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DOCVOklml L7
Volume Seven
Eschatological Epistemology
A Non-Traditional Reconsideration of Bible Prophecy
Olive Press 2007 Aletheia Logos University Publishing Headquarters World Christian Ministries Association, Inc. 1015 Atlantic Blvd., Ste 456 Jacksonville, FL 32233
CHAPTER ONE The Problems and the Thesis CHAPTER TWO The Seven Churches in Asia Minor CHAPTER THREE The Scarlet Beast, the Heads and the Horns CHAPTER FOUR The Second Beast with Two Horns like a Lamb CHAPTER FIVE The Whore, the Dragon and the Woman CHAPTER SIX The Image and the Mark of the Beast CHAPTER SEVEN The Book of Daniel Relative to Eschatology APPENDICES Charts, Empire Maps and Time Lines
The time of the end is here, within the last 45 years starting from 1981 A.D., as dated by the Book of Daniel. John gave even more end time details than Daniel did and now it is time for a greater unveiling of YHVHs mysteries. But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased. Daniel 12:4
Pray that YHVH will give you wisdom as you read this book and come to know some of the mysteries of YHVH. Daniel answered and said, Blessed be the name of God for ever and ever: for wisdom and might are his: 21 And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding: 22 He revealeth the deep and secret things: he knoweth what is in the darkness, and the light dwelleth with him. 23 I thank thee, and praise thee, O thou God of my fathers, who hast given me wisdom and might, and hast made known unto me now what we desired of thee: for thou hast now made known unto us the king's matter. Daniel 2:21
DISCLOSURE Theology is popularly known as the science or the study of God (Theos transliteration) and of the relations between God, man and the universe. However, the word Theos and Theology come from Greek influences (Hellenism) since the word Theos is a Greek prefix to each Greek deity which is not a term that Mashiyach (Christ) or the Apostles would have used. The Mashiyachim [a name used by Jews to collectively refer to the people who believe that Yahushua (Jesus) is Mashiyach (Messiah)] would have used the Tetragrammaton YHVH (transliteration) instead of LORD and possibly Yahweh. Technically, the Mashiyach's name was Yahushua (Hebrew/Aramaic transliteration), not Jesus, which follows the Latin Vulgate path of transliteration. The spelling Jesus is an English translation that comes via the Greek to Latin (Vulgate) to the Textus Receptus. The earliest publications of the Textus Receptus, before it was called the Textus Receptus, which Desiderius Erasmus, a Dutch Catholic humanist, began in 1512, was published in 1516 AD, known as the Novum Instrumentum omne, and done for economic gain and was endorsed by the Catholic Church. The full Polyglot Bible (the first printed, but not published, being the Complutensian Polyglot) would have been published before the Novum Instrumentum omne, had it not been for the exclusive printing rights granted to Erasmus by the Catholic Pope (Pope Leo X). His first few editions were so flawed that he, Desiderius Erasmus, used the Vulgate (he had collected as many Vulgate manuscripts as he could find) to fix his translations. Later editions of the Novum Instrumentum omne came to be known as the Textus Receptus. The KJV did not precede the early editions of the Textus Receptus, which were used extensively by the KJV translators. And most English Bible versions also relied heavily on the Textus Receptus, i.e., both its earlier versions, before it was known as the Textus Receptus, as well as the Textus Receptus itself. Even the translators/editors of the New International Version acknowledge the accuracy of the YHVH Tetragrammaton (International Bible Society) but opted to use the traditional Catholic translation via the Vulgate keeping the use of LORD, God, Jesus, etc. As indicated above, this is the same path used by the KJV and most all other English translations. It is also believed that the name Jehovah was given prominence by the Vatican. It emerged by inserting the vowel points of Adonai into the sacred Tetra gram YHVH and symbolized the ecumenicalism of that period. (Wiseman, 1990). Therefore, YHVHology would more accurately describe the specialty study of the God of the Jews and the early church since they were Jews who believed that Yahushua was the Mashiyach (Mashiyach/Messiah). The term "theology" would more accurately apply to the study of the Greek gods (and perhaps the gods of other non-Jewish and non-"Mashiyachian" religions) and not the YHVH of the Jews and of the Messiachim.
"Thou shalt call his Name Yeshua BECAUSE He shall save his people from their sins." Matthew 1:21 (From the Peshitta BibleAramaic N.T.) The Peshitta Bible (Aramaic Bible) still uses the Aramaic variant of the Hebrew name Yahushua, however Jewish believers in the early church would reject such a variance as being a corruption. Therefore, the Disciples of Christ volumes use YHVH and Yahushua throughout for technical reasons referring to the English translated words "God" and "Jesus" respectively. See Addendum One for full essay.
Chapter -1THE PROBLEMS AND THE THESIS INTRODUCTION Most all existing Bible prophecy literature is based on flawed paradigms. This book will utilize a non-traditional look at futurismBible Prophecyto expose said flaws and proffer new questions and new answers. This book will not only challenge said flawed paradigms but provide scriptures, dates, timelines, history, geography, topography, specific identities, insight and concepts never before examined, heretofore, to fix said problems and reinforce the veracity of this thesis. It is critical to read the entire thesis before making a final decision. To discard the findings of this book prematurely by reading only bits and pieces runs contrary to good research. Careful analysis requires a full review of the problem(s) and the thesis. Drawing early conclusions without reading the entire argument will impede ones ability to grasp the full truths found in this book and in the Bible. This prophecy book will focus on challenging the traditional points of view and their inherent flaws, which in turn raises new questions. Its chapters will set out to establish alternative paradigms as well as address said questions with well substantiated and definitive answers. As a result, most individuals should be able to arrive at the same conclusions as found herein as they conduct their own research with due diligence. THE PROBLEMS Due to apparent hysteria resident in the early church, Apostle Paul tried to calm said hysteria by letting the believers know that a number of events must occur before Mashiyach would return. And, the phrase no man knows the day or hour is too often misused. The Matthew 24:36 recorded words of Mashiyach comes as a result of three major questions asked by the disciples, but only after Mashiyach had already prophesied concerning the destruction of the temple (Matthew 24:1-2). The three questions the disciples asked were: 1) When shall theses things be (temple destruction)? 2) What shall be the sign of thy coming? 3) What shall be the sign of the end of the world?
Mashiyach (Christ) did not dismiss the above questions. They were very relevant and legitimate questions. In fact, Mashiyach provided a lengthy discourse relative to the said questions. Perhaps he did not disclose the exact temple destruction date (70 A.D.) nor did he disclose which exact abomination that causes desolation (verse 15) he referenced (or their dates, 691 A.D., the first one and 2022 A.D., the second one), nor did he disclose the exact date of his return (the end of the world), but he did make reference to them with vague generalities, analogies and references. In other words, Mashiyach was not suggesting that people could not know these answers nor was he suggesting that people should neglect or abandon the study of this subject. To the contrary, Mashiyach was implying that his disciples (and others) could understand and know end-time events and dates with a degree of certainty. Even the Magi figured out the birth and appearance of the Mashiyach. Likewise, John implied that a wise person could figure out the end-time mysteries (Revelation 13:18; 17:9). Of course, knowing the exact hour (Matthew 24:42) of Mashiyachs return is not knowable and for obvious reasons. Before identifying the major problems with traditional eschatology, it is important to note that more often than not, the main purpose for prophecy and what caused the need for it in the first place if often overlooked due to a focus on trying to figure out when events will occur. While deciphering prophetic fulfillment relative to events and dates is interesting and important, understanding why (its purpose and precipitating factors) it was given in the first place is as vitally important. This issue will be discussed in Chapter Two of this book. Problem One - Misidentified Empires 1. Two key hints, relative to identifying end-time symbols and kingdoms, which are often overlooked, can be found in the Book of Daniel and in the Book of Revelation. These two ignored or unnoticed hints have caused many of the paradigm flaws, promulgated by most if not all eschatological scholars, that have emerged and prevailed. The first hint was given by Daniel in Daniel Chapter 7 verse 17 where he uses the phrase that will rise. Since Daniel had this dream (Daniel 7) AFTER Nebuchadnezzar was already dead and just three years before Persia conquered Babylon, Daniel clearly excluded Babylon by his words, that will rise. Undeniably, Babylon already WAS, had already risen to its zenith and was nearly expired. One must conclude that Babylon was not in the mix of beasts Daniel saw in Daniel 7. In fact, to include Babylon in Daniel 7 contradicts scripture. Even Nebuchadnezzars dream excluded Egypt and Assyria. 2. The second hint that was given was given by John found in Revelation Chapter 17 verses 9-11. John said, They are also seven kings, five have fallen, one is, the other has not yet come and The beast who once was and now is not, is an eighth king, he belongs to the seven. John was clearly talking about eight empires, five of which had fallen, one that was (Rome) with two more to come. The last empire being an eighth empire that was one of the original seven, yet one that preceded Rome, meaning that it had to be one of the first five empires. The
dream of Nebuchadnezzar and visions of Daniel excluded Egypt and Assyria leaving only Babylon, Medo-Persia and Greece to choose from. This book will clearly identify Daniels and Johns empires and which one is the Eighth. Problem Two - Prophetic Chronology 1. Prophetic scriptural writings are either intentionally or accidentally written in a non-chronological format, close, but not exact. 2. Both the Book of Daniel and the Book of Revelation are so written. 3. Knowing when to stop and when to start applying scriptures to various sections of history can be challenging, to say the least, but a spread sheet format with great breadth is the only real method that will solve the meanings of prophetic symbolism. Problem Three - The Seven Churches 1. Where the Seven Churches are situated geographically and why they were selected over all the other potential churches have more to do with the eschatological message than previously presented by traditional views. Problem Four - The Scarlet Beast with Seven Heads and Ten Horns 1. The Scarlet Beast with seven heads and ten horns is not Rome or the EU, as is often believed. It must be excluded by using a simple elimination method introduced by John (Revelation 17:9-11), which includes purposive, scriptural elimination and descriptive data. (See Briggs Empire Elimination Matrix in the Appendices.) 2. The Seven Heads and Ten Horns are not new end-time kingdoms or kings that appear just before Mashiyachs return, except that Head Seven and the Tenth Horn is obviously much closer to Mashiyachs return than the first Six Heads and the first Nine Horns. It is the Eighth Head and the Eleventh Horn that should be looked for. Problem Five - The Second Beast with Two Horns like a Lamb 1. The Second Beast is not the antiMashiyach. In fact, the term antiMashiyach is not even used in Johns vision. The term antiMashiyach represents many individuals throughout the world and can even be found right in church congregations, even Apostolic Pentecostal Churches. 2. The Second Beast may or may not be an individual. Said beast is more likely to be a specific nation (explained below) but could possibly be a president or religious leader from said specific nation.
Problem Six - The Whore 1. The Whore is not the Roman Catholic Church (RCC) per se, although the RCC should be included as one of the daughters of the Whore and for a number of reasons. 2. Firstly, the Vatican City does not topographically sit on seven hills, as is thought. Although there may be a lot of good reasons why people want the Whore to be the RCC, it just does not fit. 3. Secondly, when the heretical Mashiyachian Church was adopted by Rome to be the Official State Religion, the government seat of Rome was no longer in Italy where the Vatican City is located. 4. Thirdly, Constantines Crusades were not initiated by Rome, Italy (the Vatican City) but from New Rome where its new seat of government was together with its first ecclesiastical seat of government. 5. Fourthly, and most significantly, the RCC is not ancient enough to sit on the heads of five (possibly six depending on how you count the empires) of the seven empires. There are other reasons but they will become obvious as the reader studies the rest of this book. 6. The Whore is not Ancient Babylon (Iraq) revived. That theory does not fit well with Bible prophecy. There is not enough time left to rebuild her. However, interesting parallels can be drawn. Problem Seven - The Mark of the Beast 1. The Mark of the beast is traditionally interpreted as a physical mark (stamp, etc.) placed on an individuals right hand or forehead. More recently some are now claiming that this mark will be in the form of the new and upcoming combined use of fingerprint shopping (already used in many places of the world) and iris print shopping (not fully developed/perfected), for those with no right hand or for those who chose to use the iris print over the fingerprint. 2. Although the above technologies will undoubtedly be employed in end-times, in and of themselves they are not the true meaning of the Mark of the Beast. Problem Eight - The Dragon 1. The Dragon is probably the one biblical symbol in Johns vision that is the most accurately interpreted. The dragon is commonly identified as Satanthe ancient serpent called the devil. This is most likely an accurate interpretation. In addition, this Dragon (Revelation 12) is also given descriptive characteristics identical to that of the Scarlet Beast (Revelation 17) and for a very good reason. There will be more discussion on this later.
Problem Nine - The AntiMashiyach 1. The term antiMashiyach is not used in the Book of Revelation or in the Book of Daniel, for that matter. In fact, the term antiMashiyach is commonly misused by most Mashiyachians, ministers and theologians. 2. An antiMashiyach can be anybody and many of them can exist simultaneously. An antiMashiyach is anyone who behaves, acts, speaks, or believes contrary to the teachings of Mashiyach and the advancement of his Kingdom. 3. One could argue that the Scarlet Beasts Eighth Head (Eleventh Horn) and his twohorned cohort would be chief among antiMashiyachs, but this does not diminish the existence of the many antiMashiyachs already in existence today (and that have existed in the past). All the antiMashiyachs alive on the earth at the time of the mark of the beast establishment will not only participate, but will join forces with the Scarlet Beast and his two-horned cohort. Problem Ten - The Abomination that causes Desolation 1. The abomination that causes desolation is not the "destruction" of the third temple by Titus, per se, nor the acts of Antiochus Epiphanes in 167 B.C. +/- when he set up an altar to Zeus and sacrificed a pig (since neither the 167 B.C. +/- nor the 70 A.D. start date produces any covenant, breach of covenant, mark of the beast, Daniels return to collect his promised inheritance or the end within its 1335 day window), but rather said abomination was to be a destructions first then a "construction" (that is set up) second that causes desolation. Titus may have initiated one of the several "destructions" of the temple that paused the daily sacrifices that happened through out the temples long history but his was not by itself the abomination that causes desolation that Daniel the prophet spoke about. And, since this said abomination(s) had not yet happened in Mashiyach's day, any theory that dates Daniel's abomination(s) prior to the coming of Mashiyach must be excluded. There are two qualifying desolations that were to follow Daniels time (Daniel 9:26the plural word desolations is used), but the act of Antiochus or Titus alone was not the abomination that causes desolation of which Daniel spoke. Obviously, identifying these abominations (especially the first one) will provide dates on the calendar which in turn allows the fixing of other significant events like, the battle of Armageddon, the Last Trumpet Sound (often misnamed "the rapture"), the middle of Daniel's " seventieth week", etc., etc. Keep in mind the following minimum qualifications: a) The abomination must be a construction (set up) not solely a destruction. b) The abomination must prevent Israel from using the Temple Mount. c) The abomination must post-date Mashiyach's coming. d) The abomination must last a minimum of 1290 days/years extending to 1335
days/years, minus 7 days/years (the covenant period), which equals 1328 days/years. e) During the abomination period, the empire erecting the abomination must make a seven year covenant with Israel. f) Subsequently, said empire must breach said covenant 3.5 after its initiation. g) After said breach, the "end" must come within 3.5 years. The Titus and the Antiochus acts do not fit any the above minimums and therefore must be discarded. (See Chapter 3 for more details). Problem Eleven - The Woman 1. The Woman is not the early Church for a number of logical reasons. 2. The Church did not give birth to the Mashiyach who was taken up to heaven. 3. The Church was not protected for 1260 days (years), the Jews were.
Problem Twelve - The Two Feet with Ten Toes 1. The Two Feet with Ten Toes of the statue in King Nebuchadnezzars dream is not Rome or the EU (Rome resurrected). Remember John excluded Rome from endtimes (Revelation 17:9-11). Therefore, all the theories about Rome revived or mixed with Israel (etc.) as being the feet with ten toes do not and cannot apply. Neither can the USA, China, India, Canada, etc. be considered since they are not one of the first five empires (see Appendices for charts).
Problem Thirteen - The King who Exalts Himself 1. The King who exalts himself is not Antiochus of Rome.
Problem Fourteen - Daniels 1290 and 1335 Days 1. The 1290 and 1335 days mentioned by Daniel are not literal 24 hour days. They are years. Daniel was consistent with his meaning of days. If days represent years in one portion of his writings, then days will mean the same thing in another portion of his writings. However, a 360 day-year changed to a 365 day-year by way of the institution of the Gregorian calendar. This is relative to the latter portion of Daniels prophecies, in particular the 1290 & 1335 days/years. But this does not change the transposing of days to years. That remains static.
2. Since traditional interpretations did not know how to apply these days, they switched its meaning to 24 hour days in an attempt to try and make it fit in some other way, but it does not. 3. Knowing when and how to apply said days (as years) is the key to Biblical interpretation.
THE THESIS The chapters that follow will set out to establish and prove with veracity the following thesis with scriptural, historical, archeological, geographical and topographical proofs. This thesis is intended to provide enough supporting evidence so that future students and scholars can arrive at essentially the same conclusions. The thesis is outlined below as follows: I. The Scarlet Beast represents Satans Kingdom, which encompasses the resurrection and the infusion of the seven empires (the empire era) into one final revived Empirethe Eighth Kingwith full Satanic power, authority
and hatredthe Red Dragon (Satan) personified (Revelation 12:3-9; 13:1; 17:8-11). II. The Whore represents the essence of Satans rebellious methodologies, the driving forces of Satans Kingdomcivilization, commerce, currency, religious organizations, power, pride and greed (lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and the pride of life). Although the Whore is abstract it is played out in human reality in a multiplicity of ways. There is only one physical city that could be remotely identified as Mystery Babylon and it is Istanbul, but even this city must be disqualified. Some say it is America or the EU (or its Banks or a computer) but these and others do not really fit with Bible prophecy and must be disqualified. The Seven Heads represents Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome and the Ottoman (Caliphate) (the British Empire and others are excluded since they did not cover land masses of the first six empires and do not match well with Bible prophecy). The Eighth Head represents Medo-Persia Empire region resurrectedwhich is currently held by Muslims who are currently represented by the OIC. The Ten Horns on the Scarlet Beasts Eighth Head represent the Secretary Generals of the OIC. A second less likely possibility is the ten Caliph dynasties of the Caliphate, which came to be known and summarized by the last caliph (dynasty), the Ottoman Empire. But since the Ottoman Empire has already been dissolved in 1922 and was not dissolved by Mashiyach (the Rock hewn), followed by the establishment of Yahushuas kingdom, this theory must be discarded. The Second Beast represents Iran (infant Medo-Persia or an Iranian president or Ayatollah) who speaks and acts on behalf of the Eighth Head. Daniels Four Beasts (Daniel 7) are identified as follows: a) the Two-Winged Lion is Medo-Persia, b) the Bear is Greece, c) the Leopard is Rome and d) the fourth beast is the Ottoman Empire (Caliphate). The Eleventh Horn in Daniels vision is most likely the tenth (10th ) President/General Secretary of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) or Johns Two-Horned lamb beast that co-works with the Eighth Head (the OIC).
IV. V.
The outline above does not cover all the points formulated in this thesis, including its many caveats, but it does purposely identify the most common errors found in traditional thinking. This book includes calculation of days, dates, events and many other relevant facts and ideas that clinch and provide a clearer and more relevant interpretation
of the Book of Daniel and the Book of Revelation than has previously been proffered by traditional scholars. It may cause defensiveness on the part of some readers, but with careful study and analysis of the facts presented, each reader will soon see the relevance of this thesis. With knowledge on the rise (knowledge will increase) and its accessibility, readers can easily google (internet research) each historical figure, date, event, concept, etc., that is found in this thesis. By doing so, it will help each reader to establish in their own mind the veracity of this thesis and will allow the reader to replicate this study and even expand on it.
Quiz Questions
1. What kind of flaw is common to most eschatological writings? _________ ____________________________________________________________ 2. What three questions did the Disciples of Mashiyach ask him relative to eschatology? ________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 3. Although Mashiyach did not fully disclose end dates and events, what existing prophetic writings did he make reference to? _______________________ ____________________________________________________________ 4. What is not knowable for both the disciples of Mashiyach and modern prophecy teachers relative to eschatology? _________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 5. Identify seven problems discussed in Chapter One relative to eschatology teachings. ___________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 6. Identify seven additional problems that you did not identify in question # 5 above. ______________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 7. Identify four thesis points indicated in Chapter One. __________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 8. Identify four additional thesis points that you did not identify in question # 7 above. _____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 9. According to Daniels dream/vision, who was the sixth head? __________ ____________________________________________________________
10. According to Daniels dream/vision, who was the seventh head? ________ ____________________________________________________________
HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT On the space provided below write a one-page response to this Chapter. Express your thoughts and feelings about this Chapter and how you have received it!
INTRODUCTION John was in the Spirit on the Lords Day and received this command about what he was about to see. I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet, 11 Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last: and, What thou seest, write in a book, and send it unto the seven churches which are in Asia; unto Ephesus, and unto Smyrna, and unto Pergamos, and unto Thyatira, and unto Sardis, and unto Philadelphia, and unto Laodicea. Revelation 1:10-11 John the Revelator wrote to seven churches resident in what came to be known as Asia Minor. It became the major collection of a large number of followers (believers) of Yahushua Mashiyach, thanks to Apostle Paul. Asia Minor, geographically speaking, is perhaps more significant to and in eschatology than is often believed. Therefore, a brief historical overview of Asia Minor is appropriate. Asia Minor became the eventual home of New Rome when Constantine moved the Roman Seat of Government to Byzantium in 330 A.D. to ensure the survival of Rome. Byzantium was renamed Constantinople (modern day Istanbul) following this major shift. New Rome came to be known as the Byzantine Empire, the eastern branch of the original Roman Empire. Old Rome became segregated to the west and history shows that western Rome declined faster than eastern Rome and ended in 476 A.D., whereas Eastern Rome did not end until 1453. Although Constantine came to embrace a mutated, heretical and paganized Mashiyachianity, he died before Mashiyachianity was made the State Religion of Rome. It was Theodosius who actually proclaimed and instituted Mashiyachianity as the Roman State Religion early in New Romes history. This cataclysmic political change would bring even more hardships for true believers, pagans and Jews alike. 21
The eminence of Constantinople relative to the ecclesiastical polity of Christianity is first evidenced at the Council of Constantinople in 381 A.D. In 392 A.D. Rome (Theodosius) declared Christianity (which was modified with paganism) as the State Church of Rome (Papadakis, 2007) and Constantinople became the new seat of the highest Christian Church Bishopric called the Ecumenical Patriarch. This eventually led to a major schism between the Bishop of Rome (Holy See) and the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople ending in a division of the churchRoman Catholicism and Greek Catholicism (commonly known as Greek Orthodox in modern times)marked by two significant dates, July 16, 1054 and the Council of Florence in 1439. This division is significant to eschatology, as will be shown. The eschatological focus of most major and popular traditional schools of thought has too often been placed on western Rome and the Roman Catholic Church (RCC) and not on Greek Catholicism, however, as will be shown, the former view does not fit well with Bible prophecy. Biblical, historical, topographical and sound analysis will be used to support this premise. Finally, the question must be asked, why did John write to just the seven churches in Asia Minor? Certainly there were many other churches through out Mashiyachendom that he could have included or written to beyond the seven in Asia Minor. But he did not, which is indicative of something significant relative to this geographical region as compared to other regions. Asia Minor was certainly the hot spot on the planet where the west converged with the east. This point alone is very significant for numerous reasons delineated in subsequent chapters. Asia Minor cradled one of the only two known cities on the earth built on seven hills, topographically speaking, and in particular, speaking of ancient empires. Furthermore, Asia Minor would come to hold two ancient empire seats of government in a city known by the Greeks as the Queen City and the crown jewel city of two ancient empires with an economy that impacted the whole world and now is a crown jewel city of one of the OIC member states. Asia Minor also became the resident home of two of the largest ecclesiastical polity seats in the world, one of which still remains to this day. It is also believed that Noahs ark came to rest in Asia Minor and is still said to be there to this day. Quite fitting since Noah was referenced by Mashiyach when he was making an end-time analogy, as it was, so shall it also be. In other words, Asia Minor would witness some of the most significant unraveling of eschatological events in known history as compared to most parts of the world. It would become the epicenter for prophetic troubles that would severely and negatively impact any believer residing there. THE MAIN LESSON TO BE LEARNED FROM ESCHATOLOGY
Both Daniel and John saw the future as it related specifically to the Jews and indirectly (incidental to) to the New Covenant believers. Most eschatologists spend there time focusing on how, when and what future events will unfold. While this is certainly important and something this book will also address, there is a lesson to be learned that is far more important. Starting with Daniel, the true purpose of Daniel's prophecy can be found in this Bible verse, in the first year of his reign, I, Daniel, understood from the Scriptures, according to the word of the LORD given to Jeremiah the prophet, that the desolation of Jerusalem would last seventy years. So I turned to the LORD GOD and pleaded with him in prayer and petition, in fasting, and in sackcloth and asheswe have sinned and done wrong. We been wicked and have rebelled; we have turned away from your commands and laws Daniel 9:2-5 "Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy." Daniel 9:24 Although Gentile Christians may get deeply involved in Hebrew related prophecy, its meanings, its interpretations, and how it plays out in human reality they should first focus on what precipitated the need for these prophecies in the first place. It was the fact that the Hebrews transgressed against YHVH by committing religious idolatry (equal to adultery) and just as significantly the sins they committed against each other, i.e., against the helpless, the disenfranchised, the widows, the orphans, the poor, etc., and this they did in spite of warnings from YHVH. Of course New Testament believers are indirectly impacted by Israels sins, and this is where Mashiyachs prophetic commentaries (Matthew 24), Pauls commentaries (2 Thessalonians 2:3, etc.), Peters commentaries (2 Peter 3:10) and John's revelations (Revelation) comes in, but even their prophecies were significantly related to Hebrew events, hence, their transgressions. So, then, one must ask, what were Israel's sins that angered YHVH so much that he would "divorce" them and punish then for so long? One need only turn to Isaiah (Isaiah 1:12-15, 16-17, 21, 23; 2:14-15; etc., etc.) and Jeremiah (Jeremiah 5, etc., etc.) to find the answer. YHVH was extremely angered by Israels idolatrous practices, robbing YHVH, and especially the maltreatment of their less fortunate brothers (and sisters), children (orphans) and strangers. This important embedded lesson is missed by most eschatologists and therefore little is learned from Israels experience. This message was not missed by Yahushua (Matthew 25:34-40) or by John (see below). Prior to Johns revelations, you can find some key messages in his first and
second epistle that is directly related to this lesson. He writes in an attempt to help "Christians" not lose sight of this vital lesson, the true purpose and lesson of eschatology. If YHVH was angered by Israel's disobedience, how much more will he be angered by those who have been grafted into (the wild olive branch--the Gentiles) the cultivated (Romans 11:24) Olive Tree (Israel) and redeemed by Mashiyachs own shed blood and have disregard to the shed blood (Hebrews 10:29) and body of Mashiyach? Contrary to what most people think about who or what Antichrist is (most often thought of as a specific evil person who will one day arrive on the scene and deceive the world, ushering in the end of times), John set the record straight. John explained it extensively in his epistles and in the gospel of John. A closer extrapolated examination of his writings reveals something far more non-traditional than what is often considered, relative to eschatology. Trying to follow Johns logic can be challenging but a slow careful read and reread helps. For a starting point John indicated these basic premises: 1. YHVH first LOVED US (Believers) (1 John 4:10, 19; 3:1) and did so via the sending of his only begotten son (not only son) Yahushua Mashiyach who was obedient to YHVHs will by laying down his own life, being buried, rising from the dead, spending 40 more days with his disciples opening their understanding of the Kingdom and then taking his broken body and shed blood to heaven as the atonement and redemption for all mankind. 2. Believers in return LOVE YHVH which means that Believers LOVE YHVHs child (Yahushua Mashiyach) as well (1 John 5:1). 3. Believers must also LOVE all of YHVHs children (adopted children, all believers), not just one child (Yahushua Mashiyach) (1 John 4:11; 3:1). 4. LOVING YHVH and carrying out his commands is proof that a person LOVES the children of YHVH (1 John 5:2). 5. Obeying YHVHs commands is proof that a person LOVES YHVH (1 John 5:3).
6. LOVING YHVHs children (brothers/sisters) as Christ LOVED his disciples (and humanity) is a commandment of the New Covenant (2 John 5-9; John 15:12). With the above premises established there are other elements that must be discussed, the opposite of LOVE. John uses the word hate and the word antiMashiyach relative to people who may at one time have been thought to be believers but are now engaged in behaviors and teachings that are opposite to how Mashiyach taught or behaved. Therefore, an antiMashiyach (Greek: antichristos) is anyone who opposes Mashiyach or who behaves and speaks directly opposite to how Mashiyach behaved or spoke. Below are Johns premises regarding antiMashiyachs:
Part One 1. The Spirit of antiMashiyach has been at work since the Apostles day (1 John 2:18; 4:3). 2. 3. Many antiMashiyachs have already come and will continue to come (1 John 2:18). AntiMashiyachs come from within the family of believers (1John 2:19).
4. AntiMashiyachs tells lies in general and also spread lies concerning Mashiyach (1 John 2:20-27). 5. AntiMashiyachs do not listen to (or obey) the message of believers (1 John 4:6).
6. AntiMashiyachs do not remain in what they heard from the beginning (1 John 2:2227). 7. 8. Antichrists deny that Yahushua is the Mashiyach (1 John 2:22). Satan, the devil, is certainly an antiMashiyach.
Part Two But John does not stop here, therefore it is incredibly important to expand these premises and follow the path to where John is taking the believer. 1. If a person says they LOVE YVHV and does not LOVE the brotherhood, he is a LIAR (1 John 4:20). 2. If a person is a LIAR they are an antichrist for Mashiyach is truth and speaks only truth in all purity (1 John 2:21-22). 3. If a person does not LOVE his brother he is not a child of YHVH but a child of the devil (1 John 3:10), an antichrist. 4. If a person does not do what is right, he is not a child of YHVH but a child of the devil (1 John 3:10), an antiMashiyach. 5. Every spirit that does not acknowledge (covenant with) Yahushua as come in the flesh is not from YHVH and is the spirit of antiMashiyach (1 John 4:3)
6. If a person does not remain in the Son, even in the Father and his promise, even eternal life which comes from the covenant enjoinment process, they are antiMashiyach (1 John 2:23-27). Part Three The final extension of Johns teaching on this subject is the most critical part of all since it goes beyond critical thought and into the dimension of the applied, the real crux of the Kingdom of YHVH. 1. The definition of LOVE comes from Mashiyachs behavior, that he laid down his life for the believers (1 John 3:16; John 15:13). 2. This same definition applies to believers, that believers ought to lay down their lives for the brethren (1 John 3:16; John 15:12). 3. The definition of LOVE is more than words or tongue, but is to be an applied concept validated with actions (in purity/truth) that specifically identifies giving and sharing of material possessions (alms) with believers in need (1 John 3:17-18; 4:20-21). 4. Mashiyach promulgated this applied teaching (a doctrine of Mashiyach) in the beginning (Matthew 25:31-46; John 15:12-13). (Review Job 29:12-17; 31:13-23) 5. James confirmed this teaching in his writings (James 2:14-17).
Part Four When reading the teachings of Mashiyach, found in Matthew 25 (verses 31-46), it can be clearly seen that Mashiyach fully intended to infer that charitable behaviors administered to the least of the brethren, or the absence thereof, is the same thing as doing it unto Mashiyach. And why should it not? Are not the least of the brethren children of YHVH and co-heirs with Mashiyach? By exhibiting charitable behaviors to the least of the brethren one is rewarded with eternal blessings. Conversely, the absence of these charitable behaviors brings an eternal reward of eternal punishment. There are no exceptions. And now I beseech thee, lady, not as though I wrote a new commandment unto thee, but that which we had from the beginning, that we love one another. 6 And this is love, that we walk after his commandments. This is the commandment, That, as ye have heard from the beginning, ye should walk in it (LOVE). 7 For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist. 8 Look to yourselves, that we lose not those things which we have wrought, but that we receive a full reward. 9 Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath
not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son. 2 John 1:5-9 Part Five Finally, there are several conclusions that must be drawn, summarized and reviewed. 1. Yahushua is the Mashiyach, YHVH with us, the promised seed that would fulfill all things and open the door to all who hear, believe, enjoin the Mashiyachic Covenant and remain in the doctrine of Mashiyach. Those that do not believe and obey but deny this are antiMashiyachs. 2. Whoever LOVES YHVH also LOVES YHVHs child (Yahushua Mashiyach) and YHVHs children (adopted co-heirs, believers) and if not they are antichrists. 3. Whoever LOVES YHVH keeps his commandments, which includes LOVING believers just as Mashiyach loved his disciples and humanity and if not they are antiMashiyachs. 4. This LOVE only comes from YHVH (1 John 4:7; Romans 5:5) and is shed abroad into a believers heart by enjoining the Mashiyachic Covenant and being sealed by YHVH (Ephesians 3:13-14; 2 Corinthians 5:5). 5. The scriptures defines LOVE as charitable behaviors administered to the least of the believers and if said behaviors are absent in a believers life said believer is an antiMashiyach and never belonged to the body of Mashiyach in the first place. 6. This is one of the main reasons why most people will be shocked on judgment day. They were deceived into thinking that expanding a carnal kingdom (building larger church buildings and getting bigger crowds) was doing YHVHs will. 7. The two main functions of the church are a.) to administer its spiritual wealth with the world by preaching the truth of the gospel to the world and edifying the body of Mashiyach through its five-fold ministry and other gifts AND b.) to administer to the physical needs of the brethren. 8. The true original purpose for tithing was not for building temples, church buildings, etc. but for supporting the ministry and the poor. 9. This is the reason why the unsaved Cornelius was unknowingly building a memorial in heaven, because of his prayers and alms giving (charity). YHVH saw it and even dispatched an angel to make sure this devout (Gentile) man would be included in the Mashiyachic Covenant. There was a certain man in Caesarea called Cornelius, a centurion of the band called the Italian band, 2 A devout man, and one that feared God with all his house, which gave much alms to the people, and prayed to God alway. 3 He saw in a vision evidently about the ninth hour of the day an angel of God coming in to him, and saying unto him, Cornelius. 4 And when he looked on him, he was afraid, and said, What is it, Lord? And he said unto him, Thy prayers and thine alms are come up for a memorial before God.
Acts 10:1-4 The coming and birth of Yahushua Mashiyach embodied and promoted a divine paradigm shift that was to redirect humanity onto a new path; a path of humility and servitude; a path of action that reaches out to sinners, to help the poor, the needy and the sick (Matt. 20:26-28; 9:12). This new path of humility and servitude is defined as greatness (Luke 9:48); conversely, the pursuit of wealth, power and prestige is not only considered carnal but is a path that will end in emptiness (Luke 1:51-53; 12:1521). Notwithstanding, if wealth and power is or has been acquired it is to be used for the benefit of and given to the poor and needy, that is, if perfection is to be acquired (Matthew 19:21). However, giving must be done with humility, even secretly (Matthew 6:1-4). But don't worry, because Yahushua does observe giving from an equitable perspective (Mark 12:41-44) and HE will reward those that are charitable. Somehow, the bulk of the Mashiyachian community has forgotten this Mashiyachian teaching--but a unified effort can change this and get the Church (the body of Mashiyach) back on the narrow path (Matthew 7:12-27). Being in the shoes of less fortunate fellow Mashiyachians should guide people in their giving? (Matthew 25:34-46 and Matthew 7:12) If a believer can perceive this concept, they will grasp what Mashiyach was teaching (Matthew 7:12-27), i.e., a summary of the whole Law and the Prophets. Charitable and gracious words are not only meaningless without aligned actions (behavior) but ACTIONS, good or bad, is what actually determine a believers eternal status. Therefore, the responsibility of the existing Body of Mashiyach is two-fold. First, it is to share its spiritual wealth--the Gospel of Hope and scriptural wisdom and knowledge--with hungry unbelievers and believers alike. Second, it is to share its individual and collective non-spiritual wealth with less fortunate members of the Body of Mashiyach via collections, distributions and sharing. Remember, a person's wealth is not solely comprised of money earned or saved, but also includes his/her knowledge, possessions, skills, and so on. To avoid neglecting the ministry of YHVH's word, the Apostles delegated this social church responsibility to holy men equipped with the talents and skills to do so. This duty was not assigned to the Preachers, per se, but to gifted and holy ecclesiastical administrators (Acts 6:1-7). It is likely that no teaching of Mashiyach and of his disciples is more violated among wealthy nations than this one. Even Yahushua received/collected donations. These collections were not only for the physical needs/provisions of himself and the twelve (Luke 8:3), but also for the purpose of distributions to the poor (John 13:29). Why else would Judas hold the bag (act as treasurer) if there were no funds collected or why would the disciples think Judas gave to the poor, if this was not a practice established by Yahushua? Why would Yahushua tell the rich young ruler to give all his wealth to the poor (Mark 10:21) if he did not believe and teach (Luke 12:33) that it is necessary?
