CANDE 2007 UserManualAndGuideline
CANDE 2007 UserManualAndGuideline
CANDE 2007 UserManualAndGuideline
s s
s s
0 0
where, M
=E(1- )/((1+ )(1-2)) Confined modulus
= /(1- ) ... Lateral Coefficient
G = E/(2(1+ )) . Shear Modulus
= two-dimensional engineering stress vector
= two-dimensional engineering strain vector
Return to line D-1 for more material definition if needed.
Proceed to Part E if LRFD = 1
Otherwise this completes the input stream for this problem (insert STOP command, line A-1).
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5.6.3 D-2 Orthotropic Linear Elasti c Elastic Parameters
Orthotropic elastic parameters
Use if Comments
A-1.LEVEL = 2 or 3 Use ONLY if the Solution Level is set to 2 or 3.
D-1.ITYP = 2 Use onl y if the Material Model Type i s Orthotropic (2).
Input Options Description
Elasti c parameter at
position (1,1)
Elastic parameter at
matrix position (1,1)
Default =0.0 psi
Confined modulus in x-direction (lateral). See
constitutive relationship in matrix below.
Elasti c parameter at
position (1,2)
Elastic parameter at
matrix position (1,2)
Default =0.0 psi
Orthogonal x-y stiffness modulus. See
constitutive relationship in matrix below.
Elasti c parameter at
position (2,2)
Elastic parameter at
matrix position (2,2)
Default =0.0 psi
Confined modulus in y-direction (vertical). See
constitutive relationship in matrix below.
Elasti c parameter at
position (3,3)
Elastic parameter at
matrix position (3,3)
Default =0.0 psi
Shear modulus. See constitutive relationship in
matrix below
Angl e of material axis
Angle of material axis.
Default =0.0 deg
Theta =the angle that material axis makes with
the global x-y axis. Typically, the material axis
is aligned the global axis so that the default
value is appropriate.
Comment: Orthotropic elastic properties are useful when the stiffness in the vertical direction differs from
the stiffness is the lateral direction such as when reinforced earth is used to stiffen the soil in the lateral
direction. The matrix is symmetric.
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
) 3 , 3 ( 0 0
0 ) 2 , 2 ( ) 2 , 1 (
0 ) 2 , 1 ( ) 1 , 1 (
= two-dimensional engineering stress vector
= two-dimensional engineering strain vector
Return to line D-1 for more material definition if needed.
Proceed to Part E if LRFD = 1
Otherwise this completes the input stream for this problem, insert STOP command.
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5.6.4 Duncan and Duncan/Seli g Model Types D-2 Duncan Fundamental Controls
Duncan fundamental controls
Use if Comments
A-1.LEVEL = 2 or 3 Use ONLY if the Solution Level is 2 or 3.
D-1.ITYP = 3 Use onl y if the Material Model Type i s Duncan/Seli g(3).
Input Options Description
LRFD stiffness control
LRFD control for
material stiffness
=0, service load
=1, factored load
Default =0
This control only applies to LRFD = 1.
Selecting NON =0 signals the soil model to
adjust its stiffness based on service-load
stresses, not the higher factored stresses.
Conversely if NON =1, the factored stresses
are used to compute each element soil
stiffness. The default value is recommended.
Moduli averaging ratio
Moduli averaging ratio.
Default =0.5
During the iteration process CANDE
determines the effective soil modulus over
each load step as a weighted average of the
tangent stiffness at the start and at the end of
the load step. Setting RATIO =0.5 is generally
recommended and means an evenly balanced
average. However, if one is modeling pre-
existing soil (such as in-situ soil or beddings),
then it is more appropriate to set RATIO =1.0.
This only applies to the first load step then
automatically reverts back to RATIO =0.5 on
subsequent load steps.
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
Input Options Description
Soil model
Selection of Duncan or
Duncan/Selig soil model:
=0, Duncan
=1, Duncan/Selig
(Default =0)
The Duncan and Duncan/Selig models are the
two most popular models used for
characterizing the stress dependent stiffness of
backfill soil in culvert installations. The
models are very similar.
Setting IBULK = 0 selects the Duncan
hyperbolic model for tangent Youngs
modulus along with Duncans power law for
the tangent bulk modulus.
See Table 5.6-4 for built-in parameters
associated with MATNAM
Setting IBULK = 1 selects the Duncan
hyperbolic model for tangent Youngs
modulus along with Seligs hyperbolic law for
tangent bulk modulus
See Table 5.6-5 for built-in parameters
associated with MATNAM
If MATNAM = USER additional input
information is required.
If MATNAM = USER, proceed to lines D-3 and D-4
Otherwise input is complete for this material, next step options:
Return to line D-1 for more material input, or
If LRFD= 1, Proceed to Part E, otherwise
Input is complete, insert STOP command (line A-1)
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
Table 5.6-4 Material names (MATNAM) and values for Duncan model (IBULK=0)
Youngs Tangent Modulus Parameters Bulk Parameters Density
K n C
(--) (--) (psi) (deg) (deg) (--) (--) (--)
CA105 600 0.40 0.0 42 9 0.7 175 0.2 150
CA95 300 0.40 0.0 36 5 0.7 75 0.2 140
CA90 200 0.40 0.0 33 3 0.7 50 0.2 135
SM100 600 0.25 0.0 36 8 0.7 450 0.0 135
SM90 300 0.25 0.0 32 4 0.7 250 0.0 125
SM85 150 0.25 0.0 30 2 0.7 150 0.0 120
SC100 400 0.60 3.5 33 0 0.7 200 0.5 135
SC90 150 0.60 2.1 33 0 0.7 75 0.5 125
SC85 100 0.60 1.4 33 0 0.7 50 0.5 120
CL100 150 0.45 2.8 30 0 0.7 140 0.2 135
CL90 90 0.45 1.4 30 0 0.7 80 0.2 125
CL85 60 0.45 0.7 30 0 0.7 50 0.2 120
*MATNAM is composed of two letters and a number defined as follows:
CA =Course Aggregates, SM =Silty Sand, SC =Silty-Clayey Sand and CL =Silty Clay
Number =percent relative compaction, per AASHTO T-99
Table 5.6-5 Material names (MATNAM) and values for Duncan/Selig model (IBULK=1)
Youngs Tangent Modulus Parameters Bulk Parameters*** Density
K n C
/ P
(--) (--) (psi) (deg) (deg) (--) (--) (--)
SW100 1300 0.90 0.0 54 15 0.65 108.8 0.01 148
SW95 950 0.60 0.0 48 8.0 0.70 74.8 0.02 145
SW90 640 0.43 0.0 42 4.0 0.75 40.8 0.05 140
SW85 450 0.35 0.0 38 2.0 0.80 12.7 0.08 130
SW80 320 0.35 0.0 36 1.0 0.90 6.1 0.11 120
ML95 440 0.40 4.0 34 0.0 0.95 48.3 0.06 135
ML90 200 0.26 3.5 32 0.0 0.89 18.4 0.10 130
ML85 110 0.25 3.0 30 0.0 0.85 9.5 0.14 122
ML80 75 0.25 2.5 28 0.0 0.80 5.1 0.19 115
ML50 16 0.95 0.0 23 0.0 0.55 1.3 0.43 66
CL95 120 0.45 9.0 15 4.0 1.00 21.2 0.13 130
CL90 75 0.54 7.0 17 7.0 0.94 10.2 0.17 125
CL85 50 0.60 6.0 18 8.0 0.90 5.2 0.21 120
CL80 35 0.66 5.0 19 8.5 0.87 3.5 0.25 112
**MATNAM is composed of two letters and a number defined as follows:
SW =Gravelly Sand, ML =Sandy Silt, and CL =Silty Clay
Number =percent relative compaction, per AASHTO T-99
*** Seligs bulk parameters are the original hydrostatic values that are more generally accepted than his
subsequent set of modified values. Some investigators believe the original hydrostatic values are better
for design because they are conservative.
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5-168 D-3 Duncan/Duncan Selig Parameters for Tangent Youngs Modulus
Duncan/Duncan Selig parameters for tangent Youngs Modulus
Use if Comments
A-1.LEVEL = 2 or 3 Use ONLY if the Solution Level is 2 or 3.
D-1.ITYP = 3 Use onl y if the Material Model Type is Duncan or
D-1.MATNAM =USER Use onl y if the Material Name (MATNAM) is defined as
Input Options Description
Cohesion intercept
Cohesion intercept
Default =0.0 psi
Data to fit the tangent youngs modulus model
is generally obtained from a series of soil tri-
axial tests. C =cohesion intercept of the shear
failure surface versus normal stress, noted as c
in the equation below.
Initial friction angle
Initial friction angle
Default =0.0 deg
PHIO =initial angle of the of the shear failure
surface versus normal stress, noted as
in the
equation below.
Reduction of friction
Reduction of friction
Default =0.0 deg
DPHI =the reduction in initial friction angle
for a 10-fold increase in confining pressure,
noted as in the equation below.
Magnitude of initial
tangent modulus
Magnitude of initial
tangent modulus
Default =0.0
ZK = the initial tangent modulus parameter
related to scalar magnitude, noted as K in the
equation below.
Exponent for initi al
tangent modulus
Exponent for initial
tangent modulus
Default =0.0
ZN = the exponent for the power law
characterizing the initial tangent modulus,
noted as n in the equation below.
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
Input Options Description
Ratio of actual failure
stress to models
Ratio of actual failure
stress to models ultimate
stress limit
RF =ratio of observed failure stress to the
ultimate asymptotic failure stress that
characterizes the model, noted as R
in the
equation below.
Basic Equations for Tangent Youngs modulus:
Tangent modulus: E
= E
(1 - R
(1- sin)(
)/(2Ccos + 2
Initial modulus: E
= KP
Friction angle (rads): =
are principal stresses and P
is atmospheric pressure (14.7 psi),
Proceed to line D-4
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5-170 D-4 Duncan/Duncan Selig Parameters for Tangent Bulk Modulus
Duncan/Duncan Selig parameters for tangent bulk Modulus
Use if Comments
A-1.LEVEL = 2 or 3 Use ONLY if the Solution Level is 2 or 3.
D-1.ITYP = 3 Use onl y if the Material Model Type i s Duncan/Seli g(3).
