Hunter DPS
Hunter DPS
Hunter DPS
7 8
3/6/2007 3/20/2007
15 16
5/11/2007 5/16/2007
33 34
10/6/2007 10/7/2007
84a-beta 2/22/2009
84a-beta2 2/23/2009
90-PTR 6/30/2009
90a-PTR 7/5/2009
90b-PTR 7/8/2009
90b-PTR 7/8/2009
90c-PTR unleleased
92PTR2 9/10/2009
93PTR2 11/21/2009
93release 12/9/2009
- Allow any type of gem in any slot, while still checking for set bonuses correctly. - Add in faction-based shoulder/head enchants. - Changed calculation for Steady Shot Damage to be (150 + RAP*0.2 + (Weapon DPS * 2.8)) this is different from the tool tip, but in accordance to latest Hunter math from Lactose of - Added in breakdown of damage by shot type. - Added in racial abilities for non-Trolls as if they progress at they same rate as Trolls. - Added in stats for level 68-70. - Added in loot from Gruul's Lair - Added in ability to select mob level and indicate Boss mob - Added in calculations to the chance to hit factoring in higher level boss mobs. - Added in Fel Skin crafted set pieces. - Added in Scryer/Aldor/CE rep enchants to shoulder and head slots. - Factor in weapon skill rating properly. - Only support level 70 for DPS calculations. - Added in Hunter desirable items from Heroic instances. - Add in all known scopes. - Added in math for Don Santos Famous Hunting Rifle, factored average +AP seen based on a 5% proc rate and the specified shot rotation - Added in math for Mark of Conquest with a 8.4% proc rate on all shots. - Corrected some item stats that were incorrect. (Wrathfire Hand Cannon being worst one.) - Added in Orc racial Blood Fury - Added in Draenei race - Added in Blood Elf race - Updated some racial base ability scores. - Added in Assassination Armor (Rogue D3 set) based on request. - Added in some other leather/mail gear. - Added in ability to specify the target's armor value to properly account for mitigation. I have no idea what values make sense here. I limit it to 0 - 50,000. All it does is show the point where Arcane becomes better than Steady Shot based on armor of target. Applies to Auto Shot, Steady Shot, Multi Shot, Silencing Shot, Scatter Shot, and Aimed Shot - Added in gem slot for Back items. - Fixed set bonus for Netherscale Armor. - Added in more leather items that work out nicely for Hunters. - Fixed socket bonus for all chest items. - Added in Pet DPS. This is still a work in progress. Bite, Claw, Growl, Gore, Furious Howl, and Lightning Breath are modeled. Credit for this effort goes to Aelfric, Aesa, Arcazua, Dhirken, and Rodondwa of as well. - Added in Ferocious Inspiration as part of damage adjustments. - Fixed a bug in computing base ranged attack speed. - Changed Frenzy calculations for pets. New calculation has been confirmed to be within 1% accuracy on uptime of Frenzy by Aesa of - Added in button to fill the shot rotation with Auto/Steady alternating. - Added in button to allow the user to provide parameters for a priority rotation. - Corrected logic in armor calculations from talents. Talents do not increase armor bonus from Agility. - Added in Tauran racial bonus to health. - Fixed several item errors. - Updated base Health/Mana totals to be more accurate. - Corrected bug in Expose Weakness math. - Updated Expose Weakness to 2.1 talent. - Added pet ability Cobra Reflexes.
- Added in Kill Command on use for every Hunter Crit. (No global cool down) as per 2.1. The equations to determine the frequency Kill Command can be used were developed by Aesa of Haomarush via the forums. - Added modeling for new Hunter's Mark mechanics. Since the point of this spreadsheet is sustained, average DPS I just use the maximum value of +440 RAP for Hunter's Mark. - Added armor mitigation to pet physical attacks. - Added in Gronnstalker Armor - Added Raid Buffs (with Talent adjustments) as a new page that allows a Hunter to see the benefits of differing elixirs/flaks/buffs to DPS/Health/Mana. Enforces the rule of 1 Battle and 1 Guardian Elixir or a single Flask. All stats are for 2.1+. - Added in Health/Mana Chest enchants. - Added Mob Dodge and Glancing Blow mechanics to pet damage. - Added in Survival Instincts increasing RAP - All pet data, level, and race sheets have now been hidden to reduce clutter as much as possible. - Calculations for Romulo's Poison Vial have been added. - Added in the ability to specify a lag or latency value for the shot rotation. This value is added into the cast start time of every non-auto shot. - Allow for no Aspects to be active. - Draenei get +1% hit bonus as racial ability. - Added a reset button to the talent page. - Added in Serpentshrine Cavern, Doom Lord Kazzak, & Magtheridon Leather/Mail drops. - Added in new gems from 2.1 - Factored in mana use for Kill Command - Allow Kill Command to be turned off in Spell Values sheet - Add in finishing shot choice to Shot Rotation. This is used for timing only, to make the shot rotation cycle back on itself. This minimizes the iterations of the Hunter's cycle in the Shot Rotation that need to be entered to achieve accurate DPS totals. This was Aesa of Haomarush's idea. The first shot is used, so that the cycle timing is as exact as possible. - Changed the way Improved Aspect of the Hawk has been modeled. Now the user can input separate rotations for both normal speed and Quick Shot speed. The spreadsheet then calculates Quick Shot up time and ratios the DPS, MPS and Shots per second between the twp based on the uptime. The normal shot rotation will not include any haste from Quick Shots, and the Quick Shots rotation will include haste effects as specified by talent points spent. The calculations for IAotH uptime are the work of Norwest at - Added in weapon buffs - Added in Avoidance pet skill. - Changed damage adjustment to model a 1-roll system, so Crit% is absolute. - Use a new methodology for Improved Aspect of the Hawk uptime. This formula was developed by Norwest of - Added in Striking Ring Enchant - Updated item stats based on PTR values. Thanks to Vaxum from for his effort in tracking these all down! - Added in a 2 special/auto shot rotation button. This rotation will attempt to cast 2 specials every other auto shot based on cool downs. - Added in Resilience and Armor Penetration math. Resilience effects can be found on the calculations page. - Quick bug fixes - Added in support for selecting target type and implemented benefits of the Slaying talents. - Changed base focus regeneration from 25 every 4 seconds to 24. - Updated item stats from PTR as of 5/14 - Item corrections & updates (All work for this done by Vaxum) - Added in Minor Haste gloves enchant
- Changed gear haste enchants to be multiplicative, not additive. - Changed pet DPS calculations to use the 1-roll system. - Added in support for gear with +haste rating. Currently I sum all the haste rating, and then multiply that value out with the haste from enchants, quiver, etc.) - Adjusted haste rating to be 10.53 points per % increase. - Re-did haste effects in Shot Rotation to be multiplicative, rather than additive. - Corrected bug in Rapid Fire cool down in Shot Rotation. - Reorganized the Calculations tab to make it easier to find things. - Added Ferocious Inspiration to Steady Shot damage. - Added a "Debuff on Target" section to Buff tabs. Implemented Curse of Shadows, Improved Hunter's Mark, and Expose Weakness entries. The last 2 are for debuffs from other hunters. The better value will always be taken from those and the ones your Hunter can supply - Modeled the Crystalforged Trinket from Ogri'la reputation. Apply bonus to Auto Shot and Multi-Shot only. - Added socket bonuses for Neck pieces. - Added customizable gear. No longer do you need to wait for me to update the gear listings. The hand adjustment field is also maintained as is. - Added ability to Save a set of gear and then reload it. If this proves popular I can expand it to some named sets that can be created and saved. (Such as raiding, farming, PvP, etc.) - Added in support for Relentless Earthstorm Diamond's effect on critical hit damage. - Fixed socket bonuses. - Adjusted critical hit rating to 22.0765 points per % Crit. - Fixed Custom Item usage for melee weapons. - Corrected items. (Belt of the Black Eagle, Mantle of the Tireless Tracker) - Added in my initial modeling of Scorpid Poison. - Adjusted Tauren base stats, oh and spelled their name correctly. - Fixed a really stupid bug where Steady Shot cast times were getting an extra 100% haste effect. - Added training points for Avoidance - Added new gear (Necklace of the Deep). This meant adding a second gem slot to neck items. - Added in Dodge, Aspect of the Monkey, Improved Aspect of the Monkey, and Catlike Reflexes. - Added in Strength of Earth totems (Rank 5 & 6 only) to Pet buffs. - Corrected some Scorpid Poison calculations when very low rates of focus are used. - Adjusted +spell damage added to Scorpid Poison based on DOT duration. - Fixed issue with Neck Gems only showing Strength value for all stats. - Added new Arena/PvP rewards; BT/Hyjal Summit loot (courtesy Vaxum - gear bugs are his :) - Added new gear (Boots of the Crimson Hawk) - Darkened cell boarders on gear page. - Added hand adjustment row to Pet Buffs. - Fixed some item values (Pulsing Amthemyst) - Fixed haste on Custom items. - Corrected bug in Trinket procs. - Added second neck socket to custom tab. - Removed Boss flag. Further testing on hit rates leads me to believe there is no difference in Boss-ness. - Added in support for Talon of Al'ar and it's effect on Steady Shot, Arcane Shot, Multi Shot, and Aimed Shot. - Added 3 gem sockets for melee weapons. - Provide total count of gems by color on gear page. - Allow for 3 sockets for melee weapons on Custom Gear tab. - Fixed Save/Load issues. This ran into a limitation in the size of named areas, and Ammo/Quiver are no longer saved. - Count training points in Avoidance in total. - Fixed bug with 4 piece Rift Stalker set bonus. - Fixed some item values (Steallaris, Merciless Gladiator's Crossbow, Pristine Fire Opal)
- Added in proc calculations for some trinkets (Hourglass of the Unraveller) - Added in new buffs (Flask of Draenic Wisdom) - Fixed Bracer socket bonuses for Resilience. - Added new gear (Cowl of Defiance) - Updated Blood Elf Racial stats. (Agility and Intellect were incorrect). - Added Serpent Sting to the shot selection. I model this as the total damage of the sting with a cool down of 15 second. This isn't ideal, but works with the spreadsheet. If you are casting Serpent faster than once every 15 seconds (or pretty much at all) this spreadsheet isn't really going to help you. - Separated out the +RAP gains from passive "on-proc" trinkets and items into their own section in the Calculations tab. I did this to better allow for people to compare paper doll RAP figures with the spreadsheet. I include the averaged out effects of on use +RAP gain for equipped trinkets, but only for informational purposes, they are not added into the RAP total. - Added Scroll of Agility (level 5 only) in the buffs tab. - Most of the sheet should work in OpenOffice now. Thanks to Paegan of TKASomething for his assistance. - Couple more fixes for Open Office compatibility. Some things (like macros and gem selection) just aren't going to work because Open Office does not support the levels of functionality I need as Excel does. - Removed Strength only and Spirit only gems. No Hunter is his right mind would ever use these. - Fixed some item values (High Warlord's Chain Leggings, Felsteel Reaper, Rift Stalker Helm, Band of Eternity, Band of Accuria, Forest Prowler's Helm) - Modeled pet ability Screech - Added stat bonuses to gem names to make selecting them easier. - Added socket bonuses for Custom melee weapons. - Fixed bug with protection of cell for "Type" of Custom ranged weapon. - Added hand adjust fields for Weapon Skill on Gear tab. - Added modeling for 4 piece Beast Lord set bonus, based on Kill Command frequency. - Added support for gear that modifies pet statistics. - Added Leggings of Beast Mastery, Alchemist's Stone, Band of Devastation. - Added the Settings tab for control information from the user to customize how the data is calculated. - Ability to average out "On Use" +AP trinkets provided through Settings tab - Ability to average out The Beast Within effect provided through Settings tab - Ability to average out Bestial Wrath effect provided through Settings tab - Fixed a bug with the Crystal Forged Trinket not being counted properly. - Modeled the Ashtongue Talisman of Swiftness, based on Steady Shot rate from Shot Rotation and Quick Shots (weighted by Quick Shots up time.) - Fixed calculations for extra critical hit damage from the Relentless Earthstorm Diamond. - Added new gear (Quickstrider Moccasins, Cobrascale Hood, Primalstrike Belt, Primalstrike Bracers, Primalstrike Vest, Primal Intent set bonus, Black Bow of the Betrayer) - Fixed a bug in the table that calculates effective rates of pet specials. - Corrected gear stats (Pristine Fire Opal, Timeless Arrows, Timeless Shells) - Modeled the proc of the Black Bow of the Betrayer. - Serpent Sting now triggers the Global Cool Down. - Fixed an issue with Furious Howl not accessing the correct ability rank. - Added modeling for the Dragonspine Trophy. The user can input Shot Rotations for both under the effects of Dragonspine Trophy's haste as well as that combined with Quick Shots. The calculations tab computes the uptimes of the 4 potential states based on a user-supplied ppm rate of the Dragonspine Trophy. I am using a 1.7 ppm rate for the DST, but it is user settable right now, until I can confirm the numbers. - Total Hunter DPS, MPS, and Shots per Second calculations are now done factoring in the effects of the Dragonspine Trophy as well. - Fixed a Bug in calculating effects of Master Marksman for on-proc +AP. - Corrected some item stats (Shoulderpads of the Stranger) - Added mana regen to Black Grasp of the Destroyer
- New gear (Mantle of Pernolde, Shard-bound Bracers, Madness of the Betrayer) - Gear corrections (Boneweaver Girdle, Belt of Deep Shadow, Clefthoof Hide Quiver, Worg Hide Quiver, Blackened Leather Spaulders, Chestguard of the Conniver, Bladed Shoulderpads of the Merciless) - Updated Glancing Blow mechanics for Pets. Only L73 mobs can be glanced, and it is at a 25% chance for 76% damage. (6% effective reduction of melee DPS) - Fixed a bug where Kill Command was not counting pet Hit/Crit rates (Thanks Aesa!) - Added checks for Metagem requirements. Currently this only applies to the 2nd socket of the Helm gear item. - Added a simple model for Madness of the Betrayer, based on a 1.5 ppm for the effect. This model is not as accurate as the 4 piece Beast Lord set, since I average the result, which is slightly inaccurate since armor is not a linear effect. - Now properly handle Resilience socket bonuses on head items. - Added a model (developed by Sayeth of Gorgonnash at This model determines the averaged gain of the trinket based on the benefit per stack, and your time spent at that level of stacking. - Added benefit of averaged out Bestial Wrath to Kill Command Damage if specified in the Settings and Results tab. - Reformatted sheet to better display information users are interested in. - Changed hit mechanics to work off of 0.1% chance to hit penalty for the first 10 points of difference in weapon skill vs. defense, and 0.6% for more than that. This results in a base miss chance on level 73 targets of 9.0%. These number have been confirmed by extensive testing by members of Elitist Jerks, most notably Olgas for Hunters. - Added in Crit % and Resist (both full and partial) for Lightning Breath ability. This is still a work in progress. - Fix Draenei racial to actually be counted as +1% to hit. - Added new gear (Halaani Razorshaft, Halaani Grimshot). - Fixed the fact that Madness of the Betrayer was always in effect, even if you didn't have the trinket. - Updated model of Dragonspine Trophy to include a user-provisionable cool down. Default is 20 seconds. The model had to completely change to support the internal cool down, setting it to 0 will not generate the same numbers given previously. Please use version 28 of the spreadsheet to get numbers for 2.1 with the Dragonspine Trophy - Provided the user the ability to select 2.1 or 2.2 Haste Rating conversion rates. (This will be removed when 2.2 goes live.) - Corrected some equations that would cause "Divide by 0" errors in certain shot rotations. - Allow for multiple, user-named gear sets. 5 different sets can be maintained. The last DPS value of that set is stored as well. (This feature not available to Open Office users.) - Added AutoOnly buttons to the Shot Rotations. This should make it easier to hand-build custom rotations. (This feature not available to Open Office users.) - On a brilliant suggestion from Lactose, there is now a button (CalcAttributes) on the gear page which will instantaneously give you the DPS advantage of adding one more Agility, AP, Crit, or hit. You can also enable this feature to recalculate the values every time you change gear or hand adjustments. Set Loads are exempted from this recalculation because it made loading agonizingly slow. (This feature not available to Open Office users.) - Added an Attribute Equivalency Matrix to the 'Settings and Results' tab to easily compare item stat values. - Pets no longer benefit from Hunter's armor penetration stat. - Corrected some gear stats (Belt of the Black Eagle). - Adjusted proc rate of Don Santos Famous Hunting Rifle to be 5%. My initial testing has been bettered by more thorough work. - Fixed averaging out The Beast Within for Open Office. - Removed potential rounding errors that I may have had in the "+1 Attribute yield X DPS" Feature. - Expanded the "+1 Attribute = X DPS" feature to include Intellect, Haste, and Armor Penetration.
- Have Darkmoon Card: Crusade operate fully stacked for modeling purposes. - Fixed cell locking preventing some of the save sets being used. - Corrected a bug in figuring out miss rates for weapon skill 351-354. Everything else was spot on. - Resorted list of Chest items. This was causing some items to appear with the wrong statistics. - Added new gear (Messenger of Fate, Shadowvine Cloak of Infusion, Embrace of the Dawn, Blazing Eternium Band, Deathwing Brood Cloak of the Bandit, Stylin' Crimson Hat, Delicate Fire Ruby, Rigid Bladestone, Stone of Blades, Crimson Sun, Fallen Star, Claw of the Phoenix). - Fixed description of Balanced Shadowsong Amethyst - Updated items (Fel Edged Battleaxe, Figurine: Talasite Owl, Timelapse Shard, Warmth of Forgiveness, Merciless Gladiator's Painsaw, Choker of Serrated Blades, Arcanite Steam Pistol, Serpent Spine Longbow, Fang of Vashj, Talon of Azshara, Talon of the Phoenix, Netherbane, Twinblade of the Phoenix) - Removed items (Infused Shadow Draenite). - Added new enchants (Greater Agility to weapons). - Fixed a bug where the Relentless Earthstorm Diamond would grant bonus Crit damage even if you didn't have the gem requirements met. - The Relentless Earthstorm Diamond no longer adds critical strike damage to Arcane Shot. - Only 2.2 Haste Rating conversions are used. - Removed Sharpening Stones from weapon buffs. - Corrected item stats (Band of the Eternal Champion, Fel Edged Battleaxe, Grand Marshal's Chain Gauntlets) - Converted gear matrix to use VLOOKUP instead of LOOKUP. This will allow for more features to be added later. - Gear sets now save race, talent spec, shot rotations (all 4), and Pet details. - Added ability to Export and Import all 5 profiles. This only loads them into the database, to see the information you need to Load the specific profile back on the Gear tab. The file CheekyHunterDPS.log is created/read in the My Documents directory. - Corrected bug in calculating shot numbers for DST rotations. - Renamed Shot Rotation buttons to better correspond with common naming. - Changed MaxSpecials rotation to build 1:1.X rotations based on whether or not the user wishes to include Multi or Arcane Shots. - Changed PriorityRotation to not allow clipping, but only sub in Arcane and/or Multi when the next Steady Shot will not clip because of GCD. - Provide a 1:1.X rotation button for Quick Shots. - Updated Scorpid Poison rank 5 to be 55 damage over 10 seconds. - Changed the Spell Coefficient for Scorpid Poison to be 0.1 - Moved custom target information in 'Settings and Results' tab. Display effective reduction values for both Hunter and Pet. - Fixed Savagery enchant showing up as +70 Spirit. - Fixed bug in 1:1.5 Shot Rotation - Corrected VLOOKUP() problem with Dragonstalker's Belt. - Corrected Item Stats (Spiteblade). - Added Sunder Armor and Faerie Fire to target debuff list. - Cleaned up some validation lists to remove spaces. This was causing Open Office to fail a bunch of string comparisons. - Updated the VLOOKUPs in the Gear page. This should remove any issues with alphabetizing the gear sets. (So yes, I was an idiot when I did it the first time.) - Corrected math behind the effects of special pet attacks on frenzy uptime. This will result in a lower % time spent in Frenzy than previous versions. - Fixed problem where Custom Bracers were not using the supplied values for Resilience and Armor Penetration. - Corrected the description of the Unstable Citrine to be correct (8 AP, 4 Crit).
- Corrected a bug in the Pet Special Attacks table that resulted in negative rates of use for low focus regeneration. - Fixed all issues with Resilience, Haste, and Armor Penetration on Custom Gear. - Added new gear from 2.3 PTR. - Consolidated all Arena gear set names to "Gladiator's Pursuit". - Removed Weapon skill. - Added in Troll/Dwarf racials - Provide for a drop down choice of different raid Bosses to get armor values. These values have no been verified, and anything with a value of "9999" is still unknown. Custom target (armor supplied by user) is still available. These can be selected by choosing your Target on the 'Settings and Results' tab. I would like to thank Lactose of Talinvarr (EU) and Dayve of Gorgonnash for providing the values so far. - Corrected some spelling mistakes in item names. - Added ability to load gear from Armory for a character. This is still in initial development, and will probably be very buggy for a while. Each item/gem is validated. Sometimes there are spelling mistakes in this spreadsheet and the item will not be loaded properly. Please contact Cheeky with those mistakes and I will correct them as soon as I can. Item enchants are not currently supported. These still need to be updated manually. I would like to thank Mikla of Burning Legion for providing me examples and modules to make this feature possible. - Fixed lookups for Leg stats - Actually allow the user to select a different target. - Bestial Wrath is only counted if you actually have the talent. - More spelling corrections to match Armory names. Keep the feedback on this coming. - Added new gear (Shadowmaster's Boots, Adamantite Stinger, Infused Shadow Draenite, Balanced Shadow Draenite, Wicked Flame Spessarite) - Added Curse of Recklessness to Target Debuffs. - Fixed some errors in Ammo drop-down values mapping properly. - Correct some items (Vengeful Gladiator's Waraxe, Serpent Spine Longbow, Foreman's Reinforced Helmet) - Reapplied checks for Meta gems. - Meta Gems for Gladiator Gear and Engineering Helms will now appear in the correct socket locations. You may need to correct this if you load an old saved file with them. (The check to do this honestly wasn't worth the effort.) - Fixed Resilience socket bonuses for Wrist items. - Fixed the mix-up in hit/Crit socket bonuses for Helms. - Added in Resilience socket bonuses for Shoulder items. - All gear is cleared out before loading from the Armory. - Fixed gems in Moriquendi's Helm. - On the 'Talents' tab is a button allowing you to read your talent spec in from the Armory. Character name and Realm are settable on the 'Settings and Results' tab. - Added support for European Servers. Select server set from the 'Settings and Results' tab. - Validate the character and realm combination exists for the server set, a warning message is issued if you provide an invalid character. - Corrected more spelling mistakes for Armory compatibility. - Added new gear (Mysterious Arrow, Mysterious Shell, Cursed Vision of Sargeras, Vengeful Gladiator's Longbow, Vengeful Gladiator's Rifle, Mystic Dawnstone, Steady Talasite, Mystic Bladestone, Steady Crysophase) - Added Judgment of Wisdom to Target Debuffs on 'Buffs' tab. - Support Relentless Earthstorm Diamond in first socket for helms that put Meta socket first. - Factor miss rates into calculations in "on hit" procs for Quick Shots, Don Santos Famous Hunting Rifle, and Dragonspine Trophy. (This makes hit more valuable with those abilities/items than previously shown.) - Corrected Aspect of the Monkey to be +8% Dodge. - Corected some item stats (Vengeful Gladiator's Chain Helm).
- Race is now scraped from the Armory when gear is loaded. - Added ability set default gems for each color that will be input for any gear you select that has sockets. You can still change the gems out afterward to anything you'd like. - Added in new food buffs (Kibler's Bits, Spicy Hot Talbuk). - Changed more item names to match Armory values. - Added RAP scaling to Serpent Sting. - Fixed Dory's Embrace socket. - Added support for Signet Ring of the Bronze Dragonflight, Violet Signet, and Band of Eternity reputation rings. They can now be scraped from the Armory. - Corrected a bug where Spicy Hot Talbuk wasn't being added in properly. - Corrected some item stats (Retainer's Blade, Vindicator's Chain Helm, Choker of Serrated Blades, Vengeful Gladiator's Chain Armor). - Fixed mistake in Stamina and Intellect on Melee Weapon enchants. - Added in Orc racial Blood Fury, you can control averaging it out on the'Settings and Results' tab. - Added new gear (Medallion of the Horde, Medallion of the Alliance). - Factor Hit % into calculations for Master Tactician (my interpretation of "successful ranged attacks") - Fixed mixup on Helm socket bonuses being switched for +RAP/+Crit - Adjusted Aimed Shot to 3.0s base cast time. - Added new enchants (Major Resilience to Chest). - Changed more item names to match Armory values. - Fixed the Improved Hunter's Mark debuff to not be 110 Mp5, and also work for pet DPS if it is better than the Hunter's own Improved Hunter's Mark. - Actually check to see if you have a Darkmoon Card: Wrath equipped and factor in it's gain to crit %. - Redid profiles to include Health, Mana, Resilience and Armor. - Added button to clear all buffs. - The only default debuff is 5 stacks of Sunder Armor. - Really, really, really fixed the buff for Spicy Hot Talbuk. - New version of exported data file. Old versions are not currently supported. I'm not even sure anyone uses this feature. - Support new 4-piece Arena armor set bonus. - Cleared up ambiguity in melee enchant "Major Intellect". - Fixed timing for Priority rotations and Dragonspine Trophy. - Screech is now effected by target's armor. - Pets now benefit from Improved Faerie Fire. - Added Strength and Agility Scroll buffs for pet. - Mp5 from buffs/debuffs is now properly accounted for. - Adjusted Draenei base Agility to 148. - Treat Badge of Tenacity as a flat +25 Agility. (Averaged out value of proc) - Added new Ammo Pouches and Quivers. - Changed PvP Gloves to be +5% damage on Multi-Shot. - Added new items (Insignia of the Alliance, Insignia of the Horde, Ring of Goulish Delight, Void Sphere) - Corrected some item stats (Bladed Shoulderpads of the Merciless, Crown of Cinders, Timelapse Shard, Vengeful Gladiator's Chain Helm) - Started removing level 60 gear. - Added in target resilience to all calculations. - Added support for Resilience-based Chest enchants. - Fixed bug with Improved Hunter's Mark debuff and pet AP. - Provided a better model of Romulo's Poison Vial on-proc effect. - Tried again to make it so the Armory returns English names for gear by default. - Make it clearer on the Gear/Talents tab exactly which character is being read from the Armory - Reworked layout of the 'Settings and Results' tab to put information in an easier to understand format.
