High Performance Concrete

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P.V.Sai Prasad ,Dy.CE/C/VSKP/E.Co.Rly

Kamlesh Jha ,Dy.CE/N.F.Rly

Guide : Shri Suresh Gupta ,DEAN, IRICEN/PUNE

Project work done for Course No.624 - Sr.Professional Course (Bridges
& General )


High Performance Concrete

1.0 Introduction

Long-term performance of structures has become vital to the economies of all nations.
Concrete has been the major instrument for providing stable and reliable
infrastructure since the days of the Greek and roman civilization. At the turn of the
century, concrete compressive strength was in the range of 13.8 Mpa, by the
1960s it was in the range of 27.6-41.4 Mpa. Deterioration, long term poor
performance, and inadequate resistance to hostile environment ,coupled with greater
demands for more sophisticated architectural form, led to the accelerated research into
the microstructure of cements and concretes and more elaborate codes and standards.

As a result, new materials and composites have been developed and improved
cements evolved. Today concrete structures with a compressive strength exceeding
138 Mpa are being built world over. In research laboratories, concrete strengths of
even as high as 800 Mpa are being produced.

One major remarkable quality in the making of High performance concrete (HPC) is
the virtual elimination of voids in the concrete matrix, which are mainly the cause of
most of the ills that generate deterioration. ACI defines HPC as Concrete meeting
special combinations of performance and uniformity requirements that cannot
always be achieved routinely using conventional constituents and normal mixing,
placing and curing practices.

Such concretes can be either normal strength or high strength. Normal strength
concrete by ACI definition is a concrete that has a cylinder compressive strengths not
exceeding 42 Mpa. All other concretes are considered High Strength Concretes
(HSC).HPC s with 140 Mpa are currently being used in High rise structures in USA
and Europe.

Important governing factors for HPCs are strength, long term durability, serviceability
as determined by crack and deflection control, as well as response to long term
environmental effects.

High performance concretes(HPC) are concretes with properties or attributes which
satisfy the performance criteria. Generally, concretes with higher strengths and
attributes superior to Conventional concretes are desirable in the Construction
Industry. HPC is defined in terms of Strength and Durability.

Therefore HPC can be considered as a logical development of cement concretes in
which the ingredients are proportioned and selected to contribute efficiently to the
various properties of cement concrete in fresh as well as in hardened states.

2.0 Salient Features of HPC

Compressive strength > 80 Mpa ,even upto 800 Mpa
Water-binder ratio =0.25-0.35 ,therefore very little free water
Reduced flocculation of cement grains
Wide range of grain sizes
Densified cement paste
No bleeding homogeneous mix
Less capillary porosity
Discontinuous pores
Stronger transition zone at the interface between cement paste and aggregate
Low free lime content
Endogenous shrinkage
Powerful confinement of aggregates
Little micro-cracking until about 65-70% of fck
Smooth fracture surface


The ingredients of HPCs are almost same as those of Conventional Cement
Concretes( CCC ). But, because of lower Water Cement Ratio, presence of Pozzolans
and chemical admixtures etc., the HPCs usually have many features which distinguish
them from CCCs.

From practical considerations, in concrete constructions, apart from the final strength,
the rate of development of strength is also very important.

The High performance concrete usually contains both pozzolanic and chemical
admixtures. Hence, the rate of hydration of cement and the rate of strength
development in HPC is quite different from that of conventional cement

The proportioning(or mix design) of normal strength concretes is based primarily on
the w/c ratio law first proposed by Abrams in 1918.For high strength concretes,
however, all the components of the concrete mixture are pushed to their limits.
Therefore, it is necessary to pay careful attention to all aspects of concrete production,
i.e., selection of materials, mix design, handling and placing.

In essence, the proportioning of HPC concrete mixtures consists of three interrelated
steps :
1) Selection of suitable ingredients - cement, supplementary cementing materials
( SCM ),aggregates, water and chemical admixtures,
MATERIALS in order to produce, as economically as possible, a concrete that
has the rheological properties, strength and durability,
3) Careful quality control of every phase of the concrete making process.


