Appendix A

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Appendix A

iiJJgnlll1i gS.o~1
Saudi Aramco


June 2007



Faci lities Planning Department

Upgrade \Vastewater Treatment Facilil)'

Phase II Soulh Jiddah Complex

1.0 2.0 3.0 PURPOSE OF FACILITIES ...................... ......................... ....................... ............... .... ............. .. 4 PRESENT SITUATION ............ ............. .............................................................................. .......... 4 LOCATION ANALySIS ......................................... ............. ....... ....... ....................... ............... ...... 5 3.1 LOCATION OF PROJ ECT SITE.. ...... .. .. .. ......................................... .. .......... .............. .......... ..... 5 ROADS, ACCESS, AND LAND USE ............................ ........... .......................... ......................... 5 3.2 SITE CONDITIONS............ ........................................................ .. ...................... .................... 6 3.3


~TERF~~:;~~~~~~~~.;;~;:;~ . ::.:: :::: ::: :1 : : ~

4.2 PROJECT PHYSICAL INTERFACES ..................... .......... ............ .......... .. .................................... 7 PROJECT OPERATING INTERFACES .......... .. ....... ....................... ......... ....................... .............. 7 4.3 4.4 DEMOLITION ACTIVITIES ................... ...................... .. ................ ......... .. ................................... 8 DESIGN OBJECTIVES ............................................................... ...... ... .............................. ............ 8 GENERAL PROJECT DESIGN BASIS ....................... .. ........................... ...................................... 9 DESCRJPTION OF FACILITIES .......................................... .... .................................................... 13 7.1 PHASE II WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITIES IN MARINE AREA ............................ .. ....... 13 7.2 NEW CRUDE/PRODUCT SKIM TANK SYSTEMS IN TANK FARM AREA ............. ................ ......... 15 7. 3 NEW WASTEWATER COOLERS ..... ............................ .......................... ........... ...................... 15 RETROFITTING SEAWATER COOLERS BACKWASH SYSTEM ................................ .. .. .............. 15 7.4 SANITARY WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM ............ ...... .................. ................ ............. 16 7.5 MODIFI CATIONS TO EXISTI NG EQU IPMENT AND SYSTEMS.. .. .................... .. .. ..... .. ........ 17 7.6 7.7 ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS ................................................................... .................. ......... 18 7.8 INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SySTEMS ............................................................... ...... 21 7.9 COMMUNICATION REQUiREMENTS.................................. ... ......................................... ...... 23 7. 10 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES................... .............. :............................... ..................... ...... 23 SCOPE EVALUATIONS TO DATE ................................ ......... .. .................... .. .. ................... 23 ADDITIONAL STUDIES DURING PROJECT PROPOSAL DEVELOPMENT.. .. ............... ........ 24 9. 1 BUlLD, OWN , OPERATE, AND TRANSFER (BOOT) OR DESIGN BUILD OPERATE (DBO) .......... 24 9.2 SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM .................... .. ...................... .. ................................................ ... 24 9.3 HYDRAULIC PROFILE AND ANALYSES ............................................................ ...... .............. 25 9.4 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT ....................... ........ ... :......... .. ............................... . 25 CONSTRUCTABILITY AND LOGI STICAL ASSESSMENT.. .................................................... 25 A S-BUILT DRAWING ASSESSMENT ......................................... .......................................... 26 VALUE ENGINEERJNG STUDy.... ... .. .. .. .. ................................................................. ........... 26 SURPLUS AND EXCESS MA TERJAL .. .. ..... .. .. 26

5.0 6.0 7.0

8.0 9.0

10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0


PROJECT SCHEDULE .............. ... ..... ..................... ................................................... .. .. ........... 26 ........ .......... ........... ................ .. ....... 27 APPENDICES ........ ................... ... ........ ........ .. ............... .. 15. 1 ApPENDIX - EXISTING FACILITIES ................................................................ .. .. .. .. .............. 27 15.2 ApPENDIX - PROPOSED FACILITIES ........................... ........ ......................... ....................... 27 ApPENDIX - BUDGETARY PROJECT SCOPE DEFINITION .... .. ............................................... 27 15.3

15. 0

BI-l0-00473 DBSP

Jur.e 200 7

Facilities Planning Department

Upgrade Wastewater Treatment Facility

Phase II South Jiddah Complex


The purpose of the facilities is to support the corporate strategy of protecting the environment by providing additional industrial and sanitary wastewater treatment equipment to bring the South Iiddah Complex (SJC) wastewater discharge in full compliance with the Presidency of Meteorology and Environment (PME) and Saudi Aramco Engineering (SAES) environmental standards.



Presently, the industrial wastewater treatment plant (IWTP), located at the SJC Marine Area, discharges into the Red Sea wastewater that does not comply with contaminant limits set forth by PME regulations as determined by EPD assessments, documented in the Environmental Master Plan The SIC IWTP receives wastewater from three facilities - the Ieddah Refinery process unit, the crude and product tank farm, and adjacent Luberef. The existing IWTP, installed in 1982 and designed only to remove oil, grease and suspended solids from industrial wastewater, has become obsolete, deteriorated, and the treated wastewater calmot meet current environmental regulations for direct discharge to the sea. In 2008, a new IWTP, provided by ER- 10-03563 Upgrade Wastewater Treatment Facilities, Jeddah Refinery Complex - Phase I, herein referred to as Phase I, will replace the existing IWTP to treat industrial wastewater from these three facilities for the removal of oil, grease, and suspended solids within the limits set forth in the current environmental regulations for direct discharge to the sea, but will not bring the SJC in full compliance. A Phase II project (i.e., BI-IO-00473) is required to remove unacceptable levels of dissolved organic and inorganic contaminants from the Phase I wastewater effluent. Project phasing strategy was adopted by management in 2004 to reduce capital cost and allow for future expansion or modifications to the wastewater treatment facilities to accommodate potential changes in the operations of the SJc. In January 2007, management approved FPD's recommendation to discontinue the Jeddah Refinery operation of the fluidized catalytic cracking Wlit (FCCU) and platfon11er and continue the operation of the crude distillation and vacuwn units in a topping mode to produce fuel oil and asphalt as long as the Kingdom fuel oil balances are in deficit and JR high sulfur diesel can be supplied to the local power plants. As a result, the refinery will begin to operate as a topping unit in 2010 and the FCCU and the platformer unit will be shutdown Any proposed Phase II wastewater treatment facilities are to be based on such an operating scenario. Several existing conditions and practices relating to the existing Jeddah Refinery process units and crude/tank farm areas will present challenges to the selected IWTP process that will be used to treat the industrial wastewater to fully meet current discharge standards. Current water draw-off practices of settled water in storage tanks in the product and crude tank farm areas allow extraordinary amounts of crude and product directly into the sewer system. Large quantities of crude and product in the sewer system result in performance problems and upsets in the IWTP. Seawater coolers in the process units are periodically backflushed with seawater, which is directly disposed into the sewer system. Depending on the IWTP process that is selected, the introduction of seawater, due to its high total dissolved solids content, would result in upsets in the IWTP. High temperature discharges from process units directed into the sewer system may upset or damage the selected IWTP.

The Jeddah Refinery sanitary sewage system, installed in 1977 and originaliy consisted of multiple area underground septic sumps (tanks) for anaerobic treatment, has not only deteriorated, but can not function as

BI-10-00473 DBSP

June 2007

Facilities Planning Department

Upgrade Wastewater Treatment Facility

Phase II South Jiddah Complex

designed. Sanitary sewage wastewater is now collected in these septic tanks, and hauled periodically by vacuum trucks to Saudi Aramco' s AI Rehab community center in liddah for treatment or to a municipal dumping area for disposal. This hauling practice contravenes current environmental regul ations that require onsite treatment for large facilities. Many of the sanitary sewer lines are corroded and pumps are inoperable. The instrumentation and control system of the existing wastewater treatment facility in the Marine Area is based on hardwired conventional instruments. The Phase I project will replace the existing main control panel located in the existing wastewater treatment control room with a new Distributed Control System (DCS) with a PC based Operator Station and Engineering Workstation. Some spare terminations and space have been provided for future Phase II . Phase I will utilize the majority of the available spare capacity for its new loads in the existing RB I & RB2 MCC units at Substation RB located in the wastewater treatment plant in the Marine Area. Any significant power requirements for Phase Il work would require the construction of a new substation in the Marine Area.

Saudi Aramco's leddah Refinery is located on the Red Sea coast in the city of l eddah, Saudi Arabia. The majority of the new BJ-IO-00473 (also referred to herein as Phase II) oily wastewater treatment facilities will be located within and adjacent to the Phase I oily wastewater treatment plant area of the leddah Refinery. Some of the work will be within the refinery process units and tank farm areas of the l eddah Refinery. The location of the new crude and product skim tank systems in Tank Farm Area utilizes existing contaiIUnent areas. Location of equipment shall be optimized during Project Proposal development and detailed design. See Figures I & 2 in the Appendix 15.2 for the overall plot plan of the l eddah Refinery and Marine Area that also indicate the major work areas for Phase II. Figures 3, 6, 8A, 8B, 8C, ll A & li B in the Appendices 15.2 provid e more detailed location for the Phase 11 proposed equipment.

The majority of the work for this project will be in the Marine Area of the l eddah Refinery and access is via a road patrolled by both Saudi Aramco security and the Saudi Coast Guard. In addition to standard Saudi Aramco plant [Os, persolUlel entering the Marine Area are required to obtain a separate gate pass issued by the Saudi Coast G uard that may take up to several days to process. Working within the main leddah Refinery area is accessed via the main pl ant gate with standard Saudi Ararnco plant IDs. The adjacent goverrunent port facilities can be used for receiving imported materials required for the project. No Land Use Permits will be required as all work associated with this budget item at the SIPC are within the existing securi ty fence andlor covered by existing permits for work extending outside the securi ty fence.

BI-10-00473 OBSP

June 2007

Facilities Planning Department

Upgrade Wastewater Treatment Facility

Phase II South Jiddah Complex



Design ambient air temperatures, wind, precipitation and earthquake zone for tillS budget item will be based on Saudi Aramco Standards (SAES-A-112). The following excerpts some of the pertinent data for reddah. Criteria
Elevation from Mean Sea Level (ft) Annual Average Temperature ("F) Monthly Normal Max Temp_ - Hottest Month ('F) Winter Design Dry Bulb Temp @99%oF) Prevailing Wind Rainfall , Average Annual (inches)

See Soils Report - Appendix 15.1 82 102 57
NNW 2.1

The surficial condition of the reddah Refinery consists of mostly paved areas and sandy soil. High water table and soil contaminated with hydrocarbons may be encountered in the work areas. Major equipment will require pile-type foundations. An abridged version of the soils report is included in Appendix 15.1 and the complete soils report is available from the reddah Refinery. Construction and laydown areas with required utilities are available in the Marine Area in the vicinity that is currently being used by BI-1O-03S63. 4.0 INTERFACES The proposed facilities shall interface, and engineering work for this project shall be coordinated with, facilities being constructed in the related budget items, as summarized below. To the extent possible, any physical tie-ins shall be made without materially affecting plant safety or operations.

ER-I0-03653 Upgrade Wastewater Treatment Facilities, Jeddah Refinery Complex Phase I This budget item provides for the upgrade of wastewater facilities at the reddah Refinery Complex to comply with the current environmental standards by instaning new IWTP facilities for the removal of oil, grease, and total suspended solids. These IWTP facilities, designed to handle 1450 gpm wastewater from the JR Complex, include, a new elevated API Separator, new Skim Tanks, new Walnut Shell Filters, and associated transfer pumps in the vicinity of the existing IWTP. A new Oily Water Lift Station will be required to consolidate the untreated wastewater streams for transfer to the elevated API Separator. This project will also install associated firewater mins and protection devices, inter-connecting piping, civil works, electrical gear, and distribution control system (DCS) instrumentation required to operate the new IWTP. The existing holding basin will be retrofitted with new stonn water pumps and supplemented with a new storm water/off-spec tank to provide surge for contaminated storm water prior to treatment. The existing API Separator will be modified and reused for sludge collection, and the remaining existing equipment will be demolished or abandoned in place. ER-1O-03S63 is Phase I and BI-00473 is Phase II of a two-phase project required to fully comply with the direct discharge standards. BI-10-00473 will furthertreat the wastewater discharged from the (ER-1O-03653) Walnut Shell Filters. Refer to Appendix 15.1, Dwg. Nq. V A -444454 for the

BI-10-00473 DBSP

June 2007

Facilities Planning Department

Upgrade Wastewater Treatment Faci lity Phase II South Jiddah Complex

overall process flow and scope and Dwg. No. VA-444567 for the Plot plant for Phase 1. 10/05; ERC: 3/08 . BI-10-00476, Upgrade Stormwater Drainage - South Jiddah Complex


This budget item provides for the upgrade of the storm water drainage system at South Ieddah Plants Complex (SJC) to provide safe and reliable operations. The project will upgrade the storm water drainage system at six storm water lift stations in the vicinity of the Tank Fann area. The scope of the project also includes installation of a new stonn water collection network at North AI-Nojoum Roundabout and Refinery Road No. 15 junction, Fire Station, Main Gate Station I and 2, Material Supply Office Gate, Asphalt loading Gate and Marine Area Main Gate. Moreover, the scope will include regrading approximately 7000 square meters of roads in the southem portion of the refinery and around tile retention basin. BI- 10-00473 will require to coordinate and schedule with BI-IO-00476 the construction activities as both budget items may be working in common sites at the Tank Fann area. ERA: 4/10; ERC: 12/12


Primary interface for this project wi ll be the installation of new wastewater treatment equipment downstream of tile equipment, specifically at tile outlet of the Walnut Shell Filters, which will be installed by ER- 10-03563. Wastewater from the crude and product tank farm areas will be routed to new skim tanks prior to being transferred to the Phase I wastewater treatment equipment. Existing heat exchangers that are back-flushed with seawater into the process sewer will require re-piping to route the seawater to the seawater cooling water return system. The gravity sewer discharges from Zone II (CDU#2, SGCU, and VDU#2), for Zone 3 (MEROX and Amine Units), and Zone IV (CDU#3, CDU#4, and CDU#5) of the Jeddah Refinery will require cooling prior to being sent to the Phase II IWTP. New sanitary sewer lift pumps will replace existing pumps or added on existing septic tanks and new pump discharge lines will be routed to irrigation pond. Installation of firewater protection devices for new Phase II IWTP can be made by extending the firewater headers installed under ER- I0-03563 and ER-IO-03552. Existing plant and instrument air, potable water, and seawater cooling headers can be used to provide require ments for the new facilities. Primary electrical power supply shall be obtained for existing Substation R in the Marine Area and avai lable substation/sources in the Refinery and Tank Faml areas. Primary interface for the Di stributed Control System will be at the Wastewater Treatment control room in the Marine Area. Physical interfaces are indicated on the process flow schematics and plot plans in Appendices 15.2.



Minimal interruption or shutdown of the Phase I I WTP equipment and other existing equipment is expected when Phase II tie -ins are required. Momentary shutdown of some process heat exchangers will be required to re-route backflush connection into the cooling water retum system. Sewage pits, requiring pumps and bar screens need to be added, will require sections of the pit be isolated to facilitate such modifications and continued operations. Shutdown requirements will be detennined during project proposal and detailed design development as described under Section 10.0 of this DB SP.


June 2007

Facilities Planning Department

Upgrade Wastewater Treatment Facility

Phase II South Jiddah Complex



The following equipment in the Marine Area shall be removed by this project. This includes, but not limited to the following:

I. Existing Sand Filters (Y54-D- rA thru E), associated chemical addition tanks and pwnps, and backwash tank and pumps 2. Flocculator (Y54-D-5) and Compartment (Y54-D-2) 3. Thickener (Y54-D-I 4. Centrifuge (Y54-D-3AJB) 5. Thickener Feed Pumps (Y54-G-20AJB) - already partially demolished 6. Centrifuge Feed Pumps (Y54-G-21 AJB) - already partially demolished 7. Backwash Wastewater Basin (Y54-D-4) 8. Other equipment noted in Figures 14 and 16 thru 18 in Appendix 15.2

The site for the above equipment items , which are not currently in service or will not be in service post-BI-IO-03563, shall be cleared of all associated aboveground piping, structures, foundations, etc. to allow space for new equipment installed by tins project. Unless complete removal is required for the installa tion of new equipment, existing buried piping, structures, and foundations shall be removed to a level minimum 300nun below grade and the remaining portions abandoned in place. Figures 14 and 16 thru 18 in Appendix 15.2 indicate the general location and details of the abovementioned items required to be demolished. Existing underground firewater piping at the site of the new Phase II wastewater treatment equipment may require demolition, in part, to accommodate installation of new equipment and new area firewater mams. Each of the existing sanitary sewer sumps (ST-OI thm ST-07 and tank fanm) consists of oxidation compartments filled with packing and digestion compartments. All solid build-up in each of the digestion compartment and rocks (packing) in each of the oxidation compartments and shall be removed and disposed in approved landfills. Any existing partition or baflles may be removed if they serve no purpose. In some sumps, existing petitioned compartments could be bypassed as volume of the sump could be reduced as these swnps will function only as lift stations in lieu of being selfcontained treatment stations. Existing submerged pumps (two per sump) shall be removed. The existing sanitary wastewater lines between the lift stations and the irrigation pond shall be abandonedin-place or removed if it interferes with the installation of the new lines. A typical existing sanitary sewer sump (ST-OI thru ST-07) is shown in Figure 13 Appendix 15.2.


The overall design objective cf this project is the to provide the necessary lWTP equipment for the removal of organic and inorganic contaminants from the SJC industrial and SJC (excluding Luberef) sanitary wastewater within the limits set forth by PME and SAES direct discharge standards. The SJC industrial wastewater will have already been treated for the removal of oil, grease, and suspended solids from the wastewater within the limits set forth by PME and SAES direct discharge standards under the Phase I IWTP project.

BI-I 0-00473 DBSP

JUlie 2007

Facilities Planning Department

Upgrade \Vaslewater Treatment Facility

Phase II South Jiddah Complex

The new Phase II IWTP in the Marine Area comprises of the following major elements to achieve the overall design objectives: New API Separator, designed for oil and solids removal of the incoming wastewater, will provide additional capacity and meet sparing requirements. (Phase I excluded the required second API due to the uncertainty of the future operation of the Jeddah Refinery process plants). New equalization tanks, receiving a mixture of treated water from the Phase I IWTP and screened sanitary waste sewage collected from the SJC are designed to equalize flow into the next treatment step. New membrane bioreactor (MBR) units will treat the combined wastewater from the equalization tanks for the removal of organics and inorganic contanlinants. The treated wastewater from the MBR is discharged to the Red Sea via the existing lagoons.

The following requirements complement the operation of the new Phase II IWTP: New crude/product skim tank systems , installed in tile tank farm Areas A & B, are designed to allow secondary settlement of bottoms water drawn from crude and product storage tanks and also to ensure, via the installation of interface controllers, that only settled water is discharged into the gravity sewer system and the crude/product is recovered. Minimizing crude and product in the sewer system would mitigate any upsets in the wastewater treatment facilities. New retro-fitted pping associated with the existing seawater coolers in the process units is designed to ensure backflushed seawater is routed into the seawater cooling return line (rather into the sewer system). The new seawater cooled heat exchangers, installed in specific areas of the Jeddah Refinery, are designed to ensure that high temperature wastewater streams discharged from operating process units are cooled to required temperatures prior to discharge into the sewer system. Additionally, new sumps, piping and lift pwnps are designed to allow sanitary sewage to be collected from the various septic sumps and tanks located within the Jeddah Refmery including the Tank Farm, accumulated in the existing irrigation sump, and then transferred to the Phase IJ industrial wastewater facilities for treatment. Existing sewage pits that remotely located and/or considered to generate low volumes of sanitary waste will not be provided with lift pumps and piping; these pits will be continually be evacuated by vacuum tankers and hauled to nearest new Phase IJ sanitary sump/pit or Phase IIlntennediate Sump. The adequacy of firewater system, the capability of detection system and the required fire proofing for equipment structures will be considered for phase II IWTP to ensure proper protection of new equipment



The design basis for this project is established by the physical and chemical characteristics of the effluent discharged from the Phase I wastewater treatment equipment, the SJC (excluding Luberef) sanitary wastewater, and the design parameters described in SAER-6129 "Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) Treatability Study."

BI-10-00473 DBSP

June 2007

Facilities Planning Department

Upgrade Wastewater Treatment Facility

Phase II South Jiddah Complex


Design Basis for Flow 6.1.1 Industrial Wastewater The design flow basis for industrial wastewater originating from the South liddah Complex is summarized in the following table. These fl ow numbers are those used for the Phase I project and adjusted for the leddah Refinery operating as topping unit.

Table 6-1 South Jiddah Complex - Flow Design Basis

Wastewater Source Base or Nonnal Flow from the Refinery Flow from Luberef Stom1\vater from the Refinery' Total Design Flow Average (gpm) 597 283 0 900 ** Maximum (gpm) 865 283 202 1450***

'Based on SAES-S-030 * * Rounded up from 880 gpm and incl uding sanitary wastewate r from Section 6.1.2 . ***Rounded up to match ER 1003563 design basis

6. 1.2 Sanitary Wastewater The design fl ow basis for sanitary wastewater originating from the South liddah Complex, excluding the flow from Luberef is listed below.

Table 6-2. Design Flow Data for Sanitary Wastewater

Parameter Flow Rate Units gpd ( m3/day) Maximum 50,000 (190) Avera!!e 12,000 (45)


Design Basis for Influent 6.2. 1 Influent Physical & Chemical Characteri stics for Industrial Wastewater The physical and chemical characteristic s for industrial wastewater influent to the Phase II treatment equipment is summarized in the following table. These parameters are based on the eftluent discharging from the outlet of the Phase I wastewater treatment equipment (Walnut Shell Filters), combined wi th the sanitary sewage.

Table 6-3 Influent Physical & Chemical Characteristics of IWW

Parameter Physical Chemical pH Units Total Suspended Solids (TSS)' Oil & Grease' Temperature Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Outlet of Phase I IWTP Equipment 6-9 <25 mgIL <10 <95F 10,500

BI-I 0-00473 OBSP


J une 2007

Facilities Planning Department

Upgrade \Vastewater Treatment Facility Phase II South Jiddah Complex


Outlet of Phase I IWTP E quipment

Pollutants mg/L Ammonia (as N) 20 Total Phosphorous 3.3 TKN 25 Organic Pollutants mg/L Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD 5) 360 Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) 850 Phenols 10 Co mpiles With PME standards. It should be noted that upset conditIOns or occasIOnal excursions could result in oil & grease cou ld exceed the noted parameter.

6.2.2 Innuent Specification for Sanitary Sewage

Table 6-4. Design Data for Sanitary Wastewater

Parameter NH3-N BOD TSS O&G Temperature

Units mgIL mgIL mgIL mgIL

Maximum '


152 200 200 14


PME Standard I



9.9 90

* II should be noled that Ihe actual maximum characterIZed values for BOD and TSS are 185 and 51 , respective ly .


Design Basis for E muent The treated wastewater discharged from the Phase II IWTP and into the Red Sea shall meet the following requirements, which has been extracted from SAES-A- 104 Table and modified to include only the applicable parameters and notes.

Table 6-5 Effluent Discharge Limitations

PMf:1') mgll{') Physical -Chemicat Pollutants None

Floatable pH Units Total Suspended Solids CTSS) Turbidity P)

6-9 15 mgIL 75 NTU

(30 day mean)

Non-Organic Pollutants Ammonia (as N) Arsenic Cadmium Total Chlorine (residual) ,0)


0. 1 0.02 0.5

BI-10-00473 DBSP


Jun e 2007

Facilities Planning Department

Upgrade Wastewater Treatment Facility Phase II South Jiddah Complex

PMe'1 Chromium (total) Copper Cyanide H S (7)


Lead Mercury Nickel Phosphates (total , as P) (6) Zinc Or<lanic Pollutants Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD, ) Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) Total Chlorinated Hydrocarbons Oil & Grease (' ) Phenols Biolo<lical Pollutants T alai Coliform

0.1 0.2 0.05 40 0.1 0.001 0.2 1.0 1.0 mq/l 25 150 50 5 0.1

0.1 MPN/100 ml (' I 1000 (30-day geometric mean)

Notes: (2) All values represent monthly average unless othelWise indicated. m9"- unless otherwise indicated. (3) (5) Nephelometric Turbidity Units. Also, to be determined on a case-by case basis in areas deemed by EED to be biologically sensitive . (6) Not applicable for wastewater reuse applications or discharge into evaporation ponds . For Jubail R.C. area , this value should read Phosphorus reported as total P (7) Based on the assumption of a security fence located a minimum of 20 meters from the centerline of the pond's berm (8) Visible oil sheen can be assumed to demonstrate an 8 15 mg/L oil concentration . I.E; Non Compliance


Estimated Utility Requirements for MBR System The following table represents operational and utility requirements, assuming 100% flow, for the MBR system, as described in Section 7.1.2 below.

Table 6-6 Estimated Utility Requirements

Utility Plant Water Instrument Air Solids to Disposal, dry WI. basis Powdered Activated Carbon (PAC) Sodium Hypochlorite Solution (12.5%) Quantity 3 2 M IHr 40 NM'lHr 1500 kg/day 750 kg/day 66.7 L/day

81-10-00473 DBSP


June 2007

Fa c ilities Planning Department

Upgrade Wa stewater Treatment }<~ acjlity Phase II South Jiddah Complex


New Crude and Product Tank Farm System The current quantities of water draw-off from crude and product tanks are provided in Figure 19 in Appendix 15.2. Two skim tank systems, one for Tank Farm " A" and one for Tank Fann "B," will be provided and the basis for sizing the skim tanks is described in Ole aforementioned figure.


New Coolers for Jeddah Refinery Topping Unit Wastewater The new MBR unit is designed to operate with a biomass thriving at temperatures less than 95 OF. As such, some of the wastewater streams being generated by specific process units will require cooling prior to di scharge into the gravity sewer system. No specific temperature infonnation is available for the wastewater being discharged from these process units. For design purposes, the average temperature of 120 OF is specified for the wastewater from these process units. The installation of seawater coolers at these process units is intended to cool the majority of the highe r temperature wastewater streams. Maximum Inlet seawater temperature is specified to be 87 OF and tile outlet seawater temperature should be limited to 11 5 O F. Due to the existing piping layouts, other high tempe rature wastewater streams in the process areas may not be cooled; however, it is expected that the total mixed wastewater stream to the wastewater treatment facilities will be on average less than 95 OF.


New Sanitary Wastewater Collection System Approximately 45 M/day (12,000 gallons/day) of sanitary waste is being collected via vacuum tank trucks from 39 sumps scattered throughout the Jeddah Refinery and Marine Areas. Considering peak usage, the overall maximum design fl ow of I 15 M3/day (30,000 gallons/day) is specified.


DESCRIPTION OF FACILITIES The project scope definiti on presented in this section is fixed, uni~ss the Project Proposal engineering contractor is able to successfully demonstrate to FPD that there is a more economical (i.e., cost effecti ve) means of achieving the project's stated purpose (i.e. , Business Objecti ve), given the anticipated operating environment. This restriction, notwithstanding, tile Project Proposal engineering contractor shall further define the actual facilities to be built (i.e., "how" the required capabilities are to be achieved), consistent with the project's stated purpose and the anticipated operating environment.

