CANDE 2007 UserManualAndGuideline

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Culvert Analysis and Design

User Manual and Guideline

Developed under National Cooperative Highway Research Project NCHRP 15-28

Update Release 7/31/2011

Culvert Analysis and Design
User Manual and Guideline

Developed under National Cooperative Highway Research Project NCHRP 15-28
Update Release 7/31/2011

Mark Mlynarski Michael Baker Jr. Inc.
Moon Township, PA

Michael G. Katona Consultant
Gig Harbor, WA

Timothy J. McGrath Simpson, Gumpertz & Heger Inc.
Arlington, MA

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Updates (Release .............................................................................................................................. ix

1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 1-1
1.1 Purpose of CANDE ....................................................................................................................... 1-1
1.2 History of CANDE ........................................................................................................................ 1-1
1.3 CANDE Upgrade (NCHRP 15-28) ............................................................................................... 1-2
1.4 Why Use CANDE 2007? .............................................................................................................. 1-3
1.5 How to use this manual ................................................................................................................. 1-4
2 General Overview and Major Options ............................................................................................... 2-1
2.1 Scope and Architecture ................................................................................................................. 2-1
2.2 Execution mode ............................................................................................................................. 2-1
2.3 Evaluation methodology ............................................................................................................... 2-2
2.4 Solution levels ............................................................................................................................... 2-3
2.4.1 Level 1 Elasticity Solution ................................................................................................ 2-3
2.4.2 Level 2 Automated FEM Solution .................................................................................... 2-3
2.4.3 Level 3 User Defined FEM ............................................................................................... 2-4
2.5 Pipe groups and pipe types ............................................................................................................ 2-4
2.5.1 Corrugated aluminum .......................................................................................................... 2-5
2.5.2 Reinforced concrete ............................................................................................................. 2-5
2.5.3 Thermoplastic pipe .............................................................................................................. 2-5
2.5.4 Corrugated steel ................................................................................................................... 2-6
2.5.5 Basic pipe type..................................................................................................................... 2-6
2.6 System Choices ............................................................................................................................. 2-6
3 Getting Started ................................................................................................................................... 3-1
3.1 System requirements ..................................................................................................................... 3-1
3.2 Installation guide ........................................................................................................................... 3-1
3.3 Launching and running CANDE-2007 .......................................................................................... 3-1
3.3.1 Locate and save example input problem .............................................................................. 3-2
3.3.2 Test run an existing example problem ................................................................................. 3-3
3.3.3 Example problems and tutorial ............................................................................................ 3-6
4 Graphical user interface (GUI) .......................................................................................................... 4-1
4.1 Overview ....................................................................................................................................... 4-1
4.2 Input Options ................................................................................................................................. 4-1
4.2.1 Creating a new CANDE input data file CANDE Input Wizard ........................................ 4-2 CANDE Input Wizard- Control Information ............................................................. 4-8 CANDE Input Wizard Level 3 items .................................................................... 4-12 CANDE Input Wizard Pipe Material .................................................................... 4-15
4.2.2 Opening an Existing CANDE Input Document with File->Open ..................................... 4-18
4.2.3 Opening an Existing CANDE Input Document with File->Open Text Input .................... 4-19
4.2.4 CANDE Input Menus ........................................................................................................ 4-20 Menu input overview ............................................................................................... 4-20 Viewing help for the input menus ............................................................................ 4-21 Show Help checkbox ............................................................................................. 4-22 Show Input checkbox ............................................................................................ 4-23 Input range violations ............................................................................................... 4-24 Input errors and undefined input .............................................................................. 4-25 Menu input tree icons ............................................................................................... 4-26
4.2.5 Changing an existing CANDE input document to create a new data file .......................... 4-27 Create new CANDE input document from existing document with Input Menu..... 4-27 Create new CANDE input document from existing document with text editor ....... 4-27
4.2.6 Create a CANDE input document using the CANDE input text editor ............................. 4-29
4.3 Running CANDE-2007 ............................................................................................................... 4-30
4.3.1 Successful execution .......................................................................................................... 4-31
4.3.2 Unsuccessful execution ..................................................................................................... 4-31
4.3.3 CANDE input consistency checking ................................................................................. 4-31
4.3.4 Convergence and Nonconvergence of load steps .............................................................. 4-32

4.3.5 CANDE Analysis error messages ...................................................................................... 4-34
4.4 Output data and viewing options ................................................................................................. 4-36
4.4.1 CANDE Output Report...................................................................................................... 4-37 Master control and pipe type data ............................................................................ 4-39 Review of system input data .................................................................................... 4-39 Design solution (if applicable) ................................................................................. 4-40 Solution/analysis output results ................................................................................ 4-40
4.4.2 CANDE log file ................................................................................................................. 4-42
4.4.3 Mesh Plot ........................................................................................................................... 4-44 Using window area to zoom in on mesh .................................................................. 4-45 Increasing/Decreasing the element/node font size ................................................... 4-46 CANDE mesh viewer options button ....................................................................... 4-47 Viewing element information................................................................................... 4-49 Viewing Deformed Shapes ...................................................................................... 4-50 Viewing soil stress/strain contours ........................................................................... 4-51 Coincidental boundary conditions ............................................................................ 4-52
4.4.4 CANDE Graphs for beam elements ................................................................................... 4-53 Over view of CANDE Graph Selections .................................................................. 4-54 View of pipe-group shape and properties ................................................................. 4-55 Graph Options .......................................................................................................... 4-56
4.4.5 Results generator ............................................................................................................... 4-58
5 Detailed CANDE Input ...................................................................................................................... 5-1
5.1 Input flow charts ........................................................................................................................... 5-1
5.1.1 CANDE level 1 input flowchart .......................................................................................... 5-2
5.1.2 CANDE level 2 input flowchart .......................................................................................... 5-3
5.1.3 CANDE level 3 input flowchart .......................................................................................... 5-4
5.2 CANDE input instructions ............................................................................................................ 5-5
5.3 Part A - Control Commands .......................................................................................................... 5-6
5.3.1 A-1 Master Control Input Data ......................................................................................... 5-6
5.3.2 A-2 Pipe Selection ............................................................................................................. 5-9
5.4 Part B- Pipe Materials ................................................................................................................. 5-12
5.4.1 Aluminum Pipe Type ......................................................................................................... 5-13 B-1 Aluminum Material and Control Parameters .............................................. 5-13 B-2 Aluminum Analysis Section Properties....................................................... 5-16 B-2 Aluminum Design Safety Factors and Deflection Control .......................... 5-18 B-2 Aluminum Design Weights for LRFD ........................................................ 5-20 B-3 Aluminum Resistance Factors for LRFD .................................................... 5-22
5.4.2 Basic Pipe Type ................................................................................................................. 5-24 B-1 Basic Sequence Intervals and Properties ..................................................... 5-24 B-2 Basic Large Deformation Control ............................................................... 5-26
5.4.3 Reinforced Concrete Pipe Type ......................................................................................... 5-27 B-1 Concrete Concrete Material Properties ....................................................... 5-27 B-2 Concrete Concrete Material Properties-2 .................................................... 5-30 B-3 Concrete Reinforcement Steel Placement and Properties ........................... 5-32 B-4 Concrete-Case 1 Wall Thickness and Reinforcement Properties ................. 5-35 B-4 Concrete Case 2 Arbitrary Specified Wall Thickness .............................. 5-38 B-4 Concrete Case 3 ASTM Box Wall Thicknesses and Haunches................ 5-40 B-4b Concrete Case 3 ASTM Steel Placement for Boxes ............................... 5-42 B-4 Concrete Case 4 Specified Wall Thickness and Working Stress SF ........ 5-45 B-4 Concrete Case 5 Specified Wall Thickness/LRFD Design Weights ........ 5-47 B-5 Concrete Resistance Factors for LRFD ....................................................... 5-49
5.4.4 Plastic Pipe Types .............................................................................................................. 5-51 B-1 Plastic Plastic Load Controls ....................................................................... 5-51 B-2 Plastic Material Properties for Plastic ......................................................... 5-52 B-3 Plastic Cross Sectional Properties for Smooth or General .......................... 5-54 B-3 Plastic Profile Wall Cross Sectional Properties-1 ....................................... 5-55

iii B-3b Plastic Cross Sectional Properties (2) (Profile) ......................................... 5-58 B-3 Plastic Safety Factors for Working Stress Design ....................................... 5-60 B-3 Plastic Design Weights for LRFD ............................................................... 5-62 B-4 Plastic Resistance Factors for LRFD ........................................................... 5-64
5.4.5 Steel Pipe Type .................................................................................................................. 5-66 B-1 Steel Material Properties and Control ......................................................... 5-66 B-2 Steel Section Properties ............................................................................... 5-69 B-2 Steel Design Safety Factors for Working Stress ......................................... 5-71 B-2 Steel Design Weights for LRFD ................................................................. 5-73 B-2b Steel J oint Properties ................................................................................. 5-75 B-2c Steel J oint Locations and Properties .......................................................... 5-78 B-2d Steel J oint Locations and Properties (2) .................................................... 5-80 B-3 Steel Resistance Factors for LRFD ............................................................. 5-82
5.5 Part C- Solution Levels ............................................................................................................... 5-84
5.5.1 Solution Level 1................................................................................................................. 5-85 C-1 Level 1 Major Input Parameters .................................................................. 5-85 C-2 Level 1 Fill Heights and Soil Parameters .................................................... 5-88 C-3 Level 1 Load Factors for LRFD .................................................................. 5-90
5.5.2 Solution Level 2 Pipe Mesh ............................................................................................ 5-91 C-1 Level 2 Pipe Mesh Control Commands and Title .................................... 5-91 C-2 Level 2 Pipe Mesh Major Geometry and Loading Parameters ................. 5-93 C-3 Level 2 Pipe Mesh Control Variables ...................................................... 5-95 C-4 Level 2 Pipe Mesh Embankment/Trench Mesh Dimensions ................... 5-97
5.5.3 Solution Level 2 Box Mesh .......................................................................................... 5-105 C-1 Level 2 Box Mesh Control Commands and Title ................................... 5-105 C-2 Level 2 Box Mesh Control Variables/Installation Dimensions .............. 5-107
5.5.4 Solution Level 2 Arch Mesh ......................................................................................... 5-114 C-1 Level 2 Arch Mesh Control Commands and Title ................................. 5-114 C-2 Level 2 Arch Mesh Plot and Print Control ............................................. 5-116 C-3 Level 2 Arch Mesh Arch and Footing Dimensions ................................ 5-119 C-4 Level 2 Arch Mesh Arch and Footing Dimensions ................................ 5-121
5.5.5 Extended Level 2 ............................................................................................................. 5-131 CX-1 Level 2 Extended Nodes, Elements and Boundary Condition Changes . 5-131 CX-2 Level 2 Extended Nodal Point Number and Changed Coordinates ........ 5-132 CX-3 Level 2 Extended Element Number and Property Array ........................ 5-133 CX-4 Level 2 Extended Nodal Loads and/or Displacements to be applied ..... 5-135
5.5.6 Solution Level 3............................................................................................................... 5-137 C-1 and C2 Level 3 Title and Control Variables .............................................. 5-137 C-3 Level 3 Node Input .................................................................................... 5-141 C-4 Level 3 Element Input ............................................................................... 5-146 C-5 Level 3 Boundary Condition Input ............................................................ 5-152
5.6 Part D- Soil and/or Interface Property Input ............................................................................. 5-156
5.6.1 D-1 Material Control Parameters for All Models ......................................................... 5-157
5.6.2 D-2 Isotropic Linear Elastic Elastic Parameters ........................................................ 5-162
5.6.3 D-2 Orthotropic Linear Elastic Elastic Parameters .................................................... 5-163
5.6.4 Duncan and Duncan/Selig Model Types ......................................................................... 5-165 D-2 Duncan Fundamental Controls .................................................................. 5-165 D-3 Duncan/Duncan Selig Parameters for Tangent Youngs Modulus ........... 5-168 D-4 Duncan/Duncan Selig Parameters for Tangent Bulk Modulus ................. 5-170
5.6.5 D-2Overburden DependentUser Defined Elastic Prop. vs. Overburden Pressure ....... 5-172
5.6.6 D-2 Extended Hardin Soil Model ................................................................................. 5-175 D-2 Hardin Soil Model Input for Special MATNAM ......................................... 5-175 D-2 Hardin Soil Model Input for MATNAM =USER ....................................... 5-177
5.6.7 D-2 Interface Element Angle, Friction and Tensile Breaking Force ......................... 5-179
5.7 Part E- Net LRFD Load Factors ................................................................................................ 5-182
5.7.1 E-1 LRFD Net Load Factor per Load step ................................................................. 5-182

6 List of References ................................................................................................................................. 1
6.1 Background Documents ................................................................................................................... 1
6.2 Companion Documents .................................................................................................................... 1
7 Appendices ......................................................................................................................................... 7-1
7.1 CANDE Output Files .................................................................................................................... 7-1
7.1.1 XML Mesh Geometry Format ............................................................................................. 7-3
7.1.2 Mesh results format ............................................................................................................. 7-7
7.1.3 Beam results format ........................................................................................................... 7-11
7.1.4 NCHRP Process 12-50 Results .......................................................................................... 7-14
7.1.5 CANDE-2007 Output Files for Plotting ............................................................................ 7-16 Contents of PLOT1.DAT ......................................................................................... 7-16 Contents of PLOT2.dat ............................................................................................ 7-18
7.2 CANDE NASTRAN Import Format ........................................................................................... 7-21
7.2.1 NASTRAN Input Data Card- GRID- Point ....................................................................... 7-22
7.2.2 NASTRAN Input Data Card-CBAR Simple Beam Element ............................................. 7-23
7.2.3 NASTRAN Input Data Card-CTRIA3-Triangular Plate Element ..................................... 7-24
7.2.4 NASTRAN Input Data Card-CQUAD4-Quadrilateral Plate Element ............................... 7-25
7.2.5 NASTRAN Input Data Card- PSHELL-Shell Element Property ...................................... 7-26
7.2.6 NASTRAN Input Data Card-CGAP-Gap Element Connection ........................................ 7-27
7.2.7 NASTRAN Input Data Card-SPC-Single Point Constraint ............................................... 7-28
7.2.8 Input Data Card-FORCE-Static Load ................................................................................ 7-29

List of Tables
Table 3.3-1 File-tab menu options for input data files .............................................................................. 3-2
Table 5.3-1 Reference data on culvert elements used in canned meshes ................................................ 5-11
Table 5.4-1 Aluminum-1. Section Properties for Standard Aluminum Corrugation ................................. 5-17
Table 5.4-2 Aluminum -2. Section Properties for 9 x 2 Aluminum Corrugation .................................. 5-17
Table 5.4-3 Plastic: Typical range of plastic properties from AASHTO LRFD Specification ............... 5-53
Table 5.4-4 Steel -1: Section Properties for Standard Steel Corrugation Sizes ...................................... 5-70
Table 5.4-5 Steel 2 Section Properties for 6x 2 Structural Plate ...................................................... 5-70
Table 5.5-1 Level 1 Conservative values for Youngs soil modulus and Poissons ratio .................... 5-89
Table 5.5-2 Pipe Level 2 Node renumbering scheme for inserting eleven pipe-soil interface elements
around the pipe ........................................................................................................................................ 5-103
Table 5.5-3 Pipe Level 2 Node renumbering scheme for inserting seven pipe-soil interface elements
along the trench wall ............................................................................................................................... 5-104
Table 5.5-4 Level 2 Arch Values for the basic arch parameters as a function of height cover .......... 5-128
Table 5.5-5 Level 2 Arch Identification of arch and soil nodes that are tied together by interface
elements. .................................................................................................................................................. 5-129
Table 5.5-6- Level 2 Arch Identification of element numbers for interface elements as a function of cover
height. ...................................................................................................................................................... 5-130
Table 5.5-7 Classification of IIFLG Boundary Code numbers ............................................................. 5-155
Table 5.6-1 Summary of special material names (MATNAM) ............................................................ 5-159
Table 5.6-2 Material numbers for predefined level 2 material zones ................................................... 5-160
Table 5.6-3 Material numbers for predefined Level 2 interface numbers ............................................ 5-161
Table 5.6-4 Material names (MATNAM) and values for Duncan model (IBULK=0) ......................... 5-167
Table 5.6-5 Material names (MATNAM) and values for Duncan/Selig model (IBULK=1) ............... 5-167
Table 5.6-6 Material names (MATNAM) and values for Overburden Dependent Model ................... 5-174
Table 5.7-1 Guidance on selecting the net load factor (FACTOR) ...................................................... 5-184
Table 7.1-1 NCHRP Tag format ............................................................................................................. 7-14
Table 7.1-2 NCHRP Process 12-50 Report ID table .............................................................................. 7-15
Table 7.2-1 NASTRAN commands support by CANDE import ............................................................ 7-21


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Table of Figures
Figure 2.2-1 Major options to define the top-level input data for CANDE-2007 ..................................... 2-2
Figure 3.3-1 Starting CANDE .................................................................................................................. 3-1
Figure 3.3-2 - CANDE-2007 Startup Window ............................................................................................ 3-2
Figure 3.3-3 Sample Level 1 CANDE input file ...................................................................................... 3-3
Figure 3.3-4 Opening a CANDE input file ............................................................................................... 3-3
Figure 3.3-5 CANDE input file after open ............................................................................................... 3-4
Figure 3.3-6 Successful completion of CANDE analysis ......................................................................... 3-5
Figure 3.3-7 Accessing the CANDE tutorials .......................................................................................... 3-6
Figure 4.1-1 CANDE GUI overview ........................................................................................................ 4-1
Figure 4.2-1 - Creating a new CANDE input document ............................................................................. 4-2
Figure 4.2-2 CANDE Input Wizard startup screen ................................................................................... 4-3
Figure 4.2-3 CANDE Input Wizard Level 3 Information ......................................................................... 4-3
Figure 4.2-4- CANDE Input Wizard: Pipe Material screen ........................................................................ 4-4
Figure 4.2-5 CANDE Input Wizard Final Screen ..................................................................................... 4-5
Figure 4.2-6 Saving a CANDE input file ................................................................................................. 4-5
Figure 4.2-7 CANDE Interface after new CANDE input document is created ........................................ 4-6
Figure 4.2-8 - CANDE menu with undefined input .................................................................................. 4-7
Figure 4.2-9 CANDE import dialog box ................................................................................................ 4-13
Figure 4.2-10 Import log window ........................................................................................................... 4-13
Figure 4.2-11 Opening an existing CANDE input document ................................................................. 4-18
Figure 4.2-12 Opening an existing CANDE input document in the CANDE input text editor .............. 4-19
Figure 4.2-13 CANDE input menu overview ............................................................................................ 4-20
Figure 4.2-14 Activating CANDE input menu persistent help ............................................................... 4-22
Figure 4.2-15 Activating CANDE input menu Show Input ................................................................. 4-23
Figure 4.2-16 CANDE input menus range violation .............................................................................. 4-24
Figure 4.2-17 Error in CANDE input menus with an invalid character ................................................. 4-25
Figure 4.2-18 Opening an existing CANDE input document using the CANDE input text editor ........ 4-27
Figure 4.2-19 Summary of CANDE input text editor............................................................................. 4-28
Figure 4.3-1 Running CANDE-2007 analysis ........................................................................................ 4-30
Figure 4.3-2 View of CANDE Analysis while running .......................................................................... 4-30
Figure 4.4-1 CANDE output view options ............................................................................................. 4-36
Figure 4.4-2 Viewing the CANDE output report ................................................................................... 4-37
Figure 4.4-3 CANDE Output Viewer ..................................................................................................... 4-38
Figure 4.4-4 Viewing the CANDE log file ............................................................................................. 4-42
Figure 4.4-5 Viewing the CANDE log file ............................................................................................. 4-42
Figure 4.4-6 CANDE mesh plot options ................................................................................................ 4-44
Figure 4.4-7 Zooming in on a mesh using Window-Area ...................................................................... 4-45
Figure 4.4-8 Increasing/Decreasing font size in Mesh Plot viewer ........................................................ 4-46
Figure 4.4-9 Mesh viewer options .......................................................................................................... 4-47
Figure 4.4-10 Displaying element information in the mesh viewer ....................................................... 4-49
Figure 4.4-11 Plotting deflections using the mesh viewer ...................................................................... 4-50
Figure 4.4-12 Sample plot of Horizontal Stress ..................................................................................... 4-51
Figure 4.4-13 CANDE Graph of bending moment ................................................................................. 4-53
Figure 4.4-14 Overview of CANDE Graphs .......................................................................................... 4-54
Figure 4.4-15 CANDE Graphs window Pipe Mesh Button ................................................................. 4-55
Figure 4.4-16 CANDE Graphs window with local node numbering mesh ............................................ 4-55
Figure 4.4-17 Beam graph options ......................................................................................................... 4-56
Figure 4.4-18 Plotting multiple load steps with CANDE Beam Graph .................................................. 4-57
Figure 4.4-19 CANDE results generator Generate Mesh Output tab .................................................. 4-58
Figure 4.4-20 CANDE results generator Beam Output tab ................................................................ 4-59
Figure 4.4-21 CANDE results generator Report Preview tab .............................................................. 4-60
Figure 5.4-1 Aluminum-1: Bilinear stress-strain parameters ................................................................. 5-15
Figure 5.4-2 Concrete Stress-Strain model and parameters .................................................................... 5-29
Figure 5.4-3 Cross sections for RSHAPE =STAND or ELLIP ............................................................. 5-37

Figure 5.4-4 ASTM Concrete box geometry and steel placement for box culverts with a minimum 2-foot
cover depth. ............................................................................................................................................... 5-44
Figure 5.4-5 - Plastic Elastic stress-strain model for plastic in tension and compression, short term and
long term loading ....................................................................................................................................... 5-53
Figure 5.4-6 Example Profile Shapes that can be constructed in CANDE ............................................. 5-57
Figure 5.4-7 Steel-1: Bilinear stress-strain parameters ........................................................................... 5-68
Figure 5.4-8 Steel-2 Pseudo stress-strain model for slotted joints ....................................................... 5-77
Figure 5.5-1 Level 1 Illustration of Level 1 boundary value problem ................................................. 5-87
Figure 5.5-2 Level 2-Pipe-Embankment/Homogeneous mesh with load steps and materials ................ 5-99
Figure 5.5-3 Level 2-Pipe-Trench mesh with load steps and material zones ....................................... 5-100
Figure 5.5-4 Element numbering scheme for Level 2 pipe mesh (CAN1) ........................................... 5-101
Figure 5.5-5 Nodal numbering scheme for Level 2 Pipe Mesh, (embankment and trench) ................. 5-102
Figure 5.5-6 Level 2 Box Embankment mesh configuration for box with load steps and material zones
................................................................................................................................................................. 5-110
Figure 5.5-7 Level 2 Box Trench mesh configuration for box with construction incmrents and material
zones ........................................................................................................................................................ 5-111
Figure 5.5-8 Level 2 Box Element numbering scheme for box mesh for embankment and trench ... 5-112
Figure 5.5-9 Level 2 Box Nodal numbering scheme for box mesh for embankment and trench ...... 5-113
Figure 5.5-10 Level 2 Arch Embankment mesh configuration for Arch with load steps and material
zones ........................................................................................................................................................ 5-123
Figure 5.5-11 Level 2 Arch Trench mesh configuration for Arch showing load steps and material zones
................................................................................................................................................................. 5-123
Figure 5.5-12 - Level 2 Arch - Illustration of parameters for 3-segment and 2-segment arch with curved
segments .................................................................................................................................................. 5-124
Figure 5.5-13 Level 2 Arch Illustration of parameters for 3-segment and 2-segment arch with straight
segments .................................................................................................................................................. 5-125
Figure 5.5-14 Level 2 Arch Element numbering for Arch Mesh for all Arch configurations at maximum
fill height, total view................................................................................................................................ 5-126
Figure 5.5-15 Level 2 Arch Element numbering scheme for Arch Mesh for all arch configurations at
maximum fill height, enlarged portion .................................................................................................... 5-126
Figure 5.5-16 Level 2 Arch Nodal numbering scheme for Arch Mesh for all arch configurations at
maximum fill height, total view .............................................................................................................. 5-127
Figure 5.5-17 Level 2 Arch Nodal numbering scheme for Arch Mesh for basic arch configurations,
enlarged portion. ...................................................................................................................................... 5-127
Figure 5.5-18 - Level 3 CANDE Elements with nodal connectivity .................................................... 5-150
Figure 5.5-19 Level 3 Illustration of element generation .................................................................. 5-151
Figure 7.1-1 Sample NCHRP Process 12-50 results .............................................................................. 7-14

Updates (Release

The following updates are included for release

April 21, 2008. In Subroutine BMResultXML there was an error in Format 9080 in writing
RESULT (14,n). Specifically there was an extraneous number 1 following the format field,
E14.6 which caused the wrong exponent for the PA* variable in the Graph plots and Report
May 6, 2008. Subroutine STIFNS was modified to handle incremental displacement boundary
condition loading over the entire load step schedule. The original version of CANDE-2007 is
limited to inputting non-zero specified displacements only on the first load step. This limitation is
now removed.

October 28, 2008. Modified Subroutine READM to correct error in distinguishing canned soil
models between Duncan and Duncan/Selig forms. MATNAMs are not all unique, that is, CL85
and CL90 are names common to both Duncan and Duncan/Selig model names. CANDE now uses
IBULK =0 or 1 to distinguish which model the user is requesting. No change of input is required.

January 17, 2009. Improved convergence of Duncan and Duncan/Selig Soil model for the case
when there is chattering between the tension failure path and the normal compression path. Once
the tension path has been activated for any iteration during the load step, we set STHARD
(NEL,3) =1, so that all subsequent iterations in this load step will follow the tension path. Note
that STHARD(NEL,3) was not previously being used in the Duncan Subroutine.

April 14, 2010. The bandwidth minimizer was discovered not to work well when unused node
numbers are present in the mesh system. Unused node numbers are those nodes that are not
included in the connectivity array of any element. The fix is related to the selection of Node-2 for
the swap, where we must enforce that unused nodes are not candidates for swapping. The fix is
working well.

June 23, 2010. Introduced initial gap capability into interface element. In essence the initial gap
means the contact nodes I and J stay in the free-free state until the relative normal displacement of
nodes I and J close the gap. After the gap closes the interface behaves exactly as it did before. This
feature requires a new material input property called the initial gap, which heretofore was
assumed to be zero. Thus, the new set of interface properties on input line D-2 are; interface angle,
friction coefficient, tensile break force and initial gap (XNGAP) where the initial gap is read in
columns 30-40, a space that was previously blank. Thus if the input value is blank (or zero) then
the interface element behaves exactly like before.

July 31, 2011: Changes to allow CANDE to function in the Windows 7 operating system.

July 31, 2011 Modification to the menu input system for the GAP command for input line D-2.

Jul 31, 2011 Updates to the User Manual and corresponding help file.

Chapter 1 Introduction CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

1 Introduction
1.1 Purpose of CANDE

CANDE-2007 is public-domain computer program developed for the structural design and analysis of
buried culverts; hence the acronym CANDE stands for Culvert ANalysis and DEsign. CANDEs finite-
element methodology is based on a two-dimensional slice of the culvert installation so that both the culvert
structure and soil mass are modeled as a combined soil-structure system subjected to an incremental
loading schedule. Buried culverts of any shape, size and material, including corrugated metal, reinforced
concrete and thermoplastic, may be analyzed and designed to withstand dead weight, incremental soil-layer
loading, temporary construction loads and surface loads due to vehicular traffic. A particularly unique
feature of CANDEs output is the automatic evaluation of the structural design in terms of safety measures
against all failure modes (design criteria) associated with the structural material.

Because of the generality offered by the finite-element solution methodology, CANDE is also applicable to
the design and analysis of other soil-structure interaction problems such as underground storage facilities,
storm water runoff chambers, retaining walls, tunnel liners, and protective structures. Thus in the following
discussion, the words culvert or pipe can generally be regarded to represent a general underground

This manual describes CANDE-2007, which is the latest version in a 30-year history of usage and
development of the CANDE series of programs. This documentation provides a complete description of the
theory, capabilities and limitations contained in CANDE-2007 so that the user need not refer to any other
manuals or publications to confidently run the program and interpret the output.

CANDE users range from designers to researchers including state DOT bridge engineers, design
consultants, manufacturers and suppliers, and university investigators. State DOT designers and their
consultants use CANDE when they are confronted with designing large or specialized installations and to
choose among alternative designs such as a reinforced concrete arch versus a corrugated metal long span.
Culvert suppliers and manufacturers use CANDE to design their products for both routine and specialized
installations as well as for investigating new innovations and product improvements. University researchers
use CANDE as an analytical tool to interpret experimental tests as well as to test out new modeling theories
within the program. CANDE-2007 is intended to meet all of these users needs.
1.2 History of CANDE
The first version of CANDE was released in 1976 (References 1 & 2) under the sponsorship of Federal
Highway Administration (FHWA). The development work, a three-year research program, was conducted
at the Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory in Port Hueneme California. The original release of the CANDE
program contained the following options and features (to be described more fully in later chapters):

Execution mode choice: Analysis or Design.
Solution level choice: Level 1, 2 or 3. Level 1is a modified elasticity solution, Level 2 is a finite
element solutions with an automated mesh for circular culverts, and Level 3 is a finite element
solution with a user-defined mesh.
Pipe type choice: Corrugated aluminum, basic, reinforced concrete, plastic, and corrugated steel.
Soil model choice: Linear elastic, overburden dependent, and nonlinear hyperbolic model by
Interface choice: Bonded, frictionless, or friction at soil-structure interface.

In 1979 FHWA awarded the University of Notre Dame (Reference 3) a research contract to extend the
CANDE program by adding an automated Level-2 finite element mesh for reinforced concrete box culverts
along with an improved concrete constitutive model. Also, this contract included installing the Duncan
Chapter 1 Introduction CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

hyperbolic soil model originally developed at University of California at Berkeley. Later in 1982, FHWA
awarded the University of Notre Dame another research contract to develop a special model for corrugated
metal culverts to simulate the behavior of slotted joints. This study demonstrated that slotted joints, which
allow slippage and circumferential shortening of the culvert, are very effective in reducing the thrust stress
in the culvert wall.

Lastly in 1987, FWHA awarded a CANDE maintenance contract to Syro Steel Company, a company at
the time using CANDE on a daily basis to design long-span arch culverts. The main purpose of this
contract was to produce a unified user manual, which incorporated all the previous upgrades to CANDE
and to insure that the input/output programming was compatible with personal computers (Reference 4). In
addition, a new Level-2 capability for arch culverts was developed along with a revised form of the
hyperbolic soil model, referred to as the Duncan/Selig model based on research at the University of
Massachusetts, Amherst.

The final result of the FHWA sponsorship is CANDE-89, a public domain program available at a nominal
cost through McTrans. Excluding the NCHRP sponsorship discussed next, no additional public-domain
improvements have been on CANDE since 1989. However, there have been numerous improvements made
by individuals and private companies for their specific use. One private company has extensively modified
CANDE-89 and is marketing the revised program as CandeCAD. There is absolutely no collaboration
whatsoever between this privately marketed program and CANDE-2007.

1.3 CANDE Upgrade (NCHRP 15-28)
In May 2005, TRB/NCHRP negotiated a contract with Michael Baker J r., Inc to modernize and upgrade
CANDE-89 under the sponsorship of AASHTO. The project known as the CANDE Upgrade project,
designated as NCHRP 15-28, is the funding source for the enhancements that have been incorporated into
CANDE-2007 and this documentation.

The CANDE Upgrade project targeted the following three areas for enhancement:

Pre- and Post-processing with modern computer technology
New analysis capabilities and architecture for multiple structures
Update design criteria for all culvert types, including LRFD methodology.

Pre- and Post-processing. All previous versions of CANDE operated in a batch input mode without
dedicated graphical-unit-interface software to aid the user in data preparation. Similarly, output data was
written to a print file without any post-processing capability to graphically display results.

These shortcomings have been rectified under the CANDE Upgrade project so that CANDE 2007 is now
equipped with a Windows-based, menu-driven format for interactive data input and real-time control of
data output along with a context-sensitive help system and numerous graphical plotting options. Details on
using these new interactive features are discussed in subsequent chapters.

New analysis capabilities. One of the limitations of the old CANDE architecture was that each analysis
was restricted to one, sequentially connected, set of beam elements (one pipe group), which represented a
single culvert shape composed of one material. The new architecture installed in CANDE-2007 allows the
use of multiple pipe groups, thereby allowing an analysis of several culverts placed side-by-side pipe, or a
retrofit design, say a plastic pipe inserted inside a corrugated steel pipe.

Another limitation of the old CANDE program was its restriction to small deformation theory, and
accordingly, its inability to directly predict global buckling of the culvert system. An updated Lagrange
formulation has been incorporated into CANDE-2007 that provides an accurate and robust algorithm for
predicting large deformations along with methodology for predicting buckling capacity at the end of each
load step.
Chapter 1 Introduction CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline


Still another shortcoming of the old CANDE program was the requirement that the user assign the nodes
numbers on the finite element mesh in a judicious manner to avoid producing an excessively large
bandwidth for the system matrix. This shortcoming has been eliminated in CANDE-2007 by including an
automated bandwidth minimizer.

Design Criteria and LRFD Methodology. The original CANDE program was based on the concept of
service-level loads and working-stress design methodology. Accordingly, the old CANDE output reported
safety factors against various modes of failure (design criteria) that have been traditionally associated with
the type of culvert being considered. In recent years AASHTO (Reference 6) has promoted the ultimate
strength design approach known as Load Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) methodology. Rather than
using safety factors, the LRFD methodology uses load factors and resistance factors to achieve a safe

As part of the CANDE Upgrade project, a complete and compatible set of design criteria, applicable to both
working-stress and LRFD methodologies, was identified for the common culvert materials; corrugated
metal, reinforced concrete, and thermoplastic pipe. These design criteria are now incorporated in the
corresponding pipe subroutines of the CANDE-2007 program. More importantly, the user now has the
option to choose either service load (working-stress evaluation of the design criteria) or factored loading
(LRFD evaluation of the design criteria.)

Many improvements have been incorporated into CANDE-2007 that are not mentioned in the major
improvements listed above. It should be noted, however, that all the capabilities and options that existed in
the CANDE-1989 version have been retained. Said another way, the CANDE Upgrade project added to and
improved upon the existing capabilities of CANDE-89, nothing was removed.

1.4 Why Use CANDE 2007?

The popularity of CANDE is, in part, due to the rigorous adherence to the principle of good mechanics and
to the trustworthiness of the program, earned over 30 years of testing and improvement. Early on in the
development of CANDE, an independent study at Purdue University rated CANDE as the best program
among a suite of computer programs developed for soil-structure interaction (Reference 5).

Equally important to CANDEs popularity is that, unlike most commercial software, CANDE is available
with its source coding language and documentation of the programming structure. From the beginning,
CANDEs programming architecture was designed with the forethought that future additions and
modifications would always continue. Accessibility to the source program is an extremely important
feature for researchers who often want to test new theories and models as part of their research program.
Successful research studies on new modeling techniques benefit the entire community.

The question of whether or not to use CANDE-2007 should not be a question of choosing one computer
program over another. After all, since CANDE is virtually free (public-domain), acquiring and using
CANDE does not preclude one from buying and using a commercial program. There are several
commercial finite element programs that are well suited for soil-structure analysis, for example PLAXIS,
ABACUS and ADINA are well-trusted programs, and they also have been successfully cross-tested against
CANDE-2007. Many commercial programs are general purpose and their capabilities go well beyond
CANDEs two-dimensional scope. Certainly, there are times when a 3-dimensional analysis is necessary to
understand the behavior of some soil-structure systems. However in the case of the culvert world, a 2-D
representation is generally quite adequate in most situations where the soil load is dominant. For a point
live load with shallow cover, the 2-D representation will generally give a conservative evaluation of the
culvert performance.

What makes CANDE-2007 a special purpose program, differing from the general purpose programs
mentioned above is the automatic evaluation of the culvert performance in terms of well-accepted design
Chapter 1 Introduction CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

criteria. That is, CANDE sorts through all the mechanistic responses of deformations, stresses, strains,
thrust, moments and shears and summarizes the pipe performance in terms of safety factors or demand-to-
capacity ratios.

1.5 How to use this manual
This manual is intended to give the reader ample information to understand the overall the program
architecture and assumptions, to define and select input data, to run the program using the graphical unit
interface (GUI) or in batch mode, and to navigate, plot and interpret the output data. A companion
document, CANDE-2007 Solution Methods and Formulations, contains the mathematical developments
that describe the various theoretical formulations and nonlinear models that are contained in CANDE-2007.
A second companion document, CANDE-2007 Tutorials for Applications, provides examples of applying
CANDE to a variety of real-world culvert applications.

In this manual, Chapter 2 provides the reader with the overall architecture, capabilities and major input
options, Chapter 3 provides the basic instructions to get started using the CANDE-2007 program, and
Chapter 4 describes how to use the GUI for inputting data, executing the program, and viewing the output.
Chapter 5 is the detailed user manual that provides stand-alone instructions for batch-mode input as an
alternative to input via the GUI. Thus Chapter 5 serves as the main reference manual for GUI and batch-
mode input, and it contains a wealth of information on culvert design and analysis practices.

Chapter 2 General Overview and Major Options CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

2 General Overview and Major Options
2.1 Scope and Architecture
CANDEs scope is limited to a two-dimensional framework, called plane-strain, and to real-time
independence, implying pseudo-static loading. Thus, three-dimensional problems, or dynamic analysis or
the analysis of viscid materials is it outside the scope of the formulation. However, CANDEs scope does
include a pseudo-time analysis capability, called incremental construction. This capability allows, not only
specified load forces, but also structural-system components, to be added to the system in a predefined
series of load steps. Although CANDEs scope is not limited to culvert installations, the following
discussion is keyed to culvert installations.

The easiest way to understand CANDEs overall architecture is to view it from the perspective of a user
who is using CANDE to solve a particular soil-culvert problem. To initiate a CANDE solution, the user
begins by making several top-level choices that best captures the character of problem to be solved.

Figure 2-1 shows these top-level selection categories in shaded boxes designated as; Execution Mode,
Evaluation Methodology, Solution Level, Pipe Groups and Type, and System Choices. To the right of the
shaded boxes are the various choices that may be selected for each top-level category; only one choice is
selected for each category in any particular problem. The particular set of choices for the top-level
categories dictates the subsequent stream of input data. It also controls the solution flow path through the
program as well as characterizing the nature of the output. Each top-level category is discussed below

2.2 Execution mode
Execution mode is the choice between design and analysis. By analysis it is meant that a particular culvert
and soil system are defined in terms of geometry, material properties and loading conditions and solved by
the chosen solution level. The solution output provides an evaluation of the culvert in terms of its safety for
all potential modes of failure associated with the structural material and shape of the culvert. The
evaluation of the culverts safety is reported either in terms of safety factors or in ratios of factored
demand-to-factored capacity depending on the users choice of the Evaluation Methodology. The analysis
mode is generally the most useful and commonly used choice for the execution mode.

The alternative execution mode, called design, implies that the culvert shape, materials and loading
conditions are defined exactly like the analysis case. However, the culverts cross-sectional properties are
not defined, but rather, the desired safety factors or the desired LRFD design weights are specified.
CANDE achieves a design solution through an iterative series of analysis solutions. That is, an initial trial
cross-section is devised by the program and successively modified after each analysis until the design
criteria are satisfied in an optimum manner. The design output lists the required cross-sectional properties
of the culvert, which, of course, depend on the culvert type. For example, design solutions for corrugated
metal culverts are given in the required corrugation size and gage thickness while reinforced concrete is
given in the required area of reinforcement steel for one or two cages. Automated design solutions are
limited to certain classes of standard soil-culvert systems.
Chapter 2 General Overview and Major Options CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Figure 2.2-1 Major options to define the top-level input data for CANDE-2007

2.3 Evaluation methodology
The evaluation methodology is the choice between a working-stress solution and a LRFD solution. A
working-stress solution means the applied loads are the actual (or perceived) set of loads acting on the soil-
structure system, referred to as the service-loading schedule. Thus, the service-loading schedule represents
the actual dead weight of the structure, the actual weight density of the various soil zones, and the actual
pressures and forces from construction equipment and live loads. Evaluation of the culverts performance
under the working stress option is reported in terms of safety factors for each design criterion associated
with the selected culvert type. A safety factor is defined as are a ratio of the actual capacity-to-actual
demand. For example, the safety factor for the design criterion based on thrust stress is the material yield
stress divided by the maximum computed thrust stress.

A LRFD solution means the service-loading schedule is increased by individualized load factors. The user
begins by defining the service-loading schedule in exactly the same manner as for working-stress
methodology. Later in the input stream, the user selects appropriate load factors to be applied to each load
step so that the dead loads, earth loads, and live loads may be assigned individual factors as required by
Chapter 2 General Overview and Major Options CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

AASHTO LRFD specifications. Evaluation of the culverts performance under the LRFD option is
provided in terms of ratios of factored demand-to-factored capacities for each design criterion associated
with the selected culvert type. An evaluation ratio should be less than 1.0 in order for a given design
criterion to be considered safe.

Since the fundamental design criteria (potential failure modes) are identical for working-stress and LRFD
methodologies, one could use the LRFD methodology to get a working-stress solution by setting all load
factors and resistance factors equal to 1.0. In this case, the reported LRFD ratios would be the inverse of
the working-stress safety factors.

The AASHTO LRFD specifications include restrictions on service loading performance in addition to the
factored strength limit states discussed above. Typical examples for service load performance criteria are
maximum allowable deflection for flexible culverts and maximum allowable crack width for concrete

One way to satisfy the AASHTO specifications is to run a given problem twice, once with LRFD
methodology to assess the strength design criteria, and once with working-stress methodology to assess the
service load performance criteria. However, the LRFD methodology programmed into CANDE-2007 also
provides an estimate of the service load responses associated with the performance criteria. This is
achieved by dividing the incremental response from the factored load step by the current load factor and
maintaining a running total of the response. This approach provides the exact service load response if the
system is entirely linear. However, since the system is generally nonlinear at factored load levels, the
predicted response is approximate but conservative. Thus, if the service load performance criteria are safe,
a separate working stress solution is not necessary.
2.4 Solution levels
The selection of a Solution Level (1, 2, or 3) provides a choice that corresponds to successively increased
levels of analytical sophistication. The solution level concept permits the user to choose a degree of rigor
and modeling fidelity commensurate with the details and knowledge of the culvert-soil system under
investigation. For example, Level 1 is useful for screening and comparing various circular-shaped culverts
in deep burial. Level 2, considered the work-horse of CANDE, is applicable to many common culvert
shapes including circular, elliptical, box and arch installations, but limited to center-line symmetry for
loading and geometry. Level 3 is virtually unlimited in modeling the structure shape, soil system and
loading conditions. Level 2 and Level 3 share a common finite element solution methodology and only
differ in the manner of input data: automatic versus user defined.

2.4.1 Level 1 Elasticity Soluti on
Level 1 is based on the well known Burns and Richard elasticity solution (Reference 7) and is suitable for
circular culverts deeply buried in homogenous soil subjected to gravity loading. Although the elasticity
solution is based on material linearity and uniform pipe stiffness properties, Level 1 approximates the
pipes nonlinear behavior by averaging the effective stiffness properties in the following manner. After
each load step, the elasticity solution provides a prediction of the structural responses including the
moment, thrust and shear distribution around the pipe periphery. Next, the selected pipe-type subroutine
processes the structural responses to determine the current level of structural distress at discrete points
around the periphery including the effective bending and hoop stiffness. The current stiffness values around
the pipe are averaged to provide effective uniform stiffness properties to be used in the next load step. The
method works reasonably well as long as the structural distress is not too localized. Overall, Level 1 is
useful as a learning tool on the comparative behavior of culvert types and soil stiffness.

2.4.2 Level 2 Automated FEM Solution
Known as the automatic finite element option, Level 2 relieves the user from the burden of generating and
debugging a finite element mesh, i.e., defining node numbers and coordinates and element connectivity
arrays. Rather, Level 2 automatically constructs the finite element mesh based on a few physical input
Chapter 2 General Overview and Major Options CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

parameters. Level 2 offers three fundamental choices for culvert shape, referred to as pipe-mesh, box-mesh
and arch-mesh options. The pipe-mesh option is for round- or elliptical-shaped culverts, the box-mesh
option is for rectangular-shaped culverts, and the arch-mesh option is for two- or three-segmented arches
including straight leg segments. Each of these canned mesh shapes are specialized by a set of physical
input parameters such as the culvert dimensions, the installation type (embankment or trench), bedding
dimensions, height of cover, and the number of incremental construction layers.

A special feature, called Level 2 extended, allows the user to change nodal coordinates, element
properties, and/or boundary conditions on any of the canned meshes. This feature is particular useful for
prescribing live loads representing construction equipment or design truck vehicles for any load step in the
loading schedule.

The major shortcoming of all Level 2 canned meshes is the assumption of symmetry about the vertical
centerline of the culvert (i.e., only one-half the system is modeled). Thus asymmetric loading or different
soil conditions on either of the culvert are not appropriate for Level 2.

2.4.3 Level 3 User Defined FEM
Level 3 brings the full power of the finite element method to solve complicated and/or important soil-
structure systems that are outside the scope of Level 2. In this case the finite element mesh topology must
be devised and input by the user. CANDE-2007 has many helpful techniques to expedite the generation of
finite element meshes, however, they require some learning on the part of the user.

Whether using Level 2 or Level 3, CANDE-2007 offers the user many features that are especially useful
for realistically modeling soil-structure problems. Some key features are listed below:

Incremental construction the capability to simulate the physical process of placing and
compacting soil layers, one lift at a time, below, along side and above the culvert as the
installation is constructed.
Interface elements the ability to simulate the frictional sliding, separation and re-bonding of two
bodies originally in contact. Typically these elements are used between the culvert and soil and
between trench soil and in situ soil.
Soil elements and models soil elements are high-order continuum elements with a suite of soil
models ranging from linear elastic to highly nonlinear. The so-called Duncan and Duncan/Selig
soil models are very representative of the nonlinear soil behavior in most culvert installations.
Large deformation and buckling an updated Lagrange formulation that has the ability to
accurately track culvert deformations up to and beyond its buckling capacity.
Pipe elements and models beam-column elements that may be used to model culvert structures
and other structures such support braces. Special nonlinear material models are available for
corrugated metal, reinforced concrete and thermoplastic.

2.5 Pipe groups and pipe types

A single pipe group is defined as a connected series of beam-column elements that are identified with
only one pipe-type name; aluminum, basic, concrete, plastic, or steel. For example, all the canned meshes
in Level 2 are composed of a single pipe group whose beam-column elements trace a continuous path
around the culverts periphery through the wall centroid that defines the overall structural shape. Selection
of the pipe-type name along with the associated wall-section and material properties completes the
information required to compute the initial structural stiffness of the overall culvert.

The top-level choice for the number of pipe groups is only available for Level 3, because Level 1 and
Level 2 are predefined configurations with only one pipe group. With the ability to choose up to 30 pipe
groups, Level 3 provides the user with a great deal of modeling power. For example, two groups may be
assigned independent node numbers (no nodes in common) so that they represent independent structures.
Chapter 2 General Overview and Major Options CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Alternatively, element groups may be arbitrarily joined together at common nodes to model cell-like
structures or composite structures such as a corrugated metal arch roof placed on a reinforced concrete U-
shaped base. Indeed the multi-group option provides virtually unlimited modeling capabilities to define any
configuration within CANDEs two-dimensional framework.

Each pipe-type name is associated with a corresponding pipe-type subroutine, which form the heart of
CANDE-2007 architecture. All pipe-type subroutines perform three main functions:

(1) Process input data along with stored data to generate initial pipe stiffness.
(2) Modify pipe element stiffness properties during nonlinear iterations.
(3) Evaluate the pipes design criteria at the end of each converged load step.

In the design mode there is a 4th function, which is to resize the pipe wall properties after each trial design
repetition until the design criteria are satisfied. The assumptions behind these four functions are noted for
each pipe-type name in the following paragraphs wherein default material properties built in to CANDE-
2007 relieve the user of defining most input data.

2.5.1 Corrugated aluminum
Wall properties of corrugated aluminum are characterized by cross-sectional area, moment of inertia and
section modulus, which represent the geometry of the corrugations waveform per unit length. The
aluminum pipe-type subroutine has built-in tables for commercially available corrugation sizes as well as
realistic default values for all linear and nonlinear material properties. Aluminums material behavior is
simulated with a bilinear stress-strain model with an initial elastic response up to yield stress followed a
hardening plastic response, identical in tension and compression. All unloading is assumed linear elastic.

