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SSA Warehouse Management 4000

Receiving User Guide

Copyright 2005 by SSA Global Technologies, Inc.

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The material contained in this publication (including any supplementary information) constitutes and contains confidential and proprietary information of SSA Global Technologies, Inc. By gaining access to the attached, you acknowledge and agree that the material (including any modification, translation or adaptation of the material) and all copyright, trade secrets and all other right, title and interest therein, are the sole property of SSA Global Technologies, Inc., and that you shall not gain right, title or interest in the material (including any modification, translation or adaptation of the material) by virtue of your review thereof other than the non-exclusive right to use the material solely in connection with and the furtherance of your license and use of software made available to your company from SSA Global Technologies, Inc., pursuant to a separate agreement (Purpose). In addition, by accessing the enclosed material, you acknowledge and agree that you are required to maintain such material in strict confidence and that your use of such material is limited to the Purpose described above. Although SSA Global Technologies, Inc., has taken due care to ensure that the material included in this publication is accurate and complete, SSA Global Technologies, Inc., cannot warrant that the information contained in this publication is complete, does not contain typographical or other errors, or will meet your specific requirements. As such, SSA Global Technologies, Inc., does not assume and hereby disclaims all liability, consequential or otherwise, for any loss or damage to any person or entity which is caused by or relates to errors or omissions in this publication (including any supplementary information), whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident or any other cause.

Trademark Acknowledgements
SSA WAREHOUSE MANAGEMENT 4000 is a Registered Trademark of SSA Global Technologies, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries. All other company, product, trade or service names referenced may be registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective owners.

Publication Information
Release: SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Version 3.10 Publication Date: July 2005

Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................ 1 WORKFLOW.................................................................................................................. 2 RECEIVE NOTIFICATION OF INBOUND LOAD ..................................................................... 2 SET UP EXPECTED INBOUND LOAD ................................................................................ 2 GIVE PAPERWORK TO WAREHOUSE ............................................................................... 2 RECEIVE LOAD AND UPDATE PAPERWORK ...................................................................... 3 UPDATE LOAD AND POST AS RECEIVED .......................................................................... 3 CUSTOMER SCENARIOS ................................................................................................. 3 RECEIVING METHODS................................................................................................. 5 RF RECEIVING .............................................................................................................. 5 CONSOLE-BASED RECEIVING ......................................................................................... 5 PREREQUISITE RECEIVING SETUP........................................................................... 6 STORER........................................................................................................................ 6 COMMODITY, ALTERNATE COMMODITY ........................................................................... 6 CATCHWEIGHT AND CATCH DATA ................................................................................... 6 ASN STATUS HISTORY .................................................................................................. 7 PO STATUS HISTORY .................................................................................................... 7 LOTTABLES ................................................................................................................... 7 LOTTABLE VALIDATION FOR COMMODITY ........................................................................ 7 PACK ............................................................................................................................ 7 PURCHASE AND ASN/RECEIPT DATA IMPORT ................................................................. 7 PURCHASE ORDERS................................................................................................... 9 MANUALLY ADDING A PURCHASE ORDER ........................................................... 10 VIEWING PURCHASE ORDER STATUS HISTORY ............................................................. 12 PURCHASE ORDER STATUSES ................................................................................. 13 CLOSING A PURCHASE ORDER..................................................................................... 13 RE-OPENING A PURCHASE ORDER ............................................................................... 14 VERIFYING AND CLOSING A PURCHASE ORDER ............................................................. 15 ASN/RECEIPTS ........................................................................................................... 17 ENTERING AN ASN/RECEIPT ................................................................................... 18 ADDING AN ASN/RECEIPT WITHOUT A PO .................................................................... 18 DETAIL LIST VIEW LOTTABLES ............................................................................... 21 ADDING AN ASN/RECEIPT USING AN EXISTING PO ....................................................... 22 ASN LOOKUP SCREEN ............................................................................................ 23 REVIEWING ASN SUMMARY RECORDS ......................................................................... 24 VIEWING ASN STATUS HISTORY .................................................................................. 25 ASN STATUSES ...................................................................................................... 26 CLOSING AN ASN ....................................................................................................... 27 RE-OPENING AN ASN .................................................................................................. 28

SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Receiving User Guide

VERIFYING AND CLOSING AN ASN................................................................................ 30 CONSOLE-BASED RECEIVING ................................................................................. 33 RECEIVING USING THE CONSOLE .......................................................................... 34 PRINTING RECEIPT LABELS USING THE CONSOLE ......................................................... 37 RECEIVING CATCHWEIGHT PRODUCTS ......................................................................... 39 RECEIVING LOTTABLE PRODUCTS ................................................................................ 39 RECEIVING LOTTABLE PRODUCTS USING THE CONSOLE................................................ 41 RF RECEIVING ............................................................................................................ 43 RF NAVIGATION REMINDER ...................................................................................... 43 RECEIVING USING RF................................................................................................ 44 VALIDATIONS DURING RECEIVING ......................................................................... 50 QUANTITY VALIDATION DURING RECEIVING ................................................................... 51 ALTERNATE COMMODITY ........................................................................................ 54 RECEIVING LOTTABLE PRODUCTS ........................................................................ 55 RECEIVING LOTTABLES USING THE RF ......................................................................... 56 UCC/EAN 128 RECEIVING ......................................................................................... 59 PROMPTS.INI ............................................................................................................... 59 PROCESSING .............................................................................................................. 60 RECEIPT REVERSALS ............................................................................................... 61 PERFORMING A RECEIPT REVERSAL .................................................................... 62 RECEIVING REPORTS ............................................................................................... 65 RECEIVING EVENTS .................................................................................................. 66 COMMENT FORM ....................................................................................................... 69


SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Receiving User Guide

Revision History
Date 9/24/2003 12/2/2003 7/21/2004 8/12/2004 8/16/2004 5/26/2005 6/9/2005 6/30/2005 Editor Jude Duniho Jude Duniho Jude Duniho Steve Wale Jude Duniho Stuart Manning Jude Duniho Stuart Manning Description of Change Reformat Edited. Decimal support added. Company address change.

Removed Case Level Receiving Version 3.9 modifications Edited Product Name Change

Edited, concentrating on updates from Julie Removed Chapter 8 Edit

SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Receiving User Guide



SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Receiving User Guide



Receiving is the process of bringing product into the facility and entering information into the ASN/Receipt when the product arrives. SSA Warehouse Management 4000 can accommodate a wide range of receiving scenarios. Designed to integrate tightly with existing Advanced Planning and Scheduling (APS), Order Management (OMS), Transportation Management (TMS), and other planning or execution systems, SSA Warehouse Management 4000 can receive inbound order information from many different sources. SSA Warehouse Management 4000 can receive product in a validated (against a PO and ASN/Receipt) or invalidated (no PO or ASN/Receipt) manner. The PO and ASN/Receipt can be populated via keyboard entry, EDI, or proprietary host interface. Once the receiving information is entered, SSA Warehouse Management 4000 reports it to other systems using EDI or proprietary host interfaces. Receipts can be tracked down to the case or pallet ID level. The SSA Warehouse Management 4000 receiving process includes all of the activities necessary to receive product into the facility, whether it involves actually unloading trucks, rail cars, or shipping containers at a loading dock, or recording the movement of product from an in-house assembly line into storage. The goal of receiving is to process product quickly and accurately and allow the office and the receiving dock to crosscheck each other.

SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Receiving User Guide


The following figure illustrates a typical workflow for receiving product using SSA Warehouse Management 4000. These steps can vary from facility to facility.

Most paper is eliminated from these steps if the facility is using EDI or RF. In these cases, the information flow behind the scenes is still the same.

