1 Cor 7.21 - Paul and Slavery
1 Cor 7.21 - Paul and Slavery
1 Cor 7.21 - Paul and Slavery
ABSTRACT This study examines the philological problem of translating 1 Cor 7:21b by collecting examples of + constructions found from a computer search of all ancient Greek literature on CD-ROM. The findings show that + grammatical constructions tend to set up opposition, and so the Pauline clause most likely reads: "use (freedom) instead." The earliest known piece of Christian literature that addresses the liberation of slaves is 1 Corinthians 7:21. Generations of Pauline scholars have considered this verse to be the* classic proof text, or locus classicus, for assessing Paul's position on Roman slavery. Many scholars today still uphold this claim. Yet nothing in the passage implies that Paul was considering the question of whether the social institution of slavery ought to be abolished or not Paul's explicit topic is the manumission of baptized slaves. Ethical inferences about slavery as a general phenomenon of the Greco-Roman world should be drawnfromPaul's statements only with great caution. Many commentators have interpreted 7:21 in a negative sense: namely, that slaves must not expect their baptism into the Christian religion to result in their legal, social liberation from chattel slavery. In other words, baptized slaves must remain, nevertheless, slaves. Yet the verse is not without difficulties, which begin with a problem in the text How is one to translate the Greek clause The verse reads: "You were called as a slave; do not worry about it. But if you can indeed become free, (rather u s e . . . )." Unfortunately, Paul leaves the clause Ifhis article is a revised version of a more extensive treatment of this passage found in J. Albert Harrill, "Manumission and the Common chest: Paul and His Interpreters on Slaves in the Early church" (Ph.D. diss., University of Chicago, 1993) 75-150.
without an object. Does Paul mean that slaves should use slavery? Or does he mean the opposite, that slaves should use freedom? The Greek is unclear. The ambiguity of this interpretive crux is notorious and has a long history of exegetical controversy going back at least to John Chrysostom. A most striking example of the lack of consensus in New Testament studies on this crux is seen in how the NRS V text and note reversed the previous RSV text and note. The NRS V translates "use slavery" in the text and places the alternate translation of "use freedom" in a footnote; whereas the RSV had endorsed the "usefreedom"translation, acknowledging 2 the alternative interpretation, "use slavery," in a footnote. The present study collects examples of + constructions found from a computer search of extant ancient Greek literature. The operating assumption is that if we are to contribute a positive contribution toward a solution of the translation problem, we need first to 3 attempt a solution on purely grammatical, syntactical grounds. Because Paul did not make the object of his clause explicit, we must turn to similar texts where the object is explicit. In this way, we can begin to understand what Paul's syntax most likely means. In other words, if we just had this sentence from Paul, how would we read it?
History of Interprctaqpn; Qvrviw This section summarizes and analyzes the history of interpretation of 1 Cor 7:21. The purpose of this section is to set out the various options for solving the interpretative crux of the passage as argued in the commentary literature. The options are three: means either (1) "rather use freedom," (2) "indeed use slavery," or (3) "by all means [as a freedman] live according to [God's calling]."4 Commentators have considered these translations to be mutually exclusive. In deciding between the first two options, commentators frame the crux of the verse in these terms: either Paul was a "social conservative" on slavery or he was not. For example, S. Scott Bartchy poses such an "either/or" approach in terms of two rival pictures of Paul:
Revised Standard Version of the Bible (RSV), copyrighted 1946 and 1952 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A. -*I also assume that Paul intended to be understood and was not equivocal. 4 The last is the translation offered in S. Scott Bartchy, MAAAON : First Century Slavery and the Interpretation of First Corinthians 7:21 (SBLDS 11; 1973; repr. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1985), 183.
1) Paul the "social conservative," whose determination to hold the status quo led him so far as to urge slaves to remain in slavery, even if this meant rejecting an opportunity to become free; or 2) Paul the "social realist," who certainly would not have wanted his seemingly conservative-sounding advice in chapter 7 to be taken by slaves who were Christians to mean that they could not accept freedom if it became available.5 These two pictures of Paul, however, are anachronistic since they wrongly assume that opposition to manumission was a sign of ancient "social conservatism."6 Cicero, Augustus, Seneca, and other Roman "social conservatives," for whom we have evidence, did not oppose the manumission of slaves. Quite the contrary, they widely favored and practiced manumission in their own households, because the prospect of liberation offered an effective incentive for servile loyalty. Careful manumission of a few deserving slaves enabled Roman masters to exploit, or at least control, the rest of their chattel.7 In addition, by liberating some of their slaves, and so making their homes "crowded houses" offreedmenprotgs, Roman conservatives hoped to gain public honor in the aristocratic virtue of dignitas. Many modern commentators on 1 Cor 7:21 assume that to oppose manumission was the mark of an ancient conservative. This assumption is based less on knowledge about ancient slavery and more on familiarity with modern slavery, specifically the institution and its ideology in the
Bartchy, MAAAON ,.
apace Werner Georg Kummel, Introduction to the New Testament (17th German ed., trans. Howard Clark Kee; 1975; reprint, Nashville: Abington Press, 1987) 350; J. E. Crouch, The Origin and Intention of the Colossian Haustafel (FRLANT109; Gttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1972) 12229,158; Gerd Theissen, The Social Setting of Pauline Christianity (ed., trans., and with an Introd. by John H. Schtz; Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1982) 105-108; Robert M. Grant, Augrustus to Constantine: The Rise and Triumph of Christianity in the Roman World (1970; reprint, San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1990) 56,269; Christophe Senft, La premire ptre de Saint Paul aux Corinthiens (CNT 2nd ser. 7; 2d. ed., rev.; Geneva: Labor et Fides, 1990) 99-100; Margaret M. Mitchell, Paul and the Rhetoric of Reconciliation (HUT 28; Tbingen: J. C. B. Mohr [Paul Siebeck] 1991) 123.
