Electrical Conductivity and The Surface Characteristics of Kaolinitic Clays and Clay-Humic Acid Complexes

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Clays and Clay Minerals, Vol. 29, No. 6, 423~,28, 1981.

N. C. LOCKHART CSIRO Institute of Earth Resources, Physical Technology Unit, 338 Blaxland Road Ryde, New South Wales, 2112, Australia Abstract--The conductivites of the Na and H ion-exchanged forms of kaolinitic clay rejects from sand-washing operations, both purified and as found naturally as a complex with soil organic matter, were examined. The two Na-clays showed linear conductivity-concentration characteristics, each having two regions with different slopes intersecting at -3.3% by weight of clay, which probably reflect a structural change from sol to gel. In the gel region, only the Na-counterions conducted, the reduction in conductivity with concentration being due to a smaller proportion of these ions in the Gouy layer and/or a decrease in their mobilities. In the sol, an additional, concentration-dependent conductivity arose from the electrophoretic motion of clusters of clay particles which gradually broke down on dilution. The two acid clays showed curved conductivity-concentration characteristics consistent with a weak acid dissociation equilibrium; the PKa values of 6.37 to 6.56 are close to those determined independently from titration with alkali. A stronger acid species detected in the titrations was not seen in the conductivity. The MOH~+/MOH/MO- model of the claysurface species and one set of the predicted concentrations of each species (see preceding paper) are consistent with the observed conductivities. The MOH2+ species probably bridged the edges and faces of clay particles so that the H atoms were identical, but became different when alkali was added. Key Words--Electrical conductivity, Electrophoresis, Humic acid, Kaolinite, Surface properties. INTRODUCTION The preceding paper (Lockhart, 1981) presented data on the potentiometric and conductometric titration of the hydrogen and sodium forms of aqueous clay rejects from a sand-washing operation, with and without the organic matter complexed to the clay. Models for the acidic species which reacted with the alkali were suggested, and predictions were made for the concentrations of each species from the end points of the titrations. The results of the p r e s e n t study of the conductivity and electrophoretic mobility are ideal for testing these models and predictions. EXPERIMENTAL quired several hours to come to equilibrium. Also, for the untreated and HCI/H202 samples in dilute dispersion, it was necessary to stir every few minutes during the measurements to prevent settling. The resistance of the cell filled with each clay dispersion was measured at 100 Hz (where it is nearly equivalent to the dc conductivity) as a function of electrode separation (d) over the concentration range 0.05 to 75 g solids/100 ml dispersion. A correction for the electrode polarization resistance (Lockhart, 1979) was made where appropriate. The corrected resistance R was converted to specific conductivity K = d/AR, where A is the area of the sample in the central electrode region of the cell, and thence to 'equivalent' conductance A = 1000 K/c (I1-1 cm 2 per unit-cell formula weight of the clay). The (electrophoretic) mobility of the clay particles was measured independently using a glass microscope slide to which two parallel strips of gold foil were attached 2 mm apart to serve as electrodes. The motion of the particles in dilute dispersion was observed at 50 to 90 magnification, and the average time over a fixed distance was found for several particles in each sample using two different electric field strengths. The microscope was focused at the electroosmotic stationary level. RESULTS AND ANALYSIS

The untreated and NaCi-, HCI/H202-, and NaCI/ H~Oz-treated samples from batch A of the clay rejects described in Lockhart (1981) were examined. The peroxide treatment removed the organic matter, whereas the salt or acid treatment provided Na or H exhangeable cations. The untreated sample from batch B was also studied. Details of the preparations are given in the preceding paper (Lockhart, 1981).

The dielectric cell and a.c. bridge used to measure the conductivity are described elsewhere (Lockhart and Snaith, 1978). The samples were prepared by successive dilution with conductivity water in the cell itself, stirring at intervals until the conductivity became nearly constant. The more concentrated samples reCopyright 9 1981, The Clay Minerals Society

Electrophoretic mobility
The particles were always repelled from the cathode and were attracted to the anode if the voltage was not 423



Clays and Clay Minerals


| LI


'~ 7

E 6 5

Acetic Acid

/. Untreated Batch B

A3 I-0 AI A2

0'.1 0 0.2 0.4 05 0.8 1-0 1.2 {unit cetts / t i t e r ) 1/2






(J.7 0:8



J~- {unit c e t t s / t i t e r ) Izz

Figure 1. Equivalent conductivity vs. clay concentration for batch A: AI = NaCI/HzO2, A2 = HC1/H202, A3 = NaC1, A4 = untreated. Note that the cation-exchange capacity (expressed as a square root of concentration) is located at 0.334 on A3 and 0.265 on AI.

