Errata Celtos Rulebook
Errata Celtos Rulebook
Errata Celtos Rulebook
This article is about house rules for the tabletop game Celtos. Obviously, you will need a copy of the Celtos rulebook to make sense of the following pages. Since you found this document hidden in the depth of the World Wide Web, I guess, you already know what Celtos is all about and have access to the rules. If not, Id like to suggest, that you visit Celtos proud owners at and get a shiny new copy of the rules from them. While Celtos has a rich background story and a fine range of excellent miniatures, the rules still have a few rough edges, which might spoil the gaming fun a bit. With these errata, our gaming group aims to fix these to get a more balanced game. Some of the following rules have been introduced in the Gael Armybook and others have been developed in response to problems while gaming. Have a look at them and decide for yourself, if you want to use everything or only parts of it. These house rules are not officially supported by Brigade Models. Please make sure, you and your opponent agree on a common set of rules prior to the game to avoid arguments. If you like to give your opinion about these rules, please leave some feedback at or contact celtoslegion at the Celtos forums at
Core Rules
Page 34: Facings Add the following Warband Facing Unlike individuals, warbands operate as a cohesive team. This also means there is a chain of command, with one man keeping track of all battlefield information and shouting orders. Pick one model (if possible the leader) that will act as a reference point, when determining front and rear facing of the warband. Should the reference model be removed from the game, the model nearest to it will automatically become the next reference point. Page 43: Making a reaction check Add the following sentence: If a model or unit is required to make a reaction check to an event in its rear arc then the test must be taken at the models Initiative stat minus one (I1). Page 43: Evade Add the following Paragraph: Sometimes, model or unit, may act quick to evade an incoming threat. In order to evade a unit must meet the following criteria: The unit must be on hold or un-activated for the turn The unit must not be panicked A unit that is classed as slow may not evade
A unit can only avoid attacks that specifically say they can be evaded. The attack will have a difficulty modifier in its description if applicable; otherwise the unit must pass a normal Reaction test. If the test is successful the unit takes no damage and the models resume their original position after the threat has passed. Whether the test is passed or failed the unit counts as activated for the turn. Page 44: Rush move Change last item in the list to: Models making a rush move must start their move at least 9" away from the closest enemy and must stop as soon as they move within 3" of an enemy model.
Page 45: Check range and LOS Change the first paragraph to: Measure the range to possible target units in the model's front facing, checking to make sure that some or all of the models in the shooting unit can draw LOS to some of the enemy models, and that some or all of the members of the enemy unit are in range.
Page 48 Reaction Shooting Change the first list item to: A holding unit can make a reaction check to reaction shoot at any enemy unit that initiates or completes a move order within its front facing and short range of it. If the check is failed the holding unit fails to react.
Page 49 Terrain and Cover Blocking LOS Decrease visibility from 6 inches to 3 inches. Page 51: Charge Change the second sentence in the first paragraph to: A charging unit moves forward aggressively and attempts to come to grips with one target enemy unit within its front facing in order to engage it in close combat. Page 54: Counter-charging Change the second sentence in the first paragraph to: If a holding or inactivated unit that is not currently in base contact with an enemy unit is the target of a charge, it can activate out of turn and make a reaction check to counter-charge the attacking unit. Page 55: Who Strikes First? Replace the first two list items with the following text: If models on opposing sides both have the ability to strike first, or if neither does (such as in an ongoing combat) then compare Combat Speed (CS) values. Add up the Initiative stat (I) and the weapons Weapon Speed (WS) to get the CS value. Now resolve attacks in strict Combat Speed order with the highest going first. Any models killed by opponents with a higher Combat Speed value are removed and do not get to strike back.
Page 59: Purchasing and using Feats and Rites Change the second item on the list to: A model cannot use more than one feat or rite in any single turn
Add the following item to the list: Heroes may only purchase Feats of Battle. Priests, Sorcerers, Shamans, Druids and Rune Casters may only purchase Rites
Heavy Units
Page 61: Morale Add the following items to the list: All Heavy Units are assumed to be Fearless and Immune to Mesmerism. Heavy Units may not Evade.
