Ts 125413v071000p Release7 RANAP
Ts 125413v071000p Release7 RANAP
Ts 125413v071000p Release7 RANAP
0 (2009-04)
Technical Specification
Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); UTRAN Iu interface Radio Access Network Application Part (RANAP) signalling (3GPP TS 25.413 version 7.10.0 Release 7)
650 Route des Lucioles F-06921 Sophia Antipolis Cedex - FRANCE Tel.: +33 4 92 94 42 00 Fax: +33 4 93 65 47 16
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No part may be reproduced except as authorized by written permission. The copyright and the foregoing restriction extend to reproduction in all media. European Telecommunications Standards Institute 2009. All rights reserved. DECT , PLUGTESTS , UMTS , TIPHON , the TIPHON logo and the ETSI logo are Trade Marks of ETSI registered for the benefit of its Members. TM 3GPP is a Trade Mark of ETSI registered for the benefit of its Members and of the 3GPP Organizational Partners. LTE is a Trade Mark of ETSI currently being registered for the benefit of its Members and of the 3GPP Organizational Partners. GSM and the GSM logo are Trade Marks registered and owned by the GSM Association.
This Technical Specification (TS) has been produced by ETSI 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP). The present document may refer to technical specifications or reports using their 3GPP identities, UMTS identities or GSM identities. These should be interpreted as being references to the corresponding ETSI deliverables. The cross reference between GSM, UMTS, 3GPP and ETSI identities can be found under http://webapp.etsi.org/key/queryform.asp.
Intellectual Property Rights ................................................................................................................................2 Foreword.............................................................................................................................................................2 Foreword...........................................................................................................................................................12 1 2 3
3.1 3.2 3.3
4.1 4.2 4.3
General ...................................................................................................................................................18
Procedure Specification Principles...................................................................................................................18 Forwards and Backwards Compatibility ..........................................................................................................19 Specification Notations ....................................................................................................................................19
5 6 7 8
8.1 8.2 8.2.1 8.2.2 8.2.3 8.2.4 8.3 8.3.1 8.3.2 8.3.3 8.4 8.4.1 8.4.2 8.4.3 8.5 8.5.1 8.5.2 8.5.3 8.6 8.6.1 8.6.2 8.6.3 8.6.4 8.6.5 8.7 8.7.1 8.7.2 8.7.3 8.7.4 8.7.5
RANAP Services....................................................................................................................................19 Services Expected from Signalling Transport........................................................................................20 Functions of RANAP .............................................................................................................................20 RANAP Procedures................................................................................................................................21
Elementary Procedures.....................................................................................................................................21 RAB Assignment..............................................................................................................................................23 General........................................................................................................................................................23 Successful Operation ..................................................................................................................................24 Successful Operation for GERAN Iu-mode ..........................................................................................29 Unsuccessful Operation ..............................................................................................................................30 Abnormal Conditions..................................................................................................................................30 RAB Release Request ......................................................................................................................................31 General........................................................................................................................................................31 Successful Operation ..................................................................................................................................31 Abnormal Conditions..................................................................................................................................31 Iu Release Request ...........................................................................................................................................32 General........................................................................................................................................................32 Successful Operation ..................................................................................................................................32 Abnormal Conditions..................................................................................................................................32 Iu Release .........................................................................................................................................................32 General........................................................................................................................................................32 Successful Operation ..................................................................................................................................33 Abnormal Conditions..................................................................................................................................33 Relocation Preparation .....................................................................................................................................34 General........................................................................................................................................................34 Successful Operation ..................................................................................................................................34 Successful Operation for GERAN Iu-mode ..........................................................................................37 Unsuccessful Operation ..............................................................................................................................37 Abnormal Conditions..................................................................................................................................37 Co-ordination of Two Iu Signalling Connections .......................................................................................38 Relocation Resource Allocation .......................................................................................................................38 General........................................................................................................................................................38 Successful Operation ..................................................................................................................................39 Successful Operation for GERAN Iu-mode ..........................................................................................43 Unsuccessful Operation ..............................................................................................................................43 Unsuccessful Operation for GERAN Iu-mode......................................................................................44 Abnormal Conditions..................................................................................................................................44 Co-ordination of Two Iu Signalling Connections .......................................................................................45
8.8 8.8.1 8.8.2 8.8.3 8.8.4 8.9 8.9.1 8.9.2 8.9.3 8.9.4 8.10 8.10.1 8.10.2 8.10.3 8.10.4 8.10.5 8.11 8.11.1 8.11.2 8.11.3 8.11.4 8.12 8.12.1 8.12.2 8.12.3 8.13 8.13.1 8.13.2 8.13.3 8.14 8.14.1 8.14.2 8.14.3 8.15 8.15.1 8.15.2 8.15.3 8.16 8.16.1 8.16.2 8.16.3 8.17 8.17.1 8.17.2 8.17.3 8.18 8.18.1 8.18.2 8.18.3 8.18.4 8.19 8.19.1 8.19.2 8.19.3 8.20 8.20.1 8.20.2 8.20.3 8.21 8.21.1
Relocation Detect .............................................................................................................................................45 General........................................................................................................................................................45 Successful Operation ..................................................................................................................................45 Abnormal Conditions..................................................................................................................................46 Co-ordination of Two Iu Signalling Connections .......................................................................................46 Relocation Complete ........................................................................................................................................46 General........................................................................................................................................................46 Successful Operation ..................................................................................................................................46 Abnormal Conditions..................................................................................................................................46 Co-ordination of Two Iu Signalling Connections .......................................................................................47 Relocation Cancel.............................................................................................................................................47 General........................................................................................................................................................47 Successful Operation ..................................................................................................................................47 Unsuccessful Operation ..............................................................................................................................48 Abnormal Conditions..................................................................................................................................48 Co-ordination of Two Iu Signalling Connections .......................................................................................48 SRNS Context Transfer....................................................................................................................................48 General........................................................................................................................................................48 Successful Operation ..................................................................................................................................48 Unsuccessful Operation ..............................................................................................................................49 Abnormal Conditions..................................................................................................................................49 SRNS Data Forwarding Initiation ....................................................................................................................49 General........................................................................................................................................................49 Successful Operation ..................................................................................................................................49 Abnormal Conditions..................................................................................................................................49 SRNS Context Forwarding from Source RNC to CN ......................................................................................49 General........................................................................................................................................................49 Successful Operation ..................................................................................................................................50 Abnormal Conditions..................................................................................................................................50 SRNS Context Forwarding to Target RNC from CN .......................................................................................50 General........................................................................................................................................................50 Successful Operation ..................................................................................................................................51 Abnormal Conditions..................................................................................................................................51 Paging...............................................................................................................................................................51 General........................................................................................................................................................51 Successful Operation ..................................................................................................................................51 Abnormal Conditions..................................................................................................................................52 Common ID......................................................................................................................................................52 General........................................................................................................................................................52 Successful Operation ..................................................................................................................................53 Abnormal Conditions..................................................................................................................................53 CN Invoke Trace ..............................................................................................................................................53 General........................................................................................................................................................53 Successful Operation ..................................................................................................................................54 Successful Operation for GERAN Iu mode ..........................................................................................54 Abnormal Conditions..................................................................................................................................55 Abnormal Conditions for GERAN Iu mode..........................................................................................55 Security Mode Control .....................................................................................................................................55 General........................................................................................................................................................55 Successful Operation ..................................................................................................................................55 Unsuccessful Operation ..............................................................................................................................56 Abnormal Conditions..................................................................................................................................57 Location Reporting Control..............................................................................................................................57 General........................................................................................................................................................57 Successful Operation ..................................................................................................................................57 Abnormal Conditions..................................................................................................................................58 Location Report................................................................................................................................................58 General........................................................................................................................................................58 Successful Operation ..................................................................................................................................58 Abnormal Conditions..................................................................................................................................60 Data Volume Report.........................................................................................................................................60 General........................................................................................................................................................60
8.21.2 8.21.3 8.21.4 8.22 8.22.1 8.22.2 8.23 8.23.1 8.23.2 8.23.3 8.24 8.25 8.25.1 8.25.2 8.25.3 8.25.4 8.26 8.26.1 8.26.2 8.26.3 8.27 8.27.1 8.27.2 8.27.3 8.28 8.28.1 8.28.2 8.28.3 8.29 8.29.1 8.29.2 8.30 8.30.1 8.30.2 8.30.3 8.31 8.31.1 8.31.2 8.31.3 8.31.4 8.32 8.32.1 8.32.2 8.32.3 8.32.4
Successful Operation ..................................................................................................................................60 Unsuccessful Operation ..............................................................................................................................61 Abnormal Conditions..................................................................................................................................61 Initial UE Message ...........................................................................................................................................61 General........................................................................................................................................................61 Successful Operation ..................................................................................................................................61 Successful Operation for GERAN Iu-mode ..........................................................................................62 Direct Transfer .................................................................................................................................................62 General........................................................................................................................................................62 Successful Operation ..................................................................................................................................63 CN Originated Direct Transfer..............................................................................................................63 UTRAN Originated Direct Transfer .....................................................................................................64 Abnormal Conditions..................................................................................................................................64 Void..................................................................................................................................................................64 Overload Control..............................................................................................................................................64 General........................................................................................................................................................64 Philosophy ..................................................................................................................................................65 Successful Operation ..................................................................................................................................65 Overload at the CN................................................................................................................................65 Overload at the UTRAN .......................................................................................................................65 Abnormal Conditions..................................................................................................................................66 Reset .................................................................................................................................................................66 General........................................................................................................................................................66 Successful Operation ..................................................................................................................................66 Reset Procedure Initiated from the CN .................................................................................................66 Reset Procedure Initiated from the UTRAN .........................................................................................67 Abnormal Conditions..................................................................................................................................67 Abnormal Condition at the CN .............................................................................................................67 Abnormal Condition at the UTRAN .....................................................................................................67 Crossing of Reset Messages..................................................................................................................67 Error Indication ................................................................................................................................................68 General........................................................................................................................................................68 Successful Operation ..................................................................................................................................68 Abnormal Conditions..................................................................................................................................68 CN Deactivate Trace ........................................................................................................................................69 General........................................................................................................................................................69 Successful Operation ..................................................................................................................................69 Successful Operation for GERAN Iu mode ..........................................................................................69 Abnormal Conditions..................................................................................................................................69 Reset Resource .................................................................................................................................................69 General........................................................................................................................................................69 Reset Resource procedure initiated from the RNC ...............................................................................69 Reset Resource procedure initiated from the CN ..................................................................................69 Successful Operation ..................................................................................................................................70 Reset Resource procedure initiated from the RNC ...............................................................................70 Reset Resource procedure initiated from the CN ..................................................................................70 RAB Modification Request ..............................................................................................................................71 General........................................................................................................................................................71 Successful Operation ..................................................................................................................................71 Abnormal Conditions..................................................................................................................................71 Location Related Data ......................................................................................................................................72 General........................................................................................................................................................72 Successful Operation ..................................................................................................................................72 Successful Operation for GERAN Iu mode ..........................................................................................72 Unsuccessful Operation ..............................................................................................................................73 Abnormal Conditions..................................................................................................................................73 Abnormal Conditions for GERAN Iu mode..........................................................................................73 Information Transfer ........................................................................................................................................73 General........................................................................................................................................................73 Successful Operation ..................................................................................................................................74 Unsuccessful Operation ..............................................................................................................................75 Abnormal Conditions..................................................................................................................................75
8.33 UE Specific Information ..................................................................................................................................75 8.33.1 General........................................................................................................................................................75 8.33.2 Successful Operation ..................................................................................................................................75 8.34 Direct Information Transfer .............................................................................................................................76 8.34.1 General........................................................................................................................................................76 8.34.2 Successful Operation ..................................................................................................................................76 Direct Information Transfer initiated from the RNC ............................................................................76 Successful Operation for GERAN Iu mode.....................................................................................76 Direct Information Transfer initiated from the CN ...............................................................................77 8.34.3 Abnormal Conditions..................................................................................................................................77 8.35 Uplink Information Exchange ..........................................................................................................................77 8.35.1 General........................................................................................................................................................77 8.35.2 Successful Operation ..................................................................................................................................78 8.35.3 Unsuccessful Operation ..............................................................................................................................79 8.35.4 Abnormal Conditions..................................................................................................................................79 8.36 MBMS Session Start ........................................................................................................................................79 8.36.1 General........................................................................................................................................................79 8.36.2 Successful Operation ..................................................................................................................................80 8.36.3 Unsuccessful Operation ..............................................................................................................................82 8.36.4 Abnormal Conditions..................................................................................................................................83 8.37 MBMS Session Update ....................................................................................................................................83 8.37.1 General........................................................................................................................................................83 8.37.2 Successful Operation ..................................................................................................................................84 8.37.3 Unsuccessful Operation ..............................................................................................................................85 8.37.4 Abnormal Conditions..................................................................................................................................85 8.38 MBMS Session Stop ........................................................................................................................................85 8.38.1 General........................................................................................................................................................85 8.38.2 Successful Operation ..................................................................................................................................86 8.38.3 Abnormal Conditions..................................................................................................................................86 8.39 MBMS UE Linking ..........................................................................................................................................86 8.39.1 General........................................................................................................................................................86 8.39.2 Successful Operation ..................................................................................................................................87 8.39.3 Unsuccessful Operation ..............................................................................................................................87 8.39.4 Abnormal Conditions..................................................................................................................................87 8.40 MBMS Registration .........................................................................................................................................88 8.40.1 General........................................................................................................................................................88 8.40.2 Successful Operation ..................................................................................................................................88 8.40.3 Unsuccessful Operation ..............................................................................................................................89 8.40.4 Abnormal Conditions..................................................................................................................................89 8.41 MBMS CN De-Registration .............................................................................................................................89 8.41.1 General........................................................................................................................................................89 8.41.2 Successful Operation ..................................................................................................................................90 8.41.3 Unsuccessful Operation ..............................................................................................................................90 8.41.4 Abnormal Conditions..................................................................................................................................90 8.42 MBMS RAB Establishment Indication ............................................................................................................91 8.42.1 General........................................................................................................................................................91 8.42.2 Successful Operation ..................................................................................................................................91 8.42.3 Abnormal Conditions..................................................................................................................................91 8.43 MBMS RAB Release .......................................................................................................................................91 8.43.1 General........................................................................................................................................................91 8.43.2 Successful Operation ..................................................................................................................................92 8.43.3 Unsuccessful Operation ..............................................................................................................................92 8.43.4 Abnormal Conditions..................................................................................................................................92
9.1 9.1.1 9.1.2
9.1.3 9.1.4 9.1.5 9.1.6 9.1.7 9.1.8 9.1.9 9.1.10 9.1.11 9.1.12 9.1.13 9.1.14 9.1.15 9.1.16 9.1.17 9.1.18 9.1.19 9.1.20 9.1.21 9.1.22 9.1.23 9.1.24 9.1.25 9.1.26 9.1.27 9.1.28 9.1.29 9.1.30 9.1.31 9.1.32 9.1.33 9.1.34 9.1.35 9.1.36 9.1.37 9.1.38 9.1.39 9.1.40 9.1.41 9.1.42 9.1.43 9.1.44 9.1.45 9.1.46 9.1.47 9.1.48 9.1.49 9.1.50 9.1.51 9.1.52 9.1.53 9.1.54 9.1.55 9.1.56 9.1.57 9.1.58 9.1.59 9.1.60 9.1.61 9.1.62 9.1.63 9.1.64
RAB ASSIGNMENT REQUEST...............................................................................................................94 RAB ASSIGNMENT RESPONSE.............................................................................................................96 RAB RELEASE REQUEST.......................................................................................................................98 IU RELEASE REQUEST...........................................................................................................................98 IU RELEASE COMMAND .......................................................................................................................99 IU RELEASE COMPLETE........................................................................................................................99 RELOCATION REQUIRED....................................................................................................................100 RELOCATION REQUEST ......................................................................................................................100 RELOCATION REQUEST ACKNOWLEDGE ......................................................................................102 RELOCATION COMMAND...................................................................................................................103 RELOCATION DETECT.........................................................................................................................104 RELOCATION COMPLETE...................................................................................................................104 RELOCATION PREPARATION FAILURE...........................................................................................104 RELOCATION FAILURE .......................................................................................................................105 RELOCATION CANCEL........................................................................................................................105 RELOCATION CANCEL ACKNOWLEDGE ........................................................................................105 SRNS CONTEXT REQUEST..................................................................................................................105 SRNS CONTEXT RESPONSE................................................................................................................106 SRNS DATA FORWARD COMMAND .................................................................................................106 FORWARD SRNS CONTEXT................................................................................................................107 PAGING ...................................................................................................................................................107 COMMON ID...........................................................................................................................................108 CN INVOKE TRACE ..............................................................................................................................108 SECURITY MODE COMMAND............................................................................................................109 SECURITY MODE COMPLETE ............................................................................................................109 SECURITY MODE REJECT ...................................................................................................................110 LOCATION REPORTING CONTROL...................................................................................................110 LOCATION REPORT..............................................................................................................................110 DATA VOLUME REPORT REQUEST ..................................................................................................111 DATA VOLUME REPORT .....................................................................................................................111 INITIAL UE MESSAGE..........................................................................................................................112 DIRECT TRANSFER...............................................................................................................................113 CN INFORMATION BROADCAST REQUEST ....................................................................................114 CN INFORMATION BROADCAST CONFIRM....................................................................................114 CN INFORMATION BROADCAST REJECT........................................................................................114 OVERLOAD ............................................................................................................................................114 RESET ......................................................................................................................................................114 RESET ACKNOWLEDGE ......................................................................................................................115 ERROR INDICATION.............................................................................................................................116 CN DEACTIVATE TRACE.....................................................................................................................116 RANAP RELOCATION INFORMATION..............................................................................................116 RESET RESOURCE ................................................................................................................................117 RESET RESOURCE ACKNOWLEDGE ................................................................................................119 RAB MODIFY REQUEST ......................................................................................................................119 LOCATION RELATED DATA REQUEST ............................................................................................120 LOCATION RELATED DATA RESPONSE ..........................................................................................120 LOCATION RELATED DATA FAILURE .............................................................................................121 INFORMATION TRANSFER INDICATION.........................................................................................121 INFORMATION TRANSFER CONFIRMATION..................................................................................121 INFORMATION TRANSFER FAILURE ...............................................................................................122 UE SPECIFIC INFORMATION INDICATION......................................................................................123 DIRECT INFORMATION TRANSFER..................................................................................................123 UPLINK INFORMATION EXCHANGE REQUEST .............................................................................124 UPLINK INFORMATION EXCHANGE RESPONSE ...........................................................................125 UPLINK INFORMATION EXCHANGE FAILURE ..............................................................................125 MBMS SESSION START........................................................................................................................126 MBMS SESSION START RESPONSE...................................................................................................126 MBMS SESSION START FAILURE......................................................................................................127 MBMS SESSION UPDATE ....................................................................................................................127 MBMS SESSION UPDATE RESPONSE................................................................................................127 MBMS SESSION UPDATE FAILURE...................................................................................................128 MBMS SESSION STOP ..........................................................................................................................128
9.1.65 MBMS SESSION STOP RESPONSE......................................................................................................128 9.1.66 MBMS UE LINKING REQUEST............................................................................................................129 9.1.67 MBMS UE LINKING RESPONSE..........................................................................................................129 9.1.68 MBMS REGISTRATION REQUEST .....................................................................................................130 9.1.69 MBMS REGISTRATION RESPONSE....................................................................................................130 9.1.70 MBMS REGISTRATION FAILURE.......................................................................................................131 9.1.71 MBMS CN DE-REGISTRATION REQUEST ........................................................................................131 9.1.72 MBMS CN DE-REGISTRATION RESPONSE ......................................................................................131 9.1.73 MBMS RAB ESTABLISHMENT INDICATION ...................................................................................132 9.1.74 MBMS RAB RELEASE REQUEST........................................................................................................132 9.1.75 MBMS RAB RELEASE...........................................................................................................................133 9.1.76 MBMS RAB RELEASE FAILURE .........................................................................................................133 9.2 Information Element Definitions....................................................................................................................133 9.2.0 General......................................................................................................................................................133 9.2.1 Radio Network Layer Related IEs ............................................................................................................133 Message Type .....................................................................................................................................133 RAB ID ...............................................................................................................................................135 RAB Parameters..................................................................................................................................135 Cause...................................................................................................................................................145 CN Domain Indicator ..........................................................................................................................154 Trace Type ..........................................................................................................................................154 Trigger ID ...........................................................................................................................................155 Trace Reference ..................................................................................................................................155 UE Identity..........................................................................................................................................156 OMC ID ..............................................................................................................................................156 Integrity Protection Information..........................................................................................................157 Encryption Information .......................................................................................................................157 Chosen Integrity Protection Algorithm ...............................................................................................157 Chosen Encryption Algorithm ............................................................................................................157 Categorisation Parameters...................................................................................................................158 Request Type.......................................................................................................................................158 Data Volume Reporting Indication .....................................................................................................158 User Plane Mode.................................................................................................................................158 UP Mode Versions ..............................................................................................................................159 Chosen UP Version .............................................................................................................................159 Paging Area ID....................................................................................................................................159 Non Searching Indication....................................................................................................................159 Relocation Type ..................................................................................................................................160 Source ID ............................................................................................................................................160 Target ID.............................................................................................................................................160 MS Classmark 2 ..................................................................................................................................161 MS Classmark 3 ..................................................................................................................................161 Source RNC to Target RNC Transparent Container ...........................................................................162 Old BSS to New BSS Information ......................................................................................................166 Target RNC to Source RNC Transparent Container ...........................................................................166 L3 Information ....................................................................................................................................167 Number of Steps..................................................................................................................................167 DL N-PDU Sequence Number ............................................................................................................167 UL N-PDU Sequence Number ............................................................................................................167 Criticality Diagnostics.........................................................................................................................168 Key Status ...........................................................................................................................................170 DRX Cycle Length Coefficient...........................................................................................................170 Iu Signalling Connection Identifier.....................................................................................................170 Global RNC-ID ...................................................................................................................................170 Extended RNC-ID...............................................................................................................................171 PDP Type Information ........................................................................................................................171 Service Handover ................................................................................................................................172 Message Structure ...............................................................................................................................172 Alternative RAB Parameter Values ....................................................................................................173 Assigned RAB Parameter Values .......................................................................................................176 Requested RAB Parameter Values......................................................................................................177 Global CN-ID......................................................................................................................................178
ETSI 9.2.2 9.2.3
Vertical Accuracy Code ......................................................................................................................179 Response Time ....................................................................................................................................179 Positioning Priority .............................................................................................................................179 Client Type..........................................................................................................................................180 New BSS to Old BSS Information ......................................................................................................180 Inter-System Information Transparent Container ...............................................................................180 Cell Load Information.........................................................................................................................180 Cell Capacity Class Value...................................................................................................................181 Load Value..........................................................................................................................................181 RT Load Value....................................................................................................................................181 NRT Load Information Value .............................................................................................................181 Source RNC PDCP context info .........................................................................................................182 Information Transfer ID ......................................................................................................................182 Provided Data......................................................................................................................................182 GERAN Classmark .............................................................................................................................182 GERAN BSC Container......................................................................................................................182 UESBI-Iu ............................................................................................................................................183 Cell Load Information Group..............................................................................................................183 Source Cell Identifier ..........................................................................................................................184 Inter-system Information Transfer Type .............................................................................................184 Information Transfer Type ..................................................................................................................185 RNC Trace Session Information .........................................................................................................185 Equipments To Be Traced...................................................................................................................185 Trace Recording Session Information.................................................................................................187 Trace Recording Session Reference....................................................................................................187 Trace Propagation Parameters.............................................................................................................187 Trace Depth.........................................................................................................................................187 List Of Interfaces To Trace .................................................................................................................188 Information Exchange ID....................................................................................................................188 Information Exchange Type................................................................................................................188 Information Request Type...................................................................................................................188 Information Requested ........................................................................................................................189 PTP RAB ID .......................................................................................................................................189 Frequency Layer Convergence Flag....................................................................................................189 Session Update ID...............................................................................................................................189 MBMS IP Multicast Address and APN Request.................................................................................190 Source BSS to Target BSS Transparent Container .............................................................................190 Target BSS to Source BSS Transparent Container .............................................................................190 Include Velocity ..................................................................................................................................190 Periodic Location Info.........................................................................................................................190 Transport Network Layer Related IEs ......................................................................................................191 Transport Layer Address.....................................................................................................................191 Iu Transport Association .....................................................................................................................191 DL GTP-PDU Sequence Number .......................................................................................................191 UL GTP-PDU Sequence Number .......................................................................................................192 NAS Related IEs.......................................................................................................................................192 Permanent NAS UE Identity ...............................................................................................................192 Temporary UE ID ...............................................................................................................................192 Paging Cause.......................................................................................................................................192 NAS Broadcast Information................................................................................................................193 NAS PDU............................................................................................................................................193 LAI ......................................................................................................................................................193 RAC ....................................................................................................................................................194 SAPI....................................................................................................................................................194 SAI ......................................................................................................................................................194 Area Identity .......................................................................................................................................195 Geographical Area ..............................................................................................................................195 Unsuccessfully Transmitted Data Volume..........................................................................................198 Data Volume Reference ......................................................................................................................198 Information Identity ............................................................................................................................198 Information Priority ............................................................................................................................199 Information Control ............................................................................................................................199
10 CN Broadcast Area .............................................................................................................................199 NAS Synchronisation Indicator ..........................................................................................................199 Location Related Data Request Type..................................................................................................199 Broadcast Assistance Data Deciphering keys .....................................................................................200 Requested GPS Assistance Data .........................................................................................................201 Last Known Service Area ...................................................................................................................201 Shared Network Information...............................................................................................................201 SNA Access Information ....................................................................................................................202 SNAC ..................................................................................................................................................203 Location Related Data Request Type Specific To GERAN Iu Mode .................................................203 Position Data .......................................................................................................................................204 Position Data Specific To GERAN Iu Mode ......................................................................................206 Accuracy Fulfilment Indicator ............................................................................................................207 RIM Transfer.......................................................................................................................................207 RIM Information .................................................................................................................................207 RIM Routing Address .........................................................................................................................207 Selected PLMN Identity......................................................................................................................208 NAS Sequence Number ......................................................................................................................208 Redirection Completed........................................................................................................................209 Redirection Indication .........................................................................................................................209 TMGI ..................................................................................................................................................209 MBMS Session Identity ......................................................................................................................210 MBMS Bearer Service Type ...............................................................................................................210 MBMS Counting Information.............................................................................................................210 MBMS Session Duration ....................................................................................................................210 MBMS Service Area ...........................................................................................................................211 RA List of Idle Mode UEs ..................................................................................................................211 Delta RA List of Idle Mode UEs.........................................................................................................212 MBMS CN De-Registration................................................................................................................213 MBMS Registration Request Type .....................................................................................................213 Requested MBMS IP Multicast Address and APN.............................................................................213 Requested Multicast Service List ........................................................................................................213 MBMS Session Repetition Number ....................................................................................................214 Time to MBMS Data Transfer ............................................................................................................214 Redirect Attempt Flag .........................................................................................................................214 Velocity Estimate ................................................................................................................................214 RAT Type ...........................................................................................................................................217 Requested GANSS Assistance Data ...................................................................................................217 9.3 Message and Information Element Abstract Syntax (with ASN.1)................................................................218 9.3.0 General......................................................................................................................................................218 9.3.1 Usage of private message mechanism for non-standard use.....................................................................218 9.3.2 Elementary Procedure Definitions ............................................................................................................218 9.3.3 PDU Definitions .......................................................................................................................................229 9.3.4 Information Element Definitions ..............................................................................................................284 9.3.5 Common Definitions.................................................................................................................................319 9.3.6 Constant Definitions .................................................................................................................................320 9.3.7 Container Definitions................................................................................................................................325 9.4 Message Transfer Syntax ...............................................................................................................................330 9.5 Timers ............................................................................................................................................................330
10.1 General ...........................................................................................................................................................331 10.2 Transfer Syntax Error.....................................................................................................................................331 10.3 Abstract Syntax Error.....................................................................................................................................332 10.3.1 General......................................................................................................................................................332 10.3.2 Criticality Information ..............................................................................................................................332 10.3.3 Presence Information ................................................................................................................................333 10.3.4 Not comprehended IE/IE group ................................................................................................................333 Procedure Code ...................................................................................................................................333 Type of Message .................................................................................................................................333 IEs other than the Procedure Code and Type of Message...................................................................333 10.3.5 Missing IE or IE group .............................................................................................................................335
IEs or IE groups received in wrong order or with too many occurrences or erroneously present ............336 Logical Error ..................................................................................................................................................336 Exceptions ......................................................................................................................................................337
11.1 11.2 11.2.1 11.2.2
Annex A (informative):
A.1 A.1.1 A.2 A.2.1 A.2.2 A.2.3 A.2.3.1 A.2.3.2 A.2.3.3 A.2.3.4 A.2.3.5 A.2.4
Rules for building RANAP messages ............................................................................................................339 Rules for RANAP messages that shall contain the CN Domain Indicator IE...........................................339 Guidelines for Usage of the Criticality Diagnostics IE ..................................................................................339 EXAMPLE MESSAGE Layout................................................................................................................339 Example on a Received EXAMPLE MESSAGE .....................................................................................340 Content of Criticality Diagnostics ............................................................................................................341 Example 1 ...........................................................................................................................................341 Example 2 ...........................................................................................................................................342 Example 3 ...........................................................................................................................................343 Example 4 ...........................................................................................................................................344 Example 5 ...........................................................................................................................................345 ASN.1 of EXAMPLE MESSAGE............................................................................................................346
Annex B (informative):
History ............................................................................................................................................................350
This Technical Specification (TS) has been produced by the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP). The contents of the present document are subject to continuing work within the TSG and may change following formal TSG approval. Should the TSG modify the contents of the present document, it will be re-released by the TSG with an identifying change of release date and an increase in version number as follows: Version x.y.z where: x the first digit: 1 presented to TSG for information; 2 presented to TSG for approval; 3 or greater indicates TSG approved document under change control. y the second digit is incremented for all changes of substance, i.e. technical enhancements, corrections, updates, etc. z the third digit is incremented when editorial only changes have been incorporated in the document.
The present document specifies the radio network layer signalling protocol called Radio Access Network Application Part (RANAP) for the Iu interface. RANAP supports the functions of Iu interface by signalling procedures defined in this document. RANAP is developed in accordance to the general principles stated in [1], [2] and [3].
References are either specific (identified by date of publication, edition number, version number, etc.) or non-specific. For a specific reference, subsequent revisions do not apply. For a non-specific reference, the latest version applies. In the case of a reference to a 3GPP document (including a GSM document), a non-specific reference implicitly refers to the latest version of that document in the same Release as the present document. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] 3GPP TR 23.930 (version.4.0.0, 2001-04): "Iu Principles". 3GPP TS 25.410: "UTRAN Iu Interface: General Aspects and Principles". 3GPP TS 25.401: "UTRAN Overall Description". 3GPP TR 25.931: "UTRAN Functions, Examples on Signalling Procedures". 3GPP TS 25.412: "UTRAN Iu interface signalling transport". 3GPP TS 25.415: "UTRAN Iu interface user plane protocols". 3GPP TS 23.107: "Quality of Service (QoS) concept and architecture". 3GPP TS 24.008: "Mobile radio interface layer 3 specification; Core network protocols; Stage 3". 3GPP TS 25.414: "UTRAN Iu interface data transport and transport signalling". 3GPP TS 25.331: Radio Resource Control (RRC) protocol specification". 3GPP TS 48.008: "Mobile Switching Centre Base Station System (MSC - BSS) interface; Layer 3 specification". GSM TS 12.08: "Subscriber and equipment trace". ITU-T Recommendation X.691 (07/2002): "Information technology - ASN.1 encoding rules: Specification of Packed Encoding Rules (PER)". ITU-T Recommendation X.680 (07/2002): "Information technology - Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1): Specification of basic notation". ITU-T Recommendation X.681 (07/2002): "Information technology - Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1): Information object specification". 3GPP TS 23.110: "UMTS Access Stratum, Services and Functions". 3GPP TS 25.323: "Packet Data Convergence Protocol (PDCP) specification". 3GPP TR 25.921: "Guidelines and principles for protocol description and error handling". 3GPP TS 23.003: "Numbering, addressing and identification". 3GPP TS 23.032: "Universal Geographical Area Description (GAD)".
The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of the present document.
[21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31] [32]
3GPP TS 23.060: "General Packet Radio Service (GPRS); Service description; Stage 2". 3GPP TS 24.080: "Mobile radio Layer 3 supplementary services specification; Formats and coding". 3GPP TS 29.108: "Application of the Radio Access Network Application Part (RANAP) on the E-interface". 3GPP TS 29.002: "Mobile Application Part (MAP) specification". GSM TS 12.20: "Base Station System (BSS) management information". 3GPP TS 23.236: "Intra-domain connection of Radio Access Network (RAN) nodes to multiple Core Network (CN) nodes". 3GPP TS 43.051: "3rd Generation Partnership Project; Technical Specification Group GSM/EDGE Radio Access Network; Overall description - Stage 2". 3GPP TS 25.305: "Stage 2 Functional Specification of Location Services (LCS) in UTRAN". 3GPP TS 43.059: "Functional stage 2 description of Location Services (LCS) in GERAN". 3GPP TS 22.071: "Location Services (LCS); Service description - Stage 1". 3GPP TR 25.994 (version.5.0.0): "Measures employed by the UMTS Radio Access Network (UTRAN) to overcome early User Equipment (UE) implementation faults". 3GPP TR 25.995 (version.5.0.0): "Measures employed by the UMTS Radio Access Network (UTRAN) to cater for legacy User Equipment (UE) which conforms to superseded versions of the RAN interface specification". 3GPP TS 23.195: "Provision of UE Specific Behaviour Information to Network Entities". 3GPP TS 49.031: "Location Services (LCS) Base Station System Application Part LCS Extension (BSSAP-LE)". 3GPP TR 21.905: "Vocabulary for 3GPP Specifications". 3GPP TS 48.018: "General Packet Radio Service (GPRS); BSS GPRS Protocol (BSSGP)". 3GPP TS 32.421: "Subscriber and equipment trace: Trace concepts and requirements". 3GPP TS 32.422: "Subscriber and equipment trace: Trace control and Configuration Management". 3GPP TS 23.251: "Network sharing - Architecture and functional description". 3GPP TS 22.146: "Multimedia Broadcast/Multicast Service; Stage 1". 3GPP TS 23.246: "Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service; Architecture and Functional Description". 3GPP TS 25.346: "Introduction of the Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service (MBMS) in the Radio Access Network (RAN); Stage 2". 3GPP TS 23.172: "Technical realization of Circuit Switched (CS) multimedia service UDI/RDI fallback and service modification; Stage 2". 3GPP TS 29.061 "Interworking between the Public Land Mobile Network (PLMN) supporting packet based services and Packet Data Networks (PDN)". 3GPP TS 44.018: "Mobile radio interface layer 3 specification; Radio Resource Control Protocol". 3GPP TS 44.060: "General Packet Radio Service (GPRS); Mobile Station (MS) - Base Station System (BSS) interface; Radio Link Control/Medium Access Control (RLC/MAC) protocol".
[33] [34] [35] [36] [37] [38] [39] [40] [41] [42] [43] [44] [45] [46]
3GPP TS 43.055: "3rd Generation Partnership Project; Technical Specification Group GSM/EDGE Radio Access Network; Dual Transfer Mode (DTM) - Stage 2".
For the purposes of the present document, the following terms and definitions below apply. Terms and definitions not defined below can be found in [35]. Cell Load-Based Inter-System Handover: This mechanism, which is contained within a UTRAN RNC, consists of three primary functions: 1. The RNC has the capability to generate and send Cell Load Information towards the target/source system. 2. The RNC has the capability to receive Cell Load Information from the target/source system, and is able to interpret this information. 3. The ability of the RNC to make a handover decision by comparing the Cell Load Information that it has received from the target system with the Cell Load Information it has about its own cells. Ciphering Alternative: defines both the Ciphering Status (started/not started) together with the Ciphering Algorithm considered altogether. Core Network operator: as defined in [39]. Default CN node: An RNC with an inactive or not implemented NAS Node Selection Function [26] has one single permanent default CN node per CN domain. It always initiates the Initial UE Message procedure towards its default CN node. If the NAS Node Selection Function is active, then no Default CN node exists. Directed retry: Directed retry is the process of assigning a User Equipment to a radio resource that does not belong to the serving RNC e.g. in situations of congestion. It is triggered by the RAB Assignment procedure and employs relocation procedures. Elementary Procedure: RANAP protocol consists of Elementary Procedures (EPs). An Elementary Procedure is a unit of interaction between the RNS and the CN. These Elementary Procedures are defined separately and are intended to be used to build up complete sequences in a flexible manner. If the independence between some EPs is restricted, it is described under the relevant EP description. Unless otherwise stated by the restrictions, the EPs may be invoked independently of each other as stand alone procedures, which can be active in parallel. Examples on using several RANAP EPs together with each other and EPs from other interfaces can be found in reference [4]. An EP consists of an initiating message and possibly a response message. Three kinds of EPs are used: Class 1: Elementary Procedures with response (success and/or failure). Class 2: Elementary Procedures without response. Class 3: Elementary Procedures with possibility of multiple responses.
For Class 1 EPs, the types of responses can be as follows: Successful: A signalling message explicitly indicates that the elementary procedure successfully completed with the receipt of the response.
Unsuccessful: A signalling message explicitly indicates that the EP failed. On time supervision expiry (i.e. absence of expected response).
One signalling message reports both successful and unsuccessful outcome for the different included requests. The response message used is the one defined for successful outcome.
Class 2 EPs are considered always successful. Class 3 EPs have one or several response messages reporting both successful, unsuccessful outcome of the requests and temporary status information about the requests. This type of EP only terminates through response(s) or EP timer expiry. Gateway Core Network: as defined in [39]. GERAN BSC in Iu mode: In the context of this specification no distinction between an UTRAN RNC and a GERAN BSC in Iu mode is made. The GERAN BSC in Iu mode will behave as a RNC unless explicitely stated (see [27]). Integrity Protection Alternative: defines both the Integrity Protection Status (started/not started) together with the Integrity Protection Algorithm considered altogether. Management Based Activation: as defined in [37]. MBMS Bearer Service: as defined in [41]. MBMS Iu signalling connection: as defined in [42]. MBMS RAB: as defined in [42]. MBMS Service Area: as defined in [41]. MBMS Service Context: as defined in [42]. MBMS Session: as defined in [42]. MBMS session start: as defined in [42]. MBMS session stop: as defined in [42]. Multicast Service: as defined in [40]. Multi-Operator Core Network: as defined in [39]. Network sharing non-supporting UE: as defined in [39]. Network sharing supporting UE: as defined in [39]. Packet System Information: as defined in [46]. PUESBINE feature: as defined in [33]. Relocation of SRNS: relocation of SRNS is a UMTS functionality used to relocate the serving RNS role from one RNS to another RNS. This UMTS functionality is realised by several elementary procedures executed in several interfaces and by several protocols and it may involve a change in the radio resources used between UTRAN and UE It is also possible to relocate the serving RNS role from: one RNS within UMTS to another relocation target external to UMTS; functionality equivalent to the serving RNS role from another relocation source external to UMTS to another RNS.
RAN Information Management: as defined in [36]. Trace Recording Session: as defined in [37]. Trace Recording Session Reference: as defined in [37]. Trace Reference: as defined in [37]. Trace Session: as defined in [37].
Serving RNC: SRNC is the RNC belonging to SRNS Serving RNS: role an RNS can take with respect to a specific connection between an UE and UTRAN. There is one serving RNS for each UE that has a connection to UTRAN. The serving RNS is in charge of the radio connection between a UE and the UTRAN. The serving RNS terminates the Iu for this UE Signalling Based Activation: as defined in [37]. Source RNC: source RNC is the RNC belonging to source RNS Source RNS: role, with respect to a specific connection between UTRAN and CN, that RNS takes when it decides to initiate a relocation of SRNS System Information in GERAN: as defined in [45]. Target RNC: target RNC is the RNC belonging to target RNS Target RNS: role an RNS gets with respect to a specific connection between UTRAN and CN when it is being a subject of a relocation of SRNS which is being made towards that RNS UE Specific Behaviour Information Iu: as defined in [33].
Applicable abbreviations can be found in [35]. For the purposes of the present document, the following abbreviations apply: AAL2 ALCAP APN AS ASN.1 ATM BSC CC CN CRNC CS DCH DL DRNC DRNS DSCH EP GANSS GERAN GPRS GSM GTP GWCN IE IMEI IMSI IPv4 IPv6 MBMS MM MOCN ATM Adaptation Layer type 2 Access Link Control Application Part Access Point Name Access Stratum Abstract Syntax Notation One Asynchronous Transfer Mode Base Station Controller Call Control Core Network Controlling RNC Circuit Switched Dedicated Channel Downlink Drift RNC Drift RNS Downlink Shared Channel Elementary Procedure Galileo and Additional Navigation Satellite Systems GSM/EDGE Radio Access Network General Packet Radio System Global System for Mobile communications GPRS Tunnelling Protocol GateWay Core Network Information Element International Mobile Equipment Identity International Mobile Subscriber Identity Internet Protocol (version 4) Internet Protocol (version 6) Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service Mobility Management Multi Operator Core Network
Mobile services Switching Center Network Assisted Cell Change Non Access Stratum NAS Node Selection Function Non-Real Time Network Protocol Data Unit Octet Stream Protocol: Internet-Hosted Octet Stream Service Packet TMSI Packet Data Convergence Protocol Packet Data Protocol Protocol Data Unit Public Land Mobile Network Point-to-Point Protocol Packet Switched Packet System Information Point To Point Provision of UE Specific Behaviour Information to Network Entities Quality of Service Radio Access Bearer Radio Access Network Application Part RAN Information Management Radio Network Controller Radio Network Subsystem Radio Resource Control Real Time Service Area Identifier Service Access Point Service Data Unit Serving GPRS Support Node System Information in GERAN Shared Network Area Shared Network Area Code Serving RNC Serving RNS Tunnel Endpoint Identifier Temporary Mobile Group Identity Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity User Equipment UMTS Encryption Algorithm UE Specific Behaviour Information - Iu UMTS Integrity Algorithm Uplink Universal Mobile Telecommunications System Uplink Shared Channel UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access Network
Procedure Specification Principles
The principle for specifying the procedure logic is to specify the functional behaviour of the RNC exactly and completely. The CN functional behaviour is left unspecified. The EPs Relocation Preparation, Reset, Reset Resource and Overload Control are exceptions from this principle. The following specification principles have been applied for the procedure text in clause 8: The procedure text discriminates between: 1) Functionality which "shall" be executed
The procedure text indicates that the receiving node "shall" perform a certain function Y under a certain condition. If the receiving node supports procedure X but cannot perform functionality Y requested in the REQUEST message of a Class 1 of Class 3 EP, the receiving node shall respond with the message used to report unsuccessful outcome for this procedure, containing an appropriate cause value. 2) Functionality which "shall, if supported" be executed The procedure text indicates that the receiving node "shall, if supported," perform a certain function Y under a certain condition. If the receiving node supports procedure X, but does not support functionality Y, the receiving node shall proceed with the execution of the EP, possibly informing the requesting node about the not supported functionality. Any required inclusion of an optional IE in a response message is explicitly indicated in the procedure text. If the procedure text does not explicitly indicate that an optional IE shall be included in a response message, the optional IE shall not be included. For requirements on including Criticality Diagnostics IE, see section 10. For examples on how to use the Criticality Diagnostics IE, see Annex A.2.
The forwards and backwards compatibility of the protocol is assured by mechanism where all current and future messages, and IEs or groups of related IEs, include ID and criticality fields that are coded in a standard format that will not be changed in the future. These parts can always be decoded regardless of the standard version.
Specification Notations
When referring to an elementary procedure in the specification the Procedure Name is written with the first letters in each word in upper case characters followed by the word "procedure", e.g. RAB Assignment procedure. When referring to a message in the specification the MESSAGE NAME is written with all letters in upper case characters followed by the word "message", e.g. RAB ASSIGNMENT REQUEST message. When referring to an information element (IE) in the specification the Information Element Name is written with the first letters in each word in upper case characters and all letters in Italic font followed by the abbreviation "IE", e.g. User Plane Mode IE. When referring to the value of an information element (IE) in the specification the "Value" is written as it is specified in subclause 9.2 enclosed by quotation marks, e.g. "Abstract Syntax Error (Reject)" or "Geographical Coordinates".
For the purposes of the present document, the following notations apply:
Value of an IE
RANAP Services
RANAP provides the signalling service between UTRAN or GERAN (in Iu mode) and CN that is required to fulfil the RANAP functions described in clause 7. RANAP services are divided into four groups. The first three are based on Service Access Points (SAP) defined in [16]: 1. General control services: They are related to the whole Iu interface instance between RNC and logical CN domain, and are accessed in CN through the General Control SAP. They utilise connectionless signalling transport provided by the Iu signalling bearer. 2. Notification services: They are related to specified UEs or all UEs in specified area, and are accessed in CN through the Notification SAP. They utilise connectionless signalling transport provided by the Iu signalling bearer. 3. Dedicated control services: They are related to one UE, and are accessed in CN through the Dedicated Control SAP. RANAP functions that provide these services are associated with Iu signalling connection that is
maintained for the UE in question. The Iu signalling connection is realised with connection oriented signalling transport provided by the Iu signalling bearer. 4. MBMS control services: They are related to one MBMS Bearer Service. RANAP functions that provide these services are associated with one or several Iu signalling connection that is maintained for the MBMS Bearer Service in question during the MBMS Session. The Iu signalling connection is realised with connection oriented signalling transport provided by the Iu signalling bearer.
Signalling transport (See [5]) shall provide two different service modes for the RANAP.
Functions of RANAP
Relocating serving RNC. This function enables to change the serving RNC functionality as well as the related Iu resources (RAB(s) and Signalling connection) from one RNC to another. Overall RAB management. This function is responsible for setting up, modifying and releasing RABs. Queuing the setup of RAB. The purpose of this function is to allow placing some requested RABs into a queue, and indicate the peer entity about the queuing. Requesting RAB release. While the overall RAB management is a function of the CN, the RNC has the capability to request the release of RAB. Release of all Iu connection resources. This function is used to explicitly release all resources related to one Iu connection. Requesting the release of all Iu connection resources. While the Iu release is managed from the CN, the RNC has the capability to request the release of all Iu connection resources from the corresponding Iu connection. SRNS context forwarding function. This function is responsible for transferring SRNS context from the RNC to the CN for intersystem change in case of packet forwarding. Controlling overload in the Iu interface. This function allows adjusting the load in the control plane of the Iu interface. Resetting the Iu. This function is used for resetting an Iu interface. Sending the UE Common ID (permanent NAS UE identity) to the RNC. This function makes the RNC aware of the UE's Common ID. Paging the user. This function provides the CN for capability to page the UE. Controlling the tracing of the subscriber or user equipment activity. This function allows setting the trace mode for a given subscriber or user equipment. This function also allows the deactivation of a previously established trace. Transport of NAS information between UE and CN (see [8]). This function has two sub-classes:
1. Transport of the initial NAS signalling message from the UE to CN. This function transfers transparently the NAS information. As a consequence also the Iu signalling connection is set up. 2. Transport of NAS signalling messages between UE and CN, This function transfers transparently the NAS signalling messages on the existing Iu signalling connection. It also includes a specific service to handle signalling messages differently. Controlling the security mode in the UTRAN. This function is used to send the security keys (ciphering and integrity protection) to the UTRAN, and setting the operation mode for security functions. Controlling location reporting. This function allows the CN to operate the mode in which the UTRAN reports the location of the UE. Location reporting. This function is used for transferring the actual location information from RNC to the CN. Data volume reporting function. This function is responsible for reporting unsuccessfully transmitted DL data volume over UTRAN for specific RABs. Reporting general error situations. This function allows reporting of general error situations, for which function specific error messages have not been defined. Location related data. This function allows the CN to either retrieve from the RNC deciphering keys (to be forwarded to the UE) for the broadcast assistance data, or request the RNC to deliver dedicated assistance data to the UE. Information Transfer. This function allows the CN to transfer information to the RNC. Uplink Information Exchange. This function allows the RNC to transfer or request information to the CN. For instance the RNC has the capability to request MBMS specific information to the CN e.g. the Multicast Service lists for a given UE or the IP Multicast Address and APN for one or several MBMS Bearer Services. MBMS RANAP overall function. This function allows the following different sub-functions: MBMS RAB management. This function is responsible for setting up, updating and releasing the MBMS RAB as well as the MBMS Iu signalling connection corresponding to one MBMS Session. The MBMS RAB is defined for the CN PS domain only. MBMS CN (PS domain) de-registration. This function makes the RNC aware that a given Multicast Service is no longer available. MBMS UE linking/de-linking. This function makes the RNC aware that a given UE, with existing Iu-ps signalling connection, has joined/left some Multicast Service(s). Requesting MBMS Service registration/de-registration. While the overall MBMS CN de-registration is a function of the CN (PS domain), the RNC has the capability to register/de-register to a specific Multicast Service.
These functions are implemented by one or several RANAP elementary procedures described in the following clause.
RANAP Procedures
Elementary Procedures
In the following tables, all EPs are divided into Class 1, Class 2 and Class 3 EPs (see subclause 3.1 for explanation of the different classes):
Table 1: Class 1
MBMS Session Start MBMS Session Update MBMS Session Stop MBMS UE Linking MBMS Registration MBMS CN DeRegistration MBMS RAB Release
Table 2: Class 2
Elementary Procedure RAB Modification Request RAB Release Request Iu Release Request Relocation Detect Relocation Complete SRNS Data Forwarding Initiation SRNS Context Forwarding from Source RNC to CN SRNS Context Forwarding to Target RNC from CN Paging Common ID CN Invoke Trace CN Deactivate Trace Location Reporting Control Location Report Initial UE Message Direct Transfer Overload Control Error Indication UE Specific Information Direct Information Transfer MBMS RAB Establishment Indication Message RAB MODIFY REQUEST RAB RELEASE REQUEST IU RELEASE REQUEST RELOCATION DETECT RELOCATION COMPLETE SRNS DATA FORWARD COMMAND FORWARD SRNS CONTEXT FORWARD SRNS CONTEXT PAGING COMMON ID CN INVOKE TRACE CN DEACTIVATE TRACE LOCATION REPORTING CONTROL LOCATION REPORT INITIAL UE MESSAGE DIRECT TRANSFER OVERLOAD ERROR INDICATION UE SPECIFIC INFORMATION INDICATION DIRECT INFORMATION TRANSFER MBMS RAB ESTABLISHMENT INDICATION
Table 3: Class 3
Elementary Procedure RAB Assignment Initiating Message RAB ASSIGNMENT REQUEST Response Message RAB ASSIGNMENT RESPONSE x N (N>=1)
The following applies concerning interference between Elementary Procedures: The Reset procedure takes precedence over all other EPs. The Reset Resource procedure takes precedence over all other EPs except the Reset procedure. The Iu Release procedure takes precedence over all other EPs except the Reset procedure and the Reset Resource procedure.
RAB Assignment
The purpose of the RAB Assignment procedure is to establish new RABs and/or to enable modifications and/or releases of already established RABs for a given UE. The procedure uses connection oriented signalling.
Successful Operation
. . .
Figure 1: RAB Assignment procedure. Successful operation. The CN initiates the procedure by sending a RAB ASSIGNMENT REQUEST message. When sending the RAB ASSIGNMENT REQUEST message, the CN shall start the T RABAssgt timer. The CN may request the UTRAN to: establish, modify, release
one or several RABs with one RAB ASSIGNMENT REQUEST message. The CN shall include in the RAB ASSIGNMENT REQUEST message at least one request to either establish/modify or release a RAB. The message shall contain the information required by the UTRAN to build the new RAB configuration, such as: list of RABs to establish or modify with their bearer characteristics; list of RABs to release.
For each RAB requested to be established, the message shall contain: RAB ID; NAS Synchronisation Indicator (only when available); RAB parameters (including e.g. Allocation/Retention Priority); User Plane Information (i.e. required User Plane Mode and required UP Mode Versions); Transport Layer Information; PDP Type Information (only for PS); Data Volume Reporting Indication (only for PS); DL GTP-PDU sequence number (only when GTP-PDU sequence number is available in cases of intersystem change from GPRS to UMTS or when establishing a RAB for an existing PDP context or in some further cases described in [21]); UL GTP-PDU sequence number (only when GTP-PDU sequence number is available in cases of intersystem change from GPRS to UMTS or when establishing a RAB for an existing PDP context or in some further cases described in [21]);
DL N-PDU sequence number (only when N-PDU sequence number is available in case of intersystem change from GPRS to UMTS or in some further cases described in [21]); UL N-PDU sequence number (only when N-PDU sequence number is available in case of intersystem change from GPRS to UMTS or in some further cases described in [21]).
For each RAB requested to be modified, the message may contain: RAB ID (mandatory); NAS Synchronisation Indicator; RAB parameters; Transport Layer Information; User Plane Information.
The Transport Layer Information IE may be present at a RAB modification except in the case when the only other present IE, besides the RAB ID IE, is the NAS Synchronisation Indicator IE. At a RAB modification that does not include transfer of the NAS Synchronisation Indicator IE, the RAB Parameters IE shall be present in the RAB ASSIGNMENT REQUEST message only when any previously set value for this IE is requested to be modified. At a RAB modification, the User Plane Information IE shall be present in the RAB ASSIGNMENT REQUEST message only when any previously set value for this IE is requested to be modified. For a RAB setup, the SDU Format Information Parameter IE in the RAB Parameters IE shall be present only if the User Plane Mode IE is set to "support mode for pre-defined SDU sizes" and the Traffic Class IE is set to either "Conversational" or "Streaming". For a RAB setup or modification, when the maximum bit rate (respectively the guaranteed bit rate when applicable) to be signalled for the RAB exceeds the maximum value of the Maximum Bit Rate IE (respectively Guaranteed Bit Rate IE), the Extended Maximum Bit Rate IE (respectively Extended Guaranteed Bit Rate IE) shall be included together with the Maximum Bit Rate IE (respectively Guaranteed Bit Rate IE) set to its maximum value. For a RAB setup or modification, if the Extended Maximum Bit Rate IE (respectively Extended Guaranteed Bit Rate IE) is present, the RNC shall consider it and ignore the Maximum Bit Rate IE (respectively Guaranteed Bit Rate IE). For a RAB if Extended Maximum Bit Rate IE (respectively Extended Guaranteed Bit Rate IE when applicable) is signalled in one direction RNC shall use the Extended Maximum Bit Rate IE (respectively Extended Guaranteed Bit Rate IE) also for the other direction for this RAB. For a RAB setup, the RAB Parameters IE may contain the Signalling Indication IE. The Signalling Indication IE shall not be present if the Traffic Class IE is not set to "Interactive" or if the CN Domain Indicator IE is not set to "PS domain". If the RAB Parameters IE is present for a RAB modification, the SDU Format Information Parameter IE in the RAB Parameters IE shall be present only if the Traffic Class IE is set to either "Conversational" or "Streaming" and if either the User Plane mode is currently "support mode for pre-defined SDU sizes" and the User Plane Mode IE is not contained in the RAB ASSIGNMENT REQUEST message or if the User Plane Mode IE optionally contained within the RAB ASSIGNMENT REQUEST message is set to "support mode for pre-defined SDU sizes".
If, for a RAB requested to be modified, one (or more) of these IEs except RAB ID IE are not present in the RAB ASSIGNMENT REQUEST message the RNC shall continue to use the value(s) currently in use for the not present IEs. If, for a RAB requested to be modified, the Signalling Indication IE is not present and the Traffic Class IE is set to "interactive", this indicates that the signalling nature of the RAB is not changed by the modification. For each RAB requested to be released, the message shall contain: RAB ID;
Upon reception of the RAB ASSIGNMENT REQUEST message, the UTRAN shall execute the requested RAB configuration. The CN may indicate that RAB QoS negotiation is allowed for certain RAB parameters and in some cases also which alternative values to be used in the negotiation in the Alternative RAB parameters values IE. If some of the alternative maximum bit rates (respectively alternative guaranteed bit rates when applicable) to be signalled for the RAB exceed the maximum value of the Alternative Maximum Bit Rate IE (respectively Alternative Guaranteed Bit Rate IE), they shall be included in the Extended Alternative Maximum Bit Rate IE (respectively Extended Alternative Guaranteed Bit Rate IE). For a RAB setup or modification, if the Extended Alternative Maximum Bit Rate IE (respectively Extended Alternative Guaranteed Bit Rate IE) is present, the RNC shall consider these rates together with the bit rates signalled within the Alternative Maximum Bit Rate IE (respectively Alternative Guaranteed Bit Rate IE) if present. For an entry in the list or for a discrete value if the Extended Alternative Maximum Bit Rate IE (respectively Extended Alternative Guaranteed Bit rate IE when applicable) is signalled in one direction RNC shall use the Extended Alternative Maximum Bit Rate IE (respectively Extended Alternative Guaranteed Bit Rate IE) also for the other direction of this entry or discrete value. For a RAB setup or RAB requested to be modified, the RAB ASSIGNMENT REQUEST message may also include an alternative RAB configuration specified in the Alternative RAB configuration IE in the Alternative RAB Parameter Values IE. If Alternative RAB configuration IE for a RAB is included in the RAB ASSIGNMENT REQUEST message, the RNC is allowed after the successful RAB setup or RAB modification to request the CN to trigger the execution of this alternative RAB configuration. No negotiation is allowed during the RAB Assignment procedure between the requested RAB configuration and this alternative RAB configuration. The same RAB ID shall only be present once in the whole RAB ASSIGNMENT REQUEST message. The RAB ID shall uniquely identify the RAB for the specific CN domain and for the particular UE, which makes the RAB ID unique over the Iu connection on which the RAB ASSIGNMENT REQUEST message is received. When a RAB ID already in use over that particular Iu instance is used, the procedure is considered as modification of that RAB. The RNC shall pass the contents of the RAB ID IE to the radio interface protocol for each RAB requested to be established or modified. The RNC shall establish or modify the resources according to the values of the Allocation/Retention Priority IE (priority level, pre-emption indicators, queuing) and the resource situation as follows: The RNC shall consider the priority level of the requested RAB, when deciding on the resource allocation. If the requested RAB is allowed for queuing and the resource situation requires so, the RNC may place the RAB in the establishment queue. The priority levels and the pre-emption indicators may (singularly or in combination) be used to determine whether the RAB assignment has to be performed unconditionally and immediately. If the requested RAB is marked as "may trigger pre-emption" and the resource situation requires so, the RNC may trigger the preemption procedure which may then cause the forced release of a lower priority RAB which is marked as "preemptable". Whilst the process and the extent of the pre-emption procedure is operator-dependent, the preemption indicators, if given in the RAB ASSIGNMENT REQUEST message, shall be treated as follows: 1. The values of the last received Pre-emption Vulnerability IE and Priority Level IE shall prevail. 2. If the Pre-emption Capability IE is set to "may trigger pre-emption", then this allocation request may trigger the pre-emption procedure. 3. If the Pre-emption Capability IE is set to "shall not trigger pre-emption", then this allocation request shall not trigger the pre-emption procedure. 4. If the Pre-emption Vulnerability IE is set to "pre-emptable", then this connection shall be included in the preemption process. 5. If the Pre-emption Vulnerability IE is set to "not pre-emptable", then this connection shall not be included in the pre-emption process.
6. If the Priority Level IE is set to "no priority" the given values for the Pre-emption Capability IE and Preemption Vulnerability IE shall not be considered. Instead the values "shall not trigger pre-emption" and "not pre-emptable" shall prevail. If the Allocation/Retention Priority IE is not given in the RAB ASSIGNMENT REQUEST message, the allocation request shall not trigger the pre-emption process and the connection may be pre-empted and considered to have the value "lowest" as priority level. Moreover, queuing shall not be allowed. The UTRAN pre-emption process shall keep the following rules: 1. UTRAN shall only pre-empt RABs with lower priority, in ascending order of priority. 2. The pre-emption may be done for RABs belonging to the same UE or to other UEs. If the NAS Synchronisation Indicator IE is contained in the RAB ASSIGNMENT REQUEST message, the RNC shall pass it to the radio interface protocol for transfer to the UE. If the RAB ASSIGNMENT REQUEST message includes the PDP Type Information IE, the UTRAN may use it to configure any compression algorithms. If included, the Service Handover IE tells if the requested RAB should be handed over to GSM, i.e. from a NAS point of view, the requested RAB should be handed over to GSM as soon as possible although the final decision whether to perform a handover to GSM is still made in the UTRAN. should not be handed over to GSM, i.e. from a NAS point of view, the requested RAB should remain in UMTS as long as possible although the final decision whether to perform a handover to GSM is still made in the UTRAN. shall not be handed over to GSM, i.e. the requested RAB shall never be handed over to GSM. This means that the UTRAN shall not initiate handover to GSM for the UE unless the RABs with this indication have first been released with the normal release procedures.
The value of the Service Handover IE is valid throughout the lifetime of the RAB or until changed by a RAB modification. The Service Handover IE shall only influence decisions made regarding UTRAN-initiated inter-system handovers. If the Service Handover IE is not included during RAB Setup and all subsequent RAB Modifications, the decision whether to perform an inter-system handover to GSM is only an internal UTRAN matter. The UTRAN shall report to the CN, in the first RAB ASSIGNMENT RESPONSE message, the result for all the requested RABs, such as: List of RABs successfully established or modified. List of RABs released. List of RABs queued. List of RABs failed to establish or modify. List of RABs failed to release.
