse, each returning to
its own place (to the forest) and no longer affecting the others in the same way.
+o Chapter Three
... Surprises
Despite the taking-hold [prise], surprises do occur. It is here that Althus-
ser uses the term surprise [sur-prise, sur-prendre], which refers both to the
taking-hold and something that is taken [prendre] from the top of something
The series of events that break out, the turns and the moments of
excitement are surprising moments in history.
At that moment the blanket
embroidered with the regularities of the world, which is stable and taken-hold
of, is removed to reveal radical instability. This entails events where, to the
surprise and horror of the honest player, the dice are thrown back on to the
table unexpectedly or the cards are dealt out again without warning.
The shocks of history nevertheless also open up opportunities for the emer-
gence of new human types and characters. Among the historical individu-
als who questioned the old procedures of action, Althusser mentions (apart
from the already mentioned Cesare Borgia) Napoleon, Hlderlin, Goethe and
The condition for the birthandaction of the latter four individuals was
the process of the disintegration of the old conjuncture which occurred with
the French Revolution, and which opened up further opportunities in new and
surprising ways. The shaking to the foundations of the old order and its laws
did not necessarily lead to the taking-hold of the new system and its laws. For
instance, with the events of May 1q68, the oldharmony was broken; aheadlay
a new and surprising conjuncture, in which there was an encounter [rencontre]
between the workers and students. They, however, did not join up [joindre],
conjoining [conjoindre], uniting in a unity, a lasting encounter [rencontre durable]
and conjuncture [con-joncture].
There was, nevertheless, no return to the old
system, and the old laws could not regain possession of their old position.
In this context, Althusser criticises those theoretical systems in which differ-
ent object concepts, essences or grand individuals become the theoretical
starting point, because in this case the objects take the place of the processes of
aleatory encounters that both precede and succeed them. Instead of object con-
In sixteenth-century France, surprise also meant, among other things, an unex-
pectedly enforced tax or an additional tax [impt extraordinaire].
Althusser 1qqc, p. 6q; Althusser zoo6a, p. 1q6.
Aleatory Materialism +o
cepts, it is the processes of collision that must be placed in the central position.
For Epicurus and Lucretius, this meant giving primacy to the process of colli-
sions in relation to the atomic objects and the complete world formed from
their chains. For Heidegger, on the other hand, this meant the primacy of the
world and being in it [Da-sein] in relation to subjects.
The theoretical understanding of the processes does indeed require the
development of concepts without objects [concepts sans objets],
because only
through such intransitive concepts can one understand the aleatory nature of
the processes.
Within the underground tradition of the materialism of the
encounter, the concepts without objects include, for instance, Epicuruss rain
[pluie], swerve [dviation] and nothing [rien] and Heideggers Dasein and
es gibt [there is, il y a]. Concerning the latter, Althusser states:
Thus the world is a gift that we have been given, the fact of the fact
[fait de fait] that we have not chosen, and it opens up before us in the
facticity of its contingency, and even beyond this facticity, in what is not
merely an observation, but a being-in-the-world that commands all possible
For Heidegger, mans situation is characterised by Dasein, being there. Dasein,
in other words, does not refer to the human subject but rather to its situation,
from which it follows that Dasein can be specihcally dehned as an objectless
concept. It is, in other words, not the same thing as a human that is in the
world. But the world is not constant: it has no other sense [Sens] than the
factual meanings it receives at each moment. The world indeed has historical
structures (for instance, structures of meaning) but these are just factual struc-
tures that have no deeper basis than the process of worldihcation in which
they are born and inuence, and no other sense than what they receive in the
lives of people which at each moment live in this facticity. The only constant [le
constant] that characterises being-in-the-world, according to Althussers inter-
pretation of Heidegger, is the factual constant of Dasein.
Althusser 1qqc, p. ; Althusser zoo6a, p. 1;o.
Althusser 1qqc, p. 6; Althusser zoo6a, p. 1qo.
At this point, Althusser repeats his old thesis philosophy has no object (Althusser
zoo6a, p. 1qo) (la philosophie nayant pas dobjet; Althusser 1qqc, p. 6).
Althusser 1qqc, p. ; Althusser zoo6a, p. 1;o.
+o6 Chapter Three
Man himself has not chosen his world. The world and being-in-the-world is
for him always an already pre-existing necessity. The contents at each moment
of this necessity are factual necessities, not necessities based on some ousia,
logos, nomos or telos. It is specihcally the factual nature of these necessities,
the facticity of the necessities, which the materiality and dangerousness of the
materialism of the encounters encapsulate.
For Althusser, Heidegger is indeed an aleatory materialist, for the very
reason that, according to him, the world and its structure at each moment
have no other sense or idea other than what they factually mean at each
moment. Idealism, on the other hand, according to Althusser, consists in all
such philosophies which hnd behind the facticity or the factic structures of
the world an immanent or transcendent law, principle, or goal that governs
As with over- and underdetermination, one could also ask with regardto the
aleatory whether the collisions are not the effect of some conformity to law, but
instead occur arbitrarily. Are the aleatory and arbitrary synonymous? In the
following, it will become evident that Althusser does not give simple yes or no
answers to this question. This is because he does not operate with the binary
opposites of necessary-arbitrary (or with its further opposites deterministic-
indeterministic), but differentiates between two kinds of interpretation of
In the hrst interpretation which Althusser negates chance, contingency
or exception are seen as modalities of necessity; that is, they are some kind of
exceptions from the rule or a mist or delusion on the surface of the deep
structure of necessity. The point here is similar to the idea of the Hegelian
expressive totality; in other words, that it would be possible to hnd general
laws behind the autonomy of expressions.
In the second, aleatory, interpretation of necessity, necessities are seen as
modalities of contingency: contingency is primary and the necessities are only
the effect of it.
. . . instead of thinking contingency as a modality of necessity, or an exception
to it, we must think necessity as the becoming-necessary of the encounter of
Althusser 1qqc, p. 66; Althusser zoo6a, pp. 1q.
Aleatory Materialism +o
In the former concept, the forms reality receives for instance, the world
of Epicurus that has taken hold are a consequence of some teleological
or causal law, whereas, with the latter concept, such pre-existing laws and
the causal or teleological explanations referring to them are questioned. This,
however, does not necessarily lead to the conclusion that the course of events
in history would be arbitrary or remain a mystery. In fact, the concept of the
aleatory would be pointless if the only answer it could offer would be that the
processes of history are a consequence of an arbitrary process. The fact that
the development of history can not be traced to, or express, any causal or
teleological law of development does not mean that it would be completely
impossible to understand the events of history or that human activity would
only be characterised by unforeseen encounters.
The explanations or analyses of a situation, however, cannot be complete:
they remain incomplete. The encounters are complex processes, the complete
explanation of which would require describing the entire series of causes for
the encounter of two or more beings. Furthermore, eachelement of the collision
is the result of innumerable earlier series of causes.
There are encounters only between series [sries] of beings that are the results
of several series of causes . . .
Particularly in the case of political action, the problematics of the aleatory have
a central role because the man of action cannot, unlike the philosopher, wait
for Minervas owl to take ight, but must according to his own dehnition
in every case act in the best possible way on the basis of the information he has
at hand.
As will become clearer later, nothing, however, absolutely determines how
the man of action should act and what principles he should follow in his
actions. The aleatory does indeed also offer the man of action opportunities
and suitable moments [kairos] which he either can or cannot utilise. But these
opportunities also contain risks, and in order to control these, the man of action
must do something, such as strive to affect that particular aleatory situation
which sets the conditions for his action.
The man of action is in a situation in which he cannot clearly be aware of
what he is doing or what his actions express. In his present situation, he
Althusser 1qqc, p. 66; Althusser zoo6a, p. 1q.
+o8 Chapter Three
cannot clearly see what the future brings and what effects his own actions will
have. Moreover, he cannot, on the basis of the past, anticipate the future with
certainty, because nothing guarantees that the existing laws or rules would
with certainty prevail also in the future. For him, reality is a playing held of
conjunctures open in many directions, and where the names of the games or
players or the size of the held or the borders between what is legal and illegal
have not been dehned or completely settled in advance not to mention that
the players would be aware of such rules.
In order to analyse those questions that arose already with his analysis of
Lenin as a man of action and revolutionary leader, Althusser sought help from
the writings of Machiavelli.
Chapter Four
Althussers Aleatory Machiavelli
In this chapter, I will analyse Althussers interpreta-
tion of the man of action in the writings of Machi-
avelli, as well as Machiavelli himself as a man of
action, who, by means of his writings, carried out
a political action in his own historical conjuncture.
.. A preliminary schema: the two dimensions
of Machiavellis dierentiae specicae
For Althusser, Machiavelli was not only a theoreti-
cian of political practice but also a man of action
who, through his book The Prince, carried out a polit-
ical intervention in the same conjuncture that he had
studied in both this and his other writings. The elu-
siveness [insaisissable] of Machiavellis texts is due
to this very dual nature. At the same time, the writ-
ings were a shock [saisissement] to the way of think-
ing and writing typical of traditional philosophical
thought, in which the general governs the specihc:
It is precisely because he [Machiavelli] is grip-
ping that he cannot be grasped by traditional
philosophical thought. He is gripping be-
cause as much as any writing can his writ-
ings practically, politically implicates and in-
volves us. He hails us from a place that he
++o Chapter Four
summons us to occupy as potential subjects (agents) of a potential political
practice. This effect of captivation and interpellation is produced by the
shattering of the traditional theoretical text, by the sudden appearance of the
political problem as a problem and of the political practice in it as a practice;
and by the double reection of political practice in his text and of his text in
political practice. Gramsci was the hrst to appreciate this.
Althusser is thus interested not only in the writings written by Machiavelli
about political practice but also in the positioning of Machiavelli and his
writings within that political practice in which he wrote. In other words,
Machiavelli offers Althusser a lesson in the theoreticisation of political practice
not only with his written texts (The Prince as a text about the political practice
of a man of action) but also with the act of writing (The Prince text as an
intervention or work of a man of action).
As an introduction to Althussers interpretation of Machiavelli, and the
important contribution it makes to political science, the present chapter begins
with an outline of Machiavellis two, but closely connected, differentiae speci-
cae, the theoretical and the political.
... Theoretical dierentia specica
Machiavellis theoretical differentia specica are evident in the following quote
from Althusser, in which he also refers implicitly to Machiavellis political
differentia specica:
What interests him is not the nature of things in general (Montesquieu), but
(to give the expression all its force) la verit effettuale della cosa [the effective
truth], of the thing in the singular the singularity of its case.
As with Lenin, Machiavellis primary object of interest was not reality in
general or politics in general or even political practice in general, but rather
a very specihc political practice; that is, the practice of his own case, the
political conjuncture of the Apennine peninsula at the turn of the quattrocento
and cinquecento. Machiavelli did not attempt to create a general theory about
what political practice is or propose general guidelines about how to act in a
Althusser 1qqa, pp. ;6;; Althusser 1qqq, p. z.
Althusser 1qqa, p. ;; Althusser 1qqq, p. 16; Althussers emphasis.
Althussers Aleatory Machiavelli +++
specihc practice. Instead, he paid attention in his writings to the specicity of
each practice, conjuncture or case, as well as to the fact that it is not possible
to give generally applicable guidelines on how to act in each real conjuncture
so as to guarantee success.
When Machiavelli in his writings analysed different cases (conjunctures), he
was teaching his reader to analyse those specic features of each case which no
general theory can take into account or anticipate.
Althusser wrote about this
as follows:
I believe it is not hazardous to venture that Machiavelli is the hrst theorist of
the conjuncture or the hrst thinker consciously, if not to think the concept
of conjuncture, if not to make it the object of an abstract and systematic
reection, then at least consistently in an insistent, extremely profound
way to think in the conjuncture: that is to say, in its concept of an aleatory,
singular case.
... Political dierentia specica
The following quote leads us towards Machiavellis political differentia specica:
He [Machiavelli] devotes all his powers as a writer to the service of the cause
for which he declares. He explicitly engages in the ideological battle on behalf
of the political party he supports. To put it another way: Machiavelli, who in
his text elaborated the theory of the means at the disposal of the Prince set
to save Italy, treats his own text, in its turn and at the same time, as one of those
means, making it serve as a means in the struggle he announces and engages.
In order to announce a New Prince in his text, he writes in a way that is
suitable to the news he announces, in a novel manner. His writing is new; it
is a political act.
Machiavelli is primarily interested in his own case because he wants to make
a political intervention in his own conjuncture. His tool [moyen] or weapon
his only weapon in the intervention is The Prince. As the end of the above
See the earlier discussion of Epicuruss idea of the collisions of atoms, and where
one cannot predict or deduce where and how the atoms will collide.
Althusser 1qqa, p. q; Althusser 1qqq, p. 18; Althussers emphasis.
Althusser 1qqa, p. 66; Althusser 1qqq, p. z; Althussers emphasis.
++z Chapter Four
quote makes clear, in Machiavellis writing it is a question of a deliberate
political act, andproducing a text with a highdegree of political self-reexivity.
Accordingly, The Prince is a passionate, political manifesto, as indeedAlthusser
claims, referring to Gramsci.
Before looking closer at Althussers interpretation of Machiavellis newkind
of political act or the exceptional character of his political manifesto, it is
worthwhile summarising his political and theoretical differentiae specicae:
Machiavelli is the hrst theoretician of the conjuncture because he is interested
primarily in his own case. On the other hand, he is interested in his own
case because he wants to undertake a political intervention in it. However,
he cannot undertake this intervention as, for instance, a leader of an army, but
rather as an unarmed prophet, with only his text to hand.
In the following sections (.z...) these two dimensions of Machiavellis
differentiae specicae the theoretical and the political are labelled praxis
of the prince and praxis of The Prince respectively. With the former term,
I refer to Althussers interpretation of the aleatory and the theorisation of
aleatory practice in Machiavellis texts. Because the man of action par excellence
in Machiavellis texts is a prince, I will use specihcally the expression the praxis
of the prince.
The praxis of The Prince refers to Machiavellis own praxis of political writing,
to how he, through his work The Prince, performed a conscious political act (or
intervention) in his own conjuncture.
The political actor that links these dimensions together historically is the new
prince. In Machiavellis historical situation, a newprince is the desired political
subject who, through his praxis backed by weapons and armies will solve
the political problem of the Italian conjuncture that Machiavelli himself has
set forth in his writings. In Althussers interpretation of Machiavelli which
leans on, yet also further develops, ideas from Gramsci a new prince, or the
notion of princes in general, is not merely a literary hgure portrayed on the
pages of The Prince. The text itself is the tool of Machiavellis own political
action or intervention, with which he positions himself in his own conjuncture.
Furthermore, it is on the basis of his own text that he sets forth the political
problemof his conjuncture to be solved by a possible political actor within that
Althusser 1qqa, pp. 66; Althusser 1qqq, pp. z; cf. also Gramsci 1q;, pp. 1
Althussers Aleatory Machiavelli ++
conjuncture, that is, a newprince.
Using terminology fromliterary theory, one
could say that The Prince is one of those works that lie on the border between
text and context, particularly in this case where the difference between them
is negligible.
.. Machiavellis dierentia specica in the history of political thought
Those who have read Machiavellis The Prince or The Discourses knowthat they
contain very general aphoristic characterisations of man and human nature.
In fact, it is these very characterisations or general rules [regole generali]
for which Machiavelli is best remembered, and for which he is both praised
and criticised. But the situational analyses of the political conjuncture of the
Apennine peninsula are usually quickly bypassed by the critics. Despite initial
impressions, The Prince is not easy to read. One reason for this is that the text
jumps between very general characterisations of human nature and analyses
of very specihc conjunctures. Even within the same sentence or paragraph,
Machiavelli may start off writing about some Florentine episode and then turn
to some generally applicable dehnition of human nature.
No clearly formulated theory (not to mention a philosophical system)
emerges from The Prince, nor is its structure or argumentation systematic or
unambiguous. The text, consisting of twenty-six chapters, is fragmentary and
disjointed. As Althusser states:
. . . Machiavelli does not have all the laws intervene [in political prac-
tice], and does not offer a general and systematic exposition, but deploys
Withregardto the different interpretations of Machiavelli whichAlthusser refers to
in Machiavel et nous, in addition to that of Gramsci, he also refers to Hegel; Claude Lefort
in his book Le travail de loeuvre Machiavel (Lefort 1q86 [1q;z]); Maurice Merleau-Ponty
(Leforts teacher) in a manuscript that was originally notes for a lecture given in 1qq
(Merleau-Ponty 1q6); and Augustin Renaudet, in his book Machiavel (Renaudet 1q6).
Even though not stated explicitly, it is possible that it was the publication of Leforts
book that hrst prompted Althusser to lecture on Machiavelli in the year in question.
Machiavel et nous does not contain a systematic analysis of Leforts interpretation, but
on becoming acquainted with Leforts book one may observe that Althusser implic-
itly comments on Leforts interpretation, for instance, on Gramscis interpretation of
Machiavelli (c.f. also Lefort 1q88, pp. z;8).
++ Chapter Four
only the theoretical fragments conducive to clarihcation of the formulation
and understanding of this singular concrete case.
Even though The Prince is a fragmentary work, with no systematic political
theory, Althusser nevertheless dehnes Machiavelli as the the hrst theorist of
the conjuncture.
Machiavellis text is also and at the same time a political
text. The Prince is a unique work because its theoretical goals are intrinsically
linked with its political conjunctural goals:
In effect, through the examination of a political problem Machiavelli offers
us something quite different from the examination of a theoretical problem.
Machiavellis own case is, for him, not merely a case study that would offer
him a theoretical problem, for instance, for the development of an inductive
theory of political practice. His own case is, for him, a political problem that
he examines theoretically. Studying a political problem, however, requires a
different theoretical approach from studying a theoretical problem.
Here, one should note that, although the object of Machiavellis study is
political practice, this does not yet mean that what is being studied would
be a political problem. It is possible to study political practice also as a
theoretical object, as a practice in general, striving to develop a general and
systematic theory about political practice or to write practical philosophy.
According to Althusser, Machiavellis practicality is, after all, not dehned in
accordance with his research object, but rather practicality is a consequence
of the viewpoint from which he approaches practice. He does not study his
conjuncture like a theoretician would, from the outside, or a historian would,
as a fait accompli, or as a philosopher would, post festum, but rather from
the inside [dans la conjoncture].
From the point of view of the theoretical
differentia specica, this means that Machiavellis way of looking at conjunctures
from within produces such concepts and their use which makes him the
greatest materialist philosopher in history, the equal of Spinoza, as Althusser
Althusser 1qqa, pp. ;8; Althusser 1qqq, p. 16.
Althusser 1qqa, p. q; Althusser 1qqq, p. 18; my emphasis.
Althusser 1qqa, p. 8; Althusser 1qqq, p. 1;.
Seen in this way, practical philosophy is still just as theoretical as theoretical
philosophy the difference between them is mainly due to the difference in research
objects. On the different interpretations of (practical) philosophy see, for instance, Meh-
tonen 1q8, pp. zo; and Mehtonen 1q8;, pp. oq.
Althusser 1qqa, p. q; Althusser 1qqq, p. 18.
Althussers Aleatory Machiavelli ++
declares at the very endof Machiavel et nous.
Machiavelli earns such an epithet
because he uses familiar expressions (for instance, fortuna and virt as well as
occasione and necessit) in such a novel way that it is possible to grasp [prendre]
the special character of the acute political practice at hand or the strategic
problems caused by these.
According to Althusser, Spinoza himself realised this when characterising
Machiavelli, in his Tractatus Politicus (16;6;), as being most acute [acutissimus]
in politics.
Indeed, Althusser ends Machiavelli et nous by comparing Machi-
avelli favourably to Spinoza:
Machiavelli is not in the least utopian; he simply thinks the conjunctural case
of the thing, and goes dietro alla verit effettuale della cosa. He asserts it in con-
cepts which are philosophical and no doubt make him, in his temerity, soli-
tude and scorn for the philosophers of the tradition, the greatest materialist
philosopher in history the equal of Spinoza, who declared him acutissimus
in politics. He would appear not to have suspected that Machiavelli was also
most incisive in materialist philosophy. I shall attempt to demonstrate this in
a subsequent book.
Althusser never did write the book that would have brought Machiavelli and
Spinoza together, but even in Machiavelli et nous it is evident that Althusser
believes that Machiavelli was theoretically acute in the approach to his con-
juncture. Althussers early study on Montesquieu, published already at the
end of the 1qos, also dealt with this question. With the help of that work, it is
indeed possible to explicate Machiavellis theoretical uniqueness in the history
of political thought.
... Machiavelli Montesquieu Aristotle
Even though Machiavellis position amongst philosophers has weakened rath-
er than strengthened since Spinozas day, the practitioners of the theory of
politics (and often also the practitioners of political practice) have considered
Machiavelli as their great classic and even as the founder of modern politi-
cal science. It is specihcally Machiavellis method that these practitioners have
Althusser 1qqa, p. 161; Althusser 1qqq, p. 1o.
Cf. Spinoza 1q1, p. ;8.
Althusser 1qqa, p. 161; Althusser 1qqq, p. 1o; Althussers emphasis.
++6 Chapter Four
considered as something that founded an independent modern held of sci-
ence that has entirely distanced itself from philosophy. The epithet founder of
modern political science has also been coined, however, for Charles de Mon-
tesquieu (168q1;), author of De lesprit des lois (1;8). Even Althusser, in the
beginning of his study on Montesquieu, approvingly refers to this claim, albeit
raising the question of its historical substantiation:
It is a receivedtruth that Montesquieuis the founder of political science. Auguste
Comte said it, Durkheim repeated it, and no one has seriously disputed their
judgement. But perhaps we should step back a little in order to distinguish
him from his ancestors, and to see clearly into what it is that thus distin-
guishes him.
Could it be that Althusser later changed his opinion, agreeing instead with
those who argued that Machiavelli had, already well before Montesquieu,
founded modern political science? Althussers response in 1q;;,
indicates otherwise. Machiavellis theoretical greatness is not due to the fact
that he was one of the hrst moderns. In other words, those who consider
Machiavelli as the founder of modern political science are being too hasty:
It has been too often saidthat Machiavelli was the founder of political science,
and there have been many commentators who have been pleased to discover
in him one of the hrst hgures of modern positivity, along with those of
Galilean physics and Cartesian analysis, illustrating in all sorts of domains
a new typical rationality, that of the positive science by which the young
bourgeois class acquired the ability to master nature in order to develop
its productive forces. In taking that road, it is only too easy to hnd certain
passages in Machiavellis texts, certain forms of mental experiment, certain
forms of generalisation established to hx the variations of a relationship to
justify this point of view.
Althusser challenges Croces widely inuential thesis, according to which
Machiavelli has announced the objective laws and rules of politics.
Althusser 1qq, p. 11; Althusser 1q;zb, p. 1;; Althussers emphasis.
Althusser 1qqoa, p. 6; Althusser 1q88, p. ;6.
Althusser 1qqoa, pp. 6;; Althusser 1q88, p. ;6; Althussers emphasis.
Althusser 1qqa, p. 6; Althusser 1qqq, pp. 11: cf. Althusser 1qqoa, p. 6;
Althusser 1q88, p. ;6; cf. Croce 1q81, p. zo.
Althussers Aleatory Machiavelli ++
Machiavel et nous, Althusser states that whereas Montesquieu was interested
in the nature of things in general Machiavelli was interested in a certain
thing in its singularity, the singularity of his case.
Althusser discusses this
claim throughout his study of Montesquieu.
The difference between these two classics of political thinking contains
the key to perceiving Machiavellis theoretical differentia specica, and why,
furthermore, The Prince is not merely a political or theoretical work or even a
theoretical work in a classical Aristotelian or modern Montesquieuan sense of
the word.
Althusser does not acknowledge Machiavelli to be the founder of modern
political science: in order to receive the qualiher modern, it is not enough that
one is interested primarily and even passionately in ones own case. In order
to fulhl the criteria of modern political science, one must propose theoretical laws
that apply in all cases or unite all cases.
In fact, already the founder of Western science, Aristotle, was of the opinion
that science [episteme] can only be concerned with the general: there can be
no science of the specihc. A science of politics and ethics or even of praxis or
poiesis is not possible because the starting points of the practice or production
(praxis and poiesis) occurring in these sublunary areas that are inuenced by
human actions are uncertain.
In those branches of knowledge concerned with
Althusser 1qqa, p. ;; Althusser 1qqq, p. 1; Althussers emphasis.
With regard to chance and spontaneity, Aristotle writes that it is necessary, no
doubt, that the causes of what comes to pass by chance be indehnite (Phy. 1q;a1o)
and that no discipline deals with the coincidental (Met. 1oz;azoz). Even though
chance and the accidental are, according to Aristotle, objective properties of human
reality, a science concerned with them is not possible: . . . for every discipline deals
either with that [which is] always or with that [which is] for the most part. How else
could one learn or teach another? (Met. 1oz;azoz). With his observations concerning
chance [tykhe] and spontaneity [automaton], Aristotle also aimed to avert the determin-
istic implications that followed from his worldview. However, it has been claimed in
Aristotle scholarship that he was not successful in this self-critical objective. The failure
was due to the fact that Aristotles worldview rests on the principle of plenitude, accord-
ing to which every possibility will be realisedat some point in one andthe same real his-
tory if the question is about a genuine opportunity (cf., e.g. Sihvola and Thesleff 1qq,
pp. 1;). Aristotles objective interpretation of chance and the accidental seems to
be in conict or incompatible with his view of history, which relies on the principle of
plenitude. It follows from this principle, of course, that coincidence or spontaneity
should be so only from the viewpoint of the subject, because those opportunities which
occur only once or only occasionally nevertheless still occur (if no external factor pre-
vents it from occurring or if something that prevents it from occurring ceases: this is
Aristotles hrst attempt at avoiding determinism): Though Aristotle sought different
ways to conceptualise the unrealised possibility, his attempt led to problems because
++8 Chapter Four
practical life, such as ethics andpolitics, it is not possible to use the requirement
of proof which Aristotle proposed in his Posterior Analytics, according to which
science must be based on secure premises (the deductive method). Such a
requirement is not fulhlled because, in ethics and politics, the object of study
is human life, which contains contingent aspects. Finnish philosopher Juha
Sihvola sums this up as follows:
Contingent and unforeseeable features are inevitably linked with human
and particularly societal activities. Certain activities always have undesirable
consequences, for instance, for the reason that from a human point of view
it is impossible to take into account all factors inuencing the matter when
contingent matters concerning the future are considered, andperhaps also for
the reason that some matters occur completely without reason, and therefore
eliminating factors of uncertainty is impossible, even in principle.
Eventhough Aristotle wouldinthat sense already be modern (or rather, mod-
ern though still Aristotelian) because, according to him, there can only be a
science of the general and that only the general makes possible certain knowl-
edge he draws fromthis an opposite conclusion fromthe representatives and
founders of modern political science: the modern Montesquieu and at least
lacking fromhis metaphysics was the assumption of other possible worlds, fromwhich
the realised history is just one possibility and in which possibility is dehned in terms of
logical non-contradictoriness. In Aristotles world, all possibilities are realised in one
real world history which already contains all possible entities and even individual events
which factually exist. In such a model it is not possible to differentiate between logical
and natural necessity and possibility. The species structure of the prevailing world is
necessary and there are no alternatives to be conceived (Sihvola and Thesleff 1qq,
p. 1;; my emphasis). Aristotles sensitivity to these questions can also be seen in the
following section of Metaphysics in which the non-necessity of chance is characterised:
. . . everything that will be will be of necessity, e.g. that he who is living dies; for some-
thing has already come to be, as for instance opposites in the same thing. But whether
by disease or violence is not yet [necessary], but [will be] if this comes to be. It is con-
sequently plain that it runs as far as some origin, but this no further to anything else;
the [origin] of whatever may chance will therefore be this, and nothing else is the cause
of its coming to be (Met. 1oz;b1). Even though chance and the accidental would
be in conict or incompatible with the principle of plenitude, one can still discern links
between Aristotles views on chance and the accidental and Machiavellis thinking. For
both of them, chance is something more objective than the ignorance of the subject,
and both of them study chance in regard to human practice and human actions and not
chance in general.
Sihvola 1qq, p. ;6. Cf. also Aristotle, Met. VI..1oz;azqb1; XI.1o6a6z1; De int.
q.18.az81qb. Cf. also Kakkuri and Knuuttila 1qq, in which they analyse the relation
between dialectics and science in Aristotle.
Althussers Aleatory Machiavelli ++
already in the rhetoric of Hobbess The Leviathan deduces that it is also pos-
sible in the case of human things and practical life to propose general laws,
to create a generally applicable human science, political science or political
physics, as Althusser states in his Montesquieu study.
In the case of Mon-
tesquieu, this means that he endeavours to hnd and to present those general
principles and laws that unite all cases, as he declares at the very beginning
of De lesprit des lois (cited by Althusser in both his Montesquieu study and in
Machiavel et nous):
I have set down the principles, and I have seen particular cases conform to
them as if by themselves, the histories of all nations being but their conse-
quences, and each particular law connecting with another law or dependent
on a more general one.
From the multitude of customs and laws of nations, it is possible to emphasise
those general principles that unite a variety of cases (cf. Montesquieu: . . . every
particular law is connected with another law, or depends on some other of
Critical standpoints towards modern science can be found in the writings of
Thomas Hobbes, who lived at the beginning of the age of modern science, and particu-
larly in the writings of Giambattista Vico, who lived during the Cartesian era. Accord-
ing to Vicos thesis of verum et factum convertuntur [the truth and the made are con-
vertible], truthful knowledge [verum] can only be obtained in regard to what one has
created oneself. Thus only God can have certain knowledge about nature, because he
created it, whereas the most certain knowledge man can have is that of culture and its
artefacts and customs because man himself created these. It should be noted, however,
that Vicos view of the new science of knowledge differs from the Cartesian view.
According to Vico, truth entails an immediate intuition about the nature of things. The
object of science, however, is general for instance, customs common to all peoples (e.g.
that the dead are buried) whereas in the everyday knowledge of ordinary people the
question is about senso commune, of unfounded certainty (cf., for example, Caponigri
1q, pp. 1;). In the case of Hobbes, it has also been stated that, despite the mod-
ern emphasis of Leviathan, he thought that in the writing of both natural history and the
social history of man the question is about knowing indemonstrable facts. Agoodhistorian
can clarify the events of the past and present evidence to support his interpretations,
but this is not a case of a necessary truth that would fulhll the criteria set for the demon-
strative truth of the methods of geometry (cf., for example, Reik 1q;;, p. q). According
to Hobbes, history indeed teaches us to be prudently in the present and providently
towards the future (cited in Reik 1q;;, p. 8). Such a lesson of history was offered to
Hobbes by the writings of Thucydides, whose book The Peloponnesian Wars he much
admired when he was young (Hobbes published a translation of Thucydides in 16z8),
for giving such a convincing description that the reader feels that he himself was part
of the events.
Althusser 1qq, p. ; Althusser 1q;zb, p. ; Althusser 1qqa, p. 6; Althusser 1qqq,
pp. 11.
Montesquieu 1q1, Prface, p. zzq; Montesquieu 1q8q, Preface, p. xliii.
+zo Chapter Four
a more general extent). Seen from this angle, Montesquieu can justiably be
calledthe founder of modernpolitical science because he does, after all, present
a theory that is intended to cover all cases. Even though Montesquieu at times
was a very active political actor for instance, president of the parliament
of Bordeaux (1;16z6) and a writer of political satires (e.g. Lettres persanes
[1;z1]) he is remembered above all as a political theoretician, who, having
withdrawn to his castle in the countryside (1;;), created a general theory
about laws and states, De lesprit des lois (1;8). He was not primarily interested
in the French political conjuncture of the mid-eighteenth century, even though
this conjuncture, characterised by absolutism, indeed formed the essential
context of his theoretical and practical activities. Montesquieu parenthesised
his own case and strived instead to study all cases.
On the other hand, Althusser states in his Montesquieu study that the
interests of his fellow countryman in the general within the specihc does not
mean that he would have dismissed the special characteristics of nations and
the differences between them. Along with the experiences brought about
willingly or forcibly by journeys of exploration and colonialism, specically
the sensitivity to differences and the different laws and customs of different
peoples had grown to considerably larger dimensions than previously. It was
specihcally these differences and the unfamiliar customs of distant peoples
and cultures that were the contextual starting points for Montesquieu when
he was searching for the deeper principles uniting different kinds of cases
principles that would not mask the differences between cases, but rather
explain them through general principles:
. . . every diversity is uniformity, every change is consistency.
Montesquieuwas not, however, the founder of modernpolitical science simply
because he formulated general principles, but rather because he aimed to
present these principles based on the nature of things [de la nature des choses],
and not his own personal prejudices:
I did not draw my principles from my prejudices but from the nature of
Montesquieu 1q8q, p. .
Montesquieu 1q8q, Preface, p. xliii; my emphasis.
Althussers Aleatory Machiavelli +z+
And furthermore:
Laws, taken in the broadest meaning, are the necessary relations deriving
from the nature of things . . . .
According to Althusser, reecting on the totality of concrete actions and
facts [la totalit des faits concrets]
is the central starting point that produces
Montesquieus differentia specica in relation to both the theory of natural rights
as well as the theory of the social contract.
Montesquieu differs from the
natural-rights theoreticians because he does not found society on a moral or
theological principle, in other words pre-judgements [pr-jugs]. Morality
and religion do not justify the social order, but rather the general laws of the
social order enable also the profane understanding of morality and politics
(and moral and political prejudices):
Religion and morality, which he correctly refuses the right to judge history,
are no more than elements internal to given societies which govern their
forms and their nature. The same principle that explains a given society also
explains its beliefs.
The social-contract theoreticians of the new era also denied the divine bases
of the origins of society. According to Althusser, these were, nevertheless
just like Hobbes and Spinoza linked with the natural-rights theoreticians of
the feudal world by the fact that both posed the same problem, though their
answers differed:
. . . they pose the same problem: what is the origin of society?
Even though the theoreticians of the social contract questioned the justihca-
tions of the old natural rights of the feudal society, their own justihcations,
based on modern theory of natural law, were idealist and abstract:
They do not produce a theory of real history, but a theory of the essence of
society. They do not explain any particular society, nor any concrete historical
period, nor a fortiori all societies and all history. They analyse the essence of
Montesquieu 1q8q, p. .
Althusser 1qq, p. 1; Althusser 1q;zb, p. 1q.
Althusser 1qq, p. z1; Althusser 1q;zb, p. z.
Althusser 1qq, pp. 1qzo; Althusser 1q;zb, p. z; my emphasis.
Althusser 1qq, p. z1; Althusser 1q;zb, p. z; Althussers emphasis.
+zz Chapter Four
society and provide an ideal and abstract model of it. We might say that their
science is as far from Montesquieus as the speculative physics of a Descartes
is from the experimental physics of a Newton.
Neither Hobbes nor Spinoza proposed an experimental theory about the his-
tories of all nations [les histoires de toutes les nations] as did Montesquieu,
but rather a theory about society or history in general.
Montesquieu, on
the other hand, did not aim to ascertain the common essence of all societies
but rather to hnd those laws (diachronic and synchronic constant relation-
that have an inuence in and between all existing societies. Due to
this difference, Montesquieus experimental method (laws about facts) dif-
fers from both Hobbess and Spinozas speculative method (the theory of
As mentioned earlier, assessed from Althussers viewpoint, Machiavelli
cannot be considered the founder of modern political science, nor as an
Aristotelian practitioner of science, because he is primarily interested in his
own case, in the thing in the singular the singularity of its case.
Machiavelli is also not on the same lines as the natural-law theoreticians or the
social-contract theoreticians (the modern philosophy of the new era) because
his starting point and object of interest is, as with Montesquieu, the effective
truth [la verit effettuale della cosa] and not the ideals postulated as moral,
theological or judicial ideals.
Because Machiavellis political science is neither classical, in the sense of
referring to the antiquity, nor modern in the Montesquieuian sense of the
word, it must therefore be something else. The answer, however, is not that
Machiavellis texts would be merely politics or the empirical description
Althusser 1qq, pp. 11; Althusser 1q;zb, p. zo.
In his writings from the 1q8os, Althusser presents a different, aleatory interpre-
tation of Spinozas conception of history. This interpretation is based on the analysis
of Jewish history which Spinoza presented in his Tractatus Theologico-Politicus (16;o).
According to Althusser, Spinozas viewpoint is in accordance with aleatory materi-
alism because the history of the Jews is described as a unique case, the understand-
ing of which requires, however, the presence of constants which are more common
than this particular history. Spinozas analysis is based on his theory of three kinds
of knowledge which enables the study of such cases in which the general and the
specihc come together in a unique way (Althusser 1qqc, p. z; Althusser zoo6a,
p. 1;q).
On the interpretation of law, cf. Althusser 1q;zb, Chapter z.
Althusser 1qqa, p. ;; Althusser 1qqq, p. 16.
Althussers Aleatory Machiavelli +z
of the effective truth of his own case. The question is, rather, what kind
of theoreticity is at play here when it cannot be understood by reducing
Machiavellis theoretical disposition to other theoretical or political discourses
that precede or come after him?
In his Montesquieu study, Althusser does not yet present his response to this
question. Indeed, he refers to Machiavelli in only two places,
and, even then,
Machiavelli is not included in the theoretical argumentation, nor are his views
compared to those of Montesquieu. The references to Machiavelli are merely
observations made in passing. Althussers response comes later, in Machiavel
et nous, as well as in his autobiography and the manuscript Lunique tradition
matrialiste, written in parallel with the latter, but which was not published
until 1qq.
Althusser argues that Machiavellis position is more in accordance with
classical Aristotle rather than the modern Montesquieu, in that he argues that,
due to the effects of coincidences and exceptions, it is not possible to posit a
general theory about human life or praxis in general. Machiavellis conclusion,
however, differs from Aristotles, in which the possibility of a science of praxis
is denied. For Machiavelli, a science of praxis is possible, even though it would
not fulhll the requirement of generality. What one ends up with is a strange
and unique science that does not primarily aim at or focus upon general laws
that unite all cases.
This brings us back to Aristotle. The coincidences and other contingent fac-
tors that are due to mans actions and the changeability of the sublunary world
leads to the fact that, in every individual case, there are features that prevent
the subsumption of the case in question under general laws and a theoretically
formulated ideal case. Montesquieu himself does not deny this according to
Althusser, it was specihcally the uniqueness of the cases that encouraged Mon-
tesquieu in his theoretical ambitions but, for him, the differences and unique
characteristics of the cases are nevertheless secondary compared to those gen-
eral laws and necessities that one hnds to be indirectly inuencing the case. In
other words, Montesquieu explains the differences through the general, and
Althusser 1qq, p. 1z; Althusser 1q;zb, p. 1;, and Althusser 1qq, p. zo; 1q;zb, p. z.
Lunique tradition matrialiste has also been published as an appendix to the paper-
back edition of Althussers autobiography (Althusser 1qqa).
+z Chapter Four
emphasises the general within the unique, whereas Machiavelli is interested
due specihcally to his political interests in the singularity of his case and
consequently a certain thing in its singularity. Thus Machiavellis political
science is, from an Aristotelian point of view, impossible because it concerns
the unique and the particular.
Seen from Machiavellis position, the unique and the particular are of pri-
mary importance because they are central conditions for the success of the
man of action undertaking political actions. For the man of action, knowledge
about general laws (general knowledge) will always be insufhcient. Unlike
the theoretician, the man of action must be sensitive to the unique and sur-
prising features of his own case, that is, the fact that his conjuncture is aleatory
and what the aleatory nature of his conjuncture entails. Unlike the theoreti-
cian Montesquieu, he cannot parenthesise these features. The condition for a
successful action is that the man of action not only takes into account the con-
tingent factors of his own case and its particular aleatory characteristics, but
also understands that he acts in a contingent and unique conjuncture. Althus-
ser indeed states that Machiavelli teaches us to give up the idea that deludes
even political actors such as communist parties namely, the idea that, when
faced with practical problems, one should call for help from theory alone. We
. . . abandon a conception that brings in only theory for one that brings in
practice and, since we are dealing with politics, political practice. This is where
Gramscis remark that The Prince has the character of a manifesto is going to
enlighten us.
Even though theory should not be called upon for assistance, this does not
mean that one should abandon it. Instead, one must learn to use theory
in relation to practice in a subversive way (the praxis of The Prince), and
to develop a theory that teaches the practice of action for men of action
(the praxis of the prince). It was specihcally this to which Althusser was
referring in the passage from Machiavel et nous, cited in the beginning of
Chapter .1., where he differentiates between the theoretical observation of
a political problem and the observation of a theoretical problem.
Althusser 1qqa, p. 8; Althusser 1qqq, p. 1;: my emphasis.
Althusser 1qqa, p. 8; Althusser 1qqq, pp. 161;.
Althussers Aleatory Machiavelli +z
.. The praxis of The Prince: the text as a political act
The historical character or crystallisation par excellence of the man of action,
which Machiavelli presents as the real deciding factor though one which
may never actually materialise in his own case or the political problem of his
conjuncture, is the prince:
The whole question then becomes: in what form are all the positive forces
currently available to be rallied, in order to achieve the political objective of
national unity? Machiavelli gives this form a name: the Prince.
Because the problemthat Machiavelli has set up and studied is a political prob-
lem arising from his own conjuncture, this compels a shift in philosophical
status, to change space [changer despace] from the space of pure theory
assuming that it exists to the space of political practice.
His writing is
new; it [The Prince] is a political act.
What kind of political act is being dealt with here? What is the logic of this
act? What kind of political effects and objectives does this act have? What is the
role of Machiavellis text in his political practice and howdoes he problematise
that political practice in his text?
According to Althusser, The Prince is a conscious and premeditated political
intervention, because Machiavelli does not even aim for a purely theoretical
description of political practice even though such a description would be
a realistic description of the amoral courses of action of the princes but
must openly declare himself partisan in his writings [ouvertement partisan dans
ses crits].
If the political viewpoint and strategy of Machiavellis textual
intervention is not taken into account, The Prince becomes a mere albeit
high-standard general study of the amoral courses of action of princes or a
neutral political science (Croce), as will become evident a little later.
Althusser 1qqa, p. 61; Althusser 1qqq, p. 1q; Althussers emphasis.
Althusser 1qqa, p. 6z; Althusser 1qqq, p. zo.
Althusser 1qqa, p. 66; Althusser 1qqq, p. z; Althusser's emphasis.
Althusser 1qqa, p. 6; Althusser 1qqq, p. z; my emphasis.
Althusser 1qqa, p. 66; Althusser 1qqq, p. z.
+z6 Chapter Four
What viewpoint does Machiavelli commit himself to in his intervention?
. . . it would seem that Machiavelli should, in ideology, write his texts from the
viewpoint of the one who is to revolutionize the historical conjuncture: the Prince.
Though it may indeed seem as if Machiavelli should write in this way, the
reality, however, is rather different. This is evident from the dedication at the
beginning of The Prince, which reveals Machiavellis viewpoint on the (amoral)
practice of princes:
Nor I hope will it be considered presumptuous for a man of low and humble
status to dare discuss and lay down the law about how princes should rule;
because just as men who are sketching the landscape put themselves down
in the plain to study the nature of the mountains and the highlands, and
to study the low-lying land they put themselves high on the mountains, so,
to comprehend fully the nature of the people, one must be a prince, and to
comprehendfully the nature of princes one must be an ordinary citizen [essere
Because Machiavelli wants us to understand princes, he must write from the
popular viewpoint of the people. This necessity, however, has two levels: i)
in the ideological held and historical situation in which Machiavelli writes, he
has to direct his words to the prince, Lorenzo de Medici. Machiavelli has in
a Machiavellian way to pretend that he is advising the prince;
ii) but, even
though Machiavelli addresses himself to the prince in a way that is familiar
Althusser 1qqa, p. 66; Althusser 1qqq, p. z; Althussers emphasis.
Machiavelli zoo, p. z.
Althusser 1qqa, p. ;; Althusser 1qqq, p. o. As Quentin Skinner shows, as a writer
of a guidebook for princes, Machiavelli had numerous predecessors (Skinner 1q;8,
pp. , o1, 11618 and 1z68). However, Skinners view is one-sided because he
does not take into account how in its subversiveness the positioning of the viewpoint
of the people in The Prince differentiates Machiavelli from the writers of the Machi-
avellian guidebook genre, for whom it was sufhcient that the prince took heed of their
teachings. As I have tried to show in the present study, the radicalness or subversive-
ness of Machiavelli is ultimately based not on the fact that he gave the prince radical
advice but on how he and his works were positioned in relation to the political context
of the time. In this sense, Max Webers claim(Weber 1q8q, p. 8) that much more radical
guidebooks for princes than The Prince can be found, for instance, in Indian literature,
is only abstractly true. Webers claim holds true only if the guidebooks are assessed
textually, that is, without paying attention to the possibly even more subversive posi-
tion of Machiavellis texts compared to the position of even the radical advisors to the
maharajas of India.
Althussers Aleatory Machiavelli +z
already from numerous earlier guidebooks for princes, he manages with
the help of his landscape painter allegory to justify another necessity: why
he must advise the prince from the viewpoint of the people.
Even though
Machiavelli indeedhas to act within the ideological heldof his time, and under
the pressure of the powers that dominate it, he manages, with the help of his
landscape painter allegory, to place himself within that ideological held in the
position of the people. In other words, by means of servant-like attery of
Lorenzo deMedici, Machiavelli can shamelessly side with the people.
The popular viewpoint of the people determines whether the ruler is good
or bad, suitable or unsuitable. The dedication in The Prince is, in Althussers
opinion, subversive in its shamelessness, because the prince has importance
only to the extent that he acts as the leader of the people in its class struggle
against the nobility:
. . . his [Machiavellis] viewpoint is not the Prince, who is nevertheless deter-
mined as the subject of the decisive political practice, but the people. The
paradox is that in the dedication to a ruler, Lorenzo deMedici, which opens
a book that is going to speak of the Prince, Machiavelli does not hesitate to
declare that one needs to be . . . a man of the people to understand prop-
erly the character of rulers hence, not to be a ruler. This means not only
that rulers incapable of knowing themselves, but that there can be no knowl-
edge of rulers except from the viewpoint of the people. . . . But we must go further:
Machiavelli does not say that one needs to be a man of the people to know
the nature of the Prince, but the nature of princes implying that here are sev-
eral sorts, and thus that there is a choice to be made between them from the
viewpoint of the people.
Althusser nevertheless remarks that Machiavelli did not write a manifesto
titled The People [Le peuple],
that is, a manifesto for the people. Understanding
the character of Machiavellis textual intervention indeed requires paying
When using the term people (for Althusser, peuple), one should keep in mind that
this is not equivalent to the term nation-state [nazione] or the notion of nationalism
which developed during the nineteenth century.
Althusser 1qqa, p. 6;; Althusser 1qqq, pp. z: cf. Althusser 1qqoa, p. q; Althus-
ser 1qqa, p. q.
Althusser 1qqa, p. 6;; Althusser 1qqq, pp. z; Althussers emphasis.
Althusser 1qqa, p. 6;; Althusser 1qqq, p. z.
+z8 Chapter Four
attention to the duality of places, the duality of subjects in The Prince.
duality refers to the difference between the subject of political practice and the
subject of the Machiavellian popular viewpoint.
So there is an irreducible duality between the place of the political viewpoint
and the place of the political force and practice; between the subject of the
political viewpoint the people and the subject of the political practice:
the prince. This duality, this irreducibility, affects both the prince and the
people. Being uniquely and exclusively dehned by the function he must
perform that is to say, by the historical vacuum he must hll the prince
is a pure aleatory possibility-impossibility. No class membership disposes
him to assume his historical task; no social tie binds him to this people
whom he must unify into a nation. Everything hangs on his virt that is
to say, the subjective conditions of his success. As for the people who expect
this impossible prince to transform them into a nation, and from whose
perspective Machiavelli dehnes the princes politics, nothing obliges or even
prompts them to constitute themselves as a people, to transform themselves
into a people, or a fortiori to become a political force.
It is due to the duality of the places that both the Machiavellian and demo-
cratic interpretations of The Prince can, both in their own way, be one-sided
and contradictory. When assessing the problems of these interpretations and
developing his own interpretation, Althussers starting point is Gramscis
interpretation of Machiavelli in the Prison Notebooks. According to Althusser,
Gramsci was the hrst to have realisedthat The Prince is a utopianrevolutionary
According to Gramsci, The Prince is neither a cold utopia nor a
learned theorising but a concrete phantasy, in which the prince has no real
historical existence, but is rather a creation of a pure theoretical abstraction,
an ideal condottiere. As Althusser points out, in calling the book a revolu-
tionary manifesto, Gramsci links it to a class-aligned intervention, and yet it
Althusser 1qqa, p. ;1; Althusser 1qqq, p. z;; translation modihed.
In the case of the word subject, one must be aware of its ambiguity. It refers, on the
one hand, to the loyal or subjugated [subiectus] object of knowledge, action or control
and, onthe other hand, to the actor who produces andis responsible for his ownactions,
in other words, the agent of knowledge or action: There are no subjects except by and for
their subjection. That is why they work all by themselves (Althusser 1q;6a, p. 11q;
Althusser 1q;1, p. 16q; Althusser's emphasis).
Althusser 1qqa, p. ;o; Althusser 1qqq, pp. z6;; Althussers emphasis.
Althusser 1qqa, p. ;; Althusser 1qqq, p. 1.
Althussers Aleatory Machiavelli +z
is still a study, so Gramsci argues, that retains a scientihc detachment from its
object. The logic of The Prince is encapsulated in the simultaneity of this coolly
detached approach and the authors passion, which brings the prince to life:
Throughout the book, Machiavelli discusses what the Prince must be like
if he is to lead a people to found a new State; the argument is developed
with rigorous logic, and with scientihc detachment. In the conclusion Machi-
avelli merges with the people, becomes the people; not, however, with some
generic people, but the people whom he, Machiavelli, has convinced by the
preceding argument the people whose consciousness and whose expres-
sion he becomes and feels himself to be, with whom he feels identihed. The
entire logical argument now appears as nothing other then auto-reection
on the part of the people and inner reasoning worked out in the popular
consciousness, whose conclusion is a cry of passionate urgency.
Even though the penultimate chapters of The Prince indeed describe the prac-
tices of princes (such as the skills of plotting and deceit), the book is not a
Machiavellian text. Why? Because Machiavelli presents the problem of the
politics of the princes from the viewpoint of the people.
But, even though the
viewpoint of the people determines whether we are dealing with a good
or bad ruler, these qualities cannot be reduced to a Machiavellian-anti-
Machiavellian dualism. For Machiavelli, it is clear that the prince must always
have the power of a lion and the cunning of a fox. It is not a matter of a choice
between Machiavellian and anti-Machiavellian strategies, and ultimately not
even about what Machiavellianism would entail at any particular moment (it
could be, depending on the situation, equally violent as virtuously idealistic).
More important is the question of how political practice and the passionate
cry of the people relate to each other.
Gramsci 1q;, pp. 16; cited in Althusser 1qqa, p. 68; cited in Althusser
1qqq, pp. 1o6; cf. also Gramsci 1q;1, pp. 1z6;. Though Althusser and Gramsci do
not explicate it, the landscape allegory also refers to the exibility of Machiavellis
own position. Even though he identihes with the passionate cry of the people, he
also understands the nature and logic of the real political practice of the prince. As
will become clear in the following section (..), Machiavelli knows how the prince
appears in the eyes of the people and how they assess the prince, but Machiavelli also
understands what answering the passionate cry of the people requires fromthe prince.
Althusser 1qqa, p. 6;; Althusser 1qqq, p. z.
Cf., e.g., Althusser 1qqa, pp. 6 and 6;; Althusser 1qqq, pp. z1 and z.
+o Chapter Four
Unlike what the Italian scholar and poet Ugo Foscolo (1;;818z;) suggests
in his poem Dei sepolcri (The Graves),
emphasising the viewpoint of the
people does not mean that the political practices of the princes should be
condemned on moral grounds. According to Gramsci, the hnal chapter of The
Prince shows that Machiavellis starting point is not moralistic but political:
One may therefore suppose that Machiavelli had in mind those who are not
in the know, and that it was they whom he intended to educate politically.
This was no negative political education of tyrant-haters as Foscolo seems
to have understood it; but a positive education of those who have to
recognise certain means as necessary, even if they are the means of tyrants,
because they desire certain ends. Anyone born into the traditional governing
stratum acquires almost automatically the characteristics of the political
realist, as a result of the entire educational complex which he absorbs from
his family milieu, in which dynastic or patrimonial interests predominate.
Who therefore is not in the know? The revolutionary class of the time, the
Italian people or nation, the citizen democracy which gave birth to men
like Savonarola andPier Soderini, rather thanto a Castruccio or a Valentino. It
seems clear that Machiavelli wished to persuade these forces of the necessity
of having a leader who knew what he wanted and how to obtain it, and of
accepting him with enthusiasm even if his actions might conict or appear
to conict with the generalised ideology of the time, religion.
Foscolos well-intentioned moralism does indeed turn against the people,
because it leaves them defenceless in the battle against tyrants. The defence-
lessness arises because, in condemning on moral grounds all Realpolitik and
all realpoliticians, Foscolo also excludes the possibility of a Realpolitik with
which the people could successfully hght against tyrants. In other words, the
problem with the democratic interpretation of Foscolo, among others, is that
Realpolitik is dehned as entirely negative, whereas, in Gramscis interpreta-
tion, the positive aspects or the negative aspects of the politics of the prince
are dehned by the historical context of each case, that is, in the service of what
kind of goals and users the protagonist of the Realpolitik (the prince) is de facto
posited. The problemis thus not Realpolitik in itself or the text that presents it
Foscolo 1qz, lines 18.
Gramsci 1q;, pp. 16oo1; Gramsci 1q;1, pp. 16.
Althussers Aleatory Machiavelli ++
as an object lesson, but, on the contrary, a historical context where the nobility
have the sole rights both to study and use the political means available.
expression of this unequal situation is specihcally that an inuential minority
are able to produce a moralism against the Realpolitik, for instance, utilising
According to Gramsci, one essential difference between Machiavelli and Francesco
Guicciardini is that the cynicism of the latter remains part of the internal diplomacy
and description of a system at the level of a city state, whereas the former surpasses
such a cynical perspective of small politics [piccola politica or politica giorno per giorno]
with his realistic grand politics [la grande politica] which aims to constitute the nation-
state. Too much (therefore superhcial and mechanical) political realism often leads
to the assertion that a statesman should only work within the limits of effective real-
ity; that he shouldnot interest himself in what ought to be but only in what is. This
would mean that he should not look farther than the end of his own nose. This misun-
derstanding led Paolo Treves to see in Guicciardini rather than in Machiavelli the true
politician (Paolo Treves, Il realismo politico di Francesco Guicciardini, Nuova Ri-
vista Storica, nov.dec. 1qo). A distinction must be made not only between diplomat
and politician, but also between political scientist and active politician. The diplo-
mat inevitably will move only within the bounds of effective reality, since his specihc
activity is not the creation of some new equilibrium, but the maintenance of an existing
equilibrium within a certain juridical framework. Similarly, the political scientist has to
keepwithin the bounds of effective reality inso far as he is merely a scientist. But Machi-
avelli is not merely a scientist: he is a partisan, a man of powerful passions, an active
politician, who wishes to create a new balance of forces and therefore cannot help con-
cerning himself with what ought to be (not of course in a moralistic sense) (Gramsci
1q;, p. 1;;; cf. also pp. ;6oz, where Gramsci subjects to critique the assessments of
Guicciardini by Traves and De Sanctis. Cf. also Dotti 1q;q, in which he compares Machi-
avellis Jacobinism and his friend Francesco Vettoris fatalism). Machiavellis realism
does not exclude change and should be [dover essere] objectives which aim at change.
Here, the question is not about a critique of moralistic politics but a realistic critique of
(and attempt to change) the existing political situation (cf. not of course in a moralistic
sense). Gramsci indeed continues that the effective truth [realt effettuale] must not be
understood as an unchanging situation, but rather it is the realistic starting point of
actioninstriving for change: The active politicianis a creator, aninitiator; but he neither
creates fromnothing nor does he move inthe turbidvoidof his owndesires anddreams.
