Syllabus - B.E. Mechanical - 2009 Regulation
Syllabus - B.E. Mechanical - 2009 Regulation
Syllabus - B.E. Mechanical - 2009 Regulation
Semester III Subject Code 09 CE 31 09 ME 32 09 ME 33 09 ME 34 09 ME 35 09 ME 36 09 ME 47 09 ME 48 09 CE 49 Subject Name THEORY Mathematics III Mechanics of Solids Mechanics of Fluids and Machinery Electrical Machines and Drives Instrumentation and Control Systems Machine Drawing PRACTICAL Electrical, Electronics and Microcontroller Laboratories Fluid Mechanics, Strength of Materials and Computer Graphics Laboratories Science of Creativity and Professional Ethics Total Credits L 3 3 3 3 3 2 T P C 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 4 0 4 4 4 3 3 4 0 0 0 22
0 0 0 0 2 0
Subject Name
3 3 3 3 3 3
1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 3 3 4 3 3
THEORY Mathematics IV Foundry and Welding Technology Engineering Materials and Metallurgy Applied Thermodynamics Applied Electronics and Microcontrollers 09CH 45 Principles of Environmental Science and Engineering PRACTICAL 09 ME 47 Electrical, Electronics and Microcontroller Laboratories 09 ME 48 Fluid Mechanics, Strength of Materials and Computer Graphics Laboratories 09 CE 49 Science of Creativity and Professional Ethics Total Credits
0 0 2
0 0 0
4 4 0
4 4 2 30
Subject Name
3 3 3 3 3 3 0 0 0
1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 2 4 4 3 4 4 3 0 0 0 22
THEORY Metrology and Quality Control Thermal Engineering Manufacturing Technology Design of Machine Elements Theory of Machines Metal Forming and Material Testing PRACTICAL 09 ME 67 Lathe, Special Machines, Moulding and Welding Laboratories 09 ME 68 Metrology, Dynamics, Mechatronics and Thermal Engineering Laboratories 09 ME 69 Mini Project Total Credits
Semester VI Subject Code 09 ME 61 09 ME 62 09 ME 63 09 ME 64 09 ME 65 09 ME 66 09 ME 67 09 ME 68 09 ME 69 Subject Name THEORY Heat and Mass Transfer Operations Research Dynamics of Machinery Design of Mechanical Transmission Systems Tool Engineering and Design Gas Dynamics and Space Propulsion PRACTICAL Lathe, Special Machines, Moulding and Welding Laboratories Metrology, Dynamics, Mechatronics and Thermal Engineering Laboratories Mini Project Total Credits L T P C 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 2 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 2 33
3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Semester VII Subject Code 09 ME 71 09 ME 72 09 ME 73 Subject Name THEORY CAD / CAM / CIM Fluid Power Engineering Engineering System Design and Analysis Elective I Elective II PRACTICAL Heat Transfer and Metallurgy Laboratories CAD / CAM Laboratories Project Work Total Credits
T P C 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 6 3 3 4 3 3 0 0 0 16
3 0 3 0 3 1 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
09 ME 86 09 ME 87 09 ME 88
Semester VIII Subject Code 09 ME 81 09 ME 82 09 ME 83 Subject Name THEORY Manufacturing Planning and Cost Estimation Power Plant Engineering Engineering Economics and Industrial Management Elective III Elective IV PRACTICAL Heat Transfer and Metallurgy Laboratories CAD/CAM Laboratories Project Work Total Credits L T P C
3 1 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0
0 0 0 0 0
4 3 3 3 3
09 ME 86 09 ME 87 09 ME 88
0 0 0 0 0 0
4 4 6
4 4 6 30
LIST OF ELECTIVES Subject Code 09E01 09E02 09E03 09E04 09E05 09E06 09E07 09E08 09E09 09E10 09E11 09E12 09E13 09E14 09E15 09E16 09E17 09E18 09E19 09E20 09E21 09E22 Subject Name DESIGN ENGINEERING Design of Material Handling Equipments Finite Element Method Computational Fluid Dynamics Vibration Engineering INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING Manufacturing Systems Management Marketing Management Plant Layout and Material Handling Agile and Lean Manufacturing Systems Computational Methods in Mechanical Engineering Design and Analysis of Experiments PRODUCTION ENGINEERING Micro Systems and Nano Engineering Rapid Prototyping Advanced Welding Technology Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems Design for Manufacture and Assembly Non - Traditional Machining Techniques Advances in CNC systems Robotics Mechatronics Engineering Total Quality Management Automobile Engineering Automotive Electronics - Embedded Software Developer THERMAL ENGINEERING Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Alternative Energy Resources Engineering IC Engines - Combustion and Pollution Turbo Machinery T - Tutorial, P - Practical,
L 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
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FOURIER TRANSFORMS Fourier integral theorem (without proof)- Infinite Fourier transforminfinite Fourier sine and cosine transforms- properties and problemsConvolution theorem- Parsevals identity- Finite Fourier sine and cosine Transforms- properties and problems. (9) BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEMS Vibration of strings- one dimensional wave equations, one dimensional heat flow- unsteady state and steady state -Two dimensional heat flow steady state in Cartesian coordinates-Separation of variables- Fourier series solution. (9) Theory : 45 Tutorial : 15 Total : 60 TEXT BOOKS 1. 2. 3. Kandasamy, P.,Engineering Mathematics - Volume II & III S.Chand & Co., 2004. Veerarajan .T, Engineering Mathematics,3rd Edition, Fifth Reprint, Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Company Ltd., 2008. Venkataraman. M.K., Engineering Mathematics III, Revised and Enlarged Fourteenth Edition, The National Publishing Company, 2008. Venkataraman. M.K., Engineering Mathematics III-A, Eleventh Edition, The National Publishing Company, 2008.
REFERENCE BOOKS 1. 2. Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 9th Edition, John Wiley and Sons (Asia) Private Limited, 2008. Grewal, B.S., Higher Engineering Mathematics, 40th Edition. Khanna Publishers, 2007.
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BIAXIAL STRESSES Membrane theory of shells- stresses in thin walled cylindrical, spherical and conical vessels - wire wound cylindrical vessels - stresses at a point - principal plane and principal stress - Mohr's circle for biaxial stresses - pure shear case - principal axes - principal moment of inertia. (9) TORSION Torsion of solid and hollow circular shafts- power transmitted through shafts, combined bending and torsion. Springs - open coiled and close coiled helical springs. (8) Theory : 45 Tutorial : 15 Total : 60 TEXT BOOKS 1. 2. Rajput .R.K., "Strength of Materials", S.Chand & Company Ltd., New Delhi, 2006. Sadhu Singh, "Strength of Materials", Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 2005.
REFERENCE BOOKS 1. 2. 3. Prakash Rao D.S, "Introduction to Strength of Materials - Volume I", Universities Press (India) Ltd., Hyderabad, 2002. Lehri R.S, Lehri A.S, "Strength of Materials", S.K. Kataria & Press, New Delhi, 2009. WA Nash, "Strength of Materials", 4th Edition, Schaum's Outlines, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., 2007.
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measurement - Venturi meter, Orifice meter, flow nozzle meter, bend meter and Pitot tube. (9) HYDRAULIC TURBINES Introduction to impulse - momentum principle, moment of momentum equation, Hydraulic turbines - classification - Pelton, Francis and Kaplan turbines - Velocity triangles - simple problems - determining geometric dimensions - specific speed - unit quantities. (9) HYDRAULIC PUMPS Centrifugal pumps- velocity triangle- performance calculations. Reciprocating pump - working principle- air vessel. (9) Theory : 45 Tutorial : 15 Total : 60
TEXT BOOK 1. Bansal R.K., "A Text Book of Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulic Machines", Lakshmi Publication (P) Ltd., Ninth Edition, 2005.
REFERENCE BOOKS 1. 2. Modi,P.N and Seth, S.M, "Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics including Hydraulic Machines", Standard Publication, New Delhi, 2009. Ramamurtham.S, "Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics", Dhanpat Rai Publishing Company, New Delhi, 2007.
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- chopper fed control of separately excited DC motor. Stepper motor drives- universal motors. (8) AC DRIVES Introduction - solid state control schemes - AC voltage controllers and AC - DC inverters fed three phase induction motor drive. Rotor control: Rotor resistance control- Introduction to slip power recovery scheme. Synchronous motor drives: Speed control of three phase synchronous motor using AC-DC inverters. Introduction to PLC based drives- energy efficient drives- switched reluctance motor drives - selection of motors for cranes, machine tool applications, centrifugal pumps and rolling mills. (10) Total : 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. 2. R.K.Rajput, "Electrical Machines", Laxmi Publications (P) Ltd., 5th Edition, New Delhi, 2008. G.K.Dubey, "Fundamentals of Electrical Drives", Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, 2007.
REFERENCE BOOKS 1. 2. I.J.Nagrath and D.P.Kothari, "Electrical Machines", 2nd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company, 2005. S.K.Pillai, "A First Course on Electrical Drives", 2nd Edition, New Age International Publishers, 2004.
SYSTEMS ENGINEERING Zeroth, First and Second Order systems - Static and dynamic error coefficients- Second order system - overshoot, damping ratio and undamped natural frequency. Stability Analysis - Routh's Criteria, Bode Plot, Nyquist criterion. (9) Total : 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. 2. Thomas G. Beckwith, Roy .D and Marangoni, "Mechanical Measurements", Prentice Hall of India, 6th Edition, 2007. I.J.Nagrath & Gopal.M., "Control System Engineering", Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi, 2008.
REFERENCE BOOKS 1. 2. 3. 4. E.O.Doeblin, "Measurement System Application and Design", McGraw Hill Ltd. , New Delhi, Fifteenth Edition, 2004. Katsuhiko Ogata, "Modern Control Engineering", Prentice Hall of India Ltd., New Delhi, 4th Edition, 2008. Benjamin C Kuo and Farid Golnaraghi, "Automatic Control Systems", John Wiley & Sons, 2009. A.K.Sawhney, "A Course in Mechanical Measurements and Instrumentation", 12th Edition, Dhanpat Rai & Sons, New Delhi, 2005.
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drawings. Surface finish symbols- methods of indicating the surface roughness. Blue print reading exercises. (12) ASSEMBLY DRAWING PRACTICE Making free hand sketches of typical subassemblies- flange coupling, stuffing box, journal bearings, rolling element bearings, keyed joints, cotter joints and C clamp. (12) ASSEMBLY USING SOLID MODELING Introduction to Computer Aided modeling and assembly using software. Drawing of assemblies- plummer block, machine vice, stop valve, screw jack, tail stock, cylindrical gear box, simple drill jig. Creation of bill of materials, calculation of mass and section properties, interference check between solids. (12) Theory : 20 Tutorial : 40 Total : 60 TEXT BOOKS 1. 2. Gopalakrishna K R, "Machine Drawing", Seventeenth Edition, Subhas Stores, Bangalore, 2003. CAD/CAM Manual, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, 2002.
REFERENCE BOOKS 1. 2. 3. 4. Varghese P I and John K C, "Machine Drawing", Jovast Publishers, Thrissur, 2007. BIS, SP: 46-2003, "Engineering Drawing Practice for Schools and Colleges", New Delhi, 2003. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, PSG College of Technology, "Design Data Book", M/s. DPV Printers, Coimbatore, 2000. ASME Y 14.5 -2009, "Dimensioning and Tolerancing", ASME, New York, 2009.
10. Speed Control of DC Shunt Motor Using Solid State Power Converter 11. Load Test on Single Phase Capacitor Start Induction Motor 12. Load Test on Three Phase Squirrel Cage Induction Motor 13. Load Test on a Single Phase Alternator 14. Study on operational Amplifiers 15. Study on Metal Oxide Field Effect Transistor
16. Study on Uni-Junction Transistor 17. Study on Silicon Controlled Rectifier 18. Arithmetic and Logical Operations 19. Input Output Port Programming 20. Microcontroller based Stepper Motor Controller
Bernoulli's Theorem - Verification Performance Test on a. b. c. Centrifugal Pump Reciprocating Pump Jet Pump
STRENGTH OF MATERIALS LAB - TITLE OF EXPERIMENTS 1. 2. Tension test on mild steel rod Shear test on mild steel rod
3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Compression test on brick Hardness test - brinell hardness number Hardness test - rockwell hardness number Impact flexure test on metals Test on wood - wood universal testing machine Test on helical spring Deflection test of wooden beams
10. Flexure test on fixed and cantilever beams 11. Tensile strength of cement mortar briquettes COMPUTER GRAPHICS LABORATORY - TITLE OF EXPERIMENTS FIRST CYCLE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Components drawing of simple block Components drawing of fabric flexible coupling Components drawing of claw coupling Components drawing of strap type connecting rod end Components drawing of simple eccentric. Detail drawing of screw jack Detail drawing of plummer block
SECOND CYCLE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Surface modeling of a flange Surface modeling of screw jack Surface modeling of a given block Solid modeling of a given block Solid model of plummer block (assembly) Solid model of eccentric (assembly) Exercise for menus and shapes Introduction to AutoCAD inventor
kundalini yoga - nine centers - removal of six imprints - meditation and its benefits. (9) HUMAN BODY Body structure - endocrine glands and six chakras - seven thadus health and nature - medicines - understanding the need, habit, environmental conditions, society and evolutionary process of life physical exercise and its importance - regulating food, work, rest, sex and thought. (9) PROFESSIONAL ETHICS Engineering Ethics - variety of moral issues - moral autonomy professions and professionalism - professional ideals and virtues engineers as responsible experimenters - safety and risk - reducing risk - collegiability and loyalty - professional rights - intellectual property rights - multinational corporations - environmental ethics - engineers as managers. (9) Total : 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. 2. Yogiraj Vethathri Maharishi, "Karma Yoga - The Holistic Unity", Vethathri Publications, IV Edition, 2004. Mike Martin and Roland Schinzinger, "Ethics in Engineering", McGraw Hill, New York, 1996.