D-1.MATNAM =USER Use onl y if the Material Name (MATNAM) is defined as
Input Options Description
Magnitude of tangent
bulk modulus
Magnitude of tangent
bulk modulus:
, Duncan
power law
/ P
, Selig
hyper form
Default =0.0
The entry for BK must be consistent with the
previous choice for IBULK.
For IBULK =0, set BK to Duncans magnitude
number, noted as K
in the equation below.
For IBULK =1, set BK to Seligs magnitude
ratio, noted as B
/ P
in the equation below.
Bulk modulus
parameter , m, Duncan
Power Law
Bulk modulus parameter
depending on previous
choice of Duncan or
Duncan/Selig models:
=m, Duncan
power law
, Selig
hyper form
Default =0.0
The entry for BM must be consistent with the
previous choice for IBULK.
For IBULK = 0, (Duncan form) set BM to
Duncans power law exponent, noted as m in
the equation below.
For IBULK =1, (Duncan/Selig form) set BM
to Seligs ultimate volumetric strain, noted as
in the equation below
Al ternate form using
constant Poissons
Alternate form using
constant Poissons ratio
Default =0.0
As an alternative to either of the variable bulk
modulus functions above, the user may select a
constant Poissons ratio to be used with the
tangent Youngs modulus. By setting VT to a
positive Poissons ratio, the bulk modulus
functions will not be used. This is the so-called
original Duncan model.
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
Basic Equations for Tangent Bulk modulus:
Power law (Duncan): B
= P
, where
is minimum principal stress.
Hyperbolic form (Selig): B
/ P
) (1+
/( B
, where
is average stress.
Return to line D-1 for more material definition if needed.
Proceed to Part E if LRFD = 1
Otherwise, this completes the input stream for this problem insert STOP command.
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5.6.5 D-2Overburden DependentUser Defined El astic Prop. vs. Overburden Pressure
Overburden dependent user defined el astic properties vs. overburden pressure
Note: if a special MATNAM was selected; skip this D-2 input line.
Use if Comments
A-1.LEVEL = 2 or 3 Use ONLY if the Solution Level is 2 or 3.
D-1.ITYP = 4 Use onl y if the Material Model Type is Overburden
Dependent (4).
D-1.MATNAM =USER Use onl y if the Material Name (MATNAM) is defined as
Input Options Description
Last item indi cator
(NOTE: This input is
specific to the GUI)
Enter an L to indicate
this is the last overburden
dependent row to be
Once an L is encountered, all subsequent
rows in the table will be ignored.
Overburden pressure
Overburden pressure for
table entry N, where N =
1 to X
(No default)
Line D-2 is only required for MATNAM =
USER. For other special MATNAMs no
additional input is required. See values in
Table 5.6-6.
Starting with N = 1, set H(N) equal to the
overburden pressure associated with the elastic
properties entered below. Repeat line D-2 to
develop a table of X entries with increasing
overburden pressure. The range is: X
minimum =2, X maximum =10.
Youngs modulus
Youngs modulus for
table entry N
(No default)
Moduli values should correspond to secant
values obtained from confined compression
tests (uniaxial strain). Secant values are the
straight lines connecting the origin to the total
stress-strain curve at the overburden pressure
H(N). Note the secants slope is the confined
modulus, which must be converted to Youngs
The goal is to develop an input table like those
shown in Table 5.6-6.
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
Input Options Description
Poisson s ratio
Poissons ratio for table
entry N
(No default)
Usually Poissons ratio remains relatively
constant as overburden pressure increases.
Typical values:
Granular: 0.30 to 0.35
Mixed: 0.30 to 0.40
Cohesive: 0.33 to 0.40
Last Table Entry
Last table entry
=END, end D-2.
=blank, continue
to read D-2 lines
Line D-2 will continue to be read by the
program until the word END is encountered
in columns 31 to 33.
(NOTE: The GUI automatically inserts the
value based if an L input in the first
parameter (LIMIT).
Comment: The overburden dependent model is only valid in soil zones that are essentially experiencing
one-dimensional compression (uni-axial strain) such as an embankment soil zone that is outside the
influence of soil structure interaction. The advantage of the overburden dependent model is that iterations
are not required to advance the load step because the overburden stress acting on each element is assumed
to be statically determinate based the current height of soil cover above each element. Accordingly, the
appropriate incremental elastic properties are interpolated directly from the input table of properties.
Return to line D-1 for more material definition if needed.
Proceed to Part E if LRFD = 1
Otherwise, this completes the input stream for this problem.
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
Table 5.6-6 Material names (MATNAM) and values for Overburden Dependent Model
Soil Class
Granular Mixed Cohesive
Good Fair Good Fair Good Fair
1,100 550 600 400 250 150
1,300 750 850 550 325 200
1,500 850 1,000 600 375 225
1,650 1,000 1,100 700 375 250
1,800 1,100 1,200 750 400 250
1,900 1,150 1,250 800 400 250
2,100 1,300 1,350 900 400 250
2,250 1,400 1,450 900 400 250
Three soil classes are identified as Granular, Mixed, and Cohesive and each soil class is
characterized with two broad levels of compaction Good and Fair. The intent is to provide a set of
conservative soil properties for design if there is not specific soil data to develop a user defined
The first letter in the special MATNAM names represents the soil class and the remaining four
letters represent the compaction level.
The entries in Table 5.6-6 are the secant values of Youngs modulus for soils in a state of confined
compression (uniaxial strain). In CANDE the secant values are converted to chord values for
incremental stress-strain relationships.
In all cases Poissons ratio is assumed constant with overburden pressure and set equal to 0.33
For the case MATNAM =USER, then the user completes a set of D-2 cards that provides input
information similar to one of the MATNAM columns in the above table.
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5.6.6 D-2 Extended Hardin Soil Model
If MATNAM is defined with a Special Name use line D-2 entitled, Hardin Soil Model Input for
Special MATNAM, listed directly below. Otherwise, if MATNAM is defined as USER proceed to
line D-2 entitled, Hardin Soil Model Input for MATNAM = USER. D-2 Hardin Soil Model Input for Special MATNAM
Extended Hardin Poissons ratio parameters and physical soil property input
Use if Comments
A-1.LEVEL = 2 or 3 Use ONLY if the Solution Level is 2 or 3.
D-1.ITYP = 5 Use onl y if the Material Model Type i s Extended Hardin (5).
Use onl y if the Material Name (MATNAM) is defined as
granular soil (GRAN), mixed soil (MIXE) or cohesive soil
Input Options Description
Poisson s ratio for low
shear strain.
Poissons ratio for low
shear strain.
Default =0.01 for
XNUMIN is a parameter for the hyperbolic
Poisson ratio function representing the
minimum value of Poissons ratio at low shear
strain. The default value was calibrated for
sand (MATNAM=GRAN), but may be used
for mixed and cohesive soils.
Poisson s ratio for high
shear strain
Poissons ratio for high
shear strain.
Default =0.49 for
XNUMAX is a parameter for the hyperbolic
Poisson ratio function representing the
maximum value of Poissons ratio at high shear
strain. The default value was calibrated for
sand (MATNAM=GRAN), but may be used
for mixed and cohesive soils.
Shape parameter for
Poisson ratio function
Shape parameter for
Poisson ratio function.
Default =0.26 for
XQ is a shape parameter for the hyperbolic
Poisson ratio function, which increases the rate
of the Poisson value between the low and high
limits. The default value was calibrated for
sand (MATNAM=GRAN), but may be used
for mixed and cohesive soils.
Void ratio of soil
Void ratio of soil.
Default values:
=0.60 GRAN
=0.50 MIXE
=1.00 COHE
Void ratio is the ratio of void space per unit
volume divided solid space per unit volume.
Values for VOIDR may range is from 0.1 to
3.0. Increased values of VOIDR result in
decreased values of the secant shear stiffness.
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
Input Options Description
Saturation ratio
Saturation ratio.
Default values:
=0.00 GRAN
=0.50 MIXE
=0.90 COHE
SAT is ratio of void space filled with water.
Values for SAT may range is from 0.0 to 1.0.
Increased values of SAT result in decreased
values of the secant shear stiffness.
Plasti city index
Plasticity Index of soil
Default values:
=0.00 GRAN
=0.05 MIXE
=0.20 COHE
PI is the standard plasticity index of soil
determined in laboratory tests. Values for PI
may range is from 0.0 to 1.0. Increased values
of PI result in decreased values of the secant
shear stiffness.
Nonlinear iteration
Print control parameter
Default =0
Currently not operative. Use default.
Input complete for Extended Hardin model (MATNAM = GRAN, MIXE, or COHE)
Return to line D-1 for more material definition if needed.
Proceed to Part E if LRFD = 1
Otherwise, this completes the input stream for this problem.
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5-177 D-2 Hardin Soil Model Input for MATNAM = USER
Hardin Poisson s Ratio and secant shear modulus parameters
Use if Comments
A-1.LEVEL = 2 or 3 Use ONLY if the Solution Level is 2 or 3.
D-1.ITYP = 5 Use onl y if the Material Model Type i s Extended Hardin (5).
D-1.MATNAM = USER Use onl y if the Material Name (MATNAM) is defined as
Input Options Description
Poisson s ratio for low
shear strain
Poissons ratio for low
shear strain.
Default =0.01
XNUMIN is a parameter for the hyperbolic
Poisson ratio function representing the
minimum value of Poissons ratio at low shear
strain. The default value was calibrated for
Poisson s ratio for high
shear strain
Poissons ratio for high
shear strain.
Default =0.49
XNUMAX is a parameter for the hyperbolic
Poisson ratio function representing the
maximum value of Poissons ratio at high
shear strain. The default value was calibrated
for sand.
Shape parameter for
Poisson ratio function
Shape parameter for
Poisson ratio function.
Default =0.26
XQ is a shape parameter for the hyperbolic
Poisson ratio function, which increases the rate
of the Poisson value between the low and high
The default value was calibrated for sand.
Hardin parameter for
hyperbolic shear
Hardin parameter for
hyperbolic shear
Default =none
S1 is a scalar directly proportional to the
magnitude of the secant shear modulus and the
reference shear strain.
Hardin parameter for
hyperbolic shear
Hardin parameter for
hyperbolic shear
Default =none
C1 is a parameter proportional to the
magnitude of hyperbolic shear strain, which
deceases the secant shear modulus
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
Input Options Description
Hardin parameter for
hyperbolic shear
Hardin parameter for
hyperbolic shear
Default =none
A is parameter associated with the increase of
hyperbolic shear strain, which deceases the
secant shear modulus
Nonlinear iteration
Print control parameter
Default =0
Currently not operative. Use default.