- Default target to level 70. This will prevent roughly 5 messages a week from people complaining to me it is 0.6% off from their character sheet. - Renamed Cruelty and Determination to Battlemaster's Cruelty and Battlemaster's Determination. - Used Vaxum's model for the Band of the Eternal Champion proc effect. - Fixed the Minor Haste enchant on Hands to be 10 haste rating. - Added in new gear (Demon Stalker Shoulderguards, Charmed Amani Jewel) - Fixed a bug with how pet specials factored into Ferocious Inspiration uptime. - Changed Hunter attacks to a 2-roll system, where hit and crit are detemined separately. - Made very clear in Hit/Crit chances what the target level is. - Changed default target level back to 73. There are just as many people who couldn't figure out why their hit changed from previous versions as there were people who didn't know where 0.6% of their crit went. - Corrected some item names (Prowler's Strikerblade, Sun-Gilded Shouldercaps). - Fixed the bug where the Rotation for different profiles wasn't being saved properly (display in 'Settings and Results' bug only.) - Corrected some item stats (Gladiator's Chain Helm). - Provided a better model for the Curse of Shadows Debuff. - Have Auto Shot use the 2-roll system and have proper critical strike damage. - Use +hit gained from set bonuses. - Change Band of the Eternal Champion proc duration to 10 seconds. - Corrected some bugs in the profiles matrix. Everything should display accurately now. - Corrected Draenei base Intelligence to 78 (from 82.) - Corrected some item stats (Embrace of the Twisting Nether, Bow-Stitched Leggings) - Fixed a bug in Shoulder socket bonuses that was sometimes showing bonuses for gear that did not have sockets. - Corrected some item name spellings (Ancient Draenei War Talisman, Wicked Flame Spessarite, Greater Inscription of Vengeance) - Remodeled Mark of Conquest with a 17 second internal cooldown and 13% chance to proc. This is based on data collected by Xeno of Suramar. - If you select Thor'idal, the Stars' Fury as a ranged weapon the ammo is defaulted to None. (This is not applicable for OO versions.) - Added new gear (Thor'idal, the Stars' Fury, Blackened Naruu Sliver, Apolyon, the Soul-render, Fang of Kalecgos, Muramasa, Crus of the Apocalypse, Shiv of Exsanguination, Hard Khorium Choker, Shoulderpads of the Silvermoon Retainer, Breeching Comet, Edge of Opression, Sunrage Shoulderpads, Hauberk of the Warbringer, Bladed Chaos Tunic, Leggings of the Immortal Night, Shoulderpads of Vehemence, Duplicitous Guise, Truestrike Crossbow, Bombardier's Blade, The Sunbreaker, Shattered Sun Pendant of Might, Gronnstalker's Belt, Gronnstalker's Bracers, Gronnstalker's Boots, Fletcher's Gloves of the Phoenix, Embrace of the Phoenix, Surestrike Goggles v3.0, Gylph of the Gladiator, Shadowed Gauntlets of Paroxysm, Sunrage Shoulderpads, Carapace of Sun and Shadow, Hard Khorium Band, Mounting Vengeance, Stalker's Legguards, Tunic of the Ranger Lord). - Provide for three Buff Profiles. These are Loaded/Saved on the 'Buffs' tab, the names are controlled on 'Settings and Results' and they are Imported/Exported properly. - Users can select from 3 types of shot rotations - Hand-Weaving, Castsequence, and Spam. These refer to the common methods of timing by hand, or using some of the various macros available. - Using Castsequence macros results in latency being added to the start of every shot cast to account for server<>client communication. - Using either Hand-Weaving or Spam macros results in latency being a factor when computing GCD based on whether or not the previous shot was an Auto Shot. This means the Shot Rotation matrix will now try and mimic the behavior seen of the GCD being client-only. - Added a button to build the Auto, Steady, Steady, Auto, Steady (usually referred to as "3:2") shot rotation automatically. - Corrected some item names (Starstalker Legguards, Edge of Oppression, Hauberk of the War Bringer, Ancient Amani Bow.)
- Corrected some item stats (Thor'idal, the Stars' Fury.) - Unprotected the Buff Profiles drop-down selection. - Added new gear (Crossbow of Relentless Strikes, Shivering Felspine, Clutch of Demise, Ar'tor's Mainstay, Earthmendor's Crimson Spaulders, Golden Bow of Qual'thalas, Carapace of Sun and Shadow, Gloves of Immortal Dusk) - Added new gear (Leggings of the Pursuit, Scaled Drakeskin Chestguard, Angelista's Revenge, The Blade of the Harbingers). - Fixed problem with loading buffs having Elixirs wiped out because Flask is being set to "None". - Fixed some item stats (Artor's Mainstay, Gronnstalker's Boots, Gronnstalker's Belt, Gronnstalker's Bracers). - Added new gear (Belt of the Silent Path, Blade of Serration, Swift Blade of Uncertainty, The Mutilator, Trousers of the Scryer's Retainer, Tunic of the Dark Hour, Vanir's Left Fist of Brutality, Vanir's Left Fist of Savagery, Vanir's Right Fist of Brutality, Mantle of the Golden Forest, Band of Ruinous Delight, Sin'dorei Pendant of Triumph). - Fixed some item names (Choker of Bloodied Feathers, Harbinger of Doom). - Raptor pets now consider Dash a valid skill. - Added Judgment of the Crusader to Buffs tab. - Put Lightning Breath on a 2-roll system. - Armory scraping for Gear now correctly pulls most enchants too. Thanks to Drakier of Uther for providing the framework and the current set of supported enchants. - Corrected some item stats (Band of Ruinous Delight, Hauberk of the Warbringer, Tunic of the Ranger Lord). - Corrected some item names (Scale Leggings of the Skirmisher). - Added some new items (Bracers of the Forest Stalker, Figurine - Shadowsong Panther, Cloak of the Coming Night, Sunrage Treads, Stalker's Chain Armor, Stalker's Chain Helm, Stalker's Chain Leggings, Stalker's Chain Spaulders, Stalker's Chain Gauntlets, Assassin's Alchemist Stone, Leggings of the Betrayed, Band of Celerity). - Modeled the Shattered Sun Pendant of Might similar to other, similar trinkets (45 second internal cool down, 10% chance on hit.) - Allow for selection of Aldor/Scryer factions (only applies to Shattered Sun Pendant of Might) on the 'Settings and Results' tab. - Added new enchants (Surefooted, Restore Mana Prime, Boar's Speed, Ring enchants now actually work.) - Begun adding a gear planner feature, sorting items by DPS and availability. Haste and procs may be a little screwy. Melee weapons are broken down into one-handed and two-handed categories. Ranged weapons are not supported. - Cleaned up items supported to only be unique items in TBC content. - Redid +1 stat calculations. This should operate much smoother. It will also generate a "haste cap" where haste is no longer beenficial, and a lookup table of haste -> DPS. This is used to more accurately judge the future value of haste. - Provide value of hit based off of have 0 +hit gear (useful for item DPS comparisons.) - Fixed problems with counting the proc of Madness of the Betrayer properly. - Simplified a lot of the code in the spreadsheet (I started treating this like a real software project). This should result in less bugs and faster turn-around times on fixes. - Completed new model of the Dragonspine Trophy. You can also see it's uptimes now if don't have it equipped. - Changed Madness of the Betrayer model to be PPM with differing rates of proc on Auto Shots and Special Shots. This lowers the effective uptime. - Automate the process of build Main/Off hand weapon lists. This should eliminate future bugs in the lists not being accurate with the master list. - Changed formatting on the gear page so that "0" values are in white text.
- Added new gear (Assassin's Alchemist Stone, Figurine - Khorium Boar, Claw of Molten Fury, Fist of Molten Fury) - Corrected some item stats (Grimgrin Faceguard, Feltooth Eviscerator, Leggings of the Pursuit, Scaled Drakeskin Chestguard) - Corrected some spelling mistakes in item names (The Blade of Harbingers, Shard-bound Bracers) - A better model for the Shattered Sun Pendant of Might (Scryer) is being used. 16.7% chance of proc after the cooldown, and using ranged critical hit chances to critically hit for double damage. - Corrected the proc duration of the Abacus of Violent Odds from 20 seconds to 10 seconds. - Fixed the DPS gains from the Darkmoon Card:Wrath and Darkmoon Card:Crusade. - Fixed cell permissions on DPS per attribute to allow for CalcAttributes to work again. - Corrected the lookup of on-use +AP procs. This should fix some errors with these trinkets. - Corrected the lookup of Multi-Shot damage bonus with PvP gloves. This was probably leading to N/A issues for Multi-Shot damage. - Gear Planner feature can now be filtered on Leather items, PvP items, and items that require you to have the requisite crafting skill to equip them. - On advice from Cole of the ElitistJerks forums, I had discovered ways to significantly improve performance of most buttons. - Fixed an error where the item set for Chest/Hands items was incorrect. - Removed item set names/support for melee weapons. - Added new gear (Sun-forged Cleaver, Vicious Hawkstrider Hauberk, Thalassian Ranger Gauntlets, Coif of Alleria, Cloak of Unforgivable Sin, Crux of the Apocolypse, Hand of the Deceiver, Brutal Gladiator's Chain Armor, Brutal Gladiator's Chain Gauntlets, Brutal Gladiator's Chain Helm, Brutal Gladiator's Chain Leggings, Brutal Gladiator's Chain Spaulders) - Corrected some item stats (Thori'dal, the Stars' Fury, Ancient Amani Longbow, Darkmoon Card:Wrath) - Corrected some spelling errors (Stalker's Chain Gauntlets, Blackened Naaru Sliver, Insignia of the Mag'hari Hero) - Corrected expected DPS gain for Dragonspine Trophy - Corrected a bug where expected DPS for Trinkets was always judging +hit on current values, regardless of setting on Gear Planner tab. - Modeled the proc on the Blackened Naaru Sliver. - When selecting a Scroll buff for pets, "Both" can be selected which adds +20 Strength and +20 Agility. - Elixir of Demonslaying added as a Battle Elixir (only works if target type selected is Demon.) - Corrected bugs in calculating the uptime of the Hourglass of the Unraveller and Tsunami Talisman procs. - Model for multiple Wrath of the Litch King abilities. These are all preliminary models as feedback is returned from Beta testing. See the WotLK tabs for specifics. - Removed the Intro tab, and combined it with the Change Log tab, added a link to a wonderful how-to on using this spreadsheet - (WotLK) Invigorate now only applies to pet special attacks. - (WotLK) Talent point totals are now accurate, and display even when you have more than 10 ranks in a tree. - (WotLK) The damage for Steady Shot is now accurate, and based off of more than target armor. - (WotLK) Arcane Shot's damage uses the correct numbers to calculate. - (WotLK) Began modeling Pet DPS and talents. The following Talents are modeled (Bestial Discipline, Go For the Throat, Animal Handler, Ferocity, Frenzy, Cobra Strikes). The following abilities are modeled (Kill Command, Rabid, Spiked Collar, Cobra Reflexes, Roar of Recovery, Spider's Bite, Owl's Focus, Call of the Wild). - Corrected a bug where the Scryer version of the Shattered Sun Pendant of Might was not being counted towards DPS. - (WotLK) Fixed the Quick Shots uptime calculations. - (WotLK) Modeled focus dumps (Bite/Claw/Smack) for all pets. It is assumed the focus dump will be used as often as possible after talented, focus-using abilities are used. - Reverted Armory scrape code to work with special European letters again.
- Unlocked spreadsheet. This will be the final version supported by Cheeky. - Added Kill Shot, Explosive Shot to rotations - Only Steady Shot rotation button available, use manual rotations for everything else - Started work on new talent implementations/Removed Cheeky's tentative WotLK stuff - Profiles probably not working, export/import neither. Armory Scrape should still work - added new spell ranks - unlinked Auto Shot dps - I haven't touched DST/QS sections and I'll probably have to scrap them and/or redo them instead of trying to fix things - Misc reported bugs from the EJ thread (missing items and such) - Changed mana costs to % of base mana where known - Sniper Training added. Boss HP % can be selected on the Shot Rotation tab. Choice between 15%/25%/35% for Kill Shot/Sniper Training - Pet DPS not touched so it's pre-WotLK values - Noxious Stings effect works when you add Serpent Sting to your rotation - Added level selection option - Separation Anxiety, Hunting Party and Lock and Load added to talents - checked a whole lot of unchanged talents whether they still worked. Hopefully correctly. Only for hunter, not pets. - Fixed Profiles load/save, Buffs should also work - Added Scorpid sting to the shot rotation for Lock and Load - Removed CD from serpent sting which prevent firing more than once every 15 seconds - Fixed timing issues with the new shots on the rotation, they should properly use the GCD now - Changed Shot Rotation tab to a Priority queue based system - Limited haste cap to +25 haste for recalculating attributes - Redid Quickshots/DST calculations, please check them - Modeled Pet skill rotations - Modeled Savage Rend, Monstrous Bite, Scorpid Poison, Lightning Breath, Gore and Furious Howl - Pet Talents: Rabid, Spiked Collar, Cobra Reflexes, Dive/Dash and Mobility - Frenzy fixed - Added Cobra Strikes and Invigoration - Fixed Profiles yet again, now saves Pet information correctly (talent, priority queue, etc..) - Lock and Load and Hunting Party changed to use frequencies. Lock And Load also correctly counts the 'nocooldown on 3 shots' effect - You can select on the Calculations tab which shot to use when Lock&Load procs (either Arcane or Explosive or both equally; default is only Explosive) - You can now select which rank and talent points the other hunter has when using the Imp. Hunter's Mark on the Buff selection - You can divide the fight into 3 stages on the Shot Rotation tab. 100%-30%, 30%-20% and 20%-0%. This for Kill Shot and pet abilities that trigger at 30% or 20%. Then you can calculate the average DPS over the fight - You can select when to use Kill Shot: Always, sub-30%, sub-20%. If you do not use Kill Shot in the rotation this option has no effect, of course - Explosive shot now has 3 chances to trigger Hunting Party, initial blast and the 2 ticks - Fixed JoW - Hunter vs Wild now correctly adds to your pet's AP - Added Chimera Shot. I presume the effect adds 40% of a (i.e. ONE) Serpent Sting _TICK_??? Rather than 40% of the damage it would do over 15 seconds. Correct me if wrong - Improved Steady Shot added - Export/Importing works again
- Implemented Kill Command - Using both Chimera Shot and Serpent Sting in a rotation now refreshes Serpent Sting, or rather it makes the shot rotation ignore GCDs and mana used by Serpent Sting, since it is only cast once. - Added Madness of Betrayer trinket/Naaru Sliver back in - Fixed Ashtongue Talisman of Swiftness - Trinkets should sort properly on the Gear planner tab again - Various cosmetic fixes to the Settings and Results tab - On the buff tab you can now select how much mana JoW restores per hit - Modeled JoW to new WotLK mechanics, 4 sec internal Cooldown, 100% proc chance - Fixed bug with Cobra Strikes - Fixed Lock and Load in a situation where too few steadies were cast to be replaced by Explosive shots - Fixed a bug with Lock and Load - Added a 0/18/53 SV build to the talents - Added a 7/57/7 MM build to the talents - Added Pet and Hunter DPS columns to Settings and Results for comparison - Added the (hopefully) correct scaling to Explosive shot, 20% RAP initial, 5%/5% on each tick. Same for base damage on ticks, quarter of initial base damage - Changed the logic to deal with Lock and Load, it should properly replace any shot placed below Explosive shot/Arcane shot with the free shot - Importing not working currently - Fixed Kill Shot logic - Vastly improved importing and exporting, not compatible with any previous versions though and the output file isn't human-readable anymore either - Correct level 70 race stats and fixed Troll/Dwarf racial weapon bonus - Fixed Buff saving/loading - Settings and results now displays the shot priority list used - Fixed display of damage loss with Lock & Load, this was just a display issue, the actual dps loss was counted correctly - Fixed Madness of the Betrayer armor penetration proc leading to an error - Added Curse of Elements, Winter's Chill, Improved Scorch and Misery as target debuffs - The 'Total Hunter DPS' on the calculation tab now shows the correct amount - Explosive shot now scales with target debuffs that improve fire damage - Rabid changed to drop off at 30sec mark. With Longevity the stack remains, thus leading to higher uptime. - Pet Attack power modifiers on the target (Expose Weakness, IHM) now scale with Rabid and Call of the Wild. - Pets gain full +hit from their masters now (this is only +hit from gear, not talents) - Added Draenei heroic presence as a buff - Added DK Abomination's Might to hunter/pet buffs, select uptime% as a modifier - Cleared up the RAP and PAP calculations by first adding all the numerical bonuses and then lastly all the multiplicative ones. Please check it if it's correct - Added new Windfury Totem. Affects autoshot speed and pet melee attack speed - Strenght of Earth changed to add both strength and agility, grace of air totem removed as buff - Added Earth and Moon debuff; adds both nature and arcane damage, select stacks as modifier - Fixed Savage Rend, it gave +30% damage instead of +10% over 30 seconds - Added Sanctified Retribution and Swift Retribution buffs - Lock and Load now replaces 2 shots when it procs, rather than 3, because the CD of Arc/Explosive Shot won't have reset after the 3rd free shot - Added Blood Frenzy debuff - Added new WotLK ranks of Blessing of Might + updated imp. Blessing of Might talent bonus - Added new WotLK ranks of Blessing of Wisdom
- Added new WotLK ranks of Strength of Earth and talent modifiers - Added new WotLK ranks of Gift of the Wild and talent changes - Added new WotLK ranks of Prayer of Fortitude - Added new WotLK rank of Blood Pact - Changed Sunder Armor and Faerie Fire to their level 80 values - Monstrous Bite now adds 3% per stack, not 4% - Talents that modify AP by % don't affect debuffs on targets anymore (Expose Weakness, Hunter's Mark) - Fixed Steady Shot damage formula. Now counts Ammo correctly and uses the base weapon DPS normalized as well - Cunning pets now have a 105% damage mod instead of 100% (source Mania's Arcana) - Talented pet skills now automatically are not used in the pet rotation if you don't have the talent points in them. They still remain in the rotation list though. You have to manually remove/replace them - Chimera Shot now properly gets 10% extra crit bonus damage from Marked for Death and deals 40% of Serpent's Stings TOTAL damage, not just 40% of a tick - Improved Steady Shot now reduces Arcane/Aimed/Chimera Shot mana costs - Wild quiver now does 4/7/10% chance to proc instead of 4/8/12% - Misery now also increases arcane and nature damage by 5% - Using both Serpent and Scorpid in the same rotation will now mean the lower priority shot will not be used. - Chimera Shot is now affected by the target's armor - Steady shot calculations now use the correct mana cost for DPM (Damage per Mana) - Explosive shot now has a base 150% crit damage instead of 200%, it also uses the correct crit rate to determine the damage bonus for crits - Arcane Shot now uses the correct talent to determine its cooldown - Most shots now display their DPM - Chimera Shot now refreshes Serpent Sting's duration properly and removes its mana expenditure - Removed the haste cap calculation and the Gear planner now completely values haste - Lock and Load is now a 10%/20%/30% chance to proc - Added %-based mana values for silencing shot, explosive shot and chimera shot - Serpent Sting now scales with 20% of your RAP, instead of 10% - Explosive shot base damage/scaling changed to 345+20% RAP and ticks for a quarter of that - Noxious Stings implemented - Survivalist now increases stamina by 2%/4%/6%/8%/10% instead of Health - Aspect of the Beast now increases pet AP by 10% - Kill Command changed to a 60 second cooldown - Implemented Rapid Fire - Reworked shot rotation logic to more closely resemble reality, abilities don't fire more often than would be possible with GCDs - added Wasp pet family and Sting family skill (assumed not to supposed to stack with Faerie Fire) - added Worm pet family and Acid Spit family skill (stacks 5 times and assumed not to stack with Sunder Armor) - added Spore Bat pet family and Spore Cloud family skill (stacks with other debuffs) - Changed a lot of pet skills to latest version from wowhead (most have been normalized to 6 ranks, level 1/16/32/48/64/80) - fixed dropdown values of Cunning pet talent tree - Added lvl 75 vendor ammo and new wotLK engineering ammo - added WotLK scopes - added new steady shot low-level rank - Added in Glyphs (Aimed Shot, Arcane Shot, Aspect of Beast, Bestial Wrath, Aspect of Hawk, Multi-Shot, Rapid Fire, Serpent Sting, Steady Shot) - Saving profile now also saves Glyphs - Added Unleashed Rage buff (select uptime)
- Added Rhinos as pet family - Reordered Serpent Sting damage calculation so that it shows up properly in the reference table on 'Shot Rotation'; also adds the bonus damage from the Glyph to Chimera Shot - Calculate Attributes now calculates the haste rating needed to reach the soft cap and displays the dps gained from going +1 haste over the haste cap. The rating is the rating needed on TOP of your current gear. - added froststorm breath - added stamina/intellect scrolls to hunter buffs (stamina/intellect don't stack with priest/mage buffs) - added WotLK scrolls, guesstimate for strength/agility (new ranks 30/35) - You can change Separation Anxiety and Sniper Training range again - fixed normalization of weapon damage/ammo damage for Multi-shot and Steady Shot - Chimera shot's serpent sting damage bonus is affected by imp. Steady Shot now - explosive shot ticks now are affected by all damage increasing talents/procs/buffs - Cobra Strikes now uses the correct steady shot frequency - Expose Weakness now uses the combined auto-shot rate with _critting_ specials rate, instead of overall specials rate - Cobra strikes should now account for possible reprocs and only affects specials that can actually crit - changed color scheme. Yellow = user input, brown = informative, red = titles/NYI - Added Datamined WotLK Mail Gear - only blue quality or better - Added Stamina to the list of calculated attributes - Added some WotLK Leather Gear - only blue quality or better - Added all relevant mined Gems - Gems with haste or ArP now are properly added to the gear tab - I've set Boss Armor to 12,000 for target as a guesstimate of boss armor in WotLK - Added WotLK Enchants, LW enchants, etc.. - Added WotLK Mining/Skinning profession perks (+stamina/+crit) - Fixed Armory Import - Master Tactician now has a 10% chance to proc instead of 6% - Fixed Unleashed rage - Added Glyph of Hunter's Mark (currently works on both base and bonus stack) - Fixed Import/Export (hopefully for the last time) - Removed green-quality TBC gems from the list - Added calculations for pet health and armor and dodge (mostly guesstimates until we know the scaling/base levels) - Added Commanding Shout to pet buffs - Implemented Wolverine Bite - Changed Rabid to a 45 sec Cooldown, 30 duration and modified calculations - Changed Furious Howl to a 5% damage bonus on next attack (averaged over the # of attacks during the frequency it is used) - Using Aimed Shot in the rotation penalizes Auto Shot dps by the amount of time spent casting aimed shot over the frequency used - Gathering profession perks can be changed now - The Pet tab now uses the correct pet melee attack dps - Fixed Wild Quiver to be actually doing what I intended. - Cobra Reflexes reduces auto-attack pet damage by 15% instead of 30% now - Added some more WotLK Gear - Sniper Training now increases damage of Aimed/Steady/Explosive by 2%/4%/6% - Chimera Shot now deals nature damage (ignores armor and is improved by +nature damage debuffs), Improved SS now also affects the sting part of the damage - Re-implemented Wild Quiver according to Ravenfire's calculations - added some wotLK mined trinkets - Glyph of Steady Shot only affects steady shot if there's Serpent Sting in your rotation now
- Pet Frenzy now differentiates between different critrates for specials and melee hits - Dwarf level 80 has the correct wotLK beta stats, so use that to get a correct impression of mana costs/longevity - Lock and Load back to 5/10/15% proc chance off stings - Hunter's Mark now only increases hunter RAP (and doesn't stack ) and Expose Weakness as well (i.e. no pet AP) - Improved Hunter's Mark increases HM by 10/20/30% - Trueshot Aura increases RAP by 10%, Glyph works now as well - Trueshot Aura, Unleashed Rage and Abomination's Might are now mutually exclusive - Combat Experience now increases agility by 3/6% instead of 1/2% - Improved Arcane Shot now only 3 talent points and increases damage by 5/10/15% - Added Rhino's Stampede ability (although it doesn't do anything DPS-wise, it's just selectable) - Added new Glyphs - Chimera Shot's sting proc effect now is affected separatedly by damage adjustments (crit + modifiers) - Ferocious inspiration and Swift Retribution are now mutually exclusive - Blood Pact and Commanding Shout are now mutually exclusive (no data on Blood Pact Health bonus though) - Added Rank 7 Strength of Earth totem (assumed to be same as DK Horn of Winter with talents, i.e. 135 base, 155 talented) - Changed Greater Blessing of Might +AP values to match battleshout - Added new LW bracer enchants (stamina/AP) - Improved Faerie Fire no longer increases +hit to target - Curse of Elements and Earth and Moon no longer stack and both increase spell damage against targets by 13%. Earth and Moon no longer has stacks - Cobra Strikes now only works if you have the talent - Added Spiced Mammoth treats to pet snacks - Winter's Chill and Improved Scorch buffs removed as they will increase spell crit against target instead of damage - JoW now restores 2% of your total mana per hit - Hunting Party now restores 0.5% total mana per second (it's assumed you get the buff every time at the moment) - Explosive Shot now hits the initial target 3 times with the 'big' scaling (345 + 20% RAP) - Death Knight's Anguish trinket now adds its stacking crit bonus to your actual crit rate - Windfury Totem now has modifiers for the talent Improved Windfury Totem (improved works for ranged haste too, no?) - Fixed Buff loading/saving - Explosive Shot and Arcane Shot share CD - Added level 70 ranks of Sunder Armor and Greater Blessing of Might - Trinkets can now have sockets and added the Emerald Boar trinket - Profiles now save spell ranks used - Profiles now save player level and target level and armor level - Added new cooking items to buffs - Bestial Wrath talent now properly activates and deactivates based on the right talent point - Serpent Sting uptime now is duration/frequency instead of vice-versa - Blood Frenzy changed to +2% physical damage (down from 4%) - Fixed Haste bug when there are no buffs - Trinket slots should work now - Misc bug fixes and some more dwarf base stats - Serpent Sting uptime now is duration/frequency instead of vice-versa - Blood Frenzy changed to +2% physical damage (down from 4%) - Curse of Elements now properly turns off when you deselect it on the Buffs tab
- Dwarf stats now in the proper place (instead of Draenei), I've extrapolated the other levels, based on available reports, feel free to correct them. - Changed Chimera shot: Base damage affected by armor and Improved Steady Shot/Curse of Elements, sting part affected by Curse of Elements and ignores armor. - Fixed Mana regen, it was counting some buffs/talents double - Added Mighty Mageblood Elixir - Added Tier7 Naxxramas(10) gear and 3 weapons - Added Core Hound as Exotic Pet with skill Lava Breath - Added more Naxx-10 Loot - Mining profession benefit is now health instead of stamina - Marked for Death no longer affects Serpent Sting - Added more Naxx-10 Loot - Gear Planner now supports ranged weapons, use the separate button for it. - Redid the Gear Planner. All TBC-loot is now classed under 'The Burning Crusade' to make room for WotLK Raid dungeons - Armor Calculations now use the correct level you selected, instead of a hardcoded level 70 value - Added some more Naxx-10 loot - Armory import now clears enchants/gems properly again - TSA, Abomination's Might and similar AP %-increasing talents now don't stack anymore - Fixed gear planner ranged weapon bug - Pet skill rotation now limits use of abilities to the GCD - New option 'Disable Averages' on settings and results. Setting it to 'Yes' will remove the effects of procs and averaged out abilities/talents (like Bestial Wrath and Ferocious Inspiration) from all calculations - Currently affected abilities/skills: Bestial Wrath, Ferocious Inspirtation, Call of the Wild, Gear procs, Orc Bloodfury, Rapid Fire - You can now save up to 5 talent specs, exporting and importing them should work as well. You can not name the specs (yet) - Greatly speeded up the saving/loading of buff profiles - Ranged Weapon Gear planner now only checks those weapons that correspond to the drop locations you selected. This should hopefully cut down the calculation time a little. - Option 'Automatic Spell Selection'. Selects spell ranks based on level. - Great Stamina, Natural Armor, Spiked Collar and Cobra Reflexes are now mutually exclusive for the pet talent trees, so points in other trees don't increase them - Furious Howl now grants +2AP*LevelOfPet for 10 seconds - Spiked Collar calculations now refer to the correct cell in the tenacity tree - Aimed Shot and Steady Shot now have correct ranks in the spell selection again - Kill shot now deals 200% autoshot damage + [30% RAP + 400] - Aspect of the Viper now returns WeaponSpeed % of total mana per shot and reduces damage done by the hunter by 50% - The shot Rotation tab now has a 'time to full Mana' indicator to show how long it takes to fill up from 0 - Cobra Strikes only affects 2 pet specials now - Invigoration only restores 1% total mana now and has a 50/100% chance to proc depending on talent points - Aspect Mastery only gives 30% of the AP of AotH (instead of 50%), Aspect Mastery now affects the damage penalty - Lock and Load gives only 2 free shots now (down from 3), i.e. it'll replace only _1_ shot (since the other starts the cooldown) - JoW now restores 2% BASE mana instead of TOTAL mana - Added 25-man Tier7 and more loot from various instances - Wolverine Bite now triggers only on a dodge and can not be dodged itself - Implemented Owl's Focus
