ELEC4100 Complete Notes
ELEC4100 Complete Notes
ELEC4100 Complete Notes
For most electrical energy systems, electrical power is generated and transmitted in the form of three phase Alternating Current (AC), and in Australia the power system frequency is 50Hz. Throughout the electrical grid different voltage levels are used, with each level being appropriate for the various functions that must be performed for each section of the electrical network. So for example generation is typically performed at 20kV. To reduce losses during transmission the voltage is stepped up to 220kV, 330kV or 500kV. Sub-transmission is typically performed at 66kV, while for distribution the voltage is stepped down to 33kV, 22kV, 11kV, 6.6kV and 415V. There are a number of reasons that electrical energy is generated, transmitted and distributed as AC. The primary reason is that the varying voltage levels at different points within the electrical network means that it is necessary to have a device that can connect the different sections together. AC transformers can perform this function with a high degree of reliability and efficiency. Other reasons for using AC include the fact that it is considerably easier to interrupt fault currents in an AC network compared to DC, because the interruption devices can make use of the zero crossing of the fault current. Three phase power flow is also advantageous when compared to single phase power flow. This is because the real power flow in a balanced three phase circuit is constant. For a single phase circuit, however, the power flow pulsates at twice the system frequency. This means that for single phase systems the peak currents must be higher for the same power flow, and also for electrical machines supplied from a single phase network the torque produced by the machine also pulsates. This is why three phase power networks are the preferred choice for most applications. Note however that there are some applications such as rail systems where a single phase network is used, but this is because of the difficulty of feeding a train reliably with three separate energy circuits from an over-head line.
The field created by the rotor is constant in magnitude, but the motion of the rotor leads to a rotating magnetic field in space. The stator of the machine is comprised of a single phase coil ( aa' ), and the rotating magnetic field of the rotor interacts with this coil such that the coil sees a field of the form:
= pk sin ( )
The voltage induced on the stator coil (i.e. across the coil aa' ) is then given by Faradays law as:
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Figure 1 : Single Phase AC Generator.
e= d d =N dt dt
d dt
(3) (4)
e = N pk cos( )
In the above equations, N is the number of turns in the coil aa' . Since the rotational speed of the machine is constant, we can write:
d dt
e = N pk cos(t )
e = Em cos(t )
Note that the voltage magnitude, Em, is proportional to the rotor flux, and that the frequency of the voltage is determined by the angular velocity of the rotor. Hence to achieve a voltage of 240V at a system frequency of 50Hz, this two pole machine must be driven at 3000rpm with the field current set to produce a flux of 10.8mWb. Now consider the same synchronous machine, but with three sets of stator coils : aa ' , bb' , and 0 cc' . Each winding is spatially located 120 apart. This machine is illustrated in figure 2. The voltages generated in the two additional windings have the same magnitude as the aa' winding, but the spatial rotation leads to a phase shift of 1200 between the three voltages. The three stator voltages are given by:
ea = Em cos(t )
2 eb = Em cos t 3
4 ec = Em cos t 3
Figure 3 illustrates the three voltages for the simple three phase generator of figure 2, and also shows the phasor representation of the three voltages. The three phasors are given by: 2
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a b' c'
c b a'
Figure 2 : Three Phase AC Generator.
ec Ea
Figure 3 : The three voltages for the simple synchronous machine generator, and the phasor representation of these voltages.
Ea = E00 , Eb = E 1200 , Ec = E 2400
Another important point to note is that the direction of rotation of the machine determines the phase sequence of the three AC voltages. With the direction of rotation shown in figure 2 the phase sequence is (a,b,c), which means that the order in which each voltage reaches the peak value is (a,b,c). If the direction of rotation were to be reversed (i.e. a clockwise direction) the phase sequence would be (a,c,b). With a power network it is important to ensure that the phase sequence of a generator is correct before it is connected to the network. An incorrect phase sequence would result in a fault condition. Typically the colours RED, YELLOW (or WHITE) and BLUE are used to denote a phase sequence. The three phase voltage waveforms are often denoted as three independent voltage sources for circuit analysis as shown in figure 4. When these sources are connected in the configuration shown in figure 5(a) the system is said to be star or wye connected. When the system is connected in the configuration shown in figure 5(b) the system is said to be delta connected. When the phase shift between each voltage is 2400, and the three voltages have the same magnitude the source is said to be balanced. The common point in the star configuration of figure 3
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Ec Eb
Figure 4 : The circuit representation of the three phase source.
Figure 5 : (a) Star or Wye Connected source (b) Delta Connected source 5(a) is called the star point, and when a return wire is connected to this point it is called the neutral. If the currents of a three phase system are balanced, then the neutral current is zero. Clearly for a delta connected source there is no star point and it is not possible to connect a neutral wire.
Similarly it is possible to define the remaining two line to line voltages as:
VYB = VY VB = V 120 V 240 = 3V( 120 + 30) = 3V 90
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It can hence be seen that the line to line voltages are a factor of voltages, but also lead the phase voltages by 30.
I R = I , IY = I 120
The phase currents lag the phase voltages by the angle and are defined by:
I B = I 240
Note that in this case the phase currents are the same as the line currents. The real power delivered by the source are given by:
Ptot = 3VPhs I L cos( ) = 3VLL I L cos( )
( 3 cos( )) jI ( 3 sin( ))
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300 IYB
= I LL ( 210 ) I LL ( 90 ) = 3 I LL ( 240 )
So the line currents can be seen to lag the phase to phase currents in the delta by 30, but also have a magnitude that is a factor of 3 times the phase to phase currents. The real power delivered by the source are given by:
Ptot = 3V phs I phs cos( ) = 3VLL I L cos( )
(22) (23)
i(t ) = I pk sin (t )
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p(t ) = v(t )i(t )
= V pk I pk sin (t )sin (t )
= V pk I pk [sin (t ){sin (t ) cos( ) cos(t )sin ( )}] = V pk I pk sin 2 (t ) cos( ) sin (t ) cos(t )sin ( ) = V pk I pk 2
This gives:
p(t ) = VI [1 cos(2t )]cos( ) VI sin (2t )sin ( )
Then by defining the real and reactive powers as P and Q, we can write:
P = VI cos( ) Q = VI sin ( )
The real power term P is the average power delivered to the load, and note that this term is always greater than or equal to zero. The reactive power term Q, on the other hand, always has an average value of zero. Note that both the real and reactive components of the power flow pulsate at twice the system frequency.
(28) (29)
Now since:
cos(2t ) + cos(2t 240) + cos(2t 120) = 0
p(t ) = 3V pk I pk 2 cos( ) = 3V phs I phs cos( )
This result shows that the real power delivered by a balanced three phase source is constant, and equal to three times the real power in each phase. There is no double frequency pulsation.
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VR V phs 0 V phs = = Z Z Z
VY V phs 120 V phs = = ( 120 ) Z Z Z VB V phs 240 V phs = = ( 240 ) Z Z Z
(37) (38) 8
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300 IYB
Since the voltage across each phase is equal to 1 3 times the line to line voltage the total power may also be written as:
Ptot = 3VLL I phs cos( )
Note that the term cos( ) is called the power factor, and it is determined by the impedance of the three phase load.
(46) 9
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PYB = VYB IYB cos( ) = V phs I phs cos( )
PBR = VBR I BR cos( ) = V phs I phs cos( )
Since the phase voltage and the line to line voltage are the same, but the line current is equal to 3 times the phase to phase current, the total power may also be written as:
Ptot = 3VLL I L cos( )
I R + IY + I B = 0
To use the above expressions it is first necessary to calculate the star point voltage. This then allows the remaining currents and voltages to be determined. If there is a neutral current path, the star point voltage is taken to be zero, and the neutral current is given by:
I R + IY + I B = I N
(56) (57)
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The expressions for the star to delta transformation are given by:
Z RY = ZYB = Z BR = Z R ZY + ZY Z B + Z B Z R ZB Z R ZY + ZY Z B + Z B Z R ZR Z R ZY + ZY Z B + Z B Z R ZY
Now consider the case where the load is balanced. Consider first the star to delta transformation with a phase impedance Z. From equations (59) to (61) this gives:
Z RY = ZYB = Z BR = 3Z
Now consider the delta to star transformation when the line to line impedance is 3Z. This gives from equations (56) to (58):
Z R = ZY = Z B = Z
So the equivalent star configuration has an impedance that is a factor of 3 smaller than the corresponding delta connected circuit. That is to say:
Z = 3ZY
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The Per-Unit (PU) system is commonly used in power systems network analysis. The PU system is used to express quantities such as impedance, voltage, current and power as a percentage of the specified base values or ratings. Key advantages of this system is that it gives an immediate indication of the magnitude of a quantity in relative terms, and it also significantly simplifies the analysis of systems involving transformers. PU values also make it trivial to spot bad data. A Per Unit quantity is calculated as:
p.u. quantity = actual quantity base value of quantity
To reiterate the key advantages of the PU system include: All quantities are normalised It is easy to check whether the various statutory requirements for a system are met (i.e. allowable voltage ranges are normally specified as a percentage). Ideal transformers are eliminated. Per Unit impedances of similar electrical devices normally lie in a reasonably narrow range, and this makes it possible to check analysis data very quickly. Manufacturers normally give impedances of machines and transformers in Per Unit or Percentage of name plate ratings, and so it is therefore essential to know and use the correct base quantity. For an electrical circuit there are two degrees of freedom available, which means it is possible to select two arbitrary and independent base quantities. For three phase applications it is customary to set a base line to line voltage (VbaseLL) and a base three phase complex power (Sbase3). Then to ensure the conservation of electrical laws in the Per Unit system, the following relationships must hold:
Sbase3 = Pbase3 = Qbase3
Sbase1 = VbaseLN = Sbase3 3 VbaseLL 3
I base =
Sbase1 VbaseLN
Sbase3 3VbaseLL
Z base =
1 Ybase
In the above equations the subscript LL denotes a line to line quantity, LN denotes a phase or line to neutral quantity, 1 denotes a single phase quantity and 3 denotes a three phase quantity. 1
ELEC 4100 The following conventions are applied for base quantities: The value of Sbase3 is maintained to be the same for the entire system.
For a transformer the ratio of the primary side voltage base and the secondary side voltage base is set to be the same as the transformer turns ratio. These two conventions ensure that the Per Unit impedance of a transformer is the same on both the primary and the secondary side of the transformer. This has significant advantages for performing analysis of large electrical systems that involve multiple voltage levels (e.g. three levels of distribution voltage).
Using the above transformer ratings as base values, the Per Unit leakage impedance on both primary and secondary side of the transformer can be determined as follows: The base power and voltages by convention are: Sbase = 20kVA, Vbase1 = 480V, Vbase2 = 120V. Therefore the base impedance on the secondary side of the transformer is:
Z base 2 =
2 Vbase 120 2 = = 0.72 Sbase 20,000
The Per Unit leakage referred to the secondary side of the transformer is then:
Z eq 2, pu = Z eq 2 Z base 2 = 0.052578.12 = 0.072978.12 p.u. 0.72
If the leakage is referred to the primary side of the transformer, then in Ohms:
N1 480 Z eq1 = N Z eq 2 = 120 0.052578.12 = 0.8478.12 2
The per unit leakage impedance referred to the primary side of the transformer is then:
Z eq1, pu = Z eq1 Z base1 = 0.8478.12 = 0.072978.12 p.u. = Z eq 2, pu 11.52
This result shows clearly that in the Per Unit system the transformer impedance is the same on both sides of the transformer. This aspect of the Per Unit system is achieved by specifying that:
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I1p.u. E1p.u. I2p.u. E2p.u.
I1p.u. E1p.u.
jXeq1.p.u. Req1.p.u.
(c) Figure 1 : Per Unit System Single Phase Transformer Models. (a) Ideal Case, (b) Leakage only (c) Complete Model.
Vbase1 Vrated1 480 = = Vbase 2 Vrated 2 120
For an ideal transformer, if the ratio of the selected voltage bases equals the ratio of the voltage ratings of the windings then:
V1 pu = V2 pu
I1 pu = I 2 pu
Therefore, ideal transformers can be eliminated from electrical networks using a Per Unit system. Figure 1 shows the possible transformer models that can be used in a Per Unit system when considering an ideal transformer, a transformer with a series leakage impedance only, and a complete representation accounting for magnetising effects as well as primary and secondary referred leakage effects.
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Zone 1 Vs = 220V Zone 2 Zone 3 Rload = 0.9 Xline = j2 T1 30kVA 240/480 V Xeq = 0.1 p.u. T2 20kVA 460/115 V Xeq = 0.1 p.u.
Xload = j0.2
Figure 2 : Single Phase Three Zone Network. Similarly the voltage base for zone 3 is given by:
115 Vbase3 = Vbase 2 = 120V 460
The base impedances for zones 2 and 3 are then given by:
Z base 2 = Z base3 =
2 Vbase 4802 2 = = 7.68 Sbase 30,000 2 Vbase 120 2 3 = = 0.48 Sbase 30,000
It is now possible to calculate the Per Unit impedances of the single phase three zone network. The Per Unit impedance of the transmission line is given by:
X line p.u. = X line j2 = = j 0.2604 p.u. Z base 2 7.68
Now it is necessary to consider the transformer impedances. The Per Unit impedances for the transformers quoted in figure 2 assume that the bases used are the transformer ratings. This is certainly valid for T1, but it is not the case for T2. Therefore the impedance of the transformer T2 must be re-scaled using the new system bases. Now recall that Per Unit impedance is defined as:
Z p.u. =
2 2 Z p.u.Vbase Z p.u.rateVbase Z actual Z actual I base Z actual Sbase _ rate = = , = = or Z actual 2 Sbase Sbase _ rate Z base Vbase Vbase
= Z p.u.rate
This makes it possible to redraw the three zone network, in terms of the Per Unit system as shown in figure 3. 4
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Zone 1 Vs = 0.9167 p.u. Zone 2 Zone 3 Rload p.u. = 1.875 p.u. XT1eq p.u. = j0.1 p.u. Xline p.u. = j0.2604 XT2eq = j0.1378 p.u.
Figure 3 : Per Unit System Representation of the Single Phase Three Zone Network. From figure 3 it is now possible to solve for the Per Unit load current, which is given by:
I load p.u. = = j X T 1eq p.u. + X line p.u. + X T 2eq p.u. + X load p.u. + Rload p.u. Vs p.u.
0.9617 j (0.1 + 0.2604 + 0.1378 + 0.4167 ) + 1.875 0.9167 = 1.875 + j 0.9149 = 0.4395 26.01 p.u.
The use of the Per Unit system simplified the analysis involving multiple transformers on a line, and will be used extensively for analysing power systems involving many elements.
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Figure 4 : Two Transformer Representation of an Off-Nominal Turns Ratio Connected Transformer. T1 is rated at 13.8kV/345kV, while the second transformer T2 is rated at 13.2kV/345kV. It is simply not possible to eliminate both transformers from a Per Unit model since at least one transformer will have base values that do not correspond to its turns ratio. This type of situation is very common with tap-changing transformers. It is necessary to develop a per unit model of the transformer operating with an off-nominal turns ratio, so as to be able to accommodate this scenario in which the voltage ratings are not in proportion to the selected voltage bases. So consider a transformer with primary and secondary rated voltages denoted by Vrated1 and Vrated2. The nominal transformer turns ratio is given by:
at = Vrated 1 Vrated 2
Note that this turns ratio need not be real. It can be complex to account for phase shifts across a transformer. Now assume that the selected voltage bases satisfy:
Vbase1 = bVbase 2
This expression can be represented by two transformers in series. The first transformer has a turns ratio of b, while the second has a turns ratio of c, as illustrated in figure 4. Note, however that the ratio of the voltage bases is b, so in a Per Unit Circuit the transformer with the turns ratio of b can be eliminated. This leaves the second transformer with a turns ratio of c in circuit. 1.4.1 Example A Tap Changing Transformer. Consider a tap changing transformer with ratings: 1000MVA 13.8kV/345kV Zeq = j0.1 p.u. The transformer HV winding has 10% taps. Sbase3 = 500MVA VbaseLV,LL = 13.8kV VbaseHV,LL = 345kV
Determine the p.u. equivalent circuit for the following tap settings (a) Rated tap, (b) 10% tap (this provides a 10% voltage reduction for the HV winding). Solution: 6
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1.1111 : 1
Figure 6 : Tap Changing Transformer Model Case (b). The first step is to change the transformer impedance so it corresponds to the new base.
13.8kV 500 MVA Z p.u., new = j 0.1 = j 0.05 p.u. 13.8kV 1000 MVA
For case (a) with the tap set to the rated position, this gives:
at =
13.8kV , 345kV
VbaseLV , LL VbaseHV , LL
13.8kV , 345kV
c = 1
This gives the simple model shown in figure 5. For case (b) with the tap set to 10%, this gives:
at =
13.8kV = 0.0444, 0.9 345kV
VbaseLV , LL VbaseHV , LL
c =
at = 1.11111 b
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dl =
Assuming that the magnetic field intensity is constant along this path, and given by Hc, then the field intensity is given by:
H clc = N1I1 N 2 I 2
The magnetic flux density vector B and the magnetic field intensity vector H are related by:
Core Cross Sectional Area
V2 V1 N2 turns N1 turns
Magnetic Circuit Mean flux path
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Bc = c H c
The core flux and the magnetic flux density are related according to:
c = Ac Bc
Rc c = N1I1 N 2 I 2
This is the so called Ohms law for magnetic circuits. It relates the m.m.f created by a flux linkage (i.e. the number of turns in winding multiplied by the current carried by that winding) and the reluctance in the magnetic circuit. The reluctance impedes the creation of the magnetic flux and is analogous to resistance in electric circuits. An important point to note with equation 7 is that the flux produced by the current in the secondary winding subtracts from the flux produced by the current in the primary winding. This is dictated the winding direction (i.e. clockwise verses anti-clockwise) and then the direction of current flow in the winding (i.e. the Right Hand Rule). This is usually indicated with the DOT convention. In circuit schematics the windings of a transformer have a DOT indicator. The DOT convention indicates that when current enters the DOT terminals of each winding, the flux produced by the windings adds constructively. It is therefore simple to see that in figure 1 the current in the secondary winding is exiting the DOT terminal, but the current in the primary winding is entering the DOT terminal. Hence the flux produced by the secondary will subtract from that produced by the transformer primary. Ideally the transformer core reluctance is zero, and so the primary and secondary winding currents are related according to:
N1I1 = N 2 I 2
Then if we assume sinusoidal operation with a constant angular frequency and using the phasor representations for the voltage and flux, Faradays law can be re-written as:
E = N j
So for an ideal transformer that has two windings with N1 and N2 turns on each, and linked by the same magnetic flux, the voltages on each winding can be written as:
V1 = N1j
(11) 2
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V2 = N 2j
V1 N1 = = at V2 N 2
This is the classic turns ratio relationship for an ideal transformer. Note that the key assumption in this case is that the same magnetic flux links both windings. If there is flux leakage from the magnetic core then there is an apparent reduction in turns ratio. Another important result for sinusoidal transformers is the Volts/Turn characteristic. This derives from equation 10, and relates the Voltage induced on a winding (in RMS) to the applied frequency, maximum magnetic flux density and cross sectional area of the core:
= 2 2 Ac B pk f = 4.443 Ac B pk f
(14) (15)
This is a particularly important result for transformer design. This is because for power system applications the grid frequency is fixed (to 50Hz in Australia), and the peak magnetic flux density is also fixed for the core material used. For Grain Oriented Steel this value is typically in the range of 1.3T to 1.7T. This way the transformer core operates in saturation so as to reduce the cost of material used, but the transformer does not operate so heavily into saturation that the core excitation losses lead to excessively high operational costs over the lifetime of the transformer. So for a transformer design this means that the required Volts/Turn for a given system level voltage and available core window size, the only parameter that can be varied is the core cross sectional area which is defined by equation 15. Example: A 22kV / 66kV 50Hz transformer can be constructed using a core operating at 1.5T peak flux, and with a cross sectional area of 0.75m2. The required Volts/Turn is therefore:
VRMS N = 4.443(0.75)(1.5)(50) = 249.9V
The above relationships then define the classic ideal transformer characteristics. From equation (13) we have the voltage turns ratio as:
V1 N1 = = at V2 N 2
From (8) the primary and secondary currents are related by:
I1 N 2 1 = = I 2 N1 at
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Then if the transformer secondary is loaded with an impedance Z2, then the equivalent primary impedance is given by:
Z2 = V2 V 1 = 1 = Z1 I 2 at 2 I1 at 2
So there secondary side load impedance can be modelled as a primary impedance, but reduced by the inverse square of the turns ratio.