'. R. Bradley, Slaves and Masters in the Roman Empire: A Study in Social Control (1984; reprint with suppl. biblio., New York: Oxford University Press, 1987) 81-112; for the Christian material, see J. Albert Harrill, "Ignatius, Ad Polycarp. 4.3 and the Corporate Manumission of Christian Slaves," Journal of Early Christian Studies 1 (1993) 107-42.
nineteenth-century American South, Caribbean Islands, and Brazil. In these places, manumission was an extremely raie occurrence; legal statutes were set up and actively enforced to keep enslaved African-Americans in perpetual bondage. Yet while American conservatives were opposed to manumission, Roman conservatives were not Manumission under Roman rule was a regular and frequent occurrence; Romanfreedmenwere commonplace and 8 proverbial. Thus, to label Paul a "social conservative" or "social realist" based on his advice to slaves concerning manumission evaluates Paul from a modern perspective, not from within his ancient context.
Patristic Commentary Among the few commentators prior to the fourth century to comment or allude to this passage, Origen considers 1 Cor 7:21 to refer to marriage, not slavery. He spiritualizes 1 Cor 7:21 by arguing that Paul takes the terms "slavery" and "freedom" as a metaphorical reference () to "marriage" and "chastity." In this context, Origen interprets to mean "rather take freedom" from marriage.9 Tertullian, in his de monogamia, takes the phrase to mean that actual slaves should remain actual slaves, just as those circumcised should remain circumcised and those married should remain married.10 Neither Origen nor Tertullian indicates that 1 Cor 7:21 is particularly ambiguous; in the fourth century, however, controversy surrounding the passage is evident. John Chrysostom (ca. 354-407 CE.) is the first exegete who is known to have addressed the problem of what this verse means in terms of slavery. He writes: Now I am not ignorant that some say that the words "rather use it" { ) are spoken with regard to The best study remains Thomas E. J. Wiedemann, "The Regularity of Manumission at Rome," CO 35 (1985) 162-75; correcting Gza Alfldy, "Die Freilassung von Sklaven und die Str-uktur der Sklaverei in der romischen Kaiserzeit," Rivista Storica dell'Antichit 2 (1972) 97-129, esp. 114-15, who presented a circular argument from epigraphical evidence that not only urban, but also rural slavery exhibited regular manumission. A. M. Duff, Freedmen in the Early Roman Empire (2d ed.; London: W. Heffer & Sons, 1958) 12-35; Susan Treggiari, Roman Freedmen during the Late Republic (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1969) 1-36; Bradley, Slaves and Masters, 81-112; Alan Watson, Roman Slave Law (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1987) 23-45. 9 0rigen, Frag, e cat. in epist. I ad Cor. 38, (ed. C. Jenkins, "Origen on I Corinthians, m," JTS 9 [1908] 507-8); Comm. in Rom. 1 tLG 14.461).
freedom, interpreting it "if you can become free, become M free. But the expression would be very contrary to Paul's manner if he intended this. For he would not, when consoling the slave and signifying that he was in no respect injured, have told him to get free, since perhaps someone might say, "What, then, if I am not able? I am an injured and degraded person." This, then, is not what he says, but as I said, meaning: to point out that a person gets nothing by being made free, Paul says, "Although you have it in your power to be madefree,remainratherin 11 slavery." Two issues are immediately apparent* first, Chrysostom replies to a debate that already existed; second, he makes his argument not from 12 grammar, but from context and theology. Paul cannot, to Chrysostom's mind, be advising every Christian slave to become free. That capacity lies beyond the reach of many, says Chrysostom, and Paul's theology must be addressed to all. Chrysostom's Paul advises every Christian slave, including the "injured and degraded," to make the best of remaining in their assigned station.13 The overwhelming majority of commentators before the modern period sided with Chrysostom for the "use slavery" option. In making their claim, many of these patristic authors felt it necessary to explain why Paul would have advised a slave to remain in bondage. Severian, the bishop of the Syrian city of Gabala (d. ca. 408 CE.), states that a slave should remain in slavery so that the world could see that there is no disadvantage for a
John Chrysostom, Horn. 19 in epist. I ad Cor. 5 (PG 61.164). Also, Horn, in epist. ad Philem. argumentum: , (PG 62.773); Sermo 5 in Gen. 1: , , . . . , Sofo {PG 54.666). ^Norbert Baumert, Ehelosigkeit und Ehe im Herrn: Eine Neuinterpretation von 1 Kor 7 (FB 47; 2d ed.; Wrzburg: Echter, 1986) 116. 13 Adolf Martin Ritter, "Zwischen 'Gottesherrschaft' und 'einfachem Leben*: Dio Chrysostomus, Johannes Chrysostomus und das Problem einer Humanisierung der Gesellschaft," JAC 31 (1988) 137-39; Elizabeth A. Clark, Jerome, Chrysostom, and Friends: Essays and Translations (Studies in Women and Religion 1; New York: Edwin Meilen Press, 1979) 22-23 n. 7; idem, "Comment: Chrysostom and Pauline Social Ethics," in William S. Babcock, ed., Paul and the Legacies of Paul (Dallas: Southern Methodist University Press, 1990) 193-99; Wulf Jaeger, "Die Sklaverei bei Johannes Chrysostomus " (Diss., Kiel, 1974) 145-150.