He bases himself on effective reality, but what is this effective reality? Is it something
static and immobile, or is it not rather a relation of forces in continuous motion and shift
of equilibrium? If one applies ones will to the creation of a new equilibrium among the
forces which really exist andare operative basing oneself on the particular force which
one believes to be progressive and strengthening it to help it to victory one still moves
on the terrain of effective reality, but does so in order to dominate and transcend it (or to
contribute to this). What ought to be is therefore concrete; indeedit is the only realistic
and historicist interpretation of reality, it alone is history in the making and philosophy
in the making, it alone is politics (Gramsci 1q;, p. 1;8). Gramscis view comes close
to an idea later evident in the thinking of Althusser, that is, that the conjuncture forms
the complex starting point of political action, the conditions such as diplomacy for
which, however, do not determine what can be done based on the effective truth. The
conjuncture also opens up possibilities for political action. (The expression in the above
quote it alone is history in the making and philosophy in the making [ sola storia in atto
e losoa in atto] refers ironically to Giovanni Gentiles actualistic philosophy). Croce,
+z Chapter Four
the religious ideology of the time, Jesuitistically.
In other words, such an
antipolitical morality was an effective political instrument for controlling the
people ideologically.
on the other hand, characterises the difference in character between Machiavelli and
Guicciardini as follows: The lack of that bitter and pessimistic sentiment distinguishes
Guicciardini from Machiavelli. Guicciardini does nothing more than display a sort of
contempt towards men, in which he hnds very little goodness; and he makes himself
at home tranquilly in this world that he does not esteem, aiming only at the advantage
of his own particular interest. If he hadnt neededto serve the Pontiffs of the Medici for
his own particular interest, he would have loved Martin Luther more than himself,
because he would have hoped that the rebel monk could have unmade the ecclesiastical
state and ruined the evil tyranny of the priests. The man of Guicciardini is of another
temperament from the man of Machiavelli (Croce 1q81, p. zo6). Guicciardinis state-
ment, Martin Luther more than himself, is located in section z8 of his work Ricordi;
cf. also Guicciardinis Storia dItalia, Chapter XIII, as well as, for example, Quatela 1qq1,
pp. 1116; for more on Luther in Italy, cf. Lutero in Italia. Unlike with Althusser and
Gramsci, Croce emphasises the pessimistic side of Machiavellis thinking. Croce does
not consider Machiavelli merely a pessimist for whom politics is only sad necessity,
but sometimes politics is also the sublime art of founding and sustaining that great insti-
tution that is the state (Croce 1q81, p. 1z6). It is the latter notion that Althusser and
Gramsci share with Croce but, unlike Croce, they emphasise the difference between
the politics of the new prince aiming to establish and sustain a state and the Realpolitik
of the tyrant who preserves the existing conjuncture of the Apennine peninsula.
Disassociating himself from the democratic interpretation, Gramsci states that
Machiavelli is more multifaceted and more democratic in his objectives than has been
claimed in democratic interpretations, even though his democraticness would indeed
have to be understood in relation to his own time, that of the formation of absolute
monarchies: It seems that the intentions of Machiavelli in writing The Prince were more
complex and also more democratic than the democratic interpretation supposes.
That is, Machiavelli maintains that the necessity of the unitary national state is so great
that all will accept that in order to attain to this very high end only those means that are
adequate are employed. It can therefore be said that Machiavelli proposed to educate
the people, but not in the sense that is usually given to this expression or at least that
which has been given to it by certain democratic currents. For Machiavelli, to educate
the people could have meant only to make the people convinced and conscious that
only one politics can exist, the realistic type, in order to attain to the desired end and
that therefore there is the need to come together and to obey precisely that prince that
uses such methods in order to attain the end, because only he who wants the ends
wants the means adequate to attain it. The position of Machiavelli, in this sense, should
be related to that of the theoreticians and politicians of the philosophy of praxis, who
themselves had to struggle aginst a form of Jesuitism adequate for different times.
The democracy of Machiavelli is of a type suited to his times; that is, it is the active
consent of the popular masses for the absolute monarchy, insofar as it was limiting
and destructive of the feudal and seigneurial anarchy and of the power of the priests,
insofar as it was founding of large territorial national states, a function that the absolute
monarchy could not fulhll without the support of the bourgeoisie and of a standing,
national, centralised army (Gramsci 1q;, pp. 16qo1; cf. 1q6z).
Althussers Aleatory Machiavelli +
According to Althusser, Gramscis viewpoint here seems to touch on Rous-
seaus interpretation of Machiavelli. In The Social Contract, Rousseau states that
The Prince is a Republican book because he [Machiavelli] professed to teach
kings, but it was the people he really taught.
The Prince is a plot, by means
of which Machiavelli could reveal political courses of action to republicans so
that they could hght against tyrants with their own weapons. Even Rousseaus
interpretation, however, is problematic for Althusser because, if The Prince is
a plot against princes and their practices of Realpolitik, then the book turns
against all princes. Such a viewpoint would conict with Gramscis interpre-
tation, according to which a particular prince, a new prince, is appealed to,
who would expel the barbarians and unite the peninsula.
Even though Machiavellis teachings could have worked during Rousseaus
own time, in the cause of the republicans, in Machiavellis Italian context, they
were not well received by the urban bourgeoisie. Rousseau himself admits
this in a footnote to The Social Contract, where he states that Machiavelli, this
profound political thinker, has so far been studied only by superhcial or
corrupt readers [lecteurs superciels ou corrompus].
Althusser indeed refers to
this footnote (as well as a similar interpretation froman entry, thought to be by
Diderot, in the Encyclopdie) when asking why Machiavelli would have written
a textbook for the people if these indeed were not even able to read his texts.
The problems with the interpretations of Foscolo, Rousseau and others,
however, are not due to the external effects of the contexts of their writings;
rather, these problems reect The Princes internal problematics and its
unusual character.
In what sense is The Prince unusual? As Althusser sees it,
Machiavelli did not even attempt to present a generally applicable solution to the
problem of the relationship between the politics of the prince and the people.
Machiavelli does not offer a solutionto the problembut presents it as a problem
Cf. Rousseau 1qqa, pp. z; Althusser 1qqa, pp. ;z; Althusser 1qqq, p. z8.
Althusser 1qqa, p. ;1; Althusser 1qqq, p. z;.
Rousseau 1q66a, p. 11z; Rousseau 1qqa, p. z.
Althusser 1qqa, p. ;: Althusser 1qqq, p. 1. Althusser remarks that it was doubt-
lessly Diderot himself who wrote the following entry for Machiavellianism in the
Encyclopdie: When Machiavelli wrote his treatise on the Prince, it is as if he said to his
fellow citizens: Read this work carefully. Should you ever accept a master, he will be
such as I depict him for you. Here is the savage brute to whom you will be abandoning
your selves. Thus it was the fault of his contemporaries if they misjudged his aim: they
take a satire for a eulogy (Diderot cited in Althusser 1qqa, p. ;; Althusser 1qqq, p. 1).
Althusser 1qqa, p. ;6; Althusser 1qqq, p. 1.
+ Chapter Four
arising from the political conjunction of early cinquecento Italy, a negative yet
real problem, for the solution of which there are no material tools (weapons)
in the conjuncture.
The real problem is the relationship between the prince
and the people, the irreducible duality [dualit irrductible]:
the people are
incapable of uniting Italy and there is no new prince on the horizon who
could lead them.
According to Althusser, transcending the contradictions
of the above mentioned interpretations requires paying attention specihcally
to the internal dualist problematics and viewpoints of The Prince. The Prince
was written from the viewpoint of the people (the unihcation of Italy) but the
people unlike the Third Estate in the great French Revolution was not the
political subject (i.e. the agent) of the historical context of the text.
According to Althusser, if one pays attention only to the role of the prince in
The Prince, one falls into Machiavellianism, and thus the book comes across
as a guidebook for tyrants;
consequently, the viewpoint of the people as the
constituters of politics is forgotten. If, on the other hand, one considers only
the viewpoint of the people, that is, that the book is written for the people
as a sort of moralistic book of revelations or as a guidebook to democracy,
then the appeal at the end of the book to a new prince would have to be
The point is, however, that instead of searching for such answers,
which only lead to conicts, one must pay attention to the questions. Instead
of providing answers, Machiavelli discusses the question about the interrelated
position of the political actors within their own conjuncture. He does not even
try to dehne these positions in a generally applicable way or in advance, but
rather directs the readers attention to the situationally specihc character of the
political positioning. According to Althusser, Machiavellis texts are indeed
based on the idea that in a political space it is not possible and one must
not try to dehne in a generally applicable way the Archimedean point from
which the political conjuncture could be revolutionised.
The Prince is indeed a
revolutionary work because in it the politics of the prince are discussed from
the point of view of the goal of the people. This, however, does not mean that
Althusser 1qqa, pp. ;6;, cf. p. 6o; Althusser 1qqq, p. z, cf. pp. 181q.
Althusser 1qqa, p. ;o; Althusser 1qqq, p. z6.
Althusser 1qqa, p. ;1; Althusser 1qqq, p. z;.
Althusser 1qqa, p. ;o; Althusser 1qqq, p. z6.
Althusser 1qqa, p. ;6, Althusser 1qqq, p. 1.
Althusser 1qqa, p. ;6, Althusser 1qqq, p. 1.
Althusser 1qqa, pp. 6z; Althusser 1qqq, p. z1.
Althussers Aleatory Machiavelli +
Machiavelli would dehne in advance the conjuncture of the actors, and how
and where they should implement the revolution. The places of the prince
and the relationship between him and other points of the conjuncture vary
according to changes in the conjuncture:
The point demanded by the New Prince or the Modern Prince precisely
cannot be a hxed point. First of all, it is not a point that can be localized in
space, for the space of politics has no points and is only hguratively a space;
at the very most, it has places where men are grouped under relations. And
supposing that this place is a point, it would not be hxed, but mobile better
still, unstable in its very being, since all its effort must tend towards giving
itself existence: not a transient existence that of an individual or a sect but
historical existence that of an absolute monarch or a revolutionary party.
Because of the unpredestined nature of political practice, if one tries to interpret
The Prince as a theoretical text, hnding laws within it which would be repeat-
able fromone conjuncture to the next, it will remain elusive [insaisissable].
work is gripping [saisissant], drawing in its reader, because it makes him think
about his own political position. The Prince is thus also a shock to the classical
philosophical way of thinking, where the general rules the particular, because,
in this text, the way in which a particular political problem is set up governs
the theoretical and general.
Althusser 1qqa, p. 6; Althusser 1qqq, p. z1; Althussers emphasis.
Althusser 1qqa, pp. ;q and p. ;;; Althusser 1qqq, pp. 118 and z. According
to Gramsci, Croces view is problematic specihcally because he considers the teach-
ings of The Prince to be a neutral science, and in doing so gives no consideration to
Machiavellis historical context. There has developed a habit of considering Machi-
avelli too much as the politician in general, as the political scientist, contemporary
inall times (Gramsci 1q;, p. 1;z). InbothMachiavellianandanti-Machiavellianinter-
pretations, attention is not paid to the fact that there is nothing useful for rulers to gain
from Machiavellis political teachings because they were already in possession of the
necessary political skills, whereas the people were not, and thus Machiavellis teach-
ings were useful to the latter. Such usefulness, however, is something different than
Foscolos or Diderots negative education, because the intention behind Machiavellis
revelations was not moralistic but political (Gramsci 1q;, p. 16oo). If the people
whose passion Machiavelli identihes with at the end of The Prince intends to achieve
what it wants it must liberate itself from the power of the ruling ideologists, religions
and moral teachings of the time. Furthermore, in its class struggle it must adopt the
Realpolitik modes of action which the other party already knows, instead of only being
able to show its disapproval of them or moral indignation (Gramsci 1q;, p. 16oo).
Cf. Althusser 1qqoa, p. q.
+6 Chapter Four
... Machiavellis utopianism
According to Althusser, Machiavelli was aware of being merely a writer who
cannot draw in the people simply with a text. Instead, it requires real power,
a new prince who in his praxis adapts the peoples naked awareness
their passionate cry into a collective will. The problem, however, was
two-fold, because there was no new prince in sight and the peoples naked
awareness was merely unorganised passion. Althusser and Gramsci refer in
this context to the last chapter of The Prince where Machiavelli states that the
people are certainly ready for change but that they lack a prince who would
have sufhcient virt and forza, and under whose leadership this change and
movement would be realised:
See how Italy beseeches God to send someone to save her from those bar-
barous cruelties and outrages; see how eager and willing the country is to
follow a banner, if only someone would raise it.
According to Althusser, Machiavelli well understood his own peripheral and
solitary position in this Italian class struggle:
This intellectual did not believe that intellectuals make history.
In his writings, Machiavelli was able to shed light on the real conditions of
this struggle, to dehne its political problems, to identify with the passions
of the people, and thus to position himself on their side. He could not solve
these problems, but through his writings only reect upon and assess the
existing awareness of the people, such as it was.
Though The Prince is indeed
Machiavelli zoo, Chapter z6, p. 11o.
Althusser 1q88, p. ;8; Althusser 1qqoa, p. q. Franois Matheron sums up Althus-
sers view that emphasises the primacy of political practice as follows: Machiavelli
analyses, with extreme precision, the conditions for this possible andnecessary encoun-
ter between fortune and virt; however, in the same gesture, he cannot, and does want
to, say anything about the Prince and Principality to come: not only because he does not
know them (a simple admission of ignorance), but also because he knows, positively,
that it cannot be a question of any of the already existing Princes and Principalities.
Concrete political practice alone can designate them: theory is incapable of doing so,
although it knows how to inscribe a place for this practice within itself. This place, for
the moment, is that of the void: the grand adventure begins outside all that exists,
and therefore in an unknown place, thanks to an unknown man. (Matheron 1qq,
pp. 11).
Althusser 1qqa, p. ;1; Althusser 1qqq, p. z;.
Althussers Aleatory Machiavelli +
a political act a manifesto its author is not the new prince himself but only
an unarmedprophet, a mere writer who inscribed his theory somewhere in
the Italian political struggle.
Machiavelli could not know precisely the effects
of his writings nor dehne where his works would hit the Italian struggles.
Even though he did appeal to both the unknown or undehned prince and
those who do not know, he himself knew that if his thought contributed at
all to the making of history, he would no longer be there.
According to Althusser, The Prince is indeed, in all its revolutionary nature,
a utopian manifesto, as he states with reference to Gramsci.
However, it is
not utopian in any theoretical-philosophical sense: the unihcation of Italy is
a revolutionary opportunity existing in the effective truth, a void [vide], the
conditions for the fulhlment of which Machiavelli highlights. The revolution-
ary and utopian nature of The Prince indeed refers to this historical opportunity,
as Althusser states, referring to Lenin:
. . . I encapsulate the distinction in Lenins formulation: revolution, or a
historical task, can be on the agenda without the concrete situation being
It is the distance or difference betweenthe actual subject of the political practice
(the prince), which The Prince has made manifest, and the class viewpoint (the
people) of the book that produces the utopian character.
. . . the places of class viewpoint and political practice are dissociated: the
hiatus opens up the vacuum of utopia . . .
And, further, referring to Gramsci:
The Prince is a kind of revolutionary manifesto, but a utopian one. Revolu-
tionary, in so far as Machiavelli clearly understood the revolutionary task
on the agenda the constitution of the national state and poses this prob-
lem from the viewpoint of the people. But utopian in two senses. First, in so far
Althusser 1qqoa, p. q; Althusser 1q88, p. ;8.
Althusser 1qqoa, p. q; Althusser 1q88, p. 1zq.
Althusser 1qqa, p. 66; Althusser 1qqq, p. z.
Althusser 1qqa, p. ;1; Althusser 1qqq, p. z;.
Althusser 1qqa, p. ;z; Althusser 1qqq, p. z8; my emphasis.
Cf. Gramsci 1q;, pp. 16.
+8 Chapter Four
as Machiavelli believed that the situation was revolutionary, and that Italy
was ready to become a national and popular state. . . . And second, in so far
as Machiavelli, for all sorts of reasons that would require detailed examina-
tion, entrusts to someone else to an unknown individual whom he thought
he recognized in several successive personalities, an individual indehnable
in advance the mission of achieving national unity on behalf of a third part:
the people. The duality of places and subjects thus results in the alterity of
utopia, entrusting the realization of national unity to a mythical individual:
the Prince. When Gramsci says that Machiavelli becomes the people, that
he speaks to the people, to those who do not know; when he writes that
[t]he entire logical argument of The Prince appears as nothing other than
auto-reection on the part of the people an inner reasoning worked out
in the popular consciousness, this reection remains utopian [my emphasis].
For it can contribute to modifying the political consciousness of the people,
it is only to put this simple consciousness as consciousness in contact with
a possible and desirable event: the advent of the Prince. It is not in order to
transformthis consciousness into a political force capable of producing this event,
or participating in its production.
It is evident from Althussers interpretation that Gramsci was being overtly
optimistic in his interpretation of the possibility of the urban bourgeoisie
becoming a political force (a political subject). In this context, Althusser com-
pares The Prince, as a manifesto, and The Communist Manifesto. The essential
difference between them is that, in Marx and Engelss manifesto as well as
in Gramscis outline of the modern prince [il principe moderno]
the pro-
letariat is both its class viewpoint and the active subject in the political class
struggle: the proletariat of all nations is urged to unite: Proletarier aller Ln-
der vereinigt euch! The party of the working class is the political form of
their self-organisation or at least it could be and not an external force of
the class struggle of the working class, whereas the new prince of The Prince
Althusser 1qqa, p. ;1; Althusser 1qqq, pp. z;8: Althussers emphasis.
Gramscis optimism may have been due to the fact that with his analyses of
Machiavelli he aimed to outline a modern prince [il principe moderno], that is, the
conditions and goals of the collective political movement. The most central goal was
that the difference between the leaders and those who are led something regarded as
a historical fact would be lessened.
Althussers Aleatory Machiavelli +
manifesto cannot be a metaphor for the peoples self-organisation.
The simi-
larity between The Prince and The Communist Manifesto again lies in that both
are conscious interventions (manifestos) in the political practice of their own
time, and do so by positioning themselves in the place of a particular class
(the people, the proletariat).
This does not mean that the new prince should
identify himself with the people or the people with the prince but that unit-
ing the people under one nation requires that the prince, through his actions,
understands the feelings of the people and wishes to gaze down upon
them and, accordingly, can govern and direct them:
And if, fromyour lofty peak, Your Magnihcence will sometimes glance down
to these low-lying regions . . .
The following section deals with the question of the praxis of the prince;
hrst from the viewpoint of the aleatory logic of the man of action (..), and
second through the project and strategy of the new prince (..). The aim is to
further develop several viewpoints that preliminarily emerge in Althussers
interpretation concerning the aleatory reality and the action occurring therein.
.. The praxis of the prince: the aleatory truth
A man of action such as the prince must pay particular attention to the unique
characteristics of his own case and take these into consideration in his actions.
Such knowledge and skill become the central dimensions of successful and
effective political action. Machiavelli differs, however, from ordinary men of
action because he also opens up a theoretical viewpoint into the understanding
of the aleatory logic of political action. Even though he himself as a writer was
a man of action (and not only a diplomat, as he was in his youth), his works
Althusser criticised the leadership of the PCF because it had isolated itself fromthe
masses. He indeed states, referring implicitly to Machiavelli, that a distance prevails
between the leadership and the masses (Althusser 1q;8a, pp. 1oq1o; cf. 116zz, where
Althusser utilises Machiavellis views concerning fortihcations and entrenchments). In
other words, within the PCF, the masses are not a political subject but, like Machiavellis
prince, the party leadership is an actor and the masses are the object of its actions.
Althusser 1qqa, pp. 6q;z; Althusser 1qqq, pp. z8; cf., Althusser 1qqoa, p. q;
Althusser 1q88, p. ;8.
Machiavelli zoo, p. z.
+o Chapter Four
nevertheless are, according to Althusser, still sufhciently theoretical to offer
an example or model of what such theoretical examination could be, which
are intrinsically linked to acting within a certain conjuncture and striving to
succeed within it.
So much for the fragments (and hence the contradictions as well). Above all,
however, a theoretical dispositive is here brought to light that breaks with the
habits of classical rhetoric, where the universal governs the singular.
Yet this recasting still remains theoretical. No doubt the order of things has
been moved, and the formulation and mediation of a particular political
problem substituted for general knowledge of an object.
What, according to Althussers interpretation of Machiavelli, is this aleatory
logic of political action in which the particular is primary in relation to the
The modiher aleatory to the logic that has gone almost unnoticed and
which should be developed refers to the viewpoint presented earlier (Chap-
ter ),
according to whicha case andits development cannot be either reduced
to some general law or theory or derived from these. The individual case can-
not andshouldnot be subsumed under any general lawor theory. Fromthe point
of viewof the man of action, this means that it is not possible to predict or gov-
ern the course of the individual case by means of some general law, theory or
socially-static utopia. Using Machiavellis own concepts, each case is affected
by the variable fortuna, which may all of a sudden, from a whim of fortune,
turn its back on even the most prudent man [un uomo pi prudente]. Althusser
characterises the situation in anthropomorphic terms:
So everything is in continual, unstable motion, subject to an unpredictable
necessity. This necessity is represented by the mythical conceptual hgure of
The changeability of fortuna is due to the fact that the events of each case are
characterised by accidental and contingent factors, reasons and encounters.
Preliminarily, one can say that accidental and contingent factors are the reason
Althusser 1qqa, p. 8; Althusser 1qqq, p. 16; Althussers emphasis.
Althusser 1qqza, p. z; Althusser 1qqc, p. z1.
Althusser 1qqa, p. 8o; Althusser 1qqq, p. .
Althussers Aleatory Machiavelli ++
why particular cases are characteristically unique, non-transparent and unpre-
dictable. Every case contains unique features because things do not organise or
conjunct in two or more cases in exactly the same way. Even though it would
be possible to say how man usually acts and behaves, or even to dehne what
mans essence is, in each particular case a persons actions or the tendencies
resulting from human nature tend to diverge from other cases. The cases are
complex conjunctures, con-junctions of numerous series of causes, crossings
[jonctions] or encounters [rencontres]:
. . . the conjuncture itself being junction, con-junction, congealed (albeit shift-
ing) encounter, since it has already taken place, and refers in its turn to the
inhnite number of its prior causes, just as (led us add) a determinate [dni]
individual (for instance, Borgia) refers to the inhnite sequence [suite] of prior
causes of which it is the result.
Logic based on cause-and-effect reasoning is unsuitable for analysing partic-
ular cases because a condition for using such a logic is that, in the analysis of
the progress of the case, it would be possible to proceed from causes to effects
or from effects to causes.
This would require if-then-so argumentations
Althusser 1qqc, pp. 66; Althusser zoo6a, p. 1q.
Historically, the conjuncture refers to the relationship between the stars, a conjunc-
tion which in Renaissance astrology was seen to be both the cause and sign of worldly
events (cf. Garin 1qqo, esp. pp. 1zq). As will become clear in Chapter , Machiavellis
view of fortuna was in that sense deviant and subversive for its time: it did not refer
to transcendental, heavenly conjunctural causal factors. In other words, Machiavellis
view of the conjuncture was immanent and worldly. From this follows that the fate of
man or a nation, according to Machiavelli, is not dehned from outside the worldly real-
ity but in itself. Machiavellis assumption that conjunctures and fate can be inuenced
by human virt by organising the worldly reality, and not only by means of magic, by
carefully reading the conjunctions of the heavenly bodies, and, in this way, preparing
for future conjunctions and their inuences (Garin 1qqo, pp. 161;) is also included
in this notion of the worldliness of fate. As Garin notes, the astrologers and magicians
of the Renaissance were not determinists. They did not assume that man could not
inuence his own fate. In the new astrology, which had evolved as part of the new
world-view of the Renaissance, it was assumed that the magician could inuence the
fates of people (Garin 1q;8, pp. 16). Assessed in the light of Garins view, it was
not the attitude towards determinism that separated Machiavelli from the astrologers
of the Renaissance but the notion of the conjuncture. For astrologers, a conjuncture was
heavenly, for Machiavelli worldly. Unlike Parel 1qqz, in the present study I empha-
sise more the differences rather than the connections in Machiavellis thinking to the
astrology and natural sciences of his time. This is because, for Machiavelli, the conjunc-
ture is an immanent worldly conjuncture. (In this context, one must remember, how-
ever, that astrology and astronomy did not yet in the Renaissance differ distinctly from
each another.) The connection was also due to the fact that astrologers developed very
+z Chapter Four
which, in turn, would require real or imagined knowledge about the causal
relationships or laws that affect the particular case because, in order to be
valid, causal argumentations must be awless and systematic. This, however,
is not possible with individual cases, from which it follows that the deduc-
tions concerning these cases are uncertain, awed and hypothetical. Accord-
ing to Althusser, in the case of Machiavelli it is a question of thinking based on
weak logic, that is, on if then . . . .
Contrary to the whole Platonic and Aristotelian tradition, Machiavelli does
not think in terms of cause-and-effect consequences, but in terms of factual
sequences [conscution] . . . between if and then . . . In this case, it is no
longer a question of the consequence of a cause (or a principle or an essence)
effect or derivation or logical implication but, rather, of a simple sequence
of conditions. If means: given certain real conditions, that is, given this
factual conjuncture with no originary cause; then means: what can be
observed to follow from them and what can be linked to the conditions of
the conjuncture.
The Discourses on the hrst decade of Titus Livy are nothing but an inventory
of historical cases in which this very special logic of the factual conjuncture,
virt, and fortune has already operated.
According to Althusser, in both the Platonic and Aristotelian way of thinking,
it is possible, at least in principle, to propose a cause, essence or principle for
every event from which it follows, or of which it is an expression, or which
directs its development.
Even though, for instance, the Aristotelian telos is
precise astronomical methods to study and to predict the conjunctions of the heavenly
bodies. Unlike the old astrology of the Middle Ages, the new astrology of the Renais-
sance was considered a subfactor of human rationality and not a dark and super- or
unnatural thing that was in opposition to the mind (cf. Garin 1q;8, pp. 1;6).
Althusser 1qqa, p. qq; Althussers emphasis.
Althusser 1qqa, pp. 1oo1.
In the case of the Aristotelian context, Althusser probably had in mind the
cosmological idea of the teleological nature of reality and the great chain of being
and not ideas presented by Aristotle regarding praxis and poiesis, such as chance and
accidental causes. In the case of the latter issues, at least Aristotle himself is not
necessarily on a different track from Althussers aleatory materialism. Althussers
critique of Aristotelianism is indeed primarily directed against Aristotelian cosmology.
Althussers Aleatory Machiavelli +
not a cause in the sense of modern logic or causal thinking, it nevertheless
is, according to Althusser, a question of something general or generally
applicable, with the help of which the events in the conjuncture can be
understood, justihed or to which they can be reduced.
. . . this traditions radical rejection of all philosophies of essence (Ousia,
Essentia, Wesen), that is, of Reason (Logos, Ratio, Vernunft), and therefore of
Origin and End the origin being nothing more, here, than the anticipation
of the End of Reason or primordial order (that is, the anticipation of Order,
whether it be rational, moral, religious or aesthetic) in the interests of a
philosophy which, rejecting the Whole and every Order, rejects the Whole
and order in favour of dispersion (Derrida would say, in his terminology,
dissemination) and disorder.
The Machiavellian assessment of the possibilities for deeds and actions is
based instead on the principle of si . . . alors (when . . . then) as opposed
to the if . . . then deduction based on a causal assumption. On the basis of the
conditions observable in the conjuncture, one must assess what kind of different
alternative actions there are and, moreover, what kind of opportunities and
probabilities there are for changing the conjuncture. The man of action who
analyses his own case is in a continuous state of uncertainty, and there are no
guarantees that his actions will succeed because his case analyses and strategy
of action rest on an uncertain basis. He does not know for certain which
factors have had an inuence, are having inuence and will have an inuence
in his case. He must base his uncertain analysis on what is observable and
implementable in the case, and assess what kind of probable and improbable
consequences his actions can have in this uncertain and complex situation.
Althussers view of the knowledge of the man of action raises a number of
questions concerning, for instance, the interpretation of the aleatory and
also chance. Firstly, one can ask whether the cases are objectively aleatory
or whether it is only a matter of the ignorance of the actor; that is, whether
the aleatory is subjective. Furthermore, one must ask from whose or what
viewpoint the cases are aleatory, or whether the cases are aleatory from all
perspectives. If the cases are aleatory from all perspectives, does this mean
Althusser 1qqc, p. 61; Althusser zoo6a, p. 188; Althussers emphasis.
Althusser 1qqa, p. qq.
+ Chapter Four
that the aleatory is a humanly objective quality? Or is the aleatory a con-
sequence of the fact that not a single cognisant subject can propose such an
all-encompassing theory or knowledge, which would show that the aleatory
factors of the case and its development are only due to the incompleteness of
the knowledge concerning the case and its progress?
The qualihers objective and subjective remain, however, too abstract,
unless they can be dehned more precisely. In order to better understand
Althussers interpretation of Machiavelli, one must pay attention to what
kind of additional qualihers one can give to objective and subjective. This
leads to a third alternative, that the aleatory is a quality of both subjective
and objective reality. This alternative may at hrst sound strange, but, after
some thought, one can understand why the ontological and epistemological
status of the aleatory may vary. In Machiavellis case, the aleatory is something
that perhaps should not be presented in the dualistic form of the subjective-
In the following section, Althussers views on the aleatory will be assessed,
particularly from the viewpoint of the previously formulated aleatory Machi-
... The aleatory of the subjective and objective
In the previous section, it was preliminarily suggested that no general the-
ory is able to predict what kind of encounters the future will bring. This, in
itself, is not enough to refute the assumption that the accidental and contin-
gent factors, which undeniably are often surprises or coincidences for the
subject, are indeed such only from the subjects point of view. Perhaps Althus-
sers claim that all cases are aleatory is indeed only valid from the subjective
viewpoint, whereas the idea of the Platonic-Aristotelian tradition regarding
generally applicable principles and necessities is objectively true? What ulti-
mately would prove that the cases or the development of the cases are not
determined by some being, original cause or telos to which the events in prin-
ciple can be reduced? Can Althusser show that there is no initial cause, law of
history or being?
The latter question, can, however, be turned around: how can one prove the
existence of an original cause, or how can one show that things that seem to
be coincidences and surprises are indeed the effects of some original cause or
Althussers Aleatory Machiavelli +
the expressions of some law of development or being? Would not such proof
require that the witness demonstrate what kind of logical or necessary cause-
and-effect relationships the event, considered as coincidence, was in fact due
In the above quote, Althusser proposes that case knowledge cannot be based
on logical, cause-and-effect explanations, but it is, rather, always a matter of
weak when . . . then-type conclusions. It is obvious, at least for the man
of action who is inside the case and acts within it, that the past, present and,
above all, the future are veiled (even though he would deny it). If he does not
recognise the present state of the case and its history then how could he see its
future in advance? On the other hand, what if he were to know perfectly the
history and present state of his own case? Could he then anticipate its future,
in which case nothing would be a surprise or happen by coincidence for him,
and the case would not be aleatory?
Althussers response to this question is to some extent positive. He states
that knowing the case would require presenting all those causes or series of
causes that preceded the event, the conjunction of which the case is.
least at this point, Althusser does not absolutely deny the Petronian claim that
chance has its causes. Such a reconstruction is, however, logically impossible
and particularly impossible for the man of action, who is inside the case or
conjuncture. It is obvious that he would have to be an omniscient god (or be
completely aware of Gods plans) in order to be able to see the past, present
and future at one glance or through an intellectual discovery, as well as present
an exhaustive interpretation of these. Thus, that which from the viewpoint of
the human subject would be aleatory would, from the divine viewpoint, be
non-aleatory. On the other hand, one doubts whether even the representatives
of the Aristotelian tradition would have such divine characteristics; after all,
these philosophers, too, are only human. In their defence, one could still state,
referring to Hegels reference to the owl of Minerva, that, if such philosophies
of history were possible, they would be so only in retrospect, post festum.
Garin states that an exact reading of the heavens to foresee the fates which await us
showed the greatest wisdomof Renaissance astrology (Garin 1qqo, p. 16, my emphasis).
Althusser 1qqc, pp. 66; Althusser zoo6a, pp. 1qz.
According to Hegel, philosophy cannot teach us how the world should be [wie
die Welt sein soll] because philosophy always appears on the scene too late: Only one
word more concerning the desire to teach the world what it ought to be. For such a
purpose philosophy at least always comes too late. Philosophy, as the thought of the
+6 Chapter Four
In this case, the problem of the aleatory would be limited to Machiavellis
man of action, because only he must make decisions based on that incomplete
knowledge that he has at his disposal in his own case. The man of action cannot
wait for dusk, but must act in the darkness of noon.
In other words, the aleatory must not necessarily be considered an objective
property of reality. It can be a matter of a belief resulting from the particular
situation of the subject, one which he cannot ever fully eliminate from his life,
eventhough he wouldtry to accommodate it for instance by eliminating risks
and unpleasant surprises as best he can, and by being prepared for them by
means of if . . . then deductions. In other words, what, from Gods point of
view, is not coincidence is coincidence, at least from the point of view of the
man of action.
But is Althusser satished with this subjective idea, with the fact that the
aleatory is indeed an essential part of the effective truth of the man of action,
but is not necessarily included among the problems of an omniscient God?
Althussers response is still both positive and negative. It is positive in the
sense that an analysis of the knowledge pertaining to a particular conjuncture
must take chance into account.
Unlike the philosopher in his texts, or God
in his almightiness, the man of action has to take risks and encounter even
unpleasant surprises. Because Machiavelli was, like the revolutionary leader
Lenin, above all interested in acting in a particular case, his works open up
interesting viewpoints, particularly regarding the problematics of chance.
But Althussers response is also negative: even Aristotelian philosophers
cannot have certain knowledge about reality and its laws. Even they are at the
mercy of chance, because they are, after all, only human. Even if they would
world, does not appear until reality has completed its formative process, and made
itself ready. History thus corroborates the teaching of the conception that only in the
maturity of reality does the ideal appear as counterpart to the real, apprehends the real
world in its substance, and shapes it into an intellectual kingdom. When philosophy
paints its grey in grey, one form of life has become old, and by means of grey it
cannot be rejuvenated, but only known. The owl of Minerva, takes its ight only when
the shades of night are gathering (Hegel 1qz, Preface; last sentence my emphasis, other
emphasis by Hegel). Hegel indeed thought of the philosophers of his time mainly as
charlatans because their contemporary philosophical advice and recommendations
were not always, in his opinion, philosophy but merely sophistry grounded on nothing
(Hegel 1qz, Preface). That Hegel held Machiavelli in great esteemcan clearly be seen in
his writings concerning the German constitution, which he wrote in 1;q818o (Hegel
Cf., e.g., Althusser 1qqa, p. q; Althusser 1qqq, p. 18.
Althussers Aleatory Machiavelli +
follow Hegels advice and have the patience to wait for dusk, they cannot,
even then, present a clear and undisputed explanation for why the course
of events has been such as it has. Of course, in the Platonic and Aristotelian
tradition, philosophical systems have been constructed in which, for instance,
the essence of society or the natural order anddevelopment of things have been
specihcally dehned. Such systems are, however, not satished with presenting
what man can say based on the effective truth. It is also a matter of products
of the imagination, which are presented as ontological or moral postulates,
as Althusser argues in his critique of philosophy. In Solitude de Machiavel,
Machiavellis ultimate solitude is specihcally due to the rejection of such
imaginations and the effects of this:
This is perhaps the ultimate point in Machiavellis solitude: the fact that he
occupied a unique and precarious place in the history of political thought
betweena longmoralising, religious andidealist traditionof political thought
which he radically rejected, and the new tradition of the political philosophy
of natural law, which was to submerge everything and in which the rising
bourgeoisie found its self-image.
Machiavelli represents a radical rejection with regard to different ontological,
moral or other essentialist substantiations.
Even when Machiavelli observes
something other than his own case, his analyses are based on the notion of
representing things as they are in the effective truth:
That is why, in The Prince, Machiavelli offers us nothing but an empirical-
factual description, a conjunctural description in the full sense of the word,
of the really existing state of all the Italian principalities and republics . . . .
This is evident, for instance, in the much-quoted passage in Chapter 1 of The
But since my intention is to say something that will prove of practical use
to the inquirer, I have thought it proper to represent things as they are in
the real truth, rather than as they are imagined. Many have dreamed up
republics and principalities which have never in truth been known to exist;
Althusser 1qqoa, p. ; Althusser 1q88, p. ;.
Althusser 1qqa, pp. qq1oo.
Althusser 1qqa, p. 1oo.
+8 Chapter Four
the gulf between how one should live and how one does live is so wide that
a man who neglects what is actually done for what should be done moves
towards self-destruction rather than self-preservation. The fact is that a man
who wants to act virtuously in every way necessarily comes to grief among
so many who are not virtuous. Therefore, if a prince wants to maintain his
rule he must be prepared not to be virtuous, and to make use of this or not
according to need.
The above passage has often been interpreted from the point of view of the
modern Humean differentiation between is and ought, in which case it has
been argued that Machiavelli is not interested in how things ought to be but
in how they factually are.
The quote can also be interpreted differently:
Machiavelli is not interested in republics or principalities, which have never
in truth been known to exist, because man can have useful knowledge and
understanding only of what can be seen and experienced. Thus, when it comes
to existing republics and principalities for instance, Machiavellis own case
he is not at all interested in what man can only imagine.
Machiavelli 1qq, pp. 8q; Machiavelli zoo, p. 6.
A more recent example is Mansheld (1qq6, especially pp. z88o), who indeed
states that fact-value distinction cannot be found in Machiavellis texts. Nevertheless,
he also states that we do hnd a realism that was ancestor or parent of the fact-value
distinction in Machiavellis famous call, in Chapter 1 of The Prince, not to depart from
what is done for what ought to be done (Mansheld 1qq6, p. z8). Quentin Skinner
has, with good reason, noted that [t]hus the difference between Machiavelli and his
contemporaries cannot adequately be characterised as a difference between a moral
view of politics and a view of politics as divorced from morality. The essential contrast
is rather between two different moralities two rival and incompatible accounts of
what ought ultimately to be done (Skinner 1q;8, p. 1). Even though the critique
contained within Skinners thesis of the autonomy of politics is indeed well founded,
it nevertheless remains one-sided because he does not take into account the fact
that Machiavellis views have a reciprocal inuence on idealistic moral conceptions.
Machiavelli does not merely present a different moral conception; rather, he demystihes
different idealistic moral conceptions, as, for instance, when he studies Christian
morality from the point of view of the political use of power, that is, as a sub-factor
of the effective truth. In other words, he does not keep clear of traditional moral and
religious views but, rather, politicises them. The problems with Skinners interpretation
are ultimately due to the fact that his own notion of morality remains idealistic. For
Skinner, morality is a phenomenononthe level of consciousness. Inorder to understand
Machiavelli, however, one should pay attention to the practical and materialist nature
of his critique: he does not assess moral issues as problems on the level of consciousness
but instead pays attention to those material, social practices where moral doctrines are
produced and used.
Althussers Aleatory Machiavelli +
Even in his own case, Machiavelli does not want to speculate about hidden
causes and bases for the situation of the Apennine peninsula and its devel-
opment, but instead is satished with observing what can be seen and known
in the conjuncture as well as what can be achieved in light of such knowl-
edge. Even though the past, present and future of the whole peninsula would
be seen as, for instance, part of a great plan of Providence, or expressions of
the cunning of reason or the law of the development of history, such specula-
tions would not be of any practical use [cosa utile] to the person interested in
the strategies and projects through which he can affect the course of his own
Likewise, it is useless to try to imagine utopias. In the aleatory reality, noth-
ing guarantees that the ideals postulated and standardised in a utopia will
actually be realised. Unexpected encounters lead to necessities [which] force
people to act differently than they had intended, as Machiavelli writes in a
letter to his friend Francesco Vettori (I will return to this theme later).
This does not mean, however, that Machiavelli would not, in some other
sense, have been interested in such fantasies. He was interested, for instance, in
the visions and prophecies of Savonarola, but did not give any thought to their
truth value, but was simply curious to know how these sermons factually
inuenced the audience and how Savonarolas actions were positioned within
the Florentine political conjuncture.
Instead of writing about system building or world-views, Machiavelli dis-
cusses howit wouldbe possible, basedonthe factual conditions of the complex
conjuncture of the Apennine peninsula, to constitute an extensive and durable
state. According to Althusser, Machiavellis conclusions are to be found in the
form of si . . . alors (when . . . then):
When the Italian states are what they are, then . . . they cannot, and will
never be able to, achieve Italian unity.
The previously outlined bases for the aleatory can be summarised as fol-
Machiavelli 1q88, p. 16.
Cf., e.g., Machiavelli 1q88, pp. 8q.
Althusser 1qqa, p. 1oo.
+o Chapter Four
i.) From the point of view of the man of action, the aleatory is a most central
effective truth. According to this dehnition, the man of action cannot wait
for the dusk in order to make decisions, because such decisions would
already be too late.
ii.) Not even a philosopher can adopt Gods view of reality, because not even
post festumknowledge opens a clear viewof howthings have developedin
the way they have. In such philosophical systems or utopias, this is merely
a question of the imagination, yet these are still part of the effective truth.
The subjective interpretation nevertheless allows for the possibility that from
the point of view of the omniscient god, who is not party to human imper-
fection, the aleatory does not exist. Such an incomparable being can see and
understand the causes affecting all cases and can thus present awless and
objective explanations for them, as well as prophecies guaranteedto come true.
Althussers aleatory interpretation of Machiavelli is, however, not limited
to the subjective viewpoint, even though the previously cited opportunity to
reconstruct in principle a series of courses would lead one to think so.
previously suggested, the aleatory is not a consequence of ignorance and the
limited nature of the subjects consciousness, that is, subjective factors. The
aleatory is, at least to some extent, an objective property of reality itself. The
impossibilityof providingcomplete explanations is to be explainednot only by
actual subjective ignorance and the impossibility of reconstructions, but also
by the fact that reality itself is to some degree objectively aleatory.
But how can Althusser justify the objectivity of the aleatory if philosophers
are not able to verify objective world-views? And how should the term objec-
tive be understood in this case?
According to Althusser, Machiavelli reopens the Epicurean tradition in
politico-philosophical thinking. The starting point in this tradition is the mir-
acle of the clinamen, in which the deviation of the atom from its vertical tra-
jectory occurs by chance, without any reason.
However, already Cicero (1o6
sc) considered Epicuruss claim about random deviation of the atoms to be
a product of his imagination:
Althusser 1qqc, pp. 66; Althusser zoo6a, p. 1q.
Althusser 1qqc, p. 6; Althusser zoo6a, p. 1q1.
Althussers Aleatory Machiavelli ++
. . . he [Epicurus] introduced a hctitious notion: he said that atoms swerve by
a very little bit, indeed a minimal distance, and that in this way are produced
the mutual entanglements, linkages, and cohesions of the atoms as a result of
which the world and all parts of the world and everything in it are produced.
[ . . . ] The swerve itself is made up to suit his pleasure for he says that atoms
swerve without cause [ . . . ] and without a cause he tore from atoms that
straight downwardmotion which is natural to all heavy objects (as he himself
declared); andby so doing he didnot even achieve the goal he intendedwhen
he made up this ction.
Althusser, who if anyone has criticised philosophical systems and world-
views for being imaginary, does not agree with the critique that Cicero, and
later Marx in his doctoral thesis, made of Epicurius (and Lucretius), but sides
instead with the Epicurean viewpoint. Althusser explicitly states that, from
the viewpoint of aleatory materialism, the accomplished fact [fait accompli] or
result [rsultat] has no cause:
A result without a cause, a result that has no cause because it is aleatory,
is born of the aleatory (Epicurean) encounter between virt and fortune,
between virt and occasion. A philosophy of the result is in no sense a
philosophy of the effect as a fact brought about by [un fait accompli de] a
pre-existent cause or essence. Quite the contrary: it is a philosophy of the
aleatory the result of which is the factual expression, the given result of given
conditions that might well have been different.
The question is: does this mean that a lack of causes is not, in Althussers
opinion, mere fantasy but the objective property of reality?
One should note, however, that, in the above quote, Althusser does not
claim that the aleatory would mean that the result or fait accompli would
be due to some whim of chance or pure chance, that is, that the result
would be arbitrary. Instead, he argues, referring to Machiavelli, that, in the
aleatory encounter, the question is about an opportunity or occasion, or
the encounter of virt and fortuna.
The circumstances of the case, the
conditions in all their complexity, affect what can be done and how the
Cited in Epicurus 1qq, p. ;; my emphasis; cf. also pp. 8q.
Althusser 1qqa, p. 1o.
Althusser 1qqa pp. 1oo1; cf. Althusser 1qqc, p. ; Althusser zoo6a, p. 1;z.
+z Chapter Four
conjuncture conjuncts. An essential modiher in the above quote is indeed
factual [factuelle]. The Latin factum, from which it is derived, denotes an
action, case, fact or result of an action. A factual case is a result of various
acts and facts which in turn form the conditions for future acts and facts [cf.
conditions de fait, conscution de conditions de fait].
No existing cases and their development [conscution] can be determined
by a single specic original cause or essence. It is rather a matter of numerous
sums of facts and actions that are interlinked (articulated) in different ways.
The subfactors affecting a particular case are not part of the one and the same
(linear) cause-and-effect chain (and the general lawdescribing this); rather, the
case can be described as a kind of complex network of conditions and actions,
where the chains of innumerable causes and effects are linkedto one another in
different ways. The accomplished result is the factual expression [lexpression
factuelle] of its birth conditions.
Althusser also characterises this with the
Althusser 1qqa, p. 1o. This viewpoint can be compared to John Stuart Mills
interpretation of chance as presented in A System of Logic (18). In Book Three of that
work, he presents an objective interpretation of chance. This interpretation in turn
paved the way for those non-metaphysical interpretations of chance proposed at the
end of the nineteenth century and during the twentieth century, where chance refers to
the complex pluralism of causes. According to Mill, it is incorrect to state that some
individual phenomenon would occur by chance, that is, without it being the result
of some law of nature, because, according to him it is, however, certain, whatever
happens is the result of some law (Mill 1q1q, .XVII, z). In other words, chance is, even
in Mills opinion, not the opposite of an event that occurs due to some law. However,
Mill does not, basedonthis assumption of the existence of a law, abandon the idea of the
objectivity of chance but presents the following dehnition that preserves the ontological
status of chance: It is incorrect, then, to say that any phenomenon is produced by
chance; but we may say that two or more phenomena are conjoined by chance, that
they co-exist or succeed one another only by chance, that they are neither cause and
effect, nor effects of the same cause, nor effects of causes between which there subsists
any law of co-existence, nor even effects of the same collocation of primeval causes
(Mill 1q1q, . XVII, z). Chance is a matter of an event in which two phenomena, which
are causally independent from one another and the series of effects that these cause,
are conjoined with one another in certain circumstances without the conjunction being
based on any law that links them: Facts casually conjoined are separately the effects of
causes, andtherefore laws; but of different causes, andcauses not connectedby any law
(Mill 1q1q, .XVII, z). Thus chance refers to the fact that the conjoining of two or more
cause-series does not happen under the inuence of some general law that links these
two series, but rather chance is by nature a casual event which will not necessarily ever
be repeated. The event can in principle, however, be repeated if all the circumstances
were repeated (Mill 1q1q, .XVII, z; Mills emphasis). The fact that the conjoining
is never repeated is nevertheless, according to Mill, the condition for the casualness
of this event. As long as one cannot propose such a general law that would explain
an event that is repeated even very often, one cannot exclude chance. In deciding the
criteria for whether an event is casual or follows a law, it is thus insufhcient whether
Althussers Aleatory Machiavelli +
expression the absence of centre [labsence de centre]. The characterisation also
reminds us of a complex whole [un tout complexe] in his critique of Hegelian-
ism as well as the complex interactions between the elements characterised
by over- and underdetermination.
Because the degree of complexity in a case is great, subjectively both lucky
and unlucky encounters will occur within them that cannot be predicted or
explained by means of some general lawbecause such unique encounters have
not occurred before. Even though some constant factors could be dehned that
occur in different cases and in different points of time of a case, thus lessening
the degree of the subjective aleatory, it is impossible to take control, by means
of some general theory, of all those possible ways in which these constants
or general tendencies encounter each other in some particular case. Thus,
even though the understanding of a case becomes easier as different constants
the question is about a once-only conjunction, a conjunction that occurs a few times or
one that occurs repeatedly, but rather, in each case, one must separately assess what
kind of frequency of recurrence is sufhcient to nullify the assumption regarding the
casualness of the event. It is not possible to give any general answer to this question. The
assumption regarding the casualness of the event is fully nullihed only with a general
law that explains chance (one must note that Mill presents his interpretation of chance
in a chapter where he discusses the problems of induction. Just as it is never possible to
inductively reach full certainty, also the recurrence of the event does not prove that it
would not be a question of chance. Only a general law or theory, on the basis of which
the coming together of the series of causes can be explained deductively, sufhces as
a certain proof that excludes chance): We have to decide, therefore, what degree of
frequency in a coincidence chance will account for. And to this there can be no general
answer. We can only state the principle by which the answer must be determined: the
answer itself will be different in every different case (Mill 1q1q, p. 6). Thus Mill does
not claim that the casual nature of the event could be proved. The question is about
an assumption that is valid as long as any other general law indicates otherwise. Thus
the casualness of the case could indeed only be a delusion, one that is caused by the
fact that the human subject is not in possession of knowledge about any general law
that causes the encounter of the series of causes that have been considered separate.
According to Mill, such a possibility must always be taken into account in research.
On the other hand, Mill does not assume that it would always in principle be possible
to hnd a law that nullihes the apparent casualness behind all casual events. Thus Mill
does not exclude the possibility that some events would be genuinely or objectively
casual and that the question would not be about merely the ignorance of the observing
subject. Mill also does not claim that in order to explain events one should make use
of the cosmological viewpoint. Such a viewpoint cannot be the starting point for the
scientihc explanation of an event because it leads to the problems associated with the
metaphysical-cosmological perspectives that Hume had already described. The only
valid explanation has to be a scientihc law and theory, the criteria for which Mill
presents on the hundreds of pages of his book A System of Logic. (For Mills formulation
of the rules for analysing chance cf. pp. 6o).
+ Chapter Four
and tendencies are found and, indeed, it becomes possible to talk in general
about a case due to the unique character of these encounters, no case can
be considered as merely an example of a general case.
This means that the
Popperianidea of falsihcation, where cases test (by means of either falsihcation
Cf. Aristotles view on chance [tykhe] and spontaneity [automaton] presented in the
Physics and Metaphysics. In the Physics, Aristotles starting points are the contradictory
views (or even silence) of the ancient thinkers on the question of chance. They have
said, for instance, that living beings and plants have not come about by chance, but
rather that the reason for them is, for example, nature or reason itself. However, they
have also claimed that the order of the heavens and the most godly things have come
about by themselves, they have no such causes as lower matters have (Phys., 1q6a).
According to Aristotle, such a view is nonsensical: For besides the other absurdities of
the statement, it is the more absurd that people should make it when they see nothing
coming to be spontaneously in the heavens, but much happening by chance among
the things which as they say are not due to chance; whereas we should have expected
exactly the opposite (Phys., 1q6b1). According to Aristotle, chance and spontaneity
are linked, among other things, to human and other sublunary matters. In Chapter
Six of the second book of the Physics, Aristotle differentiates between chance and
spontaneity. In the previous chapter, he discusses the relationship between something
that happens in a certain way by chance and things which happen always or mostly in
the same way. According to him, it is obvious that the cause for the thing that always
happens (or that happens mostly in the same way) is not chance or that which happens
by chance. Apart from these, there are, however, other issues which all say are by
chance (Phys., 1q6b1o1). Aristotle does not despute this common belief but states
that it is plain that there is such a thing as chance and spontaneity (Phys., 1q6b1o1).
He at least preliminarily accepts the notion that chance is something that exists, and
thus it is not, at least not solely, basedonsubjective belief. Accordingto Aristotle, chance
[tykhe] is not possible other than in the case where people can act and who thus have the
ability to make choices: Chance and what results from chance are appropriate to agents
that are capable of good fortune and of moral action generally. Therefore necessarily
chance is in the same sphere of moral actions (Phys., 1q;b1). Chance is not possible
with, for instance, children because they are not able to set goals and act so as to fulhl
them. Chance is primarily linked with the goal-oriented actions of adults for whom
chance describes the unintended consequences of actions (the corresponding concept
of chance is indeed spontaneity [automaton]: if, for instance, a tripod by chance falls on
its feet, then the cause of the falling was not that it fell in order so that one could sit on
it, but in the act of falling it was a matter of spontaneity: We say, for example, that the
horse came spontaneously, because, though his coming saved him, he did not come
for the sake of safety. Again, the tripod fell of itself, because, though when it fell it
stood on its feet so as to serve for a seat, it did not fall for the sake of that [Phys., 1q;b1
18]). Aristotle takes as an example a man who is engaged in collecting subscriptions for
a feast (Phys., 1q6b). The man would have gone to a particular place for the purpose
of getting the money, if he had known, but in fact went there for another purpose, and
it was only incidentally that he got his money by going there. The man meeting people
who can make their payments was thus an unintended consequence of him going to
the place in question. The meeting and paying the subscriptions have taken place by
chance when one thinks of it in relation to the main objective of the man going to collect
subscriptions for a feast. If, on the other hand, the man in general or always was in the
habit of going to that same place to collect payments or would go there knowing that
Althussers Aleatory Machiavelli +
or verihcation) a general theory, cannot be applied to Machiavellis conception
of cases nor to Spinozas third kind of knowledge, namely, intuition:
All I wish to say here is that the most valuable thing I learnt from Spinoza
was the nature of the third level of knowledge, that of a singular and at
he would meet people who could pay, it would no longer be a case of chance. Aristotle
does not claim, however, that chance would not have preceding causes. The causes of
this unintended consequence are, however, undened. Aristotle indeed emphasises that
it is virtually necessary that the causes of things occurring by chance are undehned
or that the number of causes for which the debtor by chance arrived at the place in
question is innite and incalculable: It is necessary, no doubt, that the causes of what
comes to pass by chance be indehnite; . . . Things do, in a way, occur by chance, for
they occur incidentally and chance is an incidental cause. But strictly it is not the cause
without qualihcation of anything; . . . And the causes of the mans coming and getting
the money (when he did not come for the sake of it) are innumerable (Phys., 1q;a8z).
If the man going to that place would already know when going there that he would
meet people who could make payments for the subscriptions for the feast, then any
mention of the chance or accidental nature of the meeting would seem contradictory
(or perhaps it could have been part of the mans scheme to mask his real intentions
when collecting money). Thus the meaningful use of the concept of chance indeed
requires that it refers to the unintended or unforeseeable accidental consequences of
actions. Because of the indehnable nature of chance, it follows that it is the unstable,
unpredictable and uncertain dimension of human action: For chance is unstable, and
none of the things which result from it can be invariable or normal (Phys., 1q;az
). According to Mill, the chance nature of an event would not be nullihed even if
it is repeated often, unless, that is, the repetition can be explained by some general
law (see previous footnote). In this regard, Mills view differs from that of Aristotle,
according to whom recurring events do not occur by chance. Aristotle probably bases
his view on the notion that often-repeated occurences are not surprises, whereas it
is specihcally surprise that is typical for chance. Aristotle indeed refers, in regard to
chance, to good or bad luck (Phys. 1q;azo). Luck changes specihcally because it
refers to the unintended and surprising consequences of actions. Even though mans
actions are indeed based on choices and are goal-oriented, the consequences of the
actions are never necessarily in accordance with the intentions behind those choices.
