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Your Victory is in


of Dr. Thompson


from the

ith the eyes of our understanding being enlightened, we can take an endeavoring look into this New Year. God has substantially shifted us into 2012 with a power-packed, life-altering word to stand on. God has spoken: In 2012, recognize the government is upon His shoulders! Its the government of divine power in every area! Understand theres nothing greater than Him, and absolutely nothing can hinder what He has set out to do for you. Hold this in your consciousness: Every problem has a solution; every question has an answer; every fight has a winner. You are that winner, and that solution and answer belongs to you! This is no fairy tale. This is no unreachable dream. We are designed to be blessed. Its not what we can do, but its about what He has already done. Say this aloud: This year is a year of dominion for me! I will not be dominated, but I will dominate! Know that your original inheritance of authority and dominion has been given back to you! In Jesus Christ and Him crucified, we have been redeemed to dominate! When you know this, you will become violent in your exercise of dominion, and by force, begin to claim, confess, and call things that are not as though they were. God has brought 7 seals of dominion to our attention for the year of 2012: power, riches, wisdom, strength, honor, glory, and blessings. You can go anywhere you want with these seals on your life. You cant be poor anymore! Cant be weak anymore! Cant be dishonored or laughed at by this world anymore! Theres nothing that can come in your life that you wont have insight on! 2012 WILL BE THE BEST YEAR YOU EVER HAD! We are going to dominate in our bodies, in our families, in our finances, and in our homes! God has spoken: Get ready to receive like never before!...Unusual blessings!... All blessings will be unlocked this year!! If you are reading this, its by no mistake. This word is for you! This year you shall have manifestation and demonstration like never before! This year youre going to take your words and create like never before! This year you will do exploits! This year you will see signs and wonders because you will be wearing those 7 seals of dominion. Permit the Holy Spirit to release this in your life as you recognize that the government is on His shoulders. BE BLESSED!




Your Victory is in the CROSS

Dr. Leroy Thompson, Sr.



The Dynamic Laws of Money Cometh

Thinking and Speaking the Truth You Know Dr. Leroy Thompson, Sr.

Publisher Dr. Leroy Thompson, Sr. Editor Mrs. Carolyn Thompson Editorial Staff Leroy Thompson, Jr. Shauna Jackson D. Montrell Thompson Darnell Thompson Shantel Thompson Graphic Designer Jeremiah D. Phillips


Money Cometh
6 Words That Can Change Your Life Dr. Leroy Thompson, Sr.

9 10 23 24

Spotlight LTMA - Whats Going On? Testimonies: Gods Goodness Partnership: Reaching the World

The Ever Increasing Word magazine is published bimonthly by Ever Increasing Word Ministries Word of Life Christian Center, Inc. PO Box 7 Darrow, Louisiana 70725. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission is prohibited. The Ever Increasing Word logo is trademark of Ever Increasing Word Ministries. The Ever Increasing Word publication has no subscription or newsstand price in the United States and is supported by contributions from EIWM Partners and Friends worldwide.

Dr. Leroy Thompson, Sr.

Pastor of Word of Life Christian Center


s people of God, beyond tradition, beyond religion, beyond the doctrines of men, and beyond denominations, we must know how to live a life that is worth living. We must know all that God has done for us and how to apply it to our lives. In the Church, we have not really known full victory. We get partial victory, but Jesus didnt pay for partial victory. He paid for full victory. There is a place in God through revelation, your faith, understanding the Spirit of God, and what God has done for you through Christ, that no matter what challenge, opposition, or what position you find yourself in, you still can have 100% victory in your life. It doesnt matter what youre going through, even when it seems like youre losing, through Christ, God has provided for you to have 100% victory all the time. God created you to walk in victory. You were designed to win, but with these modern teachings and varying philosophies, many have moved on to what they think are greater and deeper revelations, but there is nothing greater than or deeper than Jesus Christ and Him crucified. The Apostle Paul said in 1st Corinthians 2:2, For I determined not to know anything among you, except Jesus Christ, and Him crucified. He explained why earlier, in 1st Corinthians 1:17-18, saying For Christ sent me not to baptize but to preach the Gospel: not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect. For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God. There are many substitutes that have been established in the Church in the place of the cross and its power, but a word without the cross is ineffective. Whether it be confession, meditation, fasting, prayer, praise, or worship, all are ineffective without the cross. If men are preaching another Gospel (of which there is no other Gospel) other than Jesus Christ and Him crucified, the cross of Christ is made of none effect. Over 90% of the Church is living in defeat because they dont know this power. We try to apply our faith to a multitude of things without having Christ and His cross as our cornerstone. The shed blood of Jesus and the work He completed on the cross are the only guarantees for 100% victory in life. There is nothing in the world, not philosophy, not psychology, not the new age, nor any religion that can promise you 100%

