Geotechnical Engineering I CE 341
Geotechnical Engineering I CE 341
Geotechnical Engineering I CE 341
Soil Structure
Soil structure may be defined as
the geometrical and skeletal arrangement of the particles Interparticle forces that may act on them
Coarse grained soil: Cohessionless Fine grained soil: cohesive
(a) Loose Typically formed in quiet water or may result when dense deposits are disturbed (e.g., landslides)
(b) Dense
Equal Spheres
Real soil has relatively low void ratio.
All particles are of same size and Real soil has shape increased void ratio than ideal sphere arrangement.
Results during deposition of these materials: Gravitational forces < interparticle attractive forces
This configuration is often firm and strong, but unworkable during excavation, as the primary structure breaks down.
Honey-comb Structure
Found in fine sand and silt deposits In honey-comb structure,
Large void ratio Negative relative density
Type of load Static load (ordinary) Heavy load or shock loading Performance of honeycomb structure Soil structure can carry the load. Soil structure breaks down, large settlement results.
If sediment formed in freshwater, soil has an intermediate structure between dispersed and flocculent.