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With the suport of

European Regional
Development Fund
SPLASH! | 67
In SPLASH! Commercial we focus
on big and small commercial
swimming pools including
competition pools, water parks,
spa facilities, and community
and municipal projects. We
examine issues of importance
to commercial pool builders,
management and staff, while
taking a look at some of the latest
happenings around the country.
$6M FOR SMARTER WATER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68
SPORTS DIRECTORY FOR SCHOOLS. . . . . . . . . . . . . .69
GETTING A MEASURE ON YOUR POOLS . . . . . . . . . . .69
IWES ON GOLD COAST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70
QLD GOVT HELPS LONGREACH POOL . . . . . . . . . . . .70
DARWIN NEEDS MORE HEAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71
AUCKLAND TO GET NEW $20M POOL . . . . . . . . . . . .71
SPLASH! TO HOST ONLINE SEMINAR . . . . . . . . . . . .72
INTO THE BIG POND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74
GLASS TREES TOP A MAGIC SPA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77
68 | SPLASH!
commercial news
THE Australasian Spa Association of Australia (ASpa) has
secured $30,000 funding for a water saving initiative through
the Victorian Smart Water Fund grants program.
ASPA is one of 36 organisations across Victoria who will share
a total of $6m in funding from the Smart Water Fund and the
Victorian Water Trust.
As part of the grant, ASPA wi l l i mpl ement a water audi t
and benchmarki ng study of water use i n spa and wel l ness
faci l i ti es to i denti fy and promote best practi ce to the i ndus-
try. 16 spas from both regi onal and metropol i tan Vi ctori a
wi l l parti ci pate i n the audi t to i denti fy total water use across
the sector. The audi t wi l l di fferenti ate spa types, equi pment
used, water source and average si ze.
Since its inception in 2002, the Fund has provided close to
$20 million in grants to 120 projects.
The resul ts are due by the end of June and wi l l be present-
ed at the ASpa Nati onal Conference i n Sydney i n Jul y.
$6m f or smar ter wat er
New research shows growt h in Aust ralian spa indust r y
SINGAPORE company Intelligent Spas
has released a comprehensive report on the
Australian commercial spa industry.
The report identied that spa numbers
have grown 129 per cent since 2002.
Achi evi ng a remarkabl e 64% response
rate, thi s i s the thi rd survey of spa faci l i ti es
conducted i n Austral i a by Intel l i gent Spas.
It provi des a val uabl e tool for busi nesses
competi ng i n, or supporti ng the spa i ndus-
try, to more accuratel y devel op and pl an
spa-rel ated products, servi ces, campai gns
and i ni ti ati ves.
The Spa Industry Prol e Austral i a 2002-
2007 Report, features more than 1000
quanti tati ve stati sti cs on the Austral i an spa
market as wel l as supporti ng qual i tati ve
trends and observati ons from spa owners
and managers.
Some key i ndustry total s and averages
extracted from the report i ncl ude:
Intelligent Spas identied 503 spa facilities located in Aus-
The average indoor area of spa facilities in Australia was 237
square metres;
52% of the total spa space was allocated to treatment rooms;
Spas contained six treatment rooms on average;
65% of spas that provided a relaxation room stated it was
gender-shared; compared to 7% that provided both separate
and shared rooms and 4% that offered separate rooms;
Baths with water and/or air jets were provided by 58% of
One hour body wraps were priced from $110 on average;
Herbal tea was the most common compl i mentary food or
beverage i tem provi ded by spas, wi th 92% offeri ng i t to
vi si tors;
The increase in male spa visitors was the most common
industry trend with 29% of respondents making this
Spa owners and managers noticed clients expectations of the
spa experience were rising;
The majority of spas predicted increases in spa visits and
revenue during 2006 and 2007.
The quantitative survey results relate
to spa types, locations, business models,
capture rates from primary facilities such as
hotels and resorts, infrastructure, supporting
facilities, therapies, treatments and pro-
grams offered, plus future predictions of key
indicators, including revenue and employ-
ment, for 2006 and 2007.
A sel ecti on of key survey ndi ngs are
al so broken down to i denti fy benchmarks
for day spas versus desti nati on spas, pl us
anal ysi s by state l ocati on, where possi bl e.
Qual i tati ve observati ons from spa own-
ers and managers are al so summari sed.
Supporti ng secti ons provi de a detai l ed
descri pti on of the research methodol -
ogy, an overvi ew of the val ue of i ndustry
stati sti cs and useful facts and i nformati on
about Austral i a, i ncl udi ng an overvi ew of
the touri sm i ndustry.
Intelligent Spas is a 100% independent research company
specialising in the spa industry. Founded in Singapore in
2001, it has pioneered spa industry research in the Asia Pa-
cic region.
The new Spa Industry Prole Australia 2002-2007 report
is available for immediate download from Intelligent Spas
online store at www.intelligentspas.com.
SPLASH! | 69
www. aquamati cs. com. au www. aquamati cs. com. au
9939 2444
Water remains taste
and odour free.
Can be used for any
size pool.
Indoor & outdoor pools
& spas.
Backwash ideal for
watering gardens.
NSW Sport and Recreati on has devel oped the Sports Di rec-
tory for School s 2007 i n col l aborati on wi th State sporti ng
organi sati ons to encourage l i nks between sporti ng and
school communi ti es.
Designed to assist schools in their delivery of sport and physi-
cal activity, the directory provides a comprehensive listing of
services for schools offered by NSW State sporting organisa-
tions and other peak bodies.
Many sporting organisations offer valuable programs which
can be delivered at the school venue and tailored to the
schools needs.
Included in the directory are details of professional develop-
ment opportunities for teachers, participation opportunities for
students during school time and out of school hours.
This publication is available as a PDF from www.dsr.nsw.gov.
au/assets/pubs/industry/schoolsportsdirectory.pdf or as a free
hard copy by phoning 13 13 02.
Spor t s direct or y f or schools
FOLLOWING on from the successful l aunch of bench-
marki ng servi ce and asset management package Yardsti ck
Parks i n Austral i a, membershi p i n Yardsti ck Pool s i s now
avai l abl e.
Yardstick is a benchmarking exercise that enables members
to identify their performance through comparison with other
providers and industry benchmarks. This approach is designed
to encourage and enable best practice operation.
The service is already popular in New Zealand with 30 coun-
cils signed up, covering 66 pools. It is managed by a technical
group of pool managers from a range of member organisations,
under the ownership and governance of the New Zealand
Recreation Association (NZRA). The project is provided in
Australia by the Institute of Public Works Engineering Australia
(IPWEA) and delivered through a partnership contract by
Prophet IAM.
The following is a small sample of the information provided
by Yardstick Pools:
Total admittances; operating costs by category; range of facili-
ties provided; revenue sources; performance measures used by
pools; most common water treatment, ltration and heating
systems; swim school charges; cost per m3 of water; admission
charges; cost per swim; booking systems used; net operational
cost and net cost per swim; staff pay rates; percentage cost
recovery; range of programs provided; staff resource used; most
popular marketing methods; staff training provided: and most
common marketing research methods.