Christian to be a slave. Cyril of Alexandria (d. 444 CE.) tells slaves to remain in their state because bearing such a yoke of servitude would bring 15 future rewards, especially if endured under cheerful disposition. An important twelfth-century monastic, Hervaeus of Bourgdieu (whose commentary was falsely attributed to Anselm of Canterbury), exhorts slaves to remain slaves because slavery, he claims, is a useful and good thing. It encourages humility and patience and will earn a great rewardfromGod. 16 This brief sketch of pre-modern exegetes shows the importance of 1 Cor 7:20-24 to the ancient and medieval slaveholders' ideology that slavery was good for slaves. Christian slaves ought to remain slaves, they argue, 17 because servile obedience and humility are great virtues. Before the beginning of critical-historical inquiry into the New Testament, the clause was nearly universally interpreted as "slaves must remain slaves." Two main reasons exist for this interpretation: it respected previous commentators, and it served the slaveholding ideology. I say "nearly" because the Reformation brought a break with Catholic exegetical tradition of this verse: both John Calvin and Martin Luther disagreed with John Chrysostom. In their commentaries on 1 Cor 7:21, these Reformation leaders opted for the "use freedom" interpretation. Calvin writes: "I exhort slaves to be of good courage, though a state of freedom is preferable (soit beaucoup meilleur), if one has it in his choice."18 Calvin, however, is unsure whether Paul here is speaking directly to slaves or only exhorting their masters. Luther is more sure that the passage is a direct exhortation to slaves. He writes:
14 John Anthony Cramer, comp., Catanai Graecorum Patrum in Novum Testamentum, vol 5 (1841; reprint Hildesheim: Georg Olms, 1967) 141; Bartchy MAAAON , 14, . 30. 15 Cyril, Com. in Joannis evangelium 10 (PG 74. 878); Bartchy MAAAON , 14, . 30. 1 "Hervaeus of Bourgdieu, Com. in epist. Pauli - in epist. I ad cor. 7 (PL 81, 88083); Bartchy MAAAON , 14, . 30. ^Maurice Goguel, The Primitive Church, trans. H. C. Snape (London: George Allen & Unwin, 1964) 554-55 n. 2; J. B. Lightfoot, Notes on Epistles of St Paul from Unpublished Commentaries (London: MacMillan and Co., 1895) 229; Heinrich August Wilhelm Meyer, Critical and Exegetical Hand-Book to the Epistles to the Corinthians, trans. D. Douglas Bannerman (New York: Funk & Wagnalls, 1884) 166-67; L. 1. Rckert, Die Briefe Pauli an die Korinther, vol- 1 (Leipzig: R. Rhler, 1836) 195-97, declared that the patristic interpretation favoring "use slavery" was against the spirit of the apostle. ^John Calvin, Commentary on the Epistles of Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians, Calvin's Commentaries 20; trans. John Pringle (1848; reprint, Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1984) 249.
... [F]or at that time there were many bondsmen, as there are still in many places, now termed serfs, whom St. Paul calls slaves ... "But," St. Paul says, "if you can gain your freedom, avail yourself of the opportunity." This does not mean that you should rob your master of your person and run away without his knowledge and consent, but it means you are not to interpret the words of St. Paul, when he says that everyone should remain in the estate in which he was called, to mean that you must remain a serf, even though you could gain your freedom with the knowledge and consent of your master. St. Paul wants only to instruct your conscience, so that you know that before God both estates are free, whether you are a bondsman or a freedman. He does not want to hold you back from gaining your freedom, if you can do so with the consent of your master.19 This interpretation marks an important break with Patristic authority. These Reformers turn the tide of subsequent interpretation of this verse. In particular, Luther's position held great influence upon German critical scholarship. The correct translation of 1 Cor 7:21 remains to this day an open question. Even the NRSV, while reversing the decision of the RSV, still acknowledges the lack of scholarly consensus. Recognizing the inherent ambiguity in the clause for Greek readers/hearers, as Chrysostom clearly shows, I offer evidence that tips the scales in one direction ("use insteadfreedom")rather than another ("use slavery" more).
Martin Luther, Luther's Works, vol. 28, Commentaries on 1 Corinthians 7. 1 Corinthians 15, Lectures on 1 Timothy, trans. Edward Sittler (Saint Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1973) 42-43. Considering Luther's tortured relations with rebellious peasants, this quotation is interesting. In his anti-serf writings of the Peasants' War of 1524-25, Luther refers to 1 Cor 7:21-22 to argue that serfdom should not be abolished; idem, Admonition to Peace: A Reply to the Twelve Articles of the Peasants in Swabia, trans. Charles M. Jacobs, rev. R. Schultz in Luther's Works, vol. 46, The Christian in Society III (Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1967) 38-39 (written in 1525); Paul Althaus, The Ethics of Martin Luther, trans. Robert C. Schultz (Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1972) 146-147. ^Except otherwise noted, all translations are my own. For Greek authors, I follow the standard citation systems of Thesaurus LinLuae Graecae (TLG) listed in Luci Berkowitz and Karl A. Squitier, Thesaurus Lingae Graecae: Canon of Greek
The purpose of this section is to provide additional texts for syntactical comparison with our verse. I have collected 17 examples, from at least 14 different authors, reflecting a wide range of genres and periods, in order to create a data base of sources with which to compare and so to interpret the syntax of a + construction. These texts demonstrate one philological point. The force of the adverb , when used with the depondent verb , is usually adversative, but occasionally appears intensive. It is not, as has been suggested, an "elative comparative" or a "contrasting comparative." Since the two grammatical functions "adversative" and "intensive" are related and merge into each other, they are not mutually exclusive. In the cases in the section where some division is present between the two uses, the context shows that is used mostly in the sense of "instead" (or "preferably") rather than conveying the sense of "more (intensely)." This opposition is sometimes implicit, at other times explicit. In short, the texts in the section lend support to the argument that in 7:21 Paul contrasts two possible courses of action for the Christian slave facing two different situations. I have divided the these 17 examples into 4 categories. The first two illustrate the adversative use of , the third and fourth show the intensive. A. Adversative with Explicit Opposition. 8 Cases. In these examples, the author sets up two different situations in which two different courses of action are necessary and contrasts these courses of action with . Translation: "use X instead." B. Adversative with Implicit Opposition. 3 Cases. These examples differ from those in Category A only in that the opposition between the two situations is implicit. Translation: "use X instead." C. Intensive with Opposition. 3 Cases. In these examples, the author sets up two different situations and presents two optional courses of action (X or Y). In one situation, you should use X; in the other you should use X even more preferably than using Y. Translation: "use X more (preferably)."