What makes Machiavelli interesting is the very fact that he strives to understand and
discuss the problematics of an unstable fortuna (see below, .z.), whereas Aristotle states
in Book 6 of Metaphysics that there is no scientihc treatment of the accidental: This is
conhrmed by the fact that no science practical, productive or theoretical troubles
itself about it. For on the one hand he who produces a house does not produce all the
attributes that come into being along with the house; for these are innumerable: the
house that has been may quite well be pleasant for some people, hurtful to some and
useful to others, anddifferent to put it shortly fromall things that are; andthe science
of building does not aimat producing any of these attributes (Met. 1oz6bq). Aristotle
argues that change takes place according to four different kinds of cause; referred to
in Aristotle scholarship as material cause, formal cause, efcient cause, and nal cause. For
example, inthe building of a house, the material cause is the materials the house is made
of, the formal cause is the architects plan, the efhcient cause is the process of building
it and the hnal cause is to provide shelter and comfort. However, the four reasons for
someone building a house do not include the idea that the house will bring fortune or
misfortune to some of its inhabitants. These things are something that the house-builder
+6 Chapter Four
the same time universal case, of which Spinoza offers us a brilliant and
often misunderstood example in the singular history of a singular people,
the Jewish people (in the Tractatus Theologico-politicus). Given that my own
case is of this kind, like any medical, historical, or analytical case, this
means that it has to be recognized and treated as singular. The universality
of this singular case emerges not from a Popperian verihable-falsihable law,
but from the fact that certain constants are repeated, appear in every case,
and allow one to infer from them the theoretical and practical treatment
appropriate in other unique cases. Machiavelli and Marx work in exactly the
same way, with a logic that has gone almost unnoticed and which should be
The viewpoint of the Popperian system of verihcation and falsihcation is not
suitable for historical, medical or (psycho)analytical cases because they are not
really examples of an ideal case proposed by a theory. If a case occurs where
the general law does not apply a case where the events do not follow the
general laws proposed in the theory from a Popperian way of thinking this
would mean that either the general law has been falsihed or the case would
be an exception.
This, however, is not so: as Althusser proposed already in
his article, Contradiction and Overdetemination, all cases are exceptions.
There are no model cases or special cases differing from them because every
case is a special case and no case is a normal case.
Althusser nevertheless states in the above quote that the universal enables
the theoretical and practical study of the particular. Likewise, he proposed
in his self-criticism that the precondition for the concrete study of a concrete
object is a minimum of generality.
At this point, however, the general
(generality) does not refer to a general theory but to the fact that certain
cannot anticipate at least not fully when he plans and builds the house. Even though
the house indeed offers protection for its inhabitants, nothing can guarantee that all
the inhabitants will be happy. Such issues are due to causes other than the four that
inuence house building. Chance and the accidental remain, in other words, forever
undehned. According to the Aristotelian viewpoint, it is not possible to create such
a science for instance, the knowledge and skill of building a house which would
foresee chance and the accidental.
Althusser 1qqc, p. z1; Althusser 1qqza, pp. z; cf., Althusser 1qqc, p. z;
Althusser zoo6a, p. 1;q; and Althusser 1q;6b, p. 16.
On falsihcation, see, for example, Popper 1qq, pp. 11;.
Althusser 1q86, p. 1o; Althusser 1q;q, p. 1o.
Althusser 1q;6b, p. 11z, fn. 8.
Althussers Aleatory Machiavelli +
constants [constantes] are repeated from one case to another. If the case were
completely unique, it would have no connections to other cases, and to recognise
[reconnatre] it as a case would be obviously impossible.
In fact, the whole
idea of a case would remain vacuous. Recognition requires that the case
resembles, at least to some extent, other (previous) cases: that certain general
constants are repeated from one case to another, even though each particular
case for instance, the history of the Jews or of Russia does indeed contain
contingent and unique features that are neither repeated in other cases nor
repetitions of previous cases.
(In this sense, Althussers Machiavelli has
connections to Aristotle because he, too, required that there can only be a
theory of the general. There must be a certain amount of generality factors
that link one case to others, be it structurally, temporally or locally in order
for a case to be considered a case at all.)
The man of action and his case
In order to clarify the above explanation, one should note that virt is one of
the essential preconditions in the actions of a person. In the case of Machiavelli,
Althusser talks about the encounter [rencontre] of virt and fortuna.
If the
actor has virt, he can affect those circumstances that affect him. Fortuna is not
Though a physician would approach her patient as a unique individual, in whose
life the fracture of a bone in the hand becomes meaningful in a unique way, she must
nevertheless recognise the patient as a person with a fracture in order to be able to treat
the injury.
In Sur la philosophie Althusser dehnes the relationship between a law [loi] and a
constant [constante] as follows: But what transpires when it is not a question of objects
which repeat themselves indehnitely and on which experiments can be repeated and
rerun by the scientihc community from one end of the world to the other? (See Popper:
A scientihc experiment deserves the name when it can be indehnitely repeated under
the same experimental conditions.) Here the materialist philosopher-traveller, who
is attentive to singular cases, cannot state laws about them, since such cases are
singular/concrete/factual and are therefore not repeated, because they are unique.
What he can do, as has been shown by Lvi-Strauss in connection with the cosmic myths
of primitive societies, is to single out general constants among the encounters he has
observed, the variations of which are capable of accounting for the singularity of the
cases under consideration, and thus produce knowledge of the clinical sort as well as
ideological, political and social effects. Here we again hnd not the universality of laws
of the physical, mathematical or logical sort, but the generality of the constants which, by
their variation, enable us to apprehend what is true of such-and-such a case (Althusser
1qqb, pp. 66; Althusser zoo6a, p. z;8, Althussers emphasis).
Althusser 1qqa, p. 1oo; cf. Althusser 1qqa, pp. 8o and 1z6; Althusser 1qqq, pp.
and ;.
+8 Chapter Four
some mystical force that would inuence the life of the actor from the outside,
because the actor can, by means of his virt, have an inuence at least to some
degree on how his fortuna turns out. Unlike in astrology, the conjunctures
of the human world are, for Machiavelli, immanent, worldly conjunctures,
not conjunctures of heavenly bodies that would affect one system (e.g. the
worldly life) from the outside, that is, from another system. In other words,
the actor can, through his actions, affect the conjunctural conditions of his
actions, even though this inuence is based on those conditions. Althusser
does indeed argue that, in Machiavellis texts, a conjuncture and the fortuna
produced by it are not the mystical interpreters of events but, on the contrary,
matters which Machiavelli aims to demystify by explaining themlogically, that
is, by interpreting them from the viewpoint of the effective truth.
It is, of course, still possible to claim that the complex network of causes and
effects is an expression of some invisible or secret original cause or principle.
This unverihable belief is, however, of no practical use, at least not to the
one who has to act. In other words, the cosmological-metaphysical-theological
viewpoint of a case is unfruitful and passifying in its determinism, curtailing
possibilities for action, instead of activating situational analyses and action.
It is an irrefutable fact that, in any given situation, there are men of action,
some of whom succeed and some who do not. Even though Machiavelli was
indeed of the opinion that no ones success is guaranteed or eternal, on the
other hand a man of action can inuence it, at least to some extent. Success
is not in Gods hands, written in the stars or an innate gift, but a factual
opportunity that can be utilised or not. Besides, even if mans happiness or
unhappiness were indeed predestined already at the beginning of time or
written in the Big Book as Diderots Jacob the fatalist believed from the point
of view of the man of action, the issue does not become signicant for that
reason, or if it does it has factual detrimental effects on his actual ability to
But, even here, the philosopher can, from a cosmological, metaphysical or
theological point of view, argue that even the obstacles to the conditions for
success are ultimately or at least basically the expressions of some original cause,
law or principle. Likewise, the astrologer can claim that, ultimately, worldly
conjunctures are determined by heavenly conjunctures.
Althusser 1qqa, p. 8o; Althusser 1qqq, p. .
Althussers Aleatory Machiavelli +
Such arguments, however, are unfounded in the sense that those who
propose them cannot offer any valid justihcations for what kind of law or
principle they possibly would refer to. Such a law would have to be so general
that it could cover even the smallest encounters that occur in the course of
The arguments are unfounded also because, from the viewpoint of a man
of action, the cosmological-metaphysical-theological viewpoint is not only
useless but also often outright detrimental, as Machiavelli states, referring to
the religion of his time.
Even though the claims of a philosopher cannot be
proved wrong this is a matter of non-provable claims from the practical
viewpoint, they have no use, as David Hume argued.
Reecting now as to whence it came that in ancient times the people were more
devoted to liberty than in the present, I believe that it resulted from this, that men were
stronger in those days, which I believe to be attributable to the difference of education,
founded upon the difference of their religion and ours. For, as our religion teaches us
the truth and the true way of life, it causes us to attach less value to the honours and
possessions of this world. . . . Our religion, moreover, places the supreme happiness
in humility, lowliness, and a contempt for worldly objects, whilst the other, on the
contrary, places the supreme good in grandeur of soul, strength of body, and all such
other qualities as render men formidable; and if our religion claims of us fortitude of
soul, it is more to enable us to suffer than to achieve great deeds. These principles seem
to me to have made men feeble, andcausedthemto become an easy prey to evil-minded
men, who can control them more securely, seeing that the great body of men, for the
sake of gaining Paradise, are more disposed to endure injuries than to avenge them
(Machiavelli 1qq, II.z, pp. z;8; Machiavelli 1qo, II.z, pp. z8).
Hume 1q;, p. 1o. Though Hume indeed denies the objective status of chance,
also in his opinion searching for original causes leads to endless and thus useless spec-
ulation. In the beginning of Chapter 6 of An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding
Hume states: Though there be no such thing as Chance, in the world; our ignorance of
the real cause of any event has the same inuence on the understanding, and begets a
like species of belief or opinion (Hume 1q;, p. 6; Humes emphasis). According to
Hume, reality follows rules, but human understanding does not fully grasp this. This
ignorance leads either to talking about chance or inductive deductions about probabil-
ity: for example, the sun will rise again tomorrow because it has always done so. In
other words, based on the force of custom, man assumes that the future will be like the
past: Being determined by custom to transfer the past to the future, in all our infer-
ences; where the past has been entirely regular and uniform, we expect the event with
the greatest assurance, and leave no room for any contrary supposition (Hume 1q;,
p. 8). Chance enters the picture when something does not happen that usually hap-
pens or has always happened. But even then it is not a question about some irregu-
larity of nature or reality but that some secret causes, in the particular structure of
parts, have prevented the operation (Hume 1q;, p. 8). For example, a doctor who
notices that some medication or treatment that is usually effective does not cause the
desired result in a particular case does not deduce from this that the medication no
longer has its former properties, but assumes that some other factor in the patients
body has prevented this effect (Hume 1q;, pp. ;8). Particularly the latter example
+6o Chapter Four
This also means that one should reject the viewpoint of the aleatory based
on the subjective-objective dualism; the debate about the objectivity or sub-
jectivity of aleatoriness only leads to a vicious circle and fruitless polemics.
In order to open up and further develop Althussers aleatory interpretation
brings forth the question of complexity: man is a complex being, and consequently it is
impossible to say with certainty what the effect of some particular cause (in this case,
the medicine) in some particular illness would be. However, the doctor does not pre-
scribe the medication completely arbitrarily, but rather she can, based on her earlier
experience and diagnoses, make an assumption about what kind of medication and
in what dosage it must be given. Nothing, however, will guarantee with certainty the
effect of the medicine because the doctor cannot in her diagnosis hnd out all the effec-
tive causes in a particular illness. Hume also raises the often used example in discus-
sions about chance and probability of throwing a dice. The probability of some alter-
native ensues from the fact that there are several possibilities in its favour. If the same
number of dots were to be marked on four sides of a dice and an identical number
on the two remaining sides, the probability of the former would be greater than the
latter. With the example of the altered dice Hume wants to emphasise that, in human
life, one acts according to probabilities. Unlike in an ordinary game of dice, in human
life it is usually possible, based on earlier experience, to assume what consequences
particular events have. In the case of casting a dice, the occurrence of any number of
dots has equal probability, one in six, which enables one to talk about chance: it is a
matter of chance which of the six sides will show as a consequence of each throw: It
seems evident, that, when the mind looks forward to discover the event, which may
result from the throw of such a dye, it considers the turning up each particular side as
alike probable; and this is the very nature of chance, to render all the particular events,
comprehended in it, entirely equal (Hume 1q;, p. ;). In this example chance refers
to situations where no one alternative is more probable than another. One must note,
however, that in the above quote chance has been presented from the point of view of
human understanding (when the mind looks forward to discover the event). Chance
does not refer to the fact that the movement of the throw of the dice and the move-
ment of the dice on the table would be objectively arbitrary matters but that different
results of throwing are equally probable. Hume does not continue the discussion of
dice throwing any further than this. However, he would undoubtedly agree with the
view that the event of throwing the dice and its movements follow physical laws and
are therefore in that sense deterministic. The dice does not move arbitrarily but fol-
lows the laws of mechanics and dynamics (for more on this see, for instance, Ekeland
1q88, pp. 8q). Hume would certainly have approved of this point because it is in
agreement with the view he himself presented, according to which there is no chance
in nature and that its events follow laws, even though they sometimes seem arbitrary.
The meaningfulness of dice games is based specihcally on the fact that players cannot
in practice take into account in the throw of the dice all the factors and their interrela-
tions that inuence the event of throwing (Ekeland 1q88, pp. 6;8). As Ekeland states
in his discussion of Poincar, it would be possible to predict with certainty the result of
each throw of the dice if the thrower had at his disposal the knowledge of all the laws
and other effective factors that inuence the event and if he could every time throw
exactly in the same way. Achieving such knowledge and skill is, however, impossible
because it would require taking into account the state of the whole universe and all the
laws inuencing it (Ekeland 1q88, pp. 8 and 6;). Even though Hume does not give
ontological status to chance, this does not mean that it would not be meaningful to
Althussers Aleatory Machiavelli +6+
of Machiavelli, one must go beyond the subjective and objective aleatory. This
entails concentrating, in particular, on the position and viewpoint of the man
of action. In Machiavellis texts, this dehcient human position is not only a
negative matter (a matter of ignorance and so on), but also refers to such
speak of chance on a certain level. According to Hume, chance and the arbitrariness
of events are an essential part of human life and therefore of his science of man. The
reason for this is that the total denial of chance easily leads to a belief in cosmological-
metaphysical determinism, where all events eventually return to the ulterior cause,
the creator of the world. Particularly with regard to human life, the viewpoint of
metaphysical determinism is problematic because then all talk about human freedom
and responsibility becomes senseless: It may be said, for instance, that, if voluntary
actions be subjected to the same laws of necessity with the operations of matter, there
is a continued chain of necessary causes, pre-ordained and pre-determined, reaching
from the original cause of all to every single volition of every human creature. No con-
tingency anywhere in the universe; no indifference; no liberty. While we act, we are, at
the same time, acted upon. The ultimate Author of all our volitions is the Creator of
the world, who hrst bestowed motion on this immense machine, and placed all beings
in that particular position, whence every subsequent event, by an inevitable necessity,
must result. Human actions, therefore, either can have no moral turpitude at all, as
proceeding from so good a cause; or if they have any turpitude, they must involve
our Creator in the same guilt, while he is acknowledged to be their ultimate cause and
author (Hume 1q;, pp. qq1oo). In the above ironic comment Hume does not start
a debate about the rightfulness of such doctrines of necessity (Hume 1q;, p. qq),
but states that they lead to uncertain and eternal speculations about ulterior causes
and the ultimate nature of the universe. Despite their possibly intriguing philosophi-
cal nature, such musings are of no help or provide no consolation in everyday life or
in studying it. Even though from the philosophical-cosmological viewpoint it would
be possible to think that everything is right with regard to the WHOLE, and that the
qualities, which disturb society, are, in the main, as benehcial, and are as suitable to
the primary intention of nature as those which more directly promote its happiness
and welfare (Hume 1q;, p. 1oz, Humes emphasis), this does not console the per-
son who is robbed of a considerable sum (ibid.). Hume indeed ends Chapter 8 of An
Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding by stating that happy is she who gives up
the study of these noble mysteries, and leaves this held which is full of obscurities and
problems in order to return to her own held, the study of common life: The second
objection admits not of so easy and satisfactory an answer; nor is it possible to explain
distinctly, how the Deity can be the mediate cause of all the actions of men, without
being the author of sin and moral turpitude. These are mysteries, which mere natu-
ral and unassisted reason is very unht to handle; and whatever system she embraces,
she must hnd herself involved in inextricable difhculties, and even contradictions, at
every step which she takes with regard to such subjects. To reconcile the indifference
and contingency of human actions with prescience; or to defend absolute decrees, and
yet free the Deity from being an author of sin, has been found hitherto to exceed all the
power of philosophy. Happy, if she be thence sensible of her temerity, when she pries
into these sublime mysteries; and leaving a scene so full of obscurities and perplexi-
ties, return, with suitable modesty, to her true and proper province, the examination
of common life; where she will hnd difhculties enough to employ her enquiries, with-
out launching into so boundless an ocean of doubt, uncertainty, and contradiction!
(Hume 1q;, p. 1o). Althusser himself refers briey, but approvingly, to Hume, when
+6z Chapter Four
intellectual and functional positions and viewpoints that enable, for instance:
i) the critique of philosophical fantasies and utopias; ii) the transcendence of
the position of philosophical or cosmological systems; and iii) the assessment
and utilisation of the factual conditions and opportunities for acting within a
particular case.
... Beyond the aleatory of the subjective and objective
A good reason to detach oneself from the subjective-objective antagonism is
that, for Machiavelli, fortuna is not something transcendent affecting the life of
man from the outside (I will look at this issue in more detail in .z. and ..).
When looking at the effects of fortuna from his own subjective viewpoint, the
man of action does not look at some external system, but, instead, the case or
conjuncture in which he himself is a party and into which he conjuncts with his own
actions. This emphasises the difference in viewpoint between
i) Machiavellis aleatory fortuna andthe natural-scientihc analysis of chance;
ii) the historian that explains the events of the past (the fait accompli) and the
man of action who is turned towards the future.
i) When the natural scientist looks, for instance, at the movement of gas
molecules, he himself does not participate in that movement or at least he
aims to eliminate the inuence of both himself and the measuring instru-
ment from the research object. Even though he heats up the gaseous mixture
or changes its volume, the regularities or possible randomness which pre-
vails between the gas molecules is not due to the natural scientist studying
he states that the aleatory philosopher does not explain events with the help of some
Mind, Origin, Principle, or Cause, but instead carries out experiments and observes the
series of aleatory encounters: Of course, our philosopher can conduct experiments on
the consecutions [conscutions] of aleatory sequences that he has been able to observe,
and can (like Hume) work out laws of consecution, customary laws or constants, that
is, structured theoretical hgures. These experiments will lead him to deduce universal
laws for each type of experiment, depending on the type of entities that served as its
object: that is how the natural sciences proceed. Here, we again encounter the term and
function of universality (Althusser 1qqb, p. 6; Althusser zoo6a, p. z;8, Althussers
Althussers Aleatory Machiavelli +6
the movement. Every natural scientist does indeed attempt to maximise the
validity and reliability of the experimental set-up, despite the fact that it is
not necessarily guaranteed especially in quantum mechanics to succeed.
Likewise, the specic gaseous mixture which the natural scientist, interested in
chance, studies does not become meaningful for himas a unique and historical
gaseous mixture event but rather as a non- and over-historical example of how
the gas molecules move randomly in any mixture. What sort of randomness
there specihcally is in the studied mixture is not a meaningful question from
the point of view of the problematics of studying chance (unless the intention
is to compare the movement of molecules of different specimens in relation to
each other in order to hnd some law that explains chance).
In the case of the man of action, the situation is different. This is due to
the fact that he is and wants to be a party in the case he studies. Likewise, his
own case is for him uniquely historical, thus also shaping his own life and
future, whereas a natural scientihc experiment, on the other hand, must be
repeatable in different places at different times by different researchers. Unlike
the natural scientist, the man of action does not aim to minimise his own
inuence in the course of events but, on the contrary, to maximise it, or, at
least, to increase it. In other words, he is both the subject and the object of
his own case; both the cause and the effect. The better the man of action
can assess and control the course of events, the better he can act within his
own conjuncture (which sometimes, of course, can require passively standing
aside and leaving things as they are). This does not mean, however, that
the man of action would not try to take the aleatory (e.g. surprises) into
account in his situational analysis the knowledge and art of politics but
that he takes it into account by aiming to affect its degree of inuence, both
subjectively and objectively. His central concern is not the past tense what
has been done? or the generalised what has been done in general? or even
the futurological what in general must be done? but the personal and acute
what should I do right now? As already mentioned in the chapter The praxis
of The Prince (..), according to Althusser, such a political question was
for Machiavelli the most central question also when analysing the course of
events of the past and their solutions.
Assessed in this light, it is indeed not
Althusser 1qqa, p. q; Althusser 1qqq, p. 18.
+6 Chapter Four
surprising that the working title that Althusser gave to the material contained
in Le courant, What is to be done?, was a reference to Lenins text with that
If the man of action takes into account the subjectivity of the aleatory, it
means that he strives by means of his situational analyses to map out as far
possible the factual conditions and circumstances of the case and his actions. In
this endeavour, it is also useful for him to have knowledge of those constants
that are repeated in some form or other from one case to the next. In other
words, he attempts to lessen the degree of his subjective ignorance, or the
degree of subjective randomness. The man of action knows, however, that one
can never fully dispel ignorance. It is humanly impossible to ascertain all the
factors inuencing bothwithinandfromoutside the case, andthus to eliminate
all the surprises and their attendant risks, and be the sovereign master of the
case, the Kingdom of God on Earth. Even if the causes of the case are worldly,
the cases are too complex for godly tampering to succeed. The man of action
also knows that his own actions affect the course of events. Likewise, he knows
that his actions have unintended consequences, because they are conjoined
with other actors actions in the case and other conditions of the case. But,
because the man of action aims to inuence the case, he also aims to inuence
the course of events, avoiding unpleasant surprises and eliminating risks. He
cannot achieve perfection, but this does not prevent him from inuencing the
degree of the humanly objective aleatory, as well as i) specihcally inuencing his
own case and ii) generally inuencing the degree of its aleatoriness.
i) The man of action can adapt a case andconjuncture such that the unpleas-
ant surprises do not affect him, but rather, for instance, his competitors.
He can attempt to utilise the aleatory to his own beneht, to control it more
skilfully than the other actors inthe case. (As will become evident inChap-
ter ., some of the most interesting passages in Machiavellis texts deal
with how to arrange unpleasant surprises for ones opponents and how
to gain the most for oneself from them.)
ii) Because the man of action is able to adapt his conjuncture, he can also
inuence the degree of the aleatory. He can adapt the conditions of his
Cf. Matheron 1qq, pp. and ;.
Althussers Aleatory Machiavelli +6
conjuncture so that the events within it are not as arbitrary as they were
previously. Because it is possible to inuence the degree of the aleatory
through ones actions, then the aleatory must obviously be also something
other than subjective ignorance. In this sense, the aleatory is humanly
objective, even though, from the imaginary Gods point of view, the case
would be objectively non-aleatory.
The termhumanly objective comes fromGramsci, who states the following about
it: Does it seem that there can exist an extra-historical and extra-human objectivity?
But who is the judge of such objectivity? Who is able to put himself in this kind of
standpoint of the cosmos in itself and what could such a standpoint mean? It can indeed
be maintained that here we are dealing with a hangover of the concept of God, precisely
in its mystical conception of an unknown God. . . . Objective always means humanly
objective, which can be held to correspond exactly to historically subjective: in other
words, objective would mean universal subjective (Gramsci 1q;, pp. 1116; my
emphasis). With regard to the issue of aleatoriness, the above quote implies that it
is useless to debate whether aleatoriness is subjective or objective in the absolute
meaning that refers to Gods viewpoint or the objective onlooker. Instead, the
historical analysis of aleatoriness becomes meaningful. In this case, aleatoriness refers
to the historical conditions of each conjuncture, which, in their complexity, are difhcult
to perceive and on the basis of which the man of action must make decisions. These
conditions are the objective reality for the man of action, a reality that he can inuence
with his own acts and projects and thus change it. Gramsci indeed discusses, under
the heading Machiavelli, the concepts of prediction [previsione] and perspective
[prospettiva]: It is certain that prediction only means seeing the present and the past
clearly as movement. Seeing them clearly: in other words, accurately identifying the
fundamental andpermanent elements of the process. But it is absurdto think of a purely
objective prediction. Anybody who makes a prediction has in fact a programme for
whose victory he is working, and his prediction is precisely an element contributing to
that victory. This does not mean that prediction needalways be arbitrary andgratuitous
(or simply tendentious). Indeed one might say that only to the extent to which the
objective aspect of prediction is linked to a programme does it acquire its objectivity: 1.
because strong passions are necessary to sharpen the intellect and help make intuition
more penetrating; z. because reality is a product of the application of human will to the
society of things (the machine operators will applied to his machine); therefore if one
excludes all voluntarist elements, or if it is only other peoples wills whose intervention
one reckons as an objective element in the general interplay of forces, one mutilates
reality itself (Gramsci 1q;, pp. 181o11). It is important to emphasise that prediction
also involves an analysis of the past and present, as well as formulating a subsequent
political programme on the basis of it. In other words, the person undertaking an
analysis analyses that same situation, the historical, objective conditions he strives to
change for the better. According to Gramsci, it is generally thought that prediction
requires that reality be regular and follow laws such as natural scientihc laws. In
Gramscis opinion, however, such laws must not or, in fact, cannot be assumed. One
must ask how it is possible to inuence the historical reality, instead of speculating
about the absolute laws that possibly inuence it. For it is generally thought that
every act of prediction presupposes the determination of laws of regularity similar
to those of the natural sciences. But since these laws do not exist in the absolute (or
mechanical) sense that is imagined, no account is taken of the will of others, nor is its
application predicted. Consequently everything is built on an arbitrary hypothesis
+66 Chapter Four
In order to understand better the problematic of the aleatory in Althussers
interpretation of Machiavelli, it is indeed important to note that the differ-
ence between the subjective and the objective interpretation must not be
presented as a general differentiation, nor should it be assessed in absolute
terms, that is, from the hypothetical point of view of an omniscient god, but,
rather, fromthe human point of view. Then it would be possible to differentiate
between the humanly objective and the subjective aleatory. One talks about the
humanly objective aleatory whenit is a matter of complex cases that no rational
theory can explain (such a theory, and the laws it contains, can fail). Man can,
however, inuence albeit without any guarantee of success, and sometimes
even falling from the frying pan into the hre the degree of complexity of any
situation, both by increasing awareness of it decreasing the degree of the sub-
jective aleatory and by adapting the particular case so that it causes fewer sur-
prises decreasing the degree of the humanly objective aleatory. The almighty
god does not need to undertake such research and adaptations because, as a
perfect being, he knows perfectly all the laws that inuence eventhe most com-
plex situation, even though these would, from a human point of view, in their
aleatoriness, be cases completely beyond perfect control.
and not on reality (Gramsci 1q;, p. 1811). In the case of prediction it is not a question
of studying the conjuncture fromthe outside andunderstanding its development onthe
basis of presumed inuential laws. Prediction refers to the activity of change based on
the conditions and opportunities of the conjuncture, the results of which are humanly
objectively aleatory because the acting subject may succeed in inuencing how his
conjuncture turns out, even though he cannot with certainty completely succeed in his
It is undoubtedly possible that, from the point of the omniscient God, reality
is also aleatory; that is, from all viewpoints absolutely objectively aleatory. In such
a case, the idea then arises of a kind of pure coincidence, of something occurring
which is completely unanticipated. For such complete unanticipation to be possible,
in principle one should not even from the viewpoint of the omniscient God be
able to present sufcient reasons for the occurrence. The events would be absolutely
underdetermined. Even though God would indeed know completely the history of
the case and its present situation, he would not, based on these, be able to predict the
future, because, in this case, it would not be determined by the past and the present.
It is here that one could speak of absolute indeterminism. On the other hand, one can
see that relative indeterminism is linked to the fact that from the human viewpoint it
is impossible to present such an extensive theory (together with its laws) that takes
everything into account (in the universe) to such an extent that the future, with all
its encounters, could be known in advance (or even explained after the event). From
the point of view of absolute indeterminism, not even an omniscient God is capable of
giving an explanation. However, such an idea is, at least to some extent, in conict with
the dehnition of omniscience. On the other hand, such an idea refers to an innocent
Althussers Aleatory Machiavelli +6
ii) As opposed to the historian, the man of actions primary interest towards
the past and the analysis of history is not characterised by explaining or
understanding what has already happened (the fait accompli). As in the case of
the revolutionary leader Lenin (z..), the man of action carries out situational
analyses in order to devise strategies of action that would serve his projects,
as directed from the present towards the future. Unlike for the man of action,
for the historian, the particular case does not become meaningful, as either
a threat or opportunity, for his own personal future. Even if the historian were
to agree with the Althusserian viewpoint according to which history is
characterised by the primacy of the aleatory and not the primacy of necessity
the case he studies is irrevocably a fait accompli.
Andevenif the historiandoes
not mystify, for instance, the birth of a nation as the result of an irrefutable
teleological series of events, the actual events he studies are, nevertheless, a
locked past (though the interpretations of it will vary). For the man of action,
on the other hand, the aleatory becomes meaningful as both present and future
threats andopportunities, aiming to avert the former andtrusting andutilising
the latter. For him, his own case becomes meaningful as the playing held
of several promising and threatening opportunities of the present moment,
which open towards the future. The man of action is not a man of virt (a
virtuoso) because he is able to explain cleverly what has already occurred,
but rather because he manages better than others both to beneht from the
aleatory and, by means of his knowledge and skills, to control, thus getting by
in aleatory situations by anticipating surprises and even manipulating them
to the detriment of other less skilful actors.
The position of the man of action in relation to the historian is indeed both
enviable and daunting. The position is enviable because, unlike the histo-
rian, he himself has the opportunity to inuence the course of events.
occurrence and the existence of pure or absolutely objective chance. Unlike what
Petronius claimed, there really would be no reason for chance.
Even though the interpretations of the cases of the past vary, the case itself as a
case no matter how it is interpreted has ended. Instead, the interpretations of what
has taken place are conjoined as part of the conjunctures of the interpreters not the
people who lived through the case being studied. On the different interpretations of
history, as well as the relation between history andthe present, see Hill 1qq, pp. z;o8.
Of course, the historian can also aim to inuence the course of events, but, in this
case, the inuence is not directed at the case he is studying but at the conjuncture of the
present moment in which he presents his interpretation.
+68 Chapter Four
is indeed the central viewpoint of Althussers aleatory materialism, which
constitutes the real opportunities for political action that emerged already
in his analysis of the revolutionary leader Lenin. Lenin could inuence the
course of events in Russia in 1q1;, but nothing in that conjuncture guaran-
teed that the revolutionary activities of the Bolsheviks would succeed. On
the other hand, nothing absolutely prevented it from succeeding. The suc-
cess of the Bolsheviks was indeed an aleatory opportunity, the utilisation
of which required, in addition to apposite situational analysis, also timely
On the other hand, the position of the man of action is daunting because his
fortuna may, despite all his skilful actions, begin to decline, that is, if his actions
conjoin in the case such that there are unintended consequences that crush his
plans and ultimately destroy him. This is what happened to the most virt-
hlled Cesare Borgia, who, at the decisive moment, fell ill and lost his aleatory
opportunity to unite northern Italy under the hegemony of Romagna. On this
Althusser comments:
Machiavellis wish is simply that, in an atomized Italy, the encounter should
take place, and he is plainly obsessed with this Cesare, who, starting out with
nothing, made the Romagna a Kingdom, and, after taking Florence, would
have united all Northern Italy if he had not been stricken with fever in the
marshes of Ravenna at the critical moment, when he was heading, despite
Julius II, for Rome itself, to strip him of his ofhce.
Even though the man of action can inuence the course of events, he himself is
not the centre point of the events, the person who could perfectly control their
course. When proposing that the aleatory turns and opportunities of reality
create the possibilities for the birth of newkinds of human hgures, individuals,
conjunctures and states, Althusser does not forget the possibility that also a
catastrophe could occur. In this viewpoint, history does indeed present itself as
a game without beginning or end and as the unpredictable changes of fortune
in games, and which have no Sense [Sens] but which also does not lack sense
Althusser 1qqc, pp. ; Althusser zoo6a, p. 1;z.
Althussers Aleatory Machiavelli +6
This makes it all too clear that anyone who took it into his head to consider
these hgures, individuals, conjunctures or States of the world as either the
necessary result of given premises or the provisional anticipation of an End
would be mistaken, because he would be neglecting the fact (the Faktum)
that these provisional results are doubly provisional not only in that they
will be superseded, but also in that they might never have come about, or
might have come about only as the effect of a brief encounter, if they had
not arisen on the happy basis of a stroke of good Fortune which gave them
their chance to last to the elements over whose conjunction it so happens
(by chance) that this formhad to preside. This shows that we are not that we
do not live in Nothingness [le Nant], but that, although there is no Meaning
to history (an End which transcends it, from its origins to its term), there can
be meaning in history, since this meaning emerges from an encounter that
was real, and really felicitous or catastrophic, which is also a meaning.
However, human life is not completely meaningless, but rather the sense of
history is contained within those encounters which occur in human life and
which humans in their life produce and cause. For example, the birth of a
nation-state is not at all a teleological process expressing the Sense of history
but rather is, in its aleatoriness, a complex and contingent series of events,
though one that should not be explained afterwards as an expression of the
Sense. History must be understood as a process which, for people who have
lived in its different stages, has opened up and become meaningful through
their actions and on a horizon created by their actions, which with regard to
the future is open, yet in its openness, obscure. But this, however, does not
mean that there would not be any dominant senses such as, for instance,
hegemonic ideologies that would have an effect in a hxed state.
Althusser 1qqc, p. 6;; Althusser zoo6a, p. 1q; Althussers emphasis.
The previous quote (Althusser 1qqc, p. 6;; Althusser zoo6a, pp. 1q) contains
a critical reference to Sartres existentialism, namely, that in the development of his
theories in his hrst important work Ltre et le nant (Sartre 1q; cf., e.g., the chapter
The Problemof Nothingness, pp. 116) he does not take into account those historical
minds, such as dominant ideologies and structures, which actually inuence the lives
of individuals. Only two alternatives are left for Sartre as the basis of life: either an
absolute Mind (e.g. God) or an absolute mindlessness (e.g. nant). The latter forms the
starting point of Sartres existentialism, while the former refers to essentialism. With
this choice, Sartres existentialism becomes for the individual an abstract philosophy
based on the abstract juxtaposition of the individual and society, or ego and the other.
In his later works, such as his magnum opus Critique of Dialectical Reason (Sartre 1qq1
+o Chapter Four
Summarising the argument, Althussers aleatory interpretation of Machia-
velli opens up viewpoints in two directions: hrstly, Althussers critique offers
a means to subject to critique such philosophies of history and explanations of
the past in which past events (e.g. the emergence of nation states) are explained
teleologically or essentialistically, for instance, as expressions of the Sense
of History. Secondly, Althusser presents Machiavelli (as well as Lenin) as a
theoretician of praxis, from whose writings a view opens up onto the present
aleatory praxis of the man of action. Machiavelli and Lenin teach us how to
answer the question What is to be done?
Seen from this viewpoint, fatalism,
determinism or historical-philosophical approaches are not meaningful or
simply one of many possible future orientations. As Hume also proposed,
from a human point of view, and particularly that of a man of action, the
aleatory (chance in Hume) is part of the effective truth and, at the same time,
also the humanly objective reality which can be inuenced through ones
In his autobiography, Althusser offered a personal example of a virt-minded
man of action, Robert Dal, who during the Second World War was in the same
German prisoner-of-war camp in Schleswig as the young Althusser.
who had been chosen as the leader amongst the prisoners, was able to organ-
ise skilfully the conjuncture of the prison camp so that it produced the conse-
quences he wanted. Even though it could not be guaranteed that Dals organ-
isational work would succeed indeed, it carried great risks it demonstrated
that not even difhcult circumstances made effective action impossible. Even
though the prison camp placed severe conditions and limitations on Dals
actions, at the same time the conjuncture also offered opportunities for action.
The good fortuna of Dal and the other prisoners was not completely at the
mercy of the German guards, but, rather, the French could organise the con-
juncture of the camp so as to produce merciful effects.
[1q6o]), Sartre tries with the help of the theories of Marx and Freud to free himself from
such dualisms. As was stated earlier, Althusser shows that Sartre failed in this attempt
(see Althusser 1q;za, pp. 1qz, z6 and q8; Althusser 1q;6b, pp. , q61 and
q;q). For a discussion of Sartres subject-centredcritique of philosophy, cf. in particular
Haug 1qq1.
Matheron 1qq, pp. and ;.
Cf. Althusser 1qqc, Chapter 1o.
Althussers Aleatory Machiavelli ++
Not even the prison camp was characterised solely by imperatives and
necessities. The aleatory and the opportunities it provided had their place,
even in this conjuncture of extremely limited opportunities. From the view-
point of the Germans, the aleatory state of the conjuncture of the prison camp
was a threat: not even they could ever be sure that the situation would remain
under control the whole time, though this was, of course, their aim.
As will become clear in the next sections (.. and ), one can interpret the
praxis of the prince as a project to found an extensive and durable Italian state.
The goal of such a project was to reduce the aleatory nature of the Apennine
peninsula by means of the union between the prince and the people. This was
a historical solution to reduce the degree of the humanly objective aleatory of
the chaotic conjuncture of the Apennine peninsula.
.. The praxis of the prince: the project and strategy of the new prince
In Machiavel et nous, Althusser looks at the case of the new prince wishing
to found a state in Machiavellis case, an extensive and centralised Italian
state. The very aleatory situation of the Apennine peninsula indeed opened
up opportunities for the project of a new prince. On the other hand, in this
project it was a question of providing a political form for a peninsula in a
state of high aleatoriness.
In other words, the high degree of the aleatory in the conjuncture of the
peninsula opened up an opportunity for a project for change, the goal of
which was the reduction of that very same aleatory. Even though Althusser
highlights the aleatory characteristics of Machiavellis cases and the necessary
conditions for the action contained within them, he also suggests how the
aleatory could be controlled or tamed.
Unlike, for instance, the numerous
nobility [Grandi] of the city-states, Machiavelli himself did not take advantage
of the aleatory circumstances of the Apennine peninsula, but rather dehned
Althusser 1qqa, p. 1z8; Althusser 1qqq, pp. ;6.
In his autobiography (Althusser 1qqc, Chapter 1o) and war-camp prison diaries
and letters (Althusser 1qqzb) Althusser describes how he, at times still a practising
Catholic, became a prisoner of war in spring 1qo, and from January 1q1 until May
1q he was incarcerated as prisoner No ;o6;o in the camp Stalag XA in Schleswig in
northern Germany.
+z Chapter Four
them as a political problem. On the other hand, solving this problem required
the skilful utilisation of the aleatory nature of the conjunction. The aleatory
was, in other words, neither only good nor only bad, but both a threat andan
opportunity. Which of these is primary depends fromwhat or whose viewpoint
and in what kind of historical situation the aleatory is studied at any given time.
... Machiavelli and Polybius
In the second chapter of Machiavel et nous, Thorie et dispositif thorique chez
Machiavel [Theory and theoretical dispositive in Machiavelli], Althusser
puts forward two philosophical theses about Machiavellis view of history.
First thesis. The course of natural and human things is immutable: . . . The
world does not change.
Second thesis: . . . So everything is in continual, unstable motion, subject to
an unpredictable necessity. This necessity is represented by the mythical
conceptual hgure of Fortune.
The hrst thesis refers to the immutable constants (but not laws) of history, such
as the unreliability of humans or that man does not do good voluntarily. The
second thesis refers to the constant of the unpredictability of change and instability,
to the fact that both time and people change unpredictably. According to
Althusser, these two theses obviously contradict each other. At the same time,
they are extremely general, which is why he dehnes them as philosophical
theses. In order to solve the contradiction, one must present a third thesis,
which is the synthesis of the two:
Third thesis. . . . Machiavelli furnishes it [the solution] in the synthesis of the
immutable order of things with their continual change: in a cyclical theory of
history. This is presented at the beginning of The Discourses.
Cf. Machiavelli 1qo, I.z.
Althusser 1qqa, p. ;8; Althusser 1qqq, p. .
Althusser 1qqa, p. 8o; Althusser 1qqq, p. .
Machiavelli 1qo, I.z; Althusser 1qqa, p. 8o; Althusser 1qqq, p. ; Althussers
Althussers Aleatory Machiavelli +
The third thesis, referring to a Polybian cyclical theory of history, is a synthe-
sis of the hrst two theses, in which the eternal constants of change are encapsu-
lated, and which the variations in governments [variazioni de governi] follow:
This theory is taken directly fromPolybius. It is a theory of the necessary cycle
human history endlessly undergoes in passing fromone formof government
to another; a theory of the cycle, and no longer a typology of governments,
categorized under two rubrics: the good and the bad.
No form of government in history has been permanent, but rather they go
through a continuous circle of development and corruption. Machiavelli de-
scribed this in the second chapter of Book One of The Discourses. Althusser
justihably remarks:
By means of the third thesis on the cyclical character of history, Machiavelli
seems to have achieved, brought off, a synthesis, in the vulgar-Hegelian
sense, between the hrst thesis (immutable order) and the second (universal
Does this mean that Machiavelli has based his thesis (e.g. The Discourses) on
such a simple philosophy of history where the circle of forms of government
inevitably renews itself? If this were the case, then Machiavellis thinking
really would resemble the vulgar Hegelian thesis-antithesis-synthesis models
of the philosophy of history. Althusser remarks, however, that, even though
Machiavellis thesis resembles such models, something else must also be taken
into account:
It would appear that everything has been said: everything except the modality
of this theory in Machiavellis text; everything save the use Machiavelli
makes of this cyclical general theory, and the theoretical function he assigns
Though Machiavellis model resembles, in terms of its content and form, the
classic Polybian model, the way inwhichhe positions his model inhis writings
is new. Machiavelli does not settle for analysing howhistorical cases repeat the
Althusser 1qqa, pp. 8o1; Althusser 1qqq, p. 6; Althussers emphasis; translation
Althusser 1qqa, p. 8; Althusser 1qqq, pp. ;8.
Althusser 1qqa, p. 8; Althusser 1qqq, p. 8; Althussers emphasis.
+ Chapter Four
model. He studies how and under what conditions it would be possible in his
own case to be liberated from this circle of necessities. According to Althussers
interpretation, liberation requires two things:
i) one must create a form of government that differs qualitatively from all
known forms of government;
ii) one must move from the terrain of the philosophy of history to that of
political practice.
The former (i) creates a problemor sets a demand for the organiser of the state,
the political contextual intervention of the new prince; and the latter (ii), for
Machiavellis own textual political intervention.
i) Even the good, existing forms of government are not good enough for
Machiavelli as a model or ideal type because not a single one of these is (or
has been) durable.
One must create a durable form of government one that
endures the whims and surprises of fortuna. This means that it is no longer a
matter of the form of government [gouvernement] but qualitatively of a new
type, the State [tat]:
What, then, of what might be called Machiavellis fourth thesis, but I prefer
to call his position? This in turn constitutes a negation of the third thesis,
but a very peculiar negation, since it does not merely deny, but completely
displaces it. Therewith is conhrmed the idea that what interests Machiavelli
is (1) not the governments of the cycle, but a quite different government; (z)
not governments, but the duration of the state; and () not the cycle of endless
recurrence, but the wish to rely on it so as to escape it the will to be emancipated
from the immutable necessity of the endless cycle of the same revolutions in
order to create not a government that is going to degenerate to pave the way
for its successor, but a state that lasts.
Deliberating on the conditions for a newkind of state does not mean, however,
that Machiavelli is considering the kind of philosophical utopias that he
Althusser 1qqa, pp. 8; Althusser 1qqq, p. q; cf. Machiavelli 1qq, I.z., pp. qq
1oo; Machiavelli 1qo, I.z, p. 11.
Althusser 1qqa, pp. 8;8; Althusser 1qqq, p. 1; Althussers emphasis.
Althussers Aleatory Machiavelli +
himself, in Chapter 1 of The Prince, regards as alien to reality and therefore
useless. According to Althusser, Machiavelli does not propose a philosophical
or political utopia or an ideal image of a durable state, but simply studies
theoretically the conjunctural conditions for what, up to that point, had been
unthinkable and impossible to realise:
I would simply say that Machiavellis utopia is quite specihc, distinguished
fromevery other utopia by the following characteristic: it is not an ideological
utopia; nor is it for the most part a political utopia. It is a theoretical utopia, by
which we mean that it occurs, and produces its effects, in theory. Indeed, it
merges with Machiavellis endeavour to think the conditions of possibility
of an impossible task, to think the unthinkable. I deliberately say to think,
and not to imagine, dream, or hit upon ideal solutions.
ii) The fourth thesis (the durable state) that overturns or transcends the third
thesis (the eternal circle) is, according to Althusser, not a thesis in the meaning
of the three previous theses, but one by which Machiavelli takes a new kind
of position in the theoretical held, a change of terrain from that of utopias or
philosophies of history to that of reection on political practice.
This change
is evident in Machiavellis relationship to antiquity. His view of antiquity
is not the Renaissance-idealised philosophical antiquity or an antiquity of
enlightened political ideals, but, rather, the political practices of the men of
action of Sparta and Rome. Machiavelli does not look for moral virtue [vertu]
from antiquity but the real conditions of political power [puissance], that is,
Althusser 1qqa, p. 1o1; Althusser 1qqq, p. z; Althussers emphasis.
In Sur la philosphie, Althusser dehnes position as follows: . . . I want to emphasise
that what constitutes a philosophy is not its demonstrative discourse or its discourse of
legitimation. What dehnes it is its position (Greek thezis) on the philosophical battleheld
(Kants Kampfplatz): for or against such-and-such an existing philosophical position,
or support for a new philosophical position (Althusser 1qqb, p. ; Althusser zoo6a,
pp. z6;). In relation to the critique of theoreticism that Althusser presents in his self-
critique, this means that philosophical theses must be assessed not only within theory
but also within their theoretical and political context.
Expressing it in the terminology Althusser used during the 1q6os, Machiavelli
gives an interpretation of the theory of politics of the men of action of ancient times,
but it is theory present in their texts in a practical state. Even though Althusser lets
it be understood that Machiavellis theory of political practice is based on theoretical
reection, one can read between the lines that, in his eyes, Machiavellis theory of
political practice exists, at least partly, in a practical state.
+6 Chapter Four
He [Machiavelli] seeks not virtue [vertu], but virt, which has nothing moral
about it, for it exclusively designates the exceptional political ability and
intellectual power of the Prince. . . . Accordingly, the discrepancy that makes
it a utopia is a discrepancy not between the narrowness of the current socio-
political content and the necessary universal illusion of moral ideology, but
between a necessary political task and its conditions of realization, which
are possible and conceivable, and yet at the same time impossible and
inconceivable, because aleatory.
The substitution of vertu with virt means subjugating the moral virtues to
politics, and to their political study, as well as paying attention to the factual-
political effectiveness of moral virtues. In articulating such an effective truth,
Machiavelli was not guided by the philosophers of antiquity and their moral
theories, but rather by the repressed descriptions of the use and practices of
morality, justice and religion in the effective political truth found on the lines,
between the lines andbehindthe lines in a practical situation in the writings
of the men of action of antiquity.
Althusser 1qqa, p. 1oo; Althusser 1qqq, pp. 1z; Althussers emphasis.
FriedrichNietzsche states inTwilight of the Idols that Thucydidess ulterior motives
and Machiavellis The Prince offered him a realistic alternative to Platos idealistic
philosophy: Plato is boring. . . . I hnd him deviated so far from all the fundamental
instincts of the Hellenes, so morally infected, so much an antecedent Christian he
already has the concept good as the supreme concept that I shouldprefer to describe
the entire phenomenon Plato by the harsh term higher swindle or, if your prefer,
idealism, than by any other. . . . In the great fatality of Christianity, Plato is that
ambiguity and fascination called the ideal which made it possible for the nobler
natures of antiquity to misunderstand themselves and to step on the bridge which led
to the Cross . . . . And how much there still is of Plato in the concept Church, in
the structure, system, practice of the Church! My recreation, my preference, my cure
from all Platonism has always been Thucydides. Thucydides, and perhaps the Prince
of Machiavelli, are related to me closely by their unconditional will not to deceive
themselves and not to see reason in reality not in reason, still less in morality.
. . . For the deplorable embellishment of the Greeks with the colours of the ideal which
the classically educated youth carries away with him into life as the reward of his
grammar-school drilling there is no more radical cure than Thucydides. One must
turn him over line by line and read his hidden thoughts as clearly as his words: there
are few thinkers so rich in hidden thoughts. Sophist culture, by which I mean realist
culture, attains in him its perfect expression this invaluable movement in the midst
of the morality-and-ideal swindle of the Socratic schools which was then breaking
out everywhere. . . . Courage in face of reality ultimately distinguishes such natures as
Thucydides and Plato: Plato is a coward in face of reality consequently he ees into
the ideal; Thucydides has himself under control consequently he retains control over
things (Nietzsche 1qqo, pp. 11;18, Nietzsches emphasis).
Althussers Aleatory Machiavelli +
He [Machiavelli] declares that his own antiquity is precisely the one sacri-
hced, forgotten, repressed: the antiquity of politics. Not the antiquity of philo-
sophical theories of politics, but that of the concrete history and practice
of politics. This is the antiquity he rescues from oblivion with passion, in
denouncing the ideological contradiction of his time. Celebrated in the guise
of hne art and literature, practiced in jurisprudence and medicine, antiquity
is spurned in politics.
That Machiavelli positioned himself in the terrain of political practice is evi-
dent, according to Althusser, in the hrst twelve chapters of The Prince, not only
in the examples Machiavelli chooses from antiquity but also in the examples
from his own time. His formulation of the problem always ultimately arose
from the existing Italian conjuncture.
Formulating the conditions for the founding of a durable state is a task
that Machiavelli lets the new prince decide about, even when his explicit
object of study is antiquity. In other words, Machiavelli studies in the writings
from antiquity the problematics of founding and sustaining a state in order
to formulate theoretically the conditions for the political practice of the new
prince. Fromthis follows that, according to Althusser, inthe case of Machiavelli
the general serves the specihc. Althussers thought is noteworthy from the
point of viewof assessing the importance of Machiavelli transcending his own
time: that is, he teaches his readers to position themselves within their own
specihc situation, rather than presenting them with general laws or rules
of political practice, as is often thought to be the case with Machiavelli. As
mentioned earlier, in Althussers opinion, Gramsci was the only one to realise
Machiavellis importance as something other than a modern political scientist
or a politician in general.
Althusser 1qqa, pp. qz; Althusser 1qqq, pp. 6; Althussers emphasis.
Althusser 1qqa, pp. 1zo1; Althusser 1qqq, p. 6q.
Althusser 1qqa, pp. ;; and 1zo1; Althusser 1qqq, pp. and 6q; cf. Gramsci 1q;,
pp. 1;z.
+8 Chapter Four
... The conditions for the political project and strategy of the new prince
In a two-page note he wrote in 1q86 titled Portrait du philosophe mat-
Althusser refers to the unknown, perhaps even outlaw, hero of
American Westerns typical of the popular culture of his own era, someone who
jumps on to a moving train without knowing whence it comes or where it is
going, then gets off at a small station and heads for the saloon to quench his
Saloon, beer, whiskey. Where dya hail from, bud? From a long way off.
Where ya headed? Dunno! Might have some work for ya. Okay.
The hero in the Westerns is the hgure of an aleatory materialist, who does not
knowthe beginning or goal of his long journey.
He is, nevertheless, a positive
Althusser 1qqc, pp. 81z; Althusser zoo6a, p. zqo; cf. Althusser 1qqb, pp. 6.
Referring to trains, Althusser presents the following dehnition of the materialist
philosopher. I thought about my account of the materialist philosopher, who jumps
on a moving train without knowing where it has come from or where it is going
(Althusser 1qqza, p. 1;q; Althusser 1qqc, p. 18;). A similar characterisation can also
be found in Sur la philosophie: The materialist philosopher . . . is a man who always
catches a moving train, like a hero of an American Western. A train passes by in front
of him: he can let it pass and nothing will happen between him and the train; but he
can also catch it as it moves. The philosopher knows neither Origin nor First Principle
nor destination. He boards the moving train and settles into an available seat or strolls
through the carriages, chatting with the travellers. He witnesses, without having been
able to predict it, everything that occurs in an unforeseen, aleatory way, gathering an
inhnite amount of information and making an inhnite number of observations, as much
of the train itself as of the passengers and the countryside which, through the window,
he sees strolling by. In short, he records sequences of aleatory encounters, not, like the
idealist philosopher, orderedsuccessions deducedfroman Originthat is the foundation
of all Meaning, or from an absolute First Principle or Cause (Althusser 1qqb, pp. 6
; Althusser zoo6a, pp. z;;8, Althussers emphasis). Furthermore, with regard to the
relation between the idealist and the materialist: . . . an idealist is a man who knows
where he is going because the train is taking him there. The materialist, on the other
hand, is a man who gets on to a moving train without knowing either where it is coming
fromor where it is going (Althusser 1qqza, p. z1o; Althusser 1qqc, p. z1;; cf. Althusser
1qqc, p. 61; Althusser zoo6a, p. 188). In connection with the quoted passage, Althusser
refers to the idea presented by Dietzgen and made known by Heidegger, according to
which philosophy is der Holzweg der Holzwege [the way of the ways], in Althussers
own estimation the way of ways which led nowhere (Althusser 1qqza, pp. z1o11;
Althusser 1qqc, pp. z1;18; cf. Althusser 1q;zc, pp. 11 and ; Althusser 1q;1,
pp. 6 and 6).
Althussers Aleatory Machiavelli +
hero, not a villain, even if the hero is an outlaw. In the town he gains the trust
of the people, reluctantly fastens the sheriffs badge on his chest, presents his
own unique interpretation of the law, curbs the villains and schemers who
have terrorised the town, returns order for the time being and then disappears
into the sunset of the desert without knowing how long his good fortune
will continue or whether he will soon be killed by a bullet or arrow in some
Nobody or nothing forces the hero to jump on to that particular train nor to
get off at that particular station, nor to take on the job of the sheriff. The hero is
not a cavalry ofhcer who merely obeys the orders of his superiors, nor is he a
city dweller or someone representing the federal state, as perhaps the previous
sheriff was, but who was unable to fulhll his legal duties.
Similarly, the new prince represents, for Althusser, a kind of aleatory West-
ern hero: we do not know who he is, where he comes from and where he
is going. Even though Machiavelli, in several instances, refers to the new
who would return the virt of the Italians, expel the barbarians and
unite the atomistic and restless peninsula, he does not specify where the new
prince comes from, who he is or what his strategy and projects specihcally
would entail: he is alone and nameless but also free of ties, he comes from
nowhere and proceeds into the unknown.
What is most astonishing in Machiavelli, in the theory that he made of this
new prince before founding a new principality, is that this new man is a man
of nothing, without past, without titles or burdens, an anonymous man, alone
and naked (that is, in fact free, without determination again the solitude,
hrst of Machiavelli, next of his prince that bears down on him and could
impede the free exercise of his virt). Not only is he like a naked man, but
Cf. e.g. Machiavelli zoo, Chapter z6.
The solitude of Machiavelli also refers to the fact that Machiavelli presented
his thoughts without knowing what their effect would be or what kind of historical
processes they would be linked to (cf. De Sanctis 1q;q, p. ;8). When he calls for a
unihed Italy one must note that this state did not open up before himas a nation-state,
which in the following centuries evolved and received its ideological justihcation. In
other words, if Machiavellis prince did not understand the nature of the project which
Machiavelli was trying to persuade himto follow, thenalso the possible future character
of this project was not clear even for Machiavelli himself.
+8o Chapter Four
he hnds himself intervening in one place as anonymous and as stripped of
every outstanding social and political determination, which could impede
his action.
Most essential is that the new prince is alone: nothing dehnes in advance his
course of action, and past generations of rulers do not weigh heavily on his
He cannot be committed, either ideologically (cf. Chapter ..,
The praxis of The Prince) or materialistically, to existing powers and their
laws. Not a single one of these, not even the powerful Catholic Church, was,
in Machiavellis opinion, the one to unite Italy. On the contrary, particularly
the Church was signihcantly to blame for the high degree of aleatoriness on
the peninsula. The Church was powerful enough to prevent the unihcation of
Italy but, on the other hand, too weak to unite it.
The existing powers and theories such as the existing rulers and theories
of government are unsuitable as models for the project of the new prince,
because the forms of organisationandthe ways of thinking they express, which
stem from antiquity and the Middle Ages, are inadequate in the practical and
theoretical foundation of the project.