Receive Notification of Inbound Load

A phone call, fax, EDI transmission, host interface data download, or the actual arrival of a vehicle notifies the warehouse of an inbound load.

Set Up Expected Inbound Load

A data entry operator creates an ASN/Receipt, keying in as much information as possible about the expected load. POs can also be created to track receipts that are scheduled to arrive on multiple ASN/Receipts.

Give Paperwork to Warehouse

SSA Warehouse Management 4000 prints copies of the ASN/Receipt with information about the inbound load. The paperwork is sent to the receiving dock where an associate can check the load when it arrives, and note any discrepancies.

SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Receiving User Guide


Receive Load and Update Paperwork

As the product is unloaded, associates can check the load against the information on the ASN/Receipt. They note any discrepancies and send the updated worksheets back to the office. Alternatively, RF terminals can be used to scan the information.

Update Load and Post as Received

Using the updated worksheets, an office data entry operator updates information about the load and posts it as received. RF terminals can also automatically update the system.

Customer Scenarios
The illustration below details where in the system information is given when a receipt is performed.
Usually Retail




Usually Third Party Logistics (3PL)



Usually Manufacturers

RF only

Other scenarios are: NEW ASN, PO NEW ASN, NO PO


RF only

SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Receiving User Guide


SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Receiving User Guide

Receiving Methods


Receiving Methods
RF Receiving
Using the Radio Frequency (RF) receipt option, users can receive product against an ASN or Purchase Order (validated), or without an ASN or Purchase Order (invalidated) as the product arrives at the warehouse. Receipts can also be performed using alternate product codes created during the Commodity setup.

Console-based Receiving
Using the PC console (GUI), users can receive product against an existing or new ASN. If you enter a PO number into the ASN record that is being updated, the system updates the associated PO with the receipt information. If no PO is entered during the ASN update, then the receipt is termed invalidated. The main difference with consolebased receiving is that you enter the information into the ASN/Receipt on the GUI after the product arrives in the facility, rather than ahead of time. Many facilities call the resulting document a Warehouse Receipt.

SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Receiving User Guide

Receiving Methods

Prerequisite Receiving Setup

The topics below describe the different data fields that must be set up to receive product into the warehouse. These data fields are generally set up during the implementation phase when configuring the warehouse processing requirements. If data is not set up as required, receiving product can be an issue. Refer to the SSA Warehouse Management 4000 User Reference Guide, Chapter 3 Setup for additional information on Storer, Commodity, Lot, and Pack Key setup.

A Storer is a unique code identifying the customer who owns product and who is billed for the services provided by the warehouse facility. Storers are the accounts against which POs, ASNs, and Shipment Orders are processed. To receive product, you must have a Storer.

Commodity, Alternate Commodity

Before receiving inventory into the system, commodities, or unique identifiers for all products handled in the facility must be set up. Commodity codes are also known in the warehousing industry as product codes or model numbers. Each commodity should have the same name that the customer uses to refer to the item. Alternate commodities are other identifiers for a commodity, such as a vendor code, and should be set up as applicable to the commodity.

Catchweight and Catch Data

Facilities planning to capture weight or data information for a Commodity during receiving must set up Catchweight and Catch Data requirements. On the Commodity screen there is a Weight/Data tab, which allows you to define whether weight and data information, such as serial numbers, manufacturing numbers, and so on, should be captured for a Commodity. This screen also defines how the Commodity should be weighed; for example, eaches, cases, or pallets. To use the Catchweight/Catch Data functionality, the AllowCatchweightData flag must be selected. To display this flag, navigate to System Administration Configure System Settings.

For additional information, refer to the SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Catchweight/Catch Data User Guide

SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Receiving User Guide

Receiving Methods

ASN Status History

To view the status history for ASNs, the following flags must be enabled in the System Administration Configure System Settings screen: LOGASNHEADERSTATUS or LOGASNDETAILSTATUS. These flags determine whether the system retains ASN history.

PO Status History
To view the status history for POs, the following flag(s) must be enabled in the System Administration Configure System Settings screen: LOGPOHEADERSTATUS or LOGPODETAILSTATUS. These flags determine whether the system retains PO history.

Lottables are characteristics of a Lot that is unique to a Commodity. When these attributes change, a new Lot is assigned to the affected Commodity. SSA Warehouse Management 4000 currently supports Lottable01 through Lottable10.

Lottable Validation for Commodity

Lottable validation verifies that Lot attributes for a Commodity meet pre-defined requirements, such as Shelf Life.

The Pack code determines the Unit of Measurement (UOM) SSA Warehouse Management 4000 uses to track product in the facility. Each Pack code uses one or more UOM. A UOM is a type of quantity, such as each or case. SSA Warehouse Management 4000 treats the UOM as a component of a package. The Pack is used to store, pick, and process product based on the smallest sellable unit. When setting up a Pack code, specify: All UOMs associated with the package Which UOM shall be used to track product in the package.

Purchase and ASN/Receipt Data Import

Electronic Commerce is used to import and export Purchase and ASN/Receipt Data through the interface file. Electronic Commerce provides a set of functions that can be used to exchange information between the SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Client/Server product and external systems. The data is transmitted as flat text files. For additional information, refer to the SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Interface Guide.

SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Receiving User Guide

Receiving Methods

SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Receiving User Guide

Purchase Orders


Purchase Orders
The topics in this section provide an overview of Purchase Order processing, and identify the steps to manually add a new Purchase Order in SSA Warehouse Management 4000. The following topics are covered: Purchase Orders Manually Adding a New Purchase Order Viewing Purchase Order Status History Closing a Purchase Order Re-opening a Purchase Order Verifying and Closing a Purchase Order

A Purchase Order (PO) is a contract between the buyer of the product and vendor of the product. If the buyer intends to store products in your warehouse, they are referred to as the Storer, or owner of product. The Storer can send the facility, via fax or phone call, a copy of the purchase order for product due to arrive, or the information can be downloaded via EDI or a proprietary host interface. Tracking the information on the PO expedites the actual receipt process.

SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Receiving User Guide

Purchase Orders

Manually Adding a Purchase Order

Although most warehouses download POs into SSA Warehouse Management 4000, the steps below describe how to manually add a PO in SSA Warehouse Management 4000. 1. Navigate to Warehouse Documents Purchase Order. The Purchase Order Screen displays. 2. Right-click the screen and select Add New Record. The Purchase Order: (New) screen displays.

A system-generated PO Number is automatically created. This number can be changed to a non-sequential value (for example, add a letter or name). If the number is changed to a sequential number that has not yet been used by the system, it can later cause duplication errors, resulting in system termination.

Purchase Order: (New) - Form Tab

To view the form fields by category rather than all at once, Right-click the PO header and select Extended View.

3. In the Buyer/Storer field, type the name of the Storer that is purchasing the product (scroll down on right side of screen to see field).


SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Receiving User Guide

Purchase Orders

Or Right-click the field and choose Lookup Values for Storer, then select a Storer. 4. If applicable, populate the remaining (optional) PO header fields. Although the remainder of the PO header fields is not required to save the header record, warehouse requirements can vary. 5. In the Detail List, type the Commodity code for the first detail line in the Commodity field and then press Tab. Or, Right-click the field and choose Lookup Values for Commodity, then select the appropriate Commodity. 6. To change the UOM, select it from the UOM drop-down list. 7. Based on the UOM selected, in the Ordered field, enter the quantity of the Commodity ordered. 8. If it is necessary to adjust the quantity of the Commodity that the Buyer has already received, enter it in the Received field, according to the UOM you selected.

Although updating the Received field has no effect on the inventory balances, you should not manually populate the Received field. This field is automatically updated when product is received on the ASN, or if it is imported. To view a UOM/component breakdown for the Commodity, rightclick the Detail List and choose Computed UOM.