victory in your life. Only Jesus Christ and the work that He finished on the cross can guarantee you complete victory in your life. Wouldnt it be wonderful to live a life of 100% victory? You can do it, but only by the cross of Christ. Galatians 6:1215 says, 12 As many as desire to make a fair show in the flesh, they constrain you to be circumcised; only lest they should suffer persecution for the cross of Christ.13 For neither they themselves who are circumcised keep the law; but desire to have you circumcised, that they may glory in your flesh. 14 But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world.15 For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision, but a new creature. Circumcision here can take the place ofeverythingyoure doing trying to make yourself a good Christian. God forbids any substitution for His Son, but in the Church as a whole, we have taken confession and put it in the place of Jesus. We have taken communion and put it in the place of Christ crucified. We have taken what church we go to, and who our pastor is and put it in the place of Jesus Christ and Him crucified. So what Paul is saying here is God forbid you put your confidence in anything else except Christ and Him crucified. God forbid that you put big-time preachers, orators, denominations, churches, communion, prayer, Bible-reading, confession, praise, worship, oranythingin the place of Jesus Christ and Him crucified. God forbid it! If you dont watch yourself, your self is going to try to help you in your spiritual journey. Most Christians are doing this by trying to live by the Law, but Paul says in Galatians 2:21, I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness comes by the law, then Christ is dead in vain. What is the grace of God? Jesus Christ and Him crucified. This is a grace, not mans work or religious effort. Your focus should be on Gods grace, not your works. The grace of God says the object of your faith is the finished work of the cross; whereas, the works of human effort say the object of your faith should be your religious performance. The grace of God says your source is Jesus Christ, resulting in your victory, while, the works of human effort insist your source is self, resulting in your defeat.



If you as a Christian look to anyone or anything else for your victory other than Jesus Christ and Him crucified, you are committing spiritual adultery. Spiritual adultery is when you try to get help someway outside of what Jesus Christ has done for you. You are married to Christ, and if you run around with another mate, you are committing adultery. Many have left their first love, and thus we have suffered a lot of defeat as Christians. Weve been trying to gain victory from another source and by other means, but there is only one source of victory, Jesus Christ, and the means by which He won our victory is the cross. Let me clarify something about the cross of Christ. We are not talking about the wooden beam that He was nailed on. Were talking about what Hedidon the cross, the redemptive forces that were released on the cross. Jesus Christ was in submission to God, and His death fulfilled a commission from God. In John 10:18, in speaking of His life, Jesus said,

pastor, prophet, apostle, or ministry died for you. Jesus died for you! The Bible says, Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God, Hebrews 12:2. To properly function in faith, your faith must be exclusively placed in the finished work of what God did through Jesus Christ on the cross.

Gods Master Plan

Gods master plan was Christ on the cross. It gave men the opportunity to return to Him fully, which no force could stop, and to enter into a lifestyle of obedience to Him and to enjoy victory and success, no matter what shows up, by the mighty working of the Word, the Holy Spirit, and mans faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross. When you properly understand the power of the cross, you have a receipt for the promises of God, and your receipt is Jesus died, was buried, rose again, ascended to Heaven, was seated in glory, and is coming back again. The cross releases divine rights, and with your receipt, you can have what the Word says belongs to you.Thats where 100% victory comes from, knowing your rights in Christ and knowing how to operate in faith in the finished work of Christ on the cross. Its already done. Were talking about a finished faith. This is the divine effect of the cross. Gods prescribed order of victory is Jesus Christ and Him crucified. When you say Jesus Christ and Him crucified, youre talking about His death, burial, resurrection, ascension, seating at the right hand of the Father, and His return as King. Galatians 2:20 says, I am crucified with Christ nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me. This means that you died with Christ, you were buried with Christ, you rose with Christ, you ascended with Christ, and you are now seated in heavenly places with Christ. Ephesians 2:6 says, And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. The cross is our birth certificate, legally identifying us with Jesus Christ and His finished work on the cross. As we develop in our identity with the cross, it transfers us over from our identity with humanity to our identity with divinity. In Philippians 3:9-12, Paul said, 9 And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith:10 That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death;11 If by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead.12 Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus. To paraphrase, Paul said: I want to be found in Christ, know what He did for me, how He did it, why He did it, and what comes from it. From now on, in like manner, during your prayer time, dont seek God for what He can do for you, seek to know Him. Paul firstly said, That I might know Him Then he proceeded in saying, and the power of His resurrection, which validates our divine rights, and thirdly he said, and the fellowship of His

No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of Myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father.
- John 10:18
The cross was not an execution or an assassination; it was a place of victory. All demonical powers have to leave when you declare the work that Jesus did for you on the cross because thats where they were defeated. Satan and all of his henchmen were defeated at the cross by Christ atoning for all sin. Colossians 2:14-15 says, Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to His cross; and having spoiled principalities and powers, He made a show of them openly, triumphing over them in it. Sin was the legal right Satan had to hold man in captivity, but, now with all sin atoned for, he has no more legal right to hold anyone in bondage. Anything youre up against, Satan does not have the legal right to hold you in that position. His legal right to defeat you has been taken away from him. You are legally delivered. This doesnt mean that Satan is not going to try to defeat you; this does not mean you wont be challenged or attacked, but dont lie down and take it! Theres no legal right in Heaven, hell, or Earth for a Christian to be defeated. What Jesus did at the cross was in the face of the entire universe. Christs triumph was complete and that means that we can walk in power and perpetual victory because of the cross. The cross is the foundation for all your victories in life. Without your faith in the cross of Jesus, His blood will have no substance in your life.Romans 1:17 says, For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith, and our faith must be anchored in the cross. Some of us have our eyes stuck on pastors, ministry, prophets and apostles; and we havent fixed our eyes on Jesus. Yes, you give them respect, but Jesus is the One that died for you. No