The project requires questioning and
transcending existing boundaries, and a way of thinking that goes beyond
what has been considered possible up to that point:
Machiavellis insistence on referring to a New Prince and a New Principality
is located in this extreme position, where he is condemned to thinking the
possible at the boundary of the impossible.
And furthermore, referring to Chapter 6 of The Prince:
To aim at a much higher point: for Machiavelli, this is explicitly to emulate
the greatest examples in history Moses, Cyrus, Romulus, Theseus, and so
on. But to aim at a much higher point has a further sense, not spelt out but
Althusser 1qqa, pp. q1z; Althussers emphasis; Althusser 1qq;, pp. 11.
The title of Chapter q of Book Three of The Discourses is To found a newrepublic, or
to reform entirely the old institutions of an existing one, must be the work of one man
only [Come egli necessario essere solo a volere ordinare una republica di nuovo, o al tutto fuor
degli antichi suoi ordini riformarla].
Machiavelli 1qq, I.1z, pp. 1o1; Machiavelli 1qo, I.1z, p. 11; cf. Machiavelli 1qq,
I, p. 11 and p. z.
Althusser 1qqa, pp. 1zz; Althusser 1qqq, p. ;1.
Althusser 1qqa, p. 1o; Althusser 1qqq, p. 6.
Althussers Aleatory Machiavelli +8+
practised, by Machiavelli: to aim at a much higher point = to aim beyond what
exists, so as to attain a goal that does not exist but must exist = to aim above all
existing principalities, beyond their limits.
The highly aleatory situation of the Apennine peninsula also meant that there
was an existing political vacuum [vide politique]
a free space of movement
and action that the new prince had the opportunity to hll. This vacuum,
however, was not equivalent to some ready laid table where the new prince
could simply take the masters seat: the conditions for the success of the project
did indeed exist in the conjunction of the peninsula, but these conditions could
not as suchguarantee the success of the project. Eventhough there were indeed
atoms inthe conjuncture, fromwhichit wouldhave beenpossible to take hold
of the new state, they did not contain the telos of hxation. Among these atoms
were the different dialects of the Italian language, but this did not include any
eternal idea about a national Italian written or general language that would
unite the Italians.
The project of the new prince was neither an impossibility nor an inevitable
success story but an aleatory possibility. In order to realise it, it is necessary to
create the conditions for a swerve, and thus an encounter, if Italian unity was to
take hold [Il faut crer les conditions dune dviation et donc dune rencontre
pour que prenne lunit italienne].
Later, unlike the heirs of the national state ideological apparatuses, Machi-
avelli livedand wrote in a historical situation where a national state or national
written language did not yet exist, not to mention that these would have had
a hegemonic position that would have been taken for granted ideologically.
Machiavelli himself could not know what his political utopia would mean
when implemented. The expansive regional states that had already been cre-
ated in Spain, France and even England during Machiavellis time were not
national states in the democratic and/or nationalistic meaning of the word, as
later dehned in discourses where, for instance, language played an essential
Althusser 1qqa, p. 1z; Althusser 1qqq, p. ;; Althussers emphasis.
Althusser 1qqa, p. 1o; Althusser 1qqq, p. .
Cf. Althusser 1qqoa, p. q; Althusser 1q88, p. ;8.
Althusser 1qqc, p. ; Althusser zoo6a, p. 1;1; Althussers emphasis.
+8z Chapter Four
A united Italy was a practical possibility and a political necessity which
could be realised or not, or simply postponed. The implementation depended
on whether a new prince would arise from some unknown corner of the
peninsula, one with enough virt and forza in order to carry the project
through. Such an opportunity had already opened up for Cesare Borgia.
However, due to unfortunate encounters, his good fortuna had turned bad and
his project failed.
Instead of some law of development of history, as expressed by some
conjuncture of the Apennine peninsula, guaranteeing the success of the project
of the newprince the newprince himself would, inHegelianterms, be merely
a case of dotting the i it was the lack of such protection from the law of
history or the historical-philosophical obedience of the lawthat offeredhimthe
aleatory opportunity to take his project to a successful conclusion. According
to Althusser, the virt of the new prince is the subjective element in taking
hold of the project of the state, and which must be htted together with the
objective circumstances of the conjuncture of the Apennine peninsula:
. . . dehning this adventure, is to assume the form of a favourable encount-
er between two terms: on the one hand, the objective conditions of the
conjuncture X of an unspecihed region fortuna and on the other, the
subjective conditions of an equally indeterminate individual Y virt.
On the one hand, the conjuncture of the Apennine peninsula offered the new
prince the opportunity to use his virt, and, on the other hand, the criteria for
the assessment of the use of virt was a question of to what extent the new
prince could actively shape the conjuncture in the direction he desired:
What, then, is in question here? It is a question of constituting a factual
conjuncture (to begin with, obviously, in the form of a plan, that is, a strategy,
and later in reality) making it possible to realize, with the felicitous aid of
fortune or occasion, an aleatory conjuncture making possible the historical
realisation of Italian national unity.
The Italy of the quattrocento and cinquecento was like an Epicurean vacuum in
which the atomistic city-states, with their atomistic elements (e.g. dialects), fell
Althusser 1qqa, p. 1z6; Althusser 1qqq, p. ;; Althussers emphasis.
Althusser 1qqa, p. 1o1; Althussers emphasis. One interesting meaning of the verb
constituer in this context is to form a whole from parts.
Althussers Aleatory Machiavelli +8
without colliding with one another and without joining together. According
to Epicurus, deviation from and taking hold of the world occurred without
any reason. Applied to the project of the new prince, this means that nothing
necessarily prevents or guarantees the unihcation of Italy into a durable
national state. In Lucretiuss book About the Universe, the existing world is
not the only possible world: some other world could have been taken hold
of or could take hold of itself in the future. In the same way, Italy was not
the inevitable consequence of its atoms but only one possibility which could
be realised if a new prince arises from some previously unnamed place, and
who can use the opportunity of unihcation to his advantage. This, of course,
requires the taking hold of existing atoms in this sense, the state does not
arise arbitrarily but these atoms also do not necessarily organise themselves
into an extensive and unihed state; rather, such taking hold requires virt that
carries out this task of organisation the binding of the city-state atoms into a
nation-state, the organisation of the general popular dissatisfaction into the
articulation of a collective will, and so forth. The new prince shapes these
factual conditions for his action so that the conditions of the deviation and
taking hold of the atoms are realised.
... The lawless hero
Like the outlawhero of the Western, the newprince is committed and commits
others. But he does this willingly. No existing power or historical mission
or commission can dehne his actions: Hobbes will say: freedom is an empty
space without obstacle.
In Chapters and of Machiavel et nous, Althusser analyses the means
[moyens] by which the new prince takes hold of or hxes the aleatory con-
juncture. This occurs through the interplay between virt and fortuna.
good fortuna of the project of the new prince requires that he can, by means
of his virt, shape the conditions of the conjuncture of the Apennine penin-
sula so that also the objective dimension of fortuna promotes the favourable
development of his subjective fortuna. In practice, this means lowering the
Cf.: It was necessary to create the conditions for a swerve, and thus an encounter, if
Italian unity was to take hold (Althusser 1qqc, p. ; Althusser zoo6a, p. 1;1).
Althusser 1qqa, p. qz; Althusser 1qq;, pp. 11.
Althusser 1qqa, p. 1z8; Althusser 1qqq, p. ;.
+8 Chapter Four
high degree of aleatoriness of the conjuncture, which in turn means bringing
the constituent components expressed by the fortuna of the Apennine penin-
sula into a durable political form:
The peculiarity of virt is to master fortuna, even when it is favourable, and
to transform the instant of fortuna into political duration, the matter of fortuna
into political form, and thus to structure the material of the favourable local
conjuncture politically by laying the foundations of the new state that is to
say, by rooting itself (we know how) in the people, in order to endure and
expand, while remaining ever mindful of future power (The Prince VII, z8)
and aiming high to reach far.
The key terms in the above quote are political duration [dure politique], to
politically structure [structurer politiquement], foundations of the new state
[fondements du nouvel tat] and rooting itself within the people [senracinant
dans le peuple]. If the new prince is not bound by the existing forces, he himself
must articulate them into a new whole. As long as the project of the new
prince is at the mercy of unstable aleatory factors, it cannot take hold of or
hx its terrain and become enrooted. To borrow Gramscis terminology, the
project must transform from a cyclical movement to an organic movement,
the duration [dure] of which does not depend merely on aleatory encounters.
Even though the new prince is alone at the beginning of his project, he
must, during its course, achieve the respect, trust and friendship of the people;
he must become a popular ideological hgure who transcends the limits of
his individual persona.
The prince must be able to move from the stage of
solitude on the individual level to the collective institutional stage:
We are at the point where he reaches a decisive conclusion, distinguishing
two moments in the constitution of a state. (1) The hrst moment is that of
the absolute beginning, which is necessarily the deed of one man alone, a
single individual. But this moment is itself unstable, for ultimately it can as
readily tip over into tyranny as into an authentic state. Whence (z) the second
moment, that of duration, which can be ensured only by a double process: the
Althusser 1qqa, p. 1z8; Althusser 1qqq, p. ;; Althussers emphasis and reference.
Althusser 1qqa, pp. q. On the concept of the people in the Florentine context,
and especially that of Machiavelli, see Section .6.1.
Althussers Aleatory Machiavelli +8
settlement of laws and emergence from solitude that is to say, the end of
the absolute power of a single individual.
According to Althusser, it is indeed a mistake to think that Machiavelli would
talk in The Discourses about something else than in The Prince, because Machi-
avellis position is the same in both works, that is, he analyses the same prob-
lem, the conditions of the foundation of a durable state.
The difference
between the books, according to Althusser, is that the focal point of the analy-
ses in The Prince is the hrst moment of solitude, whereas, in The Discourses, the
analysis concentrates on the second moment, enrooting and duration. Here,
Althusser refers to Savonarola, as merely an unarmed prophet in Machi-
avellis texts,
who could indeed inuence people,
but who did not have
the power (the means) by which he could factually inuence the Florentine-
Italian conjuncture, and in this way verify his predictions with this own
armed forces. Giving form [prendre la forme] to the project of the new prince
does indeed require both force [la force], fraud [la ruse] and laws [les lois].
Mere cunning does not sufhce for the prince to realize a popular politics:
This state, of which Machiavelli says somewhere that it is a machine, can,
at hrst sight, be divided into three elements: at one extreme, the apparatus
of force, represented by the army, at the other, the apparatus of consent,
representedby religion andthe entire systemof ideas that the people forms of
Althusser 1qqa, p. 11; Althusser 1qqq, pp. 6; Althussers emphasis.
Althusser 1qqa, p. 11;; Althusser 1qqq, p. 66.
Cf. e.g. Machiavelli 1qq, Chapter ;, p. 1q; Machiavelli zoo, Chapter ;, p. z.
Althusser 1qqa, p. 16; Althusser 1qqq, p. 8. Gramsci states that the legislator
must transcend the limits of the individual persona and become a collective will, and
utilise the historical circumstances in his actions. If the legislator, the individual, does
not take into account the collective will and, furthermore, try to organise and reinforce
it, he will be, like Savonarola, only an unarmed prophet: 1) that the individual
legislator . . . cannot ever undertake arbitrary, anti-historical actions, because his act
of initiative, once undertaken, acts like a force on its own inthe determinate social circle,
provoking actions and reactions that are intrinsic to this circle beyond apart fromthe act
in itself; z) that every legislative act, or of directive and normative will, must also and
especially be objectively evaluated for the effective consequences that it could have; )
that every legislator canonly be consideredas anindividual abstractly andfor linguistic
convenience, because in reality he expresses a determinate collective will that wants to
make its will, which is will only because the collective wants to give it efhcacy; )
that thus every individual that refuses a collective will and doesnt seek to create it,
to encourage it, to extend it, to strengthen it, to organise it, is simply an unarmed
prophet, a vanishing ame (Gramsci 1q;, p. 166).
Althusser 1qqa, p. 11; Althusser 1qqq, p. q.
Althusser 1qqa, p. 1; Althusser 1qqq, p. 8z.
+86 Chapter Four
the Prince; and between the two, the politico-juridical apparatus represented
by the systemof laws, the provisional outcome and institutional framework
of the struggle between social classes.
Though consent and weapons are indeed the extreme ends of the political
practice of the new prince, for Machiavelli they are not antagonistic opposites,
because, also in military issues, he gave the dominant position to politics.
Althusser indeed agrees with Gramscis assessment that Machiavelli was the
hrst to realise the primacy of politics in military affairs, including questions
concerning the technology of warfare. When Machiavelli criticises on several
occasions in the both The Discourses and The Art of War the use of fortresses in
warfare, the question is not only of a technical critique, but also of highlight-
ing a serious political mistake. Machiavelli argues that fortresses are problem-
atic in relation to both ones own subjects and the enemy.
Fortresses not only
provoke the enemy but also make the ruler more eager and less hesitant to
oppress the people, because he can always, when necessary, ee to the shelter
of the fortress.
This shows that the army is not only a war machine but also
the most important state apparatus.
The political is primary in relation to the military, but on the other
hand this political-military or political apparatus of violence is at the
same time also the most central state apparatus in the becoming of the people
According to Althusser, this does not mean that Machiavelli
wanted a tyranny, where guns, crude power and violence would guarantee the
position of the ruler.
This would have been the case if force and consent were
completely different matters. Instead, laws and ideology just like the army
are, in Machiavellis vision, the expressions of the princes one and the same
popular politics:
Althusser 1qqa, p. 1; Althusser 1qqq, p. 8z; Althussers emphasis.
Althusser 1qqa, p. 1;; Althusser 1qqq, p. 8.
Cf. e.g. Machiavelli 1qo, II.z.
Althusser also criticises the PCF party leadershipfor suchentrenchment (Althusser
1q;8a, p. 11q).
Althusser 1qqa, p. 1;; Althusser 1qqq, p. 8.
Althusser 1qqa, p. 16o; Althusser 1qqq, p. 1oz.
Machiavelli states directly in the title of Chapter 1o of Book I of The Discourses: In
proportion as the founders of a republic or monarchy are entitled to praise, so do the
founders of a tyranny deserve execration [quanto sono laudabili i fondatori duna republica
o duno regno, tanto quelli duna tirannide sono vituperabili] (Machiavelli 1qo, I.1o, p. 11).
Althussers Aleatory Machiavelli +8
The upshot is that armed force is simply the realization of politics in the
region of the state that employs violence. Now, the same politics is realized
in laws and ideology. The force/consent, army/ideology, duality is thus not
an antagonistic one . . .
In the project for the new prince, the army positions itself as the princes
ideological apparatus, which not only goes to war (the task of foreign policy)
but also functions as the school and crucible of popular unity.
... A popular ideological gure
As already mentioned, according to Althusser, the prince is the acting political
subject in Machiavellis analysis, but the criteria of suitability for the princes
methods are dehned from the point of view of the people. This, however, then
raises the question: what kindof ideological principles must the prince employ
in order for the people to followhim, and to perceive himas their ideologically
popular hgure? Furthermore, how do these principles stand in relation to the
national character of the project of the new prince? It is important to keep the
latter question in mind, so that the analyses of the relationship between the
prince andthe people do not fall back into a Machiavellianistic interpretation,
that is, an opportunistic interpretation.
The instinct of the fox
In analysing the relationship between the prince and the people, Althussers
central starting point is one of the most quoted passages of The Prince, in
which Machiavelli argues that the prince must be able to appear as both a man
and a beast.
Such performative skills were indeed taught to the princes of
antiquity, by describing howAchilles andother princes were sent to be brought
up by the centaur Chiron, the point being that, in making the teacher half-beast
and half-man, the prince would learn how to act according to the nature of
both. Machiavelli goes on to describe two beasts with different natures, the lion
Althusser 1qqa, p. 18; Althusser 1qqq, p. 8; Althussers emphasis.
Althusser 1qqa, p. 1z; Althusser 1qqq, p. 8;.
Althusser 1qqa, p. ;o; Althusser 1qqq, pp. z6;.
Machiavelli 1qq, Chapter 18, p. ; Machiavelli zoo, Chapter 18, p. ;.
+88 Chapter Four
and fox:
the lion frightens off the wolves and the fox recognises the traps.
As Machiavelli states, Those who simply act like lions dont understand
the point [Coloro che stanno semplicemente in sul lione non se ne intendano].
According to Althusser, this not only means that the prince must have, in
addition to the lion-like force, a fox-like cunning, but also that the instinct of
the fox must guide the prince whether he acts as a beast or human. From this
follows that fox-likeness is dehned as the most important characteristic of
the prince.
If the prince does not have the instincts of a fox, he will not know
when to act as a good person and when to act like a violent beast:
Sometimes to be moral, that is, clothed with virtues . . . and sometimes be
violent, that is, to make use of force. Or rather, and this point is decisive, to
know how sometimes to be moral and sometimes to be violent. Or rather, for
this point is even more decisive, to know how to appear to be moral or to
know how to appear to be violent . . . .
Through his fox-like instinct, the prince understands how he must appear for
his subjects in each situation in order to receive their approval for his acts:
In other words, it is the foxs instinct (a kind of half-conscious, half-uncon-
scious intuition) that indicates to the prince what attitude he must adopt in
such and such a conjuncture in order to rally to himself the peoples assent.
Thus, imitating the fox does not mean that the prince would appear in the eyes
of the people to be fox-like, but rather, that in a fox-like manner he can hide
his fox-like nature and behave as the conjuncture requires. Machiavelli indeed
states that . . . one must knowhowto colour ones actions and to be a great liar
In other words, when appearing before others the prince must
not reveal the foxs tail under his arm. When the prince acts as a good person
Machiavelli 1qq, Chapter 18, p. ; Machiavelli zoo, Chapter 18, p. ;.
InGreek mythology, the centaur [Kentauros] is a being describedas half-humanand
half-horse. The most well known centaur, mentioned also by Machiavelli, is Kheiron,
the teacher of Achilles. Kheiron was renowned for his sociability towards humans and
his skills in medicine, music, battle, hunting and prediction (see Grimal 1qq1, pp. 8qqo
and p. q6).
Machiavelli 1qq, Chapter 18, p. ; Machiavelli zoo, Chapter 18, p. ;; translation
Althusser 1qqa, p. q; Althusser 1qq;, pp. 161;.
Ibid.; Althussers emphasis.
Machiavelli zoo, Chapter 18, p. ;.
Althussers Aleatory Machiavelli +8
he must not reveal to his audience that he is only acting. The audience must
believe that what they see is true. This is indeed what they believe if they do
not understand the real vulpine practice of the prince, who produces illusions
of the truth.
The prince must be a great liar and deceiver, but he must also, with the
cunning of the fox, realise when, where and how he must act, and by acting
hide his mortality, vulnerability and true intentions. He must act according
to the situation and not keep bull-headedly to routines that at some point
have brought him success, nor must he keep his promises when the reasons
for which he made his promise no longer exist [che sono spente le cagioni che
la feciono promettere].
Machiavelli indeed emphasised that the prince must
sense the winds and turn with them.
And so he should have a exible disposition, varying as fortune and circum-
stances dictate. . . . [H]e should not deviate from what is good, if that is pos-
sible, but he should know how to do evil, if that is necessary.
The prince must not, however, be evil without goodreasonor just for his own
amusement, but only when it is necessary. Sensing the winds and carefully
turning with them is a different matter from affective actions based on shifting
moods. In situational analyses of the conjuncture, and in the decisions he
makes based on these, the princes logic rests, according to Althusser, on the
aleatory si . . . alors (when . . . then).
Machiavelli states that everybody understands that honesty is a laudable
characteristic, but, in the case of the prince, following this moral and religious
virtue may leadto destruction because honest action does not necessarily bring
the prince praise.
The prince must, however, act honestly, using a kind of
moral discourse of honesty to his advantage:
Althusser 1qqa p. q; Althusser 1qq;, pp. 161;.
Machiavelli 1qq, Chapter 18, p. ; Machiavelli zoo, Chapter 18, p. ;.
Machiavelli 1qq, Chapter 18, p. 6; Machiavelli zoo, Chapter 18, p. ;6.
Althusser 1qqa, p. 1o6.
Machiavelli zoo, Chapter 18, p. ;6. Machiavelli offers several examples of benev-
olent princes, who nevertheless became targets of the contempt of the people or army
and were consequently destroyed: One can earn hatred just as easily with a good as
a bad deed (Machiavelli zoo, Chapter 1q). Machiavelli describes, for example, the
Roman Emperor Alexander as follows: He was a man of such goodness that, among
the other things for which he is given credit, it is said that during the fourteen years he
reigned he never put anyone to death without trial. None the less, as he was thought
effeminate, and a man who let himself be ruled by his mother, he came to be scorned,
+o Chapter Four
A prince, therefore, need not necessarily have all the good qualities I men-
tioned above, but he should certainly appear to have them. I would even go
so far as to say that if he has these qualities and always behaves accordingly
he will hnd them harmful; if he only appears to have them they will ren-
der him service. He should appear to be compassionate, faithful to his word,
kind, guileless and devout. And indeed he should be so. But his disposition
should be such that, if he needs to be the opposite, he knows how.
The precondition for the success of the prince is indeedthat he understands the
factual importance of acting, so that acting is not only acting.
If the prince
keeps to the truth and goodness and cannot see their relation to the effective
truth, he will not understand that success is not dependent on whether he is
considered good or bad but on howthe people judge his acts and, in particular,
their consequences.
There is indeed good reason to ask what the stage apparatus is like,
which makes many believe in the performances of the theatre of politics, as
Althusser calls it.
Althusser characterises this royal theatre as follows:
[The Princes] ideological apparatus is indeed an apparatus, a systematic,
organic structure the purpose of which is to have public effects on the
people. Hence it has, naturally, a material existence: the Princes costume,
his entourage, the sumptuousness of his life, his palaces, the troops that he
himself commands and all the ceremonies of the regime, calculated to inspire
fear and respect in the people without love or hate, the Princes acts and
the style of his speeches, and today . . . the pitiful media. This is, obviously,
crucial. For the distance that the Prince as fox takes from the appearance or
semblance of his person, which is apparently without passion, and fromhis real
and the army conspired against him and killed him (Machiavelli zoo, Chapter 1q,
p. 8). Effeminacy [effeminate] and being under the power of ones mother were obvi-
ously not qualities that enforced the belief of the people and the army in their rulers
immortality and supremacy.
Machiavelli 1qq, Chapter 18, p. 6; Machiavelli zoo, Chapter 18, p. ;.
The problem of the young Althusser was specihcally that he considered the
terms authentic and artihcial as opposites. Consequently, at that time, he did not
understand the reality of the artihcial within the effective truth, and therefore did
not understand the effective position of the artihcial in the events of the conjuncture
(cf. Althusser 1qqc, especially Chapter 1o).
Cf. Machiavelli 1qq, Chapter 18, p. ;; Machiavelli zoo, Chapter 18, p. ;.
Althusser 1qqa, p. q; Althusser 1qq;, pp. 161;.
Althussers Aleatory Machiavelli ++
passions, is inseparable from both the ceremonies and the whole apparatus of
appearance that put him at a distance (the same emptiness) from the people;
and, with this emptiness, the fear/friendship that he must cultivate in his
relations with his people if he wishes to rule lastingly.
The expression without love or hate in the above quote refers to Chapters ;
and 1q of The Prince, where it becomes clear that the prince must avoid both
the hate and love of his subjects, because he can not control by means of his
own actions these seemingly opposite feelings and the passions they entail.
Machiavelli says of love:
So on this question of being loved or feared, I conclude that since some men
love as they please but fear when the prince pleases, a wise prince should rely
on what he controls, not on what he cannot control. He must only endeavour,
as I said, to escape being hated.
The subjects hatred of the prince can become incensed if he does not abstain
from the wives and property of his subjects.
The prince has to govern his
passions. Not being able to keep away from the wives and property of his
subjects is a symptom of human passions, such as the passion for esh or
property, governing the prince. Trying to seize the property of ones subjects
is seen as particularly dangerous because men sooner forget the death of
their father than the loss of their patrimony.
Such supremacy of the passions
has characterised the actions of tyrant princes and the nobility. As mentioned
earlier, according to Althusser, the historical starting point of Machiavellis
reections on the new prince is the class struggle characterised by the hatred
of the people towards the nobility.
As the examples of Lodovico Sforza and
Girolamo Savonarola show, sooner or later hatred or love leads to the silence
of despotism, a popular uprising and eventually the death of the tyrant.
Althusser states:
If he provokes hate or love, the prince appears to be submitted to the passions
he can no longer control either in himself or in the people, passions without
Althusser 1qqa, pp. 1o6;; Althussers emphasis.
Machiavelli 1qq, Chapter 1;, p. ; Machiavelli zoo, Chapter 1;, p. ;; my
Machiavelli zoo, Chapter 1;, p. ;z.
Machiavelli 1qq, Chapter 1;, p. ; Machiavelli zoo, Chapter 1;, p. ;z.
Althusser 1qqoa, p. q.
+z Chapter Four
internal limitation. Thus, Savonarolas demagogy of love has unleashed in
the people a true passion of love, which has entailed horrible struggles in
the people and hnally the so-called price not being able to control them
his own execution. Thus, such peoples hate for its tyrant and his continual
violence always ends by throwing the people either into the nothingness of
stunned silence (see later Montesquieu: the silence of despotism) or into the
insurrectional revolt of riots, which lead inevitably to the death of the tyrant
and to the loss of his regime.
If the new prince intends to avoid ending up in the vicious circle of hate and
love, he must differ from the nobility like himself (and from the tyrants) and
in the class struggle place himself on the side of the people, becoming their
ideological popular hgure.
Even though Althusser does not directly say
so, it is possible to think that, according to his interpretation, one reason for
the corruption and destruction the power of the Polybian spiral of evil of
existing and past principalities or republics has been that the princes, when
driving forward their own interests and without being able to control their
own passions, have not been able to become an ideological state apparatus
and thus constitute a durable state. Althusser indeed remarks, in reference
to Savonarola and Sforza, that they were unable to remain immune to the
peoples feelings of love (Savonarola) or hate (Sforza), but rather the passions
of the people caught up with them. With a lack of sufhcient distance, their
fortuna depended on changes in the peoples feelings of hate and love, feelings
that other pretenders to power had the opportunity to inuence.
Even though love and hate may seem opposites, in the relation between the
prince and the people they are in fact closely related to one another.
reason for this is that the prince cannot govern his relation to the people if
it is characterised primarily by hate or love. Thus the power of the prince is
dependent upon the changing and therefore aleatory feelings of the people.
This can be compared to Kants viewregarding the autonomy of the will, which
merely guarantees that moral solutions are not based on external effects and
Althusser 1qqa, p. q; Althusser 1qq;, pp. 161;; Althussers emphasis.
Althusser 1qqa, p. 11o.
Althusser 1qqa, p. 1o6; Althusser 1qq;, pp. 161;. Savonarola is a good example
of how the few of Florence turned the love of the people for this unarmed prophet into
hatred when he no longer htted into the plans of the few.
Althusser 1qqa, p. 1o6; Althusser 1qq;, pp. 161;.
Althussers Aleatory Machiavelli +
internal emotions.
If the position of the prince depends on the emotions of
the people or if their emotions direct his decisions, he will be unable to regulate
his relationship to them autonomously.
The princes use of power must be aimed not at love and hate but rather fear,
respect and loyalty:
Hatred thus possesses a class signihcation. In the formula fear without
hatred, the phrase without hatred signihes that the Prince demarcates
himself from the nobles and sides with the people against them.
Althussers thought here is that both the prince and the people gain from
the princes separation from the nobility: the people are protected from the
nobility, while the prince is protected from the hatred of the people (which
shifts and condenses towards the nobility) and the ambitions of the nobility.
Unlike Seneca,
who appeals to the common good when persuading the
prince Emperor Nero! to befriend the populace, for Machiavelli it sufhces
that the prince is allied for his own good to the people. As is evident in
Chapter q of The Prince, the power of the prince who relies on the people is
on a hrmer basis than the one who is grateful to the nobility for putting him
where he is.
A man who becomes prince with the help of the nobles hnds it more difhcult
to maintain his position than one who does so with the help of the people.
As prince, he hnds himself surrounded by many who believe they are his
equals, and because of that he cannot command or manage them the way
he wants. A man who becomes prince by favour of the people hnds himself
standing alone, and he has near him either no one or very few not prepared
to take orders. In addition, it is impossible to satisfy the nobles honourably,
without doing violence to the interests of others; but this can be done as far
as the people are concerned. The people are more honest in their intentions
than the nobles are, because the latter want to oppress the people, whereas
they want only not to be oppressed.
Kant 1q88, e.g. pp. .
The French noun crainte is here very descriptive because it means fear, respect
and the desire not to do something. One may think that when the many fear and respect
their prince they will not undertake any actions against him.
Althusser 1qqa, p. 18; Althusser 1qqq, pp. 1oo1.
Seneca 1q6, pp. 6 and q.
Machiavelli 1qq, Chapter q, p. z; Machiavelli zoo, Chapter q, pp. 1z.
+ Chapter Four
The fear and respect that the people feel towards the prince forms the bond
in the union between them. If, on the other hand, the prince forms a union
with the nobles, this cannot be based on fear and respect because the nobles
consider themselves the princes equals. For them, the prince is only one of us.
In order to satisfy the nobles, the prince inevitably has to commit an injustice
towards others (the people), so that, in their eyes, too, he comes across as the
representative of the nobles. As already mentioned, this leads to the princes
The question that Althusser proposes to Machiavelli can now be formulated
as follows: How can the prince achieve a situation where he is feared yet
not hated and respected yet not loved by the people? The answer is short:
by keeping his distance from the people.
This will succeed if the prince is
sufhciently fox-like to keep his real intentions and human passions hidden.
This, in turn, requires that the prince is able to make a difference between his
real self and his public image. Thus, these two differences presuppose one
another: if the prince is unable to keep his real passions hidden, to control
them, he will also be unable to retain a distance based on the fear and respect
of his subjects.
Althusser refers to the notion of keeping a distance when talking about the
princes distance as a fox compared to how he appears, how he seems to be
personihed, without passions and real feelings.
According to Althusser, this
also means that the prince must not take a passionate attitude or passionately
interfere in the class struggle between the nobles and the people.
It was
mentioned earlier how keeping a distance does not mean that the prince
would take an impartial stance towards this struggle.
He must place himself
on the side of the people, without, however, identifying with them. Though
Althusser does not say so, undoubtedly the nobles are equal with the prince
also because they do not believe what they see in his ideological popular
theatrical performances. They see behind the set pieces and understand that
the theatre of the prince in all its effectiveness is only theatre. They are not
enthralled by the theatre of the prince but understand what the power of
Althusser 1qqa, p. q and p. 1o6; Althusser 1qq;, pp. 161;.
Althusser 1qqa, p. 1o;; Althussers emphasis.
Althusser 1qqa, p. q.
Cf. Althusser 1qqa, p. 18; Althusser 1qqq, pp. 1oo1.
Althussers Aleatory Machiavelli +
enchantment is based on. Expressed with Machiavellis own words, this is due
to the fact that the nobles (pochi, few) assess matters with their hands and not
just with their eyes, like the people (molti, many):
Men in general judge by their eyes rather than by their hands; because
everyone is in a position to watch, feware in a position to come in close touch
with you. Everyone sees what you appear to be, few experience what. And
those few dare not gainsay the many who are backed by the majesty of the
This can be summarised as follows:
i) The prince must see to it that the nobles cannot get their hands on him.
This can be achieved if he relies on the people. In other words, the prince
can keep the nobles at arms length with his masses.
ii) The nobles do not believe what they see, because being like the prince,
they understand the real fox-like nature of his performance. The people
do not see the fox tail under the princes arm, and therefore he can govern
them unlike the nobles with his theatrical performance.
The people must believe what the prince shows them, but, unlike the Aris-
totelian theatre criticised by Bertolt Brecht, where one tries to get the audience
to identify with the actor, the people must not identify with the representation
of the prince.
Identifying with the prince would bring about his destruction
because the people would then begin, like the nobles, to consider him one of
them, an ordinary mortal governed by similar passions (such as lusts for the
esh and property) as they themselves are. Althusser refers to this threat when
he talks about the peoples passion infecting the prince: If the prince does not
control his passions, he cannot control the passions of the people worse, he
unleashes them and winds up being their hrst victim, and his state perishes
with him.
Machiavelli 1qq, Chapter 18, p. ;; Machiavelli zoo, Chapter 18, p. ;6.
Cf. Brecht 1qq1, e.g. pp. o;. Althusser greatly respected Bertolt Brecht, even
though he does not refer to him in the context of Machiavelli. According to Althusser,
Brechts critique of the theatre is comparable to Marxs critique of philosophy as well
as his views about a new kind of philosophical practice (Althusser 1qqa, p. 6).
Althusser explicates the connection in this context in his essay Sur Brecht et Marx
written in 1q6q and published posthumously (Althusser 1qqa, pp. 18).
Althusser 1qqa, p. 1o6; Althusser 1qq;, pp. 161;.
+6 Chapter Four
According to Machiavelli, the prince must appear as a supreme hgurehead,
whom the people believe in, respect and fear but with whom they do not
identify. The prince must confuse mens brains,
and, as in the example of
the Emperor Severus, impress both his soldiers and the people with his virt
so that the latter are left astonished and stupehed and the former respectful
and content.
The prince is a kind of omnipotent deity, whom ordinary mortals believe
in, yet fear and are unable to identify with.
One must note, however, that
here one could not talk about the people identifying with the god-like prince,
because identihcation is something that occurs between humans. What is more
important, according to Machiavelli, is identifying with the fortuna of the
prince. The people must believe that their destiny is tied to a higher force,
that they need their prince. It is not a matter of an equal relationship but
. . . a wise prince must devise ways by which his citizens are always and in
all circumstances dependent on him and on his authority; and then they will
always be faithful to him.
The prince can also lose his honour if he is considered capricious, frivolous,
effeminate, or timid and irresolute.
Also the lowly birth of a prince can lead
to his downfall,
or if he is brutal and beastly, as in the case of the Emperor
Commodius, who forgot his dignity, often descended into the amphitheatres
to hght with the gladiators, and did other ignoble things hardly worthy of the
imperial majesty . . . .
Commodius did not imitate a beast, but rather he was
a beast, even in a very public space, on the arena of an amphitheatre.
Machiavelli 1qq, Chapter 18, p. ; Machiavelli zoo, Chapter 18, p. ;; translation
Machiavelli 1qq, Chapter 1q, p. 6z; Machiavelli zoo, Chapter 1q, p. 8.
Cf., e.g., Bloch 1q;, which sheds light on the beliefs of people during the Middle
Ages and the early centuries of modern times regarding the supernatural and divine
abilities of the ruler, especially from the viewpoint of the healing touch.
Machiavelli 1qq, Chapter q, p. ; Machiavelli zoo, Chapter q, p. .
Machiavelli zoo, Chapter 1q, p. ;; and pp. 81z.
Machiavelli zoo, Chapter 1q, p. 86.
Althussers Aleatory Machiavelli +
Displacements and condensations
If Christians fear of God has been produced and reproduced through the
church, clergy and ecclesiastical ceremonies, then the fear and respect of the
prince-god is produced by his court, the splendour of his life, his entourage,
as well as the state ceremonies which Althusser calls the hrst ideological
state apparatus.
It is an apparatus or systematic, organic structure,
because the prince does not in the eyes of the people present himself as an
individual persona but rather as super individual institutions and practices
that produce fear and respect.
According to Althusser, Machiavellis view of the prince as a fox is at its
basis congruent with the central psychoanalytical idea that the analyst takes
a distance from his or her counter-transference [contre-transfert] in order to con-
trol it.
Althusser characterises though only preliminarily the relation-
ship between the prince and the people as a game of transference [transfert] and
counter-transference, as a mechanism, game or play (the latter two correspond-
ing to the French jeu), where the prince represents the analyst and the people
the analysand:
This astonishing conception, once it has been made explicit, coincides with
the most profound analytic experience, that of distancing oneself from ones
own passions, or to be more exact from ones own counter-transference.
By means of his fox instinct, the prince can control his counter-transference
with the people. The evidence for the success of such control is that the
Althusser 1qqa, p. 1o6.
Althusser 1qqza, p. z; Althusser 1qqa pp. q6 and 1o;8; Althusser 1qq;,
pp. 161;. In the early years of psychoanalysis, at the beginning of the twentieth
century, transference was seen as something unfortunate, disturbing the therapy by
undermining the patients objective view of herself and her relationships (such as
her relationship to the therapist). On the other hand, Freud proposed already in
1q1z that transferences are an essential part of the therapeutic process and not only
disturbances of it. According to him, the analyst must indeed focus on interpreting
the transferences of the patient, where she directs feelings originally concerning her
father, mother, brother, sister or some other close person, towards the therapist. By
analysing transferences, it is possible to access the conictual human relationships and
the problems arising from these that affected the patients childhood. This requires that
the analyst also control her own counter-transference and not be spontaneously pulled
into the patients transferences (Rycroft 1q;z, pp. z and 168q).
Althusser 1qqza, p. z; Althusser 1qqc, p. zz.
+8 Chapter Four
transferences that the people aim towards the prince express fear and respect
rather than love and hate. This does not mean, however, that the people would
not at all feel hate (or love), but rather that the hate (or love) must be aimed
at something other than the prince. According to Althusser, relationships of
transference-countertransference are indeed as the name indicates about
the transformation anddisplacement [transformer-dplacer] of feelings.
If the
prince can control the transference of the people with his counter-transference
he can channel and shape the peoples feelings of hate in the direction he
Althusser indeed emphasises that the condition for the popularity of the
prince is that he does not belittle the feelings of the people the religious
and moral ideology of the masses but takes them into consideration in his
political practice.
He [the prince] must . . . take charge of it [religious and moral ideology],
accept responsibility for the ideological effects of his own political practice,
Althusser 1qqa, pp. 11o11. Althusser also discusses Spinozas notion of the
control of the passions as a process in which negative sad passions are replaced by
positive passions of joy (Althusser 1qqa, p. q6). Indeed, for Althusser, Spinoza is,
along with Machiavelli, one of those important philosophers from whom it is possible
to hnd several things that Freud would much later make well known, such as the
problematics of transferences (cf., e.g., Althusser 1qqza, p. z; Althusser 1qqc, p. zz).
Althussers views on transferences have interesting connections with his theory of
ideology, according to which, ideology has no history, but mans relationship to real-
ity is always imaginary. With regard to the problematics of transferences, this would
seem to mean that ideological apparatuses and their practices produce transferences
and counter-transferences. Thus ideological apparatuses can be characterised as appa-
ratuses of transference and counter-transference. In Althussers posthumously pub-
lished essay Sur le transfert et le contre-transfert he states that All individuals act
on the basis of transference . . . this law is universal (Althusser 1qqb, p. 1;;). From
this one may deduce that the relationships between subjects are always based on trans-
ferences because all relationships are ideological relationships. Certain psychoanalysts
have proposed, however, in contradistinction to Althussers viewpoint, that transfer-
ence is a phenomenon which the analysand can rid herself of through therapy (cf.
previous footnote). Thus the transference relationships projecting the human relation-
ships of the past onto present relationships would be replaced by real relationships
(Vlimki 1qq6, pp. 1z1). Althusser, in turn, strongly denies that the transferences
would be limited to therapeutic relationships, because there is no reason to assume
that the alteration-transference processes would not come about in everyday life, too; in
other words, outside all treatments. These are absolutely a part of everyday experiences
and no self-indulgent claims of psychoanalysis can deny this obvious fact (Althusser
1qqa, p. 111). This claim, however, leaves open the question of whether there can also
be such everyday relationships and practices that are not based on transferences and
would thus not be ideological relationships in the meaning Althusser intends.
Althussers Aleatory Machiavelli +
anticipate them, and inscribe them in it. And since the prince is literally the
public fate of the state, he must take care that the peoples representation of
his hgure is inscribed in popular ideology, so as to produce effects benehcial
to his politics. For this representation plays a key role in the states constitu-
tion, in the association of subjects and their education.
Princes are, however, prisoners of their noble position, unable even here to
retain a distance from themselves, that is, to see themselves as they appear
through vulgar eyes.
As mentioned earlier, such self-analysis is a necessary
condition for the prince to be able to control the game of transference and
counter-transference of feelings, and, in this way, shape his image so that it
is both frightening and awe-inspiring. Althusser writes about this with regard
to the analyst as follows:
. . . the psychoanalyst must keep a vigilant eye, when a treatment is ending,
on his counter-transference, which can sometimes prevent an analysis from
coming to a successful end. The psychoanalyst must therefore analyse his
own counter-transfer. But how? The usual answer is: by means of self-
Self-analysis is an inseparable part of the training and therapy practice of an
analyst. But who could offer the prince such training? The answer is contained
in the dedication at the beginning of The Prince (as discussed in Chapter ..):
. . . just as men who are sketching the landscape put themselves down in the
plain to study the nature of the mountains and the highlands, and to study
the nature of the mountains and highlands, and to study the low-lying land
they must put themselves high on the mountains, so, to comprehend fully
the nature of the people, one must be a prince, and to comprehend fully the
nature of princes one must be an ordinary citizen.
Eventhoughthe prince indeedknows the people, he only knows themfromhis
own noble vantage point, whereas the starting point of popular action is that
the prince would understand the feelings that the people project onto him and
Althusser 1qqa, p. 1; Althusser 1qqq, pp. q;8.
Althusser 1qqa, p. ;6; Althusser 1qqq, p. 1.
Althusser 1qqb, p. 18.
Machiavelli 1qq, p. z; Machiavelli zoo, p. .
zoo Chapter Four
how this senso comune can be shaped in the direction he desires. Even though
this is a matter of the analysis of the peoples gaze, it ultimately concerns the
princes self-analysis, because he aims through his own deeds to inuence the
peoples gaze. Unlike the people or the prince, Machiavelli himself is not the
prisoner of a single position. Like a landscape painter, he can put himself in
both a lowly position to study the prince and in a high position to study the
people. Thus Machiavellis own position shifts.
According to Althusser, this
however does not mean that Machiavelli would be neutral. On the contrary,
when stating that one must be popular in order to understand princes,
Machiavelli reveals his own class position.
The issue here is not only about
the fact that princes do not know themselves but, above all, that princes can
be understood only from the popular viewpoint. As became evident earlier,
the comparison to the landscape painter is, of course, a rhetorical operation,
which helps Machiavelli to justify in his own ideological conjuncture why
it is necessary to present the action of the prince from the viewpoint of the
... The dialectic of the interests of the prince and the people
Because Machiavelli formulates the political practice of the prince from the
viewpoint of the people, the princes ideological actions must also be assessed
from the same viewpoint, namely, in light of the unihcation of Italy. The
questions arise, however, of why nothing guarantees that the prince actually
acts in the interests of the people, or why there is no guarantee that the prince
will not swing towards tyranny? On these issues, Althusser himself speaks
about the subjective conditions for the virt of the prince, and that no class tie
forces him into an action which is in the interests of the people as Althusser
puts it: he [the prince] is not himself the people.
In terms of the above lack
of guarantees, at least the following viewpoints should be mentioned.
Firstly, it is obvious that the people are not capable of controlling the actions
of the prince. One cannot trust the judgement of the people because they
live under the inuence of the existing ideologies those of the prince or
Cf. Althusser 1qqa, p. 6; Althusser 1qqq, p. z1.
Althusser 1qqa, p. 6;; Althusser 1qqq, p. z.
Althusser 1qqa, p. ;o; Althusser 1qqq, p. z6; Althussers emphasis.
Althussers Aleatory Machiavelli zo+
the nobles. Machiavelli indeed proposes that the mob [la plebe] deceived by
an illusive good, desire their own ruin.
Though Machiavelli claims in the
hnal chapter of The Prince that the people suffer from the oppressions of the
barbarians, and are ready for a change, this wish for change is not manifested,
as Gramsci puts it, in a collective will. It is not a matter of merely the simple
consciousness of the inferiority of the situation,
or a cry of passionate
urgency as Gramsci also states.
It is because of this basic level of awareness
of change the people are, as Althusser puts it, those who do not know
that the people themselves cannot convert their bare and passionate feelings
into a politically effective consciousness and collective will. In other words,
the people themselves do not know what must be done and what kind of
politics is in their real interest. When Althusser and Gramsci criticise the
democratic interpretation proposed in The Discourses according to which
the books negative enculturation only strengthens the negative moralistic
approach of the people towards political practice they also refer to the fact
that the people, under the inuence of the moralistic-religious ideology, do
not always necessarily understand that the political actions of the new prince
occur in their best interests.
On the other hand, Althusser argues that the prince must respect the exist-
ing ideological beliefs of the people.
He must not, with a lions roar, cause
disquiet amongst the people, but rather, with a fox-like cunning, he must per-
suade themto accept his actions. Respect for the peoples prevailing ideology is
not a value initself, but the ideological strategy of the prince-fox, where he uses
existing ideologies and ideological practices to his own advantage. Because
these ideological apparatuses and their practices also express the power and
interests of the existing nobles, who act against the interests of the people, the
playing held becomes the scene of an ideological struggle between the prince
and the nobles for control of the one and the same ideological practices for the
one and the same effective truth. The prince and the nobles are engaged in
an ideological struggle for the hegemony of controlling the everyday beliefs
(senso comune, in Gramscis sense) of the people.
Machiavelli 1qq, I.z, p. zo6; Machiavelli 1qo, I.z, p. z;.
Althusser 1qqa, p. ;1; Althusser 1qqq, p. z;.
Gramsci 1q;, p. 16; Gramsci 1q;1, p. 1z;.
Althusser 1qqa, p. 1; Althusser 1qqq, p. q;.
zoz Chapter Four
Because the people in Machiavellis case cannot control the actions of the
prince, or even know their own best interests, Machiavellis views must not be
compared directly to the ideas of later centuries regarding the sovereignty of
the people. Even if the praxis of the prince were formulated fromthe viewpoint
of the people, they are not political actors that could, through their own
institutions, control his actions (or the government), for example, by proposing
parliamentary interpellations. If, in the case of the praxis of the prince, it is at
all possible to speak about control by the people, this could be characterised
as control on an emotional level, which is evident from the princes point of
view in the negative or positive transferences in relation to him. But, even
in this case, the prince is the one who interprets the transferences that express
hate, love, respect or fear, whereas the people only experience them through
their passions.
Machiavellis new prince can indeed be characterised as an early enlight-
ened ruler who attempts to interpret exclusively the common good of the peo-
ple. The people do not have the institutionalised means by which they could
contest the interpretation of the prince, but any contestation is manifested
such that the ideological apparatus of the prince loses its authority in the eyes
of the people, or other ideological-political powers manage to persuade the
people to join them against the prince and thus perhaps against themselves
and their own real interests.
As the next chapter will show, the people are both a threat and an oppor-
tunity for the new prince. By relying on the people, the prince can control the
nobles. On the other hand, the people can turn against the prince. Why this
would happen is not a simple matter. The people would not necessarily aban-
don the prince because he has ceased to work in their interests. The nobles
could also have managed to turn the people against the prince, even though
his praxis would indeed have been in the real interest of the people. On the
other hand, nothing naturally guarantees that the prince would act in the com-
mon good of the people.
On the contrary, the princes Machiavelli had in
mind were those in his own lifetime (e.g. the Medicis and the Sforzas) who had
worked against the interests of the people. One must keep in mind, however,
Althussers remark that tyranny in the end has always led to the destruction
Cf. Althusser 1qqa, p. 11; Althusser 1qqq, p. 6.
Althussers Aleatory Machiavelli zo
of tyranny.
In other words, due to its instability, tyranny has proved to be a
bad form of government also for the tyrant himself.
The reason behind Althussers argument that nothing guarantees that the
outcome of the actions of the prince will not be tyranny, instead of something
for the common good,
probably has to do with the inuence of different
kinds of aleatory factors. If the prince does not actually work for the best
interests of the people, such a standpoint cannot be deduced directly from
the reactions of the people, because, even in this case as in the relationship
between the people and the nobles it is possible that the people respect and
love the prince even if he were to act against their real interests if he can
convince them that his actions are in the common good.
In order to better understand these problems, one must keep in mind, how-
ever, that, in The Prince, Machiavelli does not assume that the prince should
fully understand or be aware of what kind of project he is persuaded to par-
ticipate in. The prince does not need to know that with the second, collective
he should make himself unnecessary! His enlightenment does not
need to be complete or transparent to himself; it is enough when he realises
that the friendship of the people is to his own advantage in the struggle against the
other powerful nobles.
Thus, Machiavelli does not moralistically assume or demand that the new
prince should be a great benefactor who, after having realised the sufferings
Althusser 1qqa p. q; Althusser 1qq;, pp. 161;.
Althusser 1qqa, p. 11; Althusser 1qqq, pp. 6. The risks of tyranny the fact that
the new prince indeed plots against the people can be compared to Rousseaus ideas
of the social contract and general will. According to him, nothing absolutely prevents the
annulment of the social contract with the dispersion of the general will into particular
wills and the contradiction of wills that follows from this.
As Stuart Hall has shown, in his analyses that have been very much inuenced
by Gramscis thinking, Thatcherite authoritarian populism appealed to the common
sense of the ordinary Britishpeople muchmore efhciently thanthe matter-of-factness
of the Labour Party (Hall 1q88, pp. ;). Thatcher had come to power in 1q;q, and
even though the 1q8os and early 1qqos showed that the Thatcherite project was in a
drastic way directed against the English molti, it was undeniably more successful
than the British Left in persuading people to support it. Halls analysis refers to the fact
that the central watershed does not necessarily lie between image politics and factual
politics. Instead, one must ask what kind of political projects have image politics as a
subfactor, and what do people aimfor with it. As Gramsci emphasises, also intellectual
and moral reform requires that political and intellectual leaders are able to act in a
way that appeals to peoples common sense but at the same time criticises it in terms
of solidarity.
Cf. Chapter ..; Althusser 1qqa, pp. 1116; Althusser 1qqq, p. 6.
zo Chapter Four
of the masses, begins, through the kindness of his heart, to further their cause.
Instead of appeals to goodness, Machiavelli argues that the prince should aim
to become the peoples prince, with all those personal benehts that friendship
of the people brings with it. When the prince relies on the people and the
people are his support, he does not need to worry about nobles like himself.
The convergence of the interests of the prince and the people cannot guaran-
tee to solve the above mentioned problem, namely, that the prince can acquire
the respect and friendship of the people by deceitful means, by persuading
them to act against their own real interests. Reality is, in this sense, ultimately
an aleatory and unstable playing held. But whether or not the friendship of
the people towards the prince is in their own real best interest, Machiavellis
view is that the prince should and indeed must rely on the people and not his
equals if he wishes to succeed in his aleatory conjuncture. At the same time,
the prince may also unwittingly act in the best interests of the people. There
are no guarantees that this will happen, nor is Machiavelli able to present any
on paper. He merely offers an assurance, by means of logical arguments, that
the guarantee of fortuna for both the prince and the people is at least better than
if the prince were to align himself with the nobles.
In other words, in forming the people into a people, as his organised
subjects in his durable state, the prince obtains an ally far more trustworthy
than the nobility. The people become a people under the protection of the
prince, and their conditions for action (peace and safety) are better in the
principality than in a state governed by the nobles, who forward only their
own interests.
In the next chapter (Chapter ), I will discuss the idea of whether the
people and a durable state are the princes best weapon against the nobles.
This idea also refers to the fact that an extensive and centralised state is not
only the culmination point of the interests of the people but also a means by
which the prince can control powerful nobles, and at the same time also
unwittingly produce a historical and social situation that improves the
peoples opportunities for action. In other words, one should not interpret
Machiavellis analysis of the praxis of the prince through moral criteria, but
rather interpret The Prince as a work where the viewpoint of the advantage of
Cf. Machiavelli 1qq, Chapter 18, pp. 6;; Machiavelli zoo, Chapter 18, p. ;6.
Althussers Aleatory Machiavelli zo
the people is marketed for the newprince by appealing to his common sense
and hunger for power.
But, before moving on to these questions, it is necessary to discuss the law,
the thirdinstrument of the state, as well as to summarise the central viewpoints
of Althussers aleatory interpretation of Machiavelli.
... The state and the law
Particularly in the so-called republican interpretations of Machiavelli, starting
with Rousseau, it has been emphasised that Machiavellis ideal, despite the
thesis of The Prince, was not an enlightened principality, but rather a form
of government where the law would have a higher standing than individual
persons in positions of power; in other words, the law would also control the
This interpretation is not completely refuted by Althusser or Gramsci:
however, both emphasise the two moments of the state, the second of which,
the collective moment, could also be called the republican moment.
advantage of Althussers and Gramscis two-stage interpretations, compared
to the republicanist interpretations, is that the historical (and dialectical) nature
of both Machiavellis views on the state and, above all, his method, as well as
the dynamics containedinhis viewof the concept of the state, are highlighted.
Even though Althusser andGramsci do not dispute that Machiavellis think-
ing contains obvious republican tendencies, on the other hand, they emphasise
the historically utopian nature of the republican moment. The historical situa-
tion on the Apennine peninsula was such that a move towards the collective
moment of the republic, and the collective will it required, was not possible.
Before this could happen, it was necessary to go through the moment of soli-
tude of the new prince but where no law exists to guarantee that the result
would not have been a shift towards tyranny.
In other words, the organisation or thorough reformation of a republic
based on the law necessarily requires as a form of transition an enlightened
prince or legislator who, by means of power, persuasion and cunning, leads
For a general review of Machiavelli and republicanism, cf. Gisella, Skinner and
Viroli 1qqo. For a critique of the republicanist interpretation, cf. Mansheld 1qq6.
Althusser 1qqa, pp. 1116; Althusser 1qqq, p. 6.
Neal Wood also emphasises Machiavellis dynamic and conict-focused view of
politics and the state. See, for example, Wood 1q68, p. 8.
zo6 Chapter Four
the people towards the republican collective moment. Such an interpretation
canalso be appliedto the followingpassage fromThe Discourses Machiavellis
most republican work:
[W]e must assume, as a general rule, that it never or rarely happens that
a republic or monarchy is well constituted, or its old institutions entirely
reformed, unless it is done by only one individual; it is even necessary that
he whose mind has conceived such a constitution should be alone in carrying
it into effect. A sagacious legislator of a republic, therefore, whose object is to
promote the public good, and not his private interests, and who prefers his
country to his own successors, should concentrate all authority in himself
. . .
In the above quote, there are also indications that, in the case of Machiavelli,
what is most essential is not necessarily the differentiation between monarchist
[regno] and republican [republica] forms of government. However, it is essential
to note the difference between the individual moment of founding a republic
or monarchy and the collective moment based on the law as well as whether
the individual founder of the republic or monarchy acts for the beneht of
himself and his family or for the common good. (At this point, Machiavelli
is not necessarily too far from the differentiation between the forms of state
proposed by Aristotle in Politics, based on the criterion of whether they work
for the individual or common good.)
What this means is that, particularly in the moment of solitude, the new
prince is lonely also in the sense that only he can interpret the real interests
of the people, whereas with the rootedness [enracinement] of the collective
moment the people gradually learn to understand what their own interests
are. They become a people [devenir-peuple] as a political actor in a new kind of
According to Althusser, the interests of a people are imprinted in the
constitution of the state. It is in the constitution that the interests of a people
Machiavelli 1qq, I.q., p. 11q; Machiavelli 1qo, I.q, p. 18; cf. Machiavelli 1qq,
I.8, p. zzo; Machiavelli 1qo, I.8, p. z6. Also the title of Chapter of Book One of
The Discourses is in this sense very illustrative: Public affairs are easily managed in
a city where the body of the people is not corrupt; and where equality exists, there
no principality can be established; nor can a republic be established where there is no
Althusser 1qqa, p. 16o; Althusser 1qqq, p. 1oz.
Althussers Aleatory Machiavelli zo
are institutionalised in relation to its class enemy, the powerful nobility. The
law is also the absolute condition for the states durability and its capacity to
expand, because then the state is no longer dependent upon the practice of the
prince. In other words, the prince has made himself superuous:
To the second moment corresponds the metaphor of taking root: this is the
concrete, organic moment either of the penetration of the laws thus decreed
into the antagonistic social classes, or of the production of laws by popular
struggle against the nobles. This rooting of the Princes power in the people
by the mechanism of laws is the absolute condition for the states duration
and power that is to say, its capacity to expand.