9. To enter additional detail lines, right-click the Detail List, choose Add or Continuous Add, and repeat steps 5 through 8. 10. Right-click and select Save.

1) To print barcode labels for a Commodity, right-click the screen and select one of the following commands on the Labels sub-menu (Case Labels, Pallet Labels or Container Labels). Enter any additional information that you want to display on the label, and specify the number of copies. Right-click the screen and choose Print. The LLM utility must be installed to print barcode labels.

2) 3)

SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Receiving User Guide


Purchase Orders


For additional information on Label Printing, refer to the SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Administrators Guide.

Viewing Purchase Order Status History

Purchase Order Status history allows you to track and view the status history of Purchase Orders as they move through different stages within the warehouse. 1. Navigate to Warehouse Documents Purchase Orders. The Purchase Order screen displays. 2. To narrow the search for Purchase Orders, enter the search criteria into the appropriate fields and select Apply Search. The List tab displays.

If only one record meets the search criteria, the record displays in Form view. To view the order details, right-click and select View Items. (Continue with step 4).

3. Click the blue book in front of the Purchase Order. The Detail List tab displays. 4. Right-click either the header or detail list area and select Status History. The Status History tab displays.


SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Receiving User Guide

Purchase Orders

Purchase Order Statuses

Following are the different statuses for Purchase Orders and Purchase Order detail lines. New A new PO and PO detail added to SSA Warehouse Management 4000 via an interface or from the console. In Transit Commodity has been shipped updated only by host system, or commodity has been transferred from another warehouse using inter-facility transfer. Scheduled A receiving appointment has been created. In Receiving Quantity Received > Zero and < Quantity Expected Received Complete Quantity Received >= Quantity Expected Closed Document has been manually or automatically closed. Verified Closed Document has been permanently closed. Cancelled Document has been cancelled updated by host system only.

Closing a Purchase Order

Purchase Orders can be closed to review any discrepancies following receipt. Closing a purchase order prevents future activities against it. A purchase order is closed automatically after it has been received if the AllowAutoClosePO flag on the Storer Control tab is on. However, a Purchase order can also be closed manually. Any attempt to make changes to a purchase order in Closed status displays an error message.

SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Receiving User Guide


Purchase Orders

1. Navigate to Warehouse Documents Purchase Orders. The Purchase Order screen displays. 2. To narrow the search for Purchase Orders, enter the search criteria into the appropriate fields and select Apply Search. The List tab displays.

If only one record meets the search criteria, the record displays in Form view. Right-click and select View Items, to view the order details. (Continue with step 4).

3. Click the blue book in front of the Purchase Order. The Detail List tab displays. 4. Right-click the header and select Close PO. The Status of Purchase order header and detail is changed to Closed.

Any attempt to make changes to a PO in Closed status displays an error message.

Re-opening a Purchase Order

Purchase Orders closed manually or automatically can be re-opened if required. However, a Purchase order that has been verified and closed cannot be re-opened. To re-open a purchase order, follow these steps: 1. Navigate to Warehouse Documents Purchase Orders. The Purchase Order screen displays. 2. To narrow the search for Purchase Orders, enter the search criteria into the appropriate fields and select Apply Search. The List tab displays.



SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Receiving User Guide

Purchase Orders

If only one record meets the search criteria, the record displays in Form view. Right-click and select View Items, to view the order details. (Continue with step 4).

3. Click the blue book in front of the Purchase Order. The Detail List tab displays. 4. Right-click the header and select Reopen PO. The Status of Purchase order header and detail changes to its applicable status.

Any attempt to reopen a PO/ASN that is in a Verified Closed status displays the following error message.

Verifying and Closing a Purchase Order

A supervisor should verify and close a purchase order. When the product is received against the Purchase order and the PO is ready to be closed permanently: 1. Navigate to Warehouse Documents Verify Close PO/ASN. The Verified Closed screen displays. 2. To narrow the search for Purchase Orders, select Type as PO, enter the search criteria into the appropriate fields and select Apply Search. The List tab displays. 3. Click the Verify Close check box for purchase orders to be Verified Closed. 4. Right-click and choose Select All to select all check boxes. 5. Right-click and choose Deselect All to deselect all check boxes. 6. Right-click and choose Verify Close to verify and close all selected purchase orders. The system totals the number of records it updates and displays the following warning message: (with NNN being the number of records checked).

SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Receiving User Guide


Purchase Orders

Warning Message

The system will update (NNN) records to Verified Closed. Press OK to complete this Update Press Cancel to Return to the List
OK Cancel

7. Click OK to verify and close selected records.

Any attempt to make changes to a PO in Verified Closed status displays an error message.


SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Receiving User Guide



The topics in this section provide an overview of ASN/Receipt processing and identify the steps to add a new ASN/Receipt to the system. The following topics are covered: ASN/Receipt Adding an ASN/Receipt Without a PO Adding an ASN/Receipt Using an Existing PO Reviewing ASN Summary Records Viewing ASN Status History Closing an ASN Re-opening an ASN Verifying and Closing an ASN

The Advance Shipment Notice Receipt (ASN/Receipt) is a receipt document in SSA Warehouse Management 4000. Information, such as Carrier and receipt date is tracked on the ASN. An ASN can be populated from a Purchase Order (PO) and multiple POs can be associated with the ASN. The ASN/Receipt process allows the warehouse to prepare for the arrival of product, which increases efficiency and improves accuracy. Barcode labels can be printed in advance and associates can be allocated accordingly. The expected receipt information can be transmitted electronically via EDI, proprietary host interface, or entered manually. The ASN/Receipt can be used for actual receipt of the product into the warehouse, which reduces data entry time and simplifies the receipt process. Some facilities refer to the ASN/Receipt as the Warehouse Receipt.

SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Receiving User Guide



Entering an ASN/Receipt
Adding an ASN Receipt without a PO If a PO has not been entered for the inbound order, you can manually enter all of the information into the ASN/Receipt form. Adding an ASN/Receipt Using an Existing PO If a PO has been entered for the inbound order, you can retrieve the PO information into the ASN/Receipt and populate the remaining fields, saving repetitive data entry.

After information from the Purchase Order is added to the ASN, any changes to the ASN automatically updates the Purchase Order when the ASN Receipt is saved.

Adding an ASN/Receipt without a PO

1. Navigate to Warehouse Documents ASN/Receipt. The ASN/Receipt screen displays. 2. Right-click the screen and select Add New Record. The ASN/Receipt: (New) screen displays.

A system-generated ASN Number is automatically created. This number can be changed to a non-sequential value (for example, add a letter or name). If the number is changed to a sequential number that has not yet been used by the system, it could cause duplication errors, resulting in system termination.


SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Receiving User Guide


ASN/Receipt: (New) - Form Tab

3. To use a different receipt type, select an option from the Receipt Type list. The default is Normal. 4. If processing a Case Level or SSCC receipt type, set the Allow Auto Receipt field to Yes.

SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Receiving User Guide



When Allow Auto Receipt is selected, and the ASN record is saved, the system validates Pallet IDs/License Plate Numbers (LPNs) contained within the details do not already exist in SSA Warehouse Management 4000. The system also verifies that Commodities set up for Inbound Catchweight/Catch Data and Lottable Validation contain the required data on the detail line. If the above checks pass, the ASN record is saved. If any of the detail lines fail validation, a message displays allowing you to save the ASN or make corrections and attempt to save the record again. To use Auto Receipt processing, the AllowSingleScanReceiving flag must be to set to Yes on the Storer Control tab. For additional information, refer to the SSA Warehouse Management 4000 User Reference Guide, Chapter 3 Setup, Setting Up a Storer.

