Russian For Tourists
Russian For Tourists
Russian For Tourists
EEK 81.2P-96 K 72
Adapted to English-speaking readers and translated from the Russian by V. KOSTOMAROV Designed by Y. Aratovsky
4306020100-58 015(01)-87
H'3/iaTe.'ibCTBO PyccicHH S3MK, 1978 n e p e B o a Ha aHrjiHHCKHH H3biK, 1 9 7 8 ;
How will this little book help you? What will it teach you? It won't teach you to read Lev Tolstoy and Feodor Dostoevsky in the original or to understand Russian-language broadcasts by Radio Moscow. But it will tell you how to find your way in a strange Russian city or how to get the food you want in a cafe or restaurant even if the waiter does not speak English. You won't be able to write a letter to your Russian friends in Russian, but you will be able to: -use current everyday expressions, such as the Russian equivalents of "Hello", "How do you do", "Goodbye" and "Thank you"; -make out the various signs, notices and advertisements you may come across in the streets of Soviet cities; -find your way around fairly easily and without a guide in railway stations, air terminals and shops; -buy, without anybody's help, a newspaper, a sandwich, a souvenir, and so on; -order your meals, buy cinema or theatre tickets, make a telephone call, send a telegram and do many other important everyday things.
A person who has read this book must not flatter himself that he knows Russian, although, as we flatter ourselves, he may sometimes get this impression from his quick and easy successes. Our book is meant to help a foreigner to get around safely and, perhaps, to get him interested in Russian so that later on he will take up a more serious study-with real effort and toil. The Authors
THIS BOOK is arranged as follows. There are vertical rows of red dots printed in the margin of some pages to mark the active part of the material the words, phrases and sentences that you must learn to use yourself. Included here is also some essential information about Russian customs and the Soviet way of life. All the Russian material here is given in Latin transcription followed by the Russian text and its English translation. Other parts of the text are marked with vertical rows of blue dots. This is the passive part of the material-the words, phrases and sentences that you must be able to understand, and also some more important but not absolutely vital linguistic and nonlinguistic information. All that you need to understand when you hear it, is given here in transcription (as in the active part of the text), but all that you need to read and understand without attempting to say it is given only in the Russian writing. Where possible, drawings have been used to show the words as they occur on Russian signs, notices, posters, and so on.
Finally, much of the text is not marked at all. Here you will find information which is useful but not vital. Most of it has nothing to do with the Russian language. The book is based on a principle which we would call "the principle of speech actions". This means that we do not simply collect in one place all topical (i.e. thematically close or related) phrases with parallel translations as conventional conversation books do, but try to teach you how to act (linguistically or otherwise) in every particular situation, how to solve problems as they arise, both with and without using Russian. Therefore, we thought it best to divide this book not into chapters, lessons, or topics, but into problems. We have 19 of them: Page Problem 1. Getting Acquainted. Greetings. Forms of Address 15 Problem 2. Numerals. A Phone Call . . . 22 Problem 3. In a Taxi. Russian Addresses . . 32 Problem 4. In the Street 40 Problem 5. The Underground 50 Problem 6. On the Bus, Trolleybus and Tram 57 Problem 7. Visiting Friends 65 Problem 8. At the Hotel 70 Problem 9. Signs, Notices, Posters, etc. . . 73 Problem 10. A Visit to a Bakery and a Confectionery. Soviet Money . . . 83 Problem 11. Shopping: In Food Shops . . 93 Problem 12. Shopping: Other Shops . . . . 105 Problem 13. Shopping: Books, Newspapers, Records 112
Shopping: Souvenirs . . . 120 127 The Restaurant and the Cafe At the Theatre and the Cinema. A Few Words about Sports 144 160 At the Post Office . . . At the Railway Station and on 166 the Train At the Air Terminal and in the Aeroplane 176 In many of these Problems both linguistic and non-linguistic information is contained. In some Problems, as in Problem 17, we could give only a general description in English, for the subjects touched upon in them would involve too much linguistic information. Wherever possible, we have tried to give relevant addresses, advice and hints, telephone numbers, and so on. This book contains no theoretical grammar, though sometimes we considered it necessary to say a couple of words in explanation of word forms. Naturally, we do not expect you to learn everything by heart. To use the book and to work out our Problems, you have to know: (1) the Russian alphabet and some elementary rules of pronunciation (there are special tables on this at the beginning of the book), (2) the Russian numerals. Apart from this it should be enough just to read carefully the Problem concerned before embarking on your expeditions... So-Happy landing! As you fly over the Atlantic or the English Channel, or, perhaps, speeding in a train across Europe, open this book and look through it, just to get used to its layout and to acquaint yourself with the Russian alphabet and numerals. We hope you'll have a good time!
THE RUSSIAN ALPHABET AND THE TRANSCRIPTION USED IN THIS BOOK TranPrinted Script scription symbol A, a E, 6 Russian letter: Note Pronounced as: in in in in in 'father' 'balloon' 'book' 'imbue' 'play'
jl. a. A
a a b b at the end of a word P or before a voiceless consonant at the end of a word P or before a voiceless consonant 10
in 'pew'
Russian letter:
Pronounced as:
V v F
or or
K or
K A a
D or D T or
b T
E, e E, e
E or YE
v in 'vote' v in "view' at the end of a word f in 'fun' or before a voiceless consonant at the end of a word f in 'few' or before a voiceless consonant g in 'good' g in 'argue' at the end of a word k in 'kind' or before a voiceless consonant at the end of a word k in 'askew' or before a voiceless consonant d in 'dog' d in 'dew' at the end of a word t in 'twelve' or before a voiceless consonant at the end of a word t in 'stew' or before a voiceless consonant e in 'bet' when stressed ye in 'yet' when stressed e in 'exact' when unstressed yo in 'yonder' 11
Transcription symbol
Pronounced as:
ZH or
Z or Z
S M, ii M, ii K,
11, U, F 11, a E.K,
s in 'pleasure' at the end of a word sh in 'shake' or before a voiceless consonant z in 'zoo' z in 'Zeus' at the end of a word or before a voiceless consonant at the end of a word s in 'suit' or before a voiceless consonant when stressed ee in 'beet' when unstressed e in 'exact' y in 'yacht' k in 'kind" k in 'askew' 1 in 'lake' 11 in 'million' m in 'moon' m in 'muse' n in 'note' n in 'new ' or in 'born' a in 'balloon' p in 'post' p in 'pew'
JI, ji M, M H,
O, o n, n
Pronounced as: r in 'root' r in 'rear' s in 'sun' s in 'suit' t in 'two' t in 'stew' oo in good' f in 'fun' f in 'few' ch in the Scotish word 'loch' h in 'hew' ts in 'hats' ch in check' sh in "shake' sh ch in 'Danish charter' (pronounced as one sound)
X? Ftp X.x
R S or S T or T U
b b b
or or
U, H H, 4
u v.* Vim
111, III m, m
*s >
hard sign: i> does not represent any sound: it never occurs at the beginning of words 13
Pronounced as:
never occurs at the beginning of words when stressed when unstressed soft sign: b does not represent any sound, it never occurs at the beginning of words
in 'pit'
e in 'begin'
3, 3
K ) , M) fl, H
3 ,
GETTING ACQUAINTED. GREETINGS. FORMS OF ADDRESS A courteous person must first of all know how to greet the people he meets. In Russian this is a very simple matter: the same word of greeting can be used at any time of the day and with anybody old friends or casual acquaintances. This word is ZDRASTUYT I 3 paBCTByHTe 'Hello' (lit. 'Be healthy'). It covers a wide range of English greetings, from the formal British "How do you do?" to the American "Hi!" Of course, although you yourself may use only this one expression (which you will hear on many occasions from Russians), people may well greet you with others, such as: DOBRAYE UTRA a66poe yrpo 'good morning';
b fl
DOBRAY D E N a66pbiH aeHb 'good afternoon' ; DOBRAY V ECHIR A66pbiii Benep 'good evening'. According to our etiquette, it is perfectly all right to approach any person you wish to get acquainted with and say: M IN A ZAVUT DZHON BRAUN, A VAS? MeHa 30BYT /],>KOH BpayH, a Bac? 'My name is John Brown, what is yours?' (lit. 'They call me John Brown, and you?'). Or: YA V IV YEN SM IT or: M I N A ZAVUT V IV YEN SM IT. X BNBBEH C mht . Or: MeHa 30BYT BuBben CMHT. 'I'm Vivien Smith.' 'My name is (lit. 'They call me') Vivien Smith.' In the case of a man the answer will almost certainly be something like: OCHIN PR IYATNA (PAZNAKOMTTSA). YA IVAN VAS IL tVICH P ITROF.* OneHb n p u a T H O (n03HaK0MHTbCH). fl MBaH BacHJibeBHH rieTpoB. 'Pleased (to meet you). I am Ivan Vasilyevich Petrov.' The same forms can be used with feminine names. Note that the ending -a is typically feminine in Russian (thus, a girl whose father, or a woman whose husband is PTTROF will be P ITROVA rieTpoBa):
b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
AHHa HBaHOBHa FleTpoBa. 'I am Anna Ivanovna Petrova'. or: M IN A , ZAVUT ANNA IVANAVNA P ITROVA. Mena 30ByT AHHa HBaHOBHa neTpoBa. 'My name is Anna Ivanovna Petrova.'
Introductions by a third person are made with almost the same forms: ETA M IS T IR BRAUN, A ETA TAVAR ISHCH P ITROF. 3TO MHCTep BpayH, a 3TO TOBapnm FleTpoB. 'This is Mr. Brown, and this is Comrade Petrov'. or: PAZNAKOM T IS - TAVAR ISHCH P ITROF. n 0 3 H a K 0 M b T e c b TOBapnm IleTpoB. 'Let me introduce Comrade Petrov.' Then you shake hands, probably smile, and say: OCHIN' PR IYATNA. OneHb npnaTHo.' 'Pleased to meet you', (lit. 'Very pleasant.') The formalities of address are not often strictly observed in the U.S.S.R. People say ZDRASTUYT I on all occasions-when they meet anyone: children, old friends, casual acquaintances and complete strangers. This word is normally used only once a day at the first meeting, and if you meet the same person a second time, you usually just nod and smile; to repeat the greeting can even be considered impolite, as it may suggest that you don't remember having seen the other person already that day. Exchanging business cards with a new acquaintance is not very common in the Soviet Union. Most men do not lift their hats or caps when they meet friends or acquaintances, be they men or women. They do not take off their hats in lifts, shops, hotel lobbies, and so on. But men will take off their hats in cinemas and cafes. In places such as restaurants, theatres and museums, men leave their hats and coats in the cloakroom. Ladies may keep their hats on even in places where they take off their coats. We do not usually kiss a lady's hand upon meeting or parting, but everybody in Russia likes to shake
b b b b b b b b b b b b
hands, even when meeting an old friend or colleague. To return to our subject, forms of address. One word you should remember is the universal TAVAR ISHCH TOBapum 'comrade'. This is not an official form only, nor is it, as many foreigners think, a word used mainly among the members of the Communist Party. In reality TAVAR ISHCH is close to the English "Mr., Mrs., Miss" and is used with both men's and women's surnames; thus: TAVAR ISHCH P ITROF T O B a p u m rie poB 'Mr. Petrov'; TAVARTSHCH P ITROVA T O B a p u m FleTpoBa 'Mrs. Petrova'; T A V A R I S H C H S M I T TOBapmu CMHT 'Mr. (or: Mrs., Miss) Smith'. Its abbreviated written form is TOB., e.g. TOB. FleTpoB, TOB. CMHT. YBa>KAEMBIH TOB. neTpoB(A)! is a salutation used in letters and corresponding to the English "Dear Mr. (Mrs.) Petrov(a)". YBa>KaeMbiH TOBapHm! (the word is not shortened when used without a surname) means "Dear Sir". By the way, we put an exclamation mark and not a comma (or semicolon) after the salutation in a letter. ToBapnm is not used with first names, so you can call an Irina yasilyevna Petrova either TAVAR ISHCH P ITROVA TOBapHm fleTpoBa (safe for all occasions) or IR INA, VAS IL IVNA Hpima BacHJibeBHa or simply IR INA Mpnua (the latter form suggests a certain familiarity and a friendly relationship). The word TOBapnm TAVAR ISHCH is often used when greeting a person: ZDRASTUYT I, TAVAR ISHCH P ITROF. 3ApaBCTByHTe, TOBapnm IleTpoB. "How do you do (or: Hello), Mr. Petrov'. or simply:
b b b b T b
ZDRASTUYPI, TAVAR ISHCH 3ApaBCTByiiTe, TOBapHiu, if you don't know the person's name. So when introducing yourself you can well start with: TAVAR ISHCH, M IN A ZAVUT BRAUN, A VAS? ToBapnm, MeHH 30ByT BpayH, a Bac? 'Hello, my name is Brown, what is yours?' Compare also the forms: TAVAR ISHCH M IN ISTR TOBapnm MHHHCTP lit. 'Comrade Minister'; TAVAR ISHCH G I N I R A L T O B a p n m reHepan lit. 'Comrade General'; TAVAR ISHCH VAD IT IL TOBapnm BOflHTejib (in a taxi) lit. 'Comrade driver'. Recently, the word KAL EGA Kojuiera 'colleague' has come into use among people working in the same field (as in the case of TAVAR ISHCH, the same form is used for both men and women). It is quite likely that you will be addressed in this way. In official conversations with foreigners the old, prerevolutionary word GASPAD IN rocnoflHH (feminine form GASPAZHA rocnoxa) (lit. 'master', 'gentleman') can sometimes be heard, but we do not recommend it to you because of its disagreeable connotations for the Russians. It is now used almost exclusively on formal occasions, such as diplomatic receptions. You will certainly hear the following words used widely by Russians as forms of address: MALADOf CHILAV EK MOJIOAOH nejioBeK 'young man'; D EVUSHKA fleByiuKa 'girl', 'miss'. However, we think that you should avoid them because their incorrect usage may lend them ironic
b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
or impolite overtones. To use them always correctly, one must be a native speaker of Russian. We advise you to stick to TAVAR ISHCH on all occasions. The situation is much trickier if you know the other person very well. You could even say that the better you know him or her, the more difficult is the choice of address. We have no space here to go into the complexities of Russian etiquette, but this is our advice: as soon as the word TAVAR ISHCH seems too formal and inadequate in your relations with a Soviet friend, simply ask him what he would like to be called: KAK M N E VAS NAZYVAT ? Kax MHe Bac Ha3biBaTb? 'What should I call you?' Your friend will probably ask you to address him by his name and patronymic, e. g.: IVAN P ITROV ICH M aH IleTpoBHH, IRBINA P ITROVNA MpHHa rieTpoBHa. The derivation and pronunciation of these forms is a very difficult problem, indeed. One instance of the typical difficulties is that the common name IVAN IVANAV ICH may sometimes be pronounced as VANVANYCH! (although always written as MBaH MBEIHOBHH). We can only suggest that you should listen carefully to what your friend says and try to imitate him as closely as possible. Please note that patronymics are not surnames and should not be confused with them. Patronymics are not used without the first name. The use of the first name plus patronymic is probably even more common in Russian than the use of TAVAR ISHCH plus surname. If a Russian introduces himself to you by giving you his first name and patronymic, give him your first and last names and this should do. The use of a person's first name alone implies
b b b b b b B b b b
a considerable degree of intimacy, therefore you should address a Russian by his first name (without the patronymic) only if he himself asks you to do so. Still more complicated is the use of diminutives of Russian names. The problem is that any Russian name has a host of diminutives. Thus, a person with the name IVAN may also be called: VAN A, VAN ICHKA, VAN USHA, IVANUSHKA, VAN KA BaHfl, BaHeHKa, Bamoma, MBaHyuiKa, BaHbKa, and so on. All of these names are very expressive and their overtones range from intimate affection to insult. We don't recommend you using them, unless your Russian friend insists on your addressing him by a particular name he himself chooses and prefers. In any case, if you hear somebody calling your friend VAN A, that by no means gives you the right to do so.
b b b b b
To sum ug: among the possible forms TAVAR ISHCH P ITROF TOBapmu PleTP,6B; IVAN IVANAV ICH Ubslh MBaHOBm; KAL EGA (P ITROF) KOJUiera (FleTpoB); GASPAD IN P ITROF rocnoAHH rieTpoB; IVAN MBaH; v A N A BaHH, etc., the first two are the safest, and the last one is intimate (though, perhaps, the most Russian).
b b b b b b b b
NUMERALS. A PHONE CALL The most natural way to open your acquaintance with Russian numerals is, perhaps, by using the telephone. Of course, to dial a number, you don't have to know how the Russian numerals are pronounced; but to be able to note down a phone number dictated to you, or to ask for an extension number, you have no choice but to learn them. Here are Russian numerals: 0 NOL HOJib 1 A D IN oflHH 2 DVA ABa 3 TR I TH 4 CHITYR I neTbipe 5 P AT nan, 6 SHES T mecTb 7 S EM ceMb 8 VOS IM BoceMb
b b b P b b b b b b b b
fleBHTb 9 D EV IT AecaTb 10 D E S I T o;u iiiHa;ma'ib 11 A D INATSAT ;i,BeHafliiaib 12 DV INATSAT TpHHafluaTb 13 TR INATSAT 14 CHITYRNATSAT MeibipnaAnaTb iiMriia/inaib 15 P ITNATSAT LuecTHaauaTb 16 SHISNATSAT ceMHanuaTb 17 S IMNATSAT 18 VAS IMNATSAT BoceMHaauaTb ;ieBHTtia;marb 19 DlV ITNATSAT flBaauaTb 20 DVATSAT 21 DVATSAT AD IN ABaauaTb oflHH 22 DVATSAT DVA flBaauaTb ;iBa, etc. flBaauaTb xieBHTb 29 DVATSAT D EV IT TpHflUaTb 30 TRITSAT 31 TRITSAT AD IN T p H f l U a T b OflHH COpOK 40 SORAK nHTbflecaT 50 P ID IS AT LUeCTbfleCHT 60 SHIZ D IS AT ceMbflecaT 70 S E M D I S A T 80 VOS IM D IS AT BOCeMbfleCHT AeBaHOCTO 90 D IV INOSTA CTO 100 STO CTO OILHH, 101 STO A D IN etc. CTO AECHTB 110 STO D ES IT 111 STO AD INATSAT cto oxumhaauatb, etc. cto JEBMINA;ILUNB 119 STO DIV ITNATSAT cto FLBAZMATB 120 STO DVATSAT CTO FLBAAUATB OFLHH, 121 STO DVATSAT etc. AD IN
b b b b b b b b : b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b B b b B b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
200 201 210 220 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
flBeCTH flBeCTH OflHH, etc. ABeCTH fleCHTb aBecTH /iBaauaTb TpHCTa ieTbipecTa nHTbCOT mecTbcoT CeMbCOT BOCeMbCOT fleBJITbCOT
When reading numerals aloud, Russians rarely read figure after figure as the English do. Thus, the extension 164 is read as: STO SHIZ D IS AT CHITYR I CTO rnecTbaecHT neTbipe, and almost never as: AD IN-SHES T -CHITYR I oahh mecTb-neTbipe, though the latter would be quite understandable. Phone numbers in Moscow and Leningrad consist of seven figures, those in Kiev, Minsk, Tbilisi, Yerevan and Riga of six figures, subdivided into three groups, each of which is read separately: 125-04-26: STO DVATSAT P A T - N O L CHITYR I-DVATSAT SHES T CTO OTaauaTb naTb-HOJib neTbipe-^Ba;inaxb mecTb (and not: A D I N - D V A - P A T NOL , etc.), 22-35-16: DVATSAT DVA TR ITSAT P AT --SHISNATSAT flBaauaTb ,n.Ba Tpn/maTb nHTb iuecTHaauaTb (and not DVA DVA T R I - P A T , etc.).
b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
If you want a free lesson in Russian numerals, dial 100 in Moscow or 08 in Leningrad. You will hear a pleasant well-modulated voice saying, for instance * S IMNATSAT CHISOF TR I M INUTY - ceMHaxmaTb nacoB, Tpn MHHyTbi, which means that the precise (Moscow) time at that moment is 17.03 (i.e. three minutes past five p.m.). Don't be confused by the fact that the forms of some words vary and the voice says: AD IN CHAS O/XHH nac, ADNA M ITNUTA oflHa MmryTa; DVA CHISA /tBa naca, DV E M INUTY ABe MHHyTbi; TR I (CHITYR I) CHISA (M INUTY) Tpn (neTbipe) naca (MHHyTbi): P A T (SHEST , SEM ... DVATSAT ) CHISOF (M INUT) nTb (mecTb, ceMb ... flBaauaTb) nacoB (MHHyT). And then again: DVATSAT AD IN CHAS asaauaTb OAHH nac; DVATSAT ADNA M INUTA flBajmaTb oflHa MHHyTa; DVATSAT DVA CHISA ;iBazma'rb jibsl naca; DVATSAT DV E M INUTY flBaauaTb ABe MHHyTbi, etc. Russian nouns are declined, i. e. they change their forms, mainly endings (including the way they are pronounced!), depending upon their relationship to other words in a sentence. In this book we shall pass over explanations of how and when words are declined, so you will have to learn the separate forms without asking why, how or what for. We have tried not to give you
b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
even one form more than absolutely necessary. However, the confusing forms CHAS, CHISA, CHISOF (nac, naca, 4acoB) and M INUTA, M INUTY, M INUT (MHHYTA, MHHYTBI, MHHYR) are quite unavoidable, as you will see later. Suppose your call is put through and somebody who does not speak English answers. You will probably hear: (YA) SLUSHAYU. H cjiymaio. Lit. '(I'm) listening, or AL O ajino 'Hello', or simply: DA 'Yes'all in an interrogatory tone, inviting you to speak. Only if you phone an office are you liable to get a fuller answer, and that rarely. The answer could be: INTUR IST SLUSHAYU (VAS). H TypncT. Cjiymaio (Bac). Lit. 'Intourist. I'm listening (to you).' How should you react? A Russian making the phone call would say: PAPRAS IT I (or PAZAV IT I) IVANOVA. nonpocnTe (n030BnTe) HBaHOBa. 'May I speak to Ivanov?' Lit. 'Call Ivanov.' Of course, it's nice if you use a polite request including PAZHALUSTA 'please', e.g.: PAPRAS fT I IVANOV A (IVANOVU), PAZHALUSTA (Note the forms needed in this construction: IVANOVA-masculine, and IVANOVU-feminine). nonpocnTe HBaHOBa (HBaHOBy), noacanyncTa. 'May I speak to Mr. Ivanov (Mrs. Ivanova), please?' People very rarely give their own name on the phone in this country, but still it's helpful if you add the phrase: ETA (GAVAR IT) BRAUN. 3TO ( r o B o p u r )
b b b b b H b b b b b b
We don't think you will be able to make yourself understood if you place a call and don't know anybody at the receiving end who speaks English. Of course, with the Intourist office it's easy-you can start straight away in English. But otherwise things are very tricky. Let's suppose that you are lucky and that after struggling through the given phrases you hear PAZHALUSTA and, maybe, a few other words quite incomprehensible to you, for instance: PAZHALUSTA (PADAZHD IT I) M INUTACHKU. Mr. Ivanov now takes the receiver and begins to speak. ETA YA. 3TO a. 'It is I.', and, after recognizing you, he will lapse into English. If Mr. Ivanov is not available, however, they will probably tell you: IVO N ET, A KTO ETA GAVAR IT? (or: A KTO IVO SPRASHIVAYIT?) Ero HeT. A KTO STO roBopHT? or: A KTO ero cnpaiiiHBaeT?) 'He is not here. Who is speaking? (or: Who is asking for him?)' Your answer should be: SKAZHIT I, SHTO ZVAN IL BRAUN, PAZHALUSTA. CKAACUTE, hto 3BOHHJI EpayH, noacajiyncTa. 'Please tell him Brown called.' or simply: ETA BRAUN. 3TO EpayH. 'This is Brown.' We can't predict just what they will say to you then, but it will obviously be some kind of explanation as to where Ivanov is and when you can contact him. Ignore it and try to impose on the person at the other end of the line one of the following two phrases which you should have prepared beforehand for just such an occasion. 1. PAPRAS IT I IVO PAZVAN IT M N E
b b b b b b b b b b b b
S IVODN I V'ECHIRAM (ZAFTRA UTRAM). IIonpocHTe ero n03B0HHTb MHe cero/ma BenepoM (3aBTpa yrpoM). 'Ask him to call me this evening (tomorrow morning)', or more simply: PUS T ON PAZVAN IT V'ECHIRAM. FlycTb OH N03B0HHT BenepoM. 'Let him phone me this evening.' Here you will find that your knowledge of Russian numerals comes in handy. Using the list we gave you at the beginning of this Problem, you can tell them exactly when you want Mr. Ivanov to phone you: PUS T ON PAZVAN IT M N E ZAFTRA UTRAM V D EV IT CHISOF. nycTb OH n03B0HHT MHE 3aBTpa yTpoM B FLEBaTb nacoB. 'Let him phone me tomorrow morning at nine o ' c l o c k . ' Don't forget to put in the preposition B (pronounced as [F] before T, H, n, ui, M and other voiceless consonants): V DVA CHISA B ^BA naca 'at two o'clock'; but: F TR I CHISA B TPH naca 'at three o'clock', etc. You can easily dictate your phone number (the other person is sure to ask you whether Ivanov should know it already, but since you won't understand the flood of words with which he will ask, you had better give it straight away): MOY N O M I R ... MOH" HOMep... 'My number is....' and you already know how to say it. 2. SKAZHIT I SHTO YA PAZVAN U ISHCHO S IVODN I V'ECHIRAM. Cica>KHTe, HTO a n03B0Hib eme ceroaHH BenepoM. 'Tell him I'll phone again this evening.'