According to Althusser, one should not think, on the basis of the second
moment, that Machiavelli was a republicanlike the encyclopaedists, Rousseau,
Foscolo or the many ideologists of the Risorgimento. Even though the second
moment described in The Discourses could be dehned as a republican moment,
Machiavellis position there is the same as in the hrst moment described in
The Prince. In both works, Machiavelli discusses the same issue, the conditions
for the founding of a durable state.
After discussing this, Althusser returns
to his viewpoint that Machiavellis political problem arises from his own
conjuncture. As mentioned earlier, even though Machiavelli does present in
the hrst twelve chapters of The Prince examples from antiquity, their purpose
is only to support the lessons of the Italian examples of his own time.
In these chapters, Machiavelli carries out an analysis of his own conjuncture
by utilising the analysis of past cases. His central objective is to assess, in
the light of existing and past examples, what kind of a new principality
would not only be possible but also a good one. According to Althussers
interpretation, the only suitable alternative in founding a principality is a
completely new one acquired by means of the new princes own weapons of
virt or fortuna. Old principalities simply do not work: they are an expression
of feudal power structures and ways of thinking, oriented towards the past, as
Althusser indeed states.
In this context, Machiavellis historical utopianism
Althusser 1qqa, pp. 1116; Althusser 1qqq, p. 6; Althussers emphasis.
Althusser 1qqa, p. 11;; Althusser 1qqq, p. 66.
Althusser 1qqa, pp. 1zo1; Althusser 1qqq, p. 6q.
Althusser 1qqa, p. 1o; Althusser 1qqq, p. ;;. In connection with this, Althusser
refers to Renaudets book Machiavel (Renaudet 1q6) (see also Althusser 1qqa, pp. 1zz
zo8 Chapter Four
and thinking reaching for the limits of the possible with the metaphor of
skilful archers, who, when their target seems too distant, aim a good deal
higher than their objective
come into the picture, because such a new
principality and new prince who acts by relying on his own weapons and
fortuna do not exist:
. . . to aim above all existing principalities, beyond their limits. . . . The Prince
does not pre-exist the New Principality; the New Principality does not
precede the New Prince. They must begin together, and this beginning is
what Machiavelli calls an adventure: this adventure of passing fromprivate
citizen to ruler.
According to Althusser, one could think that Machiavellis viewpoint is com-
pletely utopian, particularly when he rejects all the existing alternatives. But
it is important to note that Machiavellis utopianism is dehned from the start-
ing point of the existing political conditions, with regard to which no kind of
compromise is possible. Furthermore, when Machiavelli speaks about the new
prince without actually naming him instead presenting an abstract theory
about the encounter of virt and fortuna in the prince-subject the anonymity
of the prince is not the result of a theoretical process of abstraction (from the
specihc to the general) but
. . . the abstract form of the theory is the index and effect of a concrete political
Machiavelli left the newprince and principality unidentihed or simply loosely
dehned not because these would have stood for anonymous generalisations
of existing princes and principalities, but rather because the existing princes
and principalities could not offer the components for the dehnition and iden-
tihcation of the new prince and new principality:
He [Machiavelli] rejects them all on account of their historical impotence.
and 166; Althusser 1qqq, p. 1oq).
Machiavelli 1qq, Chapter 6, p. 1;; Machiavelli zoo, Chapter 6, p. zz.
Althusser 1qqa, pp. 1z6; Althusser 1qqq, p. ;; Althussers emphasis; translation
of Machiavelli (Machiavelli zoo, Chapter , pp. zz) altered by Althusser.
Althusser 1qqa, p. 1zq; Althusser 1qqq, p. ;6; Althussers emphasis.
Althusser 1qqa, p. 1o; Althusser 1qqq, p. ;;.
Althussers Aleatory Machiavelli zo
According to Althusser, Machiavellis silence has indeed a positive political
meaning. It shows that the future of Italy cannot be built on existing powers
but rather one must reach beyond these borders (to aim above all existing
principalities, beyond their limits).
Thus Machiavellis utopianism is based
on the existing effective truth, which he at the same time takes as the object
of his subversive critique.
Pope Alexander VIs son, Count Valentino Cesare Borgia,
was, for Machi-
avelli, the only example or model for the historic new prince. According to
Machiavelli, Borgia could have united Italy, if an extraordinary and inordi-
nate malice of fortune [una estraordinaria ed estrema malignit di fortuna] had
not befallen him.
The advantage of emphasising the two moments in the foundation of the
state is also that the processual and aleatory nature of founding and maintaining
a state are emphasised. Althussers interpretation emphasises that the state
is not a static organisation, but a complex process, for the renewal of even
the most stable state requires its simultaneous production. In other words,
in Machiavellis view, the most central factor is not the state as a fait accompli
but the aleatory nature of the founding and renewing of the state.
In this
Althusser 1qqa, p. 1z; Althusser 1qqq, p. ;; Althussers emphasis.
For a thorough presentation of the different stages of the Borgia family, cf. Mallet
Machiavelli 1qq, Chapter ;, p. zz; Machiavelli zoo, Chapter ;, p. z8.
The difference between republicanist and aleatory interpretations of Machiavelli
can also be dehned as follows: in the former interpretation the emphasis is on issues
sustaining peace and harmony, whereas the latter interpretation discusses the elements
of chance that lie behind peace and harmony as well as the struggles and conicts
characterised by this, which Althusser refers to with the expression laccumulation
primitive politique (Althusser 1qqoa, p. ; Althusser 1q88, p. ;). Emphasising peace,
expansion and the moment of passivity at the cost of the struggles and conicts that
preceded them was a central methodological solution for which Gramsci criticised
Croces writings Storia dItalia dal r8,r al r,r, (1qz8) and Storia dEuropa nel secolo
decimonono (1qz): With respect to these two works [Storia dEuropa and Storia dItalia],
the questions at once arise: is it possible to write (conceive of) a history of Europe in
the nineteenth century without an organic treatment of the French Revolution and the
Napoleonic Wars? And is it possible to write a history of Italy in modern times without
a treatment of the struggles of the Risorgimento? In other words: is it by accident, or
is it for a tendentious motive, that Croce begins his narratives from 181 and 18;1?
That is, that he excludes the moment of struggle; the moment in which the conicting
forces are formed, are assembled and take up their positions; the moment in which one
ethical-political systemdissolves andanother is formedby hre andby steel; the moment
in which one system of social relations disintegrates and falls and another arises and
asserts itself? And instead to assume take up placidly as history the moment of cultural
z+o Chapter Four
interpretation, Machiavelli shows himself mainly as the theoretician of the
aleatory game between change and durability [dure]. In this context, the threat
to the state comes from changes to existing laws, which become invalid and
lead to chaos.
With the collective moment of the law and the republic, the state is no
longer merely dependent on the virt of the prince and the fortunate aleatory
encounters, but can itself endure. However, not even this can guarantee that
some surprising event occurring at the wrong moment wouldstill not destroy
the state and, at the same time, also open up new possibilities for action
for those who do not approve of the existing state. The state is not a self-
evident fact, in that nothing guarantees that the reality of the accomplished fact
is the guarantee of its durability.
History is the permanent revocation of the
accomplished fact,
where one never knows where or how the revocation
will occur. Althusser encapsulates this in the statement that . . . one day new
hands will have to be dealt out, and the dice thrown again on to the empty
table [un jour viendra o les jeux seront redistribuer, et les ds de nouveau jeter
sur la table vide].
The central instrument of the taking hold and rooting of the state is the
military. Apart fromthe apparatus of violence, the military is also the political-
ideological crucible, the central task of which is to unite the unorganised
multitude into a people, to uphold the process of their becoming people:
In these conditions we can appreciate why the army is the quintessential
instrument of state power not only of the exercise of state power, but of
the states very existence; and why it is assigned the preponderant role
or ethical-political expansion? (Gramsci 1q;, p. 1zz;; after the quote there follows
Gramscis own preliminary outline for a history of Europe: Gramsci 1q;, pp. 1zz8q).
Althusser 1qqc, p. 6;; Althusser zoo6a, p. 1q. Also of interest here is the use of
the word stato in reference to the maintenance of a position, as evident in Machiavellis
expression mantenere lo stato [to maintain a position]. Yet another similar type
of expression in Machiavellis texts is avere molto stato in reference to the prince
(see, e.g., Machiavelli 1qq, p. 61;). Maintaining a position requires the continuous
reproduction of its conditions; in other words, the reproduction of the duration of the
state against the ever-looming Polybian process of corruption.
Althusser 1qqc, p. ;; Althusser zoo6a, p. 1;, Althussers emphasis.
Althussers Aleatory Machiavelli z++
not only military, but also political and ideological since it is the crucible of
the peoples political and ideological unity, the training school of the people,
the becoming-people of the people.
With regard to the becoming-people of the people, one must keep in mind
that, in the ideological-political practice of the prince, the question is not only
about governing a ready people and the reproduction of this control, but
also about the production of a people, which Althusser describes with the term
devenir-peuple. The prince and his newprincipality are a tool or instrument
by means of which the people as a multitude [molti] can be taken hold of as a
durable people and ultimately a nation, in the formation of nation-states
in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Machiavelli does not propose any
formalistic or generally applicable theory of the state, state philosophy or a
classihcation of the forms of government, but discusses with regard to his own
case those historical opportunities and necessities which are required in order
to produce a nation and take hold of a durable state.
If one wishes to pick out something generally applicable from Machiavelli,
the general theory of the state would not be it: rather, it would be the way
in which he sets out questions and political problems to be solved by the
political actor-subjects of each historical situation. According to Althusser,
Hegel understood this in Machiavellis works. Machiavelli did not speak to
Hegel as a philosopher of the state but as a writer who laid out the political
problematics of the unihcation of Italy. Hegel also identihes with Machiavelli,
not as a philosopher but as an intellectual or man of action who was occupied
by the future of his own political conjuncture in Hegels case, that of early
nineteenth-century Germany.
What the interpretations of Hegel, Gramsci and Althusser have in common
is an emphasis on the effective truth, rather than the truth about practical
matters. In their interpretations, the often quoted expression from Chapter 1
of The Prince to represent things as they are in an effective truth, rather than
as they are imagined is applied to Machiavellis own writings. The truth lies
in things, in historical practices, not outside them not post-festum or a priori, as in
a philosophical truth, which, for instance, some philosophical system would
promise to reveal or to show to the practical actors.
Althusser 1qqa, p. 16o; Althusser 1qqq, p. 1oz.
Althusser 1qqa, p. q: Althusser 1qqq, p. q.
z+z Chapter Four
When Machiavelli says that he does not wish to present a fantasy image of a
state this means, assessed in the light of the interpretations of Hegel, Gramsci
and Althusser, that he does not even attempt to propose, for instance, what
kind of form the unihed Italian state should have. In fact, he has no existing
models that would provide the necessary and sufhcient conditions for solving
this issue. Unlike the pupil of the ideological state apparatuses of nation-
states, Machiavelli did not have at his disposal an existing nation-state or
representative democracy for which he could have striven with his writings.
An extensive and durable state was for him an aleatory possibility, but like
the new prince, Machiavelli could not know in what kind of development and
justihcation processes of the historical national states of future centuries his
theories would be possibly positioned:
Machiavelli casts a harsh light on the beginnings of our era: that of bourgeois
societies. He casts a harsh light, too, by his very utopianism, by the simulta-
neously necessary and unthinkable hypothesis that the newstate could begin
anywhere, on the aleatory character of the formation of nation states. For us they
are drawn on the map, as if for every hxed in a destiny that always preceded
them. For him, on the contrary, they are largely aleatory, their frontiers are
not hxed, there have to be conquests, but how far? To the boundaries of lan-
guages or beyond? To the limits of their forces? We have forgotten all this.
When we read him, we are gripped by him as by what we have forgotten, by
that strange familiarity, as Freud called it, that of something repressed.
.. Epilogue: Althussers interpretation of Machiavelli
If Althussers Epicurean interpretations of the aleatory and the conjuncture
are compared to his earlier views, it is obvious that the former are in many
places connected with his views on the nature of history or the under- and
overdetermination of conjunctures. In his work on the concepts of over- and
underdetermination, Althusser did indeed strive to understand why all his-
torical cases are exceptions and why a pure case (which could be consid-
ered a model for the capitalist mode of production) cannot be found any-
Althusser 1qqoa, p. 6; Althusser 1q88, pp. ;6; Althussers emphasis.
Althussers Aleatory Machiavelli z+
where. In the case of over- and underdetermination, it is important to note
that, in each case, its own specihc dynamics also have an inuence. A particu-
lar case, for instance the Russian conjuncture in 1q1;, did not merely passively
receive inuences from different directions. Even though national and inter-
national factors over- and underdetermined the Russian conjuncture, this in
turn inuenced how the national and international factors inuenced Russian
conjuncture. Likewise, the events of the Russian conjuncture, such as the Octo-
ber Revolution, inuenced rather decisively in the future development of the
supranational conjuncture.
As was discussed earlier (z.z.), along with over- and underdermination,
history must not be thought of as a linear development of the system, as
a kind of Universal History.
Instead, one should think in terms of many
histories or the lack of a centre, something which Althusser refers to when
he states in the Soutenance dAmiens that the working class and the capitalist
class have their own history and yet they still clash.
Geoff Waite has claimed, but without any further substantiation, that, with
Althussers concern in his later writings with aleatory materialism, there was
a turn in his thinking in a Nietzschean direction.
Even though Althusser no
longer uses the vocabulary he used in the 1q6os and 1q;os for instance, he
no longer uses the terms over- and underdetermination this does not nec-
essarily mean a turn in direction where a new-found enthusiasm about the
aleatory would set aside questions concerning structure or laws of develop-
ment. Rather, Althusser strives to further develop his earlier views about polit-
ical action and interventions, particularly by applying and developing ideas
Cf. Balibar 1qq6, p. 11.
Althusser further developed the aleatory dimensions of this idea when analysing
Marxs concept of the mode of production (see Althusser 1qqc, pp. 6q;6). The
capitalistic mode of production and its social classes only come about with the hxation
[prise] that follows the collision of elements that have up to that point been in various
atomistic states. This collision and the hxation of its consequences is not a teleological
or causally determined chain of events. It is rather a matter of a process in which a
complex group of different acts, circumstances and conditions produce the capitalist
mode of production. The hxation of the capitalist mode of production, however, does
not mean that the aleatory comes to an end: the reproduction of the capitalist mode of
productionmay fail or become endangered(there are no guarantees that it will succeed)
if its production in continuously new areas is not successful. Thus the capitalist mode
of production is not a fait accompli that radically differs fromthe aleatory process that
gave birth to it, but rather this process continues in the reproduction of the capitalist
mode of production.
Waite 1qq6, p. q8; cf. also pp. 161q.
z+ Chapter Four
from Machiavelli. At the same time, it is important to note that the aleatory
interpretation of historical-political reality does not mean that conjunctures are
about complete chaos, without any kind of order or hierarchy between issues.
Instead, with the help of the concept of the aleatory, Althusser continues the
critique, familiar already from Heidegger, of the concepts of original cause,
centre, telos and so forth, and the philosophies based on these.
Thus the targets of Althussers critique are those philosophies that justify the
forms of reality that have taken hold by presenting them as correct, natural,
or necessary results of the historical development. The point of contention is
a group of effective ideological doctrines and forms that specihcally produce
and express the tendencies and structural factors that prevail in a conjuncture.
Althusser outlines such tendencies and structural factors and the conditions
for both subjecting to critique and changing the ideologies articulated within
them. The concept of the aleatory opens up theoretical opportunities for such
a critique and action for change in which the question is by no means about an
abstract speculation with chance that forgets these doctrines and forms.
This issue will also be discussed in the next chapter, where I look at the
questions of the organisation and control of the aleatory. These analyses are
set at the level of factual events, structures and other factors of the conjunc-
tures, rather than at the philosophico-cosmological level concerned with the
concepts of pure coincidence, original causes or other concepts of the philoso-
phies of history.
In the next chapter, I will analyse more concretely Machiavellis discussion
of the alliance between the prince and the people [molti] from the point of
the view of the aleatory and its taming effect: the establishment of a stable
people or the conversion of the people as a multitude [multitudo, molti] into
a people is one solution to the highly aleatory historical situation created
in an oligarchy. The emphasis in the chapter is on Machiavellis texts, my
interpretation partly inspired by the writings of Althusser (as well as Gramsci)
as discussed in the previous chapters, but also partly developing these ideas
Chapter Five
The Subversive Machiavelli
.. The art of war and the art of politics
In the previous chapters, I argued that, in order
for a man of action such as a prince to act, it is
not enough that he has knowledge of the general
features of his own case, because he has to operate
with the specic features and surprising events of his
own case. This requires inuencing the degree of the
subjective and humanly objective aleatoriness of
the case. The subjective and objective views of the
aleatory nature of the case do not, however, refer
to completely different issues but are intrinsically
connected with each other, particularly in the case of
the man of action. This connection is expressed by
the fact that in order to inuence the degree of the
humanly objective aleatoriness, the man of action
must decrease the degree of subjective aleatoriness.
In other words, the precondition for the success of
the projects and strategies of the man of action is
that he can make an analysis of a situation, estimate
and predict the consequences of his own acts, and
inuence the conditions of his conjuncture which
includes other men of action so that the conjuncture
produces favourable consequences for him and is
shaped in accordance with his own desires.
z+6 Chapter Five
The man of action is not, however, the central point of his own conjuncture;
that is, he is not the complete master of himself and his own situation. The
conjuncture indeed manifests itself as a kind of dynamic game or battleheld
where the different actors or groups of actors (such as princes, factions, armies
and states) strive as best they can to utilise the aleatory, averting its negative
effects, such as unpleasant surprises, and channelling themso that they befall
the other actors. Each actor also devises surprises and unpleasant encounters
for others, whilst, at the same time, striving to predict surprises that others
have devised for him, and so forth.
Thus the blow of fate may also befall the man of action himself. He
can never be certain that the consequences of his actions and plots are in
accordance with his own plans. He cannot even be certain where he will hnd
himself in the future or in what condition he will be. A good example of this
is Machiavellis new prince who, when acting for the good of the people, does
not fully comprehend the nature of his own actions. However, in relying on
the people for his own advantage, he will at the same time, partly without
knowing it, also promote the common good and in this way, with the birth
of the collective moment, make himself superuous. On the other hand, the
approval of the people does not guarantee that their object of approval will
not be a devious tyrant who promotes his own interests in the name of the
common good, and whose actions indeed remove the opportunities for action
by the people and eventually himself.
Neal Wood has argued that, for Machiavelli, political virt is closely con-
nected to the skills required in warfare, that is, virt militare. This is evident
in the fact that most of the virtuoso men of action that Machiavelli discusses
are soldiers.
The point, however, is not that virt is only connected with war
Cf. also Hanna Pitkins work Fortune Is a Woman: Gender and Politics in the Thought
of Niccol Machiavelli (Pitkin 1q8) in which the problematics of virt and fortuna are
analysed, particularly from the viewpoints of the feminine and masculine. Pitkin states
that the sexually coloured relation of masculine virt (cf. especially Machiavelli zoo,
Chapter z, pp. 1o6) to feminine fortuna is in its nature less violent than rape, but
stronger than seduction (Pitkin 1q8, p. zqz). For a history of the hgures of virt and
fortuna, cf. Mnkler 1q8, pp. ooz8. Mnkler dehnes virt as a goal-oriented, rational
political action which takes place in an arbitrary and senseless history depicted by the
mystical form of Lady Fortuna, who is represented as being blind: virt, the crystalline
energy of goal-setting political subjects, and fortuna, the quintessence of chance and
the lack of meaning of history, thus form the fundamental opposition of Machiavellis
political theory (Mnkler 1q8, p. 16).
Cf. Wood 1q6;, p. 16; Wood 1q68, pp. 86.
The Subversive Machiavelli z+
and the skills of warfare. War is the archetype of the battle between virt and
fortuna. For Wood, virt represents the masculine attempt to control all things,
while fortuna represents feminine irrationality.
Furthermore, according to this
reading, Machiavelli believes that the political situations inpeacetime contain
features connected to warfare, and success in such situations requires similar
skills and preparedness as in successful warfare:
Indeed politics is a kind of war, and civil society is essentially a battleground
for individuals and parties struggling for power. The traditional distinction
between friend and foe used to describe the relation between the citizen and
his citys enemy is now applied by Machiavelli to relations between fellow-
citizens. The model of civic life is always military life and the model of civic
leadership is always military leadership. Founding a new commonwealth,
the reformof a corrupt state, conspiracy for the overthrowof government, the
prevention of conspiracy, are fundamentally military situations, as appraised
by Machiavelli.
In the above quote, Wood refers to the virt of founding states, renewing cor-
rupt states and implementing conspiracies. On the other hand, he emphasises
those parts in The Discourses where Machiavelli links the corruption of the
state and the loss of virt civile of the citizens. The development of virt civile
requires the right kind of upbringing, organisation and circumstances. If these
conditions do not exist, peoples will be destroyed and they will lose their
ability to act. On the other hand, virt civile is an important condition in the
struggle against ending up in the vicious circle of corruption. According to
Wood, virt civile is not different from virt militare on the contrary:
Conditions of war and struggle between peoples will be perpetuated as long
as men are trained to be warriors, are imbued frombirth with military values,
and live in states that are organized for aggrandizement.
Machiavellis idea is that imbuing men with virt militare and the related
combat skills does not lead to the destruction and atrophy of the state, but
enables it to expand and thrive. When virt militare disappears, the conditions
for peacefully sustaining the state also disappear. Thus virt militare is not
Wood 1q6;, p. 1;o.
Wood 1q6;, pp. 1;o1.
z+8 Chapter Five
merely something necessary in times of war but also something that lays the
foundation for virt civile. As Wood states in another context, Machiavellis
viewpoint differs decisively in this regard from the classical idea that the
basis for society is the state of peace and that political action is a question
of the management of common matters between friends, whereas conict is
characterised as an unnatural or exceptional state of affairs. Instead, with
Machiavelli, every friend is a potential enemy, and therefore the conicts and
acts of violence between friends are an essential part of political practice.
Peace and war are not opposites but different moments of one and the same
political practice.
Woods viewpoint, however, has been criticised. For example, in a response
published hve years after Woods original article, Ian Hannaford criticised his
central idea, namely, that the model for civilian life stems from military life.
Hannaford does not deny Machiavellis unusual degree of interest in military
matters, but argues, nevertheless, that
Machiavellis concept of virt is not a military one, that his model of civic life
and leadership is not military leadership and that his politico is certainly not
analogous to an ironmaster pouring molten metal into the form of a warrior.
In support of his counter-argument, Hannaford discusses those chapters in The
Prince and The Discourses that, according to him, show that equally important
as virt militare are those virtues aimed at public political purposes state ser-
vice, the establishment of legitimate political authority, and the maintenance
of the highest and noblest conceptions of classical liberty and citizenship.
Wood 1qqo, pp. lviilix. Cf. Wood 1q68, p. 8: While traditional thinkers like Plato
and Aristotle had clearly recognized the existence of conict within the polis, they
thought of it as an unnatural condition arising from the domination of the human soul
by the baser appetites. Since the nature of the soul was thought to be a harmony of
parts under the rule of reason, social conict represented a defection of the psyche from
nature. Consequently, a social organization was recommended in which a harmony, if
not a unison of parts, would replace all antagonisms, and in which civic education
would mould healthy, harmonious human souls. The thinking that emphasises the
naturalness and ideality of the harmony of Plato and Aristotle instead offers material
for ideologies where conicts are solved imaginarily or denied altogether by judging
themas unnatural states in society, insteadof trying to understandconicts by studying
their material conditions and solving them through interventions.
Hannaford 1q;z, p. 18.
Hannaford 1q;z, p. 186.
Hannaford 1q;z, p. 18;.
The Subversive Machiavelli z+
According to Hannaford, a good example is Cincinnatus, as described in the
Third Book of The Discourses. After his victorious war, he returned to manage
his estate. This Roman, and others like him, were not virtuous simply because
they were war heroes but, above all, because they did not confuse military
virt with political virt. They understood that leading and maintaining a
state during times of peace requires different skills and characteristics from
warfare. They established laws to guarantee peace in their political society,
strived for the legitimate use of power instead of tyranny, and placed military
responsibility under political responsibility.
Hannaford concludes that Wood
was wrong to draw parallels between political virt and military virt or to
equate the methods of peace-time politics with those of warfare:
One cannot deny that Machiavellis description of war is all that Professor
Wood says it is, and Machiavelli exploits it to the full. But he does not say that
war is the supreme test of mans physique, intellect and character. Rather, he
implies that other situations may call for more guile than military situations,
since military situations are relatively simple two-sided affairs in which con-
testants hght to solve problems they cannot otherwise avoid. Political situ-
ations, on the other hand, require the discourse of the agora or forum and
politics is but one alternative to a variety of options open to a man of action.
Politics is not war and civil society is not a battleground. . . . The relationships
between fellow citizens are not friend and foe relationships, and the funda-
mentally military situations Professor Wood chooses to prove that they were
(founding a new commonwealth, reform of a corrupt state, conspiracy) are
all examples of situations where Machiavelli clearly recognizes the apolitical
nature of situation and is content to leave seizure and maintenance of power
to those who knowhowto use weapons. WhenMachiavelli talks about public
service, responsibility, dictatorship, accusation, liberty, legislation and main-
tenance of the authoritative state, he is less optimistic about military virt.
Hannafords critique is, in that regard, to the point: in Woods interpretation,
the differences between the states of war and peace are covered over by what
they have in common. It is obvious that canons and muskets are used in the
agora only in exceptional circumstances; for example, in support of ultimata.
Hannaford 1q;z, p. 18q; Hannafords emphasis.
zzo Chapter Five
Furthermore, people usually do not form opposing groups that differ from
each other as clearly as wouldtwo armies heading into battle. Insteadof battles
and struggles, the skills of negotiation, compliance with the law, and the use
of power based on persuasion are highlighted in Machiavellis descriptions of
non-corrupt states. Likewise, it is true that Machiavelli emphasises how the
men should willingly return home after the war. If they are not a paid army
but soldiers mobilised from the population, and who also have a profession or
position in civilian life, re-adapting to civilian life is not difhcult.
Hannaford assumes, based on a description of peace-time politics, that
the peaceful and law-abiding life would occur in a neutral and conict-free
situation. It thus escapes him that the legitimate political authority is not
necessarily a neutral matter, but that legitimacy can also be understood as
a displaced form of struggle and conict. Hannaford also does not take into
account what Felix Gilbert characterises as the most revolutionary argument
of Machiavellis observations concerning war.
This thesis of the close connection and interrelationship between political
and military institutions is the most revolutionary argument of Machiavellis
One can indeed say that Machiavellis central objective, the army formed
from the rulers own subjects, who are hghting for their own state is not
simply a tool of foreign policy in the expansion of the state, but also a central
condition for creating a people and producing virt civile while a mercenary
army led by a condottiere and hghting only for money is a hindrance to these.
As Althusser states, along with the princes ideological apparatus and the law,
the army is the central location for politics in a durable state. The army is, in
addition to being a war apparatus, also a political apparatus, the task of which
Cf., e.g., Machiavelli 1qqo, Chapter 1. According to Felix Gilbert, at the beginning
of the modern era elements of both old feudal and new professional soldiers were
combined in the armies of the super powers, such as France, Aragon and England,
whereas the vanguard of the Italian economy, the Italian city-states, relied entirely on
professional soldiers, in which case soldiering became a profession of its own, entirely
separated from any other civilian activity (Gilbert 1q86, p. 1).
Gilbert 1q86, pp. z6;; cf. also p. zq.
On the history of the mercenary armies and their leaders, the condottieri, in Italy
from the thirteenth to the sixteenth centuries, cf. Mallett 1qq1, pp. zz. Mallett
remarks that, with the changes in states and warfare at the beginning of the sixteenth
century, the agreements between the condottieri and the rulers were of longer duration
than they had been in previous centuries (Mallett 1qq1, pp. o).
The Subversive Machiavelli zz+
is to function as the basis of both good laws and anything else good in a state.
Although I have elsewhere [e.g. The Discourses, I. and II.1o] maintained that
the foundation of states is a good military organization, yet it seems to me not
superuous to repeat here that, without such a military organization, there
can neither be good laws nor anything else good.
On the very hrst lines after the dedication in The Art of War, Machiavelli states:
Many are now of the opinion, my dear Lorenzo [di Filippo Strozzi], that no
two things are more discordant and incongruous than a civil and military
According to Machiavelli, such an opinion is understandable because the
person wearing a military uniform often seems to differ signihcantly from
everyone else. When studying the matter more closely, and particularly when
familiarising oneself with the institutions and ordinances [ordini] of antiquity,
one notices, however, that
. . . there is a very close, intimate relation between these two conditions, and
that they are not only compatible and consistent with each other, but neces-
sarily connected and interrelated. For all the arts that have been introduced
into society for the common beneht of mankind, and all the ordinances that
have been established to make them live in fear of God and in obedience to
human laws, would be vain and insignihcant if they were not supported and
defended by a military force; this force, when properly led and applied, will
maintain those ordinances and keep up their authority, although they per-
haps may not be perfected or awless.
Hannaford does not dehne who exactly belongs to the category of fellow citi-
zens, that is, those who get to decide about the matters of the common beneht
[bene comune]. Woods idea about the difference between Machiavellis think-
ing and that of classical political thinking can also be interpreted as follows:
in the classics on the politics of the polis, such as Plato and Aristotle, politics
is dehned as the doctrine of the internal management of common issues of
the ruling social groups on the agora, whereas Machiavelli emphasises the
Machiavelli 1qo, III.1; cf. Machiavelli zoo, Chapter 1z.
Machiavelli 1qq, p. ;; Machiavelli zoo, p. .
Machiavelli 1qq, p. ;; Machiavelli zoo, p. .
zzz Chapter Five
struggles for who gets to go to the agora (e.g. the Grande consiglio in Florence) to
decide about common issues and who are ineligible to stand for election and
public ofhce. Politics is not only a matter between fellow citizens but also a
struggle between the few[pochi], the nobility, and the many [molti], the people,
the important dimensions of which are the struggle for inuence on the agora
and the question of citizenship.
Wood perhaps too much equates political virt with military virt. Han-
naford, on the other hand, strictly differentiates between them. In so doing, he
does not pay attention to the partly allegorical similarities between them, that
both peaceful political activity and warfare can be seen as a human practice in
which one acts in situations characterised by uncertainty and unpredictability.
Hannaford also does not take into account the fact that legitimacy and the
peaceful political situation such as the republic can be seen as a conjunc-
tural response to factors of uncertainty caused by a fundamentally aleatory
reality. Even though the objective of the project of the prince is indeed to tame
chance (decreasing the degree of the aleatory) by producing an extensive and
uniform geographic whole a collective moment the result is not a conict-
free state of balance but a possible yet not necessarily inevitable transitional
form of class struggle between the nobles and the people.
Here Hannafords interpretation comes close to the republican interpreta-
tion, insofar as he does not pay sufhcient attention to the dynamic that stands
out in Machiavellis thinking; for instance, the fact that the state of war and
the state of peace historically do not strictly differ from each other. Instead, it
is a matter of an (aleatory) process and its control by means of open struggle
and war or producing a republican constitutionality and legitimacy or ideo-
logically creating respect towards the prince and the friendship of the people.
Even though the republican collective moment can indeed be considered a less
aleatory situation than the moment of the solitude of the prince not to men-
tion the condensed moment of conict of the state of war also in the republic
the question is about accommodating the aleatory and the displaced form of
the class struggle between the nobles and the people.
EventhoughHannafordis indeedcorrect insaying that the methods intimes
of peace are in many ways different form those of war time, it does not follow
from this that the art of politics and the art of war do not require force and
Cf. Chapter .6.
The Subversive Machiavelli zz
courage, analyses of the situation based on uncorroborated reports, extremely
rapid or timely decisions, and successful strategies and tactics. Warfare must
not be understood simply as a fast tempo strike or a Blitzkrieg campaign but
equally as long-termsiege warfare, where it is essential to surround the enemy,
tiring it out and weakening its will to hght, as Gramsci proposes.
In Gramscis view, politics and war are not identihed with each other,
yet the different stages and types of warfare offer him both historical and
metaphorical tools for characterising and understanding the different forms
of political struggle.
In Gramscis interpretation, it is obvious that political
strategies and tactics are implemented by means of different weapons than
those used for military purposes; yet, despite this, in both cases it is about a
struggle, albeit different moments of this struggle.
In the following section, I will discuss in further detail certain passages in
Machiavellis texts in order to shed light on the aleatory practice of the man
of action as well as his strategic and tactical weapons, particularly those of
a new prince, with which he aims both to use the aleatory situation to his
advantage and to control or by other means tame it. In particular, I will look
at Machiavellis project of the new prince the man of action par excellence
whose objective is to tame the conjuncture of the Apennine peninsula bymeans
of an extensive state that will prove to be durable.
.. The destructive current of fortuna
At the beginning of Chapter z of The Prince, Machiavelli refers to the following
general belief:
I am not unaware that many have held and hold the opinion that events
are controlled by fortune and by God in such a way that the prudence of
men cannot modify them, indeed, that men have no inuence whatsoever.
Because of this, they would conclude that there is no point in sweating over
Cf. Gramsci 1q;, pp. 1zz.
Gramsci was also interested in the transition process where friends become ene-
mies or former enemies become each others allies. He describes the transition from
enemy to ally with the concept trasformismo (e.g. Gramsci 1q;, pp. zo1o; cf. also
Chiaramonte 1q8;, pp. 168).
zz Chapter Five
things, but that one should submit to the rulings of chance. This opinion
has been more widely held in our own times, because of the great changes
and variations, beyond human imagining, which we have experienced and
experience every day. Sometimes, when thinking of this, I have myself
inclined to this same opinion. None the less, so as not to rule out our free
will, I believe that it is probably true that fortune is the arbiter of half the
things we do, leaving the other half or so to be controlled by ourselves.
Machiavelli does not fully deny the fatalistic assumption he himself is
occasionally inclined towards it but nevertheless wants to hold on to the
belief in mans free will and the premise that it is possible, at least to some
extent, to inuence fortuna. If the possibility of human inuence on fortuna is
denied, the assumption of mans free will then becomes problematic: human
actionwouldhave no real inuence onhowevents proceed, andinsteadwould
be either an expression of providence or a case of pure chance, a chaotic
course of events which man would be unable to control or understand.
In the above quote, Machiavelli lets us understand that it is not possible to
prove indisputably the freedom of will, but, on the other hand, he condition-
ally states that the idea about a partial freedom of human will is probably
true. Here, his viewpoint resembles that of Hume, according to whom, in the
case of the common life of humans, a fatalistic notion about reality would not
be meaningful or reasonable because it has negative effects from the point of
view of practical life. Machiavellis Humean viewpoint is clearly evident in
Chapter z of the Second Book of The Discourses:
Machiavelli 1qq, Chapter z, pp. ;8q; Machiavelli zoo, Chapter z, p. 1o.
On the other hand, Machiavelli states in the hrst chapter of Book One of The
Discourses: . . . men work either from necessity or from choice, and as it has been
observed that virtue has more sway where labour is the result of necessity rather than
of choice, it is a matter of consideration whether it might not be better to select for the
establishment of a city a sterile region, where the people, compelled by necessity to
be industrious, and therefore less given to idleness, would be more united, and less
exposed by the poverty of the country to occasions for discord (Machiavelli 1qq, I.1,
p. q; Machiavelli 1qo, I.1, p. 1o;). At this point, the question is, however, about the
historical degree of freedominhumansociety, not the theoretical-philosophical analysis
of the concept of freedom. One of the central ideas in Machiavellis thinking is that
idleness, those living an idle life, and those who do not work, are the basic cause for
the corruption and decay of society. The idle have time to plot, whereas for those who
work it is sufhcient that their life is secure and peaceful.
The Subversive Machiavelli zz
Reecting now as to whence it came that in ancient times the people were
more devoted to liberty than in the present, I believe that it resulted from
this, that men were stronger in those days, which I believe to be attributable
to the difference of education, founded upon the difference of their religion
and ours. For, as our religion teaches us the truth and the true way of life, it
causes us to attach less value to the honours andpossessions of this world; . . .
Our religion, moreover, places the supreme happiness in humility, lowliness,
and a contempt for worldly objects, whilst the other [pagan religion], on the
contrary, places the supreme good in grandeur of soul, strength of body, and
all such other qualities as render men formidable; and if our religion claims
of us fortitude of soul, it is more to enable us to suffer than to achieve great
deeds. These principles seem to me to have made men feeble, and caused
themto become an easy prey to evil-mindedmen, who can control themmore
securely, seeing that the great body of men, for the sake of gaining Paradise,
are more disposed to endure injuries than to avenge them.
From the point of view of the fortuna of criminals, the passivity of the major-
ity is a positive thing:
they have opportunities for action that they would not
have in a conjuncture controlled by an active majority with a worldly incli-
nation. If Machiavelli refers with the term evil-minded men [uomini scelerati]
to the few, the nobility, the Pope and his court of the city-states as well as
the barbarians of foreign powers (e.g. the rulers of France and Spain together
with their armies), then one could think that fatalism, the belief in providence,
the trust in God, the inclination towards other-worldly matters, putting up
with insults and so forth, are all expressions of the ideological power of those
few. It was mentioned earlier that, according to Gramsci, Machiavellis objec-
tive was also to teach those who do not now about the tools of Realpolitik.
Fatalistic doctrines and the ideology of the belief in providence do not increase
knowledge of such things. These instead can be characterised as the ideologi-
cal calls of their time, with the help of which criminals keep the people passive,
Machiavelli 1qq, II.z, pp. z;8; Machiavelli 1qo, II.z, pp. 18.
Machiavelli does not completely denounce religious faith. For example, in the
case of the Romans, he admires their skill in utilising religion to organise the state
(Machiavelli 1qo, I.1). Likewise he regrets that all piety and religion has disappeared
from Italy. Here his critique, however, is directed at the church which, in addition to
keeping the country disunited, is responsible for the evilness of Italians (Machiavelli
1qo, I.1z).
Cf. Gramsci 1q;, p. 16o8.
zz6 Chapter Five
thus producing even more opportunities for themselves to commit crimes.
It is undoubtedly easy to respond positively towards the ideological call of
fatalism or providentialism in a highly aleatory conjuncture, where human
calculations have proved deceptive and reality looks like a battleheld of
blind fortuna, and where events seem to be beyond the reach of all human
understanding and inuence. This gives some indication of the fact that the
chaotic andhighly aleatory conjuncture does not after all open up to the people
living within it as a held of opportunities but, rather, is an uncontrollable
situation that feeds discouraging and deterministic fatalism. Seen from this
viewpoint, the fatalistic and deterministic beliefs or the chaotic feel of the
situation are not opposites but expressions of one and the same functionally
passive spirit of the times. Perhaps critically referring to Epicurus, one can
state that chaos does indeed cause irresponsibility and does, not after all, make
way for a freedom of will. In other words, peoples belief in fate-like powers
beyond mans inuence increases in a highly aleatory situation, rather than
seeing such a situation as a possibility for action.
But what is the failing in human calculations due to? The reason could be
that people are simply badat calculating correctly or that the complex nature of
reality makes calculating difhcult or even impossible. At least as Machiavelli
sees it in his own conjuncture, as described in Chapter z of The Prince, the
failure is due to the special chaotic circumstances of Italy and the hniteness
of mans ability to discern and evaluate [prudenzia]. That is to say, there is no
man so wise [prudente] that he could with mastery follow and anticipate the
movements of reality. As Machiavelli sarcastically states:
Nor do we hnd a man shrewd enough to know how to adapt his policy in
this way; either because he cannot do otherwise than what is in character
or because, having always prospered by proceeding one way, he cannot
persuade himself to change.
And in the same way in regard to republics:
Cf. Thucydides 1qq8, p. z, who quotes Pericless speech to his troops. Pericles
states that in situations where the two battling sides have equally good fortune, one
must not only trust in hope, but rather there are grounds to rely on reason based on
facts because this increases ones feeling of superiority and provides better information
for the future than mere hope.
Machiavelli 1qq, Chapter z, p. 8o; Machiavelli zoo, Chapter z, p. 1o;.
The Subversive Machiavelli zz
. . . it is impossible to establish a perpetual republic, because in a thousand
unforeseen ways its ruin may be accomplished.
The following section in The Discourses, where Machiavelli refers to the wind-
ing and unknown roads of fortuna, aptly describes in surprisingly optimistic
tones the impossibility of the total control of fortuna:
I repeat, then, as an incontrovertible truth, proved by all history, that men
may second fortune but cannot oppose her; they may develop her designs,
but cannot defeat them. But men should never despair on that account; for,
not knowing the aims of fortune, which she pursues by dark and devious ways.
Men should always be hopeful, and never yield to despair, whatever troubles
or ill fortune may befall them.
It becomes particularly difhcult to followand predict the movements of fortuna
and to adapt to the changes when the degree of aleatoriness is unusually
high, as in the case of the Apennine peninsula. According to Machiavelli, Italy
is indeed the seat and initiator of the changes in fortuna, for the dykes and
embankments which could prevent or ease the blows and changes of fortuna
are missing:
And if you consider Italy, which has been the seat of these changes, and who
has given the impulse to them, you will see her to be a country without dykes
or embankments of any kind: for if Italy had been adequately reinforced,
like Germany, Spain, and France, this ood would not have caused the great
changes it has, or it would not have happened at all.
Fabrizio Colonna, the main character in The Art of War, indeed states that the
upheavals in Italy have been both the reason and consequence for why people
have become lazy and have decided to depend merely on fortuna, so that her
whims indeed dominate all matters:
. . . to rely upon fortuna, rather than their own virt, for seeing that there
is now such a proportion of virt left among mankind that it has but little
Machiavelli 1qq, III.1;, p. 8; Machiavelli 1qo, III.1;, p. 66; my emphasis.
Machiavelli 1qq, II.zq, p. 16; Machiavelli 1qo, II.zq, p. 8z; my emphasis.
Machiavelli 1qq, Chapter z, p. ;q; Machiavelli zoo, Chapter z, p. 1o6.
zz8 Chapter Five
inuence in the affairs of the world and that things seem to be governed by
fortuna they think it is better to follow her train than to contend with her
for superiority.
There is no difference, however, between understanding fortuna as, on the one
hand, uncontrolled circumstances beyond human inuence and, on the other,
as a subjective success within these circumstances, for they indeed inuence
each other. The more a person can inuence the objective fortuna the more
his or her own subjective fortuna lies within his or her own control. The
more a person is at the mercy of the objective fortuna of the situation, the
less he or she can inuence his or her subjective fortuna. The relative part
of the uncontrolled side of fortuna in human life is not carved in stone: a
person can through his or her own actions inuence the relationship between
uncontrolled fortuna and controlled fortuna.
With the words sorte, caso, cielo and Dio, Machiavelli refers, albeit
unsystematically, to the uncontrollable part of fortuna whichis beyondhuman
knowledge and inuence, while using the term fortuna for those matters that,
at least potentially, are within reach of human knowledge and inuence.
example, at the beginning of Chapter z of The Prince, Machiavelli specihcally
uses the word sorte [chance]:
. . . they would conclude that there is no point in sweating over things, but
that one should submit to the rulings of chance [sorte].
Even though the humanly controllable part of fortuna is, according to Machi-
avelli, even at its best, only a bit less than half of the total fortuna, its actual
Machiavelli 1qq, II, p. oq; Machiavelli 1qqo, II, p. 8o.
For example, when the Romans chose every tenth soldier to be killed by the
drawing of lots, the object of the draw could not in any way inuence whether the lot
would fall on each of the soldiers being disciplined. They were at the mercy of the luck
of the draw [la sorte], as the last chapter of The Discourses tells, referring to the worst of
the Roman methods of punishment and discipline: . . . where all have merited death,
and only every tenth man is punished by lot, these will have occasion to complain only
of fate; whilst those who escape will be careful not to commit other crimes, for fear that
next time the lot might fall to them (Machiavelli 1qq, III.q, p. ; Machiavelli 1qo,
III.q, p. q). If, for instance, bribery were possible in the drawing of lots, then for the
one aware of the bribery it is no longer a question of la sorte, while those unaware of
the bribery still assume that in being chosen it was a matter of blind chance and fate.
Machiavelli 1qq, Chapter z, pp. ;8q; Machiavelli zoo, Chapter z, p. 1o; my
The Subversive Machiavelli zz
percentage in the Apennine conjuncture is even much less than that, which is
due to the immense power that sorte, cielo and Dio have in this conjunc-
Machiavelli compares the vicious circle in which the uncontrollable side
of fortuna grows in relation to both its subjectively and humanly objectively
controllable parts to the effects of a disastrous ood:
I compare fortune to one of those violent rivers which, when they are
enraged, ood the plains, tear down trees and buildings, wash soil from one
place to deposit it in another. Everyone ees before them, everybody yields to
their impetus, there is no possibility of resistance. Yet although such is their
nature, it does not follow that when they are owing quietly one cannot take
precautions, constructing dykes and embankments so that when the river is
in ood they would keep to one channel or their impetus be less wild and
dangerous. So it is with fortune. She shows her potency where there is no
well-regulated power to resist her, and her impetus is felt where she knows
there are no embankments and dykes built to restrain her.
Machiavelli does not claim, however, that skilful actions could fully prevent
the effects of fortuna. One cannot do anything about the fact of fortuna itself,
that is, its unstable nature, but it is possible to accommodate the instability.
In the collection of poems by Machiavelli, Di Fortuna, Caso and Sorte are the blind
and deaf gatekeepers of the castle of Fortune (Machiavelli 1qq, p. ;1o).
Machiavelli 1qq, Chapter z, p. ;q; Machiavelli zoo, Chapter z, pp. 1o6.
This resembles the viewpoint of Boetius (Boetius 8oz), according to which
cursing the changefulness of fortuna is as nave as complaining about the change in the
weather. Instead, what shows wisdom and farsightedness is to take the changefulness
of fortuna in the right way. Madam Philosophy [fueram Philosophiam], the queen of all
virtues, who appeared to Boetius in his prison cell, told the unfortunate prisoner about
fortuna as follows: What then is it, man, that has cast down so that you weep and wail
so much? Youhave hadon unusual shock, I think. Youimagine that fortunes attitude to
you has changed; you are wrong. Such was always her way, such is her nature. Instead,
all she has done in your case is remain constant to her own inconstancy; she was just the
same when she was smiling, when she deluded you with the allurements of her false
happiness. You have merely discovered the changing face of that blind power: she who
still conceals herself from others has completely revealed herself to you (Boetius 1q;,
p. 1;;). Boetius presents the idea of divine reason, due to which the universe follows
regular laws and develops teleologically towards the good: The best kindlier of your
health we have is your true opinion of the governance of the world, that you believe it
to be subjected not to the randomness of chance events but to divine reason . . . (Boetius
1q;, p. 1;1). Thucydides in turn argues that people are in the habit of blaming fortuna
when the vagaries of events are probably no less wayward than the minds of men
(Thucydides 1qq8, p. ) and something takes place contrary to human calculations.
zo Chapter Five
does not followfromthe general nature of things that people would not in some
specic situation act in a way that prevents the effect of such a general nature
on the course of events of the conjuncture. Instead of aiming ones interest
at the general nature, it is sensible, from the point of view of human action,
to analyse and to organise that specihc situation where the general occurs or
does not occur.
In the case of Machiavelli, interpretations have been put forward, however,
based on the assumption that he thought that the laws of human nature guide
human actions and inuence relationships between people. When it is known
how man or human society has acted before, it is possible to say how these
will act in the future or how they should or should not act in the future. For
example, Felix Gilbert writes as follows when interpreting Machiavellis views
on warfare:
Nevertheless, there is one aspect in modern military thought that not only
cannot be connected with Machiavellis thought, but is in sharp contrast
to it. Machiavelli was mainly concerned with a general norm, valid for
the military organizations of all states and times; modern military thought
Baltasar Gracin encapsulates the view presented by Machiavelli and Thucydides in
his aphorism the skill of achieving Fortuna: There are rules of luck: it is not all chance
with the wise: it can be assisted by care. Some content themselves with placing them-
selves conhdently at the gate of Fortune, waiting till she opens it. Others do better, and
press forward and proht by their clever boldness, reaching the goddess and winning
her favour on the wings of their virtue and valour. But on a true philosophy there is no
other umpire than virtue and insight; for there is no luck or ill-luck except wisdom and
the reverse (Gracin zoo, Maxim XXI).
Neal Wood remarks that it is easier to hnd examples in Machiavellis texts which
show that mans character is to a great extent the result of practice and not a quality
dehned at birth or according to ones place of birth (Wood 1qqo, p. z, footnote z1).
Wood presents his remarks in connection with the following rule from The Art of
War: But, to give a rule which may be observed by any state, I say that every prince
or republic should select his men from his own dominions, whether hot, cold, or
temperate; for we see by ancient examples that good discipline and exercise will make
good soldiers in any country, and that the defects of nature may be supplied by art
and industry which in this case is more effective than nature itself (Machiavelli 1qq,
I, p. 6; Machiavelli zoo, I, p. z). Also the following general rule [regola generale],
which Machiavelli presents, quoting Vegetius, refers to the importance of experience:
Few men are brave by nature, but good discipline and experience make many so
(Machiavelli 1qq, Chapter ;, p. 61; Machiavelli zoo, Chapter ;, p. zoz). Referring
to De Sanctiss interpretation of Machiavelli, one can encapsulate the issue as follows:
man himself can create laws that control the implementation of the laws of human
nature (cf. De Sanctis 1q8, p. 16).
The Subversive Machiavelli z+
emphasized that actions under different historical circumstances must differ
and that military institutions will be satisfactory only when they are htted to
the particular constitution and conditions of an individual state. Moreover,
Machiavellis emphasis on the establishment of military institutions and
conduct of war according to rational and generally valid rules gave great
weight to the rational factor in military matters. . . . When war is seen as
determined by rational laws, it is only logical to leave nothing to chance
and to expect that the adversary will throw his hand in when he has been
brought into position where the game is rationally lost. . . . It has since been
realized that war is not only a science but also an art. With the end of the
eighteenth century and the Age of Reason, there was a sudden recognition
of the importance of other than rational factors. . . . The introduction of these
new intellectual trends of the realization of the importance of uniqueness
and individuality, of the recognition of the creative and intuitive element
aside from scientihc into military theory is connected with the name of
The Discourses contains, for example, the following passage, which Machiavelli
presents in a self-assured tone:
Whoever considers the past and the present will readily observe that all cities
and all peoples are and ever have been animated by the same desires and the
same passions; so that it is easy, by diligent study of the past, to foresee what
is likely to happen in the future in any republic, and to apply those remedies
that were used by the ancients, or not hnding any that were employed by
them, to devise new ones from the similarity of the events.
It is also obvious that Machiavelli studied the events of ancient times and his
own time in order to ascertain general rules that would be of help in predicting
and planning future events. He presents examples of such a general rule in the
following passages in The Discourses:
. . . we must assume, as a general rule, that it never or rarely happens that
a republic or monarchy is well constituted, or its old institutions entirely
Gilbert 1q86, pp. o1.
Machiavelli 1qq, I.q, p. 181; Machiavelli 1qo, I.q, p. z16.
zz Chapter Five
reformed, unless it is done by only one individual; it is even necessary that
he whose mind has conceived such a constitution should be alone in carrying
it into effect.
Many examples in ancient history prove how difhcult it is for a people that
has been accustomed to live under the government of a prince to preserve
its liberty, if by some accident it has recovered it, as was the case with Rome
after the expulsion of the Tarquins.
Irrespective of which people popolo is in question, it cannot manage to remain
free if it is used to living in subordination to a prince; or irrespective of which
state is spoken about, its founding requires a legislator, who draws up the
constitution for others to follow.
Whether the contents of the rules are true or untrue is in this context of no
primary interest, but the question is rather about their theoretical nature and
status for Machiavelli. As was stated earlier in connection with Althussers
interpretation of Montesquieu, in the light of modern science, general rules
refer to theoretical laws that apply in all cases or link all cases.
If the rule is
not applicable in some particular case, this case then undermines the theory
in which the rule (e.g. the law of causality) is being presented, or then some
hidden causes affect the case that the theory does not take into account. For
instance, a rock which does not fall when released does not undermine the law
of gravity if it is possible to show or assume the existence of another force that
works to counter gravity. Such a force e.g. when a rock is thrown upwards
is not a gravitational anomaly, but rather the causal effect on the stone caused
by someone throwing it can be explained within the framework of Newtons
basic laws of physics.
Without delving deeper into the issue of modern science, one can still note
that its basic starting point is that the course of each individual case can, at
least in principle by sufhciently raising the level of abstraction be explained
with the help of a general theory and the causal laws it entails. In other
words, every individual case is subsumed under the ideal case that the theory
Machiavelli 1qq, I.q, p. 11q; Machiavelli 1qo, I.q, p. 18.
Machiavelli 1qq, I.16, p. 1;; Machiavelli 1qo, I.16, p. 16o.
Cf. Chapter .z.
The Subversive Machiavelli z
describes. Subsumption is indeed possible if that which links it to other cases
is of primary interest within the case, and not the unique factors which make
the case unique.
Are the general rules proposedbyMachiavelli also suchgenerallyapplicable
laws? Though Machiavelli indeed discusses general rules concerning people
and human society, after having studied events of antiquity and his own time,
he nevertheless does not presume that every individual and human society
would necessarily act in accordance with such rules or that some general rule
could guarantee the success of ones actions in some future case. Even in the
case of the previously cited rule,
he accepts that there are provisos, as in his
use of or rarely [o rado] in the above quote. This is also generally the case when
Machiavelli uses the term general rule [regola generale]. For example, when
concluding that the leader of the army who wants to remain on the battleheld
cannot avoid battle when the enemy is determined to hght without worsening
his position, Machiavelli does not claim that it necessarily would be that way.
Even though thousands of examples speak for this general rule, it was the
very avoidance of battle in the case of Fabius Maximus that led to the salvation
of Rome in the war against Hannibal. Fabius acted against a general rule, and
in doing so achieved success. This was due to the special nature of the battle
between him and Hannibal, a case where neither dared to attack the other.
Fabius had followed the general rule proposed by Machiavelli, the result could
have been disastrous for Rome.
The uncertainty regarding what would be the best strategy in each case is
a consequence of what, following Gilbert, can be termed unique. No case is
exactly like previous cases; but, in each case, there are unique and individual
inuencing factors, as a consequence of which the means that brought success
in some other case may in this case lead to ruin. In other words, individual
cases are not examples of some ideal case, but, rather, it is because of the
unique features that inuence each particular case that it is not possible to
explain and to anticipate the course of events by means of generally applicable
rules. Even though common features can be found between the cases, this
generality is combined with the specihc in a way that differs from other cases.
Cf. Machiavelli 1qo, I.q, p. 18.
Machiavelli 1qo, III.1o, pp. .
z Chapter Five
According to Althusser, Machiavelli, a materialist philosopher-traveller,
does not propose general laws [lois] but rather constants [constantes] that are
generally repeated from case to case, but without explaining them:
But what transpires when it is not a question of objects which repeat them-
selves indehnitely and on which experiments can be repeated and rerun
by the scientihc community from one end of the world to the other? (See
Popper: A scientihc experiment deserves the name when it can be indeh-
nitely repeated under the same experimental conditions.) Here the materi-
alist philosopher-traveller, who is attentive to singular cases, cannot state
laws about them, since such cases are singular/concrete/factual and are
therefore not repeated, because they are unique. What he can do, as has been
shown by Lvi-Strauss in connection with myths of primitive societies, is
to single out general constants among the encounters he has observed, the
variations of which are capable of accounting for the singularity of the cases
under consideration, andthus produce knowledge of the clinical sort as well
as ideological, political and social effects. Here we again hnd not the univer-
sality of laws (of the physical, mathematical or logical sort), but the generality
of the constants which, by their variation, enable us to apprehend what is true
of such-and-such a case.
It is essential to note here that the status of unique factors is different in
Machiavellis thinking than in modern science. For Machiavelli, these are
not awkward anomalies, falsifying factors or something specihc that must
be parenthesised in relation to something general by raising the level of
abstraction. Rather, they have a central, positive and innovative theoretical
position in his thinking, as I will show in the following section.
In Chapter z
of The Prince, Machiavelli states:
Althusser 1qqb, pp. 66; Althusser zoo6a, p. z;8; Althussers emphasis.