5. Type the name of the carrier that is transporting the product in the Carrier field, and press Tab. Or, right-click the Carrier field to select Lookup Values for Carrier, and then select the carrier. 6. Enter the date the product is scheduled for receipt in the Receipt Date field. 7. If the default value is incorrect, enter the correct value in the Storer field. Users can also right-click the Storer field, choose Lookup Values for Storer, and then select the appropriate value. 8. If applicable, fill in the remaining (optional) ASN/Receipt header fields. These fields are not required to save the record, but they do depend on the warehouse business operation. Refer to ASN/Receipt Field Definitions later in this chapter for more information on these fields. 9. In the Detail List, type the commodity code for the first detail line in the Commodity field and press Tab. Or, right-click and select Lookup Values for Commodity, and then select the commodity. 10. To change the UOM, select it from the UOM list. 11. To assign an ID to the line item, enter it in the Movable Unit (Last) field. 12. To change the default receiving location for the line item, enter the code for the location in the Location (Last) field. 13. Based on the UOM selected, enter the expected quantity for the Commodity in the Expected field.


SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Receiving User Guide


Detail List View Lottables

To view or add lottable attributes, Right-click the Detail List screen and select View Lottables. The Lottable01 through Lottable10 fields display.

These fields can also be populated when receiving through the RF (Lottable Validation on Receipt). All Lottable entries are validated if Lottable Validation has been activated for the commodity. All ten Lottable fields can be entered on one detail line.

1. To enter additional line items, right-click the Detail List at the bottom of the screen, choose Add, and then repeat steps 7 through 12 above. 2. To record the expected weight or data information for Commodities that require weight/data capture, click the Weight/Data tab. The Weight/Data tab displays. 3. Right-click and select Add. Detail line information displays.

ASN/Receipt - Weight/Data Tab

4. Type the expected weight for the commodity in the Expected Total Weight field. To enter data, scroll to the right and enter it in the appropriate field (data is usually a serial number or a manufacturing number).

Refer to the SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Catchweight/Catch Data User Guide for additional information on catchweight and catch data processing.

SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Receiving User Guide



5. Right-click and select Save.

To print barcode labels: Right-click the screen and then select one of the commands on the Labels sub-menu (Case Labels, Pallet Labels, Container Labels or Receive/Putaway Labels). Enter the additional information that you want to appear on the label and specify the number of copies. Right-click and select Print. The LLM utility must be installed to print barcode labels. For additional information, refer to Console-based Receiving.

Refer to the SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Administrators Guide for information on setting up label printers.

Adding an ASN/Receipt Using an Existing PO

1. Follow steps 18 in Adding an ASN/Receipt Without a PO. 2. Right-click the Detail List and select Populate from POs. The Purchase Order screen displays. 3. Right-click and select Apply Search from the menu that displays. The Purchase Order screen with the List tab displays.

If only one PO exists for the Storer, the Form tab displays.

Purchase Order - List Tab

4. Double-click the PO to insert the Commodity information associated with the selected PO into the ASN/Receipt Commodity Detail List.


SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Receiving User Guide


5. Check the line items in the Detail List and change them as necessary. 6. To view lottable attributes, right-click and select View Lottables. 7. To enter additional line items, right-click the Detail List at the bottom of the screen, select Add, and then repeat steps 15 under Detail List View Lottables. 8. Right-click and select Save.

ASN Lookup Screen

The ASN Lookup screen is used to assist customers who receive product at the door without the corresponding paperwork that identifies the ASN to which the product is assigned. This screen allows the customer to enter a SKU or an RMA number, press ENTER, and receive the screen containing ASN details upon which the item displays. You can also query a specific ASN from the current screen. To look up the ASN details from the ASN Lookup screen: 1. Navigate to Warehouse Documents ASN Lookup. The ASN Lookup screen displays. 2. Enter the commodity or RMA. Right-click and select Apply Search from the menu that displays. The ASN Screen with the List tab displays.

ASN Lookup Search Criteria

ASN Lookup List

SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Receiving User Guide



Reviewing ASN Summary Records

The ASN Summary screen provides users with a list of all detail records on an ASN, and a detailed view of all commodities associated with the ASN. To review the ASN Summary tab: 1. Navigate to Warehouse Documents ASN/Receipt. The ASN/Receipt screen displays. 2. To narrow the search for the ASN Receipt, enter the search criteria into the appropriate fields. Right-click and select Apply Search. The List Tab displays.

If only one record matches the search criteria, the record displays in Summary View.

3. Right-click the ASN record, and then select Summary View. The ASN Summary tab displays.

ASN Receipt Summary Tab

4. If there are multiple commodities on the ASN, in the Detail List, click one of them to view the summary details in the ASN Summary tab.


SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Receiving User Guide


Viewing ASN Status History

ASN Status history allows you to track and view the status of ASNs as they move through different stages within the warehouse. 1. Navigate to Warehouse Documents ASN/Receipt. The ASN screen displays. 2. To narrow the search for ASNs, enter the search criteria into the appropriate fields and select Apply Search. The List tab displays.

If only one record meets the search criteria, the record displays in Form view. Right-click and select View Items, to view the order details. (Continue with step 4).

3. Click the blue book in front of the ASN. The Detail List tab displays. 4. Right-click either the header or detail list area and select Status History. The Status History tab displays.

SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Receiving User Guide



ASN Statuses
Following are the different statuses for ASN and ASN detail lines. New A new ASN and ASN detail added to SSA Warehouse Management 4000 via an interface or from the console. In Transit Commodity has been shipped updated only by host system, or Commodity has transferred from another warehouse using inter-facility transfer. Scheduled A receiving appointment has been created. In Receiving Quantity Received > Zero and < Quantity Expected. Received Complete Quantity Received >= Quantity Expected. Closed Document has been manually or automatically closed. Verified Closed Document has been permanently closed. Cancelled Document has been cancelled updated by host system only.

The ASN status is set to In Receiving if at least one of the lines have a quantity received greater than zero. Also, the ASN status is set to Receipt Complete if the sum of the quantity received is greater than the quantity expected summed by SKU.


SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Receiving User Guide


Closing an ASN
The ASN can be closed to review any discrepancies following receipt. Closing the ASN prevents future activities against it. The ASN closes automatically after the receipt is completed if the AllowAutoCloseASN flag on the Storer Control tab is on. However, an ASN can also be closed manually. Any attempt to make changes to an ASN in Closed status displays an error message. 1. Navigate to Warehouse Documents ASN/Receipt. The ASN screen displays. 2. To narrow the search for ASN, enter the search criteria into the appropriate fields and select Apply Search. The List tab displays.

If only one record meets the search criteria, the record displays in Form view. Right-click and select View Items, to view the ASN details. (Continue with step 4).

3. Click the blue book in front of the ASN. The Detail List tab displays.

SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Receiving User Guide



4. Right-click the header and select Close ASN. The Status of the ASN header and detail is changed to Closed.

Any attempt to make any type of changes to an ASN in Closed status displays an error message.

Re-opening an ASN
ASNs that are closed manually or automatically by the system can be re-opened. However, an ASN that has been verified and closed cannot be re-opened. To re-open an ASN, follow these steps: 1. Navigate to Warehouse Documents ASN/Receipt. The ASN screen displays. 2. To narrow the search for ASN, enter the search criteria in the appropriate fields and select Apply Search. The List tab displays.

If only one record meets the search criteria, the record displays in Form view. Right-click and select View Items, to view the order details. (Continue with step 4).


SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Receiving User Guide


3. Click the blue book in front of the ASN. The Detail List tab displays.

4. Right-click the header and then select Reopen ASN. The status of the ASN header and detail is changed to its applicable status.