sufferings. Now what does that mean? Why would Paul want to know the fellowship of His sufferings? The fellowship of Christs sufferings dispels your suffering. When Christ was hanging and suffering on the cross, He was enduring it so that you would not have to suffer. When you recognize what Christ did for you, you know that you dont have to go through life suffering. Because Christ suffered, you dont have to be sick. Because Christ suffered, you dont have to be broke. Because Christ suffered, you dont have to be unhappy. You can have joy, peace, and glory because Jesus paid for it all. When you fellowship with His sufferings, it means you are fellowshipping with His victory! Christianity is based upon the cross of Jesus Christ. Is the cross effective in your life? Do you know what youre doing? Do you know what it means? Investigate your life. See if youre satisfied. Youre supposed to be winning all the time. The Holy Spirit is released to move in your life in His limitless power when

you have an understanding of the finished work of Christ on the cross and when you apply your faith there. Once you apply your faith in Jesus Christ and Him crucified, as the object of your faith, it gives the Holy Spirit latitude of movement in your life. The Holy Spirit came into the earth through redemptions process, and your faith in Christ and Him crucified turns Him loose because now youre connecting to the Source of Gods power. We need the power of the Holy Spirit manifested in our lives, and the preaching of the cross is what releases the unlimited power of God. The Holy Spirit is a holy force that cannot be denied. There is a conviction that a Christian can possess if they properly understand what happened at the cross. It is a Holy Ghost conviction that you can live in and wear. It is a confidence and a boldness, a courage and a knowing; its a position beyond religion and church attendance. Its an intimacy and an inspiring force that resides in one who knows they are unbeatable, undeniable, and unstoppable as long as they walk in the blood of Jesus Christ, and you must walk in His blood by faith. Always walk in the blood, when you leave your house, when you get in and out of your car,and as you go throughout your day.

Victory Through the Cross

Victory belongs to you through Jesus Christ and Him crucified. Spiritual victory is not a temporary victory, it is total victory. We as Christians can live right all the days of our lives if we will only follow Gods prescribed order for victory. Sure, winds are going to blow and challenges are going to come, but that doesnt matter if you know what to do. Declare that Jesus Christ is the source of all blessing, and the cross of Christ is the means by which these blessings are given. The cross of Christ is the object of our faith and is the means by which these blessings are received, and it is the Holy Spirit who superintends all of this and sees to it by His power that manifestation and demonstration come about in your life. The cross is your means for eternal life, and abundant life! It takes power to live the abundant life, and you can walk in 100% victory if you hold firmly to the power of the cross. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit honor the precious blood that Jesus shed and the finished work of His cross.All of the Old Testament Scriptures were pointing to the cross; the cross validates all of the New Testament; and the resurrection ratified Christs finished work on the cross. As the Body of Christ, we are moving beyond denominations, religion, theology, and the doctrine of men. We are going to anchor ourselves to the finished work of Christ on the cross and release the blood, our faith, and the Word of God. Before Jesus comes back, there is going to be a remnant of Gods people who know what they are doing. They will be living powerful, effective lives based on a proper understanding of the cross of Jesus Christ, knowing that Christ is the Source, the cross is the means, their faith connects them, and the Holy Spirit releases the power for them to live in total victory 100% of the time!




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CD Series: $24.00 DVD Series: $35.00

Four Message Series including message titles: Theres No Victory Outside the Cross - Parts 1, 2, 3 & Living the Whole Redemption of the Cross