Page 61: Move Orders Change the paragraph to: Move orders work as described in the core rules, with the exceptions listed below. Page 61: Turning Replace the whole paragraph with the following: Any Heavy Unit can only turn once up to 90 degrees during their activation; this can be made at any time but never more than once unless specified in their listing. A Heavy Unit may choose to turn up to 180 degrees when activated but if it does so it may only shoot before ending its turn. No other movement is allowed. Page 61: Reversing Replace the whole paragraph with the following: Heavy Units may not reverse. Page 61: Add the following paragraph after Reversing: Rough Terrain Heavy Units cant enter rough terrain. If movement takes them in contact with rough terrain, the heavy unit stops and its turn ends. The unit automatically loses one Wound and will suffer a roll on the Damage Table. Page 62: Selecting Targets and Shooting Arcs Add the following paragraph: Crewmembers may fire their personal ranged weapons (i.e. Throwing weapons or Bows) with a 360 field of fire. All crewmembers have to attack the same target unit and may not split their attacks. Page 62: Close Combat Replace the word Combat Arcs with Overrun Page 62: Combat Arcs Delete this paragraph and replace it with the following: Overrun Instead of Charge, Close and Break Off, the only kind of Assault move a Heavy Unit can carry out is Overrun. The following rules apply: Declare a charge move. The overrunning model does not stop when engaging an enemy unit, move the model the full charge distance in a straight line and any enemy models that are touched are automatically hit with a DAM equal to the models T statistic. Any models thus touched get to attack back as per the normal close combat rules. After the round of close combat has been resolved, move any remaining survivors that are still in base-to-base contact with the overrunning unit 1" away. Both units may move normally during their next activation and are not considered to be in close combat.
Charged units may not counter-charge an overrun attack, but may try to evade the charge of an overrunning unit by passing a Reaction test using the attacking units MV as the difficulty rating.
Charging Heavy Units Heavy Units may not counter-charge, but can attempt Reaction Shooting. When charged, each crewmember will fight back with one attack against a randomly decided attacker. After the round of close combat has been resolved, move any remaining survivors that are still in base-to-base contact with the overrunning unit 1" away. Both units may move normally during their next activation and are not considered to be in close combat. Close Combat between Heavy Units Seeing two or more Heavy units clash in close combat is a sight to behold indeed. There are two types of attack between Heavy Units; Passing and Ramming. Passing While passing, the attacking unit will make an attack while passing by the defending unit. The following rules apply: When the overrun movement takes the attacking unit in 1 or less of another Heavy unit, the attacking unit makes one attack as described in the Overrun section. Ramming The attacking unit rams the defender with full force. This is usually used as a desperate measure, as it is most likely to destroy both opponents. The following rules apply: When the attacking unit comes into contact with the target unit, the movement stops immediately and the turn of the ramming model ends. Each unit simultaneously scores a number of automatic hits equal to its current amount of wounds. The DAM of these hits is equal to the models T statistic. Each wound caused additionally rewards one roll on the damage table. Yes, that is one roll per wound and not one for the whole damage as per the normal rules. After damage has been worked out, set all surviving unit 1 apart from each other, facing in a random direction. They are not considered in close combat anymore. Rampaging units will always ram when their movement brings them in contact with other Heavy Units.
Special Rules
Page 63: Berserk Change the third item in the list to: In close combat berserk fighters roll an additional damage dice for any hits scored.
Page 63: Control In order to control a model/unit, the controlling unit has to have a line of sight. Page 64: Inspiring Only friendly units may benefit from this.