Comment: This form of the Extended HARDIN soil model is intended be used in conjunction with tri-axial
soil test data (MATNAM =USER). See CANDE 1976 Engineering Manual for curve fitting procedures for
Hardin parameters.
Return to line D-1 for more material definition if needed.
Proceed to Part E if LRFD = 1
Otherwise, this completes the input stream for this problem.
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5.6.7 D-2 Interface El ement Angl e, Fri ction and Tensil e Breaking Force
Interface angle, friction, and tensile breaking force, and gap distance
Use if Comments
A-1.LEVEL = 2 or 3 Use ONLY if the Solution Level is 2 or 3.
D-1.ITYP = 6 Use onl y if the Material Model Type i s Interface (6).
Input Options Description
Angl e from x-axis to
normal of interface
Angle from x-axis to
normal of interface.
Default =0.0 deg
ANGLE is the arc in degrees starting from x-
axis to the vector that is normal to the interface
when traveling from interface node I to
interface node J . ANGLE is treated as a
material property so that each interface
element with a unique angle must be defined
with a separate material number in Part C.
The angle and mechanical properties must be
input for each interface material number. Thus
for the general case, input data for lines D1 and
D2 may need to be repeated for each interface
A short-cut method is available for the typical
case when the material numbers are
consecutively numbered along any path
wherein only the interface angle is changing
and mechanical properties remain constant. In
this case, only the beginning and ending
material properties need to be input. See the
discussion on next page.
Coefficient of friction
between nodes I and J
Coefficient of friction
between nodes I and J
Default =0.0
FCOEF is the Coulomb friction between
bodies I and J . If the interface shear force
exceeds the product of the compressive normal
force and friction coefficient, then the interface
element permits relative slippage between the
nodes according to the Coulomb friction
hypothesis. A typical range of pipe-soil friction
is 0.3 to 0.7. To simulate a bonded condition
without slippage, set FCOEF to an arbitrary
high value, say 1000.
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
Input Options Description
Tensile breaking force
of contact nodes
Tensile breaking force of
contact nodes I and J .
Default =1.0 lb/in
TENSIL is the force per unit length required to
break the bond between nodes I and J . Should
the interface normal force exceed the tensile
breaking limit (TENSIL), the contact surfaces
will separate from each other and only re-bond
if subsequent loading brings them back
together. To simulate a bonded condition
without tensile rupture, set TENSIL to an
arbitrary high value, say 10,000.
Gap distance in normal
Initial normal gap
distance between two
nodes (positive value)
Default =0.0
XNGAP is the initial gap distance in the
direction of the interface angle between two
bodies containing nodes I and J .
If the gap distance is specified to be zero
(default), then the interface behaves the same
as the original formulation (i.e., previous
CANDE version). However if XNGAP is
defined greater than zero, the two nodes I and J
respond independently from each other until
the normal gap becomes closed. Once the
normal gap is closed the interface behavior
follows the original formulation.
Discussion of Short-Cut method of input for interface element properties.
The so-called short cut method of input is a reduction in the number of repetitions of lines D1&D2. This
short cut is applicable to many common interface situations, and in particular, it is applicable to all
interface options associated with Level 2. The short cut method requires that the interface material numbers
are consecutively numbered along the interface path and that the mechanical properties (friction coefficient
and tension resistance) remain the same along the path but not necessarily the interface angle.
The short-cut method only requires input for the first and last material number in the sequence, that is,
input is required for input lines D1and D2 for the first material number and input lines D1 and D2 for the
last material number. Each intervening interface element material number is automatically assigned an
interface angle determined by constructing a local circle through three points which include its own points
coordinates and the point coordinates of two neighboring interface elements on either side of its own point.
The angle assigned to the interface element is the angle that the radius vector makes with the x-axis. The
mechanical properties assigned to each these intervening interface materials is the same as prescribed for
the first material number.
In the way of an example, consider the case Level 2-Pipe with WORD1 =SLIP wherein there are 11
interface the interface materials starting with number 1 at the invert and proceeding counterclockwise to
number 11 at the crown. (See Table 5.6-3). The corresponding angles for a circular pipe are: -90, -72, -54,
-36, -18, 0, 18, 36, 54, 72, and 90. Thus the long way to input these angles would be to repeat lines D1 and
D2 eleven times. The short-cut method would set I =1 in line D1 and ANGLE =-90 in line D2 followed by
one more set with I =11 in D1 and ANGLE =+90 in D2.
For the case WORD1 =SLPT, the first interface material number starts at the node above the trench floor
up to number 7 at the top of the trench. For a vertical trench wall, ANGLE =0 deg for all seven interface
elements. Again this could be established with the short-cut method with I =1 in line D1 and ANGLE =0
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
in line D2 followed by one more set with I =7 in D1 and ANGLE =0 in D2. In this case the straight line is
converted into very large local circles to produce an interface angle equal to 0 degrees at intervening points.
For the Level 2 Arch mesh, interface material numbering starts with number 1 at the crown (ANGLE =90
degrees) and terminates with number 19 slightly above the footing wherein (ANGLE is about 0 degrees but
varies depending on arch input options). The short-cut method would set I =1 in line D1 and ANGLE =
+90 in line D2 followed by one more set with I =19 in D1 and ANGLE =about 0 degrees in D2.
Return to line D-1 for more material definition if needed.
Proceed to Part E if LRFD = 1
Otherwise, this completes the input stream for this problem.
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5.7 Part E- Net LRFD Load Factors
This section provides a description of the LRFD Load Factors.
One unique net load factor must be assigned to each load step.
5.7.1 E-1 LRFD Net Load Factor per Load step
LRFD net load factor per l oad step
Use if Comments
A-1.LEVEL = 2 or 3 Use ONLY if the Solution Level is 2 or 3.
A-1.LRFD = 1 Use onl y if the Method of Anal ysis i s set to LRFD = 1.
Input Options Description
Starting load step
Starting load step number
to apply the same load
Default =1
INCRS is the load step at which the load factor
below will be applied. The first E-1 input must
specify INCRS =1. Subsequent E-1 inputs for
INCRS, if needed, must specify INCRS =
INCRL(previous) +1.
Last load step
Last load step number to
apply the same load
Default =INCRS
INCRL is the last load step in this sequence of
load steps that share the same load factor
specified below. When INCRL =NINC, the
input of E-1 data is complete. (NINC =total
number of load steps specified in Part C)
Load factor
LRFD load factor applied
to the load steps INCRS
through INCRL.
Default =1.00
See Table 5.7-1.
FACTOR is the net load factor applied to the
load steps INCRS to INCRL (inclusive). It is
the users responsibility to determine the
appropriate value of FACTOR that correlates
to each load step. Table 5.7-1 provides
information on load factors based on the
AASHTO LRFD Specification.
Comment (COMMENT)
User supplied comments
to explain load factor
Default =none
The comment, which can be up to 40
characters in length, is printed out with value
FACTOR for each load step. The purpose of
the comment is to document the rationale for
the load factor value including load modifiers,
Comment: If all load steps are assigned the same load factor, then the E-1 data line need only be entered
once with INCRS =1 and INCRL =NINC and the specified FACTOR common to each increment. At the
other extreme, if each load step is assigned a different load factor (for whatever reason), then line E-1
would be repeated NINC times. In this case, the first E-1 entry would be INCRS =1, INCRL =default, and
the specified FACTOR for the first load step. The second E-1 entry would be INCRS =2, INCRL =
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
default, and the specified FACTOR for the second load step, and so on through the last entry INCRS =
NINC, INCRL =default, and the specified FACTOR for the last load step.
The input for this CANDE run is now complete.
Enter a STOP command (see line A-1) if no additional CANDE problems are to be included in this
input file.
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
Table 5.7-1 Guidance on selecting the net load factor (FACTOR)
Culvert Type Dead Load Culvert
Earth fill Loading
Vehicle Loading
Concrete pipe
1.25 0.9 0.95 1.3 0.9 0.95 1.75 1.0-1.2 0.95
Concrete box
1.25 0.9 0.95 1.3 0.9 0.95 1.75 1.0-1.2 0.95
Concrete arch
1.25 0.9 0.95 1.3 0.9 0.95 1.75 1.0-1.2 0.95
metal pipe or arch
1.25 0.9 0.95 1.95 0.9 0.95 1.75 1.0-1.2 0.95
metal box
1.25 0.9 0.95 1.50 0.9 0.95 1.75 1.0-1.2 0.95
Plastic pipe
1.25 0.9 0.95 1.95 0.9 0.95 1.75 1.0-1.2 0.95
=maximum standard load factor dependent on load case and culvert type.
=minimum standard load factor dependent on load case and culvert type.
=composite load modifier for DC load case ={(ductility)(redundancy)(importance)}
= composite load modifier for EB load case = {(ductility)(redundancy)(importance)}
load modifier for LL load case ={(ductility)(redundancy)(importance)}
m =multiple presence factor for LL load case
IM =impact percentage for LL load case = 33%{1.0 (Cover depth in feet)/8.0}
The AASHTO LRFD specifications identify three load cases that generally pertain to buried structures;
Dead load of Culvert (DC), Earth loading from Backfill operations (EB), and Live Loading of vehicles on
the surface (LL). The user should define the CANDE model such that only one case of loading (DC, EB or
LL) is applied to a particular load step. In this way the incremental responses from each load step can be
attributed to the appropriate loading case.
DC Load Case. The culverts dead load is often applied in the first load step if the existing in-situ soil is
assumed elastic with zero body weight, or DC may be applied in the second load step if the first load step is
used to characterize the deformation of the in-situ soil under its own body weight. In either event the net
input value for the DC load case would generally be computed as FACTOR =
. Here, the maximum
value of the load factor is used because it is anticipated the DC load case will add to the overall culvert
distress resulting from the net contribution of the remaining load steps. The combined load modifier,
a product of three factors related to ductility, redundancy and operational importance. Typically the factors
associated with ductility and operational importances are assumed to be unity, whereas the LRFD
specification says that redundancy factor should be 1.05 for buried structures under dead loads. Thus, a
typical net value for a DC load step is FACTOR =(1.25){(1.00) (1.05)(1.00)}=1.31 .