According to Roger D. Masters, Machiavellis general rules are not laws that would
apply irrespective of time andplace: Human nature is thus characterized by selhshness
and short-sightedness, by ambition and conict, but sometimes by knowledge and
bravery, by virtue and devotion to the common good. The consequence is a world of
chance and unpredictability. In many matters, it is not possible to have hxed rules of
conduct because of the diversity and complexity of situation (Masters 1qq6, p. 6).
Masters compares Machiavelli to the Renaissance painters who experimented with
different perspectives and changed them in their works (Masters 1qq6, p. 1). In regard
to human nature, this means that selhshness or short-sightedness, for instance, are
linked to the viewpoint or context in which man is studied at any particular moment.
The Subversive Machiavelli z
. . . we see that some princes ourish one day and come to grief the next,
without appearing to have changed in character or any other way.
Problems arise from a princes inability to act according to the demands of
the time [con le qualit de tempi].
In other words, the prince cannot change
his modes of action in accordance with the times. Such a prince would depend
solely on his fortuna, which would lead to his downfall as his fortune changes.
In this context, Machiavelli refers with fortuna to a situation where the prince-
actor has no virt of his own by which he could anticipate the changing
times and adapt accordingly. Thus his personal subjective (good) fortuna or
happiness [felicit] is dependent on objective fortuna. As is evident in varied
ways in the earlier chapters of The Prince, such a prince (or city-state) which
trusts his (its) actions to the whims of fortuna or the virt of others and does
not rely on his (its) own virt will be destroyed if these alien forces turn against
him (it).
The central distinction of a prince relying on his own virt is his ability to
adapt to the changing times; in other words, the ability to accommodate his
own actions within the movement of objective fortuna and thus ensuring that
the subjective fortuna remains good. In order for the subjective fortuna of the
actor-prince to remain the same in relation to both the changing times and the
objective fortuna, the prince must change his own actions, but if this relationship
changes it is because man has remained the same even though the objective
fortuna has changed:
Even though man mostly acts selhshly, it is also possible that, in some cases, he does
not do so. Even though Masters in his important study does not emphasises the issue
of makers knowledge, one can still say in reference to his interpretation in which the
multiplicity of perspectives is emphasised that if we take seriously the issue of makers
knowledge in regards to, for instance, the case of fortuna, we can avoid the problematics
of Machiavellis views regarding fortuna from a seemingly universal or absolutised
viewpoint. In fact, the starting point for what is considered a universal viewpoint is the
modern research set-up in which fortuna (or chance) is seen as the object of study, and
which the researcher-subject assumes she studies as if from the generally applicable
neutral or philosophical viewpoint of God or a neutral onlooker.
Machiavelli 1qq, Chapter z, p. ;q; Machiavelli zoo, Chapter z, p. 1o6.
I have often reected that the causes of the good or bad fortune of men depend
upon their manner of suiting their conduct to the times (Machiavelli 1qq, III.q, p. 6z;
Machiavelli 1qo, III.q, p. 1; translation modihed).
Machiavelli zoo, Chapter z, p. 1o6.
z6 Chapter Five
That we cannot thus change at will is due to two causes; the one is the
impossibility of resisting the natural bent of our characters; and the other
is the difhculty of persuading ourselves, after having been accustomed to
success by a certain mode of proceeding, that any other can succeed as well.
It is this that causes the varying success of a man; for the times change, but
he does not change his mode of proceeding.
Machiavelli does not, however, offer any specihc modus operandi or ready
formula for how the actor could achieve or reproduce his good subjective
fortuna. He only states that when striving for glory and riches different people
will proceed differently, and yet all of these can achieve their objective. On the
other hand, though two people may proceed in the same way, one of themmay
not achieve his or her goal:
. . . two men succeed equally well with different methods, one of them being
circumspect and the other impetuous. This results from nothing else except
the extent to which their methods are or are not suited to the nature of the
Machiavelli warns against acting always and everywhere in the same way
because different times require different methods. In some cases, success re-
quires caution, while in other cases caution may lead to ruin. This all sounds
obvious, yet it refers to an essential and enduringly valuable dimension in
Machiavellis thinking, which can be summed up as follows:
The man of action must be sensitive to the unique features of his own case if he wishes
to succeed.
As stated earlier, a sensitivity towards particulars [i particulari] is not fully
possible, because the times change too rapidly and understanding becomes
too difhcult for a person or state to succeed every time. The difhculties are
due to the unique individual features of a case, which due to the reasons just
mentioned come to the individual actor or an entire republic as surprises and
unpleasant encounters, which he/it cannot prepare for in advance.
Machiavelli 1qq, III.q, p. 6; Machiavelli 1qo, III.q, p. , my emphasis; cf.
Machiavelli 1qq, III.1, p. 1; Machiavelli 1qo, III.1, p. o1.
Machiavelli 1qq, Chapter z, p. 8o; Machiavelli zoo, Chapter z, pp. 1o6;.
Machiavelli 1qo, III.1;, pp. 66; and Machiavelli zoo, Chapter z.
The Subversive Machiavelli z
It is because of surprising factors that the changes and blows of fortuna
cannot be fully understood or controlled by means of a general law or logic.
Machiavelli refers allegorically to this issue in his poem Di fortuna:
She times events as suits her;
she raises us up,
she puts us down without pity,
without law or reason.
Machiavelli pays considerably more attention to the unique and surprising
features of the events he describes as well as the dramatic effects they have on
the course of events, than is evident, for instance, in Gilberts modern inter-
pretation which emphasises the general. It is clear, for instance, fromthe ded-
ication at the beginning of Florentine Histories that the descriptions of events of
the past must be sufhciently detailed for them to be of any use to the reader:
. . . because if anything in history delights or teaches, it is what is presented
in full detail. If any reading is useful to citizens who govern republics, it is
that which shows the causes of the hatreds and factional struggles within the
city, in order that such citizens having grown wise through the sufferings of
others, can keep themselves united.
If the description is only of a general nature, the reader is not offered the
opportunity to ascertain the specihc details of the described event, and would
thus be unable to compare it to his or her own case (of which there must also
be adequate knowledge). The man of action cannot be convinced of whether
the past case is sufhciently similar to offer him the relevant guidance when he
considers his own strategy of action.
From the previous point there also follows another unmodern feature of
Machiavellis thinking. This has to do with his position as a writer and man
of action, as well as his intellectual-political position in his own writings.
Even though Machiavelli formulates general rules, he does not attempt to
create a generally applicable theory from them, nor are his interests primarily
theoretical. Instead, he offers his own rules as support for the sense of judgement
of those who aim to succeed in their own case.
Cf. Althusser zoo6a, p. z;8.
Machiavelli 1q8q, p. ;6; my emphasis, translation modihed.
Machiavelli 1q8q, p. 1o1; my emphasis.
z8 Chapter Five
What, specihcally, can Machiavelli offer these men of action? On the one
hand, he can offer general rules (or constants), based on experience his own
experience and from reading history about what kind of inclinations and
tendencies human life and actions usually have. But, on the other hand, he
warns the man of action reading his texts not to trust too much in his teachings
or the experiences that the past offers. Machiavelli does not present formulae
for how one should proceed in certain cases but rather puts forward questions
and problems that the actor himself must take into account and attempt to solve.
Phenomenologically speaking, the viewpoint of the man of action regarding
the particular case refers to the horizon of the lifeworld. Thinking in this way,
Machiavellis texts open a view into the phenomenological questions of action
and highlight the problematics of action as they open up to the actor in his
lifeworld, rather than as the action would appear to a researcher, for instance,
in the light of some generally intended theory of action or behavioural
science. The last lines of the dedication in The Art of War showthat Machiavelli
was aware of the difference between his own position as a writer andthe actual
position of men of action.
Although treating an art which I never professed may perhaps seem a
presumptuous undertaking, I cannot help thinking myself more excusable
than some other people who have taken its actual exercise upon themselves.
For an error in my writings may easily be corrected without harming anybody, but
an error in their practice may ruin a whole state.
But, although Machiavelli is merely a writer, who only guides andassists men
of action, he does so by simulating their own viewpoint. Unlike in modern the-
oretical presentations or interpretations of Machiavelli (e.g. Gilbert), the sub-
ject and object of knowledge in Machiavellis thinking are not separate things;
rather, the question is about the makers knowledge, where the subject (actor) of
his knowledge is also the object (the actor, as well as the actual conditions of
his actions) of his knowledge. In his writings, Machiavelli attempts to increase
the actors degree of self-reexivity by highlighting the actual conditions of his
actions. In other words, in his writings, Machiavelli opens up the problematics
of the conditions of the action from the viewpoint of the actor in order to sup-
port his self-understanding (cf. .., where anticipating the future is closely
Machiavelli 1qq, p. 8; Machiavelli zoo, p. , my emphasis.
The Subversive Machiavelli z
linked with the planning and implementation of the action strategies concern-
ing the future instead of passively watching events from the sidelines).
If the general rules proposed by Machiavelli are interpreted as general
laws [lois], from the modern viewpoint, the interesting and most essential
dimensions of makers knowledge are cut away from his thinking and his
interest in such details about cases and corresponding surprises to which the
man of action must necessarily adapt if he does not want to be crushed under
the wheels of fortuna goes unnoticed. Even though history (or rather histories
[istorie]) is indeed the great teacher for Machiavelli, it cannot offer certain
truth, laws or casuistic guidelines that would guarantee the success and safety
of the man of action. Even a description that goes into details can only present
evidence for or against certain modes of action; but, even then, in the same
breath, it warns against trusting too much in formulae that earlier brought
success. Referring to Rousseau, one can indeed note that one must follow
certain rules but the chief rule is this be able to break the rule if necessary.
When, for instance, Machiavelli discusses the problematics of fortuna he
does not even attempt to build a general philosophical theory about fortuna
or dehne in a generally applicable way what fortuna in its essence actually is.
Instead, he discusses the issue of fortuna as a man of action would encounter
Unlike, for instance, in the held of astrology of Machiavellis time, the
For example, army commanders have makers knowledge of warfare, but this
does not mean that such knowledge, coming from experience, would be a reective
knowledge. Rather, makers knowledge is characterised by a lack of reection. In other
words, it is a question of a skill that the maker knows and commands even though he
would not necessarily be able to explain what he did when he carried out some deed or
manoeuvre that brought him success. Differing from this, Machiavelli tries to explicate
what the main issue is in a particular act and to convey this reective knowledge in
his support for the actors future deeds. Referring to Gilbert (1q86), one could say that
makers knowledge is a kind of intuition. Machiavelli by no means dismisses such
an idea as something mythical, outside the bounds of rational observation, as Gilbert
seems to understand it, but, on the contrary, strives in his texts to understand rationally
the intuitive elements of warfare.
Rousseau 1qqb, p. 111.
Even though Anthony Parel (Parel 1qqz, e.g., pp. 18) emphasises that, for
Machiavelli, chance and accidents are central subfactors of reality, he interprets Machi-
avellis texts as if the latter would have attempted to construct a systematic theory of
fortuna based on the Renaissance cosmology. Even though Parel can justihably discuss
Machiavellis connections to the cosmological and anthropological theories of his time,
he does not pay attention to the position of makers knowledge evident in Machiavellis
writings. Most essential from the viewpoint of the maker is not to know or to under-
standthe cosmic original causes or cosmological nature of the movement of fortuna, but,
rather, to try in ones own practices to cope with the surprises and encounters brought
zo Chapter Five
uctuations of fortuna are not, in his opinion, (at least not primarily) due to the
transcendent heavens, the conjunctions of the stars, but rather the immanent
worldly conjunctures that are born and change with the struggles between
actors. From the immanent or worldly viewpoint, the changes in fortuna are
not about the worldly effects of a conjoining occurring in another system (e.g.
in a star system visible from Earth), but, rather, the whims and surprises of
fortuna are an essential contributing worldly factor to the life of the man of
... The actors prudence
On the basis of the above argument, one can understand why Machiavelli
emphasises that the prince must be very prudent [avere tanta prudenza] so as to
correctly estimate his powers in relation to those of the enemy:
Everyone may begin a war at his pleasure, but cannot so hnish it. A prince,
therefore, before engaging in any enterprise should well measure his
strength, and govern himself accordingly; and he must be very careful not
to deceive himself in the estimate of his strength . . .
about by fortuna. Makers knowledge is in Parels interpretation reduced to an activist
approach towards politics [B]ut we must wonder whether his [Machiavellis] stand
on Fortune amounts to anything more than an appeal to an activist approach towards
politics (Parel 1qqz, p. 1;). But, here, activism is not equivalent to (or even a simu-
lation of) the position of the man of action in Machiavellis writings. Parel also states
that Machiavellis view on history is cyclical, from which it follows that not even in
this regard could he be considered modern, essential for which is a linear view of his-
torical time: . . . Machiavellis new political science presupposes a dehnite view of his-
tory. This presupposed view of history is not a modern one. It is cyclic, and very much
dependent upon the three-fold causality operating in human affairs: the human, the
elemental or natural, and the celestial. The things of the world and human things
(two of Machiavellis favourite phrases) are subjected to the necessary pattern of rise
and fall (Parel 1qqz, p. 16). Such an interpretation, however, disregards those passages
in Machiavellis writings where he emphasises those actions through which any claim
to have discovered a general lawof human nature can be refuted or maybe only con-
tingently and without any guarantee of success, yet nevertheless to a sufhcient degree
fromthe point of viewof the man of action or the state. In Althussers view, Machiavelli
believes that under the leadership of the new prince a durable state can be founded, as
a consequence of which it would be possible to disengage from the vicious circle of
Polybian forms of state. This does not mean, however, that the disengagement would
be hnal but, rather, that it is possible to resist the movement of the wheel of fortuna
through human deeds and actions (the durable state).
Cf. Chapter ..
Machiavelli 1qq, II.1o, p. z6; Machiavelli 1qo, II.1o, p. o8.
The Subversive Machiavelli z+
In order to estimate ones own powers, one must know the powers of
the other actors inuencing the case, so that the relationships of power in the
conjuncture become clear. Machiavelli offers an example of such an analysis in
the Chapter 1z of Book II of The Discourses entitled Whether it is better, when
apprehending an attack, to wait it at home, or to carry the war into the enemys
country. He discusses two competing views of a situation involving men
intimate with warfare, where the braver of two roughly equally strong rulers
has begun an attack against the other. According to one view, the defender
should await the enemy on his own territory, whereas, according to the other
view, he should go out to meet the enemy on the enemys territory.
In Machiavellis opinion, it is possible to justify both viewpoints. According
to him, the matter cannot, however, be solved without knowing what sort of
state is involved in each case, whether it is an armed or unarmed people, and
so forth.
In the case of France and Italy, one should never wait, thus offering
them the possibility of penetrating deep into ones territory, even though, in
a campaign outside ones own territory, it is more difhcult to maintain the
supply lines. The home territory does not offer sufhcient additional advantage
because an unarmed people cannot destroy the enemy, even on its home
territory. On the contrary, the enemy troops create chaos in the economy, which
is very destructive in the case of a state that relies on a paidarmy.
On the other
hand, in the case of an able-bodied country trained for warfare, there are also
strong grounds for waiting:
. . . it is said that by awaiting the enemy many advantages are gained, for
without inconveniencing your own people you may cause great inconve-
nience to the enemy in the supply of provisions and all the other things that
an army requires. By the better knowledge of the country you can impede
the enemys designs; and the facility of uniting all your troops enables you
to oppose him with greater numbers, whilst he has not been able to with-
draw all his forces from his own country. And then in case of defeat you
can more readily reorganise your army, because many of your soldiers will
escape, hnding ready places of refuge near at hand. Nor have you to send
Machiavelli 1qo, II.1z, pp. 116; cf. II.z and II.z;.
Machiavelli 1qo, II.1z, pp. 11;.
Machiavelli nevertheless remarks that there is not a more ineffectual and haz-
ardous mode of defending a city than to do it in a disorderly and tumultuous manner
(Machiavelli 1qo, III.o, p. qq).
zz Chapter Five
to a distance for reinforcements, so that you are enabled to employ all your
forces without risking all your fortune . . .
Machiavelli indeed criticises the idle princes and listless republics of his
own time, because they strive at all costs to avoid battle, presuming that in
this way they follow the example of Fabius Maximus, who by delaying battle
saved the Roman republic.
In Machiavellis opinion, however, they have not
understood that the advice that Maximus offers is mostly useless and even
harmful because in attempting to avoid battle the enemy can then decide
where the hghting will take place. The idle princes and listless leaders of the
listless republics do not always understand the difference between their own
situation and that of Maximus, but, instead, arrogantly believe they lead a
similar state as Rome and that they themselves are similar skilful rulers as
their Roman predecessors.
As Machiavelli sees it, they should undertake battle even though it would lead
to defeat, because that is a lesser disgrace than losing without a battle. The
reputation of a coward or quitter is detrimental also from the point of view of
future peace negotiations. According to Machiavelli, it is indeed usually better
to undertake a battle than to avoid it, but, in certain cases, such as with a state
that is well armed and used to warfare, it is sensible and possible to postpone
or even to avoid battle.
.. The aspects of fortuna
After the passage in The Prince where Machiavelli compares fortuna to violent
he concludes that men prosper as long as fortuna and strategy are
in accordance with each other, and that the successful actor has to be ready
to change strategy with the circumstances of fortuna in order to continue to
succeed. Inother words, the degree to whichfortuna canor cannot be controlled
varies not only with the time of the conjuncture but also between different
actors that affect the same conjuncture. What, from one persons viewpoint,
is subjectively and/or humanly objectively controllable fortuna may appear to
Machiavelli 1qq, II.1z, p. z6z; Machiavelli 1qo, II.1z, p. 16.
Machiavelli 1qo, III.q, p. .
Machiavelli zoo, Chapter z, pp. 1o6.
The Subversive Machiavelli z
another as an uncontrollable sorte that goes against his calculations or as Gods
vengeance or, more consolingly, as Gods will or as guidance in the form of
divine providence.
Here, as also in the relationships between criminals and
other people, it is a matter of taking advantage of fortuna and the game or battle
for control of it.
When a man of action (or an entire state) can guide and control fortuna
with embankments and dykes, he (or it) at the same time can also channel the
uncontrollable force of the current of fortuna on to the plains of other actors
or other helds, giving them a surprise for which they had not necessarily
been able to prepare.
Even if they had, the current of fortuna looks for a
free channel the plain without dykes and embankments where it can
cause destruction.
Machiavellis texts offer numerous examples of lucky
opportunities that came as surprises but, in fact, were events or conjunctures
set up by cunning and virtuoso actors, yet which the undiscriminating actor
believed were his own doing: an excellent opportunity, a lucky coincidence or
in the worst case the blow of fate.
In astronomy, the word aspect refers to the internal relationship between two
objects seen from a third object. It is not possible to dehne in an absolute way the con-
junction of heavenly bodies except from some aspect. Applying Machiavellis thinking,
one canindeedargue that the conjuncture also the nature of virt andfortuna appears
differently for different actors.
For Machiavelli, the term current was not merely a metaphor. This is shown by
the Florentine attempt to redirect the ow of the River Arno so that it would lead to
the destruction of the people of Pisa in the war between Florence and Pisa in 1o. It
is possible that in addition to Machiavelli, also Leonardo da Vinci participated in the
planning of this later abandoned project (see Masters 1qq6, for example pp. 6 and
pp. 18zo).
Thucydides offers a concrete example of the skilful use of dams and locks when
he refers to the actions of the Persian general Megabyzus in the Peloponnesian war.
The Athenians and their allies remained in Egypt, saw many kinds of warfare, and
experienced all its changing fortunes. At hrst, the Athenians controlled Egypt, and
the King sent Megabazus the Persian to Sparta with money, in hopes of bribing them
to invade Attica so as to draw Athenian troops out of Egypt. The plan met with no
success, and money was being spent to no purpose, so Megabazus made his way
back to Asia with what was left of it. Then the King sent another Persian, Megabyzus,
son of Zopyrus, to Egypt with a large army. He marched overland and defeated the
Egyptians and their allies in battle. He drow the Greeks out of Memphis and ended up
by isolating them on Prosopitis Island, where he besieged them for eighteen months.
Finally, Megabyzus diverted the water from the channels around the island and dried
them up. The island was now joined to the mainland for the most part, and the Greek
ships were high and dry, so he crossed the channel and took the island with infantry
(Thucydides 1qq8, p. z).
z Chapter Five
One must indeed emphasise that the two modalities possible (or possibil-
ity: occasione) and necessity [necessit] occurring in connection with fortuna
are neither neutral, objective philosophical concepts which would describe
the natural course of events nor worldly expressions of heavenly conjunc-
tures. Instead, these modalities are connected with immanent human situa-
tions of struggle in which army commanders and other men of action actively
strive to create opportunities and necessities both for their own troops and the
For example, the army commander who plans to conquer a city can judge
how difhcult it will be by knowing to what extent the citizens are under the
necessity of defending themselves:
If he hnds that to be very urgent, then he may deem his task in proportion
difhcult; but if the motive for resistance is feeble, then he may count upon an
easy victory.
If it is a question of the seizure of a city due to a rebellion by its inhabitants,
seizing it is more difhcult if the latter do not have to fear punishment. Those
who are used to a free life will defend more tenaciously than those who are
used to living oppressed. Machiavelli concludes that the attacker must by all
means strive to make the defence unnecessary in the eyes of the inhabitants.
. . . a captain who besieges a city should strive by every means in his power
to relieve the besieged of the pressure of necessity, and thus diminish the
obstinacy of their defence. He should promise them a full pardon if they fear
punishment, and if they are apprehensive for their liberties he should assure
them that he is not the enemy of the public good, but only of a few ambitious
persons in the city who oppose it.
In the previous example, the strategy of the attacker is to prevent or remove the
feeling of necessity among the besieged. In other words, the situation must not
become meaningful in the consciousness of the besieged through the modality
of necessity. For example, the Veientes furiously defended themselves against
the Romans until a tribune had the idea to open an escape route for them:
Machiavelli 1qq, III.1z, p. ;1; Machiavelli 1qo, III.1z, p. 1.
Machiavelli 1qq, III.1z, p. ;z; Machiavelli 1qo, III.1z, p. z.
The Subversive Machiavelli z
. . . when they sawthe way open for their escape, they thought more of saving
themselves than of hghting.
The possibility of escape was indeed a trap that undermined the defensive will
of the soldiers and caused the destruction of the Veientes. Machiavelli does
not mention whether the Veientine leaders tried to prevent their soldiers from
escaping or whether they too considered the situation as a true opportunity
to escape along with their soldiers. If the leaders had tried to stop the soldiers
from escaping, this would probably have required closing off the escape route,
in other words, returning the necessity for defence. But, in turn, this could have
inspired mutiny, in which case producing the necessity for defence would have
shown a bad sense of judgement on the part of the Veientine leaders. Like Sun-
Tzu in Art of Warfare,
and Tolstoy in War and Peace, Machiavelli remarks in his
book The Art of War that it is very difhcult to stop an entire eeing army and
turn it back on the attack (in Tolstoys novel it was a case of turning back the
eeing French troops).
At least for the Veientine soldiers, the possibility of escape seemed a lucky
situation, and not using it would, in their opinion, have been a waste of an
opportunity provided by fortuna.
According to Machiavelli, leaders may fall into traps such as these if, for
example, they are blinded by the greed for gain. It becomes evident in Chap-
ter 8 of Book III of The Discourses, entitled Any manifest error on the part of
an enemy should make us suspect some stratagem, that the commander of an
army should always be suspicious of any obvious mistake made by the enemy:
. . . it is not reasonable to suppose that men will be so incautious.
Yet, despite the improbability of obvious mistakes, such lures are nevertheless
taken because
. . . the desire of victory often blinds men to that degree that they see nothing
but what seems favourable to their object.
Machiavelli 1qq, III.1z, p. ;; Machiavelli 1qo, III.1z, p. .
Sun-Tzu 1qq, pp. 1;o1.
Cf., Machiavelli 1qq, p. ; Machiavelli zoo, p. 11q.
Machiavelli 1qq, III.8, p. z; Machiavelli 1qo, III.8, p. ;.
z6 Chapter Five
Essential in the art of setting traps is that the enemy is provided such
tempting opportunities for victory that, blinded by the possibility of rapid
victory, they no longer use reasoning but simply act guided by unleashed
passions. For example, the Florentines were so enthralled by their desire to
win in the war against Pisa that they did not understand the real objectives of
their Pisan prisoner Alfonso del Mutolo:
When the Florentines, in 1o8, went to besiege Pisa, Alfonso del Mutolo, a
citizen of that town, who had fallen into their hands, promised, if they would
grant him his liberty, to deliver to them one of the gates of Pisa. His offer was
accepted, and he was set free. Afterwards he came several times to confer
on the subject with the deputies of the commissaries, but never concealed his
visits, coming openly and accompanied by several Pisans, whomhe left apart
whilst conferring with the Florentines. From this circumstance his duplicity
might readily have been conjectured; for it was not reasonable that he should
have treateda matter of this kindso openly if he hadbeenacting ingoodfaith.
But the eager desire to possess Pisa so blinded the Florentines that, under his
guidance, they advanced to the gate of Lucca, where, by the double treason of
the saidAlfonso, they lost in a discreditable manner a number of their ofhcers
and men.
The signs of betrayal were obvious, but the Florentines passionate desire
for victory prevented them from seeing them.
Instead, they thought that
capturing del Mutolo had opened up an opportunity for them to defeat Pisa.
But in fact del Mutolo was able to skilfully interpret the passions of the
Florentines and even iname them with his suggestions. He pretended that, in
his personal yearning for freedom, he would betray his fellowPisans. Through
his scheming, he not only did a great service to his fellow townsmen but
also liberated himself something which, according to Florentine opinion, he
sincerely strived for but not by betraying his fellowPisans, as the Florentines
believed, but by leading the Florentine attack into a trap. Thus del Mutolos
double deceit yielded him a double victory.
Machiavelli 1qq, III.8, p. z; Machiavelli 1qo, III.8, p. 8.
Machiavelli also states that offers of peace can blind the army so that it will no
longer see the battle as inevitable (cf., Machiavelli 1qo, III.1z, p. z).
The Subversive Machiavelli z
Machiavelli also presents examples of opposite situations, when there is
good reason to force the enemy into a position of necessity; that is, giving them
little or no time to deliberate on the issues and, instead, forcing them to make
rash decisions.
. . . when one prince wishes to obtain something from another, he must not,
when the occasion permits, give himtime for deliberation. But he must act so
as to make the other see the necessity of prompt decision, and that a refusal
or delay may cause an immediate and dangerous indignation.
Similarly, the French kings military commander Gaston de Foix requested the
Marquis of Mantua to hand over the keys to fortresses commanding a route
de Foix wished his army to take, but without giving him time to consider the
consequences of such an action. If the Marquis had more time to weigh up the
consequences, he would have realised that, with the help of the keys, de Foix
improved his position in the battle against Pope Julius II, who at the time was
holding the Marquiss son a prisoner. By handing over the keys, the Marquis
naturally made his own position in negotiations with the Pope more difhcult.
A different type of example presented by Machiavelli regarding the organi-
sation of necessities and opportunities deals with conspiracies [congiure]
against the sovereign or republic.
Even though the target of a conspiracy
would become aware of it, the person in question must not reveal too quickly
what he knows about it. He must hrst, in all silence, hnd out as much as possi-
ble about the power of the conspirators and assess his own powers in relation
to them. A premature exposure of an extensive and strong conspiracy is dan-
gerous because it necessarily makes the conspirators ruthless in their actions.
Therefore, the conspirators must be left to their own devices so that they
believe that they have adequate time to implement their plan. Instead of
creating the feeling of inevitability and the need for haste, the conspirators
must be allowed a suitable opportunity to act at a particular moment in the
future, thus giving the object of the conspiracy adequate time to prepare
Machiavelli 1qq, III., p. ;; Machiavelli 1qo, III., pp. z.
Machiavelli 1qo, III., p. .
Cf. Machiavelli 1qo, III.6. Machiavelli uses the word congiure for a conspiracy,
the verb form of which is congiurare which means literally swear together. He
indeed notes that a plot may be formed by a single individual or by many, yet the
one cannot be called a conspiracy, but rather a determined purpose on the part of one
man to assassinate the prince (Machiavelli 1qo, III.6, pp. 1z1).
z8 Chapter Five
and gather his forces against the conspirators, as he knows when they are
most likely to strike and when they can be caught in the act. Machiavelli
does not suggest what would be the favourable opportunity for catching
the conspirators one might think, for example, that the best time would
be at the public appearance of the prince but, rather, he offers examples of
princes and other men of power who took rash action when the conspiracy
was revealed to them. For example, the Florentine commissary Guglielmo
dePazzi acted in haste when he heard about a conspiracy against Florence.
Immediately after having heard of the conspiracy, the commissary captured a
conspirator in Arezzo, but then the others immediately took to arms, declared
the independence of Arezzo, and made Guglielmo prisoner.
Conspiracy theories are characteristically states of emergency inwhichvarious
surprising events have an important role. Machiavelli argues that the more
unusual the case is, the greater the mistakes that people make.
. . . but men not accustomed to the affairs of this world often commit the
greatest mistakes, and especially in matters that are so much out of the
ordinary course as conspiracies.
It is particularly difhcult for people to adapt to sudden changes in plans. Wars
and conspiracies are characterised particularly by sudden events. Any plans
within them may have to be changed very quickly, in which case everything
falls into disarray and everything falls into defeat.
The angle taken by Machiavelli in his analysis is primarily that of an active
actor. By means of simulation he describes, for example, what kind of problems
and risks are involved in creating and implementing conspiracies. In other
passages, on the other hand, counteractions to conspiracies are monitored;
for example, what the state must do in order to avert attack. But whichever
viewpoint is in question, Machiavelli offers advice both to the ones carrying
out the attack and the those preventing it that is, to all actors irrespective
of their role.
For the prince who fears conspiracies, it is, of course, useful
Machiavelli 1qo, III.6, p. .
Machiavelli 1qq, III.6, p. 6; Machiavelli 1qo, III.6, p. zo.
Machiavelli 1qo, III.6.
According to Wood, The Prince can be roughly divided into two parts. In the hrst
part (Chapters 1 to 11) the emphasis is on matters related to making conspiracies, while
in the second part (Chapters 1z to z6) on matters related to averting conspiracies (Wood
1qq1, p. lxvi). He also adds that the chapter in The Discourses titled On Conspiracies
The Subversive Machiavelli z
that he is aware of the problematics of undertaking a conspiracy, while, for the
attacking state, it is useful that its leaders know the character of the country
that is being attacked. For example, if the population in a state under attack
is unarmed and not used to warfare and thus strives to meet the attacker as
far away as possible from its territory, the attacker following a similar logic
shouldavoidbattle until he has managedto penetrate sufhciently deepinto the
enemy territory. In the opposite case, of the population being used to warfare
and being well armed, the attacker should try and lure it away from its home
territory, for instance, by arranging some tempting opportunity to attack them
outside the borders of its territory.
As the example of Alfonso del Mutola and the Florentines shows, in the
heat of action, the parties in the battle often cannot see clearly the intentions
and motivations or the strengths and weaknesses of their enemy. Because the
parties try their best to impede the enemys actions by blinding its sense of
judgement, the situation can become a very unpredictable, volatile and fast-
changing conjuncture, the development of which nobody can predict. The
complexity of the situation is indeed greatly increased by the fact that every
actor reciprocally dehnes through his own actions and deeds the position of
the other parties in the conjuncture. The most skilful plot may not succeed
according to the original plans if the enemy does not passively wait to see what
will happento its fortuna as a result of the actions of the other side, but plots and
counterplots for the demise of the other side. Thucydides argues that the more
a war is prolonged the more unpredictable its course will be. Here he refers
to the Athenian ambassadors speech to their allies at the beginning of the
Peloponnesian War, warning them against the dangers of war. In this speech,
as inmany other moments of the PeloponnesianWar, the war manifests itself as
a conjuncture with a particularly high degree of aleatoriness; and as the war is
prolonged and the unintentional consequences of the actions accumulate, the
degree of aleatoriness continues to rise:
Deliberate slowly, then, for this in no trivial matter, and do not, persuaded
by the opinions and complaints of others, bring trouble on your own house.
Assess before you are actually in it how great is the incalculable element of
(Chapter 6) is the hrst systematic Western presentation on the skill of conspiracies
(Wood 1qq1, pp. lxvilxvii).
zo Chapter Five
war, how it tends to degenerate into a gamble the longer it lasts. We are only
at the start, but which way it will go is a stab in the dark. When people go to
war, they do hrst what should be done last by going into action. Then, when
they have setbacks, they grope for talks.
According to Machiavelli, wars must be short and sharp, which was some-
thing understood particularly well by the Romans. They undertook a battle as
swiftly as possible and if they won it, the conquered enemy strived to make
peace as quickly as possible to avoid complete annihilation.
According to
Gilbert, Machiavelli emphasised the brevity and sharpness of war because as
the war becomes prolonged and the eagerness for battle declines, control of the
troops becomes more difhcult, discipline becomes lax and the soldiers begin
to think only of saving their own skins.
Thucydides further states that war does not follow a stated plan, but it
improvises itself for the most part out of chance material as it goes along.
The essential condition for success in situations of war though not one that
can guarantee success is indeed cold-blooded action in accordance with the
unique characteristics of the situation, where one is not frightened by surprises
and unlucky coincidences. Due to the unpredictability arising from the lack
of absolute rules, Thucydides emphasised the importance of lesser issues in
War is unpredictable. Attacks usually come hercely and suddenly, and often
a smaller force defends itself better out of fear than a larger one that is
unprepared out of overconhdence.
Machiavelli indeed sees that the greatest merit of the military commander is
his ability to anticipate the actions of the enemy. What makes this merit par-
ticularly great is that anticipation is extremely difhcult, but when it succeeds
and is combined with timely action it can be very decisive in the battle. On the
other hand, even winning the battle does not necessarily guarantee hnal vic-
tory, if the victor does not know he has won. Such a dehcit in knowledge opens
the possibility for fatal errors:
Thucydides 1qq8, p. 1; cf. also p. ; and p. 11.
Machiavelli 1qo, II.6, p. zqq.
Gilbert 1q86, p. z.
Thucydides 1qq8, p. ;.
Thucydides 1qq8, p. 6.
The Subversive Machiavelli z+
For it has happened many a time that, when a battle has lasted until nightfall,
the victor thinks himself beaten . . . as happened to Brutus and Cassius, the
latter of whom perished in consequence of just such an error. For although
the wing commanded by Brutus had been victorious, yet Cassius thought
that it had been defeated, and that consequently the whole army was beaten;
so that, despairing of his safety, he killed himself.
In the battle between the Roman and Equean armies, both sides thought they
had lost and thus retreated. The Roman centurion Tempanius, however, heard
from wounded Equeans that their captain had abandoned their camp:
Upon this news, he [Tempanius] returned to the Roman intrenchments,
and saved them, and afterwards destroyed those of the Equeans, and then
marched to Rome victorious.
The lesson of Machiavellis example is that in a battle between two armies that
are in a state of chaos, the victor will be the one who is hrst informed of the
condition of the other.
It is not necessarily decisive who actually won the
battle, because it is possible to turn the battle to ones advantage even after
having lost it, if one hnds out that the other side has not yet realised that it has
been victorious.
Even at the moment of defeat one must not surrender but,
rather, continue the battle, because it is never certain that it will not be possible
after all to win as a result of some unexpected encounter or at least to reduce
the negative consequences of defeat by showing courage to the very end:
. . . a prince who has an army composed of various materials, and hnds that
from want of money or friendly support he can no longer keep his army
together, must be utterly demented if he does not take his chance of battle
before his army shall have fallen to pieces; for by waiting he is sure to lose,
but by trying a battle he may possibly be victorious.
In other words, though weapons and other materialist means would indeed
be used up, there is still a possibility to play with knowledge and other
Machiavelli 1qq, III.18, p. 8; Machiavelli 1qo, III.18, p. 6;.
Machiavelli 1qq, III.18, p. 8; Machiavelli 1qo, III.18, p. 68.
Machiavelli 1qo, III.18, 68, my emphasis.
An interesting work on the impossible victories of war history is Perret 1qq;.
Machiavelli 1qo, III.1o, p. ;.
zz Chapter Five
non-materialist tools, the material importance of which, however, is anything
but small. If one knows that the enemy does not know that they have won, it
is still possible to turn the defeat into a victory.
... Kronos and Kairos
The importance of being sensitive towards the unique characteristics of a situa-
tion can be further explained with the help of the ancient Greek differentiation
between Kronos time and Kairos time. While Kronos refers to chronological or
sequential time, Kairos refers to the timely moment of action. Chronologically
speaking, however, Kairos time might require either waiting patiently for a long
time or immediate and rapid action; which course of action one chooses will
depend on the particular situation.
One could say that, for Machiavelli, time
in the Kairos sense is linked with the suitable moment [aspetto la occasione] and
its skilful utilisation [la uso meglio].
Thus, for example, any rapid attempt to remove a danger that has already
become a threat to the state might instead widen the danger and increase its
negative consequences (cf. the hasty attempt to avert a conspiracy after it has
been revealed):
. . . when any evil arises within a republic or threatens it from without, that is
to say, from an intrinsic or extrinsic cause, and has become so great as to hll
everyone with apprehension, the most certain remedy by far is to temporize
In the Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle dehnes the relation between kairos and the
good as follows: . . . since things are said to be good in as many ways as they are
said to be (for things are called good both in the category of substance, as God and
reason, and in quality, e.g. the virtue, and in quantity, e.g. that which is moderate, and
in relation, e.g. the useful, and in time, e.g. the right opportunity, and in place, e.g. the right
locality and the like), clearly the good cannot be something universally present in all
cases and single; for then it would not have been predicated in all the categories but in
one only. Further, since of the things answering to one Idea there is one science, there
would have been one science of all the goods; but as it is, there are many sciences even
of the things that fall under one category, e.g. of opportunity (for opportunity in war is
studied by strategy and in disease by medicine), and the moderate in food is studied by medicine
and in exercise by the science of gymnastics (1oq6az; my emphasis). In addition to the
problematics of the suitable moment, it is also interesting to pay attention to the question
of Aristotles view of the suitable position. It is obvious that timeliness requires being in
the right place, because it would be impossible to be timely if one is in the wrong place
(at least when the matter is assessed from the actors viewpoint).
Cf., for example, Machiavelli zoo, Chapter ;.
The Subversive Machiavelli z
with it, rather than to attempt to extirpate it; for almost invariably he who
attempts to crush it will rather increase its force, and it will accelerate the
harm apprehended from it.
In this case, the question is about a danger that has already become, or has been
allowed to become, large. The correct solution, however, would be to prevent
the dangers lurking in the distance:
When trouble is sensed well in advance it can easily be remedied; if you wait
for it to showitself any medicine will be too late because the disease will have
become incurable. . . . So it is in politics. Political disorders can be quickly
healed if they are seen well in advance (and only a prudent ruler has such
foresight); when, for lack of a diagnosis, they are allowed to grow in such a
way that everyone can recognise them, remedies are too late.
From the point of view of Kronos time, of chronological time, the above
citations refer to a Kairos of active preventative measures in the very beginning
of Kronos time; when it becomes evident that many people are already aware of
the danger, one should not act at that particular moment but rather wait for a
later moment in Kronos time and the favourable Kairos it entails, in which case
the possible negative consequences of the preventive measures are less than if
one had taken immediate action if they even then can be endured at all.
Thus the essential criteria for successful action is not whether one acts
courageously and rapidly or cautiously and slowly but whether the means
of action are in accordance with the situation, whether the action is timely,
and whether the actor stands by his decision after having made it.
.. Lady Fortuna and the young men
At the end of Chapter z of The Prince, Machiavelli makes the generalisation
that it is usually better to be brave than cautious:
Machiavelli 1qq, I., p. 16;; Machiavelli 1qo, I., p. 1q8.
Machiavelli 1qq, III, p. 1o; Machiavelli zoo, III, p. 1z.
Cf., especially Machiavelli 1qo, III.q, p. 1.
Machiavelli 1qo, II.1, p. z; and III.6, p. z.
z Chapter Five
. . . because fortuna is a woman and if she is to be submissive it is necessary
to beat and coerce her. Experience shows that she is more often subdued by
men who do this than by those who act coldly.
It is thus understandable why Machiavelli ends Chapter z of The Prince by
placing his hopes in the young rather than the wise and cautious elderly.
Similarly, in The Art of War, he very often is of the opinion that young men
are most suited to discuss the skills and duties of war.
Even though elderly people and others with great life experiences have
more experience in general about competent procedures than young people,
they also have more prejudices, ingrained habits, and less courage both to
adopt new procedures and to act actively in response to the new, unique and
surprising demands of the aleatory conjuncture.
Always, being a woman, she [fortuna] favours young men, because they
are less circumspect and more ardent, and because they command her with
greater audacity.
Even when a position is to be hlled that requires the prudence of the elderly
[prudezia di vecchio], it is, in Machiavellis opinion, better to choose someone
young who has already performed noteworthy deeds than a wise old person:
. . . in electing a young man to an ofhce which demands the prudence of an
old man, it is necessary, if the election rests with the people, that he should
have made himself worthy of that distinction by some extraordinary action.
And when a young man has so much merit as to have distinguished himself
by some notable action, it would be a great loss for the state not to be able
to avail of his talents and services; and that he should have to wait until old
age has robbed him of that vigour of mind and activity of which the state
might have the beneht in his earlier age, as Rome had of Valerius Corvinus,
of Scipio, of Pompey, and of many others who had the honours of triumph
when very young men.
Machiavelli 1qq, Chapter z, p. 81; Machiavelli zoo, Chapter z, p. 1o8.
Machiavelli 1qq, III, p. 1z.
Machiavelli 1qq, Chapter z, p. 81; Machiavelli zoo, Chapter z, p. 1o8.
Machiavelli 1qq, I.6o, pp. zz; Machiavelli 1qo, I.6o, p. z;o.
The Subversive Machiavelli z
Prudence and the lessons of histories or the experience linked with it do not,
in the case of Machiavelli, mean single-mindedly sticking to what is old or
what has been found to work (tried and tested thinking), but rather turning,
when the time calls for it, to virtuoso skills and the power to act by questioning
the methods and laws that previously prevailed. This, however, does not mean
rejecting the lessons of the past but, on the contrary, returning to the principles
and procedures of those men of action from history that were capable of
subversive and courageous solutions. In this sense, a return to the ancient
refers to subversive action modelled on the texts of antiquity. Machiavellis aim
for reformation is indeedradical in relation to the conservative andreactionary
new that his own (pre)modern time represented.
Assessed in the light of Machiavellis own context, his trust in youth is
probably because, like the new prince, they do not have as strong ideological
and material ties to the existing powers of the conjuncture of the Apennine
peninsula as the older generation has. Even though Machiavelli wants to teach
the youth about the good old times, his goal is subversive in relation to the
corrupt modern times. An example offered by the past is that of change:
But the matter being so manifest that everybody sees it, I shall boldly and
openly say what I think of the former times and of the present, so as to excite
in the minds of the young men who may read my writings the desire to avoid
the evils of the latter, and to prepare themselves to imitate the virtues of the
former, whenever fortune presents them the occasion. For it is the duty of an
honest man to teach others that good which the malignity of the times and of
fortune has prevented his doing himself; so that amongst the many capable
ones whom he has instructed, some one perhaps, more favoured by Heaven,
may perform it.
One particular youth, which Machiavelli presents in The Prince and The Dis-
courses as anexample of a purposeful, courageous andunprejudicedbatterer of
fortuna but also someone battered by fortuna is the Count Valentino, Cesare
Borgia, who, even by sixteenth-century standards, died young. The lessons of
this particular example open up in two directions. The life and deeds of Cesare
Borgia describe what taking action in an aleatory conjuncture entails. At the
Machiavelli 1qq, II. Proemio, p. zo; Machiavelli 1qo, II. Introduction, pp. z;
z6 Chapter Five
same time, we get a picture of what the aleatory project and strategy of a new
prince uniting Italy could and should be. In the following section, I will dis-
cuss the hrst of these two directions, after which I will focus on Borgia as the
new prince and as a historical example of the project of the new prince that
aims to tame aleatoriness, yet is still fundamentally aleatory.
.. The rise and fall of Cesare Borgia
As mentioned earlier, Machiavelli criticises the indolent [oziosi] princes and
republics of his time because they aimedat all costs to avoidor postpone battle.
Their attitude, however, does not lead to success, but instead offers the enemy
the opportunity to decide where the battle will eventually take place.
mark of a skilful man of action (or state) is indeed that he (it) actively aims
to use the Kairos time (or occasione) to his own advantage and to organise the
objective fortuna so that it may not have occasion, with every revolution of
the sun, to display her inuence and power.
In other words, through the
skilful use of Kairos the man of action can battle against the inevitable cycle of
Kronos. According to Althusser, the central goal of the project of the newprince
is to become liberated from the Polybian rise and fall of forms of government.
In The Discourses, Machiavelli characterises this attempt to organise fortuna as
. . . where men have but little wisdom and valour, fortune more signally
displays her power; and as she is variable, so the states and republics under
her inuence also uctuate, and will continue to uctuate until some ruler
shall arise who is so great an admirer of antiquity as to be able to govern
such states so that fortune may not have occasion, with every revolution of
the sun, to display her inuence and power.
Machiavellis account of Cesare Borgias attempt to unify the Apennine penin-
sula is also interesting from the point of view of the problematics of aleatori-
ness, because it highlights its dual nature: on the one hand, Borgias campaign
Machiavelli 1qo, III.1o, p. 6.
Machiavelli 1qo, II.o, p. 88.
Machiavelli 1qq, II.o, p. 1q; Machiavelli 1qo, II.o, p. 88; cf. Machiavelli zoo,
Chapters z and z6.
The Subversive Machiavelli z
is an expression of an attempt to organise and tame fortuna and, on the other
hand, its failure is an indication of how the aleatory encounters may destroy
the plans of even the most skilful man of action if he cannot enroot [enraci-
ment] his power so that it is no longer strongly bound to the aleatory uctua-
tions of fortuna:
. . . if we consider the dukes [Cesare Borgias] career as a whole, we hnd that
he laid strong foundations for the future. AndI do not consider it superuous
to discuss these, because I know no better precepts to give a new prince than
ones derived from Cesares actions; and if what he instituted was of no avail,
this was not his fault but arose from the extraordinary and inordinate malice
of fortune.
According to Althusser, Cesare Borgia was initially a politically insignihcant
hgure, even though he was the son of Pope Alexander VI, a cardinal and,
already at the age of sixteen, an archbishop. His insignihcance was due to
the fact that he was not the ruler of any city-state. In order to gain political
inuence, he renounced his ecclesiastical titles to seek his fortune in the
secular world. Althusser characterises his actions and origins as follows:
Politically, he is nothing. For want of anything else, his father offers him a
piece of the Papal States, a scrap of territory at the outermost bounds, in
the Romagna: a place that is not a state, in a political domain bereft of any
structure, since it is one of those states wherein there is neither prince who
rules nor subjects who are ruled and, moreover, part of the Papal States.
Cesare is going to make a new state out of this politically shapeless site and
material, and become its New Prince. His political practice combines all the
requisite features for success. He starts out with good luck, but in order to
transform it into a durable structure through his virt.
Machiavelli presents his analysis of Cesare Borgias actions and their failures
in Chapter ;, Newprincipalities acquired with the help of fortune and foreign
arms, of The Prince. In this chapter, he discusses private citizens who become
princes purelybygoodfortune . . . .
For these hgures, the rise to power comes
easily, making the journey as if they had wings, because they did not need to
Machiavelli 1qq, Chapter ;, pp. z1z; Machiavelli zoo, Chapter ;, p. z8.
Althusser 1qqa, p. 11; Althusser 1qqq, p. ;8, Althussers emphasis.
Machiavelli 1qq, Chapter ;, p. zo; Machiavelli zoo, Chapter ;, p. z6.
z8 Chapter Five
do anything in order to get power in the hrst place.
However, if rising to
power was easy for them, staying in power was doubly difhcult, due to the
power of alien fortuna:
Such rulers rely on the goodwill and fortune of those who have elevated
them, and both these are capricious, unstable things. They do not know how
to maintain their position, and they cannot do so.
In other words, the wheel of fortune lifts such rulers into power, but, having
passed the highest point, they immediately start to descend because they have
no means to combat the rotational movement in fortune. Machiavelli even
touches on the meaning of shifting ones position with changes in fortuna in
his poem collection Di Fortuna:
A man who could leap from wheel to wheel,
would always be happy and fortunate.
In particular, those princes who rose from private persons to become rulers
usually ended up in ruin. Having mostly led their lives as private persons,
they did not know how a ruler must proceed in order to preserve his power.
Such amateur princes did not master the political praxis of a prince. Because
the roots and use of their power were not inherited, not ready rooted, they
themselves would have to create the solid foundations of their power. The
inexperienced princes or rulers, however, were unable to do this:
. . . governments set up overnight, like everything in nature whose growth
is forced, lack strong roots and ramihcations. So they are destroyed in the
hrst bad spell. This is inevitable unless those who have suddenly become
princes are of such prowess that overnight they can learn how to preserve
what fortune has suddenly tossed into their laps, and unless they can then
lay foundations suchas other princes wouldhave already beenbuilding on.
Even Cesare Borgia did not inherit his power and prowess as a ruler. It
was his fathers skill in utilising other actors of the conjuncture and the
Machiavelli zoo, Chapter ;, p. z;; my emphasis.
Machiavelli 1q8q, p. ;;.
Machiavelli zoo, Chapter ;.
Machiavelli 1qq, Chapter ;, p. z1; Machiavelli zoo, Chapter ;, p. z;.
The Subversive Machiavelli z
disputes between them, thus creating opportunities for action for his son,
which enabled his sudden rise to power. Despite the fact that Cesares father
was head of the Catholic Church, he was not able to offer his son a ready-
made principality to rule. Instead, he could arrange some land and allies of
the Catholic Church for Cesare, from which his son would be able to found his
own state.
In Machiavellis telling of the story, Alexander VI acquired the French king
Louis XII as an ally for himself and his son. The Venetians had been in the
process of recalling the French king to Italy so that together they woulddestroy
the principality of Milan led by Francesco Sforza. The Pope further promoted
what was, from the point of view of the unihcation of Italy, a questionable
act by promising to annul Louiss hrst marriage in return for soldiers for the
conquering of Romagna. Cesare indeed went on to conquer Romagna and
defeat the Colonna family that had ruled there.
At this point, the powerful Orsini and Colonna factions, as well as Louis XII,
began to show signs of worry about the actions of Cesare, who had become
too successful, and thus turned against him. In order to retain his conquests,
the duke determined to rely no longer on the arms and fortunes of others.
Cesare undermined the power of the Orsini and Colonna factions by awarding
ofhces, commissions and other honours to their aristocrat supporters and then,
at a good opportunity, he crushed the Orsinis, having already dispersed
the Colonna factions. Here, he took to the cunning of the fox by letting the
Orsinis believe that he strived for conciliation, but when the moment of
conciliation came, in the last days of 1oz, he had the heads of the Orsini
factions strangled.
Through his skilful actions, Cesare managed to strengthen his power in
Romagna, together with the duchy of Urbino.
With the help of his governor,
Remirro de Orco, he managed to pacify and to unify Romagna. According
to Machiavelli, the earlier rulers of Romagna had been weak and quicker to
despoil their subjects than to govern them well. They had given them cause
Machiavelli zoo, Chapter ;, p. zq.
Cf. Machiavelli 1qq, pp. 6;. Machiavelli himself was present at the events that
led to the destruction of the Orsinis. He describes these events in a report to the Dieci,
the council of ten, and in a more complete formin his text Descrizione del modo tenuto
dal Duca Valentino nello ammazzare Vitellozzo Vitelli, Oliverotto da Fermo, il Signor
Pagolo e il Duca di Gravina Orsini (1o) (Machiavelli 1qq, pp. 6;).
Machiavelli zoo, Chapter ;, p. o.
z6o Chapter Five
for anarchy rather than union . . . .
Though he returned order to Romagna in
a short time, de Orco was a cruel man of action, his excessive authority even
earning Cesare hatred from the population. In order to get rid of this problem,
Cesare established a popular civil tribunal, under an eminent president,
in which every city had a representative.
This tribunal made de Orco a
scapegoat on to whom the peoples feelings of hatred were displaced and
Knowing also that the severities of the past had earned him a certain amount
of hatred, to purge the minds of the people and to win them over completely
he determined to show that if cruelties had been inicted they were not his
doing but prompted by the harsh nature of his minister. This gave Cesare a
pretext; then, one morning, Remirros body was found cut in two pieces on
the piazza at Cesena, with a block of wood and a bloody knife beside it. The
brutality of this spectacle kept the people of the Romagna at once appeased
and stupehed.
Cesares actions, particularly in Romagna, indicate to Machiavelli how a new
prince must act in order to enroot his power. Cesare and his father skilfully
utilised party schisms and disagreements between the ruling groups, so that
they weakened one another both in absolute terms and particularly in relation
to the Borgias. The actions of the nobility in Romagna, such as their capri-
ciousness and cruelty, caused fear and insecurity among the subjects. But, in
calming and stabilising the conjuncture, the prince, Cesare, attained the trust
and friendship of his subjects.
In other words, due to the despotism and disputes of the Orsinis and
Colonnas, the conjuncture of Romagna was characterised by instability and
restlessness and with a high degree of aleatoriness. For Cesare, this highly
aleatory situation gave him the opportunity to gain power because none of
the earlier ruling families were strong and unihed enough to oppose him, or
popular enough to make the people turn against him. It was easy for himto act
as the saviour of the population of Romagna, and who would hnally stabilise
Machiavelli zoo, Chapter ;, p. 1.
Machiavelli 1qq, Chapter ;, p. z; Machiavelli zoo, Chapter ;, p. 1.
The Subversive Machiavelli z6+
and pacify this conjuncture burdened by the power of the nobility. What made
the task easier was that the population that lived under the capriciousness of
the nobility probably expected nothing good of Cesare either:
And as men, who receive favours from someone they expected to do them
ill, they are under a greater obligation to their benefactor; just so the people
can in an instant become more amicably disposed towards the prince than if
he had seized power by their favour.
Though executing de Orco and placing his split body on display was indeed
a grotesque and brutal act of violence, it ultimately was a question of per-
forming a skilful, popular-ideological act. By means of this public spectacle,
Cesare managed to produce the desired ideological displacement and conden-
sation. At the same time as the hatred of the people for de Orco condensed and
took hold, their respect was displaced and condensed towards Cesare himself,
whose popular reputation was thus strengthened. Cesare became a bene-
factor who helped the population of Romagna to dissipate their class hatred.
If Cesare had defended his vassal, he himself would have fallen prey to the
class hatred that the population of Romagna already felt for its earlier rulers,
and, at the same time, would have shown that he belittled the feelings of the
population. Cesare indeed acted like a skilful analyst who takes seriously the
transferences of those he tends to, but does not let himself be carried away by
them. Instead, he lets his protg deal with those negative feelings that arise,
for instance, from the relationship of the child to the father in a way that for-
wards the therapy. Sentencing de Orco to death in the popular court of law
indeed shows that Cesare was able to apply the central principles proposed by
. . . every free state ought to afford the people the opportunity of giving vent,
so to say, to their ambition; and above all those republics which on important
occasions have to avail themselves of this very people.
Machiavelli even goes as far to say that the Prince must be so cunning as to let
others take responsibility for unpopular acts:
Machiavelli 1qq, Chapter q, p. ; Machiavelli zoo, Chapter q, p. .
Machiavelli 1qo, I., p. 1o; cf., I.;; I.8; I.16; I.z; III.6.
z6z Chapter Five
. . . princes should delegate to others the enactment of unpopular measures
andkeep in their own hands the means of winning favours. Again, I conclude
that a prince should value the nobles, but not make himself hated by the
Cesare understood that it was in his own best interests to side with the people
(molti, the many), against the nobility (pochi, the few) (de Orco included)
in the class struggle between them. The nobility, who were like him, were a
continuous threat to his position, but it was possible to form from the people
the best possible security against such a threat.
One could indeed say that the high aleatoriness of both Romagna and other
areas of the Apennine peninsula was due to the capriciousness of those few
in power.