- Added predicted crit/non-crit values for shots on the Shot Rotation tab. For best accuracy, turn on "Disable Averages" and remove all buffs (for solo testing) - T.N.T increases Explosive Shot critical strike chance by 3/6/9% instead of 5/10/15% - Added Enchant Weapon: Accuracy - Redid HitDPS calculations on the gear planner. Removed the option on how to treat +hit. It should now properly determine how much of the hit on an item will be actually used and how much it is worth. This is on a per-item basis and compared to the item currently in a slot.. IMPORTANT NOTE: Rings and Trinkets and Weapons are compared against the TOP trinket/MH Weapon. - Added Season 5 PvP gear and some more Naxx/Obsidian Sanctum loot - Armor Penetration currently works AFTER debuffs (no info yet whether this is actually so, so don't PM me about it unless you have tested it in beta and found out how it really is) - Converted all items with 'Ignore XX armor' to Armor Penetration Rating - Squashed some bugs in the gear planner logic to do with haste (it should more accurate now) - Aspect of the Hawk bonus AP now properly turns off when you switch aspects - Steady Shot rank 2 now has 120 bonus damage (instead of 150) - New option 'Turn off Target AP Buffs', disables Hunter's Mark/Expose Weakness on the target - Some pet specials now scale with 7% of pet AP (all physical implemented ones: Bite, Monstrous Bite, Savage Rend, Gore) - Disable Averages now turns off Bestial Wrath, Rabid, Call of the Wild, FI, Kill Command and Monstrous Bite for pets - Reverted JoW change - Blood Frenzy target debuff is now also a 2% increase for the hunter (was still at 4%) - Automatic spell rank selection now works on Hunter's Mark and AotH as well - Madness of the Betrayer trinket +Ignore Armor now valued differently on the gear planner. Previously it was treated as ArP _rating_ which is why it was rated so high. - Redid Imp. Steady Shot calculations, splitting benefits amongst the 3 possible shots - Added Dalaran and SW/Org Target dummies to boss list - Clearing an item slot on the gear tab now automatically clears the enchant as well - Faerie Fire can now be set at either rank 5 or 6 - Magical pet abilities now scale with 10% of Pet Ap and have a 42.875% coefficient - Kibler's Bits now is +30str/spi - Redid Chimera Shot calculations, hopefully bringing them closer to reality - Master Marksman now increases critical chance by 1/2/3/4/5% and total ranged haste by 1/2/3/4/5% instead of AP by 2/4/6/8/10% - Explosive Shot now 7% base mana instead of 10% - Wild Quiver deals 50% damage instead of 60% damage now - Aspect of the Viper now returns 2 times RangedWeaponSpeed% of your total mana on hit - Glyph of Aspect of the Viper now increases mana returned by 10% - Hunting Party and Replenishment buffs now restore 0.25% total mana per second - Added new Ranks of Kill Shot and Explosive Shot (levels still guesstimates for Kill Shot) - Sniper Training's Kill Shot crit chance bonus now always works - Spider's Bite now increases pet critical chance by 3/6/9% instead of critical damage by 10/20/30% - Fire Breath now has 2 components, an initial hit and a DoT, both scale with pet AP (need testing on this) - Survival Instinct now increases critical chance of Arcane, Steady and Explosive by 2/4% (instead of 2/4% AP) - Combat Experience 2/4% agility/intellect instead of 3/6% - Added Cat 'Rake' Ability - Added Spirit Beast Exotic Pet (Probably an exotic cat-like, since it has prowl and claw) - Implemented Spirit Beast family skill 'Spirit Strike' - Implemented Tier7 Set Bonuses - Feeding Frenzy is now 6/12% instead of 20/40%
- Mortal Shots no longer affects Auto Shot - Furious Howl doesn't stack anymore - Pet Family Armor modifiers are now all 100%, need testing on the new base armor values at 71-80 - Added some WotLK Trinkets.. Proc chances/internal cooldowns unknown for now (assumed 10% proc chance, 45 sec internal CD for now) - Pets now gain 45% of the hunter's stamina - Rake ignores armor - Wild Quiver isn't affected by Mortal Shots now - Wild Quiver now deals RAP * WeaponSpeed/14 + WeaponDPS*WeaponSpeed damage (courtesy of testing from Kom) - Added new Enchants - Master Marksman's haste bonus is gone, now reduces Steady Shot mana cost by 5/10/15/20/25% - Rabid now lasts 20 seconds (down from 30) - Pet base agility values changed (need new info on 71-80) - Updated scroll values to current Beta - Ranged Weapon Spec no longer affects Stings and Chimera Shot-Serpent - Steady Shot now affected by Sniper Training - Chimera Shot-Serpent now deals 40% of umodified Serpent Sting damage - Explosive Shot now has a +100% critical damage bonus - Reworked Rake, damage per tick should now be correct - Explosive Shot can now be resisted (and miss) - Mangle now affects Bleed effects (Rake and Savage Rend) - The portion of Pet AP that's added by hunter AP is now only affected by Aspect of the Beast - Reworked Savage Rend, both hit and DoT are physical and are affected by armour - All Glyphs are now Major ones (haven't found any minor ones yet) - Relentless Earthstorm/Earthsiege bonus now applies to CS-Serpent - CS-Serpent now is affected by Improved Stings - Selecting TrueShot Aura as a buff (not yours) will work now - Removed Glyph Mastery extra glyph - Reworked some trinket calculations (Shatter Sun pendant, Band of the Eternal Champion), please review - Trinkets/Talents that work off criticals now use the correct critical chance for shots that differ from the base crit chance (e.g. talented Explosive Shot) - Fixed the Composite Shot Crit Rate - Trinkets that fire on crits now only base their proc frequency on shots that can crit - TSA should not work correctly as a (external) buff for pets/hunters again - Aimed shot now has the correct cooldown - Aimed Shot should now have the correct frequency - Added a new 'Rotation Test' tab where it builds the selected rotation and tries to find the point where it repeats. - Gear Planner fix, removing Naxx drops should work now - Pet Rotation fix, removing all abilities won't bug out now. - Rake DoT doesn't crit anymore - Separation Anxiety is now Kindred Spirits and is always on (4/8/12/16/20% pet damage bonus) - Explosive Damage changed to new scaling (8% AP scaling instead of 20%) - Kill Shot now deals normalized weapon damage * 205% + 40% RAP + bonus - Lock and Load is now a 15% chance to proc on Serpent Sting damage ticks - Improved Tracking no longer affects DoT effects (need verification of Explosive Shot on this count)
- LW bracers enchant Fur Lining: Attack Power is now +114 AP instead of +120 (GG random Blizz changes?) - Adder Rift Stalker 4-set bonus back in - Arcane Shot/Multi-Shot is now affected by Mortal Shots - Auto Shot crit averages no longer affected by Mortal Shots - Lock & Load is now 2/4/6% chance to proc on Serpent Sting ticks (as per blue post 'estimate') - Tier7 2-set bonus is now '5% pet damage increase' - Savage Rend base damage and DoT both benefit from Trauma/Mangle - Fixed Tier7 4-set bonus to only work when Viper is used - Reworked how Trinkets' DPS is calculated on the gear planner, please check if you think any trinkets are at abnormal DPS - Gear Planner should be even more accurate with +hit now - Pets now benefit from Hunter's +hit - Reworked Glancing blows mechanism for pets - Fixed bug in profile saving if you had no shots in your shot rotation queue - Bright Scarlet Ruby is now a Red gem (instead of yellow) - Hunting Party now has a proper range from 0/5 to 5/5 talent points - Pet hit now affects pet spells as well - Aimed Shot is now 8% mana (12% for sub-70 ranks) - Kill Shot now deals 200% weapon damage + 0% RAP + 410/500/650 damage for rank 1/2/3 - Multi-Shot now costs 9% base mana (13% for sub-70 ranks) - Focused Aim now gives 1/2/3% to-hit - Surefooted and T.N.T. swapped places - Scatter Shot moved to SV tree, Trap Mastery as 41pt talent, Readiness to MM tree - Point of no Escape has now only 2 ranks - Implemented Readiness to work with either The Beast Within or Rapid Fire (select which on Talents tab, not saved in profiles yet) - Aimed Shot is now instant and no longer clips Auto Shot - Readiness now doesn't require a selection, works on both abilities a the same time - Some corrections to gems and enchants - Aimed Shot now has the new +damage values - the Settings and Result tab now shows AP/Crit/Hit and ArPen values of the saved profile (you'll have to re-save any existing profile for these values to be filled in properly) - You can now select Rapid Fire, Bestial Wrath and your Racial (if applicable) in the shot priority queu - Rapid Fire and Bestial Wrath/TBW in the shot priority queue now control whether their effects are used in the calculations, rather than being 'always on' - Added level 80 Night Elf stats and level 80 pet base stats - Pets now gain 45% of the hunter's Armor - Thick Hide now also increases Hunter's Armor - Fixed meta gems on helms and some missing socket bonuses on various items - You can now select the pet's GCD on the Pet tab. Use either 1.25s (tested) or 1.5 (assumed) or your own value - Rapid Recuperation is now 2 ranks - Various fixed to items/enchants, added a few missing ones - Explosive Shot affected by Mortal Shots again - Hunter's Mark rank 5 is now level 76 (instead of 68) - Fixed Delicate Cardinal Ruby - The Shot Rotation tab's 'Calculate Averages' now also determines the time spent in aspect of the Viper and the corresponding DPS loss
- Reworked the AotV calculations to not require macros. - Hunter vs Wild now correctly adds AP to the pet - Rapid Fire and Beast Within cooldowns modified to reflect the discussion in - With the aspect you can select the behavior of Viper. "Always On" means never switch to Viper but stay in the selected Aspect. "Viper to OOM" means to use Viper as a means to last the duration of the boss fight (length selectable below). "Viper - Regen" means to use Viper to regen to full every time before continuining (i.e. indeterminate fight lengths) - Added Viper Sting as a selectable shot. Exported profiles will not load correctly because of the added spells. - Disabling averages now also turns off AotV calculations - Blackened Naaru Sliver's AP is now correctly used in the calculations - Scorpid Poison should now be correct in its DPS calculations. Scaling changed to match tested results. - added Minor Glyphs (no functional implementations since none of them affect DPS) - Misc fixes to various trinkets - You can now select where to export to on the Settings and Results tab - Cobra Reflexes now references the correct cell for Tenacity Pets - Small fix to IAotH - Redesigned UI, moved all custom settings to a separate tab. Cleaned up the Settings and Results tab - All custom settings will now save with the profile (and export); existing exports won't load correctly (hopefully the last time I have to make changes) - Rake will only tick 2 times if you have 2 or more talent points in Longevity - Fixed a bug with the Gear planner involving +hit and trinkets - Rapid Killing 1/2 leads to a Rapid Fire downtime of 127,5 seconds with Readiness; 0/2 leads to a 157,5 cooldown - You can now name talent specs and these names are exported/imported properly - Added a setting to use 1 mana potion during the fight - Wolverine Bite now is properly mitigated by armor - Time sub-20% on the setting stab can now have decimals - TSA buff on hunter/pet works again - Implemented Upcoming AotV change - Added Kill Shot low HP calculations. Kill Shot will replace only Steady Shots at the moment - added Quick Lionseye/Forceful Seaspray Emerald - Orc Blood Fury racial now has to be put in the shot rotation to have effect - Sorted weapons list alphabetically - Draenei Racial and Animal Handler also affect pet spellhit now - Scrolls don't stack anymore. - Added a version check to importing/exporting - Animal Handler now gives 5/10 Expertise to your pet (1,25/2,5% dodge reduction) - Most family special skills now cost 20 focus, adjusted damage to published figures (not all ranks are known so far) - Surefooted is now +10 hit/crit - Glyph of Trueshot Aura now gives 10% aimed shot crit chance - Armory talent Scrape working again - Barrage and Improved Barrage now affect Aimed Shot - Fixed Chimera Shot calculations not to use Barrage/Imp. Barrage - Animal Handler now properly works - Madness of the Betrayer proc is now 42 arm penetration rating - Greater Assault bracer enchant is now +50 AP - Fixed US armory import - Armory talent scrape puts points correctly in TBW/Longevity now - Fixed Jin'rohk spelling
- Fixed Talent import for TBW/Longevity (for real now, accidentally changed the wrong tree before) - Aimed Shot now 10 sec Cooldown - Furious Howl is properly added to hunter/pet AP again (if BoM is not active) - Sting (Wasp pet) doesn't stack with CoE anymore - Fixed Greater Blessing of Might ranks - Added Battle Shout as hunter buff - Corrected Strength of Earth totem ranks - Corrected Mana Spring totem ranks - Fixed DST Gear Planner DPS estimate - Glyph of Serpent Sting now affects Chimera-Shot Serpent - Changes to Rotation Test, uses Readiness correctly now. Will wait with readiness if TBW/BW is close to getting off CD. Or Rapid Fire if it's close too - Added Readiness as usable action in the rotation - Scrolls no longer stack with other stat increasing buffs (SoE totem, Horn of Winter, PoFortitude, Gift of the Wild) - Judgement of Wisdom restores 1% total mana instead of 2% - WF totem/Improved Icy talons no longer provide ranged haste - Curse of Reck is now correct ranks - Pet scrolls don't stack with other stat buffs anymore - %hit display on Overview/Gear tab now displays hit above 100% - Pet talent counter now only counts the active pet tree - Focused Aim now affects pets - Thick Hide (hunter) fixed for Gear-tab - Added gloves hand enchant Spell Strike (+15 hit) - JoW now a 50% proc chance, 0sec internal CD - Rake now costs 20 focus - Chimera-Shot Serpent effect now affected by Mortal Shots - Corrected spelling error on Biznicks Accurascope - Socket Bonuses work again - Fixed issue with Jin'rohk not working - Focused Fire/Thick Hide talents import properly now - Fixed issue with Battle Shout not stacking properly - Fixed issue with Swift Retribution not working - Fixed issue with defined named being called from an older version of the sheet - Fixed circular reference with Meteorite Whetstone - Added boss targets with 10% more armor (for announced change) - Fixed missing rings on gear drop down menu - +30 Hit scope fixed (Blizzard changed the name on the armory) - Added new wotlk JC ring/necklace - Owl's Focus and Feeding Frenzy now only work for Cunning pets - Added Darkmoon: Greatness card (+agi version) - Glyph of TSA no longer increases the AP bonus - Implemented Gorilla Thunderstomp - fixed some focus costs of pet abilities and damage ranges according to Petopia - Implemented Bear Swipe - Implemented Poison Spit - Implemented Ravage - Implemented Demoralizing Screech - Pet dodge/health/armor now reference the correct talents for tenacity pets - Pet dodge affected by Catlike Reflexes
- Fixed some bad references in pet calculations (mostly the damage per focus calculations) - Fixed 2 typos on the gem tab - Glyph of Aimed Shot now reduces its mana cost by 20% - Fixed some stacking issues with buffs - Gems with ArP now use the corresponding rating value - Fixed Thor'idal gear planner bug - changed 2 elixirs to match nerfs in latest patch (Mongoose and Major Agi) - A refreshed Serpent Sting now isn't affected by periods of time spent in Aspect of the Viper - Added an option to the Settings tab to use the results from the Rotation Test instead of the predicted frequencies for all calculations - Fix for Thunderstomp (deals physical damage) - TSA (yours) and other +% AP buffs don't stack for your pet any more - Added +20 hit rating glove enchant and renamed the +15 hit rating - Fixed 'per item budget' rating for Mp5 - Replenishment on the buff tab now has an 'uptime' selector - Implemented Indorra's new Hunting Party math - Adjusted Thunderstomp according to my testing - Fixed some buff stacking to be more clear - Cleaned up most shot calculations to be more alike and use the same logic - Fixed a bug with Marked for Death crit damage bonus - adjusted Aimed/Multi Shot to use non-normalized weapon damage and ammo damage according to my testing - CS-Serpent now crits with full Mortal Shots/RED bonus - If you use Chimera Shot to refresh serpent sting, the calculations will now assume you used your trinket's onuse +AP procs beforehand and/or Blood Fury (orc racial) to boost the damage. - Blood Fury off the GCD and no longer reset by Readiness - Elixirs and weapon enchants/hunter food properly stack again - CS-Serpent now uses the actual Serpent Sting value (with or without frontloaded AP) to determine its damage - Fixed Blade-scarred Tunic +Ap bonus and removed Fortitude of the Scourge shoulder enchant/Added Master Inscription of the Axe - Reworked the Gear Planner. It now shows the delta DPS for compared items and even multi-slots (Rings/Trinkets/1-handed weapons) now properly compare both items (sorting is still based on the top ring/trinket and MH weapon). It also only shows the instances you selected instead of filling the remainder with non-selected items if there were less than 10. - Various spelling errors and stats on items fixed. Added a few missing ones. - Rotation Test tab will now properly do nothing if no shots are selected - Added Aspect of the Dragonhawk - Custom rings with a socket will have the correct dropdown menu - Corrected more spelling mistakes on items - Socket bonuses now include Mp5 and Haste for all item categories, including custom gear - Added nearly all level 71-80 epic/blue items - Fixed some item/enchant names - Added some belt enchants, including prismatic sockets - Some pet talents now fixed to only work if the pet is the right family (armor/hp talents) - Some more enchants + corrections to some that have changed since beta - Spelling corrections - Added Figurine - Sapphire Owl (2340 mana every 5mins = 39 Mp5)
- Fixed socket bonus on Choker of the Betrayer and Plunderer's Helmet - Focused Aim no longer benefits pets - Level 83 Boss now has 13083 armor as per testing - Invigorating Earthsiege Diamond now has +42 AP - Necklace of the Chrono-Lord spelling fixed - Hit Rating to Cap now accounts for Focused Aim (and thus corrects the Gear Planner) - Added an option to the Gear Planner to assume 100% hit fixed - Rune of Finite Variation spelling fixed - Fixed HitRatingToCap - Depraved Linked Belt spelling corrected - Sun Scope fixed - Added every quest/reputation reward to the "non-Raid" filter on the Gear Planner together with all 5-man content gear. - Gear planner now has a 25-man and a 10-man filter - Fixed some items which were attributed to the wrong instances on the Gear Planner - Implemented Rapid Recuperation for hunter mana costs and pet focus costs during Rapid Fire - You can now hand adjust the pet crit%/AP and %damage modifiers on the gear page - Added option to use the new assumed 8% hit cap on bosses on the Settings tab (default= Yes) - Fixed Pawn string. Gems with +AP will now add dps from AP correctly - Careful Aim is now more accurate - Added Fel Intelligence to buffs and fixed various buffs to be more in-line with the wotLK talents (exported buff profiles will fail to load, sorry) - Added an option to use Aspect of the Beast during Bestial Wrath, this will reduce Hawk uptime - Added Enchanted Tear/Pearl gems - Various fixes to missing socket bonuses - Accuracy enchant fixed - Corrected pet +hit gained from hunter when using the new assumed 8% hit cap - Raging Construct bands now have +18 hit - Added Mammoth Meal food (+60 AP) - Aspect of the Beast now double-dips - Implemented -4,8% crit depression for level 83 targets as per Vulajins testing (both hunter and pet). Also changed target dodge for pets to 6,5% for level 80 pet vs 83 boss) - Saving a profile now stores the used buffs for that profile as well (this breaks the importing of gear/settings, but not saved buff profiles/talent specs) - fixed socket on Grotesque Handgrips - Readiness now also resets Kill Command - Implemented hand enchant 'Hyperspeed Accelerators' - Heroism is now averaged over a 5minute duration, setting to turn it off or 'once per fight' on Settings tab. Reduces both hunter and pet casting speed - Steady Shot scaling now 10% Ap - Readiness no longer affects BW - Kill Shot CD now 15 seconds - Kindred Spirits now 3/6/9/12/15% pet damage - Serpent's Swiftness now 2/4/6/8/10% pet speed increase - Overview HitRatingToCap rounding fixed - Added enchant Greater Haste for cloaks - Small fix to Imp. Aspect of the Hawk model - Unleashed fury changed to 3/6/9/12/15% damage (down from 4/8/12/16/20%) - Hyperspeed Accelerators now 10 second duration - Added changed feral staves - Glyph of Serpent Sting now +6 seconds (instead of +3)
- Fixed L&L procs with refreshed Serpent Sting - Gem sockets with +hit on the gear planner should be more accurate now. They properly account for the fact that hunter hit is affected by Focused Aim while pet hit is not. Also pet hit being applied in whole percentages now affects it as well. - Gear Planner will now correctly account for T7 2-piece bonus if you have only 1 piece currently equipped - Call of the Wild off the GCD now. It is automatically averaged in instead of used on the pet rotation - Using the same ability twice (or more) in the shot/pet rotation queue now does nothing for the 2nd time - Scorpid Poison now using 42,875% pet AP scaling - Added Smooth Dragon's Eye and correct Perfect Bright Bloodstone - Added new scaling for Explosive Shot - Cat Rake now scales with 6% of Pet AP instead of the normal 7% - Rotation Test now makes a preliminary simulation of Lock and Load. Also Explosive Shot now puts Arcane Shot on CD as well in the test. - Corrected changed head enchants names and added some missing hand enchants - Fixed Tier7 for 25-man versions - Correct Tier7 helm spelling - Wolverine Bite now scales with Pet AP (same scaling as other abilities assumed) - Implemented Roar of Recovery - Fixed bug with CalcAttributes involving setting 'Assume 100% hit' to Yes. - Added tentative support for Taiwanese Armory (let me know if it breaks anything, it seems to behave for now) - Mining changed to +stamina bonus again - Avool's Sword of Jin spelling fixed - Blood of the Rhino fixed - Scorpid Poison now deals 23 base damage + 14% of Pet AP in damage (to be verified once live) and no longer stacks up to 5 times. - Adjusted Rake and Spirit Strike to GC's new figures - Call of the Wild will now properly disable if you have a ferocity pet but don't take the talent - Corrected spelling on Jormungar Hide Leggings - Fixed a bug with Explosive Shot going ape with large amounts of +hit - Fixed Wolverine Bite DPS contribution - Sanctified Retri Aura now +3% damage and doesn't stack with FI anymore - Fixed Feeding Frenzy always on bug - Acid Spit now 10 second cooldown - New PTR Explosive Shot scaling - New Scorpid Poison changes - Acid Spit bug fixed - Glancing blows capped if pet higher level than target - Improved Tracking affects Serpent Sting now - Wolverine Bite now uses an approximate 0,75 attack frequency to determine its proc rate - T7 4-set bonus approximated as far as auto-shot dps and viper uptime goes - When determining the value of +haste the CalcAttributes button will now discount the effects of dynamic haste procs (rapid fire, item procs, heroism) to determine the cap - Call of the Wild now really fixed - Fire Breath should be correct dps contribution now - +32 AP enchant on boots fixed - FI now increases Arcane Shot damage by 3/6/9% - Added Stamina to PAWN string - JoW now restores 2% base mana - Roar of Recovery now bases mana regen on the amount of times it can be used in a boss fight and is also used for Viper Uptime calculations - Rabid and Roar of Recovery no longer use a pet GCD
- All Pet 'magic' abilities now scale with pet AP at 4,2875% (apart from those mentioned by Ghostcrawler as having a different coefficient). Pet physical damage abilities still scale with 7% of AP (excepting again those mentioned by GC) - Alchemy Trinket +40% potion effect now implemented - Fixed Thunderstomp #REF! errors - Roar of Recovery only works for Cunning pets now - Roar of Recovery and Rabid removed from pet ability list because they are averaged automatically - Spore Cloud DPS now added to pet tab. Armor reduction no longer stacks with Faerie Fire - Lock and Load now has a 30 seconds internal cooldown - Implemented Serenity Dust - Fixed pet rotation bug involving frequencies - Scorpid Poison affected by +nature damage debuffs on target again - All pet abilities with CD >= 30 seconds now are off the GCD - Fixed Overview DPS breakdown to correspond to other tabs - You can now use Wowhead/MMO/Official talent calculator URLs to import talent specs quickly - Fixed some bugs with exporting/importing. Also for future ease profiles will import/export in chunks now (Gear, Talents, Settings and Misc separate) so people won't have to re-do everything when I make changes to it. Unfortunately this breaks compatibility with the previous sheet. I've added a conversion routine that hopefully will import V81 data correctly, but I make no guarantees. - Fixed a bug with the gear planner involving pet hit above 100% - Lock & Load now 3/7/10% proc chance on Serpent Sting tick - Added an option to delete the currently selected profile (also clears gear/buffs and talents) - Removed most of the pre-WotLK gear - Skinning profession bonus now +20/+32 crit rating at rank 5/6. - Explosive Shot full resist chance removed per testing by Esoth - Fixed spelling on Vengance Shiv and Ritualistic Athame - Added Anvil of Titans - Fixed Tuskar's Vitality feet enchant - corrected stats on arena gear and spelling on epic honor belt - added Deadly Gladiator's Waraxe - Hyperspeed Accelerators now have a 60s cooldown - Shot Rotation priority queue now discounts invalid rotations (using Explosive/Arcane at the same time or MultiShot/Aimed Shot) - Added Oracles/Frenzyheart trinkets - Corrected ArP->Res on Savage Gladiator's Chain Spaulders - Frog-Toe Band spelling fixed - Fixed a bug with Glyph of Serpent Sting still providing +3s duration instead of +6s - Added code for Mixology. So far only Flask of Endless rage numbers verified. - Updated stats on Savage Cobalt Slicer - Shot Rotation Test now uses IAotH properly - Fixed some logic in the Shot Rotation test involving L&L - Added Prismatic Sockets for gloves/bracers - Added some more food options - Fixed chest slot socket bonus - adjusted Corroded Saronite Woundbringer stats - Added updated PAWN string courtesy of Jmlsteele - added the accidentally deleted Madness of the Betrayer back in - fixed import issue - Adjusted L&L logic on shot rotation test again - Swift Skyflare Diamond gem requirements fixed - Solid Sky Sapphire is now a blue gem
- Added Titan-forged Chain Helm/Sabatons of Triumph - Fixed confirmation dialog on deleting a profile - Rapid Fire/Kill Shot no longer on GCD - Fixed bug involving elixirs not loading properly from profiles - Fixed Arcanum of Rapidity bug - Fixed TSARankSet reference - Added Darkmoon Card:Crusade back in - Added custom trinket slot, most on-use trinket and on-hit/crit procs can be modeled - Staff of the Plaguehound spelling corrected - Gronnstalker Boots added again - Elixir of Accuracy added - Added setting to have Shot Rotation Test automatically redone if you make changes to the shot priority queue (default=No) - Custom Trinkets that deal damage now have an option to factor in your crit chance for extra damage. - Corrected Anvil of Titans spelling - Explosive Shot 14% AP scaling - Staff of the Plaguehound now shows up properly in the pull-down menus on the gear tab - Added Darkmoon Card: Death and made trinkets that have damage procs able to crit (for 100% crit damage) - Go for the Throat now uses the composite crit chance over all your shots rather than base crit chance - Explosive Shot Rank 4 top damage now 516 - Corrected Impassive Skyflare Diamond stats - Glyph of Trueshot Aura now only active if you actually have TSA as a talent - 3.0.9: Kindred Spirits again 20%, Serpent's Swiftness likewise - Added improved/glyphed Hunter's Mark as a target debuff - Spiced Wyrm Burger now +40 Crit Rating - Fixed Furious Howl not stacking with food and other +AP buffs (i.e. not Bshout/BoM) - Fixed Arcanum of the Savage Gladiator (now +25 resilience) - Added yellow socket to titan-forged sabatons of triumph and corrected resilience on shoulder enchant to show up on the gear tab - Changing pet family will not automatically fill in the family skill and focus dump - Fixed Boar's Gore to work with Charge (you'll need to put charge in the pet rotation). Charge is assumed to be used every time it's up (not really realistic unless for multi-mob boss fights). - Made a fix to the rotation test tab not always adjusting the dps on the shot rotation tab if the "Use Shot Rotation Test results" is used. - You can now sort gems on the settings tab - Added melee weapon enchants to the gear planner. You can select which enchant is used to compare items. Comparisons between 2-handers and dual-wield are not intended. - Small fix to PAWN string - Added setting to not interleave other shots with L&L Explosive Shots on the rotation test tab (exported Settings tab changes won't import for this version) - Small fixes to base stats calculations and rounding. Also added an 'in-game tooltip' value to the Calculations tab for Hunter RAP to make it easier to verify. - Alpha sort for gem is now ascending - Added 'DPS' sorting option for gems - Sorting gems on Quality now works - removed all TBC gems (excepting meta-gems)
