The SELF 2.0 Programmer's Reference Manual
The SELF 2.0 Programmer's Reference Manual
The SELF 2.0 Programmer's Reference Manual
Copyright (c) 1992, Sun Microsystems, Inc. and Stanford University. All Rights Reserved. Sun Microsystems, Inc 2550 Garcia Avenue Mountain View, CA 94043 USA RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software Clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 (Oct. 1988) and FAR 52.227-19(c) (June 1987). SOFTWARE LICENSE: The software described in this manual may be used internally, modied, copied and distributed to third parties, provided each copy of the software contains both the copyright notice set forth above and the disclaimer below. DISCLAIMER: Sun Microsystems, Inc. makes no representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided to you "AS IS", without express or implied warranties of any kind. Sun Microsystems, Inc. disclaims all implied warranties of merchantability, tness for a particular purpose and non-infringement of third party rights. Sun Microsystems, Inc.'s liability for claims relating to the software shall be limited to the amount, if any of the fees paid by you for the software. In no event will Sun Microsystems, Inc. be liable for any special, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages in connection with or arising out of this license (including loss of prots, use, data, or other economic advantage), however it arises, whether for breach of warranty or in tort, even if Sun Microsystems, Inc. has been advised of the possibility of such damage.
Table of Contents
1 Overview of the SELF System ................................................................................................................... 2 1.1 The system ......................................................................................................................................... 2 1.2 The translation process ...................................................................................................................... 2
Language Reference
2 Objects ........................................................................................................................................................5 2.1 Syntax ................................................................................................................................................ 5 2.2 Data objects........................................................................................................................................ 5 2.3 The assignment primitive................................................................................................................... 6 2.4 Objects with code............................................................................................................................... 6 2.5 Construction of object literals............................................................................................................ 8 3 Slot descriptors ........................................................................................................................................... 9 3.1 Slot privacy ........................................................................................................................................ 9 3.2 Read-only slots................................................................................................................................... 9 3.3 Read/write slots................................................................................................................................ 10 3.4 Slots containing methods ................................................................................................................. 11 3.5 Parent slots ....................................................................................................................................... 12 4 Expressions...............................................................................................................................................13 4.1 Unary messages ............................................................................................................................... 13 4.2 Binary messages............................................................................................................................... 14 4.3 Keyword messages........................................................................................................................... 14 4.4 Implicit-receiver messages............................................................................................................... 15 4.5 Resending messages......................................................................................................................... 16 5 Message lookup semantics ....................................................................................................................... 17 5.1 Message send ................................................................................................................................... 17 5.2 The lookup algorithm....................................................................................................................... 18 5.3 Privacy ............................................................................................................................................. 19 5.4 Resend.............................................................................................................................................. 19 6 Lexical elements ....................................................................................................................................... 23 6.1 Character set..................................................................................................................................... 23 6.2 Identiers ......................................................................................................................................... 23 6.3 Keywords ......................................................................................................................................... 23 6.4 Arguments........................................................................................................................................ 24 6.5 Operators.......................................................................................................................................... 24 6.6 Numbers........................................................................................................................................... 24 6.7 Strings .............................................................................................................................................. 25 6.8 Comments ........................................................................................................................................ 26 Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Appendix D Glossary ................................................................................................................................. 27 Lexical overview.................................................................................................................... 29 Syntax overview .................................................................................................................... 30 Built-in types.......................................................................................................................... 32
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
24 25 26 27
Substituting Values for Blocks ................................................................................................................. 64 nil Considered Naughty ............................................................................................................................ 65 Hash and =................................................................................................................................................65 Equality, Identity, and Indistinguishability............................................................................................... 65
Figure 1 The SELF system The VM executes SELF programs specied by objects in the SELF world and provides a set of primitives (which may be thought of as methods written in C++) that can be invoked by SELF methods to carry out basic operations like integer arithmetic, object copying, and I/O. The SELF world distributed with the VM is a collection of SELF objects implementing various traits and prototypes like cloning traits and dictionaries. These objects can be used (or changed) to implement your own programs.
place. This technique is called customization; see [CU89] for details. Also, the compiled methods are placed into a cache from which they can be ushed for various reasons; therefore, they might be recompiled from time to time. Dont be misled by the term compiled method if you are familiar with Smalltalk: in Smalltalk terminology it denotes a method in its bytecode form, but in SELF it denotes the native machine code form. In Smalltalk there is only one compiled method per source method, but in SELF there may be several different compiled methods for the same source method (because of customization).
Language Reference
This document species SELFs syntax and semantics. An early version of the syntax was presented in the original SELF paper by Ungar and Smith [US87]; this document incorporates subsequent changes to the language. The presentation assumes a basic understanding of object-oriented concepts. The syntax is described using Extended Backus-Naur Form (EBNF). Terminal symbols appear in Courier and are enclosed in single quotes; they should appear in code as written (not including the single quotes). Non-terminal symbols are italicized. The following table describes the metasymbols:
META-SYMBOL ( and ) [ and ] { and } | FUNCTION grouping option repetition alternative production DESCRIPTION used to group syntactic constructions encloses an optional construction encloses a construction that may be repeated zero or more times separates alternative constructions separates the left and right hand sides of a production
2 Objects
Objects are the fundamental entities in SELF; every entity in a SELF program is represented by one or more objects. Even control is handled by objects: blocks (2.4.3) are SELF closures used to implement user-defined control structures. An object is composed of a (possibly empty) set of slots and, optionally, code (2.4.1). A slot is a name-value pair; slots contain references to other objects. When a slot is found during a message lookup (5) the object in the slot is evaluated. Although everything is an object in SELF, not all objects serve the same purpose; certain kinds of objects occur frequently enough in specialized roles to merit distinct terminology and syntax. This chapter introduces two kinds of objects, namely data objects (plain objects) and the two kinds of objects with code, ordinary methods and block methods.
2.1 Syntax
Object literals are delimited by parentheses. Within the parentheses, an object description consists of a list of slots delimited by vertical bars (|), followed by the code to be executed when the object is evaluated. For example: ( | slot1. slot2 | here is some code printLine ) Both the slot list and code are optional: ( | | ) and () each denote an empty object. Block objects are written like other objects, except that square brackets ([ and ]) are used in place of parentheses: [ | slot1. slot2 | here is some code in a block printLine ] A slot list consists of a (possibly empty) sequence of slot descriptors (3) separated by periods. A period at the end of the slot list is optional. The code for an object is a sequence of expressions (4) separated by periods. A trailing period is optional. Each expression consists of a series of message sends and literals. The last expression in the code for an object may be preceded by the ^ operator (2.4.4).
If you wish to use the empty vertical bar notation to create an empty object, note that the parser currently requires a space between the vertical bars.
This method has an argument slot arg and returns the square of its argument. 2.4.3 Blocks Blocks are SELF closures; they are used to implement user-dened control structures. A block literal (delimited by square brackets) denes two objects: the block method object, containing the blocks code, and an enclosing block data object. The block data object contains a parent pointer (pointing to the object containing the shared behavior for block objects) and a slot containing the block method object. Unlike an ordinary method object, the block method object does not contain a self slot. Instead, it has an anonymous parent slot that is initialized to point to the activation object for the lexically enclosing block or method. As a result, implicit-receiver messages (4.4) sent within a block method are lexically scoped. The block method objects anonymous parent slot is invisible at the SELF level and cannot be accessed explicitly. It has the highest possible parent priority. For example, the block [ 3 + 4 ] looks like:
block traits enclosing methods activation object
The block methods selector is based on the number of arguments. If the block takes no arguments, the selector is value. If it takes one argument, the selector is value:. If it takes more than two or three arguments, the selector is value:With: or value:With:With:; the selector is just extended by enough With:s to match the number of block arguments. Block evaluation has two phases. In the rst phase, a block object is created because the block is evaluated (e.g., it is used as an argument to a message send). The block is cloned and given a pointer to the activation record for its lexically enclosing scope, the current activation record. In the second phase, the blocks method is evaluated as a result of sending the block the appropriate variant of the value message. The block method is then cloned, the argument slots of the clone
All block objects have the same parent, an object containing the shared behavior for blocks.
are lled in, the anonymous parent slot of the clone is initialized using the scope pointer determined in phase one, and, nally, the blocks code is executed. It is an error to evaluate a block method after the activation record for its lexically enclosing scope has returned. Such a block is called a non-lifo block because returning from it would violate the last-in, rst-out semantics of activation object invocation.
This restriction is made primarily to allow activation records to be allocated from a stack. A future release of SELF may relax this restriction, at least for blocks that do not access variables in enclosing scopes.
2.4.4 Returns A return is denoted by preceding an expression by the ^ operator. A return causes the value of the given expression to be returned as the result of evaluating the method or block. Only the last expression in an object may be a return. The presence or absence of the ^ operator does not effect the behavior of ordinary methods, since an ordinary method always returns the value of its nal expression anyway. In a block, however, a return causes control to be returned from the ordinary method containing that block, immediately terminating that methods activation, the blocks activation, and all activations in between. Such a return is called a non-local return, since it may return through a number of activations. The result of the ordinary methods evaluation is the value returned by the non-local return. For example, in the following method: assertPositive: x = ( x > 0 ifTrue: [ ^ ok ]. error: non-positive x ) the error: message will not be sent if x is positive because the non-local return of ok causes the assertPositive: method to return immediately.
Slot descriptors
3 Slot descriptors
An object can have any number of slots. Slots can contain data (data slots) or methods. Some slots have special roles: argument slots are lled in with the actual arguments during a message send (4.3), and parent slots specify inheritance relationships (5.2). A slot descriptor consists of an optional privacy specication, followed by the slot name and an optional initializer.
| )
For slots that are not part of the public interface but cannot be made private due to the semantics for slot privacy, the convention is to leave the slot formally unmarked (so that it behaves as a public slot), but decorated with the comment "_" as an indication that it is not intended to be part of the public interface.
Slot descriptors
7 5
| ) producing an object with two data slots (x and y) and two assignment slots (x: and y:) containing the assignment primitive (depicted with ):
point traits parent* x x: y y: 5
An identier by itself species an assignable data slot initialized to nil. Thus, the slot declaration x is a shorthand notation for x <- nil. For example, a simple mutable point might be dened as: ( | x. y. | )
Nil is a predened object provided by the implementation. It is intended to indicate not a useful object.
Slot descriptors
x x: y y: nil
A slot name beginning with a colon indicates an argument slot. The prexed colon is not part of the slot name and is ignored when matching the name against a message. Argument slots are always read-only, and no initializer may be specied for them. As a syntactic convenience, the argument name may also be written immediately after the slot name (without the prexed colon), thereby implicitly declaring the argument slot. Thus, the following yields exactly the same object as above: ( | + arg = ( (clone x: x + arg x) y: y + arg y ). | ) The + slot above is a binary slot (4.2), taking one argument and having a name that consists of operator symbols. Slots like x or y in a point object are unary slots (4.1), which take no arguments and have simple identiers for names. In addition, there are keyword slots (4.3), which handle messages that require one or more arguments. A keyword slot name is a sequence of identiers, each followed with a colon. The arguments in keyword methods are handled analogously to those in binary methods: each colon-terminated identier in a keyword slot name requires a corresponding argument slot in the key-
Although a block may be stored into a slot, it is not useful to do so: evaluating the slot will result in an error because the activation record for the blocks lexically enclosing scope will have returned; see 2.4.3.
Slot descriptors
word method object, and the argument slots may be specied either all in the method or all interspersed with the selector parts. For example: ( | ifTrue: False: = ( | :trueBlock. :falseBlock | trueBlock value ). | ) and ( | ifTrue: trueBlock False: falseBlock = ( trueBlock value ). | ) produce identical objects.
4 Expressions
Expressions in SELF are messages sent to some object, the receiver. SELF message syntax is similar to Smalltalks. SELF provides three basic kinds of messages: unary messages, binary messages, and keyword messages. Each has its own syntax, associativity, and precedence. Each type of message can be sent either to an explicit or implicit receiver. Productions: expression constant unary-message unary-send binary-message binary-send keyword-message keyword-send receiver resend constant | unary-message | binary-message | keyword-message | ( expression ) self | number | string | object receiver unary-send | resend . unary-send identifier receiver binary-send | resend . binary-send operator expression receiver keyword-send | resend . keyword-send small-keyword expression { cap-keyword expression } [ expression ] resend | identifier
* Heterogeneous binary messages have no associativity; homogeneous binary messages associate left-to-right.
In order to simplify the presentation, this grammar is ambiguous; precedence and associativity rules are used to resolve the ambiguities.
Examples of unary messages sent to explicit receivers: 17 print 5 factorial Associativity. Unary messages compose from left to right. An expression to print 5 factorial, for example, is written: 5 factorial print and interpreted as: (5 factorial) print Precedence. Unary messages have higher precedence than binary messages and keyword messages.
concatenation of the keywords forming the message. Message selectors beginning with an underscore are reserved for primitives (5.1). Example: 5 min: 4 Max: 7 is the single message min:Max: sent to 5 with arguments 4 and 7, whereas 5 min: 4 max: 7 involves two messages: rst the message max: sent to 4 and taking 7 as its argument, and then the message min: sent to 5, taking the result of (4 max: 7) as its argument. Associativity. Keyword messages associate from right to left, so 5 min: 6 min: 7 Max: 8 Max: 9 min: 10 Max: 11 is interpreted as 5 min: (6 min: 7 Max: 8 Max: (9 min: 10 Max: 11)) The association order and capitalization requirements are intended to reduce the number of parentheses necessary in SELF code. For example, taking the minimum of two slots m and n and storing the result into a data slot i may be written as i: m min: n Precedence. Keyword messages have the lowest precedence. For example, i: 5 factorial + pi sine is interpreted as i: ((5 factorial) + (pi sine))
Accesses to a local data slot are also message sends to self. For an assignable data slot named t, the message t returns the contents, and t: 17 puts 17 into the slot.
General delegation for explicit receiver messages is supported through primitives in the implementation (see Appendix H).