b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
Again, instead of S IVODN I V ECHIRAM you can give some more exact time. The answer will be: HARASHO. YA P lR IDAM. Xopoiuo. X
b b b b b b b b
Don't forget to wind up your conversation with: SPAS IBA. DASV IDAN f A. CnacH6o. cBHflaHbH. 'Thank you. Good-bye.' In the sentences we have given you, all pronouns are in the masculine form. Here they are with the corresponding feminine forms: IVO (as in IVO N ET Ero HeT 'He is not here') and IYO (IYO N ET Ee HeT 'She is not here'); IMU (as in SKAZHIT I IMU Cica>KHTe eMy/Tell him') and YEY (SKAZHIT I YEY CKaxHTe en 'Tell her'). YA and its forms M IN A, MN E (a, MeHH, MHe 'I', 'me', 'to me') serve for both men and women. But there may be one more difficulty: if you are a woman, you must say here: SKAZHIT I SHTO ZVAN ILA BRAUN. CKaxcHTe, HTO 3BOHHjia EpayH. Tell (him or her) that Mrs. (or Miss) Brown called.' i.e. ZVAN IL BRAUN 3BOHHJI EpayH means 'Mr. Brown called', whereas ZVAN ILA BRAUN 3BOHHJia EpayH means 'Mrs. (Miss) Brown called'. With Russian names: ZVAN IL IVANOF, ZVAN ILA IVANOVA. 3BOHHJI HBAHOB. 3BOHHJia HBaH O B a . This is because in the past tense Russian verbs have a special feminine form with the ending -a: YA ZVAN IL a 3BOHHJI (of a man), YA ZVAN ILA H 3BOHHjia (of a woman). In YA PAZVAN U ISHCHO (the future tense), the form of
b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
the verb remains the same for both men and women: 51 n03B0Hib eme means 'I (man, woman) will call again.' This is how to use the telephone in the Soviet Union: 1. Pick up the receiver, wait for a signal. 2. On hearing a continuous buzzing, dial your number. 3. Wait for long signals and then for your party to speak. 4. Short signals (pips) indicate that the number is engaged; you must replace the receiver and repeat the call after a while. Thus, the telephone is ready for dialing, wait for an answer, the number is engaged. Most telephones in flats and offices are paid for by the owner ^ on a monthly or yearly basis regardless of the number of calls. In hotels your calls within the hotel or within the city are free, but long-distance calls will be put on your bill for accommodation and services. In city streets, in underground stations, cinemas, etc. there are public telephone booths (in Russian TAKCOd>OH or TEJlE<POH-ABTOMAT). Hence, the question: GD E TUT T IL IFON-AFTAMAT? Tos TyT Teb b b
jiecJioH-aBTOMaT? 'Where's (the nearest) public telephone here?' This is how to use a public telephone: 1. Insert a two-copeck coin in the slot (in most cases you may use two one-copeck coins). 2. Lift the receiver from the hook and wait for a continuous buzzing sound. 3. Dial as when using an ordinary telephone. 4. If your' call is not answered, or if the line is engaged, hang up the receiver and take your money back from the slot. The generally accepted rule is that you may speak on a public telephone for 3 minutes. This time limit is not strictly observed unless a queue forms by the booth. If it seems to the people waiting that you are taking too long, they may knock impatiently on the door. For your part you may do the same when somebody occupies a booth you want to use too long. Incidentally, more and more public phones are provided with a special timing device: after three minutes the phone switches off automatically unless you insert another two-copeck coin (or two onecopeck coins) in the slot.
IN A TAXI. RUSSIAN ADDRESSES You've taken a taxi. What are you to say to the driver? It's best to start with the word you know very well by n9w, that is
P A Z H A L U S T A noanyHCTa, and then you tell him where you want to go: PAZHALUSTA,
BAL SHOY T I A T R . notake me (to) the Bolshoi Theatre, please.' PAZHALUSTA, GAS T INITSA MASKVA. rio^cajiyHCTa, rocTHHHua MocKBa. 'Hotel "Moscow", please.' PAZHALUSTA, UL ITSA GOR KAVA, SORAK DVA. no^cajiyHCTa, yjinna LopbKoro, copoK flBa. 'Gorky Street, Number 42, please.' PAZHALUSTA, ANGLMYSKA YE (AM IR IK.ANSKAYE PASOL STVA. n o * a acajiyiicTa, Eojibiuofi T e a T p . '(Will you
b b b b b b b
cojibCTBO. 'The British (American) Embassy, please.' Unfortunately for the foreigner, Russian cities have quite a number of places with names that sound alike or, for that matter, that bear identical names. So, since you can't be too sure of your pronunciation, you'd better not rely on the spoken word alone. The safest thing to guard yourself against any misunderstanding on the part of the driver is to get the address clearly written down on a piece of paper and to hand it to him with the words: PAZHALUSTA, VOT ADR IS. rToacanyHCTa, BOT aapec. 'Here is the address.' To satisfy the driver's natural curiosity, you might add: YA N IGAVAR U PARUSK I YA IZANGL II (IZAM ER IK I). fl He TOBOpK> no-pyccKH. M m AHFUHH (H3 AM6PHKH). 'Sorry, I don't speak Russian. I'm English (American).' Lit. 'I'm from England (from America).'
b b b b b b b b
3 24
This set piece can be used effectively in many situations, and it's worthwhile copying it out on a few slips of paper and memorizing it: By the way, paper might come in useful to help you pay for the taxi when you reach your destination. You already know how difficult it is to make out Russian numerals, especially if they are pronounced fluently. So it pays to have a notebook and pencil ready-you can always hand them over to your Russian conversation partner and save yourself trouble. In this case the accompanying words may be: PAZHALUSTA, NAP ISHIT I SKOL KA. It is curious that this very simple solution rarely occurs to foreigners struggling to get along without a working knowledge of the language. To get back to our taxi. Paying the fare shouldn't be too puzzling because you can read it on the meter. P. or PYE. on the meter stands for RUBL I py6jiu 'roubles', and K. or KOFI, for KAP EYKI KoneifrcH 'copecks'. When you get out, you may say: SPAS IBA, DAS V IDAN YA. CnacH6o. Ao CBHuaHHH. 'Thanks. Good-bye.' to the driver. You are not supposed to tip taxi-drivers. The Russians themselves usually give tips only to people who have done some favour to them which is not normally included in their duties; for instance, to a taxi-driver who has helped with the luggage, or has been waiting for a rather long time. Let us suppose that a Russian friend invites you to visit him. It is not customary in the Sob b b b b b
viet Union to take a guest to a restaurant; we generally receive our guests at home, so it is only natural that your friend will write down his home address for you. This is the slip of paper you can show to the taxi-driver. Now how are addresses written in the Soviet Union? We don't start with particulars and move on to the general, i.e. from the surname to the street, city, country, but vice versa. We begin our address the way people in England and the United States finish it: Bear in mind that the addressee's surname should be written in the dative case: H. M. MBaHOBy, M. W. MBaHOBOH. Here -y is the masculine dative case ending, and -oil is the feminine dative case ending. Abbreviations are widely used in addresses: (1) 6yji., S y j i b B a p 'boulevard' BUL VAR (2) r. or rop., ropo/t 'city', 'town' GO RAT (3) a., AOM 'house' DOM (4) KB., KBapTHpa 'flat', 'apartment' KVART IRA (5) KB., KBapTaji (rarely used) 'block' KVARTAL (6) K o p n . , K o p n y c 'building' KORPUS (7) H a 6 . , HaSepoKHaa 'embankment' NAB IR IZHNA?A (8) O6JI., 66nacTb 'region' OBLAS T (9) nep., nepeyjioK 'lane', 'by-street' P IR IULAK (10) nji., njiomaflb 'square' PLOSHCHAT (11) np., npocneKT 'avenue' PRAS P EKT (12) yji., yjiHua 'street' UL ITSA We have no formula corresponding to "if undelivered return to...", but the sender's address is usually written in the lower right-hand corner of
b b b b b b b b b b b b
the envelope (never on its reverse side!). On many envelopes and postcards a special place is provided for this, indicated by 06paTHbiB a;ipec ('return
j ^ H JT M
^ JT
<sh y'^t--M M AT
M r
M c f . fiicAlism
J .
L c c B >
U/uv; J M ^ l w ULnacUi
M o v O a , m
nA JleAHCtQCKno,
r / d M
( ^ U X H c ,
address') or A/jpec OTnpaBHTejin ('sender's address'). Other possible inscriptions are "Where" and Koiwy "To Whom", which indicate where and how to write parts of the address. In the lower left-hand corner of the envelope there is a special boxed pattern with dotted-line figures in which the number ("index") of the addressee's post office is to be inserted. Of course, you may need the following words, which are usually placed in the upper left-hand corner: aBiianoHTa or aBHa 'air mail'; 3aKa3Hoe 'registered'. It is rather difficult to give even an approximate guide to the names of places or streets. Still, we can say that the most typical are (1) combinations of an adjective and a noun: KyTy30BCKHH<3f\ npocneKT 'Kutuzov Avenue', CyBopoBCKHH SyjibBap [ \\ 'Suvorov Boulevard', CMOjieHCKaa njiomaflb 'Smolensk Square'; (2) combinations of two nouns, the second of which takes the genitive case (the possessive form): npocneKT BepnaacKoro 'Vernadsky Avenue', yjinua T o p b K o r o 'Gorky Street", njioma/tb MaaKOBCKoro 'Mayakovsky Square'; (3) one word, usually with specific historical connotations: BojixoHKa, Ap6AT (in Moscow); KpeujaTHK (in Kiev); MoiiKa (in Leningrad). You sometimes find two or more different streets with similar names in one city, e. g.: BepxHaa MacnoBKa 'Upper Maslovka St.', HICKH5M MacjioB37
Ka 'Lower Maslovka St.', etc., or (in some new residential areas): IlepBaa riapKOBaa yjrana 'First Park St.', BTopaa napKOBaa yjrana 'Second Park St.', and so on. The specifying adjectives (or numbers) are usually abbreviated in writing, e. g. B. MacjiOBKa, 2 riapKOBasi yjmua, etc. Take care you don't omit these abbreviated adjectives (or numbers) when writing your Russian friends' address on the envelope. As we said at the beginning of this Problem, the easiest way to find an address is to take a taxi. But we haven't yet explained how to identify a taxi-cab in Soviet cities. Cabs can be distinguished by a small tablet on their roof with the word TAKCH 'taxi' in it or a band of black and white "chess squares" on the sides and a green light in the upper right-hand corner of the windscreen. When the green light is on, it means that the cab is for hire; when the cab is engaged, this light is turned off. However, a taxi may drive to its depot or to a petrol pump with the light on. Even if you approach a taxi at a taxi rank (shown in the picture and to be found in the street, near railway and underground stations, hotels, big shops, theatres, etc.), and it has the green light on, you are still supposed to ask the driver: SVABODNY? CBO6O/IHM? 'Are you for hire?", and get in only on hearing: DA J\a 'Yes', or PAZHALUSTA noacajiyncTa 'Please', or SVABODTN CBO6OaeH '(I'm) for hire.' Sometimes, before giving you the final answer, the driver asks: KUDA (VAM) YEH AT ? Kyaa (BaM) exaTb? 'Where do you want to go?'
This usually means that the driver's working day is coming to an end and he cannot go to a distant part of the city. In any case our firm advice is to hand him your address on the paper and say that you are a foreigner. You can stop a taxi in the street if it has a green light on. To do so, you must simply raise your arm as is shown in the picture. The American "hitchhike" thumb sign will not be understood; a whistle might well give offence and be ignored. Remember that sometimes, especially during the rush hour (from 8:30 to 10:00 and from 16:30 to 19:00), hiring a taxi may prove to be a problem, and you may have to spend some time in a long queue at a taxi rank. Taxi fares in the Soviet Union are comparatively cheap: 20 copecks a kilometre, plus 20 copecks "for hiring" (the meter automatically shows this sum as soon as it is switched on). Anyway, for 8-10 roubles / / / you can cross diagonally f ( / even a city as large as Moscow. The fares are the same everywhere and not subjected to seasonal changes. There are special taxi-cabs for transporting five or more passengers and a lot of luggage; in these taxis fares are also 20 copecks a kilometre, plus 20 copecks "for hiring".
IN THE STREET Here are five very important Russian words: ZDRASTUYT I 3apaBCTByHTe 'How do you do', 'Hello'; SPAS IBA CnacnGo 'Thank you'; DASV IDAN YA o cBHflaHM 'Goodbye'; . PRAST IT I npocTHTe 'Sorry', 'Pardon', 'Excuse me'; PAZHALUSTA no>KajiyHCTa 'Please', 'Will you... ?', 'Not at all' (depending on the context). These are truly valuable words which are in constant use. You have already encountered some examples of their application. The versatility of PAZHALUSTA is really amazing; it is much more than a mere expression of request ('Will you, please... ?" or "Do me a favour..."). PAZHALUSTA is also the polite response to a request
b b b b b b
("Here you are", "You are welcome"). It is also used as an answer to thanks ("Not at all", "Don't mention it") and has many other meanings and functions as well. There is another Russian word, probably not quite so important, and not even one hundred percent standard-literary. However, the Russians use it so much in their everyday speech and with such a terrifying variety of meanings that we feel we must clue you in - even though our training as language teachers adamantly protests! This word is N ICHIYO Hnnero and we really are at a loss for a suitable equivalent in English. It's something like the American "O. K." in that it is equally contagious, but is quite different in all other respects. The original and literal meaning of N ICHIVO is 'nothing', but depending upon the situation, it can be rendered in English as 'not bad', 'it's nothing', 'that's all right', 'never mind' and even 'so-so', 'passably'. N ICHIVO will come in useful when you have to say something in reply to PRAST LPT. Suppose somebody steps on your foot in an overcrowded bus and says apologetically: PRAST IT I PAZHALUSTA. npocTHTe. no^caJiyncTa. 'Sorry'. Then you answer: N ICHIVO'. N ICHIVO is useful when somebody wants to know whether you like something. Suppose that you are shown your room on arriving at a hotel. Obviously, the manager will ask you something like "How do you like it? Is it all right?" (You can be sure of that even if you don't make out the actual question.) If you answer N ICHIVO, it will mean that you don't object (depending on intonation and accompanying gestures the word can
b b b b b b b b b
mean anything from 'splendid" to 'I don't really like it, but I'll take it'). Armed with_ these basic five words and, perhaps, with N ICHIVO, you can fearlessly embark on many a venture. Suppose you want to visit a Russian acquaintance who lives close to your hotel, so it isn't worthwhile bothering with taxis or other transport. You decide to walk, and set off down the street. What are you to do? We suggest you should go up to any passer-by who doesn't seem to be on the run or to a militiaman, and say: PRAST IT I PAZHALUSTA... VOT ADR IS KAK PRAYT I? npocrme, no:ajiyMCTa. Box a/tpec-icaic nponm? 'Excuse me, please. Here's the address. How do I get_ there?' (on foot, because the verb PRAYT 1 implies walking). But don't forget to hand him the slip of paper with the address.... In another situation, you can just name the place you need: PAZHALUSTA ... BAL SHOY T lATR KAK PRAYT I? no>KajiyHCTa... EojibrnoH TeaTp KaK upoiii h ? 'The Bolshoi Theatre'- How do I set there, please?' Instead of BAL SHOY T lATR it could be, of course, ANGL IYSKAYE (AM IR IKANSKAYE) PASOL STVA AHrjiHHCKoe (a\iepHKanCKoe) n o c o u b C T B O 'The British (American) Embassy'; GAS T INITSA UKRAINA rocTHHHua yKpauHa 'Hotel Ukraine', POCHTA noMTa 'post office', or any other location. The most difficult thing, of course, is what
b b b b b 1, b b b b b b b b b b b
follows. The person you ask is more than likely to produce a long and rapid reply, accompanied by many energetic gestures. This will hardly make you any the wiser, so you may say: PRAST IT I PAZHALUSTA - YA IZ ANGL Il (AM ER IK I)... YA N IGAVAR U PARUSK I. IIpocTHTe, noacanyiiCTa... ft H3 AHIMIHH (AMEPUKH). HE roBopio no-pyccKH... 'Sorry. I'm English (American). I don't speak Russian.' Then you might resort again to your notebook and pencil: NAR ISUYT I KAK PRAYTM ... HapMcyiiTe, KaK nponTH... 'Will you draw me a plan of how to get there (on foot).' You can be sure that any Soviet citizen, who is not getting late for an important appointment, will spare no time or effort to make the required drawing. There is even a good chance that he will volunteer to show you the way in person. Another method requires a great deal of effort and the knowledge of some new words, which you will also have to be able to recognize in the flood of words that are likely to gush forward from the other person: PR AMA npHMO 'straight', 'directly'; NAZA.T or ABRATNA Ha3aa, o6paTHo 'back(wards)'; NAPRAVA HanpaBO 'to the right, on the right'; NAL EVA HaneBO 'to the left, on the left'; PATOM or ZAT EM noTOM, 3aTeM 'then, after( wards)'; ISHCHO (RAS) eme (pa3) 'once more", 'once again", 'still'.
b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
You must also know the verb IT T I HflTH 'to walk', and recognizee in the forms: PRAYT I - already introduced to you in KAK P R A t T I KaK npoHTH 'How do I get there?', and ID IT I HflHTe 'go', 'you must go', which you might hear in the explanation. Armed with these words you can take the initiative and direct the conversation so as not to lose track of the overall sense. That is, you can impress on the other person that he is dealing with a foreigner, who does not understand his language and that he must adapt his speech accordingly. If you should get a long and undecipherable answer to your original question KAK PRAYT I, you can always bring your partner back down to earth by saying: P R A S T f P I - IT T I PR AMA, NAPRAVA IL I NAL EVA? npocTHTe, HATH npHMO, HanpaBo HJIH HajieBO? 'Sorry, should I go straight on, to the right or to the left?' Thus you will force him to use one of the three words which you know and can understand. His ardour dampened, he will, probably, answer with one of the words which you have, as it were, offered him, for instance: (ID IT I) PR AMA. HztHTe npaMO. '(Go) straight on.' Then your next question may be: PATOM ISHCHO PR AMA IL I NAPRAV A ? n o T O M e m e n p a M O HJIH H a n p a B o ? 'Then, again (still) straight on or to the right?'
b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
And so on until you get what you need. Here are some of the expressions your partner is likely to use: I D f F T DAUGLA Mjime no yrjia. 'Go up to the corner', ZAUGLOM NAPRAVA 3a yrjioM HanpaBO. 'Around the corner, and to the right', PATOM (PAV IRN IT I) NAL EVA I ISHCHO RAS NAL EVA HOTOM (noBepHHTe) HajieBO H eme pa3 HajieBO. 'Then (turn) to the left, and once again to the left', (DAYD OT I) DAKANTSA UL lTSY I ... ,H,OH,neTe ao KOHua yjinnbi h ... 'You reach the end of the street, and then ...', I SPRAS IT I ISHCHO RAS... H cnpoCHTe eute pa3 'and inquire (of someone else) once again'. Of course, this list is very approximate and incomplete for it is extremely difficult to foresee and enumerate all the possibilities.... As we have noted, the Russian PRAYT I, IT T I, ID IT I, DAYD OT I, etc. npouTH, HATH, HflHTe, AOHfleTe... are various forms of the Russian equivalent of "to go" and mean only "walking", but when listening to directions you must try to catch the words: M I T R O MeTpo 'Underground', TAKS I TaKcn 'taxi', AFTOBUS aBTo6yc 'bus', TRAL EYBUS Tpojuien6yc 'trolleybus', TRAMVAY TpaMBaii 'tram'. If you hear one of these, you had better make it clear that you want to walk-by repeating KAK PRAYT I with a special stress on PRAYT I or by saying: YA HACHU IT T I (P ISHKOM) 51 xony HATH (neuiKOM). 'I want to walk'.
b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
The trouble with some Muscovites is that they themselves use public transport far more than is necessary, and the idea of a foreign guest walking somewhere does not appeal to them at all. On the other hand, living in such a large city, many Muscovites somehow aren't really aware of its enormous distances and tend to underestimate them. So if you ask: ETA DAL IKO? 3TO aajieKo? 'Is it far (from here)?', you may receive their favourite answer: N ET, N IDAL IKO. HeT, Heziab b b b
jieKO. 'No, not far', though the distance concerned may be very considerable indeed. But, of course, it may happen that in answer to your KAK PRAYT I somebody will look you over curiously and point at a nearby building with the word(s): VOT (usually: VOT ON, VOT ANA, VOT ANO) BOT (BOT OH. BOT OHA. BOT OHO). 'There (it is)'. All Russian nouns belong to one of three genders (masculine, feminine or neuter) and this accounts for the forms of the words OH (e. g. AOM 'house', 'block of flats'), OHa (e.g. nji6ma.n,b 'square') and OHO (e.g. Ka(|)e 'cafe') in the preceding sentence. In explanation you may also encounter: ID IT I FTU STORANU. M/MRE B Ty CTOpoHy. "Go that way.' and ID IT I VETU STORANU. H^NRE B 'try C T o p o H y . 'Go this way.' These expressions are normally accompanied by a gesture. The word VOT is very widely used, especially while indicating something,-just as in English sentences with "this" and "that". Setting off for a walk in the street in the Soviet Union a Briton-to avoid risks!-must be aware that we have right-hand traffic. This means that when one steps off the pavement one has to look to the left, and on reaching the centre of the street one must look to the right. Many streets are now "one-way" and have special crossings indicated by signs. Busy streets in large cities have underground passages for pedestrians. Despite the strictness of the Traffic Regulations and the vigilance of militiamen, Russian pedestrians far too often behave in a careless and reckless manner. They pay no heed to traffic lights and other
b b b b b
signs and take great risks, the least of which is to be fined three to ten roubles by the officer on duty for running across the street, as we say, "under the very nose of a car". In the above picture (a genuine photograph!) you can see all that we have just mentioned, including people crossing the street just above the passage.... You can see that the junction is not very different from those in European or American cities. There is a middle line (we call it "axis line"), which runs into a broader = 3 central reserve, a "zebra crossing" and "stop lines" with the word C T O n 'stop". You can also see traffic = 3 lights; the fourth light with a "green arrow" permits cars to turn to the right. On the same post you see an illuminated sign with a human figure for pedestrians. It consists of two parts: red, which means "Do not cross!" and green, which means "Cross now!" The crossings are indicated by blue triangular illuminated signs with the figure of a man inside, or by the word IIEPEXO,3, 'crossing' in large letters. Sometimes you will see a yellow warning sign nEPEXOAA HET 'no crossing', which means
that there is no street crossing at this point. Below are a number of signs and inscriptions you may come across in the streets of a Soviet city: IIEPEXO^ 'Crossing' FIEPEXO^A HET 'No crossing'
0CT0P02KH0! O^HOCTOPOHHEE ZJBM2KEHME 'Careful! One-way traffic' nO/PEMHblM nEPEXOA 'Underground crossing' CTOHTE
'Halt' 'Go'
BEPErMCb ABTOMOBHJIH! 'Watch for cars!' Very often underground crossings (especially in Moscow, Kiev and Leningrad) are linked with the entrance to an Underground station.
