Genetics History Timeline

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Charles Darwin publishes On The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection or

The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. Although Darwin's
landmark theory did not specify the means by which characteristics are inherited (because
the mechanism of heredity had not been determined), his key premise was that evolution
occurs through the selection of inherent and transmissible, rather than acquired,
characteristics between individual members of a species.

Gregor Mendel, an Austrian monk now celebrated as "the father of genetics," conducts
his experiments breeding the garden pea. Mendel established two laws that anticipated
modern genetic research. The law of segregation states that the "factors" (what we now
call genes) that determine such traits as height and eye color come in pairs, and the pairs
separate when sperm and egg cells reproduce in the process called meiosis. As a result,
each offspring gets one form, or allele, of the pair from each parent, which explains why
children exhibit traits of both their parents. Mendel's law of independent assortment states
that the pairs of alleles separate independently of each other during meiosis. "My
scientific labors have brought me a great deal of satisfaction," Mendel wrote, "and I am
convinced that before long the entire world will praise the result of these labors."
Mendel's work, however, was largely ignored for 30 years.

Swiss physician Frederick Miescher isolates DNA from human white blood cells and the
sperm of trout; he calls the substance "nuclein."

Walther Fleming, a German biologist, uses brightly colored dyes to help him observe
long, thin threads in the nuclei of cells that appear to be dividing. These threads are later
called chromosomes. In 1882, Fleming publishes a summary of the process, which he
calls "mitosis."

Francis Galton of England, a cousin of Charles Darwin's, coins the word and helps
popularize the notion of eugenics. Eugenics, the theory of improving human "stock"
through "selective breeding," ultimately leads to Nazi racial cleansing and forced
sterilization laws in the United States, as well as modern prenatal testing and genetic

Three European scientists, Hugo de Vries, Karl Correns, and Erich von Tschermak
independently publish papers that confirm Mendel's Laws of Inheritance, giving Mendel's
work its long-delayed recognition.
Two cytologists, the American Walter Sutton and the German Theodor Boveri, reveal
that genes are found on chromosomes, and that chromosomes come in pairs that are
similar to each other.

Thomas Hunt Morgan and his team at Columbia University, and later CalTech, begin
studying hereditary traits in Drosophila fruit flies. Their research reveals how genes are
arranged in a row on chromosomes, as well as a variety of other genetic phenomena
including sex-linked traits (traits that are passed only to one sex and not the other), the
effect of a gene's location on its functioning, the existence of multiple alleles (gene
forms), and chromosomal inversion (the reversal of a sequence of genes along part of a
chromosome). Morgan's experiments also lead to Drosophila's unusual position as one of
the best-studied organisms and most useful tools in genetic research to this day.

Hermann Müller, a former member of Morgan's team, shows that exposure to X-rays can
cause genetic mutations in Drosophila.

While experimenting on bread mold, George Beadle and Edward Tatum show that genes
regulate specific chemical events. They suggest that each gene directs the formation of
one particular enzyme.

Barbara McClintock, while studying the inheritance of color and pigment distribution in
corn kernels at the Carnegie Institution Department of Genetics in Cold Spring Harbor,
New York, discovers that genes can move from place to place on a chromosome and even
jump from one chromosome to another. McClintock's discovery of transposable, or
movable, genetic elements was greeted with initial skepticism but later recognized when,
at age 81, she was awarded a 1983 Nobel Prize. Scientists now believe transposons may
be linked to some genetic disorders such as hemophilia, leukemia, and breast cancer.
They also believe that transposons may have played critical roles in human evolution.

Oswald Avery, Colin MacLeod, and Maclyn McCarty of the Rockefeller Institute show
that a molecule in the cell nucleus called deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA--and not
proteins, as previously believed--contains the factors that determine heredity in most

Rosalind Franklin, a British chemist, uses a technique called X-ray diffraction to capture
the first high-quality images of the DNA molecule.
Franklin's colleague Maurice Wilkins shows the pictures to James Watson, an American
zoologist, who has been working with Francis Crick, a British biophysicist, on the
structure of the DNA molecule. After several false starts, Watson and Crick conclude that
DNA is a double helix--two spiral strands that wind around each other like a twisted rope

François Jacob and Jacques Monod predict the existence of messenger RNA, the
molecule that carries information from the DNA in the cell's nucleus to the protein
factories (the ribosomes) in the cytoplasm.

