Official Letter To Mrs Viviane Reding, EC
Official Letter To Mrs Viviane Reding, EC
Official Letter To Mrs Viviane Reding, EC
Dear Mrs Reding, although this is my first official letter to you and Eureopean Comission, I believe that the officials od the EU Delegation to Croatia are well informed about my case, because I sent them all the relavant documentation from the period 2009-2012. My last official letters with relavent documentation were sent on the address of the EU Delegation to Croatia in Ocrober and December 2012 (Appendix 2 A, B), on the occasion of my peaceful appellant protest (hunger strike) in front of the German Embassy in Zagreb, when, on the basis my case, I implicitly urged German government to take the problem of corruption in Croatian judiciary seriously before the ratification of accession agreement with the Republic of Croatia ( Appendix 1). On that occasion, I have sent the EU Delegation to Croatia (Appendix 2 A, B), an extensive, shocking documentation of undisguised and utterly shameless corruption in the work of the Croatian judiciary: Croatian Bar Association (CBA) = Hrvatska odvjetnika komora (HOK), the Croatian courts, and high-ranking officials in the Ministry of Justice, because all that judiciary autorities were consciously, publicly trampling my fundamental human right to life: that shocking fact is publicly confirmed by the president of Croatian Helsinki Committee (CHC) in the article HHO: Ante Vrankovid je u pravu = "CHC: Ante Vrankovid is right" (Appendix 3 and CD here attached, Folder I. - File 1) released on March 31, 2012 in "Slobodna Dalmacija", one of the most renowned dailies in Croatia. Now, when the Croatian judiciary in the same way as in my case of a private citizen, reacted in the case of Federal Republic of Germany and the rule of law in general, in the well known case of "Perkovid`s law" (i. e. Lex Perkovic), and knowingly, against the will of the Croatian citizens, and ag ainst the elementary norms of civilized behavior, defended Josip Perkovid - the murderer of Croatian patriot Stephen Djurekovic (link:, I believe that you realize how deeply corect was the title of my report " Ministry of
Justice and the Culture of Death" (Appendix 2 B and CD here attached, Folder V. - File 1) at the forum "The Victims of the Croatian Judiciary" in Zagreb, held on November 12, 2012. Indeed, as the Deputy Minister of Justice Mr. Ivan Crnec implicitly asked me to die (sic!), in the similar manner the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Croatia himself, Mr Orsat Miljenid coldly stood up in defense of the murderer Perkovid , showing that the "culture of death" that I prooved (with 30 official documents!) in my report on the example of his assistant Ivan Crnec, is a rule, rather than an exception in the work of the Croatian Ministry of Justice, and other Croatian judicial authorities as well. Because of the significance of these facts, I wish to point out that before arriving at that position the Minister of Justice Orsat Miljenid was a lawyer and a member of the Croatian Bar Association, which - as is confirmed by the Croatian Helsinki Committee (Appendix 3 and CD here attached, Folder I. - File 1) - in my case is trampling my fundamental human right to life! Many other members of the Croatian Bar Association (CBA) are also convicted criminals (even murderers!), and despite the existence of the CBA`s Code of Ethics (see Appendix 5), most of them were never sanctioned by the Croatian Bar Association for such radically illegal and unethical criminal acts although CBA as a guild organization has a legal obligation to do so (CD attached, Folder VI. - Files 1-6). Furthermore, even some ex presidents of CBA were almost convicted for the extortion of bribe (well-known lawyer Marijan Hanekovid, see CD attached, Folder VI. - File 1), i. e. the same crime which they are now repeating in my case! I believe that most of EU officials finaly realized that Mr Gunther Krichbaum and Mr Norbert Lammert were right when they said in October 2012 that because of the situation in the judiciary "Croatia is not yet ready to join the EU" (Link: Now we saw that "good intentions and promises" of Croatian
authorities were unfortunately - conscious lies, as it became obvious in the case of "Perkovid's Law", and the perfidious byzantine manner in which the Croatian Minister of Justice and his colleagues pushed it through. I think that it is now also clear that my implicit public message (an inscription on the banner with which I stood in front of German embassy: "Mr Annen (=ambassador), is your government going to kneel down before the vast amount of obvious corruption in the work of the Croatian judiciary?") was not taken seriously enough, and that majority of German and European polititians and officials naively thought that Croatian judiciary can`t relay be so much corrupt as it is (for decades!). I believe that even you Mrs Reding were shocked by perfidious manner in which the Croatian Minister of Justice Orsat Miljenid took advantage of the time gap between Germany's ratification of the accession agreement with the Croatia (June, 7), and it`s joining the EU (July, 1), so that in those 25 days he pushed "Perkovid`s law". I belive that you were also shocked by the manner Miljenid in this case consciously publicly ridiculed confidence that German and EU officials had in Croatia's readiness to accept the European standards of civilisation in the domain of the judiciary. I have decided to send you this sincere request for your appeal to the Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe CCBE to make a legitamate pressure on Croatian Bar Association in the case of my hunger strike, to comply with international lawyers guild legislation, European Convention of Human Rights and EU guidelines for the situations when the hunger strikers`s life is endangered. And if Croatian Bar Association (CBA) refuses to do so, and sends me to death just because I did not give the requested bribe to their disciplinary prosecutor Predrag Laban to solve my 2 disciplinary reports (=accusations well proved by dozens of official documents) of March 13 and September 13, 2012, I hope that the the Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE) will take care to preserve the international lawyers guild dignity and ensure that the CBA which openly works in way of a criminal organization, will be excluded from its membership.