(iii) The magnetic flux is confined with the transformer core. (iv) There are negligible real and reactive power losses in the transformer core. For a practical transformer these assumptions must be discarded. It will now be shown how the effects of a finite core reluctance, flux leakage, winding losses and core losses can be accounted for to create a practical transformer model. 1.3.1 Excitation Branch. Since the transformer core has a non-zero reluctance, the transformer primary current is related to the secondary current according to equation 7 as:
I1 = Rc c N 2 + I2 N1 N1
By Faradays law the core flux is related to the primary excitation voltage according to:
E1 = jN1 c
Im =
Rc E1 jN12
From this equation it can be seen that the effect of the non-zero core reluctance can be modelled as a shunt conduction path on the primary side of the transformer. Furthermore the current in the conduction path lags the applied voltage by 900, and hence can be regarded as a shunt inductance with a value given by:
X m = jLm = jN12 Rc
Lm =
N12 Rc
In practice there is an additional element in the shunt conduction path, and this relates to the core loss. There are two major elements in the core loss, the first being magnetic hysteresis, while the second mechanism are eddy currents induced in the transformer core. Hysteresis losses relate to the fact that the cyclical variation of the flux direction in the core requires the magnetic dipoles of the core to change direction at the grid frequency. This requires an energy exchange which is dissipated in the core as heat. The magnitude of the hysteresis losses are determined by the level of saturation 4
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I1 Ie V1 jXm Rc E1 E2 V2 I2' I2
Figure 2 : Transformer Model showing Excitation Phenomena. that the core is driven to. Eddy current losses occur because the transformer core is conductive, and so the eddy currents, perpendicular to the field direction, are induced in the core. These currents can be significantly reduced by manufacturing the transformer with electrically isolated steel laminations. Both loss mechanisms can be modelled as an equivalent shunt resistance path. The combined currents drawn by the core magnetisation reactance, and the core loss resistance is called the excitation current of the transformer, and the equivalent transformer model with the excitation branch is shown in figure 2. 1.3.2 Leakage and Winding Losses. The effect of winding losses is easily modelled. These losses are a direct result of the resistance of the conductors used to fabricate the windings, and so a primary and secondary resistance is simply added to the primary and secondary paths. The effects of leakage flux can be accounted for by applying Faradays law. Consider the transformer primary winding which has an applied sinusoidal voltage V1 and so the flux induced in the core is given by:
1 = V1 jN1
Similarly the flux that links the secondary winding induces a voltage on the secondary winding given by:
2 = V2 jN 2
The flux that leaks from the core and does not link to the secondary winding is denoted leak, and is given by
leak = 1 2 =
1 j
V1 V2 N1 N 2
Now the leakage flux only links the primary winding, and so Amperes law can be used to relate the linkage flux to the primary winding current according to:
Rleak leak = N1I1
Then the primary current responsible for the leakage flux is related to the difference between the primary voltage and the primary referred secondary voltage as:
j N12 I1 = V1 Rleak
(29) 5
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I1 jXeq1 Req1 Ie V1 jXm Rc E1 E2 I2' Req2
Figure 3 : Transformer Model with Leakage, Winding Resistance and Excitation effects. In the above, Rleak denotes the effective reluctance for the average path followed by the leakage flux. Hence the leakage flux can be modelled by an inductance with the reactance and inductance values given by:
X leak = j N12 Rleak
Lleak =
X leak N2 = 1 j Rleak
Note that in this case the leakage effect has been completely referred to the primary winding, however it is also possible to treat the leakage effect for both windings separately. This is illustrated by the complete transformer model shown in figure 3.
In a short circuit test there is no secondary voltage, and so the short circuit appears across the excitation branch elements, ensuring that there is no excitation current. The primary voltage appears solely across the leakage and winding resistance elements, and so the measurement of the primary voltage and current in this case determines the series impedance elements as:
Z leakage = V1 I1
I1 Ie V1 jXm Rc E1 E2
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(a) (b)
Figure 5 : Single Phase Transformer Construction (a) Core Type (Split Windings) and (b) Shell Type (Split Core).
ELEC 4100 Improved Insulation properties compared to air. Improved heat transfer from the windings and core. Noise reduction.
IA2 Van
IB2 Vbn
IC2 Vcn Vn
X1 IA2
Figure 8 : Circuit Schematic for a Star Star Connected Three Phase Transformer , and an equivalent Single Line Diagram. 8
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Va Vb Va
Vb Vc Vb
Vc Vc Va
Figure 9 : A Star Delta Connected Transformer using three separate cores. phase transformers a different system is often used to the DOT convention, in which the high voltage DOT terminals are denoted by H1, H2 and H3 for the A, B, and C phases respectively, while the low voltage DOT terminals are denoted by X1, X2 and X3. Figure 8(a) illustrates a schematic representation of the Y-Y transformer of figure 7. In this representation windings on the same physical core are drawn in parallel to one another, and the angle between the windings on either side of the transformer indicates the phasor relationship between the applied voltages. For single line diagrams the Y-Y transformer is often represented by the symbol shown in figure 8(b). It is straightforward to show that the voltages on either side of the transformer are in phase (i.e. Van and VAN) and that their ratio is given by the transformer turns ratio. It can also be shown that for a - transformer there is no phase shift between the voltages across the transformer. For Y- and -Y transformers there is always a phase shift between the voltage waveforms across the transformer. Figure 9 shows a Y- transformer, and the phase shift between the transformer windings can be determined as follows. On the primary windings of the transformer in figure 9 the three voltage phasors representing VAN, VBN and VCN are shown. Similarly on the secondary winding the three voltage phasors representing Vab, Vbc and Vca are shown. Now since the secondary voltage phasors described above are on the same core as the primary voltage phasors, then by definition these phasors must be in phase with one another, and this is also illustrated in figure 9. Now for the secondary side phasors, the head of the Vbc phasor must connect to the tail of the Vab phasor because of the electrical connection, and this leads to the phasor representation of the transformer shown in figure 10. A careful examination of this diagram clearly shows that the Van phasor on the secondary lags the VAN phasor by 300. Hence the use of the Y- connection introduces a 300 phase shift between the primary and secondary side voltage waveforms. 9
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Figure 10 : The Phasor Representation of the Y- Transformer. The convention that is used in power systems analysis states that in either a Y- or a -Y transformer, the positive sequence quantities on the high voltage side shall lead the corresponding quantities on the low voltage side by 300. Delta windings have many advantages for power system transformers, since they provide a current path for third harmonic currents. These currents are produced by in the excitation current of transformers which are driven into saturation. Third harmonic currents are referred to as zero sequence currents, and can flow within the delta arrangement, but do not appear in the line currents leaving the transformer. Without the current path for these harmonics the voltage waveforms of the transformers distort and contain the third harmonic terms. For this reason Y-Y transformers are seldom used. The star winding has advantages for high voltage connections since the star point can be conveniently be connected to earth. This reduces the voltage isolation requirements for a single winding, and as such -Y transformers are often used in generation applications.
N A2 B2 C2 A1 a1 B1 b1 C1 c1
n a2 b2 c2
A2 B2 C2
A1 a1 B1 b1 C1 c1
a2 b2 c2
B1 A1 b1 a1
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A2 B2 C2
A1 B1 C1
n a1 b1 c1 a2 b2 c2
A2 B2 C2
A1 B1 C1
n a1 b1 c1 a2 b2 c2
N A2 B2 C2 A1 a1 B1 b1 C1 c1 a2 b2 c2
B1 c1 N A1 a1
N A2 B2 C2 A1 a1 B1 b1 C1 c1 a2 b2 c2
B1 b1 N
A1 a1 B1 b1 C1 c1
a2 a3 b2 b3 c2 c3
a4 b4 c4
A1 b1
n a1
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jXeq1.p.u. Req1.p.u.
jXeq1.p.u. Req1.p.u.
ej30 : 1
Figure 19 :Per Unit Model of Y- connected transformers.
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Load flow or power flow analysis is used to investigate the steady state operation of power systems for both system design and operational planning purposes. The main constraints on the operation of a power network under steady state conditions are: The generators must supply the loads plus all network losses. Bus voltage magnitudes must remain close to the rated values ( < 6% from the nominal). The generators must operate within the specified real and reactive power limits. Transmission lines and transformers must not be overloaded.
Load flow analysis is a standard power systems analysis task where the voltage magnitudes and angles at every bus in the system are computed for given loading and supply conditions. Load flow analysis also involves the calculation of the real and reactive power flows on all equipment which connect buses within the network as well as all equipment losses. In load flow analysis it is normal to assume that the system is balanced and that the network is composed of constant linear lumped elements (i.e. no distributed transmission line models). The most basic form of load flow analysis also assumes that the transformer tap settings are fixed, although for a real utility this assumption is relaxed. Load flow also assumes that the supply consists of the positive sequence only. Nodal analysis is generally used to describe the network, however closed form solutions to the nodal equations is difficult. This is because the loads at each bus are described by real and reactive power values, and not impedances. Similarly generators are also described by real and reactive power values as opposed to voltage or current sources. This leads to a set of non-linear equations, and this will be illustrated for a simple two bus network. Figure 1 shows a simple two bus power system with a generator connected to bus 1, supplying P1+jQ1, while the load is connected to bus 2 and draws P2+jQ2. The load is supplied through a lossy transmission line with an equivalent impedance R+jX. The load flow problem is to calculate the voltage (magnitude and angle) at the load bus, given that the bus 1 voltage is fixed. The power at the load end is given by:
P2 + jQ2 = V2 I
V1 00 R+jX P1+jQ1
Bus 1
V2 0
I 0
Bus 2
or :
V1 V2 cos( ) = V2 + (RP2 + XQ2 )
(4a) (4b)
The two equations given in (4) defines the load end voltage, but the equation is clearly nonlinear. Conventional circuit analysis is not suitable to solve the power flow problem. Numerical techniques are required to solve this set of equations.
2 Constraints at Nodes.
Each node within the power system has four variables associated with it. These are: The bus voltage magnitude (V), The bus voltage angle (), The real power flow through the bus (P), The reactive power flow through the bus (Q).
Also, as we shall show later, each node introduces two equations, namely the real and reactive power balance equations. To obtain (isolated) solutions for a set of simultaneous equations, it is necessary to have the same number of equations as unknowns. Therefore two of the variables associated with each bus must be specified, i.e. given fixed values. The remaining variables are then free to vary during the solution process. The traditional way of specifying busbar quantities allows buses to be identified as follows: PQ Busbar : These buses are sometimes referred to as load buses. The net active and reactive powers are specified. The net power entering a busbar is the power supplied to the system from a generating source minus the power consumed by the load at that busbar. PV Busbar : These are often called voltage controlled buses. Here the net active power is specified, and the voltage magnitude is also known. The net reactive power is not known, and must be determined as part of the power flow solution process. This type of busbar typically represents a node in the system at which a synchronous source (generator or compensator) is connected, and where the sources reactive power output is varied to control the voltage magnitude to a specified value. Note that the reactive power is often constrained to lie with specific VAR limits. Slack or Swing Bus : On the Slack bus the voltage magnitude and angle are specified. Generally the voltage angle is set to zero. Unlike the other two bus types, which represent physical system conditions (e.g. load on a bus or source on a bus), this bus is used to satisfy a mathematical requirement. It is simply needed as a reference to which all other angles in the network can be set to. Furthermore this bus absorbs any real power mismatch that occurs across the system. (Note that it is not possible to specify the net active power at all buses in the system because transmission losses are unknown until the power flow solution is complete). Normally there can only be only one slack bus bar in the system. It is generally chosen from among the voltage controlled bus bars.
Note that even though these bus types are the most common, others are also possible, eg. Slack buses with constrained reactive power. In fact they are required at times. Also note that in general 2
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transformer taps are not fixed, but they vary to regulate the bus voltage. This introduces other bus types. However, so that the important aspects of power flows are clearly highlighted, only PQ, PV and slack buses will be considered here.
Note that load flow is a steady state solution tool. It does not provide any dynamic performance indication for the electrical network.
3 Component Models.
Load flow studies provide the planning engineer with information concerning the system when it is operating under normal balanced steady state conditions (dynamics are not considered). The mathematical model for the different components that are needed, therefore, are per phase models that apply under normal steady state conditions. The components of a load flow problem are : Generators Loads Transmission Lines Synchronous Condensers. Static Capacitors. Reactors. Voltage Regulators. Phase Shifters, etc.
3.1 Generators.
Since load flow is concerned with steady state characteristics, it is not necessary to model generators to any significant degree of complexity. Generators can be regarded as simple sources 3
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that can supply a demanded real power and reactive power within certain maximum and minimum limits. Similarly the generator can produce the required terminal voltage, again within certain limits.
3.2 Loads.
In power flow studies loads are assumed to be constant in magnitude at a given voltage bus. However it is instructive to note that the loads in a power system can be broadly classified according to the general character of the end use as: 3.2.1 Residential or Domestic Loads: Energy used in the home. This type of load is dispersed over large geographical areas in the power network. This type of load shows daily and seasonal fluctuations. The daily cycle typically shows two peak demands, in the morning and again in the evening. 3.2.2 Industrial Loads: These loads use large amounts of energy for manufacturing and large scale processes. This type of load is usually localised at relatively few points in the system, and does not fluctuate significantly in general. 3.2.3 Commercial Loads: In between residential and industrial loads. This type of load may have the variety of residential devices, but also requires moderately large amounts of energy for lighting, heating, and cooling large areas. These loads are more dispersed than industrial loads, but not to the same extent as residential. Key examples include hospitals, airports, shopping centres etc.
(5a) (5b)
v(x,t) Cdx
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i(0, t ) = I s (t ) = sending end current i(d , t ) = I r (t ) = receiving end current
(6a) (6b)
In the above equations the signals v(x,t) and i(x,t) are the voltage and current waveforms at the time t, and distance x along the transmission line. For load flow we are interested in a steady state relationship, and not a dynamic relationship, so it is possible to simplify these expressions. Consider a steady state waveform as follows:
v(x, t ) = V (x )e jt
(7a) (7a)
i(x, t ) = I (x )e jt
(8a) (8b)
e jt
dI (x ) = [ GV (x ) jCV (x )]e jt dx
By removing the time dependence from the above equations, we get two ordinary coupled differential equations as:
dV (x ) = [ r jL ] I (x ) = zI (x ) dx
dI (x ) = [ G jC ] V (x ) = yV (x ) dx
(9a) (9b)
So here z = r +jL represents the equivalent series impedance per unit length, while y = G +jC represents the equivalent shunt admittance per unit length. Differentiating both expressions with respect to x and combining yields:
d 2V (x ) dx
= z = y
dI (x ) = zyV (x ) dx dV (x ) = zyI (x ) dx
(10a) (10b)
d 2 I (x ) dx
(11a) (11b)
Where the Zc and the are known as the characteristic impedance and the propagation constant respectively, and are related to z and y by:
Zc = z y
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The real component (i.e. ) of the propagation constant represents the attenuation along the line, while the imaginary component (i.e. ) of the propagation constant represents the phase shift that occurs along the line. Since our only interest is what happens at the sending and receiving end of the transmission line, substitute the x = d into equations 12. This gives:
Vr = Vs cosh ( d ) Z C I s sinh ( d ) Vs I r = I s cosh ( d ) Z C sinh ( d )
(13a) (13b)
These expressions show that the relationship between the receiving end voltage and current, and the sending end voltage and current is a simple phase shift and attenuation. It may therefore be possible to replace the distributed model expressions with equivalent lumped element models. Figure 3 shows a - network, consisting of a series impedance and two shunt impedances. From figure 3 it can be shown that:
Vr = Vs
(I s VsY2 )
Y I Vr = Vs 1 + 2 s Y1 Y1
Similarly :
(I Y V ) I r = I s Y2Vs Y3Vr = I s Y2Vs Y3 Vs s 2 s Y1
Y2 Y3 Ir = Is Vs Y2 + Y3 1 + Y 1 + Y 1 1
(18) (19)
So the shunt branches are equal to one another, and we now have expressions for both the shunt branches and the series branch. This gives the model for the section representation of a transmission line. For short transmission lines of up to about 200km, generally d << 1 . Therefore the section model has the admittance branches :
Y1 = 1 Z C sinh ( d ) 1 z zy d y = 1 zd
Y2 = Y3 =
1 d 1 d tanh = ZC 2 ZC 2
y d yd zy = z 2 2
This is the simplified model suitable only for short transmission lines.
In transmission lines where the series reactance is quite large, (e.g. old transmission lines designed for low voltage applications which are upgraded for higher voltage use) the reactive voltage drop across the line can be quite large. Similarly industrial plants that draw large reactive currents degrade the power factor, which means that the transmission line feeder must carry a large overall current. The combination can lead to very large voltage drops across the transmission line. One approach to overcome these problems is to use a three phase shunt capacitor bank. Capacitor banks are routinely used to improve the power factor at most industrial sites, and thereby reduce the overall current drawn. Capacitor banks can be modelled by either the lumped element, or by a constant purely reactive load with the value:
QL = V2 = CV 2 XC
Capacitor banks are routinely step adjustable, and part of the planning operation requires the determination of required setting to account for the daily and seasonal variation of the load.
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In the application of the nodal method to power system networks, the variables are the complex node (busbar) voltages and currents, for which some reference must be designated. In fact, two different references are normally chosen : for voltage magnitudes the reference is Earth, and for voltage angles the reference is usually chosen as one of the busbar voltage angles which is fixed at the angle zero (generally). This busbar is also called the Swing or Slack bus, as discussed previously. A nodal current is the net current entering (injected into) the network at a given node, from a source and/or load external to the network. From this definition a current entering the network (from a source) is positive in sign, while a current leaving the network (to a load) is 8
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I1 S1=E1I1* I2 S2=E2I2* I3 S3=E3I3*
y12 E1 y10 E2
y23 y30 E3
Figure 4 : Simple Network showing nodal quantities. negative. The net nodal injected current is the algebraic sum if these. Nodal injected powers S = P+jQ are defined similarly. Figure 4 gives a simple network example showing the nodal currents, voltages and powers. In the nodal analysis method, it is convenient to use branch admittances rather than impedances. Denoting the voltages of nodes i and k as Ei and Ek respectively, and the admittance of the branch between them as yik, then the current flowing in this branch from node i to node k is given by:
I ik = yik (Ei Ek )
Then let the nodes in the network be numbered from 0,1, 2, " , n , where 0 denotes the reference node (earth). By Kirchoffs current law, the injected current Ii must be equal to the sum of the currents leaving node i, hence:
Ii =
k =0
I ik =
k =0
(Ei Ek )
k =0 k i
yik Ei
k =1 k i
ik Ek
Similar expressions can be written for each node in the network excluding the reference, allowing the matrix expression to be developed:
I1 Y11 Y12 " Y1n E1 I 2 = Y21 Y22 " Y2 n E2 # # # # # I n Yn1 Yn 2 " Ynn En
Yii =
k =0 k i
(29a) (29b)
Yik = yik =
(30) 9
k =1
ik Ek
i = 1, " , n
The nodal admittance matrix in 28 and 30, has a well defined structure which makes it very easy to construct. This matrix has the following properties: It is square of order n n . It is symmetrical since Yik = Yki. The entries may be complex. The diagonal elements Yii, are equal to the sum of all admittances of the branches which terminate at node i, including any branches to ground. Each off diagonal element Yik, is the negative of the branch admittance between the nodes i and k. Very few non-zero mutual admittances exist in practical networks. Therefore the matrix Ybus is highly sparse.