The message sending semantics are decomposed into the following functions: send(rec, sel, smh, args) lookup(obj, rec, sel, smh, V) isVisible(rec, smh, obj) resend(...) resend_lookup(...) eval(rec, M, args)
message is stored in the corresponding data slot. Finally, if the slot contains a method, an activation is created and run as described in 2.4.2. If the lookup fails, the lookup error is handled in an implementation-dened manner; typically, a message indicating the type of error is sent to the receiver of the original message. The function send(rec, sel, smh, args) is dened as follows: Input: rec, sel, smh, args, res, the receiver of the message the message selector the sending method holder the actual arguments the result object
Output: Algorithm:
if begins_with_underscore(sel) then invoke_primitive(rec, smh, sel, args) else M lookup(rec, rec, sel, smh, ) case | M | = 0: error: message not understood eval(rec, M, args) | M | = 1: res | M | > 1: error: ambiguous message send end end return res
see 2
Output: Algorithm:
if obj V cycle detection then M else M {s obj | = sel and isVisible(rec, smh, s)} try local slots if M = then M parent_lookup(obj, rec, sel, smh, V) end try parent slots
end return M Where parent_lookup(obj, rec, sel, smh, V) is dened as follows: M 1 prio V {obj} V while M = and {s obj | s.isParent and s.priority {s obj | s.priority = prio} P M lookup(s.contents, rec, sel, smh, V) prio end return M
parent group recursively search parents
prio + 1
5.3 Privacy
A private slot is accessible if both the sending method holder and the private slot holder are ancestors of the receiver. Inaccessible private slots are ignored during the lookup. Thus, the function isVisible(rec, smh, s) is dened as follows: Input: rec, smh, s, the receiver of the message the sending method holder a matching slot
Output: Algorithm:
5.4 Resend
A resend consists of redoing the lookup, beginning with the most recent non-resend lookup on the call stack, skipping over lookup matches up to and including the match containing the method performing the resend, and returning the next matching slot as the result of the resend. This complexity and history-sensitivity is caused by the interactions among resends, prioritized multiple inheritance, and dynamic inheritance. The activation call stack is the ordered list of suspended activation objects, beginning with the current activation object and continuing with the current activation objects calling activation object, and so on. The resend call chain is the prex of the activation call stack up to and including the rst activation object that was not invoked by a resend or a directed resend; this non-resend activation object is called the base activation object. A resend or directed resend begins by performing the same lookup that invoked the base activation object; thus, the sending method holder and the receiver of the resend is the same as the sending
method holder and the receiver used to invoke the base activation object. The normal lookup function is extended to return a list of sets of matching slots, such that elements of one set override elements of successive sets. The function resend(rec, sel, smh, args, isDir, del, A) is dened as follows: Input: rec, sel, isDir, del, smh, args, A, res, the receiver of the message the message selector true if this is a directed resend the parent to which the resend is directed (the delegatee) the sending method holder the actual arguments the list of current activation objects the result object
Output: Algorithm:
resend_call_chain_prex(A) resend call chain H base last_element(H) base activation object M resend_lookup(rec, rec, base.sel, sel, isDir, del, base.holder, , H) do the lookup m first_element(M) while | m | 0 do if | m | > 1 then error: ambiguous message send end where m = first_element(m) if | m | = 1 and (m.holder = smh and = sel) then f following(M, m) case | f | = 0: error: message not understood | f | > 1: error: ambiguous message send eval(rec, f, args); return res see 2 | f | = 1: res end end following(M, m) m end error: resending method not found The function resend_lookup(obj, rec, sel, selc, isDirc, delc, smh, V, H) is defined as follows: Input: obj, rec, sel, selc, isDirc, delc, smh, V, H, M, the object being searched for matching slots the receiver of the message the message selector the selector being resent true if it is a directed resend the parent to which the resend is directed (the delegatee) the sending method holder (from the base activation object) the set of all objects already visited along this path the set of activation objects in the resend call chain the list of sets of matching slots
Output: Algorithm:
if obj V cycle detection then M else Mlocal {s obj | = sel and isVisible(rec, smh, s)} local matches Mparent 1 prio V {obj} V while {s obj | s.isParent and s.priority prio} do {s obj | s.isParent and s.priority = prio} P a resend done before if {h H | h.holder = obj and h.sel = sel} then cur (h H | h.holder = obj and h.sel = sel) a single activation object if cur first_element(H) preceding(H, cur) callee is called by cur then callee sel callee.sel if callee.invokedByDirectedResend {s P | s = callee.delegatee} end directed resend then P if | P | = 0 then error: delegatee not found end selc else sel if isDirc then P {s P | s = delc} end directed resend if | P | = 0 then error: delegatee not found end end end resend_lookup(s.contents, rec, sel, selc, isDirc, delc, smh, V, H) Mparent
prio + 1
end if Mlocal = Mparent then M else M Mlocal || Mparent end end return M
The union operator over lists of sets of matching slots is dened to return the list of the element sets. The algorithm is similar to the regular lookup algorithm, except it does not stop the lookup once the highest priority matching slots are found. Instead, it recursively searches each objects parents in priority order (beginning with the base activation objects method holder) to construct a list of sets of matching slots. This list represents the order of slots in ancestors of the receiver that match the message at the time of the sending of the resend that is being handled (the presence of dynamic inheritance means that this order may change from message send to message send). Slots in the same set are of equal order. During this process, the algorithm prunes searches through parents that are not delegated to at places in the resend chain where directed resends were performed. In addition, if resends along the resend chain changed the selector name, the new selector name is searched for instead. In essence, the resend lookup algorithm mimics the chain of resend lookups as best it can. Resends that have been spliced out of the chain by inheritance graph changes are ignored. Objects with matching
slots that have been inserted into the path of the resend chain are assumed to do a regular (non-directed, same selector) resend, and the lookup continues. Once the list of sets is computed, the sets are searched in order for either a non-singleton set or the set containing the slot for the resending method. The following cases can occur: If a non-singleton set is found, then the resend results in an ambiguous message error. (This may occur if dynamic inheritance changes the inheritance graph to introduce ambiguity in the lookup of the message.) If no set contains a matching slot for the resending method, then the resend results in a resending method not found error. (This may occur if dynamic inheritance removes the resending method holder from all possible lookup paths.) Otherwise, the resending method is found, and the result of the resend is determined by the set following the one in which the resending method is found. There are three possible cases at this point: If the following set is empty (the set containing the resending method is the last set in the sequence), then the resend results in a message not understood error. If the following set is non-singleton, then the resend results in an ambiguous message error. Otherwise, the resend is successful, and the slot contained in the following set is evaluated to compute the result of the resend.
Lexical elements
6 Lexical elements
This chapter describes the lexical structure of SELF programshow sequences of characters in SELF source code are grouped into lexical tokens. In contrast to syntactic elements described by productions in the rest of this document, the elements of lexical EBNF productions may not be separated by whitespace, i.e. there may not be whitespace within a lexical token. Tokens are formed from the longest sequence of characters possible. Whitespace may separate any two tokens and must separate tokens that would be treated as one token otherwise.
6.2 Identiers
An identier is a sequence of letters, digits, and underscores (_) beginning with a lowercase letter or an underscore. Case is signicant: apoint is not the same as aPoint. Productions: small-letter cap-letter letter identifier Examples: i a | b | ... | z A | B | ... | Z small-letter | cap-letter (small-letter | _) {letter | digit | _} _IntAdd cloud9 m a_point
The two identiers self and resend are reserved. Identiers beginning with underscores are reserved for primitives.
6.3 Keywords
Keywords are used as slot names and as message names. They consist of an identier or a capitalized identier followed by a colon (:). Productions: small-keyword identifier :
Lexical elements
6.4 Arguments
A colon followed by an identier denotes an argument slot name. Production: arg-name Example: :name : identifier
6.5 Operators
An operator consists of a sequence of one or more of the following characters: ! @ # $ % ^ & * - + = ~ / ? < > , ; | \ Two sequences are reserved and are not operators: | Productions: op-char operator Examples: + ! | @ | # | $ | % | ^ | & | * | - | + | = | ~ | / | ? | < | > | , | ; | | | | \ op-char {op-char} && || <-> %#@^ ^
6.6 Numbers
Integer literals are written as a sequence of digits, optionally prexed with a minus sign and/or a base. No whitespace is allowed between a minus sign and the digit sequence. Real constants may be either written in xed-point or exponential form. Integers may be written using bases from 2 to 36. For bases greater than ten, the characters a through z (case insensitive) represent digit values 10 through 35. The default base is decimal. A non-decimal number is prexed by its base value, specied as a decimal number followed by either r or R. Real numbers may be written in decimal only. The exponent of a oating-point format number indicates multiplication of the mantissa by 10 raised to the exponent power; i.e., nnnnEddd = nnnn 10ddd
In situations where parsing the minus sign as part of the number would cause a parse error (for example, in the expression a-1), the minus is interpreted as a binary message (a - 1).
Lexical elements
A number with a digit that is not appropriate for the base will cause a lexical error, as will an integer constant that is too large to be represented. If the absolute value of a real constant is too large or too small to be represented, the value of the constant will be innity or zero, respectively. Productions: number integer real fixed-point float general-digit decimal base Examples: 123 [ - ] (integer | real) [base] general-digit {general-digit} fixed-point | float decimal . decimal decimal [ . decimal ] (e | E) [ + | - ] decimal digit | letter digit {digit} decimal (r | R) 16r27fe -1272.34e+15 1e10
6.7 Strings
String constants are enclosed in single quotes (). With the exception of single quotes and escape sequences introduced by a backslash (\), all characters (including formatting characters like newline and carriage return) lying between the delimiting single quotes are included in the string. To allow single quotes to appear in a string and to allow non-printing control characters in a string to be indicated more visibly, SELF provides C-like escape sequences: \t \f \a \ tab form feed alert (bell) single quote \b \r \0 \" backspace carriage return null character double quote \n \v \\ \? newline vertical tab backslash question mark
A backslash followed by an x, d, or o species the character with the corresponding numeric encoding in the ASCII character set: \xnn \dnnn \onnn hexadecimal escape decimal escape octal escape
There must be exactly two hexadecimal digits for hexadecimal character escapes, and exactly three digits for decimal and octal character escapes. Illegal hexadecimal, decimal, and octal numbers, as well as character escapes specifying ASCII values greater than 255 will cause a lexical error. For example, the following characters all denote the carriage return character (ASCII code 13): \r \x0d \d013 \o015 A long string may be broken into multiple lines by preceding each newline with a backslash. Such escaped newlines are ignored during formation of the string constant.
Lexical elements
A backslash followed by any other character than those listed above will cause a lexical error. Productions: string normal-char escape-char numeric-escape { normal-char | escape-char } any character except \ and \t | \b | \n | \f | \r | \v | \a | \0 | \\ | \ | \" | \? | numeric-escape \x general-digit general-digit | ( \d | \o ) digit digit digit
Comments are delimited by double quotes ("). Double quotes may not themselves be embedded in the body of a comment. All characters (including formatting characters like newline and carriage return) are part of the body of a comment. Productions: comment comment-char Example: " { comment-char } " any character but "
"this is a comment"
Appendix A Glossary
A slot is a name-value pair. The value of a slot is often called its contents. An object is composed of a (possibly empty) set of slots and, optionally, a series of expressions called code. The SELF implementation provides objects with indexable slots (vectors) via a set of primitives. A data object is an object without code. A data slot is a slot holding a data object. An assignment slot is a slot containing the assignment primitive. An assignable data slot is a data slot for which there is a corresponding assignment slot whose name consists of the data slots name followed by a colon. When an assignment slot is evaluated its argument is stored in the corresponding data slot. An ordinary method (or simply method) is an object with code and is stored as the contents of a slot. The methods name (also called its selector) is the name of the slot in which it is stored. A block is an object representing a lexically-scoped closure (similar to a Smalltalk block). A block method is the method that is executed when a block is evaluated by sending it value, value:, value:With:, etc. A block method is a special kind of method that is evaluated within the scope of its method and any lexically enclosing blocks. An activation object records the state of an executing method or block method. It is a clone of the method prototype used to store the methods arguments and local slots during execution. There are two kinds of activation objects: ordinary method activation objects (or simply method activation objects) and block method activation objects. A non-lifo block is a block that is evaluated after the activation for its lexically enclosing block or method has returned. This results in an error in the current implementation. A non-local return is a return from a method activation resulting from performing a return (i.e., evaluating an expression preceded by the ^ operator) from within a lexically enclosed block. A non-local return forces returns from all activations between the method activation and activation of the block performing the return. The method holder of a method is the object containing the slot holding that method. The sending method holder of a message is the method holder of the method that sent it. A message is a request to an object to perform some operation. The object to which the request is sent is called the receiver. A message send is the action of sending a message to a receiver. A primitive send is a message handled by invoking a primitive, a predefined function provided by the SELF implementation. Messages that do not have an explicit receiver are known as implicit-receiver messages. The receiver is bound to self. A unary message is a message consisting of a single identifier sent to a receiver. A binary message is a message consisting of an operator and a single argument sent to a receiver. A keyword message is a message consisting of one or more identifiers with trailing colons, each followed by an argument, sent to a receiver.
Unary, binary, and keyword slots are slots with selectors that match unary, binary, and keyword messages, respectively. An argument slot is a slot in a method filled in with a value when the method is invoked. Message lookup is the process by which objects determine how to respond to a message (which slot to evaluate), by searching objects for slots matching the message. Slot privacy determines if a slot is visible for a particular message lookup. Public slots are always visible; private slots are only visible if both the sending method holder and the private slot holder are ancestors of the receiver. Inheritance is the mechanism by which message lookup searches objects for slots when the receivers slots are exhausted. An objects parent slots contain objects that it inherits from. The parent priority of a parent slot indicates the order in which parents are searched during a message lookup. Prioritized inheritance implements both unordered multiple inheritance (equal priority parents) and ordered multiple inheritance (unequal priority parents). Dynamic inheritance is the modification of object behavior by setting an assignable parent slot. A resend allows a method to invoke the method that the first method (the one that invokes the resend) is overriding. A directed resend constrains the lookup to search a single parent slot. The activation call stack is the ordered list of suspended activation objects, with the head of the list being the current activation object. The resend call chain is the prefix of the activation call stack up to and including the first activation object that was not invoked by a resend or a directed resend; this non-resend activation object is called the base activation object. Cloning is the primitive operation returning an exact shallow copy (a clone) of an object, i.e. a new object containing exactly the same slots and code as the original object. A prototype is an object that is used as a template from which new objects are cloned. A traits object is a parent object containing shared behavior, playing a role somewhat similar to a class in a class-based system (see [UCC91]). Any SELF implementation is required to provide traits objects for integers, floats, strings, and blocks (i.e. one object which is the parent of all integers, another object for floats, etc.). The root context is the object that provides the context (i.e., set of bindings) in which slot initializers are evaluated. This object is known as the lobby. During slot initialization, self is bound to the lobby. The lobby is also the sending method holder for any sends in the initializing expression. Nil is the object used to initialize slots without explicit initializers. It is intended to indicate not a useful object. This object is provided by the SELF implementation.
Lexical overview
Syntax overview
constant | unary-message | binary-message | keyword-message | ( expression ) self | number | string | object receiver unary-send | resend . unary-send identifier receiver binary-send | resend . binary-send operator expression receiver keyword-send | resend . keyword-send small-keyword expression { cap-keyword expression } [ expression ] resend | identifier regular-object | block ( body ) [ body ] [ slot-list ] [ code ] | [ slot { . slot } [ . ] ] | { expression . } [ ^ ] expression [ . ] [ privacy ] slot-type arg-slot | data-slot | binary-slot | keyword-slot public | private | public-read-only | public-write-only ^ _ ^_ _^ argument-name
In order to simplify the presentation, this grammar is ambiguous; precedence and associativity rules are used to resolve the ambiguities.
Syntax overview
slot-name | slot-name <- expression | slot-name = expression slot-name = regular-object operator = regular-object | operator identifier = regular-object small-keyword {cap-keyword} = regular-object | small-keyword identifier {cap-keyword identifier} = regular-object identifier | parent-name identifier * {*}
Built-in types
World Organization
7 World Organization
7.1 The Lobby
The lobby object is thus named because it is where objects enter the SELF world: when a script that creates a new object is read into the system, all expressions in that script are evaluated in the context of the lobby. That is, the lobby is the receiver of all messages sent to self by expressions in the script. To refer to some exisiting object in a script, the object must be accessible by sending a message to the lobby. For example, the expression:
_AddSlots: ( | newObject = ( | entries <- list copy ... | ) | )
requires that the message list be understood by the lobby (the implicit receiver of the message) so that the entries slot of the new object can be initialized. The lobby slots prototypes, traits, oddballs, and mixins are the roots of the object namespaces accessible from the lobby. The organization of these namespaces is described in the next section. The slot lobby allows the lobby itself to be referred by name. lobby
prototypes* traits oddballs* mixins lobby defaultBehavior* printIt doIt shell comment ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
The lobby also has a number of other functions: it is the location of the default behavior inherited by most objects in the system (slot defaultBehavior); it is used to evaluate expressions typed to the interactive prompt (slots printIt, doIt, and shell); and, nally, it has a slot named comment that contains a short description of itself. (Many objects in the system have comment slots.)
World Organization
oddballs mixins
Each of these namespace objects (or categories) is further divided and subdivided to aid navigation. For example, to nd the prototype list object, one could start with the prototypes slot of the lobby, then get the collections slot of that object, then get the ordered slot of that object, and nally get the list slot of that object. The sequence of slot names, lobby prototypes collections ordered list, is called a path and constitutes the list prototypes full name. To shorten object names, many of the slots in the namespace hierarchy are made parent slots. Parent slots can be omitted from an objects full name, since the slots in a parent are visible in the child via inheritance. A path with parent slots omitted forms the short name for an object. For example, the short name for the list prototype is simply list. Non-parent slots are used when it is desirable to keep a part of the name space distinct. For example, the traits slot of the lobby is not a parent slot. This allows a convention that gives prototypes and their associated traits objects similar names: a prototype and its associated traits object have the same local name, but the prototype is placed in an ancestor of the prototypes slot of the lobby, whereas the traits object is placed in an ancestor of the traits slot. Since the traits slot of the lobby is not a parent slot, the name of the traits object must start with the prex traits. The prototypes slot, on the other hand, is a parent slot, so the name of a prototype object needs no prex. Thus, list refers to the prototype list while traits list refers to its traits object for lists. As a matter of style, programs should refer to objects by the shortest possible name. This makes it easier to re-organize the global namespace as the system evolves. (If programs used full path names, then many more names would have to be updated to reect changes to the namespace organization, a tedious chore.) The initial structure of the namespace accessible from the lobby (dened in the le init.self) is shown on the next page. This structure can be extended by adding slots for additional categories and subcategories as necessary.
prototypes* traits oddballs* mixins lobby defaultBehavior* printIt doIt shell comment
userInterface* system* pixrects* io* graphics* collections* bench* applications* mirrors slots xlib
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
userInterface* system* pixrects* io* graphics* collections* bench* applications* mirrors slots xlib
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
behavior that allows an object to behave like a block that evaluates to that object (this permits a non-block object to be passed to a method that expects a block) behavior that allows an object to be its own key in a collection default behavior for doubly-dispatched messages behavior for printing error messages and stack dumps It is important to note that not all objects in the system inherit this default behavior. It is entirely permissible to construct objects that do not inherit from the lobby, and the SELF world contains quite a few such objects. For example, the objects used to break a namespace into separate categories typically do not inherit from the lobby. Any program intended to operate on arbitrary objects, such as a debugger, must therefore assume that the objects it manipulates do not understand even the messages in defaultBehavior. Files: defaultBehavior.self, errorHandling.self
8.3 Mixins
Like traits objects, mixin objects encapsulate a bundle of shared behavior. Unlike traits objects, however, mixin objects are generally parentless to allow their behavior to be added to an object without necessarily also adding unwanted behavior (such as access to the lobby namespace). Mixins are generally used in objects that also have other parents and mixins are usually given the highest parent priority. Examples include mixins identity and mixins printing. 8.3.1 The Identity Mixin Two objects are usually tested for equality based on whether they have the same value within a common domain. For example, 3.0 = 3 within the domain of numbers, even though they are not the same object or even the same kind of object. In some domains, however, two objects are equal if and only if they are the exact same object. For example, even two process objects with the same
state are not considered equal unless they are identical. In such cases, identity comparison is used to implement equality tests, and mixins identity can be mixed in to get the desired behavior. File: identity.self 8.3.2 The Printing Mixin Objects that print should understand the four messages printString, printStringSize:, printStringDepth:, and printStringSize:Depth:. By default, an object implements only printString and inherits behavior for the other three messages (dened in terms of printString) from the lobby. However, objects that choose to implement printStringSize:Depth: can inherit from mixins printing to get behavior that denes the other three messages in terms of printStringSize:Depth:. File: printing.self
and can be evaluated by sending it the message value:With: to produce the sum of its arguments. Blocks are used to implement all control structures in SELF and allow the programmer to easily extend the system with customized control structures. In fact, all control stuctures in SELF except message sends, return, and VM error handling are implemented using blocks.
