Indian Army SSC Remount Veterinary Corps
Indian Army SSC Remount Veterinary Corps
Indian Army SSC Remount Veterinary Corps
lR;eso t;rs
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Applications are invited from qualified male veterinary graduates for Short Service Commission (SSC) in Remount Veterinary Corps of Indian Army as per the terms and conditions described below:1. ELIGIBILITY CONDITIONS. (a) Age Limit. 21-32 years as on the last date of the applications i.e 30 Aug 2013. Note : BVSc/BVSc & AH degree graduates granted SSC in RVC will be considered for grant of permanent commission only if they are below 30 years of age on the date of grant of SSC and if they qualify in the Departmental Permanent Commission (PC) Test within 08 years of service. They may take two attempts after completion of 02 years of service and before the completion of 04 years of service. They will be eligible to take the third attempt any time during the extended tenure of their service i.e after completion of 05 years of service and before completion of 08 years of service subject to exercise of option for third attempt before completion of their 05th year of initial contractual service. Likewise, MVSc/MVSc & AH and Doctorate degree holder will be considered for grant of permanent commission only if they are below 32 & 34 years of age respectively on the date of grant of SSC and if they qualify in the Departmental PC Test within 08 years of service. (b) Minimum Educational Qualification. BVSc/BVSc & AH degree from any of the recognized Indian University or its equivalent foreign Degree (i.e. the candidate must possess recognized veterinary qualification included in the first or second schedule of the Indian Veterinary Council Act, 1984). (c) Applicant should be a citizen of India. NOTE : CANDIDAT E SHOULD HAVE PASSED THE QUALIFYING EXAMINATION WITH INTERNSHIP AT THE TIME OF SUBMISSION OF APPLICATION. CANDIDATES WHO ARE NOT IN POSSESSION OF MARK SHEETS OF ALL YEARS/PART/SEMESTERS (INCLUDING FINAL/PART/ SEMESTER) OF QUALIFYING EXAMINATION NEED NOT APPLY) 2. METHOD OF SELECTION (a) Short listing of applications and SSB Interviews. Initial screening and short listing of applications will be done at Directorate General Remount Veterinary Service, Integrated HQ of MoD (Army) before forwarding them to Recruiting Directorate, IHQ of MoD (Army). Candidates whose applications are found in order shall be detailed to appear for the Service Selection Board on a specified date. (b) Two stage selection procedure. On arrival at the Selection Centre, the candidates will be administered Stage I of the Two Stage Testing Procedure. Candidates failing in Stage I will be sent back on the same day and those who qualify will be detailed to undergo Group Test, Psychological Test and Interview which will extend for duration of 05 days. Candidates recommended by the SSB and declared medically fit, will be inducted for training in the order of merit depending upon the number of vacancies available. (c) Merit list. It is to be noted that mere qualifying at the SSB interview does not confirm final selection. Merit list will be prepared on the basis of marks obtained by the candidates at SSBs and as such higher educational qualifications, previous performances have no role to play. Those high in the merit list and who come within the stipulated vacancies and also medically fit are issued joining instructions. TRAINING, TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR SERVICE (a) Grant of Commission. Candidate will be commissioned in the rank of Captain. (b) Training. Post Commission training at RVC Centre & College, Meerut Cantt. (c) Ante-date seniority. 12 months/24 months ante-date seniority will be granted to candidates holding Post Graduate/ Doctorate Degree respectively in any discipline of Veterinary Science from a recognized University, recognized by VCI in India/abroad, prior to their commissioning in the Remount Veterinary Corps. The candidates must hold PG/PhD degree on the date of commissioning for availing ante date seniority. (d) Suitability for retention of Commission. If an officer is found unsuitable within 01 year of the grant of commission, his commission may be terminated at any time before the contractual period of service for five years. (e) Promotion. Promotion up to the rank of Major while in SSC and thereafter, if granted PC, upto Colonel (TS) is time bound. (f) Tenure of engagement. All officers granted commission would serve the Indian Army for a period of five years from the date of conferment of commission subject to fulfillment of other conditions. The period of five years may further be extended for another five years subject to their performance. (g) Pay, allowance and other benefits. Officers, on commissioning in the rank of Captain are entitled to a basic pay of Rs. 15600/-, Grade Pay of Rs. 6100/-, Military Service Pay of Rs. 6000/-, Non-Practice Allowance (NPA) @25% of basic pay, in addition to Kit Maintenance Allowance (KMA) and Dearness Allowance (DA) as admissible, at rates applicable from time to time. Additional benefits like concessional accommodation, free ration for self only, free medical facilities for self and family, LTC, 60 days Annual Leave and 20 days casual leave, canteen facilities and Group Insurance cover are also admissible.