4.1.1 Example: The admittance matrices for the example networks shown in figure 5 can be developed as by inspection, simply by applying the rules outlined above. So for the network in figure 5(a) the nodal expressions are:
Y1 V1 I1 Y1 + Y2 I = Y Y1 + Y3 1 2 V2
Similarly for the network shown in figure 5(b) the nodal expressions are:
Y5 Y4 I1 Y1 + Y4 + Y5 V1 = Y6 Y5 Y2 + Y5 + Y6 I2 V2 + + I Y Y Y Y Y 4 6 3 4 6 3 V3
Y1 V1 Y2 Y3 V2
V2 Y2
V3 Y3
(a) Figure 5 : Example Networks. 10 (b)
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I1 I2
E3 0
Figure 6 : Example of a Singular Network. generally a simple physical explanation relating to the formulation of the network description. Any numerical attempt to solve such equations is bound to break down at some stage of the process. (In practice this usually results in a finite number being divided by zero.) The example network in figure 6 illustrates this. The nodal equations are constructed in the usual way with the result:
I1 y12 + y13 I = YE = I 2 = y12 y13 I3 y12 y12 + y23 y23 y13 E1 y23 E2 y13 + y23 E3
Suppose that the injected currents are known and the nodal voltages are unknown. In this case, no unique solution for the latter is possible. The Y matrix is singular (i.e. has no inverse). This condition is easily detected in this example, since the sum of the elements in each row and column is zero. This is a sufficient condition for singularity. Hence, if it is not possible to express the voltages as E = Y-1I, then it is clearly not possible to solve (32) by any method, whether involving inversion of the admittance matrix or otherwise. The reason is that we are attempting to solve a network whose reference is disconnected, so there is no effective reference node in the network. This is why there exists an infinite number of possible solutions. However when a shunt admittance from at least one busbar is connected to the reference then the problem of insolubility immediately vanishes (in theory, but not necessarily in practice). Practical computation can not be performed with absolute accuracy, and during a sequence of arithmetic operations, rounding errors due to working with a finite number of decimal places accumulate. If the problem is well-conditioned and the numerical solution technique is suitable, these errors remain small and do not mask the eventual results. If the problem is ill-conditioned, and this usually depends upon the properties of the system being analysed, any computational errors introduced are likely to become large with respect to the true solution. It can be seen intuitively that if a network having zero shunt admittances cannot be solved, when working with absolute computational accuracy, then a network having very small shunt admittances may well present difficulties when working with limited computational accuracy. This reasoning provides a key to the practical problems of network (Y matrix) conditioning. A network with shunt admittances which are small with respect to the other branch admittances is likely to be illconditioned. The conditioning tends to improve with the size of the shunt admittances, i.e. with the electrical connection between the network busbars and the reference node.
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However note that the terms involving E1 on the right hand side of equation 33 are known, and so can be transferred to the left hand side of equation 33 as:
I1 Y11 E1 = Y12 E2 + "Y1n En I 2 Y21 E1 = Y22 E2 + "Y2 n En # I n Yn1E1 = Yn 2 E2 + "Ynn En
The first row of this equation set may now be neglected, leaving (n-1) equations with (n-1) unknowns : E2 to En. In matrix form this becomes:
I 2 Y21E1 Y22 " Y2 n E2 = # # # # I n Yn1E1 Yn 2 " Ynn En
Or :
=Y E I
is obtained from the full admittance matrix Y, merely by removing the row The new matrix Y and column corresponding to the fixed voltage busbar. In the present case this refers to the first row and column, though this need not be the case in general.
k =2
ik Ek
for i = 2 , " , n
This is a set of (n-1) equations with (n-1) unknowns. The equations are then solved for the unknown voltages by any suitable solution technique. Note that the problem of singularity when there are no ground ties disappears if one row and column are removed from the Y matrix. Eliminating the unknown current I1 and the equation in which it appears is the simplest way of dealing with the singularity problem, and reduces the order of the equations by one. I1 is evaluated after the solution using the first equation in (28).
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Si = Vi I i
However since we have a linear relationship between the nodal voltages and currents, equation (39) can be re-written as:
S i = Pi jQi = Vi
y V
k =1
ik k
Vi = Vi i
(41) (42)
yik = yik ik
Then :
Si = Pi jQi =
k =1
Vi Vk ( k i + ik )
Pi =
k =1
Vi Vk cos( k i + ik ) =
k =1 n k =1
Vi Vk cos( i k ik ) Vi Vk sin ( i k ik )
Qi =
k =1
yik Vi Vk sin ( k i + ik ) =
These expressions relate the real and reactive power at the nodes in the power network to the voltage magnitudes and angles at each node in the network, as well as the elements of the global network admittance matrix. Figure 7 shows a bus within the power network, and it is clear that the power injected into the bus through generation, the power leaving the bus as a load, and the power entering the network are related according to:
Si = PGi PLi + j (QGi QLi )
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Pi = PGi PLi =
k =1 n k =1
Vi Vk cos( i k ik ) Vi Vk sin ( i k ik )
Qi = QGi QLi =
These are the general load flow equations and for an n bus system there are 2n such equations. It is necessary to solve these expressions according to the bus type. Swing bus Solve for Pi and Qi. Load bus Solve for Vi and i Voltage controlled bus Solve for Qi and i .
Note that this formulation does not require a solution of equation (28) to get the load current first. However equation (46) is non-linear, and so the solution of this equation is non-trivial.
Where h is a vector of functions h1 , " , hn in the variables x1 , " , xn . This is called a fixed point formulation. In the Gauss method (47) is solved iteratively with the (p+1)th iteration is given by:
x p +1 = h x p
( ) (
That is:
x1 p +1 = h1 x1 p , x2 p , " , xn p xn
p +1
) ) )
# = hn x1 p , x2 p , " , xn p
The Gauss-Seidel method is a modification to this technique in which the updated values for the xn variables are incorporated into the solution process as soon as they become available. That is:
x1 p +1 = x2 p +1 = xi p +1 xn p +1
( h (x
h1 x1 p , x2 p , " , xn p
p +1 p 1
, x2 , " , xn p
) )
( (
The advantage of the Gauss-Seidel method is that by using the most recent value for the state variables there is less data to store in memory, and this has advantages in coding the algorithm, and also in terms of efficiency of implementation. Note also that the Gauss-Seidel method generally converges faster than Gauss (though this is not a general result), but it should be noted that convergence is not guaranteed. An iterative solution process can be regarded as a discrete time dynamical system, and as such there is a region of convergence around the solution point. In non-linear problems, such as the power flow problem, there may be more than one solution point. If the iterative solution procedure starts outside the convergence region of a particular solution point, then the process will diverge, or converge to a different solution point. 14
ELEC 4100 6.1.1 Example : Application to Linear Systems. Consider the linear system of equations:
A x=b
Where A is an N N matrix, while x and b are N vectors. With an initial approximation x1 to the unknown vector x , then a new approximation can be computed by applying the Gauss method according to:
xi p +1 = bi aik p xk aii k =1 aii
k i
i = 1, 2, " , n ,
p = 1, 2, "
i 1
p = 1, 2, "
y V
k =1
ik k
y V
k =1 k i
ik k
+ yiiVi
This gives:
n 1 Pi jQi Vi = yikVk yii Vi k =1 k i
( )
So for a PQ bus, equation (54) calculates the voltage magnitude and angle for the ith bus in the network. 7.1.2 PV Busbar. For a PV bus (i.e. a voltage controlled bus) the voltage angle and the reactive power must be calculated for a defined real power and voltage magnitude. The reactive power is calculated from equation 46(a) according to:
Qi =
k =1
Vi Vk sin ( i k ik )
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The calculated value for the reactive power is then substituted into equation (54) to recalculate the voltage at the PV bus. However note that since the voltage magnitude at the ith bus is specified, this voltage magnitude calculated from equation (54) is reset, but the voltage angle is updated based on this calculation. 7.1.3 Slack Busbar. Since the voltage magnitude and angle is known for the slack bus, no calculation is needed. However the slack bus is used to make up the difference between the power generated by the machines in the network and the sum of the network loads and losses. Hence when convergence has been achieved it is necessary to calculate the swing bus total power. 7.1.4 Iteration Commencement and Termination. Usually when the Gauss-Seidel method is applied to the power flow problem, the initial guess for the bus voltages is set to the so-called flat start, in which:
Vi = 1.0 p.u. 00
for all load buses, and the slack bus. for all voltage controlled buses.
Vi = Vspec p.u. 00
The convergence is tested after each iteration, and terminated when the specified level of convergence has been attained according to:
Vi p +1 Vi p Vi p +1 < tolerance
7.1.5 Aids to Convergence. It is important to be able to control the rate at which states vary each iteration, i.e. the magnitude of the updated x p = x p +1 x p . At times x p can be small, causing a slow rate of convergence, yet at other times x p can be so large that divergence results. This control can be achieved by scaling the calculated update so that:
p p x act = x calc
p p Where x calc is the update given by equation (48), and x act is the update that is actually applied to the state variables. The multiplier is called the acceleration factor. Notice from (48) that p x calc = x p +1 x p
= h xp xp
( )
So from (57) :
p +1 x act
(( ) ) + (h(x ) x )
p p
For convenience this illustration of the acceleration factor concept has been based on the Gauss method. It is easily extended to the Gauss-Seidel approach. 7.1.6 Convergence Behaviour. The Gauss-Seidel method is in general quite slow. This is because at each iteration the updates are calculated using only local information. From equation (54) it can be seen that the update of each voltage is based only on the old value of that voltage, together with those voltages at adjacent buses. Therefore, at each iteration the effects of a change at a bus can only be passed on to a limited number of other buses. (Depending on the ordering of the buses, this may only be the adjacent buses). So the effects can only slowly propagate throughout the network. In large radially connected 16
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networks, rounding error effects can actually overtake the solution process so that convergence is never achieved.
Where the f1 , f 2 , " , f N are each non-linear functions of x1 , x2 , " , x N . The system of equations to be solved can be written as:
f (x ) = y
Where y is an N-vector. Let x0 be an approximation to x and then by expanding (61) as a Taylor series we can write:
y = f ( x ) = f (x 0 + x ) = f (x 0 ) + df dx
x + "
[y f (x )]
Then :
x = x0 + x
d f x = x0 + dx x0
[y f (x )]
( )[
( )]
Here the matrix J(x) is called the square Jacobian matrix of f(x) and is defined as:
f1 x 1 d f (x ) f 2 = x1 J (x ) = dx # f n x1 f1 x2 f 2 x2 # f n x2 f1 xn f 2 " xn # f n " xn
By this definition, it is clear that at each iteration of the Newton-Raphson method, the non-linear problem is approximated by a linear set of equations. 17
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tangent to f(x)
f(x)= y
xp+1 solution
Figure 8 : Graphical Representation of the Newton-Raphson Method. The linear approximation employed in the Newton-Raphson method can best be visualised considering the single variable problem f(x) = y, as shown in figure 8. Figure 8 shows a graphical interpretation of the problem, in which one iteration step has been shown. Here the gradient of the function at the iteration step p is used to calculate the x-value at the next iteration step according to x p = [ f (x p ) y ] f (x p ) . The Newton-Raphson method converges rapidly (quadratically) if the initial estimate is good, and if the function f(x) is well behaved.
k =1 n k =1
Vi Vk cos( i k ik ) Vi Vk sin ( i k ik )
QGi QLi =
At each bus the power mismatch is the difference between the generated power input and the sum of the load power and the power flowing to the other buses:
f i = Pi = PGi PLi
k =1 n
yik Vi Vk cos( i k ik ) = Pi
k =1 n k =1
Vi Vk cos( i k ik ) Vi Vk sin ( i k ik )
g i = Qi = QGi QLi
k =1
Vi Vk sin ( i k ik ) = Qi
Equation (69) represents the functions that can be used in the Newton-Raphson method. Note that the power mismatches Pi and Qi will be zero for the values of the bus voltages and bus power flows corresponding to the required solution. Therefore the aim of the Newton-Raphson method is to determine the bus voltages such that the power mismatches in equation (69) are zero. So applying the Newton-Raphson expressions of equation (66), it is possible to write equation (69) as:
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f p +1 p p +1 = p g V V f p p p V P = p + p p g Q V V V
Where P p are the real power mismatches at all PQ and PV buses, Q p are the reactive power mismatches at all PQ buses, p are the voltage angle corrections for all PQ and PV buses, and V p are the voltage magnitude corrections for all PQ buses. Note that since a PQ bus has the real and reactive power specified, it is necessary to calculate both the voltage angle and magnitude, but for PV buses the voltage magnitude is specified so it is only necessary to calculate the voltage angle. Similarly since both the voltage angle and magnitude is specified for the slack bus no voltage calculation is required. This means that the Jacobian matrix in equation (71) is somewhat simplified, and is given by:
f 2 2 f 3 = 2 # f n 2
g m +1 2 g m + 2 = 2 # g n 2
f 2 3 f 3 3 # f n 3
f 2 V m +1 f 3 = Vm +1 # f n V m +1 g m +1 V m +1 g m + 2 = Vm +1 # g n V m +1
f 2 Vm + 2 f 3 Vm + 2 # f n Vm + 2 g m +1 Vm + 2 g m+2 Vm + 2 # g n Vm + 2
J 3p
g m +1 3 g m + 2 3 # g n 3
g m +1 Vn g m + 2 " Vn # g " n Vn
Note that the Swing bus is denoted bus number 1, and as such is not included in the Jacobian matrix. Buses 2 to m are the PV or voltage controlled buses, while buses m+1 to n are the PQ or load buses. Also note that in equation (72) the partial derivatives in the Jacobian matrix have been evaluated at the pth iteration values. The partial derivatives in the Jacobian matrix are defined according to equation (69) with eight generic types. These are:
f i = yik Vi Vk sin ( i k ik ), k ik
(73) (74)
f i = yik Vi Vk sin ( i k ik ) i k =1
k i
f i = yik Vi cos( i k ik ), Vk
(75) 19
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f i = Vi
k =1
g i = yik Vi Vk cos( i k ik ), k g i = i
k =1 k i
Vi Vk cos( i k ik )
g i = yik Vi sin ( i k ik ), Vk g i = Vi
k i
(79) (80)
k =1
Note that all of the partial derivative elements of the Jacobian matrix in equations (71) through to (80) involve the branch admittance terms. Hence if there is no admittance branch between two buses i and k, then the Jacobian elements are zero. For real power networks where there is limited inter-connectivity between the nodes of the network, this means that the Jacobian matrix is highly sparse. So in a practical sense there may be advantages to exploiting sparsity solution methods, and this will be detailed later. The solution process using the Newton-Raphson methodology is as follows: 1. Initialise the bus voltages to either 10 or Vspec 0 . 2. Form the Jacobian matrix as outlined in equations (71) to (80), evaluated for the initial bus voltages and bus voltage angles. 3. Using equation (69) calculate the power mismatches Q and P . 4. Invert the Jacobian matrix and solve for:
p p p = J V
( )
1 P
p p Q
5. Determine the new estimates for the bus voltages and bus voltage angles:
p +1 = p + p ,
V p +1 = V p + V p
6. Calculate the bus real and reactive powers, and check the Q limits. Adjust if necessary. 7. Jump back to step 2 and repeat until the Q and P are within the tolerance limits. 8. Calculate the Swing bus real and reactive power.
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f(x) unlimited xp tangent to f(x)
f(x) unlimited xp tangent to f(x)
limited xp xp solution x
limited xp xp solution x
Figure 9 : Limitation of the Correction Update, and the aid to Convergence. the polar form. The Cartesian coordinates of the voltage then become the solution variables (rectangular power mismatch formulation). The expressions for the Pi and Qi are then partially differentiated with respect to each of the voltage Cartesian coordinates. Extra equations are needed for the PV busbar constraints to ensure the correct magnitude is maintained, and this gives rise to a larger and substantially different Jacobian matrix to the polar form derived above. Other variations may be formulated by using current mismatches rather than power mismatches. The complex current mismatch equation at a PQ busbar denoted i is obtained as:
I i = Pi Qi Ei
k =1
ik Ek
The two coordinates of the current (obtained in either polar or Cartesian form) are then used to obtain the two required sets of equations. The convergence behaviour is different in each formulation.
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If we therefore neglect the sub-matrices J2 and J3 we shall then have approximated the Jacobian matrix, and in particular will have decoupled the P-V and Q- problems. Equation (71) can be broken down into two separate matrix problems with:
[ P ] = [J ][ ] [Q ] = [J ][V ]
p p p
(82) (83)
This not only reduces the computation and storage for the construction and solution of these equations, but it enables successive-displacement iteration to be performed between (82) and (83). In this scheme (82) is first solved, and then is updated. With the new voltage angle data, (83) is then calculated to solve for the new voltage magnitudes. The initial rate of convergence of this block-successive type of scheme is very fast in the load flow application. It takes only a small number of iterations to reach normal convergence accuracies. However because the quadratic convergence property has been sacrificed by the decoupling approximation, a high accuracy solution may require many more iterations. (Note: The Jacobian matrix defines the directions in which the algorithm progresses. It does not make the solution more approximate simply because the Jacobian matrix has been approximated.) Some additional assumptions can now be made to further simplify the structure of the decoupled Jacobian sub-matrices. These assumptions include: The admittance angles are approximately 900. This assumes that the inductive elements of a network dominate over resistive elements. The angle between adjacent voltage buses is approximately the same. This means that the difference terms i - k = 0. The sparsity of the Jacobian matrix adds validity to this assumption since branch admittances connect only very few voltage buses.
f i = yik Vi Vk , k f i = yik Vi Vk i k =1
Hence the derivative elements within the relevant sub-Jacobian matrices become:
(84) (85)
k i
g i = yik Vi , Vk g i = Vi
k i
(86) (87)
k =1
Vk + yii Vi
f 2 2 f 3 = 2 # f n 2 f 2 3 f 3 3 # f n 3 f 2 n f " 3 n # f " n n
g m +1 V m +1 g m + 2 = Vm +1 # g n V m +1
g m +1 Vm + 2 g m+2 Vm + 2 # g n Vm + 2
The fast decoupled solution process then follows the same development as outlined in section 9.