Authors and Works (3rd ed.; New York: Oxford University Press, 1990) 439-71 (appendix 4). I thank Profs. Elizabeth Asmis of the University of Chicago Department of Classics and Margaret M. Mitchell of McCormick Theological Seminary (Chicago, Illinois) for their criticism and suggestions on these passages.
D. Intensive with No Opposition. 3 Cases. In these examples, the author uses not to contrast two opposing courses of action, but to urge that a single course of action be done more intensely in a similar but more urgent situation. This category is not completely distinct from the first two in that, even in its intensive use, still contrasts two ways of carrying out the same course of action. Translation: "use X more." A. Adversative with Explicit Opposition. 1. Aretaeus of Cappadocia, medical author (ca. 150-200 CE.), De curatione diuturnorum morborum libri duo , TOCI . fec , , , , . . [To cure vertigo, after a regimen of moderate sleep,frictionof the limbs by means of rough towels, walking routines, and breathing exercises], it is necessary to exercise the voice, using barees (deeppitched tones) instead22 to make sounds. Oxees (high-pitched tones) are for occasional distensions of the head, vibration of the temples, pulsation of the brain, fullness of the eyes, noise in the ears. A sound of medium intensity is beneficial to the head.23 2. Ps.-Hippocrates, medical author (Hellenistic period), De diaeta UN 35.19-22.
Because it is being used merely as a comparative between two nouns, one case of and appearing together does not fit my typology. Flavius Josephus, Jewish historian (b. 37/8 C.E.), Ant. 18.7.1 243: rfj ? . "Do not broadcast that his poverty can make use of virtue more than our riches can." 22 0ne witness adds (ci: "using barees rather than oxees." Aretaeus does seem to set up an opposition between barees and oxees. 2 ^Aretaeus, De curatione diuturnorum morborum libri duo (Carolus Hude, ed., Aretaeus [Corpus medicorum Graecorum 2,2d ed.; Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1958]; my translation is a correction of Francis Adams, The Extant Works of Aretaeus, the Cappadocian (London: The Syndenham Society, 1856) 466. For the lettering of sigma (c vs. , s") here and elsewhere, I foUow the printed text of the standard critical editions.
, . ' . And if they have a correct regimen, they would become wiser and sharper beyond their nature. Also, it is beneficial for such patients not to indulge in a surfeit of food or drink but to use instead a regimen from heat 24 3. Ps.-Hippocrates, De diaeta I-IV 59.8-11. , , , So when you want to stop [the flux of the stomach], it is necessary to vomit most quickly, before that food has been soaked thoroughly and swallowed down, and to use instead this sour and bitter food.25 4. Vettius Valens of Antioch, professional astrologer (fl. 2nd cent. CE.) Anthologiarum libri IX 223.35-224.3. , <> . , - , . This number is having fixity of law and multiplied by two according to the nature of the table of calculations. And in many cases the number that seems more natural and more fitting is the one through spans of twelve years, which will be established in the second part [of my work]. Therefore, it is necessary first to add the number, begin to count the zodiac, and seek the next. And if it is found having a "handing over" (paradosis, a technical astrological ^Hippocrates et Corpus Hippocraticum, De diaeta I-IV (Littr, Oeuvres compltes d'Hippocrate, vol. 6 [Paris: J.-B. Baillire, 1849] 35.19-22). ^Hippocrates et Corpus Hippocraticum, De diaeta I-IV (Littr, Oeuvres d'Hippocrate, vol. 6, 59.8-1 1).
term), one must use that number instead: but if [a paradosis] should 26 not be found, out of necessity we shall resort to this number. 5. Galen of Pergamum, Greek physician (ca. 129-199), In Hippocratis librum de articulis et Galera in eum commentarti 18a.577.11-13. ' v . , With respect to the bandage, if you are reducing [a swelling], (you are) to use instead a tightened one; but whenever you should cause 27 [the area] to swell up, (use) a looser one. 6. Origen, Christian theologian (ca. 185/6-254/5 CE.), Philocalia 27.8.34-39. , , , , , , , , . For the present let the foregoing, which we put down as it came into our head, suffice for the words, "The Lord hardened the Pharaohs heart" (Exod 9:12; 10:20; 10:27; 11:10; 14:8). But if anyone with due regard to God's glory should discover better arguments, and such as have no tincture of impiety, and can support them with the evidence of the divine Scriptures, those must be used instead.28 7.