The most commonly used supplementing cementitious materials/mineral admixtures
for achieving HPC are :

1. Silica Fume
2. Fly Ash
3. GGBFS(Ground granulated blast furnace slag)

4.1 Silica Fume:

Silica fume is a waste by-product of the production of silicon and silicon alloys.
Silica fume is available in different forms, of which the most commonly used now
is in a densified form. In developed countries it is already available readily
blended with cement.

It is possible to make high strength concrete without silica fume, at compressive
strength of upto 98 Mpa. Beyond that strength level however, silica fume becomes
essential. With silica fume it is easier to make HPC for strengths between
63-98 Mpa.

4.2 Fly Ash:

Fly Ash of course, been used extensively in concrete for many years. Fly ash is ,
unfortunately, much more variable than silica fumes in both their physical and
chemical characteristics.
Most fly ashes will result in strengths of not more than 70 Mpa. Therefore for higher
strengths, silica fume must be used in conjunction with fly ash.
For high strength concrete, fly ash is used at dosage rates of about 15 % of cement

4.3 GGBFS:

Slags are suitable for use in high strength concrete at dosage rates between 15-30 %.
However, for very high strengths, in excess of 98Mpa, it is necessary to use the slag
in conjunction with silica fumes.


Only a few formal mix design methods have been developed for HPC/HSC to date.
Most commonly ,purely empirical procedures based on TRIAL MIXTURES are
used. Therefore, it calls for extensive field trials for designing desired strength of
concrete using various mix proportions of SCMs, admixtures and W/Binder ratio.

Use of Super-plasticizers:

Use of super-palsticizers becomes essential for designing mixtures to achieve HPC.As
can be seen, the w/binder ratio has an important bearing on achieving the strength
p[arameters.In order to acieve dense concrete with reduced permeability ,super
plasticizers of following types are in general use-

1.SNF-Sulphonated Napthalene sulphonate based
2.Melamine sulphonate based
3.Lignosulphonate based

Of the above types, the latest and the most effective super-plasticizer if SNF
based.ASTM also has recommended use of this type for attaining the optimum
benefits like good workability and minimum w/binder ratio. Around 2% by weight of
cementitious materials is normally used for achieving required workability.

6.0 Chemical and physical properties of the SCM s

The following table gives the chemical properties of the above SCMs. However, the
values given here are only to appreciate the range and percentage of each of the
elements contained in them.The cited values vary between products obtained from
various sources for the same SCM.

Chemical composition Fly Ash ( % ) GGBFS ( % ) Silica Fume
( % )
SiO2 35.8-42.83 32.6 90.11
Al2O3 18.0-26.9 12.8 1.63
Fe2O3 6.5-8.2 1.3 1.98
MgO 3.5-4.1 7.2 0.78
SO3 2.2-3.5 0.03 --
Na2O+K2O -- -- 1.97
P2O5 -- 0.05 1.18
CaO 18.8-19.8 41.0 --
Moisture(H2O) 0.2-1.9 --


Comparison of Chemical and Physical Characteristics -- Silica Fume, Fly Ash
and Cement :

7.0 General parameters for Ideal HPC:

1.Due to Controlled placing and curing > yields High performance
-Good quality of paste
-Low W/C ratio
-Optimal cement content and cementitious material
-Sound aggregate, grading and vibration
S Si il l i ic ca a F Fu um me e F Fl l y y A As sh h C Ce em me en nt t
Content 8 85 5- - 9 97 7 3 35 5 - - 4 48 8 2 20 0 - - 2 25 5
Surface Area m
/kg 1 17 7, ,0 00 00 0 - - 3 30 0, ,0 00 00 0 4 40 00 0 - - 7 70 00 0 3 30 00 0 - - 5 50 00 0
Pozzolanic Activity
(with cement, %)
1 12 20 0 - - 2 21 10 0 8 85 5 - - 1 11 10 0 n n/ /a a
Pozzolanic Activity
with lime, psi
1 1, ,2 20 00 0 - - 1 1, ,6 66 60 0 8 80 00 0 - - 1 1, ,0 00 00 0
(MPa) ( (8 8. .3 3 - - 1 11 1. .4 4) ) ( (5 5. .5 5 - - 6 6. .9 9) )
n n/ /a a
-Low air content
-High strength

2.Due to Controlled material quality control >yields Resistance to wear and
-Low W/C ratio
-Proper curing
-Dense, homogenous concrete
-High strength
-Wear resisting aggregate
-Good surface texture

