Colonial SOS

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Colonial SOS

CTFA/INCI: Sodium Octyl Sulfate

Colonial SOS is a highly biodegradable wetting agent that is stable under varying
conditions of pH and temperature. The rapid wetting and low foam characteristics of
Colonial SOS recommend it for applications such as:

• Fire extinguishing foam agent

• Mercerizing agent for textiles
• Surfactant in electrolyte baths for metal cleaning
• Wetting agent for hard surface cleaning


In the mercerizing of grey cotton goods, Colonial SOS wets efficiently and remains
stable in the 20-25& caustic solutions generally used for this purpose. At levels of 1%
surfactant, Colonial SOS demonstrates wetting times of 6.8 seconds in 20% NaOH and
8.2 seconds in 25% NaOH. These figures represent the sinking time for a standard
bundle of cotton in a caustic solution of mercerizing strength.

Used as a rinse aid, Colonial SOS helps dishes and glassware to drain completely,
reducing spots and streaks. The low foaming characteristics of Colonial SOS permit its
use in automatic dishwashers or other mechanical cleaning devices where rapid
agitation occurs.

The following formulations illustrate the use of Colonial SOS in the preparation of a
variety of cleaners.

Glass Cleaning Concentrate (light duty)

Water 78.5%
NH4OH 0.5%
Isopropanol 20.0%
Colonial SOS 1.0%
Dye q. s

225 Colonial Drive South Pittsburg, TN 37380 Ph: 423-837-8800 Fax: 423-837-3888
For washing windows, mirrors, glassware and other glass surfaces, dilute 3 parts of the
above concentrate with 10 parts of water. This will give a solution containing
approximately 5% active ingredients.
Glass Cleaning Concentrate (heavy Liquid Cleaner (40% solids)
Colonial 1240 78.5% Water 57.70 lbs.
Sodium xylene sulfonate (40%) 7.5% 50% Caustic 5.22 lbs.
Cola Mid C 5.0% Colonial DDBSA 20.88 lbs.
Colonial DDBSA 0.6% Sodium xylene sulfonate(93%) 8.80 lbs.
Colonial SOS 8.3% Cola®Mid C 3.30 lbs.
Citric Acid 0.1% Colonial SOS 4.10 lbs.
Perfume and Color q.s.

General Purpose Cleaner (low solids) Spray-on/Wipe-off Cleaner

Water 89.60 Water 76%
Monoethanolamine 2.00 lbs. Monoethanolamine 2%
Colonial DDBSA 3.96 lbs. Colonial DDBSA 5%
Cola®Mid C 2.47 lbs. Colonial SOS 3%
Colonial SOS 23 lbs. Tomadol 91-6 2%
TKPP 0.74 lbs. Metso (penta) 2%
Butyl Cellosolve 10%
*Tomah Industries

LAST UPDATED 07/18/2006

Colonial Chemical guarantees that its products meet published specifications. No other warranties or
guarantees are expressed or implied because the use of this material is beyond the control of Colonial
Colonial Chemical, Inc.
225 Colonial Drive Ph: 423-837-8800
South Pittsburg, TN 37380 Fax: 423-837-3888

225 Colonial Drive South Pittsburg, TN 37380 Ph: 423-837-8800 Fax: 423-837-3888

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