Page 65: Killing Blow Change the last sentence to: A normal hit causes one damage die. For each 2 clear points that the hit is made by you add one damage dice to a maximum of two bonus dice. A roll of a natural 10 always indicates an extra two dice for a maximum of three damage dice. Page 65: Marksman As with Killing Blow there is a maximum of two bonus dice. A roll of a natural 10 always indicates an extra two dice for a maximum of three damage dice. Page 65: Mesmerism Change radius around the unit within with maximum range from the unit in Delete the word radius in the range table Change from the third paragraph on to: Mesmerism is used instead of shooting. Pick a target in range and line of sight that is not currently engaged in close combat, following the normal rules for shooting. The target unit has to pass a Mesmerism test as described below Enemy units must also take Mesmerism tests if they are required to act during the active units turn, e.g. by striking back in close combat or taking a reaction check to counter-charge. If a unit is required to take a mesmerism test, the following rules apply: To take the test the target unit has to pass a CD-Check with the highest CD Stat in the mesmerising unit as difficulty. If this is passed the unit may carry out its orders as usual. If the check is failed the unit loses its turn if it is the active unit. If the unit is engaged in close combat when it fails its check then it automatically goes last in the attack order, regardless of initiative or abilities. In addition enemy models attacking mesmerised models in close combat hit automatically do not roll any to hit dice, move straight to rolling for damage. The effects of Mesmerism last until the end of the turn. A unit can only ever be forced to take one Mesmerism check during any particular active units turn. Page 66: Rampage Add the following special rule: Rampage A unit with Rampage usually relies on drivers or handlers to guide them into battle. If a unit rampages it has to move at normal MV in a random direction until it leaves the table, is destroyed or somebody regains control. Any units contacted by the unit whilst it is Rampaging will be attacked as normal. Page 66/67: Skirmisher Change list items to: Skirmishers do not have to maintain base contact with others in their warband, and models still count as being in cohesion up to two inches away from the nearest model Skirmishers ignore the penalties for rough terrain on account of their loose formation Instead of counter-charging, skirmishers can elect to flee when charged by an enemy. Make a CD test before enemy models are moved, and if successful the skirmishers may be moved up to their normal move away from the enemy unit. If the enemy unit catches
them (including if they failed the CD test), then not only does it get first strike, but any survivors in the skirmishing unit may not hit back A unit can adopt Skirmish formation instead of moving in the movement phase and change back in the same way.
Page 67: Standard Bearer Change the last sentence to: Having a standard gives a + 1 modifier to Panic checks. Page 67: Tactics Replace morale check with dice roll Different abilities between warbands and attached heroes Sometimes warbands and heroes do not share the same range of special abilities. This is normally not a problem. Special rules like Parry or Extra Attacks can be resolved separately without causing any difficulties. There is however a range of special rules where some clarification is needed. Hero has a special rule that the warband has not: Berserk: Hero may not be attached to warband. Fearless: The warband is not considered Fearless, but it gains +1 to the dice roll for all checks described under the Terrifying entry Immune to Mesmerism: The warband is not considered Immune to Mesmerism, but it gains +1 to the dice roll for all checks described under the Mesmerism entry Skirmisher: The Hero loses Skirmisher Steadfast: The warband is not considered Steadfast, but it gains +1 to the dice roll for Panic checks Terrifying: The warband is considered Terrifying, but opponents get +1 to all checks described in the Terrifying entry Warband has a special rule that the hero has not: The Hero gets the above mentioned special abilities for free.
Army Lists
General changes: Shield Options: Making use of the option to equip a warband/foot or individual/foot unit with a shield will cost +4 points per model. Cavalry Warband/mounted and individual/mounted units may add the following list of options: Mounted units may purchase Assault Weapons at an additional 10 points per figure. If you choose this option all models in the unit must be equipped. Mounted units may purchase Hunting Spears at 20 points per figure. If you choose this option all models in the unit must be upgraded. Mounted units may purchase shields at an additional 12 points per figure. If you choose to buy shields all models in the unit must be equipped with them
Warband/mounted units may add the following option: Mounted units may become Heavy Cavalry and gain +1W at an additional 5 points per figure. If you choose this option all models in the unit must be upgraded.
Structure: Heavy Unit Unit Size: 1 Equipment: Crew (2): Hand Weapon, Throwing Weapons
Trooptype AS SH S T W I
Chariot Options:
5 5
1. Fir Bolg Chariots may purchase Warblades at an additional 8 points. 2. Fir Bolg Chariots may purchase up to 2 additional crew, at 20 points per figure. 3. Fir Bolg Chariots may purchase up to 2 additional Skeleton Steeds, at an additional 10 points per Steed. All attacks are allocated to the chariot, you can only wound the crew and steeds by rolling on the damage table.