Design criteria for corrugated aluminum include strength limits for thrust stress against material yielding in
hoop compression, global buckling and seam strength rupture. A new strength criterion is a limit on the
amount of plastic penetration through the cross section. Here a recommended default value of 85%
penetration is considered tantamount to failure. Finally, a performance limit on the allowable defection,
typically taken as 5% of the total rise, completes the set of design criteria.

2.5.2 Reinforced concrete
Wall sections for reinforced concrete culverts are defined by the concrete wall thickness with up to two
rows of reinforcing steel, typically placed near the inner and outer surface with specified cover depths. In
tension, concrete behavior is characterized by cracking when tension stress levels exceed the tensile strain
limit. When this occurs the pre-existing tensile stresses are redistributed to the uncracked section, and the
cracked location is assumed not to heal for any subsequent tensile loading. In compression, concrete is
simulated with a tri-linear stress-strain curve. Initially, the concrete response is linear up to a specified
strain level after which the concrete exhibits plastic-hardening behavior. When the compressive stress
reaches the ultimate strength limit (fc), the stress-strain response becomes perfectly plastic with no
increase in stress as compressive strain increases. Reinforcing steel behavior is characterized by an elastic-
plastic stress-strain model, which becomes perfectly plastic when the steel yield stress is reached in tension
or compression.

Design criteria for reinforced concrete culverts include strength limits for yielding of steel reinforcement,
crushing of concrete in compression, diagonal cracking due to shear failure, and radial cracking due to
curved tension steel (also called bowstringing). Finally, a performance limit on the allowable flexure crack
width, typically taken as 0.01 inches, completes the set of design criteria.

2.5.3 Thermoplastic pipe
CANDE-2007 provides three options to characterize the wall sections for thermoplastic pipe; smooth,
profile or general. Smooth refers to a uniform wall (gun barrel) whose cross-section properties are
Chapter 2 General Overview and Major Options CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

completely defined by the wall thickness. Profile refers to the majority of manufactured plastic pipe whose
wall section properties may be characterized by the geometry of sub-elements such as web, valley, crest,
liner and links. General refers to an arbitrary properties described generically by the walls area and
moment of inertia per unit length.

Material properties are assumed linear elastic with default values provided for high-density polyethylene,
polyvinyl chloride and polypropylene for both short-term and long-term loading conditions. A nonlinear
local buckling algorithm is provided for the profile option wherein the profiles section properties are
reduced in proportion to the amount of compressive strain computed in the sub elements.

Design criteria for thermoplastic pipes include strength limits for thrust stress against material yielding in
hoop compression and global buckling. Another strength state is a limit on the maximum outer fiber
combined strain (hoop plus bending strain). Performance limit states include allowable vertical deflection
and maximum allowable tensile strain, dependent on type of plastic.

2.5.4 Corrugated steel
Like corrugated aluminum, the wall properties of corrugated steel are characterized by cross-sectional area,
moment of inertia and section modulus, which represent the geometry of the corrugations waveform per
unit length. The steel pipe-type subroutine has built-in tables for commercially available corrugation sizes
as well as realistic default values for all linear and nonlinear material properties. Steels material behavior
is simulated with a bilinear stress-strain model with an initial elastic response up to yield stress followed a
hardening plastic response, identical in tension and compression. All unloading is assumed linear elastic.

Design criteria for corrugated steel include strength limits for thrust stress against material yielding in
hoop compression, global buckling and seam strength rupture. A new strength criterion is a limit on the
amount of plastic penetration through the cross section. Here a recommended default value of 90%
penetration is considered tantamount to failure. Finally, a performance limit on the allowable defection,
typically taken as 5% of the total rise, completes the set of design criteria.

2.5.5 Basic pipe type
The so-called basic pipe-type is not associated with any particular wall geometry or material. Therefore,
it is not associated with any design criteria and is only applicable to the analysis execution mode. Further,
the basic pipe-type model is limited to linear elastic properties.

One unique feature of the basic pipe type is that each individual beam-column element in the basic pipe-
type group may be assigned individual section properties and material properties. Perhaps, the most useful
function of the basic pipe type is in Level 3 applications to serve as special structural components in
addition to the culvert structures such as struts or temporary bracing.

Lastly, if it is desired to use CANDEs continuum and/or interface elements without any pipe-type
elements in the mesh, then the user should declare one group of basic pipe-type elements with zero
elements in the group.

2.6 System Choices
CANDE offers a suite of soil models to choose from including the popular hyperbolic forms of Duncan,
Duncan and Selig, and Hardin as well as the standard linear forms for isotropic elastic, orthotropic elastic,
and overburden dependent. Predefined model parameters are installed in the program for simulating
crushed rock, sands, silts and clays under a range of compaction conditions.

Another system choice is the interface condition between the soil and culvert. The user may select a bonded
interface or a friction interface that permits frictional sliding and separation during the loading schedule.
Interface elements may also be used between the backfill soil and in situ soil wall for trench installations.
Chapter 2 General Overview and Major Options CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline


Still another system choice is the option to include large deformation analysis. This is particularly useful
for investigating large, flexible culverts under heavy loading. Associated with the large deformation
analysis is the capability to predict the global buckling capacity the soil-structure system, which provides a
direct factor of safety against collapse.

In summary, this chapter has provided an overview of the capabilities in CANDE-2007 and how the
various modeling choices can be used to solve difficult soil-structure problems. For more technical depth,
the reader is referred to the companion document, CANDE-2007 Solution Methods and Formulations.
Likewise for more detailed applications, the reader is referred to another companion document, CANDE-
2007 Tutorial and Applications Manual.
Chapter 2 General Overview and Major Options CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline


(This page intentionally left blank)

Chapter 3 Getting Started CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
3 Getting Started
This chapter is focused on retrieving the CANDE 2007 executable files from a CD or from an internet-
download of from some other source and making sure that the program is operative on your stand-alone
personal computer (PC) computer.

3.1 System requirements
CANDE 2007 was developed using Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 along with Intel FORTRAN 9.1
compiler. CANDE has been tested and may be installed on a personal computer with the following:

Microsoft Windows XP, service pack 2 or later.
Microsoft Windows NET Framework 2.0.
3.2 Installation guide
CANDE-2007 is contained in file folder that is transmitted to your computer from one of several sources
such as a CD disk, Internet download, a zip-folder, or perhaps emailed to you from a colleague. The
installation is similar to any Windows program setup. Double-clicking on the setup.exe program delivered
with the CANDE installation will initiate the CANDE installation program. Follow the screen by screen
instructions to complete the installation.
3.3 Launching and running CANDE-2007
The CANDE-2007 executable is available through the Windows->Programs menu under CANDE-2007
(see below). You may also want to create a shortcut for CANDE and place it on your Windows Desktop.

Figure 3.3-1 Starting CANDE

After launching CANDE, the CANDE-2007 logo and disclaimer will appear on the screen for about two
seconds. Next, the CANDE-2007 GUI menu and toolbar will appear as shown below.

Chapter 3 Getting Started CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
Figure 3.3-2 - CANDE-2007 Startup Window

Once CANDE-2007 is started, the user has the options as shown in the following table to create a new
CANDE input file or to open an existing file. These options are available through the File menu;
subsequent chapters discuss all the toolbar options for complete input and output control.

Table 3.3-1 File-tab menu options for input data files

Dropdown File Menu

Description of File-tab menu option
1. New Develop a new input data file using the GUI input Wizard*
2. Open Text Input Recall and/or edit an existing input data file without GUI input menu*
3. Open Recall and/or edit an existing input data file with GUI input menu. *
*All input files are created with the cid extension for example, Cande_input #1.cid

3.3.1 Locate and save example input problem
From the File menu click Open Text Input or Open to access all potential input data files that have a
cid extension. A file browser will open to search and select an input file for the purposes of getting
started, look inside the CANDE-2007 file folder for a folder with a name like CANDEInputFiles and
click on the any input example listed in the folder. Again using the File pull-down menu, use the Save As
option to save the example input data file to a work folder in another location on your computer.

If you cannot find nor have access to an example input problem, copy the simple Level-1 input problem
listed in Figure 3.3-3 below. Copy it to a new NotePad document (or other text editor). Save the input data
file using a cid extension, (e.g. Simple_input_example.cid).

Chapter 3 Getting Started CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
Figure 3.3-3 Sample Level 1 CANDE input file
DESI GN 1 1 1 Level 1 St eel Desi gn LRFD
60. 0 120. 0
30. 0 1000. 0 0. 35
1 1 1. 95

3.3.2 Test run an exi sting example problem
From the File menu click Open Text Input or Open and use the browser to locate the data file to be
executed (see Figure 3.3-4).
Figure 3.3-4 Opening a CANDE input file

Chapter 3 Getting Started CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
Click on the input data file and it will appear on a screen below the CANDE-2007 toolbar (see
Figure 3.3-5)

Figure 3.3-5 CANDE input file after open

Chapter 3 Getting Started CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
Lastly, click the Run CANDE-2007 tab on the toolbar. The CANDE GUI screen will disappear and an
echo of the CANDE analysis engine will appear providing a top-level summary of the problem input, a log
of the solution as it progresses through the load steps, and finally a message NORMAL EXIT FROM
CANDE. This last message means the problem ran successfully and that CANDE-2007 is successfully
working on your computer (see Figure 3.3-6).

Figure 3.3-6 Successful completion of CANDE analysis

In summary, the steps to run an existing example problem:
Launch CANDE-2007 through the Start->All Programs->CANDE-2007 menu
Click Open Text Input or Open from File Menu
Use file browser to locate existing input file (cid extension)
Click Run -- CANDE-2007 on toolbar
Observe message Normal Exit from CANDE
Click View tab to see data and plots of output .

Chapter 4 describes the all GUI input and output options and Chapter 5 provides detailed input instructions.
As a preview to the output options discussed in Chapter 4, click on the View tab and look at the CANDE
Output Report. For the input file listed above, the output report gives the design results and evaluation of a
60-inch corrugated steel pipe buried under 30 feet of fill soil.

Chapter 3 Getting Started CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
3.3.3 Exampl e probl ems and tutorial
The CANDE documentation includes a stand-alone tutorial manual containing many example problems.
The tutorial defines each problem to be solved followed by a step-by-step illustration of using the GUI to
develop the input and view output. It is highly recommended that the user examine the tutorial prior to
undertaking the development of a new input data file. The tutorial can be accessed from the Help tab on the
CANDE-2007 tool bar (see Figure 3.3-7).

Figure 3.3-7 Accessing the CANDE tutorials

Chapter 4 Graphical user interface (GUI) CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
4 Graphical user interface (GUI)
4.1 Overview
CANDE-2007 provides a graphical user interface (GUI) that provides features to ease the task of creating
CANDE input documents and also to view the CANDE output results graphically. This chapter provides a
discussion of GUI input options, directions for running CANDE-2007, and viewing the output reports, plots
and graphs. To make use of the directions in this chapter, the user must launch the CANDE-2007 program
through the Start->All Programs->CANDE-2007 folder. CANDEs main interface is a multi-document
interface (MDI). This means that multiple CANDE documents can be opened at one time. The only
exception to this rule is that only one CANDE input file may be opened at a time (see Figure 4.1-1).
CANDE uses the input file prefix as an indicator to open other CANDE view windows:

Figure 4.1-1 CANDE GUI overview

4.2 Input Options
The key concept behind the GUI input option is that it ultimately creates a CANDE-2007 input data file
that contains the same formatted data stream as that of the traditional batch-mode input. The traditional
batch-mode method of input requires the user to hand type data files in accordance with the written input
instructions in the detailed user manual, Chapter 5. In contrast, the GUI is much easier to follow because
each input step is tailor-made to conform to the users previous input choices. Said another way, the user
does not need to navigate through the entire user manual, just follow the screen input instructions.
However, the traditional batch-mode is still an optional input method discussed at the end of this section.
Chapter 4 Graphical user interface (GUI) CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

The GUI has options to create new data input files, edit and rerun existing data files, and import data files
from external sources. Each of these options is discussed in turn.
4.2.1 Creating a new CANDE input data file CANDE Input Wizard
The creation of a new input data file using the GUI is a seamless, two-step process. The first step employs
the so-called Input Wizard to define the top-level choices of the soil-structure problem to be solved, and the
second step employs the so-called CANDE Input Menu to define the values system parameters.

This subsection describes the Input Wizard, which generates the major control data and establishes a
unique input menu for the data to be supplied in step 2. The CANDE Input Wizard is accessed when a new
CANDE project is created. This is done by selecting the New option from the CANDE File menu as
shown below.

Figure 4.2-1 - Creating a new CANDE input document

Selecting New will activate the first Input Wizard screen called Control Information as shown in below.
Using two or three additional screens with key input choices, the wizard will generate a CANDE input
menu that will then be completed by the user in step 2.

Chapter 4 Graphical user interface (GUI) CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
Figure 4.2-2 CANDE Input Wizard startup screen

Note that the selections made on this menu screen and subsequent wizard menus will enable or disable
items on the menu. If an item is disabled, it is not a valid option based on your current input selections.

After completing the information on the CANDE Input Wizard-Control Information menu, click on the
Next >> button to advance to the next wizard input screen. You can return to this screen later by clicking
on the <<Prev button. For solution level 3 problems, a screen specific to level 3 problems is required to
define the parameters for the finite element mesh. (See Figure 4.2-3 below).

Figure 4.2-3 CANDE Input Wizard Level 3 Information

Chapter 4 Graphical user interface (GUI) CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
For the level 3 information, two options are available; Manual Input, and Import Mesh file. In general
Manual Input is used if the user will manually define all of the nodes and elements into CANDE or by
using the inherent Mesh generation capabilities built into the CANDE analysis engine (see Level 3 in
chapter 5 on CANDE Input for more information on CANDEs built-in mesh generation capabilities).

For the format of the imported input files, see the Appendix.

For all solutions levels (1, 2 and 3), the next Wizard input screen is the Pipe Material screen as shown

Figure 4.2-4- CANDE Input Wizard: Pipe Material screen

Again, selection items on the screen are enabled or disabled based on the applicability that is determined
from this screen and previous input. Also note that for Level 3, this screen is repeated based on the number
of pipe materials input on the Control Information screen. For more detailed information see the section
CANDE Input Wizard Pipe Material.

Chapter 4 Graphical user interface (GUI) CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
Once completed with all of the input screens, the final CANDE Input Wizard Menu will be as shown

Figure 4.2-5 CANDE Input Wizard Final Screen

Click on the Finish button and you will be prompted to save your input file (see below).

Figure 4.2-6 Saving a CANDE input file

Chapter 4 Graphical user interface (GUI) CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
CANDE provides a default name for the file based on some user input values, but the name can be changed
at this time. Two things of importance:

The extension of the file must be .cid.
CANDE will prompt you if the name of the file selected already exists.

Once a new file is created, the CANDE interface will look similar to the figure shown below:

Figure 4.2-7 CANDE Interface after new CANDE input document is created

Note the red X items on the left side. In general, these CANDE input screens contain undefined input
information. This input is required but does not have a CANDE default value supplied. All of these menus
must be resolved before CANDE will permit the running of the CANDE analysis engine. A sample of a
menu with undefined input is shown below.

Menu with
Chapter 4 Graphical user interface (GUI) CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
Figure 4.2-8 - CANDE menu with undefined input

In addition to the undefined input, the user must decide what of the default input is acceptable. The
CANDE input menu system guides the user in which input to choose and the CANDE analysis engine
provides a degree of error checking, but the user should be thoroughly familiar with the input as described
in the Detailed CANDE Input section of this manual. As with all engineering programs, the responsibility
for proper input and proper interpretation of the results lies with the user.

The details of the CANDE Input Menus are discussed in subsequent sections.

value(s) must be
Chapter 4 Graphical user interface (GUI) CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
4-8 CANDE Input Wizard- Control Information

The Control Information of the CANDE input wizard provides key information related to the entire
CANDE model. The follow is a description of the items provided on this dialog box:

Parameter Input options Description
Type of Anal ysis
Analysis or Design

Specifying the variable XMODE controls the
decision of design or analysis. Analysis
implies all system and pipe properties are
known and the objective is to evaluate pipe
performance. Design means the pipe wall
section properties are unknown, and that they
will be determined in an iterative analysis

Method of
anal ysis/design

(0, service, = 1,

Choice of Working Stress (service) or Load
Resistance Factor Design (LRFD)
methodology for analysis and design. Working
Stress uses actual loading conditions, where as
LRFD increases the actual load with specified
load factors.
Solution Level =1, Elasticity
= 2, FEM with
canned mesh
=3, FEM with user

Level 2 is considered the workhorse of
CANDE and provides a finite element solution
methodology using an internally developed
mesh based on a few physical parameters
specified by the user in part C. Canned meshes
are available for round, elliptical, box and
arch-shaped culverts. Loading includes live
loads as well as incremental layers of soil.
Level 2s major limitation is the assumption of
symmetry about the vertical centerline of a
specified pipe type.

Level 3 provides the full power of the finite
element method to characterize any soil-
structure system. This includes multiple
structural shapes and/or multiple structural
materials (pipe types).
Level 3 requires that the user develop the finite
element mesh including element connectivity
arrays, coordinates and boundary conditions.
Although CANDE has many helpful mesh
generation features, use of Level 3 requires
some familiarity with the finite element
method for proper modeling of the soil-
structure system.
Use the auto-generate
option for the interface
Check ON or OFF If this input is checked ON, CANDE will
assume that the user is going to take advantage
of the Short-cut method for entering input
D-2.Interface Elements. The input wizard
will generate a beginning and ending set of D-
1/D-2 commands to define the interface

Chapter 4 Graphical user interface (GUI) CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
Parameter Input options Description
Number of pipe element
groups (level 3 onl y)
=number of groups
(Maximum =30)
For Level 1 and 2 the number of pipe groups is
inherently defined =1. For level 3, however,
more than one pipe group may be specified if it
is desired to model more than one pipe
material or more than one sequence of
connected pipe elements. Specifically, a pipe
group is defined by a pipe material type
(STEEL for example) and the number of pipe
elements in that group (1 or more). The pipe
elements in any group must be connected in an
ordered sequence head-to-toe tracing a
curvilinear path representing the mid depth of
the structural segment.
Pipe groups (or structural segments) may be
connected to one another in any fashion or be
disconnected. For example, one pipe group
could represent a concrete box culvert and
another group could represent an arch-shaped
steel culvert that is not directly connected
because they share no nodes in common. Or,
two concrete culvert groups could represent
the left and right footings connected to a group
representing an arch-shaped steel culvert.
Heading for output text up to 60
characters long
This text will be placed in the heading of the
CANDE output file.
LEVEL 2 Specific The following input is only applicable for the
Level 2 type Solution Level.
Chapter 4 Graphical user interface (GUI) CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
Parameter Input options Description
Canned Mesh Type
Pipe mesh
Box mesh
Arch mesh

Under level 2, NPCAN allows the user to
select the type of canned mesh to be used in
this problem.

For level 1 the NPCAN variable is not used,
and for level 3 this variable is renamed
NPMATX and defined differently as discussed

The Pipe mesh creates a circular or elliptical
culvert cross-section assuming vertical
centerline symmetry. Options for trench and
embankment installations, interface elements,
and incremental construction. (a.k.a CAN1

The Box mesh creates a rectangular, closed-
cell culvert cross-section assuming vertical
centerline symmetry.
Options for trench and embankment
installations, bedding depth and incremental
construction. (a.k.a. CANBOX mesh)

The Arch mesh creates a two or three
segment arch resting on footings assuming
vertical centerline symmetry. Options for
trench and embankment installations with
built-in interface elements. (a.k.a. CANAR1
Soil Mesh Pattern Embankment
The values available are dependent on the
Canned Mesh Type (NPCAN) entered:
Pipe (Embankment, Trench, Homogeneous)
Box (Embankment, Trench)
Arch (Embankment, Trench, Homogeneous)

Interface El ements (for pipes only)
Pipe-soil (SLIP)
Trench-insitu (SLPT)
WORD1 provides options for including
frictional interfaces between pipe and soil or
between trench soil and in-situ soil. Default
(blank) means no interface elements are added.

For WORD1 = SLIP, the mesh is
automatically altered to include eleven
interface elements at the common nodes
between the pipe and soil. This feature allows
for frictional slippage, separation and re-
bonding of the pipe-soil interface during the
loading schedule. The user must subsequently
input interface material properties for each of
the eleven interface elements as described in
Part D.

For WORD =SLPT, the trench mesh option is
automatically altered to include seven interface
elements at the common nodes between the
Chapter 4 Graphical user interface (GUI) CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
Parameter Input options Description
trench wall and in-situ soil starting from the
spring line to the top of the trench. This feature
allows the trench soil to slip along the vertical
during the backfilling loading schedule. The
user must subsequently input interface material
properties for each of the eleven interface
elements as described in Part D

MOD-Make changes to
the basic mesh
Checked if the user is
going to change the
basic Level 2 mesh.
If this item is checked, the user may change
the basic mesh in terms of nodal locations,
element properties and prescribed loads. This
is accomplished by supplying additional data
in lines CX-1 through CX-4 after the basic C-1
through C-4 data is complete.
Motivations for changing the basic mesh
include: add a live load(s), simulate voids or
rocks in the soil system, and to change shapes
such as the bedding. The default case (no
modifications) applies to many basic problems
without the need for modifications.

Chapter 4 Graphical user interface (GUI) CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
4-12 CANDE Input Wizard Level 3 items
This menu of the input wizard defines information related specifically to level 3 models.

Parameter Input options Description
Select level 3 input
Manual input
Import mesh file
Two options are available in the Input Wizard
for generating level 3 input documents.
The manual input method requires that the user
provide general level 3 information (i.e.
number of nodes, number of elements, etc.).
After the generation of the input file, the user
will manually enter the coordinates, element
connectivity, etc. in the blank input cells.
The Import mesh file option, permits the input
of a mesh file that has be created using the
CANDE Mesh geometry XML format (see
appendix section on XML Mesh Geometry).
Select the mesh import
Click on the button
with the ().
File name expected is
*MeshGeom.xml. or a
CANDE-89 P1 file

CANDE has three options for importing:
The file may have been generated by a
previous CANDE run (for a Level 2 model that
is now being imported as a level 3 model), or
may have been generated externally. For the
proper format of the Mesh Geometry file (see
section in Appendix on XML Mesh Geometry
NASTRAN Limited NASTRAN input file
import (see below and Appendix for more
CANDE-89 P1 This permits the import of P1
plot files generated by previous versions of
Level 3 options The following only apply for the Manual
Input option. They are filled in automatically
for the Import mesh file option.
Number of nodes Input the number of nodes for this model. The
nodal geometry will be entered once the input
document is generated.
Number of el ements Input the number of elements for this model.
The element connectivity will be entered once
the input document is generated.
Number of boundary
Input the number of boundary conditions. The
details of the boundary conditions will be
entered once the input document is generated.
Number of load steps Input the number of load steps for this model.
Number of soil
Enter the total number of soil materials for the
Number of interface
Enter the number of interface elements for this
model. If no interface elements, enter zero
Chapter 4 Graphical user interface (GUI) CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
CANDE Import options
CANDE has the capability to import meshes for the following three formats:

CANDE XML Mesh files (see )
CANDE-89 Plot files

When the user clicks on the Import File button in the Level 3 Information window of the CANDE Input
Wizard, an import dialog box appears as shown in Figure 4.2-9.

Figure 4.2-9 CANDE import dialog box

The user clicks on the file format and then the Import button. Once the import has concluded, the OK
button will be enabled. Clicking;OK finishes the import and returns the user to the CANDE Input Wizard.

When importing NASTRAN or CANDE-89 files, a log file window will appear to display the progress of
the import as shown in Figure 4.2-10 .Once the import is completed, the import log file can be reviewed by
clicking on the Review Import Log button. The log file will display any problems that CANDE had while
performing the import.

Figure 4.2-10 Import log window

The formats for the available CANDE import files are in the following sections:
Chapter 4 Graphical user interface (GUI) CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

CANDE Mesh XML (see Appendix section XML Mesh Geometry Format)
CANDE-89 Plot File (see Appendix section CANDE-2007 output files for plotting)
NASTRAN File (see Appendix section CANDE NASTRAN Import Format)

Chapter 4 Graphical user interface (GUI) CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
4-15 CANDE Input Wizard Pipe Material
This menu defines the pipe materials for this model. For levels 1 and 2, only one pipe material is permitted.

NOTE: For Level 3, this menu i s repeated for the number of pipe element groups entered
on the Control Information screen
Parameter Input options Description
Pipe materi al type
Choosing PTYPE means the selection of the
pipe material to be analyzed or designed. For
level 1 or 2 only one pipe type can be selected
per problem.
For level 3 the user will select a PTYPE for
each pipe group (NPGRPS times). Input for
each PTYPE consists of Line A-2 followed by
the set of lines in Part B, which defines the
pipe-type properties.
Corrugated aluminum cross-section with
material options for elastic-plastic behavior.
General cross-sectional properties with elastic
Reinforced concrete smooth wall section with
nonlinear material models for concrete and

Smooth wall plastic pipe with linear material
properties. (To be upgraded to profile wall
with local buckling)

Corrugated steel cross-section with elastic-
plastic material behavior. Also has option for
slotted joint behavior.

Number of connected
beam el ements
Number of connected
beam elements in this
group, for level 3
Maximum =999

The number (quantity) of beam elements in
any group may range from 1 to 999. It is to be
understood that elements in any group form a
continuous sequence, connected head to toe
tracing the centerline path of the structure or a
segment of the structure.
The group number identifier, 1 to NPGRPS, is
automatically assigned in the sequential order
of input. That is, the first data set (Line A2
plus set B) becomes group #1, the second data
set becomes group #2, and so on until all
NPGRPS groups are input.
The linkage between the group numbers
established here and the finite element mesh
established in input set C is by means of the
elements material identification number called
IX(5). In data set C, the user must assign the
appropriate group number to each beam
elements material identification number.
Concrete specifi c input The following input only applies for concrete
pipe materials.
Chapter 4 Graphical user interface (GUI) CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
Parameter Input options Description
Reinforcement shape
RSHAPE allows selection of how the
reinforcement will be shaped and placed
relative to the concrete inner and outer wall

Standard placement for two rows of
reinforcement cages, which parallel the inner
and outer wall surfaces. The concrete wall
thickness is uniform and concrete cover-depths
and properties are uniform in each individual
cage. (Applicable to levels 1, 2, or 3; and
design or analysis)

Elliptical placement of a single reinforcement
cage sometimes used in circular pipe. The
cage starts at a specified cover-depth from the
outer wall surface of the crown, transitions to
the inner wall surface at the spring line, and
transitions back to the outer wall at the invert.
(Applicable to levels 1, 2, or 3; and design or

Arbitrary placement of two rows of
reinforcement. The concrete wall thickness, the
reinforcements concrete cover-depth, and
reinforcement steel areas may be specified at
each node along the pipe-group path.
(Applicable to levels 2 or 3 for analysis only)

Boxes - Special placement of two rows of
reinforcement conforming to ASTM box
culvert specifications. (Intended to be used in
conjunction with level 2 Box mesh for
analysis only)
Plasti c specific input The following input only applies for plastic
pipe materials.
Wall section type Smooth (design and
General (analysis
Profile (analysis only)
SMOOTH refers to uniform smooth wall (gun
barrel) whose only independent cross section
property is the wall thickness. Applies to
design & analysis.
GENERAL refers to arbitrary cross-section
properties for area and moment of inertia
without local buckling consideration. Applies
only to analysis.
PROFILE refers to a spectrum of profile
shapes such as corrugated with or without
liners, ribbed walls, etc. Profile shapes require
additional geometry input and include local
buckling analysis. Applies only to analysis.
Steel specifi c input The following input only applies for steel pipe
Joint slip No
Yes, show trace
This option allows the representation of
slipping joint behavior like the so-called key-
hole slot, wherein joint slippage is intended to
reduce thrust stress. Further input is required.
Chapter 4 Graphical user interface (GUI) CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
Parameter Input options Description
Vary joint travel length Same lengths
Different lengths
This option applies to solution levels 2 & 3.
One main utility of this option is to model
half joints. This occurs in level 2 meshes
when the axis of symmetry cuts through a joint
at the crown or invert, which produces a half-
joint with the same properties as a full joint
except the slot length, is one-half its full value.
Number of joints Enter the number of
joints if J oint Slip
has been entered as
(Maximum =15)
This is the actual number of joints
(longitudinal seams) in the pipe-group model.
The model for Level 1 is the whole circular
pipe, whereas Level 2 is modeled using a
symmetric half shape.

Chapter 4 Graphical user interface (GUI) CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
4.2.2 Opening an Existing CANDE Input Document with File->Open
Existing CANDE input documents may be opened using the FileOpen menu (see below).

Figure 4.2-11 Opening an existing CANDE input document

CANDE input files must have a .CID extension. CANDE uses the prefix to name all other files in a
CANDE project. For example, the CANDE input file title EX1.cid will produce the following CANDE
files when the analysis is run:

EX1.ctc CANDE output table of contents.
EX1.out CANDE output files
EX1.log CANDE analysis log file
EX1_BeamResults.xml Generated by the CANDE analysis run and used for graphic of the beam
analysis results.
EX1_MeshGeom.xml Generated by the CANDE analysis run and used for plotting of the FEM
EX1_MeshResults.xml Generated by the CANDE analysis run and used for plotting of the mesh
results for the FEM mesh.

For further description of these files and others generated by CANDE, see the Appendix of this User
Chapter 4 Graphical user interface (GUI) CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
4.2.3 Opening an Existing CANDE Input Document with File->Open Text Input
To open an existing CANDE input documents with the CANDE text editor, use the FileOpen menu (see
below). This option may be used in lieu of the CANDE input menu interface and is generally for users who
are very familiar with the CANDE data file input format. A detailed description of the CANDE input text
editor is provided in a subsequent section.

Figure 4.2-12 Opening an existing CANDE input document in the CANDE input text editor

Chapter 4 Graphical user interface (GUI) CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
4.2.4 CANDE Input Menus
Once the CANDE input document has been initiated, either by creating a new document using the CANDE
Input Wizard or opening an existing document using the File->Open menu, the user will be directed to the
CANDE Input Menus. This section describes the CANDE input menus and their various functions. Menu input overview
The following figure provides an overview of the CANDE menu input screen. The function of the CANDE
menu input system is to guide the user in the creation of a CANDE input document. To do this, the menu
system uses a hierarchal menu to guide the user through the input needed for a specific CANDE model. For
guidance on creating a new CANDE input document, see the section Creating a new CANDE input data
file CANDE Input Wizard.

Figure 4.2-13 CANDE input menu overview

Chapter 4 Graphical user interface (GUI) CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
4-21 Viewing help for the input menus
Input help is provided through several methods in the CANDE Input menu system. These consist of
combination of tools tips, persistent help display, and context sensitive help. For more information, see one
of the following sections:

Persistent help Show Help checkbox
Show Input Show Input checkbox
Range information Input range violations
Error/Warning messages Input errors and undefined input
Input tree icons Menu input tree icons
Chapter 4 Graphical user interface (GUI) CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
4-22 Show Help checkbox
Clicking on the Show Help checkbox will turn on persistent input help at the bottom of the Menu Input
screen. Persistent help can also be turned on/off by clicking on the input description (see Figure 4.2-14

Figure 4.2-14 Activating CANDE input menu persistent help

Chapter 4 Graphical user interface (GUI) CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
4-23 Show Input checkbox
Clicking on the Show Input checkbox will turn on CANDE input document display at the bottom of the
Menu Input screen (see Figure 4.2-15 below). This input is NOT modifiable through this screen, but
provides a view of the input document for those familiar with the format.

Figure 4.2-15 Activating CANDE input menu Show Input

Chapter 4 Graphical user interface (GUI) CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
4-24 Input range violations
If a user enters a value below the lower range or above the upper range, the text is turned to red and a
warning message is displayed when the user enters that input field as shown in Figure 4.2-16 below.

Figure 4.2-16 CANDE input menus range violation

While the user is warned of range violations, CANDE will permit the user to run the analysis. For input
errors that are not range violations, CANDE will NOT permit running the analysis.

Chapter 4 Graphical user interface (GUI) CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
4-25 Input errors and undefined input
In addition to checking upper and lower limit ranges, the CANDE menu input system will check for input
typos and for new input documents will highlight undefined input that must be provided before a CANDE
analysis may be run. A sample of an input typo is shown in Figure 4.2-17 where a character is entered
where a numeric is expected.

Figure 4.2-17 Error in CANDE input menus with an invalid character

For this type of error CANDE will not run until the error is corrected. An error is also provided if user
attempts to click on Accept Input without changing the value.

Undefined input
Similar messages are provided when input is marked as undefined (.undef.). Input is typically marked as
undefined for new CANDE input documents or when the input tree changes because of a revised input
command (e.g. when the soil model is changed in the Part D commands, new input menus are added to the
input tree that contain undefined values). If any item on the input menu is marked as undefined, the menu
tree will display a red X for that menu.

The CANDE analysis may not be run until all undefined quantities have been resolved.

Chapter 4 Graphical user interface (GUI) CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
4-26 Menu input tree icons
The CANDE menu input tree provides different icons to display the status of all the menus at a glance. An
example is shown below.

The following table provides a summary of the different icon states.

Icon Description
- Clear icon

Input for this menu does not contain any errors or
undefined values. The user however is responsible for
checking the input to ensure that it is correct with respect
to the current model being considered.
- Error icon

The input for this menu contains one or more errors and/or
undefined values. All of these values must be resolved
before the CANDE analysis may be run.
- Input Change

One or more input item for this menu has changed. If the
user attempts to leave them menu before Accept Input is
clicked, a warning message will appear asking the user to
save the input.

Chapter 4 Graphical user interface (GUI) CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
4.2.5 Changing an existing CANDE input document to create a new data file
Often a user may wish to change one or more parameters in existing data file to investigate the influence of
parameter variations on the solution. Rather than creating a new data file from scratch, the GUI offers two
simple methods of modifying an existing data file to create new data file.

1. Create a new file by editing an existing data file using the CANDE Input Menu
2. Create a new file by editing an existing data file using text editor

The first method takes full advantage of the GUI but is somewhat restricted in the changes that can be
made. The second method is unrestricted in the changes that can be made but requires the user to refer to
the detailed input instructions in Chapter 5. These two methods are discussed in the following subsections
in turn. Create new CANDE input document from existing document with Input Menu
To use this method, click on the File tab from CANDE tool bar and select Open, which will display the
file browser. Using the file browser locate the existing input data file that you wish to modify (if you wish
to save the original file, you must first make a copy). Clicking on the data file to be modified will show the
complete CANDE Input Menu of the original problem.

At this point you are free to scroll through the CANDE Input menu and make any changes you wish in the
same way as discussed in step 2 of creating a new data file (section 4.2.2). After you have made the desired
changes, save the file, and then proceed to run CANDE.

The down side of this method is that you are only free to change those parameters listed in the menu, which
are restricted by the flow path created by Input Wizard in step 1. For example you may change pipes wall
properties but not change the pipe type. Create new CANDE input document from existing document with text editor
To use this method, click on the File tab from the CANDE tool bar and select Open Text file, which will
display the file browser.

Figure 4.2-18 Opening an existing CANDE input document using the CANDE input text editor

Using the file browser locate the existing input data file that you wish to modify (if you wish to save the
original file, you must first make a copy). Clicking on the data file to be modified will show the formatted
input file that is directly read by the CANDE program. An example along with a summary of the editor
command is shown in Figure 4.2-19 below.
Chapter 4 Graphical user interface (GUI) CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Figure 4.2-19 Summary of CANDE input text editor

Using the text editor you may change the values and locations of any variable, add lines of input, and/or
delete lines of input. Of course the data must conform to the formatted instructions in the detailed CANDE
input manual in Chapter 5. In essence you are creating a text-mode input file, but taking advantage of pre-
existing data file. Once the file is created it should be saved, prior to running CANDE.

At first glance a GUI generated data file looks different than a standard batch-mode input file because each
line of GUI data starts in column 28 rather than column 1. This is because the GUI uses the first 27
columns to tag each line of input corresponding to the designation in the user manual as defined in
Chapter 5. The advantage of placing the tag in front of the input line is that the editor works as a smart
editor. That is the tags are used to provide help at the bottom of the screen as the user changes columns in
the input file. If a tag is present at the beginning of the line, the help at the bottom of the screen will change
as the user moves to a new field based on the CANDE input document fixed format described in Chapter
5. This provides the user with interactive guidance regarding which columns or fields to place data. The
input tags are also used when running CANDE to perform a consistency check on the input file. If the tags
are not placed, CANDE will still run, but will not perform the consistency check.

In order to place the proper command without typos, an Insert command button is available in the text
editor. To insert a new CANDE input command tag, do the following:
Go to the beginning of a new line
Select the appropriate CANDE input command tag from the pull down list (see Figure 4.2-19).
Click on the Insert Command button (see Figure 4.2-19)

For more information on input consistency checks that CANDE makes using the input command tags, see
section checking of this manual
Chapter 4 Graphical user interface (GUI) CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
4.2.6 Create a CANDE input document using the CANDE input text editor
If desired, an input file (CANDE input document) may be developed externally using other software or by
hand typing line-by-line the formatted input data as prescribed by the input instructions in Chapter 5. The
only prerequisite is that data input files must have a .cid extension along with any prefix name you choose.

After the data file is created and saved, launch the CANDE-2007 program, click on the File tab, and select
Open Text Input. Using the file browser locate the CANDE input document to be executed and click on
Run CANDE 2007. CANDE uses the name you choose as a prefix to name all other files that are generated
as result of running your input file. These generated files will be saved in the same folder as the CANDE
input document.

While it is not necessary to use input command tags on the input lines like those provided by the GUI,
however, providing the input tags provides a level of consistency checking that will not occur if the tags are
not present. For a description of why the tags are useful, see CANDE input consistency checking. Recall
that name tags are used by the GUI to identify the input line according to the instruction manual section
letter and line number such A-1!! for the first input line followed by a double exclamation mark (!!).
Chapter 4 Graphical user interface (GUI) CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
4.3 Running CANDE-2007
If the data file to be run is already open such as when creating a new data file, simply click Run CANDE-
2007 to execute the program.

To run any existing CANDE input data file, click the File tab and choose:
Open to open data file in CANDE Input Menu format
Or, Open Text Input to open data file as a batch-mode data list.

Using the file browser select the data file to be run. Regardless of how the data file was created, it be
opened in either of the above two modes and executed.

Figure 4.3-1 Running CANDE-2007 analysis

Once started, the CANDE interface will be hidden and the CANDE analysis window will appear (see
Figure 4.3-2 below). No other operations in CANDE can be performed while the analysis is running.

Figure 4.3-2 View of CANDE Analysis while running

When the analysis is completed, the Close button will be activated. Click the Close to return to the
CANDE interface. NOTE: The information that CANDE prints to the screen is available back in the
CANDE interface by selecting the View->CANDE Log File' option from the menu.
Chapter 4 Graphical user interface (GUI) CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
4.3.1 Successful execution
The successful execution of any CANDE run is observed by the appearance of the last output line on the
monitor screen and the CANDE Log File, saying:


This message means that all the input data has been read without input errors and that all the specified load
steps have been processed without execution errors. However, it does not guarantee the input data is
correctly defined; only the user can make this determination by reviewing the CANDE output report.

Moreover when nonlinear models are included the problem, the above message does not imply that every
load step converged within acceptable limits. When any load step does not converge a separate message is
printed on the monitor screen and in the CANDE Log File identifying the load step number that did not
converge along with the iteration limit.
4.3.2 Unsuccessful execution
An unsuccessful execution of any CANDE run is observed when the program stops prior to completion
without the normal exit from CANDE message. When this occurs diagnostic messages are printed on the
screen and saved in the CANDE Log File as well as printed in the CANDE Output Report.

The most common error is a data input error. In many cases CANDE will detect these errors with internal
programming that checks the data makes physical sense. In such cases, the printed diagnostics will state the
nature of the error and the suspected input line number where the error occurred along with an error
number. Typically the user will be able to discover the cause of the error based on the diagnostic
information and then make the necessary corrections.

A second type error is the so-called execution error, the cause of which can be more difficult to determine.
As opposed to a message from CANDE, this type error is identified by a system error message such as
exceeding the dimension of a particular variable, division by zero and other similar system error messages.
Very often these types of errors can be traced back to incorrect input data as opposed to a bug in the
CANDE program. In such cases the user should carefully review the input data as listed in the CANDE
Output Report, not the input data file. The CANDE Output Report lists all the input data as interpreted
and/or generated by CANDE in an easy to understand format. As a last resort the user may contact the
CANDE program developers to help determine the source of the error.
4.3.3 CANDE input consistency checking
CANDE input documents that are generated by the input menus contain input tags at the beginning of each
input line. These tags serve several purposes:
They provide a quick description of the input line if a user is reviewing a CANDE input document
in a text editor.
In the CANDE input text editor, they facilitate the use of the smart help used by the CANDE text
editor by providing help as the user moves to a new input column.
When the CANDE analysis engine is running, a consistency check is performed as the input
document is read that checks the expected input line and compares it with the actual input line.
If the two dont match, a warning is provided to the user. CANDE will continue to read the input
file, but messages will be provided to guide the user if an input line is missing or out of place.

This consistency check can be particularly useful if the user is generating a CANDE input fie by using the
CANDE input text editor rather than using the Input Menus. The menus automatically generate the input
document, but using the text editor, the user is in charge of the input document creation. Using the input
tags provides the user with an additional level of checking. An example of an input file consistency check
error and an input check message is shown below.

Chapter 4 Graphical user interface (GUI) CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
The following is a snippet of a valid CANDE input document.

A- 1! ! DESI GN 2 0 1New I nput f i l e
A- 2. L12! ! ALUMI NUM 1
B- 1. Al um! ! 10000000 0. 33 24000 0
B-2.Alum.D.WSD!! 3 2 2 4 5
C- 1. L2. Pi pe! ! TREN New Level 2 Pi pe Mesh
C- 2. L2. Pi pe! ! 61 1 28. 75 120

If the B-2.Alum.D.WSD line was omitted (or accidentally deleted) as shown below,

A- 1! ! DESI GN 2 0 1New I nput f i l e
A- 2. L12! ! ALUMI NUM 1
B- 1. Al um! ! 10000000 0. 33 24000 0
C- 1. L2. Pi pe! ! TREN New Level 2 Pi pe Mesh
C- 2. L2. Pi pe! ! 61 1 28. 75 120

The following error would occur and appear in the log file and the screen output while running the CANDE

WARNI NG- at Li ne 4 of t he i nput f i l e

Expect i ng i nput l i ne of t ype " B- 2. Al um. D. WSD"
but r ead f r omt he i nput f i l e an i nput t ype of " C- 1. L2. Pi pe"

Check your i nput f i l e.

Other error messages will likely occur as CANDE continues to read the input file, but this message will
point the user to spot where the input document starts to diverge.

4.3.4 Convergence and Nonconvergence of load steps
CANDE employs a variety of nonlinear models that are used to simulate real-world behavior such as
nonlinear behavior of various pipe materials, soil material behavior, frictional interfaces and large
deformations. If one or more of these nonlinear models are activated in any input data file, CANDE repeats
(iterates) the solution within each load step until two successive solutions yield the same answers within a
small tolerance of error. This means the solution has converged for the current load step and the solution is
reliable. The solution output data is recorded in the CANDE Output File.

On the other hand, if two successive solutions do not converge after a user-specified number iterations are
attempted (default ITMAX =30), CANDE will stop execution with a screen message saying that the
solution did converge for the current load step. Further diagnostics are printed in the CANDE Output
Report wherein the particular nonlinear model(s) that did not converge are identified along with the
maximum percentage of error between the last two successive solutions.

It is important to note that the occurrence of nonconvergence does not necessarily mean there is an error on
the part of the user or the CANDE algorithm. Rather, nonconvergence is often expected to occur when the
nonlinear models are loaded to the point that they loose stiffness so that the structural system or portion of
the structural system cannot sustain further loading. Said another way, the load step at which
nonconvergence occurs may, in some cases, be interpreted as the maximum load capacity of the structural
system. This interpretation can be checked by plotting structural deflections versus load step and observing
increasingly larger movements in a load-deformation plot.

On the other hand, nonconvergence may be problematic, but curable, requiring some investigation on the
part of the user. Specifically if nonconvergence occurs, the user should consider the following checklist:
Chapter 4 Graphical user interface (GUI) CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
(1) Review the CANDE Output Report to see which type of nonlinear models did not converge and the
relative error in the lack of convergence.
(2) Examine the input parameters of the nonlinear models that did not converge and make sure that the
parameters are correct and reasonable. For example a common input error for interface elements is that they
are assigned incorrect interface angles in input line D-2
(3) Try reducing the load magnitude assigned to each load step. That is, use more load steps to define
thinner soil layers for gravity loads and/or smaller force increments for boundary conditions.
(4) Try increasing the maximum number of iterations, ITMAX on input line A-1. Typically the default
value is sufficient, but some cases have required 50 or more iterations to achieve convergence. If
convergence has not been obtained in 100 iterations, it is probably fruitless to try more iterations.
(5) Try reducing the number of different nonlinear models to isolate the problem. For example, turn off the
large deformation option, or inactivate the interface elements by assigning large numbers to the friction
coefficient and tension strength, or increase the strength parameters on the pipe models.

As a last resort, CANDE offers the option to continue the execution after nonconvergence occurs. This is
achieved by specifying the iteration limit as a negative number (e.g., ITMAX =-30). In this case all the
load steps are solved and those load steps that did not converge are identified. However, all solutions
beyond the load step where nonconvergence first occurred must be viewed with suspicion. In this case the
user must exercise engineering judgment to carefully examine the output data and the diagnostics to see if
the final solution is meaningful.

Chapter 4 Graphical user interface (GUI) CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
4.3.5 CANDE Anal ysis error messages
The following table provides a summary of the CANDE input errors that may be reported when creating a
CANDE input document.

Input Error
Number Text
9001 Input: Aluminum: Some Pipe Section Properties are zero.
9002 Input: Basic: Beam sequence numbers are out of bounds
9003 Input: CAN1: Incorrect command for CAN1 mesh.
9004 Input: CAN1: Number of load steps exceeds maximum.
9005 Input: CAN1: Pipe diameter ratio is beyond limit for CAN1 mesh
9006 Input: CAN1: FATAL-Height of cover must be within allowable limits.
9007 Input: CAN1: Thickness of backpacking is not within allowable limits
9008 Input: CAN1: Trench is too narrow in CAN1 mesh to accommodate backpacking
9009 Input: CAN1: Trench is too narrow in CAN1 mesh.
9010 Input: CAN1: Trench is too wide in CAN1 mesh.
9011 Input: CAN1: Trench is too shallow for CAN1 mesh.
9012 Input: CAN1: Hgt. Trench+Hgt. of cover must be greater than 1.3 * Pipe Diameter.
9013 Input:CANAR1:Incorrect mesh pattern for CANAR1 mesh.
9014 Input:CANAR1:Incorrect "modify" command for CANAR1 mesh
9015 Input:CANAR1: Number of Constuction Increments must be within limits.
9016 Input:CANAR1: Half-span must be a positive number.
9017 Input:CANAR1: Side-Rise must be non-negative.
9018 Input:CANAR1: Radius must be non-negative.
9019 Input:CANAR1: Trench width must be within limits.
9020 Input:CANAR1: Trench depth must be within limits.
9021 Input:CANAR1: Trench slope must be within limits.
9022 Input:CANAR1: Outer footing width must be within limits.
9023 Input:CANAR1: Outer footing width must be within limits.
9024 Input:CANAR1: Inner footing width must be within limits.
9025 Input:CANAR1: Footing depth must be within limits.
9026 Input:CANAR1: Number of "NTN" nodal points must be within limits
9027 Input:CANAR1: Number of "NCN" nodal points must be within limits
9028 Input:CANAR1: Number of "NTN" nodal points must be within limits
9029 Input:CANAR1: Number of "NCN" nodal points must be within limits
9030 Input:CANAR1: Arch geometry is not self consistent.
9031 Input:CANAR1: Arch geometry is not self consistent.
9032 Input:CANBOX:Incorrect mesh pattern for CANBOX
9033 Input:CANBOX:The cover height must be >=0.0
9034 Input:CONCRE: Must use Level 2 for RSHAPE=BOXES
9035 Input:CANDE_DLL:Invalid Design/Analysis Input =
9036 Input:CANDE_DLL:Invalid Level Number =
9037 Input:CANDE_DLL: Error for Pipe-Type =
9038 Input:CANDE_DLL: Error for LEVEL =
Chapter 4 Graphical user interface (GUI) CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
Input Error
Number Text
9042 Input:CANDE_DLL: Element number "NE" is out of bounds.
9043 Input:GENEL: Not allowed to specify Limit=L if IX(1)=0 for element connectivity.
9044 Input:GENEL: A node number assigned to element connectivity is out of bounds.
9045 Input:GENEND:A triangular element has negative (or too small) area.
9046 Input:GENEND:A quadrilateral element has negative (or too small) area.
Input:GENEND: The number of different material numbers for continuum elements
is above limit(10 max).
Input:GENEND: An interface element has a material number out of bounds (0 to
9049 Input:GENNOD: Node number NNP is out of bounds.
9050 Input:GENNOD: Nodal generation parameters are not consistent.
9051 Input:GENNOD: Nodal generation parameters are not consistent.
9052 Input:GENNOD: Nodal generation parameters are not consistent.
Input:GENNOD: Nodal generation using MODEG=2 or 3 is not consistent with
Input:GENNOD: The input radius for arc generation is not small for the node
9055 Input:GENNOD: Node reference using Krelad-Parameter is not consistent.
Input:GENNOD: The current nodal generation with MODEG =2,3, or 5 will cause
Node N* to be redefined.
9060 Input:PLASTI: Some section properties are not >0.0
9061 Input:PREP: The control word must be "PREP"
9062 Input:PREP: * * * STORAGE SIZE ERROR IN PREP * * * *
9065 Input:RESPIP:Inconsistent number of beam elements specified and actually input.
9066 Input:RESPIP:Lack of beam element sequence connectivity in beam group.
9067 Input:RESPIP:The input beam-element-group number
9068 Input:SLPJ NT: Number of input joints >maximum joints allowed =
9069 Input:SLPJ NT: J oint number NJ is assigned joint location I3 which exceeds bounds.
Input:SLPJ NT: J oint parameter PFAIL must be larger than the stress level at the
end of slipping.
9071 Input:STEEL: Some pipe sections are zero.
9072 Input:XANGLE:Cannot compute interface angle.
9073 Input:READM:Material zone number is out-of-bounds in section D input.
9074 Input:READM:Material model number is out-of-bounds in section E input.
Input:READM:Overburden-dependent data points are out-of-bounds in Section D
9076 Input:READM: Interface number is out-of-bounds in Section D input.
9077 Input:READM: Not enough soil materials were input.
9078 Input:READM: Not enough interface materials were input.