EB Load Case. Earth backfill loads are usually applied in ten or so incremental load steps after the DC
load step. Typically, the first few EB load steps are layers of soil that are compacted along the sides of the
culvert, which often creates moments in the culvert that are opposite in sign to those of the DC load step
and also opposite in sign to the moments that will be added into the culvert when subsequent EB load steps
of soil are placed on top of the culvert. Thus in the spirit of seeking the worst case LFRD loading scenario,
it may be reasonable to use
for the standard load factor for those EB load steps placed along the sides
of the culvert so that FACTOR =
Accordingly for the EB load steps representing soil layers being
placed over the top of the culvert, it is reasonable to use
for the standard load factor so that FACTOR
Similar to the DC load case, the combined load modifier,
is a product of three factors
related to ductility, redundancy and operational importance. Typically the factors associated with ductility
and operational importances are assumed to be unity, whereas the LRFD specification says that redundancy
factor should be 1.05 for buried structures under earth loads. Thus, a typical value for
is 1.05, which is
the product of {(1.00) (1.05)(1.00)}.
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
LL Load Case. Live loads, which are typically represented by surface pressures related to the design truck
tires, are usually the last load steps to be applied for shallow burial installations. The first step is to compute
the service live load, which is the static wheel pressure multiplied by m(1.00 + IM/100) where m is the
multiple presence factor and IM is the impact percentage. The multiple presence factor, m, ranges from 1.0
to 1.2 for buried culverts and may be interpreted as the likelihood that another design truck is sufficiently
close to the design truck being analyzed such that the load on the culvert is further increased. Thus,
choosing m =1.2 is a conservative approach. The impact percentage, IM, varies linearly from 33% to 0%
as the minimum cover depth varies from 0.0 to 8.0 feet. The resulting service live load is applied as
specified forces in Part C of this manual.
The second step is to compute the LRFD factor for the live load as FACTOR =
Here, the LRFD
specifications only provide a maximum value of the LL load factor,
=1.75. Live loads typically
produce moments whose signs are consistent with, and add to, the DC load case and the EB load case for
soil layers above the culvert. The combined load modifier,
is a product of three factors related to
ductility, redundancy and operational importance. Typically these three factors are assumed to be unity so
Closing Comment. The above illustrations are not a recipe for all culvert problems because worst loading
scenario depends on the pipe type, installation, and the governing limit state. However, the beauty of
CANDE is that it easy to re-run the same problem with another set of FACTORs to find the worst loading
Chapter 6 List of References CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
6 List of References
6.1 Background Documents
1. Katona, M.G., Smith, J .M., Odello, R.S., Allgood, J .R., CANDE: A Modern Approach for the
Structural Design and Analysis of Buried Culverts, Federal Highway Administration Report No.
FHWA-RD-77-5, (October 1976).
2. Katona, M.G., Smith, J .M., CANDE User and System Manuals, Federal Highway Administration
Report No. FHWA-RD-77-6, October 1976.
3. Katona, M.G., Vittes, P.D., Lee, C.H., Ho, H.T., CANDE-1980: Box Culverts and Soil Models,
Federal Highway Administration, Report No. FHWA-RD-172, (May 1981).
4. Musser, S.C., Katona M.G., Selig E.T., CANDE-89: Culvert Analysis and Design computer
program User Manual, Federal Highway Administration Report No. FHWA-RD-89-169, (J une
5. Leonards, G.A, Wu, T.H., J uang, C.H., Predicting Performance of Buried Conduits, Report No.
FHWA/IN/J HRP-81/3, J oint Federal Highway Administration and Indiana State Highway
Commission, (J une 1982).
6. AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, Third Edition, American Association of State
Highway and Transportation Officials, Washington, D.C., (2004)
7. Burns, J . Q., and R. M. Richard, Attenuation of Stresses for Buried Cylinders, Symposium on
Soil-Structure Interaction, University of Arizona Engineering Research Laboratory, Tucson,
Arizona, Proceedings (1964) pp. 378-392.
8. Mlynarski, M., Puckett, J .A., Clancy, C.M., Thompson, P.D., NCHRP Report 485 Bridge
Software Validation Guidelines and Examples, Transportation Research Board, Washington,
DC, (2003)
6.2 Companion Documents
1. CANDE-2007 Solution Methods and Formulations contains the mathematical
developments that describe the various theoretical formulations and nonlinear models that
are contained in CANDE-2007.
2. CANDE-2007 Tutorials for Applications: Contains a series of examples for using that
demonstrate the use of CANDE-2007.
Chapter 6 List of References CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
(This page intentionally left blank)
Chapter 7 Appendix CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
7 Appendices
7.1 CANDE Output Files
CANDE produces a variety of files as it processes the input and runs the CANDE analysis. The following
table provides a synopsis of those file a long with a brief description. A detailed description of the plot files
is provided in subsequent sections of this Appendix.
File name Description
The <prefix>is provided by the
user upon creation of saving of
the CANDE input document.
CANDE input document this file stores the CANDE input
instructions as described in Chapter 5 of this User Manual. The
<prefix> of this document is used in naming other CANDE
documents associated with this input document.
This file may be generated manually, but is produced automatically
with the CANDE input wizard and every time the user clicks on the
Accept Input within the CANDE Input Menus
<prefix>.bakNN CANDE input document Backup files These files are produced
every time a CANDE input document is saved every time the user
clicks on the Accept Input button within the CANDE Input Menus.
If a file is saved accidentally or a change was made that cannot be
reversed using the CANDE input menus, the user can return to a
previous version of the input document by copying the appropriate
backup file to a new CANDE input document.
<prefix>.out CANDE Output file(readable text format)
This is the file that is generated when the CANDE analysis engine
executes. It contains all of the pertinent analysis results.
<prefix>_Gen.out CANDE results generator output (readable text format)
CANDE output from results generator This output file is produced
by the CANDE results generator and is customizable. This file is
produced after the CANDE analysis is completed as a post-processing
<prefix>_MeshGeom.xml Mesh geometry file (XML format)
This file is produced by the CANDE analysis engine and is used to
plot the mesh geometry with the CANDE mesh viewer.
This file will be produced for level 2 and 3 models.
<prefix>_MeshResults.xml Mesh results file (XML format)
This file is produced by the CANDE analysis engine and is used to
plot the mesh results (i.e. deflections, stresses, strains, etc.) with the
CANDE mesh viewer. If the data check mode is on, or if the
analysis did not successfully complete, this file may not be available.
Often in these cases, the user will still be able to view the mesh
geometry without the analysis results.
This file will be produced for level 2 and 3 models.
<prefix>_BeamResults.xml Beam results file (XML format)
This file is produced by the CANDE analysis engine and is used to
plot the beam graphing mesh results (i.e. bending moments, shear,
thrust, etc.) in the local beam coordinate system. If the data check
mode is on, or if the analysis did not successfully complete, this file
may not be available. Often in these cases, the user will still be able to
view the mesh geometry without the analysis results.
This file will be produced for Level 1, 2, and 3 models.
Chapter 7 Appendix CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
File name Description
<prefix>_Process_1250.csv NCHRP Process 12-50 comma delimited file
This file contains the Process 12-50 data as described in this appendix
and in NCHRP Report 485 Bridge Software Validation
Guidelines and Examples
This file is only produced if the value for CULVERTID on the A-1
command (see section 5.3.1 A-1 Master Control Input Data) is
greater than zero.
PLOT1.dat CANDE Plot1 file
This contains finite element mesh data followed by finite element
response data records for each load step. This file is automatically
created in the same folder that the input file is stored with the
extension PLOT1.dat. This is a legacy file that dates to CANDE-89
and has been updated for CANDE-2007.
PLOT2.dat CANDE Plot2 file
This contains pipe element mesh data followed by detailed pipe-
element nodal response data records for each load step. This file is
automatically created in the same folder that the input file is stored
with the name PLOT2.dat. This is a legacy file that dates to CANDE-
89 and has been updated for CANDE-2007.
Chapter 7 Appendix CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
7.1.1 XML Mesh Geometry Format
The following is the XML mesh geometry format that is used by CANDE for plotting and graphing
purposes. This file is automatically generated by CANDE for Levels 2 and 3. It is also used for importing
external meshes into CANDE during the creation of new CANDE input documents using the CANDE input
wizard. The definition of the XML tags are provided in tables at the end of this section.
