Geomorphology Introduction
Geomorphology Introduction
Geomorphology Introduction
What is Geomorphology?
Geomorphology is the science concerned with the form of Earth's surface and the processes that create it. Origin of the term (from Greek): Geo = Earth; morphos = form; -ology = science. Geomorphology gained widespread recognition as a distinct discipline only after the International Geological Congress of 1891.
Most of Earths surface is water Two dominant elevations correspond to ocean basins and continents Most of Earths land surface is < 2km elevation
People are becoming a dominant influence on Earths landscapes and biota. How do our actions influence the natural systems on which we ourselves depend?
How do active geomorphological processes shape landscapes and what are the controls on their actions and effectiveness?
The world is changing understanding landscape response to climate change requires understanding how landscapes function and how the pieces interact.
Determines dominant agents
Evolution of landforms/landscapes
Key Forces
Land form is controlled by the interaction of tectonics, climate and erosion.
Tectonic processes that uplift topography are rooted in the relation of Earth's crust to deeper circulation and convection in Earth's mantle.
Earth Surface processes that erode and sculpt topography consist of geomorphological, hydrological, and geochemical processes that erode and transport soil, sediment, and rock.
Tectonic processes act both locally and regionally to set the boundary conditions upon which erosional processes act. The uplift of a mountain range or the creation of a volcano provides fodder for erosion. Differences in the style, extent, and rates of tectonic processes can lead to very different land forms.
Global patterns of earthquakes and volcanoes outline boundaries to major tectonic plates that correspond to firstorder controls on regional physiography
Plate boundaries
Active margin: The greater relief of the western edge of continents reflects its position along an active margin. Note the distinct areas in which different tectonic boundary conditions give rise to very distinctive topography.
Passive margin: The East Coast of the United States is a passive margin where lack of active uplift and ongoing erosion has reduced the Appalachians to relatively subdued topography.
Convergent Boundary
Convergent Boundary
Coastal sedimentary wedge and volcanic arc mountain system Cascade Range Himalaya (continent - continent collision)
Divergent Boundary Mid-ocean spreading center or continental rift zone (if on land) East African Rift Zone, Red Sea
DIVERGENT BOUNDARIES Atlantic Ocean 165m years old. Red Sea recent divergent boundary is Gulf of California. Another linear sea, produced by divergent boundary is Gulf of California. If the spreading center develops within a continent, the landmass may split Pangea. African Rift Valley.
Transform Boundary Lateral displacement dominates San Andreas Fault Zone (California)
Glacial and Periglacial Processes ice sheets; low-gradient, pot-holed topography valley glaciers; U-shaped valleys solifluction Wind (Aeolian processes) sand dunes Volcanic Processes eruption-related erosion and deposition
Drainage basins
Mountain systems
Mountain systems
Lowland rivers build depositional floodplains and carry material to the coast
Material eroded from mountains enters streams and rivers and is delivered to coastal environments, from where it is moved to deeper sedimentary basins that get shoved back into mountains through processes of rock uplift.
Ecological Importance of Geomorphological Processes The interaction of Earth Surface processes create the physical environment for ecological systems, which provides habitat to organisms including humans.
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Role of history
Earth is a planet that, like all the others, has a unique history that gives rise to a wide variety of land forms. Earth is, in effect, a single, long-running geomorphological experiment.
Causes: Thermal expansion Melting of glaciers and polar ice caps Ice loss from Greenland and West Antarctica
Effects: increased coastal erosion, higher storm-surge flooding, inhibition of primary production processes, more extensive coastal inundation, changes in surface water quality and groundwater characteristics, increased loss of property and coastal habitats, increased flood risk and potential loss of life, loss of non-monetary cultural resources and values, impacts on agriculture and aquaculture through decline in soil and water quality, loss of tourism, recreation, and transportation functions
Diastrophic Forces
Sudden Forces
Epeirogenic Forces
Orogenic Forces
Volcanic Eruption
Crustal Fracture
Valley Formation
Factors controlling the carving of valleys were a key issue in the development of geology as a science. In the 17th Century it was widely assumed in Europe that the Flood was responsible for topography.
Charles Lyell (1833) documented repeated phases of valley cutting, gravel deposition, and burial by lava flows, which demonstrated the need to invoke multiple deluges to account for valley formation.
In the 1830's Louis Agassiz began reporting field evidence that suggested a role of glacial processes in carving landscapes. This glacial theory was hotly debated until it was widely accepted by the 1860's.
Rocks polished and striated by a glacier, from Louis Agassiz, Etudes sur les glaciers, 1840.
Surveys of the West The topographic surveys commissioned to inventory the resource potential of the expanding American frontier proved a boon for understanding geological controls on landforms due to the excellent exposures in the arid west. The US Government surveys of 1870's and 1880's produced the geomorphological studies of Powell, Gilbert, and Russell, which gave birth of process geomorphology.
William Morris Davis At the close of the 19th Century, Davis proposed a broad model of topographic development in which he classified landscapes as youthful, mature, or old based on their general appearance. Davis' thinking focused on qualitative interpretation of landscape history from broad aspects of land form and was very influential in the early 20th Century.
Luna Leopold and the U.S.G.S. In the 1950's a group of U.S. Geological Survey researchers led by Luna Leopold ushered in modern process geomorphology with an aggressive campaign to measure rates of geomorphological processes and explain the physics underlying these processes. Leopold's approach involved coupling field observations and measurements with theoretical models to explain geomorphological processes.
Digital Elevation Models The advent of widely available digital models of topography and high-speed computers allows us to image, analyze, and model large landscapes. Our view of landscapes in the past 20 years has shifted from one of limited analysis of topographic contours, usually focusing on the profiles of individual hillslopes and rivers to fully three-dimensional investigations of entire landscapes.
Steno, Playfair (Hutton) 1600s-1700s
Agassiz (1807-1873) glacial Powell (1834-1902) fluvial/structure Gilbert (1843-1918) everything!
Davis (1850-1934) fluvial+ A. & W. Penck (1900-1950) structure
Quantification (post-WWII)
Leopold (fluvial), Nye/Glen (glacial), Bagnold (wind), Prediction now a common goal
And, finally, the best reason of all to study geomorphology is that landscapes are simply fascinating and incredibly beautiful Understanding how they work only deepens ones appreciation of them.