REFERENCE BOOKS 1. 2. Charles D. Fleddermann, "Engineering Ethics", Prentice Hall, New Mexico, 1999. Laura Schlesinger, "How Could You Do That: The Abdication of Character, Courage and Conscience", Harper Collins, New York, 1996.
3. 4. 5.
Stephen Carter, "Integrity", Basic Books, New York, 1996. Tom Rusk, "The Power of Ethical Persuasion: From Conflict to Partnership at work and in Private Life", Viking, New York, 1993. R.S.Naagarazan, "A Textbook on Professional Ethics and Human Values", New Age International Publishers, New Delhi, 2009.
L T 3 1 ASSESSMENT : THEORY OBJECTIVE The objective is to provide knowledge on the basic numerical methods required for solving engineering problems and statistical ideas and the knowledge of special functions that are imperative for effective understanding of engineering subjects. OUTCOME At the end of the course, the student will be able to solve the engineering problems involving ordinary differential equations, finite difference approximations, sampling theory and special functions. NUMERICAL METHODS - I Linear simultaneous equations : Gauss elimination method - Gauss Jordan method - Crout's method - Gauss Seidal method - Relaxation method. Ordinary differential equations : Taylor series - Modified Euler - RungeKutta fourth order methods - Milne's predictor - Corrector method. (9) NUMERICAL METHODS - II Finite difference approximations - solution of PDE - Laplace equation Liebmann's iteration process - Poisson equation - Parabolic equation Bender Schmidt and Crank - Nicholson methods - Hyperbolic equation. (9) TWO DIMENSIONAL RANDOM VARIABLES Probability mass function - Probability distribution function - Cumulative distribution function - Marginal probability functions - Conditional distribution - Expectation of two dimensional random variables Covariance - Correlation - regression - curve fitting - least square
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technique - only curve of the form or reducible to the form y = ax + or y = ax2 +bx + c (9) SAMPLING THEORY Elements of sampling theory - large sample tests - test for mean, variance and proportions - small sample tests-t, F, chi-square tests contingency table - test for independence. (9) SPECIAL FUNCTIONS Bessel functions- Differential equations- Generating function Orthogonality- Recurrence relations - Legender Polynomials Differential equations - Rodregue's formula - Generating function Orthogonality - Recurrence relations . (9) Theory : 45 Tutorial : 15 Total : 60
TEXT BOOKS 1. 2. 3. 4. Kandasamy P., "Numerical Methods", S.Chand & Co., 2009 . Veerarajan T., "Engineering Mathematics", Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd., 3rd Edition, 2008. Veerarajan T, "Probability, Statistics and Random Process", 3rd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited, 2008. Venkataraman M .K , "Higher Mathematics for Engineering and Science", 4th Edition, National Publishing Company, 2006.
REFERENCE BOOKS 1. 2. Kapoor J.N and Saxena H.C., "Mathematical Statistics", S.Chand and Co., 12th Edition, 2009. Grewal B.S., "Higher Engineering Mathematics", Khanna Publishers, 40th Edition, 2007.
DESIGN FOR CASTING PROCESS Patern design, Design of pattern for given allowances. Moulding Sand - properties - testing. Gating types - design - aspiration effects - effect of friction and velocity distribution. Cooling and Solidification mechanism of solidification - rate of solidification. Riser - design of riser - placement. Problems in gating and riser design. (7) FUSION WELDING PROCESSES Welding Classification - Oxy-fuel gas welding - properties, production and storage of gases, pressure regulators, welding torches and techniques, Oxy-Acetylene flames and applications, shielded metal arc welding, covered electrodes, arc blow. Arc welding power sources: transformer, rectifier, inverter, shielding gases, TIG, MIG and SAW processes and applications. (9) FUSION AND PRESSURE WELDING PROCESSES Carbon arc, atomic hydrogen arc, thermit, plasma arc, stud and friction welding processes, Electrical resistance welding processes: spot, seam, projection, percussion, flash butt, induction welding - principles and applications, Brazing, Soldering. (8) METALLURGY OF WELDING Welded joint - solidification of weld metal - heat affected zone. Weld quality- porosity - slag inclusions - incomplete fusion and penetration weld profile - cracks - lamellar tears - Weldability. (8) Total : 45
TEXT BOOKS 1. Rao, P.N. "Manufacturing Technology - Foundry, Forging and Welding", Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co., New Delhi, 2008.
2. 3. 4.
Amitabha Gosh and Ashok Kumar Malik, "Manufacturing Sciences", East West Press Pvt. Ltd., 2005. Kalpakjian.S and S.R.Schmid," Manufacturing Engineering and Technology", Pearson Education, India, 2006. Parmar, R.S. "Welding Processes and Technology", Khanna Publishers, 2005.
REFERENCE BOOKS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Parmar, R.S., "Welding Engineering and Technology", Khanna Publishers, 1992. George.E. Dieter, "Mechanical Metallurgy", McGraw Hill International Book Company Ltd., 1997. Raghavan, V., "Material Science and Engineering", Prentice Hall of India Limited, 9th Edition, 2007. Heire R. W., Loper C.R and Rosenthal P.C., "Principles of Metallurgy Casting", McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd., 1981. Little R.L., "Welding Technology", Tata McGraw Hill, 2001.
systems. Iron-Carbon equilibrium diagram, development of microstructure - simple problems. (10) HEAT TREATMENT Objectives, types, annealing - full, stress-relief, process, spherodising. Normalizing, hardening, TTT diagrams, hardenability, Jominy end quench test, tempering, martempering, austempering. Surface hardening - carburising, cyaniding, nitriding, carbonitriding, flame hardening, induction hardening. Age Hardening. (10) ALLOYS AND COMPOSITES Classification, standards, general properties and uses of plain carbon steels and alloy steels - effect of alloying elements on the properties of steel- important types of alloy steel and cast irons - free cutting steels - structural steels - spring steels -HSLA steels -tool steels, heat resisting steels, stainless steels - grey cast iron, white cast iron, malleable cast iron, nodular cast iron and alloy cast iron. Important non ferrous alloys - copper, nickel, aluminum, magnesium typical composition , properties and applications - antifriction alloys lead base and tin base system. Composites - Properties and applications, types, fibre reinforced composites, particulate reinforced composites, dispersion strengthened composites and laminated composites. (7) Total : 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. 2. 3. Agarwal B.K., "Introduction to Engineering Materials", Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi, 21st Reprint, 2008. Avner S.H., "Introduction to Physical Metallurgy", Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi, 6th Edition, 2001. Shanta Kumar, S.R.J. "Material and Metallurgical Science", Anuradha Agencies, Kumbakonam, 2nd Edition, 2001.
REFERENCE BOOKS 1. 2. 3. Guy. A.G., "Elements of Physical Metallurgy", Oxford - IBH Publishing Co., 1993. Raghavan, V., "Physical Metallurgy", Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2007. William D.Callister , "Material Sciences and Engineering", John Wiley and Sons, 2007.
09ME44 APPLIED THERMODYNAMICS L T P C (Use of steam table and 3 1 0 4 Mollier chart permitted)
ASSESSMENT : THEORY OBJECTIVE This course is intended to help the student to understand the basic laws governing energy transformations involving heat and work and various thermodynamic properties and processes. OUTCOME Students are expected to a have deeper understanding on the basics of heat and work transfers, acquire knowledge related to analysis of power cycles and combustion of fuels. BASIC CONCEPT AND FIRST LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS Macroscopic and microscopic concepts- Thermodynamic system and control volume, properties, processes and cycles- Thermodynamic equilibrium- Quasi-static process- concept of continuum. Zeroth law of thermodynamics- Energy and forms of energy. Thermodynamic workforms of work, heat. Comparison of heat and work. Concept of ideal and real gases. Equation of state. Vander Waal's equation and its limitations- compressibility factor and compressibility chart. Mixture of ideal gases. First law of thermodynamics- applications of first law to closed system - processes - work done, heat transfer, internal energy and enthalpy calculations. Flow work- steady flow energy equation and its application to various equipments. (12) SECOND LAW, ENTROPY AND AVAILABILITY Second law of thermodynamics- heat engine, refrigerator and heat pump- Kelvin Planck and Clausius statement of second law. Reversible and irreversible processes- Carnot cycle- Carnot theorem- Reversed Carnot cycle. Thermodynamic temperature scale- Clausius inequalityconcept of entropy- principle of increase of entropy- entropy and
irreversibility. Available and unavailable energy- Availability of closed system and steady flow systems. (12) PROPERTIES OF PURE SUBSTANCE AND STEAM POWER CYCLE Pure substance- phase transformation of water P-V, P-T, T-S and H-S diagrams- PVT surfaces. Properties of steam- use of tables and chartsprocesses- work, heat, internal energy change, enthalpy change, and entropy change calculations- measurement of steam quality. Rankine steam power cycle- efficiency and specific steam consumption. Rankine cycle with super heat. Reheat cycle and Regenerative cycle. (7) AIR STANDARD POWER CYCLES Otto, Diesel, Dual cycles- air standard efficiency- Mean Effective Pressure- comparison. Brayton cycle- efficiency. Stirling cycle and Ericsson cycle. (7) FUELS AND COMBUSTION HCV and LCV of fuels. Determination of calorific value- simple problems. Bomb calorimeter- Junker's gas calorimeter- theoretical and actual A/F calculation- volumetric and gravimetric analysis. Mass of dry products of flue gas- flue gas analysis- Orsat apparatus. (7) Theory : 45 Tutorial : 15 Total : 60 TEXT BOOKS 1. 2. Nag. P.K., "Engineering Thermodynamics", Tata McGraw Hill, 2008. Rajput R.K., "Engineering Thermodynamics", Laxmi Publications, 2009.
REFERENCE BOOKS 1. 2. 3. Van Wylen, "Fundamentals of Thermodynamics", John Wiley and Sons, 6th Edition, 2007. Jones and Dugan, "Engineering Thermodynamics", Prentice Hall of India, 2009. C.P.Kothandaraman and Domkundwar, "A course in Thermodynamics (Thermal Engineering)", Dhanpat Rai and Co. Ltd., 2007.
PERIPHERALS I2C bus operation - I2C bus subroutines - DAC output - temperature sensor - serial EEPROM - UART - waveforms and baud-rate accuracy - baud-rate selection - UART data handling circuitry - UART initialization. (9) APPLICATIONS Front panel I/O: softkeys - state machines and key switches - display plus RPG use - display of variable strings - code conversions for input and display - display of constant strings - ADC characteristics - ADC use - special features: configuration word - oscillator configurations reset alternatives - low-power operation - serial programming - parallel slave port. (9) Total : 45
TEXT BOOKS 1. 2. Jacob Millman and Christos C.Halkias, "Electronic Devices and Circuits", Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited, 2007. John B.Peatman, "Design with PIC Microcontrollers", Pearson Education, 2006.
REFERENCE BOOKS 1. 2. 3. J.Millman and C.C.Halkias, "Integrated Electronics: Analog and Digital Circuits and Systems", McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2001. Roy Choudhury D and Sheil Jain, "Linear Integrated Circuits", 2nd Edition, New Age International Publishing Co. Ltd., 2003. Tim Wilmshurst, "Designing Embedded Systems with PIC Microcontrollers: Principles and Applications", Newness Publisher, 2007.