Any attempt to re-open an ASN in Verified Closed status displays the following error message.

SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Receiving User Guide



Verifying and Closing an ASN

A supervisor should verify and close an ASN. When the product is received against the ASN, it is ready to be closed permanently. To verify and close ASN follow these steps: 1. Navigate to Warehouse Documents Verify Close PO/ASN. The Verified Closed screen displays. 2. To narrow the search for ASN, select Type as ASN, enter the search criteria into the appropriate fields, and then select Apply Search. The List tab displays. 3. Click the Verify Close check box for ASN to be Verified Closed. 4. Right-click and choose Select All to select all check boxes. 5. Right-click and choose Deselect All to deselect all the check boxes. 6. Right-click and select Verify Close to verify and close all selected ASNs. The system totals the number of records to be updated and displays the following warning message (with NNN being the number of records checked).
Warning Message

The system will update (NNN) records to Verified Closed. Press OK to complete this Update Press Cancel to Return to the List
OK Cancel


SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Receiving User Guide


7. Click OK to verify close selected records.

Any attempt to make changes to the ASN in Verified Closed status displays an error message.

SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Receiving User Guide




SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Receiving User Guide

Console-based Receiving


Console-based Receiving
The topics in this section provide an overview of Console-based receiving, and identify the steps to receive products using the PC console (instead of an RF gun). The following topics are covered: Receiving Using the Console Printing Receipt Labels Using the Console Receiving Lottable Products Using the Console

Console-based receiving is the process of receiving product using the computer (PC) console instead of an RF gun. This is also referred to as using the GUI (Graphical User Interface). The process of receiving product is very similar to entering an ASN/Receipt, as described in the previous section. The main difference is that you enter information into the ASN/Receipt after the product has arrived in the facility, rather than ahead of time. Many facilities call the resulting document a Warehouse Receipt. Using the PC Console (GUI), you receive product against an existing or new ASN. If a PO number is entered into the ASN record that is being updated, the system validates the associated PO with the receipt information. If no PO is entered during ASN update, the receipt is considered invalidated.

SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Receiving User Guide


Console-based Receiving

Receiving Using the Console

1. Navigate to Warehouse Documents ASN/Receipt. The ASN/Receipt screen displays. 2. To narrow the search for ASN Receipts, enter the search criteria into the appropriate fields. Right-click and select Apply Search. The List Tab displays.

If only one record meets the search criteria, the Form Tab displays. (Continue with step 4).

ASN Receipt - List tab

3. Click the blue book in front of the ASN/Receipt associated with the arriving load. The Detail List tab displays.

ASN Receipt-Detail List

4. Verify the information in the ASN/Receipt against the actual receipt. 5. Populate the following fields: Received - Quantity of the line item received. Date (Last) - Date the total quantity of product was received for the item. LPN - Case or pallet ID for the line item. (Optional)


SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Receiving User Guide

Console-based Receiving

ReasonCode field - Records the condition of the product. For example, if the product was damaged during shipment, it is noted in this field. (Optional)

The ReasonCode field is valid only if the facility is using pallet IDs. If the facility does not use pallet IDs, use a location type of DAMAGE to record and track damaged product.

Location (last) field - Location where the product was received.

6. Right-click and select Save. Or, select Receive All.

Any attempt to make changes to an ASN or PO in Cancelled status displays the following error message.

Any attempt to make changes to a PO in Closed status displays the following error message.

SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Receiving User Guide


Console-based Receiving

Any attempt to make changes to a PO or ASN in Verified Closed status displays the following error message.

Any attempt to make changes to an ASN in Closed status displays the following error message.


SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Receiving User Guide

Console-based Receiving

Printing Receipt Labels Using the Console

SSA Warehouse Management 4000 provides users with the option to manually print receipt labels from the console. By selecting a right-click option from either the header or detail level on the ASN, labels are printed. The following labels are available for printing: Case Labels Pallet Labels Container Labels Receive/Putaway Labels

1. Follow steps 1-4 in the above topic (Receiving Using the Console). 2. Right-click either the header or detail line level of the ASN, select Print Labels, and then select the type of label to print. (Options are: Case, Pallet, Container, or Receive/Putaway). The corresponding Label screen displays.

Case Label: (New)

SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Receiving User Guide


Console-based Receiving

3. Enter any additional information you want to display on the label. Then, scroll down to specify the number of copies, and the printer ID.

If the Receive/Putaway option is selected from the header level, the system displays the details for the first label. The details must have a received quantity greater than zero to be considered for printing. If you select Cancel, the prior screen displays and labels do not print. If the Receive/Putaway option is selected from the Detail Line level, the system prints a label for only the detail line selected. When this option is selected, the system does not check for a received quantity greater than zero. If Auto-Print label when system generates LPN at receipt is checked on the Storer Control tab, the system automatically prints a Receive/Putaway label for the system-assigned, Storer specific LPN. This label prints to the printer specified by the RF receiver. If no printer is specified, the label is sent to the default printer on the Label Configuration screen.

Sample Receive/Putaway Label


SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Receiving User Guide

Console-based Receiving

4. Right-click and select either Print or Print All.

Selecting Print prints only the selected label to the default printer. If the Print All option is selected, all labels associated with the ASN print to the default printer. The details must have a received quantity greater than zero to be printed. If you select Cancel, the prior screen displays and labels do not print.

Receiving Catchweight Products

During Console-based receiving, SSA Warehouse Management 4000 identifies whether the Commodity is a catchweight or catch data item by displaying a C after the Received field in the Detail List tab. In addition, the Weight/Data tab is enabled, which allows you to enter weight and data information for the item. For additional information, refer to the SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Catchweight/Catch Data User Guide.

Receiving Lottable Products

When receiving Commodities into the warehouse, periodically different lot numbers need to be captured and validations need to be performed on each lottable product. A lot is a number that combines products with like attributes. Storer requirements determine the attributes that define the lottable criteria. For example, a food manufacturer might lot perishable foods according to an expiration date. During Console-based receiving, SSA Warehouse Management 4000 displays lottable fields based on the Commodity entered in each ASN detail line. The Detail List tab displays an L next to the Received field for Commodities identified with lottable fields. When receipt data is transmitted, SSA Warehouse Management 4000 determines whether any of the lottable fields require validation. If none of the fields require validation, the receipt is accepted and the changes are reflected on the ASN record. If any fields require validation, SSA Warehouse Management 4000 validates the date format and (or) minimum shelf life rules. If the Receipt was received through the APIs and an ExternalLot was specified, then the lottables are already be set to the expected values and cannot be changed. The ExternalLot can be changed only through the APIs and not in the Console. Based on the data entered, the receipt is either processed or an error message is returned.

SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Receiving User Guide


Console-based Receiving

Validation requirements for lottables are set up on the Lottable Display/Validation screen. Refer to the SSA Warehouse Management 4000 User Reference Guide, Chapter 3 Setup, Setting Up Lottable Display/Validation for additional information.

SSA Warehouse Management 4000 validates the following during Console-based receiving: Data entered in a lottable field is in valid date (YYMMDD) format. Only six (6) characters can be entered. All characters must be numeric. The MM section must be in the range of 01-12. The DD section of the data must be valid based on the MM data entered. For example, if the MM is 01, the DD must be within the range 01-31; if the MM is 02, the DD must be within the range of 01-29, and so on. If the Shelf Life Code Type defined at the Commodity level is Expiration Date, the system subtracts the date entered from the receiving date. If the resulting number is greater than or equal to that entered in the Minimum Shelf Life on Receiving field on the Lottable Maintenance header, then SSA Warehouse Management 4000 updates the ASN record. If the resulting number is less than that entered in the Minimum Shelf Life On Receiving field on the Lottable Maintenance header, the system returns an error message indicating that the Minimum Shelf Life Rules have been violated. Validation can also be set to check against Manufacturing Date rather than Expiration date.