OTHER RELATED KEY MESSAGES TO THE SEVEN CHURCHES Much has been written about the red-lettered words found in the first three chapters of the Book of Revelation. Therefore, in an attempt to avoid replication, this chapter will focus on other equally important messages given to these seven churches by John. They are scattered through out the Book of Revelation and they are more relevant to the thesis of this book. A chronological approach will be taken. First Message A significant hint was given by John to help the wise reader identify the beast, the mark of the beast, the image of the beast and the name of the beast. And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. Revelation 13:16-18 More attention will be given to this very important message in later chapters of this book. However, the main point here is that the wise reader will be able to know, with a high degree of certainty, the identity of this beast by using a calculation method, which will equal six hundred sixty-six (666 or the alternate 616 view, see Chapter 6). The commonly known methods for calculating names and words into number values are Gematria and Isopsephy. The quantum leap for most readers will be to acquire the ability to apply these methods to names written in foreign languages. For example an Arabic name has a name value in Arabic that is lost in translation when translated into English. The individual calculating the number value must then take the English translated word and calculate letter values using a Hebrew, Arabic or Greek letter value conversion chart. It is easy to see how true letter values (or name values) are quickly and easily lost in translation. This would also apply to Turkish names, Greek names, Hebrew names, and so on. Second Message A second important message is a warning issued to believers to avoid worshipping the beast, his image and the taking of his mark at all costs because forcible worship of an image is a tactic that will be used by Satan. Nebuchadnezzar was caught in a similar quandary when he was tricked into employing this method devised by Daniels enemies who plotted to get rid of the prophet Daniel. 29
And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, 10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: 11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name. 12 Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus. Revelation 14:9-12 Third Message A third important message given by John to the seven churches of Asia Minor was in the form of another warning. He warned that the vials of wrath would be poured out upon anyone who had the mark of the beast and/or worshipped the image of the beast. And I heard a great voice out of the temple saying to the seven angels, Go your ways, and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth. 2 And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image. Revelation 16:1-2 Fourth Message A fourth important message given to the seven churches was another important hint for the wise reader. The hint revolved around identifying the Whore, Mystery Babylon, the Mother of Whores. With careful analysis, her identity is knowable. This is significant since other messages relate to the Whore, suggesting its importance. And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth. Revelation 17:9 Fifth Message
A fifth important message and perhaps the most profound and most overlooked, is found in Revelation 18 where John issued (to the seven churches) a divine call for believers to come out of Mystery Babylon (the Whore) to avoid being partakers of her sins and plagues. This call is very similar to the call YHVH gave to Abraham, to leave Haran (your country), his people and his fathers household. Abraham obeyed that call and took himself and his family physically out of Haran, Babylon. For this reason, identifying the Whore is critical so believers will know who the Whore is so they can come out of her to avoid partaking of her sins and avoid her plagues and destruction. And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory. 2 And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. 3 For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies. 4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. 5 For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities. Revelation 18:1-5 Sixth Message A sixth message given by the revelator to the seven churches is a warning that anyone who worshiped the image of the beast or took his mark shall be cast alive into the lake of fire forever and ever. And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone. Revelation 19:20 Seventh Message A seventh message written by John was the pronouncement of Mashiyachs eminent and soon return. Behold, I come quickly: blessed is he that keepeth the sayings of the prophecy of this book... 12 And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give 31
every man according as his work shall be. 13 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. 14 Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. 15 For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie. 16 I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star. 17 And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely. Revelation 22:7-17
Eighth Message John wrote one final message to the churches in the form of a warning. This is what he wrote. For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: 19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. Revelation 22:18-19 It is quite clear that there will be severe consequences for anyone trying to diminish, reduce, or eliminate any of the writings of the Book of Revelation and conversely the same applies to anyone trying to add to the writings of the Book of Revelation. For certain there are many other verses found in Revelation that can be added here, but the ones proffered certainly represent the top most relevant messages to eschatology and the thesis of this book. The reader is encouraged to expand on this chapter, for much more could be written, but the above messages were chosen as most relevant to this book.
Quiz Questions
1. Identify the seven churches in Asia Minor (now Turkey) that John the Revelator wrote to. _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 2. What empire(s) had its capitol in Asia Minor following Johns writings? ______ _________________________________________________________________ 3. What Christian religious organization still has its ecclesiastical polity seat in Turkey? __________________________________________________________ 4. What is the true lesson to be learned relative to eschatology? ________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 5. Identify Johns six basic premises that leads the believer to a deeper understanding of what eschatology is all about for the believer and how it relates to the concept of antiMashiyach. _____________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 6. What five premises does John use to define what an antiMashiyach is? ______ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 7. What general two-fold responsibility belongs to the church? ________________ _________________________________________________________________ 8. Identify four key messages found in the Book of revelation. _________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 9. Identify four additional messages that you did not identify in question # 8 above found in the Book of Revelation. ______________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 10. What method should be employed to guide the believers giving habit? ________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________
HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT On the space provided below write a one-page response to this Chapter. Express your thoughts and feelings about this Chapter and how you have received it!
INTRODUCTION There have been decades of writings and teachings regarding the identity of the Scarlet Beast in Johns vision. The main problem has been that most students, scholars and theologians, alike, start from a paradigm handed down to them from others and then build more unsubstantiated ideas on top of an already flawed paradigm that will never really solve the eschatological puzzle. It is important to know that although Daniels prophetic contributions are inextricably linked to Johns vision, if one does not unlock Daniels wisdom, then advancements in eschatology using Johns vision will escape the researcher. Conversely, if one does not unlock Revelation 17:9-11, then understanding Daniels fourth beast and the eleventh horn will also elude the same said researcher. So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. Revelation 17:3 This chapter will hopefully clear away the clouds that have for so long shrouded the truths of eschatology that are found scattered throughout scriptures, but significantly centralized in the Book of Daniel and in the Book of Revelation. THE BOOK OF DANIEL AND HISTORY To understand more fully who or what the Scarlet Beast is and its identity (Revelation 17), it is important to first visit the Book of Daniel and history. It is here that the student(s) of eschatology will find his/her fundamental answers. Thereafter, said discoveries are tweaked and polished when analyzing the Book of Revelation.
The highly regarded Jewish prophet, Daniel, was exiled in Babylon around the age of fifteen (15). At some point thereafter, he began to gain supernatural insight into the future. Examples of this first began when a request for interpretation of a dream arrived on his door step, not necessarily by his own choice. In other words, it was not something he had particularly asked for, as far as scripture reveals. It just seemed to fall into his lap by circumstance, by virtue of a troubling dream the King of Babylon had. Without going into lengthy details regarding Nebuchadnezzars statue dream, for many have already done that, the short version of his dream is this. YHVH revealed to Daniel information on present and future empires that would rise and fall as it related to Babylon and beyond. The head of the statue represented the Babylonian Empire, the chest area with two arms represented the Medes and the Persian Empires, the waist area represented the Greek Empire, the two legs represented the Roman Empire and the two feet represented the Ottoman Empire (more details on the Ottoman/Caliphate to follow) and then followed by the ten (10) toes representing the OIC. Some could argue that the ten toes represent the ten (10) caliphs of a Caliphate Empire, but there are reasons why this idea is less plausible. More details and discussions on the two feet and ten toes will follow later in this chapter and throughout this book. It cannot be stressed enough that although traditional eschatology links the feet and ten toes to Rome, John clearly eliminated Rome from consideration (Revelation 17:9-11). So, no matter how hard scholars try to make Rome (EU, etc.) fit, John excluded it. Therefore, the researcher must look elsewhere for the answer. This is addressed more fully later in this book aided with charts found in the Appendices to help substantiate the veracity of this view. Daniel began to have his own visions long after he had interpreted Nebuchadnezzars dream and they were also eschatological in nature. Said dreams came after Nebuchadnezzar had died, at the close of the Babylonian Empire and some during the Persian rule over Babylon. He began to see events and details of the future not previously disclosed at the time of Nebuchadnezzars statue dream. Daniel began to see Empires symbolized as Beasts (animals) which identified specific Empires some of which were also identified in Nebuchadnezzars statue dream, but with greater detail and ultimately more closely linked to his own people. Daniels dreams specifically identified only two empires by name, the MedoPersian Empire and the Greek Empire symbolized in two different dreams and by four different animal symbols relative to just these two empires. The two-winged lion that lost its two wings and stood up like a man and the two-horned ram represented MedoPersia. The Bear and the shaggy goat represent Greece. History easily verifies the rise and fall of empires as they relate to Nebuchadnezzars statue and indirectly Daniels dreams/visions. The Medo-Persian Empire requires special focus since it is one of the only three Empires that held a symbol in common between Daniel and John and one that was specifically identified by Daniel relative to his beasts (in his dreams/visions) that
appeared in more than one vision/dream. And it is one of only two Empires in the Bible disclosed to have a Prince (some kind of evil/resisting spirit-being, perhaps a fallen angel). Persia has a very long history that reaches back into the dawn of human history through the Median Empire. Media (Medes) was the Empire that preceded Persia. Anshan conquered Media merging the two divided Iranian kingdoms into one which came to be known as Persia lifting it to Empire status. It was Cyrus the Great who rebelled against his grandfather (the Media Empire) in 550 B.C. +/- From that victorious starting point, the Persian Empire, forged ahead to its glory days and experienced massive growth ruling over lands from Bulgaria to Afghanistan, from Armenia to Egypt and the northern parts of Arabia. Ancient Persias capital was Persepolis (The City of the Persians), which was the richest city ever known during the Ancient Empire days. On some archaeological structural remains found in Persepolis this inscription is found, The Gate to All Nations. However, this great city was eventually destroyed by Alexander the Great who carried away this great citys wealth back to his homeland leaving behind only the remains of this once great city. Persia during its Empire days lasted from 550 B.C. to 330 B.C. +/- until the Greek Empire conquered Persia led by Alexander the Great. Even though the Persians became subjects of the Greek Empire, they did not disappear altogether as a people and self rule was restored quite quickly. In fact, the Seleucid Dynasty would emerge as early as 312 B.C. And the name Persia was used in the Iranian region right up until 1935 A.D. When Persian public opinion thought that the name Persia was not western enough, Persia changed its name to Iran. Furthermore, the name Persia was also used in Turkey (and other regions under the control of the Ottoman Empire) until 1922 A.D. Historically and Biblically speaking, it would be more accurate to say that Iran is both Media (since they stayed in Iran) and Persia since Persias early boundaries were that of the Medes. Turkey, however, is more singularly Persia from a modern perspective and more in name than from an ancient imperial perspective. The eventual migration of a large segment of Iranians, led by Ottoman, post Ancient Persian Empire, placed their new governmental capital in Istanbul, but this was much later in history during the Ottoman Empire. Throughout the long history of the Medes and the Persians, they came to embrace Moon-god worship, and Morning Star-god worship among other polytheistic beliefs. The basic beliefs of Moon-god and Star-god worship were and/or developed into this, the Moon-god (Sin) had sex with the Sun-god (Ra) and had children, the starswith the morning star (Venus) being the most prominent of their offspring. According to Herodotus (i.101), the Magi were the sixth tribe of the Medians. Until the unification of the Persian Empire under Cyrus the Great, all Iranians were referred to as Medes or Mada by the peoples of the Ancient World. Apparently the Magi were the priestly cast of the Mesopotamia-influenced branch of Zoroastrianism, embraced by the Medes, who wielded significant influence in the courts of the Median
emperors. The Magi obviously were star gazers for when the Magi came seeking Yahushua, they proclaimed that they had seen his star in the East (Matthew 2:2). It is here that one finds the influence of Judaism upon the Babylonians and Persians, not the other way round. The fourth day of creation reveals the Hebrew knowledge and understanding of astronomy and its valid use relative to the foretelling and calculations of future events. The fourth day was not out of sequence as some may suppose. Since YHVH is light, there was no need for lights prior to the fourth day of creation (Genesis 1:14) only subsequent days would require other physical sources of lights. So YHVH provided other material sources of light on the fourth day of creation that would divide day from night, establish seasons and years, and also provide astrological signs. It is the word signs that allows the reader to connect the added value and added purpose of the cosmos, which directly relates to the ability to calculate Mashiyachic prophecy, because without the ability to astrologically calculate signs, there would be no point to give unto man any Mashiyachic prophecies (or otherwise) that would require calculations and provide proofs of Yahushuas identity. And the cosmos is what allowed humanity to develop a calendar, to track days, months, years and seasons. It was by this means (zodiac or astrological signs) that Daniel (ruler over the Persian MagiZoroastrian Priests-Scholars) embedded Mashiyachic prophecy within the astrological writings of the Persian Magi (a priestly Media tribe of scholars). How else would the Magi have known when and where to show up after the literal birth of the Mashiyachthe true light of the world, YHVH in Mashiyach? To the millennialist, the fourth evening is when Mashiyach arrived, just on time, at the end of the fourth day (millennia) (Briggs, 2007) and the beginning of the fifth millennium4000 SSE (see Appendices). Cyrus acknowledged his devotion to Ahura Mazda, the god of Zurvanism (modern day term for Ancient Zoroastrianism). Although Zurvanism was once the predominant religion of Iran it underwent persecutions and given the fact that it does not proselytize, its classical following has been reduced to nearly 200,000 adherents, worldwide. Some noted Zoroastrians in modern times are the former Executive Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Yasmin Patel, former advisor to the IMF Executive Director, Alexander Bard and Dr. Farhang Mehr, former deputy prime minister of Iran and Boston University professor emeritus. Following the unification of the Median and Persian Empires Cyrus the Great, Cyrus II and later his son Cambyses II summoned the powers of the Magi. It is also interesting to note that much later during the Caliphate, Zoroastrians were not forced into conversion being said that they were the People of the Book and were allowed to practice their religion. Zurvanism was said to be monotheistic, but that, too, is a deception similar to the deception of Islam. The god of Zurvanism was not the same God as that of the Jews, but Zoroastrianism certainly came under Belteshazzars (Daniel 1:7, 17-21) influence both astrologically (Daniel 2:2, 48-49; 6:2; 9:1; 10:1;), scholarly and doctrinally especially during Darius rule and since that time, elements of Judaism can now be easily found within the Zoroastrian tenants of faith causing some to come to the
erroneous conclusion that Judaism and Christianity absorbed or emerged out from Zoroastrianism. Such an error comes only from poor and incomplete research. Manichaeism and other variations or off shoots of Zurvanism have left their evidence scattered through out the earth as well. Eventually the worship of images would fall out of favor due to Belteshazzars influence, but they did not go far enough and merely replaced said images with iconoclastic fire temples, but the lasting legacy of the Achaemenids complex hierarchy of Yazatas (modern Zoroastrianisms Angels) was transfixed by placing the divinities in the Zoroastrian calendar, thus ensuring that they would be frequently invoked, much like the Islamic calendar that includes many Arabic pagan practices, etc., or much like the Gregorian calendar that includes Greek and Roman gods. The Jewish calendar is also often misconstrued relative to this subject, but is too large of a subject to address here. Achaemenids also popularized shrines and temples paving the road to multiple forms of pagan worship. In modern times, Iran came to embrace Islam as a result of the conquests of the Ottoman Empire (tenth caliph) and moved away from Zurvanism proper. However, a remnant of Zurvanism still exists in its classical form in Iran to this day. THE PROGENITOR OF ISLAM The progenitor of Islam (Muhammad) hails from Arabia, falsely acclaimed by some of his followers to be a descendant of Ishmael, whose mother was an Egyptian, Hagar. Even Muhammad himself denies any knowable claim to Ishmael. After Hagar departed away from her husband Abraham, she and her son moved into the region where pre-existing Arabians already lived. They were the extremely polytheistic mixed descendants of Cush and Shem. Four of Abrahams descendents (including Ishmael) intermingled and married with these Arabians. Much, much later in history, in 570 A.D., Muhammad was born in the Mekkah (Mecca) region of Saudi Arabia. These facts alone would lead any researcher in the direction of polytheism relative to Islam. Contrary to what Dr. A. Zahoor, Dr. Z. Haq, M S M Saifullah, Mohd Elfie Nieshaem Juferi, Abdullah David, et al. try to deny or cover up, the pagan historic roots of Islam are quite difficult to hide. The culture and religion surrounding Muhammad clearly shows that he was born in the Mekkah (Mecca) region that was steeped in polytheism. Zahoor and Z. Haq (1998) clearly state that Kabah was the first house of worship built on earth for the worship of Allah. And with another stroke of the pen admits that Kabah was filled with three hundred sixty idols. The Kabah was the holy sanctuary that Muhammads grandfather, Abd al Muttalib, cared for long before Muhammad ever received any supposed revelations in 610 A.D. If Zahoor, et al. within Islam, were to deny that Islam has its roots in polytheism it would not only contradict their own writers (which they are bold enough to do) and history, but it would be a blatant attempt to deceive others. It is true that monotheism is the belief in one god, but saying that one is a monotheist is not the same thing as being
one in practice or in deed. Furthermore, monotheism is not confined to Judaism. In other words, a monotheistic belief does not necessarily mean that said monotheistic god is the same god as YHVH, the God of the Jews. This is important because the emergence of Islam plays a significant role in the revival of Medo-Persia. The revived Medo-Persia is already in existence today, but as said earlier, it is not Turkey by itself, even though that is where the last Caliph, Ottoman, came to rest and where he made his capital, Istanbul. The Ottoman Empire and the Ottoman/Caliphate was abolished in 1922 A.D. As will be shown, the revived MedoPersian Empire, therefore, is not Iran or Turkey by themselves, even though they were called Persia until 1935 A.D. and 1922 A.D. respectively. But, Ottoman did spread the Arabic language and the Islamic faith during his reign and that of his dynasty. To date, Persia/Islam has not elected a new Caliph because the Caliphate was dissolved during the same time the Ottoman Empire was dissolved. This is partially what Osama Bin Laden has been trying to accomplish (Al Qaeda)to become an accepted caliph or stir up Sunni Islam to reinstate the Caliph system. But little does he know, or all of Islam for that matter, that the time has not come. Most likely a Caliph or Ayatollah will arise in connection with the OIC. In fact, the wise person will know the identity of this man since they will be able to calculate his name (Revelation 13:18). Others, like Osama Bin Laden, have tried to become the next caliph too, but failed. Even President Bush briefly touched on this subject in one of his presidential speeches (as do other politicians). THE SCARLET BEAST Daniels fourth beast as found in Daniel 7 and Johns Scarlet Beast as found in Revelation 13 and 17 represents the essence (the demon) of imperialism revived with all its interconnected cities and economies and its evils and atrocities. Johns Red Dragon in Revelation 12 is Johns Scarlet Beast personified in Revelation 13. In other words, the kingdoms of this world comprise Satans domain (symbolized by the Scarlet Beast) for he and his angels have been in control from the beginning (the expulsion from Eden) with the exception of YHVHs intermittent intervention as needed to ensure that YHVHs divine will unfolds. Just as Mashiyach has an abstract Kingdom (Romans 14:17) that is visibly seen in human reality as the church, so does Satan have a kingdom. Satans kingdom (symbolically the Scarlet Beast) is also abstract but is visibly seen in human reality as the historic seven world empires including the upcoming final revived empire. The Scarlet Beast represents the history and revival of the demonic controlled Imperialism as well as all the interconnected cities and economies around the world. Imperialism seemed to disappear in 1922 A.D. with the decline/end of the Ottoman Empire, but there is one last imperialistic surge coming via the OIC or similar entity that will be the Eighth and final Head of the Scarlet Beast.
Remember that each of the first six empires was at some point in history subdued by their successor even though more than one empire existed concurrently. While one empire played the dominant role others were in the incubator. However, the seventh Empire (Ottoman) was not subdued, but dissolved away by agreement in 1922 A.D., signifying the end of Imperialism, so it was thought. Some say Hitler made a stab at resurrecting Imperialism, but he was quickly snuffed out as was Japan and a few others. Besides, Hitlers acts were represented elsewhere in eschatology. Even the British Empire emerged for awhile, but never really subdued the land mass areas of the first six empires and did not really promote an idolatrous religion in the traditional sense. The Scarlet Beast in Revelation 13 is described as having feet like a Bear, mouth like a Lion and the Body like a Leopard which depicts not any one particular empire but a conglomerate, i.e., three of the last four great Empires (Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome) signifying the demonic essence of Imperialism itself as well as characteristics and land masses similar to all three Empires. If the reader wants to see more specifics on a nation or Empire, then they must examine the Heads of the Scarlet Beast below (the Seven Head and Ten Horns section) which reveal the identity of the seven empires. In modern times, imperialism and empire phraseology has all but disappeared including its historic, expansive, gross and murderous atrocities. However, in modern times, terms like Conference, Organization, Alliance, Union, Corporation, etc. can essentially mean the same thing. And physical imperialistic wars are becoming less common among civilized and industrialized nations but certainly still exist to some degree in the form of talks, negotiations, conferences, Unions, Alliances, Nations, etc. Modern wars (conquering and subduing) occur in a more civilized manner through mergers, takeovers, treaties, agreements, resolutions, sanctions, etc., but they essentially accomplish the same thing, hopefully with less blood shed, but not necessarily with less human suffering. People in modern times seem to be horrified by conventional war if just a few thousand people are killed when the Mongols killed between 30,000,000 and 60,000,000 people not that long ago in human history (12071279 A.D.) and over 20,000,000 in the 20th century wars. With that said, keep in mind that the Islamic States (Islam) sees no distinction between religion (church) and government (state). There is little distinction between faith, belief, believers, government, law, justice, national security, etc. in Islam. This was also somewhat true with most ancient empires but in modern times many governments separate church from state and put a premium on human rights and citizen rights. This is becoming the norm, with a few exceptions, the Islamic States and a few dictator states. But even these said rights are a farce, they are mostly political rhetoric. John also saw the beast in a scarlet color which usually means, with a degree of certainty, royalty and wealth (Matthew 27:28 and many other scriptures) and secondarily and less definitively it may represent sin and sinful atrocities (Isaiah 1:18). There are no doubts that all these empires certainly dominated/rivaled other kingdoms with their power, wealth and national pride and shed innocent blood and committed atrocities difficult to imagine. The revival of end-time Imperialism will not be much different.
Finally, other questions must be asked relative to the Scarlet Beast like, Why is the Whore riding on the seven heads of the Beast? And secondly, Why does the beast and the Ten Horns hate the Whore? Both are very important questions which help verify the identity of the Scarlet Beast. Said questions will be answered in subsequent chapters. THE BOTTOMLESS PIT Unlike the Two-Horned Beast, the Scarlet Beast comes out of the bottomless pit (hell) where YHVH usually keeps Satans angels bound and chained. This signifies that the Scarlet Beast is of demonic origins and was coming back to life after being restrained. Remember, Persia was only one out of two Empires that were specifically identified as having a Prince (a fallen angel), both of whom fought against Gabriel and Michael. So it would only make sense that this Scarlet Beast (Imperialism) and its facilitators (the demonic underworld) would be temporarily bound and cast into the abyss (all together) when Michael (a holy angel) had finally subdued the Prince (a fallen angel) of Persia in the spiritual realm (Daniel 10:20-21). They would remain there until the appointed time. Furthermore, it would only seem rational to any student of the Bible that all the actions and atrocities that theses Empires exacted on the world could only be driven by evil forces, like that of the earths first murderer (Genesis 4:7-8), the progenitor of agriculture and cities, Cain. Even though portions of Satans kingdom were temporarily subdued, Satan was not cast into the abyss. He continues to be the prince and power of the air always trying to find new powerful leaders he could use to accomplish his goals and objectives. When the Scarlet Beast, together with its driving evil forces, is released from the abyss, the end will come like a flood. The stage will be set and ready to go, prior to its release. In the Book of Daniel, all of the Four Beasts that Daniel saw in Chapter 7, came up out of the Sea which also signifies their demonic origin. Michael (a holy angel) was seen as engaged in fighting the Prince (a fallen angel) of Persia and later would be fighting the Prince (a fallen angel) of Greece. This indicates that not only is YHVH involved in shaping human history, but that Satan and his angels are also trying to shape human history. Although the world seems to be heading down the path of hopelessness, believers must keep the faith, spread the gospel and trust that YHVH has everything under control. In the end, the divine author has written that he will overcome Satan and his angels and they will be destroyed in the lake of fire forever and ever. In the Book of Daniel, Michael is called the great prince that protects your people (Daniel 12:1) and one of the chief princes (Daniel 10:13). And in Revelation, Michael (a holy angel) will be dispatched to carefully monitor the released Scarlet Beast and will be engaged during the unfolding of end-time Bible prophecy, as depicted in Revelation 12:7. Obviously end-time fulfillment will not be the first time Michael has had to deal with a fallen angel, in particular the Prince of Persia.
Since one of the evil spiritual forces behind the Medo-Persian Empire and its imperialistic essence, was overcome, bound and cast into the abyss and the Scarlet Beast comes up out of the abyss, it provides an interesting link between the two. It appears that the evil Prince (a fallen angel) of Persia will be released again (see the next section of this chapter), as indicated in Johns vision (Revelation 17:8). Therefore, upon the release of the Prince (a fallen angel) of Persia, the Scarlet Beast with its Eighth Head, the revived Medo-Persian Empire, will be monitored closely by Michael (a holy angel). It is here (among other elements) that the Book of Daniel and the Book of Revelation converge. The grand finale of the last empire will be just as evil and wicked as in the days of old, only some how worse. If it were not for the intervention of the heavenly court, the Scarlet Beast and its Two-Horned cohort would prevail over the whole earth, raising up every human being to fight (rebel) against YHVH, which is the ultimate plan of Satan. SEVEN HEADS AND TEN HORNS Identifying the Scarlet Beast is paramount in eschatology and enables the researcher to more easily identify the characteristics of the Scarlet Beast and their meanings as well as its seven heads and ten crowns. Due to flawed eschatological traditions, accurate empire identities of Daniels and Johns dreams and visions are also flawed. One of the tools employed in this book to identify the Eighth Head is the Briggs Empire Elimination Matrix, which can be found in the Appendices of this book. This tool is based on Revelation 17:9-11 which narrows down the possible empire choices and is designed in such a way as to assure that the findings delineated in this book should be replicable by other researchers. This tool identifies the Medo-Persia Empire (revived) as the Eighth Head of the Scarlet Beast. With the Scarlet Beast identified as Satans kingdom, revived Imperialism with all its evils, atrocities and interconnected cities and economies, it makes it much easier to discover and identify the meanings of the seven heads and the ten horns of this imperialistic beast. To help the reader recall and visually follow the Seven Heads of the Scarlet Beast, there are several lists provided below delineating seven Empires commonly accepted among historians. There are two main popular versions, but either version will still bring the reader to the same basic end-time results. The first version listed is the oldest perspective, largely embraced by the Jews (at least the first seven heads) but rejected by Christians since John identifies the sixth empire as the Roman Empire. The seven heads are listed chronologically from the most ancient beginnings of empires to the youngest empires. The approximate Empire dates reflect the earliest beginnings for each empire (from the secular view), but not their zeniths. The list is as follows: * Head One * Head Two * Head Three Media Greek Empire Assyrian Empire 8000 B.C. (doubtful) 8000 B.C. (doubtful) 5000 B.C. (doubtful)
* Head Four * Head Five * Head Six * Head Seven * Head Eight (6)
3414 B.C. 2000 B.C. 550 B.C. 323 B.C. 1517 A.D.
Remember, Nebuchadnezzars dream did not reveal the identity of all of Johns Seven Heads and neither did Daniels dream of his four beasts. Here is the same (above) list of Empires according to their glory days, their zeniths and declines, listed chronologically starting with the earliest approximate dates as embraced by historians: * Head One * Head Two * Head Three * Head Four * Head Five * Head Six * Head Seven * Head Eight Egyptian Empire Assyrian Empire Babylonian Empire Medes Empire Persian Empire Greek Empire Roman Empire Ottoman (Turkish) 1550 B.C. 746 B.C. 746 B.C. 609 B.C. 609 B.C. 539 B.C. 539 B.C. 550 B.C. 550 B.C. 330 B.C. 330 B.C. 323 B.C. 323 B.C. 1453 A.D. 1517 A.D. 1922 A.D.
Here is an alternative list of Empires, a more popular list, at least as far as the first six empires are concerned, and more aligned with both Daniel and John. The list is approximates according to the glory days of the empires, their zeniths and declines, listed chronologically: * Head One * Head Two * Head Three * Head Four * Head Five * Head Six * Head Seven * Head Eight/Four Caliphate Overview Since there are some strong views that the Caliphate was an empire as compared to the Ottoman (Turkish) Empire, it is important to take a step back in time, to review the history of the Caliphate (the Seventh Head) and how they have unknowingly assisted in setting up the stage for end-times. The Caliphate had Ten Caliphs (Dynasties) to date from different countries with different capital cities. The first nine did not really reach Egyptian Empire Assyrian Empire Babylonian Empire Medo-Persian Empire Greek Empire Roman Empire Ottoman (Turkish) Islam (OIC) 1550 B.C. 746 B.C. 746 B.C. 609 B.C. 609 B.C. 539 B.C. 539 B.C. 330 B.C. 330 B.C. 323 B.C. 323 B.C. 1453 A.D. 1517 A.D. 1922 A.D. 1969 A.D. Current
world empire status by themselves until the tenth (10th) caliph, Ottoman. Also, two of the ten have been considered marginal by some, but nonetheless, a Caliph. Some Muslims do not claim Ottoman as a caliph, since he was self-appointed and did not truly represent Shia Islam. The ten Caliphs are as follows: 1. Abu Bakr 2. Umar ibn al-Khattab 3. Uthman ibn Affan 4. Ali ibn Abi Talib 5. Rashidun 6. Umayyads 7. Cordoba 8. Abbasids 9. Mamluk Sultanate 10. Ottoman If one believes that the Caliphate is the Eighth Head (which does not fit well with Bible prophecy), then the following information is of particular interest. The Caliphs (Dynasties) had short lived, fragmented and non-unified kingdoms starting in 632 A.D. and lasted until 1922 A.D. and launched from various countries and capital cities, ranging from Arabia to Turkey, certainly not like the traditional empire definition. Although power, control, wealth and survival were their main purposes, they unwittingly set the stage for end-time prophecy. They unknowingly paved the way for the eventual birth of the OIC. The first two Caliphs are rejected by Shia Islam, which is a minority in Islam (1020%). Ninety (90) % of Shia population lives in Azerbaijan and Iran. If their view is correct, then two more Caliphs must arise to qualify for the ten toes. This opinion, however, is less likely to be applicable to eschatology and the Shia view is certainly not held by 80% of Islam, at least at this point in history. There have been no significant attempts (outside of Osama Ben Laden) to rebuild the power structure of Islam until the Iranian Revolution in 1979, which was based on Shia principles, the Ayatollah. Therefore, this has technically left the Sunni branch without supreme spiritual leadership. However, thanks to the OIC, both branches of Islam have global representation in the only known collective unified (although tenuous, like iron and clay) religious and political structure of Islam, this includes both the Shia and Sunni branches of Islam under one roof. From the above Shia point of view, that would mean that eight caliphs have come. By adding the two recent Ayatollahs (a caliph equal), that brings the count to ten. If this scenario is applicable, then there is already ten (10) caliphs, and from that perspective, the next Ayatollah would be the 11th, perhaps the Eleventh Horn, the False Prophet. The current Ayatollah is currently 68 years old so a third Iranian Ayatollah can be expected rather soon, making him the eleventh (11th) caliph (from the Shia point of view). However, this author places little credence on this possibility.
Osama Bin Laden and others have made failed attempts to become the next recognized Caliph or to pressure the Islamic community at large to elect another Caliph. However, keep an eye on Osama Bin Laden because he has not given up yet. His radical Islamic following has grown from around 1,200 to nearly 20,000. If Osama is unable to become the next caliph, when the time is right, rest assured the OIC will elect/endorse another Caliph or Ayatollah. If not, another will arise on the scene upon its own merits, as some Caliphs did in the past, if the Eleventh Horn is to be a caliph. Notwithstanding, it is unlikely that a new caliph will arise on the scene before the end, but keep a watchful eye. If one does arise, it would be quite significant. However, this author places little credence on this possibility. In summary, the Caliphate, and in particular, the Ottoman Empire was instrumental in birthing an OIC led Islam, but the OIC in Ottomans time was never envisioned, they had never heard of it or thought of it, it did not exist. But they did spread their religion (Islam) as they expanded their empire. This is important since one of the only adhesions between the fifty-seven (57) member states (of the OIC) is Islam. It was the President of Turkey, Ahmet Necdet Sezer, who has recognized this fact and requested permission from the Wakf (see Appendices) to erect a shrine in Jerusalem on/near the Temple Mount in memory of the Ottoman Empire (who embraced a god of forces). Said request was approved in November 2007 A.D. To a large degree, when the Ottoman Empire was dissolved, imperialism was seen as bound up and put away. However, that is far from the case in the spirit world which will soon play out in human reality. The Dragon will invest his full power and authority in the Eighth Head, the Ancient Persian Empire revived (Islam) represented by the OIC and partially led by an Ayatollah or Iranian president. Keeping a watch on the leaders of Islam (the OIC, Ayatollahs and Caliphs) over the next several years will certainly be revealing. Below are reasons that verify the identity of the Eighth Head as being the resurrected Ancient Persia. Reason One No matter what one believes regarding the sixth and seventh empire, the end results keep bringing the student back to the revived Medo-Persia Empire. This is due to the fact that empire six and seven are excluded by John from being the Eighth Head. This brings the researcher back to the first five and only one of the first five can qualify. It is Ancient Medo-Persia that qualifies and will be revived, as will be shown in this book.
Reason Two One of the heads of the Scarlet Beast suffered a wound but was healed, indicating its decline and then its eventual restoration to power. This will be a marvelous thing in the eyes of the world. However, since Ancient Persia is not currently popular due to the lack of public awareness, Iran and the OIC are aggressively promoting Persian history, the Ottoman history, Istanbul history and Ayatollah meanings. Therefore, all four elements are rapidly gaining public attention. Turkeys attempt to build a shrine in memory of the Ottoman speaks to this as well as Irans progressive propaganda ploys and the recent involvement of the OIC at the peace talks in Annapolis, Maryland (2007). This is all necessary if the world is to be astonished at the resurrection of the Ancient Persian Empire, even though most will not understand the significance of what the TwoHorned Beast and the Eighth Head is or will do. Reason Three Since the Scarlet Beast represents Satans kingdom which includes the Eighth Head (Ancient Persia revived), then one must reasonably conclude that the Eighth Head will encompass the same ancient land parameters as the original Ancient Medo-Persian Empire (or more) as well as similar goals, including a mixture of good will and atrocious behaviors. Currently, there is only one entity that fits that description in existence today, not to mention other significant parallels, and it is Islam represented by the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC). The land mass parameter of the OIC is now occupied by peoples who have one common religion, political agenda and language. The current membership of the OIC is comprised of fifty-seven (57) Muslim States. (See the OIC Map and other charts in the Appendices where more specific details of the glory days of each empire and other important facts about each empire can be found as well.) With only a few years left before the Daniels seventieth (70th) week begins, it is doubtful that any new entity will arise that can or will cover the same geographic land mass area as that of Ancient Persia. To do so, said unknown entity would have to subdue existing OIC member states within the Ancient Persian geographic land mass area and within the next fourteen year window, while at the same time face the kind of warfare delivered by Islamic radicals who would certainly assist their brothers. The USA has certainly discovered that shock and awe approach does not produce a swift nation takeover on the ground. The OIC was formed on September 25, 1969 to defend and protect the Masjid Qubbat As-Sakhrah as a result of a Zionist led (or initiated) attempt to burn the Masjid Qubbat As-Sakhrah (third holiest site in Islam) in Jerusalem. This event unified fragmented Islam under one conglomerate entity which now has an elected governing body with its first elected Secretary General, a Turk named Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu. The
OIC also has affiliated/subsidiary organizations intended to enhance, support and expand the purposes and powers of the OIC. Reason Four Islam (in particular Iran, and OIC member) is promoting the idea that they too are in favor of the Jews just as King Cyrus was, the only Empire (Medo-Persia) leader that helped the Jews by sending them back to Jerusalem to rebuild Jerusalem and its Temple, all funded by Persia. When all the other empires destroyed the Jewish Temple and ravaged the Jewish people, Medo-Persia did not. And much later in history during the Caliphate reign, the Jews were reasonably spared and even the Ottoman was the first to call upon the Jews to help rebuild its capitol city, Istanbul, especially its economy, a method used by others thereafter. Through this propaganda effort, the OIC is gaining more and more recognition globally as a peace-loving, philanthropic social reform and human rights advocate organization, especially for people of its member states and, indirectly, others throughout the world. This is a significant parallel between Ancient Medo-Persia and the revived MedoPersia because the scriptures firmly teach that the Eighth Head will broker a peace deal that will allow Israel to resume their religious practices, for the first time in nearly 1,400 years (calculated up to around the time of the confirming of a covenant with many). However, the OIC will undoubtedly hide its truest colors and its truest intents until after they have brokered a deceptive peace deal with many that directly or indirectly allows Israel to resume Temple Mount worship. After the covenant has lasted three and a half years from its signing the Eighth Head will break the covenant and reveal itself. Reason Five - OIC Overview It is important to point out that since the inception of the OIC in 1969 A.D. (following the Zionist led arson attempt on the Dome of the Rock Masjid Qubbat AsSakhrah) until 2007 A.D. it has only been 38 years. During that time the OIC has currently reached its ninth Secretary General, Ishanoglu, who is OICs first elected Secretary General by vote. That makes only one more Secretary General to go. At this point, the average leadership time span for each Secretary General of the OIC is only 4.2 years, which is very brief in the realm of Imperialism, almost too brief to mention, perhaps an hour. Ishanoglu was elected in 2005 A.D., which is a significant date, if one believes that the Al-Aqsa Mosque was the crowning abomination that causes desolation. (More details on calculations are provided below in Chapter 6.) If the OIC is to have ten horns (kings with no kingdom) prior to 2022 A.D., they will only have to have one more Secretary General during the years ahead. These ten kings must co-reign with the Beast briefly (an hour), they must have no kingdom, but will have authority like a king and will have only one purpose, to give power to the Beast the OIC. And that is exactly what leaders of Organizations do, as is the case with the OIC. Organizational leaders give their power to the entity they govern and likewise
organizational leaders receive their authority from the body and in this case the Secretary Generals co-exist along with the Beast, the OIC. The OIC gains its strength from its leaders and how successfully they lead the organization. All nine leaders of the OIC, to date, were not kings over a kingdom while they had their authority as kings. One potentially world-controlling advantage of the OIC is that their member states control the lions share of the worlds oil reserves via OPEC. Membership of OPEC is comprised of all OIC members, save two. However, both of the non-Muslim members of OPEC could easily be ousted leaving the count to ten (10) members (ironically). By the time oil dependent nations become independent, the fullness of time with have arrived (see the calculations below). Therefore, control over oil reserves may also play a significant role in how things unfold as the end draws near, especially if the OIC through OPEC uses oil as a leveraging tool. If OPEC, via guidance of the OIC, determines to turn the oil taps off, most economic giants, like USA, EU and China (the only three ahead of the OIC), would become dwarfs as compared to the OIC. The OIC would cease to be the fourth largest economy, but the largest. In the mean time, OIC member states will continue to acquire the worlds wealth via oil and gas related sales. Contrary to the common belief of many uninformed readers, many OIC member states have economies that no longer solely depend on oil revenues. Nonetheless, with the OIC in control of most of the worlds oil reserves, there is little the rest of the oil dependent world can do except keep buying from OIC member states or fight them, perhaps one of the precipitating factors that will precipitate Armageddon. Recent visitors to OIC conferences include Gloria Macapagai-Arroyo, Pervez Musharraf, and others. The Secretary General has also recently consulted with Irans President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. And most recently, Ihsanoglu attended the November 2007 Peace Talks in Annapolis, MD USA to consult with heads of delegation on how the OIC can assist to make the Middle East Process to Peace work. In the Book of Daniel, the Fourth Beast in Chapter 7 had ten (10) horns. However, an eleventh (11th) horn arises, a little horn after the first ten have come and gone. Daniels little horn is therefore most likely Johns Eighth Head, the OIC or the Second Beast found in Revelations chapter thirteen (13). To better answer this, the Book of Revelation provides advanced information beyond what Daniel provided, perhaps due to the fact that Johns information may be some of the information Gabriel told Daniel to seal up. Nonetheless, a watchful eye on all Islamic political and/or economic front leaders will give wise people an opportunity to calculate the number of the Beasts name, at least a three-year advanced notice prior to the mark of the beast establishment. Reason Six The Medo-Persian Empire is the only Empire that contends for the Eighth Head since Egypt, Babylon and Greece do not control their former empire land mass and Assyria does not even exist as a country anymore. Furthermore, since Egypt, Assyria,
Babylon and Greece 1) do not have any reason to hate or kill the Whore (Mystery Babylon), 2) do not have a history of just ten (10) Kings, and 4) did not set up an abomination that causes desolation (post Yahushua), then Egypt, Assyria, Babylon and Greece must be excluded over Medo-Persia. The ancient Medo-Persian Empire, however, was one of the first five Empires that pre-existed before Johns vision and fits the requirement for the Eighth Head. See the Briggs Elimination Matrix Chart 1.0 below since it shows the many reasons why all empires are excluded except two.
