Morning Worship Service 9:30 A.M. Evening Worship Service 5:30 P.M

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Being Effective For Christ

9:30 A.M.
* denotes standing


Our Priority To Praise the Lord

5:30 P.M.
* denotes standing

Welcome & Announcements...................................... Pastor Chris Post Congregational Greeting ................................ The Passing of the Peace

Gathering Songs ...................................................... Elder Ted Himebook

The Living God Summons Us .............................. Call to Worship The Living God Calls Us to Worship .................. Call to Worship We Enter Into Gods Presence
In Song* ......................O, For a Thousand Tongues to Sing, Hymn 164 In Prayer* .............................................................. Prayer of Approach

We Enter Into Gods Presence

In Song* ......................... All People That On Earth Do Dwell, Hymn 1 In Prayer* .............................................................. Prayer of Approach

God Speaks to Us
In Responsive Reading ................................................ Psalm 16, p.788

God Welcomes Us
In Scripture ............................................................... Revelation 5:1-13

We Respond in Consecration
In Prayer ......................... Prayer to Confess Sin & Assurance of Pardon In Song* ..........................I Waited For the Lord Most High, Hymn 622 In Giving ................................................................ Tithes & Offerings

We Respond in Consecration
In Prayer ......................... Prayer of Confession & Assurance of Pardon In Song* ..... We Praise You, O God, Our Redeemer, Creator, Hymn 97 In Giving .................. Benevolent Offering for Horizons International

God Feeds Us
In Scripture ...................................................................... Philemon 1-7 In Sermon ..................................... BEING EFFECTIVE FOR CHRIST

God Feeds Us
In Scripture .......................................................................... Psalm 150 In Sermon .......................... OUR PRIORITY TO PRAISE THE LORD

We Respond in Commitment ...................... Prayer of Application

In Song .......................................................... All For Jesus, Hymn 565

We Respond in Commitment ...................... Prayer of Application

In Song* ............................................ Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hymn 10 In Giving ................................................................ Tithes & Offerings In Prayer ............................................................ Congregational Prayer In Song* .................................... Fill Thou My Life, O Lord, Hymn 589

Gods & Our Communion Meal ..................... The Lords Supper

In Giving .................. Benevolent Offering for Horizons International In Song ........................................ A Parting Hymn We Sing, Hymn 431

God Blesses Us ........................................................... Benediction Now Blessed Be the Lord Our God, Hymn 11 (verse 1 only) Now blessed be the Lord our God, the God of Israel, For he alone does wondrous works in glory that excel.

God Blesses Us ............................................................Benediction

Gloria Patri, Hymn 734 Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost: As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, World without end. Amen, amen.

The Lords Day July 14, 2013

The Lords Day July 14, 2013

TODAY Welcome! Today we welcome Pastor Chris Post to the Cedar pulpit while Pastor Steve is away on vacation. Pastor Chris begins a three week series on the book of Philemon. In the morning service, we observe the Lords Supper. Wine is placed in the center & middle of the tray and grape juice on the outside ring. A benevolent offering will also be received for Heidi Carson and her work with Horizons International in both services. 11:00 AM Sunday School & Small Groups 5:30 PM Evening Service THIS WEEK Wednesday Boys Bible Study @ 7:00 PM Baker Home Thursday Girls Bible Study @ 7:00 PM Sprik Home Friday Beach Day @ 1:00 PM Holland State Park ANNOUNCEMENTS Benevolent Offering- The benevolent offering today will be received to support Heidi Carson in her work with Horizons International. A former Missionary Associate for the OPC, Heidi is a member of a sister church in our presbytery and will be joining Horizons International as an International Student Ministry intern this August. She will be working in the International Student Center in Boulder, CO, specifically working with Muslim students. Pastor away on Vacation This Week Pastor Steve and his family will be out west on vacation from Friday, July 12 through July 22. If you need pastoral care at that time, please contact an elder. On Sunday, July 14, Pastor Chris Post will preach in the morning and evening services and on Sunday July 21, Pastor Chris Post will preach in the morning service and Pastoral Intern, Micah Shin will preach in the evening.

