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Bridge Design Report - Docx 150

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20th April 2011

Group Plagiarism Declaration ..................................................................... 3

Introduction ................................................................................................. 4
Chapter 1 .................................................................................................... 4
Site investigation......................................................................................... 4
Construction Brief ....................................................................................... 5
Chapter 2 .................................................................................................... 5
Loads on the deck ..................................................................................................................................... 5
Design assumptions .................................................................................................................................. 6
Special features ......................................................................................................................................... 6
Codes of practice and standards used in the design ................................................................................ 6
Reference documents ............................................................................................................................... 7
Design life and material strength............................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Calculations with sketches ........................................................................................................................ 7

Chapter 3 .................................................................................................... 8
Pre-tensioned beam ................................................................................... 8
Design assumptions .................................................................................................................................. 8
Codes of practice and standards used in the design ................................................................................ 9
Reference documents ............................................................................................................................... 9
Calculations with sketches ........................................................................................................................ 9

Chapter 4 .................................................................................................... 9
Column ....................................................................................................... 9
Design assumptions .................................................................................................................................. 9
Special features ......................................................................................................................................... 9
Codes of practice and standards used in the design .............................................................................. 10
Reference documents ............................................................................................................................. 10
Calculations with sketches ...................................................................................................................... 10

Chapter 5 .................................................................................................. 10
Design assumptions ................................................................................................................................ 10
Special features ....................................................................................................................................... 10
Group 2

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20th April 2011

Codes of practice and standards used in the design .............................................................................. 11

Reference documents ............................................................................................................................. 11
Calculations with sketches ...................................................................................................................... 11

Chapter 6 .................................................................................................. 11
Retaining wall ........................................................................................... 11
Design assumptions ................................................................................................................................ 11
Special features ....................................................................................................................................... 11
Codes of practice and standards used in the design .............................................................................. 11
Reference documents ............................................................................................................................. 12
Design life and material strength............................................................................................................ 12
Calculations with sketches ...................................................................................................................... 12

Chapter 7 .................................................................................................. 12
Pile foundation .......................................................................................... 12
Design assumptions ................................................................................................................................ 12
Special features ....................................................................................................................................... 13
Codes of practice and standards used in the design .............................................................................. 13
Reference documents ............................................................................................................................. 13

Group 2

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20th April 2011


UNIVERSITY OF KwaZulu Natal School of Civil Engineering

Group Plagiarism Declaration


Ground and structures


Course ID

Course Name



Bridge design Project

Session & Year

Title of Assessment Task to which this Declaration applies

We the undersigned, individually declare that:

the percentages listed below represent a fair indication of the proportional contribution made by each
member of the group submitting this piece of work for assessment;

my contribution to this assessment item is my own work, except where acknowledged, and has not
been submitted for academic credit elsewhere;

all reasonable care has been taken to ensure that no other person has been able to copy this work
either in paper or electronic form.

We acknowledge that the assessor of this item may, for the purpose of assessing this item:

reproduce this assessment item and provide a copy to another member of the University; and/or,

Communicate a copy of this assessment item to a plagiarism checking service (which may then retain
a copy of the assessment item on its database for the purpose of future plagiarism checking).

We certify that we have each read and understood the University Rules in respect of Student Academic
Student Number

Student Name


Mpho Nephembani

Group 2


Page 3

20th April 2011



Chapter 1

Site investigation

Group 2

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20th April 2011


Construction Brief

Chapter 2

Loads on the deck

Permanent action, this includes self weight of the structural elements. The density of reinforce
concrete was taken as 25kN/m3 (EN7). The nominal thickness of the surfacing, including water
proofing layer was taken as 25mm, the self weight of the kerbs and hand railing was also
included. Pedestrian traffic load of 5kN/m2 (THM 7 part 1 and 2) was use for this bridge design
exercise (see calculation sheet provided with the report for the calculation of the loads)
Design of the deck
Reinforced concrete is the concrete in which reinforcing bars (rebars) have been incorporated
to strengthen the concrete in tension. Concrete is strong in tension, but weak in tension, thus
adding reinforcement increases the strength in tension.
The reinforcement determined in this section is based on the maximum positive moment in the
slab and maximum negative moment over the cantilever (see the calculation sheet for

Group 2

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20th April 2011

diagrams). Shear checks was done using the maximum shear force, deflections was checked for
the cantilever and the simply supported part and these were found be within the range.
The following parameters were used for the analysis purpose and design.

Slab thickness = 150mm (note that this is the effective slab thickness ignoring surfacing
layer (i.e. integral wearing surface)

Surfacing thickens = 25 mm

Unit weight of concrete (concrete) = 25 kN/m3 ( EN 7)

Concrete cover = 40mm ( table 19 SABS 0100-2)

Kerbs =250 mm 250 mm

Fcu (cube strength) = 40 Mpa

Fy , Fyv (high tensile) =450 MPa

Design assumptions
The following assumptions were used for analysis and design purpose:

Assume the slab is simply supported and is spanning in on direction.

Self weight is based on the nominal dimension

Assume the slab thickness of 150mm and a surfacing thickness of 25mm.

Assume the self weight of the hand rail to be a point load acting at the center.

Ignore wind loading

Ignore thermal loading

Ignore reinforcement for shrinkage and temperature stress

Special features

Codes of practice and standards used in the design

Bridge Design Code TMH 7 Part 2, 1981, Pretoria South Africa.

The structural used of concrete code SABS 01001-1, 2000, edition 2.2, Published by South
African bureau of Standards.

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20th April 2011

Detailing of steel reinforcement for concrete code SABS 0144, 1995. Edition 2, Published by
South African Bureau of Standards.

Reference documents

Charles Edward Reynolds, Charles E. Reynolds, James Cyril Steedman. (2007). Reynoldss
reinforced concrete designers handbook. London: Taylor and Frances London.

Craig, R. R. (1999). Machananics of materials. New York: John Wiley & Sons.

Structural Design 1 Class notes, 2009, University of KwaZulu Natal

Structural Design 2 class notes, 2010, University of KwaZulu natal

Calculations with sketches

Group 2

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20th April 2011


Chapter 3

Pre-tensioned beam

Design assumptions

Group 2

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Codes of practice and standards used in the design

Reference documents

Calculations with sketches

Chapter 4

Design assumptions

Special features

Group 2

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Codes of practice and standards used in the design

Reference documents

Calculations with sketches

Chapter 5
Pile cap

Design assumptions

Special features

Group 2

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Codes of practice and standards used in the design

Reference documents

Calculations with sketches

Chapter 6
Retaining wall
Design assumptions

Special features

Codes of practice and standards used in the design

Group 2

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20th April 2011


Reference documents

Design life and material strength

Calculations with sketches

Chapter 7
Pile foundation
Design assumptions

Group 2

Page 12


20th April 2011

Special features

Codes of practice and standards used in the design

Reference documents

Group 2

Page 13


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20th April 2011

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