Limits of Nuclear Ribosomal DNA Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) Sequences As Species Barcodes For Fungi

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Limits of nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences as species barcodes for Fungi
In PNAS, the work by Schoch et al. (1) proposed nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences as the sole universal barcode for fungi. The work by Schoch et al. (1) stated that the proposal will satisfy most fungal biologists but not all (1). I am among those biologists who are not so satised and not really surprised either, because ITS has been the most widely used marker for species identications in mycology since the development of the rst universal primers to amplify this DNA region in fungi. Its use as an unofcial fungal species barcode has also been criticized (2). It was also criticized because of its limits, including intraspecic variation. This aspect was discussed in the work by Schoch et al. (1) from different perspectives except one: the methodological dimension of revealing intraspecic variation in the ITS region. All fungal and other genomes contain multiple copies of the ITS region. Divergent intragenomic ITS sequences were found in several fungal groups (35) and other organisms. Such intragenomic variation can be detected by both direct sequencing and sequencing after cloning the PCR-amplied ITS region; obviously, the latter method will reveal more variation, depending on the number of cloned PCR products sequenced (4, 5). Thus, it is essential to specify how to sequence the ITS when used as a fungal species barcode: directly or after cloning? This issue was not addressed in the work by Schoch et al. (1). Ideally, only ITS sequences determined by direct sequencing of PCR products amplied from voucher specimens should be considered as fungal species barcodes. The use of the ITS as a species barcode is especially important when dealing with environmental samples (1). In these samples,

sequencing after cloning is the most common way to determine the ITS sequences. However, a large part of the conclusions on the barcode value of the ITS was made in the work by Schoch et al. (1) and other works based on direct sequencing works, which may not have revealed all of the existing variation in many samples. Many phylogenetically closely related and well-founded fungal species and especially, the sibling/cryptic species differ in only one or a few nucleotide positions at the ITS level (3, 5). This divergence is similar to the intragenomic variation revealed in several fungal species. Moreover, the number of variable nucleotide positions detected in ITS sequences depends on the way of sequencing. Therefore, ITS is not a powerful tool to distinguish many closely related fungal species, especially if determined after cloning. ITS is, however, a robust marker when dealing with phylogenetically more distant, albeit congeneric, fungal species. It should be recommended as a universal DNA barcode marker for Fungi with these limits in addition to the limits highlighted in the work by Schoch et al. (1). Levente Kiss1 Plant Protection Institute, Centre for Agricultural Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, H-1525, Budapest, Hungary
1. Schoch CL, et al. (2012) Nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region as a universal DNA barcode marker for Fungi. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 109:6241 6246. 2. Seifert KA, Wingeld BD, Wingeld MJ (1995) A critique of DNA sequence analysis in the taxonomy of lamentous Ascomycetes and ascomycetous anamorphs. Can J Bot 73: S760S767. 3. Nilsson RH, Kristiansson E, Ryberg M, Hallenberg N, Larsson KH (2008) Intraspecic ITS variability in the Kingdom Fungi as expressed in the international sequence databases and its implications for molecular species identication. Evol Bioinform Online 4: 193201. 4. Simon UK, Weiss M (2008) Intragenomic variation of fungal ribosomal genes is higher than previously thought. Mol Biol Evol 25:22512254. 5. Kovcs GM, Jankovics T, Kiss L (2011) Variation in the nrDNA ITS sequences of some powdery mildew species: Do routine molecular identication procedures hide valuable information? Eur J Plant Pathol 131:135141.

Author contributions: L.K. wrote the paper. The author declares no conict of interest .


PNAS | July 3, 2012 | vol. 109 | no. 27 | E1811

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