I will be sending you my medical records via the European Comission office in Zagreb every week from June 10 on, and in the case of my death, Croatian associations for the protection of human rights are going to send you official notification of that event.
Basic information about my hunger strike caused by a systematic, repetitious illegal actions of Croatian Bar Association (Hrvatska odvjetnika komora)
A few years ago, when Croatian politician Branimir Glava spent more than a year in a series of successive hunger strikes, I slightly cynically asked myself: " Why Glava did not simply striked for 60 days, and saved himself and his family one year of torture and "pulling a cat's tail"? Circumstances of my own hunger strike gave me - on my own skin - an answer to that, now I can see, very naive question. The question was naive because of two reasons: 1) The hunger strike is lasting 60 days only if the person who is on strike at the beginning of the strike has the ideal body weight for its height, which neither Branimir Glava (95 kg), neither I (2 heads taller) with 129,50 kg (see high-resolution image on CD here attached, Folder V. - File 11) did not have. 2) Due to the continous unethical and illegal behavior of the other side (Croatian Bar Association): 3 defamations in top-media (criminal acts!), non-answering to more than 30 of my official letters, and the fact that CBA's officials committed 7 different violations of Croatian Criminal Code, i. e. criminal acts (many of that 1 acts were done several times ), I realized that it is necessary to clarify the situation about my case, and I did that in my correspondence with Croatian Helsinki Committee (president Ivan Zvonimir iak, attacked and heavily beaten in front of his Zagreb apartment 5 days ago (June 28, 2013) several hours after he publicly criticised illegal behaviour of Croatian government in the case of Perkovid`s law: see Appendix 4 B), The Association for the Protection of the Victims of Croatian Judiciary Veronica Vere (President Nada Landeka),
For more details, see my last official letter to the CBA (May 16, 2013), page 2, and documentation in footnote 34, on CD here attached, Folder I. - File 9.
The Association for Legal Protection Juris Protecta (President Zlatko Zeljko) , the Police (Ist Police Station Zagreb 3 4 - Mayor Zvonimir Petrovid) , the Ministry of Finance - Tax Administration (Director Nada avlovid Smiljanec) , 5 and the USKOK = Bureau for Combating Corruption and Organized Crime (Deputy Director Antonija Vrancic) . Judges and lawyers with whom I spoke about my hunger strike have told me right from the start that I have to endure until the end (= the moment when my life will be directly endangered), but I was afraid to go that far and to put my neck on the tree-stump" until the factual situation about my strike is not completly clear, which is now finally the case. So on the April 23, 2013 I started full hunger strike again (taking only water and salt), and I made just a short pause from June 13 till June 21 by taking sugar and vitamin B - the so-called Turkish hunger strike in which I was from June 2012 till April 2013, losing in one moment more than 60 kg(!). I made that pause (June 13 21, 2012) for the purpose of writing this official letter to you and to Mr Norbert Lammert). My hunger strike (again full hunger strike from June 22 on) is under supervision of my doctor, and the fact that I am indeed on full hunger strike is clearly confirmed by the medical reports which are regularly published on Scribd (link: see especially low values of blood sugar and potassium, loss of which leads to hard beat failure i. e. death. In this moment I have lost over 50 kg (from 129,50 to 79) and in this last round more than 15 kg, so now I look even worse than on the comparison photo in Veernji list (here on the attached CD, Folder V. - File 11). My complete case is summarized on just 4 pages with numerous footnotes (which specify links to vast relevant documentation) in my last memo to the Croatian Bar Association (CBA) sent on their address on May 16, 2013 (see CD attached to this letter, Folder I. - File 9). It is very informative, and contains many important evidences about the stunning amount of corruption in CBA and Croatian judiciary in general. In the case of the criminal offense of extortion of bribe, abuse of power and authority, and defamation in top-media by the CBA`s disciplinary prosecutor Predrag Laban, who asked me a bribe for solving my case by saying: I am a volunteer, why should I solve that to you?, obviously alluding that I should give him some additional reason a bribe to perform his duty of CBA`s disciplinary prosecutor in my particular case, and since I haven`t gave him any bribe - he still haven`t even answered on my 2 disciplinary reports (accusations) of March 13, 2012 and September 13, 2012. So, up to this day, neither him, nor anyone else from the disciplinary bodies of CBA havent sent me any reply on my 2 disciplinary reports (March 13 and September 13, 2012) against their member-lawyer Dijana Zoriid who as it is confirmed by Croatian Helsinki Committee (CHC)
(see Appendix 1 and 3) and other above mentioned organizations for the protection of human rights is publicly denying me the fundamental right to life(!), which is violation of CBA`s Code of ethics (Art. 6
and 7, see Appendix 5) and other lawyer`s international guild regulations (see page 8 of this official letter, no. V) and it is one of basic reasons for my strike. Criminal acts of the former and current president of the Croatian Bar Association Leo Andreis and Robert Trava, are also well documented in materials on attached CD (see especially short description of that criminal acts in my memo dated by January 24, 2013 in Folder I. - File 4). Andreis and Trava were completely aware of Laban`s illegal, criminal acts, but they haven`t done anything to stop Laban, so they both consciously committed criminal acts of unscrupulous work in office, because they were in fact consciously protecting Laban in his criminal activities by not stopping, nor persecuting him, and that was the main reason of my report to USKOK against three of them (CD attached, Folder III. - File 1 and 4).