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Under normal conditions, a power system network is usually considered to be operating in a balanced three phase sinusoidal steady state mode. Analysis of the network under these conditions commonly involves reduction to a single phase, line to neutral network representation, before any computation takes place. Most system load flow studies, for example, are computed on this basis. When a power system network is operating under unbalanced conditions (i.e. under fault conditions for example), it is no longer possible to analyse the network by a single line equivalent circuit representation, and more powerful analysis techniques must be used. One of the most widely accepted calculation methods for solving unbalanced systems involves the use of symmetrical components. This method is particularly useful when a network has limited impedance unbalance at one or two points, and the source voltages are balanced. An unbalanced fault on an other-wise balanced network falls into this category. The use of the symmetrical component method as applied to unbalanced faults, or in the application of unbalanced voltages to rotating machinery, allows the problem to be reduced to a consideration of combinations of balanced three phase networks, which can in turn be represented in equivalent single-phase form. Analysis by symmetrical components can also be extended to deal with networks having a general impedance and source voltage unbalance. The method then requires the resolution of the network impedances into their symmetrical components. However, under these circumstances the method of symmetrical components offers no advantage over direct solution of the original network.
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Figure 1 : Symmetrical Components combined to create a set of unbalanced three phase phasor quantities.
For any defined set of sequence systems, the original unbalanced set of phasor quantities can be expressed as the phasor sum of the sequence components, viz: I a = I a 0 + I a1 + I a 2 I b = I b 0 + I b1 + I b 2 I c = I c 0 + I c1 + I c 2 These phasor combinations are illustrated in figure1. (1) (2) (3)
= 0.5 + j 0.866
Thus when a phasor I0 is multiplied by the operator a, the phasor is rotated through 1200 with no change in magnitude. Note that the operator -a does not represent a phase rotation of 1200, but rather is the product of the operators -1 and a, and hence represents a phase rotation of 1800 plus 1200, to give a total angle rotation of 3000 (or 600). The following functions of a are particularly useful when applied to symmetrical components:
a 2 = 1240 = 1 120 a 3 = 10
1 + a + a2 = 0
(8) (9)
Ic2 = a2Ia2
Ic0 = I a0
Equations (1), (2) and (3) can be now be combined with equations (8) and (9), according to:
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I a = I a 0 + I a1 + I a 2 I b = I a 0 + a 2 I a1 + aI a 2 I c = I a 0 + aI a1 + a 2 I a 2
In matrix form, these equations can be expressed as:
I a 1 1 I = 1 a 2 b Ic 1 a 1 I a0 a I a1 = a2 I a2 I a0 A I a1 I a2
I abc = A I 012
Inverting the matrix A, the inverse transformation from the phase components to sequence components can be obtained as :
1 1 I a0 I = 1 1 a a1 3 2 1 a Ia2 1 Ia a2 Ib a Ic
Or :
I 012 = A1 I abc
The above relationships also hold for three phase voltages, i.e.
(17) (18)
The matrix A-1 is the inverse symmetrical component transformation matrix, defined as:
1 1 1 A1 = 1 a 3 2 1 a
In a three-wire three phase system, the phase voltages and currents sum to zero at all times. Hence zero sequence voltages (Va0) and currents (Ia0) are all zero. If a fourth wire (neutral) or a connection to earth is provided, zero sequence currents can then flow, and from (13):
I a0 = 1 [I a + I b + I c ] = I N 3 3 (21)
Where IN is the neutral current, which by definition must be the sum of the three phase currents. Correspondingly, IN = 3Ia0 = 3Ib0 =3Ic0, for a four wire connection.
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4 Power Relationships.
At any defined point in a three phase power network, the total complex power is the sum of the complex powers of the individual phases. For phase voltages of Va, Vb, Vc and phase currents Ia, Ib, Ic, the complex power is given by:
S = Va I a + Vb I b + Vc I c
Where Ij* is complex conjugate of the current Ij. In matrix form this power expression can be written as:
S = [Va Vb Ia T Vc ] I b = [Vabc ] [I abc ] Ic
(24) (25)
By inspection :
a = a 2 A = 3 A1
(a )
(27) (28)
S = V012 A.3. A1I 012
(29) (30)
S = 3V012 I 012
This shows that the total power in an unbalanced three phase system is three times the sum of the total powers in each of the sequence systems. Note that the transformation from phase to symmetrical components is NOT power invariant. To obtain a power invariant transformation, the A matrix must be changed to:
1 1 1 A= 1 a2 3 1 a 1 1 1 1 a = A 3 2 1 a
1 a a2 1 a2 a
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are all
V012 = A1 Vabc
The power invariant forms of the symmetrical component transformation matrix are useful in electric machine analysis, while the Fortescue forms entrenched in the analysis of power systems. The major application of symmetrical components is in the analysis of faulted power systems, and power calculations are seldom required.
5 Impedance Transformations.
One of the major advantages of the symmetrical component transformation is the way in which it allows the unbalanced operation of a three phase network to be considered as a combination of three single-phase networks. This advantage comes about because of the effect of the symmetrical transformation on the three-phase (unbalanced) impedance matrix of the original network.
Vaa 'bb 'cc ' = Z abc I abc
Where the Za, Zb, Zc are the self impedances of the three series elements, and the Xab, Xbc, Xac are the mutual reactances between the elements. By transforming the voltages and currents of (37) to symmetrical component form, the impedance matrix Zabc can be reduced to a decoupled formulation for balanced phase impedances, viz.: 5
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A.Vaa '012 = Z abc . A. I 012 Vaa '012 = A1. Z abc . A. I 012 Vaa '012 = Z 012 . I 012
(39) (40)
The matrix Z012 is a symmetrical component representation of the original impedance matrix, and can be expressed as:
Z 012 Z s 0 + 2Z m 0 = Z s1 Z m1 Z s2 Zm2 Z s1 Z m1 Z s0 Z m0 Z s1 + 2 Z m1 Z s1 Z m1 Z s1 + 2 Z m1 Z s 0 Z m0
Z s0 =
1 (Z a + Z b + Z c ) 3
Z m0 =
1 ( X ab + X bc + X ac ) 3
Z s1 = Zs2 =
1 Z a + aZ b + a 2 Z c 3 1 Z a + a 2 Z b + aZ c 3
) )
Z m1 = Z m2 =
1 X ab + aX bc + a 2 X ac 3 1 X ab + a 2 X bc + aX ac 3
) )
(43) (44)
If the series impedances are balanced, with equal mutual coupling between the phases: Z s1 = Z s 2 = 0 This reduces the Z012 matrix to :
Z 012 Z s 0 + 2Z m0 = 0 0 0 Z s 0 Z m0 0 Z0 =0 0 Z s 0 Z m0 0 0 0 Z1 0 0 0 Z2
Z m1 = Z m 2 = 0
The Z0, Z1, Z2 are commonly referred to as the zero sequence, positive sequence, and negative sequence impedances of the original impedance matrix, respectively. Note that when the self and mutual impedances are balanced in this way there is complete decoupling between the sequence voltages across, and currents through, the three phase impedances, i.e. from (40): Vaa '0 = Z 0 I a 0 Vaa '1 = Z1I a1 Vaa '2 = Z 2 I a 2 (47) (48) (49)
This is the condition that exists for most of a power system under fault conditions (viz: unbalanced currents flowing through balanced impedances), and hence the advantage of transforming a faulted network into symmetrical component form can be clearly seen.
ELEC 4100 Z = Xb X f Xf Z Xb Xb Xf Z
Z abc
Where Z represents the self impedance in each phase, Xf and Xb represent the forward and reverse mutual couplings between the phases, respectively. Transforming the impedance matrix to symmetrical component form, gives: Z 012 = A1 Z abc A Z + X f + X b 0 = 0 0 Z + a X f + aX b 0
Z + aX f + a 2 X b 0 0
Again, the sequence systems of the original three phase network have been decoupled under unbalanced operation, although the sequence impedances developed are somewhat different.
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Ia Ea Ec Eb Ib Ic
Thevenin Equivalent Network
Unbalanced Fault Impedances
Figure 3 : Unbalanced fault connected to the Thevenin Equivalent of a Power Network. Z abc = The network Thevenin equivalent impedance matrix. I abc = The unbalanced fault currents. The transformation to symmetrical components gives: A.V012 = A. E012 Z abc A. I 012 V012 = E012 A1 . Z abc A. I 012 V012 = E012 Z 012 I 012 (53)
(54) (54)
V012 = The unbalanced phase voltages at the point of fault in symmetrical component form. E012 = The network Thevenin equivalent source voltages in symmetrical component form. I 012 = The unbalanced fault currents in symmetrical component form. Z 012 = The transformed network Thevenin equivalent impedance matrix for the network. E012, the network Thevenin equivalent source voltage, is usually a set of balanced three phase voltages, and may be represented as a positive sequence voltage only. Z012 is the representation of the system impedance as three sequence impedances. The system impedance is the sum of the individual impedance elements in the network, each of which reduces to a sequence form similar to (46). Hence the overall lumped system sequence impedance matrix will have a similar form.
Substituting these expansions into (54) gives a relationship between the symmetrical components of the fault currents and the voltages at the point of fault as follows:
V012 Va 0 0 Z 0 I a 0 = Va1 = Ea Z1 I a1 Va 2 0 Z2 Ia2
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Ia Ea Ec Eb Ib Ic
Z Zf
Where Ea is the positive sequence source voltage, and equals the original network phase voltage. Equation (55) can be evaluated for any particular fault condition by considering the constraints on the components of the fault currents and fault voltages, as discussed in the next sections.
(56) (57)
Va 0 + Va1 + Va 2 = Z f I a
( Z 0 I a 0 ) + (Ea Z1 I a1 ) + ( Z 2 I a 2 ) = Z f I a
Ia1 Ea 3Zf Z1
Z2 Z0
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Ia Ea Ec Eb Ib Ic
This result may be represented as the series interconnection of the sequence impedance networks of the faulted power system and three times the fault impedance, as shown in figure 5.
(60) (61)
a 2 Va1 + a Va 2 = a Va1 + a 2 Va 2 + Z f I b
a (Ea Z1I a1 ) = a 2 a ( Z 2 I a 2 ) + Z f a 2 a I a1
Rearranging gives:
(Ea Z1I a1 ) = Z 2 I a 2 + Z f I a1
Substituting for Ia2 from (60) gives:
I a1 = I a 2 = Ea (Z1 + Z 2 + Z f )
This result may be represented as the series interconnection of the positive and negative sequence impedance networks of the faulted power system, and the fault impedance, as shown in figure 7. The zero sequence network is not connected to the supply voltage in this case since there is no zero sequence current flowing under this fault condition.
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Ia1 Ea
Z2 Z0
3 Ia0 = I f
(65) (66)
Va 0 + a 2 Va1 + a Va 2 = Va 0 + a Va1 + a 2 Va 2 = Z f I f
a (Ea Z1 I a1 ) = a 2 a ( Z 2 I a 2 )
(Ea Z1 I a1 ) = Z 2 I a 2
Ia Ea Ec Eb Ib Ic
Z If Z Zf
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Ia1 Ea
3Zf Z2 Z0
Figure 9 : Interconnection of Sequence Impedances for a Double Line to Ground fault.
Similarly :
a 2 (Ea Z1 I a1 ) a Z 2 I a 2 = Z f I f + Z 0 I a 0 a 2 (Ea Z1 I a1 ) a 2 Z 2 I a 2 = Z f I f + Z 0 I a 0
Z 2 I a 2 = (3Z f + Z 0 )I a 0
I a1 =
Ea Z (Z + 3Z f ) Z1 + 2 0 + + Z Z 3 Z 2 0 f
This result can be represented as a series/parallel interconnection of the sequence impedance networks of the faulted power system, and the fault impedance, as shown in figure 9.
(Ea Z1 I a1 ) = ( Z 2 I a 2 ) = ( Z 0 I a 0 ) = 0
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Ia Ea Ec Eb Ib Ic
Ia1 Ea
Z2 Z0
Figure 11 :Interconnection of sequence impedances for three phase fault. I a1 = Ea , Z1 Ia2 = 0
As expected, this result can be represented as the simple connection of the positive sequence impedance network of the faulted power system, across the Thevenin source voltage as shown in figure 11.
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Faults occur frequently in a power system, and are caused by a range of problems such as the failure of the insulation of an item of electrical equipment, over-voltage swells caused by lightning strikes and switching surges, flash-over due to insulation contamination, etc. The fault that results from one of these events is often characterised by the placement of a short circuit across the phases or to earth, and this leads to a very large magnitude fault current. If this fault current is not interrupted the result can be equipment failure due to thermal degradation, and/or mechanical breakage caused by the extremely large forces which are applied to equipment during the fault. For these reasons it is necessary to have protection equipment which can break the circuit during a fault, but it is necessary to know the magnitude of the expected fault currents so that the circuit breakers can be designed adequately. Here we consider the development of a methodology for the calculation of fault currents, and we begin the analysis considering the simplest possible fault type the balanced three phase fault.
To determine the fault current at a specific location in a power network, it is necessary to determine the Thevenin equivalent circuit for the network looking in to that point at the network. This is most conveniently done in a Per Unit system since most transformers can be replaced by their equivalent series impedance in that particular Per Unit system. Having obtained the Thevenin equivalent circuit, it is a relatively simple matter to calculate the fault current that flows when a short circuit appears across the terminals of the Thevenin equivalent circuit. 2.1.1 Example: Consider the two bus system shown in figure 1, in which a synchronous generator feeds a synchronous motor through a transmission line and two transformers. A solid three phase fault occurs on Bus 1, and it is necessary to calculate the magnitude of the fault current in this case. To do this it is necessary to determine the Thevenin equivalent network of the power system when viewed from voltage Bus 1, and to then calculate the Thevenin equivalent impedance, and the Thevenin equivalent voltage. The first step is to represent the power system network by its equivalent Per Unit circuit. This is shown in figure 2. The next step is to obtain the fault voltage, and the Thevenin equivalent impedance of the power system network when viewed from voltage bus 1. To obtain the Thevenin equivalent impedance, all voltage sources in the network are set to short circuits, and the equivalent impedance viewed from 1
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Bus 1
Bus 2
100 MVA 13.8 kV Xeq = 0.15p.u 100MVA 13.8kV/138 kV Xeq = 0.1 p.u
20 ohm
100MVA 138kV/13.8 kV Xeq = 0.1 p.u 100 MVA 13.8 kV Xeq = 0.2 p.u
Figure 1 : Single Line Diagram of a Synchronous Generator feeding a Synchronous Motor through a transmission line and two transformers.
jXg If
Bus 1
Figure 2 : Per Unit Circuit representation of the single line diagram in figure 1. In this case a fault occurs at voltage bus 1. bus 1 is determined. From figure 2, it is clear that when this is done the Thevenin impedance is given by: ZTh = ( jX g )//[ j ( X T 1 + X line + X T 2 + X m )] = ( j 0.15) //[ j (0.1 + 0.105 + 0.1 + 0.2)] = j 0.1156 p.u.
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The theory of symmetrical components is used to represent a set of unbalanced three phase quantities as a summation of three independent three phase systems. These systems are referred to as the positive, negative and zero sequences. Symmetrical component theory is particularly useful when performing fault calculations, because for a three phase system with balanced impedances, the transformation from (abc) frame to the symmetrical component frame (i.e. 012 frame) leads to three uncoupled sequence networks the positive, negative and zero sequence networks. As a result when the system is subjected to an unbalanced fault (e.g. two phases shorted together, or a single phase shorted to earth) it is possible to use the three sequence networks to calculate the magnitude of the fault event. However to do this it is necessary to have the following information: The electrical coupling between the three sequence networks that results for a particular fault event. The actual sequence networks for the system. The Thevenin equivalent network for the system viewed from the location in the network where the fault event occurs.
The first consideration has been dealt with previously in the notes detailing the theory of symmetrical components and how this theory relates to fault events. Now it is necessary to focus on the remaining items the method of deriving the sequence network for the system, and the method of obtaining the Thevenin equivalent network.
Vc Vb
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phase is Z, and there is also a neutral impedance ZN connected between the star point and earth. The phase voltage can be related to the phase and neutral currents according to:
Vag = ZI a + Z N I N
Vag = ZI a + Z N (I a + I b + I c ) Vag = (Z + Z N )I a + Z N I b + Z N I c
Similarly for the b and c phase voltages we can write:
Vbg = (Z + Z N )I b + Z N I a + Z N I c
Vag = (Z + Z N )I c + Z N I b + Z N I a
We can write equations (1) through to (5) in matrix form as:
Z N I a ZN Ib Z + ZN Ic
(8) (9)
Z N 1 1 2 ZN 1 a Z + ZN 1 a Z aZ a2Z
1 a a2
So for a balanced three phase star connected load the relationship between the symmetrical component currents and voltages is given by:
V0 Z + 3Z N V = 0 1 0 V2 0 Z 0 0 I0 0 I1 Z I2
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Ia1 V1
Positive Sequence
Ia2 V2
Negative Sequence
Ia0 V0
Zero Sequence
Figure 2 : Symmetrical Component Representation of a Balanced Y-connected Load with a Neutral Impedance.
Here we see that with balanced impedances the three phase star connected load can be represented by three completely decoupled zero, positive and negative sequence networks. The positive sequence network impedance matches the negative sequence impedance, and this is equal to the phase impedance for the star load. The zero sequence impedance is simply the star load phase impedance and three times the neutral to ground impedance. The decoupling ensures that the positive sequence voltage only depends on the positive sequence current, and the same is true for the zero and negative sequence voltages. This means that it is possible to represent the star connected load in the form shown in figure 2. It is important to note that the neutral impedance only contributes to the zero sequence network. This is because the positive and negative sequence currents alone do not contribute to a neutral current (i.e. a zero sequence), and hence they do not flow through the neutral impedance. If there is no neutral wire connected to the star point of the Y-connected load then the neutral impedance is infinite, and the zero sequence network is replaced by an open circuit, and hence there is no zero sequence current in this case. If the star point is solidly grounded through a short circuit then the zero sequence current which flows is caused by imbalance in the applied voltage divided by the phase impedance. Figure 3 shows a balanced -connected load and its equivalent balanced Y-connected load. Since the -connected load does not have a neutral connection, the equivalent Y-connected load has an open circuited neutral. Hence the sequence networks for the -connected load are those shown in figure 4.
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Ia Z/3
Vb Vc
Ib Ic
Positive Sequence
Ia2 V2
Negative Sequence
Ia0 V0
Z ab Z bb Z bc
Z ac I a Z bc Ib Z cc Ic
where the Vabc are the line to neutral (or phase) voltages, Iabc are the line currents and Zabc are the 3x3 phase and line to line impedances. This assumes a non-rotating load. It is possible to transform the impedance matrix to the symmetrical components frame as:
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Va Vb Vc
Ia Ib Ic IN
Z 01 Z1 Z 21
Z 02 Z12 Z2
The diagonal elements of this matrix are the self impedances of the zero, positive and negative sequence networks. The off-diagonal impedances are the mutual impedances between the sequence networks. Hence:
Z 012 Z0 = Z10 Z 20 Z 01 Z1 Z 21 Z 02 1 1 1 Z12 = 1 a 3 2 Z2 1 a 1 Z aa a2 Z ab a Z ac Z ab Z bb Z bc Z ac 1 1 2 Z bc 1 a Z cc 1 a 1 a a2
Z0 Z 10 Z 20
Z 01 Z1 Z 21
Z 02 1 1 1 Z12 = 1 a 3 2 Z2 1 a
1 a2 a
Z aa + Z ab + Z ac Z ab + Z bb + Z bc Z ac + Z bc + Z cc
After the second matrix operation :
Z aa + a 2 Z ab + aZ ac Z ab + a 2 Z bb + aZ bc Z ac + a 2 Z bc + aZ cc
Z aa + aZ ab + a 2 Z ac Z ab + aZ bb + a 2 Z bc Z ac + aZ bc + a 2 Z cc
Z 012
Z0 = Z10 Z 20
Z 01 Z1 Z 21
Z aa + Z bb + Z cc + 2 Z ab + 2 Z ac + 2 Z bc Z + aZ + a 2 Z 1 bb cc aa 2 3 a Z ab aZ ac Z bc 2 Z + a Z bb + aZ cc aa aZ a 2 Z Z ab ac bc
Note the following relationships between the elements of the above symmetrical components Impedance matrix:
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The off-diagonal elements Z01 and Z20 are equal. The off-diagonal elements Z02 and Z10 are equal.