3 24
THE UNDERGROUND Pride of place in the public transport systems of large Soviet cities undoubtedly belongs to the Underground, called:
b b
While well planned and still expanding Underground railway networks exist in Leningrad, Tbilisi, Kiev, and Baku, the Moscow system is outstanding. The red letter M (the first letter of the word M ITRO) serves as the symbol of the Underground. When it is dark, the letter is illuminated. Moscow has several Underground lines with a total length of about 200 km. and over 130 stations. The Moscow Underground system consists of a ring line - KAL TSO Kojibuo 'ring' - and seven radial lines. One trip, i.e. in one direction regardless of the distance and number of train changes, costs
b b
5 copecks. At the entrance you pass the so-called "automatic controllers", or simply "automats", with slots for a five-copeck coin. A small red screen M^MTE (or (or the red light) changes to to the green light) as soon as you drop the coin in the slot. Should anyone try to pass without inserting a five-copeck coin, he will encounter a barrier. Clear plans of the lines, changes, etc., and also signs indicating passages, exits, entries, etc., are everywhere in the corridors and halls, and on the platforms. You can also find the best route to your destination by using the automatic mapstand placed at the entrance hall of some stations. You find the name of the station you want to get to on the panel and press the button; then the lights showing the best route light up on the screen. So, you hardly need to use the language at all. We can envisage only one predicament: you have no five-copeck coin. (We must add parenthetically that genuine Muscovites always have such coins about them because they are always hurrying somewhere. Besides five-copeck pieces needed for paying one's fare in public transport, one should have in constant readiness two-copeck coins and one-copeck bits as well-they are needed for public telephones.)
But it won't cause a great deal of bother if you prove to be improvident. All Underground stations have "change machines": you insert a 10, 15 or 20-copeck coin in the slot, and the corresponding sum in 5-copeck pieces is released in a special scoop. The machines look like the one on p. 51. All stations also have cash-booths, where you can also change money. Without saying anything, you hand in coins or a banknote and the cashier returns you the same sum in change, among which there will be five-copeck coins, usually four or six. You had better not hand her 25-, 50- or 100-rouble notes: in such a case you won't get away without talking! But even then you can save yourself by simply saying: PAZHALUSTA, CHITYR I noacajiyiicTa,
'Four, p l e a s e ' , meaning, of course, that you need four five-copeck coins among the change.
While riding in the train you'll hear announcements made over the train radio. We don't really believe you will make them out and therefore our advice is, try to be guided by the written plans and indicators (the former can also be found in the trains themselves). In case you are curious, the usual announcements when the train arrives and leaves the station consist of the name of the station and of the next one as well introduced by the adjective SL EDUSHCHAYA cjieayiomaa 'next', for instance: SPART IVNAYA, SL EDUSHCHAYA UN IV ERS IT ET. Cnop T HBHaa. CjieityiouiaH - yHHBepcHTeT. "Sportivnaya". The next (station will be) "University".'
b b b b b b b
And the warning: ASTAROZHNA, D V ER I ZAKRYVAYUTSA. 0cT0p6acH0, ABepn 3aKpbiBaK>TCH. 'Careful! The doors are closing." If the train is not going as far as the terminus, the driver will from time to time announce: POIST SL EDUIT DASTANTSII ... Lloesfl cueayeT JIO craHUHH ... 'The train is going (only as far as) the ... station". At the terminus the announcement will be: POIST DAL SHI N IPAYD OT. PROZ BA ASVABAD IT VAGONY. Floes^ ^ajibuie HE noii/IET. ITpocbSa OCBOSO/THTB B a r o H b i . 'The train will not go further. Please step onto the platform.'
b b b b b b b b b b
Soviet Undergrounds are not only very comfortable and clean, but astonishingly swift and provide the solution to the transport problems of our large cities. We are also proud of them as works of architecture: many Underground stations are places of real interest for tourists. In Moscow we'd like you to see for yourself the Underground stations Novoslobodskaya, Mayakovskaya, Arbatskaya, Kiyevskaya, and Pushkinskaya, even if you have no need to use them as transport junctions. The Underground trains, especially on busy lines like the "Ring Line" in Moscow, are very rapid, and the interval between two trains in rush hours is less than 60 seconds. The Underground operates from 6 a.m. to 1 a.m., and on some holidays from 5 to 2 a. m. The working hours of buses and trolleybuses are from 5 to 1 a.m., of trams, from 5 to 1.30 a.m.; some bus routes and the taxis work round the clock. Moscow has about 80 trolleybus and more than 300 bus routes.
We not only take pride in our Underground, but are careful to keep it meticulously clean, tidy and orderly. It is absolutely out of the question to smoke there or to litter the premises. In many Underground stations you can buy flowers and in the passages newspapers and magazines. Despite this the floor is never littered. Many foreigners are surprised to learn that the Underground station is the best place to buy tickets for theatres and concerts. As with all other transport, it is customary to give up your seat for invalids, old people and passengers with children.
By the way, children accompanied by grown-ups do not pay fares on Soviet transport if they are aged seven or under; some categories of invalids also travel free. Besides the method of paying the fare described above (which is by far the most common one), there are others: monthly tickets, books of tickets (for ten rides), etc. You will hardly use any of these, especially since they won't give you any reduction in fares. We mention them only to explain to you why, alongside the "automatic controllers", you'll see a lady in uniform letting some people in on presentation of these tickets. The entrance to an Underground station may be either in the ground floor of a building, in the lobby of a large shop, a specially built structure, a railway station, an underground passage or simply a down staircase at the corner of a street, etc. It is vital to make out the following signs and inscriptions: BXO/I IN (Entry)' HET B X O M 'No Entry'
K nOE3^AM 55
'For changing'
EP5KHTECb JIEBOH (I1PABOM) CTOPOHbl 'Keep to the left (right)' HE nPMCJIOHHTbCfl 'Do not lean' The stations in the centre of the city are very deep below the ground, whereas some of the suburban lines and stations are practically on the surface. Nearly all stations have an ESKALATAR 3CKajiaTop 'escalator', sometimes very long, connecting the upper entrance hall with the platforms. Escalators and staircases are usually employed in the passages for changing from one line to another on a different level. There are practically no platforms at which trains bound in different directions stop. The exceptions are "Nogin Square" in Moscow and "Technological Institute" in Leningrad. Among the many written indicators enumerating stations you can reach by walking in a certain direction, or streets, shops, buses, etc. to which the given passage will lead you if you leave the Underground, you must look out for the words meaning that by taking this direction you will come out into the street.
ON THE BUS, TROLLEYBUS AND TRAM Passenger regulations are the same for buses, trolleybuses and trams: you should enter through the rear door, move forwards and leave through the front door. There are some carriages with three doors; the central, and widest one, is for entry, the rear and the front ones are for exit. If there are many people at the stop, they form a queue ... and generally observe it rigorously enough: only invalids, the aged, passengers with children and babies, and children themselves are given the privilege to enter through the front door. Stops are easy to find. As a rule, there is a special shelter with a sign showing the type of transport. A sign with the letter A is for a bus stop, with the letter T for a trolleybus stop, and
with a somewhat different capital T for a tram stop. Besides these letters, the signs bear the inscriptions: OCTAHOBKA ABTOBYCA ASTANOFKA AFTOBUSA 'bus stop', OCTAHOBKA TPOJIJIEMBYCA ASTANOFKA TRAL EYBUSA 'trolleybus stop',
OCTAHOBKA TPAMBAfl A S T A N O F KA T R A M V A Y A 'tram stop'. (The words A F T O B U S aBToSyc 'bus', T R A L E Y B U S Tpojuiefl6yc 'trolleybus', T R A M V A y TpaMBau 'tram' are here in the genitive case corresponding to the English " o f ' : 'the stop of a bus', etc.) As a rule, the signs also bear the name of the stop (usually after the name of a street crossing the route, or the biggest enterprise, shop or supermarket in the vicinity), the name of the terminal stop, and the maximum interval between arrivals or, in some cases, the timetable. Here are pictures showing the typical vehicle stops and their signs.
One sign may be used to indicate a stop serving many routes. Routes are denoted by numbers; this number and the two terminal stops are written at the front and the rear of each carriage; in addition, there is a plaque on the side near the entrance door, indicating the most important stops along the route: Fares (again they are not related to the distance travelled, but in this case give you no right to transfer to other routes) are uniform: 5 copecks for a bus,
trolleybus and tram. The sum in one coin or any combination of coins should be dropped into the KASSA Kacca a 'coin box' with a slot and simple mechanism with a handle which, when you turn it, gives you a ticket to be torn off. There are also more complicated mechanisms releasing the ticket automatically after you drop the money in the slot and press the button. These ticket boxes are placed near the rear and front doors. You are supposed to keep the ticket to the end of the trip. If you carry a large suitcase, you must pay an additional fare. If the bus is overcrowded, we do not advise you to pay your fare and get your ticket immediately. You will only block the passage for other passengers. Better move forward and then hand your money to the next passenger: he will hand it on to the next one, and so on until it gets to the KASSA-box, where it will be fed in by someone: the ticket will come back to you in the same way. People are accustomed to doing this favour, and you
can manage without saying a word except PAZHALUSTA. Of course, if you pass a larger sum than is necessary, you must state your wish: (P IR lDAYT I) AD IN (B IL ET), PAZHALUSTA. (nepeaaHTe) O;IHH GHJICT, noKanyncTa. '(Pass) one (fare), please'. To save yourself the trouble, follow the advice that we have already given you - see to it that you have the necessary change ready in your pocket. And, of course, don't forget to say PAZHALUSTA, when you hand the money to the passengers to pass it down to the KASSA, and to say SPAS IBA, when they pass you the ticket (to this, undoubtedly, they will reply PAZHALUSTA). And remember that you may be asked to do the same favour for other travellers! An important phrase often heard on our public transport is (VY) VYHOD IT I S ICHAS (NASL EDUSHCHIY? (BM) Bbixo/tHTe cennac (Ha cjiejtyiomeH) ? 'Are you getting off now (at the next stop)?' (VY) V Y H O D T P I ? (BBI) BMXo/mre? 'Are you getting off?' This is usually asked of a person standing in front of you in the passage when you have to get to the door and he or she is blocking your way. In answer this person either steps aside, muttering N ET, PAZHALUSTA, or remains immobile, saying DA (SHAZHU). JXa (cxoxcy). 'Yes, (I am).' In the latter case you must wait quietly, till the people in front of you begin moving towards the exit. It is quite likely that you will be asked this question, but now you know what to say in reply and what to do.
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The most popular forms of road transport are trolleybuses and buses; less so, the tram. Apart from rush hours all the routes are quite convenient and comfortable. As a rule, there are no conductors on city routes, although they are employed on the so-called "out of the city" and inter-city routes, where the fares vary according to the distance. It is rather unlikely (but still possible) that you will come across a "controller", that is, an inspector. If you do, and he or she should address you with: VASH B IL ET, PAZHALUSTA! Bam 6HJIET, noxanyncTa! 'Your ticket, please!' you simply give him your ticket, with PAZHALUSTA or without, according to your mood. He looks at it and returns it to you, saying: PAZHALUSTA. The driver announces the names of the stops, exactly as in the Underground and in trains, but we won't go into this because here the same difficulties arise, multiplied by still worse audio conditions. Besides, the drivers may give other information, which we cannot predict. As a rule, they also remind the passengers of the need to observe the traffic regulations on leaving the bus, etc. to protect their life in the city's streets. We can, however, give you some hints as to how to find the bus or trolley stop you need. You may ask, for example: G D E ASTANOFKA AFTOBUSA NOM IR DVA? T f l e OcTaHOBKa a B T o S y c a H O M e p flBa? 'Where d o e s Bus No. 2 s t o p ? ' or probably easier: AFTOBUS DVA - G D E ASTANOFKA? A B T o S y c a B a - r / t e O c T a H O B K a ? Lit. ' B u s No. 2, where's the stop?'
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To understand the answer, you will have to resort to the devices suggested in Problem 4. It is still more difficult to find out what transport will take you where. It is advisable to buy a map of the bus and trolleybus routes and work out your route well in advance in quiet conditions. We believe, nevertheless, that the following questions may be of help: FTSENTR KAKOY NOM IR? B uenrp KaKon HOMep? 'Downtown (The centre), what number (goes there)?' KNTTTRO KAKOY NOM IR? K MeTpo KaKon HOMep? 'The Metro, what number (goes there)?' Incidentally, you can always ask about the Underground for it will always help you out in Moscow if you are stuck in a strange area! Of course, you can replace KM ITRO or FTSENTR by the name of any street, area, or well-known establishment. Finally, why not resort to the SPRAVACHNAYE B UR O CnpaBOTHoe Siopo Information kiosk', 'Inquiry Bureau'.
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There are many in Moscow and other large cities. You name the place you want to reach in this way, for example: KURSK IY VAGZAL KAK PRAYEHAT ?KypcKiin BOK3AJI-Kaic npoexarb? 'Kursk Station, how can I get there?'
b b
(Note PRAYEHAT instead of the PRAYPT of Problem 4! The Russian language strictly differentiates between PRAYT I 'to go on foot' and PRAYEHAT 'to ride', 'to go by any conveyance'). You will be given a slip of paper with the address of the place you need (Kursk Station in this particular case) and the numbers of the buses, or names of the Underground stations which you need. For this you usually pay 5 copecks' fee.
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VISITING FRIENDS Here you are, at last, at the doorway of your friend's house. You have found it simply by looking at the numbers of flats shown above the doorway, by following your friend's detailed instructions, or by asking somebody in the yard of the house the simple question: GD E KVARTTRA STO DVA? Tfle KBapT n p a CTO flBa? 'Where's Flat 102?' G D E PADYEZD SHEST ? T^e noxrbe3a rnecTb? 'Where's Entry 6?' Most houses in our cities are large blocks of flats, though, of course, your friend may live in a former town house and then the question of finding one doorway among many does not arise. Here is a typical block of flats in Moscow; the entrances are usually on the rear side ("in the
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yard"), while the front overlooking the street is taken up by shops and other communal facilities. Our picture also shows the typical way of indicating the house number and the name of the street. The plaques are illuminated in the dark; the arrow on them shows the direction in which the numbers run. Besides this, many large buildings have their numbers written in large black figures on the corners of the walls. The houses on corners have two numbers, one for each street, like this: 18/2 (read as VAS IMNATSAT DROP ' DVA BOceMna /uiaTb Apo6b ziBa). In the yard of the largest blocks there is often a school, or a kindergarten, etc., and sports facilities. Most buildings have no doorkeepers at the entries, and you have to work the lift yourself. Usually at the entrance or in the cabin of the lift ihere is a table showing the numbers of the flats and the floors they are on. There are other notices and announcements which need not bother you (they concern using the lift for carrying children and luggage, closing the doors, or even pertain to the social life of this particular building, and so on). On leaving the lift you are not required to close the inner door, but it will cause no harm if you do. Most lifts in Moscow's dwelling houses have a loud-speaker system through which you can call the operator in case something goes wrong. If you come across a lift-operator (usually a woman), you simply tell her (for example): P ATYY (ITASH), PAZHALUSTA! Harbin (3TaaO. noxajiyncra! 'The fifth (floor), please!" or, if the cardinal numbers seem easier: (ITASH) P AT . PAZHALUSTA! O r a * ) narb, no>Ka.:iyHCia! '(Floor) five, please!'.
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or. for that matter: KVART IRA STO DVA. KBapxiipa cxo m a Flat 102'. It is worthwhile noting that in the Soviet Union
storeys are counted in a simple fashion, the "ground floor" being called "the first floor" - P ERVYY ITASH n e p B b i n 3Ta>K (as in the United States). So the British "first floor" is the Russian "second floor" FTAROY ITASH B T o p o n 3Ta>K, and so on. You are standing on the landing in front of the door of your friend's flat. You press the door bell, and he opens the door. You exchange handshakes and ZDRASTUYPT. 3flpaBCTByiiTe. 'Hello'. You are introduced to the members of his family according to our Problem 1. You continue with: OCHIN PR IYATNA. OneHb n p r a T H O . 'I'm very glad.' We will assume your friend or somebody in the household speaks English and acts as an interpreter. In the Soviet Union English is spoken (perhaps not always fluently) and understood by many more people than is Russian in any other country. So, making this assumption, we won't interfere with your talk. We can say only a few words that might be helpful when you take your seat at the dinner table. A prompt seating of guests at the dinner table is a strictly observed tradition of Russian hospitality. The dinner table is not the place for a serious conversation. Here are the most common and important phrases you will need: (ZA) VASHA ZDAROV YE! (3a) Barne 3aopoBbe! '(To) your health!' (This is close to the English "Cheers!") PAZHALUSTA, ISHCHO! noadjiyncTa, erne! 'Some more, please!' SPAS IBA. BOL SHI N IMAGU. Cnacn60, 6o.ibuie He Mory. 'Thanks, I'm full.' The hostess will be secretely waiting for you to say:
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OCHIN FKUSNA or KAK FKUSNA! OneHb BKycHO! or KaK BKycHO! 'It's very tasty!' or 'How very tasty!' KAK NAZYVAlTSA ETA (BL UDA)? KaK HA3BIBAETCH STO 6JNO/io? 'What do you call this (dish)?' VY SAM I ETA GATOV IL I? Bbi caMH 3TO ROTOBHJIU? 'Did you prepare (cook) this yourself?' The more you eat and drink, the greater your host's and hostess's pleasure will be. As to the rules of behaviour at the table, they are no different from those in Europe, but are not so strictly observed. The best line will be to act exactly as you are accustomed to doing at home. Nobody will pay any attention or draw any conclusions if you use your fork and knife indiscriminately.
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AT THE HOTEL If you stay in an Intourist hotel, you will hardly need our help. As a rule, the staff there will speak to you in English, and there is also a special interpreters' service. Nevertheless, here is a list of words that you may find handy, especially if you stay in a hotel not run by Intourist. GAST IN ITSA r o c T H m m a 'hotel"; BAG ASH 6ara>K 'luggage', 'baggage'; KAM IRA HRAN EN IYA KaMepa xpaHeHHH 'left-luggage room". Besides you should know these names of places. (You will be able to find out where they are situated by placing the word GD E 'Where is... ?' before any of these words.)
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nAPMKMAXFPCKAH MY^KCKAfl 'Barber's' >KEHCKAH 'Hairdresser's' You may order your meals to be brought to your room for an additional 10 per cent charge. We'll tell you about having meals in public places later - in Problem 15. For the time being, we will only warn you that almost all restaurants are closed before midday and after 11 p.m., and nearly all cafes are closed before 8-9 a.m. and after 11 p.m. So before 8-9 a.m. and after 11 p.m. you can only get something to eat in 'buffets' in large hotels or airports and railway stations. On leaving your room you are expected to hand in the key to the floor manager, who sit at a desk on every floor, or to the desk at the^ entrance in smaller hotels. Returning, you say: NOM IR... HOMep... 'Room...' and get your key. Here you can also inquire about services like laundering, pressing and ironing of clothes, dry-cleaning, repairs, etc. Here are some phrases which may come in handy: MOZHNA PAST IRAT ETA? MO>KHO n o c T n p a T b 3TO? 'Can I have it washed?'
b b b
MOZHNA PACHIST IT ETA? MO>KHO noiHCTHTb xro? 'Can I have it dry-cleaned?" M O Z H N A P A C H I N I T E T A ? MO>KHO n o HIIHHTB 3TO? 'Can I have it repaired?" MOZHNA PR ISHIT ETA? MO>KHO U HuiHTb 6TO? 'Can I have it sewn up?" It is impossible to explain all this to someone without a thorough knowledge of the everyday language, but the preceding phrases are enough to make clear your wishes. After that you can produce the thing itself and show her what you want to be done to it. More complicated and detailed information can be received, of course, in the B URO APSLUZH1b b
VAN IYA EK3PO OECJIY>KHBAHHfl 'Service bureau", where they usually have a person with a working knowledge of English. We shall give you here one more sentence, with the sincere hope that you won't need to use it: MN E PLOHA; NUZHNA DOKTARA. MHe njioxo; NY>KHO aoKxopa. 'I feel bad; I need a doctor.' Incidentally, medical services in the Soviet Union are free.
b b
SIGNS, POSTERS, ETC. While strolling about in a foreign city one always tries to read the signs, posters, advertisements, etc. Magnetically and quite irresistibly they arrest the attention of any foreigner whether he speaks the country's language or not. The most striking thing about our cities for an English-speaking visitor will probably be the absence of proper names on the signs and advertisements. Since all the enterprises are public and state property, proper names are used only when an enterprise is named after a well-known person; for example, Moscow's largest car factory is named after its first director: ZAVOT IM IN I L IHACHOVA 3aBOfl iiMeHH JInxaneBa 'the Likhachev Auto Works'. Lit. 'The factory named in honour of Likhachev'. Most of the streets and squares in Soviet cities are also named after famous statesmen, scientists.
