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Introduction To Simulation: Dr. John Mellor-Crummey

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Introduction to Simulation

Dr. John Mellor-Crummey

Department of Computer Science Rice University johnmc@cs.rice.edu

COMP 528 Lecture 19 29 March 2005

Topics for Today

The role of simulation Common mistakes in simulation Causes of simulation failure Simulation terminology Selecting a simulation language Types of simulations Scheduling events

More Simulation Topics

Next class
how to verify and validate a simulation how long should you run a simulation? how can the same accuracy be achieved with shorter run?

Next week
random number generation how to select RNG seeds how to verify that a RNG is good how to generate random variables with a given distribution

The Role of Simulation

Why simulation?
system under study may not be available
common in design and procurement stages

simulation may be preferred alternative to measurement

controlled study of wider range of workloads and environments

higher accuracy results than analytical modeling

Why not?
accurate simulation models take a long time to develop
typically the evaluation strategy that takes the longest

Review of Evaluation Techniques

Criterion Stage Time required Tools Accuracy Trade-off evaluation Cost Saleability Analytical Simulation Modeling any small analysts low easy low low any medium programs moderate moderate medium medium Measurement post-prototype varies instrumentation varies difficult high high

Evaluation Rules of Thumb

Combining evaluation techniques is useful
analytical model: find interesting range of parameters simulation: study performance within parameter range

Until validated, all evaluation results are suspect!

always validate one analysis modality with another beware of counterintuitive results!

Common Mistakes in Simulation

Common Mistakes: Too Much Detail

Inappropriate level of detail

Level of detail limited only by time available for development A detailed model may not be a better model
may require more detailed knowledge of input parameters
inaccurate assumptions can yield wrong results example: time to service disk requests for timesharing simulation could use exponential distribution for time for request service could simulate disk rotation and head movement but simulation better only if sector & track locations known

may take too much time to develop

Recipe for success

start with less-detailed model get some results study sensitivities introduce details in key areas that affect results most

Common Mistakes: Programming Language

Programming language = major impact on development time Special-purpose languages
Facile [Larus Hill, Schnarr PLDI 2001] language and compiler for processor simulators

require less model development simplify several common tasks, e.g.

verification using traces statistical analysis fast-forwarding of simulations

General-purpose languages
more portable provide more control over efficiency and run-time lack support for model development

Common Mistakes: Unverified Models

Simulations are computer programs Bugs and programming errors are common Need to verify models to avoid wrong conclusions
check that the model does what it is intended to do
check whether simulation implements assumptions properly


Common Mistakes: Invalid Models

Even if simulation has no errors it may not be representative
assumptions: must validate representativeness
otherwise, simulated behavior will not be representative

All simulation results are suspect Must confirm with at least one of
analytical model measurements intuition


Common Mistakes: Initial Conditions

Improper handling of initial conditions

Initial part of a simulation is generally not representative

transient behavior rather than steady state

Initial part of simulation should be discarded

several techniques for identifying beginning of steady state


Common Mistakes: Too Short Simulations

Simulation run times are often very long Temptation is to halt simulations ASAP However
results may be heavily dependent on initial conditions may not be representative of a real system until steady state

Correct length for simulations depends on

accuracy desired (width of confidence intervals) variance of observed quantities


Common Mistakes: Bad Random Numbers

Bad random numbers can pollute simulation results How can random numbers be bad?
period too short assume global randomness = local randomness rely on bit subsets: may not be as random as whole

Rule of thumb
use well-known generator rather than rolling your own

Even well-known generators have had problems Improper selection of RNG seeds
seeds for different random streams must be carefully chosen
must ensure independence of streams sources of error share one stream for several different processes use same seed for all streams

impact: introduce correlation among processes that may lead to nonrepresentative results 14

Causes of Simulation Analysis Failure I

Inadequate time estimate: underestimate effort required

often start off as 1-week or 1-month projects continue for years

good: more features, parameters to provide better detail bad: add more detail in hope of making it useful

No achievable goal
should have SMART goals
specific, measurable, achievable, repeatable, thorough

not measurable: to model X projects without goals continue until funding runs out

Incomplete mix of essential skills for a simulation project

project leadership: lead, motivate, manage modeling and statistics: identify and model key characteristics at required level of detail programming: construct readable and verifiable program knowledge of modeled system: understand model, interpret results and their implications 15

Causes of Simulation Analysis Failure II

Inadequate level of user participation
modeling team and users must discuss system changes
most systems change models developed in a vacuum rarely succeed

Obsolete or nonexistent documentation

most simulation models evolve over time as system does if system documentation is obsolete, modeling errors are likely best to use literate programming to keep documentation in sync

Inability to manage development of large, complex programs

SWE tools can help track
design objectives functional requirements data structures progress estimates top-down design structured programming

other useful principles

without tools and techniques, hard to develop large models successfully 16

Causes of Simulation Analysis Failure III

Mysterious results

bugs in simulation program invalid modeling assumptions lack of understanding of system to be modeled

What to do?
attempt to verify the model bring persistent mysterious results to attention of users
may lead to unexpected insight into system may point to system features that must be modeled in more detail


Simulation Checklist: Before Development

Is the goal of the simulation properly specified? Is the level of detail in the model appropriate for the goal? Does the team include appropriate personnel?
leadership, statistics and modeling, programming, and system

Has sufficient time been allotted for the project?