Vettius Valens, Anthologiarum libri IX (W. Kroll, ed., Vettii Valerius anthologiarum libri [Berlin: Weidmann, 19081223.35-224.3). 2 'Galen, In Hippocratis librum de articulis et Galera in eum commentant (Kahn, Claudia Galeni, 18a.577.11-13) = Hippocrates et Corpus Hippocraticum, De articulis (. Littre, ed., Oeuvres compltes d'Hippocrates, vol. 4 [Paris: J.-B. Baillire, 1844] 50.29-33). 2 0rigen, Fragmenta ex commentaries in Exodum MG 12.276.44-46) = Origen, Philocalia (ric Junod, ed., Origene, Philocalie 21-27: Sur le libre arbitre [SC 226; Paris: Cerf, 19761 27.8.34-39); trans, modified from George Lewis, The Philocalia of Origen: A Compilation of Selected Passages from Origen's Works Made by St. Gregory ofNazianzus and St. Basil of Caesarea (Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1911) 233.
, , , ; ; , - , , . ' , . , , , ; , ., , . You say, "I shall commit sin today, and tomorrow I shall repent." Are you the master of tomorrow? Who is guaranteeing tomorrow for you? If you will listen precisely, all of today does not belong to you. Part of today has come, and part is yet to come. The former does not belong to you, and the latter is not yet yours. You say, "I shall make pleasure today, and repent tomorrow." Do you have one in pleasure and another in repentance? Instead use me as a counselor: have today in repentance, and tomorrow have not in sin. 2 9 8. Eusebius of Caesarea, church historian (ca. 260-340 CE.), De ecclesiastica theologia 2.17.3-4. , * . Kai , , , . , , , ' , . Therefore he says, "And the logos was God" (John 1:1), so that we might understand God to be who is over all, with whom the logos was. Listen, also, to God himself the Logos, as an image of God, and an image not like on lifeless wood, but like in a living son, also most exact with the divine nature, an archetype of the Father by virtue of having been copied. But since it seemed to Marcellus to compare the Logos of God with human logos, we indeed say that
it is much better for one using human logos as an image [of the real Logos] to use this example instead, and to say that the mind (Nous) is the Father of the logos among us, but that the other one (the real 30 Logos) exists beyond the (human) logos.
Adversative with Implicit Opposition. 9. Anonyma in ethica Nicomachea commentarla, Aristoleian commentator/compiler (various dates up to the sixth century of the Common Era), Heliodori in Ethica Nicomachea paraphrasis 140.2629. , , , * ' , , . But if someone knows that dry things must be used, but does not know which things are dry things, he \vili by no means USE dry things instead (of wet things). Also in these cases it holds: if someone makes use of and has an understanding of the whole, but does not make use of the part, then he derives no benefit from his knowledge.31 10. Galen, De cotnpositione medicamentorum secundum locos libri X 13.232.3-6. , . , . When he ["son of Asklepios," a name for "physician"] contributes nothing at all, it is necessary to use (it) instead upon non-feverish people, just as whenever we deem itrightto do the application
Eusebius, De ecclesiastica theologia 2.17.3-4 (E. Klostermann and G. C. Hanson, eds., Eusebius Werke, Band 4: Gegen Marceli. ber die kirchliche Theologie. Die Fragmenta Marcells [Die griechischen christlichen Schriftsteller 14, 2d. ed.; Berlin: Akademie-Veriag, 1972] 120-21). ^Gustavus Heybut, ed., Heliodori in ethica Nicomachea paraphrasis, (Commentarla in Aristotelem Graeca 19.2; Berlin: G. Reimer, 1909) 140.26-29).
through wine alone or through honeyed wine, for such things are 32 fitting for those who are non-feverish. 11. Galen, De compositions medicamentorum per genera libri VII 13.389.5-9. imo , , . If by this time we should receive from excessively cooling physicians a cooled [patient] and there is still a great deal of erysipelas [reddish eruption on the skin], so that (the area) is already blackened, we shall use instead both a douche and an incision.33 C. Intensive with Opposition. 12. Anonyma in Aristotelis artem rhetoricam commentarla, In Aristotelis artem rhetoricam commentarium (1418 a 1), Aristotelian commentator/compiler (date various). , , * Although in our public speaking we make use of enthymemes, we nevertheless use paradigms more (bv preference), because paradigms are more suited to public speaking.34 This case illustrates an adversative use merging into the intensive. The meaning is: "we must not use enthymenes more than paradigms." This use differs from straightforward adversative use in that it does not exclude the alternative (it is not "instead of), but allows some small use of the alternative (i.e., it means "rather" nonexclusively; "more" than). The goes with the course of action, not with the situation.
Galen, De compositione medicamentorum secundum locos libri X (Carolus Gottlob Kahn, ed., Claudia Galeni opera omnia [Leipzig: Knobloch, 1827] 13.232.3-6). 33 Galen, De compositione medicamentorum per genera libri VII (Kahn, Claudia Galeni, 13.389.5-9). 34 /rt Aristotelis artem rhetoricam commentarium 1418 a 1 (Hugo Rabe, ed., Anonymi et Stephani in artem rhetoricam commentarla [Commentarla in Axistotelem Graeca 21.2; Berlin: G. Reimer, 1896] 250.14-16).