That is, when true is sent ifTrue:False:, it evaluate the rst block and ignores the second. For example, the following expression evaluates to the absolute value of x:
x < 0 ifTrue: [ x negate ] False: [ x ]
The booleans also dene behavior for the logical operations AND (&&), OR (||), EXCLUSIVE-OR (^^), and NOT (not). File: boolean.self
9.2 Loops
The various idioms for constructing loops in SELF are best illustrated by example. Here is an endless loop:
[ ... ] loop
Here are two loops that test for their termination condition at the beginning of the loop:
[ proceed ] [ quit ] whileTrue: [ ... ] whileFalse: [ ... ]
In each case, the block that receives the message repeatedly evaluates itself and, if the termination condition is not yet met, evaluates the argument block. The value returned by both loop expressions is nil. It is also possible to put the termination test at the end of the loop, ensuring that the loop body is executed at least once:
[ ... ] [ ... ] untilTrue: [ quit ] untilFalse: [ proceed ]
Here is a loop that exits from the middle when quit becomes true:
[| :exit | ... quit ifTrue: [ exit value ] ... ] loopExit
For the incurably curious: the parameter to the users block, supplied by the loopExit method, is simply a block that does a return from the loopExit method. Thus, the loop terminates when exit value is evaluated. The constructs loopExitValue, exit, and exitValue are implemented in a similar manner. If this implementation technique seems confusing, dont worry: you can safely use these constructs without understanding how they work.
The value returned by the overall [...] loopExit expression is nil. Here is a loop expression that exits and evaluates to a value determined by the programmer when quit becomes true:
[| :exit | ... quit ifTrue: [ exit value: expr ] ] loopExitValue
File: block.self
The rst expression evaluates to nil if the block exits early; the second allows the programmer to dene the expressions value when the block exits early. Be careful! It is easy to confuse these constructs with their looping counterparts loopExit and loopExitValue. File: block.self
number itself. traits integer denes behavior common to all integers such as even, odd, and factorial. There are four division operators for integers that allow the programmer to control how the result is truncated or rounded. Integers also include behavior for iterating through a subrange, including:
to:Do: to:By:Do: to:ByNegative:Do: upTo:Do: upTo:By:Do: downTo:Do: downTo:By:Do:
More interestingly, traits integer inherits from traits indexable, allowing a positive integer to behave like an ordered collection of integers in the interval [0...n-1]. This allows one to write elegant expressions such as:
10 mapBy: [| :x | x * x] "the first nine squares"
Relevant oddballs: infinity IEEE floating-point infinity minSmallInt smallest smallInt in this implementation maxSmallInt biggest smallInt in this implementation Files: number.self, oat.self, integer.self, smallInt.self, bigInt.self
Traits random denes the abstract behavior of random number generators. A random number generator can be used to generate random booleans, integers, oats, characters or strings. traits randomLC denes a concrete specialization based on a simple linear congruence algorithm. For convenience, the prototype for randomLC is random, not randomLC. Files: random.self
10.2 Time
clonable time
A time object represents a date and time (to the nearest millisecond) since midnight GMT on January 1, 1970. The current time can be queried, returning a new time object. One time can be sub-
tracted from another to produce a value in milliseconds. An offset in milliseconds can be added or subtracted from a time object to produce a new time object. However, it is an error to add two time objects together. Files: time.self
11 Collections
clonable collection ... collection hierarchy ...
Collections are containers that hold zero or more other objects. In SELF, collections behave as if they have a key associated with each value in the collection. Collections without an obvious key, such as lists, use each element as both key and value. Iterations over collections always pass both the value and the key of each element (in that order) to the iteration block. Since SELF blocks ignore extra arguments, this allows applications that dont care about keys to simply provide a block that takes only one argument. Collections have a rich protocol. Additions are made with at:Put:, or with add: or addAll: for implicitly keyed collections. Iteration can be done with do: or with variations that allows the programmer to specify special handling of the rst and/or last element. with:Do: allows pairwise itincludes:, occurrencesOf:, and eration through two collections. The findFirst:IfPresent:IfAbsent: messages test for the presence of particular values in the collection. filterBy:Into: creates a new collection including only those elements that satisfy a predicate block, while mapBy:Into: creates a new collection whose elements are the result of applying the argument block to each element of the original collection. Abstract collection behavior is dened in traits collection. Only a small handful of operations need be implemented to create a new type of collection; the rest can be inherited from traits collection. (See the descendantResponsibility slot of traits collection.) The following sections discuss various kinds of collection in more detail. Files: collection.self (abstract collection behavior)
Indexable collections allow random access to their elements via keys that are integers. All strings and vectors are indexable. The message at: is used to retrieve the ith element of an indexable collection while at:Put: is used to update the ith element of a mutableIndexable collection.
traits integer inherits from traits indexable, allowing a positive integer N to behave
like a collection of integers in the range [0..N-1] where the each element is its own key. Behavior for string operations is mixed into traits indexable to make string operations available on any indexable collection of characters. Files: indexable.self, abstractString.self, vector.self
A string is a vector whose elements are character objects. There are four kinds of concrete string: immutable strings, mutable strings, canonical strings, and characters. traits string denes the behavior shared by all strings. Mutable strings can be changed using the message at:Put:, which takes a character argument, or at:PutByte:, which takes an integer argument. An immutable string cannot be modied, but sending it the copyMutable message returns a mutable string containing the same characters. Canonical strings are registered in an table inside the virtual machine, like Symbol objects in Smalltalk or atoms in LISP. The VM guarantees that there is at most one canonical string for any given sequence of bytes, so two canonical strings are equal (have the same contents) if and only if they are identical (are the same object). This allows efcient equality checks between canonical strings. All message selectors and string literals are canonical strings, and some primitives require canonical strings as arguments. Sending canonicalize to any string returns the corresponding canonical string. Characters objects behave like immutable strings of length 1. There are 256 well-known character objects in the SELF universe. They are stored in a 256-element vector named ascii, with each character stored at the location corresponding to its ASCII value. Characters respond to the message asInteger by returning their ASCII value (that is, their index in ascii). The inverse of asInteger, asCharacter, can be sent to an integer between 0 and 255 to obtain the corresponding character object. Characters objects are printed surrounded by backquotes () to distinguish them from strings, which use regular quotes ().
A paragraph is a collection of strings, one for each line of the paragraph. Paragraphs are used by inspect: and the graphical user interface to format text for output to the user. Files: string.self, character.self, paragraph.self
There are two implementations of sets and dictionaries in the system. The one described in this section is based on hash tables. The one discussed in the following section is based on sorted binary trees.The hash table implementation has better performance over a wide range of conditions. (An unfortunate ordering of element addtions can cause the unbalanced trees used in the tree version to degenerate into an ordered lists, resulting in linear access times.) A set behaves like a mathematical set. It contains elements without duplication in no particular order. A dictionary implements a mapping from keys to values, where both keys and values are arbitrary objects. Dictionaries implement the usual collection behavior plus keyed access using at: and at:Put: and the dictionary-specic operations includesKey: and removeKey:. In order to store an object in a set or use it as a dictionary key, the object must understand the messages hash and =. This is because sets and dictionaries are implemented as hash tables. Files: setAndDictionary.self
duplicates, while the bag variant does not. Tree sets and bags allow both explicit and implicit keys (that is, adding elements can be done with either at:Put: or add:), where a tree set that uses explicit keys behaves like a dictionary. Sorting is done on explicit keys if present, values otherwise, and the objects sorted must be mutually comparable.
The implementation of trees uses dynamic inheritance to distinguish the differing behavior of empty and non-empty subtrees. The prototype treeSet represents an empty (sub)tree; when an element is added to it, its parent is switched from traits treeSet, which holds behavior for empty (sub)trees, to a new copy of treeSetNode, which represents a tree node holding an element. Thus, the treeSet object now behaves as a treeSetNode object, with right and left subtrees (initially copies of the empty subtree treeSet). Dynamic inheritance allows one object to behave modally without using clumsy if-tests throughout every method. One caveat: since these trees are not balanced, they can degenerate into lists if their elements are added in sorted order. However, a more complex tree data structure might obscure the main point of this implementation: to provide a canonical example of the use of dynamic inheritance. Files: tree.self
A list is an unkeyed, circular, doubly-linked list of objects. Additions and removals at either end are efcient, but removing an object in the middle is less so. A priorityQueue an unkeyed, unordered collection with the property that the element with the highest priority is always at the front of the queue. Priority queues are useful for sorting (heapsort) and scheduling. Files: list.self. priorityQueue.self
Two kinds of objects play supporting roles for collections. A listMaker object is created using the & operator (inherited from defaultBehavior), and represents a collection under construction. The & operator provides a concise syntax for constructing small collections. For example:
(1 & abc & x) asList
constructs a list containing an integer, a string, and the object x. A listMaker object is not itself a collection; it is converted into one using a conversion message such as asList, asVector, or asString.
A consVector represents the concatenation of two collections. It is usually created using the , operator, which collections inherit from traits collection. For example:
this , is , that
concatenates three strings together. The actual concatenation is done lazily for efciency. This optimization is mostly transparent, but in rare cases (e.g., in primitive wrappers) it may be necessary to explicitly convert the consVector into a normal collection. Files: listMaker.self, consVector.self
12 Pairs
pair point extent rectangle
Traits pair describes the general behavior for pairs of arithmetic quantities. A point is a pair of numbers representing a location on the cartesian plane. An extent is a pair of numbers representing a width and height. A rectangle is a pair of points representing the opposing corners of a rectangle whose sides are parallel with the x and y axes. Files: pairs.self, point.self, extent.self, rectangle.self
13 Mirrors
indexable mirror smallInt float vectorish vector byteVector cannonicalString mirror block method blockMethod activation deadActivation methodActivation blockMethodActivation process assignment slots
Mirrors allow programs to examine and manipulate objects. (Mirrors get their name from the fact that a program can use a mirror to examinethat is, reect uponitself.) A mirror on an object x is obtained by sending the message reflect: x to the lobby. The object x is called the mirrors reectee. A mirror behaves like a keyed collection whose keys are slot names and whose values are mirrors on the contents of slots of the reectee. A mirror can be queried to discover the number and names of the slots in its reectee, which slots are parent slots, and what priority a parent slot has. A mirror can be used to add and remove slots of its reectee. Iterating through a mirror enumerates objects representing slots of the reected object. A special iterator, fakeSlotsDo:, iterates through facets of the object that are not represented by actual slots. (Such facets are called fake slots). For example, a method mirror includes fake slots for the methods byte code and literal vectors and elements of vectors and byteVectors. There are fourteen kinds of mirrors, one for each kind of object known to the virtual machine: small integers, oats, canonical strings, object and byte vectors, mirrors, blocks, ordinary and block methods, ordinary and block method activations, processes, the assignment primitive, and ordinary objects (called slots because an ordinary object is just a set of slots). The prototypes for these mirrors are part of the initial Self world that exists before reading in any script les. The le init.self moves these prototypes to the mirrors subcategory of the prototypes category of the lobby namespace. Because mirrors is not a parent slot, the names of the mirror prototypes always include the mirrors prex. Files: mirror.self, slot.self, init.self, visibility.self
14 Messages
SELF allows messages to be manipulated as objects when convenient. For example, if an object fails to understand a message, the object is notied of the problem via a message whose arguments include the selector of the message that was not understood. While most objects inherit default behavior for handling this situation (by halting with an error), it is sometimes convenient for an object to handle the situation itself, perhaps be resending the message to some other object. Objects that do this are called transparent forwarders. An example is given in interceptor.self. A string has the basic ability to use itself as a message selectors using the messages sendTo: (normal message sends), resendTo: (resends), or sendTo:DelegatingTo: (delegated sends). Each of these messages has a number of variations based on the number of arguments the message has. For example, one would used sendTo:With:With: to send a message with at:Put: as the selector and two arguments. (Note: primitives such as _Print cannot be sent in the current system.) A selector, receiver, delegatee,methodHolder, and arguments can be bundled together in a message object. The message get sent went the message object receives the send message. Message objects are used to describe delayed actions, such as the actions that should occur just before or after a snapshot is read. They are also used as an argument to new process creation. Files: sending.self, message.self, selector.self, interceptor.self
16 Foreign Objects
clonable abstractProxy proxy fctProxy foreignFct foreignCode
The low level aspects of interfacing with code written in other languages (via C or C++ glue code) are described in the VM Reference manual. A number of objects in the SELF world are used to interface to foreign data objects and functions. These objects are found in the name spaces traits system foreign, prototypes system foreign, and oddballs system foreign. One difculty in interfacing between SELF and external data and functions is that references to foreign data and functions from within SELF can become obsolete when the SELF world is saved as a snapshot and then read in later, possibly on some other workstation. Using an obsolete reference (i.e., memory address) would be disasterous. Thus, SELF encapsulates such references within the special objects proxy (for data references) and fctProxy (for function references). Such objects are known collectively as proxies. A proxy object bundles some extra information along with the memory address of the referenced object and uses this extra information to detect (with high probability) any attempt to use an obsolete proxy. An obsolete proxy is called a dead proxy. To make it possible to rapidly develop foreign code, the virtual machine supports dynamic linking of this code. This makes it unnecessary to rebuild the virtual machine each time a small change is made to the foreign code. Dynamic linking facilities vary from platform to platform, but the SELF interface to the linking facilities is largely system independent. The SunOS dynamic link interface is dened in the sunLinker object. However, clients should always refer to the dynamic linking facilities by the name linker, which will be initialized to point the the dynamic linker interface appropriate for the current platform. The linker, proxy and fctProxy objects are rather lowlevel and have only limited functionality. For example, a fctProxy does not know which code le it is dependant on. The objects foreignFct and foreignCode establish a higher level and easier to use interface. A foreignCode object represents an object le (a le with executable code). It denes methods for loading
and unloading the object le it represents. A foreignFct object represents a foreign routine. It understands messages for calling the foreign routine and has associated with it a foreignCode object. The foreignFct and foreignCode objects cooperates with the linker, to ensure that object les are transparently loaded when necessary and that fctProxies depending on an object le are killed when the object le is unloaded etc. The foreignCodeDB object ensures that foreignCode objects are unique, given a path. It also allows for specifying initializers and nalizers on foreignCode objects. An initializer is a foreign routine that is called whenever the object le is loaded. Initializers take no arguments and do not return values. Typically the initialize global data structures. Finalizers are called when an object le is unloaded. Normal use of a foreign routine simply involves cloning a foreignFct object to represent the foreign routine. When cloning it, the name of the function and the path of the object le is specied. It is then not necessary to worry about proxy, fctProxy and linker objects etc. In fact, it is recommended not to send messages directly to these objects, since this may break the higher level invariants that foreignFct objects rely on. Relevant oddballs:
linker sunLinker foreignCodeDB
dynamic linker for current platform dynamic linker implementation for SunOS registry for foreignCode objects
Files: foreign.self
The oddball object unix provides access to selected Unix system calls. The most common calls are the le operations: create, open, close, read, write, lseek, unlink. openTCPHost:Port:IfFail: opens a TCP connection. The select call and the indirect system call are also supported (taking a variable number of integer, oat or byte vector arguments, the latter being passed as C pointers). unixFile provides a higher level interface to the Unix le operations. The oddball object tty implements terminal control facilities such as cursor positioning and highlighting. Relevant oddballs:
stdin, stdout, stderr tty
Other Objects
18 Other Objects
Here are some interesting oddball objects not discussed elsewhere:
codeCache compilerProfiling history memory monitor nil nullChar pathCache platforms preferences prompt
code cache control compiler profiling last n commands typed at prompt and their results garbage collection/scavenging system monitor (spy) control indicates an uninitialized value ASCII null ('\0') maps objects to paths; used for naming possible hardware platforms user configuration preferences interactive read-eval-print loop objects that model slot characteristics for mirrors
profiling, flatProfiling controls SELF code profiling publicSlot, privateSlot, undeclaredSlot scheduler snapshotAction thisHost times typeSizes ui vmProfiling zombies
SELF process scheduler actions to do before/after a snapshot describes the current host platform reports user, system, cpu, or real time bit/byte sizes for primitive types experimental graphical user interface virtual machine profiling recently dead processes, used for debugging
There are many other objects in the base SELF world, including: benchmarks tests programming support the Stanford benchmarks, Richards benchmark, and others a test suite that exercises much of the system support for global enumerations (e.g., finding all senders of a message), debugging, command interpretation, and profiling access to the Sun pixrect library for low-level graphics
Appendix E
Copying clone copy Comparing Equality = != hash == !== Ordered
shallow copy (for use within an object; clients should use copy) copy the receiver, possibly with embedded copies or initialization
equal not equal hash value identical (the same object; this is reective and should be avoided) not identical less than greater than less than or equal greater than or equal three way comparison three way comparison with failure