Sources of Solid, Hazardous, Biomedical and Chemical wastes. Solid Waste Disposal and treatment methods. (9) ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT Energy resources - Growing energy needs - renewable and nonrenewable energy sources - use of alternate energy sources - Solar, Wind, Tidal Geothermal and OTEC (Principles only) merits and limitations. (3) SOCIAL ISSUES AND ENVIRONMENT Sustainable development - Urban Population - problems related to energy - Water Conservation. Rainwater harvesting - Environment Ethics - Green house effect, Global warming, climate change, Nuclear hazards and accidents. Issues involved in enforcement of environment legislation - precautionary principle - polluter pays principle - role of an individual in Environment protection - Environment (Protection) Act Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act. Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act. Wildlife Protection Act and Forest (Conservation) Act. (9) BIOTECHNOLOGY AND GREEN CHEMISTRY Biotechnology and its applications in environmental protection Bioinformatics - Bioremediation. Biological purification of contaminated air. Green chemistry for clean technology: Significance of green chemistry - Basic components of Green chemistry. Industrial applications of green chemistry. Green fuels - e - green propellants and Bio catalysts. (6) Total : 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. Dara, S.S., "A Text Book of Environmental Chemistry and Pollution Control", Eighth Revised Edition, S.Chand & Company Ltd., 2008.
Kaushik, A. and Kaushik, C.P., "Environmental Science and Engineering", 3rd Edition, New Age International (P) Limited Publishers, 2006. Raghavan Nambiar, K., "Text Book of Environmental Studies", Scitech Publications (India) Pvt. Ltd., Chennai, 2007.
REFERENCE BOOKS 1. 2. Benny Joseph, "Environmental Studies", Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd., 2008. Surinder Deswal and Anupama Deswal, "A Basic Course in Environmental Studies", Dhanpat Rai & Co. (P) Ltd., 2006.
SURFACE FINISH MEASUREMENTS AND ACCEPTANCE TESTS Measurement of surface finish, roughness and waviness, stylus probe instruments - Talysurf profilometer and Tomlinson surface meter. Interferometry - principle, optical flat. Instruments to measure geometric shape. Optical projectors and microscopes. Acceptance test for machine tools. Laser Interferometer, CMM. (9) INSPECTION AND QUALITY CONTROL Definition and need for SQC, quality assurance, probability distributions. Acceptance sampling - principles, operation characteristic curves, types of sampling plans, Design of sampling plans, standard sampling plans. Reliability - definition, relationship to quality control, achieving reliability, Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF). (9) CONTROL CHARTS AND ISO SYSTEMS Axiom of manufacture, need for control charts, control charts for attributes and control charts for variables (problems), evaluation of process capability. Total Quality Management (TQM), ISO 9000 systems - concepts and practices. Quality circles. (9) Theory : 45 Tutorial : 15 Total : 60 TEXT BOOKS 1. 2. 3. Gupta. I. C., "Text Book of Engineering Metrology", Dhanpat Rai and Sons, New Delhi, 2000. Jain. R.K., "Engineering Metrology", Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 2007. Mahajan.M., "A Text Book of Metrology", Dhanpat Rai and Sons, New Delhi, 2002.
REFERENCE BOOKS 1. 2. 3. ASTME, "Hand Book of Industrial Metrology", Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 1992. Seigmund and Halpen, "The Assurance Science", Prentice Hall of India (P) Ltd., New Delhi, 1982. Mahajan. M., "Statistical Quality Control", Dhanpat Rai and Sons, New Delhi, 2002.
09ME52 THERMAL ENGINEERING (Use of steam and refrigerant tables and charts permitted) L T P C
3 ASSESSMENT : THEORY OBJECTIVE This course is intended to provide knowledge about the principles of thermal systems like heat engines, cooling systems, and compressors by applying the laws of thermodynamics. OUTCOME Students would acquire sufficient theoretical knowledge about IC engines, Steam turbines, refrigerators and air conditioning systems and compressors. I.C.ENGINES Classification- working principle of four stroke and two stroke engines using petrol and diesel as fuel - indicator diagrams, valve timing and port timing diagrams. Comparison of petrol and diesel engines - four stroke and two stroke engines- testing and performance of internal combustion engines- supercharging principle. (8) STEAM BOILERS Classification of boilers - low pressure and high pressure boilers. Boiler mountings and accessories. (3) STEAM NOZZLES Flow of steam through nozzles- effect of friction, critical pressure ratio, super saturated flow of steam. (4) STEAM TURBINES Impulse and reaction principles- compounding- velocity diagrams for impulse and reaction stages-50% reaction turbine. (6)
REFRIGERATION Methods of refrigeration - air refrigeration, Bell Coleman cycle, vapour compression refrigeration cycle, use of T-s and P-h diagrams - under cooling and superheating. Performance calculations. Study of absorption refrigeration system. Refrigerants - selection and properties. (8) PSYCHROMETRY AND AIR CONDITIONING Psychrometric chart- properties. Requirements for comfort and industrial air conditioning, air washer, by-pass factor, summer and winter air conditioning systems. (5) SINGLE STAGE RECIPROCATING COMPRESSORS Working principle - equations for shaft work and efficiencies- effect of clearance on volumetric efficiency. (5) MULTI STAGE RECIPROCATING AND ROTARY COMPRESSORS Working principle, inter-cooler, optimum intermediate pressure in a two stage compressor and performance of multi stage compressor. Rotary positive displacement compressor - types and performance calculations. (6) Theory : 45 Tutorial : 15 Total : 60
TEXT BOOKS 1. 2. Rudramurthy, R., "Thermal Engineering", Tata McGraw Hill, 2006. C.P.Kothandaraman and Domkundwar, "Thermodynamics and Thermal Engineering", Dhanpat Rai and Sons, 2006.
REFERENCE BOOKS 1. 2. 3. Rajput.R.K., "Thermal Engineering", Laxmi Publications, 2007. Ganesan.V., "Internal Combustion Engines", Tata McGraw Hill, 2005. Mathur M L and Sharma R P, "Internal Combustion Engines", Dhanpat Rai and Sons, 2004.
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planing, gear hobbing, gear shaping, worm milling, gear shaving, gear grinding, straight bevel gear manufacture, spiral bevel gear manufacture. (9) PRODUCTION OF FINE MACHINED SURFACES Abrasives machining - grinding process - grinding wheel - specification selection wheel wear, operations and machines. Design consideration for grinding. Finishing operations - lapping, honing, super finishing. Economics of grinding and finishing operations. (6) PRODUCTION OF PLASTIC AND RUBBER Polymers - structures, thermoplastics, moulding and machining of thermoplastics, extrusion process, sheet forming process, thermo setting plastics, moulding and machining thermo setting plastics, other processing methods for plastics, plastic component design - mould design, processing of rubber. (6) SURFACE TECHNOLOGY Friction in metal - wear - wear measurements - lubrications - types lubricant selection. Mechanical surface treatment and coating - case hardening and hard facing - thermal spraying - vapour deposition diffusion coating - electroplating - electroless plating - anodizing - non metallic coating - plastic coating - chemical coatings - various enamel coating and ceramic coatings. (9) Total : 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. 2. Serope Kalpakjian. S.R. Schmid, "Manufacturing Engineering and Technology", 4th Edition, Pearson Education, 2000. HMT, Production Technology, Tata McGraw Hill.
REFERENCE BOOKS 1. 2. Haslehurst, M., "Manufacturing Technology", English Language Book Society, 1998. Chapman, W. A., "Workshop Technology - Vol 1, 2, 3", Oxford and IBH Publishers Co. Pvt. Ltd., 2006.
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applications, design of square key - use of standards, rigid coupling, flexible flange couplings - selection. (8) SPRINGS Helical spring and leaf spring - stresses and deflection in round wire helical springs - accounting for variable stresses - concentric springs. Design of leaf springs - stress and deflection equation. (5) RIVETED AND WELDED JOINTS Strength equations, efficiency, design of riveted joints - joints of uniform strength, eccentrically loaded riveted joints. Types of welded joints weld symbols, strength of welds, centrally loaded, unsymmetrical sections, axially loaded, eccentrically loaded joints. (7) SLIDING CONTACT BEARINGS Theory of lubrication, hydrodynamic bearing, Sommerfield number, design of hydrodynamic and hydrostatic bearings. (6) ROLLING CONTACT BEARINGS Static and dynamic load capacity, cubic mean load, variable load, probability of survival, selection of deep groove and angular contact ball bearings. Design of roller bearings. (5) Theory : 45 Tutorial : 15 Total : 60 TEXT BOOKS 1. 2. Robert L Moltt. , "Mechanical Elements in Mechanical Design", Macmillan Publishing Co., London, 2005. Robert L Norton, "Machine Design - An Integrated Approach", Prentice Hall, New Delhi, 2005.
REFERENCE BOOKS 1. 2. 3. 4. V.B. Bhandari, "Design of Machine Elements", Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Ltd., New Delhi, 2007. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, PSG College of Technology, "Design Data Book", M/s. DPV Printers, Coimbatore, 2005. Shigley and Mischkee, "Mechanical Engineering Design," McGraw Hill, Inc., New Delhi, 2004. John M Barson and Stanely T Rolfe, "Fracture and Fatigue Control in Structures", Prentice Hall Inc., New Jersey, 2002.
5. Jacobson B O, Bernard J Hamrock and Steven R Schmid, "Fundamentals of Machine Elements", McGraw Hill Inc., 2nd Edition, 2006.
L T 3 1 ASSESSMENT : THEORY OBJECTIVE This course imparts knowledge on theories involved in the design of various mechanisms and their applications in manufacturing processes. OUTCOME Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to demonstrate his / her knowledge on various mechanisms commonly used in industries in order to build reliable machineries. KINEMATICS kinematics pairs, link, Degree of freedom, mobility - kutzbach criterion - Grashoff's law , Inversions of four bar chain and Slider crank chains - transmission angle - Double slider crank chain - Velocity and acceleration mechanism - Relative Velocity and Acceleration diagrams of simple mechanism by relative velocity and acceleration method Analytical and special graphical (Klein's and Ritterhaus) methods for slider crank mechanism, Coriollis component of acceleration. Computer application in the kinematic analysis of simple mechanisms. (10) FRICTION Friction loss in bearings - flat, conical, multiple collar. Clutches - single plate, multiple plate, cone and centrifugal. Brakes - band, band and block, Internal expanding brake, condition of self locking. Dynamometer - prony brake and Epicyclic gear train dynamometer and Flash light dynamometer (8) KINEMATICS OF CAM Classification - Displacement, velocity and acceleration diagrams for various motions. Construction of cam profile for roller, mushroom, oscillating, flat followers with and without offset for SHM, uniform acceleration and retardation and cycloidal motion. Tangent cam and
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polynomial cam with translational flat faced follower, swinging flat faced follower. (9) GEAR AND GEAR TRAINS Gear terminology - Law of gearing - Length of path of contact and arc of contact and contact ratio, - Involute tooth profile, interference and undercutting in involute tooth gear and minimum number of teeth. Determination of backlash - Rack and Pinion, Epicyclic gear train Velocity and Torque calculation and Applications - Simple problems. (9) BELT AND CHAIN Belt - Ratio of driving tension for flat belt and V-belt , creep, Slip, determination of angle of contact, centrifugal tension, maximum tension in the belt, condition for maximum power transmission, initial tension in the belt. Power transmission using V belt - friction in Vee belt. Chain - Classification and length of chains. (9) Theory : 45 Tutorial : 15 Total : 60
TEXT BOOKS 1. 2. 3. 4. Shigley J.E. and Uicker.J.J., "Theory of Machines and Mechanisms", 3rd Edition, Oxford Press, 2003. A Ghosh and AK Malik, "Theory of Mechanism and Machine", East West Press (Pvt) Ltd., New Delhi, 2007. Rao.J.S. and Dukkipatti.R.V., "Mechanisms and Machine Theory", Wiley-Eastern Ltd. Publishers, 2006. Waldron and Kinzel , "Kinematics, Dynamics and Design of Machinery", 2nd Edition, J. Wiley & Sons, 2003.
REFERENCE BOOKS 1. 2. 3. 4. Ballaney,P.L., "Theory of Machines", Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 2008. Singh,V.P., "Theory of Machines" , Dhanpat Rai and Co., New Delhi, 2008. Sadhu Singh, "Theory of Machines", Pearson Education Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2009. Bansal,R.K., "Theory of Machines" , Laxmi Publications (P) Ltd., New Delhi, 2008.
