,alfilnso Dolrt: To To DLTT RCBT !.lre Tee Tielsff L,!To R .T Tlooatlr Ot
,alfilnso Dolrt: To To DLTT RCBT !.lre Tee Tielsff L,!To R .T Tlooatlr Ot
,alfilnso Dolrt: To To DLTT RCBT !.lre Tee Tielsff L,!To R .T Tlooatlr Ot
yor. for ililng !o !*kt your &ars beoh. Xr{ llka te l|{k6 eoltE to 6l,Id.
. look .t lbe sasugr'ttG of. elslttet I r re; r1retd.|18 eoEoit81 Just ae tlet
Ie tbo &r3st cont?o?c?ry e:e! US itaflltiiloli tr flar lrll beYo to d.d* sl,th ,t folaoa, bocauee your dofthi*lns, LiF ar unst&id l-P49I[ l|suTPlory tbat t{Eiatattt tioalr llF ta eJre actnelLyr }Hd.Galty dlttrcBt tbs)r ldeatlne|l !S eEauallg L!. once. tr 6r'!r!t trd.3 tg Ds tralEr but !.lre lot 6o!q t6 Nrollsbla ef |nead "!:"1 ev1dasoc tha$ grErt tIelsfF np a[clqsd.Y tEE iou haye-to ,alfilnso ainot le Jlrgt oxtrffib 1lf!6quemt u1i.dotlt13eatloq6r Jo dolrt
patr,"ty tb&t asenaptlon l,!to ynnr dtflrl"u.ou. cond"dorrtlotts ara ot the utsget ldportelle 1! ILlhotr6l &1reua.!l gltteir *!rue yoll s!..tar tl&t tDqc al"lota{rcor of courae r [rat D6 f6eg6BlzL|Bg of E ra4o to! laeEcblo tlllrso;t lotl.oa o! a .t*tlooatlr f!g]t tla lbaolcs iuch &tl6enlat Fot ottod? Hor larg ls ttro aY6!'*6t frqre ot -reforatcer. FDr aiioralce to bo Eaabi got 1q!88 l,s the 6r:d'!u|? rlet !. tbo stalldaid dorrle|lon? (!or nueb eole llaqtlstt la tho avor.E ths! the rctdaur) ' Eatt'l tless qucEAloar ror b arsEg?edr youirc etandla* on 9or5r so8lr 8tsuBd.
but Elq l'te! ot lelLable gb r.ltqGodsa coqplled ta r.e1v Lqpregsl'vst i31I fretllg do&tt golrf,uie rellalil,e sttL llfslubL. I|lgtoad ot sayt!6t Coatlsllate Eaks no El.stekolr you slould be ssktnar nEon ofttr lautd I 3xlreet d! A1! a}Elf,Ls cqatrolrir te Eake a tstetekq?r AltbBgh v6 ollat ti' obkoqslv d"trs Eore crderco tg 6sv9"&l tti|losags thsr. oltl.ll o&9t prq]ab1t ttls LEtrtt llnaa:r ri ta dr.ghf i]rlak. Ir8leai "creae"ai itrrcuon' geYetal vl tDoco6 tlo tsee the Eade thtag *re tl^kely to bo l:'l'6nda, tos&rLtldle. baqk6rular. By the tl!|e inve6ti8etola arr1"3' theyrv haifns "luffar ao tborEugblt that dt\t dltfernltec 1[ plctpt ',4lr talkei qter tle exportonoa -have lt beeu 4pgtbstl ou!. Alft donrt a.&a I't 6olr]td a6 or tnterprctatioa qFeut '"ioou" llt or belEg eorusctr o'faotly botrett the wltne8asa beln8 i. *o"t iha' o!ar'ent' aot tlre unetabte, !,rone ts ciliy Jualgoqentar or ho{zte!!t. qcc{retoaau'y. fve.|N r lislly rl.ltble FtlBoaa ,l&he6 a6rlsue errErs