< > <= >= compare:IfLess:Equal:Greater: compare:IfLess:Equal:Greater:Incomparable: Numeric operations + * / /= /~ /+ /% absoluteValue inverse negate ceil oor truncate round asFloat asInteger double quadruple
add subtract multiply divide divide exactly (returns oat) divide and round to integer (tends to round up) divide and round up to integer divide and round down to integer mod absolute value multiplicative inverse additive inverse round towards positive innity round towards negative innity truncate towards zero round coerce to oat coerce to integer multiply by two multiply by four
half quarter min: max: mean: pred predecessor succ successor power: log: square squareRoot factorial bonacci sign even odd
divide by two divide by four minimum of receiver and argument maximum of receiver and argument mean of receiver and argument predecessor predecessor successor successor raise receiver to integer power logarithm of argument base receiver, rounded down to integer square square root factorial bonacci signum (-1, 0, 1) true if receiver is even true if receiver is odd
Bitwise operations (integers) && || ^^ complement << >> <+ +> and or xor bitwise complement logical left shift logical right shift arithmetic left shift arithmetic right shift
Logical operations (booleans) && || ^^ not Constructing @ @@ # ## & , Printing print printLine print object on stdout print object on stdout with trailing newline
point construction (receiver and argument are integers) extent (size) construction (receiver and argument are integers) rectangle construction (receiver and argument are points) rectangle construction (receiver is a point, argument is an extent) collection construction (result can be converted into collection) concatenation
printString printStringDepth: printStringSize: printStringSize:Depth: Control Block evaluation value[:{With:}] Selection ifTrue: ifFalse: ifTrue:False: ifFalse:True: Local exiting exit exitValue Basic looping loop loopExit loopExitValue Pre-test looping whileTrue whileFalse whileTrue: whileFalse: Post-test looping untilTrue: untilFalse: Iterators do: to:By:Do: to:Do: upTo:By:Do: upTo:Do: downTo:By:Do: downTo:Do:
return a string label return a string label with depth limitation request return a string label with number of characters limitation request return a string label with depth and size limitation request
evaluate a block, passing arguments evaluate argument if receiver is true evaluate argument if receiver is false evaluate rst arg if true, second arg if false evaluate rst arg if false, second arg if true exit block and return nil if blocks argument is evaluated exit block and return a value if blocks argument is evaluated repeat the block forever repeat the block until argument is evaluated; then exit and return nil repeat the block until argument is evaluated; then exit and return a value repeat the receiver until it evaluates to true repeat the receiver until it evaluates to false repeat the receiver and argument until receiver evaluates to true repeat the receiver and argument until receiver evaluates to false repeat the receiver and argument until argument evaluates to true repeat the receiver and argument until argument evaluates to false iterate, passing each element to the argument block iterate, with stepping iterate forward iterate forward, without last element, with stepping iterate forward, without last element reverse iterate, with stepping reverse iterate
Collections Sizing isEmpty size Adding add: addAll: at:Put: at:Put:IfAbsent: addFirst: addLast: copyAddAll: copyContaining: Removing remove: remove:IfAbsent: removeAll removeFirst removeLast removeAllOccurences: removeKey: removeKey:IfAbsent: copyRemoveAll Accessing rst last includes: occurrencesOf: ndFirst:IfPresent:IfAbsent: at: at:IfAbsent: includesKey: Iterating do: doFirst:Middle:Last:IfEmpty: doFirst:MiddleLast:IfEmpty: doFirstLast:Middle:IfEmpty: doFirstMiddle:Last:IfEmpty: reverseDo: with:Do: iterate, passing each element to argument block iterate, with special behavior for rst and last iterate, with special behavior for rst iterate, with special behavior for ends iterate, with special behavior for last iterate backwards through list co-iterate, passing corresponding elements to block return the rst element return the last element test if element is member of the collection return number of occurences of element in collection evaluate present block on rst element found satisfying criteria, absent block if no such element return element at the given key return element at the given key, evaluating block if absent test if collection contains a given key remove the given element remove the given element, evaluating block if absent remove all elements remove rst element from list remove last element from list remove all occurrences of this element from list remove element at the given key remove element at the given key, evaluating block if absent return an empty copy add argument element to collection receiver add all elements of argument to receiver add key-value pair add key-value pair, evaluating block if key is absent add element to head of list add element to tail of list return a copy containing the elements of both receiver and argument return a copy containing only the elements of the argument test if collection is empty return number of elements in collection
Reducing max mean min sum product reduceWith: reduceWith:IfEmpty: Transforming asByteVector asString asVector asList lterBy:Into: mapBy: mapBy:Into: Sorting sort copySorted copyReverseSorted copySortedBy: sortedDo: reverseSortedDo: sortedBy:Do: Indexable-specic rstKey lastKey loopFrom:Do: copyAddFirst: copyAddLast: copyFrom: copyFrom:UpTo: copyWithoutLast copySize: copySize:FillingWith: Timing realTime cpuTime userTime systemTime totalTime elapsed real time to execute a block cpu time to execute a block cpu time in user process to execute a block cpu time in system kernel to execute a block system + user time to execute a block return the rst key return the last key circularly iterate, starting from element n return a copy of this collection with element added to beginning return a copy of this collection with element added to end return a copy of this collection from element n return a copy of this collection from element n up to element m return a copy of this collection without the last element copy with size n copy with size n, lling in any extra elements with second arg sort receiver in place copy sorted in ascending order copy sorted in descending order copy sorted by custom sort criteria iterate in ascending order iterate in descending order iterate in order of custom sort criteria return a byte vector with same elements return a string with same elements return a vector with same elements return a list with the same elements add elements that satisfy lter block to a collection add result of evaluating map block with each element to this collection add result of evaluating map block with each element to a collection return maximum element return mean of elements return minimum element return sum of elements return product of elements evaluate reduction block with elements evaluate reduction block with elements, evaluating block if empty
Message Sending Sending (like Smalltalk perform; receiver is a string) sendTo:{With:} sendTo:WithArguments: sendTo:DelegatingTo:{With:} sendTo:DelegatingTo:WithArguments: resendTo:{With:} resendTo:WithArguments: Message object protocol send perform the send described by a message object receiver: set receiver selector: set selector methodHolder: set method holder delegatee: set delegatee of the message object arguments: set arguments (packaged in a vector) receiver:Selector: set receiver and selector receiver:Selector:Arguments: set receiver, selector, and arguments receiver:Selector:Type:Delegatee:MethodHolder:Arguments: set all components Reection (mirrors) reect: reectee nameAt: contentsAt: isAssignableAt: isParentAt: isArgumentAt: parentPriorityAt: slotAt: visibilityAt: returns a mirror on the argument returns the object the mirror receiver reects returns the name (a string) of slot n returns a mirror on the contents of slot n tests if slot n is an assignable slot tests if slot n is a parent slot tests if slot n is an argument slot returns the parent priority of slot n returns a slot object representing slot n returns a visibility object representing visibility of slot n send receiver string as a message indirect send with arguments in a vector indirect delegated send indirect delegated send with arg vector indirect resend indirect resend with arguments in a vector
System-wide Enumerations (messages sent to the oddball object browse) all[Limit:] returns a vector of mirrors on all objects in the system (up to the limit) referencesOf:[Limit:] returns a vector of mirrors on all objects referring to arg (up to the limit) referencesOfReectee:[Limit:] returns a vector of mirrors on all objects referring to arguments reectee (up to the limit); allows one to nd references to a method childrenOf:[Limit:] returns a vector of mirrors on all objects with a parent slot referring to the given object (up to the limit) implementorsOf:[Limit:] returns a vector of mirrors on objects with slots whose names match the given selector (up to the limit) sendersOf:[Limit:] returns a vector of mirrors on methods whose selectors match the given selector (up to the limit)
Debugging halt halt: error: warning: Memory garbageCollect scavenge force a full garbage collection force a scavenge halt the current process halt and print a message string halt, print an error message, and display the stack beep, print a warning message, and continue
Virtual Machine-Generated Errors undenedSelector:Type:Delegatee:MethodHolder:Arguments: lookup found no matching slot noPublicSelector:Type:Delegatee:MethodHolder:Arguments: lookup found a matching private slot, but no public one ambiguousSelector:Type:Delegatee:MethodHolder:Arguments: lookup found more than one matching slot missingParentSelector:Type:Delegatee:MethodHolder:Arguments: parent slot through which resend was delegated was not found performTypeErrorSelector:Type:Delegatee:MethodHolder:Arguments: rst argument to the _Perform primitive was not a canonical string mismatchedArgumentCountSelector:Type:Delegatee:MethodHolder:Arguments: number of args supplied to _Perform primitive does not match selector primitiveFailedError:Name: the named primitive failed with given error string Other system-triggered messages preRead postRead preWrite postWrite slot to evaluate before reading a snapshot slot to evaluate after reading a snapshot slot to evaluate before writing a snapshot slot to evaluate after writing a snapshot
SELF-Styled Programming
SELF-Styled Programming
avoid depending on object identity except as a hint, and use mirrors to make reflection explicit when it is necessary.
SELF-Styled Programming
In this case, the inline object is playing the role of a case statement. Another use of inline objects is to return multiple values from a method, as discussed in section 3.5. Yet another use of inline objects is to parameterize the behavior of some other object. For example, the predicate used to order objects in a priorityQueue can be specied using an inline object:
queue: priorityQueue copyRemoveAll. queue sorter: (| element: e1 Precedes: e2 = ( e1 > e2 ) |).
(A block cannot be used here because the current implementation of SELF does not support nonLIFO blocks, and the sorter object may outlive the method that creates it). There are undoubtedly other uses of inline objects. Inline objects do not generally inherit from the lobby.
SELF-Styled Programming
SELF-Styled Programming
Like other behavior that applies to all points, the method should be put in point traits. But what happens if printString is sent to the object traits point? The printString method is found but it fails when it attempts to send x and y to itself because these slots are only dened in point objects (not the traits point object). Of course there are many other messages dened in traits point that would also fail if they were sent to traits point rather than to a point object. The reason printing is a bigger problem is that it is useful to have a general object printing facility to be used during debugging and system exploration. To be as robust as possible, this printing facility should not send printString when it will fail. Unfortunately, it is difcult to tell when printString is likely to fail. Using reection, the facility can avoid sending printString to objects that do not dene printString. But that is not the case with traits point. The solution taken in this version of the system is to mark printable objects with a special slot name. The printing facility sends printString to the object only if the object contains a slot named thisObjectPrints. The slot must be in the object itself, not merely inherited. The existence of a thisObjectPrints slot in an object means that the object is prepared to print itself. The object agrees to provide behavior for four messages, printString, printStringSize:, printStringDepth:, and printStringSize:Depth:. The size and depth parameters allow the sender to specify the maximum length or recursive printing depth (e.g. for collections). An object that inherits from the lobby needs to implement only printString, since the lobby denes behavior for the other three messages in terms of printString. As an alternative, an object can implement only printStringSize:Depth: and inherit from mixins printing.
could be used to package the results of a text processing method into a single result object:
count = ( | r = (| p* = lobby. lines. words. characters |) ... | ... r: r copy. r lines: lCount. r words: wCount. r characters: cCount. r )
Note that the inline object prototype inherits copy from the lobby. If one omitted its parent slot p, one would have to send it the _Clone primitive to copy it. It is considered bad style, however, to send a primitive directly, rather than calling the primitives wrapper method.
The sender can extract the various return values from the result object by name. The second way is to pass in one block for each value to be returned. For example:
SELF-Styled Programming
Each block simply stores its argument into the a local variable for later use. The countLines:Words:Characters: method would evaluate each block with the appropriate value to be returned:
countLines: lb Words: wb Characters: cb = ( ... lb value: lineCount. wb value: wordCount. cb value: charCount. ...
rather than:
x >= 0 ifTrue: [ x ] False: [ x negate ]
Note, however, that SELF evaluates all arguments before sending a message. Thus, in the rst case x negate will be evaluated regardless of the value of x, even though that argument will not be used if x is nonnegative. In this case, it doesnt matter, but if x negate had side effects, or if it were very expensive, it would be better to use the second form. In a similar vein, blocks inherit default behavior that allows one to provide a block taking fewer arguments than expected. For example, the collection iteration message do: expects a block taking two arguments: a collection element and the key at which that element is stored. If one is only interested in the elements, not the keys, one can provide a block taking only one argument and the second block argument will simply be ignored. That is, you can write:
myCollection do: [| :el | el printLine]
instead of:
myCollection do: [| :el. :key | el printLine]
SELF-Styled Programming
To make it easier to avoid nil, the methods that create new vectors allow you to supply alternative to nil as the initial value for the new vectors elements (e.g., copySize:FillingWith:).
26 Hash and =
Sets and dictionaries are implemented using hash tables. In order for an object to be eligible for inclusion in a set or used as a key in a dictionary, it must implement both = and hash. (hash maps an object to a smallInt.) Further, hash must be implemented in such a way that for objects a and b, (a = b) implies (a hash = b hash). The behavior that sets disallow duplicates and dictionaries disallow multiple entries with the same key is dependent upon the correct implementation of hash for their elements and keys. Finally, the implementation of sets (and dictionaries) will only work, if the hash value of the objects in the set do not change while the objects are in the set (dictionary). This may complicate managing sets of mutable objects, since if the hash value depends on the mutable state, the objects can not be allowed to mutate while in the set. Of course, a trivial hash function would simply return a constant regardless of the contents of the object. However, for good hash table performance, the hash function should map different objects to different values, ideally distributing possible object values as uniformly as possible across the range of small integers.
SELF-Styled Programming
It is actually not possible to guarantee that two objects different are indistinguishable, since reection can be used to change one of the objects so that it behaves differently. Thus, == is dened to mean identity by default. Mirrors, however, override this default behavior; (m1 == m2) if (m1 reflectee _Eq: m2 reflectee). This makes it appear that there is at most one mirror object for each object in the system. This illusion would break down, however, if one added mutable state to mirror objects.
System-triggered messages
28 System-triggered messages
Certain events cause the system to automatically send a message to the lobby. The message printIt is sent to the lobby after a full expression has been entered at the prompt. Reading and writing snapshots also trigger messages to be sent to the lobby. Before reading a snapshot, the message snapshotAction preRead is sent; after reading the snapshot, the message snapshotAction postRead is sent. Similarly, the messages snapshotAction preWrite and snapshotAction postWrite are sent surrounding the writing of a snapshot. These messages allow the SELF world to cleanup and reinitialize itselffor example, to open or close les. The following table summarizes the system-triggered messages described above. There are other situations in which the system sends messages; see section 29.
Table 1 Some system-triggered messages
Message printIt snapshotAction preRead snapshotAction postRead snapshotAction preWrite snapshotAction postWrite Trigger event After a full expression has been parsed at the prompt and inserted into the doIt slot in the lobby. Upon invocation of _ReadSnapshot, before the snapshot is read. Upon invocation of _ReadSnapshot, after the snapshot is read. Upon invocation of _WriteSnapshot, before the snapshot is written. Upon invocation of _WriteSnapshot, after the snapshot is written.
The system will also abort your program and display a stack trace if it runs out of stack space (too much recursion) or if a block is invoked whose lexically-enclosing scope has already returned. Since these errors are non-recoverable they cannot be caught by the same Self process.
0 (integers) ^ parent* 0.0 (oats) ^ parent* ( strings) ^ parent* [ ] (blocks) ^ parent* ^ value[:{With:}]
( string) parent ^ parent* [ ] (block) parent ^ parent* block method lobby lobby
Objects in systemObjects nil true false objVector byteVector proxy fctProxy objVector parent
byteVector parent mirrors integers 0 parent oats 0.0 parent canonical strings parent blocks
Similar to objVector parent: the byteVector traits object. See below. Integers have one slot, a parent slot called parent. All integers have the same parent: see 0 parent, below. All integers share this parent, the integer traits object. Floats have one slot, a parent slot called parent. All oats have the same parent: see 0.0 parent, below. All oats share this parent, the oat traits object. In addition to a byte vector part, a canonical string has one slot, parent, a parent slot containing the same object for all canonical strings (see parent below). All canonical strings share this parent, the string traits object. Blocks have two slots: parent, a parent slot containing the same object for all blocks (see [] parent, below), and value (or value:, or value:With:, etc., depending on the number of arguments the block takes) which contains the blocks deferred method. All blocks share this parent, the block traits object. All of the prototypical mirrors consist of one slot, a parent slot named parent. Each of these parent slots points to an empty object (denoted in Figure 5 by ( )). See Table 16 for a discussion of mirrors and their reectees.
smiMirror oatMirror stringMirror processMirror byteVectorMirror objVectorMirror assignmentMirror mirrorMirror slotsMirror blockMirror methodMirror blockMethodMirror
Prototypical mirror on a small integer; the reectee is 0. Prototypical mirror on a oat; the reectee is 0.0. Prototypical mirror on a canonical string; the reectee is the empty canonical string (). Prototypical mirror on a process; the reectee is the initial process. Prototypical mirror on a byte vector; the reectee is the prototypical byte vector. Prototypical mirror on object vectors; the reectee is the prototypical object vector. Mirror on the assignment primitive; the actual reectee is an empty object. Prototypical mirror on a mirror; the reectee is slotsMirror. Prototypical mirror on a plain object without code; the reectee is an empty object. Prototypical mirror on a block. Prototypical mirror on a normal method. Prototypical mirror on a block method.
methodActivationMirror Prototypical mirror on a method activation. blockMethodActivationMirror Prototypical mirror on a block activation.