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- shape rolling operations - production of seamless tubing and pipes. Forging - design for forging - forging of a rectangular and circular cross section - force requirements - effect of friction in forging - problems, open and closed die forging - related forging operations - Rotary swaging - forgeability - economics of forging. (10) EXTRUSION, DRAWING AND SHEET METAL FORMING Extrusion - Forward extrusion - backward extrusion - side extrusion hydrostatic extrusion - tube extrusion - production of seamless pipe and tube - drawing of rods, wires and tubes. Problems in designing extrusion process - extrusion ratio, extrusion force - effect of friction in extrusion. Sheet metal forming - shearing - sheet metal characteristics - test method for formability of sheet metals -types of presses, types of dies - sheet metal cutting operation. Sheet metal bending. Deep drawing other forming methods. Sheet metal forming methods - High energy rate forming (HERF) High velocity forming (HVF) -Explosive forming - Electro hydraulic forming, Magnetic forming - high speed forming machines - petro forge forming - Dyna pak - applications, merits and demerits. (12) OTHER FORMING METHODS Rapid prototyping - additive processes - fused deposition model stereolithography - selective laser sintering - solid base curing laminated object manufacturing - rapid tooling. Powder metallurgy - introduction - production of metal powders - metal powder characteristics - powder compaction - sintering - post sintering process - advantages and limitations - applications. (9) TESTING OF MATERIALS Mechanical properties - Tension test - compression - impact test - torsion - bending - hardness - Brinell, Rockwell and Vickers hardness test Microhardness test.
Non destructive testing - visual inspection, magnetic particle, liquid penetration, eddy current, radiographic and ultra sonic - inspection methods. (8) Total : 45
TEXT BOOKS 1. 2. Serope Kalpakjian. S.R. Schmid, "Manufacturing Engineering and Technology", 4th Edition, Pearson Education, 2000. Rao.P.N., "Manufacturing Technology", Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi, 2009.
REFERENCE BOOKS 1. 2. George E.Dietor, "Mechanical Metallurgy", McGraw Hill International Book Co., 1989. Amitabha Gosh and Ashok Kumar Malik "Manufacturing Sciences" East West Press Pvt. Ltd., 2005.
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LIST OF EXPERIMENTS - II (MILLING EXERCISE AND GEAR HOBBING) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. To machine a square head To machine a pentagon To machine a hexagon To machine a triangle To machine a spur gear To machine a bevel gear
LIST OF EXPERIMENTS - III (SLOTTING EXERCISE) 1. 2. To machine a hexagon To machine a square keyway
LIST OF EXPERIMENTS - IV (SHAPING EXERCISE) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. To machine a cube To machine square stepped slide To machine male stepped slide To machine female stepped slide To machine angular slide To machine a curved slide
MOULDING LAB - LIST OF EXPERIMENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Study on the manufacturing process Study of pattern and allowances Drawing of different types of tools and other accessories Preparation of moulds Method of ramming and mixing Using different types of pattern, preparation of mould cavities Gates risers, runners, cope and drag mould types Sand preparation
WELDING LAB - LIST OF EXPERIMENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Arc welding of Lap joint Arc welding of Butt joint Arc welding of T - joint Arc welding of Corner joint Demonstration of MIG welding Demonstration of TIG welding Demonstration of Pulse TIG welding Demonstration of Pulse MIG welding Demonstration of Plasma transferred arc welding
10. X and R chart 11. Calibration and measurement of Veriner height gauge 12. Toolmakers Microscope DYNAMICS LAB - LIST OF EXPERIMENTS 1. Study of gyroscopic couple using motorized gyroscope apparatus
2. 3. 4.
Balancing unbalanced mass using static and dynamic balancing apparatus Finding the whirling speed of a shaft using whirling of shafts demonstrator Using universal vibration apparatus a. b. c. d. e. f. Study of oscillations of simple pendulum Determining the radius of gyration of a compound pendulum Determining the radius of gyration of a body using bifilar suspension Determining the radius of gyration of a body using trifilar suspension. Study of torsional vibrations of a single rotor system Study of forced damped vibrations of a simply supported beam
5. 6.
Study of different types of cams and followers Finding the controlling force at a given speed, sensitiveness at given limits of lift and governor effort and power of various type of governors Determining the coriolli's component of acceleration using coriolli's component of acceleration apparatus Using universal vibration apparatus a. Study of torsional vibrations of two rotor system b. Study of undamped free vibrations of a spring c. Study of natural vibrations of a spring mass system d. Study of forced damped vibrations of a spring mass system e. Verification of Dunkerley's rule for transverse vibrations
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d. Four bar mechanism e. Scotch yoke mechanism 10. Determining the natural frequency and the critical speed of the vibration table. MECHATRONICS LAB - LIST OF EXPERIMENTS FIRST CYCLE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Study of Mechatronics system design Introduction to Lab View Temperature control system using Lab View Design of vehicle speed indicator using Lab View Vibration measurement system Measurement of stress and strain analysis using load cell and Lab View Room temperature measurement
SECOND CYCLE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Resistor simulation Capacitor simulation Simple servo simulation Data acquisition using national instrument's data acquisition card Color matching using Lab View Simple pendulum simulation using Lab View
THERMAL ENGINEERING LAB - LIST OF EXPERIMENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Heat balance test on Field Marshal engine Performance test on top land four stroke diesel engine Performance test on kirloskar four stroke diesel engine Port timing diagram of two-stroke engine Valve timing diagram of four-stroke engine
6. 7. 8. 9.
Volumetric efficiency of reciprocating air compressor Calibration of pressure gauge and vacuum gauge Flash and fire point - open and closed cup Economic speed test on DPF engine
10. Viscosity of lubricating oil - Redwood viscometer 11. Viscosity of lubricating oil - Saybolt viscometer 12. Study of boilers and IC engine components 13. Vapour compression refrigeration system 14. Performance test on heat pump 15. Study of air conditioning system 16. Performance test on cascade refrigeration system 17. Performance test on ice plant 18. Performance test on walk in cooler
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RADIATION Mechanism - different surfaces - Stefan Boltzman's Law, Kirchoff's Law - emissivity - absorptivity - reflectivity - transmissivity - intensity of radiation - emissive power - shape factor for simple geometries - heat transfer between surfaces separated by non absorbing medium radiation shields - gas radiation. (9) HEAT EXCHANGERS AND MASS TRANSFER Heat exchangers - Classification- parallel, counter and cross flow multiple pass flow - LMTD- Fouling factor. Effectivness - NTU method of analysis of heat exchangers. Mass transfer - diffusion through a plane membrane - equimolar counter diffusion - diffusion of water vapour through air - mass transfer coefficient - convective mass transfer coefficient - simple problems (9) Theory : 45 Tutorial : 15 Total : 60 TEXT BOOKS 1. 2. Holman, J.P., "Heat Transfer", McGraw Hill Book Co., SI Version, 10th Edition, 2009. Rajput, R.K., "Heat and Mass Transfer", S.Chand Publishers, 2007.
REFERENCE BOOKS 1. 2. 3. 4. Domkundwar, "Heat and Mass Transfer", Dhanpat Rai Sons, 2006. Ozisik M.N.,"Heat Transfer", Prentice Hall of India Ltd., 1985. Frank P. Incropera, David P. DeWitt, "Heat and Mass Transfer", John Wiley and Sons (ASIA) Pvt. Ltd., 2008. P.K. Nag, "Heat and Mass Transfer", Second Edition, Tata McGraw Hill Co., 2008.
5. 6. 7.
Christopher A Long, "Essential Heat Transfer", Pearson Education (ASIA), 2008. C.P.Kothandaraman and S.Subramanyan, "Heat and Mass Transfer Data Book" , New Age International Publishers, 2008. Domkundwar and Domkundwar, "Heat and Mass Transfer Data Book", Dhanpat Rai and Co., 2008.
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INVENTORY MODELS General inventory models - role of demand in inventory models - EOQ models - with price breaks, with shortage limitations - dynamic order quantity - (setup / no setup) model, ABC analysis, Probabilistic EOQ models. (5) DECISION MAKING AND GAME THEORY Decision making under certainity - Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), Decision making under risk - decision trees, decision making under uncertainity. Game Theory - two persons zero sum games - pure strategies and saddle points, mixed strategies - solution of games by dominance graphical solution- linear programming model in game theory. (6) QUEUING AND SIMULATION Elements of queuing theory - Poisson's queuing model - single serve models, multi server models - machine servicing models. System concepts - Types of systems and models - system simulation procedure - Monte- Carlo simulation method (simple problems) Introduction to simulation languages. (6) OTHER OPTIMISATION ALGORITHMS Integer Programming algorithms - branch and bound techniques, cutting plane algorithm, computational consideration in Integer Linear Programming. Goal Programming - weights method - pre-emptive method. Dynamic Programming - introduction - recursive nature of computations in DP, forward and backward recursions. (6) NON TRADITIONAL OPTIMISATION Non Traditional Optimization - Multi objective optimization, genetic algorithms and simulated annealing techniques, Meta heuristics search techniques - Tabu search, ant colony optimization. (3) Theory : 45 Tutorial : 15 Total : 60
TEXT BOOKS 1. 2. 3. Hamdy Taha,"Operations Research- An Introduction", Prentice Hall of India (P) Ltd., 8th Edition, 2006. Frederik S.Hiller, Gerald. J.Libermann, "Introduction to Operations Research", Tata McGraw Hill, 2006. Richard Bronson, and Govindasami Naadimuthu, "Operations Research, Schaum's Outline Series", Tata McGraw Hill, 2nd Edition, 2004.
REFERENCE BOOKS 1. 2. Rao S.S., "Optimisation Theory and Applications", Wiley Eastern Ltd, New Delhi, 2004. Phillips, Ravindran and Solesberg, "Operations Research Principles and Practices", Prentice Hall, 2nd Edition, 2007.
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line, V and radial engines, direct and reverse crank methods - Hammer blow and swaying couple in locomotives. (10) LONGITUDINAL AND TRANSVERSE VIBRATION Free and forced vibration - natural frequency of longitudinal and transverse vibrations. Critical speed - Dunkerley's method, energy method effect of inertia of constraints, damping factor, Damping ratio, logarithmic decrement, magnification factor, vibration isolation and transmissibility. (9) TORSIONAL VIBRATION Torsional Vibration of single and multiple rotor systems, Torsionally equivalent shaft, geared system, whirling speed of shaft - Holzer method. Application of computers in dynamics. (7) Theory : 45 Tutorial : 15 Total : 60 TEXT BOOKS 1. 2. 3. 4. Shigley J.E. and Uicker.J.J., "Theory of Machines and Mechanisms", 3rd Edition, Oxford Press, 2003. A Ghosh and AK Malik, "Theory of Mechanism and Machine", East West press Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 4th Edition, 2010. Rao.J.S. and Dukkipatti.R.V., "Mechanisms and Machine Theory", Wiley - Eastern Ltd. Publishers, 2007. Waldron and Kinzel., "Kinematics, Dynamics and Design of Machinery", 2nd Edition, J. Wiley and Sons, 2007.
REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Ballaney,P.L., "Theory of Machines", Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 2008.
2. 3. 4.
Singh,V.P., "Theory of Machines" , Dhanpat Rai and Co., New Delhi, 2008. Sadhu Singh, "Theory of Machines", Pearson Education Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2009. Bansal,R.K., "Theory of Machines" , Laxmi Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2008.
09ME64 DESIGN OF MECHANICAL TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS (Use of design data book is permitted)
L T 3 1 ASSESSMENT : THEORY OBJECTIVE To impart a detailed knowledge on design procedures of various power transmission systems. OUTCOME Student will be able to select a suitable power transmission system for the required application and design efficiently various elements of the selected system. SELECTION OF V BELTS AND CHAINS V belts for given power and velocity ratio, selection of micro V-belts, timing belts, selection of roller chain and power speed ratio, silent chain. (7) SELECTION OF BELTS FOR SPINDLE DRIVE AND FEED DRIVE IN APPLICATION FOR CNC MACHINE TOOLS Poly Vee belts, HTD belts, V-belts of 3V, 5V and 8V types. Taper lock bushes and timing belts-SPZ, SPA, SPB, SPC types. (7) POWER SCREWS Forms of threads, force analysis, square and trapezoidal threads, collar friction, design of power screws (for screw jack, lathe, etc.,), selection of ball screws. (7) DESIGN OF GEARS Review of gear fundamentals, interference, gear forces, determining dimensions of a spur gear pair. Design of helical gears- parallel axis helical gear, normal and transverse planes, helix angles, equivalent
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number of teeth, determining dimension of helical gear pair. Nomenclature of straight and spiral bevel gears. (10) WORM GEARS Nomenclature, thermal capacity, efficiency, gear forces, design of a pair of worm gears. (5) MULTI SPEED GEAR BOX Ray diagram, Kinematic diagram, gear tooth profile correction, finalization of the gear train, gear tooth loads and bearing reactions. (9) Theory : 45 Tutorial : 15 Total : 60 TEXT BOOKS 1. 2. Robert L Norton, "Machine Design - An Integrated Approach", Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2006. Shigley and Mischke, "Mechanical Engineering Design", McGraw Hill, Inc., New Delhi, 2004.