Messages of support to my protest: Croatian Helsinki Committee: CD here attached, Folder I. - File 1; Organization for the Protection of the Victims of Croatian Judiciary Veronica Vere: CD here attached, Folder V. - File 4; Organization for the Legal Protection Juris Protecta: CD here attached, Folder V. - File 5 3 See Documents 7-9 attached to my letter to the President and Board of Directors of CBA on the February 28, 2013: CD here attached, Folder I - File 6 4 Documentation: 1. Inquiry to the Tax administration director Mrs Nada avlovid Smiljanec regarding the legal merits of the of ficial attitude of the Croatian Bar Association that the non-payment of taxes and duties is not violation of the lawyer`s duties, January 2, 2013: CD here attached, Folder II. - File 1; 2. Documentation confirming that in Croatia only the thieves were against fiscalization, January 15, 2013: CD here attached, Folder II. - File 2; 3. Reply of Tax administration director Mrs Nada avlovid Smiljanec to my request, February 5 (15), 2013: CD here attached, Folder II. - File 3. 5 Documentation: 1. Criminal report (i. e. accusation) with vast accompanying documentation to USKOK = Bureau for Combating Corruption and Organized Crime (I sent them proofs for CBA`s disciplinary prosecutor Predrag Laban`s criminal acts of extortion of bribe and abuse of power and authority), January 10, 2013: see CD here attached, Folder III. - File 1; 2. My response to a question from USKOK: see CD here attached, Folder III. - File 2; 3. Official letter to the German ambassador Mr Annen, February 1; 2013: see CD here attached, Folder III. - File 3; 4. Addendum to my criminal report/accusation to USKOK (against ex president of CBA Leo Andreis, and actual president Robert Trava for the criminal act of un scrupulous work in office - Andreis and Trava were consciously protecting criminal acts of Predrag Laban by not persecuting him), February 4 2013: see CD attached, Folder III. - File 4; 5. Request to USKOK, March 4, 2013, see CD here attached, Folder III. - File 5; 6. Official letter to the Deputy Director of USKOK Andrea Vrancic, May 16, 2013: see CD attached, Folder III. - File 6
In few words, the point in my case is that the disciplinary prosecutor of CBA Predrag Laban vulgarly lied when he claimed that I did not presented any new evidence in my disciplinary report sent to CBA on March 13, 2012, which were not already presented in my disciplinary report sent on April 16, 2010. But, if you take just a quick look on my disciplinary report of March 13, 2012 you will see already at a first glance that the dates of enclosed evidences (May 12, 2010; November 10, 2010; December 12, 2010; October 27, 2011) show that I have presented many new evidences that were not possible to be presented to my disciplinary report of April 16, 2010 simply because the date of their origin is later! (Altogether, I have presented 13 new evidences to my disciplinary report of March 13, 2012, and as many as 30 new evidences to my disciplinary report of September 13, 2012!) Furthermore, the subject of my 2 disciplinary reports against the lawyer Dijana Zoriid from March and September 2012 (=trampling, i. e. disputing of my basic human right to live) is completely different from the subject of my disciplinary report against the same lawyer of April 16, 2010 (defamation in 4 leading newspapers, and 7 year long tax evasion i. e. fraud) and Laban, Andreis and Trava knew all theese facts very well (see the documents on CD, Folder I. - File 4, and Folder III. - File 1 and 4).
In my struggle I have explicit support, or I was officially confirmed to be right by these institutions:
1) The Croatian Helsinki Committee (CHC) - President Ivan Zvonimir iak (article: "CHC: Ante Vrankovid is right" (see Appendix 3 and CD here attached, Folder I. - File 1)
The Croatian Helsinki Committee officially confirmed that a member of Croatian Bar Association Dijana Zoriid is trampling (=disputing) my fundamental human right to life. That is a violation of Art. 6 and 7 of CBA`s Code of Ethics (Appendix 5), and international guild legislation (see this letter, p. 8, no. V.) which CBA illegally refuses to sanction.