S6'it fo! tt lg noEt urlfoltqnats that ysu ].gok dsrd irloE ntbe su8bena say be l.! any 1n81e"1t9!i she4evea alettstlca-I, Flooedutsa are acoesal.J| gtqsticalpfoeduta6 anaIour. getreral trerda. i$or, but ri 8re lsp&*lg tor tpgatbor ItF relortsd Blt to trt ualese 3rou dI colls'to b Hghly d161&dLr8 ottoa ot- uaue ea'r alrtruan", t in a twa l-!!9 l4terYal (ln"luilina tle obvloua lle iraa\v ?tto" -a"a--tF t" detelnl.no t!6 rqtto ol rse*t tr?F 6es{'e.lo $uppos t!4t s! dlo Lt' llater burie{s trot 8L! uoisc fas a etral' n i-6r. tle dooa' ot dlsaotq lhe anguler to Esaelrre Jtronor}i hb Fa outBlde tboe a. bnt sleaauroaentr thsLt 6ron?-of fot rio.i oi-taur 6it about Jo' taet f,or e te oqEcLnde Do dogres. r-eltaute, 6tt &+ ;il.;ts';;c; -aiient ntguy ore-a!-Btl lts eartlr reaapas the pl'ul6pd lotald tle ioei tg.el tbe o?6Fal1 oot-sf af.*,,*"e, ald tlsn iuoped baek a6&iB? no'-aa-look at tbo Fhole. on bo ELsloading' EAy noaourcnoa! atagle pLiiure. uro.re aal' -Flctur' g!0t8t ta a:1 Pngbabtuit' goea Edth td,n8 rle sqlqo i. s"t corrEct qsy w&olet rc Eet tbe exstltlng " uui froa be E 6l'adln6" A itr obserttatlone
!,agr g.
Eoutil conotltuto a rrs.I Job ot lhYestl8a*,oE4 Il a sltneas q}1 he hnola, !rhe! Eoae cEl bo dl.al sbout lg? Ss 6ust bE serelul yorl tell! lrot to tfr8tr ihe t'!!!s6e tof lnfo$rat6'ta' 46. i!.ttr.tlo lastest taf to tAi If t6 bavc 4q6 d'.looi tl{tsLo&l .vldsue I! larqeuriElia Lato tle ayeta. j.nfeixaetlo!! qeior coleg ftrsa ?b $ltBesees. 3a bs! dt gtvea out nn:' SglX re- go olout as'Later;6-tnvootta&tt onl Oo nottrst)Ea$r& :s01 forEat !!at ttc reasoc qedlsvaX vltch-coafcssttets 16t.6 {lustly 6.0 esnd,steet 18 thst ilq|*. f6tc sl: eatrcd t!. sslBe qrraetloatr ont ot tl dsg f,I.t|rbutrlefta l!s[url. ,q ygn Foc sLt tlgbt hefysn 1t u& rLt&Gcses lcro <bjatsd to & lsn8tllt tl.ldrLa(t.oar tg ..1d thalr tolror{,ott ' t s! cxpl*1B cech ol tl3 a.tta8 yoB troto otr qrlallttgivoltr ! t I ll, oult eErs yqu Foul.{trrt be sattE.tid rltl fiY sGrpl6dqgLonr' gc tBstoad lttt ic put trelio UBL-n$ra' )4Al-f o*ess tt trau' tq so 1! yotl na 85va s 6sii,8t&story e*p1alatlq4 3or 3,ae| of tbt|l. no116ad qai! tr Thousalds of ]stLobl4 !,rsortr Lleludlng ltlllt arr colrltlt'ot t a&34er lot itt bB et lte ngln8, 9tt|ts;sqa albortus HiStue t':![ tLnigr teatult. tlo tH"rteo[tl 06tqan!r 1& on hl,i eai{ts la ra etterrooa fro ilolsrna Frttsa rl tloestd s d6$! flytns abqut r soFeerr a! l|lt !. -.:ecutLoal and air !t Dat a tL gaUor al,|rho' sitl . on,td sf tlunisr'. !'Jrso8er, FratroG, Altrtl 2\. LGJ0.