Data entered in a Lottable field passes minimum shelf life rules.

Data entered in YYMMDD format is the standard date format for a geographical region, and stores the new value in the lottable04 and lottable05 fields on the ASN/Receipt record. The date format and makes the conversion if the Screens date format is different from the standard date format in Screens on the computer or server to YYMMDD format.


SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Receiving User Guide

Console-based Receiving

Receiving Lottable Products Using the Console

1. Follow steps 1-6 in the topic Receiving Using the Console. 2. Right-click the ASN Detail List, and then select View Lottables. Tab through each lottable field. If the field is Required, you cannot tab through it. Fill in the appropriate lot information for that field.

ASN/Receipt - Lottables Tab

If there is no Commodity entered in the ASN detail line, the View Lottables command is grayed out. Entries for lottables can also be made directly on the Detail List Tab, rather than the Lottables Tab.

3. Right-click and select Save. The ASN/Receipt is updated.

If the required lottable fields are not populated for a Commodity, an error message displays indicating that required lottable fields remain for the Commodity. If any lottable fields require validation, SSA Warehouse Management 4000 performs a validation check on the date format and (or) Minimum Shelf Life. If the data entered passes validation, the update is processed. If the validation fails, an error message displays.

SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Receiving User Guide


Console-based Receiving


SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Receiving User Guide

RF Receiving


RF Receiving
The topics in this section provide an overview of RF Receiving, and the necessary steps to receive products using an RF gun. The following topics are covered: Receiving Using RF (With PO/ASN and Without PO/ASN) Case Level Receiving Quantity Validation During Receiving Alternate Commodity Receiving Lottable Commodities Using RF UCC/EAN 128 Receiving

The Radio Frequency (RF) gun is a device used to perform warehouse tasks, such as receiving, picking, and replenishment. Using the RF receipt option, users can receive products against an ASN or Purchase Order (validated), or without an ASN or Purchase Order (invalidated). Receipts can also be performed using alternate product codes created during the Commodity setup. RF receipts automatically update inventory balances, Purchase Orders, and ASNs when identified.

RF Navigation Reminder
Use ESC to return to a previous screen. Use ENTER to accept the information when finished. The up, down, left and right arrows allow you to move from one line to the next or within a line on a RF screen.

The order of the fields listed below can differ from the fields on your screen. Field order is based on the settings in PREditor, which varies for each customer.

SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Receiving User Guide


RF Receiving

Receiving Using RF
1. From the RF Main Menu, select Receipt. The Printer ID (PID) screen displays. If printing labels, enter the Printer ID for the facility.

Printer ID (PID)

2. Press ENTER. The Receive Tasks (RCM) screen displays.

Receive Tasks (RCM)

3. Select Standard. The ASN screen displays.



SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Receiving User Guide

RF Receiving

4. In the TYPE field press R if you are entering an RMA, otherwise press A 5. Perform one of the following options for the DOC field: If your TYPE is RMA then you must enter an RMA number, you cannot use the lookup function to find an RMA, it must be scanned or keyed in. Enter NOASN RF advances to Standard Receipt screen. Enter NEW The system creates a new ASN and advances to the Standard Receipt screen. Enter an ASN Number The ASN Receipt Type determines whether the RF advances to the Standard Receipt screen or the Case Level Receipt screen. For additional information on case level receiving, refer to Case Level Receiving.

6. Press F2 for ASN Lookup. The following screen displays.

ASN Lookup

ASN Lookup is a search screen that retrieves ASNs based on criteria you enter.

7. Scan or type the Storer, Commodity (PROD), Purchase Order (PO), Carrier Reference (CREF), and Pallet ID/LPN in the corresponding fields. Press ENTER.

PROD is the only required lookup field. An Alternate Commodity can also be entered in this field.

SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Receiving User Guide


RF Receiving

The system returns the matching ASN. If the system cannot find a matching ASN, a message displays indicating the ASN was not found. If more than one record is found, the following screen displays, which allows you to scroll through multiple records. Press 6 to move forward to the next page, or press 4 to go back to the prior page.

ASN Lookup 2

8. Scroll and select the ASN receipt and press ENTER. The ASN screen displays with the ASN field populated. 9. Press ENTER to begin receiving. The Receive (D1) screen displays.

Receive (D1)


SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Receiving User Guide

RF Receiving

10. Populate the following fields by scanning or typing the information: STOR - Storer ID. PROD - Commodity ID being received.

After you enter the Commodity; the PACK field is pre-populated with the associated Pack code. If receiving an Alternate Commodity, SSA Warehouse Management 4000 returns the associated Pack code and the default unit of measure defined for the Alternate Commodity. Refer to Alternate Commodity for additional information. Additional validations can occur on the PO, ASN, or Commodity, depending on whether the Storer has been set up for Receipt Validation. For additional information on Receipt Validation, refer to the SSA Warehouse Management 4000 User Reference Guide, Chapter 3 Setup, Setting Up a Receipt Validation.

PO - PO number associated with the receipt. If receiving without a PO, enter NOPO. If receiving a new ASN with no PO, enter NOPO.

QTY - Quantity received.

If the Perform Qty Validation field on the Receipt Validation Template is set to Yes, the system validates quantity discrepancies. For additional information, refer to Quantity Validation During Receiving in this section.

RJCT - Rejected receipt quantity. If nothing is rejected, enter 0. (This is a required field.) UOM - Unit of measure received. PACK - Pack code associated with the Commodity.

SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Receiving User Guide


RF Receiving

11. Press ENTER. Page 2 of the Receive (D1) screen displays.

Receive (D1) (page 2)

12. Populate the following fields by scanning or typing the information: LPN - Case or pallet ID received.

To produce a system-generated LPN, complete the remaining fields and then press F6. The LPN is directed to the printer selected at login. The LPN contains the associated receipt information (PO, ASN, and so on). If the Storer is not set up to allow system-generated LPNs, an error message displays and the LPN is not generated.

HOLD - If item is received damaged, type Damage in this field. ISRP - If receiving onto a rainbow pallet, type Y in this field. The default is set to N. Refer to the SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Inventory Management User Guide for additional information on Rainbow Pallet Processing. LOT01 through LOT10 - If lottable requirements have been set up for the Commodity, lottable fields display. Scan or type the lot information. Refer to Receiving Lottable Products for additional information. PZONE - Displays the default Putaway Zone for the Commodity.

13. Press ENTER to accept. The received quantity increases by one.


SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Receiving User Guide

RF Receiving

14. Press ESC to return to the screen.

To see the effects on inventory, navigate to Warehouse Inventory Inventory Transactions. To verify the update, navigate to Warehouse Documents ASN/Receipt: Do a search on the Storer. Click the blue book in front of the ASN to see the detail information. Scroll over to see the Received column.

SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Receiving User Guide


RF Receiving

Validations during Receiving

1. Any attempt to do RF receiving against an ASN that is in a Closed status displays the following error message.

2. Any attempt to do RF Receiving against a PO that is in a Closed status displays the following error message.


SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Receiving User Guide

RF Receiving

3. Any attempt to do RF Receiving against an ASN or PO that is in a Verified Closed status displays following error message.

4. Any attempt to do RF Receiving against an ASN or PO that is in a Cancelled status displays the following error message.