<?xml ver si on=" 1. 0" encodi ng=" UTF- 8" ?>
<Cont r ol >
<numNodes> 789</ numNodes>
<numEl ement s> 850</ numEl ement s>
<numSoi l Mat er i al s> 3</ numSoi l Mat er i al s>
<numI nt er f aceMat er i al s> 0</ numI nt er f aceMat er i al s>
<i nput Check> 0</ i nput Check>
<numBoundCond> 55</ numBoundCond>
<numConst I ncr > 15</ numConst I ncr >
<meshTi t l e>MESH </ meshTi t l e>
</ Cont r ol >
<nodeDat a>
<nodeCoor d>
<nodeNumber > 1</ nodeNumber >
<nodeXCoor d> - 0. 4019E+02</ nodeXCoor d>
<nodeYCoor d> - 0. 3741E+02</ nodeYCoor d>
</ nodeCoor d>
<nodeCoor d>
<nodeNumber > 2</ nodeNumber >
<nodeXCoor d> - 0. 3328E+02</ nodeXCoor d>
<nodeYCoor d> - 0. 3741E+02</ nodeYCoor d>
</ nodeCoor d>
</ nodeDat a>
<el ement Dat a>
<el emConn>
<el emNumber > 1</ el emNumber >
<el emNode1> 423</ el emNode1>
<el emNode2> 454</ el emNode2>
<el emNode3> 453</ el emNode3>
<el emNode4> 453</ el emNode4>
<el emMat Num> 2</ el emMat Num>
<el emConst r I ncr > 12</ el emConst r I ncr >
<el emType>TRI A</ el emType>
</ el emConn>
<el emConn>
<el emNumber > 2</ el emNumber >
<el emNode1> 423</ el emNode1>
<el emNode2> 451</ el emNode2>
<el emNode3> 454</ el emNode3>
<el emNode4> 454</ el emNode4>
<el emMat Num> 2</ el emMat Num>
<el emConst r I ncr > 12</ el emConst r I ncr >
<el emType>TRI A</ el emType>
</ el emConn>
<el emConn>
<el emNumber > 3</ el emNumber >
Chapter 7 Appendix CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
<el emNode1> 682</ el emNode1>
<el emNode2> 699</ el emNode2>
<el emNode3> 684</ el emNode3>
<el emNode4> 683</ el emNode4>
<el emMat Num> 2</ el emMat Num>
<el emConst r I ncr > 12</ el emConst r I ncr >
<el emType>QUAD</ el emType>
</ el emConn>
</ el ement Dat a>
<boundar yDat a>
<boundar y>
<boundNumber > 1</ boundNumber >
<boundNode> 21</ boundNode>
<boundConst r I ncr > 1</ boundConst r I ncr >
<boundXCode> 1</ boundXCode>
<boundYCode> 0</ boundYCode>
<boundXFor ce> 0. 0000E+00</ boundXFor ce>
<boundYFor ce> 0. 0000E+00</ boundYFor ce>
<boundRot Angl e> 0. 0000E+00</ boundRot Angl e>
</ boundar y>
<boundar y>
<boundNumber > 2</ boundNumber >
<boundNode> 432</ boundNode>
<boundConst r I ncr > 1</ boundConst r I ncr >
<boundXCode> 1</ boundXCode>
<boundYCode> 0</ boundYCode>
<boundXFor ce> 0. 0000E+00</ boundXFor ce>
<boundYFor ce> 0. 0000E+00</ boundYFor ce>
<boundRot Angl e> 0. 0000E+00</ boundRot Angl e>
</ boundar y>
</ boundar yDat a>
<soi l Dat a>
<soi l >
<mat I D> 1</ mat I D>
<i TYP> 1</ i TYP>
<densi t y> 0. 6944444E- 01</ densi t y>
<mat Name>i n si t u</ mat Name>
</ soi l >
</ soi l Dat a>
<i nt er f aceDat a>
<i nt er f ace>
<mat I D> 1</ mat I D>
<mat Name> I nt er # 1</ mat Name>
<angl e> 0. 9000000E+02</ angl e>
<coef f Fr i ct i on> 0. 3000000E+00</ coef f Fr i ct i on>
<t ensi l eFor ce> 0. 1000000E+02</ t ensi l eFor ce>
</ i nt er f ace>
</ i nt er f aceDat a>
</ CANDEMeshGeom>
Chapter 7 Appendix CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
Description of Tags
Master control: <Control>
Tag Type Description
numNodes Integer Number of nodes
numElements Integer Number of elements
numSoilMaterials Integer Number of soil materials
numInterfaceMaterials Integer Number of interface materials
inputCheck Integer Input check
numBoundCond Integer Number of boundary conditions
numConstIncr Integer Number of load steps
meshTitle String Character string title
Node Information: <nodeData><nodeCoord> (1 to numNodes)
Tag Type Description
nodeNumber Integer Node identifier number
X Double Precision X-coordinate of nodeNumber
Y Double Precision Y-coordinate of nodeNumber
Element Information: <elementData><elemConn>(1 to numElements)
Tag Type Description
elemNumber Integer Element identifier number
elemNode1 Integer Node 1 connected to element, all
elemNode2 Integer Node 2 connected to element, all
elemNode2 Integer Node 3 connected to element, repeat node
2 for beam
elemNode2 Integer Node 4 connected to element, repeat node
3 except quad
elemMatNum Integer Material Number of the element
elemConstrIncr Integer Load step of the element
elemType String Either QUAD, TRIA, or BEAM
elemSelected String 1 element selected by the user
0- element not selected by the user
(default from CANDE)
Boundary Information: <boundaryData><boundary > (1 to numBoundCond)
Tag Type Description
boundNumber Integer Boundary identifier number
boundNode Integer Node identifier of the boundary condition
boundConstrIncr Integer Load step when boundary condition is
boundXCode Integer Either 0, 1,2, or 3:
0-, x-force (rotation free)
1 x-disp. (rotation fix)
2 x-disp. (rotation free)
3 x-force (rotation fix)
boundYCode Integer Either 0, 1,2, or 3
0-, y-force (rotation free)
1 y-disp. (rotation fix)
Chapter 7 Appendix CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
2 y-disp. (rotation free)
3 y-force (rotation fix)
boundXForce Double Precision Value of x-force or x-disp.
boundYForce Double Precision Value of y-force or y-disp.
boundRotAngle Double Precision Angle of rotated coordinates to define
boundary conditions.
Soil Information: <soilData><soil> (1 to numSoilMaterials)
Tag Type Description
matID Integer Soil material identifier
iTYP Integer CANDE soil material type.
density double precision Soil density
matName String Specifies either a CANDE predefined soil
name or user provided description.
Interface Information: <interfaceData><interface> (1 to numInterfaceMaterials)
Tag Type Description
matID Integer Interface material identifier
matName String String to describe the material.
angle double precision Angle from x-axis to normal of interface.
coeffFriction double precision Coefficient of friction between nodes I
and J
tensileForce double precision Tensile breaking force of contact nodes I
and J .
Chapter 7 Appendix CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
7.1.2 Mesh results format
The following is the XML mesh results format that is used by CANDE for the plotting of the mesh results
using the CANDE mesh viewer. This file is automatically generated by CANDE for Levels 2 and 3. The
definition of the XML tags is provided in tables at the end of this section.
<CANDEMeshResul t s>
<Cont r ol >
<numNodes> 265</ numNodes>
<numEl ement s> 229</ numEl ement s>
<numConst I ncr > 13</ numConst I ncr >
<Level Num>3</ Level Num>
<Headi ng>217 Cor r . St eel Pi pe </ Headi ng>
</ Cont r ol >
<el emOut put Desc>
<st 1BEAM>Thr ust f or ce at node I </ st 1BEAM>
<st 2BEAM>Shear f or ce at node I </ st 2BEAM>
<st 3BEAM>Moment r esul t ant at node I </ st 3BEAM>
<st 4BEAM>Thr ust f or ce at node J </ st 4BEAM>
<st 5BEAM>Shear f or ce at node J </ st 5BEAM>
<st 6BEAM>Moment r esul t ant at node J </ st 6BEAM>
<st 1TRI A>Ver t i cal st r ai n at el ement cent er </ st 1TRI A>
<st 2TRI A>Hor i zont al st r ai n at el ement cent er </ st 2TRI A>
<st 3TRI A>Shear st r ai n at el ement cent er </ st 3TRI A>
<st 4TRI A>Ver t i cal st r ess at el ement cent er </ st 4TRI A>
<st 5TRI A>Hor i zont al st r ess at el ement cent er </ st 5TRI A>
<st 6TRI A>Shear st r ess at el ement cent er </ st 6TRI A>
<st 1QUAD>Ver t i cal st r ai n at el ement cent er </ st 1QUAD>
<st 2QUAD>Hor i zont al st r ai n at el ement cent er </ st 2QUAD>
<st 3QUAD>Shear st r ai n at el ement cent er </ st 3QUAD>
<st 4QUAD>Ver t i cal st r ess at el ement cent er </ st 4QUAD>
<st 5QUAD>Hor i zont al st r ess at el ement cent er </ st 5QUAD>
<st 6QUAD>Shear st r ess at el ement cent er </ st 6QUAD>
<st 1I NTF>Tot al nor mal i nt er f ace f or ce</ st 1I NTF>
<st 2I NTF>Tot al shear i nt er f ace f or ce</ st 2I NTF>
<st 3I NTF>Last i ncr ement of nor mal i nt er f ace f or ce</ st 3I NTF>
<st 4I NTF>Last i ncr ement of shear i nt er f ace f or ce</ st 4I NTF>
<st 5I NTF>Rel at i ve x- di spl acement i nc. DU( J ) - DU( I ) </ st 5I NTF>
<st 6I NTF>Rel at i ve y- di spl acement i nc. DV( J ) - DV( I ) </ st 6I NTF>
</ el emOut put Desc>
<di spl acement Dat a>
<di spConst I ncr > 1</ di spConst I ncr >
<nodeDi spDat a>
<nodeDi sp>
<nodeDi spNumber > 1</ nodeDi spNumber >
<nodeXDi sp> 0. 000000E+00</ nodeXDi sp>
<nodeYDi sp> 0. 000000E+00</ nodeYDi sp>
</ nodeDi sp>
<nodeDi sp>
<nodeDi spNumber > 2</ nodeDi spNumber >
<nodeXDi sp> 0. 000000E+00</ nodeXDi sp>
Chapter 7 Appendix CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
<nodeYDi sp> 0. 000000E+00</ nodeYDi sp>
</ nodeDi sp>
<el emDi spDat a>
<el emDi sp>
<el emDi spNumber > 1</ el emDi spNumber >
<el emDi spType>BEAM</ el emDi spType>
<st 1> - 0. 562661E+03</ st 1>
<st 2> 0. 144582E+02</ st 2>
<st 3> 0. 195709E+04</ st 3>
<st 4> - 0. 562661E+03</ st 4>
<st 5> 0. 144582E+02</ st 5>
<st 6> 0. 208510E+04</ st 6>
</ el emDi sp>
<el emDi sp>
<el emDi spNumber > 2</ el emDi spNumber >
<el emDi spType>BEAM</ el emDi spType>
<st 1> - 0. 580803E+03</ st 1>
<st 2> 0. 389251E+02</ st 2>
<st 3> 0. 162513E+04</ st 3>
<st 4> - 0. 580803E+03</ st 4>
<st 5> 0. 389251E+02</ st 5>
<st 6> 0. 195709E+04</ st 6>
</ el emDi sp>
</ di spl acement Dat a>
<di spl acement Dat a>
</ di spl acement Dat a>
Master control: <CANDEMeshResults><Control>
Tag Type Description
numNodes Integer Number of nodes
numElements Integer Number of elements
numConstIncr Integer Number of construction increments
LevelNum Integer CANDE model level
Heading string user input title
Element output descriptions: CANDEMeshResults.elemOutputDesc
Defines the definitions of ST1-ST6 (Defined inelemDispData.elemDisp>) based on the element type
Tag Type Description
st1BEAM String Description of beam ST1
st2BEAM String Description of beam ST2
st3BEAM String Description of beam ST3
st4BEAM String Description of beam ST4
st5BEAM String Description of beam ST5
st6BEAM String Description of beam ST6
st1TRIA String Description of TRIA ST1
st2TRIA String Description of TRIA ST2
st3TRIA String Description of TRIA ST3
st4TRIA String Description of TRIA ST4
Chapter 7 Appendix CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
Tag Type Description
st5TRIA String Description of TRIA ST5
st6TRIA String Description of TRIA ST6
st1QUAD String Description of QUAD ST1
st2QUAD String Description of QUAD ST2
st3QUAD String Description of QUAD ST3
st4QUAD String Description of QUAD ST4
st5QUAD String Description of QUAD ST5
st6QUAD String Description of QUAD ST6
st1INTF String Description of INTF ST1
st2INTF String Description of INTF ST2
st3INTF String Description of INTF ST3
st4INTF String Description of INTF ST4
st5INTF String Description of INTF ST5
st6INTF String Description of INTF ST6
Element/Node results data: <CANDEMeshResults><displacementData>
A set of this data is produced for each construction increment; i.e. There will be
CANDEMeshResults.Control.numConstIncr sets of this data.