2) The Association for the Protection of the Victims of Croatian Judiciary Veronika Vere - President Nada Landeka the same as The Croatian Helsinki Committee (CHC) - (see CD attached, Folder V. - File 4). 3) The Association for the Legal Protection Juris Protecta - President Zlatko Zeljko the same as The Croatian Helsinki Committee (CHC) - (see CD attached, Folder V. - File 5). 4) The First Police Station of the City of Zagreb Chief of station Zvonomir Petrovid (CD attached, Folder I. - File 3: proofs 50-51, p. 68-69).
Chief of The First Police Station of the City of Zagreb Mr Zvonimir Petrovid sent me on June 18, 2012 an official response to my previous inquiry about president of CBA`s Leo Andreis`s false report against me. In his response Chief Petrovid wrote that police investigation "failed to confirm the charges of Law Firm Andreis & Partners" against me, i. e., that president of CBA Leo Andreis falsely reported me (which is act of defamation, i. e. criminal act)! In the same context, it is also very significant to mention Andreis`s street violence (!) against me, which he committed by kicking my folding-chair and throwing it in the trash, when he realized that previous false report to the police failed to intimidate me. His public street violence against me Andreis had never denied, because he knows that I can prove it very easy, because he - like an ordinary criminal - left his fingertips on my folding-chair (see p. 70-72 on CD attached, Folder I - File 3).
5) Ministry of Finance Tax Administration - Director Nada avlovid Smiljanec (letter sent on February 5, 2013, see CD here attached, Folder II. - File 3)
On the May 10, 2010 my disciplinary report sent to the CBA on April 16, 2010 (sending of that report was advised to me in
January 2010 by the officials of CBA!) was rejected with the shocking "explanation" that in the seven-year long evasion of taxes
and duties (= criminal offense for which Croatian Criminal Code prescribes up to 10 years in prison) of the lawyer Dijana Zoriid there are "no elements of harder or easier violation of the lawyer`s duties, which means that CBA has the official attitude that lawyers do not have the duty to pay taxes! That shocking CBA`s official attitude was closely followed by a vast majority of Croatian lawyers, as you can see from the headline in "Jutarnji list" below:
Jutarnji list (one of two leading dailies in Croatia), December 19, 2012 - Cover page
Title says: Investigation
On January 2, 2013 I sent an inquiry to the director of Croatian Tax Administration Mrs Nada avlovid Smiljanec, asking her is it really the true that lawyers do not have the duty to pay taxes, as Croatian Bar Association several times officialy implied (May 10, 12 and 13, 2010). It is important to point out that CBAs officials never denied tax evasion which I have reported and proved with 95 evidences (official documents!) attached to my report of April 16, 2010, but they simply stated that in the reported criminal act which also means violation of CBA`s Code of Ethics (Articles 1-6, especially Article 6 see Appendix 5) "there are no elements of heavier or easier violation of the lawyer`s duties. That CBA`s official attitude (that paying of taxes is not one of Croatian lawyer`s duties) led to the situation that the lawyers became publicly wellknown as a leading profession in tax evasion in Croatia (see the title in "Jutarnji list" here on page 4). Detailed proofs of that shocking fact are available on the CD attached, Folder II. - File 1. In mid-February I received the following response from Mrs avlovid Smiljanec: "Regarding your inquiry about the duty of lawyers to settle their tax duties... ...please note that one of the basic obligations of the taxpayer is to settle their tax duties" (see CD attached: Folder II. - File 3). That official statement of the Director of Tax Administration Mrs avlovid Smiljanec clearly prooves that CBA`s rejection of my first disciplinary report (on May 10, 2010) which I sent them on April 16, 2010 was illegal, i. e. against the law, because payment of taxes and local taxes (that particular violation I have reported together with defamations in 4 different newspapers on April 16, 2010) required by law, obviously still falls within the duty of every taxpayer, and therefore also the lawyer, so the "argumentation" of CBA that in incontestably proven seven-year long (1996 - 2003) tax evasion of their colleague Dijana Zoriid there are "no elements of harder or easier violation of the lawyer`s duties was completely unfounded and illegal, just as CBA's rejection of my disciplinary report of April 16, 2010 with such a dishonourable "explanation", which CBA ultimately payed with obligation of introducing of fiscal cash registers in the all attorney's offices (unique case int he world!), and with shameful retreat of their request for the review of the constitutionality of the Fiscalization law from the Croatian Constitutional Court. President of CBA`s Robert Trava`s claim that CBA withdrew their request to review the constitutionality of the Fiscalization law from the Constitutional Court after CBA gained guarantees from the Ministry of Finance that confidentiality of lawyer`s secret will be respected (see the article of March, 4 2013: is his conscious lie and demagoguery, because that guarantee existed from the very beginning (see the article of January 8, 2013: When it is known that in my official letter sent on their address on January 24, 2012 (available on CD, Folder I. File 4), I haven`t informed CBA about my sending of vast documentation proving their three times repeated (May 10, 12 and 13, 2010) official, but illegal attitude (that lawyers do not have the duty to pay taxes) to the Minister of Finance Mr Slavko Linic himself, but just about sending of the same documentation to the the Director of Tax Administration Mrs Nada avlovid Smiljanec (for more detailes about that see my last official letter to the CBA, page 1, footnote 10 and Document 3, available on the CD attached, Folder I. File 9) it becomes clear that the CBA gave up of their request for the review of the constitutionality of the Fiscalization law from the Constitutional Court, when they realized that the Minister of Finance Slavko Linic with whom they negotiated, allready from January 3, 2013 had a very detailed (over 40 official documents) proof material of CBA's three times repeated(!) official attitude that the lawyers do not have the duty to pay taxes. CBA`s officials then realised that with that inexorable documentation the Ministry of Finance would soundly defeat CBA before the Court, because it is clear that even judiciary so well-known for its unhidden corruption as Croatian, can not, and will not say that CBA`s three times officialy repeated attitude that the lawyers do not have the duty to pay taxes is right.