Yardstick is a self-funding project relying on a subscription
from members to cover the cost of the project.
Australian membership annual fee would be:
- Base council membership fee for the rst pool facility com-
plex: $2500 (+GST)
- Each additional pool/recreation centre complex: $500
For further information visit www.ipwea.org.au/yardstick or
e-mail cchampion@ipwea.org.au or phone (02) 9639 3650.
Get ting a measure on your pools
IWES will be holding 15 water courses on water, wastewater
treatment and environmental management on the Gold Coast
from July 16-20, 2007. Topics will include integrated urban
water management, membrane plant design and wastewater
treatment as well as environmental toxicology.
Call 1800 000 404 to request a copy of the course brochure.
Life Saving Victoria (LSV) went to the Angsana and Banyan
Tree Resorts on Bintan Island in Indonesia in March to provide
two weeks of training in pool and beach life guarding, resus-
citation and rst aid. Whi l e thi s i s the second ti me LSV has
trai ned Bi ntan staff, i t i s the rst ti me that l ocal femal es have
undergone trai ni ng a si gni cant step i n a Musl i m country.
A two-year-ol d Engl i sh gi rl drowned i n a Greek hotel
compl ex i n 2001 after wanderi ng away from her parents and
fal l i ng i nto a spa. The gi rl s death sparked a campai gn i n
the UK for more stri ngent safety measures on hol i day i sl and
hotel s. Fol l owi ng the acci dent, the hotel fenced the spa and
removed vegetati on around i t to provi de greater vi si bi l i ty;
and the hotel owner was faci ng charges for negl i gence l ead-
i ng to mansl aughter.
However, the Greek court case turned the premi se upsi de
down, wi th the court ndi ng the parents were negl i gent
after al l egedl y fal l i ng asl eep when they shoul d have been
l ooki ng after the gi rl .
The $4m redevelopment of West Pymble Swimming Pool into
a modern aquatic centre has been unanimously approved by
Ku-ring-gai Council. The development of a new pool had been
stalled for 30 years while a location was decided upon. Re-
jected locations included Lindeld and Turramurra, but nally
everyone agreed to upgrade the existing pool at West Pymble.
The upgraded development will include a new 25m indoor
heated pool, two water play areas and a childrens pool. The
current 50m pool will remain.
Longreach Council will turn the local pool into a $3m aquatic
complex, following a commitment by the Queensland Govern-
ment to assist with $1.2m in funding. The Commonwealth has
also chipped in $580,000 with the council picking up the tab
for $1m. The redevelopment should be completed in 2008,
and will include a new 25m pool and a new childrens wading
pool. The existing 50m pool will be refurbished.
Following a lengthy appeals case and objections from locals,
the Windmill Hill Regional Aquatic Centre has been condi-
tionally approved to proceed. However, objections will still
have to be taken into consideration, though these are not likely
to include the issue of inadequate parking which had been
dividing the local community.
In brief
SPLASH! | 71
WaterGym is versatile,
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WaterGym comprises three
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For cardio tness, strength,
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exercise using the
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AHS Pool Products
3/7 Clearview Place (PO Box 419)
Brookvale NSW 2100 Australia
Tel: 61 2 9939-6199 Fax: 61 2 9938-5972
Please visit our web site www.watergym.com.au
A removable gym at
the edge of your pool
Southerners might think Darwin was warm enough, but not
according to the Darwin Swim Club, who is pushing for heat-
ing at one of the citys three public pools. During the cooler
dry season, air temperature drops to 20 degrees. It is important
especially for the younger swimmers to have comfortable water
while learning, says a Swimming NT spokesperson. Pool at-
tendances generally drop below half during those months.
Parents of competitive swimmers have forced Blacktown Coun-
cil to assure them any coaches at the Blacktown Aquatic Centre
will be nationally accredited. The parents formed a lobby group
after hearing the council is calling for tenders for the swim
school. The current, nationally accredited coach, Chris Myers,
has taken the Blacktown Swimming Club to fth place in NSW,
and the parents are supporting him continuing in the role.
The rst stage of planning has begun to develop a new pool
and library in the Otahuhu Recreation Precinct in Auckland.
The counci l pl ans to begi n desi gni ng the swi mmi ng pool
and l i brary i n Jul y 2007, engage the external desi gn team i n
September to October 2007, start constructi on i n 2009 and
ni sh i n l ate 2011. The counci l has set asi de $20 mi l l i on to
bui l d the swi mmi ng pool , l i brary and ni sh the recreati on
preci nct l andscapi ng.
Australian consultants Atomiq Design Group has come up with
a ve stage plan to revitalise the Splash Planet water park in
Hastings, New Zealand, which they presented to council. The
study found a number of problems relating to confusing ticket
prices, food & beverage choice, recruitment and overall manage-
ment practices. One suggestion is to delineate the dry and wet ar-
eas a suggestion that seems to have found favour with council.
The 30m Finsbury swimming pool that was built to host the
1908 Olympic Games is to be demolished to make way for
more City University classrooms.
Whi l e the pool s 1898 i ron and steel supporti ng structures
wi l l be restored, the pool i tsel f wi l l not survi ve, upsetti ng
many l ocal s and the London Pool s Campai gn, especi al l y as i t
wi l l happen duri ng the l ead up to the thi rd Bri ti sh Ol ympi cs.
Network Ni nes ki ds show, the Shak, has moved from Sea-
worl d to the Whi te Water Worl d. More than 65 epi sodes wi l l
be shot at the theme park thi s year.
The Shak crew
72 | SPLASH!
commercial news
Ph: 1300 796 759 Fax: 1300 796 759
Web Site: www.swimplex.com.au
Email: sales@swimplex.com.au
Ofces: 32 Split Solitary Rd, Coffs Harbour NSW 2450
95 Grifn Rd, Orange NSW 2800
Warehouse: 2/33 Lawson Crescent, Coffs Harbour 2450
Swimplex lane
ropes have
wave quelling
Durable, Non-slip,
Attractive models
to enhance the
look of any pool.
Water parks and
water slides.
SPLASH! is organising an opportu-
nity for Australian industry members to
partake in the World Aquatic Health
Conference, through group participation
in the online seminars.
This concept was prompted by the
Alan Lewis article in the April-May 2007
edition of SPLASH!, in which he asked
the question: Who will take up the chal-
lenge of researching trihalomethanes in
Australian public pools?
A response came from Tom Lachocki,
president of US public health and
aquatic education organisation NSPF.
He suggested a group online seminar
as a way to advance local research and
discussion in this area.
The online seminars will be part of
the World Aquatic Health Conference,
held on October 2-4, 2007. The dates
for the SPLASH! online group seminar
have not been set, but would be at least
two weeks after the actual dates in the
United States to give time for the techni-
cal aspects to be nalised.