Crick, Watson, and Wilkins share the Nobel Prize in medicine and physiology for the
discovery that the DNA molecule has a double-helical structure. Rosalind Franklin,
whose images of DNA helped lead to the discovery, died of cancer in 1958 and, under
Nobel rules, was not eligible for the prize.

Marshall Nirenberg and colleagues crack the genetic code by demonstrating that a
specific sequence of three nucleotide bases (a codon, or nucleotide "word") codes for, or
specifies, each of the 20-some amino acids used by the cell to produce proteins.

Robert William Holley, an American biochemist, shows that transfer RNA is involved in
the assembly of amino acids into proteins. In the process, Holley becomes the first person
to determine the complete sequence of a nucleic acid.

Scientists at Harvard Medical School are the first to isolate a single gene, a segment of
bacterial DNA that assists in sugar metabolism.

Hamilton Smith discovers the first restriction enzyme, a kind of molecular "scissors" that
cuts DNA at specific points, in Haemophilus influenzae bacteria.

Paul Berg and colleagues combine DNA from different species and insert it into a host
cell, creating the first recombinant DNA molecules.

Stanley Cohen and Herbert Boyer "cut and paste" DNA from a frog into an E. coli cell
where it is reproduced, marking the dawn of genetic engineering.
Allan Maxam and Walter Gilbert of Harvard University develop the method of DNA
sequencing bearing their name. The Maxam-Gilbert method uses phosphorus labeling
and four separate chemical reactions to determine the sequence of DNA nucleotides. At
the same time, Frederick Sanger and colleagues at the Laboratory of Molecular Biology,
Cambridge, England, develop the "chain termination" method of DNA sequencing, which
becomes, with slight modifications, the standard sequencing method used today.

Concerned about possible risks from genetic engineering, 150 molecular biologists meet
at the Asilomar Conference Center in Pacific Grove, California, to discuss ways to
control gentic research until its hazards are better understood. Their recommendations
lead to years of government supervision of recombinant DNA research until it is
determined to be safe.

Robert Holley determines the complete sequence of the RNA of a bacteriophage called
MS2 (a phage is a parasitic virus that attacks bacteria).

Genentech, the first company devoted to genetic engineering, is founded in South San
Francisco by Herbert Boyer and Robert Swanson.

Frederick Sanger in England determines the entire sequence of the bacteriophage OX174.

The gene for human insulin is cloned.

Martin Cline and fellow scientists successfully transfer functional genes from one animal
to another, creating the first transgenic mouse.

A human gene, coding for the protein interferon, is successfully introduced into and
produced by bacteria.

After genetically engineering a bacterium capable of breaking down crude oil, Ananda
Chakrabarty seeks to patent his creation under a provision of patent law providing patents
for people who invent or discover any new and useful "manufacture" or "composition of
matter." A patent examiner and the Patent Office Board of Appeals reject the patent on
the grounds that living things are not patentable. The decision, however, is reversed by
the U.S. Supreme Court in a 5 to 4 decision. The Court rules that while natural laws,
physical phenomena, abstract ideas, or newly discovered minerals are not patentable, a
live artificially-engineered microorganism is.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approves the first recombinant DNA medical
product, bacterially produced human insulin.

The National Flow Cytometry Resource (NFCR) is established at Los Alamos National
Laboratory in New Mexico to make state-of-the-art analytical instruments available to
biomedical researchers.