[ SPOTL I G HT ] Partner Testimonies

Dr. Thompson, I am Remiah Trask, the Minister of Music at World Shakers Church International led by Pastor Jeffrey G. Phillips. This is a testimony and account of the great things that God has done in my family. My wife and I went through a very trying and tough time, but God brought us out on top! On August 14, 2011, my wife Nikyla Trask gave birth to our 3rd child Kristopher Eli Trask. Things were great the first four days after his birth. We went home as usual and were enjoying our new born son. On that Friday, August 19th, my wife had a bad headache and pain in her stomach all day so we decided to go back to the hospital. They said her blood pressure was high and they had to give her some medicine to bring it down, or she could go into seizures. The medicine brought her pressure down, but she ended up getting admitted so they could run some tests the next morning. While in admissions, her heart rate dropped to a very low rate, as low as the 30s, and they ended up putting her in ICU. Miraculously her heart rate came up by itself the next morning, and they took her to take the tests.She ended up having gallbladder stones and would need to have her gallbladder removed. She was released to go home the next day which was a Monday.That same day she was feeling uneasy all day and began to have minor panic attacks, and so we went back to the hospital. The doctors told her that she had the baby blues, and that it would go away in a few days. So we waited a couple of days, and it didnt go away.This went on for two months, and for fifty days my wife didnt sleep, nor did she eat right. The doctors tried to put her on Zoloft and other anxiety medications, but it had gone too far. She thought everything would kill her. Everyday she thought she was going to die. We went to the emergency room numerous times, and finally God sent a doctor from Tulane University who specializes in women with postpartum depression and anxiety. We went to the top psychiatrist in womens health in Louisiana. My wife was diagnosed with the worst case of this illness, of which there was only one other known case in Louisiana seven years ago.Initially we were told that this illness would last six months to a year at best but could last longer, up to two or three years; but we were reassured that she would get better.Long story short, my wife was declared healthy in the beginning of November and was released to go back to work. PRAISE GOD! I need to mention that while my wife was recovering, I got a new job on October 18th which doubled my income; but since my wife had not been working, we had fallen behind on our bills and were in jeopardy of losing one of our vehicles. Then your Money Cometh to You conference at our church World Shakers took place November 3rd through the 4th. This was the first time my wife was able to return to church, and we absorbed all the knowledge that you were pouring out, and we began to sow off the bottom. Since we have been sowing on a consistent and systematic basis God has showed out in our lives. We had been trying to figure out how we were going to get a larger vehicle as we now have 3 kids, and God blessed us with a BMW X5 truck. Someone that my wife went to high school with offered us to take over her notes and just handed over the keys. We drew up some paperwork to make it official, and when it is paid off, the title will come directly to us. In addition to that, my wife, who has been a school teacher for four years, got a new job at a school called Louisiana Connections Academy. This is a school whereshe never has to go into a class room. She teaches online, and the stress of dealing with 3rd graders all day has now been diminished. Her hours are 7am-3pm so she has a shorter day and doesnt have to fight traffic.Her pay increased, she got a $3,000.00 signing bonus when she started this job on Jan. 2, 2012, and she loves it! Her previous job was with the East Baton Rouge School system, and because of the job change, she asked about her retirement fund that she had been paying into. They basically will be cutting her a check for about $12,000.00 in a few months for her retirement to re-invest as she sees fit.Plus, they have a fund that they pay into so that they can get paid over the summer when she is not working. That will be another check for about $2,500.00. As for me, I am a web designer, and I got contacted by a credit union CEO to re-do their website. The budget for that project will be $5,000.00. He also said that once I finish his website, he will refer me to do another credit unions websites which will probably have the same budget. (This money is totally separate from the money I make at my job, but I do web design at my job also.) Earlier I mentioned that I just got a new job on October 18th. Well, on January 3rd, the owners flew in and laid off over half of the company because of some changes that are being made. They currently have two locations, one in New York and one in Baton Rouge. They decided to only have one location and move everything to New York. They laid off over half of this office and only kept the management team. They offered me to either move to New York or work from home remotely. So I didnt lose my job, and I dont have to move to New York to keep it. On top of that, I get to take my work computer home because they want me to have a fast system so that I can be more productive. It has been a dream of mine to work for a company doing what I do from home. God has given me my dream job! Also, on January 1st, my wife and I sowed our biggest seed yet and dont miss it at all! The seed can only get bigger from here. We started off sowing from the bottom, now we are sowing off the top. God is good!!! Thank you so much for teaching us the Money Cometh principles and for teaching us to live holy. This is just the beginning. We love and appreciate you, Remiah & Nikyla Trask

Lighting the Torch of Ministries Around the World

eroy Thompson Ministerial Association is an interdenominational association of ministries and ministers dedicated to lighting the torch of ministries around the world by celebrating the biblical virtues of Consecration, Sanctification and Dedication. LTMAs strength is centered on a unique concept called the Circle of Vision. There are twelve Master Vision Bearers who surround the Visionary, Dr. Leroy Thompson, Sr. These twelve will hear directly from Dr. Thompson and relay these signals to the membership at large. The Master Vision Bearers can handle the most basic issues, while the most complex issues can be referred to Dr. Thompson. LTMA is knit together by a network of teleconference calls. Each Circle of Vision holds a monthly conference call for pastoral care and networking. Additionally, LTMA holds a monthly Visionary Impartationconference call so that Dr. Thompson can address, instruct and impart into the membership on a monthly basis. LTMA facilitates the duplication of Dr. Thompsons ministerial characteristics into other like-spirited ministers in terms of wisdom, wealth and anointing. LTMA is truly lighting the torch of ministries around the world. Ministers can connect by association, in which Dr. Thompson is a mentor or by covenant in which he is a spiritual father or they may choose both. In either case a two-way relationship of giving and receiving assuresthe progress and success of the individual minister, ministry and LTMA as whole. LTMAs ultimate focus is about creating a spiritual connection above a flesh connection. The Biblical concepts of accountability, responsibility, and availability are central to what the Lord is doing through LTMA. To receive more information about LTMA, please visit www.ltmaonline.org, or call 225-473-8874.

10 EIWM | APRIL/MAY 2012



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Laws are imperative to maintain order,balance, and stability while sustaining and promoting the foundational values of a community.
In this book, The Dynamic Laws of Money Cometh, Dr. Thompson teaches you principles that will blast you out of any economic rut and catapult you into the financial destiny God has designed for you! Topics Include : Laws of Continuous Abundance How to turn your little into much! The Cure for recession 3 Characteristics of the Prosperous Giving Beyond Your Power So break away from the convictions of lack and walk freely into a life of supernatural increase.

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Thinking and Speaking the

by Dr. Leroy Thompson Sr.