The relevant part of the conference to
our trihalomethane discussion is the day-
long seminar symposium on disinfection
by-products (DBPs). This includes:
> Disinfection By-Products - Precursors,
Reaction Processes, Products and Pre-
vention, by Christian Zweiner, P.D.
> Does Swimming Cause Asthma?
A Path Forward, by Judy S LaKind,
> Volatile DBP Formation in Chlorina-
tion of Recreational Water, by Jing Li,
> UV Photolysis of DBPs in Chlorinated
Recreational Water, by Ernest (Chip)
R Blatchley III, Ph.D., P.E., DEE
> Chlorination By-Products: What are
the health risks? By Robert G Tardiff,
Ph.D., ATS
In particular, the seminars by Dr
Blatchley and Dr Li reports the nd-
ings of a study sponsored by the NSPF
into this very topic, to understand the
chemistry and prevention behind DBP
formation (including trihalomethanes)
in systems with UV and chlorine.
As well as the online content, Austral-
ian industry experts, including Alan
Lewis, will make presentations, and
university toxicology experts will also
be attending with the aim of fostering
research in this important area.
Locati on and dates have not yet been
set, but you can regi ster your i nterest
by emai l i ng the SPLASH! edi tor at
chri smaher@i ntermedi a.com.au.
Of course, anyone who cannot get to
the SPLASH! hosted event can still reg-
ister online themselves by going to www.
ProAcademy.org. However, by attending
this online seminar with a group of inter-
ested Australian industry experts and col-
leagues, a critical mass should be formed
to further the aim of developing research
and understanding in this important eld.
There will be more details in the next
issue of SPLASH!
SPLASH! t o host online seminar
SPLASH! | 73
commercial news
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Just some features of our new
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heavy-duty sta|n|ess stee|
3 c|ean|ng programs |nc|ud|ng
a 2-hour de|ayed start
W|re|ess remote contro|
Tro||ey w|th opt|ona| ho|st
12-month warranty w|th
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THE European Respiratory Journal 29 (690-698) 2007 has
published a study of the correlation between trichloramine
gases in 38 indoor pools in the Netherlands. No less than 624
workers lled out lengthy questionnaires and the trichloramines
in the water of the 38 pool halls was measured in air samples
taken from six of those pools where the questionnaires indicated
signicant problems for staff. Only inorganic chloramines
(NH2Cl; NHCl2; NCl3) were measured.
Other vari abl es taken i nto account were: bather l oad;
bather hygi ene; temperature; water ci rcul ati on and venti l a-
ti on; and methods of di si nfecti on. Thi s fol l ows a Bel gi an
study publ i shed i n 2003 whi ch cl ai med a strong correl ati on
between asthma i n school chi l dren vi si ti ng chl ori nated i n-
door pool s and l evel s of chl orami nes (Bernard, Carbonel l e,
Mi chel et al ). The Dutch study arose when the Nether-
l ands Centre for Occupati onal Di seases was al erted to a
preval ence of occupati onal asthma. The Mi ni stry of Soci al
Affai rs and Empl oyment funded thi s study whi ch compared
upper respi ratory symptoms i n pool workers wi th the general
Dutch popul ati on; and at the same ti me compared the com-
Trichloramines in t he workplace
Al an Lewi s updat es us on t he l i nk bet ween i ndoor chl ori nat ed swi mmi ng pool s
and respi rat or y probl ems.
pl ai nts of pool si de workers wi th admi ni strati ve staff.
Not surprisingly, the pool staff showed a much higher level
of symptoms (hoarseness, sinusitis, lost voice) than the normal
population. Poolside staff who spent longer hours in the pool
hall had the highest incidence of symptoms. No clear conclu-
sion could be reached as to the actual cause of the symptoms.
Nor was it possible to conrm that those suffering from asthma
or shortness of breath could be attributed to the chloramines.
There are three important differences between the Dutch
conditions of indoor pools and the Australian pool halls:
1) Chlorination levels in Holland demand a residual between
0.5-1.5mg/L which is relatively high European standard,
when Germany sets limits at 0.3-0.6mg/L. Australian stand-
ards range from 2.0-4.0mg/L. Victoria for example allows
1.5mg/L of chloramines and NSW asks for a maximum of
1.0mg/L. Rarely are heavily loaded Australian pools able to
comply with this criterion, whereas this Dutch study found
the average concentration of free chlorine in the pools
studied to be 0.33mg/L. In spite of this, their trichloramines
levels in the air were found to be above the comfort zone
of 0.5mg/m3 the average being 0.66mg/m3 (the highest
level recorded was 1.07mg/m3).
2) Most Australian indoor pools (in the last decade) are
designed for a compliant number of air changes per hour
(mechanical ventilation) or are adequately ventilated by
the provision of natural cross-ventilation, through doors
and windows which can be opened totally or partially on
demand. Most recently built pool halls have high ceilings
(8m-12m). The Netherlands study did not actually meas-
ure ceiling heights or air changes and apparently have no
standard requirement for air changes in pool halls. Neither
did pool temperature and humidity appear to affect the
results signicantly.
3) European bathers are usually required to comply strictly
with personal hygiene demands of aquatic centres and are
expected to shower properly in warm water before entering
a pool or spa. Australian aquatic patrons are less likely to
comply with this requirement, which leads to much higher
levels of chloramines in the water and the air. This in spite
of the provision of deck showers in many new facilities. In
particular, this problem is exacerbated by the lack of facilities
for bathing or showering toddlers who are learning to swim at
these centres.
For further discussion on this topic please email Alan Lewis,
pool consultant, Aquazure, on: aquazure@bigpond.net.au.
Poolside staff who spent longer hours
in the pool hall had the highest incidence
of symptoms. No clear conclusion could
be reached as to the actual cause of
the symptoms.
74 | SPLASH!
stralPool is a big sh in a big pond. Now that Hurlcon has
been acquired by the Spanish giant, the Australian company
has also swum out into that bigger pond.
The rst commercial project to be handled jointly by AstralPool
and its new Australian arm in the process of changing its name
to AstralPool Australia was the 12th FINA World Championships.
This is a huge event in the world of swimming second only to the
Olympics in terms of a global TV audience for the sport.
AstralPool used the occasion to promote its Skypool: a portable,
relocatable competition pool with a modular steel structure which
can be installed temporarily in a variety of venue types. It had already
been used successfully by FINA in Barcelona and Shanghai.
For Melbourne, two Skypools were installed in the Rod Laver Arena
the main competition pool and also the warm up pool. This enabled
the event to attract up to 15,000 spectators at any one time vastly
greater numbers than any existing swimming venue in the city.