REFERENCE BOOKS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Robert L Mortt, "Mechanical Elements in Mechanical Design", Macmillan Publishing Co., London, 2005. Maitra GM, "Hand Book of Gear Design", Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2008. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, PSG College of Technology, "Design Data Book", M/s DPV Printers, Coimbatore, 2000. V B Bhandari, "Design of Machine Elements", Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd, New Delhi, 2007. Prabhu T J, "Design of Transmission Elements", Mani offset, Chennai, 2003.
6. 7.
Darle W Dudley, "Hand Book of Practical Gear Design", CRC Press, Florida, 2002. Allen S Hall and Alfred R Holowenko, "Schaum's Outlines of Theory and Problems of Machine Design", Tata McGraw Hill, 2006.
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DESIGN OF SINGLE AND MULTI POINT CUTTING TOOLS Design of single point tools - Tools for turning, boring, shaping and planing. Design of milling cutters, drills, reamers, broaches, gear shaper cutters, gear hobs and form tools. ISO designation of turning tool holders and inserts. Tool holders for CNC applications. (9) JIGS AND FIXTURES Location principles -3-2-1. locators , clamping - clamping forces devices. Design of jigs - Drill bushes -different types of jigs-plate, channel, box, swing latch, indexing jig, angular post, turnover, jigs Automatic drill jigs - Rack and pinion operated. Air operated Jigs components. Design and development of Jigs for given components. Design of fixtures - principles of boring, turning, milling and broaching fixtures- Grinding, planning and shaping fixtures, assembly, Inspection and welding fixtures- Modular fixtures. Design and development of fixtures for given component. (9) PRESS TOOLS AND ECONOMIC ASPECTS OF TOOLING Dies, punches, types of presses, clearances, types of dies, strip layout, calculation of press capacity, center of pressure. Design consideration for die elements. Economics of tooling - Tool selection and tool replacement with respect to small tools. (9) Total : 45
TEXT BOOKS 1. 2. 3. Ranganath.B.J., "Tool Engineering Design", Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2005. ASTME "Fundamentals of Tool Design", Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 5th Edition, 1985. Amitabh Ghosh, and Ashok Kumar Mallik," Manufacturing Sciences", East -West Press Pvt. Ltd., 2005.
4. 5.
Rodin .P., "Design and Production of Cutting Tools", MIR publishers, 1998. Donaldson, "Tool Design Hand Book", McGraw Hill, New York, 2004.
REFERENCE BOOKS 1. 2. 3. Amerego.E.J and Brown.R.H., "The Machining of Metals", Prentice Hall, 1969. ELBS, "Principles of Jig and Tool Design", Tata McGraw Hill, 1969. PSG College of Technology, "P.S.G. Design Data Book", DPV Printers, Coimbatore, 2005.
09ME66 GAS DYNAMICS AND SPACE PROPULSION (Use of approved gas tables permitted)
L T 3 1 OBJECTIVE The objective of this course is to develop an understanding of low speed aerodynamics and an introduction to compressible flows. This course covers topics in elementary gas dynamics, including shock waves. OUTCOME On completion of the course, the students will be able to apply principles of gas dynamics to solve compressible flow problems. They will also have an exposure to recent developments in aerodynamics, with application to aerospace systems. FUNDAMENTALS OF COMPRESSIBLE FLOW Energy and momentum equations for compressible fluid flows, various regions of flows, reference velocities, stagnation state, velocity of sound, critical states, Mach number, critical Mach number, types of waves, Mach cone, Mach angle, effect of Mach number on compressibility. (7) FLOW THROUGH VARIABLE AREA DUCTS Isentropic flow through variable area ducts, T-s and h-s diagrams for nozzle and diffuser flows, area ratio as a function of Mach number, mass flow rate through nozzles and diffusers, effect of friction in flow through nozzles. (7) FLOW THROUGH CONSTANT AREA DUCT WITH FRICTION (FANNO FLOW) Fanno flow - Fanno curves and Fanno flow equation, variation of flow properties, variation of Mach number with duct length. Isothermal flow with friction in constant area ducts. (5)
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FLOW THROUGH CONSTANT AREA DUCT WITH HEAT TRANSFER (RAYLEIGH FLOW) Rayleigh flow - Rayleigh line and Rayleigh flow equation, variation of flow properties, maximum heat transfer. (5) NORMAL SHOCK Governing equations, variation of flow parameters like static pressure, static temperature, density, stagnation pressure and entropy across the normal shock, Prandtl - Meyer equation, impossibility of shock in subsonic flows, flow in convergent and divergent nozzle with shock, normal shock in Fanno and Rayleigh flows, flow with oblique shock (elementary treatment only). (6) GAS TURBINES Open and closed cycle gas turbines - practical cycle - methods for improvement of performance of open cycle system - regeneration, intercooling and reheating. Effect of operating variables on thermal efficiency. Advantages of gas turbines over IC engines. (6) PROPULSION Aircraft propulsion - Jet engines - energy flow, study of turbojet engine components - diffuser, compressor, combustion chamber, turbine and exhaust systems, performance of turbo jet engines - thrust, thrust power, propulsive and overall efficiencies, thrust augmentation in turbo jet engine, ram jet engine. Rocket propulsion - rocket engines thrust equation - effective jet velocity specific impulse - rocket engine performance, solid and liquid propellants, comparison of different propulsion systems. (9) Theory : 45 Tutorial : 15 Total : 60
TEXT BOOKS 1. 2. Yahya. S.M., "Fundamental of compressible flow", New Age International (P) Ltd., New Delhi, 2007. Ganesan.V., "Gas Turbines", Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2005.
REFERENCE BOOKS 1. 2. Cohen. H., Rogers R.E.C and Sravanamutoo, "Gas Turbine Theory", Addison Wesley Ltd., 1998. Radhakrishnan.E, "Gas Dynamics", Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2006.
3 ASSESSMENT : THEORY OBJECTIVE To introduce to the students the concepts of CAD/CAM technology, various methods of product design, modeling techniques, the hardware and software modules and transformation principles. To make the students understand how products are manufactured on CNC machine tools using programs along with the product testing and inspection methods. OUTCOME The students will have the ability to apply the concepts of geometrical modeling, know various steps involved in the design process and ultimately the procedure for analyzing various engineering components. In addition, they gain knowledge on the various design workstations, their operating features and functions. Besides, they get adequate practice on CAD and CAM software along with different activities associated with manufacturing operations. INTRODUCTION CAD/CAM - Definition- Computer Technology - Basic Hardware Configuration, Input / Output Devices - Mini and Micro Computer Design Workstation / Graphics Terminals, Types, study of hardware requirements. (9) COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN (CAD) Fundamentals of CAD, Design Process, Application of Computers for Design, Benefits of CAD -Hardware configuration in CAD - Operator
Input Devices - Output devices and plotters. Computer Graphics software and database. Software Configuration of a Graphic System. Functions of Graphic Package, Construction of Solid Geometry, Wire Frame Models, Surface and Solid Models. (9) COMPUTER AIDED MANUFACTURING (CAM) Introduction to Computer Numerical Control (CNC) - Direct Numerical Control (DNC), Combined CNC and DNC systems - Introduction to FMS- Computer Aided Process Planning (CAPP) and its types - Benefits of CAPP. (9) COMPUTER INTEGRATED PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CIPMS) Problems with Traditional Production Planning System - Inventory Management, Materials Requirement Planning (MRP) concepts, Benefits of MRP, Manufacturing Resources Planning (MRP -II) Functions of Shop Floor Control, Operation Scheduling - Supervisory Computer Control - Computer Aided Quality Control (CAQC). (9) COMPUTER INTEGRATED MANUFACTURING (CIM) Types of Manufacturing Systems, Computer Control Systems, CIM Benefits, Automation - Automated Guided Vehicles. (9) Total : 45
TEXT BOOKS 1. 2. Mikell.P.Groover and Emory.W.Zimmers,Jr, "CAD/CAM", Prentice Hall of India (P)Ltd., 2007. Surendrakumar and A.K.Jha, "Technology of CAD/CAM", Dhanpat Rai and Co. (P) Ltd., 2008.
REFERENCE BOOKS 1. 2. 3. Radhakrishnan.P and Kothandraman.C.P., "Computer Graphics and Design", Dhanpat Rai and Sons Co. (P) Ltd., 2008. Banarjee.K., "Computer Management and Planning", Tata McGraw Hill, 2007. Rao P.N., "CAD / CAM principles and application", Tata McGraw Hill, 2006.
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PNEUMATICS Air preparation units - Filter, Regulator and Lubricator. Valve configuration and controls. Pneumatic actuators, diaphragm actuators, back pressure sensors. Pneumatic circuits design - Cascade method. (9) HYDRO PNEUMATICS AND ELECTRO PNEUMATICS Hydro-pneumatics and electro-pneumatic elements and circuits. (3) FLUIDICS Fluidics - Coanda effect, wall attachment devices, digital and proportional devices. Fluidic amplifiers, typical application of fluidics for control in fluid power circuits. (6) Total : 45
TEXT BOOKS 1. 2. Anthony Esposito, "Fluid Power with Application", Prentice Hall, 2008. Stewart, "Practical Guide to Fluid Power", Taraporevala Sons & Co., Bombay, 2002.
REFERENCE BOOKS 1. 2. 3. 4. Subir Kar, "An Introduction to Fluidics", Oxford and IBH Publishing Co., New Delhi, 1984. Fitch, E.C. Jr., "Fluid Power and Control Systems", McGraw Hill Book Co., 1966. Pippenger, J.J. and Hicks, T.G., "Industrial Hydraulics", McGraw Hill Book Co., 1979. Andrew Parr, "Hydraulics and Pneumatics", Jaico Publishing House, 2008.
DESIGN APPLICATIONS Gear box for automobiles and machine tools, Suspension for 2 wheeler and 4 wheeler, Piston and cylinder assembly, Kinematic diagrams for lathe, special purpose machines and CNC machines, Four bar Mechanisms. (9) Theory : 45 Tutorial : 15 Total : 60
TEXT BOOK 1. A.K. Chitale and R.C. Gupta, "Product Design and Manufacturing", Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2007.
REFERENCE BOOKS 1. 2. 3. 4. David G Ullman , "The Mechanical Design Process", Tata McGraw Hill, 2009. Karl T Ulrich, Steven D Eppinger, "Product Design and Development ", Tata McGraw Hill, 4th Edition, 2008. Mayall,W.H., " Industrial Design for Engineers", London Iliffe Book Ltd., 1967. MCCormick, E.J (ED), "Human Factors Engineering", McGraw Hill Company Ltd., USA, 1992.
10. Heat exchanger (shell and tube) 11. Critical Heat flux METALLURGY LAB - LIST OF EXPERIMENTS 1. 2. 3. Study of metallurgical microscope Specimen preparation Microstructure of cast iron before etching
4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Microstructure of cast iron after etching Microstructure of plain carbon steels Microstructure of alloy steels Micro structure of non-ferrous alloys Moisture content of moulding sand Clay content of moulding sand
10. AFS grain fineness number of moulding sand 11. Permeability of moulding sand 12. Strength of moulding sand 13. Study of specimen mounting press.
ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY LABORATORY (Examination conducted separately) OBJECTIVE To study and understand precision measuring instruments and its applications and provide hands on training about various kinds of metrology. OUTCOME Ability to work and obtain skill from precision measuring instruments and its calibration. Study of Coordinate Measuring Machine - Study of Profile Projector Study of Tool Makers Microscope - Study of Pneumatic training Kit 3D Modeling using IDEAS, SOLID EDGE, SOLID WORKS - Study of image analyzer - Study of surface roughness tester.
COST ESTIMATION FOR PRODUCTION PROCESS Machining time calculation for turning, drilling, boring, threading, shaping and grinding operations. Forging operations - estimation of losses and operation time. Problems. (11) Theory : 45 Tutorial : 15 Total : 60 TEXT BOOKS 1. 2. Banga. T.R and Sharma. S.C., "Mechanical Estimating and Costing", Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 2004. Narang. G.B.S. and Kumar. V., "Production and Costing", Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2005.
REFERENCE BOOKS 1. 2. Gopalakrishnan. K.R. "Machine Drawing", Jubhas Publications, 1998. Gupta C.B., "Fundamentals of Business Accounting", Sultan Chand and Co., New Delhi, 2003.
