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Guidelines for preparation of Forecast and Annual Budget

All related information has been populated in the following forms:- Editable columns in these forms are indicated by GREEN, Figures computed by the system based on input are in BLUE. After any changes made in the green fields, Press "Refresh" button to view the total Forecast and Budget. Use Delete Selcted Line to delete a specific line in the HR forms: first select the line and then press the button. Monthly Rate for Forecast and Budget: It is a non-editable form. Element wise Cost to the Center (CTC) for each employee for the forecast and budget period can be viewed from this form. An employee can be found by using the FIND utility of Navision or by scrolling through the records. Proposed Contract End Date: Employees Contract may be extended or reduced as applicable. Transfer from Other Budget Code: Transfer line is necessary under HR budget lines. Approval from the concerned PI is required to transfer in employees from other budget codes. Allocation of Salary: Allocation line is necessary under HR budget lines. Approval from the concerned PI is required for allocation of employees from other budget codes. Allocation of more than 100% of salary is not allowed in any given period. Proposal for New Recruitment: Proposal for new recruitment can be made for existing HR budget line. GL Based Forecast and Budget: This form is basically divided into three parts. First two are non-editable parts: - Interdepartmental Recovery used for Preparation of applicable GL lines. Forecast for "AUGand GL summary of HR lines, which will be populated by the system.Forms The third part will be for all other Forecast and Annual Budget DEC" has been populated based on revised budget, actual expenditure plus committed expenditure and total budget (for restricted budget codes). Next year Budget is populated based on current year forecast and total budget (for restricted budget codes). These two columns can be edited subject to certain validations. Forms used for Approval of Forecast and Annual Budget Approval Process: After finalization of HR and GL forms by OM and/or FPI, PI needs to approve the Budget and Forecast.

Monthly rate for Forecast and Budget

Use these buttons for scrolling through records

Use this button to find a specific employee

Proposed Contract End Date

Enter Revised contract end date here

Press this button to view updated information

Transfer from Other Budget Code

Click the look up button to find and select the existing transfer line from the HR Budget Line. Note: To create new transfer line please inform concerned Assigned Officer.

This date cannot be before the contract end date of the employee.

Use this button to delete a line in the form Press this button to view updated information

Allocation of Salary

Click the look up button to find and select the existing allocation line from the HR Budget Line. Note: To create new allocation line, please inform concerned Assigned Officer. After selection of a new allocation line, by clicking the lookup button, press these buttons to input allocation percentage in this Budget Code for Forecast and For Budget.

Press these buttons to open the following form (A) where period of allocation and percentage of allocation in this Budget Code, can be entered for new allocations and modified for existing allocations.

(A )

(A) Allocation percentage input form

Click the Look up button to select the budget code, where allocation would be made

Enter allocation percentage, and the period. Use Tab button, while entering values in the fields.

Proposal for New Recruitment

For contract Type Fixed Pay Monthly Rate field would be editable Click the look up button to find and select the existing HR Budget Line for new recruitment. A dummy Employee Number would be generated starting with B.
Note: To create new recruitment line please write to concerned Assigned Officer.

Select a contract type from the dropdown menu

GL based Forecast and Budget:

To view Chart of Accounts, click this button

These Two fields are editable in this sub-form. Press this button to view updated information

Non-Editable. For Approval Status display only.

Approval Process.
Approval of Principal Investigator A form containing summarized Forecast and Budget under major GL groups with comparative amounts of earlier years is available for concerned PI to accord their approval.

PI would press this button to approve Budget and Forecast

Special Instruction
Forecast and Budget can only be prepared for agreement for which Grant and Budget code has been opened in Suchona. To open new grant and extend existing grants please contact ERID office. Restricted Budget Codes: Forecast and Budget should be prepared in compliance with the total budget, yearly allocation, end dates and other restrictions on line items if specified in the Donor Agreement. Unrestricted Budget Codes: Budgets may be prepared for New recruitment, Consultants, International Travel, Staff Development and Capital items. Please send the justification for inclusion of the aforesaid items to Director Finance through your Division Director. Budget should be comparable with that of earlier years. International Salary: Computation/allocation of existing staff has been made based on contract and information available with Finance and feedback received from related PIs. Please contact Controller, Budget and Costing for further clarifications. If employees are working as CSA for longer than 2 years, PI may consider and propose Fixed-term position in those cases subject to budget availability. Also, note that system does not allow more than 3 extensions for daily wagers Delegation : PIs who are acting on behalf of some other PI are requested to ensure that Delegation of Authority has been completed in Suchona.

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