As an additional benet for the people of Victoria, the pool was
split up after the event and transported to four municipalities in
Into the big pond
AstralPool has launched its acquisition of Hurlcon in the most spectacular
way possible by building the pool for the swimming showcase event of
the year, the Melbourne FINA World Championships.
need of a new public swimming pool: Frankston, Geelong, Sunshine
and East Bentleigh. Some components couldnt be reused, but
the panels, tensioners, overow channels, lane ropes and starting
blocks will be. Also, a 1.5km pipe was built to reuse the pools water
in Melbournes botanic gardens and parks.
AstralPool used largely the same technology as in previous ver-
sions of Skypool, but came up with a few new ideas to meet the
individual requirements of the arena. Instead of using sand as a
base, they manufactured 1250 one-metre-square steel platforms
with adjustable feet to suspend the pool 300mm above the arena
oor. This was cleaner and quicker than the previous method.
Also, the pool had to be 3m deep, so a different permutation of
panels was required, and a smaller freestanding support had to be
designed to leave more space between the sides of the pool and the
stand walls. A compact pool decking was designed to t in the very
tight space requirements.
The 436 different components were produced in Spain in just two
months, and were shipped to Australia in 51 containers.
commercial feature
The Skypool , bui l t above t he oor of t he Rod Laver Arena
SPLASH! | 75
In the end, the championships were hailed as the most success-
ful ever by FINA President Mustapha Larfaoui; and with 215,000
spectators, it was also the most popular beating the previous
record of 205,000 in Barcelona.
Australia and the world
While the pool was being assembled in Melbourne, and while the
Championships themselves were being contested, AstralPool and
Hurlcon played host to hundreds of industry decision makers.
Weve had probably 350 people through in three weeks, says
Peter Wallace, AstralPool Australia managing director. In the rst
couple of weeks, during the set-up and the construction stage, we
brought through potential end-owners of commercial swimming
pools municipalities, government ofcials, gymnasiums. The last
week we had consulting engineers, developers, builders and pool
builders through.
Wallace was attempting to reach everybody who inuences a de-
cision in a commercial pool project, to let them see the Skypool and
more importantly, the AstralPool equipment associated with com-
mercial pools: such as the ltration systems including the Nefrona
ltration packs, the disinfection systems and even the lane ropes.
He says the feedback was very positive something he was natu-
rally pleased about.
The commercial pool market in Australia is fairly small and
controlled by a relatively small number of consulting engineers and
builders, he said. Theyre used to doing things in a certain way
and using certain products, so I was a bit worried theyd be cynical
or reluctant to look at some of the AstralPool products, but so far
theyve been very, very positive.
Some of the ground for prefabricated commercial vinyl liner
pools had already been broken in this market by Myrtha Pools.
Myrtha have done a good job getting people to think that there
is an alternative to concrete pools, says Wallace. Theyve gained
acceptance and have a number of pools in the ground in Australia.
So thats a good thing for us, because we can go in and some of the
resistance to commercial vinyl liner pools has been overcome.
While the ground has been broken for commercial pools, it has
yet to be tested in the residential market, although Wallace be-
lieves it denitely exists.
Its not going to be cheaper to construct a residential vinyl liner
pool, he says. But in areas where you have a lack of skilled trades
to build a concrete pool, or lack of materials so youre talking
regional areas of Australia theres denitely a market for it. So
were going to package up some residential systems and offer it to
the market. Wed like to be doing that in the middle of this year.
Wallace says the acquisition has gone very smoothly.
The benet for AstralPool in buying Hurlcon was that Hurlcon
already had a signicant share in the residential swimming pool
equipment market; we had products that were more suitable for
Australia than their European products. We also have a number
of products that they want to take to the rest of the world through
their branches things like our cartridge lters, our salt chlorina-
tors, our gas heaters in particular; and our residential pumps are
very highly regarded.
From Hurlcons perspective, the real benet was AstralPools
commercial equipment range. It would have taken us maybe 10
years to develop a signicant range. Weve now got that and can
take it to the market immediately.
The Australian arm wont carry the entire commercial range after
all, it contains 20,000 line items. But they will carry a limited range in
Australia, which should cover most replacement applications.
But generally, if youre talking a commercial pool project,
youre looking at months to years, and that gives us the oppor-
tunity to be able to quote it, and bring it out in about eight weeks
from Spain.
The good thing that we see is were now backed by one of the
largest swimming equipment companies in the world, particu-
larly on the commercial side. Also, it gives us the opportunity to
continue to grow, and compete in all areas of the swimming pool
market, from residential to the largest commercial pools.
commercial feature
More t han 2200 at hl et es f rom 171
count ri es compet ed at t he champi onshi ps
Int er nat i onal swi mmers pract i ce
bef ore t he bi g ni ght of nal s
SPLASH! | 77
he towering, ligree trees of glass and steel draw guests to
the intensely luxurious experience that awaits them in the
$AU60m Tschuggen Grand Hotel.
The hotel nally opened in December 2006, after two-and-half
years under construction in the Swiss Alps sports resort of Arosa.
The showpiece is the new Bergoase, a masterpiece created by
leading international architect Mario Botta. The 3500-square-metre
facility is built over four levels, offering guests a wonderful experi-
ence harmonising with the natural mountain surrounds.
The interior of the Bergoase is generous: an exclusive tness
centre, a wide range of spa treatment facilities in separate rooms
and even two complete spa suites provide a luxurious wellness
world. It features a Finnish sauna, steam bath and cooling-off
area with an immersion pool, ice fountain and showers. A sepa-
rate mountain sauna has also been set into the slope outside
and offers an especially authentic sauna experience with its own
outdoor hearth.
Mario Bottas architecture was the template for the interior de-
sign elements. All the saunas, steam baths and relaxation facilities
were designed and individually made to blend with the architec-
ture and materials of the Bergoase by Klafs. The Tschuggen Hotel
Group took great care to choose the ideal partner for its sauna and
Mario Botta has designed the stunning Bergoase:
a wellness spa in the Swiss mountain town of Arosa
The successf ul bl end of l i ght and shade achi eves a
speci al at mosphere i n t he Bergoase swi mmi ng pool
spa equipment, according to Corinne Denzler, Group Spa Director
of the Tschuggen Hotel Group.
The contract for the installation of the spa equipment was
awarded to Klafs as both the architect and developers were con-
dent they would meet the very complex demands of the design with
state-of-the-art technology, she says.
Klafs was therefore not just responsible for installing the facili-
ties but was also included from the outset in the architects and
specialist engineers planning team as a specialist planner.
In addition to planning the installation of the spa facilities, Klafs
also planned and implemented technically demanding solutions
such as energy optimisation through climate managers and a cen-
tral, user-friendly control system based on Klafs Control software.
Klafs created a premium-quality sauna landscape using a limited
range of high-quality materials (natural stone, glass and wood) in
accordance with Mario Bottas instructions. The connection with
the surrounding environment even includes the natural weathered
pine used on the sauna panelling.