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ACCESSORIES AND CONTROLS Fuel handling systems - types, ash - handling methods, gas cleaning methods and dust collection. Types of condensers - cooling towers water treatment method. Economics of power plant operation instrumentation and control - variable load operation and economics. (9) NON CONVENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES Non- conventional power generating systems- MHD power plants- solar power plants ,wind power generation , tidal power generation, geo thermal power plant, OETC plants- selection and installation of power plants. (9) Total : 45
TEXT BOOKS 1. 2. Domkundwar. S., "Power Plant Engineering", Dhanpat Rai and Sons, 1995. Sharma .P.C., "Power Plant Engineering", S.K Kataria and Sons, 2009.
REFERENCE BOOKS 1. 2. Nagpal .G.R ., " Power Plant Engineering", Khanna Publishers, 2002. Morse .F.P , "Power Plant Engineering", Affiliated East West Press Ltd., 1995.
ORGANIZATION Process, principles, Organization structure, Organization chart, Types of Organization- Industrial Psychology- Morale- Motivation- Industrial Fatigue- Accidents - Personnel Management- Recruitment and selection of Employees- Education, Training and Skills- Qualities of LeadershipSafety Engineering- social responsibilities of business. PRODUCTION PLANNING AND CONTROL Plant location- plant layout- production planning and control- plant maintenance- material handling - CAPP. (9) Total : 45 (9)
TEXT BOOKS 1. 2. James L Riggs., "Engineering Economics ", Tata Mc Graw Hill Ltd., New Delhi, 2004. Koontz, Weihrich and Aryasri, "Principles of Management", Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., 2006.
REFERENCE BOOKS 1. 2. 3. Pannerselvam , "Engineering Economics ", Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2007. Ricky W. Griffin, "Management",Haughton Mifflin Publication, 2007. Hillier and Frederick S., "Introduction to Management Science", Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., 2008.
uses and limitations. Stability of forklift trucks, selection of material handling equipment, unit load handling, palletizing & packaging. (9) HOISTING MECHANISM Hoisting mechanisms - Layouts, Steady state motion - starting and stopping of hoisting mechanism - Safety aspects gear travelling mechanism - Slewing mechanisms. (9) ELEVATORS Design of Cage, Freight and bucket elevators. CONVEYORS Design of pneumatic conveyors, belt conveyors and screw conveyors. (7) Total : 45 (7)
TEXT BOOKS 1. 2. Rudenko.N, "Material Handling Equipment", MIR Publishers, Moscow, 1985. Alexander.A.P., "Materials Handling Equipment", MIR Publishers, 1980.
REFERENCE BOOKS 1. 2. PSG College of Technology, "PSG Design Data Book", DPV Printers, Coimbatore, 2005. Robert M.East man., "Materials Handling", Marcel Decker Inc., New York, 1987.
SOLID AND STRUCTURAL MECHANICS Introduction - linear elastic stress analysis, formulation of equilibrium equations - Dynamic analysis, Mass matrices, free vibration analysis simple problems - analysis of solids of revolutions. (9) HEAT TRANSFER AND FLUID MECHANICS Basic equations of heat transfer - derivation of finite element equations - one and two dimensional heat transfer - basic equations of fluid mechanics - inviscid incompressible flows - Potential function and stream function formulations - simple problems. (9) Total : 45 TEXT BOOK 1. Rao.S.S., "The Finite Element Method in Engineering", 4th Edition, Pergamon Press, 2006.
REFERENCE BOOKS 1. 2. Krishnamoorthy.C.S., "Finite Element Analysis", Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., 2nd Edition, 1994. Kenneth H.Huebner, Dewhirst,D.L.Smith,D.E. and Byrom,T.G. "The Finite Element Method for Engineers", John Wiley and Sons, 2nd Edition, 2004. Vince Adams and Abraham Askenazi, "Finite Element Analysis", Onword Press, 1st Edition, 1999. Tirupathi.R.Chandrupatla and Ashok.D.Belegundu, "Introduction to Finite Elements in Engineering", Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., 3rd Edition, 2005. Reddy J.N., "An Introduction to Finite Element Method", Tata McGraw Hill, 3rd Edition, 2006.
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NUMERICAL TREATMENT OF FLUID FLOW - FINITE VOLUME METHOD Discretization of governing partial differential equations of fluid flow - Differencing schemes for convective - diffusive flows - Treatment of flow boundary conditions - Introduction to the SIMPLE Algorithm (9) TURBULENT FLOWS Introduction- Reynolds Averaged N-S equations for turbulent flows Eddy viscosity - Mixing length models - Turbulence kinetic energy and dissipation (k-epsilon) models - Advanced turbulent flow modeling and limitations. (9) Total : 45
TEXT BOOKS 1. 2. Ghoshdastidar.P.S, "Computer Simulation of Flow and Heat Transfer", Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 1999. Versteeg. H.K. and Malalasekara. W, "An Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics - The Finite Volume Method", Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2004.
REFERENCE BOOKS 1. 2. 3. Muralidhar. K., Sundararajan. T., "Computational Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer", Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, 2003. Niyogi P., Chakrabarthy. S.K., Laha. M.K., "Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics", Pearson Education, 2005. Chung T.J., "Computational Fluid Dynamics", Cambridge Univ. Press, New York, 2002.
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MULTIPLE DEGREES OF FREEDOM Matrix Iteration - Holzer's method, Dunkerley's Formula, Rayleigh's Method - Gear Systems - Approximation of string vibration by a multiple DOF system. (6) VIBRATION IN CONTINUOUS MEDIA Longitudinal Vibration and Torsional vibration of shafts - wave equation and solution - Bending vibrations of Beams - Determination of fundamentals frequencies for various end conditions. (7) Total : 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. 2. 3. Benson H. Tongue, "Principles of Vibration", Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2002. Thomson. W.T., "Theory of Vibrations with Applications", 4th Edition, Prentice Hall, Inc., New Jersey, 1993. Seto.W, "Theory and Problems of Mechanical Vibrations", Schaum's Outline Series, Tata McGraw Hill Book Company, 2005.
REFERENCE BOOKS 1. 2. Meirovitch. L., "Elements of Vibrations Analysis", McGraw Hill Book Company, New York, 1986. James. M.L., Smith. G.M., Wolford. J.C., and Whaley. P.W, "Vibration of Mechanical and Structural Systems", Harper and Row, Singapore, 1989. Tse. F.S., Morse. I.E., and Hinkle. R.T., "Mechanical Vibrations Theory and Applications", Allyn and Bacon, Boston, 1978.
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- Short Term and Multiple Objective Production Planning, Product Mix and Lot Size Analysis, Material Requirement Planning (MRP), Production Scheduling - Operation Scheduling, Project SchedulingInventory System-Multiple Product Inventory Managements - Just In Time (JIT) Production. (12) VALUE AND SOCIAL SYSTEMS FOR MANUFACTURING Value/Cost flow in manufacturing systems-classification of costs, product cost structure, manufacturing cost, selling price, profit planning and break-even analysis, evaluation of capital investment, social manufacturing systems-strategy and tactics, corporate strategy, manufacturing strategy, global manufacturing-movements towards globalization, international manufacturing. (12) Total : 45 TEXT BOOK 1. Katsundo Hintomi, "Manufacturing Systems Engineering", Viva, Low Priced Student Edition, 2nd Edition, 2004.
REFERENCE BOOKS 1. 2. Donald Bowersox and David Closs, "Logistical Management - The Integrated Supply Chain Processes", Tata McGraw Hill, 2005. Tarek Khalil, "Management of Technology", Tata McGraw Hill Pvt. Ltd., 2005.
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selling versus advertising - advertising and publicity - advertising and sales promotion - advertising objective and functions- sales promotionfunctions of sales promotion -types of sales programs - sales promotion programs. (10) PRICING, BRANDING AND PACKING Significance of price marketing - pricing policies and decisions - new product development - stages in new product development - total quality management - elements of Total Quality Management - whole selling and retailing- transportation functions and model - branding- packing labeling - consumer sales promotion schemes - sales force management - Product Life Cycle - stages in product life cycle. (9) MARKETING RESEARCH, SELLING AND ADVERTISEMENT Marketing research - distinction between marketing research and marketing information system - objectives and nature of marketing research - areas of marketing research - advantages and limitations of marketing research - marketing research process - kinds of sales manadvertising objectives and functions - significance of advertising - kinds of advertising- advertising copy - advertising agency- advertisement comparative effectiveness of different advertising method. (10) Total : 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. 2. 3. Ramaswamy V.S and Namakumari.S, "Marketing Management", McMillan India Ltd., 2002. Gupta.C.B and Rajan Nair, "Marketing Management", Sultan Chand and Sons, 2000. Phillip Kotler and Gary Armstrong, "Principle of Marketing", Prentice Hall of India Ltd., 2009.
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To give first level introduction about the manufacturing plants and its parameters, and to give introduction to various material handling system. OUTCOME On successful completion of this course the students can demonstrate their mastery of the knowledge, techniques and will be able to design an efficient plant layout and material handling systems for a given system, identify, analyze and solve technical problems and successfully complete a comprehensive design project related to mechanical or manufacturing fields. INTRODUCTION Objectives and criteria for facilities planning and industrial plant design. (2) PLANT LAYOUT Plant location - Factors affecting location, selection, application of transportation problems, assignment problems in layout design. (9) TYPES OF PLANT LAYOUT AND LAYOUT PLANNING Types of manufacturing system - types of plant layout and practical application - preliminary enterprise design activity - design process factors influencing plant layout - design considerations - steps in planning- safety measures. (9) QUANTITATIVE EVALUATION OF PLANT LAYOUT Material flow - flow planning criteria, flow possibilities - design of material flow pattern conventional and quantitative techniques for analyzing material flow. Application of computer aided layout design. (8)
MATERIAL HANDLING AND ANALYSIS Organization for material handling - relationship with plant layout objectives, scope, principle and importance of material handling, selection and replacement of material handling equipments and analysis of handling problems. (8) MATERIAL HANDLING SYSTEMS Basic material handling systems - types of material handling equipments used for different applications - their selections and characteristics, auxiliary equipments, safety in operation. (9) Total : 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. Richard L Francis, Leon F McGinnis, Jr., and John A. White,"Facility Layout and Location - An Analytical Approach", Prentice Hall of India (P) Ltd., New Delhi , 2005. Choudary.R.B. and Tagore.G.R.N., "Plant Layout and Material Handling", Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 2005. James Apple "Plant layout & Materials Handling" John Wiley & Sons, NY, 1976.
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REFERENCE BOOKS 1. 2. Muthur,"Practical Plant Layout", McGraw Hill, New York, 1976. Moor, "Plant Layout and Design", McMillan India Ltd., 1978.
LEAN MANUFACTURING PRACTICES System model for lean manufacturing - interaction between production workmen influences and production strategies - performance impacts of the lean manufacturing system - relationship between lean manufacturing practices and performance measures. (9) IMPLEMENTATION OF LEAN MANUFACTURING SYSTEM Lean manufacturing program - lean flow - paths of implementing lean manufacturing system - preparing and motivating people - roles in the change process - methodologies for change - environment for change - model of success factors in becoming lean. (9) Total : 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. 2. 3. Goldman, S.L. Nagal, R.N. and Press, K., "Agile Competitors and Virtual Organizations", Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1995. Liker, J.K., "Becoming lean", Productivity Press, Oregan, 1997. Nick and Rick, "Lean Evolution: Lessons From The Workplace", Cambridge University Press, 2006.
REFERENCE BOOKS 1. 2. 3. 4. Montgomery, J.C. and Levine, L.O., "The Transition to Agile Manufacturing", ASQC Quality Press, Wisconsin. 1995. William M., Feld, "Lean Manufacturing Tools, Techniques and How to Use Them", The St. Lucie Press, Boca Raton, 2001. Ronal G Askin, "Design and analysis of Lean Production System", John Wiley & Sons, 2002. Bicheno, John Holweq, and Matthias., "The Lean Toolbox: The Essential Guide to Lean Transformation", 4th Edition, Picsie Books, 2009.
PROBABILITY CONCEPTS IN SIMULATION Stochastic variables - discrete and continuous probability functionmeasures of probability functions - numerical simulation of probability functions - continuous uniformly distributed random numbers. A uniform random number generator- generating discrete distributions - nonuniform continuously distributed random number - the rejection method. (9) GENERAL PURPOSE SYSTEM SIMULATION (GPSS) General description- action times - succession of events - choice of path - facilities and storage- gathering statistics - conditional transfer program control statements - examples - transfer modes - Set operations. (9) INTRODUCTION TO SIMSCRIPTS Simscripts programs- system concepts - organization of simscripts program - name and labels -statements referencing variables- main routine- arrival events- timing routine- disconnect event - closing event - definition of sets in simscript - set organization - set controls - gathering statistics in simscript - searching arrays- searching sets. (9) Total : 45 TEXT BOOK 1. Gordan. G, "System Simulation", Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2nd Edition, 2005.