3.Due to Controlled proportions > yields Resistance to weathering and chemicals

-Appropriate cement type
-Low W/C ratio
-Proper curing
-Alkali-resistant aggregate
-Suitable admixture
-Use of super-plasticizers, fly-ash, polymers or silica fume as
-Air entrainment

4.Due to Controlled handling > yields Economy

-Large maximum aggregate size
-Efficient grading
-Minimum slump
-Minimum cement content
-Optimal automated plant operation
-Admixtures and entrained air
-Quality assurance and control

5.Appropriate cement type: low C3A, MgO, free lime, low Na2O and K2O

8.0 CURING of HPC -The most intricate part

8.1 HPC has very low w/binder ratio and better particle distribution due to the use
of mineral admixtures, which result in significantly less pore per unit volume of
cementitious materials in the mixture than the CCC. Filling of the voids by hydration
product in HPC is much faster than that of CCC as smaller pores needs less hydration
products to fill. Therefore, moisture loss due to capillary action stops earlier in case
of HPC compared to CCC under the same curing conditions. The moisture loss from
HPC has been found predominant upto the first 24 hours. Owing to very low w/binder
ration and use of super plasticizer, the early stage hydration rate of HPC is higher
than CCC leaving less long term hydration potential. Curing duration after the initial
moisture protection has been found to have little effect on long term chloride
permeability of HPC containing micro-silica or fly-ash. All these indicate that the
requirement of curing duration for HPC is less compared to CCC.

Duration of wet curing has significance on the shrinkage of HPC, which is not the
case with CCC.

Method of curing has similar effect on HPC both for creep and shrinkage of concrete,
which are again influenced by the type and duration of curing.

Curing is the most intricate part of construction of the structures with HPC. For a
given level of workability, HPC has lesser quantity of water compared to the
conventional cement concrete, sometimes being lower than the minimum necessary
for complete hydration and self-desiccation. Therefore, loss of moisture from the
concrete at an early stage leads to detrimental effects on the soundness and long term
properties of the concrete. Therefore, protection against moisture loss from fresh HPC
is crucial for the development of strength, prevention of plastic shrinkage cracks as
well as for durability.

Again, wet curing of HPC cannot be done at an early stage because this will increase
the water-binder material ratio adjacent to the exposed surface causing deterioration
of the concrete quality.

In one of the studies, it was found that moisture loss from HPC is maximum during
the first 24 hours after placement. Fresh concrete mix of HPC is more cohesive and
bleeding is very less compared to that of CCC. Evaporation of bleed water takes
place rapidly which makes HPC more prone to plastic shrinkage cracks. Critical time
to start forming of plastic shrinkage cracks is around the initial setting time.
Therefore ,plastic shrinkage cracks can be very serious problem under curing
condition of elevated temperature, low humidity and high winds, which accelerate the
evaporation of water from fresh concrete. Therefore, to overcome this problem, curing
process should start immediately after the placement of fresh HPC.

Wet curing, if applied immediately, after the placement of concrete to combat plastic
shrinkage cracks, as in the case of CCC, would also have harmful effects on the
quality of surface layer of the hardened concrete. In case, wet curing is applied before
final setting of the concrete ,the curing water will dilute the cement paste near surface
thereby increasing w/c ratio. As a result, strength and impermeability properties of
concrete will be seriously hampered. Therefore, HPC should be cured at an early
stage without applying water directly on the exposed surface of fresh concrete. This
calls for entire curing procedure for HPC to be divided into two stages.

Therefore ,Curing of HPC is generally done in two stages-Initial curing and wet
curing. Water is not used directly during the initial curing. Time of commencement of
both stages of curing and their duration depends on the initial and final setting time of
concrete. It is difficult to make a general specification for curing, applicable for all
weather conditions as well as for all types of structural elements.Loss of moisture
from fresh HPC depends on the ambient conditions,Wind velocity,temperature and
Humidity and also exposed surface area to volume ratio(s/v).Structural
geometry,reinforcement layout and construction methods have bearing on the initial
curing procedure.