3ror| a horr' 5. tr! Brtsar, Poldd. e b*td'liah (r $l{lELr'ha qergalt L6ia&edtn tbc beE r6lt kLllld sEvoral liE. rfore binatl la'a dtadlr xpr.6o!) DorEo!! fufr vlcr the bulld,.ng I'n froB ra! !.Eovtd oi-ia ofd b{rftdlttE. !h creatqro (15St) ct oY.r i"o thene&td l|argsns. A- E&rlv letl8btra rltaaasaa affi,lt that tb6t ba"s rses ibaSoEa. Olre tas k..llG 6i c u-cater aGrt nore on oet. 9r f66O. It flre a foareero ttngod b6..t' ts 1680 !{Il!ls ot asvr.l 3c'.l'a!ilo 5i frrrc SqLooE ,*n tsets 3 trcsttaa oBcgulllole. slo3l t! rl,t&aa6e8 !!o k{vc ae*i tatt}6 tl!!r t}tega a?oulal lor 6' flc Aroes nDar8o! ot trdtol.llr !asa{ attia, ot t|rnGlsab tee rltlr46sra !U llry nsnt|r. It ltcrqqasr sBd afftetcd aatiela.
aeen by lt !:],l.rabetl' gttle-' ua6 gtoko ?. EtXzabetl SiLl. l5r sre ues beiiitehcd chalF. of lor out ot leot to r'r.so a}ls *i lagsaeg 4 , ;rtslal rolt
?r&6!rr', Soirrset, 166i. a ,.!1 tlo beBRE to ptrodl'8togsly l,uql'g -pf ir8. FloreaeQ gcttan b4rltslsd fho Blbl rraa ]utlqd lr'a! thrt astk. aag tood {n tL grseoBss tl slt[ss8os.ta fo.tt Pt{elr. fh6 docutqntatlol slrii,; l"Bdr. TL. Fltc!-dLd prod!-doua tar !ror' -coEplqte arii. for thl-s ca-6 lD th court' af colkt 1! 1551 16h.d of. Haay prohllelt Fo ut sellablo that fon 6,Dv it$ caqo I hase aB! dl'sptat ot auplarqgqtql' orer-c"r gxtenaee pett"od tftnseed t!1r lneredlble
06t dt'd laposetble feaga belo:o 9. In 1665 * sqcoriqlibt:'o rl.tel !{rcrt,Inli!a[ h!a".om, i:!: ta a '.rLndolr end stfoatod sde{8 !0 16r F!'6GDG!' dtabolls Ltl ltoltil lO. Otet a|trtf tt,lciea hed eee&sld iL cbtldtelr ltttostlttes' doscdbsil si6eel, !'6?0. tlq e*Lldtst aL! &fd hl'6!ld eoDsLeteBt tle Uack 6ass !E &t61 do?atl.
tr.rge f .
.0E,. fookr, chaplsf! to ques& e8.sabsth I, End Etllte qlouor, quelr Eurco!, bgth et.rsDrly aff,irs thg curg tro:&d bt lho q]oeatk6 btr tsuc&iD$ her subjectsr h4 tE. E6 you klrots, tousbias ure ;over.t eE could. culo nany rx.nsesser M6,4r thousdtds gt pgrson$ so!6 curod tsJr l'artruE L,lnge aad q[eeaa aB tht6 eea$.r.
1:, Let ee 1uap toEether tb.6 ,leey, !a$Ur tbo{eandG o.f al-racles atfl}tlad by Caibol*cis, eaclr, on* aa apBara4i vl,olatioE et slorilllr laEa. $1rl.l, pere ges, othre hcve boen vl,tnassa lEl .@e {68- 9r1{ tE e ltdvele6Ed thqlra$d of, fetrl.abls vltqe8ees, ellcb as the t2tFacle a! tattsa tn lg1?: Sgs I fealiy dortt expact you to birt tbeas tse&?6 tor*.oa. I detrt ballov ,:rsy o.f, ibsF. FEt you Bust b 6o!4d,stoat Lb your p)rBl8Leg. If ycu b.lr "e UIO taLecL oE the EoLglt of t6etloo$' of uaproparea srlta$ga, t:lljsr bt_ earptds6 br a stt&lrge phoBoaonon, tou BuFt be equul,ly roadJ.'ta app$ this cral6sdon oleelrlero. Of sourse, tbe6? w{ tneseF a:,s -dead so thiy qela'r! )e tato:rLssed, but aai$r reetre intervterd i-n tbslr llfetiile hr {rlveeitgalot1gl exact*r as yon a-re doL'lg. fhsE lbyesdg6tals Eetr earefu: to pclnt out th* vul8ar at6l",'s6 er6 n6t to be ,&&ei: csreL{erad, qallr lbe caretr! teati,eoqt qt 961*able perEoDa do8r{.blh& rooorrt sxperloacoE.