13. Aelius Theon of Alexandria, rhetor (2nd cent. e. CE.), Progymnasmata 178-182 ("On the Fable"). dv , , . , , , 9 , . ol ' , , , ol - . And there can be several epilogues [or "punch-lines"] for one fable, since we take our starting points from individual points in the fable. And vice versa: there can be for one epilogue numerous fables that fit it, for after we have provided the simple meaning of the epilogue, we shall instruct the young students to fashion a fable that is suitable to the proposed subject. And they will be able to do this exercise easily since they have been crammed with many fables, having taken some from ancient writings, having themselves only heard others, and having fashioned still others on their own. We shall "refute" and "confirm" in this way: Additionally, the commonplace argument [to refute a fable] based on "the disadvantageous" is clear, which we shall use even more (preferably^ for the refutation of its epilogue. Those commonplace arguments based on "dissimilarity" and "falsity" are only destructive to [a fable's] epilogue. So, then, the commonplace argument based on "dissimilarity" is whenever the details in the fable are either irrelevant to, or not wholly appropriate for, its epilogue. And the commonplace argument based on falsity is whenever the epilogue is
not universally applicable, as the fable writer says, "Those who reach out for more things even deprive themselves of what they 35 have." For this claim is not always true. Theon teaches that in the refutation of a fable one can use commonplace arguments based on its "disadvantageousness," "dissimilarity," and/or "falsehood." Yet in the particular case of refuting the epilogue, one should use the "disadvantageous" commonplace argument more preferably than using either the "dissimilarity" or "falsehood" commonplace arguments. As in Example 12, this Example 13 illustrates how the adversative merges into the intensive, with opposition remaining in the lexical environment. In this instance, the conjunction goes with the course of action, not with the situation. 14. Ps.-Herodianus, Atticist author (ca. 2nd cent. CE.), Philetaerus 88.1-5. , , , (In Phil 1.40.4) " imo ." . They construct a pleasing phrase not only in the accusative case, the sort that is both pleasing and not pleasing to me, but also in the dative case. So Demosthenes said, "If I were pleased by any of the things that were said," which is to be used even more
In his work on "companionship love," the ancient grammarian states that one can construct a "pleasing phrase" either in the accusative or dative cases. Yet if a certain syntax is naturally pleasing in the dative, then use the dative preferably than using the accusative. As in the previous two examples, the adversative use here merges into the intensive. Again, the goes with the course of action, not with the situation.
Aehus Theon, Progymnasmata 178-182 (Leondari Spengel, ed., Rhetores Graeci 2 [Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, 18541 75.27-76.6 and 77.27-78.3); trans, (with a few alterations) from James R. Butts, "The Progymnasmata of Theon: A New Text with Translation and Commentary" (Ph.D. diss., Claremont Graduate School, 1986) 269, 275-76. 36 Ps.-Herodianus, Philetaerus (A. Dain, ed., Le "Philtaeros" attribu Hrodien [Paris: Les BeUes Lettres, 1954] 88.1-5).
D. Intensive. 15. Dionysius of Halicarnassus, Roman rhetor (fi. 7 .CE.), ' , , . , ; Then, when they refused to bear the tyrannical outrage committed by one licentious youth upon one free person, will you tolerate a many-headed tyranny that indulges in every sort of crime and licentiousness and will indulge still more in it if you now submit to it? 37 16. Aspasius, peripatetic philosopher (ca. 100-150 CE.), In ethica Nicomachea commentarla 123.21-24. , .. , , . For who speaks the truth in things that do not matter clearly will use the truth more in things when it matters. But even more he speaks to turn himself back upon the worst. For he will speak not at all to be puffed-up about himself, if he was truthful, because of the offense.38 17. Iamblichus, neoplatonist philosopher (ca. 250-325 CE.), Protrepticus 11. ' , , , , , 9 , ,
37 38
Dion. Hal.; 1 have slightly changed the LCL translation. Aspasius, In ethica Nichomachea commentario (Gustavus Heylbut, ed., Aspasii in ethica Nicomachea Quae supersunt commentarla [Commentarla in Aristotelem Graeca 19.1; Berlin: G. Reimer, 1889] 123.21-24).
. Wherefore "use" or the useful is predicated of anything when, the capacity existing, someone brings it into activity; but if he deals with many things he will use the best of them as, for instance, if one uses flutes, he will play only or at least mostly with the best. Moreover, to this other things are similar. Therefore, it must be said that he usesrightly,who uses it more or to greater degree. For he who uses anything righy and accurately knows how to use it in the manner and for the purpose to which it is naturally adapted.39 The construction in 1 Cor 7:21 is most like category A (adversative with explicit opposition). Paul sets up two contrasting situations: , ' , . You were called as a slave, let it not concern you; but if, in addition, you are able to becomefree,use (freedom) instead. Paul contrasts not with the situation ("if also you can become free"), but with another course of action ("let it not be a concern to you"). In the first sentence, the protasis is , and the apodosis is . In the second sentence, the protasis is el , and the apodosis is . The adverb is adversative not to its protasis ("if you can become free"), but to the previous apodosis ("let it not concern you"). A new situation calls for a new course of action. If manumission is offered, then the slave should be concerned. Manumission places new responsibilities upon the Christian slave. In the first situation, being a slave, Paul directs one course of action and tells the slave not to be concerned and to "use slavery instead" (of worrying about becoming free). In the second situation, becoming free (through manumission), Paul directs a different course of action and orders the slave to be concerned and to "use freedom instead" (of remaining a slave). The "if1 clause of 7:21 sets up the second situation.
Iambl. Protr. 11 (Edouard Des Places, ed., Jamblique: Protreptique [Collection des Universits de France; Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1989] 87.15-21, which slightly alters the previous critical edition of H. Pistelli, ed., Iamblichi protrepticus adfidem codicis Florentini [Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, 1888] 57.2358.3); trans, in Thomas Moore Johnson, Iamblichus: The Exhortation to Philosophy, ed. Stephen Neuville (Grand Rapids, MI: Phanes Press, 1988) 58.