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poets or writers; for example, in Moscow we have: L EN INSKAY PRASP EKT JI6HHHCKHH npocneKT 'Lenin Avenue'; UL ITSA GOR KAVA yjinua TopbKoro 'Gorky Street'; PLOSHCHIT PUSHK INA njioma^b riyiuKHHa 'Pushkin Square'; and so on. In our streets you will see many special stands, some with posters showing what's on in the theatre, cinema and concert-hall, and some, perhaps to your surprise, displaying today's newspapers. Besides, as in any major city anywhere, you can see many signs in the streets of Moscow, Leningrad and other Soviet cities and towns. The most important of them are translated and explained in this Problem. (They are arranged alphabetically.) AIITEKA APT EKA 'Chemist's shop, drug-store' (though it isn't in the least a "drug-store" in the American sense of the word and doesn't sell anything besides medicine and medical goods, but these include soap, toothpaste, eau-de-Cologne, etc.). Many patented remedies have particular names, but since Latin roots are widely used both in English and Russian names of medicines, you can probably get what you want without any trouble by writing the name down and showing it to the chemist. Many medicines are sold only when prescribed. When looking at the display of over-the-counter remedies you will see these inscriptions: O T POJIOBHOH 6OJIH 'For headaches', OT ACEJIYAOHHBIX 3A6OJIEBAHHH 'For stomach troubles". O t npocTv^BI (I pmina) 'For the cold (flu)'.
b b b b b b b b
The relevant remedies are arranged under each of these inscriptions. The same remedies are also available at special stalls, and at rail and airway terminuses. They are called AnTEKAPCKME TOBAPbl AP T EKARSKII TAVARY 'Medical goods'. A large chemist's shop will also have a counter with the sign OnTHKa 'Optician's", where it is possible to have new spectacles fitted and old ones repaired. A doctor's prescription is not necessary. The sign AI1TEKA ^E^KYPHAfl 'Duty chemist's' means that this particular shop stays open until late at night. Sedatives, sleeping pills and the like are normally sold only on prescription and are used in this country far less frequently than abroad. EJIMHHAfl BL INNAYA, a cafe specializing in bliny, very tasty Russian pancakes, served hot and eaten either with smetana (thick sour cream), or honey, or caviare. EYKMHMCTHHECKMH MATA3MH BUK IN ISTICHISKAY MAGAZ IN 'Second-hand books'. See Problem 13. BYJIOMHAH BULACHNAYA 'bakery', very often ByjTOHHAH-KOH^HTEPCKAH BULACHNAYA-KAND IT l RSKAYA 'confectioner's'. Very often instead of these signs you'll see simply: XJIEE HL EP 'bread'. Besides many sorts of bread (both "brown" and "white"), you can buy there all kinds of cakes, sweets, sugar, jam, etc. Many shops also have a counter serving hot coffee, tea, kefir (a sort of yoghurt), milk, etc. See also Problem 10. TACTPOHOM GASTRANOM Delicatessen". It differs from the other food shops in its wide choice
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of goods, but not in prices. It has many departments named as though they were smaller independent shops. See Problem 11. rPAMnJIACTHHKH GRAMPLAST INKI 'Gramophone records'. These are shops or counters at department stores dealing in gramophone records of all kinds (classical and light music, folk songs and dances, jazz and pop music, etc.). The larger shops of this kind are also known by other names (e.g. MEJIO^MJI M ILOD IYA). See Problem 13. ^ETCKHM MMP D ETSKAY M IR (lit. "Children's World") is a large department store selling all kinds of goods for children. All the shops belonging to this chain are extremely popular among parents, who are sometimes more drawn to the "Meb b b b b
chanical Toys" and "Do It Yourself' departments than the children themselves! IJ,OM... DOM... 'House (of)...' There are numerous large "specialized" shops called /1,OM 66yBH, /I,OM <])ap(|)6pa, KHH, etc. DOM OBUV I, DOM FARFORA, DOM KN IG L etc. 'House of Footwear', 'House of Chinaware', 'House of Books'. H r P y i U K H IGRUSHKT 'Toys'. Either a department of /I,eTCKHH Mnp (which see under this heading) or a separate shop for children's toys. KAHHTOBAPbl KANTSTAVARY is an abbreviation of KAHIJEJIflPCKME TOBAPbl KANTSIL ARSK II TAVARY 'Stationery'. Both are used for shops or departments selling paper, notebooks, albums, calendars, writing instruments, staples, clips, etc. Here you can also find typewriters, dictaphones, tape-recorders, reels of tape and compact cassettes. KA<I>E KAFE 'Cafe'. See Problem 15. KMHO K I N O or KWHOTEATP K INAT IATR 'Cinema'. See Problem 16. KHHTW KN IG I 'Books'. See Problem 13. KOJIEACBI KALBASY 'Sausage'. A meat shop specializing in various kinds of sausage. KOMMCCHOHHblH MATA3HH KAM IS IONNYY MAGAZ IN. 'Second-hand shop'. These shops undertake to sell ("on commission") various items for private persons and deal mainly in clothing, but also have curiosities and antiques. We advise you to visit the following shops: in Moscow 5 Dimitrov Street; in Leningrad-54 Nevsky Avenue. These shops are like museums and you may even find truly fine paintings, water-colours and antiques. However, when buying an item you must inquire about customs regulations and get the appropriate document from the shop's manager, because
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some pictures, books, and antiques are not allowed to be exported from the Soviet Union. One other point is that these shops don't take things "on commission" from foreign citizens. The analogous shops for books are called EyKHHHCTHHecKHH Mara3HH (which see under this heading). KOHCEPBbI KANS ERVY is a very imprecise name. Though the word means "tinned foods", these shops also sell fruits, wines, and fruit juices. KYJIbTTOBAPbl KUL TTAVARY. Lit: Culture wares'. These are shops selling musical instruments, games, sports goods, etc. Thev are somewhat a combination of KAHHTOBAPbl, CnOPTTOBAPbl and even MrpyiUKH. M E ^ y r O P O A H b l f l TEJIECDOH MEZHDUGARODNAY T IL lFON. See Problem 17. MEJlO/lHH M ILOD IYA 'Melody' (See rPAMOJIACTMHKH) MEXA M IHA 'Furs'. These shops sell all kinds of excellent furs MOJIOK0 MALAKO 'Milk', 'Dairy', 'Creamery'. MOP0)KEHOE MAROZHINAYE 'Ice-cream'. KAO>E-MOPO}KEHOE KAFE-MAROZHINAYE 'Ice-cream Parlour'. In the latter you can also buy juices and soft drinks. ObYBb OBUF 'Footwear'. OBOIUM OVASHCHI or more often 0BOIUM-<l)PyKTbI OVASHCHI FRUKTY 'Greenerocerv' (Vegetables and Fruit). O/tEaC/IA AD EZHDA 'Clothes'. This can be My^KCK Afl O^E>K4A MUSHSKAYA AD EZHDA 'Men's clothes'. )KEHCKAfl OfXEKHA ZHENSKAYA AD EZHDA 'Women's clothes' or ^ETCKAH 0 / I E 5 K M D ETSKAYA AD EZHDA 'Children's clothes'. See Problem 12.
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nAnMPOCbl-CMrAPETbl-TAEAK PAP IROSY S IGAR ETY T A B A K Tobacconist s'. Cigarettes, Tobacco, etc. See Problem 11. TIAPHKM AXEPCKAfl PAR IKM AH lRSKAYA. AS you already know, this is either a hairdresser's (if preceded by WEHCKAfl ZHENSKAYA 'Women's') or a barber shop (if preceded by MY5KCKAfl MUSHSKAYA 'Men's'). You will also find a sign MAHMKTOP MAN IK UR 'Manicure'. ITAP<DK)MEPHH PARF UM ER IYA 'Perfumery'. flEJIbMEHHAJl P IL M ENNAYA and riMPO>KKOBAH P IRASHKOVAYA are cafes specializing in traditional Russian pelmeni (Siberian meat dumplings) or pirozhki (small patties or pies with various stuffings, usually eaten with meat broth). See also EJ1HHHAH and UIAIIIJIbmHAH.
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n O M P K M PADARK I, 'Gift shop', of late more often called CYBEHMPbl 'Souvenirs'. See Problem 14. nOHTA POCHTA 'Post office'. It usually has telegraph and telephone services as well. That's why the sign often says: FIOHTA-TEJIEOOH-TEJIErPA4>. See Problem 17. PA/I,MO(TOBAPbI) RAD IO(TAVARY) Radio and TV Goods'. PECTOPAH R ISTARAN 'Restaurant'. See Problem 15. COKM, rA3MPOBAHHAfl BO/IA, COKHBO^bl SOK I, GAZ IROVANAYA VADA, SOK I-VODY. 'Juices, Aerated Water (Fizzy Drinks)'. See Problem 11. COK33I1EH ATb SAYUSP ICHAT Soviet Press'. These kiosks are widespread. In addition to
b b b b b b b b
newspapers they sell journals, magazines, inexpensive books, postcards, stamps, cigarettes and even souvenirs. See Problem 13. CnPABOMHOE EK)PO SPRAVACHNAYE B URO 'Inquiry Bureau'. These are standard kiosks, where, for a song, you can get almost any information-from a person's address (if you give his name and age) to the best way of reaching your destination. Their popularity is partly due to the fact that telephone directories are little used in the Soviet Union; in particular, they are not to be found in public call boxes (although they are published and are on sale). CYBEHMPbl SUV IN IRY 'Souvenirs'. See Problem 14. TEJIETPAO) TILTGRAF 'Telegraph'. See Problem 17. TEJ1EO>OH TIL IFON 'Telephone'. ME2KyTOPOAHBIM TEJ1EO>OH M IZHDUGARODNAY T IL IFON 'Long-distance Telephone'. TEJlE<DOH-ABTOMAT TIL IFON-AFTAMAT or TAKCOO>OH TAKSAFON 'Public Telephone'. See Problem 17. TKAHM TKAN I 'Draper's'. Only some of these shops have tailoring departments. YHMBEPMAr UN IV IRMAK (abbreviation for YHMBEPCAJIbHBIH MATA3HH UN IV IR SAL NYY MAGAZ IN 'Department Store'. These shops sell all kinds of goods. See Problem 12. OOTOTOBAPbl FOTA-TAVARY. 'Photographic Goods'. This is a shop where cameras, cinecameras, optical fittings for them, films, chemicals, etc. can be bought. To have your photo taken, you have to go to a "photography shop" called variously: <DOTO, OOTOrPAOMfl. UBETEI TSV ITY 'Flower Shop', 'Florist's'.
b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
b 24
IlIAlUJIblMHAfl SHASHLYCHNAYA. This is a small cafe specializing in the Caucasian dish called shashlyk (pieces of mutton roasted on a spit, rather like an American barbecue). 3J1EKTPOTOBAPM IL EKTRA-TAVARY 'Electrical Goods'. This is a shop dealing in electric irons, washing machines, light-fixtures, light bulbs, etc. It is also often called CBET SV ET 'Light'. K)BEJIHPHbIE M34EJ1M YUV IL IRNYI IZD EL IYA 'Jewellery'. See Problem 14. As we have already mentioned, many shops now have fancy names. Usually you'll be able to make a good guess as to what they deal in: MAPHH A,JHO^M 14 JI A, C B ET Jl AH A, T ATbfl H A, MAUIEHbKA MAR INA, L UDM ILA, SV ITLANA, TAT YANA, MASHIN KA, all bearing very popular women's names, sell ladies' clothes; the last one is for little girls. APMEHHfl ARM EN IYA 'Armenia' is a food shop specializing in the produce of this Union Republic, while BAH4A, BJIACTA, JIEHnHHr, BAJTATOH, B\PHA, ByKYP, a4PAH VANDA, VLASTA, L EYPTSIK, BALATON, VARNA, BUKUR. YADRAN are the names of Moscow shops selling goods from Poland, Czechoslovakia, the German Democratic Republic, Hungary, Bulgaria, Rumania and Yugoslavia, respectively. You may also be interested in knowing the following words, which you're sure to come across in the street: nOJIHKJIHHHKA PAL IKL IN IKA. Clinic' (similar to an outpatients department in a hospital). BOJIbHHHA BAL N lTSA 'Hospital'.
b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
A VISIT TO A BAKERY AND A CONFECTIONERY. SOVIET MONEY In Soviet shops (which all belong to the State or cooperative organisations!) you usually choose your purchase, go to the cash-desk, pay the necessary sum to the cashier, get a neK CHEK 'check' and receive your purchase on handing this check to the assistant at the counter. In manufactured goods shops (IIPOIVlTOBAPbl) the assistant helping you with your purchase writes out and gives you a slip of paper describing the thing you have chosen. This is also called a neK 'check' and while paying money at the cash-desk you must hand it to the cashier: the cashier will stamp it and return it to you together with the other "check", certifying your payment. Then you get your purchase on the presentation of these two "checks".
In large department stores, you generally get your purchase at a special place marked BBI,U,AHA IIOKYFIOK VYDACHA PAKUPAK. In exchange for your two "checks" the senior assistant working there will make sure that your purchase is the right size, price, etc. and pack it for you. This counter is often called and marked KANTROL 'Checking-up counter'. As you can see, Soviet shops work differently from British or American ones. The phrase you'll need most in shops is: PAKAZHIT I, PAZHALUSTA, (VOT) ETA... FIoKa>KHTe, no^cajiyiicTa, BOT 6TO... 'Please show me that (there)...' You can guide the shop-assistant with: N ET, N IETA, A (VOT) ETA. R ADAM... HeT, He 3TO, a (BOT) TTO. P*moM... 'No, not that, but that (there)... Next to it...' In the last resort you may point at the thing you want with your finger. The next step is: SKOL KA ETA STOIT? CKOjibKO 3TO CTOHT? 'How much is it?' Though in most cases prices are clearly indicated in the shop-windows and at the counter, you may need to ask this question. Here you may have trouble making out the numbers the assistant reels off in answer to your query. We recommend that you either (1) take out your notebook and resort to the familiar: NAP ISHIT I, PAZHALUSTA, SKOL KA STOIT... HaniunHTe, no^anyHCTa, CKOJibKO CTOHT. 'Please write down how much it costs.' or (2) say to the assistant: PAFTAR IT I, PAZHALUSTA, M EDb b b b b b b b b b b b
L I N N A . IloBTopHTe, noxanyHCTa, Me.a'Repeat that slowly, please.', if, of course, you have been practising your Russian numerals, as set out on page 22. And you'll still have to watch out for the following in the answer: a number and RUBL A or RUBL EY, another number again and K A P E Y K I or K A P E I K , e.g.: aBa, (Tpn, neTbipe) py6jia, njiTb (rnecTb...) pySjieii, .nBe (Tpu, neTbipe) Koneiucii, naTb (mecTb...) KoneeK. DVA (TRI, C H I T Y R I ) R U B L A , P A T (SHEST ...) R U B L E ^ , DV E (TR I, CH ITYR"I) K A P E Y K I , P AT (SHEST ...) K A P E I K 'two (three, four) roubles, five (six...) roubles, two (three, four) copecks, five (six...) copecks'. After numerals Russian nouns change their form, so don't let it confuse you that "rouble" will be nominative singular in the combination STO SORAK A D I N R U B L CTO copoK OZIHH py6jib '141 roubles' and then turn into either STO SORAK DVA R U B L A CTO copoK jBa pySjia '142 roubles' (genitive singular) or STO SORAK P A T RUBL E Y CTO copoK nTb py6jieu '145 roubles' (genitive plural) in other combinations.
By the way, prices are often given simply in numerals without the specification 'rouble(s)' or 'copeck(s)', e.g.: STO SORAK A D I N DVATSAT CTO copoK OOTH -ABAAUATB '141 roubles 20 copecks'. An important point for you to remember is that when you are paying at the cash-desk you must name the price correctly (unless the assistant has written it down for you in your notebook or you have a "check" where the price is always given). By the way, in a large Moscow or Leningrad shop there is sure to be somebody at hand who understands English well enough to help you out.
b b
though he may be shy of interfering himself. Therefore, you'd do better to address the people round you in English: "Does anybody here understand English?" Now let us visit a bakery. Since we are graingrowing country (in which even the word xne6oC0JibCTB0 HL IBASOL STVA 'hospitality' includes the concept of bread, coming from 'bread and salt'the two traditional products presented to guests as a symbol of welcome), we have a great choice of various sorts of bread: B ELYY HL EP Sejibiii xjieS 'white (wheat) bread' and CHORNAY HL EP nepHbift xne6 'brown {lit.: 'black') bread', the latter a traditional and integral part of the Russian cuisine. We have many words to denote these sorts of bread, and the shapes in which they are sold. Below are a few of these words: BUHANKA 6yxaHKa, a loaf, usually of 'brown bread' (as a rule, 12-22 copecks). BATON a long round loaf, usually of 'white bread' (9-60 copecks). BULKA 6yjiKa, a roll of 'white bread' (there are various kinds of such rolls 7 or more copecks).* Bread comes in different varieties, e.g. brown bread in "buhankas" can be BARAD INSKAY, ZAVARNOY, RZHANOY 6opoflHHCKHH, 3aBapHOH, p>KaHoii 'Borodino', 'parboiled', 'rye', etc. These words fit into the sentences you already know well: PAZHALUSTA, CHORNAY-BUHANKA (POLBUHANK I). no>KajiyHCTa, Hepiibiii-6yxaHKa (noji6yxaHKn). 'Brown, please; a loaf (half a loaf).'
b b b b b
6y:iKa is
PAZHALUSTA, BULKA ADNA (DV E...). rio>KajiyHCTa. 6yjiKa - o^na (ABe...). A roll, please one (two...)'. You are sure to be interested in our confectionery. Here arc some possible requests: PAZHALUSTA KANF ETY M'-ISHKA K ILO.
K lLO KHJIO is an accepted abbreviation of 'kilogramme'. and it does not change for the plural. However, you will probably more often use the word GRAM rpaMM 'gramme', which is also used in one and the same form: PAZHALUSTA, KANF ETY <ZA DVA RUBL A K ILO) STO GRAM (DV EST I GRAM, TR ISTA GRAM). FloatanyficTa, K0H(j)ETBI (3a asa pyGxia KHJIO) CTO rpaMM (asecTH rpaMM, TptiCTa rpaMM). 'Sweets (at two roubles a kilo) 100 grammes (200 grammes, 300 grammes), please.' All measures in the Soviet Union being decimal, we have no direct equivalent for a pound. We strongly recommend that you_try our special type of cakes, called P IROZHNAYE mipoacHoe: PAZHALUSTA. P'-IROZHNAYE (meant b B B B B B B B
ing one), ... DVA, P AT , etc. P lROZ H N Y H . noacajiyncTa, nnpo>KHoe, ...flBa, n a T b , etc. nnpo>KHbix. 'A cake, please, ...two, five cakes', etc. Although each pirozhnaye has its name, you don't really have to know those names. We simply advise you to pay at the cash-desk (pirozhnaye have a standard price of 15 or 22 copecks) and, on handing the check to the salesgirl, wait for her to aim her tongs at a certain piece on the display and look up at you inquiringly. You have only to say DA or N ET (or R ADAM pazioM 'next') and that's all. Other important words: P ICHEN YE neneHbe 'biscuits' (but of very many sorts, the majority of which are quite different from their namesakes in Britain or the United States. The Russian word B'TSKVTT 6HCKBHT denotes a sort of pirozhnaye, which is very much like the English sponge-cake. TORT TopT 'cake' (a much bigger item than pirozhnaye, but otherwise similar). K A R O P K A KopoSica 'a box', followed by a word specifying, its contents: KAROPKA KANF ET KOb b b b b b b
PL ITKA njiHTKa 'a bar': PL ITKA SHAKAThe cashier at a bakery is sure to know all the prices, so you can easily do without numerals and just repeat the same expressions you prepared for the salesgirl at the counter. And don't forget that in a EyJlOHHAH-KOHZIHTEPCKAfl (See Problem
LADA njiHTKa LUOKOnaja 'a bar of chocolate'.
b b
poSxa Kon(})eT 'a box of sweets', K A R O P K A S H A K A L A D A Kop66ica uioicojiaaa 'a box of chocolates'. P A C H K A naHKa 'a packet', also followed by a word specifying its contents: P A C H K A P ' i C H E N Y A naHKa neneuba 'a packet of biscuits'.
9) you can also get a cup of coffee to have_ with your cake. So, as the Russians say, PR IYATNAVA AP IT fTA! r i p H a T H o r o a n n e T H T a ! 'Have a nice meal!' All the various types of bread in the Soviet Union are of high quality and are inexpensive. Chocolate products are rather expensive, but very tasty, especially some of the chocolate sweets, of which there is always a wide choice. Returning to bread, we once again would like to recommend that you should try our CHORNAY HL EP 'black bread', since you're sure to enjoy this rye bread which is little known in Europe. It's very tasty and good for your health. A real Russian meal is simply unthinkable without it. You'll be astonished to find how different the various kinds are, and, if you trust the author's taste, try BARAD INSKAY 'Borodino bread'. If. from the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, you turn to the other Soviet republics, you'll come across the very special breads of the Caucasus and Central Asia- LAVASH jiaBain and CHUREK nypeK, while in the Ukraine you'll find PAL AN ITSA najiHHHua. Of course, all these specialities can be found in some bakeries and in the nationalities' restaurants in Moscow. Oh yes, we nearly forgot to mention the ancient Russian white bread called KALACH Kanan. Unfortunately not many "bulochnayas" have it nowadays. There are far too many confectionery goods to list them all here. All we can say is that we ourselves prefer the chocolates MISHKA 'Bears', which have on the wrapping a copy of a well-known painting by the Russian artist, Shishkin. Morning in a Phie Forest. We are also partial to inexpensive
b b b b b b b
sweets called "Orange and Lemon Segments" and "Little cows" and biscuits called "Biscuits with Cinnamon" and "Moscow Short-breads" (usually sold in 400-gramme boxes). As for the pirozhnaye, the authors were unable to arrive at a unanimous opinion. So we decided to give you this advice: try them all. However, we deem it our duty to inform you that real gourmets buy their P IROZHNA YE and TORT only in a specialized shop. Its address in Moscow is: 11 Stoleshnikov pereulok (STAL ESHNIKAF P IR IULAK). In Leningrad it will be: 46 Nevsky Avenue (NEFSK I PRASP EKT). (Above it is a fine cafe called S EV IR C e B e p 'the North'). Leningraders claim that their shop is better than the Stoleshnikov shop in Moscow. Being Muscovites, we find it difficult to agree with them, but we leave this question for you to decide.
b b b b b b b b
Soviet Money. The Soviet Union has a unified monetary system, i.e. all the republics have the same banknotes and coins. Foreign currency is not accepted and should be exchanged in the State Bank, or in its offices at hotels and air terminals. However, foreign currency is accepted in the "Beryozka" shops and Intourist hotels, restaurants and kiosks. It is a criminal offence punishable by law to exchange money with private individuals. The basic unit of money is the RUBL py6jib 'rouble', the equivalent of 100 copecks (KAP EYK A Konenica). There exist the following paper notes and coins: 100 roubles, 50 roubles, 25 roubles. 10 roubles. 5 roubles. 3 roubles. 1 rouble. "silver coins" 1 rouble, 50 copecks. 20 copecks.
b b
15 copecks, 10 copecks. "coppers" - 5 (Underground, bus, trolleybus and tram fare), 3, 2 (useful for the public telephone) and 1 (the price of a box of matches). Besides these standard coins, there are special "jubilee" coins, issued on the 20th anniversary of the Victory Day of World War II, the 50th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution, and the 100th anniversary of Lenin's birth. All these coins are accepted as standard, but cannot be used in slot machines, (e.g. in coin dispensers at the Underground stations). The rates of exchange in operation in April 1987 are as follows: 100 = 103 roubles 47 copecks and S 100 = 63 roubles 85 copecks.
SHOPPING: IN FOOD SHOPS While shopping you most likely will say and hear from the assistants and your fellow-customers essentially the same phrases as those given in the previous "problem", i.e. the constructions based on PAZHALUSTA... The first articles we expect to interest you are cigarettes and the famous Soviet ice-cream. Both are on sale in delicatessens (rACTPOHOM shops) and in many special kiosks in the streets. In the summer, besides numerous "ice-cream stalls", you'll see in the streets many trailer stands with all kinds of kvas* tanks. Also very popular are small stands and
* Kvas is a peculiar Russian beverage made by pouring hot water over bread or rusks, to which various spices, raisins, etc. are added. Kvas slakes thirst very well, it is both tasty and nourishing. Many Russians make kvas at home. The best kvas the authors ever drank was served at the Fregate Cafe, on Vasilievsky Island in Leningrad. 93
slot machines dispensing GAZ IROVANAYA VA A ra3HpoBaHHaa boM, a kind of soda-water, with a choice of syrups. Many of these slot machines are without attendants: you just take and wash the glass yourself in a special "fountain" in the machine, and then, when you insert a coin in the slot, you receive a glassful of the drink. Ice-cream comes in dozens of varieties, and the display of ice-creams in the window or on the counter always shows the prices. When buying an ice you should simply say: PAZHALUSTA, ZA DVATSAT (KAP EIK) for ZA P ITNATSAT ). no^ajryficTa, 3a ^BaanaTb (or 3a naTHa/utaTb) Koneeic. T d like to have one costing 20 copecks (or 15 copecks', etc.). According to the authors' taste, the best are: LAKAMKA 'a chocolate-coated ice' ISK IMO 'a chocolate-coated ice on a stick, an especial favourite with children' To find places where ice-cream is sold, look for the sign
b b b b b b
MOPO>KEHOE KAtPE-MOPOJKEHOE We also have very popular "Ice-cream Parlours', where you can sit and eat your ice-cream with soda-water or chilled coffee. Tobacco shops and stands also have their own signs:
Unlike ice-cream shops, where you can simply name the price, here you'd better give the brand as well.
