Organisational Behaviour Personal Learning Paper - 2
Organisational Behaviour Personal Learning Paper - 2
Organisational Behaviour Personal Learning Paper - 2
Every factor that goes into making an organisation can be calculated and an outcome for these factors can be presented to speculate on the future of the firm. Only one Factor cannot be assessed that is the Human Capital. This is the main factor that can make an organisation grow from nothing to something big. The key difference in any organisation is people as they are the heart and brain of the organisation, so it is important that we understand them first before make any decition vital for the organisation. There are lots for a person to understand about human behaviour and how this behaviour affects the individual in the organisation. As human beings we need to keep learning, understanding and meeting people every day. Hence it is important for us to understand others behaviour and amend our own if needed. The major part of the previous secessions discussed about Motivation theory and challenges that were faced upon motivation people.
Motivation is defined as the process that initiates, guides and maintains goal-oriented behaviours. Motivation is what causes us to act, whether it is getting a glass of water to reduce thirst or reading a book to gain knowledge. It involves the biological, emotional, social and cognitive forces that activate behaviour. In everyday usage, the term motivation is frequently used to describe why a person does something. For example, you might say that a student is so motivated to get into a clinical psychology program that she spends every night studying. Various theories were discussed about motivation explaining the need for Human wants and desires. From these factors I understood that Human wants are unlimited, and these wants is what drives us to do what we do. The reason that a person gets up every day and
goes to work is in true since called motivation. It is important for an organisation to be able to understand the persons main goal and encourage him accordingly with the same so he can put in more time and effort into work and provide better results. Examples: 1. As a Child my parents in order to motivate me used to always promise me new toys only on the basis of my performance in my Examinations. They also used to warn me that if I did not do well in my Examinations I will loose many privleges that I have got. As a result of fear and hope to get something new I would study very hard for my Exams. This was how would be motivated to perform better.
2. Recently a college in my last firm had resigned. This news came as a shock to everyone as he was one of the top performers in the department and was even considered a promotion. On asking him why he wanted to leave he reasoned that the workload was too much, there was unhealthy completion and he wound mind working for a lower pay but he needed time for himself and his family . This made me realise Money is also a criteria and not the factor on which a decision can be made some people prioritise many other issues and obligation over money.
Nishkam Karma:
It is a desire less action is an action performed without any expectation of fruits or results, and the central tenet of Karma Yoga path to Liberation, which has now found place not just in business management, management studies but also in promoting better Business ethics. This form of action or duty is now not been seen in frequently in todays world. The task that we do in this form is purely driven by mind as we have no desire or goals conneted to this task. Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country." John F. Kennedy.
Examples: There was aretired military captainMr Ravi who lived in our colony.He was around 60 years old. He would every day go to the temple and help poor young children with their Education. He would explain them the varous concepts and also give them further knowledge about the subject. Upon asking him on his intrest in teaching children he said that he was just helping out the socity. He also said that when he helped these children out he feels good about himself and is able to sleep better at night.
Emotional Quotient:
Human is a social animal and emotions making a big difference in the decisions that we take. Emotions play a vital role in our day to day life. It is necessary for a manager to control these emotions and then give our decisions, as many a times decisions made in extreme emotions lead to a disaster both to the form and the person who took the decision. This Quotient in the human behaviour is one of the hardest to control as it is instinctive in nature. So its important that extra attention is paid control and change the behaviour accordingly. Example: Last year when I was working in Bangalore there was a period of time where the work really got tough. Due to high attrition rate we needed to do work for 2 people. Our manager would expect the work to be done with pin point accuracy even under these circumstances. Everybody who makes a mistake was shouted upon, and during those days even I receive a lot of her scoldings. I would be very upset and used to reach home by 2:00 Am every day. In those days when my roommate who stayed along with me used to ask about work I would be so frustrated that I would shout back at him. I even would not attend calls that came from home properly. Then I realised that the work was getting to me and affecting my life on an emotional level. I felt so bad and tried to develop a habit where I could control my emotions and not let it impact my decisions or conversations I have with people.
Form our project we learnt that everyone in the organisation plays a very important role. We should not look at the role but we should look at the effort the person takes to do his work. There is a high probability that a CEO can be affected indirectly if a sweeper in the organisation has not done his task properly. Hoping one day everyone shared the same opinion : If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed. Albert Einstein