Chapter 4 Graphical user interface (GUI) CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
4.4 Output data and viewing options
To view any output data that has been created from a previously run input file, click File on the CANDE
tool bar and choose either Open text input or Open from the drop down menu. A browser window is
displayed from which the user selects the name of the input file whose output is to be viewed and plotted.

Next, click on View from the CANDE tool bar the drop down menu offers five viewing choices for
output consisting of three text files and two interactive graphic tools, which are also accessible from
individual icons on the tool bar. The five choices are shown below.

Figure 4.4-1 CANDE output view options

Short descriptions of the five choices are provided below, followed by more detailed discussion in
subsequent sections.
CANDE Output Report. This is the most comprehensive output file and contains text and tables
for all the input selections as well as the complete set of structural response data for each load
step. The Output Report has an interactive table of contents that allows the user to quickly locate
output data of interest. Most notably the evaluation of the pipe type is given in last subsection.

CANDE Log File. The log file is a short file that is displayed on the monitor screen during
execution. It contains the master input selections along with a history list of each load step
analyzed and a trace of iterations required to solve each load step. If the solution is unsuccessful
the log file also provides error messages and, when possible, guidance to correct the error.

Mesh Plot. The mesh plot is an interactive plotting tool for creating and viewing the finite element
mesh topology (Level 2 and 3) including element numbering, nodal connectivity, material zones,
load steps, and boundary conditions. Likewise, the tool is used to create and plot solution output
such as deformed shapes and color contours of soil stresses and strains.

Graphs. This is an interactive plotting tool for creating and viewing the structural response of
beam element groups, i.e., pipe types. Structural responses are plotted contiguously over the pipe
shape for any load step or sets of load steps. Structural responses include moments, thrusts and
shears as well as responses specific to the pipe type such as plastic penetration for corrugated
metal and crack depth for reinforced concrete.

Results Generator. This is an interactive text writing tool allowing the user to easily reformat the
CANDE output data into in a tailor made report. Options are available for tabularizing soil
responses and pipe group responses as a function of load step.

Chapter 4 Graphical user interface (GUI) CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
4.4.1 CANDE Output Report
The CANDE output report that is generated during a CANDE analysis is being run may be viewed in the
GUI by selecting the View->Output Report (CANDE) from the main menu (see below).

Figure 4.4-2 Viewing the CANDE output report

The CANDE Output Report is the primary reference document that defines values for all the input
variables as well as the complete tabularized output of soil responses, interface responses and structural
responses for each pipe group including safety evaluations of the culverts structural performance in terms
of appropriate design criteria. The reports bottom line is a safety evaluation of each pipe group given at
the end of the report.

The Output Report reviewer is equipped with an interactive table of contents that allows the user to quickly
locate data of interest. To go directly to a location in the output file, simply click on a node in the
interactive Output Table of Contents shown on the left side of the screen. A Find and Find Next button
are also available to search for know strings in the output file (such as Error).

The 1st -level headings are organized into three major categories;
(1) Master control and pipe-type data,
(2) Review system input data,
(3) Solution output results.

If the user selected the design mode, a fourth major heading called design solution is also included in the
table of contents.

An example of an Output Report is shown in the output report viewer below highlighting the nodal
displacements for the 3rd load step.

Chapter 4 Graphical user interface (GUI) CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
Figure 4.4-3 CANDE Output Viewer

Chapter 4 Graphical user interface (GUI) CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
4-39 Master control and pipe type data
The master control heading contains the high-level input choices defining the problem and is the first entry
in the table of contents with the information shown below:

Master Control
Title of problem
Execution mode
Solution level
Methodology (LFRD or service)
Number of pipe groups
Iteration control

Pipe data is reported by pipe-group number in sequence. Within each pipe group the input data (specified
and defaulted) is displayed as illustrated below.

Pipe-Type Properties for Group #x
Type of pipe material
Number of pipe elements in group
Tables of pipe cross-section properties
Tables of pipe material properties
Design factors if applicable
Selection of large deformation/buckling Review of system input data
The second heading level contains a review of system input data describing the geometry and loading of the
culvert installation. The tables contents are dependent upon the Solution Level (Level 1, 2 or 3) as
illustrated in the following table of content headings.

Level 1 System Properties
Pipe diameter
Soil density
Number of load increments
Slip or bonded pipe-soil interface assumption
Table of soil stiffness properties versus fill height
Table of LRFD load factors per load step, if applicable

Level 2 Data for Canned Meshes
Canned mesh type (pipe, box or arch)
Type of installation (embankment, trench or other)
Number of load steps
Geometry, shape and dimensions of culvert
Soil height and density
Material zones and dimensions
Interface element options

Level 2 and 3 Finite Element Input Controls and Input data
Print and plot control numbers
Key numbers describing mesh topology
Listing of all input nodes
X and Y coordinates and node generation codes
Listing of all element numbers, node connectivity material numbers and load step
Chapter 4 Graphical user interface (GUI) CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
List of all nodes and coordinates including Laplace generated nodes
Listing of all nodes where boundary conditions are specified
Listing of local pipe node sequence number related to mesh nodes
Soil model type and properties for each continuum material number
Interface element properties for each interface material number
Listing of load factors for each load step (if applicable) Design solution (if applicable)
The next major heading provides the design solution (if applicable), which is dependent on pipe type as
shown below.

Corrugated Metal Design Solution
Design iteration count
Required moment of inertia and section area
Available corrugation sizes and thicknesses
Optimum design solution and prelude to final analysis

Plastic Pipe Design Solutions
Design iteration count
Required wall thickness
Safety evaluation
Prelude to final analysis

Reinforced Concrete Design Solutions
Design iteration count
Required reinforcement steel area
Safety evaluation
Diagnostics and prelude to final analysis Solution/analysis output results
The last major heading contains the complete solution and analysis of the culvert-soil system that was
analyzed or designed. The contents depend on the whether the solution is closed form (Level 1) or finite
element (Solution Level 2 and 3). The output subheadings for the finite element solutions are shown below,
the Level-1 subheadings are similar.

Finite Element Output for Load Step #1
Finite Element Output for Load Step #2
Finite Element Output for Load Step #last

Within each load-step, the finite element solution contains the following 3
level subheadings

Finite Element Output for Load Step #n
All nodal displacements for soil and structure
All beam element internal forces
All continuum element stresses and strains
All interface element internal forces and movement
Pipe type evaluation for pipe-group #1
Pipe type evaluation for pipe-group #2
Chapter 4 Graphical user interface (GUI) CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
Pipe type evaluation for pipe-group #last (3
tree level)

The pipe-type evaluation summary for each pipe group contains an assessment of the pipes structural
performance, which is dependent on the pipe material Shown below is an illustration of the assessment
contents for a generic pipe-group x, for load step n.

Pipe type evaluation for pipe-group #x, load step n
Primary structural responses around pipe (moment, thrust, shear, etc.)
Special diagnostics depending on pipe material (stains, cracking, local buckling, etc.)
Assessment summary of pipe safety (safety factors or demand-to-capacity ratios)

The assessment summary is the most important result of the entire output report because it succinctly
quantifies the safety of the pipe group in terms of relevant design criteria. This bottom line data is located
at the end of the output report.

Chapter 4 Graphical user interface (GUI) CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
4.4.2 CANDE log file
The log file that is displayed to the screen when the CANDE analysis is being run may be viewed in the
GUI by selecting the View->CANDE Log File from the main menu (see below).

Figure 4.4-4 Viewing the CANDE log file

Once selected, the file is displayed as shown below.

Figure 4.4-5 Viewing the CANDE log file

The log file contains a top-level summary of the input choices that identify the problem being run. It also
contains any error messages that may occur during the solution process as well as guidance for fixing the

As illustrated below, the log file also contains a tabular listing of the solution progress to let the user know
the real-time status of solving the problem.


1 0 1
2 - 1 1
2 - 1 2
Chapter 4 Graphical user interface (GUI) CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
2 - 1 3
2 0 4
3 - 1 1
3 0 2
4 - 1 1
4 - 1 2
4 0 3
5 - 1 1
5 1 2

The first column lists the current load step being solved. The second column is a code number that signals
whether or not the solution has converged; -1 means the solution has not yet converged so that the load step
is repeated again, 0 means the load step has converged and we advance to the next load step, 1 means
solution has converged and all load steps are completed (exit program). Another exit code, -2, which only
applies to the design mode means the trial design wall section did not converge. When this occurs, all load
steps are repeated with a new trial design.

The right hand column keeps track of the number of iterations per load step. In the above example, we see
that the first load step converged in one pass whereas load step two required 4 iterations, load step three
required 2 iterations and so on. In the presence of material nonlinearity, interface nonlinearity and large-
deformation nonlinearity it is not unusual to require up to 30 iterations to achieve convergence.

A successful CANDE run is recorded in the Log File with the words NORMAL EXIT FROM CANDE in
the last line.
Chapter 4 Graphical user interface (GUI) CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
4.4.3 Mesh Plot
The mesh file and mesh results that are generated by the CANDE analysis may be viewed in the GUI by
selecting the View->Mesh Plot from the main menu. After the mesh plot screen opens, the user has a
variety of toolbar-like options to view the mesh topology and/or system response. The following figure
provides a summary of the tools for using the CANDE mesh plot viewer.

Figure 4.4-6 CANDE mesh plot options

Chapter 4 Graphical user interface (GUI) CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
4-45 Using window area to zoom in on mesh
Zooming in a part of the mesh can be accomplished by using the Window-Area icon in the CANDE Mesh
Viewer (see Figure 4.2-7 below).

Figure 4.4-7 Zooming in on a mesh using Window-Area

Chapter 4 Graphical user interface (GUI) CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
4-46 Increasing/Decreasing the element/node font size
The font size shown for the elements and nodes can be increased or decreased simply by clicking on the
Font-Increment or Font-decrement buttons on the mesh viewer. This is often convenient when the image
is zoomed in or out. Each click on the icons increases or decreases the font size by one point. (See below)

Figure 4.4-8 Increasing/Decreasing font size in Mesh Plot viewer

Chapter 4 Graphical user interface (GUI) CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
4-47 CANDE mesh viewer options button
Clicking on the Options button in the mesh viewer provides a dialog box where a user can customize the
view of the CANDE mesh (see Figure 4.2-11 below). Descriptions of each item are given below the figure.

Figure 4.4-9 Mesh viewer options

Mesh Coloring
Element text color
Change the color of the element text.
Element line color
Change the color of the mesh lines (with the exception of the beam elements). To make the
elements invisible, set to white.
Node text color
Change the color of the node text.

Beam element color and thickness
Change the color of the beam element and the thickness of the beam element line weight. This is
helpful in making the beam elements stand out.
Magnification Factors
Multiplier applied to the deflected shape to exaggerate the deflections.
Boundary diameter
The boundary conditions are shown as circles at the appropriate node. This parameter increases or
decreases the diameter to make them less or more visible on the plot. Since the user can click on
the boundary conditions to retrieve information, this is often helpful.
Boundary Conditions
Turn on/off the symbols for force or displacement boundary conditions. This is useful for nodes
with mixed boundary conditions (force and displacement) in order to see the color-coded
boundary condition type. This option is used in tandem with the Boundary Condition On/Off
button, B, on the tool bar. Note the boundary condition node symbols are color-coded as;
green means displacement conditions specified in x and y direction,
blue means a displacement condition specified in either x or y direction,
Chapter 4 Graphical user interface (GUI) CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
Red means a non-zero force boundary condition specified in either x or y direction.
Element numbering
Turn on/off the element numbering for the four primary CANDE elements (interface, beam,
triangular or quadrilateral). This option is used in tandem with the Element On/Off button.
Node numbering
Turn on/off the node numbering for the four primary CANDE elements (interface, beam,
triangular or quadrilateral). This option is used in tandem with the Node On/Off button.
Materials and Load steps
By default, the materials and load steps are delineated by color. These options permit the user to
view them by number.
Ignore Deflections
By default, deflections and other results are plotted as the total accumulated values from the first
load increment to the current load increment number. If this button is checked, the response values
associated with the load step number entered in the next item (Load Increment) are subtracted
from the current load increment. Thus, the observed displacements are relative to the specified
load increment number.
Load Step
Load step to start ignoring deflections.
Chapter 4 Graphical user interface (GUI) CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
4-49 Viewing element information
Element information (node coordinates, element number, element type and current results information) can
be viewed in the mesh viewer by selecting the Refresh Plot button and clicking on an element. of interest.
The example shown below happens to be for a beam element number 801.

Figure 4.4-10 Displaying element information in the mesh viewer

Chapter 4 Graphical user interface (GUI) CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
4-50 Viewing Deformed Shapes
Viewing a deformed shape in the mesh viewer is achieved by clicking the response button, R on the tool
bar and choosing the response Deflections from the associated drop-down menu. Next, select the desired
load increment number from the drop-down menu, and the monitor screen will show the undeformed mesh
topology overlain with the deformed mesh due to accumulated deflections at the specified load step. Recall
that the deflection magnification factor is specified by the user in the Option Dialogue Box, which is
accessed through the O button on the tool bar. A sample deflection plot is shown below.

Figure 4.4-11 Plotting deflections using the mesh viewer

Chapter 4 Graphical user interface (GUI) CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
4-51 Viewing soil stress/strain contours
Color contour plots for stresses and strains in the soil may be generated for the following stress and strain
Horizontal stress or strain (normal component in positive x direction)
Vertical stress or strain (normal component in the positive y direction)
Shear stress or strain (traction component on x-face in the positive y direction)

Contour plots are generated by clicking the response button, R on the tool bar and choosing the desired
stress or strain component from the associated drop-down menu. Next, select the desired load increment
number from the drop-down menu, and the monitor screen will show the soil mesh topology where each
element is colored in accordance with magnitude of stress or strain response at the specified load step. The
color scale is shown on the right side of the contour plots. A sample is shown below.

Figure 4.4-12 Sample plot of Horizontal Stress

Chapter 4 Graphical user interface (GUI) CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
4-52 Coincidental boundary conditions
When more than one boundary condition occurs at a single node, CANDE will offset the boundary
conditions when displaying them in the mesh viewer. An example is shown in Figure 4.4-13 below, where
3 boundary conditions exist at node 1436. The purpose of the offset is to display the boundary conditions in
a way that the user may click on each one individually to obtain information.

Note: the offset of the boundary conditions is in the mesh viewer only. The analysis places the
boundary condition at its proper location.

Figure 4.4-13 Coincidental boundary conditions offset in mesh viewer

Chapter 4 Graphical user interface (GUI) CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
4.4.4 CANDE Graphs for beam elements

The beam element responses that are generated by the CANDE analysis may be viewed in the GUI by
selecting the View->Graphs from the main menu. This tool allows the user to plot beam-element responses
for an entire pipe group. The opening screen is similar to that shown Figure 4.4-14 below wherein the
bending moment distribution is shown at load step 4.

Figure 4.4-14 CANDE Graph of bending moment

Chapter 4 Graphical user interface (GUI) CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
4-54 Over view of CANDE Graph Selections
Three drop down menus at the top of the Graph screen, offer the user the following basic choices.
Selection of load step number to be plotted
Selection of pipe group number to be plotted
Selection of the structural response to be plotted

The above selections are illustrated in Figure 4.2-16 below.

Figure 4.4-15 Overview of CANDE Graphs

Chapter 4 Graphical user interface (GUI) CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
4-55 View of pipe-group shape and properties
To view the pipe group shape and its element topology, click on the toggle button as shown in the figure

Figure 4.4-16 CANDE Graphs window Pipe Mesh Button

Once the toggle is turned on, a new section will appear in a windowpane at the bottom of the graph viewer
as shown in the figure below. The graph window tools are the same icons as described in the Mesh Input
viewer and work in the same fashion. (See Section 4.4.3 Mesh Plot for information on the plotting icons)

Figure 4.4-17 CANDE Graphs window with local node numbering mesh

Chapter 4 Graphical user interface (GUI) CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
4-56 Graph Options
Three options are to customize the graphs are:
Choice of horizontal axis coordinates
Capability to plot single or multiple load steps
Choice of units
To activate the Graphs Options, select the button as shown in Figure 4.4-18 below.

Figure 4.4-18 Beam graph options

Show node numbers on horizontal axis.
The horizontal axis for plotting structural response is always portrayed as a straight line even though
the actual path of the pipe group is very likely to be curvilinear. All responses are plotted in reference
to the nodes along the pipe-group path. The nodal locations along the horizontal axis may be selected
as one of two choices:
Local node numbers from 1 to the number of pipe group nodes, spaced evenly along axis.
Actual distance along the along the pipe path (X), starting with 0.0 at node 1. (default)
Chapter 4 Graphical user interface (GUI) CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

US units/SI units
Selects either US customary units or SI units to use to display the graph.

Show single load step
If this box is checked, only one load step will be shown per graph. For this case, the user chooses
the load step from the combination box on the graph viewer. If this is not checked, the user selects
which load steps will be shown on the same graph.

Plot multiple load steps
An example of plotting multiple load steps is shown below. To do this, turn the check off of the
Show single load step on the menu. Select the desired load steps to graph. Return to the Graphs
window. (See Figure 4.4-19 below)

Figure 4.4-19 Plotting multiple load steps with CANDE Beam Graph

Chapter 4 Graphical user interface (GUI) CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
4.4.5 Results generator
The Results Generator provides a means to view all of the output information provided in the CANDE
Mesh Viewer and CANDE Graphs Plotter in a tabulated output report. Because the Results Generator is
dynamic, the user can customize the report with any results that are available for the currently loaded
CANDE model.

To start the Output Generator, select View->Output Generator from the main menu (Note: you must have
successfully run CANDE to be able to review output reports). The following menu will be displayed.

Figure 4.4-20 CANDE results generator Generate Mesh Output tab

Column separator
There are several options for placing a separator character between the columns in the output file. The
default is 1 space but other options are:
2 spaces
3 spaces
4 spaces
| vertical bar
, comma
* asterisk
! exclamation

The primary purpose for this option is to allow for different delimiters that may be useful for importing
CANDE results into other software packages like Microsoft Excel or Access.

Set all output to exponential
The output file will be generated with a predefined number of decimal places unless this box is checked. If
it is checked, all output will be presented in exponential format.
Chapter 4 Graphical user interface (GUI) CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

CSV File
Checking this box and setting the column separator character to comma will generate a comma delimited
file CSV which can be opened directly in spread sheet applications like Microsoft Excel.

US units/SI units
Display the output file in the selected units.

The remainder of the General/Mesh Output tab provides check-box selections for the user to choose the
mesh input data and solution output data to be written to report.

In addition, the following beam results are available on the Beam Output Tab.

Figure 4.4-21 CANDE results generator Beam Output tab

In general the items shown grouped together will appear in the same table in the output. If an item is
unchecked, the next checked item in the list will slide to the left in the table.

If an item is disabled or grayed-out, it is not available for display in the output report. After all of the
items have been selected, click on the Generate Preview button. This will generate and display the output
file on the Report Preview tab. (see below).

Chapter 4 Graphical user interface (GUI) CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
Figure 4.4-22 CANDE results generator Report Preview tab

The output file may now be reviewed to see if everything was generated properly. If not, return to the
General/Mesh Output and Beam Output tabs to change your options and click on the Generate
Preview button again. Once everything is in order, press the OK option. This will open the output file in
the Main CANDE interface window

The output window contains a browser for navigating all of the tables generated and a search capability
(See Figure 4.4-23). Because the report is dynamic, a user can customize a report at any time to include as
much or as little information from the CANDE plot files as needed.

Figure 4.4-23 CANDE output results broswer

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5 Detailed CANDE Input

CANDEs Graphical User Interface (GUI) offers two methods for generating input data for CANDE-2007.
One method is the batch mode, which means the user prepares a data file (or CANDE input document) in
accordance with the formatted input instructions in this chapter using a text editor such as the CANDE
input text editor or Notepad. A CANDE input document is simply a data file or text file that contains the
entire formatted input stream, line by line, as prescribed in the detailed input instructions. The user may
assign any descriptive name to the data file followed by the file extension .cid, for example My

The other method of input is called the Input menu mode (see Chapter 4 Graphical user interface (GUI)),
which leads the user through the input options and choices one step at a time. An advantage of the screen
mode is that each input step (monitor screen image) is tailor-made to conform to the users previous input
choices. Said another way, the user does not need to navigate through the user manual to determine which
commands are needed, just follow the screen input instructions.

The two input methods are identical when it comes to executing the program, that is, exactly the same
formatted input file is created whether by batch mode or by screen mode. The formatted input file, which is
read by the CANDE Engine, consists of lines of input data wherein each line may contain several
numerical values to define a set of variables and/or word commands to initiate desired actions. CANDE
employs a rigid format to read the input file so that the placement of numerical values and words on each
input data line must follow the input instructions in this chapter.

The input flow charts in the next section summarize the type of input data that is required for Solution
Levels 1, 2 and 3, respectively. Input data for Level 1 and 2 does not usually require very much preparation
time on the part of the user beyond knowing the type and shape of culvert, depth of burial and class of soils.
CANDEs internal library provides default values for most material properties of culvert and soil. With the
aid of the screen-mode input, even a novice user can generate an input data file in a few minutes.

In contrast to the above, Solution Level 3 does require the user to spend some time in preparing a plan for
the finite element mesh topology. Although CANDE contains many helpful mesh generation features, the
users preparation time for Level 3 is considerably longer than for Level 1 or 2.

5.1 Input flow charts
As illustrated in the following charts, the input data is structured into the five parts (A, B, C, D and E) as
listed below.

Part A Master control selections
Part B Pipe type material properties and options
Part C Solution Level 1, 2 or 3 input
Part D Soil model material properties (Levels 2 and 3)
Part E Load factors for LRFD analysis/design (Levels 2 and 3)

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5.1.1 CANDE level 1 input flowchart

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5.1.2 CANDE level 2 input flowchart

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5.1.3 CANDE level 3 input flowchart

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5.2 CANDE input instructions

This section provides a guideline for the format of the input instructions provided in the following sections.
Each line of input is identified by the capital letter A, B, C, D, or E followed by a number. The capital letter
identifies the Data-Part to which the input lines belong, and the trailing number is a count of the formatted
lines associated with the Data Part. For example, A-1 and A-2 are the required two lines of input to
complete the input for Part A (Master Control).

Input instructions for each line of input are shown in a 3-column table with the headings; Parameter, Input
Options and Description. The Parameter column provides a name of the variable or word command along
with its short FORTRAN name in parenthesis. In addition, three important pieces of information are given
for each parameter:

(columns) = Range of column numbers on data line where parameter is placed. Each data line has
a maximum of 80 columns to place parameter values. For example, (21-25) means that the data
defining the parameter is to be entered within columns 21 through 25.

(format) = Symbols A, I and F. A is for a word, I is for an integer number and F is for floating
point variable. The number n following each symbol is the number of column spaces allotted to
the input data. All integer and floating-point variables are right justified in the absence of a
decimal point.

(units) = Physical units are identified for floating point parameters in US Customary units.

Input Options, shown in the center of the input instruction table, provides a short description of each
parameter along with optional choices and default values if appropriate. The last segment of the input
instruction table provides a longer description of the parameter along with recommendations to the user.

Since many of the CANDE input instruction tables are dependent on previously entered input, tabularized
information is provided at the beginning of each data input line to alert the user to the applicability of that
input. For example, if the user selected the ANALYS mode on data line A-1, then the tabularized
information reminds user he should ignore input lines dealing with the DESIGN mode.

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5.3 Part A - Control Commands
5.3.1 A-1 Master Control Input Data

Master Control Input Data

Use if Comments
Always This input starts each new problem


Input Options Description
Design/Anal ysi s
Parameter (XMODE)

Word defining problem
(No default)
Specifying the variable XMODE controls the
decision of design or analysis. Analysis implies
all system and pipe properties are known and
the objective is to evaluate pipe performance.
Design means the pipe wall section properties
are unknown, and that they will be determined
in an iterative analysis process. CANDE will
continue to execute new problems, back-to-
back, until XMODE =STOP is encountered.
Solution Level (LEVEL)

Defines Solution Level to
be used:

=1, Elasticity
=2, FEM with
canned mesh
=3, FEM with
user mesh
(No default)
Level 1 is based on the closed form elasticity
solution of Burns and Richards. It is applicable
to round pipes deeply buried in homogenous
soil installations (no live loads).

Level 2 is considered the workhorse of CANDE
and provides a finite element solution
methodology using an internally developed
mesh based on a few physical parameters
specified by the user in part C. Canned meshes
are available for round, elliptical, box and arch-
shaped culverts. Loading includes live loads as
well as incremental layers of soil. Level 2s
major limitation is the assumption of symmetry
about the vertical centerline of a specified pipe

Level 3 provides the full power of the finite
element method to characterize any soil-
structure system. This includes multiple
structural shapes and/or multiple structural
materials (pipe types).
Level 3 requires that the user develop the finite
element mesh including element connectivity
arrays, coordinates and boundary conditions.
Although CANDE has many helpful mesh
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Input Options Description
generation features, use of Level 3 requires
some familiarity with the finite element method
for proper modeling of the soil-structure system.

Method of Anal ysis/
Design (LRFD)
Method of
=0, service
=1, LRFD

Default =Service
Choice of Working Stress (service) or Load-
Resistance-Factor-Design (LRFD) methodology
for analysis and design. Working Stress uses
actual loading conditions, where as LRFD
increases the actual load with specified load
Number of Pipe
Element Groups
Number of pipe element
groups for Level 3:
=number of

(Default =1)
(Maximum =30)

This item is only input
for Level 3
For Level 1 and 2 the number of pipe groups is
inherently defined =1. For level 3, however,
more than one pipe group may be specified if it
is desired to model more than one pipe material
or more than one sequence of connected pipe
elements. Specifically, a pipe group is defined
by a pipe material type (STEEL for example)
and the number of pipe elements in that group
(1 or more). The pipe elements in any group
must be connected in an ordered sequence head-
to-toe tracing a curvilinear path representing the
mid depth of the structural segment.
Pipe groups (or structural segments) may be
connected to one another in any fashion or be
disconnected. For example, one pipe group
could represent a concrete box culvert and
another group could represent an arch-shaped
steel culvert that is not directly connected
because they share no nodes in common. Or,
two concrete culvert groups could represent the
left and right footings connected to a group
representing an arch-shaped steel culvert.
Heading for Output
Files (HED)
User defined heading of
Enter any descriptive words that describe the
problem to be solved. This heading will also be
printed with the output.

Maximum Number of
Iterations per Step

Max number of iterations
per step

=N, perform N iterations
and stop

= -N, perform N
iterations and continue.

Default =+30
ITMAX is the maximum number of iterations
per load step, which controls the convergence of
all nonlinear algorithms in CANDE (pipe
models, soil models, interface model and large
If ITMAX is input positive (N>0), CANDE
will stop at the load step that did not converge
and print out diagnostics on models that did not
If ITMAX is input negative (N<0), CANDE
will continue processing all load steps even if
they did not converge as well as print out
diagnostics on models that did not converge.
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Input Options Description
Culvert ID

Culvert ID number.
Default =0
This value is only used as an identifier for the
culvert of buried structure if NCHRP Process
12-50 results are desired. The value is only used
in the printing of the 12-50 results. If this value
is not input, the NCHRP Process 12-50 results
will not be produced. The output format for the
Process 12-50 results are provided in the
appendix of this User Manual.
Process ID

Process ID number.
Default =0
This value is only used as a unique identifier for
this version of CANDE. The value is only used
in the printing of the 12-50 results. The output
format for the Process 12-50 results are
provided in the appendix of this User Manual.
Subdomain ID

Subdomain ID number.
Default =0
This value is only used as a unique identifier for
this version of CANDE. The value is only used
in the printing of the 12-50 results. The output
format for the Process 12-50 results are
provided in the appendix of this User Manual.

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5.3.2 A-2 Pipe Selection

A-2.L12 (level s 1 or 2), A-2.L3 (level 3)
Master Control Input Data

Use if Comments
A-1.LEVEL = 1 or 2 Use this command once for solutions levels 1 and 2 to describe the
pipe material.
A-1.LEVEL = 3 This command will be entered for each pipe group. The number of
pipe groups for solution level 3 is defined on the A.1 command.
NOTE: This command is used in tandem with the B-commands
defined in subsequent sections of this chapter


Input Options Description
Pipe Type (PTYPE)


Word defining type of
pipe material (or structure






(No default)
Choosing PTYPE means the selection of the
pipe material to be analyzed or designed. For
level 1 or 2 only one pipe type can be selected
per problem.

For level 3 the user will select a PTYPE for
each pipe group (NPGRPS times). Input for
each PTYPE consists of Line A-2 followed by
the set of lines in Part B, which defines the
pipe-type properties.

Corrugated aluminum cross-section with
material options for elastic-plastic behavior.

General cross-sectional properties with elastic

Reinforced concrete smooth wall section with
nonlinear material models for concrete and

Smooth and Profile wall plastic pipe with
linear material properties and non-linear local
buckling model.

Corrugated steel cross-section with elastic-
plastic material behavior. Also has option for
slotted joint behavior.

There is no default for no pipe type. To use
CANDE without pipe elements select: LEVEL
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Input Options Description
and NPMATX =0. Skip part B input.

Canned Mesh Code
(NPCAN ) (Level 2 only)


Canned mesh code used
only for LEVEL =2.

=1, Pipe mesh circular
or elliptical

=2, Box mesh

=3, Arch mesh (arch-
shaped or 3 sided
box opening)

Under level 2, NPCAN allows the user to
select the type of canned mesh to be used in
this problem. (see Table 5.3-1 for increments)

For level 1 the NPCAN variable is not used,
and for level 3 this variable is renamed
NPMATX and defined differently as discussed

The Pipe mesh creates a circular or elliptical
culvert cross-section assuming vertical
centerline symmetry. Options for trench and
embankment installations, interface elements,
and incremental construction. (a.k.a CAN1

The Box mesh creates a rectangular, closed-
cell culvert cross-section assuming vertical
centerline symmetry.
Options for trench and embankment
installations, bedding depth and incremental
construction. (a.k.a. CANBOX mesh)

The Arch mesh creates a two or three
segment arch or box resting on footings
assuming vertical centerline symmetry.
Options for trench and embankment
installations with built-in interface elements.
(a.k.a. CANAR1 mesh)
For Level 2, Part A is
complete- Proceed to Part

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Input Options Description
Number of Connected
Beam Elements
(NPMATX)(Level 3 onl y)


Number of connected
beam elements in this
group, for level 3 only,

(No Default value)

(Maximum =999)
The number (quantity) of beam elements in
any group may range from 1 to 999. It is to be
understood that elements in any group form a
continuous sequence, connected head to toe
tracing the centerline path of the structure or a
segment of the structure.

The group number identifier, 1 to NPGRPS, is
automatically assigned in the sequential order
of input. That is, the first data set (Line A2
plus set B) becomes group #1, the second data
set becomes group #2, and so on until all
NPGRPS groups are input.

The linkage between the group numbers
established here and the finite element mesh
established in input set C is by means of the
elements material identification number called
IX(5). In data set C, the user must assign the
appropriate group number to each beam
elements material identification number.
Proceed to Part B to define pipe properties for the Pipe-Type Selected.
After set B is complete, return to Line A-2 to select next pipe-type if NPGRPS >1.

Table 5.3-1 Reference data on culvert elements used in canned meshes
Pipe element statistics
Pipe Mesh
(NPCAN = 1)
Box Mesh
(NPCAN = 2)
Arch Mesh
(NPCAN = 3)
Number of pipe
elements, NPMAT=



Number of sequence
pipe nodes, NPPT=




Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5.4 Part B- Pipe Materials

This section provides the description of the input data related to Pipe Materials.

CANDE provides the modeling of the following pipe materials:

Corrugated Aluminum
Reinforced Concrete
Corrugated Steel

Proceed to the desired pipe material.
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5.4.1 Aluminum Pipe Type B-1 Aluminum Material and Control Parameters

Al uminum Material and Control Parameters

Use if Comments
One or more pipe groups are Al uminum.


Input Options Description
Youngs Modulus (PE)

Elastic Youngs Modulus
of pipe
Linear stress-strain modulus for pipe material,
see Figure 5.4-1.
Poisson s Ratio (PNU)

( -- )
Poissons ratio of pipe

Default =0.33
Poissons ratio is used for plane-strain
formulation. This means that the effective
linear modulus is PE* =PE/(1-PNU
Yield Stress of

Yield Stress of pipe

Default =24,000 psi
Stress at end of elastic range, same in tension
and compression. See the bilinear stress-strain
curve in Figure 5.4-1
Yield Strength of Pipe

Yield strength of pipe

Default =PYIELD
Strength of longitudinal seams in corrugations
that are bolted, riveted, or welded may be less
than PYIELD. For seamless pipes, PSEAM =
Density of Material

Density of material

Default =0.0 lb/in

Applies only to Level 2 and 3. This value
produces the self-weight of the aluminum
culvert in the loading schedule (PDEN =
0.0975 pci). Leave blank to ignore self-weight
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Input Options Description
Modulus of Upper
Portion of Bilinear
Model (PE2)

Modulus of upper portion
of bilinear model.
Default =0.05*PE
This value is only used when NONLIN =2. It
is the slope of the stress-strain curve after
yielding, see Figure 5.4-1. For aluminum
alloys the default is recommended.
Linear Material
Behavior (NONLIN)

Code to select material
=1, linear stress-strain
=2, bilinear stress-strain
Default =2
This parameter controls the material law to be
used. The linear model only uses the modulus
PE, whereas the bilinear model uses both PE
and PE2. Recommend NONLIN =2.
Buckling Indi cator

Code to select large-
deformation and buckling
=0, small deformation
=1, large deformation
=2, plus buckling.
IF IBUCK =0, small deformation theory and
simplified buckling equations are used. If
BUCK = 1, the pipe elements will include
large deformation theory (geometric stiffness).
In addition if IBUCK=2, an estimate of the
remaining buckling capacity will be computed
at each load step.

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Figure 5.4-1 Aluminum-1: Bilinear stress-strain parameters

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5-16 B-2 Aluminum Analysis Section Properties

Al uminum anal ysi s secti on properties

Use if Comments
One or more pipe groups are Al uminum.
A-1.XMODE=ANALYS Use onl y if the Design/Anlaysi s parameter (XMODE) is set to


Input Options Description
Area of pipe wall
section per unit length
Area of pipe wall section
per unit length
(No default)
The cross-sectional area of one corrugation
period divided by the period length. (See Table
5.4-1 and Table 5.4-2. for standard section
Moment of inertia of
pipe wall section per
unit length (PI)
Moment of inertia of pipe
wall section per unit
(No Default)
Moment of inertia of one corrugation period
divided by period length. Centroid is at mid-
depth of cross section. (See Table 5.4-1 and
Table 5.4-2. for standard section properties)
Section modulus of
pipe wall per unit
length (PS)
Section modulus of pipe
wall per unit length.
(No Default)
The section modulus is equal to the moment of
inertia divided by one-half of the corrugation
depth, PI/(h/2). (See Table 5.4-1 and Table
5.4-2. for standard section properties).

If XMODE = ANALYSIS and LRFD = 0, Part B is now complete.
Go to Part C (or return to line A-2 if more pipe groups need to be defined).

If XMODE = ANALYSIS and LRFD = 1, Proceed to line B-3
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Table 5.4-1 Aluminum-1. Section Properties for Standard Aluminum Corrugation

Table 5.4-2 Aluminum -2. Section Properties for 9 x 2 Aluminum Corrugation
9 x 2-1/2 Corrugation thickness -- inches
0.100 0.125 0.150 0.175 0.200 0.225 0.250
PA in
0.11700 0.14583 0.17500 0.20408 0.23325 0.26242 0.29175
PI in
0.08310 0.10400 0.12490 0.14590 0.16700 0.18820 0.20940
PS in
/in 0.06392 0.07924 0.09426 0.10908 0.12370 0.13813 0.15229
Thickness =Specified thickness of metal gage in inches
Corrugation size =nominal height x pitch measured in inches.
Nominal height =Inside valley to corrugation crest (i.e., actual height minus thickness)
Actual height =nominal height plus thickness
PA =Cross-sectional area per unit inch
PI =Moment of Inertia per unit inch
PS =Section modulus per unit inch (PI divided by one-half of actual height)

Corrugation thickness -- inches
0.048 0.060 0.075 0.105 0.135 0.164
PA in
0.05070 0.06342 0 0 0 0
1-1/2 x 1/4 PI in
0.00034 0.00035 0 0 0 0
PS in
/in 0.00228 0.00226 0 0 0 0
PA in
0 0.06458 0.08067 0.11300 0.14533 0.17775
2-2/3 x 1/2 PI in
0 0.00189 0.00239 0.00342 0.00453 0.00573
PS in
/in 0 0.00675 0.00831 0.01131 0.01427 0.01726
PA in
0 0.07416 0.09317 0.1300 0.17400 0.20483
3 x 1 PI in
0 0.00866 0.01088 0.01545 0.02017 0.02508
PS in
/in 0 0.01634 0.02024 0.02796 0.03554 0.04309
PA in
0 0.0646 0.08067 0.11300 0.14533 0.17775
6 x 1 PI in
0 0.00850 0.01060 0.01490 0.01910 0.02340
PS in
/in 0 0.01604 0.01972 0.02697 0.03366 0.04021
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5-18 B-2 Aluminum Design Safety Factors and Deflection Control

Al uminum Material and Control Parameters

Use if Comments
One or more pipe groups are Al uminum.
A-1.LRFD = 0 This command is onl y applicable for Service Load design.
A-1.XMODE=DESIGN This command is onl y applicabl e if the Design/Anal ysis
parameter i s set to DESIGN


Input Options Description
Desired safety factor
against thrust

Desired safety factor
against thrust yielding;
(Default =3.0)
Safety factor protects against excessive thrust
force causing aluminum material yielding of
the entire cross-section (tension or
compression). Typical PFS range is 2.0 to 3.0
Desired safety factor
against global buckling
Desired safety factor
against global buckling.
(Default =2.0)
Safety factor protects against excessive thrust
force causing global buckling of the pipes
walls in soil-structure system. Typical PFS
range is 2.0 to 3.0
Desired safety factor
against seam fai lure
due to thrust stress

Desired safety factor
against seam failure due
to thrust stress
(Default =2.0)
Safety factor protects against excessive thrust
force causing seam failure. For seamless pipe
this is equal to material yielding, PFS =2.0.
For structural plate, recommend PFS =3.0
Desired safety factor
against full plastic
hinge penetration

Desired safety factor
against full plastic hinge
(Default =4.0)
Safety factor protects against excessive plastic
hinge penetration from thrust and bending.
PFS = (100% depth)/(% allowable depth).
Thus, for 25% allowable penetration, PFS=4.0
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Input Options Description
Maximum allowable
vertical defl ection
percentage (ADISP)
Maximum allowable
vertical deflection

(Default =5.0)
ADISP is the maximum allowable percentage
of vertical deflection with respect to the
vertical height. For pipes and pipe arches, 5%
of the vertical height is typical. For long-span
structures, 2% of total rise is typical

The workingstress design output provides a list of corrugation sizes along with the required metal
thickness to meet the above design criteria. CANDE determines the design output by performing a series of
analyses beginning with a trial cross-section and successively modifying it after each analysis until the
specified safety factors are satisfied in an optimum manner. CANDE selects the least weight corrugation
for a final analysis and evaluation.

If the Design/Analysis XMODE = Design and the Method of Analysis parameter LRFD = 0, Part
B is now complete.
Go to Part C (or return to line A-2 if more pipe groups need to be defined).

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5-20 B-2 Aluminum Design Weights for LRFD

Al uminum Material and Control Parameters
The specification of the WLRFD design weights has the following consequences:
WLRFD = 1.0, Standard LRFD (factored resistance = factored loads)
WLRFD > 1.0 More conservative (factored resistance > factored loads)
WLRFD < 1.0 Less conservative (factored resistance < factored loads)
WLRFD = -1.0 Exclude the corresponding design criterion

Use if Comments
One or more pipe groups are Al uminum.
A-1.LRFD = 1 This command is onl y applicable for LRFD design.
Design/Anal ysi s
parameter i s DESIGN
This command is onl y applicabl e if the Design/Anal ysis
parameter i s set to DESIGN


Input Options Description
Wall area fai lure due to
maximum thrust stress
Wall area failure due to
maximum thrust stress
(Default weight =1)
The design goal is to determine the corrugated
wall area so that the weighted-factored-thrust-
stress is just less than the factored-yield-
strength-resistance of aluminum
Global buckling due to
thrust stress
Global buckling due to
thrust stress

(Default weight =1)
The design goal is to determine the corrugated
wall moment of inertia so that the weighted-
factored-thrust-stress is just less than the
factored-thrust-resistance for global buckling.
Seam failure due to
thrust stress
Seam failure due to thrust

(Default weight =1)
The design goal is to determine the corrugated
wall area so that the weighted-factored-thrust-
stress is just less than the factored-yield-
strength-of longitudinal seams
Cross-section failure
due to plastic
penetration (WLRFD(4))
Cross-section failure due
to plastic penetration.
(Default weight =1)
The design goal is to determine the corrugated
wall moment of inertia so that the weighted-
factored-plastic-penetration due to thrust and
bending is less than the factored-complete-
plastic wall penetration. **
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Input Options Description
Service deflection limit
Service deflection limit

(Default weight =1)
The design goal is to determine the corrugated
wall moment of inertia so that the weighted-
service-load deflection is less than the
allowable deflection.

Similar to the working-stress approach, the above design weights give the designer control over the degree
of conservatism for the LRFD process. By choosing the design weights =1, CANDE will determine the
required corrugation size and thickness such that the controlling factored load nearly matches the
corresponding factored resistance. If, however, a designer desires a 25% more conservative design solution
against global buckling, the designer may specify WLRFD(2) =1.25. Alternatively, a designer may
exclude any design criterion that the designer does not want to apply to the problem at hand by setting the
corresponding design weight =-1.

** Limiting the plastic penetration in corrugated metal is a newly proposed strength criterion that replaces
the ineffectual plastic moment criterion for metal box culverts.

Proceed to line B-3 (LRFD = 1)
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5-22 B-3 Aluminum Resistance Factors for LRFD

Resistance factors for LRFD limit states

Use if Comments
One or more pipe groups are Al uminum.
A-1.LRFD = 1 This command is onl y applicable for LRFD design.
This command is onl y applicabl e if the Design/Anal ysis
parameter i s set to DESIGN or ANALYS


Input Options Description
Resistance factor for
wall area yielding due
to thrust stress
Resistance factor for wall
area yielding due to thrust
(Default =1.0)
Factored thrust stress resistance =
PHI(1) x PYIELD. Choosing PFS(1) =1 is
generally recommended and consistent with
current LRFD specifications.
Resistance factor for
global buckling due to
thrust stress
(PHI (2))
Resistance factor for
global buckling due to
thrust stress
(Default =1.0)
Factored global buckling resistance =
PHI(2) x Buckling-Capacity. Buckling
capacity is determined by large deformation
theory in CANDE if IBUCK =2. Otherwise
simplified buckling equations are used.
Resistance factor for
seam strength due to
thrust stress
(PHI (3))
Resistance factor for
seam strength due to
thrust stress
(Default =0.67)
Factored seam strength resistance =
PHI(3) x PSEAM. The default value applies to
metal structures with longitudinal seams, for
seamless structures set PHI(3) =1.
Resistance factor for
cross-section capacity
for plastic-penetration
(PHI (4))
Resistance factor for
cross-section capacity for
(Default =0.85)
Factored cross-section capacity resistance =
PHI(4) x 100% of cross-section depth. This
criterion applies to the percentage of cross-
section that becomes plastic due to both thrust
and bending stresses.**
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Input Options Description
Al lowable defl ection at
service load
Allowable deflection at
service load

(Default =5%)
Allowable deflection is the relative vertical
deflection, typically taken as 5% of vertical
diameter. For long-span structures, allowable
deflection is 2% total rise. The service loading
criterion is approximated by reducing
predicted displacements by the load factors.

Comment: The above resistance factors are used for both the design and analysis modes. In the analysis
mode CANDE will show the five numerical values of the above factored resistances along with the
corresponding factored responses.

In the design mode, the designer is given additional control on the previous page to design with more or
less conservatism and to permit turning on or off any of the criterion to fit the problem at hand.

** Limiting the plastic penetration in corrugated metal is a newly proposed strength criterion that replaces
the ineffectual plastic moment criterion for metal box culverts.
We suggest that designers evoke this criterion for all metal culverts.

This completes the current B-set input.
Go to Part C (or return to line A-2 if more pipe groups need to be defined).
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5.4.2 Basic Pipe Type B-1 Basic Sequence Intervals and Properties

B-1.Basi c
Sequence intervals and properties: Repeat line B-1 to define all sequences of pipe properties in this

Use if Comments
A-2.PTYPE = BASIC One or more pipe groups are Basi c.
A-1.XMODE = ANALYS This command is onl y applicabl e if the Design/Anal ysis
parameter i s set to ANALYS
NOTE: This input is not valid for DESIGN


Input Options Description
First pipe-el ement
number in this
sequence (ISEQ1)
First pipe-element
number in this sequence

(No Default)
ISEQ1 is the beginning local element sequence
numbers within this pipe group that shares the
same material properties up to and including
ISEQ2. This feature allows changing the
material properties within the pipe group.
(See example in Note #2)
Last pipe-element
number in this
sequence (ISEQ2)
Last pipe-element number
in this sequence

(Default =ISEQ1)
ISEQ2 is the ending local element sequence
number within this pipe group that shares the
same material properties with all elements in
the sequence ISEQ1 to ISEQ2.
(See example in Note #2)
Youngs modulus for
this sequence of pipe
material. (PE)
Youngs modulus for this
sequence of pipe material.
(No Default)
The BASIC element is not associated with any
particular material (hence no default values or
design option). A linear stress-strain model is
the only option, characterized by PE.
Poisson s ratio for this
sequence of pipe
material. (PNU)
Poissons ratio for this
sequence of pipe material.
(No Default)
Poissons ratio is used for plane-strain
formulation. This means that the effective
modulus is PE* =PE/(1-PNU
Area of pipe wall-
section per unit length,
for sequence (PA)
Area of pipe wall-section
per unit
length, for sequence
(No Default)
This is the pipes wall cross-sectional area per
unit length of pipe, which provides resistance
to hoop (or column) compression or tension
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Input Options Description
Moment of inertia of
wall section per unit
length, for sequence
Moment of inertia of wall
section per unit length,
for sequence
(No Default)
This is the pipes wall moment inertia per unit
length of pipe, which provides resistance to
ovaling (or bending) deformation
Line-load of pipe
element, for sequence
Line-load of pipe
element, for sequence

(No Default)
The elements line-load is the gravity force per
inch along the elements length in the x-y
plane. To represent dead weight of material,
set PDENL =PA * density(pci).
This only applies to Levels 2 and 3.