8.1.1 Initial curing method:

The intricate part of HPC curing process is the initial curing.The objective of the
iniytila curing is to prevent moisture loss from the fresh concrete till the time wet
curing is started.Construction procedure,characteristics of the exposed
surface,exposed surface/volume ratio,and the environmental condition have
signifiocant bearing on the initial curing methods for HPC.The concrete
surfaces,which are generally encountered for curing can be categorised principally
into two types,namely

Type-1 surface-where the exposed surface of fresh concrete which will be
exposed to the service condition and /or environment after curing.The exposed surface
area to volume ratio of this type is high.Examples are-Slabs,shell roofs,beam,etc.

Further ,this type of surface can be sub-categorised as

Type 1 A surface :Where the concrete surface on which the finishing
work is to be carried out at the time of construction ,viz. Shell segment of the
Type 1 B surface :The concrete surface for which no finishing work is
specified,Viz.Concrete pavements.

Type 2 surface Where the concrete beaqms are of large depths,Viz. the ring
beam of IC Dome,etc.This type of surface has lower exposed area to volume ratio.In
this case,exposed surface of the segmented pours except the last one of these
segmented pours have reinforcement extended for the next pours and to form the
construction joints.Latent needs to be removed from the exposed surface in order to
achieve quality construction joints.

Moisture loss from Type-1 surfaces are generally more that that from Type-2 surfaces
considering the ratio of surface area to volume.Therefore separate methods for initial
curing of each of these surfaces are important. Initial curing for Type-1 surfaces:

Curing compound has not been found to be very effective for initial curing.
Immediately after the placement of fresh concrete, water sheen (bleed water) appears
on the top of the concrete surface. If curing compound is spread before this water
sheen dries, local ponding of the curing compound mixed with the water sheen occurs
on the concrete surface.Again,allowing the water sheen to be completely evaporated
may be harmful for the long-term properties of concrete expecially in dry and hot
climate.It was seen in many cases that ,cracks with random orientation develops on
the membrane formed by the curing compound when it dries up.These cracks are not
plastic shrinkage cracks.These cracks are responsible for making the curing
compound ineffective in preventing the moisture loss from the exposed surface of
fresh HPC.

Finishing work on this type of surface is to be done during the period of initial
curing.It cannot be started immediately after the placement of fresh concrete.In the
case of Kaiga and Rajasthan nuclear power plant constructions,this time has beeen
reported as about 2 hours after the placement.The surface finishing work has to be
completed prior to the commencement of initial setting process of HPC.The surface
needs to be covered prior to starting surface finishing work.Duration of surface finish
work has to be as minimum as possible.

Many literatures have reported that-covering of fresh HPC by plastic sheet is
an efficient method for initial curing. Initial curing for Type-2 surface :

Two additional considerations for initial curing of Type
2 surface are : 1)the exposed surface has reinforcement
extending out of it, and 2) the surface is to be treated to remove
the latent for concreting the next pour over it in order to
achieve good quality construction joint.

It is not feasible to spread any coversheet over this type of surface as in the
case of Type-1 surfaces and the latent on the exposed surface needs to be removed for
achieving good construction joints. Green cutting seems to be the best method for
removing the latent from the concrete surface. However, it is to be done after the final
setting time so that the additional water available from the water-air jet of green
cutting on the surface does not cause harm on the quality of concrete.
Based on various studies done, it is recommended that the curing procedure for
various types of surfaces.

The rate of achieving strength at early stage is faster for HPC compared to
CCC.The above two aspects give rise to two contradictory situations and the best way
is to overcome this is by retarding the setting of the exposed surface of HPC. Surface
retarders can retard the setting process of HPC adjacent to the exposed surface to a
depth of 4-5 mm even 12 hours after the placement of concrete. Quality of retarder
has bearing on the depth of retardation and the uniformity of green cut surface.

Application of surface retarder could effectively prevent the formation of plastic
shrinkage cracks upto the time of final setting. Moisture loss is less when concrete is
covered which is obvious. In one of the case studies ,at Kaiga Nuclear power plant in
1998 ( Karnataka),where M 60 grade HPC was used , potential of appearing plastic
shrinkage cracks was found to be higher in finished surface compared to the one
without finishing. Final curing method (Wet curing) :

For final curing, wet curing as adopted for conventional concretes, such as ponding
water on the exposed surface or covering the exposed surface by wet burlap and
keeping it wet by continuous sprinkling of water has been found to be effective.