You Know

A Spiritual Law of Supernatural Harvest

here is a key a spiritual law to experiencing abundance, and it first has to do with knowing the truth and then believing and obeying it. We know that in order to know the truth, you have to hear the truth. Jesus Himself said, ...Be careful what you are hearing. The measure [of thought and study] you give [to the truth you hear] will be the measure [of virtue and knowledge] that comes back to you and more [besides] will be given to you who hear (Mark 4:24 AMP). But then what happens when weve learned the truth? What do we do with what weve heard? Once we know the truth, is that the end of the matter? No, we must engage the truth weve learned by thinking, believing, and speaking it.

of the Most High God doesnt mean our thinking is automatically going to be straightened out. Thats why the Apostle Paul tells us, ...be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God (Romans 12:2). So to think correctly to think like God wants us to think takes time and effort. It doesnt happen automatically. To tell you the truth, most believers dont think correctly about money. And their wrong thinking affects their believing, or their faith, and it robs them of the blessings of God He intended them to have.

Some people educate their mind at the expense of their heart. In other words, theyre filling their mind with more and more natural knowledge, but theyre not Our thinking is a product of what we hear and see. hiding Gods Word in their heart. As a result, they think Just because weve been born again and were children like the world, not like God.



Your Mind, Your Heart, and Your Mouth

I had a traditional mindset when I came into the Kingdom of God. My mindset was that I needed a good job and good credit. But in time I discovered that my good job could only take me so far and my good credit became my enemy because it kept me broke! But when I began to have the mindset, Prosperity belongs to me as a child of God; Ill never be broke another day in my life, thats when I began to change, and my cirBut the same Word that turned the water into wine cumstances began to change. I was no longer worried (John 2:9) can turn our circumstances around too. But about sowing a financial seed into someone elses life or ministry, afraid God couldnt or wouldnt get it back were going to have to walk in faith and obedience to the Word by thinking, believing, and speaking the truth to me and bless me with more besides. if were going to experience our harvest manifestaI no longer feared the future because Gods Word tions from the Word. lit up a path before me that I could follow with confidence. And that path did not deceive me; Im a blessed Hypnotized By the World man today because I embraced Gods Word concerning prosperity. I learned the truth, and I kept it as upperJesus never spoke or acted in the realm of poverty most in my mind, my heart, and my mouth! or lack. And based on the principles we find in Scripture, I can conclude that Jesus didnt allow Himself to I like the feelings that come at times in our Chris- think along those negative lines, either. Jesus could not tian walk when we sense Gods Presence in a special, be hypnotized by worldly thinking that bases its contangible way. But feelings must never take precedence fidence only on what it can see. Jesus was not moved over your faith and belief in Gods Word. In other by appearances, and in His example, He was teaching words, no matter how you feel or what you see to the us how to live. contrary, Gods Word is still true. His Word is unchanging and immutable, and we must make the decision that If we fail to renew our mind with the Word of God, His Word will be the final authority in our lives. we will remain unchanged and untransformed. We will be hypnotized by recessions, unemployment, and a Even in the worst financial storm when you might volatile stock market. Our confidence will be in the infeel like giving in to fear, despondency, and depression, tellect of mere men and not in our covenant with God you must hold on to your faith in Gods Word. You must or a belief in His goodness. We must refuse to believe maintain the position you held when you first believed the lie of lack and, instead, diligently pursue the abunand not allow yourself to be moved from that spot. And dance God has provided for us in Christ by engaging while youre standing there in the tumult, God will ar- the truth that we know. range things on your behalf and open up a clear path that leads to victory. Speak the Word Only The Authority of

If you try to combat lack in your own strength and with your own understanding, youll fail. Youll be swallowed alive by that lie. For too long, weve dealt in the wrong realm. Weve dealt with the problem on the problems level instead of coming up higher to Gods Word. For too long, weve allowed our negative circumstances to change Gods Word in our own eyes instead of our changing the circumstances with His Word.

The Lie of Lack

Im not telling you to ignore your circumstances, such as your debt or your bills. But you have to see lack as a lie. You may be facing lack right now. Dont deny the lack, but do deny it the right to remain in your life. Deny it the right to overcome you.


One good indicator of whether youre thinking broke or thinking rich is what youre saying with your mouth. (Another indicator is what youre trying to hold on to; if youre always trying to hold on to your stuff, thats a sign that you have a broke mentality.) Words are releasers of the faith of God that brings

16 EIWM | APRIL/MAY 2012

the hand of God on the scene to effect change in your circumstances. The words we speak are so important. Our words flow out of our thoughts and beliefs and set the course of our life. I encourage you that no matter where you are in your faith, never again from this moment forward ever use the words, I cant afford it. Get those words out of your vocabulary and refuse to think that way ever again.

For I am a man under authority, having soldiers under me: and I say to this man, Go, and he goeth; and to another, Come, and he cometh; and to my servant, Do this, and he doeth it. When Jesus heard it, he marvelled, and said to them that followed, Verily I say unto you, I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel. Matthew 8:5-10

Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be Jesus commended this mans faith, and the man established unto thee: and the light shall shine wasnt even under the Abrahamic Covenant. But Jesus upon thy ways. said this man possessed great faith, so it would behoove Job 22:28 us to look at the faith of this Roman centurion. Decreeing has to do with saying, or with words. And it indicates that youre saying something in the midst of unfavorable circumstances or adversity. In other words, when things around you are shaky and tumultuous, you can decree victory by faith, and God will cause victory to be established in your life. What you decreed and declared will act as an anchor to hold your dream and your desire in place until the dust settles and God shines His light where darkness once abounded. Notice that when Jesus said, I will come and heal him, speaking of the centurions servant, the centurion answered Jesus, ...Lord, I am not worthy that thou shouldest come under my roof: but SPEAK THE WORD ONLY, and my servant shall be healed (v. 8).