Note #1. The BASIC pipe type only applies to the analysis mode. The material model is linear elastic and
allows changing the material and geometric properties from element to element.

Note # 2. Example of using ISEQ1 and ISEQ2. If there are 10 elements in this pipe group with a change of
material properties after the first five elements, then we would set ISEQ1 =1 and ISEQ2 =5, thereby
assigning the first sequence material properties to the first five elements. Then, the B-1 instructions would
be repeated with ISEQ1 =6 and ISEQ2 =10 to define the second set of material properties. If all the group
elements happen to have the same material properties, we would set ISEQ1 =1 and ISEQ2 =Number of
elements in the group.

After all B-1 subsequences are defined Proceed to Line B-2.

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5-26 B-2 Basic Large Deformation Control

B-2.Basi c
Large deformation control.

Use if Comments
A-2.PTYPE = BASIC One or more pipe groups are Basi c.
A-1.XMODE = ANALYS This command is onl y applicabl e if the Design/Anal ysis
parameter i s set to ANALYS
NOTE: This input is not valid for DESIGN


Input Options Description
Anal ysi s mode (IBUCK)

Code to select large
deformation and buckling
=0, small deformation
=1, large deformation
=2, plus buckling
If IBUCK is greater than zero, the element
group will include large deformation theory
(geometric stiffness). In addition if IBUCK =
2, an estimate of the remaining buckling
capacity will be computed for each load step.
(See Note #3 for extended IBUCK codes)

Note # 3. For academic purposes, the variable IBUCK is further defined in the table below to provide
control on the three components of large deformation theory; (1) geometric stiffness matrix, (2) rotational
stretch vector, and (3) coordinate update.

Large Deformation
IBUCK Code Value
2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4
Geo-Stiffness On On Off On On On Off
Rotation-Stretch On On Off Off Off On Off
Coordinate Update On On Off Off On Off On
Buckling Prediction On Off Off Off Off Off Off

This completes the current B-set input.
Go to Part C (or return to line A-2 if more pipe groups need to be defined).
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5.4.3 Reinforced Concrete Pipe Type B-1 Concrete Concrete Material Properties

Concrete material properties

Use if Comments
One or more pipe groups are Concrete.


Input Options Description
Compressive strength
of concrete (f
Compressive strength of
concrete (f

Default =4000 psi
Uni-axial compressive stress of concrete in
standard cylinder compression test or core
specimen from pre-cast pipe. See Figure 5.4-2.
Youngs modulus of
concrete for el astic
Youngs modulus of
concrete for elastic
Default =

Slope of stress-strain curve of concrete in
initial compression prior to nonlinear yielding.
See Figure 5.4-2.
Poisson s ratio of
concrete material
( -- )
Poissons ratio of
concrete material

Default =0.17
Poissons ratio is used for plane-strain
Multiplying factor to
compute nominal shear
A multiplying factor to
compute nominal shear
strength =VFACTOR x

Default = (traditional
method not used)
By specifying VFACTOR >0.0 (e.g. 2.0), the
traditional method of specifying concrete shear
strength is used instead of the newer methods
offered next. For plain concrete without any
steel reinforcement, VFACTOR = 2 is
recommended. Shear strength is only used in
CANDE for design/analysis evaluations.
(See comments next page)
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Input Options Description
Option to select shear
strength equation
Code to select shear
strength equation:

= 1, concrete pipes and
=2, concrete boxes and
3-sided structures with
at least 2 feet of fill
=3, concrete boxes and
3-sided structures with
less than 2 feet of fill.

Default =1
At the present time, the AASHTO LRFD
specifications provide three different sets of
equations to estimate the shear strength of
reinforced concrete culverts depending on the
installation type. For culvert installations other
than concrete boxes or a 3-sided box structure,
it is recommended to use the shear strength for
concrete pipes and arches (NSHEAR =1).
Note that the shear strength equations are used
in CANDE for design/analysis evaluation in
both working stress and LRFD methodology.
(See comments below)
Comment on shear strength:
CANDE offers four options for estimating the shear strength of the concrete cross-sections, which are
applicable to either working stress or LRFD design/analysis evaluation. Note, the shear strength equations
are not part of the r/c constitutive model so that they do not influence the structural responses; rather, the
shear strength equations are only used only to evaluate the safety and performance. The four options are:

VFACTOR >0.0, Older traditional method. The shear strength equation is given by VFACTOR multiplied
by the square root of PFPC to give shear strength in terms of psi units. The shear strength is multiplied by
the shear depth d to get shear capacity in terms of lbs/inch. If VFACTOR =0, then the shear capacity is
determined by the choice of NSHEAR.

NSHEAR =1, Concrete pipes and arches. The associated shear strength equation is adapted from
AASHTO LRFD specifications, which is based on the work by Heger and McGrath (1983). In
this model, the shear capacity is dependent on the moment, thrust and shear at the cross-section so that the
shear capacity varies around the structure. Tim McGrath provided the modified equations that are used in
CANDE and the resulting shear capacity is printed out at each node along with equivalent v-factor

NSHEAR =2, Concrete boxes and 3-sided structures with at least 2 feet of fill. The associated shear
strength equations are given directly in AASHTO LRFD specifications In this model, the shear
capacity is dependent on the moment and shear at the cross-section so that the shear capacity varies around
the structure. The resulting shear capacity is printed out at each node along with equivalent v-factor

NSHEAR =3, Concrete boxes and 3-sided structures with less than 2 feet of fill. The associated shear
strength equations are given in AASHTO LRFD specifications For this model, it is assumed that
the concrete sections are not prestressed and that simplified procedure defined in Section is
applicable so that the diagonal crack parameters are taken as = 2 and = 45 degrees, thereby producing a
constant, but conservative, shear capacity.

Comment on transverse reinforcement.
CANDE does not directly include transverse reinforcement (e.g., stirrups for diagonal cracking and/or
radial tension) in the reinforced concrete model. However, the new version of CANDE computes the
required shear force at each node, if any, that the transverse reinforcement must sustain over and above the
concrete shear strength. With this information the designer can readily determine the required stirrup size
and spacing.

Proceed to line B-2
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Figure 5.4-2 Concrete Stress-Strain model and parameters

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5-30 B-2 Concrete Concrete Material Properties-2

More concrete material properties and model selection

Use if Comments
One or more pipe groups are Concrete.


Input Options Description
Concrete strain at
tension rupture
Concrete strain at tension
rupture (positive)
Default =0.0
The tensile strain that causes concrete initial
cracking is a sensitive parameter. Setting
STNMAT(1) = 0.0 is conservative, but
common practice for design. Typical range for
standard concrete is 0.00003 to 0.0001 in/in.
See Figure 5.4-2
Compressive strain at
end of elasti c range

Compressive strain at end
of elastic range (positive)
Default =0.5*PFPC/PCE
This strain level marks the end of the linear
stress-strain relation in compression.
See Figure 5.4-2
Compressive strain at
the initial strength limit,
Compressive strain at the
initial strength limit, f

Default =0.002 in/in
This strain level marks the end of the yielding
range and the beginning of the pure plastic
response of concrete in compression.
See Figure 5.4-2
Unit weight of concrete
for body weight.
Unit weight of concrete
for body weight.
Default =0.0 pcf
Density of concrete is used to include body
weight in the loading schedule for levels 2 & 3.
If PDEN =0.0 no body weight is included, and
density =150 pcf for PCE default calculation.
Crack width model
(-- or inches)
Selection of crack width
= 0, Heger-McGrath
=-1, Gergely-Lutz
= positive value
equal to crack-
spacing length for
plain concrete.
Default =Heger-McGrath
Generally it is recommended to use the Heger-
McGrath model, which is required by the
AASHTO LRFD code. If there is no tension
steel reinforcement, such as for plain or fiber
reinforced concrete (FRC), then CANDE
provides the option to apply the crack-spacing-
length model wherein CWMODEL =the crack
spacing length (nominally 10 inches).
See comments on crack width models below
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Input Options Description
Anal ysi s mode
Code to select large-
deformation and buckling
=0, small deformation
=1, large deformation
=2, plus buckling.
If this value is greater than zero, the pipe
elements will include large deformation theory
(geometric stiffness). In addition if IBUCK=2,
an estimate of the remaining buckling capacity
will be computed at each load step. Typically
large deformations and buckling is not a
concern for reinforced concrete structures, but
may be useful in some special cases.

Comment on Crack Widths.

CANDE uses empirical formulas to predict crack width based on the magnitude of tension steel stress
determined from CANDEs reinforced concrete model. CANDE output always gives the predicted crack
width at service load level regardless of whether LRFD =0 or 1.

The Heger-McGrath crack-width equation is adapted from the AASHTO LRFD code ( and is
expressed with stresses (f
and f
) in ksi units as:

CW = (1/3000) (t
/ 2n)
/} (inches)

The older Gergely-Lutz empirical formula for crack width with f
in ksi units is:

CW = (0.000122) (2t
5.0} (inches)

When there is no reinforcement steel such as for plain concrete, CANDE provides the option to predict
crack width based on the concrete tension strain in excess of the concrete cracking strain multiplied by the
crack spacing length (nominally =10 in):

CW =crack-spacing-length *(

) (inches)

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5-32 B-3 Concrete Reinforcement Steel Placement and Properties

Reinforcement steel placement and properties.

Use if Comments
One or more pipe groups are Concrete.


Input Options Description
Reinforcement Shape

Word defining the shape
and placement of
reinforcing steel cage(s):





(Default =STAND)
RSHAPE allows selection of how the
reinforcement will be shaped and placed
relative to the concrete inner and outer wall

Standard placement for two rows of
reinforcement cages, which parallel the inner
and outer wall surfaces. The concrete wall
thickness is uniform and concrete cover-depths
and properties are uniform in each individual
cage. (Applicable to levels 1, 2, or 3; and
design or analysis)

Elliptical placement of a single reinforcement
cage sometimes used in circular pipe. The
cage starts at a specified cover-depth from the
outer wall surface of the crown, transitions to
the inner wall surface at the spring line, and
transitions back to the outer wall at the invert.
(Applicable to levels 1, 2, or 3; and design or

Arbitrary placement of two rows of
reinforcement. The concrete wall thickness, the
reinforcements concrete cover-depth, and
reinforcement steel areas may be specified at
each node along the pipe-group path.
(Applicable to levels 2 or 3 for analysis only)

Special placement of two rows of
reinforcement conforming to ASTM box
culvert specifications. (Intended to be used in
conjunction with level 2 Box mesh for
analysis only)
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Input Options Description
Yield stress of
reinforcing steel (PFSY)

Yield stress of reinforcing

Default =60,000 psi
Reinforcement is modeled as elastic-perfectly
plastic where PFSY represents the maximum
stress attainable
Youngs modulus of
reinforcing steel (PSE)

Youngs modulus of
reinforcing steel

Default =29 x 10
Slope of steels stress-strain curve in linear
range. Behavior is assumed identical in tension
and compression.
Poisson s ratio (PSNU)

( -- )
Poissons ratio of
reinforcing steel

Default =0.3
Poissons ratio is used for plane-strain
Inner surface spacing
between rows of
reinforcement (SLI)

Spacing between rows of
rebar on inner surface
(Default =2.0 in)
CANDE uses the SLI parameter only for
predicting crack-width in the Gergely-Lutz
formula and the Heger-McGrath formula.
Outer surface spacing
between rows of
reinforcement (SLO)

Spacing between rows of
rebar on outer surface
(Default =2.0 in)
CANDE uses the SLO parameter only for
predicting crack-width in the Gergely-Lutz
formula and the Heger-McGrath formula.
Number of inner cage
layers of reinforcement

Number of layers of
reinforcement to form
inner cage steel area.
(Default =1)
CANDE uses the NI parameter only for
predicting crack-width using the Heger-
McGrath formula. (Note, a maximum value of
NI =2 is used in formula for n, see comment
following line B-2)
Number of outer cage
layers of reinforcement

Number of layers of
reinforcement to form
outer cage steel area.
(Default =1)
CANDE uses the NO parameter only for
predicting crack-width using the Heger-
McGrath formula. (Note, a maximum value of
NO =2 is used in formula for n, see comment
following line B-2)
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Input Options Description
Type of Reinforcement

Code number for type of
=1, Smooth wire or
plain bars.
=2, Welded or
deformed wire.
=3, Deformed bars or
with stirrups.
(Default =2)
CANDE uses the NC1 parameter only for
predicting crack-width using the Heger-
McGrath formula. The code value, NC1 =1,
2, or 3 corresponds to the Heger-McGrath
variable C
set to 1.0, 1.5 or 1.9, respectively.
See Heger-McGrath crack-width equation
following line B-2.
Nonlinear behavior

Code to select level of
nonlinear behavior:
=1, cracking only
=2, add concrete
plastic behavior
=3, also include steel
yielding behavior
Default =3
As a general rule, concrete cracking and
nonlinear compressive behavior along with
steel yielding should be used for all real-world
problems (NONLIN =3). Lesser degrees of
nonlinearity may be useful for comparative

Guide for next lines of input

The next lines of input starting with Line B-4, depends upon the previous choices of XMODE, LRFD and
RSHAPE as shown in table below

Pre-selected Input Go to line B-4 with the description that matches the pre-
selected input:

1 Analysis 0 or 1 Standard or
B4 Analysis with uniform walls and circular or elliptical
reinforcement (Level 1, 2 or 3)
2 Analysis 0 or 1 Arbitrary B4 Analysis with arbitrary walls and placement of
reinforcement (Level 2 or 3)
3 Analysis 0 or 1 Boxes B4, B4b Analysis for ASTM box culvert walls and rebar
placement (used with Level 2-Box)
4 Design 0 Standard or
B4 -- Design for uniform walls and circular or elliptical
rebar (working stress Level 1, 2 or 3)
5 Design 1 Standard or
B4, B5 -- Design for uniform walls and circular or elliptical
rebar (LRFD Level 1, 2 or 3)

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5-35 B-4 Concrete-Case 1 Wall Thickness and Reinforcement Properties

Wall thickness and reinforcement properti es (Case 1)

Use if Comments
One or more pipe groups is Concrete
This command is onl y applicable if the Reinforcement Shape
set on the previous command is set to Standard or El lipti cal .
A-1.XMODE = ANALYS This command is onl y applicabl e if the Design/Anal ysis
parameter i s set to ANALYS
NOTE: This input is not valid for DESIGN


Input Options Description
Concrete wall
Concrete wall thickness

(Default =none)
This specified thickness is constant for all
elements in this group. Enter a non-zero value.
Steel area in cage 1
Steel area in cage #1, a
smeared average per unit
length of pipe.
(Default =0.0 in
If RSHAPE =STAND, ASI (cage #1) is the
rebar paralleling the inner wall.
If RSHAPE =ELLIP, ASI (cage #1) is the
only line of rebar in the wall and transitions
from inner wall to outer wall as described.
See Figure 5.4-3.
Steel area in cage 2

Steel area in cage #2, a
smeared average per unit
length of pipe. (outer
(Default =0.0 in
If RSHAPE =STAND, ASO (cage #2) is the
rebar paralleling the outer wall.
If RSHAPE =ELLIP, AS0 is not used.
See Figure 5.4-3.
Concrete cover to c.l .
of cage 1
Concrete cover thickness
to centerline of cage #1
(Default =1.25 in)
IF RSHAPE =STAND, TBI is the uniform
cover thickness of the inner wall cage.
IF RSHAPE =ELLIP, TBI is the minimum
cover thickness at crown, invert and spring
Figure 5.4-3
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Input Options Description
Concrete cover to c.l .
of cage 2

Concrete cover thickness
to centerline of cage #2
(outer cage)
(Default =1.25 in)
IF RSHAPE =STAND, TBO is the uniform
cover thickness of the outer wall cage.
IF RSHAPE =ELLIP, TBI is not used.
Figure 5.4-3
If XMODE = ANALYSIS and LRFD = 0, Part B is now complete.
Go to Part C (or return to line A-2 if more pipe groups need to be defined).
If XMODE = ANALYSIS and LRFD = 1, Proceed to line B-5

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
Figure 5.4-3 Cross sections for RSHAPE = STAND or ELLIP

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5-38 B-4 Concrete Case 2 Arbitrary Specified Wall Thickness

Arbitrary specifi ed wall thickness and reinforcement steel (Case 2)

For the Arbitrary option, line B-4 must be repeated for each node sequence in the pipe group. Note
the total number of nodes in a group = number pipe elements in group + 1. (Start with N = 1).

For level 2 this number is preset and is described in Table 5.3-1
For Level 3 this number is set by the user as NPMATX (see section 5.3.1).
Use if Comments
One or more pipe groups is Concrete
B-3.RSHAPE = ARBIT This command is onl y applicable if the Reinforcement Shape
set on the previous command is set to Arbitrary.
A-1.XMODE = ANALYS This command is onl y applicabl e if the Design/Anal ysis
parameter i s set to ANALYS
NOTE: This input is not valid for DESIGN
A-1.LRFD = 0 or 1 This is command is input for either LRFD or Service.
A-1.LEVEL = 2 or 3 This option is NOT available for Solution Level 1.


Input Options Description
Concrete wall
thickness at node N.
Concrete wall thickness
at node N for current
node sequence.

(Default =none)
The specified concrete wall thickness may
differ from node sequence to node sequence
along element group as desired. The current
node sequence is defined by the local node
numbers NSEQ1 through NSEQ2. See
comments below (*See Note).
Area of steel, cage 1
Steel area of cage #1 for
node sequence. This is a
smeared average area per
unit pipe length.
(Default =0.0 in
Cage #1 is associated with the inner pipe wall.
Steel areas may vary from node sequence to
node sequence as desired, including the case of
no steel ASI(N) =0.0.
Area of steel, Cage 2
Steel area of cage #2 for
node sequence. This is a
smeared average area per
unit pipe length.
(Default =0.0 in
Cage #2 is associated with the outer pipe wall.
Steel areas may vary from node sequence to
node sequence as desired, including the case of
no steel ASO(N) =0.0.
Concrete cover, cage 1
Concrete cover thickness
to centerline of cage #1
for node sequence
(Default =1.25 in)
Concrete cover thickness for cage # 1 is
relative to the inner wall surface. Cover
thickness may vary from node sequence to
node sequence as desired.
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Input Options Description
Concrete cover, cage 2
Concrete cover thickness
to centerline of cage #2
for node sequence
(outer cage)
(Default =1.25 in)
Concrete cover thickness for cage # 2 is
relative to the outer wall surface. Cover
thickness may vary from node sequence to
node sequence as desired
Node sequence start
(NSEQ1) *
First local node number
in a sequence of nodes
with common properties
(see *Note)

Default =none
NSEQ1 is the first local node number in a
consecutive set of node numbers that share the
same geometric properties for the concrete
cross section and reinforcing steel as defined
above. See *NOTE and comment below
Node sequence end
(NSEQ2) *
Last local node number in
a sequence of nodes with
common properties
(see *Note)

Default =none
NSEQ2 is the last local node number in a
consecutive set of node numbers that share the
same geometric properties for the concrete
cross section and reinforcing steel as defined
above. See *NOTE and comment below.

*NOTE: The node sequencing is not implemented in the Input Menus (i.e. GUI Input). A row must be
entered for each node. To facilitate the entry of these values, a Copy Row button is available in the input
menus. With this command, the user may input one row of section properties and then copy those values to
a group of rows (i.e. a group of nodes).

Comment. In the simplest case, if all beam nodes in this group have the same section properties, set
NSEQ1 =1 and NSEQ2 =NPMAT +1, and all geometric section properties are defined with one input line
for B-4.

More generally, the above input feature allows the user to change the section properties within this pipe
group using multiple input lines for B-4. Note however, the material properties are fixed for this group. To
change material properties, such as the strength of the concrete or steel, the user would need to define a
separate pipe group.

As an example of changing section properties, suppose that the current pipe group is defined with 24 pipe
elements (25 nodes). Suppose further that the first 10 elements have the same set of section properties,
element 11 is a transition element, and the remaining 13 elements have another set of common section
properties. In this case, we would input the first node sequence as NSEQ1 =1 and NSEQ2 =11 to define
common section properties to the first 10 elements. Next, we would input the second node sequence as
NSEQ1 =12 and NSEQ2 =25 to define common section properties for elements 12 to 24. Note that the
transition element, bounded by nodes 11 and 12, would be implicitly defined by the average of the two sets
of geometric properties. Note for the last sequence we must always have, NSEQ2 =NPMAT +1.

In the most general case if each node has a different section property, then line B-4 must be repeated for
each node so that the node sequences would be defined as: (NSEQ1, NSEQ2) =(1,1), (2,2), (3,3)
(NPMAT+1,NPMAT+1). For this most general case, CANDE will automatically compute the paired
values for NSEQ1 and NSEQ2 if they are all left blank in the input stream

If XMODE = ANALYSIS and LRFD = 0, Part B is now complete.
Go to Part C (or return to line A-2 if more pipe groups need to be defined).

If XMODE = ANALYSIS and LRFD = 1, Proceed to line B-5

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5-40 B-4 Concrete Case 3 ASTM Box Wall Thicknesses and Haunches

ASTM box wall thicknesses and haunches(Case 3)

This command is used in tandem with B-4b Concrete Case 3 ASTM Steel Placement for

Use if Comments
One or more pipe groups is Concrete
B-3.RSHAPE = BOXES This command is onl y applicable if the Reinforcement Shape
set on the previous command is set to Boxes.
A-1.XMODE = ANALYS This command is onl y applicabl e if the Design/Anal ysis
parameter i s set to ANALYS
NOTE: This input is not valid for DESIGN
A-1.LRFD = 0 or 1 This is command is input for either LRFD or Service.
A-1.LEVEL = 2 This option is NOT available for Solution Levels 1 or 3.


Input Options Description
Nominal concrete wall
Nominal concrete wall
thickness of box culvert

(Default =0.0)
This value for wall thickness is used as the
default value for the three slab thicknesses
defined below.
Top slab concrete
Top slab concrete

(Default =PT)
Each of the three slab thicknesses (top, sides
and bottom) may be defined separately. Or if
all slab thicknesses are the same, the default
PT value may be used. See Figure 5.4-4.
Side slabs concrete
Side slabs concrete

(Default =PT)
Each of the three slab thicknesses (top, sides
and bottom) may be defined separately. Or if
all slab thicknesses are the same, the default
PT value may be used. See Figure 5.4-4.
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Input Options Description
Bottom slab concrete
Bottom slab concrete

(Default =PT)
Each of the three slab thicknesses (top, sides
and bottom) may be defined separately. Or if
all slab thicknesses are the same, the default
PT value may be used. See Figure 5.4-4.
Horizontal haunch
Horizontal haunch

(Default =0.0)
Horizontal haunch thickness at interior corners.
See Figure 5.4-4. CANDE increases the wall
thickness at the corner nodes in accordance
with the specified haunch dimensions.
Verti cal haunch
Vertical haunch

(Default =0.0)
Vertical haunch thickness at interior corners.
See Figure 5.4-4 . CANDE increases the wall
thickness at the corner nodes in accordance
with the specified haunch dimensions.

Proceed to line B-4b to complete ASTM box input data

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5-42 B-4b Concrete Case 3 ASTM Steel Placement for Boxes

ASTM box wall thicknesses and haunches(Case 3)

This command should be preceded by B-4 Concrete Case 3 ASTM Box Wall Thicknesses and

Use if Comments
One or more pipe groups is Concrete
B-3.RSHAPE = BOXES This command is onl y applicable if the Reinforcement Shape
set on the previous command is set to Boxes.
A-1.XMODE = ANALYS This command is onl y applicabl e if the Design/Anal ysis
parameter i s set to ANALYS
NOTE: This input is not valid for DESIGN
A-1.LRFD = 0 or 1 This is command is input for either LRFD or Service.
A-1.LEVEL = 2 This option is NOT available for Solution Levels 1 or 3.


Input Options Description
Steel area for outer
sidewalls and
connecting sl abs. (AS1)
Steel area for outer
sidewalls and connecting
Default =0.0 in
See Figure 5.4-4 for placement of AS1 rebar.
As always steel area is input as area per unit
length of pipe.
Steel area for inner wall
of top slab. (AS2)
Steel area for inner wall
of top slab.

Default =0.0 in
See Figure 5.4-4 for placement of AS2 rebar.
As always steel area is input as area per unit
length of pipe.
Steel area for inner wall
of bottom slab. (AS3)
Steel area for inner wall
of bottom slab.

Default =0.0 in
See Figure 5.4-4 for placement of AS3 rebar.
As always steel area is input as area per unit
length of pipe.
Steel area for inner wall
of side sl abs. (AS4)
Steel area for inner wall
of side slabs.

Default =0.0 in
See Figure 5.4-4 for placement of AS4 rebar.
As always steel area is input as area per unit
length of pipe.
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Input Options Description
Ratio of length of AS1
in steel in top and
bottom slabs. (XL1)
Ratio of length of AS1 in
steel in top and bottom
Default =0.0
This ratio is the steel length (L1) to one-half
span length (R1) as shown in Figure 5.4-4.
Uniform concrete cover
thickness to all steel
centers. (TC)
Uniform concrete cover
thickness to all steel
(Default =1.25 in)
All steel cages, inner walls and outer walls, are
assigned the same concrete cover thickness
specified with TC. See Figure 5.4-4.

If XMODE = ANALYSIS and LRFD = 0, Part B is now complete. Go to Part C (or return to line A-2
if more pipe groups need to be defined).

If XMODE = ANALYSIS and LRFD = 1, Proceed to line B-5
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
Figure 5.4-4 ASTM Concrete box geometry and steel placement for box culverts with a minimum
2-foot cover depth.

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5-45 B-4 Concrete Case 4 Specified Wall Thickness and Working Stress SF

Specifi ed wall thickness and working stress design.

Use if Comments
One or more pipe groups is Concrete
This command is onl y applicable if the Reinforcement Shape
set on the previous command is set to STAND or ELLIP.
A-1.XMODE = DESIGN This command is onl y applicabl e if the Design/Anal ysis
parameter i s set to DESIGN
A-1.LRFD = 0 This is command is input for service design.
A-1.LEVEL = 1, 2 or 3 This option is available for all Solution Levels 1, 2, or 3.


Input Options Description
Concrete wall
Concrete wall thickness
used for design problem
(Default =none)
The design wall thickness is uniform around
the pipe. Specify a non-zero value. (Note the
design solution will provide required steel
reinforcement area)
Steel yielding safety
Desired safety factor
against steel yielding

(Default =1.6)
This is the fundamental working-stress design
criterion for steel reinforcement. Typically this
safety factor is specified in the range from 1.5
to 2.0
Concrete crushing
stress safety factor
Desired safety factor
against concrete crushing
(Default =2.0)
This is the working-stress criterion that the
concrete compressive stress does not reach
ultimate strength (f
) by the specified factor of
safety. Typical range is 1.7 to 2.0
Concrete shear failure
safety factor
Desired safety factor
against concrete shear
(Default =2.0 )
This safety factor, which depends on the
selected shear-strength model, may need to be
satisfied with the use of stirrups and/or
increased wall thickness, which is the
responsibility of the designer.
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Input Options Description
Radial tension failure
safety factor
Desired safety factor
against concrete radial
tension failure
(Default =2.0 )
The radial tension stress and the corresponding
strength of concrete subjected to inner-wall
steel tension is adapted from Heger/McGrath
(ACI-1983). Satisfying this safety factor may
require the designer to use traverse steel.
Al lowable maximum
crack width (ALCW)
Allowable maximum
crack width.

(Default =0.01 in)
The allowable crack width is a performance
criterion, not a failure criterion. The design
process will allow cracking up to ALCW (that
is, safety factor =1)
Concrete cover to c.l .
of steel rebar cage
Concrete cover to
centerline of steel rebar
(Default =1.25 in)
If RSHAPE = STAND, TBI is uniform
concrete cover for both inner and outer cages.
If RSHAPE =ELLIP, TBI is minimum cover
of the cage at crown, spring-line and invert.
Ratio of steel areas of
outer-to-inner cages
Desired ratio of steel
areas of outer-to-inner
(Default =0.75)
Typically the outer cage steel area is specified
with less steel area than the inner cage. This
only applies to RSHAPE =Standard.
If RSHAPE =ELLIP, SRATIO is not used.

If XMODE = DESIGN and LRFD = 0, Part B is now complete.
Go to Part C (or return to line A-2 if more pipe groups need to be defined).

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5-47 B-4 Concrete Case 5 Specified Wall Thickness/LRFD Design Weights

Specifi ed wall thickness and design weights for LRFD.
The specification of the WLRFD design weights has the following consequences:
WLRFD = 1.0, Standard LRFD (factored resistance = factored loads)
WLRFD > 1.0 More conservative (factored resistance > factored loads)
WLRFD < 1.0 Less conservative (factored resistance < factored loads)
WLRFD = -1.0 Exclude the corresponding design criterion

Use if Comments
One or more pipe groups is Concrete
This command is onl y applicable if the Reinforcement Shape
set on the previous command is set to STAND or ELLIP.
A-1.XMODE = DESIGN This command is onl y applicabl e if the Design/Anal ysis
parameter i s set to DESIGN
A-1.LRFD = 1 This is command is input for LRFD.
A-1.LEVEL = 1, 2 or 3 This option is available for all Solution Levels 1, 2, or 3.


Input Options Description
Concrete wall
Concrete wall thickness

(Default =none)
The design wall thickness is uniform around
the pipe. Specify a non-zero value. Note the
CANDE design solution will provide required
steel reinforcement area(s).
Steel tension failure
due to yielding
Weight for steel tension

(Default weight =1)
The design goal is to determine the steel area
so that the weighted-factored-tension-steel-
stress is just less than factored-yield-strength
Concrete crushing
failure at outer fibers
Weight for concrete
crushing failure

(Default weight =1)
The design goal is to determine the steel area
(or, new wall thickness) so that the weighted-
factored-concrete compressive-stress is just
less than the factored-compressive-resistance.
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Input Options Description
Concrete shear failure
(w/o shear steel)
Weight for concrete shear
failure (without shear

(Default weight =1)
The design goal is to maintain the weighted-
factored-shear-force to be less than the
factored-shear-capacity. If needed, the excess
shear force to be carried by stirrups.
Concrete failure due to
radial tension from
curved rebar
Weight for concrete
radial tension failure from
curved rebar
(Default weight =1)
The design goal is to maintain the weighted-
factored-radial-tension-stress to be less than
the factored-radial-tension-resistance. If
needed, excess load to be carried by stirrups.
Service load allowable
crack width
Service load allowable
crack width

(Default weight =1)
The design goal is to determine the steel area
so that the weighted-service-load-crack-width
is less than the allowable-crack-width.
Concrete cover to c.l .
of steel rebar cage
Concrete cover to
centerline of steel rebar
(Default =1.25 in)
If RSHAPE = STAND, TBI is uniform
concrete cover for both inner and outer cages.
If RSHAPE =ELLIP, TBI is minimum cover
of the cage at crown, spring-line and invert.
Ratio of steel areas of
outer-to-inner cages
Desired ratio of steel
areas of outer-to-inner

(Default =0.75)
Typically the outer cage steel area is specified
with less steel area than the inner cage. This
only applies to RSHAPE =Standard.
If RSHAPE =ELLIP, SRATIO is not used.

Proceed to line B-5 (LRFD = 1)

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5-49 B-5 Concrete Resistance Factors for LRFD

Resistance factors for LRFD limit states.

Use if Comments
One or more pipe groups is Concrete
This command is applicable if the Design/Anal ysi s parameter
is set to DESIGN or ANALYS
A-1.LRFD = 1 This command is input for LRFD.
A-1.LEVEL = 1, 2 or 3 This option is available for all Solution Levels 1, 2, or 3.


Input Options Description
Resistance factor for
steel rebar yi elding due
to tension stress
Resistance factor for steel
rebar yielding due to
tension stress
(Default =0.9)
Factored steel stress resistance =
PHI(1) x PFSY (f
Resistance factor for
concrete crushing
(PHI (2))
Resistance factor for
concrete crushing due to
thrust and moment
(Default =0.75)
Factored concrete crushing stress resistance =
PHI(2) x PFPC (f

Resistance factor for
concrete shear fai lure
Resistance factor for
concrete shear failure

(Default =0.9)
Factored shear strength resistance =
PHI(3) x Selected shear strength option.
Resistance factor for
radial concrete tension
(PHI (4))
Resistance factor for
radial concrete tension

(Default =0.9)
Factored radial tension resistance =
PHI(4) x concrete tension stress limit as
proposed by Heger/McGrath (ACI-1983)
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Input Options Description
Al lowable crack width
for service load
Allowable crack width
for service load

(Default =0.01inch)
Allowable crack width for service limit
loading. CANDE approximates the crack width
at service loading by dividing steel stress in
crack width formulas by load factors.

Comment: The above resistance factors are used for both the design and analysis modes. In the analysis
mode, CANDE will show the five numerical values of the above factored resistances along with the
corresponding factored demands.

In the design mode, the designer is given additional control on the previous page to design with more or
less conservatism and to permit turning on or off any of the criterion to fit the problem at hand.

This completes the current B-set input.
Go to Part C (or return to line A-2 if more pipe groups need to be defined).

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5.4.4 Plasti c Pipe Types B-1 Plastic Plastic Load Controls

B-1.Pl astic
Plasti c load controls.

Use if Comments
A-2.PTYPE = PLASTIC One or more pipe groups are Plastic.


Input Options Description
Wall section type

A word selecting the type
of wall section.




Default =GENERAL
SMOOTH refers to uniform smooth wall (gun
barrel) whose only independent cross section
property is the wall thickness. Applies to
design & analysis.
GENERAL refers to arbitrary cross-section
properties for area and moment of inertia
without local buckling consideration. Applies
only to analysis.
PROFILE refers to a spectrum of profile
shapes such as corrugated with or without
liners, ribbed walls, etc. Profile shapes require
additional geometry input and include local
buckling analysis. Applies only to analysis.
Type of plasti c

A word selecting the type
of plastic.
Default =HDPE
PTYPE is used to provide default material
properties for HDPE (high density
polyethylene), PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride), or
PP (Polypropylene) as shown in Table B-
Plastic-1. Setting PTYPE =OTHER means all
material properties will be defined by the user.
Load duration

Code number to select
load duration:
=1, Short term
=2, long term
Default =short term
Plastic material properties depend on load
duration, short term is appropriate for live
loads and long term is appropriate for earth
loads. If need be, the problem can be run twice,
once with short duration properties and once
with long duration properties to bracket the
responses of each load step.
Anal ysi s mode

Code to select large-
deformation and buckling
=0, small deformation
=1, large deformation
=2, plus buckling.
Default =small deform.
IF IBUCK =0, small deformation theory and
simplified buckling equations are used. If
BUCK = 1, the pipe elements will include
large deformation theory (geometric stiffness).
In addition if IBUCK=2, an estimate of the
remaining buckling capacity will be computed
at each load step.

Proceed to Line B-2

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5-52 B-2 Plastic Material Properties for Plastic

B-2.Pl astic
Plasti c load controls.

Use if Comments
A-2.PTYPE = PLASTIC One or more pipe groups are Plastic.


Input Options Description
Youngs modulus for
short-term loading
Youngs modulus for
short-term loading

(Default from table 1)
Depending on the type of plastic, enter the
effective elastic stress-strain modulus for
short-term loading. If left blank, default values
from Table 5.4-3 are provided depending on
the type of plastic (PTYPE) . See Figure 5.4-5.
Ultimate stress limit for
short-term loading
Ultimate stress limit for
short-term loading

(Default from table 1)
The short-term ultimate stress is the maximum
stress sustainable by the plastic used to
evaluate the safety of the stress level. If left
blank, default values from Table 5.4-3 are
provided depending on the type of plastic
(PTYPE).See Figure 5.4-5.
Youngs modulus for
long-term loading
Youngs modulus for
long-term loading

(Default from table 1)
Depending on the type of plastic, enter the
effective elastic stress-strain modulus for long-
term loading. If left blank, default values from
Table 5.4-3 are provided depending on the type
of plastic (PTYPE) . See Figure 5.4-5.
Ultimate stress limit for
long-term loading
/ in
Ultimate stress limit for
long-term loading

(Default from table 1)
The long-term ultimate stress is the maximum
stress sustainable by the plastic used to
evaluate the safety of the stress level. If left
blank, default values from Table 5.4-3 are
provided depending on the type of plastic
(PTYPE). See Figure 5.4-5.
Poisson s ratio (PNU)
Poissons ratio for short-
and long-term loading
Default =0.3
Poissons ratio is used for plane-strain
formulation wherein effective modulus is PE*
= PE/(1-PNU
). Poissons ratio is taken the
same for short and long term loading
Density of plastic
material used for body
weight. (PDEN)
Density of plastic
material used for body
(Default =0.0 lb/in
Applies only to Level 2 and 3. This value
produces the self-weight of the plastic structure
in the loading schedule. Leave blank to ignore
self-weight deformations.

Comment. Although the CANDE solution for structural responses is based on either short-term or long-
term properties (depending on choice of LOADT), both short-term and long-term properties must be input
(or defaulted) for each problem. This is because the both the short-term and long-term properties are used
in the evaluation of the plastic pipe performance in terms of design criteria.
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Although most plastics exhibit significant time-dependent stress-strain response, it is customary to treat
them as elastic materials with a modulus dependent on load duration. Short-term properties are appropriate
for shallow burial situations wherein live loads dominate. Long-term properties are suitable to deep burial
conditions wherein design life for soil weight is on the order of 50 years. The table below shows the range
of short-term and long-term properties for three common types of plastics used as culverts and storm
chambers. Default values are in parenthesis. Sometimes it is wise to run the same problem twice, once with
short term and once with long-term properties.

Proceed to B-3 Analysis or B-3 Design

Table 5.4-3 Plastic: Typical range of plastic properties from AASHTO LRFD Specification
Type of plastic Effective Youngs Modulus
(see Figure 5.4-5)
Ultimate strength
(see Figure 5.4-5)
High Density

80.0 -112.0



0.85 1.44


135.0 158.0

6.00 7.00

2.60 3.70

125.0 145.0




Figure 5.4-5 - Plastic Elastic stress-strain model for plastic in tension and compression, short term
and long term loading

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5-54 B-3 Plastic Cross Sectional Properties for Smooth or General

B-3.Pl astic.A.Smooth
Cross-sectional properti es of plastic wall for smooth or general.

Use if Comments
A-2.PTYPE = PLASTIC One or more pipe groups are Plastic.
A-1.XMODE = ANALYS This command is onl y applicabl e if the Design/Anal ysis
parameter i s set to ANALYS
NOTE: This input is not valid for DESIGN
B-1.Pl astic.WTYPE =
This input line is for cases where the Wall Section Type i s


Input Options Description
Total height of wall
cross section.
Total height of wall cross

(No default)

For the case of a SMOOTH wall type, PT is
the wall thickness. This completes smooth wall
For the case of the GENERAL wall type, PT is
the profile height from the inner most fiber to
outer most fiber.
Area of general wall-
section per unit length
of pipe
Area of general wall-
section per unit length of
(No default)

For the case of the GENERAL wall type PA is
the wall cross-sectional area per unit length of
pipe, which provides resistance to hoop (or
column) compression or tension.
(PA need not be input for smooth walls)
This input only applies for Wall Type
(B3.Plastic.WTYPE) = GENERAL
Moment of inertia of
general wall
section/unit length
Moment of inertia of
general wall section per
unit length
(No default)

For the case of the GENERAL wall type PI is
the wall moment inertia per unit length of pipe,
which provides resistance to ovaling (or
bending) deformation.
(PI need not be input for smooth walls)
This input only applies for Wall Type
(B3.Plastic.WTYPE) = GENERAL
Distance to general
wall centroid from inner
Distance to general wall
centroid from inner wall.
Default =PT/2

For the case of the GENERAL wall type PC
measures the distance from the inner fiber to
the geometric centroid of the general wall. The
value is used to compute maximum fiber
stresses. (PC not needed for smooth walls)
This input only applies for Wall Type
(B3.Plastic.WTYPE) = GENERAL
For LRFD = 0, Part B is complete for Analysis of SMOOTH or GENERAL walls.
For LRFD = 1, Proceed to line B-4
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5-55 B-3 Plastic Profile Wall Cross Sectional Properties-1

B-3.Pl astic.A.Profile
Cross-sectional properti es of plastic wall for wall type Profile

Use if Comments
A-2.PTYPE = PLASTIC One or more pipe groups are Plastic.
A-1.XMODE = ANALYS This command is onl y applicabl e if the Design/Anal ysis
parameter i s set to ANALYS
NOTE: This input is not valid for DESIGN
B-1.Pl astic.WTYPE =
This input line is for cases where the Wall Section Type i s


Input Options Description
Length of profile period
Length of generic Profile

Default =none
PERIOD =horizontal distance of the repeating
profile shape along the pipes length as shown
in Figure 5.4-6. The repeating profile shape
always includes two web elements.
Total height of profile
Total height of profile

Default =none
HEIGHT is the distance from the inner most
fiber to the outer most fiber. See Figure 5.4-6.
Web angle with the
Web angle measured
from the horizontal.

Default =90 degrees
The orientation of the two web elements are
mirror symmetric with their inclination defined
by the web angle, measured from the
horizontal. See Figure 5.4-6. By themselves,
the two webs may be used to form a saw-tooth
Web thickness
Web Thickness

Default =none
Web thickness is measured normal to web
surface (web thickness is independent of the
web angle).
Web k value for edge
support coefficient
The web k value for the
edge support coefficient.

Default =4.0
The webs k-value is used for local buckling
computations. The k-value may be taken as 4.0
for elements with both edges supported by
other elements. For a freestanding element
with only one edge supported, the k-value is
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Input Options Description
Number of horizontal
elements in profile
Number of horizontal
elements that are to be
included in profile
Minimum =0
Maximum =4
Default =0
Various profile shapes may be constructed by
including up to four horizontal elements (or
element pairs) attached to the web. For
example, set NHEL =2 to form a straight rib
or unlined corrugated profile; NHEL =3 for a
T-rib or lined profile; NHEL =4 for a box-like
or trapezoidal-shaped profile.
Include local buckling
calcul ations
Code for local buckling
= 1, include local
buckling calculations.
= -1, ignore local
buckling calculations.
Default =1
If local buckling is activated (LOCALB=1),
the cross-sectional properties are reduced for
each beam element that experiences thrust
strain above the threshold value that causes
local buckling.
If LOCALB = -1, local buckling is not
activated and cross-section properties remain

If NHEL > 0, Proceed to Line B-3b, repeat as needed
If NHEL = 0 and LRFD = 1, Proceed to Line 4B.
Otherwise, Set B is complete.
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
Figure 5.4-6 Example Profile Shapes that can be constructed in CANDE

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5-58 B-3b Plastic Cross Sectional Properties (2) (Profile)

Additional cross-sectional properti es of plastic wall for wall type Profile.

Note: This command is only required if the Number of Horizontal Elements (NHEL) is
greater than zero. Repeat line B-3b for each horizontal element (NHEL times).

Use if Comments
A-2.PTYPE = PLASTIC One or more pipe groups are Plastic.
A-1.XMODE = ANALYS This command is only applicabl e if the Design/Anal ysis
parameter i s set to ANALYS
NOTE: This input is not valid for DESIGN
B-1.Pl astic.WTYPE =
This input line is for cases where the Wall Section Type is
B-3.Pl astic.A.Profile.NHEL
This input line is requi red for each horizontal element
specified by NHEL.


Input Options Description
Element identifier
Horizontal element
identification number
=1, inner wall valley
=2, inner wall liner
=3, outer wall crest
=4, outer wall link
Default =none
Identification number of the horizontal element
being added to the profile configuration whose
length, width and edge condition are defined in
the following entries.
Note, Line B-3b is repeated for the number of
specified horizontal elements, i.e., NHEL
times. See Figure 5.4-6.
Full length of horizontal

Default =0.0
The length of the valley (#1) or crest (#3)
element includes the overlapping distance of
the web thicknesses. The length of the liner
(#2) or link (#4) element does not include the
web thicknesses. See Figure 5.4-6.
Thickness of horizontal

Default =0.0
Uniform thickness of the current element. The
thicker the element the more it resists local
Edge support coeff
The so-called k value
for the edge support
Default =4.0
The k-value may be taken as 4.0 for elements
with both edges supported by other elements.
For a freestanding element with only one edge
supported, the k-value is 0.43. See comments

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
Comment on Section Properties. CANDE uses the web and horizontal element input data to calculate the
cross-sectional area per inch, the moment of inertia per inch, and the distance to the neutral axis measured
from the inner fiber. The computed properties are displayed in the CANDE output.

Comment on Local Buckling. CANDE uses AASHTO Equations to determine if the thrust
strain induces local buckling in the web and/or horizontal profile elements. If so, the cross-sectional
properties are appropriately reduced, which results in increased stresses due to loss of effective area.
Subsequent load steps utilize the reduced section properties, which in turn can lead to an increased rate of
local buckling. Every element of the pipe group is examined to determine its individual state of local

If LRFD = 1, Proceed to Line 4B.
Otherwise, Set B is complete

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5-60 B-3 Plastic Safety Factors for Working Stress Design

B-3.Pl astic.D.WSD
Working Stress safety factors and performance requirements.

Use if Comments
A-2.PTYPE = PLASTIC One or more pipe groups is Pl astic
A-1.XMODE = DESIGN This command is only applicabl e if the Design/Anal ysis
parameter i s set to DESIGN
B-1.Pl astic.WTYPE =
This input line is for cases where the Wall Section Type is
A-1.LRFD = 0 This is command is input for service design (WSD).


Input Options Description
Safety factor
maximum thrust stress
Desired safety factor
against maximum thrust
stress (PULT)

Default =2.0
Maximum thrust stress is the average stress
over the cross section (not extreme fiber
stress). This safety factor guards against
material failure of entire cross section. The
default safety factor is typically used.
Safety factor global
Desired safety factor
against global buckling.

Default =3.0
This safety factor guards against the thrust
stress exceeding global buckling capacity.
If IBUCK =2, Buckling capacity is determined
by large deformation theory in CANDE.
Otherwise buckling capacity is determined by
the simplified AASHTO equation.
Safety factor
excessive outer fiber
Desired safety factor
against excessive outer
fiber straining

Default =2.0
This safety factor protects against excessive
straining in outer fibers (tension or
compression) wherein excessive strain is
defined as the minimum of 1.5(PULT/PE) or
Typical PFS range is 1.5 to 2.5
Al lowable percent
Allowable percent

(Default =5%)
Allowable deflection is measured as percent of
the average vertical diameter, typically taken
as 5%. For automated design, the allowable
displacement is used as a performance limit.
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Input Options Description
Al lowable maximum
tensile strain (TSTRN)
Allowable maximum
tensile strain:

(Default =0.05 in/in)
Allowable maximum tensile strain is intended
to limit crazing or cracking. Currently
AASHTO specifies the allowable long-term
strain as 0.05 for HDPE. For automated design,
the allowable tensile strain is used as a
performance limit.

Comment: CANDEs working-stress automated design methodology will determine the required smooth-
wall thickness such that the controlling desired safety factor nearly matches the corresponding actual safety
factor. The remaining actual safety factors will be equal to or greater than the corresponding desired safety
factors. Also the selected wall thickness will limit the maximum displacement and tensile strain to be less
than or equal to the allowable limits.

If XMODE = DESIGN and LRFD = 0, Part B is now complete.
Go to Part C (or return to line A-2 if more pipe groups need to be defined).

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5-62 B-3 Plastic Design Weights for LRFD

B-3.Pl astic.D.LRFD
Design weights for LRFD Smooth wall.

The specification of the WLRFD design weights has the following consequences:
WLRFD = 1.0, Standard LRFD (factored resistance = factored loads)
WLRFD > 1.0 More conservative (factored resistance > factored loads)
WLRFD < 1.0 Less conservative (factored resistance < factored loads)
WLRFD = -1.0 Exclude the corresponding design criterion

Use if Comments
A-2.PTYPE = PLASTIC One or more pipe groups is Pl astic
A-1.XMODE = DESIGN This command is only applicabl e if the Design/Anal ysis
parameter i s set to DESIGN
B-1.Pl astic.WTYPE =
This input line is for cases where the Wall Section Type is
A-1.LRFD = 1 This is command is input for LRFD design.