8.2 Curing Duration for HPC:

The initial curing of HPC should be started immediately after the placement of fresh
concrete and continued till the final setting of the concrete. A better proposition may
be to extend it about an hour after the final setting time. The initial curing is followed
by wet curing. Total curing duration of HPC is the sum of the initial curing duration
aand wet curing duration out of which the second part is the longer one.

Method of curing has similar effect on HPC both for creep and shrinkage of concrete,
which are again influenced by the type and duration of curing. Overall, considering
the above, a curing duration of 7 to 10 days seems to be necessary for HPC though
curing duration of about 1-2 days could be sufficient from strength gaining .


The advantages of using high strength high performance concretes often balance the
increase in material cost. The following are the major advantages that can be

1.Reduction in member size, resulting in increase in plinth area/useable area
and direct savings in the concrete volume saved.

2.Reduction in the self-weight and super-imposed DL with the accompanying
saving due to smaller foundations.

3.Reduction in form-work area and cost with the accompanying reduction in
shoring and stripping time due to high early-age gain in strength.

4.Construction of High rise buildings with the accompanying savings in real-
estate costs in congested areas.

5.Longer spans and fewer beams for the same magnitude of loading.

6.Reduced axial shortening of compression supporting members.

7.Reduction in the number of supports and the supporting foundations due
to the increase in spans.

8.Reduction in the thickness of floor slabs and supporting beam sections-
which are a major component of the weight and cost of the majority of

9.Superior longterm service performance under static, dynamic and fatigue

10.Low creep and shrinkage.

11.Greater stiffness as aresult of a higher modulus,Ec

12.Higher resistance to freezing and thawing, chemical attack, and
significantly improved long-term durability and crack propagation.

13.Reduced maintenance and repairs.

14.Smaller depreciation as a fixed cost.

10.0 Examples of HPC used:

1)M 60 grade HPC used for nuclear power plants at Kaiga (Karnataka) executed by
M/s L&T and at RAPP (Rajasthan) executed by M/s HCC ,both during the year
1998.silica fumes has been used to get the desired strength.

2) M 75 grade HPC is presently being used in Fly-overs being constructed by M/s
AFCONS at PUNE. High strength is being achieved due to addition of Silica fume
and flyash as a supplementary binders. And because of this, it has been possible to
design slender piers and post-tensioned segmental superstructure over longer spans.

The design mix details collected (courtesy M/s AFCONS ) is indicated below.


Name of the Client : Maharashtra State Road Development Corporation Ltd
Name of the Consultant : DAR Consultants UK LTD In assosiation with DAR Consultants ( I ) Pvt.Ltd
Name of the Contractor : SPCL- AFCONS Infrastructure Limited With JV

CONCRETE MIX DESIGN ( M60 With Microsilica )

A Design stipulations
1Grade of Concrete M 60 ( With Microsilica )
Characteric compressive strength of
75 N/mm2

Concrete at 28Days

Assumed Standard Deviation as per table 8 of
5.0 N/mm2

IS 456- 2000

Target mean strength
83 N/mm

5Required workability as per 75 to 125 mm Slump
table 1700.4 of MORTH
6Type and Max. size of aggregate Angular, crushed , 20mm
Expected degree of quality control
Very good

in the field

8Type of exposure

B. Test data
1Cement: 425 Kgs.
Brand Birla Super 53 grade
Grade 53
Specific gravity 3.15

2Fly Ash 60 Kgs.
Brand Astech
Specific gravity 2.40

3Microsilica 36 Kgs.
Brand Elkem
Grade Microsilica 920 D
Specific gravity 2.20

4Metakoline NIL
Brand 20 Micron
Specific gravity 2.20

Type Potable
Source Bore well at AFCONS Casting yard
Quality Tested and found to complying with specification requirements

a) Fine Aggregate ( I ) Natural river sand from Karad
Specific gravity 2.71
Water absorption 2.30

Contractor's Representative

b) Fine Aggregate ( II ) Crushed sand from Wagholi
Specific gravity 2.78
Water absorption 2.60

c) Coarse Aggregate Angular crusher broken coarse aggregate of max. size 20mm
Specific gravity 2.92 ( 20 mm )
2.89 ( 10 mm )
Water Absorption 1.18 ( 20 mm )
Water Absorption 1.61 ( 10 mm )