This section describes the specific equipment that will be installed, in the Marine Area, downstream of the Phase I Walnut Shell Filters for the treatment of the industrial wastewater from the SJC and the sanitary sewage from the SJC (excluding Luberef) to comply with the environmental regulations for direct discharge to the Red Sea. T he Phase II API Separator is also described in this section. The general location and overall process flow for these systems are shown in Figures 3, 4 & 5 in Appendix 15.2. 7.1.1 New Equalization Tanks and Tank Mixers Two 2460 M' (650,000 gallon) each Equalization Tanks (EQ), each with four side entry mixers shall be provided to receive and mix the treated SJC industrial wastewater from the Phase I Walnut Shell Filters and sanitary sewage from the SJC (excluding Luberef). A 190 M3/day (50,000 gallon/day) grit

BI-l 0-00473 DBS P


June 2007

Facilities Planning Department

Upgrade \Vastewater Treatment Facilit)' Phase II South Jiddah Complex

chamber and two (I or 2 operating) 95 M3/day (25,000 gallon/day) each drum screens, located near the inlet of the EQ tanks , shall also be provided to remove debris from the sanitary sewage. 7.1.2 MBR System The MER unit, consisting of two 75% trains that are designed to process an average daily flow of 3 3 3975 M /day (1,050,000 gallons/day) and a peak hourly flow of 4542 M /day (1 ,200,000 gallons/day), shall be provided The treated effluent will meet the parameter set forth in Section 6.3 of this DBSP. The flow of the combined industrial and sanitary sewage from the EQ tanks are pumped via three (2 operating, I spare) MER Feed Pumps and regulated via a splitter box to the two each parallel Aeration Tanks of the new MER units, where diffused aeration, via three 3 (2 operating, I spare) AerationIMOS Blowers, will provide oxygen required for aerobic biological treatment and powder activated carbon (PAC) will be added to enhance removal of wastewater contaminants. The PAC is introduced by a feed system consisting of one Storage Silo and two (I operating, I spare) Slurry Pumps, which uses EQ TalUc water to form slurry. The PAC silo is equipped with the required pneumatic piping/tubing and filters to accept a direct cOlmection from standard bulk PAC delivery trucks equipped with blowers. Acid and Caustic D osing Units, each consisting of two (I operating, I spare) metering pumps and one acid or caustic storage tank, are provided to adjust the pH of the wastewater in the aeration tanks as required. From the Aeration Tanks, the wastewater is then gravity fed to two Membrane Operating System (MOS) Tanks, which house the membrane fi lter modules. Each MOS Tank is provided with a piping distribution system with jetting nozzles to distribute a mixture of the mixed liquor and air to each of the membrane modules. The aforementioned AerationIMOS blowers also supply this air to the jetting nozzles, where together with the mixed liquor, provide significant agitation and turbulence to keep the membrane bundles free of any accumulated solids, and also provide a wlifonn mi xed liquor along the entire length of the membrane bundles. MOS recirculation pumps associated with the MOS Tank maintains the system mi xed liquor solids at the required concentration. Sludge, drawn off the MOS circulation line, is diverted to a Sludge Pit, which is provided with two (I operating, I spare) Sludge Pumps to transfer the sludge to Sludge Dying Beds where the dried sludge is being periodically removed and sent to approved landfills. The filtered water drawn through the MOS Tank membrane via two (I operating, I spare) Filtrate Pumps is tilen routed into the Red Sea via existing lagoons for disposal A Sodiwn Hypochlorite Dosing System, consisting two pumps (I operating, I spare) and a hypochlorite storage tank, is provided for the periodic clean-in-place of the membranes to maintain penneability. 7.1.3 Second API Separa tor One new 330M3/hr (14 50 gpm) API Separator shall be provided and is to be identical and installed adjacent to the unit provided WIder Phase 1. Two new 27 M/hr (120 gpm) API Sludge Pumps shall also be provided. Phase [ has also provided the necessary space and piping tie-in requirements for this second API Separator and Sludge Pumps. This unit will be tied into and fed from the Phase [ Splitter Box (Y54-D-1114). Oi l collected the from the new API Separator oil skimmer will be routed to the Phase I Skimmed Oil Break Tank (YS4-D- 1122) and transferred via Phase I equipment to the existing slop oil tanks. Sludge removed from the bottom hopper of the API Separator will be removed by the new Phase II API Sludge Pumps and discharged to Phase I API Decant Tanks . The treated wastewater from the API Separator is discharged into the two Phase I Skim Tanks for further processing. .

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Two new crude/product skim tank systems shalll be provided. One system will be located in the vicinity of Tank Farm A and the other at Tank Farm B as indicated in Figure 6 in the Appendix 15.2. Tank Fann A will be provided with one new) Skim Tank, two (I operating, I spare) new each Skim Tank Pumps, one new Oil Recovery Tank, and two (I operating, I spare) each Oil Recovery Pumps. Tank B wi ll be provided with same equipment except that the Skim Tank the Skim Tank Pumps will be sized according to requirements. During a dewatering operation, tank bottoms water from a crude or product storage tank will be pumped via existing sumps into one of the two new Skim Tanks. After additional settlement, the oil or crude from the Skim Tank is drawn into the Oil Recovery Tank and pumped via the Oil Recovery Pump to an existing crude (slop) tank . The settled water is then pumped via the Skim Tank Pump to one of the existing main area collection sumps for ultimate transfer to the wastewater treatment facilities. To ensure that only settled water is drawn from the skim tanks, an oil/water detection device shall be installed on the discharge line (immediately downstream of the skim tank outlet /lange) to shutdown the skim tank pump when oil in water is detected. Also, a timer is to be installed to shutdown the ski m tank pump in tlle event oily water sensors are not functional. The general location and overall process /low for the Skim Tank Systems are shown in Figures 6 & 7 in Appendix 15.2.

New Coolers shall be provided by this project to cool the wastewater from the existing Jeddah Refinery topping process units to being disposed into the gravity sewer system. These coolers will ensure that the temperature of the wastewater in the MER system is maintained at less than 95 OF. Three cooling systems are being proposed - one for Zone 1I process area (CDU#2, SGCU, and VDU#2), one for Zone III (MEROX and Amine Units) and one for Zone IV process area (CDU#3, 3 CDU#4, and CDU#5). For each zone, two new self-priming 23 M IHr (100 gpm) each Wastewater Transfer Pumps shall be provide to draw (regulated via level control) wastewater from hdividual existing area manholes and pump the wastewater through a new plate and frame type s,awater Cooler and then into subsequent existing manholes. Under high flow conditions (rain or firewater) initiated by level indication in the manholes, the wastewater transfer pumps are bypassed and the wastewater is' directed from manhole to manhole via gravity. During high /low, the wastewater combined with rain or firewater would not require cooling. The general location and overall process flow for these coolers are shown in Figures 8A, 8B, 8C & 9 in Appendix 15.2.

It should be noted that the installation of the new wastewater coolers requires that a valve box be
installed that will contravene the requirements of SAES-B-008, para. 5.2. Preliminary review by Loss Prevention (See E-mail of April I, 2007 in Appendix 15.2) indicates that the acceptance of the design providing that all of the requ irements of para. 5.2 (exceptions) of SAES-B-008 (I through 6) shall be complied with and implemented. Also, drawings shall be submitted during Project Proposal development to Jeddall Area LPD for review and the installation of the proposed heat exchanger & pumps.

This project shall retrofit the following seawater cooled heat exchangers in the process units so that, during periodic backtlushing with seawater, the backtlushed fluid is diverted back into the seawater cooling rerum line in lieu of being discharged into the gravity sewer syste m. These retrofits will

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prevent upsets in the wastewater treatment system by not allowing the wastewater to be subjected to extraordinary swings in TDS during the backflush operation. The general location and typical piping arrangements to achieve the requirements for these coolers are shown in Figures 2 & 10 in Appendix 15.2. PMT may consider using the proponent to perform the tie-in work, but ultimate decision needs to be finalized between the PMT and proponent. Table 7-1. Coolers to be Retrofitted Sea Water Cooler Tag# Service Existing Cooling Water Line Size

Existing Back Flushing Lines Sizes 4" 4" 6" 4" 3" 3" 3" 3" 6" 6"

Zone II Y02-E-2 16 Y06-E-235 Y06-E-237C YI4-E-223 YI4-E-226 YI4-E-230 YI4-E-231 Y I4-E-233 YI4-E-243 Amine Unit Y24-E-4

Crude Column OYHD Condenser Light Yacuwn GasOil Trim Cooler 3" Stage Inter Condenser Debutanizer OYHD Sub-Cooler Splitter OYHD Cooler Deethanizaer OYHD Condenser Depropanizer Bottoms Cooler Depropanizr OYHD Condenser Splitter Bottom Trim Cooler Amine Trim Cooler

4" 4" 6" 4" 3" 3" 4" 4" 4" 6"

4" 4" 6" 4" 3" 3" 4" 4" 4"




A new sanitary wastewater collection system shall be provided will transfer sanitary waste from specific existing and new sumps to the new Phase II IWTP. Existing Septic Swnps ST-OI through ST-07 (ST-04 & 7 consists of two sumps each), located within the Jeddah Refinery, are designed with two submerged-type sanitary sewage lift pumps, which mayor may not be existence. For each of these existing sumps, two (I operating, I spare) new 5 M3/Hr (20 gpm) each submerged-type, grinder/trash, Sanitary Sewage Lift Pumps shall be installed. Existing Septic Sump ST-08 shall also be provided two (1 operating, I spare) new 5 M3/Hr (20 gpm) each submerged-type, grinder/trash, Sanitary Sewage Lift Pwnps. For ST-08, ST-09, and ST-lO in the Jeddah Refinery and ST-IOI in the Marine, each system shall consist" of one new Septic Sump and two (1 operating, I spare) new 5 M'/Hr (20 gpm) each submerged-type, grinder/trash, Sanitary Sewage Lift Pumps shall be provided. For the aforementioned existing and new sumps, each shall also be provided with new Bar Screens. New discharge piping for the aforementioned submerged sanitary sewage lift pumps shall be installed to convey the sanitary waste to the new Intermediate Sump located in the Marine Area. The new Intermediate Sump is designed to collect both the sanitary wastewater streams from the Septic Sumps provided with pumps and also sanitary wastewater collected by vacuum tank trucks from all other remaining sanitary sewage pits in the Jeddah Refinery and Marine Area. The Intermediate Swnp will be provided with a bar screen, two self-priming, grinder/trash, 8 M3/Hr (35 gpm) each Intermediate Sump Pumps, that will convey the sanitary wastewater to the new Phase II Equalization Tanks, via a

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grit chamber, and drum screens, as described in Section 7.1. The Intemlediate Sump is also provided with an overflow connection to the existing Holding Basin (YS4-D-3) and also a hard-piped connection to allow vacuum tank trucks to unload their content into the sump. Figures \lA, liB, and 12 in Appendi x IS.2 provide the location of the aforementioned equipment 3Jld flow scheme: Table 7-2 Equipment Summary - Sanitary Sewage System Sump No. ST-OI ST-02 ST-03 ST-04 (I) ST-04 (2) ST-OS ST-06 ST-07 (1) ST-07 (2) ST-08 ST-09 ST-JO ST-IOI Interm ediate Sump New Lift Pumps * 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Sump Existing Existing Existing Existing Existing Existing Existing Existing Existing Existing New New New N ew New Bar Screen I set I set I set I set I set 1 set 1 set 1 set 1 set 1 set 1 set 1 set I set I set

'Base Case - submerged trash/ grinder pumps; altem ate, self-prunmg trash/grinder pumps



7.6.1 Sanitary Was tewater Equipment Existing sewage pits ST-OI thru ST-07 consists of three digestion compartments, a filter tank, an oxidation co mpartment fill ed with distribution piping packing, and a well for the submerged pumps. This project will be required to remove all solids build-up, packing materials, unnecessary piping, etc. in each of these compartments and dispose in approved landfills. The project may also consider consolidating o r bypass compartments to form a single contiguous basin. 7.6.2 Firewater System The existing 10" underground firewater mains and associated firewater protecti on devices that cover the primary Phase II Wastewater Treatment Fac ilities shall be replaced with a new RTR piping. Additional firewater protection devices, such as hydrants, monitors, and hose reels, shall be provided to protect new Phase II equipment as required. Figure 14 & I S in Appendi x I S.2 is a layout of the

firewater mains.

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New firewater protection devices and firewater laterals shall be installed in the vicinity of the new Wastewater Coolers and CrudelProduct Skim Tank Systems, as required with the collaboration of Loss Prevention.
7.6.3 Other Non-Electrical Utility Systems

Plant/Instrument Air, potable/utility water, and seawater cooling requirements for Phase II are available in the immediate area by extending the existing service headers. During Project Proposal development, the re-use of the existing chemical storage tanks associated with the existing Sand Filters for chemicals (acid, caustic, and sodium hypochlorite) associated with the MBR system should be considered by this project.

7.7.1 General

Presently, JR facilities receives power supply primarily through onsite power generat ion at 13.8kV, 3 phase, 50Hz. The power is then distributed via circuits installed underground and in cable tray raceways to various distribution substations located throughout the plant. The existing Marine Area Substation RB, which will accommodate the Phase I electrical gear, has insufficient capacity to accommodate the new Phase !l loads. I n addition a number of the proposed new and upgraded loads are located outside of the marine area in the refinery and tank farm areas several kilometers away.
7.7 .2 Electrical Scope Description

The electrical scope of work for this budget item incl udes the addition of a new unit substation fed ITom Substation R in the Marine Area via a single 13.8 kV underground circuit to facilitate the new electrical loads in the Marine Area . This project will also provide power supply for new and upgraded equipment in the refin ery and tank farm areas via new and existing circuits ITom the nearest suitable refinery and tank farm area substations. Preliminary electrical load requirement for this project is estimated to be approximately 1000 KW in the marine area and 70 KW in the refinery and tank farm areas. Marine Area
7.7.3 New Marine Area Unit Substation The power supply to the proposed new Marine Area faci lities will be provided from a new substation. The new substation shall be installed in the area currently utilized by an abandoned waste water filter Unit west of the chemical storage warehouse. The preliminary location plan of the proposed substation is shown in the Figure 3. Final location however, shall be confirmed during project proposal after the development of area classification drawings.

The new substation building shall be built with complete substation support faci lities as required by Saudi Aramco standards. See Figure :0. The facilities shall include Battery System, Annuncia tor System, Fire Alarm System, HVAC system, Substation Auxiliary Power Supply, and equipment &

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personnel access doors. The Substation's major electrical equipment shall include but not be limited to the following (See Figure 21): 13.8kV / 400V/230V Step- Down Distribution Transfonner 400V12081120V Dry Type Transfonner 400V Single Ended Switchgear 400V Motor Control Center 400V Solid State Reduced Voltage Controllers Low Voltage Cable-Bus. High Voltage and Low Voltage Power Cables. Substation Building.

7.7.4 Plant and Substation Grounding

Plant and substation grounding shall be designed and installed in accordance with the general philosophy, principles and installation practice described and referenced in Saudi Aramco standards. A complete and comprehensive grounding calculation and study shall be perfonned and provided. The grounding system shall be designed and installed in such a mrumer that the actual step voltage, touch voltage, mesh voltage or transferred voltage levels should be less than the corresponding maximum allowable by referenced industry standards and Saudi Aramco Standards. The new grounding system shall be cOlmected to the existing grounding system 7.7.5 Sanitary Waste Water Collection System - Marine Area ST-101 From the new Marine Area substation install a 400V power supply circuit to connect to the new outdoor combination motor starter associated with the new lift pump motor installation.

Refinery and Tank Farm Areas 7.7.6 Switch racks - Skim Tank System & Waste Water Coolers From nearest available refinery and tank fann substation, install a 400V power supply circuit to new switchracks installed at the equipment locations indicated below: Tank Fann A Skim Trulk Pump Motors (2) Skim Tank Oil Recovery Pump Motors (2) Tank Farm B Skim Trulk Pump Motors (2) Skim Trulk Oil Recovery Pump Motors (2) Waste Water Coolers Zone 2 & 3 - Waste Transfer Pump Motors (4)

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Facilities Plannin g Depart ment

Upgrade Wastewater Treatment Facilit)

Phase II South Jidd ah Complex

Waste Water Coolers Zone 4 - Was te Transfer Pump Motors (2)

7.7.7 Sanitary Waste Water Collection System

ST-O I - ST-07 Utilize the existing lift pump motor 400V power supply cables and circuits to COlUlect to new outdoor combination motor starter associated with each new lift pump motor installation. Splice the existing cables to new cable segments and extend to the new combination starters. Note that all existing cables and other equipment proposed for reuse shall be tested and veri tied to be in satisfactory condition during the project proposal phase. ST-08 From nearest available substation/power source install a 400V power supply circuit to cOllnect to tile new outdoor combination motor starter associated with the new lift pump motor installation. ST-09, & 10 From nearest available substation/power source, install a 400V power supply circuit to connect to each new outdoor combination motor starter associated with each new lift pwnp motor installation.

Other Electrical Requirements

7.7.8 Cathodic Protection System

Cathodic protection shall be provided for new tank bottoms, pipe risers for fire protection devices, buried & submerged metallic structures, and piping within the plant facilities and shall be designed and installed as required by Saudi AIamco Standards.

7.7.9 Plant Lighting System

Plant lighting installations shall be designed to provide average illumination levels not less than that dictated by Saudi AIamco Standards

7.7.10 Area Classification

AIea classification drawings shall be developed based upon guidelines provided under Saudi AIamco standards. E lectrical equipment shall be rated for use in a hazardous location based on the proximity of equipment location and classi tied area.

7.7.11 Electrical Raceway System

Cables, Conduits and Cable Trays will be installed as required to facilitate electrical loads. Specifically, all power and contro l cables to the field equipments, instruments, motors, and local control panels shall be installed in ladder type cable trays with cover. In the process areas, the cable will continue in condu it or smaller ventilated cable trays as detennined in design. Concrete encased PVC duct banks



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Phase II South Jiddah Comptex

will he provided for all under road crossings. All power, instruments, and control cables in process areas shall be armored PVC jacketed.

This project will provide for safe and reliable process operations of the Jeddah Waste Waster Treatment facility by expanding the existing Distributed Control System (DCS) and other existing auxiliary monitoring and control systems for new equipment installed by this project. All new processes will be controlled and monitored from the IWTP control room. The project will provide new instrwnentation, control valves, field wiring and junction boxes for the new equipment installed by this project and a network link between the Central Control Room (CCR) DCS located in the Administration Building and the IWTP control room. For equipment installed in the lWTP area, this project will use existing space in lWTP marshalling, analog and digital cabinets to house the DeS and auxilialY systems required to monitor and/or control the new equipment installed by this BJ. The lWTP control room will not require any modifications for the new equipment.
In general, progrrnnmable logic controllers (PLC) mounted on skid-package equipment shall remain on skids and not be relocated. PLC's that are in freestanding cabinets shall be evaluated during PP to detennine if they are suitable for outdoor environment, costs of installing inside, available spare in building, etc.

For equipment installed in the refinel)' and tank farm, i.e. Sanitary Sewage Lift (SSL) pumps, cmde/product skim tank systems, and wastewater cooling systems instrumentation, this project will use space in existing refinel)' PIB marshalling, analog and digital cabinets for tennination of new equipment installed by this BJ.


7.8.2 Distributed Control System (DCS)

This project will provide modules as required for new field instrumentation. The new equipment provided by this project will be monitored and controlled fyom tlle lWTP Control Room. The project will not provide ally consoles or workstations as a result of the added equipment. The project will modify the console's graphics and displays to reflect the addition of the new equipment and instmmentation. This project will provide configuration, graphics, reports a1ld trending for all new installed for this project.



In order to expand and integrate the existing lWTP and CCR Yokowaga systems over a V-Net data highway, a new domain shall be created, the CCR operating system shall require upgrading from CS3000 3.03 to V-Net IP, the controllers IP cards shall be upgraded and the control room cabling shall be replaced by UTP. Two L3 switches will be installed in a new communications cabinet located in the CCR. The communications cabinet shall be installed as part of the system domain upgrade. Redundant fiber optic cables will be installed a1ld cOlUlected to the L3 switches in the CCR and to existing L2 switch in the WWT Control Room. The new equipment will be composed of the latest version of the control system's vendor's standard hardware which can be configured to meet the systems requirements. The system will be modular, integrated and re-configurable; accepting new expansion or replacement hardware, and data downloads while on-line without interfering with control.

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Upgrade Wastewater Treatment Facilit)'

Phase II South Jiddah Complex

7.8.3 H,S and LEL Monitoring New smart H,S and LEL sensors, beacons and field horns shall be provided for new equipment provided under this project and wired directly to the DCS as per Saudi Aramco standards requirements. The project will also provide LEL visual and audible alarms required by applicable Saudi Aramco standards. 7.8.4 Field Instrumentation and Cabling Field Transmitters The project will provide new transmitters, as applicable for new equipment installed under this project. New instruments shall have access platfonns installed or expanded as required for accessibility purposes.

Other Instrumentation New equipment and pumps provided by this project and located in the refinery area shall have as a minimum running, stop and ready status indicators and stop capability from the DCS. SSL pump, oil recovery tanks, and wastewater cooling systems instrumentation wi ll be ternlinated in process area PIB's. Recommended PIB 's for the new process area and tank fann equipment are as follows:

ST-OI ST-02 ST-03 ST-04 ST-05 ST-06 ST-07 ST-08 ST-09 ST- IO CrudeIProduct Skim Tank Systems WW Cooling System WW Cooling System

Control Room No. 1 Control Room No. 1 Control Room No. I Control Room No.1 Control Room NO.4 Control Room No. I Control Room No.1 Tank Farm Control Room Control Room No. I Control Room No. I Tank Fann Control Room Control Room No.1 (2) Tank Fann Control Room ( I)

SSL pump indications will include sump level, motor winding temperature, seal failure, pump status and hand-off-auto. Free standing PLC 's provide d as part of a package system shall. be installed in an environment suitable to the equipment and per manufacturer's requirements. Field Wiring New control cables and junction boxes shall be provided for all new equipment installed under this project. Segregation of wiring and junction boxes will be per applicable standards.

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This project will not provide any additional or new pennanent conununication installations. The contractor's temporary construction communication requirements will be specified in Ule detailed design and provided by the contractor, with Saudi Aramco assistance, where required. Any construction communications needs of Saudi Aramco PMT will be provided and funded by this project.

A common building shall be provided with separate rooms for the AerationIMOS Blowers and Sodium Hypochlorite Storage Tank in the Marine Area. The building, with an approximate size 125 M2, shall be constructed of concrete blocks and shall be air-conditioned. A common sunshade with open sides shall be provided for MBR System (MOS Tank and Filtrate Pumps) in the Marine Area. A new Substation Building, as described in Section 7.7.3 shall be provided in the Marine Area. The building, with an approximate size 80 M2, shall be constructed of concrete blocks and shall be airconditioned. Figure 3 in Appendix 15.2 provides the location of the new buildings and sunshade. 8.0 SCOPE EVALUA nONS TO DATE

The MBR technology, which introduces powder activated carbon (PAC) upstream of the MBR membranes, is being selected on the basis as being the most cost effective alternative for treating the wastewater for the SJc. Three other treatment processes were previously evaluated:

Conventional Dissolved Air Flotation (OAF), Activated Sludge Treatment (AST) - cylindrical clarifier with sludge rake, and Filters - Using this system would have required the addition of granulated activated carbon columns downstream of the clarifiers so that PME compliance of the treated wastewater can be met. In addition, considerably more equalization would have been required. Replacement of spent carbon would have been costly if such a system was implemented. Reliabi lity and feasibility are questionable and as such, lead to the development of the physical chemical treatment system described below. Physical Chemical Treatment - This system utilized a resin to remove phenols, an air stripper to remove anmlOnia, and granulated activated carbon to remove all other contaminants at levels in compliance with PME regula tiollS. The system was operationally simplistic, but required a multinlde of unit operations. Though pilot testing continned that the innovative technology is feasible, no commercial faci lity has been installed. Routine replacement of spent resin and carbon would have been costly if such a system was implemented. Conventional MBR - Similar to Ule conventional DAF/AST described above, conventional MBR would have required the addition of granulated activated carbon columns.



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Facilities Planning Department

Upgrade \Vastewater Treatment FacilitJ

Phase II South Jiddah Complex

The PA C for the proposed MBR system is utilized as an aide to the treatment process. However, the quantity of carbon (PAC) used is significantly less than that of the conventional MBR followed by GAC columns. 8.2 SANITARVSEWERSVSTEM The existing Jeddah Fefinery and Marine Area contains 39 sanitary sewage sumps/pits that are normally emptied by vacuum tank trucks and is hauled to Saudi Aramco's Al Rehab community center in Jiddah for treatment or to a municipal dumping area for disposal In lieu of installing piping and pumps to allow all sanitary sewage pits to be transferred to the new Phase II wastewater treatment facilities, only selected sewage pits, which are currently emptied via tank trucks every one to two days , were provided with such capabilities. In general, sewage pits that generate low volume of waste and/or are remotely located were not provided with piping and pumping facilities. These pits will continue to be emptied via vacuum tank trucks, with the exception that the collected sewage will be hauled to the nearest new Phase II sanitary sewer sump/pump or new Phase II Intermediate Sump.


ELECfRlCAL POWER REQUIREMENTS FOR MBR BLOWERS The three new AerationIMOS Blowers for the MBR system are rated at 225 kW (300 HP). Per Aramco Standards, High Voltage (HV) power supply requiring an additional tTansfomler, HY switchgear, and associated motor controllers is speci fi ed for this application. The power supply for tile existing wastewater treatment facilities in the JR Marine Area is stepped down from 13.8kV to 400 V and there are no intennediate voltage levels. In lieu providing high voltage power supply, which includes HY switchgear and other associated HY equipment, it is proposed to utilize the low voltage 400V power supply with solid state reduced voltage controllers for the blower motors. Correspondence (See Appendix 15.2) from CSD has indicated support for a waiver, which is to be processed by PMT during Project Proposal development.


ADDITIONAL STUDIES DURING PROJECT PROPOSAL DEVELOPMENT 9.1 Bun.o, OWN, OPERATF, AND TRANSFER (BOOT) OR DESIGN BUILD OPERATE(DBO) During Project Proposal development, FPD, PMT, and other Saudi Aramco organizations shall further develop and evaluate the economic merits for using a third party arrangement via BOOT or DBO to meet the objectives of the Phase II facilities. The evaluation should also include the operations and/or maintenance of the Phase I facilities with a third party. 9.2 SANITARV SEWERSVSTEM Though selected sewage sumps and pits will be provided with Sanitary Sewage Lift Pumps, the project should consider further consolidating some of these sewer pits to minimize the quantity of Sanitary Sewage Lift Pumps, especially in the Jeddah Refinery area, during project proposal development. Depending on location and hydraulic prome, (an) existing sanitary sewage pits could be modified to gravity flow into another existing pit, where sanitary sewage lift pumps are to be installed. The location of the grit chamber and drum screens are currently shown to be elevated at the EQ Tanks . Alternate locations, such as placing such equipment at the Intermediate Sump Pit, can be considered if installation is more cost effective.

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PMT shall conduct a detailed hydraulic profile and analysis of the new oily wastewater treatm ent (MBR) units during Project Proposal development to ensure that the system flows are me~ especially those units that are dependent on gravity flow . In addition, the hydraulics in accordance with SAESB-017 for the firewater system should be verified utilizing infonnation available from ER-IO-03552 and ER-10-03563 (See above Section 4.0).



An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), per SAEP-13, for the project shall be completed at the 30% or initial issuance of the project proposal review package and shall be treated as a primary design objective. EPD has cl assified this project as requiring a Category 3 Environmental Impact Assessment. The project enviromnental assessment shall detail the ambient environmental conditions before the project becomes operational. Wastes and pollutants generated in the construction and operation of the proposed facility shall be described in detail. The control measures and monitoring programs needed to meet the enviromnenta l protection requirements in the current Saudi Aramco Standards and GI's shall be specifi ed and explained. Potential environmental impacts that must be addressed in the ElA include, but are not limited to:


Effluent discharged will comply with PME regulations, Disposal of construction debris, Disposal of the contaminated soils if any during the excavation, Disposal of the hydrotest water Disposal of industrial solid and hazardous waste, if any, and Spills and other non-routine releases.


During the Project Proposal Phase the existing ETAP Model shall be updated and a power systems study implemented that includes analysis of loads, short circuit duty, load flow, voltage drop, motor starting, and protection device coordination settings.


The new API Separator will be installed next to the existing Phase I API Separator. As pile -type foundations will be required, the project should ensure that the installation will not disturb the aligmnent of the Phase I API Separator. Coordination with the Phase I wastewater treatment project with respect to the addition of tie -in valves to existing tie- in points would minimize shutdown requirements. For all other major Phase ]] wastewater treatment equipment in the Marine Area, the demolition of existing area equipment and the minor relocation of roads wou ld facilitate space for new equipment. The installation of the rew crude/product skim tank systems in Tank Fann Area A and B at the proposed site will require the removal of soil contam inated with hydrocarbons. The existing abandoned elevated flare in the proposed location of the Tank Fann Area B Skim Tank System shall not be demolished by this project.