Option primitives
31 Option primitives
Option primitives control various aspects of the SELF system and its inner workings. Many of them are used to debug or instrument the SELF system and are probably of little interest to users. The options most useful for users are listed in Table 3; other option primitives can be found in Appendix H, and a list of all option primitives and their current settings can be printed with the primitive _PrintOptionPrimitives.
Table 3 Some useful option primitives
Name _PrintPeriod[:]
Description Print a period when reading a script le with _RunScript. Default: false. Print the le name when reading a script le. Default: false. Print a message at every scavenge. Default: false. Print a message at every full garbage collection. Default: false. Start the system monitor (see Appendix G for details). Default: false. Controls the number of stack frames printed by _PrintProcessStack. Default: 20. Controls the number of vector elements printed by _Print. Default: 20. Controls the number of object references remembered by the system. Default: 1000. The default directory for script les. Save compiled code in snapshot les (this signicantly increases the size of snapshots). Default: false. Species which compiler to use to create the initial compiled version of a method. The argument is a string, currently either nic (the default) or new. Species which compiler to use to recompile methods. Currently, valid arguments are nic, new (the default), and none. See also Table 22 on page 107.
_PrintScriptName[:] _PrintScavenge[:] _PrintGC[:] _Spy[:] _StackPrintLimit[:] _VectorPrintLimit[:] _NumObjectIDs[:] _SourceDir[:] _SnapshotCode[:] _FirstCompiler[:] _Recompiler[:]
Each option primitive controls a variable within the virtual machine containing a boolean, integer, or string (in fact, the option primitives can be thought of as primitive variables). Invoking the version of the primitive that doesnt take an argument returns the current setting; invoking it with an argument sets the variable to the new value and returns the old value. If you are at the console of your workstation, try running the system monitor with _Spy: true. The system monitor will continuously display various information about the systems activities and your memory usage.
Caution: the system monitor always writes to /dev/fb, the default frame buffer which usually is the workstations console. If you run SELF on another machine (e.g. via rlogin), the system monitor will write to the screen of the remote machine, not your own screen.
The bracketed colon indicates that the argument is optional (i.e., there are two versions of the primitive, one taking an argument and one not taking an argument). The bracket is not part of the primitive name. See text for details. Formerly called _HirsoryNumber[:]
The le _glueDefs.c.incl includes a bunch of C++ header les that contain all the denitions necessary for the glue. Of the included les, glueDefs.h is probably the most interesting in this context. It denes the glue language and also contains some comments explaining it. Since different foreign languages have different type systems and calling conventions the glue language is actually not a single language, but one for each supported foreign language. Presently C and C++ are supported. Section 32.5 describes C glue and section 32.6 describes C++ glue.
Note that many libraries are already included in the SELF virtual machine (e.g. libc.a) and hence should not be added to the dynamic library.
the compilation is straight forward a couple of issues concerning the linking needs to be explained and motivated. Linking. Before a foreign routine can be called it must be linked to the SELF virtual machine. The linking can be done either statically, i.e. before SELF is started, or dynamically, i.e. while SELF is running. The SELF system employs dynamic linking. The choice between dynamic and static linking involves a trade-off between safety and exibility as outlined in the following. Dynamic linking has the advantage that it is done on demand, so only foreign routines that are actually used in a particular session will be loaded and take up space. Debugging foreign routines is also easier, especially if the dynamic linker supports unlinking. The main disadvantages with dynamic linking is that more things can go wrong at run time. For example, if an object le containing a foreign routine can not be found, a run time error occurs. The Sun OS dynamic linker,, only handles dynamic libraries which explains why the second stage of glue translation is necessary. Static linking, the alternative that was not chosen for SELF, has the advantage that it needs to be done only once. The statically linked-in les will then be available for ever after. The main disadvantages are that the linked-in les will always take up space whether used or not in a given SELF session, that the VM must be completely relinked every time new code is added, and that debugging is harder because there is no way to unlink code with bugs in. For these reason the following examples all use dynamic linking.
If you try this example, be sure to type in all the "double" commas - they are necessary because of technical details with C++ macros.
A few words of explanation: the last three lines of this le contain the glue code. First dening WHAT_GLUE to be FUNCTIONS, makes the following line expand into a full wrapper function (dening WHAT_GLUE to be PROTOTYPES instead, will cause the C_func_2 line to produce a function prototype only). The line containing the macro C_func_2 is the actual wrapper for encrypt. The 2 designates that encrypt takes 2 arguments. The meaning of the arguments, from left to right are: string,: specifies that encrypt returns a string argument. encrypt: name of function we are constructing wrapper for. encrypt_glue: name that we want the wrapper functions to have. string,: specifies that the first argument to encrypt is a string. int,: specifies that the second argument to encrypt is an int. Having written this le, we now compile it with the Unix command gluecc encrypt.c. The resulting le, encrypt.o can be transformed into a shared object with the command glueld encrypt.o (no other les are needed in this simple example). Finally, to try it out, we can - at the SELF prompt - type these commands:
> _AddSlotsIfAbsent: ( | encrypt | ) lobby > encrypt: ( foreignFct copyName: encrypt_glue Language: C++ Path: ) lobby > encrypt <C++ function(encrypt_glue)> > encrypt value: Hello Self With: 3 Khoor#Vhoi > encrypt value: Khoor#Vhoi With: -3 Hello Self
Comparing the signature for the function encrypt with the arguments to the C_func_2 macro it is clear that there is a straightforward mapping between the two. One day we hope to nd the time to write a SELF program that can parse a C or C++ header le and generate glue code corresponding to the denitions in it. In the meantime, glue code must be hand-written.
32.5 C glue
C glue supports accessing C functions and data from SELF. There are three main parts of C glue: Calling functions. Reading/assigning global variables. Reading/assigning a component in a struct that is represented by a proxy object in SELF.
In addition, C++ glue for creating objects can be used to create C structs (see section 32.6). The following sections describe each of these parts of C glue. 32.5.1 Calling C functions The macro C_func_N where N is 0, 1, 2, ... is used to glue in a C function. The number N denotes the number of arguments that should be given at the SELF level, when calling the function. This number may be different from the number of arguments that the C function takes since, e.g., some argument conversions (see below) produce two C arguments from one SELF object. Here is the general syntax for C_func_N:
C_func_N(res_cnv,res_aux, fexp, gfname, fail_opt, c0,a0, ... cN,aN)
Compare this with the glue that was used in the encrypt example in section 32.4:
C_func_2(string,, encrypt, encrypt_glue,, string,, int,)
The meaning of each argument to C_func_N is as follows: res_cnv,res_aux: these two arguments form a conversion pair that specifies how the result that the function returns is converted to a SELF object. In the encrypt example, where the function returns a null terminated string, res_cnv has the value string, and res_aux is empty. Table 4 lists all the possible values for the res_cnv,res_aux pair. fexp is a C expression which evaluates to the function that is being glued in. In the simplest case, such as in the encrypt example, the expression is the name of a function, but in general it may be any C expression, involving function pointers etc., which in a global context evaluates to a function. gfname: the name of the function which the C_func_N macro expands into. In the encrypt example, the convention of appending _glue to the C functions name was used. When accessing a glued in function from SELF, the value of gfname is the name that must be used. fail_opt: there are two possible values for this argument. It can be empty (as in the example) or it can be fail. In the latter case, the C function being called, is passed an additional argument that will be the last argument and have type void *. Using this argument, the C function may abort its execution and raise an exception. The result is that the IfFail block in SELF will be invoked. ci,ai: each of these pairs describes how to convert a SELF level argument to one or more C level arguments. For example, in the glue for encrypt, c0,a0 specifies that the first argument to encrypt is a string. Likewise c1,a1 specifies that the second argument is an integer. Note that in both these cases, the a-part of the conversion is empty. Table 4 lists all the possible values for the ci,ai pair. Handling failures. Here is a slight modication of the encryption example to illustrate how the C function can raise an exception that causes the IfFail block to be invoked at the SELF level:
The any conversion is the lone exception: it takes two SELF objects and produces one C argument.
/* Make glue available by including it. */ # include "...some_path.../_glueDefs.c.incl" /* Naive encryption function. */ char *encrypt(char *str, int key, void *FH) { static char res[1000]; int i = 0; if (key == 0) { failure(FH, "key == 0 is identity map"); return NULL; } while (str[i]) res[i] = str[i++] + key; res[i] = \0; return res; } /* Make glue expand to full functions, not just prototypes. */ # define WHAT_GLUE FUNCTIONS C_func_2f(string,, encrypt, encrypt_glue, fail, string,, int,) # undef WHAT_GLUE
Observe that the fail_opt argument now has the value fail and that the encrypt function raises an exception, using failure, if the key is 0. There are two ways to raise exceptions:
extern "C" void failure(void *FH, char *msg); extern "C" void unix_failure(void *FH, int err = -1);
In both cases, the FH argument is the failure handle that was passed by the C_func_N macro. The second argument to failure is a string. It will be passed to the IfFail block in SELF. unix_failure takes an optional integer as its second argument. If this integer has the value -1, or is missing, the value of errno is used instead. The integer is interpreted as a Unix error number, from which a corresponding string is constructed. The string is then, as for failure, passed to the IfFail block at the call site in SELF. A word of warning: after calling failure or unix_failure a normal return must be done. The value returned (in the example NULL) is ignored. 32.5.2 Reading and assigning global variables Reading the value of a global variable is done using the C_get_var macro. Assigning a value to a global varibale is done using C_set_var. Both macros expand into a C++ function that converts between SELF and C representation, and reads or assigns the variable. Here is the general syntax:
C_get_var(cnvt_res,aux_res, expr, gfname) C_set_var(var, expr_c0,expr_a0, gfname)
A concrete example is reading the value of the variable errno, which can be done using:
C_get_var(int,, errno, get_errno_glue)
The meaning of the each argument is: cnvt_res,aux_res: how to convert the value of the global variable that is being read to a SELF object. In the errno example, cnvt_res is int and aux_res is empty, since the type of errno is int. The cnvt_res,aux_res can be any one of the result conversions found in Table 4. expr is the variable whose value is being read. In the errno example, it is simply errno, but in general, it may actually be any expression that is valid in a global context, even an expression involving function calls. gfname: the name of the C++ function that C_get_var or C_set_var expands into. var is the name of a global variable that a value is assigned to. In general, var, may be any expression that in a global context evaluates to an l-value. expr_c0,expr_a0: when assigning to a variable, the value it is assigned is obtained by converting a SELF object to a C value. The expr_c0,expr_a0 pair, which can be any one of the argument conversions listed in Table 4, specifies how to do this conversion. 32.5.3 Reading and assigning struct components Reading the value of a struct component or assigning a value to it is similar to doing the same operations on a global variable. The difference is that the struct must somehow be specied. This is taken care of by the macros C_get_comp and C_set_comp. The general syntax is:
C_get_comp(cnvt_res,aux_res, cnvt_strc,aux_strc, comp, gfname) C_set_comp(cnvt_strc,aux_strc, comp, expr_c0,expr_a0, gfname)
Here is an example, assigning to the sin_port eld of a struct sockaddr_in (this struct is dened in /usr/include/netinet/in.h). The struct is represented by a proxy object:
char *socks = "type seal for sockaddr_in proxies"; C_set_somp(proxy,(sockaddr_in *,socks), .sin_port, short,, set_sin_port_glue)
The sockaddr_in example denes a function, set_sin_port_glue, which can be called from SELF. The function takes two arguments, the rst being a proxy representing a sockaddr_in struct, the second being an integer. After converting types, set_sin_port_glue performs the assignement
(*first_converted_arg).sin_port = second_converted_arg.
In general the meaning of the C_get_comp and C_set_comp arguments is: cnvt_res,aux_res: how to convert the value of the component that is being read to a SELF object. Any of the result conversions found in Table 4 may be applied.
cnvt_strc,aux_strc: the conversion that is applied to produce a struct upon which the operation is performed. In the sin_port example, this conversion is a proxy conversion, implying that in SELF, the struct whose sin_port component is assigned, is represented by a proxy object. In general, any of the argument conversions from Table 4 that results in a pointer, may be used. comp is the name of the component to be read or assigned. In the sin_port example, this name is .sin_port. Note that it includes a .. This, e.g., allows handling pointers to ints by pretending that it is a pointer to a struct and operating on a component with an empty name. gfname: the name of the C++ function that C_get_comp or C_set_comp expands into. expr_co,expr_a0: when assigning to a component, the value it is assigned is obtained by converting a SELF object to a C value. The expr_co,expr_a0 pair, which can be any one of the argument conversions listed in Table 4, specifies how to do this conversion.
For example, to construct a sockaddr_in object, the following glue statement could be used:
CC_new_0(proxy,(sockaddr_in *,socks), sockaddr_in, new_sockaddr_in)
The meaning of the CC_new_N arguments is as follows: cnvt_res,aux_res: the result of calling the constructor is an object pointer. The result conversion pair cnvt_res,aux_res (cf. Table 4), specifies how this pointer is converted to a SELF object before being returned. In the sockaddr example, the proxy result conversion is used.
sockaddr_in is actually not a C++ class, but a C struct. However, C++ treats structs and classes the same.
class is the name of the class (or struct) that is being instantiated. gfname: the name of the C++ function that the CC_new_N macro expands into. ci,ai: if the constructor takes arguments, these arguments must be converted from SELF representation to C++ representation. The arguments conversion pairs ci,ai specify how each argument is converted. See Table 4 for a description of all argument conversions. In the sockaddr example, there are no arguments. 32.6.2 Deleting objects C++ objects can have destructors that are executed when the objects are deleted. To ensure that the destructor is called properly, the delete operator must know the type of the object being deleted. This is ensured by using the CC_delete macro, which has the following form:
CC_delete(cnvt_obj,aux_obj, gfname)
For example, to delete sockaddr_in objects (constructed as in the previous section), the CC_delete macro should be used in this manner:
CC_delete(proxy,(sockaddr_in *,socks), delete_sockaddr_in)
In general, the meaning of the arguments given to CC_delete is: cnvt_obj,aux_obj: this pair can be any of the argument conversions found in Table 4 that produces a pointer - a pointer to the object that will be deleted. gfname: the name of the C++ function that this invocation of CC_delete expands into. 32.6.3 Calling member functions Calling member functions is similar to calling plain functions, so please also refer to section 32.5.1. The difference is that an additional object must be specied: the object upon which the member function is invoked (the receiver in SELF terms). Calling a member function is accomplished using one of the macros
CC_mber_N(cnvt_res,aux_res, cnvt_rec,aux_rec, mname, gfname, fail_opt, c0,a0, c1,a1, ..., cN,aN)
For example here is how to call the member function zock on a sockaddr_in object given by a proxy:
CC_mber_N(bool,, proxy,(sockaddr_in *,socks), zock, zock_glue,)
The arguments to CC_mber_N are: cnvt_res,aux_res: this pair, which can be any of the result conversions from Table 4, specifies how to convert the result of the member function before returning it to SELF. For example, the zock member function returns a boolean.
cnvt_rec,aux_rec: the object on which the member function is invoked, is obtained using this argument conversion. Often this will be a proxy conversion as in the zock example. mname is the name of the member function. In general, it may be any expression, such that receiver->mname evaluates to a function. gfname is the name of the C++ function that the CC_mber_N macro expands into. fail_opt: whether or not to pass a failure handle to the member function (refer to section 32.5.1 for details). ci,ai: these are argument conversion pairs specifying how to obtain the arguments for the member function. Any conversion pair found in Table 4 may be used.
The any conversion is the only conversion that has more than one incoming object.