Briggs Empire Elimination Matrix used to identify the Eighth Head of the Scarlet Beast Chart 1.0 - Phase One
Kings Egypt Assyria Babylon MedoPersia Greece Rome Ottoman (Turkey) Fallen at Time of John Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Is at Time of John No No No No No Yes No Not Yet Come at Time of John No No No No No No Yes Once Was at Time of John Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Now Is Not at Time of John Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Belongs To The 7 prior to John Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No L(f), L(g) L(g) Exclusion Reasons L(a), L(b), L(c), L(d) L(a), L(b), L(c), L(d) L(b), L(c), L(d)
Reason Seven In the Book of Daniel, the Fourth Beast (Daniel 7:19) had iron teeth (perhaps indicative of the Roman Empire) and bronze claws (perhaps indicative of the Greek Empire) indicating that some of the characteristics and similar land masses of these empires are integrated within this Fourth Beast, but not Rome by itself and not Greece by itself, another reason for these two empires to be excluded from consideration. The only empire that followed the Greek and Roman empires was the Ottoman Empire, which means it must also excluded (if the popularly accepted empire list is used) since the revived kingdom had to come from among the first five empires, according to Johns vision. Therefore, the only Heads left of the seven using this useful exclusionary exercise (one of several) are Egypt, Assyria, Babylon and Medo-Persia. And since Egypt, Assyria and Babylon do not have a land mass equal to their original Ancient Empires they would
be excluded as well, leaving only one empire, once again, Medo-Persia now represented by the OIC. Finally, Johns vision clearly indicates that a prerequisite to qualifying as the Eighth King was it had to be an empire that once was, at the time of Johns writings once again Medo-Persia qualifies. As a side note, Islam embodies an admixture of Ishmael (not a direct descendant, but by virtue of his descendants embracing Islam and speaking Arabic) and Israel embodies Isaac, the two sons of Abraham, one of promise one of exclusion, one born free, the other of bondage, but both claiming the rights to Abraham, Jerusalem, the Temple Mount and surrounding real estate. And the whole world has become involved and will stay involved in trying to help these two factions sort out there age-old dispute. Of course, there will be a temporary peace covenant enacted (confirmed) that indirectly allows Israel to resume Temple Mount worship, but will be broken 3.5 years later. 2300 EVENINGS-MORNINGS In Daniel 8:14 an exact number is given, but it is not referring to an end-oftimes calculation. It is also not the days/years type count attributed to other calculations. It is an Evenings-Mornings count making reference to the daily sacrifices that the Jews conducted, one in the morning and one in the evening. A division of the 2300 number would equal 1150 days. It is important to note, however, that this count is not counting years to an abomination that causes desolation but an exact day count starting from one particular (of several abominations) abomination until sacrifices were once again restored. And if so, has said 2300 evening-mornings transpired or is it referring to some future event? Although most Bible scholars see the fulfillment of the 2300 evening-mornings related to the sinister king in Antiochus Epiphanes, the 2,300 days has defied accurate interpretation. Most commentators notice a marvelously close coincidence of the approximate time involved, but the most eminent commentators submit that there cannot be an accurate fixing of exactly 2,300 evenings and mornings (Hebrew "erev -- boker," i.e., "evening -- morning"), and rightly so, according to the way they try to apply the count. Obviously there needs to be a consideration of whether the prophecy refers to 2,300 literal days or to 2,300 daily sacrifices, one in the evening and one in the morning, as was the practice since Moses, as already shown above. The latter gives the examiner two sacrifices per day, i.e., 2300 sacrifices would equal 1150 days, not 2300 days. This would equal a period of either just over three years and one and one half months. Both positions have their defenders, but a closer look will assist the researcher in deciding which fits better. From the time of the corruption of Menelaus until the death of Antiochus in the 149th year of the Greeks was about six years and three months or approximately 2,300 literal days. Many have taken the position that this fulfills the prophecy. This position
also notes that the prophecy includes the attack on the land and "the prince of the host," or high priest. Pulpit Commentary, Jamison, Keil, Faucett and Brown, Matthew Henry, and other commentators take this position. There certainly is a close coincidence in the time calculation, but there is no way to pinpoint the exact number of days because there is no exact date recorded for either the defection of Menelaus nor the death of Antiochus. Thus, this is view and calculation is weak at best. Taking a closer look at the text it is obvious that the period being asked about dates from the taking away of the daily sacrifice until it is restored. So in Daniel Chapter Eight, it says this: Then I heard one saint speaking, and another saint said unto that certain {saint} which spoke, How long {shall be} the vision {concerning} the daily {sacrifice}, and the transgression of desolation, to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trodden under foot? And he said unto me, Unto two thousand and three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed. Daniel 8:13 The word days does not appear in Hebrew. It is erev boker, i.e. evening - morning and the words are singular. It should read 2,300 evening morning; etc. The American Standard Version reads: Then I heard a holy one speaking; and another holy one said unto that certain one who spoke, How long shall be the vision {concerning} the continual {burntoffering}, and the transgression that maketh desolate, to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trodden under foot? And he said unto me, Unto two thousand and three hundred evenings {and} mornings; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed. Daniel 8:13 The New International Version has a similar reading: Then I heard a holy one speaking, and another holy one said to him, "How long will it take for the vision to be fulfilled - the vision concerning the daily sacrifice, the rebellion that causes desolation, and the surrender of the sanctuary and of the host that will be trampled underfoot?" He said to me, "It will take 2,300 evenings and mornings; then the sanctuary will be reconsecrated." Daniel 8:13
As the text reads it would seem more natural to begin the time period with the abandonment of the daily sacrifice according to the question and answer in this text. The 2300 number should be applied to the number of sacrifices, not the number of days. The "days" interpretation seems to be based on faulty translation, an attempt to make something fit. Therefore, from the taking away of the daily sacrifice until the restoration of the daily sacrifice is to be 2,300 evenings-mornings. Again, as already stated above, since the sacrifice was offered, one in the evening and one in the morning, it is more logical to view the prophecy as comprising 1150 days which would contain 2,300 sacrifices. What is remarkable is that few dates are better established in antiquity than the dates of the interruption of the sacrifice and its restoration, relative to this 2300 number count. I Maccabees 1:54 says: "On the 15th day of the 9th month of the 145th year [of the kingdom of the Greeks] king Antiochus set up the abominable idol of desolation upon the altar of God." The termination is established in the same book I Mac. 4:52,53 "And they arose before the morning of the 25th day of the 9th month of the 148th year, and they offered sacrifices according to the law upon the new altar..." The interval should number 1150 days or 2,300 daily sacrifices. The problem is that there appears to be three years and ten days between the two events, according to the account in I Maccabees, based on the Gregorian calendar. Three years and ten days is 3 x 365 + 10 which is 1,105. That is forty five days short of the required number and that is not close enough. This prophecy has been unsuccessfully calculated due to the commentators dependence on a calendar using 365 days. The Julian and/or Gregorian calendar using a 365-day year was not in official use until 45 B.C. The calendar in use when the prophecy was fulfilled was different from that in use today. This prophecy was fulfilled about 165 years before Mashiyach. The dates given in Maccabees, which measures the time of the cessation of the daily sacrifice, are based on a Greek calendar which did not compute the year with 365 days. This clear statement of fact is often overlooked and is the reason for the lack of success in interpreting this prophecy. Previous to 45 B.C. the year was most often computed using a lunar calendar based on the phases of the moon, i.e., a lunar month. There were a variety of ways to compute the year and make the season come out right. The lunar calendar of the earliest Greeks had 354 days. According to Encyclopedia Brittanica they had a year of six months containing 29 days and six months of 30 days. Every other year an intercalary
month of 30 days was added between the first and second months. The intercalary month was omitted in the eighth year of the cycle to make the seasons come back to the right dates. The Hebrew calendar had a 360-day year and also the intercalary month was used, though the length of it was not uniform. The addition of it was decided by the high priest. If one uses the most ancient Greek lunar calendar of 354 days and considering that it is quite possible for the first and last year in any three year cycle to have intercalary months, then one would come up with the following computation: 3 years and 10 days would be 3 X 354 + 2 X 30 for each intercalary month plus 10 days. That is equal to 1132 days. It is 18 days short of the required amount that would complete 2,300 daily sacrifices or 1150 days. Yes, quite close, but not close enough, yet. Herodotus is called the father of history, among other things. He wrote about the year 445 B.C. In a passage where he discusses Solon who is speaking to Croesus, a Greek king in Asia Minor, about the relativity of happiness in life, Solon cites the usual length of a man's life. He says: "Take seventy years as the span of a man's life. Those seventy years contain 25,200 days without counting intercalary months. Add a month every other year to make the seasons come round with proper regularity, and you will have 35 additional months which will make 1050 days. Thus the total days of your seventy years is 26,250 and not a single one of them is like the next in what it brings." From the above passage one can observe that the length of the Greek year is 25,250 divided by 70 or 360 days. This would have been the year to Croesus, Solon, Herodotus, and most likely to Antiochus Epiphenes and the Maccabees. With further observation once can observe that 1,050 days divided by 35 gives 30 days as the length of the intercalary month. By using the Greek calendar, according to Herodotus, and assuming that the years 146 and 148 were intercalary years, the researcher comes up with the following calculation: 9-15-145 to 9-25-148, the dates given in Maccabees from the desecration to the cleansing, is three years and ten days. Thus, the math sentence following the Greek calendar which was in use at the time the prophecy was fulfilled would be: (3 X 360) + (2 X 30) + 10 (see below). 3 x 360 equals 1080 days 2 x 30 (2 intercalary months) 60 days From 15th to 25th equals 10 days ___________________________________________ Total 1150 days Now the above calculation is exactly the period of time that would accomplish exactly 2,300 sacrifices, one in the morning and one in the evening!
Using the Greek calendar is obviously the correct way to compute the number of days between the dates in Maccabees. Using that method arrives at the correct computation. Do not forget the fact that Daniel wrote this prophecy years before it was fulfilled. The angel who spoke to Daniel knew the future. The divine nature of the book of Daniel is validated by this prophecy. YHVHs messenger told Daniel there would be a period when a king, who would rise up out of one of four divisions of the coming Greek Empire, who would attack the Holy Land and stop the daily sacrifice for 2,300 times. The future came round, centuries later, and validated the prophecy. Certainly the Bible is a living miracle. ABOMINATION THAT CAUSES DESOLATION There have been several desolations of the Temple in Jerusalems long history but only two desolations, of the several, that are relevant to end-time eschatology. They are the desolations mentioned by the prophet Daniel. The first one found in Daniel 12:11 (9:26), which is not the same desolation indicated in Daniel 8:13-14 & 9:27 or the war desolations mentioned in Daniel 9:26, and confirmed by Mashiyach (Matthew 24). This first qualified desolation starts the 1290/1335 days/years count, which began in 691 A.D. The second one found in Daniel 8:13-14 & Daniel 9:27 will start the last 3 years of Daniel's seventieth (70th) week referenced as the rebellion desolation (Daniel 8:13), which will begin right after the covenant is breached between the Beast and many (which does not specifically imply a covenant with the Jews, but will indirectly benefit them). This two-horned lamb will cause deceit to prosper. People of the Prince To help identify the prince, it is helpful to identify the people of the prince (Daniel 9:26). To identify the people, one needs to examine what peoples actually desolated the city of Jerusalem and the Temple. If one can discover what peoples (nation or compatriots) desolated the city and the temple, then use Johns elimination system (see Briggs Elimination Matrix in the Appendices), one can then narrow down the possibilities of peoples the prince will come from. This is where history comes in. Since Daniel indicated (Daniel 9:26) that there were decreed desolations (plural) of both the city and the temple, then below is a list of the nations (peoples) that did just that, either desolating the people, the holy city or the temple or all three: 721 B.C. +/- Assyria invades Samaria (Northern Israel) forces out the ten tribes of Israel and brings in Babylonian foreigners (2 Kings 17).
593 B.C. +/- Babylon (when Nebuchadnezzar was king) Temple under siege, stopped the daily sacrifices and offerings. 586 B.C. +/- Babylon (when Nebuchadnezzar was king) Destruction of Jerusalem and destruction of Solomons Temple. 539 B.C. +/- Persia conquers Babylon, this impacts on Israel favorably. The Persian government approves and finances the rebuilding of the Second Temple (initiated by Cyrus, reaffirmed by Darius). 333 B.C. +/- Greece conquers Persia, which will have a negative impact on Jewish religion, i.e., Hellenizing of the Middle East begins. 332 B.C. +/- Greece conquers the Mediterranean (including Israel). Hellenizing of Judaism begins. However, both Alexander the Great and Ptolemy largely ignored the religious practices of the Jews. 199 B.C. Seleucids of Syria conquers Jerusalem. 168-165 B.C. Maccabean revolt against the Seleucids. 169 B.C. (+/-) Seleucids (when Antiochus was king) Profanes the temple. 147 B.C. Rome conquers Greece, which benefits Israel for quite some time. 63 B.C. Roman Legions (Pompey) seized Jerusalem, to the benefit of Israel. And in 37 B.C. Herod the Great becomes King of Judah until his death in 4 B.C. During Herods rule, Judah was annexed as part of the province of Syria Palestina with religious autonomy left mostly under the control of the Sanhedrin. The restoration (and enlargement) of the Second Temple was occurring during this time. 70 A.D. Rome (when Titus was emperor) Destruction of the Second Temple. 135 A.D. Rome (when Hadrian was emperor) Total destruction of Jerusalem and disallows Jews from entering Jerusalem. 614 A.D. Persia (when Shahrbaraz was the Shah in what is now known as Turkey, it was not a world empire) Bloody Massacre of Jerusalem and destroys most churches and once again expels the Jews from Jerusalem. Massive looting, burnings and sacrilege took place. 26,000 Jews turned against Christians, joined the Persians and killed over 90,000 Christians, for which Persia gave the Jews amnesty and Jewish worship resumed in Jerusalem once again. Although Persia desolated the city, they did not set up an abomination on the Temple Mount. That was to be done by the Caliphate (compatriots of the ruler that is to come). 629 A.D. Byzantine (Rome) Briefly recaptured Jerusalem.
638 A.D. Caliphate (when Umar, an Arab, was caliph) Caliphate conquers Jerusalem. Oral tradition states that Umar began to clean off the Temple Mount with his bare hands to which his army was inspired to follow suit until the Mount was cleared. This tradition also says that he constructed a small wooden structure that later became the Al-Agsa Mosque in 715 A.D. 691 A.D. Caliphate (when Abd al-Malik, an Arab, was caliph) Dome of the Rock completed on the Temple Mount on the spot that is believed to be Solomons Temple. 701 A.D. Caliphate (when al-Walid, an Arab was caliph) al-Aqsa completed, the second mosque on the Temple Mount. 1010 A.D. Caliphate (when al-Hakim was caliph) Destroys synagogues and churches. 1219 A.D. Caliphate (when Sultan Malik-al-Muattam was caliph) Razes the city walls of Jerusalem. 1517 A.D. Ottoman the Turk (when Ottoman was the self-acclaimed caliph) Peacefully takes over Jerusalem. From the list above, it can be seen that the first Empire (or people) to desolate on Israeli soil, was Assyria, second Babylon, third Medo-Persia, fourth Greece, fifth Seleucids (Greece), sixth Romans, seventh Persia/Turks (before Ottoman), eighth through twelfth by various Caliphs (which were not empires, but peoples) and finally Ottoman/Turks. A number of these conquerors were not world empires, others did not desolate. John excludes Rome and the Ottoman/Turks since Rome is the one is and the Ottoman (who did not desolate) was the has not yet come (John 17:10). Assyria does not exist any more and Egypt, Greece and Persia never desolated Israels city or temple. Therefore, only two possibilities are left, either Babylon or the various Caliphs (varying from Arab to Turk caliphs).
Briggs Elimination Matrix used to identify the People of the Prince Chart 1.1 - Phase Two (Empires and Peoples that desolated the City of Jerusalem and/or its temple)
Empires or People Desolated the City of Jerusalem Desolated the Temple Mount Currently has land mass equal to ancient times Was excluded by John or by Daniel Was a World Empire Qualifies as less than an empire, i.e., People Is currently part of a nation, continent or entity with a land mass equal to one of the first five empires Yes No Yes Yes P(a) Exclusion Reasons
No No Yes No
No No Yes No
No No No No
No No No No
No No No No No No
Yes No No No No Yes
No No No Yes No Yes
Now, if one examines Babylon as a possibility there are several major problems. First, Babylons people did not desolate the City of Jerusalem or its temple, post Daniels dreams/visions. Second, at this late stage in prophecy, it would be nearly impossible for Babylon (Iraq) to resurrect as an empire. Third, history also shows that every attempt modern day Iraq has made, to swell its borders, was squashed. Finally, other prophets declared her forever dead. That leaves only one choice, the caliphs. All the caliphs prior to Ottoman/Turks, were not world empires by themselves and they came from various nations having various capital cities. But, they can be classified as compatriots (people) since they held two common elements, first religion (Islam) and second language (Arabic). This, therefore, implicates that the prince that will come will emerge from within the Islamic people. The next step is to look at which former empires are Muslim. The conclusions are as follows. Egypt, Babylon (Iraq), Persia (Iran) and Turkey are all Muslim states. Second, one must check to see which if any are excluded by John. Turkey is excluded by virtue of the has not yet come (John 17:10) phrase. Third, one must check to see if any are excluded by not desolating Jerusalem and/or the Temple post Daniels dreams/visions. Both Egypt and Babylon is, therefore, excluded. Fourth, all four are currently excluded by virtue of not having a land mass equal to their former empire boundaries. With this perspective it seems there are no choices left. Therefore, one must ask, is there any power(s) (empires) in existence that covers or exceeds a land mass of any of the four former empires that have a polity, language and religion in common? The answer is yes. It is the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC). The OIC also has Egypt, Iraq (Babylon), Iran (Persia) and Turkey (Ottoman) as member states. And the OIC also represents both factions of Islam, Shia and Sunni, and share a common language, Arabic.
Briggs Empire Elimination Matrix used to identify the Eighth Head of the Scarlet Beast and the Prince Chart 1.2 - Phase Three Final Elimination Phase
Empires Has Links to the People (see Chart 1.1) Excluded by Daniel Excluded by John (see Chart 1.0) Is/Was a World Empire Is part of a nation, continent or entity with a land mass equal to one of the first five empires Yes No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Through its member compatriots P(a), E(f), E(g) E(c), E(d), E(f), E(g) E(c), E(d) Exclusion Reasons
No No No No No Yes Yes No
Since the Two-Horned Lamb is Iran (baby Persia) (see Chapter Four) and certainly has close ties with the OIC, it only makes sense that the resurrected Empire points to the Medo-Persian Empire. The name Persia continues to thrive through out history in a multiplicity of ways. Turkey was called Persia (before Ottoman) and they truly desolated Jerusalem and in a multiplicity of ways in 614 A.D. When Persias religious compatriots (the Caliphate) took over Jerusalem in 638 A.D., the Caliphate desolated the Temple, which subsequently led to at least six crusades in an attempt to free Jerusalem from Islamic control. Some crusades were successful but usually lasted for
only a few years and sometimes without war, but by simple treaty. After the Dome of the Rock was completed in 691 A.D. by the Caliphate, the Muslims never really lost control of the Temple Mount again, even unto this day, even when the citys control was turned over to non-Muslim leaders from time to time. The Ottoman Empire began in 1517 A.D., a self proclaimed continuation of the Caliphate, and eventually dissolved itself and the caliphate, in Turkey in 1922 A.D. According to John, the prince to come is the two-horned lamb (baby ram see Chapter Four), which is Iran (formerly named Persia). And guess what, and no surprise, the last peoples to truly desolate Jerusalem were the caliphs (compatriots of Iran) and the last people to desolate the temple was also Irans (Persias) religious compatriots, the caliphs. It seems obvious from deductive reasoning that the ruler that will come will come from within Islam (represented by the OIC, the 8th Empire, resurrected, Medo-Persia) and the president or Ayatollah of Iran (Persia), who is a prominent member of the OIC, will be the prince. It is also likely that an Iranian will be the last President/General Secretary (prince) of the OIC when the covenant with many is confirmed. Furthermore, the only group of people (sect) left on earth that still hates the Jews enough to take action against them are the Muslims, and in particular and vehemently so, Iran (formerly, Persia). Is this a coincidence? Not likely. Daniel said that the people (compatriots) of the ruler that is to come would desolate Jerusalem. The caliphs were not only the last nation to desolate the city of Jerusalem (638 A.D.-1219 A.D.) but effectuated the next to last abomination that causes desolation that would be set up by the compatriots of the prince that will come. And the most recent abomination erected that causes desolation has already lasted beyond Daniels 1290 days/years and is fast approaching the 1335 days/years count. So in conclusion, by applying all the reasons for exclusion together will all the reasons to include one is left with only one answer to the equation. The Eighth Head is the OIC/Islam, the people (compatriots) of the prince are Muslims, the prince will emerge from within Islam, and the prince will most likely be an Iranian. The last final abomination that causes desolation will be set up by the prince that will come and will be set up on a wing of the Temple in the last half of Daniels 70th week. According to John, this Persian (Iranian/Islamic) ruler to come speaks on behalf of the Beast (which is the OIC/IslamAncient Media-Persia resurrected) and sets up the image of the beast (Revelation 13:11-18). In Daniels 70th week, this ruler will confirm a covenant with many, like a seven-year peace treaty (not necessarily with the Jews) which will allow Israel to resume religious worship on the Temple Mount in order to trick the world (Daniel 8:12, 23-24; Matthew 24:24; and 2 Thessalonians 2:9) into thinking he is something he is not. This act will deceive the world into believing he is a peace loving ruler (leader). In the middle of Daniels 70th week, this ruler that is to come will put an end to sacrifice and offering and will also set up another (final) abomination that causes desolation on a
wing of the temple. One may conclude that this ruler will allow the Jews to resume worship and sacrifice on the Temple Mount again (like Persia did in 614 A.D.) knowing full well that his (the ruler that will come) eventual plan will be to stop the sacrifices and offerings in order to set up his own abomination that causes desolation (the final abomination), an image that he will force others to worship. Other Views Some theologians isolate and apply Daniel's 1335 days and the 1290 days to Old Testament events, i.e., starting from Josephs Famine, among many other nonsubstantiated ideas. The problem with these many theories that circulate, although intriguing, is that Daniel made reference to a dual requirement in order to start the 1290/1335 days/years count. First, the daily sacrifices had to be stopped and second, an abomination that causes desolation had to be set up. From that qualified start, the end count of the 1290/1335 days/years would produce the "end". Furthermore, the abomination that causes desolation would have to last 1290 days/years and into the last 45 days/years of the full 1335 days/years. There have been no other erected abominations on the Temple Mount that have lasted for 1290 days/years and that have brought or potentially can bring the "end", other than the 691 A.D. abomination. And this 691 A.D. clock started post Mashiyach (Matthew 24). Any abomination theory that predates the Mashiyach's discourse on the subject must be discounted. In short, endeavoring to go backwards before the days of Mashiyach to find a qualifying abomination is in direct conflict with scriptural and historical evidence. Some scholars attempt to apply the abomination to when Rome destroyed the temple in 70 A.D. However, there is nothing in history that shows the resulting dates to be significant prophetic fulfillment, not even close. The resulting dates from 70 A.D. would be 1360 A.D. or 1405 A.D. or if you subtract 7 years from the 1335 days/years you would get 1398 A.D. In other words, if the temple destruction initiated by the Romans did qualify as the abomination that causes desolation, then within the 1335 day (years) window a covenant with many that will allow the Jews to resume their religious worship on the Temple Mount would have occurred and 3.5 years later a breach of said covenant would have occurred and the "end" would have come by 1405 A.D. However, the 70 A.D. desolation did not produce any such occurrences. The same is true with the actions of Antiochus. Therefore, the theory of the Roman 70 A.D. destruction (or the actions of Antiochus) as being Daniel's abomination, does not solely qualify and must, therefore, be excluded from consideration. They both are clearly unsubstantiated by both scripture and history. In fact, Jewish worship resumed on the Temple Mount as late as 613 - 617 A.D. and therefore, the days/years count is off dramatically. What must be sought is a construction of an "abomination that causes desolation", not solely a "destruction that causes desolation". The 70 A.D. Roman destruction is not a "construction" and did not, and is not, causing a desolation that lasted 1290 days/years (nor 1335 days/years), nor did the Romans erect an "abomination" after their "destruction" that lasted 1290 days/years (nor 1335 days/years). Therefore, from a
qualifying abomination and desolation point of view, the 70 A.D. destruction did not solely prevent the Temple Mount from being used. Anybody could have built on it and/or worshipped on it, including the Jews (and they did), prior to 691 A.D. But it did stop the daily sacrifices, which only fulfills a portion of Daniels prophecy. Therefore, by itself, it does not qualify. In 614 A.D. Persia/Turkey destroyed and burned the Holy City, the last people to do so. In 638 A.D. the Caliphs took over the city and in 691 A.D., the Caliphs, religious compatriots of Persia/Iran, erected (set up) the Dome of the Rock. This abominable structure was, and is, causing desolation, as far as Israel is concerned, even unto this day, which is unwittingly protected by a UN resolution agreement that followed the Six Day War. And, careful analysis of this 691 A.D. constructed masjid reveals that it is filled with abominations and has already lasted nearly 1335 days/years, i.e., 1317 days/years to be more precise. The 691 A.D. construction also further clinched the prevention of Jewish daily sacrifices initiated by the 70 A.D. event. Another view points to the acts of Antiochus Epiphanes in 167 B.C. +/- when he set up an altar to Zeus and sacrificed a pig. However, the resulting end-count dates for both the 1290 & 1335 days/years starting from 167 B.C. produce nothing significant in history and therefore must be ruled out. Still another view starts the 1290 & 1335 days/years count at 583 B.C. +/- (nearly 65 years prior to Daniel receiving his vision/dream) and goes 1271.5 years into the future to 688A.D. with the balance of the 1335 days (at a 360 day-year) to 732 A.D. to a little known battle on the soil of France (Tours, France) that claims to have stopped the Muslims. But, once again, there are several problems with this view as well. 11. The 732 A.D. battle in France did not stop the Muslims and they are stronger than ever and currently out number Christians (all denominations combined) around the world. 12. 688 A.D. does not mark the completion of the abomination that causes desolation (set up), which is the Dome of the Rock. 13. Following the 732 A.D. date, Daniel did not resurrect and receive his allotted inheritance (a requirement that is 1300 years off the mark and counting). 14. Within this proposed 1335 days/years window, all the other prophecies of both Daniel and John that were supposed to occur prior to the resurrection (Daniels) did not happen either, still waiting for 1300 years and counting. 15. The actual 586 B.C. destruction of Solomons Temple (not 583 B.C. as this theory claims) did not stop the daily sacrifices. Sacrifices were stopped six years (+/-) earlier in 593 B.C., which makes the dates off, if one holds true to the theory proposed by this view. The resulting dates should then be changed to 685 A.D. and 729 A.D., which produce nothing significant in history or 679 A.D. and 723 A.D. (if you count from the ending of the daily sacrifices).
16. The 586 B.C. act by Nebuchadnezzar was a destruction of the temple not a construction (set up) and this act, as stated above, did not stop the daily sacrifices. 17. The sentence syntax in verse Daniel 9:25 is different than the verse in Daniel 12:11. The former verse gives an event to mark the count start (From the issuing of the decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem) with the until thrown in the middle of the sentence followed by an event to mark the count end (the Anointed One, the ruler comes) followed by the actual count (seven sevens and sixty-two sevens). The latter verse also starts by giving an event (dual event) to mark the count start (From the time that the daily sacrifice is abolished AND the abomination that causes desolation is set up) but then gives the actual count (there will be 1,290 days). In the next verse (verse 12), Daniel then gives an additional expanded count (Blessed is the one who waits for and reaches the end of the 1,335 days.) without giving an event to mark the count end. It is not until the next verse (verse 13) that Daniel gives the event to mark the count end (at the end of the days you will rise to receive your allotted inheritance), which is the resurrection. Mashiyach (Matthew 24:15; Mark 13:14) and John (Revelation 13:14) both spoke of Daniels abomination that causes desolation as a future event, not a backward event. Furthermore, one of these said desolations must be accomplished by the people (of the ruler that will come), the final resurrected empire. And the last known people to destroy the city (Jerusalem) and the sanctuary was Persia (Iran) which was followed by the setting up of an abomination that causes desolation (the Dome of the Rock in 691 A.D.) by compatriots of Persia (Iran), the emerging Islamic Empire, the resurrecting Medo-Persian Empire, which is currently represented by the OIC. Now, researchers can set their calendar and clocks by it--and the clock is ticking. Covenant with Many In the Book of Daniel, the prophet Daniel wrote, He will confirm a covenant with many for one seven (Daniel 9:27). Main stream eschatology has always implied that the covenant he makes is with Israel, but Daniel did not say this. He said he would make the covenant with many. Since Iran and radical Islam is considered to be a threat to most of the world, the ruler that will come will make a peace gesture, like a sevenyear peace treaty (covenant) with many, which is probably the U.N., which represents many (or a similar world power, like NATO, etc.). The treaty will undoubtedly involve allowing Israel to resume Temple Mount worship, by brokering a deal with the Wakf. This (deceitful) act will deceive most of the world into believing that this ruler is a peace-loving leader, but his deceitful ways will be exposed only 3 years after the signing of this prophesied covenant. Defining the Phrase
Defining the phrase abomination that causes desolation is also critical to fully understanding what act qualifies as an abomination that causes desolation. For starters, the word abomination has origins in Hebrew which literally implies idolatry and this is also used the same way in the Greek. The word desolation has origins in Hebrew as well and literally implies uninhabited, laid waste or figuratively astonishment and in the Greek it implies come to naught. Combining these meanings into the phrase abomination that causes desolation, the writers were trying to express the idea that this desolation was not only unique, as compared to other desolations, but would be an idolatrous act that would continuously prevent future use (uninhabited) of the Temple Mount for more than 1290 days/years, at least as far as Israel is concerned. Clearly the significance of the building of the Dome of the Rock, also known as Masjid Qubbat AsSakhrah (English transliteration), Kipat Hasela (Hebrew transliteration) or Kubbetus Sahra (Turkish transliteration), qualifies as an abomination that causes desolation. It continuously prevents Israel from inhabiting the Temple Mount. The Masjid Qubbat AsSakhrah was completed in 691 A.D. and remains until this day. The 167 B.C. act by Antiochus and the 70 A.D. act by Titus have long been removed from the Temple Mount scene, and their extrapolated dates (using the 1290 and 1335 days-years window) did not produce any of the prophesied results.
Chart 1.3 - 1290 & 1335 Days/Years Table
What makes the 691 A.D. desolation unique is that this desolation was the first desolation that erected a permanent abomination on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem that has continuously prevented the Jews from using the Temple Mount for 1317 days-years and in particular, the rebuilding of the Jewish temple or the resumption of daily
sacrifices, as compared to what the Romans (via Titus) did in 70 A.D. Although Titus crumbled the Temple, he did not erect any permanent structure of Idolatry that causes desolation, but Islamic Arabs did, the re-emerging Medo-Persian Empire. This knowledge is critical to understanding the desolation phrase in the Book of Daniel. Islam advanced the beginnings of a destruction desolation initiated by Persia in 614 A.D. by removing everything from the Temple Mount and then abominated it by erecting (setting up) an idolatrous mosque that not only speaks abominations via its inscriptions but also abominates it by its subtle uplifting of graven images of the Moon-god and the Star-god atop its dome. At one time, Islam faced Jerusalem (the Dome of the Rock) for its daily prayers (too obvious) but has since shifted the direction for daily prayers to Mekkah. It is likely that this will be reversed at some point, most likely right after the breach of the covenant with Israel, forcing all peoples everywhere, thereby, to worship the Image of the Beast set up in Jerusalem. Even Turkey has requested to erect a shrine in honor of the most prominent caliph in Islamic history, Ottoman, right in Jerusalem near the Temple Mount. The caliph was commonly referred to as the commander of the faithful (a commander is a leader of forces) although its literal translation means successor. At this point, however, it is too early to know the significance of the proposed Ottoman Shrine in Jerusalem or whether another similar action will take place. At this point, this shrine does not really fit as the Beasts Image that is to be worshipped. The King that exalts himself fits quite well with Iran regarding the future shift away from the gods known to his father towards the god of forces, a god unknown to his fathers (Daniel 11:38). The god of Irans fathers was fire (or light) as led by Zarthosh (a religion known as Zoroastrianism, perhaps similar to the religion surrounding Molech Leviticus 18:21). Tehran (which is within Iran from where the ruler will most likely come from) fits Daniels description (Daniel 11:45) of a geographic location where this King settled his royal tents between the seas. Tehran geographically sits between seas in at least four possible intersections, i.e., 1) the Caspian Sea and the Mediterranean, 2) the Caspian Sea and the Red Sea, 3) the Caspian Sea and the Arabian Sea and 4) the Black Sea and the Arabian Sea. It is possible that Istanbul comes into play which sits between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea, but less likely. An unlikely alternate abomination is the completion of the Al-Agsa Mosque finished in 715 A.D., also built on the Temple Mount adjacent to the Dome of the Rock. Both masjids are filled with blasphemous words, lies and deception, however, the Dome of the Rock has a full moon instead of the crescent moon atop its dome. The Al-Agsa Mosque has the standard crescent moon and the star atop its dome. Both structures uphold the ancient Moon-god (Allah) and the Morning Star-god (Venus, etc.). However, the first act that qualified as an abomination that causes desolation was the Masjid Qubbat As-Sakhrah. Therefore, the Al-Agsa Mosque was merely an expansion of the original, still existing abomination that causes desolation. An additional requirement for a desolation to qualify as Daniels prophetic abomination that causes desolation is that it must last at least 1290 days (years) and
1335 days (years), minus 7 days (years). The only abomination that causes desolation that is getting close to that many days (years) is the Masjid Qubbat As-Sakhrah that was set up in 691 A.D. If this one does not qualify as the prophesied desolation, the Jews would have already started rebuilding their temple long ago, perhaps as early as 1949 A.D. or thereabouts. But the Jews did not and have not, because the abomination that causes desolation (The Dome of the Rock) has prevented them from doing so. Furthermore, if this abomination does not qualify, then another one must be set up (construction completion), which would begin the 1335 day (years) count all over again, commencing from its set up date. That is quite unlikely especially since most Jewish leaders, Muslim leaders and Christian leaders are all expecting the Mashiyach to come very soon. Is this a coincidence? Not likely. Besides, who else in the world would want to set one up? There are only three global groups with an interest in the Temple Mount anyway, the Jews, Islam, and Christianity. In conclusion, (as already explained above) more than one empire existed simultaneously, but only one empire was the dominant one. While one empire was in its glory days, another was on the rise. The same applies here with Islam, the OIC. While the Ottoman/Caliphate was in power, the emerging and eventual OIC (Islam) was involved in facilitating the last known abomination that causes desolation on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Conversely, neither Antiochus nor Titus established a seven year covenant with many, which they would have to have brokered and breached 3.5 years after establishing it. This leaves room for another empire/entity to do so. With the Wakf (Islamic charity holdings) in control of the Temple Mount, it gives them the power or opportunity to broker/confirm a covenant deal with many. Furthermore, they were the ones that constructed ("set up") the existing abomination on the Temple Mount. They will also initiate and facilitate the final abomination that causes desolation following the 3.5 year breach of the seven-year covenant (in the middle of the covenant) established between the Beast and many that will benefit Israel. Islamic Idolatry Relative to the abomination, and as shown earlier, Muhammad (father of Islam) was reared within the context of polytheism which included the Moon-god worship among other Arabic polytheistic and pagan traditions and did not force conversion of Zoroastrian followers. Although he departed from most of the polytheistic gods known by his fathers, he created a new consolidated name for the Moon-god. He named this god Allah. He also utilized the idolatrous Moon-god in conjunction with the Morning Stargod symbols in this newly formed religion, which are placed atop all mosques and are placed on many Islamic state flags and currencies. And the traditions of Arabic pagan events are incorporated into the days of the month of the Islamic calendar. Islam would like to eliminate the Gregorian calendar in lieu of the Islamic calendar, the last holder outer, with the GOC being the next to last. As indicated above, Dr. A. Zahoor, Dr. Z. Haq, M S M Saifullah, Mohd Elfie Nieshaem Juferi, Abdullah David, et al. try to deny or cover up the pagan historic roots of
Islam but this is quite difficult to hide. The culture and religion surrounding Muhammad clearly shows that he was born in the Mekkah (Mecca) region that was steeped in polytheism. Zahoor and Z. Haq (1998) clearly state that Kabah was the first house of worship built on earth for the worship of Allah. And with another stroke of the pen admits that Kabah was filled with three hundred sixty idols. The Kabah was the holy sanctuary that Muhammads grandfather, Abd al Muttalib, cared for long before Muhammad ever received any supposed revelations in 610 A.D. Ironically, Muslims claim that Allah is the same monotheistic god as the God of the Jews, YHVH. But as Satan usually does, truth is mixed with lies. It is true that onegod worship is monotheism but monotheism does not, in and of itself, equate with worship and belief in the same monotheistic faith of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. There has ever only been one true God of all Gods and that is YHVH. In other words, Allah is not YHVH. Additionally, when Muslims are confronted by the questions regarding the Moongod symbols embraced by Islam, they either do not know the answer to the question, they lie about the answer or they attempt to deceive the inquirer about the answer. In fact, there is quite a quandary among Muslim leaders struggling with what to do about it since this inconsistency is leaking out to the public. More and more people are becoming aware of their deception and they will soon have to make a dramatic change, stage another fanciful lie or go public with an admission. Said admission would probably be a fabrication of more deceptions that would play into the end game of the beast. Thanks to the Caliphate, and in particular the Ottoman Empire, nearly all territory conquered by the Ottoman/Caliphate now remains under the auspices of one religion (Islam), one language (Arabic) and one membership (the OIC). The Ottoman/Caliphate unwittingly accomplished this through inadvertently spreading their language and religion as they conquered peoples, cities and lands. There are some minority religions still tolerated in Islamic states, but eventually that will soon change. As indicated earlier, the revived Medo-Persian Empire is Islam and Islam sees no distinction between government and religion. And the only collective global representation that Islam has is through the OIC and partially through the Ayatollah. Islamic Polity Islam is not structured like most church organizations with an Organization headquarters where a Pope, an Echumenical Patriarch, or some other ecclesiastical organizational top leader works out of. Furthermore, there are only two supreme leaders in Islam, one for the Sunni branch known as a caliph (with no active caliph) and one for the Shia branch known as the Ayatollah, popularized by Khomeini. The Shias current Ayatollah is Ali Khameini. The Sunni branch does not currently have a Caliph, since the Caliphate was abolished in 1922 A.D.