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Facilities Planning Department

Upgrade Wastewater Treatment Facilit)'

Phase II South Jiddah Complex

The project shall develop a detailed contingency plan to minimize the plant vulnerability during scheduled and unscheduled firewater outages. The objective of this plan is to ensure that the plants and firewater systems remain fully functional during the construction of this project. Temporary measures shall be taken to maintain the firewater supply available to strategic locations undergoing construction. These measures may include providing jumpover spools for firewater coverage and emergency fire fighting equipment such as portable firewater pumps and fire/foam trucks. Coordination should be made with Loss Prevention and Fire Protection Departments to use available firewater pumps. Hydrotesting and backfilling of the new system can be done in sections as construction is completed.


As Phase I wastewater treatment facility will be under construction during the Phase II Project Proposal work, a limited nwnber of as-built drawings will be available for use.

The availability of a; built drawings required for retrofitting seawater coolers backwash system were not investigated during DBSP development. In general, some as-built drawings are available for work associated with the new wastewater coolers and new crude and product skim tank systems in Tank Fann Area. As-built drawings of the existing firewater layout drawings are available (in the Saudi Aranlco QVP system).


The value engineering study during DBSP development has been waived (See Appendix 15.2). A value engineering study shall be perfonned no later than the 30% milestone date during the Project Proposal development.

\3.0 SURPLUS AND EXCESS MATERIAL The availability of surplus and/or excess materials has not been evaluated during DBSP development.


The project execution will be based on meeting the following target milestone dates: Milestone DBSP Approval. ............. . Project Proposal Start ER Approval.. ER Completion ........ ... .. .. . Date June August July February

2007 2007 2008 2011

8\-10-00473 DBSP


June 2007

Faci liti es Planning Depar1ment

Upgrade \Vaslewater Treatment Facility

Phase II South Jiddah Complex


Phase I IWTP - Process Flow Diagram Dwg.VA-444454 Phase I IWTP - Facility Plot Plan Dwg. VA-444567 Soils Report for Jeddah Refinery (Excepts only)

l eddah Refinery Marine Area - Overall Plot Plan (Figure I ) Jeddah Refinery - Overall Plot Plant (Figure 2) Phase II IWTP Location Plan (Figure 3) Phase 1I IWTP PACT -MBR Flow Diagram (Figure 4) Phase II IWTP API Sepa rator Flow Diagram (Figure 5) Skim Tank Location Plant (Figure 6) Skim Tank Flow Diagram (Figure 7) Wastewater Cooling Process Area A Location Plan (Figure 8A) Wastewater Cooling Process Area B Location Plan (Figure 8B) Wastewater Cooling Zone 4 Location Plan (Figure 8C) Wastewater Cooling Flow Diagram (Figure 9) Cooler Backwash Piping Retrofit (Figure 10) Sanitary Sewer Pit Location Plan - l eddah Refinery (Figure II A) Sanitary Sewer Pit Location Plan - JR Marine Area (Figure II B) Sanitary Sewer Wastewater Flow Diagram (Figure 12) Existing Sanitary Sewer Sump (Figure 13) Firewater Piping Layout and Equipment Demolition (FigUre 14) Firewater Piping Layout and Equipment Demolition - Detai ls (Figure 15) Ex isting Wastewater Treatment Equipment - Demolition (Figures 16, 17 & 18) Tank Farm A & B Skim Tank Sizing (Figure 19) New Substation Building Layout (Figure 20) Conceptual One Line Diagranl (Figure 2 1) Use of Valve Boxes: E-Mail, April 1,2007, from l eddah Area Loss Prevention Waive Value Engineering Study during DBSP development (Letter HFPD-IPD-05507) DBSP Review Meeting Minutes & Comments Log Availability of Substation R Spare Breaker: E-Mail, lune 6, 2007 ITom Jeddah Refinery Support to waive High Voltage Supply for 300 HP Blower Motors: E-Mail, lune 4, 2007 ITom CSD


Budgetary Project Scope Definition Siemens Budgetary Proposal # I Y0025BPR Equipment Cost (Spreadsheet by Siemens) Sludge Bed Cost (SCEC E-Mail) Estimate Figu res 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, IIA, li B, 14 & IS

81-10-00473 DBS P


June 2007

Facilities Planning Department

Upgrade \Vastewater Treatment Facility

Phase II South Jiddah Complex

Yokogawa DCS Equipment o Quotation Cover - VnetlIP Domain Creation o Bill of Material- Bill of Material for VnetlIP Domain Creation o Priced Quotation Cover R I Item # I - Quote for WWT CS300 Connectivity to CCR CS3000 o Optional BOM for Main DCS Connectivity - Bill of Material for Priced Quotation Cover RI (HSQ7AMB365-RI), Item #1 o Proposed System Architecture

Olt 0-00473 DOSP


June 2007

Upgra de Wastewater Treatment Fac ilit y Pha se II So uth Jidd ah Complex

Appendix 15.1 -Existing Facilities

Phase I IWTP - Process Flow Diagram Dwg.VA-4444S4 Phase I IWTP - Facil ity Plot Plan Dwg. VA-444567 Soil s Report for l eddah Refinery (Excerpts only - for the complete report, contact the leddah Refinery)

BI -10-00473 DBSP

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geotechnica l,
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Report No. SA03-5002


SAUDI ARAMCO Jedd ah, Saudi Arabia


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geotechnical , mllterials and NOT engineers

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P. O. Box 2165 Dammam 314 51

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Saudi Arabia Phone : 03 857 4200 Fax' 03 857 2035

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C. R. 2050004 110
E-Mail : info@fug ro-suhaimLcom
Website : www.fu

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info@fugro-suhaimi .com : .jJrO-'-I",.JI : .:...;.,::.':11 e.""

Report No. SA03-5002 4 June 2003 Saudi ARAMCO WR Refining, Supply and Distribution Jeddah Admin . Building WJ-130 Jeddah Saudi Arabia


Me. Jamal A Mandar Contracts Advisor . Final Report Geotechnical Investigation for Access Roads and Drainage System Project at Marine Area Jeddah Refinery, Saudi Arabia

Gentlemen : Fugro-Suhaimi Ltd. (FSL) is pleased to submit this final report of our geotechnical investigation conducted for the proposed Access Roads at Saudi ARAMCO's Jeddah Refinery in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. The investigation was performed in accordance with our proposal Ref. No. JEDL-001/03 dated 7 January 2003 and your Purchase Order No. 6510016381 dated 11 January 2003. This report incorporates the comments raised by Saudi ARAMCO on our draft report in their letter dated 10 May 2003. We appreciate the opportunity to have been of assistance to you on this project. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. Sincerely, FUGRO-SUHAIMI LTD.

Mohammed. Arief Dy::;~j~t Manager

Dilip G. Lakhani Project Manager



Copies Submitted:


Report No. SA03-50D2

CONTENTS Page EXECUTIVE SUM MARY ......................................................................................... 1.0 INTRODUCTION.................. .............................................................................. 1.1 Project Description 1.2 Project Objectives 1.3 Scope of Work ...... 1.4 Report Format.. . 2.0 FI ELD INVES TlGA TI 0 N .................................................................................... 2. 1 Field Investigation Methods ..... 2.2 Surveying ...... 2.3 Boreholes .. '" 2.4 Piezocone Penetrometer Tests .. 2.5 Test Pits .. .............. . ....... .. .. 2.6 Asphalt Cores .. 3.0 LABORATORY INVESTIGATION ..................................................................... 3.1 General ..... 3.2 Classification and Index Tests .. ....... . 3.3 Earthworks and Pavement Design Tests .. .. ....... .. 3.4 Chemical Tests ..... 4.0 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS ................ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .......... ,................... .. 4.1 Subsurfa ce Stratigraphy .. 4.2 Groundwater.. .. ........ .. 4.3 Limitations ......................... . 5.0 FILL PLACEMENT AND COMPACTION FOR ROAD CONSTRUCTION ......... 5.1 General .. . ... .... ... ............................ .. 5.2 Fill Materials ........ ........... . 5.3 Site Preparation ........................................ ....... .. ..... .......... . 5.4 Fill Compaction .... ... .. 5.5 Compaction Equipment ................................ . 5.6 Fill Slopes ................ .. 57C ut S~~s... .................. . 5.8 Use of Excavated Materials ................ . 6.0 PAVEMENT DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION RECOMMENDATIONS.. ........... 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 General ... Soil Improvement Subgrade .............. . Sub-base and Base ..... Wearing Surface and Drainage ...... 1

1 1


3 3 4


6 6 7 7

8 8 9

10 10 11 11 11 11 11 12
13 13 13 13 13 14

__ 1
Report No. SA03-5002



General Location Map ............ ........ ............... .. Plan of Exploration Locations ...... .. List of Exploration Coordinates .... .. Logs of Boreholes .. .............. . Symbols and Terms Used on Ihe Borehole Logs Carbonate Classificalion System.......... .. .... .. ...... . Logs of Piezocone Penetrometer Tests . Logs of Tesl Pits .. . Summary of Laboratory Test Results ... .. ...................... ...... .... .. .. Grain Size Distribution Curves . .. ........... . Moisture-Dry densily Relationship Curves .... . CBR Test Results...... .. .. .......................... .. 1

3 4 thru 11

12 13 14 thru 21 22 thru 24

26 thru 32 33 lhru 48 49 lhru 64

Report No. SA03-5002



Saudi ARAMCO is planning to construct a new access roads and a drainage system at their marine area in Jeddah Refinery at Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. The new access road will link the marine area east of API Separator to the existing marine roadway bridge inside the Jeddah Refinery. The proposed project will include upgrading the existing API access road and construction of a new pipeline access road . Fugro-Suhaimi Ltd. (FSL) was contracted by Saudi ARAMCO to perform a geotechnical investigation for the proposed access road. The objectives of the geotechnical investigation were to explore subsurface conditions along the route of the access roads, and develop engineering recommendations to guide the design and construction of the access roads. The objectives were achieved by conducting field and laboratory investigations. The field investigation comprised drilling 8 No. boreholes, performing 8 No. piezocone penetration tests (PCPT), excavating 3 No. test pits and obtaining samples for laboratory CBR tests from five locations. Boreholes were drilled to 5-m depth, PCPTs were performed to 5-m depth or to practical refusal whichever was shallower and test pits were excavated by hand tools, to depths of up to 1.5 m, or groundwater level, and samples were . obtained for laboratory testing. In addition, asphalt cores were obtained at three locations along the existing API road. Laboratory testing was performed to verify soil classifications, and evaluate the chemical and earthworks properties of soils encountered. Tests included sieve analyses, Atterberg limits, water soluble chloride and sulphate content, carbonate content, moisturedensity relationships , and CBR tests. The subsurface soil conditions encountered along the API access road and the pipeline access road are summarized below:
API Access Road

00 1.2 to 1.5 3.0 to 5.0

1.2t01.5 3.0 to 5.0 5.0 was

Fill material (silty sand with gravel)" and Gravel with silt and sand

Medium compacted Very loose to medium dense Very loose to loose

depth of 5-m in Borehole NO.1 .

00 0.4 to 0.75

0.4 to 0.75 5.0

Fill material (silty sand with gravel) Sand (SP-SM or SM)

Medium compacted Very loose to loose

R eport No. SA03-.5002

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Page :
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Primary geotechnical considerations for road construction will be: availability and suitability of fill materials; fill compaction requirements and the stability of fill embankment slopes ; and excavation methods, suitability of excavated materials for use as fill , and the stability of slopes for road cuttings.

Recommendations for fill placement and compaction are given in the report, and should be in accordance with Saudi ARAMCO Engineering Standard SAES-A-114. CBR tests should confirm compliance with Saudi ARAMCO Specification SAES-Q-006 . Recommended road embankment fill material are clean sand and or marl. Clean sand should be compacted to 85 percent of relative density and marl should be compacted to about 95 percent of the maximum dry density.

Because of the presence of very loose to loose subsurface soils at the site, consideration could be given to the use of geomaterials including geotextiles and geogrids for the proposed road constructions. Geomaterials are discussed in the soil improvement section of the report Based on the laboratory CBR test results, our recommended CBR value for the existing site soils within a depth of 1.5-m from the existing grade is 30 when compacted to 95 percent of the maximum dry density. For bulk fill materials from suppliers , we recommend to perform CBR tests to confirm compliance with Saudi ARAMCO Specification SAES-Q-006. Marl should be used to protect unpaved bulk sand fill against wind and water erosion . Fill embankment slopes should not be steeper than 1-vertical to 3-horizontaL Surficial soils can be excavated using a large mechanical backhoe , or bulldozer. Excavations are expected to encounter groundwater. The slopes of excavations in soils should be limited to 1-vertical to 3-horizontaL

Report No. $A03-5002

Page :

1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Project Description Saudi ARAMCO is planning to construct new access roads. a drainage system and two lift stations at their Marine Area in Jeddah Refinery. The proposed project will include upgrading of the existing API access road and construction of a new pipeline access road . The location of the Jeddah Refinery is illustrated on Plate 1. 1.2 Project Objectives Fugro-Suhaimi Ltd . (FSL) was contracted by Saudi ARAMCO to perform a geotechnical investigation for the proposed access road. The overall objectives of the geotechnical investigation were to explore the subsurface stratigraphy and groundwater conditions along the proposed access road route. and to develop engineering recommendations to guide the design and construction of the access road . Specifically the objectives of the investigation were to evaluate the subsurface conditions beneath the existing API Access Road and to provide the design parameters for the new pipeline access road . 1.3 Scope of Work The scope of work for this study was developed by Saudi ARAMCO, prior to commencing the project. The objectives of the geotechnical investigation were achieved by performing the following activities: API Access Road drilling 3 boreholes to explore subsurface stratigraphy and groundwater conditions and obtain samples of the subsurface material for laboratory testing; performing 3 piezocone penetration tests to assess the subsurface soil density profile; excavating 3 test pits to investigate shallow subsurface soil conditions and obtain samples for laboratory CBR tests; drilling 3 asphalt cores from the existing road to check the thickness of the asphalt layers; performing laboratory tests on selected soil samples recovered from the boreholes and the test pits to determine pertinent classification. chemical and earthworks properties of the subsurface materials; and analyzing the field and laboratory data to develop geotechnical recommendations for road design. and construction .

Report No . SA03-5002

Page :

3.;'- " -u:-~

' V ' """ _ \

New Pipeline Access Road drilling 5 boreholes to explore subsurface stratigraphy and groundwater conditions and to obtain samples of the subsurface material for laboratory testing; performing 5 piezocone penetration tests to assess the subsurface soil density profile ; and coflecting shallow subsurface soil samples from 5 locations for laboratory CBR tests.

1.4 Report Format The initial sections of the report present brief descriptions of the field and laboratory phases of the study. A discussion of the subsurface conditions along the access road route follows along with geotechnical recommendations for road construction and earthworks operations, including compaction, cut excavations, slope design and subgrade preparation. Illustrations follow the text of the report.

Report No . SA03-5002

Page :

3.;'- " -u:-~

' V ' """ _ \

New Pipeline Access Road drilling 5 boreholes to explore subsurface stratigraphy and groundwater conditions and to obtain samples of the subsurface material for laboratory testing; performing 5 piezocone penetration tests to assess the subsurface soil density profile ; and coflecting shallow subsurface soil samples from 5 locations for laboratory CBR tests.

1.4 Report Format The initial sections of the report present brief descriptions of the field and laboratory phases of the study. A discussion of the subsurface conditions along the access road route follows along with geotechnical recommendations for road construction and earthworks operations, including compaction, cut excavations, slope design and subgrade preparation. Illustrations follow the text of the report.

R.eport No. SA03-5002



3.1 General
Laboratory tests were performed on selected soil samples recovered during the field investigation phase of this study . The objectives of the laboratory testing were to verify field classifications, and to determine the index, engineering, and chemical properties of the soil samples. In addition, earthworks tests were conducted on the samples recovered from the test pits. All of the tests were conducted at FSL's Jeddah laboratory , in general accordance with current applicable ASTM specifications. A summary of laboratory tests conducted for the study is tabulated below:
" ,'<,:


,-,.,'-,~ ..'~:"~ . ~;{~ .oesciiptiQn ~ ,,: _?t~~~.:~U~J "'Soils Grain Size Analysis Atterberg limit Tests Carbonate Content Chloride Content Sulph ate Con tent Earthwork and Pavement Design Moisture-Dry Density Relationships CBR-Dry Density Relationships

,. . -t. . . . SOMMA R:Y~bF !2ABORA:rORY. TEST:Si':'<!i; :h,{'i:, :~::) ,4.~ ~t;" " ,'M "f(th'od . :\r:ci:;RrQc)f~u~~~.:):

Full Sieve Analysis Casagrande Ca lcimeter Water Solu ble Water Soluble

ASTM 0-422 ASTM 0-4318 ASTM 0 4373 AASHTOT 290 AASHTOT 29 1

Modified Proctor CBR

ASTM 0 1557 ASTM 0 1883

A summary of laboratory test results is presented on Plate 25 . Most of the test re sults are also shown on the borehole and test pit logs .
3.2 Classification and Index Tests

Classification and index tesls included grain size analyses, Atterberg limits and carbonate content determinations. The results of grain size analyses are presented as grain size distribution curves on Plates 26 through 32 . The percentage of material passing the No. 200 sieve 0.075 mm), known as the fin es content, was determined as a routine part of the grain size analyses. The fines content is tabulated on the borehole and test pit logs, in the column labeled "-200, %". Atterberg limit test results are presented on the borehole and test pit logs in the column labeled "LL, (PI), %". Moisture content was determined as routine part of the Atterberg limit test and is presented on the borehole and test pit logs in the column labeled "(MC), %" . Carbonate contents are tabulated on the individual borehole and test pit logs, in the column labeled "CO;. In accordance with the carbonate classification on Plate 13, materials containing greater than 12 percent, but less than 50 percent carbonate, are described as "calca reous". Materials with greater than 50 percent carbonate are described as "carbonate".

Repon No. SA035002


3.3 Earthworks and Pavement Design Tests 3.3.1 General. Laboratory earthworks tests were performed on se lected samples to evaluate the performance of the existing fill material within 1.5-m depth along the access road route for use as road embankment fill material. and to evaluate natural subgrade design parameters. In general, samples used for earthworks tests were subjected to a suite of laboratory tests, including classification and chemical tests, as follows: grain size analysis; carbonate content; water-soluble sulphate and chloride content; moisture-dry density relationship (Proctor compaction); and CBR test.

Classification and index tests are discussed above, and a summary of the test results is tabulated on Plate 25. 3.3.2 Moisture-Dry Density Relationships. Moisture-dry density relationships were developed for selected soil sa mples by performing modified Proctor (ASTM 0-1557) compaction tests . Moisture-<lry density relationship results are presented as graphical plots on Plates 33 through 48. A summary of optimum moisture contents and maximum dry densities established from each test is shown on the plot. 3.3.3 California Bearing Ratio (CBR) Tests. CBR tests were performed on samples obtained from the test pits and for some additional sample. CBR tests were conducted on a single specimen prepared from each sample compacted to at least 95 percent of the maximum dry density. The samples were compacted in a 150-mm-diameter mold by applying a compaction energy of about 65 blows per layer, 5 layers per specimen, using a 4.5-kg-hammer. CBR tests were performed on the specimen, after soaking . The results of the CBR tests for each sample are presented as graphs of "stress" versus "penetration" on Plates 49 through 64 in our final report. 3.4 Chemical Tests Chemical tests were .performed on selected surficial soil samples to establish criteria for protection of buried reinforced concrete . Chemical tests included water-soluble chloride and water-soluble sulphate content determinations. The results of chemical tests are shown on the borehole and test pit logs, and are also tabulated on Plate 25 .

Report No_ SAP3-5002


4.0 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS 4.1 Subsurface Stratigraphy 4.1.1 API Access Road. We drilled three boreholes and performed three pePT along the shoulders of the existing API access road . Based on the field and laboratory test results, the subsurface stratigraphy along the road is summarized in the following tabulation.


1.210 1.5

Fill malerial (silty sand wilh gravel)" Silty with shell and coral Gravel with sill and sand

Medium compacled
Very loose to medium dense

90% of max. dry

density Nol Recorded



3.0 to 5.0


Very loose 1 0 loose

Nol Recorded

of 5-m in Borehole No. 1.

In addilion, we drilled three cores from the existing asphalt road. The cores were of about 106-mm diameter. Visual inspection of the cores indicated that the wearing course is about 43-to 47 -mm' thick and the base course is about 50-to 52-mm thick. The asphalt appeared to be placed on marl subbase. 4.1 .2 Pipeline Access Road . We drilled five boreholes and perfonmed five pePTs at the proposed pipeline access road area . Based on the field and laboratory test results, the subsurface stratigraphy at the site is summarized in the following tabulation.

0 .0 0.4 to 0.75

0.4 to 0.75 5.0

Fill material (silty sand with gravel) Sand (SP-SM or SM)

Medium compacted Very loose to loose

4.2 Groundwater Groundwater was encoun tered in all the boreholes drilled at the site. Our water level observati ons made in the boreholes 24 hours after completion of drilling and sampling operation s indicate the following natural groundwater levels at the site .

Report No . SA035002

Page :

API Access Road Pipeline Access Road

0.7 to 0.9
0.2 to 0.8

Groundwater levels may vary due to tidal variations.

4.3 Limitations
Subsurface conditions have been observed and interpreted at the borehole, pePT and test pit locations only. This information has been used as the basis for our analyses and the recommendations that follow. Although we have allowed for minor variations in subsurface conditions during the development of our recommendations, conditions can vary away from exploration locations. Should this become evident during construction, we should be contacted to review our recommendations, and revise them. if necessary.

Report No. SA03-S002

Page :


5.0 FILL PLACEMENT AND COMPACTION FOR ROAD CONSTRUCTION 5.1 General We understand that the proposed access road will be constructed on fill embankments. Important geotechnical considerations for construction of the access road will be: availability and type of suitable road embankment fill materials; road embankment fill compaction requirements, stability of fill slopes, and type of compaction equipment; excavation of soil in cut areas, including type of excavation equipment required, suitability of excavated materials for use as fill, and stability of slopes for road cuttings; and subgrade and base preparation, including design CBR values.

The following sections discuss fill materials and its compaction requirements and equipment used for backfilling. In general, fill placement and compaction should be in accordance with Saudi ARAMCO Specification SAES-A-114. The recommendations given in the following sections of this report are our site specific minimum recommended earthworks requirements. In the event project specifications specify stricter earthworks requirements than recommended by us, the project specification should take precedence. 5.2 Fill Materials Fill materials required will include: Clean sand for bulk fill, required for general site grading; and Marl for bulk fill and capping unpaved fill, required for protection against
wind and water erosion.

Sources of bulk fill are expected to be dune sand and marl. Clean sand (bulk fill) should contain less than 10 percent passing the No. 200 (75 f'm) sieve. Marl, where available, may also be used as bulk fill. According to Saudi ARAMCO Specification SAES-A-114, the definition of marl is: " ... a wide variety of calcareous soil materials found in Saudi Arabia which may vary from clay to gravel sizes, and often includes cobble and boulder sized pieces ... " In general, however, suitable marl should consist of material with less than 30 percent passing the No. 200 sieve. The minus 40 fraction should have a maximum liquid limit of 25 and a plasticity index less than 8.

Re port No . SA03-5002

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The material for crushed stone bases and subbase for the pavement should confirm to Section 5.2.1 of Saudi ARAMCO Specification SAES-Q-OOS. 5.3 Site Preparation Surficial deleterious material including loose soils and vegetation should be removed from areas to receive fill. In general subgrade surface should be prepared in accordance with the gUidelines provided in Section 5.1 of Saudi ARAMCO Specification SAES-Q-006. The natural soils should be tested and prepared prior to fill placement to ensure that the average in situ density is 85 percent of the average relative density (for clean sand), or 95 percent of the maximum dry density established from modified Proctor compaction tests (ASTM D-1557) . Field density tests should be performed to evaluate the requirement for compaction of the surficial soils. The density requirements of subgrade surface should confirm to requirements of Section 5.1 of Saudi ARAMCO Specification SAES-Q-OOS. 5.4 Fill Compaction Compaction of fill should be in ac. cordance with Saudi ARAMCO Specifications SAES-A-114. Below the road pavement fill should be compacted in accordance with requirements for structural fill. Actual compaction requirements will depend on the type of fill material (clean sand or marl). 5.5 Compaction Equipment The procedures used for fill placement and compaction generally depend upon the material used and equipment available . A 10-ton vibratory roller is most suitable for compacting granular soils. Large quantities of water may be needed to facilitate compaction . The lift thickness that can be effectively compacted will depend on the gradation of the fill material. Lift thickness and compaction should be in accordance with Saudi ARAMCO Specification SAES-A-114. 5.6 Fill Slopes For the purpose of stability, embankment slopes in soil should not be steeper than 1vertical on 3-horizontal. Embankment slopes should be protected from wind and water erosion. A marl cap, minimum 150-mm-thick, compacted to 95 percent of the maximum dry density determined from modified Proctor compaction tests (ASTM D-1557) will probably be the most suitable type of erosion protection for road embankment slopes. 5.7 Cut Slopes For the purpose of stability, road cUllings should be designed as follows:

Temporary Cutting in Soils Permanent Cutting in Soils

1-vertical to 1.5-horizontal 1-vertcal to 3-horizontal

Report No. SA03 -S002



Embankment side slopes should not exceed 1-vertical on 3-horizontal. All excavations trenching and shoring should be done in accordance with Saudi ARAMCO Safety Manual Section 2.0. 5.8 Use of Excavated Materials We expect that the existing fill material encountered in the boreholes and the test pits at the site can be used either as bulk fill, or marl for surface capping. The carbonate silty sand encountered in the boreholes below the fill material is not recommended for use as fill material.

Report No. SA035002



6.0 PAVEMENT DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION RECOMMENDATIONS 6.1 General In the fOllowing sections general geotechnical design considerations for subgrade and base course design applicable to the proposed access road for this project are presented. We recommend that the design of the embankments for the proposed road be based on the results of laboratory earthwork tests, which should be conducted on the fill material for the access road . 6.2 Soil Improvement
Very loose to loose subsurface soils are present at the site below about 0.5-m depth. Improving the subsurface soils at the site by removal and replacement will include dewatering which could be an uneconomical solution. We recommend that the embankment for the proposed road be made of sufficient thickness to safely carry the anticipated loads without influencing or affecting the loose subsurface layers.

Consideration could also be given to the use of geotextiles and geogrids. The geotextiles will serve as a containment for the proposed embankment fill and the geogrids will serve as a reinforcement in the fill material. Most companies marketing these materials offer proprietary software for the design of earthworks systems incorporating geotextiles and geogrids and should be contacted at the detailed design stage for further information about the applications of these material and the design ' considerations. The construction contractor shall be responsible for selecting the appropriate and economical soil improvement technique. In accordance with Saudi ARAMCO Standard SAES-Q-006 the selection and design of soil improvement technique shall be revi ewed by Saudi ARAMCO's consulting services division prior to implementation. 6.3 Subgrade Natural subgrade should be prepared in accordance with the recommendations for site preparation given in Section 5.0 of this report, and compacted to at least 95 percent of the maximum dry density measured from laboratory modified Proctor compaction tests or 85 percent of the relative density measured from laboratory maximum and minimum density tests. The thickness of the compacted subgrade should be based on the expected loading conditions and should be in accordance with Saudi ARAMCO Specifications SAES-Q-006. On the basis of laboratory CBR results, we recommend a CBR value of 30 for the existing onsite fill materials . Subgrade design and the CBR values to be used in the design should be in accordance with Saudi ARAMCO Specifications SAES-Q-006. We recommend that CBR tests should be conducted on the fill material for pavement and the access road to confirm compliance with the referenced standard . 6.4 Sub-base and Base We expect that fill materials consisting of marl will probably be used as sub-base and base course beneath pavements . Appropriate thicknesses for base course material should be selected on the basis of the design traffic and loading conditions anticipated for the new facilities plus consideration of the subgrade and base course CBR values.