Quantity Validation during Receiving

Receipt Validation is the process in which the system checks for specific data on a Commodity during the receiving process, and validates the data is accurate before allowing the receipt to process. The Receipt Validation screen allows users to set up a template, define validation requirements for the template, and later apply the template to Storer records. When the template is applied to the Storer, the receipt validation requirements are applied to all Commodities for that Storer. The only quantity validation performed at the time of receipt is for overages. If the Perform Qty Validation field on the Receipt Validation Template is set to Yes, the system validates the quantity entered during receiving and relays any discrepancies.

SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Receiving User Guide


RF Receiving

For additional information, refer to the SSA Warehouse Management 4000 User Reference Guide, Chapter 3 Setup, Setting Up a Receipt Validation. If the Perform Qty Validation field is set to Yes, the following message displays when you attempt to confirm a receipt where the receipt quantity exceeds the expected quantity by a lesser percentage than defined on the Overage Override % field.

Receiving: Warning Message

If the Perform Qty Validation field is set to Yes, the following message displays when you attempt to confirm a receipt where the receipt quantity exceeds the expected quantity by an equal or greater percentage than defined on the Overage Override % field, but less than the percent defined in the Overage Hard Error % field.

You must enter a valid reason code to complete the receipt transaction. An over-receipt can occur against the ASN, PO, or both documents. The reason code is updated on the ASN Commodity Summary tab and the PO order detail line.


SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Receiving User Guide

RF Receiving

Override Message

If the Perform Qty Validation field is set to Yes, the following message displays when you attempt to confirm a receipt where the receipt quantity exceeds the expected quantity by an equal or greater percentage than defined on the Over Hard Error % field. You cannot complete the receipt transaction on the current ASN.

Over Receipt Error Message

SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Receiving User Guide


RF Receiving

Alternate Commodity
Commodities in a warehouse can be identified with a variety of labels, each referring to the product by a different name or item number. For example, a product can be labeled with a UPC and a vendor item number. The vendor item number could be considered an Alternate Commodity. During RF receiving, SSA Warehouse Management 4000 can recognize any Alternate Commodity, provided the Master Commodity has been linked with one or more Alternate Commodities. The link setup process is done through Support Setup Alternate Commodity. During RF receiving, you can scan any label on the box for the Commodity number. If you scan a Master Commodity, SSA Warehouse Management 4000 returns the Pack and default Unit of Measure (UOM) for the Master Commodity. If you scan an Alternate Commodity, the system returns the Pack and default UOM defined for the Alternate Commodity. If there is no Pack or UOM defined for the Alternate Commodity, SSA Warehouse Management 4000 returns the defaults set up for the Master Commodity. During the course of any other RF operation, if you scan an Alternate Commodity, the system returns the details related to the Master Commodity.

For information on setting up Alternate Commodities, refer to SSA Warehouse Management 4000 User Reference Guide, Chapter 3 Setup, Setting Up an Alternate Commodity.


SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Receiving User Guide

RF Receiving

Receiving Lottable Products

During RF Receiving, SSA Warehouse Management 4000 displays lottable fields based on the Commodity you enter or scan. When receipt data is transmitted, SSA Warehouse Management 4000 performs a check to determine if any of the lottable fields require validation. If none of the fields require validation, the receipt is accepted and the changes are reflected on the ASN record. If any of the fields require validation, SSA Warehouse Management 4000 performs a validation check. Based on the data entered in the lottable fields, the update is either processed, or an error message is returned. During RF Receiving, SSA Warehouse Management 4000 performs the following validation and conversion process: Data entered in a lottable field is in valid date (YYMMDD) format. Only six (6) characters can be entered. All characters must be numeric. The MM section must be in the range of 01-12. The DD section of the data must be valid based on the MM data entered. For example, if the MM is 01, the DD must be with the range 01-31; if the MM is 02, the DD must be within the range 01-29, and so on. If the RF Receiving Code Date Type is E (Expiration Date), the system subtracts the date entered from the receiving date. If the resulting number is greater than or equal to that entered in the Minimum Shelf Life On Receiving field on the Lottable Maintenance header, then SSA Warehouse Management 4000 updates the ASN record. If the resulting number is less than that entered in the Minimum Shelf Life On Receiving field on the Lottable Maintenance header, the system returns an error message indicating that the Minimum Shelf Life Rules have been violated. Validation can also be set to check against the Manufacturing Date rather than the Expiration Date.

Data entered in a lottable field passes minimum shelf life rules.

Data entered in YYMMDD format is converted to the standard date format for a geographical region, and stores the new value in the lottable04 and lottable05 fields on the ASN/Receipt record. If you set a standard date format in Screens on the computer or server to YYMMDD format; when a date is entered for a lottable field on the GUI and (or) RF, SSA Warehouse Management 4000 checks the date format and makes the appropriate conversion if the Screens date format is different.

SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Receiving User Guide


RF Receiving

Receiving Lottables Using the RF

1. Follow Steps 1-6 in RF Receiving.

Based on the Commodity entered in the PROD field, SSA Warehouse Management 4000 checks the Lottable Maintenance table and returns all visible and required lottable fields for that record.

Receive (D1)


SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Receiving User Guide

RF Receiving

2. Scan or type the Lot information in the corresponding fields.

SSA Warehouse Management 4000 verifies whether any of the lottable fields require validation. If none of the fields require validation, the system allows the receipt and the Received Quantity on the RF screen increases by one (1). If you enter data into a lottable field that has a date format validation selected, SSA Warehouse Management 4000 verifies whether the date is in the appropriate format (YYMMDD). If the validation fails, the following error message is returned: Invalid date format. If you enter data into a lottable field that has Minimum Shelf Life validation selected, SSA Warehouse Management 4000 performs a check on the date entered to ensure that it passes the Minimum Shelf Life rules. If the validation fails, the following error message displays.

Receiving Shelf Life Error

The default is set to N for Accept Receipt.

SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Receiving User Guide


RF Receiving

If you press ENTER with the field set to N, you are returned to the Receipt Entry screen with the data displaying that failed the validation check. You can then perform one of the following actions: Press ESC, which cancels the receipt. Modify the data and press ENTER to reconfirm the receipt. Press ENTER with the data already displayed, which attempts the validation process again on the same data.

If you change the Accept Receipt field to Y and press ENTER, SSA Warehouse Management 4000 confirms the receipt and accepts it, even though there is insufficient shelf life.

2. When the lottable fields pass all validation checks, you are returned to the Main RF Menu and the Received Quantity is increased by one.


SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Receiving User Guide

RF Receiving

UCC/EAN 128 Receiving

Advancements in barcode technology have allowed vendors to create labels that contain multiple bits of data within a single barcode. SSA Warehouse Management 4000 allows the receiver to scan a UCC/EAN 128 barcode at any time during the entry of an RF receipt record. The system: Recognizes the scan of this barcode Parses the information into its individual data elements Populates the appropriate RF fields. A light margin ( [ ) A start character (A, B, or C) A FNC character ( 1 ) Application Identifier (A1 A2 A3 A4) A two- to four-digit prefix used to identify the type of data that follows Data string Alphanumeric data string which follows the AI A symbol check character A stop character ( ] )

UCC / EAN 128 symbols include:

Any label scanned that begins with [A1, [B1, or [C1 signifies that the barcode is UCC/EAN 128. The system then parses the data string associated to each application identifier (AI) into the appropriate fields. A UCC/EAN 128 barcode label can be comprised of multiple (AI) data combinations in the same barcode.