Damage Table 1d10 1-5 6 7 8 No Result Axle Damaged: Each time you wish to turn roll a d10. On a 1-5 it cannot turn. On a 610 it can turn as normal. A second hit on the axle immobilizes the chariot. Driver Slain: The chariot must Rampage for a turn until another crewmember takes the reins. If no crew are left the chariot will Rampage. Mount Injured. One of the steeds drawing the chariot has been wounded. The chariot can not carry out a Rush move. When all the steeds are killed the chariot is immobilised. Wheel Buckled: Each time you wish to move roll a d10. On a 1-5 it cannot move. On a 6-10 it can move as normal. A second hit on the wheel immobilizes the chariot. Crewman Killed: Reduce the number of crew by 1, if no crew are left the Chariot will Rampage.
9 10
Page 80: Bone Curse Replace the last sentence with: The target model is suffering an automatic hit with DAM equal to the priests CD-stat and the Lethal Strike 2 special rule.
Structure: Heavy Unit Unit Size: 1 Equipment: Crew (2): Hand Weapon, Throwing Weapons
Trooptype AS SH S T W I
Chariot Options:
4 6
1. Gael Chariots may purchase Warblades at an additional 8 points. 2. Gael Chariots may purchase up to 2 additional crew, at 20 points per figure. 3. Gael Chariots may purchase up to 2 additional Warhorses, at an additional 10 points per Warhorse.
All attacks are allocated to the chariot; you can only wound the crew and horses by rolling on the damage table.
Damage Table 1d10 1-5 6 7 8 No Result Axle Damaged: Each time you wish to turn roll a d10. On a 1-5 it cannot turn. On a 610 it can turn as normal. A second hit on the axle immobilizes the chariot. Driver Slain: The chariot must Rampage for a turn until another crewmember takes the reins. If no crew are left the chariot will Rampage. Mount Injured. One of the horses drawing the chariot has been wounded. The chariot can not carry out a Rush move. When all the horses are killed the chariot is immobilised. Wheel Buckled: Each time you wish to move roll a d10. On a 1-5 it cannot move. On a 6-10 it can move as normal. A second hit on the wheel immobilizes the chariot. Crewman Killed: Reduce the number of crew by 1, if no crew are left the Chariot will Rampage.
9 10
Structure: Heavy Unit Unit Size: 1 Equipment: Crew (2): Hand Weapon, Throwing Weapons
Trooptype AS SH S T W I
Chariot Options:
4 7
1. Wolf Chariots may purchase Warblades at an additional 12 points. 2. Wolf Chariots may purchase up to 2 additional crew, at 20 points per figure. 3. Wolf Chariots may purchase up to 2 additional Wolves, at an additional 10 points per Wolf. All attacks are allocated to the chariot; you can only wound the crew and wolves by rolling on the damage table.
Damage Table 1d10 1-5 6 7 8 No Result Reins Damaged: Each time you wish to turn roll a d10. On a 1-5 it cannot turn. On a 610 it can turn as normal. A second hit on the axle immobilizes the chariot. Driver Slain: The chariot must Rampage for a turn until another crewmember takes the reins. If no crew are left the chariot will Rampage. Mount Injured. One of the wolves drawing the chariot has been wounded. The chariot can not carry out a Rush move. When all the wolves are killed the chariot is immobilised. Runner Buckled: Each time you wish to move roll a d10. On a 1-5 it cannot move. On a 6-10 it can move as normal. A second hit on the wheel immobilizes the chariot. Crewman Killed: Reduce the number of crew by 1, if no crew are left the Chariot will Rampage.
9 10
Page 120: Spear Change the WS of the Spear to 3. Add the following sentence to the Special Rules entry: Because of the reach advantage, Spears confer a +1 to all counter-charge and break off checks. Page 120: Hunting Spear Add the following profile to the section: Hunting Spear The hunting spear is carried by mounted troops and is a heavier version of the standard infantry spear. The shaft of the weapon is of sturdier construction in order for the weapon to sustain the shock of impact when hitting its target at a gallop. The blades are also longer to allow them to penetrate thicker armour and hides. These elements combine to make them very effective shock weapons.
WS CC To Hit Dam Short To Hit Dam Medium To Hit Dam Long To Hit Dam Extreme To Hit Dam
Type: 1 handed melee. Special Rules: May only be used by mounted figures. Page 122: War Blades Replace the Special Rules entry with: Heavy units gain Lethal Strike 2 against each opponent hit while making an overrun move.