Construction increment: <dispConstIncr> 1</dispConstIncr>
Tag Type Description
dispConstIncr Integer Construction increment #
Node results data: <CANDEMeshResults><displacementData><nodeDispData><nodeDisp>
One result for each node CANDEMeshResults.Control.numNodes
Tag Type Description
nodeDispNumber Integer Node identifier number
nodeXDisp Double Precision X-Displacement of the node coordinate
for this construction increment
NodeYDisp Double Precision Y-Displacement of the node coordinate
for this construction increment
Element results data: <CANDEMeshResults><displacementData><elemDispData><elemDisp>
One result for each node CANDEMeshResults.Control.numElements
Tag Type Description
elemDispNumber Integer Element identifier number
elemDispType String Element type: Type is either BEAM,
and can be used to extract the output
description for each st* value shown
st1 Double Precision Dependent on element type. Description
comes from
st2 Double Precision Dependent on element type. Description
comes from
st3 Double Precision Dependent on element type. Description
comes from
Chapter 7 Appendix CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
Tag Type Description
st4 Double Precision Dependent on element type. Description
comes from
st5 Double Precision Dependent on element type. Description
comes from
st6 Double Precision Dependent on element type. Description
comes from
Chapter 7 Appendix CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
7.1.3 Beam results format
The following is the XML beam results format that is used by CANDE for the plotting of the beam results
using the CANDE Graphs viewer. This file is automatically generated by CANDE for Levels 1, 2 and 3.
The definition of the XML tags is provided in tables at the end of this section.
<CANDEBeamResul t s>
<Cont r ol >
<numConst I ncr > 13</ numConst I ncr >
<numPi peEl ement s> 19</ numPi peEl ement s>
<numPi peNodes> 20</ numPi peNodes>
<Level >3</ Level >
<Headi ng>217 Cor r . St eel Pi pe
</ Headi ng>
<meshTi t l e>I mpor t ed f r om' C: \ Document s and
Set t i ngs\ bpst r ohman\ Deskt op\ Tut or i a </ meshTi t l e>
</ Cont r ol >
<beamDat a>
<numBeamGr oups> 1</ numBeamGr oups>
<beamGr oup>
<! - - 1- St eel , 2- Al umi num, 3- Concr et e, 4- Pl ast i c, 5- Basi c, 6- Speci al
( Rout i ne added by t he user ) - - >
<pi peCode> 1</ pi peCode>
<! - - Number of beamel em. i n t hi s gr oup - - >
<numBeamEl em> 19</ numBeamEl em>
<st ar t BeamEl em> 1</ st ar t BeamEl em>
<endBeamEl em> 19</ endBeamEl em>
<st ar t Node> 1</ st ar t Node>
<endNode> 20</ endNode>
</ beamGr oup>
</ beamDat a>
<beamResul t s>
<const I ncr ement > 1</ const I ncr ement >
<r esul t sDat a>
<r esul t I d> 1</ r esul t I d>
<nodeNumber > 1</ nodeNumber >
<! - - el emt o r i ght of node: 99999 i f end - - >
<el ement Number > 1</ el ement Number >
<beamGr oupNumber > 1</ beamGr oupNumber >
<pi peType> 1</ pi peType>
<xCoor d> 0. 000000E+00</ xCoor d>
<yCoor d> 0. 823800E+02</ yCoor d>
<xDi sp> 0. 000000E+00</ xDi sp>
<yDi sp> - 0. 794825E+00</ yDi sp>
<bendi ngMoment > 0. 899943E+02</ bendi ngMoment >
<t hr ust For ce> - 0. 466842E+01</ t hr ust For ce>
<shear For ce> 0. 102312E- 01</ shear For ce>
<nor mal Pr essur e> - 0. 979715E- 06</ nor mal Pr essur e>
<t angPr essur e> 0. 989320E- 09</ t angPr essur e>
<! - - Resul t s 10- 20 dependent on pi pe t ype- - >
<r esul t 10> - 0. 800044E+03</ r esul t 10>
<r esul t 11> - 0. 174847E+02</ r esul t 11>
<r esul t 12> 0. 383193E- 01</ r esul t 12>
<r esul t 13> 0. 000000E+00</ r esul t 13>
<r esul t 14> 0. 267000E+001</ r esul t 14>
<r esul t 15> 0. 127000E+00</ r esul t 15>
Chapter 7 Appendix CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
<r esul t 16> 0. 110435E+01</ r esul t 16>
<r esul t 17> 0. 000000E+00</ r esul t 17>
<r esul t 18> 0. 242438E- 01</ r esul t 18>
<moment I ncr ement > 0. 240075E- 04</ moment I ncr ement >
<t hr ust I ncr ement > - 0. 251048E- 04</ t hr ust I ncr ement >
</ r esul t sDat a>
<r esul t sDat a>
</ r esul t sDat a>
</ beamResul t s>
<beamResul t s>
<const I ncr ement > 2</ const I ncr ement >
</ beamResul t s>
</ CANDEBeamResul t s>
Master control: <CANDEBeamResults><Control>
Tag Type Description
numConstIncr Integer Number of construction increments
numPipeElements Integer Total number of pipe elements
numPipeNodes Integer Total number of pipe nodes
LevelNum Integer CANDE model level
Heading string user input title
Beam Data: <CANDEBeamResults><beamData> <beamGroup>
Number of Beam Groups: <numBeamGroups> 4</numBeamGroups>
Beam Group: <CANDEBeamResults><beamData><beamGroup>
Set of this data is produced for each beam group
Tag Type Description
pipeCode Integer code for the pipe type: 1- Steel, 2-
Basic,6-Special (Routine added by the
numBeamElem Integer Number of beam elements in the group
startBeamElem Integer Starting element sequence number in the
endBeamElem Integer Ending element sequence number in the
startNode Integer Starting node sequence number in the
endNode Integer Ending node sequence number in the
Beam Results: <CANDEBeamResults><beamResults>
Construction increment: <constIncrement>1</constIncrement>
Results Data: <CANDEBeamResults><beamResults><resultsData>
Set of this data is produced for each element in this beam group; i.e.
Chapter 7 Appendix CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
Tag Type Description
resulteId Integer result ID number
nodeNumber Integer node ID number
elementNumber Integer element to the right of nodeNumber; 9999
if the last node number
beamGroupNumber Integer beam group for this result
pipeType Integer code for the pipe type: 1- Steel, 2-
Basic,6-Special (Routine added by the
xCoord Double Precision x coordinate of nodeNumber
yCoord Double Precision y coordinate of nodeNumber
xDisp Double Precision x displacement of nodeNumber for this
construction increment
yDisp Double Precision y displacement of nodeNumber for this
construction increment
bendingMoment Double Precision bending moment
thrustForce Double Precision thrust force (compression =negative)
shearForce Double Precision shear force
normalPressure Double Precision normal pressure on pipe
tangPressure Double Precision tangential pressure on pipe
result10 Double Precision dependent on pipe type
result11 Double Precision dependent on pipe type
result12 Double Precision dependent on pipe type
result13 Double Precision dependent on pipe type
result14 Double Precision dependent on pipe type
result15 Double Precision dependent on pipe type
result16 Double Precision dependent on pipe type
result17 Double Precision dependent on pipe type
result18 Double Precision dependent on pipe type
momentIncrement Double Precision moment increment
thrustIncrement Double Precision thrust increment
Chapter 7 Appendix CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
7.1.4 NCHRP Process 12-50 Results
For the purposes of regression testing of future versions of CANDE, the NCHRP Process 12-50 results
have been included in this version of CANDE. Process 12-50 is described in detail in NCHRP Report 485
Bridge Software Validation Guidelines and Examples. This file is only produced if the value for
CULVERTID on the A-1 command (see section 5.3.1 A-1 Master Control Input Data) is greater than
zero. For CANDE, the 12-50 file format is a comma-delimited ASCII text format and has been modified
slightly to account for the two dimensions (i.e. X and Y coordinates). The format is as shown in the
following table. This file is suitable for importing into a relational database. A sample of the Process 12-50
output is shown in Figure 7.1-1.
Table 7.1-1 NCHRP Tag format
Tag Description
CulvertID Unique integer to define this input file (user input on A-1 command)
ProcessID Unique integer to define the process ID (user input on A-1
ReportID Unique integer to uniquely define each CANDE beam result (see
Table 7.1-2 for definitions)
X-location X-coordinate location of beam node
Y.location Y-coordinate location of beam node
Value Value for the specific ReportID
Subdomain Unique integer to define the subdomain ID (user input on A-1
command). Subdomains can define things such as culvert type.