This leaves the elements Z0, Z12 and Z21, which are not equal to any other element in the matrix. With this matrix it is possible define the conditions for a symmetrical load. Symmetrical loads have diagonal sequence impedances, which means that all of the off-diagonal elements in Z012 must be zero. So setting this condition in equation (17) requires that:
(Z (Z (Z (Z
aa aa aa aa
+ a 2 Z bb + aZ cc aZ ab a 2 Z ac Z bc = 0 + aZ bb + a 2 Z cc + a Z bb + aZ cc
2 2 ab ac 2 bc
+ aZ bb + a 2 Z cc
) a Z aZ Z ) = 0 + 2aZ + 2a Z + 2Z ) = 0 + 2a Z + 2aZ + 2Z ) = 0
ab ac bc bc 2 ab ac
1 + a + a2 = 0 Then clearly the conditions in (18) are satisfied when : Z aa = Z bb = Z cc Z ab = Z ac = Z bc The symmetrical component impedance matrix then reduces to:
Z 012 Z0 = Z10 Z 20 Z 01 Z1 Z 21 Z 02 Z aa + 2 Z ab Z12 0 = Z2 0 0 Z aa Z ab 0 0 Z aa Z ab 0
Note that the positive and negative sequence networks are identical when the conditions for a symmetrical load are set. This is always the case for non-rotating linear symmetric loads such as transformers and transmission lines. For generators, however, the positive and negative sequence impedances are not equal in general. It should also be noted that the zero-sequence impedance is only ever equal to the positive and negative sequence impedances under the condition that
Ia1 V1
Zaa - Zab
Positive Sequence
Zaa - Zab
V2 Negative Sequence
Ia0 V0
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Figure 7 : Three Phase Series Impedances. Z ab = Z ac = Z bc = 0 , which is equivalent to a solidly grounded star point. The sequence networks for the symmetrical load case are illustrated in figure 6.
The above equation represents non-rotating equipment, and can be used to represent equipment such as transmission lines and transformers as we shall soon see. Note that the (Van,Vbn,Vcn) and the (Van,Vbn,Vcn) represent the voltage at the buses (a,b,c) and (a,b,c) with respect to the neutral. It is possible to transform equation (22) into the symmetrical component frame according to :
V0 V0' A V1 AV1' = V2' V2 V00 ' Z a A V11' = Z ab V22 ' Z ac Z ab Zb Z bc Z ac I 0 Z bc A I1 Zc I2
Z a Z ab V00 ' V = A1 Z ab Z b 11' Z ac Z bc V22 ' V00 '11'22 ' = Z 012 I 012 Z ac I 0 Z 0 Z bc A I1 = Z10 Zc Z 20 I2 Z 01 Z1 Z 21 Z 02 I 0 Z12 I1 Z2 I2
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Ia1 V1
Za - Zab V1'
Positive Sequence
Ia2 V2
Za - Zab V2'
Negative Sequence
Ia0 V0
Z 01 Z1 Z 21
Z 02 Za 1 Z12 = A Z ab Z2 Z ac
Z ab Zb Z bc
Z ac Z bc A Zc
From the results of the previous section we know the conditions for a symmetrical series impedance to be: Z a = Zb = Zc Z ab = Z ac = Z bc
Z0 = 0 0
0 Z a + 2 Z ab 0 0 = 0 Z2
Under this condition the series impedance matrix in symmetrical component form reduces to:
0 0
Z 012
Z1 0
Z a Z ab 0
0 Z c Z ab
Similarly the voltage drop between the two voltage buses in symmetrical component form becomes : V1 V1' = Z1I1 = (Z a Z ab )I1 V0 V0 ' = Z 0 I 0 = (Z a + 2Z ab )I 0 (27)
V2 V2 ' = Z 2 I 2 = (Z a Z ab )I 2
So the symmetrical component representation is three decoupled equations, in which the positive and negative sequence impedances are equal. It is therefore possible to represent the series impedance network with the symmetrical component networks as shown in figure 8. 8
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Ia Za
Ea Ec Eb Zc ZN IN Zb Ib Ic Vb Vc
I1 Eg1
Z1 V1
Z2 V2
3ZN V0
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SYMMETRICAL COMPONENT MODELS AND FAULT CALCULATIONS balanced voltages, and hence will produce only a positive sequence EMF voltage.
The second point to note is that the zero sequence network contains the zero sequence impedance of the generator, and three times the neutral branch impedance. This is because the voltage drop across the neutral impedance is due solely to the presence of a neutral current, which must be a zero sequence component. Thirdly, unlike the non-rotating networks analysed previously, in this case the positive and negative sequence impedances of the generator are not in general equal.
The third point needs some further explanation. When a synchronous generator stator has balanced three-phase currents under steady-state conditions, the net m.m.f. produced by these currents rotates at synchronous speed to the rotor, and also in the same direction. This ensures that the positive sequence field has a high degree of penetration into the rotor steel, which leads to an effective high value for the positive sequence inductance hence the positive sequence impedance is large. When there are balanced negative sequence currents, the net m.m.f. still rotates at synchronous speed, but this time in the opposite direction to the rotor. This means that the apparent field frequency for the negative frequency is twice the synchronous frequency not DC. This limits the degree of rotor steel penetration which reduces the effective negative sequence inductance hence the negative sequence impedance is small. The zero sequence impedance is the smallest sequence impedance, and this is because it is due to non-ideal effects such as flux leakage, harmonic flux, etc. When a synchronous machine is operated in motoring mode the same sequence networks are applicable, except that the networks are shown to sink rather than source currents. Induction machines can also be represented in the same way, however since induction machines do not have a back-e.m.f. generated by a separate excitation source, the positive sequence voltage is not included in the sequence network.
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Ia1 V1
Z1 V1'
Positive Sequence
Ia2 V2
Z2 V2'
Negative Sequence
Z1 = Z2
Figure 11: Transformer Positive and Negative Sequence Networks. Transformer Phase shifts neglected. calculated from the secondary current and the transformer turns ratio. Therefore there can only be a current flowing in a particular phase of the primary winding, if it possible for the equivalent current to flow in the corresponding winding of the transformer secondary. Figure 12 illustrates the equivalent models for five different transformer winding arrangements. This figure does not represent all possible transformer configurations, but it does illustrate the method for determining the component models. Note that arrows in the diagram indicate the possible zero sequence current paths. The absence of an arrow indicates that it is not possible for a zero sequence current to flow, due to the electrical connection of the transformer. The justification for each model can be summarised in the discussion of the following two cases.
5.1.1 Y- Bank with Grounded Y. This is the third case in figure 12. Since the primary Y is grounded, zero sequence currents have a conduction path to flow in these windings. The existence of this path, however, does not mean that such a current can flow. The zero sequence current can only flow if there exists an equivalent path on the transformer secondary. The secondary is delta connected, and hence the induced zero sequence currents could circulate in the delta. Note however that the zero sequence circulating currents can not leave the delta, and it is left as an exercise for the student to justify this statement. The equivalent model, therefore, must provide a path from the line on the Y side (point P) to the reference node for the flow of zero sequence currents. An open circuit must appear from the line side of the delta side (point Q) to the reference node, since the zero sequence currents can not exist in the lines from the delta connected winding. If the Y is connected to earth through an impedance Zn, then an impedance of 3Zn appears in series with the Z0 of the transformer. 5.1.2 - Bank. Zero sequence currents could circulate inside the transformer windings in both the primary and the secondary but as these currents can not leave the delta, and so there will be no zero sequence currents in the lines. The equivalent circuit must therefore have open circuits from both the points P and Q to the reference node, but the transformer zero sequence impedance does form a loop to the reference node.
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P P Q Z0
P P Q Z0
P P Q Z0
P P Q Z0
P P Q Z0
Figure 12: Transformer Zero Sequence Networks for different Winding Configurations. care is needed to ensure that the standard conventions are employed when calculating the phase shift. Recall that the standard convention states that: The positive sequence voltages and currents for the high voltage side of the Y- transformer lead the corresponding quantities on the low voltage side of the transformer by 300. Hence the negative sequence voltages and currents for the high voltage side of the Y- transformer must lag the corresponding quantities on the low voltage side by 300.
This means it is a relatively simple matter to modify the per unit sequence models of figure 11 for specific winding arrangements, as is illustrated in figure 13. 12
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Ia1 V1
Z1 V1'
Positive Sequence
ej30 : 1 Ia2 V2
Z2 V2'
Negative Sequence
Z1 = Z2
e-j30 : 1
Figure 13: Y- Transformer Positive and Negative Sequence Networks. Note that although in practice the zero sequence impedance of a transformer may differ slightly to the positive and negative sequence impedances, often the same numeric value is used for all three impedances.
X1=X2=20 X0=60
100 MVA 13.8 kV X1=0.20 p.u X2=0.21 p.u X0=0.10 p.u Xn=0.05 p.u
Figure 14 : Single Line Diagram of a Synchronous Generator feeding a Synchronous Motor through a transmission line and two transformers. 13
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transformers are neglected in this example. It is required to : (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) Draw the per unit zero, positive and negative sequence networks of the system on a 100MVA base, with the low voltage base as 13.8kV in the zone of the generator. Determine the Thevenin equivalent sequence networks as viewed from bus 2 in the power system. Calculate the fault current at bus 2 for a solid balanced three phase fault, for the case where the pre-fault voltage is 1.05 p.u. Calculate the fault current at bus 2 for a solid single line to ground fault, for the case where the pre-fault voltage is 1.05 p.u. Calculate the fault current at bus 2 for a solid line to line fault, for the case where the pre-fault voltage is 1.05 p.u. Calculate the fault current at bus 2 for a double line to ground fault, for the case where the pre-fault voltage is 1.05 p.u.
(a) The sequence networks for this power system are shown in figure 15. Note that the positive
j0.15 p.u
j0.10 p.u
j0.105 p.u
j0.10 p.u
j0.20 p.u
j0.17 p.u
j0.10 p.u
j0.105 p.u
j0.10 p.u
j0.21 p.u
Bus 2
j0.05 p.u
j0.10 p.u
j0.315 p.u
j0.10 p.u
j0.25 p.u
Bus 2
(c) Zero Sequence Network Figure 15 : Sequence Networks for the Two Bus Power System. 14
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sequence network is the only network in which there exists a voltage source. This is due to the fact that generators are designed to produce positive sequence voltages only. The negative sequence network is very similar with the differences being the absence of the voltage sources, and the slightly different sequence impedances for the rotating items of equipment. The zero sequence network is quite different, however, due to the Y- connections of the transformers. The fact that the neutral of the Y connected winding is earthed means that a zero sequence current can flow, and the delta connection means that this current can circulate in the delta, but it can not leave the delta to flow in the lines to the generator and the motor. Therefore at the delta the zero sequence network must be shorted to the reference nodes. Also note that the zero sequence of the motor is given by Zm0 + 3Zn. Similarly the transmission line p.u. values are easily calculated on the 100MVA base and the required 138kV voltage base in the high voltage zone. (b) The Thevenin equivalent sequence networks when viewed from bus 2 are shown in figure 16. The Thevenin equivalent impedance value in the positive sequence network is readily calculated as: Z Th1 = ( jX m1 ) // j (X T 1_1 + X line _1 + X T 2 _1 + X g1 ) = ( j 0.20) //[ j (0.1 + 0.105 + 0.1 + 0.15)] = j 0.13893 p.u.
Similarly the Thevenin equivalent impedance value in the positive sequence network is readily calculated as: Z Th 2 = ( jX m 2 ) // j (X T 1_ 2 + X line _ 2 + X T 2 _ 2 + X g 2 ) = ( j 0.21) //[ j (0.1 + 0.105 + 0.1 + 0.17 )] = j 0.14562 p.u.
Finally the Thevenin equivalent impedance values in the zero sequence network is simply the
ZTh1 = j0.13893 V1
ZTh2 = j0.14562 V2
Negative Sequence I0
ZTh0 = j0.25 V0
Zero Sequence
Figure 16 : Thevenin Equivalent Sequence Networks for the Two Bus power system when viewed from Bus 2. 15
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ZTh1 = j0.13893 V1
ZTh2 = j0.14562 V2
Negative Sequence I0
ZTh0 = j0.25 V0
Zero Sequence
series connection of the motor zero sequence impedance, and three times the neutral impedance. (c) For a balanced three phase fault, recall that the required circuit configuration is to short the positive sequence network only. This means that there will only be a positive sequence current, and this is given by: I a1 = VF Z Th1 = 1.05 j 0.13893
= j 7.558 p.u. Since there is only a positive sequence current, this means that the fault current for each phase will be 7.558 p.u. (d) For a solid single line to ground fault the three Thevenin equivalent sequence networks are connected in series, as shown in this case in figure 17. So in this case all three sequence currents are identical, and the value of the current is given by: I 0 = I1 = I 2 = VF 1.050 0 = Z Th1 + Z Th 2 + Z Th 0 j (0.13893 + 0.14562 + 0.25)
= j1.96427 p.u. The actual phase currents are then given by:
I a 1 1 1 I 0 1 1 I = 1 a 2 a I = 1 a 2 1 b 2 1 a I 2 1 a a Ic 5.8928 p.u. = 0 0 1 j1.96427 a j1.96427 a2 j1.96427
Not surprisingly the a phase is the only line to carry the current. Now the effect on the system voltages can also be determined at the fault location according to:
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ZTh1 = j0.13893 V1
ZTh2 = j0.14562 V2
Negative Sequence I0
ZTh0 = j0.25 V0
Zero Sequence
Unsurprisingly the phase A voltage is zero as defined by the fault condition. (e) For the line to line fault condition recall that the positive and negative sequence networks are connected in series as shown in figure 18. Since the zero sequence network is not connected there can be no zero sequence current. The positive and negative sequence currents can be calculated according to: I1 = I 2 = VF 1.05 = Z Th1 + Z Th 2 j (0.13893 + 0.14562)
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ZTh1 = j0.13893 V1
ZTh2 = j0.14562 V2
Negative Sequence I0
ZTh0 = j0.25 V0
Zero Sequence
Figure 19 :Sequence Network Connections for a Double Line to Ground Fault. I a 1 1 I = 1 a 2 b 1 a Ic 1 I 0 1 1 2 a I1 = 1 a a2 1 a I 2 1 j 3.690 a j 3.690 a2 0
0 0 = 6.391 p.u. 180 0 6.391 p.u. 0 Not surprisingly the b and c phases carry equal and opposite currents, while the a phase current is zero. (f) Recall that for the Double Line to Ground fault the zero and negative sequences are placed in parallel, and are connected in series with the positive sequence network. This connection of sequence networks is illustrated in figure 19. The positive sequence current is calculated as:
I1 = VF 1.0500 = (0.14562)(0.25) ZTh1 + (ZTh 2 // ZTh 0 ) j 0.13893 + 0.14562 + 0.25 = j 4.5464 p.u.
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SYMMETRICAL COMPONENT MODELS AND FAULT CALCULATIONS I a 1 1 1 I 0 1 1 I = 1 a 2 a I = 1 a 2 1 b 2 1 a I 2 1 a a Ic 0 0 = 6.8983 p.u 158.66 0 6.8983 p.u 21.34 1 j1.6734 a j 4.5464 a2 + j 2.8730
Again it is not surprising to see that the a phase current is zero in this case, and the b and c phases which are shorted to earth carry the same magnitude current.
j0.15 p.u
1 : ej30
j0.10 p.u
j0.105 p.u
j0.10 p.u
ej30 : 1
j0.20 p.u
Bus 1 Eg=1.05
j0.17 p.u
ej30 : 1
j0.10 p.u
j0.105 p.u
j0.10 p.u
1 : ej30
j0.21 p.u
Bus 2
j0.05 p.u
j0.10 p.u
j0.315 p.u
j0.10 p.u
j0.25 p.u
Bus 2
(f) Zero Sequence Network Figure 20 : Sequence Networks for the Two Bus Power System, including the effects of transformer phase shifts. 19
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The frequency of operation of a power system is determined by the speed of rotation of the generators which supply power to the network. The speed depends on the balance between the system load demand and the generator output. The point at which the frequency control is exercised is within the speed governing loop at the generators. At steady state, the frequency throughout the network is the same. This contrasts with voltage control. The voltage can vary greatly from place to place within the network. To investigate the control of voltage within the system, we use load flow analysis which allows us to calculate the voltage magnitude, the voltage angle and the real and reactive power flows in the system. Here we focus on the control of the voltage magnitude and the reactive power in the system. The voltage within the power system is strongly coupled to the reactive power flow balance within the network. As transmission lines are reactive in nature, it is the flow of reactive power through the lines that determines the voltage profile to a large extent. To investigate the voltage profile within a power network we consider the sources and loads of reactive power within the power system.
The apparent power leaving bus 1 is then given by: S1 = (V11 )I V ( 1 ) V2( 2 ) S1 = (V11 ) 1 jX (2) (3)
V12 V1V2(1 2 ) S1 = jX
V1 10 jX I 0
Bus 1
V2 20
Bus 2
Figure 1 : Power Flow on a Transmission Line.
V 2 V1V2 cos(1 2 ) j 1 X
We can investigate the variation in the real and reactive power flow through this transmission line by forming the partial derivatives of P and Q with respect to the voltage angles and magnitudes. This gives:
P V V cos(1 2 ) 1 = 1 2 (1 2 ) X Q1 V V sin (1 2 ) = 1 2 (1 2 ) X
P V sin (1 2 ) 1 = 2 V1 X Q1 2V1 V2 cos(1 2 ) = V1 X
Consider the example where the voltages on each bus are V1 = V2 = 1pu, the line impedance becomes X= 0.2pu, and the difference in voltage angles across the transmission line is (1 2 ) = 5 . Then the partial derivatives in (6) to (9) become in this case:
P 1 = 4.981 p.u. (1 2 )
P 1 = 0.436 p.u. V1
Q1 = 0.436 p.u. (1 2 )
Q1 = 5.019 p.u. V1
These derivatives show that the real power is strongly coupled to the difference in voltage angles across the transmission line, but is only weakly coupled to changes in the voltage magnitude. The reactive power on the other hand is strongly coupled to changes in the voltage magnitude, but only weakly affected by differences in the voltage angle. The conclusion is that to control voltage it is necessary to regulate the reactive power flow, but to control the real power flow it is necessary to control the voltage angle difference. Often these relationships are approximated with the application of Taylor series expressions. Recall that the Taylor series expansions of the sine and cosine functions are respectively: sin ( x ) = x cos( x ) = 1 Then: x3 x5 x7 + +" 3! 5! 7! x2 x4 x6 + +" 2! 4! 6! (10) (11)
P 1 = Q1 =
(12) (13)
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Now consider the power flow at the second voltage bus. The apparent power flowing at bus 2 is given by: S 2 = (V2 2 )I V ( 1 ) V2( 2 ) S 2 = (V2 2 ) 1 jX V V ( 1 + 2 ) V2 2 S2 = 1 2 jX This becomes: (14) (15)
So clearly the real power flowing at bus 2 is the same as at bus 1, and this is expected in this case since the only impedance elements in the transmission line are reactive. The change in the reactive power across the transmission line is given by: + V 2 V1V2 cos(1 2 ) V2 2 + V1V2 cos(1 2 ) Q1 Q2 = 1 X X V 2 + V2 2 2V1V2 cos(1 2 ) = 1 X =I X
So the change in reactive power is due to the line reactance in exactly the same way as real power loss in a transmission line is due to the line resistance. The above analysis was carried out considering only a purely reactive line, and in practice there is also line resistance. Hence although the active component of the power relates to the actual consumption of power (Watts), the supply of reactive power causes active power loss when the resistance is considered.
