Albon v. Fernando Digest
Albon v. Fernando Digest
Albon v. Fernando Digest
FACTS: In May 1999, the City of Marikina undertook a public works project to widen, clear andrepair the existing sidewalks of Marikina Greenheights Subdivision. It was undertaken by thecity government pursuant to Ordinance No. 59. Subsequently, petitioner Albon filed a taxpayerssuit for certiorari, prohibition and injunction with damages against respondents City Engineer Alfonso Espirito, Assistant City Engineer Anaki Maderal and City Treasurer NatividadCabalquinto. According to the petitioner it was unconstitutional and unlawful for respondents to usegovernment equipment and property, and to disburse public funds, of the City of Marikina for thegrading, widening, clearing, repair and maintenance of the existing sidewalks of MarikinaGreenheights Subdivision. He alleged that the sidewalks were private property becauseMarikina Greenheights Subdivision was owned by V.V. Soliven, Inc. Hence, the city governmentcould not use public resources on them. In undertaking the project, therefore, respondentsallegedly violated the constitutional proscription against the use of public funds for privatepurposes as well as Sections 335 and 336 of RA 7160 and the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act.The trial court ruled in favor of the respondents. Ordinance No. 59 is a valid enactment.The court recognized the inherent police power of the municipality and with this it is allowed tocarry out the contested works. The Court of Appeals sustained the decision of the trial courtstating that sidewalks of Marikina Greenheights Subdivision were public in nature andownership thereof belonged to the City of Marikina or the Republic of the Philippines followingthe 1991 White Plains Association decision. Thus, the improvement and widening of thesidewalks pursuant to Ordinance No. 59 of 1993 was well within the LGUs powers. I SSUE: Whether the Court of Appeals erred in upholding the validity of Ordinance No. 59
HELD: NO. Like all LGUs, the City of Marikina is empowered to enact ordinances for thepurposes set forth in the Local Government Code (RA 7160). It is expressly vested with policepowers delegated to LGUs under the general welfare clause of RA 7160. With this power, LGUsmay prescribe reasonable regulations to protect the lives, health, and property of their constituents and maintain peace and order within their respective territorial jurisdictions. Also, in the exercise of their inherent police power the cities and municipalities have thepower to exercise such powers and discharge such functions and responsibilities as may benecessary, appropriate or incidental to efficient and effective provisions of the basic servicesand facilities, including infrastructure facilities intended primarily to service the needs of their residents and which are financed by their own funds. These infrastructure facilities includemunicipal or city roads and bridges and similar facilities.Regarding the nature of ownership of the sidewalks in question, there is also nohindrance in declaring that the sidewalks are of public dominion. PD 957, as amended by PD1216, mandates subdivision owners to set aside open spaces which shall be devotedexclusively for the use of the general public.