Obeying Chiefs and Leaders in Disobedience of Allah

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General response of chiefs & affluent people to prophets' call

{ 43 - 43} 43 -

We never sent a warner to any town but its wealthy ones said: We
disbelieve in the Message you have brought." They always said: We
have more wealth and children than you have, and we shall not be

{ 23 - 22} 34 -

Nay; they simply claim: "We found our forefathers on a way, and
we continue to find guidance in their footsteps." And thus it is:
whenever We sent any warner to a city its affluent ones said:
"We found our forefathers on a way and we continue to follow
in their footsteps." Each Prophet asked them: "Will you do so
even if we were to show you a way better than the way of your
forefathers?" They answered: "We disbelieve in the religion with
which you have been sent." Then We exacted retribution from
them. So do consider the end of those who gave the lie (to the
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Response of the chiefs & affluent people to some great

Prophets: Some Examples
Response of the chiefs & the affluent to Prophet Noah (PBUH)

{ 22 - 35} 7 -

Indeed We sent forth Noah to his people and he said: ' my

people! Serve Allah, you have no other god than Him Indeed I
fear for you the chastisement of an awesome Day.' The leading
men of his people replied: 'We see that you are in manifest
error. 'He said: ' my people! There is no error in me, but I am a
Messenger from the Lord of the universe. I convey to you the
messages of my Lord. I give you sincere advice, and I know from
Allah that which you do not know.

{ 43} 11 -

As Noah was building the Ark, whenever the leading men of his
nation passed by him, they would scoff at him. He said: 'If you
scoff at us, we too scoff at you in like manner.

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{ 27 - 23} 11 -

And We sent forth Noah to his people. (He said): 'I have been sent to you
to warn you plainly that you may worship none but Allah or else I fear
for you the chastisement of a Grievous Day. The notables among Noah's
own people, who had refused to follow him, responded: 'We merely
consider you a human being like us. Nor do we find among those who
follow you except the lowliest of our folk, the men who follow you
without any proper reason. We see nothing in you to suggest that you
are any better than us. Rather, we believe you to be liars.'

{ 23 - 24} 24 -

We sent Noah to his people, and he said: "My people! Serve Allah; you
have no god other than He. Do you have no fear?" But the chiefs among
his people who refused to believe, said: "This is none other than a
human being like you who desires to attain superiority over you. Had
Allah wanted (to send any Messengers) He would have sent down
angels. We have heard nothing like this in the time of our ancestors of
old (that humans were sent as Messengers). He is a person who has been
seized with a little madness; so wait for a while (perhaps he will
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Response of the chiefs & the affluent to Prophet Hud (PBUH)

{ 31 - 41} 24 -

Then, after them (Noah), We brought forth another generation; and

We sent among them a Messenger from among themselves, saying:
"Serve Allah; you have no god other than He. Do you have no fear?"
The notables among his people who had refused to believe and who
denied the meeting of the Hereafter, and those whom We had
endowed with ease and comfort in this life, cried out: "This is no
other than a mortal like yourselves who eats what you eat and
drinks what you drink. If you were to obey a human being like
yourselves, you will certainly be losers. Does he promise you that
when you are dead and are reduced to dust and bones, you will be
brought forth to life? Far-fetched, utterly far-fetched is what you are
being promised. There is no other life than the life of the world. We
shall live here and here shall we die; and we are not going to be
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raised again. This man has forged a mere lie in the name of Allah and
we shall never believe what he says." The Messenger said: "My
Lord! Come to my help at their accusing me of lying." He answered:
"A short while, and they shall be repenting." Then a mighty blast
quite justly overtook them, and We reduced them to a rubble. So
away with the wrong-doing folk!