- Fixed Spicy Wyrm burger (hopefully, finally). This involved re-doing some old parts of the buff tabs with new code, so hopefully it hasn't broken anything else. - Wild Quiver now 80% nature damage with 4/8/12% proc chance - RWS now a 3-pt talent for 1/3/5% extra damage - Added Black Arrow to shot rotation tab and calculations - Hunting Party now also grants +1% agility per talent point and is only 3-pt talent for 33/66/100% proc chance - Sniper training settings changed to Yes/No. Now affects Black Arrow and no longer Arcane Shot. - Lock And Load now procs off Black Arrow instead of Serpent Sting - T.N.T. now increased Explosive Shot damage by 2/4/6% instead of critical strike chance - Implemented Piercing Shots change like warrior's Deep Wounds (assumption for now) - Changed Shot Rotation test calculations to use Black Arrow instead of Serpent Sting for L&L procs. Also added a visual marker for when Black Arrow's debuff is active. - Added Ferocity pet tree talents: Shark Attack, Wild Hunt - Glyphs changed/added: Aimed Shot, Aspect of the Hawk, Chimera Shot, Kill Shot - Both Black Arrow and Serpent Sting now benefit 100% from their respective self-buff damage modifier instead of getting the avg out effect. - Explosive Shot now 16% scaling - Re-checked AP/Stamina scaling for pets, should be very accurate now - Sunder Armor/Faerie Fire changed to %-based armor modifiers. - Changed profiles to support new pet talents. Old talent settings in saved profiles will not load. - Fixed some strange calculations involving Frenzy - added damage debuff for Black Arrow - Added new Glyph of Explosive Shot - Added Immolation Trap. You can set the amount of GCDs you need to lay down the trap on the settings tab. - Implemented Glyph of Immolation Trap - L&L will now proc from Immolation Trap periodic damage - Fixed prismatic sockets dropdown menus - Furious Howl now stacks with other AP buffs - Furious Howl now 40 sec cooldown and (level*2-2)*2 AP bonus (i.e. double from before) - Thunderstomp now a Tenacity pet talent, Pummel new Gorilla family skill - Shark Attack now 3/6% - Some profile fixes - don't count on previous ones loading correctly for the time being, sorry - Rapid Fire is now off the GCD for the rotation test. - Kill Shot on the GCD again - Filter pet ability dropdown menu to remove all the spurious "none" entries - Changed boss armor to 10650 and changed the way armor reduction %-based effects are handled - All pets now have normalized 105% damage/armor/hp - Pet spell-hit now is the same as physical hit - Sunder Armor and Faerie Fire now multiplicative - Feeding Frenzy now 8/16% bonus instead of 6/12% - Roar of Recovery now 3 min CD - Troll Berserking added - Rotation test will now wait for ES/CS CD if they are less than 0.5 seconds to go. - no L&L internal CD any more (as per testing on EJ) - Heroism now has a 10 min CD (although it has a in-game CD of 5 mins the debuff you get is 10 mins) - Made some changes to the Gear Planner 'Assume 100% hit' so it devalues all hit completely now - Trap Mastery now affects Immolation Trap damage - Tenacity/Cunning mobs now have proper 2 pts talents at the highest tier (Wild Hunt and Silverback/Graxce of the Mantis) - Spelling corrected on Deadly Gladiator's Band of Victory
- Corrected Cunning pet talent tree to account for the new changes (addition of Roar of Sacrifice, moving of grace of mantis) - Added a gear import/export string to the overview tab - Wild Hunt now 10/20% extra AP - Fixed INDIRECT referencing for non-english locale with the gear string import - Darkmoon Card: Death updated to PTR stats and correct proc chance (35% per wowhead) - Thunderstomp now added to pet ability list once you select the talent - Gorilla's Pummel now 30 second cooldown (up from 10 second) - Wild Hunt scaling adjusted according to PTR testing - Explosive Shot damage adjusted to latest PTR (9637) - Added the possible highest rank Black Arrow with 2765 bonus damage (to use it, set Automatic Spell Selection to No and use rank 1 BA instead of rank 6) - Chimera Shot mana cost now 12% base mana - TNT/Trap Mastery now affect Black Arrow - Rapid Recuperation now restores 4% mana per 3 seconds while Rapid Fire is active - Wild Hunt now 20% AP and 40% Stamina - Effect of ArP increased by 25% - Darkmoon Card: Death now properly adds dps - Fixed Signet of Edward the Odd bug on gear planner and calculations page - Efficiency now 3/6/9/12/15% reduction - Heavy Borean Armor Kit now +18 stamina for leg slot - Focused Aim works for pets again - Mortal Shots now depends on talent points for Explosive Shot - All ranks of Black Arrow implemented - Added tier8 25/10-man sets - Implemented 2/4-piece bonus. 4-set bonus assumed no ICD for now (needs testing) - Added most known 3.1 loot (from Wowhead) - Sniper Training now properly affects Explosive Shot - Blood Frenzy now 4% - Fixed melee weapon drop-down menus - Removed Mana Oil from standard 80 raid buffs - Changed JoW to PPM system (15 PPM) - Added Stormjewels - Fixed Meta-gem requirements to actually work again (and properly disabled if not achieved) - Changed Mana Spring totem to not stack with BoW and has the same effect - Silencing Shot off the GCD - Bandit's Insignia now has spell-crit and uses spell-type resist rates and is affected by debuffs that improve spell damage - Black Arrow/Immo trap mana costs fixed - Resourcefulness now affects Black Arrow mana costs - Flexweave Underlay now +15 agility - Pauldrons of Havoc stats fixed - JoW now turns off properly when it is disabled on the Buffs tab, also fixed to provide base mana instead of erroneously total mana. - Fury of the Five Flights now an approximation rather than a fixed figure - Mixology applied to Elixir of Mighty Agility/Thoughts - Changed Wrist/Hand slot prismatic sockets to be always selectable. - Removed Explosive Shot ticks setting - Added Hand-Mounted Pyro Rocket tinker - Added Nitro Boosts tinket
- Darkmoon Card: Death now only adds dps when equipped - Bandit Insignia 45 sec ICD - Hit calculations against sub-80 targets won't break Calculate Attributes now - Kibler's Bits 20str/20sta again - Fixed crit on Journey's End - Fixed Commanding Shout to work with Commanding Presence talent - Fixed talent downloads from Armory, it will download the active talent tree - Removed the 25% ArP effectiveness increase for now (since the bug with ArP cancels it out) - Talent download now also gets the corresponding glyphs - Changed ArP according to GC's post - Added more Ulduar gear - Fixed bug with Rapid Recuperation making pet abilities cost -ve focus - Changed pet armor debuffs to %-based modifiers. Acid Spit same as Sunder Armor, Wasp Sting same as Faerie Fire, Spore Cloud 3% (and doesn't stack with Faerie Fire/Wasp Sting). - Added Swordguard Embroidery - Added option to load alternate talent spec upon Armory import - Corrected spelling of various items - Black Arrow scaling changed according to Ravenfire's testing - Added a setting to disable automatic pet priority (for those for whom macros don't work) - Roar of Recovery fixed - Adjusted overview/gear tab agility reported to exclude procs to make comparison to in-game character tab easier. - Added a How-to guide to the sheet - Adjusted base pet focus regen to 5 per second - Running the rotation test now properly ignores duplicate shots in the rotation. Also the shot priority table on the shot rotation tab is more robust when it comes to that too. - Added an option to each shot on the shot rotation tab to determine whether crits from that ability can cause procs (i.e. GftT) - Added "None" as a possible pet which will disable all pet dps and procs - Added extra socket for cloaks, this might cause problems for importing and/or loading existing profiles. - Concussive Barrage now maximum of 2 points - Set default target to WotLK Boss and adjusted armor to 10643 - Changed Feeding Frenzy to be averaged over the boss fight (setting on Settings tab to set the time spent sub35%, this is additive with the option for sub-20%) - Added Hard Mode loot, some are missing socket bonuses, please report when you find out what they are. - Tunic of Limber Stalker stats adjusted - Changed Pawn String to always display a period as decimal separator, regardless of user Locale. - Added an option on the Gear Planner to filter out downgrades. Does not apply to dual-slots (Rings, Trinkets, dual-wield melee) - Removed +hit selection from settings tab. - Fixed socket on wrist/cloak slot - Fixed Tuskarr's Vitality enchant name change - With the Gear Planner. When comparing items, the enchant on the Gear tab is disregarded, the selected enchants on the Gear Planner are used for comparison. Enchant settings are used only for item types you are currently NOT equipping. I.e. if you dual-wield then the 2h enchant set on the planner is used for comparisons, but your dual-wield enchants are drawn from the Gear tab. And vice-versa for when you are using a 2-hander. - Readiness no longer resets Berserking - Armory Import now also sets level correctly - added validation to pet talent trees (visual notifier when the spec is incorrect/impossible)
- fixed spelling error on Berserking racial in the rotation test that made readiness reset it. - Gathering Skill now linked to gear load/save on Gear tab - Made extensive changes to the data underlying the gear tab and Gear Planner, removing the RAP/health/mana columns and sorting all individual gear tabs the same way - LnL 2/4/6% chance to proc again. - On Armory gear loading, it now prompts you to try and load stats from unknown items into the Custom Gear tab. Does not work for Trinkets, but should work for all other slots. - Re-did some of the base stat calculations to more closely match in-game (see the Gear tab) - Silithids now Cunning pets - Added some more gear - Removed all NYI gems and added an option to filter out all (un)common quality gems (on by default) - Gear Planner now shows rings, trinkets and 1h weapons separate for both slots - Gear string import fixed - Gem List sorting fixed so the bottom-most gem doesn't get cut off - Dwarf Gun Specialization and Troll Bow Specialization fixed - Fixed issue with trinket dps not added for trinkets with 'use' abilities. - Blood Frenzy for pets now 4% - Changed base stat calcs for strength, intellect and spirit to match agility/stamina - Hunter's Mark/Expose Weakness now affected by TSA and CotW - Marked for Death now affects Arcane critical damage - Removed duplicate 30% modifier from Piercing Shot's Steady Shot calculations - Removed greatness proc from in-game RAP value shown on the calculations tab - Tier 8 4-piece bonus now 25% proc chance with 45 sec ICD - Rotation test LnL proc chance changed to 2/4/6% to match static frequency calculations - Added Gnomish Lightning Generator trinket - Fixed socket bonuses on melee weapons - Meta-gem activation/deactivation by gem colours works again - Gear Planner should now factor in tier8 2p and 4p bonus - Swapped Furious Gladiator's Rifle/Shotgun stats - Fixed Pawn gem dps for crit/hit - Wowhead talent import now also gets the glyphs - Pet Armor reduction debuffs now get added properly to the hunter's again - Effective Armor can now be negative - Changed Calculate Attributes to be faster concerning haste - Fixed bug with gear planner's 2nd trinket slot reading dps values from the wrong column - CS serpent not affected by 2t8 - Socket bonus on Dreambinder - Rotation Test now is able to wait on ES/CS, set value to how long you'd wait at the most - Silencing Shot displays average non-crit/crit damage on the shot rotation tab now - Gear Planner 'hide downgrades' now works for trinkets/rings/melee weapons again - Ammo selection box works again - Adjusted some hard-mode loot to 3.1.2 PTR stats and added Algalon trinket - Added a some of the missing socket bonuses on hard-mode loot. Still missing: Gloves of the Steady Hand, Legguard of Cunning Deception, Algalon quest rewards, Perilous Bite, Delirium's Touch, Dark Edge of Depravity (PM if you have any of those or know the socket bonus) - Removed ranks of Curse of Elements (Just rank 6 now) and no longer needed to use malediction (you might have to correct this value when it loads from any saved profile) - Changed partial resists to match the EJ test results (Black Arrow, Serpent Sting, Explosive Shot, Chimera Shot, Arcane Shot and Wild Quiver) - Removed Quiver slot on gear tab - Mangle now affects Piercing Shots
- Redid the whole profile saving/loading system to make it easier to change and easier to export/share - 2t8 now affects CS-Serpent again - Shots that are off the GCD do not incur Latency any more on the rotation test tab - 2nd Waist gem socket now loads from Armory again - Fixed Gem stats for main/off-hand weapons - Changed the Rotation Test so you can set the fight length in seconds instead of the number of shots. It will also correctly start using Kill Shot at 20% (20% being the last 20% of the fight). Setting kill shot usage to 'Never' on the Settings tab will disable this. - Signet of Edward the Odd now actually gives haste from the proc when equipped - Piercing Shots calculations now moved to each individual shot - You can now opt to save the shot priority queue with a saved talent spec - Latency now set in ms instead of seconds - Shot Rotation Test tab now also computes IAotHawk uptime - 4t8 now 10% proc chance as per Wowhead - Hunter's Mark top rank now 500 AP - Master Marksman reduces Aimed/Chimera Shot mana by 5/10/15/20/25%
- Frequency-based rotation now also treats shots that are off the GCD as costing 0 time - Slight change to base stat calculations so BoK works on them - Chaotic Skyflare diamond now needs 2 blue gems instead of 2 yellow gems - Not having the talent for a shot should now properly disable it in the rotation if put there - Rotation test will now cast Serpent Sting once for MM specs using Chimera Shots (just a visual reminder that it is cast at the start of the fight) - Overview tab now has more detailed breakdowns of Hunter and Pet dps - Placing abilities below Steady Shot on the rotation will now stop them from being used - Exporting/Importing now saves/loads profile names again - Troll base health adjusted - Fixed Silencing Shot on rotation tab not doing damage - Greater Blessing of Kings now has only 1 rank and no modifiers - Calculate Attributes now also works with the rotation test tab. - Added Hand Adjust line to target debuffs - Rotation test now uses the Settings tab value for boss fight length and % at which Kill Shot will be used. - Disabling IAotH as a talent now also disables it in the Rotation Test - There is now an option on the Settings tab which disables randomisation of proc chances in the rotation test. Instead they will go off at fixed intervals, making the rotation test static in it's results. This includes Improved Steady Shot, Lock And Load and Improved Aspect of the Hawk procs. - Fixed Hearty Rhino food buff and added Elixir of Armor Piercing - Rotation test now has Multi-Shot and Aimed shot sharing cooldowns - Talent tab now has more strict checks on talent builds (now checks whether you have enough points in tiers to advance to the next) - Shots/Abilities that are not on the GCD will now get priority in the rotation test (to simulate being macroed to every other shot - Rotation test will now wait on all shots with CDs. - Talent import now also imports from the Armory if you 'export' the talent spec from an armory page. - Some fixes to pet abilities - Fixes to various places to eliminate dps changing when you change latency with the rotation test used (it should only update/change when you re-run the test now). - Some changes/fixes to the rotation test logic concerning waiting/bypassing of CDs - Hunter ArP/Mp5 buffs now add to the whole on the Gear tab
- Hunter's Mark Glyph/Improved on the buff tabs now works in a more logical way - Added new Algalon helm and trinket - Fixed spelling on overview tab - Added more missing Ulduar items - Fixed bug involving noxious stings and serpent sting at 0 frequency - Added a setting to disable prioritising Aimed/Arcane/Multi shot over Steady Shot for the rotation test. - Added a setting that controls how ArP procs from trinkets are handled. Either normal, always on or off. - Added option to save glyphs with talent specs on the Talents tab - Changing Glyphs/Talents should now automatically retest the rotation if you are using the rotation test - Limited effect of ArP procs to to amount that can actually be used - Mixology affects ArP Elixir now - Sonic Blast now costs 80 focus - Hunting Party now regenerates 0,2% mana per second (1% total mana over 5 seconds). - Catlike Reflexes now reduces Kill Command Cooldown by 10/20/30 seconds. - Lock & Load now has a 22 second internal cooldown - Nitro Boosts feet enchant now is +12 hit/crit, Hyperspeed Accelerators lasts 12 seconds and Hand-mounted Pyro Rocket deals 1654-2020 damage, Flexweave Underlay is 23 agility. - Inscription shoulder enchant now is +120 AP/+15 Crit - Fur Lining - Attack Power now 130 AP, Fur Lining - Stamina now 102 stamina. - Mining Skill benefit now 60 stamina at highest rank - Skinning benefit now 40 crit rating - Swordguard embroidery +400 AP (up from +300) - Enchant Ring - Assault now +40 AP - Troll Berserking is now +20% haste for 10 seconds (2min CD) - Tier9 2-piece bonus implemented (Serpent Sting can crit). Assumptions: Talents/Meta affect it and it has a 100% base critical damage bonus. THIS NEEDS TO BE TESTED. - Tier9 4-piece bonus implemented (chance on all hits to proc +600 AP for pet for 15 seconds, assumed 10 or 15% chance, 45 sec ICD for now). ALSO NEEDS TESTING - Tier8 2-set bonus now additive instead of multiplicative - Gear Planner now considers any +hit over the cap and determines how much of it can be re-gemmed for Agility/AP/Crit. Option on Settings tab to select what to replace excess +hit with. - Added tier9 sets. 232 assumed to be 10-man, 245 25-man/10-man Heroic, 258 25-man Heroic - Added new JC gems - Nitro Boosts now +24 Crit Rating - Talent import works with US Armory again - You can swap between active/alternate specs more easily. Also moved glyphs to talents tab and made them swap at the same time. - Fixed enchant calculations Melee tab - small logic fix to pet focus starvation - Pet inherit expertise for the hunter's +hit at 3.25 expertise for each 1% hit the hunter has (not counting talents as yet, NEEDS testing). - Epic JC Gems (Dragon's Eyes) stats upgraded to PTR status - Added setting to disable use of Kill Command - Kill Command now consumes mana - Spider's Bite now only works for Ferocity pets. - Orc base hp now 7324. - Wild Hunt now increases AP scaling by 15% and Stamina scaling by 20% - Animal Handler now increases pet AP by 5/10% - Default Gem dps values used by the Gear Planner will now include values for ArP, Haste and Mp5
- Socket bonuses that have ArP, Haste or Mp5 will now be counted on the gear planner if the default gem for that socket color matches.
- Added gear optimizer to find an optimal gear set - Added an automatic re-gemmer on the gear tab - changed Gear Planner to be actually try out all the items instead of calculating how much DPS they are. - prepared sheet for 3.2 changes, especially multiple different item IDs for the same item name (tier9) - Added most 3.2 mail gear, weapons and trinkets/necklaces/rings - Gear Optimizer 'get current gear' now gets the correct necklace - Hit correction for boss level on calculations tab now also works for level 81/82 - Fixed talent spec displayed on overview tab - Fixed small problem with re-gemmer not always correctly using +hit sockets - Added option to settings tab that disables automatic re-gemming during Gear Planner calculations. Instead it will auto-fill the sockets with matching DPS gems as defined on the settings tab. - corrected spelling of Kirin Tor ring upgrade - Added some missing gear: Charge of the Demon Lord, Banner of Victory, Mark of Supremacy, Shard of the Crystal Heart, Relentless Gladiator's Repeater, Dextrous Brightstone Ring, Pauldrons of the Devourer, Ancient Pendant of Arathor, Warsong Poacher's Greaves, Sentinel Scouting Greaves, Blood Fury, Stygian/Steel Bladebreaker, Breastplate/Cuirass of Cruel Intent, Leggings/Legguards of the Lurking Threat - Fixed spelling on Greaves/Sabatons of Ruthless Judgment and Ring/Band of Callous Aggression - Renamed Rune Edge to Stormrune Edge - Mjolnir trinket now 665 ArP - Fixed trinkets with +haste on-use effects - Fixed Mighty/Assassin's Alchemist Stones - Fixed Nitro Boosts feet enchant - Corrected spelling on Collar of Unending/Ceaseless Torment - Custom items will now be checked by the Gear Planner, it disregards the iLevel check for them - Upgraded default gems to their epic versions - Scorpid Poison dps now uses actual frequency - Scorpid Poison/Spirit Strike now also use the 4.29% pet scaling factor - Fixed various 'pet skills' tab bugs - Poison Spit dps now uses the actual number of ticks - Spore Cloud also uses the real frequency now - Fixed #DIV/0 bug with Acid Spit - Monstrous Bite calculations now use real frequency - Changing any talent on the pet talent tab now updates the list of abilities available to the pet - Fixed pet skill drop-down menus to include missing skills for Cunning/Tenacity pets - Bestial Wrath's mana reduction now affects Kill Command - Fixed ranged weapon type on relentless gladiatior's gun - Fix for Armory Import of items not in the sheet - Swordguard embroidery now procs from hits instead of crits - If you don't have a pet selected, Bestial Wrath will do nothing now - Added setting to set Lock&Load proc chance, change to 6,5% per talent point to mimick the tested 20% rate - Corrected Colliseum-5man item stats - Added notification on gear planner when the currently equipped item can produce more DPS with a regem. - Rotation Test LastAutoShotCheck fix - Food/Flask/Elixir buffs that provide Mp5 now stack with BoW again - Change JoW calculations from PPM to fixed 50% proc chance - Bestial Wrath #N/A bug fixed - Rampage/Leader of the Pack now fixed 5% crit instead of 229 crit rating - Silencing Shot now only works when you have the talent
- Immolation trap now points to the correct +%fire damage buff - Chimera Shot no longer refreshes Serpent Sting when you don't have the talent - Made Serpent Sting rounding the same for both SS and CS-Serpent - Partial Resist fix - Spirit Strike DoT now affected by pet spellhit - Cats and other pets that have charge/swoop in addition to dash/dive can now use both in the pet rotation - Trinkets that proc on crits now factor in the chance that shots might miss (Pyrite Infuser, Mirror of Truth, Blood - Bad Attitude no longer an active attack for purposes of procs/abilities - Gem filter now show only epic gems (on by default). - Corrected gems with Mp5 (common and rare gems with 2 Mp5 or 3 Mp5 now have 3/4 Mp5) - Corrected spelling on Tuskar's Vitality enchant for Armory Import (+15 Stamina and Minor Speed Increase) - Crit elixirs now work again - The Beast Within's mana reduction properly applied to our shots/abilities again - Fixed itemID for Collar of Ceaseless Torment and Bracers of the Northern Stalker - Fixed bad itemID for True-aim Long Rifle - Gear Planner has now a green indication for when your current gear set isn't optimally gemmed. - Removed some of the flasks from the buffs tab and added the hopefully correct mixology values for the remaining ones. - Sting debuff duration now based on actual frequency. - Troll Berserk effect now based on actual frequency - Kill Shot Low HP Gain fix - T9 2-set bonus only crits for spell-crit bonus damage (i.e. 50% instead of 100%), not affected by Mortal Shots - Rotation test logic fix. Do not wait on abilities/shots that are off the GCD because that will change the rotation and lead to unpredictable results. - Stats on Waistguard of Deathly Dominion (H) corrected - Gloves of Dark Exile iLevel fixed to match updated 5-man Colliseum stats - Fixed Bug with Gear Planner using the enchants from the Gear Optimizer when equipping melee weapons - Cobra Reflexes for each pet tree now only works if you've selected talent points in that particular tree. - Corrected Elixirs per Bees' suggestions - Crit from gear now rounds to nearest integer, instead of floor'ed - Boundless Gaze AP value corrected (up to 224 instead of 112) - Fixed error with BS sockets on wrist/hands leading to more than 3 Dragon's Eyes gemmed by Regemmer. - Fixed resist calculations for Hand-mounted Pyro Rocket, which lead to any +hit over 100% increasing dps - Added setting to disable the 'Current Item with Regem' in the Gear Planner - Logic fix for Regemmer. Only use meta-gem prismatic gem to fulfill blue sockets with +hit bonus - Added cuirass/vest of calamitous fate normal versions - Corrected steel bladebreaker itemID - Small change to iAoTH calculations in the rotation test - Small logic change to regemmer - Sylvanas' Cunning spelling corrected - Infused Dreadstone now gives +20 AP instead of +15 Stamina - Loading a talent spec now also runs the rotation test if it's enabled - Hand Adjust values are now saved with profiles, includes pet and target adjustments from the Buffs tab as well. - Exporting/Importing on the overview tab will now also store/load the current information in the sheet (rather than only saved profiles). - Overview tab now has a box for globally adjusting certain things like Critical Strike Damage Bonus, Haste%, Physical Damage modifier, etc.. These are all applied at the very end of the calculations, representing certain boss buffs/debuffs. - Default L&L proc chance now 20%, adjust down on Settings tab if you desire so
- Armory import will auto-detect professions and level now - Added Runic Mana Injector and made Engineering increase the effect by 25% - Removed the warning box about rotation test from the load profile button macro - ArP nerf: Now takes 13,9957 ArP per % - Mortal Shots now affects T9 2-set bonus - Bestial Wrath/TBW now last 10 seconds - Updated sample profiles to those from Midnight's 'Best DPS' v91f version - The Beast Within gives +10% bonus damage (always on next to the effect during uptime) - Added Onyxia gear - Beast Within now 50% mana reduction while active - Added 2-hand entry for custom gear - Serpent Sting crit modifier as per EJ calculations (Alienangel) - Many item stat fixes - If you have Marked For Death talent, Steady Shot always gains the bonus 10% damage from Glyph of Steady Shot. - Having a racial in the shot rotation now won't break the sheet upon import of a character with a different race. Remember to adjust your rotation still to suit your talent build. - Serpent Sting now counts each separate tick as a possible crit for procs - Serpent Sting can now proc talents/items from crits if you have 2t9 - Changed critical damage bonus calculation as per EJ calculation - Knightbane Carapace added - Time to wait for shots now saved with each profile - Fight length can now be a decimal number ( so 7 minutes and 30 secs is 7,5 ) - Added Blood Elf racial Arcane Torrent - Critical strike chance capped at 0% lower bound and 100% upper bound now - Changed default custom boss armor value on settings page to 10643. - Glyph of Steady shot now active if you have at least 1 talent point in Marked for Death, rather than >1 - Using a Dragon's Eye for the full-hit gem will now correctly limit use to 3 dragon's eyes total, rather than 4. - Item stats/drop location corrections - Shot rotation test rounding issue hacked - When using frequency based rotations, having 0/3 Lock&Load will no longer lead to a massive dps increase. - Rabid proc adjusted to 30% as per EJ testing, also only procs of melee attacks - Added proxy settings to the settings tab. Only use if you have a version of Excel that supports ServerXMLHTTP 4.0. - Implemented Culling the herd - Changed Wolverine Bite to proc on pet crits, 10s cd - Added new ICC items, taken from Wowhead, need to check MMO. - Added new crafted ammo - Implemented Tier10 2-set/4-set bonuses. ASSUMED 45 sec ICD, NEEDS TESTING - Adjusted cell width on Gear Planner because Blizzard keeps giving us longer and longer set names. - A few more items added - Culling the herd model changed - Fixed Needle-Encrusted Scorpion to calculate the ArP Correctly - Changed Herkuml War Token to use the same calculation as the Fury of the Five Flights - Glyph of Steady Shot / Marked for Death bug fixed in 3.3 so change reverted to normal behavior - Resorted Cunning pet talents to match wowhead - Wodin's Lucky Necklace now has +38 hit rating and a yellow socket. Same as Band of the Bone Colossus - Deathbringer's Will (normal and heroic) proc implemented - Fixed Wolverine Bite circular reference - Aldriana's Gloves of Secrecy fixed - Removed ICD on Zod's Repeating Bow
- More items added, heroic versions of a lot - Sorted gems to only show epic gems by default - Zod's repeating longbow (Heroic) now has a separate calculation with 5% proc chance - Shadowvault slayer's cloak (normal) now has a yellow socket and a +4 agility bonus - A few more items/heroic versions added - Ashen Band revered/exalted added + proc, assumed 10% proc rate, 45s ICD for now - Whispering Fanged Skull (normal and heroic) added + proc implemented - Fixed overview tab stat calculations for ArP. No properly caps and reaches 0 when the cap is passed - Saurfang's ring (normal) now has a yellow socket and +8 AP socket bonus - Runed Band of the Kirin Tor stats updated - Added option on gear planner to ignore items above a defined iLevel - More items added/stats corrected - Setting "Use Dragon Eyes" to No and resorting the gems will remove dragon's eyes from the list of gems in the drop down menus - Pauldrons of Lost Hope (normal) now has a 2nd socket (blue) - Deathbringer's will now 105s ICD and 35% proc chance - Removed duplicate Icecrown Rampart Bracers - More gear added - Fixed custom trinket agility proc - Added setting to disable progress bar frame - On changing gear the rotation test is run as well - Added setting to change behavior of the regemmer. Prefer single socket item for Tears gem or not. - Fixed overflow number with ArP CalcAttributes calculations - Tier10 set bonus changed to have no ICD - Fix to steady shot cast time logic for rotaton test. If cast time < GCD + Latency, then the next shot will not fire till GCD + Latency has passed - Importing Armory profile with JC will automatically enable JC gems and resort the drop-down menus - Ashen Verdict proc now has a 60s ICD - Gangrenous Leggings (H) removed 9 haste - Added Rowan's Rifle of Silver Bullets - Mixology values for Elixir of Might Thoughts/Armor Piercing fixed - Focused Aim now adds pet expertise - Rotation test will now use the rapid fire glyph if used - Adjusted Rotation test LnL calculations to correspond to Rivkah's website - Bloodfall (normal/heroic) sockets fixed, socket bonus still unknown - Hunter shots now are crit-capped (for now it is 104.8%) - Added a textbox to the gear tab that will display the changes the Regemmer made - Precious' Putrid Collar stats fixed - Regemmer will now restore the original set of gems if it can't find an upgrade - Taldron's Long-neglected boots now have correct socket bonus - The rotation test will now automatically remove racials you don't have - Vengeful Noose stats fixed, Hauberk of a Thousand Cuts sockets fixed - Progress bar will properly show again - 2t10 now uses hasted auto-shot speed to account for Impr. Aspect of the Hawk procs - corrected itemID on waistguard/belt of deathly dominion - Talent tab now has crit/hit percentages in the top-left corner - Disabled haste cap+1 value on the overview tab because it's horribly broken for now - Fixed cosmetic typo on the pet calculations tab regarding expertise - Added Taldaram's Soft Slippers and corrected Wodin's Lucky Necklace stats
Many thanks go to the following people: Cheeky, Lactose, Ravenfire, Chul, Indora, Wertez, EJ board posters and TKASomething board posters!