Kary Mullis and colleagues of the Cetus Corp., Emeryville, California invent polymerase
chain reaction (PCR). This process, which allows the rapid reproduction of small samples
of DNA, is applied within most facets of recombinant DNA technology, forensic
analysis, and high-speed genome sequencing. Mullis received a 1993 Nobel Prize for his

A conference held by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) in Alta, Utah, discusses the
possibility of using DNA research to detect tiny genetic mutations in the survivors of the
Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombs and their descendents. The conference sows the
seeds for DOE's involvement in the Human Genome Project.

Francis Collins of the University of Michigan Medical Center devises a technique for
"chromosome jumping" that allows researchers to skip over "uninformative" DNA
regions and move rapidly up or down a chromosome in search of a particular gene.

"Genetic fingerprinting," the technique of using sequences of DNA for identification, is

developed by British geneticist Sir Alec Jeffreys.

The entire sequence of the HIV-1 genome is determined by Chiron Corp.

The Department of Energy announces its Human Genome Initiative, the genesis of the
International Human Genome Project.

The first genetically engineered vaccine, a vaccine for hepatitis B, is approved by the
Food and Drug Administration.

Advanced Genetic Sciences conducts the first field trial of a recombinant organism (a
bacterium) on an agricultural product (strawberries).

The National Research Council endorses a national effort to sequence the human
genome, and the National Institutes of Health establishes its Office of Human Genome
Research, with James Watson as its first director.
W. French Anderson applies gene therapy for the first time. The recipient is a young girl
with ADA deficiency, an immune system disorder.

The Department of Energy and the National Institutes of Health formally launch the
Human Genome Project , a 15-year international effort to locate all of the genes in the
human genome and make them accessible for further biological study. Another goal of
the project is to determine the complete sequence of the genome's 3 billion DNA
nucleotide base pairs.

Researchers at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and Lawrence Berkeley
National Laboratory in California discover a gene present in 25 to 30 percent of the
population that predisposes individuals to increased heart attack risk. Discovery of this
marker for heart disease on chromosome 19 may make possible the development of a
simple test to screen humans for susceptibility to heart disease.

England's Wellcome Trust joins the Human Genome Project.

The Department of Energy launches its Microbial Genome Program.

Craig Venter and colleagues at The Institute for Genomic Research in Maryland decode
the first whole genome of a free-living single-cell organism, the influenza microbe, using
the whole-genome shotgun sequencing method.

Ian Wilmut and other researchers at Scotland's Roslin Institute clone a sheep from the
cell of an adult ewe. This non-sexually produced animal is named "Dolly."

The complete genome of the E. coli bacteria is sequenced.

The first complete genome sequence of a multicellular organism, the roundworm C.
elegans, is published.

The DOE Joint Genome Institute, a genome-sequencing center formed by Lawrence
Berkeley, Lawrence Livermore, and Los Alamos national laboratories, dedicates its new
production sequencing facility in Walnut Creek, California.

The complete genome of the Drosophila fruit fly is sequenced.

Working drafts of the human genome are completed by the public International Human
Genome Project and by Craig Venter's Celera Genomics, a private company.

The draft human genome sequence is published in the journals Nature and Science.
Twenty sequencing centers in six countries--China, France, Germany, England, Japan,
and the United States--contribute to the project. Most of the sequencing is done by five
major centers: the Wellcome Trust's Sanger Center in England, the DOE Joint Genome
Institute in California, and three NIH-funded centers at Baylor College of Medicine in
Texas, Washington University School of Medicine in Missouri, and the Whitehead
Institute in Massachusetts.

DOE launches its "Genomes to Life" program.

As rapid, highly accurate sequencing techniques become readily available, the complete
genomes of a wide variety of microbes and model organisms, including the mouse,
pufferfish, malaria mosquito, and sea squirt, are sequenced and analyzed. Genome
comparisons yield significant new insights into the causes and progress of disease,
biological evolution, and the relationship between organisms and the environment.

The finished human genome is published concurrent with the 50th Anniversary of the
discovery of the double helix.