Location ID CANDE Beam group ID
AuxID CANDE local element ID
Figure 7.1-1 Sample NCHRP Process 12-50 results
12, 2, 80003, 0. 000000E+00, 0. 823800E+02, 0. 000000E+00, 1, 1, 1
12, 2, 80004, 0. 000000E+00, 0. 823800E+02, - 0. 794825E+00, 1, 1, 1
12, 2, 80005, 0. 000000E+00, 0. 823800E+02, 0. 899943E+02, 1, 1, 1
12, 2, 80006, 0. 000000E+00, 0. 823800E+02, - 0. 466842E+01, 1, 1, 1
12, 2, 80007, 0. 000000E+00, 0. 823800E+02, 0. 102312E- 01, 1, 1, 1
12, 2, 80008, 0. 000000E+00, 0. 823800E+02, - 0. 979715E- 06, 1, 1, 1
12, 2, 80009, 0. 000000E+00, 0. 823800E+02, 0. 989320E- 09, 1, 1, 1
12, 2, 80010, 0. 000000E+00, 0. 823800E+02, - 0. 800044E+03, 1, 1, 1
12, 2, 80011, 0. 000000E+00, 0. 823800E+02, - 0. 174847E+02, 1, 1, 1
12, 2, 80012, 0. 000000E+00, 0. 823800E+02, 0. 383193E- 01, 1, 1, 1
12, 2, 80013, 0. 000000E+00, 0. 823800E+02, 0. 000000E+00, 1, 1, 1
12, 2, 80014, 0. 000000E+00, 0. 823800E+02, 0. 267000E+00, 1, 1, 1
12, 2, 80015, 0. 000000E+00, 0. 823800E+02, 0. 127000E+00, 1, 1, 1
Chapter 7 Appendix CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
Table 7.1-2 NCHRP Process 12-50 Report ID table
80003 x displacement (inc)
80004 y displacement (inch)
80005 Bending moment positive in fiber tension (in-lb/ inch)
80006 Thrust Force compression negative (lb/inch)
80007 Shear Force outward positive (lb/inch)
80008 Normal Pressure on pipe compression is negative (psi)
80009 Tangential pressure on pipe positive is clockwise (psi)
Aluminum Basic Concrete Plastic Steel
80010 Maximum
fiber stress
0 Inner cage steel
Max Bending
Maximum fiber
80011 Thrust Stress
0 Outer cage
steel stress
Thrust Stress
Thrust Stress
80012 Shear Stress
0 Max concrete
Shear Stress
Shear Stress
80013 Fraction of
wall yielded
0 Effective shear
tensile strain
Fraction of wall
80014 Modified area
0 Effective Area
Effective Area
Modified area (PA*)
80015 Modified
M-of-I (PI*)
0 Effective
M-of-I (PI*)
M-of-I (PI*)
M-of-I (PI*)
80016 Distance to N-
A (y-bar)
0 Distance to N-
A (y-bar)
Distance to N-
A (y-bar)
Distance to N-A (y-
80017 Bend-stress
above yield
0 Crack Width
Bend-stress above
80018 Strain ratio:
0 Crack Depth
Percent of
remaining area
Strain ratio:
80019 Moment increment current inner strain during iteration (in-lb/inch)
80020 Thrust increment current outer strain during iteration (lb/inch)
Chapter 7 Appendix CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
7.1.5 CANDE-2007 Output Files for Plotting
This appendix defines two output files generated by CANDE-2007 that the user may access to plot and/or
further process the CANDE input and output. The data files are legacy files that were part of CANDE-89
and have been included to maintain compatibility with any software that continues to use these files. The
files are standard ASCII text with a format as described in the following section.
Plot data from CANDE is provided on two files controlled by user input parameter called IPLOT. The
two files called PLOT1 and PLOT2 are described below.
1. PLOT1 (alias File 10 in CANDE): This contains finite element mesh data followed by finite
element response data records for each load step. This file is automatically created in the same
folder that the input file is stored with the extension PLOT1.dat.
2. PLOT2 (alias File 30 in CANDE): This contains pipe element mesh data followed by detailed
pipe-element nodal response data records for each load step. This file is automatically created in
the same folder that the input file is stored with the extension PLOT2.dat.
User control for parameter IPLOT:
IPLOT =0, data not written to either PLOT1 or PLOT2
IPLOT =1, data written to only PLOT1, not PLOT2.
IPLOT =2, data written to only PLOT2, not PLOT1.
IPLOT =3, data written to both PLOT1 and PLOT2. Contents of PLOT1.DAT
The following records (a) and (b) are sequentially written to PLOT1. Record (a) is written in subroutine
SAVED and contains all the constant mesh data. Record (b) is written in subroutine RESOUT and contains
the finite element response data for each load step.
(a) FORTRAN statements used to write records written to PLOT1 from subroutine SAVED (mesh
WRITE(LUPLOT,6010) (TITLE(K),K=1,17)
6010 FORMAT(///,,17A4,)
title =character strings of user title from the input line (PREP) (string)
6015 FORMAT(I5,5(,,I5))
npt =Total number of nodal points (integer)
numel =Total number of elements (integer)
nummat = Number of materials (integer)
nputck =Input check code (integer)
nbptc =Number of boundary condition nodes (integer)
ninc = Number of construction increments (integer)
WRITE(LUPLOT,6020) (N, X(N),Y(N)), N=1,NPT)
6020 FORMAT(I5,2(,,E12.4))
n =node number (integer)
x(n) =X-coordinate of node (inches)
y(n) =Y-coordinate of node (inches)
WRITE(LUPLOT,6025) (N, (NOD(K,N),K=1,4),KODE(N),NOD(6,N)) , N= 1, NELEM
6025 FORMAT(I5,6(,,I5))
n =element number (integer)
nod(n,1) =node 1 connected to element, all elements (integer)
Chapter 7 Appendix CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
nod(n,2) =node 2 connected to element, all elements (integer)
nod(n,3) =node 3 connected to element, repeat node 2 for beam (integer)
nod(n,4) =node 4 connected to element, repeat node 3 except quad,
kode(n) =material number of soil element, for beam and interface =11
nod(n,6) =construction increment number of element (integer)
6035 FORMAT(I5,4(,,I5),3(,,E12.4))
n =number of a specified boundary condition (integer)
ndb =node with imposed boundary condition (integer)
ia =construction increment when boundary condition is effective (integer)
Iflagx =X-boundary code (0,1,2, or 3) see CANDE manual (integer)
Iflagy =Y-boundary code (0,1,2, or 3) see CANDE manual (integer)
biv(1,n) =Specified x-direction force or displacement (lbs/inch or inch)
biv(2,n) =Specified y-direction force or displacement (lbs/inch or inch)
biv(3,n) =Angle of rotated boundary coordinate system -- (radians)
(b) Records written to PLOT1 from RESOUT. These records sequentially follow the above record
(a), wherein record (b) is repeated for each load step from ia = 1 to ninc.
1000 FORMAT(I5)
ia =current construction increment number or load step quad (integer)
WRITE(LUPLOT,1010) (U(N),V(N)), N = 1, NPT)
1010 FORMAT(E12.4, ,,E12.4)
n =node number (integer)
u(n) =Total current displacement in x direction (inch)
v(n) =Total current displacement in y direction (inch)
WRITE(LUPLOT,1020) (ST(J ,N), J =1,6), N=1,NELEM)
1020 FORMAT(E12.4, 5(,,E12.4))
n =element number (integer)
st(array) depends on element type as shown below:
Chapter 7 Appendix CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
st(array) Continuum Elements
(Quad or Triangle)
Beam elements
(2-nodes I and J )
Interface Elements (3-
nodes, I, J and K)
ST(1,N) Horizontal strain at element
Thrust force at node I
Total normal interface
ST(2,N) Vertical strain at element
Shear force at node I
Total shear interface
ST(3,N) Shear strain at element center
Moment resultant at
node I
Last increment of
normal interface force
ST(4,N) Horizontal stress at element
Thrust force at node J
Last increment of shear
interface force
ST(5,N) Vertical stress at element
Shear force at node J
Relative x-displacement
inc. DU(J )-DU(I)
ST(6,N) Shear stress at element center
Moment resultant at
node J
Relative y-displacement
inc. DV(J )-DV(I)
The following records (a) and (b) are sequentially written to PLOT2. Record (a) is written in subroutine
SAVED and contains only a few key parameters. Record (b) is written in subroutine RESOUT and contains
pipe-element group data (written during first load step only) followed by all pipe-element response data for
each load step.
(a) Records written to PLOT2 from subroutine SAVED (global beam element data),
WRITE(30,6010) (TITLE(K),K=1,17)
6010 FORMAT(///,,17A4,)
title =character strings of user title from the PREP input line. (string)
6030 FORMAT(I5,2(,,I5))
ninc =total number of construction increments (integer)
npmat =total number pipe (beam) elements (integer)
nppt = total number of pipe (beam) nodes (integer)
(b) Records written to PLOT1 from subroutine RESOUT. On first load step the pipe-element
group data is written once and for all. For the first and subsequent load steps, all beam element
responses are recorded from the global RESULT array, which contains all pipe-element groups.
NPMAT1(N),NPMAT2(N),NPPT1(N),NPPT2(N),N=1,NPGRPS) --- written only on first
1100 FORMAT(I5,(6 (,,I5)))
npgrps =Number of pipe-element groups -- a group is connected. (integer)
ntypex(n) =Pipe-type code number (1,2,3,4,5 or 6) for group n. (integer)
Chapter 7 Appendix CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
npmatx(n) =Number of beam elements in group -- local count. (integer)
npmat1(n) =Starting element sequence number in group -- global count.
npmat2(n) =Ending element sequence number in group -- global count.
nppt1(n) =Starting node sequence number in group -- global count. (integer)
nppt2(n) =Ending node sequence number in group -- global count. (integer)
npmat =Total number of beam elements -- global sum of all groups. (integer)
nppt =Total number of beam nodes -- global sum of all groups. (integer)
WRITE(30,1000) IA --- written every increment
1000 FORMAT(I5)
ia =construction increment number or load step. (integer)
WRITE(30,1110) (RESULT(J ,N),J =1,20) , N=1,NPPT)
1110 FORMAT(E12.4,19(,,E12.4))
(Note: RESULT(1,N) to RESULT(9,N) and RESULT(19,N) and RESULT(20,N) are
common for all pipe types)
RESULT(5,N) =BENDING MOMENT -- positive in fiber tension.
(in-lb/ inch)
RESULT(6,N) =THRUST FORCE -- compression negative (lb/inch)
RESULT(7,N) =SHEAR FORCE outward positive. (lb/inch)
RESULT(8,N) =NORMAL PRESSURE ON PIPE compression is negative.
RESULT(9,N) =TANGENTIAL PRESSURE ON PIPE -- positive is clockwise.