When the Ayatollah realized he could not govern all the matters of public affairs, he instituted a public government headed by elected presidents. It is interesting to note that the first five presidents of Iran were from political parties with the word Combatant in its name. This is interesting to note that the Book of Daniel clearly states that the king who exalts himself will honor the god of forces (Daniel 11:38) implying the high estimation of combat (like the Association of the Combatant Clericspolitical clerics/ministers of Islam) and will have no regard for the desire of women. (The phrase the desire of women implies Yahushua by proper translation, since women desired to be chosen as the one to give birth to the Mashiyach.) Islam in the only major religion of the world (with over one billion followers) that does not regard Mashiyach as the Mashiyach, or as the Son of YHVH, which is the core meaning of the phrase, spirit of antiMashiyach. (There are other religions that do not honor Mashiyach, but they pale in size as compared to Islam.) There are Two Important Abominations that Causes Desolation. As already indicated, there have been several desolations in the Temples history but only two are applicable to Daniels and Johns writings. The first qualifying abomination that causes desolation occurred in 691 A.D. (Daniel 12:11). The second abomination that causes desolation will occur in the middle of Daniels last week, 2022 A.D. +/-. The first abomination that causes desolation gives an end date to the completion of Daniels seventy sevens. The last abomination that causes desolation marks to final few years (3 ) of Satans rage (Daniel 9:27) and is relative to the Image of the Beast, most likely different from the Dome of the Rock (or a new and significant revival of the Dome of the Rock). The location, however, of the abomination is decisively marked.
Quiz Questions
1. What is the relevance of history to eschatology? __________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 2. What ancient Persian religion existed in Persia before Islam and still has about 200,000 adherents left (world-wide)? ___________________________________ 3. Who is the progenitor of Islam? And when did it start? ____________________ _________________________________________________________________ 4. What Empire inadvertently spread Islam as they conquered what was left of the Roman Empire and other peoples formerly under the rule of Rome? __________ _________________________________________________________________ 5. What does the Scarlet Beast represent? _________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 6. What two beasts come up out of the Bottomless Pit that ushers in the endtimes? __________________________________________________________ 7. Identify the seven heads seen by John the Revelator. _____________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 8. Identify the ten horns seen by John the Revelator. _______________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 9. Identify four reasons why Persia is the resurrected Empire. _________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 10. Identify three additional reasons why Persia is the resurrected Empire (that you did not identify in question # 9 above). _________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________
HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT On the space provided below write a one-page response to this Chapter. Express your thoughts and feelings about this Chapter and how you have received it!
INTRODUCTION In the Book of Revelation, the second beast has two horns like a lamb. To properly understand the symbolism of this beast one must start with some literal meanings. A lamb is a baby sheep and can be either male or female. Generally, horns belong to the male sheep acquired in adulthood, which would then be called a ram instead of a lamb. So in summary, the second beast in Revelation 13 is a baby ram, yet this lamb does not bleat like a baby, it roars/speaks like a dragon. This symbol then represents baby Persia in its early beginnings, when it was much smaller. This would mean that the land mass would more appropriately be reduced to Irans modern day land mass. Therefore, when John saw a baby ram, he was seeing Iran. This Two-Horned Beast (baby Medo-Persia) would speak loudly and boastfully as heard by the world community or among believers or both, as is the characteristic of Modern Iran. It is also important to note that the Book of Daniel identifies the Medes and the Persians with three different symbols on three different occasions. They are as follows: 1. The two-armed chest area of Nebuchadnezzars dream statue 2. The two-winged lion 3. The two-horned ram (male sheep) Obviously YHVH did not want his people to misidentify this empire. Why, because of its significance. It is also significant to repeat that Persia was one of the only two Empires mentioned that had a Prince (Evil Angel) with which both Gabriel and Michael had to struggle and contend with. And apparently Michael will be dispatched again in the end of days to protect Israel from the Scarlet Beast, the Two-Horned Beast, the resurrected Medo-Persia (Daniel 12:1) (Eighth Head) and the Eleventh Horn that emerges out of and after the ten (10) kings of the OIC. Finally, the Two-Horned Beast is synonymous with the False Prophet. Apostle Paul even calls him the son of perdition. However, they are one and the same (Revelation 16:13-16; 19:20; 20:10; 2 Thessalonians 2:3-8). To further substantiate this premise, additional historical review of the Medes and Persia is important.
THE MEDES The generally accepted progenitors of the Median Empire were Phraortes and his son Cyaxares, who were probably chieftains of the nomadic Mede tribe in the desert on the shores of the Caspian, the Manda. The Medes gained their independence from (Assyria) in the second half of the 7th century B.C. It is likely that they founded the capital city of Ecbatana. And, the Medes embraced a polytheistic religion. The conquests of Cyaxeres the Mede were preceded by a Scythian invasion and domination that lasted some twenty-eight (28) years under Madius the Scythian. Assyrian inscriptions imply that the early Mede rulers, who had attempted rebellions against the Assyrians in the time of Esarhaddon and Ashur-bani-pal, were allied with chieftains of the Ashguza and other tribes. The state of Mannae was finally conquered and assimilated by the Medes in the year of 616 B.C. +/Cyaxeres conquered Urartu in 612 B.C.+/- with the alliance of Nabopolassar the Chaldean and succeeded in destroying the Assyrian capital, Nineveh. The Medes took the remaining vestiges of Assyria control by 606 B.C. From then on, the Mede King ruled over much of what is now known as modern day Iran, Assyria, the northern Mesopotamia, Cappadocia and Armenia. The power of the Medes caused the exiled Jews to expect the destruction of Babylon (Daniel 8:20; Jeremiah 1, 51 and Isaiah 13, 14 and 21). The kings of Cilicia and Babylon intervened and negotiated a peace between Cyaxares and Lydia in 585 B.C. +/- Nebuchadnezzar married the daughter of Cyraxeres which maintained equilibrium between the two great powers until the rise of Cyrus, the Persian. The Greeks also adopted many ceremonial elements of the court from/through Media. However, in 553 B.C. +/-, Cyrus the Great rebelled against his grandfather, Astyages the Mede King, who was the son of Cyaxares and won a decisive victory in 550 B.C. +/- As a result, the Medes became subjects of their close kin, what came to known as the Persians. Of course, the Medes retained prominent positions in the Persian government. Perhaps for this reason, Daniel saw the Medes and the Persians as a Ram with two horns, but it did not diminish the fact that the Medes were a distinct Empire separate from the Persians and who gained Empire notoriety first. Even though the Medes became subjects of Persia and other Empires, they did not entirely disappear as a people or kingdom which is validated by scriptural implication and by history (Daniel 7:12). The Medes ancestry is accurately represented in modern Iran. For the foregoing reason, Jewish scholars always included the Media Empire separate from Persia when identifying the Seven Heads. THE PERSIANS Persia also has a very long history that reaches back into the dawn of human history through Media. Anshan conquered Media merging these two divided Iranian
kingdoms into one kingdom lifting the former Anshan to Empire status, now known as the Persian Empire. Persia arose to this Empire status via the leadership of Cyrus the Great when he rebelled against his grandfather in 550 B.C. +/- From that point, the Persian Empire, in its glory days, experienced massive growth ruling over lands from Bulgaria to Afghanistan, from Armenia to Egypt and the northern parts of Arabia. Persias capital was Persepolis (The City of the Persians), which was the richest city ever known during the Empire days. Remains found in this city have this inscription, The Gate to All Nations, which still exists to this day. This great city was eventually destroyed by Alexander the Great who carried away this great citys wealth back to his homeland. The Persian Empire lasted from 550 B.C. to 330 B.C. +/- until the Greek Empire conquered Persia led by Alexander the Great. Even though the Persians became subjects of the Greek Empire, they did not disappear altogether as a people or self rule. In fact, the Seleucid Dynasty would emerge in 312 A.D. And the name Persia was used before Iran changed its name from Persia to Iran in 1935 A.D. Public opinion in Persia determined that the name Persia was non-western and decided to change their name to Iran. However, for a long time Persia was the name known to the world. Likewise, the name Persia was used in Turkey (and other regions, under the control of the Ottoman Empire) up until 1922 A.D. Historically and Biblically speaking, it would be more accurate to say that Iran is both the Medes and the Persian since this region is where they both existed and emerged out from Media (ancient Iran). Persia (unlike Media) expanded beyond the borders of the Medes. Some believe that Turkey is more singularly Persia, since the eventual migration of Ottoman Persians ended up in Turkey as well as their governmental capital, which came to be Istanbul. However, modern Turkey does not accurately represent ancient Persia since it birthed in Sogut, Persia (Turkey) and ended in Istanbul, Persia (Turkey) in its decline. The Ottoman Empire began and ended within the borders of modern day Turkey, even though during its zenith it reached borders as large as the Persian and Greek Empires. In summary, YHVH wanted to make sure his people did not misidentify baby Medo-Persia, since they would play a crucial role in the end of times. Through careful analysis of history, geography and prophetic hints, as well as the blatant outright identification given by the prophet Daniel, the identity of Johns Two-Horned Beast is quite clear. Daniel specifically identifies the Two-Horned Ram by name as Medo-Persia. This, coupled with the obvious hint given by John, i.e., the baby ram, allows the researcher to easily identify the Two-Horned Beast as Iran. So in conclusion, Iran will become the voice and facilitator on behalf of the Scarlet Beast. Whether this baby ram turns out to be an Iranian President or an Ayatollah, it will still be Iran in some representative form.
(Relative to the Two-horned beast)
The Medes, which are now known as modern day Iranians, were conquered by Cyrus the Great, a close relative of the Medes. His empire became known as the Persian Empire, which eventually included modern day Turkey. Ancient Persia is believed by many to be modern day Turkey, but this is somewhat of a misnomer. Ancient Persia was conquered by Alexander the Great in the days when Persepolis was the vastly rich capitol city of Persia, far away from Turkey. Alexander the Great carried away Persias great wealth back west to his homeland. As a result, Ancient Persia melted away into what later became known as Iran. However for many centuries, after the fall of the Greek Empire (146 B.C.), they were still known as Persia. The Ottoman Empire was also commonly known as the Persian Empire as late as 1935 A.D., however, the true ancient Persian Empire was over thrown by Alexander the Great many centuries earlier in 330 B.C. It is possible that in order to keep the end-time details hazy, the name Persia was used by two countries, both of whom changed their names. One changed its name with the decline of the Ottoman Empire, when it shrank down to the borders of just modern Turkey in 1922 A.D. The other original Persia changed its name to Iran in 1935 A.D. Thus, the Modern Two-Horned Baby Ram in Johns vision is Iran. Currently Iran is a strong supporter/voice speaking on behalf of the 8th King (OIC/Islam), who is inextricably linked to the Scarlet Beast. However, Iran is not the Scarlet Beast. Iran by itself is too small to properly represent the Ancient Medo-Persia Empire revived, but it is the right size to be baby Medo-Persia (the Medo-Persian Empire in its infancy). Daniel does not specifically reveal a Two-Horned Beast like what John saw. But, Daniel did see an Eleventh Horn, (a little horn). This Eleventh Horn grew up among the ten horns, which is interconnected to the Scarlet Beast, the Seven Heads and the TwoHorned Beast. Therefore, it is probable to conclude that the Eleventh Horn is Johns Eighth Head, the OIC and its 10th General Secretary or Johns Two-Horned Baby Lamb, the works closely with the OIC. A very unlikely possibility is the emergence of an 11th Ayatollah or caliph that comes out of the OIC or an 11th president of Iran, which is one of the 57 member states of the OIC. THE AYATOLLAH As a result of the revolution in 1979 A.D., led by Ruhollah Khomeini (Irans first Supreme Leader, Ayatollah), Iran has undergone some major political changes. Prior to the 1979 A.D. revolution, Iran was led by a Shah and a Prime Minister, a secular government. Following the revolution, Iran was (and still is) led by Supreme (religious) Leaders (Ayatollah) and indirectly by religious Presidents. The year 1981 A.D. marks a remarkable year for Iranian political and religious history. It is unlikely that any other 74
country has experienced similar cataclysmic political changes, all in one year. And, 1981 A.D. is a significant date relative to end-time Bible prophecy. The list below reflects some of the political drama that occurred in 1981 relative to Iran and Islam. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Banisadr (first President) was impeached in 1981 Rajai (second President) was assassinated in 1981 Ali Seyyed Khameini became Irans third president in 1981 * Prime Minister Javad Bohonar was assassinated in 1981. Interim Prime Minister Reza Mahdavi Kani began and ended his term in 1981. Prime Minister Hossein Mousavi became Irans last Prime Minister in 1981.
* Ali Seyyed Khameini later became Irans second Ayatollah upon the death of Ruhollah Khomeini in June of 1989.
The Ayatollah is now considered the Supreme Leader (Shia Islamic branch) and it is often asked, who has more power, the Iranian President or the Ayatollah? If considering only Iran, perhaps they both are reasonably close in power, but if one considers that the Ayatollah is the Supreme Leader for all of Shia Islam, nearly 200,000,000 followers, then, his power reaches well beyond the borders of Iran. And if the two branches of Islam merge then the Ayatollahs reach extends to 1.5 billion people. In this context, his power certainly exceeds that of the Iranian President. And currently, he is the only accepted supreme spiritual leader of any kind in all of Islam. It is possible that if the Caliph is not resurrected, the Ayatollah may become Supreme Leader of more than 1.5 billion constituents. When he speaks (whether Shia or Sunni) all of Islam is listening. IRANIAN PRESIDENTS Prior to the recent 1979 A.D. revolution, there were no Presidents in Iran. Their previous equal would have been the Prime Minister. Ironically, there was an overlap in Iran when for a time Iran had both a Prime Minister and a President. Irans first President came into office in February 4, 1980 (Abolhassan Banisadr) and overlapped Irans last Prime Minister, Mir-Hossein Mousavi. His term ended in 1989 making a nine (9) year overlap of the two positions. Mir-Hossein Mousavis term ended in the same year Ruhollah Khomeini died and in the same year Ali Khamenie became Irans second Supreme Leader. Currently, Iran is at its sixth (6th) President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. His political party is known as the Islamic Society of Engineers with an agenda or objective to elevate the Islamic, political, scientific and technical knowledge of the Muslim people of Iran, defending major freedoms such as freedom of expression and gatherings as well as continued campaign against foreign cultural agents, whether Eastern or Western materialism. This is a distinctive departure from the previous five Presidents who were closely linked to Combatant political parties with agendas or objectives ranging from 75
establishing an Islamic State to a focus on exporting the revolution and calling for the states monopoly over economy. At this juncture, it is too early to tell what role, if any, the Iranian President will play relative to the Two-Horned Beast. But, the Iranian president may work in concert with the Ayatollah to unite the two Islamic factions. If one specific president is to play a role, the magic number would be President Eleven (11), but earlier presidents may play a significant role that prepares the path for the eleventh president. That means there are five more presidents to go within an approximate 15 year time frame. At the rate Iran went through Prime Ministers and Presidents in 1981, anything is possible, if an Iranian president is applicable to end-time Bible prophecy versus an Ayatollah. Apostle Paul said this about the about the Two-Horned Beast, what he called the man of sin, and the son of perdition. Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; 4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. 5 Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things? 6 And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time. 7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. 8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: 9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, 10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. 2 Thessalonians 2:3-12 Although it likely that an Iranian president or an Ayatollah will be the man of sin, one should not rule out a few other less likely possibilities. One possibility may be an 11th Secretary General of the OIC. However, all three are possibilities since all three have very close ties to the OIC, the Eighth Head. But, what is important to remember here is that a seven-year covenant will be avowed between the prince and many, making it some kind of religio-political covenant (since the Temple Mount is under the control of Islam via the Wakf). Thus, this covenant will come from a significant representative of Islam, the OIC General Secretary, the Ayatollah, an Iranian president or a Wakf leader (for whom Osama Ben Laden worked). This Two-Horned Beast is called the son of perdition (like Judas was) since the Beast will betray Israel. The Beast will attempt to lead Israel to the slaughter through this
pretentious seven-year covenant. But, much to the chagrin of Satan, YHVH will once again protect Israel for three and a half (3 ) years after the Beast breaks said covenant, just like he did for 1260 days (years) from the resurrection of Mashiyach up until 1290 A.D. FACTS ABOUT TURKEY Peradventure, Turkey plays a more significant role in end-time prophecy events, the following information is relevant. One may argue that Iran is one horn (Media) and Turkey is the second horn (Persia) of the Two-Horned Beast. However, there is little obvious scripture to support this theory. In fact, present day Turkey incites anger from radical Muslims due to their non-Islamic associations. As already mentioned above in Chapter 2, Asia Minor became Eastern Rome (New Rome) and lasted until the Ottoman Empire seized Constantinople in 1453 A.D. Four hundred sixty-nine (469) years later, the Ottoman Empire melted into what became known as Turkey. Since 1922 A.D. Turkey has risen on the global horizon in numerous ways. Turkey hosted the Seventh Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers in Istanbul and the 23rd session of the COMCEC. They also recently requested permission from the Wakf to build a Shrine in memory of Ottoman, founder of the Ottoman Empire, in Jerusalem on/near the Holy Temple Mount. The Wakf granted Turkeys request in November, 2007. Turkey is already aggressively making its presence known by other actions, developments and involvements in many global organizations. Some examples are as follows: * Turkey is the only country in the world with two Stock Exchanges (one in Europe and one in Asia) and founded the FEAS * Turkey has received a flow of six (6) Billion foreign investment dollars in January of 2007 alone and growing. * Turkey is a member of the WTO, perhaps the most powerful organization in the world, at present. * Turkey is a member of the OIC * Turkey is a member of NATO * Turkey is a member of the UN * Turkey is a member of EFTA * Turkey is a member of the OEC * Turkey is a member of the OECD * Turkey has applied for EU membership (pending) * Turkey has a financial position with the IMF with 4.8 Billion in debt to IMF * Turkey has a major city set on seven hills, the former government capital of the Byzantine, Roman and the Ottoman Empire and the current ecclesiastical government seat of the GOC, the Ecumenical Patriarch.
Istanbul, Turkey is also soliciting attention from world reporters and this is likely to increase with Turkeys progressive agenda to market itself. Istanbul is already the 34th single largest city economy in the world and the single largest city economy in the Middle East. With Istanbul being the Government Seat of the GOC and being an admixture of many elements despised by Iran (review the objectives of the political parties of Iranian Presidents and the Ayatollah), this may trigger aggression from Iran as well as other radical and conservative elements in Islam at large. In this light, it is plausible that Istanbul could fall again, relative to Mystery Babylon. For more discussions on this subject see Chapter 5 below. So when John gave the message to come out of her (talking about Mystery Babylon) was he referring to either Byzantium (later Constantinople and much later Istanbul) or some other representation? Was he even referring to a physical city? Or, was he referring to essence and machinations of imperialism, materialism, etc. since that pre-existed Byzantium (Istanbul) and post-existed John? The latter makes the message both valid for the churches in Asia Minor and prophetically valid for all future congregations. He certainly was not referring to the Vatican City (Rome), per se, for it was no where near Asia Minor nor did it even exist at that point. See Chapter 5 for more on this subject. THE CALIPHATE AND THE OIC Additional review of the Caliphate and the OIC is appropriate since the two are inextricably linked relative to end-time Bible prophecy. By definition, the Caliphate is a comprisal of rightly guided caliphs (successors of Muhammad), i.e., the form of government representing the political unity and leadership of the Sunni branch of the Muslim world. The caliph was often known as the Commander of the Faithful. Ottoman (the Ottoman Empire) was only one of the Caliphs so Ottoman unknowingly played a dual role. Expanding the Ottoman Dynasty was the intended goal of the Ottomans, which came to be known as the Ottoman Empire. In their wake, they also expanded Islam and the Arabic language. The Ottoman Empire was the Empire that conquered what was left of the Roman Empire in former Asia Minor. By the time of the Ottomans, Rome had been reduced to mostly Asia Minor (modern Turkey). It was the Ottoman that changed the name of Romes capital from Constantinople to Istanbul, whereupon, the Ottomans made Istanbul their capitalthe royal tents spoken of in Daniels vision (Daniel 11:45) were pitched between the two Seas (Mediterranean and the Black Seas)until 1922. The Ottoman Empire was the seventh and last Empire and was the tenth caliph, but did not really represent Shia Islam. The Caliph (Sunni) and the Ayatollah (Shia) are now more accurately represented in and by what is known as the OIC, founded in 1969, an organization comprised of fiftyseven (57) Islamic member States, both Sunni and Shia branches. This means that both Iran and Turkey are represented in/by the OIC. What is yet to be seen is what role will Iran (or Turkey) play in the OIC as the OIC interfaces with the world? Recently, the
Turkish General Secretary of the OIC met with the Iranian President for a consult. It would be interesting to know what was discussed. From within the said OIC members there are 141 capitols and cities that are members of the OICC, founded in 1980, a branch of the OIC. This means that Istanbul and Tehran are also represented in/by the OICC. Finally, the OIC is currently headquartered in the Holy City of Makkah, Saudia Arabia (the homeland of the people who built the Dome of the Rock).
Quiz Questions
1. What world empire was identified by Daniel with three different symbols/beasts? _________________________________________________________________ 2. Identify each symbol/beast relative to question # 1 above. __________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 3. What country is represented by a two-horned beast in the Book of Revelation? _________________________________________________________________ 4. What is the logic/link between the Book of Revelation and the Book of Daniel relative to the two-horned beast that helps provide its identity? ______________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 5. What possible/logical leader(s) could be a good fit as the antiMashiyach, relative to the two-horned beast in Revelation? _________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 6. What empire was the seventh empire? And when did it end? ________________ _________________________________________________________________ 7. What is the modern day link to the seventh empire? _______________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 8. What is significant about 1981? At what milestone does it mark relative to Daniels days/years that he prophesied about? ___________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 9. What branch of Islam dominates Iran? __________________________________ 10. What religious/political concept did Iran introduce to the world? _____________ _________________________________________________________________
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INTRODUCTION Three more significant symbols appear in Johns vision that directly link to the Scarlet Beast and the end of times. The traditional views regarding the Whore have always pointed to the Roman Catholic Church, however, this does not make scriptural, historical or topographical sense. This chapter will unlock the mystery of the Whore, the Dragon and the Woman. THE WHORE The Whore, Mystery Babylon, is definable but since traditional eschatology has often declared that she is the Roman Catholic Church (RCC), it is an uphill battle to dismantle this tradition. But for obvious scriptural, historical and geographical reasons, she is not the RCC. However, even though the RCC is not Mystery Babylon itself, the RCC is certainly included among her broad posterity, as one of her many daughters. Mystery Babylon is more likely and better defined according to the writings of John the Revelator, outside the Book of Revelation. By reviewing 1 John, one can more easily define Mystery Babylon as, for the lack of a better term, the god of SELF, i.e., the Natural/carnal cravings/desires of humanity, which is defined by John as the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life (LLP) (see 1 John 2:16-18). LLP is often epitomized by and through religion (both pagan and apostate Judaism/Christendom), politics (empires/governments) and economics (trade/commerce) (RPE), but the driving force (LLP) of the RPE is always consistent. And, this is what John was talking about in 1 John Chapter 2. He presents the three main components of the world (kosmos: orderly arrangement) in verse 16 (LLP), foretells that it, the world (orderly arrangements), will pass away in verse 17 and then he introduces the concept of antichrist in verse 18, the first time the specific term shows up in scripture. John did not see the machinations of the RPE, per se, as much as he saw the driving force behind it, the LLP. Over time it was/is this driving force of the LLP that has caused humanity to develop and construct present-day orderly arrangements on the earth (the kosmos) in the form of cities, states, countries and empires with their pagan religions, self-benefiting 83
politics and especially self-benefiting economics. So what is wrong with city building, civilization, and the orderly arrangements of RPEs? Civilization is more likely to breed situations that lead to the shedding of innocent blood because there are more opportunities for the LLP sees to take advantage of. Whereas, dispersed food gatherers are too busy surviving. They have little time for politics, organized religion and advanced economics. Even the citizens of Israel, a religious state, had a hard time to suppress the LLP and what it leads to, i.e., murder, adultery, stealing, etc., etc. In fact, there were times when the prophets (Psalms 137:8; Isaiah 47:1; Jeremiah 50:42; 51:33; Zachariah 2:7) called Israel the daughter of Babylon. It was because Israel had lost her way; she began to focus on the SELF god over the true YHVH and followed after strange gods, to be like other nations hoping to acquire the delicacies (Ezekiel 27:27-33; Revelation 18:3, 17) that they coveted (Exodus 34:15, 16; Leviticus 17:17; 20:15, 6; Numbers 15:39; Deuteronomy 31:16; Judges 8:33; 1 Chronicles 5:25; Ezra 6:9; 23:30); in so doing they neglected the poor, the widows, the orphans, the stranger, and the disenfranchised (Isaiah 1:16-17, 23; 10:2; Daniel 4:27; Deuteronomy 6:12; 14:28-29; Malachi 3:8-9; Psalms 9:8-9; 103:6; 146:5-10). Because of this spiritual adultery YHVH judged Israel and it was this judgment that fostered the introduction of Daniels 70 Weeks to Israel and the world, the underpinnings of eschatology. This is what Daniel was talking about; this is what he was referencing (Daniel 9:11) in his prayer. Review the following scriptures: Deuteronomy 6:1-3; 8:12-14, 1720; 10:18-19; 16:10-11; 24:17-22; 26:12-19; 27:19; Leviticus 19:10, 15, 33-34, 37; 23:22; 24:22; 25:35-43; Numbers 15:16; Zachariah 7:10-12; Malachi 3:1-5. It is quite easy to see, that equally embedded in the moral commandments, given by YHVH, to the people of Israel, through Moses, were distinct commandments that were clearly close to the heart of YHVH. Over and over, Israel was reminded to remember their experience in Egypt and deal with the poor, the orphans, the widows, the strangers and the disenfranchised in light of their own past experience; to deal with them compassionately, generously, fairly and unforgettably. But this they did not do; they pursued the god SELF. Thus, YHVH judged them. Economics often fuels the love of money (greed), due to the delicacies money can purchase; it is very intoxicating. Economics is the collective adhesive and fuel that keep organized religions and politics (cities, governments, empires) buttressed and functioning and it is the LLP that invariably drives the need for these Collective RPE mediums in the first place, mechanisms by which self-gratification (the god SELF) can be multiplied. As the RPE systems of civilization grew and developed over time, into ever more complex and advanced systems it has brought the world to its present economic state, with its current global trade, stock exchanges, monetary instruments, unions, etc., etc., e.g., the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank (WB), the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), and all the other interconnected stock exchanges around the world, etc., etc. It would be difficult for anyone to deny that the LLP, with its RPE mediums, is the driving force of every murder, every carnal pursuit, and the rise and fall of every
empire (Daniel 11:2; Matthew 13:22; Mark 4:19; 10:23-24; Luke 8:14; 1 Timothy 6:17). It is also true that the LLP not only keeps people SELF focused but often (if not always) prevents them from being truly benevolent, charitable and exhibiting true acts of LOVE towards YHVH and others. Of course, Satan knows this and has used the LLP as a snare to entrap many an individual through out history, including the facilitation of the first murder (John 8:44). In general, however, he does not need to escalate the LLP among the masses since the LLP leads to its own demise without any particular involvement or special attention from Satan himself. Nonetheless, Satan, along with the employ of any evil princes under him, has certainly, on sundry times, targeted wicked men/women, who could/would rise to world domination, to use them as pawns in his game. Conversely he has also targeted prominent holy men, to resist them (or to make them fall), since they are persons who are more likely to efficaciously thwart Satans gains. Furthermore, note that John, through the Spirit of YHVH, seemed to place more focus (Revelation 17 & 18) on the economic element of Mystery Babylon and how it relates to murders of both the righteous and the unrighteous rather than on the religious or paganistic elements, even though the latter elements were certainly not overlooked either. The economic focus may also be due to the fact that the scriptures state (1 Timothy 6:10) that the love of money is the root of all evil, a seemingly strong correlation between money (economics) and evil, i.e., all evil. By definition, then, this would include evil starting from the fall. Therefore, it is not a stretch to link economics to the shedding of innocent blood. In fact, that seems to be what John was trying to imply in both his epistles (1 John 2) and in the Book of Revelation (Chapters 17 & 18). Each of the three functional mediums (religion, politics and economicsRPE) was/is nothing more than a mechanism by which wicked humanity can advance/satisfy the SELF god (LLP). Thus the reason why most who are involved in them, including religious paganism or apostasy, refuse to leave it behind when they are shown truth (the reasons why they should forsake it) because their deeds are evil; their intent is to preserve the SELF god, which is enmity (Romans 8:7; James 4:4) against YHVH; following truth (the true YHVH) would require that they forsake SELF and submit to YHVH. This is little different than what John was talking (1 John 2:18; 2:22; 4:3; 2 John 1:7) about relative to the antichrist.
NOTE: Anti means: apposed, against or opposite; thus antichrist would mean apposed to Christ, against Christ or opposite of Christ.