The same RAB ID shall only be present once in the whole RAB ASSIGNMENT RESPONSE message. For each RAB successfully established towards the PS domain or towards the CS domain when an ALCAP is not used, the RNC shall include the Transport Layer Address IE and the Iu Transport Association IE in the RAB ASSIGNMENT RESPONSE message. For each RAB successfully released towards the PS domain, for which data volume reporting had been requested when the RAB was established, the RNC shall include the DL Data Volumes IE in the RAB ASSIGNMENT RESPONSE message. The DL Data Volumes IE shall contain in the Unsuccessfully Transmitted DL Data Volume IE the total amount of unsuccessfully transmitted DL data for the RAB since its establishment and may contain the Data Volume Reference IE.
For each RAB successfully released towards the PS domain, the RNC shall include in the RAB ASSIGNMENT RESPONSE message the DL GTP-PDU Sequence Number IE and the UL GTP-PDU Sequence Number IE, if available and if the release was initiated by the UTRAN. The RNC shall report in the RAB ASSIGNMENT RESPONSE message at least one RAB: setup/modified or released or queued or failed to setup/modify or failed to release.
If any alternative RAB parameter values have been used when establishing or modifying a RAB, these RAB parameter values shall be included in the RAB ASSIGNMENT RESPONSE message within the Assigned RAB Parameter Values IE. If any alternative RAB parameter values have been used from the Extended Alternative Maximum Bit Rate IE (respectively Extended Alternative Guaranteed Bit Rate IE), these RAB parameter values shall be included in the RAB ASSIGNMENT RESPONSE message within the Extended Assigned Maximum Bit Rate IE (respectively Extended Assigned Guaranteed Bit Rate IE). For a RAB if the Extended Assigned Maximum Bit Rate IE (respectively Extended Assigned Guaranteed Bit Rate IE when applicable) is signalled in one direction RNC shall signal the Extended Assigned Maximum Bit Rate IE (respectively Extended Assigned Guaranteed Bit Rate IE) also in the other direction for this RAB. For the CS domain, when an ALCAP is used, UTRAN shall report the successful outcome of a specific RAB to establish or modify only after the Iu user plane at RNL level is ready to be used in UL and DL. At a RAB establishment, the transport network control plane signalling required to set up the transport bearer shall use the Transport Layer Address IE and Iu Transport Association IE. At a RAB modification when Transport Layer Address (IE) and Iu Transport Association IEs are included, the RNC shall establish a new transport bearer. The transport network control plane signalling shall then use the included Transport Layer Address IE and Iu Transport Association IE. Then the switch over to this new transport bearer shall be done immediately after transport bearer establishment and initialisation of the user plane mode. If Transport Layer Address (IE) and Iu Transport Association IEs are not included, then the RNC may modify the already existing transport bearer. For the PS domain or for the CS domain when an ALCAP is not used, when they are present at a RAB modification, the RNC shall use the embedded Transport Layer Address IE and Iu Transport Association IEs as the termination point of the new transport bearer. For the PS domain or for the CS domain when an ALCAP is not used, for each RAB successfully modified, if the RNC has changed the Transport Layer Address IE and/or the Iu Transport Association IE, it shall include the new value(s) in the RAB ASSIGNMENT RESPONSE message. Before reporting the successful outcome of a specific RAB to establish or modify, the RNC shall have executed the initialisation of the user plane, if necessary. Re-initialisation of the user plane shall not be performed if: the RAB Parameters IE is not included, for example during transfer of NAS Synchronisation Indicator IE; the RAB Parameters IE is included but the SDU Format Information Parameter IE is not changed for the existing RAB and the NAS Synchronisation Indicator IE is not included.
Re-initialisation of the user plane shall be performed if the RAB Parameters IE and NAS Synchronisation Indicator IE are included. If the RNC can not initialise the requested user plane mode for any of the user plane mode versions in the UP Mode Versions IE according to the rules for initialisation of the respective user plane mode versions, as described in [6], the RAB Assignment shall fail with the cause value "RNC unable to establish all RFCs". In case of establishment of a RAB for the PS domain, the CN must be prepared to receive user data before the RAB ASSIGNMENT RESPONSE message has been received.
If none of the RABs have been queued, the CN shall stop timer T RABAssgt and the RAB Assignment procedure terminates. In that case, the procedure shall also be terminated in the UTRAN. When the request to establish or modify one or several RABs is put in a queue, the UTRAN shall start the timer TQUEUING. This timer specifies the maximum time for queuing of the request for establishment or modification. The same timer TQUEUING supervises all RABs of the request being queued. For each RAB that is queued the following outcomes are possible: successfully established or modified; failed to establish or modify; failed due to expiry of the timer TQUEUING.
For RABs indicated as queued in the first RAB ASSIGNMENT RESPONSE message, the UTRAN shall report the outcome of the queuing for every RAB individually or for several RABs in subsequent RAB ASSIGNMENT RESPONSE message(s). This is left to implementation. The UTRAN shall stop TQUEUING when all RABs have been either successfully established or modified or failed to establish or modify. The RAB Assignment procedure is then terminated both in the CN and the UTRAN when all RABs have been responded to. When the CN receives the response that one or several RABs are queued, it shall expect the UTRAN to provide the outcome of the queuing function for each RAB before expiry of the T RABAssgt timer. In case the timer T RABAssgt expires, the CN shall consider the RAB Assignment procedure terminated and the RABs not reported shall be considered as failed. In case the timer TQUEUING expires, the RAB Assignment procedure terminates in the UTRAN for all queued RABs, and the UTRAN shall respond for all of them in one RAB ASSIGNMENT RESPONSE message. The RAB Assignment procedure shall also be terminated in the CN. In case a request to modify or release a RAB contains the RAB ID of a RAB being queued, the RAB shall be taken out of the queue and treated according to the second request. The first request shall be responded to as a RAB failed to setup or modify with the cause value "Request superseded". If the UTRAN failed to modify a RAB, it shall keep the RAB as it was configured prior to the modification request. When UTRAN reports unsuccessful establishment/modification of a RAB, the cause value should be precise enough to enable the core network to know the reason for unsuccessful establishment/modification. Typical cause values are: "Requested Traffic Class not Available", "Invalid RAB Parameters Value", "Requested Maximum Bit Rate not Available", "Requested Maximum Bit Rate for DL not Available", "Requested Maximum Bit Rate for UL not Available", "Requested Guaranteed Bit Rate not Available", "Requested Guaranteed Bit Rate for DL not Available", "Requested Guaranteed Bit Rate for UL not Available", "Requested Transfer Delay not Achievable", "Invalid RAB Parameters Combination", "Condition Violation for SDU Parameters", "Condition Violation for Traffic Handling Priority", "Condition Violation for Guaranteed Bit Rate", "User Plane Versions not Supported", "Iu UP Failure", "Iu Transport Connection Failed to Establish", "TQUEUING Expiry". If the RAB ID of a RAB requested to be released is unknown in the RNC, this shall be reported as a RAB failed to release with the cause value "Invalid RAB ID". The RNC may indicate an impending directed retry attempt to GSM by sending a RAB ASSIGNMENT RESPONSE message with a RAB ID included in the list of RABs failed to setup and a cause value of "Directed Retry". The RNC shall be prepared to receive a RAB ASSIGNMENT REQUEST message containing a RABs To Be Released IE at any time and shall always reply to it. If there is an ongoing RAB Assignment procedure for a RAB indicated within the RABs To Be Released IE, the RNC shall discard the preceding RAB Assignment procedure for that specific RAB, release any related resources and report the released RAB within the RAB ASSIGNMENT RESPONSE message. After sending a RAB ASSIGNMENT RESPONSE message containing RAB ID within the RABs Released IE, the RNC shall be prepared to receive a new establishment request for a RAB identified by the same RAB ID.
For GERAN Iu-mode the following shall apply in addition for the successful operation of the RAB Assignment procedure:
In case of GERAN Iu-mode, for a RAB requested to be setup or modified from the CS domain, the RAB ASSIGNMENT REQUEST message may contain the GERAN BSC Container IE in order to provide GERANspecific information to GERAN (see [27]). In case of GERAN Iu-mode (only for CS), if the BSC cannot provide an appropriate RAB corresponding to the content of the GERAN BSC Container IE (if received), the BSC shall report unsuccessful RAB establishment/modification indicating the cause value "GERAN Iu-mode Failure" and the GERAN Classmark IE in the GERAN Iu mode specific RABs Failed To Setup Or Modify List IE within the RAB ASSIGNMENT RESPONSE message.
Unsuccessful Operation
The unsuccessful operation for this Class 3 Elementary procedure is described under the Successful Operation chapter.
Abnormal Conditions
For a RAB requested to be modified, if only the RAB ID IE, the NAS Synchronisation Indicator IE and the Transport Layer Information IE are included in the First Setup or Modify Item IE, the RAB shall not be modified, and the corresponding RAB ID IE and Cause IE shall be included in the "RABs Failed To Setup Or Modify List" in the RAB ASSIGNMENT RESPONSE message. If, for a RAB requested to be setup towards the PS domain, any of the following IEs: PDP Type Information. Data Volume Reporting Indication.
is not present, the RNC shall continue with the procedure. Interactions with Relocation Preparation procedure: If the relocation becomes necessary during the RAB Assignment procedure, the RNC may interrupt the ongoing RAB Assignment procedure and initiate the Relocation Preparation procedure as follows: 1. The RNC shall terminate the RAB Assignment procedure indicating unsuccessful RAB configuration modification: for all queued RABs; for RABs not already established or modified, and for RABs not already released;
with the cause "Relocation triggered". 2. The RNC shall terminate the RAB Assignment procedure indicating successful RAB configuration modification: for RABs already established or modified but not yet reported to the CN, and for RABs already released but not yet reported to the CN.
3. The RNC shall report the outcome of the procedure in one RAB ASSIGNMENT RESPONSE message. 4. The RNC shall invoke relocation by sending a RELOCATION REQUIRED message to the active CN node(s). 5. The CN shall terminate the RAB Assignment procedure at reception of the RAB ASSIGNMENT RESPONSE message. Directed retry from UMTS to GSM (CS domain only): In the case where the RNC has no RAB configuration for a particular UE in the CS domain, and the RNC receives a RAB ASSIGNMENT REQUEST message for that UE requesting the establishment of one RAB only, a directed retry to perform inter-system handover to GSM may be initiated. In this case the RNC may interrupt the ongoing RAB Assignment procedure and initiate the Relocation Preparation procedure as follows:
1. The RNC shall terminate the RAB Assignment procedure indicating unsuccessful RAB configuration modification of that RAB with the cause "Directed retry". 2. The RNC shall report the outcome of the procedure in one RAB ASSIGNMENT RESPONSE message. 3. The RNC shall invoke relocation by sending a RELOCATION REQUIRED message to the active CN node, with the cause "Directed Retry". 4. The CN shall terminate the RAB Assignment procedure at reception of the RAB ASSIGNMENT RESPONSE message.
The purpose of the RAB Release Request procedure is to enable the UTRAN to request the release of one or several radio access bearers. The procedure uses connection oriented signalling.
Successful Operation
Figure 2: RAB Release Request procedure. Successful operation. The RNC initiates the procedure by generating a RAB RELEASE REQUEST message towards the CN. The RABs To Be Released IE shall indicate the list of RABs requested to release and the Cause IE associated to each RAB shall indicate the reason for the release, e.g. "RAB pre-empted", "Release due to UTRAN Generated Reason", "Radio Connection With UE Lost". The RNC shall indicate the Cause IE set to "GTP Resources Unavailable" for the reasons specified in [21]. Upon reception of the RAB RELEASE REQUEST message, the CN should normally initiate the appropriate release procedure for the RABs identified in the RAB RELEASE REQUEST message as defined below. It is up to the CN to decide how to react to the request. Interaction with Iu Release Command: If no RABs will remain according to the RAB RELEASE REQUEST message, the CN should initiate the Iu Release procedure if it does not want to keep the Iu signalling connection. The cause value to use is "No Remaining RAB". Interaction with RAB Assignment (release RAB): If the CN decides to release some or all indicated RABs, the CN should invoke the RAB Assignment procedure (release RAB) to this effect.
Abnormal Conditions
Not applicable.
Iu Release Request
The purpose of the Iu Release Request procedure is to enable the UTRAN to request the CN to release the Iu connection for a particular UE due to some UTRAN generated reason (e.g. "O&M Intervention", "Unspecified Failure", "User Inactivity", "Repeated Integrity Checking Failure" , "Release due to UE generated signalling connection release", "Radio Connection With UE Lost", "Access Restricted Due to Shared Networks"). The procedure uses connection oriented signalling.
Successful Operation
Figure 3: Iu Release Request procedure. Successful operation. The RNS controlling the Iu connection(s) of that particular UE initiates the procedure by generating an IU RELEASE REQUEST message towards the affected CN domain(s). The procedure may be initiated for instance when the contact with a particular UE is lost or due to user inactivity. The IU RELEASE REQUEST message shall indicate the appropriate cause value for the requested Iu connection release. It is up to the CN to decide how to react to the request. Interactions with Iu Release procedure: The Iu Release procedure should be initiated upon reception of an IU RELEASE REQUEST message when the cause is different than "User Inactivity". When the cause is set to "User Inactivity", it is optional to initiate the Iu Release procedure.
Abnormal Conditions
Not applicable.
Iu Release
The purpose of the Iu Release procedure is to enable the CN to release an Iu connection for a particular UE and all UTRAN resources related only to that Iu connection. The procedure uses connection oriented signalling. The Iu Release procedure can be initiated for at least the following reasons: Completion of transaction between the UE and the CN. UTRAN-generated reasons, e.g. reception of an IU RELEASE REQUEST message. Completion of successful relocation of SRNS. Cancellation of relocation after successful completion of a Relocation Resource Allocation procedure. Detection of two Iu connections in the same domain toward one UE.
The Iu release procedure should also be initiated when there is a period of Iu signalling inactivity with no existing RAB.
Successful Operation
Figure 4: Iu Release procedure. Successful operation.
The CN initiates the procedure by sending an IU RELEASE COMMAND message to the UTRAN. After the IU RELEASE COMMAND message has been sent, the CN shall not send further RANAP connectionoriented messages on this particular connection. The IU RELEASE COMMAND message shall include a Cause IE indicating the reason for the release (e.g. "Successful Relocation", "Normal Release", "Release due to UTRAN Generated Reason", "Relocation Cancelled", "No Remaining RAB"). When the RNC receives the IU RELEASE COMMAND message: 1. Clearing of the related UTRAN resources is initiated. However, the UTRAN shall not clear resources related to other Iu signalling connections the UE might have. The Iu transport bearers for RABs subject to data forwarding and other UTRAN resources used for the GTP-PDU forwarding process, are released by the RNC only when the timer TDATAfwd expires. 2. The RNC returns any assigned Iu user plane resources to idle i.e. neither uplink user data nor downlink user data can be transferred over the Iu interface anymore. Then the RNC sends an IU RELEASE COMPLETE message to the CN. (The RNC does not need to wait for the release of UTRAN radio resources or for the transport network layer signalling to be completed before returning the IU RELEASE COMPLETE message.) When an IU RELEASE COMPLETE message is sent, the procedure is terminated in the UTRAN. In case the UE has been linked to Multicast Service(s) in UTRAN and the RNC receives the IU RELEASE COMMAND message from PS domain or from CS domain when no Iu signalling connection exists towards the other domain the RNC shall perform UE de-linking as described in [42]. The IU RELEASE COMPLETE message shall include within the RABs Data Volume Report List IE for each RAB towards the PS domain successfully addressed and for which data volume reporting was requested during RAB establishment, the total amount of unsuccessfully transmitted DL data for the RAB since its establishment. If the release was initiated by the UTRAN, for each RAB towards the PS domain for which the DL GTP-PDU Sequence Number IE and/or the UL GTP-PDU Sequence Number IE are (is) available, the RNC shall include the available sequence number(s) in the RABs Released Item IE (within the RAB Released List IE) in the IU RELEASE COMPLETE message. The RAB Release Item IE shall not be present if there is no sequence number to be reported for that RAB. Reception of an IU RELEASE COMPLETE message terminates the procedure in the CN. Interaction with Trace: In case of simultaneous Iu signalling connections for both CS and PS domains, if a trace session was activated by both domains, the successful release of one of the connections should not close this trace session. If the trace session was activated by only one domain and the Iu connection for this domain is successfully released, this trace session shall be stopped in UTRAN.
Abnormal Conditions
If the Iu Release procedure is not initiated towards the source RNC from the CN before the expiry of timer TRELOCoverall, the source RNC should initiate the Iu Release Request procedure towards the CN with a cause value "TRELOCoverall expiry".
Relocation Preparation
The purpose of the Relocation Preparation procedure is to prepare relocation of SRNS either with involving the UE or without involving the UE. The relocation procedure shall be co-ordinated over all Iu signalling connections existing for the UE in order to allow Relocation co-ordination in the target RNC. The procedure uses connection oriented signalling. The source RNC shall not initiate the Relocation Preparation procedure for an Iu signalling connection if a Prepared Relocation exists in the RNC for that Iu signalling connection or if a Relocation Preparation procedure is ongoing for that Iu signalling connection or in the case of a MOCN configuration if the Rerouting Function is ongoing.
Successful Operation
Figure 5: Relocation Preparation procedure. Successful operation. The source RNC initiates the procedure by sending a RELOCATION REQUIRED message. The source RNC shall decide whether to initiate an intra-system Relocation or an inter-system handover. In case of intra-system Relocation, the source RNC shall indicate in the Source ID IE the RNC-ID of the source RNC and in the Target ID IE the RNC-ID of the target RNC only including the RAC if the message is sent towards the PS domain. In case of inter-system handover towards the GSM CS domain, the source RNC shall indicate in the Source ID IE the Service Area Identifier and in the Target ID IE the cell global identity of the cell in the target system. In case of inter-system handover towards the GSM PS domain, the source RNC shall indicate in the Source ID IE the Service Area Identifier, in the Target ID IE the cell global identity of the cell in the target system and shall also indicate routing area code for the relevant cell in the target system. In case of inter-system handover towards the GSM CS domain and GSM PS domain in parallel, the source RNC shall include in the Target ID IE the same cell global identity of the cell in the target system for CS domain and PS domain and set the appropriate information about the nature of the CS/PS inter-system handover (see ref [47]) in the Old BSS to New BSS Information IE and Source BSS to Target BSS Transparent Container IE accordingly. The source RNC shall indicate the appropriate cause value for the Relocation in the Cause IE. Typical cause values are "Time critical Relocation", "Resource optimisation relocation", "Relocation desirable for radio reasons" , "Directed Retry", "Reduce Load in Serving Cell", "Access Restricted Due to Shared Networks", "No Iu CS UP relocation". The source RNC shall determine whether the relocation of SRNS shall be executed with or without involvement of the UE. The source RNC shall set accordingly the Relocation Type IE to "UE involved in relocation of SRNS" or "UE not involved in relocation of SRNS". In case of intra-system Relocation, the source RNC shall include in the RELOCATION REQUIRED message the Source RNC to Target RNC Transparent Container IE. This container shall include the Relocation Type IE and the Number of Iu Instances IE containing the number of Iu signalling connections existing for the UE . Only in case of intra-system relocation, the Source RNC to Target RNC Transparent Container IE shall include the Integrity Protection Key IE from the last received domain on which the Security Mode Control procedure has been successfully performed, and the associated Chosen Integrity Protection Algorithm IE that has been selected for this domain. Only in case of intra-system relocation, the Source RNC to Target RNC Transparent Container IE shall include the Ciphering Key IE for the signalling data from the last received domain on which the Security Mode Control procedure has been successfully performed if the ciphering has been started, together with the associated Chosen Encryption
Algorithm IE that has been selected for this domain. If the ciphering has not been started, the RNC may include the Ciphering Key IE and the Chosen Encryption Algorithm IE if they are available. Only in case of intra-system relocation, for each domain where the Security Mode Control procedure has been successfully performed in the source RNC, the Source RNC to Target RNC Transparent Container IE shall include the Chosen Encryption Algorithm IE of CS (PS respectively) user data corresponding to the ciphering alternative that has been selected for this domain. If the Security Mode Control procedure had not been successful or performed for one domain or had proposed no ciphering alternative, the Chosen Encryption Algorithm IE for the user data of this domain shall not be included. When both the CS and the PS user data Chosen Encryption Algorithm IEs are provided, they shall be the same. This Source RNC to Target RNC Transparent Container IE shall include the RRC Container IE. If the Relocation Type IE is set to "UE not involved in relocation of SRNS" and the UE is using DCH(s), DSCH(s), USCH(s), HS-DSCH and/or E-DCH, the Source RNC to Target RNC Transparent Container IE shall: for each RAB include the RAB ID, the CN Domain Indicator IE and the mapping between each RAB subflow and transport channel identifier(s) over Iur, i.e. if the RAB is carried on a DCH(s), the DCH ID(s) shall be included, and when it is carried on DSCH(s), USCH(s), HS-DSCH and/or E-DCH, the DSCH ID(s), USCH ID(s), HS-DSCH MAC-d Flow ID and/or E-DCH MAC-d Flow ID respectively shall be included, only in the case the active SRBs in SRNC are not all mapped onto the same DCH, include the SRB TrCH Mapping IE containing for each SRB the SRB ID and the associated transport channel identifier over Iur, i.e. if the SRB is carried on a DCH, the DCH ID shall be included, and when it is carried on DSCH, USCH, HS-DSCH and/or E-DCH, the DSCH ID, USCH ID,HS-DSCH MAC-d Flow ID and/or E-DCH MAC-d Flow ID respectively shall be included.
If the Relocation Type IE is set to "UE not involved in relocation of SRNS", the d-RNTI IE shall be included in the Source RNC to Target RNC Transparent Container IE. If the Relocation Type IE is set to "UE involved in relocation of SRNS", the Target Cell ID IE shall be included in the Source RNC to Target RNC Transparent Container IE. If the source RNC doesn't have Iu-CS user plane connection, the Relocation Type IE is set to "UE involved in relocation of SRNS" and the reason for the relocation is the source RNC cannot support CS service, the d-RNTI for No IuCS UP IE shall be included in the Source RNC to Target RNC Transparent Container IE and the Cause IE shall be set as "No Iu CS UP relocation" in the RELOCATION REQUIRED message. In case a Trace Recording Session is active in the Source RNC due to a Signalling Based Activation (see ref [37]), the Trace Recording Session Information IE containing information identifying the Trace Record being generated may be included in the Source RNC to Target RNC Transparent Container IE. In case the UE has been linked to at least one Multicast Service, the Source RNC shall include in the Source RNC to Target RNC Transparent Container IE the MBMS Linking Information IE, if available. In case of inter-system handover to GSM CS domain, the RNC: shall include the MS Classmark 2 and MS Classmark 3 IEs received from the UE in the RELOCATION REQUIRED message to the CN. shall include the Old BSS to New BSS Information IE within the RELOCATION REQUIRED message only if the information is available. This information shall include, if available, the current traffic load in the source cell, i.e. prior to the inter-system handover attempt. This information shall also include the source cell identifier the included traffic load values correspond to. In the case the UE is using, prior to the inter-system handover attempt, radio resources of more than one cell, it is implementation specific for which cell the source RNC should report the current traffic load and the cell identifier.
In case of inter-system handover to GSM PS domain, the RNC: shall include the Source BSS to Target BSS Transparent Container IE within the RELOCATION REQUIRED message to the CN. It may indicate in this container whether it requests to receive the SI/PSI container from the external inter-system handover target in the RELOCATION COMMAND message.
When the source RNC sends the RELOCATION REQUIRED message, it shall start the timer TRELOCprep. When the preparation including resource allocation in the target system is ready and the CN has decided to continue the relocation of SRNS, the CN shall send a RELOCATION COMMAND message to the source RNC and the CN shall start the timer TRELOCcomplete.
If the Target RNC To Source RNC Transparent Container IE or the L3 information IE or the Target BSS to Source BSS Transparent Container IE is received by the CN from the relocation target, it shall be included in the RELOCATION COMMAND message. The RELOCATION COMMAND message may also contain the Inter-System Information Transparent Container IE. If the Target BSS to Source BSS Transparent Container IE is received in the RELOCATION COMMAND message, only the value part of the UE related containers received shall be sent to the UE. For each RAB successfully established in the target system and originating from the PS domain, the RELOCATION COMMAND message shall contain at least one pair of Iu transport address and Iu transport association to be used for the forwarding of the DL N-PDU duplicates towards the relocation target. If more than one pair of Iu transport address and Iu transport association is included, the source RNC shall select one of the pairs to be used for the forwarding of the DL N-PDU duplicates towards the relocation target. Upon reception of the RELOCATION COMMAND message from the PS domain, the source RNC shall start the timer TDATAfwd. The Relocation Preparation procedure is terminated in the CN by transmission of the RELOCATION COMMAND message. If the target system (including target CN) does not support all existing RABs, the RELOCATION COMMAND message shall contain a list of RABs indicating all the RABs that are not supported by the target system. This list may include information on RABs from the PS domain not existing in the source RNC which shall be ignored by the source RNC. This list is contained in the RABs to Be Released IE. The source RNC shall use this list to avoid transferring associated contexts where applicable and may use this list e.g. to decide if to cancel the relocation or not. The resources associated with not supported RABs shall not be released until the relocation is completed. This is in order to make a return to the old configuration possible in case of a failed or cancelled relocation. Upon reception of the RELOCATION COMMAND message the source RNC shall stop the timer TRELOCprep, start the timer TRELOCOverall and terminate the Relocation Preparation procedure. The source RNC is then defined to have a Prepared Relocation for that Iu signalling connection. When the Relocation Preparation procedure is successfully terminated and when the source RNC is ready, the source RNC should trigger the execution of relocation of SRNS. Interactions with other procedures: If, after a RELOCATION REQUIRED message is sent and before the Relocation Preparation procedure is terminated, the source RNC receives a RANAP message initiating another connection oriented RANAP class 1 or class 3 procedure (except IU RELEASE COMMAND message, which shall be handled normally) via the same Iu signalling connection, the source RNC shall either: 1. cancel the Relocation Preparation procedure i.e. execute the Relocation Cancel procedure with an appropriate value for the Cause IE, e.g. "Interaction with other procedure", and after successful completion of the Relocation Cancel procedure, the source RNC shall continue the initiated RANAP procedure; or 2. terminate the initiated RANAP procedure without any changes in UTRAN by sending the appropriate response message with the cause value "Relocation Triggered" to the CN. The source RNC shall then continue the relocation of SRNS. If during the Relocation Preparation procedure the source RNC receives a DIRECT TRANSFER message it shall be handled normally up to the anticipated limit according to section [10]. If during the Relocation Preparation procedure the source RNC receives connection oriented RANAP class 2 messages (with the exception of DIRECT TRANSFER message) it shall decide to either execute the procedure immediately or suspend it. In case the relocation is cancelled, the RNC shall resume any suspended procedures (if any). After the Relocation Preparation procedure is successfully terminated, all RANAP messages (except IU RELEASE COMMAND message, which shall be handled normally) received via the same Iu signalling bearer shall be ignored by the source RNC.
The relocation between UTRAN and GERAN Iu-mode shall be considered in the Relocation Preparation procedure as intra-system relocation from RANAP point of view. For GERAN Iu-mode and to support Relocation towards a GERAN BSC in Iu mode the following shall apply in addition for the successful operation of the Relocation Preparation procedure: In case of a Relocation to GERAN Iu-mode (only for CS), the RNC shall include, if available, the GERAN Classmark IE within the RELOCATION REQUIRED message in those cases where the transmission of the GERAN Classmark IE is required, as defined in [27].
Unsuccessful Operation
Figure 6: Relocation Preparation procedure. Unsuccessful operation. If the CN or target system is not able to even partially accept the relocation of SRNS, or a failure occurs during the Relocation Preparation procedure in the CN, or the CN decides not to continue the relocation of SRNS, the CN shall send a RELOCATION PREPARATION FAILURE message to the source RNC. The RELOCATION PREPARATION FAILURE message shall contain the appropriate value for the Cause IE, e.g. "TRELOCalloc expiry", "Relocation Failure in Target CN/RNC or Target System", "Relocation not supported in Target RNC or Target System", "Relocation Target not allowed", "No Radio Resources Available in Target Cell" or "Traffic Load In The Target Cell Higher Than In The Source Cell". Transmission of the RELOCATION PREPARATION FAILURE message terminates the procedure in the CN. Reception of the RELOCATION PREPARATION FAILURE message terminates the procedure in UTRAN. When the Relocation Preparation procedure is unsuccessfully terminated, the existing Iu signalling connection can be used normally. If the Relocation Preparation procedure is unsuccessfully terminated, the CN shall release the possibly existing Iu signalling connection for the same UE and related to the same relocation of SRNS towards the target RNC by initiating the Iu Release procedure towards the target RNC with an appropriate value for the Cause IE, e.g. "Relocation Cancelled". The RELOCATION PREPARATION FAILURE message may contain the Inter-System Information Transparent Container IE. Interactions with Relocation Cancel procedure: If there is no response from the CN to the RELOCATION REQUIRED message before timer TRELOCprep expires in the source RNC, the source RNC shall cancel the Relocation Preparation procedure by initiating the Relocation Cancel procedure with the appropriate value for the Cause IE, e.g. "TRELOCprep expiry".
Abnormal Conditions
If the target RNC indicated in the RELOCATION REQUIRED message is not known to the CN:
1. The CN shall reject the relocation of SRNS by sending a RELOCATION PREPARATION FAILURE message to the source RNC with Cause IE set to "Unknown target RNC". 2. The CN shall continue to use the existing Iu connection towards the source RNC. NOTE: In case two CN domains are involved in the SRNS Relocation Preparation procedure and the Source RNC receives the Target RNC to Source RNC Transparent Container IE via two CN domains, it may check whether the content of the two Target RNC to Source RNC Transparent Container IE is the same. In case the Source RNC receives two different Target RNC to Source RNC Transparent Container IEs, the RNC behaviour is left implementation-specific. In case two CN domains are involved in the SRNS Relocation Preparation procedure due to the intersystem handover towards the GSM CS domain and GSM PS domain in parallel and the Source RNC receives the L3 Information IE from CS domain and the Target BSS to Source BSS Transparent Container IE from PS domain, it may check whether the content of the L3 Information IE and the content of the Target BSS to Source BSS Transparent Container IE is the same. In case the Source RNC receives two IEs with different contents, the RNC behaviour is left implementation-specific.
If the RNC decides to initiate the Relocation Preparation procedure for a UTRAN to UTRAN relocation, the RNC shall initiate simultaneously a Relocation Preparation procedure on all Iu signalling connections existing for the UE. The source RNC shall also include the same Source RNC to Target RNC Transparent Container IE, Relocation Type IE, Source ID IE and Cause IE in the RELOCATION REQUIRED message towards the two domains. For intersystem handover to GSM, the Relocation Preparation procedure shall be initiated either only towards the circuit-switched CN or only towards the packet-switched CN, if the inter-system handover towards the GSM CS domain and GSM PS domain in parallel is not supported. Otherwise the Relocation Preparation procedure shall be simultaneously initiated towards both the circuit-switched CN and the packet-swithched CN. The source RNC shall not trigger the execution of relocation of SRNS unless it has received a RELOCATION COMMAND message from all Iu signalling connections for which the Relocation Preparation procedure has been initiated. If the source RNC receives a RELOCATION PREPARATION FAILURE message from the CN, the RNC shall initiate the Relocation Cancel procedure on the other Iu signalling connection for the UE if the other Iu signalling connection exists and if the Relocation Preparation procedure is still ongoing or the procedure has terminated successfully in that Iu signalling connection.
The purpose of the Relocation Resource Allocation procedure is to allocate resources from a target RNS for a relocation of SRNS. The procedure shall be co-ordinated over all Iu signalling connections existing for the UE. The procedure uses connection oriented signalling.
Successful Operation
Target RNC CN
Figure 7: Relocation Resource Allocation procedure. Successful operation. The CN initiates the procedure by generating a RELOCATION REQUEST message. In a UTRAN to UTRAN relocation, the message shall contain the information (if any) required by the UTRAN to build at least the same set of RABs as existing for the UE before the relocation. The CN may indicate that RAB QoS negotiation is allowed for certain RAB parameters and in some cases also which alternative values to be used in the negotiation. The RELOCATION REQUEST message may also include an alternative RAB configuration for a RAB specified in the Alternative RAB configuration IE in the Alternative RAB Parameter Values IE. If Alternative RAB configuration IE for a RAB is included in the RELOCATION REQUEST message, the target RNC is allowed after the successful relocation to request the CN to trigger the execution of this alternative RAB configuration. No negotiation is allowed during the Relocation Resource Allocation procedure between the requested RAB configuration and this alternative RAB configuration. When the CN transmits the RELOCATION REQUEST message, it shall start the timer TRELOCalloc. When a RELOCATION REQUEST message is sent from a CN node towards an RNC for which the sending CN node is not the default CN node, the Global CN-ID IE shall be included. Upon reception of the RELOCATION REQUEST message, the target RNC shall initiate allocation of requested resources. The RELOCATION REQUEST message shall contain the following IEs: Permanent NAS UE Identity IE (if available); Cause IE; CN Domain Indicator IE; Source RNC To Target RNC Transparent Container IE; Iu Signalling Connection Identifier IE; Integrity Protection Information IE (if available); SNA Access Information IE (if available); UESBI-Iu IE (if available); Selected PLMN identity IE if in MOCN or GWCN configuration; CN MBMS Linking Information IE (if available).
For each RAB requested to relocate (or to be created e.g. in the case of inter-system handover), the message shall contain the following IEs: RAB-ID IE;
NAS Synchronisation Indicator IE (if the relevant NAS information is provided by the CN); RAB parameters IE; User Plane Information IE; Transport Layer Address IE; Iu Transport Association IE; Data Volume Reporting Indication IE (only for PS); PDP Type Information IE (only for PS).
The RELOCATION REQUEST message may include the following IE: Encryption Information IE (shall not be included if the Integrity Protection Information IE is not included).
For each RAB requested to relocate the message may include the following IEs: Service Handover IE; Alternative RAB Parameter Values IE.
The following information elements received in RELOCATION REQUEST message require the same special actions in the RNC as specified for the same IEs in the RAB Assignment procedure: RAB-ID IE; User plane Information IE (i.e. required User Plane Mode and required User Plane Versions); Priority level IE, Pre-emption Capability IE and Pre-emption Vulnerability IE; Service Handover IE.
The SDU Format Information Parameter IE in the RAB Parameters IE shall be present only if the User Plane Mode IE is set to "support mode for pre-defined SDU sizes" and the Traffic Class IE is set to either "Conversational" or "Streaming". For a RAB setup, the RAB Parameters IE may contain the Signalling Indication IE. The Signalling Indication IE shall not be present if the Traffic Class IE is not set to "Interactive" or if the CN Domain Indicator IE is not set to "PS domain". If the RELOCATION REQUEST message includes the Permanent NAS UE identity (i.e. IMSI), the RNC shall associate the permanent identity to the RRC Connection of that user and shall save it for the duration of the RRC connection. If the RELOCATION REQUEST message includes the PDP Type Information IE, the UTRAN may use this IE to configure any compression algorithms. The Cause IE shall contain the same value as the one received in the related RELOCATION REQUIRED message. The Iu Signalling Connection Identifier IE contains an Iu signalling connection identifier which is allocated by the CN. The value for the Iu Signalling Connection Identifier IE shall be allocated so as to uniquely identify an Iu signalling connection for the involved CN node. The RNC shall store and remember this identifier for the duration of the Iu connection. The RNC shall, if supported, use the UESBI-Iu IE when included in the RELOCATION REQUEST message. If the CN MBMS Linking Information IE is included in the RELOCATION REQUEST message, the RNC shall, if supported, use the CN MBMS Linking Information IE to perform suitable UE linking as described in [42]. The algorithms within the Integrity Protection Information IE and the Encryption Information IE shall be ordered in preferred order with the most preferred first in the list. The Permitted Encryption Algorithms IE within the Encryption Information IE may contain "no encryption" within an element of its list in order to allow the RNC not to cipher the respective connection. This can be done either by not
starting ciphering or by using the UEA0 algorithm. In the absence of the Encryption Information IE, the RNC shall not start ciphering. In case of intra-system relocation, if no Integrity Protection Key IE (Ciphering Key IE respectively) is provided within the Source RNC to Target RNC Transparent Container IE, the target RNC shall not start integrity protection (ciphering respectively). In case of intra-system relocation, when an Ciphering Key IE is provided within the Source RNC to Target RNC Transparent Container IE, the target RNC may select to use a ciphering alternative where an algorithm is used. It shall in this case make use of this key to cipher its signalling data whatever the selected algorithm. The Encryption Key IE that is contained within the Encryption Information IE of the RELOCATION REQUEST message shall never be considered for ciphering of signalling data. In case of intra-system relocation, when an Integrity Protection Key IE is provided within the Source RNC to Target RNC Transparent Container IE, the target RNC shall select one integrity algorithm to start integrity and shall in this case make use of this key whatever the selected algorithm. The integrity protection key that is contained within the Integrity Protection Information IE of the RELOCATION REQUEST message shall never be considered. In case of intra-system relocation, when a Trace Recording Session Information IE is provided within the Source RNC to Target RNC Transparent Container IE, the Target RNC should store that information to include it in a potential future Trace Record for that UE. In case of inter-system relocation, the integrity protection and ciphering information to be considered shall be the ones received in the Integrity Protection Information IE and Encryption Information IE of the RELOCATION REQUEST message. The Global CN-ID IE contains the identity of the CN node that sent the RELOCATION REQUEST message, and it shall, if included, be stored together with the Iu signalling connection identifier. If the Global CN-ID IE is not included, the RELOCATION REQUEST message shall be considered as coming from the default CN node for the indicated CN domain. The RELOCATION REQUEST message may contain the Cell Load Group Information IE in the Source RNC to Target RNC Transparent Container IE. The following additional actions shall be executed in the target RNC during the Relocation Resource Allocation procedure: If the Relocation Type IE is set to "UE involved in relocation of SRNS": The target RNC should not accept a requested RAB if the RAB did not exist in the source RNC before the relocation. The target RNC may accept a requested RAB only if the RAB can be supported by the target RNC. Other RABs shall be rejected by the target RNC in the RELOCATION REQUEST ACKNOWLEDGE message with an appropriate value in the Cause IE, e.g. "Unable to Establish During Relocation". The target RNC shall include information adapted to the resulting RAB configuration in the target to source RNC transparent container to be included in the RELOCATION REQUEST ACKNOWLEDGE message sent to the CN. If the target RNC supports triggering of the Relocation Detect procedure via the Iur interface, the RNC shall assign a d-RNTI for the context of the relocation and include it in the container. If two CNs are involved in the relocation of SRNS, the target RNC may, however, decide to send the container to only one CN. If any alternative RAB parameter values have been used when allocating the resources, these RAB parameter values shall be included in the RELOCATION REQUEST ACKNOWLEDGE message within the Assigned RAB Parameter Values IE. If d-RNTI for No IuCS UP IE is contained in the RELOCATION REQUEST message, the target RNC shall use this information to configure the resource for the UE over Iur during the relocation.
If the Relocation Type IE is set to "UE not involved in relocation of SRNS": The target RNC shall not accept a requested RAB if the RAB did not exist in the source RNC before the relocation.
The target RNC may accept a RAB only if the radio bearer(s) for the RAB either exist(s) already and can be used for the RAB by the target RNC, or do(es) not exist before the relocation but can be established in order to support the RAB in the target RNC. If existing radio bearers are not related to any RAB that is accepted by the target RNC, the radio bearers shall be ignored during the relocation of SRNS and the radio bearers shall be released by the radio interface protocols after completion of relocation of SRNS. If any alternative RAB parameter values have been used when allocating the resources, these RAB parameter values shall be included in the RELOCATION REQUEST ACKNOWLEDGE message within the Assigned RAB Parameter Values IE. It should be noted that the usage of alternative RAB parameter values is not applicable to the UTRAN initiated relocation of type "UE not involved in relocation of SRNS".
After all necessary resources for accepted RABs including the initialised Iu user plane, are successfully allocated, the target RNC shall send a RELOCATION REQUEST ACKNOWLEDGE message to the CN. For each RAB successfully setup the RNC shall include the following IEs: RAB ID Transport Layer Address (when no ALCAP has been used) Iu Transport Association (when no ALCAP has been used)
Two pairs of Transport Layer Address IE and Iu Transport Association IE may be included for RABs established towards the PS domain. For each RAB the RNC is not able to setup during the Relocation Resource Allocation procedure, the RNC shall include the RAB ID IE and the Cause IE within the RABs Failed To Setup IE. The resources associated with the RABs indicated as failed to set up shall not be released in the CN until the relocation is completed. This is in order to make a return to the old configuration possible in case of a failed or cancelled relocation. The RELOCATION REQUEST ACKNOWLEDGE message sent to the CN shall, if applicable and if not sent via the other CN domain, include the Target RNC To Source RNC Transparent Container IE. This container shall be transferred by the CN to the source RNC or the external relocation source while completing the Relocation Preparation procedure. If the target RNC supports cell load-based inter-system handover, then in the case of inter-system handover, the New BSS to Old BSS Information IE may be included in the RELOCATION REQUEST ACKNOWLEDGE message. This information shall include, if available, the current traffic load in the target cell assuming a successful completion of the handover in progress. In case of inter-system relocation, the RNC shall include the Chosen Integrity Protection Algorithm IE (Chosen Encryption Algorithm IE respectively) within the RELOCATION REQUEST ACKNOWLEDGE message, if, and only if the Integrity Protection Information IE (Encryption Information IE respectively) was included in the RELOCATION REQUEST message. In case of intra-system relocation, the RNC shall include the Chosen Integrity Protection Algorithm IE (Chosen Encryption Algorithm IE respectively) within the RELOCATION REQUEST ACKNOWLEDGE message, if, and only if the Integrity Protection Key IE (Ciphering Key IE respectively) was included within the Source RNC-to-Target RNC transparent container IE. If one or more of the RABs that the target RNC has decided to support can not be supported by the CN, then these failed RABs shall not be released towards the target RNC until the relocation is completed. If the NAS Synchronisation Indicator IE is contained in the RELOCATION REQUEST message, the target RNC shall pass it to the UE. If the SNA Access Information IE is contained in the RELOCATION REQUEST message, the target RNC shall store this information and use it to determine whether the UE has access to radio resources in the UTRAN. The target RNC shall consider that the UE is authorised to access only the PLMNs identified by the PLMN identity IE in the SNA Access Information IE. If the Authorised SNAs IE is included for a given PLMN (identified by the PLMN identity IE), then the target RNC shall consider that the access to radio resources for the concerned UE is restricted to the LAs contained in the SNAs identified by the SNAC IEs.
If the SNA Access Information IE is not contained in the RELOCATION REQUEST message, the target RNC shall consider that no access restriction applies to the UE in the UTRAN. Transmission and reception of a RELOCATION REQUEST ACKNOWLEDGE message terminate the procedure in the UTRAN and in the CN respectively. Before reporting the successful outcome of the Relocation Resource allocation procedure, the RNC shall have executed the initialisation of the user plane mode as requested by the CN in the User Plane Mode IE. If the RNC can not initialise the requested user plane mode for any of the user plane mode versions in the UP Mode Versions IE according to the rules for initialisation of the respective user plane mode versions, as described in [6], the RAB Relocation shall fail with the cause value "RNC unable to establish all RFCs". If the Selected PLMN identity IE is contained in the RELOCATION REQUEST message, the target RNC shall use this information to send it to the UE. Interactions with Uplink Information Exchange procedure: In case of UTRAN to UTRAN CS only relocation, if the RELOCATION REQUEST message includes the MBMS Linking Information IE in the Source RNC To Target RNC Transparent Container IE, the RNC shall, if supported, initiate the Uplink Information Exchange procedure to retrieve the Multicast Service list for the UE, create relevant MBMS Service Context, store this information and perform the relevant UE linking as defined in [42].
The relocation between UTRAN and GERAN Iu-mode shall be considered in the Relocation Resource Allocation procedure as intra-system relocation from RANAP point of view. For GERAN Iu-mode and to support Relocation towards a GERAN BSC in Iu mode the following shall apply in addition for the successful operation of the Relocation Resource Allocation procedure: In case of GERAN Iu-mode, for RAB requested to be relocated from the the CS domain, the RELOCATION REQUEST message may contain the GERAN BSC Container IE in order to provide GERAN specific information to the target BSC (see [27]).
Unsuccessful Operation
Target RNC CN
Figure 8: Relocation Resource Allocation procedure: Unsuccessful operation. If the target RNC can not even partially accept the relocation of SRNS or a failure occurs during the Relocation Resource Allocation procedure in the target RNC, the target RNC shall send a RELOCATION FAILURE message to the CN. The RELOCATION FAILURE message shall contain the Cause IE with an appropriate value. If the target RNC cannot support any of the integrity protection (ciphering respectively) alternatives provided in the Integrity Protection Information IE or Encryption Information IE, it shall return a RELOCATION FAILURE message with the cause "Requested Ciphering and/or Integrity Protection algorithms not supported".
If the target RNC cannot support the relocation due to PUESBINE feature, it shall return a RELOCATION FAILURE message with the cause "Incoming Relocation Not Supported Due To PUESBINE Feature". Transmission and reception of a RELOCATION FAILURE message terminate the procedure in the UTRAN and in the CN respectively. When the CN receives a RELOCATION FAILURE message from the target RNC, it shall stop timer TRELOCalloc and shall assume possibly allocated resources within the target RNC completely released. In case of inter-system handover, and if the target RNC supports cell load-based inter-system handover, then the NewBSS to Old BSS Information IE may be included in the RELOCATION FAILURE message. This information shall include, if available, the current traffic load in the target cell. the RELOCATION FAILURE message shall contain the Cause IE with an appropriate value, e.g. "No Radio Resources Available in Target Cell" or "Traffic Load In The Target Cell Higher Than In The Source Cell". If the Cause IE received in the RELOCATION REQUEST message contains the value "Reduce Load in Serving Cell" and the load in the target cell is greater than in the source cell then, if the target cell is not in a congested or blocked state, the RNC shall return a RELOCATION FAILURE message which may include the cause "Traffic Load In The Target Cell Higher Than In The Source Cell". When the RNC returns a RELOCATION FAILURE message with the cause "Traffic Load In The Target Cell Higher Than In The Source Cell", it shall also include the NewBSS to Old BSS Information IE. This information shall include the current traffic load in the target cell.
For GERAN Iu-mode and to support Relocation towards a GERAN BSC in Iu mode the following shall apply in addition for the unsuccessful operation of the Relocation Resource Allocation procedure: In case a Relocation to GERAN Iu-mode fails (only for CS), because the Target BSC cannot provide an appropriate RAB corresponding to the content of the GERAN BSC Container IE (if received), the Target BSC shall report the unsuccessful Relocation Resource Allocation by indicating the cause value "GERAN Iu-mode Failure" within the RELOCATION FAILURE message and shall include the GERAN Classmark IE.
Abnormal Conditions
If after reception of the RELOCATION REQUEST message, the target RNC receives another RELOCATION REQUEST message on the same Iu connection, then the target RNC shall discard the latter message and the original Relocation Resource Allocation procedure shall continue normally. If the target RNC receives a Source RNC to Target RNC Transparent Container IE containing Chosen Integrity Protection (Encryption respectively) Algorithm IE without Integrity Protection (Ciphering respectively) Key IE, it shall return a RELOCATION FAILURE message with the cause "Conflict with already existing Integrity protection and/or Ciphering information". Interactions with Iu Release procedure: If the CN decides to not continue the Relocation Resource Allocation procedure (e.g. due to TRELOCalloc expiry) before the Relocation Resource Allocation procedure is completed, the CN shall stop timer TRELOCalloc (if timer TRELOCalloc has not already expired) and the CN shall, if the Iu signalling connection has been established or later becomes established, initiate the Iu Release procedure towards the target RNC with an appropriate value for the Cause IE, e.g. "Relocation Cancelled". NOTE: In case two CN domains are involved in the Relocation Resource Allocation procedure, the target RNC may check whether the content of the two Source RNC to Target RNC Transparent Container IEs or the two SNA Access Information IEs is the same. In case the target RNC receives two different Source RNC to Target RNC Transparent Container IEs or two different SNA Access Information IEs, the RNC behaviour is left implementation specific.
Co-ordination of two Iu signalling connections during Relocation Resource Allocation procedure shall be executed by the target RNC when the Number of Iu Instances IE received in the Source RNC to Target RNC Transparent Container IE in the RELOCATION REQUEST message indicates that two CN domains are involved in relocation of SRNS. When both the CS and PS user data Chosen Encryption Algorithm IE are received within the Source RNC to Target RNC Transparent Container IE and if these two received Chosen Encryption Algorithm IE are not the same, the target RNC shall fail the Relocation Resource Allocation procedure by sending back a RELOCATION FAILURE message. The integrity protection (ciphering respectively) alternatives provided in the Integrity Protection Information IE (Encryption Information IE respectively) of the RELOCATION REQUEST messages received from both CN domains shall have at least one common alternative, otherwise the Relocation Resource Allocation shall be failed by sending back a RELOCATION FAILURE message. If two CN domains are involved, the following actions shall be taken by the target RNC: The target RNC shall utilise the Permanent NAS UE Identity IE, received explicitly from each CN domain within the RELOCATION REQUEST messages, to co-ordinate both Iu signalling connections. The target RNC shall generate and send RELOCATION REQUEST ACKNOWLEDGE messages only after all expected RELOCATION REQUEST messages are received and analysed. If the target RNC decides to send the Target RNC to Source RNC Transparent Container IE via the two CN domains, the target RNC shall ensure that the same Target RNC to Source RNC Transparent Container IE is included in RELOCATION REQUEST ACKNOWLEDGE messages transmitted via the two CN domains and related to the same relocation of SRNS.
If the target RNC receives the UESBI-Iu IE on the Iu-CS but not on the Iu-PS interface (or vice versa), the RNC shall, if supported, use the UESBI-Iu IE for both domains.
Relocation Detect
The purpose of the Relocation Detect procedure is to indicate to the CN the detection by the RNC of an SRNS relocation execution. The procedure shall be co-ordinated over all Iu signalling connections existing for the UE. The procedure uses connection-oriented signalling.
Successful Operation
Target RNC CN
Figure 9: Relocation Detect procedure: Successful operation. The target RNC shall send a RELOCATION DETECT message to the CN when a relocation execution trigger is received.
If the type of relocation of SRNS is "UE involved in relocation of SRNS", the relocation execution trigger may be received either from the Uu interface or as an implementation option from the Iur interface. If the type of relocation of SRNS is "UE not involved in relocation of SRNS", the relocation execution trigger is received from the Iur interface. When the RELOCATION DETECT message is sent, the target RNC shall start SRNC operation. Upon reception of the RELOCATION DETECT message, the CN may switch the user plane from the source RNC to the target RNC.
Abnormal Conditions
Interactions with Relocation Complete procedure: If the RELOCATION COMPLETE message is received by the CN before the reception of the RELOCATION DETECT message, the CN shall handle the RELOCATION COMPLETE message normally.
When the Relocation Detect procedure is to be initiated by the target RNC, the target RNC shall initiate the Relocation Detect procedure on all Iu signalling connections existing for the UE between the target RNC and the CN.
Relocation Complete
The purpose of the Relocation Complete procedure is to indicate to the CN the completion by the target RNC of the relocation of SRNS . The procedure shall be co-ordinated over all Iu signalling connections existing for the UE. The procedure uses connection-oriented signalling.
Successful Operation
Target RNC
Figure 10: Relocation Complete procedure. Successful operation. When the new SRNC-ID and serving RNC Radio Network Temporary Identity are successfully exchanged with the UE by the radio protocols, the target RNC shall initiate the Relocation Complete procedure by sending a RELOCATION COMPLETE message to the CN. Upon reception of the RELOCATION COMPLETE message, the CN should stop the TRELOCcomplete timer.
Abnormal Conditions
If the timer TRELOCcomplete expires: The CN should initiate release of Iu connections towards the source and the target RNC by initiating the Iu Release procedure with an appropriate value for the Cause IE, e.g. "TRELOCcomplete expiry".
Interactions with the Relocation Detect procedure: If the RELOCATION DETECT message is not received by the CN before reception of the RELOCATION COMPLETE message, the CN shall handle the RELOCATION COMPLETE message normally.
When the Relocation Complete procedure is to be initiated by the target RNC, the target RNC shall initiate the Relocation Complete procedure on all Iu signalling connections existing for the UE between the target RNC and the CN.
Relocation Cancel
The purpose of the Relocation Cancel procedure is to enable a source RNC to cancel an ongoing relocation of SRNS. The Relocation Cancel procedure may be initiated by the source RNC during and after the Relocation Preparation procedure if either of the following conditions is fulfilled: 1. The source RNC has not yet initiated the execution of relocation of SRNS, neither via the Iur interface nor via the Uu interface. 2. After having initiated the execution of relocation of SRNS, the UE has returned to the source RNC by transmitting an RRC message which indicates that the UE considers the source RNC as its serving RNC. The procedure shall be co-ordinated in all Iu signalling connections for which the Relocation Preparation procedure has been initiated. The procedure uses connection oriented signalling.
Successful Operation
Source RNC CN
Figure 11: Relocation Cancel procedure. Successful operation. The RNC initiates the procedure by sending a RELOCATION CANCEL message to the CN. This message shall indicate the reason for cancelling the relocation of SRNS by the appropriate value of the Cause IE. Upon reception of a RELOCATION CANCEL message, the CN shall send a RELOCATION CANCEL ACKNOWLEDGE message to the source RNC. Transmission and reception of a RELOCATION CANCEL ACKNOWLEDGE message terminate the procedure in the CN and in the source RNC respectively. After this, the source RNC does not have a prepared relocation for that Iu signalling connection. Interactions with Relocation Preparation procedure: Upon reception of a RELOCATION CANCEL message from the source RNC, the CN shall locally terminate the possibly ongoing Relocation Preparation procedure towards that RNC and abandon the relocation of SRNS. If the source RNC receives a RELOCATION COMMAND message from the CN after the Relocation Cancel procedure is initiated, the source RNC shall ignore the received RELOCATION COMMAND message. If the source RNC receives a RELOCATION PREPARATION FAILURE message from the CN after the Relocation Cancel procedure is initiated, then the source RNC shall terminate the ongoing Relocation Cancel procedure.
Unsuccessful Operation
Not applicable.
Abnormal Conditions
Not applicable.
If the Relocation Cancel procedure is to be initiated due to other reasons than reception of a RELOCATION PREPARATION FAILURE message, the Relocation Cancel procedure shall be initiated on all Iu signalling connections existing for the UE in which the Relocation Preparation procedure has not terminated unsuccessfully.
The purpose of the SRNS Context Transfer procedure is to trigger the transfer of SRNS contexts from the source RNC to the CN (PS domain) in case of intersystem change or in some further cases described in [21]. The procedure uses connection oriented signalling.
Successful Operation
Figure 12: SRNS Context Transfer procedure. Successful operation. The CN initiates the procedure by sending an SRNS CONTEXT REQUEST message to the source RNC. The SRNS CONTEXT REQUEST message shall include the list of RABs whose contexts should be transferred, and may include the RAT Type IE, when available to indicate the RAT from which the context request originates. The source RNC shall respond to the CN with an SRNS CONTEXT RESPONSE message containing all the referenced RABs, including both successful and unsuccessful RABs transfers. For each RAB whose transfer is successful, the following context information elements shall be included: RAB ID IE; always when available, the sequence number for the next downlink GTP-PDU to be sent to the UE, i.e. the DL GTP-PDU Sequence Number IE; always when available, the sequence number for the next uplink GTP-PDU to be tunnelled to the GGSN, i.e. the UL GTP-PDU Sequence Number IE; always when available, the radio interface sequence number (PDCP) [17] of the next downlink N-PDU (PDCP SDU) that would have been sent to the UE by a source system, i.e. the DL N-PDU Sequence Number IE; always when available, the radio interface sequence number (PDCP) [17] of the next uplink N-PDU (PDCP SDU) that would have been expected from the UE by a source system, i.e. the UL N-PDU Sequence Number IE.
Transmission and reception of the SRNS CONTEXT RESPONSE message terminate the procedure in the UTRAN and in the CN respectively.
Unsuccessful Operation
For each RAB for which the UTRAN is not able to transfer the RAB context, e.g. if the RAB ID is unknown to the RNC, the RAB ID is included in the SRNS CONTEXT RESPONSE message together with a Cause IE, e.g. "Invalid RAB ID".
Abnormal Conditions
Not applicable.
The purpose of the SRNS Data Forwarding procedure is to trigger the transfer of N-PDUs from the RNC to the CN (PS domain) in case of intersystem change or in some further cases described in [21]. The procedure uses connection oriented signalling.
Successful Operation
Figure 13: SRNS Data Forwarding Initiation procedure. Successful operation. The CN initiates the procedure by sending an SRNS DATA FORWARD COMMAND message to the UTRAN. The SRNS DATA FORWARD COMMAND message includes the list of RABs towards the PS domain whose data should be forwarded, and the necessary information for establishing a GTP tunnel to be used for data forwarding. For each indicated RAB, the list shall include the RAB ID IE, the Transport Layer Address IE and the Iu Transport Association IE. Upon reception of the SRNS DATA FORWARD COMMAND message the RNC starts the timer TDATAfwd.
Abnormal Conditions
Not applicable.
The purpose of this procedure is to transfer SRNS contexts from the source RNC to the CN (PS domain) in case of handover via the CN. The procedure uses connection oriented signalling. SRNS contexts are sent for each concerned RAB among those that are supported by the target system, and for which at least either GTP-PDU or PDCP sequence numbering is available. The SRNS contexts contain the sequence numbers of the next GTP-PDUs to be transmitted in the uplink and downlink directions, if available, and the next PDCP sequence numbers that would have been used to send and receive data from the UE, if available. The Source RNC PDCP context info shall be sent if available.
Successful Operation
Source RNC
Figure 14: SRNS Context forwarding from source RNC to CN. Successful operation. The source RNC initialises the procedure by sending a FORWARD SRNS CONTEXT message to the CN. The FORWARD SRNS CONTEXT message contains the RAB Context information for each referenced RAB. For each RAB the following information shall be included: RAB ID IE; always when available, the sequence number for the next downlink GTP-PDU to be sent to the UE, i.e. the DL GTP-PDU Sequence Number IE; always when available, the sequence number for the next uplink GTP-PDU to be tunnelled to the GGSN, i.e. the UL GTP-PDU Sequence Number IE; always when available, the radio interface sequence number (PDCP) [17] of the next uplink N-PDU (PDCP SDU) that would have been expected from the UE by a source system i.e. the UL N-PDU Sequence Number IE; always when available, the radio interface sequence number (PDCP) [17] of the next downlink N-PDU (PDCP SDU) that would have been sent to the UE by a source system i.e. the DL N-PDU Sequence Number IE.
Abnormal Conditions
Not applicable.
The purpose of this procedure is to transfer SRNS contexts from the CN (PS domain) to the target RNC in case of handover via the CN. The procedure uses connection oriented signalling. SRNS contexts are sent for each referenced RAB, for which at least either GTP-PDU or PDCP sequence numbering is available. The SRNS contexts contain the sequence numbers of the next GTP-PDUs to be transmitted in the uplink and downlink directions, if available, and the next PDCP sequence numbers that would have been used to send and receive data from the UE, if available. The source RNC PDCP context info shall be sent if available.
Successful Operation
Target RNC
Figure 15: SRNS Context forwarding to target RNC from CN. Successful operation. The CN initialises the procedure by sending FORWARD SRNS CONTEXT message to the target RNC. The FORWARD SRNS CONTEXT message contains the RAB Context information for each referenced RAB. For each RAB the following information shall be included: RAB ID IE; always when available, the sequence number for the next downlink GTP-PDU to be sent to the UE, i.e. the DL GTP-PDU Sequence Number IE; always when available, the sequence number for the next uplink GTP-PDU to be tunnelled to the GGSN, i.e. the UL GTP-PDU Sequence Number IE; always when available, the radio interface sequence number (PDCP) [17] of the next uplink N-PDU (PDCP SDU) that would have been expected from the UE by a source system i.e. the UL N-PDU Sequence Number IE; always when available, the radio interface sequence number (PDCP) [17] of the next downlink N-PDU (PDCP SDU) that would have been sent to the UE by a source system i.e. the DL N-PDU Sequence Number IE.
Abnormal Conditions
Not applicable.
The purpose of the Paging procedure is to enable the CN to request the UTRAN to contact that UE. The procedure uses connectionless signalling.