5o you !a!.? aceo$f l,(5utr preaBnt Lnreetj.s&itys ieckld.ql|6a, as.d s$,11 rolect ed"tshsr&fl out of hnai. Oaleos yor cdl c(&e up sllk 606; reeuy eubstrait&l }{ra8on shf gFra are so$ehes aEEk beiie? sl tEsdega 1n th!; Sentury tbqn o!h6r phetoeena tn cebiurtE tsst, you bav6 e cbsLge in elther El19!.tn6 se ha?a tfr$ljr ost&bltah6{ lt}!rF, atrac}esr ptte&ear deitrcr ghoats, etcry or elag N!4a GvLdetco EnpFoltfng sadh 9g tholll lq inuff1c!.obt. But be ca&.l,etettl
Inter-Oft ce Correspondence
Dear Bob,
Thanks for your review of my chapter. Honever, \,/e have a fundamental difference of vieirpoint. T sitrtply an not interested in studying noise and am willing to 1el sociologists worry about how nany people mistake Vealls for sonething else.
I do not believe that the statislical approach is valid in this problem, unless of course you \,/ant to study noise. I do not assume, as you do, ahal sightings made by highly competerl witnesses represent the tail end of ttre distribulion curve of nisperceplions, The limits of misperception have not been established, and f imagine they are a rathe. cornplex function of personality and numbers of observers. That assumplion ernasculates and makes senseless any further wor:k on the subject.
my book. like Madane I should restate the objectives of I'pitchblende.rr mounlains of If lhe not Cu::ie, f am ou! to sludy "radium," pitchblende of of the distillation radiun does not exist, then no anoun! iril1 produce it. If honever one operates on the assumption lhat the radiun, lhough infinitesinally snLa1l, lnay indeed exist, then one does nol statislically study the pitchblende but rather extr.acts from il ahe active ingredie$t and very properly throws the rest of the pitchblende in lhe dunp. This is the problem as I conceive it. I am examining !b4! residue of the pitchblende which no!,r shows lhe greatest ptomise of yieldlng radiur, so to speak. So, under your assrmpiioni any serious study of lhe UFO subjecl is cleatly a waste of time, unless you do wanl to study distribution curves \,'hich clearly do not interest me. 0n the other hand, your asstltrrption certainly needs lesting, and in order to accomplish that you should do some !,7ork to support it by factsj otherinise you are nerely left holdirg a baggy assumption. The incontravertible fact remains that I have read and studied thousands of reports, and interrogated hundreds of wilnesses while you are sti11 operating in the reaLn of theory. I do hope tha! you do considerable LTork to establish your assutrrprions because if it can be established, you will have done considerable servtce, and I will be the first lo congraaulate you. The problen here is certainly one of residues; elther these residues belong to the sane universe as do misperceptioos, or they are different. We sha11 never: know nhich is the case Llnless we \,7ork to find out.
Sincerely yours,
Dear Bob: Having spent aI1 day, fion early this norning until flow (ddnight), writing, itlte!viewing, etc. the flext j.ssue of ny Coope?ative A?t. newspaper, I an too weary to discuss nole than your recent couespondence and exchange with J. Al1en H. about his book.
i.f one rere to give your letter and Hfnekrs teply to a wise o1d nan and that one of the authors l1las a PhD in scielce of sone years and the other v{as a young student--and ask the sage to identify vhich was h'hich, he uould very quickly
that Sheaffer ras the wise professor a'ld Hfnek $as the naive student.