How to use th
IMPORTANT: Before using the sheet, set your Macro Sec (for Windows Vista). If you use a proxy to connect to the to set the proxy for the WinHTTPRequest API
1) Fill in the yellow fields on the Overview tab, character name, realm name, r Example:
Character Shandara Realm Azjol-Nerub Server Set EU Level 80
<--- Your name here <--- Your realm here <--- Your region (U.S. or EU or Taiwan) <--- Usually no need to change this
2) In the field called 'Profiles' you can change one of the lines to suit your nee Example:
Best DPS BM 53/11/7 Best DPS MM 7/57/7 Best DPS SV 0/15/56 None None None Shandara (Shandara EU-Azjol-Nerub) None None None Click in cells above to change profile names Profiles
3) If you have Skinning or Mining, select your gathering skill (if you have both
Skinning Benefit
4) Select which Glyphs you use. Note: You can also use the talent import feat Example:
Glyphs Major Glyphs Glyph of Explosive Shot Glyph of Serpent Sting Glyph of Steady Shot Minor Glyphs Glyph of Mend Pet Glyph of Feign Death None Increases the duration of your Serpent Sting
5) This is it for the Overview tab. The fields with buff profile names and talent boss armor selection should generally be left as it is unless you know what yo
6) Now proceed to the Gear tab. Click the yellow box to the right of the line tha Example:
7) The line below this can be used to set your race. Each line represents eithe enchants and gems. You can also automatically import from the Armory, clear
Loading or saving a profile will save: * All the Gear selected * The currently used buffs * The shot rotation * Talents * Pet and pet rotation
'Load Gear from Armory' attempts to contact the WoW Armory site to get all y NOTE: The Armory may be slow or non-responding. If you get an erro 'Reset Gear' will clear all currently selected items, enchants and gems.
'Delete Profile' will remove the currently selected profile. It will clear all the ge
8) Proceed to the Talents tab. You can use the 'Read from Armory' button or m manually type the values in. The load/save spec buttons can be used to store like you can name overall profiles as in step #2. At the bottom you find an input field:
You can paste WoWhead, MMO-Champion or official WoW talent calculator U 9) Proceed to the Buffs tab. At the top of the page you find buttons to save or step #2 and the talent specs in step #8.
9) Proceed to the Buffs tab. At the top of the page you find buttons to save or step #2 and the talent specs in step #8.
On this page you can select the appriopriate buffs, click the fields to get dropYou can set buffs for yourself, your pet and your target separatedly. Many buff field which generally denotes what percentage of the fight the buff is active.
10) Proceed to the Shot Rotation tab. Here you can set what shots you use an
The priority queue is simple. The highest shot (#1) will be used whenever if it cooldown, shot #3 will be used and so on. This also means that for shots with below them will not be used (since Steady Shot will be spammed). Example of a shot priority queue:
As you can see Rapid Fire will be used first whenever it comes off cooldown. Explosive Shot is the most important real shot after the DoTs are applied. Kill Fire) are on cooldown. Steady Shot is last and acts as the 'filler'
On the Shot Rotation tab you can also select your Aspect to use and the Late
11) Proceed to the Pet tab. Pets work much the same as the hunter itself. In th
The Talents work the same as hunter talents. The 3 trees shown belong to the
The pet priority queue should fill in automatically, but you can customise it like
Now go to the Gear Planner tab. In the top-left corner there are 2 buttons.
Next to the buttons you find a field of check boxes. These can be used to limit Any gear not selected will be set to a dps value of 0 after recalculating so the
13) The remaining tabs are for more advanced options or purely informational their defaults. The Custom Gear tab can be used to setup custom items. You menu. The Calculations and Pet Calculations tabs show the math behind all th For questions and remarks, PM Shandara on the Elitist Jerks forums.
the sheet, set your Macro Security level to LOW. And ensure that any file protection is off use a proxy to connect to the internet use the built-in Windows utility called ProxyCfg.exe for the WinHTTPRequest API that the sheet uses. Instructions can be found at character name, realm name, region and level.
gathering skill (if you have both Skinning AND Mining, you can only use one at a time at the moment.
<--- For level 80 and max skill in the profession, use Rank 6
n also use the talent import feature on the Talents page to get them from the Armory.
ncreases the damage dealt by Steady Shot by 10% when your target is afflicted with Serpent Sting.
th buff profile names and talent spec names can be used to give names to the various saved buff profiles and as it is unless you know what you are doing.
ow box to the right of the line that says 'profile' and you can select from the list of named profiles you set at ste
race. Each line represents either a piece of gear, a gem socket or an enchant. Click the box to get a drop-dow lly import from the Armory, clear the entire gear setup and load or save profiles.
the WoW Armory site to get all your gear, enchants and gems. It also fills in your race accordingly on-responding. If you get an error message, try again or try at a later time.
ted profile. It will clear all the gear, buffs and talents associated with this profile that have been saved.
e 'Read from Armory' button or manually select each talent point. Click the yellow boxes to get a drop-down me ec buttons can be used to store a talent spec in the sheet itself. You can name these specs on the Overview ta 2.
r official WoW talent calculator URLs here to easily import a talent spec.
age you find buttons to save or load a buff profile. You can name these on the Overview tab, much like the pro
age you find buttons to save or load a buff profile. You can name these on the Overview tab, much like the pro
buffs, click the fields to get drop-down menus for each buff type. Non-stacking buffs will be accounted for. ur target separatedly. Many buffs have various ranks and or amounts of application. Some buffs have an Uptim e of the fight the buff is active.
u can set what shots you use and in what priority they are used.
(#1) will be used whenever if it is not on cooldown. If it IS on cooldown, shot #2 will be used. If shot #2 is on s also means that for shots without a cooldown greater than the Global Cooldown like Steady Shot any shot ot will be spammed).
henever it comes off cooldown. Next are Serpent Sting and Black Arrow that take priority of the other shots. after the DoTs are applied. Kill Shot and Aimed Shot will be used whenever Explosive Shot (and the DoTs an d acts as the 'filler'
your Aspect to use and the Latency, but these are generally better left on the defaults.
he same as the hunter itself. In the top-right corner you can select which pet you use:
<--- Select your pet Family with the top input field
The 3 trees shown belong to the 3 pet types (Cunning, Ferocity, Tenacity)
ally, but you can customise it like the hunter shot priority.
Sort will sort the displayed items by dps value Recalculate DPS will recalculate the DPS value for all items
oxes. These can be used to limit the displayed (and calculated) gear to various instances, etc.. e of 0 after recalculating so the value stay up-to-date.
d options or purely informational. The Settings tab contains various tweaks to the sheet, but most options are b sed to setup custom items. You can use them on the Gear tab by selecting 'Custom' in the appriopriate slot's d tabs show the math behind all the talents/abilities/procs/etc..
the various saved buff profiles and saved talent specs. The
hant. Click the box to get a drop-down menu to select items, ofiles.
yellow boxes to get a drop-down menu or ame these specs on the Overview tab much
ing buffs will be accounted for. pplication. Some buffs have an Uptime
hot #2 will be used. If shot #2 is on oldown like Steady Shot any shot
at take priority of the other shots. ver Explosive Shot (and the DoTs and Rapid
s to the sheet, but most options are best left at g 'Custom' in the appriopriate slot's drop-down
Hunter Settings
Character Marrio Realm Defias Brotherhood Server Set EU Level 80
Export to File
Import from File
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Profiles Shandara (Shandara EU-Azjol-Nerub) Sample BM Spec 54/12/5 Sample MM Spec 7/57/7 Sample SV Spec 5/15/51 None None None None None Shandara as SV (5/15/51) Click in cells above to change profile names
Buff Profiles 25-man Raid Buffs No Buffs None Click in cells to the left to change Buff Profile Names #1 #2
Talent Specs SV 0/15/56 BM 54/12/5 MM 7/57/7 SV 5/15/51 None Click in cells to the left to change Talent Spec Profile Names
Hunter Statistics
Complete DPS Hunter DPS 9622.89 Pet DPS 1114.35 Total DPS 10737.24 Mana per Second Used 166.57 Mana per Second Regen 148.12 Time to OOM 967.56 Hunter DPS Breakdown Auto Shot DPS Specials DPS Proc/Talent DPS Total Hunter DPS Pet DPS Breakdown 89.62% 10.38% 100.00% Hunter Basic Statistics Health 29440 Armor 14658 Mana 17846 Resilience 0.00% Dodge 45.97% Hit vs. Level 83 97.25% Crit vs. Level 83 63.10% Gear Statistics Agility 186 + 2155 Stamina 127 + 1821 Intellect 90 + 770 Attack Power 7316 Haste rating 50 ArP rating 1245
172 921
Auto Shot Serpent Sting Silencing Shot Rapid Fire Chimera Shot Kill Shot Aimed Shot Readiness Steady Shot None None Talents+Procs Total:
Damage Distribution: Hunter 2829.91 301.30 145.91 0.00 1939.72 500.30 1130.46 0.00 2386.02 0.00 0.00 389.27 9622.89
29.41% 3.13% 1.52% 0.00% 20.16% 5.20% 11.75% 0.00% 24.80% 0.00% 0.00% 4.05% 100.00%
Damage Distribution: Pet Melee DPS 585.94 Furious Howl 0.00 Bite 509.22 None 0.00 None 0.00 None 0.00 None 0.00 None 0.00 Kill Command 19.19 Total: 1114.35
<Header><Version>V1</Version><Date>2009-12-28</Date><ProfileName>Sample MM <Level>80</Level><Realm>Ysera</Realm><Region>EU</Region><Profession1>Blacks <Profession1Level>450</Profession1Level><Profession2Level>450</Profession2Level>< Shot</Major1><Major2>Glyph of Serpent Sting</Major2><Major3>Glyph of Aimed Shot< None</Minor3></Glyphs><AltGlyphs><Major1>None</Major1><Major2>None</Major2> <Minor3>None</Minor3></AltGlyphs></Player><Gear><Race>Troll</Race><MainHand </Enchant><Gem1>Fractured Cardinal Ruby (20 ArP)</Gem1><Gem2>Fractured Cardin </Gem3></MainHand><OffHand><Name>None</Name><Enchant>None</Enchant><G </OffHand><Head><Name>Sanctified Ahn'Kahar Blood Hunter's Headpiece (H)</Name> Diamond (21 Agi)</Gem1><Gem2>Fractured Cardinal Ruby (20 ArP)</Gem2><Gem3>N <Gem1>Fractured Cardinal Ruby (20 ArP)</Gem1><Gem2>None</Gem2></Neck><Sh <Enchant>Greater Inscription of the Axe</Enchant><Gem1>Fractured Cardinal Ruby (20 Sylvanas' Cunning</Name><Enchant>Major Agility</Enchant><Gem1>Fractured Cardin Sanctified Ahn'Kahar Blood Hunter's Tunic (H)</Name><Enchant>Powerful Stats</Ench Cardinal Ruby (20 ArP)</Gem2><Gem3>None</Gem3></Chest><Wrist><Name>Scour <Gem1>Fractured Cardinal Ruby (20 ArP)</Gem1><Gem2>Fractured Dragon's Eye (34 Hunter's Handguards (H)</Name><Enchant>Precision</Enchant><Gem1>Fractured Car Dragon's Eye (34 ArP)</Gem3></Hands><Waist><Name>Nerub'ar Stalker's Cord (H)</N Ruby (20 ArP)</Gem1><Gem2>Fractured Cardinal Ruby (20 ArP)</Gem2><Gem3>Frac Northern Lights (H)</Name><Enchant>Icescale Leg Armor</Enchant><Gem1>Nightmar </Gem2><Gem3>Glinting Ametrine (10 Agi, 10 Hit)</Gem3></Legs><Feet><Name>Fro Fractured Cardinal Ruby (20 ArP)</Gem1><Gem2>Fractured Cardinal Ruby (20 ArP)</G <Enchant>None</Enchant><Gem1>Fractured Cardinal Ruby (20 ArP)</Gem1></Ring1> None</Enchant><Gem1>Fractured Cardinal Ruby (20 ArP)</Gem1></Ring2><Trinket1> <Gem2>None</Gem2></Trinket1><Trinket2><Name>Deathbringer's Will (H)</Name><G
Hunter DPS 10355.97 12275.05 13892.39 12830.22 None None None None None 10089.98
Hunter 9158.32 8550.32 12688.97 11442.83 None None None None None 8764.07
Pet 1197.66 3724.73 1203.42 1387.39 None None None None None 1325.90
AP 9356 9846 9862 11823 None None None None None 11096
Crit 66% 67% 73% 81% None None None None None 73%
Hit 100% 100% 100% 100% None None None None None 100%
Target WotLK Boss Professions Enchanting Jewelcrafting Global Adjusts Hunter 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Level 83
Attribute Agility + 1 AP + 1 Crit + 1 2.271 Hunter Hit + 1 Pet Hit + 1 Int + 1 ArP Rating+1 Haste + 1 Stamina+1 Mp5
DPS 1.842 0.735 1.561 2.271 0.545 0.833 1.764 0.833 0.000 0.000
Per Item Budget 1.842 1.471 1.561 2.271 0.545 0.833 1.764 0.833 0.000 0.000 Haste to Cap 322
Pawn String (based on default gems) ( Pawn: v1: "Shandara (Shandara EU-Azjol-Nerub)": Agility=1.842, Stamina=0, Intellect=0.833, RedSocket=36.838, YellowSocket=34.034, BlueSocket=18.419, MetaSocket=38.68, HitRating=2.271, CritRating=1.561, HasteRating=0.833, Ap=0.735, Rap=0.735, ArmorPenetration=1.764, Mp5=0 )
Distribution: Pet 52.58% 0.00% 45.70% 0.00% 0.00% "Hunter" 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 1.72% 100.00%
ate><ProfileName>Sample MM Spec 7/57/7</ProfileName></Header><Player><Name>Middi</Name> </Region><Profession1>Blacksmithing</Profession1><Profession2>Jewelcrafting</Profession2> Level>450</Profession2Level><Target>WotLK Boss</Target><Glyphs><Major1>Glyph of Steady <Major3>Glyph of Aimed Shot</Major3><Minor1>None</Minor1><Minor2>None</Minor2><Minor3> ajor1><Major2>None</Major2><Major3>None</Major3><Minor1>None</Minor1><Minor2>None</Minor2> Race>Troll</Race><MainHand><Name>Distant Land (H)</Name><Enchant>Massacre (Two Hand) Gem1><Gem2>Fractured Cardinal Ruby (20 ArP)</Gem2><Gem3>Fractured Cardinal Ruby (20 ArP) <Enchant>None</Enchant><Gem1>None</Gem1><Gem2>None</Gem2><Gem3>None</Gem3> Hunter's Headpiece (H)</Name><Enchant>Arcanum of Torment</Enchant><Gem1>Relentless Earthsiege uby (20 ArP)</Gem2><Gem3>None</Gem3></Head><Neck><Name>Sindragosa's Cruel Claw (H)</Name> m2>None</Gem2></Neck><Shoulder><Name>Sanctified Ahn'Kahar Blood Hunter's Spaulders (H)</Name> m1>Fractured Cardinal Ruby (20 ArP)</Gem1><Gem2>None</Gem2></Shoulder><Back><Name> hant><Gem1>Fractured Cardinal Ruby (20 ArP)</Gem1><Gem2>None</Gem2></Back><Chest><Name> Enchant>Powerful Stats</Enchant><Gem1>Fractured Cardinal Ruby (20 ArP)</Gem1><Gem2>Fractured /Chest><Wrist><Name>Scourge Hunter's Vambraces (H)</Name><Enchant>Greater Assault</Enchant> m2>Fractured Dragon's Eye (34 ArP)</Gem2></Wrist><Hands><Name>Sanctified Ahn'Kahar Blood Enchant><Gem1>Fractured Cardinal Ruby (20 ArP)</Gem1><Gem2>None</Gem2><Gem3>Fractured e>Nerub'ar Stalker's Cord (H)</Name><Enchant>Eternal Belt Buckle</Enchant><Gem1>Fractured Cardinal (20 ArP)</Gem2><Gem3>Fractured Dragon's Eye (34 ArP)</Gem3></Waist><Legs><Name>Leggings of or</Enchant><Gem1>Nightmare Tear (+10 to all stats)</Gem1><Gem2>Fractured Cardinal Ruby (20 ArP) m3></Legs><Feet><Name>Frostbitten Fur Boots (H)</Name><Enchant>Icewalker</Enchant><Gem1> ured Cardinal Ruby (20 ArP)</Gem2></Feet><Ring1><Name>Ashen Band of Endless Vengeance</Name> Ruby (20 ArP)</Gem1></Ring1><Ring2><Name>Frostbrood Sapphire Ring (H)</Name><Enchant> P)</Gem1></Ring2><Trinket1><Name>Whispering Fanged Skull (H)</Name><Gem1>None</Gem1> athbringer's Will (H)</Name><Gem1>None</Gem1><Gem2>None</Gem2></Trinket2><Ranged><Name>
ArP 651 1291 1391 1399 None None None None None 651
Shot Queue Sp/SilS/CS/KS/AiS/SS KS/Sp/MS/AS/SS KS/Sp/AiS/CS/SilS/SS KS/ES/Sp/AiS/BA/SS None None None None None KS/ES/Sp/AiS/BA/SS
Spec 7/57/7 53/14/4 7/57/7 5/15/51 None None None None None 5/15/51
Pet Wolf Devilsaur Wolf Wolf None None None None None Wolf
7.15% 34.68%
For Pet: 99 98
( Pawn: v1: "Shandara (Shandara EU-Azjol-Nerub)": Agility=1.842, Stamina=0, Intellect=0.833, RedSocket=36.838, YellowSock
Middi</Name> ssion2> f Steady 2><Minor3> 2>None</Minor2> (Two Hand) by (20 ArP) e</Gem3> ntless Earthsiege l Claw (H)</Name> ulders (H)</Name> k><Name> ><Chest><Name> Gem2>Fractured ssault</Enchant> ahar Blood m3>Fractured >Fractured Cardinal Name>Leggings of nal Ruby (20 ArP) chant><Gem1> engeance</Name> <Enchant> None</Gem1> <Ranged><Name>
Save Profile
Load Profile
Hunter DPS Pet Dps Total DPS Ranged Critical Hit Chance vs. Level 83 Ranged Hit Chance vs. Level 83
Reset Gear
Strength 71 0
0 0 0 0 0
Enchant None Yellow Socket 1 Rigid King's Amber (20 Hit) No Socket 2 None No Socket 3 None Socket Bonus Achieved
Off Hand
Enchant None No Socket 1 None No Socket 2 None No Socket 3 None
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 21 0 0 8
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 4
Red Socket 1 Fractured Cardinal Ruby (20 ArP) No Socket 2 None Socket Bonus Achieved
0 0 0 0
22 0 0 0
Longstrider's Vest
Enchant Powerful Stats Red Socket 1 Fractured Cardinal Ruby (20 ArP) Yellow Socket 2 Fractured Cardinal Ruby (20 ArP) Blue Socket 3 Fractured Cardinal Ruby (20 ArP) Socket Bonus Not Achieved
10 0 0 0 0
10 0 0 0 0
0 0
0 0
Page 103
Prismatic Socket None Socket Bonus Not Achieved 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 10 0 0 0
0 10 0 0 4
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
Rock-Steady Treads
Enchant Icewalker Red Socket 1 Fractured Cardinal Ruby (20 ArP) Blue Socket 2 Fractured Cardinal Ruby (20 ArP) Socket Bonus Not Achieved
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
Ring 1
0 0 0
0 0 0
Ring 2
0 0 0
0 0 0
Trinket 1
Deathbringer's Will
No Socket 1 None No Socket 2 None
0 0 0
0 0 0
Trinket 2
0 0 0
0 0 0
Ranged Weapon
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
Enchant Heartseeker Scope No Socket 1 None No Socket 2 None Socket Bonus Achieved
Iceblade Arrow
20 0 0 229
Page 104
Multiplicative Buffs Multiplicative Talents In-game Chracter Tab (without procs) Totals 10.00% 10.00% 0.00% 4.00% 71 + 280 186 + 2155 9633 351 2513 Armor Strength Agility 71 186 2322 0.00% 0.00%
Regemmer Results:
No changes needed.
Set Bonuses Number 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Item Set Beast Lord Armor Cryptstalker Armor Demon Stalker Armor Desolation Battlegear Fel Iron Chain Felscale Armor Felstalker Armor Gladiator's Pursuit Giantstalker Armor Gronnstalker's Armor High Warlord's Pursuit Netherscale Armor Primal Intent Armor Strength Agility
Page 105
0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 Rift Stalker Armor Stalker's Chain Battlegear The Defiler's Determination The Gladiator Tier10 Tier9 Tier8 Tier7 Wastewalker Armor Total 0 0 0
Page 106
Reset Gear
Delete Profile
18 2 1
Intellect 90 0
0 0 0 0 0
Spirit 97 0
0 0 0 0 0
+AP 165
0 0 0 0 8
Crit 0.00 90
0 0 0 0 0
Hit 0
0 20 0 0 0
Mp5 0
0 0 0 0 0
Resil 0
0 0 0 0 0
ArP 90
0 0 0 0 0
Haste 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
50 0 0 0 0
20 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 34 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
40 0 0 0
15 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 20 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 20 0 0
0 0 0 0
10 0 0 0 0
10 0 0 0 0
10 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 20 20 20 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
50 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 20
0 0
Page 107
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
20 0 0 0 6
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 20 20 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 10 0 0 0
0 10 0 0 0
0 10 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 34 34 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
75 0 0 0 0
22 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 20 20 20 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
12 0 0 0
12 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 20 20 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
40 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 20 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
40 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
40 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
1339 0 0 305
565 0 0 111
20 0 0 51
2140 0 0 867
921 0 0 0
172 0 0 0
0 0 0 109
0 0 0
1245 0 0 0
50 0 0 0
Page 108
10.00% 10.00% 0.00% 4.00% 127 + 1821 90 + 770 1948 872 Stamina Intellect 127 90 10.00% 0.00% 97 + 88 185 Spirit 97
3007 +AP
921 Crit
172 Hit 20 3
Page 109
Page 110
Item Set Match Mis-Match Match Match Match Achieved Color Y 1 0 0 Requires R Y 0 0 0 0 0 0
Yellow No No
B 0 0 0
Off 1 Off 2 Off 3 Tier10 Head 1 Head 2 Head 3 Neck 1 Neck 2 Tier10 Shoulder 1 Shoulder 2 Back 1 Back 2 Chest 1 Chest 2 Chest 3 Wrist 1
No No No
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
Meta Red No
0 0 0
0 0 0
1 0 0
1 0 0
No No
None None
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
Red No
RedGemList 1 None 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
Blue No
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
BlueGemList 1
Page 111
BlackSmith Hands 1 Hands 2 BlackSmith Waist 1 Waist 2 BlackSmith Legs 1 Legs 2 Legs 3 Feet 1 Feet 2 Ring1 1 Ring2 1 Trinket 1-1 Trinket 1-2 Trinket 2-1 Trinket 2-2 BowAmmoList Ranged 1 Ranged 2 No No 1 No No Match Match Achieved None None 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Match Match Achieved None None 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 No No Match Match Achieved None None 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 No Match Achieved None 0 0 0 0 0 Yellow Mis-Match YellowGemList 1 Not Achieved 0 0 0 0 Red Blue Match RedGemList 1 Mis-Match BlueGemList 1 Not Achieved 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Red Yellow Blue Match RedGemList 1 Mis-Match YellowGemList 1 Mis-Match BlueGemList 1 Not Achieved 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Yellow Red Prismatic Match Match Match Achieved YellowGemList 1 RedGemList 1 Gems 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Red Red Prismatic Match Match Match Achieved RedGemList 1 RedGemList 1 Gems 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Prismatic Match Gems Not Achieved 0 0 0 0 0
Page 112
Item Set
Pet Damage
Page 113
Page 114
Requires B 0 0 0
0 0 0
1 1 1
0 0 0
1 0 0
1 1 1
0 0 0
0 0
1 1
0 0
Yes Yes
0 0
1 1
0 0
Yes Yes
0 0
1 1
0 0
Yes Yes
0 0 0
1 1 1
0 0 0
Page 115
0 1 0 Yes
0 0 0
1 1 1
0 0 0
0 0 0
1 1 1
0 0 0
0 0 0
1 1 1
0 0 0
0 0
1 1
0 0
Yes Yes
0 0
1 1
0 0
Yes Yes
0 0
1 1
0 0
Yes Yes
0 0
1 1
0 0
Yes Yes
Page 116
Hunter DPS Pet DPS Total DPS Health Armor Mana Crit% Hit% Dodge
Beast Mastery Talents Improved Aspect of the Hawk Endurance Training Focused Fire Improved Aspect of the Monkey Thick Hide Improved Revive Pet Pathfinding Aspect Mastery Unleashed Fury Improved Mend Pet Ferocity Spirit Bond Intimidation Bestial Discipline Animal Handler Frenzy Ferocious Inspiration Bestial Wrath Cat Like Reflexes Invigoration Serpent's Swiftness Longevity The Beast Within Cobra Strikes Kindred Spirits Beast Mastery Total Beast Mastery Talents
5 0 0 5 2 2 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 5 0 2 0 5 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 3 0 1 0 3 0 2 0 5 0 3 0 1 0 0 0 5 0 1 7 56
Marksmanship Talents Improved Concussive Shot Focused Aim Lethal Shots Careful Aim Improved Hunter's Mark Mortal Shots Go For the Throat Improved Arcane Shot Aimed Shot Rapid Killing Improved Stings Efficiency Concussive Barrage Readiness Barrage Combat Experience Ranged Weapon Specialization Piercing Shots True Shot Aura Improved Barrage Master Marksman Rapid Recuperation Wild Quiver Silencing Shot Improved Steady Shot Marked for Death Chimera Shot Total Marksmanship Talents
0 0 0 0 5 5 3 3 3 0 5 2 1 2 0 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 0 2 0 3 0 3 0 1 0 1 0 5 0 2 0 3 0 1 0 3 0 5 0 1 0 57 12
Reduces the cooldown of Kill Shot by 6 seconds. Increases the duration of your Serpent Sting by 6 sec. Increases the attack power bonus of your Hunter's Mark b
Your Mend Pet spell increases your pet's happiness slight Reduces the cooldown of your Feign Death ability by 5 se None.