Successful Operation
Figure 16: Paging procedure. Successful operation. The CN initiates the procedure by sending a PAGING message. The PAGING message shall contain the following IEs: CN Domain Indicator
The PAGING message may contain following IEs: Temporary UE Identity Paging Area Paging Cause Non Searching Indication Global CN-ID
The CN Domain Indicator IE shall be used by the RNC to identify from which CN domain the paging request originates. The Permanent NAS UE Identity IE (i.e. IMSI) shall be used by the UTRAN paging co-ordination function to check if a signalling connection towards the other CN domain already exists for this UE. In that case, the radio interface paging message shall be sent via that connection instead of using the paging broadcast channel. The Temporary UE Identity IE (e.g. TMSI) is the temporary identity of the user (allocated by that CN Domain) which can be used in a radio interface paging message. If the Temporary UE Identity IE is not included in the PAGING message, the RNC shall use the Permanent NAS UE Identity instead if no signalling connection exists. If NNSF is active, and the Temporary UE Identity IE is not included in the PAGING message, the PAGING message shall include the Global CN-ID IE and, in case this PAGING message is originated from the CS domain, the RNC may start the T NNSF timer and store the Permanent NAS UE Identity IE along with the related Global CN-ID IE until the T NNSF timer has expired. The Paging Area IE shall be used by the RNC to identify the area in which the radio interface paging message shall be broadcast in case no signalling connection, as described above, already exists for the UE. If the Paging Area IE is not included in the PAGING message, the whole RNC area shall be used as Paging Area if no signalling connection exists for that UE. The Paging Cause IE shall indicate to the RNC the reason for sending the PAGING message. The paging cause is transferred transparently to the UE. The Non Searching Indication IE shall, if present, be used by the RNC to decide whether the UTRAN paging coordination function needs to be activated or not. In the absence of this IE, UTRAN paging co-ordination shall be performed. The DRX Cycle Length Coefficient IE may be included in the PAGING message, and if present, the UTRAN shall, when applicable, use it for calculating the paging occasions for the UE. It should be noted that each PAGING message on the Iu interface relates to only one UE and therefore the RNC has to pack the pages into the relevant radio interface paging message. The core network is responsible for the paging repetition over the Iu interface.
Abnormal Conditions
Not applicable.
Common ID
The purpose of the Common ID procedure is to inform the RNC about the permanent NAS UE Identity (i.e. IMSI) of a user. This is used by the RNC e.g. to create a reference between the permanent NAS UE identity of the user and the
RRC connection of that user for UTRAN paging co-ordination. The procedure may also be used to provide the SNA Access Information IE to the RNC. The procedure uses connection oriented signalling.
Successful Operation
Figure 17: Common ID procedure. Successful operation. After having established an Iu signalling connection, and if the Permanent NAS UE identity (i.e. IMSI) is available, the CN shall send to the RNC a COMMON ID message containing the Permanent NAS UE Identity IE and optionally the SNA Access Information IE. The COMMON ID message may also include the UESBI-Iu IE. The RNC shall associate the permanent identity to the RRC Connection of that user and shall save it for the duration of the RRC connection. The RNC shall, if supported, use the UESBI-Iu IE when received in the COMMON ID message. If the SNA Access Information IE is contained in the COMMON ID message, the RNC shall store this information and use it to determine whether the UE has access to radio resources in the UTRAN. The RNC shall consider that the UE is authorised to access only the PLMNs identified by the PLMN identity IEs in the SNA Access Information IE. If the Authorised SNAs IE is included for a given PLMN (identified by the PLMN identity IE), then the RNC shall consider that the access to radio resources for the concerned UE is restricted to the LAs contained in the SNAs identified by the SNAC IEs. In case of GWCN configuration for a network sharing non-supporting UE, the COMMON ID message shall include, if available, the Selected PLMN identity IE. If received, the RNC shall store this information.
Abnormal Conditions
Not applicable.
CN Invoke Trace
When used for signalling based activation, the purpose of the CN Invoke Trace procedure is to inform the RNC that it should begin a trace session with the parameters indicated by the CN and related to the UE, the Iu connection is used for. When used for management based activation, the purpose of the CN Invoke Trace procedure is to provide the RNC with the equipment identity of the UE for which the RNC should begin a trace recording session. The procedure uses connection oriented signalling.
Successful Operation
Figure 18: CN Invoke Trace procedure. Successful operation. The CN Invoke Trace procedure is invoked by the CN by sending a CN INVOKE TRACE message to the RNC. The CN INVOKE TRACE message shall include the following IEs: The Trace Reference IE, which uniquely identifies the trace session it refers to. The UE Identity IE, which indicates the UE to which this trace session pertains. The Trace Propagation Parameters IE, only in case of a signalling based activation.
If present, the Trace Propagation Parameters IE shall include the following IEs: The Trace Recording Session Reference IE, which is allocated by the CN. The Trace Depth IE, which defines how detailed information should be recorded for this trace session in the RNC.
The Trace Propagation Parameters IE may also include the List Of Interfaces To Trace IE, which defines which interfaces should be traced in the RNC. If the List Of Interfaces To Trace IE is not included, the RNC should trace all the following interfaces, if available: Iu-CS, Iu-PS, Uu, Iur and Iub. Upon receiving the CN INVOKE TRACE message, which includes the Trace Propagation Parameters IE, the RNC should begin a trace recording session according to the parameters indicated in the CN INVOKE TRACE message. If the RNC does not support the requested value "Minimum" or "Medium" of the Trace Depth IE, the RNC should begin a trace recording session with maximum trace depth. Upon receiving the CN INVOKE TRACE message, which does not include the Trace Propagation Parameters IE, the RNC should begin a trace recording session according to the parameters configured in the RNC for the indicated equipment identity in the CN INVOKE TRACE message. The RNC may not start a trace recording session if there are insufficient resources available within the RNC. The Trace Reference IE, UE identity IE and, if the Trace Propagation Parameters IE is present, the Trace Recording Session Reference IE are used to tag the trace record to allow simpler construction of the total record by the entity which combines trace records. Interaction with Relocation: In case of signalling based activation, the order to perform tracing is lost in UTRAN at successful Relocation of SRNS. If the tracing shall continue also after the relocation has been performed, the CN Invoke Trace procedure shall thus be re-initiated from the CN towards the future SRNC after the Relocation Resource Allocation procedure has been executed successfully.
The CN INVOKE TRACE message shall include the Trace Type IE to indicate the events and parameters to be recorded. The message shall include a Trace Reference IE which is allocated by the entity which triggered the trace. The message may include the OMC ID IE, which if present, indicates the OMC to which the record is destined. The message may include the UE Identity IE, which if present, indicates the UE to which this record pertains to.
The message may include the Trigger ID IE, which if present, indicates the entity which triggered the trace. The Trace Reference and Trigger ID IEs are used to tag the trace record to allow simpler construction of the total record by the entity which combines trace records.
Abnormal Conditions
In the case RNC receives multiple CN INVOKE TRACE messages for the same subscriber or equipement (e.g. simultaneous CS/PS connections): - if the Trace Reference IE is equal to an existing one, a new trace session and trace recording session shall not be started; - if the Trace Reference IE is not equal to an existing one, a new trace session and trace recording session may be started.
Not applicable.
The purpose of the Security Mode Control procedure is to pass ciphering and integrity mode information to the UTRAN. The UTRAN uses this information to select and load the encryption device for user and signalling data with the appropriate parameters, and also to store the appropriate parameters for the integrity algorithm. The procedure uses connection oriented signalling.
Successful Operation
Figure 19: Security Mode Control procedure. Successful operation. The CN initiates the procedure by sending a SECURITY MODE COMMAND message. The message may contain the Encryption Information IE and shall contain the Integrity Protection Information IE, specifying, in preferred order with the most preferred first in the list, which ciphering, if any, and integrity protection algorithms may be used by the UTRAN. The Permitted Encryption Algorithms IE within the Encryption Information IE may contain "no encryption" within an element of its list in order to allow the RNC not to cipher the respective connection. This can be done either by not starting ciphering or by using the UEA0 algorithm. In the absence of the Encryption Information group IE in SECURITY MODE COMMAND message, the RNC shall not start ciphering.
Upon reception of the SECURITY MODE COMMAND message, the UTRAN shall internally select appropriate algorithms, taking into account the UE/UTRAN capabilities. If a signalling connection already exists towards the other core network domain and integrity has been started, the same ciphering and integrity alternatives as being used for that core network domain shall be selected. If a signalling connection already exists towards the other core network domain and the Security Mode Control procedure is ongoing on that core network domain, the same ciphering and integrity alternative shall be selected for the two domains. This means in particular for encryption that if "no encryption" or no Encryption Information IE has been received from the first core network domain and integrity has been started but ciphering has not been started, ciphering shall also not be started for the second core network domain. The UTRAN shall then trigger the execution of the corresponding radio interface procedure and, if applicable, start/restart the encryption device and also start/modify the integrity protection. The CN may send a SECURITY MODE COMMAND message towards the RNC also when integrity protection and possibly ciphering has already been started for an existing signalling connection towards that core network domain. This may be used to activate new integrity protection and ciphering keys. The included integrity protection and ciphering information shall then support (at least) the integrity protection alternative and the ciphering alternative presently being used and the Key Status IE shall have the value "New". When the execution of the radio interface procedure is successfully finished, the UTRAN shall return a SECURITY MODE COMPLETE message to the CN. This message shall include the Chosen Integrity Protection Algorithm IE and may include the Chosen Encryption Algorithm IE. The Chosen Encryption Algorithm IE shall be included in the SECURITY MODE COMPLETE message if, and only if the Encryption Information IE was included in the SECURITY MODE COMMAND message. The set of permitted algorithms specified in the SECURITY MODE COMMAND message shall remain applicable for subsequent RAB Assignments and Intra-UTRAN Relocations. In case of a UE with Radio Access Bearers towards both core networks, the user data towards CS shall always be ciphered with the ciphering key received from CS and the user data towards PS with the ciphering key received from PS. The signalling data shall always be ciphered with the last received ciphering key and integrity protected with the last received integrity protection key from any of the two CNs.
Unsuccessful Operation
Figure 20: Security Mode Control procedure. Unsuccessful operation. If the UTRAN or the UE is unable to support the ciphering and/or integrity protection algorithms specified in the SECURITY MODE COMMAND message, then the UTRAN shall return to the CN a SECURITY MODE REJECT message with cause value "Requested Ciphering and/or Integrity Protection Algorithms not Supported". If the radio interface Security Mode Control procedure fails, a SECURITY MODE REJECT message shall be sent to the CN with cause value "Failure in the Radio Interface Procedure".
Abnormal Conditions
If, when establishing a signalling connection towards a second core network domain, the integrity has already been started by the first domain and the integrity protection and ciphering information specified in the SECURITY MODE COMMAND message does not support the integrity protection alternative and the ciphering alternative presently being used, a SECURITY MODE REJECT message shall be sent to the second core network domain with cause value "Conflict with already existing Integrity protection and/or Ciphering information". If, upon reception of a SECURITY MODE COMMAND message from a core network domain with an already existing signalling connection from that core network domain and for which integrity protection and possibly ciphering have already been started, the Key Status IE has the value "Old", a SECURITY MODE REJECT message shall be returned with cause value "Conflict with already existing Integrity protection and/or Ciphering information". If, upon reception of a SECURITY MODE COMMAND message from a core network domain with an already existing signalling connection and for which integrity protection and possibly ciphering have already been started, the included integrity protection and ciphering information does not support the integrity protection alternative and the ciphering alternative presently being used, a SECURITY MODE REJECT message shall be returned with cause value "Conflict with already existing Integrity protection and/or Ciphering information".
The purpose of the Location Reporting Control procedure is to allow the CN to request information on the location and optionally velocity of a given UE. The procedure uses connection oriented signalling.
Successful Operation
Figure 21: Location Reporting Control procedure. Successful operation. The CN initiates the procedure by sending a LOCATION REPORTING CONTROL message. The Request Type IE shall indicate to the serving RNC whether: to report directly; to stop a direct report; to report periodically; to stop periodic reporting; to report upon change of Service area, or to stop reporting at change of Service Area.
If reporting upon change of Service Area is requested, the Serving RNC shall report whenever the UE moves between Service Areas. For this procedure, only Service Areas that are defined for the PS and CS domains shall be considered. The Request Type IE shall also indicate what type of location information the serving RNC shall report. The location information is either of the following types: Service Area Identifier, or
Geographical area, including geographical coordinates with or without requested accuracy. If the Vertical Accuracy Code IE is included, the Accuracy Code IE in the Request Type IE shall be present. The Accuracy Code IE shall be understood as the horizontal accuracy code.
A request for a direct report or for periodic reporting can be done in parallel with having an active request to report upon change of Service Area for the same UE. The request to report upon change of Service Area shall not be affected by this. Any of the Vertical Accuracy Code IE, Response Time IE, Positioning Priority IE, Client Type IE or Periodic Location Info IE shall be included according to the following rules: Vertical Accuracy Code shall be included, if available, in connection with Geographical Area, Response time shall be included, if available, in connection with request for start of direct reporting of Geographical Area, Client type shall be included in connection with request for start of direct reporting of Geographical Area and, if available, in request for direct reporting of SAI or periodic reporting, Positioning Priority shall be included, if available, in connection with request for start of direct reporting or in connection with request for start of reporting upon change of Service Area, Periodic Location Info shall be included in connection with a request for start of periodic reporting of Geographical Area.
When no Positioning Priority IE is included, the RNC shall consider the request as if "Normal Priority" value had been received. When no Response Time IE is included, the RNC shall consider the request as if "Delay Tolerant" value had been received. Interaction with Relocation: The order to perform location reporting at change of Service Area is lost in UTRAN at successful Relocation of SRNS. If the location reporting at change of Service Area shall continue also after the relocation has been performed, the Location Reporting Control procedure shall thus be re-initiated from the CN towards the future SRNC after the Relocation Resource Allocation procedure has been executed successfully.
Abnormal Conditions
Not applicable.
Location Report
The purpose of the Location Report procedure is to provide the UE's location and optionally velocity information to the CN. The procedure uses connection oriented signalling.
Successful Operation
The serving RNC initiates the procedure by generating a LOCATION REPORT message. The LOCATION REPORT message may be used as a response to a LOCATION REPORTING CONTROL message. Also, when a user enters or leaves a classified zone set by O&M, e.g. a zone where a disaster has occurred, a LOCATION REPORT message including the Service Area of the UE in the Area Identity IE shall be sent to the CN. The Cause IE shall indicate the appropriate cause value to the CN, e.g. "User Restriction Start Indication" and "User Restriction End Indication". The CN shall react to the LOCATION REPORT message with CN vendor specific actions. For this procedure, only Service Areas that are defined for the PS and CS domains shall be considered. In case reporting at change of Service Area is requested by the CN, then the RNC shall issue a LOCATION REPORT message: whenever the information given in the previous LOCATION REPORT message or INITIAL UE MESSAGE message is not anymore valid. upon receipt of the first LOCATION REPORTING CONTROL message following a Relocation Resource Allocation procedure, with the Event IE included in the Request Type IE set to "Change of Service Area", as soon as SAI becomes available in the new SRNC and the relocation procedure has been successfully completed.
In case a Service Area is reported, the RNC shall include in the Area Identity IE of the LOCATION REPORT message a Service Area that includes at least one of the cells from which the UE is consuming radio resources. In case the LOCATION REPORT message is sent as an answer to a request for a direct report, for periodic reporting or for reports at a change of Service Area, the Request Type IE from the LOCATION REPORTING CONTROL message shall be included. If the LOCATION REPORT message is sent as an answer to a request for a direct report of Service Area and the current Service Area can not be determined by the RNC, then the Area Identity IE shall be omitted and a cause value shall be included to indicate that the request could not be fulfilled, e.g. "Requested Information Not Available" or "Location Reporting Congestion". The RNC may also include the Last Known Service Area IE. If the RNC can not deliver the location information as requested by the CN, due to either the non-support of the requested event or the non-support of the requested report area, or if the RNC is currently not able to reach the UE, the RNC shall indicate the UE location to be "Undetermined" by omitting the Area Identity IE. A cause value shall instead be added to indicate the reason for the undetermined location, e.g. "Requested Request Type not supported", "Location Reporting Congestion" or "No Resource Available". In case of periodic reporting is requested by the CN, the RNC shall issue the first LOCATION REPORT message one reporting interval as indicated in the Reporting Interval IE contained in the LOCATION REPORTING CONTROL message after reception of the LOCATION REPORTING CONTROL message and continue to send LOCATION REPORT messages one reporting interval after the previous LOCATION REPORT message until the desired amount of reports as given in the Reporting Amount IE has been attained, or until the periodic reporting is canceled by the CN or aborted by the RNC. When no location estimate is available at the RNC when the reporting criteria are fulfilled (e.g., due to failure of a position method itself), the RNC shall indicate the UE location to be "Undetermined" by omitting the Area Identity IE. A cause value shall instead be added to indicate the reason for the undetermined location, e.g. "Periodic Location Information not Available". If the Location Report procedure was triggered by a LOCATION REPORTING CONTROL message, which included a request to report a geographical area with a specific accuracy, the LOCATION REPORT message shall include: the Geographical Area IE within the Area Identity IE containing either a point with indicated uncertainty or a polygon or an other type, which fulfils the requested accuracy, and the Accuracy Fulfilment Indicator IE with the value "requested accuracy fulfilled".
If the Location Report procedure was triggered by a LOCATION REPORTING CONTROL message, which included a request to report with a geographical area and whenever one of the geographic area shapes Ellipsoid point with uncertainty Ellipse IE, Ellipsoid point with altitude and uncertainty Ellipsoid IE or Ellipsoid Arc IE is reported, the Confidence IE shall indicate the probability that the UE is located within the uncertainty region of the shape. The value of the Confidence IE shall be in the interval of "1" to "100". If any of the requested accuracy cannot be fulfilled, the LOCATION REPORT message shall include: the Geographical Area IE within the Area Identity IE containing either a point with indicated uncertainty or a polygon or an other type, with the best possible accuracy, and
the Accuracy Fulfilment Indicator IE with the value "requested accuracy not fulfilled".
If the Confidence IE received from the UE has value "0", the RNC shall consider the requested accuracy as not fulfilled and if the received position is reported or forwarded then the confidence and uncertainty shape shall not be included (i.e. either the Point IE or the Ellipsoid point with altitude IE shall be used). If, on the other hand, no specific accuracy level was requested in the LOCATION REPORTING CONTROL message, the LOCATION REPORT message shall include the Geographical Area IE within the Area Identity IE, the reported Geographical Area IE may include an accuracy. The LOCATION REPORT message shall also include, if available, the Position Data IE containing the positioning method (or list of positioning methods) used successfully to obtain the location estimate, together with the usage information. If the Location Report procedure was triggered by a LOCATION REPORTING CONTROL message which included a request to report with a geographical area and in which the IncludeVelocity IE was set to "requested", the LOCATION REPORT message shall include a Velocity Estimate IE, if available and if the handling of velocity is supported by the RNC. If the Location Report procedure was triggered by a LOCATION REPORTING CONTROL message, which included a request to report with a geographical area and in which the Client Type IE was not included, the RNC shall answer with the Point IE, or the Point With Uncertainty IE or the Polygon IE within the Geographical Area IE of the LOCATION REPORT message.
Abnormal Conditions
Not applicable.
The Data Volume Report procedure is used by CN to request the unsuccessfully transmitted DL data volume for specific RABs. This procedure only applies to the PS domain. The procedure uses connection oriented signalling. NOTE: In line with TS32.200, this procedure is not used and the RNC should ignore a DATA VOLUME REPORT REQUEST message if received.
Successful Operation
Figure 23: Data Volume Report procedure. Successful operation. The procedure is initiated by CN by sending DATA VOLUME REPORT REQUEST message to UTRAN. This message shall contain the list of RAB ID IEs to identify the RABs for which the unsuccessfully transmitted DL data volume shall be reported. At reception of a DATA VOLUME REPORT REQUEST message, the UTRAN shall produce a DATA VOLUME REPORT message. For each RAB successfully addressed within the RAB Data Volume Report List IE of the DATA
VOLUME REPORT REQUEST message, the DATA VOLUME REPORT message shall include in the Unsuccessfully Transmitted DL Data Volume IE the amount of unsuccessfully transmitted DL data since the last data volume reported to the CN for the RAB and with the same data volume reference, if present. The message may also contain the Data Volume Reference IE. The message may contain for each RAB successfully addressed a maximum of two RAB Data Volume Report Item IEs within the RAB Data Volume Report List IE for the case when there is a need to report two different data volumes since the last data volume indication to the CN. The UTRAN shall also reset the data volume counter for the reported RABs. The UTRAN shall send the DATA VOLUME REPORT message to the CN. Transmission and reception of the DATA VOLUME REPORT message terminate the procedure in the UTRAN and in the CN respectively. The Data Volume Reference IE, if included, indicates the time when the data volume is counted.
Unsuccessful Operation
The RAB ID IE for each RAB for which UTRAN is not able to transfer a data volume report is included in the DATA VOLUME REPORT message together with a Cause IE, e.g. "Invalid RAB ID".
Abnormal Conditions
Not applicable.
Initial UE Message
The purpose of the Initial UE Message procedure is to establish an Iu signalling connection between a CN domain and the RNC and to transfer the initial NAS-PDU to the CN node as determined by the NAS Node Selection Function - if this function is active, or otherwise to the default CN node- or by the Rerouting Function (see [2]) in case of MOCN configuration. The procedure uses connection oriented signalling.
Successful Operation
Figure 24: Initial UE Message procedure. Successful operation. When the RNC has received from radio interface a NAS message (see [8]) to be forwarded to a CN domain to which no Iu signalling connection for the UE exists, the RNC shall initiate the Initial UE Message procedure and send the INITIAL UE MESSAGE message to the CN. If NNSF is active, the selection of the CN node is made according to [26]. In addition to the received NAS-PDU, the RNC shall add the following information to the INITIAL UE MESSAGE message: CN domain indicator, indicating the CN domain towards which this message is sent. For CS domain, the LAI which is the last LAI indicated to the UE by the UTRAN via the current RRC connection, or if the UTRAN has not yet indicated any LAI to the UE via the current RRC connection, then the LAI of the cell via which the current RRC connection was established.
For PS domain, the LAI+RAC which are the last LAI+RAC indicated to the UE by UTRAN via the current RRC connection, or if the UTRAN has not yet indicated any LAI+RAC to the UE via the current RRC connection, then the LAI+RAC of the cell via which the current RRC connection was established. Service Area corresponding to at least one of the cells from which the UE is consuming radio resources. Iu signalling connection identifier. Global RNC identifier. Selected PLMN Identity, if received from radio interface by a network sharing supporting UE in shared networks. Redirect Attempt Flag, in MOCN configuration for a network sharing non supporting UE in order to indicate that the CN should respond with a Redirection Indication IE or a Redirection Completed IE.
The Iu Signalling Connection Identifier IE contains an Iu signalling connection identifier which is allocated by the RNC. The value for the Iu Signalling Connection Identifier IE shall be allocated so as to uniquely identify an Iu signalling connection for the RNC. The CN should store and remember this identifier for the duration of the Iu connection. Whereas several processing entities within the CN (e.g. charging, interception, etc.) may make use of the location information given in the SAI IE and the LAI (and RAC for PS domain) IE, the mobility management within the CN shall rely on the information given within the LAI IE (respectively LAI and RAC IEs for PS domain) only. Interaction with Direct Transfer procedure In MOCN configuration, if the RNC receives the Redirection Indication IE in the DIRECT TRANSFER message from a CN node which is not the last attempted, it shall initiate the Initial UE Message procedure towards another CN operator when possible (or possibly to the same CN in case when CS/PS coordination is required), with the following additional information in the INITIAL UE MESSAGE message: NAS Sequence Number IE, if received from previously attempted CN operator; Permanent NAS UE Identity IE, if received from one of previously attempted CN operators.
For GERAN Iu-mode, the following shall apply in addition for the successful operation of the Initial UE Message procedure: In case of establishment of a signalling connection towards the CS domain in GERAN Iu-mode, the INITIAL UE MESSAGE message shall contain the GERAN Classmark IE in order to provide the CN with GERANspecific information (see [27]).
Direct Transfer
The purpose of the Direct Transfer procedure is to carry UE CN signalling messages over the Iu Interface. The UE - CN signalling messages are not interpreted by the UTRAN, and their content (e.g. MM or CC message) is outside the scope of this specification (see [8]). The UE CN signalling messages are transported as a parameter in the DIRECT TRANSFER messages. The procedure uses connection oriented signalling.
Successful Operation
CN Originated Direct Transfer
Figure 25: Direct Transfer, CN originated. Successful operation. If a UE - CN signalling message has to be sent from the CN to the UE, the CN shall send a DIRECT TRANSFER message to the RNC including the UE - CN signalling message as a NAS-PDU IE. If the DIRECT TRANSFER message is sent in the downlink direction, it shall include the SAPI IE and shall not include the LAI + RAC IE and the SAI IE. The use of the SAPI IE included in the DIRECT TRANSFER message enables the UTRAN to provide specific service for the transport of the included NAS message. In case of rerouting in MOCN configuration: If the CN can serve the network sharing non-supporting UE, the NAS-PDU IE - i.e. the accept NAS message - and the Redirection completed IE shall be included in the DIRECT TRANSFER message for the downlink direction. If the CN cannot serve the network sharing non-supporting UE, the NAS-PDU IE - i.e. the reject NAS message - and a Redirection Indication IE shall be included in the DIRECT TRANSFER message for the downlink direction. If the CN can serve the network sharing non-supporting UE, but CS/PS coordination is required, the NAS-PDU IE - i.e. the reject NAS message - and a Redirection Indication IE shall be included in the DIRECT TRANSFER message for the downlink direction. The Redirection Indication IE shall contain: The initial NAS-PDU IE received from the UE; The Reject Cause Value IE; The NAS Sequence Number IE, if available for CS; The Permanent NAS UE Identity IE, if available.
Upon reception of the downlink DIRECT TRANSFER message including the Redirection Indication IE, the RNC shall store as part of the Rerouting Function the associated Reject Cause Value IE and NAS-PDU IE related to this CN. In case the Reject Cause Value IE is set to "CS/PS coordination required", then the RNC shall perform CS/PS coordination based on the received Permanent NAS UE Identity IE. In this case the Reject Cause Value IE and the associated NASPDU IE shall not be stored. In case all attempted CN operators have replied with the Redirection Indication IE, the RNC shall select the most appropriate NAS-PDU among the NAS-PDU IEs received from the attempted CN nodes based on the stored information as part of the Rerouting function and send it back to the UE. Upon reception of the downlink DIRECT TRANSFER message including the Redirection Completed IE, the RNC shall send back the included NAS-PDU IE to the UE and terminate the Rerouting Function.
Figure 26: Direct Transfer, RNC originated. Successful operation. If a UE - CN signalling message has to be sent from the RNC to the CN without interpretation, the RNC shall send a DIRECT TRANSFER message to the CN including the UE - CN signalling message as a NAS-PDU IE. If the DIRECT TRANSFER message shall be sent to the PS domain, the RNC shall also add the LAI and the RAC IEs, which were the last LAI + RAC indicated to the UE by the UTRAN via the current RRC connection, or if the UTRAN had not yet indicated any LAI + RAC to the UE via the current RRC connection, then the LAI + RAC of the cell via which the current RRC connection was established. If the DIRECT TRANSFER message is sent to the PS domain, the RNC shall also add a Service Area corresponding to at least one of the cells from which the UE is consuming radio resources. If the DIRECT TRANSFER message is sent in uplink direction, the RNC shall not include the SAPI IE.
Abnormal Conditions
If the DIRECT TRANSFER message is sent by the RNC to the PS domain, and any of the LAI IE, RAC IE or SAI IE is missing, the CN shall continue with the Direct Transfer procedure, ignoring the missing IE. If the DIRECT TRANSFER message is sent by the CN to the RNC without the SAPI IE, the RNC shall continue with the Direct Transfer procedure.
8.24 8.25
This procedure is defined to give some degree of signalling flow control. At the UTRAN side, "Processor Overload" and "Overload in the Capability to Send Signalling Messages to the UE" are catered for, and at the CN side, "Processor Overload" is catered for. The procedure uses connectionless signalling. The philosophy used is to stem the traffic at source with known effect on the service. The algorithm used is: At the CN side: If TigOC is not running and an OVERLOAD message or "Signalling Point Congested" information is received, the traffic should be reduced by one step. It is also possible, optionally, to indicate the number of steps to reduce the traffic within the Number of Steps IE. At the same time, timers TigOC and TinTC should be started. During TigOC all received OVERLOAD messages or "Signalling Point Congested" information should be ignored. This step by step reduction of traffic should be continued until maximum reduction is obtained by arriving at the last step. If TinTC expires, the traffic should be increased by one step and TinTC should be re-started unless the number of steps by which the traffic is reduced is back to zero.
If TigOR is not running and an OVERLOAD message or "Signalling Point Congested" information is received, the traffic should be reduced by one step. It is also possible, optionally, to indicate the number of steps to reduce the traffic within the Number of Steps IE. At the same time, timers TigOR and TinTR should be started. During TigOR all received OVERLOAD messages or "Signalling Point Congested" information should be ignored. This step-by-step reduction of traffic should be continued until maximum reduction is obtained by arriving at the last step. If TinTR expires, the traffic should be increased by one step and TinTR should be re-started unless the number of steps by which the traffic is reduced is back to zero.
The number of steps and the method for reducing the load are implementation-specific. There may be other traffic control mechanisms from O&M activities occurring simultaneously.
Successful Operation
Overload at the CN
Figure 27: Overload at the CN. Successful operation. The CN should indicate to the RNC that it is in a congested state by sending an OVERLOAD message. The CN Domain Indicator IE may be included, if the CN can determine the domain suffering from the signalling traffic overload. A specific CN node shall send this message only towards those RNCs from which it can receive the INITIAL UE MESSAGE message. Reception of the message by the UTRAN should cause reduction of signalling traffic towards the CN. If the CN Domain Indicator IE is included in the OVERLOAD message, and the Global CN-ID IE is not, the RNC should apply signalling traffic reduction mechanisms towards the indicated domain. If the NNSF is active, the CN shall include the Global CN-ID IE within the OVERLOAD message, and the RNC should apply signalling traffic reduction mechanisms towards the indicated CN node only.
If the UTRAN is not capable of sending signalling messages to UEs due to overloaded resources, the UTRAN should send an OVERLOAD message to the CN. The RNC shall include the Global RNC-ID IE in this message. The message shall be sent only towards those CN nodes towards which theRNC can send the INITIAL UE MESSAGE message.
Abnormal Conditions
Not applicable.
The purpose of the Reset procedure is to initialise the UTRAN in the event of a failure in the CN or vice versa. The procedure uses connectionless signalling.
Successful Operation
Reset Procedure Initiated from the CN
Figure 29: Reset procedure initiated from the CN. Successful operation. In the event of a failure at the CN, which has resulted in the loss of transaction reference information, a RESET message shall be sent to the RNC. When a CN node sends this message towards an RNC for which it is not the default CN node, the Global CN-ID IE shall be included. This message is used by the UTRAN to release affected Radio Access Bearers and to erase all affected references for the specific CN node that sent the RESET message, i.e. the CN node indicated by the Global CN-ID IE or, if this IE is not included, the default CN node for the indicated CN domain. After a guard period of TRatC seconds a RESET ACKNOWLEDGE message shall be returned to the CN, indicating that all references at the UTRAN have been cleared. The RNC does not need to wait for the release of UTRAN radio resources or for the transport network layer signalling to be completed before returning the RESET ACKNOWLEDGE message. The RNC shall include the Global RNC-ID IE in the RESET ACKNOWLEDGE message. The Global RNC-ID IE shall not be included in the RESET message. Interactions with other procedures: In case of interactions with other procedures, the Reset procedure shall always override all other procedures.
Figure 30: Reset procedure initiated from the UTRAN. Successful operation. In the event of a failure at the UTRAN which has resulted in the loss of transaction reference information, a RESET message shall be sent to all CN nodes towards which the RNC has Iu signalling connections established. This message is used by the CN to release affected Radio Access Bearers and to erase all affected references for the sending RNC. The RNC shall include the Global RNC-ID IE in the RESET message. After a guard period of TRatR seconds a RESET ACKNOWLEDGE message shall be returned to the UTRAN indicating that all references have been cleared. When a RESET ACKNOWLEDGE message is sent from a CN node towards an RNC for which the sending CN node is not the default CN node, the Global CN-ID IE shall be included. Interactions with other procedures: In case of interactions with other procedures, the Reset procedure shall always override all other procedures.
Abnormal Conditions
Abnormal Condition at the CN
If the CN sends a RESET message to the RNC and receives no RESET ACKNOWLEDGE message within a period TRafR then it shall repeat the entire Reset procedure. The sending of the RESET message shall be repeated a maximum of "n" times where n is an operator matter. After the n-th unsuccessful repetition the procedure shall be stopped and e.g. the maintenance system be informed.
If the RNC sends a RESET message to the CN and receives no RESET ACKNOWLEDGE message within a period TRafC then it shall repeat the entire Reset procedure. The sending of the RESET message shall be repeated a maximum of "n" times where n is an operator matter. After the n-th unsuccessful repetition the procedure shall be stopped and e.g. the maintenance system be informed.
When an entity that has sent a RESET message and is waiting for a RESET ACKNOWLEDGE message, instead receives a RESET message from the peer entity, it shall stop timer TRafC or TRafR and send a RESET ACKNOWLEDGE message to the peer entity.
Error Indication
The Error Indication procedure is initiated by a node to report detected errors in one incoming message, provided they cannot be reported by an appropriate failure message. If the error situation arises due to reception of a message utilising dedicated signalling, then the Error Indication procedure uses connection oriented signalling. Otherwise the procedure uses connectionless signalling.
Successful Operation
Figure 32: Error Indication procedure, RNC originated. Successful operation. When the conditions defined in clause 10 are fulfilled, the Error Indication procedure is initiated by an ERROR INDICATION message sent from the receiving node. The ERROR INDICATION message shall contain at least either the Cause IE or the Criticality Diagnostics IE. Examples for possible cause values for protocol error indications are: "Transfer Syntax Error" "Semantic Error" "Message not compatible with receiver state".
If the ERROR INDICATION message is sent connectionless, the CN Domain Indicator IE shall be present. If the ERROR INDICATION message is sent connectionless towards the CN, the Global RNC-ID IE shall be present. When an ERROR INDICATION message is sent connectionless from a CN node towards an RNC for which the sending CN node is not the default CN node, the Global CN-ID IE shall be included.
Abnormal Conditions
Not applicable.
CN Deactivate Trace
The purpose of the CN Deactivate Trace procedure is to inform the RNC to stop the trace session, initiated by a signalling based activation, for the indicated trace reference and related to the UE the Iu connection is used for. The procedure uses connection oriented signalling.
Successful Operation
Figure 33: CN Deactivate Trace procedure. Successful operation. The CN invokes the CN Deactivate Trace procedure by sending a CN DEACTIVATE TRACE message to the UTRAN. The CN DEACTIVATE TRACE message shall contain the Trace Reference IE. The RNC shall stop the trace session for the indicated trace reference in the Trace Reference IE. In case of simultaneous CS/PS connections, the trace session for the indicated trace reference shall be closed upon reception of the CN DEACTIVATE TRACE message from any of the CN domain, whether it was the one which initiated trace session activation or not.
The CN DEACTIVATE TRACE message shall contain the Trace Reference IE and may contain the Trigger ID IE. The Trace Reference IE and, if present, the Trigger ID IE are used to indicate which trace shall be stopped.
Abnormal Conditions
If the RNC receives a CN DEACTIVATE TRACE message with an unknown trace reference, the RNC shall take no action.
Reset Resource
The purpose of the Reset Resource procedure is to initialise part of the UTRAN in the event of an abnormal failure in the CN or vice versa (e.g. Signalling Transport processor reset). The procedure uses connectionless signalling.
Successful Operation
Reset Resource procedure initiated from the RNC
Figure 34: RNC initiated Reset Resource procedure. Successful operation. The RNC initiates the procedure by sending a RESET RESOURCE message to the CN. The RESET RESOURCE message shall include the CN Domain Indicator IE, the Global RNC-ID IE, the Cause IE with the appropriate cause value (e.g. "Signalling Transport Resource Failure") and a list containing Iu Signalling Connection Identifier IEs. On reception of this message the CN shall release locally the resources and references (i.e. resources and Iu signalling connection identifiers) associated to the Iu signalling connection identifiers indicated in the received message. The CN shall always return the RESET RESOURCE ACKNOWLEDGE message to the RNC when all Iu-related resources and references have been released and shall include the CN Domain Indicator IE and a list of Iu Signalling Connection Identifier IEs. The list of Iu Signalling Connection Identifier IEs within the RESET RESOURCE ACKNOWLEDGE message shall be in the same order as received in the RESET RESOURCE message. Unknown signalling connection identifiers shall be reported as released. When a RESET RESOURCE ACKNOWLEDGE message is sent from a CN node towards an RNC for which the sending CN node is not the default CN node, the Global CN-ID IE shall be included. Both the CN and the RNC shall provide means to prevent the immediate re-assignment of released Iu signalling connection identifiers to minimise the risk that the Reset Resource procedure releases the same Iu signalling connection identifiers re-assigned to new Iu connections.
Figure 35: CN initiated Reset Resource procedure. Successful operation. The CN initiates the procedure by sending a RESET RESOURCE message to the RNC. The RESET RESOURCE message shall include the CN Domain Indicator IE, the Cause IE with the appropriate cause value (e.g. "Signalling Transport Resource Failure") and a list containing Iu Signalling Connection Identifier IEs. When a RESET RESOURCE message is sent from a CN node towards an RNC for which the sending CN node is not the default CN node, the Global CN-ID IE shall be included. On reception of this message the RNC shall release locally the resources and references (i.e. radio resources and Iu signalling connection identifiers) associated to the specific CN node and Iu signalling connection identifiers indicated in the received message. The Global RNC-ID IE shall not be included in the RESET RESOURCE message. If no Global CN-ID IE is included in the RESET RESOURCE message to indicate the sending CN node, the default CN node for the
indicated CN domain shall be considered as sender. The RNC shall always return the RESET RESOURCE ACKNOWLEDGE message to the CN when all Iu-related resources and references have been released and shall include the CN Domain Indicator IE, a list of Iu Signalling Connection Identifier IEs and the Global RNC-ID IE. The list of Iu Signalling Connection Identifier IEs within the RESET RESOURCE ACKNOWLEDGE message shall be in the same order as received in the RESET RESOURCE message. Unknown signalling connection identifiers shall be reported as released. Both the RNC and the CN shall provide means to prevent the immediate re-assignment of released Iu signalling connection identifiers to minimise the risk that the Reset Resource procedure releases the same Iu signalling connection identifiers re-assigned to new Iu connections.
The purpose of the RAB Modification Request procedure is to allow the RNC to initiate renegotiation of RABs for a given UE after RAB establishment. The procedure uses connection oriented signalling.
Successful Operation
Figure 36: RAB Modification procedure. The RNC initiates the procedure by generating a RAB MODIFY REQUEST message towards the CN and shall include a list of RABs To Be Modified IEs. For each RAB requested to be modified the RABs To Be Modified Item IE of the RAB MODIFY REQUEST message shall include the RAB ID IE, and the corresponding Requested RAB Parameter Values IE. The Requested RAB Parameter Values IE shall either list those RAB parameters the RNC would like modified and the associated new RAB parameter values it is requesting or shall indicate that the execution of the alternative RAB configuration is requested. For any given RAB, the RNC shall be able to propose modifications to any negotiable RAB parameters. If the requested maximum bit rate (respectively the requested guaranteed bit rate when applicable) exceeds the maximum value of the Requested Maximum Bit Rate IE (respectively Requested Guaranteed Bit Rate IE), the Extended Requested Maximum Bit Rate IE (respectively Extended Requested Guaranteed Bit Rate IE) shall be used. For a RAB if Extended Requested Maximum Bit Rate IE (respectively Extended Requested Guaranteed Bit Rate IE when applicable) is signalled in one direction RNC shall signal the Extended Requested Maximum Bit Rate IE (respectively Extended Requested Guaranteed Bit Rate IE) also in the other direction for this RAB. If the RNC is allowed to request an alternative RAB Configuration, the RNC may request the CN to trigger the execution of this alternative RAB configuration by including the Alternative RAB Configuration Request IE in the RAB MODIFY REQUEST message. Upon reception of the RAB MODIFY REQUEST message, it is up to the CN to decide how to react to the request.
Abnormal Conditions
Not applicable.
The purpose of the Location Related Data procedure is to provide the means to handle additional location-related requests over the Iu interface: it allows the CN to either retrieve from the RNC deciphering keys (to be forwarded to the UE) for the broadcast assistance data, or request the RNC to deliver dedicated assistance data to the UE. The procedure uses connection oriented signalling.
Successful Operation
Figure 37: Location Related Data procedure. Successful operation. The CN initiates the procedure by generating a LOCATION RELATED DATA REQUEST message to the RNC. Upon reception of the LOCATION RELATED DATA REQUEST message, the RNC shall initiate the requested function indicated in the Location Related Data Request Type IE. The Location Related Data Request Type IE indicates to the RNC whether: to start dedicated assistance data delivery to the UE, or to send deciphering keys for broadcast assistance data to the CN.
If the LOCATION RELATED DATA REQUEST message included a request for dedicated assistance data delivery to the UE, and if the dedicated assistance data was successfully delivered to the UE, the RNC shall respond to the CN with a LOCATION RELATED DATA RESPONSE message containing no data. If the LOCATION RELATED DATA REQUEST message included a request for deciphering keys of broadcast assistance data, the RNC shall respond to the CN with a LOCATION RELATED DATA RESPONSE message containing the Broadcast Assistance Data Deciphering Keys IE.
Upon reception of the LOCATION RELATED DATA REQUEST message, the BSS shall initiate the requested function indicated in the Location Related Data Request Type IE or the Location Related Data Request Type Specific To GERAN Iu Mode IE. In the sole case of a request for GERAN Iu mode specific positioning method, E-OTD, defined in [29], the LOCATION RELATED DATA REQUEST message shall include the Location Related Data Request Type Specific To GERAN Iu Mode IE and not the Location Related Data Request Type IE. The Location Related Data Request Type IE or the Location Related Data Request Type Specific To GERAN Iu Mode IE shall indicate to the BSS whether: to start dedicated assistance data delivery to the UE, or
Unsuccessful Operation
Figure 38: Location Related Data procedure. Unsuccessful operation. If the RNC was not able to successfully deliver the requested dedicated assistance data to the UE, or if the RNC is not able to provide the requested deciphering keys, the RNC shall send a LOCATION RELATED DATA FAILURE message including the Cause IE to the CN. The Cause IE shall indicate the appropriate cause value to the CN, e.g. "Dedicated Assistance data Not Available" or "Deciphering Keys Not Available".
Abnormal Conditions
Abnormal Conditions for GERAN Iu mode
If the Location Related Data Request Type IE and Location Related Data Request Type Specific To GERAN Iu Mode IE are both included in the LOCATION RELATED DATA REQUEST message, the BSS shall reject the procedure by sending a LOCATION RELATED DATA FAILURE message. If the Location Related Data Request Type IE is set to the value "Deciphering Keys for UE Based OTDOA" or "Dedicated Assistance Data for UE Based OTDOA", the BSS shall reject the procedure by sending a LOCATION RELATED DATA FAILURE message.
Information Transfer
The purpose of the Information Transfer procedure is to transfer information from the CN to the RNC. This procedure uses connectionless signalling.
Successful Operation
Figure 39: Information Transfer procedure. Successful operation. The CN initiates the procedure by sending an INFORMATION TRANSFER INDICATION message to the RNC. NOTE: The CN should initiate the Information Transfer procedure, if information is available, at least after the CN or the RNC has performed the Reset procedure or whenever the respective information has changed in the CN.
Upon reception of the INFORMATION TRANSFER INDICATION message, the RNC shall store the received information and use it according to its purpose. The INFORMATION TRANSFER INDICATION message shall contain the following IEs: Information Transfer ID Provided Data CN Domain Indicator.
When a CN node sends this message towards an RNC for which it is not the default CN node, the Global CN-ID IE shall be included. If the RNC is able to process the information contained in the Provided Data IE, it shall respond with the INFORMATION TRANSFER CONFIRMATION message provided with the same Information Transfer ID IE as the one received in the INFORMATION TRANSFER INDICATION message. The RNC shall include the Global RNC-ID IE and the CN Domain Indicator IE in the INFORMATION TRANSFER CONFIRMATION message. If the Provided Data IE contains the Shared Network Information IE, the RNC shall replace existing Shared Network Information provided in a previous Information Transfer procedure by the newly provided Shared Network Information.
Unsuccessful Operation
Figure 40: Information Transfer procedure. Unsuccessful operation. If the RNC is not able to process the information contained in the Provided Data IE the RNC shall regard the Information Transfer procedure as failed and send the INFORMATION TRANSFER FAILURE message to the CN. The message shall include the same value of the Information Transfer ID IE as received in the INFORMATION TRANSFER INDICATION message and set the Cause IE to an appropriate value. The RNC shall include the Global RNC-ID IE and the CN Domain Indicator IE in the INFORMATION TRANSFER FAILURE message.
Abnormal Conditions
UE Specific Information
The purpose of the UE Specific Information procedure is to transfer from the CN to the RNC data related to a particular UE and a particular communication. The procedure uses connection oriented signalling.
Successful Operation
Figure 41: UE Specific Information procedure. Successful operation. The UE SPECIFIC INFORMATION INDICATION message may include the UESBI-Iu IE. The RNC shall, if supported, use the UESBI-Iu IE when received in the UE SPECIFIC INFORMATION INDICATION message.
The purpose of the Direct Information Transfer procedure is to transfer some information from the RNC to the CN or vice versa in unacknowledged mode. This procedure uses connectionless signalling.
Successful Operation
Direct Information Transfer initiated from the RNC
Figure 42: Information Request procedure. Successful operation. The procedure is initiated with a DIRECT INFORMATION TRANSFER message sent from the RNC to the CN. The DIRECT INFORMATION TRANSFER message shall include the following IEs: Inter-system Information Transfer Type, Global RNC-ID, CN Domain Indicator,
The Inter-system Information Transfer Type IE indicates the nature of the transferred information. When the transferred information is of RIM nature, the RIM Information IE within the RIM Transfer IE shall contain a BSSGP RIM PDU. The final RAN destination node where the RIM information needs to be routed by the CN shall be indicated in the RIM Routing Address IE within the RIM Transfer IE and shall include the identity of a GSM cell to identify a target BSS.
In the case of a Direct Information Transfer procedure initiated from GERAN Iu mode BSC, the final RAN destination node where the RIM information needs to be routed by the CN shall be indicated in the RIM Routing Address IE within the RIM Transfer IE and may include the identity of either a GSM cell to identify a target BSS or the Target RNC-ID IE including the RAC IE to identify a target RNC.
Figure 43: Information Request procedure. Successful operation. The procedure is initiated with a DIRECT INFORMATION TRANSFER message sent from the CN to the RNC. The DIRECT INFORMATION TRANSFER message shall include the following IEs: Inter-system Information Transfer Type, CN Domain Indicator,
The DIRECT INFORMATION TRANSFER message may include the following IEs: Global CN-ID.
The Global CN-ID IE shall be included only when the CN node sending the message is not the default CN node of the RNC. The Inter-system Information Transfer Type IE indicates the nature of the transferred information. When the transferred information is of RIM nature, the RIM Information IE within the RIM Transfer IE shall contain a BSSGP RIM PDU. The RIM Routing Address IE shall not be present since the RNC is the final destination node.
Abnormal Conditions
Not applicable.
The purpose of the Uplink Information Exchange procedure is to transfer or request some information to the CN. This procedure uses connectionless signalling.
Successful Operation
Figure 44: Uplink Information Exchange procedure. Successful operation. The procedure is initiated with an UPLINK INFORMATION EXCHANGE REQUEST message sent from the RNC to the CN. The UPLINK INFORMATION EXCHANGE REQUEST message shall contain the following IEs: Information Exchange ID Information Exchange Type CN Domain Indicator Global RNC-ID
The Information Exchange Type IE indicates whether the RNC asks the CN to either transfer or request specific information. If the Information Exchange Type IE is set to the value "transfer", the RNC shall also include in the UPLINK INFORMATION EXCHANGE REQUEST message the Information Transfer Type IE which indicates the nature of the information transferred. If the Information Exchange Type IE is set to the value "request", the RNC shall also include in the UPLINK INFORMATION EXCHANGE REQUEST message the Information Request Type IE which indicates the nature of the information requested. When the transferred information in the Information Transfer Type IE relates to a Trace Session in the RNC, the Trace Activation Indicator IE indicates whether the Trace Session identified by the Trace Reference IE is activated or deactivated in the RNC. In case the Trace Session is activated, the Equipments To Be Traced IE gives the Equipment Identity of the UEs that the RNC has to trace. When the requested information in the Information Request Type IE relates to the Multicast Service list for a given UE identified by its Permanent NAS UE Identity in the Information Request Type IE, this requested information, i.e. the list of Multicast Services the UE has joined, shall be included in the Information Requested IE in the UPLINK INFORMATION EXCHANGE RESPONSE message. When the requested information in the Information Request Type IE relates to the IP Multicast Address and APN for one or several MBMS bearer service identified by their respective TMGIs in the Information Request Type IE, this requested information, i.e. IP Multicast Address and APN, shall be included in the Information Requested IE in the UPLINK INFORMATION EXCHANGE RESPONSE message. If the CN node is capable of processing the request or the transfer, the RNC shall be informed by the UPLINK INFORMATION EXCHANGE RESPONSE message. The UPLINK INFORMATION EXCHANGE RESPONSE message shall contain the Information Exchange ID IE and the CN Domain Indicator IE. If the RNC has not sent the UPLINK INFORMATION EXCHANGE REQUEST message to the default CN node, the UPLINK INFORMATION EXCHANGE RESPONSE message shall also include the Global CN-ID IE.
Upon reception of the UPLINK INFORMATION EXCHANGE RESPONSE message including the IP Multicast Address and APN list in the Information Requested IE, the RNC shall store this information in the relevant MBMS Service Contexts. Upon reception of the UPLINK INFORMATION EXCHANGE RESPONSE message including the Multicast Service list in the Information Requested IE, the RNC shall perform, for each TMGI received, the corresponding UE linking as described in [42].
Unsuccessful Operation
Figure 45: Uplink Information Exchange procedure. Unsuccessful operation. If the CN node is not capable of correctly processing the request or the transfer, the RNC shall be informed by the UPLINK INFORMATION EXCHANGE FAILURE message. The UPLINK INFORMATION EXCHANGE FAILURE message shall contain the Information Exchange ID IE and the CN Domain Indicator IE. If the RNC has not sent the UPLINK INFORMATION EXCHANGE REQUEST message to the default CN node, the UPLINK INFORMATION EXCHANGE FAILURE message shall include the Global CN-ID IE. The UPLINK INFORMATION EXCHANGE FAILURE message shall inform the RNC about the reason for unsuccessful operation with an appropriate cause value e.g. " MBMS - No Multicast Service For This UE", "MBMS Unknown UE ID".
Abnormal Conditions
Not Applicable.
The purpose of the MBMS Session Start procedure is to request the UTRAN to notify UEs about an upcoming MBMS Session of a given MBMS Bearer Service and to establish a MBMS RAB and MBMS Iu signalling connection for this MBMS Session. The MBMS Session Start procedure is triggered by the CN (PS domain). The procedure uses connection oriented signalling.
Successful Operation
Figure 46: MBMS Session Start procedure. Successful operation. The CN initiates the procedure by sending a MBMS SESSION START message. The MBMS SESSION START message shall contain: TMGI; MBMS Bearer Service Type; MBMS Session Identity, if available; Iu Signalling Connection Identifier IE; RAB parameters (including e.g. Allocation/Retention Priority); PDP Type Information, if available; MBMS Session Duration; MBMS Service Area; Frequency Layer Convergence Flag, if available; RA List of Idle Mode UEs, if available. Global CN-ID IE, only when the MBMS SESSION START message is sent from a CN node towards an RNC for which the sending CN node is not the default CN node; MBMS Session Repetition Number, if available; Time to MBMS Data Transfer; MBMS Counting Information, if available.
Upon reception of the MBMS SESSION START message, the RNC shall store the Iu Signalling Connection Identifier IE for the duration of the MBMS Iu signalling connection. The Iu Signalling Connection Identifier IE contains an Iu signalling connection identifier which is allocated by the CN. The value for the Iu Signalling Connection Identifier IE shall be allocated so as to uniquely identify an Iu signalling connection for the involved CN node. The Global CN-ID IE contains the identity of the CN node that sent the MBMS SESSION START message, and it shall, if included, be stored together with the Iu signalling connection identifier. If the Global CN-ID IE is not included, the MBMS SESSION START message shall be considered as coming from the default CN node. Upon reception of the MBMS SESSION START message, the RNC shall store, if not already, and remember the TMGI IE, the RAB parameters IE and the other attributes of the session as part of the MBMS Service Context. The TMGI IE contains the TMGI identifier which uniquely identifies the MBMS Bearer Service.
If the MBMS Bearer Service Type IE is set to "Multicast", upon reception of the MBMS SESSION START message, the RNC shall initiate allocation of requested resources for the MBMS RAB at a proper point in time if at least one of the following two conditions is fulfilled: the RNC controls at least one cell contained in the indicated MBMS Service Area and, if the RA List of Idle Mode UEs IE is included in MBMS SESSION START message, at least one RNCs RA is contained in this list, or if Empty/Full RA List of Idle Mode UEs IE included in MBMS SESSION START message is set to "fulllist", the RNC serves UEs consuming radio resources from cells contained in the indicated MBMS Service Area.
If no mapping is configured for a certain MBMS Service Area Identity in the MBMS Service Area IE in the RNC it shall simply ignore it The RNC may optimise the point in time when the resource allocation is initiated based on the Time to MBMS Data Transfer IE. In case the RA List of Idle Mode UEs IE is included in MBMS SESSION START message but none of above conditions is fulfilled, the RNC may decide to wait for either an update of the RA List of Idle Mode UEs or a UE linking to finally establish the MBMS RAB. If the RNC decides so, it shall report it immediately to the CN in the MBMS SESSION START RESPONSE message with the cause value "Successful MBMS Session Start - No Data Bearer Necessary" and maintain an Iu signalling connection. If the Empty/Full RA List of Idle Mode UEs IE included in MBMS SESSION START message is set to "fulllist", the RNC shall initiate the MBMS Notification over the Uu interface in all the cells under its control which belong to the indicated MBMS service area. If the MBMS Bearer Service Type IE is set to "Broadcast", the MBMS Counting Information IE shall be included in the MBMS SESSION START message. If the MBMS Counting Information IE is set to "counting", the RNC may apply MBMS counting. If the MBMS Bearer Service Type IE is set to "Broadcast" upon reception of the MBMS SESSION START message, the RNC shall initiate allocation of requested resources for the MBMS RAB at a proper point in time if it controls at least one cell contained in the indicated MBMS Service Area. If the MBMS Bearer Service Type IE is set to "Multicast" the MBMS Counting Information IE shall be ignored. The allocation of requested resources shall be made according to the values of the Allocation/Retention Priority IE (priority level, pre-emption indicators) and the resource situation as follows: The RNC shall consider the priority level of the requested MBMS RAB, when deciding on the resource allocation. The Queuing Allowed IE shall be ignored for MBMS RAB. The priority levels and the pre-emption indicators may (singularly or in combination) be used to determine whether the MBMS RAB establishment has to be performed unconditionally and immediately. If the requested MBMS RAB is marked as "may trigger pre-emption" and the resource situation requires so, the RNC may trigger the pre-emption procedure which may then cause the forced release of a lower priority RAB which is marked as "pre-emptable". Whilst the process and the extent of the pre-emption procedure is operator-dependent, the pre-emption indicators, if given in the MBMS SESSION START message, shall be treated as follows: 1. If the Pre-emption Capability IE is set to "may trigger pre-emption", then this allocation request may trigger the pre-emption procedure. UTRAN shall only pre-empt RABs (other MBMS RABs or UE specific RABs) with lower priority, in ascending order of priority. 2. If the Pre-emption Capability IE is set to "shall not trigger pre-emption", then this allocation request shall not trigger the pre-emption procedure. 3. If the Pre-emption Vulnerability IE is set to "pre-emptable", then this connection shall be included in the preemption process. 4. If the Pre-emption Vulnerability IE is set to "not pre-emptable", then this connection shall not be included in the pre-emption process.
5. If the Priority Level IE is set to "no priority" the given values for the Pre-emption Capability IE and Preemption Vulnerability IE shall not be considered. Instead the values "shall not trigger pre-emption" and "not pre-emptable" shall prevail. If the Allocation/Retention Priority IE is not given in the MBMS SESSION START message, the allocation request shall not trigger the pre-emption process and the connection may be pre-empted and considered to have the value "lowest" as priority level. Moreover, queuing shall not be allowed.
The UTRAN shall use the PDP Type Information IE to configure any compression algorithms. In case of successful MBMS RAB establishment, the RNC shall include the Transport Layer Address IE and the Iu Transport Association IE in the MBMS SESSION START RESPONSE message. The RNC may answer successfully even though the MBMS resources have not been established in all relevant cells. If NNSF is active, the RNC may receive from several CN nodes for a certain MBMS Bearer Service the MBMS SESSION START message. In this case, if the RNC decides to establish the requested MBMS RAB, it shall only establish one MBMS Iu bearer and shall inform the selected CN node accordingly i.e. with MBMS SESSION START RESPONSE message including the Transport Layer Address IE and the Iu Transport Association IE. If the RNC receives from several CN nodes for a certain MBMS Bearer Service the MBMS SESSION START message and all the MBMS SESSION START messages include the RA List of Idle Mode UEs IE, the RNC shall, if supported, maintain an MBMS Iu signalling connection towards all the CN nodes and inform them accordingly i.e. with MBMS SESSION START RESPONSE message and cause value "Successful MBMS Session Start - No Data Bearer Necessary" to all the CN nodes except the one, if any, towards which the RNC confirmed the successful MBMS RAB establishment. The MBMS Session Repetition Number IE may be included in the MBMS SESSION START message in case the MBMS Session Identity IE is included in the same message. The MBMS Session Repetition Number IE may be used by RNC to recognise retransmissions of a particular session of a MBMS Bearer Service with identical contents. This IE may be used for counting purpose. When the Frequency Layer Convergence Flag IE is set to "no-FLC-flag", the RNC is being requested to not apply any frequency layer convergence mechanism. The service shall then be delivered to all cells of all the MBMS Service Area Identities indicated in the MBMS Service Area IE. Transmission and reception of a MBMS SESSION START RESPONSE message terminate the procedure in the UTRAN and in the CN respectively.
Unsuccessful Operation
Figure 47: MBMS Session Start procedure. Unsuccessful operation. If the RNC is not capable of correctly processing the request (e.g. the MBMS resources could not be established at all in any cell), the CN shall be informed by the MBMS SESSION START FAILURE message. If the MBMS Bearer Service Type IE is set to "Broadcast" upon reception of the MBMS SESSION START message and the RNC doesn"t have any cell contained in the indicated MBMS Service Area, it shall report it immediately to the
CN in the MBMS SESSION START FAILURE message with the cause value "MBMS - No cell in MBMS Service Area". If NNSF is active and the RNC received from several CN nodes for a certain MBMS Bearer Service the MBMS SESSION START message, but not all of the MBMS SESSION START messages include the RA List of Idle Mode UEs IE, the RNC shall inform the respective CN nodes accordingly i.e. with MBMS SESSION START FAILURE message and cause value "MBMS - Superseded Due To NNSF" to all the CN nodes except the one towards which the RNC confirmed the successful MBMS RAB establishment with MBMS SESSION START RESPONSE message. When UTRAN reports failure of the MBMS Session Start procedure, the cause value should be precise enough to enable the core network to know the reason for the failure. Typical cause values are: "MBMS - Superseded Due To NNSF", "Requested Traffic Class not Available", "Invalid RAB Parameters Value", "Requested Maximum Bit Rate not Available", "Requested Guaranteed Bit Rate not Available", "Requested Transfer Delay not Achievable", "Invalid RAB Parameters Combination", "Condition Violation for Guaranteed Bit Rate", "Iu Transport Connection Failed to Establish", "No Resource Available". Transmission and reception of a MBMS SESSION START FAILURE message terminate the procedure in the UTRAN and in the CN respectively.
Abnormal Conditions
If, for a MBMS RAB requested to be set up, the PDP Type Information IE is not present, the RNC shall continue with the procedure. If an MBMS SESSION START message from a given CN Node provides a TMGI IE that is used for an already established and running MBMS Session provided by the same CN Node, and the indicated MBMS Service Area IE refers to an MBMS Service Area that is partially or completely overlapping with the MBMS Service Area of the already established and running MBMS Session, then the RNC shall return an MBMS SESSION START FAILURE message with the cause value "TMGI in Use and overlapping MBMS Service Area ". If an MBMS SESSION START message from a given CN Node provides a TMGI IE that is used for an already established and running MBMS Session provided by another CN Node, and the indicated MBMS Service Area IE refers to a different MBMS Service Area that is partially overlapping with the MBMS Service Area of the already established and running MBMS Session, then the RNC shall return an MBMS SESSION START FAILURE message with the cause value "TMGI in Use and overlapping MBMS Service Area ".
The purpose of the MBMS Session Update procedure is to inform the RNC during a MBMS Session whenever the RA List of Idle Mode UEs changes compared to one previously sent. The MBMS Session Update procedure is triggered by the CN (PS domain). The procedure uses connection oriented signalling.