Then the centurion proceeded to tell Jesus why His spoken word would do the job. He explained that as a man in authority himself, when he commanded a solider to do something, that soldier obeyed the command And God doesnt just want you to decree a thing of his superior officer. In resting on the authority of Jewhen youre in church and faith is high. This is for your sus spoken word, this centurion was making the Word everyday life for the rest of your life! This is for your of God the ultimate, final authority in the matter and life when things are going well, and its for you when Jesus called that great faith! things arent going well. When all financial hell looks like its breaking out upon you, you can stand up Make Your Words Work for You tall and declare, Money Cometh to me in abundance! When the phone rings and its a bill collector, you can e could take a lesson from this scenario. decree a thing! Your decreeing creates a door through No matter what our situation or circumwhich God can walk and turn your situation around. stance, Jesus Word the Living, Breathing, Infallible, Unchangeable, Irrefutable, Immutable And when Jesus was entered into Word of God have the ultimate authority over your Capernaum, there came unto him a life if youll give that Word its rightful place! And one centurion, beseeching him, way you do that is with your own mouth. And saying, Lord, my servant lieth at home sick of the palsy, grievously tormented. In other words, what are you saying about your life And Jesus saith unto him, I will come and right now? What do you say when your children want heal him. something and you dont have the money to get it for The centurion answered and said, Lord, them? Do you say, I cant afford it? I am not worthy that thou shouldest come under my roof: but SPEAK THE WORD Never talk about what you dont have; only speak ONLY, and my servant shall be healed. about what God has done in Christ concerning your



prosperity and about what He is doing to meet your need and to take you further and higher in the realm of finances. Do you believe that this level of living is within your reach? If you do, then speak the Word only and keep on speaking it until your circumstances rise up and become a testimony of the goodness and glory of God in your life! So often we miss God because were too busy speculating, calculating, and manipulating to sit in His Presence and allow the truth to sink deep into our heart into our thinking and our believing. Were so busy scratching and clawing for money, wearing ourselves out when, instead, we should be putting our words to work for us! You have to believe that theres more in life for you than what youre experiencing right now. And you have to believe that God is big enough to bring it to pass. In the face of lack, you must be willing to confront the ugly facts head-on by speaking to them!

For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him.... 2 Chronicles 16:9 If you find yourself in a place of lack, invoke a prosperous attitude and refuse to be hypnotized by appearances. Speak only words of abundance. Make yourself say out loud and mean it from your heart (even if you have to say it through the tears), God will bless my seed. He will increase my substance. Money Cometh to me now! I am on the verge of a money miracle! If you will refuse to let go of your faith, your manifestation will come forth and be wrought in your life.

Too many people continually think and meditate on what they see and feel. They speak only about the circumstances instead of about the unseen blessings of faith. But those blessings will remain unseen until they learn how to think, believe, and speak the truth in spite of negative appearances or circumstances. Thats faith! Its been said that faith moves the hand of God. Faith is being moved by the unseen Word of God more Faith obligates the Lord to do something out of the or- than by anything else you can connect to with your five dinary for you. I didnt say you could manipulate God physical senses. And the result of your faith in Gods with your faith; actually, He has obligated Himself Word will be a harvest of continuous abundance in the to respond to genuine faith. He will pass a thousand circumstances of your life. people in your city or town to get to your house when youre truly trusting in Him and making a demand on His power.

Thinking and Speaking the

by Dr. Leroy Thompson Sr.

You Know

A Spiritual Law of Supernatural Harvest

This article is an excerpt from Dr. Thompsons new book, The Dynamic Laws of Money Cometh.
18 EIWM | APRIL/MAY 2012




April 12 - 13
Word of Life Christian Church 1401 E. Kirby Ave Muncie, IN 47302 765-284-6269 Pastor Bryant Crumes

April 26 - 27
Spirit of Life Church International 3428 Plantation Rd. NE Roanoke, VA 24012 540-362-4900 Pastor David Forbes

May 10 - 11
Columbus Christian Center 2300 N. Cassady Ave. Columbus, OH 43219 614-416-9673 Pastor David Forbes

May 31 - June 1
Maximized Life 1100 Dell Dale St. Channelview, TX 77530 281-457-5683 Pastor Patrick Randolph www.eiwm.org
APRIL/MAY 20 12 | EIWM 19

No More Empty Hands

Power Pack

Pack includes books: No More Empty Hands Ill Never Be Broke Another Day In My Life Youre Not Broke, You Have A Seed

Price: $30.00 (899)