Medical doctor a specialist psychologist (Medical report of February 12, 2013., see CD attached to this letter, Folder IV. File 2) Lawyers with whom I spoke about my strike told me that now, when I have explicit support, or I was officially confirmed to be right by The Croatian Helsinki Committee, The Association for the Protection of the Victims of Croatian Judiciary Veronika Vere, The Association for the Legal Protection Juris Protecta, the Police, and the Ministry of Finance Tax Administration, the situation in my case became clear, so that because of that particular reason CBA will probably try to intimidate me by saying that I'm crazy, especially since they had already done that in 2010 - explicitly, and in 2012 twice implicitly (see CD, Folder I. File 3, p. 17-18 (for 2012) and there quoted attached documents; and p. 150-151 (for 2010)).
Lawyers had therefore advised me to go to see a specialist - psychologist, who - as you can see from her report (see CD attached to this letter, Folder IV. File 2) - as well as psychiatrist in 2010 - based on previously conducted detailed researches concluded that I am a perfectly normal individual, struggling for his fundamental human right. So therefore, if at the end of this hunger strike I`ll die, it will be recorded that it happened to a perfectly normal person, which was given right by The Croatian Helsinki Committee, The Association for the Protection of the Victims of Croatian Judiciary Veronika Vere, The Association for Legal Protection Juris Protecta, as well as the State of Croatia (Ministry of Finance - Tax Administration, Police, USKOK) because he haven`t given the requested bribe to the disciplinary prosecutor of CBA Predrag Laban to solve his 2 disciplinary reports of March 13, and September 13, 2012, in which he reported the person already
responsible for the death of both of their parents by not providing them necessary help, for the reason of her material selfinterest (please see truly shocking proofs on the CD attached to this letter, Folder I. File 3, p. 2-3 (no. 4), 10-11, 21-22, 2829, 53-56, 82-83, 115-116, 121-130). My death will also confirm the statement given to me in January 2012 by famous Croatian lawyer Jadranko rnko, who told me that he quitted his duty of the president of the CBA`s regional Bar Association of the City of Zagreb because nobody normal doesn`t want anything to do with them in the Bar (=CBA) (see CD attached to this letter, Folder I. File 3, p. 96 and 112-113, and Folder I, File 2, pages 4-5 (Chapter VI.)).
7) USKOK = Bureau for Combating Corruption and Organized Crime (Deputy Director Antonija Vrancic, Memo of January 18, 2013 - see CD attached to this letter, Folder III. File 2; and letter of May 16, 2013 see CD attached to this letter, Folder III. File 6).