Figure 2. Equivalent conductivity vs. clay concentration for the untreated sample of batch B; acetic acid is shown for comparison.

so high as to cause charge injection. Thus the clay particles in all samples possessed a net negative surface charge. The calculated mobilities are (in 10-4 cm2/v sec) 3.0 +- 0.4 for the NaCI sample, 2.5 _+ 0.4 for the NaCI/ H202 sample, 1.1 -+ 0.3 for the untreated sample, and 0.9 4- 0.3 for the HCl/HzO2 sample. The error represents one standard deviation over about ten readings in each case; it is partly due to the difficulty of measuring exactly at the stationary level. The similarity of the latter two values tends to confirm that the 'untreated' sample is naturally acid treated.

The conductivity results are summarized in Figures 1 and 2 as plots of A vs. the square root of concentration. Literature data (Maclnnes and Shedlovsky, 1932) for the common weak acid, acetic acid, are also shown in Figure 2 for comparison. The curved plots for the untreated samples from each batch resemble that for the acetic acid, indicating that the conductivity in these samples is controlled largely by a dissociation equilibrium. The organic-free sample in acid form also has a curved A vs. V~ plot. The dissociation constant K~ for a weak acid is approximately a2X, where a is the degree of dissociation ('~ 1) and X the molar concentration of the acid (strictly, the molar activity). According to the

theory of weak electrolytes (Robinson and Stokes, 1970) a is given by A/A0, where A0 is the equivalent conductance at infinite dilution; also X is equal to the clay concentration (c) for the HC1/H202 sample and about 6% of c for the two untreated samples, because the weight loss of 6-6.2% (see Lockhart, 1981) is probably synonymous with the organic acid content. Thus, Ka is proportional to A2c and hence to A X/'~, so that for weak-acid behavior, the product AV'c should be a constant. In Table 1, A values taken from Figures 1 and 2 at convenient intervals of ~ are listed along with the products AX/-c. The acetic acid data do not extend beyond ~ - 0.4, but the product A V ~ should continue to decrease as ~ rises because neglect of the activity coefficient in Ka = ~2X become serious at higher concentrations (Robinson and Stokes, 1970). This variation in AX/'E is also exected for the clays. In comparing the acetic acid data and the clay data, it is also worth noting that the conductivity of the clay particles themselves is concentration dependent because of the gradual association into edge-to-face and edge-to-edge clusters whereby the particles are eventually immobilized in a network structure. In these circumstances the approximate constancy of the AX/-c products for each of the three clays is strong evidence for the weak acid picture. The actual value of Ka may now be calculated from the averages of the AX/-c products over the range ~ = 0.15 to 0.8, knowing that A0 is the sum of the H + ion

Vol. 29, No. 6, 1981

Conductivity of kaolinite-humic acid complexes Table 1. Conductivity multiplied by the square root of the concentration. 1


Concentration X/c (unit cells/ liter)t

Conductivity A (ll x cm2/unit celt) Untreated Batch A Untreated Batch B HCI/H~O~ Batch A Acetic acid Untreated Batch A