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a b c
Figure 2 : Voltage Control on a Synchronous Generator. 4. Changing capacitance of transmission lines and cables. Figure 2 illustrates the components of voltage control associated with a synchronous generator. The potential transformer monitors the output voltage of the generator and that voltage is compared with the voltage reference required for the machine. The current in the exciter is controlled by the regulator to achieve the target voltage. The generation of reactive power by over-excited and under-excited machines is illustrated in figure 3. Figure 4 shows one phase of a static var compensator (SVC). The reactive power is supplied by the parallel combination of the inductors and capacitors . In the configuration shown, the current through the inductance is controlled by the time delay on the firing of the SCR devices. Hence the net reactance of the SVC can be controlled over a range from full capacitance (inductance blocked) to inductive (total inductance less the total capacitance). The switching of the SCRs is controlled by comparing the actual bus voltage with the desired voltage. This is carried out by the controller.
I E0
jXs V
jXsI V
Figure 3 : Synchronous Machines as sources of reactive power (a) Machine Model (b) Over-excited Generator, (c) Under-excited Generator (d) Synchronous Condenser. 4
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Capacitor Bank
Often, SVCs include filters to remove harmonics generated by the switching of the SCRs. Figure 5 shows a schematic representation of an on line tap changer. The voltage at the terminals of the transformer is monitored and compared against a voltage reference. The error signal is used to change the tapping position (and hence the turns ratio) and control the output voltage. In contrast with the typical situation with real power sources, the sources of reactive power are not confined to a relatively small number of positions. A list of power loads is given below: 1. Magnetising current for iron-cored equipment (transformers, fluorescent lamps, arc furnaces, rectifiers). 2. Induction motors. 3. Transmission losses in transformers and transmission lines. 4. Under-excited synchronous machines. 5. Shunt and series reactances. 6. Controlled static converters. The reactive power demand obviously changes with the voltage level. As the number of source and loads of reactive power are many and distributed widely around the system, the control of reactive power flow, and hence voltage, is difficult. Very often, voltage control tends to be localised rather than system-wide.
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(19) (20)
V V V2 = V1 jX 2 j 2 + jV2 B XL RL
So the reactive voltage drop of the transmission line is compensated for when the following is achieved : X X 1 XB + X + R =1 L L Which requires: X X 1+ 1 R XL L B= X
2 2 2
This simple case illustrates some of the complexity of voltage regulation within a large power network.
jXL V2
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low voltage equivalent quantities. Note the following properties: The zero sequence network is unchanged due to the addition of the phase shifting transformers. Therefore the Thevenin equivalent network for the zero sequence is unchanged. Since the phase shifting transformers are ideal, the referral of a per unit impedance from one side of the transformer to the other is unchanged. Hence it is possible to refer all impedance values to the bus 2 side of the transformers, and so the Thevenin equivalent impedance for both the positive and negative networks viewed from bus 2 is also unchanged. The referral of the Thevenin equivalent voltage to the bus 2 side of the transformer does change the angle of the voltage, but not the magnitude. The conclusion then is that the phase shifting transformers do not affect the magnitude of the fault calculation, justifying the approximation previously taken in which the phase shift is neglected. It is important to recognise that while the phase shift of the -Y transformer does not affect the calculation of the magnitude of the fault current, it does change the phase of the positive and negative sequence components on the other side of the transformer. Hence the magnitude of the phase currents on the other side of the transformer is different since the positive and negative sequence currents are shifted by 300 in opposing directions. Note however that it is not a significant problem to account for these effects once the overall fault current has been calculated.
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Vt E' = 0
XL2 V = 00
= t +
d d = + dt dt d 2 d 2 = 2 dt 2 dt
Where the angular speed is constant. The acceleration torque on the machine is given by:
(2) (3)
Pm Tm
Pe Te
Infinite Bus
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Ta = Tm Te = J
In terms of power:
d 2 d 2 = J dt 2 dt 2 d 2 d 2 = M dt 2 dt 2
Pa = Pm Pe = J
Where M is the angular momentum, and it is assumed that the change in speed is small. If damping effects are included, then:
d 2 d 2 d Pm Pe = M 2 + Pd = M 2 + K d dt dt dt
Multiplying by /2 gives: 1 1 2 d 2 (Pm Pe ) = J 2 2 2 dt and
H is the inertia constant, and is equal to the kinetic energy of the generator divided by its power rating. Hence the units of H are MJ/MW or seconds. The typical synchronous generator has an inertia constant between 2 and 10 seconds. If we now drop the p.u. notation (assume from now on that we are dealing with per unit quantities) we have:
Pm Pe = 2 H d 2 H d 2 = dt 2 f dt 2
With damping:
Pm Pe = H d 2 d + Kd 2 dt f dt
Transient stability analysis involves the solution of this differential equation the swing equation. There are two significant aspects to transient stability: The input mechanical power Pm. The output electrical power transferred to the load or network Pe.
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Pm1 Tm1
Pe1 Te1
Infinite Bus
Pm2 Tm2
Pe2 Te2
1 = 2 =
(H1 + H 2 ) d 2 = (P + P ) (P + P ) m1 m2 e1 e2 2
This assumption can be used to simplify a system if a number of machines are connected to the same bus.
Pm1 Tm1
Pe1 Te1
Pe2 Te2
Pm2 Tm2
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Pm1 Pe1 Pm 2 Pe 2 1 d 21 d 2 2 = 2 2 H1 H2 dt f dt
Now define the difference between the machine angles as: 12 = 1 2 , then: H 2 Pm1 H1Pm 2 H 2 Pe1 H1Pe 2 1 d 212 = H1 H 2 H1 H 2 f dt 2
H 2 Pm1 H1Pm 2 H 2 Pe1 H1Pe 2 1 H1H 2 d 212 = 2 H1 + H 2 H1 + H 2 f H1 + H 2 dt Pm Pe = H d 212 f dt 2
Pm = Pe =
H1 H 2 H1 + H 2
H 2 Pm1 H1Pm 2 H1 + H 2 H 2 Pe1 H1Pe 2 H1 + H 2
(21) (22)
Clearly in assessing transient stability, the angle difference is most important when considering two or more machines.
6 Transmitted Power.
To investigate the swing equation we need an expression which describes the power flow from the machine to the load or the infinite bus. Consider the following simplified power system, shown in figure 6. Here Xe is the Thevenin equivalent reactance of the network. E is the transient excitation voltage behind the transient reactance, and Xd is the transient reactance. Figure 7 shows the phasor diagram for the circuit. The active power being transferred to the infinite bus is given by:
E ' V Pe = Re E ' I = Re E ' j ( X 'd + X e )
Pe =
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Vt E' = 0 V = 00
jI(X'd+Xe) I
Figure 7 : Phasor Representation of the Synchronous Machine Circuit. If we substitute the expression for the electrical power into the swing equation we have: Pm = H d 2 E 'V sin + 2 f dt X 'd + X e (26)
This non-linear differential equation is solved to calculate the transient behaviour of the machine due to a fault. For simplified analysis, the mechanical power input and the voltage behind the transient reactance are often assumed to be constant.
So the power transferred to the infinite bus changes to: Pe Pe + Pe = E 'V [sin ( ) + cos( )] X 'd + X e (28)
H d 2 ( + ) d ( + ) + Kd Pm (Pe + Pe ) = 2 f dt dt 6
ELEC 4100 Subtracting one equation from the other gives: d E 'V H d 2 + Kd + cos( ) = 0 2 f dt dt X 'd + X e E 'V cos( ) X 'd + X e
This is a second order linear differential equation. Define the synchronising power coefficient as: Sp = (31)
(s ) s 2 +
S f K d f s+ p H H
Now consider the simplified case where the damping is assumed to be zero. Then: s1 , s2 = S pf H (35)
If the synchronising power coefficient Sp is positive (i.e. 900 900 ) then the roots are imaginary and are given by: s1 , s2 = S pf H = j n (36)
Therefore the system responds with sustained oscillations at the natural frequency n. If the synchronising power coefficient Sp is negative (i.e. 900 2700 ) then the roots are real, with one root in the left hand plane, and the second root in the right hand plane. This is clearly an unstable condition. Hence, the synchronising power coefficient must always be kept positive to
Sp > 0
Sp < 0
Figure 8 : Pole locations for positive and negative synchronising power coefficients.
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XL X'd XT1 (1-a)XL Vt E' = 0 aXL V = 00
Figure 9 :Single Machine, Double Transmission Line network during the fault.
Pe _ prefault =
E 'V 1 X 'd + X t + X L 2
Where: X L1 = X L 2 = X L . When a fault occurs on transmission line 2, at a distance a p.u. from the infinite bus, then the circuit can be redrawn as shown in figure 9. Here it can be seen the that faulted line forms an equivalent star circuit, which can be simplified using the star-delta transformation, as shown in figure 10. When this is done, the equivalent reactance is given by:
2 ( X 'd + X t )X L + (1 a )X L + ( X 'd + X t )(1 a )X L X eq = (1 a )X L
If the fault occurs at the mid-point of the line, then a = 0.5 and:
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X eq = 3( X 'd + X t ) + X L The power flow is then given by: Pe _ fault = E 'V sin 3( X 'd + X t ) + X L
Alternatively, the Thevenin equivalent of the infinite bus voltage as seen from the line terminal of the transformer could be used to produce the same result. The fault is cleared by opening both circuit breakers on the faulted line. In this case the power flow is given by:
Pe _ post fault = E 'V sin X 'd + X t + X L
Equations (38), (41) and (42) are therefore used to define the three differential equations that predict the transient characteristics of the machine, pre-fault, during the fault, and after the fault has been cleared.
d d dt dt
d d 2 =2 dt dt 2
Pa d
d = dt 2f H
Pa d
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d = 0 , the machine rotor angle is no longer increasing, and has dt reached a maximum (or minimum) and this occurs at a maximum angle m, where:
Pa d = 0
Pa d + Pa d = 0
In equation (50), the first integral may represent the accelerating region, where the accelerating power is positive, and so 1 is the cross-over angle where the accelerating power is zero. The second integral may represent the decelerating area, where the accelerating power is negative. If the d sum of these two integrals is not zero, then by definition 0 , and this means that the rotor dt angle has not reached a maximum or a minimum. Or in other words the rotor angle is either continually increasing or decreasing. This constitutes unstable operation (i.e. continuous poleslipping). d = 0 , which means dt that the rotor angle has achieved a maximum or minimum value. This means that the rotor angle is confined to a particular angular region, which is a necessary condition for stability. Therefore the criterion of equal accelerating and decelerating areas is an immediate indicator of stability. If the accelerating and decelerating areas are equal, then the derivative
9.1.1 Example. Figure 11 shows an application of the equal area criterion to a synchronous machine connected to an infinite bus. The machine is being driven with an initial mechanical power Pm0. The corresponding operating point on the electrical power curve is at an initial rotor angle 0. If a step change in the mechanical power occurs, such that the new value is Pm1, then the machine will begin to accelerate, and the rotor angle will begin to increase. This acceleration continues, until the rotor angle reaches 1 at which point the machine begins to decelerate. By application of the equal area
0 1 2 /2
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criteria, the integral of the difference between the new mechanical power and the output electrical power in acceleration mode (i.e. Area A1), must equal the same integral in deceleration mode. So the rotor angle continues to increase until it reaches the angle 2 at which point the areas A1 and A2 are equal. Now the machine begins oscillating until it settles at the new operating point 1. If the acceleration phase was such that the rotor angle would have to advance to 3 to achieve equal areas, then this is the stability limit. If the rotor angle would need to advance beyond 3 then it is not possible to satisfy the equal area criterion, and pole-slipping will occur.
9.1.2 Example - Fault Clearing Angles. The equal area criterion can be used to determine the critical rotor angles, by which point a fault must be cleared to ensure that the generator can remain synchronised to the infinite bus. Recall that in section 8 the power curves were determined for the pre-fault, during fault, and post-fault conditions. These curves can be plotted against the rotor angle as shown in figure 12.
Figure 13 illustrates how to determine the critical clearing angle using these curves. For the prefault condition, the input mechanical power and the pre-fault electrical power curve determine the initial operating rotor angle 0. When the fault occurs, the machine changes to the during fault curve, and begins to accelerate. It should be immediately clear for this example that without clearing the fault the machine will lose synchronisation since the acceleration and deceleration areas can not be made equal. However if the fault clears by some critical rotor angle crit, then it is
P (p.u.) Prefault Power Post-fault Power
Pm Fault Power
Pm Fault Power
0 fin
crit m
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possible to increase the deceleration area using the post-fault power curve, as illustrated in figure 13. After the fault has been cleared by this critical angle, the machine will oscillate and return to the final operating point at fin. The critical clearing angle can be calculate using:
crit 0
Pfault ) d =
post _ fault
Pm ) d
Integrating: cos( m ) cos( 0 ) 1 1 Pm ( m 0 ) + E 'V = E 'V cos( crit ) X fault X post _ fault X post _ fault X fault (53)
This expression allows the direct determination of the critical clearing angle for the synchronous machine.
9.1.3 Example : Fault Clearing Angles - Maximum Swing. In the above example the critical clearing angle for a fault is calculated based on the equal area criterion. An allied problem is the determination of the maximum angle that the machine swings to given that the fault has cleared by a given angle. The challenge with this kind of problem is that a transcendental equation results, and the solution of this expression requires the use of numerical techniques.
Consider the above example, in which a fault occurs, but clears at an angle c, and then the generator swings to a maximum angle max. To determine max apply the equal area criterion:
c 0
Pfault ) d =
post _ fault
Pm ) d
This can also be written as: Pm E 'V sin ( ) d = max E 'V sin ( ) Pm d 0 X fault c X post _ fault Integrating: Pm max + cos( c ) cos( c ) cos( 0 ) E 'V cos( max ) = Pm 0 + E 'V + X post _ fault X X X post fault fault fault _ (56) (55)
Here the unknown max appears on the left hand side of the equation, while all the known terms appear on the right hand side of the equation. This equation can be re-written as:
= Pm
E 'V X post _ fault
(58) (59)
= Pm 0 + E 'V
To solve equation (57) for max, apply the Newton-Raphson iterative method. Recall that the Newton-Raphson method solves systems of the form:
f (x ) = y
Where f is a non-linear function of the unknown x. The iterative technique relies on the first order Taylor series expansion of f(x), such that the (p+1)th estimate of x is related to the pth estimate according to: x p +1 = x p +
[y f (x )] f ' (x )
p p
)] [
It should be pointed out that the solution to this equation does require a good initial estimate to the maximum angle to ensure convergence to the correct solution.
Inertia Constant H = 5 seconds. Synchronous Frequency f = 50Hz. Mechanical Power Pm = 0.8 p.u. Pre-fault Electrical Power Pe = 2.34 p.u. During-fault Electrical Power Pe = 0.9 p.u. Post-fault Electrical Power Pe = 1.8 p.u. No damping.
Figure 14 shows the response of the synchronous machine to the fault when the fault is cleared after a time interval of 0.7 sec. Here it can be seen that the rotor angle swings to a large angle (1300) but is stable after the first swing. Figure 15 shows the same system, but in this case the clearing time for the fault is in fact 0.8 sec. It is evident that this case is unstable, and pole slipping has occurred.
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140 120 100 80
Rotor Angle (deg)
60 40 20 0 -20 -40 -60 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 1.0 0.8 Time (sec) 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 1.0 0.8 Time (sec) 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
ELEC 4100 Constant generator main field-winding flux linkage. Neglecting the effects of damping. Constant mechanical power. Representing loads by constant passive impedances.
Possible improvements to this representation include: Study the transient response for more than one second as maximum swing may not be the first swing in a multi-machine or multi-bus system. Include a representation of dynamic response to improve the accuracy of the model. Also represent saturation in iron. Loads may need to be represented by constant P and Q, or have voltage and frequency dependence.
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Faults usually produce currents that are several orders of magnitude larger than normal load currents. Though in weak systems, fault currents may not be significantly larger than load currents (and this causes protection difficulties in terms of fault detection). The art of system protection therefore involves the ability to discriminate true fault events from the general operational state of the power system. Consequences of faults include: Arcing, leading to high temperatures, and possibly fires and explosion. Sustained overheating due to high currents may reduce the useful life of equipment, e.g. insulation damage and conductor annealing. Destructive mechanical forces on windings and busbars due to the high currents involved. Over-voltages may stress insulation beyond its breakdown value. Remove faults from the power system as quickly as possible. Remove no more of the system than is absolutely necessary to clear the fault. As much of the load as possible should continue to be supplied. 1
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Faults are removed from a system by opening or tripping circuit breakers, or by fuses (typically at low voltage levels). The operation should be highly selective. Only those breakers closest to the fault should operate to remove or clear the fault. The rest of the system should remain intact. Fault conditions are detected by monitoring the voltages and currents at various points in the system (Note that this is done implicitly by fuses). For circuit breakers, abnormal values individually or in combination cause relays to operate, energising the breakers tripping circuits. Faults can occur within the protection system itself, and so there is also a need for some form of backup protection.
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These factors all have a large impact on whether the system will remain stable or split at the occurrence of a fault. Protection systems in the vicinity of generators are generally designed to operate quickly if it is considered that the generator in question has a risk of instability when subjected to a nearby fault. 1.1.4 Safety. Since fault currents are generally large compared to normal operational currents, the voltage drop across impedances in the current path can become quite large. For ground faults this can lead to large voltages on equipment and along the ground itself. If personnel are with the vicinity of these potentials (generally referred to as touch and step potentials) then there is a risk of electrocution fatalities are possible. Clearing a fault quickly is therefore critical to minimise the risk of injury due to rising touch and step potentials. 1.1.5 Fault Limiting. In general faults are not self-limiting. Once a fault commences it can generally sustain itself indefinitely. The exceptions are systems earthed with Petersen Coil systems or large Neutral Earth Resistors (NERs) where the fault level is in fact very low. Protection systems are therefore necessary to limit the time duration that a large fault current is sustained.
2 Instrument Transformers.
To be able to clear a fault from a power system it is first necessary to be able to detect that the fault has occurred. This function is performed using instrument transformers, and there are two basic types potential transformers for monitoring voltage, and current transformers for monitoring the line current. The purpose of instrument transformers is to reduce the power system level voltage and currents (recall that fault currents are often 10p.u. or more) to standardised levels that suitable for relays and protective devices.
V2 =
N2 V1 N1
PTs are often designed to have a secondary side voltage of 120V, and the turns ratio can vary between unity to 4500:1. In practice a PT must be terminated by a high impedance voltage sensitive device commonly referred to as a burden. Typical PT ratings are in the vicinity of 50VA, and the polarity is indicated with the standard dot convention. For high voltage levels it is often necessary to use a capacitive voltage divider to drop the primary voltage of the PT. This is illustrated in figure 1 below. A problem with this approach is that the burden and magnetising current loads the capacitive divider, and this must be compensated for to eliminate any errors introduced. Typically a reactor is placed in series with the PT to achieve this function. This is further illustrated in figure 2 which shows the Thevenin equivalent network of the PT viewed from node B, in which: CT = C1 + C2 XT = (2)
1 CT
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C1 C2
Va jX1
Vb PT Load
Va VT -jXT jX1
Vb Referred Load
Figure 2 : Thevenin equivalent network. The impedance that then appears between the Thevenin equivalent voltage and node b is given by:
ZT = j [ X 1 X T ]
Clearly if X1 is made equal to XT at the power system frequency, then the effect of loading the capacitive divider is mitigated.