HOW TO APPLY (a) Application on plain paper (21 cm x 36 cm) duly typed as per the format given in the advertisement. (b) T he envelope c ontaini ng application shoul d be Superscribed in Red Ink indicating clearly Application for Short Service Commission in RVC. (c) Application should be posted by ordinary post to reach at the following address:Directorate General Remount Veterinary Services (RV-1)QMGs Branch, Integrated Headquarters of MoD (Army) West Block 3, Ground Floor, Wing No-4 RK Puram, New Delhi 110 066 LAST DATE FOR RECEIPT OF APPLICATION The applications must be receipted in the office of DGRVS (RV-1) by 30 Aug 2013 (5PM). Applications received thereafter will be rejected. IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS (a) Application must be accompanied by attested copies of (i) original/provisional MVSc/BVSc degree (ii) MVSc/BVSc final mark sheet (iii) internship certificate (iv) Matriculation certificate (as proof for date of birth) (v) Certificate of registration with India/State Veterinary Council (vi) Self attestation of photograph pasted on application (vii) two self-addressed stamped envelopes NOTE : Candidates who are not in possession of original/provisional Degree (MVSc/BVSc) must attach a certificate from the Principal of the College stating that the candidate has completed his post-graduation/graduation and is eligible for the award of said degree (b) Application and requisite enclosures must be properly tagged/stitched in thread only. IHQ of MoD (Army) will not be responsible for loss of enclosures if sent loose (c) Application should be sent through ordinary mail (d) IHQ of Mod (Army) reserves the right to reject any application without assigning any reason (e) Candidates already in service should apply through proper channel and obtain NOC from the employer (f) The terms and conditions given in this advertisement are subject to change and should, therefore be treated as guidelines only. REASONS FOR REJECTION OF APPLICATIONS (a) Incomplete applications in any respect and/or without copies of requisite certificate(s). Documents whatsoever submitted at a later stage will not be entertained. (b) Variation in names and spellings as recorded in application, Matriculation or equivalent certificate not supported by affidavit (c) Attested copies of certificates are not found enclosed/attested by a Government Gazetted officer (d) Attested copy of Matric or equivalent certificate is not found enclosed with application for verification of age. No other certificate is valid for authentication of age (e) Application not received on or before due date. IMPORTANT NOTES : (a) ALL COLUMNS IN THE APPLICATION SHOULD BE CAREFULLY FILLED IN CAPITAL LETTER. ANY APPLICATION WHERE ANY COLUMN(S) IS/ARE LEFT BLANK AND/OR FILLED BY DOTS/DASHES/CROSSES WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY REJECTED (b) Final allocation of vacancies will be decided by IHQ of MoD (Army) on requirement. (c) The candidate should be registered with the Veterinary Council of India/State Vet Council. GRANT OF SHORT SERVICE COMMISSION IN REMOUNT VETERINARY CORPS Affix self attested photograph
Fathers name in Capital letters ____________________ as per Matriculation certificate (Specify any addition/deletion/change in Name __________ and whether same is supported by Affidavit).
_________________________ _______________________________________
Address. Permanent Telephone/Mobile No/ __________E mail ID_____________ Correspondence _________________________________ __________________________________________________ Telephone/Mobile No_________E mail ID ______________ Marital Status (Married/Unmarried) ____________________ Nationality_________________________________________ State of Domicile __________________________________ Religion ____________________________________ Educational qualification Name of Degree Veterinary (Veterinary) Institution/College/ University attended Aggregate percentage covering all semesters
6. 5. 7. 8. 9. 10.
(Certified copies of mark-sheet of each semester/year must be attached. In case evaluation is in grades, certified equivalent marks are to be indicated) (a) Date of passing MVSc/BVSc ___________________ (b) Date of completion of internship training _____________ (c) Registration No allotted by VCI/State _______________ Vet Council (attach certificate) (d) Grading/percentage in NCC certificate _______________ (attach certificate) 11. Sports, Extra Curricular activities ______________________ (attach certificates) 12. Particulars of present employment_____________________ (Attach NOC from employer) 13. (For candidates already in the service of Central or State Govt) Are you liable for Military Service in accordance with the terms of your present appointment, do you hold any lien, if so state? _____________________________ 14. Did you ever apply or attend a Selection Board interview or any ______________________ type of commission in the Army, Navy, Air Force? If so, give the following particulars in respect of each interview Type of Batch/Chest No Date Place of Result of the Commission interview interview
NOTE : The application is to be filled in by the candidate in English and in BLOCK LETTERS. 1. Full name in capital letters ________________ (As per Matriculation/equivalent certificate) Surname Name
DECLARATION 1. I hereby declare that the statements made in this form are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. 2. I understand that any medical examination conducted at any stage of the selection procedure does not necessarily mean that I have been selected. 3. I also declare that I have never been debarred from appearing at any examination or have ever been arrested/prosecuted and convicted by a criminal court or involved in any other case registered by the Police. 4. I fully understand that in the event of any information being found false or incorrect, action can be taken against me.
Place : Date :
Note : Where no surname, write second name first Example ; (a) CHANDRA MOHAN MEHTA Surname
First Name
2. 3.
(Specify any addition/deletion/change in Name ___________ and whether same is supported by Affidavit). Date of birth in Christian era _______________________ as recorded in Matriculation or equivalent certificate Age as on 30 Aug 2013___ years______ months_____ days
davp 10601/11/0019/1314