Shigellosis: Frequently Asked Questions
Shigellosis: Frequently Asked Questions
Shigellosis: Frequently Asked Questions
Some people may not have symptoms, but may still pass the Shigella bacteria to others. Symptoms of shigellosis usually occur 1 to 7 days after swallowing the bacteria and include: Watery diarrhea (which may contain blood or mucus) Fever Nausea Vomiting Abdominal cramps
Health care workers should be excluded from direct patient care/contact until they have no symptoms and have two negative stool tests. Child care providers and/or child attendees should be excluded from work/attending child care until they have no symptoms and have two negative stool tests. Stools of all child care staff, attendees and household contacts with diarrhea should be tested.
Please note: Two negative stool tests should be taken at least 24 hours apart and at least 48
hours after antibiotic treatment has ended (if antibiotic therapy is given).
Wash hands completely with soap and water before preparing food, eating and feeding children/patients. Carefully wash hands after changing diapers and using the toilet. Disinfect the diaper changing area after each use. Anyone who has diarrhea, should not swim in a pool, ocean or pond. When traveling to developing countries, drink only treated or boiled water and eat only cooked foods and fruits you peel yourself.
Your health care provider Your local health department NJ Department of Health Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
This information is intended for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace consultation with a health care professional. Adapted from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Revised 8/12