But if he llere a truly wise, super-$ise sage, he would correctly identify you as the student. For he ould lecognize that otrly youth would attenpt to chalge anotherts basic conndtment arld long-he1d views in a single letter. For youth thinks that the views of anothe!, silce they theoreticalty can be changed i.n a split second, ooght to be capable of change in at least a few nonents or ninutes. But ln fact, changing a Pexsonts deeply held convictions can take a lifetine--without success--al1d tecognition of this cofies only with age and naturity--and bittel experience.
In reality, of course, Itfnek i his deep seated egotisrn, could never publ.icly ad$it so gross an erlor in judgmelt as you seek to force him to adruit. And in fact, whelrever ANYoNE gives you a paper, ar:tic1e, nanuscript--whateve"--and erhe'lever he nodestly says: trlrn rea11y NOT nuch of a lrriter and I seek your conmeats"--what he REALLY IS ASXING FoR is your PRAlSE--not yout criticisn.
I have uorked with engiteers and scielltists who vo].unteered that they uef,e terrible writers, hated to write...and afte" our intefiiew, if I chanced to show then ny atticle, invariabl). they {ould suggest adding, o! deletiag a comna, or changing a sentetce stlucture. The fact is that !rhe[ we get ou! ideas down on paper--they becone even less susceptible to change than when they are sonewhat fluid in ou" heads.
So what Hfnek aea1ly wanted fron you was: 'rD!. Hynek, that is superb. Your logic ls unassailable and your style is inpeccable." Then, to show that you had really read it rrcritically,l you ndght have added: r'However, there is one place where I think you should heve used rthat' instead of'rihich'." (Since eve?yone ntakes that kind of nistake, he could freely have conceded that he was never very good in gr.arlloar. And he would have narked you as a very petceptive young nan with a keen logical nlind, Iflstead, today, I'n suxe that llynek is convinced that your thinking is really quite fuzzy.) lncidentally, if it is not too late, perhaps you could suggest a better title for IALLEN
lrihen one engages ln intellectual debate, one rea1ly ought to choose oners objective, you desire to change the othe! guys viorr'point, you nust be willing to settle for a small increnent of charge--initial1y. If, on the other hand, you want to confront hin, enbatass hi.n, or bait hin (as I so often do with 02), then use the rlo holds barred approach, Now ohile you approached fvnek diplonatj-cally (wher:e I respond to 02 with the Eross exagerations he loves to use), still to have accepted your criticisn would have forced li)rek to bTeal'rith his public stance for the past 5 years o! so on UFos. And to admit that one of his students had seen the light before he had. This was too nuch to ask or hope fo!. But out of thls, hopefully, you have gained sorne useful insight into the irnnobility of tianrs vie}rpoint,
careful sequenrial otF erallv is so sbocked anil suPrilEd that iiiit** *a-t p..ttg i$possibla Tbe skillfir! interrc'
On thz Str.mseness of UFO Reports 27 imaginatiods ot thos who rQort UFOS frcd over the
world should be so restricted.
;Jif i"T :"f .,f_t#,,xfl,S",:'ffi and a suddeo witressiog tiJ"it"rta-*i-p*pi" taced'witn do Dot go about metodic'Ily
il."'fii "oi.."uir" u""ideot tises' dutations' ledgth o-f l"i?ru*.it*"t*,' i't"tecking tlu satber' ad dher related evi-tril-iE i, "oooit"o to a competent i'"'iJT.#"*, it .*uite th inodeot extract r'brcugh calm ;J;";i;; ill;,* "* dAuco aoo amomt of in-tordatton
Ja"rlit.r, q"J"";rg " from ihe wrtness.
Pre.isely becaose the spectum of reports of strange biendnss is oarrow can fiey be "tudied II each stxange re. pon.as unique and tlclr -olal;ry ran l}e gamul of all cooceivabte straDAe ac!-ount', *ien 6c in\esligation of sucb a chaodc panopiy !r'ould be i-mpos'ible. Scienlr-8c study presuoposei data partcrn" and a meruu-re of repeatabiliry, and liana tarqe, Ul-o repo4s lend'hemselves to cla-esi-6caticm ;tbin their doDains ot srrangeoess rs these wo shall
'hvesdga@rs' iou.w n-equ"ltly ak forco delusiocs' *;-.i-t6-.m-"ra pniotoPlv that LrFOs are ttu:le oo (whv spend inrcirogatiotr
Turoirq, tben, lo the co, r? ol UfO repons let us as' .u-e thai we have elinindted all thoe rcporls wbjch do rct ft rhe dennition of UFO as used earlier; that is, the drcss from the odgin:l mass of "mw'' reports-al leporls
G" i,t t.""itg)ess in dre Erst "-itiu rf*i upoielorts that ato cobeftnt' sequeF ",,lst these strange humal expenences' uoott"ts tiJ"J.utt. -#"*" "t Decbanisn for brilling
6t tte. established ro'1l#iriJii''ti Lfi*;. m"v dotr\ scjef,c lt is about l"i""ii" "*-t a ^odem phvsical ftamwork" and ac;:";ffiffi; p*;;;"'I into a "blief
in"t" n*
acrual . !,^{ ^f tlFO reDorts as baimg uescdbed to Ne$4oo for bm bavo woulil *Lr. *, Li.*t-pt"' ii mechalics" quan$m ot cotc"pts ia.sic tto il"""iJlt"a "'v"irt"'"i-*"""* uFo repons dos fal into fairlv
thax cdr be explained with good reasotr ac ballooos' ait_ qaft, meteo{N, etc. (Such reports rcFesent tle "gaxbage" in the Droblem. u er'e incarporaF ihat in our sE]dies, lbe surecompuiemge adage. Carh"ge in-garbage out," ly apply. This bas beetr tbe trap that UtO i.o\'estjgadons itr the Dasthav not ben able to avoid.*) In terms of scietrdic atudy, the only sigtrmcanl UFO re' oorts axe. as wo llave seen, IJFO reports that remain Puz_ ;liaa altct corrpeteor'urvestigrlioo has beetr cooducld. Onl-v tbele calt be temed repon, of u FOs. The stimulus for these Eports js tnrly unkno$rl-that is, the repoferc bavo oassed a rliabilily sc'feening. and rhe known Possible
"l of LrFo tepo(s a"drirc p"n.t"]ru ' tttangeffss-spread" teports o{ reteivo iJitl IJ."i. w" a' 'ot' ior instanct' Sailing Ob'
Av*g op*& dows' Un;deotided
stimuii have paised a phycical e\planadon sltnin& Thotlsatrds of such reporb .lt!l; Ihere are ahout 700 a(_
"* l,u["i tlat burrow ioto tbe srouD& Hil"iii-t" onc remarked' ' ' unex: '*iJt" "r?" wotrol "cetre cot$titubo evideoco in favor o[ "#; Uil;
"rt"* sy,a pin! elephants" fft?r ben reportf"i in-il"i ot straoge "ctaft ' has t uFos *';i 'f..T,*g:+mYtffi,s-::W** ibe tbat "i"uu, .t $e ioagin;doo it is srange i'*J*."0i.*,!
!t@ odsidal. urLmFFd relotu 56 cledtv de edt oJ rbal ni-;*pdo!, criu6,t) rhar n.6' g.riod in d?rh wodd toEal su'h ,r'.'-tit! tav of U?O lb.notrna 'e be "o.hde6iad sladsri'al i-no reFd\ Del6d.e to de sM. .-g',.-Lt *i"io tt"t do detEL, lne ruly r r bti!.g LrFO 'eporl: m;dltion md Lba! tno "tl ir !ha' porurJrioo on. misi wirh equtl jnsLj@ 'av i..,ar .*** $hi e pb$rA rhe wittio. a td or rrMse' tbil @relr__tbe kJ @d.t de dissibu oo .u.. of rbe 'i7* of o'anEe'
l:rce mrdotr oI
itr Blue Book 61es alone, and many others are c6ntahed in the files of UFO organiatioB and Private iflsagatols. Each such screftd report demands an ans\tet to two *Mmr o.iti.g 4inlain $di.ll UFO lepor13 do saftaga Sinca.