Input Options Description
Wall area fai lure due to
maximum thrust
Wall area failure due to
maximum thrust stress

(Default weight =1)
Controls the factored thrust stress loading to be
less than the factored-material-strength
resistance times this weight. Typically this
weight is always 1 for plastic structures.
See comment below.
Global buckling due to
thrust stress
Global buckling due to
thrust stress

(Default weight =1)
Controls the factored thrust stress loading to be
less than the factored-global-buckling
resistance times this weight. Typically this
weight is always 1 for plastic structures.
Combined strain limit
on outer surfaces
Combined strain limit on
outer surfaces

(Default weight =1)
Controls the maximum wall-surface strain
from thrust and bending due to factored loads
to be less than the factored limiting strain
Service deflection limit
Service deflection limit

(Default weight =1)
Controls the service load vertical deflection to
be less than the allowable limit. Typically this
weight = 1 when used with 5%, allowable
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Input Options Description
Service tensil e stain
Service tensile stain limit

(Default weight =1)
Controls the maximum tensile strain to be less
than the allowable limit under service load.
Typically this weight =1.

Comment: The above design weights give the designer control over the degree of conservatism for the
LRFD process. By choosing the design weights =1, CANDE will determine the required smooth-wall
thickness such that the controlling factored load nearly matches the corresponding factored resistance. If,
however, a designer desires a 25% more conservative design solution against, say for global buckling, the
designer may specify WLRFD(2) =1.25. Any design criterion is excluded by setting the weight =-1.

Proceed to line B-4 (LRFD = 1)

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5-64 B-4 Plastic Resistance Factors for LRFD

B-4.Pl astic
Specifi ed resistance factors for LRFD

Use if Comments
A-2.PTYPE = PLASTIC One or more pipe groups is Pl astic
This command is applicable if the Design/Anal ysi s
parameter i s set to either DESIGN or ANALYS
A-1.LRFD = 1 This command is input for LRFD evaluation.


Input Options Description
Resistance factor for
thrust stress yi elding
Resistance factor for wall
area yielding due to thrust

(Default =1.0)
Factored thrust stress resistance =
Resistance factor for
global buckling
Resistance factor for
global buckling due to
thrust stress

(Default =1.0)
Factored global buckling resistance =
PHI(2) x Buckling-Capacity.
If IBUCK =2, Buckling capacity is determined
by large deformation theory in CANDE.
Otherwise buckling capacity is determined by
the simplified AASHTO equation.
Resistance factor for
limiting stain
Resistance factor for
limiting stain

(Default =1.0)
Factored limiting strain resistance =
PHI(3) x 1.5 x ( PULT/PE)

Al lowable percent
deflection under
service load
Allowable percent
deflection under service

(Default =5%)
Allowable vertical deflection is percent of
average diameter, typically taken as 5%.
CANDE estimates the service load deflections
by dividing by the specified load factors.
Al lowable maximum
tensile strain under
service load (TSTRN)
Allowable maximum
tensile strain under
service load conditions.

(Default =0.05 in/in)
Allowable maximum tensile strain is specified
by AASHTO as 0.05 for HDPE. CANDE
estimates the service load strains by dividing
by the specified load factors.

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
Comment: The above resistance factors and service limits are used for both the design and analysis modes.
In the analysis mode CANDE will show the numerical values of the above factored resistances along with
the corresponding factored responses as well as the service limits along with the corresponding service

In the design mode, the designer is given additional control on the previous page to design with more or
less conservatism and to permit turning on or off any of the criterion to fit the problem at hand.

This completes the current B-set input for PLASTIC.
Go to Part C (or return to line A-2 if more pipe groups need to be defined).

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5.4.5 Steel Pipe Type B-1 Steel Material Properties and Control

Material properties and control

Use if Comments
A-2.PTYPE = STEEL One or more pipe groups are Steel .
This command is applicable if the Design/Anal ysi s
parameter i s set to either DESIGN or ANALYS


Input Options Description
Youngs modulus for
Elastic Youngs modulus
of steel pipe material
Default =29x10
Linear stress-strain modulus for pipe material,
see Figure 5.4-7
Poisson s ratio
( -- )
Poissons ratio of pipe

Default =0.3
Poissons ratio is used for plane-strain
formulation. This means that the effective
linear modulus is PE* =PE/(1-PNU
Yield stress of pipe
Yield Stress of pipe

Default =33,000 psi
Stress at end of elastic range, same in tension
and compression. See the bilinear stress-strain
curve in Figure 5.4-7.
Yield stress of pipe
Yield strength of pipe

Default =PYIELD
Strength of longitudinal seams in corrugations
that are bolted, riveted, or welded may be less
than PYIELD. For seamless pipes, PSEAM =
Density of steel
Density of material

Density =0.0 lb/in

Applies only to Level 2 and 3. This value
produces the self-weight of the steel structure
in the loading schedule, (for steel, PDEN =
0.282 pci). Leave blank to ignore self-weight.
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Input Options Description
Modulus of upper
bilinear model
Modulus of upper portion
of bilinear model.
Default =0.0 psi
This value is only used when NONLIN =2. It
is the slope of the stress-strain curve after
yielding. See Figure 5.4-7.
For structural grade steel, PE2 = 0.0 is
Joint slip
J oint slip option:
=0, no joint slippage
=1, yes joint slippage
=2, yes with print trace
Default =0
This option allows the representation of
slipping joint behavior like the so-called key-
hole slot, wherein joint slippage is intended to
reduce thrust stress. Further input is required.
Material behavior
Code to select material
=1, linear stress-strain
=2, bilinear stress-
Default =2
This parameter controls the material law to be
used. The linear model only uses the modulus
PE, whereas the bilinear model uses both PE
and PE2. Recommend NONLIN =2.
Large deformation
Code to select large-
deformation and
buckling analysis:
=0, small deformation
=1, large deformation
=2, plus buckling.
IF IBUCK =0, small deformation theory and
simplified buckling equations are used. If
BUCK = 1, the pipe elements will include
large deformation theory (geometric stiffness).
In addition if IBUCK=2, an estimate of the
remaining buckling capacity will be computed
at each load step.

Proceed to line B-2

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
Figure 5.4-7 Steel-1: Bilinear stress-strain parameters

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5-69 B-2 Steel Section Properties

Section Properties

Use if Comments
A-2.PTYPE = STEEL One or more pipe groups are Steel .
A-1.XMODE = ANALYS This command is ONLY applicabl e if the Design/Anal ysi s
parameter i s set to ANALYS


Input Options Description
Area of pipe wall / unit
Area of pipe wall section
per unit length
(No default)
The cross-sectional area of one corrugation
period divided by the period length. See Table
5.4-4 and Table 5.4-5 for section properties of
standard corrugated steel shapes.
Moment of inertia of
pipe wall / unit length
Moment of inertia of pipe
wall section per unit

(No Default)
Moment of inertia of one corrugation period
divided by period length. Centroid is assumed
at mid-depth of cross section. See Table 5.4-4
and Table 5.4-5 for section properties of
standard corrugated steel shapes.
Section modulus of
pipe wall / unit length
Section modulus of pipe
wall per unit length.

(No Default)
The section modulus is equal to the moment of
inertia divided by one-half of the corrugation
depth, PI/(h/2).

If JOINT > 0, Proceed to input lines B-2b to define slotted joint parameters.

If JOINT =0 and XMODE = ANALYSIS and LRFD = 0, Part B is now complete.
Go to Part C (or return to line A-2 if more pipe groups need to be defined).

If JOINT = 0 and XMODE = ANALYSIS and LRFD = 1, Proceed to line B-3
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Table 5.4-4 Steel -1: Section Properties for Standard Steel Corrugation Sizes
Corrugation thickness -- inches
0.040 0.052 0.064 0.079 0.109 0.138 0.168
PA in
0.03800 0.05070 0.06340 0.07920 0.11090 0.14270 0.17480
1-1/2 x 1/4 PI in
0.00025 0.00034 0.00044 0.00057 0.00086 0.00121 0.00164
PS in
/in 0.00172 0.00225 0.00280 0.00347 0.00479 0.00624 0.00785
PA in
0.03880 0.05160 0.06460 0.08070 0.11300 0.14530 0.17780
2-2/3 x 1/2 PI in
0.00112 0.00150 0.00189 0.00239 0.00342 0.00453 0.00573
PS in
/in 0.00415 0.00543 0.00670 0.00826 0.01123 0.01420 0.01716
PA in
0.04450 0.05930 0.07420 0.09280 0.13000 0.16730 0.20480
3 x 1 PI in
0.00515 0.00689 0.00866 0.01088 0.01546 0.02018 0.02509
PS in
/in 0.00990 0.01310 0.01628 0.02017 0.02788 0.03547 0.04296
PA in
0.00000 0.00000 0.06620 0.82670 0.11580 0.14900 0.18220
5 x 1 PI in
0.00000 0.00000 0.00885 0.01109 0.01565 0.02032 0.02509
PS in
/in 0.00000 0.00000 0.01664 0.02056 0.02822 0.03571 0.04296

Table 5.4-5 Steel 2 Section Properties for 6x 2 Structural Plate

Thickness =Specified thickness of metal gage in inches
Corrugation size =nominal height x pitch measured in inches.
Nominal height =Inside valley to corrugation crest (i.e., actual height minus thickness)
Actual height =nominal height plus thickness
PA =Cross-sectional area per unit inch
PI =Moment of Inertia per unit inch
PS =Section modulus per unit inch (PI divided by one-half of actual height)

Corrugation thickness -- inches
0.110 0.140 0.170 0.188 0.218 0.249 0.280 0.318 0.380
PA in
0.12970 0.16690 0.20410 0.22830 0.26660 0.30420 0.34330 0.38930 0.46780
PI in
0.06041 0.07816 0.09616 0.10800 0.12691 0.14616 0.16583 0.19000 0.23200
PS in
/in 0.05726 0.07305 0.08863 0.09872 0.11444 0.12998 0.14546 0.16393 0.19496
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5-71 B-2 Steel Design Safety Factors for Working Stress

Design safety factors for working stress design.

Use if Comments
A-2.PTYPE = STEEL One or more pipe groups are Steel .
A-1.XMODE = DESIGN This command is ONLY applicabl e if the Design/Anal ysi s
parameter i s set to DESIGN
A-1.LRFD = 0 This command is onl y applicable for working stress design.


Input Options Description
Safety factor against
thrust yielding
Desired safety factor
against thrust yielding;

(Default =2.0)
Safety factor protects against excessive thrust
force causing steel material yielding of the
entire cross-section (tension or compression).
Typical PFS range is 2.0 to 3.0
Safety factor against
global buckling
Desired safety factor
against global buckling.

(Default =2.0)
Safety factor protects against excessive thrust
force causing global buckling of the pipes
walls in soil-structure system. Typical PFS
range is 2.0 to 3.0
Safety factor against
seam failure due to
thrust stress
Desired safety factor
against seam failure due
to thrust stress

(Default =2.0)
Safety factor protects against excessive thrust
force causing seam failure. For seamless pipe
this is equal to material yielding, PFS =2.0.
For structural plate, recommend PFS =3.0
Safety factor against
full plastic hinge
Desired safety factor
against full plastic hinge

(Default =3.0)
Safety factor protects against excessive plastic
hinge penetration from thrust and bending.
PFS = (100% depth)/(% allowable depth).
Thus, for 33% allowable penetration, PFS=3.0
Maximum allowable
vertical defl ection
Maximum allowable
vertical deflection

(Default =5%)
ADISP is the maximum allowable percentage
of vertical deflection with respect to the
vertical height. For pipes and pipe arches, 5%
of the vertical height is typical. For long-span
structures, 2% of total rise is typical
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Comment: The workingstress design output provides a list of corrugation sizes along with the required
metal thickness to meet the above design criteria. CANDE determines the design output by performing a
series of analyses beginning with a trial cross-section and successively modifying it after each analysis until
the specified safety factors are satisfied in an optimum manner. CANDE selects the least weight
corrugation for a final analysis and evaluation.

If JOINT > 0, Proceed to input lines B-2b to define slotted joint parameters.

If JOINT = 0 and XMODE = DESIGN and LRFD = 0, Part B is now complete.
Go to Part C (or return to line A-2 if more pipe groups need to be defined).

If JOINT = 0 and XMODE = DESIGN and LRFD = 1, Proceed to line B-2 (next)
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5-73 B-2 Steel Design Weights for LRFD

Design weights for LRFD

Design weights for LRFD limit states, typically all WLRFD =1 (default)
The specification of the WLRFD design weights has the following consequences:
WLRFD = 1.0, Standard LRFD (factored resistance = factored loads)
WLRFD > 1.0 More conservative (factored resistance > factored loads)
WLRFD < 1.0 Less conservative (factored resistance < factored loads)
WLRFD = -1.0 Exclude the corresponding design criterion

Use if Comments
A-2.PTYPE = STEEL One or more pipe groups are Steel .
A-1.XMODE = DESIGN This command is ONLY applicabl e if the Design/Anal ysi s
parameter i s set to DESIGN
A-1.LRFD = 1 This command is onl y applicable for LRFD design.


Input Options Description
Wall area fai lure due to
maximum thrust stress
Wall area failure due to
maximum thrust stress

(Default weight =1)
The design goal is to determine the corrugated
wall area so that the weighted-factored-thrust-
stress is just less than the factored-yield-
strength-resistance of steel.
Global buckling due to
thrust stress
Global buckling due to
thrust stress

(Default weight =1)
The design goal is to determine the corrugated
wall moment of inertia so that the weighted-
factored-thrust-stress is just less than the
factored-thrust-resistance for global buckling.
Seam failure due to
thrust stress
Seam failure due to thrust

(Default weight =1)
The design goal is to determine the corrugated
wall area so that the weighted-factored-thrust-
stress is just less than the factored-yield-
strength-of longitudinal seams
Cross-section failure
due to plastic
Cross-section failure due
to plastic penetration.

(Default weight =1)
The design goal is to determine the corrugated
wall moment of inertia so that the weighted-
factored-plastic-penetration due to thrust and
bending is less than the factored-complete-
plastic wall penetration. **
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Input Options Description
Service deflection limit
Service deflection limit

(Default weight =1)
The design goal is to determine the corrugated
wall moment of inertia so that the weighted-
service-load deflection is less than or equal to
the allowable deflection.

Comment: Similar to the working-stress approach, the above design weights give the designer control over
the degree of conservatism for the LRFD process. By choosing the design weights =1, CANDE will
determine the required corrugation size and thickness such that the controlling factored load nearly matches
the corresponding factored resistance. If, however, a designer desires a 25% more conservative design
solution against global buckling, the designer may specify WLRFD(2) =1.25. Alternatively, a designer
may exclude any design criterion that does not apply to the problem at hand by setting the corresponding
design weight =-1.

** Limiting the plastic penetration in corrugated metal is a newly proposed strength criterion that replaces
the ineffectual plastic moment criterion for metal box culverts

If JOINT > 0, Proceed to input lines B-2b to define slotted joint parameters.
Otherwise, proceed to line B-3 (LRFD = 1)
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5-75 B-2b Steel Joint Properties

Joint properties

Use if Comments
A-2.PTYPE = STEEL One or more pipe groups are Steel .
B-1.Steel.JOINT > 0 Only enter this command if the value for Joint Slip (JOINT)
entered on the B-1 command Is greater than 0
This command is applicable if the Design/Anal ysi s
parameter i s set to DESIGN or ANALYS.
A-1.LRFD = 0 or 1 This command is appli cable for both Service and LRFD
A-1.LEVEL = 1, 2, or 3 This command is appli cable for ALL solution l evel s.


Input Options Description
Thrust stress at initial
joint slippage
Thrust stress at initial
joint slippage.

Default =4,950 psi
The default value of 4,950 psi is based on
experimental tests and is recommended for the
keyhole slots tightened with standard bolt
torque. See Figure 5.4-8.
Thrust stress at initial
joint yielding
Thrust stress at initial
yielding of joint material

Default =33,000 psi
The default value of 33,000 psi is based on
experimental tests and is recommended for the
8 gauge steel plates or heavier. Lighter gauges
(e.g., #10 or #12) may require a lower value.
Ratio of slipping
modulus to elasti c steel
Ratio of slipping modulus
to elastic steel modulus

Default =0.0003
The slipping behavior of keyhole slots is not
perfectly plastic, but rather exhibits a slight
hardening slope =0.0003 x PE. Thus, RPES =
0.0003 is recommended. See Figure 5.4-8.
Ratio of post-slipping
modulus to elasti c steel
Ratio of post-slipping
modulus to elastic steel

Default =0.5
Post slipping behavior prior to material
yielding typically exhibits a hardening slope
less than 0.5 x PE. Thus, RPEP = 0.5 is
conservative and recommended for design.
See Figure 5.4-8.
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Input Options Description
Ratio of yielding zone
modulus to elasti c steel
Ratio of yielding zone
modulus to elastic steel
Default =0.0
When the joint thrust stress reaches yield, the
joint typically behaves perfectly plastic so that
RPEP =0.0 is recommended.
See Figure 5.4-8.
Slot travel l ength
Slot travel length

Default =1.0 in
This is the net distance the two plates can slip
relative to each other prior to slot closure. For
standard keyhole slots, a travel length of 1.0
inch is recommended.
Number of joints in thi s
pipe group
Total number of joints in
this pipe group. Max =

Default =1
This is the actual number of joints
(longitudinal seams) in the pipe-group model.
The model for Level 1 is the whole circular
pipe, whereas Level 2 is modeled using a
symmetric half shape. For Level 1, NUMJ is
the number of joints around the full
circumference. See comment for Level 2.
Vary joint travel length
Option to vary joint travel
length around the pipe
=0, same lengths
=1, different lengths
This option applies to solution levels 2 & 3.
One main utility of this option is to model
half joints. This occurs in level 2 meshes
when the axis of symmetry cuts through a joint
at the crown or invert, which produces a half-
joint with the same properties as a full joint
except the slot length is one-half its full value.

If Level = 1 and LRFD = 0, B-input data is complete.
For Level 2 & 3, complete lines B-2c and B-2d on the next page.

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
Figure 5.4-8 Steel-2 Pseudo stress-strain model for slotted joints

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5-78 B-2c Steel Joint Locations and Properties

Joint locations and properties

Use if Comments
A-2.PTYPE = STEEL One or more pipe groups are Steel .
B-1.Steel.JOINT > 0 Only enter this command if the value for Joint Slip (JOINT)
entered on the B-1 command Is greater than 0
This command is applicable if the Design/Anal ysi s
parameter i s set to DESIGN or ANALYS.
A-1.LRFD = 0 or 1 This command is appli cable for both Service and LRFD
A-1.LEVEL = 2, or 3 This command is applicable ONLY for solution levels 2 and


Input Options Description
Pipe element sequence
number for first joint
Pipe element sequence
number containing first
(No Default)
J LOC(1) =local element sequence number that
identifies the pipe element containing the first
joint. Level 2 elements are numbered
clockwise starting with no.1 at the crown
Pipe element sequence
number for second
Pipe element sequence
number containing
second joint.

(No Default)
J LOC(2) =local element sequence number that
identifies the pipe element containing the
second joint.

Pipe element sequence
number for l ast joint
Pipe element sequence
number containing last
J LOC(NUMJ ) = local element sequence
number that identifies the pipe element
containing the last joint. The format for
column data is up to 15 fields of I4 integers.

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
Comment: The above local element numbers locate where the slipping joints are located in the pipes
circumference. Consider, for example, a circular pipe with a total of four slipping joints that are located
near the crown, invert and each spring line. If we simulate this system with the Level 2 Pipe mesh, which
is a 10 element half-pipe mesh, then we would set NUMJ =3 representing the sum of one spring line joint
plus one crown half joint plus one invert half joint (mirror symmetric system).

Accordingly, we would set J LOC(1) =1 (representing crown joint), J LOC(2) =5 or 6 (representing spring
line joint) and J LOC(3) =10 (representing invert joint).

As a side note, Level 1 is not sensitive to the location of the joints only the total joint travel path, which is
NUMJ *SLOTL. For Level 1, NUMJ is the number of joints around the full circumference.

If half joints are to be modeled (JSLTLR = 1) complete line B-2d.
Otherwise input is complete unless LRFD = 1 wherein you proceed to line B-3.

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5-80 B-2d Steel Joint Locations and Properties (2)

Joint locations and properties (2)

Use if Comments
A-2.PTYPE = STEEL One or more pipe groups are Steel .
B-1.Steel.JOINT > 0 Only enter this command if the value for Joint Slip (JOINT)
entered on the B-1 command Is greater than 0
B-2b.Steel.JSLTLR = 1,
different lengths
Only enter this command if the Vary joint travel length
parameter i s equal to different lengths (1).
This command is applicable if the Design/Anal ysi s
parameter i s set to DESIGN or ANALYS.
A-1.LRFD = 0 or 1 This command is appli cable for both Service and LRFD
A-1.LEVEL = 2, or 3 This command is applicable ONLY for solution levels 2 and


Input Options Description
Ratio of joint/ standard
length # 1
Ratio of joint # 1 slot
length to standard length

(Default =1.0)
This ratio redefines the slot length of joint 1 =
SLOTLR(1) x SLOTL. This is useful for
correctly defining joints that are on lines of
symmetry whose slot length is of standard.
Ratio of joint/ standard
length # 2
Ratio of joint # 2 slot
length to standard length

(Default =1.0)
This ratio redefines the slot length of joint 2 =

Ratio of joint/ standard
length # NUMJ
Ratio of joint # NUMJ
slot length to standard

(Default =1.0)
This ratio redefines the slot length of joint
format for column data is up to 15 fields of F4
floating point numbers.
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
Comment: The above slot lengths correspond to the specific element numbers defined for each joint in line
B-2c. Following the same example defined on the previous page with NUMJ =3 for a Level 2 Pipe mesh
with joints that are located near the crown, invert and each spring line, we would set SLOTLR(1) =0.5
(representing crowns half-joint length), SLOTLR(2) =1.0 (representing the standard length spring line
joint) and SLOTLR(3) =0.5 (representing invert half-joint length).

If LRFD = 0, input is complete for Steel.
If LRFD = 1, proceed to line B-3
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5-82 B-3 Steel Resistance Factors for LRFD

Resistance factors for LRFD

Use if Comments
A-2.PTYPE = STEEL One or more pipe groups are Steel .
This command is applicable if the Design/Anal ysi s
parameter i s set to DESIGN or ANALYS.
A-1.LRFD = 1 This command is ONLY applicable for LRFD design.
A-1.LEVEL = 1, 2, or 3 This command is appli cable for ALL solution l evel s.


Input Options Description
Resistance factor for
thrust stress yi elding
Resistance factor for wall
area yielding due to thrust

(Default =1.0)
Factored thrust stress resistance =
PHI(1) x PYIELD. Choosing PFS(1) =1 is
generally recommended
Resistance factor for
global buckling
(PHI (2))
Resistance factor for
global buckling due to
thrust stress

(Default =1.0)
Factored global buckling resistance =
PHI(2) x Buckling-Capacity. Buckling
capacity is determined by large deformation
theory in CANDE if IBUCK =2. Otherwise
simplified buckling equations are used.
Resistance factor for
seam strength due to
thrust stress
(PHI (3))
Resistance factor for
Seam strength due to
thrust stress

(Default =1.0)
Factored seam strength resistance =
PHI(3) x PSEAM. For metal structures
with longitudinal seems, set PHI(3) =0.67
Resistance factor for
(PHI (4))
Resistance factor for
cross-section capacity for

(Default =0.90)
Factored cross-section capacity resistance =
PHI(4) x 100% of cross-section depth. This
criterion applies to the percentage of cross-
section that becomes plastic due to both thrust
and bending stresses.**
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Input Options Description
Al lowable defl ection at
service load
Allowable deflection at
service load

(Default =5%)
Allowable deflection is the relative vertical
deflection, typically taken as 5% of vertical
diameter or rise. For long-span structures,
allowable deflection is 2% total rise. The
criterion applies to service loading conditions,
which is approximated by reducing the
predicted displacements by the load factors.

Comment: The above resistance factors are used for both the design and analysis modes. In the analysis
mode CANDE will show the five numerical values of the above factored resistances along with the
corresponding factored responses.

In the design mode, the designer is given additional control on line B-2 to design with more or less
conservatism or turn off any of the criterion to fit the problem at hand.

** Limiting the plastic penetration in corrugated metal is a newly proposed strength criterion that replaces
the ineffectual plastic moment criterion for metal box culverts. It is suggested that designers evoke this
criterion for all metal culverts.

This completes the current B-set input for STEEL.
Go to Part C (or return to line A-2 if more pipe groups need to be defined).

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5.5 Part C- Solution Levels

This section provides input instructions for the chosen solution level. The solution level input is specified in
command A-1 (see Section 5.3.1 A-1 Master Control Input Data) with further selection for level 2 options
specified in command A-2 (see 5.3.2 A-2 Pipe Selection). Based on this input, go to one of the following

Solution Level 1
Solution Level 2 Pipe
Solution Level 2 Box
Solution Level 2 Arch
Solution Level 3

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5.5.1 Solution Level 1 C-1 Level 1 Major Input Parameters

Major input parameters

Use if Comments
A-1.LEVEL = 1 Use ONLY if the Solution Level is set to 1.


Input Options Description
Average diameter of
Average diameter of pipe

No Default
PDIA =(OD +ID)/2, average diameter from
mid wall to mid wall. This applies to all
circular pipe types in deep burial installations.
See Figure 5.5-1 as a conceptual illustration of
the boundary value problem.
Soil density of backfill
Soil density of backfill

No default
Average density of soil placed over the pipe. A
typical range of soil density is 100 to 140 pcf.
CANDE uses soil density to assign increments
of overburden pressure to the pipe-soil system.
Number of load steps
Number of soil lifts
(load steps)

Default =1
NINC permits the placement of up to 10
intermediate layers of soil up to the final soil
cover height above the crown. This, in turn,
will permit the change of soil stiffness
properties as a function of the current fill
height in line C-2.
Pipe-soil interface
Code to specify the pipe-
soil interface bonding
=0, fully bonded
(no slip)
=1, frictionless
(full slip)

Default =0
Level 1, based on the Burns and Richard
elasticity solutions, permits the selection of
two pipe-soil interface conditions. For ISLIP =
0, the interface is fully bonded so that both
normal and shear forces are transmitted across
the interface. For ISLIP =1, the interface is
frictionless so that only normal forces are
transmitted across the interface.
It is generally recommended to use ISLIP =0
to be conservative in assessing pipe distress.

Comment: Level 1 is based on the Burns and Richard elasticity solution for a deeply buried circular pipe
in an ideal homogenous soil system wherein the fill height above the crown is at least 2 pipe diameters. See
Figure 5.5-1 as a conceptual illustration of the boundary value problem. Level 1 is not appropriate for
shallow covers or simulating concentrated live loads.

Although the Burns and Richards solution is based on linear elasticity, CANDE provides a pseudo
nonlinear representation in two ways. First, the soil stiffness may change with each load step to reflect the
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
fact that soil tends to get stiffer as the overburden pressure increases. Second, CANDE uses an average of
pipe stiffness values around the pipe, which may change from load step to load step, as determined from
the nonlinear pipe-type models.

Proceed to line C-2
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
Figure 5.5-1 Level 1 Illustration of Level 1 boundary value problem

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5-88 C-2 Level 1 Fill Heights and Soil Parameters

Fill heights and soil parameters

Line C-2 (Repeat line C-2 for each load step, 1 to NINC)

Use if Comments
A-1.LEVEL = 1 Use ONLY if the Solution Level is set to 1.
C-1.L1.NINC times. Repeat this line for each l oad step (NINC).


Input Options Description
Soil height
Soil height above crown
for load step I

(No Default)
HT(I) =current soil height for which the soil
properties specified below will apply. For
subsequent entries it is required that HT(I+1) >
HT(I), and HT(NINC) =final fill height.
The incremental overburden pressure for any
load step I =SDEN x (HT(I) HT(I-1)). Thus,
the current total overburden pressure at load
step I =SDEN x HT(I)
Youngs Modulus
Youngs modulus of soil
in vicinity of pipe for
load step I

(No default)
As a general rule the Youngs modulus of soil
increases as current total overburden pressure
increases. Table 5.5-1 provides guidance for
specifying Youngs modulus dependent on soil
class, initial compaction effort, and the
overburden pressure.
Poisson s ratio
Poissons ratio of soil in
vicinity of pipe for load
step I

(No default)
See Table 5.5-1 for guidance on specifying
Poissons ratio. A typical value for all soil is

If LRFD = 0, the input for this CANDE run is complete. Enter a STOP command (see line A-1) if no
additional CANDE problems are to be included in this input file.

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
Table 5.5-1 Level 1 Conservative values for Youngs soil modulus and Poissons ratio
Soil Class
Granular Mixed Cohesive
Good Fair Good Fair Good Fair
5 1,100 550 600 400 250 150
10 1,300 750 850 550 325 200
15 1,500 850 1,000 600 375 225
20 1,650 1,000 1,100 700 375 250
25 1,800 1,100 1,200 750 400 250
30 1,900 1,150 1,250 800 400 250
40 2,100 1,300 1,350 900 400 250
50 & above 2,250 1,400 1,450 900 400 250
Poissons Ratio
(all overburden)







Example use of Table. A pipe is buried under 30 feet of fill, which is classified as a Good Mixed soil
weighing 144 lbs/ft3. If this fill height is applied in one load step, then for line C-2 we set HT(1) =30 feet
and compute the overburden as 30x144 =4320 lbs/ft2 or 30 psi. From the above table we find Youngs
modulus, SEH(1) =1,250 psi. Thus, we obtain a solution using one load step.

Alternatively if applied the fill height in three load steps, we would determine the following input values:
Step 1: HT(1) =10 feet, overburden pressure 10 psi, and SEH(1) =850 psi.
Step 2: HT(2) =20 feet, overburden pressure 20 psi, and SEH(2) =1,100 psi.
Step 3: HT(3) =30 feet, overburden pressure 30 psi, and SEH(3) =1,250 psi.

In all cases Poissons ratio remains constant for each load step SVH (I) =0.3
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5-90 C-3 Level 1 Load Factors for LRFD

Load factors for LRFD: Repeat line C-3 as needed

Use if Comments
A-1.LEVEL = 1 Use ONLY if the Solution Level is set to 1.
C-1.L1.NINC This line must be repeated until load factors for all load
steps are defined.


Input Options Description
Starting load step
Starting load step number
to apply the same load
Default =1
INCRS is the load step at which the load factor
below will be applied. The first C-3 input must
specify INCRS =1. Subsequent C-3 inputs for
INCRS, if needed, must specify INCRS =
INCRL(previous) +1.
Ending load step
Last load step number to
apply the same load
Default =INCRS
INCRL is the last load step in this sequence of
load steps that share the same load factor
specified below. When INCRL =NINC, the
input of C-3 data is complete.
LRFD load factor
LRFD load factor applied
to the load steps INCRS
through INCRL, inclusive
Default =1.00
Based on 2004 AASHTO LRFD specifications
maximum load factors for vertical earth
pressure on buried pipes are:
Rigid pipe (concrete) =1.30
Flexible pipe (corrugated metal and plastic) =
Level 1 is not suited for live load simulation.
User supplied comments
to explain load factor
Default =none
The comment, which can be up to 40
characters in length, is printed out with value
FACTOR for each load step. The purpose of
the comment is to document the rationale for
the load factor value including load modifiers,
Comment: If all load steps are assigned the same load factor, then the C-3 data need only be entered once
with INCRS =1, INCRL =NINC, and the specified FACTOR common to each increment. At the other
extreme, if each load step is assigned a different load factor (for whatever reason), then the C-3 would be
repeated NINC times. In this case, the first C-3 entry would be INCRS =1, INCRL =default, and the
specified FACTOR for the first load step. The second C-3 entry would be INCRS =2, INCRL =default,
and the specified FACTOR for the second load step, and so on through the last C-3 entry, which would be
INCRS =NINC, INCRL =default, and the specified FACTOR for the last load step.

Level 1 is only suited for load factors associated with earth loads. See Part E for a discussion on load
The input for this CANDE run is now complete.
Enter a STOP command (see line A-1)

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5.5.2 Solution Level 2 Pipe Mesh C-1 Level 2 Pipe Mesh Control Commands and Title

Control commands and ti tle

Use if Comments
A-1.LEVEL = 2 Use ONLY if the Solution Level is set to 2.
A-2.NPCAN = 1 (Pipe Mesh) Use ONLY if the Canned Mesh Code is set to 1 (Pipe


Input Options Description
Mesh pattern
Name to select mesh
pattern for soil



Level 2 Pipe Mesh provides an automatic
finite element mesh for a circular or elliptical
shaped pipe. The type of soil construction is
controlled by the choice for WORD.

For WORD =EMBA, an embankment mesh is
generated as illustrated in Figure C-Level 2-1.
The in-situ soil surface is at pipes invert and
backfill soil is placed in lifts around and above
the pipe. The fill soils lateral extent is
assumed indefinitely wide.

For WORD = TREN, a trench mesh is
generated as illustrated in Figure C-Level 2-2.
Any trench depth may be specified, measured
from the in-situ soil surface to the pipe invert.
Similarly, any trench width may be specified.
Backfill soil is placed in lifts to fill the trench
plus overfill.

For WORD = HOMO, an embankment-like
mesh is generated, similar to Figure C-Level 2-
1, except that all the soil zones (bedding, in-
situ soil, fill soil, etc.) are all assigned a
common material model. That is, the entire soil
system is one homogenous material to be
defined by the user. This produces an
idealized system similar to Level 1.
Title (TITLE)
User description of mesh
to be printed with output
TITLE is a descriptive phrase up to 68
characters that will be printed with the output
to describe the mesh options selected by the
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Input Options Description
Interface elements
A command word to add
frictional interface
elements to basic mesh:



Default =blank
(Interface element not
WORD1 provides options for including
frictional interfaces between pipe and soil or
between trench soil and in-situ soil. Default
(blank) means no interface elements are added.

For WORD1 =SLIP, the mesh is automatically
altered to include eleven interface elements at
the common nodes between the pipe and soil.
This feature allows for frictional slippage,
separation and re-bonding of the pipe-soil
interface during the loading schedule. The user
must subsequently input interface material
properties for each of the eleven interface
elements as described in Part D.

For WORD =SLPT, the trench mesh option is
automatically altered to include seven interface
elements at the common nodes between the
trench wall and in-situ soil starting from the
spring line to the top of the trench. This feature
allows the trench soil to slip along the vertical
during the backfilling loading schedule. The
user must subsequently input interface material
properties for each of the eleven interface
elements as described in Part D

Make changes to the
basic mesh
A command word to
subsequently make
changes to basic mesh:

(mesh will be

Default =blank
(No modification)
For WORD2 =MOD, the user will have the
opportunity to change the basic mesh in terms
of nodal locations, element properties and
prescribed loads. This is accomplished by
supplying additional data in lines CX-1
through CX-4 after the basic C-1 through C-4
data is complete.

Motivations for changing the basic mesh
include: add a live load(s), simulate voids or
rocks in the soil system, and to change shapes
such as the bedding. The default case (no
modifications) applies to many basic problems
without the need for modifications.

Comment: The Level 2 Pipe Mesh generates a half mesh, symmetric about the vertical centerline,
implying that all geometry and loading is mirror symmetric on both sides of the centerline. The node
numbering and element connectivity remains the same for all choices of soil mesh type (WORD). The
distinction between soil mesh types (EMBA, TREN or HOMO) is accomplished internally by assigning
different material numbers and load step numbers to the soil elements. See Figure 5.5-2 through Figure
5.5-5 for views of all mesh topologies.

Proceed to line C-2

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5-93 C-2 Level 2 Pipe Mesh Major Geometry and Loading Parameters

Major geometry and loadi ng parameters

Use if Comments
A-1.LEVEL = 2 Use ONLY if the Solution Level is set to 2.
A-2.NPCAN = 1 (Pipe Mesh) Use ONLY if the Canned Mesh Code is set to 1 (Pipe


Input Options Description
Average vertical
diameter of pipe
Average vertical diameter
of pipe

No Default
PDIA =is the average diameter from mid wall
of crown to mid wall of invert. This measure
is also used to compute % vertical deflection.
Ratio of horizontal -to-
vertical diameter
Ratio of horizontal -to-
vertical diameter:
=1.0, circle
>1.0, h-ellipse
<1.0, v-ellipse
Default =1.0
The default value, RDIA = 1.0, defines a
perfect circle with mid-depth diameter =
PDIA. The horizontal distance from mid-wall
spring line to mid-wall spring line =
RDIA*PDIA. This produces a horizontal
ellipse if RDIA > 1 or a vertical ellipse if
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Input Options Description
Height of soil cover
Height of soil cover as
measured from:

(1) Spring line for
embankment mesh, or

(2) From top of trench for
trench mesh
HTCOVR is defined differently for the
embankment mesh (WORD1 = EMBA or
HOMO) than it is for the trench mesh
For the embankment mesh, HTCOVR is the
total fill height above the spring line level of
the pipe in which the default minimum is
HTCOVR= 0.5*PDIA + 3.0*TPAC. The
default minimum coincides with the meshs
minimum uniform surface height. At the other
extreme, if HTCOVR >2.0*PDIA, the mesh
surface will be truncated at the surface height
of 2.0*PDIA and the remaining soil weight
will be automatically applied as increments of
overburden pressure for the remaining load
For the trench mesh, HTCOVR is the
additional height of over-fill soil above the top
of the trench. In this case the default minimum
=0.0 ft. On the other hand, if the combined
trench height plus over-fill height is >
2.0*PDIA, the mesh surface will be truncated
at the surface height of 2.0*PDIA and the
remaining soil weight will be applied as
increments of overburden pressure for the
remaining load steps.
Density of soi l above
truncated mesh
DENSTY of soil above
truncated mesh.

Default =0.0 pcf
When the mesh is truncated at 2*PDIA above
the spring line, the subsequent soil loading is
simulated by increments of overburden
pressure = (height-increment)*DENSTY.
Typically the user should set DENSTY =soil
density defined in Part D.

Comment: See Figure 5.5-2 through Figure 5.5-5 for view of all mesh topologies and illustration of soil
height definitions for embankment and trench meshes. When interface elements are added to the mesh see
Table 5.5-2 and Table 5.5-3 to see the changes in the nodal numbering scheme.

Proceed to line C-3

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5-95 C-3 Level 2 Pipe Mesh Control Variables

Control variables

Use if Comments
A-1.LEVEL = 2 Use ONLY if the Solution Level is set to 2.
A-2.NPCAN = 1 (Pipe Mesh) Use ONLY if the Canned Mesh Code is set to 1 (Pipe


Input Options Description
Number of load steps
Number of load steps to
be executed

=N ( any number from 1
to say 20)

=-1 (lump all loads into 1
=-N (mimic Level 1

Default =0, No load steps
Any number of load steps may be specified for
execution in a given problem. The first five
load steps include the gravity loads from the
components listed below. After load-step 5, the
soil cover height above the truncated mesh
height (2*PDIA) is applied in increments
(NINC-5) of equivalent overburden pressure.
In summary, the steps are:
(1) Pipe structure, in-situ soil and bedding.
(2) Fill soil to pipe spring-line
(3) Fill soil to pipe crown
(4) Fill soil to PDIA/4 above crown
(5) Fill soil to 2*PDIA above crown
(6-N) =steps of overburden pressure
Plot control
Control for plot files
units10 & 30
=0, No plot files
=1, Create 10
=2, Create 30
=3, Create 10 & 30
Note: For the GUI,
this value is ALWAYS
set to 3.
Unit 10 contains all the finite-element mesh
data plus all the structural responses for each
load step; it is intended as the data source for
plotting mesh configurations, deformed shapes
and contours.
Unit 30 contains the detailed pipe responses
(RESULT) at each node for each load step; it
is intended as the data source for pipe response
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Input Options Description
Response data output
Control for print of
response data to the
CANDE output file:

=0, minimal

=1, standard

=2, plus Duncan

=3, plus interface

Default =0
CANDEs output file is the primary source of
readable output showing the structural
responses at each load step.
IWRT = 0 means only the pipe responses
(RESULT) are printed, no soil-system
IWRT =1 means the pipe responses plus the
soil-system responses are printed
IWRT =2 means the standard print plus an
iteration trace of the Duncan-model soil
elements. IWRT =3 means the standard print
plus an iteration trace of the Interface soil
Mesh output (MGENPR)

Control for print of mesh
data to the CANDE
output file:
=1, control data
=2, mirror input
=3, created data
=4, maximum
Default =3
As a companion control to IWRT, MGENPR
controls the amount of mesh data written to the
CANDE output file.
MGEN =1, prints only the control information
MGEN =2, above plus node and element input
MGEN =3, above plus generated mesh data
MGEN= 4, above plus Laplace generated

Proceed to line C-4
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5-97 C-4 Level 2 Pipe Mesh Embankment/Trench Mesh Dimensions

Embankment/Trench mesh dimensions

Use if Comments
A-1.LEVEL = 2 Use ONLY if the Solution Level is set to 2.
A-2.NPCAN = 1 (Pipe Mesh) Use ONLY if the Canned Mesh Code is set to 1 (Pipe


Input Options Description
Number of backpacking
Number of backpacking

=N, choose up to
10 elements
(N =1 to 10)

This feature onl y
applies for the
embankment mesh

Default =0
Backpacking is a soft material like polystyrene
foam placed over the pipes periphery, starting
at the crown, to induce positive soil arching.

If N =1, then first soil element immediately
above the crown (an 18 degree segment on
either side of crown) will be assigned to
backpacking material instead of fill soil.
Similarly if N=2, then two sequential elements
will be assigned backpacking properties, and
so on until N =10 which means a complete
backpacking ring surrounds the pipe.

Default implies no backpacking will be used.
Thickness of
Thickness of backpacking

This feature onl y
applies for the
embankment mesh
(WORD = EMBA) and

Default =PDIA/12 inches
All NUMPEL backpacking elements will be
assigned the same thickness. Minimum
thickness is TPAC =PDIA/16 and maximum
thickness is TPAC =3*PDIA/16.

Trench depth
Trench depth

This entry onl y
applies to the trench
mesh (WORD =

Default =PDIA/4 feet
The trench depth, specified in feet, is the
distance from the pipe invert to the trench
surface. The trench depth is automatically
scaled up to the nearest quarter diameter depth.
Thus, the actual mesh trench depths are 0.25,
0.50. 0.75, 1.00, 1.25 times the diameter. For
trench depths above 1.25 diameters, the
additional trench fill soil (material zone 4) is
modeled as equivalent overburden pressure
applied to the truncated mesh.
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Input Options Description
Trench width
Trench width

This entry onl y
applies to the trench
mesh (WORD =

Default =none
The trench width is specified in feet from
trench wall to trench wall. The minimum
allowable width is1.25 times horizontal
diameter and the maximum is 1.50 times the
horizontal diameter.

If WORD2 = MOD, Proceed to Level 2 Extended (CX lines)
Otherwise go to Part D for soil material definitions.
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
Figure 5.5-2 Level 2-Pipe-Embankment/Homogeneous mesh with load steps and materials

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
Figure 5.5-3 Level 2-Pipe-Trench mesh with load steps and material zones

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
Figure 5.5-4 Element numbering scheme for Level 2 pipe mesh (CAN1)

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Figure 5.5-5 Nodal numbering scheme for Level 2 Pipe Mesh, (embankment and trench)

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Table 5.5-2 Pipe Level 2 Node renumbering scheme for inserting eleven pipe-soil interface
elements around the pipe


Pipe & Soil


Pipe & Soil
1 1 50 62
2 2 51 63
. . . .
. . . .
37 37 55 67
38 38, 40, 39 56 68, 70, 69
39 41, 43, 42 57 71, 73, 72
40 44, 46, 45 58 74, 76, 75
41 47, 49, 49 59 77, 79, 78
42 50, 52, 51 60 80, 82, 81
43 53 61 83
44 54 62 84
. . . .
. . . .
48 58 . .

49 59, 61, 60 110 132

(1) Instead of one node at the pipe-soil interface locations, three nodes are defined at the
same location to from the interface element. For every node triplet above (a, b, c),
a =pipe node IX(1)
b =soil node IX(2)
c =free node IX(3)

(2) The eleven interface elements are numbered 97 through 107, beginning at the invert
and continuing counterclockwise to the crown.

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
Table 5.5-3 Pipe Level 2 Node renumbering scheme for inserting seven pipe-soil interface
elements along the trench wall


Trench Wall Slip


Trench Wall Slip
1 1 89 97
2 2 90 98,100,99
. . 91 101
50 50 . .
51 51,53,52 97 107
52 54 98 108,110,109
. . 99 111
61 63 . .
62 64,66,65 105 117
63 67 106 118,120,119
. . 107 121
70 74 108 122
71 75,77,76 109 123
72 78 110 124
. . .
81 87
82 88,90,89
83 91

(1) Instead of one node at the trench wall interface, three nodes are defined at seven
locations on the trench wall to form seven interface elements. For every node triplet
above (a, b, c),
a =pipe node IX(1)
b =soil node IX(2)
c =free node IX(3)

(2) The seven interface elements are numbered 97 through 103, beginning near the trench
bottom and increasing to the trench top.

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5.5.3 Solution Level 2 Box Mesh C-1 Level 2 Box Mesh Control Commands and Title
Control commands and ti tle

Use if Comments
A-1.LEVEL = 2 Use ONLY if the Solution Level is set to 2.
A-2.NPCAN = 2 (Box Mesh) Use ONLY if the Canned Mesh Code is set to 2 (Box


Input Options Description
Mesh Pattern
Name to select mesh
pattern for soil



Level 2 Box Mesh provides an automatic
finite element mesh for a rectangular shaped
culvert. The type of soil construction is
controlled by the choice for WORD.

For WORD =EMBA, an embankment mesh is
generated as illustrated in Figure 5.5-6. The in-
situ soil surface is at pipes invert and backfill
soil is placed in lifts along side and above the
culvert. The fill soils lateral extent is assumed
indefinitely wide.

For WORD = TREN, a trench mesh is
generated as illustrated in Figure 5.5-7. Any
trench depth may be specified, measured from
the in-situ soil surface to the box invert.
Similarly, any trench width may be specified.
Backfill soil is placed in lifts to fill the trench
plus overfill.
User description of mesh
printed with output
TITLE is a descriptive phrase up to 68
characters that will be printed with the output
to describe the mesh options selected by the
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Input Options Description
Make changes to the
basic mesh
A command word to
subsequently make
changes to basic mesh:

(mesh will be

Default =blank
(No modification)
For WORD1 =MOD, the user will have the
opportunity to change the basic mesh in terms
of nodal locations, element properties and
prescribed loads. This is accomplished by
supplying additional data in lines CX-1
through CX-4 after the basic C-1 through C-4
data is complete.

Motivations for changing the basic mesh
include: add live load(s), simulate voids or
rocks in the soil system, and to change shapes
such as the bedding. The default case (no
modifications) applies to many basic problems.

Comment: The Level 2 Box Mesh generates a half mesh, symmetric about the vertical centerline,
implying that all geometry and loading is mirror symmetric on both sides of the centerline.

Proceed to Line C-2.

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5-107 C-2 Level 2 Box Mesh Control Variables/Installation Dimensions
Control variables/installation dimensions

Use if Comments
A-1.LEVEL = 2 Use ONLY if the Solution Level is set to 2.
A-2.NPCAN = 2 (Box Mesh) Use ONLY if the Canned Mesh Code is set to 2 (Box


Input Options Description
Plot control
Control for plot files
units10 & 30
=0, No plot files
=1, Create 10
=2, Create 30
=3, Create 10 & 30
Note: For the GUI,
this value is ALWAYS
set to 3.
Unit 10 contains all the finite-element mesh
data plus all the structural responses for each
load step; it is intended as the data source for
plotting mesh configurations, deformed shapes
and contours.
Unit 30 contains the detailed pipe responses
(RESULT) at each node for each load step; it
is intended as the data source for pipe response
Response data output
Control for print of
response data to the
CANDE output file:
=0, minimal

=1, standard

=2, plus Duncan

=3, plus interface
CANDEs output file is the primary source of
readable output showing the structural
responses at each load step.
IWRT = 0 means only the pipe responses
(RESULT) are printed, no soil-system
IWRT =1 means the pipe responses plus the
soil-system responses are printed
IWRT =2 means the standard print plus an
iteration trace of the Duncan-model soil
elements. IWRT =3 means the standard print
plus an iteration trace of the Interface soil
Mesh output
Control for print of mesh
data to the CANDE
output file:
=1, control data
=2, mirror input
=3, created data
=4, maximum
Default =3
As a companion control to IWRT, MGENPR
controls the amount of mesh data written to the
CANDE output file.
MGEN =1, prints only the control information
MGEN =2, above plus node and element input
MGEN =3, above plus generated mesh data
MGEN= 4, above plus Laplace generated
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Input Options Description
Number of load steps
Number of load steps to
be executed

=N (any positive

=-1 (signal to lump
all loads into one

Default =0, No load steps
are processed.
Any number load steps may be specified for
execution in a given problem. The first nine
load steps include the gravity loads from the
components listed below followed by
increments of overburden pressure for soil
height increments above 3*R2.