Economics started with Cain (Genesis 4:17; Hebrews 11:4; Revelation 18:23-24), who was the first city builder (Genesis 4:17) and, hence the first murderer (the first spiller/shedder of human blood). One cannot build a city without agriculture and economics. Cain was the progenitor of both. The god of SELF embraced by Cain rebelled against YHVH, which led to the murder of his brother, Abel. His own personal (self) goals (LLP) exceeded his desire to please the creator of heaven and earth. Likewise, if a person will not depart from Mystery Babylon, even the people (Revelation 18:4) of YHVH, it will eventually destroy them. 85
The god SELF reappeared at Babel (Genesis 10:8-10; 11:1-9). The god SELF surfaced with Assyria, Egypt, Babylon (Daniel 4:4, 27); Persia, Greece, Rome, Caliphate, and will again with Persia resurrected. Remember, YHVH called Abram (Genesis 11:31; Nehemiah 9:7) out of Babylon (Ur, within the Babylonia plains) and his wealth was independent of her (Genesis 14:23), it was from YHVH and he did not want it to be corrupted or confused with any other, thus the reason for not accepting spoils of war. The Church, too, must come out (Revelation 18:4) of Mystery Babylon, lest they too experience her plagues and destruction that will one day soon befall upon her. Throughout the ages, LLP took on new forms through organized religions, politics and economics and always rode atop the backs of every rising empire, who were led by their own god of SELF (LLP), to become more powerful, to consume and own more of what was around them and to elevate themselves to the ranks of deity (Daniel 3:1-7; 4:37). But this was not just in the heart of rising kings/emperors of each rising/falling empire, but resided, to some degree, within the heart of every carnal man, woman and child. This pursuit of the SELF god caused the perpetual murders/shedding of blood throughout the ages, even the killing off of both righteous and unrighteous blood, which included the blood of prophets and saints, starting from righteous Abel all the way to present day. Politics (governments, empires) are nothing more than a medium and venue for a collective LLP that fights against YHVH, his holy prophets and saints. Cities, governments, and empires produce collective sin, thus the reason and the need for coming out of her. When one joins (copulating) with a harlot, they partake (1 Corinthians 6:15-15) in her sins. In like manner, when believers participate in Babylon, they partake in her collective sinning (Revelation 18:4), which includes the wrongful shedding of innocent righteous (and unrighteous) blood (1 John 3:15), not to mention all the other sins that YHVH despises. And YHVH promised to avenge (Genesis 4:10; Deuteronomy 19:10; 32:43; 2 Kings 9:7; Revelation 6:10) innocent shed blood. The only consistent element found in the earth from the beginning of time, prior to the existence of any institution, organization, government or empire, that was responsible for shedding innocent blood, was the LLPthe god SELFand Satans beguiling manipulation of it, that he used upon Adam and Eve (Genesis 3:1-6, 13; 2 Corinthians 11:3; simplicity here means without self-seeking) to cause death to come upon them and the entire human race (Romans 5:12). Satan manipulated Cain (Jude 1:11; 1 John 3:12) next and so on and so forth, until the Flood, then on to Nimrod and onward; and the rest is history. Jude (Jude 1:11) indicated that the sin of Cain paralleled Balaams and Korahs sin. And what was Balaams sin? The story of Balaams sin is recorded in Numbers 22 and is referenced in numerous other places (Joshua 24:9; Nehemiah 13:2; 2 Peter 2:15; Jude 1:11, etc.) throughout scripture. Balaam allowed himself to be bought with money,
to yield to the god SELF rather than to yield to and obey YHVH. This purchase was intended to bring harm (Numbers 22:6) to Israel, the shedding of innocent blood, the smiting of the children of Israel (Revelation 2:14)blood money, not much different than Judas blood money. Thus one can conclude that Cains sin somehow involved money, pride, lust (i.e., the LLP), and murder of innocent blood, all because of his unacceptable sacrifice and his unwillingness to obey YHVH in correcting his error. What was Korahs sin? Korah (a Levite) challenged and murmured against Moses and Aaron, but it was more about Moses and Aarons position of leadership that he coveted, a position that he sought and believed was a powerful position, in his mind the level of a prince (Numbers 16:3, 13). It was not the work of service itself that Korah sought. Thus the underpinnings of this collective rebellion Korah led was pride, lust (LLP) and the love of money (commodities), for Moses actually implicated this in Numbers 16:15. This gainsaying of Korah and his convoy of cohorts ended in the shedding of blood (Numbers 16:31-38), the blood of Korah and all those who were seduced and beguiled into following him; to commit a collective sin, the sin of resisting against YHVH and those he placed in leadership, the elevation of the god of SELF, the LLP, over the true YHVH. So, Jude made reference to Cain, Balaam and Korah and although each incident seems very distinct, there is also a common driving force present in each event, the LLP. With Cain one sees hate, murder and disobedience; with Balaam one sees filthy lucre; blood money (to put Israel in harms way), pride (prestige, fame seeking), greed, disobedience, indirect premeditated murder, spiritual blindness (Numbers 22:34) and being driven (perverse) by greed (Numbers 22:32); with Korah one sees pride (power hungry), greed, defamation (seeking self-elevation), rebellion and carnage. But, it is also easy to see the LLP at work driving each scenario. So, both Jude and John made indirect reference to the LLP in their cited examples and how it conceives sin. In fact, the whole world has been seduced (Revelation 17:2) by this whore, even YHVHs people are found within her. Of course there are many more examples that could be given that are found in scripture, but that would only belabor the point. So how are the LLP and its RPE mediums analogous to the Great Whore (Mystery Babylon)? First, the Great Whore (Mystery Babylon) is obviously symbolic of something that has spanned humanitys history, but not tangible, certainly not tangible in the sense of a person, organization or government. Were she otherwise, then one could easily identify her since she rode atop (Revelation 17:3-7) each of the seven world empires and produced many daughters spread over many millennia. But no single identifiable physical entity exists that can be pinpointed through out history reaching back to the dawn of time. But what can be identified is something that, although intangible, is innate within humanity and has expressed itself repeatedly through out the ages. It is the driving force of the LLP (the god SELF), which, as already pointed out, has spawned three major collective mediums by which to operate in civilization, the RPE, which facilitates both individual and collective sinning. This LLP/RPE is what stimulated the building of world empires and the overthrowing of them, the predecessor by its successor; seven thus far; the LLP/RPE is the Whore that rode/sat atop these seven
empires. The visual image of the Whore riding the Beast portrays the idea of her being in control, the driving force, the master of the direction the beast would go. This collective sinning is a form of a depraved collective consciousness or as John put it, every spirit (1 John 4:3) that confesseth not. Although pneuma (spirit) usually refers to the Holy Spirit in New Testament scriptures, it can also carry the meaning of a mental disposition. And it would appear that John was not referring to the Holy spirit when he wrote concerning a spirit of antichrist but more in line with a carnal mental disposition. Apostle Paul also alluded to this same concept, when he wrote of being carnally minded (Romans 8:6), which is the enemy of YHVH (Romans 8:7), as did James when speaking of being friends (James 4:4) with the world (kosmos). The English word cosmos comes from the Greek word kosmos, and is used to describe the galactic systems of the universe. Likewise, John and James used the term world (kosmos) to describe the many, broad reaching RPE systems (orderly arrangements) of civilization, which John defined as the LLP, which is the underpinnings of these RPE systems of civilization. John realized that the RPE of every town, city, state, territory, nation and amalgamated nations existed only because of the driving force of the LLP. This driving force, this LLP, this collective consciousness, is what sat atop of each world empire, which has facilitated advances in civilizations RPE systems until they have reached their zenith, todays current complex RPE systems (the IMF, WB, NYSE, etc., etc.), and has made many people rich by her. And, it is obvious that radical Muslims (members of the OIC) hate this system, just recall what Osama did on 9/11. Even though conservative Muslims may know how to speak peaceably, their hearts and minds are truly with Osama, but they knew Osama was premature. But John also saw that this Whore (the world, the orderly arrangements, the collective LLP) would be destroyed. The world will fall (pass away) into chaos and economic ruin. This collective LLP and its complex RPE will collapse leaving all the inhabitants of the earth vulnerable to the initiation of the Mark of the Beast, which will be viewed as a life boat by all those that were involved in her sins. The tell tale signs of this falling is already becoming visible. For some time, the US dollar has been the accepted economic bedrock utilized by all the countries of world for trading (international buying an selling), backed by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank (WB), but that is fast changing as the end times draw near. With the US realizing its economic woes and its weakening dollar, it has been divesting into the SDR currency, the currency of the IMF, the strength behind the US dollar, which is not so strong after all. Therefore, the Gulf Monetary Union (GMU) (and eventually the OIC) has decided to create its own currency that will be stronger and better backed. The OIC will soon follow suit. What is not understood by most people is the real reason why the US departed from the gold standard and went to a debt system. Although the surface intent seemed noble enough, the underpinnings were truly self-seeking, LLP driven. The marketed concept was that by departing from the gold standard more members of
society would have a better chance of engaging in world economics, those who were once excluded (due to the high cost of gold) could then participate, quicker and sooner. But of course, this would only make those at the top richer and more powerful. Therefore, the current complex economic system, although it is much larger and has created many more rich people in the world than before, is also by far more delicate. Although, the current system has been perceived as invincible, she will fall, enabled by a new and growing entity in the world that hates the present Whore (Revelation 17:16), who will make every effort to see her completely destroyed. This new entity that will destroy the Whore is the ten-horned beast, the OIC. The GMU is making its own currency in an attempt to displace the US dollar and the current economic world-wide system (i.e., the IMF, the WB, the NYSE, etc.) and is also a member of the OIC. The GMU will demand that all nations of the earth pay for oil using the GMUs new currency. It is interesting to note that in addition to the OICs current 57 member nations both Russia and Thailand are currently OIC Observers and even the UN is an intergovernmental organizational Observer of the OIC. And China has recently made its support for Palestine publicly known. In other words, the countries of the world are beginning to take the OIC (and their cause) very seriously and, in fact, will soon be seduce by this beast to participate in her currency (the Mark of the Beast) when it arrives. So, why do or will most ministers (of every denomination) reject this view and fear this truth? Because, they would become guilty before YHVH; they will have to change; they will have to mobilize; they may become visible to governments that may destroy them; they may see themselves as becoming cult-like; they may lose their congregations and livelihoods; they do not trust the leadership of their religious organization; they will become too much like the early church; they will become to much like Israel or other religious states. In all of this, they have no experience. It scares them beyond expression.
Foot Note: Why would Yahushua impose all the guilt (Matthew 23:35; Luke 11:51) of the righteous blood that was shed upon the earth upon his generation? Because, the Jews of his generation exhibited both flagrant collective sin thoughts (Matthew 27:25) and actions (Luke 11:52) that which are becoming of an antichrist. This spirit of antichrist existed prior to Mashiyachs coming, during his tenure (which certainly climaxed in Yahushuas generation, when he finally came in the flesh and to his own, but his own received him not (John 1:11)) and after his departure. Thus John said, every spirit that denies that Mashiyach has come in the flesh is antichrist (1 John 4:3). Any person that truly believes (confesses) that Mashiyach came in the flesh would not participate (collective sin) in killing Mashiyach (1 Corinthians 2:8). Furthermore, neither would a true believer hate (Leviticus 19:17; 1 John 4:20-21) his/her brother (particularly in action). In his discussion on antichrist (1 John), John talked about loving one another, which he extrapolated earlier, as love actions (1 John 3:17), or the lack thereof. This spirit of antichrist is inseparable from this discussion of what the Great Whore is, since they both deal with the neglect of others (brothers) facilitated by the preference for the god SELF (LLP). It causes people to behave contrary to the spirit of Mashiyach (LOVE), to commit sin. The culmination of Israels long history of sins climaxed with the killing of the Mashiyach; even more so for Israel since they were YHVHs chosen people and forgot the lesson of Egypt relative to how they should treat their brothers, the poor, the widows, the orphans, even the strangers. If one is guilty of one breach, then they are guilty of all and in this case, the lack of brotherly love towards
one of their own brothers, Yahushua, even to the point of killing him. The Jewish leaders preferred to salvage their limited favor with Rome and the pride, power, money, etc. that it may have brought them over acknowledging that Mashiyach had come in the flesh (John 11:50). Once again, the god SELF (LLP) prevailed to the shedding of innocent righteous blood, in this case the son of YHVH, the Mashiyach. For this, they had to pay a great debt, a horrible judgment
OTHER IDENTIFIERS As indicated earlier, there has been much speculation for many decades over this significant Biblical symbol found in Johns vision. However, once the Scarlet Beast is determined, then it becomes much easier to identify the Whore. There are also some key identifying factors found in scripture to assist in her discovery in relationship to the Scarlet Beasts identity. Below is a list of Biblical identifying characteristics of this city, the Whore, Mystery Babylon (Revelation 17:18). 1. Must have an ancient past that pre-dates all seven Empires. 2. Home for demons 3. Haunt for every evil spirit 4. Haunt for every unclean and detestable bird 5. Nations have drunk the maddening wine of her adulteries 6. Kings of the earth committed adultery with her 7. Merchants of the earth grew rich from her excessive luxuries 8. Gave herself glory and luxury 9. Ships on the sea grew rich from her wealth 10. Her merchants were the worlds great men 11. Led the world astray by her magic spell 12. In her was found the blood of the prophets and of the saints and all who have been killed on the earth 13. Corrupted the earth by her adulteries 14. When she is destroyed all the sea captains, all who travel by ship, the sailors and all who earn their living from the sea will exclaim, Was there ever a city like this great city? 15. She sits on many peoples, multitudes, nations and languages. 16. She sits on seven hills. 17. She sits the seven Empires (heads). 18. She is a great city that reigneth over the kings of the earth. 19. She must be ruined, left naked and burned with fire. 20. She must be destroyed post Johns vision. 21. She must be destroyed post Roman Empire since Rome would not hate herself and destroy herself. 22. She must be located where ships have easy access. 23. She must be located in a place that is involved with and can facilitate trade. 24. She must be hated by the OIC and the ten kings of the OIC. 25. She must be a city that the OIC has or will destroy that fits the above description.
Find the city that fits all the above descriptions and you have found the Whore described in Johns vision in the Book of Revelation. The only existing literal city that can even come close to the above description is Byzantium (Constantinople, Istanbul). After all, Byzantium sat on seven hills topographically and existed prior to the RCC, prior to the Roman Empire, prior to the Greek Empire and back into the dawn of time. The shed blood of saints and prophets can be found in her, since the Crusades were launched out from this city, among other atrocities committed both before and after the crusades that spilled the blood of YHVHs saints and prophets. Even still, Istanbul does not qualify. One of the more challenging descriptions listed by John that is extremely difficult to reconcile, relative to the Whore, is the latter portion of Revelation 18:24, and all who have been killed on the earth. As written, this scripture would be nearly impossible to link to any literal city on the earth, which means that the traditional meaning and concept of the word city found in Revelation 17:18 must be reconsidered. A good place to start is with the word itself. The Greek word, polis (transliteration) used in Revelation 17:18, is translated into the English word city and has an interesting origin and meaning. Polis means walled city and polis comes from the Greek word polemos (transliteration) which means warfare (battle, fight, war). What is interesting here is that the modern idea of city does not really match the ancient meaning. It appears that an ancient condensed population was only considered a city if it was a walled town, a fortified town, a fortress, a town feeling secure by its walls. Additionally, the origin of the word comes from warfare. All of this combined gives the impression that John saw a gated (competitiveperhaps as in free enterprise) city that felt fallaciously secure by its walls (gates), it felt safe, secure (Revelation 18:7), untouchable and believes that it cannot fall. Another difficult description to reconcile is, that great city that reigneth over the kings of the earth. Once again, it does not appear that any literal city could fit this single description. What city in existence has continuously reigned over the kings of the earth? This means that if Revelation 18:24 is combined with Revelation 17:18 Mystery Babylon has ruled over every civilization, king, peoples and language and was responsible for all murders that were ever committed on the earth. Even at the time of Johns visions, there was no single physical city that fit these two descriptions, let alone all the other descriptions, and even less likely any physical city in 2007 A.D. Again, the only physical city that comes close is Istanbul. It does sit on seven hills topographically and did exist during the seven empire era and it does exist to this day. However, since Istanbul does not completely qualify due to all the other foregoing reasons, the concept of the word city must be reexamined and broadened to include a spiritual abstract meaning. After all, in scripture both YHVHs Kingdom and Satans kingdom begin in and exist within the spirit world dimension that plays out into human reality. Going back before the new Noahic beginning (pre-flood era) as well as right after the new beginning one can find these relevant scriptural accounts.
Before the Flood: And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived, and bare Enoch: and he builded a city, and called the name of the city, after the name of his son, Enoch. Genesis 4:17 After the Flood:
And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth... 7 And you, be ye fruitful, and multiply; bring forth abundantly in the earth, and multiply therein. Genesis 9:1-7 Out of that land went forth Asshur, and builded Nineveh, and the city Rehoboth, and Calah, 12 And Resen between Nineveh and Calah: the same is a great city. Genesis 10:11-12 And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech. 2 And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there. 3 And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them throughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for morter. 4 And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth. 5 And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded. 6 And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. 7 Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech. 8 So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city. 9 Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth. Genesis 11:1-9
The city (Babel) was never finished, YHVH saw to that. Additionally, from the above scriptures, there are several key phrases and concepts that are applicable and key to understanding Mystery Babylon. First, take notice that the murderous Cain was the first in history to build a city by use of agriculture and people gathering. Agriculture is the fundamental life sustaining building block for both animals and people of any city allowing its citizens to make, build, develop and create other products and services (as opposed to food gathering) that can then be traded for a portion of the products of agriculture and other products and services proffered by non-agricultural vendors. Inevitably this trade (commerce) led to currency which led to exchange rates and many other advanced and complex elements of economy (often evaluated as GDP). In modern times, trade has become quite complex and in many ways more vulnerable to collapse, especially from a currency and reserve currency perspective. The second notable city was Nineveh, the eventual capitol city of the Assyrian Empire. This city no longer exists. And great city building would not end here in the dawn of human civilization. There would come many other cities with long lasting world-wide notoriety. Among them are Sodom and Gomorrah, Persepolis, Babylon, Rome, Constantinople, Athens and many others. Second, take notice that in the New Beginnings (after the Flood), YHVH specifically told the Flood survivors to replenish the earth, which meant spread out over the earth and live nomadic and/or clannish lifestyles. Third, take notice that the Flood survivors disobeyed (rebelled) against YHVHs command (covenant) and began to build a city (congested civilization) and to make a name for themselves. Fourth, take notice that this rebellion was so significant that YHVH forcibly scattered the people by confounding their languages. Taking a step back, Cain has been considered the progenitor of evil via an alliance with Satan (rebelled against YHVHs guidance) and by his prideful (greed for superiority) murder of his brother Abel. Cain was engaged in Agriculture, which is an unequivocal essential element required for building and maintaining civilizationcities (city creation, i.e., economy). And Cain was in fact the first in Biblical history known to have built the first city. This same evil concept and habit would then be replicated by his posterity as well as others who adopted this same evil model both before and after the flood. One may challenge the premise that civilization building (city building) is evil. But this must not be challenged with modern, desensitized, carnal thinking. It must be considered from YHVHs perspective. In general, cities, civilization, commerce, etc. runs contrary to YHVH plan since all their systems (RPE) have roots in evil (LLP) rather than in righteousness, even Israel could not get it right as was referred to as the daughter
of Babylon by several prophets (see above). However, there will be a city, whose builder and maker is YHVH. This city is being built with and sustained by divine principles of morality diametrically opposed to current earthly cities under the domain of Satan. During the Thousand Years of Peace, Mashiyach will model a divine civilization for the whole world to see. Not only was (is) carnal civilization building a direct covenant breach, but city building spawned great evil, evil that is far less likely to occur in a simple clannish nomadic lifestyle, especially if they are YHVH centered. Open Civilization (economy) solicits and fosters every kind of evil, religion, lust, pride, greed, immoral act, resources for wars (people, weapons, funding, etc.) and so on. Even Abraham was called out of a city by YHVH to depart that civilization and lead a simple nomadic clannish life, to look for a city built by YHVH (Hebrews 11:10). He obeyed that call and became the father of the faithful. In the case with righteous Lot, had he not been rescued out of a city by divine intervention, he and his family would have been destroyed along with Sodom and Gomorrah. As is often the case, a minority of morality and truly divine religious faith resides in most cities and as it so happened, Lot (righteous people), too, was an extreme minority, not enough to spare the city where he lived. Furthermore, when a person lives in and participates in the economy of any city they indirectly contribute (and thus are an accomplice) to the power, pride and wealth of the citys founder and its inhabitants as well as all the atrocities she commits upon its own citizens (injustice, neglect of widows, orphans, the poor and the stranger, etc.) or upon citizens of other cities, especially in the murderous acts of war. For the forgoing reasons, John warned the Seven Churches in Asia Minor to leave Mystery Babylon. And if they were believers of Yahushua, they certainly were not involved in the Catholic Church (often targeted as the Whore) for it was not yet in existence, but they did live in prosperous sinful cities. And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory. 2 And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. 3 For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies. 4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. 5 For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities. 6 Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double. 7 How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow. 8 Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine;
and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her. Revelation 18:1-8 Apostle Paul wrote similar words when he wrote the following to the Church of Corinth. Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? 15 And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? 16 And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. 17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, 18 And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty. 2 Corinthians 6:14-18 So as can be clearly seen the Catholic Church is not the Whore, but certainly can be included as one of her daughters, as are most religious organizations, corporations, cities, towns, governments, and nations on the planet today who lack scriptural moral guidance. However, through out the ages, Satan has been involved from the beginning to facilitate a mass collection of peoples of one language (a collective consciousness) that would one day be large enough, strong enough, prideful enough and deluded enough to fight against YHVH. Without civilization (cityeconomy, etc.), Satan could not accomplish his evil plan. Some have even gone so far as to say that Satan had sex with Eve who then had Cain, as the son of Satan who then set out to spread evil. Of course there are no explicit scriptures that directly endorse this theory. But for certain, he was the son of Satan, spiritually speaking, since he, like his mother, was beguiled by the Lust of the Eyes, the Lust of the Flesh and the Pride of Life rather than choosing the path of simplicity and righteousness. Even though Cain was directly cursed relative to his ability to cultivate the earth, he taught others as he gathered them together. It is this evil that led to the first city (civilization/economy) built by Cain. And it is this evil that is the Mother of Harlots. And it is this evil that is responsible for all murders on the earth. And it is this evil (Whore) that sits upon all the Heads of the Seven Empires and these heads represent hills and kings, which implies the zenith of each empire. Without this Whore, they would never have been able to reach global dominance. It takes funding and people to bring an empire to world dominance. Civilization, city building, commerce and agriculture is the only path. Sadly its leaders were usually sinful, immoral and had less than divine intentions.
It is also interesting to note that Cain was also the progenitor of the Kenites (and possibly meshed with Midian) comprising the land area known as the Levant. The Levant is a geographical term often used by archeologists and historians. It refers to the large area in the Middle East bounded on the east by the Upper Mesopotamia, on the west by the Mediterranean Sea and on the North by the Upper Arabian Desert. In modern times Levant represents Jordon, Israel, Lebanon, Syria upward near the borders of Turkey to the north reaching slightly into Saudi Arabia to the south and slightly into Iraq to the west. This clearly shows that pre-flood, Cain had already influenced the region of the world from whence the Beast emerges who unwittingly destroys the Whore. And Cains irreversible influence can found around the world. There is also some questionable history reaching down into Africa claiming to have roots back to Biblical Nod (or Nok as written today), however, the history is weak at best. This Mystery Babylon as being the elements and workings of a city (in particular, commerce, economy, money, pride, wealth and power) is also significant relative to the following scriptures. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs. 1 Timothy 6:10 (NIV) If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you. 19 If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you. John 15:18-19 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 16 For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. 17 And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever. 1 John 2:15-17 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. 5 For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.
Revelation 18:4-5 Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall. Proverbs 16:18 (NIV) As indicated earlier, if a physical city is to be targeted in end times, it would seem that Istanbul would be the most likely target rather than New York, Frankfurt, Tokyo, Beijing, etc. and for a number of reasons. First, none of the latter cities mentioned are old enough to impact on the worlds entire history. Second, they are not in the Middle East region of the world. Third, it is likely that these delicate world dominating economies will shrivel by any number of unforeseen factors including but not limited to, weak monetary reserves, shift in petrodollars, etc. This fragility will allow oil rich Islamic countries of the OIC to topple current dominant economic powers they hate, elevating Istanbul, Tehran and others above current leading economies placing the OIC in the dominant economic role. If Turkey is accepted in the EU, then they surrender their ability to set their own currency. This, among other reasons, would surely evoke hate from radical and conservative Islam, but only time will tell. Either way, it is the current evil, immoral (from the Islamic perspective) economies that Islam hates, and they are partly correct. However, it is not likely that any one physical city will be targeted when the Scarlet Beast, the Two-Horned Beast and the Ten Kings without a kingdom (including the Eleventh Horn) set out to destroy the Whore, when they bring her to ruin and leave her naked, eat her flesh and burn her with fire. How and why the Whore will be destroyed will be discussed below. Osama thought that by destroying the physical Twin Towers in New York, the U.S., and other economies, would fail and fall to their knees. Although Osama was partially correct, he seemed gravely mistaken in other ways, not to mention that what he did was certainly not popular on the world stage. It is not a physical building or city that would bring down a city, but the elements that comprise the city. A citys inability to produce a tradable GDP (and all the elements that facilitate a GDP) would ruin a city. In todays world, take away a citys means to generate a GDP and to trade this GDP with itself, and in particular, the rest of the world then she looses her power, wealth, and pride. GDP is the measurement of any great citys wealth, power and pride and it makes nearly everybody rich who participates in the development and trading of said GDP. Nonetheless, Osamas actions provoked the USA into advancing militarily, which in turn has exposed the economic fragility of the USA and that of other world economies. Every city is an offspring of the Mother of Whores. And this Mother reaches back to the dawn of time starting with Cain. Those kings of the earth who yielded to and participated in the fornications and iniquities of the Whore became her offspring (daughters), the Great Mother of Whores. If anyone participates in her fornications, and
iniquities they will also be a partaker of her judgment. Thus, the EU, USA, China, India, etc. is not that the Whore, but certainly qualify to be one of her daughters. This may be a radical concept but it is certainly a Biblical one. John indicates in Revelation 18 that the Whore commits fornication and iniquity. When she is destroyed death, morning and famine (economic plagues) overtake her. What is fornication? What is iniquity? Fornication comes from the Greek word porneia (transliteration) meaning harlotry (figuratively idolatry) which includes adultery and incest. Iniquity comes from the Greek word adikia (transliteration), and other similar variations, meaning violation of law and injustice among several other similar meanings. The Whore seduced, beguiled and inebriated inhabitants of the earth so as to get them to participate in her sins of idolatry, breaking the Law of YHVH, behaving unjustly towards othersin particular murdering the saints, apostles and prophets and all who have been killed on the earthand all that which relates to the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life. Money, power and greed led to the killing of Mashiyach. Why else would anyone want to kill a holy man who went about to heal the sick, feed the poor and commit many other kind acts? However, he was a threat to the Jewish power leaders and their political standing with Rome (John 11:48) and all the fiscal and material benefits that came with it. Principally speaking, Mashiyachs murder was no different (except for obvious variations) than what brought about the murders of all saints, prophets, apostles and all those that were killed on the earth. One can conclude that the wealth, greed, pride, etc. that comes by trading with any large economy (like Byzantium, et al.) undoubtedly rippled outward around the world. Men, kings, merchants, traders and people of all languages become drunk with the wine of her adulteries. Scriptural adulteries in this context imply Materialism, loving and desiring the things of the world over YHVH. The pursuit of materialism is magically intoxicating such that one does not know at what point things change from just earning a living to being intoxicated with the pursuit of materialism. The scriptures place the responsibility of this sin dually back onto the original source of the wine giver and on the participant. If/when a persons loyalty and affection begins to shift towards the love of the world, which includes broad sweeping phrases like lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and the pride of life, then this is how/when/where spiritual adultery begins. Becoming intoxicated by materialism and pride of ownership, etc. is very subtle and seductive. It takes tremendous discipline to know how to stop. To know when enough is enough, before it reaches the level of intoxication. YHVH taught Israel concerning this valuable lesson by means of the daily manna collection. They were to collect only enough manna for that days use. Excess amounts became worm infested (Exodus 16). This was a similar lesson to the time YHVH sent quail to Israel. Their lust backfired with negative ramifications.
Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof. 13 Neither yield ye your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin: but yield yourselves unto God, as those that are alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness unto God. 14 For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace. 15 What then? shall we sin, because we are not under the law, but under grace? God forbid. 16 Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?... I speak after the manner of men because of the infirmity of your flesh: for as ye have yielded your members servants to uncleanness and to iniquity unto iniquity; even so now yield your members servants to righteousness unto holiness. Romans 6:12-19 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 16 For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. 17 And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever. 1 John 2:15 If one honestly looks at all the evils, injustices and atrocities committed in the past and in the present, one discovers the inextricable link to money, power, pride, lust, covetousness, economy and evil civilizations, i.e., the LLP/RPE. Bit to discuss this is often too close to home. To discuss this, it forces one to look within. To discuss this causes one to examine the purposes and intents of the heart. Sadly to say, it is difficult to find anyone on the planet today who is not beguiled by materialism, even in the poorest of nations. Greek Orthodox Church Now, getting back to the end of times the Scarlet Beast, in particular the Eighth Head, hates the Whore and destroys her. What is it about the Whore that the Scarlet Beast and the Eighth Head hates? If the Whore was Constantinople she certainly facilitated wealth gathering, greed, pride and the power that comes with wealth. She also had polytheistic religions in her history namely one of the most notable modern day religions known as Greek Catholicism, or more commonly known as the Greek Orthodox Church (GOC) among other polytheistic religions. The GOC proper has nearly 200 million followers around the world (if you do not count the split off) with its ecclesiastical seat of government still in Istanbul. If one counts the followers of her sister (the split off), it exceeds one (1) billion followers. And of a truth, Islam hates Catholics, any branch, Christendom as a whole. But hatred of Christendom by
itself will not be the main cause for the Scarlet Beast wanting to destroy the Whore for there are many Christian nations. What is often overlooked here is that Christianity did not become the State Church of Rome until Rome had already moved its seat of government to Constantinople. Therefore, one cannot technically blame the Vatican City for Romes (New Rome) crusades, although she was conjoined with the GOC State Church ecclesiastically from 392 A.D. to 1054 A.D. (nearly six hundred sixty-two (662) years), until the Vatican City broke ties with the GOC in 1054 A.D. As far as the Roman Empire (New Rome) was concerned, the GOC was the number one ecclesiastical seat when Theodosius made Christianity the state religion of Rome, but only after he vigorously suppressed Arianism via the Nicaean Council in 325 A.D. and the Constantinople Council in 381 A.D. The state church would speak deception. They would denounce paganism and Arianism (accepted by a growing number of Jews and pagans) yet embrace a church doctrine that claimed a Trinity of gods (polytheism, which is pagan) and promulgate images of Yahushua and saints (polytheism and paganism) yet still claim to be a monotheistic religion. This deception is mostly believed by her followers, blind adherents. Even Islam can see right through this deception, which is ironic since they too are masters of deception. As indicated earlier, the Great Schism was facilitated by the ecclesiastical polity of the Vatican City pronouncing that Constantinople as the number two (2) seat in ecclesiastical polity with the Vatican City being the number one (1) ecclesiastical government seat at the 381 A.D. council. However, in 1054 A.D., the ecclesiastical polity of the Vatican (via Pope Leo IX) excommunicated the Ecumenical Patriarch (EP) for asserting that it (the Vatican City) was the number one seat and in response, the EP anathematized the Pope (Leo IX). The divide was final. As far as the Roman government was concerned since Constantinople was their seat of power, the first ecclesiastical seat of power for the newly adopted State Religion (Church) was Constantinople. Over time, this view became quite vivid in documented councils. After all, the Roman seat of government and the GOC shared the same Queen City. Of course the GOC is little more than an amalgamation of ancient polytheism and elements of Christianity dating the GOC much earlier than 330 A.D. Its polytheistic roots reach back to the dawn of time. Therefore, Istanbul to some degree represents religious, economic and political motherhood. She is truly a Mother of Whores in a multiplicity of ways unlike any other city on earth. It is also the city where east truly meets west, the wedge that pushes into the EU and divides the Catholic and Slavic communities, with more color, diversity, culture, history and wealth than any surviving ancient city on earth. But all the aforementioned are still unlikely enough to make Istanbul qualify as the Whore (Mystery Babylon). Byzantium/Constantinople/Istanbul
On Tuesday, May 29, 1453, some three hundred ninety-nine (399) years after the great divide into what is now known as the GOC and the RCC 1400 years after Johns vision, the Ottoman Empire (Caliphate) conquered Constantinople (formerly Byzantium) and ruined her, stripped her naked, ate her flesh (assimilated some of her buildings for their own mosques and government buildings) and burned her. The Ottoman changed her name from Constantinople to Istanbul and remains so to this day. As she was being crushed, the city emptied out, people were either killed or fled and trade and commerce came to a halt. To this day the Greeks often call her the queen of cities in lament of the memory of her glory days and still consider Tuesday as an unlucky day. The world stood afar and lamented over the loss of their riches since trade was to be no more, so they thought. Due to Byzantiums strategic location at the junction of Europe, Africa and Asia, she was one of the great trade centers of the world. Ships and sea merchants had easy access from both the east and the west and thus was a worldrenown gateway for trade by land and by sea. She was truly the mother of greed, wealth and pride and all the sins and atrocities birthed from greed, wealth and pride for a lengthy piece of history. But its timing does not fit with Bible prophecy so Byzantiums or Constantinoples fall must be excluded from being the Whore. Constantinople seemed doomed and hopeless, but she was rebuilt, which contradicts Revelation 18:21, yet another reason why the queen city is not the Whore. However, the Ottoman had plans for this ruined city and began to execute said plans. Although it may be true that Mehmet slaughtered many of the population and forced the rest into exile, he changed the citys name from Constantinople to Istanbul and set about the task of rebuilding her. He made Istanbul his capital city and began to repopulate the city with Ottoman merchants, some voluntarily and others by force. He was among the first to encourage Jewish traders from Europe to migrate to Istanbul to help him rebuild Istanbuls commerce, a policy copied by later rulers in many parts of the world. Today, Istanbul is a success (economically speaking) and is currently the 34th largest (city) economy in the world and growing rapidly with eight billion dollars that poured in from foreign investors in just January of 2007. Among the OIC members (Persia proper), she is number one. There is only one Muslim economy larger that hers, Indonesia. However, Indonesia is not within the Persian Empire region and is not presently nor formerly hated by the OIC. Likewise, all the other top twenty-nine (29) economies are not part of Ancient Empires relevant to scriptures, e.g., Tokyo, New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Paris, London, Osaka/Kobe, Mexico City, Philadelphia, and Boston, just to name a few. It is also important to understand that Islam makes little distinction between the GOC and the RCC. So, as far as Islam is concerned, the different names, GOC and RCC and minor ceremonial and doctrinal differences, are irrelevant. Kemal Kerincsiz, chairman of the Lawyer Association in Turkey, firmly believes that the Ecumenical Patriarch wants to establish a second Vatican in Istanbul on property the GOC is buying
up (, 2007). Although this is most likely a conspiracy theory, it does, nonetheless, speak to the way Turkey nationalists view the GOC and the RCC. At one point in history, Turkey and Greece actually conducted a huge people swap, such was the Islamic hatred for the Greeks. In the minds of Muslims all Greeks are GOC members. Turkey only sees the Ecumenical Patriarch as the spiritual leader of the Greek minority in Turkey. Turkish nationalists see the title ecumenical as proof that the GOCs leader has political goals and is, therefore, a threat to the centralized Turkish state. After all, the GOC is passionate about getting Turkey into the EU which will provide her with greater protection. There is also a growing Pan-Islamic fervor on the rise in Turkey perhaps primarily due to the fifty-odd years of failed attempts to integrate into Europe. Recently, Turkey has said, Enough is enough on the EU accession talks. A rejected Turkey with flexing muscle might sooner or later leave NATO and become the vanguard of a new Islamic alliance once again pushing into the heart of Europe. This is a dilemma since Europe is already demographically compromised by Muslim migrants that have not integrated into society. So, Turkeys paranoia is not as far fetched as some may believe, especially since the RCC recently made a visit upon the GOC back in November 2006. This is in spite of the fact that Cardinal Ratzinger (before becoming Pope) said Turkey should find its identity in the Islamic world and not in Christian Europe. The RC and the GOC are trying to heal the Great Schism that caused them to divide and go separate ways for nearly 1626 years. With Turkeys public debt in excess of 59%, her advanced involvement with the EU, WTO, IMF (4.84 billion in debt to the IMF), OEC and OECC, her liberal stance, as compared to most of the other 57 OIC member states; and the fact that the Greek Orthodox Church (GOC) is still headquartered in Istanbul, Istanbul could once again become a target of hatred from Islamic radical elements (which includes the Ayatollah, for it is conventional knowledge that Iran is the worlds largest sponsor of terrorism). In other words, if the first destruction of Constantinople is not the one John saw, then it is possible (not plausible) that it could happen again as Istanbul, and this time it would certainly target the GOC, among other targets. The OIC This is not the first time Medo-Persia has had such a wealthy prestigious city within her borders. Persepolis, Persias ancient capital city was also known as the wealthiest city in the world during the ancient empire era. It would appear that MedoPersia (OIC) will soon be the world leader again in a number of ways. The OIC collective GDP is 6.133 Trillion (and growing rapidly) as compared to 13.3 Trillion, (USA), 11.8 Trillion (EU), and 10.17 Trillion (China) placing Persia (OIC) as the fourth largest economy in the world.
However, it is interesting to note that radical Islamic leaders, the Ayatollah and Iranian Presidents have held (and do hold) this philosophy, export the revolution and call for the states monopoly over economy. The revolution refers to the push for Islamic states and that pushing for Islamic states is more important than economy. Therefore, Turkey is still on the fence and what side she eventually lands will probably depend on whether or not she gets accepted into the EU or rejected by the EU. Seven Hills With the above perspective, more cities would certainly seem to come into play, for example, Persepolis, Menes, Ninevah, Babylon, Athens, Jerusalem, Rome, New York, Tokyo, etc. However, eliminating factors remove them from the list. A case in point would be New York City, the worlds second largest single city economy but because one cannot find the blood of the prophets and saints in her and she does not sit on seven hills (among other reason), then she must be excluded. As one works down the list of great cities in the world, the first one that could qualify is Istanbul, the 34th largest single city economy in the world that topographically sits of seven hills. The second potentially qualifying city, as is often thought, is Rome and/or the Vatican City, but in modern times neither sits on seven hills. They both sit on a plain, in the valley between seven hills. So neither the Vatican City nor Rome sits topographically on seven hills. Additionally, she is not ancient enough nor located geographically correct to qualify, therefore, she must be discounted as being the Whore. There are no other known physical cities that sit on seven hills topographically. Therefore, turning back to Johns vision, a dual interpretation of the seven heads is given. The heads represent seven hills and seven kings (kingdoms). However, hills here do not represent physical topographical hills but rather zeniths. Thus, the meaning here implies that the heads represent seven kingdoms who at one point in their history dominated the then known Ancient world with the Whore sitting atop these seven kingdoms. She was the driving force that facilitated each kingdom to rise to world power. Satan even attempted to seduce Mashiyach with power, wealth and pride by offering him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor (Matthew 3:8-9) in trade for worship from Yahushua. Principally speaking, this is not much different than Satans approach to beguile Eve in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:1-6). It is still no different in modern times. The entire world is being beguiled by the lure of materialism, money, pride and the power that comes with it (the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life). PURPLE AND SCARLET CLOTHING The Whore was clothed in purple and scarlet. Both colors are always indicative of wealth. At one time it was more expensive than gold and was, therefore, usually worn
by kings. Once again, even the clothing of the Whore is associated with great wealth, commerce, economy, etc. as well as all the abominations and evils associated with it. And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: Revelation 17:4 In summary, the key points to remember are these. First, Istanbul sat on seven topographical hills but only truly economically impacted three empires (Greece, Rome and the Ottoman). Therefore, it is unlikely that the 1453 destruction of Constantinople (post Johns vision) qualified as the destruction of Mystery BabylonThe Mother of Whores and Abominations of the Earthbut as said earlier it is plausible that with the right cataclysmic events Istanbul could once again be hated by Islam and destroyed once again as one of the Whores daughters. A particular city is really not what Islam will target. Istanbul may be just one of the many cities that will fall when the Great Whore, Mystery Babylon, the Mother of Whores is destroyed. What Islam hates are non-Muslim, dominating, economies. Second, it is more likely than not that the destruction of the Whore is directly related to the Mark of the Beast. Although the Whores destruction will be an unexpected blow against Satan, he will not stop his pursuit for world domination and to war against Israel and YHVH in Mashiyach. More details on this subject can be found in Chapter 6 below. Reasons Why the Whore is Hated and Destroyed The Scarlet Beasts Eighth Head and the Eleventh Horn and the two-horned baby ram will hate the Whore for logical reasons. Iran and the OIC not only hate all nonMuslims dominating economies they also are willing to discard anyone they cannot exploit as having less value than a useful animal. In fact, any non-Muslim is an infidel. While the above is true for most avid Muslims, this is not the reason why the Whore will be hated and destroyed. First Reason The OIC, and especially Iran, makes it clear that their primary global objective is to spread the Islamic revolution world-wide over any fiscal or economic goals. They would willingly sacrifice money and economy in favor of revolutionizing the world with their belief system. Fiscal and economic goals are just a means to an endone worldwide dominating religion (which includes an Islamic government and judicial system, since there is no distinction between them).