Product A x x/c Untreated Batch B HCI/H~O2 Batch A Acetic acid

0.1 0.15 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.8 1.0

4.69 3.92 3.42 2.61 2.01 1.59 1.28 0.90 0.67

7.70 6.00 4.71 2.95 2.13 1.66 1.37 0.83 0.42

1.63 1.29 1.07 0.77 0.59 0.47 0.39 0.28 0.22

15.1 I 1.1 8.13 5.40 4.02 -----

0.469 0.558 0.684 0.783 0.804 0.795 0.768 0.720 0.670

0.77 0.90 0.942 0.885 0.852 0.830 0.822 0.664 0.42

0.163 0.194 0.214 0.231 0.236 0.235 0.234 0.224 0.220

1.51 1.65 1.64 1.62 1.61 -----

1 Data taken from Figures 1 and 2.

contribution of 332.4 1)-1 cmZ/eq (at 21.5~ in present experiments) and the clay contribution of 10.6 12-1 cm2/ eq for the untreated and 8.7 1) x cm2/eq for the HC1/ H202 samples which are calculated from the measured mobilities. Ka (x l0 T) is thus 2.77, 3.61, and 4.31 for the untreated batch A, untreated batch B, and HC1/HzOz batch A, respectively. The corresponding pKu values are 6.56, 6.44, and 6.37. These values suggest that a rather weak dissociation equilibrium (cf. acetic acid Ka = 1.75 x 10-5, pKa = 4.76) controls the conductivity of the acid clays whether or not organic material is complexed to the clay. James and Parks (1981) used surface ionization constants in modeling colloidal dispersions in general. The two Na-clay samples with and without the organic material present have linear A vs. V~ plots, each comprising two regions with different slopes. Linear behavior is typical of strong electrolyte systems, with the value of A at V'-c = 0 (i.e., A0) representing the sum of the equivalent conductivities of the contributing ions, while the concentration dependence of A reflects increasing ionic interactions that can be described in terms of activity coefficients (Robinson and Stokes, 1970). It is reasonable to suppose the linear components in Figure 1 represent the sol and gel regions of the clays, with the point of intersection being the minimum concentration of particles required to set up a continuous network structure. The decline in conductivity with concentration in the gel region, where only the Na counterions are mobile, must reflect a gradual reduction in this mobility and/or a steady decrease in the proportion of Na ions in the diffuse Gouy part of the double layer. In the sol region there is an additional contribution from the clay particles themselves, which must also be concentration dependent due to variation in the number and size (and hence the mobility) of edge-toface and edge-to-edge associated clusters of particles. It is interesting that the gel region of the NaCI sample extrapolates to A = 0 at a V~ value equivalent to 100% clay solids. Another empirical observation is that the

conductivity difference between the NaC1 and NaCI/ H202 samples is constant at 1.1 12-1 cmZ/unit cell up to = 0.4, which is about 7.8% by weight of clay. This difference could represent the contribution from the e x t r a cation-exchange capacity associated with the organic matter. MODEL TESTING In the accompanying paper dealing with conductometric and potentiometric titrations, models for the surface chemical species behaving as stronger and weaker acids in the various clay samples were proposed, and predictions were made of the concentrations of each species from the end points of the titrations. The present conductivity results provide independent tests of these models and predictions. The pK a values of 6.37-6.56 from the curved A vs. plots are remarkably close to the 6.48-6.85 range obtained quite independently for the weaker acid reaction in the titrations. There is no evidence from the conductivity results for the stronger acid species (pKa 4-5) revealed in the titrations. The two species must have been basically the same, but became distinguishable when alkali was added to the clays. The model MOH2+/MOH/MO - (where M = AI and/or Fe) proposed in the accompanying paper allows 'bound' MOH2 + to behave similarly to MOH groups, whereas 'free' MOH2 (exchanged with Na from the alkali) can release a 'stronger acid' proton to react with the alkali. More specifically, two clay particles could associate via MOH2 bridges as, for example,

in an edge-to-face structure [edge MO:~" + ~':face-]

" , n S,

where the H atoms are clearly identical, but on alkali addition the particles disperse [edge MOH + H face-], making the H atoms different. A more quantitative assessment requires that the predicted concentrations of each species in Table 2 of



Clays and Clay Minerals

Table 2. Conductivities (f~-i cm2/unit cell) calculated from the predicted concentrations (meq/100 g) of each species. 1
NaC1/H~O2 Cone? Calc. ,ko Conc. ~ HCI/HzOz Calc. ~,o Cone ." NaCI Calc. ho Cone." Untreated Calc. ~,o