Report No. SA035002



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_ \

The sub-base and base course material should conform to the gradation and durability requirements as per Saudi ARAMCO Specifications SAES-Q-006, 6,5 Wearing Surface and Drainage Asphalt and concrete mix and thickness design for wearing surfaces is beyond the scope of this study, Care should be taken to grade roadway and parking areas to provide good surface runoff to drainage ditches, Wearing surfaces for roads and parking areas should be a dense mix nearly impervious to water in order to minimize infiltration of surface runoff into the base course ,

Upgrade \Vastewatcr Treatment Facility Phase 11 South Jiddah Complex

Appendix 15.2 -Proposed Facilities

Jeddah Refinery Marine Area - Overall Plot Plan (Figure I) Jeddah Refinery - Overall Plot Plant (Figure 2) Phase II IWTP Location Plan (Figure 3) Phase II IWTP PACT-MBR Flow Diagram (Figure 4) Phase II IWTP API Separator Flow Diagram (Figure S) Skim Tank Location Plant (Figure 6) . Skim Tank Flow Diagram (Figure 7) Wastewater Cooling Process Area A Location Plan (Figure 8A) Wastewater Cooling Process Area B Location Plan (Figure 8B) Wastewater Cooling Zone 4 Location Plan (Figure 8C) Wastewater Cooling Flow Diagram (Figure 9) Cooler Backwash Piping Retrofit (Figure 10) Sanitary Sewer Pit Location Plan - Jeddah Refinery (Figure IIA) Sanitary Sewer Pit Location Plan - JR Marine Area (Figure II B) Sanitary Sewer Wastewater Flow Diagram (Figure 12) Existing Sanitary Sewer Sump (Figure 13) Firewater Piping Layout and Equipment Demolition (Figure 14) Firewater Piping Layout and Equipment Demolition - Details (Figure IS) Existing Wastewater Treatment Equipment - Demolition (Figures 16, 17 & 18) Tank Farm A & B Skim Tank Sizing (Figure 19) New Substation Building Layout (Figure 20) Conceptual One Line Diagram (Figure 21) Use of Valve Boxes: E-Mail, April 1,2007, from Jeddah Area Loss Prevention Waive Value Engineering Study during DBSP development (Letter #FPD-IPD-OSS07) DBSP Review Meeting Minutes & Comments Log Availability of Substation R Spare Breaker: E-Mail, June 6, 2007 from Jeddah Refinery Support to waive High Voltage Supply for 300 HP Blower Motors: E-Mail, June 4, 2007 from CSO

BI-10-00473 DBSP



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Re cove' e<I Oil Tan k.! Pumps 1.000 galton,

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To T-104

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EXisting 10 Wastewater - - - - - - - - From Process Area A or Process Area C

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Existing Lines New Valve Box New Manhole : : : .. ................... , Manhole MHV-31(Process Area A) or MHV-1B (Process Area C) (Existing)
4 ~ . ~.,~~
)~ ;

WASTEWATER COOLING SYSTEM (Typical for Jeddah Refinerv Process Area A or C)

Coo", _ ' " " " '

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Existing 16" Wastewater

'1,~711 I I
: 16' :.- - - - I

~, 1-h " n -Z:"'/ "77 / /'T.

From Zone 4 (CDU# 3 & 4, VDU#5)

..................... :

,/ / L /1 ------~



Existing Lines

:'\ ~----------+

New Valve Box

: ... ..... .. ....... .... :

Manhole MHV-37 (Existing)

Manhole MHV-35 (Existing)

WASTEWATER COOLING SYSTEM (Jeddah Refinery Zone 4) Notes: 1. Each Process Area or Zone is provided with two 100 gpm self-priming pumps and one plate and frame cooler. 2. Unless indicated as "existing," manhole level instrumentation, valves. and piping as shown shall be provided. The valve inside the valve box shall be a full line size ball valve. 3. General piping tie-in locations are shown on Figures BA, BB, & BC.


Cooling Water Return , X"



Isolation valve
Existing Lines New Lines




New Backwash Return Line , X"

(Note 2)

Isolation valve Backwash Supply Line , X"


- - - - - - - - - L.j r~"-ilf- - Cooling Water Supply, X" ,. "

~ -I ~11fI


Isolation valve

Note 3

Notes: 1. See DBSP , Section 7.4, Table 7-1 for the list of coolers requiring backwash piping retrofitting . 2. See DBSP , Section 7.4, Table 7-1 for line sizes. The new backwash return line shall be the same size as the existing backwash supply line. 3. The existing line , which is routed to gravity sewer, shall be removed .

FIGURE 10 Cooler Backwash Piping Retrofit

!. ,


.t", ,,,,,,,,,

~~ ""

~ L---~=r========~==~==~------~


New Trash Screen

New Submersible Lift Pumps 2 x 20 9pm (per Sump)

(Note 1)

Sanitary Waste
H0 ('.om E,i, 9

........ . . . . . /

UO" i

~ ~ J~.J-:--------""'~l

Existing ST-Otthru ST-07 Septic Sump

(Total Quantity: 9)

New Trash Screen

..... """=

New Submersible
Lift Pumps
2 x20 gpm

Vacuum Truck Connection

Sanitary Waste
(From Existing lines)

(Note 2) /

~ New Trash Screen ~


New Self-Priming Pumps

2 x 30 gpm To New EQ Tanks See Figure 4 Overflow to Existing

. .


Existing ST-08 Septic Sump

~ ~ --J


New Intermediate Sump New Trash Screen New Submersible Lift Pumps
2 x 20 gpm (per Sump) (Note 3)
{Note 6)

Holding Basin See Figure 5

Sanitary Waste ....... . . . . . /

i0 ('.om E,i" 9


I~ ~ I
(Total Quantity: 3)

New Septic Sumps ST-09, ST10, ST-101


1. Existing sump pumps , if in existence , to be removed and replaced with new pumps . Existing sumps will require remediation - removal of packing and internals. See Figure 13 for typical existing Septic Sump (Tank) 2. There are no existing pumps; septic tank does not contain packing or internals. 3. New Sumps are proposed, if existing sumps are too small. 4. All new pumps to be trash/grinder sewage type. 5. All lines and equipment are new except where noted as "existing ". 6. Provide accessible area and ramp for vacuum tanker unloading.




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FIGURE 19 - Jeddah Refinery Tank Farm A and 8 Skim Tank System

Tank Farm A Tank No. Service T-1 04 T-6 (Note 2) T -7 (Note 2) T-8 (Note 2)

Freq/montt Average bbl wtr/month bbls/draw crude 4172 6 695 red crude 2 427 214 red crude 5466 3 1822 red crude 3 7852 2617 Max event


gal/d raw 29204 8967 76524 109928 109928

bbls Wtr/month bbls/draw 4594 766 427 214 5466 1822 7852 2617 Max event

gal/draw 32158 8967 76524 109928 109928

15m Dia X 8m H 120000 gallons

(Note 4)

Tan k Farm B T-215 jet a T-214 jet a T-213 jet a crude T-12 T-13 crude T-15 (Note 3) diesel T-18 cru de diesel T-243 T-244 diesel T-245 diesel

4 4 4 3 4 7 6 6 6 6

943 941 1056 3770 21369 1125 4172 480 480 480

236 235 264 1257 5342 161 695 80 80 80

9902 9881 11088 52780 224375 6750 29204 3360 3360 3360 277155

1258 941 5366 4094 53 115 1125 4594 480 480 480

315 235 1342 1365 13279 161 766 80 80 80

13209 9881 56343 57316 557708 6750 32158 3360 3360 3360 557708

9m dia X 8m H 320000 gallons

(Note 5)

Notes : 1. Volumes of water draw-off obtained from JR Wastewater Phase II Study Report Spet. 2005 2. Water drawn f rom Tanks T-6, T-7 , & T-8 is dra ined into a sump located in the vicinity of T-7. Th is sump is not provided with pumps and is periodically evacuated by vacuum tanker. Tanker can empty its content into any nearby Lift Station such as the those associated with T-104 or T-105. 3. Water drawn from Tank T-1 5 is drained into a nearby sump. This sump is not provided with pumps and is periodically evacuated by vacuum tankers. Tanker can empty its content into any nearby Lift Station associated with th e other crude or prod uct tanks. 4. Sized for T-8 at 109,928 plus 10% margin . In refe rence to Note 1, water fro m T-6, T-7, & T-8, could be emptied via tank trucks into Tank Farm B Lift Stations, which are equipped with pumps. 5. Sized for T-1 3 & T- 12 drain ing simultaneously plus 15% margin .



New Marine Substation Layout Plan




400v MCC- l dOOV MCC42 400VSWGR .




SubslaHon A""mary Pow", O;sl.

Figure 21 For Estjmate Only

m I


Conceptual One Line Diagram

From Substation R


1500 !<:VA 13.8kVl400-230V, 50Hz.

BuS ouc~l(
1GB' A )

~y'!.e!,,:! .

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400/230V-2500A Bus





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225 KVV Motor

225 KVV Motor

225KW Motor



Figure 22 For Estimate Only

Page I

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Yee, John G
)m : Sent: To: Cc: Sayed, Salah M Sunday, April 01 , 2007 4:10 PM Ashoor, Esam A Vee, John G; Abusaif, Ehsan H

Subject: FW: 81-10 -00473 Upgrade Wastewater Treatment Facility , South Jiddah Complex Phase II

Good afte rnoon Esam, We h ave reviewed & evatuated th e proposal of the in stallatio n of the n ew three below grade valve boxes that related to BI-l0-004 73; and have the following: Th e valves are n orm a lly c losed , The valves will b e opened on ly during emer gency or ra in seaso n s which is very ra rely, The type of valves is full line size b a ll va lve, The existing piping a re burie d and n o t vi s ibl e to be re -piped above ground to avoid the b elow valve boxes, and

The proposal valve boxes are locat ed in n on Fire h azardous Zones .

Based on the above and in light of the ju stifications stat ed, our acceptance is granted for the r easons s tated a bove providing tha t a ll of the require ments of pa ra . 5.2 (exceptions ) of SAES -B -008 (1 through 6 ) s h a ll be co mplied with and implemen ted . n addition, t h e fin a l drawing s h a ll be submitted to JedALPD for r eview a nd th e insta llation of t h e proposed hea t exc han ger & pumps s hall not o b stru ct the impla ntatio n of th e a bove m e ntio ned requireme nts. Regards, Salah M. AI-Sayed, LFPE

rom: Vee, John G Sent: Monday, March 26, 2007 2:28 PM To: Abusaif, Ehsan H Ce: Sayed, Salah M; Ashoor, Esam A Subject: FW: 61 - 10-00473 Upgrade Wa stewater Treatment Facility, South Jiddah Complex Phase II

Ehsan, As discussed and requested , attached please find th e updated drawings showing the proposed valve box schemes and their locations. Regards, John



Room 1'-4580, Dhahran, W 374-6888, ~ 873-1227 April 22, 2007



A. Z. AL-ASHBAN General Supervisor (A) PS&CD/Capital Program Optimization Div.


Dhahran Your concurrence is requested to waive requirements for performing a value engineering study during DBSP development tor the subject project. VE study requirements during DBsr development arc stipulated in SAEP-1350 for projects with an initial capital investment exceeding $50MM, unless Fro and PS&CD inutual'ly agree that a 'VE study is not warranled . The current cost estifilate for BI-l0-00473 is $6~MM. . FPD has worked closely with Ero and a consultant in optimizing the design basis for the BI-IO00473 DBSP and has detcTfilined that conducting a VE during project proposal would be more beneficial once the design has further progressed. The attached e-mail correspondencc bctween rS&CD, FPD, & EPD also provides other reasons fo r the need to conduct only one VE study for BI-1000473. Should you have any question, please contact Ali J('jshi at Tel. 8756344 or John Yee at Tel. 873-008\.


A. H. AL-KATHIRl, Coordinator Infrastructure Planning Division

- --.,



cc w/a lt:

Manager, FPD Manager, PS&CD Coordinators, Il'[) & MFPD BI-1000473 File/IPD Lettcrbook! AAJIGJY

Min utes of Meeting BI-IO-00473 DBSP Review Meeting Date: June 3, 2007 Time: 8:30 AM Location: Engineering Office Building, E-40S0 (E4-CR), Dhahran

Purpose and Obiective: The purpose of this meeting is to discuss and resolve the received comments on the draft DBSP for BI-IO-00473 Upgrade Wastewater Facility, Phase II SJC

Attendees: Name John Vee Najeeb Kashgari Mansour Angawi Dan Foglesong Earl B. Ali Org. FPD WRPD JRDIPCU FPDIIT&E FPDII&E Address E-463 S Dh Musadia Bldg., JR WJ-130, JR E-494S,Dh E-S I80, Dh

Tel. 873-008 1 427- 1612 427-3741 875-4354 .873-9225

e-Mail YEEGJ




Comments and Responses: During the meeting, all comments were discussed and resolved as reflected in the attached log of comments and responses, which will be transmitted with the final DBSP. Responses, where noted, will be incorporated in the final DBSP. All other responses in the attached table, including those not directl y incorporated in the main DBSP document, shall form the basis for BI-IO-0473 Though the responses to the comments have been revised III the log as discussed in the meeting, the below items highlights some of the issues that were discussed at length or required additional follow-up. Post-Meeting notes reflect the final decision for comments requiring follow-up.



Feed Breaker Power Supply from Substation R (Comments Nos. 20 and SO): The spare breaker in Substation 'R' was being planned to be used for supplying power to the new BI-IO-00473 substation in the Marine Area based on a fi eld survey by FPD and JR. However, further investigation by the JR now indicates that this breaker has been reserved by #EWO-OSW228A, a project to install security lighting in the Marine Area. An alternative, suggested by FPD, is io allow BJ-IO-00473 utilize the spare breaker and have the security lighting project take power from the new BJ- 10-00473 substation in the Marine Area. In implementing this alternative, JR shall review with the Security Dept. on the schedule and load requirements of #EWO-OSW228A. If this alternative is not feasible, FPD and JR will require to determine an alternate power source for the new substation. Post-Meeting Note: Per E-mail of June 6, 2007 (copy attached), the Jeddah Refinery has confirmed that the spare breaker in Substation 'R' is available for use for this project.

JR (Closed)


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3. BI-IO-00473 Substation in Marine Area (Comment No, 21): FPD will clarify whether the new substation will need to be blast resistance and reflect requirements in the DBSP, Post-Meeting Note: Blast Resistance construction is not required, However requirements of SAES-B-068, SAES-M-IOO, and SAES-P-119 shall be fully implemented. 4, Power Source for New Egui~ment in Tank Fann (Comment No, 25): WRPD expressed a concern with the availability power in the tank farm area for the new BI-1O-00473 equipment FPD indicated that a site survey has been conducted identifying potential existing substations where spare breakers have identified. FPD will forward this preliminary survey to PMT for infonnation only, as substation loading still needs to be detennined along with the need for an ETAP study during PP development Post Meeting Note: FPDIIT &E forwarded via e-mail to the JR and WRPD on June 3, 2007 the survey of available spare breakers/space in existing substations. 5, Existing Power Cables for New SanitarY Sewage Lift PumRs (Comment No, l21 WRPD expressed a concern for the condition of the existing power cable for the sanitary sewage lift pumps. FPD stated that existing cables (especially low voltage) are considered to be in suitable condition unless testing indicates otherwise, However, it was agreed that the JR will take responsibility for checking their condition during PP development Use of Low Voltage for 300 HP motors (Comments Nos, 32, 33, 49 & 51): The current power supply in the Marine Area is stepped down from 13,8kV to 400 volts, without any other intennediate voltage level. It proposed to use the 400 volt supply to provide power to the new BI-10-00473 300 HP motors, which would nonnally require to be supplied by a higher voltage level (3300V for the JR). Using the lower voltage will require a waiver to the SAES, FPD will obtain and include correspondence in the DBSP that will basically state that CSD will support a waiver for the proposed arrangement A waiver would then be required to be processed by PMT during PP development CSD will support a waiver to operate the 225 KW Post-Meeting Note: motors at 400V. (See Email Attachment). 7, Project Schedule for BI-1O-00473 (Comment No. 31): WRPD stated that the current schedule cannot be achieved since more time is required to secure a project proposal contractor based on current market conditions, FPD indicated that the current schedule is based on the recent Table Top discussions with the exception of the duration for PP Start to ERA being 8 months instead of 10 months. FPD also stated that, if the PP can start in July 2008 rather than August 2008, then the duration would be 9 months, WRPD indicated that this would be still insufficient time to execute the project WRPD requests that the PP Start date still be August 2008 , but the ERA be July 2008 (in lieu of April 2008) and the ERC be February 2011 (in lieu of November 2010). The ERAERC duration (32 months) remains as per the Table Top discussion, The JR did not agree with the revised schedule unless the ERC remains November
20f 2

FPD (Closed)

FPD (Closed)

JR (during PP development)


FPD (Closed)



Post-Meeting Note: FPD further reviewed the above matter with its management. Project schedules are basically set forth by PMT based on what is truly ac hievable to execute the project. Therefore, the final DBSP will refl ect the above revised dates. 8. The meeting was adjourned at Il:l 5 AM. Minutes by: John. Vee FPDIlPDIU&EG

) of2

Origi na to r
Depl / ln ilia l ~


Comments a nd l __ .;ponses on Draft DBuA _ BI-IO-00473 Up!!r ade Wastewate r Facilitv, Phase II South Jiddah Complex Responses Comments





The JR is not 36 feet above sea level.










4. 5.

4. 5.

6.2.1 6.2.1

The sanitary wastewater generation is not credible. The reported value is lower than any other faci lity within Saudi Aramco in terms of per capita wastewater generation. Consideration that the existing collection system is leaking and that the actual sanitary wastewater generation may be greater than indicated needs to be considered in the design. It should be footnoted that while the phase I system is designed for PME compliance with oil & grease discharge requirements, I is possible for upsets conditions where oil exceedences occur - this needs to be understood as a design condition for the MBRs. If the values in the Table do not match the test values from the Bench scale testing, they should be modified to match. The sanitary wastewater values represent a higher strength wastewater than what is to be expected from the facility.

Agree. The 36 ft, per SAES-A-112, is for "Jeddah," but does not reflect the conditions of "Jeddah Refinery." DBSP will be revised to indicate that the elevation shall be per the soils report in the Appendix 15.1. Records from the sanitary waste hauler seem to verifY the consistently low average daily sanitary waste flow of 12,000 gpd. However, the design rate for sanitary sewage will be increased from 30,000 gpd to 50,000 gpd. Footnote will be added to the final DBSP.








7. 8.

7. 8.

7.2 7.5

As indicated earlier, these sanitary wastewater generation values are not what would be expected from the number of personnel served at this faci Iity. The interface sensor and MOY should be located on the Final OBSP will include requirements. outlet flange of the tank to eliminate excessive oil discharge. If sanitary wastewater is to be trucked within the Refinery, Final OBSP will include a connection for the there should be some sumps set up to have piping available vacuum tank truck hose at the Intermediate to allow the wastewater to be drained. A simple hose Sump. connection with a drain line into the sump should be provided at a number of sumps in the plant. Pa ge 1 of 12

These values have been reviewed by Siemens and are assume to be the design basis. Except for the maximum BOD and TSS, all other values were based on the analysis reported in SAER-S830 Wastewater Treatment Facilities Study for JR and MA. Maximum BOD and TSS per SAER-5830 are 185 and 51, will include DBSP respectively. Final clarification. See response to Comment No.2.

Closed Closed


Closed Closed

C,,\GJY,\BI-IO-00473 DBSPCommentsLog

June 2007

Comments and. .;ponses on Draft D L

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10. II. 12.

11. 12. I.


94 94
5.0 Design Objectives 7. 1.2 MBR System

Item number 2 refers to conventional "Clarifiers". I believe that this actually is referring to a conventional STP. The commentary should also indicate that this system would be very unreliable - probably to the point of it not being feasible. It was this concern about the reliability that drove us to evaluate physical / chemical methods and the PACT MER. If it was pursued, it would defini tely require the addi tion of a Dissolved Air Floatation system in addition to the GAC filters and considerably more equalization - FPD has a proposed design using this technology that can be referred to. Item #3 refers to a conventional MER - the reference to the "Clarifiers" should be modified as indicated above. Additionally, the phrase " in order to meet PME discharge requirements" should be added to the end of the current paragraph. The final paragraph should have the following added to the end of the paragraph "followed by GAC columns". Dumping stations should be provided for remote sumps to be discharged into. The EIA should have as its primary focus, compliance with PME discharge requirements. The EIA should be a Category 3 EIA. The concept of combining treated water from phase I IWTP and sanitary waste sewage collected from SJC is not acceptable. Each stream to be treated individually Petro Pact-MBR is a new system introduced to Saudi Aramco The system is only in the pilot stage. It has no guarantee that it will function successfully. Siemens WTC IS the only licensed supplier of this equipment There is a disadvantage that vendor will monopolize the market The propose tanks are not feasible due to piping complexity at the tank farm and huge number of tanks involved

Final DBSP will include commentary. The tenn "clarifiers" will be replaced with "Dissolved Air Flotation, Activated Sludge Treatment (cylindrical clarifier with sludge rake)"


See response to Comment NO.8. Final DBSP will include requirements. Final DBSP will include requirements.

Closed Closed Closed


WRPD 14. 2.






7.2 New Skim Tanks

C:\ GJY\BI-1O-00413 DBSP Comm entsLog

Page 2 of 12

The mixing is required as sanitary sewage will Closed promote biological activity for the aerobic step in the treatment process. The proposed system is the most cost effective Closed system available and also the simplest to The proposed system is merely a operate. conventional MER unit with the addition of PACT upstream. EPD has recommended that the PACT-MER be utilized for this project As indicated on Figure 7 (Details " A" and "B ") Closed of the Appendices, there are minimum tie-ins required fo r the system as the existing crude and product tanks are already interconnected_ June 2007

Comments and h_,;po nses on Draft D1.

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Sectio n




7.3 New Wastewater Coolers This item is not justified and no need for it. Sea water temperature is already more than 95 F=35C especially at summer time




Per the design data sheets of existing coolers in the Jeddah Refinery, the design temperature of the cooling water is 87 OF. Per the SAES-E standards, west coast design temperature for seawater is 91.4 O F for summer and 48.2 OF for





7.4 Retrofit Seawater Coolers B W

Any retrofitting work to existing operating equipments to be done by proponent. This activities has high schedule impact if done by Construction Contractor




7.5 SWwCS Collection System

Connecting the Septic Sumps is not feasible and high cost. Alternatives to be consider. One alternative is to connect Sanitary water from SJC to the Jeddah Sanitary System










7.6 Modification to existing Sanit System 7.7.2 Electrical Scope Description 7.7.3 New Marine Area Unit

The condition of existing Septic Sump ST-Ol to ST-07 to be verified by proponent. SAPMT will consider building new Septic Sumps as needed. No modification to existing ones

FPD is required to include scope in the DBSP that will make the system functional FPD does support PMT using the proponent to perform the tie-in work, but ultimate decision needs to be finalized between the PMT and proponent. (PMT may consider having the proponent install the tie-ins during Project Proposal development with an agreement that the cost of work will be reimbursed to the proponent when ER funds become available). Only certain septic tanks are being provided with new pumps and discharge line s so that the sanitary sewage can be transferred to the new trealment plant in the Marine Area. See also response to Comment No. 13. Modifications to existing septic sumps are not expected to be a difficult task.




WRPD NMK 22. 10. 7.7.3 New Marine Area Unit

C;\GJY\BI1000473 DBSPCommentsLog

Feeder breaker supplying power from sIs R to the new sIs An existing spare breaker has been identified in Closed need to be identified in the DBSP. Will the project utilize Substation "R" and the Jeddah Refinery has exiting spare breaker? Or existing space? Or will the project been requested to reserve it for the proj ect. extend the switchgear? Most probably sIs building will be blast resistance. This will Blast Resistance construction is not required. Closed be costly and FPD/JR should be ware of this and provide However requirements of SAES-B-068, SAESalternative location in case they will not support blast M-IOO, and SAES-P-119 shall be fully implemented. resistance sis The proposed new sIs is single ended sIs, JR and LP shall There are no critical loads so single ended Closed confirm that the load are not critical otherwise we need to configuration is appropriate. consider double ended sIs June 2007 Page 3 of 12

.... "' - ........



Com ments a nd ..iponses o n D raft Dl._. ..... "' . ... .. _ ...... ...... ..... ,.II. ..... .,. .......... vv .... .............................. v ...



Originato r Dept/ Init ials






WRPD NMK 23. 11. 7.7.3 New Marine Area Unit Load disconnect switch proposed at the new sis is not in line with SA standard and this need to be clarified with CSD Load Break switch will be deleted. Only local disconnect switch will be utilized. Closed

WRPD NMK 24. 12. 7.7.3 New Marine Area Unit

SIS building shall include battery room

This is a 400V Distribution Substation. DC Power Supply is not required for equipment operation. Nearest available substation with adequate capacity shall be utilized. The Conceptual estimates does not address actual loading in the substations, only available existing spare breakers. Substation loading will be determined . and finalized after ETAP Study during the Project Proposal Phase. Existing cables in current use are typically considered to be in suitable condition for reuse unless appropriate testing indicates otherwise. In the past this has been confirmed during the Project Proposal.



7.7.6 Refinery and Tankfarm Area

Load at tank farm, DBSP shall confirm which sis at tank farm will be used to supply power to the new switch rack. We need to know are we using existing breaker or existing space or extending the existing MCC? These are critical as most of the sis equipment are obsolete





7.7.7 Sanitary Water Collection System

ST-01 to ST007 PP is not the venue to check the adequacy of the existing cables and equipment for the re-use. This should be done by JR maintenance





7.7.7 Sanitary Water Collection System

ST-08, 09 and 10 Since most of the electrical equipment at JR is obsolete it is essential that the DBSP identifY the sis and breaker to be used for these loads. Also JR sha ll reserve these breakers for the project. ETAP study to confirm the adequacy of the power at sis R to handle the additional load

Closed Adequate numbers of spare breakers have been identified in the various nearby substations. Final determination of the actual substation shall be made after ETAP Study verification of existing substation loading. Noted, ETAP study will be performed during Project Proposal. responsibi lity is expected to be by the New Business Evaluation assistance from SAPMT, FPD, Law, and Finance.






7.7.12 EL Sys. Studies 9.1 BOOT or DBO


SAPMT position is such task to decide for BOOT or DBO The overall shall be done separately from PP scope. FPD will take the coordinated responsibility to conduct this task. SAPMT will be an active Dept. with member with full participation and providing SAPMT _Contracting, Page 4 of 12


C:\GJY\BI]O00473 DBSPCommentsLog

June 2007

Originator DeptlInitials


Comments and BI-IO-00473 UD!!rad Comments

_ _ ... T T _

........ T .......... .

,sponses on Draft DL __ _ __ _ _ _II _ _ South __ _ __ J _ Facilitv. P hase

_ _



..... v C



- - -- - _ . .









12.0 Value Engineering Study 14.0 Project Schedule

experience in both contractual and execution aspecls. PP will provide the backup data for the cost estimate needed. The PP schedule is not considering the out come of Value Engineering Study. If there will be a major changes in the project scope due to the outcome of VE, then the PP duration will be extended accordingly. 8 months period for PP and 31 months for ERC is not acceptable. 10 months and 32 month to be consider as agreed on tabletop, so ERA: June 2008 & ERC: Feb 2011

As with any major scope changes, the impact of cost and schedule will need to be evaluated and, if necessary, adjustments will be made pending agreement from all parties. PMT requires that the schedule be revised as follows: ERA: July 2008 (Was: April 2008) ERC: February 2011 (Was: November 2010) Requirements will be refl ected in the final OBSP. Reference to 4.16 KV Transformer will be deleted. Not required for this project.







13 .8/4.16KV Transformers listed as new Substation's major





Figure 21

electrical equipments but not shown in the conceptual oneline diagram or new substation layout plan. This contradiction needs to be verified and section 7.7.3 shall be corrected accordingly. If 225KW motors shown in the conceptual one-line diagram are not Fire Water Pumps, they have to be fed through A Control gear.

Conceptual one-line diagram reflects 225 KW (300 HP) motors with 480V switchgear applied for motor starting duty. NEMA Size 6 Starters are very rare, also 3.3 kV or 6.3 kV distribution are not available in the Jeddah Marine Area. CSO will support a waiver to operate the 225 KW motors at 400V. (See Email Attachment). Not required. Should be replaced under annual appropriation, NDE, or BI-1900.












Protection relays associated with Substation "R" feeder spare Circuit Breaker to new substation 13.8/0AKV transformer must be replaced with microprocessor ' based relays. If proponent considers the project loads as critical loads; new substation configuration shall be double ended switchgear configuration as per SAES-P-IOO ; Para. 5.5. We have reviewed subject project DBSP and have one comment. OBSP includes some details that usually are not Page 5 of 12


Loads are not considered critical.