Paul directs the person in the second situation to a different course of action ("use your becoming free instead"). The closest parallel to 1 Cor 7:21 is Example 4, from the secondcentury professional astrologer from Antioch, Vettius Valens. In his work, Valens also sets up two situations: one having a successfully calculated astrological paradosis, and the other not. Valens then presents his reader two different courses of action, depending on which situation is applicable. If a particular calculation works, then use it; if it fails to work, then do not use it and resort to another number. Valens1 first protasis is ("and if it is found having a 'handing over' [paradosis]"); and his first apodosis is ("one must use that number instead"). His second protasis is ("but if [a paradosis] is not found"); and his second apodosis is i( ("out of necessity we shall resort to this number"). The is adversative not to the first protasis, but to the second apodosis. A new situation calls for a new course of action. At first glance, the in the protasis of 1 Cor 7:21b presents the only possible textual support for the "use slavery" interpretation. It is curious that the only element of the passage that lacks universal textual support is this . Three witnesses (F G a) lack the . Assuming that Paul wrote in his autograph (admittedly, an assumption that may not necessarily hold), these manuscripts perhaps reflect activity of scribes who expressed the "use freedom" interpretation by intentional omission. Yet it is unlikely that scribes omitted the deliberately to support an interpretation that was, at best, a minority reading at the time. Virtually all patristic exegetes sided with Chrysostom's reading of the verse. Therefore, it is much more likely that the word was omitted by accident. The lexical problem is as follows. If used as an adverb, appears to make the sentence read: "but even () if you can become free, rather use 40 your being a slave." Although there are instances where Paul combines and to mean "although" or "even if* (e.g., 2 Cor 7:8a; 4:3,16), there are also counter examples where Paul uses the same combination to mean "if 41 indeed," with serving not as an adverb, but an emphatic particle.
Baumert, Ehelosigkeit, 123; pace Bartchy, , 3 . 8, who argues that the is grammatically insignificant. 41 Margaret E. Tirali, Greek Particles in the New Testament: Lineuistic and Exegetical Studies (NTTS 3; Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1962), 79-81. On this emphatic particle usage, see J. D. Denniston, The Greek Particles (2d ed.; Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1954) 303-305.
Gordon Fee argues that "[t]he normal Pauline sense of the combination eikai 42 is not "even though," but "if indeed." He points to three examples. 8 ; el , ; What do you have that you did not receive? And if indeed you have received it, why do you boast as if it were not a gift? (1 Cor 4:7b). , . But if indeed she does separate, let her remain unmarried or else be reconciled to her husband" (1 Cor 7:11). , , , , . You are bound to a wife, do not seek to be released. You are released from a wife, do not seek a wife. But if indeed you marry, you do not sin" (1 Cor 7:27-28). Fee, I believe, is correct. Nevertheless, he could have presented a more compelling argument if he had also demonstrated, as Norbert Baumert has done, that in the other instances where Paul combines el and to mean "although" (2 Cor 7:8a; 4:3,16), the construction, nonetheless, remains adversative. Pauline usage of plus is always in opposition to what was said previously.43 One should also note the proximity of two of Fee's examples (1 Cor 7:11; 7:27-28) to my text. Thus, the presence of in 1 Cor 7:21 strengthens, not weakens, my philological argument, which is that with carries the adversative sense. The 17 philological examples illustrate the tendency of the adverb to have an adversative meaning (Categories A-B), when opposition is implicit in the lexical environment. Even in Categories C-D, where is intensive, its usage generally reflects a gliding of the adversative into the intensive. The result of this syntactical, philological study, Gordon D. Fee, The First Epistle to the Corinthians, NICNT (Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1987), 317. 43 Baumert, Ehelosigkeit, 123-24; Denniston, Greek Particles, 303-305; and Thrall, Greek Particles, 78-82, 86-91. However, ThraU, 80-81, writes that because, unlike in 1 Cor 4:7; 7:11, 28, the connecting particle in 1 Cor 7:21 is not but , "the alternative interpretation of el as 'although* is to be preferred." I side with Baumert.
Contextual Analysis From this philological conclusion, a further question remains: whether the overriding force of Paul's blanket statement for each Christian "to remain" excludes the reading of "usefreedominstead." Does the context clearly mandate a reading that goes contrary to these lexical findings? To be sure, the constant refrain of 7:17-24 is indeed the imperative, set in diatribal style, to let each walk or live (v. 17; ) as the Lord has assigned and to let each remain (v. 20; ) in the calling, in which each was called ( , fi ). Because it contradicts Paul's overarching concern for every Christian to abide in his or her original, baptized calling, the reading "usefreedom"is considered implausible by 44 many commentators. These objectors to my interpretation may claim that the context requires the reading "slaves remain slaves." They might argue that 7:20 sets the tone for the whole pericope: "Let each remain in the condition (cal-) in which you were called." Why, they might ask, would Paul grant an exception for slaves? My answer is that Paul grants other exceptions. One reads in 7:10 that the Christian spouse should not separate from an unbelieving spouse. Yet Paul concedes cases where separation is permissible: "In such cases, the brother or sister is not bound." Then the apostle returns to his general principle, stating that if the marriage survives, the possibility remains that Christian spouse may convert the unbelieving partner. In 7:28,36 we encounter additional Pauline exceptions to a general rule. Christian virgins are to remain virgins (unmarried). Yet Paul offers an exception to the virgin who marries: they "do not sin." Christianfiancsare to restrain their erotic appetite and not marry. Yet, again, Paul grants an exception to thefiancof strong passions: "Let him marry." The apostle then returns to his general principle that one does best to refrain from marriage.