THE HUMAN BODY consists of trillions of cells. Almost all contain an entire genome--
the complete set of inherited genetic information encoded in our DNA. When humans
reproduce, the parents' sperm and egg DNA combine to contribute a genome's worth of
genetic information to the fertilized embryo. That same information is in each of the cells
that eventually make up an organism.
Some segments of DNA, called genes or "coding" DNA, contain the chemical recipe that
determines particular traits; genetics is the study of the inheritance and function of these
genes. Scientists now estimate that humans have about 30,000 genes, located along
threadlike, tightly coiled strands of DNA called chromosomes. Genes, however, are only
about three percent of human DNA; the rest is "noncoding" DNA. Within these
noncoding regions of the genome is the information that determines when and where
genes are active--for example, in which cell types and at what stages in the life of an
organism. Genomics is the study of the entire set of DNA sequences--both coding and
noncoding DNA.

Over the past decade, the decoding of the genomes of human beings and other important
organisms has sparked an extraordinary biological revolution. The information and
technology of genomics is transforming our understanding of human evolution, the
mechanisms of disease, the relationship between heredity and environment, and our
ancient connection with all forms of life. In the next few years we will see many exciting
discoveries leading to a better understanding of the complexity of life, as well as new
drugs, vaccines, and diagnostics and less expensive, more efficient, and safer ways to
restore the environment.

The Human Genome . . . By the Numbers

75-100 trillion . . . Cells in the human body
3.1 billion . . . Base pairs in each cell
2.4 million . . . Base pairs in the largest human gene (dystrophin)
28,000-35,000 . . . Genes in the human genome
46 . . . Chromosomes in each cell

Fighting disease

Most cystic fibrosis is from one DNA mutation--deletion of just 3 nucleotides--causing buildup of large amounts of
mucus in the lungs.
Some human diseases and defects are directly or indirectly caused by genetic
abnormalities. Sickle cell anemia, for example, is caused by a change in just one
nucleotide out of six billion. Specific genes have been associated with breast cancer,
deafness, and blindness. Some illnesses are caused by complex, interacting
environmental and genetic factors and cannot be explained by classical inheritance
patterns. Genome studies help medical researchers understand the molecular details of
these diseases so they can pursue innovative drug treatments and more quickly identify
high-risk individuals who could benefit from early medical intervention. And the analysis
of the genomes of disease-causing microbes, viruses, and insects, such as the human
malaria parasite and its carrier, the Anopheles mosquito, are helping in the development
of new prevention and treatment strategies.

Protecting plant life

An oak tree damaged by the sudden oak death pathogen, Phytophthora ramorum.

Fungi and other plant pathogens cause billions of dollars in damage every year to
agricultural crops, plants, and trees. Sequencing their genomes is helping botanists and
foresters find effective treatments. Better understanding of plant genetics is also
improving crop yields and enhancing the nutritional value of food.

Harnessing nature's technology

The bacterium Rhodopseudomonas palustris can degrade complex aromatic hydrocarbons, assimilate carbon, and
provide insights into biomass and biofuel production, particularly hydrogen.

Microbes--nature's simplest and most abundant organisms--can thrive under extreme

conditions of heat, cold, pressure, and even radiation. By studying their genomes,
scientists hope to find ways to use bacteria and other microorganisms to solve a variety of
environmental problems, develop new energy sources, and improve industrial processes.
Some microbes can help clean up hazardous waste sites by absorbing, transforming, or
breaking down contaminants--a technique called bioremediation. Others can help combat
global warming by absorbing, or sequestering, carbon from the atmosphere. And
microbes can convert a wide range of organic and inorganic materials into renewable

! "
The double-stranded DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) molecule contains the four basic
chemical units of life's code: the nucleotide bases adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C),
and thymine (T). These combine into the base pairs AT, TA, GC, and CG. The paired
bases form the "rungs" of a structure that looks like a twisted rope ladder--the famous
double helix. Sugar and phosphate molecules form the outer edges.