{ 72 - 23} 7 -

And to 'Ad We sent forth their brother Hud. He said: ' my people!
Serve Allah; you have no other god than Him. Will you, then, not
avoid evil? 'The unbelievers among the leading men of his people
said: 'Indeed we see you in folly, and consider you to be liars. 'He
said: ' My people! There is no folly in me; rather I am a Messenger
from the Lord of the universe. I convey to you the messages of my
Lord, and I give you sincere advice. Do you wonder that an
exhortation has come to you from your Lord through a man from
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amongst yourselves that he may warn you? And do call to mind

when He made you successors after the people of Noah and
increasingly endowed you with great physical strength. Remember
then the wondrous bounties of Allah, that you may prosper. ' They
said: 'Have you come to us that we should worship none other than
Allah and forsake all whom our forefathers used to worship? Then
bring upon us the scourge with which you have threatened us if you
are truthful? 'Hud warned them: 'Surely punishment and wrath from
your Lord have befallen upon you. Do you dispute with me about
mere names that you and your forefathers have concocted and for
which Allah has sent down no sanction? Wait, then, and I too am
with you among those who wait.' Then We saved Hud and his
companions by Our mercy, and We utterly cut off the last remnant
of those who called the lie to Our signs and would not believe.
Response of the chiefs & the affluent to Prophet Saleh (PBUH)

{72 - 74} 7 -

And to Thamud We sent forth their brother, Salih. He said to them: '
my people! Serve Allah, you have no god other than Him. Truly there
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has come to you a clear proof from your Lord. This she-camel from
Allah is a sign for you. So leave her alone to pasture on Allah's earth,
and touch her with no evil lest a painful chastisement should seize
you. And call to mind when He made you successors after 'Ad and
gave you power in the earth so that you took for yourselves palaces
in its plains and hewed out dwellings in the mountains. Remember,
then, the wondrous bounties of Allah and do not go about creating
mischief in the land.' The haughty chiefs of his people said to those
believers who had been oppressed: 'Do you know that Salih is one
sent forth with a message from his Lord?' They, replied: 'Surely we
believe in the message with which he has been sent.' The haughty
ones remarked. 'Most certainly we disbelieve in that which you believe.'

The king (Namrood) Rejecting Prophet Abraham (PBUH)

{ 233} 2 -

Have you not considered the case of the person who had an
argument with Abraham as to `Whom Abraham acknowledged as his
Lord?' The dispute arose because Allah had given him the kingship,
(which had made him arrogant). When Abraham said, "My Lord is He
Who gives life and causes death," he answered, "I give life and cause
death." Then Abraham said, "Well, Allah brings the sun from the
east: just bring it from the west." At this the disbeliever was
confounded: (yet he did not believe), for Allah does not show
guidance to unjust people.
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)Response of the chiefs & the affluent to Prophet Shu'ayb (PBUH

{ 54 - 33} 7 -

And to Midian We sent forth their brother Shu'ayb He exhorted
them: O my people! Serve Allah, you have no god but He. Indeed
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a clear proof has come to you from your Lord. So give just weight
and measure and diminish not to men their things' and make no
mischief on the earth after it has been set in good order. That is
to your own good, if you truly believe. And do not lie in ambush
by every path [of life] to threaten or to hinder from the path of
Allah those who believe, nor seek to make the path crooked.
Remember, how you were once few, and then He multiplied
you, and keep in mind what was the end of mischiefmakers. And
if there are some among you who believe in the message that I
bear while some do not believe, have patience till Allah shall
judge between us. He is the best of those who judge.' The
haughty chiefs of his people said: 'O Shu'ayb! We shall certainly
banish you and your companions-in-faith from our town, or else
you shall return to our faith.' Shu'ayb said: 'What! Even though
we abhor [your faith]? If we return to your faith after Allah has
saved us from it we would be fabricating a lie against Allah. Nor
can we return to it again unless it be by, the will of Allah, our
Lord. Our Lord has knowledge of all things, and in Allah we put
our trust. Our Lord! Judge rightly between us and our people, for
You are the best of those who judge.' The notables of his people
who disbelieved said: If you follow Shu'ayb, you will be utter
losers. Thereupon a shocking catastrophe seized them, and they
remained prostrate in their dwellings. Those who had charged
Shu'ayb with lying became as though-they had never lived there;
it is they who became utter losers. Shu'ayb then departed from
his people, and said: ' my people! Surely I conveyed to you the
message of my Lord, and gave you sincere advice. How, then,
can I mourn for a people who refuse to accept the truth?'
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Response of Pharaoh and his chiefs to Prophet Moses (PBUH)