C . F. Georg Heinrici, Der erste Brief an die Korinther, MeyerK 5; 8th ed. (Gttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht) 1896, 231-33; C. . Barrett, Commentary on the First Epistle to the Corinthians, Black's New Testament Commentaries; 2d ed. (London: Adam & Charles Black, 1971) 170-71; Hans Conzelmann, Der erste Brief an die Korinther, MeyerK 5; 2d ed. (Gttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1981) 160-61; Robert M. Grant, Early Christianity and Society: Seven Studies (San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1977) 90; idem, Augustus to Constantine, 56,269; Wayne A. Meeks, ed., The Writings of St. Paul, Norton Critical Editions (New York: W. W. Norton & Co., 1972) 33 n. 4.
Paul continues with a further exception, this time for widows in 7:29. A Christian wife is bound to her husband. Paul, however, grants an exception in the case of the husband's death, acknowledging the social reality that Roman wives often outlived their husbands, since marriage for (aristocratic) women was in their early teens and for (aristocratic) men in 45 their early twenties. Yet, after granting this exception, he returns to his general rule, holding that Christian widows should (but not must) remain unmarried. This exhortation is similar to Roman praise of an aristocratic woman who died univira (a one-husband woman).46 In all the examples, the protases, el () clauses, imitate the rhetorical style found in the second protasis of 7:21 ( (). Likewise, their apodoses use imperatives, such as and , paralleling the use of the imperative in 7:21. Indeed, 7:11,15, 21, 28,36,39 share common rhetorical elements of a Pauline exception clause, each with an analogous protasis (if X) and apodosis (then Y). The protasis sets up a new situation; the apodosis calls for a new course of action, given this new situation. My point is that the context does not exclude the "use freedom" interpretation. To the contrary, this reading naturally fits Paul's argumentative and rhetorical structure in chapter 7 of granting particular exceptions to general principles. One might still object that the immediate context, from 7:17-7:24, mentions slavery as a parallel case to circumcision and that Paul grants no exception in the case of circumcision. The logic follows, one might argue,
Keith Hopkins, "The Age of Roman Girls at Marriage," Population Studies 18 (1965) 309-327; Ronald Syme, "Marriage Ages for Roman Senators," Historia 36 (1987) 3,18-32; Richard Sailer, "Men's Age at Marriage and Its Consequences in the Roman Family," CP 82 (1987) 21-34 (aristocratic men married in their early twenties); Brent D. Shaw, "The Age of Girls at Marriage: Some Reconsiderations," JRS 77 (1987) 30-46. Although the marrying ages of people below the senatorial and equestrian orders were older (non-aristocratic men commonly married in their late twenties or thirties), the evidence still suggests a significant age differential between spouses: namely, a younger woman wedded to a much older man. 46 Erik Wistrand, The So-Called Laudatio Turiae: Introduction, Text, Translation, and Commentary (Studia Graeca et Latina Gothoburgensia 24; Gothenburg: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 1976) 19-31. CIL 13.2056 (for Hadrian's motherin-law Matidia); 14.3579.23 (for a certain Asmilia Valerie) both mention continuance in a widowed state as particularly praiseworthy, as the women commemorated were each young and attractive when their husbands died; Susan Treggiari, Roman Marriage: Iusti Coniugesfrom the Time of Cicero to the Time of Ulpian (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1991) 499; Keith R. Bradley, Discovering the Roman Family: Studies in Roman Social History (New York: Oxford University Press, 1991) 129, 156-76.
that slavery likewise brings no exception; every Christian slave must always remain a slave, even if capable of becoming free. Yet in reply to this contextual objection, I draw attention to the differences Paul himself understands between circumcision and slavery. The two are not precisely parallel cases. To the circumcised at the time of the baptismal call, Paul enjoins, "Let him not seek to remove the marks of circumcision" (7:18); to the uncircumcised at the time of the baptismal call, Paul similarly forbids, "Let him not seek circumcision." But to one called slave at the time of baptism, Paul advises, "if vou are able to become free, (7:21). The difference is one of activity over against passivity. Circumcision (and to a lesser degree, marriage)47 reflects active effort on the part of the agent to change. Slavery, however, does not imply active effort. The slave facing manumission is able, not seeking, to become free. The hypothetical slave addressed in Paul's diatribe is given to become . The at issue is, presumably, an offer of manumission bestowed by the slave's owner, although Paul does not limit his diatribe to this specificity only. At any rate, Paul's basic meaning is clear. With becoming circumcised or undoing its marks, active, premeditated effort to change one's status is at issue; with becoming free, passive response to an offer of new status is. To the slave with to become , Paul grants the exception to indeed be concerned and use freedom. A final question lingers. Why would Paul have made an exception for slaves? A partial answer lies in Roman manumission practices inherent in the ancient institution of slavery. Unlike fourth-century (B.C.E.) Greek slavery (specifically in Athens, Sparta, Gortyn),first-century(CE.) Roman slavery had regular urban manumission. Because the city of Corinth was a Caesarean colony founded by Romanfreedmen,it is therefore valid to apply Roman norms of manumission to Paul's letter. By permitting the manumission exception within his wider discussion of marriage, Paul makes room in his theology for the regularity of manumission in Romanized areas of the Empire.48 In 7:21, the apostle exhorts slaves who are offered
'"Lesser" because Paul admits that one's passions may be so overwhelmingly strong as to render one's volition in the matter void. 48 Commentators have often wondered why Paul chose to voice advice on slavery in the midst of his wider discussion of marriage. A partial answer may lie in the social position of slaves in antiquity: they could not legally marry. Paul's entire response to the Corinthian congregation on this issue of marriage, therefore, has little relevance to slaves, unless Paul recognized that manumission enabled them to contract a legal marriage. I am aware that slaves nevertheless did marry and value "normal" family life, precarious as it was for them; Bradley, Slaves and Masters, 47-80.
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