Human differences and mutations

The DNA Sequence in every human is 99.9 percent identical to that of every other
human. The slight variations in our genomes are called single nucleotide polymorphisms,
or SNPs. Scientists estimate that there are about 1.4 million locations on the genome
where SNPs occur in humans. It is these small variations that contribute to individual
differences. SNPs and other mutations can be caused by copying errors as DNA is
reproduced, or triggered by radiation, viruses, or toxic substances in the environment.
Many SNPs have no effect on cell function, but others can cause or predispose a person
to disease or influence response to a drug.

DNA sequence variation in a gene can

change the protein produced by the genetic code, but also may not.
Translating the code: DNA, RNA, proteins
Following the DNA recipe, our cells manufacture the proteins that are responsible for the
structure and functioning of our bodies. Proteins are involved in many of the body's life
processes, including growth, repair, digestion, and aging. Many proteins are enzymes that
can trigger or accelerate chemical reactions. Others are transporters, such as hemoglobin,
found in red blood cells, which takes oxygen from the lungs to the body's cells.

Proteins are produced from the DNA recipe in two basic steps:

1. Transcription

Because DNA never leaves the cell's nucleus, a "messenger" must be created to move its

information out into the cell. First, a key enzyme called RNA polymerase makes the DNA unwind

and "unzip" by breaking the hydrogen bonds between the bases in the paired strands. This process

forms two complementary strands--a coding strand and a template strand. RNA (ribonucleic acid),

a single-stranded molecule very similar to DNA, is then created as nucleotide bases are strung

together by the RNA polymerase in a sequence determined by the DNA template. The new RNA

strand has the same information as the original coding strand, with one exception: U (uracil)

nucleotides substitute for the Ts in the DNA. The resulting strand is called messenger RNA


Next, the mRNA travels out into the body of the cell--the cytoplasm--and attaches to a ribosome,

the cell's protein factory. Every cell has thousands of these tiny factories.

2. Translation

The As, Cs, Gs, and Us in the mRNA are read by the ribosome as three-letter "words," called

codons, which are known as the genetic code: AUG GAA UUC UCG CUC. There are 64 codons,

representing the 20 or so amino acids that are the building blocks of proteins. These numbers are

not equal because sometimes two or more codons code for the same amino acid. There are also

"start" and "stop" codons that determine where the protein chain begins and ends.
3. Now the ribosome has enough information to manufacture, or synthesize, a protein. The ribosome

moves along the mRNA strand and reads its sequence, one codon at a time. With the help of

another type of RNA called transfer RNA (tRNA), the ribosome adds amino acids one by one to the

growing chain, called a polypeptide chain. When it's complete, the chain folds into a specific shape

dictated by the amino acid sequence and becomes a protein; its shape determines the protein's

function in the body. The translation process from DNA to protein is complete.

# !
Comparing the DNA sequence patterns of humans side-by-side with those of well-studied
"model organisms" such as the fruit fly, mouse, pufferfish, and sea squirt is one of the
most powerful strategies for identifying human genes and determining how they're
regulated and what they do. Conserved sequences--DNA patterns that we share with
other organisms--are likely to have important functions or they would have disappeared
as the organisms evolved.

Along with helping identify genes and their functions, comparative genomics is shedding
light on the functions of the noncoding sequences of DNA found within and between the
genes. These segments can regulate gene expression, the process involved in determining
when and where in the organism a given gene is turned on or off. Understanding the
complex orchestration of gene and protein networks is a crucial aspect of contemporary
biomedical research.

The web of life

We may not look alike, but humans, cows, fish, and microbes have a lot in common. We
all retain similar DNA sequences inherited from our shared ancestors who lived hundreds
of millions of years ago. Humans share many genes with mice, frogs, flies, and even
bacteria and yeast, since their essential functions have been inherited intact over long
periods of time.
The original estimate of more than 100,000 human genes was adjusted to between 28,000
and 35,000 when the draft human genome sequence was published in February 2001

Sequencing genomes
While the numbers of chromosomes, genes, and base pairs in the genomes of different
organisms vary, their fundamental structures are very similar, and the techniques for
sequencing and studying them are the same. Whole genome shotgun sequencing is used
to determine the order of the bases of an entire genome.

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