At first, USKOK responded promptly to my criminal report (detailed accusation based on 230 pages of documents) of January 10, 2013 against the disciplinary prosecutor of CBA Predrag Laban for extorting bribe and abuse of power and authority. On the February 14, 2012 I sent by fax to Mr Laban documentation of my case in his lawyer`s office in Bjelovar. When I called him by phone on the evening on the same day, he said that he saw the documentation which I sent him earlier that day, and then he asked me: I am a volunteer, why should I solve that to you?, obviously alluding that I should give him some additional reason a bribe to performe his duty of CBA`s disciplinary prosecutor in my particular case. I never gave him any bribe, and that is the reason why he never sent me any response to my 2 disciplinary reports of March 13 and September 13, 2012, nor have that 2 disciplinary reports ever been solved. On the February 4, 2013 I supplemented my original criminal report against Predrag Laban with evidences that CBA`s former president Leo Andreis and current president Robert Trava knew about Laban`s illegal activities, but haven`t done anything about that, thereby committing criminal acts of unscrupulous work in office, because they were in fact consciously protecting Laban in all his criminal activities by not stopping nor persecuting him, which was the reason to send the report to USKOK against all three of them (CD here attached, Folder III. - File 1 and 4). I informed CBA about that report on January 24, 2013 and they reacted (again) in the manner of the criminal organisation: they took advantige of the fact that ex head-master of USKOK Mr eljko ganjer is now lawyer and their regular member, and they blackmailed him with the possibility of loosing his lawyer`s licance, asking him to undermine my report against Laban, Andreis and Trava in his old firm USKOK, which he did. After that, USKOK started acting about my report against Laban, Andreis and Trava in an unserious way, but they still haven`t officialy rejacted my report: they are just perfidy waiting the solution of my hunger strike (see CD attached here, Folder III. - File 6), and then they will act accordingly. 7) All the lawyers and court judges I personaly know: for the oppinion of famous Croatian lawyer - an ex president of the CBA`s regional Bar Association of the City of Zagreb Mr. Jadranko rnko see CD, Folder I. File 3, p. 96.
They are also listed on p. 3-4 of my last official letter to the CBA, sent on May 16, 2013 (CD here attached, Folder I - File 9).
obveznim odnosima = Law of Obligations, Art. 1052 and 1095), so in that particular case the Law provides possibility of retribution in the amount of which damaged good was valuable to the person who suffered from loss, and I am sure that everyone will agree that good health can`t be estimated, because it is invaluable. As you will see from the documentation on the CD attached to this official letter, I haven`t asked CBA for any compensation for the first 8 months of my hunger strikes, until I felt the pain in the abdominal cavity, which was found by medical research to originate from a vast number (!) of polyps in the gallbladder (=polyposis), which is a pre-stage of cancer of which person dies within a few weeks . So, illegal work of CBA official Laban, and the rejection of CBA to solve my 2 disciplinary reports because I haven`t gave to Laban requested bribe cost me permanent disability, because for the reason of polyposis which can transist in one of the most deadly cancers in just a few weeks, I have to remove the gallbladder and became disabled person. To prove to the public that my compensatory request is fair, although by very long persisting in their illegal work and their consequent conscious destroying of my health CBA`s officials made it relatively high, I offered to the CBA to completely call off my request for the compensation of damages done to my health, if any of CBA`s officials of my age (40) would expose himself to: bradycardia, hypoglycemia, hypokalemia, bacterial inflammation, psychological pressure and would remove the gallbladder due polyposis, which is for me the cost of CBA`s officials refusal to solve my 2 disciplinary reports (see CD, Folder I. - File 5). It is important to point out that CBA can refund total amount of compensation paid out for damaging of my person (conscious defamations) and my health if they decide to sue their officials who consciously caused these damages by their illegal actions: CBA`s disciplinary prosecutor Predrag Laban, former president Leo Andreis, and current president Robert Trava (see CD attached to this letter, Folder I. - File 9, page 4).
7 8
See Proofs 52-54 (pages 70-72) on the CD attached to this letter, Folder I. File 3. See CD attached to this letter, Folder I. File 2, pages 4-5 (Chapter VI.); and Folder I. File 3, pages 96, 112, 113
B) Member of the CBA`s Board of Directors (in)famous Marijan Hanekovid voluntarely said to the press that he became the richest lawyer in Croatia by taking the business which everyone else disgusted: enforce payment of debts lower than 400 kuna, i. e. 55 euros (see that shocking statement in original atricle on the CD, Folder I. - File 7). By this public statement Hanehovid voluntarely proved that CBA`s officials are doing things which everybody else disgust if that things are in their material interest (as my death now is tp Laban, Andreis and Trava, see lower part oft his page), and that former President of Bar Association of the City of Zagreb Jadranko rnko way truly right when he said that: "nobody normal doesn`t want anything to do with them in the Bar (=CBA) C) On July 27, 2012 Leo Andreis who was president of CBA till July 7, 2012 has kicked (by foot) my small folding-chair beside which I peacefully protested in front of his lawyer`s office, and than took it (by hand) and threw it in the trash, leaving on the chair - like an ordinary criminal - his fingertips (see the proofs on pages 52-54 and 70-72 on the CD attached to this letter, Folder I. - File 3). Andreis would ceartinly not do that in public if he was afraid of any sanctions for this illegal and primitive behaviour.
In addition to these raw demonstration of primitivism and violence, which obviously has the purpose to publicly demonstrate lawyer`s untouchability within corrupt justice system of Croatia (I witnessed that untouchability already in January 2012, when the court did not wanted even to accept my law suit against CBA (sic! see CD attached to this letter, Folder V. - File 12)), especially for the CBA`s triplet Laban-Andreis-Trava now there's one more big reason (both for CBA, and its triplet of officials: Laban-Andreis-Trava) to send me to death: my compensation request for series of consciously committed damages (see page 6 of this letter, no. 2). After paying the compensation, CBA could sue mentioned triplet of officials for the damage they had to pay which is the consequence of their conscious illegal acts, so now my death (and not paying of lagal compensation for the serious of consciously committed damages) is in Predrag Laban`s, Leo Andreis`s and Robert Trava`s direct material interest (see the documentation on the CD, Folder I. - File 9, pages 2-4).