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od has commissioned Ever Increasing Word Give or pledge your gift today! Ministries (EIWM)to call, train, and send out qualified people from the North, South, To give online, please log onto www.eiwm.org. You East, and West as ambassadors for Christ that they may may also call us at (225) 473-8874, or mail your gift to: call sinners to salvation and teach them how to live and Ever Increasing Word Ministries share in the victorious, abundant life provided in Christ PO Box 7 Jesus. To that end, EIWM has recently acquired a new 40066 Hwy. 22 Falcon 900B, a state-of-the-art, intercontinental-range Darrow, LA 70725 aircraft that will facilitate Dr. Thompson in his travels around the world as he ministers the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Falcon 900B is designed to bring the world within our reach. It can cruise up to 500 knots and has a range of up to 4,400 nautical miles nonstop. With its trijet engine design, it is one of the most versatile and safe aircrafts of its kind, offering uncompromising quality and capability to perform and execute at peak levels while en route. We encourage you, our Covenant Partners, to share in this great blessing by sowing into the Ever Increasing Word Ministries Jet Project. It is because of your partnership that EIWMis able to take the light of the Word of God and the life of Jesus Christ to millions of people around the world! The provision of this aircraft is a promotion from the Lord, and we want you to share in the harvest! Your seed will effect exponential growth within the Kingdom of God and eternal change within the lives of countless people around the world. Thank you for your continued prayers and support for Ever Increasing Word Ministries as we move ever forward in fulfilling the call of God throughout the world.
Inside of the Weapon of Prosperity 2 Falcon 900B aircraft 22 EIWM | APRIL/MAY 2012

weapon of

World Partnership
Reaching the through
For who will hearken unto you in this matter? But as his part is that goeth down to the battle, so shall his part be that tarrieth by the stuff: they shall part alike. Samuel 30:24 As a Partner, Your Benefits are: * Regular prayer from EIWM for your individual needs * Anointed monthly letter from Dr. Thompson with inspiring words to advance your life * Monthly partner CD with a life-changing message * Effective affirmations given by the direction of the Holy Spirit will be sent to you * An Official EIWM FINANCIAL PARTNER Lapel Pin *An Official EIWM FINANCIAL PARTNER membership card that enables you to receive a 20% discount on products ordered from the ministry or purchased at one of the Money Cometh To You conferences. As a Partner, Your Commitment is to: * Pray for this ministry regularly. * Support this ministry with a monthly financial commitment. * Support Dr. Thompson in being present at meetings in your area * Constantly uplift the ministry with positive words. So, become an EIWM covenant partner. Your life will be blessed beyond measure. Moreover, If you need prayer feel free to call us at 225-473-8874 between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. (CST) Also, you may log on at www.eiwm.org -- click the partner tab and fill out the form.





Dear Dr. Thompson, A year ago, I was receiving a paycheck every two weeks, and I was struggling to pay my bills. I paid my tithes, gave offerings, and made my payments, but there was little money to put into my ministry to travel around the world. In February 2011, the Lord allowed trouble to be stirred up on my job, and He told me to resign. When I left, I saw this as an opportunity to serve Him in the ministry, but I also knew that I needed money to live. By faith, I began to travel around the world to minister. For the last ten months, I have been living without a steady income. I have been a partner of EIWM, and at the Prosperity Revival, I was inducted into LTMA. I returned home from the Prosperity Revival and a ministry trip from Argentina not knowing how I was going to pay my bills in January. I continued to give the monthly offerings. In December, the Lord gave me instructions on where the money was to pay off my mortgage, my outstanding debts, and to buy a car. I entered 2012 with all my needs met and out of debt! I thank God, and I thank you for your dedication to equip the Body of Christ to evangelize the world. T. Dickerson

Dear Dr. Thompson, What the Lord has done for my family is truly a miracle from God. My 23-yearold nephew Michael took a drug overdose on New Years Eve. He was taken to the hospital that Friday, and I heard that he was in a coma. The outcome did not look good due to the fact that he was alone in the house and no one knew how long he had been unconscious by the time his brother found him. That Sunday when I heard about it, I prayed to the Lord for a miracle, and I spoke Gods Word over Michaels life. I had not spoken to his mom, my niece Christina, in years. So, I asked my daughter to text her and ask if I had her permission to see Michael at the hospital to pray for him. She said yes, and I immediately grabbed my Bible, some oil, and the extra handkerchief I had requested from your ministry to anoint Michael as Pastor Thompson did to his congregation. When I got to the hospital, Michael was in the ICU. The doctors had told his mother that he would not make it because his heart was functioning like an 80-year-old mans heart and he had brain damage. They wanted her permission to pull the plug. It was painful to see him in the natural, but I did not look at the circumstances. I knew the Lord was able to perform and stay true to His Word. I greeted Michael and told him that I knew he could hear me. I told him that the Lord wanted to speak to him and for him to receive his healing. I read him the seven fold anointing Scriptures of healing, health, and wealth along with 1st Corinthians 1:18 and James 5:14-15. I then applied the anointed handkerchief to his

24 EIWM | APRIL/MAY 2012

gown. Well, long story short, as of January 18th, he has been taken off the respirator. He is communicating with his hands, mouthing his words, and trying to stand up. He cries whenever he sees family members, smiles, and has made so much progress. His doctors call that a miracle! Pastor Thompson, I just wanted to let you know that the tool of the handkerchief served its purpose. What a blessing and demonstration of Gods great, miracle power! During Michaels healing process, his mother and I reconciled, and, praise the Lord, she has accepted the Lord as her Savior! What a testimony! My family is very large and in need of salvation, and I know the Lord is doing a mighty work in their lives. Praise God! Pastor Thompson, thank you so much, and I appreciate you, Rev. Leroy Jr.! This year marks two years since I have been a partner, and I dont miss any of the services on the internet. Praise God! He is doing great things in my life as I apply what you have shared through the Word. Love you Pastor. M. R.