Second part
SELF type
boolean integer integer integer
C/C++ type
int, 0 or 1 char signed char unsigned char
badTypeError badTypeError overowError badTypeError overowError badSignError badTypeError overowError badTypeError overowError badTypeError overowError badSignError badTypeError overowError badTypeError badTypeError badSignError badTypeError badTypeError badTypeError badSignError badTypeError badSignError badTypeError badTypeError badTypeError badTypeError badTypeError badSizeError badTypeError badTypeError 2 2 3 3 3 4 4, 5 4, 6 1
int signed_int unsigned_int long signed_long unsigned_long smi unsigned_smi oat double long_double bv bv_len bv_null ptr_type ptr_type ptr_type
integer integer integer integer integer integer integer integer oat oat oat byte vector byte vector byte vector/0
int signed int unsigned int long signed long unsigned long smi smi oat double long double ptr_type ptr_type, int ptr_type
Second part
ptr_type ptr_type ptr_type ptr_type ptr_type
SELF type
byte vector/0 byte vector byte vector byte vector/0 byte vector/0 byte vector byte vector byte vector/0 byte vector/0 proxy
C/C++ type
ptr_type, int ptr_type ptr_type, int ptr_type ptr_type, int char * char *, int char * char *, int ptr_type, != NULL
badSizeError badTypeError badTypeError badSizeError badTypeError badTypeError badSizeError badTypeError badTypeError nullCharError badTypeError nullCharErrorj badTypeError nullCharErrorj badTypeError nullCharErrorj badTypeError badTypeSealError deadProxyError, nullPointerError badTypeError badTypeSealError deadProxyError
4, 5, 6 7 7 7 7 8 5, 8 6, 8 5, 6, 8 9
(ptr_type, type_seal)
10 11 12
1. The C type char has a system dependent range. Either 0..255 or -128..127. 2. The type smi is used internally in the virtual machine (a 30 bit integer). 3. Presicion may be lost in the conversion. 4. The second part of the conversion is a C pointer type. The address of the rst byte in the byte vector, cast to this pointer type, is passed to the foreign routine. It is the responsibility of the foreign routine not to go past the end of the byte vector. The foreign routine should not retain pointers into the byte vector after the call has terminated. Note: canonical strings can not be passed through a bv conversion (badTypeError will result). This is so to guarantee that they are not accidentally modied by a foreign function.
5. This conversion passes two values to the foreign routine: a pointer to the rst byte in the byte vector, and an integer which is the length of the byte vector divided by sizeof(*ptr_type). If the size of the byte vector is not a multiple of sizeof(*ptr_type), badSizeError results. 6. In addition to accepting a byte vector, this conversion accepts the integer 0, in which case a NULL pointer is passed to the foreign routine. 7. The cbv conversions are like the bv conversions except that canonical strings are allowed as actual arguments. A cbv conversion should only be used if it is guaranteed that the foreign routine does not modify the bytes it gets a pointer to. 8. All the string conversions take an incoming byte vector, copy the bytes part, add a trailing null char, and pass a pointer to this copy to the foreign routine. After the call has terminated, the copy is discarded. If the byte vector contains a null char, nullCharError results. 9. The type_seal is an int or char * expression that is tested against the type seal value in the proxy.If the two are different, badTypeSealError results. The special value ANY_SEAL will match the type seal in any proxy. Note that the proxy conversion will fail with nullPointerError, if the proxy object it is given, encapsulates a NULL pointer. 10. The any_oop conversion is an escape: it passes the SELF object unchanged to the foreign routine. 11. The oop conversion is mainly intended for internal use. The second argument is the name of an oop subtype. After checking that the incoming argument points to an instance of the subtype, the pointer is cast to the subtype. 12. The any conversion is different from all other conversions in that it expects two incoming SELF objects. The actions of the conversion depends on the type of the rst object in the following way. If the rst object is an integer, the second argument must also be an integer; the two integers are converted to C ints, the second is shifted 16 bits to the left and they are ored together to produce the result. If the rst object is a oat, it is converted to a C float and the second object is ignored. If the rst object is a proxy, the result is the pointer represented by the proxy, and the second argument is ignored. If the rst object is a byte vector, the second object must be an integer which is interpreted as an index into the byte vector; the result is a pointer to the indexed byte. 32.7.2 Result conversions - from C/C++ to SELF A result conversion is given a C or C++ value of a certain type and performs these actions to produce a corresponding SELF object: check that the C/C++ value can be converted to a SELF object with no overflow or other error occurring. If not, report the error. do the conversion, i.e. construct the SELF object corresponding to the given C/C++ value. Table 5 lists all the available result conversions. Each row represents one conversion, with the rst two columns designating the conversion pair. The third column lists the type of C or C++ value that the conversion pair accepts. The fourth column lists the type of SELF object the conversion produces. The fth column lists the kind of errors that can occur during the conversion. Finally, the sixth column contains references to numbered notes. The notes are found in the paragraphs following the table.
Second part
C/C++ type
void int char signed char unsigned char short signed short unsigned short int signed int unsigned int long signed long unsigned long smi int oat double long double char * ptr_type ptr_type ptr_type
SELF type
integer, 0 boolean integer integer integer integer integer integer integer integer integer integer integer integer integer int oat oat oat byte vector proxy proxy proxy
overowError overowError overowError overowError overowError overowError overowError a unix error 13 14 14 14 nullPointerError nullPointerError 15 15, 16, 20 16, 20 a unix error 16, 17, 20
15, 18, 20
Second part
(ptr_type, type_seal, arg_count)
C/C++ type
SELF type
18, 20
corr. object
19, 20
13. This conversion returns an integer value, unless the integer has the value n (the second part of the conversion; often -1). If the integer is n, the conversion interpretes the return value as a Unix error indicator. It then constructs a string describing the error (by looking at errno) and invokes the IfFail block with this string. 14. Precision may be lost. 15. This conversion fails with nullPointerError if attempting to convert a NULL pointer. 16. The ptr_type is the C/C++ type of the pointer. The type_seal is an expression of type int or char *.The conversion constructs a new proxy object, stores the C/C++ pointer in it and sets its type seal to be the value of type_seal. 17. If the pointer is n (often n is NULL), the conversion fails with a Unix error, similar to the way int_or_errno may fail. 18. The fct_proxy, fct_proxy_null and fct_proxy_or_errno conversions are similar to the corresponding proxy conversions. The difference is that they produce a fctProxy object rather than a proxy object. Also, their second part is a triple rather than a pair. The extra component species how many arguments the function takes, if called. The special keyword unknownNoOfArgs or any non-negative integer expression can be used here. 19. This conversion is an escape: it passes the C value unchanged to SELF. It is an error to use it if the C value is not an oop. 20. The proxy (fctProxy) object that is returned by these conversions is not being created by the glue code. Rather a proxy (fctProxy) must be passed down from the SELF level. This proxy (fctProxy), a result proxy, will then be side effected by the glue: the value that the foreign function returns will be stored in the result proxy together with the requested type seal. It is required that the result proxy is dead when passed down (else a liveProxyError results). After being side-effected and returned, the result proxy is live. The result proxy is the last argument of the function that the glue macro expands to.
The example used is an application that allows SELF expressions to be easily evaluated by nonSELF processes. Having this, it then becomes possible to start SELF processes from a UNIX prompt (shell) or to specify pipe lines in which some of the processes are SELF processes. For example in
proto% cat someFile | tokenize | sort -r | capitalize | tee lst
it may be the case that the lters tokenize and capitalize perform most of their work in SELF. Likewise, the command
proto% mail
may invoke some fancy mail reader written in SELF rather than /usr/ucb/mail. To see how the above can be accomplished, please refer to Figure 5 below. The left side of the gure shows the external view of a typical UNIX process. It has two les: stdin and stdout (for simplicity we ignore stderr). Stdin is often connected to the keyboard so that characters typed here can be read from the le stdin. Likewise, stdout is typically connected to the console so that the process can display output by writing it to the le stdout. Stdin and stdout can also be connected to regular les, if the process was started with redirection. The right side of Figure 5 shows a two stage pipe line. Here stdout of the rst process is connected to stdin of the second process.
wc ls wc
Figure 5. A single UNIX process and an pipe line Figure 5 illustrates a simple trick that in many situations allows SELF processes to behave as if they are full-edged UNIX processes. A SELF process is represented by a real UNIX process which transparently communicates with the SELF process over a pair of connected sockets. The communication is bi-directional: input to the UNIX process is relayed to the SELF process over the socket connection, and output produced by the SELF process is sent over the same socket connection to the UNIX process which relays it to stdout. The right part of Figure 5 shows how the UNIX/ SELF process pair can t seamlessly into a pipe line.
Figure 6. A SELF process and how it ts into a pipe line Source code that facilitates setting up such UNIX/SELF process pairs is included in the SELF distribution. The source consists of two parts: one being a SELF program (called server), the other being a C++ program (called toself). When the server is started, it creates a socket, binds a name to it and then listens for connections on it. toself establishes connections to the server program. The rst line that is transmitted when a connection has been set up goes from toself to the server. The line contains a SELF expression. Upon receiving it, the server forks a new process to evaluate the expression in the context of the lobby augemented with a slot, stdio, that contains a unixFile-like object that represents the socket connection. When the forked process terminates, the socket connection is shut down. The toself UNIX process then terminates. The SELF expression that forms the SELF process is specied on the command ine when toself is started. For esxample, if the server has been started, the following can be typed at the UNIX prompt:
proto% toself stdio writeLine: 5 factorial printString 120 proto% echo something | toself capitalize: stdio SOMETHING proto% toself capitalize: stdio Write some text that goes to stdin of the toself program WRITE SOME TEXT THAT GOES TO STDIN OF THE TOSELF PROGRAM More text MORE TEXT ^D proto%
If you want to try out these examples, locate the les server.self, and toself. The path name of the le is hardwired in the le server.self so please make sure that it has been set correctly for your system. Then le in the world and type server start & at the SELF prompt. Now you can go back to the UNIX prompt and try out the examples shown above.
32.8.1 Outline of toself toself is a small C++ program found in the le toself.c. It operates in the three phases outlined above: 1. Try to connect to a wellknown port number on a given machine (the function establishConnection does this). 2. Send the command line arguments over the connection established in 1 (the safeWrite call in main does this). 3. While there is more input and the SELF process has not shut down the socket connection, relay from stdin to the socket connection and from the socket connection to stdout (the function relay does this). 32.8.2 Outline of server The server is a SELF program. It is found in the le server.self. When the server is started, the follwoing happens: 1. Create a socket, bind a name to it and start listening. 2. Loop: accept a connection and fork a new process (both step 1 and 2 are performed by the method server start). The forked process executes the method server handleRequest which: a. Reads a line from the connection. b. Sets up a context with a slot stdio referring to the connection. c. Evaluates the line read in step a in this context. d. Closes the connection. 32.8.3 Foreign functions and glue needed to implement server The server program needs to do a number of UNIX calls to create sockets and bind names to them etc. The calls needed are socket, bind, listen, accept and shutdown. The rst three of these are only called in a xed sequence, so to make things easier, a small C++ function socket_bind_listen, that bundles them up in the right sequence, has been written. The accept function is more general than what is needed for this application, so a wrapper function, simple_accept, has been written. The result is that the server needs to call only three foreign functions: socket_bind_listen, simple_accept and shutdown. Glue for these three functions and the source for the rst two is found in the le socks.c. This le is compiled using gluecc and linked using glueld (see Makele). The result is a shared object le, 32.8.4 Use of foreign functions in server.self The server program is implemented using foreignFct objects. There is only a few lines of code directly involved in setting this up. First the foreignFct prototype is cloned to obtain a local prototype, called socksFct, which contains the path for the le. socksFct is then
cloned each time a foreignFct object for a function dened in is needed. For example, in traits socket, the following method is found:
^ copyPort: portNumber = ( "Create a socket, do bind, then listen." | sbl = socksFct copyName: socket_bind_listen_glue. | sbl value: portNumber With: deadCopy. ).
This method copies a socket object and returns the copy. The local slot sbl is initialized to a foreignFct object. The body of the method simply sends value:With: to the foreignFct object. The rst argument is the port number to request for the socket, the second argument is a deadCopy of self (socket objects are proxies and socket_bind_listen returns a proxy, so it must be passed a dead proxy to revive and store the result in, cf. section 32.1). There are only three uses of foreignFct objects in the server and in all three cases, the foreignFct object is encapsulated in a method as illustrated above. In general the design of foreignFct objects has been aimed at making the use of them light weight. When cloning them, it is only necessary to specify the minimal information: the name of the foreign function. They can be encapsulated in a method thus localizing the impacts of redesigns. The complications of dynamic loading and linking are handled automatically. Likewise is the recovery from dead fctProxies.
VM configuration
Appendix F
VM conguration
The SELF system uses UNIX environment variables to congure itself when it starts up. The variables and their meanings are listed in the table below; all sizes are in bytes. If you do not dene one of these environment variables, its default value is used.
Table 6 Conguration variables
Name SELFDIR OLDSIZE Default value current directory 7,000,000 Description Directory containing the SELF sources, e.g. /usr/name/self/self. Initializes the option primitive _SelfDir. Size of old space, the area of memory where long-lived SELF objects are stored (see [Ung84], [Ung86]). This is the primary parameter to adjust depending on the size of your SELF world. It is generally safe to overestimate the size since the unused portions will not occupy real memory. However, this may result in excessive paging or long garbage collection pauses if too much memory is allocated for old space, because a lot of garbage may accumulate in old space, causing internal fragmentation and eventually a very long garbage collection. Too small of an OLDSIZE may cause the system to run out of space (and SELF will terminate). A typical warning symptom for this situation are frequent garbage collections that do not free much space. As a rule of thumb, old space should only be about 50-75% full after a garbage collection. Size of eden space, the area containing the most recently allocated SELF objects. Size of each of the survivor spaces (young objects). This size should be at least as big as EDENSIZE to avoid premature tenuring. Amount of memory reserved to cache compiled code (machine instructions). By varying this parameter (and the next three) you can trade space for (re)compilation overhead. Set CODESIZE to the desired value and then adjust PICSIZE, DEPSIZE, and DEBUGSIZE accordingly so that none of the latter memory areas overows before the code cache is full. (The exact ratio between CODESIZE, PICSIZE, DEPSIZE, and DEBUGSIZE varies from application to application.) Amount of memory reserved for polymorphic inline caches, a special form of inline caches designed to speed up polymorphic sends. Amount of memory used to record dependencies between source code and compiled code. Amount of memory used to hold debugging information for the compiled code.
As a rule of thumb, your machine should have at least 3 MB + CODESIZE + PICSIZE + OLDSIZE/ 2 + EDENSIZE + SURVSIZE of real memory available to SELF for good performance (i.e. roughly 8 MB for the default values shown above). Running under the new compiler may required a few more megabytes. More is better, of course. Turn on the system monitor while using the system to determine the correct sizes and to detect problems (see Appendix G for details). The amount of virtual memory used by SELF is at least 4 MB + CODESIZE + PICSIZE + DEPSIZE + DEBUGSIZE + OLDSIZE + EDENSIZE + 2*SURVSIZE; be sure to congure your system accordingly. (Many UNIX systems are precongured with relatively little swap space; see section 1.4 in the User Manual.)
VM memory display
object memory
code cache
Caution: the system monitor always writes to /dev/fb, the consoles frame buffer. If you run SELF on another machine (e.g. via rlogin), the system monitor will write to the screen of the remote machine, not your own screen.
The indicators in the left part of the display correspond to various internal activities and events. On the very left are the CPU bars which show how much CPU is used in various parts of the system. The following table lists the individual indicators:
Table 7 The system monitor display: indicators
CPU Bar VM Lkup Comp Self CPU Dot Indicator What It Means CPU time spent executing in the VM, i.e. for primitives, garbage collection etc. CPU time used by compile-time and run-time lookups. CPU time spent by the SELF compilers. The black part stands for time consumed by the NIC, the gray part for the new compiler. CPU time spent executing compiled SELF code. The black part stands for time consumed by unoptimized code, the gray part for optimized code. This bar displays the percentage of the CPU that the SELF process is getting (a completely lled bar equals 100% CPU utilization by SELF). Black stands for user time, gray for system time. Below the CPU bar is a small dot which moves whenever a process switch takes place. What It Means
X-compiling YYY The X compiler (where X is either new or nic) is compiling the method named YYY into machine code. scavenge GC ushing compacting reclaiming sec reclaim ic ush The SELF object memory is being scavenged. A scavenge is a fast, partial garbage collection (see [Ung84], [Ung86], [Lee88]). The SELF object memory is being fully garbage-collected. SELF is ushing the code cache. SELF is compacting the code cache. SELF is reclaiming space in the code cache to make room for a new method. SELF is ushing some methods in the code cache because there is not enough room in one of the secondary caches (the caches holding the debugging and dependency information). SELF is ushing all inline caches.
SELF is examining methods in the code cache to determine whether they have been used recently. N page faults occurred during the last time interval (N is not displayed if N=1). The time interval currently is 1/25 of a second. SELF is blocked reading from a slow device, e.g. the keyboard or mouse. SELF is blocked writing to a slow device, e.g. the screen. SELF is doing disk I/O. SELF is blocked in some UNIX system call other than read or write. SELF has nothing to do. (shows up only when using processes.)
The middle part of the display contains some information on VM memory usage displayed in textual form, as described below:
Table 8 VM memory status information
Name RSRC C-Heap Description Size and utilization of the resource area (an area of memory used for temporary storage by the compiler and by primitives). Number of bytes allocated on the C heap by SELF (excluding the memory and code spaces and the resource area). Bitmaps used by the pixrect primitives, for example, are allocated on the C heap.
The memory status portion of the system monitor consists of bars representing memory spaces and their utilization; all bars are drawn to scale relative to one another, their areas being proportional to the actual sizes of the memory spaces. The next table explains the details of this part of the system monitors display. (Appendix F explains how to change the size of these memory spaces.)