The Bergoase is beginning to full the expectations of its owner
as an architectural highlight among Switzerlands top hotels, and
is also attracting new customers to enjoy the mountain landscape
around Arosa by remaining open throughout the year.
commercial feature
Glass trees top a magic spa
78 | SPLASH!
product releases
New Products
Great ideas for residential and commercial swimming pools and spas,
improved products and the latest innovations from manufacturers,
suppliers and service providers, both Australasian and global.
MODWOOD has launched a Wide Board product as part of the
solid composite decking board range. It is available in solid board
traditional nishes brushed, smooth and ribbed and in the full
complement of colours: Grey, Redwood and Tallowwood.
The wide board is 137mm x 23mm and is designed to ll a
market gap for a larger, more sturdy board. Both research and
anecdotal evidence showed the Australian consumer wants va-
riety and choice when considering their decking needs and this
extends beyond colour and nish to board size.
A popular designer trend has been to use a smaller board for
screening and designer features, hence the development of Mod-
Wood Mini which proved incredibly popular. The development of
the Wide Board range was a natural progression from this.
Apart from the aesthetic considerations, the Wide Board re-
quires less xing so has additional structural benets.
ModWood has the most comprehensive range of wood plastic composites in Aus-
tralia; all ModWood products come with a warranty which is 10 years for residential
and seven years for commercial projects.
For further information, please contact Mardi Stewart on 0402 231 142 or James
Grandison on 0401 481 712.
THESE easy- to- install teak decking tiles
are a great idea from Vietnam. The tiles
are made with premium grade teak har-
vested from sustained yield forests on a
recycled polypropylene plastic inter-
locking base, and use corrosion- proof
marine grade stainless steel screws. All
components are of the highest quality,
made to last for many years.
The interlocking modules just click
together in minutes for permanent or
temporary use around a swimming
pool, patio or spa. There is nothing like
the gentle smooth feeling of teak under
your feet. Its comfortable to walk on,
even under the hottest sun.
Teak tiles are beautiful, durable and
versatile and add a touch of elegance.
Examples of creative designs can be
seen at the website www.teak- tiles.com.
For a distributor near you please con-
tact the Mr Tung at tung@teak- tiles.com
or call or fax Perfect Choice Teak Tiles in
Vietnam at (+ 84) 8803 5073.
SPLASH! | 79
For your local Davey dealer call: 1300 367 866
or visit: www.davey.com.au
Forget that nagging drone coming from your
back yard. Daveys ALL NEW Silensor
of pool pumps are water-silenced, making
them so quiet youd hardly know they were
there. And if it werent for the fact that you
may have to occasionally empty the huge leaf
basket you could even forget about your new
pool pump all-together! Day after
day, year after year, you can depend on your
pool pump.
Shimmer of phosphorescence
WHAT could be more stylish than softly glowing tiles? These
unique Fosvit glass mosaic tiles are imported from Spain,
bringing a touch of European cool to the Aussie backyard,
indoor pool area or any other tiled part of the house.
Combining the latest technology with the centuries- old art
of mosaics, Fosvit glass tiles are durable and versatile. The
comforting, sophisticated look of a glow- in- the- dark pool is a
glamorous addition to any garden.
The unique lustre and luminescence come from phospho-
rescent pigments incorporated into the product in the manu-
facturing process. Exposure to both natural and articial light
activates the luminescent properties, with higher levels of
exposure creating a more intense glow. The cost is somewhat
higher than ordinary glass tiles, largely due to the higher cost
of materials required in production.
The manufacturer has obtained certications from a special-
ist laboratory conrming that the product contains no compo-
nents that could be harmful to people, animals or plants.
Maintenance of these tiles is no different from any other
glass mosaic once installed and boasts anti- frost properties
with zero porosity, and they are impervious to acids or alkalis.
For more information go to www.mosavit.com or call Eliza-
beth Sadler at Tilenet on (02) 9729 1200.
In t he dayt i me
and i n t he ni ght
An Albatross pre-engineered pool gives
you the exibility to cater for any client!
For over 35 years we have been
producing award winning pools which
can be built to almost any shape,
size and depth, and totally self
supporting ~ makes difcult and sloping
sites dead easy and we only require a
gateway for access!
Cash in on the growing lap pool market
with an Albatross Pool, which is quick
and easy to build, with extremely low
transport costs and a guaranteed 7
day turnaround time for orders.
For further details on this exciting
opportunity to expand your
business, call our Head Ofce
on (03) 9870 3011 or email
21-23 Summer Lane
Sick of having to convert
customers from what they
really want to a standard
pool ~ or worse still, turn
business away?!
GERMAN thermoplastic valve manufacturer, ASV Stbbe, has
redesigned itsrange of corrosion-resistant gauge protectors. With
the body and bonnet now being connected by a special thread, the
need for metal xingshasbeen eliminated.
Type MDM 902 gauge protectorsfeature a liquid-lled cavity
together with a durable and exible diaphragm to transmit process
pressure to an instrument, thusoffering an economical method
of protecting instrumentssuch aspressure gaugesand pressure
switchesfrom corrosion and clogging, while maintaining a high
degree of accuracy.
Body materialsof PVC, PP and PVDF, together with a PTFE
coated diaphragm, make these unitssuitable for use in systems
controlling a variety of media ranging from water to the harshest
chemical, with the PTFE coated diaphragm safely protecting the
pressure measuring device from corrosive attack.
End connections, threaded G1/4 & G1/2, with
NPT threadsavailable if required, also
double asspigots(sizesd25 or d32),
which are suitable for solvent weld-
ing (PVC) or fusion welding (PP &
PVDF). MDM902 perform with a
high degree of accuracy, low pressure
differential and low hysteresisin ap-
plicationsup to 10-bar.
Gauge protectorsare competitively
priced and available from AHS in Syd-
ney or their distributorsin other States.
For more information phone John Coffey on
(02) 9939 6199.
Please note: The Praher K4 Swing
Check Valve mentioned in the Febru-
ary-March 2007 edition of SPLASH! can
also be purchased through AHS on the
above number.
SPLASH! | 81
AQUA- CELL oatation products are quality, affordable pool ota-
tion devices which are colour stable, chemical- and mould- resist-
ant and have a fantastic soft feel.
As they are blown- PVC they wont deate like cheaper vinyl
products. Products produced by Aqua- Cell include spa pillows, pool
oats, snack trays, sling chairs, aqua- hammocks, aqua- saddles,
exercise kits, kick boards, pull buoys, swim bars and swim belts.
Aqua- Cell exercise kits are a great combo item with WaterGym
DVD/ CD Aqua- Aerobics program and AquaSoundz MP3 player.
For more information go to: www.austrol.com.au
NOW consumers can do aquarobics in the comfort of their own pool,
with the WaterGym Aqua- Aerobics DVD/ CD Program.