Type SNF (Sulphonated Naphthalene based)
Source MBT
Quality Rheobuild 4134 (M)

C Material content

Percentage Combination of Coarse aggregates As per table 5 of IS 383

& Fine Aggregates to get the required All -in -
Aggregate grading

a) 20mm Aggregates 36.00%
b) 10 mm Aggregates 24.0%
c) Fine Aggregates (Natural Sand) 20.0%
d) Fine Aggregates (Crushed Sand) 20.00%

3Cement Content As per Table 17/4 of Clause 1703 of Conditions of Contract & specification
Volume 2 minimum cement content for 390Kg/ Cum.
4Water Cement ratio Volume 2 maximum water cement ratio 0.38.

5Admixture Rheobuild 4134(M)
@2.0% weight of cementious material

Date 11.12.04 ########
Grade M 60 ( With Microsilica )
Char Comp strength 75 N/mm
Standard deviation 5.0 N/mm
Target Mean 83
Slump required 75 to 125 mm
Cement Content 425
Fly Ash content 60
Micro Silica content 36 37.5
Water cement Ratio 0.240
Water content 125
Admixture Dosage 2.0

Specific gravity
Cement 3.15
Fly Ash 2.4
Micro Silica content 2.2
Metakoline 2.2

Coarse Aggregate % 60% Water Absorption
20 mm 2.92 36.00% 36 1.18
10 mm 2.89 24.00% 24 1.61 169.1739
Fine Aggregate % 40% 0 304.1739
River Sand 2.71 20.00% 20 2.3 675.8261
Crushed Sand 2.78 20.00% 20 2.60 646.8
100.00% 215.8
0.98 = ( W + C/sc+ 1/P{Ca/fCa}) x 1/1000
20mm 713
10 mm 471
RS 368
CS 377
Cement Birla Super 53 grade
Grade 53
Coarse Aggregates Wagholi
Fine Aggregates
River Sand Natural river sand from Karad
Crushed Sand Crushed sand from Wagholi
Flyash Astech
Microsilica Elkem
Grade Microsilica 920 D
Metakoline 20 Microns

Type SNF
Source MBT
Quality Rheobuild 4134 (M)
Rheobuild 4134(M)
@2.0% weight of cementious material


Name of the Client : Maharashtra State Road Development Corporation Ltd
Name of the Consultant : DAR Consultants UK LTD In assosiation with DAR Consultants ( I ) Pvt.Ltd
Name of the Contractor : SPCL- AFCONS Infrastructure Limited With JV


Date: 22.01.2005

Grade of
as per
1700.5 of
in mm
Content as
per Mix
strength in

1 Day 3 Days 7 days 28 days
M60 (With
83 0.240 Collapse 521 2.00% 25.32 41.27 71.42 85.64

Material Source / Brand

1.Cement : Birla Super 53 grade
2.Flyash : Astech
3.Microsilica : Elkem
4.Admixture : Rheobuild 4134 M of MBT Make
5.Coarse Aggregates : Wagholi
6.Fine Aggregates : Karad
7.Water : AFCONS Casting yard Bore Well

11.0 Conclusion :

The use of HPC is on increasing trend in the construction industry and is being seen
as an optimised solution considering the economics vis--vis strength and durability
required for special structures. The scope of using HPC in our constructional activities
lies large ,viz., Precast prestressed Bridges, ROBs, RUBs, Multi-storied
buildings,Bridges and structures on coastal areas and the like. To affect this change,
we will have to revive the designing of structures by encouraging use of HPC.

References :

1) International Symposium on INNOVATIVE WORLD OF CONCRETE-
Vol-II , IWC-98 proceedings.
2) High Performance Concrete: Properties and Applications-by SP SHAH & SH
3) Proceedings of Seventh International Conference on Fly Ash, Silica Fume,
Slag and Natural Pozzolans in Concrete-Vol-II Editor-V.M.Malhotra.
4) The Indian Concrete Journal,Vol.80,June 2006.
5) Magazine of Concrete Research,Vol.58,June 2006.

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