Some of the pump sizes and capacities will be removed from the final OBSP, except where


C;\ GJY\ BI1000473 DBSPCommentsLog

June 2007

Comments and. .sponses on Draft Do . ' - '

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given during such project stage. Number of pumps and their sizes are given in DBSP which is normally provided in a later project stage (design stage). JAISOD AMR 37.








I have reviewed this project BI- 10-00473 (Upgrade Wastewater Treatment at SJ Complex) via the link given below. This project is relevant to the same project being upgraded at Marine Area adjacent to API separator. We have conducted site visit to the area, and we submitted our operational comments to the PMT before starting the work, as the area of the project needs additional security measures. We don't have any additional comments from Technical Point of View, and we leave that to PCG for study and evaluation along with their findings and comments. On the other hand, the allocated budget incUded also BI-IO00476 (Upgrade of Storm water Drainage System at JR Complex). We have already submitted our operational comments to Mansour Angawi to be included in the project. Anyhow, the DBSP approved and included our security gates in the project such as JR Main Gate # I , JR Computerized Gate # 2, MSO Gate # 7, Asphalt Gate # 4 and Marine Main Gate # 8. It seems most of the work will be inside the fenced area, but all SAES-O series standards should be implemented especially when there is some pipes crossing roads or fences. Also bathrooms and kitchens located at JR security gates should be considered and included in this project wastewater treatment. Thanks.

there are needs to match existing equipment or required to meet specific process conditions. Similarly, some of the equipment capacities will be removed. Requirements will be addressed by the PMT as required prior to construction.





The soil investigation report attached in the DPSB is very old (1982), an updated test was conducted on 2003 (Report attached on E-mail), should be used in the design. Page 6 of 12

Security standards will be implemented as required for any pipe crossing through security fences during Project Proposal and detailed design development. Since the security area gate generate low volumes of sanitary waste, their septic tanks will be continued to be emptied out by tank trucks. The tank trucks would then empty their content into the new Intermediate Sump at the new wastewater treatment plant inside the Marine Area. Agree. The 2003 report (excerpt only) will be included.



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June 2007

Comments and . ..sponses on Draft Dl

AlJI.- .......

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Originato r Deptllnitials

Orig No.






4O. 4L


Item 3.3 Item 6.3

The condition of the area consists of HIGH water table not low (to be corrected). Design basis for Effluent: Nothing mentioned about the Existing pit for effluent water.

Agree. Final DBSP will include correction. The intent of Table 6-5 in Section 6.3 is only to provide the quality of the treated wastewater effluent from the new Phase II facilities to meet PME regulations. However, the This was considered. Intermediate Sump should be somewhat close to the existing Holding Basin so that overflow of the Intermediate Sump can flow by gravity into the existing Holding Basin. Also, putting the Intermediate Sump in the Marine Area would allow the monitoring (by operating personnel) to ensure that vacuum trucks are emptying sanitary waste (in lieu of hydrocarbon waste) into the Sump. The purpose of the DBSP is only to mention major items. All other requirements will be made part of the Project Proposal or detailed design . Upgrading of existing roads is not part of the scope unless new roads are required to access new equipment installed by this project. Elevation of existing pipelines is not in the scope of this project. Evaluation of existing equipment on conceptual basis has been made. Detailed analysis and ETAP study will be implemented during Project Proposal to verify adequacy of the proposed power supply.

Closed Closed




Item 7.5 &


Sanitary wastewater: The existing irrigati on pond at road 23 can be rehabilitated and utilized as a main collection sump to the new system.



43 .


Item 7.10




Buildings & Structures: The main civil structures associated with the network system should be mentioned i.e wastewater collection facilities, pump stations, channels, equipment foundations .. etc. Upgrade the area with concrete pavement and access roads for emergency and maintenance vehicles. Existing pipelines are recommended to be elevated On a Piperack. DBSP should consider the evaluation of the upper-stream electrical equipments and parameters of SIS "R" such as primary cables ITom power house to S/S"R", breakers sizing , protections, etc. significant impac t in the cost and time execution for the project will be took place if the existing aforementioned electrical equipments are not suitable for the new load (lMW). Per the electrical equipment obsolescence survey and manufacturer reply, 13.8KV breaker in SIS "R" will be obsolete by 2010. Thus, it is highly recommended to evaluate Page 7 of 12




45 . 46.

7. 8.

Closed Closed




Available existing spare breaker will be utilized unless determined operationally unsuitable. This is not an obsolescence upgrade proj ect.


C,\GJY\ BI1000473 DBSPCommentsLog

June 2007


Dept/ Initia ls

I Orig I


Comments and . .sponses on Draft DR BI-IO-004' J Upgradejyastewate .. Facility, Phase II South~ iddah Complex Comments Responses

I Status










the obsolescence of this breaker with CSD and evauate of adding new circuit breaker at bus 13 .SKV in SIS "R" as spare breaker. As highlighted n DBSP, the new substation is proposed as single-ended substation. Thus, JRlOperation, CSD and FPD shall review the configuration and to study if these loads should be fed from double -ended substation or not DBSP mentioned that some of the motors rating are 230K W. These rating of motors shall not be fed from low voltage rating (400VAC) as per SAES-P-113. If these motors will be supplied from medium \Oltage, the tie-in point shall be clearly mentioned in DBSP. The mentioned spare breaker (l3.SKV) in Substation "R" is proposed to utilize by one of the conceptual design # EWO05W22SA. Thus, FPD with JR project unit shall evaluate this

Single-ended configuration will be utilized as no critical loads have been identified.


See Response to Comment No. 33.


See Response to Comment No. 33.










I S.

DBSP mentioned that the Substation equipment shall include 13.SkV I 4.J6kV Step- down Distribution Transformers. While, in page-9 and new SIS one line diagram it was not Thus, FPD should clarify? DBSP is not mentioned any UPS, battery charger, Electrical protection, Power Monitoring System and battery. Thus, these equipments shall be added in DBSP if they required by the project As mentioned in DBSP page 20, Skim Tank System & Waste Water Coolers will be connected to the nearest available refinery and tank farm substation through new switchracks. This is general statement and if the there are no spare breakers or limited power capacity in these substations, significant impact in the cost and time execution for the project will be took place. Fire Hazardous zone drawings shall be developed based upon guidelines provided under Saudi Aramco standards. JR power system parameters are asfoIlow: Page 8 of 12

Closed Noted. 13.SkVl4. 16kV transformer will be deleted. Closed These items are not required.

Nearest available substation with adequate capacity shall be utilized. The Conceptual designs does not address actual loading in the substations, only available existing spare breakers. Substation loading will be determined and finalized after ETAP Study during the Project Proposal Phase. Requirements will be addressed during Project Proposal development All equipment specified for this project will be



54. 55.


C losed Closed June 2007

C:\GJY\BI1O00473 DBSPCommentsLog

Comments and . _sponses on Draft D1 __

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Originator Oep tiIniti:ll s


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56. 1 18.

1. Voltage:( J3 .8KV, 6.3KV, 3.3KV & 400V) Frequency 50Hz Distributed Control System (DCS)
This project will provide 1/0 modules as required for new field instrumentation. The new equipment provided by this project will be monitored and controlled from the IWTP Control Room and from CCR. The project will not provide any consoles or workstations as a result of the added equipment. The project will modify the console' s graphics and displays to reflect the addition of the new equipment and instrumentation. This project will provide configuration, graphics, reports and trending for all new 110 installed for this project. In order to expand and integrate the existing IWTP and CCR Yokogawa systems over a V-Net data highway, a new domain shall be created, the CCR operating system shall require upgrading from CS3000 3.03 to V-Net IP, the controllers IP cards and JR FCS,s shall be upgraded and the control room cabling shall be replaced by V }Iet e, UTP. New communications interface modules will be installed in existing 1/0 racks in JR CCR CeRtFel Reem # 1 and the IWTP control room and new fiber optic cabling will be installed between these two systems. The new equipment will be composed of the latest version of the control system's vendor's standard hardware which can be configured to meet the systems requirements. The system will be modular, integrated and re-configurable; accepting new expansion or replacement hardware, and data
downloads while on-line without
interferi n~

based on noted parameters, as required. Closed UTP is OK. Two L3 switches will be installed in new communications cabinet (cabinet will be installed as part of system domain upgrade, part of this project) in the CCR and the new redundant fiber optic cables will be connected to existing L2 switch in the WWT CR.

with control.


57. 1 19.

UPS capacity revision shall be considered in the project & included in the scope of work. Page 9 of 12

A new 10 kV A UPS was installed by Phase 1, along with a new battery room. As only I/O modules are being added this UPS is sufficient.


C:\GJY\ BI1000473 DBSPComment,Log

June 2007

Comments and
.L.O.& ....

,sponses on Draft Dl.


'Vv - w ,...,


. . . . '-"_







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Originator Dept/ Initi als

Orig No.

Sectio n





58. 59.

20. 21.






23. 24.



63 . 25.




UPS redundancy shall be evaluated I considered in the Refer to the response to Comment No. 57. project & included in the scope of work. Gas detection & monitoring system in the API separator . This is not included in the scope of work for this should be upgrade to PLC system in order to interface all BI. Gas detectors alarms with DCS in the CCR. However, for your information, per SAES-J-505, section, gas detectors shall be monitored by a logic system. Per SAES-J-505, section, a logic systems device is a PLC, TMR, or DCS. The scope of work shall include upgrade JR lift stations Upgrade of existing JR Lift Stations is not in the con trol system JR lift stations are considered the back scope of this project. bone for the WWTP project since they are the source supplying WWTP from the whole refinery. the Existing Such deficiencies shall be handled by the JR system is consist of Level transmitters capacitance type that before the Phase I (BI-1O-03563) facilities are do not accurately measure the level of oily water in the Pits commissioned. Moreover the control system is local panels relay based system which dos not function properly & have many frequent failures . These deficiencies resulted a major overflow incident for the Refinery Main lift station in zone #2 in 2000. Emergency shutdown system (ESD) should be Considered if The equipment being added is not critical and is not interfaced to the ESD. applicable especially in the Refinery Process Area. The connection to Existing Refinery Automatic tank gauging The new tanks are not required to be connected shall be considered for the new Tanks in the Tank farm to the tank gauging system. Each tank will have Area (The expansion to the Existing system shall be the level signal sent to the appropriate control room for monitoring. considered if required) Expansion of the distributed Control System (DCS) shall be The DCS shall be expanded as required (new considered if required for both Marine & Refinery. The 1/0 modules, 1/0 rack) for the new 1/0. spare capacity should be maintained to minimum 20%. Spare capacity shall be per standards (10%). The new process control systems (such as PLC ... ) related to The MBR has a PLC that wiII come in a free the new units shall be installed in an indoor PIB ' s (IWTP standing cabinet and will be installed in the control Room for example). We want to avoid having a local WWTCR. process control cabinets exposed to harsh environment & Page 10 of 12

Closed Closed


Closed Closed



C"GJY,BI-IO-00473 DBSPCommentsLog

June 2007

Orig in ator Dept/In itials

Sectio n

Com ments a nd. > .sponses on D r aft Dh. ,-, BI-I0-00473 Voer ade Wastewate r Facilitv. P hase II South J idda h C Co mm en ts


" A

Respo n ses



65 . 27.


66. 67. 68.

28. 29. 30.

Item 7.8.4

weather conditions The redundancy in new process control systems (such as PLC ... ) related to the new units shall be considered depending in criticality of the units. Control room #2 (PIP#2) shall be considered since it is housing the DCS cabinets for Z# I. 2, &3. Expansion of the IWTP control Room shall be considered in the project if required. Include in the DBSP the replacement of API existing bladder fixed foam system to balanced-pressure proportioning system with foam concentrate pumps and storage tank complying with SAES-B-018. All fixed bladder foam system currently available at Marine Area is not reliable and required to be upgraded to -pressure proportioning system with foam concentrate pumps and storage tank system. In case of black out, a lot of drainage will go to the separator; hence back up power need to be considered (back up generator) Substation should not be single ended (both primer and secondary sides) due to the criticality of the facility . Motor spec shown as 60 Hz (speed is 1800 rpm), this is should be revised

Redundancy is not required.


Final termination location of Lift Stations will be determined during PP. Expansion of the control room is not required. This is not in the scope of the project.

Closed Closed Closed




Currently no critical process loads have been identified that require standby power supply. Single -ended configuration will be utilized as no critical process loads have been identified. Noted. All equipment specified for this project will be based upon the actual facility parameters as required. No requirement for DC power system. Such details will be addressed during PP development and detailed design. Such details will be addressed during PP development and detailed design. Such details will be addressed during PP development and detailed design.



70. 32. 71.


Closed Closed



34. 35. 36.

73. 74.

Substation without DC supply system ( battery bank and battery charger) All lifting pumps to be supplied with fresh water flushing for their bushings to be used prior the start up. There was no specification for the internal materials of the bushing and bearings of the pumps. We prefer t> use the
non-metall ic materials in such services

Closed Closed Closed


75 . 37.

The mechanical seals flushing should utilize fresh water when ever applicable Page 11 of 12


C:\GJ Y\ BI1000473 DBSP Co mmentsLog

June 2007


Dept/Initi als

I# I



" Comments and __sponses on Draft D _ _ BI-IO-00473 Upgrade Wastewater Facility, Phase II South Jiddah Complex R espo n ses Comments



Rephrased the paragraph as follows (Design Obj ective):

"The adequacy of firewater system, the capability of

Final DBSP will include requirements.







detection system and the required fire proofing for equi pment structures will be considered for phase II IWTP to ensure proper protection of new equipment". Add the following to this paragraph: Provide the dike and drainage system for the new crude and product skim tanks in tank farm A and B per SAES standards. Add the foll owing to this paragraph: Provide emergency isolation valves at suction side of recovery oil pump.

The new crude and product skim tanks will be located in existing diked areas. If required, these wi ll be addressed during PP development and detailed design.

Cl osed


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Page 12 of 12

June 2007

Page I of:
Yee, John G
Sent: To : Cc: Subject: Angawi , Mansour M Wedne sday , June 06, 2007 8:16 AM Yee , John G Kashgari , Najeeb M; Foglesong , Daniel T; Ali , Earl B; Hazmi, Yahya R FW: BI -10-00473 DBSP Review Meeting Minutes and Co mments Log

Attachments: BI-10-00473DBSPReviewMtg .doc; BI-10-00473 DBSPCommentsLog .doc ; FW: Security Lightning for JR and Marine Terminal

John For it em # 2, as p er th e attached email from Security , It seems that th e li ght ening projec t is not available ir th eir project's list cu rrently. According ly, we ca n use sUb -sta ti on R for our project. ror item # 7, our superint endent will meet with PMT superi ntendent on June II , 2007 to disc uss and finali z( th e issue. I wil l feed you back after the mee tin g with the agreement as we ll as our comm en ts lit any) o r your res pon ses tor all o ther item s in th e co mments log.

Best Regards,

'vIansour M. Angawi ?rojec t Engineer Project Coord ina tion Uni t Jeddah Retinery
Tel: 427-37 41 Fax: 427-537 4 Email: mqoSOLJ[ qOQo wj @qrqrncQ com

. (am: Vee, John G

Sent: June 03, 2007 4: 10 PM

To: Angawi, Mansour M; Kashgari, Najeeb M; Foglesong, Daniel T; Ali, Earl B Subject: BI-1O-00473 DBSP Review Meeting Minutes and Comments Log

Gentlemen : Please review the attached documents and advise any comments you may have . The attached meeting minutes indicate action items that need to be resolved . For the comment log, the responses in red font indicate that additional information is required (per the action items in the meeting minutes) before the camments can be closed . Let's try to wrap everything up before the end of this week sa that we can issue the OBSP for approval by ~ arly next week . Mansour - Please see Item NO.7 of the attached meeting minutes concerning the schedule . Basically , ,/6/2007

Page 1 of

Vee, John G
Jm: Sent: To: Rahbini , Ali M Monday , June 04, 2007 2:30 PM Angawi, Mansour M

Subject : FW: Security Lightning for JR and Marine Terminal :urrently , we don 't have any project handl ed by security for lighting at Jeddah Refinery and Marin e Area.

'rom: Angawi, Mansour M :ent: Monday, June 04, 2007 1:49 PM '0: Rahbini, Ali M :ubject: Security Lightning for JR and Marine Terminal

,s p er our disc ussio n, pl ease a dvise th e status o f th e sub jec t project .

Regards. M. Angawi rojec t Eng ineer roject Coordination Unit eddah Re fi nery el: 427-374 1 Fax: 427-537 4
mo il :
m aQSOlJ(


o og Qwj @o ro mcQ com


Page 1 of:
Vee, John G
am: Sent: To: Cc: Ishwait, 8asel A Monday , June 04 , 2007 1:05 PM Ali, Earl 8 Arnaout, Khalil H

Subject: RE : 8i -10-00473 - Upgrade Water Treatment Facility Phase II- Jeddah

:SD will support different option including a 300 HP , 480 V motor to optimize project cost. Further, CSD will also upport several other options including : I . A software start option to reduce inrush requirement 2. The use of captive tran sfo rmer 480/4160V to over come voltage drop and ex cessive cable system . 3. Since th e 13.8 KV is avai lable use of 4 .16 KV transformer to feed a 4 .16 KV motor and a 480 tran sforme r. ,se let us know if need further assistance . tega rds ,

IJase/)l. Isliwazi, <FE

;ngineering Spec iali st
:SDI'ESD/EEU, E-7855



(9663} 873-0766
., ,el ishwait@aramCD com

'rom: Ali, Earl 6

:ent: Sunday, June 03, 2007 2:48 PM '0: i shwait, 6asel A :c: Arnaout, Khalil H :ubject: 6i-10 -00473 - Upgrade Water Treatment Facility Phase II - Jeddah

our conversation, please review the following and advise if CSD concurrence is possible . t Jeddah Refinery Substation R, one 13.8kV BKR is available for use. This breaker will be use to supply power to a small new ubstation in the Marine Area with the following :

13 .8 kV/480V XFMR 480 V Swgr. 480 V MCC SUbstation Auxiliaries Largest Loads - Three motor loads are rated a 225 KW (300HP)

:tandards call for these motors to operate at 4.16 kV. This voltage level is currently not available in th e Marine .Area. There is urrently no other application or requirement for 4.16 kV in the Marine Area . In order to be cost effective, could it be proposed that lese motors operate at 400 V with NEMA Size 6 Starters. This would reduce the cost of th e installation by eliminating 13 .8KV :witchgear, 4 .16kV XFMR, 4.16 kV MCC 's, DC Power System, and other associated components.

advise if you should have any questions or comments . Your quick response is requested .


Page 2 of:



Bashir Ali

'audi Arabian Oil Company (Aramco) 'acility Planning Department T & Electrical Division

:ngineering Bldg., Rm. 5180 )hahran 31311 - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 'hone: +966-3-873-9225 'ax: +966-3-873-5198 flobile: +050-396-8126 :mail : alieb@aramco .com


Upgrade Wa stewater Treatment Facil ity Phase]] So uth Jiddah Complex

Appendix 15.3 -Budgetary Project Scope Definition

Budgetary Project Scope Definition Siemens Budgetary Proposal # I Y0025BPR Equipment Cost (Spreadsheet by Siemens) Sludge Bed Cost (SCECE-Mail) Estimate Figures 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, IIA, lIB , 14 & 15 Yokogawa DCS Equipment o Quotation Cover - VnetlIP Domain Creation o Bi ll of Material - Bill of Material for VnetilP Domain Creation o Priced Quotation Cover RI Item #1 - Quote for WWT CS300 Connectivity to CCR CS3000 o Optional BOM for Main DCS Connectivity - Bill of Material for Priced Quotation Cover RI (HSQ7AMB365-Rl), Item #1 o Proposed System Architecture

BI-10-00473 DBSP

Upgrade \Vastcwater Treatment Facility Pha se Il South Jiddah Complex

Appendix 15.3 - Budgetary Project Scope Definition The project scope definition in the body of the DBSP takes precedence over thi s Budgetary Project Scope Definition. This Scope Definition is provided only as a starting point for Project Proposal development. The Construction Agency and Project Proposal engineering contractor shal1 ensure that this Scope Definition is validated during Project Proposal development, as a means of economical1 y achieving the project's stated Business Objective in the anticipated operating environment. This obli gation, notwithstanding, material changes to this Budgetary Proj ect Scope Definition must be approved by FPD. The description and attached documents provided in this Appendix 15.3 are for information purposes only. The Construction Agency and its designated Contractor(s) shall be responsible for the providing the detailed scope and design for upgrading the wastewater treatment facilities at the South Jiddah Complex. The following section numbers are taken from the DBSP and are intended to describe, in more detail, the equipment, piping, instrumentation, and electrical requirements for cost estimation purposes.



The following equipment in the Marine Area shall be removed by thi s project. includes, but not limited to the following:


Existing Sand Filters (Y54-D-IA thru E), associated chemical addition tanks and pumps, and backwash tank and pumps 2. Flocculator (Y54-D-5) and Compartment (Y54-D-2) 3. Thickener (Y54-D- I 4. Centrifuge (Y 54-D-3A/B) 5. Thickener Feed Pumps (Y54-G-20A/B) - already partially demolished 6. Centrifuge Feed Pumps (Y 54-G-21A/B) - already partially demolished 7. Backwash Wastewater Basin (Y54-D-4) 8. Other equipment noted in Figures 14 and 16 thru 18 in Appendix 15.2 The site for the above equipment items, which are not currently in service, shall be cleared of all associated aboveground piping, structures, foundations, etc. to allow space for new equipment installed by this project. Unless complete removal is required for the installation of new equipment, existing buried piping, structures, and foundations shall be removed to a level minimum 300mm below grade and the remaining portions abandoned in place. Figures 14 and 16 thru 18 in Appendix 15.2 indicate the general location and details of the abovementioned items required to be demolished. Existing underground firewater piping at the site of the new Phase II wastewater treatment equipment may require demolition, in part, to accommodate installation of new equipment and new area firewater mains. Each of the existing sanitary sewer basins (ST-OI thru ST-07 and tank farm) consists of oxidation compartments filled with packing and digestion compartments. All solid build-up in each of the digestion compartment and rocks (packing) in each of the oxidation compartments and shall be removed and disposed in approved landfills. Any existing partition or baffles which Sumps shaH be inspected and any repairs required shall be carried out by this project. Existing submerged pumps (two per sump) shall be removed. The existing sanitary wastewater lines between the lift stations and the irrigation pond shall be
B-10-00473 DBSP

Pages J of II

Upg rad e Wastewater Treatment Fac ilit y Phase II South Jiddah Complex

abandoned-ill-place or removed if it interferes with the installation of the new lines. A typical existing sanitary sewer sump (ST-OI thru ST-07) is shown in Figure 13 Appendix 15.2. 7.1

Equipment costs, noted in parenthesis below, are provided by Siemens (per attached quotation). The cost (FOB jobsite) is for the total number of units specified and does not include interconnecting piping nor installation cost. 7.1.1 New Equalization Tanks and Tank Mixers Table 7-1. Equalization Tanks and Mixers - Preliminary Design Summ ary Item 'SDeCificaiion . . : :'.': Eq ualizat ion Tanks (US $ 780,000) Number of Units 2 Tank Volume 650,000 gallons each Dimensions IBM dia. X 10M high (60 FT x 33 FT) Type Atmospheric, Open Top Material Carbon Steel, Internally coated Special Requirements API doors to allow access for cleaning Tank Mixers (US $ 375,000) Number of Units 8 (4 per Tank) Type Propeller Side Entry Material Stainless Steel Shaft and Propeller Motor llkW each Grit Cham ber (US S47 ,000) Number of Units I Capacity 50,000 gallons per day Type Motorized Screw Type l.lkW Motor Drum Screen;; (cost included in MBRUnits) Number of Units 2 (I or 2 operating) 25,000 gallons per day each Capacity Type Perforated Screen cylinder, with spray system 0.5kWeach Motor Piping Requirements Included under 7.1.2 MER System


7.1.2 MBR System Table 7 -2. MBR System - Preliminary Design Summary Item MBR Feed Pumps Number of Units TypelMaterial
B-IO-00473 DBSP

SDecification I (US $ 140,000) I 3 (2 operating, I spare) I Centrifugal 316SS Impeller/Casing

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Upgrade Wastewater Treatment Facility Phase II South Jiddah Complex

Item Specification Capacity 160 M /Hr@80 kPa (70S gpm@12 psi) each Motor 15kW each MBR Units (US $ 6,527,000) Number of Units 2 x 75% (designed for parallel operation) Average Daily Flow 3975 M'/day (1 ,050,000 gallons/day) Peak Hourly Flow 4542 M /day (J ,200,000 gallons/day) Maximum MLSS 20,000 mgIL Concentration Aeration Tanks (cost included in MHR Units) Number of Units 2 Working Volume 1135 M (300,000 gallons) each Dimensions 15M dia. X 7 M high (SO FT x 23 FT) Type Atmospheric, Open Top Carbon Steel, Internally coated Material Special Requirements 316SS bubble diffusers; common inlet splitter box Sludge Handling Equipment Sludge Pumps (US$ 31,000) 2 x 35 M' /Hr@ 100kPa(150 gpm@ 15psi) each Motor: 7.5 kW each Sludge Sump (US$ 50,000) 4.8M W x 12.6M L x 2.7 M H (J6FTx 41FTx 9FT) Sludge Drying Beds (Note Ml) 2 x 600 M each M08Tanks (cost included in MI3R Units) Number of Units 2 Type Rectangular Dimensions 6.3 W x 4.1 M Lx 3.1 M H Material Carbon Steel, Internally Coated Membranes (cost included in MUR Units) Quantity 640 Hollow Fiber Type Type (c.ost included in 1\1I3R Units) AerationIM08 Blowers Number of Units 3 (2 operating, I spare) Centrifugal Type 7900 NM' /Hr@70 kPa (5000 8CFM@ IOpsi) each Capacity 225 kW each Motor M08 Recirculation Pumps (cost included in MHR Units) Number of Units 2 (1 operating, I spare) Centrifugal 316S8 Impeller/Casing TypelMaterial 2050 1\1' /Hr@80 kPa (9000 gpm@ 12 psi) each Capacity Motor ISO kW each Blower Baghouse Filters (cost included in MBR Units) Number of Baghouse Units I 2280- 19 150 CFM Capacity Range 4560 ft Filtration Area No. of Filter Elements 24 Automatic Air Pulse Cleaning (cost included in MBR Units) Filtrate Pumps Number of Units 4(2 operating, 2 spare) Centrifugal 316SS Impeller/Casing TypelMaterial 230 M /Hr@ 100kPa(1000gpm@ 15 psi) each Capacity
8 -10-00473 DBSP

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Upgrade \Va stewat e r Treatme nt Fac ility Pha se II So uth Jiddah Complex

Item Motor PAC Storage Silo Number of Units Capacity Dimensions Type Material Accessories

Specification 18.75 kW each (cost included in MBR Units) I 23 M' (815 FT'), - 14 day PAC storage 3 M dia. x 10M H (incl. accessories) Cylindrical vertical Carbon Steel, Internally Coated Discharge hopper, dust filter, bin acti vator, rotary airlock fi lter, wetting cone, eductor, level indicators, ladder PAC Fill System (cos t inclnd ed in MBR Units) Pneumatic piping/tubing and Included with PAC Si lo; Direct connection to bulk filter(s) PAC delivery truck with blower PAC Slurry Pump (cost included in MBR Units) Number of Uni ts 2(1 operating, I spare) TypelMaterial Centrifugal 316SS Impeller/Casing 25 M' IHr@300 kPa (110 gpm@45 psi) each Capacity Motor 7.5 kW each Acid Dosing Units (cost included in MBR Units) Acid Metering Pumps 2 x 10 IIhr each; 0.6kW each 1, 1600 L, FRP Acid Storage Tank Caustic Dosing Units (cost included in MBRUnits) Caustic Metering Pumps I 2 x 10 IIhr each; 0.6kW each I I , 1600 L, carbon steel Caustic Storage Tank Hypochlorite Cleaning Units cost included in MBR Units) Hypochlorite Metering Pumps 2 x 3 m'/hr each I, 8000 L (operating Volume), FRP Hypochlorite Storage Tank Piping Requirements - See Estimate Figure 4 (this Appendix) & Figure 3 (Appendix 15.2) W' Titanium Tubing 50FT Yo" SS Tubing 100 FT 150 FT, 10 gate valves 3" FBE-CS (12LEOU) 4" CLCS (12LCOU) ISO FT, 5 gate valves 8" CLCS (l2LCOU) 500 FT, 8 gate valves, 3 check valves 180 FT, 9 check valves 10" CLCS (l2LCOU) 12" CLCS (l2LCOU) 100 FT, 8 check valves 24" FBE-CS (12LEOU) 40 FT, 2 gate valves 40 FT, I gate valves 30" FBE-CS ( 12LEOU)