In summary the load steps are:
(1) Box structure, in-situ soil and bedding.
(2) Fill soil to 1/3 of box rise
(3) Fill soil to 2/3 of box rise
(4) Fill soil to level of box height
(5-9) Cover soil increments up to 3*R2
(10-N) Increments of overburden pressure
One half of horizontal
One half of horizontal

Default =none
R1 is the box dimension in the horizontal
direction from the centerline of the box to the
mid-depth of the sidewall. See Figure 5.5-6.
One half of vertical rise
One half of vertical rise

Default =none
R2 is the one-half the vertical distance from
the mid-depth of the bottom slab to mid-depth
of the top slab. See Figure 5.5-6.
Height of soil cover
above box.
Height of soil cover
above box.

Default =none
HTCOVR is the actual height of soil placed on
top of the box; it is defined the same for trench
and embankment installations. If HTCOVR is
specified greater than 3*R2, the meshs top
boundary is truncated at 3*R2 and the
remaining fill soil is placed in equivalent
increments of overburden pressure.
Density of soi l above
truncated mesh
Density of soil above
truncated mesh.

Default =0.0 pcf
When the soil mesh is truncated at 3*R2 above
the box surface, the subsequent soil loading is
simulated by increments of overburden
pressure = (height-increment)*DENSTY.
Typically the user should set DENSTY =soil
density in Part D.
Trench Gap
Trench gap

Note: This is only
required if the Mesh
Pattern (WORD) =

Default =none
This entry only applies to the trench mesh
(WORD =TREN). TRWID is the distance in
feet from mid-depth of the boxs sidewall to
trench wall. The minimum allowable gap
width is 0.1*R1. If TRWID is greater than
4.0*R1 the trench installation becomes an
embankment installation.
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Input Options Description
Bedding depth
Bedding depth

Default =12 inch
This entry applies to both the embankment and
trench mesh. BDEPTH is the thickness of the
bedding placed uniformly beneath the bottom
slab and extending 0.25*R1 beyond the

If WORD1 = MOD, Proceed to Level 2 Extended (CX lines)
Otherwise go to Part D for soil material definitions.

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
Figure 5.5-6 Level 2 Box Embankment mesh configuration for box with load steps and material

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Figure 5.5-7 Level 2 Box Trench mesh configuration for box with construction increments and
material zones

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Figure 5.5-8 Level 2 Box Element numbering scheme for box mesh for embankment and trench

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
Figure 5.5-9 Level 2 Box Nodal numbering scheme for box mesh for embankment and trench

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5.5.4 Solution Level 2 Arch Mesh C-1 Level 2 Arch Mesh Control Commands and Title
Control commands and ti tle

Use if Comments
A-1.LEVEL = 2 Use ONLY if the Solution Level is set to 2.
A-2.NPCAN = 3 (Arch Mesh) Use ONLY if the Canned Mesh Code is set to 3 ( Arch


Input Options Description
Mesh Pattern
Name to select mesh
pattern for soil



Level 2 Arch Mesh provides an automatic
finite element mesh for arch-shaped or 3-sided
box culverts. Shapes are defined with 2 or 3
curved (or straight) segments defining half of
the symmetrical arch or box. The type of soil
construction is controlled by the choice for

For WORD =EMBA, an embankment mesh is
generated as illustrated in Figure 5.5-10. The
in-situ soil surface is level with arch footing
and backfill soil is placed in lifts around and
above the arch. The fill soils lateral extent is
assumed indefinitely wide.

For WORD = TREN, a trench mesh is
generated as illustrated in Figure 5.5-11. Any
trench depth may be specified, measured from
the in-situ soil surface to the arch footing.
Similarly, any trench width may be specified.
Backfill soil is placed in lifts to fill the trench
plus overfill.

For WORD = HOMO, an embankment-like
mesh is generated, similar to the embankment
mesh, except that all the soil zones (footing,
fill soil, etc.) are all assigned a common
material model. That is, the entire soil system
is one homogenous material to be defined by
the user.
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Input Options Description
User description of mesh
to be printed with output
TITLE is a descriptive phrase up to 68
characters that will be printed with the output
to describe the mesh options selected by the
Make changes to the
basic mesh
A command word to
subsequently make
changes to basic mesh:

(mesh will be

Default =blank
(No modification)
For WORD2 =MOD, the user will have the
opportunity to change the basic mesh in terms
of nodal locations, element properties and
prescribed loads. This is accomplished by
supplying additional data in lines CX-1
through CX-4 after the basic C-1 through C-4
data is complete.

Motivations for changing the basic mesh
include: add a live load(s), simulate voids or
rocks in the soil system, and to change shapes
such as the bedding. The default case (no
modifications) applies to many basic problems
without the need for modifications.

Comments: Like all Level 2 options, the arch mesh is assumed symmetrical about the vertical centerline so
that only one half of the system is modeled with finite elements. The automated subroutine generates all
nodal points and elements to define the arch, in-situ soil, footing, backfill soil and interface elements
between the arch and backfill soil.

The number of elements used to define the soil over the arch is dependent on the specified soil cover height
above the crown. A maximum number of elements (269 total) are used for soil cover heights greater or
equal to the arch rise. For cover heights greater than 1.5 times the arch rise, the mesh surface is truncated at
this level and equivalent increments of overburden pressure are applied to account for the remaining cover
height, if any.

Interface elements are always generated with the arch mesh so that the user must define the interface
properties in Part D. There are 19 interface elements starting at the crown node and proceeding clockwise
around the arch to node 19, the second to the last node before the connection to the footing. The last arch
node, number 20, connected to the footing is not assigned an interface element since relative slippage is
restrained by the footing. To simulate a fully bonded condition between the arch and backfill soil, the user
may prescribe arbitrarily large values for the coefficient of friction and tensile breaking force in Part D or
assign frictional properties as desired. See Table 5.5-4 and Table 5.5-5 for a listing of interface elements.

Proceed to line C-2
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5-116 C-2 Level 2 Arch Mesh Plot and Print Control
Plot and print control

Use if Comments
A-1.LEVEL = 2 Use ONLY if the Solution Level is set to 2.
A-2.NPCAN = 3 (Arch Mesh) Use ONLY if the Canned Mesh Code is set to 3 ( Arch


Input Options Description
Plot control
Control for plot files
units10 & 30
=0, No plot files
=1, Create 10
=2, Create 30
=3, Create 10 & 30
Note: For the GUI,
this value is ALWAYS
set to 3.
Unit 10 contains all the finite-element mesh
data plus all the structural responses for each
load step; it is intended as the data source for
plotting mesh configurations, deformed shapes
and contours.
Unit 30 contains the detailed pipe responses
(RESULT) at each node for each load step; it
is intended as the data source for pipe response
Response data output
Control for print of
response data to the
CANDE analysis output

=0, minimal

=1, standard

=2, plus Duncan

=3, plus interface
The CANDE output file is the primary source
of readable output showing the structural
responses at each load step.
IWRT = 0 means only the pipe responses
(RESULT) are printed, no soil-system
IWRT =1 means the pipe responses plus the
soil-system responses are printed
IWRT =2 means the standard print plus an
iteration trace of the Duncan-model soil
elements. IWRT =3 means the standard print
plus an iteration trace of the Interface soil
Mesh output
Control for print of mesh
data to the CANDE
output file:
=1, control data
=2, mirror input
=3, created data
=4, maximum
Default =3
As a companion control to IWRT, MGENPR
controls the amount of mesh data written to the
CANDE output file.
MGEN =1, prints only the control information
MGEN =2, above plus node and element input
MGEN =3, above plus generated mesh data
MGEN =4, above plus Laplace generated
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Input Options Description
Number of load steps
Combination of load
steps to be executed:
=1, all loads applied in
step 1.
=2, apply load 1 then
all others lumped in
step 2.
=N, apply loads 1 to
N-1, all others
lumped in step N.

Default =0, No steps
Up to 20 load steps may be specified to
simulate placement of soil around and above
the arch. The first eleven load steps include the
gravity loads from the elements listed below
followed by load steps of equivalent
overburden pressure if needed:

(1) Arch structure, in-situ soil and bedding.
(2-3) Fill soil lifts to spring line
(4) Fill soil lift above spring line (sloped)
(5-6) Top-loading layers on arch only
(7-11) Cover soil layers up to 1.5 times rise
(12-N) Increments of overburden pressure
Height of soil cover
above crown of arch
Height of soil cover
above crown of arch.

Default =none
HTCOVR is the actual height of soil placed on
top of the arch; it is the distance from the arch
crown to the fill soil surface. If HTCOVR is
specified greater than 1.5 times the arch rise
(RISE), the meshs top boundary is truncated
at this level and the remaining fill soil is placed
in equivalent increments of overburden
Density of soi l above
truncated arch
Density of soil above
truncated mesh.

Default =0.0 pcf
When the soil mesh is truncated at 1.5*RISE
above the arch crown, the subsequent soil
loading is simulated by increments of
overburden pressure = (height-
increment)*DENSTY. Typically the user
should set DENSTY =soil density in Part D.
Trench depth
Trench depth

This value is ONLY
input for trench mesh

Default =none
This entry only applies to the trench mesh
(WORD =TREN). The trench depth, specified
in feet, is the distance from the arch footing to
the trench surface. The trench depth is
automatically scaled up to the nearest
horizontal mesh-grid line, approximately
spaced at intervals the arch rise. The
maximum trench depth allowed is the
minimum of 2.5 times arch rise or the arch rise
plus HTCOVR.
Trench width
Trench gap at footing
This value is ONLY
input for trench mesh

Default =none
This entry only applies to the trench mesh
(WORD =TREN). TRNWID is the horizontal
distance in feet from the arch leg at the footing
level to the trench wall. The minimum
allowable gap width is 0.15 times the arch
span. The maximum allowable trench gap is
0.5 times the arch span.
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Input Options Description
Slope of trench wall
Slope of trench wall
This value is ONLY
input for trench mesh

Default =0.0
This entry only applies to the trench mesh
(WORD =TREN). TRNSLP is the slope of the
trench wall measured as horizontal-run divided
by vertical rise. Thus for a perfectly vertical
trench wall, TRNSLP = 0.0. The maximum
allowable slope is 1.0 (45% wall angle from

Comment: Figure 5.5-10 and Figure 5.5-11 show the mesh topology, material zones and construction
increments for the embankment and trench installations, respectively.

Proceed to line C-3

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5-119 C-3 Level 2 Arch Mesh Arch and Footing Dimensions
Arch and footing dimensi ons

Use if Comments
A-1.LEVEL = 2 Use ONLY if the Solution Level is set to 2.
A-2.NPCAN = 3 (Arch Mesh) Use ONLY if the Canned Mesh Code is set to 3 ( Arch


Input Options Description
Total rise of arch
Total rise of arch

Default =none
RISE is the vertical distance in inches from the
footing level to the crown location. This
applies to all arch shapes (including 2- and 3-
segment arches with curved or straight line
One-half of arch span
at footing level
One-half of arch span at
footing level
Default =none
HFSPAN is the horizontal distance in inches
from the arch centerline to the arch leg
connection at the footing. This applies to all
arch shapes.
Verti cal rise of side
Vertical rise of side
segment. (3

Default =0.0
A non-zero entry means a 3-segment arch will
be generated wherein SDRISE = vertical
distance from the footing to the junction point
of the side (3
) segment with the corner (2
If SDRISE =0.0, a 2-segment arch will be
See Figure 5.5-10 through Figure 5.5-13.
Footing depth
Footing depth (thickness)

Default =none
The footing depth is the vertical thickness of
concrete slab supporting the arch leg. In order
to control the aspect ratio of the footing
elements, the minimum and maximum values
FTDEP(minimum) =0.05*RISE
FTDEP(maximum) =0.30*RISE
Outside footing width
Outside footing width

Default =none
FTWIDO is the horizontal length that the
footing extends beyond the arch connection
point on the exterior side. In order to control
the aspect ratio of the mesh elements, the
minimum and maximum values are:
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Input Options Description
Inside footing width
Inside footing width

Default =none
FTWIDI is the horizontal footing length on the
interior side of the arch connection point.
(Note, FTWIDO + FTWIDI = total footing
In order to control the aspect ratio of the mesh:
FTWIDI (minimum) =0.1*(HFSPAN)
FTWIDI (maximum) =0.5*(HFSPAN)
Spacing factor for
mesh grid around arch
Spacing factor for mesh
grid around arch.
(Range 1.0 to 1.3)

Default =1.0
This factor controls the proportional sizing of
elements around the arch to achieve a more
optimal grid pattern in terms of element shapes
and aspect ratios. This feature is problem
dependent and should be used in a trial and
error fashion with graphical output of mesh
In general use SPCFAC =1.0

Comment:. Figure 5.5-13 through Figure 5.5-17 show the element and nodal numbering of the entire arch
mesh as well as magnified views in the vicinity of the arch. Table 5.5-4 shows additional nodes and
elements that are added as a function of cover height. Finally, Table 5.5-5 identifies the nodes of the
interface elements and Table 5.5-6 identifies interface element re-numbering as a function of cover height.

Proceed to Line C-4

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5-121 C-4 Level 2 Arch Mesh Arch and Footing Dimensions
Arch segments and angles

Use if Comments
A-1.LEVEL = 2 Use ONLY if the Solution Level is set to 2.
A-2.NPCAN = 3 (Arch Mesh) Use ONLY if the Canned Mesh Code is set to 3 ( Arch


Input Options Description
Radius of top arc
(segment 1)
Radius of top arc
(arc segment 1)

Default =0.0
(straight line)
If R1 >0, R1 is taken as the radius of the top
arc segment also called the 1
If R1 =0, the top segment is defined as a
straight line. See Figures C-Level 2-Arch-
Angl e for R1 segment
Angle for R1 segment

Default =none
If R1 >0, THETA1 is the included angle of the
top arc measured from vertical centerline to the
junction point with 2
If R1 =0, THETA1 is the counter-clockwise
angle from the horizontal to the straight-line
segment #1, shown negative in figure.
Radius of 2nd segment
Radius of 2

Default =0.0
(straight line)
If R2 >0, R2 is taken as the radius of the
corner arc segment also called the 2
If R2 =0, the 2nd segment is defined as a
straight line.
See Figure 5.5-10 through Figure 5.5-13.
Angl e for R2 segment
Angle for R2 segment

Default =none
If R2 >0, THETA2 is the included angle of the
corner arc measured from the junction point of
segments 1 and 2 to the end of segment 2.
If R2 =0, THETA2 is the counter-clockwise
angle from the horizontal axis to the straight-
line segment # 2 (usually more than 90
Radius of 3rd segment
Radius of 3
This value is ONLY
input for 3 segment
arches (SDRISE>0).

Default =0.0
(straight line)
R3 only applies to 3-segment arch,
(SDRIZE>0). If R3 >0, R3 is taken as the
radius of the side arc segment also called the
3rd segment.
If R3 =0, the 3rd segment is defined as a
straight line.
See Figure 5.5-12 and Figure 5.5-13.
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Input Options Description
Angl e for R3 segment
Angle for R3 segment
This value is ONLY
input for 3 segment
arches (SDRISE>0).

Default =blank
This only applies to 3-segment arch,
If R3 >0, THETA3 is the included angle of the
side arc measured from the junction point of
segments 2 and 3 to the end of segment 3.
If R3 =0, THETA3 is the counter-clockwise
angle from the horizontal axis to the straight-
line segment #3 (usually at least 90 degrees)
Base angle of R3
Base angle of R3 segment
This value is ONLY
input for 3 segment
arches (SDRISE>0).

Default =blank
This only applies to 3-segment arch
(SDRIZE>0) and curved segments (R3 >0).
THETA4 is the base angle defined by the line
perpendicular to the end of the 3
segment and
the horizontal footing line. THETA4 may be
positive or negative wherein the positive
direction is measured counter clockwise from
the horizontal. (Note THETA4 is negative for a
re-entrant arch such as shown in the figures.)
Nodes assigned to
segment 1
Nodes assigned to
segment #1 (top segment)

Default =10
(3-segment arch)

Default =13
(2-segment arch)
The automated Arch Mesh uses a total of 20
Nodes to define all arch shapes and sizes.
Node 1 is located at the crown and node
numbering proceeds clockwise around the arch
with Node 20 assigned to the footing
connection. The Arch Mesh assigns 10 or 13
nodes (default values) to the first arc segment
depending on whether it is a 3-segment or 2-
segment arch, respectively. NTN allows the
user to prescribe a better distribution of nodes
to the top arch to fit the problem at hand. In
general the goal is to define the distribution of
the nodes between the segments to achieve
equal uniform lengths between all nodes.
Nodes assigned to
segment 2 plus
segment 1
Nodes assigned to
segment #2 plus segment
#1 (top and corner
This value is ONLY
input for 3 segment
arches (SDRISE>0).

Default =16
(3-segment arch)

Default =blank
(2-segment arch)
NCN only applies to 3-segment arch,
(SDRIZE>0). (Note, the nodal assignment for
2-segment arch is already complete, that is,
segment 1 =NTN nodes and segment 2 =20-
NTN nodes). The Arch Mesh assigns NCN
=16 nodes (default value) to the first and
second arc segments, which means segment 2
is assigned NCN-NTN nodes beyond the
common node. NCN allows the user to
prescribe a better distribution of nodes to the
corner arch segment in order to fit the problem
at hand with uniform lengths between nodes.
The remaining number of nodes assigned to
the 3
segment is 20-NCN beyond the
common node.
If WORD2 = MOD, Proceed to Level 2 Extended (CX lines)
Otherwise proceed to Part D

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
Figure 5.5-10 Level 2 Arch Embankment mesh configuration for Arch with load steps and
material zones

Figure 5.5-11 Level 2 Arch Trench mesh configuration for Arch showing load steps and material

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
Figure 5.5-12 - Level 2 Arch - Illustration of parameters for 3-segment and 2-segment arch with
curved segments

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
Figure 5.5-13 Level 2 Arch Illustration of parameters for 3-segment and 2-segment arch with
straight segments

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
Figure 5.5-14 Level 2 Arch Element numbering for Arch Mesh for all Arch configurations at
maximum fill height, total view

Figure 5.5-15 Level 2 Arch Element numbering scheme for Arch Mesh for all arch configurations
at maximum fill height, enlarged portion

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Figure 5.5-16 Level 2 Arch Nodal numbering scheme for Arch Mesh for all arch configurations at
maximum fill height, total view

Figure 5.5-17 Level 2 Arch Nodal numbering scheme for Arch Mesh for basic arch
configurations, enlarged portion.

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
Table 5.5-4 Level 2 Arch Values for the basic arch parameters as a function of height cover

Basic values vs. Height of Cover
(Range of HTCOVR)

0.4 (rise)
0.1 (rise)
0.7 (rise)
>0.4 (rise)
1.0 (rise)
>0.7 (rise)
1.5 (rise)

>1.0 (rise)
Basic no. load




Total nodes
244 265 286 307
Total elements
209 229 249 269
Basic no.





(1) For HTCOVR >1.5 (rise) the mesh is truncated at 1.5 (rise) above crown and the
remaining soil weigh is added in increments of overburden pressure. The number of
increments employed to place overburden pressure =NINC-11.
(2) The total number of load steps. NINC, is user specified where: 1 NINC 20.
(3) Increments of overburden pressure increase the total number of boundary conditions
to the sum of the basic number plus 21 * (NINC-11).

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
Table 5.5-5 Level 2 Arch Identification of arch and soil nodes that are tied together by interface

Identification of interface element nodal connectivity

Number of
Nodes from


Number of
Nodes from

1 198,200,199 11 132,143,133
2 194,196,195 12 130,144,131
3 190,192,191 13 128,145,129
4 167,169,168 14 118,120,119
5 164,166,165 15 115,117,116
5 164,166,165 15 115,117,116
6 161,163,162 16 109,111,110
7 158,160,159 17 103,105,104
8 138,140,139 18 97,99,98
9 136,141,137 19 91,93,92
10 134,142,135 20 (2)

(1) Three nodes define the pipe-soil interface at each pipe node around the arch. For every
node triplet above (a, b, c),
a =pipe node IX(1)
b =soil node IX(2)
c =free node IX(3)
(2) Note that position #20, the arch connection into the footing, is not assigned an interface

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
Table 5.5-6- Level 2 Arch Identification of element numbers for interface elements as a function of
cover height.

Interface Element Numbers

See Table 5.5-4 for KCOVER definition
Number of
Nodes from





1 191 211 231 251
2 192 212 232 252
3 193 213 233 253
4 194 214 234 254
5 195 215 235 255

6 196 216 236 256
7 197 217 237 257
8 198 218 238 258
9 199 219 239 259
10 200 220 240 260

11 201 221 241 261
12 202 222 242 262
13 203 223 243 263
14 204 224 244 264
15 205 225 245 265

16 206 226 246 266
17 207 227 247 267
18 208 228 248 268
19 209 229 249 269
20 . . .
Note: KCOVER is an integer code representing certain ranges of fill height as defined in Table

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5.5.5 Extended Level 2 CX-1 Level 2 Extended Nodes, Elements and Boundary Condition Changes
Nodes, elements and boundary condition changes

Extended Level 2 allows selective modifications to any Level 2 mesh configurations in order to specify
changes in nodal coordinates, changes in element properties, and changes in loading conditions. To
effectively use this feature, the user must refer to the relevant Level 2 mesh configuration, which are shown
in previous figures, to identify nodes, elements and/or boundary conditions to be changed. Data for
Extended Level 2 may only be input if the control word MOD was specified on command C-1
Use if Comments
A-1.LEVEL = 2 Use ONLY if the Solution Level is set to 2.
(All three mesh options
Pipe, Box or Arch)

Use ONLY if the Make changes to the basic mesh
parameter i s set to MOD.


Input Options Description
Number of nodes to be
changed with new
Number of nodes to be
changed with new

Default =0
Any number of nodes may be chosen to
specify new x and y coordinates. Example
reasons to change coordinates include
modeling variations in the culvert shape
(perhaps an imperfection), changing the
dimensions of the bedding or footing elements,
or altering the location of a live load on the soil
surface. Nodes to be changed are defined on
line CX-2, which is repeated NEWXY times.
Number of el ements to
be changed with new
Number of elements to be
changed with new

Default =0
Any number of elements may be chosen to
specify new element properties. Example
motivations to change element properties
include changing the load step number and/or
changing the material properties of an element
or group of elements. Elements to be changed
are defined on line CX-3, which is repeated
NEWEL times.
Number of new
conditions to be added
Number of new
conditions to be added

Default =0
Any number of new boundary conditions may
be added into the loading schedule. The
standard Level 2 loading is limited to gravity
loads and uniform surface pressure loads. A
prime reason for the NEWBD parameter is to
permit the user is to add live loads into the
loading schedule at any desired location and
load step. Loading conditions to be added are
defined on line CX-4, which is repeated
NEWBD times.
Proceed to line CX-2
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5-132 CX-2 Level 2 Extended Nodal Point Number and Changed Coordinates
Nodal point number and changed coordinates

Use if Comments
A-1.LEVEL = 2 Use ONLY if the Solution Level is set to 2.
(All three mesh options
Pipe, Box or Arch)

Use ONLY if the Make changes to the basic mesh
parameter i s set to MOD.
CX-1.NEWXY > 0
Repeat this command for each node that i s to be changed
with new coordinates. Ski p if NEWXY = 0


Input Options Description
Node number
(I5, 5X)
Node whose coordinates
are to be changed

Default =none
NP is a node number in one of the automated
Level 2 canned meshes that is to be redefined
here with new coordinates. The user should
identify NP by referring to the figures and
charts associated with particular Level 2 mesh
configuration that is being revised.
X-coordinate location of
node NP

Default =none
XCOORD is the x-coordinate value for the
node number NP (new or old position). Note
that the automatic mesh checking routines in
CANDE are by-passed in extended level 2
operations. Therefore, the user must exercise
diligence in assigning new coordinates to avoid
producing elements that are badly shaped or
inside out.
Y-coordinate location of
node NP

Default =none
YCOORD is the y-coordinate value for the
node number NP (new or old position). Note
that the automatic mesh checking routines in
CANDE are by-passed in extended level 2
operations. Therefore, the user must exercise
diligence in assigning new coordinates to avoid
producing elements that are badly shaped or
inside out.

Comment: The altered node coordinates are recorded in the CANDE output report under the heading Level
2 Extended, after the unaltered canned mesh nodes are printed.

Proceed to line CX-3.

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5-133 CX-3 Level 2 Extended Element Number and Property Array
Element number and property array

Use if Comments
A-1.LEVEL = 2 Use ONLY if the Solution Level is set to 2.
(All three mesh options
Pipe, Box or Arch)

Use ONLY if the Make changes to the basic mesh
parameter i s set to MOD.
CX-1.NEWEL > 0
Repeat this command for each element that i s to be
changed with new properties. Skip if NEWEL = 0.


Input Options Description
Modified element
Element whose properties
are to be changed

Default =none
NE is an element number from an automated
Level 2 canned mesh whose property array
(integer codes) is to be redefined. Of the six
property array integers, the first four are the
nodal connectivity, which are rarely revised.
The last two property array integers, the
material ID number and the load step number
are well suited for revision.
Node I
Node I of NEs

Default =blank
(no change)
There is little motivation for the user to change
the nodal connectivity array of any element.
Nonetheless, the option is provided here for
expert users wishing to use this option in
special circumstances. In general leave this
entry blank.
Node J
Node J of NEs

Default =blank
(no change)
There is little motivation for the user to change
the nodal connectivity array of any element.
Nonetheless, the option is provided here for
expert users wishing to use this option in
special circumstances. In general leave this
entry blank.
Node K
Node K of NEs

Default =blank
(no change)
There is little motivation for the user to change
the nodal connectivity array of any element.
Nonetheless, the option is provided here for
expert users wishing to use this option in
special circumstances. In general leave this
entry blank.
Node L
Node L of NEs

Default =blank
(no change)
There is little motivation for the user to change
the nodal connectivity array of any element.
Nonetheless, the option is provided here for
expert users wishing to use this option in
special circumstances. In general leave this
entry blank.
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Input Options Description
New material ID number

Default =blank
(no change)
The material identification number for soil
elements may be changed by setting NP(5)
equal to any material ID number subsequently
defined in Part D. To retain the material ID
number assigned in Level 2, leave this entry
Load step
New load step number
Default =blank
(no change)
The load step number (or load step number) of
any element may be changed by setting NP(6)
equal to the new desired load step number. To
retain the original load step, leave blank

Comment: The altered element properties are recorded in the CANDE output report under the heading
Level 2 Extended, after the unaltered canned mesh element properties are printed.

Proceed to line CX-4
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5-135 CX-4 Level 2 Extended Nodal Loads and/or Displacements to be applied
Nodal loads or displ acements to be appli ed

Use if Comments
A-1.LEVEL = 2 Use ONLY if the Solution Level is set to 2.
(All three mesh options
Pipe, Box or Arch)

Use ONLY if the Make changes to the basic mesh
parameter i s set to MOD.
CX-1.NEWBD > 0
Repeat this command for each element that i s to be
changed with new properties. Skip if NEWBD = 0.


Input Options Description
Node where new
loads/displacements are
to be applied

Default =none
NU is a node number from an automated Level
2 canned mesh whose boundary condition in
terms of loads or displacements is to be
revised. Note, since Level 2 is based on
symmetry any load applied to the right-hand
mesh is automatically applied to the mirror
side of the mesh. Thus when applying a
vertical point load on the system centerline, the
actual load is twice the value of the specified
Code for x-loading
=0, force specified
=1, disp. specified
Default =0
IFLAG(1) distinguishes whether the loading
value in the x-direction (BV(1) next entry) is
interpreted as a prescribed force in lbs/inch or
a prescribed displacement in inches.
(lb/inch or inch)
Value of x-loading or x-

Default =0.0
Depending on IFLAG(1), BV(1) is the x-force
that will be applied in load step IA. Or, BV(1)
is the x-displacement that will be specified in
load step IA.
Code for y-loading
=0, force specified
=1, disp. specified
Default =0
IFLAG(2) distinguishes whether the loading
value in the y-direction (BV(2) next entry) is
interpreted as a prescribed force in lbs/inch or
a prescribed displacement in inches.
(lb/inch or inch)
Value of y-loading or y-

Default =0.0
Depending on IFLAG(2), BV(2) is the y-force
that will be applied in load step IA. Or, BV(2)
is the y-displacement that will be specified in
load step IA. Note that positive values are in
the upward direction.
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Input Options Description
Angl e for skewed
boundary input
Angle for skewed
boundary input.

Default =0.0 deg.
The x and y boundary conditions specified
above are re-interpreted to a rotated coordinate
system x and y. BV(3) is the counter-
clockwise angle from the x-axis to the x axis.
Load step
Load step number for
above loading

Default =1
Force loading conditions are applied only in
load step number IA. Displacement loading
conditions are applied in load step number IA
and remain in effect for all subsequent

Comment: The new boundary conditions are recorded in the CANDE output report under the heading
Level 2 Extended, after the original canned mesh boundary conditions are printed.

Proceed to Part D
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5.5.6 Solution Level 3 C-1 and C2 Level 3 Title and Control Variables

Element number and property array
Level 3 is the traditional method of defining mesh data for input into a finite element program.
Accordingly, the user must prepare finite element mesh data representative of the soil-structure system to
be designed or analyzed.

Input commands C-1 and C-2 are control variables that are easily determined and entered into the input
stream. Command C-3 is used repeatedly to define all nodal coordinates. Similarly, command C-4 is used
repeatedly to define all element properties, and finally command C-5 is used as needed to define all
displacement and force boundary conditions.

To assist the user, CANDE is equipped with many advanced mesh generation features that can greatly
reduce the amount of labor in defining the input data. These features are discussed as they arise in
commands C-3 and C-4.

Use if Comments
A-1.LEVEL = 3 Use ONLY if the Solution Level is set to 3.


Input Options Description

A word to denote user
defined mesh:
=PREP, continue
PREP, stop
Default =stop
The control word PREP is a required word to
continue inputting mesh data; otherwise
CANDE will stop. For batch input files the
word PREP distinguishes the beginning of
Level 3 mesh input data. (Note the GUI
automatically supplies this word without
prompt by the user.)
Title (TITLE)
(17 words)
User description of the
mesh to built.
TITLE is printed out with mesh data as an aid
to the user. TITLE may be any phrasing up to
68 characters.

Proceed to Line C-2
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Element number and property array

Use if Comments
A-1.LEVEL = 3 Use ONLY if the Solution Level is set to 3.


Input Options Description
Number of load steps
Number of load steps to
be executed.

Default =1
Any number of load steps may be specified for
execution in a given problem. Typically, the
value of NINC matches the highest load step
number defined in the element or loading
schedule. However, NINC may be less than
this number if desired.
Mesh output
Control for print of mesh
data to the CANDE
output file:
=1, control data
=2, input data
=3, created data
=4, maximum
Default =3
MGENPR controls the amount of mesh data
written to the CANDE output file.
MGEN =1, prints only the control information
MGEN =2, above plus node and element input
MGEN =3, above plus generated mesh data
MGEN= 4, above plus Laplace generated
Data check control
Control for data check
only or run:
=0, run solution
=1, data check
only and stop

Default =0
During the course of processing input data,
CANDE performs many checks on the validity
of the input data. Some errors may be fatal
such as an inside-out element other errors may
just be a warning such as skinny elements. If
the user desires to check the validity of the
mesh without running the solution, set
Plot file control
Control for plot files
units10 & 30
=0, No plot files
=1, Create 10
=2, Create 30
=3, Create 10 & 30
Note: For the GUI,
this value is ALWAYS
set to 3.
Unit 10 contains all the finite-element mesh
data plus all the structural responses for each
load step; it is intended as the data source for
plotting mesh configurations, deformed shapes
and contours.
Unit 30 contains the detailed pipe responses
(RESULT) at each node for each load step; it
is intended as the data source for pipe response
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Input Options Description
Response data output
Control for print of
response data to the
CANDE output file:

=0, minimal

=1, standard

=2, plus Duncan

=3, plus interface
CANDEs output file is the primary source of
readable output showing the structural
responses at each load step.
IWRT = 0 means only the pipe responses
(RESULT) are printed, no soil-system
IWRT =1 means the pipe responses plus the
soil-system responses are printed
IWRT =2 means the standard print plus an
iteration trace of the Duncan-model soil
elements. IWRT =3 means the standard print
plus an iteration trace of the Interface soil
Total number of nodes
Total number of nodes
defined in mesh.

Default =none
NPT should correspond to the highest
numbered nodal point used in the entire mesh.
Note, it is permissible to skip node numbers so
that not all sequential numbers correspond to a
node used in the mesh. In this case set NPT =
highest node number, not the actual node
Total number of
Total number of elements
defined in mesh.

Default =none
NELEM is the sum of all actual elements used
in the mesh including beam elements (pipe),
continuum elements (soil) and interface
Unlike nodes, the element count (NELEM)
must exactly match the number of elements
actually used in the mesh.
Total number of
boundary conditions
Total number of
boundary conditions for
this problem.

Default =none
The actual count of boundary conditions is
determined from the data in the C-5 input
lines. NBPTC may be larger (but not smaller)
than the actual number of conditions. Typically
it is recommended to specify NBPTC as some
sufficiently large number, say 200. If this
number is insufficient, CANDE will provide a
Total number of soil
Total number of soil

Default =none
NSMAT is the total number of different soil
material numbers to be identified in line C-4
with variable IX(5) for quadrilateral and
triangular elements. This entry is only used by
the GUI for Part D; it may be ignored for batch
Total number of
interface material s
Total number of interface

Default =none
NXMAT is the total number of different
interface materials numbers to be identified in
line C-4 with variable IX(7) for interface
elements. This entry is only used by the GUI
for Part D; it may be ignored for batch input.
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Input Options Description
Code to minimize
Code for band-width
=0, no action
=1, minimize
=2, min and print

Default =0
By setting MINBW > 0, CANDE will
internally rearrange the users node numbering
scheme to minimize the bandwidth of the
stiffness matrix. In all cases the output is
displayed in the users node numbering
scheme. If MINBW = 2, the internal
renumbering scheme is also displayed.

Proceed to line C-3
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5-141 C-3 Level 3 Node Input

Level 3 node input

Repeat as necessary to define all nodes.

The options provided by input variables KRELAD and LGTYPE (see description below) activate the so-
called advanced nodal generation methods provided by CANDE. For users who find these advanced
options confusing or prefer to use just the basic node generation features, the KRELAD and LGTYPE
variables may be completely ignored. That is, by defaulting the input for these two variables results in no
action. The standard basic nodal generation is governed by the MODEG variable presented next.

Note, nodal numbers on line C-3 (NNP) may be input in any sequence, backward or forward. All nodes left
undefined from the C-3 input but appear in C-4 element nodal-connectivity arrays will have their
coordinates automatically determined by an averaging technique called Laplace generation. The same
applies to those nodes identified with an LGTYPE =1 or 2

Use if Comments
A-1.LEVEL = 3 Use ONLY if the Solution Level is set to 3.


Input Options Description
Signal to indicate this is
last node to be input:
L, more C-3
lines to come.
=L, this is last
C-3 line.
Default =blank
If LIMIT is a blank entry, then the program
expects to read another line of C-3 nodal input.
If LIMIT =L, this signals the program that this
is the last nodal C-3 line to be processed after
which the program advances to read element
data in line C-4.
Node number to be
defined or referenced for
node generation.

Default =none
NNP may be a node number that is to be
specified with x and y coordinates. Or, NNP
may be a node number that has been
previously defined and will be used as a
beginning point to generate a sequence of
nodes using data from the following line of C-
3 data input. NNP may be any node number in
the range of 1 to NPT.
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Input Options Description
Speci al reference code

Code number to allow
options for defining
NNPs coordinates:

=0, standard input
without nodal reference

=1, x-coordinate specified
from previous node

=2, y- coordinate
specified from previous

=3, x and y- coordinates
from previous nodes

Default =0
KRELAD is an advanced scheme that permits
the coordinates of node NNP to be set equal to
coordinates of previously defined nodes. Used
with MODEG =0 or 2.

For KRELAD = 0, the actual x and y
coordinates will be input by the user in
variables XCOORD and YCOORD later in this
the C-1 data line.

For KRELAD =1, the x coordinate of NNP
will be set equal to the x coordinate of a
previously defined node number entered into

For KRELAD =2, the y coordinate of NNP
will be set equal to the y coordinate of a
previously defined node number entered into

For KRELAD =3, the x coordinate of NNP
will be set equal to the node entered into
XCOORD and the y coordinate set equal to the
node entered in YCOORD.

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Input Options Description
Speci al generation
code (LGTYPE)
A code number to
activate special node
generation schemes:

=0, no special
generation modes are

=1, x-coordinates
determined by
Laplace scheme

=2, y-coordinates
determined by
Laplace scheme

=4, one quarter of an
ellipse will be

Default =0
LGTYPE provides advanced nodal generation
options that will automatically determine
certain node coordinates between two
consecutive lines of C-1 input. Used with
MODEG =2 or 3.

For LGTYPE = 0, the special generation
schemes are not activated. However the basic
straight-line generation schemes are still

For LGTYPE = 1 and MODEG = 2, the
generated x-coordinates between NNP on the
current C-3 line and NNP* from the previous
C-3 line will be subsequently located by
Laplace generation scheme. The y-coordinates
will be immediately determined by the basic
straight-line generation.

For LGTYPE = 2 and MODEG = 2, the
generated y-coordinates between NNP on the
current C-3 line and NNP* from the previous
C-3 line will be subsequently located by
Laplace generation scheme. The x-coordinates
will be immediately determined by the basic
straight-line generation.

For LGTYPE =4 and MODEG =2 or 3, the x-
and y- nodal coordinates generated between
NNP on the current C-3 line and NNP* from
the previous C-3 line will be automatically
determined to fit along the path of an elliptical
quadrant. The elliptical quadrant is generated
counterclockwise with convexity on the right
when traveling from NNP* to NNP.
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Input Options Description
Basic generation code

Code number to select
nodal input and
generation of x & y

=0, basic input no

=1, recalls NNPs
coordinates from
previous input,
no generation

=2, generates nodes
between NNP* and

=3, generates nodes
between NNP* and
NNP previously known

=5, input for generating
non-sequential node

Default =0
MODEG controls the basic options for node
input and nodal generation of coordinates. The
nodal generation refers to the spatially
intermediate nodes between the current node
number NNP and the previous node number

For MODEG =0, the x and y coordinates will
be specified by the user in variables XCOORD
and YCOORD. All other input variables in C-3
are irrelevant.
For MODEG =1, the coordinates for NNP are
recalled from computer memory wherein it
was previously input or generated. The
motivation is to start a new generation
sequence with this node serving as NNP*. All
other input on this C-3 command is irrelevant.
For MODEG = 2, the program will
automatically generate the node numbers and
coordinates between node number NNP* and
NNP. The user has control over increment
numbering, spacing, and line curvature with C-
3 input variables.
For MODEG =3, the program will perform
exactly like MODEG = 2 except that
XCOORD and YCOORD need not be input for
NNP because the coordinates will be recalled
from memory. The remaining variables are
specified as desired.
For MODEG =5, non-sequential numbering of
generated nodes is permitted. This feature
overrides the standard incrementing parameter
NINC. To use MODEG =5, first specify the
previous node NNP* as always. Then
repeatedly insert C-1 lines with MODEG =5
and NNP =the desired node numbers until all
interior nodes are identified. For the last node
in the sequence use MOGEG =2 or 3 and
define the generation variables desired.
Reference node
(or node)
X-coordinate for NNP
(or reference node
number for NNP)
Default =none
Usually, XCOORD =the x-coordinate value in
inches of node NNP specified on this C-3 line.

For advanced generation if KRELAD =1 or 3,
then XCOORD =node number of a previously
defined node with the same x-coordinate value.
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Input Options Description
Reference node
(or node)
Y-coordinate for NNP
(or reference node
number for NNP)
Default =none
Usually, YCOORD =the y-coordinate value in
inches of node NNP specified on this C-3 line.

For advanced generation if KRELAD =1 or 3,
then YCOORD =node number of a previously
defined node with the same y-coordinate value.

Increment added to
generated nodes between
NNP* and NNP

Default =1
When using MODEG =2 or 3, NPINC is the
increment added to each generated node
between NNP* and NNP. Thus, the number of
generated nodes =(NNP-NNP* (/NPINC and
the last node is always numbered NNP as
input. Incrementing will go in the negative
direction if NNP* is greater than NNP,
however NPINC must always be input as a
positive integer.

Spacing ratio for
generated node lengths

Default =1.0
When using MODEG =2 or 3, the spacing
ratio controls the distance between successive
If SPACNG =1, all nodes generated between
NNP* and NNP will be evenly spaced. If
SPACNG >1 (or <1), the successive distance
between generated nodes will grow (or shrink)
by the spacing ratio, respectively.

Path for node generation
between NNP* and NNP:
=0.0, straight line
0.0, radius of
circular arc.
Default =0.0
When using MODEG = 2 or 3, RADIUS
controls the path along which the nodes are
If RADIUS = 0.0, the path is straight line
between NNP* and NNP.
If RADIUS is positive, then the path is a
circular arc whose radius = RADIUS with
convexity on the right in traveling from NNP*
to NNP. Opposite curvature is obtained if
RADIUS =negative value.

Proceed to line C-4.

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5-146 C-4 Level 3 Element Input

Level 3 el ement input

Repeat as necessary to define all elements. Unlike nodal number input, element number input and
generation must be in sequential order, starting with element number 1 and ending with last element.

Use if Comments
A-1.LEVEL = 3 Use ONLY if the Solution Level is set to 3.


Input Options Description
Signal to indicate the last
element to be input:
L, more C-4
lines to come.
=L, this is last
C-4 line.
Default =blank
If LIMIT is a blank entry, then the program
expects to read another line of C-4 element
If LIMIT =L, this signals the program that
this is the last element C-4 line to be processed
after which the program advances to read
boundary-condition data in line C-5.
Element Number
Element number to be

Default =none
Each element in the mesh (regardless whether
it be a quadrilateral, triangle, beam or interface
element) is assigned a unique element number
NE. Input for line C-4 must start with NE =1,
and subsequent values for NE must be in
ascending order up to NELEM. Missing
element numbers are automatically generated
between NE* and NE where NE* is the input
element number on the previous C-4 line.
When numbering beam elements within a
group of connected beam elements, the
element numbering must progress from start of
the sequence to the end of the sequence (see
comment #1 below).
Node I
Node I for element NE

Default =none
IX(1) is the first node in the element
connectivity array. All element types require a
nonzero entry. See Figure 5.5-18 for element
connectivity and comment #2 below.
Node J
Node J for element NE

Default =none
IX(2) is the second node in the element
connectivity array. All element types require a
nonzero entry. See Figure 5.5-18 for element
connectivity and comment #2 below.
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Input Options Description
Node K
Node K for element NE

Default =0
IX(3) is the third node in the element
connectivity array. For beam column elements
IX(3) = 0 (default). For interface elements
IX(3) =node number not shared with any other
element, and IX(3) must be larger than either
IX(1) or IX(2), preferably larger than both.
Node L
Node L for element NE

Default =0
IX(4) is the fourth node in the element
connectivity array. This only applies to
quadrilateral elements. For all other element
types set IX(4) =0 (default)
Material Number
Material identification
number for element NE

Default =none
Material identification numbers are associated
with element types:
Quadrilaterals and triangles, IX(5) =a material
identification number ranging from 1 to 100.
The soil model type and parameters of the soil
model associated with IX(5) are defined by the
user in Part D.
Beam-Columns, IX(5) = a group number
ranging from 1 to 30. The group numbers have
already been established in Part A and B by
defining one or more pipe types. If there is
only one pipe group then set IX(5) =1 for all
beam-column elements.
Interfaces, IX(5) = an interface property
number ranging from 1 to 99. Two interface
elements have the same property number if the
friction coefficient, tension resistance and the
angle of the interface are the same. Note that
interfaces along curved surfaces have different
interface angles at each element and, therefore,
should be assigned a separate material property
number. To be completed in Part D.
Load step
Load step number for
element NE

Default =1
The load step number defines the load step at
which the element NE enters the system. Once
the element enters the system it remains for all
time. Typically the in situ soil zones and the
culvert structure are assigned to the first load
step, IX(6) =1. The elements representing the
first layer of fill soil are assigned IX(6) =2,
and so on

Special code for interface
=1, for interface
=0, for all other
Default =0
CANDE distinguishes one element type from
the other by reading the number of nonzero
entries in the nodal connectivity,
IX(1)IX(4). In order to distinguish the
interface element from triangle element, set
IX(7) = 1 to identify NE as an interface
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Input Options Description
Node increment added
Node increment added to
compute node
connectivity of a
generated sequence of

Default =1
Element numbers that are missing between NE
and NE* (where NE* is the element number
input on the previous C-4 line) are
automatically generated with element numbers
NE*+1, NE*+2, NE-1. The nodal
connectivity of the generated elements is
automatically computed by adding the value
INTRAL to the node numbers (I, J , K, and L)
of the previous element. The material number
IX(5) and the load step IX(6) of the generated
elements remain as specified on NE*.
If it is desired to change the material number
and/or load step in the generated sequence of
elements, insert an intervening C-4 line
specifying only the element number NE where
the change occurs along with the new values
for IX(5) and IX(6). Do not input the nodal
connectivity. Repeat as needed.
See comment #3 below.
Number rows added
Number of element rows
to be generated

Default =1
The automated computation of nodal
connectivity for the generated elements may be
extended over any number of rows by setting
NUMLAY equal to the number of generated
element rows. This option is used in
conjunction the next variable INTERL, which
specifies the jump in nodal numbering
between rows.
Node increment
between rows
Node number increment
(jump) between element
When the element generation spans more than
one row, the element nodal connectivity
numbering of the new row has a jump value
compared to the previous row. Set INTERL
equal to the jump value. Typically, the jump
value is the number of elements in the row plus
See Figure 5.5-19 for an example of the
element generation variables.

Comment #1: Generally, the only purpose of numbering the elements is to identify them by their
numbered name. For beam-column elements, however, the sequence of element numbering is also
important because it establishes the local group numbering for the connected path of elements within the
group. Beam-column elements are assigned to a group number by the input variable IX(5), introduced on
next input page. The lowest numbered mesh-element number assigned to a beam-element group becomes
element number 1of the groups local numbering system. The second lowest mesh-element number
assigned to the group becomes element number 2 of the groups local numbering system, and so on.

CANDE performs internal checks to make sure the beam-column elements that are assigned to a group do
indeed form a sequence of elements, connected head-to-tail along some curvilinear path. If this is not the
case, the user is notified of an input error.

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
The local numbering system for each group of beam-column elements is used to output data in sequential
order for each group so that user can plot spatially-connected structural responses such as moment, thrust
and shear diagrams.

Comment #2: There are four element types available in the CANDE program; the quadrilateral and
triangle elements for representing soil (plane-strain solids), beam-column elements for representing culvert
or structure, and interface elements for simulating sliding friction interfaces between structure and soil.
Figure 5.5-18 illustrates these four elements and the nodal connectivity convention. As listed below, the
nodal data in the so-called element connectivity array (IX(1), IX(2), IX(3), and IX(4)) are used to define
each element type and distinguish one element type from another.

(1) Quadrilateral: Input the four node numbers IX(1), IX(2), IX(3), and IX(4) connected to element
NE in counterclockwise order.

(2) Triangle: Input the three node numbers IX(1), IX(2), and IX(3) connected to element NE in
counterclockwise order. Set IX(4) =0 (default)

(3) Beam-column: Input the two node numbers IX(1) and IX(2) connected to the ends of beam-
element NE such that IX(1) is the head node advancing along the path of the connected beam-
column elements, and IX(2) is the tail node, which trails behind the head node.
Set IX(3) =IX(4) =0 (default)

(4) Interface: Input two separate node numbers IX(1) and IX(2) representing two separate bodies on
either side of a common interface usually sharing the same x,y spatial coordinates. If desired,
however, the x,y coordinates may be separated to represent an initial gap between the bodies.
Refer to input line D-2 of the interface material properties for the gap definition. In all cases, set
IX(3) =to a node number not associated with any other element (node IX(3) will contain
interface forces). Leave IX(4) =0 (default). Lastly, set IX(7) =1, which is how CANDE
distinguishes the interface element from the triangle element since both have three non-zero nodal

Node IX(3) of the interface must be assigned a node number that is larger than IX(1) or IX(2),
preferably larger than both. This strange requirement is to avoid problems with the Gauss-
elimination equation solver, which needs to process the stiffness degrees of freedom prior to
pivoting on the unknown interface forces.

