Assessment Doctuments

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Assessment planning

Here is an example of how you might plan for assessment over a programme. This example is completed for part of a BTEC Level 4 HNC in Electrical Engineering. Please note: this is merely an indication of how an assessment plan may be completed for one unit. It is not intended to be copied as an exemplar.
Date Unit No & Title / Assignment No & Title Learning outcome Hand Out Date Hand In Date Formative Summative Assessment Assessment Date Date IV Sampling Date Assessor Name IV Name

Unit 1 Analytical Methods for Engineers

Assignment 1 Case Study 1: Engineering analysis, 08/10/12 modelling and problem solving: algebraic, trigonomic methods and calculus Assignment 2 Case Study 2: Engineering analysis, 10/12/13 modelling and problem solving: statistics and probability Programme Leader Signature:







D Smith

R Brown







D Smith

J Davey

08/02/13 Opportunity for reassessment of Unit 1 Assignment 1 and 2, if applicable Name: Date:

Assignment brief QCF BTEC

Assignment front sheet
Qualification Unit number and title

Student name

Assessor name

Date issued


Submitted on

Assignment title
In this assessment you will have opportunities to provide evidence against the following criteria. Indicate the page numbers where the evidence can be found.

Criteria reference

To achieve the criteria the evidence must show that the student is able to:

Task no.


Student declaration

I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources are fully acknowledged. Student signature: Date:

Assignment brief
Qualification Unit number and title Assessor name Date issued Deadline Assignment title Purpose of this assignment


Task 1 This provides evidence for [e.g. P2, P4] Task 2 This provides evidence for [e.g. P2, P4] Task 3 This provides evidence for [e.g. P2, P4] Evidence checklist [Summarise evidence required, e.g. leaflet, presentation notes etc.] [tick boxes]

Sources of information [insert useful publications, websites, etc.]

Assessor's comments
Qualification Unit number and title Criteria reference Assessor name Student name Achieved?

To achieve the criteria the evidence must show that the student is able to:

Student feedback

Assessor feedback

Action plan

Assessor signature


Student signature


Internal verification of assignment brief QCF BTEC

Programme title Assessor Unit Assignment title Is this assignment an authorised assignment brief published by Edexcel? If yes, has it been amended by the centre in any way? Please give details. Y/N Internal Verifier

INTERNAL VERIFIER CHECKLIST Is this assignment for whole or part of a unit? Are accurate programme details shown? Are accurate unit details shown? Are clear deadlines for assessment given? Are the assessment criteria to be addressed listed? Does each task show which criteria are being addressed? Are these criteria actually addressed by each task? Is it clear what evidence the student needs to generate? Are the activities appropriate? Is there a scenario or vocational context? Is the language and presentation appropriate? Is the timescale for the assignment appropriate? W/P Y/N* Y/N* Y/N* Y/N* Y/N* Y/N* Y/N* Y/N* Y/N* Y/N* Y/N*


Overall, is the assignment fit for purpose? Y/N* *If No is recorded and the Internal Verifier recommends remedial action before the brief is issued, the Assessor and the Internal Verifier should confirm that the action has been undertaken on Page 2. Assessor signature Internal Verifier signature Date Date

Action required:

Action taken:

Assessor signature Internal Verifier signature



Observation record
Student name: Qualification: Unit number & title: Description of activity undertaken

Assessment & grading criteria

How the activity meets the requirements of the criteria

Student signature: Assessor signature: Assessor name:

Date: Date:

Witness statement
Student name: Qualification: Unit number & title: Description of activity undertaken (please be as specific as possible)

Assessment & grading criteria for which the activity provides evidence

How the activity meets the requirements of the assessment criteria, including how and where the activity took place

Witness name: Witness signature: Student name: Student signature: Assessor name: Assessor signature:

Job role: Date:



Assessment tracking
This could be used for a complete unit assessment record or individual assignments to make up a complete unit assessment record. This example uses BTEC Level 4 HNC in Art & Design. Please note: this is merely an indication of how assessment tracking may be completed for a unit. It is not intended to be copied as an exemplar. ASSESSMENT RECORD AND FEEDBACK SHEET
Programme: Unit No. & Title: Assessor Name: Assignment No. & Title 1 Exploring visual communication techniques Learning Objectives 1: Be able to communicate ideas and concepts by researching visual techniques 2: Be able to select visual communication techniques to realise creative intentions 3: Be able to produce work which demonstrates the use of visual communication 4: Understand the potential for personal development through the application of new approaches to visual communication BTEC Level 4 HNC in Art & Design 1: Visual Communication in Art & Design Student Name: Year: Unit Completion Date: Criteria Targeted 1.1, 1.2 Date Issued Unit Grade: Assessment Date: IV Signature: Hand In Date Formative Feedback Resubmission Date*

2 Professional workshop practice

2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 4.1, 4.2

* Resubmissions must be approved by the Assessment Board Assignment No. 1 1 2 2 Grading Criteria 1.1 Research visual communication techniques 1.2 Evaluate visual communication techniques 2.1 Identify creative intentions 2.2 Select visual communication techniques to effectively realise creative intentions Date Achieved Comments Assessor Signature

2 2 2 2

3.1 Apply visual communication techniques to creative work 3.2 Justify the visual communication techniques used in creative works 4.1 Evaluate the use of visual communication in own work

4.2 Propose new approaches to developing own work through the application of visual communication techniques General comments / feedback

Assessor Sign Student Sign Student authentication confirmed by Assessor

Date: Date: Date:

Internal verification of assessment decisions QCF BTEC

INTERNAL VERIFICATION ASSESSMENT DECISIONS Programme title Assessor Unit(s) Assignment title Students name List which assessment criteria the Assessor has awarded. Pass Merit Distinction Internal Verifier

INTERNAL VERIFIER CHECKLIST Do the assessment criteria awarded match those targeted by the assignment brief? Has the work been assessed accurately? Is the feedback to the student: Constructive? Linked to relevant assessment criteria? Identifying opportunities for improved performance? Agreeing actions? Y/N




Does the assessment decision need amending? Assessor signature Internal Verifier signature Lead Internal Verifier signature (if required)

Y/N Date Date Date

Confirm action completed Remedial action taken Assessor signature Internal Verifier signature Lead Internal Verifier signature (if required) Date Date Date

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