Noles : Ml. Estimated cost for sludge beds is $255/ M' as provided by SCEC (e-mail 12/18/2005). 7.1.2 Second API Separator and Sludge Pumps Table 7-3 API Separator - Preliminary Design Summary API Separator Item (US$ 1 200,000)


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Upgrade Wastewa ter Treatment Faci lity Phase II South Jiddah Complex

Ite m ~ecificatio n Type of Oil Skimmed Full range, gasoline to crude oi l Nwnber of Units J Unit Capacity (each) 1450 gpm maximwn Dimensions 26MLx4MWx2MD Design InfluentlEfIluent Oil & Grease < J,OOO mgIL / <200mgIL Design Influent TSS 500 mgIL Design Effluent TSS 50 - 100 mgIL Oil Specific Gravity Range (25 - 40' 0.838 - 0.847 (to be verified)

Wastewater Density Range (25 - 40' 0.998 - 1.004 g/cm' (to be verified) T-Disk type and slotted pipe skimmers Skimmer Motor: 1.5kW (2 HP) Chain and Flight Scraper Bottom hopper equipped with water jets/drain Scraper Motor: 1.5kW (2 HP) 2(1 operating, I spare) Centrifuga\ 316SS Impeller/Casing, Non-clog 27 M'1Hr@55 kPa (120 gpm@8 psi) each 2.2 kW each Figure 5 (this Appendix) and Figure 3 40 FT, 2 gate valves 40 FT, 2 gate valves 40 FT, 2 plug valves

Primary Oi l Skimmer Sludge Removal

API Sludge P umps Number of Units TypelMaterial Capacity Motor Piping Requirements - See Estimate (Appendix 15.2) 4" CLCS (12LCOU) 8" CLCS (12LCOU) 12" CLCS (l2LCOU)

NEW CRUDE AND PRODUCT SKIM TANK SYSTEMS IN TANK FARM AREA Table 74. Tank Farm Skim Tank Systems- Preliminary Design Summary Ite m SpeCificati on

Tank Farm "A"

Skim Tanks Number of Units Working Volume Dimensions Type Material Accessories Skim Tank Pumps Number of Units TypelMaterial Capacity Motor . Oil Recovery Tank Number of Units Working Volume B-IO-00473 DBSP (USS 80,000) J 450 M' (120,000 gallons) 9MDiax 8MH Atmospheric, Cone Roof Carbon Steel, Intemally coated Oily water interface detection 2 (I operating, 1 spare) Centrifugal, 316SS Impell er/Casing 23 M IHr@140 kPa (100 gpm@20 psi) each60 J kW each

Tank Farm "B" CUSS 199,500) J 1200 M' (320,000 gallons) I5MDiax 8 MH Atmospheric, Cone Roof Carbon Steel, Internally coated Oily water interface detection 2 (I operating, 1 spare) Centrifugal, 316SS Impeller/Casing M IHr@ 140kPa (250 gpm(aj20 psi) each 3 kW each

I 4 M' (1 ,000 gallons)

I 4 M (1,000 gallons)

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Up grade \ Vas tewater Trea tm ent Faci lit y Ph ase

n So uth Jidd ah Comple x

Item Type Material Oil Recovery Pump Number of Units TypelMaterial Capacity

Soecification Atmospheric,Flat Roof Atmospheric,Flat Roof Carbon Steel, Internally coated Carbon Steel, Internally coated

2 ( I operating, I spare) 2 ( I operating, I spare) Centrifugal, 316SS Impeller/Casi ng Centrifuga l, 316S8 Impeller/Casing II M IHr@350 kPa II M /Hr@350 kPa (50 gpm@50 psi) each (50 gpm@50 psi) each Motor I kW each I kW each Piping Requirements (Total for Tank Farm A and B) - See Estimate Figure 7 (this Appendix) & Figure 6 (Appendix 15.2) 3" CS (I CA9P) 2250 FT, 10 gate valves, 4 check valves 4" CLCS (12LCO U) 100 FT, 5 gate valves, 2 check valves 6" CLCS (12LCOU) 200 FT, 6 gate valves, 2 check valves 8" CLCS (l 2LCOU) 100 FT, 2 gate valves



Table 7-5. Wastewater CoolerSystems- Preliminary Design Summ ary Item


Soecification Zone II & III

Zone IV I I Wastewater Transfer Pumps 2 (l operating, I spare) 4 (2 operating, 2 spare) Number of Units TypelMaterial Centrifugal, 316SS Impeller/Casing Centrifugal, 316SS Impelle r/Casing Self-prim ing Self-priming Capacity 23 M' IHr@100 kPa 23 M'/Hr@IOO kPa (100 gpm@15 psi)each (l00 gpm@15 psi) each Motor I kW each I kW each New Manholes and Valve Boxes for Pumps 1.5M x I.5M x 2.5M D (2 Each) Manholes Valve Boxes I.5M x I.5M x 2.5M D (2 Each); I.5M x 1.5M x 3M D ( I Each) Wastewater Coolers Number of Units 2 I Duty 1.5 mmBTUIhr 1.5 mmBTUIhr Plate and Frame Type Plate and Frame Material Titanium Titanium Area 1000 IT 1000 IT Piping Requirements (Total for all Zones) - See Estimate Figure 9 (this Appendix) & Figures 8A, 8B, & 8C (Appendix 15.2) 3" FBE-CS (12LEOU) 75 FT, 3 control valves 4" CLCS (l 2LCOU) 1830 FT, 12 gate valves 10" RTR (l2FEOU) 60 FT (buried) 16" RTR (l2FEOU) 60 FT (buried)



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Upgrade Wa stew aler Treatment Facility Phase II So uth Jidd ah Complex

Table 7-6. Coolers to be R etrofitted Sea Water Cooler Tag# Service Existing Cooling Water Line Size
.Suppl y

Existing 'B ack Flushing Lines Sizes

Zone II Y02-E-216 Crude Column OVHD Condenser 4" 4" 4" Y06-E-235 4" 4" 4" Light Vacuum Gas Oi l Trim Cooler Y06-E-237C 3'" Stage Inter Condenser 6" 6" 6" Y I4-E-223 Debutanizer OVHD Sub-Cooler 4" 4" 4" 3" 3" YI4-E-226 Splitter OVHD Cooler 3" YI4-E-230 Deethanizaer OVHD Condenser 3" 3" 3" 3" YI4-E-231 Depropanizer Bottoms Cooler 4" 4" YI4-E-233 Depropanizr OYHD Condenser 4" 4" 3" 4" 4" 6" YI4-E-243 Splitter Bottom Trim Cooler Amine Unit Y24-E-4 Amine Trim Cooler 6" 6" 6" Piping Requirements (rotal for all Exchangers - assume 50' per coolery - See Figure 10 (this Appendix & Figure 2 (Appendix 15.2) 3" FBE-CS (I2LEOU) 200FT 4" CLCS (l2LCOU) 150 FT 6" CLCS (12LCOU) 150 FT



Table 7-7. Sanitary Sewage System- Preliminary Design Summary SpeCification Item Sanitary Sewage Lift Pumps Number of Units 26 Ty pelMaterial Submerged, trash/grinder, 316SS Motor 2 kW each 5 M' IHr@3 50 kPa (20 gpm@ 50 psi) each Capacity New Sumps ST-09 & ST-JO 1.5M x 1.5M x 2.5M D ST-101 1.5M x 1.5M x 2.5M D Bar Screens for Sanitary and Intermediate Sump Number of Units 12 TBD Type Material Stainless Steel Intermediate Su mp Pumps Number of Units 2 Self-Priming , trash/gri nder, 316SS TypelMaterial 8 M' /Hr@ 100 kPa (35 gpm@ 15 psi) each Capacity I kW each Motor New Intermediate Sump I 2.5M x 2.5M x 2.5M D

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Upgrade ' W astewat er Treatme nt Fac ilit y Phase II Sout h Jiddah Comp lex

Item Specification P iping Requirements - See Estimate F igures llA & 1lB (tbis Appendix) 3" FBE-CS (I2LEOU) 6400 FT (on existing sleeperway); 6 ball valves, 6 check valves 3" RTR (I2FEOU) 5000 FT (buried), 16 ball valves, 16 check valves



7.6 .1 Sanitary Wastewater Equipment Ex isting sewage pits ST-O I thru ST-07 consists of three digestion compartments, a filter tank, an oxidation compartment filled with distribution piping packing, and a well for the submerged pumps. , This project wi ll be required to remove all solids build-up, packing materials, unnecessary piping, etc. in each of these compartments and dispose in approved landfills, The may also consider consolidating or bypass compartments to form a single contiguous basin. 7.6.2 Firewater systeln Table 7~ Firewater System

, . Specification Item Piping Requirements - See Estim ate Figures 14 & 15 (this Appendix) 3" FBE-CS (I2LEOU) 200 FT, 8 gate valves 4" CLCS (l2LCOU) 700 FT (on existing pipe rack), 4 gate valves 400 FT (on existing pipe rack), 8 gate valves 6" CLCS (l2LCOU) 10" RTR (l2FEOU) 4000 FT (buried), 17 hydrants, 6 hose reels

7.6.3 Other Non-Electrical Utility Systems Table 7-9 Non-Electrical Utility System Item Piping Requirements 2" FBE-CS (l2LEOU) water 2" Galvanized CS (l2C GOU) air



I 1000 FT (on existing pipe rack), 4 gate valves

1000 FT (on piperack), 12 gate valves



7.7. 1 Electrical The electrical scope of work for this budget item includes the addition of a new unit substation fed from Substation R via a single 13.8 kY underground circuit to facilitate the new electrical loads in the marine area. This project will also provide power supply for new and upgraded equipment in the Refinery and Tank Farm Area via new and existing circuits from the nearest suitable substation,

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Upgrade Wastewater Treatment Facility Phase II South Jiddah CompJex




Complete substation (8m x 10m) support facilities as required by Saudi Aramco standards. See Figure 21. The facilities shall include Annunciator System, Fire Alann System, beam type smoke detectors, HV AC system, Substation Auxiliary Power Supply System, and equipment & personnel access doors. The Substation's major electrical equipment shall include but not be limited to Items 2-7.



Assembly Meters Circuits Each A Each Each Each meters meters meters meters Each 4X, with Each Lot

2 15 3

2 2 1500 1,000 15,300 15,300 28 5

17 . 18

Lot Lot Lot

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Upgrade Wastewater Treatment Facility Phase II South Jiddah Complex

7.7. 1.2 Cathodic Protection Requirements Cathodic protection shall be provided for the following items, which may be added, replaced andlor relocated by this project: Pipe risers for fire protection devices Buried isolation valves Other buried metallic piping New Tanks Bottoms

7.7.2 Instrumentation In order to expand and integrate the existing WWT and CCR Yokowaga systems over a VNet data highway, a new domain shall be created, the CCR operating system shall require upgrading from CS3000 3.03 to V-Net IP, the controllers IP cards shall be upgraded and the control room cabling shall be replaced by V-Net or UTP. New communications interface modules will be installed in existing JlO racks in Control Room #1 and the WWT control room and new fiber optic cabling will be installed between these two systems. Redundant fiber optic cabling will be required from the CCR to the WWT control room . Estimates and additional information provided by Yokowaga are included in the following files: Quotation Cover - VnetIIP Domain Creation Bill of Material- Bill of Material for VnetlIP Domain Creation Priced Quotation Cover RI Item # I - Quote for WWT CS300 Connectivity to CCR CS3000 Optional BOM for Main DCS Connectivity - Bill of Material for Priced Quotation Cover RI (HSQ7AMB36S-RI), Item #1 Proposed System Architecture

Estimated JlOs for this project are as follows:

Equalization Tanks (2) Equalization Tanks Mixers (4) MER Feed Pumps (3) MER Aeration Tanks (4 MixerslTank, 2 Tanks) MER Air Release Sludge Handling - Pumps (2) MOS Tanks (2) AeriationIMOS Blowers (3) MOS Recirculation Pumps (2) MOS Filtrate Pumps (4) PAC Slurry Pumps (2) Acid Metering Pumps (2)
B-JO-00473 DBSP


8 3 8


DI 2
12 18 14 3 6



I 2 8 3 6 12 2 2
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8 2 4 2 2

36 6 18 34



Upgrade Wastewater Treatment Facili ty Phase 11 South Jiddah Complex

Equipment .

DCS AO 2 2 DI 6 6 17 6 6 2 6 2 2 3 6 12 2 2 DO . 2 2 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Acid Storage Tank Caustic Metering Pumps (2) Caustic Storage Tank Hypochlorite Metering Pwny..s (2) Hypochlorite Storage Tank API Separator API Sludge Pumps (2) Skim Tank Pumps (2) Skim Tank Oil Recovery Pumps (2) Oil Recovery Tank (2)

WW Transfer Pumps (4) WW Coolers (3) Sanitary Sewage Lift Pumps (13 Sumps, 2 Pumps Each) Intermediate Swnp Pumps (2) Total

13 2

8 26 338

26 2



This project will not provide any additional or new permanent communication installations. The contractor's temporary construction communication requirements will be specified in the detailed design and provided by the contractor, with Saudi Aramco assistance, where required . Any construction communications needs of Saudi Aramco PMT will be provided and funded by this project.

A common building shall be provided with separate rooms for the AerationIMOS B lowers and Sodium Hypochlorite Storage Tank. The building, with an approximate size 125 M' (8M x 16M), shall be constructed of concrete blocks and shall be air-conditioned. Approximate HV AC (once through chiller system) requirement is 35 tons (- 60kW). A common sunshade, approx. 12M x 20M, with open sides shall be provided for MER System (MOS Tank and Filtrate Pumps). A new Substation Bui lding shall be provided in the Marine Area. The building, with an approximate size 80 M', shall be constructed of concrete blocks and shall be air-conditioned. Approximate HV AC (once through chiller system) requirement is 5 tons (- IOkW).

B-1000473 DBSP

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Saudi Aramco Budgetary Proposal Jeddah Refinery Wastewater System PetroTM PACT-MBR

Proposal # 1Y0025BPR rev.1 15 March, 2007

L~~I~!~:M0t~~1f:Ji,;'J;iiJ':;,i.. . . . . '. '. . .:c07[~~~:r~~:p,~s)~O~~.RE i\:\':;;}l[i;~~fii{~~t~~~~0~i:;;'::'" ':"'," "

Siemens Water Technologies Corp.

Thi.s 'proposal, Inelv'ding illidrawings aecompariyi~g it, containsinformation'lf a e?nfide.ntial:n<ittiie. :. Purchaser agrees not iciu~El' ;the:" infcihna!i6n, 2oiita:inM herein in any mann'er thai may ' be ' detriineritat"to: trl e in(er~~ts ' C;f Sieine'ns Water

'.' ,."

Tel: 715-359-3219 Fax: 715-355-3219

301 West Milital)' Road Rothschi ld, WI 54474

Table of Contents
EXECJjTIVE SUMMARY 1. SYSTEM PROCESS DESCRIPTION 1.1 PACT-MBR Process Description 2. DESIGN BASIS 2.1 Influent Specification 2.2 Effluent Specification 2.3 Design Parameters

Private and Confidential

2.4 Capacity 2.5 Estimated Operational and Utility Requirements 3. WARRANTIES 3.1 Process Performance Guarantee 3. 2 Mechanical Warranty 4. SCOPE OF SUPPLY - COMPLIANT OFFER 4.1 Equipment Description 4.2 Scope of Supply-Services 4.3 Scope of Supply-Excluded Items 5. COMPLIANCE STATEMENT- COMPLIANT OFFER 5.1 Definitions of the Compliance Column 5.2 Compliance Statement Table 6. DRAWINGS 6.1 Plot Plan, PFD 7. COMMERCIAL

Confidenliallnfo rm alion
2007 Siemens Waler Technologies Corp.



AUgUst 6, 2007

Mr. Hesharn A. N Musajid Manager Environmental :protection Department Saudi Ararnco E-3600 Dhahran, 31311 Saudi Arabia
Dear Mr. Al Musaiid: As per my commitment of Tuesday July 31, 2007, I have followed up wit!) the Siemens Water Technologies (SWT) tearn and would like to cOhfirm the following. swr hereby releases YOll and Sau.di Aramco from any obligations contained in the Confidentiality Agreement dated Septembet21, 2006 covering. ail informatio.n provided under Work Orders #7 and #8, the DBSP for the Jeddah Refinery project (BI-10-00473), conslliting support provided to Sofcon .and Aramco oil the Juaymah Gas Pllmt Project, Work Order #9 (Ras Taililfa Refinery disposal water upgrade conceprual design and cost estimation project) and the technical paper prepared for presentation at WEFrEc for session 764PM. You are free to utiliZe all information and drawings contained in these docUments as you deem appropriate. We apologize fot both th. e inadequate and poor communications as well as the corresponding confusion we generated relating to the technical information coniained in these materials. Sincerely,

lemens Willer Tee nologies, Corp. Gerald E. Rogers Director HPIICPI and Oil & Gas Systems

Siemens Water Technologies Corp.

301 West Military Road R othschild. WI 54474

el: (7 15) 35972 11 T Fax: (7 15) 355-321 9 www.siemem .comJwClter


Private and Confidential

We at Siemens would like to thank you for the opportunity to offer Siemens equipment and services for your waste water treatment needs as part of the MBR bench study projects on treating a modified Jeddah refinery wastewater and the Juaymah Gas Plant wastewater. We understand the important nature of specifications, end user, schedule, engineering and management expertise, and process and mechanical reliability. Our experience with Saudi Aramco will help you finalize procurement, design, and construction of the waste water treatment systems on-time and onbudget. Our offer is compliant with Aramco redundancy, material and inspection standards and specifications, except where specifically noted. Dependent on project timing, our project manager for this project will be Mr. Joseph Momont. Mr. Momont is not only one of our resident PM experts on Membrane BioReactors, he has recently executed two large orders for Saudi Aramco . He is familiar not only with Saudi Aramco specifications and Saudi fabricators, but also our ISO-9001 project management and fabrication requirements . He will ensure that equipment design, engineering submittals, fabrication techniques, and documentation are carried out per the project and ISO 9001 requirements. Per SAES A-104, all of the equipment is designed for automatic operation (and automatic switchover) , will be skid mounted, pre-piped and wired, and shop tested wherever feasible . The Petro PACT-MBR Membrane Bioreactor system has been designed with ease of installation and operation in mind. We have already engineered solutions to meet the requirement for low maintenance, by reducing the amount of rotating equipment. Sludge wasting pumps have been eliminated through multiple duty with the MOS recirculation pumps. Membrane scouring blowers have been eliminated by sharing duty with the bioprocess air blowers-all of which reduce electrical/MCC and other infrastructure costs. We have also suggested alternates to the specifications, in order to minimize capital cost and lead time. In this fashion , we have addressed desire for quick installation, and the need for low maintenance, while supplying an Aramco-approved-Iow cost solution. The current bench testing program has shown the conventional MBR system to practically remove all of the BOD5 from the Jeddah wastewater. However, COD removal has been marginal to meet PME marine discharge requirements. The Jeddah wastewater was found to be relatively difficult to treat, with a relatively long acclimation phase and lower COD removal than treatment with the PetroTM PACT-MBR, potentially exhibiting symptoms of bio-refractory or bio-inhibitory compounds in the wastewater. We look forward to discussing our Petro PACT-MBR technology with you in the near future. The following briefly summarizes the advantages of using the Petro PACT-MBR.

Confidential Information

2007 Siemens Water Technologies Corp .

. 3.


Private and Confidential

placed in the aeration tank - the Grease and Scum are in direct contact with the membranes. This results in a build up of scum in the membrane tank as there is no method of removal. Due to scum build up, if membranes have to be removed from the aeration Tank, this grease and scum come in direct contact with the membranes, and cause fouling . The Petro MBR addresses this important design consideration using a vertical flow pattern in the MOS Tank-and uses overflow weirs to return the scum back to the aeration tank for further treatment. 2) The distribution of the mixed liquor is uniform in upward direction. The concentration of the mixed liquor is uniform in the flow direction-across the entire tank cross section. In other designs, where no mixed liqu or distribution system is present, the MLSS concentration increases as the flow proceeds to the outlet. As a consequence, the efficiency of the membranes closer to the outlet is reduced-exerting more pressure on the other membranes to keep pace with influent flow. The Petro MBR keeps the sludge viscosity equivalent on all membrane bundles-resulting in even duty and longer operationa l life for each membrane. ) 3) The energy requirement for aeration and scrubbing purposes is lower then in the systems where the membranes are placed in the aeration tank . 4) Membranes are automatically cleaning in-place in the separated MOS Tank. This requires little to no operator intervention, in comparison to systems that require membrane removal for cleaningor cleaning in an aeration Tank. 5) Siemens' patented two-phase jetting is utilized to ensure membrane bundles remain at peak permeability. With continuous cross flow scouring with both air and mixed liquor, all membranes operate in the same liqu id viscosity-which means all membranes operate in an equivalent capacity. The end result is more water produced with less maintenance. Today, Siemens membrane plants treat more than 3,750,000 m3/day globally in applications ranging from wastewater reclamation to drinking water to high-purity industrial water, proving the long-term stable performance of Siemens' membranes. Siemens' leadership in engineering, research and development, together with the ISO 9000 certification, and the greatest experience in the global membrane market and Petroleum based market, ensures the minimum risk across all facets of project execution . In addition to installed capacity, it is worth noting that Siemens' hollow-fiber membrane manufacturing facility is the world's largest. Located in Windsor, Australia the facility is capable of producing 22.7 million square feet of membrane area per year . Siemens is a world-leader in control and instrumentation engineering with unmatched experience in the execution of successful projects . With a considerable amount of instruments and control in these MBR plants, Saudi Aramco can be assured of continued reliable performance with Siemens.

Confidential Information
2007 Siemens Water Te chnologies Corp.



Private and Confidential

Thank you for your interest in Siemens. We hope that in your review of our proposal , you will find the information provided complete and that you will conclude that Siemens offers the best overall value for your project. Should you require any additional information please contact: Siemens Ltd. Saudi Arabia PO Box 719 AI Khobar 31952 Saudi Arabia Mr. Liaqath Shary Baig Business Development Manager Phone: 966 3 882-6506, x 4114

Mr. Bob Wenta Email: robert.wenta@siemens .com

Confidential Information
2007 Siemens Water Technologies Corp.



Private and Confidential

An average of 4900 m3 per day of waste water will enter the Petro PACT -MBR plant. The influent will come from two different sources : 1) the sanitary wastewater sewer (sanitary wastewater - average flow: 57 2) the Jeddah Refinery (industrial wastewater - average flow: 4843

m3/d - 15000 gpd)


The industrial wastewater will be treated in a Walnut Shell Filter in order to remove its oil content and will be sent to the equalization tank. The sanitary wastewater will be coarse screened and de-gritted by means of a mesh (3 mm spacing) coupled with a grit removal chamber. A screw conveyor placed in the feed pipe will carry the separated solids and discharge them into a hopper. The de-gritted effluent will be screened again by means of an enclosed perforated plate drum screen and sent to the equalizations tank. The screens (1 duty + 1 stand by) will employ 1.5mm perforated plate to remove fibrous material from the water. The screen utilizes high pressure water to backwash the drum. Screened solids removed from the process flow out of the system by gravity into a covered collection bin. The two streams (sanitary and industrial wastewater) will be equalized in two above grade mixed equalization tanks . MBR feed pumps will then transfer the water (through a flow meter and a temperature probe) to a splitter box and from there to the two 75% treatment trains . PAC will be added to the splitter box. Each biological treatment system will be made up of one aerated treatment stage dedicated to the oxidation of BOD and ammonia to CO 2 and N0 3-. Denitrification is not required at this time . In the aeration pH will be adjusted by means of a caustic and an acid dosing system . Aeration tanks 1 and 2 will be equipped with air headers and coarse bubble diffusers to provide dissolved oxygen to the biomass liquor. Dissolved oxygen will be monitored in each aeration tank, the level of which controls the air supply from the blowers. Intake air for blowers will be drawn from the ambient air and filtered by a baghouse filter and an inlet guard filter mounted on each blower. The mixed liquor will flow by gravity from the Aeration Tanks 1, 2 to the MOS Tanks 1, 2 respectively, which house the membrane filters. Each MOS tank will be equipped with a piping distribution system with Jumbo Jet diffusers to evenly distribute mixed liquor to each of the membrane modules. Air flow to the MOS tanks-from AerationlMOS Blowers will be controlled by a flow meter, and will enter each membrane rack in the MOS Tanks 1, 2. Internal Membrane Rack piping will distribute air to the bottom of each membrane bundle to provide a two-phased flow of air and sludge across each membrane bundle to continually scour and provide fresh water to the membrane surfaces . The even cross-sectional up-flow of thickening mixed liquor overflows the
Confidential Information

2007 Siemens Water Technologies Corp. -7-


Private and Confidential

MOS tanks 1, 2 and flows by gravity to a suction header from where 2 MOS recirculation pumps will pump it to the splitter box located at the front end of Aeration Tanks 1, 2 to maintain the system mixed liquor solids at the required concentration. The MOS tank and the Aeration tank will be provided with spray nozzles to avoid foaming issues on the liquid surface. Mixed liquor solids will be wasted from the system via the discharge of the MOS Recirculation Pumps on a timer-controlled schedule . A flow meter on the wasting line will totalize the waste flow to a pre-controlled set point whereby the wasting valve will be closed. The sludge will be diverted to a sludge sump and from there it will be pumped (by means of sludge transfer pumps) to the drying beds. The filtered water will be drawn through the membranes by means of Filtrate Pumps. Level transmitters in Aeration tanks 1, 2 control VFDs on the respective Filtrate Pumps, allowing Aeration tank level to fluctuate based on current MOS tank functionality and membrane TMP.

Periodically, based on a timer, the flow from the filtrate pumps will be stopped to allow the membranes to relax. This process allows the fibers to regain their original size and shape. During this period, the MOS Feed flow and MOS scouring air remain on to the MOS tank to continually scrub the membranes. The relaxation and continuing air and sludge feed past the membranes keeps the membrane permeability high. Maintenance clean will be also carried out on a weekly basis. During MC the flow through the membranes will be reversed (backwash) and a chlorinated solution will be pumped by the filtrate pumps to the membranes' lumens. After a sustained period of operation, relaxation and MC alone are not enough to maintain membrane permeability. Based on transmembrane pressure and flow, an alarm signal will alert the operator that a Clean-In-Place (CIP) cycle is required to thoroughly clean the membranes . When convenient for the operator, the CIP procedure will initiate, which proceeds automatically. The CIP begins by stopping the associated feed flow to the MOS tank under cleaning, opening the MOS Tank drain valve and allowing the tank to drain to the system drain. After the MOS Tank is empty, the system will utilize plant water to effect a rinse o(the tank and membrane modules. The next step involves a fill of the MOS Tank for rinsing through the MOS feed piping This fill is accomplished via the Filtrate Pump. The MOS Tank is again drained to the system drain. After the MOS Tank is empty, the system will conduct one final spray rinse of the tank and membranes. After completion the MOS tank is once again filled with filtrate from the on-line Filtrate Pump. At this time, hypochlorite is introduced to the MOS Tank via Hypochlorite Transfer Pumps located in the control building. The Sodium hypochlorite transfer pumps will add hypochlorite for a preset period of time during the fill to make up a solution with a preset free chlorine concentration. The Filtrate Pumps corresponding to the train undergoing CIP turns on after the MOS Tank has been filled. The Filtrate Pump will take suction from the MOS Tank and recirculate the hypochlorite solution around the MOS Tank and across the membranes. The recirculation continues for a preset period of time after which the PLC signals the end of the CIP procedure. After the CIP procedure is complete, the tank is drained to the system equalization tank via the system drain. After the tank is drained, the system will initiate a re-fill of the MOS Tank with the corresponding mixed liquor from the corresponding aeration tank. Once the MOS Tank is full, the Filtrate Pump will resume and the system is back on line.

2007 Siemens Waler Technologies Corp.


This section details the design basis of the equipment offered.