Comment #3; Up to this point (column 40 on line C-4), all the element properties have been defined
including the nodal connectivity array, the material identification number and the load step number. The
remainder of line C-4, provided on the next page, provides three element generation variables, named

If the properties for each element were entered individually on a C-4 line, starting with element with #1 and
ascending to the last element (NUMEL), then there would be no need for element generation and the
following instructions may be left blank. However, CANDE has some very useful element generation
techniques that greatly reduce the number of C4-lines that need be prepared.

Figure 5.5-19 shows an example of using the element generation variables to define the properties for 12
elements with two C-4 lines of input. Thus taking advantage of the element generation techniques is worth
the effort to understand it.

Proceed to line C-5

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
Figure 5.5-18 - Level 3 CANDE Elements with nodal connectivity

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
Figure 5.5-19 Level 3 Illustration of element generation

The two C-4 lines of element input data shown below generate the 12 element mesh shown above


20 101 102 107 106 1 1 0 0 0 0
31 114 115 120 119 1 1 0 1 3 5


Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5-152 C-5 Level 3 Boundary Condition Input

Level 3 boundary conditi on input

Repeat as necessary to define all boundary conditions.

The same boundary node NP may be repeated on subsequent C5 lines under the following rules:
Each force boundary condition adds into the BIVD vector.
A displacement boundary condition on any particular degree of freedom will override all
previously specified force boundary condition.
It is good practice to first specify force boundary conditions then displacement boundary

Use if Comments
A-1.LEVEL = 3 Use ONLY if the Solution Level is set to 3.


Input Options Description
Signal to indicate the last
boundary-condition input:
L, more C-5
lines to come.
=L, this is last
C-5 line.
Default =blank
If LIMIT is a blank entry, then the program
expects to read another line of C-5 boundary-
condition input.
If LIMIT =L, this signals the program that
this is the last element C-5 line to be processed
after which the program advances to read
material property data in Part D
Node number where a
boundary condition is to
be specified.

Default =none
NP may be any node number where either an
imposed displacement constraint and/or a
nonzero force boundary condition is to be
Nodes that have no displacement constraints
and no specified external forces do not require
a C-5 line. NP may be repeated in subsequent
C-5 lines.
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Input Options Description
Boundary code for X-

=0, x-force input
(rotation free)

=1, x-disp. input
(rotation fix)

=2, x-disp. input
(rotation free)

=3, x-force input
(rotation fix)

Default =0
If NP is only attached to continuum elements
use IIFLG =0 or 1 as needed. However if NP
is also attached to a beam element (which
includes rotational d.o.f.) use IIFLG =0, 1, 2,
or 3.

Set IIFLG =0 to specify an applied force in the
x-direction. (rotational degree of freedom is
Set IIFLG =1 to specify a displacement in the
x-direction. (rotational degree of freedom is
Set IIFLG =2 to specify a displacement in the
x-direction. (rotational degree of freedom is
Set IIFLG =3 to specify an applied force in the
x-direction. (rotational degree of freedom is

See Table 5.5-7 for further understanding and
summary of boundary condition codes.
(lb/in or inch)
Value of specified
x-force or, x-

Default =0.0
If IIFLG(1) = 0 or 3, set BIVD(1) equal to the
value of prescribed force in the x-direction,
where the default is 0.0 lbs/inch.
If IIFLG(1) = 1 or 2, set BIVD(1) equal to the
value of displacement in the x-direction, where
the default is 0.0 inches (fixed against x-
Boundary code for Y-

=0, y-force input
(rotation free)

=1, y-disp. input
(rotation fix)

=2, y-disp. input
(rotation free)

=3, y-force input
(rotation fix)

Default =0
If NP is only attached to continuum elements
use IIFLG =0 or 1 as needed. However if NP
is also attached to a beam element (which
includes rotational freedom) use IIFLG =0, 1,
2, or 3.

Set IIFLG =0 to specify an applied force in the
y-direction. (rotational degree of freedom is
Set IIFLG =1 to specify a displacement in the
y-direction. (rotational degree of freedom is
Set IIFLG =2 to specify a displacement in the
y-direction. (rotational degree of freedom is
Set IIFLG =3 to specify an applied force in the
y-direction. (rotational degree of freedom is

See Table 5.5-7 for further understanding and
summary of boundary condition codes.
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Input Options Description
(lb/in or inch)
Value of specified
y-force or,

Default =0.0
If IIFLG(2) = 0 or 3, set BIVD(2) equal to the
value of prescribed force in the y-direction,
where the default is 0.0 lbs/inch.
If IIFLG(2) = 1 or 2, set BIVD(2) equal to the
value of displacement in the y-direction, where
the default is 0.0 inches (fixed against y-
Angl e of Rotation
Angle of rotated
coordinates to define
boundary condition

Default =0.0 deg
IF THETA = 0.0, the boundary conditions
specified above refer to the global X-Y system.
If THETA is specified nonzero the above
boundary conditions are referred to a local x-y
coordinate system that is rotated THETA
degrees counterclockwise from the Global X-Y
system. This is helpful for defining boundary
conditions along sloped or skewed boundaries.
Load step
Load step number when
boundary condition is

Default =1
IA is the load step number that the boundary
conditions defined on the current C-5 line are
introduced into the system. Specified forces
are applied only during load step IA and are
not repeated on subsequent load steps.
Specified displacements are applied during
load step IA and remain in effect throughout
the remaining steps.
Ending node
Ending node in a
sequence of boundary
conditions to be

Default =0
(no action)
NNP is used to generate a sequence of
identical boundary conditions starting with
node number NP and ending at node number
NNP. Boundary conditions are automatically
generated for the intervening nodes
(NP+1*INCR), (NP+2*INCR), (NP+3*INCR),
NNP, where INCR is specified below. Note
that NNP may be greater than or less than NP.
However if NNP =0, no generation will take
Node increment
Node increment used to
boundary/conditions from
Default =1
INCR represents a uniform jump in nodal
numbering along a path where boundary
conditions are to be generated. INCR is input
as a positive number and will automatically be
set to a negative increment if NNP is less than
Pressure at NP
Pressure magnitude at
first node NP

Default =0.0 psi
Linear varying pressure loads can be specified
between nodes NP and NNP (and the
intervening generated nodes) by setting PJ =
pressure at node NP and PK =pressure at node
NNP. Pressure is normal to the line segment
between successive pairs of nodes, remaining
normal on curved surfaces. Positive pressure
points to the left when traveling from NP to
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Input Options Description
Pressure at NNP
Pressure magnitude at
second node NNP

Default =0.0 psi
If PK =PJ the pressure will be uniform over
the surface from NP to NNP. Otherwise the
pressure will vary linearly from the value PI at
NP to the value PK at NNP.
To use the pressure option, set IIFLG(1) =0,
and IIFLG(2) =0


1. Any node that is not specified (or generated) on line C-5 is automatically assigned the force boundary
code IIFLG (1) =IIFLG(2) =0, and the specified external forces are set equal to zero, BIVD(1) =
BIVD(2) =0.
2. For nodes that do not have beam elements attached (i.e., only quadrilaterals, triangles, and interface
elements), there is no rotational degree of freedom associated with the node. Therefore, the first four
rows in Table 5.5-7 provide the complete set of boundary condition options for specifying x and y
forces and/or displacements.
3. For nodes that do have a beam element attached, the user has the option to select a fixed rotation
(clamped boundary) or free rotation (within the constraint of surrounding elements). The second set of
rows in Table 5.5-7 allow the user to select the alternative rotational specification that was not
provided in the first set. Note that rotational degree of freedom is automatically specified with either
zero rotation or zero external moment. There is no provision in CANDE for specifying nonzero
rotational boundary conditions.

Proceed to Part D

Table 5.5-7 Classification of IIFLG Boundary Code numbers
Input Code for node NP

Resulting implication for the variable BIVD and
rotational degree of freedom
(beam only)
0 0 Force Force (Free)
1 0 Disp. Force (Fixed)
0 1 Force Disp. (Fixed)
1 1 Disp. Disp. (Fixed)

3 3 Force Force (Fixed)
2 0 Disp. Force (Free)
0 2 Force Disp. (Free)
2 2 Disp. Disp. (Free)

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5.6 Part D- Soil and/or Interface Property Input

This section provides input instructions for the soil and interface properties.

NOTE: This input is required for the following:

Use if Comments
A-1.LEVEL = 2 or 3 Use ONLY if the Solution Level is set to 2 or 3.

For Solution Level 2, the number of soil and interface
elements is predetermined. The following sections provide
descriptions on how many soil and interface material s are
defined for each Level 2 mesh type.

For Solution Level 3, the number of soil and interface
materials is defined in section and material numbers
assigned to each element are defined in section

This input is NOT required for Solution Level 1 or if there
are onl y beam elements i n the mesh.

(1) Start at line D-1 to identify model type and identification data.
(2) Proceed to line D-2 for the selected model type and complete input

Linear Elastic
Orthotropic Elastic
Duncan and Duncan/Selig
Overburden Dependent
Extended Hardin
Interface properties
(3) Repeat steps 1 and 2 until all models are defined with input.
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5.6.1 D-1 Material Control Parameters for Al l Models

Material control parameters

Use if Comments
A-1.LEVEL = 2 or 3 Use ONLY if the Solution Level is set to 2 or 3.


Input Options Description
Signal to indicate the
last material data input:
L, more D-1
lines to come.
=L, this is last
D-1 line.

Note: This value is
not input in the GUI,
but is determined
implicitl y.
If LIMIT is a blank entry, then the program
expects to read another line of D-1 material
If LIMIT =L, it signals the program that this
is the last D-set of material data to be

Material ID number
Material Zone
identification number I

No Default
Set I = material zone number to be
characterized in this set of D lines.
In Part C the continuum elements
(quadrilaterals and triangles) have been
assigned a material zone number ranging from
1 up to 100, and interface elements have been
assigned a material number ranging from 1 to
999. For Level 2, material zone numbers were
automatically assigned and are summarized in
Table 5.6-2 and Table 5.6-3.
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Input Options Description
Model Type
Select material model to
be associated with
material zone I.

=1, linear elastic

=2, linear elastic

=3, Duncan and Selig

=4, Overburden

=5, Extended Hardin

=6, Interface

Material zones composed of continuum
elements may be assigned any of the material
models, ITYP = 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5. Material
numbers associated with interface elements
must be assigned ITYP =6.
The elastic soil model is characterized by
Youngs modulus and Poissons ratio. This
model is often used for in situ soil.
The orthotropic elastic model is characterized
by four elastic parameters and an angle. This
model is used in special cases such as soil
Duncan and Duncan/Selig are nonlinear
hyperbolic soil models that are extensively
used to characterize backfill soil.
The overburden soil model has elastic
parameters whose stiffness properties are
dependent on depth below the surface. Useful
for deep embankments.
Extended Hardin is a nonlinear hyperbolic
soil model that includes parameters for degree
of soil saturation.
The interface model is characterized by a
friction coefficient, tensile limit, and interface
Density of material in
zone I

Default =0.0 pcf
DEN is weight per cubic foot of the material in
zone I, which is used to compute the gravity
For the fill soil in level 2 meshes, DEN should
be equal to DENSTY defined in Part C.
For interface elements, DEN is ignored.
Material name
Word or name to
characterize the material
zone and/or selection of
model parameters

Default none

(See Table 5.6-1 )
For ITYP =1, 2 or 6, MATNAM is any user
defined name that will be displayed with
material zone number.
For ITYP =3, 4 and 5, MATNAM is a special
command word used to signal CANDE which
set of built-in parameters for the soil model are
desired, or a command that signals user input.

The special MATNAM names are summarized
in Table 5.6-1 and further elaborated in line D-
2. Note that the MATNAMs start in column 21
and are composed of 4 or 5 capital letters
and/or numbers.
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Input Options Description
Number of layers
(overburden onl y)
Number of layers used
when Material Model
Type overburden is
Note: This number is
only required by the
GUI for overburden
dependent type soils.
Enter the number of layers that will be input
for D-2 for overburden soil model type.

Proceed to line D-2

Table 5.6-1 Summary of special material names (MATNAM)
to signal
user input of
Special MATNAMs to select built-in
parameters for various soil types and
compaction levels
Description of
special MATNAMS
ITYP = 3
Duncan (1980)


CA105, CA95, CA90
SM100, SM90, SM85
SC100, SC90, SC85
CL100, CL90, CL85

SM=Silty sands
SC=Silty clayey sand
CL=Silty clay
(Number =%
compaction T-99)
ITYP = 3

SW100, SW95, SW90, SW85, SW80,
ML95, ML90, ML85, ML80, ML50
CL95, CL90, CL85, CL80

SW=Gravelly sand
ML=Sandy silt
CL=Silty clay
(Number =%
compaction T-99)
ITYP = 4

G=Granular soil
M=Mixed soil
C=Cohesive soil
ITYP = 5
Extended Hardin

Granular soil
Mixed soil
Cohesive soil


1. Detailed information on the built-in soil model parameters are provided in the D-2 section
associated with each model type.

2. For ITYP =3, the user distinguishes the Duncan-1980 version from the Duncan-Selig version by
the parameter IBULK defined in line D2.

3. For ITYP =4, input line D-2 is not required unless the user selected MATNAM =USER. The
built-in parameters for the special MATNAMS are shown in Table 5.6-6.

4. For ITYP =5, input line D-2 depends on whether MATMAM is a special name or MATNAM is
defined as USER.
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
Table 5.6-2 Material numbers for predefined level 2 material zones
Mesh Type In situ soil
material zone
material zone
Backfill soil
material zone
Special zone




4 (Backpack)
4 (Overfill)









2 (Footing)
2 (Footing)

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
Table 5.6-3 Material numbers for predefined Level 2 interface numbers
Mesh Type
(Selected in Part C)
number range
Description of interface material numbers



1 to 11

1 to 7

The SLIP command inserts 11 interface elements between
soil and pipe. Interface material #1 starts at the invert and
progresses to #11 at the crown; each element has a unique
normal angle.

The SLPT command inserts 7 interface elements between the
trench wall and backfill soil. Interface material #1 starts at
the spring line and progresses to #7 at the top of the trench,
each material number requires input data.
BOX (NPCAN=2) None NOTE: For level 2 Box mesh, no interface elements
are generated. Therefore, interface materi als are
not required for this mode.

(interface is always
included in mesh)

1 to 19
The Arch mesh automatically includes interface elements
between the arch and surrounding soil for all mesh options.
Interface material #1 starts at the crown and proceeds down
and around the arch to material #19 located one node above
the footing. Each element has a unique normal angle.
If it is desired to simulate a bonded condition between the
soil and the structure, insert large values for the tension
resistance and friction coefficient (say, 1000.0)

Comment on soil resistance factor for LRFD = 1:. The LRFD specifications states that soil stiffness
values should be reduced by a resistance factor,
=0.9. However, all the canned and tabularized soil
parameters in this manual and in the CANDE-2007 program are conservative approximations of the actual
soil being represented. Thus further reduction of the canned or tabularized soil parameters by a resistance
factor is not recommended since it may be assumed the resistance factor is already built in the model.

If the user wishes to reduce the soil stiffness by a soil resistance factor, then the user must input the key soil
parameter with a value reduced by the factor
. For line D2 the key soil parameters for the five soil
models are listed below:
For ITYP =1; input E =
* E

For ITYP =2 ; input CP(i,j) =
* CP(i,j)
, for all i and j, 1 to 3
For ITYP =3; input ZK =
* ZK

For ITYP =4; input E(n) =
* EN(n)
, for n =1,2,3
For ITYP =5; input S1 =
* S1

The above equations show the user the primary stiffness parameter for each soil model. If desired, the user
may input a reduced value of the primary stiffness parameter to account for a soil resistance factor.

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5.6.2 D-2 Isotropic Linear Elastic Elastic Parameters

Isotropic elasti c parameters

Use if Comments
A-1.LEVEL = 2 or 3 Use ONLY if the Solution Level is set to 2 or 3.
D-1.ITYP = 1 Use onl y if the Material Model Type i s Elastic Isotropic (1).


Input Options Description
Youngs modulus
Youngs modulus of
material in zone I

Default =0.0 psi
Youngs modulus is the vertical stress per unit
of vertical strain of a vertically loaded test
specimen while maintaining no change in
lateral pressure on the material specimen. See
Table 5.6-6 for reasonable values.
Poisson s ratio
Poissons ratio of
material in zone I

Default =0.0
Poissons ratio is the lateral strain divided by
vertical strain of a vertically loaded test
specimen while maintaining no change in
lateral pressure on the material specimen.

Comment: The isotropic, linear elastic stress-strain relationship for plane strain is ultimately expressed by
Youngs modulus (E) and Poissons ratio () as follows:



s s
s s
0 0

where, M
=E(1- )/((1+ )(1-2)) Confined modulus
= /(1- ) ... Lateral Coefficient
G = E/(2(1+ )) . Shear Modulus

= two-dimensional engineering stress vector

= two-dimensional engineering strain vector

Return to line D-1 for more material definition if needed.
Proceed to Part E if LRFD = 1
Otherwise this completes the input stream for this problem (insert STOP command, line A-1).

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5.6.3 D-2 Orthotropic Linear Elasti c Elastic Parameters

Orthotropic elastic parameters

Use if Comments
A-1.LEVEL = 2 or 3 Use ONLY if the Solution Level is set to 2 or 3.
D-1.ITYP = 2 Use onl y if the Material Model Type i s Orthotropic (2).


Input Options Description
Elasti c parameter at
position (1,1)
Elastic parameter at
matrix position (1,1)

Default =0.0 psi
Confined modulus in x-direction (lateral). See
constitutive relationship in matrix below.

Elasti c parameter at
position (1,2)
Elastic parameter at
matrix position (1,2)

Default =0.0 psi
Orthogonal x-y stiffness modulus. See
constitutive relationship in matrix below.

Elasti c parameter at
position (2,2)
Elastic parameter at
matrix position (2,2)

Default =0.0 psi
Confined modulus in y-direction (vertical). See
constitutive relationship in matrix below.

Elasti c parameter at
position (3,3)
Elastic parameter at
matrix position (3,3)

Default =0.0 psi
Shear modulus. See constitutive relationship in
matrix below

Angl e of material axis
Angle of material axis.

Default =0.0 deg
Theta =the angle that material axis makes with
the global x-y axis. Typically, the material axis
is aligned the global axis so that the default
value is appropriate.

Comment: Orthotropic elastic properties are useful when the stiffness in the vertical direction differs from
the stiffness is the lateral direction such as when reinforced earth is used to stiffen the soil in the lateral
direction. The matrix is symmetric.

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline



) 3 , 3 ( 0 0
0 ) 2 , 2 ( ) 2 , 1 (
0 ) 2 , 1 ( ) 1 , 1 (

= two-dimensional engineering stress vector

= two-dimensional engineering strain vector

Return to line D-1 for more material definition if needed.
Proceed to Part E if LRFD = 1
Otherwise this completes the input stream for this problem, insert STOP command.

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5.6.4 Duncan and Duncan/Seli g Model Types D-2 Duncan Fundamental Controls

Duncan fundamental controls

Use if Comments
A-1.LEVEL = 2 or 3 Use ONLY if the Solution Level is 2 or 3.
D-1.ITYP = 3 Use onl y if the Material Model Type i s Duncan/Seli g(3).


Input Options Description
LRFD stiffness control
LRFD control for
material stiffness
=0, service load
=1, factored load

Default =0
This control only applies to LRFD = 1.
Selecting NON =0 signals the soil model to
adjust its stiffness based on service-load
stresses, not the higher factored stresses.
Conversely if NON =1, the factored stresses
are used to compute each element soil
stiffness. The default value is recommended.
Moduli averaging ratio
Moduli averaging ratio.

Default =0.5
During the iteration process CANDE
determines the effective soil modulus over
each load step as a weighted average of the
tangent stiffness at the start and at the end of
the load step. Setting RATIO =0.5 is generally
recommended and means an evenly balanced
average. However, if one is modeling pre-
existing soil (such as in-situ soil or beddings),
then it is more appropriate to set RATIO =1.0.
This only applies to the first load step then
automatically reverts back to RATIO =0.5 on
subsequent load steps.
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Input Options Description
Soil model
Selection of Duncan or
Duncan/Selig soil model:

=0, Duncan

=1, Duncan/Selig

(Default =0)
The Duncan and Duncan/Selig models are the
two most popular models used for
characterizing the stress dependent stiffness of
backfill soil in culvert installations. The
models are very similar.

Setting IBULK = 0 selects the Duncan
hyperbolic model for tangent Youngs
modulus along with Duncans power law for
the tangent bulk modulus.
See Table 5.6-4 for built-in parameters
associated with MATNAM

Setting IBULK = 1 selects the Duncan
hyperbolic model for tangent Youngs
modulus along with Seligs hyperbolic law for
tangent bulk modulus
See Table 5.6-5 for built-in parameters
associated with MATNAM

If MATNAM = USER additional input
information is required.

If MATNAM = USER, proceed to lines D-3 and D-4
Otherwise input is complete for this material, next step options:
Return to line D-1 for more material input, or
If LRFD= 1, Proceed to Part E, otherwise
Input is complete, insert STOP command (line A-1)

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
Table 5.6-4 Material names (MATNAM) and values for Duncan model (IBULK=0)

Youngs Tangent Modulus Parameters Bulk Parameters Density
K n C
(--) (--) (psi) (deg) (deg) (--) (--) (--)
CA105 600 0.40 0.0 42 9 0.7 175 0.2 150
CA95 300 0.40 0.0 36 5 0.7 75 0.2 140
CA90 200 0.40 0.0 33 3 0.7 50 0.2 135
SM100 600 0.25 0.0 36 8 0.7 450 0.0 135
SM90 300 0.25 0.0 32 4 0.7 250 0.0 125
SM85 150 0.25 0.0 30 2 0.7 150 0.0 120
SC100 400 0.60 3.5 33 0 0.7 200 0.5 135
SC90 150 0.60 2.1 33 0 0.7 75 0.5 125
SC85 100 0.60 1.4 33 0 0.7 50 0.5 120
CL100 150 0.45 2.8 30 0 0.7 140 0.2 135
CL90 90 0.45 1.4 30 0 0.7 80 0.2 125
CL85 60 0.45 0.7 30 0 0.7 50 0.2 120
*MATNAM is composed of two letters and a number defined as follows:
CA =Course Aggregates, SM =Silty Sand, SC =Silty-Clayey Sand and CL =Silty Clay
Number =percent relative compaction, per AASHTO T-99

Table 5.6-5 Material names (MATNAM) and values for Duncan/Selig model (IBULK=1)


Youngs Tangent Modulus Parameters Bulk Parameters*** Density
K n C
/ P


(--) (--) (psi) (deg) (deg) (--) (--) (--)
SW100 1300 0.90 0.0 54 15 0.65 108.8 0.01 148
SW95 950 0.60 0.0 48 8.0 0.70 74.8 0.02 145
SW90 640 0.43 0.0 42 4.0 0.75 40.8 0.05 140
SW85 450 0.35 0.0 38 2.0 0.80 12.7 0.08 130
SW80 320 0.35 0.0 36 1.0 0.90 6.1 0.11 120
ML95 440 0.40 4.0 34 0.0 0.95 48.3 0.06 135
ML90 200 0.26 3.5 32 0.0 0.89 18.4 0.10 130
ML85 110 0.25 3.0 30 0.0 0.85 9.5 0.14 122
ML80 75 0.25 2.5 28 0.0 0.80 5.1 0.19 115
ML50 16 0.95 0.0 23 0.0 0.55 1.3 0.43 66
CL95 120 0.45 9.0 15 4.0 1.00 21.2 0.13 130
CL90 75 0.54 7.0 17 7.0 0.94 10.2 0.17 125
CL85 50 0.60 6.0 18 8.0 0.90 5.2 0.21 120
CL80 35 0.66 5.0 19 8.5 0.87 3.5 0.25 112

**MATNAM is composed of two letters and a number defined as follows:
SW =Gravelly Sand, ML =Sandy Silt, and CL =Silty Clay
Number =percent relative compaction, per AASHTO T-99

*** Seligs bulk parameters are the original hydrostatic values that are more generally accepted than his
subsequent set of modified values. Some investigators believe the original hydrostatic values are better
for design because they are conservative.

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5-168 D-3 Duncan/Duncan Selig Parameters for Tangent Youngs Modulus

Duncan/Duncan Selig parameters for tangent Youngs Modulus

Use if Comments
A-1.LEVEL = 2 or 3 Use ONLY if the Solution Level is 2 or 3.
D-1.ITYP = 3 Use onl y if the Material Model Type is Duncan or
D-1.MATNAM =USER Use onl y if the Material Name (MATNAM) is defined as


Input Options Description
Cohesion intercept

Cohesion intercept

Default =0.0 psi
Data to fit the tangent youngs modulus model
is generally obtained from a series of soil tri-
axial tests. C =cohesion intercept of the shear
failure surface versus normal stress, noted as c
in the equation below.
Initial friction angle
Initial friction angle

Default =0.0 deg
PHIO =initial angle of the of the shear failure
surface versus normal stress, noted as
in the
equation below.
Reduction of friction
Reduction of friction

Default =0.0 deg
DPHI =the reduction in initial friction angle
for a 10-fold increase in confining pressure,
noted as in the equation below.
Magnitude of initial
tangent modulus
Magnitude of initial
tangent modulus
Default =0.0
ZK = the initial tangent modulus parameter
related to scalar magnitude, noted as K in the
equation below.
Exponent for initi al
tangent modulus
Exponent for initial
tangent modulus
Default =0.0
ZN = the exponent for the power law
characterizing the initial tangent modulus,
noted as n in the equation below.
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Input Options Description
Ratio of actual failure
stress to models
Ratio of actual failure
stress to models ultimate
stress limit
RF =ratio of observed failure stress to the
ultimate asymptotic failure stress that
characterizes the model, noted as R
in the
equation below.

Basic Equations for Tangent Youngs modulus:

Tangent modulus: E
= E
(1 - R
(1- sin)(
)/(2Ccos + 2

Initial modulus: E
= KP

Friction angle (rads): =

are principal stresses and P
is atmospheric pressure (14.7 psi),

Proceed to line D-4
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5-170 D-4 Duncan/Duncan Selig Parameters for Tangent Bulk Modulus

Duncan/Duncan Selig parameters for tangent bulk Modulus

Use if Comments
A-1.LEVEL = 2 or 3 Use ONLY if the Solution Level is 2 or 3.
D-1.ITYP = 3 Use onl y if the Material Model Type i s Duncan/Seli g(3).
D-1.MATNAM =USER Use onl y if the Material Name (MATNAM) is defined as


Input Options Description
Magnitude of tangent
bulk modulus

Magnitude of tangent
bulk modulus:
, Duncan
power law

/ P
, Selig
hyper form

Default =0.0
The entry for BK must be consistent with the
previous choice for IBULK.

For IBULK =0, set BK to Duncans magnitude
number, noted as K
in the equation below.

For IBULK =1, set BK to Seligs magnitude
ratio, noted as B
/ P
in the equation below.
Bulk modulus
parameter , m, Duncan
Power Law
Bulk modulus parameter
depending on previous
choice of Duncan or
Duncan/Selig models:

=m, Duncan
power law

, Selig
hyper form

Default =0.0
The entry for BM must be consistent with the
previous choice for IBULK.

For IBULK = 0, (Duncan form) set BM to
Duncans power law exponent, noted as m in
the equation below.

For IBULK =1, (Duncan/Selig form) set BM
to Seligs ultimate volumetric strain, noted as
in the equation below
Al ternate form using
constant Poissons
Alternate form using
constant Poissons ratio

Default =0.0
As an alternative to either of the variable bulk
modulus functions above, the user may select a
constant Poissons ratio to be used with the
tangent Youngs modulus. By setting VT to a
positive Poissons ratio, the bulk modulus
functions will not be used. This is the so-called
original Duncan model.

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
Basic Equations for Tangent Bulk modulus:

Power law (Duncan): B
= P
, where
is minimum principal stress.

Hyperbolic form (Selig): B

/ P
) (1+
/( B

, where
is average stress.

Return to line D-1 for more material definition if needed.
Proceed to Part E if LRFD = 1
Otherwise, this completes the input stream for this problem insert STOP command.

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5.6.5 D-2Overburden DependentUser Defined El astic Prop. vs. Overburden Pressure

Overburden dependent user defined el astic properties vs. overburden pressure

Note: if a special MATNAM was selected; skip this D-2 input line.
Use if Comments
A-1.LEVEL = 2 or 3 Use ONLY if the Solution Level is 2 or 3.
D-1.ITYP = 4 Use onl y if the Material Model Type is Overburden
Dependent (4).
D-1.MATNAM =USER Use onl y if the Material Name (MATNAM) is defined as


Input Options Description
Last item indi cator
(NOTE: This input is
specific to the GUI)
Enter an L to indicate
this is the last overburden
dependent row to be
Once an L is encountered, all subsequent
rows in the table will be ignored.
Overburden pressure

Overburden pressure for
table entry N, where N =
1 to X

(No default)
Line D-2 is only required for MATNAM =
USER. For other special MATNAMs no
additional input is required. See values in
Table 5.6-6.

Starting with N = 1, set H(N) equal to the
overburden pressure associated with the elastic
properties entered below. Repeat line D-2 to
develop a table of X entries with increasing
overburden pressure. The range is: X
minimum =2, X maximum =10.
Youngs modulus

Youngs modulus for
table entry N

(No default)
Moduli values should correspond to secant
values obtained from confined compression
tests (uniaxial strain). Secant values are the
straight lines connecting the origin to the total
stress-strain curve at the overburden pressure
H(N). Note the secants slope is the confined
modulus, which must be converted to Youngs

The goal is to develop an input table like those
shown in Table 5.6-6.
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Input Options Description
Poisson s ratio
Poissons ratio for table
entry N

(No default)
Usually Poissons ratio remains relatively
constant as overburden pressure increases.
Typical values:
Granular: 0.30 to 0.35
Mixed: 0.30 to 0.40
Cohesive: 0.33 to 0.40
Last Table Entry
Last table entry
=END, end D-2.
=blank, continue
to read D-2 lines
Line D-2 will continue to be read by the
program until the word END is encountered
in columns 31 to 33.

(NOTE: The GUI automatically inserts the
value based if an L input in the first
parameter (LIMIT).

Comment: The overburden dependent model is only valid in soil zones that are essentially experiencing
one-dimensional compression (uni-axial strain) such as an embankment soil zone that is outside the
influence of soil structure interaction. The advantage of the overburden dependent model is that iterations
are not required to advance the load step because the overburden stress acting on each element is assumed
to be statically determinate based the current height of soil cover above each element. Accordingly, the
appropriate incremental elastic properties are interpolated directly from the input table of properties.

Return to line D-1 for more material definition if needed.
Proceed to Part E if LRFD = 1
Otherwise, this completes the input stream for this problem.
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Table 5.6-6 Material names (MATNAM) and values for Overburden Dependent Model
Soil Class
Granular Mixed Cohesive
Good Fair Good Fair Good Fair

1,100 550 600 400 250 150

1,300 750 850 550 325 200

1,500 850 1,000 600 375 225

1,650 1,000 1,100 700 375 250

1,800 1,100 1,200 750 400 250

1,900 1,150 1,250 800 400 250

2,100 1,300 1,350 900 400 250

2,250 1,400 1,450 900 400 250

Three soil classes are identified as Granular, Mixed, and Cohesive and each soil class is
characterized with two broad levels of compaction Good and Fair. The intent is to provide a set of
conservative soil properties for design if there is not specific soil data to develop a user defined
The first letter in the special MATNAM names represents the soil class and the remaining four
letters represent the compaction level.
The entries in Table 5.6-6 are the secant values of Youngs modulus for soils in a state of confined
compression (uniaxial strain). In CANDE the secant values are converted to chord values for
incremental stress-strain relationships.
In all cases Poissons ratio is assumed constant with overburden pressure and set equal to 0.33
For the case MATNAM =USER, then the user completes a set of D-2 cards that provides input
information similar to one of the MATNAM columns in the above table.

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5.6.6 D-2 Extended Hardin Soil Model
If MATNAM is defined with a Special Name use line D-2 entitled, Hardin Soil Model Input for
Special MATNAM, listed directly below. Otherwise, if MATNAM is defined as USER proceed to
line D-2 entitled, Hardin Soil Model Input for MATNAM = USER. D-2 Hardin Soil Model Input for Special MATNAM

Extended Hardin Poissons ratio parameters and physical soil property input

Use if Comments
A-1.LEVEL = 2 or 3 Use ONLY if the Solution Level is 2 or 3.
D-1.ITYP = 5 Use onl y if the Material Model Type i s Extended Hardin (5).
Use onl y if the Material Name (MATNAM) is defined as
granular soil (GRAN), mixed soil (MIXE) or cohesive soil


Input Options Description
Poisson s ratio for low
shear strain.
Poissons ratio for low
shear strain.

Default =0.01 for
XNUMIN is a parameter for the hyperbolic
Poisson ratio function representing the
minimum value of Poissons ratio at low shear
strain. The default value was calibrated for
sand (MATNAM=GRAN), but may be used
for mixed and cohesive soils.
Poisson s ratio for high
shear strain
Poissons ratio for high
shear strain.

Default =0.49 for
XNUMAX is a parameter for the hyperbolic
Poisson ratio function representing the
maximum value of Poissons ratio at high shear
strain. The default value was calibrated for
sand (MATNAM=GRAN), but may be used
for mixed and cohesive soils.
Shape parameter for
Poisson ratio function
Shape parameter for
Poisson ratio function.
Default =0.26 for
XQ is a shape parameter for the hyperbolic
Poisson ratio function, which increases the rate
of the Poisson value between the low and high
limits. The default value was calibrated for
sand (MATNAM=GRAN), but may be used
for mixed and cohesive soils.
Void ratio of soil
Void ratio of soil.
Default values:
=0.60 GRAN
=0.50 MIXE
=1.00 COHE
Void ratio is the ratio of void space per unit
volume divided solid space per unit volume.
Values for VOIDR may range is from 0.1 to
3.0. Increased values of VOIDR result in
decreased values of the secant shear stiffness.
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Input Options Description
Saturation ratio
Saturation ratio.
Default values:
=0.00 GRAN
=0.50 MIXE
=0.90 COHE
SAT is ratio of void space filled with water.
Values for SAT may range is from 0.0 to 1.0.
Increased values of SAT result in decreased
values of the secant shear stiffness.
Plasti city index
Plasticity Index of soil
Default values:
=0.00 GRAN
=0.05 MIXE
=0.20 COHE
PI is the standard plasticity index of soil
determined in laboratory tests. Values for PI
may range is from 0.0 to 1.0. Increased values
of PI result in decreased values of the secant
shear stiffness.
Nonlinear iteration
Print control parameter

Default =0
Currently not operative. Use default.

Input complete for Extended Hardin model (MATNAM = GRAN, MIXE, or COHE)

Return to line D-1 for more material definition if needed.
Proceed to Part E if LRFD = 1
Otherwise, this completes the input stream for this problem.

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5-177 D-2 Hardin Soil Model Input for MATNAM = USER

Hardin Poisson s Ratio and secant shear modulus parameters

Use if Comments
A-1.LEVEL = 2 or 3 Use ONLY if the Solution Level is 2 or 3.
D-1.ITYP = 5 Use onl y if the Material Model Type i s Extended Hardin (5).
D-1.MATNAM = USER Use onl y if the Material Name (MATNAM) is defined as


Input Options Description
Poisson s ratio for low
shear strain
Poissons ratio for low
shear strain.

Default =0.01
XNUMIN is a parameter for the hyperbolic
Poisson ratio function representing the
minimum value of Poissons ratio at low shear
strain. The default value was calibrated for
Poisson s ratio for high
shear strain
Poissons ratio for high
shear strain.

Default =0.49
XNUMAX is a parameter for the hyperbolic
Poisson ratio function representing the
maximum value of Poissons ratio at high
shear strain. The default value was calibrated
for sand.
Shape parameter for
Poisson ratio function
Shape parameter for
Poisson ratio function.
Default =0.26
XQ is a shape parameter for the hyperbolic
Poisson ratio function, which increases the rate
of the Poisson value between the low and high
The default value was calibrated for sand.
Hardin parameter for
hyperbolic shear
Hardin parameter for
hyperbolic shear
Default =none
S1 is a scalar directly proportional to the
magnitude of the secant shear modulus and the
reference shear strain.
Hardin parameter for
hyperbolic shear
Hardin parameter for
hyperbolic shear
Default =none
C1 is a parameter proportional to the
magnitude of hyperbolic shear strain, which
deceases the secant shear modulus
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Input Options Description
Hardin parameter for
hyperbolic shear
Hardin parameter for
hyperbolic shear
Default =none
A is parameter associated with the increase of
hyperbolic shear strain, which deceases the
secant shear modulus
Nonlinear iteration
Print control parameter

Default =0
Currently not operative. Use default.

Comment: This form of the Extended HARDIN soil model is intended be used in conjunction with tri-axial
soil test data (MATNAM =USER). See CANDE 1976 Engineering Manual for curve fitting procedures for
Hardin parameters.

Return to line D-1 for more material definition if needed.
Proceed to Part E if LRFD = 1
Otherwise, this completes the input stream for this problem.

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5.6.7 D-2 Interface El ement Angl e, Fri ction and Tensil e Breaking Force
Interface angle, friction, and tensile breaking force, and gap distance

Use if Comments
A-1.LEVEL = 2 or 3 Use ONLY if the Solution Level is 2 or 3.
D-1.ITYP = 6 Use onl y if the Material Model Type i s Interface (6).


Input Options Description
Angl e from x-axis to
normal of interface
Angle from x-axis to
normal of interface.

Default =0.0 deg
ANGLE is the arc in degrees starting from x-
axis to the vector that is normal to the interface
when traveling from interface node I to
interface node J . ANGLE is treated as a
material property so that each interface
element with a unique angle must be defined
with a separate material number in Part C.
The angle and mechanical properties must be
input for each interface material number. Thus
for the general case, input data for lines D1 and
D2 may need to be repeated for each interface

A short-cut method is available for the typical
case when the material numbers are
consecutively numbered along any path
wherein only the interface angle is changing
and mechanical properties remain constant. In
this case, only the beginning and ending
material properties need to be input. See the
discussion on next page.
Coefficient of friction
between nodes I and J

Coefficient of friction
between nodes I and J

Default =0.0
FCOEF is the Coulomb friction between
bodies I and J . If the interface shear force
exceeds the product of the compressive normal
force and friction coefficient, then the interface
element permits relative slippage between the
nodes according to the Coulomb friction
hypothesis. A typical range of pipe-soil friction
is 0.3 to 0.7. To simulate a bonded condition
without slippage, set FCOEF to an arbitrary
high value, say 1000.
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Input Options Description
Tensile breaking force
of contact nodes

Tensile breaking force of
contact nodes I and J .

Default =1.0 lb/in
TENSIL is the force per unit length required to
break the bond between nodes I and J . Should
the interface normal force exceed the tensile
breaking limit (TENSIL), the contact surfaces
will separate from each other and only re-bond
if subsequent loading brings them back
together. To simulate a bonded condition
without tensile rupture, set TENSIL to an
arbitrary high value, say 10,000.
Gap distance in normal

Initial normal gap
distance between two
nodes (positive value)

Default =0.0
XNGAP is the initial gap distance in the
direction of the interface angle between two
bodies containing nodes I and J .

If the gap distance is specified to be zero
(default), then the interface behaves the same
as the original formulation (i.e., previous
CANDE version). However if XNGAP is
defined greater than zero, the two nodes I and J
respond independently from each other until
the normal gap becomes closed. Once the
normal gap is closed the interface behavior
follows the original formulation.

Discussion of Short-Cut method of input for interface element properties.

The so-called short cut method of input is a reduction in the number of repetitions of lines D1&D2. This
short cut is applicable to many common interface situations, and in particular, it is applicable to all
interface options associated with Level 2. The short cut method requires that the interface material numbers
are consecutively numbered along the interface path and that the mechanical properties (friction coefficient
and tension resistance) remain the same along the path but not necessarily the interface angle.

The short-cut method only requires input for the first and last material number in the sequence, that is,
input is required for input lines D1and D2 for the first material number and input lines D1 and D2 for the
last material number. Each intervening interface element material number is automatically assigned an
interface angle determined by constructing a local circle through three points which include its own points
coordinates and the point coordinates of two neighboring interface elements on either side of its own point.
The angle assigned to the interface element is the angle that the radius vector makes with the x-axis. The
mechanical properties assigned to each these intervening interface materials is the same as prescribed for
the first material number.

In the way of an example, consider the case Level 2-Pipe with WORD1 =SLIP wherein there are 11
interface the interface materials starting with number 1 at the invert and proceeding counterclockwise to
number 11 at the crown. (See Table 5.6-3). The corresponding angles for a circular pipe are: -90, -72, -54,
-36, -18, 0, 18, 36, 54, 72, and 90. Thus the long way to input these angles would be to repeat lines D1 and
D2 eleven times. The short-cut method would set I =1 in line D1 and ANGLE =-90 in line D2 followed by
one more set with I =11 in D1 and ANGLE =+90 in D2.

For the case WORD1 =SLPT, the first interface material number starts at the node above the trench floor
up to number 7 at the top of the trench. For a vertical trench wall, ANGLE =0 deg for all seven interface
elements. Again this could be established with the short-cut method with I =1 in line D1 and ANGLE =0
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
in line D2 followed by one more set with I =7 in D1 and ANGLE =0 in D2. In this case the straight line is
converted into very large local circles to produce an interface angle equal to 0 degrees at intervening points.

For the Level 2 Arch mesh, interface material numbering starts with number 1 at the crown (ANGLE =90
degrees) and terminates with number 19 slightly above the footing wherein (ANGLE is about 0 degrees but
varies depending on arch input options). The short-cut method would set I =1 in line D1 and ANGLE =
+90 in line D2 followed by one more set with I =19 in D1 and ANGLE =about 0 degrees in D2.

Return to line D-1 for more material definition if needed.
Proceed to Part E if LRFD = 1
Otherwise, this completes the input stream for this problem.

Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
5.7 Part E- Net LRFD Load Factors

This section provides a description of the LRFD Load Factors.
One unique net load factor must be assigned to each load step.

5.7.1 E-1 LRFD Net Load Factor per Load step
LRFD net load factor per l oad step

Use if Comments
A-1.LEVEL = 2 or 3 Use ONLY if the Solution Level is 2 or 3.
A-1.LRFD = 1 Use onl y if the Method of Anal ysis i s set to LRFD = 1.


Input Options Description
Starting load step
Starting load step number
to apply the same load
Default =1
INCRS is the load step at which the load factor
below will be applied. The first E-1 input must
specify INCRS =1. Subsequent E-1 inputs for
INCRS, if needed, must specify INCRS =
INCRL(previous) +1.
Last load step
Last load step number to
apply the same load
Default =INCRS
INCRL is the last load step in this sequence of
load steps that share the same load factor
specified below. When INCRL =NINC, the
input of E-1 data is complete. (NINC =total
number of load steps specified in Part C)
Load factor
LRFD load factor applied
to the load steps INCRS
through INCRL.
Default =1.00

See Table 5.7-1.
FACTOR is the net load factor applied to the
load steps INCRS to INCRL (inclusive). It is
the users responsibility to determine the
appropriate value of FACTOR that correlates
to each load step. Table 5.7-1 provides
information on load factors based on the
AASHTO LRFD Specification.
Comment (COMMENT)
User supplied comments
to explain load factor
Default =none
The comment, which can be up to 40
characters in length, is printed out with value
FACTOR for each load step. The purpose of
the comment is to document the rationale for
the load factor value including load modifiers,

Comment: If all load steps are assigned the same load factor, then the E-1 data line need only be entered
once with INCRS =1 and INCRL =NINC and the specified FACTOR common to each increment. At the
other extreme, if each load step is assigned a different load factor (for whatever reason), then line E-1
would be repeated NINC times. In this case, the first E-1 entry would be INCRS =1, INCRL =default, and
the specified FACTOR for the first load step. The second E-1 entry would be INCRS =2, INCRL =
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
default, and the specified FACTOR for the second load step, and so on through the last entry INCRS =
NINC, INCRL =default, and the specified FACTOR for the last load step.

The input for this CANDE run is now complete.
Enter a STOP command (see line A-1) if no additional CANDE problems are to be included in this
input file.
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
Table 5.7-1 Guidance on selecting the net load factor (FACTOR)
Culvert Type Dead Load Culvert
Earth fill Loading
Vehicle Loading








Concrete pipe
1.25 0.9 0.95 1.3 0.9 0.95 1.75 1.0-1.2 0.95
Concrete box
1.25 0.9 0.95 1.3 0.9 0.95 1.75 1.0-1.2 0.95
Concrete arch
1.25 0.9 0.95 1.3 0.9 0.95 1.75 1.0-1.2 0.95
metal pipe or arch
1.25 0.9 0.95 1.95 0.9 0.95 1.75 1.0-1.2 0.95
metal box
1.25 0.9 0.95 1.50 0.9 0.95 1.75 1.0-1.2 0.95
Plastic pipe
1.25 0.9 0.95 1.95 0.9 0.95 1.75 1.0-1.2 0.95


=maximum standard load factor dependent on load case and culvert type.

=minimum standard load factor dependent on load case and culvert type.

=composite load modifier for DC load case ={(ductility)(redundancy)(importance)}

= composite load modifier for EB load case = {(ductility)(redundancy)(importance)}
load modifier for LL load case ={(ductility)(redundancy)(importance)}
m =multiple presence factor for LL load case
IM =impact percentage for LL load case = 33%{1.0 (Cover depth in feet)/8.0}

The AASHTO LRFD specifications identify three load cases that generally pertain to buried structures;
Dead load of Culvert (DC), Earth loading from Backfill operations (EB), and Live Loading of vehicles on
the surface (LL). The user should define the CANDE model such that only one case of loading (DC, EB or
LL) is applied to a particular load step. In this way the incremental responses from each load step can be
attributed to the appropriate loading case.

DC Load Case. The culverts dead load is often applied in the first load step if the existing in-situ soil is
assumed elastic with zero body weight, or DC may be applied in the second load step if the first load step is
used to characterize the deformation of the in-situ soil under its own body weight. In either event the net
input value for the DC load case would generally be computed as FACTOR =

. Here, the maximum
value of the load factor is used because it is anticipated the DC load case will add to the overall culvert
distress resulting from the net contribution of the remaining load steps. The combined load modifier,
a product of three factors related to ductility, redundancy and operational importance. Typically the factors
associated with ductility and operational importances are assumed to be unity, whereas the LRFD
specification says that redundancy factor should be 1.05 for buried structures under dead loads. Thus, a
typical net value for a DC load step is FACTOR =(1.25){(1.00) (1.05)(1.00)}=1.31 .

EB Load Case. Earth backfill loads are usually applied in ten or so incremental load steps after the DC
load step. Typically, the first few EB load steps are layers of soil that are compacted along the sides of the
culvert, which often creates moments in the culvert that are opposite in sign to those of the DC load step
and also opposite in sign to the moments that will be added into the culvert when subsequent EB load steps
of soil are placed on top of the culvert. Thus in the spirit of seeking the worst case LFRD loading scenario,
it may be reasonable to use
for the standard load factor for those EB load steps placed along the sides
of the culvert so that FACTOR =

Accordingly for the EB load steps representing soil layers being
placed over the top of the culvert, it is reasonable to use
for the standard load factor so that FACTOR

Similar to the DC load case, the combined load modifier,
is a product of three factors
related to ductility, redundancy and operational importance. Typically the factors associated with ductility
and operational importances are assumed to be unity, whereas the LRFD specification says that redundancy
factor should be 1.05 for buried structures under earth loads. Thus, a typical value for
is 1.05, which is
the product of {(1.00) (1.05)(1.00)}.
Chapter 5 Detailed CANDE input CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

LL Load Case. Live loads, which are typically represented by surface pressures related to the design truck
tires, are usually the last load steps to be applied for shallow burial installations. The first step is to compute
the service live load, which is the static wheel pressure multiplied by m(1.00 + IM/100) where m is the
multiple presence factor and IM is the impact percentage. The multiple presence factor, m, ranges from 1.0
to 1.2 for buried culverts and may be interpreted as the likelihood that another design truck is sufficiently
close to the design truck being analyzed such that the load on the culvert is further increased. Thus,
choosing m =1.2 is a conservative approach. The impact percentage, IM, varies linearly from 33% to 0%
as the minimum cover depth varies from 0.0 to 8.0 feet. The resulting service live load is applied as
specified forces in Part C of this manual.