0 0.61 2.65 1.38 $ 1.17 Sol Gel 2.65 ~ 3.26 0.78

0 1.65 1.65 1.65 ~ 0

0 0.61 2,83 0.07 ~ 0 Sol 2.90 $ 3.44

0 1.65 19.0 19.0 ~ 17.35

0 0.61 4.55 2.84 $ 2.59 Sol 7,39 $ 7.75 3.17 Gel 4.55 ~ 5. I6 2.22


0 0.61 6.87 0.22 0.13 Sol 7.09 ,~ 7.61

Na + or MOHz+ Clay

11.05 11.05 ~ 9.4

4.0 4.0 ~ 2.35

Ao calculated Ao observed

4.03 ~, 4.43 2.14

1 Procedure described in text. A0 is the sum of the ho values.

Lockhart (1981) be consistent with the conductivities in Figure 1 of the present paper. It is understood that the values in meq/100 g clay listed in Table 2 of the preceding paper for the NaC1/H202 and HCI/H202 samples also apply to the NaC1 and untreated samples, with (for batch A) an additional 7.95 meq/100 g of MON a + weaker acid sites in the NaCI sample and an extra 2.35 meq/100 g of clay-MOH2 + stronger acid sites in the untreated sample. The overall charge on the clay particles is the algebraic sum of the + and - sites in each case. The predicted net charge is strongly positive (14.0 and 11.65 meq/100 g) for the HC1/H202 and untreated samples when the one-step weaker acid situation is considered. The negative electrophoretic mobilities actually observed in the present study clearly eliminate this alternative. Even for the two-step weaker acid reaction, the p r e d i c t e d net charge is positive for MOH2+C1 - > 1.65 meq, so that detailed comparisons which follow are restricted to the range 1.65 ~ 0 meq/ t00 g. Table 2 summarizes the concentrations in meq/100 g clay of the species concerned for the four samples of batch A. The ion conductivites h0 at infinite dilution for the present temperature of 21.5~ are (Robinson and Stokes, 1970) H + = 332.4; Na + = 46.4; CI- = 71.2; clay = 28.9, 24.1, 10.6, and 8.7 for NaCI, NaCI/HzO2, untreated, and HC1/H202 samples respectively, as obtained from the electrophoretic mobilities. The units of h0 are f~-~ cm2/eq. Since the unit-cell formula weight of kaolinite is 516, the concentrations are first multiplied by 5.16 to obtain meq/unit cell of clay, and then by the appropriate ko values to get ~ ~ cm2/unit cell. This allows direct comparison with the experimental A values in these units in Figures 1 and 2. The total predicted Ao is the sum of the CI-, Na + or H +, and clay- values for

the sol, with the clay contribution being excluded from the gel totals. For the HCI/H~O2 and untreated samples the predicted values are close to the observed A values for the most dilute dispersions that were measured (the experimental A0 itself is not available from the curved plots). In addition, the contribution of the clay to the total conductivity is predicted to be small, which explains why the weak acid type of dissociation equilibrium is adequate to explain the near constancy of the AX/-~ products in Table 1. The predicted A0 for the untreated sample from batch B (not shown in Table 2) is 13.0 fl -~ cm2/unit cell, which also compares well with the observed values at the lowest concentrations in Figure 2. The predicted contribution of the clay to the conductivity of the NaCI and NaC1/H202 samples is, on the other hand, quite significant, and is also in accord with the observed results. The concentration dependence of the conductivity should indeed have quite different origins than in the two acid clays. The predicted A0 values for the NaCI clay are nearly twice those for the NaC1/H20~ clay, approximately reflecting the relative values actually observed. The ratio of 2-3 between the predicted and observed values for both the sol and gel regions of the two samples is also reasonable. This follows from the theoretical (Van Olphen, t977) and experimental (Lockhart, 1980) observations that between two-fifths and two-thirds of the Na counterions are located in the Gouy layer and are able to contribute to the conductivity, whereas the remaining counterions bound in the Stern layer contribute only to the permitivity. Therefore, the model and one set of predictions based on the end points of potentiometric and conductometric titrations are also quantitatively in agreement

Vol. 29, No. 6, 1981

Conductivity of kaolinite-humic acid complexes


with the c o n d u c t i v i t y results for the o r g a n i c - c o m p l e x e d and organic-free clays, in both the acid form and the sodium form. REFERENCES James, R. O. and Parks, G. A. (1981) Characterisation of aqueous colloids by their electrical double layer and intrinsic surface chemical properties: Surface Colloid Sci. (in press). Lockhart, N. C. (1979) Calibration of the reactive properties of resistors: J. Phys. E: Scient. lnstrum. 12, 433--435. Lockhart, N. C. (1980) Electrical properties and the surface characteristics and structure of clays. Part I--Swelling clays, Part II--Kaolinite, a non-swelling clay: J. Colloid Interface Sci. 74, 509-519, 520-529.