Please let Dr. Thompson know that he has been a blessing to me through his anointed word regarding finances. As a business owner and minister, God has used me for years in the realm of finances in the body of Christ through my gift of giving, but I was never properly trained in this gift because it was never taught properly. God has allowed me to connect with Dr. Thompson in the spirit and through his teaching so that I can properly function in my anointing of sowing and teach this to others. These teachings have and will allow me to grow deeper in revelation so that I can function at a higher level in my gift. It is like I have been given a new teacher that can push me into the next grade or level (promotion). Thank God for Dr. Thompson and the revelation that God has given him. Tell him to keep his hand on this plow and continue to teach this revelation on finances and stewardship. I will continue to stay connected. T. P Germantown, Maryland

Has God done anything extraordinary for you lately?

Well tell us about it!

- Dr. Leroy Thompson, Sr.

If your life has been changed by the powerful Word of God, through Dr. Leroy Thompson, Sr., we would love to hear your testimony. Please submit your praise report to EIWM, PO Box 7, Darrow, LA 70725 or you can visit our website www.eiwm.org

God; His Word; the Anointing; the Covenant; Abundance; and You!

I want to talk about six words that can change your life:

26 EIWM | APRIL/MAY 2012


by Dr. Leroy Thompson, Sr.

Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. 3 John 2

any people are attracted to the word abundance, and many Christians and preachers alike have tried to deal with that word without dealing with the other five. But if you get an understanding of how all six of these words are involved together, you will experience abundance. You will get such a revelation of abundance that it will become all that you see. Even in apparent scarcity and lack, you will see abundance. Look at Ephesians 3:20 Now unto HIM THAT IS ABLE to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us Now notice the phrase, unto Him that is able, Whos that talking about? Thats talking about GOD. God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, and it doesnt have to take Him forty days to do it for us, either! He is able now. It says, NOW unto him that is able To be able to receive from God, you have to understand Him. You have to understand that God does not get anxious about anything, because there is nothing that He cant do. He can carry out anything in your life that you permit Him to.

I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. Philippians 4:13 We know from reading Galatians 3:13 that Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the Law, and the curse of the Law is threefold: sickness and disease; poverty; and spiritual death. Since Im talking about abundance, and, in particular, financial abundance, I want to focus on the fact that you as a believer have been redeemed from poverty. In other words, in Christ, God has removed poverty and lack from you. Poverty has no business being named among Gods children. But we have to learn to walk in our inheritance in our redemptive rights in Christ. We do that through THE ANOINTING. Looking back at Philippians 4:13, we can study this verse out and discover that it is Christ the Anointed One or the anointing that strengthens or empowers us. Did you know that you have been empowered to prosper? Did you know that you have millionaire status on the inside of you- in your spirit? You have unlimited status or potential on the inside of you in the Person of the Holy Ghost. And to the degree you will learn how to operate in and enjoy your COVENANT rights, which includes prosperity. I tell you, the Holy Ghost will take you on a prosperity trip that is so enjoyable, you will not have words to describe it! In Part 2 of this article, I am going to talk about the role that you play in experiencing ABUNDANCE through God, His Word, the covenant, and the anointing. It is not someone elses understanding of God that is going to put you over in life. It is not your pastors your spouses, your mothers, your fathers, or your friends understanding of the covenant and the anointing that is going to propel you into the abundance that God wants you to have. No, it is what YOU personally know and act on that will make the difference in your life. And what a difference it will make when you begin to understand these six words: God, the Word, the covenant, the anointing, abundance, and you!

The way we understand God is through His Word. God and His Word are one, and HIS WORD is Him speaking to us personally. Now lets look at Philippians 4. I want to talk about the covenant and the anointing. And understanding of these two words will cause you to take leaps instead of steps in your walk with God.

How can I understand God better?



Are you struggling financially?

Are you frustrated and dont know how you are going to get out of this worlds rat race? Are you wondering how you are going to pay your rent or mortgage on the first? Well, you dont have to worry any more. Money Cometh to the Body of Christ will inform you of your covenant rights to financial abundance through Jesus Christ. After reading this book, you will be on your way to never being broke another day in your life!

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The Key to Financial Freedom is in the SEED!

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Dr. Leroy Thompson, Sr.

MAY 4th June 1st

Word of Life Christian Center
40066 Hwy 22 | Darrow, LA 70725

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than you think!

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The Word of Life Christian Center (WOLCC) Internet Fellowship is a gathering of people from all walks of life and geographical locations to experience the ministry of Dr. Leroy Thompson, Sr. by means of live web casting. More importantly, the WOLCC Internet Fellowship is an extension of the Word of Life Christian Center, which is the local church that Dr. Thompson pastors. With the advancement of technology, its now easier to minister the Word of God to a vast number of people that are hungry for more of God. Its very important to constantly hear and meditate the Word of God to keep your mind and spirit going in the direction that is pleasing to God. The only thing with technology is that, if its not handled properly, personal contact can be lost. One of the most important things about church is fellowship with people of like minds and spirits. No matter what people say, technology cant replace personal contact. Its not good for anyone to be on an island by themselves. Sometimes, you may be forced to be on an island by yourself because of what you believe, but there is a solution for that dilemma. The Internet Fellowship was born to deliver the personal contact we need, as humans, to grow spiritually. Dr. Thompson and his staff have developed a unique way of having personal contact despite long distances.

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