Supports Official (both EU/US) and Wowhead/MMO-Champion. Use the full URL including the http:// head
Survival Talents Improved Tracking Hawk Eye Savage Strikes Surefooted Entrapment Trap Mastery Survival Instincts Survivalist Scatter Shot Deflection Survival Tactics T.N.T Lock and Load Hunter vs Wild Killer Instinct Counterattack Lightning Reflexes Resourcefullness Expose Weakness Wyvern Sting Thrill of the Hunt Master Tactician Noxious Stings Point of No Escape Black Arrow Sniper Training Hunting Party Explosive Shot Total Survival Talents Correct SV talents
7/57/7 5 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
Include Glyphs
Include Shot Rotation
Alternate Glyphs Glyph of Bestial Wrath Glyph of Mending Glyph of Steady Shot Glyph of Mend Pet Glyph of Feign Death None
Hunter Buffs
Value Yes Rank 5 Rank 9 Yes Rank 5 Yes Yes Rank 3 Rank 5 Yes Yes Rank 8 Rank 4 Rank 4 Rank 7 Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Buff Greater Blessing of Kings Improved 2/2 Greater Blessing of Might Com. Pres. 5/5 Battle Shout Com. Pres. 5/5 Commanding Shout Improved 2/2 Greater Blessing of Wisdom True Shot Aura (not you) Leader of the Pack/Rampage Arcane Brilliance Fel Intelligence Improved 3/3 Mana Spring Totem Horn of Winter Enhanced 3/3 Strength of Earth Improved 2/2 Gift of the Wild Improved 2/2 Prayer of Fortitude Improved Imp 3/3 Blood Pact Rank 3/3 Swift Ret & Moonkin Aura Ret Aura & Feroc. Insp. 100% Replenishment (Uptime) 100% Abo. Might & Unl. Rage Draenei racial (not you) None Scroll Food Blackened Dragonfin Battle Elixir None Guardian Elixir None Flask Flask of Endless Rage Archon Glaive None None None Numeric Total Multiplicative Total Modifier Strength 10% Agility 10% Stamina Intellect 10% 10%
51 214
0 0 0 0
0 40 0 0 0
0 40 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
229 10% 1
269 10%
305 10%
111 10%
Pet Buffs
Value Yes Yes Rank 5 Rank 9 Yes Yes Rank 8 Yes Rank 4 Rank 4 Modifier Com. Pres. 5/5 Improved 2/2 Com. Pres. 5/5 Buff Greater Blessing of Kings Commanding Shout Greater Blessing of Might Battle Shout True Shot Aura (not you) Leader of the Pack/Rampage Strength of Earth Totem Horn of Winter Gift of the Wild Prayer of Fortitude Strength 10% Agility 10% Stamina Intellect 10% 10%
178 155 51
178 155 51
51 214
None Food
Blood Pact WF Totem & Imp. Icy Talons Abo. Might & Unl. Rage Swift Ret & Moonkin Aura Ret Aura & Feroc. Insp. Draenei racial (not you) Scroll of Strength Spiced Mammoth Treats Hand Adjustment Numeric Total Multiplicative Total
0 30 0 259 10%
0 0 0 229 10%
0 30 0 295 10%
0 0 51 10%
Target Debuffs
Value Yes Yes Rank 6 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Modifier Improved 3/3 5 Both 100% 100% Buff Judgment of Wisdom Heart of the Crusader Curse of Elements Sunder Armor Stacks Curse of Weakness Hunter's Mark (not you) Mangle & Trauma Blood Frenzy & Savage Combat Earth and Moon stacks Faerie Fire Armor Debuffs: Hand Adjustment Total Food Blackened Dragonfin Blackened Sporefish Buzzard Bites Clam Bar Feltail Delight Fish Feast Great Feast Grilled Mudfish Grilled Squid Hearty Rhino Imperial Manta Steak Mammoth Meal Mega Mammoth Meal Mok'Nathal Shortribs None Poached Northern Sculpin Ravager Dog Snapper Extreme Spicy Blue Nettlefish Spicy Crawdad Spicy Fried Herring AP Hit Armor Mp5 255
20.00% 5.00%
From Pet:
0.00 0 Strength
0.00% 0.00%
0 255
Spicy Hot Talbuk Spiced Wyrm Burger Talbuk Steak Warp Burger Worg Tartare Wyrm Delight Battle Elixirs Elixir of Accuracy Elixir of Armor Piercing Elixir of Brute Force Elixir of Demonslaying Elixir of Deadly Strikes Elixir of Major Agility Elixir of Mighty Agility Guru's Elixir None Wrath Elixir Guardian Elixirs Elixir of Major Defense Elixir of Mighty Mageblood Elixir of Mighty Thoughts None Flasks Flask of Distilled Wisdom Flask of Endless Rage Flask of Mighty Restoration Flask of Pure Mojo Flask of Relentless Assault None Weapon Buffs Brilliant Mana Oil Exceptional Mana Oil None Superior Mana Oil Pet Food Kibler's Bits None Spiced Mammoth Treats Sporeling Snack Strength
30 45 20
Stamina Intellect
Stamina Intellect 65
Stamina Intellect
Strength 20 30
Stamina Intellect 20 30 20
Clear Buffs
nter Buffs
Spirit 10% AP 687 685 2818.75 109 0% 5.00% 64 109.2 Crit Hit Mp5 Armor ArP Haste Health Mana
0% 0% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 180 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WeaponBuffs NoWeaponBuff 51 10% 867 0% 0 5.00% 0 109.2 0% 1050 0 0 2818.75 103.00% 0
et Buffs
Spirit 10% AP Crit Hit Mp5 Armor ArP Haste Health 2818.75 687 685 0% 5.00% Mana
1729 120.00% 0% 103.00% 0% 0 0 51 10% 0 0 687 0% 0 0 0 5.00% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1050 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0 2818.75 123.60% 0 0 0
% Fire
% Arc
Crit 3%
0% 13% Spirit
0% 13% AP
0% 13% RAP
20 20 20 80 60 20 40 40 60 80 20 80 40 40 40 20 16
20 40 20 20
40 30 Spirit AP RAP Crit Hit 45 Mp5 Armor ArP 45 265 45 12 20 90 Spirit AP RAP Crit Hit Mp5 30 Armor 550 ArP Haste Health Mana Haste Health Mana
AP 180
Health Mana
31 45 120
Mp5 Armor 12 19 14
Health Mana
Health Mana
Reference Table
Actions Allowable Auto None Aimed Shot Arcane Shot Multi-Shot Serpent Sting Scorpid Sting Viper Sting Silencing Shot Steady Shot Kill Shot Explosive Shot Black Arrow Immolation Trap Chimera Shot Rapid Fire Readiness Bestial Wrath No Racial Armor Reduction Aspect Auto Shot Dps Special Shot DPS Proc DPS Wild Quiver DPS Kill Shot low HP gain Aspect of the Hawk Penalty Total DPS Normal Rotation MPS Special Abilities (e.g. KC) Total MPS Mana Regen per Second Total Mana Pool Hunter DPS Pet DPS Total DPS Rank Damage 5536 11319 4808 8195 6327 Mana 0 303 252 454 454 555 404 303 189 353 353 303 656 409 151 Cooldown 2.11 10 6 10 1.5 20 15 20 1.51 9 6 30 30 10 97.5 180.0 120.0 0.0 0.15 150 ms 1.5 Duration
9 11 8 12 1 5 1 4 3 4 6 8 1
21 15 8
15 15 15 0 0
7.15% Dragonhawk 2829.91 6403.71 124.64 264.63 0.00 0.00 9622.89 163.20 3.36 166.57 148.12 17846 9622.89 1114.35 10737.24
Shot Priority Serpent Sting Silencing Shot Rapid Fire Chimera Shot Kill Shot Aimed Shot Readiness Steady Shot None None
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Cooldown 21.00 20.00 97.50 10.00 9.00 10.00 180.00 1.51 0.00 0.00
Aspect Usage (mode: Viper to OOM) Viper Regen 797.45 Normal Regen 148.12 Regen from Mana Potion 11.94 Mana Expenditure 166.57 Time to Full 22.56 Time to OOM 2745.69
Viper time needed to last fight Aspect of the Beast Uptime Viper Uptime Hawk Uptime Viper Damage Penalty Aspect of the Beast AP bonus Aspect of the Hawk Penalty Usage of Kill Shot Current Kill Shot frequency Possible Kill Shot frequency Current Steady Shot Frequency New Steady Frequency Old Kill Shot DPS New Kill Shot DPS Old Steady DPS New Steady DPS Gain % of time spent sub-20% DPS gained using Kill Shot TRUE
45.06 45.06 2.84 2.84 500.30 500.30 2386.02 2386.02 0.00 20.00% 0.00
GCD No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No
Non-Crit Crit 3411.3 7027.2 n/a n/a 4392 10844 2649 6539 4392 10405 962 n/a (per tick) n/a n/a n/a n/a 1706 3514 2628 6488 12030 29702 2422 5759 (per tick) 1041 n/a (per tick) 699 n/a (per tick) 5364 13244 NOTE: Chimera Shot is just the shot The Serpent Sting Effect: 2860 6775
Test Rotation
Time Used Ratio Frequency 1.65 Refreshed Refreshed 0.00 0.01% 18.97 0.00 0.00% 90.12 1.65 16.48% 10.01 1.65 0.00% 45.06 1.65 16.48% 10.01 1.65 0.92% 180.23 1.66 58.45% 2.84 0.00 0.00% 0.00 0.00 0.00% 0.00 GCD use 92.33% Total: 0.65 0.51 1.16 0.62697 1.13815
DPS 301.30 145.91 0.00 1939.72 500.30 1130.46 0.00 2386.02 0.00 0.00 6403.71 1.119745106
MPS Refreshed 15.96 1.68 40.82 7.84 30.24 0.00 66.67 0.00 0.00 163.20
8 1 #N/A #N/A
Specials per Second Autoshots per Second Total crit. Specials per sec 8 Total: TRUE Steady Shot in Rotation? TRUE Serpent in rotation? FALSE Scorpid in rotation? FALSE Arcane in rotation?
Multi in rotation? Explosive in rotation? Kill Shot in rotation? Chimera in rotation? Aimed in rotation? Both Serpent and Chimera in rotation? Both Viper and Chimera in rotation? Glyph of Serpent Sting used Rapid Fire Used? The Beast Within Used? Bestial Wrath Used? Glyph of Bestial Wrath Used Orc Bloodfury Used? Aspect of the Hawk/Dragonhawk Used? Tier-7 4set bonus Black Arrow in Rotation? Immolation Trap in Rotation? Troll Berserking Used? Readiness Used? Viper Sting in Rotation Racial Used Silencing Shot Used?
0.47 0.04
Shots /p Sec
Possible Frequency 21.45 21.45 99.00 11.55 9.90 11.55 181.50 1.65 0.00 0.00 1.011041227 Combined
Starting Frequencies %GCD Left %GCD Needed 100.00% 0.00% 100.00% 0.00% 100.00% 0.00% 99.99% 14.29% 85.71% 0.00% 85.71% 14.29% 71.42% 0.91% 70.51% 100.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
In-between Calculatio %GCD Used 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 14.29% 0.00% 14.29% 0.91% 70.51% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% Total Pre-L&L Frequency 0.00 21.45 99.00 11.55 0.00 11.55 181.50 2.35 0.00 0.00 1.514170516 Combined
In-between Calculations Sting Count pre-L&L DPS pre-L&L New Possible MPS Frequencies 1 294.98 0.00 0.00 1 129.04 14.11 21.45 1 0.00 1.53 99.00 1 1681.56 35.39 11.55 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 980.01 26.21 11.55 1 0.00 0.00 181.50 1 2878.45 80.43 2.35 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 5964.04 1.514170516 Total Combined
Lock and Load modifications %GCD Left %GCD Needed 100.00% 0.00% 100.00% 0.00% 100.00% 0.00% 99.99% 14.29% 85.71% 0.00% 85.71% 14.29% 71.42% 0.91% 70.51% 70.51% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
ifications %GCD Used 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 14.29% 0.00% 14.29% 0.91% 70.51% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% Total Actual Frequencies 360.46 18.97 90.12 10.01 45.06 10.01 180.23 2.84 0.00 0.00 1.547045173 Combined
Final Calculations Actual Ratios DPS 0.00% 301.30 0.01% 145.91 0.00% 0.00 16.48% 1939.72 0.00% 500.30 16.48% 1130.46 0.92% 0.00 58.45% 2386.02 0.00% 0.00 0.00% 0.00 6403.71 Total
MPS 0.00 15.96 1.68 40.82 7.84 30.24 0.00 66.67 0.00 0.00 163.20 Total
L&L DPS Loss 6.32 16.86 0.00 258.16 500.30 150.45 0.00 -492.43 0.00 0.00 439.67 Total
Crit Chance 63.10% 63.10% 0.00% 63.10% 63.10% 67.10% 0.00% 67.10% 0.00% 0.00%
Ratio 0.00% 0.01% 0.00% 16.48% 0.00% 16.48% 0.00% 58.45% 0.00% 0.00% 91.41%
Composite 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 11.37% 0.00% 12.10% 0.00% 42.90% 0.00% 0.00% 66.38% Total
InValid Shot Critting Priority FALSE 0 FALSE 0.052710203 FALSE 0 FALSE 0.099871963 FALSE 0.022193769 FALSE 0.099871963 FALSE 0 FALSE 0.352326091 FALSE 0 TRUE 0 0.626973988
Reset Talents
16 0
Cunning Cobra Reflexes Dive/Dash Great Stamina Natural Armor Boar's Speed Mobility Owl's Focus Spiked Collar Culling the Herd Lionhearted Carrion Feeder Great Resistance Cornered Feeding Frenzy Wolverine Bite Roar of Recovery Bullheaded Grace of the Mantis Wild Hunt Roar of Sacrifice Total Correct Cunning spec
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Rank 1 11 0 0 0 0 0
Focus Cooldown 20.0 40.00 25.0 1.25 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00
Frequency Used 40.00 1.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total: Tank Stats
Bite Furious Howl #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A FALSE #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
Pet DPS per Agi Pet DPS per AP Pet DPS per Crit Pet DPS per Hit
0 0 0 1 1
Ferocity Cobra Reflexes Dive/Dash Great Stamina Natural Armor Improved Cower Bloodthirsty Spiked Collar Boar's Speed Culling the Herd Lionhearted Charge/Swoop Heart of the Phoenix Spider's Bite Great Resistance Rabid Lick Your Wounds Call of the Wild Shark Attack Wild Hunt Total
2 1 0 0 0 1 3 0 3 0 0 0 3 0 1 0 1 0 1 16
Tenacity Cobra Reflexes Charge Great Stamina Natural Armor Spiked Collar Boar's Speed Blood of the Rhino Pet Barding Culling the Herd Guard Dog Lionhearted Thunderstomp Grace of the Mantis Great Resistance Last Stand Taunt Roar of Sacrifice Intervene Silverback Wild Hunt Total Correct Tenacity spec
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Correct Ferocity spec DPS 0.00 509.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 509.22 Possible Freq 1 40.00 2 1.25 3 0.00 4 0.00 5 0.00 6 0.00 7 0.00
GCDs needed left 100.00% ## 100.00% ## 0.00% ## 0.00% ## 0.00% ## 0.00% ## 0.00% ##
Recalculate DPS
Colliseum Icecrown Citadel
Leather Crafted
Heroic Raids
Non-raid Gear
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 E
Helm Windrunner's Headpiece of Triumph (H) Windrunner's Headpiece of Triumph Sanctified Ahn'Kahar Blood Hunter's Headpiece (H) Windrunner's Headpiece of Conquest Sanctified Ahn'Kahar Blood Hunter's Headpiece Snowserpent Mail Helm (H) Taldron's Short-Sighted Helm (H) Ahn'Kahar Blood Hunter's Headpiece Geistlord's Punishment Sack (H) Snowserpent Mail Helm Sanctified Ahn'Kahar Blood Hunter's Headpiece Neck Sindragosa's Cruel Claw (H) Rimetooth Pendant (H) Sindragosa's Cruel Claw Rimetooth Pendant Wodin's Lucky Necklace Charge of the Demon Lord (H) Collar of Ceaseless Torment (H) Precious's Putrid Collar (H) Collar of Ceaseless Torment Charge of the Demon Lord Broach of the Wailing Night Shoulders Sanctified Ahn'Kahar Blood Hunter's Spaulders (H) Sanctified Ahn'Kahar Blood Hunter's Spaulders Ahn'Kahar Blood Hunter's Spaulders Dual-Bladed Pauldrons (H) Cultist's Bloodsoaked Spaulders (H) Pauldrons of Lost Hope (H) Dual-Bladed Pauldrons Shoulderpads of the Morbid Ritual (H) Cultist's Bloodsoaked Spaulders Epaulets of the Devourer Ahn'Kahar Blood Hunter's Spaulders
iLevel 258 245 277 232 264 277 264 251 277 264 264 iLevel 277 264 264 251 264 258 245 264 232 245 226 iLevel 277 264 251 277 277 264 264 264 264 245 251 iLevel 272 277
Delta 206.24 115.58 106.72 36.97 0.00 -27.50 -56.46 -90.98 -96.10 -113.16 989.22 Delta 480.63 469.61 424.81 416.83 399.06 392.25 386.71 346.96 333.66 331.41 0.00 Delta 149.97 69.69 0.00 -212.56 -247.49 -281.61 -282.64 -291.94 -312.20 -338.06 847.62 Delta 42.20 11.09
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 E
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 E
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 E
Recovered Scarlet Onslaught Cape Cloak of the Silver Covenant Shadowvault Slayer's Cloak Drape of the Untamed Predator (H) Drape of the Untamed Predator Shawl of Nerubian Silk (H) Shawl of Nerubian Silk Accursed Crawling Cape Recovered Scarlet Onslaught Cape Chest Windrunner's Tunic of Triumph (H) Sanctified Ahn'Kahar Blood Hunter's Tunic (H) Windrunner's Tunic of Triumph Carapace of Forgotten Kings (H) Windrunner's Tunic of Conquest Longstrider's Vest Sanctified Ahn'Kahar Blood Hunter's Tunic Carapace of Forgotten Kings Hauberk of a Thousand Cuts (H) Ahn'Kahar Blood Hunter's Tunic Longstrider's Vest First Ring Frostbrood Sapphire Ring (H) Frostbrood Sapphire Ring Ashen Band of Endless Vengeance Saurfang's Cold-Forged Band (H) Seal of the Twilight Queen (H) Seal of Many Mouths (H) Ashen Band of Unmatched Vengeance Band of the Bone Colossus (H) Ring of Callous Aggression (H) Saurfang's Cold-Forged Band Ashen Band of Endless Vengeance First Trinket Deathbringer's Will (H) Deathbringer's Will Whispering Fanged Skull (H) Death's Verdict (H) Whispering Fanged Skull Herkuml War Token Needle-Encrusted Scorpion Darkmoon Card: Greatness Banner of Victory Mirror of Truth Deathbringer's Will
264 258 264 258 245 264 251 219 264 iLevel 258 277 245 277 232 264 264 264 264 251 264 iLevel 277 264 277 264 264 264 268 277 258 251 277 iLevel 277 264 264 258 251 264 232 200 200 200 264
0.00 -16.90 -40.54 -68.08 -123.18 -149.33 -178.44 -208.36 450.49 Delta 181.99 105.93 92.44 77.90 13.15 0.00 -1.85 -8.90 -42.15 -91.43 823.84 Delta 72.44 13.77 0.00 -19.88 -33.33 -37.56 -52.55 -66.50 -66.90 -68.05 450.97 Delta 67.02 0.00 -14.84 -31.34 -74.54 -154.85 -172.31 -194.02 -234.97 -271.42 518.40
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 E
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 R1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 T1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 E
Two-Handed Melee Distant Land (H) Bloodfall (H) Archon Glaive (H) Hersir's Greatspear (H) Distant Land Bloodfall Lupine Longstaff (H) Quel'Delar, Ferocity of the Scorned Shaft of Glacial Ice (H) Archon Glaive Archon Glaive
iLevel 277 277 258 264 264 264 258 251 264 245 245
Delta 189.19 174.13 97.86 80.85 75.31 67.08 37.84 29.12 10.19 0.00 668.06
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 E
Ranged Weapons Zod's Repeating Longbow (H) Stakethrower (H) Njordnar Bone Bow (H) Zod's Repeating Longbow BRK-1000 Talonstrike (H) Njordnar Bone Bow Stakethrower Rowan's Rifle of Silver Bullets The Diplomat (H) Zod's Repeating Longbow
iLevel 277 264 264 264 258 258 251 251 264 245 264
Delta 318.75 126.34 102.77 0.00 -34.27 -73.08 -170.60 -183.58 -287.72 -291.87 5248.21
Leather Crafted
Hard Modes
Heroic Raids
Location Colliseum-25 Heroic Colliseum-25 ICC-25hc Colliseum-10 ICC-25 ICC-25hc ICC-10hc ICC-10 ICC-25hc ICC-25 ICC-25 Location ICC-25hc ICC-10hc ICC-25 ICC-10 ICC-25 Colliseum-25 Heroic Colliseum-10 Heroic ICC-10hc Colliseum-10 Colliseum-25 Emblem of Conquest Location ICC-25hc ICC-25 ICC-10 ICC-25hc ICC-25hc ICC-10hc ICC-25 ICC-10hc ICC-25 Emblem of Triumph ICC-10 Location Colliseum-25 Heroic ICC-25hc
Sanctified Hands Ahn'Kahar Blood Hunter's Headpiece 1 Sanctified Ahn'Kahar Blood Hunter's Handguards (H) 2 Sanctified Ahn'Kahar Blood Hunter's Handguards 3 Ahn'Kahar Blood Hunter's Handguards 4 Anub'ar Stalker's Gloves (H) 5 Aldriana's Gloves of Secrecy (H) 6 Scourge Stranglers (H) 7 Handgrips of Frost and Sleet (H) 8 Logsplitters 9 Cat Burglar's Grips 10 Anub'ar Stalker's Gloves E Handgrips of Frost and Sleet Broach of Waist the Wailing Night 1 Nerub'ar Stalker's Cord (H) 2 Astrylian's Sutured Cinch (H) 3 Nerub'ar Stalker's Cord 4 Band of the Night Raven 5 Belt of Deathly Dominion (H) 6 Linked Scourge Vertebrae (H) 7 Blood-Drinker's Girdle (H) 8 Astrylian's Sutured Cinch 9 Soulthief's Braided Belt (H) 10 Vengeful Noose E Nerub'ar Stalker's Cord Ahn'Kahar Legs Blood Hunter's Spaulders 1 Leggings of Northern Lights (H) 2 Sanctified Ahn'Kahar Blood Hunter's Legguards (H) 3 Leggings of Northern Lights 4 Draconic Bonesplinter Legguards 5 Legguards of the Lurking Threat (H) 6 Windrunner's Legguards of Triumph (H) 7 Bladeborn Leggings 8 Sanctified Ahn'Kahar Blood Hunter's Legguards 9 Gangrenous Leggings (H) 10 Plague-Soaked Leather Leggings (H) E Draconic Bonesplinter Legguards Recovered Feet Scarlet Onslaught Cape 1 Frostbitten Fur Boots (H) 2 Treads of the Wasteland (H)
iLevel 277 264 251 277 277 264 264 264 264 264 251 iLevel 277 277 264 264 258 264 264 264 251 264 264 iLevel 277 277 264 264 258 258 264 264 277 264 264 iLevel 277 277
Emblem of Frost Colliseum-10 Heroic ICC-25 Colliseum-25 Heroic Colliseum-25 ICC-10hc ICC-10 ICC-5 Emblem of Frost Location Colliseum-25 Heroic ICC-25hc Colliseum-25 ICC-25hc Colliseum-10 Emblem of Frost ICC-25 ICC-25 ICC-10hc ICC-10 Emblem of Frost Location ICC-25 ICC-25 Ashen Verdict ICC-10hc ICC-10hc ICC-10hc Ashen Verdict ICC-25hc Colliseum-25 Heroic ICC-10 Ashen Verdict Location ICC-25hc ICC-25 ICC-10hc Colliseum-25 Heroic ICC-10 Emblem of Frost ICC-5hc Inscription Colliseum-5 Emblem of Heroism ICC-25 None Massacre (Two Hand)
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 E
Rock-Steady Treads Taldaram's Soft Slippers (H) Taldron's Long Neglected Boots (H) Frostbitten Fur Boots Treads of the Wasteland Taldaram's Soft Slippers Taldron's Long Neglected Boots Wyrmwing Treads (H) Rock-Steady Treads
264 264 264 264 264 251 251 264 264 iLevel 277 277 264 264 258 264 245 251 245 245 264 iLevel 277 277 268 277 264 264 259 264 264 264 245 iLevel 264 264 277 258 251 245 264 232 200 200 200
Longstrider's WristVest 1 Scourge Hunter's Vambraces (H) 2 Toskk's Maximized Wristguards (H) 3 Scourge Hunter's Vambraces 4 Toskk's Maximized Wristguards 5 Bracers of the Untold Massacre (H) 6 Icecrown Rampart Bracers (H) 7 Bracers of the Untold Massacre 8 Icecrown Rampart Bracers 9 Crusader's Dragonscale Bracers 10 Bracers of Swift Death E Scourge Hunter's Vambraces Ashen Band Second of Endless Ring Vengeance 1 Ashen Band of Endless Vengeance 2 Frostbrood Sapphire Ring (H) 3 Ashen Band of Unmatched Vengeance 4 Band of the Bone Colossus (H) 5 Frostbrood Sapphire Ring 6 Saurfang's Cold-Forged Band (H) 7 Ashen Band of Greater Vengeance 8 Band of the Bone Colossus 9 Seal of the Twilight Queen (H) 10 Seal of Many Mouths (H) R1 Dexterous Brightstone Ring Deathbringer's Second Will Trinket 1 Deathbringer's Will 2 Whispering Fanged Skull (H) 3 Deathbringer's Will (H) 4 Death's Verdict (H) 5 Whispering Fanged Skull 6 Death's Verdict 7 Herkuml War Token 8 Needle-Encrusted Scorpion 9 Darkmoon Card: Greatness 10 Banner of Victory T1 Darkmoon Card: Greatness
Enchant MH
Location ICC-25hc ICC-25hc Colliseum-25 Heroic ICC-10hc ICC-25 ICC-25 Colliseum-25 Heroic Quest ICC-10hc Colliseum-25 Colliseum-25
Archon Glaive Main Hand 1 Lungbreaker (H) 2 Scourgeborne Waraxe (H) 3 Rib Spreader (H) 4 Frost Giant's Cleaver (H) 5 Lionhead Slasher (H) 6 Steel Bladebreaker (H) 7 Lungbreaker 8 Scourgeborne Waraxe 9 Bloodsipper (H) 10 Soulbreaker (H) MH 2-Hander
iLevel 277 277 277 264 258 258 264 264 264 264
Location ICC-25hc ICC-10hc ICC-10hc ICC-25 Colliseum-25 Heroic Colliseum-25 Heroic ICC-10 ICC-10 ICC-25 Colliseum-10 Heroic ICC-25
Zod's Repeating Off HandLongbow 1 Lungbreaker (H) 2 Scourgeborne Waraxe (H) 3 Rib Spreader (H) 4 Frost Giant's Cleaver (H) 5 Lionhead Slasher (H) 6 Lungbreaker 7 Scourgeborne Waraxe 8 Steel Bladebreaker (H) 9 Bloodsipper (H) 10 Splintershard (H) MH 2-Hander
Enchant OH iLevel 277 277 277 264 258 264 264 258 264 264
Delta 444.89 378.83 305.74 94.25 74.51 72.31 70.08 65.06 37.09 23.85 548.80 Delta 81.67 47.74 0.00 -15.14 -18.06 -21.49 -23.29 -30.42 -32.96 -57.03 630.68 Delta 111.99 32.08 2.06 0.00 -9.79 -20.63 -21.49 -67.89 -82.89 -110.99 840.35 Delta 54.59 3.49
Location ICC-25hc ICC-25 ICC-10 ICC-25hc ICC-25hc ICC-10hc ICC-10hc Emblem of Frost Emblem of Frost ICC-25 ICC-10 Location ICC-25hc ICC-25hc ICC-25 Emblem of Frost Colliseum-25 Heroic ICC-10hc ICC-10hc ICC-25 ICC-10hc Emblem of Frost ICC-25 Location ICC-25hc ICC-25hc ICC-25 Leatherworking Colliseum-25 Heroic Colliseum-25 Heroic ICC-25 ICC-25 ICC-25hc ICC-10hc Leatherworking Location ICC-25hc ICC-25hc
Rock-Steady Treads
0.00 -6.02 -7.67 -21.99 -61.90 -72.96 -76.67 -89.37 629.70 Delta 61.39 47.02 0.00 -13.15 -23.53 -67.16 -86.17 -108.36 -117.63 -126.70 470.52 Delta 198.17 183.96 144.83 129.56 125.76 91.68 91.46 90.23 78.92 75.31 337.64 Delta 213.48 183.82 177.35 166.51 123.00 108.09 41.14 32.05 0.00 -31.54 328.51
Leatherworking ICC-10hc ICC-10hc ICC-25 ICC-25 ICC-10 ICC-10 ICC-10hc Leatherworking Location ICC-25hc ICC-25hc ICC-25 ICC-25 Colliseum-25 Heroic ICC-10hc Colliseum-25 ICC-10 Leatherworking Leatherworking ICC-25 Location Ashen Verdict ICC-25 Ashen Verdict ICC-25hc ICC-25 ICC-10hc Ashen Verdict ICC-25 ICC-10hc ICC-10hc Emblem of Triumph Location ICC-25 ICC-10hc ICC-25hc Colliseum-25 Heroic ICC-10 Colliseum-25 Emblem of Frost ICC-5hc Inscription Colliseum-5 Inscription Scourge Hunter's Vambraces
Delta 23.06 23.06 -14.80 -18.74 -34.80 -36.19 -36.25 -36.25 -40.74 -44.40 334.03
Location ICC-25hc ICC-25hc ICC-25hc ICC-10hc Colliseum-25 Heroic Colliseum-25 Heroic ICC-25 ICC-25 ICC-10hc ICC-10hc
Archon Glaive
Superior Potency (One Hand) Delta Location 101.18 ICC-25hc 101.18 ICC-25hc 63.02 ICC-25hc 59.76 ICC-10hc 43.87 Colliseum-25 Heroic 41.62 ICC-25 41.62 ICC-25 41.61 Colliseum-25 Heroic 36.88 ICC-10hc 34.05 ICC-10hc 334.03
Start with currently equipped gear
Max # of Iterations Helm #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 Enchant Neck #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 Shoulders #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 Enchant Back #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 Enchant Chest #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 Enchant Wrist #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 Enchant
Max # of Iterations Gloves #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 Enchant Waist #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 Legs #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 Enchant Feet #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 Enchant Rings #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 Enchant Trinkets #1 #2 #3 #4 #5
Get dual-wield
Ranged #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 Enchant
current Gear
Get dual-wield
Disable Averaging Automatic Spell Selection Disable Target AP Buffs Use Rotation Test results instead of frequencies Disable Automatic Pet Priority Randomize Procs on Rotation Test Use Progress Bar Re-Gem Options Red DPS gem Red +hit gem Yellow DPS gem Yellow +hit gem Blue DPS gem Blue +hit gem Default Meta Gem First Gem Sorting priority Second Gem Sorting Prio Third Gem Sorting Prio Only show matching colors Only show Epic gems Do not re-gem for Gear Planner Full +hit gem Gem for meta-requirements Use Dragon's Eyes Preferred Dragon Eye Use 'Current item with Regem' Prefer single slots for Tears Don't regem if DPS downgrade Boss Fight Boss Fight Length Time spent sub-20% Time spent 35% to 20% Hunter Options - Shot Ranks True Shot Aura Aspect of the (Dragon)Hawk Serpent Sting Arcane Shot Multi Shot Hunter's Mark Steady Shot Kill Shot Explosive Shot
Scorpid Sting Silencing Shot Viper Sting Chimera Shot Aimed Shot Black Arrow Immolation Trap Hunter Options - Misc Options Boss HP % Use Kill Shot? Aspect Behavior Sniper Training Lock&Load Shot Selection Lock&Load # of shots replaced Drink a potion? Type of potion Use Heroism Time used to lay Immolation Trap Prioritise Arc/Aimed over SS L&L Proc Chance Pet Options Pet GCD Switch to AotBeast during BW Use Kill Command Target Options Custom Target Level Custom Target Armor
ArP Trinket Proc Behavior Misc Options Interleave Steady Shot for L&L Use Proxy for Armory connections? Proxy Server Username Password Mixology Retest Rotation Automatically
FALSE Description Where to save the export file Whether to average out certain abilities Disable on-target buffs like Hunter's Mark Default Value Hunter_DPS_export.bin
No Yes No
Yes No No Yes Delicate Cardinal Ruby (20 Agi) Glinting Ametrine (10 Agi, 10 Hit) Deadly Ametrine (10 Agi, 10 Crit) Glinting Ametrine (10 Agi, 10 Hit) Shifting Dreadstone (10 Agi, 15 Sta) Vivid Eye of Zul (10 Hit, 15 Sta) Relentless Earthsiege Diamond (21 Agi) DPS Color Agility No Yes No Rigid King's Amber (20 Hit) Nightmare Tear (+10 to all stats) No Delicate Dragon's Eye (34 Agi) Yes No No 6 1.2 0.9 1 10 12 11 8 5 4 1 4
Sort Gems
Duration in minutes Works in conjunction with the 'Use Kill Shot' option below Works with Feeding Frenzy
1 1 5 1 9 6 8 Current Boss HP When to use Kill Shot When to switch aspects Whether Sniper Training is active Which shot to use 100% Sub-20% Viper to OOM Yes Explosive Shot 2 Yes Runic Mana Injector Once 2 Yes 4.0% 1.25 No Yes 83 10643
Icy mana potion is the same as Super Mana Potion # of GCDs per talent point
Custom Value
Hunter DPS Pet Dps Total DPS Ranged Critical Hit Chance vs. Level 83 Ranged Hit Chance vs. Level 83 Hunter_DPS_export.bin
Delicate Cardinal Ruby (20 Agi) Glinting Ametrine (10 Agi, 10 Hit) Deadly Ametrine (10 Agi, 10 Crit) Glinting Ametrine (10 Agi, 10 Hit) Shifting Dreadstone (10 Agi, 15 Sta) Vivid Eye of Zul (10 Hit, 15 Sta) Relentless Earthsiege Diamond (21 Agi) DPS Color Agility No Yes No Rigid King's Amber (20 Hit) Nightmare Tear (+10 to all stats) Yes Delicate Dragon's Eye (34 Agi) Yes TRUE No No 6 1.2 0.9 0 1 10 12 11 8 5 4 1 4
1 1 5 1 9 6 8 1 Sub-20% Viper to OOM Yes 0 Explosive Shot 2 Yes Runic Mana Injector Once 2 Yes 0.04 1.25 No Yes 0 83 10643 0 0 Normal No No SomeName SomePassword No Yes
Item Stats
Main Hand Off Hand Two Hand Head Neck Shoulders Back Chest Wrist Hands Waist Legs Feet Ring 1 Ring 2 Armor Strength Agility Stamina Intellect Spirit 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +AP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Crit 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hit Mp5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
I t e m s
To use these items, please select the "Custom" choice from the drop down menu for the ite
Item Stats
Trinket Passive: Active: Armor Strength Agility Stamina Intellect Spirit 0 0 0 0 0 0 +AP 0 Crit Hit Mp5 0 0 0
Special Type: On Hit Str Agi Sta Int Duration: 0 Effect: 0 0 0 0 Cooldown: 0 Proc Chance 10% ##### FALSE Min Damage 0 0 Max Damage 0 DPS 0.00 Can Crit? No Notes: The cooldown also means the internal cooldown for on-hit and on-crit procs Min Damage and Max Damage define the damage range of the on-hit/on-crit proc. Damage ty
Health Mana Resil ArP Haste Socket 1 0 0 0 0 0 No 0 0 0 No 0 0 0 No 0 0 0 0 0 No 0 0 0 No 0 0 0 No 0 0 0 No 0 0 0 0 0 No 0 0 0 0 0 No 0 0 0 0 0 No 0 0 0 No 0 0 0 No 0 0 0 0 0 No 0 0 0 0 0 No 0 0 0 0 0 No Socket 2 No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Socket 3 No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Str 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Socket Bonuses
Agi Sta Int Spi + AP +crit 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
on Stats
Hit 0 Mp5 0 Res 0 ArP Haste Type 0 0 Bow
Socket 1 Socket 2 Str No No
Socket Bonuses
Agi Sta Int Spi +AP +Crit 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
he drop down menu for the item location you wish to customize.