Second Reason Islam will stop at nothing until they dominate the world in every way. The OIC hates all non-Islamic currencies and will eventually destroy all other major currencies. Then they will mandate the use of their own currency world-wide or disallow participation in any form of buying and selling. The OIC, by its member states, are already purchasing huge ownership percentages in the top three world banks. This will pave the way enabling the destruction all the world currencies. This act will destroy the Whore in a day leaving nothing but death, mourning and famine by its collapse. A single world-wide OIC currency will dominate, bringing the OIC to world-wide domination in more ways than one. Third Reason By destroying the Whore, the OIC will believe that this will lead to more willing converts (worshippers). Since all non-Muslims will be excluded from buying or selling, they will quickly be hungry, sick, starving, poor people, who in turn are more inclined to convert when offered economic participation. Nonetheless, this maneuver will destroy the Whore once and for all, collapsing her to nothingness overnight. With no other recourse all world economies and their inherent religion and citizens will be destroyed having no valid currency or reserve to buy or sell with and death, mourning and famine will flood the world. Osamas attack on the Twin Towers gives one insight to the heart and mind of radical Islamists. Although, Osama seems to have failed (this time) with his attack on world economic powers his mind set will play a key and significant role in the very end of times, and more specifically as it relates to the destruction of the Whore. Osama failed because the fullness of time had not yet come and any other pre-mature attempts will also fail. NOTE: More specific details below in Chapter 6. THE DRAGON As indicated earlier, the Dragon of Revelation 12 appears to be the Scarlet Beast personified. The Dragon has Seven Heads, Ten Horns and Seven Crowns on his Heads. This would only make logical sense since Satan has had dominion over the earth from the beginning and has influenced the course of history as part of his rebellion against YHVH. He participated in the rise and fall of all Seven Empires as an attempt to harm Israel and to get closer to his end gameto turn the world against YHVHa grand finale, a spit in your face act. Apostle Paul confirmed that the Dragon was the prince and power of the air, the spirit that works in sinners.
And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins; 2 Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience: 3 Among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others. Ephesians 2:1-3 According to Apostle Paul the mystery of iniquity had already been at work even in Apostle Pauls day, almost 2,000 years ago. For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. 8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: 9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, 2 Thessalonians 2:7-9 Mashiyach indicated that people would participate in working iniquity, even religious people. This should act as a wake up call. Every saint should know what defines iniquity so as to be sure they avoid participating in it. And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. Matthew 7:23 Circumstantially, Satan is implicated as having the authority and power to offer the kingdoms of the world and their glory to Yahushua Mashiyach. Obviously Satans offer would not be tempting if his offer was not legitimate. Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; 9 And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me. 10 Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve. 11 Then the devil leaveth him,
and, behold, angels came and ministered unto him. Matthew 4:8-11 It only makes sense that Satan will one day throw of his gloves in an all-out final attempt to war against YHVH. He will fully empower this Scarlet Beast, with the Eighth Head (the OIC), assisted by Iran (doubtfully Turkey) to bring the world into battle against Israel and YHVH in Mashiyach. Of course, the heavenly council will sit and end this age old battle once and for all. Why wait? Because YHVH must wait on his own set appointed times. And some of them of understanding shall fall, to try them, and to purge, and to make them white, even to the time of the end: because it is yet for a time appointed. Daniel 11:35 For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in. Romans 11:25 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; 2 Thessalonians 2:3 And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth? 11 And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellowservants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled. Revelation 6:10-11 But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets. Revelation 10:7 107
When the correct number of Gentiles have been gathered YHVH will once again deal with the Jews to finish the appointed times. THE WOMAN The identity of the Woman in Chapter 12 of the Book of Revelation seems to be quite clear. The significant hints relative to her identity are found in verse two (2), verse four (4) and verse five (5). And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars: 2 And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered. 3 And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads. 4 And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born. 5 And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne. 6 And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days. Revelation 12:1-6 Israel had been anticipating the Mashiyach for some time and although Mary bore Yahushua, John did not see Mary in his vision. All Israel, via Mary, was with child since she was Israels representative. Herod, a representative of Rome (one of the Seven Heads under the control of Satan), heard about the birth of Yahushua via the Magi and sought to kill Yahushua. Since the Magi avoided Herod after they found Yahushua, Herod decided that he could certainly kill the Mashiyach by ordering all babies in the region to be killed within a certain age range. And when they were departed, behold, the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph in a dream, saying, Arise, and take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt, and be thou there until I bring thee word: for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him. 14 When he arose, he took the young child and his mother by night, and departed into Egypt: 15 And was there until the death of Herod: that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying, Out of Egypt have I called my son. 16 Then Herod, when he saw that he was mocked of the wise men, was exceeding wroth, and sent forth, and slew all the children that were in Bethlehem, and in all the coasts thereof, from two years old and under, 108
according to the time which he had diligently enquired of the wise men. 17 Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by Jeremy the prophet, saying, 18 In Rama was there a voice heard, lamentation, and weeping, and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children, and would not be comforted, because they are not. Matthew 2:13-18 Again Satan failed for YHVH had intervened by warning Mary and Joseph to flee to Egypt to avoid Herods murderous plot. When Satan realized he had been out smarted he was furious. When Mashiyach returned to Jerusalem, Satan eventually got very close to Yahushua through one of his disciples, Judas, who betrayed the Lord. Once again, Satan was out smarted, for it was part of YHVHs plan that Mashiyach would die and become the atonement for the sins of the world among many other great fulfillments. After Mashiyach arose from the dead, Yahushua spent forty (40) more days on the earth with his disciples before he was taken up to heaven. Of course this further infuriated Satan and he then turned his furry towards Israel. However, when Israel fled YHVH protected them for some 1,260 days (years see Chapter 6 below) after Mashiyach ascended into heaven (Revelation 12:6). According to the Jewish calendar, Mashiyachs ascension would have taken place on or about 30 A.D. If you add 1,260 days (years) to 30 A.D. you get 1290 A.D. +/-. According to the Jewish calendar of historical events, it was in the year 1290 A.D. +/- that the first expulsion of the Jews began, and in this case, from England. Just prior to that in 1288 A.D., the first mass burning of Jews took place in France. The next expulsion took place in 1492 A.D., from Spain. The protection of the Jews had clearly been lifted in 1290 A.D. +/- and the vulnerable Jewish exposure continued, even increased, through out the Inquisitions and at the hand of political leaders and their governments until it began to climax starting in 1934. Historically speaking, the Jews among other peoples have been captured, maltreated, become slaves, etc. from the dawn of time. However, subsequent to 1290 A.D., the Jewish people began to suffer more dramatically and uniquely as compared to other peoples. This is especially true from 1934 A.D. through 1945 A.D., when Hitler began what has become to be known as the holocaust using a technique that is remotely similar to ethnic cleansing. He systematically began to seek out Jewish people and others, enslave them until they were too feeble to be of any work value or any human experimentation value and would then gas them, extract gold from their teeth and incinerate them turning them into pavement and soap and their skin into lamp shades. He had already taken any and all other valuables they owned upon incarceration. Their only crime was that they were Jewish. And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was
since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book. Daniel 12:1 Hitler was not the son of perdition but was certainly one of many antiMashiyachs. He inflicted trouble upon YHVHs people unlike any other nation has ever inflicted upon the Jews. But of course, Satan is up to his usual tricks, challenging what is, spreading deceptions. Recently (2007 A.D.), Iran had the audacity to challenge whether or not there ever was a Jewish holocaust, endeavoring to plant seeds of doubt. On or about 2022 A.D. +/- (depending on where the year mark ends), a brief and new trouble will befall Israel. It will last three and a half (3 ) years. This time, unlike at other times, YHVH will intervene and put an eternal end to Israels troubles. Thereafter, YHVH will turn the kingdom and world leadership over to his chosen people and the world will never be the same again.
Quiz Questions
1. Identify seven indicators that help identify Mystery Babylon. _______________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 2. Identify seven additional indicators that you did not list in question # 1 above. _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 3. Identify seven additional indicators that you did not list in question #s 1 and 2 above. ___________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 4. What indicators above preclude the Roman Catholic Church as Mystery Babylon? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 5. What indicators above preclude the EU as Mystery Babylon? _______________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 6. What indicators found in the Briggs Elimination Matrix precludes the EU from being the resurrected empire (the 8th, one of the prior seven)? _______________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 7. What is Mystery Babylon best described as? _____________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 8. Who will hate Mystery Babylon? ______________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 9. What current regime, country, or inter-governmental organization hates Mystery Babylon? _________________________________________________________ 10. What are believers commanded to do relative to Mystery Babylon? ___________ _________________________________________________________________ 11. If Mystery Babylon was a physical city, what current city would come closest to fitting the scriptural descriptions? ______________________________________
12. What is the meaning of the purple and scarlet clothing that the Whore wears? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 13. Who/what is the dragon? ____________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 14. Who/what is the woman that was with child and brought forth a child? ________ _________________________________________________________________
HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT On the space provided below write a one-page response to this Chapter. Express your thoughts and feelings about this Chapter and how you have received it!
INTRODUCTION Out of all the symbols and meanings found in the Book of Daniel and in the Book of Revelation, the Image of the Beast and the Mark of the Beast seem to be the most intriguing and the most speculated about within the Christian community. Perhaps this is true because to most it seems to be the most relevant to present day times and that signals the very end of times. Just how soon the Image and Mark of the Beast really is, however, may be elusive to most since traditional eschatology heretofore has provided little accurate insight on what, when and how. Identifying "666" has been a hot topic in eschatology for many decades and as a result there has been ample speculation. 666 is often believed to be the actual "mark of the beast" but it is not. And, there is still speculation as to whether the number was originally 616, 665, or 666. The strongest research seems to point to 616 as being the original number as conducted by scholars at Oxford University in May of 2005 by using advanced imaging techniques on the earliest known record of the Book of Revelation, the Oxyrhynchus site (Papyrus 115). The Oxyrhynchus significantly aligns with the Codex Alexandrinus (A) and the Codex Ephraemi Rescriptus (C) which are commonly believed as providing the best testimony to Revelation. It is interesting to note that Irenaeus, a Catholic theologian (three generations removed from John the Revelator), dismissed the 616 number as a scribal error. Therefore, regardless of what Irenaeus wrote or what modern scholars have discovered, 666 (or 616) refer to the number value of the letters of the name of the Beast. And, here too, many scholars have speculated whether or not 666 (or 616) was a number code that referred to Nero Caesar, Gaius Caliula Caesar, Vicarius Filii Dei, or some other personage in Roman times or to other Catholic Popes. All these theories are intriguing but were excluded by John's own writings. To better identify the "mark of the beast" one must first identify the Beast and/or his name, including the "man of sin" or "son of perdition" (usually known as the
antichrist), since the "man of sin" is not the Beast but speaks on behalf of the Beast and has power to enforce "beast" worship, a monetary system (mark of the beast), and give breath to the Beast to speak and kill any non-observers. A significant hint was given by John to help the wise reader identify the beast, the mark of the beast, the image of the beast and the name of the beast. And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. Revelation 13:16-18 The main point here is that the wise reader will be able to know, with a high degree of certainty, the identity of this beast by using a letter and number calculation method, which will equal six hundred sixty-six (666 or 616). The commonly known methods for calculating names and words into number values are Gematria and Isopsephy. The less commonly known calculating system is the abjab system (Arabic letter-number value system) and since it is most likely that the Beast is the OIC (or a reformed OIC) and the man of sin will most likely have an Arabic name, the abjad system will most likely be needed to identify the Beast. And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon. 12 And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. 13 And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, 14 And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live. 15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. 16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. Revelation 13:11-18
This chapter will endeavor to reasonably explain what the Image and the Mark of the Beast means and hopefully, with some veracity, identify realistic possibilities of its current existence and how and why it plays out. Since there are approximately fourteen more years before any forcible worship is imposed, other possibilities may arise on the scene as the end draws near. THE IMAGE OF THE BEAST The Image of the Beast is more challenging to identify, since little explicit help is given by Daniel or John. However, there are a few hints that may narrow the scope. First, identify the Scarlet Beast, extrapolate it, and look back and reflect what kind of image would this beast have of himself? What is known is that the Scarlet Beast is essentially Satans kingdom on earth and dramatically seen in imperialism. The Eighth Head is Islam represented by the OIC (or an eventual restructured or replaced OIC). Second, review the word image. The translated English word image comes from the Greek word eikon (transliteration) which means: resemble, likeness, representation or statue, i.e., like an icon. When Nebuchadnezzar erected an image of himself as recorded in the Book of Daniel, the context allows the reader to be quite certain that the image was a physical idol of some kind representing the likeness of Nebuchadnezzar, which people were then forced to worship. This is the most common idea. However, the presenting problem here is that the Scarlet Beast and the Eighth Head are not humans, per se. The Scarlet Beast that was wounded by the sword and was healed was an empire. So the idea that a statue of a man will be erected is unlikely especially since this is something Islam would not support, at least not at this juncture in history. The image will be some kind of icon (sacred image) that represents Persia. There are a number of ancient icons related to Persia, its founder, Cyrus the Great and Darius the Great, who helped the Jews finish rebuilding their temple, found during archaeological endeavors. Some examples are, * Lion with wings (or Bull with wings) * Crescent Moon * Two-Horned Ram * The Cyrus Cylinder * Four-Assyrian-Winged Cyrus wearing a hemhem crown * Ahura Mazda (Two-Winged upright god of Zoroastrianism) * Bearded King (Cyrus) with Crescent Moons on his crown and shoulder Recently, during archaeological excavations in Sanjar Tepe in Khuzestan province, a very odd cylindrical seal was found with a beast comprised of differing animal features. The beast had two ram horns, head and mouth of a lion, two wings, tail of a leopard with round feet in the front like that of a bear, and a body that is hard to determine. What is interesting is this beast sounds much like the two beasts (combined) that Daniel used to describe Medo-Persia and like Johns description in Revelation 13.
The exact era that this seal belongs is unclear. Where it was found belongs to the Elamite (Elamites were mentioned in Ezra 4:9 among others who tried to prevent the rebuilding of the temple) period (2700 B.C. 539 B.C. +/-). This recent discovery will undoubtedly be named and added to Persias list of significant icons. It is also interesting to note that some Muslim scholars affirm that Cyrus the Great is identified in the Qurran as Dhul-Qarnayn, literally meaning He of the Two Horns. So it appears that Muslims are warm towards Cyrus the Great and of course Darius the Great, instrumental in facilitating the rebuilding of the Jewish temple, a point Iran and Muslims are more frequently advertising. In the end, knowing what Persian icon will be selected as the image that will be the second abomination that causes desolation is pure speculation at this juncture. As already indicated, Muslim states also favor masjids, moon crescents and famous leader images on their currency, flags, etc. If this will change is yet to be seen. For example, Iran is now placing the nuclear symbol on one of its new currency denominations. More dramatic changes may yet emerge. There are some things that accurately and currently represent Islam. One example is the OIC. However, one may argue that the researcher should look to Islams third most sacred holy spot on earth (which was once first most sacred), The Dome of the Rock, with its Islamic image lifted high atop its dome, the Moon-god image. One could argue that this image (in conjunction with the Dome of the Rock structure) is both the abomination that causes desolation (second) and the image of the beast. Although, the supporting evidence that gives credence to this notion seems to be that on most Islamic currencies, especially their esteemed denominations, one or more of the following images can be found, a Moon-god image, a mosque with the Moon-god image atop its dome or a full moon image. Second, the Moon-god image is also placed on many flags of Islamic states. Third, the Moon-god image is atop all mosques around the world. Fourth, the OIC uses the Moon-god image on their website, stationary, etc. And the seemly endless list goes on and on. However, the second desolation is to be Scarlet Beast (Persia) focused and not necessarily Islamic. However, it is plausible that this image will be a convergence of two elements/ideas, one spiritual (religious) and the other physical (Persian history) in nature. Knowing what image most accurately reflects Islam is a step in the right direction. Currently, there are already two mosques on the Temple Mount, both exhibiting these said Islamic graven images. However, the Masjid Qubbat As-Sakhrah (Dome of the Rock) is the most significant since it relates to the abomination that causes desolation. Finally, although there is a remote possibility that the shrine Turkey plans to erect in Jerusalem will be the image of the Beast, this is less likely the right choice compared to the image of the Moon-god or the OIC itself, a representation (symbol) of the resurrected Persia together with its deceptively associated Allah, a false monotheistic god. Atop the Masjid Qubbat As-Sakhrah, a graven image (full moon) rests depicting the Moon-god and the Star-god. This image (usually the moon in crescent form
elsewhere) of Islam is atop all mosques around the world and on many flags of Islamic countries. The OIC also uses this image with the name of the OIC in Arabic cradled by the Crescent Moon. It goes without saying that the Moon-god is one image (a graven representation) currently used by the BeastIslam, Medo-Persia revived, but saying that the Dome of the Rock together with its Moon-god symbols will be the image of the Beast is problematic. The graven image of the Moon-god atop the Dome of the Rock may not go far enough to qualify as the Image of the Beast since it appears that a different (second) abomination that causes desolation is setup in a wing of the temple in the middle of Daniels last seventieth week by the Two-Horned Beast. The Beast then gives power to the Image to speak and kill. And since the Two-Horned Beast is Iran (which may include Turkey, formerly called Persia), and since there is no specific history that gives Iran/Turkey credit for setting up the Masjid Qubbat As-Sakhrah (that credit goes to an Arab Caliph, Abdul Malik), and since the only link Iran has to Abdul Malik and the Masjid Qubbat As-Sakhrah is through their mutually held Islamic faith (people of the prince) and the OIC, then the Masjid Qubbat As-Sakhrah may not qualify as the Image described in Johns writings. If the Jews quickly build a temple on the Temple Mount after being granted permission to resume Jewish practices via a covenant between many and Eleventh Horn, then the second abomination that causes desolation will either be erected in a wing of this newly built temple or in the wing area of the Third Temple if it were physically in existence. Identifying this image with 100% accuracy is purely speculative, but will undoubtedly be a reflection of something Islamic/Persian related. After all it is the Wakf that controls the Temple Mount. What is not known is just how much of the Temple Mount will be allotted to the Jews as a result of said covenant and if the Dome of the Rock will be removed or remain in tact throughout the duration of the covenant. Satan has always tried to shroud his intentions with diversions and casting doubt on truths. This is similar to placing two mosques on the Temple Mount instead of one, perhaps in an attempt to confuse the matter. This may be similar to the upcoming shrine in honor of the Ottoman, and then perhaps another shrine as a decoy. All to keep people guessing until the forcible worship actually commences. One of the weightier arguments that would place the view that the Masjid Qubbat As-Sakhrah is the Image of the Beast, ahead of the pending Ottoman Shrine (as being the Image of the Beast), is the fact that it would be an easy shift for Islam to change its prayer direction back to the Masjid Qubbat As-Sakhrah once the covenant is breached in the middle of the week. Instantly, there would be over one and a half billion people who would willingly worship one graven Image of the Beast in Jerusalem. This would be a fast and easy transition for Muslims. And with forced/manipulated conversions, the number of Muslims would dramatically increase world-wide. And since the rest of the nations of the world are already compromised with a growing number of Muslims, enforcement world-wide would be tactically easier than how ground armies of earlier empires had done it. Secondly, Muslims are not inclined to worship human images. And since most Muslims are not informed of the Graven Image (Moon-god) meanings many
ignorantly worship the Moon-god. Currently they face Mekkah where a meteorite stone is the focus of their worship, similar to that of Ancient Religions. What is not known is whether or not one or both masjids currently on the Temple Mount will be removed when the covenant is brokered with many in 2019 A.D. If one or neither masjids are removed, then when the covenant is broken three and a half (3 ) years later Israels Temple could be easily and quickly removed with the one or two of remaining masjids reinstated as the second abomination that cause desolation. If the Masjid Qubbat As-Sakhrah does not qualify as the Image of the Beast (the second desolation), then another Islamic/Persian (or Cyrus related) Image will be erected, either something like what the President of Turkey, Ahmet Necdet Sezer, is planning to build or another Islamic masjid, or OIC center, or Islamic Symbol (like a Moon-god, etc.). What is ironic here (relative to Ahmet Necdet Sezers plans) is that Ottoman was the King that Exalted himself (Daniel 11:36-45), who may seem to be status quo Muslim, but secretly (in his own estate) he honored the god of forces, a god not familiar to the gods of his fathers. And a shrine is to be erected in Jerusalem in honor of Ottoman, who secretly worshiped the god of forces. How could a self-proclaimed monotheistic religion (Islam) honor Ottoman? This is just another example of the many deceptions that prosper among the deluded. However, the Masjid Qubbat As-Sakhrah or the Ottoman Shrine (statue) are unlikely to become the image of the beast, per se. The OIC is more likely than not to be the Image of Islam (Persia healed/the Scarlet Beast/Eighth Head) just as it already is, to some degree. Iran (and possibly Turkey) will be instrumental in setting up an Islamic Image of the OIC (center), or reinstating an existing masjid, or erecting a replacement masjid if the earlier two are demolished. Iran will give the OIC (image) pneuma (breath) so it can talk and exercise power to kill for 3.5 yearsJohns 42 months (Revelation 13:5) and Daniels times, times and half a times (Daniel 12:7). The OIC is already involved with trying to broker peace with many that indirectly benefits Israel and when one is brokered, the world will be astonished. They will look like the good guy and highly favored global attention will be given to Persia revived. Little will the world know what really lurks around the next three and a half (3 ) year corner. To further support the idea that the OIC is the Image of the Beast, visit the Greek word for image. It shows that the word is NOT confined to mean statue, which has or may misdirect scholars away from other potential meanings like representation. An organization, like the OIC, represents Islamic nations and leaders with similar interests, who give their organization power, like that of a human. All organizations are entities that can acquire nearly all the same powers and capabilities of a person, if said powers are so given to it by its leaders and members. A few examples of said powers of an organization include, and are certainly not limited to, buying, owning, selling, suing, entering and enforcing agreements (contracts, etc.), governing, collecting debt, representing and so on. It is a reasonable conjecture to equate the image of the Beast as the OIC. The OIC, at this time in history, is the only collective and tangible representation of Islam. Although the Ayatollah represents Shia Islam (a minority) he does not represent Sunni 120
Islam (the majority). Therefore, no one particular person currently represents all of Islam outside of the OIC. Islam is a body conglomerate of faith, writings, constituents and actions that is currently represented by the OIC who will receive power to speak and act (kill the disobedient) on behalf of Islam and in particular, Iran, the Two-Horned Beast. Interestingly, Iran is currently (2007) seen by the outside world as being the axiom of the Middle East. The organization (OIC) concept as the image is no different than a local government (including its law enforcement branch, a police department) that is given power by its members (citizens) to enforce the laws written and approved by its members and/or representatives. The local government and its departments become the face or image of the people. As the police badge is the image of the police department, so is the police department the image of the law, and so is the City Hall the image of the city and the mayor is the citys voice. As a final footnote, Iran was one of the founding members of the OIC and in some way and not too far into the distant future, Iran will apparently become a significant liaison for and of the OIC, assuming of course that the OIC is the image versus the Ayatollah somehow becoming the image of the Beast. Just how and when this will play out in human reality is yet to be seen. The problem with the alternate view, that the Ayatollah (or a caliph) could become the image (representative) of Islam in lieu of the OIC, is two fold. First, Islam is not predisposed to idol worship, at least as far as animal or human images are concerned. Second, the Ayatollah is at this point unlikely to be accepted by the Sunni branch (majority) of Islam. Perhaps the President of Iran will make efforts to merge the two branches of Islam just as the RCC is attempting to heal the rift between the RCC and the GOC. If the Ayatollah or the President of Iran were to give greater power to the OIC as well as Sunni member states, both branches of Islam would be prone to accept it since both branches have representation in the OIC. However, it is too early to know for sure, but without question, the image will be a representation of Islam in some form or another that can receive power to talk and kill. MARK OF THE BEAST Like the Image of the Beast, identifying the Mark of the Beast is also challenging, since little explicit help is given by Daniel or John. However, there are a few hints that may narrow the scope as indicated below. First, identify the Scarlet Beast, extrapolate it, and look back and reflect what kind of mark would this beast use relative to commerce? Starting from what is known, that the Scarlet Beast is essentially Satans kingdom on earth which was/is dramatically revealed in imperialism and that the Eighth Head is Islam, one can more easily discover what the Mark of the Beast really is.
Second, review the word mark. The translated English word mark comes from the Greek word charagma (transliteration) which means: scratch, etching, stamp, sculptured figure, graven, mark or statue. Third, remember that this mark has to do with economics. Since it is just a matter of time before the OIC or some leader of Islam calls for a unified Islamic currency, it is likely that this said currency will be the Mark of the Beast, much like what the EU has done by creating the euro. As with all currencies, etchings of significant importance to the currency developers are placed on the currency and then the currency becomes the symbol, icon or mark of that kingdom. And since most Islamic currencies already habitually place Islamic etchings on their currencies, it would only make sense that if the OIC, or some other Islamic leader, calls for a unified currency to be used by member states and eventually the whole world, they would place an OIC/Islamic Image (an etching of the OIC symbolthe Moon-god) on its face or back. The imposition of the Mark of the Beast directly relates to the destruction of the Whore, since it appears to follow the Whores destruction. Said sequence of events is based on the assumption made from information found in Revelation Chapter 14, where there were three angels sent, indicating three significant events. And, if there is any chronological value to when each one was sent it provides important insight regarding the sequence of prophetic events. Angel One Proclamation of the Gospel And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, 7 Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters. Revelation 14:6-7 This angel could represent the former or the latter rain phenomena or both. The latter rain phenomenon has not yet occurred, but is likely eminent since there is little time left for it to happen. Angel Two Proclamation that Babylon is Fallen And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication. Revelation 14:8
This proclamation announces the fall of the Whore, the crumbling and fracturing of the worlds economy into three parts, most likely USA, Europe and Asia (includes India) (Revelation 16:19) and then further degradation initiated by YHVH himself. It was initiated by literal or symbolic flashes of lightening, rumblings, peals of thunder and a severe earthquake, greater than any other earthquake in the entire history of mankind. After the city was split in three parts and the cities of the nations collapsed, YHVH remembered the Whore by initiating additional devastation. YHVH sent huge hailstones of about one hundred (100) pounds each that fell upon men. Since symbolism is so prevalent in Johns writings it is difficult to discern the meaning of these hail stones, whether literal or symbolic. The guess would be symbolic, but not with any great degree of certainty. Usually, what John sees in the spiritual dimension is played out in the physical world by human actions, human apparatus, human systems and human governments. Therefore, describing the future workings of the spatial/spiritual phenomena of the metaphysical world translated from prophetic symbolism as it relates to the unfolding of future human history is incredibly challenging for any end-time reader/interpreter. Angel Three Proclamation of the Mark of the Beast And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, 10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: Revelation 14:9-10 This proclamation announces a warning that if anyone worships the Image or receives his mark on the forehead or on the hand, they will suffer dire eternal consequences. One can reasonably assume then, but not with 100% certainty, that the Image and Mark of the Beast is established directly after the Great Whore and all her daughters are destroyed. Since the Mark of the Beast clearly relates to commerce, the imposition of and the transition to a new currency would be much easier after the decline and fall of the great economy (city) and all the other sub-economies (cities) around the world. For example, with an economic collapse, a US dollar, EURO, Yen, et al. would no longer be an acceptable currency to buy or sell with. Said currencies would have no value and no reserve, making it easier for Islam (Medo-Persia), with a reserve, to introduce and enforce a new currency. This currency could be easily transformed into a finger/iris print system linked to the OIC (or similar) currency. Said currency will bear the name of the
Beast, which will equal six hundred sixty-six (666 or 616), probably using the abjad system to calculate versus the Gematria or isopsephy systems. Since most all surviving peoples of the earth will be extremely desperate, in every way, they will gladly accept the Mark of the Beast and worship his Image, no matter its source. For many, it will be seen as humanitarian. Others will not. As food for thought, the current cash card purchase system can easily fit the Mark of the Beast scenario as well. Since a person cannot purchase using this system unless they carry the card (in their hand) and remember (forehead denotes memory) the pin number. This system is readily used and accepted by all and for it to be utilized by the Beast is an easy transition with little resistance. There are a number of current world events that will undoubtedly precipitate the destruction of the Great Whore and all her daughters. For example, financial wealth in the world is shifting. This change began within the last forty-five (45) years. It started after the birth of OPEC in 1960 with ten of the twelve OPEC members being members of the OIC. OPEC has produced an extreme amount of wealth for OIC members, which depth and breadth of their wealth is not exactly known as it relates to liquid and fixed assets. What is known is that in 1975 there was only one Islamic financial institution. In 2005 there were over 300 Islamic financial institutions in more than seventy-five (75) countries with institutional assets in excess of $250 billion with an estimated growth rate at fifteen percent (15%). Todays (November 2007) estimated assets have already reached $500 billion. By 2013, the estimated assets are expected to exceed $1 trillion with no end in sight. Islamic financial institutional growth is drawing the attention of big world banks and causing them to get involved with Islamic banking including Citigroup, HSBC and Deutsche Bank as well as financial capitals like London, Tokyo and Hong Kong. Said banks are obviously interested in tapping into the estimated $1.5 trillion of funds sloshing around the Middle East. Currently, the Al-Rajhi Bank is the worlds largest Islamic Bank with assets exceeding 13.5 billion SR with only fifty (50) years of history from its earliest beginnings. This new Islamic financial phenomenon is shaking and will continue to shake the financial world. Recently Abu Dhabi, just one subsection of just one of the OIC member states, bailed-out the worlds most profitable bank, Citicorp in November 2007 due to a severe mortgage financing crisis they were going though. Citicorp is the worlds second ranked shareholder equity bank; Citicorp is the worlds third ranked asset holder bank; Citicorp is the worlds fourth ranked market capitalization bank; and Citicorp is the worlds second ranked Tier 1 capital bank. And, yes, Abu Dhabi bailed them out giving Abu Dhabi a sizeable ownership of Citicorp. And the BBC announced on December 10, 2007 that Singapore and an anonymous Arabic bank just bailed out the HSBC with $12 billion in return for a sizeable ownership portion of HSBC. This is just the beginning of what is to come.
Unknowingly and certainly not intentionally, Satan, through his controlled Eighth Head, will execute YHVHs plans regarding the destruction of the Great Whore. The OIC through its membership and leaders are already beginning to quake the global financial world through its Islamic financial institutions that began shortly after the formation of OPEC and the OIC. This power shift will eventually destroy the current world currency and economical system or certainly subordinate it to the OIC. Again, radical Islam, as portrayed in what Osama Ben Laden is trying to accomplish, truly wants to dominate the world religiously and subsequently politically and will not stop until this goal is achieved. Osama believed, and rightly so, thought that if he could topple the worlds economy, he could topple the world powers. But, where he went wrong was thinking that by bombing the World Trade Center he could break the world economy. Osama may or may not have been premature. The world economic stage is not ready to crumble yet because the fullness of time has not yet come, but his actions have certainly facilitated a growing, global, economic, phenomenon. Radical Islam, although troubling to the world, has begun a more subtle economic power shifting that is ongoing. The OIC, through its members, will continue to advance the following steps over the next eleven (11) years, whether currently planned or not, which will facilitate an earth shattering breakdown of commerce/economy like as never been seen since the dawn of human history: 18. Amass larger and larger ownership percentages of non-Islamic world banks especially as the economies they represent suffer periodic economic down turns, which are a direct result of volatile economies, which will result in more bail-outs. 19. Continue to promote Islamic (OIC) monopoly over economy through terrorism and other more subtle methods. Radical and conservative Muslims value Islam and its world-wide religious dominance over wealth, not that they would say no to wealth, but the priority is clearly Islamic dominance, even to the death. Their cause is more important than money, economy, etc. 20. Develop an OIC currency (which can be interpreted as a mark), similar to what the EU did with their Euro. 21. Convert petrodollars into the OIC currency. 22. Threaten to turn off the oil taps to enforce the OIC agenda, if necessary. Without oil the top three economies would fail and all the cities dependent on them. 23. Eventually enforce an electronic OIC currency system that easily tracks and monitors all participants or non-participants. 24. Employ a cash-card or fingerprint and iris print system in conjunction with the OIC currency that can easily police and then exclude (by death) any non-participating individuals who have not and do not worship the Image of the Beast or take his mark. Remember, the Whore is commerce/economy/most religions and indirectly currency. She falsely believes the following:
How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow. Revelation 18:7 The NIV reads this way, I sit as queen; I am not a widow, and I will never mourn. Revelation 18:7 However, Satan does not realize that his queen will be struck down with an unexpected blow from the Eighth Head for YHVH has put it in their hearts to accomplish his purpose (Revelation 17: 17), similar to how YHVH manipulated the wicked heart of Pharaoh. Or he does realize this and it is a part of his ultimate strategy to prevent economies like the USA and the EU from helping Israel, strengthening Islamic subordinates of the OIC and ultimately the OIC. All the vengeance of the blood of all murdered people will be unleashed upon her in a swift and irrevocable destruction. Prior to her complete destruction, she will be split into three parts (Revelation 16:19) causing the cities of the nations to fall. At this weak moment, YHVH remembers Babylon the Great and further punishes all cities (all her children) until they melt away (Revelation 19-21), completely destroyed. Why does YHVH hate this Whore so much? Because economy (and all it is built on and all it represents) has seduced so many away from YHVH throughout the history of humanity and is responsible for all the murders committed since the world began. Why else would Egypt enslave the Children of Israel or resist their departure led by Moses? Why else would Babylon enslave the Israelites? And this applies to all the Empires that maltreated YHVHs people and all those that were murdered for economic related reasons. YHVH tracks murders committed and the murderers who committed them and YHVH promised an accounting and vengeance. And the Whore was intoxicated by murderous shed blood. Even Israel committed whoredom and killed their own prophets. And surely your blood of your lives will I require; at the hand of every beast will I require it, and at the hand of man; at the hand of every man's brother will I require the life of man. 6 Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man. Genesis 9:5-6
This would include all the abortions (40 million murders since 1973 in the USA alone and nearly 13 million per year in the EU and Russia) committed by the USA, Europe and Russia (not to mention all the illegal abortions elsewhere). The total abortion murders are more than all the soldiers and civilians being killed in all wars combined. Not only will the Great Whore be destroyed but all of her children will also suffer great collapse. It is for this reason that John called upon the Seven Churches to come out of her (Revelation 18:4) so they would not become accomplices to her crimes and suffer the judgment that will come upon her because of her crimes. Of all the messages in Revelation, this is perhaps the most difficult message for modern Christians to comprehend and comply with. Apostle Paul also preached the same message. Although the below verse is often used by ministers to warn against marriages between Christians and sinners, which certainly can apply, the real message is come out and live separate from the world and do not engage in any alliances with unrighteousness. Doing so causes a believer to be a co-partaker in unrighteousness, an accomplice to evil. YHVH has always directed his followers to be pilgrims and sojourners, to be present on the planet but not embedded, to be non-participators in worldly activities. Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? 15 And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? 16 And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. 17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, 18 And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty. 2 Corinthians 6:14-18 As indicated earlier, the Great Whore will split into three parts, which will most likely be the US Dollar, the Euro and the Ren-Min-Bi based economies, since they are the three largest economies of the world at present. However unlikely that the top three world economies could drop from the top three slots, some change over the next eleven years could occur. After the Whore and her children are destroyed, the OIC can move forward with greater tenacity and make her move for world domination, with a degree of success, for three and a half (3 ) years. Although this temporary shift will seem to play into the hands of Satan, until Yahushua Mashiyach returns to stop this eminent world domination of Satan, it accomplishes two divinely pre-ordained intentions/events. First, it will destroy all world economies that shed innocent blood and committed atrocities and place them under one new rule. Second, it precipitates the gathering of the armies of the world to one place, that Great Day of YHVH Almighty (Revelation 16:14). Mashiyach will descend from heaven accompanied by his called, chosen and faithful to defeat Satan, the Eighth Head, its horns, the false prophet and all beguiled followers.
These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful. Revelation 17:14 Then Mashiyach will setup his kingdom for 1000 years of peace with no other competing factional economies to contend with since they (the Whore and her daughters) were already destroyed by the Beast and his ten horns. CALCULATING THE TIME OF THE END Historically, traditional eschatologists have used inconsistent methods for calculating because their calculated results did not match their predictions. Thus they developed inconsistent calculating methods or searched for dates in the past that could match with something in the future, which still led them no where. For obvious reasons, they could not make things fit since some significant histories had not yet been written. However, one standard should apply to all six calculations in the Book of Daniel, i.e., the seven weeks, the sixty-two weeks, the one week, the time, times and half a time, the middle of the week and the days following the desolation (John does site Daniels method but does use an additional method, i.e., months). History reveals that converting the days to years for calculating purposes is an accurate method. Therefore, if one consistently calculates the days given by Daniel into years, then they would consistently arrive at the following conclusions: 1. Seven Weeks and Sixty-Two Weeks Calculation 7 x 7 = 49 years 62 x 7 = 434 years 483 Total Years from Cyrus announcing that the city of Jerusalem would be restored in 3551 SSE to 4034 SSE (= 483 yrs, see Appendices for Bible Timeline & Dates. 2nd view: from the time Artaxerxes Longemanis announced that the city of Jerusalem would be restored in March 445 B.C. (per the British Royal Observatory) to the time Mashiyach would be hailed as Mashiyach (10th of Nissan 32 A.D.).
2. One Week Calculation 1 x 7 = 7 Total Years that will begin in 2019 when YHVH returns his attention back to the Jews.
3. Time, times and half a time Calculation 1 day + 2 days + day = 3 Total years from the time the Beast makes a covenant with many to the time the Beast breaches said covenant.
4. Days Following the Desolation (The Beginning of the End) First Possibility Dome of the Rock 691 A.D. 1290 Days/Years 1981 A.D. Second (Unlikely) Possibility Al-Agsa Mosque 715 A.D. 1290 Days/Years 2005 A.D.
NOTE: The above dates reflect the beginning of the final days of the Scarlet Beast and the Two-Horned Beast (False Prophet) not the end, for there are an additional 45 years to go from 1981(or slightly possible from 2005). These calculations take into account the change from both the Lunar and Julian calendars to the Gregorian calendar. We know this because the old 360 day-year does not produce relevant results in history, but the 365 day-year does. 5. Days Following the Desolation (The End of the End) First Probability Dome of the Rock 691 A.D. 1335 Days/Years 2026 A.D. Second Unlikely Possibility Al-Agsa Mosque 715 A.D. 1335 Days/Years 2050 A.D.
