Geotechnical Engineering I CE 341

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Geotechnical Engineering I CE 341

What do we learn in this course?

Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering (1) Formation, Soil Composition, Type and Identification of Soils (2) Soil Structure and Fabric (1) Index (1) Properties of Soil (1) Engineering Classification of Soils (2) Compaction (3) Principles of Total and Effective Stresses (1)

What do we learn in this course?

Permeability and Seepage (4) Stress-Strain-strength Characteristics of Soils (4) Compressibility and Settlement Behaviour of Soils (4) Lateral Earth Pressure (3) Stress Distribution (2)

Structural composition of Soil

Influences engineering properties of soil, such as
Permeability Compressibility Shear strength

Structure of the Soil

It is the property that produces a response to external changes in the enviroment
Change in load Changes in the environment Change in water Change in other factors Change in temperature

Soil Structure
Soil structure may be defined as
the geometrical and skeletal arrangement of the particles Interparticle forces that may act on them

Soil structure includes

Gradation Arrangement of particles Void ratio Bonding agents Associated electrical forces
Common Soil Structures: Single grain structure CG Honeycomb structure Flocculated structure Dispersed structure FG Packet or ped

CG: Coarse grained; FG: Fine grained

Coarse grained soil: Cohessionless Fine grained soil: cohesive

Soil Structure: Coarse Grained Soil (1)

Single grain structure: Primary structure of Coarse grained soil

(a) Loose Typically formed in quiet water or may result when dense deposits are disturbed (e.g., landslides)

(b) Dense

Usually built in active water environment

Stability of individual particles depends on their mode of deposition.

Single grain Structure

In single grain structure,
Particles are in stable positions Each particle are in contact with surrounding particles Denseness of packing (void ratio) depends on
Shape and size of particles relative position of the particles

Cubic Packing, void ratio = 0.91

Pyramidal Packing, void ratio = 0.35

Single Grain Structure

In real soil,
Particle shape: not sphere Particle size: all particles are not of same size.
Real Soil
Smaller particles occupy the spaces between the larger ones. Irregular shape of particle

Equal Spheres

Real soil has relatively low void ratio.

All particles are of same size and Real soil has shape increased void ratio than ideal sphere arrangement.

Soil Structure: Coarse Grained Soil (2)

Honeycomb structure Very open structure Very fine sand and silt may assume this configuration

Results during deposition of these materials: Gravitational forces < interparticle attractive forces

The term metastable is sometimes used to describe this configuration

Because of its inherent sensitivity to even the most minor disturbance

This configuration is often firm and strong, but unworkable during excavation, as the primary structure breaks down.

Honey-comb Structure
Found in fine sand and silt deposits In honey-comb structure,
Large void ratio Negative relative density
Type of load Static load (ordinary) Heavy load or shock loading Performance of honeycomb structure Soil structure can carry the load. Soil structure breaks down, large settlement results.

Soil structure of cohesive soil

Dispersed Structure
Formed by the settling of individual particles Particle orientation: more or less parallel to each other

Soil structure of cohesive soil

Flocculent Structure Initially dispersed clay particles in water come to close to each other during random motion in suspension Then particles might tend to aggregate into visible flocs with edge-to-edge contact Particles are held together by electrostatic attraction (+vely charged edge to vely charged edge) This condition is called flocculation. Flocs become large, then they settle under force of gravity

Structure of cohesive soil

Clays with flocculent structure
Lightweight Possess high void ratio If formed in the sea, highly flocculent

If sediment formed in freshwater, soil has an intermediate structure between dispersed and flocculent.

Index and Consistency of Soil

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