REFERENCE BOOKS 1. 2. Zeigler and Bernard P, "Theory of Modeling and Simulation", John Wiley and Sons Inc., New York, 2nd Edition, 1976. Chu and Yoahan, "Digital Simulation of Continuous Systems", McGraw Hill Book Company, New York, 1969.
Lewis.P.A.W., Goodman.A.S and Miller. J.M, "A Pseudo Random Number Generator for the System 1360, IBM system V11, No.2. PP.136-146", 1969. Gordon,Geoffrey, "The Application of GPSS to Discrete System Simulation", Prentice Hall of India, 2004. Dimsdale, B and Markowitz. H.M., "A Description of the SIM SCRIPT Language, IBM Systems" J III NO 1 57-67, 1964. Wyman, Forest Paul, "Simulation Modeling: A Guide to Using SIM SCRIPTS", John Wiley and Sons Inc., New York, 1970.
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TEXT BOOKS 1. 2. Douglas C.Montgomery ,"Design and Analysis of Experiments", John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 5th Edition, 2003. Cochran. W.G. and Cox .G.M., "Experimental Designs" Second Edition, John Wiley and Sons, 1958.
REFERENCE BOOKS 1. 2. 3. John Lawson and John Erjavee, "Modern Statistics For Engineering and Quality Improvement", Duxbury, 2001. tephen R.Schmidt and Robert G. Launs, "Understanding Industrial Designed Experiments", Air Academy Press, 4th Edition, 2005. Andre I Khuri and John A Cornel, "Response Surfaces - Design and Analysis", 2nd Edition, Marcel Deckker, Inc. New York, 1996.
mechanical measuring systems, optical measuring systems, electron beam measuring systems, pattern recognition and inspection systems. (9) APPLICATION OF NANO ENGINEERING Nano-grating system, nano- lithography, machining of soft metal mirrors with diamond turning, mirror grinding of ceramics, ultra-precision block gauges, balls for rolling bearings, fabrication of CCDs, VCR head assemblies, optical fibres. (9) FUTURE TRENDS IN NANO ENGINEERING Development of intelligent products, nano processing of materials for super high density IC's, nano mechanical parts, micro machines. (9) Total : 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. 2. May G.S. and Size S.M., "Fundamentals of Semiconductor Fabrication", John Wiley and Sons Inc., 2004. Bharat Bhushan,"HandBook of Nano Technology," Springer, Germany, 2004.
REFERENCE BOOKS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Tai Ran Hsu, "Mems and Micro Systems Design and Manufacture," Tata McGraw Hill, 2003. Norio Taniguchi, "Nanotechnology", Oxford University Press, New York, 2003. Chang C.V. and Size S.M., "VLSI Technology," Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2007. Mark J Madou, "Fundamentals of Micro Fabrication," CRC Press, 2002. Julian.W.Gardner, "Micro Sensors, Principles and Applications", CRC Press, 2003.
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Rapid Prototyping Cycle - Rapid Prototyping Procedure - STL files Converting STL File from Various CAD Files - Controlling Part Accuracy in STL Format - Slicing the STL File - Case Studies in Design for Assembly. (10) TYPES OF RAPID PROTOTYPING PROCESS Types of RP Process - Stereolithography -- Fused Deposition Modelling - Selective Laser Sintering - 3D Printing Process -- Laminated Object Manufacturing - Electron Beam Melting Process -- History - Operation - Advantages and Disadvantages - Applications - Relation to Other RP Technologies - (applies to all the process) - Direct Laser Deposition. (9) APPLICATIONS OF RAPID PROTOTYPING Investment Casting - Sand Casting - Permanent Mould Casting - Direct RP Tooling - Silicone Rubber Tooling - Investment Cast Tooling - Powder Metallurgy Tooling - Desktop Machining - Case Studies on Current Applications of RP- Novel Application of RP Systems - Future Trends of RP Systems. (9) Total : 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. 2. Cooper, G.K, "Rapid Prototyping Technology - Selection and Application", Marcel Dekker Inc, USA, 2001. Liou, W.F., "Rapid Prototyping and Engineering Applications - A Toolbox for Prototype Development", CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group LLC, USA, 2008. Kai., C.C, Lim, C.S. and Leong, F.K., "Rapid Prototyping: Principles and Applications in Manufacturing", Wiley Publication, 2008.
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WELDING DESIGN Typical joints for different welding processes, principles of welding joint design and location of joint within the member, evolving good weld design, welding symbol - Blue print reading, welding design for static and fatigue loading, fracture toughness. (9) AUTOMATION IN WELDING Welding sequence and classification of processes, manual and semiautomatic, automatic, automated welding - adaptive controls - remote welding, robotic welding - selecting welding system, gravity welding and fire cracker welding, under water welding- wet and dry, and microjoining. (9) Total : 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. 2. Parmar.R.S," Welding Processes and Technology", Khanna Publishers, 2009. Parmar.R.S, " Welding Engineering and Technology", Khanna Publishers, 2002.
REFERENCE BOOKS 1. 2. 3. Davies .A.C, "Welding", Cambridge University Press, 10th Edition, 1996. Larry Jeffus, "Welding - Principles and Application", Delmar Publisher, New York, 4th Edition, 2007. "Welding Hand Book - Vol. 2 & 4", American Welding Society, 8th Edition, 1998.
EXPERT SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT Choice of domain, collection of knowledge base, selection of inference mechanism, case studies of expert system development in design and manufacturing, expert system tools, general structure of expert system, shell, examples of creation of an expert system using expert system tools. (9) LANGUAGES USED Using Prolog to design an expert system, converting rules to prolog, conceptual examples, introduction to LISP, function evaluation. List predicates, rule creation. (9) INDUSTRIAL APPLICATION OF AI AND EXPERT SYSTEMS Robotic vision systems, image processing techniques, application to object recognition and inspection, automatic speech recognition. (7) Total : 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. 2. Robert Levine, "A Comprehensive Guide to AI and Expert Systems", Tata McGraw Hill, 2005. Henry C. Mishk off, "Understanding AI", BPB Publications, New Delhi, 2005.
REFERENCE BOOKS 1. 2. Jankiraman, "Foundations of Artificial Intelligence and Expert System", McMillan India,2000. Krishnamoorthy C. S, Rajeev, "Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems for Engineers ", CRC Press,1996.
FORM DESIGN Redesign of castings based on parting line consideration, minimizing core requirements, redesigning cast numbers using weldments, use of welding symbols. (9) DESIGN FOR ASSEMBLY Selective assembly, deciding the number of groups, control of axial play, grouped datum systems - types, geometric analysis and applications - design features to facilitate automated assembly. (9) TRUE POSITION THEORY Virtual size concept, floating and fixed fasteners, projected tolerance zone, zero true position tolerance, functional gauges. Operation sequence for typical shaft type of components. Preparation of process drawings for different operations, tolerance work sheets and centrality analysis. (8) Total : 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. 2. Harry Peck, "Design for Manufacture", Pitman Publications, 1983. Matousek, "Engineering Design - A Systematic Approach", Blackie & Son Ltd., London, 1999.
REFERENCE BOOKS 1. 2. 3. 4. Trucks.H.E., "Design for Economic Production", Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Michigan, 2nd Edition, 1987. Sports.M.F. "Dimensioning and Tolerance for Quantity Production", Prentice Hall Inc., 1983. James.G.Bralla, "Hand Book of Design for Manufacturing", McGraw Hill Book Co., 1983. Oliver.R.Wade, "Tolerance Control in Design and Manufacturing", Industrial Press Inc., New York Publications, 1967.
capability and applications. Electro chemical grinding and Electro chemical discharge grinding - principles, process parameters, equipments, process capabilities and applications. (9) ELECTRO DISCHARGE MACHINING Principles, equipments, power supply, dielectric system, electrodes, servo system, process capabilities and applications. Electrical discharge wire cutting - Principles, equipments, positioning system wire drive system, power supply, dielectric systems, process parameters, process capabilities and applications in die making. Electrical discharge grinding, process principles, equipments, process parameters, process capabilities and applications. (9) ELECTRON BEAM MACHINING Principles, equipments, electron beam gun, power supply, and electron beam machining systems-process parameters, process capabilities and applications. An overview of electron beam welding. Laser processingprocess capabilities, equipments, solid state laser, gas laser, thermal features-applications-drilling-cutting, marking, welding, heat treating and cladding. Plasma arc machining-principles, equipments, process capabilities and applications. (9) Total : 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. 2. Gary. F.Benedict, "Non-Traditional Machining Processes", Marcell Dekker Inc., 1990. Bhattacharya A, "New Technology", IE Publishers, 1984.
REFERENCE BOOKS 1. 2. PandeyP.C. and Shanan.S., "Modern Machining Processes", Tata McGraw Hill Co. Ltd., 2005. HMT, "Production Technology", Tata McGraw Hill Co. Ltd., 2005.
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as UniGraphics, IDEAS, Pro-Engineer, CATIA, ESPIRIT, MASTERCAM, etc. (12) TOOLING FOR CNC MACHINES Interchangeable tooling system - preset and qualified tools - coolant fed tooling system - Modular fixture - quick change system - Automatic head changers - tooling requirements for turning and machining centres - Tool Assemblies - Tool Magazines -ATC mechanisms - Tool Management. (8) SPECIAL TYPES OF CNC MACHINES CNC grinding machines, EDM, Wire cut EDM, Punch press Installation, Maintenance - Testing and performance, Evaluation of CNC Machines. (7) Total : 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. 2. Radhakrishnan,P., "Computer Numerical Control Machines", New Central Book Agency, 2000. Sehrawat,M.S and NarangJ.S., "CNC Machines", Dhanpat Rai and Co., 1998.
REFERENCE BOOKS 1. 2. 3. 4. HMT, "Mechatronics", Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd., 1998. Thyer,G.E., "Computer Numerical Control of Machine Tools", B.H.Newberg, 1993. Krar.S., "CNC Technology and Programming", McGraw Hill, 1990. Peter Smid, "CNC Programming Hand Book", Industries Press Inc, 2000.
L T 3 0 ASSESSMENT : THEORY OBJECTIVE This module will aid students in understanding the potential of robotics application, utilisation of robotics in industry and escalates to the design of robotics system. OUTCOME The students can apply the knowledge gained in e-manufacturing applications with the use of robots in manufacturing automation and design optimization. INTRODUCTION Brief history of robots, robot definitions, today's practical importance of robot applications, challenges faced by robots in industrial situations, future scope of robotics. (3) GENERAL CONSIDERATION OF ROBOTIC MANIPULATORS Introduction - Brief history of robotics- Robot geometrical configurations - wrist and gripper subassemblies - robot drive systems - robot software. (5) KINEMATICS OF ROBOT MANIPULATORS Homogeneous representation of objects, robot manipulator joint coordinate system, Euler angles and Euler transformations, DenavitHartenburg (D-H) representations, direct kinematics in robotics, inverse kinematic solutions, geometrical approach in inverse Kinematics, Jacobian of transformation in robotic manipulation. (12) ROBOT WORKSPACE AND MOTION TRAJECTORY DESIGN General Structure of robotic workspaces, robotic workspace performance index, extreme reach of robotic hands, robotic task description, robotic motion, trajectory design, general design
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considerations on trajectories, 4-3-4 trajectory, 3-5-3 trajectory, simulation of robotic workspaces. (8) MOTION CONTROL OF ROBOTIC MANIPULATORS General arm control system - open and closed loop control systemserror controlled robotic dynamics - control structure of amplifier- control of a single axis robotic arm, common control systems for industrial robots, force control of robotic manipulators. (9) ROBOT SENSING AND ROBOT VISION SYSTEM Desirable features of sensor- range sensors - proximity sensors - tactile sensors-force sensors, torque sensing detectors - TV cameras illumination techniques - fundamentals of image processing visual data acquisition - image enhancement - image segmentation - image extraction and recognition- object and model matching - image extraction. Typical vision systems, robot programming languages characteristics of robot- level languages - characteristics of task level languages, simulation languages. (8) Total : 45 TEXT BOOK 1. Fu.K S, Gonzales .R.C., and Lee.C.S.G., "Robotic Control, Sensing, Vision and Intelligence", McGraw Hill International, 2006.
REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Mikell.P.Groover, MitchellWeiss, Tooger.N.Nager, and Nicholas G.Odrey, "Industrial Robotics Technology, Programming and Applications", McGraw Hill International, 2004. Richard.D.Klafter, Thomas.A.Chmielewski, and Michaelnegin, "Robotic Engineering - An Integral Approach", Prentice Hall of India, 2002.