To calculate this error for a given CT, it becomes necessary to refer to that CTs excitation curve which relates the secondary side excitation voltage and the secondary side excitation current. So for a specific CT output current I2, the secondary side excitation voltage is calculated according to:
E2 = (Z B + Z 2 )I 2
The magnetisation current Im, is then calculated using the CT excitation data. It is then possible to obtain the secondary referred input current I2, which enables the calculation of the CT error according to (5) for the specific operating condition. For a specific application it is generally necessary to assess the CT error over the reasonable operating range, and for the specific burden. Example :- See Glover and Sarma, Chapter 10, page 455, example 10.1.
3 Protection Relays.
The principle function of relays in a power system is to protect the system and associated equipment from damage caused by abnormal or faulted conditions. The input(s) to a relay include the current and/or voltage measurements from PTs and CTs at different points in the system, and the relay must make a decision as to whether these measurements are within acceptable tolerances. The decision basis can be simple (i.e. threshold detection) or include complex phase and/or magnitude information. Once a relay has made a decision to isolate a section of the network it must somehow feed this information to the circuit breaker itself which is rated for the full line currents and voltage levels of the relevant section of the power system. Relays can be either electromechanical or solid state.
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Similarly the normally open contacts are broken. When the excitation coil is energised the field in the coil produces an electromagnetic force which tries to reduce the length of the air gap in the magnetic circuit. If the applied current is above a sufficient threshold (called the pick up current) to overcome the spring stiffness (and gravity) the plunger moves vertically, breaking the normally closed contacts and making the normally open contacts. When the plunger is in the vertical position (i.e. minimum air gap and hence flux path) the ampere-turn required to hold this position is much less than that required to move the plunger into this position. The current must therefore fall well below the pick up current before the plunger returns to the normal position, and the current at which this occurs is called the drop out current. Instantaneous over-current relays have one major draw-back in that they provide very little ability to discriminate between fault events so as to localise the event. This makes it very hard to design a protection system with high selectivity and reliability.
Magnetic Core
Figure 5 : An electromechanical, inverse time overcurrent relay, using an induction disc. (a) side-on view (b) top view. 6
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ELEC 4100 figure 7 with the following parameters [See Glover and Sarma Example 10.4].
Example :
The system shown in figure 7 has loading, fault, relay and breaker data as shown in tables 1 to 3. It is necessary to select CTS and TDS values for the three breakers so as to achieve a coordination time interval of 0.3s. The line to line voltage of the system is 34.5kV. Table 1 : Maximum Loads for system shown in figure 7. Bus Bus 1 Bus 2 Bus 3 Load MVA 11.0 MVA 4.0 MVA 6.0 MVA Lagging p.f. 0.95 0.95 0.95
Table 2 : Maximum and Minimum Fault Currents for system in figure 7. Bus Bus 1 Bus 2 Bus 3 Maximum Fault Current (3) 3000 A 2000 A 1000 A Minimum Fault Current (L-G) 2200 A 1500 A 700 A
Table 3 : Breaker, CT, and relay data for system in figure 7. Breaker B1 B2 B3
Solution :
Breaker Operating Time 100 ms (5 cycles @50Hz) 100 ms (5 cycles @50Hz) 100 ms (5 cycles @50Hz)
The first step is to select the three CTS values so that the three relays will not operate under normal maximum loading conditions. So using the three maximum loading conditions the normal loading current in each breaker and CT secondaries can be found as: I B3 =
I B2 =
I 'B 3 =
I 'B 2 = I 'B1 =
I B3 = 2.51A 200 / 5
IB2 = 4.18 A 200 / 5 I B1 = 4.39 A 400 / 5
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Notice that for breakers B1 and B2 the downstream loads must be accounted for when determining the actual current carried by the breaker. It is necessary to ensure that the breakers do not operate for the CT secondary currents given above. Therefore select pick-up currents above these values. There is a wide range of possible values that can be used, but realistically any value that is sufficiently larger than the maximum load current, but also sufficiently smaller than the minimum likely fault current should be used. As a rule, the reliable operation of a time delay relay requires that the ratio of the minimum fault current to the pick-up current should be 2. So the secondary referred minimum fault currents are: I B 3_ min fault = I B 2 _ min fault = I B1_ min fault = 700 = 17.5 A 200 / 5 700 = 17.5 A 200 / 5 1500 = 18.75 A 400 / 5 (in back-up mode for B3) (in back-up mode for B2)
Therefore we can choose: CTS B 3 = 3 A CTS B 2 = 5 A CTS B1 = 5 A It now remains to coordinate the relays for the maximum fault currents. For the breaker B3, the maximum fault current that this relay will see is 2000A, which will correspond to a secondary side current of: I 'B 3_ fault = 2000 = 50 A 200 / 5 and so I 'B 3_ fault CTS B 3 = 50 = 16.7 3
For the fastest possible trip time, use the following time dial setting: TDS B 3 = 1 2
From figure 6, the relay operating time for the maximum fault current is: t B 3 = 0.05s For the breaker B2, the secondary referred fault current and fault to pick up current ratio is: I 'B 2 _ fault = 2000 = 50 A 200 / 5 and so I 'B 2 _ fault CTS B 2 = 50 = 10 5
Then taking into account the required coordination interval and the operation time, B2 should not operate until after a time delay of:
t B 2 = t B 3 + tc + top = 0.05s + 0.1s + 0.3s = 0.45s So from figure 6, this corresponds to a time dial setting of: TDS B 2 = 2 So now B2 is coordinated with B3, and will operate as a back-up protection device for faults at bus 3. It remains to coordinate B1 with B2, for the maximum fault events that can occur at Bus 2.
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The largest fault at Bus 2 is 3000A. Hence the secondary referred fault current and fault to pick up current ratio is: I 'B 2 _ fault = 3000 = 75 A 200 / 5 and so I 'B 2 _ fault CTS B 2 = 75 = 15 5
From figure 6, the relay operating time for the maximum fault current is: t B 3 = 0.35s For the breaker B1, the secondary referred fault current and fault to pick up current ratio is: I 'B1_ fault = 3000 = 37.5 A 400 / 5 and so I 'B1_ fault CTS B1 = 37.5 = 7.5 5
Then taking into account the required coordination interval and the operation time, B1 should not operate until after a time delay of: t B1 = t B 2 + tc + top = 0.35s + 0.1s + 0.3s = 0.75s So from figure 6, this corresponds to a time dial setting of: TDS B1 = 2.8 The coordinate relay settings are summarised in table 4 below. Table 4 : Coordinated Relay settings for the system in figure 7. Breaker B1 B2 B3 Relay Type CO-8 CO-8 CO-8 CTS 5A 5A 3A TDS 2.8 2 0.5
4 Directional Relays.
Systems that do not have a radial structure are difficult to protect using simple time coordinated delay relays. Consider the system shown in figure 8, which contains two sources and four voltage buses. In the event that there is a fault in the middle of the transmission line between buses 1 and 3, the breakers B31 and B32 will both sense the overcurrent. However to minimise the amount of the system taken out of service ideally the breakers B13 and B32 should operate. We could use time delay relays to coordinate B32 with B31, but in this case B31 would always operate before B32,
Bus 1 B12 B21 Bus 2 Bus 4
B31 Bus 3
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PT Direction O/C
Figure 9 : Electrical connections of a directional relay. which even when there is a fault on the transmission line between buses 2 and 3 which is clearly not acceptable. So the relays need a way to distinguish whether the fault is on the transmission line they are connected to, or behind them on the voltage bus or another transmission line on that bus. In other words the relays need directional information. A way to equip relays with a directional capability is to measure the local system voltage, and compare the system current phase angle to voltage. Such a relay structure is illustrated in figure 9. The directional relay relies on the fact that the transmission line is predominantly reactive. Therefore if there is a fault to the right of the relay the measured voltage must lead the fault current by almost 900. If however the fault current is to the left of the relay, the current phase angle will have changed by 1800, and so the measured voltage will lag the current by almost 900. In figure 9 the directional relay is shown with two distinct sections, a directional section, and a conventional overcurrent relay. However an integrated solution is the induction cup relay shown in figure 10. This relay consists of a voltage and a current coil wound onto a magnetic core. The coil directions are perpendicular to one another. At the centre of the core is a disc which is free to rotate. The fields produced by the voltage and current coils produce a torque on the disc, and the sign of the phase shift between the two signals determines the direction that the induction disc rotates. In one direction the disc rotation causes the relay contacts to close if the magnitude of the current is sufficiently large. In the other direction a mechanical stopper prevents the contacts from being closed, providing the directional capability required.
Current Coil
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Bus 1 Bus 2 Bus 3
5 Protection Zones.
As soon as the power system becomes more complex than a radial structure, the effective protection of the system using simple directional or inverse time overcurrent relays becomes infeasible. This is because a key protection objective is to take the minimum amount of the system out of service, so as to maintain as much of the supply as possible to the remaining customers. For more general mesh type system structures, the concept of a zone of protection is far more effective for localising the fault, and then removing it. Protection zones are defined for : Voltage buses Transformers Generators Compensators Rotational loads Transmission lines
The zone concept is illustrated in figure 12 for a four bus, two generator power system. This system is shown to have 11 zones of protection. These zones are defined to ensure that each of the above listed elements has an associated protective zone, and the operation of the circuit breakers within that zone will take the element out of service. Zones of protection have the following properties: Neighbouring zones overlap with one another. This overlapping of zones is necessary to ensure that there is no region in the power system that is unprotected in the event of a fault. The only devices placed in the zone overlap regions are circuit breakers. Hence circuit breakers defined the boundaries of all protective zones in the system. This also explains why there is only one element in zone 6 (the voltage bus) but two in zone 1 (the generator and the transformer). 12
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Bus 1 Zone 2 B12
Bus 2
Zone 3
B1 Zone 1 Zone 4 B31 Bus 3 Zone 6 B32 B13 B32
Zone 5 Zone 7
Figure 12 : Single Generator connected to an Infinite Bus. The protective action for a fault in a given zone is the operation of all circuit breakers within that zone. This must therefore necessarily involve the operation of circuit breakers which lie in all adjacent zones due to the overlap.
This last point deserves some additional attention. Consider the two faults indicated at points P1 and P2 in figure 12. Clearly the P1 fault lies in zone 3 and so the corrective action to be taken here is the opening of all circuit breakers in zone 3 B21 and B12. However the fault P2 lies in the overlap region of zones 2 and 3. So in this case all breakers in both zones 2 and 3 should operate B1, B12, B21 and B13. It is for this reason it is necessary to minimise the overlap region between zones so that the minimum section of the system is taken out of service.
6 Distance Relays.
While directional relaying improves the selectivity of a protection system for simple two source systems, for systems with many meshes it becomes considerably more challenging to coordinate the relays effectively. One approach to overcome these difficulties is to recognise that the ratio of the voltage to current at a circuit breaker is more sensitive to the location of the fault than the current or voltage alone. Relays which respond to the ratio of the voltage to current are referred to as Distance relays (also called Impedance or Ratio relays). To understand why distance relays provide better selectivity, recall that during a fault event the current through a circuit breaker increases while simultaneously the voltage collapses. So for example if there is a solid line to ground fault right next to a circuit breaker then the local voltage collapses to zero. The current however can increase to several p.u. and is limited by the up-stream impedance. To consider another example, consider the case where the local voltage falls to 25% of normal rated conditions, while the fault current reaches a level of 10 p.u. The distance relay would detect and impedance change to 2.5%, representing a percentage change of 4000%, or four times the change in the current. It is precisely because of this increase in sensitivity that distance relays are attractive for the protection of transmission lines. Figure 13 shows the trip region for a standard distance relay. The relay is configured with a trip impedance level Ztrip, and if the ratio of measured voltage to current is above this threshold then the system is deemed to be operating in a normal loading condition. When the measured ratio falls below this threshold a trip event occurs. Distance relays can be modified to include a directional capability in two distinct ways. The simplest approach is to simply include a directional relay in series with the distance relay. In this way the phase angle of the ratio must be within a specified range to cause a trip event, providing a trip characteristic as shown in figure 14. The second approach is to offset the trip range of the 13
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Im{Z} Ztrip Fault Re{Z}
Normal Condition
Normal Condition
Normal Condition
Ztrip Re{Z}
Normal Condition
Figure 15 : Trip Zones for a modified (Mho) Distance Relay. distance relay from the origin. Such a relay is referred to as a modified impedance (or Mho) relay, and has a trip characteristic as shown in figure 15. The mho relay has selectivity advantages for high power factor loads. The trip impedance of a relay (Ztrip) is also often defined in terms reach. Here the trip impedance is set to be a certain percentage of the transmission line impedance. So for example if the trip impedance is set for a reach of 80% of the line, for a fault that occurs 90% along the length of the line the distance relay would not trip. It is this concept of reach that has given the relay its name. Back-up protection can also be incorporated into a distance relay. Consider the relaying associated with B23 in figure 16. Usually three impedance relays would be installed at B23. The first provides the first zone of protection, and is usually set to a reach of 80% of the associated line. The second relay protecting zone 2 has a longer reach (usually 120% of the associated line) and includes 14
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Bus 4 Bus 2 B2 B23 (a) (b) Zone 1 Zone 2 Bus 5 Zone 3 B5 (e) B32 (c) B35 B53 Bus 3 B34 (d) B43 B4b B4a
Figure 16 : Trip Zones for a standard Distance Relay. all of zone 1. A fault at point (d), for example, would cause breaker B23 to open after a time delay T2. This fault at point (d) is in the primary protection zone of B34, but if this breaker failed to operate then the breaker B23 will provide the back up protection. The third impedance relay provides another level of back up protection. This relay is set to a longer reach again (usually 100% of the associated line and 120% of the adjacent line), and is set to trip after a longer time delay T3. In this way B23 can provide back-up protection for faults that occur at point (e). Zone 1 protection is usually set to cover less than 100% of the associated line. The reason for this is illustrated in figure 16. The impedance seen by the relay for the fault at point (c) corresponds to effectively 100% of the line and offers essentially the same impedance as the fault at point (d). If zone 1 was set to 100% reach then for the fault at (d) B23 would trip instantaneously. To provide selectivity it is therefore necessary to reduce the reach of zone 1 to less than the impedance of the overall line. A fault at point (c) would be cleared instantaneously by B32. Often trip signals are sent from one end of the line to the other, so if B32 tripped, then B23 would receive a corresponding instantaneous trip command despite the fact that the fault lied outside its primary zone of protection.
7 Differential Relays.
Differential protection is commonly used for the protection of generators, voltage buses and transformers. This is because these elements are not distributed and so it is relatively easy to obtain access to the terminal voltages and currents. Any difference between the input and output power flow indicates the presence of an internal fault.
7.1 Generators.
The basic concept of differential protection of a generator is shown in figure 17. In the absence of an internal fault, the current I2 = I1. So using identical CTs, I2 = I1. Since the CTs are connected in series, the current flows from one secondary to the other, and there is no operating current in the winding of the relay. Consider though a phase to phase short in the generator winding. Then I2 I1, and so I2 I1. A differential current I2 I1. will flow in the operating winding of the relay, and if this is above a certain threshold a trip signal will result.
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Generator Winding
Neutral Breaker
Trip Winding
Restraining Windings
Trip Winding
Restraining Windings
Figure 18 : Differential Protection of a Voltage Bus. conditions the differential relay will not operate. However, if there was a fault on the bus, then I '1 + I '2 I 3 . There would be a differential current, and the relay would trip. An actual implementation of this scheme would require a differential relay for each phase. Operation of any of the phase relays would activate the trip coils of all three CBs, isolating the voltage bus. This technique can be extended to situations where there are many lines entering a voltage bus.
7.3 Transformers.
Figure 19 illustrates the application of differential protection to a transformer. The complication here is that the turns ratio of the transformer must be accounted for before a differential signal can be applied to a relay. This can be done by using CTs with different turns ratios n1 and n2. This gives secondary side measured currents as: I '1 = I1 n1 I '2 = I2 n2 (7)
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N1 I1 N2 I2
Trip Winding
Restraining Windings
When there is no internal fault this current should be zero, and this then requires that: n2 N1 = n1 N 2 (11)
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(1a) (1b)
v(x,t) Cdx
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Previously it was assumed that the time variation could be modelled by with sinusoidal time dependency. When this is not the case, it is still possible to simplify the above partial differential equations by taking the Laplace transform of the equations with respect to the time derivative, as: dV ( x, s ) = ( r + sL ) I ( x, s ) Li ( x, 0 ) dx dI ( x, s ) = ( G + sC ) V ( x, s ) Cv ( x, 0 ) dx (2a) (2b)
For an initially quiescent line the initial conditions along the line are zero, and so equation 2 reduces to the form: dV ( x, s ) = ( r + sL ) I ( x, s ) dx dI ( x, s ) = ( G + sC ) V ( x, s ) dx (3a) (3b)
Using the same technique as illustrated for the sinusoidal steady state case, we can differentiate both expressions in equation 3 with respect to x, to get:
d 2V ( x, s ) dI ( x, s ) = r + sL ( ) dx 2 dx
(5a) (5b)
( R + sL )( G + sC )
Equation 5 represents a pair of linear second order homogeneous differential equations and have the following general solution:
V ( x, s ) = k1e x + k2 e x
(7a) (7b)
I ( x, s ) = Where:
Z0 =
1 k1e x k2 e x Z0
( R + sL ) ( G + sC )
Equation 7 represents the general expressions for the behaviour of the transmission line voltage and currents in the Laplace domain, and time domain expressions can be formed by determining the inverse transform of equation 7. However as seen in equations 6 and 8, in the general case the
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parameters and Z0 are considerably complex functions of s, and this introduces a significant challenge when attempting to find the inverse Laplace transform.