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Influent Specification

Effluent quality is based on wastewater influent with the following characteri stics : Table 1.1 Influent Water Quality Specification s
Design Max or Range Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available 50 Not Available Not Available Not Available


Parameter Temperature Suspended Solids (TSS) Ammonia-N Total Phosphorous (TP) COO BODs TOC pH Alkalinity Oil & Grease TOS Total Hardness Phenols

Units Oeg C 35 30 25 20 3.3 850 360 175 7.5 Not Available 20 10500 Not Available 10

mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L

mg/L as CaCO, mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L

Based on the testing conducted in our Laboratories in Rothschild, WI we don't fe el the remaining analytes of SAES A 104 Table 1 will be present in the wastewater at co nce ntrations above PME Effluent Discharge Limits.

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2007 Siemens Water Technologies Corp.


2.2 Effluent Specification

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The equipment offered will meet the Effluent Discharge Limitations specified in the SAES A 104 PME discharge. With reference to som e specific pollutants the PACT-MBR treatment plant will provide the following effluent : Table 1.2 Effluent Water Quality Specifications
Parameter TSS Units mgtl NTU mgtl mgtl mgll mgtl mgll MPN mgll mgll mgtl Weekly average Quality

< 15 75 <1 <5 <25 <150 <50 2.2 6.0 - 8.4 <8 <1 <0.1

Turbidity NH3-N TKN BODs COD TOC Total Coliform pH Oil & Grease TP Phenols


Design Parameters

The equipment offered has been designed around the following parameters: Instantaneous membrane flux (normalized at 20 C) : Maximum membrane flux (normalized at 20 C) : SRT in the biological system Maximum MLSS in MOS: 10.6 11m' hr
12.4 11m' hr

17 days 20,000 mg/L



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. 10 -

Average Daily flow to MBR (after EO) : Peak Hourly flow to MBR (after EO): Volume of the aeration tank (working volume) :

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Each system shall be made up of two (2) seventy five percent (75%) capacity trains. Each train . will have the following characteristics:



4542 m3 /day
1135 m


Estimated Operational and Utility Requirements

Table 1.3 represents estimated operational and utility requirements . Table 1.3 Estimated Utility Requirements Utility Plant water (max) Instrument air (max) Electrical Power consumption @ 100% fiow Solids to disposal, dry wt. basis @ 100% flow Powdered Activated Carbon @ 100% flow Sodium Hypochlorite 100% flow Solution (12.5'10)@


2 m /h @ >1.5 bar
40 Nm 3/h @ >4.8 bar 450 kW 1500 kg/d 750 kg/d 2 m /month


3.1 Process Performance Guarantee

Effluent quality out of all MBR systems will be guaranteed. The test methods should use the international Standard Methods. The MBR system shall produce an effluent quality out of the MOS tank that shall meet the quality standards as stipulated under paragraph 2.2 of this proposal. The average concentration of each pollutant contained in the raw wastewater shall be equal or less than the concentration listed as it "design" in Table 1.1 Influent Water Quality Specifications. The average daily flow and peak hourly flow shall be equal or less than specified under paragraph 2.4 of this proposal.
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. 11 .

3.2 Mechanical Warranty

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The performance test plan and conditions related to the plan are stipulated in the Performance Test Plan that will be supplied for contract approval.

Subject to the following sentence, Seller warrants to Buyer that the Equipment shall materially conform to the description in Seller's Documentation and shall be free from defects in material and workmanship. The foregoing warranty shall not apply to any Equipment that is specified or otherwise demanded by Buyer and is not manufactured or selected by Seller, as to which (i) Seller hereby assigns to Buyer, to the extent assignable, any warranties made to Seller and (ii) Seller shall have no other liability to Buyer under warranty, tort or any other legal theory . If Buyer gives Seller prompt written notice of breach of this warranty before 3 years after commissioning (the "Warranty Period") , Seller shall, at its sole option and as Buyer's sole remedy , repair or repla ce the subject parts or refund the purchase price therefore . If Seller determines that any claimed breach is not, in fact, covered by this warranty, Buyer shall pay Seller its then customary charges for any repair or replacement made by Seller. Seller's warranty is conditioned on Buyer's (a) operating and maintaining the Equipment in accordance with Seller's instructions, (b) not making any unauthorized repairs or alterations, and (c) not being in default of any payment obligation to Seller. Seller's warranty does not cover damage caused by chemical action or THE abrasive material, misuse or improper installation (unless installed by Seller). WARRANTIES SET FORTH IN THIS SECTION ARE SELLER'S SOLE AND EXC LUSIVE WARRANTIES. SELLER MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNE SS FOR PURPOSE.

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. 12


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Please also refer to the Layout for details regarding skids and the scope of supply in section 6 of this proposal.


Equipment Description
Course screening and grit removal system One Course screening and grit removal system (located on top of the Equalization Tanks) will be provided.

The system will consist of the following components: 1) Micro Strainer (3mm spacing) : For separation of floating and suspended materials from the wastewater by means of an inclined screen surface, transport of screenings by means of a screw conveyor and discharge into a skip. 2) Grit Trap: for grit separation based on difference in density of lighter organic particles and dense grit particles . Grit trap without aeration. Controlled grit removal by means of two hand valves- one to discharge supernatant liquor one to remove the grit from the coni cal bottom hopper. All components shall be SS304 . The instrumentation will come pre-wired to a control panel complete with all the components for fully automatic operation .

IDrum Screen

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Two Perforated screen assemblies (1 .5mm holes) of internally fed design, complete with support structure and helicoid fiight sections for solids removal will be provided (located on top of the Equalization Tanks) . End plates and support rings of 7 gauge stainless steel construction. The perforated screen cylinder will be 24" dia. x 55". A spray system complete with manifold, spray extensions and nozzles located externally to the screen cylinder will also be supplied. The unit is fully enclosed and designed for odour abatement system connection if required in the future . An IEEE severe duty 0.75 HP 50 C duty motor shall be supplied pre-wired and tested .

Equalization Tank Two (2) vertical cylindrical Equalization tanks will be supplied. Each tank shall have a diameter of 18 m and a side wall neight of 10m. The material of construction will be Carbon Steel. . Each equalization tank shall be provided with nozzles and a 600 mm manway. Each equalization tank will also be provided with nozzles for the installation of side entry mixers .. Site erection of the tank is excluded from this proposal. Primed rolled plates will be supplied .

Equalization Tank Mixer Quantity Operating Material of construction Service Motor RPM Manufacturer Type

8 8
Stainless Steel propeller and shaft EQ tank Mixing 11 kW, IEEE severe duty 400V/50 Hzl3 Phase, 50C duty TBD Ughtnin or equivalent Propeller side entry

I MBR Feed Pumps

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Quantity Operating Size Differential Head NPSH required Materi al Of Construction Seal Gaskets Bearings Service Motor Paint Seal Flush Flow Manufacturer Type Base plate :

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2 15 kW - 1180 rpm 80 kPa
SS316 Impell er , SS316 Casing

Bronze cage thrust bearing Wastewater IEEE Severe Duty (IP55) 400V/50 Hz/3 Phase -VFD Compatible 50C duty Manufacturer's Standard- Outdoor Marine Environment

160 m3 /h Flowserve or Equivalent ANSI Centrifugal Steel, Type A, continuous welded

Aeration Tank Two (2) vertical cylindrical Aeration tanks will be supplied to effect 2 x 75% aeration capacity. Each tank shall have a diameter of 15 m and a side wall height of 7 m. The material of construction will be Carbon Steel.. Each Aeration tank shall be provided with nozzles and a 600 mm manway. Each Aeration tank will also be provided with a platform on top and a ladder to access the splitter box and the instrumentation . Site erection of the tank is excluded from this proposal. Primed rolled plates will be supplied .

Return Sludge Tank One rectangular shop fabricated steel tank will be supplied. The tank shall have the following dimensions: 4.8 m W x 12.6 m Lx 2.7m H. The material of construction will be painted Carbon Steel. The tank shall be provided with the nozzles, a platform on top and a 600 mm manway .

Aeration Tanks Aeration E ui ment Internals

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Approximately 120 coarse bubble diffusers will be supplied for EACH aeration tank (therefore a total quantity of 240 diffusers will be supplied). The material of construction for the air head er will be 88316. The diffusers will be coarse bubble type. The aeration equipment will be supplied complete with anchors and supports.

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. 16

Membrane Operating System

Private and Confidentiat

The Membrane Operating System (MOS) is the differentiating process in the Petro TM MBR packaged system. And the B30R membrane modules are the heart of the MOS. These modules are assembled into racks, shown at left, with a maximum number of 16 modules per rack . In addition to the membrane modules, there are other important components of the MOS. The main components of the treatment process are listed and described below.

MOS Tanks Two (2) MOS tanks will be supplied . The rectangular shop fabricated steel tank will be equipped with nozzles and access hatches. Each MOS tank will be 6.3 m x 4.1 m x 3.1 m H and will accommodate the membrane modules required for each 75% train . The material of construction will be Carbon Steel A36, 6 mm wall thickness . Each MOS tank will be provided with nozzles. The tank will be provided with a platform to access the membrane racks. Membrane Modules Twenty (20) B30R membrane racks will be provided for each tank. Each rack will include 16 membrane modules. The modules will be fabricated of oxidant-resistant polyvinylidinedifiuoride (PVDF) membrane material will be installed in each membrane tank during erection . Membrane modules incorporate filtrate and air supply header integrally. The air supply and the filtrate header are integrally located on top of the membrane modules. An air distribution line will connect the air header with the bottom of each module (see pictures) .

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Membrane Specifications

Private and Confidential

Module Name Membrane Area Membrane Material Pore size Maximum transmembrane pressure Typical operating pressure Maximum operating temperature Operating pH range Maximum pH range Maximum chlorine exposure Design loading rate

B30R 37.6 m' per module PVDF, hydrophilic 0.04 micron nominal 50 kPa 10- 50 kPa 40 C

2 - 10

100,000 ppm-hours I year 10-40 11m' h

MOS Tank Sludge Distribution Equipment Internals Twenty (20) mixed liquor distribution assemblies for installation in each steel M08 tanks. The material of construction for the sludge header will be 88316.

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. 19 .

Bag House filters

Private and Confidential

A painted housing designed in compliance with IBC2003 and provided with legs will accommodate bag filters. Cartridges are automatically cleaned by periodic pulses of compressed instrument air. The system is provided with instrument air connections and with a control box with timer.

Aeration/MOS Blowers Quantity Operating Size Differential Head Flow Service Manufacturer Type Drive- Bet With Guard Paint Inlet Filter Motor Material of Construction Silencers Filters Accessories

2 225 kW - 1800 rpm 70 kPa 7900 Nm 3/h Ambient Temp 0 - 65 C Hibon or Equal Centrifugal Required Manufacturer's Standard - Outdoor Marine Environment Required IEEE Severe Duty 3.3 kV/50 Hz/3 Phase -VFD Compatible-50C duty Manufacturer standard Required Inlet and outlet Cartridge filters on the intake Anti-vibration pads pressu re relief valve , pressure gauge on the discharge, check valve, inlet filter differential pressure switch

MOS Recirculation Pumps Quantity Operating Size Differential Head NPSH required Material Of Construction Seal Gaskets Bearings

1 150 kW - 11 80 rpm 80 kPa SS316 Impeller , SS316 Casing

Bronze cage thru st bearing

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. 20

Service Motor Paint Seal Flush Flow Manufacturer Type Base late:

Private and ConfIdential

Mixed liquor 2% solids IEEE Severe Duty (IP55) 3.3 kV/50Hz/3 Phase -VFD Compatible 50C duty Manufacturer's Standard- Outdoor Marine Environment

2050 m'/h Flowserve or Equivalent ANSI Centrifugal Steel, TeA , continuous welded

Filtrate Pumps Quantity Operating Size Differential Head NPSH required Material Of Construction Seal Gaskets Bearings Service Motor Paint Seal Flush Flow Manufacturer Type Base plate:

4 2
18.75 kW - 1800 rpm 100 kPa, NPSH Negative 60 kPaG SS316 Impeller , SS316 Casing Single (type A) - Pusher Multispring Bronze cage thrust bearing Filtered Water IEEE Severe Duty (IP55) 400V/50Hzl3 Phase -VFD Compatible 50C duty Manufacturer's Standard- Outdoor Marine Environment

230 m' /h Flowserve or Equivalent ANSI Centrifugal Steel, Tvpe A. continuous welded

Sludge Transfer Pumps Quantity Operating Size Differential Head NPSH required Material Of Construction Seal Gaskets Bearings

4 kW - 1800 rpm 100 kPa SS Impeller, Shaft AISI 304, support head CI NA Casing Gasket: NTLISYN, Impeller Gasket: TFE Carbon Steel
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Sludge Transfer Pumps Service Motor Paint Flow Manufacturer Type Base plate:

Private and Confidential

Sludge 2% - intermittent service between high level and low level IEEE Severe Duty (IPSS) 400V/SOHz/3 Phase -VFD Compatible SOC duty Manufacturer's Standard- Outdoor Marine Environment 3S m'/h Flowserve or Equivalent Vertical Suspended Pumps Steel

PAC Storage Silo Quantity Storage capacity Volume Type Diameter Height Material Nozzles Accessories

1 9000 kg 23 m' cylindrical vertical 3m 10m (including accessories) Painted Carbon Steel
Discharge hopper, dust filter, bin activator, rotary airlock filter, wetting cone, eductor, access ladder with safety cage, silo roof railing with safety gate, level indicators, target fill line with target box, piping

PAC Slurry Pumps Quantity Operating Size Differential Head NPSH required Material Of Construction Seal Gaskets Bearings Service Motor Paint

1 7.S kW - 3S00 rpm 400 kPa
. SS316 Impeller, SS316 Casing

WasteWater IEEE Severe Duty (IPS5) 400V/50Hzl3 Phase -VFD Compatible 50C duty Manufacturer's Standard- Outdoor Marine

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Environment Seal Flush Flow Manufacturer Type Base late:

Private and Confidential

25 m3/h Flowserve or Equivalent ANSI Centrifugal Steel , TeA, continuous welded

Hypochlorite CIP Transfer Pumps Quantity Operating Size Differential Head NPSH required Material Of Construction Seal Gaskets Bearings Service Motor Paint Seal Flush Flow Manufacturer Type Base plate:
2 1 1.5 kW - 3500 rpm 100 kPa

Suitable for Hypochlorite NA

Hypochlorite solution TEFC Severe Duty (IP55) 400V/50Hz/3 Phase -VFD Compatible- closed coupled Manufacturer's Standard- Outdoor Marine Environment NA

3 m3/h
March or Equivalent Magnetic Drive Centrifugal Steel

Hypochlorite Storage Tank Quantity Storage capacity Type Diameter Height Material Nozzles Comments

1 1600 I cylindrical vertical TBD TBD GRP

With GRP coated steel legs visual level indication

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Acid Metering Pumps Quantity Operating Material Of Construction Service Motor Paint Flow Manufacturer Type Accessories

Private and Confidential

1 Alloy 20 liquid end , ceramic balls and Teflon diaphragm Sulfuric Acid 0.6 kW, 1800 rpm, 400V, Manufacturer's Standard - Outdoor Marine Environment .10 I/h @ 100% stroke Milton Roy or equivalent Metering pumps w adjustable stroke 0-100% BackDressure valve, relief valve, calibration column

Acid Storage Tank Quantity Storage capacity Type Diameter Height Material Nozzles Comments

1 1600 I Cylindrical vertical 1m 2.5 m Polyethylene

Visual level indication

Caustic Metering Pumps Quantity Operating Material Of Construction Service Motor Paint Flow Manufacturer Type Accessories 2 1 316SS liquid end , ceramic balls and Teflon diaphragm Caustic Soda 0.6 kW, 1800 rpm , 400V Manufacturer's Standard - Outdoor Marine Environment 10 I/h @ 100% stroke Milton Roy or equivalent Metering pumps w adjustable stroke 0-100% BackDressure valve, relief valve , calibration column

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Caustic Storage Tank Quantity Storage capacity Type Diameter Height Material Nozzles Comments

Private and Confidential

1600 I Cylindrical vertical


2.5 m
Carbon Steel Visual level indication


Skid mounted instrumentation.

Valves All skid mounted valves: manual valves, automatic butterfly valves with spring pneumatic actuators, and check valves.

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2007 Siemens Water Technologies Corp.


Control Panel

Private and Confidential

The control panel will be a NEMA 4X , 316 SS, 2-door, free-standing enclosure . This panel shall include a Siemens S7300 PLC containing the required number of discrete and analog I/O poinls plus 20% spare of each type. The panel will also house a 24VDC power supply sized to provide the required loads, both discrete and analog . The PLC will have an Ethernet communication port to connect to the plant control/telemetry system . The control panel will contain 24VDC power supplies to power the field discrete and analog I/O. The panel will have 120VAC circuit breakers to provide power for the four-wire transmitters such as pH and Magnetic flow meters. The control panel will contain terminals for connection of signals from field devices. Each terminal strip will be flanked by wireway on both sides. The control panel will have an Emergency Stop (E-Stop) pushbutton mounted through the door. The system will be provided with a touchscreen. MCC (optional): . The power distribution system comprises the following components :

o o o o o o o o

3300V MCC with the following circuits: 200A Incomer (One) 250 kW Sludge Tank Blower Motor Starter (Two) 150 kW MOS Recirculation Pump Motor Starter (Two) 50A Transformer Feeder (One) 100 kVA 3,300/400V Transformer 400V MCC with the following circuits: Incomer (One) 20 kW Filtrate Pump Motor Starter (Two) All other pumps, mixers, motors (see above) 20 A Auxiliary Power Feeder (One)

Skids Description Filtrate Pumps:

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MOS Recirculation Pumps:

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Two skids will accommodate 2 filtrate pumps each with the relevant valves and piping . The structural steel and plate shall be painted ASTM A36 or equivalent. The skid instrumentation will be pre-wired to a local Junction Box.

Two MOS recirculation Pumps will be mounted on one skid together with the associated piping and valves . The structural steel and plate shall be painted ASTM A36 or equivalent. The skid instrumentation will be pre-wired to a local Junction Box. Hypochlorite Dosing Skid: This Skid will accommodate : two (2) Sodium Hypochlorite CIP Transfer Pumps relevant CPVC interconnecting piping, valves and instrumentation . The skid instrumentation and controls will be pre-wired to local Junction Boxes. The structural steel and plate shall be epoxy painted ASTM A36 or equivalent. The skid will be provided with containment capacity of 1.5 x pipe/pump volume . Acid Dosing Skid: This Skid will accommodate : two (2) Acid Dosing Pumps, storage tank, relevant CPVC interconnecting piping, valves and instrumentation. The skid instrumentation and controls will be pre-wired to local Junction Boxes. The structural steel and plate shall be epoxy painted ASTM A36 or equivalent. The skid will be provided with containment with a capacity of 1.5 x pipe/pump volume. Caustic Dosing Skid: This Skid will accommodate : two (2) Caustic Dosing Pumps, one storage tank, relevant CPVC (with additional UV protection) interconnecting piping, valves and instrumentation. The skid instrumentation and controls will be pre-wired to local Junction Boxes. The structural steel and plate shall be painted ASTM A36 or equivalent. The skid will be provided with containment with a capacity of 1.5 x pipe/pump volume . PAC Storage Silo: The Skid will accommodate the skirt supported silo and all the ancillary equipment (see data sheet above) . It will be factory mounted, piped, wired to minimize onsite construction . The structural steel and plate shall be painted ASTM A36 or equivalent. PAC Slurry Pumps: One skid will accommodate 2 PAC slurry pumps with the relevant valves and piping . The structural steel and plate shall be painted ASTM A36 or equivalent. The skid instrumentation will be prewired to a local Junction Box.

Spare Parts
The Spare Parts provided will be in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. The included spares are only for commissioning and start up. Two years spare parts are NOT included in this quotation.

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4.2 Scope of Supply-Services
4.2.1 Engineering Drawings (NMR 601)

Private and Confidential

The calendar weeks shown on the NMRs (forthcoming with firm bid) and the delivery schedule are based on a two week document review period . 4.2.2 Certified Drawings (NMR 602) The calendar weeks shown on the NMRs (forthcoming with firm bid) and the delivery schedule are based on a two week document review period. 4.2.3 Miscellaneous Documents (NMR 603) The calendar weeks shown on the NMRs (forthcoming with firm bid) and the delivery schedule are based on a two week document review period. 4.2.4 Spare Parts Data Package A Spare Parts Data Package is included for all equipment supplied under this proposal. The package will include the following: Purchase Order Copies to Vendors Certified Equipment and Instrument Data Specification sheets Nameplate data Certified cross sectional and general arrangement drawings for applicable equipment Bill of Materials including part numbers certified by manufacturer Recommended priced parts list certified by manufacturer Manufacturer's catalogue cuts as applicable Electronic copies of the above information will be provided in lieu of the ESP. 4.2.5 Incidental Services 4.2 .5.1 Installation Support See commercial section. 4.2 .5.2 Start-up & Commissioning-Support

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See commercial section . 4 .2 .5 .3 Six Months Operation (optional)

Private and Confidential

Operational service will be provided by Siemens Ltd . One full time senior technician will supervise the operations on a daily basis, and make daily visits to the site-a s required . Site operational services during each visit will consist of: 1. Monitoring of critical operational parameters and critical equipment check

2. Oversight of Aramco's contractor to remove dry sludge

3. 4. 5. 6.
Sludge wasting to drying bed Filling of chemical tanks and monitoring of inventory Procurement of operational chemicals Sampling as necessary

Supply of operational chemicals and manpower and equipment to empty drying beds will be by others, but scheduled and supervised by Siemens.


Scope of Supply- Excluded Items

All other works and equipment necessary to complete the project and not specifically included per the Siemens Scope of Supply shall be supplied by others. Such items include but are not limited to:

4.3.1 Civil Works, Building Modifications and Installation of Equipment

Description Concrete works, sun shades, and buildings to support the MBR system and/or 1 lot other equipment supplied by Siemens. N/A Embedded pipes 1 lot Sludge drying bed system N/A UnloadinQ/storage of equipment at site . Engineering and/or supervision of all equipment and labor for civil works including building, anchor bolts and/or expansion anchors, if required . N/A Positioning and installation of all equipment supplied by Siemens or Others, N/A including the Petro MBR system. N/A Protected storage of equipment at jobsite. No.

4.3.2 Mechanical
No. Description Interconnecting piping Valves not included in the skids Erection of the aeration tanks and equalization tanks

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Descriotion Power to the MBR system and all other equipment. This includes any and all 1 lot Dower supply cables to motors, cablinq trays, fittinqs and supports, if required. Supply and installation of building power, lighting, main service disconnects, if N/A reauired.

4.3.4 Instrumentation

No. Description 1 lot All influent instrumentation not included in Siemens' Scope of Supply. 1 lot All instrumentation non skid mounted.

4.3.5 Miscellaneous
No. Description All chemicals required for MBR system cleaning, maintenance, and operation (if reauired) after the end of the commissionina activities (carried out bv Siemens) All lubricants reauired for olant startuo and ooeration . Installation of eauioment Embedded eauioment Analvtical testina costs for oerformance verification testinq

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2007 Siemens Water Technologies Corp.



Private and Confidential

These compliance statements apply to the MBR base offering by Siemens Water Technologies. Please note that the statements are made on the basis that all trains in each plant will be identical (not mirrored) and will meet the same specifications. Only specifi cations listed in Document Bl 10 00087 dated July 2006 Rev D are considered . Embedded and Second generation specifications are specifically excluded.


Definition of the Compliance Column

Compliance terms are defined as follows: Exceeded: Compliant Alternative: Vendor exceeds the requirement of the Specification as written Vendor meets the requirements of the Specification as written . Vendor meets the intent of the requirement of the Specific<ltion with an alternate solution . The alternate solution shall be described in enough detail to allow for evaluation Vendor is aware of the requirements and takes no exceptions. The requirement of the Specification does not apply to the Vendor"s scope of supply. Vendor does not comply and cannot meet requirements of the Specification as written.

Noted : Not applicable: Non-Compliant

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Compliance Statement Table
Clause # Requirement

Private and Confidential


Costs associated with : Sets of installation loperationl maintenance instructions, material certificates. commissioning consumables list, GA and detail dwgs , sets of final inspection reports and tests results, sets of eq uipment! material catalogues are included in the total price as they are NMR. Delivery Schedule will be supplied with the Firm Proposal Start up operation and spare parts data package duly filled, inspectioh/testing requirements, NMR forms , precommissioning forms and manuals will be supplied with the

NonNon compliant 4.6.2
6. 1.2

Alarms Sanitary Facilities Desig n Altern ative

Alarms outside of the HMI and independent alarm power are I I

Sanitary Facilities are provided by others and not included in SWT

scope of supply. A bar screen has been excluded from the scope of supply. Vendor has based the design on a feed with suspended solids with a maximum diameter of 5 em.
Manual Scree ns are not 6.2.1

Grit Removal Subsurface

Not Compliant Not

Grit washing equipment is not included for th is small equipment.

The diffuser System is removable only when the tank is drained. All

diffusers are SS 316.

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Clause # Requirement

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This proposal is based on providing all requ irements of this NMR with the exception of the following item s: Technical information provided in accordance with the applicable specifications and standards of this RFQ will be considered "detailed and complete" . An explosion proof certificate is not applicable with an area electrical classification of Class-1, Zone II, Group 2N2B Pressure and functional test certifi cate s will be provided after the final hydrosta tic test is performed with all interconnecting piping in place. All bench testing is excluded .

Vendor's scope of supply is limited to certified calibratio n curves in section 603, item 2.

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Clause #

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Statement Not Applicable Description There are no special service size valves offered

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PFD, Plot Plan

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To: Attn: Proposal Date:

Private and Confidential

Reference : PACT-Membrane BioReactor Aramco Jeddah Refinery Wastewater Treatment Plant March 15,2007

Siemens proposes to furnish materials, eq uipment andlor technical service in accordance with Budgetary Proposal Number #1 Y0025BPR rev.1 dated March 15th, 2007. Materials, equipment and technical service not specifically li sted und er the Scope of Supply or on attachments to this proposal are EXCLUDED. Lump Sum Price: Siemens Petro PACT Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) : License Fee License Fee Deduction for Saudi Aramco MCC: Six Months Operation : Duties and Freight for DDP Jeddah Refinery Site compliant offer:

$ $ $ $ $ $

7,900,000 425,000 (425,000) 300,000 175,000 405,000

Note: The offer excludes any taxes, duties or other related charges unless specifically documented by Siemens. Validity: This is a budgetary proposal that remains valid for 120 days. Payment/Letter of Credit Terms Our proposed payment terms are net 30 days via wire . Payment shall be guaranteed with an irrevocable letter of credit issued in favor of the seller according to the following :

TERMS FOR LETTER OF CREDIT An Irrevocable Letter of Cred it (LlC) shall be used to guarantee payment. apply: Irrevocable letter of Cred it (LlC) shall be issued in favor of: Seller The following terms shall

Confidential Information

2007 Siemens Water Technologies Corp .

. 36 .

UC for the purchase order amount shall be advised through : Seller's bank
Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Private and Confidential

Funds shall be available against presentation of Commercial Invoice, Packing List, Bill of lading, Certificate of Origin The UC shall expire 60 days after the shipping date for the equipment and allow for 30 days for presentation of documents. Partial shipments shall be permitted . Trans-shipment shall be allowed.

Payment Milestones: 15% 10% 25% 45% 5% at time of purchase order acceptance/project kick off at time of submittal of first engineering at time of release to fabricate/procure at offer to ship with final documentation

Freight: Ex-works point of fabrication. Freight and duties for DDP Jeddah Refinery Site have been quoted separately (see above). Manuals: Operation & maintenance manuals will be provided per inquiry requirements . Terms: Our offer is based on Siemens Water Technologies' standard terms and conditions as attached. Per Diem Rates for On-Site Services: Site services for installation of membranes in the membrane tanks are included in our offer. Per Diem rates for start-up and commissioning services will be $750/day per person. Living , transportation and other local expenses will be charged separately at cost plus 10%. Per Diem rates for erection supervision services will be $1 ,500/day per person. Living , transportation and other local expenses will be charged separately at cost plus 10%. Condition of Per Diem Services 1. Rates are applicable for normal working time respectively working day. Normal working time is 48 hours per week distributed over 6 working days a week running from Saturday to Wednesday, 3 hours Thursday with Friday as regular day off. A surcharge of 25% on the rates applies for overtime worked in excess of 9 hours a day as well as on Thursdays, Fridays and Public Holidays. During the month of Ramadan , the normal working time is 36 hours per week distributed over 6 working days a week running from Saturday to Thursday with Friday as regular day off. A surcharge of 25% on the rates applies for overtime worked in

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2007 Siemens Water Technol ogies Corp .