Successful Operation
Figure 48: MBMS Session Update procedure. Successful operation. The CN initiates the procedure by sending a MBMS SESSION UPDATE message. The MBMS SESSION UPDATE message shall contain the Delta RA List of Idle Mode UEs IE and the Session Update ID IE. Upon reception of the MBMS SESSION UPDATE message, if a MBMS RAB has already been established, the RNC shall initiate allocation of additional MBMS radio resources for this MBMS RAB if the RNC controls at least one cell that is part of both the MBMS Service Area and one of the RNCs RAs indicated in the New RA List of Idle Mode UEs IE, if this IE is included in the Delta RA List of Idle Mode UEs IE group. The RNC may release the existing MBMS radio resources for the cells part of the RNC"s RAs indicated in the RA List with No Idle Mode UEs Any More IE, if this IE is included in the Delta RA List of Idle Mode UEs IE group. Upon reception of the MBMS SESSION UPDATE message, if no MBMS RAB has yet been established, the RNC shall establish the MBMS RAB if the RNC controls at least one cell that is part of both the MBMS Service Area and one of the RNCs RAs indicated in the New RA List of Idle Mode UEs IE, if this IE is included in the Delta RA List of Idle Mode UEs IE group. If the previous condition is not fulfilled, the RNC may decide to wait for either another update of the RA List of Idle Mode UEs or a UE linking to finally establish the MBMS RAB. In case of successful MBMS RAB establishment, the RNC shall include the Transport Layer Address IE and the Iu Transport Association IE in the MBMS SESSION UPDATE RESPONSE message. When the update of the RA List of Idle Mode UEs is successfully executed, the UTRAN shall report it to the CN in the MBMS SESSION UPDATE RESPONSE message, which shall include the same Session Update ID IE as received in the MBMS SESSION UPDATE message. The RNC may answer successfully even though MBMS resources have not been established in all relevant cells. Transmission and reception of a MBMS SESSION UPDATE RESPONSE message terminate the procedure in the UTRAN and in the CN respectively.
Unsuccessful Operation
Figure 49: MBMS Session Update procedure. Unsuccessful operation. If the RNC is not capable of correctly processing the request (e.g. additional MBMS resources could not be established at all in any cell), the CN shall be informed by the MBMS SESSION UDATE FAILURE message, which shall include the same Session Update ID IE as received in the MBMS SESSION UPDATE message. Transmission and reception of a MBMS SESSION UPDATE FAILURE message terminate the procedure in the UTRAN and in the CN respectively.
Abnormal Conditions
Not applicable.
The purpose of the MBMS Session Stop procedure is to request the UTRAN to notify UEs about the end of a given MBMS Session and to release the corresponding MBMS RAB and MBMS Iu signalling connection for this MBMS Session. The MBMS RAB Session Stop procedure may also be used as the last MBMS session stop to make the RNC aware that a certain Multicast Service is no longer available. The MBMS Session Stop procedure is triggered by the CN (PS domain). The procedure uses connection oriented signalling.
Successful Operation
Figure 50: MBMS Session Stop procedure. Successful operation. The CN initiates the procedure by sending a MBMS SESSION STOP message. Upon reception of the MBMS SESSION STOP message, the RNC shall release all allocated resources for the MBMS RAB, including the MBMS Iu signalling connection used for this MBMS RAB. The MBMS SESSION STOP message shall include the MBMS CN De-Registration IE. If the MBMS CN DeRegistration IE is set to the value "deregister", the RNC shall also remove all associated MBMS Service Context(s) and release all allocated MBMS resources for the MBMS Bearer Service. The RNC does not need to wait for the release of all UTRAN radio resources before returning the MBMS SESSION STOP RESPONSE message. In case of successful release of the MBMS Iu signalling connection, after the MBMS SESSION STOP RESPONSE message has been sent, the CN shall not send further RANAP connection-oriented messages on this particular connection. Transmission and reception of a MBMS SESSION STOP RESPONSE message terminate the procedure in the UTRAN and in the CN respectively.
Abnormal Conditions
Not applicable.
MBMS UE Linking
The purpose of the MBMS UE Linking procedure is to make the RNC aware that a given UE, with existing Iu-ps signalling connection, joined and/or left one or several Multicast Services. The procedure uses connection oriented signalling.
Successful Operation
Figure 51: MBMS UE Linking procedure. Successful operation. The CN initiates the procedure by sending a MBMS UE LINKING REQUEST message. The MBMS UE LINKING REQUEST message shall contain the following IEs: a list of one or several TMGIs, each identifying the MBMS Bearer Service that the UE joined or left and which has not yet been linked or unlinked respectively in the UTRAN; for each of the MBMS Bearer Services that the UE joined, the PTP RAB ID.
Upon reception of the MBMS UE LINKING REQUEST message, for each TMGI received identifying the MBMS Bearer Service that the UE joined and which has not yet been linked in the UTRAN, the RNC shall perform the corresponding UE linking as described in [42]. Upon reception of the MBMS UE LINKING REQUEST message, for each TMGI received identifying the MBMS Bearer Service that the UE left and which has not yet been de-linked in the UTRAN, the RNC shall perform the corresponding UE de-linking as described in [42]. After handling all received TMGI(s), the RNC shall only report to the CN in the MBMS UE LINKING RESPONSE message the unsuccessful linking(s)/de-linking(s) with an appropriate cause value e.g. "MBMS - UE Linking Already Done", "MBMS - UE De-Linking Failure - No Existing UE Linking". Transmission and reception of a MBMS UE LINKING RESPONSE message terminate the procedure in the UTRAN and in the CN respectively.
Unsuccessful Operation
The unsuccessful operation for this Class 1 Elementary procedure is described under the Successful Operation chapter.
Abnormal Conditions
Upon reception of the MBMS UE LINKING REQUEST message, if for a given TMGI received identifying the MBMS Bearer Service that the UE joined, the linking has already been done in the UTRAN, the RNC shall consider this linking as unsuccessful but shall proceed with the other ones. Upon reception of the MBMS UE LINKING REQUEST message, if a given TMGI received identifying the MBMS Bearer Service that the UE left, cannot be found in the UE context, the RNC shall consider this de-linking as unsuccessful but shall proceed with the other ones.
MBMS Registration
The purpose of the MBMS Registration procedure is to request the CN (PS domain) to register or de-register the RNC for a certain Multicast Service. The procedure uses connectionless signalling, unless the procedure is used to request CN to de-register the RNC for a Multicast Service which has an existing Iu signalling connection towards the RNC i.e. during a MBMS Session. In this last case, the procedure uses connection oriented signalling.
Successful Operation
Figure 52: MBMS Registration procedure. Successful operation. The RNC initiates the procedure by sending a MBMS REGISTRATION REQUEST message. The MBMS REGISTRATION REQUEST message shall contain the following IEs: MBMS Registration Request type; TMGI; The associated IP Multicast Address and the APN corresponding to the MBMS Bearer Service identified by the TMGI, only in the case the MBMS Registration Request type IE is set to "register"; Global RNC-ID, if connectionless signalling.
If the CN node is capable of processing the request, the RNC shall be informed by the MBMS REGISTRATION RESPONSE message. In case of connectionless signalling the MBMS REGISTRATION RESPONSE message shall contain the same TMGI as received in the MBMS REGISTRATION REQUEST message. If the RNC has not sent the MBMS REGISTRATION REQUEST message with the MBMS Registration Request Type IE set to "register", to the default CN node, the MBMS REGISTRATION RESPONSE message shall also include the Global CN-ID IE. Upon reception of the MBMS REGISTRATION RESPONSE message as a response to a connectionless MBMS REGISTRATION REQUEST message with the MBMS Registration Request Type IE set to "deregister", the RNC shall remove all associated MBMS resources and context(s) corresponding to the MBMS Bearer Service identified by the TMGI included in the MBMS REGISTRATION REQUEST message. Upon reception of the MBMS REGISTRATION RESPONSE message as a response to a connection oriented MBMS REGISTRATION REQUEST message with the MBMS Registration Request Type IE set to "deregister", the RNC shall release the MBMS Iu signalling connection and the RAB, if any, identified by the TMGI included in the MBMS REGISTRATION REQUEST message.
Transmission and reception of a MBMS REGISTRATION RESPONSE message terminate the procedure in the CN and in the UTRAN respectively.
Unsuccessful Operation
Figure 53: MBMS Registration procedure. Unsuccessful operation. If the CN node is not capable of correctly processing the request, the RNC shall be informed by the MBMS REGISTRATION FAILURE message. In case of connectionless signalling, the MBMS REGISTRATION FAILURE message shall contain the same TMGI as received in the MBMS REGISTRATION REQUEST message. The MBMS REGISTRATION FAILURE message shall inform the RNC about the reason for unsuccessful operation thank to appropriate cause value e.g. "TMGI Unknown", "IP Multicast Address And APN Not Valid", "MBMS DeRegistration Rejected Due To Implicit Registration", "MBMS - Request Superseded", "MBMS De-Registration During Session Not Allowed". In case of connectionless signalling, if the RNC has not sent the MBMS REGISTRATION REQUEST message with the MBMS Registration Request Type IE set to "register", to the default CN node, the MBMS REGISTRATION FAILURE message shall also include the Global CN-ID IE. Transmission and reception of a MBMS REGISTRATION FAILURE message terminate the procedure in the CN and in the UTRAN respectively.
Abnormal Conditions
Not applicable.
MBMS CN De-Registration
The purpose of the MBMS CN De-Registration procedure is to make the RNC aware that a certain Multicast Service is no longer available. The MBMS CN De-Registration procedure is triggered by the CN (PS domain). The procedure uses connectionless signalling.
Successful Operation
Figure 54: MBMS CN De-Registration procedure. Successful operation. The CN initiates the procedure by sending a MBMS CN DE-REGISTRATION REQUEST message. The MBMS CN DE-REGISTRATION REQUEST message shall contain the following IEs: TMGI; Global CN-ID IE, only when the MBMS CN DE-REGISTRATION REQUEST message is sent from a CN node towards an RNC for which the sending CN node is not the default CN node.
If the Global CN-ID IE is not included, the MBMS CN DE-REGISTRATION REQUEST message shall be considered as coming from the default CN node. Upon reception of the MBMS CN DE-REGISTRATION REQUEST message, the RNC shall remove all associated MBMS context(s) and resources corresponding to the MBMS Bearer Service identified by the indicated TMGI and shall report it to the CN by sending the MBMS CN DE-REGISTRATION RESPONSE message. Upon reception of the MBMS CN DE-REGISTRATION REQUEST message, if no existing MBMS Bearer Service can be identified by the indicated TMGI in the RNC, it shall consider this MBMS CN De-Registration procedure unsuccessful and shall report it to the CN by sending the MBMS CN DE-REGISTRATION RESPONSE message with the appropriate cause value e.g. "TMGI unknown". The MBMS CN DE-REGISTRATION RESPONSE message shall contain the Global RNC-ID IE and the same TMGI as received in the MBMS CN DE-REGISTRATION REQUEST message. Transmission and reception of a MBMS CN DE-REGISTRATION RESPONSE message terminate the procedure in the UTRAN and in the CN respectively.
Unsuccessful Operation
The unsuccessful operation for this Class 1 Elementary procedure is described under the Successful Operation chapter.
Abnormal Conditions
If NNSF is active, the RNC may receive from several CN nodes for a certain MBMS Bearer Service the MBMS CN DE-REGISTRATION REQUEST message. In this case the RNC will only proceed with the first MBMS CN DEREGISTRATION REQUEST message received and will inform the respective CN nodes accordingly i.e. with MBMS CN DE-REGISTRATION RESPONSE message and cause value "TMGI unknown" to all the CN nodes except the one towards which the RNC confirmed the successful the MBMS CN De-Registration procedure with MBMS CN DEREGISTRATION RESPONSE message including no cause value.
The purpose of the MBMS RAB Establishment Indication procedure is to inform the CN (PS domain) of the establishment of the MBMS RAB corresponding to the MBMS Iu signalling connection used for this procedure. The procedure uses connection oriented signalling.
Successful Operation
Figure 55: MBMS RAB Establishment Indication procedure. Successful operation. When the RNC has not yet established the MBMS RAB for a particular Multicast Service and is informed that a given UE joined this particular Multicast Service, the RNC shall initiate the MBMS RAB Establishment Indication procedure and send the MBMS RAB ESTABLISHMENT INDICATION message to the CN. If NNSF is active, the selection of the CN node is implementation dependant. The MBMS RAB ESTABLISHMENT INDICATION message shall include the Transport Layer Address IE and the Iu Transport Association IE.
Abnormal Conditions
Not applicable.
The purpose of the MBMS RAB Release procedure is to enable the UTRAN to request the release of an MBMS RAB. The MBMS RAB is defined for the PS domain only. The procedure uses connection oriented signalling.
Successful Operation
Figure 56: MBMS RAB Release procedure. Successful operation. The RNC initiates the procedure by generating a MBMS RAB RELEASE REQUEST message towards the CN. The MBMS RAB RELEASE REQUEST message is sent on the Iu connection related to the MBMS RAB to be released. The included cause value indicates the reason for the release, e.g. "RAB pre-empted", "Release due to UTRAN Generated Reason", "MBMS - No Data Bearer Necessary". The CN should according to the MBMS RAB RELEASE REQUEST message initiate the release of all MBMS resources related to the Iu connection without releasing the Iu signalling connection. The RNC may at reception of MBMS RAB RELEASE initiate release of the related MBMS bearer resources.
Unsuccessful Operation
Figure 57: MBMS RAB RELEASE procedure. Unsuccessful operation. If the CN node is not capable of correctly processing the request, the RNC shall be informed by the MBMS RAB RELEASE FAILURE message. The MBMS RAB RELEASE FAILURE message shall inform the RNC about the reason for the unsuccessful operation with an appropriate cause value.
Abnormal Conditions
Not applicable.
Subclause 9.1 presents the contents of RANAP messages in tabular format. The corresponding ASN.1 definition is presented in subclause 9.3. In case there is contradiction between the tabular format in subclause 9.1 and the ASN.1 definition, the ASN.1 shall take precedence, except for the definition of conditions for the presence of conditional IEs, where the tabular format shall take precedence. NOTE: The messages have been defined in accordance to the guidelines specified in [18].
Message Contents
All information elements in the message descriptions below are marked mandatory, optional or conditional according to table 4. Table 4: Meaning of abbreviations used in RANAP messages
Abbreviation M O C Meaning IEs marked as Mandatory (M) shall always be included in the message. IEs marked as Optional (O) may or may not be included in the message. IEs marked as Conditional (C) shall be included in a message only if the condition is satisfied. Otherwise the IE shall not be included.
Each Information Element or Group of Information Elements may have criticality information applied to it. Following cases are possible: Table 5: Meaning of content within "Criticality" column
Abbreviation YES GLOBAL EACH Meaning No criticality information is applied explicitly. Criticality information is applied. This is usable only for non-repeatable IEs The IE and all its repetitions together have one common criticality information. This is usable only for repeatable IEs. Each repetition of the IE has its own criticality information. It is not allowed to assign different criticality values to the repetitions. This is usable only for repeatable IEs.
The Range column indicates the allowed number of copies of repetitive IEs/IE groups.
Assigned Criticality
This column provides the actual criticality information as defined in subclause 10.3.2, if applicable.
This message is sent by the CN to request the establishment, modification or release of one or more RABs for the same UE. Direction: CN RNC. Signalling bearer mode: Connection oriented.
3GPP TS 25.413 version 7.10.0 Release 7 IE/Group Name Message Type RABs To Be Setup Or Modified List >RABs To Be Setup Or Modified Item IEs >>First Setup Or Modify Item Presence M O Range
ETSI TS 125 413 V7.10.0 (2009-04) Semantics description Criticality YES YES Assigned Criticality reject ignore
1 to <maxnoofRABs> M Grouping reason: same criticality The same RAB ID must only be present in one group. EACH reject
Includes all necessary parameters for RABs (both for MSC and SGSN) including QoS.
>>>User Plane Information >>>>User Plane Mode >>>>UP Mode Versions >>>Transport Layer Information >>>>Transport Layer Address >>>>Iu Transport Association >>>Service Handover >>Second Setup Or Modify Item
EACH ignore
>>> PDP Type Information >>>Data Volume Reporting Indication >>>DL GTP-PDU Sequence Number >>>UL GTP-PDU Sequence Number >>>DL N-PDU Sequence Number >>>UL N-PDU Sequence Number >>>Alternative RAB Parameter Values >>>GERAN BSC Container
YES ignore
3GPP TS 25.413 version 7.10.0 Release 7 IE/Group Name RABs To Be Released List >RABs To Be Released Item IEs >>RAB ID Presence O Range
ETSI TS 125 413 V7.10.0 (2009-04) Semantics description Criticality YES Assigned Criticality ignore ignore
1 to <maxnoofRABs> M The same RAB ID must only be present in one group.
M Range bound Explanation Maximum no. of RABs for one UE. Value is 256.
This message is sent by the RNC to report the outcome of the request from the RAB ASSIGNMENT REQUEST message.
>>Transport Layer Address >>Iu Transport Association >>DL Data Volumes >>>Data Volume List >>>>Unsuccessful ly Transmitted DL Data Volume >>>>Data Volume Reference >>Assigned RAB Parameter Values RABs Released List >RABs Released Item IEs >>RAB ID
O O O 1 to <maxnoofVol> M
O O O 1 to <maxnoofRABs> M
>>DL Data Volumes >>>Data Volume List >>>>Unsuccessful ly Transmitted DL Data Volume >>>>Data Volume Reference >>DL GTP-PDU Sequence Number >>UL GTP-PDU Sequence Number RABs Queued List >RABs Queued Item IEs >>RAB ID
O 1 to <maxnoofVol> M
O O O O 1 to <maxnoofRABs> M
RABs Failed To Setup Or Modify List >RABs Failed To Setup Or Modify Item IEs >>RAB ID
ignore ignore
>>Cause RABs Failed To Release List >RABs Failed To Release Item IEs >>RAB ID
M O 1 to <maxnoofRABs> M
ignore ignore
>>Cause Criticality Diagnostics GERAN Iu mode specific RABs Failed To Setup Or Modify List > GERAN Iu mode specific RABs Failed To Setup Or Modify Item IEs >>RAB ID
ignore ignore
Explanation Maximum no. of RABs for one UE. Value is 256. Maximum no. of reported data volume for one RAB. Value is 2.
This message is sent by the RNC to request the CN to release one or more RABs for the same UE. Direction: RNC CN. Signalling bearer mode: Connection oriented.
IE/Group Name Message Type RABs To Be Released List >RABs To Be Released Item IEs >>RAB ID >>Cause Presence M M 1 to <maxnoofRABs> M M Range IE type and reference Semantics description Criticality YES YES EACH Assigned Criticality ignore ignore ignore
This message is sent by the RNC to request the CN to release the Iu connection. Direction: RNC CN. Signalling bearer mode: Connection oriented.
3GPP TS 25.413 version 7.10.0 Release 7 IE/Group Name Message Type Cause Presence M M Range
ETSI TS 125 413 V7.10.0 (2009-04) Semantics description Criticality YES YES Assigned Criticality ignore ignore
This message is sent by the CN to order the RNC to release all resources related to the Iu connection. Direction: CN RNC. Signalling bearer mode: Connection oriented.
IE/Group Name Message Type Cause Presence M M Range IE type and reference Semantics description Criticality YES YES Assigned Criticality reject ignore
This message is sent by the RNC as a response to the IU RELEASE COMMAND message. Direction: RNC CN. Signalling bearer mode: Connection oriented.
IE/Group Name Message Type RABs Data Volume Report List >RABs Data Volume Report Item IEs >>RAB ID >>RAB Data Volume Report List >>>RAB Data Volume Report Item IEs >>>>Unsuccessfull y Transmitted DL Data Volume >>>>Data Volume Reference RABs Released List >RABs Released Item IEs >>RAB ID >>DL GTP-PDU Sequence Number >>UL GTP-PDU Sequence Number Criticality Diagnostics Presence M O 1 to <maxnoofRABs> Range IE type and reference Semantics description Criticality YES YES EACH 1 to <maxnoofVol> M Assigned Criticality reject ignore ignore
O O 1 to <maxnoofRABs> M O O O
YES ignore
Explanation Maximum no. of RABs for one UE. Value is 256. Maximum no. of reported data volume for one RAB. Value is 2.
This message is sent by the source RNC to inform the CN that a relocation is to be performed. Direction: RNC CN. Signalling bearer mode: Connection oriented.
IE/Group Name Message Type Relocation Type Cause Source ID Target ID MS Classmark 2 Presence M M M M M C ifGSMCStar get C ifGSMCStar get C ifUMTStarge t O Range IE type and reference Semantics description Criticality YES YES YES YES YES YES Assigned Criticality reject reject ignore ignore reject reject
MS Classmark 3
Source RNC To Target RNC Transparent Container Old BSS To New BSS Information
Can optionally be used if GSM target but not used for UMTS target. Shall be included if, and only if, GSM PS domain is target.
ignore ignore
Explanation This IE shall be present if the Target ID IE contains a CGI IE and Source BSS To Target BSS Transparent Container is not included. This IE shall be presentif the Target ID IE contains a Target RNC-ID IE.
This message is sent by the CN to request the target RNC to allocate necessary resources for a relocation. Direction: CN RNC. Signalling bearer mode: Connection oriented.
3GPP TS 25.413 version 7.10.0 Release 7 IE/Group Name Message Type Permanent NAS UE Identity Cause CN Domain Indicator Source RNC To Target RNC Transparent Container RABs To Be Setup List >RABs To Be Setup Item IEs >>RAB ID >>NAS Synchronisation Indicator >>RAB Parameters >>Data Volume Reporting Indication >> PDP Type Information >>User Plane Information >>>User Plane Mode >>>UP Mode Versions >>Transport Layer Address >>Iu Transport Association >>Service Handover >> Alternative RAB Parameter Values >>GERAN BSC Container Integrity Protection Information Presence M O M M M Range
ETSI TS 125 413 V7.10.0 (2009-04) Semantics description Criticality YES YES YES YES YES Assigned Criticality
reject ignore
ignore reject reject
reject reject
M C ifPS
C ifPS M M M M M O O O O Integrity Protection Information includes key and permitted algorithms. Encryption Information includes key and permitted algorithms.
Encryption Information
Iu Signalling Connection Identifier Global CN-ID SNA Access Information UESBI-Iu Selected PLMN Identity CN MBMS Linking Information >Joined MBMS Bearer Service IEs >>TMGI
M O O O O O 1 to <maxnoofMulticas tServicesPerUE> M
M Condition
Explanation This IE shall be present if the CN domain indicator IE is set to "PS domain". Explanation Maximum no. of RABs for one UE. Value is 256. Maximum no. of Multicast Services that a UE can join and leave respectively. Value is 128.
This message is sent by the target RNC to inform the CN about the result of the resource allocation for the requested relocation. Direction: RNC CN. Signalling bearer mode: Connection oriented.
IE/Group Name Message Type Target RNC To Source RNC Transparent Container RABs Setup List >RABs Setup Item IEs >>RAB ID >>Transport Layer Address Presence M O Range IE type and reference Semantics description Criticality YES YES Assigned Criticality
O 1 to <maxnoofRABs> M O IPv6 or IPv4 address if no other TLA included. IPv4 address if other TLA included.
ignore reject
3GPP TS 25.413 version 7.10.0 Release 7 >>Iu Transport Association >>Assigned RAB Parameter Values >>Transport Layer Address >>Iu Transport Association RABs Failed To Setup List >RABs Failed To Setup Item IEs >>RAB ID >>Cause Chosen Integrity Protection Algorithm O O O
ETSI TS 125 413 V7.10.0 (2009-04) Related to TLA above. YES IPv6 address if included. Related to TLA above. YES ignore ignore
O O 1 to <maxnoofRABs> M M O
Indicates the Integrity Protection algorithm that will be used by the target RNC. Indicates the Encryption algorithm that will be used by the target RNC.
Defined in [11].
ignore ignore
This message is sent by the CN to the source RNC to inform that resources for the relocation are allocated in the target RNC. Direction: CN RNC. Signalling bearer mode: Connection oriented.
IE/Group Name Message Type Target RNC To Source RNC Transparent Container L3 Information RABs To Be Released List >RABs To Be Released Item IEs >>RAB ID RABs Subject To Data Forwarding List >RABs Subject To Data Forwarding Item IEs >>RAB ID >>Transport Layer Address Presence M O O O 1 to <maxnoofRABs> M O 1 to <maxnoofRABs> M M IPv6 or IPv4 address if no other TLA Range IE type and reference Semantics description Criticality YES YES YES YES EACH YES EACH Assigned Criticality reject reject ignore ignore ignore
ignore ignore
ETSI TS 125 413 V7.10.0 (2009-04) included. IPv4 address if other TLA included. Related to TLA above. IPv6 address if included. Related to TLA above.
>>Iu Transport Association >>Transport Layer Address >>Iu Transport Association Criticality Diagnostics Inter-System Information Transparent Container Target BSS to Source BSS Transparent Container
YES YES YES YES YES ignore ignore ignore ignore ignore
This message is sent by the target RNC to inform the CN that the relocation execution trigger has been received. Direction: RNC CN. Signalling bearer mode: Connection oriented.
IE/Group Name Message Type Presence M Range IE type and reference Semantics description Criticality YES Assigned Criticality ignore
This message is sent by the target RNC to inform the CN that the relocation is completed. Direction: RNC CN. Signalling bearer mode: Connection oriented.
IE/Group Name Message Type Presence M Range IE type and reference Semantics description Criticality YES Assigned Criticality ignore
This message is sent by the CN to the source RNC if the relocation preparation failed. Direction: CN RNC. Signalling bearer mode: Connection oriented.
IE/Group Name Message Type Cause Criticality Diagnostics Inter-System Information Transparent Container Presence M M O O Range IE type and reference Semantics description Criticality YES YES YES YES Assigned Criticality reject ignore ignore ignore
This message is sent by the target RNC to inform the CN that the requested resource allocation failed. Direction: RNC CN. Signalling bearer mode: Connection oriented.
IE/Group Name Message Type Cause Criticality Diagnostics New BSS to Old BSS Information GERAN Classmark Presence M M O O O Range IE type and reference Semantics description Criticality YES YES YES YES YES Assigned Criticality reject ignore ignore ignore ignore
Defined in [11]
This message is sent by the source RNC to the CN to cancel an ongoing relocation. Direction: RNC CN. Signalling bearer mode: Connection oriented.
IE/Group Name Message Type Cause Presence M M Range IE type and reference Semantics description Criticality YES YES Assigned Criticality reject ignore
This message is sent by the CN to the source RNC when the relocation has been cancelled. Direction: CN RNC. Signalling bearer mode: Connection oriented.
IE/Group Name Message Type Criticality Diagnostics Presence M O Range IE type and reference Semantics description Criticality YES YES Assigned Criticality reject ignore
This message is sent by the CN to the source RNC to indicate the PS RABs for which context transfer shall be performed. Direction: CN RNC. Signalling bearer mode: Connection oriented.
3GPP TS 25.413 version 7.10.0 Release 7 IE/Group Name Message Type RABs Subject To Data Forwarding List >RABs Subject To Data Forwarding Item IEs >>RAB ID RAT Type Presence M M Range
ETSI TS 125 413 V7.10.0 (2009-04) Semantics description Criticality YES YES EACH Assigned Criticality reject ignore reject
This message is sent by the source RNC as a response to SRNS CONTEXT REQUEST message. Direction: RNC CN. Signalling bearer mode: Connection oriented.
IE/Group Name Message Type RABs Contexts List >RABs Contexts Item IEs >>RAB ID >>DL GTP-PDU Sequence Number >>UL GTP-PDU Sequence Number >>DL N-PDU Sequence Number >>UL N-PDU Sequence Number RABs Contexts Failed To Transfer List >RABs Contexts Failed To Transfer Item IEs >>RAB ID >>Cause Criticality Diagnostics Presence M O 1 to <maxnoofRABs> M O O O O O 1 to <maxnoofRABs> M M O Range IE type and reference Semantics description Criticality YES YES EACH YES EACH ignore ignore Assigned Criticality reject ignore ignore
This message is sent by the CN to the RNC to trigger the transfer of N-PDUs from the RNC to the CN in intersystem change or in some further cases described in [21]. Direction: CN RNC. Signalling bearer mode: Connection oriented.
3GPP TS 25.413 version 7.10.0 Release 7 IE/Group Name Message Type RABs Subject To Data Forwarding List >RABs Subject To Data Forwarding Item IEs >>RAB ID >>Transport Layer Address >>Iu Transport Association Presence M O
ETSI TS 125 413 V7.10.0 (2009-04) Semantics description Criticality YES YES EACH Assigned Criticality ignore ignore ignore
This message is sent either by the source RNC to the CN or by the CN to the target RNC to transfer the SRNS Context. Direction: CN RNC and RNC CN. Signalling bearer mode: Connection oriented.
IE/Group Name Message Type RAB Contexts List >RAB Contexts Item IEs >>RAB ID >>DL GTP-PDU Sequence Number >>UL GTP-PDU Sequence Number >>DL N-PDU Sequence Number >>UL N-PDU Sequence Number Source RNC PDCP context info Presence M M 1 to <maxnoofRABs> M O Range IE type and reference Semantics description Criticality YES YES EACH Assigned Criticality ignore ignore ignore
YES ignore
This message is sent by the CN to request the UTRAN to page a specific UE. Direction: CN RNC. Signalling bearer mode: Connectionless.
3GPP TS 25.413 version 7.10.0 Release 7 IE/Group Name Message Type CN Domain Indicator Permanent NAS UE Identity Temporary UE Identity Paging Area ID Paging Cause Non Searching Indication DRX Cycle Length Coefficient Global CN-ID Presence M M M O O O O O O Range
108 IE type and reference
ETSI TS 125 413 V7.10.0 (2009-04) Semantics description Criticality YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES Assigned Criticality ignore ignore ignore ignore ignore ignore ignore ignore ignore
This message is sent by the CN to inform the RNC about the permanent NAS UE identity for a user. It may include additional information. Direction: CN RNC. Signalling bearer mode: Connection oriented.
IE/Group Name Message Type Permanent NAS UE Identity SNA Access Information UESBI-Iu Selected PLMN Identity Presence M M O O O Range IE type and reference Semantics description Criticality YES YES YES YES YES Assigned Criticality ignore ignore ignore ignore ignore
This message is sent by the CN to request the RNC to start a trace recording session. Direction: CN RNC. Signalling bearer mode: Connection oriented.
3GPP TS 25.413 version 7.10.0 Release 7 IE/Group Name Message Type Trace Type Presence M O Range
ETSI TS 125 413 V7.10.0 (2009-04) Semantics description Mandatory for GERAN Iu Mode. Not applicable to UTRAN. Mandatory for GERAN Iu Mode. Not applicable to UTRAN. Mandatory for UTRAN. Optional for GERAN Iu Mode. Mandatory for GERAN Iu Mode. Not applicable to UTRAN. Optional for UTRAN. Not applicable to GERAN Iu Mode. Criticality YES YES Assigned Criticality ignore ignore
ignore ignore
UE Identity
This message is sent by the CN to trigger the integrity and ciphering functions over the radio interface. Direction: CN RNC. Signalling bearer mode: Connection oriented.
IE/Group Name Message Type Integrity Protection Information Presence M M Range IE type and reference Semantics description Integrity information includes key and permitted algorithms. Encryption information includes key and permitted algorithms. Criticality YES YES Assigned Criticality reject reject
Encryption Information
Key Status
This message is sent by the RNC as a successful response to a SECURITY MODE COMMAND message. Direction: RNC CN.
This message is sent by the RNC as an unsuccessful response to a SECURITY MODE COMMAND message. Direction: RNC CN. Signalling bearer mode: Connection oriented.
IE/Group Name Message Type Cause Criticality Diagnostics Presence M M O Range IE type and reference Semantics description Criticality YES YES YES Assigned Criticality reject ignore ignore
This message is sent by the CN to initiate, modify or stop location reporting from the RNC to the CN. Direction: CN RNC. Signalling bearer mode: Connection oriented.
IE/Group Name Message Type Request Type Vertical Accuracy Code Response Time Positioning Priority Client Type Include Velocity Periodic Location Info Presence M M O O O O O O Range IE type and reference Semantics description Criticality YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES Assigned Criticality ignore ignore ignore ignore ignore ignore ignore ignore
This message is sent by the RNC to the CN with information about the UE location. Direction: RNC CN. Signalling bearer mode: Connection oriented.
3GPP TS 25.413 version 7.10.0 Release 7 IE/Group Name Message Type Area Identity Cause Request Type Last Known Service Area Position Data Presence M O O O O O Range
111 IE type and reference
ETSI TS 125 413 V7.10.0 (2009-04) Semantics description Criticality YES YES YES YES YES YES Assigned Criticality ignore ignore ignore ignore ignore ignore
Optional for UTRAN only. Coded as the value part of the Positioning Data IE defined in [34]. Optional for GERAN Iu mode only. Not applicable for UTRAN.
ignore ignore
This message is sent by the CN to request unsuccessfully transmitted data volumes for specific RABs. Direction: CN RNC. Signalling bearer mode: Connection oriented.
IE/Group Name Message Type RABs Data Volume Report List >RABs Data Volume Report Item IEs >>RAB ID Presence M M 1 to <maxnoofRABs> M Range IE type and reference Semantics description Criticality YES YES EACH Assigned Criticality reject ignore reject
This message is sent by the RNC and informs the CN about unsuccessfully transmitted data volumes for requested RABs. Direction: RNC CN. Signalling bearer mode: Connection oriented.
3GPP TS 25.413 version 7.10.0 Release 7 IE/Group Name Message Type RABs Data Volume Report List >RABs Data Volume Report Item IEs >>RAB ID >>RAB Data Volume Report List >>>RAB Data Volume Report Item IEs >>>>Unsuccessf ully Transmitted DL Data Volume >>>>Data Volume Reference RABs Failed To Report List >RABs Failed To Report Item IEs >>RAB ID >>Cause Criticality Diagnostics Presence M O Range
ETSI TS 125 413 V7.10.0 (2009-04) Semantics description Criticality YES YES EACH Assigned Criticality reject ignore ignore
ignore ignore
Explanation Maximum no. of RABs for one UE. Value is 256. Maximum no. of reported data volume for one RAB. Value is 2.
This message is sent by the RNC to transfer the radio interface initial layer 3 message to the CN. Direction: RNC CN. Signalling bearer mode: Connection oriented.
3GPP TS 25.413 version 7.10.0 Release 7 IE/Group Name Message Type CN Domain Indicator LAI RAC SAI NAS-PDU Iu Signalling Connection Identifier Global RNC-ID Presence M M M C - ifPS M M M M Range
113 IE type and reference
ETSI TS 125 413 V7.10.0 (2009-04) Semantics description Criticality YES YES YES YES YES YES YES If the Extended RNC-ID IE is included in the message, the RNC-ID IE in the Global RNC-ID IE shall be ignored. YES Assigned Criticality ignore ignore ignore ignore ignore ignore ignore ignore
GERAN Classmark Selected PLMN Identity NAS Sequence Number Permanent NAS UE Identity Redirect Attempt Flag Extended RNC-ID
The Extended RNC-ID IE shall be used if the RNC identity has a value larger than 4095.
Condition ifPS
Explanation This IE shall be present if the CN Domain Indicator IE is set to "PS domain".
This message is sent by both the CN and the RNC and is used for carrying NAS information over the Iu interface. Direction: RNC CN and CN RNC. Signalling bearer mode: Connection oriented.
IE/Group Name Message Type NAS-PDU LAI RAC SAI SAPI Redirection Indication Redirection Completed Presence M M O O O O O O Range IE type and reference Semantics description Criticality YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES Assigned Criticality ignore ignore ignore ignore ignore ignore ignore ignore
This message is sent by either the CN or the RNC to indicate that the control plane of the node is overloaded. Direction: RNC CN and CN RNC. Signalling bearer mode: Connectionless.
IE/Group Name Message Type Number Of Steps Global RNC-ID Presence M O O Range IE type and reference Semantics description Criticality YES YES YES Assigned Criticality ignore ignore ignore
If the Extended RNC-ID IE is included in the message, the RNC-ID IE in the Global RNC-ID IE shall be ignored.
The Extended RNC-ID IE shall be used if the RNC identity has a value larger than 4095.
This message is sent by both the CN and the RNC and is used to request that the other node be reset. Direction: RNC CN and CN RNC. Signalling bearer mode: Connectionless.
3GPP TS 25.413 version 7.10.0 Release 7 IE/Group Name Message Type Cause CN Domain Indicator Global RNC-ID Presence M M M O Range
ETSI TS 125 413 V7.10.0 (2009-04) Semantics description Criticality YES YES YES YES Assigned Criticality reject ignore reject ignore
If the Extended RNC-ID IE is included in the message, the RNC-ID IE in the Global RNC-ID IE shall be ignored. The Extended RNC-ID IE shall be used if the RNC identity has a value larger than 4095.
ignore reject
This message is sent by both the CN and the RNC as a response to a RESET message. Direction: RNC CN and CN RNC. Signalling bearer mode: Connectionless.
IE/Group Name Message Type CN Domain Indicator Criticality Diagnostics Global RNC-ID Presence M M O O Range IE type and reference Semantics description Criticality YES YES YES YES Assigned Criticality reject reject ignore ignore
If the Extended RNC-ID IE is included in the message, the RNC-ID IE in the Global RNC-ID IE shall be ignored. The Extended RNC-ID IE shall be used if the RNC identity has a value larger than 4095.
ignore reject
This message is sent by both the CN and the RNC and is used to indicate that some error has been detected in the node. Direction: RNC CN and CN RNC. Signalling bearer mode: Connection oriented or connectionless.
IE/Group Name Message Type Cause Criticality Diagnostics CN Domain Indicator Global RNC-ID Presence M O O O O Range IE type and reference Semantics description Criticality YES YES YES YES YES Assigned Criticality ignore ignore ignore ignore ignore
If the Extended RNC-ID IE is included in the message, the RNC-ID IE in the Global RNC-ID IE shall be ignored. The Extended RNC-ID IE shall be used if the RNC identity has a value larger than 4095.
ignore reject
This message is sent by the CN to request the RNC to stop a trace session for the indicated trace reference. Direction: CN
This message is part of a special RANAP Relocation Information procedure, and is sent between RNCs during Relocation. Direction: RNC - RNC.
>>NAS-PDU >>SAPI >>CN Domain Indicator RAB Contexts List >RAB Contexts Item IEs >>RAB ID >>DL GTP-PDU Sequence Number >>UL GTP-PDU Sequence Number >>DL N-PDU Sequence Number >>UL N-PDU Sequence Number Source RNC PDCP context info
M M M O 1 to <maxnoofRABs> M O O O O O
YES ignore
Explanation Maximum no. of DT information. Value is 15. Maximum no. of RABs for one UE. Value is 256.
This message is sent by either the CN or the RNC. The sending entity informs the receiving entity that it requests the receiving entity to release resources and references associated to the Iu signalling connection identifiers of the message. Direction: RNC CN and CN RNC. Signalling bearer mode: Connectionless.
3GPP TS 25.413 version 7.10.0 Release 7 IE/Group Name Message Type CN Domain Indicator Cause Reset Resource List >Reset Resource Item IEs >>Iu Signalling Connection Identifier Global RNC-ID Presence M M M M Range
ETSI TS 125 413 V7.10.0 (2009-04) Semantics description Criticality YES YES YES YES EACH Assigned Criticality reject reject ignore ignore reject
If the Extended RNC-ID IE is included in the message, the RNC-ID IE in the Global RNC-ID IE shall be ignored. The Extended RNC-ID IE shall be used if the RNC identity has a value larger than 4095.
ignore reject
The maximum number of Iu signalling connection identifiers contained in the RESET RESOURCE message shall not exceed the range bound specified for the maxnoofIuSigConIds (max. no. of Iu signalling connection identifiers) as indicated in the table above.
This message is sent by either the CN or the RNC to inform the RNC or the CN that the RESET RESOURCE message has been received. Direction: RNC CN and CN RNC. Signalling bearer mode: Connectionless.
IE/Group Name Message Type CN Domain Indicator Reset Resource List >Reset Resource Item IEs Presence M M M 1 to <maxnoofIuSigCo nIds> Range IE type and reference Semantics description Criticality YES YES YES EACH Assigned Criticality reject reject ignore reject
This list shall be in the same order as the list received in the RESET RESOURC E message.
If the Extended RNC-ID IE is included in the message, the RNC-ID IE in the Global RNC-ID IE shall be ignored.
The Extended RNC-ID IE shall be used if the RNC identity has a value larger than 4095.
This message is sent by the RNC to the CN to request modification of one or more RABs for the same UE. Direction: RNC CN. Signalling bearer mode: Connection oriented.
IE/Group Name Message Type RABs To Be Modified List >RABs To Be Modified Item IEs >>RAB ID
Presence M M
Semantics description
1 to <maxnoofRABs> M Uniquely identifies the RAB for a specific CN domain, for a particular UE. Includes RAB parameters for which different values than what was originally negotiated are being requested.
This message is sent by the CN either to initiate delivery of dedicated assistance data from the RNC to the UE, or to retrieve deciphering keys for the broadcast assistance data. Direction: CN RNC. Signalling bearer mode: Connection oriented.
IE/Group Name Message Type Location Related Data Request Type Presence M O Range IE type and reference Semantics description Mandatory for UTRAN. Optional for GERAN Iu Mode. Optional for GERAN Iu Mode only. Not applicable for UTRAN. Criticality YES YES Assigned Criticality reject reject
C ifDedAssG ANSS
Condition ifDedAssGANSS
Explanation This IE shall be present if the Requested Location Related Data Type IE is set to "Dedicated Assistance Data for Assisted GANSS" or "Dedicated Assistance Data for Assisted GPS and GANSS".
This message is sent by the RNC as a successful response to a LOCATION RELATED DATA REQUEST message.
ignore ignore
This message is sent by the RNC to report an unsuccessful response to a LOCATION RELATED DATA REQUEST message. Direction: RNC CN. Signalling bearer mode: Connection oriented.
IE/Group Name Message Type Cause Criticality Diagnostics Presence M M O Range IE type and reference Semantics description Criticality YES YES YES Assigned Criticality reject ignore ignore
This message is sent by the CN to transfer information to an RNC. Direction: CN RNC. Signalling bearer mode: Connectionless.
IE/Group Name Message Type Information Transfer ID Provided Data CN Domain Indicator Global CN-ID Presence M M M M O Range IE type and reference Semantics description Criticality YES YES YES YES YES Assigned Criticality reject reject reject reject ignore
This message is sent by the RNC as a successful response to an INFORMATION TRANSFER INDICATION message. Direction: RNC CN. Signalling bearer mode: Connectionless.
3GPP TS 25.413 version 7.10.0 Release 7 IE/Group Name Message Type Information Transfer ID CN Domain Indicator Criticality Diagnostics Global RNC-ID Presence M M M O M Range
ETSI TS 125 413 V7.10.0 (2009-04) Semantics description Criticality YES YES YES YES YES Assigned Criticality reject ignore ignore ignore ignore
Extended RNC-ID
If the Extended RNC-ID IE is included in the message, the RNC-ID IE in the Global RNC-ID IE shall be ignored. The Extended RNC-ID IE shall be used if the RNC identity has a value larger than 4095.
This message is sent by the RNC as an unsuccessful response to an INFORMATION TRANSFER INDICATION message. Direction: RNC CN. Signalling bearer mode: Connectionless.
3GPP TS 25.413 version 7.10.0 Release 7 IE/Group Name Message Type Information Transfer ID CN Domain Indicator Cause Criticality Diagnostics Global RNC-ID Presence M M M M O M Range
123 IE type and reference
ETSI TS 125 413 V7.10.0 (2009-04) Semantics description Criticality YES YES YES YES YES YES Assigned Criticality reject ignore ignore ignore ignore ignore
Extended RNC-ID
If the Extended RNC-ID IE is included in the message, the RNC-ID IE in the Global RNC-ID IE shall be ignored. The Extended RNC-ID IE shall be used if the RNC identity has a value larger than 4095.
This message is sent by the CN to inform the RNC about information related to this connection. Direction: CN RNC. Signalling bearer mode: Connection oriented.
IE/Group Name Message Type UESBI-Iu Presence M O Range IE type and reference Semantics description Criticality YES YES Assigned Criticality ignore ignore
This message is sent by both the RNC and the CN in order to transfer specific information. Direction: RNC CN and CN RNC. Signalling bearer mode: Connectionless.
3GPP TS 25.413 version 7.10.0 Release 7 IE/Group Name Message Type Inter-system Information Transfer Type CN Domain Indicator Global RNC-ID Presence M O M O Range
ETSI TS 125 413 V7.10.0 (2009-04) Semantics description Criticality YES YES YES YES Assigned Criticality ignore ignore ignore ignore
If the Extended RNC-ID IE is included in the message, the RNC-ID IE in the Global RNC-ID IE shall be ignored. The Extended RNC-ID IE shall be used if the RNC identity has a value larger than 4095.
ignore reject
This message is sent by the RNC to the CN in order to transfer or request specific information. The nature of the exchange i.e. transfer or request of specific information is indicated within the Information Exchange Type IE. The nature of the information to be transferred is indicated within the Information Transfer Type IE. The nature of the information requested is indicated within the Information Request Type IE. Direction: RNC CN. Signalling bearer mode: Connectionless.
3GPP TS 25.413 version 7.10.0 Release 7 IE/Group Name Message Type Information Exchange ID Information Exchange Type Information Transfer Type Information Request Type CN Domain Indicator Global RNC-ID Presence M M M C iftransfer C ifrequest M M Range
125 IE type and reference
ETSI TS 125 413 V7.10.0 (2009-04) Semantics description Criticality YES YES YES YES YES YES YES Assigned Criticality reject reject reject reject reject reject reject
Extended RNC-ID
If the Extended RNC-ID IE is included in the message, the RNC-ID IE in the Global RNC-ID IE shall be ignored. The Extended RNC-ID IE shall be used if the RNC identity has a value larger than 4095.
Explanation This IE shall be present if the Information Exchange Type IE is set to "transfer". This IE shall be present if the Information Exchange Type IE is set to "request".
This message is sent by the CN to the RNC as a successful response to the UPLINK INFORMATION EXCHANGE REQUEST message. Direction: CN RNC. Signalling bearer mode: Connectionless.
IE/Group Name Message Type Information Exchange ID Information Requested CN Domain Indicator Global CN-ID Criticality Diagnostics Presence M M O M O O Range IE type and reference Semantics description Criticality YES YES YES YES YES YES Assigned Criticality reject ignore ignore ignore ignore ignore
This message is sent by the CN to the RNC as an unsuccessful response to the UPLINK INFORMATION EXCHANGE REQUEST message.
This message is sent by the CN to establish a MBMS Iu signalling connection and if needed a MBMS RAB. Direction: CN RNC. Signalling bearer mode: Connection oriented.
IE/Group Name Message Type TMGI MBMS Session Identity MBMS Bearer Service Type Iu Signalling Connection Identifier RAB parameters PDP Type Information MBMS Session Duration MBMS Service Area Frequency Layer Convergence Flag RA List of Idle Mode UEs Global CN-ID IE MBMS Session Repetition Number Time to MBMS Data Transfer MBMS Counting Information Presence M M O M M M O M M O O O O M O Range IE type and reference Semantics description Criticality YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES Assigned Criticality reject reject ignore reject reject reject ignore reject reject ignore ignore reject ignore reject ignore
This message is sent by the RNC to report the successful outcome of the request from the MBMS SESSION START message.
This message is sent by the RNC to report the unsuccessful outcome of the request from the MBMS SESSION START message. Direction: RNC CN. Signalling bearer mode: Connection oriented.
IE/Group Name Message Type Cause Criticality Diagnostics Presence M M O Range IE type and reference Semantics description Criticality YES YES YES Assigned Criticality reject ignore ignore
This message is sent by the CN to inform the RNC whenever the RA List of Idle Mode UEs changes compared to one previously sent. Direction: CN RNC. Signalling bearer mode: Connection oriented.
IE/Group Name Message Type Session Update ID Delta RA List of Idle Mode UEs Presence M M M Range IE type and reference Semantics description Criticality YES YES YES Assigned Criticality reject reject reject
This message is sent by the RNC to report the successful outcome of the request from the MBMS SESSION UPDATE message.
This message is sent by the RNC to report the unsuccessful outcome of the request from the MBMS SESSION UPDATE message. Direction: RNC CN. Signalling bearer mode: Connection oriented.
IE/Group Name Message Type Session Update ID Cause Criticality Diagnostics Presence M M M O Range IE type and reference Semantics description Criticality YES YES YES YES Assigned Criticality reject ignore ignore ignore
This message is sent by the CN to release a MBMS Iu signalling connection and its associated MBMS RAB. Direction: CN RNC. Signalling bearer mode: Connection oriented.
IE/Group Name Message Type MBMS CN De-Registration Presence M M Range IE type and reference Semantics description Criticality YES YES Assigned Criticality reject reject
This message is sent by the RNC to report the outcome of the request from the MBMS SESSION STOP message. Direction: RNC CN. Signalling bearer mode: Connection oriented.
IE/Group Name Message Type Cause Criticality Diagnostics M O O Presence Range IE type and reference Semantics description Criticality YES YES YES Assigned Criticality reject ignore ignore
This message is sent by the CN to make the RNC aware that a given UE, with existing Iu-ps signalling connection, joined/left one or several Multicast Services. Direction: CN RNC. Signalling bearer mode: Connection oriented.
IE/Group Name Message Type Joined MBMS Bearer Services List >Joined MBMS Bearer Service IEs >>TMGI M Presence M O 1 to <maxnoofMulticas tServicesPerUE> The same TMGI must only be present in one group. Range IE type and reference Semantics description Criticality YES YES EACH Assigned Criticality reject reject reject
>>PTP RAB ID Left MBMS Bearer Services List >Left MBMS Bearer Service IEs >>TMGI
M O 1 to <maxnoofMulticas tServicesPerUE> M
reject reject
Explanation Maximum no. of Multicast Services that a UE can join and leave respectively. Value is 128.
This message is sent by the RNC to report the outcome of the request from the MBMS UE LINKING REQUEST message. Direction: RNC CN. Signalling bearer mode: Connection oriented.
IE/Group Name Message Type Unsuccessful Linking List >Unsuccessful Linking IEs >>TMGI Presence M O 1 to <maxnoofMulticas tServicesPerUE> M The same TMGI must only be present in one group. Range IE type and reference Semantics description Criticality YES YES EACH Assigned Criticality reject ignore ignore
Explanation Maximum no. of Multicast Services that a UE can join and leave respectively. Value is 128.
This message is sent by the RNC to request the CN to register or de-register the RNC for a certain Multicast Service. Direction: RNC CN. Signalling bearer mode: Connectionless or connection oriented.
IE/Group Name Message Type MBMS Registration Request Type TMGI IP Multicast Address APN Global RNC-ID Presence M M M CifRegister CifRegister O Range IE type and reference OCTET STRING OCTET STRING Semantics description Criticality YES YES YES YES YES If the Extended RNC-ID IE is included in the message, the RNC-ID IE in the Global RNC-ID IE shall be ignored. The Extended RNC-ID IE shall be used if the RNC identity has a value larger than 4095. YES Assigned Criticality reject reject reject reject reject reject
Extended RNC-ID
Condition IfRegister
Explanation This IE shall be present if the MBMS Registration Request Type IE is set to "register".
This message is sent by the CN to the RNC as a successful response to the MBMS REGISTRATION REQUEST message. Direction: CN RNC. Signalling bearer mode: Connectionless or connection oriented.
3GPP TS 25.413 version 7.10.0 Release 7 IE/Group Name Message Type TMGI Global CN-ID Criticality Diagnostics Presence M O O O Range
ETSI TS 125 413 V7.10.0 (2009-04) Semantics description Criticality YES YES YES YES Assigned Criticality reject ignore ignore ignore
This message is sent by the CN to the RNC as an unsuccessful response to the MBMS REGISTRATION REQUEST message. Direction: CN RNC. Signalling bearer mode: Connectionless or connection oriented.
IE/Group Name Message Type TMGI Global CN-ID Cause Criticality Diagnostics Presence M O O M O Range IE type and reference Semantics description Criticality YES YES YES YES YES Assigned Criticality reject ignore ignore ignore ignore
This message is sent by the CN to make the RNC aware that a certain Multicast Service is no longer available. Direction: CN RNC. Signalling bearer mode: Connectionless.
IE/Group Name Message Type TMGI Global CN-ID Presence M M O Range IE type and reference Semantics description Criticality YES YES YES Assigned Criticality reject reject reject
This message is sent by the RNC to the CN as a response to the MBMS CN DE-REGISTRATION REQUEST message. Direction: RNC CN. Signalling bearer mode: Connectionless.
3GPP TS 25.413 version 7.10.0 Release 7 IE/Group Name Message Type TMGI Global RNC-ID Presence M M M Range
ETSI TS 125 413 V7.10.0 (2009-04) Semantics description Criticality YES YES YES Assigned Criticality reject ignore ignore
If the Extended RNC-ID IE is included in the message, the RNC-ID IE in the Global RNC-ID IE shall be ignored.
The Extended RNC-ID IE shall be used if the RNC identity has a value larger than 4095.
This message is sent by the RNC to the CN to inform the CN of the establishment of the MBMS RAB corresponding to the MBMS Iu signalling connection used by this message. Direction: RNC CN. Signalling bearer mode: Connection oriented.
IE/Group Name Message Type Transport Layer Information >Transport Layer Address >Iu Transport Association Presence M M M M Range IE type and reference Semantics description Criticality YES YES YES YES Assigned Criticality ignore ignore ignore ignore
This message is sent by the RNC to request the CN to release the MBMS RAB. Direction: RNC CN. Signalling bearer mode: Connection oriented.
IE/Group Name Message Type Cause Presence M M Range IE type and reference Semantics description Criticality YES YES Assigned Criticality reject ignore
This message is sent by the CN to order the RNC to release all MBMS resources related to the Iu connection. Direction: CN RNC. Signalling bearer mode: Connection oriented.
IE/Group Name Message Type Cause Criticality Diagnostics Presence M M O Range IE type and reference Semantics description Criticality YES YES YES Assigned Criticality reject ignore ignore
This message is sent by the CN to the RNC as an unsuccessful response to the MBMS RAB RELEASE REQUEST message. Direction: CN RNC. Signalling bearer mode: Connection oriented.
IE/Group Name Message Type Cause Criticality Diagnostics Presence M M O Range IE type and reference Semantics description Criticality YES YES YES Assigned Criticality reject ignore ignore
Subclause 9.2 presents the RANAP IE definitions in tabular format. The corresponding ASN.1 definition is presented in subclause 9.3. In case there is contradiction between the tabular format in subclause 9.2 and the ASN.1 definition, the ASN.1 shall take precedence, except for the definition of conditions for the presence of conditional elements, where the tabular format shall take precedence. When specifying information elements which are to be represented by bitstrings, if not otherwise specifically stated in the semantics description of the concerned IE or elsewhere, the following principle applies with regards to the ordering of bits: The first bit (leftmost bit) contains the most significant bit (MSB); The last bit (rightmost bit) contains the least significant bit (LSB); When importing bitstrings from other specifications, the first bit of the bitstring contains the first bit of the concerned information;
The Message Type IE uniquely identifies the message being sent. It is mandatory for all messages.
3GPP TS 25.413 version 7.10.0 Release 7 IE/Group Name Message Type >Procedure Code Presence Range
ETSI TS 125 413 V7.10.0 (2009-04) Semantics description Assumed max no of messages is 256.
>Type of Message
(RAB Assignment, RAB Release Request, Iu Release Request, Iu Release, Relocation Preparation, Relocation Resource Allocation, Relocation Detect, Relocation Complete Relocation Cancel, SRNS Context Transfer, SRNS Data Forwarding Initiation, SRNS Context Forwarding from Source RNC to CN, SRNS Context Forwarding to Target RNC from CN, Paging, Common ID, CN Invoke Trace, Security Mode Control, Location Reporting Control Location Report, Data Volume Report, Initial UE Message Direct Transfer, Overload Control, Reset, Error Indication, CN Deactivate Trace, RANAP Relocation Information, Reset Resource, , RAB Modify Request, Location Related Data, Information Transfer, UE Specific Information, Direct Information Transfer, Uplink Information Exchange, MBMS Session Start, MBMS Session Update, MBMS Session Stop, MBMS UE Linking, MBMS Registration, MBMS CN DeRegistration, MBMS RAB Establishment Indication, MBMS RAB Release) CHOICE (Initiating Message, Successful Outcome, Unsuccessful Outcome, Outcome, )
This element uniquely identifies a radio access bearer for a specific CN domain for a particular UE, which makes the RAB ID unique over one Iu connection. The RAB ID shall remain the same for the duration of the RAB even when the RAB is relocated to another Iu connection. The purpose of the element is to bind data stream from the Non Access Stratum point of view (e.g. bearer of call or PDP context) and radio access bearer in Access Stratum. The value is also used in the RNC to relate Radio Bearers to a RAB. The content of this information element is transferred unchanged from the CN node (i.e. MSC or SGSN) via the RNC to the UE by RANAP messages and RRC messages. For RRC messages refer to [10]. The element contains binary representation of either the Stream Identifier (SI) for CS domain or the Network Service Access Point Identifier (NSAPI) for PS domain. These identifiers are coded in the RAB ID element in accordance with the coding of the Stream Identifier IE and with the coding of the NSAPI IE in [8].
IE/Group Name RAB ID Presence M Range IE type and reference BIT STRING (8) Semantics description
RAB Parameters
The purpose of the RAB parameters IE group and other parameters within the RAB parameters IE group is to indicate all RAB attributes as defined in [7] for both directions.
IE/Group Name RAB parameters >Traffic Class Presence Range IE type and reference
ENUMERATE D (conversation al, streaming, interactive, background, ...) ENUMERATE D (Symmetric bidirectional, Asymmetric Uni directional downlink, Asymmetric Uni directional Uplink, Asymmetric Bidirectional, ...) INTEGER (1..16,000,000 )
Semantics description
Desc.: This IE indicates the type of application for which the Radio Access Bearer service is optimised Desc.: This IE indicates asymmetry or symmetry of the RAB and traffic direction
Assigned Criticality
Desc.: This IE indicates the maximum number of bits delivered by UTRAN and to UTRAN at a SAP within a period of time, divided by the duration of the period. The unit is: bit/s Usage: When nbrSeparateTrafficDirect ions is equal to 2, then Maximum Bit Rate attribute for downlink is signalled first, then Maximum Bit Rate attribute for uplink
3GPP TS 25.413 version 7.10.0 Release 7 >Guaranteed Bit Rate C-iftrafficConvStream 1 to <nbrSeparate TrafficDir ections>
INTEGER (0..16,000,000 )
ENUMERATE D (delivery order requested, delivery order not requested)
INTEGER (0..32768)
>SDU parameters
See below
>Transfer Delay
INTEGER (0..65535)
INTEGER {spare (0), highest (1), .., lowest (14), no priority (15)} (0..15)
See below
>Relocation Requirement
>Signalling Indication
ENUMERATE D (signalling, )
Desc.: This IE specifies the relative importance compared to other Radio access bearers for allocation and retention of the Radio access bearer. Usage: If this IE is not received, the request is regarded as it cannot trigger the pre-emption process and it is vulnerable to the pre-emption process. Desc.: This IE specifies characteristics of the source of submitted SDUs Usage: This IE shall be present for RABs towards the PS domain, otherwise it shall not be present. Desc.: This IE is no longer used. Usage: It shall always be set to "none" when sent and it shall always be ignored when received. Note: If the IE is not received, the procedure should continue based on the other IEs/IE Groups. Desc.: Indicates the signalling nature of the submitted SDUs. Usage: -
INTEGER (16,000,001..2 56,000,000)
Explanation Number of Traffic Directions being signalled separately. Set to 2 if RAB asymmetry indicator is asymmetric bidirectional. Set to 1 in all other cases.
Explanation This IE shall be present if the Traffic Class IE is set to "Conversational" or "Streaming" This IE shall be present if the Traffic Class IE is set to "Interactive"
3GPP TS 25.413 version 7.10.0 Release 7 IE/Group Name SDU parameters > SDU Error Ratio Presence Range
Assigned Criticality
CifErroneousSD U
INTEGER (1..9) INTEGER (1..6) Desc.: This IE indicates the undetected bit error ratio for each subflow in the delivered SDU. This is a Reliability attribute. Usage: The attribute is coded as follows: Mantissa * 10
See below
Desc.: This IE indicates whether SDUs with detected errors shall be delivered or not. In case of unequal error protection, the attribute is set per subflow This is a Reliability attribute Usage: Yes: error detection applied, erroneous SDU delivered No. Error detection is applied , erroneous SDU discarded no-error-detectionconsideration: SDUs delivered without considering error detection. If the RNC receives this IE set to "Yes" and the User Plane Mode IE is set to "transparent mode", it should consider it as "no-errordetectionconsideration". Desc.: This IE contains the list of possible exact sizes of SDUs and/or RAB Subflow Combination bit rates.
Condition IfErroneousSDU
Explanation This IE shall be present if the Delivery Of Erroneous SDU IE is set to "Yes" or "No".