The prompts.ini file must be modified to manage the field mapping configurations for UCC/EAN 128. All of the supported AIs must be entered into prompts.ini, along with the SSA Warehouse Management 4000 database field mappings for the AI data strings. To support multiple Storers with the same prompts.ini file, the system allows multiple AIs to be mapped to the same SSA Warehouse Management 4000 database field. For example, Storer A can have the AI associated with Manufacturing Lot Number mapped to Lottable 03, while Storer B can have the AI associated with Unit Weight mapped to Lottable 03. The system produces a warning message during the setup of prompts.ini, if you map two AIs to the same database field. In the instance where a single UCC/EAN 128 label contains both of the AIs that are mapped to a single database field, the last AI read is updated. No error is produced and the second AI data string overwrites the first AI data string. The system does not support mapping a single AI to multiple database fields. If this is attempted, an error message similar to the following displays: AI xxxx is already mapped to a database field. Cannot map an AI to multiple fields.

SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Receiving User Guide


RF Receiving

UCC/EAN 128 labels can be used in conjunction with Case Level, SSCC and Standard receiving, depending on the files updated in prompts.ini. For Case Level receiving, one of the AIs and subsequent data strings in the barcode is the LPN number. The parsing of data into the appropriate fields occurs regardless of the RF field the cursor is in when the scan is done, provided the mapping has been done in prompts.ini. Data strings from unmapped AIs are ignored. The advantage of using UCC/EAN 128 Receiving is that the data entry time is reduced because required fields for capture are contained within the barcode and parsed at the time of scan. At any time, users can key the data to prompt the system to parse data strings into the appropriate fields. For example, if you type [C1 (00)155512120000033312], the system would recognize the [C1 as a UCC/EAN 128 symbol, recognize (00) to mean LPN, and populate the LPN field with 155512120000033312. The RF system does not make any distinction between scanning the label and manually keying the entire barcode number.

For additional information on setting up Barcode Configuration, refer to the SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Users Reference Guide, Chapter 3 Setup, Barcode Configuration. For additional information on setting up the prompts.ini file, refer to the SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Administrators Guide.


SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Receiving User Guide

Receipt Reversals
Only the full quantity that was received on the receipt line number can be reversed. Receipt reversals for Crossdock receipts only can be performed via RF. This method requires a case ID.


This section provides an overview of Receipt Reversals and identifies the necessary steps to perform a receipt reversal. Receipt reversal is the process of reversing inventory quantity after it is received into the warehouse. Performing a receipt reversal resets information for Purchase Orders and ASNs (Advanced Shipment Notices). This option corrects inventory and makes the required data changes to accurately display the reversal on the PO and ASN. Receipt Reversals can only be performed before putaway. Product must still be in the original received location. Once product has been put away, an adjustment must be performed. Adjustments are made to specific receipt lines with an UNRECEIVE reason code on the Adjustments screen.

Limit user access to Receipt Reversals.

SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Receiving User Guide


Performing a Receipt Reversal

1. Navigate to Warehouse Documents Receipt Reversal. 2. Right-click and select Add New Record. The Receipt Reversal: (New) screen displays.

Receipt Reversal: (New)

3. Type the ASN/Receipt number in the Receipt Key field, or right-click to select Lookup Values for Receipt Key, and then select the ASN/Receipt. The Detail List tab displays.

Receipt Reversal: (New) - Detail List Tab

4. Under the Detail List, deselect the check box for the line item.


SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Receiving User Guide

5. Right-click and select Save.

To see the effects on inventory: - Navigate to Warehouse Inventory Inventory Transactions. - Right-click and select Apply Search to see effects. - Return to the Maintain ASN/Receipt screen. Under the Detail List: Receive now = 0. Any attempt to reverse a PO that is in a Closed status displays the following error message.

Any attempt to reverse a PO/ASN that is in Verified Closed status displays the following error message.

SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Receiving User Guide


Any attempt to reverse an ASN that is in Closed status displays the following error message.


SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Receiving User Guide

Receiving Reports
The following table provides a list of all reports associated with Receiving. Refer to the SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Reports User Guide for additional information on viewing and modifying reports.
Report Name Purchase Order Audit List Purchase Order Discrepancy Purchase Order Reports Receipt Detail Provides a detailed view of receipts made per line. The quantity received per line and the details associated with that receipt (Movable Unit, Location, and so on) display. Provides a summary view of receipt discrepancies by Commodity where the quantity expected is not equal to the quantity received and the quantity received is greater than zero. Provides a detailed view of receipt discrepancies where the quantity expected is not equal to the quantity received and the quantity received is greater than zero. The details displayed include pack, location, and ID. Provides a summary view of receipt discrepancies by receipt where the quantity expected is not equal to the quantity received and the quantity received is greater than zero. Captures receipt and associated Purchase Order information where the quantity received against an ASN is greater than zero. Description Provides a listing of system activity against specified purchase orders for a given time frame. Identifies differences between ordered and received quantities per purchase order line.

Receipt Discrepancy

Receipt Discrepancy Detail

Receipt Discrepancy Summary Receipt Report Receipt Reports Receipt Summary

Provides summary receipt information by Commodity for all ASN receipts. The total quantity received by commodity displays, sorted by receipt record.

SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Receiving User Guide


Receiving Events
The Events functionality enables the System Administrator to track daily warehouse activities. The following table provides a list of Events associated with Receiving. These Events must be activated. Refer to the SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Administrators Guide and the SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Administrators Reference Guide for more information.
Event Type ASN Cancelled ASN Closed ASN Completed ASN Created ASN Deleted ASN In Transit ASN Line Cancelled ASN Line Created ASN Line Deleted ASN Line In Transit ASN Line Scheduled ASN Line Updated ASN Scheduled ASN Updated ASN Verified Closed PO Cancelled PO Closed PO Completed PO Created PO Deleted PO In Transit Description ASN Receipt record status has been changed to Cancelled. ASN Receipt record status has been changed to Closed. ASN Receipt record has been updated and fully received. ASN Receipt record has been created by a user or imported into SSA Warehouse Management 4000. ASN Receipt record has been deleted or purged by a user or administrator. ASN Receipt record status has been changed to In-transit. ASN Receipt Detail record status has been changed to Cancelled. ASN Receipt record has been created by a user or imported into SSA Warehouse Management 4000. ASN Receipt Detail Line has been deleted or purged by a user or administrator. ASN Receipt Detail record status has been changed to In-transit. ASN Receipt Detail record status has been changed to Scheduled. ASN Receipt record has been updated or modified. ASN Receipt record status has been changed to Scheduled. ASN Receipt record has been updated or modified. ASN Receipt record status has been changed to Verified Closed. Purchase Order record status has been changed to Cancelled. Purchase Order record status has been changed to Closed. Purchase Order record has quantity received against it. Purchase Order record has been saved. Purchase Order record has been deleted. Purchase Order record status has been changed to In-transit.


SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Receiving User Guide

Event Type PO Line Cancelled PO Line Created PO Line Deleted PO Line In Transit PO Line Scheduled PO Line Updated PO Scheduled PO Updated PO Verified Closed Receipt Line Completed

Description Purchase Order Detail record status has been changed to Cancelled. Purchase Order Detail Line has been saved. Purchase Order Detail Line has been deleted. Purchase Order Detail record status has been changed to Intransit. Purchase Order Detail record status has been changed to Scheduled. Purchase Order Detail Line has been updated or modified. Purchase Order record status has been changed to Scheduled. Purchase Order record has been updated or modified. Purchase Order record status has been changed to Verified Closed. ASN Receipt Detail Line has been updated and fully received.

SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Receiving User Guide



SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Receiving User Guide

Comment Form
SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Receiving Guide
Every effort has been made to write this manual in as concise and accurate a manner as possible. Nevertheless, errors do occur. If you find any errors in this documentation, have difficulty with the wording, or just have comments or suggestions, please fill out a copy of this form and send it to: SSA Global Technologies, Inc. Technical Publications Department 8777 Stemmons Freeway Dallas, TX 75247 Please reference all errors, comments, etc., by chapter and page number. Thank you.

SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Receiving User Guide



SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Receiving User Guide

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