Lockhart, N. C. (1981) Surface characteristics of kaolinitic clays and clay-humic acid complexes by potentiometric and conductometric titrations: Clays & Clay Minerals 29, 413--422. Lockhart, N. C. and Snaith, J. W. (1978) Apparatus for dielectric measurements on fluids and dispersions: J. Phys. E: Scient. lnstrum. 11, 1011-1014. Maclnnes, D. A. and Shedlovsky, T. (1932) The determination of the ionization constant of acetic acid at 25~ from conductance measurements: J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 54, 1429-1438. Robinson, R. A. and Stokes, R. H. (1970) Etectroyte Solutions: Butterworths, London, 571 pp. Van Olphen, H. (1977) An Introduction to Clay Colloid Chemistry: Wiley-Interscience, New York, 318 pp.

(Received 14 July 1980; accepted 3 March 1981)

Pe31oMe----I/Iccfle,~oBa3"IHCb HpOBOJIHMOCTH Na rl H KaTHOHOOrMeHHblX ~OpM Kao2IHHHTOBbiX FJIHH, OTrpaCblBaeMblX noc.rle npot~ecca rlpOMblBaHH~l HeCKOB, B ~IByX COCTOflHH,qX: qHCTOM H eCTeCTBeHHOM C HpncyTCTBHeM rloqaealtoro oprax~qecKoro MaTepua3~a. ~Be Na-r31nrihl noKa3a.an ~Rne~Hble xapaKTepHCTitKI! IIpOBO~IHMOCTb-KOHIleHTpalIIt~I, KOTOpble aMeJm /Iae or.rlacTn c pa3HblMlt rlaKJiOl-laMl,l, uepeceKamItmMHCa npn --3,3% aeca r.qHnhl, qTo, BepOs yKa3bmaeT na nepeMeny CTpyKTypbI H3 3031a B reflb. B 06~acTn re3Lq TOflbKO Na-npOTltaOl, lOHbl npono~aaa, n yMenbmeune npOBO,II14MOCTH C KOnt~enTpaRnefi 6hl~O pe3y~bTaTOM MeHbtuefi nponoptlnn aTaX aouon B c~oe Fyn n/a~n yMenbmenua Hx MO6HJ1bHOCTH. B 3o.rle ~oraaoqnaR flpOBO/It4MOCTb,3aaRcnMaJ~ OT KonaettTpatmrl, 6bt~a peay~hTaTOM 3JleKTpOqbope3tIOfi IIO~BtDKHOCTMBronJleHl4~ FflHHHCTblXqacTmll, KOTOpble nocTellemto pa36aa.rlRytttcb. ~Be Kitc.rlOTHbIe rJInHbl noKa3a.rn4 n3ornyTble xapaKTepI4CTltrn npoaoJ11tMOCTb-KOnRenTpaaUl;l,corJlacoBanHble C paBHOBeCHeM BBccoLutaRlttt cylarofi KHCJIOTbl. BeJlnqHHbl pK a OT 6,37 J~O 6,56 621H3KH BeflHtlHUaM, fiOflyqeHHbIM He3aBItCHMO IIyTeM THTpOBaHIt~I IRe.tlOqaMH. 13o~ee cn.rlbHble KI4C3IOTHble BeHIeCTBa, orHapyxenHble nyTeM TnTpOBaHitg, HarJIIO/la2tHCh BO BpeM$1 npot~ecca npOBO~I, IMOCTH. Mo/leab MOH2+/MOH/MO - aetttecTB ua noBepXHOCTn r~nnbl, a TaKxe oglna CI4CTeMa npeJlcKa3annofi KOnRenTpal~nll /UI~I Kakv.J1oro BelHeCTBa (CMOTpH npeJ~blJ1ylHylo CTaTblO) naxoJlyITCfl B coFJlacim c HafdlIOJlaeMblMit HpOBO/114MOCT~MIt. BelRecTBa MOH2+, BepO~tTnO, orpa3oBadlH MOCTHKHMe~Z,qyKpa~tMH n rpan~lMrl r~mnncTblX qacTmL Tat( qTo aTOMbl H 6hbqn TO>I~eCTBennble, no CTaItOBH~IIlCb pa3nblMI4 nocae ao6aaaeaaa mraoqn. [E.C.I Resiimee---Es wurden die Leitf'fihigkeiten von Na +- und H+-ausgetauschten Formen von Kaolinit-Tonen untersucht, die Abfallprodukte aus den Sandwaschvorg~mgen sind. Diese Proben wurden sowohl in gereinigter Form als auch in natiirlicher Form---als Komplexe mit organischem Bodenmaterial--untersucht. Die beiden Na-Tone zeigten lineare Leitf'fihigkeit vs. Konzentration-Abh~ingigkeiten, wobei jeder zwei Bereiche mit verschiedenen Anstiegen hat, die sich bei etwa 3,3 Gew.-% Ton kreuzen, was wahrscheinlich einen strukturellen Obergang vom Sol zum Gel widerspiegelt. Im Gelbereich leiteten nur die Na-Gegenionen, wobei die Verringerung der Leitf'fihigkeit mit der Konzentration auf einen kleineren Anteil dieser lonen in den Gouy-Schichten und/oder auf eine Abnahme ihrer Beweglichkeit zuriickgeht. Im Solbereich entwickelte sich eine zus~itzliche, Konzentrations-abh~ingige Leitf'fihigkeit aus der elektrophoretischen Bewegung von Aggregaten von Tonteilchen, die mit der Verdfinnung allm/ihlich zusammenbrach. Die beiden sauren Tone zeigten nichtlineare Leitf'fihigkeitskonzentrationsabh/ingigkeiten,was auf das Dissoziationsgleichgewicht einer schwachen S/iure hinweist; die pKa-Werte yon 6,37 bis 6,56 liegen nahe bei den Werten, die unabh~ingig davon aus Titrationen mit Alkalien erhalten wurden. Eine starker saure Spezies, die bei der Titration gefunden wurde, wurde bei der Leitfiihigkeit nicht beobachtet. Das MOH~+/MOH/ MO--Modell fiir die Arten der Tonoberfl~iche und die vorhergesagten Konzentrationen fiir jede Spezies (siehe vorhergehende Publikation) stimmen mit den beobachteten Leitfiihigkeiten iiberein. Die MOHz +Spezies iiberbriickten wahrscheinlich die Kanten und FIS.chen der Tonteilchen derart, dab die Wasserstoffatome strukturell gleichartig wurden sich abet trotzdem beim Zusatz von Alkalien unterschiedlich verhielten. [U.W.]