3GPP TS 25.413 version 7.10.0 Release 7 IE/Group Name SDU Format Information Parameter Presence Range
Criticality -
Assigned Criticality
INTEGER (0..4095)
INTEGER (0..16,000,000 )
3GPP TS 25.413 version 7.10.0 Release 7 IE/Group Name Allocation/Retenti on Priority >Priority Level Presence Range
ETSI TS 125 413 V7.10.0 (2009-04) Semantics description Criticality Assigned Criticality
INTEGER {spare (0), highest (1), .., lowest (14), no priority (15)} (0..15)
>Pre-emption Capability
>Pre-emption Vulnerability
>Queuing Allowed
Desc.: This IE indicates the priority of the request. Usage: Values between 1 and 14 are ordered in decreasing order of priority, '1' being the highest and '14' the lowest. Value 0 shall be treated as a logical error if received. The priority level and the preemption indicators may be used to determine whether the request has to be performed unconditionally and immediately Descr.: This IE indicates the preemption capability of the request on other RABs Usage: The RAB shall not pre-empt other RABs or, the RAB may pre-empt other RABs The Pre-emption Capability indicator applies to the allocation of resources for a RAB and as such it provides the trigger to the pre-emption procedures/process es of the RNS. Desc.: This IE indicates the vulnerability of the RAB to preemption of other RABs. Usage: The RAB shall not be pre-empted by other RABs or the RAB may be preempted by other RABs. Pre-emption Vulnerability indicator applies for the entire duration of the RAB, unless modified and as such indicates whether the RAB is a target of the preemption procedures/process es of the RNS Desc.: This IE indicates whether the request can be placed into a resource allocation queue or not.
The purpose of the Cause IE is to indicate the reason for a particular event for the RANAP protocol.
3GPP TS 25.413 version 7.10.0 Release 7 IE/Group Name Choice Cause >Radio Network Layer Cause Presence
146 Range IE type and reference INTEGER (RAB preempted(1), Trelocoverall Expiry(2), Trelocprep Expiry(3), Treloccomplete Expiry(4), Tqueuing Expiry(5), Relocation Triggered(6), Unable to Establish During Relocation(8), Unknown Target RNC(9), Relocation Cancelled(10), Successful Relocation(11), Requested Ciphering and/or Integrity Protection Algorithms not Supported(12),
Conflict with already existing Integrity protection and/or Ciphering information (13), Failure in the Radio Interface Procedure(14), Release due to UTRAN Generated Reason(15), User Inactivity(16), Time Critical Relocation(17), Requested Traffic Class not Available(18), Invalid RAB Parameters Value(19),
3GPP TS 25.413 version 7.10.0 Release 7 IE/Group Name Choice Cause Presence
Requested Maximum Bit Rate not Available(20), Requested Maximum Bit Rate for DL not Available(33), Requested Maximum Bit Rate for UL not Available(34), Requested Guaranteed Bit Rate not Available(21), Requested Guaranteed Bit Rate for DL not Available(35), Requested Guaranteed Bit Rate for UL not Available(36), Requested Transfer Delay not Achievable(22), Invalid RAB Parameters Combination(23), Condition Violation for SDU Parameters(24), Condition Violation for Traffic Handling Priority(25), Condition Violation for Guaranteed Bit Rate(26), User Plane Versions not Supported(27), Iu UP Failure(28), TRELOCalloc Expiry (7), Relocation Failure in Target CN/RNC or Target System (29), Invalid RAB
3GPP TS 25.413 version 7.10.0 Release 7 IE/Group Name Choice Cause Presence
148 Range IE type and reference ID(30), No remaining RAB(31), Interaction with other procedure(32),
Repeated Integrity Checking Failure(37), Requested Request Type not supported(38), Request superseded(39), Release due to UE generated signalling connection release(40), Resource Optimisation Relocation(41), Requested Information Not Available(42), Relocation desirable for radio reasons (43), Relocation not supported in Target RNC or Target system(44), Directed Retry (45), Radio Connection With UE Lost(46), RNC unable to establish all RFCs (47), Deciphering Keys Not Available(48), Dedicated Assistance data Not Available(49), Relocation Target not allowed(50), Location Reporting Congestion(51),
3GPP TS 25.413 version 7.10.0 Release 7 IE/Group Name Choice Cause Presence
149 Range IE type and reference Reduce Load in Serving Cell (52), No Radio Resources Available in Target cell (53), GERAN Iu-mode failure (54),
Access Restricted Due to Shared Networks(55), Incoming Relocation Not Supported Due To PUESBINE Feature(56), Traffic Load In The Target Cell Higher Than In The Source Cell(57), MBMS - No Multicast Service For This UE(58), MBMS - Unknown UE ID(59), Successful MBMS Session Start - No Data Bearer Necessary(60), MBMS Superseded Due To NNSF(61), MBMS - UE Linking Already Done(62), MBMS - UE DeLinking Failure No Existing UE Linking(63), TMGI Unknown(64))
3GPP TS 25.413 version 7.10.0 Release 7 IE/Group Name Choice Cause >Transport Layer Cause Presence
150 Range IE type and reference INTEGER ( Signalling Transport Resource Failure(65),
>NAS Cause
Iu Transport Connection Failed to Establish(66)) INTEGER (User Restriction Start Indication(81), User Restriction End Indication(82), Normal Release(83)) INTEGER (Transfer Syntax Error(97), Semantic Error (98), Message not compatible with receiver state (99), Abstract Syntax Error (Reject) (100), Abstract Syntax Error (Ignore and Notify) (101), Abstract Syntax Error (Falsely Constructed Message) (102))
>Protocol Cause
>Miscellaneous Cause
INTEGER (O&M Intervention(113), No Resource Available(114), Unspecified Failure(115), Network Optimisation(116)) INTEGER () INTEGER (IP Multicast Address And APN Not Valid(257), MBMS De-
>Non-standard Cause
Value range is 129 256. Cause value 256 shall not be used. Value range is 257 512.
3GPP TS 25.413 version 7.10.0 Release 7 IE/Group Name Choice Cause Presence
Registration Rejected Due To Implicit Registration(258), MBMS - Request Superseded(259), MBMS DeRegistration During Session Not Allowed(260), MBMS - No Data Bearer Necessary(261) , Periodic Location Information not Available(262), GTP Resources Unavailable(263), TMGI in Use and Overlapping MBMS Service Area (264), MBMS No cell in MBMS Service Area (265), No Iu CS UP relocation (266)),
The meaning of the different cause values is described in the following table. In general, "not supported" cause values indicate that the related capability is missing. On the other hand, "not available" cause values indicate that the related capability is present, but insufficient resources were available to perform the requested action.
3GPP TS 25.413 version 7.10.0 Release 7 Radio Network Layer cause Deciphering Keys Not Available Conflict with already existing Integrity protection and/or Ciphering information Condition Violation For Guaranteed Bit Rate Condition Violation For SDU Parameters Condition Violation For Traffic Handling Priority Dedicated Assistance data Not Available Directed Retry Failure In The Radio Interface Procedure Incoming Relocation Not Supported Due To PUESBINE Feature Interaction With Other Procedure Invalid RAB ID Invalid RAB Parameters Combination Invalid RAB Parameters Value Iu UP Failure No remaining RAB RAB Pre-empted Radio Connection With UE Lost Release Due To UE Generated Signalling Connection Release Release Due To UTRAN Generated Reason Relocation Cancelled Relocation Desirable for Radio Reasons Relocation Failure In Target CN/RNC Or Target System Relocation Not Supported In Target RNC Or Target System Relocation Target not allowed Relocation Triggered Repeated Integrity Checking Failure Request Superseded Requested Ciphering And/Or Integrity Protection Algorithms Not Supported Requested Guaranteed Bit Rate For DL Not Available Requested Guaranteed Bit Rate For UL Not Available Requested Guaranteed Bit Rate Not Available Requested Information Not Available Requested Maximum Bit Rate For DL Not Available Requested Maximum Bit Rate For UL Not Available Requested Maximum Bit Rate Not Available Requested Request Type Not Supported
Meaning The action failed because RNC is not able to provide requested deciphering keys. The action was not performed due to that the requested security mode configuration was in conflict with the already existing security mode configuration. The action was not performed due to condition violation for guaranteed bit rate. The action was not performed due to condition violation for SDU parameters. The action was not performed due to condition violation for traffic handling priority. The action failed because RNC is not able to successfully deliver the requested dedicated assistance data to the UE. The reason for action is Directed Retry Radio interface procedure has failed. The incoming relocation cannot be accepted by the target RNC because of the PUESBINE feature. Relocation was cancelled due to interaction with other procedure. The action failed because the RAB ID is unknown in the RNC. The action failed due to invalid RAB parameters combination. The action failed due to invalid RAB parameters value. The action failed due to Iu UP failure. The reason for the action is no remaining RAB. The reason for the action is that RAB is pre-empted. The action is requested due to losing radio connection to the UE Release requested due to UE generated signalling connection release. Release is initiated due to UTRAN generated reason. The reason for the action is relocation cancellation. The reason for requesting relocation is radio related. Relocation failed due to a failure in target CN/RNC or target system. Relocation failed because relocation was not supported in target RNC or target system. Relocation to the indicated target cell is not allowed for the UE in question. The action failed due to relocation. The action is requested due to repeated failure in integrity checking. The action failed because there was a second request on the same RAB. The UTRAN or the UE is unable to support the requested ciphering and/or integrity protection algorithms. The action failed because requested guaranteed bit rate for DL is not available. The action failed because requested guaranteed bit rate for UL is not available. The action failed because requested guaranteed bit rate is not available. The action failed because requested information is not available. The action failed because requested maximum bit rate for DL is not available. The action failed because requested maximum bit rate for UL is not available. The action failed because requested maximum bit rate is not available. The RNC is not supporting the requested location request type either because it doesn"t support the requested event or
Location Reporting Congestion Requested Traffic Class Not Available Requested Transfer Delay Not Achievable Resource Optimisation Relocation Successful Relocation Time Critical Relocation
TQUEUING Expiry TRELOCalloc Expiry TRELOCcomplete Expiry TRELOCoverall Expiry TRELOCprep Expiry Unable To Establish During Relocation Unknown Target RNC User Inactivity
User Plane Versions Not Supported RNC unable to establish all RFCs Reduce Load in Serving Cell No Radio Resources Available in Target Cell GERAN Iu-mode failure
it doesn"t support the requested report area. The action was not performed due to an inability to support location reporting caused by overload. The action failed because requested traffic class is not available. The action failed because requested transfer delay is not achievable. The reason for requesting relocation is resource optimisation. The reason for the action is completion of successful relocation. Relocation is requested for time critical reason i.e. this cause value is reserved to represent all critical cases where the connection is likely to be dropped if relocation is not performed. The action failed due to expiry of the timer TQUEUING. Relocation Resource Allocation procedure failed due to expiry of the timer TRELOCalloc. The reason for the action is expiry of timer TRELOCcomplete. The reason for the action is expiry of timer TRELOCoverall. Relocation Preparation procedure is cancelled when timer TRELOCprep expires. RAB failed to establish during relocation because it cannot be supported in the target RNC or the RAB did not exist in the source RNC. Relocation rejected because the target RNC is not known to the CN. The action is requested due to user inactivity on one or several non real time RABs e.g. in order to optimise radio resource. The action failed because requested user plane versions were not supported. RNC couldn"t establish all RAB subflow combinations indicated within the RAB Parameters IE. Load on serving cell needs to be reduced. Load on target cell is too high. The RAB establishment/modification/relocation failed because the GERAN BSC cannot provide an appropriate RAB due to limited capabilities within GERAN. Access is not permitted in the cell due to Shared Networks. Relocation to reduce load in the source cell is rejected, as the target cell"s traffic load is higher than that in the source cell. The request for the Multicase Service list of one UE was not fulfilled because the UE does not have any active multicast service. The request for the Multicase Service list of one UE was not fulfilled because the CN does not know the UE. The MBMS Session Start procedure was successfully performed, but the RNC does not have any interested UE. The MBMS Session Start procedure was rejected because of successful operation towards another CN node. The UE linking failed, because the UE has already been linked to the given Multicast service. The UE de-linking failed, because the UE had not been linked to the given Multicast service. The requested MBMS action failed because the indicated TMGI is unknown. Meaning The MBMS registration failed because the IP Multicast Address and APN are not valid. The MBMS De-registration was rejected because of implicit registration. The MBMS Registration or De-registration was superseded due to another ongoing procedure. The MBMS De-registration is not allowed during the MBMS
Access Restricted Due to Shared Networks Traffic Load In The Target Cell Higher Than In The Source Cell MBMS - No Multicast Service For This UE MBMS - Unknown UE ID Successful MBMS Session Start No Data Bearer Necessary MBMS - Superseded Due To NNSF MBMS - UE Linking Already Done MBMS - UE De-Linking Failure - No Existing UE Linking TMGI Unknown Radio Network Layer cause extension IP Multicast Address And APN Not Valid MBMS De-Registration Rejected Due To Implicit Registration MBMS - Request Superseded MBMS De-Registration During
3GPP TS 25.413 version 7.10.0 Release 7 Session Not Allowed MBMS - No Data Bearer Necessary Periodic Location Information not Available GTP Resources Unavailable TMGI in Use and overlapping MBMS Service Area MBMS - No Cell in MBMS Service Area No Iu CS UP relocation
session. The RNC no longer have any UEs interested in the MBMS data bearer. No UE position estimate was available when the periodic report was triggered. The RNC initiates RAB Release Request procedure with this error cause value if it received a GTP-U error indication. The RNC has an MBMS Session up and running with that TMGI, a parallel MBMS session with the same TMGI in another overlapping MBMS Service Area is not allowed. The RNC does not have any cell of the indicated MBMS Service Area. The relocation is triggered by CS call and the source RNC has no Iu CS user plane. Meaning The action failed because the Iu Transport Network Layer connection could not be established. Signalling transport resources have failed (e.g. processor reset). Meaning The release is normal. A location report is generated due to entering a classified area set by O&M. A location report is generated due to leaving a classified area set by O&M. Meaning The received message included an abstract syntax error and the concerning criticality indicated "reject". The received message included an abstract syntax error and the concerning criticality indicated "ignore and notify". The received message contained IEs or IE groups in wrong order or with too many occurrences. The received message was not compatible with the receiver state. The received message included a semantic error. The received message included a transfer syntax error. Meaning The action is performed for network optimisation. No requested resource is available. The action is due to O&M intervention. Sent when none of the specified cause values applies.
Transport Layer cause Iu Transport Connection Failed to Establish Signalling Transport Resource Failure NAS cause Normal Release User Restriction Start Indication User Restriction End Indication
Protocol cause Abstract Syntax Error (Reject) Abstract Syntax Error (Ignore And Notify) Abstract Syntax Error (Falsely Constructed Message) Message Not Compatible With Receiver State Semantic Error Transfer Syntax Error Miscellaneous cause Network Optimisation No Resource Available O&M Intervention Unspecified Failure
CN Domain Indicator
Indicates the CN domain from which the message originates or to which the message is sent.
IE/Group Name CN Domain Indicator Presence M Range IE type and reference ENUMERATED (CS domain, PS domain) Semantics description
Trace Type
Indicates the type of trace information to be recorded. Applicable to GERAN Iu Mode only, not applicable to UTRAN.
3GPP TS 25.413 version 7.10.0 Release 7 IE/Group Name Trace Type Presence M
ETSI TS 125 413 V7.10.0 (2009-04) Semantics description Coded as the Trace Type specified in 3GPP TS based on [12].
Trigger ID
Indicates the identity of the entity which initiated the trace. Applicable to GERAN Iu Mode only, not applicable to UTRAN.
IE/Group Name Trigger ID Presence M Range IE type and reference OCTET STRING (3..22) Semantics description Typically an OMC identity.
Due to inconsistency in the definition of Trigger ID between TS 25.413 and [24], it shall be ensured that the Trigger ID IE is coded with at least the minimum number of required octets.
Trace Reference
UE Identity
This element identifies the element to be traced i.e. a subscriber or a user equipment.
IE/Group Name Choice UE Identity >IMSI Presence Range IE type and reference OCTET STRING (SIZE (3..8)) Semantics description
- digits 0 to 9, encoded 0000 to 1001, - 1111 used as filler digit, two digits per octet, - bit 4 to 1 of octet n encoding digit 2n-1 - bit 8 to 5 of octet n encoding digit 2n -Number of decimal digits shall be from 6 to 15 starting with the digits from the PLMN identity. When the IMSI is made of an odd number of digits, the filler digit shall be added at the end to make an even number of digits of length 2N. The filler digit shall then be consequently encoded as bit 8 to 5 of octet N.
- hexadecimal digits 0 to F, two hexadecimal digits per octet, - each hexadecimal digit encoded 0000 to 1111, - 1111 used as filler for bits 8 to 5 of last octet - bit 4 to 1 of octet n encoding digit 2n-1 - bit 8 to 5 of octet n encoding digit 2n Number of hexadecimal digits shall be 15.
- hexadecimal digits 0 to F, two hexadecimal digits per octet, - each hexadecimal digit encoded 0000 to 1111, - bit 4 to 1 of octet n encoding digit 2n-1 - bit 8 to 5 of octet n encoding digit 2n Number of hexadecimal digits shall be 16.
A variable length element indicating the destination address of the Operation and Maintenance Center (OMC) to which trace information is to be sent. Applicable to GERAN Iu Mode only, not applicable to UTRAN.
ETSI TS 125 413 V7.10.0 (2009-04) Semantics description Coded as the OMC ID specified in UMTS TS based on GSM [25].
Due to inconsistency in the definition of OMC ID between TS 25.413 and [24], it shall be ensured that the OMC ID IE is coded with at least the minimum number of required octets.
This element contains the integrity protection information (key and permitted algorithms).
IE/Group Name Integrity Protection Information >Permitted Integrity Protection Algorithms >>Integrity Protection Algorithm Presence Range IE type and reference Semantics description
1 to 16
INTEGER ( standard UIA1 (0), standard UIA2 (1) ) BIT STRING (128)
Encryption Information
This element contains the user data encryption information (key and permitted algorithms) used to control any encryption equipment at the RNC.
IE/Group Name Encryption Information >Permitted Encryption Algorithms >>Encryption Algorithm Presence Range IE type and reference Semantics description
1 to 16
>Encryption Key
INTEGER (no encryption (0), standard UEA1 (1), standard UEA 2 (2) ) Bit string (128)
This element indicates the integrity protection algorithm being used by the RNC.
IE/Group Name Chosen Integrity Protection Algorithm Presence M Range IE type and reference INTEGER ( standard UIA1 (0), standard UIA2 (1), no value (15)) Semantics description Value range is 0 to 15. Only two values used over Iu interface. The value "no value" shall only be used in case of RANAP signalling over MAP/E [23].
This element indicates the encryption algorithm being used by the RNC.
3GPP TS 25.413 version 7.10.0 Release 7 IE/Group Name Chosen Encryption Algorithm Presence M
158 Range
ETSI TS 125 413 V7.10.0 (2009-04) IE type and reference INTEGER (no encryption (0), standard UEA1 (1), standard UEA 2 (2) ) Semantics description Value range is 0 to 15. Only three values used.
Categorisation Parameters
Request Type
This element indicates the type of location request to be handled by the RNC; the related reported area is either a Service Area or a Geographical Area.
IE/Group Name Request Type >Event Presence Range IE type and reference ENUMERATED( Stop Change of service area, Direct, Change of service area, ..., Stop Direct, Periodic, Stop Periodic) ENUMERATED( Service Area, Geographical Area, ...) Semantics description
>Report Area
>Accuracy Code
INTEGER( 0..127)
When the Event IE is set to "Stop Change of service area" or to "Stop Direct", the value of the Report area IE shall be the same as in the LOCATION REPORTING CONTROL message that initiated the location reporting. The requested accuracy "r" is derived from the "accuracy code" k by k r = 10x(1.1 -1). The Accuracy Code IE shall be understood as the horizontal accuracy code.
This information element indicates whether or not the RNC has to calculate the unsuccessfully transmitted NAS data amount for a given RAB and to report the amount of unsuccessfully transmitted NAS data when the RAB is released.
IE/Group Name Data Volume Reporting Indication Presence M Range IE type and reference ENUMERAT ED (do report, do not report) Semantics description
This element indicates the mode of operation of the Iu User plane requested for realising the RAB. The Iu User plane modes are defined in [6].
3GPP TS 25.413 version 7.10.0 Release 7 IE/Group Name User Plane Mode Presence M
159 Range IE type and reference ENUMERAT ED (transparent mode, support mode for predefined SDU sizes, ...)
ETSI TS 125 413 V7.10.0 (2009-04) Semantics description This IE contains the mode of operation of the Iu UP protocol
UP Mode Versions
UP mode versions IE is an information element that is sent by CN to RNC. It is a bit string that indicates the versions for the selected Iu UP mode that are required and supported by the CN. The Iu User plane mode versions shall be defined and coded as the "Iu UP Mode versions supported" field defined in [6]. This reference is applicable for both the transparent mode and the support mode for predefined SDU sizes.
IE/Group Name UP Mode Versions Presence M Range IE type and reference BIT STRING (16) Semantics description Indicates the versions of the selected UP mode that are required and supported by the CN
Chosen UP Version
Paging Area ID
This element identifies the area where a PAGING message shall be broadcasted. The Paging area ID is either a Location Area ID or a Routing Area ID.
IE/Group Name Choice Paging Area ID >LAI >RAI >>LAI >>RAC Presence Range IE type and reference M M Semantics description
This parameter allows the RNC not to search Common ID when receiving a PAGING message from the CN.
IE/Group Name Non Searching Indication Presence M Range IE type and reference ENUMERAT ED (nonsearching, searching) Semantics description
Relocation Type
This information element indicates whether the relocation of SRNS is to be executed with or without involvement of the UE. If the UE is involved then a radio interface handover command shall be sent to the UE to trigger the execution of the relocation. If the UE is not involved then the relocation execution is triggered via Iur.
IE/Group Name Relocation Type Presence M Range IE type and reference ENUMERATED (UE not involved in relocation of SRNS,UE involved in relocation of SRNS, ) Semantics description
Source ID
The Source ID IE identifies the source for the relocation of SRNS. The Source ID may be e.g. the source RNC-ID (for UMTS-UMTS relocation) or the SAI of the relocation source (in case of UMTS to GSM relocation).
IE/Group Name Choice Source ID >Source RNC-ID >>PLMN identity Presence Range IE type and reference Semantics description Criticality Assigned Criticality
- digits 0 to 9, encoded 0000 to 1001, - 1111 used as filler digit, two digits per octet, - bits 4 to 1 of octet n encoding digit 2n-1 - bits 8 to 5 of octet n encoding digit 2n -The PLMN identity consists of 3 digits from MCC followed by either -a filler digit plus 2 digits from MNC (in case of 2 digit MNC) or -3 digits from MNC (in case of a 3 digit MNC). If the Extended RNC-ID IE is included in the Source ID IE, the RNC-ID IE shall be ignored. The Extended RNC-ID IE shall be used if the RNC identity has a value larger than 4095.
INTEGER (0..4095)
>>Extended RNC-ID
Target ID
The Target ID IE identifies the target for the relocation of SRNS. The target ID may be e.g. the target RNC-ID (for UMTS-UMTS relocation) or the Cell Global ID of the relocation target (in case of UMTS to GSM relocation).
3GPP TS 25.413 version 7.10.0 Release 7 IE/Group Name Choice Target ID >Target RNC-ID >>LAI >>RAC >>RNC-ID Presence Range
ETSI TS 125 413 V7.10.0 (2009-04) Semantics description Criticality If the Extended RNC-ID IE is included in the Target ID IE, the RNC-ID IE shall be ignored. The Extended RNCID IE shall be used if the RNC identity has a value larger than 4095. - digits 0 to 9, encoded 0000 to 1001, - 1111 used as filler digit, two digits per octet, - bits 4 to 1 of octet n encoding digit 2n-1 - bits 8 to 5 of octet n encoding digit 2n -The PLMN identity consists of 3 digits from MCC followed by either -a filler digit plus 2 digits from MNC (in case of 2 digit MNC) or -3 digits from MNC (in case of a 3 digit MNC). 0000 and FFFE not allowed. Assigned Criticality
INTEGER (0..4095)
>>Extended RNC-ID
>> LAC
YES ignore
>>CI >>RAC
MS Classmark 2
MS Classmark 3
ETSI TS 125 413 V7.10.0 (2009-04) Semantics description Coded same way as the Mobile Station Classmark 3 IE defined in [10]
The Source RNC to Target RNC Transparent Container IE is an information element that is produced by the source RNC and is transmitted to the target RNC. In inter-system handovers, the IE is transmitted from the external relocation source to the target RNC. This IE is transparent to the CN.
3GPP TS 25.413 version 7.10.0 Release 7 IE/Group Name RRC Container Number of Iu Instances Relocation Type Chosen Integrity Protection Algorithm Integrity Protection Key Chosen Encryption Algorithm M M O Presence M Range
163 IE type and reference OCTET STRING INTEGER (1..2)
ETSI TS 125 413 V7.10.0 (2009-04) Semantics description Criticality Assigned Criticality
Indicates the algorithm for ciphering of CS user data. Indicates the algorithm for ciphering of PS user data. -
Target Cell ID
This information element identifies a cell uniquely within UTRAN and consists of RNC-ID and C-ID as defined in TS 25.401 [3]. For "Cell LoadBased Inter-System Handover"
1 to <maxnoof RABs> 1 to <maxRABSubflows> The RAB Subflows shall be presented in an order that corresponds to the order in which the RBs are presented per RAB in the RRC container included in this IE.
O INTEGER (0..255) The DCH ID is the identifier of an active dedicated transport channel. It is unique for each active DCH among the active DCHs simultaneously allocated for the -
ETSI TS 125 413 V7.10.0 (2009-04) The DSCH ID is the identifier of an active downlink shared transport channel. It is unique for each DSCH among the active DSCHs simultaneously allocated for the same UE. The USCH ID is the identifier of an active uplink shared transport channel. It is unique for each USCH among the active USCHs simultaneously allocated for the same UE. The HS-DSCH MAC-d Flow ID is the identifier of an HS-DSCH MAC-d flow over Iur. The E-DCH MAC-d Flow ID is the identifier of an EDCH MAC-d flow over Iur. -
INTEGER (0..255)
INTEGER (0..7)
INTEGER (0..7)
M O 1 to <maxnoofS RBs>
ignore reject
The SRB ID is the absolute value of the SRB. The DCH ID is the identifier of an active dedicated transport channel over Iur. It is unique for each active DCH among the active DCHs simultaneously allocated for the same UE. The DSCH ID is the identifier of an active downlink shared transport channel over Iur. It is unique for each DSCH among the active DSCHs simultaneously allocated for the same UE.
INTEGER (0..255)
ETSI TS 125 413 V7.10.0 (2009-04) The USCH ID is the identifier of an active uplink shared transport channel over Iur. It is unique for each USCH among the active USCHs simultaneously allocated for the same UE. The HS-DSCH MAC-d Flow ID is the identifier of an HS-DSCH MAC-d flow over Iur. The E-DCH MAC-d Flow ID is the identifier of an EDCH MAC-d flow over Iur. -
INTEGER (0..7)
INTEGER (0..7)
ignore ignore
Explanation This IE shall be present if the Relocation type IE is set to "UE not involved in relocation of SRNS". This IE shall be present if the Relocation type IE is set to "UE involved in relocation of SRNS".
Explanation Maximum no. of RABs for one UE. Value is 256. Maximum no. of subflows per RAB. Value is 7. Maximum no. of SRBs per RAB. Value is 8.
The Target RNC to Source RNC Transparent Container IE is an information element that is produced by the target RNC and is transmitted to the source RNC. In inter-system handovers, the IE is transmitted from the target RNC to the external relocation source.
May be included to allow the triggering of the Relocation Detect procedure from the Iur Interface
L3 Information
Number of Steps
This IE indicates the radio interface sequence number (PDCP) [17] of the next downlink N-PDU (PDCP SDU) that would have been sent to the UE by a source system.
IE/Group Name DL N-PDU Sequence Number Presence M Range IE type and reference INTEGER (0 ..65535) Semantics description This IE indicates the sequence number of the next DL N-PDU that would have been sent to the UE by a source system. This is the 16 bit sequence number.
This IE indicates the radio interface sequence number (PDCP) [17] of the next uplink N-PDU (PDCP SDU) that would have been expected from the UE by a source system.
3GPP TS 25.413 version 7.10.0 Release 7 IE/Group Name UL N-PDU Sequence Number Presence M
ETSI TS 125 413 V7.10.0 (2009-04) Semantics description This IE indicates the sequence number of the next UL N-PDU that would have been expected from the UE by a source system. This is the 16 bit sequence number.
Criticality Diagnostics
The Criticality Diagnostics IE is sent by the RNC or the CN when parts of a received message have not been comprehended or were missing, or if the message contained logical errors. When applicable, it contains information about which IEs were not comprehended or were missing. For further details on how to use the Criticality Diagnostics IE, see Annex A.2.
3GPP TS 25.413 version 7.10.0 Release 7 IE/Group Name Criticality Diagnostics >Procedure Code Presence
>Triggering Message
>Procedure Criticality
ENUMERAT ED(initiating message, successful outcome, unsuccessful outcome, outcome) ENUMERAT ED(reject, ignore, notify) 0 to <maxnoof errors>
Procedure Code is to be used if Criticality Diagnostics is part of Error Indication procedure, and not within the response message of the same procedure that caused the error The Triggering Message is used only if the Criticality Diagnostics is part of Error Indication procedure.
This Procedure Criticality is used for reporting the Criticality of the Triggering message (Procedure).
The IE Criticality is used for reporting the criticality of the triggering IE. The value 'ignore' shall not be used. The IE ID of the not understood or missing IE The Repetition Number IE gives in case of a not understood IE: The number of occurrences of the reported IE up to and including the not understood occurrence in case of a missing IE: The number of occurrences up to but not including the missing occurrence.
>Message Structure
Note: All the counted occurrences of the reported IE must have the same topdown hierachical message structure of IEs with assigned criticality above them. The Message Structure IE describes the structure where the not understood or missing IE was detected. This IE is included if the not understood IE is not the top level of the message.
>Type of Error
Explanation Maximum no. of IE errors allowed to be reported with a single message. The value for maxnooferrors is 256.
Key Status
This IE tells if the keys included in a SECURITY MODE COMMAND message are new or if they have been used previously.
IE/Group Name Key Status Presence M Range IE type and reference ENUMERAT ED (old, new, ) Semantics description
This IE indicates the DRX cycle length coefficient (k) as defined in [10].
IE/Group Name DRX Cycle Length Coefficient Presence M Range IE type and reference INTEGER (6..9) Semantics description
This IE uniquely identifies an Iu signalling connection between a given RNC and a given CN node.
IE/Group Name Iu Signalling Connection Identifier Presence M Range IE type and reference
Semantics description The most significant bit of this IE shall indicate the node, that has assigned the value. MSB = "0": assigned by the RNC MSB = "1": assigned by the CN
Global RNC-ID
3GPP TS 25.413 version 7.10.0 Release 7 IE/Group Name Global RNC-ID >PLMN identity Presence
- digits 0 to 9, encoded 0000 to 1001, - 1111 used as filler digit, two digits per octet, - bits 4 to 1 of octet n encoding digit 2n-1 - bits 8 to 5 of octet n encoding digit 2n -The PLMN identity consists of 3 digits from MCC followed by either -a filler digit plus 2 digits from MNC (in case of 2 digit MNC) or -3 digits from MNC (in case of a 3 digit MNC). If the Extended RNC-ID IE is included in the message, the RNC-ID IE shall be ignored.
INTEGER (0..4095)
Extended RNC-ID
Semantics description
1 to <maxnoofPDPDir ections>
PDP Type is defined in [8], and the restrictions on usage shall comply with [8]. Usage: When the IE is repeated then PDP Type for downlink is signalled first, followed by PDP Type for uplink; when the IE is not repeated, the PDP Type shall apply to both uplink and downlink. OSP:IHOSS: This value shall not be used.
Service Handover
This IE tells if intersystem handover to GSM should, should not, or shall not be performed for a given RAB.
IE/Group Name Service Handover Presence M Range IE type and reference ENUMERAT ED (Handover to GSM should be performed, Handover to GSM should not be performed, Handover to GSM shall not be performed, ) Semantics description
Message Structure
The Message Structure IE gives information for each level with assigned criticality in a hierachical message structure from top level down to the lowest level above the reported level for the occured error (reported in the Information Element Criticality Diagnostics IE).
ETSI TS 125 413 V7.10.0 (2009-04) Semantics description The first repetition of the Message Structure IE corresponds to the top level of the message. The last repetition of the Message Structure IE corresponds to the level above the reported level for the occured error of the message. The IE ID of this level"s IE containing the not understood or missing IE. The Repetition Number IE gives, if applicable, the number of occurrences of this level"s reported IE up to and including the occurrence containing the not understood or missing IE. Note: All the counted occurrences of the reported IE must have the same topdown hierachical message structure of IEs with assigned criticality above them. Criticality Assigned Criticality ignore
Message structure
1 to <maxnoofle vels>
INTEGER (0..65535)
>Repetition Number
INTEGER (1..256)
Explanation Maximum no. of message levels to report. The value for maxnooflevels is 256.
The purpose of the Alternative RAB Parameter Values IE is to indicate that: Either RAB QoS negotiation is allowed for certain RAB parameters and, in some cases, to indicate also which alternative values to be used in the negotiation; Or an alternative RAB configuration can be requested by the RNC.
3GPP TS 25.413 version 7.10.0 Release 7 IE/Group Name Alternative RAB parameter values >Alternative Maximum Bit Rate Information >>Type of Alternative Maximum Bit Rate Information Presence Range
ETSI TS 125 413 V7.10.0 (2009-04) Semantics description Criticality Assigned Criticality
Included only if negotiation is allowed for this IE. ENUMERATED (Unspecified, Value range, Discrete values) Unspecified means that negotiation is allowed, but no alternative values are provided from the CN i.e. the RNC is allowed to assign any value equal or below the ones indicated in the RAB Parameters IE. For Value Range, one value limit is given here and the other given by Maximum Bit Rate in the RAB Parameters IE. For Discrete Values, 1 to 16 discrete values can be given. When nbrSeparateTrafficDirec tions is equal to 2, then the Bit Rate attribute for downlink is signalled first, then the Bit Rate attribute for uplink. Included only if negotiation is allowed for this IE. Unspecified means that negotiation is allowed, but no alternative values are provided from the CN i.e. the RNC is allowed to assign any value equal or below the ones indicated in the RAB Parameters IE. For Value Range, one value limit is given here and the other given by Guaranteed Bit Rate in the RAB Parameters IE. For Discrete Values, 1 to 16 discrete values can be given. When nbrSeparateTrafficDire ctions is equal to 2, then the Bit Rate attribute for downlink is signalled first, then the Bit Rate attribute for uplink.
1 to <nbrAlternativ e Values>
>>>Bit Rate
INTEGER (1..16,000,000)
>Alternative Guaranteed Bit Rate Information >>Type of Alternative Guaranteed Bit Rate Information
1 to <nbrAlternativ e Values>
>>>Bit Rate
INTEGER (0..16,000,000)
3GPP TS 25.413 version 7.10.0 Release 7 IE/Group Name Alternative RAB parameter values >Alternative RAB Configuration Presence Range
ETSI TS 125 413 V7.10.0 (2009-04) Semantics description Criticality Assigned Criticality
>Extended Alternative Maximum Bit Rate Information >>Type of Extended Alternative Maximum Bit Rate Information
Indicates the possibility for RNC to request CN to execute the included alternative RAB configuration, e.g. for networkinitiated SCUDIF purpose [43]. Included only if negotiation is allowed for this IE. Unspecified means that negotiation is allowed, but no alternative values are provided from the CN i.e. the RNC is allowed to assign any value equal or below the ones indicated in the RAB Parameters IE. For Value Range, one value limit is given here and the other given by Maximum Bit Rate in the RAB Parameters IE. For Discrete Values, 1 to 16 discrete values can be given. When nbrSeparateTrafficDirec tions is equal to 2, then the Bit Rate attribute for downlink is signalled first, then the Bit Rate attribute for uplink. Included only if negotiation is allowed for this IE. Unspecified means that negotiation is allowed, but no alternative values are provided from the CN i.e. the RNC is allowed to assign any value equal or below the ones indicated in the RAB Parameters IE. For Value Range, one value limit is given here and the other given by Guaranteed Bit Rate in the RAB Parameters IE. For Discrete Values, 1 to 16 discrete values can be given. When nbrSeparateTrafficDire ctions is equal to 2,
1 to <nbrAlternativ e Values>
>Extended Alternative Guaranteed Bit Rate Information >>Type of Extended Alternative Guaranteed Bit Rate Information
1 to <nbrAlternativ e Values>
1 to <nbrSeparate TrafficDir
3GPP TS 25.413 version 7.10.0 Release 7 IE/Group Name Alternative RAB parameter values ections> Presence Range
ETSI TS 125 413 V7.10.0 (2009-04) Semantics description Criticality Assigned Criticality
then the Bit Rate attribute for downlink is signalled first, then the Bit Rate attribute for uplink.
Explanation Maximum number of alternative values. Value is 1 in case of Value Range and 16 in case of Discrete Values. Number of Traffic Directions being signalled separately. Set to 2 if RAB asymmetry indicator is asymmetric bidirectional. Set to 1 in all other cases.
Explanation This IE shall be present if the Type of Alternative Maximum Bit Rates Information IE is set to "Value range" or "Discrete values". This IE shall be present if the Type of Guaranteed Bit Rates Information IE is set to "Value range" or "Discrete values".
The purpose of the Assigned RAB Parameter Values IE is to indicate that RAB QoS negotiation has been performed for certain RAB parameters and which values have been chosen.
3GPP TS 25.413 version 7.10.0 Release 7 IE/Group Name Assigned RAB parameter values >Assigned Maximum Bit Rate Presence Range
ETSI TS 125 413 V7.10.0 (2009-04) Semantics description Criticality Assigned Criticality
1 to <nbrSeparateTraffi cDirections>
INTEGER (1..16,000,000 )
1 to <nbrSeparateTraffi cDirections>
INTEGER (0..16,000,000 )
1 to <nbrSeparateTraffi cDirections>
1 to <nbrSeparateTraffi cDirections>
When nbrSeparateTrafficDir ections is equal to 2, then Assigned Maximum Bit Rate attribute for downlink is signalled first, then Assigned Maximum Bit Rate attribute for uplink. When nbrSeparateTrafficDir ections is equal to 2, then Assigned Guaranteed Bit Rate for downlink is signalled first, then Assigned Guaranteed Bit Rate for uplink. When nbrSeparateTrafficDir ections is equal to 2, then Assigned Maximum Bit Rate attribute for downlink is signalled first, then Assigned Maximum Bit Rate attribute for uplink. When nbrSeparateTrafficDir ections is equal to 2, then Assigned Guaranteed Bit Rate for downlink is signalled first, then Assigned Guaranteed Bit Rate for uplink.
Explanation Number of Traffic Directions being signalled separately. Set to 2 if RAB asymmetry indicator is asymmetric bidirectional. Set to 1 in all other cases.
The purpose of Requested RAB Parameter Values IE is to either indicate the RAB parameters for which the included different values are being requested, or indicate that the execution of the alternative RAB configuration is requested.
3GPP TS 25.413 version 7.10.0 Release 7 IE/Group Name Requested RAB Parameter Values >Requested Maximum Bit Rate Presence Range
ETSI TS 125 413 V7.10.0 (2009-04) Semantics description Criticality Assigned Criticality
1 to <nbrSeparateTraffi cDirections>
INTEGER (1..16,000,000 )
1 to <nbrSeparateTraffi cDirections>
INTEGER (0..16,000,000 )
1 to <nbrSeparateTraffi cDirections>
1 to <nbrSeparateTraffi cDirections>
When nbrSeparateTrafficDir ections is equal to 2, Requested Maximum Bit Rate attribute for downlink is signalled first, then Requested Maximum Bit Rate attribute for uplink. When nbrSeparateTrafficDir ections is equal to 2, Requested Guaranteed Bit Rate for downlink is signalled first, then Requested Guaranteed Bit Rate for uplink. Indicates a request to trigger the execution of the alternative RAB Configuration e.g. for networkinitiated SCUDIF purpose [43]. When nbrSeparateTrafficDir ections is equal to 2, Requested Maximum Bit Rate attribute for downlink is signalled first, then Requested Maximum Bit Rate attribute for uplink. When nbrSeparateTrafficDir ections is equal to 2, Requested Guaranteed Bit Rate for downlink is signalled first, then Requested Guaranteed Bit Rate for uplink.
Explanation Number of Traffic Directions being signalled separately. Set to 2 if RAB Asymmetry Indicator is asymmetric bidirectional. Set to 1 in all other cases.
Global CN-ID
3GPP TS 25.413 version 7.10.0 Release 7 IE/Group Name Global CN-ID >PLMN identity Presence
- digits 0 to 9, encoded 0000 to 1001, - 1111 used as filler digit, two digits per octet, - bits 4 to 1 of octet n encoding digit 2n-1 - bits 8 to 5 of octet n encoding digit 2n -The PLMN identity consists of 3 digits from MCC followed by either -a filler digit plus 2 digits from MNC (in case of 2 digit MNC) or -3 digits from MNC (in case of a 3 digit MNC).
INTEGER (0..4095)
The requested accuracy "v" is derived from the "accuracy code" k by k v = 45x(1.025 -1).
Response Time
Positioning Priority
Client Type
The Inter-System Information Transparent Container IE is an information element that is produced by the external relocation target system and is transmitted to a source RNC. This IE is transparent to the CN.
IE/Group Name Downlink Cell Load Information Uplink Cell Load Information Presence O Range IE type and reference Cell Load Information Cell Load Information Semantics description For the Downlink
The Cell Load Information IE contains the load information of a specific (serving or target) cell for either the Downlink or the Uplink. If the RNC supports cell load-based inter-system handover, this information shall be understood, when available, as the current traffic load in the target cell if included in a RELOCATION PREPARATION FAILURE message, or the traffic load in the target cell assuming a successful completion of the handover in progress if included in a RELOCATION COMMAND message.
3GPP TS 25.413 version 7.10.0 Release 7 IE/Group Name Cell Load Information > Cell Capacity Class Value > Load Value > RT Load Value > NRT Load Information Value Presence
The Cell Capacity Class Value IE is the value that classifies the cell capacity with regards to the other cells. The Cell Capacity Class Value IE only indicates resources that are configured for traffic purposes.
IE/Group Name Cell Capacity Class Value Presence M Range IE type and reference INTEGER (1..100,...) Semantics description Value 1 shall indicate the minimum cell capacity, and 100 shall indicate the maximum cell capacity. There should be linear relation between cell capacity and Cell Capacity Class Value.
Load Value
The Load Value IE contains the total cell load relative to the maximum planned load. It is defined as the load percentage of the Cell Capacity Class.
IE/Group Name Load Value Presence M Range IE type and reference INTEGER (0..100) Semantics description Value 0 shall indicate the minimum load, and 100 shall indicate the maximum load. Load Value should be measured on a linear scale.
RT Load Value
The RT Load Value IE indicates in percents the ratio of the load generated by Real Time traffic relative to the measured Load Value. Real Time traffic corresponds to the Conversational and Streaming traffic classes.
IE/Group Name RT Load Value Presence M Range IE type and reference INTEGER (0..100) Semantics description
The NRT Load Information Value IE indicates the load situation on the cell for the Non Real-Time traffic. Non Real Time traffic corresponds to the Interactive and Background traffic classes.
3GPP TS 25.413 version 7.10.0 Release 7 IE/Group Name NRT Load Information Value Presence M
ETSI TS 125 413 V7.10.0 (2009-04) Semantics description Mapping of the status: 0: low: The NRT load is low. 1: medium: The NRT load is medium. 2: high: NRT load is high. Probability to admit a new user is low. 3: overloaded: NRT overload. The probability to admit a new user is low, packets are discarded and the source is recommended to reduce the data flow.
The purpose of the Source RNC PDCP context info IE is to transfer RNC PDCP context information from a source RNC to a target RNC during an SRNS relocation. This IE is transparent to CN.
IE/Group Name RRC Container Presence M Range IE type and reference OCTET STRING Semantics description
Information Transfer ID
Provided Data
GERAN Classmark
The purpose of the GERAN Classmark IE is to transfer GERAN-specific information to the CN.
IE/Group Name GERAN Classmark Presence M Range IE type and reference OCTET STRING Semantics description Contents defined in [11].
The purpose of the GERAN BSC Container IE is to transfer GERAN-specific information from the CN to the GERAN.
3GPP TS 25.413 version 7.10.0 Release 7 IE/Group Name GERAN BSC Container Presence M
ETSI TS 125 413 V7.10.0 (2009-04) Semantics description Contents defined in [11].
The purpose of the UESBI-Iu IE is to transfer the UE Specific Behaviour Information as defined in [31] and [32] from the CN to the RNC.
Semantics description
The UESBI-IuA provides compliance status information about the UE with regards to specific behaviours described in [31]. [31] defines the mapping between the descriptions in [31] and the UESBI-IuA. Each bit on a certain position is associated with a certain behaviour described in [31]. The UESBI-IuB provides compliance status information about the UE with regards to specific behaviours described in [32]. [32] defines the mapping between the descriptions in [32] and the UESBI-IuB. Each bit on a certain position is associated with a certain behaviour described in [32].
The Cell Load Information Group IE is an information element that is produced by source system BSC and is transmitted to target system RNC via transparent containers. This IE contains the load information of the source cell for either the Downlink or the Uplink or both as well as the source cell identifier the included cell load information corresponds to. If the RNC supports cell load-based inter-system handover, this information shall be understood, when available, as the current traffic load in the indicated source cell prior to the relocation.
IE/Group Name Cell Load Information Group >Source Cell Identifier Presence Range IE type and reference Semantics description
The source cell identifer the downlink and uplink cell load information correspond to. For the Downlink
The Source Cell Identifier IE identifies the involved cell of the source system for the relocation of SRNS. The Source Cell Identifier IE may be e.g. source GERAN Source Cell ID (in case of GSM to UMTS relocation) or the UTRAN Source Cell ID (in case of UMTS to GSM relocation).
IE/Group Name Choice Source Cell Identifier >GERAN Source Cell ID >>PLMN identity Presence Range IE type and reference Semantics description
- digits 0 to 9, encoded 0000 to 1001, - 1111 used as filler digit, two digits per octet, - bits 4 to 1 of octet n encoding digit 2n-1 - bits 8 to 5 of octet n encoding digit 2n -The PLMN identity consists of 3 digits from MCC followed by either -a filler digit plus 2 digits from MNC (in case of 2 digit MNC) or -3 digits from MNC (in case of a 3 digit MNC). 0000 and FFFE not allowed.
- digits 0 to 9, encoded 0000 to 1001, - 1111 used as filler digit, two digits per octet, - bits 4 to 1 of octet n encoding digit 2n-1- bits 8 to 5 of octet n encoding digit 2n -The PLMN identity consists of 3 digits from MCC followed by either - a filler digit plus 2 digits from MNC (in case of 2 digit MNC) or - 3 digits from MNC (in case of a 3 digit MNC). This information element identifies a cell uniquely within UTRAN and consists of RNCID and C-ID as defined in TS 25.401 [3].
>>Source Cell ID
Equipments To Be Traced
Condition ifActivated
Explanation This IE shall be present if the Trace Activation Indicator IE is set to "Activated".
Equipments To Be Traced
Indicates the UEs that the RNC has to trace using a list of Equipment Identities or a mask on an Equipment Identity.
3GPP TS 25.413 version 7.10.0 Release 7 IE/Group Name Choice Equipments To Be Traced >IMEI List >>IMEI List Presence
1 to <MaxUEsToBeTr aced> OCTET STRING (SIZE (8)) - hexadecimal digits 0 to F, two hexadecimal digits per octet, - each hexadecimal digit encoded 0000 to 1111, - 1111 used as filler for bits 8 to 5 of last octet - bit 4 to 1 of octet n encoding digit 2n-1 - bit 8 to 5 of octet n encoding digit 2n Number of hexadecimal digits shall be 15.
1 to <MaxUEsToBeTr aced> OCTET STRING (SIZE (8)) - hexadecimal digits 0 to F, two hexadecimal digits per octet, - each hexadecimal digit encoded 0000 to 1111, - bit 4 to 1 of octet n encoding digit 2n-1 - bit 8 to 5 of octet n encoding digit 2n Number of hexadecimal digits shall be 16.
- hexadecimal digits 0 to F, two hexadecimal digits per octet, - each hexadecimal digit encoded 0000 to 1111, - 1111 used as filler for bits 8 to 5 of last octet - bit 4 to 1 of octet n encoding digit 2n-1 - bit 8 to 5 of octet n encoding digit 2n Number of hexadecimal digits shall be 15.
BIT STRING (SIZE (7)) OCTET STRING (SIZE (8)) - hexadecimal digits 0 to F, two hexadecimal digits per octet, - each hexadecimal digit encoded 0000 to 1111, - bit 4 to 1 of octet n encoding digit 2n-1 - bit 8 to 5 of octet n encoding digit 2n Number of hexadecimal digits shall be 16.
Explanation Maximum number of UEs To Be Traced by the RNC in a Trace Session. Value is 64.
The IMEI Group is identified by all the IMEI values whose digits 1 to 8 are equal to the corresponding digits of the IMEI IE and whose digits n+9 are equal to the corresponding digits of the IMEI IE if the bit bn of the IMEI Mask IE is equal to 1. The IMEISV Group is identified by all the IMEISV values whose digits 1 to 8 are equal to the corresponding digits of the IMEISV IE and whose digits n+9 are equal to the corresponding digits of the IMEI IE if the bit bn of the IMEISV Mask IE is equal to 1.
Provides the information on a Trace Record being generated in the Source RNC at the time of.
IE/Group Name Trace Reference Trace Recording Session Reference Presence M M Range IE type and reference Semantics description
Indicates the trace parameters to activate a trace session by a trace parameter propagation.
IE/Group Name Trace Propagation Parameters >Trace Recording Session Reference >Trace Depth >List Of Interfaces To Trace Presence M M M O Range IE type and reference Semantics description
Trace Depth
Indicates how detailed information should be recorded for this trace session in the RNC.
3GPP TS 25.413 version 7.10.0 Release 7 IE/Group Name Trace Depth Presence M
188 Range IE type and reference ENUMERAT ED( Minimum, Medium, Maximum, ...)
Explanation Maximum no. of different UTRAN interfaces to trace. The value for maxInterfaces is 16.
Information Exchange ID
Indicates the nature of the information exchange i.e. transfer or request of specific information.
IE/Group Name Information Exchange Type Presence M Range IE type and reference ENUMERAT ED(transfer, request, ...) Semantics description
3GPP TS 25.413 version 7.10.0 Release 7 IE/Group Name Choice Information Request Type >MBMS IP Multicast Address and APN Request >Permanent NAS UE Identity Presence
Information Requested
This element uniquely identifies a MBMS PTP radio bearer for a particular UE. The value is used in the RNC to relate MBMS PTP Radio Bearers to a MBMS RAB. The content of this information element is transferred unchanged from the SGSN via the RNC to the UE by RANAP messages and RRC messages. For RRC messages refer to [10]. The element contains binary representation of the Network Service Access Point Identifier (NSAPI). This identifier is coded in the PTP RAB ID element in accordance with the coding of the NSAPI IE in [8].
IE/Group Name PTP RAB ID Presence M Range IE type and reference BIT STRING (8) Semantics description
Indicates to the RNC the requirement to not apply Frequency Layer Convergence for a given MBMS Bearer Service.
IE/Group Name Frequency Layer Convergence Flag Presence M Range IE type and reference ENUMERAT ED( no-FLC-flag, ...) Semantics description
Session Update ID
Indicates the list of MBMS Bearer Services identified by their respective TMGIs, for which the IP Multicast Address and APN are requested by the RNC.
IE/Group Name MBMS IP Multicast Address and APN Request >TMGI Presence Range IE type and reference Semantics description
Explanation Maximum no. of Multicast Services that a RNC can have context for. Value is 512.
Include Velocity
This element indicates that the Location Report may include the UE"s velocity.
IE/Group Name Include Velocity Presence M Range IE type and reference ENUMERATED( requested) Semantics description
The Periodic Location Info IE contains the periodic reporting interval and reporting amount for periodic location.
3GPP TS 25.413 version 7.10.0 Release 7 IE/Group Name Reporting Amount Reporting Interval Presence M M
191 Range
ETSI TS 125 413 V7.10.0 (2009-04) IE Type and Reference INTEGER(1.. 8639999,) INTEGER(1.. 8639999,) Semantics Description This IE indicates the amount of periodic reports. This IE indicates the reporting interval in seconds.
For the PS domain, or for the CS domain in order to allow transport bearer estalishment without ALCAP, this information element is an IP address to be used for the user plane transport. For the CS domain, in case of transport bearer establishment with ALCAP, this address is to be used for Transport Network Control Plane signalling to set up the transport bearer.
IE/Group Name Transport Layer Address Presence M Range IE type and reference BIT STRING (1..160, ) Semantics description The Radio Network Layer is not supposed to interpret the address information. It should pass it to the transport layer for interpretation. For details on the Transport Layer Address, see ref. [9].
Iu Transport Association
This element is used to associate the RAB and the corresponding transport bearer. For the CS domain this information element is either the Binding ID to be used in Transport Network Control Plane signalling during set up of the transport bearer or it contains the UDP port in order to allow transport bearer establishment without ALCAP. In PS domain this information element is the GTP Tunnel Endpoint Identifier.
IE/Group Name Choice Iu Transport Association >GTP TEID >Binding ID Presence Range IE type and reference Semantics description
If the Binding ID includes an UDP port, the UDP port is included in octet 1 and 2. The first octet of the UDP port field shall be included in the first octet of the Binding ID.
This IE indicates the sequence number of the GTP-PDU which is the next to be sent to the UE.
IE/Group Name DL GTP-PDU Sequence Number Presence M Range IE type and reference INTEGER (0 ..65535) Semantics description This IE indicates the sequence number of the GTP-PDU which is next to be sent to the UE.
This IE indicates the sequence number of the GTP-PDU which is the next to be sent to the SGSN.
IE/Group Name UL GTP-PDU Sequence Number Presence M Range IE type and reference INTEGER (0 ..65535) Semantics description This IE indicates the sequence number of the GTP-PDU which is next to be sent to the SGSN.
This element is used to identify the UE commonly in the UTRAN and in the CN. The RNC uses it to find other existing signalling connections of the same UE (e.g. RRC or Iu signalling connections). It is an IMSI. NOTE: IMSI is specified in [19].
Presence Range IE type and reference Semantics description
- digits 0 to 9, encoded 0000 to 1001, - 1111 used as filler digit, two digits per octet, - bit 4 to 1 of octet n encoding digit 2n-1 - bit 8 to 5 of octet n encoding digit 2n -Number of decimal digits shall be from 6 to 15 starting with the digits from the PLMN identity. When the IMSI is made of an odd number of digits, the filler digit shall be added at the end to make an even number of digits of length 2N. The filler digit shall then be consequently encoded as bit 8 to 5 of octet N.
Temporary UE ID
Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity, used for security reasons to hide the identity of a subscriber.
IE/Group Name Choice Temporary UE ID >TMSI >P-TMSI Presence Range IE type and reference OCTET STRING (4) OCTET STRING (4) Semantics description
Paging Cause
3GPP TS 25.413 version 7.10.0 Release 7 IE/Group Name Paging Cause Presence M
193 Range IE type and reference ENUMERAT ED( Terminating Conversatio nal Call, Terminating Streaming Call, Terminating Interactive Call, Terminating Background Call, Terminating Low Priority Signalling, ..., Terminating High Priority Signalling)
This information element contains a CN UE or UE CN message that is transferred without interpretation in the RNC. Typically it contains call control, session management, supplementary services, short message service and mobility management messages.
IE/Group Name NAS PDU Presence M Range IE type and reference OCTET STRING Semantics description
3GPP TS 25.413 version 7.10.0 Release 7 IE/Group Name LAI >PLMN identity M Presence
- digits 0 to 9, encoded 0000 to 1001, - 1111 used as filler digit, two digits per octet, - bits 4 to 1 of octet n encoding digit 2n-1 - bits 8 to 5 of octet n encoding digit 2n -The PLMN identity consists of 3 digits from MCC followed by either -a filler digit plus 2 digits from MNC (in case of 2 digit MNC) or -3 digits from MNC (in case of a 3 digit MNC). 0000 and FFFE not allowed.
This element is used to identify a Routing Area within a Location Area. It is used for PS services.
IE/Group Name RAC Presence M Range IE type and reference OCTET STRING (1) Semantics description
The SAPI IE is used to indicate the specific service to provide for the included NAS message.
IE/Group Name SAPI Presence M Range IE type and reference ENUMERATED (SAPI 0, SAPI 3, ...) Semantics description
The SAI IE (Service Area Identifier) (see ref. [3]) is used to identify an area consisting of one or more cells belonging to the same Location Area. Such an area is called a Service Area and can be used for indicating the location of a UE to the CN. For this protocol, only a Service Area that is defined to be applicable to both the PS and the CS domains shall be used.
3GPP TS 25.413 version 7.10.0 Release 7 IE/Group Name SAI >PLMN identity M Presence
- digits 0 to 9, encoded 0000 to 1001, - 1111 used as filler digit, two digits per octet, - bits 4 to 1 of octet n encoding digit 2n-1 - bits 8 to 5 of octet n encoding digit 2n -The PLMN identity consists of 3 digits from MCC followed by either -a filler digit plus 2 digits from MNC (in case of 2 digit MNC) or -3 digits from MNC (in case of a 3 digit MNC). 0000 and FFFE not allowed.
Area Identity
This information element is used for indicating the location of a UE and is either a Service Area or a Geographical Area.
IE/Group Name Choice Area Identity >SAI >Geographical Area Presence Range IE type and reference Semantics description
Geographical Area
The Geographical Area IE is used to identify an area using geographical coordinates. The reference system is the same as the one used in [20].
IE/Group Name Choice Geographical Area >Point >Point With Uncertainty >Polygon >Ellipsoid point with uncertainty Ellipse >Ellipsoid point with altitude >Ellipsoid point with altitude and uncertainty Ellipsoid >Ellipsoid Arc Presence Range IE type and reference See below See below See below See below See below See below Semantics description
See below
Ellipsoid point Ellipsoid point with uncertainty circle List of Ellipsoid points Ellipsoid point with uncertainty Ellipse Ellipsoid point with altitude Ellipsoid point with altitude and uncertainty Ellipsoid Ellipsoid Arc
Semantics description
3GPP TS 25.413 version 7.10.0 Release 7 IE/Group Name Point With Uncertainty >Geographical Coordinates >Uncertainty Code Presence
196 Range
ETSI TS 125 413 V7.10.0 (2009-04) IE type and reference See below INTEGER( 0..127) The uncertainty "r" is derived from the "uncertainty code" k by k r = 10x(1.1 -1) Semantics description
Semantics description
1 to <maxnoofPoints>
IE/Group Name Ellipsoid point with uncertainty Ellipse >Geographical Coordinates >Uncertainty Ellipse >Confidence
Semantics description
IE/Group Name Ellipsoid point with altitude >Geographical Coordinates >Altitude and direction
Semantics description
IE/Group Name Ellipsoid point with altitude and uncertainty Ellipsoid >Geographical Coordinates >Altitude and direction >Uncertainty Ellipse >Uncertainty Altitude >Confidence
Semantics description
See below See below See below INTEGER( 0..127) INTEGER( 0..127)
3GPP TS 25.413 version 7.10.0 Release 7 IE/Group Name Ellipsoid Arc >Geographical Coordinates >Inner radius Presence
197 Range
ETSI TS 125 413 V7.10.0 (2009-04) IE type and reference See below INTEGER ( 16 0..2 -1) The relation between the value (N) and the radius (r) in meters it describes is 5N r <5(N+1), except 16 for N=2 -1 for which the range is extended to include all grater values of (r). The uncertainty "r" is derived from the "uncertainty code" k by k r = 10x(1.1 -1) The relation between the value (N) and the angle (a) in degrees it describes is 2N a <2(N+1) The relation between the value (N) and the angle (a) in degrees it describes is 2N< a 2(N+1) Semantics description
>Uncertainty radius
INTEGER( 0..127)
>Offset angle
INTEGER( 0..179)
>Included angle
INTEGER( 0..179)
INTEGER( 0..127)
Semantics description
>Degrees Of Latitude
>Degrees Of Longitude
The IE value (N) is derived by this formula: 23 N2 X /90 < N+1 X being the latitude in degree (0.. 90) The IE value (N) is derived by this formula: 24 N2 X /360 < N+1 X being the longitude in degree (-180..+180)
3GPP TS 25.413 version 7.10.0 Release 7 IE/Group Name Uncertainty Ellipse >Uncertainty semi-major Presence
198 Range
ETSI TS 125 413 V7.10.0 (2009-04) IE type and reference INTEGER( 0..127) Semantics description
>Uncertainty semi-minor
INTEGER( 0..127)
INTEGER( 0..179)
The uncertainty "r" is derived from the "uncertainty code" k by k r = 10x(1.1 -1) The uncertainty "r" is derived from the "uncertainty code" k by k r = 10x(1.1 -1) The relation between the IE value (N) and the angle (a) in degrees it describes is 2N a <2(N+1). The values 90..179 shall not be used.
Semantics description
The relation between the value (N) and the altitude (a) in meters it describes is N a <N+1, except for 15 N=2 -1 for which the range is extended to include all grater values of (a).