Table 9 The system monitor display: memory status
Space object memory Description The four bars represent (from top to bottom) eden, the two survivor spaces, and old space. The left and right parts of the bar represent the space used by plain objects and byte vectors, respectively. The above picture shows a situation in which about half of old space is lled with plain objects and about 15% is lled with byte vectors. A small fraction of old spaces used portions is currently paged out (gray areas). These four bars represent the cache holding compiled methods with their associated debugging and dependency information. The cache represented by the leftmost bar contains the actual machine code for methods (including some headers and relocation information), the cache represented by the middle bar contains dependency information for the compiled methods, and the cache represented by the rightmost bar contains the debugging information. The three-way split reduces the working set size of the code cache. The cache represented by the small bar sitting on top of the leftmost bar contains polymorphic inline caches. Meaning Allocated, residing in real memory. Allocated, paged out. Unallocated memory.
code cache
The segregation of (the vector of bytes in) byte vectors from other objects is an implementation detail improving scavenging and scanning performance (see [Lee88] and [CUL89] for details).
The residency information is updated only once a second for efciency reasons; all other information is updated continuously.
Appendix H Primitives
Primitives are SELF methods implemented by the virtual machine. The rst character of a primitives selector is an underscore (_). You cannot dene primitives yourself, nor can you dene slots beginning with an underscore.
If a primitive fails and the primitive call has an IfFail: part, the message value:With: is sent to the IfFail: argument, passing two strings: the name of the primitive and an error string indicating the reason for failure. If the failing primitive call does not have an IfFail: part, the message primitive:FailedWith: is sent to the receiver of the primitive call with the same two strings as arguments. The result returned by the error handler becomes the result of the primitive operation (0 in our example); execution then continues normally. If you want the program to be aborted, you have to do this explicitly within the error handler, for example by calling the standard error: method dened in the default world. The following table lists the error string prexes passed by VM to indicate the reason of the primitive failure. If the error string consists of more than the prex it will reveal more details about the error.
Table 10 Primitive failures
Prex primitiveNotDenedError primitiveFailedError badTypeError badTypeSealError divisionByZeroError overowError badSignError alignmentError badIndexError Description Primitive not dened. General primitive failure (for example, an argument has an invalid value). The receiver or an argument has the wrong type. Proxys type seal did not match expected type seal. Division by zero. Integer overow. This can occur in integer arithmetic primitives or in UNIX (when the result is too large to be represented as an integer). Integer receiver or argument has wrong sign. Bad word alignment in memory. The vector index (e.g. in _At:) is out of bounds (too large or negative).
badSizeError reectTypeError outOfMemoryError stackOverowError slotNameError argumentCountError parentPriorityError unassignableSlotError lonelyAssignmentSlotError illegalPrivacyError parallelTWAINSError noProcessError noActivationError noReceiverError noParentSlot noSenderSlot deadProxyError liveProxyError wrongNoOfArgsError nullPointerError nullCharError prematureEndOfInputError noDynamicLinkerError EPERM, ENOENT, ...
An invalid size of a vector was specied, e.g. attempting to clone a vector with a negative size (see _Clone:Filler: and _CloneBytes:Filler: below). A mirror primitive was applied to the wrong kind of slot, e.g. _MirrorParentGroupAt: to a slot that isnt a parent slot. The result of an enumeration primitive was too large and could not be allocated. The stack overowed during execution of the primitive or program. Illegal slot name. Wrong number of arguments. Illegal parent priority. This slot can not be assignable. Assignment slot must have a corresponding data slot. Illegal privacy specication. Can not invoke TWAINS primitive (another process is already using it). This process does not exist. This method activation does not exist. This activation has no receiver. This activation has no lexical parent. This activation has no sender slot. This proxy is dead and can not be used. This proxy is live and can not be used to hold a proxy result. Wrong number of arguments was supplied with call of foreign function. Foreign function returned null pointer. Can not pass byte vector containing null char to foreign function expecting a string. Premature end of input during parsing. Primitive depends on dynamic linker which is not available in this system. These errors are returned by a UNIX primitive if a UNIX system call executed by the primitive fails. The UNIX error codes are dened in /usr/include/sys/ errno.h; see this le for details on the roughly 90 different UNIX error codes.
The _ErrorMessage primitive, sent to an error string returned by any primitive, returns a more descriptive version of the error message; this is especially useful for UNIX errors.
Return a clone (shallow copy) of the receiver object vector, possibly resized. The receiver must be an object vector. The rst argument (an integer) species the length of the new vector, and the second argument species the initial value of extra elements if the result vector is longer than the receiver vector. Fails with badSizeError if the rst argument is negative. _Clone:Filler: is identical to _Clone if the rst argument is the same as the length of the receiver. Analogous to _Clone:Filler, but for byte vectors.The receiver must be a byte vector, and the second argument must be an integer in the range [0..255]. The integer is used to initialize new elements. Fails with badTypeError if sent to a canonical string.
_ByteSize _CFloatDouble:At:
Since strings are special kinds of byte vectors, primitives taking byte vectors as arguments can usually take strings. The exception is that canonical strings cannot be passed to primitives that modify the object.
_CUnsignedIntSize:At: _CUnsignedIntSize:At:Put:
Analogous to _CSignedIntSize:At: but interprets the bytes in the byte vector starting at the given index as a C unsigned int type. Analogous to _CUnsignedIntSize:At: but allows storing an integer value at a given index in the byte vector. The last argument is the value to be store. Returns the receiver.
_FloatSub: _FloatMul:
Integer arithmetic primitives take integer receivers and arguments; oating-point arithmetic primitives take oating-point receivers and arguments.
_FloatDiv: _FloatMod:
Floating-point division. Returns receiver divided by argument. May fail because of division by zero. Floating-point modulus. Returns receiver modulo argument. If r is (x _FloatMod: y), then 0 <= r < abs(y), and (x-r)/y is an integral number (even though it might not be representable as a SELF integer). May fail because of division by zero. Return the greatest integral value less than or equal to the oating-point receiver (i.e. rounding towards negative innity). The result is a oating-point number. Return the greatest integral value greater than or equal to the receiver (i.e. rounding towards positive innity). The result is a oating-point number. Return the receiver truncated towards zero. The result is a oating-point number. Return the receiver rounded to the nearest integer. .5 is rounded to even, so 1.5 rounds to 2, and 2.5 also rounds to 2. The result is a oating-point number. Return the oating-point receiver rounded as in _FloatRound. The result is an integer. May overow.
All comparison primitives return either true or false. Integer comparison primitives take integer receivers and arguments; oating-point comparison primitives take oating-point receivers and arguments. Remember that strings are special kinds of byte vectors.
exists in the system. Therefore, two canonical strings can be tested for equality efciently using _Eq: rather than by comparing byte-by-byte. All string literals are canonical strings. _StringPrint _FloatPrintString _FloatPrintStringPrecision: Print the characters of the receiver, a byte vector, on stdout. Returns the receiver. Return the receiver, a oating-point number, formatted into an canonical string (similar to Cs sprintf("%g") format). Analogous to _FloatPrintString, but takes an integer argument that species the number of digits after the decimal point.
_MirrorIsAssignableAt: _MirrorIsArgumentAt::
Return the one of the three last arguments corresponding to the slots visibility (privacy declaration). _MirrorCode Sent to a mirror on a method, this returns a mirror on a byte code object representing the source code of the method. Fails if the reectee isnt a method.
_MirrorAtName:Put:Visibility:ParentGroup: Add or change a slot in the receiver mirrors reectee. The arguments are: the name of the slot (a string), a mirror on the new contents, the slot visibility (either ^, _, or ), and the parent group (number of asterisks) of the slot (0 = normal slot, 1 = highest priority parent, etc.). If the slot already exists, its attributes and contents are modied; if it doesnt exist, a new slot is added. Returns the receiver mirror. _MirrorRemoveAt: _MirrorAddSlots: _MirrorDene: _MirrorCodes _MirrorLiterals _MirrorSource Remove the slot at the given slot index (0 = rst slot). Returns the receiver mirror. The mirror version of _AddSlots:. The receiver is a mirror on the object to be changed, the argument is an object containing the slots to be added. The mirror version of _Dene:. The receiver is a mirror on the object to be changed, the argument is an object dening the new contents. Receiver is a mirror on a method. Returns the byte code vector. Receiver is a mirror on a method. Returns the literal vector. Receiver is a mirror on a method. Returns the source code of the method as a string.
Receiver is a mirror on a method. Returns the le name from where the method was parsed. Methods parsed at the prompt yields <prompt>. Reciever is a mirror on a method. Returns the line in which the method was parsed. Receiver is a mirror. Takes a mirror on a method as argument. Evaluates the method in the context of the reectee of the receiver.
The following primitives are special to activation mirrors; the receiver must be a mirror on a live activation, i.e. an activation which is currently active in some process. _MirrorReceiver _MirrorByteCodePosition _MirrorExpressionStack Return the receiver of this activation. Return the current position within the method. (Future releases will include a way to nd the current source position.) Return a vector containing the values of all expressions of a statement which have been evaluated but not yet consumed by any message send. For example, if an activation were suspended just before sending the + message in the statement i: i + 1, the expression stack would contain i and 1. Return the activations method holder, i.e. the object containing the slot whose evaluation created this activation. Return the name of the activation, i.e. the selector of the slot in which the activations method is stored. Return a mirror on the sender activation, i.e. the activation which created the receiver activation. This primitive will fail if the activation was created by the VM (e.g. for a doIt method). If the reectee of the receiver is a block activation, return the activation corresponding to the lexically enclosing scope. This primitive will fail for method activations, since method activations have no lexically enclosing scope.
The curly braces followed by a star indicate that With: can occur any number of times or not at all: possible selectors are _Perform:, _Perform:With:, _Perform:With:With:, and so on.
selector, as above. The sender path tiebreaker rule is not applied. This is the only variant of _Perform that cannot be executed using normal message send syntax.
_NewProcessSize:Selector:Arguments: Returns a new process object which is obtained by cloning the current process object. The new process is not started. The rst argument is an integer giving a minimal stack size in bytes; the system may actually allocate more stack space. The right size depends on the future behavior of the process so some experimentation may be necessary. A good rst try could be 64 KB. The last two arguments are analogous to the arguments of _Perform:With:. They determine the rst message that the process sends when it is started. The receiver of _NewProcessSize:Selector:Arguments will also be the receiver of the rst message send of the new process. _ThisProcess _AbortProcess Return process object of current process. Ignores receiver. The receiver is a process object. The associated process is aborted; if it was the initial process, control will return to the VM prompt; otherwise, if the aborted process was the current process, the TWAINS primitive will return aborted. Otherwise (if the aborted process isnt the current process), _AbortProcess returns the receiver. Print the stack of the process associated with the receiver (a process object). The number of stack frames printed is determined by _StackPrintLimit. Return the number of activations on the process stack. Return a mirror on the activation whose number is given as an argument (0 = most recent activation).
_TWAINS:ResultVector:SingleStep:StopAt: Transfer and wait for next signal. The rst argument is a process object to transfer to, the second argument must be an object vector of size at least _TWAINSResultSize. Ignores receiver. Control is transferred to the indicated process. When control is transferred back the return value indicates the cause of the transfer: aborted, stackOverow, nonLifoBlock, yielded or signal. The result vector is used to provide additional information. If the cause is signal, the rst element of the result vector is modied to contain the number of signals and the rest of the result vector is modied to contain a list of the signals that accumulated in between returns from the primitive. The possible signals are: sigint, sigquit, sighup, sigwinch, sigio, siguser1, siguser2, sigpipe, sigterm, sigurg, sigchild, sigrealtimer and sigcputimer. The third argument must be either true or false and species whether the process is to execute in single-stepping mode. If the argument is true, the process will execute at most one message send before returning with a value of singleStepped. (If a signal occurs before the send could be executed, i.e. if the return value is signal, no step was executed.) The last argument is either nil or a stop activation. In the latter case, the process will stop with a return value of nishedActivation as soon as this activation nishes (the activation must be a live ctivation of the process). Note that TWAINS may return before this occurs (e.g. because of a signal).
Maximum size required of the second argument of _TWAINS:ResultVector:. Gives up the CPU. Control is returned to the TWAINS process. Ignores receiver. Sent to true or false. Enables/disables signals. Set real-time interval timer. The receiver is an integer denoting the number of milliseconds per interval. Similar to _SetRealTimer, but sets the CPU timer.
_SnapshotCode[:] _Dene:
Bracketed colons indicate option primitives. The argument is optional (there are two versions of the primitive, one taking an argument and one not taking an argument). The brackets are not part of the primitive name. Option primitives ignore their receiver and return their current value (for the no argument version that queries its state) or their previous value (for the one argument version that sets its state). See section 31.
Remove the designated slot from the receiver (the argument is a string, the name of the slot). See section 14.2 in the User Manual. _RemoveSlot: always returns to the prompt (even if it is invoked within a program). This will be changed in a later release.
_ParseObjectFileName:Line:Column:SilentPrematureEndOfInput: Parse the receiver, a string, as a Self object. The arguments lename, line and column are used to annotating parsed methods with source code information. The last argument is a boolean forcing the parser to be silent if end of string is encounted before an object is parsed. Returns the object created by the parser. _ParseObjectIntoPositionTable: Receiver is a string, source code for a method normally obtained using _MirrorCodes. Returns a vector containing two elements for each byte code associated with the method. For each byte code these two elements describe the corresponding text selection in the source code. The rst element is the selection start in the source, the second is the length of the selection. Controls the number of object references remembered by the system. Default: 1000. Returns the reference number of the receiver, assigning one if necessary. _ObjectID is the reverse to _AsObject Returns the receiver (an integer) converted to an object. The integer receiver is an object reference number displayed by _Print or a stack trace (see section 10.3.1 in the User Manual). Returns the receiver (an integer denoting an address) converted into an object. This primitive is used for low-level debugging (addresses of objects change upon scavenges and garbage collections). Controls the number of stack frames printed by _PrintProcessStack. Default: 10.
Formerly _HistoryNumber. All system primitives other than option primitives (indicated in this table by [:] after their names) return (but otherwise ignore) their receivers. Option primitives return their previous value.
Force a scavenge (a fast, partial garbage collection; see [Ung84], [Ung86], [Lee88]). Tenure all objects. Force the memory management system to move all objects into the old heap. Receiver is ignored. Print a message at every scavenge. Default: false. Force a full garbage collection (this may take several seconds depending on your hardware and the size of old space). Print a message at every full garbage collection. Default: false. Compact the compiled code cache. Flush all compiled methods from the compiled code cache. Flush all inline caches. An inline cache caches the result of message lookups at the site of a message send. Inline caching speeds up subsequent executions of the particular send if the type of the receiver does not change. See [DS84] for details. Disable/enable inline caching. Disabling inline caching can slow the system considerably (see _FlushInlineCache). Default: true. Disable/enable inlining. Inlining is the process of inserting a copy of the callee in the callers code during compilation in order to avoid message sends. See [CUL89] for details. Disabling inlining will slow the system by a few orders of magnitude. Default: true. Turn on/off tracing of message sends. Only sends that actually result in a lookup (those sends that are not inlined or inline cached) are displayed. To see all sends, disable inlining and inline caching and ush all compiled methods and inline caches (see section 12.5 in the User Manual). Default: false. Turn on/off the system monitor, which continuously displays information about the state of the SELF system (see Appendix G). Spying incurs little runtime overhead. Default: false. Return the height (in pixels) of the screen area used by the system monitor. Prints out two histograms. The rst one is based on VM object types tha second based on the word size to the objects. The argument is a number dening the upper limit size in the second histogram. Receiver is a process. Activate/deactivate proling of SELF code executed by the receiver. The argument is boolean, true activates the proler. Proling incurs little run-time overhead. By default proling on a process is deactivarted. Reset the prole counters in order to start new measurements.
_InlineCache[:] _Inline[:]
_SpyHeight _PrintMemoryHistogram:
_PrintProleCutoff:Skip:MaxDepth: Print the prole. Subtrees of the call tree using a smaller fraction of the total time than cutoff (specied as a oat, e.g. 0.02 = 2%) will be supressed. Furthermore, a method will only be displayed if its time (including the time of its callees) differs by more than skip from its caller. MaxDepth (an integer) species the maximum call depth to be displayed. As in the at prole, an inlined method is charged to its caller (i.e. inlining is not transparent). _ResetFlatProle _PrintFlatProle: Reset the at prole counters in order to start new measurements. Print the at prole; the argument is an integer specifying how many lines should be printed. The prole shows the time consumed by each compiled
method (including the time consumed by any methods inlined into the compiled method, but not including any time spent in the VM). _GenerateCountCode[:] Generate/do not generate code to count the number of actual (real) method invocations performed. Generating count code incurs some run-time overhead when enabled. Changing this setting only affects methods compiled after the change (see _Flush, earlier in this table). Default: false. Returns the number of method calls that were not mere data accesses made in methods that are instrumented to measure this (see _GenerateCountCode:). Returns the number of actual data access method calls made in methods that are instrumented to measure this (see _GenerateCountCode:). Print low-level debugging information about the memory system. Verify the integrity of the SELF virtual machine.