WaterGym was developed by Susanne Paynovich who has spent
the past 20 years teaching, training teachers and establishing
and managing WaterGym programs in health facilities throughout
northern California. She is a national presenter, ACE & AEA certied,
has a BA in dance and an extensive background in sports, music
and swimming. She conducts Health & Adventure Retreats and is
currently designing a full line of WaterGym products and services.
A w|o|e rarge of
was to ake oar
castoers |app.
Zc1iac's Wcrl1 class cclcare rare las jtsl cller lier. NcW ct
car cer ctr ctslcrers a Wlcle ac|ae c talil, 1tralle cclcare
rc1tcls, all rcr Zc1iac.
Otr trlealalle rare rcW irclt1es leal trs llal tlilite reW ctcre
rier1l leclrclc alrea1 lle rtrler l seller ir Etrce. !lere's
alsc lle reW Oarela|er" irlccr ccl clearir ssler llal is irltall
irisille. Ar1 a reW rare c ctslcr 1esire1 Waler ealtres, rct1l
rartacltre1 ir Atslralia. !lese reW rc1tcls jcir Zc1iac's resstre
ar1 stclicr ccl clearers, Naltre
trilers cr lcll lle ccl ar1 sa
ar1 sallWaler cllcriralcrs.
Ma|e stre ctr ctslcrers el lle lesl talil 1tralle cclcare rc1tcls
aailalle. Ar1 ra|e il easier cr ctr Wcr|lca1 l 1ealir 1irecll Will
cre relialle, elcierl stlier. Zc1iac's trarallele1 aler sales relWcr|
llrctlctl Atslralia Will rci1e ct Will a lil talil serice all
ear rctr1.
Oall ts rcW lc lr1 ctl rcre alctl Zc1iac's
lalesl rc1tcls cr J&00 && 55Z.
SPLASH! | 83
product releases
Water- saving bladder
WHEN you have to empty the pool to do maintenance work, it
doesnt have to mean you waste all that precious, treated (and
sometimes irreplaceable!) water.
Justin di Mari from Inpools has strong bladders for hire
so the water can be pumped out temporarily, then pumped
straight back in again.
Pictured here is a job where a 60,000L Putney pool needed
a ladder repaired. They used two bags and two pumps, and
had the pool empty within an hour. When they are deated, the
bladders can fold up and easily t in the back of a ute.
In addition to pool repairs, the bladders can be used when
renovating pools. The bladders range in size from 950L to
60,000L. The bladders can be ordered in most shapes and sizes
to suit specic needs if required.
You can buy the bladders and use them every time a repair
is required. Prices start at $840.40 plus GST plus freight. If you
only need them irregularly, however, you can hire them if you
are in the Sydney metro area, Central Coast or Wollongong.
For more information email sales@poolbladders.com.au or
call 0425 297 267.
MIES Van Der Rohe, the famousAmerican Craftsman of distinctive Sky-
scrapers, waswant to say: More isless. How weird can that be?It was
not the height or the number of towersthat he wasreferring to but how
to achieve the maximum effect with the minimum of materialsand af-
fectation. Indeed he wasoften criticised for the lack of ornament, and the
sheer austerity of hisdesigns. Yet he wasrecognised asa giant in hiseld.
So it isnot surprising that in a magazine devoted to swimming pools, we
should be concerned with how to achieve pristine, safely disinfected water,
with a minimum of energy and chemicals. How can we remove or inacti-
vate pathogens, even if the most dangeroussituationsoccur when those are
introduced into the water by our fellow swimmers whether in a public
aquatic centre or in our own back yard pool. And now most importantly we
must turn our mindsto the question of how to conserve the most precious
essential for that facility crystal clear and swimmer friendly water.
A myriad of clever ideashasarrived in the last decade, asclimate
change challengesour thinking, but very few have asyet harnessed the
greatest of scientic developmentsemanating from the newly established
science of nanotechnology. Because it isso little understood it makes
hardly a ripple when a product like Oxineo appearson the scene.
Here isan introduction to one product which hasbeen the rst to
harnessa technology which asyet islittle known in the world but hasthe
potential to give the answerswe are all looking for.
To discuss the technology behind Oxineo, email Alan Lewis on
ORIGINATING in nanotechnology research, Oxineo ensuresthe dis-
infection of swimming-pool water without the addition of chemicalsand
therefore requiresno consumable products.
Some of itsbenetsare described as:
> Automatic and ecological for perfectly transparent and clean water
> Generation of disinfecting agentswith a broad action spectrum and
containing active oxygen
> No chlorine odour, no irritation of the eyes
> No skin or hair desiccation due to chlorine
> No burned grass, since water salinity isequivalent to the physiological
level at 1g/L
> Auto-regulated generation of disinfectants, no more superuousdisin-
fectantsin the pool
> No corrosion
> Destruction of all micro-organisms, 3 to 5 timesfaster than with chlorine
> Remanent action of disinfectants
> Effective elimination of lotions, suntansand urea residues
> Effective elimination of algae without adding algaecides
> Improvement of ltration efciency
> Compact system, simple to connect to any existing installation
> When the system isin operation, no maintenance or addition of disin-
> Self-cleaning system
> Reduction of shock treatments at the beginning of the season and in
case of emergency
> Oxineo can be xed to a wall or to any convenient vertical element
> Entirely automatic daily disinfection of the pool without human inter-
vention no more swimming poolsthat turn green in case of long
absence or absent-mindedness
> Generation of multiple disinfectantssuch asperoxodicarbonates,
hydrogen peroxide, peroxodisulphates, hypochlorite and ozone
> Low electric power consumption depending on characteristicsof the
pool (between 0.05 and 0.15 kWh/m3 per day)
> Eco Mode: absence for vacation - bad weather rare use
> Intensive mode: strong pollution - frequent use
> Microprocessor-controlled auto-diagnosis
The bl adders are l ai d out
and t he pump i s at t ached
They l l up
Now t he mai nt enance on
t he pool can be carri ed out
84 | SPLASH!
with Olympic swim
coach Laurie Lawrence
Book now for the 2007 SPASA
NSW / Action Tanks Seminar* and be
motivated by inspirational speaker
Laurie Lawrence.
For one day only, Thursday 12th July 2007, hear keynote
speakers discuss topics including sales and marketing,
energy efciency, training and water conservation.
Improve your sales conversion rates. Leading sales
trainer Phil Lee from Sandler International presents a
sales and marketing workshop with a difference 90
minutes full of ideas designed to boost your sales.
Learn about the Energy Efciency in Equipment
Program, with Dr Peter Seebacher, consultant to the
Australian Greenhouse Ofce.
Hear why industry training is the key to our future.
Paul Lawrence from the Master Builders Association
of NSW will explain the Certicate Level IV in Pool
Building, due to come on line this year through the
TAFE network.
Observe a spirited panel discussion about water
conservation. A panel of industry players will discuss
one of Australias hottest topics.