Dear Mrs Reding, I believe that documentation on the CD attached to this official letter proves more than sufficiently a huge amount of unhidden, open corruption in the work of the Croatian Bar Association (CBA), and in Croatian judiciary in general. By Croatian Bar Association`s refusal to solve my two disciplinary reports because I have not given the requested bribe to their disciplinary prosecutor Predrag Laban, Croatian Bar Association knowingly violated: CBA`s own Code of Ethics (Articles 6 and 7) Croatian Criminal Code (7 different offenses, see this letter: page 2, footnote 1) European guidelines on treatment of the persons in hunger strike (if CBA`s officials send me to death) IV. Universal declaration of Human Rights, Art. 3; and the European Convention of Human Rights, Art. 2, as confirmed by the Croatian Helsinki Committee (see Appendix 3 and CD attached to this letter, Folder I. File 1 and File 3, page 116) V. International guild legislation: 1. Code of Conduct for Practitioners of Law of the Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE) the basic principles: - (D) the dignity and honor of the legal profession, integrity and reputation of all lawyers - (I) respect for the rule of law and the fair application 2. Charter of Core Principles of the European Legal Profession , which is based on respect for the Universal declaration of Human Rights and the European Convention of Human Rights which were both violated in my case by the CBA, as it was publicly confirmed by the Croatian Helsinki Committee (CHC): "CHC: Ante Vrankovid is right" (Appendix 3). Therefore, I am sincerely asking you that - in the case of my death of which you will be informed by Croatian associations for the protection of human rights who are familiar with my case you send a copy of this letter and attached documentation to the Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE) so that CBA could be expelled from that renowed international guild organization, for the reasons of it`s open disrespect to the rule of law and continuous work in the manner of criminal organization, by both of which CBA knowingly caused the damage to the reputation of the European legal profession in general. Sincerely, Ante Vrankovi (handwritten signature)
In the attachment of this official letter:
Apendixes 1-5, and CD with 41 documents in e-format
Appendix 1
The article about my peaceful appellant protest in front of the German Embassy in Zagreb. The inscription on the banner reads:
"Mr Annen, is your government going to kneel down before the vast amount of obvious corruption in the work of the Croatian judiciary?"
Appendix 2
Open Letter to the President of the Croatian Bar Association Robert Trava, October 22, 2012, received at the EU Delegation to Croatia on October 30, 2012 - Link: See CD attached to this official letter, Folder I., File 3
Ante Vrankovid: "Ministry of Justice and the Culture of Death", report at the forum The Victims of the Croatian Judiciary", receaved at the EU Delegation to Croatia on December 4, 2012; at Gemran Embassy in Zagreb on November 22, 2012; at British Embassy in Zagreb on November 29, 2012. - Link: See CD attached to this official letter, Folder V., File 1
Appendix 3
The article HHO: Ante Vrankovid je u pravu = "CHC: Ante Vrankovid is right", released on March 31, 2012 in "Slobodna Dalmacija", one of the most renowned Croatian dailies
(CHC is English abbreviation for the Croatian Helsinki Committee; it`s title in Croatian is: HHO Hrvatski helsinki odbor)
Appendix 4 A
Einschrnkung des Europischen Haftbefehls in Kroatien
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Wie Sie sich sicherlich erinnern knnen, haben wir vor der Ratifizierung des EU Beitritts Kronatiens auf die Notwendigkeit der berwachung Kroatiens nach dem EU Beitritt hingewiesen. Im Bundestag gab es keinen Verstndnis dafr. Der Beitrittsvertrag wurde vorbehaltslos ratifiziert. Nicht ein Monat ist vergangen und die Kroatische Regierung hat den Vorschlag zur nderung des Gesetzes ber die justizielle Zusammenarbeit der EU Staaten in Strafsachen im Parlament eingebracht. Das Gesetz wird voraussichtlich noch vor dem EU Beitritt am 1.7.2013 verabschiedet bzw. In Kraft treten. In der kroatischen Presse wird ausgefhrt, dass das Gesetzt den Schutz der