1st Grade Standards
1st Grade Standards
1st Grade Standards
6.0 English _____ I can recognize complete and incomplete sentences. _____ I can recognize the naming and action parts of a sentence. _____ I put words in the correct order. _____ I use capital letters for proper nouns, beginning sentences, greetings, months, days of the week, and titles _____ I spell high-frequency words correctly. _____ I spell basic short vowel words correctly. 7.0 Listening _____ I know why listening is important. _____ I ask good questions to understand stories and ideas. _____ I can retell information shared orally by others. _____ I can follow 3 and 4-step oral instructions. 8.0 Speaking _____ I can speak in front of a group. _____ I speak clearly and appropriately. _____ I retell an experience in the correct order. _____ I can retell a story including characters, setting, beginning, middle, & end of the story
Kid and Parent Friendly Content Standards for English Language Arts and Mathematics
First Grade Mathematics Standards
1.0 Number Sense _____ I can count, read, and write numbers to 100 _____ I can compare numbers using <, >, and =. _____ I can write a number sentence. _____ I understand how addition and subtraction are related. _____ I can add and subtract numbers up to 20 using drawings or blocks for help. _____ I can count by 2s, 5s, and 10s. _____ I can tell if a number is odd or even. _____ I can show 1 more, 1 less, 10 more, and 10 less. _____ I can add 3 one digit numbers. _____ I can recognize fractions: and . _____ I can name and count coins. _____ I can make reasonable estimates. 2.0 Algebra _____ I can solve problems using the correct addition or subtraction equation. _____ I can solve addition and subtraction problems by using charts, graphs, and number sentences. 3.0 Measurement/Geometry _____ I know the geometric shapes: circle, square, rectangle, triangle, and 3 dimensional shapes. _____ I can measure objects with standard and nonstandard units. _____ I can tell time to the hour and half-hour: analog and digital. _____ I can read a calendar. _____ I can identify, describe, and group geometric shapes by the number of sides and angles.
4.0 Statistics/Data/Probability _____ I can collect and record data. _____ I can count tally marks. _____ I can read simple graphs. _____ I can recognize, describe, extend, and predict patterns. _____ I can solve problems with simple number patterns. 5.0 Mathematical Reasoning/Problem Solving/Communicating _____ I can figure out what strategy to use in solving a problem. _____ I can use manipulatives or pictures to show problems. _____ I can explain my thinking. _____ I can check my work to see if it is reasonable.
Region IV System of District and School Support 313 West Winton Ave., Hayward, CA 94544-1136 (510) 670 4170 www.bayregionssc.org