This information element indicates the data volume (octets) that is unsuccessfully transmitted over the radio interface in the DL direction for a given RAB.
IE/Group Name Unsuccessfully Transmitted Data Volume Presence M Range IE type and reference INTEGER 32 (0..2 -1) Semantics description Unit is octet.
This information element indicates the time when the data volume is counted. It is an operator/vendor specific matter to assign meanings for the different integer values.
IE/Group Name Data Volume Reference Presence M Range IE type and reference INTEGER (0..255) Semantics description
Information Identity
Information Priority
Information Control
CN Broadcast Area
This information element contains transparent NAS information that is transferred without interpretation in the RNC.
IE/Group Name NAS Synchronisation Indicator Presence M Range IE type and reference BIT STRING (4) Semantics description The coding of this IE, transparent for RNC, is described in the subclause "Speech Codec Selection" of [8].
This element indicates the type of the requested location related data for the indicated positioning method, and provides the assistance data for the Assisted GPS positioning method.
3GPP TS 25.413 version 7.10.0 Release 7 IE/Group Name Location Related Data Request Type >Requested Location Related Data Type Presence
200 Range
ETSI TS 125 413 V7.10.0 (2009-04) IE type and reference Semantics description
ENUMERATED( Deciphering Keys for UE Based OTDOA, Deciphering Keys for Assisted GPS, Dedicated Assistance Data for UE Based OTDOA, Dedicated Assistance Data for Assisted GPS, , Deciphering keys for Assisted GANSS, Dedicated Assistance Data for Assisted GANSS, Deciphering keys for Assisted GPS and GANSS, Dedicated Assistance Data for Assisted GPS and GANSS )
C ifDedAssG PS
Condition ifDedAssGPS
Explanation This IE shall be present if the Requested Location Related Data Type IE is set to "Dedicated Assistance Data for Assisted GPS" or "Dedicated Assistance Data for Assisted GPS and GANSS".
This information element is used for indicating the deciphering keys that will be used by the UE for deciphering of broadcast assistance data.
3GPP TS 25.413 version 7.10.0 Release 7 IE/Group Name Broadcast Assistance Data Deciphering keys > Ciphering Key Flag Presence
Indicates the current Ciphering Key Flag that is used for the broadcast assistance data messages in the location area. Current deciphering key that is used for deciphering broadcast assistance data. Next deciphering key that will be used for deciphering broadcast assistance data.
This information element is used for indicating the requested GPS assistance data. This IE is transparent to CN.
IE/Group Name Requested GPS Assistance Data Presence Range IE type and reference OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..38)) Semantics description For the corresponding Information Element Definition see "gpsAssistanceData" [22].
This information element is used for indicating the last known Service Area and the elapsed time since the UE was known to be in this Service Area. The last known Service Area is reported when the current Service Area is unknown to the RNC.
IE/Group Name Last Known Service Area >SAI >Age of SAI Presence Range IE type and reference INTEGER (0..32767) Semantics description
The value represents the elapsed time in minutes since the reported last known SAI was stored by the RNC. Value "0" shall not be used. Value "32767" indicates that the age of SAI is at least 32767 minutes old.
For each LA contained in this IE, it provides the SNA(s) the LA belongs to.
3GPP TS 25.413 version 7.10.0 Release 7 IE/Group Name Shared Network Information >PLMNs In Shared Network >>PLMN identity Presence
1 to <maxPLMNsSN> M OCTET STRING (SIZE (3)) - digits 0 to 9, two digits per octet, - each digit encoded 0000 to 1001, - 1111 used as filler - bit 4 to 1 of octet n encoding digit 2n-1 - bit 8 to 5 of octet n encoding digit 2n -The PLMN identity consists of 3 digits from MCC followed by either -a filler plus 2 digits from MNC (in case of 2 digit MNC) or -3 digits from MNC (in case of a 3 digit MNC).
1 to <maxLAs> M 1 to <maxSNAs> M OCTET STRING (2) 0000 and FFFE not allowed.
Explanation Maximum no. of PLMNs involved in a Shared Network agreement. The value for maxPLMNsSN is 32. Maximum no. of LAs in a PLMN. The value for maxLAs is 65536. Maximum no. of SNAs in a PLMN. The value for maxSNAs is 65536.
3GPP TS 25.413 version 7.10.0 Release 7 IE/Group Name SNA Access Information >Authorised PLMNs >>PLMN Identity M Presence
1 to <maxPLMNsSN> OCTET STRING (SIZE (3)) - digits 0 to 9, two digits per octet, - each digit encoded 0000 to 1001, - 1111 used as filler - bit 4 to 1 of octet n encoding digit 2n-1 - bit 8 to 5 of octet n encoding digit 2n -The PLMN identity consists of 3 digits from MCC followed by either -a filler plus 2 digits from MNC (in case of 2 digit MNC) or -3 digits from MNC (in case of a 3 digit MNC).
O 1 to <maxSNAs> M
Explanation Maximum no. of PLMNs involved in a Shared Network agreement. The value for maxPLMNsSN is 32. Maximum no. of SNAs in a PLMN. The value for maxSNAs is 65536.
This element indicates the type of the requested location related data for the indicated specific positioning method supported only within GERAN Iu mode.
3GPP TS 25.413 version 7.10.0 Release 7 IE/Group Name Location Related Data Request Type Specific To GERAN Iu mode Presence
204 Range
ETSI TS 125 413 V7.10.0 (2009-04) IE type and reference ENUMERATED( Deciphering Keys for E-OTD, Dedicated Mobile-Assisted E-OTD Assistance Data, Dedicated Mobile-Based E-OTD Assistance Data, ...) Semantics description
Position Data
This IE provides data related to the positioning methods in relation with the Location Report procedure.
ETSI TS 125 413 V7.10.0 (2009-04) Semantics description Criticality Assigned Criticality
The positioning data discriminator defines the type of data provided for each positioning method: 0000 indicates the presence of the Positioning Data Set IE (that reports the usage of each nonGANSS method that was successfully used to obtain the location estimate) 0001 indicates the presence of the GANSS Positioning Data Set IE (that reports the usage of each GANSS method that was sucessfully used to obtain the location estimate) and the absence of the Positioning Data Set IE
1 octet of data is provided for each positioning method included. All other values are reserved. >Positioning Data Set >>Positioning Method and Usage CifDiscrimin ator=0 1 to <maxSet > OCTET STRING (1) Coding of positioning method (bits 8-4): 00000 Reserved (NOTE) 00001 Reserved (NOTE) 00010 Reserved (NOTE) 00011 Reserved (NOTE) 00100 Reserved (NOTE) 00101 Mobile Assisted GPS 00110 Mobile Based GPS 00111 Conventional GPS 01000 U-TDOA 01001 OTDOA 01010 IPDL 01011 RTT 01100 Cell ID 01101 to 01111 reserved for other location technologies 10000 to 11111 reserved for network specific positioning methods Coding of usage (bits 3-1): 000 Attempted unsuccessfully due to failure or interruption not used.
ETSI TS 125 413 V7.10.0 (2009-04) 001 Attempted successfully: results not used to generate location - not used. 010 Attempted successfully: results used to verify but not generate location - not used. 011 Attempted successfully: results used to generate location 100 Attempted successfully: case where MS supports multiple mobile based positioning methods and the actual method or methods used by the MS cannot be determined. NOTE: Reserved because of GERAN use only.
1 to <maxGA NSSSet>
Coding of positioning method (bits 8-7) : 00 : MS-Based 01 : MS-Assisted 10 : Conventional 11 : Reserved Coding of GANSS ID (bits 64) : 000 : Galileo other values reserved Coding of usage (bits 3-1): 011 Attempted successfully: results used to generate location 100 Attempted successfully: case where MS supports multiple mobile based positioning methods and the actual method or methods used by the MS cannot be determined.
Condition C-ifDiscriminator=0
Explanation Maximum size of the data set. Value is 9. Maximum size of the data. Value is 9.
This IE provides data related to the positioning methods which are supported only within GERAN Iu mode in relation with the Location Report procedure. The coding of this element is described in [34].
3GPP TS 25.413 version 7.10.0 Release 7 IE/Group Name Position Data Specific To GERAN Iu Mode Presence M
207 Range
ETSI TS 125 413 V7.10.0 (2009-04) IE type and reference OCTET STRING Semantics description Coded as the value part of the Positioning Data IE or GANSS Positioning Data IE defined in [34].
This IE indicates whether the returned position estimate satisfies the requested accuracy or not.
IE/Group Name Accuracy Fulfilment Indicator Presence M Range IE type and reference ENUMERATED (requested accuracy fulfilled, requested accuracy not fulfilled, ) Semantics description
RIM Transfer
This IE contains the RIM Information (e.g. NACC information) and additionally in uplink transfer the RIM routing address of the destination of this RIM information.
IE/Group Name RIM Transfer >RIM Information >RIM Routing Address Presence Range IE type and reference Semantics description
RIM Information
This IE contains the RIM Information (e.g. NACC information) i.e. the BSSGP RIM PDU from the RIM application part contained in the RNC, or the BSSGP RIM PDU to be forwarded to the RIM application part in the RNC.
IE/Group Name RIM Information >RIM Information Presence Range IE type and reference OCTET STRING Semantics description
This IE identifies the destination node where the RIM Information needs to be routed by the CN.
3GPP TS 25.413 version 7.10.0 Release 7 IE/Group Name Choice RIM Routing Address >Target RNC-ID Presence Range
ETSI TS 125 413 V7.10.0 (2009-04) Semantics description Criticality Applicable to GERAN Iu mode, not applicable to UTRAN Assigned Criticality
>>Extended RNC-ID
If the Extended RNC-ID IE is included in the Target RNC-ID IE, the RNC-ID IE shall be ignored. The Extended RNC-ID IE shall be used if the RNC identity has a value larger than 4095.
This information element indicates the selected core network operator in shared networks.
IE/Group Name Selected PLMN identity Presence M Range IE type and reference OCTET STRING (SIZE (3)) Semantics description - digits 0 to 9, encoded 0000 to 1001, - 1111 used as filler digit, two digits per octet, - bits 4 to 1 of octet n encoding digit 2n-1 - bits 8 to 5 of octet n encoding digit 2n -The Selected PLMN identity consists of 3 digits from MCC followed by either -a filler digit plus 2 digits from MNC (in case of 2 digit MNC) or -3 digits from MNC (in case of a 3 digit MNC).
Redirection Completed
Redirection Indication
This IE is used by a CN to request rerouting by the RNC to another CN operator. It is only used in MOCN configuration for network sharing non-supporting UEs.
IE/Group Name Redirection Indication > initial NAS-PDU Presence Range IE type and reference Semantics description Criticality Assigned Criticality
ENUMERATED (PLMN not allowed, location area not allowed, roaming not allowed in this location area, no suitable cell in location area, GPRS services not allowed in this PLMN, CS/PS coordination required, )
The initial NASPDU received from UE This IE lists cause values which meaning is defined in [8] with the exception of "CS/PS coordination required" that will never be forwarded to the UE.
ignore ignore
3GPP TS 25.413 version 7.10.0 Release 7 IE/Group Name TMGI >PLMN identity Presence
- digits 0 to 9, encoded 0000 to 1001, - 1111 used as filler digit, two digits per octet, - bits 4 to 1 of octet n encoding digit 2n-1 - bits 8 to 5 of octet n encoding digit 2n -The PLMN identity consists of 3 digits from MCC followed by either -a filler digit plus 2 digits from MNC (in case of 2 digit MNC) or -3 digits from MNC (in case of a 3 digit MNC).
>Service ID
The MBMS Session Identity identifies the session of a MBMS Bearer Service in UTRAN and is used by the UE to recognise repetitions of a session. This IE is transparent to RAN.
IE/Group Name MBMS Session Identity Presence M Range IE type and reference OCTET STRING (SIZE (1)) Semantics description Coded same way as the MBMS Session Identity IE as defined in [44].
Indicates to the RNC whether MBMS Counting procedures can be applied in MBMS Broadcast Mode.
IE/Group Name MBMS Counting Information Presence M Range IE type and reference ENUMERATED (counting, not counting, ) Semantics description
3GPP TS 25.413 version 7.10.0 Release 7 IE/Group Name MBMS Session Duration Presence M
ETSI TS 125 413 V7.10.0 (2009-04) Semantics description Coded as the value part of MBMS-Session-Duration AVP as defined in [44].
The MBMS Service Area IE consists of a list of one or several MBMS Service Area Identities where each MBMS Service Area Identity is frequency agnostic and can be mapped onto one or more cells.
IE/Group Name MBMS Service Area Presence M Range IE type and reference OCTET STRING Semantics description Value part coded per MBMS Service Area AVP as defined in [44].
Indicates the list of RAs where idle-mode UEs interested in a given Multicast Service are.
IE/Group Name Choice RA List of Idle Mode UEs > Not Empty RA List of Idle Mode UEs Presence Range IE type and reference Semantics description Criticality Assigned Criticality
1 to <maxMB MSRA>
The same RAC+LAI combination must only be present once. Each RAC in this list gives a valid RAI only if combined with an LAI of the same index contained in the LA of Idle Mode UEs IE. YES reject
>> RAC >>LA List of Idle Mode UEs >>> LA of Idle Mode UEs >>>> LAI > Empty/Full RA List of Idle Mode UEs
Explanation Maximum no. of Routing Areas where idle-mode UEs interested in a given Multicast Service are. The value for maxMBMSRA is 65536.
Condition IfRAofIdleModeUEs
Indicates the list of new RAs where idle-mode UEs interested in a given Multicast Service became or moved to, as well as the list of RAs where there is no interested idle-mode UEs in a given Multicast Service any longer.
IE/Group Name Delta RA List of Idle Mode UEs Presence Range IE type and reference Semantics description The same RAC+LAI combination must only be present once. Criticality Assigned Criticality
>New RA List of Idle Mode UEs >> New RA of Idle Mode UEs
O 1 to <maxMB MSRA> Each RAC in this list gives a valid RAI only if combined with an LAI of the same index contained in the LA of Idle Mode UEs IE.
>>> RAC >RA List with No Idle Mode UEs Any More >> RA with No Idle Mode UEs Any More
M O 1 to <maxMB MSRA>
Each RAC in this list gives a valid RAI only if combined with an LAI of the same index contained in the LA of Idle Mode UEs IE. YES reject
>> New LA of Idle Mode UEs >>> LAI >LA List with No Idle Mode UEs Any More
Explanation Maximum no. of Routing Areas where idle-mode UEs interested in a given Multicast Service are. The value for maxMBMSRA is 65536.
Explanation This IE shall be present if the New RA List of Idle Mode UEs IE is included. This IE shall be presentif the RA List with No Idle Mode UEs Any More IE is included.
MBMS CN De-Registration
Indicates whether the MBMS Session Stop procedure is a normal Session Stop or a total de-registration for a given MBMS Bearer Service.
IE/Group Name MBMS CN De-Registration Presence M Range IE type and reference ENUMERAT ED( normal session stop, deregister, ...) Semantics description
Informs the RNC about the requested pairs of IP Multicast Address and APN.
IE/Group Name Requested MBMS IP Multicast Address and APN >MBMS IP Multicast Address and APN list Presence Range IE type and reference Semantics description
1 to <maxnoofMulticas tServicesPerRNC > M M OCTET STRING (4..16) Transparent information to RAN. Octet string size 4 represents Ipv4 address. Octet string size 16 represents Ipv6 address. Transparent information to RAN.
Explanation Maximum no. of Multicast Services that a RNC can have context for. Value is 512.
Informs the RNC about the requested Multicast Service list for a particular UE.
3GPP TS 25.413 version 7.10.0 Release 7 IE/Group Name Requested Multicast Service List >TMGI Presence
Explanation Maximum no. of Multicast Services that a UE can join respectively. Value is 128.
Informs the RNC about the repetitions of a particular session of a MBMS Bearer Service.
IE/Group Name MBMS Session Repetition Number Presence M Range IE type and reference OCTET STRING (SIZE (1)) Semantics description Coded as the value part of MBMS-Session Repetition-Number AVP as defined in [44].
This IE denotes the time occurring between the transmission of the MBMS SESSION START message to the RNS and the actual start of the data transfer. The coding of this element is described in [36].
IE/Group Name Time to MBMS Data Transfer Presence M Range IE type and reference OCTET STRING (SIZE (1)) Semantics description Coded as the value part of Time to MBMS Data Transfer IE defined in [36].
This IE indicates that the CN should respond with a Redirection Indication IE or a Redirection completed IE.
IE/Group Name Redirect Attempt Flag Presence M Range IE type and reference NULL Semantics description
Velocity Estimate
The Velocity Estimate IE is used to describe the UE"s velocity. The reference system is the same as used in [20].
3GPP TS 25.413 version 7.10.0 Release 7 IE/Group Name Choice Velocity Estimate >Horizontal Velocity Presence
See below
See below
See below
Horizontal speed and bearing (the direction of travel). Horizontal speed, bearing (the direction of travel), and vertical speed Horizontal speed, bearing (the direction of travel), and the uncertainty of the reported speed. Horizontal speed, bearing (the direction of travel), vertical speed and the uncertainty of the reported speed.
Semantics description
IE/Group Name Horizontal with Vertical Velocity >Horizontal Speed and Bearing >Vertical Velocity
Semantics description
IE/Group Name Horizontal Velocity with Uncertainty >Horizontal Speed and Bearing >>Uncertainty Speed
Semantics description
See below INTEGER (0..255) Uncertainty speed is encoded in increments of 1 kilometer per hour using an 8 bit binary coded number (N). The value of N gives the uncertainty speed except for N=255 which indicates that the uncertainty is not specified
3GPP TS 25.413 version 7.10.0 Release 7 IE/Group Name Horizontal with Vertical Velocity and Uncertainty >Horizontal Speed and Bearing >>Vertical Velocity >>Horizontal Uncertainty Speed Presence
See below See below INTEGER (0..255) Horizontal Uncertainty Speed is encoded in increments of 1 kilometer per hour using an 8 bit binary coded number (N). The value of N gives the uncertainty speed except for N=255 which indicates that the uncertainty is not specified Vertical Uncertainty speed is encoded in increments of 1 kilometer per hour using an 8 bit binary coded number (N). The value of N gives the uncertainty speed except for N=255 which indicates that the uncertainty is not specified
INTEGER (0..255)
Semantics description
INTEGER (0..359)
>Horizontal Speed
The direction of movement is given in degrees where "0" represents North, "90" represents East, etc. The relationship between (N) and the horizontal speed (h) in kilometers per hour it describes is: N h < N + 0.5 (N=0) N 0.5 h < N + 0.5 11 (0<N<2 -1) N 0.5 h 11 2 -1) (N =
Semantics description
The relationship between (N) and the vertical speed (v) in kilometers per hour it describes is: N v < N + 0.5 (N = 0) N 0.5 v < N + 0.5 8 N < 2 -1) N 0.5 v (N = 2 -1)
(0 <
RAT Type
This information element is used for indicating the requested GANSS assistance data. This IE is transparent to CN.
IE/Group Name Requested GANSS Assistance Data Presence Range IE type and reference OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..201)) Semantics description For the corresponding Information Element Definition see "ganssAssistanceData" [22].
RANAP ASN.1 definition conforms with [14] and [15]. The ASN.1 definition specifies the structure and content of RANAP messages. RANAP messages can contain any IEs specified in the object set definitions for that message without the order or number of occurrence being restricted by ASN.1. However, for this version of the standard, a sending entity shall construct a RANAP message according to the PDU definitions module and with the following additional rules (Note that in the following IE means an IE in the object set with an explicit id. If one IE needed to appear more than once in one object set, then the different occurrences have different IE ids): IEs shall be ordered (in an IE container) in the order they appear in object set definitions; Object set definitions specify how many times IEs may appear. An IE shall appear exactly once if the presence field in an object has value "mandatory". An IE may appear at most once if the presence field in an object has value "optional" or "conditional". If in a tabular format there is multiplicity specified for an IE (i.e. an IE list) then in the corresponding ASN.1 definition the list definition is separated into two parts. The first part defines an IE container list where the list elements reside. The second part defines list elements. The IE container list appears as an IE of its own. For this version of the standard an IE container list may contain only one kind of list elements.
If a RANAP message that is not constructed as defined above is received, this shall be considered as Abstract Syntax Error, and the message shall be handled as defined for Abstract Syntax Error in subclause 10.3.6. Subclause 9.3 presents the Abstract Syntax of RANAP protocol with ASN.1. In case there is contradiction between the ASN.1 definition in this subclause and the tabular format in subclause 9.1 and 9.2, the ASN.1 shall take precedence, except for the definition of conditions for the presence of conditional elements, where the tabular format shall take precedence.
The private message mechanism for non-standard use may be used: for special operator- (and/or vendor) specific features considered not to be part of the basic functionality, i.e. the functionality required for a complete and high-quality specification in order to guarantee multivendor interoperability; by vendors for research purposes, e.g. to implement and evaluate new algorithms/features before such features are proposed for standardisation.
The private message mechanism shall not be used for basic functionality. Such functionality shall be standardised.
RANAP-PDU-Descriptions { itu-t (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) mobileDomain (0) umts-Access (20) modules (3) ranap (0) version1 (1) ranap-PDU-Descriptions (0)} DEFINITIONS AUTOMATIC TAGS ::= BEGIN -- ************************************************************** --- IE parameter types from other modules. --- ************************************************************** IMPORTS Criticality, ProcedureCode FROM RANAP-CommonDataTypes Iu-ReleaseCommand, Iu-ReleaseComplete, RelocationCommand, RelocationPreparationFailure, RelocationRequired, RelocationRequest, RelocationRequestAcknowledge, RelocationFailure, RelocationCancel, RelocationCancelAcknowledge, SRNS-ContextRequest, SRNS-ContextResponse, SecurityModeCommand, SecurityModeComplete, SecurityModeReject, DataVolumeReportRequest, DataVolumeReport, Reset, ResetAcknowledge, RAB-ReleaseRequest, Iu-ReleaseRequest, RelocationDetect, RelocationComplete, Paging, CommonID, CN-InvokeTrace, CN-DeactivateTrace, LocationReportingControl, LocationReport, InitialUE-Message, DirectTransfer, Overload,
InitiatingMessage ::= SEQUENCE { procedureCode RANAP-ELEMENTARY-PROCEDURE.&procedureCode ({RANAP-ELEMENTARY-PROCEDURES}), criticality RANAP-ELEMENTARY-PROCEDURE.&criticality ({RANAP-ELEMENTARY-PROCEDURES}{@procedureCode}), value RANAP-ELEMENTARY-PROCEDURE.&InitiatingMessage ({RANAP-ELEMENTARY-PROCEDURES}{@procedureCode}) } SuccessfulOutcome ::= SEQUENCE { procedureCode RANAP-ELEMENTARY-PROCEDURE.&procedureCode ({RANAP-ELEMENTARY-PROCEDURES}), criticality RANAP-ELEMENTARY-PROCEDURE.&criticality ({RANAP-ELEMENTARY-PROCEDURES}{@procedureCode}), value RANAP-ELEMENTARY-PROCEDURE.&SuccessfulOutcome ({RANAP-ELEMENTARY-PROCEDURES}{@procedureCode}) } UnsuccessfulOutcome ::= SEQUENCE { procedureCode RANAP-ELEMENTARY-PROCEDURE.&procedureCode ({RANAP-ELEMENTARY-PROCEDURES}), criticality RANAP-ELEMENTARY-PROCEDURE.&criticality ({RANAP-ELEMENTARY-PROCEDURES}{@procedureCode}), value RANAP-ELEMENTARY-PROCEDURE.&UnsuccessfulOutcome ({RANAP-ELEMENTARY-PROCEDURES}{@procedureCode}) } Outcome ::= SEQUENCE { procedureCode RANAP-ELEMENTARY-PROCEDURE.&procedureCode ({RANAP-ELEMENTARY-PROCEDURES}), criticality RANAP-ELEMENTARY-PROCEDURE.&criticality ({RANAP-ELEMENTARY-PROCEDURES}{@procedureCode}), value RANAP-ELEMENTARY-PROCEDURE.&Outcome ({RANAP-ELEMENTARY-PROCEDURES}{@procedureCode}) } -- ************************************************************** --- Interface Elementary Procedure List --- ************************************************************** RANAP-ELEMENTARY-PROCEDURES RANAP-ELEMENTARY-PROCEDURE ::= { RANAP-ELEMENTARY-PROCEDURES-CLASS-1 | RANAP-ELEMENTARY-PROCEDURES-CLASS-2 | RANAP-ELEMENTARY-PROCEDURES-CLASS-3 , ... }
PDU Definitions
-- ************************************************************** --- PDU definitions for RANAP. --- ************************************************************** RANAP-PDU-Contents { itu-t (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) mobileDomain (0) umts-Access (20) modules (3) ranap (0) version1 (1) ranap-PDU-Contents (1) } DEFINITIONS AUTOMATIC TAGS ::= BEGIN -- ************************************************************** --- IE parameter types from other modules. --- ************************************************************** IMPORTS AccuracyFulfilmentIndicator, APN, BroadcastAssistanceDataDecipheringKeys, LocationRelatedDataRequestType, LocationRelatedDataRequestTypeSpecificToGERANIuMode, DataVolumeReference, CellLoadInformation, AreaIdentity,
PrivateIE-Container{}, ProtocolExtensionContainer{}, ProtocolIE-ContainerList{}, ProtocolIE-ContainerPair{}, ProtocolIE-ContainerPairList{}, ProtocolIE-Container{}, RANAP-PRIVATE-IES, RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION, RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES, RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES-PAIR FROM RANAP-Containers maxNrOfDTs, maxNrOfErrors, maxNrOfIuSigConIds, maxNrOfRABs, maxNrOfVol, maxnoofMulticastServicesPerUE, id-AccuracyFulfilmentIndicator, id-APN, id-AreaIdentity, id-Alt-RAB-Parameters, id-Ass-RAB-Parameters, id-BroadcastAssistanceDataDecipheringKeys, id-LocationRelatedDataRequestType, id-CN-DomainIndicator, id-Cause, id-ChosenEncryptionAlgorithm, id-ChosenIntegrityProtectionAlgorithm, id-ClassmarkInformation2, id-ClassmarkInformation3, id-ClientType, id-CNMBMSLinkingInformation, id-CriticalityDiagnostics, id-DeltaRAListofIdleModeUEs, id-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient, id-DirectTransferInformationItem-RANAP-RelocInf, id-DirectTransferInformationList-RANAP-RelocInf, id-DL-GTP-PDU-SequenceNumber, id-EncryptionInformation, id-ExtendedRNC-ID, id-FrequenceLayerConvergenceFlag, id-GERAN-BSC-Container, id-GERAN-Classmark, id-GERAN-Iumode-RAB-Failed-RABAssgntResponse-Item, id-GERAN-Iumode-RAB-FailedList-RABAssgntResponse, id-GlobalCN-ID, id-GlobalRNC-ID, id-IncludeVelocity, id-InformationExchangeID,
{ 1, maxNrOfRABs,
{ RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES-PAIR : IEsSetParam } ::= ProtocolIE-ContainerPairList { 1, maxNrOfRABs, { RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES { RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES { RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES : IEsSetParam } ::= ProtocolIE-ContainerList : IEsSetParam } ::= ProtocolIE-ContainerList : IEsSetParam } ::= ProtocolIE-ContainerList { 1, maxNrOfRABs,
-- ************************************************************** --- Iu RELEASE ELEMENTARY PROCEDURE --- ************************************************************** -- ************************************************************** --- Iu Release Command --- ************************************************************** Iu-ReleaseCommand ::= SEQUENCE { protocolIEs ProtocolIE-Container { {Iu-ReleaseCommandIEs} }, protocolExtensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {Iu-ReleaseCommandExtensions} } ... } Iu-ReleaseCommandIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-Cause CRITICALITY ignore
TYPE Cause
PRESENCE mandatory },
Iu-ReleaseComplete ::= SEQUENCE { protocolIEs ProtocolIE-Container { {Iu-ReleaseCompleteIEs} }, protocolExtensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {Iu-ReleaseCompleteExtensions} } ... } Iu-ReleaseCompleteIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-RAB-DataVolumeReportList CRITICALITY ignore { ID id-RAB-ReleasedList-IuRelComp CRITICALITY ignore { ID id-CriticalityDiagnostics CRITICALITY ignore ... } RAB-DataVolumeReportList
TYPE RAB-DataVolumeReportItem
PRESENCE mandatory
RAB-DataVolumeReportItem ::= SEQUENCE { rAB-ID RAB-ID, dl-UnsuccessfullyTransmittedDataVolume DataVolumeList OPTIONAL -- This IE shall always be present although its presence is optional --, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {RAB-DataVolumeReportItem-ExtIEs} } ... } RAB-DataVolumeReportItem-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } RAB-ReleasedList-IuRelComp ::= RAB-IE-ContainerList { {RAB-ReleasedItem-IuRelComp-IEs} }
RAB-ReleasedItem-IuRelComp-IEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-RAB-ReleasedItem-IuRelComp CRITICALITY ignore ... } RAB-ReleasedItem-IuRelComp rAB-ID ::= SEQUENCE { RAB-ID,
TYPE RAB-ReleasedItem-IuRelComp
PRESENCE mandatory
Iu-ReleaseCompleteExtensions RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } -- ************************************************************** --- RELOCATION PREPARATION ELEMENTARY PROCEDURE --- ************************************************************** -- ************************************************************** --- Relocation Required --- ************************************************************** RelocationRequired ::= SEQUENCE { protocolIEs ProtocolIE-Container { {RelocationRequiredIEs} }, protocolExtensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {RelocationRequiredExtensions} } ... }
RelocationRequiredIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-RelocationType CRITICALITY reject TYPE RelocationType PRESENCE mandatory } | { ID id-Cause CRITICALITY ignore TYPE Cause PRESENCE mandatory } | { ID id-SourceID CRITICALITY ignore TYPE SourceID PRESENCE mandatory } | { ID id-TargetID CRITICALITY reject TYPE TargetID PRESENCE mandatory } | { ID id-ClassmarkInformation2 CRITICALITY reject TYPE ClassmarkInformation2 PRESENCE conditional -- This IE shall be present if the Target ID IE contains a CGI IE and Source BSS To Target BSS Transparent Container is not included -{ ID id-ClassmarkInformation3 CRITICALITY ignore TYPE ClassmarkInformation3 PRESENCE conditional -- This IE shall be present if the Target ID IE contains a CGI IE and Source BSS To Target BSS Transparent Container is not included -{ ID id-SourceRNC-ToTargetRNC-TransparentContainer CRITICALITY reject TYPE SourceRNC-ToTargetRNC-TransparentContainer PRESENCE conditional -- This IE shall be present if the Target ID IE contains a RNC-ID IE -} | { ID id-OldBSS-ToNewBSS-Information CRITICALITY ignore TYPE OldBSS-ToNewBSS-Information PRESENCE optional } , ... } RelocationRequiredExtensions RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { -- Extension for Release 5 to enable GERAN support over Iu-cs -{ ID id-GERAN-Classmark CRITICALITY ignore EXTENSION GERAN-Classmark -- Extension for Release 6 to enable Inter-RAT PS Handover between UTRAN and GERAN A/Gb --
} | } |
PRESENCE optional } |
-- ************************************************************** --- Relocation Command --- ************************************************************** RelocationCommand ::= SEQUENCE { protocolIEs ProtocolIE-Container { {RelocationCommandIEs} }, protocolExtensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {RelocationCommandExtensions} } ... }
RelocationCommandIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-TargetRNC-ToSourceRNC-TransparentContainer CRITICALITY reject TYPE TargetRNC-ToSourceRNC-TransparentContainer PRESENCE optional } | { ID id-L3-Information CRITICALITY ignore TYPE L3-Information PRESENCE optional } | { ID id-RAB-RelocationReleaseList CRITICALITY ignore TYPE RAB-RelocationReleaseList PRESENCE optional } | { ID id-RAB-DataForwardingList CRITICALITY ignore TYPE RAB-DataForwardingList PRESENCE optional } | { ID id-CriticalityDiagnostics CRITICALITY ignore TYPE CriticalityDiagnostics PRESENCE optional }, ... } RAB-RelocationReleaseList ::= RAB-IE-ContainerList { {RAB-RelocationReleaseItemIEs} }
TYPE RAB-RelocationReleaseItem
PRESENCE mandatory
RAB-RelocationReleaseItem ::= SEQUENCE { rAB-ID RAB-ID, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {RAB-RelocationReleaseItem-ExtIEs} } ... } RAB-RelocationReleaseItem-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } RAB-DataForwardingList ::= RAB-IE-ContainerList { {RAB-DataForwardingItemIEs} }
RAB-DataForwardingItemIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-RAB-DataForwardingItem CRITICALITY ignore ... } RAB-DataForwardingItem ::= SEQUENCE { rAB-ID RAB-ID, transportLayerAddress TransportLayerAddress,
TYPE RAB-DataForwardingItem
PRESENCE mandatory
RAB-DataForwardingItem-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { -- Extension for Release 5 to allow transfer of a second pair of TLA and association -{ID id-TransportLayerAddress CRITICALITY ignore EXTENSION TransportLayerAddress PRESENCE optional} | {ID id-IuTransportAssociation CRITICALITY ignore EXTENSION IuTransportAssociation PRESENCE optional}, ... } RelocationCommandExtensions RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { -- Extension for Release 5 to enable Inter RAN Load Information Exchange over Iu -{ ID id-InterSystemInformation-TransparentContainer CRITICALITY ignore EXTENSION InterSystemInformation-TransparentContainer PRESENCE optional } | -- Extension for Release 6 to enable Inter-RAT PS Handover between UTRAN and GERAN A/Gb -{ ID id-TargetBSS-ToSourceBSS-TransparentContainer CRITICALITY ignore EXTENSION TargetBSS-ToSourceBSS-TransparentContainer optional }, ... } -- ************************************************************** --- Relocation Preparation Failure --- ************************************************************** RelocationPreparationFailure ::= SEQUENCE { protocolIEs ProtocolIE-Container { {RelocationPreparationFailureIEs} }, protocolExtensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {RelocationPreparationFailureExtensions} } ... }
RelocationPreparationFailureIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-Cause CRITICALITY ignore TYPE Cause PRESENCE mandatory } | { ID id-CriticalityDiagnostics CRITICALITY ignore TYPE CriticalityDiagnostics PRESENCE optional }, ... } RelocationPreparationFailureExtensions RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { -- Extension for Release 5 to enable Inter RAN Load Information Exchange over Iu -{ ID id-InterSystemInformation-TransparentContainer CRITICALITY ignore EXTENSION InterSystemInformation-TransparentContainer PRESENCE optional }, ... } -- ************************************************************** --- RELOCATION RESOURCE ALLOCATION ELEMENTARY PROCEDURE --- ************************************************************** -- **************************************************************
RelocationRequest ::= SEQUENCE { protocolIEs ProtocolIE-Container { {RelocationRequestIEs} }, protocolExtensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {RelocationRequestExtensions} } ... }
RelocationRequestIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-PermanentNAS-UE-ID CRITICALITY ignore TYPE PermanentNAS-UE-ID PRESENCE optional } | { ID id-Cause CRITICALITY ignore TYPE Cause PRESENCE mandatory } | { ID id-CN-DomainIndicator CRITICALITY reject TYPE CN-DomainIndicator PRESENCE mandatory } | { ID id-SourceRNC-ToTargetRNC-TransparentContainer CRITICALITY reject TYPE SourceRNC-ToTargetRNC-TransparentContainer PRESENCE mandatory } | { ID id-RAB-SetupList-RelocReq CRITICALITY reject TYPE RAB-SetupList-RelocReq PRESENCE optional } | { ID id-IntegrityProtectionInformation CRITICALITY ignore TYPE IntegrityProtectionInformation PRESENCE optional } | { ID id-EncryptionInformation CRITICALITY ignore TYPE EncryptionInformation PRESENCE optional } | { ID id-IuSigConId CRITICALITY ignore TYPE IuSignallingConnectionIdentifier PRESENCE mandatory }, ... } RAB-SetupList-RelocReq ::= RAB-IE-ContainerList { {RAB-SetupItem-RelocReq-IEs} }
TYPE RAB-SetupItem-RelocReq
PRESENCE mandatory
RAB-SetupItem-RelocReq ::= SEQUENCE { rAB-ID RAB-ID, nAS-SynchronisationIndicator NAS-SynchronisationIndicator OPTIONAL, rAB-Parameters RAB-Parameters, dataVolumeReportingIndication DataVolumeReportingIndication OPTIONAL -- This IE shall be present if the CN domain indicator IE is set to "PS domain" --, pDP-TypeInformation PDP-TypeInformation OPTIONAL -- This IE shall be present if the CN domain indicator IE is set to "PS domain" --, userPlaneInformation UserPlaneInformation, transportLayerAddress TransportLayerAddress, iuTransportAssociation IuTransportAssociation, service-Handover Service-Handover OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {RAB-SetupItem-RelocReq-ExtIEs} } ... }
RAB-SetupItem-RelocReq-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { -- Extension for Release 4 to enable RAB Quality of Service negotiation over Iu -{ID id-Alt-RAB-Parameters CRITICALITY ignore EXTENSION Alt-RAB-Parameters PRESENCE optional} | -- Extension for Release 5 to enable GERAN support over Iu-cs -{ ID id-GERAN-BSC-Container CRITICALITY ignore EXTENSION GERAN-BSC-Container PRESENCE optional }, ... }
UserPlaneInformation ::= SEQUENCE { userPlaneMode UserPlaneMode, uP-ModeVersions UP-ModeVersions, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {UserPlaneInformation-ExtIEs} } ... } UserPlaneInformation-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... }
RelocationRequestExtensions RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { -- Extension for Release 4 -{ ID id-GlobalCN-ID CRITICALITY reject EXTENSION GlobalCN-ID PRESENCE optional} | -- Extension for Release 5 to enable shared networks in connected mode -{ ID id-SNA-Access-Information CRITICALITY ignore EXTENSION SNA-Access-Information PRESENCE optional} | -- Extension for Release 5 to enable specific behaviour by the RNC in relation with early UE handling -{ ID id-UESBI-Iu CRITICALITY ignore EXTENSION UESBI-Iu PRESENCE optional}| -- Extension for Release 6 to convey the selected PLMN id in network sharing mobility scenarios -{ ID id-SelectedPLMN-ID CRITICALITY ignore EXTENSION PLMNidentity PRESENCE optional }| -- Extension for Release 6 to enable MBMS UE linking at relocation -{ ID id-CNMBMSLinkingInformation CRITICALITY ignore EXTENSION CNMBMSLinkingInformation PRESENCE optional}, ... } CNMBMSLinkingInformation ::= SEQUENCE { joinedMBMSBearerService-IEs JoinedMBMSBearerService-IEs, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {CNMBMSLinkingInformation-ExtIEs} } ... } CNMBMSLinkingInformation-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } JoinedMBMSBearerService-IEs SEQUENCE { tMGI mBMS-PTP-RAB-ID iE-Extensions ... } ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxnoofMulticastServicesPerUE)) OF TMGI, MBMS-PTP-RAB-ID, ProtocolExtensionContainer { {JoinedMBMSBearerService-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
JoinedMBMSBearerService-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } -- ************************************************************** --- Relocation Request Acknowledge --- **************************************************************
RelocationRequestAcknowledge ::= SEQUENCE { protocolIEs ProtocolIE-Container { {RelocationRequestAcknowledgeIEs} }, protocolExtensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {RelocationRequestAcknowledgeExtensions} } ... }
RelocationRequestAcknowledgeIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-TargetRNC-ToSourceRNC-TransparentContainer CRITICALITY ignore TYPE TargetRNC-ToSourceRNC-TransparentContainer PRESENCE optional } | { ID id-RAB-SetupList-RelocReqAck CRITICALITY ignore TYPE RAB-SetupList-RelocReqAck PRESENCE optional} | { ID id-RAB-FailedList CRITICALITY ignore TYPE RAB-FailedList PRESENCE optional }| { ID id-ChosenIntegrityProtectionAlgorithm CRITICALITY ignore TYPE ChosenIntegrityProtectionAlgorithm PRESENCE optional } | { ID id-ChosenEncryptionAlgorithm CRITICALITY ignore TYPE ChosenEncryptionAlgorithm PRESENCE optional } | { ID id-CriticalityDiagnostics CRITICALITY ignore TYPE CriticalityDiagnostics PRESENCE optional }, ... } RAB-SetupList-RelocReqAck ::= RAB-IE-ContainerList { {RAB-SetupItem-RelocReqAck-IEs} }
TYPE RAB-SetupItem-RelocReqAck
PRESENCE mandatory
RAB-SetupItem-RelocReqAck ::= SEQUENCE { rAB-ID RAB-ID, transportLayerAddress TransportLayerAddress OPTIONAL, iuTransportAssociation IuTransportAssociation OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {RAB-SetupItem-RelocReqAck-ExtIEs} } ... }
RAB-SetupItem-RelocReqAck-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { -- Extension for Release 4 to enable RAB Quality of Service negotiation over Iu -{ID id-Ass-RAB-Parameters CRITICALITY ignore EXTENSION Ass-RAB-Parameters PRESENCE optional } | -- Extension for Release 5 to allow transfer of a second pair of TLA and association -{ID id-TransportLayerAddress CRITICALITY ignore EXTENSION TransportLayerAddress PRESENCE optional} | {ID id-IuTransportAssociation CRITICALITY ignore EXTENSION IuTransportAssociation PRESENCE optional}, ... } RAB-FailedList ::= RAB-IE-ContainerList { {RAB-FailedItemIEs} }
RAB-FailedItemIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-RAB-FailedItem CRITICALITY ignore ... } RAB-FailedItem ::= SEQUENCE { rAB-ID cause iE-Extensions ... }
TYPE RAB-FailedItem
PRESENCE mandatory
RAB-FailedItem-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } RelocationRequestAcknowledgeExtensions RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { -- Extension for Release 5 to enable Inter RAN Load Information Exchange over Iu -{ID id-NewBSS-To-OldBSS-Information CRITICALITY ignore EXTENSION NewBSS-To-OldBSS-Information ... } -- ************************************************************** --- Relocation Failure --- ************************************************************** RelocationFailure ::= SEQUENCE { protocolIEs ProtocolIE-Container { {RelocationFailureIEs} }, protocolExtensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {RelocationFailureExtensions} } ... }
PRESENCE optional
RelocationFailureIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-Cause CRITICALITY ignore TYPE Cause PRESENCE mandatory } | { ID id-CriticalityDiagnostics CRITICALITY ignore TYPE CriticalityDiagnostics PRESENCE optional }, ... } RelocationFailureExtensions RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { -- Extension for Release 5 to enable Inter RAN Load Information Exchange over Iu -{ ID id-NewBSS-To-OldBSS-Information CRITICALITY ignore EXTENSION NewBSS-To-OldBSS-Information PRESENCE optional } | -- Extension for Release 5 to enable GERAN support over Iu-cs -{ ID id-GERAN-Classmark CRITICALITY ignore EXTENSION GERAN-Classmark PRESENCE optional }, ... } -- ************************************************************** --- RELOCATION CANCEL ELEMENTARY PROCEDURE --- ************************************************************** -- ************************************************************** --- Relocation Cancel --- ************************************************************** RelocationCancel ::= SEQUENCE { protocolIEs ProtocolIE-Container { {RelocationCancelIEs} }, protocolExtensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {RelocationCancelExtensions} } ... }
TYPE Cause
PRESENCE mandatory },
RelocationCancelExtensions RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } -- ************************************************************** --- Relocation Cancel Acknowledge --- ************************************************************** RelocationCancelAcknowledge ::= SEQUENCE { protocolIEs ProtocolIE-Container { {RelocationCancelAcknowledgeIEs} }, protocolExtensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {RelocationCancelAcknowledgeExtensions} } ... } RelocationCancelAcknowledgeIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-CriticalityDiagnostics CRITICALITY ignore ... }
TYPE CriticalityDiagnostics
PRESENCE optional },
RelocationCancelAcknowledgeExtensions RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } -- ************************************************************** --- SRNS CONTEXT TRANSFER OPEARATION --- ************************************************************** -- ************************************************************** --- SRNS Context Request --- ************************************************************** SRNS-ContextRequest ::= SEQUENCE { protocolIEs ProtocolIE-Container { {SRNS-ContextRequestIEs} }, protocolExtensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {SRNS-ContextRequestExtensions} } ... } SRNS-ContextRequestIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-RAB-DataForwardingList-SRNS-CtxReq CRITICALITY ignore ... }
TYPE RAB-DataForwardingList-SRNS-CtxReq
PRESENCE mandatory
::= RAB-IE-ContainerList { {RAB-DataForwardingItem-SRNS-CtxReq-IEs} }
TYPE RAB-DataForwardingItem-SRNS-CtxReq
PRESENCE mandatory
RAB-DataForwardingItem-SRNS-CtxReq ::= SEQUENCE { rAB-ID RAB-ID, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {RAB-DataForwardingItem-SRNS-CtxReq-ExtIEs} } ... } RAB-DataForwardingItem-SRNS-CtxReq-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... }
SRNS-ContextRequestExtensions RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { -- The SGSN may include the IE, when available to indicate the RAT from which the context request originates, to correct measurement points in SRNC. -{ID id-RAT-Type CRITICALITY ignore EXTENSION RAT-Type PRESENCE optional }, ... } -- ************************************************************** --- SRNS Context Response --- ************************************************************** SRNS-ContextResponse ::= SEQUENCE { protocolIEs ProtocolIE-Container { {SRNS-ContextResponseIEs} }, protocolExtensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {SRNS-ContextResponseExtensions} } ... }
SRNS-ContextResponseIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-RAB-ContextList CRITICALITY ignore TYPE RAB-ContextList PRESENCE optional } | { ID id-RAB-ContextFailedtoTransferList CRITICALITY ignore TYPE RAB-ContextFailedtoTransferList PRESENCE optional }| { ID id-CriticalityDiagnostics CRITICALITY ignore TYPE CriticalityDiagnostics PRESENCE optional }, ... } RAB-ContextList ::= RAB-IE-ContainerList { {RAB-ContextItemIEs} }
RAB-ContextItemIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-RAB-ContextItem CRITICALITY ignore ... } RAB-ContextItem ::= SEQUENCE { rAB-ID dl-GTP-PDU-SequenceNumber ul-GTP-PDU-SequenceNumber
TYPE RAB-ContextItem
PRESENCE mandatory },
TYPE RABs-ContextFailedtoTransferItem
PRESENCE mandatory
RABs-ContextFailedtoTransferItem::= SEQUENCE { rAB-ID RAB-ID, cause Cause, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { { RABs-ContextFailedtoTransferItem-ExtIEs} } ... }
RABs-ContextFailedtoTransferItem-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } SRNS-ContextResponseExtensions RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } -- ************************************************************** --- SECURITY MODE CONTROL ELEMENTARY PROCEDURE --- ************************************************************** -- ************************************************************** --- Security Mode Command --- ************************************************************** SecurityModeCommand ::= SEQUENCE { protocolIEs ProtocolIE-Container { {SecurityModeCommandIEs} }, protocolExtensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {SecurityModeCommandExtensions} } ... }
SecurityModeCommandIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-IntegrityProtectionInformation CRITICALITY reject TYPE IntegrityProtectionInformation PRESENCE mandatory { ID id-EncryptionInformation CRITICALITY ignore TYPE EncryptionInformation PRESENCE optional } |
} |
TYPE KeyStatus PRESENCE mandatory},
SecurityModeComplete ::= SEQUENCE { protocolIEs ProtocolIE-Container { {SecurityModeCompleteIEs} }, protocolExtensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {SecurityModeCompleteExtensions} } ... }
SecurityModeCompleteIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-ChosenIntegrityProtectionAlgorithm CRITICALITY reject TYPE ChosenIntegrityProtectionAlgorithm PRESENCE mandatory { ID id-ChosenEncryptionAlgorithm CRITICALITY ignore TYPE ChosenEncryptionAlgorithm PRESENCE optional } | { ID id-CriticalityDiagnostics CRITICALITY ignore TYPE CriticalityDiagnostics PRESENCE optional }, ... } SecurityModeCompleteExtensions RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } -- ************************************************************** --- Security Mode Reject --- ************************************************************** SecurityModeReject ::= SEQUENCE { protocolIEs ProtocolIE-Container { {SecurityModeRejectIEs} }, protocolExtensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {SecurityModeRejectExtensions} } ... }
} |
SecurityModeRejectIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-Cause CRITICALITY ignore TYPE Cause PRESENCE mandatory } | { ID id-CriticalityDiagnostics CRITICALITY ignore TYPE CriticalityDiagnostics PRESENCE optional }, ... } SecurityModeRejectExtensions RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } -- **************************************************************
DataVolumeReportRequest ::= SEQUENCE { protocolIEs ProtocolIE-Container { {DataVolumeReportRequestIEs} }, protocolExtensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {DataVolumeReportRequestExtensions} } ... } DataVolumeReportRequestIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-RAB-DataVolumeReportRequestList CRITICALITY ignore ... } RAB-DataVolumeReportRequestList
TYPE RAB-DataVolumeReportRequestList
PRESENCE mandatory
TYPE RAB-DataVolumeReportRequestItem
PRESENCE mandatory
RAB-DataVolumeReportRequestItem ::= SEQUENCE { rAB-ID RAB-ID, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {RAB-DataVolumeReportRequestItem-ExtIEs} } ... } RAB-DataVolumeReportRequestItem-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } DataVolumeReportRequestExtensions RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } -- ************************************************************** --- Data Volume Report --- ************************************************************** DataVolumeReport ::= SEQUENCE { protocolIEs ProtocolIE-Container { {DataVolumeReportIEs} }, protocolExtensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {DataVolumeReportExtensions} } ... }
DataVolumeReportIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-RAB-DataVolumeReportList CRITICALITY ignore { ID id-RAB-FailedtoReportList CRITICALITY ignore { ID id-CriticalityDiagnostics CRITICALITY ignore ... } DataVolumeReportExtensions RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } RAB-FailedtoReportList
TYPE RABs-failed-to-reportItem
PRESENCE mandatory
RABs-failed-to-reportItem::= SEQUENCE { rAB-ID RAB-ID, cause Cause, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { { RABs-failed-to-reportItem-ExtIEs} } ... }
-- ************************************************************** --- RESET ELEMENTARY PROCEDURE --- ************************************************************** -- ************************************************************** --- Reset --- ************************************************************** Reset ::= SEQUENCE { protocolIEs protocolExtensions ... } ResetIEs { ID { ID { ID
CRITICALITY ignore TYPE Cause PRESENCE mandatory } | CRITICALITY reject TYPE CN-DomainIndicator PRESENCE mandatory } | CRITICALITY ignore TYPE GlobalRNC-ID PRESENCE optional },
-- ************************************************************** --- Reset Acknowledge --- ************************************************************** ResetAcknowledge ::= SEQUENCE { protocolIEs ProtocolIE-Container { {ResetAcknowledgeIEs} }, protocolExtensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {ResetAcknowledgeExtensions} } ... }
ResetAcknowledgeIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-CN-DomainIndicator CRITICALITY reject TYPE CN-DomainIndicator PRESENCE mandatory } | { ID id-CriticalityDiagnostics CRITICALITY ignore TYPE CriticalityDiagnostics PRESENCE optional } | { ID id-GlobalRNC-ID CRITICALITY ignore TYPE GlobalRNC-ID PRESENCE optional }, ... } ResetAcknowledgeExtensions RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { -- Extension for Release 4 -{ ID id-GlobalCN-ID CRITICALITY ignore EXTENSION GlobalCN-ID -- Extension for Release 7 to indicate extended RNC-ID -{ ID id-ExtendedRNC-ID CRITICALITY reject EXTENSION ExtendedRNC-ID ... } -- ************************************************************** --- RESET RESOURCE ELEMENTARY PROCEDURE --- **************************************************************
-- ************************************************************** --- Reset Resource --- ************************************************************** ResetResource ::= SEQUENCE { protocolIEs ProtocolIE-Container { {ResetResourceIEs} }, protocolExtensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {ResetResourceExtensions} } ...
ResetResourceIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-CN-DomainIndicator CRITICALITY reject TYPE CN-DomainIndicator PRESENCE mandatory } | { ID id-Cause CRITICALITY ignore TYPE Cause PRESENCE mandatory } | { ID id-IuSigConIdList CRITICALITY ignore TYPE ResetResourceList PRESENCE mandatory } | { ID id-GlobalRNC-ID CRITICALITY ignore TYPE GlobalRNC-ID PRESENCE optional }, ... } ResetResourceList ::= IuSigConId-IE-ContainerList{ {ResetResourceItemIEs} }
PRESENCE mandatory },
ResetResourceItem ::= SEQUENCE { iuSigConId IuSignallingConnectionIdentifier, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { { ResetResourceItem-ExtIEs} } ... } ResetResourceItem-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } ResetResourceExtensions RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { -- Extension for Release 4 -{ ID id-GlobalCN-ID CRITICALITY ignore -- Extension for Release 7 to indicate extended RNC-ID -{ ID id-ExtendedRNC-ID CRITICALITY reject ... }
-- ************************************************************** --- Reset Resource Acknowledge --- ************************************************************** ResetResourceAcknowledge ::= SEQUENCE { protocolIEs ProtocolIE-Container { {ResetResourceAcknowledgeIEs} }, protocolExtensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {ResetResourceAcknowledgeExtensions} } ... }
ResetResourceAcknowledgeIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-CN-DomainIndicator CRITICALITY reject TYPE CN-DomainIndicator PRESENCE mandatory } | { ID id-IuSigConIdList CRITICALITY ignore TYPE ResetResourceAckList PRESENCE mandatory } | { ID id-GlobalRNC-ID CRITICALITY ignore TYPE GlobalRNC-ID PRESENCE optional } | { ID id-CriticalityDiagnostics CRITICALITY ignore TYPE CriticalityDiagnostics PRESENCE optional }, ... }
PRESENCE mandatory
ResetResourceAckItem ::= SEQUENCE { iuSigConId IuSignallingConnectionIdentifier, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { { ResetResourceAckItem-ExtIEs} } ... } ResetResourceAckItem-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } ResetResourceAcknowledgeExtensions RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { -- Extension for Release 4 -{ ID id-GlobalCN-ID CRITICALITY ignore EXTENSION GlobalCN-ID -- Extension for Release 7 to indicate extended RNC-ID -{ ID id-ExtendedRNC-ID CRITICALITY reject EXTENSION ExtendedRNC-ID ... } -- ************************************************************** --- RAB RELEASE REQUEST ELEMENTARY PROCEDURE --- ************************************************************** -- ************************************************************** --- RAB Release Request --- ************************************************************** RAB-ReleaseRequest ::= SEQUENCE { protocolIEs ProtocolIE-Container { {RAB-ReleaseRequestIEs} }, protocolExtensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {RAB-ReleaseRequestExtensions} } ... } RAB-ReleaseRequestIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-RAB-ReleaseList CRITICALITY ignore ... } RAB-ReleaseList
TYPE RAB-ReleaseList
PRESENCE mandatory },
TYPE RAB-ReleaseItem
PRESENCE mandatory },
RAB-ReleaseItem-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } RAB-ReleaseRequestExtensions RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } -- ************************************************************** --- Iu RELEASE REQUEST ELEMENTARY PROCEDURE --- ************************************************************** -- ************************************************************** --- Iu Release Request --- ************************************************************** Iu-ReleaseRequest ::= SEQUENCE { protocolIEs ProtocolIE-Container { {Iu-ReleaseRequestIEs} }, protocolExtensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {Iu-ReleaseRequestExtensions} } ... } Iu-ReleaseRequestIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-Cause CRITICALITY ignore ... }
TYPE Cause
PRESENCE mandatory },
Iu-ReleaseRequestExtensions RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } -- ************************************************************** --- RELOCATION DETECT ELEMENTARY PROCEDURE --- ************************************************************** -- ************************************************************** --- Relocation Detect --- **************************************************************
RelocationDetect ::= SEQUENCE { protocolIEs ProtocolIE-Container { {RelocationDetectIEs} }, protocolExtensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {RelocationDetectExtensions} } ... } RelocationDetectIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { ... } RelocationDetectExtensions RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } -- ************************************************************** --- RELOCATION COMPLETE ELEMENTARY PROCEDURE --- ************************************************************** -- ************************************************************** --- Relocation Complete --- ************************************************************** RelocationComplete ::= SEQUENCE { protocolIEs ProtocolIE-Container { {RelocationCompleteIEs} }, protocolExtensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {RelocationCompleteExtensions} } ... } RelocationCompleteIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { ... } RelocationCompleteExtensions RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } -- ************************************************************** --- PAGING ELEMENTARY PROCEDURE --- ************************************************************** -- ************************************************************** --- Paging --- ************************************************************** Paging ::= SEQUENCE {
PagingIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-CN-DomainIndicator CRITICALITY ignore TYPE CN-DomainIndicator PRESENCE mandatory } | { ID id-PermanentNAS-UE-ID CRITICALITY ignore TYPE PermanentNAS-UE-ID PRESENCE mandatory } | { ID id-TemporaryUE-ID CRITICALITY ignore TYPE TemporaryUE-ID PRESENCE optional } | { ID id-PagingAreaID CRITICALITY ignore TYPE PagingAreaID PRESENCE optional } | { ID id-PagingCause CRITICALITY ignore TYPE PagingCause PRESENCE optional } | { ID id-NonSearchingIndication CRITICALITY ignore TYPE NonSearchingIndication PRESENCE optional } | { ID id-DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient CRITICALITY ignore TYPE DRX-CycleLengthCoefficient PRESENCE optional } , ... } PagingExtensions RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { -- Extension for Release 5 to enable NNSF -{ ID id-GlobalCN-ID CRITICALITY ignore ... }
PRESENCE optional } ,
-- ************************************************************** --- COMMON ID ELEMENTARY PROCEDURE --- ************************************************************** -- ************************************************************** --- Common ID --- ************************************************************** CommonID ::= SEQUENCE { protocolIEs ProtocolIE-Container { {CommonID-IEs} }, protocolExtensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {CommonIDExtensions} } ... } CommonID-IEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-PermanentNAS-UE-ID ... }
PRESENCE mandatory },
CommonIDExtensions RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { -- Extension for Release 5 to enable shared networks in connected mode -{ ID id-SNA-Access-Information CRITICALITY ignore EXTENSION SNA-Access-Information PRESENCE optional } | -- Extension for Release 5 to enable specific behaviour by the RNC in relation with early UE handling -{ ID id-UESBI-Iu CRITICALITY ignore EXTENSION UESBI-Iu PRESENCE optional}| -- Extension for Release 6 to indicate the selected plmn in GWCN configuration for network sharing non-supporting UEs -{ ID id-SelectedPLMN-ID CRITICALITY ignore EXTENSION PLMNidentity PRESENCE optional }, ... }
-- ************************************************************** --- CN INVOKE TRACE ELEMENTARY PROCEDURE --- ************************************************************** -- ************************************************************** --- CN Invoke Trace --- ************************************************************** CN-InvokeTrace ::= SEQUENCE { protocolIEs ProtocolIE-Container { {CN-InvokeTraceIEs} }, protocolExtensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {CN-InvokeTraceExtensions} } ... } CN-InvokeTraceIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-TraceType CRITICALITY ignore TYPE TraceType -- This information is mandatory for GERAN Iu Mode, not applicable to UTRAN -{ ID id-TraceReference CRITICALITY ignore TYPE TraceReference { ID id-TriggerID CRITICALITY ignore TYPE TriggerID -- This information is mandatory for GERAN Iu Mode, not applicable to UTRAN -{ ID id-UE-ID CRITICALITY ignore TYPE UE-ID -- This information is mandatory for UTRAN, optional for GERAN Iu mode -{ ID id-OMC-ID CRITICALITY ignore TYPE OMC-ID -- This information is mandatory for GERAN Iu Mode, not applicable to UTRAN -... }
PRESENCE optional } | PRESENCE mandatory PRESENCE optional } | PRESENCE optional PRESENCE optional } | }, } |
CN-InvokeTraceExtensions RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { -- Extension for Release 6 to enable signalling based activation for Subscriber and Equipment Trace over Iu interface -{ ID id-TracePropagationParameters CRITICALITY ignore EXTENSION TracePropagationParameters PRESENCE optional } , ... } -- ************************************************************** --- CN DEACTIVATE TRACE ELEMENTARY PROCEDURE --- ************************************************************** -- ************************************************************** --- CN Deactivate Trace --- ************************************************************** CN-DeactivateTrace ::= SEQUENCE { protocolIEs ProtocolIE-Container { {CN-DeactivateTraceIEs} }, protocolExtensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {CN-DeactivateTraceExtensions} } ...