Health Mana Resil ArP Haste Socket 1 Socket 2 0 0 0 No No Crit 0 0 Hit 0 Mp5 0 ArP 0 Haste 0 Str
Socket Bonuses
Agi Sta Int Spi + AP +crit 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Spi 0
Socket Bonuses
+hit 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mp5 Res ArP Haste 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Socket Bonuses
+Hit Mp5 Res ArP Haste 0 0 0 0 0
Socket Bonuses
+hit Mp5 Res ArP Haste 0 0 0 0 0
360 30 Start Cast 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.65 3.30 4.95 6.60 6.60 8.25 9.90 11.55 13.20 14.85 16.50 16.75 18.40 20.05 21.70 23.35 25.00 26.65 26.90 28.55 30.20 31.85 33.66 35.31 37.05 38.70 40.35 42.00 43.65 45.30 47.11 47.20 48.85 50.50 52.31 54.13 55.94 57.75 59.40 61.05 62.70 64.35 66.00 67.65 67.90 69.55 71.20
Test Rotation
Shot Serpent Sting Silencing Shot Rapid Fire Chimera Shot Kill Shot Aimed Shot Readiness Steady Shot None None Total Shots: Total time elapsed: CPU time:
Frequency % of predicted 360.46 0.00% 18.97 100.00% 90.12 100.00% 10.01 100.00% 45.06 100.00% 10.01 100.00% 180.23 100.00% 2.84 100.00% 0.00 0.00% 0.00 0.00% 99.57% Weighted
0 0.00
Improved Steady Shot Total Procs: 18 Procs for Aimed Shot 0 Procs for Arcane Shot 0 Procs for Chimera Shot 18 Improved Aspect of the Hawk # of Procs 16 Time spent 192.00 Uptime 53.27%
Explanation of terms: Waited - this shot was not ready yet but we waited this many seconds for the CD Skipped - this shot was higher in priority than the one used, but did less damage considering we had to wait for it, so it was skipped.
Skipped - this shot was higher in priority than the one used, but did less damage considering we had to wait for it, so it was skipped.
73.02 74.83 76.64 78.45 80.10 81.75 83.40 85.05 86.70 88.35 88.60 90.25 91.90 93.55 95.37 97.18 98.99 100.64 102.29 104.11 105.92 107.57 109.22 109.22 110.87 112.52 114.17 115.82 117.47 119.37 121.02 122.67 124.48 126.30 128.11 129.92 129.92 131.57 133.22 134.87 136.52 138.17 140.07 141.72 143.37 145.19 147.00 148.81 150.63 150.63 152.28 153.93 155.58 157.23 158.88 160.78
162.43 164.08 165.73 167.54 169.35 171.16 171.16 172.81 174.46 176.28 178.09 179.74 181.39 183.04 184.69 186.34 187.99 189.64 191.45 191.54 193.19 194.84 196.65 196.65 198.30 198.30 199.95 201.60 203.25 204.90 206.55 208.45 210.10 211.75 211.75 213.40 215.05 216.70 218.35 218.60 220.25 221.90 223.55 225.20 226.85 228.75 230.40 232.05 233.87 235.52 237.17 238.82 238.90 240.55 242.20 243.85
245.50 247.32 249.13 250.78 252.43 254.24 256.06 257.87 259.52 259.52 261.17 262.82 264.47 266.12 267.77 269.67 271.32 272.97 274.78 276.60 278.41 280.22 280.22 281.87 283.52 285.17 286.82 288.47 290.37 292.02 293.67 295.49 297.62 299.27 301.09 301.09 302.74 304.39 306.77 308.42 310.07 311.72 313.37 315.02 316.67 318.32 320.14 321.95 321.95 323.60 325.82 327.47 329.29 331.10 332.75 334.97
336.62 338.27 339.92 341.57 343.39 343.39 345.04 346.77 348.42 350.24 352.05 353.86 355.51 357.16 358.81
Shot Silencing Shot Rapid Fire Serpent Sting Chimera Shot Aimed Shot Readiness Silencing Shot Chimera Shot Aimed Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Rapid Fire Chimera Shot Aimed Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Silencing Shot Chimera Shot Aimed Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Chimera Shot Aimed Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Silencing Shot Chimera Shot Aimed Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Chimera Shot Aimed Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Silencing Shot Chimera Shot Aimed Shot Steady Shot
Time Used Cast End 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.65 1.65 1.65 3.30 1.65 4.95 1.65 6.60 0.00 6.60 1.65 8.25 1.65 9.90 1.34 11.24 1.34 12.89 1.34 14.54 1.34 16.19 0.00 16.50 1.65 18.40 1.65 20.05 1.18 21.23 1.18 22.88 1.18 24.53 1.18 26.18 0.00 26.65 1.65 28.55 1.65 30.20 1.34 31.54 1.81 33.66 1.60 35.26 1.60 36.91 1.65 38.70 1.65 40.35 1.60 41.95 1.60 43.60 1.60 45.25 1.81 47.11 0.00 47.11 1.65 48.85 1.65 50.50 1.81 52.31 1.81 54.13 1.81 55.94 1.81 57.75 1.65 59.40 1.65 61.05 1.60 62.65 1.60 64.30 1.60 65.95 1.60 67.60 0.00 67.65 1.65 69.55 1.65 71.20 1.81 73.02
on CD until 20.00 180.00 21.15 11.80 13.45 185.10 26.60 16.75 18.40 11.55 13.20 14.85 16.50 196.50 26.90 28.55 21.70 23.35 25.00 26.65 46.65 37.05 38.70 31.85 33.66 35.31 36.96 47.20 48.85 42.00 43.65 45.30 47.11 67.11 57.35 59.00 52.31 54.13 55.94 57.75 67.90 69.55 62.70 64.35 66.00 67.65 87.65 78.05 79.70 73.02
(IaotH proc)
Steady Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Chimera Shot Aimed Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Silencing Shot Chimera Shot Aimed Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Chimera Shot Aimed Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Silencing Shot Chimera Shot Aimed Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Chimera Shot Aimed Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Silencing Shot Chimera Shot Aimed Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Chimera Shot Aimed Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Silencing Shot Chimera Shot Aimed Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Chimera Shot
1.81 1.81 1.81 1.65 1.65 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 0.00 1.65 1.65 1.60 1.81 1.81 1.81 1.65 1.65 1.81 1.81 1.60 1.60 0.00 1.65 1.65 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.81 1.65 1.65 1.81 1.81 1.81 1.81 0.00 1.65 1.65 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.65 1.65 1.81 1.81 1.81 1.81 0.00 1.65 1.65 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.65
74.83 76.64 78.45 80.10 81.75 83.35 85.00 86.65 88.30 88.35 90.25 91.90 93.50 95.37 97.18 98.99 100.64 102.29 104.11 105.92 107.52 109.17 109.22 110.87 112.52 114.12 115.77 117.42 119.28 121.02 122.67 124.48 126.30 128.11 129.92 129.92 131.57 133.22 134.82 136.47 138.12 139.77 141.72 143.37 145.19 147.00 148.81 150.63 150.63 152.28 153.93 155.52 157.17 158.82 160.47 162.43
74.83 76.64 78.45 88.60 90.25 83.40 85.05 86.70 88.35 108.35 98.75 100.40 93.55 95.37 97.18 98.99 109.14 110.79 104.11 105.92 107.57 109.22 129.22 119.37 121.02 114.17 115.82 117.47 119.28 129.52 131.17 124.48 126.30 128.11 129.92 149.92 140.07 141.72 134.87 136.52 138.17 139.82 150.22 151.87 145.19 147.00 148.81 150.63 170.63 160.78 162.43 155.58 157.23 158.88 160.53 170.93
(Waited 0.25s)
(ISS proc)
(IaotH proc)
(IaotH proc)
(Waited 0.25s)
Aimed Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Silencing Shot Chimera Shot Aimed Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Chimera Shot Aimed Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Silencing Shot Chimera Shot Aimed Shot Steady Shot Rapid Fire Readiness Silencing Shot Chimera Shot Aimed Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Chimera Shot Aimed Shot Rapid Fire Steady Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Silencing Shot Chimera Shot Aimed Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Chimera Shot Aimed Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Silencing Shot Chimera Shot Aimed Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot
1.65 1.60 1.81 1.81 1.81 0.00 1.65 1.65 1.81 1.81 1.60 1.60 1.65 1.65 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.81 0.00 1.65 1.65 1.81 0.00 1.65 0.00 1.65 1.65 1.18 1.18 1.18 1.18 1.65 1.65 0.00 1.34 1.34 1.34 1.18 0.00 1.65 1.65 1.18 1.18 1.18 1.81 1.65 1.65 1.81 1.60 1.60 1.60 0.00 1.65 1.65 1.60 1.60
164.08 165.67 167.54 169.35 171.16 171.16 172.81 174.46 176.28 178.09 179.69 181.34 183.04 184.69 186.29 187.94 189.59 191.45 191.45 193.19 194.84 196.65 196.65 198.30 198.30 199.95 201.60 202.79 204.44 206.09 207.74 210.10 211.75 211.75 213.09 214.74 216.39 217.89 218.35 220.25 221.90 223.09 224.74 226.39 228.67 230.40 232.05 233.87 235.46 237.11 238.76 238.82 240.55 242.20 243.80 245.45
172.58 165.73 167.54 169.35 171.16 191.16 181.31 182.96 176.28 178.09 179.74 181.39 191.54 193.19 186.34 187.99 189.64 191.45 211.45 201.69 203.34 196.65 376.65 376.80 218.30 208.45 210.10 203.25 204.90 206.55 208.20 218.60 220.25 391.75 213.40 215.05 216.70 218.35 238.35 228.75 230.40 223.55 225.20 226.85 228.67 238.90 240.55 233.87 235.52 237.17 238.82 258.82 249.05 250.70 243.85 245.50
(ISS proc)
(IaotH proc)
(IaotH proc)
(IaotH proc)
(Waited 0.09s)
Steady Shot Steady Shot Chimera Shot Aimed Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Silencing Shot Chimera Shot Aimed Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Chimera Shot Aimed Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Silencing Shot Chimera Shot Aimed Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Kill Shot Chimera Shot Aimed Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Kill Shot Steady Shot Silencing Shot Chimera Shot Aimed Shot Steady Shot Kill Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Chimera Shot Aimed Shot Steady Shot Kill Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Silencing Shot Chimera Shot Aimed Shot Kill Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Chimera Shot Kill Shot
1.81 1.81 1.65 1.65 1.81 1.81 1.81 1.60 0.00 1.65 1.65 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.65 1.65 1.81 1.81 1.81 1.81 0.00 1.65 1.65 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.65 1.65 1.65 1.81 1.81 1.65 1.81 0.00 1.65 1.65 1.81 1.65 1.60 1.60 1.65 1.65 1.60 1.65 1.81 1.81 0.00 1.65 1.65 1.65 1.81 1.81 1.60 1.65 1.65
247.32 249.13 250.78 252.43 254.24 256.06 257.87 259.47 259.52 261.17 262.82 264.42 266.07 267.72 269.37 271.32 272.97 274.78 276.60 278.41 280.22 280.22 281.87 283.52 285.12 286.77 288.42 290.12 292.02 293.67 295.49 297.30 299.27 301.09 301.09 302.74 304.39 306.20 308.42 310.02 311.67 313.37 315.02 316.62 318.32 320.14 321.95 321.95 323.60 325.25 327.47 329.29 331.10 332.69 334.40 336.62
247.32 249.13 259.28 260.93 254.24 256.06 257.87 259.52 279.52 269.67 271.32 264.47 266.12 267.77 269.42 279.82 281.47 274.78 276.60 278.41 280.22 300.22 290.37 292.02 285.17 286.82 288.47 297.62 300.52 302.17 295.49 297.30 306.77 301.09 321.09 311.24 312.89 306.20 315.92 310.07 311.72 321.87 323.52 316.67 325.82 320.14 321.95 341.95 332.10 333.75 334.97 329.29 331.10 332.75 342.90 344.12
(ISS proc)
(IaotH proc)
(Waited 0.25s)
(Waited 0.32s)
(ISS proc)
(Waited 0.57s)
Aimed Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Silencing Shot Chimera Shot Kill Shot Aimed Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Steady Shot Chimera Shot Kill Shot Aimed Shot Steady Shot
1.65 1.60 1.60 1.81 0.00 1.65 1.65 1.65 1.81 1.81 1.81 1.65 1.65 1.65 1.60
338.27 339.87 341.52 343.39 343.39 345.04 346.69 348.42 350.24 352.05 353.86 355.51 357.16 358.81 360.41
346.77 339.92 341.57 343.39 363.39 353.54 354.19 356.92 (Waited 0.09s) 350.24 352.05 353.86 364.01 (IaotH proc)(ISS proc) 364.66 367.31 360.46
Run Tests
StDev 0.00
(Waited 0.09s)
(Waited 0.25s)
(Waited 0.25s)
(Waited 0.25s)
(Waited 0.09s)
(Waited 0.25s)
(Waited 0.32s)
(Waited 0.57s)
(Waited 0.57s)
(Waited 0.09s)
21.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 39.61 0.00 0.00 35.69 51.03 148.12 148.12
Page 196
Racial Weapon Skill Target Defense Hit Adjustment Unadjusted Total Total Health Base Stamina Gear/Buffs With Talents Tauren Bonus Total Armor Gear Agility Thick Hide Total Mana Base Intellect Gear Total Resilience Rating from Gear Ratio Critical Hit Chance Critical Hit Damage Dodge Base From Agility Aspect of the Monkey Cat Like Reflexes Total Spell Critical Chance Base Intellect Inellect Ratio - level 80 Intellect Spell Crit Tooltip Agility Rate Gear Crit Rating Gear on-proc Crit Ratio Gear Crit Adjustment Total 5046 12800 0 17846 9633 5025 100% 14658 7324 19297 2818.75 0 0 29440 0.00% 400 415 -3.00% 97.25% 97.25% Steady Shot Multi Shot Arcane Shot Critical Hit Damage Base Mortal Shots Gems Total Marked for Death Aimed, Steady, Kill, Chimera, Arcane On Proc +AP Effects Mirror of Truth Anvil of Titans Swordguard Embroidery Pyrite Infuser Banner of Victory Blood of the Old God Whispering Fanged Skull Whispering Fanged Skull (H) Deathbringer's Will Deathbringer's Will (H) Ashen Band of Unmatched Vengeance Ashen Band of Endless Vengeance Herkuml War Token Fury of the Five Flights Tier-8 4-set bonus Deathbringer's Will Darkmoon Card: Greatness Total On Proc +Crit Effects Death Knight's Anguish Dark Matter Deathbringer's Will Deathbringer's Will (H) Total On Proc +Agility Effects Darkmoon Card: Greatness Death's Verdict/Choice Death's Verdict/Choice (H) Deathbringer's Will Deathbringer's Will (H) Total Total Hunter DPS Shot Rotation Wild Quiver Auto Shot DPS 6403.71 264.63 2829.91 100.00% 30.00% 106.00% 136.90% 10.00% 146.90% 35.79 19.43 19.05
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 111.59 0.00 0.00 69.68 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 181.27
5.00% 872 166.667 5.23% 10.23% 921 55.79 45.91 21.28% 31.51%
Page 197
Partial Resists Average Resist 0% resist rate 10% resist rate 20% resist rate Effective Damage reduced Crit Cap Base Crit cap Crit depression 100.00% 4.80% 6.00% 55.00% 30.00% 15.00% 6.00% Gear +Damage DPS Kill Shot Low HP Gain Aspect of the Beast Hawk Loss Total Judgement of Wisdom Average time per shot Chance to Proc Average time to proc Mana restored Mana per Second gained Gain in Mp5 Rapid Fire Frequency Duration Haste Bonus Uptime Effective Haste Bonus Rapid Recuperation Rapid Fire Frequency Mana Gained Mana Per Second Heroism Duration Cooldown Uptime Haste Effective Haste Roar of Recovery Effect Boss Fight Length Cooldown Frequency Mana restored Mana Per Second Efficiency Ranks Amount per Rank Mana Cost Reduction 40 360 11% 30% 3.33% 124.64 0.00 0.00 9622.89
0 3% 0%
Page 198
Average CS Non-Crit Average CS Crit Average CS-S Non-Crit Average CS-S Crit Cooldown Mana Cost Damage per Mana Spammed DPS
Page 199
714.5 0.0 256.2 0.00 8784 1756.87 2727.6 63.10% 106.00% 97.25% 162.29% 129.52% 104.00% 218.61% 5962.6 3674.1 7568.6 115% 102% 100% 100% 103% 120% 107% 100% 103% 100% 110% 2.11 5962.6 2822.4 120.26% 714.5 0.0 256.2 0.00 408 8784 1756.9 3135.6 63.10% 4.00% 67.10% 136.90% 97.25% 186.58% 129.52% 112.00%
252.0 0.0 256.2 8784 10.00% 878.43 714.50 2101.1 63.10% 0.00% 4.00% 67.10% 97.25% 146.90% 193.10% 129.52% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 104.00% 260.11% 5074.3 1697.9 6772.2 2627.8 6488.1 189.2 35.8 4487.9 2 1.6631 1.51
492.0 0.0 8784 15.00% 1317.6 1809.6 63.10% 4.00% 67.10% 146.90% 97.25% 193.10% 129.52% 94.00% 113.00%
Page 200
PvP Gloves Target Physical Debuffs Total Adjustment Total Modified Damage Average Non-Crit Damage Average Crit Damage Cooldown Mana Cost Damage per Mana Spammed DPS Scatter Shot Normalized Autoshot Scatter Shot Ratio Adjustment Total Silencing Shot Normalized Autoshot Silencing Shot Ratio Average non-crit Average Crit Adjustment Total Serpent Sting Base Damage Hunter RAP RAP Scaling % RAP Bonus Damage Total Base Damage Tier9 2-set Bonus? Interim Bonus Critical Hit Damage Critical Hit Chance Crit Adjustment Improved Stings Improved Tracking Noxious Stings Partial Resists Target Adjustments Hunter Adjustments Tier8 2-set adjustment Damage per Tick # of ticks Total Modified Damage Expected Tick Duration DPS Mana Cost Damage per Mana Tier8 2-set value 100.00% 104.00% 281.48% 8825.9 4730.5 11206.5 10 454 19.43 882.6 Total Adjustment Imp. AS/Ferocious Insp. Improved SS Bonus Total Modified Damage Average Non-Crit Damage Average Crit Damage Cooldown Mana Cost Damage per Mana Spammed DPS Aimed Shot Ranged Weapon Damage + Weapon Damage gear Ammo Damage Scope Damage Bonus Damage Ranged Attack Power Damage from RAP Total Base Damage Improved Barrage Glyph of Trueshot Critical Hit Chance Critical Hit Damage Hit Chance Crit/Miss Adjustment Hunter Adjustments Barrage Target Adjustments Sniper Training Improved SS Bonus Sub-total Piercing Shots Total Modified Damage Average Non-Crit Damage Average Crit Damage Explosive Shot Min Damage Max Damage Average Damage Ranged Attack Power Ratio Damage from RAP Total Base Damage Base Crit Rate Glyph of ES Survival Instincts Total Crit Rate Hit Chance Base Critical Strike Bonus Mortal Shots 265.66% 100.00% 100.00% 4807.5 2648.6 6539.3 6 252.30 19.05 801.3
1210 8784 20% 1756.9 2966.9 No 115% 125.35% 63.10% 100.00% 130.00% 105.00% 100.00% 94.00% 113.00% 105.06% 0.00% 904 7 6327.3 961.6 21 301.3 454.1 13.93 320.52
714.5 0.0 256.2 0.0 408 8784 1756.9 3135.6 4.00% 0.00% 67.10% 146.90% 97.25% 193.10% 129.52% 112.00% 104.00% 100.00% 100.00% 8481.2 2837.8 11319.1 4392.1 10844.1
386 464 425 8784 14.00% 1229.81 1654.81 63.10% 0.00% 4.00% 67.10% 97.25% 100.00% 30.00%
Page 201
Tier9 2-set value Kill Shot Normalized Auto Shot + Weapon Damage Gear Bonus Damage Ranged Attack Power Ratio Damage from RAP Total Base Damage Base Crit Rate Sniper Training Total Crit Rate Hit Chance Critical Strike Damage Critical Strike Adjustment Hunter Adjustments Target Adjustments Total Adjustment Total Modified Damage Average Non-Crit Damage Average Crit Damage Cooldown Mana Cost Damage per Mana Spammed DPS Chimera Shot Normalized AutoShot + Weapon Damage Gear Total Base Damage Critical Hit Chance Critical Hit Damage Hit Chance Crit/Miss Adjustment Partial Resists Hunter Adjustment Target Adjustments Improved SS bonus Total Adjustment Sub-total Piercing Shots Chimera Shot Damage Cooldown Serpent in Rotation? Serpent Sting Damage Chimera Shot effect Hit Chance Crit Chance Critical Hit Damage Damage Adjustment Hunter Adjustment Target Adjustments 253.52 Relentless Storm/Siege Diamond 106.00% Total Crit Damage 137.80% Critical Strike Adjustment 187.16% 5455.1 Partial Resist 94.00% 0.0 Hunter Adjustments 129.52% 650.0 TNT 100.00% 8784 Target Adjustments 113.00% 40.00% Sniper Training 100.00% 3513.73 Total Adjustment 257.49% 9618.87 Damage per Tick 4261.01 63.10% # of ticks 2 0.00% Added damage 8522.01 63.10% Total Modified Damage 12783.02 97.25% Average Non-Crit Damage 2421.94 146.90% Average Crit Damage 5759.38 187.39% Expected non-crit Min 2364.86 129.52% Expected non-crit Max 2479.02 104.00% Cooldown 6.00 252.41% Mana Cost 353.22 24279.22 Damage per Mana 36.19 12956.73 Spammed DPS 2130.50 31990.17 9.00 Black Arrow 353.22 Base Damage 2765 68.74 Hunter RAP 8784 2697.69 RAP Scaling % 10.00% RAP Bonus Damage 878.4 Total Base Damage 3643.4 3409.5 Black Arrow 103.90% 0.00 Partial Resists 94.00% 3409.5 Sniper Training 100.00% 63.10% TNT 100.00% 146.90% Trap Mastery 100.00% 97.25% Target Adjustments 113.00% 187.39% Hunter Adjustments 121.62% 94.00% Total Adjustments 134.23% 129.52% Total Modified Damage 4890.5 113.00% Cooldown 30 107.50% Mana Cost 302.8 277.14% Damage per tick 978 9448.8 Damage per Mana 16.2 3259.3 Expected Tick 1040.5 12708.2 Spammed DPS 163.0 10.00 Frequency 0.00 Yes Debuff Duration 15 6327.3 Uptime 0.00% 2530.9 Debuff damage bonus 6% 97.25% Effective bonus 0.00% 63.10% 136.90% Immolation Trap 181.25% Base Damage 1885 129.52% Hunter RAP 8784 113.00% RAP Scaling % 10.00%
Page 202
Total Adjustment CS-Serpent Damage Total Combined Damage Average CS Non-Crit Average CS Crit Average CS-S Non-Crit Average CS-S Crit Cooldown Mana Cost Damage per Mana Spammed DPS 265.28% 6713.9 19422.1 5364.3 13244.4 2859.9 6775.2 10.00 408.7 47.52 1942.2 RAP Bonus Damage Total Base Damage Target Adjustments Partial Resists Trap Mastery TNT Hunter Adjustments Projected Damage Cooldown Mana Cost Damage per tick # of ticks Expected Tick Actual Damage Damage per Mana Spammed DPS 878.4 2763.4 113.00% 94.00% 100.00% 100.00% 111.88% 3284.2 30 656.0 657 5 699 3284 5.0 109.5
Page 203
102.00% 100.00% 100.00% 103.00% 100.00% 102.56% 103.83% 100.00% 100.00% 111.88% 105.00% 105.00% 105.00% 129.52%
Page 204
Arcane Frequency Arcane Crit Rate Arcane Uptime Explosive Frequency Explosive Crit Rate Each Explosive shot has 3 chances Explosive Uptime Steady Frequency Steady Crit Rate Steady Uptime Arcane + Explosive Uptime Combined Uptime Average Mana gained per minute Average Mana per second Lock and Load Black Arrow/Immolation Trap Freq Black Arrow/Immolation Trap Duration Proc chance Proc frequency Arcane Frequency Explosive Frequency New Arcane Frequency New Explosive Frequency Arcane Shot DPS gain Explosive Shot DPS gain Other Shots DPS loss Net DPS change 0.00 67.10% 0.00% 0.00 67.10% 0.00 0.00% 2.84 67.10% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 0 Time between procs Average uptime Average benefit in +Crit Anvil of Titans AP on proc Proc Duration Cooldown Chance to Proc Average time per hit Time between Procs Uptime Average AP Bonus Darkmoon Card: Death Damage Min Damage Max Average Cooldown Chance to Proc Average time per Shot Time between Procs DPS Hand-Mounted Pyro Rocket Damage Min Damage Max Target Debuffs Average Cooldown DPS Swordguard Embroidery AP on proc Proc Duration Cooldown Chance to Proc Average time per Hit Time between Procs Uptime Average AP Bonus Blood of the Old God AP on proc Proc Duration Cooldown Chance to Proc Average time per Crit Time between Procs Uptime Average AP Bonus