Although S IGAR ETY SF ILTRAM cnrapeTbi c (J)HJibTpoM 'filter cigarettes' are smoked a lot, many Russians still stick to the traditional PAP IROSY nannpocbi 'Russian cigarettes' with a long paper holder for "cooling down the smoke". Again, we recommend that you should use the colloquial phrase saving you declining nouns: YAVA (ADNA PACHKA) I SP ICHK I (ADNA KAROPKA). ilBa (oflHa naHKa) H cnnHKH (oAua Kopo6Ka). '(A packet of) "Java" and (a box of) matches'. The most popular brands of filter cigarettes are STAL ICHNYI CTOJiHHHbie 'Metropolitan' (what you'd call "king size" or "extralength") and NOVAST " H6BOCTb 'News' (smaller ones), and of "Russian sigarettes": KAZB EK Ka36eK 'Kazbek' and B ILAMOR BejioMop 'White Sea'. But the best filter cigarettes are ZALATOYE RUNO 3ojioToe pyHO 'Golden Fleece' (80 copecks a packet) and YAVA 5lBa 'Java' (40 or 60 copecks). The usual price of a packet of cigarettes is from 16 to 80 copecks; matches are 1 or 2 copecks a box. What about the choice of brands? Short of advising you not to smoke at all, we can only suggest that you should try them all yourself, even the papirosy. When buying drinks, you can use the same construction : GAZ IROFKA S S IROPAM AD IN STAKAN. ra3npoBKa (a colloquial shortened form for RA3NPOBAHHAFL BOZIA) c CHp o n o M o o t h craKaH. 'Soda-water with syrup-one glass". Of course, you can ask for it BIS S IROPA 6e3 cnpona 'without syrup'.
b b b b b b b 1 b b b b b b b b
And again with juices: V INAGRADNYY (SOK)-AD IN STAK A N . BHHorpa ;IHBIN (COK)- O^HH craicaH. 'Grape juice - one glass'. For kvas you will have to say: KVAS-ADNA KRUSHKA. KBac-oOTa KpyKa. 'Kvas-one glass'. We are sure you will like our 'mineral waters', bottled and shipped from a number of natural springs, mainly in the Caucasus. Many of them have been proved to be of medicinal value, especially the wellknown NARZAN Hap3aH 'Narzan' and BARZHOM I 6OP>K6MM 'Borzhomi'. Beer, kvas and fruit juices are also sold in halflitre bottles or the same type of bottles in which Coca-Cola is sold. So here you may ask for: V INAGRADNYY (SOK) ADNA BUTYLKA. B u H o r p a n H b i n ( c o K ) - o ^ H a 6yTbiJiKa.. 'Grape juice-one bottle', etc. Of course, there are dozens of different sorts of drinks; it's up to you to investigate the possibilities. Our hint is: do your best to try our juices, mineral waters and different fruit drinks generally called FRUKTOVAYA VADA (JipyKTOBaa BOa 'fruit drink' or simply L IMANAT JiHMOHaa 'lemonade'. A few words on the different types of fpod shops. The best is undoubtedly the GASTRANOM TacTpoHOM 'provision shop', 'delicatessen'. The difference, though, is in the choice and not in the quality or the prices. But all the same this makes them better places to shop. You can also find many foreign products here: Bulgarian tobaccos, mango juice from India, etc. The most popular Moscow delicatessens are:
b b b b b
FacTponoM N 1, yjiHua TophKoro, 14 (14 Gorky Street), racTponoM JVe 2, Ap6ar, 54/2 (54/2 Arbat Street). Another good provision shop is on the ground floor of the biggest Moscow department store 'GUM', and the newest of all, with a big selfservice department, is in Kalinin Avenue. In Leningrad, the biggest gastronom is in Nevsky Avenue. The smaller food shops witli the sign nP(W)BOJIbCTBEHHbm MATA3MH or just _ n p ( W K T b i _ j gastronoms with usually only a few departments. These shops bear the following signs:
a r e i n f a c t s m a l ]
'Meat' 'Fish' "Sausage" Milk' 'Groceries' 'Fruit Juices and Mineral Water' 'Bread' "Baker's and Confectioner's 'Tobacco' 'Ice-cream'
Under the sign MflCO (M ASA 'meat'), whether it is a specialized shop or a department in a gastronom, you can buy various sorts of meat and meat products ready to cook. You can find the exact names of the goods in the counter display or on a board at the entrance to the shop, usually under the heading: CeroaHH B npofla>Ke:... 'On Sale Today:...' In the meat shop you'll probably want to know what the frozen dough balls usually with a meat stuffing and called P I L M E N I nejibMeHH are. Originally a Siberian dish, they are very popular now throughout the country: inside the dough there is a spicy filling. All you have to do is to put them in boiling water for a few minutes, fish them out and eat them with various sauces, especially smetana 'sour cream'.
b b b b b
In fuse it with
(don't con'gastro-
nom'!), often subdivided into KOJIEACA 'sausage', KOHCEPBbI 'tinned goods', etc., you can find a good choice of semi-prepared meat products, tinned and otherwise. Besides various sorts of sausage, including various kinds of KAPCHONAYA KALBASA konnehaa koji6aca 'smoked sausage', VAR ONAYA KALBASA BapeHaa KOJiSaca 'boiled sausage', etc., they sell V ICHINA BeTHHHa 'ham'. SAS ISK I COCHCKH 'frankfurters' and much more.
b b b b
EAKAJ1EH (BAKAL EYA 'groceIn ry'), you might need to know the difference between SAHARNYY P ISOK caxapHbiH necoK 'granulated sugar' and SAHAR RAF INAT caxap-pacJ)HHAA 'lump sugar'. KOF E Kocfie 'coffee', in our opinion, should be bought either in all kinds of boxes or tins, or as beans, which the assistant in any large shop will grind for you if requested. If you buy coffee in a box or tin, look out for the inscription Ko(})e HaTypajibHbin (6e3 U H K o p n a ) 'Pure coffee (without chicory)', because there are many substitutes on sale which, we are afraid, you won't like. In a MOJIOKO (MALAKO 'milk') shop or department, you will see a really astonishing choice of products, and we recommend you to try as many as possible. Unfortunately, we haven't time to go into all the different types of dairy products. We must mention, however, a few excellent products akin to yoghurt or buttermilk: K IF IR icecap 'kefir', R AZHINKA pH5KeHKa 'soured baked milk', PRASTAKVASHA npocTOKBama 'sour milk'. Y9U really must try them and our famous SM ITANA 'sour cream' as well. Among the different cheeses (SYR[ we recommend that you should taste RAS lYSKAY POCCHHCKHH 'Russian', SAV ETSKAY COBETCKHK 'Soviet', KASTRAMSKOY KOCTpoMCKon 'Kostroma', P A S H A H O N S K A Y nouiexoHCKHH 'Poshekhonye', UKRAINSKAY YXPAHHCKHH
b b b b b b b b b b
'Ukrainian' and also BRYNZA 6pbiH3a 'sheep's milk cheese', originally traditional among the Central Asian and Caucasian nationalities of the Soviet Union. We also recommend that you try our TVAROK T b o p o r , a kind of Russian cottage cheese from cow's milk. If you buy MASLA Macno 'butter', make it a point to obtain VALAGOTSKAYE Bojioroflcicoe 'Vologda (butter)'. (Vologda Region is as famous for its butter in the Soviet Union as is Denmark in Europe.) We hardly need comment on BHHO OBOIUM-OPYKTbl (V INO 'wine'),
OVASHCHI-FRUKTY 'vegetables and fruit') and the other specialized shops or gastronom departments. One more reminder of the indispensable phrase: PAZHALUSTA, TVAROK (SAS ISK I, KOF E, etc.) - DV EST I GRAM. Ilob b b b b
acajiyHcra, TBopor (COCHCKH, KO(|)e, etc.)aBec rpaMM. 'Will you give me cottagecheese (sausages, coffee, etc.) two hundred grammes?' to which you can easily add:
b b b
AGURTSY orypubi 'cucumbers', PAM IDORY noMH_aopbi 'tomatoes', YABLAK I H6JIOKH 'apples', V INAGRAT BHHorpaa 'grapes', etc. And again: PAZH A LUSTA, MALAKO-ADN A BUTYLKA. noacajiyHcra, MonoKo-oOTa 6yTbuiKa. 'Will you give me milk-one bottle?' Nowadays many products are sold in pre-pack102
aged or semi-prepared form. Milk and other liquid products are mainly sold in plastic or paper cartons of 0.5 or 1.0 litre, and sometimes in 0.5 litre glass bottles. By the way, a date is stamped on all such products; in the case of bottles, which usually have no paper labels, it is written on the metal cap, the colour of which corresponds to the name of the product: white silver for 'milk', gold for 'baked milk', green for 'kefir', brown stripes for 'cream', etc. But in most shops you can still buy butter, cheese, coffee, meat, sausage, fish, etc., by weight, i.e. the assistant will cut the required amount from bulk, weigh it, and hand it to you on your presentation of the check. However, nowadays the self-service system is becoming more and more widespread. The 'supermarket' type of shop called YHMBEPCAM saves time and effort, nevertheless, many people still prefer to go to the smaller specialized shops, such as: HAM-KCHDE 'Tea and Coffee' shops, where they can always find a wide variety of tea blends. We'd like you to try our 'dry wines' (SUHOYE V INO) which are either B ELAYE _6ejioe 'white' or KRASNAYE KpacHoe 'red'. In our judgement, the best are the Georgian white wines TSINANDAL I (UHHaHflaJin), GURDZHAAN I (rypjpKaaHH), T IB IAN I (Tn6naHH); the Georgian red wines TIL IAN I (TejiuaHn), MUKUZAN I (MyKy3ami), SAP IRAV I (Canep a B u ) and the Moldavian KABERNE (KaSepHe). We believe you'll like SAV ETSKAYE SHAMPANSKAYE (coBeTCKoe maMnaHCKoe 'Soviet chamb b b b b b b b b b b b b
pagne')-rather different from the genuine French, but very tasty. It comes in the following sorts: SLATKAYE cjia/[Koe 'sweet' PALUSLATKAYE nojiycjiaflKoe 'semisweet', PALUSUHOYE nonycyxoe 'semi-dry', SUHOYE cyxoe 'dry'. So, when food-shopping in the Soviet Union do not forget our dairy products, mineral water and, of course, our ice-cream. Here's some more useful information. Although cigars are on sale everywhere (including very good Cuban ones), Russians hardly ever smoke them, and though you seldom see a Russian with a pipe, you will find a good choice of pipe tobacco and pipes in many large specialized shops and at tobacco stalls. Just one warning: smoking is not allowed in public places-in the Underground, on buses, in shops (even in a tobacco shop), in museums, in the auditoriums of cinemas and theatres, etc. Announcements to this effect (corresponding to the English "No Smoking") are:
PAZHALUSTA, PAKAZHIT I ETA... IIoacajiyficTa, noKaacHTe 3TO... 'Will you show me that...?'
pointing to the thing you are interested in. Then, producing your notebook and pencil, you can say: S K O L K A STOIT? NAP ISHIT I, PAZ H A L U S T A . CKOJibKO CTOHT? HanmiiHTe, noacanyHcra. 'How much? Write it down for me, please.' But this will probably not be enough: the choice of goods and the range of prices demand more in the way or explanation. We don't expect you will make shopping a major point during your visit in the Soviet Union, but there are some things you might want. Then into the shop you go, and ask:
PAKAZHIT I, PAZHALUSTA, ... (SHAPKA, SHL APA, P IRCHATK I, NASK I, CHULK I ...). ]loKa>KHTe, noacajiyficTa, ... (manica, rnjiana, nepnaTKH, HOCKH, HyuKH...) 'Please show me... (a cap, a hat, gloves, socks, stockings ...).' Here you encounter problems in the way of sizes and colours. We have what are known as "continental sizes", but the best thing is to try the article on. For this the following phrase is necessary: M O Z H N A P A M E R I T ? MO>KHO noMepHTb? 'May I try it on?' As for the colour, we advise you to use the following expressions: CHORNAVA (B ELAVA, KRASNAVA, S ERAVA, T OMNAVA, SV ETLAVA) TSVETA. HepHoro (6ejioro, KpacHoro, ceporo, TeMHoro, CBeTjioro) u,BeTa. 'Black (white, red, grey, dark, light) in colour.' The response to all these phrases will be easy to understand: it will be either the required action accompanied by PAZHALUSTA, or some form of negation which it is not difficult to recognize. It won't be so easy, though, to understand the assistant's response to such possible remarks from you as:
b b b b b b b b b b b b b
like something more expensive'; LUCHSHI D ISHEVL E Jlynme jiemeBJie 'I'd prefer something cheaper'; PAKAZHIT I TOZHE, NO DRUGOVA TSV ETA or DRUGOVA FASONA. noKaacHTe TO >Ke, HO npyroro tiBeTa or jpyroro (JjacoHa. 'Show me the same thing, but in another colour or in another style.'
b b
We hope you'll be able to get the general purport of the shop-assistant's reply, failing which you'd better stop the whole thing and come back with an interpreter.... We think you will easily find the item you need on display in the shop windows and on the counters (prices are always shown!). In this case you'll only have to say: VOT ETA, PAZHALUSTA. BOT STO, noacajiyHCTa. 'That one, please.' You already know (remember how you chose a cake?) that in the latter case you may have to correct any misunderstanding on the part of the assistant by: PRAST IT I, N IETA, A VOT ETA..., N ET ... R ADAM... DA, ETA! ripocTHTe, He 3TO, a BOT STO..., HeT... paaoM... zta, 3TO! 'Sorry, not that, but this (here)..., no... right next to it... yes, that's it!' Of course, this will require a bit of gesturing, but the method seems to work. The transaction can be concluded by the phrase: VYP ISHIT I, PAZHALUSTA. BbimmiHTe, noTKajiyncTa 'Write out a check for it, please' (meaning: 'I'll take it'). The assistant will write out a "check", which you'll take to the cashier, thus avoiding any more conversation. Now a few words about sizes. It helps to say to the assistant: RUBASHKA, PAZHALUSTA ... DL A M I N A . Py6aimca, noKajiyncTa, ... ana MeHa. 'A shirt, please ... for myself. You may add: RAZM ER N IZNAYU. Pa3Mep He 3Haio. 'I don't know what size.' The assistant will measure your neck (as a rule,
b b b b b b b b b b b b
they size you up at the first glance and know exactly the size you want). Some more hints. Sometimes, though rarely, instead of writing a "check" for you the assistant will answer your VYP ISHIT I, PAZHALUSTA with simply: PLAT IT I FKASSU. FljiaTHTe B Kaccy. 'Pay at the cash-desk.' which means that in this particular shop they don't have a check system. This is also the case in selfservice shops. While packing your purchase for you the assistant will put a receipt (roBapiibiM ICK) into the package. It is an indispensable document if later on you decide to change the purchase or return it; normally you have the right to do so within two to six days. This document is also important for goods having a guarantee: for instance, electric razors and cameras: _ GARAN'P'IYA IapaiiTMH 'guarantee'; SROK GARANT II SHEST M ES ITSAF cpoK rapaiiTHH 6 MeomeB 'guarantee period is six months.' The opposite of V'YP' ISHIT'i BbinHmnTe is just N ET (N INADA) HeT (He HMO) 'No (It's not what I want)', usually followed by SPAS IBA CnacnSo. Below is a list of items-to refer to rather than learn by heart: (IL EKTRA)BR ITVA (NA STO DVATSAT S EM , DV EST I DVATSAT VOL T) (3jieKTpo)6pHTBa (Ha CTO M&JXb b b b
HaTb ceMb, ABecTH ztBaauaTb BOJibT) '(Electric) razor (127, 220 volts)';
KHHoannapaT; (4>OTO- KHHO-) KaMepa 'camera, cinecamera'; PL ONKA TSVTTNAYA, ABRAT IMAYA (CHUSTV IT IL NAST ) SORAK (ID IN ITS) imeHKa-UBeTHafl, 06b b b b b b b b b b
MAGN ITAFONNAYA PL ONKA MarHHTOcJiOHHaa njiemca 'tape (for a taperecorder)' ; PLAST INKA nuacTHHKa '(gramophone) record'; CHISY nacbi 'watch', 'clock'; KAL TSO Kojibuo 'ring'; BROSH 6ponib 'brooch'; (YANTARNYI) BUSY (HHTapHbie) 6ycbi '(amber) beads', '(amber) necklace'; GALSTUK rancTyK '(neck)tie'; NASAVOY PLATOK HOCOBOH njiaTOK 'handkerchief. You already know the Russian for 'gloves', 'cap', 'hat', 'stockings', 'socks', 'shirt', so, as it's impossible to think of everything you might want to buy, we'll stop here. If you want to buy jewellery you'd do best to go to a "Beryozka" shop, where foreign currency is accepted and foreign languages are spoken. This chain also has foodshops, where all items are sold dutyfree. The shops most popular with Soviet people are large department stores called UN IV IRMAK yHHb b b b
paTHMaa.., (HyBCTBMiejibHOCTb) copoK (eflHHnn) 'Film-colour, reversal (for slides)... (sensitivity) forty (units)'.*
* The sensitivity of photo materials is measured in GOST units. (rOCT is an abbreviation for FocyflapcTBeHHwe o6mecoM3Hbie cTaHflapTbi 'State Ail-Union Standards'). Nearly every shop has detailed information on their foreign equivalents. 109
3HH) 'department store". Like the gastronoms, they consist of departments rather like small specialized shops. The largest univermags in multistoreyed buildings are combined with a gastronom and countless icecream and COKH - BO,U,bI (fruit juices and mineral water) stalls. The most popular univermags in Moscow are: rYM (abbr. for rocyaapcTBeHHbiH YmiBepcajibHbiH Mara3HH), U,YM (abbr. for U,eHTpajibHbifi ymiBepcajibHbifj Mara3HH) and nETPOBCKHH IIACCA^K and in Leningrad: AIIPAKCMH ^BOP, TOCTHHblH 4BOP and JIT (abbr. for AOM JlemiH1 paflCKon ToproBjiH). Still, if you are a real enthusiast you will pursue your items not in the univermags, but in the smaller specialized shops, such as: OXOTA H PblEOJIOBCTBO Hunting and fishing'; rAJlCTYKH Ties'; TPAMnJIACTHHKH '(Gramophone) records' ; KHHTH Books'; OnTHKA 'Optical goods'. Many of them have quite elegant names: CBET "Light" (electrical goods); rOJ!YEOH 3KPAH "The Blue Screen" (specialized TV shop): TbICflHA MEJ!OHEH "A Thousand Trifles" (household goods shop); AOM OAP<DOPA 'House of China' (large china and porcelain shop); ^ O M OEYBH 'House of Footwear"; JXOM TKAHEH 'House of Fabrics' (large textiles shop), etc.
In Moscow we have, for instance, a special shop, called EOrATbIPb, selling outsize clothes for "huskies" (its name is derived from "bogatyr", a mighty hero of Russian folk-lore), and a shop for little girls, called MAIIIEHbKA "Little Mary". There are always plenty of plans and signs in the big shops, so you can easily find your way to the department or counter you want. There are also special information desks, TV inquiry sets or telephones usually at the main entrance, but without a good working knowledge of Russian you could hardly attempt to use them. Many shops also have services indicated by CTOJI (or EIOPO) 3AKA30B and CTOJ1 (or BIOPO) ^OCTABKH, where you can order all the items you want, and they will then be delivered to your home address (with a 10 per cent surcharge). Some useful information. The voltage in the Soviet Union is either 127 or, more often, 220 volts A. C. Most electrical appliances produced in the U.S.S.R. have adjustment for both standards (the factory always sets it in the 220 volts position). The plugs are like those used in Europe, not in the U.S.A. (but may be easily altered). Functioning both as specialized departments in photographers' studios and separately, are numerous <I>OTOJIAEOPATOPMH photo-laboratory', where you can have film or cinefilm developed and printed.
cashier. This system is especially popular in secondhand bookshops, which are called BUK IN IST ICHISKAY MAGAZ IN 6yKHHHCTHieCKHH Mara3HH. It's a real pleasure to visit such a shop. Again there are some specialized bookshops, for example: DRUZHBA ^pyac6a "Friendship" (a shop selling books from the socialist countries). What books will you be interested in buying in the Soviet Union? We believe these will be: (1) books on art, in particular reproductions and descriptions of Russian painting, sculpture and architecture; (2) books (in English) in your own professional field, say in medicine, economics, technology; (3) socio-political literature and fiction in English translation. (We can hardly hope that by now you are interested in Russian fiction in Russian!); (4) textbooks and manuals on the Russian language, including those more serious than our modest effort. (We do flatter ourselves that our book has aroused your interest by now.) What phrases will be useful for buying those books? The general formula you are most likely to need is: P A K A Z H f P I , PAZHALUSTA, (GD E) K N I G I PAISKUSTVU (PARUSKAMU YAZYKU...). noKaHTe, noxcajiynCTa, ( r ^ e ) KHH n o ncicyccTBy ( n o pyccKOMy a3biKy...). 'Show me, please, (where) the books on art (on the Russian language...) are'. and (...GD E)KN IG I NA ANGL lYSKAM YAZYK E (...rae) khh Ha aHrjiHHCKOM 3biKe '(...where) books in English are'.
b b b b b b b b b b b b
You may also need the following: KN IG I PARUSKAMU ISKUSTVU (PARUSKAY ARH IT IKTUR T. PARUSKAY ZHIVAP IS I, PARUSKAY SKUL PTUR I...) KHHTH no pyccKOMy HCKyccTBy (pyccKOH apxHTeKType, pyccKOH >KHBonncn, pyccKOH cKyjibnType...) 'books on Russian art (Russian architecture, Russian paintings, Russian sculpture...)'. You may also find these expressions useful: K N I G I PARUSKAMU YAZYKU DL A INASTRANTSAF (DL A ANGL ICHAN) KHHTH no pyccKOMy H3biKy aJia HHOCTpaHueB (jxJia aHrjinnaH) 'books on the Russian language for foreigners (for English people)'; K N I G I TALSTOVA (DASTAYEVSKAb b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
It often happens, when you are looking for a particular book, that the assistant will tell you with a sigh: N ET. 'We haven't got it.' Books are one of the commodities that are in great demand in our country, and always have been! Despite the thousands (and millions!) of copies printed they are often sold out immediately. On the average, the prices of books in the Soviet Union are very low, though art books and antique books are rather expensive. Now let us discuss how to go about buying gramophone records. Gramophone records are also very cheap in the Soviet Union: a long-playing monophonic record usually costs from one rouble and forty-five copecks to two roubles and fifty copecks. 78 R. P. M. records (hardly ever produced now), 45 R. P. M. records (never very popular in this country), and small 33 R. P. M. records cost from about 30 copecks to 1 rouble. Long-playing stereophonic records cost three roubles or more. When buying records you can again make do with a minimum of conversation. On the counter, or displayed on special stands, there is always a list of all the records currently available. On finding the section that interests you, you can try to decipher on your own the names of the pieces and the performers. Then, after writing down the number of the record you are interested in, you can ask the assistant
CToeBCKoro, IlyiiiKHHa, MexoBa, TophKoro, UIojioxoBa...) Ha aHrnHHCKOM H3biice 'books by Tolstoy (Dostoevsky, Pushkin, Chekhov, Gorky, Sholokhov...) in English.'
to play it for you. In many modern shops they have either ear-phones or special booths for listening to records. So, all the operation requires is a knowledge of the names of the sections in which the records are arranged (the system is not exactly the same in every shop), the ability to read the labels on the records and to say a couple of sentences to the assistant. Records are usually classified as follows: KLAS ICHISKAYA (S IMFAN ICHISKAYA) MUZYKA KjiaccmecKaa (CHM4>OHHHecKaa) My3biKa 'Classical (symphonic) music'; MUZYKA I P ESN I NARODAF E-SESE-SER My3biKa H necHH HapoaoB C C C P 'Music and songs of the peoples of the USSR'' RUSK II NARODNYI P ESN I PyccKue HapoAHbie necHH 'Russian folk songs'; ESTRADNAYA (L OHKAYA, TANTSAVAL NAYA) MUZYKA 3cxpt Haa (jieraaa, TaimeBa,ibHaH) My3biica 'Popular (light, dance) music'; PAPUL ARNYI P ESN I I M ILOD II.
b b b b b b b b b b W
ZAP IS I OP IR I SP IKTAKL IY 3anncn onep H cneKTaKJiefi 'Recordings of operas and plays'; PAETY CHITAYUT SVAl ST IH I U o i t u HHTAIOT CBOH CTHXH 'Poets reading their own works'. There are numerous albums of records, too. We also have the magazine KRUGAZOR Kpyro3op "Horizon", containing records, and at least two magazines are published with a record as suppleb b b b b b b
ment KALABOK KOJIO6OK "Round White Bread L o a f for children, and RUSKIY YAZYK ZA RUBEZHOM PyccKHH H3biK 3a py6eOM "Russian Language Abroad", intended for foreigners studying Russian. All of them can be bought in our many COKBIIEHATb stands. Also very popular nowadays are sets of records and slides or film-strips, designed either for children or for those studying a foreign language. Tape recordings, though not so popular, are also on sale, usually in such shops as PaOTOTOBapbi or OoTOTOBapbi. Having chosen your records, you say to the assistPAZHALUSTA, NOM IR STO SHES T
noacajiyncTa, H O M e p CTO rnecTb, etc. 'Number 106, please', etc. And while listening, you direct the salesgirl with
b b b b b b
HARASHO (YA VAZ MU)... Xoporno (a B 0 3 b M y ) . . . 'All right (I'll take this)...' or ETA N I N \ D A ... VS O! 3TO He H a a o . . . Bee! 'This I won't take... that will be all!' You might also use the phrase: NOM IR STO SHES T - MOZHNA PASLUSH AT ? HOMep CTO UieCTb-MOaCHO n o c n y u i a T b ? 'Number 106-can I listen to it?' A few words in conclusion about newspapers and magazines. They are sold almost everywhere, in the COK)3nEHATb kiosks and stands in the streets, in the passages of Underground stations (in automatic vendors), in hotel lobbies, etc. The price of newspapers varies from 3 to 10 copecks, depending on the number of the pages. Many kiosks also sell newspapers from the Union Republics of the U.S.S.R. (in their languages). Foreign newspapers are also sold in the Soviet
b b b b
Union, although not all and not at all newsstands. You'd better try to buy them at the stall in the lobby of your hotel. The most popular "national" newspapers in the Russian language are: IlpaBfla, H3BECTH5I, KOMc0M0Jii>cKaa npaB;ta, JlmcpaTypna5i ra3eTa, Tpy^. Of course, local papers are very popular, too, for instance in Moscow BeHepHaa MocKBa, may be interested in our Soviet publications in English: Moscow News, Soviet Literature, Soviet Union, Soviet Woman, New Times, Culture and Life. The approach to the person selling them is as usual: PRAVDA, PAZHALUSTA, I "Moscow News". npaBfla, noacajTyncTa, w "Moscow News". Make sure to have some change handy, otherwise a whole queue will quickly form behind you! In practically all book and record shops you will see the sign:
or HoBbie nocTynjieHna introducing recently received books or records. So it's probably a good idea to start with these particular items. M0CK0BCKafl npaB ^a and in Leningrad BenepHHH JIeHHHrpaa, JIeHHHrpaflCKaa npaB.aa. You
Here is a list of the largest and most popular book and record shops:
In Moscow: JJOM KHHrH, AKaaeMKHPira, KHroKHbiii Mnp (these three bookshops deal in books on practically all subjects, the first one also deals in gramophone records); KmirH Ha HHOCTpaHHbix s3biKax (books in foreign languages) : KHH)KHaa jiaBKa nncaTejieH (where you can find rare books and the latest editions); 118
neaarorHHecKaH KHHra (deals in educational literature); EyKHHHCT (second-hand books); flpy6a (books in the languages of the socialist countries); My3biKa (deals in musical literature, sheet music and gramophone records; MejioflHa (boasts a vast selection of gramophone records) ; /],Ha4)HJibMbi (deals in film strips, slides, etc.); MHocTpaHHaa 6yKHHHCTHHecKaa KHHra (second-hand books in foreign languages). In Leningrad; Mnp (books in the languages of the socialist countries); AKaaeMKHHra (books on all subjects); KHii>KHaa j i a B K a nHcaTeneife (where you can find rare books and latest editions); rpaMnnacTHHKH (boasts a vast selection of gramophone records).