_Credits _ErrorMessage:
Unless otherwise noted, all of the miscellaneous primitives return (but otherwise ignore) their receivers.
Returns the system time (in milliseconds) used by the SELF system. Ignores receiver. Returns the total CPU time (in milliseconds) used by the SELF system (identical to _TimeUser + _TimeSystem). Ignores receiver. Real time (in milliseconds) since starting up SELF. Ignores receiver. Receiver is an integer, number of days after Jan. 1, 1970 describing the date. The argument is an integer, number of milli seconds describing the time of the date. Converts the date and time integers into local time returning a vector containing the current date and time as 7 integers: year, month, day, weekday (0 = Sunday), hour, minute, and second. syscall(receiver, arg0, ...). The receiver is an integer which species the function that the indirect system call should perform. Each pair of arguments to the primitive species an argument passed to syscall. The argument conversion is described in section 32.7.1.The return value is byte vector containing the result value.
_Dlclose _Dlsym:ResultProxy:
_TypeSealResultProxy: _NoOfArgs
Receiver is a proxy or fctProxy object. Return proxy representing type seal of receiver. Receiver is a fctProxy. Return how many arguments should be supplied when calling this function. The value -1 designates a function that takes a variable number of arguments. Receiver is a fctProyx. Set how many arguments it should take when called. The value -1 will allow it to be called with any number of arguments. Warning: this call is potentially dangerous, since no attempt is done at checking that the given value is reasonable. Returns receiver. Calls the foreign routine it represents, and return its return value converted to a SELF object. The receiver is a live fctProxy. Calls to foreign routine it represents and return its return value converted to a SELF object The receiver is a live fctProxy. Passes the arguments to the foreign routine and calls the foreign routine it represents, and return its return value converted to a SELF object. Similar to _Call, but returns a byte vector that literally contains the bit pattern that the foreign routine returned. Similar to _CallAndConvert but passes arguments to the foreign routine. These arguments are determined by interpreting each pair of SELF level arguments using the any conversion described in section 32.7.1.
_Call _Call:{With:}*
_CallAndConvert _CallAndConvert{With:And:}*
[CU89] Craig Chambers and David Ungar. Customization: Optimizing Compiler Technology for SELF, a Dynamically-Typed Object-Oriented Programming Language. In Proceedings of the SIGPLAN 89 Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, Portland, OR, June, 1989. Published as SIGPLAN Notices 24(7), July, 1989. Craig Chambers and David Ungar. Iterative Type Analysis and Extended Message Splitting: Optimizing Dynamically-Typed Object-Oriented Programs. In Proceedings of the SIGPLAN 90 Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, White Plains, NY, June, 1990. Published as SIGPLAN Notices 25(6), June, 1990. Also published in Lisp and Symbolic Computation 4(3), June, 1991. Craig Chambers and David Ungar. Making Pure Object-Oriented Languages Practical. In OOPSLA 91 Conference Proceedings, Phoenix, AZ, October, 1991. Published as SIGPLAN Notices 26(11), November, 1991. Craig Chambers, David Ungar, Bay-Wei Chang, and Urs Hlzle. Parents are Shared Parts of Objects: Inheritance and Encapsulation in SELF. In Lisp and Symbolic Computation 4(3), June, 1991. Craig Chambers, David Ungar, and Elgin Lee. An Efficient Implementation of SELF, a Dynamically-Typed Object-Oriented Language Based on Prototypes. In OOPSLA 89 Conference Proceedings, New Orleans, LA, October, 1989. Published as SIGPLAN Notices 24(10), October, 1989. Also published in Lisp and Symbolic Computation 4(3), June, 1991. Craig Chambers. The Design and Implementation of the SELF Compiler, an Optimizing Compiler for Object-Oriented Programming Languages. Ph. D. dissertation, Computer Science Department, Stanford University, March 1992. L. Peter Deutsch and Allan M. Schiffman. Efficient Implementation of the Smalltalk-80 System. In Proceedings of the 11th Annual ACM Symposium on the Principles of Programming Languages, Salt Lake City, UT, 1984. Adele Goldberg and David Robson. Smalltalk-80: The Language and Its Implementation. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1983. Urs Hlzle, Craig Chambers, and David Ungar. Optimizing Dynamically-Typed Object-Oriented Programming Languages with Polymorphic Inline Caches. In ECOOP 91 Conference Proceedings, Geneva, Switzerland, July, 1991. Published as Springer Verlag LNCS 512, 1991. Urs Hlzle, Craig Chambers, and David Ungar. Debugging Optimized Code with Dynamic Deoptimization. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN 92 Conference
[GR83] [HCU91]
on Programming Language Design and Implementation, San Fransisco, June 1992. Published as SIGPLAN Notices 27(7), July, 1992. [Lee88] [Ung84] Elgin Lee. Object Storage and Inheritance for SELF. Engineers thesis, Stanford University, 1988. David Ungar. Generation Scavenging: A Non-Disruptive High Performance Storage Reclamation Algorithm. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGSOFT/SIGPLAN Software Engineering Symposium on Practical Software Development Environments, Pittsburgh, PA, April, 1984. Published as SIGPLAN Notices 19(5), May, 1984 and Software Engineering Notes 9(3), May, 1984. David Ungar. The Design and Evaluation of a High Performance Smalltalk System. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1987. David Ungar, Craig Chambers, Bay-Wei Chang, and Urs Hlzle. Organizing Programs without Classes. In Lisp and Symbolic Computation 4(3), June, 1991. David Ungar and Randall B. Smith. SELF: The Power of Simplicity. In OOPSLA 87 Conference Proceedings, Orlando, FL, 1987. Published as SIGPLAN Notices 22(12), December, 1987. Also published in Lisp and Symbolic Computation 4(3), June, 1991.
SELF Manual
activation object 27 alignmentError 97 ambiguousSelector:Type:Delegatee: MethodHolder:Arguments: 69 ancestor 17 anonymous parent slot 7 argument conversion 83 argument conversions 84 argumentCountError 98 assignment primitive 6 assignmentMirror 72 associativity of binary messages 14 of keyword messages 15 of unary messages 14
data object 5 deadProxyError 74, 98 DEBUGSIZE 93 DEPSIZE 93 directed resend 16 divisionByZeroError 97 doIt 71 dynamic inheritance 28
EDENSIZE 93 encrypt.c 76 errno 79 errors runtime errors 69 evaluation of arguments 6 of blocks 8 of message sends 6
badIndexError 97 badSignError 97 badSizeError 98 badTypeError 97 badTypeSealError 97 binary message see message block 5, 8, 27, 72 block data object 7 block method 27 non-lifo block 27 non-local return 27 blockActivationMirror 72 blockMethodMirror 72 blockMirror 72 bytecodes 2 byteVector 71, 72 byteVectorMirror 72
failure (glue) 79 false 71 fctProxy 48, 71, 74 floating-point numbers, parent of 72 floating-point numbers, range of 100 floatMirror 72 foreign routines 74 foreignCode 48 foreignCodeDB 49 foreignFct 48 function proxy object 74
C glue 77 canonicalStringMirror 72 CC_delete 82 CC_new_N 81 character escapes 25 character set 23 cloning 28 closure 27 code 5, 6 CODESIZE 93 comments 26 compilation 2 configuration CODESIZE 93 DEBUGSIZE 93 DEPSIZE 93 EDENSIZE 93 OLDSIZE 93 PICSIZE 93 SELFDIR 93 SURVSIZE 93 conversion pair 83 customization 3 C++ glue 81 C_func_N 78 C_get_comp 80
glue 74 glue code 75 glueDefs.c.incl" 75
identifier 23 illegalPrivacyError 98 implicit receiver see message inheritance 28 dynamic inheritance 28 inline cache 108 inlining 108 integer 72 integers, range of 100
keyword see message
L 76 Link 74 liveProxyError 98 lobby 70, 71
SELF Manual
memory requirements 93 message 27 binary message 14, 27 implicit-receiver message 15, 27 keyword message 11, 14, 27 message lookup 28 semantics 17 system-triggered message 68 unary message 13, 27 method 6 block method see block outer method 27 method activation object 6 method holder 27 sending method holder 27 mirrorMirror 72 mirrors 72, 102 mismatchedArgumentCountSelector:Type:Delegatee: MethodHolder:Arguments: 69 missingDelegateeSelector:Type:Delegatee: MethodHolder:Arguments: 69
nil 28, 71 noActivationError 98 noDynamicLinkerError 98 non-decimal number 24 non-lifo block 8 non-local return 8, 27 non-local return operator 5 noParentSlot 98 noProcessError 98 noPublicSelector:Type:Delegatee: MethodHolder:Arguments: 69 noReceiverError 98 noSenderSlot 98 nullCharError 98 nullPointerError 98
performTypeErrorSelector:Type:Delegatee: MethodHolder:Arguments: 69 PICSIZE 93 precedence of message sends 1415 prematureEndOfInputError 98 primitive 23 primitive failure codes 97 primitive failures 97 primitive send 17, 27 primitiveFailedError 97 primitiveNotDefinedError 97 primitives 97 arithmetic 100 cloning 98 comparison 101 mirror primitives 102 miscellaneous 109 programming primitives 106 Proxy and fctProxy related primitives 110 string-related 101 system primitives 107 Unix primitives 109 primitive:FailedWith: 97 printIt 71 privacy see slot privacy processes 105 processMirror 72 prototype 28 prototypes 2 proxy 48, 71, 74
quitting SELF 109
read/write variable 10 reflectTypeError 98 resend 16, 23, 28 result conversion 86 root context 10, 28
selector 27 self 6, 11, 23 SELF world 2 SELFDIR 93 sending method holder 27 shell 71 slot 5, 27 anonymous parent 7 argument slot 6, 11, 24, 28 assignable data slot 10 assignment slot 6, 10 data slot 9, 27 initialization 912 parent slot 12, 28 privacy 9, 19 read-only slot 9 read/write slot 10 self slot 6, 11 slot privacy 28 slotNameError 98 slotsMirror 72
object 5, 27 data object 5, 27 method object 6 object literals 5 construction of 8 objVector 71 objVectorMirror 72 OLDSIZE 93 operator 24 outerActivationMirror 72 outerMethodMirror 72 outOfMemoryError 98 overflowError 97
parallelTWAINSError 98 parent slot 12, 28 parentPriorityError 98
SELF Manual
smiMirror 72 snapshot 74 snapshotAction 71 stackOverflowError 98 Static linking 76 strings 72 canonical strings 72 struct 80 SURVSIZE 93 system monitor (spy) 94 systemObjects 71 system-triggered messages 68
traits 2 traits object 7, 28 true 71 type seal 74
unary message see message unassignableSlotError 98 undefinedSelector:Type:Delegatee: MethodHolder:Arguments: 69 Unix error codes 98 unix_failure (glue) 79
variable see slot Virtual Machine see VM VM 2
WHAT_GLUE 77 wrapper 75 wrongNoOfArgsError 98
^ operator see non-local return operator ^ (privacy specification) 9 ^ _(privacy specification) 9 _ (privacy specification) 9 _AbortProcess 105 _ActivationAt: 105 _AddressAsObject 107 _AddSlotsIfAbsent: 106 _AddSlots: 106 _AsObject 107 _At: 99 _At:Put: 99 _BitSize 109 _BlockSignals 106 _ByteAt: 99 _ByteAt:Put: 99 _ByteSize: 99 _Call 74, 111 _CallAndConvert 74, 111 _CallAndConvertWith:And: 111 _Call:With: 111 _CBreak: 109 _CFloatDouble:At: 99 _CFloatDouble:At:Put: 99
_Clone 98 _CloneBytes:Filler: 99 _Clone:Filler: 99 _Close 109 _Compact 108 _Credits 109 _CSignedIntSize:At: 99 _CSignedIntSize:At:Put: 99 _CUnsignedIntSize:At: 100 _CUnsignedIntSize:At:Put: 100 _DateTime: 110 _Define: 106 _Dlclose 110 _Dlopen:ResultProxy: 110 _Dlsym:ResultProxy: 110 _EnumerateAllLimit: 103 _EnumerateVectorImplementorsLimit: 103 _EnumerateVectorReferencesLimit: 103 _Eq: 101 _ErrorMessage 98, 109 _ErrorMessage: 109 _FctLookup:ResultProxy: 110 _FirstCompiler 73, 107 _FloatAdd: 100 _FloatAsInt 101 _FloatCeil 101 _FloatDiv: 101 _FloatEQ: 101 _FloatFloor 101 _FloatGE: 101 _FloatGT: 101 _FloatLE: 101 _FloatLT: 101 _FloatMod: 101 _FloatMul: 100 _FloatNE: 101 _FloatPrintString 102 _FloatPrintStringPrecision: 102 _FloatRound 101 _FloatSub: 100 _FloatTruncate 101 _Flush 108 _FlushInlineCache 108 _ForeignEq: 110 _ForeignHash 110 _ForeignIsLive 110 _ForeignIsNull 110 _ForeignKill 110 _GarbageCollect 108 _GenerateCountCode 109 _glueDefs.c.incl 75 _Help 109 _HirsoryNumber 73 _HistoryIndex 73 _HistoryNumber 107 _HostID 109 _IdentityHash 109 _Inline 108 _InlineCache 108 _IntAdd: 100 _IntAnd: 100 _IntArithmeticShiftLeft: 100 _IntArithmeticShiftRight: 100 _IntAsFloat 100
SELF Manual
_IntComplement 100 _IntDiv: 100 _IntEQ: 101 _IntGE: 101 _IntGT: 101 _IntLE: 101 _IntLogicalShiftLeft: 100 _IntLogicalShiftRight: 100 _IntLT: 101 _IntMod: 100 _IntMul: 100 _IntNE: 101 _IntOr: 100 _IntSub: 100 _IntXor: 100 _Kill 74 _Manufacturer 109 _MaxCompilePause 107 _MaxInvocationsBeforeRecompile 107 _MethodPointer 103 _Mirror 102 _MirrorAddSlots: 103 _MirrorAtName:Put:Visibility:ParentGroup: 103 _MirrorByteCodePosition 104 _MirrorCode 103 _MirrorCodes 103 _MirrorContentsAt: 102 _MirrorDefine: 103 _MirrorEvalute: 104 _MirrorExpressionStack 104 _MirrorFile 104 _MirrorImplementorsLimit: 103 _MirrorIsArgumentAt: 102 _MirrorIsAssignableAt: 102 _MirrorIsParentAt: 102 _MirrorLexicalParent 104 _MirrorLine 104 _MirrorLiterals 103 _MirrorMethodHolder 104 _MirrorNameAt: 102 _MirrorParentGroupAt: 102 _MirrorReceiver 104 _MirrorReferencesLimit: 103 _MirrorReflectee 102 _MirrorReflecteeEq: 102 _MirrorReflecteeIdentityHash 102 _MirrorRemoveAt: 103 _MirrorSelector 104 _MirrorSender 104 _MirrorSize 102 _MirrorSource 103 _MirrorVectorImplementorsLimit: 103 _MirrorVisibilityAt:IfPrivate:IfPublic:IfUndeclared: 102 _NewProcessSize:Selector:Arguments: 105 _NoOfArgs 111 _NoOfArgsFct: 110 _NoOfArgs: 111 _NumberCharsInFile 109 _NumberOfAccessMethodCalls 109 _NumberOfMethodCalls 109 _NumObjectIDs 73, 107 _ObjectID 107 _OpenFileFlags:Mode: 109 _ParseObjectFileName:Line:Column:SilentPrematureEndOfI
nput: 107 _ParseObjectIntoPositionTable: 107 _Perform 69 _PerformResend:With: 104 _Perform:DelegatingTo:With: 104 _Perform:With: 104 _Print 106 _PrintFlatProfile: 108 _PrintGC 73, 108 _PrintMemory 109 _PrintMemoryHistogram: 108 _PrintOptionPrimitives 73, 109 _PrintPeriod 73, 106 _PrintProcessStack 105 _PrintProfileCutoff:Skip:MaxDepth: 108 _PrintScavenge 73, 108 _PrintScriptName 73, 106 _Profile: 108 _Quit 109 _ReadSnapshot 68, 106 _Recompiler 73, 107 _RemoveSlot: 107 _ResetFlatProfile 108 _ResetProfile 108 _ResetSelfProfile 108 _Restart 109 _RunScript 106 _SamePointerAs: 110 _Scavenge 108 _SelectInto:Size: 109 _SetCPUTimer 106 _SetRealTimer 106 _Size 99 _SnapshotCode 73, 106 _SourceDir 73 _SourceDir: 106 _Spy 73, 108 _SpyHeight 108 _Spy: 73 _StackDepth 105 _StackPrintLimit 73, 107 _StringCanonicalize 101 _StringPrint 102 _SyscallWith:And: 110 _System 109 _Tenure 108 _ThisProcess 105 _TimeCPU 110 _TimeReal 110 _TimeSystem 110 _TimeUser 109 _Trace 108 _TWAINSResultSize 106 _TWAINS:ResultVector:SingleStep:StopAt: 105 _TypeSealResultProxy: 111 _VectorPrintLimit 73, 106 _Verify 109 _WriteSnapshot 68, 106 _Yield: 106 _^ (privacy specification) 9