RESULT(10,N) through RESULT(18,N) are dependent on pipe-type as shown
Chapter 7 Appendix CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
Aluminum Basic Concrete Plastic Steel
(10,N) Maximum
fiber stress
0 Inner cage steel
Max Bending
fiber stress
(11,N) Thrust Stress
0 Outer cage
steel stress
Thrust Stress
Thrust Stress
(12,N) Shear Stress
0 Max concrete
Shear Stress
Shear Stress
(13,N) Fraction of
wall yielded
0 Effective shear
tensile strain
Fraction of
wall yielded
(14,N) Modified area
0 Effective Area
Effective Area
Modified area
(15,N) Modified
M-of-I (PI*)
0 Effective
M-of-I (PI*)
M-of-I (PI*)
M-of-I (PI*)
(16,N) Distance to N-
A (y-bar)
0 Distance to N-
A (y-bar)
Distance to N-
A (y-bar)
Distance to N-
A (y-bar)
(17,N) Bend-stress
above yield
0 Crack Width
above yield
(18,N) Strain ratio:
0 Crack Depth
Percent of
remaining area
Strain ratio:
RESULT(19,N) =MOMENT INCREMENT -- current inner strain during iteration.
RESULT(20,N) =THRUST INCREMENT -- current outer strain during iteration.
Chapter 7 Appendix CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
7.2 CANDE NASTRAN Import Format
CANDE supports a limited import of NASTRAN files based on the information based in this section. The
NASTRAN import is available for Level 3 models when creating a new CANDE input document using the
CANDE Input Wizard (see section CANDE Input Wizard Level 3 items). The NASTRAN
commands supported by the NASTRAN import option are shown in . CANDEs implementation of these
commands is documented in this section.
Table 7.2-1 NASTRAN commands support by CANDE import
NASTRAN Description CANDE Use
GRID Defines the location of a geometric grid point
of the structural model and its permanent
single point constraints.
Defines level 3 node numbers.
CBAR Defines a simple beam element (BAR) of the
structural model.
Defines a CANDE beam-column
CTRIA3 Defines an isoparametric triangular plate
Defines a CANDE triangle element.
CQUAD4 Defines an isoparametric quadrilateral plate
Defines a CANDE quadrilateral
PSHELL Defines the membrane, bending, transverse
shear, and coupling properties of thin shell
CANDE interprets this as a soil
material. Material properties are not
stored, but the PSHELL commands are
counted to determine the number of
soil materials CANDE defines.
CGAP Defines a gap or friction element. CANDE uses the CGAP command to
define interface elements.
SPC Defines the location of a geometric grid point
of the structural model and its permanent
single point constraints.
CANDE uses the SPC command to
define boundary conditions.
FORCE Defines a static load at a grid point by
specifying a vector.
CANDE uses the FORCE command to
define boundary conditions as point
Chapter 7 Appendix CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
7.2.1 NASTRAN Input Data Card- GRID- Point
Description: Defines the location of a geometric grid point of the structural model and its permanent
single point constraints.
Format and Example:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
GRID 2 1.0 -2.0 0.0 12
Field Contents
ID Grid Point identification number (INTEGER).
CP Coordinate system ID used to define the node location
X, Y, Z Location of the grid point (REAL)
CD Coordinate system ID used to define the displacements
PS Permanent single-point constraints associated with grid point (any of the digits 1-6 with
no embedded blanks) (INTEGER or blank)
CANDE Implementation:
Field Description Notes:
2 Retrieves node number
4 Retrieves x- coordinate
5 Retrieves y- coordinate
Chapter 7 Appendix CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
7.2.2 NASTRAN Input Data Card-CBAR Simpl e Beam Element
Description: Defines a simple beam element (BAR) of the structural model.
Format and Example:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
CBAR 3 2 7 3 0.0 1.0 0.0
Field Contents
EID Unique element identification number (INTEGER).
PID Identification number of a PBAR property card (INTEGER).
GA, GB Grid point identification numbers of connection points (INTEGER).
X1, X2, X3 Components of orientation vector v, from GA, in the displacement coordinate system of
1. Orientation vector ignored.
CANDE Implementation:
Field Description Notes:
2 Retrieves element number CANDE cannot skip number elements. If the
NASTRAN elements are skip-numbered, CANDE
will renumber them sequentially.
3 Saves material number as place holder For Beam materials, CANDE requires that the Beam
material numbering be sequential starting with 1.
CANDE saves the material number but requires the
user to define the material later. If multiple beam
material numbers are present, the import will mark
them and renumber them starting with 1. For
example, if beam material IDs 4 and 7 are present
in the NASTRAN file,, CANDE will convert the 4
to a 1 and the 7 to a 2.
4 Start element location (Node I)
5 End element location (Node J )
Chapter 7 Appendix CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
7.2.3 NASTRAN Input Data Card-CTRIA3-Triangular Plate El ement
Description: Defines an isoparametric triangular plate element.
Format and Example:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
CTRIA3 3 2 7 3 12
Field Contents
EID Unique element identification number (INTEGER).
PID Identification number of a PSHELL property card (INTEGER).
G1, G1, G3 Grid point identification numbers of connection points (INTEGER).
CANDE Implementation:
Field Description Notes:
2 Retrieves element number CANDE cannot skip number elements. If
the NASTRAN elements are skip-
numbered, CANDE will renumber them
3 Saves material number as place holder CANDE saves the material number but
requires the user to define the material
number later
4 Node location (Node I)
5 Node location (Node J )
6 Node location (Node K)
Chapter 7 Appendix CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
7.2.4 NASTRAN Input Data Card-CQUAD4-Quadrilateral Plate Element
Description: Defines an isoparametric quadrilateral plate element.
Format and Example:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
CQUAD4 4 2 8 6 12 14
Field Contents
EID Unique element identification number (INTEGER).
PID Identification number of a PSHELL property card (INTEGER).
G1, G1, G3, G4 Grid point identification numbers of connection points (INTEGER).
CANDE Implementation:
Field Description Notes:
2 Retrieves element number CANDE cannot skip number elements. If
the NASTRAN elements are skip-
numbered, CANDE will renumber them
3 Saves material number as place holder CANDE saves the material number but
requires the user to define the material
number later
4 Node location (Node I) NOTE:: CANDE does not accept elements
that are input clockwise. If the NASTRAN
element is clockwise, CANDE will produce
and error and the user will need to manually
change the orientation.
5 Node location (Node J )
6 Node location (Node K)
7 Node location (Node L)
Chapter 7 Appendix CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
7.2.5 NASTRAN Input Data Card- PSHELL-Shell El ement Property
Description: Defines the membrane, bending, transverse shear, and coupling properties of thin shell
Format and Example:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
PSHELL 11 2 0.125
Field Contents
PID Property identification number (INTEGER)
MID Material identification number for the membrane (INTEGER)
T Default membrane thickness for the element
MID2 Material identification number for bending (INTEGER)
12I/T^2 Bending moment of inertia ratio. (REAL)
MID3 Material identification number for transverse shear (INTEGER)
TS/T Transverse shear thickness ratio (default =0.833333) (REAL)
NSM Nonstructural mass per unit area. (REAL)
CANDE Implementation:
CANDE simply uses this command to keep count of the number of soil materials. CANDE does not store
the actual material properties.
Chapter 7 Appendix CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
7.2.6 NASTRAN Input Data Card-CGAP-Gap El ement Connection
Description: Defines a gap or friction element.
Format and Example:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
CGAP 11 2 4 5
Field Contents
EID Element identification number (INTEGER)
PID Property identification number (INTEGER)
GA,GB Connected Grid points (INTEGER
X1,X2,X3 Components of the orientation vector (REAL)
CID Element coordinate system (INTEGER)
CANDE Implementation:
For each CGAP command detected, CANDE will place an interface element and will use the following
rules to determine the interface angle:
1. The first node in a Gap element should be attached to the beam and the second is attached to the
soil. It will be up to the user to make sure the mesh is generated in this way or there will be
translation problems. If the user wants this translator to get interface element angles from the
mesh, they must slightly move the soil element node away from the beam node by about 0.1 inch.
2. The CANDE importer will obtain the X and Y coordinates of the two nodes defining the Gap
element (X1 and Y1 for the first node and X2 and Y2 for the second node).
3. Compute DX1=X1-X2, DY1=Y1-Y2.
4. IF ABS(DX1)<1.E-5 .and. ABS(DY1)<1.E-5 then the nodes will be considered coincident. The
user will need to set the interface angle in CANDE. The user will be notified because the
MATNAM in CANDE will be set to User must set angl e
5. If the two nodes are not coincident, Theta =atan2(DY1,DX1).
6. Make the two nodes coincident (i.e. X2=X1 and Y2=Y1)
7. If a total of N nodes have been read in, generate a new node numberN+1 with the same X and Y
coordinates as the first and second nodes. For example, if 10 gaps elements are read in, there will
be 10 additional nodes in the mesh.
Chapter 7 Appendix CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
7.2.7 NASTRAN Input Data Card-SPC-Single Point Constraint
Description: Defines the location of a geometric grid point of the structural model and its permanent
single point constraints.
Format and Example:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
SPC SID G1 C1 D1 G2 C2 D2
SPC 2 1 123456 0.0 2 1 0.0
Field Contents
SID Identification number of the single point constraint set (INTEGER).
G1 Grid point identification number (INTEGER)
C1 Component number. (any of the digits 1-6 with no embedded blanks) (INTEGER)
D1 Value of enforced displacement
G2 Grid point identification number (INTEGER)
C2 Component number. (any of the digits 1-6 with no embedded blanks) (INTEGER)
D2 Value of enforced displacement
CANDE Implementation:
For each SPC command detected, CANDE will place a boundary condition. CANDE converts the
NASTRAN boundary codes as described in the following table: If one of boundary codes 1, 2 or 6 is not
detected, the SPC command will be ignored.
xy- rotation
1 2 0 Fixed Free Free
2 0 2 Free Fixed Free
12 2 2
Fixed Fixed Free
16 1 0 Fixed Free Fixed
26 0 1 Free Fixed Fixed
126 1 1 Fixed Fixed Fixed
Chapter 7 Appendix CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
7.2.8 Input Data Card-FORCE-Static Load
Description: Defines a static load at a grid point by specifying a vector.
Format and Example:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
FORCE 1 1 1 200. 1. 0.5 0.0
Field Contents
SID Load set identification number (INTEGER)
G Grid point identification number where load is applied (INTEGER).
CID Coordinate system identification number (INTEGER)
F Scale factor (Real).
N1 X component of the force (REAL)
N2 Y component of the force (REAL)
N3 Z component of the force (REAL)
CANDE Implementation:
For each FORCE command detected, CANDE will place a boundary condition at the specified Grid Point
ID (G). The boundary conditions will be placed as follows:
0 0 F * N1 F*N2 1
Chapter 7 Appendix CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
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