CN-DeactivateTraceIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-TraceReference CRITICALITY ignore TYPE TraceReference { ID id-TriggerID CRITICALITY ignore TYPE TriggerID -- This information is optional for GERAN Iu Mode, not applicable to UTRAN -... } CN-DeactivateTraceExtensions RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } -- ************************************************************** --- LOCATION REPORTING CONTROL ELEMENTARY PROCEDURE --- ************************************************************** -- ************************************************************** --- Location Reporting Control --- **************************************************************
LocationReportingControl ::= SEQUENCE { protocolIEs ProtocolIE-Container { {LocationReportingControlIEs} }, protocolExtensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {LocationReportingControlExtensions} } ... } LocationReportingControlIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-RequestType CRITICALITY ignore ... }
TYPE RequestType
PRESENCE mandatory
LocationReportingControlExtensions RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { -- Extension for Release 4 to enhance the location request over Iu -{ ID id-VerticalAccuracyCode CRITICALITY ignore EXTENSION -- Extension for Release 4 to enhance the location request over Iu -{ ID id-ResponseTime CRITICALITY ignore EXTENSION -- Extension for Release 4 to enhance the location request over Iu -{ ID id-PositioningPriority CRITICALITY ignore EXTENSION -- Extension for Release 4 to enhance the location request over Iu -{ ID id-ClientType CRITICALITY ignore EXTENSION -- Extension for Release 7 to allow the request of velocity over Iu -{ ID id-IncludeVelocity CRITICALITY ignore EXTENSION -- Extension for Release 7 to allow periodic reporting over Iu -{ ID id-PeriodicLocationInfo CRITICALITY ignore EXTENSION ... } -- ************************************************************** --
PRESENCE optional } | PRESENCE optional } | PRESENCE optional } | PRESENCE optional } | PRESENCE optional } | PRESENCE optional },
LocationReport ::= SEQUENCE { protocolIEs ProtocolIE-Container { {LocationReportIEs} }, protocolExtensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {LocationReportExtensions} } ... } LocationReportIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-AreaIdentity CRITICALITY ignore TYPE AreaIdentity { ID id-Cause CRITICALITY ignore TYPE Cause { ID id-RequestType CRITICALITY ignore TYPE RequestType ... }
LocationReportExtensions RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { -- Extension for Release 4 to enable report of Last Known Service Area with its Age over Iu -{ ID id-LastKnownServiceArea CRITICALITY ignore EXTENSION LastKnownServiceArea PRESENCE optional} | -- Extension for Release 5 to pass the positioning methods that have been used -{ ID id-PositionData CRITICALITY ignore EXTENSION PositionData PRESENCE optional}| -- Extension for Release 5 to pass the positioning methods that have been used for GERAN Iu mode -{ ID id-PositionDataSpecificToGERANIuMode CRITICALITY ignore EXTENSION PositionDataSpecificToGERANIuMode PRESENCE optional }| -- This extension is optional for GERAN Iu mode only, not applicable for UTRAN --- Extension for Release 6 to indicate whether the returned position estimate satisfies the requested accuracy or not -{ ID id-AccuracyFulfilmentIndicator CRITICALITY ignore EXTENSION AccuracyFulfilmentIndicator PRESENCE optional}| -- Extension for Release 7 to provide a velocity estimate -{ ID id-VelocityEstimate CRITICALITY ignore EXTENSION VelocityEstimate PRESENCE optional}, ... } -- ************************************************************** --- INITIAL UE MESSAGE ELEMENTARY PROCEDURE --- ************************************************************** -- ************************************************************** --- Initial UE Message --- ************************************************************** InitialUE-Message ::= SEQUENCE { protocolIEs ProtocolIE-Container { {InitialUE-MessageIEs} }, protocolExtensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {InitialUE-MessageExtensions} } ...
InitialUE-MessageIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-CN-DomainIndicator CRITICALITY ignore TYPE CN-DomainIndicator PRESENCE mandatory } | { ID id-LAI CRITICALITY ignore TYPE LAI PRESENCE mandatory } | { ID id-RAC CRITICALITY ignore TYPE RAC PRESENCE conditional -- This IE shall be present if the CN Domain Indicator IE is set to "PS domain" -} | { ID id-SAI CRITICALITY ignore TYPE SAI PRESENCE mandatory } | { ID id-NAS-PDU CRITICALITY ignore TYPE NAS-PDU PRESENCE mandatory } | { ID id-IuSigConId CRITICALITY ignore TYPE IuSignallingConnectionIdentifier PRESENCE mandatory } | { ID id-GlobalRNC-ID CRITICALITY ignore TYPE GlobalRNC-ID PRESENCE mandatory }, ... } InitialUE-MessageExtensions RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { -- Extension for Release 5 to enable GERAN support over Iu-cs -{ ID id-GERAN-Classmark CRITICALITY ignore EXTENSION GERAN-Classmark PRESENCE optional -- Extension for Release 6 to convey the selected PLMN id in shared networks -{ ID id-SelectedPLMN-ID CRITICALITY ignore EXTENSION PLMNidentity PRESENCE optional -- Extension for Release 6 to enable rerouting in MOCN configuration for network sharing non-supporting UEs -{ ID id-PermanentNAS-UE-ID CRITICALITY ignore EXTENSION PermanentNAS-UE-ID PRESENCE optional -- Extension for Release 6 to enable rerouting in MOCN configuration for network sharing non-supporting UEs -{ ID id-NAS-SequenceNumber CRITICALITY ignore EXTENSION NAS-SequenceNumber PRESENCE optional -- Extension for Release 6 to indicate rerouting in MOCN configuration for network sharing non-supporting UEs -{ ID id-RedirectAttemptFlag CRITICALITY ignore EXTENSION RedirectAttemptFlag PRESENCE optional -- Extension for Release 7 to indicate extended RNC-ID -{ ID id-ExtendedRNC-ID CRITICALITY reject EXTENSION ExtendedRNC-ID PRESENCE optional ... } -- ************************************************************** --- DIRECT TRANSFER ELEMENTARY PROCEDURE --- ************************************************************** -- ************************************************************** --- Direct Transfer --- ************************************************************** DirectTransfer ::= SEQUENCE { protocolIEs ProtocolIE-Container { {DirectTransferIEs} }, protocolExtensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {DirectTransferExtensions} } ... } DirectTransferIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-NAS-PDU CRITICALITY ignore TYPE NAS-PDU { ID id-LAI CRITICALITY ignore TYPE LAI { ID id-RAC CRITICALITY ignore TYPE RAC { ID id-SAI CRITICALITY ignore TYPE SAI { ID id-SAPI CRITICALITY ignore TYPE SAPI
} | } | } | } | }| } ,
PRESENCE mandatory } | PRESENCE optional } | PRESENCE optional } | PRESENCE optional } | PRESENCE optional },
DirectTransferExtensions RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { -- Extension for Release 6 to enable rerouting in MOCN configuration for network sharing non-supporting UEs -{ ID id-RedirectionIndication CRITICALITY ignore EXTENSION RedirectionIndication PRESENCE optional }| -- Extension for Release 6 to indicate the MOCN rerouting is completed -{ ID id-RedirectionCompleted CRITICALITY ignore EXTENSION RedirectionCompleted PRESENCE optional }, ... } RedirectionIndication ::= ProtocolIE-Container { {RedirectionIndication-IEs} } RedirectionIndication-IEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-NAS-PDU CRITICALITY ignore { ID id-RejectCauseValue CRITICALITY ignore { ID id-NAS-SequenceNumber CRITICALITY ignore { ID id-PermanentNAS-UE-ID CRITICALITY ignore ... }
-- ************************************************************** --- OVERLOAD CONTROL ELEMENTARY PROCEDURE --- ************************************************************** -- ************************************************************** --- Overload --- ************************************************************** Overload ::= SEQUENCE { protocolIEs ProtocolIE-Container { {OverloadIEs} }, protocolExtensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {OverloadExtensions} } ... } OverloadIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-NumberOfSteps { ID id-GlobalRNC-ID ... }
OverloadExtensions RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { -- Extension for Release 99 to enable the indication to the { ID id-CN-DomainIndicator CRITICALITY ignore -- Extension for Release 5 to enable NNSF -{ ID id-GlobalCN-ID CRITICALITY ignore -- Extension for Release 7 to indicate extended RNC-ID -{ ID id-ExtendedRNC-ID CRITICALITY reject ... }
RNC which CN domain is suffering the signalling traffic overload -EXTENSION CN-DomainIndicator PRESENCE optional } | EXTENSION GlobalCN-ID EXTENSION ExtendedRNC-ID PRESENCE optional } | PRESENCE optional },
-- ************************************************************** --- ERROR INDICATION ELEMENTARY PROCEDURE --- ************************************************************** -- ************************************************************** --- Error Indication --- ************************************************************** ErrorIndication ::= SEQUENCE { protocolIEs ProtocolIE-Container { {ErrorIndicationIEs} }, protocolExtensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {ErrorIndicationExtensions} } ... }
ErrorIndicationIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-Cause CRITICALITY ignore TYPE Cause PRESENCE optional } | { ID id-CriticalityDiagnostics CRITICALITY ignore TYPE CriticalityDiagnostics PRESENCE optional } | { ID id-CN-DomainIndicator CRITICALITY ignore TYPE CN-DomainIndicator PRESENCE optional } | { ID id-GlobalRNC-ID CRITICALITY ignore TYPE GlobalRNC-ID PRESENCE optional }, ... } ErrorIndicationExtensions RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { -- Extension for Release 4 -{ ID id-GlobalCN-ID CRITICALITY ignore -- Extension for Release 7 to indicate extended RNC-ID -{ ID id-ExtendedRNC-ID CRITICALITY reject ... }
-- ************************************************************** --- SRNS DATA FORWARD ELEMENTARY PROCEDURE --- ************************************************************** -- ************************************************************** --- SRNS Data Forward Command --- ************************************************************** SRNS-DataForwardCommand ::= SEQUENCE { protocolIEs ProtocolIE-Container { {SRNS-DataForwardCommandIEs} }, protocolExtensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {SRNS-DataForwardCommandExtensions} } ... } SRNS-DataForwardCommandIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {
TYPE RAB-DataForwardingList PRESENCE optional },
ForwardSRNS-Context ::= SEQUENCE { protocolIEs ProtocolIE-Container { {ForwardSRNS-ContextIEs} }, protocolExtensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {ForwardSRNS-ContextExtensions} } ... } ForwardSRNS-ContextIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-RAB-ContextList CRITICALITY ignore ... }
TYPE RAB-ContextList
PRESENCE mandatory },
ForwardSRNS-ContextExtensions RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { -- Extension for Release 5 to enable relocation of Source RNC PDCP context info -{ ID id-SourceRNC-PDCP-context-info CRITICALITY ignore EXTENSION RRC-Container PRESENCE optional}, ... } -- ************************************************************** --- RAB ASSIGNMENT ELEMENTARY PROCEDURE --- ************************************************************** -- ************************************************************** --- RAB Assignment Request --- ************************************************************** RAB-AssignmentRequest ::= SEQUENCE { protocolIEs ProtocolIE-Container { {RAB-AssignmentRequestIEs} }, protocolExtensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {RAB-AssignmentRequestExtensions} } ... }
RAB-AssignmentRequestIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-RAB-SetupOrModifyList CRITICALITY ignore TYPE RAB-SetupOrModifyList { ID id-RAB-ReleaseList CRITICALITY ignore TYPE RAB-ReleaseList ... } RAB-SetupOrModifyList
RAB-SetupOrModifyItem-IEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES-PAIR ::= { { ID id-RAB-SetupOrModifyItem FIRST CRITICALITY reject FIRST TYPE RAB-SetupOrModifyItemFirst SECOND CRITICALITY ignore SECOND TYPE RAB-SetupOrModifyItemSecond PRESENCE mandatory }, ... } RAB-SetupOrModifyItemFirst ::= SEQUENCE { rAB-ID RAB-ID, nAS-SynchronisationIndicator NAS-SynchronisationIndicator OPTIONAL, rAB-Parameters RAB-Parameters OPTIONAL, userPlaneInformation UserPlaneInformation OPTIONAL, transportLayerInformation TransportLayerInformation OPTIONAL, service-Handover Service-Handover OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {RAB-SetupOrModifyItemFirst-ExtIEs} } ... } TransportLayerInformation ::= SEQUENCE { transportLayerAddress TransportLayerAddress, iuTransportAssociation IuTransportAssociation, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {TransportLayerInformation-ExtIEs} } ... } TransportLayerInformation-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } RAB-SetupOrModifyItemFirst-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } RAB-SetupOrModifyItemSecond ::= SEQUENCE { pDP-TypeInformation PDP-TypeInformation OPTIONAL, dataVolumeReportingIndication DataVolumeReportingIndication OPTIONAL, dl-GTP-PDU-SequenceNumber DL-GTP-PDU-SequenceNumber OPTIONAL, ul-GTP-PDU-SequenceNumber UL-GTP-PDU-SequenceNumber OPTIONAL, dl-N-PDU-SequenceNumber DL-N-PDU-SequenceNumber OPTIONAL, ul-N-PDU-SequenceNumber UL-N-PDU-SequenceNumber OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {RAB-SetupOrModifyItemSecond-ExtIEs} } ... } RAB-SetupOrModifyItemSecond-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= {
-- Extension for Release 4 to enable RAB Quality of Service negotiation over Iu -{ ID id-Alt-RAB-Parameters CRITICALITY ignore EXTENSION Alt-RAB-Parameters PRESENCE optional } | -- Extension for Release 5 to enable GERAN support over Iu-cs -{ ID id-GERAN-BSC-Container CRITICALITY ignore EXTENSION GERAN-BSC-Container PRESENCE optional } , ... } RAB-AssignmentRequestExtensions RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } -- ************************************************************** --- RAB Assignment Response --- ************************************************************** RAB-AssignmentResponse ::= SEQUENCE { protocolIEs ProtocolIE-Container { {RAB-AssignmentResponseIEs} }, protocolExtensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {RAB-AssignmentResponseExtensions} } ... } RAB-AssignmentResponseIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-RAB-SetupOrModifiedList CRITICALITY ignore TYPE RAB-SetupOrModifiedList { ID id-RAB-ReleasedList CRITICALITY ignore TYPE RAB-ReleasedList { ID { ID { ID { ID ... } RAB-SetupOrModifiedList ::= RAB-IE-ContainerList { {RAB-SetupOrModifiedItemIEs} } id-RAB-QueuedList id-RAB-FailedList id-RAB-ReleaseFailedList id-CriticalityDiagnostics
CRITICALITY ignore TYPE RAB-QueuedList PRESENCE optional } | CRITICALITY ignore TYPE RAB-FailedList PRESENCE optional } | CRITICALITY ignore TYPE RAB-ReleaseFailedList PRESENCE optional } | CRITICALITY ignore TYPE CriticalityDiagnostics PRESENCE optional },
TYPE RAB-SetupOrModifiedItem
PRESENCE mandatory
RAB-SetupOrModifiedItem ::= SEQUENCE { rAB-ID RAB-ID, transportLayerAddress TransportLayerAddress OPTIONAL, iuTransportAssociation IuTransportAssociation OPTIONAL, dl-dataVolumes DataVolumeList OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {RAB-SetupOrModifiedItem-ExtIEs} } ... } RAB-SetupOrModifiedItem-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { -- Extension for Release 4 to enable RAB Quality of Service negotiation over Iu -{ ID id-Ass-RAB-Parameters CRITICALITY ignore EXTENSION Ass-RAB-Parameters ...
PRESENCE optional
TYPE RAB-ReleasedItem
PRESENCE mandatory },
RAB-ReleasedItem ::= SEQUENCE { rAB-ID RAB-ID, dl-dataVolumes DataVolumeList OPTIONAL, dL-GTP-PDU-SequenceNumber DL-GTP-PDU-SequenceNumber OPTIONAL, uL-GTP-PDU-SequenceNumber UL-GTP-PDU-SequenceNumber OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {RAB-ReleasedItem-ExtIEs} } ... } RAB-ReleasedItem-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } DataVolumeList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrOfVol)) OF SEQUENCE { dl-UnsuccessfullyTransmittedDataVolume UnsuccessfullyTransmittedDataVolume, dataVolumeReference DataVolumeReference OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {DataVolumeList-ExtIEs} } ... } DataVolumeList-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } RAB-QueuedList ::= RAB-IE-ContainerList { {RAB-QueuedItemIEs} }
RAB-QueuedItemIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-RAB-QueuedItem CRITICALITY ignore ... } RAB-QueuedItem ::= SEQUENCE { rAB-ID iE-Extensions ... }
TYPE RAB-QueuedItem
PRESENCE mandatory
RAB-QueuedItem-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } RAB-ReleaseFailedList ::= RAB-FailedList RAB-AssignmentResponseExtensions RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= {
-- Extension for Release 5 to enable GERAN support over Iu-cs -{ ID id-GERAN-Iumode-RAB-FailedList-RABAssgntResponse CRITICALITY ignore PRESENCE optional} , ... } GERAN-Iumode-RAB-FailedList-RABAssgntResponse
EXTENSION GERAN-Iumode-RAB-FailedList-RABAssgntResponse
TYPE GERAN-Iumode-RAB-Failed-RABAssgntResponse-Item
GERAN-Iumode-RAB-Failed-RABAssgntResponse-Item ::= SEQUENCE { rAB-ID RAB-ID, cause Cause, gERAN-Classmark GERAN-Classmark OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {GERAN-Iumode-RAB-Failed-RABAssgntResponse-Item-ExtIEs} } ... } GERAN-Iumode-RAB-Failed-RABAssgntResponse-Item-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } -- ************************************************************** --- PRIVATE MESSAGE --- ************************************************************** PrivateMessage ::= SEQUENCE { privateIEs PrivateIE-Container ... }
{ {PrivateMessage-IEs } },
PrivateMessage-IEs RANAP-PRIVATE-IES ::= { ... } -- ************************************************************** --- RANAP RELOCATION INFORMATION ELEMENTARY PROCEDURE --- ************************************************************** RANAP-RelocationInformation ::= SEQUENCE { protocolIEs ProtocolIE-Container { {RANAP-RelocationInformationIEs} }, protocolExtensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {RANAP-RelocationInformationExtensions} } ... } RANAP-RelocationInformationIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {
{ ID id-DirectTransferInformationList-RANAP-RelocInf CRITICALITY ignore TYPE DirectTransferInformationList-RANAP-RelocInf PRESENCE optional } | { ID id-RAB-ContextList-RANAP-RelocInf CRITICALITY ignore TYPE RAB-ContextList-RANAP-RelocInf ... } DirectTransferInformationList-RANAP-RelocInf
PRESENCE optional },
DirectTransferInformationItemIEs-RANAP-RelocInf RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-DirectTransferInformationItem-RANAP-RelocInf CRITICALITY ignore TYPE DirectTransferInformationItem-RANAP-RelocInf PRESENCE mandatory }, ... } DirectTransferInformationItem-RANAP-RelocInf ::= SEQUENCE { nAS-PDU NAS-PDU, sAPI SAPI, cN-DomainIndicator CN-DomainIndicator, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {RANAP-DirectTransferInformationItem-ExtIEs-RANAP-RelocInf} } ... } RANAP-DirectTransferInformationItem-ExtIEs-RANAP-RelocInf RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } RAB-ContextList-RANAP-RelocInf ::= RAB-IE-ContainerList { {RAB-ContextItemIEs-RANAP-RelocInf} }
TYPE RAB-ContextItem-RANAP-RelocInf
PRESENCE mandatory
RAB-ContextItem-RANAP-RelocInf ::= SEQUENCE { rAB-ID RAB-ID, dl-GTP-PDU-SequenceNumber DL-GTP-PDU-SequenceNumber OPTIONAL, ul-GTP-PDU-SequenceNumber UL-GTP-PDU-SequenceNumber OPTIONAL, dl-N-PDU-SequenceNumber DL-N-PDU-SequenceNumber OPTIONAL, ul-N-PDU-SequenceNumber UL-N-PDU-SequenceNumber OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {RAB-ContextItem-ExtIEs-RANAP-RelocInf} } ... } RAB-ContextItem-ExtIEs-RANAP-RelocInf RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } RANAP-RelocationInformationExtensions RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { -- Extension for Release 5 to enable relocation of Source RNC PDCP context info -{ ID id-SourceRNC-PDCP-context-info CRITICALITY ignore EXTENSION RRC-Container PRESENCE optional}, ... }
-- ************************************************************** --- RAB MODIFICATION REQUEST ELEMENTARY PROCEDURE --- ************************************************************** -- ************************************************************** --- RAB Modify Request --- ************************************************************** RAB-ModifyRequest ::= SEQUENCE { protocolIEs ProtocolIE-Container { {RAB-ModifyRequestIEs} }, protocolExtensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {RAB-ModifyRequestExtensions} } ... } RAB-ModifyRequestIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-RAB-ModifyList CRITICALITY ignore ... } RAB-ModifyList
TYPE RAB-ModifyList
PRESENCE mandatory},
TYPE RAB-ModifyItem
PRESENCE mandatory
RAB-ModifyItem ::= SEQUENCE { rAB-ID RAB-ID, requested-RAB-Parameter-Values Requested-RAB-Parameter-Values, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {RAB-ModifyItem-ExtIEs} } ... } RAB-ModifyItem-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } RAB-ModifyRequestExtensions RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } -- ************************************************************** --- LOCATION RELATED DATA ELEMENTARY PROCEDURE --- ************************************************************** -- ************************************************************** --
LocationRelatedDataRequest ::= SEQUENCE { protocolIEs ProtocolIE-Container { {LocationRelatedDataRequestIEs} }, protocolExtensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {LocationRelatedDataRequestExtensions} } ... } LocationRelatedDataRequestIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-LocationRelatedDataRequestType CRITICALITY reject TYPE LocationRelatedDataRequestType -- This IE is mandatory for UTRAN, optional for GERAN Iu Mode ... }
PRESENCE optional },
LocationRelatedDataRequestExtensions RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { -- Extension for Release 5 to enable LCS support for GERAN Iu mode -{ ID id-LocationRelatedDataRequestTypeSpecificToGERANIuMode CRITICALITY reject EXTENSION LocationRelatedDataRequestTypeSpecificToGERANIuMode PRESENCE optional }| -- The previous extension is optional for GERAN Iu Mode only, not applicable for UTRAN --- Extension for Release 7 to request GANSS Assistance Data. This IE shall be present if the Requested Location Related Data Type IE is set to -- "Dedicated Assistance Data for Assisted GANSS" or `Dedicated Assistance Data for Assisted GPS and GANSS"-{ ID id-RequestedGANSSAssistanceData CRITICALITY reject EXTENSION RequestedGANSSAssistanceData PRESENCE conditional }, ... } -- ************************************************************** --- Location Related Data Response --- ************************************************************** LocationRelatedDataResponse ::= SEQUENCE { protocolIEs ProtocolIE-Container { { LocationRelatedDataResponseIEs} }, protocolExtensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { { LocationRelatedDataResponseExtensions} } ... } LocationRelatedDataResponseIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-BroadcastAssistanceDataDecipheringKeys CRITICALITY ignore ... } LocationRelatedDataResponseExtensions RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { -- Extension for error handling { ID id-CriticalityDiagnostics CRITICALITY ignore { ID id-BroadcastGANSSAssistanceDataDecipheringKeys CRITICALITY ignore ... } -- ************************************************************** --
TYPE BroadcastAssistanceDataDecipheringKeys
PRESENCE optional },
LocationRelatedDataFailure ::= SEQUENCE { protocolIEs ProtocolIE-Container { { LocationRelatedDataFailureIEs} }, protocolExtensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { { LocationRelatedDataFailureExtensions} } ... } LocationRelatedDataFailureIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-Cause CRITICALITY ignore TYPE Cause ... }
PRESENCE mandatory
LocationRelatedDataFailureExtensions RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { -- Extension for error handling { ID id-CriticalityDiagnostics CRITICALITY ignore EXTENSION CriticalityDiagnostics ... } -- ************************************************************** --- INFORMATION TRANSFER ELEMENTARY PROCEDURE --- ************************************************************** -- ************************************************************** --- Information Transfer Indication --- **************************************************************
PRESENCE optional },
InformationTransferIndication ::= SEQUENCE { protocolIEs ProtocolIE-Container { { InformationTransferIndicationIEs} }, protocolExtensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { { InformationTransferIndicationExtensions} } ... } InformationTransferIndicationIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES { ID id-InformationTransferID CRITICALITY { ID id-ProvidedData CRITICALITY { ID id-CN-DomainIndicator CRITICALITY { ID id-GlobalCN-ID CRITICALITY ... } ::= { reject reject reject ignore
InformationTransferConfirmation ::= SEQUENCE { protocolIEs ProtocolIE-Container { { InformationTransferConfirmationIEs} }, protocolExtensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { { InformationTransferConfirmationExtensions} } ... } InformationTransferConfirmationIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-InformationTransferID CRITICALITY ignore { ID id-CN-DomainIndicator CRITICALITY ignore { ID id-CriticalityDiagnostics CRITICALITY ignore { ID id-GlobalRNC-ID CRITICALITY ignore ... }
} | } | } | },
InformationTransferConfirmationExtensions RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { -- Extension for Release 7 to indicate extended RNC-ID -{ ID id-ExtendedRNC-ID CRITICALITY reject EXTENSION ExtendedRNC-ID ... } -- ************************************************************** --- Information Transfer Failure --- **************************************************************
PRESENCE optional },
InformationTransferFailure ::= SEQUENCE { protocolIEs ProtocolIE-Container { { InformationTransferFailureIEs} }, protocolExtensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { { InformationTransferFailureExtensions} } ... } InformationTransferFailureIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-InformationTransferID CRITICALITY ignore { ID id-CN-DomainIndicator CRITICALITY ignore { ID id-Cause CRITICALITY ignore { ID id-CriticalityDiagnostics CRITICALITY ignore { ID id-GlobalRNC-ID CRITICALITY ignore ... }
} | } | } | } | },
InformationTransferFailureExtensions RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { -- Extension for Release 7 to indicate extended RNC-ID -{ ID id-ExtendedRNC-ID CRITICALITY reject EXTENSION ExtendedRNC-ID ... } -- ************************************************************** --- UE SPECIFIC INFORMATION ELEMENTARY PROCEDURE --
PRESENCE optional },
UESpecificInformationIndication ::= SEQUENCE { protocolIEs ProtocolIE-Container { {UESpecificInformationIndicationIEs} }, protocolExtensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {UESpecificInformationIndicationExtensions} } ... } UESpecificInformationIndicationIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-UESBI-Iu CRITICALITY ignore TYPE UESBI-Iu ... } UESpecificInformationIndicationExtensions RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } -- ************************************************************** --- DIRECT INFORMATION TRANSFER ELEMENTARY PROCEDURE --- ************************************************************** -- ************************************************************** --- Direct Information Transfer --- ************************************************************** DirectInformationTransfer ::= SEQUENCE { protocolIEs ProtocolIE-Container { { DirectInformationTransferIEs} }, protocolExtensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { { DirectInformationTransferExtensions} } ... }
PRESENCE optional
DirectInformationTransferIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-InterSystemInformationTransferType CRITICALITY ignore TYPE InterSystemInformationTransferType PRESENCE optional } { ID id-CN-DomainIndicator CRITICALITY ignore TYPE CN-DomainIndicator PRESENCE mandatory } | { ID id-GlobalRNC-ID CRITICALITY ignore TYPE GlobalRNC-ID PRESENCE optional } | { ID id-GlobalCN-ID CRITICALITY ignore TYPE GlobalCN-ID PRESENCE optional }, ... } DirectInformationTransferExtensions RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { -- Extension for Release 7 to indicate extended RNC-ID -{ ID id-ExtendedRNC-ID CRITICALITY reject EXTENSION ExtendedRNC-ID ... }
PRESENCE optional },
-- ************************************************************** --- UPLINK INFORMATION EXCHANGE ELEMENTARY PROCEDURE --- ************************************************************** -- ************************************************************** --- Uplink Information Exchange Request --- ************************************************************** UplinkInformationExchangeRequest ::= SEQUENCE { protocolIEs ProtocolIE-Container protocolExtensions ProtocolExtensionContainer ... }
{ { UplinkInformationExchangeRequestIEs} }, { { UplinkInformationExchangeRequestExtensions} }
UplinkInformationExchangeRequestIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-InformationExchangeID CRITICALITY reject TYPE { ID id-InformationExchangeType CRITICALITY reject TYPE { ID id-InformationTransferType CRITICALITY reject TYPE -- This IE shall be present if the Information Exchange Type { ID id-InformationRequestType CRITICALITY reject TYPE -- This IE shall be present if the Information Exchange Type { ID id-CN-DomainIndicator CRITICALITY reject TYPE { ID id-GlobalRNC-ID CRITICALITY reject TYPE ... }
InformationExchangeID PRESENCE mandatory } | InformationExchangeType PRESENCE mandatory } | InformationTransferType PRESENCE conditional IE is set to "transfer" -InformationRequestType PRESENCE conditional IE is set to "request" -CN-DomainIndicator PRESENCE mandatory } | GlobalRNC-ID PRESENCE mandatory },
} | } |
UplinkInformationExchangeRequestExtensions RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { -- Extension for Release 7 to indicate extended RNC-ID -{ ID id-ExtendedRNC-ID CRITICALITY reject EXTENSION ExtendedRNC-ID ... } -- ************************************************************** --- Uplink Information Exchange Response --- ************************************************************** UplinkInformationExchangeResponse ::= SEQUENCE { protocolIEs ProtocolIE-Container protocolExtensions ProtocolExtensionContainer ... }
PRESENCE optional },
{ { UplinkInformationExchangeResponseIEs} }, { { UplinkInformationExchangeResponseExtensions} }
UplinkInformationExchangeResponseIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { ID id-InformationExchangeID CRITICALITY ignore { ID id-InformationRequested CRITICALITY ignore { ID id-CN-DomainIndicator CRITICALITY ignore { ID id-GlobalCN-ID CRITICALITY ignore
} } } }
| | | |
TYPE CriticalityDiagnostics PRESENCE optional } ,
UplinkInformationExchangeResponseExtensions RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } -- ************************************************************** --- Uplink Information Exchange Failure --- ************************************************************** UplinkInformationExchangeFailure ::= SEQUENCE { protocolIEs ProtocolIE-Container { { UplinkInformationExchangeFailureIEs} }, protocolExtensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { { UplinkInformationExchangeFailureExtensions} } ... } UplinkInformationExchangeFailureIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-InformationExchangeID CRITICALITY ignore TYPE { ID id-CN-DomainIndicator CRITICALITY ignore TYPE { ID id-GlobalCN-ID CRITICALITY ignore TYPE { ID id-Cause CRITICALITY ignore TYPE { ID id-CriticalityDiagnostics CRITICALITY ignore TYPE ... }
} } } } }
| | | | ,
UplinkInformationExchangeFailureExtensions RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } -- ************************************************************** --- MBMS SESSION START PROCEDURE --- ************************************************************** -- ************************************************************** --- MBMS Session Start --- ************************************************************** MBMSSessionStart ::= SEQUENCE { protocolIEs ProtocolIE-Container protocolExtensions ProtocolExtensionContainer ... }
{ { MBMSSessionStartIEs} }, { { MBMSSessionStartExtensions} }
MBMSSessionStartIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-TMGI CRITICALITY reject TYPE TMGI { ID id-MBMSSessionIdentity CRITICALITY ignore TYPE MBMSSessionIdentity
} |
id-MBMSBearerServiceType CRITICALITY reject TYPE MBMSBearerServiceType id-IuSigConId CRITICALITY reject TYPE IuSignallingConnectionIdentifier id-RAB-Parameters CRITICALITY reject TYPE RAB-Parameters id-PDP-TypeInformation CRITICALITY ignore TYPE PDP-TypeInformation id-MBMSSessionDuration CRITICALITY reject TYPE MBMSSessionDuration id-MBMSServiceArea CRITICALITY reject TYPE MBMSServiceArea id-FrequenceLayerConvergenceFlag CRITICALITY ignore TYPE FrequenceLayerConvergenceFlag id-RAListofIdleModeUEs CRITICALITY ignore TYPE RAListofIdleModeUEs id-GlobalCN-ID CRITICALITY reject TYPE GlobalCN-ID id-MBMSSessionRepetitionNumber CRITICALITY ignore TYPE MBMSSessionRepetitionNumber id-TimeToMBMSDataTransfer CRITICALITY reject TYPE TimeToMBMSDataTransfer
MBMSSessionStartExtensions RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { -- Extension for Release 6 to enable MBMS counting in broadcast mode -{ ID id-MBMSCountingInformation CRITICALITY ignore EXTENSION MBMSCountingInformation ... } -- ************************************************************** --- MBMS Session Start Response --- ************************************************************** MBMSSessionStartResponse::= SEQUENCE { protocolIEs ProtocolIE-Container protocolExtensions ProtocolExtensionContainer ... }
PRESENCE optional },
{ {MBMSSessionStartResponseIEs} }, { {MBMSSessionStartResponseExtensions} }
MBMSSessionStartResponseIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-TransportLayerInformation CRITICALITY ignore { ID id-Cause CRITICALITY ignore { ID id-CriticalityDiagnostics CRITICALITY ignore ... }
} | } | } ,
MBMSSessionStartResponseExtensions RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } -- ************************************************************** --- MBMS Session Start Failure --- ************************************************************** MBMSSessionStartFailure ::= SEQUENCE { protocolIEs ProtocolIE-Container protocolExtensions ProtocolExtensionContainer ... }
{ { MBMSSessionStartFailureIEs} }, { { MBMSSessionStartFailureExtensions} }
MBMSSessionStartFailureIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-Cause CRITICALITY ignore { ID id-CriticalityDiagnostics CRITICALITY ignore ... }
} | } ,
MBMSSessionStartFailureExtensions RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } -- ************************************************************** --- MBMS SESSION UPDATE PROCEDURE --- ************************************************************** -- ************************************************************** --- MBMS Session Update --- ************************************************************** MBMSSessionUpdate ::= SEQUENCE { protocolIEs ProtocolIE-Container protocolExtensions ProtocolExtensionContainer ... }
{ { MBMSSessionUpdateIEs} }, { { MBMSSessionUpdateExtensions} }
MBMSSessionUpdateIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-SessionUpdateID CRITICALITY reject { ID id-DeltaRAListofIdleModeUEs CRITICALITY reject ... } MBMSSessionUpdateExtensions RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... }
} | },
-- ************************************************************** --- MBMS Session Update Response --- ************************************************************** MBMSSessionUpdateResponse ::= SEQUENCE { protocolIEs ProtocolIE-Container protocolExtensions ProtocolExtensionContainer ... }
{ { MBMSSessionUpdateResponseIEs} }, { { MBMSSessionUpdateResponseExtensions} }
} | } |
TYPE Cause TYPE CriticalityDiagnostics PRESENCE optional PRESENCE optional
{ { MBMSSessionUpdateFailureIEs} }, { { MBMSSessionUpdateFailureExtensions} }
MBMSSessionUpdateFailureIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-SessionUpdateID CRITICALITY ignore { ID id-Cause CRITICALITY ignore { ID id-CriticalityDiagnostics CRITICALITY ignore ... }
} | } | } ,
MBMSSessionUpdateFailureExtensions RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } -- ************************************************************** --- MBMS SESSION STOP PROCEDURE --- ************************************************************** -- ************************************************************** --- MBMS Session Stop --- ************************************************************** MBMSSessionStop ::= SEQUENCE { protocolIEs ProtocolIE-Container protocolExtensions ProtocolExtensionContainer ... } MBMSSessionStopIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-MBMSCNDe-Registration CRITICALITY reject ... }
{ { MBMSSessionStopIEs} }, { { MBMSSessionStopExtensions} }
TYPE MBMSCNDe-Registration
PRESENCE mandatory },
MBMSSessionStopExtensions RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } -- ************************************************************** --- MBMS Session Stop Response --- ************************************************************** MBMSSessionStopResponse ::= SEQUENCE { protocolIEs ProtocolIE-Container protocolExtensions ProtocolExtensionContainer ... }
{ { MBMSSessionStopResponseIEs} }, { { MBMSSessionStopResponseExtensions} }
MBMSSessionStopResponseIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-Cause CRITICALITY ignore { ID id-CriticalityDiagnostics CRITICALITY ignore ... }
} | } ,
MBMSSessionStopResponseExtensions RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } -- ************************************************************** --- MBMS UE LINKING PROCEDURE --- ************************************************************** -- ************************************************************** --- MBMS UE Linking Request --- ************************************************************** MBMSUELinkingRequest ::= SEQUENCE { protocolIEs ProtocolIE-Container protocolExtensions ProtocolExtensionContainer ... }
{ { MBMSUELinkingRequestIEs} }, { { MBMSUELinkingRequestExtensions} }
MBMSUELinkingRequestIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-JoinedMBMSBearerServicesList CRITICALITY reject { ID id-LeftMBMSBearerServicesList CRITICALITY reject ... }
{ { MBMSUELinkingResponseIEs} }, { { MBMSUELinkingResponseExtensions} }
MBMSUELinkingResponseIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-UnsuccessfulLinkingList CRITICALITY ignore { ID id-CriticalityDiagnostics CRITICALITY ignore ... }
} | } ,
UnsuccessfulLinking-IEs ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxnoofMulticastServicesPerUE)) OF SEQUENCE { tMGI TMGI, cause Cause, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {UnsuccessfulLinking-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, ... } UnsuccessfulLinking-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } MBMSUELinkingResponseExtensions RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } -- ************************************************************** --- MBMS REGISTRATION PROCEDURE --- ************************************************************** -- ************************************************************** --
{ { MBMSRegistrationRequestIEs} }, { { MBMSRegistrationRequestExtensions} }
MBMSRegistrationRequestIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-MBMSRegistrationRequestType CRITICALITY reject TYPE MBMSRegistrationRequestType { ID id-TMGI CRITICALITY reject TYPE TMGI { ID id-IPMulticastAddress CRITICALITY reject TYPE IPMulticastAddress -- This IE shall be present if the MBMS Registration Request Type IE is set to "register" -{ ID id-APN CRITICALITY reject TYPE APN -- This IE shall be present if the MBMS Registration Request Type IE is set to "register" -{ ID id-GlobalRNC-ID CRITICALITY reject TYPE GlobalRNC-ID ... } MBMSRegistrationRequestExtensions RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { -- Extension for Release 7 to indicate extended RNC-ID -{ ID id-ExtendedRNC-ID CRITICALITY reject EXTENSION ExtendedRNC-ID ... } -- ************************************************************** --- MBMS Registration Response --- ************************************************************** MBMSRegistrationResponse ::= SEQUENCE { protocolIEs ProtocolIE-Container protocolExtensions ProtocolExtensionContainer ... }
PRESENCE mandatory PRESENCE mandatory } | PRESENCE conditional } | PRESENCE conditional } | PRESENCE optional },
} |
PRESENCE optional },
{ { MBMSRegistrationResponseIEs} }, { { MBMSRegistrationResponseExtensions} }
MBMSRegistrationResponseIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-TMGI CRITICALITY ignore { ID id-GlobalCN-ID CRITICALITY ignore { ID id-CriticalityDiagnostics CRITICALITY ignore ... }
} | } | } ,
{ { MBMSRegistrationFailureIEs} }, { { MBMSRegistrationFailureExtensions} }
} } } }
| | | ,
MBMSRegistrationFailureExtensions RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } -- ************************************************************** --- MBMS CN DE-REGISTRATION PROCEDURE --- ************************************************************** -- ************************************************************** --- MBMS CN De-Registration Request --- ************************************************************** MBMSCNDe-RegistrationRequest ::= SEQUENCE { protocolIEs ProtocolIE-Container protocolExtensions ProtocolExtensionContainer ... }
{ { MBMSCNDe-RegistrationRequestIEs} }, { { MBMSCNDe-RegistrationRequestExtensions} }
MBMSCNDe-RegistrationRequestIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-TMGI CRITICALITY reject { ID id-GlobalCN-ID CRITICALITY reject ... }
} | },
MBMSCNDe-RegistrationRequestExtensions RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } -- ************************************************************** --- MBMS CN De-Registration Response --- **************************************************************
{ { MBMSCNDe-RegistrationResponseIEs} }, { { MBMSCNDe-RegistrationResponseExtensions} }
} } } }
| | | ,
MBMSCNDe-RegistrationResponseExtensions RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { -- Extension for Release 7 to indicate extended RNC-ID -{ ID id-ExtendedRNC-ID CRITICALITY reject EXTENSION ExtendedRNC-ID ... } -- ************************************************************** --- MBMS RAB ESTABLISHMENT INDICATION PROCEDURE --- ************************************************************** -- ************************************************************** --- MBMS RAB Establishment Indication --- ************************************************************** MBMSRABEstablishmentIndication ::= SEQUENCE { protocolIEs ProtocolIE-Container protocolExtensions ProtocolExtensionContainer ... }
PRESENCE optional },
{ { MBMSRABEstablishmentIndicationIEs} }, { { MBMSRABEstablishmentIndicationExtensions} }
TYPE TransportLayerInformation
PRESENCE mandatory
} ,
MBMSRABEstablishmentIndicationExtensions RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } -- ************************************************************** --- MBMS RAB RELEASE PROCEDURE --- ************************************************************** -- **************************************************************
{ {MBMSRABReleaseRequestIEs} }, { {MBMSRABReleaseRequestExtensions} }
PRESENCE mandatory
MBMSRABReleaseRequestExtensions RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } -- ************************************************************** --- MBMS RAB Release --- ************************************************************** MBMSRABRelease ::= SEQUENCE { protocolIEs ProtocolIE-Container protocolExtensions ProtocolExtensionContainer ... } MBMSRABReleaseIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-Cause CRITICALITY ignore { ID id-CriticalityDiagnostics ... }
{ {MBMSRABReleaseIEs} }, { {MBMSRABReleaseExtensions} }
PRESENCE optional
MBMSRABReleaseExtensions RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } -- ************************************************************** --- MBMS RAB Release Failure --- ************************************************************** MBMSRABReleaseFailure ::= SEQUENCE { protocolIEs ProtocolIE-Container protocolExtensions ProtocolExtensionContainer ... }
{ {MBMSRABReleaseFailureIEs} }, { {MBMSRABReleaseFailureExtensions} }
MBMSRABReleaseFailureIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-Cause CRITICALITY ignore TYPE Cause { ID id-CriticalityDiagnostics CRITICALITY ignore ... } MBMSRABReleaseFailureExtensions RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... }
PRESENCE optional
-- ************************************************************** --- Information Element Definitions --- ************************************************************** RANAP-IEs { itu-t (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) mobileDomain (0) umts-Access (20) modules (3) ranap (0) version1 (1) ranap-IEs (2) } DEFINITIONS AUTOMATIC TAGS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS maxNrOfErrors, maxNrOfPDPDirections, maxNrOfPoints, maxNrOfRABs, maxNrOfSRBs, maxNrOfSeparateTrafficDirections, maxRAB-Subflows, maxRAB-SubflowCombination, maxNrOfLevels, maxNrOfAltValues, maxNrOfSNAs, maxNrOfLAs, maxNrOfPLMNsSN, maxSet, maxNrOfHSDSCHMACdFlows-1, maxNrOfUEsToBeTraced, maxNrOfInterfaces, maxnoofMulticastServicesPerRNC, maxMBMSSA, maxMBMSRA, maxnoofMulticastServicesPerUE, maxNrOfEDCHMACdFlows-1,
FROM RANAP-Constants Criticality, ProcedureCode, ProtocolIE-ID, TriggeringMessage FROM RANAP-CommonDataTypes ProtocolExtensionContainer{}, RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION FROM RANAP-Containers; -- A AccuracyFulfilmentIndicator ::= ENUMERATED{ requested-Accuracy-Fulfilled, requested-Accuracy-Not-Fulfilled, ... } AllocationOrRetentionPriority ::= SEQUENCE { priorityLevel PriorityLevel,
pre-emptionCapability Pre-emptionCapability, pre-emptionVulnerability Pre-emptionVulnerability, queuingAllowed QueuingAllowed, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {AllocationOrRetentionPriority-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, ... } AllocationOrRetentionPriority-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } Alt-RAB-Parameters ::= SEQUENCE { altMaxBitrateInf Alt-RAB-Parameter-MaxBitrateInf altGuaranteedBitRateInf Alt-RAB-Parameter-GuaranteedBitrateInf iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {Alt-RAB-Parameters-ExtIEs} } ... }
Alt-RAB-Parameters-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { -- Extension for Release 6 to indicate an alternative RAB configuration -{ ID id-AlternativeRABConfiguration CRITICALITY ignore EXTENSION RAB-Parameters PRESENCE optional }| -- Extension for Release 7 to indicate an alternative list of Extended Guaranteed Bitrates -{ ID id-Alt-RAB-Parameter-ExtendedGuaranteedBitrateInf CRITICALITY ignore EXTENSION Alt-RAB-Parameter-ExtendedGuaranteedBitrateInf PRESENCE optional }| -- Extension for Release 7 to indicate an alternative list of Extended Maximum Bitrates -{ ID id-Alt-RAB-Parameter-ExtendedMaxBitrateInf CRITICALITY ignore EXTENSION Alt-RAB-Parameter-ExtendedMaxBitrateInf PRESENCE optional }, ... } Alt-RAB-Parameter-ExtendedGuaranteedBitrateInf ::= SEQUENCE { altExtendedGuaranteedBitrateType Alt-RAB-Parameter-GuaranteedBitrateType, altExtendedGuaranteedBitrates Alt-RAB-Parameter-ExtendedGuaranteedBitrates OPTIONAL -- This IE shall be present if the Type of Extended Guaranteed Bit Rates Information IE is set to "Value range" or "Discrete values" --, ... } Alt-RAB-Parameter-ExtendedGuaranteedBitrates ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrOfAltValues)) OF Alt-RAB-Parameter-ExtendedGuaranteedBitrateList Alt-RAB-Parameter-ExtendedGuaranteedBitrateList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrOfSeparateTrafficDirections)) OF ExtendedGuaranteedBitrate Alt-RAB-Parameter-GuaranteedBitrateInf ::= SEQUENCE { altGuaranteedBitrateType Alt-RAB-Parameter-GuaranteedBitrateType, altGuaranteedBitrates Alt-RAB-Parameter-GuaranteedBitrates OPTIONAL -- This IE shall be present if the Type of Guaranteed Bit Rates Information IE is set to "Value range" or "Discrete values" --, ... } Alt-RAB-Parameter-GuaranteedBitrateType ::= ENUMERATED{ unspecified, value-range, discrete-values, ... }
Alt-RAB-Parameter-GuaranteedBitrateList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrOfSeparateTrafficDirections)) OF GuaranteedBitrate Alt-RAB-Parameter-ExtendedMaxBitrateInf altExtendedMaxBitrateType altExtendedMaxBitrates -- This IE shall be present if the --, ... } ::= SEQUENCE { Alt-RAB-Parameter-MaxBitrateType, Alt-RAB-Parameter-ExtendedMaxBitrates OPTIONAL Type of Extended Alternative Maximum Bit Rates Information IE is set to "Value range" or "Discrete values"
Alt-RAB-Parameter-ExtendedMaxBitrates ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrOfAltValues)) OF Alt-RAB-Parameter-ExtendedMaxBitrateList Alt-RAB-Parameter-ExtendedMaxBitrateList Alt-RAB-Parameter-MaxBitrateInf altMaxBitrateType altMaxBitrates -- This IE shall be present ... } ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrOfSeparateTrafficDirections)) OF ExtendedMaxBitrate
::= SEQUENCE { Alt-RAB-Parameter-MaxBitrateType, Alt-RAB-Parameter-MaxBitrates OPTIONAL if the Type of Alternative Maximun Bit Rates Information IE is set to "Value range" or "Discrete values" --,
Alt-RAB-Parameter-MaxBitrateType ::= ENUMERATED{ unspecified, value-range, discrete-values, ... } Alt-RAB-Parameter-MaxBitrates ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrOfAltValues)) OF Alt-RAB-Parameter-MaxBitrateList
Alt-RAB-Parameter-MaxBitrateList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrOfSeparateTrafficDirections)) OF MaxBitrate AlternativeRABConfigurationRequest ::= ENUMERATED{ alternative-RAB-configuration-Requested, ... } APN ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..255)) -- Reference: 23.003 AreaIdentity ::= CHOICE { sAI SAI, geographicalArea ... }
Ass-RAB-Parameters ::= SEQUENCE { assMaxBitrateInf Ass-RAB-Parameter-MaxBitrateList assGuaranteedBitRateInf Ass-RAB-Parameter-GuaranteedBitrateList iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {Ass-RAB-Parameters-ExtIEs} } ... }
Ass-RAB-Parameters-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { -- Extension for Release 7 to indicate an extended assigned Guaranteed Bitrate -{ ID id-Ass-RAB-Parameter-ExtendedGuaranteedBitrateList CRITICALITY reject EXTENSION Ass-RAB-Parameter-ExtendedGuaranteedBitrateList PRESENCE optional }| -- Extension for Release 7 to indicate an extended assigned Maximum Bitrate -{ ID id-Ass-RAB-Parameter-ExtendedMaxBitrateList CRITICALITY reject EXTENSION Ass-RAB-Parameter-ExtendedMaxBitrateList PRESENCE optional }, ... } Ass-RAB-Parameter-ExtendedGuaranteedBitrateList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrOfSeparateTrafficDirections)) OF ExtendedGuaranteedBitrate Ass-RAB-Parameter-ExtendedMaxBitrateList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrOfSeparateTrafficDirections)) OF ExtendedMaxBitrate
Ass-RAB-Parameter-MaxBitrateList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrOfSeparateTrafficDirections)) OF MaxBitrate AuthorisedPLMNs ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrOfPLMNsSN)) OF SEQUENCE { pLMNidentity PLMNidentity, authorisedSNAsList AuthorisedSNAs OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {AuthorisedPLMNs-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, ... } AuthorisedPLMNs-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } AuthorisedSNAs ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrOfSNAs)) OF SNAC
BroadcastAssistanceDataDecipheringKeys ::= SEQUENCE { cipheringKeyFlag BIT STRING (SIZE (1)), currentDecipheringKey BIT STRING (SIZE (56)), nextDecipheringKey BIT STRING (SIZE (56)), ... } -- C
Cause ::= CHOICE { radioNetwork CauseRadioNetwork, transmissionNetwork CauseTransmissionNetwork, nAS CauseNAS, protocol CauseProtocol, misc CauseMisc, non-Standard CauseNon-Standard, ..., radioNetworkExtension CauseRadioNetworkExtension } CauseMisc ::= INTEGER { om-intervention (113), no-resource-available (114), unspecified-failure (115), network-optimisation (116) } (113..128) CauseNAS ::= INTEGER { user-restriction-start-indication (81), user-restriction-end-indication (82), normal-release (83) } (81..96) CauseProtocol ::= INTEGER { transfer-syntax-error (97), semantic-error (98), message-not-compatible-with-receiver-state (99), abstract-syntax-error-reject (100), abstract-syntax-error-ignore-and-notify (101), abstract-syntax-error-falsely-constructed-message (102) } (97..112) CauseRadioNetwork ::= INTEGER { rab-pre-empted (1), trelocoverall-expiry (2), trelocprep-expiry (3), treloccomplete-expiry (4), tqueing-expiry (5), relocation-triggered (6), trellocalloc-expiry(7), unable-to-establish-during-relocation (8), unknown-target-rnc (9), relocation-cancelled (10), successful-relocation (11), requested-ciphering-and-or-integrity-protection-algorithms-not-supported (12), conflict-with-already-existing-integrity-protection-and-or-ciphering-information (13), failure-in-the-radio-interface-procedure (14), release-due-to-utran-generated-reason (15), user-inactivity (16), time-critical-relocation (17),
CellLoadInformation ::= SEQUENCE { cell-Capacity-Class-Value Cell-Capacity-Class-Value, loadValue LoadValue, rTLoadValue RTLoadValue OPTIONAL, nRTLoadInformationValue NRTLoadInformationValue OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { { CellLoadInformation-ExtIEs } } ... } CellLoadInformation-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } CellLoadInformationGroup ::= SEQUENCE { sourceCellID SourceCellID, uplinkCellLoadInformation CellLoadInformation OPTIONAL, downlinkCellLoadInformation CellLoadInformation OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { { CellLoadInformationGroup-ExtIEs } } ... } CellLoadInformationGroup-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } ClientType ::= ENUMERATED { emergency-Services, value-Added-Services, pLMN-Operator-Services, lawful-Intercept-Services, pLMN-Operator-Broadcast-Services, pLMN-Operator-O-et-M, pLMN-Operator-Anonymous-Statistics, pLMN-Operator-Target-MS-Service-Support, ...