Cesare was able to skilfully take advantage of this situation. He
showed that he was a more skilful and more judicious man of action than
others like him, but he also understood that he had to rely on the population
of Romagna, that is, the people, whose lives were made difhcult by the
unpredictable and arbitrary actions of the nobility.
Taming the aleatoriness of the conjuncture with the help of the many was
advantageous not only to Cesare but also for those who benehted from it.
From Cesares point of view, the the many were a stabilising factor and the
counterforce to the rule of the few. From the point of view of the the many,
Cesare was a saviour who wouldreturn peace andorder to the restless country.
Here, Cesare followed the principle emphasised by Machiavelli, according to
which there is no leeway for the few when the many are hrmly sustained.
In other words, as long as the population of Romagna trusted and relied on
Cesare, also the few were kept under control.
... Cesares misfortune
Cesare did not manage to enroot his power anywhere else than in Romagna
before his father fell ill and died, nor was he able to break his dependency on
the fortuna of his father and other nobility.
Machiavelli zoo, Chapter 1q, p. 81.
Cf. Machiavelli zoo, Chapter 1q.
Machiavelli zoo, Chapter 18, p. ;6.
The Subversive Machiavelli z6
Even though Cesare acted in a skilful way when preparing for his fathers
death and the papal election that would follow, he had not yet reached a
situation where unfortunate encounters (the whims of fortuna) were no longer
able to crush his power base. Apart from his base in Romagna, everything else
was still up in the air [in aria],
and any unfortunate encounters could still
destroy his project.
Because Cesares fortuna was still dependent on the Pope, he had to fear
that his fathers successor would not be favourable towards him but, on the
contrary, would endeavour to take back what Alexander had given his son.
Cesare guarded against such disastrous consequences in four ways:
. . . hrst, by destroying all the families of the rulers he had despoiled, thus
depriving the pope of the opportunity of using them against him; second,
by winning over all the patricians in Rome . . . in order to hold the pope in
check; third, by controlling the College of Cardinals as far as he could; fourth,
by acquiring so much power himself before Alexander died that he could on
his own withstand an initial attack.
Cesare had already been successful in the hrst three tasks and the fourth was
also almost carried through. He was about to become the Duke of Tuscany, he
already controlled Perugia and Piombino and he had subjugated Pisa under
his protectorate. Furthermore, the French and Spanish, in their battle for the
kingdom of Naples, had ended up in a situation where both were forced to
vie for his friendship. With the two sides placated, he could attack Pisa, after
which Lucca andSiena wouldsurrender, andFlorence wouldhave to seriously
consider doing the same.
In short, at the time of Alexander VIs death, his son Cesare Borgia controlled
almost all of north and central Italy. But then, to his great misfortune, Cesare
fell ill. Furthermore, his troops were caught between the armies of the French
and Spanish kings:
Machiavelli zoo, Chapter ;, p. .
Cf. Machiavellis discussion about the danger of mountain passes even for a
powerful army. Passes are particularly dangerous because, when marching through,
the army cannot utilise all of its power, and its whole fortuna is put at risk (Machiavelli
1qo, I, p. z; cf. III, p. 1z and III, p. ;).
Machiavelli zoo, Chapter ;, p. z.
Machiavelli 1qq, Chapter ;, pp. z; Machiavelli zoo, Chapter ;, p. z.
Machiavelli zoo, Chapter ;, p. z.
z6 Chapter Five
The duke was a man of such ferocity and virt, and he understood so well
that men must be either won over or destroyed, and the foundations he laid
in so short a time were so sound, that, had those armies not been bearing
down on him, or had he been in good health, he would have overcome every
Had his health not failed him, Cesare would probably have coped also with
the Spanish and French. Machiavelli actually conversed with Cesare the day
after Julius II was elected.
In Machiavellis opinion, Cesare falling ill at the
worst possible moment can indeed be considered the ultimate reason for his
destruction and the failure of his project to unite Italy. It was because of his
ill health that he made his only mistake in letting an Italian cardinal, instead
of either a Spanish or French cardinal, be nominated as pope. Cesare had not
offended these foreign cardinals, unlike their Italian colleagues. Had the new
pope been French or Spanish, Cesare would also not have had to fear the
French or Spanish armies breathing down his neck. At the decisive moment,
however, he did not remember that, despite good deeds, great men do not
forget past offences even when they become Pope:
Whoever believes that with great men new services wipe out old injuries
deceives himself. So the dukes choice was a mistaken one; and it was the
cause of his ultimate ruin.
Had he been well, Cesare would not have had such a fatal lapse of memory
and the Italians would not have been able to take revenge on him, and the
spiral of destruction would not have begun.
The situation would have
calmed and Cesare would have become the new prince of the united north
and central Italy if, that is, it is historically justihed to believe Machiavellis
theoretically interesting explanation.
Machiavelli zoo, Chapter ;, p. ; translation modihed.
Machiavelli zoo, Chapter ;, p. .
Machiavelli 1qq, Chapter ;, p. z;; Machiavelli zoo, Chapter ;, p. .
Cesare Borgia ed to Spain where he was killed in a battle in spring 1o; while in
the service of his brother-in-law the King of Navarre (Mallet 1q8;, p. z6z).
The Subversive Machiavelli z6
.. A stable people
In Chapter q of The Prince, Machiavelli refers to the trite proverb [proverbio
trito], that he who builds on the people builds on mud.
According to
Machiavelli, the proverb is true only in the case where some private grand
citizen assumes that the people [popolo] could free him from the danger from
enemies and from the magistrates. Nothing, however, in this case motivates
the people to interfere in this mutual battle among the nobility [i grandi].
But if it is a Prince who builds his power on the people, one who can
command and is a man of courage, who does not despair in adversity, who
does not fail to take precautions, and who wins general allegiance by his
personal qualities and the instruments he establishes, he will never be let
down by the people; and he will be found to have established his power
Even though the main theme of Chapter q of The Prince is civic principalities
[pricipato civile], the following general principle is also put forward:
A man who becomes prince with the help of the nobles hnds it more difhcult
to maintain his position than one who does so with the help of the people. As
prince, he hnds himself surrounded by many who believe they are his equals,
and because of that he cannot command or manage them the way he wants.
A man who becomes prince by favour of the people hnds himself standing
alone, and he has near him either no one or very few not prepared to take
orders. In addition, it is impossible to satisfy the nobles honourably, without
doing violence to the interests of others; but this can be done as far as the
people are concerned. The people are more honest in their intentions than
the nobles are, because the latter want to oppress the people, whereas they
want only not to be oppressed.
It was also previously established that the nobility do not respect the prince
because, in their eyes, he is simply one of us. According to them, anyone
Machiavelli zoo, Chapter q, p. .
Machiavelli zoo, Chapter q, p. .
Cited earlier in connection with Althussers interpretation of Machiavelli; cf.,
Chapter ..
Machiavelli zoo, Chapter q, pp. 1z.
z66 Chapter Five
could in principle fulhll his role. In other words, if the prince relies on the
powerful few like him, he would be unable to retain a distance from them, so
that, when the opportunity arises, they could dispose of him. The prince that
has beenplacedina positionof power by the nobility canbe characterisedas an
unstable interim solution in the battle for power among the nobles, whereas
a prince that relies on the people challenges the highly aleatory logic of the
whole battle for power. In other words, the prince of the powerful few is a
temporary compromise in a particular trend of the highly aleatory conjuncture,
whereas the prince that relies on the people (the prince of the many) represents
a qualitative change in the structure of the conjuncture and the aleatory logic in
the uctuating trends. This could be described as a displacement in the class
struggle between the nobility and the people, where the prince becomes the
ally of the latter against the former, and in return receives a group of loyal
Fromthe point of viewof the position of the nobles, such a situation
may well lead to catastrophe, as occurred in the case of the Colonni and Orsini
families in Romagna. We can thus summarise the alliance between the prince
and the people as follows:
Machiavellis theoretical differentia specica lies in the fact that he pays
attention to the aleatory and arbitrary features of a particular case and the
personal knowledge of the man of action who takes such features into
account. One can, however, dehne an essential subtype of such self-reective
makers knowledge, that is, the knowledge and skill of controlling the people
withthe helpof whichthe prince canlower the degree of the humanly objective
aleatoriness of the conjuncture. In other words, the princes knowledge and
skill in governing are essential dimensions of his makers knowledge. In
being able to control the people for instance, by gaining their loyalty and
creating from them a disciplined national army the prince also succeeds in
his battle against other men of action, that is, the nobles like himself.
Machiavelli states as follows about the battle between the few and the many in
the beginning of Chapter q of The Prince: These two different dispositions are found in
every city; and the people are everywhere anxious not to be dominated or oppressed
by the nobles, and the nobles are out to dominate and oppress the people. (Machiavelli
zoo, Chapter q, p. 1.)
The Subversive Machiavelli z6
Fromthe point of viewof Machiavellis historical context, this means that the
prince can produce an extensive autocracy in which different embankments
and dykes such as laws and the army restrict the actions of the nobles
and prevent them from getting too close to the prince, while at the same
time allowing the people to live and work in peace.
In this case, the people
are no longer a reckless multitude [multitudine] that threatens the prince, but
a people disciplined and ideologised by, for instance, an army based on
conscription and laws. The degree of the humanly objective aleatoriness of
such a popular conjuncture is lower than in one where no power rises above
any others to achieve a hegemonic position.
The organisation of a durable state is Machiavellis concrete historical solu-
tion to the problemof the high degree of humanly objective aleatoriness result-
ing from the oligarchy of the Apennine peninsula. Like Hobbes, Spinoza,
Locke, Hume and Rousseau after him, Machiavelli is counted among those
who assume that it is specihcally the many [molti] or a people [popolo] that
has a stabilising and less capricious potential, and with the help of which the
aleatory situation created by the few [pochi] or nobles those competing with
the prince could be controlled and tamed.
This idea is evident, for example, in Chapter 8 of Book One of The Dis-
courses, titled The people are wiser and more constant than princes. In the
beginning of the chapter, Machiavelli mentions the idea favoured by Livius
as well as all other historians according to which nothing is more uncertain
and inconstant than the multitude [molitudine]. In Machiavellis opinion, how-
ever, such authorities are wrong in this matter because they do not make a
difference between the reckless and the law-abiding.
An essential criterion is indeed whether or not a prince or multitude is
subjugated to the laws: Both alike are liable to err when they are without any
When either subjugated to the law or when freed from the law, the
multitude is more stable and prudent than the prince.
In the case of Borgia, Machiavelli refers to how other grandi were afraid that he
wouldbecome the only armedman in Italy. If Borgia hadbeen able to attain a monopoly
on weapons on the Apennine peninsula, overturning his power would have been
extremely difhcult (cf. Machiavelli 1qq, p. 6;; Machiavelli 1q8q, p. 16).
Machiavelli 1qo, I.8, p. z6z.
Machiavelli 1qo, I.8, p. z6.
z68 Chapter Five
The stability of the people can, in Machiavellis opinion, be seen in the
universal opinion [opinione universale]:
. . . we see universal opinion prognosticate events in such a wonderful man-
ner that it would almost seem as if the people had some occult virtue, which
enables them to foresee the good and the evil.
The viewpoint put forward in the above citation is, in an interesting way,
congruent with the dehnition of chance that Hume proposes in his essay Of
the Rise and Progress of the Arts and Sciences (written 1;z), and which again
is worth picking up on here. Already in the hrst lines of the essay, Hume states
that any person who claims that some incident is due to chance, at the same
time discards all further investigation and remains under the inuence of the
same ignorance as all other people. Such references to chance do not encourage
a search for the unknown reasons that inuence the event in question but lulls
one into the sleep of the ignorance. On the other hand, the skilledwriter may,
in volume after volume, exaggerate his knowledge by presenting numerous
clear causes for this same event. According to Hume, however, neither of
these alternatives is to be favoured. The hrst leads to passivity and the latter
to cheap causal explanations. As an alternative, he proposes the following
general rule:
The distinguishing between chance and causes must depend upon every
particular mans sagacity, in considering every particular incident. But, if I
were to assign any general rule to help us in applying this distinction, it
would be the following, What depends upon a few persons is, in a great
measure, to be ascribed to chance, or secret and unknown causes: What arises
from a great number, may often be accounted for by determinate and known
If, for example, a dice has a slight defect, this may not become apparent after
a few throws, but will do so after a series of throws, while the frequencies
of results of a faultless dice begin to even out.
In a comparable way, the
As will become clear later, with the terms universale or universit Machiavelli refers
to the majority of the people.
Machiavelli 1qo, I.8, p. z6, translation modihed.
Hume 1q8;, p. 11z.
The complete levelling off of the frequency of each number on the dice would
The Subversive Machiavelli z6
prevailing passions of a society do not necessarily become evident from a few
individuals or a study on the individual level but, rather, regularities can be
discerned in the case of large groups (the multitude).
In like manner, when causes beget a particular inclination or passion, at
a certain time, and among a certain people; though many individuals may
escape the contagion, andbe ruledby passions peculiar to themselves; yet the
multitude will certainly be seized by the common affection, and be governed
by it in all their actions.
From the viewpoint of human societies, chance indeed refers to those excep-
tions or passions of exceptional individuals that are not comparable to those
inuencing the large groups the common sense prevailing in the society at
any given time. Individual differences and exceptions chance and surprises
do not prevent us, however, from seeing prevailing and common passions in
the society. In other words, certain general tendencies prevail in society, which
are not manifested in the actions of all individuals, but which create the social
and general conditions for, amongst other things, the birth of sciences and
skills. Seen from a different angle, Humes idea refers to the point that it is
specihcally by producing public opinion among the large groups that it is
possible to create stability in society, and thus to tame chance.
In his essay, Humes viewpoint on chance is not natural scientihc, nor even
metaphysical-cosmological. For him, chance is close to the concepts of excep-
tion and unpredictability: the passions of an exceptional individual are, in
their exceptionality, unpredictable because it is not possible to deduce any-
thing about them from the passions and dominant trends and tendencies of
the era, which would be evident when studying the behaviour of large groups.
require an inhnite series of throws, because in the hnite series in the long run
the relative frequency of each number only approaches 1 in 6. From this follows that
probability claims cannot be verihed or falsihed through experience.
Gramsci refers to the law of large numbers when he argues that when assessing
the events of history it is not meaningful to seek a metaphysical law of determinism
nor to try to pose general laws of causality. Instead, one must seek permanent
effective forces, the criterion for which is a certain degree of regularity. Here also the
law of large numbers may be very useful if it is used in a metaphorical sense (Gramsci
1q;, p. 1;q); in other words, it refers in the case of history to those general tendencies
that are not evident in a study on the individual level but are evident on the level of
large masses.
Hume 1q8;, p. 11z, my emphasis.
zo Chapter Five
In this context, it is not by chance that Hume uses the term multitude to refer
to large groups, though he uses it to refer to the commons of society, in order
to differentiate them from the cultivated upper layers of society.
In relation to Machiavellis thinking, Humes view can be interpreted to
mean that it is specihcally the many and its public opinion that represent
and promote the stabilising and predictable element in society, whereas the
actions of exceptional individuals, which are few in number, are aleatory in
their unexpectedness. The goals of the latter are characterised by ambition and
a continuous striving and readiness to improve their own positions through
different tricks and plots, whereas for the majority it sufhces that they can
undertake their daily tasks and live and think as they have always done.
Machiavelli encapsulates this idea in his claim that the people [populi] love
peace and therefore also unadventurous princes.
If the prince is not a tyrant or capricious in his actions, the people will have
no need to look for something else to replace him. John Locke makes a remark
that resembles the viewpoints of Machiavelli and Hume regarding those who
doubt that ignorant people, who assess matters on the basis of their changeful
views, would be capricious and ever-dissatished, when, on the contrary, they
are suspicious of change:
To this perhaps it will be said, that the people being ignorant, and always
discontented, to lay the foundation of government in the unsteady opinion,
and uncertain humour of the people, is to expose it to certain ruin; and no
government will be able long to subsist if the people may set up a newlegislative,
whenever they take offence at the old one. To this I answer: Quite contrary.
People are not so easily got out of their old forms, as some are apt to suggest.
They are hardly to be prevailed with to amend the acknowledged faults, in
the frame they have been accustomed to. And if there be any original defects,
or adventitious ones introduced by time, or corruption; its not an easy thing
to get them changed, even when all world sees there is an opportunity for
it. This slowness and aversion in the people to quit their old constitutions,
has in the many revolutions which have been seen in this kingdom, in this
and former ages, still kept us to, or, after some interval of fruitless attempts,
still brought us back again to our old legislative of king, lords and commons:
Machiavelli zoo, Chapter 1q, p. 8z.
The Subversive Machiavelli z+
and whatever provocations have made the crown be taken from some of our
princes heads, they never carried the people so far, as to place it in another
In other words, a stable people led by the prince are his protection against
both the direct intervention of the nobility in his affairs and their hatred. When
creating a stable people, the prince disciplines the uncontrollable multitude to
become a controlled people, which, in turn, receives the opportunity to live
and work in peace. When the prince allies himself with the multitude and
does not base his power on the privileges he offers the few, the nobility, the
multitude becomes both its own best and the princes best protection against
the nobility. In The Discourses, Machiavelli proposes that the prince who wants
to rely on the nobility [gentiluomini] has to bribe them with privileges, castles
and estates, but must then keep the rest of the population in order through
forceful measures.
This juxtaposition is in an interesting way parallel also to the subversive
viewpoint that Spinoza directed at the multitude or masses, as Etienne Balibar
characterises it (referring here to Antonio Negris research on Spinoza).
though, for Spinoza, the masses are indeed a threat (the fear that the masses
are inspired and set in motion) and he has a very negative attitude towards
revolution and civil war, on the other hand, the multitude and their feelings
are a central starting point in his historical analyses, andindeeda phenomenon
he feels has to be taken very seriously.
Spinoza does not moralistically judge or attempt imaginarily (by creating a
utopia or theory about a perfect state) to stop the movement of the masses,
but, rather, wants to understand the actual dynamics of the masses from the
viewpoint of the logic of the imagination, affects and passions that inuence
them. The masses not only feel but also become inspired. Becoming inspired
is simultaneously ambivalently a serious threat and the starting point of
both a non-moralistic and realistic analysis and political position that strive to
understand the affective fear of the masses.
Locke 1q8z, XIX, zz, pp. 16;; Lockes emphasis.
Machiavelli 1qo, I.o, p. zz.
Balibar 1qq, p. ; see also Sprinker 1qq, especially pp. zo;.
Spinozas subversive and compassionate view of the multitudo has also been
emphasised by Antonio Negri (cf., e.g., Negri 1qqz).
Balibar 1qq, p. .
zz Chapter Five
The realism and subversiveness of Spinozas view are specihcally based on
the idea that he does not deny or disregard the affects of the masses and thus
get rid of them. Instead, he outlines those institutions and practices through
which destructive affects would be transformed into constructive and rational
affects (affects cannot disappear, but they can be transformed).
Such a state
[imperii corpus] can only be just and aim for the common good, because a
despotic state, where the masses are kept under control with violence and by
force, inevitably ends up in a vicious circle, where violence feeds the fear of the
masses and the fear of the masses feeds violence. The states problem of justice
cannot be solved, however, with an imaginary social contract. The measure of
justice is to what extent the state institutions can apply the de facto affects of
individuals to collective affects that produce a common good.
According to Balibar, the problem of the fear of the masses is encapsulated
within the question of the material conditions of achieving unanimity:
The existence of the state is that of an individual or individuals that cannot
exist without forging for itself a quasi-soul, that is, the analogue of an indi-
vidual will: the body of the state (imperii corpus) must be directed as if by a
single soul (una veluti mente duci), and this is why the will of the common-
wealth (civitatis voluntas) must be taken for the will for all (pro omnium volun-
tate) (PT, III, ). But this unanimity is not acquired automatically . . . It must
be constructed as a function of the constraints that constitute the movements
of the minds or souls of the mass (PT, VIII, 1: multitudinis animos movere) and
of the greater or lesser knowledge or information about the commonwealth
that their own instruction and the form of institutions procure for different
individuals. The problemof unanimity is identical to that of the material con-
ditions of obedience, hence to that of the conditions that make possible a rep-
resentation of the multitude in the state, and to that of the condition of an
effective power of decision-making.
It becomes clear from the Tractatus Theologico-Politicus (published in 16;o),
written before the unhnished Tractatus Politicus, that the greatest threat to the
state arises from within.
Also Althusser emphasises the conversion of sad [tristes] affects into joyous [joy-
euses] affects (Althusser 1qqa, p. 1o;).
Balibar 1qq, pp. 1;1q.
Balibar 1qq, p. 1;.
The Subversive Machiavelli z
It has never come to the point that the security of the state was less threatened
by its citizens (cives) than by external enemies (hostes) and that those in power
(qui imperium tenet) feared the former less than latter. The Roman Republic is
testimony to this.
In this regard, Balibar suggests that Spinoza borrowed from Machiavelli the
idea that, in order to prevent the tendency towards civil war and the vicious
circle of violence, the princes own subjects must be armed:
Whence comes the necessity (taken over from Machiavelli) of arming the
people, who themselves represent the principal danger, on the condition of
being able to create a devotion and a discipline which become for them like a
second nature. Whence comes above all the necessity of limiting the violence
of the state against individuals so that it does not lead to the counter-violence
of the masses.
Applied to Machiavelli, this means that, among other things, the prince must
with the help of the army adapt the many [multitudine] so that they live and
act according to their second nature. In this case, the army and other state
institutions are no longer primarily an oppositional power to the multitude,
retaining power through violence or some other means, but rather they are
ideological apparatuses which produce and reproduce the second nature of
the multitude, which, in Machiavellis case, is dehned as, among other things,
virt civile and virt organizzato.
According to Balibar, Spinoza differs, however, on this issue from Machi-
avelli because the latter, notwithstanding his reection on the organization of
the army, limited himself to an analysis of state power as a source or object
of political strategy.
For Machiavelli, the multitude is not a political subject
in the same sense as an actor, yet he does not exclude the possibility that the
multitude could one day become such an actor. In this sense, he indeed differs
decisively from his contemporaries Guicciardini and Vettori, who, on the basis
of the existing situation, saw that the multitude was not up to the role of being
a political subject other than in the sense of being a subject [subjectus] under
the prince.
Spinoza 1q1, p. z1;, cited in Balibar 1qq, p. 1.
Balibar 1qq, p. 1.
Balibar 1qq, p. z.
According to Ugo Dotti (Dotti 1q;q, pp. zzz), in their writings, Guicciardini and
z Chapter Five
Towards the end of The Discourses, Machiavelli indeed enigmatically states
that he has not discussed the issue of the founding of the most republican
states based on the most extensive popular participation:
It is too lengthy and important a matter to attempt here to discuss the danger of
becoming the chief promoter of any new enterprise that affects the interests
of the many, and the difhculties of directing and bringing it to a successful
conclusion, and then to maintain it. Leaving such a discussion, therefore, to a
more convenient occasion, I shall speak here only of those dangers to which
those expose themselves who counsel a republic or a prince to undertake
some grave and important enterprise in such a manner as to take upon
themselves all the responsibility of the same.
Machiavelli does not return to this lengthy and important matter in the
remaining chapters of The Discourses, nor in his later works. Perhaps he
intended at some point to write a text in which he would have outlined an even
more utopian and popular state based on the activity of an extensive multitude
than the one he proposes in The Discourses. Referring to Althusser, one could
say that Machiavelli could not have had the prerequisites to think beyond the
limits of the possible.
... A people and a nation in the context and terminology of the early
Machiavellis views on disciplining the many [molti] has previously been char-
acterised as a process in which they become a people [il popolo]. This char-
acterisation or assumption requires further clarihcation so as not to assume
too hastily that the disciplined multitude ht-for-military-service would be the
Francesco Vettori emphasise the importance of the effective truth [verit effettuale della
cosa] and realism, and criticise imagining things [immaginazione di essa]. Despite the
shared realism, the deductions they make based on this are different. To support his
arguments, Dotti quotes Vettoris Sommario della Istoria dItalia in which he cynically
states that there is not much difference between tyranny and popular rule because,
ultimately, all republics and principalities are tyrannies (cf. Dotti 1q;q, p. z). Similarly,
at least in the case of Florence of his own time, Vettori refused to make any substantial
difference between tyranny and the actual popular republic. In Dottis opinion, this
simply indicates Vettoris attempt to justify the power of the aristocracy (Dotti 1q;q,
p. z).
Machiavelli 1qo, III., p. 1; my emphasis.
The Subversive Machiavelli z
same thing as a nation [nazione] or a nation-state [stato-nazione], which arose
in the nationalistic discourses in later centuries.
One must not rush headlong into dehning Machiavelli as an early theoreti-
cian of the nation-state, even though he presents ideas that transcend the idea
of the city-state in terms of an extensive and centralised state in which its own
population forms the army.
In order for the stabilising potential of a people to be understood also
within its own historical framework, there is reason to discuss the Italian-
European historical context of the early cinquecento as well as the vocabulary
describing the different social groups within it.
The rule of the Medicis began in Florence in 1 and ended in 1q when
they were expelled, after which began the republic period, referred to at the
time as governo libero or vivero popolare. The most central institution founded in
the beginning of that period was the Grande Consiglio (Great Council), which
became the soul of the city.
Its main task was to select the men for the
executive bodies, of which the most central was the eight-member Signoria, the
chairman of which was the Gonfaloniere. The Signoria used as their advisors
a twelve-man council, Dodici Buonuomini, and a sixteen-man council, Sedici
Gonfalonieri di Compagnia. The Signoria prepared all proposals for new laws
before they were dealt with by the above two councils, before they were
hnally approved by the Grande Consiglio. Furthermore, there was a ten-man
council, Dieci, which focused on warfare and foreign policy, and which also
held executive power, as did the eight-man council, Otto di Guardia, which
focused on the administration of justice and the Ufhciali di Monte, which was
in charge of matters linked with trade and the economy. Florence also had
ambassadors and other diplomats tending to its interests in other cities. The
leaders of these representatives were called the Podest.
Comparedto the situation during the Medici era, the founding of the Grande
Consiglio can justihably be seen as a popular and liberatory turn in the
history of Florence. In practice, this meant that the middle classes the
artisans, merchants and others (e.g. the trade guilds) outside the old and
wealthy families [case] entered the political decision-making process. Thus,
As regards the retelling of historical events, in the present study I have made use
primarily of Felix Gilberts Machiavelli and Guicciardini (Gilbert 1q6).
Gilbert 1q6, p. q. The Medicis returned to power in November 11z, but were
again sent into exile in 1z; when the republic was reinstituted, but only for three years.
z6 Chapter Five
also these people became citizens [cittadini]. This, however, did not mean
that the old aristocratic families were completely displaced, but rather that
a conict emerged between them and the middle classes as the latter have
been called
as well as between those who were eligible for the Grande
Consiglio and those who were left outside it. According to Gilbert, the whole
republican era was indeed characterised by a dual antagonism, one within the
Grande Consiglio itself and the other between those who belonged to it and
those who did not.
From the point of view of the problematics of the popolo, it is important to
note that fewer than hve percent of the total population of Florence (women
and children included) belonged to the Grande Consiglio. In other words, of
the ;o,ooo inhabitants of Florence, only ,ooo men of at least zq-years of age
could participate in the political decision-making process and decide about the
assembly of the executive councils.
This hgure represents between a quarter
and a hfth of all adult men. With the establishment of the Grande Consiglio,
also mencoming fromnewgroupings couldachieve ofhcial positions andeven
select each other for these. Thus, even during the period of the popular gov-
ernment of Florence, only this hve percent of the population were regarded as
fully legal citizens, or put the other way, ninety-hve per cent of the population
were not regarded as legal citizens of the city.
Cf., e.g. Gilbert 1q6; and Martines 1q;q, pp. ;8; p. 86.
Gilbert 1q6, p. 1q.
The period of ofhce of the members of the executive committees was extremely
short. This was because there was a desire to prevent the concentration of power in the
hands of the few. It was only in some diplomatic posts that the period of ofhce could
last a whole year, whereas the period of ofhce of the members of the Signoria was only
two months (Gilbert 1q6, p. 1).
Martines states that typical for the Italian popular movements of the thirteenth
and fourteenth centuries particularly if they achieved their popular goals was
their exclusive and sectarian character. Those without a profession, the poor, seasonal
workers, those who had just moved to the city, those not paying taxes, or those
belonging to certain professional groups consideredof lower status were excludedfrom
the popolo, which was allowed to be part of the political power and ofhces of the city
state: The popolo changed the requirements for citizenship, with an eye to breaking the
control of the nobility and richest citizens, but it always insisted that certain conditions
be met, although these varied with time and place. Chief among the requirements were:
(1) hve to thirty years of residence in the city, (z) membership in a guild, () property
qualihcations or minimum tax assessments, and () continuous tax disbursements for
periods of up to twenty-hve years (Martines 1q;q, p. 86).
The Subversive Machiavelli z
An internal antagonism within the Grande Consiglio emerged between the
wealthy and poorer members, the former usually coming from old aristocratic
families while the latter represented rising social groupings. In particular, the
aristocrats called these lower groups multitudine, populari mercatanti, popolo,
popolo minuto, or universale, whereas the majority of the inhabitants which were
not part of the Grande Consiglio were called varyingly plebe, inma plebe or
This practice is interesting considering the fact that, despite the use of the
termmultitudine, they only accounted for two to four per cent of the population
of Florence! In other words, this group was a multitude only in relation to
the aristocratic citizens, who were varyingly called by Roman terms such as
oligarchi, grandi, patrizi, optimati, ricchi, principali and uomini savi.
One should not assess the popularity of the republican era or Machiavellis
popular viewpoint with absolute criteria, but rather in relation to the preced-
ing oligarchic Medici era. The political procedures of the republican era were
based on legally enforced rules, as opposed to the pragmatic practices and
privileges of the Medici era. The latter had excluded middle-class groups from
eligibility for public ofhce. Allowing the multitudine to take up public ofhce in
the republic did indeed raise opposition among the aristocrats, who still had
signihcant economic power (hence the expression ricchi), and this became evi-
dent in the internal conicts of the Grande Consiglio.
Even though after 1q the aristocrats no longer had exclusive rights to pub-
lic ofhce, their experience in running such ofhces was naturally without com-
parison. According to Gilbert, the conicts came to a head with the political
and economic crises of the early sixteenth century. These were partly due to
the French having returned to Italy (Louis XII in 1qq), Florences war against
Pisa, and the activities of Cesare Borgia in central Italy. The aristocrats began
to demand a narrowgovernment [governo stretto], whereas the middle classes
defended the broader government [governo largo]. The result was a kind of
class compromise, along with which the ofhce of the gonfalonier was changed
to a life-long post, even though the maintenance of the ofhce was still bound by
According to the aristocrats dehnition, only the aristocrats themselves and the
multitude of the Grande Consiglio belonged to the popolo of the Florentine population
(Gilbert 1q6).
Gilbert 1q6, pp. x and 1qz.
z8 Chapter Five
the decisions of the Signoria. Piero Soderini (1z1zz), who had been a
supporter of governo largo, and came from the urban bourgeoisie, was selected
to hold the ofhce, and Machiavelli himself acted as his advisor and second
State Secretary (1q811z) until the return of the Medicis and the consequent
banishment of Soderini.
Soderini was loyal to the French king, but after the death of Cesares father
a different inuence would be felt. Pope Alexander VIs immediate successor
Pius III only lived for z6 days after his election but, during that time, had
Cesare arrested. Pius III was succeeded by Julius II, an ally of the Spanish king
who ruled in southern Italy (e.g. in Naples), who ordered the expulsion of the
French from the north (the unsuccessful Cambra Union in 1o8 against Venice
and the Sacred League in 111). Because Soderinis power was a result of a
compromise, also the aristocrats managed to get their demands met regarding
the governo stretto.
Francesco Guicciardini (181o), himself an aristocrat,
was responsible for the theoretical articulation and ideological legitimisation
of these demands. He well understood the Florentine effective truth when
presentinghis double-edgeddoctrine, according to whichone hadto try, onthe
one hand, to prevent the concentration of power inthe hands of the gonfalonier
and, on the other hand, to form an aristocratic senate with senators serving for
life in order to control the multitude.
When arguing for the senate, Guicciardini appealed like many other aris-
tocrats to the importance of expertise and experience in managing its affairs.
According to him, the ignorance of the multitude was a hindrance to the
efhcient management of affairs. However, what he perceived as an even more
serious threat than this was the gonfalonier elected for life. This was indeed an
understandable cause for concern because it was, after all, Soderini who held
that post. Obviously Guicciadinis fear was not based on the experiences of the
oligarchy from the Medici era but rather on the fact that the popular Soderni
was independent of the aristocracy, yet was a Florentine ruler who enjoyed the
trust of the multitude in other words, a kind of new prince.
If Soderini seemed a threat to Guicciardini, for Machiavelli, on the other
hand, this gonfalonier was a benefactor and spiritual father, and when his
fortuna collapsed in 11z Machiavellis own fortuna declined. According to
Gilbert 1q6, p. 8z.
The Subversive Machiavelli z
Gilbert, Machiavelli was also a supporter of the governo largo, and, like his
spiritual father, considered the Grande Consiglio a necessary and important
Because opposition to the aristocrats was a concomitant of his political
inuence in the republican period, Machiavelli was a hrm advocate of the
popular regime. He was convinced that the best form of government was
a regime in which the great masses of citizens had the controlling power. He
justihedthis belief invarious ways: not only didhe refute the usual objections
to a popular regime, but advancedthe cause of the people by more systematic
considerations. He explained that few, if any, political societies could exist
secure in isolation; almost all societies were involved in competition with
others, and the alternative was to expand or to perish. The greatest need
of any political society was an army, and the people alone provided the
manpower to settle conquered areas and to guarantee the permanency of
Within the dimensions of the political situation in which Machiavelli lived
and wrote, he favoured the Great Council. Like Soderini who, to counter the
aristocrats, worked to maintain the Great Council in its original form with
its established functions, Machiavelli stressed the usefulness and necessity
of this institution.
One can, however, ask what the reference in the above quote to the great
masses of citizens actually refers to in the case of Machiavellis notion of a
popular regime, as Gilbert characterises it.
Gilberts dehnition is not only
one-sided but also, moreover, ambiguous: on the one hand, it refers to the fact
that a large group of the already existing citizens should be allowed to partici-
pate in decision making and, on the other hand, more radically, to the fact that
Machiavelli wanted to expand the criterion of citizenship to include parts of
the larger population, such as that part of the popolo in early sixteenth-century
Florence who were deemed ineligible for the Grande Consiglio. Likewise,
Gilberts characterisationis aimedspecihcallyat the existing Florentine governo
Gilbert 1q6, p. 16.
Gilbert 1q6, p. 1;8, my emphasis.
z8o Chapter Five
popolare and does not so much take into account Machiavellis utopian ideas
about an extensive new type of state that transcends the existing form of the
In order to clarify Machiavellis views on citizenshipandthe state, it is useful
to differentiate between two different types of texts among his writings. In the
hrst category I would include The Prince, The Discourses and The Art of War; in
other words, Machiavellis main works in which he presents his utopian ideas
about an extensive republic or principality which would transcend the existing
form of the city-state, and which would stabilise, strengthen and homogenise
the Apennine peninsula which was suffering from a lack of unity and party
disputes. In the second category, I would include what I call Machiavellis
occasional writings (e.g. various reports, accounts and letters) as well as
those passages of Florentine Histories from the beginning of the 1zos onwards
writtenoncommissionfor the Medicis, inwhichhe presents his interpretations
and views on primarily the city-state of Florence and its organisation. In
this latter category, Machiavelli usually stays within the bounds of what is
possible in the context of his own city-state, whereas the writings in the former
category are in their generality more utopian (in the meaning intended by
both Althusser and Gramsci) and go beyond the context of the city-state. In
differentiating between these two sorts of texts, I do not mean that Machiavelli
would not slip into more utopian thinking also in his occasional writings or
in Florentine Histories, but the position of such views is always subordinate to
concrete questions of what can be done in the conjuncture in question or what
would or would not be wise to say in it.
This is probably why, in questions regarding the relationship between dif-
ferent population groups, Machiavellis tone is more moderate and cautious
when, for instance, he presents to those in power in Florence his recommenda-
tions regarding the inclusion of the multitude in the government, compared to
his other writings where he looks at the relationships between the aristocrats
and other members of the population in republics or principalities. The situ-
ation could also be characterised slightly differently; that, in his occasional
writings, he proposes solutions which, at least to some extent, would bring
Florence closer to those ideals which he proposes in the writings from the hrst
category. At the same time, one could not deduce from Machiavellis mod-
erate proposals what he actually thought of, for instance, the relationship
between the aristocracy and the middle classes.
The Subversive Machiavelli z8+
... Machiavelli in the Florentine context
In light of the writings aimed at the city state of Florence, it is clear that Machi-
avelli did not assume that the entire adult population (i.e. adult males) should
be entitled to participate in decision making and be eligible to hold ofhcial
positions; that is, to be counted as a citizen of the city. It is equally obvi-
ous, however, that Machiavelli opposed considering it unwise from every-
bodys point of view the objective of the aristocrats (including Guicciardini)
to strongly demarcate and limit [governo stretto] the rights of the other popu-
lation groups [universale] within the citizenry to participate and hold public
ofhce. This is evident in the report Sopra il riformare lo stato di Firenze which
Machiavelli wrote in about 1zo after the death of Lorenzo di Piero deMedici
in 11q, on the request of Cardinal Giulio deMedici (Pope Clemens VII 1z
) for Giovanni deMedici who was then Pope Leo X (11z1).
Machiavellis two friends from the Orte Oricellari circle, Zanobi Buondel-
monti and Luigi Alamanni, who had become renowned critics of the Medi-
cis, had already replied to the Cardinals request with their own writings. The
Cardinals request has indeed been considered a cunning move by which he
unarmed his opponents while allowing them to inuence the organisation of
the Florentine government.
Machiavelli repeats in his own text the two-moment idea familiar from The
Discourses, according to which a single person must autocratically renew the
laws of the state, but after the renewal, power must gradually be transferred
into more hands. Such a proposal is not necessarily as democratic or radical
as it might seem at hrst glance. According to Hale, Machiavelli wants both to
eat his cake and have it.
The Medicis had gradually forgotten Machiavellis actions during their
exile and offered him the shelter of their patronage and commissioned him,
for instance, to write the history of Florence. In order to consolidate his posi-
tion, Machiavelli restrained himself from proposing any radical republican
solutions that could have been interpreted as recommendations for expelling
the Medicis. With his conservative two-moment proposal, he believed that he
would convince both Giulio and Giovanni deMedici that under their control
Cf., e.g. Hale 1q;1, p. 66.
Hale 1q61, p. zoz.
z8z Chapter Five
the citizens could be re-educated to form a republican government. On the
other hand, Machiavelli proposes that the participation of other groups in the
state administration would also be to the beneht of the Medicis, because then
nobody would have any reason to make demands for change that would be
destructive from the Medicis point of view.
But to return to the dangers you run if affairs remain as they are, I wish to
make a prediction. I say that if an emergency comes when the city is not
at all reorganized, one of two things will be done, or both of them at once:
either in riot and haste a head will be set up who with arms and violence
will defend the government; or one party will run to open the Hall of the
Council [= Grande Consiglio] and plunder the other party. And whichever
of these two things comes about (which God forbid), Your Holiness can
imagine howmany deaths, howmany exiles, howmany acts of extortion will
result, enough to make the cruellest man much more Your Holiness, who
is most merciful die of sorrow. There is no other way for escaping these
ills than to give the city institutions that can by themselves stand hrm. And
they will always stand hrm when everybody has a hand in them, and when
everybody knows what he needs to do and in whom he can trust, and no
class of citizen, either through fear for itself or through ambition, will need
to desire revolution.
In his proposal, Machiavelli does not specify who would be included as the
legal citizens [cittadini] nor what the expressionciascheduno [everbody] actually
means. Instead, he classihes the people [uomini] of the republic into three
groups, depending on their importance, yet each of these ought to be given
their place [dare luogo] in the administration of the republic.
Those who organize a republic ought to provide for the three different sorts
of men who exists in all cities, namely, the most important, those in the
middle, and the lowest. And though in Florence the citizens possess the
equality mentioned above, nonetheless some of her citizens have ambitious
spirits and think they deserve to outrank others; these must be satished in
organizing a republic; the last government, indeed, fell for no other cause
than that such a group was not satished.
Machiavelli 1q8q, p. 11.
The Subversive Machiavelli z8
To men of this sort it is not possible to give satisfaction unless dignity is given
to the highest ofhces in the republic which dignity is to be maintained in
their persons.
The model of government which Machiavelli proposed already in the text
Sommario delle cose della citt di Lucca is based on the idea that the republic
must be founded on three central institutions: the Grande Consiglio, the
Senato and the Signoria.
The members of the Grande Consiglio (6oo1,ooo
members), which oversees the selection of the other authorities (apart fromthe
Gonfalonier, who holds his position for a hxed period), would represent the
lowest level of the citizenry. The members of the Senato (zoo), which prepares
issues of state, would consist mainly of citizens (16o) from the middle layer of
the citizenry, but even the lowest level of the citizenry would be represented
(o). The members of the Signoria (6), which actually implements the issues
of state, would primarily consist of members () from the top layer of society,
but, on the other hand, the middle layer of the citizenry could put forward
their own representatives (1z) for inclusion. The post of the Gonfalonier would
not be for life; he would be elected for three months at a time from among
the members of the Signoria. Nevertheless, the Medicis would be behind the
appointment of the Gonfalonier; just as in the beginning, they would appoint
all the members of the Senato and Signoria. Even later, when their power of
appointment would be transferred to the Grande Consiglio, the position of the
candidates would be organised so that those selected would be safe from the
point of view of the Medicis:
Without satisfying the generality of the citizens, to set upa stable government
is always impossible. Never will the generality of the Florentine citizens be
satished if the Hall [Grande Consiglio] is not reopened. Therefore, if one is to
set up a republic in Florence, this Hall must be reopened and this allotment
made to the generality of the citizens. Your Holiness should realize that
whoever plans to take the government from you will plan before everything
else on reopening it; therefore it is a good scheme to open it with conditions
Machiavelli 1q8q, pp. 1o;8.
Machiavelli 1qq, pp. 1qz.
z8 Chapter Five
and methods that are secure, and to take away from anybody who may be
your enemy opportunity for reopening it to your indignation and with the
destruction and ruin of your friends.
The above passage, like the whole text itself, is in all its persuasiveness rather
ambivalent. Perhaps Machiavelli assumed, in a cunning fox-like way, that the
re-established Grande Consiglio would, through its own power, promote the
position of the lower level [universale] of the legal citizenry, even though the
Medicis would attempt to control its actions. On the other hand, it is possible
to interpret the above passage as either a realistic compromise solution or even
Machiavellis opportunistic self-effacement or gullibility in front of the Medici
family, as Hale concludes.
Put in relation to the two moments of founding a
state, the question could also be about Machiavelli sincerely considering Gio-
vanni and/or Giulio as a kind of new prince (cf. the dedication at the begin-
ning of The Prince to Lorenzo deMedici), under whom the perfect republic
[una republica perfetta], as he calls his proposal, of Florence could be realised.
Whatever Machiavellis ultimate aims may have been, in any case he pro-
poses a model of government in which the representatives of each level acts
as a counter-balance to the others. And, at least to begin with, a Medici ruler
would have control of all the levels. From the above passage, it also is evident
that the republic cannot be stable unless the lowest level of the legal citizenry
is also allowed to have a part in decision-making in matters of the city-state.
However, action would have to be taken to prevent enemies of the Medicis
from gaining control of the Grande Consiglio. Machiavelli does not give spe-
cihc names to such potential threats but, obviously, he is referring to those
ambitious men of action who have earlier opposed or may later oppose the
Medici family. In other words, with the help of the Grande Consiglio, not only
is the lowest level of the legal citizenry kept satished and on the side of the
existing republic but also, at the same time, it is ensured that such men do
not stray into a popular institution which would use the Grande Consiglio
against the republic led by the Medicis.
Machiavelli 1q8q, pp. 11o11.
Hale 1q61, p. zo1. In 1z1 Soderini, who lived in Rome at that time, offered
Machiavelli a well-paid position as an advisor to the condottiere Prospero Colonna, but
Machiavelli turned down the offer, deciding that, in Hales characterisation, it was
better to roll stones for the Medici than become a rolling stone himself (Hale 1q61,
p. zo).
The Subversive Machiavelli z8
The great ambitions of the members of the upper level of the citizenry are, in
turn, satished when the Senato and the highest posts are given to its members.
If the members of the highest level of the citizenry are unable to satisfy their
great ambitions withinthe framework of the republic they become a threat to it.
Class position and ambitions
It is possible to lift out from Machiavellis texts another interesting dehnition
of the levels of the legal citizenry. Which layer a person belongs to is not
necessarily dehned by his social position and family background: his personal
attributes can at least in principle also have an inuence. The expression
Machiavelli uses, qualit di uomini, may refer to such attributes and not so
much to social position.
In emphasising this aspect, however, the tone of the text becomes more radi-
cal. A juxtaposition emerges where the aristocratic way of dehning citizenship
eligibility sociologically, that is, according to family and wealth, and Machi-
avellis way of dehning it, by emphasising mans individual virt, are set in
opposition to each other. In this case, the object of his critique is those laws
and privileges that exclude the virt-hlled ambitious men of the people from
the decision-making process in the city state. In other words, he criticises the
situation where a mans social position prevents him from rising to a position
for which his personal attributes qualify him.
If such an interpretation is perhaps somewhat contrived in the case of
Machiavellis text Sopra il riformare lo stato di Firenze, it is better suitedat least for
that part of The Discourses where he looks at the city republic of Venice.
though all the public ofhces there are taken by gentlemen [gentiluomini] and
all the populari are completely excluded from such positions, the criterion
for nobility is not, as is the case elsewhere, based on the possession of grand
estates, for the gentlemen of Venice are so more in name than in fact.
wealth is based on trade and moveable property; a wealth which the city
bourgeoisie has acquired for themselves through their own work. Because the
Hale, on the other hand, seems to assume that it was specihcally a matter about a
low social position or value (men of small account) and not personal characteristics
(Hale 1q61).
Machiavelli 1qq, I., p. z1; Machiavelli 1qo, I., pp. z6;.
z86 Chapter Five
name of gentleman is in Venice a title that a city bourgeois may also acquire,
this means, thinking in a Lockean way, that also a skilled person can become
eligible for public ofhce in that city republic. Machiavelli indeed states that
it follows from such a dehnition of gentleman that limiting the eligibility for
ofhce to the nobility does not cause disorder in Venice.
Likewise, Machiavelli proposes that, in the case of the Roman republic, its
greatness was based specihcally on the poverty of its citizens and the fact that
poverty was never allowed to stand in the way of the achievement of any rank
or honour, and that virtue and merit were sought for under whatever roof they
Emphasising peoples personal attributes is evident also in those numerous
passages where Machiavelli refers to private citizens who have risen from
obscurity to become rulers. On the other hand, such passages are balanced
by those where Machiavelli shows how difhcult it is for someone who is
not used to ruling to remain in power. One does not, however, have to see
a contradiction here, but rather a reference to ideas that both Gramsci and
Althusser discussed; that Machiavelli wrote to those who do not know and
that in the beginning the new prince has to be on his own. This thought also
links the social and individual viewpoints: the members of the substantially
wealthy and inuential aristocratic families have inherited more skills in
governing an aristocratic mindset typical for those who wield power than
those from the lower classes. In this sense, the former are generally more
ambitious and are more virtuous than the men of the people or the popolo
who are used to being subservient:
. . . those who live in servitude are indifferent to a change of masters, in fact
in most cases they rather desire it.
This was the situation in which the populus of Rome found itself at the end of
the era of the kings:
Many examples in ancient history prove how difhcult it is for a people that
has been accustomed to live under the government of a prince to preserve
its liberty, if by some accident it has recovered it, as was the case with Rome
Machiavelli 1qo, III.z, p. 86.
Machiavelli 1qo, III.1z, p. z.
The Subversive Machiavelli z8
after the expulsion of the Tarquins. And this difhculty is a reasonable one; for
such a people may well be compared to some wild animal, which (although
by nature ferocious and savage) has been as it were subdued by having
been always kept imprisoned and in servitude, and being let out into the
open helds, not knowing how to provide food and shelter for itself, becomes
an easy prey to the hrst one who attempts to chain it up again. The same
thing happens to a people that has not been accustomed to self-government;
for, ignorant of all public affairs, of all means of defence or offence, neither
knowing the princes nor being known by them, it soon relapses under a yoke,
oftentimes much heavier than the one which it had but just shaken off.
Unlike Guicciardini or Vettori, Machiavelli does not make this into a gener-
alisation, one which would be permanently valid, but, rather, he thinks that
one can become skilled in ruling by ruling: in other words, the skill of ruling
can be learned in the same way as the skill of warfare and military virt, which
are also developed with practice. This, however, is doubly more difhcult in the
case of a man of the people, a newrepublic or a newprince than it is in the case
of princes who have inherited their power or aristocrats, particularly if power
has come about by accident.
Furthermore, this unifying viewpoint highlights the struggle in which those
virt-hlled and ambitious men of action who, for some reason or other, are
ineligible for citizenship or public ofhce, hght against those who due to
family inheritance and/or their individual attributes hold positions in public
ofhce. Assessed in this light, anyone can, at least in principle, belong to either
of these groups the grandi or the popolo. The above quote continues by
describing the struggle between the new [popolo] and the old (the privileged
who benehted from tyranny):
. . . the state that becomes free makes enemies for itself, and not friends. All
those become its enemies who were benehted by the tyrannical abuses and
fattened upon the treasures of the prince, and who, being now deprived
of these advantages, cannot remain content, and are therefore driven to
attempt to re-establish the tyranny, so as to recover their former authority
and advantages.
Machiavelli 1qo, I.16, pp. 16o1.
Machiavelli 1qq, I.16, p. 1;; Machiavelli 1qo, I.16, p. 16o.
Machiavelli 1qo, I.16, p. 161.
z88 Chapter Five
Finnish political scientist Jukka Kanerva suggests, citing Federico Chabod,
that the aristocratic mindset is not directly comparable to the social classes in
the sociological sense of the term:
Not all grandi belong to the elite of political power and not all the populo are
in a politically subjugated position. The question is, as Chabod notes, of ten-
denze, disposizione danimo, a tendency, a spiritual disposition (Chabod
1q6z, 6): in Machiavellis language, the bodily disposition, characteristic of
a citizen.
The viewpoint of ChabodandKanerva seems justihedwhenone keeps inmind
that considered historically in the context of the city-states the ambitious
spiritual disposition was most often de facto linked specihcally with the
wealthy and those of noble ancestry. In other words, the tendency is not an
inborn individual quality but a spiritual tendency that the high social status
characteristically produces in man. Kanerva notes that the text [Discourses, I.]
does not at all limit in advance the quality of the citizen rising to power.
is certainly true, and refers to the popular and non-aristocratic features in
Machiavellis thinking. But it is equally accurate that in Machiavellis context,
the laws, privileges and institutions of the state were mostly a hindrance to
the rise to power of a citizen coming from the popolo,
and the subjugated
position could be an obstacle for the development of the ambitious spiritual
Thus the question is not only about the opportunities that the
text offers but also about the relationship between the context and the text.
Compared to the attempts of the aristocracy to limit citizenship to groups of
wealthy people, Machiavellis writing Sopra il riformare lo stato di Firenze would
in principle allow any man who is skilful and ambitious to partake in decision
making, even if he did come from a well-known noble family. The critique that
follows from this, and which Machiavelli directs at the nobleman living off the
work of others, is that of the governo stretto, where lack of wealth or a modest
family background or other inferior inherited factors prevent a man of the
people who possesses even a great deal of virt from participating in decision
making. (Here, ones thoughts inevitably turn to Machiavelli himself, who,
Kanerva 1qqo, p. q.
Cf., e.g., Machiavelli 1qo, I..
Cf., e.g., Machiavelli 1qo, I.16; and Machiavelli 1qo, III.1z.
The Subversive Machiavelli z8
certainly in his own opinion, would have been the most skilful and ambitious
citizen, but did not receive the tasks in Florence during the Medici era that his
virt and prudenza deserved).
But, within the particular historical context of Sopra il riformare lo stato di
Firenze, one must not forget the controlling role that Machiavelli gives the
Medicis. Even though one would think that the aristocracy is not necessarily
a sociological category, the members of which would automatically be mem-
bers of the Senato, but rather that the members of the Senato would indeed
consist of those citizens who irrespective of their social position are the
most ambitious in their spiritual tendency, one can still see the Senato also as
a kind of safety valve through which the ambitions of the citizens of the hrst
(upper) category whether they are aristocrats possessing virt and ambizione
or men of the people can be defused in a way that is controlled by the Medi-
cis. One might even think that the Medicis should choose as members of the
Senato not merely their harmless friends but rather those who pose a threat to
them. This strategy of giving the devil your little hnger so that he does not take
your whole hand is justihed by the fact that the Senato has executive power
but not the authority to decide in matters of the city. Such power lies with the
Grande Consiglio, but if its members are the least ambitious citizens then they
will not make any radical decisions that would be problematic for the Medicis
and which would be better undertaken by those citizens of the hrst category.
In short, the ambivalence of Machiavellis proposal lies in the fact that, on
the one hand, he gives the power of decision to those whom the Medicis can
direct and control, while those dangerous citizens who are difhcult to direct
and control are excluded from the decision making process yet are set to
execute matters which have already been decided upon. However, on the other
hand, Machiavelli does not necessarily present sociological dehnitions, that is,
dehnitions based on the social position of individuals, or the group to which
people belong. This latter idea is subversive and popular compared to the
aristocrats attempt to limit citizenship to the wealthy and those of a noble
Machiavelli would not necessarily have been capable of being a military leader.
Bandello describes how this renowned authority on warfare once had an opportunity
to lead a close order drill, the result of which, however, was complete chaos. After
allowing Machiavelli to try for a while, without results, to restore order, condottiere
Giovanni delle Bande Nere had to restore order among the troops (Hale 1q61, pp. z6;).
zo Chapter Five
... Utopian texts
When Machiavellis views on the relationship between the aristocracy and
the lower levels of the citizenship, as presented in The Prince, The Discourses
and The Art of War, are studied closely, a writer emerges who is more daring
and popular than the one who writes occasional writings, someone who, for
instance, strongly criticises the aristocracy [gentiluomini] living in idleness:
And to explain more clearly what is meant by the term gentlemen [gentiluo-
mini], I say that those are called gentlemen who live idly upon the proceeds
of their extensive possessions, without devoting themselves to agriculture
or any other useful pursuit to gain a living. Such men are pernicious to any
country or republic; but more pernicious even than these are such as have,
besides their own possessions, castles which they command, and subjects
who obey them. This class of men abounds in the kingdom of Naples, in
the Roman territory, in the Romagna, and in Lombardy; whence it is that no
republic has ever been able to exist in those countries, nor have they been able
to preserve any regular political existence, for that class of men are every-
where enemies of all civil government. And to attempt the establishment of
a republic in a country so constituted would be impossible. The only way to
establish any kind of order there is to found a monarchical government . . .
The idle, aristocratic lite (the few), which lives at the expense of those people
who do productive, useful work, is equally the enemy of both the republic and
the principality. The above passage also refers to the fact that transferring to
the republicancollective moment is not possible ina deeply corrupt state with
an abundance of idle noblemen. The only way to rid such a state of corruption
is to install an autocratic prince who then purposely destroys the aristocratic
families. For example, as mentioned earlier, in Romagna Cesare Borgia had no
other option than to establish an autocracy if he wished to curb the aristocracy
and preserve his own power. On the other hand, this required relying on the
productive social classes, that is, the merchants of the cities and the peasants
of the countryside.
In the opposite case, when a grand equality [grande equalit] prevails,
the precondition for founding a principality is that the prince bestows upon
Machiavelli 1qo, I., p. z.
The Subversive Machiavelli z+
the aristocracy great privileges in terms of property, possessions, money and
subjects to rule over. The prince must then align himself with the aristocracy,
so that, surrounded by them, he is able to maintain his power, and through his
support they satisfy their own ambitions while others may be constrained to
submit to that yoke to whichforce alone has beenable to subject them andthus
ruler and ruled are maintained in their respective ranks [negli ordini suoi].