ANNOUNCEMENTS Neighborhood Visitation - Your help is needed. Please come out Thursday, July 25, 6 - 8 PM and help canvass our neighborhood to welcome new residents to our town. People are moving into the Hudsonville/Jenison area in droves and our teams cannot keep up. Setting the goal to visit the backlog of new move-ins, the visitation teams are asking you to come out this night and give them a hand. You will meet interesting people, hear their stories and share information about Cedar Church. Meet at the school building to receive your assignment. Hikes with Pastor Steve Our next summer hike with Pastor Steve will be held Friday, July 26 at Aman Park. A 331-acre site, Aman Park has been preserved as a natural area with five easy short hikes through woods and marsh and over ridges bordering the meandering Sand Creek, which divides this park. Aman Park is located on Lake Michigan Drive approximately 6 miles east of Allendale. Bring: Comfortable walking shoes, water bottle, flashlight, bug spray. Church Picnic The annual Church Picnic is schedule for August 24, 4-7pm at the Allendale Community Park (located behind the Township Office, 6676 Lake Michigan Dr., Allendale). Come out for food, fun and fellowship. There will be activities for all ages. OPC Family Camp - There is still time to register for a wonderful time of fellowship and refreshment at our 18th annual MichiganOntario Presbytery OPC Family Camp, held August 5-9 at Camp Concordia in southwest Michigan. The cabins are full, but we do still have many excellent lots available for campers and/or tents. This year our speaker is Dr. Trueman, a gifted professor at Westminster Theological Seminary who is speaking on "Martin Luther: A Man for All Seasons." Even if you can only come up for a day or two, we do ask that everyone registers. Registration forms are available online at and will be accepted until July 30. If you have questions, call the Harvest office at 616261-0327 or email Dean/Sandra TerHaar at

The Lords Day July 14, 2013

The Lords Day July 14, 2013

COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS Back-to-School Adopters Needed - Love INC is looking for individuals and churches that are willing to adopt a child for back-to-school. Along with school supplies, many children are in need of new clothing items such as pants, t-shirts, socks, underwear and a sweatshirt. If you are interested in helping supply these items to children, please contact Karla at 616-662-3300 ext 130 for specific sizes needed and specific school supplies needed. Yarn and Fabric - are always needed to supply the many Love INC ministries that Love INC coordinates. Please drop items off at Love INC, 3300 Van Buren. Jehovah Jireh Ministries - is looking for a few good men (or women) to help once or twice a month (or more) in the following areas: Monday morning food pickup, Thursday afternoon distribution, Thursday evening - clean building, Friday evening sort & pack food. Please contact Jim at 896-1570 or Bethany Christian Services-Are you interested in international adoption or foster care? Do you take an interest in international affairs? Would you like to make a direct impact in the life of a young person who has been forced to flee his or her country because of political oppression, or violence? Become a Refugee Foster Parent with Bethany Christian Services! Call 224-7540 for more information!


The Lords Day July 14, 2013

The Lords Day July 14, 2013


Greeters Accompanist A.M. Accompanist P.M. Nursery A.M.

Nursery P.M. Nursery Sun. Sch. Wed. Nursery Fellowship Snack

Childrens Snack Church Set-Up Sun. Foreman AM Sun. Foreman PM Wed. Foreman Ushers Youth Group Meal

TODAY Van Dyke/DeWent Rachel Himebook Christina Hartwell Deb Grysen Sydney Holstege Rachel Himebook Tammy Holstege Ellie Schrier Angie Dykema N/A Carla Baker Sharon Elzinga Jane Schrier N/A Van Dyke/DeWent Tim DeWent Jon Mulder N/A Micah Shin Matt Weiss

NEXT WEEK Kooienga/Boeve Bonnie Boeve Christina Hartwell Deb Kooienga Brittany DeWent Alaina Post Carla Baker Heidi Kooienga Christina Hartwell N/A Corrie Post Rebecca Van Dyke Kelsey Stanley N/A Kooienga/Boeve Tim DeWent Jon Mulder N/A Dan Elzinga Terry Holstege

*Lost your bulletin? See archived bulletins @ *

Weekly Budget $3,251.54 YTD Budget $87,791.58

Last Weeks Offerings $3,626.11 YTD Offerings $87,342.06

The Lords Day July 14, 2013

The Lords Day July 14, 2013

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