ehemaligen Geheimdienstler aus der Tito Zeiten zum Ziel hat. Unter ihnen befinden sich viele Mrder, die aus politischen Grnden die politische Gegner gettet haben. Einer davon ist der ehemaliger Geheimdienstchef in Kroatien Josip Perkovic, der von der Generalstaatsanwaltschaft Karlsruhe wegen Mithilfe bzw. Organisation des Mordes am Exilkroaten Stjepan Djurekovic in Wolfratshausen bei Mnchen gesucht wird bzw. seine Auslieferung an die deutsche Justiz verlangt wird. Mit der angestrebten Gesetzesnderung wre jede Auslieferung fr schwerste Straftaten, die vor dem 1.1.2002. begangen wurden, ausgeschlossen. Damit wre ein Verfolgungsende fr jede Art von Verbrechen, die zu Tito- und Tudjmanszeit begangen wurden, ausgeschlossen. Der Europische Haftbefehl ist damit in Kroatien praktisch unanwendbar. Lesen Sie mehr in Focus:
Nakon izjave da je 'na elu Vlade mahnit ovjek' pretuen Ivan Zvonimir iak
SUBOTA, 29 LIPANJ 2013 11:56
Posljednja ikova izjava: Na elu Vlade mahnit ovjek Predsjednik Hrvatskog helsinkog odbora Ivan Zvonimir iak, komentirajui jueranje izglasavanje Perkovievog zakona, za portal Politikaplus, kazao je da je "Hrvatska ula u autoritarni nain vladanja i da je na elu Vlade mahnit ovjek". - Sama injenica da su izglasali ovakav zakon dokazuje da je Hrvatska ula u autoritarni nain vladanja i da je na elu Vlade mahnit ovjek - kazao je tom prigodom iak. Napomeno je i da ova vlast svojim ponaanjem gura Hrvatsku u ponor, no i da je sve ovo poelo ranije, a ne s Josipom Perkoviem. - Zakon o HRT-u bio je prvi signal prema kakvom nainu vladanja Hrvatska ide. Ovo je dokaz da Hrvatska ne potuje europske zakone, a posljedice takvih odluka osjetit emo uskoro na svojoj koi - miljenja je iak, koji je nakon toga, sluajno ili ne, zavrio u bolnici. Da li su ikova posljednja izjava i njegovo trenutano stanje u bilo kakvoj meusobnoj vezi, za sada je teko kazati...
Appendix 5
Croatian Bar Association (CBA) - Code of Ethics
Kodeks odvjetnike etike* proieni tekst * Kodeks odvjetnike etike donesen je na Skuptini Hrvatske odvjetnike komore 18. veljae 1995., s Izmjenama i dopunama koje su donesene na Skuptini Hrvatske odvjetnike komore 12. lipnja 1999., objavljen je u Narodnim novinama br. 64 od 20.lipnja 2007. Dopune Kodeksa odvje tnike etike donijela je Skuptina Hrvatske odvjetnike komore dana 14. lipnja 2008. godine (NN 72/2008).
I. OPA NAELA 1. Kodeks odvjetnike etike (dalje u tekstu: Kodeks) utvruje naela i pravila ponaanja kojih su se, radi ouvanja dostojanstva i ugleda odvjetnitva, odvjetnici uvijek duni pridravati pri obavljanju svoje slube. 2. Osnovna naela sadrana su u sveanoj prisezi koju svaki odvjetnik daje prije poetka svoje odvjetnike djelatnosti. Ta naela trebaju biti sastavnim dijelom svijesti i uvjerenja svakog odvjetnika. 3. Odnos odvjetnika prema vlastitoj stranci, protivnoj stranci i njezinim zastupnicima, prema drugim odvjetnicima, sudovima, dravnim odvjetnicima te drugim dravnim tijelima ili uope tijelima s javnim ovlastima treba biti odreen njegovim poloajem zatitnika prava graana i pravnih osoba. 4. U svojim nastupima, podnescima, govorima i drugim slubenim radnjama te openito drutvenim javnim ili privatnim nastupima odvjetnik treba voditi rauna o zahtjevima profesionalne i ope kulture. 5. Pri obavljanju svog poziva odvjetnik se ima tako ponaati da zadobije i uvrsti povjerenje svoje stranke i istodobno pravosudnih i drugih tijela pred kojima nastupa. 6. Odvjetnik je duan savjesno ispunjavati dunosti koje proizlaze iz odvjetnikog poziva i uvati ugled i dostojanstvo odvjetnitva pri obavljanju poziva i u privatnom ivotu. 7. Svojim ponaanjem odvjetnik mora sluiti kao primjer humanosti, potovanja ljudskog dostojanstva i progresivnih nastojanja u priznavanju i ostvarivanju temeljnih ljudskih prava i sloboda. 8. Odvjetnik smije tititi interese svoje stranke samo sredstvima koja su u skladu sa zakonom, s dostojanstvom odvjetnikog poziva i s dobrim obiajima, a nisu protivna njegovoj savjesti. 9. Pri zastupanju stranaka odvjetnik je duan sauvati svoju nezavisnost. 10. Odvjetnik se ne smije prihvatiti poslova koji nisu spojivi s njegovim pozivom i koji bi mogli tetiti njegovoj nezavisnosti i dobrom glasu te asti i ugledu odvjetnitva.
Postal confirmation of receiving of this official letter in Mrs Reding`s office on July 8 2013