CriticalityDiagnostics ::= SEQUENCE { procedureCode ProcedureCode OPTIONAL, triggeringMessage TriggeringMessage OPTIONAL, procedureCriticality Criticality OPTIONAL, iEsCriticalityDiagnostics CriticalityDiagnostics-IE-List OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {CriticalityDiagnostics-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, ... } CriticalityDiagnostics-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } CriticalityDiagnostics-IE-List ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrOfErrors)) OF SEQUENCE { iECriticality Criticality, iE-ID ProtocolIE-ID, repetitionNumber RepetitionNumber0 OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {CriticalityDiagnostics-IE-List-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, ... } CriticalityDiagnostics-IE-List-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { -- Extension for Release 99 to enable reporting the message structure down to the erroneous IE -{ ID id-MessageStructure CRITICALITY ignore EXTENSION MessageStructure PRESENCE optional } | -- Extension for Release 99 to enable reporting if a reported error is due to a not understood or a missing IE -{ ID id-TypeOfError CRITICALITY ignore EXTENSION TypeOfError PRESENCE mandatory }, ... } MessageStructure ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrOfLevels)) OF SEQUENCE { iE-ID ProtocolIE-ID, repetitionNumber RepetitionNumber1 OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {MessageStructure-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, ... }
MessageStructure-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } CGI ::= SEQUENCE { pLMNidentity lAC cI iE-Extensions }
CGI-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { -- Extension for Release 6 to enable Inter-RAT PS Handover between UTRAN and GERAN A/Gb --
PRESENCE optional },
ChosenIntegrityProtectionAlgorithm CI
ClassmarkInformation2 ClassmarkInformation3
DataVolumeReportingIndication ::= ENUMERATED { do-report, do-not-report } DCH-ID ::= INTEGER (0..255) DeliveryOfErroneousSDU ::= ENUMERATED { yes, no, no-error-detection-consideration } DeliveryOrder::= ENUMERATED { delivery-order-requested, delivery-order-not-requested } DeltaRAListofIdleModeUEs ::= SEQUENCE { newRAListofIdleModeUEs NewRAListofIdleModeUEs OPTIONAL, rAListwithNoIdleModeUEsAnyMore RAListwithNoIdleModeUEsAnyMore OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {DeltaRAListofIdleModeUEs-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL } NewRAListofIdleModeUEs ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxMBMSRA)) OF RAC RAListwithNoIdleModeUEsAnyMore ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxMBMSRA)) OF
DeltaRAListofIdleModeUEs-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { { ID id-newLAListofIdleModeUEs CRITICALITY reject EXTENSION LAListofIdleModeUEs -- This IE shall be present if the New RA List of Idle Mode UEs IE is included. -{ ID id-LAListwithNoIdleModeUEsAnyMore CRITICALITY reject EXTENSION LAListofIdleModeUEs -- This IE shall be presentif the RA List with No Idle Mode UEs Any More IE is included. -... } DL-GTP-PDU-SequenceNumber DL-N-PDU-SequenceNumber D-RNTI ::= INTEGER (0..65535) ::= INTEGER (0..65535) ::= INTEGER (0..1048575) ::= INTEGER (6..9)
-- E E-DCH-MAC-d-Flow-ID EncryptionAlgorithm UEA2 (2) } (0..15) ::= INTEGER (0.. maxNrOfEDCHMACdFlows-1) ::= INTEGER { no-encryption (0), standard-UMTS-encryption-algorith-UEA1 (1), standard-UMTS-encryption-algorithm-
EncryptionInformation ::= SEQUENCE { permittedAlgorithms PermittedEncryptionAlgorithms, key EncryptionKey, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {EncryptionInformation-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL } EncryptionInformation-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } EncryptionKey -- Reference: 33.102 ::= BIT STRING (SIZE (128))
EquipmentsToBeTraced ::= CHOICE { iMEIlist IMEIList, iMEISVlist IMEISVList, iMEIgroup IMEIGroup, iMEISVgroup IMEISVGroup, ... } Event ::= ENUMERATED { stop-change-of-service-area, direct, change-of-servicearea, ...,
GANSS-PositioningDataSet ::= SEQUENCE(SIZE(1..maxGANSSSet)) OF GANSS-PositioningMethodAndUsage GANSS-PositioningMethodAndUsage ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(1)) GeographicalArea ::= CHOICE { point GA-Point, pointWithUnCertainty GA-PointWithUnCertainty, polygon GA-Polygon, ..., pointWithUncertaintyEllipse GA-PointWithUnCertaintyEllipse, pointWithAltitude GA-PointWithAltitude, pointWithAltitudeAndUncertaintyEllipsoid GA-PointWithAltitudeAndUncertaintyEllipsoid, ellipsoidArc GA-EllipsoidArc } GeographicalCoordinates ::= SEQUENCE { latitudeSign ENUMERATED { north, south }, latitude INTEGER (0..8388607), longitude INTEGER (-8388608..8388607), iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {GeographicalCoordinates-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, ... } GeographicalCoordinates-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } GA-AltitudeAndDirection ::= SEQUENCE { directionOfAltitude ENUMERATED {height, depth}, altitude INTEGER (0..32767), ... }
GA-EllipsoidArc ::= SEQUENCE { geographicalCoordinates innerRadius uncertaintyRadius offsetAngle includedAngle confidence iE-Extensions ... }
GeographicalCoordinates, INTEGER (0..65535), INTEGER (0..127), INTEGER (0..179), INTEGER (0..179), INTEGER (0..127), ProtocolExtensionContainer { { GA-EllipsoidArc-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
GA-EllipsoidArc-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } GA-Point ::= SEQUENCE { geographicalCoordinates GeographicalCoordinates, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {GA-Point-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, ... } GA-Point-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } GA-PointWithAltitude ::= SEQUENCE { geographicalCoordinates GeographicalCoordinates, altitudeAndDirection GA-AltitudeAndDirection, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { { GA-PointWithAltitude-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, ... } GA-PointWithAltitude-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } GA-PointWithAltitudeAndUncertaintyEllipsoid ::= SEQUENCE { geographicalCoordinates GeographicalCoordinates, altitudeAndDirection GA-AltitudeAndDirection, uncertaintyEllipse GA-UncertaintyEllipse, uncertaintyAltitude INTEGER (0..127), confidence INTEGER (0..127), iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { { GA-PointWithAltitudeAndUncertaintyEllipsoid-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, ... } GA-PointWithAltitudeAndUncertaintyEllipsoid-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } GA-PointWithUnCertainty ::=SEQUENCE { geographicalCoordinates GeographicalCoordinates, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {GA-PointWithUnCertainty-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
GA-PointWithUnCertaintyEllipse ::= SEQUENCE { geographicalCoordinates GeographicalCoordinates, uncertaintyEllipse GA-UncertaintyEllipse, confidence INTEGER (0..127), iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { { GA-PointWithUnCertaintyEllipse-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, ... } GA-PointWithUnCertaintyEllipse-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } GA-Polygon ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrOfPoints)) OF SEQUENCE { geographicalCoordinates GeographicalCoordinates, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {GA-Polygon-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, ... } GA-Polygon-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } GA-UncertaintyEllipse ::= SEQUENCE { uncertaintySemi-major INTEGER (0..127), uncertaintySemi-minor INTEGER (0..127), orientationOfMajorAxis INTEGER (0..179), ... }
GERAN-Cell-ID ::= SEQUENCE { lAI LAI, rAC RAC, cI CI, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {GERAN-Cell-ID-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL } GERAN-Cell-ID-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } GERAN-Classmark ::= OCTET STRING -- GERAN Classmark as defined in [11] --
GlobalRNC-ID ::= SEQUENCE { pLMNidentity rNC-ID RNC-ID } GTP-TEI GuaranteedBitrate -- Unit is bits per sec -- H HS-DSCH-MAC-d-Flow-ID -- I
IMEIGroup ::= SEQUENCE { iMEI IMEI, iMEIMask BIT STRING (SIZE (7)), iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { { IMEIGroup-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL } IMEIGroup-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } IMEIList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrOfUEsToBeTraced)) OF IMEI ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (8))
IMEISVGroup ::= SEQUENCE { iMEISV IMEISV, iMEISVMask BIT STRING (SIZE (7)), iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { { IMEISVGroup-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL } IMEISVGroup-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } IMEISVList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrOfUEsToBeTraced)) OF IMEISV
InformationExchangeID ::= INTEGER (0.. 1048575) InformationExchangeType ::= ENUMERATED { transfer, request, ... } InformationRequested ::= CHOICE { requestedMBMSIPMulticastAddressandAPNRequest requestedMulticastServiceList ... }
RequestedMBMSIPMulticastAddressandAPNRequest, RequestedMulticastServiceList,
MBMSIPMulticastAddressandAPNRequest, PermanentNAS-UE-ID,
InformationTransferType ::= CHOICE { rNCTraceInformation RNCTraceInformation, ... } IntegrityProtectionAlgorithm ::= INTEGER { standard-UMTS-integrity-algorithm-UIA1 (0), standard-UMTS-integrity-algorithm-UIA2 (1), no-value (15) } (0..15) IntegrityProtectionInformation ::= SEQUENCE { permittedAlgorithms PermittedIntegrityProtectionAlgorithms, key IntegrityProtectionKey, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {IntegrityProtectionInformation-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL } IntegrityProtectionInformation-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } IntegrityProtectionKey ::= BIT STRING (SIZE (128))
InterSystemInformation-TransparentContainer ::= SEQUENCE { downlinkCellLoadInformation CellLoadInformation OPTIONAL, uplinkCellLoadInformation CellLoadInformation OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { { InterSystemInformation-TransparentContainer-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, ... } InterSystemInformation-TransparentContainer-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } IPMulticastAddress ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (4..16)) -- Reference: 23.003 IuSignallingConnectionIdentifier IuTransportAssociation ::= CHOICE { gTP-TEI GTP-TEI, bindingID BindingID, ... } -- J -- K KeyStatus old, new, ... } -- L ::= ENUMERATED { ::= BIT STRING (SIZE (24))
LA-LIST ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrOfLAs)) OF SEQUENCE { lAC LAC, listOF-SNAs ListOF-SNAs, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { { LA-LIST-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, ... } LA-LIST-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } LAC LAI ::= SEQUENCE { pLMNidentity lAC iE-Extensions } ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (2))
LAI-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } LastKnownServiceArea ::= SEQUENCE { sAI SAI, ageOfSAI INTEGER (0..32767), iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {LastKnownServiceArea-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, ... } LastKnownServiceArea-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } ListOF-SNAs ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrOfSNAs)) OF SNAC ListOfInterfacesToTrace ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrOfInterfaces)) OF InterfacesToTraceItem InterfacesToTraceItem ::= SEQUENCE { interface ENUMERATED {iu-cs, iu-ps, iur, iub, uu, ...}, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {InterfacesToTraceItem-ExtIEs} } ... } InterfacesToTraceItem-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } LoadValue ::= INTEGER (0..100)
LocationRelatedDataRequestType ::= SEQUENCE { requestedLocationRelatedDataType RequestedLocationRelatedDataType, requestedGPSAssistanceData RequestedGPSAssistanceData OPTIONAL, -- This IE shall be present if the Requested Location Related Data Type IE is set to "Dedicated Assistance Data for Assisted GPS" or -- `Dedicated Assistance Data for Assisted GPS and GANSS" ... } LocationRelatedDataRequestTypeSpecificToGERANIuMode ::= ENUMERATED { decipheringKeysEOTD, dedicatedMobileAssistedEOTDAssistanceData, dedicatedMobileBasedEOTDAssistanceData, ... } L3-Information -- M MaxBitrate ::= INTEGER (1..16000000) -- Unit is bits per sec MaxSDU-Size ::= INTEGER (0..32768) ::= OCTET STRING
MBMSCountingInformation ::= ENUMERATED { counting, notcounting, ... } MBMSIPMulticastAddressandAPNRequest ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxnoofMulticastServicesPerRNC)) OF TMGI MBMSLinkingInformation ::= ENUMERATED { uE-has-joined-multicast-services, ... } MBMSRegistrationRequestType ::= ENUMERATED { register, deregister, ... } MBMSServiceArea ::= OCTET STRING MBMSSessionDuration ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (3))
MBMSSessionIdentity ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1)) MBMSSessionRepetitionNumber ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1))
-- N
NAS-SynchronisationIndicator NewBSS-To-OldBSS-Information
NonSearchingIndication ::= ENUMERATED { non-searching, searching } NRTLoadInformationValue ::= INTEGER (0..3) NumberOfIuInstances NumberOfSteps -- O OldBSS-ToNewBSS-Information OMC-ID -- Reference: GSM [25] -- P PagingAreaID ::= CHOICE { lAI LAI, rAI RAI, ... } PagingCause ::= ENUMERATED { terminating-conversational-call, terminating-streaming-call, terminating-interactive-call, terminating-background-call, terminating-low-priority-signalling, ..., terminating-high-priority-signalling } PDP-TypeInformation ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrOfPDPDirections)) OF PDP-Type PDP-Type ::= ENUMERATED { empty, ppp, osp-ihoss -- this value shall not be used -- , ipv4, ipv6, ... } ::= OCTET STRING ::= INTEGER (1..2) ::= INTEGER (1..16)
PeriodicLocationInfo ::= SEQUENCE { reportingAmount INTEGER (1..8639999, ...), reportingInterval INTEGER (1..8639999, ...), iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { { PeriodicLocationInfo-ExtIEs } } ... } PeriodicLocationInfo-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... }
PermanentNAS-UE-ID ::= CHOICE { iMSI IMSI, ... } PermittedEncryptionAlgorithms ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..16)) OF EncryptionAlgorithm PermittedIntegrityProtectionAlgorithms ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..16)) OF IntegrityProtectionAlgorithm PLMNidentity ::= TBCD-STRING (SIZE (3))
PLMNs-in-shared-network ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrOfPLMNsSN)) OF SEQUENCE { pLMNidentity PLMNidentity, lA-LIST LA-LIST, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { { PLMNs-in-shared-network-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, ... } PLMNs-in-shared-network-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } PositioningDataDiscriminator ::= BIT STRING (SIZE(4)) PositioningDataSet ::= SEQUENCE(SIZE(1..maxSet)) OF PositioningMethodAndUsage PositioningMethodAndUsage ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(1)) PositioningPriority ::= ENUMERATED { high-Priority, normal-Priority, ... } PositionData ::= SEQUENCE { positioningDataDiscriminator PositioningDataDiscriminator, positioningDataSet PositioningDataSet OPTIONAL, -- This IE shall be present if the PositioningDataDiscriminator IE is set to the value "0000"
EXTENSION GANSS-PositioningDataSet
PRESENCE optional },
::= INTEGER { spare (0), highest (1), lowest (14), no-priority (15) } (0..15)
ProvidedData ::= CHOICE { shared-network-information ... } P-TMSI -- Q QueuingAllowed ::= ENUMERATED { queueing-not-allowed, queueing-allowed } -- R RAB-AsymmetryIndicator::= ENUMERATED { symmetric-bidirectional, asymmetric-unidirectional-downlink, asymmetric-unidirectional-uplink, asymmetric-bidirectional, ... } RAB-ID
RAB-Parameter-ExtendedGuaranteedBitrateList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrOfSeparateTrafficDirections)) OF ExtendedGuaranteedBitrate RAB-Parameter-ExtendedMaxBitrateList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrOfSeparateTrafficDirections)) OF ExtendedMaxBitrate
RAB-Parameters ::= SEQUENCE { trafficClass TrafficClass, rAB-AsymmetryIndicator RAB-AsymmetryIndicator, maxBitrate RAB-Parameter-MaxBitrateList, guaranteedBitRate RAB-Parameter-GuaranteedBitrateList OPTIONAL -- This IE shall be present the traffic class IE is set to "Conversational" or deliveryOrder DeliveryOrder, maxSDU-Size MaxSDU-Size, sDU-Parameters SDU-Parameters, transferDelay TransferDelay OPTIONAL -- This IE shall be present the traffic class IE is set to "Conversational" or trafficHandlingPriority TrafficHandlingPriority OPTIONAL -- This IE shall be present the traffic class IE is set to "Interactive" --, allocationOrRetentionPriority AllocationOrRetentionPriority OPTIONAL, sourceStatisticsDescriptor SourceStatisticsDescriptor OPTIONAL -- This IE shall be present the traffic class IE is set to "Conversational" or relocationRequirement RelocationRequirement OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {RAB-Parameters-ExtIEs} } ... }
"Streaming" --,
"Streaming" --,
RAB-Parameters-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { -- Extension for Release 5 to enable indication that Interactive User Plane data is of a signalling nature -{ ID id-SignallingIndication CRITICALITY ignore EXTENSION SignallingIndication PRESENCE optional }| -- Extension for Release 7 to indicate an Extended Guaranteed Bitrate -{ ID id-RAB-Parameter-ExtendedGuaranteedBitrateList CRITICALITY reject EXTENSION RAB-Parameter-ExtendedGuaranteedBitrateList PRESENCE optional }| -- Extension for Release 7 to indicate an Extended Maximum Bitrate -{ ID id-RAB-Parameter-ExtendedMaxBitrateList CRITICALITY reject EXTENSION RAB-Parameter-ExtendedMaxBitrateList PRESENCE optional }, ... } RAB-SubflowCombinationBitRate ::= INTEGER (0..16000000)
RAB-TrCH-Mapping ::= SEQUENCE ( SIZE (1..maxNrOfRABs)) OF RAB-TrCH-MappingItem RAB-TrCH-MappingItem ::= SEQUENCE { rAB-ID RAB-ID, trCH-ID-List TrCH-ID-List, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { { RAB-TrCH-MappingItem-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, ... } RAB-TrCH-MappingItem-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { -- Extension for Release 99 to enable transfer of RAB Subflow mapping onto Iur transport channel Ids for a given indicated domain -{ ID id-CN-DomainIndicator CRITICALITY ignore EXTENSION CN-DomainIndicator PRESENCE optional }, ... } RAC ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1))
RAI-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } RAListofIdleModeUEs ::= CHOICE { notEmptyRAListofIdleModeUEs emptyFullRAListofIdleModeUEs ... }
NotEmptyRAListofIdleModeUEs ::= SEQUENCE { rAofIdleModeUEs RAofIdleModeUEs, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {NotEmptyRAListofIdleModeUEs-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL } RAofIdleModeUEs ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxMBMSRA)) OF RAC NotEmptyRAListofIdleModeUEs-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { { ID id-LAofIdleModeUEs CRITICALITY reject EXTENSION LAListofIdleModeUEs -- This IE shall be present if the RA of Idle Mode UEs IE is included. -... } LAListofIdleModeUEs ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxMBMSRA)) OF LAI RAT-Type ::= ENUMERATED { utran, geran, ... } RateControlAllowed ::= ENUMERATED { not-allowed, allowed } RedirectAttemptFlag ::= NULL
PRESENCE conditional },
RelocationRequirement ::= ENUMERATED { lossless, none, ..., realtime } RelocationType ::= ENUMERATED { ue-not-involved, ue-involved, ... } RepetitionNumber0 ::= INTEGER (0..255) RepetitionNumber1 ::= INTEGER (1..256)
ReportArea ::= ENUMERATED { service-area, geographical-area, ... } RequestedGPSAssistanceData ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1 .. 38 )) -- gpsAssistanceData as defined in 24.080 -RequestedGANSSAssistanceData ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1 .. 201 )) -- ganssAssistanceData as defined in 24.080 -RequestedLocationRelatedDataType ::= ENUMERATED { decipheringKeysUEBasedOTDOA, decipheringKeysAssistedGPS, dedicatedAssistanceDataUEBasedOTDOA, dedicatedAssistanceDataAssistedGPS, ..., -- Release 7 extension elements -decipheringKeysAssistedGANSS, dedicatedAssistanceDataAssistedGANSS, decipheringKeysAssistedGPSandGANSS, dedicatedAssistanceDataAssistedGPSandGANSS } RequestedMBMSIPMulticastAddressandAPNRequest ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxnoofMulticastServicesPerRNC)) OF
MBMSIPMulticastAddressandAPNlist ::= SEQUENCE { tMGI TMGI, iPMulticastAddress IPMulticastAddress, aPN APN, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {MBMSIPMulticastAddressandAPNlist-ExtIEs} } ... } MBMSIPMulticastAddressandAPNlist-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } RequestedMulticastServiceList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxnoofMulticastServicesPerUE)) OF TMGI
Requested-RAB-Parameter-Values ::= SEQUENCE { requestedMaxBitrates Requested-RAB-Parameter-MaxBitrateList OPTIONAL, requestedGuaranteedBitrates Requested-RAB-Parameter-GuaranteedBitrateList OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { { Requested-RAB-Parameter-Values-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, ... } Requested-RAB-Parameter-Values-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { -- Extension for Release 6 to enable RNC to request the execution of an alternative RAB configuration -{ ID id-AlternativeRABConfigurationRequest CRITICALITY ignore EXTENSION AlternativeRABConfigurationRequest PRESENCE optional }| -- Extension for Release 7 to request an Extended Maximum Bitrate -{ ID id-Requested-RAB-Parameter-ExtendedMaxBitrateList CRITICALITY reject EXTENSION Requested-RAB-Parameter-ExtendedMaxBitrateList PRESENCE optional }| -- Extension for Release 7 to request an Extended Guaranteed Bitrate -{ ID id-Requested-RAB-Parameter-ExtendedGuaranteedBitrateList CRITICALITY reject EXTENSION Requested-RAB-ParameterExtendedGuaranteedBitrateList PRESENCE optional }, ... } Requested-RAB-Parameter-ExtendedMaxBitrateList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrOfSeparateTrafficDirections)) OF ExtendedMaxBitrate Requested-RAB-Parameter-ExtendedGuaranteedBitrateList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrOfSeparateTrafficDirections)) OF ExtendedGuaranteedBitrate
Requested-RAB-Parameter-MaxBitrateList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrOfSeparateTrafficDirections)) OF MaxBitrate Requested-RAB-Parameter-GuaranteedBitrateList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrOfSeparateTrafficDirections)) OF GuaranteedBitrate
RequestType ::= SEQUENCE { event Event, reportArea ReportArea, accuracyCode INTEGER (0..127) ... } ResidualBitErrorRatio ::= SEQUENCE { mantissa INTEGER (1..9),
} -- ResidualBitErrorRatio = mantissa * 10^-exponent ResidualBitErrorRatio-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } ResponseTime ::= ENUMERATED { lowdelay, delaytolerant, ... } RIMInformation ::= OCTET STRING
RIM-Transfer ::= SEQUENCE { rIMInformation RIMInformation, rIMRoutingAddress RIMRoutingAddress OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {RIM-Transfer-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL } RIM-Transfer-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } RIMRoutingAddress ::= CHOICE { targetRNC-ID gERAN-Cell-ID ... }
TargetRNC-ID, GERAN-Cell-ID,
RNC-ID ::= INTEGER (0..4095) -- RNC-ID ::= BIT STRING (SIZE (12)) -- Harmonized with RNSAP and NBAP definitions
RNCTraceInformation::= SEQUENCE { traceReference TraceReference, traceActivationIndicator ENUMERATED {activated,deactivated}, equipmentsToBeTraced EquipmentsToBeTraced -- This IE shall be present if the Trace Activation Indicator IE is set to "Activated". iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { { RNCTraceInformation-ExtIEs} } } RNCTraceInformation-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } RRC-Container ::= OCTET STRING
-- S SAC SAI ::= SEQUENCE { pLMNidentity lAC sAC iE-Extensions } ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (2))
SAI-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } SAPI ::= ENUMERATED { sapi-0, sapi-3, ... } SessionUpdateID ::= INTEGER (0.. 1048575) Shared-Network-Information ::= SEQUENCE { pLMNs-in-shared-network PLMNs-in-shared-network, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {Shared-Network-Information-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, ... } Shared-Network-Information-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } SignallingIndication ::= ENUMERATED { signalling, ... } SDU-ErrorRatio ::= SEQUENCE { mantissa INTEGER (1..9), exponent INTEGER (1..6), iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {SDU-ErrorRatio-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL } -- SDU-ErrorRatio = mantissa * 10^-exponent SDU-ErrorRatio-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } SDU-FormatInformationParameters ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRAB-SubflowCombination)) OF SEQUENCE { subflowSDU-Size SubflowSDU-Size OPTIONAL, rAB-SubflowCombinationBitRate RAB-SubflowCombinationBitRate OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {SDU-FormatInformationParameters-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
SDU-Parameters ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRAB-Subflows)) OF SEQUENCE { sDU-ErrorRatio SDU-ErrorRatio OPTIONAL -- This IE shall be present if the Delivery Of Erroneous SDU IE is set to "Yes" or "No" --, residualBitErrorRatio ResidualBitErrorRatio, deliveryOfErroneousSDU DeliveryOfErroneousSDU, sDU-FormatInformationParameters SDU-FormatInformationParameters OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {SDU-Parameters-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, ... } SDU-Parameters-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } SNA-Access-Information ::= SEQUENCE { authorisedPLMNs AuthorisedPLMNs, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {SNA-Access-Information-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, ... } SNA-Access-Information-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } SNAC ::= INTEGER (0..65535)
Service-Handover ::= ENUMERATED { handover-to-GSM-should-be-performed, handover-to-GSM-should-not-be-performed, handover-to-GSM-shall-not-be-performed, ... } SourceCellID ::= CHOICE { sourceUTRANCellID sourceGERANCellID ... }
SourceRNC-ID ::= SEQUENCE { pLMNidentity PLMNidentity, rNC-ID RNC-ID, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {SourceRNC-ID-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL } SourceRNC-ID-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { -- Extension for Release 7 to indicate extended RNC-ID -{ ID id-ExtendedRNC-ID CRITICALITY reject ... }
PRESENCE optional },
SourceRNC-ToTargetRNC-TransparentContainer ::= SEQUENCE { rRC-Container RRC-Container, numberOfIuInstances NumberOfIuInstances, relocationType RelocationType, chosenIntegrityProtectionAlgorithm ChosenIntegrityProtectionAlgorithm OPTIONAL, integrityProtectionKey IntegrityProtectionKey OPTIONAL, chosenEncryptionAlgorithForSignalling ChosenEncryptionAlgorithm OPTIONAL, cipheringKey EncryptionKey OPTIONAL, chosenEncryptionAlgorithForCS ChosenEncryptionAlgorithm OPTIONAL, chosenEncryptionAlgorithForPS ChosenEncryptionAlgorithm OPTIONAL, d-RNTI D-RNTI OPTIONAL -- This IE shall be present if the Relocation type IE is set to "UE not involved in relocation of SRNS" --, targetCellId TargetCellId OPTIONAL -- This IE shall be present if the Relocation type IE is set to "UE involved in relocation of SRNS" --, rAB-TrCH-Mapping RAB-TrCH-Mapping OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {SourceRNC-ToTargetRNC-TransparentContainer-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, ... } SourceRNC-ToTargetRNC-TransparentContainer-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { -- Extension for Release 99 to enable transfer of SRB mapping onto Iur transport channel Ids -{ ID id-SRB-TrCH-Mapping CRITICALITY reject EXTENSION SRB-TrCH-Mapping PRESENCE optional }| -- Extension for Release 5 to enable Inter RAN Load Information Exchange over Iu -{ID id-CellLoadInformationGroup CRITICALITY ignore EXTENSION CellLoadInformationGroup PRESENCE optional}| -- Extension for Release 6 to provide Trace Recording Session Information to the Target RNC -{ID id-TraceRecordingSessionInformation CRITICALITY ignore EXTENSION TraceRecordingSessionInformation -- Extension for Release 6 to indicate to the Target RNC that the UE has activated Multicast Service -{ID id-MBMSLinkingInformation CRITICALITY ignore EXTENSION MBMSLinkingInformation PRESENCE optional}| {ID id-d-RNTI-for-NoIuCSUP CRITICALITY reject EXTENSION D-RNTI PRESENCE optional}, ... } SourceStatisticsDescriptor ::= ENUMERATED { speech, unknown, ... } SourceUTRANCellID ::= SEQUENCE { pLMNidentity PLMNidentity,
PRESENCE optional}|
SRB-TrCH-MappingItem ::= SEQUENCE { sRB-ID SRB-ID, trCH-ID TrCH-ID, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { { SRB-TrCH-MappingItem-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, ... }
SRB-TrCH-MappingItem-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } SubflowSDU-Size -- Unit is bit ::= INTEGER (0..4095)
-- T TargetBSS-ToSourceBSS-TransparentContainer TargetCellId TargetID ::= CHOICE { targetRNC-ID cGI CGI, ... } ::= OCTET STRING
TargetRNC-ID ::= SEQUENCE { lAI LAI, rAC RAC OPTIONAL, rNC-ID RNC-ID, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {TargetRNC-ID-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL } TargetRNC-ID-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { -- Extension for Release 7 to indicate extended RNC-ID -{ ID id-ExtendedRNC-ID CRITICALITY reject
PRESENCE optional },
TargetRNC-ToSourceRNC-TransparentContainer ::= SEQUENCE { rRC-Container RRC-Container, d-RNTI D-RNTI OPTIONAL -- May be included to allow the triggering of the Relocation Detect procedure from the Iur Interface --, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {TargetRNC-ToSourceRNC-TransparentContainer-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, ... } TargetRNC-ToSourceRNC-TransparentContainer-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } TBCD-STRING ::= OCTET STRING
TemporaryUE-ID ::= CHOICE { tMSI TMSI, p-TMSI P-TMSI, ... } TimeToMBMSDataTransfer ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE(1))
TraceDepth ::= ENUMERATED { minimum, medium, maximum, ... } TracePropagationParameters ::= SEQUENCE { traceRecordingSessionReference TraceRecordingSessionReference, traceDepth TraceDepth, listOfInterfacesToTrace ListOfInterfacesToTrace OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { { TracePropagationParameters-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, ... } TracePropagationParameters-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= {
TraceType ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1)) -- Reference: GSM TS 12.08 TrafficClass ::= ENUMERATED { conversational, streaming, interactive, background, ... } TrafficHandlingPriority TransferDelay -- Unit is millisecond ::= INTEGER { spare (0), highest (1), lowest (14), no-priority-used (15) } (0..15) ::= INTEGER (0..65535)
UnsuccessfullyTransmittedDataVolume ::= INTEGER (0..4294967295) TransportLayerAddress TrCH-ID ::= SEQUENCE { dCH-ID dSCH-ID uSCH-ID iE-Extensions ... } ::= BIT STRING (SIZE (1..160, ...))
TrCH-ID-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { -- Extension for Release 5 to enable transfer of HS-DSCH-MAC-d-Flow-ID onto Iur transport channel ID -{ID id-hS-DSCH-MAC-d-Flow-ID CRITICALITY ignore EXTENSION HS-DSCH-MAC-d-Flow-ID PRESENCE optional}| -- Extension for Release 6 to enable transfer of E-DCH-MAC-d-Flow-ID onto Iur transport channel ID -{ID id-E-DCH-MAC-d-Flow-ID CRITICALITY ignore EXTENSION E-DCH-MAC-d-Flow-ID PRESENCE optional}, ... }
-- U UE-ID ::= CHOICE { imsi imei ..., imeisv } UESBI-Iu ::= SEQUENCE { uESBI-IuA UESBI-IuA OPTIONAL, uESBI-IuB UESBI-IuB OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {UESBI-Iu-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, ... } UESBI-Iu-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } UESBI-IuA ::= BIT STRING (SIZE(1..128)) -- Reference: TR25.994 -UESBI-IuB ::= BIT STRING (SIZE(1..128)) -- Reference: TR25.995 -UL-GTP-PDU-SequenceNumber UL-N-PDU-SequenceNumber UP-ModeVersions USCH-ID ::= INTEGER (0..65535) ::= INTEGER (0..65535) ::= BIT STRING (SIZE (16)) ::= INTEGER (0..255)
HorizontalVelocity ::= SEQUENCE { horizontalSpeedAndBearing HorizontalSpeedAndBearing, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { { HorizontalVelocity-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, ... } HorizontalVelocity-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } HorizontalWithVerticalVelocity ::= SEQUENCE { horizontalSpeedAndBearing HorizontalSpeedAndBearing, veritcalVelocity VerticalVelocity, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { { HorizontalWithVerticalVelocity-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, ... } HorizontalWithVerticalVelocity-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... }
HorizontalVelocityWithUncertainty ::= SEQUENCE { horizontalSpeedAndBearing HorizontalSpeedAndBearing, uncertaintySpeed INTEGER (0..255), iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { { HorizontalVelocityWithUncertainty-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, ... } HorizontalVelocityWithUncertainty-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } HorizontalWithVerticalVelocityAndUncertainty ::= SEQUENCE { horizontalSpeedAndBearing HorizontalSpeedAndBearing, veritcalVelocity VerticalVelocity, horizontalUncertaintySpeed INTEGER (0..255), verticalUncertaintySpeed INTEGER (0..255), iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { { HorizontalWithVerticalVelocityAndUncertainty-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, ... } HorizontalWithVerticalVelocityAndUncertainty-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... }
Common Definitions
-- ************************************************************** --- Common definitions --- ************************************************************** RANAP-CommonDataTypes { itu-t (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) mobileDomain (0) umts-Access (20) modules (3) ranap (0) version1 (1) ranap-CommonDataTypes (3) DEFINITIONS AUTOMATIC TAGS ::= BEGIN Criticality Presence PrivateIE-ID local global } ProcedureCode ::= ENUMERATED { reject, ignore, notify } ::= ENUMERATED { optional, conditional, mandatory } ::= CHOICE { INTEGER (0..65535), OBJECT IDENTIFIER
ProtocolExtensionID ::= INTEGER (0..65535) ProtocolIE-ID TriggeringMessage END ::= INTEGER (0..65535) ::= ENUMERATED { initiating-message, successful-outcome, unsuccessfull-outcome, outcome }
Constant Definitions
-- ************************************************************** --- Constant definitions --- ************************************************************** RANAP-Constants { itu-t (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) mobileDomain (0) umts-Access (20) modules (3) ranap (0) version1 (1) ranap-Constants (4) } DEFINITIONS AUTOMATIC TAGS ::= BEGIN -- ************************************************************** --- Elementary Procedures --- ************************************************************** id-RAB-Assignment id-Iu-Release id-RelocationPreparation id-RelocationResourceAllocation id-RelocationCancel id-SRNS-ContextTransfer id-SecurityModeControl id-DataVolumeReport id-Reset id-RAB-ReleaseRequest id-Iu-ReleaseRequest id-RelocationDetect id-RelocationComplete id-Paging id-CommonID id-CN-InvokeTrace id-LocationReportingControl id-LocationReport id-InitialUE-Message id-DirectTransfer id-OverloadControl id-ErrorIndication id-SRNS-DataForward id-ForwardSRNS-Context id-privateMessage id-CN-DeactivateTrace id-ResetResource id-RANAP-Relocation id-RAB-ModifyRequest id-LocationRelatedData INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
-- ************************************************************** --- Extension constants --- ************************************************************** maxPrivateIEs maxProtocolExtensions maxProtocolIEs INTEGER ::= 65535 INTEGER ::= 65535 INTEGER ::= 65535
-- ************************************************************** --- Lists --- ************************************************************** maxNrOfDTs maxNrOfErrors maxNrOfIuSigConIds maxNrOfPDPDirections maxNrOfPoints maxNrOfRABs maxNrOfSeparateTrafficDirections maxNrOfSRBs maxNrOfVol maxNrOfLevels maxNrOfAltValues maxNrOfPLMNsSN maxNrOfLAs maxNrOfSNAs maxNrOfUEsToBeTraced maxNrOfInterfaces maxRAB-Subflows maxRAB-SubflowCombination maxSet maxNrOfHSDSCHMACdFlows-1 maxnoofMulticastServicesPerUE maxnoofMulticastServicesPerRNC maxMBMSSA INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= 15 256 250 2 15 256 2 8 2 256 16 32 65536 65536 64 16 7 64 9 7 128 512 256
-- ************************************************************** --- IEs --- ************************************************************** id-AreaIdentity id-CN-DomainIndicator id-Cause id-ChosenEncryptionAlgorithm id-ChosenIntegrityProtectionAlgorithm id-ClassmarkInformation2 id-ClassmarkInformation3 id-CriticalityDiagnostics id-DL-GTP-PDU-SequenceNumber id-EncryptionInformation id-IntegrityProtectionInformation id-IuTransportAssociation id-L3-Information id-LAI id-NAS-PDU id-NonSearchingIndication id-NumberOfSteps id-OMC-ID id-OldBSS-ToNewBSS-Information id-PagingAreaID id-PagingCause id-PermanentNAS-UE-ID id-RAB-ContextItem id-RAB-ContextList id-RAB-DataForwardingItem id-RAB-DataForwardingItem-SRNS-CtxReq id-RAB-DataForwardingList id-RAB-DataForwardingList-SRNS-CtxReq id-RAB-DataVolumeReportItem id-RAB-DataVolumeReportList id-RAB-DataVolumeReportRequestItem id-RAB-DataVolumeReportRequestList id-RAB-FailedItem id-RAB-FailedList id-RAB-ID id-RAB-QueuedItem id-RAB-QueuedList id-RAB-ReleaseFailedList id-RAB-ReleaseItem id-RAB-ReleaseList id-RAB-ReleasedItem id-RAB-ReleasedList id-RAB-ReleasedList-IuRelComp id-RAB-RelocationReleaseItem INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= 0 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 ::= 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187
Container Definitions
-- ************************************************************** --- Container definitions --- ************************************************************** RANAP-Containers { itu-t (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) mobileDomain (0) umts-Access (20) modules (3) ranap (0) version1 (1) ranap-Containers (5) } DEFINITIONS AUTOMATIC TAGS ::= BEGIN -- ************************************************************** --- IE parameter types from other modules. --
-- ************************************************************** --- Class Definition for Protocol IEs --- ************************************************************** RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES-PAIR ::= CLASS { &id ProtocolIE-ID &firstCriticality Criticality, &FirstValue, &secondCriticality Criticality, &SecondValue, &presence Presence } WITH SYNTAX { ID &id FIRST CRITICALITY &firstCriticality FIRST TYPE &FirstValue SECOND CRITICALITY &secondCriticality SECOND TYPE &SecondValue
-- ************************************************************** --- Class Definition for Private IEs --- ************************************************************** RANAP-PRIVATE-IES ::= CLASS { &id PrivateIE-ID, &criticality Criticality, &Value, &presence Presence } WITH SYNTAX { ID &id CRITICALITY &criticality TYPE &Value PRESENCE &presence } -- ************************************************************** --- Container for Protocol IEs --- ************************************************************** ProtocolIE-Container {RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES : IEsSetParam} ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (0..maxProtocolIEs)) OF ProtocolIE-Field {{IEsSetParam}} ProtocolIE-Field {RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES : IEsSetParam} ::= SEQUENCE { id RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES.&id ({IEsSetParam}), criticality RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES.&criticality ({IEsSetParam}{@id}),
ProtocolIE-FieldPair {RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES-PAIR : IEsSetParam} ::= SEQUENCE { id RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES-PAIR.&id ({IEsSetParam}), firstCriticality RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES-PAIR.&firstCriticality ({IEsSetParam}{@id}), firstValue RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES-PAIR.&FirstValue ({IEsSetParam}{@id}), secondCriticality RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES-PAIR.&secondCriticality ({IEsSetParam}{@id}), secondValue RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES-PAIR.&SecondValue ({IEsSetParam}{@id}) } -- ************************************************************** --- Container Lists for Protocol IE Containers --- ************************************************************** ProtocolIE-ContainerList {INTEGER : lowerBound, INTEGER : upperBound, RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES : IEsSetParam} ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (lowerBound..upperBound)) OF ProtocolIE-Container {{IEsSetParam}} ProtocolIE-ContainerPairList {INTEGER : lowerBound, INTEGER : upperBound, RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES-PAIR : IEsSetParam} ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (lowerBound..upperBound)) OF ProtocolIE-ContainerPair {{IEsSetParam}} -- ************************************************************** --- Container for Protocol Extensions --- ************************************************************** ProtocolExtensionContainer {RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION : ExtensionSetParam} ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxProtocolExtensions)) OF ProtocolExtensionField {{ExtensionSetParam}} ProtocolExtensionField {RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION : ExtensionSetParam} ::= SEQUENCE { id RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION.&id ({ExtensionSetParam}), criticality RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION.&criticality ({ExtensionSetParam}{@id}), extensionValue RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION.&Extension ({ExtensionSetParam}{@id}) } -- ************************************************************** --- Container for Private IEs
PrivateIE-Field {RANAP-PRIVATE-IES : IEsSetParam} ::= SEQUENCE { id RANAP-PRIVATE-IES.&id ({IEsSetParam}), criticality RANAP-PRIVATE-IES.&criticality ({IEsSetParam}{@id}), value RANAP-PRIVATE-IES.&Value ({IEsSetParam}{@id}) } END
RANAP shall use the ASN.1 Basic Packed Encoding Rules (BASIC-PER) Aligned Variant as transfer syntax as specified in ref. [13].
TRELOCprep -
Specifies the maximum time for Relocation Preparation procedure in the source RNC.
TRELOCoverall Specifies the maximum time for the protection of overall Relocation procedure in the source RNC.
TRELOCalloc Specifies the maximum time for Relocation Resource Allocation procedure in the CN.
TRELOCcomplete Specifies the maximum time for waiting the relocation completion in the CN.
T RABAssgt Specifies the maximum time in the CN for the whole RAB Assignment procedure.
TQUEUING Specifies the maximum time in the RNC for queuing of the request of RAB establishment or modification.
TDATAfwd TigOC TigOR TinTC TinTR TRafC TRatC TRafR TRatR Specifies the maximum time for Reset procedure in the CN. Specifies a guard period in the RNC before sending a RESET ACKNOWLEDGE message. Specifies the maximum time for Reset procedure in the RNC. While this timer is running, the RNC is not allowed to increase traffic. While this timer is running, the CN is not allowed to increase traffic. While this timer is running, all OVERLOAD messages or signalling point congested information received at the RNC are ignored. While this timer is running, all OVERLOAD messages or signalling point congested information received at the CN are ignored. Specifies the maximum time for GTP-PDU forwarding at the source RNC during relocation of SRNS.
Specifies the maximum time the RNC may store Permanent NAS UE Identity IE (and the related Global CN-ID IE) when NNSF is active.
Protocol Error cases can be divided into three classes: Transfer Syntax Error. Abstract Syntax Error. Logical Error.
Protocol errors can occur in the following functions within a receiving node: RANAP functional entity
ASN.1 Decoding
Figure 10.1: Protocol Errors in RANAP. The information stated in subclauses 10.2, 10.3 and 10.4, to be included in the message used when reporting an error, is what at minimum shall be included. Other optional information elements within the message may also be included, if available. This is also valid for the case when the reporting is done with a response message. The latter is an exception to what is stated in subclause 4.1.
A Transfer Syntax Error occurs when the receiver is not able to decode the received physical message. Transfer syntax errors are always detected in the process of ASN.1 decoding. If a Transfer Syntax Error occurs, the receiver should initiate Error Indication procedure with appropriate cause value for the Transfer Syntax protocol error. Examples for Transfer Syntax Errors are: Violation of value ranges in ASN.1 definition of messages. e.g.: If an IE has a defined value range of 0 to 10 (ASN.1: INTEGER (0..10)), and 12 will be received, then this will be treated as a transfer syntax error; Violation in list element constraints. e.g.: If a list is defined as containing 1 to 10 elements, and 12 elements will be received, than this case will be handled as a transfer syntax error; Missing mandatory elements in ASN.1 SEQUENCE definitions (as sent by the originator of the message); Wrong order of elements in ASN.1 SEQUENCE definitions (as sent by the originator of the message).
An Abstract Syntax Error occurs when the receiving functional RANAP entity: 1. receives IEs or IE groups that cannot be understood (unknown IE ID); 2. receives IEs for which the logical range is violated (e.g.: ASN.1 definition: 0 to 15, the logical range is 0 to 10 (values 11 to 15 are undefined), and 12 will be received; this case will be handled as an abstract syntax error using criticality information sent by the originator of the message); 3. does not receive IEs or IE groups but according to the specified presence of the concerning object, the IEs or IE groups should have been present in the received message. 4. receives IEs or IE groups that are defined to be part of that message in wrong order or with too many occurrences of the same IE or IE group; 5. receives IEs or IE groups but according to the conditional presence of the concerning object and the specified condition, the IEs or IE groups should not have been present in the received message. Cases 1 and 2 (not comprehended IE/IE group) are handled based on received Criticality information. Case 3 (missing IE/IE group) is handled based on Criticality information and Presence information for the missing IE/IE group specified in the version of the specification used by the receiver. Case 4 (IEs or IE groups in wrong order or with too many occurrences) and Case 5 (erroneously present conditional IEs or IE groups) result in rejecting the procedure. If an Abstract Syntax Error occurs, the receiver shall read the remaining message and shall then for each detected Abstract Syntax Error that belong to cases 1-3 act according to the Criticality Information and Presence Information for the IE/IE group due to which Abstract Syntax Error occurred in accordance with subclauses 10.3.4 and 10.3.5. The handling of cases 4 and 5 is specified in subclause 10.3.6.
Criticality Information
In the RANAP messages there is criticality information set for individual IEs and/or IE groups. This criticality information instructs the receiver how to act when receiving an IE or an IE group that is not comprehended, i.e. the entire item (IE or IE group) which is not (fully or partially) comprehended shall be treated in accordance with its own criticality information as specified in subclause 10.3.4. In addition, the criticality information is used in case of the missing IE/IE group abstract syntax error (see subclause 10.3.5). The receiving node shall take different actions depending on the value of the Criticality Information. The three possible values of the Criticality Information for an IE/IE group are: Reject IE. Ignore IE and Notify Sender. Ignore IE.
The following rules restrict when a receiving entity may consider an IE, an IE group, or an EP not comprehended (not implemented), and when action based on criticality information is applicable: 1. IE or IE group: When one new or modified IE or IE group is implemented for one EP from a standard version, then other new or modified IEs or IE groups specified for that EP in that standard version shall be considered comprehended by a receiving entity (some may still remain unsupported). 2. EP: The comprehension of different EPs within a standard version or between different standard versions is not mandated. Any EP that is not supported may be considered not comprehended, even if another EP from that standard version is comprehended, and action based on criticality shall be applied.
Presence Information
For many IEs/IE groups which are optional according to the ASN.1 transfer syntax, RANAP specifies separately if the presence of these IEs/IE groups is optional or mandatory with respect to RNS application by means of the presence field of the concerning object of class RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES, RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES-PAIR, RANAP-PROTOCOLEXTENSION or RANAP-PRIVATE-IES. The presence field of the indicated classes supports three values: 1. Optional; 2. Conditional; 3. Mandatory. If an IE/IE group is not included in a received message and the presence of the IE/IE group is mandatory or the presence is conditional and the condition is true according to the version of the specification used by the receiver, an abstract syntax error occurs due to a missing IE/IE group. If an IE/IE group is included in a received message and the presence of the IE/IE group is conditional and the condition is false according to the version of the specification used by the receiver, an abstract syntax error occurs due to this erroneously present conditional IE/IE group.
The receiving node shall treat the different types of received criticality information of the Procedure Code IE according to the following: Reject IE: If a message is received with a Procedure Code IE marked with "Reject IE" which the receiving node does not comprehend, the receiving node shall reject the procedure using the Error Indication procedure.
Ignore IE and Notify Sender: If a message is received with a Procedure Code IE marked with "Ignore IE and Notify Sender" which the receiving node does not comprehend, the receiving node shall ignore the procedure and initiate the Error Indication procedure.
Ignore IE: If a message is received with a Procedure Code IE marked with "Ignore IE" which the receiving node does not comprehend, the receiving node shall ignore the procedure.
When using the Error Indication procedure to reject a procedure or to report an ignored procedure it shall include the Procedure Code IE, the Triggering Message IE, and the Procedure Criticality IE in the Criticality Diagnostics IE.
Type of Message
When the receiving node cannot decode the Type of Message IE, the Error Indication procedure shall be initiated with an appropriate cause value.
The receiving node shall treat the different types of received criticality information of an IE/IE group other than the Procedure Code IE and Type of Message IE according to the following: Reject IE: If a message initiating a procedure is received containing one or more IEs/IE group marked with "Reject IE" which the receiving node does not comprehend; none of the functional requests of the message shall be executed.
The receiving node shall reject the procedure and report the rejection of one or more IEs/IE group using the message normally used to report unsuccessful outcome of the procedure. In case the information received in the initiating message was insufficient to determine a value for all IEs that are required to be present in the message used to report the unsuccessful outcome of the procedure, the receiving node shall instead terminate the procedure and initiate the Error Indication procedure. If a message initiating a procedure that does not have a message to report unsuccessful outcome is received containing one or more IEs/IE groups marked with "Reject IE" which the receiving node does not comprehend, the receiving node shall terminate the procedure and initiate the Error Indication procedure. If a response message is received containing one or more IEs marked with "Reject IE", that the receiving node does not comprehend, the receiving node shall consider the procedure as unsuccessfully terminated and initiate local error handling.
Ignore IE and Notify Sender: If a message initiating a procedure is received containing one or more IEs/IE groups marked with "Ignore IE and Notify Sender" which the receiving node does not comprehend, the receiving node shall ignore the content of the not comprehended IEs/IE groups, continue with the procedure as if the not comprehended IEs/IE groups were not received (except for the reporting) using the understood IEs/IE groups, and report in the response message of the procedure that one or more IEs/IE groups have been ignored. In case the information received in the initiating message was insufficient to determine a value for all IEs that are required to be present in the response message, the receiving node shall instead terminate the procedure and initiate the Error Indication procedure. if a message initiating a procedure that does not have a message to report the outcome of the procedure is received containing one or more IEs/IE groups marked with "Ignore IE and Notify Sender" which the receiving node does not comprehend, the receiving node shall ignore the content of the not comprehended IEs/IE groups, continue with the procedure as if the not comprehended IEs/IE groups were not received (except for the reporting) using the understood IEs/IE groups, and initiate the Error Indication procedure to report that one or more IEs/IE groups have been ignored. If a response message is received containing one or more IEs/IE groups marked with "Ignore IE and Notify Sender" which the receiving node does not comprehend, the receiving node shall ignore the content of the not comprehended IEs/IE groups, continue with the procedure as if the not comprehended IEs/IE groups were not received (except for the reporting) using the understood IEs/IE groups and initiate the Error Indication procedure.
Ignore IE: If a message initiating a procedure is received containing one or more IEs/IE groups marked with "Ignore IE" which the receiving node does not comprehend, the receiving node shall ignore the content of the not comprehended IEs/IE groups and continue with the procedure as if the not comprehended IEs/IE groups were not received using the understood IEs/IE groups. If a response message is received containing one or more IEs/IE groups marked with "Ignore IE" which the receiving node does not comprehend, the receiving node shall ignore the content of the not comprehended IEs/IE groups and continue with the procedure as if the not comprehended IEs/IE groups were not received using the understood IEs/IE groups.
When reporting not comprehended IEs/IE groups marked with "Reject IE" or "Ignore IE and Notify Sender" using a response message defined for the procedure, the Information Element Criticality Diagnostics IE shall be included in the Criticality Diagnostics IE for each reported IE/IE group. In the Information Element Criticality Diagnostics IEthe Repetition Number IE shall be included and in addition, if the not comprehended IE/IE group is not at message hierarchy level 1 (top level; see annex A2) also the Message Structure IE shall be included. When reporting not comprehended IEs/IE groups marked with "Reject IE" or "Ignore IE and Notify Sender" using the Error Indication procedure, the Procedure Code IE, the Triggering Message IE, Procedure Criticality IE, and the Information Element Criticality Diagnostics IE shall be included in the Criticality Diagnostics IE for each reported IE/IE group. In the Information Element Criticality Diagnostics IEthe Repetition Number IE shall be included and in addition, if the not comprehended IE/IE group is not at message hierarchy level 1 (top level; see annex A2) also the Message Structure IE shall be included.
Missing IE or IE group
The receiving node shall treat the missing IE/IE group according to the criticality information for the missing IE/IE group in the received message specified in the version of this specification used by the receiver: Reject IE: if a received message initiating a procedure is missing one or more IEs/IE groups with specified criticality "Reject IE"; none of the functional requests of the message shall be executed. The receiving node shall reject the procedure and report the missing IEs/IE groups using the message normally used to report unsuccessful outcome of the procedure. In case the information received in the initiating message was insufficient to determine a value for all IEs that are required to be present in the message used to report the unsuccessful outcome of the procedure, the receiving node shall instead terminate the procedure and initiate the Error Indication procedure. if a received message initiating a procedure that does not have a message to report unsuccessful outcome is missing one or more IEs/IE groups with specified criticality "Reject IE", the receiving node shall terminate the procedure and initiate the Error Indication procedure. if a received response message is missing one or more IEs/IE groups with specified criticality "Reject IE, the receiving node shall consider the procedure as unsuccessfully terminated and initiate local error handling.
Ignore IE and Notify Sender: if a received message initiating a procedure is missing one or more IEs/IE groups with specified criticality "Ignore IE and Notify Sender", the receiving node shall ignore that those IEs are missing and continue with the procedure based on the other IEs/IE groups present in the message and report in the response message of the procedure that one or more IEs/IE groups were missing. In case the information received in the initiating message was insufficient to determine a value for all IEs that are required to be present in the response message, the receiving node shall instead terminate the procedure and initiate the Error Indication procedure. if a received message initiating a procedure that does not have a message to report the outcome of the procedure is missing one or more IEs/IE groups with specified criticality "Ignore IE and Notify Sender", the receiving node shall ignore that those IEs are missing and continue with the procedure based on the other IEs/IE groups present in the message and initiate the Error Indication procedure to report that one or more IEs/IE groups were missing. if a received response message is missing one or more IEs/IE groups with specified criticality "Ignore IE and Notify Sender", the receiving node shall ignore that those IEs are missing and continue with the procedure based on the other IEs/IE groups present in the message and initiate the Error Indication procedure to report that one or more IEs/IE groups were missing.
Ignore IE: if a received message initiating a procedure is missing one or more IEs/IE groups with specified criticality "Ignore IE", the receiving node shall ignore that those IEs are missing and continue with the procedure based on the other IEs/IE groups present in the message. if a received response message is missing one or more IEs/IE groups with specified criticality "Ignore IE", the receiving node shall ignore that those IEs/IE groups are missing and continue with the procedure based on the other IEs/IE groups present in the message.
When reporting missing IEs/IE groups with specified criticality "Reject IE" or "Ignore IE and Notify Sender" using a response message defined for the procedure, the Information Element Criticality Diagnostics IE shall be included in the Criticality Diagnostics IE for each reported IE/IE group. In the Information Element Criticality Diagnostics IE the Repetition Number IE shall be included and in addition, if the missing IE/IE group is not at message hierarchy level 1 (top level; see annex A2) also the Message Structure IE shall be included. When reporting missing IEs/IE groups with specified criticality "Reject IE" or "Ignore IE and Notify Sender" using the Error Indication procedure, the Procedure Code IE, the Triggering Message IE, Procedure Criticality IE, and the Information Element Criticality Diagnostics IE shall be included in the Criticality Diagnostics IE for each reported IE/IE group. In the Information Element Criticality Diagnostics IE the Repetition Number IE shall be included and in addition, if the missing IE/IE group is not at message hierarchy level 1 (top level; see annex A2) also the Message Structure IE shall be included.
IEs or IE groups received in wrong order or with too many occurrences or erroneously present
If a message with IEs or IE groups in wrong order or with too many occurrences is received or if IEs or IE groups with a conditional presence are present when the condition is not met (i.e. erroneously present), the receiving node shall behave according to the following: If a message initiating a procedure is received containing IEs or IE groups in wrong order or with too many occurrences or erroneously present, none of the functional requests of the message shall be executed. The receiving node shall reject the procedure and report the cause value "Abstract Syntax Error (Falsely Constructed Message)" using the message normally used to report unsuccessful outcome of the procedure. In case the information received in the initiating message was insufficient to determine a value for all IEs that are required to be present in the message used to report the unsuccessful outcome of the procedure, the receiving node shall instead terminate the procedure and initiate the Error Indication procedure. If a message initiating a procedure that does not have a message to report unsuccessful outcome is received containing IEs or IE groups in wrong order or with too many occurrences or erroneously present, the receiving node shall terminate the procedure and initiate the Error Indication procedure, and use cause value "Abstract Syntax Error (Falsely Constructed Message)". If a response message is received containing IEs or IE groups in wrong order or with too many occurrences or erroneously present, the receiving node shall consider the procedure as unsuccessfully terminated and initiate local error handling.
When determining the correct order only the IEs specified in the specification version used by the receiver shall be considered.
Logical Error
Logical error situations occur when a message is comprehended correctly, but the information contained within the message is not valid (i.e. semantic error), or describes a procedure which is not compatible with the state of the receiver. In these conditions, the following behaviour shall be performed (unless otherwise specified) as defined by the class of the elementary procedure, irrespective of the criticality information of the IEs/IE groups containing the erroneous values. Class 1: Where the logical error occurs in a request message of a class 1 procedure, and the procedure has a message to report this unsuccessful outcome, this message shall be sent with an appropriate cause value. Typical cause values are: Semantic Error. Message not compatible with receiver state.
Where the logical error is contained in a request message of a class 1 procedure, and the procedure does not have a message to report this unsuccessful outcome, the procedure shall be terminated and the Error Indication procedure shall be initiated with an appropriate cause value. The Procedure Code IE and the Triggering Message IE within the Criticality Diagnostics IE shall then be included in order to identify the message containing the logical error. Where the logical error exists in a response message of a class 1 procedure, the procedure shall be considered as unsuccessfully terminated and local error handling shall be initiated. Class 2: Where the logical error occurs in a message of a class 2 procedure, the procedure shall be terminated and the Error Indication procedure shall be initiated with an appropriate cause value. The Procedure Code IE and the Triggering Message IE within the Criticality Diagnostics IE shall then be included in order to identify the message containing the logical error. Class 3: Where the logical error occurs in a request message of a class 3 procedure, and the procedure has a message to report this unsuccessful outcome, this message shall be sent with an appropriate cause value. Typical cause values are:
Where the logical error is contained in a request message of a class 3 procedure, and the procedure does not have a message to report this unsuccessful outcome, the procedure shall be terminated and the Error Indication procedure shall be initiated with an appropriate cause value. The Procedure Code IE and the Triggering Message IE within the Criticality Diagnostics IE shall then be included in order to identify the message containing the logical error. Where the logical error exists in a response message of a class 3 procedure, the procedure shall be considered as unsuccessfully terminated and local error handling shall be initiated.
The error handling for all the cases described hereafter shall take precedence over any other error handling described in the other subclauses of clause 10. If any type of error (Transfer Syntax Error, Abstract Syntax Error or Logical Error) is detected in the ERROR INDICATION message, it shall not trigger the Error Indication procedure in the receiving Node but local error handling; In case a response message or Error Indication message needs to be returned, but the information necessary to determine the receiver of that message is missing, the procedure shall be considered as unsuccessfully terminated and local error handling shall be initiated; If an error that terminates a procedure occurs, the returned cause value shall reflect the error that caused the termination of the procedure even if one or more abstract syntax errors with criticality "ignore and notify" have earlier occurred within the same procedure.
This subclause specifies special procedures that are used for RNC to RNC communication, and that use other transport means than the RANAP procedures specified in clause 8.
The purpose of the RANAP Relocation Information procedure is to handle the RANAP-related information that is carried transparently during relocation from a source RNC to a target RNC by RNSAP via the Iur Interface.
When during relocation it becomes necessary in the source RNC to generate RANAP information for transfer to the relocation target, the RNC shall form a RANAP RELOCATION INFORMATION message. The message shall be encoded according to the encoding rules specified for RANAP in the similar manner as for the normal RANAP messages. The outcome of the encoding will be an octet string, which shall not be sent to the CN via the Iu Interface, but shall be given to the appropriate local process for transparent transfer to the target RNC. When the RANAP process in the target RNC receives an octet string containing a RANAP RELOCATION INFORMATION message that had been transparently transferred from the source RNC, it shall decode it according to the encoding rules specified for RANAP. This process is similar to receiving any normal RANAP message. The decoded information shall be passed to the appropriate processes in the RNC.
The RANAP RELOCATION INFORMATION message may contain the Direct Transfer Information List IE, the RAB Contexts List IE and the Source RNC PDCP context info IE. If present, the Direct Transfer Information List IE shall contain the NAS-PDU IE, the SAPI IE and the CN Domain Indicator IE. If present, the RAB Contexts List IE shall contain for each addressed RAB: the RAB ID IE; if available, the DL GTP-PDU Sequence Number IE; if available, the UL GTP-PDU Sequence Number IE; if available, the DL N-PDU Sequence Number IE; if available, the UL N-PDU Sequence Number IE.
Based on the principles described in [3], the following rules can be deduced: 1) The following RANAP messages initiating a connection oriented signalling connection shall contain the CN Domain Indicator IE: INITIAL UE MESSAGE message and RELOCATION REQUEST message. 2) Any RANAP message belonging to class 1 procedures and which uses connectionless signalling shall contain the CN Domain Indicator IE. 3) The following RANAP messages belonging to class 2 procedures and using connectionless signalling shall contain the CN Domain Indicator IE: PAGING message and ERROR INDICATION message, the OVERLOAD message in DL direction (see chapter may contain the CN Domain Indicator IE.
Message Type A B >E >>F >>>G >>H >>>G >>G >>J >>>G C >K >>L >>>M D
reject reject reject ignore ignore ignore ignore and notify reject reject reject ignore and notify
NOTE 1: The IEs F, J, and L do not have assigned criticality. The IEs F, J, and L are consequently realised as the ASN.1 type SEQUENCE OF of "ordinary" ASN.1 type, e.g. INTEGER. On the other hand, the repeatable IEs with assigned criticality are realised as the ASN.1 type SEQUENCE OF of an IE object, e.g. ProtocolIE-Container. For the corresponding ASN.1 layout, see subclause A.2.4.
Assume further more that a received message based on the above tabular format is according to the figure below. Level 1 (top level) A B C D
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 2
1 2 3 4
Level 3
Level 4
2 3
6 7 8
10 11 12
13 14
Included in the Information Element Criticality Diagnostics IE: a) IE ID IE b) Repetition Number IE Figure A.2: Example of a received RANAP message containing a not comprehended IE If there is an error within the instance marked as grey in the IE G in the IE J shown in the figure A.2 above, this will be reported within the Information Element Criticality Diagnostics IE within the Criticality Diagnostics IE as follows:
IE name IE Criticality IE ID Repetition Number Type of Error Value reject id-G 11 Comment Criticality for IE on the reported level, i.e. level 4. IE ID from the reported level, i.e. level 4. Repetition number on the reported level, i.e. level 4. (Since the IE E (level 2) is the lowest level included in the Message Structure IE this is the eleventh occurrence of IE G within the IE E (level 2).
not underst ood Message Structure, first repetition >IE ID id-B IE ID from level 1. Message Structure, second repetition >IE ID id-E IE ID from the lowest level above the reported level, i.e. level 2. >Repetition 3 Repetition number from the lowest level above the reported level, i.e. level 2. Number
NOTE 2: The IE J on level 3 cannot be included in the Message Structure IE since they have no criticality of their own. NOTE 3: The repetition number of the reported IE indicates the number of repetitions of IE G received up to the detected erroneous repetition, counting all occurrences of the IE G below the same instance of the previous level with assigned criticality (instance 3 of IE E on level 2).
Level 1 (top level)
Example 2
A B C D Included in the Message Structure IE.
Level 2
1 2 3
Level 3
Level 4
Included in the Information Element Criticality Diagnostics IE: a) IE ID IE b) Repetition Number IE Figure A.3: Example of a received RANAP message containing a not comprehended IE If there is an error within the second instance (marked as grey) in the sequence (IE L in the tabular format) on level 3 below IE K in the structure shown in the figure A.3 above, this will be reported within the Information Element Criticality Diagnostics IE within the Criticality Diagnostics IE as follows:
IE name IE Criticality Value ignore and notify id-K 3 Comment Criticality for IE on the reported level, i.e. level 2.
IE ID from the reported level, i.e. level 2. Repetition number on the reported level, i.e. level 2.
not underst ood Message Structure, first repetition >IE ID id-C IE ID from the lowest level above the reported level, i.e. level 1.
NOTE 4: The IE L on level 3 cannot be reported individually included in the Message Structure IE since it has no criticality of its own.
Level 1 (top level)
Example 3
A B C D Included in the Message Structure IE.
Level 2
1 2 3 4
Level 3
1 2
Level 4
1 2 3
Included in the Information Element Criticality Diagnostics IE: a) IE ID IE b) Repetition Number IE Figure A.4: Example of a received RANAP message containing a not comprehended IE If there is an error within the instance marked as grey in the IE G in the IE H shown in the figure A.4 above, this will be reported within the Information Element Criticality Diagnostics IE within the Criticality Diagnostics IE as follows:
IE name IE Criticality Value ignore and notify id-G 2 Comment Criticality for IE on the reported level, i.e. level 4.
IE ID from the reported level, i.e. level 4. Repetition number on the reported level, i.e. level 4.
not underst ood Message Structure, first repetition >IE ID id-B IE ID from level 1. Message Structure, second repetition >IE ID id-E IE ID from level 2. >Repetition 3 Repetition number from level 2. Number Message Structure, third repetition >IE ID id-H IE ID from the lowest level above the reported level, i.e. level 3. >Repetition 1 Repetition number from the lowest level above the reported level, i.e. level 3. Number
NOTE 5: The repetition number of level 4 indicates the number of repetitions of IE G received up to the detected erroneous repetition, counted below the same instance of the previous level with assigned criticality (instance 1 of IE H on level 3).
Level 1 (top level)
Example 4
A B C D Included in the Message Structure IE.
Level 2
1 2 3 4
Level 3
Level 4
2 3
6 7 8
10 11 12
13 14
Included in the Information Element Criticality Diagnostics IE: a) IE ID IE b) Repetition Number IE Figure A.5: Example of a received RANAP message containing a not comprehended IE If there is an error within the instance marked as grey in the IE G in the IE E shown in the figure A.5 above, this will be reported within the Information Element Criticality Diagnostics IE within the Criticality Diagnostics IE as follows:
IE name IE Criticality IE ID Repetition Number Type of Error Value reject id-G 5 Comment Criticality for IE on the reported level, i.e. level 3. IE ID from the reported level, i.e. level 3. Repetition number on the reported level, i.e. level 3. (Since the IE E (level 2) is the lowest level included in the Message Structure IE this is the fifth occurrence of IE G within the IE E (level 2).
not underst ood Message Structure, first repetition >IE ID id-B IE ID from level 1. Message Structure, second repetition >IE ID id-E IE ID from the lowest level above the reported level, i.e. level 2. >Repetition 3 Repetition number from the lowest level above the reported level, i.e. level 2. Number
NOTE 6: The repetition number of the reported IE indicates the number of repetitions of IE G received up to the detected erroneous repetition, counting all occurrences of the IE G below the same instance of the previous level with assigned criticality (instance 3 of IE E on level 2).
Level 1 (top level)
Example 5
A B C D Included in the Message Structure IE.
Level 2
1 2 3 4
Level 3
Level 4
2 3
5 6 7
10 11
12 13
Included in the Information Element Criticality Diagnostics IE: a) IE ID IE b) Repetition Number IE Figure A.6: Example of a received RANAP message with a missing IE If the instance marked as grey in the IE G in the IE E shown in the figure A.6 above, is missing this will be reported within the Information Element Criticality Diagnostics IE within the Criticality Diagnostics IE as follows:
IE name IE Criticality IE ID Repetition Number Value reject id-G 4 Comment Criticality for IE on the reported level, i.e. level 3. IE ID from the reported level, i.e. level 3. Repetition number up to the missing IE on the reported level, i.e. level 3. (Since the IE E (level 2) is the lowest level included in the Message Structure IE there have been four occurrences of IE G within the IE E (level 2) up to the missing occurrence.
Type of Error missing Message Structure, first repetition >IE ID id-B IE ID from level 1. Message Structure, second repetition >IE ID id-E IE ID from the lowest level above the reported level, i.e. level 2. >Repetition 3 Repetition number from the lowest level above the reported level, i.e. level 2. Number
NOTE 7: The repetition number of the reported IE indicates the number of repetitions of IE G received up to but not including the missing occurrence, counting all occurrences of the IE G below the same instance of the previous level with assigned criticality (instance 3 of IE E on level 2).
ExampleMessage ::= SEQUENCE { ProtocolIEs ProtocolIE-Container ProtocolExtensions ProtocolExtensionContainer ... } ExampleMessage-IEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-A CRITICALITY reject TYPE A { ID id-B CRITICALITY reject TYPE B { ID id-C CRITICALITY reject TYPE C { ID id-D CRITICALITY reject TYPE D ... } B ::= SEQUENCE { e iE-Extensions ... }
| | | ,
B-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } E-List ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxE)) OF ProtocolIE-Container { {E-IEs} } E-IEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-E CRITICALITY ignore ... } E ::= SEQUENCE { f h g j iE-Extensions ... }
PRESENCE mandatory
E-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } F-List ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxF)) OF F F ::= SEQUENCE { g iE-Extensions ... } F-ExtIEs ... }
G-List2 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..3, ...)) OF ProtocolIE-Container { {G2-IEs} } G2-IEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-G CRITICALITY ignore ... }
PRESENCE mandatory
H-List ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxH)) OF ProtocolIE-Container { {H-IEs} } H-IEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-H CRITICALITY ignore ... } H ::= SEQUENCE { g iE-Extensions ... }
PRESENCE mandatory
H-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } G-List3 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..3, ...)) OF ProtocolIE-Container { {G3-IEs} } G3-IEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-G CRITICALITY notify ... }
PRESENCE mandatory
G-List1 ::= ProtocolIE-Container { {G1-IEs} } G1-IEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-G CRITICALITY reject ... }
PRESENCE mandatory
J-List ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxJ)) OF J J ::= SEQUENCE { g iE-Extensions ... } J-ExtIEs ... }
G-List4 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..3, ...)) OF ProtocolIE-Container { {G4-IEs} } G4-IEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-G CRITICALITY reject ... } C ::= SEQUENCE { k iE-Extensions ... }
PRESENCE mandatory
C-ExtIEsA -PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } K-List ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxK)) OF ProtocolIE-Container { {K-IEs} } K-IEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-K CRITICALITY notify ... } K ::= SEQUENCE { l iE-Extensions ... }
PRESENCE mandatory
K-ExtIEs RANAP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } L-List ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxL)) OF L L ::= SEQUENCE { m iE-Extensions ... }
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