The second step is to compute the LRFD factor for the live load as FACTOR =

Here, the LRFD
specifications only provide a maximum value of the LL load factor,
=1.75. Live loads typically
produce moments whose signs are consistent with, and add to, the DC load case and the EB load case for
soil layers above the culvert. The combined load modifier,
is a product of three factors related to
ductility, redundancy and operational importance. Typically these three factors are assumed to be unity so

Closing Comment. The above illustrations are not a recipe for all culvert problems because worst loading
scenario depends on the pipe type, installation, and the governing limit state. However, the beauty of
CANDE is that it easy to re-run the same problem with another set of FACTORs to find the worst loading

Chapter 6 List of References CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
6 List of References

6.1 Background Documents

1. Katona, M.G., Smith, J .M., Odello, R.S., Allgood, J .R., CANDE: A Modern Approach for the
Structural Design and Analysis of Buried Culverts, Federal Highway Administration Report No.
FHWA-RD-77-5, (October 1976).
2. Katona, M.G., Smith, J .M., CANDE User and System Manuals, Federal Highway Administration
Report No. FHWA-RD-77-6, October 1976.
3. Katona, M.G., Vittes, P.D., Lee, C.H., Ho, H.T., CANDE-1980: Box Culverts and Soil Models,
Federal Highway Administration, Report No. FHWA-RD-172, (May 1981).
4. Musser, S.C., Katona M.G., Selig E.T., CANDE-89: Culvert Analysis and Design computer
program User Manual, Federal Highway Administration Report No. FHWA-RD-89-169, (J une
5. Leonards, G.A, Wu, T.H., J uang, C.H., Predicting Performance of Buried Conduits, Report No.
FHWA/IN/J HRP-81/3, J oint Federal Highway Administration and Indiana State Highway
Commission, (J une 1982).
6. AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, Third Edition, American Association of State
Highway and Transportation Officials, Washington, D.C., (2004)
7. Burns, J . Q., and R. M. Richard, Attenuation of Stresses for Buried Cylinders, Symposium on
Soil-Structure Interaction, University of Arizona Engineering Research Laboratory, Tucson,
Arizona, Proceedings (1964) pp. 378-392.
8. Mlynarski, M., Puckett, J .A., Clancy, C.M., Thompson, P.D., NCHRP Report 485 Bridge
Software Validation Guidelines and Examples, Transportation Research Board, Washington,
DC, (2003)
6.2 Companion Documents
1. CANDE-2007 Solution Methods and Formulations contains the mathematical
developments that describe the various theoretical formulations and nonlinear models that
are contained in CANDE-2007.
2. CANDE-2007 Tutorials for Applications: Contains a series of examples for using that
demonstrate the use of CANDE-2007.
Chapter 6 List of References CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

(This page intentionally left blank)

Chapter 7 Appendix CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
7 Appendices
7.1 CANDE Output Files
CANDE produces a variety of files as it processes the input and runs the CANDE analysis. The following
table provides a synopsis of those file a long with a brief description. A detailed description of the plot files
is provided in subsequent sections of this Appendix.

File name Description

The <prefix>is provided by the
user upon creation of saving of
the CANDE input document.
CANDE input document this file stores the CANDE input
instructions as described in Chapter 5 of this User Manual. The
<prefix> of this document is used in naming other CANDE
documents associated with this input document.
This file may be generated manually, but is produced automatically
with the CANDE input wizard and every time the user clicks on the
Accept Input within the CANDE Input Menus
<prefix>.bakNN CANDE input document Backup files These files are produced
every time a CANDE input document is saved every time the user
clicks on the Accept Input button within the CANDE Input Menus.
If a file is saved accidentally or a change was made that cannot be
reversed using the CANDE input menus, the user can return to a
previous version of the input document by copying the appropriate
backup file to a new CANDE input document.
<prefix>.out CANDE Output file(readable text format)
This is the file that is generated when the CANDE analysis engine
executes. It contains all of the pertinent analysis results.
<prefix>_Gen.out CANDE results generator output (readable text format)
CANDE output from results generator This output file is produced
by the CANDE results generator and is customizable. This file is
produced after the CANDE analysis is completed as a post-processing
<prefix>_MeshGeom.xml Mesh geometry file (XML format)
This file is produced by the CANDE analysis engine and is used to
plot the mesh geometry with the CANDE mesh viewer.
This file will be produced for level 2 and 3 models.
<prefix>_MeshResults.xml Mesh results file (XML format)
This file is produced by the CANDE analysis engine and is used to
plot the mesh results (i.e. deflections, stresses, strains, etc.) with the
CANDE mesh viewer. If the data check mode is on, or if the
analysis did not successfully complete, this file may not be available.
Often in these cases, the user will still be able to view the mesh
geometry without the analysis results.
This file will be produced for level 2 and 3 models.
<prefix>_BeamResults.xml Beam results file (XML format)
This file is produced by the CANDE analysis engine and is used to
plot the beam graphing mesh results (i.e. bending moments, shear,
thrust, etc.) in the local beam coordinate system. If the data check
mode is on, or if the analysis did not successfully complete, this file
may not be available. Often in these cases, the user will still be able to
view the mesh geometry without the analysis results.
This file will be produced for Level 1, 2, and 3 models.
Chapter 7 Appendix CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
File name Description
<prefix>_Process_1250.csv NCHRP Process 12-50 comma delimited file
This file contains the Process 12-50 data as described in this appendix
and in NCHRP Report 485 Bridge Software Validation
Guidelines and Examples
This file is only produced if the value for CULVERTID on the A-1
command (see section 5.3.1 A-1 Master Control Input Data) is
greater than zero.
PLOT1.dat CANDE Plot1 file
This contains finite element mesh data followed by finite element
response data records for each load step. This file is automatically
created in the same folder that the input file is stored with the
extension PLOT1.dat. This is a legacy file that dates to CANDE-89
and has been updated for CANDE-2007.
PLOT2.dat CANDE Plot2 file
This contains pipe element mesh data followed by detailed pipe-
element nodal response data records for each load step. This file is
automatically created in the same folder that the input file is stored
with the name PLOT2.dat. This is a legacy file that dates to CANDE-
89 and has been updated for CANDE-2007.

Chapter 7 Appendix CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
7.1.1 XML Mesh Geometry Format
The following is the XML mesh geometry format that is used by CANDE for plotting and graphing
purposes. This file is automatically generated by CANDE for Levels 2 and 3. It is also used for importing
external meshes into CANDE during the creation of new CANDE input documents using the CANDE input
wizard. The definition of the XML tags are provided in tables at the end of this section.

<?xml ver si on=" 1. 0" encodi ng=" UTF- 8" ?>
<Cont r ol >
<numNodes> 789</ numNodes>
<numEl ement s> 850</ numEl ement s>
<numSoi l Mat er i al s> 3</ numSoi l Mat er i al s>
<numI nt er f aceMat er i al s> 0</ numI nt er f aceMat er i al s>
<i nput Check> 0</ i nput Check>
<numBoundCond> 55</ numBoundCond>
<numConst I ncr > 15</ numConst I ncr >
<meshTi t l e>MESH </ meshTi t l e>
</ Cont r ol >
<nodeDat a>
<nodeCoor d>
<nodeNumber > 1</ nodeNumber >
<nodeXCoor d> - 0. 4019E+02</ nodeXCoor d>
<nodeYCoor d> - 0. 3741E+02</ nodeYCoor d>
</ nodeCoor d>
<nodeCoor d>
<nodeNumber > 2</ nodeNumber >
<nodeXCoor d> - 0. 3328E+02</ nodeXCoor d>
<nodeYCoor d> - 0. 3741E+02</ nodeYCoor d>
</ nodeCoor d>
</ nodeDat a>
<el ement Dat a>
<el emConn>
<el emNumber > 1</ el emNumber >
<el emNode1> 423</ el emNode1>
<el emNode2> 454</ el emNode2>
<el emNode3> 453</ el emNode3>
<el emNode4> 453</ el emNode4>
<el emMat Num> 2</ el emMat Num>
<el emConst r I ncr > 12</ el emConst r I ncr >
<el emType>TRI A</ el emType>
</ el emConn>
<el emConn>
<el emNumber > 2</ el emNumber >
<el emNode1> 423</ el emNode1>
<el emNode2> 451</ el emNode2>
<el emNode3> 454</ el emNode3>
<el emNode4> 454</ el emNode4>
<el emMat Num> 2</ el emMat Num>
<el emConst r I ncr > 12</ el emConst r I ncr >
<el emType>TRI A</ el emType>
</ el emConn>
<el emConn>
<el emNumber > 3</ el emNumber >
Chapter 7 Appendix CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
<el emNode1> 682</ el emNode1>
<el emNode2> 699</ el emNode2>
<el emNode3> 684</ el emNode3>
<el emNode4> 683</ el emNode4>
<el emMat Num> 2</ el emMat Num>
<el emConst r I ncr > 12</ el emConst r I ncr >
<el emType>QUAD</ el emType>
</ el emConn>
</ el ement Dat a>
<boundar yDat a>
<boundar y>
<boundNumber > 1</ boundNumber >
<boundNode> 21</ boundNode>
<boundConst r I ncr > 1</ boundConst r I ncr >
<boundXCode> 1</ boundXCode>
<boundYCode> 0</ boundYCode>
<boundXFor ce> 0. 0000E+00</ boundXFor ce>
<boundYFor ce> 0. 0000E+00</ boundYFor ce>
<boundRot Angl e> 0. 0000E+00</ boundRot Angl e>
</ boundar y>
<boundar y>
<boundNumber > 2</ boundNumber >
<boundNode> 432</ boundNode>
<boundConst r I ncr > 1</ boundConst r I ncr >
<boundXCode> 1</ boundXCode>
<boundYCode> 0</ boundYCode>
<boundXFor ce> 0. 0000E+00</ boundXFor ce>
<boundYFor ce> 0. 0000E+00</ boundYFor ce>
<boundRot Angl e> 0. 0000E+00</ boundRot Angl e>
</ boundar y>
</ boundar yDat a>
<soi l Dat a>
<soi l >
<mat I D> 1</ mat I D>
<i TYP> 1</ i TYP>
<densi t y> 0. 6944444E- 01</ densi t y>
<mat Name>i n si t u</ mat Name>
</ soi l >
</ soi l Dat a>
<i nt er f aceDat a>
<i nt er f ace>
<mat I D> 1</ mat I D>
<mat Name> I nt er # 1</ mat Name>
<angl e> 0. 9000000E+02</ angl e>
<coef f Fr i ct i on> 0. 3000000E+00</ coef f Fr i ct i on>
<t ensi l eFor ce> 0. 1000000E+02</ t ensi l eFor ce>
</ i nt er f ace>
</ i nt er f aceDat a>
</ CANDEMeshGeom>
Chapter 7 Appendix CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Description of Tags

Master control: <Control>
Tag Type Description
numNodes Integer Number of nodes
numElements Integer Number of elements
numSoilMaterials Integer Number of soil materials
numInterfaceMaterials Integer Number of interface materials
inputCheck Integer Input check
numBoundCond Integer Number of boundary conditions
numConstIncr Integer Number of load steps
meshTitle String Character string title

Node Information: <nodeData><nodeCoord> (1 to numNodes)
Tag Type Description
nodeNumber Integer Node identifier number
X Double Precision X-coordinate of nodeNumber
Y Double Precision Y-coordinate of nodeNumber

Element Information: <elementData><elemConn>(1 to numElements)
Tag Type Description
elemNumber Integer Element identifier number
elemNode1 Integer Node 1 connected to element, all
elemNode2 Integer Node 2 connected to element, all
elemNode2 Integer Node 3 connected to element, repeat node
2 for beam
elemNode2 Integer Node 4 connected to element, repeat node
3 except quad
elemMatNum Integer Material Number of the element
elemConstrIncr Integer Load step of the element
elemType String Either QUAD, TRIA, or BEAM
elemSelected String 1 element selected by the user
0- element not selected by the user
(default from CANDE)

Boundary Information: <boundaryData><boundary > (1 to numBoundCond)
Tag Type Description
boundNumber Integer Boundary identifier number
boundNode Integer Node identifier of the boundary condition
boundConstrIncr Integer Load step when boundary condition is
boundXCode Integer Either 0, 1,2, or 3:
0-, x-force (rotation free)
1 x-disp. (rotation fix)
2 x-disp. (rotation free)
3 x-force (rotation fix)
boundYCode Integer Either 0, 1,2, or 3
0-, y-force (rotation free)
1 y-disp. (rotation fix)
Chapter 7 Appendix CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
2 y-disp. (rotation free)
3 y-force (rotation fix)
boundXForce Double Precision Value of x-force or x-disp.
boundYForce Double Precision Value of y-force or y-disp.
boundRotAngle Double Precision Angle of rotated coordinates to define
boundary conditions.

Soil Information: <soilData><soil> (1 to numSoilMaterials)
Tag Type Description
matID Integer Soil material identifier
iTYP Integer CANDE soil material type.
density double precision Soil density
matName String Specifies either a CANDE predefined soil
name or user provided description.

Interface Information: <interfaceData><interface> (1 to numInterfaceMaterials)
Tag Type Description
matID Integer Interface material identifier
matName String String to describe the material.
angle double precision Angle from x-axis to normal of interface.
coeffFriction double precision Coefficient of friction between nodes I
and J
tensileForce double precision Tensile breaking force of contact nodes I
and J .

Chapter 7 Appendix CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
7.1.2 Mesh results format
The following is the XML mesh results format that is used by CANDE for the plotting of the mesh results
using the CANDE mesh viewer. This file is automatically generated by CANDE for Levels 2 and 3. The
definition of the XML tags is provided in tables at the end of this section.

<CANDEMeshResul t s>
<Cont r ol >
<numNodes> 265</ numNodes>
<numEl ement s> 229</ numEl ement s>
<numConst I ncr > 13</ numConst I ncr >
<Level Num>3</ Level Num>
<Headi ng>217 Cor r . St eel Pi pe </ Headi ng>
</ Cont r ol >
<el emOut put Desc>
<st 1BEAM>Thr ust f or ce at node I </ st 1BEAM>
<st 2BEAM>Shear f or ce at node I </ st 2BEAM>
<st 3BEAM>Moment r esul t ant at node I </ st 3BEAM>
<st 4BEAM>Thr ust f or ce at node J </ st 4BEAM>
<st 5BEAM>Shear f or ce at node J </ st 5BEAM>
<st 6BEAM>Moment r esul t ant at node J </ st 6BEAM>

<st 1TRI A>Ver t i cal st r ai n at el ement cent er </ st 1TRI A>
<st 2TRI A>Hor i zont al st r ai n at el ement cent er </ st 2TRI A>
<st 3TRI A>Shear st r ai n at el ement cent er </ st 3TRI A>
<st 4TRI A>Ver t i cal st r ess at el ement cent er </ st 4TRI A>
<st 5TRI A>Hor i zont al st r ess at el ement cent er </ st 5TRI A>
<st 6TRI A>Shear st r ess at el ement cent er </ st 6TRI A>

<st 1QUAD>Ver t i cal st r ai n at el ement cent er </ st 1QUAD>
<st 2QUAD>Hor i zont al st r ai n at el ement cent er </ st 2QUAD>
<st 3QUAD>Shear st r ai n at el ement cent er </ st 3QUAD>
<st 4QUAD>Ver t i cal st r ess at el ement cent er </ st 4QUAD>
<st 5QUAD>Hor i zont al st r ess at el ement cent er </ st 5QUAD>
<st 6QUAD>Shear st r ess at el ement cent er </ st 6QUAD>

<st 1I NTF>Tot al nor mal i nt er f ace f or ce</ st 1I NTF>
<st 2I NTF>Tot al shear i nt er f ace f or ce</ st 2I NTF>
<st 3I NTF>Last i ncr ement of nor mal i nt er f ace f or ce</ st 3I NTF>
<st 4I NTF>Last i ncr ement of shear i nt er f ace f or ce</ st 4I NTF>
<st 5I NTF>Rel at i ve x- di spl acement i nc. DU( J ) - DU( I ) </ st 5I NTF>
<st 6I NTF>Rel at i ve y- di spl acement i nc. DV( J ) - DV( I ) </ st 6I NTF>

</ el emOut put Desc>

<di spl acement Dat a>
<di spConst I ncr > 1</ di spConst I ncr >
<nodeDi spDat a>
<nodeDi sp>
<nodeDi spNumber > 1</ nodeDi spNumber >
<nodeXDi sp> 0. 000000E+00</ nodeXDi sp>
<nodeYDi sp> 0. 000000E+00</ nodeYDi sp>
</ nodeDi sp>
<nodeDi sp>
<nodeDi spNumber > 2</ nodeDi spNumber >
<nodeXDi sp> 0. 000000E+00</ nodeXDi sp>
Chapter 7 Appendix CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
<nodeYDi sp> 0. 000000E+00</ nodeYDi sp>
</ nodeDi sp>
<el emDi spDat a>
<el emDi sp>
<el emDi spNumber > 1</ el emDi spNumber >
<el emDi spType>BEAM</ el emDi spType>
<st 1> - 0. 562661E+03</ st 1>
<st 2> 0. 144582E+02</ st 2>
<st 3> 0. 195709E+04</ st 3>
<st 4> - 0. 562661E+03</ st 4>
<st 5> 0. 144582E+02</ st 5>
<st 6> 0. 208510E+04</ st 6>
</ el emDi sp>
<el emDi sp>
<el emDi spNumber > 2</ el emDi spNumber >
<el emDi spType>BEAM</ el emDi spType>
<st 1> - 0. 580803E+03</ st 1>
<st 2> 0. 389251E+02</ st 2>
<st 3> 0. 162513E+04</ st 3>
<st 4> - 0. 580803E+03</ st 4>
<st 5> 0. 389251E+02</ st 5>
<st 6> 0. 195709E+04</ st 6>
</ el emDi sp>
</ di spl acement Dat a>
<di spl acement Dat a>
</ di spl acement Dat a>

Master control: <CANDEMeshResults><Control>
Tag Type Description
numNodes Integer Number of nodes
numElements Integer Number of elements
numConstIncr Integer Number of construction increments
LevelNum Integer CANDE model level
Heading string user input title

Element output descriptions: CANDEMeshResults.elemOutputDesc
Defines the definitions of ST1-ST6 (Defined inelemDispData.elemDisp>) based on the element type
Tag Type Description
st1BEAM String Description of beam ST1
st2BEAM String Description of beam ST2
st3BEAM String Description of beam ST3
st4BEAM String Description of beam ST4
st5BEAM String Description of beam ST5
st6BEAM String Description of beam ST6
st1TRIA String Description of TRIA ST1
st2TRIA String Description of TRIA ST2
st3TRIA String Description of TRIA ST3
st4TRIA String Description of TRIA ST4
Chapter 7 Appendix CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
Tag Type Description
st5TRIA String Description of TRIA ST5
st6TRIA String Description of TRIA ST6
st1QUAD String Description of QUAD ST1
st2QUAD String Description of QUAD ST2
st3QUAD String Description of QUAD ST3
st4QUAD String Description of QUAD ST4
st5QUAD String Description of QUAD ST5
st6QUAD String Description of QUAD ST6
st1INTF String Description of INTF ST1
st2INTF String Description of INTF ST2
st3INTF String Description of INTF ST3
st4INTF String Description of INTF ST4
st5INTF String Description of INTF ST5
st6INTF String Description of INTF ST6

Element/Node results data: <CANDEMeshResults><displacementData>
A set of this data is produced for each construction increment; i.e. There will be
CANDEMeshResults.Control.numConstIncr sets of this data.

Construction increment: <dispConstIncr> 1</dispConstIncr>

Tag Type Description
dispConstIncr Integer Construction increment #

Node results data: <CANDEMeshResults><displacementData><nodeDispData><nodeDisp>
One result for each node CANDEMeshResults.Control.numNodes
Tag Type Description
nodeDispNumber Integer Node identifier number
nodeXDisp Double Precision X-Displacement of the node coordinate
for this construction increment
NodeYDisp Double Precision Y-Displacement of the node coordinate
for this construction increment

Element results data: <CANDEMeshResults><displacementData><elemDispData><elemDisp>
One result for each node CANDEMeshResults.Control.numElements
Tag Type Description
elemDispNumber Integer Element identifier number
elemDispType String Element type: Type is either BEAM,
and can be used to extract the output
description for each st* value shown
st1 Double Precision Dependent on element type. Description
comes from
st2 Double Precision Dependent on element type. Description
comes from
st3 Double Precision Dependent on element type. Description
comes from
Chapter 7 Appendix CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
Tag Type Description
st4 Double Precision Dependent on element type. Description
comes from
st5 Double Precision Dependent on element type. Description
comes from
st6 Double Precision Dependent on element type. Description
comes from

Chapter 7 Appendix CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
7.1.3 Beam results format
The following is the XML beam results format that is used by CANDE for the plotting of the beam results
using the CANDE Graphs viewer. This file is automatically generated by CANDE for Levels 1, 2 and 3.
The definition of the XML tags is provided in tables at the end of this section.

<CANDEBeamResul t s>
<Cont r ol >
<numConst I ncr > 13</ numConst I ncr >
<numPi peEl ement s> 19</ numPi peEl ement s>
<numPi peNodes> 20</ numPi peNodes>
<Level >3</ Level >
<Headi ng>217 Cor r . St eel Pi pe
</ Headi ng>
<meshTi t l e>I mpor t ed f r om' C: \ Document s and
Set t i ngs\ bpst r ohman\ Deskt op\ Tut or i a </ meshTi t l e>
</ Cont r ol >
<beamDat a>
<numBeamGr oups> 1</ numBeamGr oups>
<beamGr oup>
<! - - 1- St eel , 2- Al umi num, 3- Concr et e, 4- Pl ast i c, 5- Basi c, 6- Speci al
( Rout i ne added by t he user ) - - >
<pi peCode> 1</ pi peCode>
<! - - Number of beamel em. i n t hi s gr oup - - >
<numBeamEl em> 19</ numBeamEl em>
<st ar t BeamEl em> 1</ st ar t BeamEl em>
<endBeamEl em> 19</ endBeamEl em>
<st ar t Node> 1</ st ar t Node>
<endNode> 20</ endNode>
</ beamGr oup>
</ beamDat a>
<beamResul t s>
<const I ncr ement > 1</ const I ncr ement >
<r esul t sDat a>
<r esul t I d> 1</ r esul t I d>
<nodeNumber > 1</ nodeNumber >
<! - - el emt o r i ght of node: 99999 i f end - - >
<el ement Number > 1</ el ement Number >
<beamGr oupNumber > 1</ beamGr oupNumber >
<pi peType> 1</ pi peType>
<xCoor d> 0. 000000E+00</ xCoor d>
<yCoor d> 0. 823800E+02</ yCoor d>
<xDi sp> 0. 000000E+00</ xDi sp>
<yDi sp> - 0. 794825E+00</ yDi sp>
<bendi ngMoment > 0. 899943E+02</ bendi ngMoment >
<t hr ust For ce> - 0. 466842E+01</ t hr ust For ce>
<shear For ce> 0. 102312E- 01</ shear For ce>
<nor mal Pr essur e> - 0. 979715E- 06</ nor mal Pr essur e>
<t angPr essur e> 0. 989320E- 09</ t angPr essur e>
<! - - Resul t s 10- 20 dependent on pi pe t ype- - >
<r esul t 10> - 0. 800044E+03</ r esul t 10>
<r esul t 11> - 0. 174847E+02</ r esul t 11>
<r esul t 12> 0. 383193E- 01</ r esul t 12>
<r esul t 13> 0. 000000E+00</ r esul t 13>
<r esul t 14> 0. 267000E+001</ r esul t 14>
<r esul t 15> 0. 127000E+00</ r esul t 15>
Chapter 7 Appendix CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
<r esul t 16> 0. 110435E+01</ r esul t 16>
<r esul t 17> 0. 000000E+00</ r esul t 17>
<r esul t 18> 0. 242438E- 01</ r esul t 18>
<moment I ncr ement > 0. 240075E- 04</ moment I ncr ement >
<t hr ust I ncr ement > - 0. 251048E- 04</ t hr ust I ncr ement >
</ r esul t sDat a>
<r esul t sDat a>
</ r esul t sDat a>
</ beamResul t s>
<beamResul t s>
<const I ncr ement > 2</ const I ncr ement >
</ beamResul t s>
</ CANDEBeamResul t s>

Master control: <CANDEBeamResults><Control>
Tag Type Description
numConstIncr Integer Number of construction increments
numPipeElements Integer Total number of pipe elements
numPipeNodes Integer Total number of pipe nodes
LevelNum Integer CANDE model level
Heading string user input title

Beam Data: <CANDEBeamResults><beamData> <beamGroup>
Number of Beam Groups: <numBeamGroups> 4</numBeamGroups>

Beam Group: <CANDEBeamResults><beamData><beamGroup>
Set of this data is produced for each beam group
Tag Type Description
pipeCode Integer code for the pipe type: 1- Steel, 2-
Basic,6-Special (Routine added by the
numBeamElem Integer Number of beam elements in the group
startBeamElem Integer Starting element sequence number in the
endBeamElem Integer Ending element sequence number in the
startNode Integer Starting node sequence number in the
endNode Integer Ending node sequence number in the

Beam Results: <CANDEBeamResults><beamResults>

Construction increment: <constIncrement>1</constIncrement>

Results Data: <CANDEBeamResults><beamResults><resultsData>
Set of this data is produced for each element in this beam group; i.e.
Chapter 7 Appendix CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
Tag Type Description
resulteId Integer result ID number
nodeNumber Integer node ID number
elementNumber Integer element to the right of nodeNumber; 9999
if the last node number
beamGroupNumber Integer beam group for this result
pipeType Integer code for the pipe type: 1- Steel, 2-
Basic,6-Special (Routine added by the
xCoord Double Precision x coordinate of nodeNumber
yCoord Double Precision y coordinate of nodeNumber
xDisp Double Precision x displacement of nodeNumber for this
construction increment
yDisp Double Precision y displacement of nodeNumber for this
construction increment
bendingMoment Double Precision bending moment
thrustForce Double Precision thrust force (compression =negative)
shearForce Double Precision shear force
normalPressure Double Precision normal pressure on pipe
tangPressure Double Precision tangential pressure on pipe
result10 Double Precision dependent on pipe type
result11 Double Precision dependent on pipe type
result12 Double Precision dependent on pipe type
result13 Double Precision dependent on pipe type
result14 Double Precision dependent on pipe type
result15 Double Precision dependent on pipe type
result16 Double Precision dependent on pipe type
result17 Double Precision dependent on pipe type
result18 Double Precision dependent on pipe type
momentIncrement Double Precision moment increment
thrustIncrement Double Precision thrust increment

Chapter 7 Appendix CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
7.1.4 NCHRP Process 12-50 Results
For the purposes of regression testing of future versions of CANDE, the NCHRP Process 12-50 results
have been included in this version of CANDE. Process 12-50 is described in detail in NCHRP Report 485
Bridge Software Validation Guidelines and Examples. This file is only produced if the value for
CULVERTID on the A-1 command (see section 5.3.1 A-1 Master Control Input Data) is greater than
zero. For CANDE, the 12-50 file format is a comma-delimited ASCII text format and has been modified
slightly to account for the two dimensions (i.e. X and Y coordinates). The format is as shown in the
following table. This file is suitable for importing into a relational database. A sample of the Process 12-50
output is shown in Figure 7.1-1.

Table 7.1-1 NCHRP Tag format
Tag Description
CulvertID Unique integer to define this input file (user input on A-1 command)
ProcessID Unique integer to define the process ID (user input on A-1
ReportID Unique integer to uniquely define each CANDE beam result (see
Table 7.1-2 for definitions)
X-location X-coordinate location of beam node
Y.location Y-coordinate location of beam node
Value Value for the specific ReportID
Subdomain Unique integer to define the subdomain ID (user input on A-1
command). Subdomains can define things such as culvert type.
Location ID CANDE Beam group ID
AuxID CANDE local element ID

Figure 7.1-1 Sample NCHRP Process 12-50 results
12, 2, 80003, 0. 000000E+00, 0. 823800E+02, 0. 000000E+00, 1, 1, 1
12, 2, 80004, 0. 000000E+00, 0. 823800E+02, - 0. 794825E+00, 1, 1, 1
12, 2, 80005, 0. 000000E+00, 0. 823800E+02, 0. 899943E+02, 1, 1, 1
12, 2, 80006, 0. 000000E+00, 0. 823800E+02, - 0. 466842E+01, 1, 1, 1
12, 2, 80007, 0. 000000E+00, 0. 823800E+02, 0. 102312E- 01, 1, 1, 1
12, 2, 80008, 0. 000000E+00, 0. 823800E+02, - 0. 979715E- 06, 1, 1, 1
12, 2, 80009, 0. 000000E+00, 0. 823800E+02, 0. 989320E- 09, 1, 1, 1
12, 2, 80010, 0. 000000E+00, 0. 823800E+02, - 0. 800044E+03, 1, 1, 1
12, 2, 80011, 0. 000000E+00, 0. 823800E+02, - 0. 174847E+02, 1, 1, 1
12, 2, 80012, 0. 000000E+00, 0. 823800E+02, 0. 383193E- 01, 1, 1, 1
12, 2, 80013, 0. 000000E+00, 0. 823800E+02, 0. 000000E+00, 1, 1, 1
12, 2, 80014, 0. 000000E+00, 0. 823800E+02, 0. 267000E+00, 1, 1, 1
12, 2, 80015, 0. 000000E+00, 0. 823800E+02, 0. 127000E+00, 1, 1, 1
Chapter 7 Appendix CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
Table 7.1-2 NCHRP Process 12-50 Report ID table
80003 x displacement (inc)
80004 y displacement (inch)
80005 Bending moment positive in fiber tension (in-lb/ inch)
80006 Thrust Force compression negative (lb/inch)
80007 Shear Force outward positive (lb/inch)
80008 Normal Pressure on pipe compression is negative (psi)
80009 Tangential pressure on pipe positive is clockwise (psi)

Aluminum Basic Concrete Plastic Steel
80010 Maximum
fiber stress
0 Inner cage steel
Max Bending
Maximum fiber
80011 Thrust Stress
0 Outer cage
steel stress
Thrust Stress
Thrust Stress
80012 Shear Stress
0 Max concrete
Shear Stress
Shear Stress
80013 Fraction of
wall yielded
0 Effective shear
tensile strain
Fraction of wall
80014 Modified area
0 Effective Area
Effective Area
Modified area (PA*)
80015 Modified
M-of-I (PI*)
0 Effective
M-of-I (PI*)
M-of-I (PI*)
M-of-I (PI*)
80016 Distance to N-
A (y-bar)
0 Distance to N-
A (y-bar)
Distance to N-
A (y-bar)
Distance to N-A (y-
80017 Bend-stress
above yield
0 Crack Width
Bend-stress above
80018 Strain ratio:
0 Crack Depth
Percent of
remaining area
Strain ratio:

80019 Moment increment current inner strain during iteration (in-lb/inch)
80020 Thrust increment current outer strain during iteration (lb/inch)

Chapter 7 Appendix CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
7.1.5 CANDE-2007 Output Files for Plotting
This appendix defines two output files generated by CANDE-2007 that the user may access to plot and/or
further process the CANDE input and output. The data files are legacy files that were part of CANDE-89
and have been included to maintain compatibility with any software that continues to use these files. The
files are standard ASCII text with a format as described in the following section.

Plot data from CANDE is provided on two files controlled by user input parameter called IPLOT. The
two files called PLOT1 and PLOT2 are described below.

1. PLOT1 (alias File 10 in CANDE): This contains finite element mesh data followed by finite
element response data records for each load step. This file is automatically created in the same
folder that the input file is stored with the extension PLOT1.dat.

2. PLOT2 (alias File 30 in CANDE): This contains pipe element mesh data followed by detailed
pipe-element nodal response data records for each load step. This file is automatically created in
the same folder that the input file is stored with the extension PLOT2.dat.

User control for parameter IPLOT:
IPLOT =0, data not written to either PLOT1 or PLOT2
IPLOT =1, data written to only PLOT1, not PLOT2.
IPLOT =2, data written to only PLOT2, not PLOT1.
IPLOT =3, data written to both PLOT1 and PLOT2. Contents of PLOT1.DAT
The following records (a) and (b) are sequentially written to PLOT1. Record (a) is written in subroutine
SAVED and contains all the constant mesh data. Record (b) is written in subroutine RESOUT and contains
the finite element response data for each load step.

(a) FORTRAN statements used to write records written to PLOT1 from subroutine SAVED (mesh

WRITE(LUPLOT,6010) (TITLE(K),K=1,17)
6010 FORMAT(///,,17A4,)
title =character strings of user title from the input line (PREP) (string)

6015 FORMAT(I5,5(,,I5))
npt =Total number of nodal points (integer)
numel =Total number of elements (integer)
nummat = Number of materials (integer)
nputck =Input check code (integer)
nbptc =Number of boundary condition nodes (integer)
ninc = Number of construction increments (integer)

WRITE(LUPLOT,6020) (N, X(N),Y(N)), N=1,NPT)
6020 FORMAT(I5,2(,,E12.4))
n =node number (integer)
x(n) =X-coordinate of node (inches)
y(n) =Y-coordinate of node (inches)

WRITE(LUPLOT,6025) (N, (NOD(K,N),K=1,4),KODE(N),NOD(6,N)) , N= 1, NELEM
6025 FORMAT(I5,6(,,I5))
n =element number (integer)
nod(n,1) =node 1 connected to element, all elements (integer)
Chapter 7 Appendix CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
nod(n,2) =node 2 connected to element, all elements (integer)
nod(n,3) =node 3 connected to element, repeat node 2 for beam (integer)
nod(n,4) =node 4 connected to element, repeat node 3 except quad,
kode(n) =material number of soil element, for beam and interface =11
nod(n,6) =construction increment number of element (integer)

6035 FORMAT(I5,4(,,I5),3(,,E12.4))
n =number of a specified boundary condition (integer)
ndb =node with imposed boundary condition (integer)
ia =construction increment when boundary condition is effective (integer)
Iflagx =X-boundary code (0,1,2, or 3) see CANDE manual (integer)
Iflagy =Y-boundary code (0,1,2, or 3) see CANDE manual (integer)
biv(1,n) =Specified x-direction force or displacement (lbs/inch or inch)
biv(2,n) =Specified y-direction force or displacement (lbs/inch or inch)
biv(3,n) =Angle of rotated boundary coordinate system -- (radians)

(b) Records written to PLOT1 from RESOUT. These records sequentially follow the above record
(a), wherein record (b) is repeated for each load step from ia = 1 to ninc.

1000 FORMAT(I5)
ia =current construction increment number or load step quad (integer)

WRITE(LUPLOT,1010) (U(N),V(N)), N = 1, NPT)
1010 FORMAT(E12.4, ,,E12.4)
n =node number (integer)
u(n) =Total current displacement in x direction (inch)
v(n) =Total current displacement in y direction (inch)

WRITE(LUPLOT,1020) (ST(J ,N), J =1,6), N=1,NELEM)
1020 FORMAT(E12.4, 5(,,E12.4))
n =element number (integer)
st(array) depends on element type as shown below:
Chapter 7 Appendix CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

st(array) Continuum Elements
(Quad or Triangle)
Beam elements
(2-nodes I and J )
Interface Elements (3-
nodes, I, J and K)
ST(1,N) Horizontal strain at element
Thrust force at node I
Total normal interface
ST(2,N) Vertical strain at element
Shear force at node I
Total shear interface
ST(3,N) Shear strain at element center
Moment resultant at
node I
Last increment of
normal interface force
ST(4,N) Horizontal stress at element
Thrust force at node J
Last increment of shear
interface force
ST(5,N) Vertical stress at element
Shear force at node J
Relative x-displacement
inc. DU(J )-DU(I)
ST(6,N) Shear stress at element center
Moment resultant at
node J
Relative y-displacement
inc. DV(J )-DV(I)

The following records (a) and (b) are sequentially written to PLOT2. Record (a) is written in subroutine
SAVED and contains only a few key parameters. Record (b) is written in subroutine RESOUT and contains
pipe-element group data (written during first load step only) followed by all pipe-element response data for
each load step.

(a) Records written to PLOT2 from subroutine SAVED (global beam element data),

WRITE(30,6010) (TITLE(K),K=1,17)
6010 FORMAT(///,,17A4,)
title =character strings of user title from the PREP input line. (string)

6030 FORMAT(I5,2(,,I5))
ninc =total number of construction increments (integer)
npmat =total number pipe (beam) elements (integer)
nppt = total number of pipe (beam) nodes (integer)

(b) Records written to PLOT1 from subroutine RESOUT. On first load step the pipe-element
group data is written once and for all. For the first and subsequent load steps, all beam element
responses are recorded from the global RESULT array, which contains all pipe-element groups.

NPMAT1(N),NPMAT2(N),NPPT1(N),NPPT2(N),N=1,NPGRPS) --- written only on first
1100 FORMAT(I5,(6 (,,I5)))

npgrps =Number of pipe-element groups -- a group is connected. (integer)
ntypex(n) =Pipe-type code number (1,2,3,4,5 or 6) for group n. (integer)
Chapter 7 Appendix CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
npmatx(n) =Number of beam elements in group -- local count. (integer)
npmat1(n) =Starting element sequence number in group -- global count.
npmat2(n) =Ending element sequence number in group -- global count.
nppt1(n) =Starting node sequence number in group -- global count. (integer)
nppt2(n) =Ending node sequence number in group -- global count. (integer)
npmat =Total number of beam elements -- global sum of all groups. (integer)
nppt =Total number of beam nodes -- global sum of all groups. (integer)

WRITE(30,1000) IA --- written every increment
1000 FORMAT(I5)

ia =construction increment number or load step. (integer)
WRITE(30,1110) (RESULT(J ,N),J =1,20) , N=1,NPPT)
1110 FORMAT(E12.4,19(,,E12.4))

(Note: RESULT(1,N) to RESULT(9,N) and RESULT(19,N) and RESULT(20,N) are
common for all pipe types)

RESULT(5,N) =BENDING MOMENT -- positive in fiber tension.
(in-lb/ inch)
RESULT(6,N) =THRUST FORCE -- compression negative (lb/inch)
RESULT(7,N) =SHEAR FORCE outward positive. (lb/inch)
RESULT(8,N) =NORMAL PRESSURE ON PIPE compression is negative.
RESULT(9,N) =TANGENTIAL PRESSURE ON PIPE -- positive is clockwise.
RESULT(10,N) through RESULT(18,N) are dependent on pipe-type as shown
Chapter 7 Appendix CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

Aluminum Basic Concrete Plastic Steel
(10,N) Maximum
fiber stress
0 Inner cage steel
Max Bending
fiber stress
(11,N) Thrust Stress
0 Outer cage
steel stress
Thrust Stress
Thrust Stress
(12,N) Shear Stress
0 Max concrete
Shear Stress
Shear Stress
(13,N) Fraction of
wall yielded
0 Effective shear
tensile strain
Fraction of
wall yielded
(14,N) Modified area
0 Effective Area
Effective Area
Modified area
(15,N) Modified
M-of-I (PI*)
0 Effective
M-of-I (PI*)
M-of-I (PI*)
M-of-I (PI*)
(16,N) Distance to N-
A (y-bar)
0 Distance to N-
A (y-bar)
Distance to N-
A (y-bar)
Distance to N-
A (y-bar)
(17,N) Bend-stress
above yield
0 Crack Width
above yield
(18,N) Strain ratio:
0 Crack Depth
Percent of
remaining area
Strain ratio:

RESULT(19,N) =MOMENT INCREMENT -- current inner strain during iteration.
RESULT(20,N) =THRUST INCREMENT -- current outer strain during iteration.

Chapter 7 Appendix CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
7.2 CANDE NASTRAN Import Format
CANDE supports a limited import of NASTRAN files based on the information based in this section. The
NASTRAN import is available for Level 3 models when creating a new CANDE input document using the
CANDE Input Wizard (see section CANDE Input Wizard Level 3 items). The NASTRAN
commands supported by the NASTRAN import option are shown in . CANDEs implementation of these
commands is documented in this section.

Table 7.2-1 NASTRAN commands support by CANDE import
NASTRAN Description CANDE Use
GRID Defines the location of a geometric grid point
of the structural model and its permanent
single point constraints.
Defines level 3 node numbers.
CBAR Defines a simple beam element (BAR) of the
structural model.
Defines a CANDE beam-column
CTRIA3 Defines an isoparametric triangular plate
Defines a CANDE triangle element.
CQUAD4 Defines an isoparametric quadrilateral plate
Defines a CANDE quadrilateral
PSHELL Defines the membrane, bending, transverse
shear, and coupling properties of thin shell
CANDE interprets this as a soil
material. Material properties are not
stored, but the PSHELL commands are
counted to determine the number of
soil materials CANDE defines.
CGAP Defines a gap or friction element. CANDE uses the CGAP command to
define interface elements.
SPC Defines the location of a geometric grid point
of the structural model and its permanent
single point constraints.
CANDE uses the SPC command to
define boundary conditions.
FORCE Defines a static load at a grid point by
specifying a vector.
CANDE uses the FORCE command to
define boundary conditions as point

Chapter 7 Appendix CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

7.2.1 NASTRAN Input Data Card- GRID- Point

Description: Defines the location of a geometric grid point of the structural model and its permanent
single point constraints.

Format and Example:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
GRID 2 1.0 -2.0 0.0 12

Field Contents

ID Grid Point identification number (INTEGER).
CP Coordinate system ID used to define the node location
X, Y, Z Location of the grid point (REAL)
CD Coordinate system ID used to define the displacements
PS Permanent single-point constraints associated with grid point (any of the digits 1-6 with
no embedded blanks) (INTEGER or blank)

CANDE Implementation:
Field Description Notes:
2 Retrieves node number
4 Retrieves x- coordinate
5 Retrieves y- coordinate

Chapter 7 Appendix CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
7.2.2 NASTRAN Input Data Card-CBAR Simpl e Beam Element

Description: Defines a simple beam element (BAR) of the structural model.

Format and Example:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
CBAR 3 2 7 3 0.0 1.0 0.0

Field Contents
EID Unique element identification number (INTEGER).
PID Identification number of a PBAR property card (INTEGER).
GA, GB Grid point identification numbers of connection points (INTEGER).
X1, X2, X3 Components of orientation vector v, from GA, in the displacement coordinate system of
1. Orientation vector ignored.

CANDE Implementation:
Field Description Notes:
2 Retrieves element number CANDE cannot skip number elements. If the
NASTRAN elements are skip-numbered, CANDE
will renumber them sequentially.
3 Saves material number as place holder For Beam materials, CANDE requires that the Beam
material numbering be sequential starting with 1.
CANDE saves the material number but requires the
user to define the material later. If multiple beam
material numbers are present, the import will mark
them and renumber them starting with 1. For
example, if beam material IDs 4 and 7 are present
in the NASTRAN file,, CANDE will convert the 4
to a 1 and the 7 to a 2.
4 Start element location (Node I)
5 End element location (Node J )

Chapter 7 Appendix CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
7.2.3 NASTRAN Input Data Card-CTRIA3-Triangular Plate El ement

Description: Defines an isoparametric triangular plate element.

Format and Example:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
CTRIA3 3 2 7 3 12

Field Contents

EID Unique element identification number (INTEGER).
PID Identification number of a PSHELL property card (INTEGER).
G1, G1, G3 Grid point identification numbers of connection points (INTEGER).

CANDE Implementation:
Field Description Notes:
2 Retrieves element number CANDE cannot skip number elements. If
the NASTRAN elements are skip-
numbered, CANDE will renumber them
3 Saves material number as place holder CANDE saves the material number but
requires the user to define the material
number later
4 Node location (Node I)
5 Node location (Node J )
6 Node location (Node K)

Chapter 7 Appendix CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
7.2.4 NASTRAN Input Data Card-CQUAD4-Quadrilateral Plate Element

Description: Defines an isoparametric quadrilateral plate element.

Format and Example:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
CQUAD4 4 2 8 6 12 14

Field Contents

EID Unique element identification number (INTEGER).
PID Identification number of a PSHELL property card (INTEGER).
G1, G1, G3, G4 Grid point identification numbers of connection points (INTEGER).

CANDE Implementation:
Field Description Notes:
2 Retrieves element number CANDE cannot skip number elements. If
the NASTRAN elements are skip-
numbered, CANDE will renumber them
3 Saves material number as place holder CANDE saves the material number but
requires the user to define the material
number later
4 Node location (Node I) NOTE:: CANDE does not accept elements
that are input clockwise. If the NASTRAN
element is clockwise, CANDE will produce
and error and the user will need to manually
change the orientation.
5 Node location (Node J )
6 Node location (Node K)
7 Node location (Node L)

Chapter 7 Appendix CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
7.2.5 NASTRAN Input Data Card- PSHELL-Shell El ement Property

Description: Defines the membrane, bending, transverse shear, and coupling properties of thin shell

Format and Example:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
PSHELL 11 2 0.125

Field Contents

PID Property identification number (INTEGER)
MID Material identification number for the membrane (INTEGER)
T Default membrane thickness for the element
MID2 Material identification number for bending (INTEGER)
12I/T^2 Bending moment of inertia ratio. (REAL)
MID3 Material identification number for transverse shear (INTEGER)
TS/T Transverse shear thickness ratio (default =0.833333) (REAL)
NSM Nonstructural mass per unit area. (REAL)

CANDE Implementation:
CANDE simply uses this command to keep count of the number of soil materials. CANDE does not store
the actual material properties.
Chapter 7 Appendix CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
7.2.6 NASTRAN Input Data Card-CGAP-Gap El ement Connection

Description: Defines a gap or friction element.

Format and Example:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
CGAP 11 2 4 5

Field Contents

EID Element identification number (INTEGER)
PID Property identification number (INTEGER)
GA,GB Connected Grid points (INTEGER
X1,X2,X3 Components of the orientation vector (REAL)
CID Element coordinate system (INTEGER)

CANDE Implementation:
For each CGAP command detected, CANDE will place an interface element and will use the following
rules to determine the interface angle:

1. The first node in a Gap element should be attached to the beam and the second is attached to the
soil. It will be up to the user to make sure the mesh is generated in this way or there will be
translation problems. If the user wants this translator to get interface element angles from the
mesh, they must slightly move the soil element node away from the beam node by about 0.1 inch.
2. The CANDE importer will obtain the X and Y coordinates of the two nodes defining the Gap
element (X1 and Y1 for the first node and X2 and Y2 for the second node).
3. Compute DX1=X1-X2, DY1=Y1-Y2.
4. IF ABS(DX1)<1.E-5 .and. ABS(DY1)<1.E-5 then the nodes will be considered coincident. The
user will need to set the interface angle in CANDE. The user will be notified because the
MATNAM in CANDE will be set to User must set angl e
5. If the two nodes are not coincident, Theta =atan2(DY1,DX1).
6. Make the two nodes coincident (i.e. X2=X1 and Y2=Y1)
7. If a total of N nodes have been read in, generate a new node numberN+1 with the same X and Y
coordinates as the first and second nodes. For example, if 10 gaps elements are read in, there will
be 10 additional nodes in the mesh.
Chapter 7 Appendix CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
7.2.7 NASTRAN Input Data Card-SPC-Single Point Constraint

Description: Defines the location of a geometric grid point of the structural model and its permanent
single point constraints.

Format and Example:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
SPC SID G1 C1 D1 G2 C2 D2
SPC 2 1 123456 0.0 2 1 0.0

Field Contents

SID Identification number of the single point constraint set (INTEGER).
G1 Grid point identification number (INTEGER)
C1 Component number. (any of the digits 1-6 with no embedded blanks) (INTEGER)
D1 Value of enforced displacement
G2 Grid point identification number (INTEGER)
C2 Component number. (any of the digits 1-6 with no embedded blanks) (INTEGER)
D2 Value of enforced displacement

CANDE Implementation:
For each SPC command detected, CANDE will place a boundary condition. CANDE converts the
NASTRAN boundary codes as described in the following table: If one of boundary codes 1, 2 or 6 is not
detected, the SPC command will be ignored.

xy- rotation
1 2 0 Fixed Free Free

2 0 2 Free Fixed Free

12 2 2

Fixed Fixed Free
16 1 0 Fixed Free Fixed

26 0 1 Free Fixed Fixed

126 1 1 Fixed Fixed Fixed

Chapter 7 Appendix CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline
7.2.8 Input Data Card-FORCE-Static Load

Description: Defines a static load at a grid point by specifying a vector.

Format and Example:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
FORCE 1 1 1 200. 1. 0.5 0.0

Field Contents

SID Load set identification number (INTEGER)
G Grid point identification number where load is applied (INTEGER).
CID Coordinate system identification number (INTEGER)
F Scale factor (Real).
N1 X component of the force (REAL)
N2 Y component of the force (REAL)
N3 Z component of the force (REAL)

CANDE Implementation:
For each FORCE command detected, CANDE will place a boundary condition at the specified Grid Point
ID (G). The boundary conditions will be placed as follows:

0 0 F * N1 F*N2 1

Chapter 7 Appendix CANDE-2007 User Manual and Guideline

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