The question is, in other words, about founding a tyranny that prevents social
In discussing Machiavellis views, Gilbert draws the following blunt conclu-
Machiavellis whole conception of Roman history is based on the view, which
he adopted from Sallustius, that money and wealth are evil.
Gilberts conclusion, however, simplihes the issue. Even though Machiavelli
presumes as Rousseau did after him that the basic reason for a state
becoming corrupt is those people who are most wealthy, therefore gaining a
great personal advantage and pursuing their own personal interests, he did
not condemn all economic activity as evil, as Gilbert concludes.
In his own interpretation, Gramsci puts forward a hypothesis that, at hrst,
might seem surprising; namely, that Machiavellis political views on the
importance of the ties between cities and the countryside, the importance of
agriculture, as well as the critique he directs towards the feudal corporative
privileges of the cities would, when translated into an economic language,
refer to the physiocratic characteristics that transcend the mercantile stage in
his thinking:
If one can show that Machiavelli aimed at creating links between city and
countryside and at extending the role of the urban classes up to the point
of asking them to forgo certain feudal corporative privileges with respect
to the countryside, so as to incorporate the rural classes into the state, one
Machiavelli 1qq, I., p. z1; Machiavelli 1qo, I., p. z6.
Gilbert 1q6, p. 1;.
Wood (1q68, pp. 81 and 8) states that Machiavelli does not justify the class
struggle in terms of economics. In light of Gramscis and Althussers interpretations
of Machiavelli, however, Woods thesis seems problematic. Gramsci, in particular,
discusses passages in Machiavellis writings that deal with the struggle between those
who work and those who do not.
zz Chapter Five
will also have shown that, implicitly, Machiavelli had in theory overcome
the mercantilist stage and already had some traits of a physiocratic nature
that he was thinking, in other words, of a politico-social environment which
is the same as that presupposed by classical economy.
Unfortunately, Gramsci did not have the opportunity to further develop his
interesting hypothesis that Machiavelli was a precursor of classical political
economy, and his observations were limited to a few notes.
Yet, even these
notes already depict Machiavelli as a writer who understood that the time of
accumulating wealth, endless wars, andcity-states characterisedby mercenary
armies that swallowed resources was over:
Machiavelli is a man wholly of his period; his political science represents
the philosophy of the time, which tended to the organisation of absolute
national monarchies the political form which permitted and facilitated a
further development of bourgeois productive forces. In Machiavelli one may
discover inembryonic formboththe separation of powers andparliamentari-
anism(the representative regime). His ferocity is turnedagainst the residues
of the feudal world, not against the progressive classes. The Prince is to put
an end to feudal anarchy; and that is what Valentino does in Romagna, bas-
Gramsci 1q;, p. 1oq.
The starting point for Gramscis hypothesis is Gino Ariass study Il pensiero
economico di Niccol Machiavelli (Annali di Economia, Vol. IV, Milano 1qz8). Aria does
not concentrate on the question of Machiavellis possible physiocracy but rather uses
him to verify the fascistic thesis, according to which parliamentary institutions are
not in their origin Italian or part of the Italian state tradition, and therefore can be
replacedby a corporative government that seeks its model fromthe medieval city-states
(Boothman 1qq, pp. xxxvxxxviii and p. 11). In a letter to Tatjana (Tania) Schucht
(1..1qz) Gramsci asks her to ask her friend, the economist Piero Sraffa, if he knew
of any research where Machiavellis views on the economy and economic policies are
discussed. Gramsci also asks Sraffa to comment on Ariass study: Can one say that
Machiavelli was a mercantilist, if not in the sense that he consciously thought as
a mercantilist, then at least in the sense that his political thought corresponded to
mercantilism; that is, he said in political terms that which the mercantilists said in the
terms of political economy? Or could it not even be maintained that in the political
language of Machiavelli (especially in The Art of War) there arose the hrst seed of a
physiocratic conception of the state and that therefore (and not in the exterior sense of
Ferrari and even of Foscolo) he could be considered a precusor of the French Jacobins?
(Gramsci 1q6, p. 8q). Sraffa replied (z1..1qz) to Gramsci via Schucht as follows: I
dont knowanything about the economic thought of Machiavelli: the little that I learned
by reading the article of Arias suggested by Nino [= Gramsci] seems to me to conhrm
what Nino says. It seems to me that there is a great analogy with an English economist
of the Seventeenth century, William Petty, who Marx called the founder of classical
economics (Sraffa 1qq1; cf. also Potier 1qq1, pp. 6).
The Subversive Machiavelli z
ing himself on the support of the productive classes, merchants and peasants.
Given the military dictatorial character of the head of state, such as is needed
in a period of struggle for the installation and consolidation of a new form
of power, the class references contained in The Art of War must be taken as
referring as well to the general structure of the state: if the urban classes wish
to put an end to internal disorder and external anarchy, they must base them-
selves on the mass of the peasants, and constitute a reliable and loyal armed
force of a kind totally different from the companies of fortune.
The above quote focuses on two popular features in Machiavellis thinking.
Firstly, that Machiavellis views on the relationships between groups of people
in a state should not be assessed merely within the traditional context of city-
states. Furthermore, one should pay attention to those utopian references
where Machiavelli talks about the extensive and centralised state, in which
an army made up of men from its own population has a central role. Secondly,
following on from the previous viewpoint, the criteria for citizenship must
not only be assessed on the basis of ones participation in political institutions,
but also one must pay attention to those institutions, such as the army, through
which the multitude is integrated or made into a people within the state, even
though this does not necessarily mean the expansion of the eligibility for legal
citizenship, political election and public ofhce.
The criterion for a popular state and form of government is not necessarily
the number of people eligible to vote and hold public ofhce in proportion to
the whole population. It can also be a matter of the quality of the relationship
between citizens and non-citizens; in other words, the attitude of non-citizens
and the nature of their position in relation to those in power who fulhll the
criteria of citizenship. If the prince relies upon the aristocracy, this means
oppressing other groups of people and keeping them in place, while the
aristocracy enjoys its privileges.
Thus, such a tyranny is characterised by
keeping large groups of the population immobile and under the yoke.
When also at least the middle classes fulhll the criterion for citizenship,
the relationship of those in power to the rest of the population becomes more
close-knit and more legitimate (through friendship and respect) than if the
aristocracy had sole rights to power and public ofhce. Accordingly, the Grande
Gramsci 1q;, pp. 1;z.
Cf., Machiavelli 1qo, I., p. z6.
z Chapter Five
Consiglio and governo largo can be considered as one form of response to the
question of how the middle-class citizens irrespective of their number in
relation to the whole population represent, depending on ones viewpoint,
both a counterforce to the aristocracy and a closer and more popular tie to
the population that remains outside the criteria of citizenship.
According to Gilbert, Machiavellis assessments of the Grande Consiglio
were positive, even after the return of the Medicis, though he then gave more
emphasis to the spirit which stands behind them than the institution itself.
In Gilberts opinion, it is specihcally the term virt that refers to this spirit:
Virt was the prerequisite for leadership. Every leader, whether he was cap-
tain of an army or the head of a state, needed virt. But, according Machi-
avelli, virt could be possessed by a collective body as well as by individuals.
For example, an army must have virt. . . . Military virt, therefore, reects
a spirit which permeates all the institutions of a political society and is an
aspect of a more general virt which is to be found in well-organized soci-
In this case, however, in linking virt to spirit, Gilberts interpretation is
unnecessarily idealistic and one-sided. He does not adequately emphasise the
other side of the issue, namely, how the very preconditions for the develop-
ment of the spirit are the good institutions and the political practices that
materialise within them, which reproduce virt and prevent it from becom-
ing corrupted as lethargy [ozio] and vice [vizio]. If, according to Machiavelli, a
states army consisting of men fromits own population (rather than mercenary
troops) and good laws (rather than privileges) applicable to the whole popula-
tion are the absolute conditions for the durable and vital state, virt in this case
expresses the respect and approval the citizens and non-citizens have towards
these institutions, while, at the same time seen from a different angle these
institutions produce and reproduce this approval.
A central example of an institution that produces civic virt also amongst
non-citizens is the army. As has been evident from the earlier chapters of
this study, in Machiavellis texts the army is also a place for politics, an
institution that controls and makes a people [devenir-peuple] of the states own
Gilbert 1q6, p. 1;q.
Gilbert 1q6, pp. 1;q8o.
The Subversive Machiavelli z
population. The making of a people does here not necessarily refer to the rights of
citizens, that is, eligibility for election or public ofhce, but to the production of
the second nature of the multitude. In The Art of War, Machiavelli states that:
. . . a state ought to depend upon only those troops composed of its own
subjects [i suoi popoli]; that those subjects cannot be better raised than by a
citizens militia; and that there can be no better method devised to form an
army or to introduce good order and discipline among soldiers.
Following this, referring to the Roman writer Publius Flavius Vegetius,
discusses the question of which men formthe best troops, and ends by empha-
sising the profession more than the moral virt of the individual man, which
only the military service itself ultimately reveals.
Even though, in this con-
text, the issue is primarily about the courage of the individual, Machiavellis
list of civilian professions among the soldiers shows that the infantry could
include bird-catchers, hshermen, cooks, pimps and brothel-keepers, as well as
peasants, blacksmiths, farriers, carpenters, butchers, hunters and other practi-
cal professions.
According to Machiavelli, not even the hrst members of this
group, such as the bird-catchers, should be excluded from the army, because
virt may also be present among them. In other words, virt does not depend
on ones profession: for example, a pimp can just as well be hlled with virt
due to his personal character and can just as easily be active as indolent [ozioso]
andeven full of vice [vizioso]. Inany case, the list includes professions of people
who, in the Florentine context, hadno citizenshiprights but whomMachiavelli
nevertheless includes in his army.
Referring to Althussers interpretation, one must note that the army is,
just like the laws and the prince, an ideological apparatus, the task of which
is (apart from warfare and training for warfare) to call forth (or using an
Althusserian expression, to interpellate) the population comprised of non-
citizens into the spirit or virt of the state. If the soldiers to be commanded
Machiavelli 1qq, I, p. 6q; Machiavelli zoo, p. .
Flavius Vegetius Renatus, who was active during the reign of Theodosius (;qq),
wrote Epitoma rei militaris [Epitome of Military Science], in which he presents his views
on the training and organisation of the Roman legions (The Concise Oxford Companion
to Classical Literature, p. 6).
For it is not the natural courage of men that makes an army bold, but order and
good discipline (Machiavelli zoo, p. 6).
z6 Chapter Five
are other than ones own subjects, they will have no ties of loyalty to their
leader, as Fabrizio states in the last book of The Art of War:
In Italy, therefore, it is not enough to know to command an army already
raised and disciplined. A general must hrst raise and discipline it himself
before he puts himself at its head. Nobody can do that unless he is a prince
possessing large territories and a great number of subjects, which I am not.
Nor did I ever yet, nor can I, command any but foreign armies composed of
soldiers who owed me no natural obedience . . .
If ones own subjects are sufhciently willing to respond or learn (or are taught)
to respond to the call, then the prince or, in the republic, for example, the
members of the Grande Consiglio, can successfully govern and control both
the subjects and the whims of the nobility [grandi]:
Now men become excellent and show their virt according to how they are
employed and encouraged by their sovereigns, whether these happens to be kings,
princes, or heads of republics . . .
Seen in this light, Machiavellis views strongly emphasising the importance of
the infantry [fanteria, i fanti] are not only strategic and tactical theses, but also
refer to an army based on the large, cheap to maintain masses of infantrymen
as an expression of the popular state, rather than the expensive cavalry as
an expression of the power of the aristocracy. The infantry, consisting of the
lower levels of the population, does indeed protect against the possibility
that someone among the nobility would use the army to accomplish his own
Summarising the above, one can say that, in the case of Florence, the
notion of popularity refers to the governo largo and the Grande Consiglio,
but, beyond this immediate historical context, it expands to encompass the
popular relationship of the prince or those holding political power in a
republic to the rest of the population.
Machiavelli zoo, p. zo8.
Machiavelli zoo, p. ;;; my emphasis.
Machiavelli 1qq, I, p. 6;; Machiavelli zoo, pp. o1.
The Subversive Machiavelli z
Nazione and Machiavelli
When writing about Machiavellis views on the state, Gramsci usually places
the words popolo andnazione in invertedcommas. Particularly in the latter case,
the use of inverted commas is necessary because the modern nazione termi-
nology cannot be found in Machiavellis texts nor in those of his contem-
poraries just as the corresponding views of the nation-state [stato-nazione],
nation [nazione] or nationality [nazionalit] are similarly not to be found. As was
stated earlier, Machiavelli uses the terminology of his time, with such expres-
sions as popolo, populi, moltitudine, plebe, gente, uomini, molti,
comuni, universit, universale and popolare when referring to the lower
social groups or to those generally who are not in power. He characterises the
aristocracy or those in power as, with such terms as gentiluomini, grandi,
patrizi, pochi, ottimati, potenti, capi and nobilit.
As Eric Hobsbawm argues,
the type of thinking tying together the nation,
the state and the people did not arise and develop to become a hegemonic
position until the nineteenth century, and only then at hrst amongst the upper
classes, along with the nationalism that was being created from above. This is
shown by the fact that, until the very end of the nineteenth century, the word
nation referred to, among other things, ones origin or birth (cf. natus) but not
the state or government. The word patria also had a narrow meaning, referring
to a persons home or birthplace.
Even Althusser, who uses Machiavellis views and aims more freely than
Gramsci when explaining the expressions nation and ltat national,
marks that the term nation was, for Machiavelli, not an existing form but one
possible (aleatory) result in the struggle between social classes:
But the need for the existence and constitution of a nation is one thing; the
factual and relatively aleatory conditions of its realization are quite another.
While the need to constitute the nation ultimately corresponds to the creation
of a sufhciently large market for the nascent bourgeoisie, the nation cannot
be constituted by decree. It is the stake of a class struggle. But the outcome
of this struggle whose objective is not the conquest of an already existing
Cf., e.g., Hobsbawm 1qq1, p. 1q.
Hobsbawm 1qq1, especially p. 1; cf. also Hale 1qq, p. 68.
Cf., e.g. Althusser 1qqa, pp. 1z; Althusser 1qqq, p. 11.
z8 Chapter Five
form, but the reality of a form that does not as yet exist depends upon the
arrangement of the existing elements. To put it another way, the possibilities
and limits of the nations realization depend upon a whole series of factors
not only economic, but also pre-existing geographical, historical, linguistic
and cultural factors which in some sense prestructure the aleatory space in
which the nation will be able to take shape.
The nation-state would not even have been the telos that Machiavelli or
the urban bourgeoisie would have consciously strived for or even could have
strived for. The nation-state was only to be the result of an aleatory process that
crystallised in the coming generations, but which, in retrospect, in nationalistic
discourses, was teleologised as the inevitable end result of the history of
states or the arrogant aim of patriots and heroic battles for independence.
Alternatively, it was interpreted as the history of the nation, where the
language, land area, borders, race, religion, culture, and other atoms were
interpreted as parts of the nation that contained the telos of the birth of the
When using expressions such as nation [nazione] and people [popolo] in
the context of Machiavelli, they are referring only to his attempt to perceive
durable solutions in a highly aleatory conjuncture; this was specihcally char-
acterised by the internal struggle in the city-states between the aristocrats and
the other population groups, the wars between the different city states and the
continuous invasions of the barbarians into the Apennine peninsula.
This does not mean, however, that one could not, if one wanted to, read
utopian elements the building of a nation-state or nation in Machiavellis
views on the unihcation of Italy or even in his writings in general. Such
a reading, however, must not be teleological. With reference to Althussers
interpretation, the elements have not taken hold of or become encoded
as elements of the nation-state. For example, the question of the relationship
between the Italian dialects or language or the extent of the durable state were,
for Machiavelli, primarily pragmatic questions and answers to the problems of
the conjuncture; for instance, that the linguistic dispersion was an expression
Althusser 1qqa, pp. 1z; Althusser 1qqq, p. 11.
Cf. also Althusser 1qqa, pp. 1z; Althusser 1qqq, pp. 111z.
Cf. Althusser 1qqza, p. z1; Althusser 1qqc, p. zzo in which Althusser argues that
Machiavellis era could not offer even words with which he would have been able to
describe his objective, namely, Italian national unity.
The Subversive Machiavelli z
of the inability of the city-states to become allies against the barbarians, or
that the dispersion of the Apennine peninsula prevented an efhcient defence
against France and Spain.
In Discorso o dialogo intorno alla nostra lingua
Machiavelli writes about patria
but does not refer to Italy or Italians but, rather, to the Tuscans, who speak
Italian in a more expressive way than others, making them stand out in a
positive way. Machiavelli makes a clear difference between his own patria and
its language, as well as, on the other hand, between the other patria and their
language. This, however, does not prevent him from believing, particularly in
the case of written language, that the Italian language of Tuscany should be
made or recognised that it already is the standard and foundation of the
written language in the other patria of the peninsula.
Unlike with nineteenth-century nationalistic thinking, for Machiavelli lan-
guage is not a cultural factor central to the identity of the patria or nation, but
rather simply a communication tool that enables co-operation between many
different patrie. Language must be sufhciently general and expressive so that
there are no bad misunderstandings, for example, in giving orders between
different units of soldiers.
Linguistic dispersion is also seen as a symptomof weakness in relation to the
barbarians, as Hale interprets Machiavellis text.
Machiavelli was indeed
aware that the time had come for a large and centralised monarchy, as in Spain
and France.
One must note, however, that the France with which Machiavelli had be-
come familiar was not yet a nation where, for instance, the French language
and ethnic and cultural Frenchness were central and ideological factors
Carlo Dionisotti states, referring to a study by Cecil Grayson (Grayson 1q;1),
that Discorso o dialogo intorno alla nostra lingua was written at the earliest 1z
and not 11 as has usually been assumed (Dionisotti 1q8o, p. z68 and p. 1o).
The text was published for the hrst time in Florence as late as 1;o, and even then
anonymously because Machiavellis writings were still in the Catholic Churchs Index
Librorum Prohibitorum (Dianisotti 1q8o, p. z;o).
In Dialogo intorno alla nostra lingua, Machiavelli has an imaginary dialogue with
Dante. In the opinion of Machiavelli, Dantes language is not a curial Italian, as he
himself claims, but specihcally a Tuscan Italian. According to Dionisotti, Machiavellis
view reects the concern about the collapse of the position of Florence. This was
furthered not only by the alien barbarians, with their invasion, but also by padre
Dante with his curial speech (Dionisotti 1q8o, pp. 6z).
Hale 1qq, p. 6;.
Machiavelli 1qq, II, pp. o8q; Machiavelli zoo, pp. ;q8o.
oo Chapter Five
articulating the nation.
When Machiavelli comments on France, the objects
of his comments are the French monarchy, their subjects and troops. He is obvi-
ously interested in the fact that something new and important is going on in
France. This newness does not, however, gain meaning for Machiavelli as
the French nation in the post-revolutionary nineteenth-century understand-
ing of the word, but, rather, refers to the efhcient, centralised and extensive
organisation of this extensive state, the ruler of which, well protected from the
whims of the aristocracy, leads an army which is superior compared to those
in Italy:
Among kingdoms whichare well organizedandgoverned, inour time, is that
of France: it possesses countless valuable institutions, on which the kings
freedom of action and security depend. The hrst of these is the parliament
and its authority. For the lawgiver of the French kingdom, knowing the
ambition and insolence of the powerful, judged it necessary that they should
be restrained by having a bit in their mouths. On the other hand, he wanted
to protect the masses, knowing how they feared, and therefore hated, the
According to Gramsci, Machiavellis interest in France shows that he tran-
scendedthe perspective of the city-states andthat the prince must stopthe feu-
dal anarchy.
But Machiavelli was also a man of his time, for whom the uni-
hcation of the Apennine peninsula was a question of the politics of power:
Hale refers to Johann Honters geography textbook Cosmographic Rudiments (1z),
where [t]he maps showed rivers, mountains and major cities but no borders, and
the place names all in Latin reect the provinces of the Roman and medieval
worlds rather than a contemporary political survey. On the map of France Burgundia
Gallia (Burgundy) and Brittania Celtica (Brittany) are printed in larger capitals than
Francia itself, inscribed above the real France (Hale 1qq, pp. 66;).
The French kings disarmed their subjects in order to control them more easily. In
their place (starting from Louis XI [1z8]) came Swiss troops, a solution for which
Machiavelli criticises the French kings (cf., e.g. Machiavelli 1qq, I, p. 6q; Machiavelli
zoo, pp. z). He also criticises the Italian princes of his own time for showing
cowardice towards the soldiers coming from over the Alps, of which the events of 1q
(the end of Medici rule and the beginning of the republic period) are proof (Machiavelli
1qq, pp. 6181q; Machiavelli zoo, pp. z1o11).
Machiavelli zoo, Chapter 1q, p. 8o.
Gramsci 1q;, p. 1;z.
On the history of the later revolutionary use of Machiavellis ideas, see Lefort 1q88,
pp. 18.
The Subversive Machiavelli o+
It should be noted that in the Italy studied by Machiavelli there existed no
representative institutions already developed and signihcant in national life
like the Estates General in France.
In other words, the unihcation of Italy was not even in its hrst moment. Apart
from the estates and the balance between them that constituted the second
moment, what was also missing was the new prince, who was essential
in the moment of solitude, and who would have united the city-states.
Machiavellis analyses in his occasional writings, for example on the renewal
of the Florentine city-state, indeed refer to the second, collective moment, but
only within the internal context of the city-state. And yet, when looking from
the viewpoint of transcending the city-states, it was self-evident to Machiavelli
that Italy could not, at least initially, be a city-state on a large scale, that is, an
extensive republic. The only possibility was to form a principality, which the
example of Cesare Borgia had made evident.
According to Gramsci, already as early as the sixteenth century, Machi-
avellis thinking served regression in France because at that time the cen-
tral questions in the country concerned achieving an equilibrium between
the already existing estates in that already strong and consolidated state.
Unlike in the Italy of Machiavellis time, in France during the time of political-
philosopher Jean Bodin (1zq/oq6), the third estate was already aware of its
power and position to the extent that it could set conditions for other groups.
The French king was not a solitary new prince but one factor in the system of
equilibrium between the estates, the absolute power of which the third estate
already attempted to limit through their own actions.
In this context, follow-
ing the doctrines of The Prince would have meant denying the importance of
the estates and would therefore have been a regressive act.
Gramsci, however, compares Machiavelli to the Jacobins, yet also empha-
sises the differences between their historical contexts. The comparison is jus-
tihed because, according to Gramsci, both Machiavelli and the Jacobins con-
sidered the participation of the masses to be important and both emphasised
the connection between the cities and the countryside. Both were concerned
Gramsci 1q;, p. 1;.
Titus Livius is also a central source of Bodins Six livres de la Rpublique (published
oz Chapter Five
with the promotion of a national-popular [nazionale-popolare] state, though,
in Jacobin France, this question turned out to be more multifaceted than with
Machiavelli, for whom it was largely limited to issues of reorganising the
.. Epilogue: Machiavelli and the taming of chance
Machiavellis views about the unihcation of the Apennine peninsula have, in
the present study, been interpreted from the viewpoint where the goal of the
project of the new prince is to take hold of a highly aleatory conjuncture by
producing an extensive state in terms of the area under its control. Due to its
historical context, the taking hold does not yet in the case of Machiavelli refer
to the nation-state in which, among other things, nationalist ideology and
representational institutions would produce a national unity. The expressions
of national politics and ideology are the ideological apparatus of the prince,
who should aim to gain the friendship of the people and the army formed
from his own subjects. Apart from averting external enemies and achieving
According to Gramsci, Machiavellis writings include at least an implicit critique of
the cosmopolitanism of the Renaissance era. Cosmopolitanism expressed a rift which
prevailed between the universal favour showed towards the arts and sciences and
the underdevelopment of political factionalism and political institutions. According
to Gramsci, it was because of the cosmopolitanism of the Renaissance era that the
pursuit of sciences and arts was not articulated as part of the project of the unihcation
of Italy. On the contrary, the scientihc and artistic actions of the Renaissance became a
central hindrance to such a national-popular project. Even though the Renaissance
and humanism furthered the development of the Italian and European intellectual
strata, from the national viewpoint this was a case of an aggressive and oligarchic
movement that deepened the cultural rift between the intellectuals and the wider
population (cf., e.g., Gramsci 1q;, p. 18q). In the case of Machiavelli, one should also
note that he does not actually refer to the Renaissance arts and sciences. His silence
might have been due to the fact that, in his eyes, the Renaissance did not manifest itself
as a force that furthered the unihcation of the Apennine peninsula but as an expression
of the era of the city-states and their regressive logic of action. Favouring the artists and
scientists of the Renaissance and the rebirth of Latin (and Greek) was an expression of
the competition between the city-states in which the Medicis had great success, yet the
goal of this litist contest was not the unihcationof the peninsula, but, onthe contrary, to
stand out from all the other city-states of the peninsula. The Renaissance interpretation
of antiquity was, however, for them an idealised antiquity of high culture and not an
antiquity involving the subversive political actions of the men of action that opened up
from the past to the present and future.
The Subversive Machiavelli o
other foreign political goals, he must produce as many virt-hlled citizens as
possible, and who would experience patria as something integral to their own
This factor has to do with the hrst moment of the state, but not yet the second
moment. The secondor republican moment can be seeninMachiavellis texts,
but in concrete terms only when his viewpoint is that of the city-state. In city-
states such as in Florence, the second moment has to do with the establishment
of a republic [governo libero]. The Florentine model, however, could not be
projected onto a larger scale, on to the level of Italy. The unihcation of Italy
required actions typical for the hrst moment, such as the emergence of a new
prince and a military-service type of army containing extensive and varied
professional groups.
In light of Althussers interpretation of The Prince, the praxis of the prince
can be assessed as a practice in which the new prince attempts to control both
the nobility (the few) and the lower layers of society in a way that lowers the
degree of aleatoriness of the conjuncture. The new prince tames chance, and
his specihc role of producing a stable people, including holding the nobility
at bay, is of central importance.
Machiavellis new prince and the unihed Italy are not the same thing, how-
ever, as the modern nation-state of later centuries, where the taming of chance
increasingly meant more profound attempts to control and homogenise the
population. Apart from nationalistic, ideological apparatuses, stabilising the
people will entail population censuses, statistics and registers emphasising
civic duties above civil rights, the centralisation and development of control
anddisciplinary institutions establishing andregulating communication chan-
nels, and disciplining the use of time, actions targeted at the well-being of the
population, the rise of bureaucratic and technological rationality and so forth.
Following Ian Hacking, one can indeed characterise the birth process of
modern societies and states as the taming of chance, where population cen-
suses and statistics, timetables and calendars, the standardisation of measure-
ments and monetary units, as well as nationalistic ideologies and measures
promoting the health and well-being of the population are expressions of
the attempts to hx or take hold of increasingly extensive population groups
within the nation-state, and, by utilising this information, to make uniform
and regularise, in all meanings of the words, the life and behaviour of the pop-
ulation groups.
o Chapter Five
Even though the nineteenth century indeed crushed classical determinism
and actualised the question of chance, this nevertheless did not mean the
breakthrough of the Epicurean idea of freedom of the will but, on the
contrary, the development of different measuring and research methods in
order to compile statistics, and to predict, to control and to make uniform the
most varied forms of behaviour of the population:
Although determinism had been eroded, it was not by creating some new
place for freedom, indeed we might say that the central fact is the taming of
chance; where in 18oo chance had been nothing real, at the end of the century
it was something real precisely because one had found the formof laws that
were to govern chance.
This could be said to be a mould in which the sciences of control and
behaviour and the politics of hegemonic power controlling the population
through these same sciences are equally born. In other words, the control
sciences entail lowering the degree of subjective aleatoriness of the national
state throughdifferent knowledge-acquiring methods andlowering the degree
of humanly objective aleatoriness by controlling the population with differ-
ent methods. In their Machiavellian actions (such as the wars they have
undertaken), the modern states are superior (more Machiavellian) to Machi-
avelli and his time. This does not mean, however, that already Machiavellis
texts could be interpreted as outlines for such an extensive state in which the
behaviour of the population would be more predictable, uniform and disci-
plined than the situation was in the beginning of cinquecento Italy.
In any case, Machiavelli should not be seen as a writer who would have
had in mind the well-known forms of supremacy and subordination familiar
from states ruled by the bourgeoisie. One must indeed remember that the
starting point for his thinking was the historical situation where the actions
of the domestic and foreign few and their mercenaries caused continuous
unrest and disturbed and threatened the course of the everyday life of the
many. Seen in this light, one must not anachronistically label Machiavellis
administrative goals as conserving and Machiavellian attempts to preserve
what exists. It is also a matter of an epoch-making and revolutionary, that
is, subversive, project and not only about texts for subversive uses. The goal
Hacking 1qq1, p. 18; my emphasis; cf. also p. 1q.
The Subversive Machiavelli o
of the project is to create the kind of collective will that would have the
power to question and to transcend the oligarchic forms of action, organisation
and thinking which are in a dominant position in the existing historical
Both Althusser and Gramsci emphasise in their respective interpretations of
Machiavelli that questioning the existing effective truth requires an extensive
mass movement and an organisational base. In the case of Machiavelli himself,
this entailed a new prince and his subjects, while in Gramscis historical con-
text it entailed a modern prince, that is, a collective, intellectual and counter-
hegemonic national-popular bloc. The condition for the organisation and oper-
ation of such movements is the aleatory reality. As Althusser states, the world
or social order regarded as most hxed, lawful or natural is, by its very nature,
aleatory. Aleatoriness is not only a threat that should be averted but also the
condition and possibility for political interventions and mass movements, and
such movements must be able to take an advantage of it.
Chapter Six
In the present study, I have attempted to show that
Althussers interpretation of Machiavelli is an im-
portant contributionbothto Machiavelli scholarship
and political theory generally. Furthermore, Althus-
sers posthumously published writings shed new
light on those of his works published during his life-
time. The notion of the materialism of the encounter
and the posthumously published writings dealing
with Machiavelli showthat the claimthat theoretical
anti-humanism bypass the problematics of human
action is erroneous. Instead, Althussers critique is
aimed at: i) the method of theoretical humanism,
which is based on the separation between the indi-
vidual and society, which operates within the
abstract concept of man, and which places man at
the centre of his own world,
and ii) the idea of the
expressive totality contained within the Hegelian
philosophy of history which, when interpreted log-
ically, leads to the viewpoint that human practices,
such as politics, are seemingly autonomous expres-
sions of the big subject, in other words, Universal
Even though Althussers writings published
during his lifetime do not explicitly deal with
Althusser 1q;6a, p. 1;6.
o8 Chapter Six
Machiavelli or the materialism of the encounter, Machiavellian questions are
nevertheless implicitly present. They are present either as questions posed,
whichAlthussers posthumously publishedlate texts discuss further, or as the-
oretical formulations explicitly aimed as interventions into the Marxist debate.
Examples of the latter formulations are: i) the critique of the idea of the expres-
sive totality contained within Hegelian Marxism; ii) the inability to present the
conditions for political activity based on the idea of the expressive totality in
a theoretically valid way; iii) the theory of over- and underdetermination of
contradictions contained in Althussers interpretation of Marx; iv) the analy-
ses of Lenin, the man of action; v) the problematics of complexity contained
in Althussers critique of Engels; and vi) Althussers self-critique, which he
directs at his earlier theoreticism, and in connection with which he presents a
theoretical outline on the relationship between theory and practice with regard
to intellectual-political activity.
In his posthumously published late writings, Althusser seeks material for
a critique of essentialism and the teleological philosophy of history from the
underground tradition of materialismthat begins with Epicurus. Particularly
in terms of political activity, the most central representative of this tradition
is Machiavelli. In this regard, The Prince is not simply a book that brings out
the aleatory conditions for political activity, but rather is a tool with which
Machiavelli performs a political intervention in the Italian conjuncture of the
cinquecento. In the present study, these two dimensions have been crystallised
in the expressions the praxis of the prince and the praxis of The Prince.
In light of Althussers interpretation of Machiavelli, The Prince can be seen
as a revolutionary manifesto because its politics are laid out from the viewpoint
of the people, as made evident by the dedication at the front of the book to
Lorenzo deMedici. The new prince should respond to the passionate cry of
the people, as becomes evident in the hnal chapter of the book, Exhortation
to liberate Italy from the barbarians. Althusser shows that the Machiavel-
lian and democratic paradigmatic interpretations of The Prince end up being
contradictory. The former forgets the viewpoint of the people in the dedica-
tion while the latter neglects the appeal for a new prince in the hnal chap-
The new prince is also the political actor in whom the praxis of the prince
and the praxis of The Prince are linked. The new prince must be as equally
in control of the necessary political skills as well as the existing princes but,
Conclusion o
unlike them, the new prince must use his skills for the objective set from the
point of viewof the people, namely, the unihcation of the Apennine peninsula.
Machiavelli, however, does not present this demand for the alliance between
the people and the prince as a moralistic claim (e.g. appealing to the kindness
of the prince, as Seneca does). Rather, he instead appeals to the princes own
interests. A prudent prince understands that his power will lie on a much
more solid base if he relies on the people and not the nobility. In other words,
it is possible to lower the high degree of aleatoriness of the conjuncture when
the prince produces a people [devenir-peuple] from the people. In the historical
context of Machiavelli, this means an extensive state with its own army made
up from inhabitants from the area rather than mercenary soldiers. The army
is not only a war machine but also a melting pot of the people, an important
political-ideological apparatus and practice. This is not yet, however, a matter
of creating a nation-state [stato-nazione].
Althusser does not deny that Machiavellis preferred goal would not have
been a popular state based on laws and an army formed from its own
inhabitants. Nevertheless, Althusser is not satished with the static analysis
of such a state, but instead manages to emphasise the aleatory dynamics of the
process of taking hold of a durable state. This occurs by means of his Epicurean
aleatory logic. By means of if-then . . . deductions, it is possible to take
control of the logical actions of the political actors and groups when they
attempt to take advantage of the aleatory situations, as well as create durable
forms in such unstable conjunctures.
In this study, I have used the expression man of action (Althussers lhomme
daction) to describe the political actor. I have argued, however, that contrary to
what has often been proposed in Machiavelli scholarship, he should not be
seen as the founder of modern political science. Even though he proposes
general rules [regoli generali], their status is different from the status of laws
in modern scientihc theories. According to Althusser, the central aspects in
general rules are the constants [constantes] repeated from one case to another,
knowledge of which may be useful for the political actor planning a strategy
of action. These constants can be a disadvantage, however. A blind faith that
the present or future will be like the past can lead the actor to ruin because
the status of these constants varies from one case to another. In other words,
in each case, the general and specihc are conjuncted with each other in a
particular way. Thus, in summation:
+o Chapter Six
The man of action must be sensitive to the unique characteristics of his or her
own case if he or she is to succeed.
In other words, success requires sufhciently precise information about the
case at hand. Machiavelli indeed pays more attention to the particular fea-
tures of each case than has been suggested in modern interpretations of his
writings, which see them as inductive generalisations as if Machiavelli were
researching different cases, fromhis own time and the past, in order to propose
theoretical generalisations (general rules) about them. In Althussers interpre-
tation, by contrast, Machiavellis interest in his own case and its unique fea-
tures are emphasised. Furthermore, the political-historical cases are not seen
as examples of a general rule or theory. Instead of such a substantive case con-
ception, each historical-political case must be analysed as a unique case, in
which the general and the specihc are linked together in a way that dif-
fers from all other cases. In his interpretation, Althusser shows that the impor-
tance of Machiavelli, which transcends his own time, lies in the fact that he
teaches his reader to analyse the unique features of each political conjunc-
The uniqueness of any case makes it both surprising and contingent. In
Machiavellis texts, the problematic of surprises is crystallised in the myth-
ical form of fortuna and the corresponding virt. Virt-hlled political action
requires the ability to take advantage of the objective fortuna of the surpris-
ing situation, so that it produces favourable, subjective fortuna for the actor.
This calls for organising such modalities as the possible and the necessary.
Unlike the interpretations of the modalities employed in the natural sciences
or philosophy, in Machiavellis political thinking possibility and necessity like
chance are immanent and aspectual subfactors of the effective truth. For
example, the chance or surprising opening of an opportunity for an actor
in a conjuncture can indeed be a matter arranged by another actor. Such play-
ing with chance is present particularly in Machiavellis descriptions of war and
The examples of utilising and organising the aleatory situation refer to
Machiavellis viewpoint about the effective truth. As Althusser emphasises,
Machiavelli presents empirical-factual descriptions of matters and events
concerning conjunctures. With regard both to possibilities and to necessities,
as well as morality and religion, Machiavellis viewpoint is political or politi-
cising. The effective truth comes by means of human deeds.
Conclusion ++
This does not mean, however that political action would necessarily be a
cynical power game or that it would not be possible to aim for a world that is
better than the existing one. On the contrary, the new or modern prince who
does not have adequate skills and powers to inuence the prevailing effective
truths will not achieve what he sets out to do; furthermore, the failure to
inuence such effective truths would condemn him to solitude, or even ruin.
Althusser, Louis 1qq, Montesquieu, la politique et lhistoire, Paris: Presses Universitaires
de France.
1q6q, Lnine et la philosophie, Paris: Franois Maspero.
1q;1, Lenin and Philosophy and Other Essays, London: New Left Books.
1q;za, Rponse John Lewis, Paris: Maspero.
1q;zb, Politics and History: Montequieu, Rousseau, Hegel and Marx, London: New
Left Books.
1q;zc, Lnine et la philosophie suivi de Marx et Lnine avant Hegel, Paris: Franois
1q;, lements dautocritique, Paris: Librairie Hachette.
1q;6a, Positions, Paris: ditions sociales.
1q;6b, Essays in Self-Criticism, London: New Left Books.
1q;;a, congrs, Paris: Franois Maspero.
1q;;b, Introduction: Unhnished History, in Dominique Lecourt, Proletarian
Science? The Case of Lysenko, London: New Left Books.
1q;8a, Ce qui ne peut plus durer dans le parti communiste, Paris: Franois Maspero.
1q;8b, What Must Change in the Party, translated by Patrick Camiller, New Left
Review, I, 1oq: 1q.
1q;q [1q6], For Marx, London: Verso.
1q86 [1q6], Pour Marx, Paris: ditions La Dcouverte.
1q8;, Machiavelli, Montesquieu, Rousseau, Schriften, Band ., editedby Peter Schttler
and Frieder Otto Wolf, Hamburg: Argument.
1q88, Machiavellis Solitude, Economy and Society, , 1;: 6;;6.
1qqoa, Solitude de Machiavel, Futur antrieur, 1: z6o.
1qqob, Philosophy and the Spontaneous Philosophy of Scientists and Other Essays,
edited by Gregory Elliott and translated by Ben Brewster et al., London: Verso.
1qqza, Lavenir dure longtemps suivi de Les faits, edited by Oliver Corpet and Yann
Moulier Boutang, Paris: Stock/IMEC.
1qqzb, Journal de captivit. Stalag XA r,or,,, edited by Oliver Corpet and Yann
Moulier Boutang, Paris: Stock/IMEC.
1qqa, Lunique tradition matrialiste, Lignes, 18: ;11q.
1qqb, crits sur la psychanalyse, Freud et Lacan, edited by Oliver Corpet and
Franois Matheron, Paris: Stock/IMEC.
1qqc, The Future Lasts a Long Time and The Facts, translated by Richard Veasey,
London: Chatto & Windus.
1qqa [1qqz], Lavenir dure longtemps, suivi de Les Faits, revised edition, edited by
Oliver Corpet and Yann Moulier Boutang, Paris: Stock/IMEC.
1qqb, Sur la philosophie, edited by Oliver Corpet, Paris: Gallimard.
1qqc, crits philosophiques et politiques I, edited by Franois Matheron, Paris:
1qqa, crits philosophiques et politiques II, edited by Franois Matheron, Paris:
1qqb, Sur la reproduction, Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.
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Buondelmonti, Zanobi z81
capitalism xxiii, 1, ;, 6, q, 6q, ;z,
case q, ;, 6q, 11111, 1zo, 1z1z,
1q11, 11, 1z16o, 16z168,
1;1, 1;, 1;;, 18q, z11z1, z1, zz
z8, z8, z66, z6q, oq1o
Chabod, Federico z88
chance xxii, , 1z, 6z6, 6q, q;qq,
1o6, 11;118, 1z16, 1o16, 1q
16, 16;, 16q1;o, zoq, z1, z16, zzz,
zz, zz8z1, zz, zq, zoz1,
z68z;o, ozo, 1o
Cicero, Marcus Tullius q1, 1o11
Cincinnatus z1q
class struggle xiixiii, xvixviii, 6, zo,
z8zq, 6, 6, q, 8, ;8z, 8,
1z;, 116, 18, 1q11qz, 1q, zzz,
z6z, zq;
and theory xii, xvixviii, ;;6,
between the nobility and the people
1q11qz, 1q, zzz, z6z
economic , 6, q
economic-political , 16, q
political xiii, 6, zo, , 6, q, 8z
Columbus, Christopher q
complex whole z1, 1, ;, 61, 1
Comte, August 116
conjuncture xvii, xixxxiii, 1o, 1,
116, 6, q6z, ;1, 8z8;, 1o,
1o811, 1zo, 1z, 1z6, 111z, 1
1, 1o1, 116, 1q, 11, 18,
16z1;1, 1;;, 18118, 1881qo, zoo,
zo, zo;, z11z16, zzzz6, zzqzo,
zoz, zq, zz, z8, z6oz6z,
z66z6;, z8o, zq8, ozo, o, o8,
aleatory nature of 6;, 1z, 16, 18q,
zo, z1z, z1, zz6, zz, z66,
zq8, ozo, oq
historical xvii, 6, 1, 16, 1oq, o
Machiavellis xxixxii, 6, 8, 1, 1
16, ;1, 1oq11, 1z1z6, 1z, 1
1, 1o1, 1q, 11, 18, 16z
16, 1;1, 1;;, 18118, zo;, z1,
zz, zz6, zzq, z1z, z, z8o,
national and international q, 6z,
political q, 8z8, 11o, 11, 1zo, 1,
1q, z11
Russian (1q1;) , 6, 88;, 168, z1
theory of xxii, , q6z, 16z1;1
contingency 6z, ;1, 86, q, q;1oo, 1o
1o6, 118, 1z1z, 1o, 1;, 161, 16q,
contradiction 1, 8, 1, 6,
86o, 6, 666, ;o, 886, 1;;, zo
and over- and underdetermination
;1, 6, , q6o, 666
as the motor of history
condensation and displacement of
q, , 61, 8
z Index
economic 6q
political 6
primary , 6;, , 6, 8, 1,
, q, 6, ;o
secondary 6;, q
counter-transference 1q;1qq
Croce, Benedetto 1, qz, 116, 1z, 11
1z, 1, zoq
Cullenberg, Stephen 6, o, 61
da Vinci, Leonardo z
Dal, Robert 1;o
Del Lucchese, Filippo xix
Democritus q6
Derrida, Jacques xviiixix, ;, q6, 1
De Sanctis, Francesco 8q, 11, zo
Descartes, Rne xii, 1zz
determination xiv, xx, zz, oz, ,
, ;, 6;, 86, 16, 1;q18o
in the last instance xii, xx, zo, zz, z8,
oz, , 6, ;, q1, q, 66,
threshold of , , ;, 86
dialectic xii, zoz6, zq, z, 6, 1, ,
;o;1, 86, 118, zoo, zo
Diderot, Denis 1, 1, 18
Dinucci, Federico xix
Dionisotti, Carlo zqq
Dotti, Ugo 11, z;z;
duration 6o, 1;, 1818, zo;, z1o, zzo
Durkheim, Emile 116
Ekeland, Ivar 16o
Elliott, Gregory xviiixix, 818z
encounter , ;1, 88, qq8, 1oo, 1oz
1o, 1o61o;, 1o11, 1, 16, 1q,
11, 11, 1;, 16z, 166, 16816q,
1;8, 18118, zo8, z1o, z16, z, z6,
zq, z1, z;, z6
Engels, Friedrich zo, ;, 66q, ;1, q,
18, o8
Epicurus xviii, z, , ;, 1, q1o1, 1o,
1o, 1o;, 111, 1o11, 18z18, z1z,
zz6, o, o8oq
epistemological break xiv, ;, ;q, 81
essentialism , o, q;, 16q, o8
expressive totality xiii, xx, z, z1z,
z6, o, z, 6, o, 61, ;1, 8, 8;, q6,
1o6, zqq, o;o8
fortuna 1o11, 1, 6o, q1, 11, 1o11,
11, 118, 16z, 1;o, 1;, 18z18,
1q6, zo, zo;zoq, z16z1;, zzzo,
zz, zq, zz8, z6zz6, z;8,
Foscolo, Ugo 11, 1o, 1, zo;, zqz
Foucault, Michel ;8
French Communist Party (PCF) xiv,
xvixvii, ;z;, ;;, 1q, 186
Freud, Sigmund z1, , 8o, z,
, , ;o, ;, 8qq, 1;o, 1q;, 1q8, z1z
Fukuyama, Francis z
Garaudy, Roger xiv, ;z
Garin, Eugenio 111z
general rule q, 11, 1, zo6, zoz,
z;zq, z68, oq1o
Geras, Norman 1
Gilbert, Felix zzo, zo, z;
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von 1o
Goshgarian, G.M. xiii, xiv, xx
Gracin, Baltasar zzqzon
Gramsci, Antonio ix, xiiixv, xvii, xix,
xxi, xxiii, , 8, 11, 1, 8q, , 8q,
11o, 11z11, 1z, 1z81, 118,
16166, 1;;, 18186, zo1, zo, zo,
zoqz1z, z1, zz, zz, z6q, z8o, z86,
zq1zqz, zq;, oooz, o
Grayson, Cecil zqq
Guicciardini, Francesco 16, 111z,
z;, z;, z;8, z81, z8;
Hacking, Ian 1z, oo
Hale, John z81, z8z8, zqq, oo
Hall, Stuart 8, z, zo
Hannaford, Ian z18zzo, zzz
Haug, Wolfgang Fritz zz6
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich z1zz,
zz, q;, 16, z11
Hegelianism z, 1q8;
Heidegger, Martin xviii, ;, z;, 1o1o6
Helvetius, Claude Adrien 6;
conjuncture (see conjuncture)
event 668, 8
form 616z, 66, 686q
materialism (see materialism)
periodisation xx, 61
situation z, 6q, 11z, 1z6, 1;z, 181,
z11, z1, o
time 6o61
totality xx, zz
transition 6, 61
as a process without a Subject or Goal

Index z
in Hegel zzz
Marxist theory of xx, ;6
of Florence z;, z81
of philosophy ;, q
of the Jews 1zz, 1;
philosophy of 86, 1;1;, o;o8
Polybian 1;
universal zzz, 61, 86, z1, o;
Hobbes, Thomas 6;, 11q, 1z11zz
Hobsbawm, Eric zq;
Holbach, Baron de 6;
Hlderlin, Friedrich 1o
Honter, Johann oo
Hume, David 1, 1q161, z6;, z68,
Hyppolite, Jean
idealism , ;, z, z, z, qq6, 1o6,
ideological apparatuses 1, z,
;o, 18z, 1q8, zo1, z1z, z;, o
ideology xiiixv, xvii, z8, z, 68,
z, , 666;, ;z, ;, ;;8z, 1z6,
1o, 1z, 16q, 1;6, 18618;, 1q8zo1,
z1, z18, zz, ozo
individual will 668
intellectuals xivxv, xvii, 8, 8o, 8z8,
16, zo, z11, oz, o
Kanerva, Jukka z88
Kant, Immanuel xi
Knuuttila, Simo 1o1, 118
Kronos and Kairos zzz, z6
Lacan, Jacques , q
Laclau, Ernesto q
last instance xii, xx, 1qzo, zz, z8,
o6, ;1, q, 66, 6;;o
law 1, zz, , 8, q1, q, q6, 1oo
1oz, 1o;, 11q, 1o, 11, 1q,
1z1q, 16, 18z18, 1q8, zozo;,
z1o, zz, z;, zo, z6;, z6q
and the state zoz1o
causal 1o;, 1z, zz, z6q
general 1o1, 1o6, 11q1z, 1o, 1z
1, 16, 1;;, z, z;, zo
teleological q6, 1o;
Lefort, Claude 11
Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich xii, xxxxi, ,
6, z6, o, 8, 68, ;z, 81, 88;, q,
11o, 1;, 16, 16;168, 1;o, o8
Lvi-Strauss, Claude 1;, z
Lewis, John xxii, , ;;6, ;8
Livius, Titus q1qz
Locke, John xi, 6;, z;o
Louis XII zq, z;;
Lukcs, Georg ;z
Machiavellianism 1zq, 11
Mallet, Michael zzo
man of action 1o, ;z, 88;, q1, 1o;
11o, 11z, 1z1z, 1q1o, 1, 1
16, 1o, 18, 16z1;o, 1;1;6, z11,
z1z16, z1q, zz, z6zo, zz,
zz;, z6o, z6z, z66, z8, z8;, oz,
many (in Machiavelli) 1;, ;6, 1q,
1q, zzzzz, zo, z6z, z6z;o, z;
z;, z;;
Martines, Lauro z;6
Marx, Karl xv, xviii, xxii, , 6;, zoz1,
zz6, z8o, z, ;, z, 6, 66,
68, ;;, ;6;;, ;q, 81, 8, 868;,
qq;, 18, 11, 16, 16q1;o, zqz
Marxism ix, xiixiv, xxii, z, 1q, z1, z,
o, , 6, oz, , ;6o, 6q, ;z8o,
8z, o8
Masters, Roger D. q, zz
materialism ixx, xiii, xviiixxi, xxiii,
1z, ;q, zz;, zq, 1, z, 6q, ;z, 8o,
8z, q1, q, qq8, 1oo, 1o1o6, 1zz,
1z, 11, 168, z1, o;o8
aleatory ixx, xviiixx, xxiii, 6q, ;z,
qq8, 1zz, 1z, 11, 168, z1
dialectical xviii, xxi
of the encounter xviii, 1z, q, z;,
qq8, 1o1o6, o;o8
real xviii, 1
underground current of xviii, z, q
Matheron, Franois , 16
Medici, Giovanni de z81
Medici, Giulio de z81
Medici, Lorenzo de 1z61z;, z8, o8
Meinecke, Friedrich qz
Merleau-Ponty, Maurice 11
Mill, John Stuart 1z1
mode of production , 8q, , z1z
Montesquieu, Charles-Louis de
Secondat de xixii, zz, 8qqo, 116
11;, 11q1z
Morhno, Vittorio xx
Mouffe, Chantal q
Moulier Boutang, Yann xix
Mnkler, Herfried z16
z6 Index
Napoleon I 1o
nation 1;, 1z, 16, 16;, 1;o, 18, z11
z1z, z;, zq;zqq, o, oq
Navarro, Fernanda xii, zq, 68
necessity xxi, 1, z, 6z6, ;1, 86, q
q8, 1o11oz, 1o6, 1z, 1z61z;, 1o,
1, 1o, 161, 16;, 1;z, 1;, 18z, zz,
zz, z;, z;, z;q, 1o
Negri, Antonio xixxx, xxii, z;1
new prince 1o1, 11111z, 1z1q,
1;1, 1;, 1;;18;, 1q11qz, zo1zo,
zo, zo;zoq, z1z, z16, zz, zo, z
z;, z6, z;8, z8, z86z8;, o1o,
o, o8oq
Nietzsche, Friedrich q6, 1;6
over- and underdetermination , o,
6q, 1o6, 1, z1zz1, o8
Palonen, Kari 1z
Parel, Anthony 11, zqzo
people (in Machiavelli) 11, 11, ;1,
qzq, 1z61o, 1z16, 1q, 1q,
1;z, 18zo;, z11z1, z16, zzo, zz
zz;, zzqzo, zzz, z6, z8, z1,
z, z8, zo, zz, z6oz6z, z6
z;1, z;z;q, z8z, z86z8;, z8qzq1,
zqzq;zq8, ozo, o8oq
Pericles zz6
Pris, Jean Vincent q
Petronius, Arbiter 16616;
Petty, William zqz
philosophy xixviii, xxiii, 1, 68,
1, 1q, zzz, z6o, z, z, 68, ;1,
;, ;;8, 818, 86, qq6, qq, 1o1,
1o, 11116, 111z, 1, 11;,
161, 16q1;o, 1;1;6, 1;8, 1q, z11,
zzqzo, zqz, o;o8
Althussers dehnition of xii, xvi, ;
and politics xii, xiv, 6, 8z
and science xvii, ;6, 8z
Marxist xiii, z6, o, 818z
Pitkin, Hanna z16
Plato 1;6, z18, zz1
Pocock, J.G.A. qz
conjuncture (see conjuncture)
intervention ixx, xxii, ;, ;8, 1oq
11z, o8
practice (see practice)
struggle xvii, 1z, , z, 1;, zz
Polybius 1;z1;
Pope Alexander VI zoq, z;, z;8
Popper, Karl Raymond 1, 161;,
ideological xiv, z8, , 8, o, zo1
political xxixxii, z, 81, 1, z,
1, z, 6, ;1, ;;, ;;, 88,
8;, qz, 1oq111, 1111, 1z1z,
1z;1o, 11;, 1q, 1;1;,
1;;, 1q8, zoozo1, z11, z18, z;, zq
theoretical xii, xiv, xvii, xxi, 8;
Projekt Ideologie-Theorie (PIT) 8
relations of production z1, 1, , 1,
, 6, 8q, 1, , 6o, 6, 6q
Renaudet, Augustin 11, zo;
revolution , z, q, ;z, 8, 86, 1o,
11, 1;, zoq, z6, z;1
French (1;8q) 1o, 1, zoq
October (Russian) q
Ricardo, David 6;
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques xi, z, , ;, 11,
6;, qz, q, 1oz1o, 11, zo, zo, zo;,
zq, z6;, zq1
Rytman, Hlne ;
Sallustius Crispus, Gaius q1, zq1
Sartre, Jean-Paul ;, 16q1;o
Sato, Yoshituki xix
Savonarola, Girolamo 1o, 1q, 18,
Schucht, Tania zqz
science xvii, z;, zq, ;, ;68z, 1161zo,
1zz1z, 1, 161, z1, zo, zz, zqz
bourgeois ;6, ;8
Marxist xvii, 8o
revolutionary ;o
self-criticism (Althussers) xiixviii, xx,
, 1q, o, z, ;z8, 8;, 16, o8
Sve, Lucien ;
Sforza, Lodovico 1q11qz, zoz
Shakespeare, William q1
Sihvola, Juha 11;118
Skinner, Quentin xxiii, 111z, 1, 1z6,
Smith, Adam 6;
social formation 1, 6;, 1z,
6, 6q, ;;
Soderini, Pier z;8z;q
Spinoza, Baruch z, 1o1, 11, 1zz, 1
16, 1q8, z;1, z;
Sraffa, Piero zqz
Suchting, Wallis A. xviiixix, z
Sun-Tzu z
Index z
Tacitus, Gaius Cornelius q1
Terray, Emmanuel xix, xxii
theoretical antihumanism xvii, z, z,
;;;8, 8o, zo;
theoretical humanism ;z;, 8o
theoreticism xii, xvii, xxi, , ;z, 8z, o8
and practice xv, xvii, xxi, , ;z, 8z,
revolutionary nature of , 1q, o,
;;6, 8o
Thompson, E.P. 1
Thucydides 11q, 1;6, zz6, zzqzo, z,
Tolstoy, Leo z
Tosel, Andr xix, xxii
Treves, Paolo 11
utopianism 16, zo;zoq, z1z
Vauban, Sbastien Le Preste de 6o
Vegetius, Publius Flavius zzqzo, zq
Vettori, Francesco 11, 1q, z;z;,
Vico, Giambattista 11q
virt 1o11, 1, q1, 11, 1z8, 16, 11
1z, 11, 1;18, 16;168, 1;o, 1;
1;6, 1;q, 18z18, 1q6, zoo, zo;zo8,
z1o, z16zzo, zzz, zz;, z, z, z;,
z6, z;, z8, z8;z8q, zqzq6, o,
Waite, Geoff z1
Weber, Max 1z6
Wittgenstein, Ludwig 1o1
Wood, Neal 16, zo, z16z1q, zzz, zo,
z8zq, zq1

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