0.00 0.00 0% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 439.67 439.67
Improved Aspect of the Hawk - by Norwest Base Auto-shot speed 2.11 Quick Shots proc chance 10.00% Quick Shots Effect 15.00% Quick Shots Speed 1.84 Quick Shots Duration 12 Shots in Initial Proc 6.21 Shots in Re-proc 6.35 Re-proc Chance Initial 48.00% Re-proc Chance Subsequent 48.79% Avg. shots before 1st reproc 3.28 Avg. shots before Nth reproc 3.33 Average Quick Shot Chain 9.37 Average Slow Shot Chain 10.00 Typical Average Uptime 53.27% Frequency increase 0.0378 Cobra Strikes Proc Chance Steady Shot Crit rate Steady Shot Frequency Crit Frequency Arcane Shot Crit rate
Page 205
Arcane Shot Frequency Crit Frequency Kill Shot Crit rate Kill Shot Frequency Crit Frequency Total Frequency Adjust for Proc Rate Time for 2 pet specials Uptime Base Pet Crit Rate Effective Crit Bonus% Improved Steady Shot Proc Chance Steady Frequency Arcane Shot Frequency Chimera Shot Frequency Aimed Shot Frequency Actual Proc Chance Proc Frequency for CS Proc Frequency for Arcane Proc Frequenc for Aimed Combined Frequency Damage Increase Increase for CS Increase for Arcane Shot Increase for Aimed Mana Cost Reduction Reduction for CS Reduction for Arcane Shot Reduction for Aimed Shot Noxious Stings Serpent Sting Frequency Serpent Sting Uptime Effective Bonus Wild Quiver Proc Chance Auto Shot speed Proc Frequency Ranged Weapon Damage + Weapon Damage Ranged Attack Power RAP Scaling Damage From RAP % Damage dealt Total Base Damage Critical Hit Chance Critical Hit Damage Hit Chance Crit/Miss Adjustment Partial Resist 0.00 0.00 63.10% 45.05769066 71.41 3.99 0.00 2.50 0.00% 21.42% 0.00% Dark Matter Crit Rating on Proc Proc Duration Cooldown Chance to Proc Average time per shot Time between Procs Uptime Average Crit Rating bonus Comet's Trail Haste on proc Proc Duration Cooldown Chance to Proc Average time per Shot Time between Procs Uptime Average Haste Tier9 4-set AP on proc Proc Duration Cooldown Chance to Proc Average time per Shot Time between Procs Uptime Average AP Tears of Bitter Anguish Haste on proc Proc Duration Cooldown Chance to Proc Average time per Crit Time between Procs Uptime Average AP Bonus Banner of Victory Proc Cooldown Chance to Proc Average time per Shot Time between Procs Duration Uptime Average benefit Needle-Encrusted Scorpion ArP Rating on Proc ArP Cap on procs
15.00% 2.84 0.00 10.01 10.01 68.23% 14.68 0.00 14.68 7.34 15.00% 7.50% 0.00% 0.00% 20% 10.00% 0.00% 0.00%
12% 1.96 16.30 714.50 0.00 8784.33 20.00% 1757 80% 1977.09 63.10% 100.00% 97.25% 158.61% 94.00%
Page 206
Target Debuffs Hunter Adjustments Total Adjustments Total Damage Average non-crit Average crit DPS Piercing Shots Damage done Mangle on target TotalModifier Steady Shot frequency Steady Shot damage added Aimed Shot frequency Aimed Shot damage added Chimera Shot frequency Chimera Shot damage added Total DPS added: 113.00% 129.52% 218.21% 4314.16 2893.64 5787.27 264.63 Proc Duration Cooldown Chance to Proc Average time per Crit Time between Procs Uptime Average ArP Bonus Tier10 4-set AP Increase Proc Duration Cooldown Chance to Proc Interval between Serpent Sting tick Time between Procs Uptime AP Increase % Deathbringer's Will (H) AP Bonus Agility Bonus Crit Bonus ArP Cap on procs Proc Duration Cooldown Chance to Proc Average time per Hit Time between Procs Uptime Average Agi Bonus Average Crit Bonus Average AP Bonus Zod's Repeating Longbow (H) Weapon damage dealt Chance to proc Cooldown Average time per shot Time between Procs DPS gained Whispering Fanged Skull Proc Cooldown Chance to Proc Average time per Shot Time between Procs Duration Uptime Average benefit
30% 130% 39.00% 2.8 1697.9 10.0 2837.8 10.0 3259.3 1207.14
Page 207
ar +Damage DPS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 124.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 124.64 +Weapon Damage 0 0
ear +Haste Proc 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Page 208
53.88 37.12% 43.31 Chance to Proc Average time per Shot Time between Procs DPS 15% 0.89 50.92 48.41
Anvil of Titans 1000 10 45 10% 0.89 53.88 18.56% 185.59 Darkmoon Card: Greatness Proc 300 Cooldown 45 Chance to Proc 35% Average time per Shot 0.89 Time between Procs 47.54 Duration 15.00 Uptime 31.55% Average benefit 94.66 Signet of Edward the Odd +Haste Proc 125 Cooldown 45 Chance to Proc 15% Average time per Shot 0.90 Time between Procs 51.00 Duration 13.00 Uptime 25.49% Average benefit 31.86 #REF! AP benefit Hyperspeed Accelerators +Haste Proc 340 Cooldown 60 Duration 12.00 Uptime 20.00% Average benefit 68.00 Custom Trinket Proc Type: Cooldown Duration Proc Chance Average time between hits Average time between procs Static Uptime Uptime Tier 8 4-set bonus AP Boost Internal Cooldown Chance to proc Steady Shot Frequency Duration Time between procs Average Uptime Average +AP Benefit
moon Card: Death 1750 2250 3262.01 45 35% 0.89 47.54 68.62
Page 209
Dark Matter 612 10 45 15% 0.89 50.92 19.64% 120.18 Comet's Trail 726 10 45 15% 0.90 51.00 19.61% 142.35 Tier9 4-set 600 15 45 15% 0.90 51.00 29.41% 176.47 Gnomish Lightning Generator Damage Min 1530 Damage Max 1870 Target Debuffs 113% Average 2229.355 Cooldown 60 DPS 37.16 Death's Choice/Verdict Proc Cooldown Chance to Proc Average time per Shot Time between Procs Duration Uptime Average benefit Death's Choice/Verdict (H) Proc Cooldown Chance to Proc Average time per Shot Time between Procs Duration Uptime Average benefit Tier10 2-set 678 154.57 Damage Bonus Proc Duration Cooldown 15% 10 0 Pyrite Infuser AP on proc Proc Duration Cooldown Chance to Proc Average time per Crit Time between Procs Uptime Average AP Bonus Mjolnir Runestone ArP Rating on Proc ArP Cap on procs Proc Duration Cooldown Chance to Proc Average time per shot Time between Procs Uptime Average ArP Bonus 1234 10 45 10% 1.43 59.32 16.86% 208.03
-Encrusted Scorpion
Page 210
10 50 10% 1.43 64.32 15.55% 24.03 Tier10 4-set 20% 10 0 5% 3.00 60.00 16.67% 3.33% Chance to Proc Average time per AutoShot Time between Procs Uptime Average Damage % Zod's Repeating Longbow Weapon damage dealt Chance to proc Cooldown Average time per shot Time between Procs DPS gained Herkuml War Token Average AP Deathbringer's Will AP Bonus Agility Bonus Crit Bonus ArP Cap on procs Proc Duration Cooldown Chance to Proc Average time per Hit Time between Procs Uptime Average Agi Bonus Average Crit Bonus Average AP Bonus Ashen Band AP Bonus Proc Duration Cooldown Chance to Proc Average time per Hit Time between Procs Uptime Average AP Bonus 323.70 5% 1.96 39.13 25.56% 3.83%
thbringer's Will (H) 1400 700 700 1396.21 30 105 35% 0.89 107.54 27.90% 65.09 65.09 130.19
1200 600 600 1143.37 30 105 35% 0.89 107.54 27.90% 55.79 55.79 111.59
pering Fanged Skull 1100 45 35% 0.89 47.54 15.00 31.55% 347.09 Whispering Fanged Skull (H) Proc 1250 Cooldown 45 Chance to Proc 35% Average time per Shot 0.89 Time between Procs 47.54 Duration 15.00 Uptime 31.55% Average benefit 394.42
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4889 4889
1 300.00 20.00
0 126
Uptime Damage adjustment Glancing Blows Weapon Skill Target Defense Difference Chance Low End High End Average Damage Total Effect Owl's Focus
35.00% 0.00%
Ferocious Inspiration Duration 10 Critical Hit chance 21.42% Attack Speed 1.20 Special Speed 1.25 Uptime 98.03% Benefit 0.00% Effective Benefit 0.00% Spellhit Full Resist Partial Resist Expertise Hunter hit Expertise Rating gained Focused Aim Dodges reduced 5.25% 17.00 0% 4.25% 3.00% 6.00%
0 0% 0.00 0.00%
Standard Pet Attack Scaling AP to damage scaling 7.00% Damage from AP 342.20 Culling the Herd Rank Focus Dump Frequency Critical Chance Crit Frequency Uptime Effective Bonus
Pet Magic Crit Bonus Base Crit Damage Bonus 50.00% Effective 150.00%
Pet Skills
Bite Rank Min Damage Max Damage Average Damage Adjustment Armor Mitigation Total Damage Expected Minimum Expected Maximum Cooldown Max DPS 11 118 168 485.20 200.85% 34.68% 636.53 472 524 1.25 509.22 Lightning Breath Rank Min Damage Max Damage Pet AP AP Scaling Average Damage Expected Minimum Expected Maximum Crit Chance Crit Damage Full Resist Chance Partial Resist Chance 6 80 120 4889 4.29% 309.51 455.05 517.92 21.42% 150.00% 3.00% 6.00%
Focus Focus per Second Damage per Focus Frequency used Focus per Second Actual DPS Furious Howl Rank AP Bonus Cooldown Frequency used Duration Uptime Effective Bonus Focus per Second Fire Breath Rank Min Damage Max Damage Duration Pet AP AP Scaling Average Damage Full Resist Chance Partial Resist Chance Resist Modifier Damage Adjustments Target Debuffs Initial Hit Damage DoT Damage With AP Bonus Cooldown Max DPS Focus Focus per Second Damage per Focus Frequency Used Focus per Second Actual Dps Wolverine Bite Rank Base Damage Hit Chance Critical Hit Chance Critical Hit Damage Critical Adjustments
Crit/Resist Modifier Damage Adjustments Target Debuffs Total Damage Cooldown Max DPS Focus Focus per Second Damage per Focus Frequency Used Focus per Second Actual Dps Sonic Blast Rank Min Damage Max Damage Pet AP AP Scaling Average Damage Crit Chance Crit Damage Full Resist Chance Partial Resist Chance Crit/Resist Modifier Damage Adjustments Target Debuffs Total Damage Cooldown Max DPS Frequency Used Focus per Second Actual Dps Acid Spit Rank Min Damage Max Damage Pet AP AP Scaling Average Damage Crit Chance Crit Damage Full Resist Chance Partial Resist Chance Crit/Resist Modifier Damage Adjustments Target Debuffs Total Damage
120.48% 162.09% 113.00% 682.98 10 68.30 20 2.00 34.15 0.00 0.00 0.00
6 43 57 2 4889 4.29% 259.51 3.00% 6.00% 91.18% 162.09% 113.00% 433.40 50 259.51 10 69.29 20 2.00 21.67 0.00 0.00 0.00
6 62 88 4889 4.29% 284.51 21.42% 150.00% 3.00% 6.00% 120.48% 162.09% 113.00% 627.81 80 7.85 0.00 0.00 0.00
6 124 176 4889 4.29% 359.51 21.42% 150.00% 3.00% 6.00% 120.48% 162.09% 113.00% 793.31
Talent Adjustments Total Adjustments Armor Mitigation Total Damage Cooldown Pet Crit Chance Average time per attack Time between procs Max DPS Frequency used Focus per Second Actual DPS Lava Breath Rank Min Damage Max Damage AP Scaling Average Damage Crit Chance Crit Damage Full Resist Chance Partial Resist Chance Crit/Resist Modifier Damage Adjustments Target Debuffs Total Damage Cooldown Max DPS Focus Focus per Second Damage per Focus Frequency Used Focus per Second Actual Dps Swipe Rank Min Damage Max Damage From pet AP Average Damage Adjustment Armor Mitigation Total Damage Expected Minimum Expected Maximum Cooldown Max DPS
162.09% 191.95% 34.68% 936.78 10 21.42% 0.75 13.50 69.38 0.00 0.00 0.00
Cooldown Max DPS Focus Focus per Second Damage per Focus Frequency Used Focus per Second Actual Dps Rake Rank Min Damage Max Damage AP Scaling Average Damage Expected Min Expected Max Mangle on Target Adjustment Armor Mitigation (BUG?) Initial Hit Damage DoT Damage Min DoT Damage Min Average Damage per Tick Expected Min Tick Expected Max Tick Cooldown Max DPS Focus Focus per Second Damage per Focus Frequency Used Focus per Second Ticks Actual Dps
6 128 172 4.29% 359.60 21.42% 150.00% 3.00% 6.00% 120.48% 162.09% 113.00% 793.50 10 79.35 20 2.00 39.68 0.00 0.00 0.00
6 47 67 1.75% 142.55 346.10 398.32 130.00% 200.85% 0.00% 372.21 19 25 219.76 213.63 225.89 10 103.15 20 2.00 29.60 0.00 0.00 2 0.00
Demoralizing Screech Rank 6 Min Damage 85 Max Damage 129 From pet AP 342.20 Average Damage 449.20 Adjustment 200.85% Armor Mitigation 34.68% Total Damage 589.30 Expected Minimum 439 Expected Maximum 484 Cooldown 10 Max DPS 58.93
Focus Focus per Second Damage per Focus Frequency used Focus per Second Actual DPS Scorpid Poison Rank Min Damage Max Damage Pet Spellpower Ratio to spell power Damage from RAP Average Damage Full Resist Chance Partial Resist Chance Resist Modifier Damage Adjustments Target Debuffs Total Damage Expected Tick Cooldown Amount of Ticks Max DPS Focus Focus per Second Damage per Focus Frequency Used Focus per Second Actual Dps
Focus Focus per Second Damage per Focus Frequency used Focus per Second Actual DPS Serenity Dust
6 100 130 4889 4.29% 209.51 324.51 3.00% 6.00% 91.18% 162.09% 113.00% 541.96 108.39 10 5 54.20 20 2.00 27.10 0.00 0.00 0.00
Critical Hit Chance Base Agility 113 Additive Buffs 229 Subtotal 342 Multiplicative Buffs 10% Total Agility 376.2 Crit Ratio 62.5 Base Crit 3.20% From Agility 6.02% Spider's Bite 9.00% Ferocity 0.00% Gear 0.00% Buff 0.00% Target Debuffs 3.00% Pet Buffs 5.00% Crit Depression -4.80% Melee Crit Rate 21.42% Cobra Strikes Bonus 0.00% Specials Crit Rate 21.42% Hit chance Base Target Debuffs Focused Aim Racial From Hunter Attack Skill Target Defense Hit Adjustment Sub-total Rating needed till break Total 95.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 5.00% 400 415 -3.00% 97.00% 25 97.00%
Frenzy Uptime Chance to Crit & Cause Frenzy Normal Attack Speed Special Attack Speed Frenzied Speed Number of attacks in Frenzy Chance to not be in Frenzy Uptime of Frenzy Kill Command Rank Mana Cost Cooldown Special attack frequency Total DPS of specials Average Damage per special Effective bonus (60%+40%+20%) Bonus Damage: Extra DPS over Cooldown Focused Fire Crit Bonus Adjusted Bonus Adjusted DPS Composite Attack Speed Melee Special Composite Bestial Wrath Duration Cool Down Uptime Damage Benefit when Active Averaged Damage Benefit Target Physical Debuffs Blood Frenzy Total Pet Armor Debuffs Spore Bat's Spore Cloud Worm's Acid Spit Wasp's Sting Armor penetration Total Pet Health Base Health
1 151 45 1.25 509.22 636.53 120% 763.83 16.97 20.00% 13.06% 19.19
Damage Adjustment Hit Chance 97.00% Critical Hit Chance 21.42% Critical Hit Damage 200.00% Target Dodge 2.25% Crit/Miss Adjustment 116.17% Unleashed Fury 100.00% Mood 125.00% Spiked Collar 109.00% Race/Gear Modifier 100.00% Ferocious Inspiration 100.00% Averaged Beastial Wrath 100.00% Kindred Spirits 100.00% Monstrous Bite 100.00%
104% 104%
Savage Rend Feeding Frenzy Sanc. Retribution Aura Tier7 2-set Bonus Shark Attack Culling the Herd Target Debuffs Pet Family Adjustment for Melee Marked for Death Adjustment for Specials Adjustment for Magic Spell Power Ratio AP to spell damage ratio Dodge Chance Base Dodge Pet Barding Catlike Reflexes Agility Dodge from Agility Total
100.00% 100.00% 103.00% 100.00% 100.00% 102.56% 104.00% 105.00% 182.59% 110.00% 200.85% 162.09%
Base Stamina % of Hunter's Stamina Stamina Buffs Great Stamina Multiplicative Buffs Blood of the Rhino Health Bonus from Hunter/Buffs Health Buffs Endurance Training Family Modifier Total: Pet Armor Base Armor Family Modifier Sub-total 45% of Hunter's Armor Buffs Sub-Total Thick Hide Natural Armor Pet Barding Total added to base Total
361 1052 295 100% 110% 100% 15175 2819 100% 105% 25257
9729 105% 10215 6596 1050 17375 100% 100% 100% 6596 16325
Monstrous Bite Rank Min Damage Max Damage Average Damage Adjustment Armor Mitigation Total Damage Cooldown Max DPS Focus Focus per Second Damage per Focus
Gore 6 91 123 449.20 200.85% 34.68% 589.30 10 58.93 20 2.00 29.47 Rank Min Damage Max Damage From pet AP Average Damage Damage Adjustment Armor Mitigation Total Damage Cooldown Max DPS Focus Focus per Second 6 122 164 342.20 485.20 200.85% 34.68% 636.53 10 63.65 20 2.00
Frequency Used Focus per Second Actual Dps Sting Rank Min Damage Max Damage Pet AP AP Scaling Average Damage Crit Chance Crit Damage Full Resist Chance Partial Resist Chance Crit/Resist Modifier Damage Adjustments Target Debuffs Total Damage Cooldown Max DPS Focus Focus per Second Damage per Focus Frequency Used Focus per Second Actual Dps Debuff Duration Uptime Armor effect Net Effect Spore Cloud Rank Min Damage Duration Pet AP AP Scaling Average Damage Full Resist Chance Partial Resist Chance Crit/Resist Modifier Damage Adjustments Target Debuffs Total Damage Cooldown Max DPS Focus Focus per Second
Damage per Focus Frequency Used Focus per Second Actual Dps Savage Rend Rank Min Damage Max Damage Average Damage Adjustment Armor Mitigation Hit Damage Expected Min Expected Max Mangle on Target? Bleed Min Bleed Max Bleed Damage Total Damage Expected Min Tick Expected Max Tick Cooldown Max DPS Focus Focus per Second Damage per Focus Frequency Used Focus per Second Actual Dps Crit Chance Time between procs Proc duration Uptime Net Proc Effect Froststorm Breath Rank Min Damage Max Damage Pet AP AP Scaling Average Damage Crit Chance Crit Damage Full Resist Chance Partial Resist Chance Crit/Resist Modifier Damage Adjustments
6 64 86 4889 4.29% 284.51 21.42% 150.00% 3.00% 6.00% 120.48% 162.09% 113.00% 627.81 6 104.64 20 3.33 31.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.00 0.00% 5.00% 0.00%
6 25 9 4889 4.29% 234.51 3.00% 6.00% 91.18% 162.09% 113.00% 391.65 10 39.16 20 2.00
6 59 83 413.20 261.11% 34.68% 704.69 535.45 567.48 130.00% 21 27 748.26 2949.49 484.73 492.74 60 49.16 20 0.33 35.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 21.42% 0.00 30 0.00% 0.00%
6 128 172 4889 4.29% 359.51 21.42% 150.00% 3.00% 6.00% 120.48% 162.09%
Damage per Focus Frequency Used Focus per Second Actual Dps Debuff Duration Uptime Armor effect Net Effect Spirit Strike Rank Min Damage Max Damage AP Scaling Average Damage Full Resist Chance Partial Resist Chance Resist Modifier Damage Adjustments Target Debuffs Initial Hit Damage DoT Damage Min DoT Damage Min Average Damage Cooldown Max DPS Focus Focus per Second Damage per Focus Frequency Used Focus per Second Actual Dps Poison Spit Rank Min Damage Max Damage Pet AP AP Scaling Average Damage Full Resist Chance Partial Resist Chance Resist Modifier Damage Adjustments Target Debuffs Total Damage Expected Tick Cooldown Amount of Ticks
Target Debuffs Total Damage Cooldown Max DPS Focus Focus per Second Damage per Focus Frequency Used Focus per Second Actual Dps Ravage Rank Min Damage Max Damage From pet AP Average Damage Adjustment Armor Mitigation Total Damage Expected Minimum Expected Maximum Cooldown Max DPS Focus Focus per Second Damage per Focus Frequency used Focus per Second Actual DPS Thunderstomp Rank Min Damage Max Damage Pet AP AP Scaling Average Damage Crit Chance Crit Damage Full Resist Chance Partial Resist Chance Crit/Resist Modifier Damage Adjustments Target Debuffs Total Damage Expected non-crit Min Expected non-crit Max Cooldown
6 49 65 4.29% 266.51 3.00% 6.00% 91.18% 162.09% 113.00% 517.06 49 65 431.74 10 94.88 20 2.00 47.44 0.00 0.00 0.00
6 85 129 342.20 449.20 200.85% 34.68% 589.30 439 484 40 14.73 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
6 104 136 4889 4.29% 329.51 3.00% 6.00% 91.18% 162.09% 113.00% 550.31 183.44 10 5
6 236 334 4889 4.29% 494.51 21.42% 150.00% 3.00% 6.00% 120.48% 162.09% 113.00% 1091.21 816.01 995.50 10
Max DPS Focus Focus per Second Damage per Focus Frequency Used Focus per Second Actual Dps
Max DPS Focus Focus per Second Damage per Focus Frequency Used Focus per Second Actual Dps
Stacking Abilities
Monstrous Bite Proc - freely stolen from Scorpid Poison! 6 Chance to Hit Target Dodge 12 Chance to Apply 10 Chances to Maintain Chance to Apply 1st time Chance to fall off 20 Average Time to Increment Time spent on max stack 0.00 Effect Time spent % Time 0.00 100.00% 0% 0.00 0.00% 3% 0.00 0.00% 6% 0.00 0.00% 9% 0.00 100.00%
Focus Time to Effective Rate Reach Chance to max 0.00 0.00% 0.00 0.00% 0.00 0.00% 0.00 0.00% Total Time
Stack Size 0 1 2 3
Rank Focus Duration Cooldown Effective Rate Chance to Hit Target Dodge Chance to Apply Chances to Maintain Stack Size 0 1 2 3 4 5 Falls off and on CD
Talent 0 20 45 1.20 97.00% 2.25% 28.43% 16.60 Time to Reach 0.00 2.84 5.69 8.53 11.38 14.22 20.00
Rabid Proc - adapted from Monstrous Bite Chance to apply 1st time 28.43% Chance to apply 2nd time 20.35% Chance to apply 3rd time 14.56% Chance to apply 4th time 10.42% Chance to apply 5th time 7.46% Chance to Fall off 18.78% Average Time To Increment 2.84 Time spent on max stack 3.07
Chance to max 0.00% 18.78% 15.26% 15.92% 15.79% 34.25% n/a Total Time Acid Spit
Time spent 2.84 3.07 2.49 2.03 1.54 8.03 25.00 45.00
6 10% 30 10.00
Chance to Hit Target Dodge Chance to Apply Chances to Maintain Chance to Apply 1st time Chance to fall off
Stack Size 0 1 2
20 Average Time to Increment Time spent on max stack Effective Rate 0.00 Time to Reach Effect Chance to max Time spent % Time 0.00 0.00% 0.00 100.00% 0.00% 0.00 0.00% 0.00 0.00% 10.00% 0.00 0.00% 0.00 0.00% 20.00% Total Time 0.00 100.00% Effect
97.00% 2.25% 94.75% 0 0.00% 100.00% 0.00 12.00 Total 0.0000% 0.0000% 0.0000% 0.0000% 0.00%