{ 73 - 73} 11 -

Then, after them, We sent forth Moses and Aaron to Pharaoh and his
chiefs with Our signs, but they waxed proud. They were a wickd people.
And when truth came to them from Us, they said: 'Indeed this is plain
magic. Moses said: 'Do you say this about the truth after it has come to
you? Is this magic? You call this magic although magicians never come to
a happy end. They replied: 'Have you come to turn us away from the way
of our forefathers that the two of you might become supreme in the
land? We shall never accept what the two of you say.'

{ 115} 7 -

The chiefs of Pharaoh's people said: 'Surely this man is a skilful magician.

{ 127} 7 -

The chiefs of Pharaoh's people said: 'Will you leave alone Moses and
his people to spread mischief in the land, and forsake you and your
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gods?' Pharaoh replied: 'We will kill their male children and spare
their female ones. For indeed we hold irresistible sway over them.'
The End of Pharaoh and his Nation

{ 33} 11 -

Moses prayed: 'Our Lord! You bestowed upon Pharaoh and his chiefs
splendour and riches in the world. Our Lord! Have You done this that
they may lead people astray from Your path? Our Lord! Obliterate
their riches and harden their hearts that they may not believe until
they observe the painful chastisement.

{ 32 - 31} 34 -

And Pharaoh proclaimed among his people: "My people, do I not

have dominion over Egypt, and are these streams not flowing
beneath me? Can't you see? Am I better or this contemptible man
who is scarcely able to express himself? Why were bracelets of gold
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not bestowed upon him? Why did a retinue of angels not accompany
him as attendants?" He incited his people to levity and they obeyed
him. Surely they were an iniquitous people. So when they incurred
Our wrath, We exacted retribution from them, and drowned them
all, and made them a thing of the past and an example for those
who would come after them.

{ 55 - 52} 11 -

And indeed We sent Moses with Our signs and with a clear
authority to Pharaoh and his chiefs. But they obeyed the
command of Pharaoh even though Pharaoh's command was not
rightly-directed. He shall stand at the head of his people on the
Day of Resurrection, and will bring them down to the Fire. What
a wretched destination to be led to! They were pursued by a
curse in this world and so will they be on the Day of
Resurrection. What an evil reward will they receive!

{ 32} 31 -

They are exposed to the Fire every morning and evening; and on
the Day when the Hour will be established, a command shall be
given: "Admit the Pharaonites to an even more severe
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Be careful in choosing your leaders because on the

Day of Judgment

{ 71} 17 -

Then think of the Day We will summon every community with its

{ 53} 11 -

On the Day of Resurrection, Pharaoh's will lead his people to

bring them down to the Fire. What a wretched destination to be
led to!
Who shouldn't be obeyed among people?

{ 23} 13 -

Do not follow him whose heart We have caused to be heedless

of Our remembrance, and who follows his desires, and whose
case has gone beyond all bounds.

{ 132 - 131} 22 -

And do not follow the command of transgressors who spread

mischief in the land and do not act aright.
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Who must be obeyed?

Obeying Allah and his Messenger comes First

{ 142} 4 -

And obey Allah and the Messenger, that you may be shown mercy.

{ 21} 3 -

Believers! Obey Allah and His Messenger and do not turn away
from him after you hear his command.

{ 32} 23 -

Therefore, establish Salat, pay the Zakat dues and obey the
Messenger; it is expected that you will receive mercy.

{ 33} 23 -

Say, "Obey Allah and obey the Messenger, but if you turn away,
you should note it well that the Messenger is responsible for the
duty entrusted to him and you are responsible for the duty
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entrusted to you. If you obey him, you will be rightly guided, for
the responsibility of the Messenger is only to convey the
Message clearly to you.