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APPLICATION OF PLC Programmable Logic Controllers - Introduction - Basic structure - Input/ Output processing - Programming - Mnemonics Timers, Internal relays and counters - Data handling - Analog input/output - Selection of PLC. (8) DESIGN AND CASE STUDIES Design of Mechatronics - Designing - Possible design solutions - Case studies of Mechatronics systems. (8) Total : 45
TEXT BOOKS 1. 2. 3. Bolton, "Mechatronics - Electronic Control systems in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering", Addison Wesley Longman Ltd., 2005. Devdas shetty, Richard A. Kolk, "Mechatronics System Design", PWS Publishing Company, 2007. Bradley D.A., Dawson D., Burd N.C. and Loader A.J., "Mechatronics: Electronics in Products and Processes", Chapman and Hall, London, 2001.
REFERENCE BOOKS 1. 2. 3. Brian Morriss, "Automated Manufacturing Systems - Actuators, Controls, Sensors and Robotics", McGraw Hill International, 1995. Gopel, "Sensors: A Comprehensive Survey - Vol I and Vol VIII", BCH Publisher, New York, 2002. K.P.Ramachandran, G.K Vijayaraghavan ,and M.S. Balasundaram, "Mechatronics - Integrated Mechanical Electronic Systems", Wiley India Edition, 2008.
Michael B. Histand and David G.Alciatore, "Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems", McGraw Hill International Editions, 1999. HMT Ltd., "Mechatronics", Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., 1998. Ramesh S. Gaonkar, "Microprocessor Architecture Programming and Applications", Wiley Eastern, 1997. Dan Necsulescu, "Mechatronics", Pearson Education Asia, 2002.
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QUALITY SYSTEM Need- ISO 9000 quality system - quality system elements implementation of quality system -documentation- QS 9000 - ISO 14000. (9) Total : 45 TEXT BOOK 1. Dale H.Besterfield , Carol Besterfield, Michna, Glen H.Besterfield and Mary Besterfield-Sacre, "Total Quality Management", Pearson Education Inc., 2nd Impression, 2007.
REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Winchell William, "TQM: Getting Started and Achieving Results with Total Quality Management", Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Dearborn ML, 1993. Feigenbaum.A.V, "Total Quality Control", McGraw Hill Book Company, New York, 2004. Taguchi.G, "Introduction to Quality Engineering", Asian Productivity Organisation, Tokyo, 2004. Mahajan.M, "Statistical Quality Control", Dhanapat Rai and Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2002.
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TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS Clutches - Need - types - Single and Multi plate - diaphragm clutch over running clutch - fluid coupling. Gear boxes - Manual and automatic - Epi cyclic and hydromatic transmission, universal joint, propeller shaft, Hotchkiss drive, torque tube drive, differential - Need and types - Construction - Four Wheel drive. (8) BRAKE SYSTEMS, ALTERNATIVE FUELS AND POWER PLANTS Brakes - Need - types - Mechanical, hydraulic and pneumatic - Details of Components, redundancy in brake system, trouble shooting in brake system, power brake- Diagonal Braking system- Antilock Braking System. Alternative fuels - Hydrogen - Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) - Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG), alternative power plants - Electric Hybrid Vehicle -Fuel Cells. (8) ENGINE AUXILIARY SYSTEMS Carburetors, Electronic fuel injection systems - mono point and Multi point types - CRDI, principles of modern electrical systems - Battery, dynamo, alternator, starting motor, lighting and ignition (Battery and electronic types) - Automobile air conditioning, turbo charging. (8) Total : 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. 2. Sethi H.M, "Automobile Technology", Tata McGraw Hill, 2004. Kirpal Singh, "Automobile Engineering - Vol 1 and 2", Standard Publishers, New Delhi, 2004.
REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Joseph Heitner, "Automotive Mechanics", East West Press, 3rd Edition, 2002.
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R.B.Gupta, "Automobile Engineering", Sathya Prakashan Publications, New Delhi, 1993. William H.Crouse, "Automotive Mechanics", Tata McGraw Hill, 10th Edition, 2007. Crouse and Anglin., "Automotive Mechanism", Tata McGraw Hill, 9th Edition, 2003. Newton, Steeds and Garet, "Motor Vehicles", Butterworth Publishers, 2004.
AUTOMOTIVE EMBEDDED SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT INTRODUCTION TO EMBEDDED SYSTEMS Embedded Systems - definition, Components of Embedded systems, Microprocessor, Classification of Microprocessors (based on architecture, based on performance), Microcontrollers, Memory, Peripherals. Introduction to an embedded board (TMS470 based / ARM9 based) for hands on lab sessions (RISC processor based with standard peripherals / interfaces and I/Os). (8) OPERATING SYSTEM IN EMBEDDED ENVIRONMENT Introduction to OS - General Purpose OS, RTOS - Kernel - Pre-emptive & Non pre-emptive, Scheduler, Interrupt - Interrupt latency and Context Switch Latency - Board Support package, Task - Multi-tasking, Task synchronization, Inter-task communication, Features of a typical embedded RTOS (C/OS-II). (6) INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT IN EMBEDDED ENVIRONMENT Integrated Development Environment (Introduction to IDE, Getting Started, Hardware / Software Configuration (Boot Service, Host - Target Interaction), Booting (IDE-Interaction, target-Agent), Reconfiguration, Managing IDE, Target Servers, Agents, Cross - Development, debugging), Introduction to an IDE for the lab board - RTOS, PC based debugger. (8) EMBEDDED SYSTEM IN AUTOMOTIVE CONTEXT Embedded systems in typical modern automobile - Distributed systems, Embedded components a) Engine Management system - Diesel / Gasoline system, Components, System architecture (H/W, S/W) b) Vehicle safety systems, c) Body electronics systems, d) Infotainment systems - Navigation, Car radio. (4) EMBEDDED SYSTEM COMMUNICATION PROTOCOLS Introduction to Control networking, Communication protocols in embedded systems - SPI, I2C, USB, -Vehicle communication protocols
- Introduction to CAN, LIN, FLEXRAY, MOST, KWP 2000- Details of CAN. (4) AUTOMOTIVE APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT: FUNCTIONAL DESIGN, AUTO-CODE GENERATION Introduction to Modeling and Simulation - ASCET, Labcar, INCA (Setup 1 definition support by RBEI) or Matlab, Simulink, Labview (Setup 2), Autocode generation for a given automotive control application (e.g. Throttle valve control, PID simulation). (8) Total : 47 REFERENCE BOOKS 1. 2. Robert Bosch, "Bosch Automotive Handbook", Bentley Publishers, 6th Edition, 2004. Joerg Schaeuffele, Thomas Zurawka, "Automotive Software Engineering - Principles, Processes, Methods and Tools", SAE International, 2005. Jean J. Labrosse, "C/OS-II Real Time Kernel", CMP Books, 2002.
09E23 REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING (Use of refrigeration, air conditioning and thermodynamic tables and charts permitted)
L T 3 1 ASSESSMENT : THEORY OBJECTIVE To provide an introduction to the various thermodynamic cycles used in refrigeration and air conditioning systems, aspects related to selection of refrigerants, cooling systems and design for comfort air conditioning. OUTCOME On completion of the course, the student will be able to perform basic calculations related to the performance of various refrigeration cycles and air conditioning processes. The student would acquire basic knowledge of psychrometry. AIR CYCLE REFRIGERATION Review of thermodynamic principles of refrigeration. Bell Coleman air refrigeration- Aircraft cycle- simple, boot strap and regenerative cycle analysis - COP Calculation. (4) REFRIGERANT SELECTION Properties, Eco-friendly refrigerants. VAPOUR COMPRESSION REFRIGERATION SYSTEM T-S and P-H charts - analysis - Performance of systems under varying operating conditions. Multi-Stage refrigeration working principles Cascade refrigeration. (8) BALANCING OF COMPONENTS Condensers - Air cooled, water cooled and evaporative condensers. Evaporator - flooded, dry expansion, shell and tube and double pipe. Compressors - reciprocating, rotary and centrifugal types. Expansion devices- capillary and TEV. (8)
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VAPOUR ABSORPTION SYSTEMS Ammonia - water systems, three fluid systems. Water - lithium bromide system- Comparison - Steam jet refrigeration, solar refrigeration. (8) AIR CONDITIONING Psychrometric processes - use of psychrometric chart - Bypass factor - air conditioning cycles - winter, summer and year round air conditioning systems - effective temperature- comfort conditions. (8) AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEMS Duct design - economic considerations, methods - air distributing systems - humidification - air cleaning - controls - window air conditioners. (7) Theory : 45 Tutorial : 15 Total : 60 TEXT BOOKS 1. 2. Manohar Prasad, "Refrigeration and Air conditioning", Wiley Eastern Ltd., Third Edition, 2007. Domkundwar and Arora, "A Course in Refrigeration and AirConditioning", Dhanpat Rai and Co. (P) Ltd., 2007.
REFERENCE BOOKS 1. 2. 3. Arora. C.P., "Refrigeration and Air conditioning", Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi. 2007. Roy.J.Dossat., "Principles of Refrigeration", Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., 2005. Thipse. S.S., "Refrigeration and Air conditioning", Jaico Publishing House, 2006.
TEXT BOOKS 1. 2. Rai. G.D., "Non Conventional Energy Sources", Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 2007. Sukhatme, S.P., "Solar Energy", Tata McGraw Hill, 2nd Edition, 2007.
REFERENCE BOOKS 1. 2. 3. Clup, "Principle of Energy Conversion", Tata McGraw Hill, 2005. Magal, "Solar Power Engineering", Tata McGraw Hill, 2005. Ashok V Desai, "Non-Conventional Energy", Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi, 2002.
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COMBUSTION IN CI ENGINE Combustion in C.I engines- delay period- variables affecting delay period- diesel knock- methods of controlling diesel knock- C.I engine combustion chamber- cold starting of C.I. engines- cold starting aidssuper charging and turbo charging. (9) I.C ENGINE EMISSION AND ITS CONTROL Pollution from I.C. engines, Formation of pollution from C.I. and S.I. engines- control methods- NOx, CO and UBHC emission formationparticulate emission- EGR- particulate traps- catalytic converterscontinuous regeneration traps- simultaneous reduction of smoke and NOx. (7) EMISSION MEASURING TECHNIQUES Emission instrumentation- Measurements of pollution- FID, NDIR and chemiluniscent techniques- smoke measurement for diesel enginesDriving cycles, USA, FTP, ECE, Japan test procedures and Indian driving cycles- SHED Test- Chassis dynamometer- Emission standards. (7) Total : 45
TEXT BOOKS 1. 2. Mathur.M.L. and Sharma. R.P., "I.C. Engines", Dhanpat Rai Publishers, 2004. John Heywood, "Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals", McGraw Hill Inc., 2007.
REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Edward.F.Obert, "Internal Combustion Engines and Air Pollutions", Horapar and Row Publishers, 2001.
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Colin R Ferguson, "Internal Combustion Engines and Applied Thermodynamics", John Wisely and Sons, 2005 Watson, H. C. and Milkins, E. E., "Fundamentals of Exhaust Emissions", The University of Melbourne, 1971. Sher, and Eran, "HandBook of Air Pollution from Internal Combustion Engines - Pollution Formation and Control", Academic Press, 1998.
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of terms used in the centrifugal pumps like manometric head, suction head, delivery head, pressure rise and efficiency, slip, priming, cavitations, NPSH (6) THERMODYNAMIC FLUID FLOW, THERMODYNAMIC ANALYSIS OF COMPRESSION AND EXPANSION PROCESSES Stagnation and static properties and their relations, sonic velocity and Mach number, classification of fluid flow based on Mach number, compression and expansion processes- overall isentropic efficiency, stage efficiency, comparison and relation between overall efficiency and stage efficiency, polytropic efficiency, preheat factor, Reheat factor. (9) STEAM TURBINES Classification, single stage impulse turbine, condition for maximum blade efficiency, stage efficiency. Compounding - Need for compounding, method of compounding. Impulse Staging - maximum utilization factor for multistage turbine with equiangular blades, effect of blades and nozzle losses. Reaction turbine- maximum blade efficiency. (9) HYDRAULIC TURBINES Classification - Pelton, Francis and Kaplan turbines - velocity triangles, design parameters - efficiency - different blade speeds. (9) Total : 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. 2. Dixon D.L., "Turbomachinery", Pergamaon Press, 2007. Lewis R.I., "Turbomachinery - Performance Analysis", Elsevier Science & Technology Books, 1996.
REFERENCE BOOKS 1. 2. 3. Stepanoff A.J., "Turbo Blowers", John Wiley and Sons, 1970. Brunoeck, "Fans", Pergamon Press, 1973. Austin H. Church, "Centrifugal Pumps and Blowers", John Wiley and Sons, 1980.