SHOPPING: SOUVENIRS Before leaving the Soviet Union you will surely want to buy souvenirs of your trip. In our opinion, the best things to buy are items from the folk handicrafts tradition: little figures carved in wood, hand-made eathenware articles and our famous Russian boxes and caskets of papier-mache. You can find a large choice of such goods in the specialized shops called CYBEHHPEI SUV IN IRY 'Souvenirs' or in departments under the same signs in all large department stores. In these shops you'll be able to buy goods made not only by Russian
handicraftsmen, but also by masters from other Soviet republics-Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania - the Caucasus and Central Asia. Here are some hints for choosing Russian souvenirs. Probably the most famous are the many different kinds of M A T R O S H K A MaTpeniKa, a nest of wooden female figures in Russian national dress. Sometimes there are up to twelve figures in a nest! Other typical Russian souvenirs are wooden articles from the village of Khokhloma: wooden boxes, plates, spoons, etc. Much more beautiful (and expensive!) are papier-mache boxes with laquered pictures from the villages of Palekh and Fedoskino. Samovars (SAMAVAR caMOBap), although rarely used now in the Russian home, are again a good souvenir from the Soviet Union. Apart from the electric samovars and toy samovars made specially as souvenirs, you may come across a really valuable (and expensive!) old piece in one of the second-hand goods shops (KAM IS IONYt MAGAZ IN KOMHCCHOHb
HBIN Mara3HH).
However, the best hint of all would be to invite along a Russian friend who knows and likes the arts. You can also always ask the assistant for help: YA HACHU (KUP IT ) RUSKAY SUV IN IR... PASA\^ETUYT I SHTO VYBR A T fl xony (icynHTb) pyccKHH cyBennp... n o c o B e T y f l T e , HTO BbiSpaTb. 'I want (to buy) a Russian souvenir ... Will you give me some advice as to what to choose?' If you are buying something very expensive in KoMHCCHOHHbm Mara3HH, such as, for instance, an old picture, an antique book, silver, or even a really
b b b b b
old samovar, you'd better inquire at once about the customs regulations and get a receipt from the manager, which may well be useful when crossing the border. One possible question in Russian is: ETA RAZR ISHINO KVYVAZU (ZAGThough we don't believe you'll have any difficulties here, asking this question will put you on the safe side. Do not buy anything from private individuals; besides the illegality of such an action
RAN ITSU)? 3TO pa3pemeHO K BbiB03y (3a rpaHHuy)? 'Is it permitted to take that abroad?'
it is almost 100 per cent certain that you will get something absolutely valueless, like fake icons. Traditional folk handicrafts have dozens and dozens of different "schools", which it is impossible to discuss here. In many large shops you will find books (some of them in English) providing comprehensive information on the subject. But still, besides the articles already described, we should like to mention Vyatka toys, ironware from the village of Zhestovo, lacework from many parts of Russia, and North Siberian ivory figurines and carvings. Metal ornaments from the North Caucasian village of Kubachi, Uzbek and Tajik embroidery, especially their national skull caps, called tyubiteiki, Ukrainian wood-carvings and earthenware, and Baltic leather goods are famous throughout the Soviet Union. Our souvenir shops are a vivid illustration of
Moscow Kremlin
the merging of the national cultures of the many nationalities of the Soviet Union into the single multinational culture of the Soviet people. Valuable goods of gold, silver, platinum, and of precious and semiprecious stones can be bought in the shops called UV IL IRNYY MAGAZ IN lOue.mpHbiH Mara3HH 'Jeweller's'.
b b b
As a rule, these shops also have a large choice of watches. However, if you want to buy a watch, the best selection is available in specialized shops bearing the sign WACbI (CH ISY) 'Watches and Clocks'. Soviet watches are no worse in quality than the Swiss makes, but are cheaper. In the Soviet Union you can also shop for furs. Probably the most exotic and at the same time most practical item, especially in winter, will be a Russian man's fur cap known as USHANKA ymamca. The word is derived from UHA yxo 'ear', because the flaps forming part of this cap can be "pulled down" to cover up your ears in a frost. Well, you'll see everything for yourself if you drop into one of the specialized souvenir shops. We also think that it's worth while looking for souvenirs in some of the numerous toy shops, such as: ^ O M HrpyuiKH (Moscow); FocTHHbiH flBop (Leningrad). In some souvenir shops, those belonging to the "Beryozka" chain, and at practically all the stands in Intourist hotels, you can buy goods with foreign currency.
THE RESTAURANT AND THE CAFE We expect that during your stay in our country you will mainly have your meals in restaurants and cafes. Although the information on food shops may prove to be useful to you, it's "public eating places", as we call them, that will be of the greatest importance to you. In the Soviet Union a restaurant is a far more expensive and ambitious establishment than a cafe. Food in a restaurant is usually 20 to 30 per cent dearer than in a cafe, which, in turn, is more expensive than in a so-called STALOVAYA CTOjioBaa 'dining-hall', a Russian institution, roughly corresponding to a cafeteria in the United States. In general the term "cafe" in the Soviet Union covers a wide range of establishments, from very ambitious places (almost as smart as restaurants) to modest cafeterias with just two or three tables and no seats.
Restaurants always have a wide choice of dishes and drinks. Dining-halls and many cafes offer you a so-called "set meal"; besides, dining-halls don't sell alcoholic drinks. In restaurants a band plays in the evenings and dancing is popular, whereas in dining-halls not even smoking is permitted. The Russian words for "restaurant" and "cafe" are R I S T A R A N pecropaH and KAFE Kac})e respectively. Besides these and STALOVAYA, sometimes the words BUF ET 6y4>eT 'buffet' and ZAKUSACHNAYA 3aKyco4Haa 'snack bar', KAF IT ERlY Kac})eTepHH 'cafeteria' and CHAYNAYA namma 'tearooms' are also encountered, which denote small cafes. Soviet people usually go to a restaurant not just to have a good meal, but to enjoy an evening with friends or to celebrate something. Cafes and dining-halls, on the other hand, exist solely as eating places. Most restaurants, including the most fashionable ones, are open in the daytime (up to 5 p.m.) "as dining-halls", i.e. with a more limited choice of ready dishes, cheaper prices and no alcohol. However, this doesn't stop them accepting an order from the evening menu at evening prices. Restaurant Procedure When you enter a restaurant, surrender your overcoat to the attendant in the GARD IROP, r a p a e p o 6 'cloak-room' (in cheaper places it is called RAZD IvALKA pa3AeBajnca). The attendant will give you a NAM IROK HOMepoK 'a tab' with a number, which you will later need to recover your things.
Then you go into the main hall and choose a table, though in the best restaurants you may be met by a maitre d'hotel, who will lead you to a table. When you are seated, a waiter comes up, hands you the menu and waits to take down your ZAKAS 3aica3 'order'. Before you leave, he will give you the SHCHOT CHCT 'bill' and you will pay him. The service charge is included in the bill or in the cost of the dishes. In a few restaurants payment is made to the maitre d'hotel or the head-waiter, who comes up to you after the waiter has brought the bill. In many of the cafes and the dining-halls, and in restaurants that serve "as dining-halls" in the afternoon, you must first go to the cash-desk, choose your meal from the menu displayed there, pay in advance, and receive "checks" (like those in shops). Then you take a seat at a table and hand in your "checks" to the waiter, who will bring you the dishes you have chosen. Self-service has become quite widespread in this country. In self-service eating places you arm yourself with a tray and follow the counter round, taking whichever dishes you like. Hot dishes, though put on display, should be asked for and received from the attendants standing behind the counter. On emerging from the passage by the counter you come up against the cashier, who looks at your tray and works out how much you must pay. The procedure is exactly the same as in France and many other countries. As a rule, such eating places have a separate BUF ET 6ycJ)ET 'buffet", "refreshment-room', where you can buy chocolate, cigarettes, beer, etc. You should address the waiter in this way: TAVAR ISHCH AF ITSlANT T O B a p m u ocJjHmiaHT 'Mr. Waiter'.
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When choosing a table yourself, i.e. without the help of the maitre d'hotel or the head-waiter, be careful not to occupy places marked 3 A K A 3 A H O or C T O J I 3 A K A 3 A H reserved . If somebody is already sitting at a table, you should first ask politely: MOZHNA MO>KHO? 'May I (take this seat)?' or RAZR ISHYT I? PaspemnTe? 'May I
(take this seat)?' though the answer is sure to be affirmative.
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If there isn't a menu-card within easy reach and the waiter fails to bring you one, you can ask your neighbour: PAZHALUSTA, M IN U! no^ajiyncTa, Memo! 'May I have the menu?' and when the waiter comes to your table, you say. PR IM tT I ZAKAS. IlpHMHTe saxas. 'Will you take my order?' Now your difficulties will be just beginning. We advise you to have the menu-card there in front of you (in all first-class restaurants they are printed in at least four languages) and to point out to the waiter the items you want; at the same time you could say: ETA... I ETA... 3TO ... H rro ... 'This ... and this...' in reply to which he will probably nod and say: PAZHALUSTA ..., HARASHO ... rio>KajiyncTa ..., xopouc... 'Yes ..., certainly...' However, you may also hear something like: KSAZHAL EN IYU ETAVA UNAS S IVOD N I N ET ... K coacajieHtno, 3Toro y Hac cero^HH HeT ... 'I'm afraid that 's off today.'; LUCHSHI VAZ M IT I VOT ETA ...
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JlyHiiie B03HMHTE BOT 3TO ... 'Why not take this...?' etc. The latter sentence means that, in the waiter's opinion, your choice is not the best and he wants you to improve it. With the help of the multilingual menu you should reach some understanding... We ourselves would always stick to what the waiter recommends - after all, he should know best! If the menu is only in Russian, you'll have to read out the names of the dishes for the waiter to take them down. Now we would like to take you through a typical menu, with some hints as to the best dishes drawn from our own experience. But to finish your conversation with the waiter: having found little help in the menu, you dictate to him: NA ZAKUSKU (or simply ZAKUSKA)CHORNAYAIKRA I SALAT IZAGURTSOF. Ha 3atcycicy (3aKycica)-HepHaa HKpa m canaT H3 o r y p u o B . 'For hors d'oeuvres: black caviare and cucumber salad.' (i.e. chopped cucumbers with spices); NA P ERVAYE-BUL YON S YAYTSOM. Ha n e p B o e - 6yjibOH c a n u o M . 'For the first course: clear soup with an egg.'; NA FTAROYE- B IFSHTEKS. Ha BTOp o e - S m j m r r e K C . 'For the second course: beefsteak ' * NA TR ET YE - M AROZHINAYE I CHORNYY KOF E. Ha TpeTbe-MopoaceHoe H HEPHBIN KO(})e. 'For dessert: icecream and black coffee.' You may, of course, just name the dishes without saying NA ZAKUSKU, NA P ERVAYE, etc. When ordering vodka, wine, mineral water or
b b b b b b b b
lemonade, you'll have to say exactly how much you want (the waiter may even ask: SKOL KA? CKOJibKO? 'How much?'). For example: VOTKA STO GRAM or P IVA - (ADNA) BUTYLKA. BoAKa-CTO rpaMM or NUBO(o/ma) SyTbijiKa. 'A hundred grammes of vodka or: one bottle of beer.' (One bottle normally means 0.5 litre, though in the case of wine it may also be 0.75 litre.) When you eat in a good restaurant, the waiter will observe your progress and at an appropriate moment come up to you with a casual: MOZHNA PADAVAT FTAROYE? Moxb b
You are supposed to reply: PAZHALUSTA. He may also inquire if you liked the dish, but it will be difficult for you to discuss this question at any length (though the phrases given in Problem 7 may come in very handy). When finishing, you should say to the waiter: PAZHALUSTA, SHCHOT. noacajiyMcra, cneT. 'The bill, please.' After paying you might exchange a few of the phrases already well known to you. For example: SPAS IBA. DASV IDANYA. Cnacu6o. Ao CBiwaHHfl. 'Thank you. Good-bye.' PAZHALUSTA. noacaJiyHCTa. 'Thank you.' Now for a list of dishes based on the menu sheets of the Moscow restaurant n p A r A that covers the main possibilities of nearly all cafes and dining-halls, though in the latter you will not find crab-meat salads or roasted hazel-grouse. The menu sheets usually begin with a section headed:
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HO noflaBaTb BTopoe? 'Are you ready for the second course?' or something to that effect.
<f>npMemii>ie Gjnoja: 'Specialty dishes', or: IIIe^-noBap peKOMeii iyci cei o/iHH: 'The Chef recommends':... . These are, of course, fancy dishes, tasty and rather expensive. Then we have 3aKycKH 'hors d'oeuvres', 'snacks', sometimes divided into "cold" and "hot": xojioaHbie 3aKycKH and ropaMwe 3aKycKH. Among them: HKpa 'caviare' (3epHHCTaa 'fresh caviare'; naiocHaa 'pressed caviare'; KeTOBaa 'red caviare'); ceMra or jiococHHa 'smoked salmon' (c JIHMOHOM 'with lemon'); oceTpnHa 'sturgeon' (3ajiHBHaa 'in aspic', c rapHHpoM 'with vegetables', noa MaH0He30M 'in mayonnaise'); cenbflb 'herring'; KHjibKH 'Russian anchovies'; capflHHbi 'sardines'; accopTH pbiSHoe 'assorted fish'; 6yaceHHHa c rapHnpoM 'cold boiled pork with vegetables'; BeTHHHa c rapHnpoM 'ham with vegetables'; accopTH MacHoe 'assorted meats'; poci6ii(|) c rapHnpoM 'cold roast beef with vegetables'; paSHHK acapeHbin 'roasted hazel-grouse'; KyponaTKa acapeHaa 'roasted partridge'; canaT ro Kpa6oB 'crab-meat salad'; cwp 'cheese'; a3biK c rapHupoM 'cold tongue with vegetables'; rpnGbi 'mushrooms' (coneHbie 'salted', M a p n H o BaHHbie 'pickled'); MacjiHHbi 'olives'. According to the time of year one can buy seasonal hors d'oeuvres, such as: 3ejieHbiii canaT 'lettuce salad';
canaT n3 orypuoB 'cucumber salad'; canaT H3 jiyica '(spring) onion salad'; cajiaT H3 noMHflopoB 'tomato salad'; canaT n3 peflHCKH 'radish salad'; Kucjiaa Kanycra 'sauerkraut'. You will notice that vegetables and greenery in general are scarcer in our diet than in the United States and in Great Britain, especially in wintertime. Of course, this rule does not hold for other regions of the Soviet Union, for instance the Caucasian or Central Asian Republics, which have a completely different cuisine with lots of greens throughout the year. Russians are very fond of horse-radish sauce and mustard, the latter is very strong and not a bit like German or French mustard. There are various hot snacks, although they are not considered to be an integral part of a lunch or dinner. We'd like you to try: ZHUL YEN IZ D ICHI acyjibeH m AHHH 'a dish of game meat, usually with mushrooms, baked (and served) in a small pot'. ZHUL YEN IZ GR IBOF acyjibeH H3 rpu6OB 'cocktail of baked mushrooms in a sour-cream sauce served in a small pot'. Then there is a large choice of soups, without which a dinner is not a dinner to the Russian mind and many of which are a dinner in themselves. The most popular among literally dozens and dozens are: BORSHCH 6opm 'borshch', a beef stock cooked with red beetroots, onions, celery, cabbage, potatoes, carrots and lumps of boiled beef. Like many other soups, it requires a spoonful of SM ITANA
b b b b b
'sour cream' to bring out the flavour to perfection. The lump of meat in borshch or in many other Russian soups is eaten with a knife and fork after you have finished off the liquid with a spoon. SHCHI urn 'shchi'. Along with BORSHCH, this seems to be quite well known abroad as a typical Russian dish, but while SHCHI is native, BORSHCH originally was strictly Ukrainian. The basic ingredient of shchi is cabbage, either sweet or sour. There are dozens of varieties of SHCHI: MHCHbie (with meat) and BereTapuaHCKHe (without meat); cBe>Kne 'fresh' (made from sweet cabbage) and KHCJibie 'sour' (made from sauerkraut); cyroHHbie 'yesterday's' (it is believed that SHCHI improves with keeping!), etc. RASSOL N IK paccoJibHHK, a soup made with chicken giblets, veal kidneys, some vegetables, including pickled cucumbers, and sour cream. BUL YON 6yjibOH, a clear soup with various added ingredients, often served as a separate course: c nnpo>KKaMn 'with small meat pies', c (JipmcaAejibKAMM 'with small meat balls', c HHUOM 'with a boiled egg', etc. UHA yxa, a fish soup, also found in many different forms, depending on the type of fish and the manner of preparation. SAL YANKA cojiHHKa, a soup made of sturgeon, onions, spices, greens, mushrooms and pickles. AKROSHKA OKpomica, summer soup based on kvas and made with beef or ham, and cucumbers, spring onions, eggs, dill and sour cream. SV IKOL NIK cBeKOJibHHK, a vegetable soup made mainly of red beetroots, usually served cold, with plenty 9f sour cream. HARCHO xapno, a thick, hot and spicy mutton soup from Georgia.
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Normally the price of soup, i. e. the first course of a Russian dinner, varies from 40 copecks to 1 rouble. Don't forget that soup is generally eaten with rye bread, an integral part of nearly all Russian meals. Many people like to add pepper and other spices to their soup, or a dollop of sour cream. Limited space does not allow us to dwell on the subject of soups any longer. Hot fish dishes are very popular in the Russian cuisine: AS ITR INA oceTpHHa 'sturgeon' ( n a p o B a a 'steamed', a c a p e H a a 'fried', no/t S e j i b i M coycoM 'with white sauce', etc.)
b b
'a la polonaise', no-pyccKH 'a la russe', B 6ejioM BHH6 'in white wine', acapeHbin B TecTe 'fried in batter'). F A R E L (J)opejib 'trout'. We're not sure you'll have an opportunity to taste it in Moscow, but don't forget about it if you happen to visit the Caucasus, especially the Lake Sevan region of the Armenian Republic! Besides these expensive sorts there are also: KAMBALA KaM6ajia 'plaice'; SHCHUKA myKa 'pike'; KARP K a p n 'carp'; NAL IM HajiHM 'burbot' ('eelpout') PALTUS najiTyc 'halibut' ('turbot'); SOM COM 'sheat-fish'; TR ISKA TpecKa 'cod' (unlike the English, Russians do not consider the cod a luxury item). The price of a hot fish dish varies from 70 copecks to two roubles. In a classical Russian dinner, fish is only the first part of the second course, but nowadays people usually stop at that. But it is also
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possible to skip the fish and come straight to the meat dish. Incidentally, the same goes for hot dishes of poultry and wild game. Originally an intermediate stage between the soup and the meat, they are now taken instead of meat or not at all. These are: GUS r y c b 'goose' (acapeHbiH c KanycroH HJIH a6noKaMH 'roasted with cabbage or apples'); IND EYKA HHaeHKa 'turkey'; R APCHIK PH6HHK 'hazel-grouse'; UTKA yrica 'duck'. Among the poultry dishes the most popular is probably TSYPL ONAK TABAKA UbimieHOK Ta6aKa. This is a Caucasian dish: a young chicken roasted under a weight and served with garlic sauce. Other popular dishes based on chickens are: KATL ETY PAK IIFSK I KoraeTbi no-KueBCKH 'cutlets a la Kiev', breast of chicken, breaded, stuffed with chilled sweet butter; KATL ETY STAL ICHNYYl (DEVAL AY) KOTjieTbi CTOJiHHHbie 'metropolitan cutlets (de volaille)', with chilled sweet butter in them. But the main course of the meal is still the meat dish, both at dinner and supper. Here are the main possibilities: AZU,a3y 'chopped meat in a savoury sauce'; BARAN INA 6apaHHHa 'mutton' (acapeHaa 'roasted'); TIL AT INA TejiHTHHa 'veal'; S H A S H L Y K m a m j i b i K 'shashlik' (KaBKa3CKnn 'Caucasian shashlik', no-icapcKH 'Karsk shashlik', pickled fillet of baby lamb broiled on a spit before an open fire); PADZHARKA noflacapKa 'roasted pieces of meat served with a sauce'; B IFSTROGANAF 6e4)CTp6raHOB 'beef a la Strob b b b fa b b b b b b b b b
ganoff, beef tenderloin cut into small pieces and fried, served in a sour-cream sauce. ANTR IKOT aHTpeKOT 'broiled medium-size steak'; LANG ET jiaHreT ' b r o i l e d small s t e a k ' ; B IFSHTEKS 6n4>mTeicc 'beefsteak'; ROSTB IF POCT6H(}) 'roast beef; SV INAYA ATB IVNAYA CBHHaa OTSnBHaa 'pork chop' ; KATL ETY KOTjieTbi 'rissoles' (various kinds); ESKALOP acKajion 'escalope'; SHN ITSIL uiHHuejib 'shnitzel'. There are also many specialties, such as: PARAS ONAK S KASHlY nopoceHOK c Karnefl 'roasted sucking pig stuffed with steamed buckwheat' ; T IL AT INA VGARSHOCHK I TejiHTHHa B ropmoHice (3aneHeHHaa) 'veal baked in a clay pot'; BARAN INA NAV ERT IL I 6apaHHHa ua BepTene 'mutton roasted on a spit', etc. A popular and inexpensive meat dish is ordinarily SAS ISK I COCHCKH '(boiled) sausages' (very similar to frankfurters) with sauerkraut or potatoes. Very typical of the Russian cuisine are dishes made from eggs, milk, vegetables and flour. They are normally served at breakfast, but many people have them for dinner, too. First among them are: BL INY 6jiHHbi 'Russian pancakes', served with practically anything: caviare, herring, melted butter, sour cream and even jam. When you are invited to a real Russian "bliny-meal", you don't even get the otherwise inevitable soup! Besides bliny, very popular in this country are BL INCHIK I 6JIHHHHKH 'crepes' (the name is a diminutive form of bliny), which are not that serious and important.