Clays and Clay Minerals

R6sum6--On a examin6 les conductivit6s de formes 6chang6es aux ions Na et H de rebuts d'argiles kaolinitiques d'op6rations de lavage de sable, formes purifi6es et aussi formes trouv6es naturellement en tant que complexes avec de la matibre de sol organique. Les deux argiles-Na ont montr6 des caract6ristiques de conductivit6-concentration lin6aires, chacune ayant deux r6gions avec des inclinaisons diff6rentes, ayant une intersection 5. 3,3% par poids d'argile, ce qui r6fl/~te probablement un changement structural de sol 5. gel. Dans la r6gion de gel, seuls les contre-ions Na 6talent conductifs, la r6duction de la conductivit6 proportionelle 5. l'augmentation de la concentration 6tant due 5. la moindre proportions de ces ions dans la couche Gouy, et/ou 5. une diminution de leurs mobilit6s. Dans le sol, une conductivit6 additionelle, d6pendante de la concentration, est survenue de la motion 61ectrophor6tique de grappes de particules d'argile, qui s'effondrent progressivement 5. la dilution. Les deux argiles acides ont montr6 des caract6ristiques de conductivit6-concentration courb6es compatibles 5. un 6quilibre de dissociation d'acide faible; les valeurs pKa de 6,37 5. 6,56 sont proches de celles d6termin6es de mani~re ind6pendante de titration d'alkalins. Une esp~ce d'acide plus fort d6tect6e dans les titrations n'a pas 6t6 trouv6e dans la conductivit6. Le module MOHz+/MOH/MO - de l'esp~ce de la surface de l'argile et une s6rie des concentrations pr6dites de chaque esp~ce (voir article pr6c6dent) sont compatibles aux conductivit6s observ6es. L'esp~ce MOH2 + a probablement travers6 les bords et les faces des particules d'argiles de sorte que les atomes H 6taient identiques, mais devenaient diff6rents quand un alkalin 6tait ajout6. [D.J.]

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