= s LC
Z0 = L C
+ k2 e s
(9) (10)
Now recall that an exponential function in the Laplace domain becomes a time shift in the time domain. Then defining vf (t) = L -1{k1} and vb (t) = L -1{k2} gives:
x x v ( x, t ) = v f t v t + + b v v 0 0
Where: v0 = 1 LC (13)
Equation 12 indicates that the voltage on the line consists of two waves, a forward travelling wave vf (x,t), and a backwards travelling wave vb (x,t). Both waves travel at the same velocity v0, and there is no attenuation of the wave shape from the initial condition. The initial wave shape is determined by the boundary conditions applied to the transmission line. This is illustrated in figure 2, in which the forward propagating wave shape is seen to travel forwards the distance x0 in a time x0/v0, and similarly the backward propagating wave shape is seen to travel back the distance x0 in a time x0/v0. As seen in equation 13, the propagation velocity along the line is a function of the capacitance and inductance per unit length, and for overhead lines this velocity is approximately: v0 = 1 1 1 = = = 3 108 ms 1 LC 0 0 (14)
This is the speed of light in free space. For cables the relative permittivity is in the range 2 3, and so the propagation velocity is in the range of 50% to 70% of the speed of light in free space. The same analysis applies to the current waveform. Equation 7(b) becomes: I ( x, s ) = 1 s k1e Z0
LC x
k2 e s
LC x
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Forward Travelling Wave vf (t) vf (t-x0/v0)
ib (t-x/v)
Note that for the forward propagating wave the current and the voltage have the same sign, but for the backward propagating wave the current and the voltage have the opposite sign. The following summary can be made: (i) (ii) A surge voltage on a transmission line is equal to the sum of a forward and backward travelling wave, either of which can be zero. The same applies for surge current. The forward travelling wave voltage is directly proportional to the forward current by the factor Z0. The backward travelling wave is directly proportional to the backward current by the factor -Z0. Z0 is the characteristic impedance of the line. The sign difference between the current and voltage waves is illustrated in figure 3. 4
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Figure 4 : Refraction and Reflection on a transmission line. In figure 4, the junction is represented by the point A, and denotes the change in characteristic impedance from Z1 to Z2. A step voltage v1f approaches the junction along the transmission line with an associated current i1 f = v1 f Z1 . After the travelling waves reach the junction A, a pair of voltage and current waves, related by i1b = v1b Z1 , are reflected backwards along the line towards the source. Another pair of travelling waves related by i2 f = v2 f Z 2 penetrate into the cable and constitute the refracted wave pair. Since the voltage and current must be continuous at the junction A, it follows that:
v1 f + v1b = v2 f i1 f + i1b = i2 f
Equation 18(b) can be re-written to show: 1 1 v1 f v1b ) = v2 f ( Z1 Z2 Equations 18(a) and 19 can be combined to show that:
(18a) (18b)
v1b = v2 f =
Z 2 Z1 v1 f Z 2 + Z1
2Z 2 v1 f Z 2 + Z1
(20a) (20b)
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Z 2 Z1 Z 2 + Z1
2Z 2 Z 2 + Z1
(20a) (20b)
The parameter is called the reflection coefficient, and is called the refraction coefficient. Note that the reflection coefficient can be either positive or negative. The refraction coefficient can range from 0 to 2. For a line terminated with an impedance Z to ground, there will also be terminal travelling wave reflections. This is illustrated in figure 5.
v1f Incident Wave Z1 v1b Reflected Wave Z
v1 f + v1b = vZ i1 f + i1b = iZ
Equation 21(b) can be re-written to show: 1 1 v1 f v1b ) = vz ( Z1 Z Hence:
(21a) (22b)
v1b = vz =
Z Z1 v1 f = v1 f Z + Z1
2Z v1 f = v1 f Z + Z1
(24a) (24b)
These expressions match those obtained for an interface between transmission line sections with different characteristic impedances. So the following conclusions can be drawn. If the transmission line is terminated by an open circuit, then = 1 , and so the wave is completely reflected. If the line is terminated by a short circuit, then = 1 , and the wave is again completely reflected, but inverted. If the line is terminated with an impedance Z = Z1 , then = 0 and there is no reflection. In this case the line is said to be matched.
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(25) (25)
I ( x, s ) =
1 k1e x k2 e x Z0
Z0 =
( R + sL )( G + sC )
(26) (27)
( R + sL ) ( G + sC )
(28) (29)
I ( x, s ) =
1 A sinh ( x ) + B cosh ( x ) Z0
x Sending End Z0 v(x,t) i(x,t) x =0 Receiving End
Now consider the transmission line shown below, with a terminating impedance Z at x = 0.
Figure 6 : Transmission Line Terminated by an impedance Z. The receiving end corresponds to x = 0, and x increases to the left.
The receiving end imposes the following boundary conditions:
V ( 0, s ) = Z I ( 0, s )
A = V ( 0, s ) = ZI ( 0, s ) =
Z B Z0
Z V ( x, s ) = B cosh ( x ) + sinh ( x ) Z0
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I ( x, s ) = B Z0 Z sinh ( x ) + cosh ( x ) Z0
So for a transmission line of length d, equation 32 can be used to define the entry impedance into the line according to:
Z (d, s) =
It is also possible to determine the relationship between the sending and receiving end voltages by applying equation 32(a) according to:
V ( 0, s ) Z = V ( d , s ) Z cosh ( d ) + Z 0 sinh ( d ) So again when the line termination is a short circuit (Z = 0):
V ( 0, s ) =0 V ( d , s ) SC
2.4.1 Special Case Lossless Line These expressions can now be used to determine the characteristics of the line for sinusoidal conditions. If we replace the Laplace variable s by j for the lossless line the above expressions reduce to:
= s LC
Z0 = L
So equation 32 becomes:
C V ( x, j ) = B Z cosh j LC x + sinh j LC x L
I ( x, j ) =
B Z0
C sinh j LC x + cosh j LC x Z L
Recall that hyperbolic functions of imaginary quantities reduce to trigonometric functions of the form:
I ( x, j ) =
B C sin LC x + cos LC x jZ Z0 L
The relationship between the voltages at the sending and the receiving ends of the transmission lines are given by: V ( 0, j ) = V ( d , j ) Z L Z cos LCd + j sin LCd C
of the transmission line can lead to infinitely large excitation voltages at the receiving end of the line. This of course assumes ideal behaviour, but it is worth examining this constraint further. The worst case over-voltage on the line occurs when:
LCd =
or d =
1 4f
v 1 = 0 LC 4 f
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For an overhead conductor in free space, recall that the propagation speed for the wave is the speed of light in free space, and so for a 50Hz system: d= 3 108 ms 1 = 1.5 106 m = 1500km 4 ( 50 Hz ) (49)
This length corresponds to a wavelength distance for the sine wave on the transmission line. Most transmission lines are well below this figure, but for an open circuited lossless transmission line as long as 1000km (corresponding to 1/6 wavelength distance, and an argument in the sec function of 600), the transmission line will have a double-magnitude over-voltage under normal sinusoidal excitation.
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The vertical scale represents time and is scaled in units of the transmission line transit time . The diagonal lines represent the travelling wave fronts, and their magnitudes. Each waveform magnitude is calculated using equation 24(a), and by calculating the reflection coefficients at each end of the line. Note that the voltage source is represented as a short circuit for the determination of the reflection coefficient at the source end, and the travelling wave front entering the line is determined by voltage divider rule with the source impedance and the transmission line characteristic impedance only. The voltage at each end of the line, at any point in time is determined by summing the incident and reflected voltage wavefronts up until that point in time, leading to the transient waveforms shown for v(0,t) and v(d,t).
3.1.2 Example : Consider the circuit shown in figure 8. This system consists of two transmission lines with differing characteristic impedances Z1 and Z2. The combination of the two lines is terminated with an impedance ZL, and a surge voltage of 2kV is applied to the transmission line through a source impedance ZS. Both transmission lines have propagation times from one end of the line to the other of = 0.1 ms . The Bewley lattice method can be used to determine the transient voltage at the sending end of the line, the junction between the two lines, and the termination of the line.
= 0.1ms Z1=400
= 0.1ms Z2=100
Figure 8 : Surge applied to two transmission lines through a source impedance. To solve this type of problem it is first necessary to calculate the relevant reflection and refraction coefficients. The reflection coefficient at the sending end of the transmission line is: S = Z s Z1 400 400 = =0 Z s + Z1 400 + 400 Z 2 Z1 100 400 3 = = Z 2 + Z1 100 + 400 5 2Z 2 2(100) 2 = = Z1 + Z 2 100 + 400 5 Z1 Z 2 400 100 3 = = Z 2 + Z1 100 + 400 5 2 Z1 2(400) 8 = = Z1 + Z 2 100 + 400 5 (50)
The reflection and refraction coefficients on the sending side of the junction are: 12 = (51) (52)
12 =
The reflection and refraction coefficients on the receiving side of the junction are: 21 = (53) (54)
12 =
The reflection coefficient at the receiving end of the line is given by:
With these parameters it is now possible to construct the Bewley lattice diagram as shown in figure 9.
x=0 1000V -600V 133.3V 213.3V 26.67V 42.67V 5.3V 16V 80V 400V x = d1 x = d1+d2
2 3 4 5 6 7
Figure 9 : Lattice diagram for travelling wave reflections on the circuit shown in figure 8. Having determined the travelling wave reflections and refractions, it is now possible to calculate the voltages at the sending end of the line, the receiving end of the line, and the junction between the two different sections, as illustrated in figure 10.
v(d1+d2,t) 661.3V 533.3V 640V
t v(d1,t) 2 3 4 5 656V 6 7
613.3V 400V
t 2 3 4 5 6 7
Figure 10 : Voltage waveforms at the sending, junction and receiving sections of the line. 12
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These expressions can be re-written by adding and subtracting 56(b) from 56(a) to yield:
x v ( x , t ) + Z 0 i ( x , t ) = 2v f t v0 x v ( x, t ) Z 0i ( x, t ) = 2vb t + v0
For the lossless line there is no attenuation of the travelling waves along the line, so equation 57 defines two linear expressions in the voltage-current plane, with slopes of Z0. At any point along the line x, and any time t, current and voltage continuity requires that the forward and backward propagating characteristics intersect at the same voltage and current point. Therefore the operating voltage and current along the line can be found by superimposing the transmission line v-i forward and backward characteristics over the top of the sending and receiving end impedance characteristics in the voltage-current plane. To illustrate the concept, consider the example transmission line in figure 11. Here a surge voltage E is applied to a transmission line with characteristic impedance Z0 through a supply resistance R. The end of the transmission line is terminated by a surge arrester which possesses a non-linear v-i characteristic v = k0i , where k0 and are constants.
E v(0,t) v(d,t) ZL
Figure 11: Step voltage applied to a transmission line with a non-linear impedance. The volt-amp characteristic equations for the sending end impedance, and the receiving end impedance respectively are given by:
v ( 0, t ) = E Ri ( 0, t )
(58) (59)
v ( d , t ) = k0 i ( d , t )
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Figure 12 plots these characteristics. Initially the voltage along the line is zero, so since the step is applied at the sending end of the line, the backward propagating wave is initially zero, and the transient initiates a forward propagating wave. The forward characteristic passes through the origin, and the initial forward propagating wave is determined by the intersection with the source end v-i characteristic. This intersection then determines the backward propagation v-i characteristic, and its intersection with the non-linear impedance curve determines the initial receiving end voltage after one transmission line transit duration. This process is repeated allowing the source end and receiving end transient voltage profiles to be developed graphically.
V E v(0,0) v(0,2) v(0,4) V = k0I v(d,5) v(d,3) v(d,) V = E-RI 2 3 4 5 6 t v(d,t) v(0,t) V
Figure 12 : Bergeron Graphical method applied to the transmission line of figure 11.
Clearly when the argument ( t x v0 ) is constant, then equation (60) is constant. So for a transmission line with a propagation time from terminal k to terminal m (as illustrated in figure 13), the following result must hold:
vk ( t ) + Z 0ikm ( t ) = vm ( t ) Z 0imk ( t )
The negative sign for the current imk(t) denotes the direction change from (k m) to (m k).
ikm(0,t) Z0 imk(0,t)
vk(0,t) vm(d,t)
Equations 62 and 63 hold for forward propagating waves only. For the backward propagating waves we can similarly write:
x v ( x, t ) Z 0i ( x, t ) = 2vb t + v0
Again when the argument ( t + x v0 ) is constant, then equation (60) is constant. So for a wave propagating from node m to node k the following result must hold: vm ( t ) Z 0 imk ( t ) = vk ( t ) Z 0ikm ( t ) Or : ikm ( t ) = Where: Ik (t ) = 1 2 vm ( t ) imk ( t ) = vm ( t ) I m ( t 2 ) Z0 Z0 (67) 1 vk ( t ) + I k ( t ) Z0 (66) (65)
We can represent equations 62 and 63, and 66 and 67, by the equivalent circuit shown in figure 14. The currents sources Im and Ik are given by equations 63 and 67, and represent the past history of the transmission line. Note that in this model the line is simplified to a circuit consisting of lumped impedances only, and there is no direct connection from node k to m, by rather a linked by the current sources which introduce a delay of .
vL ( t ) = vk ( t ) vm ( t ) = L
dikm ( t ) dt
Integrating this equation from t to t + t , and using the trapezoidal rule gives: 15
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ikm ( t ) = ikm ( t t ) + Or: ikm ( t ) = Where: I L ( t t ) = ikm ( t t ) + RL = 2L t 1 vk ( t t ) vm ( t t ) RL 1 vk ( t ) + vm ( t ) + I L ( t t ) RL t vL ( t t ) + vL ( t ) 2L
(71) (72)
This shows that in a discrete time sense, the inductor can be modelled by a resistor with a shunt current source, which represents the history of the inductor current. This is illustrated in figure 15(a).
3.3.2 Lumped Capacitance. Recall that the equation for a capacitance with nodes k and m is given by:
ikm ( t ) = C d vk ( t ) vm ( t ) dvC ( t ) =C dt dt
Following the same procedure as for the inductor, it can be shown that : ikm ( t ) = With: I C ( t t ) = ikm ( t t ) RC = t 2C 1 vk ( t t ) vm ( t t ) RC (75) (76) 1 vk ( t ) vm ( t ) + I C ( t t ) RC (74)
IL(t-t) ikm vk RL
IC(t-t) ikm
vk RC
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3.3.3 Nodal Analysis. A network that consists of both lumped and distributed elements can now be modelled by applying nodal analysis to the network with equivalent discrete time models, and this will now be illustrated. Figure 16(a) shows a transmission line which is energised with a voltage surge E, through a source resistance R and inductance L. The equivalent Bergeron Dommel representation of the line is shown in figure 16(b).
1 RL
IL(t-t) 2 I2(t-) Z0
3 Z0
Figure 16 : Transmission line and equivalent Bergeron Dommel representation. The nodal equations for the Bergeron Dommel representation of the line can be readily derived by inspection and is given by: 1 1 E R + R L R I L ( t t ) 1 I L ( t t ) I 3 ( t ) = RL I2 (t ) 0 1 RL 0 V1 0 V2 V 3 1 Z0
1 1 + Z 0 RL 0
The admittance matrix can now be inverted enabling a solution to be obtained for the node voltages at each time step. An appropriate algorithm for the simulation is as follows: At t = 0, initialise all currents to zero. The source current is E/R. At t = 0, compute the nodal voltages by solving the nodal expression in 77. Increment the time step to t + t . Compute the currents I L ( t t ) , I 2 ( t ) and
I3 ( t ) .
Compute the nodal voltages by solving the nodal expression in 77, and go back to the step above. Repeat until the required simulation time has been reached.
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( R + sL )( G + sC )
= LC ( s + ) 2
= + 2L C = 2L C
1 R G
1 R
(81) (82)
The distortionless line is the special case in which R L = G C . Under this constraint = R L and = 0 , so:
= ( s + R L ) LC
So taking the inverse transform of equation (78) gives:
x v ( x , t ) = e x v f t x v + e vb t + x v 0 0
These expressions show that for the distortionless line, the wave-shape for the forward and backward propagating waves is not altered, other than pure attenuation (hence the name). For realistic transmission lines the distributed parameters, especially R and L, are functions of frequency due to the finite resistivity of earth, the variation of flux penetration into the line conductors, and many other second order effects (e.g. skin effect, and corona). This variation in the distributed parameters of the transmission line means that the criteria for distortionless propagation is rarely achieved, and so voltage surges on a line are attenuated and distorted as they propagate along the line. Usually this distortion and attenuation results in slowing of the rise time, in addition to a reduction in the peak of the surge.
(86a) (86b)
Va ( x, s ) V ( x, s ) = Vb ( x, s ) Vc ( x, s ) and (87)
Which represent the line to ground voltages and the line currents respectively. For a completely transposed line the inductance and capacitance matrices are:
Where LS and LM are the self and mutual inductances of the line respectively, and CS and CM are the self and mutual capacitances of the line respectively. Since the line is completely transposed, the matrices in (88) and (89) are completely symmetrical, and so can be transformed into a diagonal form using:
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 T = 1 2 1 and T = 1 1 0 3 1 1 2 1 0 1
LS + 2 LM T 1 LT = 0 0 CS + 2CM T CT = 0 0
0 LS LM 0 0 CS CM 0
0 0 LS LM 0 0 CS CM
Or alternatively:
ELEC 4100 dV M ( x, s ) dx dI M ( x, s ) dx = sL M I M ( x, s ) = sC M V M ( x, s )
(94a) (94b)
I 0 ( x, s ) I M ( x, s ) = T I ( x, s ) = I1 ( x, s ) I 2 ( x, s )
These are the mode voltages and currents, and consist of zero, positive and negative sequence terms. This transformation into sequence components makes it possible to write three separate and decoupled differential equations for the three sequence terms. It should be noted that the positive and negative sequence inductances and capacitances are identical, but that they are not the same as the zero sequence terms. This means that the zero sequence propagation velocity is different to the positive and negative sequence propagation speed, and the characteristic impedances are also different, with:
v0 = 1
( LS + 2 LM )( CS + 2CM )
Z0 =
( LS + 2 LM ) ( CS + 2CM )
v1 = v2 =
( LS LM )( CS CM )
( LS LM ) ( CS CM )
Z1 = Z 2 =
Finally note that the transformation used in equation (90) is not the only transformation that can be used for this decoupling purpose. Other suitable transformations include the Clark and the sequence transformation which was defined in the symmetrical components and fault calculation section of the course.
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For these reasons there is now a drive to better understand the nature of power quality problems, and to develop mitigation methods for them. However it should be noted that the level of supply disturbance that is accepted is primarily decided upon according to economic criteria.
2 Nominal Supply
Utilities have statutory obligations to provide customers with a supply that is constrained to lie within a specified operating band. The supply voltage and frequency are ideally within the centre of these operating regions, with the long term average values defining the nominal supply quantities. For example in NSW the long term average single phase domestic supply is 240V at 50Hz. The statutory bodies define the limits to which the supply is allowed to deviate from the nominal values, and in Australia these regulations specify: Supply voltage : Limits = 6%. Grid frequency : Limits = 0.1% (some regulators allow 1.5% in emergency cases).
A further regulatory constraint is that the supply voltages must be balanced, such that the negative sequence is limited to be less than 2% of the positive sequence component. Typically this is controlled by distributing single phase loads equally across the three phases, but the 2% limit can be particularly challenging to meet.
R. Dugan, M. McGranaghan, W. Beatty, Electrical Power Systems Quality, McGraw Hill, First edition, 1996.
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While waveform distortion must be minimised to eliminate power quality problems, currently the level of disturbance that is allowed is not regulated. A number of international bodies (i.e. IEEE, CIGRE, IEC, SEMI, ANSI) have prepared standards dealing with supply waveform distortion, however the recommendations of these standards are not law. The decision to invest in infrastructure to mitigate the power quality problem would then be made based on an economic rationale, and the expenditure may be made by either the customer, the utility, or shared by both.
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1.0 p.u.
1.0 p.u.
-1.0 p.u. 0 10 ms 20 ms 30 ms 40 ms 50 ms 60 ms 70 ms 80 ms
-1.0 p.u. 0 10 ms 20 ms 30 ms 40 ms 50 ms 60 ms 70 ms 80 ms
-1.0 p.u. 0 10 ms 20 ms 30 ms 40 ms 50 ms 60 ms 70 ms 80 ms
-1.0 p.u. 0 10 ms 20 ms 30 ms 40 ms 50 ms 60 ms 70 ms 80 ms
-1.0 p.u. 0 5 ms 10 ms 15 ms 20 ms 25 ms 30 ms 35 ms 40 ms
-1.0 p.u. 0 5 ms 10 ms 15 ms 20 ms 25 ms 30 ms 35 ms 40 ms
-1.0 p.u. 0 0.02s 0.04s 0.06s 0.08s 0.1s 0.12s 0.14s 0.16s 0.18s 0.2 s
-1.0 p.u. 0 10 ms 20 ms 30 ms 40 ms 50 ms 60 ms 70 ms 80 ms
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