And be entertained by lunchtime guest speaker
Laurie Lawrence, former Australian Rugby Union
representative and Olympic and World Champion
swim coach.
An entertaining and informative day for just $250 per
person (members) and $285 (non members). Numbers
are limited, so call SPASA NOW on (02) 9747 6644.
And while youre at it, visit the 2007 NSW Trade Expo!
From 4pm-8pm on Thursday 12 July and from 10am-5pm
on Friday 13 July, 2007 at Rosehill Gardens, Rosehill.
75 exhibitor displays, with the most up-to-date
products and services available to Australias
swimming pool and spa industry!
Complimentary Happy Hour from 6pm Thursday
Complimentary BBQ lunch from 12pm-4pm Friday
Complimentary educational workshops on Thursday
evening and on the hour from 10am Friday
*Seminar attendance earns 14 CPD points
Expo attendance earns 5 CPD points
CHRISTIAN Trinidade, of Animated Pool Tile, designs and creates
hand- painted, three- dimensional gurines which appear life- like
at the bottom of swimming pools. Trinidade exclusively speci-
es the Laticrete Spectralock Dazzle component to achieve the
necessary colours and shadows which bring the gurines to life.
Using 6 x 6 plain white ceramic tiles, Trinidade spray brushes
on the chosen gurine in full- colour, including the off- set dark
shadows in black, matches the paint colours used with one of Lati-
crete Spectralock Dazzles 40 lifestyle colour options, then seam-
lessly grouts the mural in place at the bottom of the pool.
By utilising Spectralock Pro Grouts colour options, the 1/ 8 grout
joints appear as part of the owing design concept, and the Spec-
tralock Dazzle colour Midnight Black provides the corresponding
shadow that brings the gurine to life. Without Spectralock Pro
Grouts colour options, Animated Pool Tile would be left with white
grout joints that would severely limit the nal product.
We only use Laticrete Spectralock Pro Grout, says Trinidade.
We need our murals to look real, and we know that the colours
will never fade. Spectralock Pro Grout doesnt discolour or stain,
and we rely heavily on the Midnight Black colour to provide the
three- dimensional effect we desire. Its the only grout I use and I
recommend it to all my customers. It works beautifully. It cleans
away from the tile real easy, and it sets up nice, too.
The PoolStar1000 is the latest evolution in ORyan Industries LED
lighting series.
Similar to the PoolStar2500, the SP1000 isthe smaller 2 1/2 dry
niche light system that comescomplete and ready to install. Illuminat-
ing pool or spa areaswith clean, crisp colour emanating from a Starburst
28S LED bulb. Thisnew light illuminatesareasin excessof 100ft. With
Starburst technology, you are able to synchronise
between any S-SeriesLED models. All of the
lightslast 100,000hrsand will cycle the same
programmed LED colours. There isa wide
ability to mix and match the PoolStar lights.
Wirelesscontrol enablesyou to change the
colour sequencesup to 300ft away from the
control panel.
You can now market the whole PoolStar
seriesto those who enjoy designing their
lighting packagesor offer systemsyou have
created to maximise your prots.
For more information go to www.oryanindustries.com.
SPLASH! | 85
78 Kalaroo Rd, Redhead
Australia, NSW, 2290
Ph: +61 2 4935 2210
Fax: +61 2 4935 2225
The Modular Pool Cover System
The Second Generation Solar
Sun Ring is here.
The Solar Sun Ring 2.
Passive Solar Pool Heater - Each Solar Sun Ring provides 23000KJ per day
Evaporation Prevention - Reduces evaporation and saves water
Insulator - Maintains warmth from heating and reduces costs
Safer than traditional covers - Means there is less chance of entrapment
Suitable for most pools - New design provides greater durability
Water Anchors - Provide stability in high wind areas
Freestyle Audio Waterproof
Digital Media Player
Waterproof, completely submerge up to 3 metres
Shock resistant, skip free audio
Built in flash memory (512Mb or 1Gb)
Holds and plays approximately 80 to 325 songs in MP3 format
Easily download MP3 files with a USB interface
Rechargeable battery
Up to 40 hours of playtime per charge
Lightweight unit weighs less than 35g
Easy to use function buttons
Eclipse lighting system
THE new Eclipse lighting system isnamed for itsunique lightsthat
resemble small lunar eclipses, casting a soft, inviting glow over the entire
hot tub, but doesnt interfere with the soakersability to see and connect
with their family, friendsand loved ones, a key aspect of Beachcombers
dedication to improving the hot tubbing experience.
Eclipse lighting isnow available asan option on all 500 and 700 series
Beachcomber Original Portable, Beachcomber Limited Edition and
Beachcomber Tailor Made hot tubs.
Britewerx massage inserts
THE new Britewerx massage inserts feature a stainless steel face with a
unique translucent 5-spoke cover. Available as an option on most Beach-
comber hot tubs including Beachcomber Limited Edition, Beachcomber
Tailor Made, and Beachcomber Original Portable.
Beachcomber will also be offering the Britewerx Massage Inserts in a
retro-t package for sale at dealerships. The retro-t packages will allow
anyone with a 2005 or newer Beachcomber to upgrade their massage
inserts to the new Britewerx appearance.
For more information contact: cnlayson@beachcomberhottubs.com
or visit: www.beachcomberhottubs.com.
86 | SPLASH!
product releases
PC Aqualine hassuccessfully integrated itspool/spa controller with Clip-
PC Aqualine ST electronic pool and spa controllershave been certied
by Clipsal Integrated Systemsof Clipsal Australia, the parent company as
a C-Busenabled partner and C-Busenabled product for integrated home
automation systems.
The demand isgrowing for more and more homesto be smart wired,
the PC Aqualine ST can now be integrated with home automation sys-
temsgiving maximum convenience for the home owner.
With itsexibility, the Aqualine ST model can link up and control all
typesand brandsof equipment on new/renovated or existing pools/spas.
You can go unwired with the wirelessremote model or integrate with
your mobile or any touch tone telephone. The technology hasincorpo-
rated the integrated optional extrassuch asspa side switches, hand held
remotesand several in-house panels. All modelscan be upgraded in-eld.
For more information contact Jandy on (02) 9899 2722 or
PREVIOUSLY the only way to remove excessive levelsof calcium
hardnessfrom pool water wasby dilution. Clearly, thisisnot an
environmentally sound
option in these water
Sequest was
developed by Focus
Products to reduce
calcium levels in
swimming pool
water with mini-
mum water loss. The
product is pre-dissolved
in a bucket of water and
broadcast around the
edge of the pool with
the lter on recirculate.
Once thoroughly
mixed, the ltration
should be switched off,
allowing the calcium to pre-
cipitate to the pool oor for easy
vacuuming to waste. 1Kg of Sequest has
the power to release 20ppm of calcium hardnessin a 50,000 litre
pool. Sequest ispackaged in a convenient 10Kg bucket. For more
information contact FocusProductson 1300 1 FOCUS.