NOTE ONE: The above dates reflect the end of the 1,335 days (years) decreed upon Israel by YHVH. NOTE TWO: One can see, it is getting quite close to the end. Keep in mind, one cannot know the exact day or hour, but it does provide information relative to the closeness and urgency of the issues at hand. It is plausible that this revelation has been kept secret for so long so as not to foil the plan of YHVH. With everything nearly in place, it would now be difficult for anyone to alter the current prophetical flow rushing down upon the world. Now that some dates are pinpointed on the calendar, it is important to look at 1981 A.D. (the 1290 day point) to discover if there are any important events in and around these dates that may give credence and meaning, since after all, Gabriel took time to break down the full 1335 days into two numbers, one at the 1290 day point and the other at the full 1335 day point. Said events surrounding 1981 A.D. must also be events that are significantly relative to Islam (OIC the Eighth Head) and Iran (the two-horned baby ram). In December of 1979 Ruhollah Khomeini started a revolution in Iran that precipitated two major events, 1) it ended the reign of Shahs in Iran and 2) Ruhollah Khomeini became Irans first Ayatollah (December 3, 1979). Ruhollah Khomeini is also considered one of the few Grand Ayatollahs that ever existed in Islam. Ayatollah means sign of god and Grand Ayatollah mean great sign of god. It was Ruhollah Khomeini who introduced the Islamic leadership position of an Ayatollah to the world. Ruhollahs revolution and becoming Irans first Ayatollah was followed by six (6) significant documented events that occurred in 1981, all relating to Iran and Islam. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Banisadr (first President) was impeached in 1981 A.D. Rajai (second President) was assassinated in 1981 A.D. Ali Seyyed Khameini became Irans third president in 1981 A.D. * Prime Minister Javad Bohonar was assassinated in 1981 A.D. Interim Prime Minister Reza Mahdavi Kani began and ended his term in 1981. Prime Minister Hossein Mousavi became Irans last Prime Minister in 1981.
* Ali Seyyed Khameini later became Irans second Ayatollah upon the death of Ruhollah Khomeini in June of 1989 A.D..
With greater research, it may be possible to discover that 1981 was the birth year of a future significant player for Islam, the OIC, or Iran. This would make this potential leader twenty-six (26) years old as of 2007. From 1981 A.D. to 2026 A.D. there is much to be accomplished in such a short amount of time, relative to end-time events. And, as a point to ponder, it is interesting to note that the name Ruhollah Khomeini has a letter value of 665 depending on what Greek, Latin or Hebrew letter value chart you use. However, that value is based on a transliteration. Using the abjab calculating system may produce a different result. And with values lost in translation, it is difficult to know for sure the name values without knowing the real letter values of that particular language.
To use the abjab system, the user would have to be able to read/understand Arabic as well as understand the abjab system. The above Iranian events, dates and religious events are significant and very relevant to the Scarlet Beast, the False Prophet (Two-Horned Beast) and the comprehension of and the calculating of the beginning of the end. If another Ayatollah is to arise with a letter value of 666 (or 616), will Turkey or Iran or the OIC order a shrine/image to be built on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem in honor him, similar to Turkeys request regarding the Ottoman? There are only fifteen and a half (15 ) years left before a shrine/image and forced (manipulated) worship commences. However, it will be interesting to learn the Arabic name of the pending Jerusalem shrine and decipher the value of its name using the abjab system. Also, looking at the Arabic name of the OIC (or what is may be renamed) or its eleventh Secretary General or the next Ayatollah using the abjab system should also prove interesting. It would be quite plausible to predict that at some point in the near future an Image/Shrine/Icon will be erected in honor of Ruhollah (or some future Ayatollah with a similar word value) or some other person or entity on or near the Temple Mount in Jerusalem that represents Persia/Islam/OIC. The same Image/Icon will most likely be placed on the OICs (Islams) potential single global currency as well. Of course, as already said, this would not be that much different from what Turkey has already recently requested from the Wakf, to build a shrine on/near the Holy Temple Mount in Jerusalem in honor of the Ottoman (god of forces). This request has been approved. And Turkey has already put an Ottoman image on one of its currency denominations. Islam has a different god (Allah) than that of ancient Persia. Ahura Mazda (of Zoroastrianism) was the ancient god of ancient Persia, however, remnants of Zoroastrianism still exists in Iran until this day. As a final point, one is supposed to subtract seven (7) years from 2026 to find the year of the signing of the covenant, and that would set the year at 2019 +/-, only eleven (11) years from 2008. That would mean that the covenant would be broken in the year 2022 +/-. As written in Daniel Chapter 12, it does not appear that an additional seven (7) years will be added to 2026, thus the reason for the subtraction from 2026 using 2026 as the end point (Daniel 12:12). If Yahushuas true believers are to be removed prior to the Scarlet Beast and the Two-Horned Beast making a covenant with Israel (Pre-Tribulation view), then the remaining years on earth for Mashiyachians would be eleven (11) years, from 2008. Notwithstanding, one must never forget that the exact day or the exact hour of Mashiyachs return will never be known prior to its occurrence, but one can get very close based on provided information. If Yahushuas true believers are to be removed in the middle of the week (Mid-Tribulation view), then the remaining years would be fourteen and a half (14 ) years, from 2008. In either case, believers must get down to spiritual business and become Kingdom focused. It is high time for believers to get their friends, family and neighbors into the fold and stop focusing on materialism, church
buildings and personal kingdoms, for said carnal things will come to naught and be burned up anyway. Eleven (11) to fourteen and a half (14 ) years is not a long time relative to the global stage and global powers especially since global powers watch over what other global powers are doing. For this reason, the Beast will endeavor to keep a warm and deceptive profile relative to his intentions as it deals with the world economically, socially and especially when it covenants with many. Islam and Iran must appear friendly enough so as not to alarm the rest of the world. Islamic leaders are already promulgating propaganda that runs contrary to their true core beliefs. Perhaps if they spread the deception long enough and loud enough, they will deceive the whole world, and apparently they will, except for those whose names are written in the Lambs Book of Life. In the middle of the week, the Beast will break a brokered covenant and all hell will break loose, in more ways than one. The Beast will force idolatry upon one and all and will leverage this demand by preventing anyone from buying or selling unless they take the mark of the beast and worship his image. And dont forget, surrendering to an Islamic currency is the same thing as participating in her sins. By yielding one becomes a servant of Islam, which is also considered a mark. However, the children of YHVH will be wise and will be faithful to YHVH, even unto death. The emergence of the mark of the beast is more than mere economics, it is a holy war. Make no mistake, Islams mission for a world-wide monopoly (dominance) is already a holy war, especially as far as Islam is concerned. Some of the world is catching on, but most are oblivious and do not care, even if it was explained to them. In conclusion, when the Beast and the ten (and eleventh) horns (symbolizes the Islam states), who hate the Whore, ruin her, strip her naked, burn her with fire and eats her flesh, it will be played out in human reality by the destruction and failure of the current world dominated economies. The Bible gives no events numbers by which to calculate this event, however, if the Mark of the Beast is related to the Whore it will most likely happen prior to the forced imposition since YHVH uses the Scarlet Beast, the Eighth Head, the Ten Horns and the False Prophet (Two-Horned Beast) to destroy the Whore. While the world economies grow weak (transferring their wealth to OIC member states) through oil dependency, the OIC member states grow stronger. The Proclamation Angels that are sent out in Revelation Chapter 14 represent significant spiritual phenomenas in the world, the first one being the spreading of the Gospel of Mashiyach around the world, via the early church. To some degree this has already happened, however, it could be referring to what is also commonly known as the latter rain. If the Gospel Angel has already been sent, then the destruction of the Whore could happen anytime after the early church era began or after the latter rain begins. It is more logical that the destruction of the Whore will occur very close to the very end of times, after the latter rain begins. See the Event Dates Chart below.
THE SEVEN SEALS, THE SEVEN PLAGUES AND THE SEVEN BOWLS There are volumes that could be written and have been written about the symbols of the Seven Seals, Seven Plagues and Seven Bowls. So, in an effort to avoid unnecessary repetition, a brief observation is given regarding said symbols relative to the thesis of this book. Little, if any, date specific information can be found in these symbols that would assist a scholar in determining when these events will actually be played out in human reality. Nor do they provide any guidance as to how or when other major prophetic historical events will unfold. Daniel mentions nothing regarding these symbols so the two main Biblical prophetic sources cannot be connected, compared or corroborated with each other to provide further timetable analysis. They are what they are. Nonetheless, the latter events of each seal, plague, or bowl can be deductively placed on a timeline (see Chart 2.0 in the Appendices) These symbols are significant events initiated in the spiritual dimension that will occur in some form in human reality. As to when and where they will be inserted throughout the timeline of human history, as it relates to prophetic lines, is mostly speculative except the last one or two events for each symbol. Some of these symbols represent a magnification of specific events that intermittently have happened or may have happened through out the last several millennia of human history but it is commonly believed that they will occur very late in human history, right near the end of times. The one symbol most relevant to this chapter, however, is the Seventh Bowl. Within the context of this symbol, YHVH remembers Babylon the Great and does not allow her to escape the fullness of the fury of his wrath. After she has crumbled, YHVH pulverizes her and all her daughters with one hundred pound (100 lbs) hail storms. What is odd about this narrative (Revelation 16:17-21) is that YHVH is seen as destroying Babylon the Great when in the next chapter responsibility for her destruction falls upon the Scarlet Beast, the Eighth Head and the Ten (and Eleventh) Horns (Revelation 17). What really happened was John was first given an overview and that YHVH was the one who was initiating the destruction of the Great Whore. Following the overview of the Seventh Bowl, the Angel with the Seventh Bowl takes John into a desert to show him greater detail of how the Whore is punished, how it plays out in human reality, yet still with symbolism. John takes three chapters to write about this spiritual phenomena that will be played out in human reality. THE SEVEN SEALS (REVELATION 6) Seal One: White horse and rider with a bow with a crown to ride out as a conqueror, bent on conquest. Seal Two: Red horse and rider given power to take peace from the earth to make men slay each other.
Seal Three: Black horse and rider holding a pair of scales causing extreme inflation (or lack of producefood, etc. which drives up the cost) Seal Four: Pale horse and rider with the name of Death with Hades following him and was given power to kill four ways, 1) by the sword, 2) by famine, 3) by plague and 4) by wild beasts of the earth. Seal Five: Martyred souls (for YHVH) under the altar were given white robes and were told to be patient a little while longer until the exact predetermined number of martyrs is accomplished. (Revelation 6:10-11; 10:7; Romans 11:25) Seal Six: This seal is lengthy and is best explained by the scriptures themselves. And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; 13 And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind. 14 And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. 15 And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; 16 And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: 17 For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand? Revelation 6:12-17 Seal Seven: Before the seventh seal was opened, YHVH sealed 12,000 from each of the twelve tribes of Israel equaling 144,000 sealed. When to seventh seal was opened, there was silence in heaven for about half and hour. The opening of the seventh seal then initiated the Angel with the Golden Censer followed by the Seven Angels with Seven Trumpets. The incense (mixed with the collected prayers of all the saints) was offered on the golden altar of incense before YHVH and thereafter, the Angel took the censer, filled it with fire from the altar of incense and hurled it on the earth, marking the beginning of the severe trouble that will befall the earth. THE SEVEN ANGELS WITH TRUMPETS Angel One/Trumpet One: The first angel sounded, and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth: and the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was
burnt up. Revelation 8:7 Angel Two/Trumpet Two: And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood; 9 And the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died; and the third part of the ships were destroyed. Revelation 8:8-9 Angel Three/Trumpet Three: And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; 11 And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter. Revelation 8:10-11 Angel Four/Trumpet Four: And the fourth angel sounded, and the third part of the sun was smitten, and the third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars; so as the third part of them was darkened, and the day shone not for a third part of it, and the night likewise. Revelation 8:12 Angel Five/Trumpet Five/First Woe: And I beheld, and heard an angel flying through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice, Woe, woe, woe, to the inhabiters of the earth by reason of the other voices of the trumpet of the three angels, which are yet to sound! And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit. 2 And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit. 3 And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth: and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power. 4 And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads. 5 And to them it
was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months: and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man. 6 And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them. 7 And the shapes of the locusts were like unto horses prepared unto battle; and on their heads were as it were crowns like gold, and their faces were as the faces of men. 8 And they had hair as the hair of women, and their teeth were as the teeth of lions. 9 And they had breastplates, as it were breastplates of iron; and the sound of their wings was as the sound of chariots of many horses running to battle. 10 And they had tails like unto scorpions, and there were stings in their tails: and their power was to hurt men five months. 11 And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon. 12 One woe is past; and, behold, there come two woes more hereafter. Revelation 8:13-9:12 Angel Six/Trumpet Six/Second Woe: This Trumpet/Woe is an indicator that the coming ascension of the believers is extremely close. This army is either China, North Korea (according to current 2007 stats) or India. And the sixth angel sounded, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God, 14 Saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates. 15 And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men. 16 And the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand: and I heard the number of them. 17 And thus I saw the horses in the vision, and them that sat on them, having breastplates of fire, and of jacinth, and brimstone: and the heads of the horses were as the heads of lions; and out of their mouths issued fire and smoke and brimstone. 18 By these three was the third part of men killed, by the fire, and by the smoke, and by the brimstone, which issued out of their mouths. 19 For their power is in their mouth, and in their tails: for their tails were like unto serpents, and had heads, and with them they do hurt. 20 And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk: 21 Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts. Revelation 9:13-21
Note: A 200,000,000 man army is most likely China moving eastward to the Euphrates probably provoked by broken government contracts (with African countries) initiated by their insatiable appetite for natural resources. It is also plausible that this is a unified army comprised of the Asian Muslims or India east of the Euphrates held at bay by the bounded Four Angels.
And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth. 4 These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth. 5 And if any man will hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth, and devoureth their enemies: and if any man will hurt them, he must in this manner be killed. 6 These have power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophecy: and have power over waters to turn them to blood, and to smite the earth with all plagues, as often as they will. 7 And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them. 8 And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified. 9 And they of the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies three days and an half, and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves. 10 And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them, and make merry, and shall send gifts one to another; because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth. 11 And after three days and an half the Spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon their feet; and great fear fell upon them which saw them. 12 And they heard a great voice from heaven saying unto them, Come up hither. And they ascended up to heaven in a cloud; and their enemies beheld them. 13 And the same hour was there a great earthquake, and the tenth part of the city fell, and in the earthquake were slain of men seven thousand: and the remnant were affrighted, and gave glory to the God of heaven. 14 The second woe is past; and, behold, the third woe cometh quickly. Revelation 11:3-14 Angel Seven/Trumpet Seven/Third Woe: The Last Trumpet (seven) is especially significant (1 Corinthians 15:52) relative to placing the catching away of the bride. The word at, relative to the last trump that shall sound, does not necessarily convey a meaning or concept that denotes an exact moment in time that an event occurs. It can also mean near, around, after, on, during, etc. Thus, at the last trump does not mean at that exact moment, but could mean just before, or just after or in that proximity. This view also matches Johns writings when he says in the days (Revelation 10:7) denoting that an exact moment is not provided but rather a proximity. In other words, although the exact day or hour is certainly a secret (Matthew 24:36), and for good reason, one can certainly get very close to the proximity by all the other Biblical information that is provided. And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Mashiyach; and he shall reign for ever and ever. 16 And the four and twenty elders, which sat before God on their seats, fell upon their faces, and worshipped God, 17 Saying, We give thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty, which art, and wast, and art to come; because thou hast taken to thee thy great power, and hast reigned. 137
And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth. 19 And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament: and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail. Revelation 11:15-19 (See End-Times Chart below or in the Appendices) THE TWO WITNESSES And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth. 4 These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth. 5 And if any man will hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth, and devoureth their enemies: and if any man will hurt them, he must in this manner be killed. 6 These have power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophecy: and have power over waters to turn them to blood, and to smite the earth with all plagues, as often as they will. 7 And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them. 8 And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified. 9 And they of the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies three days and an half, and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves. 10 And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them, and make merry, and shall send gifts one to another; because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth. 11 And after three days and an half the Spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon their feet; and great fear fell upon them which saw them. 12 And they heard a great voice from heaven saying unto them, Come up hither. And they ascended up to heaven in a cloud; and their enemies beheld them. Revelation 11:3-12
THE SEVEN ANGELS WITH SEVEN PLAGUES/BOWLS OF YHVHs WRATH And I saw another sign in heaven, great and marvellous, seven angels having the seven last plagues; for in them is filled up the wrath of God. Revelation 15:1 138
Plague/Bowl One: And I heard a great voice out of the temple saying to the seven angels, Go your ways, and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth. 2 And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image. Revelation 16:1-2 Plague/Bowl Two: And the second angel poured out his vial upon the sea; and it became as the blood of a dead man: and every living soul died in the sea. Revelation 16:3 Plague/Bowl Three: And the third angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountains of waters; and they became blood. 5 And I heard the angel of the waters say, Thou art righteous, O Lord, which art, and wast, and shalt be, because thou hast judged thus. 6 For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets, and thou hast given them blood to drink; for they are worthy. 7 And I heard another out of the altar say, Even so, Lord God Almighty, true and righteous are thy judgments. Revelation 16:4-7 Plague/Bowl Four: And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire. 9 And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory. Revelation 16:8-9
Plague/Bowl Five: And the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the seat of the beast; and his kingdom was full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues for pain, 11 And blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, and repented not of their deeds. Revelation 16:10-11 Plague/Bowl Six: And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared. 13 And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. 14 For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty. 15 Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame. 16 And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon. Revelation 16:12-16
Plague/Bowl Seven (Destruction of the Whore): And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done. 18 And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great. 19 And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell: and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath. 20 And every island fled away, and the mountains were not found. 21 And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, every stone about the weight of a talent: and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail; for the plague thereof was exceeding great. Revelation 16:17-21 The destruction of the Whore is provided in greater detail in Revelation 17-19:4.
THE THOUSAND YEARS And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. 2 And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years, 3 And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season. 4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Mashiyach a thousand years. 5 But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection. 6 Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Mashiyach, and shall reign with him a thousand years. 7 And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, 8 And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea. 9 And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them. 10 And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever. 11 And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them. 12 And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. 13 And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works. 14 And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. 15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. Revelation 20 END-TIME EVENTS CHART
Chart 2.0 FUTURE EVENTS Daniels Last Week Daniels Middle of the Week Proclamation Angel One Proclamation Angel Two Proclamation Angel Three First Seal Fifth Seal TIME TABLE 2019 A.D. 2026 A.D. +/2022 A.D. +/32 A.D. 2026 A.D. +/2019 A.D. 2022 A.D. +/2019 A.D. 2022 A.D. +/Pre 2022 A.D. +/- and possibly pre SCRIPTURAL PROOF(S) Daniel 9:27; 12:11 Daniel 9:27; Revelation 13:5 Revelation 14:6-7 Revelation 14:8 Revelation 14:9-13 Revelation 6:9-11
Sixth Seal Seventh Seal/Golden Censer and initiation of the Seven Trumpets Angel One Angel Five with Trumpets Beast Covenants with Israel Beast Covenant Breached Final Abomination that Causes Desolation Enforced Beast Image Worship Enforced Mark of the Beast Beast Oppresses Saints (Unsealed Jews and Believers) 1260 Days of Protection for Jews only whose names are found written in the book Angel Six/Trumpet Six/Second Woe/(Angel with Little Scroll and the Two Witnesses) First Angel Sixth Angel with Plagues/Bowls/Beginning of the summons to the Battle of Armageddon Seventh Angel/Seventh Plague/Seventh Bowl Destruction of the Whore Mystery (salvation by the gospel of Yahushua Mashiyach) of YHVH ends (in the days when the Seventh (Last) Trumpet is about to sound) Angel Seven/Trumpet Seven/Third Woe/Last Trumpet The Great Day of YHVH Almighty (Armageddon) 1000 Years (only the believing martyrs will be resurrect from the dead to rule and reign with Yahushua Mashiyach - the first resurrection) The New Jerusalem
2019 A.D. back to John +/Pre 2022 A.D. +/- and possibly pre Revelation 6:12-17 2019 A.D. +/Pre 2022 A.D. +/Revelation 8:1-5 Pre 2022 A.D. +/- and possibly pre 2019 A.D. +/2019 A.D. 2022 A.D. +/2022 A.D. +/2022 A.D. +/2022 A.D. 2026 A.D.+/2022 A.D. 2026 A.D. +/2022 A.D. 2026 A.D. +/2022 A.D. 2026 A.D. +/2022 A.D. 2026 A.D. +/(Third Woe is coming soon) Revelation 8:6 chapter 9:12 Daniel 9:27 Daniel 9:27; 8:5 Daniel 9:27; Revelation 13:14-15 Revelation 13:16-18; 14:6-13 Revelation 12:6,17 Daniel 12:17; Revelation 13:5-10 Revelation 12:6 Daniel 12:1,7 Revelation 10-11:14 Revelation 11:2,14
2022 A.D. 2026 A.D. +/- Demons Revelation 15-16:16 are sent forth to summon the kings of the earth (a process). Around 2022 A.D. +/Post 2026 A.D. +/Revelation 16:17-21; Revelation 1719:4 Revelation 10:7; 6:10-11; Romans 11:25; 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4
Revelation 21
The above End-Time Events Chart raises a number of questions that require attention. A strong argument posed by pre-tribulation and mid-tribulation enthusiasts say, YHVH would never place his wrath on his bride, and therefore, YHVH will call his believers to heaven before he sends his wrath. While that is an interesting position, it does not correlate well with scriptures or with what happens in reality. Here are some scriptures and examples that counter the above argument.
The Early Church is Part of the Bride. If the early church did not escape martyrdom (proof of discipleship), how does the late church expect anything less? All believers everywhere must be ready to not only be a gospel planter, but to love not ones life, even unto death. It is helpful to keep in mind that the abuse believers receive originates from Satan and is played out in realty by people, organizations and governments (Revelation 6:11; Matthew 16:24; Mark 8:34; Mark 10:21; Luke 9:23-26; etc.). According to Mashiyach, martyrdom is the special proof of discipleship (cross bearing believers witnessesmartyrs). Heed the Warning. The warning message by John provides some sanctuary. By disconnecting from materialism, economy, etc., believers will escape the wrath imposed upon the Whore. YHVHs wrath is directed at the Whore, not the Jews or believers per se, just those that participate in her sins. Noah and his family (eight) obeyed (entered the Ark), Abraham obeyed (left Ur), Lot escaped (barely), Israel obeyed (to escape the death angel) and John has called the church to obey as well (Revelation 18:4-5). Yes, it may make a believer different from the status quo, but since when is the church supposed to look like and behave like the world? Noah, Abraham and others did not worry about being different. Obeying YHVH and being saved is more important. Finally, why send out an angel to warn the saints about the Image and the Mark of the Beast if the saints were not going to be present during its enforcement? Or why send an angel to warn about the destruction of the Whore if the saints were not going to be present during her destruction? Or why would John write a warning to the churches to come out of her (Whore) if the saints were not within her borders or not going to be present on the earth during her destruction? If the church was to be absent, then why does Revelation 12 clearly show that Satan will go after her? Or, why does John give end-time wisdom to identify the mark of the beast? And so on. Johns 1260 Days are Not Daniels 1290 Days. These two sets of numbers are two different prophetic milestones and require separate calculations. Daniels days are years as are Johns days in Revelation 12 (if they reflect history and if there is not a time gap between verse 5 and verse 6). This concept is reasonably confirmed by the fact that John references Daniels last week language in Chapter 12 as time, times and a half of times (Revelation 12:14 versus 12:6), thus indicating that John used the same kind of days/years representation to identity the time span for YHVHs protection of the Jews. John was pinpointing the protective years for the Jews starting from the time of Mashiyachs ascension until 1290 A.D. The Jews are also protected a second time (in particular 144,000 will be sealed), this time for 3.5 years (identified using Daniels time, times and half a time) following the covenant breach, which equals 1260 literal days if you use a 30 day month, however, the validity of this calculation method as it relates to Johns 42 months is unproven since a 30-day month has changed with the Gregorian calendar. In Chapter 13 of Revelation, John switches to his own distinct style of measuring/calculating by using months, and in particular, forty-two (42) months. Said dates do not claim to be an exact day or hour, but do provide a very close proximity, perhaps in some cases, down to the month.
The Identity of the Two Witnesses is Obscure. The only hint in scriptures is they are referred to as Olive Trees, indicative in scripture as Jewish. Some speculate, Enoch, and Elijah since they did not see natural death and since all must die at least once. Nonetheless, the Bible is silent to their identity and furthermore, Enoch was not a Jew. Therefore, this remains an unanswered question. There are Two Abominations that Causes Desolation. Although there have been several desolations in the Temples history only two are applicable to Daniels and Johns writings. The first qualifying abomination that causes desolation occurred in 691 A.D. (Daniel 12:11). The second abomination that causes desolation will occur in the middle of Daniels last week, 2022 A.D. +/-. The first abomination that cause desolation gives an end date to the completion of Daniels seventy sevens. The last abomination that cause desolation marks to final few years (3 ) of Satans rage (Daniel 9:27) and is relative to the Image of the Beast, most likely different from the Dome of the Rock (or new and significant revival of the Dome of the Rock). The location, however of the abomination is decisively marked. The Identity of the False Prophet is Synonymous with the Two-Horned Beast. The false prophet is the same person/entity as the Two-Horned Beast (Iran). This could also mean a representative of Iran, e.g., the Iranian President or the Ayatollah according to present day religious/political establishments (Revelation 16:13-16; 19:20; 20:10; 2 Thessalonians 2:3-8). Does Mashiyach Take His Bride Pre, Mid or Post-Tribulation? There are three common views regarding when Mashiyach will catch away his church (bride). However, there is substantial evidence that can settle the matter. The key to unlocking the answer to this question is to get the end-time chronology correct. The Mystery of YHVH (Revelation 6:10-11; 10:7; Romans 11:25; 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4) is complete during the days when the Seventh Angel with the Seventh Trumpet (The Last Trumpet 1 Corinthians 15:5152; Revelation 11:15-19) is about to sound his trumpet. Therefore, the following events all precede the Last Trumpet: 1. The Beast Brokers a Covenant with many (Daniel 9:27; 12:11) 2. The Beast Breaches the Covenant with many (Daniel 9:27; Revelation 12:17) 3. Satan directs his rage toward the church when he realizes YHVH is protecting Israel for 3 years (Revelation 12:17; Daniel 9:27; 12:1 Revelation 12:6, 14; 6:10-11; 10:7). Satans rage occurs after the breach of the covenant. Only the 144,000 sealed Jews are protected. 4. The beginning (call sent forth) of the Gathering of the Armies of the world to Armageddon (Revelation 16:12-16; Key verse: 16:15Mashiyach has still not come by the Sixth Angel with the Sixth Bowl of Wrath) 5. Destruction of the Whorethe Seventh Angel with the Seventh Bowl of Wrath (Revelation 16:17 through 19:4) 6. Establishment of the Image and the Mark of the Beast (Daniel Revelation 13:14)
7. Enforcement of the Image worship and use of the Mark of the Beast (Revelation 13:15-18) Why give wisdom if there is nobody left on earth that could benefit from this wisdom? After all, was not the recipient audience of the book of Revelation Mashiyachians? Then the Lord calls his bride home and the following events take place: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. The Marriage Supper of the Lamb (Revelation 19:5-10) The Great Day of YHVH Almighty finally arrives (Revelation 19:11-19) The 1000 years of Peace (Revelation 20:1-6) Satans Doom (Revelation 20:7-10) The Dead are Judged (Revelation 11:15) The New Jerusalem (Revelation 21) The River of Life (Revelation 22)
ADDITIONAL RESEARCH There are many sections of prophecy not covered in this book, but this is not intended as a means to delete, diminish or add to the Book of Revelation. But this deficiency was intended to avoid repeating the many other wonderful research projects that have covered said sections quite well. Some sections of Revelation that this book does not address, but are still very valid and relevant to the full message written by John to the seven churches in Asia, are as follows: 1. Johns Introductions (Revelation 1:1-20) 2. Johns Seven-Church Focused Commentary (Revelation 2-3:22) 3. The Throne of Heaven (Revelation 4) 4. The Scroll and the Lamb (Revelation 5) 5. The Lamb and 144,000 (Revelation 14:1-5) 6. The Rider on the White Horse (Revelation 19:11-21) 7. The Thousand Years of Peace (Revelation 20) 8. Satans Doom (Revelation 20) 9. The Dead are Judged (Revelation 20) 10. The New Jerusalem (Revelation 21) 11. The River of Life (Revelation 22:1-6)
INTERESTING FACTS TO REVIEW 1. Ironically, the scriptures teach that Yahushua is the bright and morning star (Revelation 22:16) and/or the day star (2 Peter 1:19). Whereas, if Muslims teach that Allah is the night god (Moon-god) and that Venus (the morning star) is her daughter, then they are false prophets and sons (followers) of the Moon-god. The extrapolation of this view is this. Venus (the morning starYahushua) is the 145
4. 5. 6. 7.
son of his mother, the Moon-god (Allah), making the night (evil) god superior to the day (righteous) god, or in other words, evil is superior to righteousness. And this is exactly what Satan believes/promotes. Satan pretends to be an angel of light, but his light is actually a dominion over darkness. Consider the terrifying, frightening and very powerful approach used by Islam to conquer. It crushes and devours its victims and tramples underfoot what ever is left. This style is still used in modern times by Islam, often known as ethnic cleansing. The OIC currently covers a very large land mass and population (see the OIC Map Resources in the Appendices). There are currently 57 countries that are Islamic states and growing. Currently there are over one and a half billion Muslims making them the second largest religion in the world, second to Catholicism and with the tipping point nearly upon us. Islam will not stop until they are the world leader. The RC/GOC had a 600 year +/- head start on Islam, but they are already losing ground swiftly, with respect to membership. Istanbul (by itself) is already the 34th largest/richest economy in the world and growing rapidly and Tehran (by itself) is the 56th largest/richest economy in the world and growing rapidly. Turkeys GDP is 635.6 Billion and Irans GDP is 599.2 Billion, the two largest economies within Persia, excluding Indonesia since they are not within Persia proper (they are, however, the largest Islamic economy reaching 948 Billion dollar GDP and they are a strong supporter of Islam and an active member of the OIC). There are more Islamic banks in the USA than in Turkey. This is yet another distasteful element in the mouth of radical Islam. This is similar to Turkeys involvement with the EU and NATO and their slowness to support global Islamic initiatives. It appears that they ride the fence. This could trigger retaliation from radical Islam. The combined OIC GDP is 6.133 Trillion as compared to the USA with a 13.3 trillion dollar GDP, the EU with an 11.8 Trillion dollar GDP and China with a 10.17 Trillion dollar GDP placing the OIC as the fourth largest economy in the world ahead of India by several trillion. With the OICs help, the GDP of many other member states will continue to rise rapidly as well.
Based on the information above, one may ask the question, What is Turkeys place in the OIC? Remember, the OIC was first established in order to defend Jerusalem when Israel occupied it and attempted to burn the Al-Aqsa Mosque. For this reason, it is impossible for Turkey to be fully involved in the OIC due to its strategic relationship with Israel. Although Turkey was one of OICs founding members, it was one of the last to sign the accession pact. Does Turkey have a special vision for the Islamic world as compared to the main stream view? One cannot consider Turleys special relationship with the OIC apart from developments in the international secular system. New relations with the OIC cannot be
evaluated without considering the mission set out for Turkey as part of the U.S.s Greater Middle Eastern Initiative (GME). Turkeys mission cannot be ignored apart from its being the only OIC member who is also a NATO member, its relations with the U.S. and its EU candidacy. Those who wanted Turkey to cold shoulder the Islamic World following the Ottoman era now want it to warm up. The basic question is for whom will Turkey have a role? The Islamic world believes Turkey should have a vision tailored to itself and the Islamic world, not the west. Again, it is too early to guess how all this will exactly play out, relative to either the Two-Horned Beast, the Whore, the Image of the Beast or the Mark of the Beast. Its role relative to the Ottoman Empire is clear, beyond that it is still unclear.
Quiz Questions
1. What are possible alternatives to 666? _______________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 2. What calculating system will most likely be needed to calculate the number value of the antiMashiyachs name? _________________________________ Identify four iconic images relative to Iran. _____________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ What are possible meanings to the word image relative to the image of the beast? __________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ What are possible meanings to the phrase mark of the beast? _____________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ What three angelic proclamations are given relative to the fall of Mystery Babylon? ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ What edifice sits (was built-set up) on the temple mound in Jerusalem that prevents the Jews from using the temple mound? ________________________ ________________________________________________________________ What inter-governmental organization made a resolution to protect the Dome of the Rock? _______________________________________________________
What days/years from the Book of Daniel best helps the wise to discern the approximate time of the end of the New Covenant enjoinment opportunities? ________________________________________________________________ What is the approximate year(s) that marks the beginning of Daniels last week (70th)? __________________________________________________________ What is the approximate year(s) that marks the middle of Daniels last week (70th)? __________________________________________________________ What is the approximate year(s) that marks the end of Daniels last week (70th)? ________________________________________________________________
HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT On the space provided below write a one-page response to this Chapter. Express your thoughts and feelings about this Chapter and how you have received it!
INTRODUCTION To truly understand eschatology as it relates to the Jews, and indirectly the believers in Yahushua Mashiyach, the Book of Daniel is a critical and a necessary resource. Without it, it would be difficult for students of the Book of Revelation to pinpoint dates and interpret key symbols. Together the Book of Daniel and the Book of Revelation provides a check and balance system that, although complex, will produce accurate results. Numerous fragmented prophecies were uttered prior to Daniel, but none were as extensive, elaborate and complex as Daniels. Finally, the Book of Daniel gives insight with regards to Egypt, Assyria and Babylon as they may appear in end-times. It is important to note that neither Nebuchadnezzar nor Daniel saw or made mention of Egypt or Assyria (in any form, ancient or revived), as to their presence in end-times. It is also important to note that neither Daniel nor John saw or made mention of the Ancient Babylonian Empire as a literal geo-political presence in end-times. These facts alone exclude the first three of the first five world empires from the last (eighth) empire would re-emerge as a resurrected empire. NEBUCHADNEZZARS DREAM Since prophecy is looking forward, Nebuchadnezzar saw his future and that of other empires that would follow him. Nebuchadnezzar saw a statue of a man consisting of various metals in different regions of the body representing various empires going forward from his early days unto the end-times. The identities of these body regions of the statue are listed below. The Head of Gold Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar
The Chest and Two Arms of Silver Medo-Persia, Cyrus the Great The Belly of Bronze Greece, Alexander the Great The Two Legs of Iron Rome representing both Old Rome (west) and New Rome (east). The Two Feet of Iron and Clay The Ottoman/Caliphate was comprised of two (2) factions, Sunni and Shia, which spread their religion and language throughout the region of Ancient Persia ending with the Ottoman Dynasty pushing the Caliphate to its zenith. The empire is known as the Ottoman Empire since Ottoman (one of ten dynasties) was the largest, longest and most notable. This made this empire a mixed people and fragile. The Ottoman Empire/Caliphate ended and dissolved into Turkey in 1922. Ten Toes of Iron and Clay The OIC is a new existing entity that emerged from the Islamic religion, and it is already on its ninth (9th) toe (leader). The OIC (or potentially reformed OIC) is or may well produce the Eleventh Horn seen by Daniel, most likely an Iranian president or Ayatollah. It is remotely possible that the OIC will accept and endorse someone like Osama Ben Ladena possible caliphor an Ayatollah. Ben Ladens family was in charge of maintaining and expanding the palaces and mosques of Mecca, Medina, and Jerusalem, until 1967, which means he probably worked for the Wakf (see Appendices), as will the eighth head (Johns). He is not as far removed from Islam (and the OIC) has perceived publicly and is certainly gaining military strength as well as followers as the days and months go by. DANIELS FOUR BEASTS The key here is the phrase, The four great beasts are four kingdoms that will rise from the earth. This would exclude Babylon because Daniel saw this vision after Nebuchadnezzar had died and Babylon was all but declined. If Babylon was not excluded, then the four Beasts could have easily included Egypt, Assyria, Babylon and
Medo-Persia. This is not likely since there were only four kingdoms that followed Babylon and since prophecy here is about the future and since the dream occurred during 1st year of Belshazzar. Therefore, it would only make sense the words will rise is making reference to kingdoms post Babylon, since Babylon had already risen and was all but declined (three years away). The four beasts Daniel saw are also listed in what the reader would assume to be chronological order starting with the earliest going to the latest. The Lion with Two Wings This beast Daniel saw was a lion with two wings like an eagle. Later, the two wings were torn off the Lion and it was lifted up off the ground and stood like a man and was given a heart like a man. Keep in mind, however, that the lion was still a beast even though it had similar qualities to that of a man. Also, a lion with wings is a common Persian icon found among ancient Persian artifacts. Persia conquered two of the remnant world powers (post Assyria) of the then known world, Babylon and the Medes. The wings were torn off and Persia became more like a man in YHVHs eyes than a beast than other kingdoms since he was given the heart of a mansignifying his compassion for the Jews, sending them home to rebuild Jerusalem and their templeParallel to Persia revived). See the Two-Horned Ram section below. The Bear with Three Ribs in its Mouth This beast that Daniel saw was a bear with three ribs in its mouth. This symbolizes Greece. Greece conquered the three major remnant world powers (post Assyria) of the then known world, Babylon, Medes and Persia. The Leopard with Four Wings (like a bird) and Four Heads This beast that Daniel saw was a leopard with four wings like a bird and had four heads. This beast symbolized Rome. Rome conquered the four major remnant world powers (post Assyria) of the then known world and seemingly, rather easily, like the grace of a flying bird. Rome had so many emperors in its long history that they are almost difficult to count, like the spots of a leopard. The four kingdoms Rome conquered were Babylon, Medes, Persia and Greece. Although heads on a beast is indicative of Kingdoms in Johns vision, here in Daniels dreams it is most likely indicative of four significant military divisions of Rome governing over Romes four major provinces. And since Daniels dreams were usually related to war, conquest and power, it quite plausible to point to the Roman Military leadership, (Legatus Legionis) who were hand picked by the emperor himself to represent
both himself and Rome on the battlefield. Rome developed four Legions to protect four of its prized major Roman provinces. This is significant as compared to the other beasts, because earlier empires were not developed and sophisticated this way, nor were the beasts seen with multiple heads. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why the glory days of Rome lasted so long. There is an alternate view, but perhaps less convincing. There were four infamous Roman Emperors that persecuted the Jews (and of course mostly Christians but since Christianity had no real distinction in the eyes of Rome for quite some time, they thought they were persecuting the Jews) and stand out above the rest. The names of these emperors were Nero (54-68 A.D.), Aurelius (161-169 A.D.), Decius (249-251 A.D.) and Diocletian (284-305 A.D.). The Fourth Beast with Iron Teeth, Bronze Claws and Ten Horns This Beast that Daniel saw was the Ottoman Empire preceded by many Caliphs (many writers say ten caliphs, but actually there were ten caliph dynasties with many more than 10 caliphs) from which the OIC was born. The Ottoman Dynasty was one of the most significant caliphs of the Caliphate (Sunni Islamic leadership), but is not what the ten horns are about. This Beast was different than all the former beasts, however, the Ottoman Empire did not fully occupy the five major regions of the then known world, which may be the reason why it did not have wings. Nonetheless, it did have teeth of iron resembling Romes conquering style. Also, the Ottoman Empire settled into New Rome after conquering its capital (Constantinople), only to make it their capital city (Istanbul). This beast also had bronze claws also resembling Greece, who also once occupied, what the Grecians call, the Queen City. It is likely, that the brass claws denote the Greece-like characteristic of crushing and devouring its enemies as it went. From this Kingdom (according to Daniel 7:8), an Eleventh Horn will emerge at the end of times. Therefore, Daniels Fourth Beast will have to exist right up to the edge of the end of times from which an eleventh horn will emerge and will be present in the final days of Daniels 70th Week. Thus, for the foregoing reasons outlined in this book, it is likely that this little horn represents Johns Eighth Head with ten (10) horns, undoubtedly the tenth Secretary General of the OIC. THE TWO-HORNED RAM AND THE SHAGGY GOAT Daniel specifically identifies these two beasts so that there will be no room for questions or doubts. This is important since one of these two beasts (Medo-Persia) will play a significant role in the end of times, the other less significant. And again, since prophecy is about the future, these two beasts are post Babylon (dream occurred 3rd year of Belshazzar, Babylonian King).