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They are served with meat and cottage cheese, but mostly with jam. Also very common are: P IRASHK I nnpoacKH 'patties' (stuffed with meat, cabbage, cottage cheese, viziga [prepared by boiling grain-like substance made from the dried spinal cord of cartilaginous fish], rice and egg, etc.) Many meat dishes are served with vegetables called GARN tR rapHup, which is usually placed on the same plate and consists of potatoes, onions, beets, carrots, peas, etc. Most garnir extras can be ordered separately at a very low price. Speaking of dairy dishes, we must mention hot SYRN IK I cwpiiHKH 'cheese cakes' and A L A D Y I o.IAJBH 'a kind of thick pancakes'. Alongside this group of dishes we should also mention: MAKARONY MaicapoHbi 'macaroni', 'spaghetti'; LAPSHA jianrna 'noodles' (sometimes served in soup)' and also: A M L E T oMJieT 'omelette' (a wide variety); I I S H N I T S A aHHHHna 'fried eggs' and just Y I Y T S O HHUO 'egg' (BapeHoe BKpyryio 'hardboiled', B MeuioHKe 'soft-boiled', BCMHTKy 'very soft'). A common special dish, as well as a garnish, is T S V I T N A Y A K A P U S T A UBeTHaa KanycTa 'cauliflower', usually boiled and served with bread crumbs sauted in butter. We have already dealt with dairy products in Problem 11. Almost all of them can be obtained in restaurants, but not in the evening, as they are considered part of breakfast. But we can't help returning to: SM ITANA CMeTaHa 'sour cream', which really is one of the best dairy products ever
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invented. It is needed with many soups, is essential in Russian sauces, especially those served with fish, and, sprinkled with castor sugar, can be served for dessert... For the Russian breakfast try TVAROK (or TVORAK) TBopor, a kind of cottage cheese, also served with sour cream and sugar or jam or honey. Unlike the French, Russians eat various types of hard cheese as hors d'oeuvres and not after the meal. Dinner and other meals are usually crowned with a dessert: BL INCHIK I SVAR EN YIM 6JIHHHHKH C apeHbeM 'crepes with jam'; P I ROZHNAYE impoxcHoe 'a small (usually cream) cake'; TORT TopT 'cake', 'gateau'; YABLAKA FT EST I H6JIOKO B Tecre 'apple baked in dough'; MAROZHINAYE MopoaceHoe 'ice-cream'; and CHAY nan 'tea'; KOF E Koc})e 'coffee'; KAMPOT KOMnoT 'stewed fruit'; K I S E L KHcejib 'thin fruit jelly'. In a cafe you'll be offered mineral water or a fruit drink. In good restaurants the wine card is given separately and demands a good knowledge of both wines and Russian. It will usually save trouble just to tell the waiter: V INO NA VASH FKUS. B H H O - H a B a m Bicyc. '(Bring) some wine-according to your taste.' The waiter might look a bit shocked, but ... you'll surely get the best wine in the house! Of course, we also advise you to re-read our own opinions on the subject in Problem 11. Russians traditionally have three meals a day
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(besides which they may also take "tea"-very similar to the British custom-at five o'clock), approximately at these times: ZAFTRAK 3aBTpaK 'breakfast' (around 7-10 a. m.), , AB ET o6ea "lunch', 'dinner' (around 1-3 p.m.), UZHIN yCHH 'supper" (around 7-9 p.m.). Before bed-time many have a glass of milk or some other dairy product. Russian breakfast is a generous meal; it consists of a cold or hot meat or fish dish, fruit juice, milk or dairy products (TVAROK is especially favoured), eggs, kasha, tea or coffee. KASHA Kama is porridge, which may be made from various grains; cornflakes are not very popular. You already know all there is to know about AB ET. Russian supper can vary from a repetition of AB ET (though without soup) to a rather scant meat or vegetable dish and tea. But people still do their best to make it the second dinner of the day! Americans will be surprised to find that Russians do not drink water, especially cold water with ice-cubes, during their meals; if they drink at all they have mineral water, juices, lemonade, or kvas and beer, but not just water. The British will have to do without cereals or cornflakes at breakfast, though both can be obtained in restaurants. However, both will be happy to discover our natural fruit juices which, as we've said, are also sold in kiosks in the streets and at special stands in many shops. A welcome discovery will be Russian ice-cream, which we have already praised. We really don't know what you'll think of the sodawater stands scattered everywhere; Russians go in for them in a big way, especially in hot weather, but both the authors dislike the very idea of "fizzy water".
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Many tourists coming to the Soviet Union on a "de luxe" basis use the system of Intourist vouchers, which give them the right to choose any dish in any Intourist restaurant or cafe within a reasonable price range. Of course, these vouchers are not accepted in ordinary dining-halls and cafes. It must already be clear from what we've said that besides actual Russian dishes our restaurants now prepare both a great many traditional dishes from our other nationalities (e. g. xapno, CBeKOJibHHK, iiiaiujibiK) and dishes of the international cuisine, such as 6yjibOH, POCT6H(J). (Incidentally, though many British people think toast is international, it is unobtainable in the Soviet Union.) These dishes have become part of the Russian cuisine and are prepared in practically every restaurant. But to taste the real national cuisine of the peoples of the Soviet Union you must go to the nationality restaurants in Moscow, or better still, to the republics themselves. We have many cafes specializing in this or that dish, for instance Siberian pelmeni, bliny, pirozhki, etc. We have also many where ice-cream, soft drinks, cakes, tea, and coffee are served. All these establishments, and also: are cheap. The "set meal" system is not so popular in this country; only in factory or office canteens do you get a choice of dishes within the set price, but, as a rule, only the workers of the factory concerned are admitted there. As we have before said, the selfservice system is becoming more and more widespread.
Here is the list of the best restaurants in Moscow and Leningrad; most of them are in large hotels:
In Moscow: Aparon, ApapaT, Ap6aT, EaKy, EepjiHH, I4HTypHCT, MeTpon6jib, MocKBa, HaimoHanb, npara, POCCHH, CeflbMoe ne6o, CnaBHHCKHH 6a3ap, Cocj)Hfl, y36eKHcraH, yicpaHHa, U,eHTpanbHbiH. In Leningrad: ACTOPHH, KaBKa3CKH0, JleHHHrpafl, MeTponojib, MocKBa, HeBa, CaflKO, CoBeTCKHH.
You can find out what's on in Moscow's theatres, cinemas and concert halls from special publications, such as the monthly bulletins: T I A T R A L N A t A MASKVA TeaT ajibHaa MocKBa 'Moscow Theatres', and DASUK V MASKV E flocyr B MOCKBC 'Spending Leisure Time in Moscow', and from numerous posters in the streets.
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Tickets are on sale in special "Theatre BoxOffices", in kiosks with the same name, in Underground stations, and in the theatre lobby itself. All places where tickets for the theatres are sold are called: T IATRAL NAYA KASSA TeaTpajibHa* Kacca Theatre Box -Office'.
b b
People usually buy tickets well in advanceseveral days or even weeks ahead, and, unless you turn to Intourist's good offices, you may well find it difficult to get tickets for a performance on the same day, especially if you have in mind a very popular or a new production. It is always very hard to get tickets to: BAL SHOY T L \ T R EojibiuoH TeaTp 'The Bolshoi Theatre' or: K R I M L O F S K A t DVAR ETS SYEZDAF KpeMjieBCKHH ,n,Bopeu cbe3,noB 'The Kremlin Palace of Congresses', where the Bolshoi Theatre company also performs; or to: KANSERVATORTYA KoHcepBaTopra 'The Conservatoire' and some of the new modern theatres like: S A V R I M E N N I K CoBpeMeHHHK 'The Contemporary' T lATR NATAGANK I TeaTp Ha TaraHKe 'The Taganka Theatre'. So, if you ask for a ticket to see "Swan Lake" at the Bolshoi, or to hear Svyatoslav Richter at the Conservatoire, the cashier more likely than not will merely shake her head sadly in reply. During festivals, such as "The Russian Winter Festival" P R A z N I K RUSKAY Z IMY rTpa3flHHK pyCCKOH 3KMbI, or, for that matter, during Leningrad's " 'White Nights' Festival" F IST IVAL B ELYI NOCHI OecTHBanb Eejibie HOHH, it's even difficult to get cinema tickets for a new film. However, the Intourist Service Bureau, your guide or the Soviet colleagues with whom you do business will always help you in this matter.
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Anyway, the expression you'll need for buying a ticket at a T IATRAL NA Y A KASSA TeaTpamHaa Kacca is: AD IN B IL ET (DVA BIL ETA...) VBAL S H O ? T lATR NA S IVODN I (NAZAFTRA, N A P A N I D E L N I K , NAFTAROYE MARTA...) NA RUSLAN I L UDM ILA. OflHH 6mieT (^Ba 6nneTa...) B BojibuioHTeaTp-Ha ceroAna (Ha 3aBTpa, Ha noHeaejibHHK, Ha BTopoe MapTa...) Ha PycjiaH H JlioflMHJia. 'One ticket (two tickets...) for the Bolshoi Theatre-for today (tomorrow, for Monday, for the second of March ...) for Ruslan and Lyudmila.'' As for the dates, it is advisable that you should have a calendar with you, and point out to the box-office clerk the date you want (calendars with both the Russian and English names of the months and days of the week are on sale everywhere). Here we give you the English transcription of the Russian words denoting:
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At this point, we might add that Russians denote the dates with ordinary numerals and put them in the neuter gender:
nepBoe BTopoe TpeTbe neTBepToe naToe rnecToe ce^bMoe BOCbMOe aeBHToe ^ecaToe oaHHHazmaToe
the the the the the the the the the the the
first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh,
the twelfth, the thirteenth, the fourteenth, the fifteenth, the sixteenth, the seventeenth, the eighteenth, the nineteenth, the twentieth, the twentyfirst... the thirtieth, the thirtyfirst
In denoting a date, the name of the month takes the genitive case: YlNVAR A HHBapa of January; (J>eBpajia of February; F IVRAL A MapTa of March; MARTA aiipc:iH of April; APR EL A Maa of May; MAYA HIOHH of June; LYUN A niojia of July; LYUL A aBrycra of August; AVGUSTA S INT IBR A CeHT5l6pH of September; AKT IBR A OKTJlSpa of October; NAYABR A HoaSpa of November; D IKABR A flexaGpa of December. It is still more interesting to know that the most commonly used form of the date (this corresponds to the English "on the first of August", etc.) requires the genitive case of the numeral: on the first P ERVAVA nepBoro HHBapH of January, YINVAR A BToporo on the second FTAROVA of January, YLNVAR A HHBapa on the twenDVATSATAVA /iBannaToro tieth of JanYLNVAR A HHBapa uary
b b b B B B B B b b B B b b b B L B B
We do not really believe you can learn all this right now (that is why we started off with the suggestion that you should use your finger and a printed calendar when buying tickets or, for that matter, to make dates with your Russian friends!), and went into details in the hope that your interest might be spurred on for further study sometime in the future.
To come back to our problem, we must mention that performances in Soviet theatres usually begin at 7 p.m., and concerts at 7.30 p.m. Normally matinees are held only on Sundays, starting at 12.00, while some children's performances start at 11.00 a. m. The time at which the performance begins (and a performance, by the way, is called in Russian SP IKTAKL cneKTaicjib) is always written on the play-bills and on the back of your ticket. If you are late, you may not be admitted to the auditorium, and instead, will be sent to the gallery. Three bells at intervals of one to three minutes usually announce the beginning of the performance, and the rule written everywhere on the walls of the theatre, on the play-bills and your ticket Bxoa B 3PHTEJIBHBIH 3AJI nocne TpeTbero 3BOHKa BocnpemeH 'The auditorium may not be entered after the third bell' is strictly observed by the ushers. The same is true of our cinemas, where each show (called S^ANS ceaHC) includes a newsreel, followed by a short interval during which late-comers are admitted into the auditorium, and the feature film. There are practically no American-style "continuous showings". All the seats in cinemas are numbered and tickets are valid for only one performance (not always the case in British cinemas!). Nothing is on sale during the performance and in the auditorium in general, though all theatres and cinemas have refreshment rooms with soft drinks, sweets, ice-cream and sandwiches, which you can visit before the performance or during intervals in theatres and at concerts. You would be well advised not to take drinks, ice-cream, etc. into the auditorium since the ushers strictly enforce the rule that no one should disturb the other members of the audience by drinking or eating during the performance. Smokb b
ing is prohibited in all but specially denoted areas. In theatres and concert halls everybody must leave his coat and hat in the cloak-room (free of charge); whereas in cinemas people may sit in the hall in their overcoats or take them off and put them on their knees-but men must take off their hats. A lady can always leave her hat on, unless asked politely by the person sitting behind to remove it. In most theatres you will have to leave in the cloak-room any cases, packages, and the like, with the exception of ladies' handbags. While surrendering your overcoat in the cloak-room you will be asked if you want oj>era-glasses: B INOKL NUZHIN? Emioiuib HyaceH? 'Do you need opera-glasses?' If you take them you also acquire an interesting and strictly observed right-the privilege of recovering your coat and hat, etc. in the cloak-room without standing in the queue after the performance: you just march ahead holding your opera-glasses so that everybody can see! However, you must pay 30 copecks for them-either when you get them or when you return them, as you like. You may ask the question: SKOL KA STOIT? CKOJIBKO CTOHT? 'How much does it cost?' or, to be on the safe side, you could just give 30 copecks. The suggestion to take opera-glasses is probably the only thing the attendant might say, so be prepared for it. If you don't feel like taking them, say: SPAS IBA, N INADA. CnacuSo, He Haao. 'Thanks, I don't need them.' More important is your possible conversation with the usher at the entrance to the auditorium. You might be asked to show your ticket, and,
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if you are not led to your seat, you may have to ask for guidance: G D E MAYO M ESTA? Die Moe MecTo? 'Where is my seat?' If in answer you are not led there, you will have to repeat: PAKAZHIT I, PAZHALUSTA, MAYO M ESTA. IIoKaacHTe, noacajiyncTa, Moe MecTo. 'Will you show me where my seat is, please?' From the usher you can also buy programmes of the performance and the booklet Moscow Theatres (TeaTpajibHaa MocKBa), which we have already mentioned before. He will probably offer them himself, but, if not, you should ask: PAZHALUSTA, PRAGRAMA - SKOL KA? noacajiyiicra, nporpaMMa-CKOJibKo? 'The programme, please. How much?' The tickets are checked by the ticket-collector or "controller" at the very entrance to the theatre or the cinema, who tears off a specially provided part of the ticket with the word KOHTPOJIb written on it. You must keep the remaining part of the ticket till the end of the performance. The usher in the hall can always ask: VASH BTL ET, PAZHALUSTA! Bam 6hJI6T, no>KajiyHCTa! 'Your ticket, please!' During the performance you are supposed to refrain from expressing your pleasure or displeasure. At the end of an act and sometimes after a scene with a popular actor people usually applaud. You may also shout BRAVA 'bravo!' 01 BIS 'encore!' (usually at concerts). No other exclamations are considered complimentary. Whistling is not allowed and signifies in Russia the final degree of contempt! To move on to cinemas, we note first of all
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that the times of showings (ceaHCbi) and the plan of the hall (ruiaH 3pHTejibHoro 3ajia) are always displayed on the wall near the box-office (icacca). When buying tickets, you must specify the number of tickets you want, the time and the seats you prefer: AD IN (DVA) S I R I D I N A PADAL SHI (PABL IZHI) NA P A T (CHISOF). O^HH (aBa) cepeflHHa, noaajibuie (no6jiuace) Ha ruiTb (nacoB). 'One ticket (two tickets) in the middle, farther from (nearer to) the screen for the 5 o'clock showing.' You won't need anything else, except perhaps IZV IN IT I MsBHHHTe 'Sorry', when getting to your place in the row, past the neighbours who have to stand up to let you pass. One thing more: our cinemas often have a system of selling tickets one day in advance; then you must add to the above sentence either NA S IVODN I Ha ceroaHH 'for today' or NA ZAFTRA Ha 3aBTpa 'for tomorrow'. We also advise you to visit the Moscow circus. Our circus troupes are world-famous and we are sure you'll enjoy your visit there very much. Now we shall mention a few theatres in Moscow and Leningrad. They are mostly musical ones, since it is evidently no use recommending drama theatres to people without a thorough knowledge of Russian. The pride of place undoubtedly belongs to the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow (FocyAapcTBeHHbiH aicaFLEMHNECKHH EojibinoH TEATP onepbi H SajieTa). Besides having its famous main building in Sverdlov Square, the company stages ballets and operas in the enormous hall of the Kremlin Palace of Congresses (KpeMjieBCKHH ABopeu cbe3flOB).
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Another famous Moscow theatre is the Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Musical Theatre (My3biKajibHbiH TeaTp HMeHH K. C. CraHHCJiaBCKoro H B. H. HeMHpoBHMa-/I,aHHeHKo). When ordering tickets to that theatre do not forget to mention the second name (NemirovichDanchenko), since Moscow has another theatre called after the famous Russian actor Stanislavsky the Stanislavsky Drama Theatre (/JpaMaTHHecKHH TeaTp HMeHH K. C. CTaHHCJiaBCKoro). We also recommend an evening of operetta in Moscow's Operetta Theatre (MOCKOBCKHH TeaTp onepeTTbi). We are sure you will enjoy a peformance at the world-famous puppet theatre of Sergei Obraztsov (UeHTpajibHbin TeaTp KYKOJI). In the main hall of the Kremlin Palace of Congresses you can watch not only the Bolshoi
ballet or opera but also troupes coming from various parts of the Soviet Union and abroad. Among Moscow's lesser-known theatres there remains the "Romen" Gipsy Theatre (U,uraHCKHH MY3BIKAJIBHO-ZIPAMATHHECKHH TEATP POM3H). There at a special concert programme you can hear beautiful Gipsy songs and old Russian ballads, the favourite songs of Alexander Pushkin, Lev Tolstoy and Peter Tchaikovsky.... The gem of Moscow's musical life is the Conservatoire (MocKOBCKaa K0HcepBaT0pii) with its Grand Hall. Numerous concerts are performed in the capital's other concert halls, notably in the Tchaikovsky Concert Hall (KoHuepTHbiM 3aji HMCHH n . H. HaraoBCKoro) and in the Hall of Columns of the House of the Trade Unions (KOJIOHHUH 3an floMa COK>3OB). In Leningrad the main theatres are the Kirov State Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre (ITocyAapcTBeHHbin aicafleMHHecKHH TeaTp onepbi n 6ajieTa HMeHH C. M. KnpoBa) (formerly the Mariinsky Theatre) and the Maly Theatre of Opera and Ballet (MajibiM TeaTp onepbi H 6 a n e T a ) (formerly the Mikhailovsky Theatre). Let us now analyze what you can see on your ticket for the theatre or cinema. Besides the name of the establishment, the date, and the certain time, you will find the number of your seat, and one of the following words: PARTER napTep 'orchestra stalls'; AMF IT lATR aM(})HTeaTp 'amphitheatre'; BALKON SajiKOH 'balcony' or: LOZHA jioaca 'box', and also L EVAYA STARANA JieBaa cTopoHa 'left
b b b
PRAVAYA STARANA iipaBctH CTopoHa 'right side'; S I R I D I N A cepe/tHHa 'middle'. The smaller the theatre, the simpler. Inside the building you may see the following notices: <IOHE foyer'; EYOET 'refreshment room'; KYPHTEJIbHAJI KOMHATA smoking-room'; TYAJIET 'toilet' B X 0 4 B 3PHTEJIEHEIM 3AJI entrance to the auditorium'; BbEXOA exit'; and then, as on the ticket - naprep, jioaca, 6ajiKOH... In the foyer there is usually an exhibition depicting the history of the theatre and its performances. During the intervals the members of the audience usually stroll about the halls and corridors (where usually there are also pictures of the company's actors and the scenes from their productions)all in one direction like a slowly moving procession. Other inscriptions, also found in cinema halls and box-offices: Kacca (EHjieraaH Kacca) 'Box-Office'; ripoja/Ka SajieTOB Ha ceroaHH 'Sale of Tickets for Today'; N P E IBAPWREJIBIIAH iipo,IA /Ka SWIETOB ' A d vance Box-Office'; The window under the inscription 'Manager' AAMHHHCTPATOP is a possible source of help if you have difficulty in getting tickets for the performance or showing you want (indicated by the inscription on the KASSA Kacca). 156
b b b
On posters you will find the following words and exBOIETbl pressions : HOBMH xyAO^cecTBeHHbiH (J)HJibM 'new feature film' (if there is no word HOBbifl it means that this feature film is being revived after a break); flOKyMeHTajibHbin (Jiiob.vr 'documentary film'; MyjIbTHIUlHKaUHOHHblH cJ)HJIbM (or MyjIbT(J)HJIbM) 'animated cartoon film'; UDip0K03KpaHHbiH (J)RnbM 'wide-screen film'; UBeTHofi (J)HjibM 'colour film'. In Moscow and Leningrad there are also special cinemas for showing experimental films: n a H o p a M H b i i i 'panoramic' and cTepeocKonnHecKHH 'stereoscopic'. All imported films are dubbed; only in very few cinemas are they shown in their original language. Finally, you must be able to recognize the words: AByXCepHHHblH (J)HJlbM ((J)HJlbM B XlByX CepHHx) 'two-part film' (each part lasting about 1 1 / 2 hours), nepBaa cepna 'first part'; BTopaa cepHH 'second part'. As we have already said, a newsreel is always shown first, subdivided into HOBOCTH AHH 'Newsreel', MHocTpaHHafl xpomncaw 'Foreign Newsreel', Hayica n TexHHKa Science and Technology', CnopT 'Sport', etc. Sometimes cartoons and short satirical films are also shown; the most popular of these is a series of satirical episodes called <t>HTHjib 'Fuse'. The feature film starts with the name of the studio (Moc4)HJibM 'Moscow Studios' and JleH(j)H^bM
'Leningrad Studios' are probably the most popular), and the credits: B (rnaBHbix) pojiax: ... 'Starring: ...' Peacnccep 'Director' OnepaTop 'Cameraman'. Sport is a favourite pastime of the Soviet people and it was by right that Moscow has been chosen as the site for the 1980 Olympic Games. The numerous world records set up by Soviet athletes and the many gold and silver medals they have won at the stadiums of various countries are the best proof of it. Who does not know the names of Irina Rodnina and Alexander Zaitsev, Ludmila Pakhomova and Alexander Gorshkov, Anatoly Karpov, Lyudmila Turishcheva, Nelly Kim, and other Soviet athletes? Everyone admired the performance of the Soviet national hockey team in the World and European championships. In Moscow, and in any major Soviet city, sports fans will be able to see a lot by way of sport. Here we mean not only athletes but unique sports facilities as well, such as the Luzhniki Sports Centre in Moscow (comprising an enormous open-air stadium, a covered Palace of Sports, summer skatingrinks, tennis courts, etc., etc.), the Kirov Stadium, seating 100,000, in Leningrad, or the Palace of Chess in Yerevan. In Moscow alone, besides the Luzhniki Sports Centre, you can visit the Dynamo Sports Centre, the Soviet Army Sports Centre (the latter two sports centres are situated within ten minutes' walk of each other), the Water Sports Centre on the Moscow River, which is a place much frequented by Muscovites, or the Olympic Sports Centre in Peace Avenue. Incidentally, sports facilities in Moscow are built
so quickly that by the time this book is printed it may well be dated in this respect. The games most popular with the Soviet people include ice hockey and football. Tickets for football matches and other games are bought in the boxoffices of the stadium itself, or at special desks and kiosks in the Underground stations. Again all of them are called KASSA Kacca. You're unlikely to need any elaborate conversational phrases during your visit to a sports match. The score is announced throughout by loudspeakers and displayed in figures on the main board, so you can hardly miss it. The score on the board /JHHAMO
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is read as follows: TR I AD IN FPOL ZU D INAMA. Tpn OAHH B NOJIB3Y /],nHaMo. 'Three to one in favour of Dynamo'. If you are a real fan (in Russian BAL EL SHCHIK), you may well find the following expression handy (it by no means exhausts the vast jargon of Russian fans): DAVAY, DAVAY! flaBafi, flaBafi! Something to the effect of 'Go team, go!' Along with whistling, to express the contrary, this will probably be sufficient for you, at least for the first time!