SPLASH! | 87
product releases
IN order to meet a growing de-
mand, ABGAL Liners & Covers
now offer a Hybrid blanket
roller system to service built-
in and semi- built- in above-
ground pools.
As the name suggests, the
Hybrid is a combination of two
stationary reels from the popular
Endurance Range. One side is
suitable for a decked or ground
level installation, and the other
a free standing tall reel (1.62m
high) for aboveground situations.
Both sides have fully adjustable leg height,
with the taller legs able to be adjusted individu-
ally perfect for sloping or terraced landscapes
and semi- decked sites.
It is suitable for pools up to 6.1m wide
and 14m long, allowing a blanket to be rolled on and off a pool
quickly by one person.
Reels are all supplied with fasteners, a protective cover, exible
ttings and full instructions.
For further information contact ABGAL Liners & Covers on Freecall
1800 077 533, email us@abgal.com.au or visit www.abgal.com.au.
Poolguard pool alarm system
POOLGUARD isa portable, self-contained, lightweight unit that issafe
and simple to operate. Entry into the pool will be detected by the units
electronic sensor, triggering a loud pulsating alarm and an internal RF
transmitter. The remote receiver will receive the transmitted signal and
sound an alarm within the home.
Lock spas via new NZ standard
DURING 2006, a New Zealand standard wasproduced that will eventu-
ally replace the current schedulesin the Fencing and Swimming Pools
Act: NZ 8500:2006, Safety Barriersfor Young Children Around Swim-
ming Pools, SpasAnd Hot Tubs.
Thisallowsfor a variety of solutionsto be used instead of the rigid speci-
cationslaid out in the existing legislation. One of the solutionsisSpaLok, a
simple device that changesthe way in which spa pool coverslock.
SpaLok isself latching and self locking.
It issuitable for both in-ground and portable spa pools, and the key may
be operated aseither side-entry or bottom-entry depending on the design
of the pool surround. It isdesigned to be used in pairs, spaced
far enough apart that a young child even with the
key would be unable to open both
locksat the same time.
The DIY ki t has al l the
components i n the box to
compl ete the j ob.
For more information
on either of these products
contact Leisuretime at:
drop co
For more information,
please contact
Peter Rabbidge on:
(02) 4651 2377 or (0407) 078 075
Filter Media
88 | SPLASH!
product releases
CONSTRUCTED from high impact polypropylene and designed
for easy maintenance, Opal Cartridge lters are designed to
give years of trouble free service. The Opal cartridge lters
screw- on lock ring allows easy access to the lter cartridge
for removal, cleaning and
installation in a matter
of minutes.
Opal cartridge filters are
ideal for applications where
backwashing may not be
practical. Features include:
> Lower prole for easy
cartridge removal and
inconspicuous enclosure;
> Pressure gauge for indicat-
ing cartridge cleaning
> 50mm inlet and outlet
ports for maximum ow
and minimum back pres-
> Highly efcient heavy duty
pleated lter cartridge.
The Opal cartridge lter is available in three sizes 100- sq- ft, 150-
sq- ft and 180- sq- ft.
ELECTROHEAT heat pumps have
been revamped with a scroll com-
pressor and R407 refrigerants.
Scroll compressors are the most
powerful, energy efficient com-
pressors on the market and most
importantly they are also the
quietest. Below is a comparison
chart of the three types of heat
pump compressors:
Rotary Compressors
> Cheapest, noisiest, and lowest
> Largest power available is 8kW
Piston Compressors
> Next in line
> Still quite noisy
> Susceptible to refrigerant
ow- back into the compressor at start up
SPLASH! | 89
product releases
The benef|ts of Ozone pur|f|ed water
Sw|mm|ng |n bott|ed water that has a smooth and s||ky
fee| to the sk|n
No ohem|oa| taste or odour
De| Ozone |s the wor|d`s |argest manufaoturer of ozone
generators for poo|s, aquat|o parks and |ndustr|a| use.
Over 26 years, the|r o|der |trav|o|et teohno|ogy was gradua||y
rep|aoed w|th state of the art Oorona D|soharge teohno|ogy.
EPA Estab. No.071472-CA-001 S|nce 1975
Phillip Green 0414 369 663
Paul Weston 0417 642 602
Australia Wide
> Largest power available is 15kW
Scroll Compressors
> Top of the line most expensive
> Quietest
> Take most refrigerants
> Highest power output
> Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) approved
> Largest power available is 92kW
ELECTROHEAT uses the R407 refrigerant, a high thermody-
namic performance coolant that is environmentally friendly,
totally harmless to the ozone layer and in accordance with the
Montreal protocol. Waterco engineers optimised the conditions
of use of this uid to obtain a high coefcient of performance.
WATERCOS 100mm MPV is one of Watercos greatest achieve-
ments, as it is the only 100mm MPV that is 4- bar rated.
Features include:
> One- piece body made from moulded glass- reinforced engineer-
ing plastic provides incredible strength and durability;
> 304- grade stainless steel used throughout to withstand
harsh water conditions;
> 4 (or equivalent) UPVC half unions for easy plumbing to a 4
pump, return and waste lines;
> Supplied with pressure gauge and tted with inch BSP air
release valve;
> Sight glass tted to waste line for easy inspection of the back-
wash water;
> Designed for a 400 kPa (58 psi) operating pressure.
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Aquamat i cs ....................................................................................... 69
Aqua- Qui p ......................................................................................... 55
ASOFAP ............................................................................................. 66
Ast ral Pool Aust ral i a- Hurl con ........................................................... IBC
Aust rol Indust ri es ............................................................................. 85
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Cl evaqui p .......................................................................................... 59
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Lei sureri t e Product s NZ .................................................................... 52
Lo- Chl or Chemi cal s ......................................................................... IFC
Maax Spa .......................................................................................... 40
Met co (Aqua Product s) .................................................................... 73
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NSPI .................................................................................................. 60
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Pool Pro Product s .......................................................................... OBC
Pool Syst ems ................................................................................... 39
Pool ri t e Equi pment ............................................................................. 6
Pool st ore Int ernat i onal .................................................................... 12
Premi um Qual i t y Pool Product s .......................................................... 9
Remco Aust ral i a ................................................................................ 15
Rheem Aust ral i a ............................................................................... 65
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Spas Pl us .......................................................................................... 35
SPLASH! European Opport uni t i es Expo ............................................ 42
Sunbat her ......................................................................................... 10
Sunl over Sol ar .................................................................................. 51
Swi mpl ex Aquat i cs ........................................................................... 72
Techno Sol i s...................................................................................... 16
The Pool Peopl e ................................................................................ 86
Wat erco ............................................................................................ 14
Wat erpl ay .......................................................................................... 76
Wat erway Aust ral i a ........................................................................... 57
Zeol i t e Aust ral i a ................................................................................ 87
Zodi ac Group .................................................................................... 82
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