The Two-Horned Ram Medo-Persia had it beginnings with the Medes. The Medes by name show up in scriptures as early as 2 Kings 18:11 and as late as Acts 2:9 and indirectly as late as the Book of Revelation. Prior to the victory of Cyrus the Great over his grandfather, Astyages (the shah of Media), Media was the largest empire of its day. However, Cyrus the Great unified the Iranian Empire of the Medes and Anshan, often known as the Achaemenid Persian Empire. YVHV used the Medes to destroy Babylon. Notice the parallel between Ancient Medes and the future Scarlet Beasts Eighth Head (Islam) who hates Mystery Babylon. She will have no regard for money, children, houses and children in the womb and will ravage women. This seems similar to the signature style of Ethnic Cleansing used around the world by Islamic militants. YHVH used the Medes, per se, to bring judgment upon Babylon, since that region of peoples (during the times of Isaiah) was still known as the Medes. The burden of Babylon, which Isaiah the son of Amoz did see. 2 Lift ye up a banner upon the high mountain, exalt the voice unto them, shake the hand, that they may go into the gates of the nobles. 3 I have commanded my sanctified ones, I have also called my mighty ones for mine anger, even them that rejoice in my highness. 4 The noise of a multitude in the mountains, like as of a great people; a tumultuous noise of the kingdoms of nations gathered together: the LORD of hosts mustereth the host of the battle. 5 They come from a far country, from the end of heaven, even the LORD, and the weapons of his indignation, to destroy the whole land. 16 Their children also shall be dashed to pieces before their eyes; their houses shall be spoiled, and their wives ravished. 17 Behold, I will stir up the Medes against them, which shall not regard silver; and as for gold, they shall not delight in it. 18 Their bows also shall dash the young men to pieces; and they shall have no pity on the fruit of the womb; their eye shall not spare children. 19 And Babylon, the glory of kingdoms, the beauty of the Chaldees' excellency, shall be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah. 20 It shall never be inhabited, neither shall it be dwelt in from generation to generation: neither shall the Arabian pitch tent there; neither shall the shepherds make their fold there. 21 But wild beasts of the desert shall lie there; and their houses shall be full of doleful creatures; and owls shall dwell there, and satyrs shall dance there. 22 And the wild beasts of the islands shall cry in their desolate houses, and dragons in their pleasant palaces: and her time is near to come, and her days shall not be prolonged. Isaiah 13:17-22 In 3551 SSE, in the 3rd year of his reign, after the merger of the two Iranian kingdoms (Anshan and Medes), a Persian king, Cyrus, gave the decree/announcement
that the city of Jerusalem would be restored and rebuilt. It was here when Persia was given the heart of a man. With wings torn off and being lifted up from the earth to stand like a man making Persia seemed more like a man than beast from that point, in YHVHs eyes. In like manner it will be Islam through Iran and/or the OIC that will broker the deal with Israel (having eyes of a man), only to be broken 3 years later. The Shaggy Goat Daniel saw a shaggy goat in his dream (Daniel 8) and clearly identified this symbol as Greece. Archaeologists claim that Greece had very early beginnings that reach back to 8000 B.C., but this is doubtful. However, their glory days as a world empire began under the leadership of Alexander the Great starting around 336 B.C. Alexanders conquests reached further and faster than previous empires, but it also ended much quicker than competitive world powers. Perhaps for the foregoing reasons this Beast had no other distinguishing characteristics. However, Alexander is most remembered in modern times since his leadership was so recent as compared to other more ancient leaders. Daniel saw four horns that replaced the one large horn between his eyes (Alexander the Great). Initially, Greece was divided into four major portions after the death of Alexander: Lysimachus ruled in Thrace, Cassander ruled in Macedon, Seleucus ruled in Mesopotamia and Persia and Ptolemy I Soter ruled in the Levant and Egypt. Of course over time some of these divisions were reduced and/or absorbed. The Parthian Empire reduced the Hellenistic territories in the east and the territories furthest east seceded to form the Greco-Bactrian Kingdom (250-140 B.C.), which further expanded into India to form the Indo-Greek Kingdom (180 B.C. 10 A.D.). And, the Hellenistic territories in the west were absorbed by the Roman Republic. Nonetheless, in spite of the many historical events since Alexander the Great, the four major divisions still remain fairly intact with the same indigenous peoples still governing themselves: 1) Greece -> Seleucids 2) Thrace -> Rome (Byzantium) Turkey -> Ottoman 3) Persia -> Iran 4) Egypt From one of these four divisions a Stern-faced king will arise that will take his stand against the Prince of Princes, yet he will be destroyed. This king is often known as the Son of Perdition or the Beast and some erroneously call him the AntiMashiyach. Surely he is an antiMashiyach, but there were many and many more will come. This stern-faced king is Daniels Eleventh Horn (Daniel 7:8) and that emerges out of one of the four divisions of Greece which is Johns Eighth HeadPersia(Revelation 17:11) which also emerges out from the Ottoman/Caliphate (Johns Seventh Head). Johns Two-Horned BeastIran(Revelation 13:11) collaborates in some way with the Eighth Head via its Ayatollah or president.
SEVENTY SEVENS According to Daniel, seventy sevens were decreed upon Israel by which the following would be accomplished: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Israels holy city to finish transgression To put an end of sin To atone for wickedness To bring in everlasting righteousness To seal up vision and prophecy To anoint the most holy
If you take the seventy weeks times seven it equals 490 days, the length of time to accomplish the above list. Now if you take the date when Cyrus in 3562/3 SSE (516 B.C.) made the announcement to rebuild Jerusalem and count the weeks until the Anointed One is cut off 4033/34 SSE (April 6, 32 A.D.) it will add up to exactly sixtynine (69) weeks (seven sevens plus sixty-two sevens), just as Gabriel told Daniel. History validates these facts. That leaves one more week. However, according to what Gabriel told Daniel, there appears to be a gap of time that will allow a number of events to occur before the seventh week begins. This is not unusual with prophecy. There is no way that all details could be given regarding all the events that would occur in the future, for obvious reasons and in particular this 69/70 week gap. With nearly two thousand (2,000) years of history that had to transpire, that is just too much history to tell. The most important things that are disclosed are significant markers in history that act as beacons of light to give the believer bearings and help the believer maintain their patience. GABRIEL, MICHAEL AND PRINCES This section of this chapter takes a look at angels and demons in the spiritual dimension, a place rarely visited by humans. Nonetheless, it does not detract from their existence or the influences they exert on physical reality. Gabriel Gabriel seems to be a messenger based on his few appearances in scripture. His name shows up four (4) times in the Bible, two (2) times in the Old Testament and two (2) times in the New Testament. In each incident, he is delivering a message. His first appearance was when he visited Daniel the prophet (Daniel 8:16; 9:21) and his second appearance was when he visited Zachariah (Luke 1:19, 26), the father of John the Baptist. Both incidents were significant events.
Michael Michael seems to be an archangel, a protector/warrior based on the scriptural context where he is mentioned. His name shows up five (5) times in the Bible, three (3) times in the Old Testament and two (2) times in the New Testament. He is found in Daniel fighting against the princes of Persia and Greece. In the New Testament, he is found fighting against the devil (Jude 1:9) and the dragon (Revelation 12:7). Princes Princes, in the Book of Daniel, are demonic angels under the direction of Satan. There are only two mentioned in Daniel, the prince of Persia and the prince of Greece. This clearly indicates Satans involvement in shaping his Kingdom through out history through empire building. Although, this spiritual dimension is less vivid through out most of the scriptures, it is alluded to often enough for readers to understand its existence and its workings. Satans involvement with seducing and soliciting men and women to do his bidding reaches all the way back to the Garden of Eden when he beguiled Eve. The rest is history. KINGS OF THE NORTH AND SOUTH This section of prophecy is a real hodge-podge. It is difficult to follow and includes volumes of history between Daniels day and the Ottoman Empire. It makes it difficult to match the various symbols to specific events, peoples, kings and kingdoms. It would take an enormous spread sheet of history to try and identify each portion of the dream. Nonetheless, it does not diminish its veracity and relevance. Kings of the North The same elements apply here as indicated above. However, the key word is kings. There were many. Kings of the South Again, the same elements apply here as indicated above. And, once again, the key word is kings. There were many. THE KING WHO EXALTS HIMSELF This does not appear to be the Seventh Head, the Two-Horned Beast or the Eleventh Horn. The scriptural description seems to point to the Ottoman Empire, since after they pitched their royal tents between the seas, they came to their end. The
Ottoman Empire placed their capital between the two seas (Istanbul) and it is here that the empire meets its end. The Ottoman Empire was abolished in 1922 A.D. Additionally, the Caliphate was also abolished in 1922 A.D., leaving Sunni Islam leaderless, until the birth of the OIC. Some have tried to resurrect it, but have failed thus far and its bona fide resurrection is unlikely. The King that exalts himself fits quite well with Iran regarding the future shift away from the gods known to his father towards the god of forces, a god unknown to his fathers (Daniel 11:38). The god of Irans fathers was fire (or light) as led by Zarthosh (a religion known as Zoroastrianism, perhaps similar to the religion surrounding Molech Leviticus 18:21). Tehran (which is within Iran from where the ruler will most likely come from) fits Daniels description (Daniel 11:45) of a geographic location where this King settled his royal tents between the seas. Tehran geographically sits between seas in at least four possible intersections, i.e., 1) the Caspian Sea and the Mediterranean, 2) the Caspian Sea and the Red Sea, 3) the Caspian Sea and the Arabian Sea and 4) the Black Sea and the Arabian Sea. It is possible that Istanbul comes into play which sits between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea, but less likely. The reason why the glorious holy mountain in Daniel (11:45) is not Jerusalem is because all the Old Testament Biblical references that refer to Jerusalem as a holy mountain are always prefaced by my or thy differentiating between Jerusalem and some other mountain. And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots: 2 And the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD; 3 And shall make him of quick understanding in the fear of the LORD: and he shall not judge after the sight of his eyes, neither reprove after the hearing of his ears: 4 But with righteousness shall he judge the poor, and reprove with equity for the meek of the earth: and he shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked. 5 And righteousness shall be the girdle of his loins, and faithfulness the girdle of his reins. 6 The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them. 7 And the cow and the bear shall feed; their young ones shall lie down together: and the lion shall eat straw like the ox. 8 And the sucking child shall play on the hole of the asp, and the weaned child shall put his hand on the cockatrice' den. 9 They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain: for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea. Isaiah 11:1-9
Even them will I bring to my holy mountain, and make them joyful in my house of prayer: their burnt offerings and their sacrifices shall be accepted upon mine altar; for mine house shall be called an house of prayer for all people. Isaiah 56:7 When thou criest, let thy companies deliver thee; but the wind shall carry them all away; vanity shall take them: but he that putteth his trust in me shall possess the land, and shall inherit my holy mountain; Isaiah 57:13 The wolf and the lamb shall feed together, and the lion shall eat straw like the bullock: and dust shall be the serpent's meat. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain, saith the LORD. Isaiah 65:25 And they shall bring all your brethren for an offering unto the LORD out of all nations upon horses, and in chariots, and in litters, and upon mules, and upon swift beasts, to my holy mountain Jerusalem, saith the LORD, as the children of Israel bring an offering in a clean vessel into the house of the LORD. Isaiah 66:20 O Lord, according to all thy righteousness, I beseech thee, let thine anger and thy fury be turned away from thy city Jerusalem, thy holy mountain: because for our sins, and for the iniquities of our fathers, Jerusalem and thy people are become a reproach to all that are about us. Daniel 9:16
CALCULATION METHOD The prophet Daniel gave a specific number of weeks and days relating to specific and significant historical events as it relates to Israel and indirectly Mashiyachians. To understand the calculation method employed, information is provided below.
Calculating Weeks into Days and then into Years Daniel the prophet provides information relative to the seventy (70) sevens (7) decreed upon Israel. Of those seventy sevens (490 days) decreed Daniel provides additional breakdown details. He indicated that there would be seven (7) sevens (49 days) plus sixty-two (62) sevens (434 days) from the time of the announcement to rebuild Jerusalem to the coronation of the Mashiyach in Jerusalem, leaving a balance of one week. If you add the seven sevens and the sixty-sevens, you get four hundred eightythree (483) days. Knowing to convert days to years is critical to understanding what Daniel meant by these weeks. Proving that it is the correct conversion requires the use of history. By finding the dates of the qualifying announcement and the coronation of the Mashiyach provides the necessary proof that days meant years in Daniels writings. Below are mathematical equations acting as a visual aid to help the reader to more clearly see the calculations. 7 x 7 = 49 years + 62 x 7 = 434 years = 483 Total Years Calculating Days into Years All that is required is to convert the number of days given by Daniel into years. For example seven (7) days would equal seven (7) years. All days are therefore to be consistently calculated as years throughout Daniels writings. This also applies to the non-calculated days provided by Daniel in Chapter 12. Simply take the days and convert them into years. Historical Proof Validates Calculating Method 7 x 7 = 49 years 62 x 7 = 434 years 483 Total Years from Cyrus announcing that the city of Jerusalem would be restored in 3551 SSE to Mashiyach being cut off in 4034 SSE (= 483 yrs, see Appendices for Bible Time-line & Dates.). 2nd view: From the time Artaxerxes Longemanis announced that the city of Jerusalem would be restored in March 445 B.C. (per the British Royal Observatory) to the time Mashiyach would be hailed as Mashiyach (10th of Nissan 32 A.D.) equals 483 years. Of course due to the Gregorian calendar introduction to the world, one must calculate the latter part of Daniels prophecy with a 365 day-year as compared to the
earlier portion of his prophecy with a 360 day-year, relative to the 1290 and 1335 days (Years) count. But nonetheless, still in years. SUMMARY In summary, although most of Daniels prophecy is now history, there are several relevant events yet to happen that are important to end-times. Most of the details are found in Johns vision and are delineated below. I. The Key Symbols to Watch The Scarlet Beast: The Scarlet Beast is Satans Kingdom predominately expressed in seven major Empires (with one resurrected), Egyptian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Medo-Persian, Roman and Ottoman. The birthing of kingdoms was the next progressive step forward beyond Satans single city development that started back in Cains day and the Whore was riding atop each city/empire that rose and fell through out human history, the driving force behind every city/empire. The Eighth Head: The Eighth Head is Med-Persia revived, which is Islam currently represented through the OIC and partially by the Ayatollah. The Eleventh Horn: Daniels Eleventh Horn (Daniel 8:23-25) is Johns Eighth Head that collaborates with the Two-Horned Beast (who may be a tenth Iranian General Secretary of the OIC) since this 11th horn emerges out of the same preceding Kingdom (Ottoman), is a member state of the OIC, and is different (Shia) than the others (Sunni) and smaller (only 200-300 million followers by comparison to 1.2 1.3 billion followers unless the Ayatollah or the Iranian president can unite the two factions). It is quite possible that this eleventh horn is a newly appointed Ayatollah (if the two factions of Islam merge), but only time will tell for sure. It is also possible that someone like Osama may become the Eleventh Horn, but this unlikely since this, too, does not fill well unless he becomes accepted by Islam to represent them. The Two-Horned Beast: The Two-Horned Beast is Iran and/or the False Prophet who will cause the image of the Beast to be built and will give it power to speak and kill. The Whore: The Great Whore, Mystery Babylon, the Mother of Whores is Satans rebellious methodologies, the driving forces of Satans Kingdomwhich are commerce, economy, currency, religious organizations, pride and greed (i.e., the worldthe lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and the pride of life). If there is a physical city that is to be targeted as the epicenter, it would be Istanbul. However, this is unlikely. Some say it is America or the EU (or its chief Bank) but this does not really fit with Bible prophecy. The Whore first showed up with
Cain, (Genesis 4:17) the servant of Satan, the first human murderer and progenitor of the Whore in human reality. The Image of the Beast: The Image of the Beast in human reality is currently the OIC, the face of Islam. If another entity arises over the next fourteen (14) years that becomes the new face of Islam, then it could shift away from the OIC to its new Entity. Some kind of OIC/Islamic shrine/center/palace will be setup on the Temple Mount from which Islam will dominate the world for 3 years or existing masjids will be reinstated as the second abomination that cause desolation. The Mark of the Beast: The Mark of the Beast will be a new currency system established and enforced by the OIC (or some large predominant Islamic bank of a member state of the OIC) after the Great Whore meets her demise. II. Other Key Prophetic Elements The Calculation of Days: Converting days into years give specific dates on the calendar relative to end-time events. Key Dates to remember are: 1. 691 A.D. the set up of the abomination that causes desolation. 2. 1290 A.D. the end of the Divine 1260 year protection of Israel. 3. 1981 A.D. the end of the 1290 years and the beginning of the last fortyfive (45) years with major events/changes that has enabled end-time events to come to reality. 4. 2019 A.D. the beginning of the Covenant with many. 5. 2022 A.D. the year of Covenant Breach with many that ends Israeli Temple Mount worship is the beginning of the forced Image of the Beast worship and the new introduction and enforcement of the Images (OICs) new currency. 6. 2026 A.D. the end of the Beast/Dragon. 7. 2026 A.D. the set up of YHVH in Mashiyachs Kingdom on earth. It is important to remember why the 70 A.D. concept does not work as Daniels abomination that causes desolation. One of the strongest reasons is because of the 1290/1335 day (year) count. Said days (years) starting from 70 A.D. have come and gone long ago with no major events, e.g., Mark of the Beast or Marriage Supper of the Lamb, the covenant with Israel, the breach of the covenant with Israel, Daniel returning to receive his inheritance, etc., which should have already occurred. Secondly, the 70 A.D event did not restrict the 691 A.D. event, which means the Jews could have also built on the Temple Mount if they had done so prior to that which the Muslims did in 691 A.D. Thus, 621 years (starting from 70 A.D.) was not a long enough to qualify as the desolation/abomination found in Daniel's prophecy and 1,928 years of current history beyond 70 A.D. is too long.
Thirdly, the popular interpretation of the term abomination that causes desolation is flawed. The only abomination that was set up that has lasted long enough thus far that keeps the Temple Mount desolate (causing/preventing the Jews from using the Temple Mount) is the 691 A.D. abomination. The 70 A.D. destruction was certainly a temporary desolation, but said destruction did not include a permanent abomination that would make the site desolate to the Jews for 1290 days (years). In fact the Jews worshipped on the Temple Mount occurred as late as 613 - 617 A.D. In 1967, the Temple Mount (and other real estate) was given to the control of the Wakf as a compromise/satisfaction to UN Resolution 303 (decided on December 9, 1949) in exchange for guaranteed access to the wailing wall. This act further secures the continuation of the Abomination until the fullness of time. In just a few short years, said Abomination will have lasted long enough to qualify for the 1335 day count, only 11 days/years left. All the other flawed discussions out there are interesting theories and ideas, but none of them answer this calculation problem like the 691 A.D. Abomination does. And since there has arisen no new (nonIslamic) abomination from 691 A.D. until now, it is highly unlikely that YHVH will start the 1335 day/year count all over again with some new abomination.
Warnings: There are many warnings in scripture, however, there are two significant warnings that require serious attention and they are: 1. And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. Revelation 18:4 2. And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, 10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: 11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name. Revelation 14:9-11 Things Hated by Islam: Unquestionably, Islam (Muslims) hates several things, and to name two, they are as follows: 1. Infidels, which according to their definition are the Jews, Mashiyachians and any other non-believer in Allah and his prophet Muhammad. 2. Being less than the dominant world leader both religiously and politically. The President of Iran recently and publicly told multitudes of Iranian students to prepare to rule the world.
Main Objectives of Islam: Islam wants to rule the world, religiously, politically and economically. The Dual Role of Iran: Iran will play at least two major roles in the end-times and they are as follows: 1. It will be the Two-Horned Beast that works closely with the Eighth Head most likely with its Ayatollah and/or its President as the False Prophet. 2. It will be an involved member of the OIC (the current image of Islam). The Dual Role of the Ottoman Empire: The Ottoman Empire unwittingly and unknowingly played two roles instrumental in facilitating end time events relative to the emergence of the Eighth Head (one of the Seven revived). Said roles are as follows: 1. The Ottoman Empire (Caliph) was the Seventh Head 2. Ottoman was also the tenth (10th) caliph of the Sunni branch of Islam and said dynasty spread their one language and one religion through out the region equal to, or greater than, the same boundaries of the Ancient MedoPersian Empire. ADDITIONAL RESEARCH RELATIVE TO THE BOOK OF DANIEL Some of the sections of the Book of Daniel that are not considered in this book could also be further explored. Some of said sections are as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Nebuchadnezzars Dream of a Tree (Daniel 4) The Writing on the Wall (Daniel 5) Daniels Prayer (Daniel 9:1-19) Daniels Vision of a Man (Daniel 10-chp 11:1) The Kings of the South and the North (Daniel 11:1-27)
Yahushua also weighed in on some eschatological discussion recorded in the four Gospels. Here are a few samples. And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world? 4 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. 5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Mashiyach; and shall deceive many. 6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. 7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against
kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. 8 All these are the beginning of sorrows. 9 Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake. 10 And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. 11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. 12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. 13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. 14 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. 15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:) 16 Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains: 17 Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house: 18 let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes. 19 And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days! 20 But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day: 21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. 22 And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened. 23 Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Mashiyach, or there; believe it not. 24 For there shall arise false Mashiyachs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. 25 Behold, I have told you before. 26 Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not. 27 For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. 28 For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together. 29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: 30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. 31 And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. 32 Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh: 33 So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors. 34 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. 35 Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away. 36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. 37 But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. 38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, 39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. 40 Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. 41 Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left. 42 Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your
Lord doth come. 43 But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up. 44 Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh. 45 Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season? 46 Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing. 47 Verily I say unto you, That he shall make him ruler over all his goods. 48 But and if that evil servant shall say in his heart, My lord delayeth his coming; 49 And shall begin to smite his fellowservants, and to eat and drink with the drunken; 50 The lord of that servant shall come in a day when he looketh not for him, and in an hour that he is not aware of, 51 And shall cut him asunder, and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Matthew 24:3-51 In addition to the above subjects that can be studied, there are other questions that can be researched that can advance and further prove this thesis, even though many of these questions are answered indirectly in this book. Some examples are as follows: 1. Why did the Dragon give his power, throne and authority to the beast? 2. What kind of power was given to the beast? 3. What throne was given to the beast? 4. What authority was given to the beast? 5. What does the fatal wound specifically represent? 6. What does the healing of the wound specifically represent? 7. Why was the whole world astonished by this healing? 8. Why did the people of the earth follow and worship the beast over a healing? 9. Why did men worship the dragon? 10. In what way will this beast be worshipped? 11. Why does the beast require another beast to act/execute on its behalf? 12. What sea did the beast come up out of? 13. Why would this beast make war with the saints? 14. Define what saints, Jews or followers of Yahushua? 15. Why cannot the beast be the Roman Empire? 16. Why cannot the beast be the Ottoman Empire? 17. Why cannot the beast be the British Empire? 18. Why is the beast represented/honored by an image? 19. Why did the scarlet beast speak blasphemous words against YHVH, his name, his temple and the inhabitants of heaven? 20. Why does it appear that the scene of Johns vision of the Scarlet Beast occurs in the desert? 21. Is there a link between Hitlers Arianism and Johns vision and/or Daniels dreams?
Quiz Questions
1. Identify each section of Nebuchadnezzars dream image and what empire it represents. ________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 2. What is the likely fit for Daniels four beasts (identify the beast and the corresponding fit)? _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 3. What is the logical identity of Daniels Shaggy Goat? _____________________ 4. What is the logical identity of Daniels Two-Horned Ram? __________________ 5. When did Daniels 69th Week end? And what was the event? _______________ _________________________________________________________________ 6. What six events would finish/complete (wrap up) Daniels 70 Weeks? ________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 7. What role does Michael the Arch-Angel play in eschatology? _______________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 8. How are days converted, relative to Daniels writings? ___________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 9. Site a historical proof that the above (question # 8) conversion method is correct. _________________________________________________________________ 10. What date and event marks the beginning of Daniels 1290 and 1335 days count? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________
HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT On the space provided below write a one-page response to this Chapter. Express your thoughts and feelings about this Chapter and how you have received it!
Introduction There has been much written about the credibility, even infallibility in some cases, of the KJV as well as falsifications thereof. The following is an excerpt from the Is of YHVH and provides more truth/light about the KJV, the Textus Receptus and how this impacts on the use of the Tetragrammaton YHVH and the transliteration of Yahushua. First, it is important to mention that theology is popularly known as the science or the study of God (Theos - transliteration) and of the relations between God, man and the universe. However, the word Theology comes from Greek influences (Hellenism) since the word Theos is a Greek prefix to each Greek deity which is not a term that Mashiyach (Messiah/Christ) or the Apostles would have used. The Mashiyachim [a name used by Jews to collectively refer to the people who believe that Yahushua (Jesus) is the Mashiyach (Messiah)] would have used the Tetragrammaton YHVH (transliteration) instead of LORD or possibly Yahweh. And, the Mashiyach's name was Yahushua (Hebrew/Aramaic transliteration), not "Jesus". The English transliterated name "Jesus" follows the Latin Vulgate (Catholic) path of transliteration, i.e., the KJV spelling of "Jesus" is an English translation/transliteration that comes from the Textus Receptus, which come from its earlier editions, the Novum Instrumentum omne, which come from the Latin Vulgate, which come from the Greek translated manuscripts (too many to list here), which come from the Hebrew original manuscripts, which at this point have been undiscovered other than indirect proofs that they at one time existed. The earliest publications of the Textus Receptus, before it was called the Textus Receptus, which Desiderius Erasmus, a Dutch Catholic humanist, began in 1512, was published in 1516 AD, known as the Novum Instrumentum omne, and done for economic gain and was endorsed by the Catholic Church, the Pope himself. The full Polyglot Bible (the first printed, but not published, being the Complutensian Polyglot) would have been published before the Novum Instrumentum omne, had it not been for the exclusive printing rights granted to Erasmus by the Catholic Pope (Pope Leo X). His first few editions were so flawed that he, Desiderius Erasmus, used the Vulgate (he had collected as many Vulgate manuscripts as he could find) to fix his translations. Later editions of the Novum Instrumentum omne came to be known as the Textus Receptus. The KJV did not precede the early editions of the Textus Receptus, which were used extensively by the KJV translators. And most English Bible versions also relied heavily on the Textus Receptus, i.e., both its earlier versions, before it was known as the Textus Receptus, as well as the 171
Textus Receptus itself. The dropping off of the Tetragrammaton YHVH and Yahushua began as early as the Greek manuscripts followed by the Vulgate, followed by the Novum Instrumentum omne, followed by the Textus Receptus, followed by the KJV and all subsequent English versions. Even the translators/editors of the New International Version acknowledge the accuracy of the YHVH Tetragrammaton (International Bible Society) but opted to use the traditional Catholic translation via the Vulgate keeping the use of LORD, God, Jesus, etc. As indicated above, this is the same path used by the KJV and most all other English translations. The problem with the Greek language is that its alphabet was insufficient to produce the phonetic sounds needed to replicate the Hebrew phonetic sounds of Yahushua as it was spelled in Hebrew. Although, the first generation of Greek speakers may have understood how to pronounce it when reading the Greek translation since they would have been introduced to the proper pronunciation by the Apostles and the early church members. For example, consider what Celsus had to say on the topic.
"But of course they think otherwise: they assume that by pronouncing the name of their teacher they are armored against the powers of the earth and air. And they are quite insistent on the efficacy of the name as a means of protection: pronounce it improperly, they say, and it is ineffective. Greek and Latin will not do; it must be said in a barbarian tongue to work. Silly as they are, one finds them standing next to a a statue of Zeus or Apollo or some other god, and shouting, "see here: I blaspheme it and strike it, but it is powerless against me for I am a Christian." Celsus on the True Doctrine, A Discourse Against the Christians, R. Joseph Hoffman (page118).
Take note that Celsus was quoting Christians as saying that the name of "their teacher" (Yahushua no doubt) must not be pronounced "improperly" and that it must not be spoken in a "Greek" way or "Latin" way, but in a "Barbarian tongue" for it to be effective. To the pagans the Hebrew language was nothing more than a barbarian language, but this does lend evidence that even though the name of Yahushua was written as and that there were at least some people pronouncing the Greek spelling it in the Hebrew way. As said earlier, the Greek alphabet simply lacks the letters necessary to correctly convey how the name is pronounced in Hebrew and this becomes a problem when there is no one around to teach the intended pronunciation of . It is also believed that the name Jehovah was given prominence by the Vatican. It emerged by inserting the vowel points of Adonai into the sacred Tetragrammaton YHVH and symbolized the ecumenicalism of that period. (Wiseman, 1990). Therefore, YHVHology would more accurately describe the specialty study of the God of the Jews and the early church since they were Jews who believed that Yahushua was the Mashiyach (Messiah). The term "theology" would more accurately apply to the study of the Greek gods (and perhaps the gods of other non-Jewish and non-"Mashiyach" religions) and not the YHVH of the Jews and of the Mashiyachim.
"Thou shalt call his Name Yeshua BECAUSE He shall save his people from their sins." Matthew 1:21 (From the Peshitta BibleAramaic N.T.)
The Peshitta Bible (Aramaic Bible) still uses the Aramaic variant for the Hebrew name Yahushua. Therefore, the Disciples of Christ volumes uses YHVH and Yahushua throughout for technical reasons referring to the English translated words "God" and "Jesus" respectively. English, Greek, Aramaic or Hebrew As an argument contrary to using the Hebrew rendition of the Savior's name, some scholars imply that Yahushua generally spoke Aramaic citing that Hebrew was only spoken by scholars. However, that view is pure conjecture. Remember that if in fact Yahushua did not speak Hebrew, which was spoken by the scholars, one should find it curious that Yahushua confounded the scholars (Luke 2:46-50). It does not say here that he spoke Hebrew, but it cannot be excluded since he certainly impressed the doctors with his thoughts, content of answers, and most likely Yahushua's command of Hebrew. In fact, there are a number of other scriptural reasons (at least ten) why it is likely that Yahushua did in fact speak mainly Hebrew (and less often, Aramaic). Remember when Yahushua said, Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani, (Mark 15:34)? This was a Hebrew quote from Psalms 22 and is given as an Aramaic translation versus a Hebrew translation ([ l l lam azvatan](Hebrew)); within a Greek text. Quite curious that this would be distinct, if in fact Yahushua only spoke Aramaic or Greek, as some venture. Therefore, this is doubtful since even here the implication was that Yahushua said it in Hebrew, the reason why the commoners (Romans, skeptics, etc.), misunderstood his words or thought he sought "Elias". This is just one of many examples that could be pointed out, but this one is quite obvious. Furthermore, scriptural texts were sacred and were maintained in Hebrew (and some in Greek so foreigners who spoke Greek could read the scriptures as well) and Yahushua had no problem reading from them (Luke 4:16-20), i.e., the Hebrew texts, and then expounding on the scriptures to the people from them (even if he expounded in Aramaic), showing his bilingual (or more) ability (one more of many examples). Another strong scriptural implication of mutli-lingual use in Israel, especially Hebrew, is found in Luke 23:38. Here is found that the inscription placed on the cross above Yahushua was tri-lingual, i.e., Hebrew, Latin and Greek. Aramaic was NOT included. Hebrew was for the Jews, Latin was for the Romans and Greek was for any Greek speakers (foreigners, etc.). Another strong implication of Yahushua (and others) speaking Hebrew is the fact that Yahushua had close priestly ties (John the Baptist, a relative, in line for priestly duties, etc.) and it would only make sense that both families (Mashiyachs and Johns) spoke Hebrew, the sacred religious language of the priesthood, no matter how popular other languages may have become. And remember, Mary and Elizabeth spent a great deal of time together (Luke 1: 36-56).
Therefore, for any Bible scholar to make an assumptive quantum leap from surrounding cultural possibilities to an absolute truth relative to Yahushuas name, language, spelling, etc. is pure conjecture at best, but closer to fraud, especially in light of the proof that Hebrew was very much alive and spoken during the times of Yahushua as proved by the "Dead Sea Scrolls". And even though there have undoubtedly been many mutations to most languages, what is being sought here is the purest possible original form, not the furthest possible and allowable mutation. Seeking justification to mutate and accept poor transliterations runs contrary to good manners, common sense and the purity of one's search for truth. There is another good resource to direct the reader to ( that provides good information, relative to this specific question. Click on the hyperlink above. This is not to say that this author or WCMA endorses this site and its content, but it does provide good research information on this specific topic. A common question asked is, What is the point of such seeking? Is the speaking and writing of YHVH's name ineffective in other languages? If not, then what is the point? The main point here is about a transliteration issue versus a translation issue. For example, if one translates Mr. Leblanc to Mr. White, one may get the meaning correct (translation), but not the transliteration. When it come to names, transliteration is just as important as any applicable translation. And if a word meaning of a name is important, then a parenthetic translation may follow the transliteration. A proper transliteration method is applicable to all languages relative to a persons name, even though each language may use a different letter/vowel combination to get the same transliteration (phonetic sound) result. This method preserves the origins of the pure name, as it was originally intended. For example, one should find it quite curious that the transliteration of most other Hebrew names in the Greek New Testament texts, are quite remarkably preserved, as compared to what seems to be a lack of similar effort for the Saviors name? Yet, this point alone is often overlooked. It should not be. As the reader should know, when thousands and thousands of immigrants came to the USA, Immigration Staff, who spoke English, did their best to spell the names in English as the names sounded, not as they were actually natively written. For this reason, some true names and spellings may be lost, and some forever. This is always a problem with transliterations/translations. However, thank YHVH for a written record that precedes English to help later readers to get it more accurate. And why not, if Immigration tried in their feeble way get the transliteration as accurate as possible out of simple respect for all peoples, then why should not believers, who put such emphasis on the NAME of their Savior, especially as it relates to water baptism, expend the same effort. After all, that is what Apostle Paul tried to do, to lead people more perfectly in the way--his life-long pursuit. So, what is the point of such seeking? Out of pure respect, equal to or greater than the respect a believer (or sinner) would show/give to any human being on the planet from any language different from their own, how much more their Savior. That is why
believers should try to get the name correctout of respect. This in itself brings greater effectiveness, not less. To NOT do so, seems to imply either pride or ignorance, what Americans are often accused of being from the view of many foreigners, as if Americans thought they were gods and all others were mere mortals. And, it seems that Apostle Paul did place greater worth and precedence for Israel (the Jews) (Romans 1:16; 2:9-10; 3:1-2, etc., etc.) and their language over the Gentiles since Yahushua said that salvation does come from the Jews (John 4:22). So, if there is any language and/or culture with any axiomatic precedence, it is Israel/Hebrew, not Greece/Greek, India/Urdu or USA/English (etc., etc.). Being multi-lingual is certainly a method by which one can more effectively reach the masses with a message, but when translating permission is not granted to diluted the message (the changing of the Saviors name), no more than any Apostolic Pentecostal minister would compromise baptizing an individual in India or Africa by invoking any other name other than the name they speak or spell as Jesus, even though it is not the way the native candidate would say it. Why would they use it (an English translation) if it was not important in a place that speaks a different language than the baptizer, since, as they propose, English is no purer than Urdu? