Sree SathyaNarayanaSwami Puja PDF

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B By y P Pa a iitt r r R R m ma aR R m m n nu ujja a c c r rii s sr riim ma atth ha am m..c co om m 2 20 01 12 2


Pradhna Sakalpam hari o tat sat | r govinda x 3 | ubhe obhane muhrte adye r bhagavato mahpuruasya r vio jaya pravartamnasya dya brahmaa dvitya parrdhe r veta varha kalpe vaivasvata manvantare aviatttame kali yuge, prathama pde, jmbu-dvpe mero dakia dig-bhge, hiramaya vare, hiramaya dee ................. dee ...................... mah nagari antargate vyavahriknm prabhavdi ahi savatsarn madhye ..................... nma savatsare .............. ayane ............... tau .................... mse ......................... pake .................. tithau ................... vsara yukty ..................... nakatra yuktym r viu yoge r viu karae ubha yoga ubha karae sakala graha gua vieaa visihym ....
Harih om tatsat. Govinda, Govinda, Govinda, with the sanction of the Supreme Being Lord Vishnu, in this period during the second half of the life-span of the demiurge Brahma, during the aeon of the White Boar, during the universal rule of Vaivasvata Manu in the 28th period, during the first quarter of the age of Kali, on the planet Earth in land south of mount Meru, in the Golden Land, in the country of Australia, in the metropolis of Sydney, in the year .................... of the 60 year Jovian cycle, in the .................. solstice, during the .................. season, in the month of ...................... in the .................. fortnight, on the .................. lunar day, on a .............. day under the constellation of .................... with auspicious conjunctions, and all the planets being benevolently disposed;

asy ubha tithau, asya yajamnasya upta samasta durita-kaya dvr, ruti smti purokta phala praptyartham sarvem sakuumbhnm, samitr saparivrm, kema, sthairya, dhairya, vrya, vijaya, yur rogya aivarydi vdhyertham ia kmya siddhyertha samasta duritopa ntyertha alakm parihra lakm prptydi catur vidha pururtha siddhyartham samasta sanmagala vptyartha sampdita smgry r ram sahita satyanryaa svmi devat uddiy, r ram sahita satya nryaa prtyartham yath akty milita upacra dravyai purua-skta r skta purokta mantraica lakmi sahita satya nryaa pjanam kariye ||
On this auspicious day in order to actualise all the benefits mentioned in the Scriptures I shall perform the worship of Sri Satyanarayana along with Lakshmi for my well-being and that of all my family and friends; so that we may all obtain the blessings of increased prosperity, security, energy, victory, longevity, health etc. To remove all inauspiciousness and to obtain the blessings of Lakshmi for aquiring the four aims of human life dharma, wealth, enjoyment and liberation. So that all obstacles will be overcome and all goals achieved, so that auspiciousness will prevail and Lord Narayana and Lakshmi be propitiated with whatever articles I have aquired to the best of my ability.

tad agatvena nirvighnena parisamptyartham dau vighnevara pjm kariye ||

Gha pj
Ghaym Mukule Streu Jihvy Nde

- o brahmae nama | - o cakra-rjya nama | - o mah-ngebhyo nama | - o sarasvatyai nama | - o prajpataye nama | o kr jagad dhvani mantre mtre svh ||

gamartantu devnm gamanrthan tu rkasm | sarva bhta hitrthya ghaa ndam karmomyaham ||

sana pj
o anantsanya nama | o vimalsanya nama | o vrsanya nama | o amalsanya nama | o yogsanya nama | o krmsanya nama |

pthivi tvay dhtloka dev tvam viun dht | tvam ca dhraya mm dev pavitram kuru csanam ||

tm pj
aham tm na deho'smi viu-eo-parigraha | tam-eva araa prpta tat-kaikarya cikray ||
I am the atman and not the body. I am dependant upon Lord Vishnu and exist solely for Him. I have no possession of my own. I have taken refuge in Him with the desire to render service to Him.

Kalaa Pja - Sanctification of the Water

tad agatvena tma uddhyartham, arra uddhyartham, sarvopakaraa uddhyartham kalaa pjm kariye ||
Place a vessel filled with water upon a pile of rice, add parimala dravya, and a flower. decorate the four sides with sandal paste and kumkum. Cover the mouth of the vessel with the right hand or show the akua mudra.

kalaasya mukhe viu kahe rudra samrita | mle tatra sthito brahm madhye mtga smt || kukau tu sgara sarva sapta dvpa vasundhar
The mouth of this vessel (representing the universe) is Vishnu, the neck is Rudra, the Base is Brahma, in the centre all the sounds of the letters reside. All the oceans are within your belly along with the seven continents of the earth.

gvedo'tha yajur veda sma vedo'hyatharvaa |

angaica sahits sarve kalambu samrit ||

The Rig, Yajur, Sama and Atharvana Vedas together with all their branches dwell within the waters.

gange ca yamune caiva godvar sarasvat | narmade sindhu kveri jale'smin sannidhi kuru ||
May the Divine streams of Light represented by the rivers Gange, Yamuna, Godavari, Sarasvati, Narmada, Sindhu and Kaveri be present in these waters.

pukardyni trthni gagdys saritas tath | yantu loka ntyrtha durita kaya krak ||
May all the sacred pools, and tanks along with the Ganga and other rivers and streams be present here to grant peace to the world and to erase my negative impressions.

gangyai nama | yamunyai nama | godvaryai nama | sarasvatyai nama | narmadyai nama | sindhave nama | kveryai nama | pupai pjaymi ||
Show the (tarka, dhenu, akha, cakra, meru) mudras then take the flower and sprinkle everything and oneself with the water.

Pha Pj
Take some flowers and sandal paste and offer to the Pitha

o sakala gutma akti yuktya yogaphtmane nama

Salutations to the Seat of Yoga endowed with Energy, the repository of all positive qualities.

o dhra-aktyai nama salutations to the support of the Universe. o mla praktyai nama salutations to primordial matter o di-varhya nama salutations to the Cosmic Boar o di krmya nama salutations to the Cosmic Tortoise o anantya nama salutations to the dragon of Eternity o pthivyai nama salutations to Earth

Paca Loka Plaka Dhynam

tad agatvena dau ganedi paca loka plaka devat dhyna kariye
As an ancilliary to this rite I shall perform the visualisation and invocation of the Five Guardian Deities and the Nine Planetary Deities.

ekadanta rpa-kara gaja-vaktra mahodara | pkua-dhara deva dhyyet siddhi vinyakam || sga, syudha, sa-vhana, sa-akti, patni putra parivra sameta, gaapati lokaplaka dhyymi, vhaymi, sthpaymi, gandhkata-pupi samarpaymi |
I visualise the deity Siddhi Vinayaka with one tusk, ears like winnowing baskets, pot-bellied, holding the noose and goad. I contemplate Ganesa the Guardian of the world along with his accessories, weapons,

vehicle, Energies, wife and offspring.

dhyymi rada ntha brahma parameina | hasruha catur-vaktra satya loka nivina || sga, syudha, sa-vhana, sa-akti, patni putra parivra sameta, brahma lokaplaka dhyymi, vhaymi, sthpaymi, gandhkata-pupi samarpaymi |
I visualise the deity Brahma the consort of Sarasvati, the four-faced Creator of the Universe, riding upon a swan, and dwelling in the Realm of Truth. I contemplate Brahma the Guardian of the world along with his accessories, weapons, vehicle, Energies, wife and offspring.

vanamli gad rg akh cakr ca nandak | rimn nryao vior vsudevo'bhirakatu || sgam, syudha, sa-vhana, sa-akti, patni putra parivra sameta, viu loka-plaka dhyymi, vhaymi, sthpaymi, gandhkata-pupi samarpaymi
May the All-pervading Supreme Lord Narayana, protect us with His garland, mace, bow, conch, discus and sword. I contemplate Vishnu the Guardian of the world along with his accessories, weapons, vehicle, Energies, wife and offspring.

gaur ntha giriaca nlakaa trilocanam | mahevara ca vivea lokapla nammyaham || sgam, syudha, sa-vhana, sa-akti, patni putra parivra sameta, rudra loka-plaka dhyymi, vhaymi, sthpaymi, gandhkata-pupi samarpaymi
I salute the deity Siva the consort of Parvati, the blue-throated one with the three eyes, the Great Lord of the Universe. I contemplate Siva the Guardian of the world along with his accessories, weapons, vehicle, Energies, wife and offspring.

ume mama priye dev akarrdha arrin | saubhgya kuru me gaur ive aktye namo'stute || sg, syudh, savhan, sa-akti, pati putra parivra samet, gaurm lokaplik dhyymi ||
Salutations to you O Gauri, the personified energy of Lord Siva, my beloved deity, the other half of Lord Siva, grant me well-being. I contemplate Gauri the Guardian of the world along with her accessories, weapons, vehicle, Energies, husband and offspring.

Navagraha Dhyna Avhanam

Navagraha Dhynam - atha ditydi navagraha devat dhyna kariye
And now I shall perform the visualisation of the Deities of the Nine Planets.

1. o srya grahya nama | jap kuama saka kyapeya mah-dyuti | tamori sarva ppaghna praatosmi divkara ||

I salute the Sun who is like the hingula flower, the son of Kashyapa, the effulgent one who is the dispeller of darkness and who washes away sins.

srya graha | rakta vara | rakta gandha | rakta pupa | rakta mlymbaradhara | rakta cchatra dhvaja ratha patkdi obhita | saptva divya ratha samrha | meru pradakina kurvna | siha rydi pati | bhnuvsara prayuktam | lakm-nryaa sahita | patni putra parivra sameta | graha maale madhya sthita | srya graha dhyymi | vhaymi, sthpaymi, gandhkata pupi samarpaymi || o bhskarya vidmahe | mah-dyuti-karya dhmahi | tanno ditya pracodayt ||
We cognise the Creator of the Day, we contemplate upon the Great Light, may that Sun-god impel us to enlightenment.

2. o candra grahya nama | dadhi akha turbha krrava samudbhava | nammi aina soma abhr mukua bhaa ||
I salute the Moon, who is the colour of curd, conch and snow, the One who emerged out of the milky ocean and who bedecks the crown of Lord Shiva.

candra graha | veta vara | veta gandha | veta pupa | veta mlymbaradhara | veta cchatra dhvaja ratha patkdi obhita | daava divya ratha samrha | meru pradakina kurvna | krkaa rydi pati | indu vsara prayukta | lakm-nryaa sahita | patni putra parivra sameta | graha maale sthita | candra graha dhyymi, vhaymi, sthpaymi, gandhkata pupi samarpaymi || o ni-karya vidmahe | kal-nthya dhmahi | tanna-candra pracodayt
We cognise the Creator of the Night, we contemplate upon the Lord of Degrees, may that Moon-god impel us to enlightenment.

3. o agraka grahya nama | dharai garbha sabhta vidhyut knti samaprabha | kumra akti hastaca magala praammyaha ||
I salute Mars the son of the Earth, who is as lustrous as a flash of lightning, and who wields the weapon 'shakti' in his hand.

agraka graha | rakta vara | rakta gandha | rakta pupa | rakta mlymbaradhara | rakta cchatra dhvaja ratha patkdi obhita | divya ratha samrha | meru pradakina kurvna | mea-vrcika rydi pati | bhauma vsara prayukta | lakm-nryaa sahita | patni putra parivra sameta | graha maale sthita | agraka graha dhyymi, vhaymi, sthpaymi, gandhkata pupi samarpaymi ||

o agrakya vidmahe | bhmi-putrya dhmahi | tanna kuja pracodayt ||

We cognise the ember coloured one, we contemplate upon the son of the Earth, may Mars impel us to enlightenment.

4. o budha grahya nama | priyagu kalika yma rpea prathima budha | saumya saumya guopetha ta budha praammyaha ||
I salute Mercury the son of the Moon; who is as dark as the Panicum Italicum bud, of peerless form, intelligent, peaceful natured.

budha graha | harita vara | harita gandha | harita pupa | harita mlymbaradhara | harita cchatra dhvaja ratha patkdi obhita | divya ratha samrha | meru pradakina kurvna | kanya-mithuna rydi pati | saumya-vsara prayukta | lakm-nryaa sahita | patni putra parivra sameta | graha maale sthita | budha graha dhyymi, vhaymi, sthpaymi, gandhkata pupi samarpaymi || o saumya-karya vidmahe | soma-sutya dhmahi | tanno budha pracodayt ||
We cognise the creator of gentleness, we contemplate upon the son of the Moon, may Mercury impel us to enlightenment.

5. o bhaspati grahya nama | devanca inca guru-kcana sannibha | buddhi budha trilokea ta nammi bhaspatim ||
I salute Jupiter, the precptor of the gods and the rishis, who is of extraordinary intelligence and is the Lord of the three worlds.

bhaspati graha | kaaka vara | kaaka gandha | kaaka pupa | kaaka mlymbaradhara | kaaka cchatra dhvaja ratha patkdi obhita | divya ratha samrha | meru pradakina kurvnam | dhanur-mna rydi patim | guruvsara prayuktam | lakm-nryaa sahita | patni putra parivra sametam | graha maale sthitam | bhaspati graham dhyymi, vhaymi, sthpaymi, gandhkata pupi samarpaymi ||
We cognise the teacher of the gods, we contemplate upon the best of the gods, may Jupiter impel us to enlightenment.

o surcryya vidmahe | sura-rehya dhmahi | tanno guru pracodayt ||

6. o ukra grahya nama | hima kunda mnlbha daityn paraa gurum | sarva stra pravaktra bhrgava praammyaham ||
I salute Venus bright as snow, the fragrant oleander blossom and the lotus stem; the precptor of the titans who is learned in all the scriptures.

ukra graham | veta varam | veta gandham | veta pupam | veta mlymbaradhara | veta cchatra dhvaja ratha patkdi obhita | divya ratha samrha | meru pradakina kurvna | tula vabha rydi pati | bhgu vsara prayukta | lakm-nryaa sahita | patni putra parivra sameta | graha maale sthita | ukra graha dhyymi, vhaymi, sthpaymi, gandhkata pupi samarpaymi ||
We cognise the scion of the sage Bhrigu, we contemplate upon the son of Bhrigu, may Venus impel us to enlightenment.

o bhrgavya vidmahe | bhgu-sutya dhmahi | tanna-ukra pracodayt ||

7. o anaicara grahya nama | nljana sambhsa ravi putra yamgrajam | chya mrtaa sabhta ta nammi anaicaram ||
I salute Saturn the son of the Sun and Chaya, the elder brother of Yama; who shines like the blue mascara.

anaicara graha | nla vara | nla gandha | nla pupa | nla mlymbaradhara | nla cchatra dhvaja ratha patkdi obhita | divya ratha samrha | meru pradakina kurvna | makara-kumbhdi rydi pati | sthira-vsara prayukta | lakm-nryaa sahita | patni putra parivra sameta | graha maale sthita | anaicara graha dhyymi, vhaymi, sthpaymi, gandhkata pupi samarpaymi || o pagu-pdya vidmahe | kka-dhvajya dhmahi | tanna-anaicara pracodayt
We cognise the lame one, we contemplate upon the bearer of the Crow-flag, may Saturn impel us to enlightenment.

8. o rhu grahya nama | ardha-kya mah-vrya candrditya vimardhana | sihika garbha sabhta ta rhu praammyaham ||
I salute Rahu the son of Simhika, the valorious one who has half a body and opposes the Sun and the Moon.

rhu graha | dhmra vara | dhmra gandha | dhmra pupa | dhmra mlymbaradhara | dhmra cchatra dhvaja ratha patkdi obhita | divya ratha samrha | meru apradakina kurvnam | makara rydi pati | lakm nryaa sahitam | patni putra parivra sameta | graha maale sthita | rhu graha dhyymi, vhaymi, sthpaymi, gandhkata pupi samarpaymi ||
We cognise the dragon formed, we contemplate upon the son of Simhika , may Rahu impel us to enlightenment.

o nga-rpya vidmahe | sihi-putrya dhmahi | tanno rhu pracodayt ||

9. o ketu grahya nama | pala pupa saka traka graha mastakam | raudra raudrtmaka ghora ta ketu pranammyaham ||
I salute Ketu who resembles the butea Frondosa flower, the head of the stars and planets, wrathful and fearsome.

ketu graha | citra vara | citra gandha | citra pupa | citra mlymbaradhara | citra cchatra dhvaja ratha patkdi obhita | divya ratha samrha | meru apradakina kurvnam | mea rydi pati | lakm nryaa sahitam | patni putra parivra sameta | graha maale sthita | ketu graha dhyymi, vhaymi, sthpaymi, gandhkata pupi samarpaymi || o citra-varya vidmahe | citra-guptya dhmahi | tanno ketu pracodayt
We cognise the many coloured one, we contemplate upon cosmic accountant, may Ketu impel us to enlightenment.

navagraha nn-vidhni parimala patra pupi sarva doa nivitiymi navagraha iirvdm prrthaymi || o brahm murris tripurntakr bhnu ai bhmi-suto buddhaca | guruca ukra ani rhu ketavas sarve grah nti kar bhavantu ||

Aha-dik-plaka Dhynam
- tadanantaram aha-dik-plakn dhyna kariye | 1. indro'marvati ntha aci devystu nyaka | vajryudhasya prca tasyai cairvato gaja || om indrya nama 2. agnis tejovati vsi svh devy priya pati | merho akti-dhara digney pratihita || o agnaye nama 3. yama sayamani ntha ymalya nama priya | daa-bhn mahirho dakinasy dii sthita || om yamya nama 4. krgana purg yasya drgh bhryam arohaya | astra kunto nairtasya nairty dii thita || om naitaye nama 5. puri radhvati yasya priy bhrya ca klik | makara-vha pa-dharo varua pacim-evara || om varuya nama 6. vyur gandharvati ntha kicit tasy jana priya |


praga vho dhvaja-bht vyavy dii vartate || o vyave nama 7. kuberas crakry astu citrarekha priyagaa | hayavho khaga-dhara udcy dii vartate || om kuberya nama 8. yaovata na prvat paramevara | inya dii sabhti vrrha trila-bht || o nya nama 9. utga vabhrha padma patryat ekaam | ketra pla aha vande sarva ariaca ntaye || om ketraplebhyo nama

Satya Nryaa Dhynam

taga satya para brahma ka pigalam | rdhva-reta virpka viva-rpya vai namo nama ||
The Supreme Brahman the Absolute Reality is a Person dark-blue and yellowish in colour, absolutely chaste and possessing uncommon eyes; salutations to Him of the Universal-form.

padma-priye padmini padma-haste padmlaye padma-dalyatki | viva-priye viu manonukle tvat pda padmam mayi sannidhatsva ||
O Lakshmi with eyes like lotuses and to who lotuses are dear, who holds lotuses in her hands, and dwells within the lotus of the heart, the beloved of the whole world and the one to whom Vishnu conceeds, may your lotus feet always be the object of contemplation for me.

dhyyet satya gutta gua-traya samanvitam | loka-ntha trilokea kaustubhbharaa harim || nla-vara pta-vastra rvatsa pada-bhitam | govinda gokula-nanda brahmdyair-api pjitam ||
I meditate upon Hari, the Truth, beyond the material nature, but comprising the very essence of matter, the Lord of the Universe, the ruler of the three realms, wearing the Kaustubha gem, of blue-hue, wearing yellow silk garments, being adorned with the Srivatsa, Govinda the bringer of joy to Gokula and the One worshipped by Brahma and the other gods.

r-ram-sahita satya-nryaa svmine nama | sga syudha saakti saparivram dhyymi ||


P Pr r a aP Pr ra attii h ha a
1. Rii-nysa asya r pra pratiha mah mantrasya | brahma-viu mahevar ya | g-yajus-sma atharvi chandsi | sakala si-sthiti-sahra kri pra akti par devat | bjam | hr akti | kro klakam | 2. Kara-nysa o anguhbhym nama | hr tarjanbhy nama | kro madhyambhym nama | anmikbhym nama | kro kara-tala-kara-phbhym nama | 3. Aga-nysa hrdayya nama hr irase svh | kro ikhyai vaa | kavacya hu | hr netra-trayya vaua | kro astrya pha | o bhrbhuvas-suva iti dig-bandha

raktm bodhisthapotollasa darua sarojdhi rh karbjai pa kodaam ikdbhavam aiguam apyakua pacabn | bibhra sk-kapla tri-nayana lasit pnavakoruhhy dev blrka var bhavatu sukha-kar pra-akti par na || hr kro kro hr | ya ra la va a a sa ha ho | hasa soha soha hasa | asy mrtau jvas-tihatu | asy mrtau sarvendriyi v-manas-tvak-cakurotra-jihv-ghra-vk-pi-pya-pyusthkhyni, prpna vynodna samncgatya sukha cira tihantu svh || asunte punar asmsu caku puna pram iha no dhehi bhogam | jyok payema sryam uccarantam anumate may na svasti ||
(for the 15 saskras chant o 15 times)


vhito bhava | sthpito bhava | sannidho bhava | sanniruddho bhava | sannihito bhava | avaguitho bhava | suprto bhava | suprasanno bhava | sumukho bhava | varado bhava | prasda prasda || sahasra r purua | sahasrka sahasra pt | sa bhmi vivato vtv | atyatihad dagulam || 1 ||

hirayavar hari suvara rajata-srajm |

candr hiramay lakm jtavedo ma vaha || 1 || vhaye gua-tta satya nryaa prabhum | lokantha trilokea kaustubh bharaa harim || rram-sahita satya-nryaa svmine nama - vhaymi purua evedagu sarva | yad bhta yac ca bhavyam | utmtatva syena | yad annen tirohati || 2 || t ma vaha jtavedo lakmm anapagminm | yasy hiraya vindeya gmava purun aham || 2 || krbdau ea ayana yine paramtmane | dharmdi caraa vedair dhta ratnsana param || rram-sahita satya-nryaa svmine nama - sanam samarpaymi pdosya viv bhtni | tripd asym tam divi || 3 || avaprv ratha-madhy hastinda prabodhinm | rya devm upahvaye rrm dev juatm || 3 || nryaa namaste'stu nara kravatrakam | pdya gha devea mama saukhya vivardhaya || rram-sahita satya-nryaa svmine nama - pdyam samarpaymi. tripd rdhva udait purua | pdosyehbhavt puna | tato viva vyakrmat | sannaane abhi || 4 || k sosmit hiraya prkrm rdr jvalant tpt tarpayantm | padme sthit padma-var tm ihopahvaye ryam || 4 || vyaktvyakta varpya hkea pataye nama | may nivedito bhakty hyarghyo 'ya pratighyatm || rram-sahita satya-nryaa svmine nama - arghya samarp. tasmd vir ajyata | virjo adhi prua | sa jto atyaricyata | pacd bhmim atho pura || 5 || candr prabhs yaas jvalant riya loke deva jum udrm t padminm araam aha prapadye'lakmr me nayat tv ve || 5 || makinystu yad vri sarva ppa hara ubham |


yadda kalpita deva sayak camyat tvay || rram-sahita satya-nryaa svmine nama - camanam samarp yat puruea havi | dev yajam atanvata | vasanto asysd jyam | grma idhma arad-havi || 6 || ditya vare tapaso'dhijto vanaspatis tava vko'tha bilva | tasya phalni tapas nudantu myntar yca bhy alakm || 6 || snna pacmrtair deva gha puruottamam | antha ntha sarvaja krva pranathi priya || rram-sahita satya-nryaa svmine nama - snpaymi. saptsysan paridhya | tri sapta samidha kt | dev yad yajam tanvn | abadhnan puruam paum || 7 || upaitu m deva-sakha krtica main saha | prdurbhtosmi rre'smin krtim ddhi dadtu me || 7 || veda skta sayukta yaja sma samanvite | sarva vara prade deva vsasi pratighyatm || rram-sahita satya-nryaa svmine nama - vastra yugmam sam. kacuki sam. kaa-stram sam. haridrm sam. kumkumam sam. kajjalam sam. sindram sam. nnbharani sam. nn parimala dravyam sam || tam yajam barhii praukan | puruam jtam agrata | tena dev ayajanta | sdhy aya ca ye || 8 || kut-pips mal jyehm alakm naymyaham | abhtim asamddhi ca sarvn niruda me ght || 8 || brahma viu maheair yan nirmitta brahma-strakam | tena yajopavtea priyat kamal-pati || rram-sahita satya-nryaa svmine nama - upavita samarp tasmd yajt sarva huta | sambhta pad jyam | pagus tgga cakre vyavyn | rayn grmyca ye || 9 || gandha-dvr durdhar nitya pu karim | vargu sarva bhtn tm ihopahvaye riyam || 9 || r-kaa candana divya gandhya sumanoharam | vilepaa sura-rea candana pratighyatm || rram-sahita satya-nryaa svmine nama - candana samarp tasmd yajt sarva huta | ca smni jajire | chandgusi jajire tasmt | yajus tasmd ajyata || 10 || manasa kmam kti vcas satyam amahi | pangu rpam-annasya mayi r rayat yaa || 10 ||


veta taula sayuktn kumkumena virjitn | aktn ghyat deva nryaa namastu te || rram-sahita satya-nryaa svmine nama - akatn samarpaymi malikdi sugandhni mladydini vai prabho | may htni pjrtha pupi pratighyatm || rram-sahita satya-nryaa svmine nama - pupni pjaymi. o r satya parabrahmae - pdau pjaymi | o sakaraya nama - gulpau pjaymi | o kltmane - juni pjaymi | o vivarpya - jaghe pjaymi | o vivya nama - kai pjaymi | o padmanbhya nama - nbhi pjaymi | o paramtmane nama - hdaya pjaymi o vaikuhya nama - kata pjaymi | o sarvstra-dhrie nama - bh pjaymi | o vcas-pataye nama - mukha pjaymi | o haraye nama - jihv pjaymi | o dmodarya nama - dantn pjaymi | o sahasrkya nama - netre pjaymi | o keavya namah - lala pjaymi | o sarvtmane nama - ira pjaymi | r ram-sahita satya-nryaya nama - sarvnyagni pjaymi ||

Viu ahottara ata nmavalli

o viave nama | lakm-pataye | goplya | vaikunhya | garua-dhvajya | para-brahmae | jagan-nthya | vsudevya | tri-vikramya | daityntakya || 10 || madhu-ripave | trkya-vhya | santanya | nryaya | padma-nbhya | hikeya | sudh-pradya | mdhavya | puarikkya | sthiti-kartre || 20 || partparya | vanamline | yaja-rpya | cakra-paye | gad-dharya | upendrya | keavya | hamsya | samudra-mathanya | haraye || 30 || govindya | brahma-janakya | kaiabhsura- mardanya | rdharya | kma-janakya | ea-yine | catur-bhujya | pcajanya-dharya | rmate | rga-paye || 40 || janrdanya | pitmbara-dharya | devya | srya-candra-vilocanya | matsya-rpya | krma-rpya | kroha-rpya | nkearini | vmanya | bhrgavya || 50 || rmya | haline | kya | haynanya | vivambarya | simsumrya | rdharya | kapilya | dhruvya | datttreyya || 60 || acyutya | anantya | mukundya | dadhi-vmanya | dhanvantaraye | r-nivsya | pradyumnya | puruottamya | rvatsa-kaustubhoraskya | murrtye || 70 || adhokajya | vabhya | mohini-rpa-dhrie | sakaraya | pthave | krbdhi-


yine | bhttmane | bhagavate | bhakta-vatsalya | aniruddhya || 80 || aprameytmane | tri-dhmne | bhta-bhvanya | veta-dvpe-nivstavyya | sryamaala-madhya -gya | sanakdi-samsevitya | gajendra-varadya | nryaya | nlakntya | dhar-kntya || 90 || vedtmane | bdryanya | bhgirathi-janma-bhmi-pda-padmya | satm-prabhave | svabhuve | vibhave | ganaymya | jagat-kraya | avyayya | buddhvatrya || 100 || nttmane | lildhta-varktaye | damodarya | vir-rpya | bhta-bhavat-prabhave | di-devya | deva-devya | prahlda-pariplakya || 108

r lakm ahottara ata nmavalli

o praktyai nama | viktyai | vidyyai | sarva-bhta-hita-pradyai | raddhyai | vibhtyai | surabhyai | param-tmikyai | vce | padmlayyai || 10 || padmyai | ucaye | svhyai | svadhyai | sudhyai | dhanyyai | hiramayyai | lakmyai | nitya-puyai | vibhvaryai || 20 || adityai | dityai | dptyai | vasudhyai | vasu-dhriyai | kamalyai | kntyai | kmkyai | kroda-sambhavyai | anugraha-paryai || 30 || ddhyai | anaghyai | hari-vallabhyai | aokyai | amtyai | dptyai | loka-okavininyai | dharma-nilayyai | karuyai | loka-mtre || 40 || padma-priyyai | padma-hastyai | padmkyai | padma-sundaryai | padmodbhavyai | padma-mukhyai | padma-nbha-priyyai | ramyai | padma-ml-dharyai | devyai || 50 || padma-gandhinyai | padminyai | puya-gandhyai | su-prasannyai | prasd-bhimukhyai | prabhyai | candra-vadanyai | candryai | candra-sahodaryai | caturbhujyai || 60 || candra-rpyai | indiryai | indu-talyai | hlda-jananyai | puyai | ivyai | iva-karyai | satyai | vimalyai | viva-jananyai || 70 || tuyai | dridrya-ninyai | prti-pukariyai | ntyai | ukla-mlymbaryai | riyai | bhskaryai | bilva-nilayyai | varrohyai | yaasvinyai || 80 || vasundharyai | udrgyai | hariyai | hema-mlinyai | dhana-dhnya-karyai | siddhyai | straia-saumyyai | ubha-pradyai | npa-vema gatnandyai | varalakmyai || 90 || vasu-pradyai | ubhyai | hiraya-prkryai | samudra-tanayyai | jayyai | magal-devyai | viu-vakas-sthala-sthityai | viu-patnyai | prasann-kyai | nryaa-samrityai | dridya-dhvasinyai | devyai | sarvo-padrava vriyai | nava-durgyai | mah-klyai | brahma-viu-ivtmikyai | trikla-jnasapannyai | bhuvan-evaryai || 108 ||


tasmd ava ayjanta | ye ke cobhaydata | gavo ha jajire tasmt | tasmj jt aj vaya || 11 || kardamena prajbht mayi sabhava kardama | riya vsaya me kule mtara padma mlinm || 11 || vanaspati-rasod bhta gandhyo gandha uttama | ghrehya sarva devn dhupo'ya pratighyatm | r ram sahita satya nryaa svmine nama - dhpa aghrpaymi yat purua vyadadhu | katidh vyakalpayan | mukha kim asya kau bh | k vr pd vucyete || 12 || pa sjantu snigdhni ciklta vasa me ghe | nica dev mtaragga riya vsaya me kule || 12 || sjya cavartti sayukta vahnin yojita may | dpa graha devea trailokya timirpaham || rram-sahita satya-nryaa svmine nama - dpa daraymi brhmaosya mukham st | bh rjanya kta | r tad asya yad vaiya | padbhygu dro ajyata || 13 || rdr pukari pui suvar hema mlinm | sry hiramay lakm jtavedo ma vaha || 13 || madhuvt tyate madhu karanti sindhava | mdhvrnas-santvoadh || madhu nakta utoasi madhumat prthivagu raja | madhu dyaur astu nah pit || madhu mnno vanaspatir madhumgu astu srya | mdhvr gvo bhavantu || RV.1.90.6 TS.
To the pious the winds blow sweet, the streams are sweet; be sweet to us the plants. Sweet is the night, and sweet at dawn the air of the earth, sweet be the sky our father. Sweet to us be the Lord of the forest, sweet the sun, sweet be the cows to us.

ghta pakva haviyanna pyasa ca saarkaram | nna vidha ca naivedya vio pratighyatm || rram-sahita satya-nryaa svmine nama - naivedya nivedaymi pg-phala samyuktam nga-valli dalairyutam | el-lavaga sanyuktam tmblam pratighyatm || rram-sahita satya-nryaa svmine nama - tmbla samarpaymi candram manaso jta | cakos-sryo ajyata | mukhd indra cgni ca | prd vyur ajyata || 14 || rdr ya kari yai pigal padma mlinm | candr hiramay lakm jtavedo ma vaha || 14 ||


tad vio parama padagu sad payanti sraya | divva cakurtatam || tad viprso vipanyavo jgvgu sas samindhate | vior yat paramam padam || karpraka mahrja rabhodbhta ca dpaka | magalrthe mahpla sagraha jagat-pate || r ram sahita satya nryaa svmine nama - nirjanam sadara0 | nbhy sd antarikam | ro dyau samavartata | padbhy bhmir dia rotrt | tath lokgu akalpayan || 15 || t ma vaha jtavedo lakmm anapagminm | yasy hiraya prabhta gvo dsyo'vn vindeya purun aham || vedham eta purua mahntam | ditya vara tamasas tu pre | sarvi rpi vicitya dhra | nmni ktvbhivadan yadste || 16 || r ram sahita satya nryaa svmine nama - namaskran samarp0 | yi ki ca ppi janmntara kti ca | ti ti vinayanti pradakina pade pade || anyath araam nsti tvam eva araam mama | tasmt kruya bhvena raka mm ram-pate || nama sarva hitrthya jagad dhra hetave | shgoya pramaste prayatnena may kta || grha paramena saratne chatra- cmare | darpaam vyajanam caiva rja-bhogya yatnata || chatra, cmara gta ntya vdya samasta rjopacrn samarpaymi

Mantra Pupam
dht purastd yam udjahra | akra pravidvn pradia-catasra tamev vidvn amta iha bhavati | nnya panth ayanya vidyate o tad brahma | o tad vyu | o tad tm | o tat satya | o tat sarva | o tat puror nama | antacarati bhteu guhy viva-mrtiu | tva yajas tva vaakras tva indras tvagu rudras tva vius tva brahma tva prajpati | tvam tad pa po jyotir raso-mta brahma bhr bhuvas suvar o ||
Om that is Brahman. Om that is Vayu. Om that is the Self. Om that is the Truth. Om that is everything. Om that is the multitude of recepticles (physical bodies of sentient beings). Salutation to That Supreme Being who moves inside the hearts of all created beings of manifold forms. O Supreme being! You are the sacrifice, You are the sacrificial chants, You are the Indra, You are the Rudra, You are the Brahma, You are the Lord of all beings, You are the That, You are the water in the rivers and the ocean, You are the Sun, You are the essence of life, You are the necter of immortality, You are the Vedas, You are the triple universe You are the AUM.


rjdhirjya prasahya shine | namo vaya vairavaya kurmahe | sa me kmn kma kmya mahyam | kmevaro vairavao dadhtu | kuberya vairavaya | mahrjya nama ||

vhana na jnmi na jnmi visarjana | pj vidhi na jnmi kamasva puruottama ||
I do not know the correct method of Invocation or Valediction, I do not even know the correct method of offering worship, please forgive me O Lord.

yan may bhakti yuktea patra pupa phala jalam | nivedita ca naivedya tat gha anukampay ||
Whatever I have offered with loving devotion, a leaf, flower, fruit and water, and the cooked food, please accept it out of compassion.

mantra hna kriya hna bhakti hna janrdana | yat pjitam may deva paripra tad astu te ||
The rite is devoid of mantras, and formal ritual, and even pure devotion is lacking O Lord, whatever I have offered let it be acceptable as complete.

satya nryaa deva vande'ha kmada prabhum | llay vitata viva yena tasmai namo nama ||
I salute you O Narayana, the great benefactor, Salutations again and again to the One who creates the universe for Sport.

nla vara pta vastra dhyyet rvatsa bhitam | govinda gokulnanda brahmdyair api pjitam ||
I visualise Govinda and joy of Gokula, of bluish hue wearing yellow garments and wearing the gem Kaustubha, worshipped by Lord Brahma and the other deities.

Satyanryaa magalam
rmad satyavat dev bhgya saubhgya mrtaye | r ratnagiri vsya satya devya magalam || 1 || gaapatyambikditymahe rita padmane | durgrakita durgya satya devya magalam || 2 || kali-kalmaa nya veya ubha sapadm | pya bhava rog satya devya magalam || 3 || pap salla susnna paramnanda rpie | pppahrie nitya satya devya magalam || 4 || st rma ketrapla bhsurlaya vsine | bhsine bhakta hdaye satya devya magalam || 5 || bhavptya bhava rpya keavya mahtmane |


tmarpya jantun satya devya magalam || 6 || tripd vibhti vaikua yantra sthpita mrtaye | rtha rakaa dkya satya devya magalam || 7 || ahamasmti bhaktn abhayrtha pradyaca | vrata rpea sarve satya devya magalam || 8 || vrata sphalya rpea bhukti mukti pradya ca | sarve api varn satya devya magalam || 9 || vedya veda vedyya satya nryaya te | r ratna giri vsya satya devya magalam || 10 ||

svasti mantrrth satys saphals santu iti bhavanto mahnto anughantu tathstu !
May the benediction pronounced be true and may there be success.


asya muhrta sumuhrto bhyd iti bhavanto mahnto anughantu || 2

May this hour be an auspicious one.

sarve saha-kuumbn purokta drgha yuya bhyd iti || 3

May everyone and their families obtain the longevity that is mentioned in the Puranas.

sarve saha-kuumbn ghe vasat dvipad catupad nroga atyua bhyditi bhavanto mahnto anughantu || 4 ||
May all those who dwell in the house of this couple; both human and animal be free from disease and have long life.

sarvem saha-kuumbnm sarvem devatnm prasdena ca hitokta mahat aivarya vpti candrrkam va vddhi bhyd iti bhavanto mahnto anughantu || 5 ||
By the grace of all the gods may great beneficial prosperity be obtained and may every ones lineage continue as long as the Sun and the Moon exist.

sarvem saha-kuumbnm arre vartamna vartiyamna samasta roga pa parihra dvr, kipra rogyat dhagtra siddhi iti bhavanto mahnto anughantu || 9 ||
May all the suffering caused by current and future disease by quickly healed and a swift recovery obtained, and may every one be firm of limb.

sarve saha-kuumbn yur balam yao varca paava sthairya siddhir lakm kam kntis sadgu nando nityotsavo nityar nityamagala ityem sarvad abhivddhir bhyd iti bhavanto mahnto anughantu || 5

May this couple always enjoy health, strength, fame, prosperity, success, forgiveness, popularity, happiness, festivities, and auspiciousness. May these blessing always increase.

sarvem saha-kuumbnm ghe dhana lakm dhnya lakm santna lakm saumya lakm saubhgya lakm, gaja lakm moka lakm aha lakmy sthiratara siddhi iti bhavanto mahnto anughantu || 11 ||
May every one and their families enjoy all the blessings of the 8 forms of Lakshmi in their houses.

sarve jan nrog nir-upadrav sad-cra-sampann hy nir-matsara daylavaca bhysur iti bhavanto mahnto anughantu || 6 ||
May all people be free from disease and suffering, may they all be of good character and prosperous, may all people be compassionate and free from jealousy.

deo aya nir-upadravo astu | sarve jan sukhino bhavantu ||7||

May this country be free of troubles. and may everyone attain happiness.

samasta sanmagalni santu | uttarottara abhivddhir astu || 8 ||

May there always be auspiciousness, always increasing.

Paurika loka irvdam

bhadram astu ivam c'stu mahlakm prasdatu | rakantu tv sur sarve sampada santu susthira || 1 || mantrrth saphal santu pr santu manorath | atr buddhi no'stu mitrmudayastath || 2 || avydhin arrea manas ca nirdhin | prayannarthinm m jva-tva arada-atan || 3 || sapatny durgrah pp dua sattvdyupadrav | tamla patram lokya sad saumya bhavantu te || 4 || yurrogyam aivaryam yaas-tejo jvalmati | brahma-putra bhavas-tejas-tilakena ktena te || 5 ||


S ri S a ty a N a ra y a n a V ra ta K a th a
|| prathamodhyya || ekad naimiraye aya aunakdaya | papracchu munaya sarve sta paurika khalu || 1 || eva kte manuy vchsi siddhar bhaved dhruvam | vieata kali-yuge laghpyosti bhtale || 24 || || dvityodhyya || athnyat sampravakymi kta yena pur dvija | kacit kpure ramye hysd viprotinirdhana || 1 || tad vratasya prabhvea dhana putrnvitobhavat | iha loke sukha bhuktv cnte satyapura yayau || 27 || || ttyodhyya || punaragre pravakymi udhva muni sattam | pur colmukho nma npacsn mahmati || 1 || rjn prapatyha gantavyam tvat prasdata | ityuktv tau mahvaiyau jagmatu svagha prati || 51 || || caturthodhyya || ytr tu ktavn sdhur magalyana prvikm | brhmaebhyo dhana datv tad tu nagara yayau || 1 || iha loke mukha bhuktv cnte satya pura yayau | avaiavnm aprpya gua traya vivarjitam || 44 || || pacamodhyya || athnyacca pravakymi udhva muni sattam | st tugadhvajo rj prajplana tatparah || 1 || tugadhvajo mahrja svyabhur abhavat kila | sarvn bhgavatn ktv r vaikuha tadgamat || 23 ||

Once all the great sages assembled at Naimisharanya asked Suta the shortest possible way for worldly men to attain their aims. He told them about the time that Narada approached and asked the Supreme Person this same question. Once Narada descended to this worldly plane and wandered about with the idea of promoting the welfare of all beings. He was deeply affected by the suffering that he saw. All beings are suffering from the effects of their previous karma, and deeply


moved by their plight Narada decided to discover a method of alleviating suffering in the world. He went to the Vaikunta planets and approached Lord Narayana. Narada said. O Supreme Lord, on the mortal plane all beings are suffering various afflictions due to their previous bad karma, I earnestly desire to be instructed in the method to relieve them of their miseries. The Lord Said; I am very impressed by your benevolence and compassion and will tell you how mankind can rid themselves of delusion and ignorance and attain the four ends of life. There is a fast which they can observe and by rendering worship to Lord Satya Narayana in accordance with the rites prescribed by the Scriptures they can obtain happiness and relief from suffering. Having fasted during the day, in the evening the householder should gather his friends and relatives and perform this puja, he should have the story of the vrata retold and taking prasadam and chanting the names and remembering the Lord they should all disperse to their various homes.
Iti sri skanda purane reva khanda Sri Satya Narayana Vrata Kathym sra prathamo adhyya

Suta then related to the assembled rishis anecdotes of people who performed this vrata in former times. There was once a poor brahmin called Shatnanda who lived in the city of Kasi. He used to wander about the town from door to door seeking alms to maintain himself. One day he happened to meet an old and learned brahmin who advised him to perform this vrata in order to overcome his financial difficulties. The poor brahmin having resolved to fast and worship the Lord, rose the next day and went about begging for the articles to be used in the worship. Having obtained everything he needed he dutifully performed the ritual, and as a result obtained prosperity and became a great and learned brahmin. Thereafter he performed is regularly once a month. One day as this brahmin Shatnanda was preparing for the ritual a poor wood cutter seeing the preparation offered his obeisance and inquired as to what was going on. The brahmin explained to him the ritual and the benefits of this puja. After attending the ritual and taking prasadam the poor wood cutter returned home chanting the names of


the Lord and resolving that his next days earnings would be spent on the worship of the Lord. He too had the puja performed and as a result became prosperous and went to the heavenly realms after death.
Iti sri skanda purane reva khanda Sri Satya Narayana Vrata Kathym sra dvitiyo adhyaya ||

There was once a very wise king by the name of Ulkamukh (Fox) who was very religious by nature and would offer puja daily and honour the brahmins with charity. His wife too was a great devotee and together they would regularly offer puja to the Lord on the banks of the Bhadrashila river. One day while they were engaged in their devotions a wealthy merchant named Sadhu passed by on his barge. Inquisitive to know what festival was taking place on the banks of the river the merchant came ashore and inquired of the King as to the purpose of the festival. The king replied that he was very much desirous of having a son and other material objects and was therefore performing this puja of Sri Satya-narayana. The merchant was very impressed and he too being desirous of offspring learnt from the king the method of performing the puja and returned home. He told his wife Lilvati about it and together they resolved to observe this puja once a child had been born to them. One day by the Grace of the Lord she conceived and gave birth to a beautiful baby girl whom they named Kalvati. After some time Lilvati reminded her husband about the vow he had made to perform the Vrata when the child was born. The merchant replied that the Vrata would be duly performed at the time of the marriage ceremony of their daughter. As luck would have it he forgot to perform it when his daughter was married. Some time after his daughter's marriage, the merchant set out with his son-in-law on a business venture. He arrive in a town ruled by the king Chandraketu and set up his business. One day a thief stole some treasure from the King's palace and being pursued by the palace guards arrived at the camp of the merchants. He hid the treasure amongst the baggage of the merchants and fled the scene. When the guards arrived they searched camp and found the treasure. The two merchant were arrested and tried. All their wealth was confiscated and they were imprisoned. Back home the family too began to suffer. Being reduced to poverty and hunger Lilvati and her daughter Kalvati were forced to beg for their living.


One day while the daughter was begging for alms from door to door she happened to come across a brahmin performing the Vrata. Having taken the prasadam and been instructed in its performance she returned home with the resolve to perform it herself. When the daughter discussed the matter with her mother Lilavati the pious lady recalled their neglect in performing the Vrata and immediately took steps to have the Vrata and puja performed, and prayed for the safe return of their menfolk. The Lord became please by their devotion and appeared to the king in his dream and commanded him to release the merchants. In the morning the king immediately complied and having doubled their confiscated wealth, returned it to them sent them on their way.
Iti sri skanda purane reva khanda Sri Satya Narayana Vrata Kathym sra tritiyo adhyaya ||

Having distributed wealth in charity to the brahmins on the occasion of his release the merchant Sdhu set out homeward. During the journey the Lord wishing to test his virtue appeared in front of him disguised as an old monk, and humbly inquired as to what merchandise they carried in their boats. The two merchants laughed and mockingly replied, "O Bearer of the Staff what concern is it of yours, we have only leaves and creepers in our boats "! The monk became angry and replied to them " May your words be true!" and departed a short distance to rest under a tree. After having performed their daily duties the merchants returned to the boats and to their horror they saw that their entire cargo had turned into leaves and creepers. Sadhu fainted when he realized what had happened, on being revived by his son-in-law he was beside himself with anxiety and grief. At the insistence of his son-in-law, Sadhu approached the monk who was quietly sitting under a nearby tree watching the scenario. Falling at his feet he apologized for actions and begged the monk's forgiveness. The Lord then revealed Himself and rebuked the merchant for his neglect of devotional service and his excessive pride. Sadhu said; "O Lord Your Maya is so powerful that even Brahma and the other gods are deluded thereby and do not know Your true form or nature. I am a foolish merchant how could I know You? I am completely under the deluding power of Your Maya but I shall certainly offer devotional service to the best of my ability!" The Lord then blessed the merchant and disappeared. Seeing that the creepers and leaves had turned back into merchandise, the merchants performed the worship of the Lord immediately and then continued their journey. Upon reaching their home-town Sdhu sent a servant to inform his wife and daughter of their safe return. Lilavati immediately offered a puja to Sri Satya-narayana and set


out to meet her husband and son-in-law. Kalavati too offered a puja but neglected in her haste to take prasadam, this displeases the Lord. When she reached the boat her husband had become invisible, so overcome was she with grief that she fell in a swoon upon the ground. Upon regaining consciousness she resolved to commit suicide in spite of the counsel and entreaties of her mother and father. The merchant realized that it was due to the Maya of the Lord and offered a puja on the river banks. A voice was then heard from the sky which said; O merchant, your foolish daughter neglected to take prasadam after completing the puja so much in a hurry was she to meet her husband, and this is the reason why he is now invisible. Let her return to the house and take prasadam and then only will she see her husband!" They all immediately proceeded to the house offered another puja and took prasadam, the son-in-law was returned to his former state of visibility. Thereafter at every full moon the merchant invited all his family and friends and had the puja performed to Sri Satya-narayana.
Iti sri skanda purane reva khanda Sri Satya Narayana Vrata Kathym sra caturtho adhyaya ||

Suta said; "O Great meditators, listen to another anecdote about the neglect of taking prasadam." Once there was a king called Tungadhvaja, who was very concerned about the welfare of his subjects. One day while hunting in a forest he came across a group of lowly cowherds who were performing the Puja of Sri Satya-narayana. He watched the performance of the ritual but did not bow his head to the Lord, and when the humble cow-herds offered him some prasadam he refused to take it. As a result of his folly he lost all his sons and his wealth. In despair he returned to the hamlet of the cow-herds and begging their forgiveness for his pride and casteconsciousness he asked them to help him to perform the Vrata. They happily did so and as a result of the grace of the Lord all his former sons and prosperity was restored to him, and after death he attained to the Satya-loka. The observing of this fast and offering puja regularly is the surest way for a person to attain all his desires. It will procure all virtues and pleasures when done with devotion. The poor will attain wealth and the captive receives his freedom. The frightened are rid of their fears and undoubtedly reach heaven after death. The great wise brahmin of Kashi called Shatananada I first told you about, was reborn as Sudama and had close association of Sri Krishna and was liberated from worldly existence.


The wood-cutter was reborn as Nishada Raja and had association of Sri Rama-chandra and thus was also liberated. The King Ulkhamukh was reincarnated as King Dasharatha and had the great fortune of having the Lord as Ramacandra take birth in his house. The righteous merchant Sadhu reincarnated as the King Moradhvaja who for the sake of giving charity had himself cut in half, and thus attained liberation. The King Tungadhvaja became Svayambhuva Manu who give the Sacred Laws to mankind and thus attained liberation after propagating and blessing the earth with the Sanatana Dharma.
Iti sri skanda purane reva khanda Sri Satya Narayana Vrata Kathym sra pancamo adhyaya ||

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