b b b b
2. P I S M O nucbMO 'letter'. Envelopes can be bought in any post office, at numerous kiosks and news-stands in the streets, in hotel lobbies, etc. (the same is true, of course, of postcards). There is usually a wide choice of different envelopes-plain or with pictures, with or without postage stamps. For a letter you need a 5-copeck stamp (for the Soviet Union and the socialist countries) or a 50-copeck stamp (for all other countries).
b b
'registered letter'. These are of various types and delivery cost varies accordingly; they are dispatched only by the post office clerk, who will inform you of particulars. Here are some phrases you can use in buying postcards, envelopes, etc.: KANV ERT I MARKA ZA P A T KAP EMARK' !, PAZHALUSTA, ZA T R I KANote here that the plural of MARKA 'stamp' is M A R K I Map 'stamps'. If you want to send a registered letter or a parcel to Britain or the United States, you will have to turn to a clerk in a post office. Suppose you want to sent a few books to Britain or the United States. You push them into the window and say to the clerk * " VANGL lYU (VAM ER IKU) ... ZAV IRN IT I, PAZHALUSTA. B AHnraio (B AMcpnKy)... 3aBepHHTe, noacajiyficTa. 'To Britain (to America).... Wrap them up, please'.
b b b fa b b b
3. Z A K A Z N O Y E P T S M O 3aKa3Hoe nncbMO
After the books are packed, the clerk will give the parcel back to you, saying: NAP ISHYT I ADR IS... VOT ZD ES . HarwumTe a/ipec ... BOT 3/tecb "Write the address... Right here.' After you've done this (see Problem 3), you push the parcel back again through the window to the clerk. (You must remember to write the return address o6paTHbiH aapec). The parcel is weighed, stamps are attached, and the clerk will tell you what the charge is. You pay the money and receive the receipt (if the parcel is registered). International telegrams and any other mail can be sent from any post office in the country (post offices nearly always have a telegraph department). The telegraph forms are usually lying on the table or near the "Telegraph Window" in the post office. If you don't find what you want there, you will have to ask the clerk: BLANK, PAZHALUSTAj- MTZHDUNARODNAYA T IL IGRAMA. Ejiamc, no)KajiyHcra,-Me>K,ziyHap6flHafl TenerpaMMa. '(Will you give me) an international telegram form, please?' The cost of a word in a cable from Moscow to New York is 60 copecks, from Moscow to London-6 roubles. A three-minute telephone call from Moscow to New York costs 18 roubles (6 roubles a minute) and a Moscow to London call-9 roubles (3 roubles a minute). Communication by telephone is just like aeroplanes-rapid, convenient and ... expensive! Anyway, to make an international call, you must phone the trunk office (tel. 8.194). You should name the country you want and they will tell you the number you must dial-so be ready to write it
b b b b b b b
down, because the number will be given rapid-fire in Russian numerals! When you have dialled that number, you must tell the operator: LONDAN (N YU YORK...) NOM IR ... MASKVA NOM IR... (FKR ID IT) (ISGAST IN ITSY) JIOH^OH (HbioHopK...) HoMep ... MocKBa HOMep ... B Kpe/iHT (H3 rocTHHHUbi). 'Number in London (New York...) is ... Number in Moscow is ... on credit (speaking from a hotel)', i.e. you first give the number you want, then the number of the telephone you speak from and then the way the payment will be made (if you speak from a hotel, the charge will be added to your bill). The operator will either ask: KAGDA HAT IT I GAVAR IT ? Koi ja xoTHTe roBopHTb? 'When do you want to speak?' o r will s i m p l y n a m e t h e a v a i l a b l e t i m e h e r s e l f , e. g . : FT ICH EN lVl CHASA ZHD fT'I ZVANKA. B TeneHHe n a c a - a c f l H T e 3BOHKa. 'In a n h o u r - w a i t f o r a call.' The operator might also ask you: SK EM BUD IT I GAVAR IT ? C KeM 6yaeTe roBopuTb? 'Who will you speak to?' in answer to which you either give the name or say: VS O RAVNO. Bee p a B H o . 'It does not matter.' Finally, she will ask you: SKOL KA M INUT? CKOJIBKO MIWYT? 'How many minutes (will you speak)?' To which you may say, for example: P AT M INUT. flHTb MHHyT. 'Five minutes'.
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At the appointed time your telephone will ring and you can speak.... Sometimes at first you will hear the voice of the operator, asking you: LONDAN (N YU YORK...) ZAKAZYYAL I? ... GAVAR rFT! JIOHAOH (HbioH o p K ...) 3 a K a 3 b i B a n n ? T o B o p H T e ! ' D i d you order London (New York...)? Go ahead!' After the conversation the operator will call you back and tell you how long you spoke. If at first you ordered TR I M INUTY (P AT M INUT, D ES IT M INUT...) Tpn MimyTbi, naTb mmHYT, AECHTB MHHYT...) 'Three minutes (five minutes, ten minutes...)', the operator will inform you that your time is out by interrupting your conversation with: VR EM A KONCHILAS ! BpeMH KOHHHjiocb! 'Your time's up!' or, more politely, with ASTALAS ADNA M INUTA! Ocrajiacb OAna MHHyTa! 'One minute left!' to which you can always say: PAZHALUSTA, PRADL IT I noacajiyHC T a , npofljiHTe! 'Please extend the call!' You can make your call directly from the booths of any M e a c A y H a p o f l H b i f t Te.ief^oiinwH n e p e r o B o p HWH nyHKT "International Telephone Conversation Centre" (often situated in post offices). After giving the number you need in a foreign city (calmly using your notebook!) you must wait until you are summoned to a booth where you can hold your conversation. In this case you must-while waiting-listen for a summons (usually through a loudspeaker): LONDAN (N YU YORK...) SHISTAYA
b b b b b b b b b
KAB INA! JloHflOH (Hbio-fi6pK...)-mecTaa Ka6nHa! 'London (New York...)booth number six!' Should you fail to make out the number of the booth, other customers will show it to you. Usually post offices have a wide choice of postcards, but you can get truly good reproductions on cards in special art stores or the departments of large bookshops. Here are inscriptions you will see in a post office:
'Post' 'Post Office' HaiajibHHK oTaejieraiH 'Post Office Manager'; IIpueM h Bbi^aMa Koppecnoiuemimi 'Letters'; npiievi ii Bbi/mtn nepeBojxoB 'Money Orders'; IIpueM h Humana nocwjioK 'Parcels'; Bbiaaia KoppecnoiiACHUHH /I,o Bocipe6oBaHnn 'Poste-restante', 'General Delivery'. Ilpo/iawa KOHBeplOB, \iapOK, oTKpbnoK 'Envelopes, Stamps, Postcards.'
AT THE RAILWAY STATION AND ON THE TRAIN Let us assume you have to leave Moscow or Leningrad by train. What do you need to know and to say? What must you understand amongst all you will see and hear at the station and on the train? First of all, you will have to consult the timetables which are on sale and are also displayed in the halls of the station, especially in the bookingoffice hall. To find one, look for the familiar word KACCA; it may also be EHJIETHblE KACCbl 3AJI nPOAAiKH EHJIETOB You must also distinguish between: 166
ripHropoziHbie noe3/ia 'Suburban trains / lines'; Ilpo/iawa SmieTOB Ha npiiropo^Hbie noe3/ia 'Tickets for suburban trains' and Floes/ia AajibHero cjie.ioBaHMH 'Long-distance trains / lines'; ripoaa>Ka 6imeTOB ita noej/ia /jajibiiero cjieacmaHHH "Tickets for long-distance trains'. Here is a typical railway time-table:
PacnucauHe n o e u o B MocKBa - JleHHHrpaa
JV noe3fla
From Moscow
Train No.
BpeMH OTnpaBJieHHfl
U,eHa Price
IIpH6bITHe B .leHKin pa i
Time of departure
Arrival in Leningrad
After finding what you need, you can apply to any KACCA selling tickets for long-distance trains and say: PAZHALUSTA, AD'TN B IL ET ... DA L IN INGRADA... NA P ATAYE (S INT IBR A)... POIST NOM IR VOS IM ... KUP EYNYf (VAGON). noacajiyncTa, OOTH SnueT... AO JleHHHrpaaa... Ha naT o e (ceHTs6pH)... n o e 3 a HOMep BoceMb... KyneiiHbrii (BaroH) 'One ticket, please, to Leningrad ... for the fifth (of September) ... train number eight ... in a compartment coach.' The last two words denote one of the four classes of Soviet railway transport:
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1. n.ianKapiHbiii BaroH; 2. KyiiHpoBaHHbiH or KyneiiHbiH Baron-the most popular, consisting of four-berth compartments; 3. MHIKHH Baron four-berth compartments or two-berth compartments (CB "ES-VE"), which have more comfortable, softer beds, and which are more expensive; 4. BaroH iipwvioro cooSmeHHH, commonly known as Me5itayHapoaHbiH BaroH 'wagon-lit', with luxurious one or two-berth compartments and separate toilets, usually used for longer (than "Moscow Leningrad") distances, and for "country-to-country" lines. In our opinion, the KUP EYNYY VAGON KyniipoBaHHbiH (KyneiiHbiH) BaroH is really the best, though one of the cheapest. The clerk selling you the ticket will most probably take an extra rouble from you and give you a ticket for bed-linen (this price includes having your bed made by the coach attendant). But you may pay this rouble directly to the attendant on the train. The preceding relates to cases when you decide to buy your ticket by yourself at the railway station. However, it is much more convenient to do it through your guide or the Service Bureau in your hotel without actually leaving your hotel at all. Your independent actions will only start at the station shortly before your train leaves, by then you will already have the ticket in your pocket. By the way, we use the word STANTSlYA CTaHUHa for a smaller railway station and the Underground stations, the place where trains arrive at and depart from is called a VAGZAL BOK3aji, derived from the London name of Vauxhall. Keep this in mind while directing the taxi-driver:
MOSKOFSKAY VAGZAL MOCKOBCKHH BOK3AJI, if you leave Leningrad for Moscow, and L IN INGRATSKAY VAGZAL JleHHurpaacKroi
B0K3AJI, if y o u leave M o s c o w for Leningrad. IIOE3flA
b b
At the station you must look for the inscriptions 'Long-distance trains'
'to Leningrad' 'to Moscow' When you get onto the platform (called in Russian either PLATFORMA miaTcfiopMa or P IRON neppoH), you must look for your train number: n O E 3 A 12
You can also use the question: GD E POIST NOM IR... (VMASKVU)? Tae noe3fl HOMep ... (B MocKBy)? 'Where is train number ... (for Moscow)?' to which the answer will probably be: PLATFORMA SHEST" - PR AMA I NAPRAVA. njiaT(J)6pMa m e c T b - n p a M O u HanpaBo. 'It's on platform six-go straight on and to the right.' You can hire a porter (they usually wear a darkblue uniform and peaked cap with a badge on it) by saying to him:
On reaching your coach you will hand in your ticket to the attendant (in Russian: PRAVADN IK npoBO/iHHK), who will keep it. In case you need your ticket as a receipt, you can ask for it just before you leave the coach at the end of your journey. Should any problems arise while you are in the train, you can always turn to the attendant. You might ask him (or her): GD E VAGON-R 1ST ARAN ? Tae BaroHpecTopaH? 'Where is the restaurant-car?' He will just show you which direction, probably adding: CHER IZ DVA (TR I ...) VAGONA. Hepe3 flBa (TpH...) B a r o H a . 'The t h i r d (fourth...) coach.' You may need a few other questions: KAGDA BUD IM VMASKV E? K o r a a
b b b b b
CHJibmrnc! I16e3A HOMep... BaroH HOMep... IloacajiyHCTa! 'Porter! please, train number ... coach number... Then all y o u have to do is follow him. Porters must be paid 30 copecks for each piece of luggage.
Here the answer will be in numerals in the "o'clock" form, already known to you. K A K O t ETA GORAT? KaicoH STO ropoa? 'What town is this?' (when the train passes some town; the reply will contain the name) RAZBUDHRPI M^I^ A , PAZH A LUSTA, FPHAT - (CHISOF). Pa36yaTe MCHH, noacajiyHcra, B nHTb (nacoB) 'Will you wake me up at five?' (to which the answer will
in M o s c o w ? '
probably be HARASHO or something else to the same effect) Appart from the phrase VASH B IL ET, PAZHALUSTA! Barn 6HJIET, noacajiyHcra! 'Your ticket, please!' (asked when you get onto the train), the attendant is sure to ask you: CHAY BUD ITT P IT ? Han 6yaeTe m m ? 'Will you take tea?' The latter is an unavoidable question, but quite rhetorical, since nobody expects you to say N ET HeT 'no, thank you'. It is a long-standing tradition to drink tea while riding in a Russian train, and the question is asked just for the sake of politeness. Of course, instead of a simple DA na. 'yes, please' you can say: KAN ESHNA! KOHCHHO! 'But of course!' or-making it quite Russian: PAZHALUSTA, TR I STAKANA. rioHcajiyHcra, Tpn craicaHa! 'Three glasses, please'. You pay for your "tea and sugar" (4 copecks a glass) when you leave the train, usually putting the money on the table in your compartment. If nobody meets you on the platform after your journey you'd be advised to hire a porter again: NAS IL SHCHIK, KTAKS I, PAZHALUSTA! HocHJibmHK, k TaKCH, noHcajiyficra! 'Porter, (take me) to the taxi rank, please!' Otherwise follow the crowd or the inscriptions (Buxoa) B rOPO/l 'Exit' (lit. To the City). You won't need the language at all to cope with PR IGARADNYY POIST npHropoflHbM noe3fl 'suburban (electric) train'. The tickets are sold by slotb b b b b b b b b b b b
machines; the sum paid being shown on a special illuminated screen (a system of "zones" is used to fix fares). At smaller stations there are sometimes booking-offices with clerks selling tickets. You're most likely to buy a return ticket, called: (B IL ET) TUDA I ABRATNA (6raeT) ya a H o6paTHo. Be careful to board the right train, i.e. the frKPhOKO BO \ train that stops at the station you need. Express trains are announced by 11 os radio and shown in the 1 8 E 3 A E time-tables. Modern transport systems, like the modern city in general, provide almost all relevant information by means of signs and loudspeakers. That's why it is important not so much to ask as to learn how to find ready information, i.e. you must know where to look for information and how to decipher it. We believe this way is much easier for you than trying to speak and to understand other people's speech. The latter is difficult to predict and even a slight deviation from what we predict could confuse you. Standardized written information is much easier to predict. Look over once again the inscriptions you will find at a railway station:
b b T t
BXO 'Entrance'
BblXO^ 'Exit'
K IIOE3/1AM ^AJIbHEI O CJIEflOBAHHfl 'To long-distance trains' HA MOCKBY 'To Moscow' KACCA 'Booking-office' nyTb 2 'Line No. 2' nPHEblTHE 'Arrival...' HA JIEHHHrPAA 'To Leningrad' nJIATOOPMA JYs 1 'Platform No. 1' OTIIPABJIEHHE ... 'Departure...' PACIHiCAHME 'Time-table', 'Train Times'
K METPO 'To the Underground station' KOMHATA MATEPH H PEBfiHKA 'Nursery' 3AJI OaCH^AHHfl 'Waiting hall' EYOET 3AJI JYfi 3 'Refreshment-room' 'Hall No. 3' As an aside on KOMHATA MATEPH H PEBEHKA (a hall where women with children can rest, even get medical care, etc.), we must say that special attention to children is an old tradition of the Russian transport service, strictly observed not only on the railway, but also in the Underground, on buses, etc. For instance, in all forms of city transport the first six seats bearing the inscription AJIH nACCA5KHPOB C E T b M H H HHBAJIH^OB
are reserved for invalids and passengers with small children. Young occupants must always be ready to give them up to such passengers. Elderly passengers have an indisputable right to get into the bus or coach through the front (i.e. "exit") door without having to observe the queue. In contrast to travel in Europe, in the Soviet Union unacquainted men and women often travel in one compartment of a train. But, of course, if the woman asks the attendant to transfer her to an "all-ladies" compartment, the request is normally honoured. Smoking is not allowed in suburban coaches or normally in a compartment unless all passengers in the compartment agree and the attendant does not notice or protest. Trains nowadays are swift and their stops at the stations along the line are no longer than five or even three minutes. You may miss the loudspeaker announcement-and the train, so our advice is not to leave the coach at stops, though most of the Russian passengers may go for a walk along the platform. Sometimes it is difficult to make out an announcement over the loudspeaker system when you are in a compartment of a long-distance train or-which is still more important-in a suburban train coach, in an Underground train, a bus or a trolleybus. Be on the look-out for the word SL EDUYUSHCHAYA cjieAyiomaa 'next' invariably preceding the name of the next stop or station.
AT THE AIR TERMINAL AND IN THE AEROPLANE We won't dwell on your arrival in and departure from the Soviet Union, as you will be making the trip via an international air terminal or an international railway junction. In these places you will find officials with a good command of English, as well as signs in that language. You will need our help only when travelling within the Soviet Union. It is nice to travel by train, but the distances in our country are enormous - often measured in thousands of kilometres! - and it pays to fly, let us say, to Vladivostok, because you will be in the aeroplane for only eight to ten hours as compared to no less than four days in a train.... Your tickets will probably have to be ordered through Intourist, which will inform you of the regulations concerning foreigners
travelling in our country. The same applies if you want to travel by train. According to Aeroflot (Soviet state airlines) rules for domestic travel, you must arrive at the airport one hour before the departure of your plane. Usually you arrive at the city air terminal, called A3POBOK3AJI AIRAYAGZAL (lit.: Aero-station) as opposed to 'airport' A3POnOPT AIRAPORT (or A3PO.HPOM AIRADROM 'aerodrome'), 1 1/2 or even 2 1/2 hours before your plane is due to leave. There you register your luggage and get onto an Aeroflot bus, which takes you straight to the plane. In either case you have to register your luggage and ticket at a special desk (usually bearing the number of your flight and its destination). You will be given a luggage ticket and a boarding card. Let us suppose you want to fly to Tashkent. The only question you might need is: GD E R IG ISTRATSIYA REYS STO VOS IM FTASHK ENT? perncTpaitHH-peac CTO BoceMb B TaunceHT? 'Where's registration-flight 108, for Tashkent?' When flying from Moscow make sure you know the name of the airport (one of four!), because some planes go to the same destination from different Moscow airports. Their names are as follows: SH IR IM ET?IVA IIIepeMeTbeBO 'Sheremetyevo', VNUKAVA BHyicoBo 'Vnukovo', DAMAD EDAVA ^oMoaeflOBo 'Domodedovo' and BYKOVA EMKOBO 'Bykovo'. On international lines Aeroflot allows you to carry free of charge 30 kilogrammes (first class) and 20 kilogrammes (for the rest). On internal flights there is no class system in planes that take on a considerable amount of fuel (but not in so-called "air buses")
b b b b b b b b b
and allowance is 30 kilogrammes for all passengers. For excess weight you have to pay extra, but if the excess is only a few kilogrammes and you are flying in a big plane, the Aeroflot official registering the luggage will normally "overlook it". Carry-on luggage is usually not weighted at all. At the airport or at the city air terminal you must make sure that you are in the right group of passengers. The question ETA FTASHK ENT? R E f S STO VOS IM ? 3TO B TaniKeHT? Peiic 108? 'This is for Tashkent? Flight 108, isn't it?' can be of use. You must also try to spot the exit gate with the number of your flight. And, finally, you can try to follow loudspeaker announcements. Before moving on to standard announcements and signs, we'd like to tell you how to board your plane (or the bus for your plane if you are going via the city terminal). A uniformed Aeroflot girl will come to the door after the announcement and, after waiting a few minutes for the passengers to gather, will lead the group to the plane or the bus. Then you will hand her your boarding card and board the plane. The air-hostess (ST UARDESSA cnoap^ecca) will help you find your seat (on internal routes they are usually numbered). The bus fare from the city air terminal to the airport (in Moscow to any of the four) is about a rouble and is paid when you get on the bus (occasionally-while registering your plane ticket at the air terminal in the city). When you land, you will be met at your plane by an Aeroflot girl, who will lead you into the airport building. There you will have to wait for your luggage to be brought, and claim it by showing your luggage ticket.
b b b b
N o w let us examine the various signs y o u will see at the air terminal and at the airport itself:
and, of course, the familiar
BblflAHA E ALASKA LUGGAGE (CLAIM) BWXOA HA JlfiTHOE nOJIE iAUPFJKEH IIOCTOPOHHHM BXO# BOOIPEIUfiH the last two generally meaning 'NO ENTRY'. There are a number of automatic information devices: TV information, time-table stands, etc. Among the radio announcements you will need: AB tlVL AlTSA (or AB YAVL INA) PASATKA NA SAMAL OT ATUTTAYUSHCHlY REtSAM STO VOS IM FTASHK ENT. 06I>ABJIHETOI (or: O6T>HBjieHa) nocaAKa na caMonex, oTjieTaiomHH peficoM 108 B TaunceHT. 'Boarding is announced for flight 108 to Tashkent.' The announcement can be still more complicated if the type of plane is mentioned or the passengers are requested to hurry up:
b b b b b b b
PASAZHIRAF PROS AT PRAT I NA PASATKU, VYHAT NOM IR P AT . IlaccaacHpoB npocaT npoiiTH Ha nocaaKy, Bbixo/i .Nb 5. 'Passengers are requested to proceed to boarding gate number five.' The most important word in this announcement is, of course, PASATKA IIOCA^KA, but this very word will be used in another common announcement, which is hardly important to you: PRAIZVhOL PASATKU SAMAL OT ... IIpoH3Beji noca^Ky caMOJieT ... 'The plane ... has landed... (You'll hear it also on the plane when it touches down at its destination.) So the fact that PASATKA means both-boarding and the landing of the plane on the runway-may be misleading, accordingly you might do better to listen for another word in the announcementABhYlVLhAlTSA ... oStHBjiaeTCH... 'is announced...' Then, of course, you must try to follow the numerals and compare them with the number of your flight. The number of your flight will only be mentioned in connection with boarding or (unfortunately, such a possibility cannot be ruled out) with a delay. Then the text will be: VYL IT SAMAL OTA ATL ITAtUSHCHIVA REYSAM STO VOS IM
b b b b b b b b b b b
... NA SAMAL OT AIRAFLOTA SORAK NOL AD IN DVATSAT TR I IL SHIZD IS AT CHITYR I ATL ITAYUSHCHlf REYSAM ... F ... Ha caMOJieT A3poc})ai6Ta 400 123 (c6p0K -H0JIB OAHH m'dmsLTb TpH) HJI-64, oTneTaiomnH pencoM ... B ... 'For Aeroflot plane 400 123 "11-64", flight b o u n d for...'
b b b b b b b b b
Even if you do not understand the words you will understand the meaning from the annoyance shown by your fellow-travellers. On board the aircraft the air-hostess will help you to find your seat (better have your ticket handy and show it to her, instead of attempting to say the number of your seat) and will take your overcoat and parcels. Pay attention to the screen with
3aaepCHBaeTCH .ao 2 nacoB. 'The departure of the plane bound for Tashkent, flight number 108, is delayed till two o'clock.'
FTASHK ENT ZAD ERZHIVAITSA DA DVUH CHISOF. BbuieT caMonera, oTJieTaiomero peftcoM 108 B TauiKeHT,
b b
written on it. Before take-off you'll hear an announcement over the loudspeaker. This will be a standard greeting on behalf of the captain and the crew, some information on the flight time and conditions, speed and altitude. After asking you to refrain from smoking and fasten your seat-belts, the voice will wish you a happy flight. During the flight you will be given a "Flight bulletin" with the same information, so don't strain yourself to understand the announcement. You might be informed by radio of the major cities you fly over and there will be a final announcement after the touch-down - stating the evident fact that you have landed at your destination, thanking you for flying with Aeroflot and wishing you a happy stay in the city you have arrived in. The important part of this announcement is the warning not to leave your seats until so requested. In all anouncements the weather conditions of the place of destination (or just outside the plane) are usually given. We don't believe you will follow them if only because the temperatures are given in Centigrade and not in Fahrenheit! But this information is important, so you had better find it out from the newspapers before leaving. Leaving hot, sunny Sukhumi, it is hard to believe that in Leningrad there might be sub-zero temperatures with blizzards!