- 37 -


Private and Confidential

excess of 36 hours a week respectively 6 hours a day as well as on Fridays and Public Holidays. Assignment of personnel will be in full compliance with the rules and regulation of the Labor and Workmen Law of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Rates and conditions applicable for Siemens Ltd. I AEL (E) Service personnel will follow this provision by which each working day counts as 9 hours normal working time whether actually spent or not due to different working arrangements for the clients at their various sites. Minimum assignment of the personal will be for 1 full day even if the actual number of hours worked are less than normal daily working hours. Travelling, waiting and preparation time will be charged at the rate of normal working hours, regardless the hours worked for normal I overtime .

2. The rates given are depending on the category, qualification, experience of our personnel as well as on the duration of service which is to be fixed before start of the work along with the project name and scope of services required . This nominates automatically the rate applicable for the relevant personnel category and period of service. 3. Rates are to be understood net for services rendered in the area . If the AEL Service personnel have to be transferred to other places in or outside Saudi Arabia from his permanent location, the transportation and accommodation costs will be charged at actual plus 5% overhead . In addition a food allowance according to category will be charged for each calendar day. 4. Rates include standard hand tools and safety gear. 5. Rental Charges for tools or instruments (subject to availability in I&S Logistics Dept.) including transportation cost and custom duties will be charged ex1ra (with 10% handling charges) when required. 6. Local tickets cost, accommodation and transportation of our specialists will be charged ex1ra. 7. For the use of company car outside Jeddah/Alkhobar area, the charges will be: SR 2.00 per km passenger car I pickup SR 3.00 per km mini bus 8. The Purchaser shall provide insurance cover for all risks for materials and equipments for a period to cover up to end of the work. There is no separate erection I service insurance covered by the Division . 9. Rates and conditions may change subject to prior notice and will be communicated accordingly.

Confidentiat Information
2007 Siemens Water Technologie s Corp .



Private and Confidential

1. Aoollcable Terms These terms govern the purchase and sale of the equipment and related services, if any (collectively, "Equipment"), referred to in Seller's purchase order, quotation, proposal or acknowledgment, as the case may be ("Seller's Documentation"). Whether these terms are included in an offer or an acceptance by Seiler, such offer or acceptance is conditioned on Buyer's assent to these terms . Seiler rejects all additional or different terms in any of Buyer's forms or documents. 2. Payment. Buyer shall pay Seiler the full purchase price as sel forth in Seller's Documentation. Unless Seller's Documentation provides otherwise, freight, storage, insurance and all taxes, duties or other governmental charges relating to the Equipment shall be paid by Buyer. If Seller is required to pay any such charges , Buyer shall immediately reimburse Seller. A ll payments are due within 30 days after receipt of invoice. Buyer shall be charged the lower of 1 'X% interest per month or the maximum legal rate on all amounts not received by the due date and shall pay all of Seller's reasonable costs (including attorneys' fees) of collecting amounts due but unpa id. All orders are subject to credit approval. 3. Delivery. Delivery of the Equipment shall be in material compliance with the schedule in Seller's Documentation. Unless Seller's Documentation provides otherwise, Delivery terms are F.O.B. Seller's facility. 4. Ownership of Materials. All devices, designs (including drawings, plans and specifications), estimates , prices, notes, electronic data and other documents or information prepared or disclosed by Seller, and all related intellectual property rights, shall remain Seller's property. Seller grants Buyer a non ~exctusive, non~transferable license to use any such material solely for Buyer's use of the Equipment. Buyer shalt not disclose any such material to third parties without Seller's prior written consent. 5. Changes . Seller shall not implement any changes in the scope of work described in Seller's Documentation unless Buyer and Seller agree in writing to the detailS of the change and any resulting price, schedule or other contractual modifications. This includes any changes necessitated by a change in applicable law occurring after the effective date of any contract including these terms . 6. Warranty . Subject to the following sentence , Seller warrants to Buyer that the Equipment shall materially conform to the description in Seller's Documentation and shall be free from defects in material and workmanship. The foregoing warranty shall not apply to any Equipment that is specified or otherwise demanded by Buyer and is not manufactured or selected by Seiler, as to which (i) Seller hereby assigns to Buyer, to the extent assignable , any warranties made to Seller and (ii) Seiler shall have no other liability to Buyer under warranty , tort or any other legal theory . If Buyer gives Seller prompt written notice of breach of this warranty within 18 months from ~elivery or 1 year from acceptance, whichever occurs first (the 'Warranty Period") , Seiler shall, at its sale option and as Buyer's sale remedy, repair or replace the subject parts or refund the purchase price therefor. If Seller determines that any claimed breach is not, in fact, covered by this warranty, Buyer shall pay Seller its then customary charges for any repair or replacement made by Seller. Seller's warranty is conditioned on Buyer's (a) operating and maintaining the Equipment in accordance with Seller's instructions, (b) not making any unauthorized repairs or alterations, and (c) not being in default of any payment obligation to Seller. Seller's warranty does not cover damage caused by chemical action or abrasive material, misuse or improper installation (unless installed by Seller). THE WARRANTIES SET FORTH IN THIS SECTION ARE SELLER'S SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE WARRANTIES AND ARE SUBJECT TO SECTION 10 BELOW. SELLER MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR PURPOSE. 7. Indemnity. Seller shall indemnify, defend and hold Buyer harmless from any claim , cause of action or liability incurred by Buyer as a result of third party claims for personal injury, death or damage to tangible property, to the extent caused by Seiler'S negligence. Seller shall have the sole authority to direct the defense of and settle any indemnified claim . Seller's indemnification is conditioned on Buyer (a) promptly, within the Warranty Period, notifying Seller of any claim , and (b) providing reasonable cooperation in the defense of any claim . 8. Force Majeure. Neither Seller nor Buyer shall have any liability for any breach (except for breach of payment obligations) caused by extreme weather or other act of God, strike or other labor shortage or disturbance, fire, accident, war or civil disturbance, delay of carriers, failure of normal sources of supply , act of government or any other cause beyond such party's reasonable control. 9. Cancellation_ If Buyer cancels or suspends its order for any reason other than Seller's breach, Buyer shall promptly pay Seller for work pertormed prior to cancellation or suspension and any other direct costs incurred by Seller as a result of such cancellation or suspension . 10. Reservation Clause. Buyer acknowledges that Seller is required to comply with applicable export laws and regulations relating to the sale, exportation , transfer, assignment , disposal and usage of the Equipment provided under this Agreement, includ ing any export license requirements . Buyer agrees that such Equipment shall not at any time directly or indirectly be used, exported, sold , transferred ,

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2007 Siemens Water Technologies Corp.

- 39 -


Private and Confidential

assigned or otherwise disposed of in a manner which will result in non-compliance with such applicable export laws and regulations . It shall be a condition of the continuing performance by Seller of its obligations hereunder that compliance with such export laws and

12. Miscellaneous. If these terms are issued in connection with a government contract, they shall be deemed to include those federal acquisition regulations that are required by law to be included. These terms, together with any quotation, purchase order Of acknowledgement issued or Signed by the Seller, comprise the complete and exclusive statement of the agreement between the parties (the "Agreement") and supersede any terms contained in Buyer's documents, unless separately signed by Seller. No part of the Agreement may be changed or cancelled except by a writlen document signed by Setler and Buyer. No course of dealing or performance, usage of trade or failure to enforce any term shall be used to modify the Agreement . If any of these terms is unenforceable, such term shall be limited only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable , and all other terms shall remain in full force and effect. Buyer may not assign or permit any other transfer of the Agreement without Seller's prior written consent. The Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania without regard to its conflict of laws provisions.

Confidential Information

2007 Siemens Water Technologies Corp.



Major Equipment List Equip Cost Installation Factor Installed cost

2nd API Separator EQ tank Volume Dimension Tank Mixers Grit Chamber Screening of Sanitary Waste'" Utility Slowdown Cooler MBR Feed Pumps MBR Aeration Tanks MaS Tanks MOS Transfer Pumps Filtrate Pumps Btowers (in CTR BLDG) Chlorination (in CTR BLDG) PAC Storage Silo and Feed Sanitary Wastewater Screen . Sludge Xler Pump Waste Sludge Pit SCADA Crude Water Draw Tank 3Bm Dia X 29.4m H Return Oil Pump (2) Product Water Draw Tank 1Bm dia X B.5m H Return Oit Pump (2)

1 each

FOB Job Site

999,734 Latest negotiated non Aramco compl iant cost

This is the firm cost for the first separator. 2nd separator can be 10-20% lower pending when PO is issued and fabricated

2 each
650,000 gal. Each 18m Dia X 10 m H, each 4 each 15 HP each Included as part of the MBR package Have not sized any required c:oolers , WoN temp 780,000 375,000 47,000 2.3 .

2.S7.!. OO-S
75-:] [<OD

The non-sanitary wastewater is pretreated with API separators and filtered through Walnut shell filters and should not require additional screening

2 + 1 sp are 2 each 2 ea ch 2 (1 +1 spa re) 4 (2+2 spare) 3 (2+ 1 spare) 2 each 1 each ?X?X? 2 (1 +1 spa re) 700 gpm 10HP 140,000 6,527,000
..., '.>

2 t .S:::~9.1 DQ

2 ea ch 75% flow
300,000gal ope rating volume each (21 ft SWD) 17000 gal operati ng volume each (9ft SWD) 9,000, 200 HP 1000 gpm, 25 HP 15,000 SC FM, 300 HP


each 5 HP

31 ,000 50,000 80,000 199, 500 5,320 BO,OOO 1,995 9,316,549

v . )

-:0 3DD
~ 6 5 .000

1 each 15' X 15' X?' D 320,000 ga/lons 100 gpm @ 100 psi, 5HP? 120, 0000 ga/lons 25 gpm @ 50 psi, 2HP?



3:2.G .000

2. ~

264.-)00 5 55.)
25 . 352-.590

Equipment Price This estimate does not include interconnection piping materi al or installation costs .

Page 1 of

Yee, John G

Greg Welch [gregw@scecka .com] Sunday, December 18, 2005 7:58 AM Yee, John G

Sent: To:

Subject: Re: Cost, Size , Description of Sludge Beds for 600,000 gpd MBR Plant

John, At Udhailiyah STP (0.85 mgd plant), there are two sludge drying beds, each 465 m2 I have attached an excerpt from the PP for Rahimah STP, where we are putting in new drying beds:

2.5.12 Sludge DQling Bedl The existing sludge drying beds will be demolished to provide space for new equipment andfacilities. New sludge 'jlying beds will be provided near the south perimeter of the STP. A total of 54 dlying beds will be provided. Each bed will provide 250 1// of drying area. The beds will be a concrete, at-grade structure, provided with a hard boltOI/, of concrete. A decant adjustable weir gate and drain box will allow for decant of the separated water to a plant sewer, which will drain to the influent pump station. A perforated covered drain along the low side of each basin wili collect boltom drainage into the same drain.
We estimated the beds at Rahimah at $3.3 million, for 13,000 m2 of bed area, which translates to about $2551m2 Yope this helps. Let me know if you need anything further. Greg --.- Original Message --From: yee John G To: gregw@scecka com Sent: Saturday, December 17, 2005 4:08 PM Subject: Cost, Size, Description of Sludge Beds for 600,000 gpd MBR Plant

Greg, Just in case you do not have my e-mail address, you can attach your response accordingly. Tomorrow AM is OK, if you cannot respond by today. Thanks. Regards, John

;/14/2 007




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\'1'P I .. , ~ ~~_v~~~ .... I Skim Tank Pump,(250 gpm each)

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Ex), tll'! g Crude Colteetlon

Ei.lsting PrOduct COIleetlon

Sump &-'pumps

9m dillxam H

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Recover", OIl Tank &. P umps 1,000 \Ialtons

SUIT'P'" P ump, T1 2, T13, Tl l!! , T2 13, T214, T215, T2.3, T2, T'2~S

1 ' 1<.<rnl1r.T~ 1) 1

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or Process Area C

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/I "

Z L....................;:. __________ ..

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Exi sting lines


New Manhole

New Valve Box

Manhole MHV-31 (Process Area A) or MHV-18 (Process Area C) (Existing)

WASTEWATER COOLING SYSTEM (Typical for Jeddah Refinery Process Area A or C)

, "n,
Existi~g -.: ~ yy~t~wl't~r _~
From Zone 4 (CDU# 3 & 4, VDU#5)

-''''T-:>=-T7 ~7-: ~' . '/J/7/l l y "'- /

Existi ng Lines

I,9?-711 Ii
: 16'
I -

..................... .

>- - - - -


'y I I I I



New Valve Box

Manhole MHV-37 (Existing)

: .................... . i Manhole MHV-35 (Existing)



1. Each Process Area or Zone is provided with two 100 gpm self-priming pumps and one plate and frame cooler. 2. Unless indicated as "exi sting ," manhole level instrumentation , valves, and piping as shown shall be provi ded . The valve inside the valve box shall be a full line size ball valve.


Cooling Water Return, X"



Isolation valve
Existing lines





New Backwash Return Line , X"

(Note 2)

New lines


Isolation valve Backwash Supply Line , X"

~~ ,

6' .1

Cooling Water Supply, X"
- - - - - - - - -


I:-""l f- - - 1

1 1


~~It- ~

... "

Isolation valve


Note 3

Notes: 1. See DBSP , Section 7.4, Table 7-1 for the list of coolers requiring backwash piping retrofitting , 2. See DBSP , Section 7.4 , Table 7-1 for line sizes. The new backwash return line shall be the same size as the existing backwash supply line. 3. The existing line, which is routed to gravity sewer, shall be removed .

FIGURE 10 Cooler Backwash Piping Retrofit

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. ,

Yokogawa Middle East B.S.c.(c)


P.o . Box 10070 Bldg 557, Road 2516, Busaiteen225

Muharraq, Bahrain

REF. NO : HSQ6LM B316-R I DATE :-_ _ _ _ _ _ _...:: J' :; n :.: ":= '" 'Y ,,,.:: ' ,, 00 =-,' -_ _ _ _ _ __ L ':;3 Please use thIS no. when ordering EffECTIVE UNTIL :- _ _ _ _ _ _ _6 "' 0 " D e: A '-'Y'-"S'-'O ~N-"L "\ '-'_ _ _ _ __ SEND TO SUBJECT FINAL USER INQUIRY NO. PLACE OF DELI VERY TIME OF DELlVERY

TEL: 973-358 1 00 FAX: 973-336100

: PETROCON ARABIA LTD . Attn: Mr.\ Vency Barreda : Jeddah Refinery - VnetlIP Domain. : Saudi Arabian Oil Company - Jeddah Refinery :Emai l : Jeddah Refinery, DDP : 6 months upto delivery to Si te. : AS P E R SAUDI ARAM CO VDPA AGREEMENT


: Bi ll of Materials. Project Comments, System Confi guration Diagram

Ril wan Shab Genera l Manager-Sales Sa udi Arabia Yokogawa Middle East B.S.c.(c)





Unit Price V.SS




VnetllP Domain Creal ion & other Upgrades/additions as per BOM enclosed includ ing Technical Services & Project E ng ineering Estimated Customs Duty for DeS Items.



19,33 4.00

Grand Tot al in U.S $ DDP , Jeddah Refinery


I) The country o f O rigin for offered goods is from Yokoga,,'a Si nga pore for DeS. 2) O ur quotalion is based on DDP basis and includes all transpon charges & custom duties 1 0 Jeddah Refinery , 3) The proposal is based on existing VDPA agreement between YME & Saudi Aramco. 4) Warranty for the Offered Items shall be 12 Months from System commissioning or 18 Months from date of S hipment which ever is earl ier, 5) This Proposal Shall be considered as the Basis of ContracL 6) All Site Services shall be as Per Diem rates ofVDPA Agreement.

Client : Peu-ocon Ar~bia Ltd End User : Saudi Ara mco Upgrade Jeddah Refrnery DeS


No. :HSQ6BMBJ 16R 1



' ;;






DELUHP/Enuivalent Pentium-IV 34 GHz (as ner current available snecs as ncr the fo llowin" snecifications: fOb SDRAM, 40GB HOD, ) ,5"FDD, T INo. PCI slot free for V -netlip interface card, 2 Nos RS232C free ports, I No. parallel ort, and mouse Ethemet ort, Windows XP and Office 2000, 40X CD-Drive Tane drive, 10120GB backuD driveintemal System to onerate on I 15VAC 19" LCD Monitor.


b L2

VnetlIP Interface Card for Ihe HIS PCs V1701)




I ,-

DELLIHP/E-:::-uivalent Pentium-IV 34 GHz as ocr current available s ecs a~er the followim! soecifications: ) gb SDRAM, 40GB HOD, ),5"FDD, I No. PCI slot free for V-netlin interface card, 2 Nos.RS232C free orts, I NO~Oaral l eTDort, arid mouse, Ethernet DOrt, Windows 2003 and Office 2000, 40X CD-Drive Tane drive, 10120GB backun dri ve ~i ntemal System to operate on 115VAC. 19" LCD Monitor. I

b I,)
VnetlIP Interface Card for the ENG PCs(V1701)




DELLIHP/Enuivalent Pentium-IV 34 GHz as ner current available snecs as ner the follow!n" snecifications' C,b SDRAM, 40GB HOD, ) ,5"FDD, INo. PCI slot free for V-netiJD-interface card, 2 Nos.RS232C freeoorts, 1 No~raller;::;-or1, and mouse, Ethemetnort, Windows 2003 and Office 2000 , 40X CD-Drive Tape drive, 10120GB backup drive-internal Svstem to ooerate on 115 VAC. 19" LCD Monitor.
Vneti lP Interfa ce Card for Ihe EXAOPC PCs (VI701 ) .

b) 1,4 2

4 I


Duplexed Vnet Router AVR IOD-QI21O L3 Switch for Enet Connection 10 Vnc t-IP (CISCOI AlcateVNetgear) UTP Cable with RJ45 conneclols, 30 Mus 24 Pon L2 Swit ch (IGBPS fOl VnetlIP (CISCOI A1cateVNel ear) with I FO Pon


I 50 4

2,4 25

Vnet Cables Model ' VCBJ J J-MOlO

)0 Base 5, Vnet cablc, LCMth

10 meterS")


Vnet Terminator for 10 Base 5 Cables Model ' YCBI 18




Clien! PWo<:on Arabia Ltd

End User : Saudi Arameo Upgrad e l eddah Rerlflt ry DCS

Proposal No . .HSQ6BJo,mJ16RI





Cabinet for mounting the New Hardware in CCR Make : Rittal

SOFTWARE I 3. 1 Upgrade of Existing System Revision from R3.02 to R3.0S






Processor Card for AFS 200




D) I


Serial interface Cable

ADDITION OF 2 HIS IN PI.B#2 FOR CDU II & FCCU OPERATION WORKSTATIONS IN PIB-2 1.1 HIS Human interface Station for Operation a DELlJHP/Eauivalent Pentium -IV 3.4 GHz as oer current available soecs as oer the followine: soecifications: SI2MB SDRAM, 40GB HDD, 3.5"FDD, INo. PCI slot free for V-net interface card, 2 Nos.RS232C free ports, I No. parallel port, and mouse, Ethernet ort, Windows XP and Office 2000 40X CD-Drive Tape drive, 1OJ20GB backup drive-internal System to operate on I 15 VAC. 19" LCD Monitor

AiP827 i VF701 Vnet CabIn & Ten Model : YCBJ4J -005 ii Model : YCB146

USB Operation Keyboard for HI S J00-120V AC powersupply Vnet interface Card ( 10 Base 2, Vnet cable, Length (TEES 5 meters

2 2 4 4 2


e 2

Open Desktop Consoles for t Vnet interface Card

SOFTWARE LI CENSE FOR OPERA TOR STATION HIS) AT pm#2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.3 2.4 Standard Oprr2tion and Monitoring Functio n New Installation) Multi Ie software license . English version LHSIIOOC II The total control station is 5 or more INOO99 Control Drawine. Status Display Packae.t I Multiple software license. English version LHS4410CII Logi( Chart Status Package I LHS4420CII Multi Ie software license . En lish version Report Package I LHS6S30CII Multiple software license . English version Softwart Media For HIS I CD-ROM . English version LHSKM02CII IWINXP For Windows XP I 2 2 2 2 2 I

E) I

ADDITION OF I HIS INSIDE DISASTER C ONTROL CENTER (DCC) OPERATION WORKST AnON IN DCC 1.1 I HI S Human Interface Station for Operation I aj DELUHPIEQuivaJent Pentium -IV 3.4 GHz. ( as per current avai lable snecs ) as per the foll owing spec ifications: I SI2MB SDRAM, 40GB HDD, 3.S"FDD, I INo. PCI slot free for V-net interface card, 2 Nos.RS232C free orts, 1 No. parallel port, and mouse, Ethernet port, Windows XP and Office 2000 , 40X CD Drive Tape drive, 10/20GB backup drive-internal System to operate on 11 5VAC

n rd Janu ary 200 ")


CJiell~ :

Pell'OCOll Arllbil Ltd

End Use r : Saudi Aram~o Ullgrlde Jeddah RefInery DCS

Prollosll No. :HSQ6BMB316-RI


USB i 100 120VAC IV170 1 IVncUlP

Op, n Desktop Con, oles fo,Vnet intenace C

tJ1l> e . bl, wi" RJ45

1 0M",



cD.i, C "
lK Cii}&i' l s30

, license .,h ve"ion IThe total contml station i, 5 0' moce . Di,ploy Pack , IMuitiDI , sofiwace license . Enolish v",ion Status Pack ... IMultiDle sofiwace ~ IMultiple ,oftwa" license . Eneli' h vetSion


I----F ,.j ' ----+--ti



r OF OTHER 'OF' u s PCs

I .) IHtS PC DE LIH n" the



. 40GB :DD. 3.5' FI)[ . PC lot free for ""d, '0 . amU el port, an, 1 mouse, Ethernet port, , XP and Office 2000 ,40X DD,i" Tape d,ive, 101 20GB backuD i Syst, m to owate on 11 5VA 19' LCD MonitoL
1.2 .) HIS PC




DELLIH '" the



, ne,

. 40GB. DD~ FDD

10. P'" let pon, an I mouse.' , lOX , XP and 10120GB backuD , System to opemte on 11 5VA 19' CD MonitoL

~et pon




. PCI , lot f,ee

, and ~

m i

3.4 GHz

DO. 3.5"FDD ,c"d. toort.

10120GB baCkUP" System to OPeLate on 11 SVAC 19' : D MOnitoL

2lrd Jannry 2007


Clien! : Peu ocon Atabi l Ltd End UKr : Sludi Atamco Upgrade Jeddah Reflne J)' DCS

Proposal No. :HSQ6BMB} 16-R I



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Siudy of exi stinS!. documents & to understand DeS tie-in to existing system DeS system back-u Preparation of manufacturing databook as per Aramco standards YME's Project Enginee l in~ Expenses related to Order handling. T&L for Pro'ect meetings, site visit Imeetings Software Engineering Pro'eet Management

Lee:alisalion & Sea- fr e~g ht cha.!:ges from Singapl?re factory 10 Bahrai n of DeS maltri al, Repac king & Load ing onlo tru cks; T ransportation rrom Ba hrain to Jt ddah by road including c ustoms clearan ct & Custom Dut), I


Co ntrol room install at ion activitits for DCS I This will be in the scope of Installation contractor of Saudi AramcolPetrocon ' YME engineer can provide installat1 0n All site su ort are charJ!:ed on er diem basis as er unit rales . Systt m powtr-on, SAT & commissio ning assistanct All site support are charged Oil per diem basis as per unit rates.




23 rdJ anulry 2007


Yokogawa Midd le East B .S. C.(c) P.O. Box 10070, Manama, Bahrain Bldg. 511, Road 2516, Busaiteen 225, Muharraq, $t;lte. Of Bahrain
TEL: 973 (17) 358100


973 ( 17) 336 100

DATE :. _ _ _ _ __ __ " J'0"n"u"0,,"',,3,,',,,',,0"'0'' ______

REF. NO : HSQ7AMB36SR1 Please use thi s no. when ordering

_ _ _

EFFECTIVE UNTIL :. _ _ __ __ _ _M ="'"c" h-=''-,'::0,,0"-'______ ATIENTION

: Mr. Ashraf Kathlan Vice President

M R AL KATHLAN : Proposal for Wasle Waler Treatment Conlrol Room for Jeddah Refinery : Saudi A rabian Oil Company : Quotation Request No.: QR77006YK4 : DOP, Jeddah RefineryWof1(s : 6 months from receipt of firm Purchase Order (Provided a!1 Design Inputs are receiv ed in time) With the followi ng milestones against irrevocable Letter of Credit at sight In favour of Yokogawa Middle East from a reputed bank of European origin. -20% - 20% 20% -30% 1 0% advance against Purchase Order on approva l of PDR on approval of CDR against successful FAT completion against Ex-Works , Bahrain Delivery of the system



: A s per attached Table of Conlents


IDi,tribul,"" 'C""trol Syslem for the Upgrade of Jeddah ReI. Wasle waler trealment plant which includes :
CS 3000 DCS Hardware, basic software and appliCation software projecl engineering, project management, testing, documentation, as per the Proposal.


Saudi Arabia nl GCe Customs Duty Freight & Insurance




We have quoted for thi s project as per Saudi Aramco VDPA agreement (Ref". OOO-B1503/SAlYEC dtd.12 December 2004). However con sidering our long standing relationshiping with MR K. we are pleased to offer following disooun\ Disc ount

2% Oiscount (US$ 8,939) on the quoted price, provided all Milestone Payments are made in time. This discou nt amount will be deducted from the final invoice of 10% against System Delivery (Ex-works. Bahrain) (We will invoice MRK for 8%, If alilhe Milestone Payments have been made in Time) 3% add itional discount (USS 13,0408) in case MRK places the Field Instrument O rder on Gas Arabian Services for the full value as per their Quotation Reference No. : QTN-932A-06-YK12 dtd.17/12/2006. This discount will be deducted from the first Milestone Invoice (20% Advance), provided the order for fi eld Instruments is received .(We will Invoice MRK fo r 17%, if the field instl'\Jrnenls order is receiv ed .)

S..a!Dn 1.\ " "'00 SU""""'Y

"age '1 2",", 31. 200 7

Yokogawa Middle East} P.O. Bo)( 10070. Manama. Bahrain Bldg. 577. Road 2516. Blisalteen 225. MlIha~q , Stale Ql ,Bahrain TEL: 973(17) 358 100 FAX: 973 (17)336100


R'EF. NO: HSQ7AMB365R1 Please use this no. when ordering

DATE .- _ _ _ _ _ _ _--$ J" , '""U"""ryc:3,,1.L . 2,,0,,0"-7_ _ _ _ _ __ EFFECTIVE UNTil

March 2, 2007

Contractua l Terms & Conditions :

1) Yokogawa DCS Hardware/Software Components - Singapore
2) PCs aJ'ld Printers - .rom Middle East sources

3) Panels

-'rom Middle East sources or other Yokogawa suppliers

Please note that Yokogawa re serves the right to change the location of sourcing of above materials.


Terms & Conditions :

Standard YOKOGAWA term & conditions shall be applicable for Ihis proposal
1e months from delivery or 12 months tram System Commissioning whichever is earlier
All site serviCes 'Pr~oomm ission ing Commissioning SAT Supervision of Installation be based on per diem basis .elc) will


Site Services




Summ try


h "u.1')' l1 . 2001

Customer: AI-Khatlan End User: Saudi Aramco Project: Proposal for Wa ste Water Trea tm ent Control Room for Jeddah Refinery DeS HARDWARE BILL OF MATERIAL

Yokogawa Middle East B.S.C.(c) Proposal No.: HSQ7AMB365 RO


Mod eU Desc ription

Tota l

1i I


have not considered FO cables between the Main De S Control Room & the WWTP DeS Con trol Room. The same ca n be MRK. . . ter mination & of this FO cable is out of above BOM is under assumption th at th e Main Jeddah DeS is up gra ded to VnetlIP (presently und er act ive discussions with

MB: 31 January 2007

Page 111

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