{ 71 } 44 -

Whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger has achieved a great success.

Messengers are obeyed by the command of Allah.

{ 23} 3 -

)And tell them that) We never sent a Messenger but that he

should be obeyed by the command of Allah.

He who obeys the Messenger thereby obeys Allah.

{ 31 - 75} 3 -

We have sent you to mankind (O Muhammad!) as a Messenger,

and Allah is sufficient as a witness. He who obeys the Messenger
thereby obeys Allah; as for he who turns away, We have not sent
you as a keeper over them!
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The Reward of Obeying Allah and His Messenger

{ 72 - 71} 5 -

As regards the true Believers, men and women, they are all
protecting friends to one another: they enjoin what is good and
forbid what is evil; they establish Salat, pay Zakat dues, and obey
Allah and His Messenger. It is they upon whom Allah will most
surely send His blessings. Allah is All-Mighty, All Wise. Allah has
promised to the Believers, both men and women, the Gardens
underneath which rivers flow and wherein they will abide for
ever: there will be neat and clean beautiful dwelling places for
them in these Gardens of perpetual bliss; and, above all, they
will enjoy Allah's pleasure: this is the supreme success.

{ 13 - 14} 3 -

These are the bounds set by Allah. Allah will make the one who
obeys Allah and His Messenger enter the Gardens beneath which
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rivers flow. He will abide there for ever. That is the great
achievement. And he who disobeys Allah and His Messenger and
transgresses the bounds set by Him - him shall Allah cause to
enter the Fire. There he will abide. A humiliating chastisement
awaits him.

Obeying Prophet Mohammad is the right way to

find Allah's Love.

{ 42 - 41} 4 -

)O Messenger!) Tell people: 'If you indeed love Allah, follow me,
and Allah will love you and forgive you your sins. Allah is AllForgiving, All-Compassionate. 'Say: 'Obey Allah and obey the
Messenger.' If they turn away from this then know that Allah
does not love those who refuse to obey Him and His Messenger.

The blessed Obedient People

{ 71 - 25} 3 -

And he who obeys Allah and the Messenger- they will be with those
whom Allah has favored -the Prophets, those steadfast in
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truthfulness, the martyrs, and the righteous. How excellent will they
be for companions! That is a bounty from Allah, and Allah suffices to
know the truth.
Who should be obeyed? Some more verses:

And follow the way of him who turns to Me in devotion.

{ 13} 41 -

And follow the way of him who turns to Me in devotion.

Eventually to Me will be your return, and I shall then tell you all
that you did.
Orders for believers: Obey the people in authority in the
circle of the obedience of Allah and the Messenger.

{ 35} 3 -

Believers! Obey Allah and obey the Messenger, and those from
among you who are in authority; and then if you were to dispute
among yourselves about anything refer it to Allah and the
Messenger if you indeed believe in Allah and the Last Day; that is
better and more commendable in the end.

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The People in Authority whom Allah likes

{ 31} 22 -

These are the people who, if We bestow authority on them in

the land, will establish Prayers, render Zakah, enjoin good, and
forbid evil. The end of all matters rests with Allah.
In the Afterlife: Consequences of obeying chiefs &
the affluent against Allah & His Messengers.

{ 23 - 23 } 44 -

Certainly, Allah has laid curse on the disbelievers and has

prepared for them a blazing Fire, in which they will live for
ever and will have no protector and helper. On, the Day their
faces are rolled about on the Fire, they will say, "Would that
we had obeyed Allah and His Messenger!" And (they) will
say, "Our Lord, we obeyed our chiefs and our great men, and
they led us astray from the right path. Lord, give them a
double chastisement and curse them severely."
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{ 127 - 123} 2 -

And there are people who set up equals and rivals with Allah and
adore them with the adoration due to Allah, whereas the Believers
adore Allah most ardently. Would that these transgressors could
realize now what they will realize, when they will see the
chastisement before them that power and authority wholly belong
to Allah and that Allah is severe in punishment! When He will inflict
punishment, those very leaders and guides whom they followed in
the world will disown them. But punishment they shall get and all
their bonds shall be cut off. Then those who followed them will say,
"Would that we were given another chance to return to the world:
then we will disown them just as they have disowned us today."
Thus will Allah bring before them the deeds they did in the world in
such a manner as to make them wring their hands in regret but they
shall be unable to come out of the Fire.