Simulation Checklist: During Development

Has the random number generator been tested?
uniformity independence

Is the model reviewed regularly with the end user? Is the model documented?


Simulation Checklist: During Execution

Is the simulation length appropriate? Are initial transients removed before computation? Has the model been verified thoroughly? Has the model been validated before using its results? If there are any surprising results, have they been validated? Are all seeds such that random streams will not overlap?


Simulation Terminology

State variables: variables that define the state of system Event: change in system state Continuous-time vs. discrete-time models
continuous-time model: system state is defined at all times discrete-time model: state defined only at particular instants

Continuous-state vs. discrete-state models

classified by type of variables: continuous or discrete
continuous: uncountably infinite values discrete: countable

AKA continuous-event and discrete event models

Deterministic vs. probabilistic models

deterministic: output can be predicted with certainty probabilistic: sometimes a different result for same input parameters

More Simulation Terminology

Static vs. dynamic models
static: time is not a model variable

Linear vs. non-linear models Open vs. closed models

open: input from outside the model
queuing model with arcs from outside

closed: no external input

Stable vs. unstable models

stable: behavior settles down to steady state that is independent of time unstable: continuously changing behavior


Selecting a Language for a Simulation

Four choices Simulation language

e.g. SIMSCRIPT (http://www.simprocess.com/products/simscript_description.cfm)
built-in support for advancing time, scheduling events, manipulating entities, generating random variates, collecting statistics, generating reports, graphical representations & animation, checkpoint/restart, debugging

General-purpose language: chosen for language familiarity

must invest time developing core utilities other considerations: efficiency, flexibility and portability

Extension of general-purpose language, e.g. GASP V

library of routines for common simulation tasks

Simulation package, e.g.

RSIM, NS-2 network simulator Hyperformix workbench (http://www.hyperformix.com)

Simulation Types

Monte Carlo Trace-driven simulation Program or Execution-driven simulation


Monte-Carlo Simulations

Model probabilistic phenomenon that do not change over time Applications
simulation of random or stochastic processes
complex physical phenomena such as radiation transport sub-nuclear processes in high energy physics experiments traffic flow

evaluation of integrals

system can be described by probability density functions good pseudo-random number generator available

How they are commonly performed

given PDFs, simulations proceed by random sampling multiple simulations (trials) are performed desired result is taken as avg over # of observations predictions of variance in avg result used to estimate #trials needed to achieve a given error bound

Trace-driven Simulation

Trace = time ordered record of events on real system Applications: analyze paging, scheduling, caches, etc. Advantages
credibility: easy to sell easy validation: compare with measured system accurate workload: trace preserves correlation & interference effects detailed tradeoffs: possible to evaluate small changes in model less randomness: deterministic input reduces output randomness fair comparison of alternatives similarity of implementation: model is similar to system

complexity: requires detailed simulation of system representativeness: traces from one system may not be representative finiteness: may not represent much time because of size constraints single point of validation: algorithm good for one trace, not others high level of detail: simulations can be costly hard to evaluate changes in workload characteristics: need another trace
no feedback from simulation of changes that effect event ordering


Program and Execution-driven Simulation

Example: SimpleScalar [Austin, Larsen, Ernst 2002] Similar to trace-driven simulation except
program under study and simulation are interleaved
produce and consume event stream in interleaved fashion

Key advantages over trace-driven simulation

avoids specialized hardware for collecting traces avoids storage of long traces simpler to study new workloads


Discrete-Event Simulations

Discrete-event simulations use discrete-state model of system
e.g. model number of threads queued for various resources may use discrete or continuous time values

event scheduler: linked list of pending events
operations: schedule event X at time T; hold event X for time interval dt; cancel previously scheduled event X; hold X indefinitely; schedule indefinitely held event unit time or event-driven advancement

simulation clock: maintains global time

system state variables event routines: one for each event type input routines: read model parameters initialization routines for system variables & RNG trace routines: print intermediate results periodically dynamic memory management, usually GC managed storage report generator to calculate and print final result main program: invokes all components in proper order 28

Event Sets for Discrete-Event Simulations

Ordered set of future event notices
typically an ordered linked list

insert event find next scheduled event remove next scheduled event

Choice of data structure affects execution time

best depends on frequency of insertion/deletion and avg # events

Possible implementations
ordered doubly-linked list (used in SIMULA, GASP, GPSS) indexed linear list
divide future into indexed intervals of t each interval has own sublist

tree structures, e.g. heap skip list


Thought Questions

Which type of simulation should be used for each of the following?

to model destination address reference patterns in network traffic given that the pattern depends on a large # of factors to model scheduling in a multiprocessor system given that the request arrivals have a known distribution to determine the value of

Why is the unit-time approach usually not used?


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