{ 45 - 15} 47 -

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There will only be a single shout and suddenly they will be seeing (all
of which they are being warned) with their own eyes. Then they will
say, "Woe to us! This is the Day of Requital.____" This is the same
Day of Judgment which you used to deny. (It will be commanded):
"Gather all the unjust people and their associates together, and
those gods whom they used to worship instead of Allah then show
them the way to Hell. And stop them for a while: they have to be
questioned: "What is the matter? Why don't you help one another?
Today, they are surrendering themselves (and others to God)" Then
they will turn to each other for mutual reproaches. (The followers)
will say (to their leaders): "You used to come to us from the right
side." They will reply, "Nay but it was yourselves who did not
believe: we had no power over you: you yourselves were a
rebellious people. Consequently, we have deserved the verdict of
our Lord that we should taste the torment. So we led you astray for
we ourselves had gone astray."
So, on that Day they shall all share the torment. Thus do We deal
with the criminals. These were the people that when it was said to
them, "There is no god but Allah," they were puffed up with pride
and would say, "Should we give up our gods for the sake of a mad
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poet?" Whereas he had come with the Truth and had confirmed the
Messengers. (Then it will be said to them :) "You shall have to taste
the painful scourge, and your retribution will be strictly according to
the deeds that you have been performing."

{ 44 - 41} 43 -

The disbelievers say, "We will never believe in this Qur`an, nor in
any other Book which came before it." Would that you could see
these wicked people at the time when they will be standing before
their Lord! Then, they will blame one another. Those who had been
oppressed in the world, will say to the arrogant, "But for you we
would have been the believers." The arrogant ones will say to the
oppressed ones, "Did we hinder you from the guidance when it
came to you? Nay, but you yourselves were guilty." The oppressed
ones will say to the arrogant ones. "Nay, but it was your plotting by
day and night when you told us to deny Allah and to set up others as
equals with Him." At last, when they will see the torment, they will
repent in their hearts, and We shall put fetters on the necks of the

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disbelievers. Can the people be requited except in accordance with

their deeds?

{ 31 - 37} 31 -

Then imagine the time when these people will be disputing with one
another in Hell. The weak ones will say to the haughty one, "We
were your followers: now, can you save us from some part of our
punishment in Hell?" The haughty ones will say, "We are all in the
same state here, and Allah already has passed judgment between
His servants." Then these dwellers of Hell will say to its keepers,
"Pray to your Lord to relieve us of the, torment for only one day."
They will ask, "Did not your Messengers come to you with clear
Signs?" They will say, "Yes." The keepers of Hell will say, "Then pray (for
help) yourselves. But the prayer of the disbelievers only ends in vain."

{ 22 - 21} 13 -

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And when those people shall all be exposed together before Allah,
then those who were weak in this world will say to those who had
posed as big ones."As we followed you in the world, can you now do
anything to relieve us from the torment of Allah?" They will reply,
"Had Allah guided us to the way of salvation, we would have
certainly guided you to it. Now it is all the same whether we bewail
it or bear it with patience: there is for us no way of escape."
And when Our judgment has been passed, Satan will say, "The fact is
that the promises Allah had made with you were all true. I, too,
made some promises with you but I failed to keep any of them." Yet
I had no power over you; I did nothing but to invite you to my way
and you accepted my invitation. So do not now blame me, but blame
yourselves. I cannot help you here, nor can you help me. I dissociate
myself from your making me a partner with God before this. Such
wrong-doers are sure to receive a grievous torment."

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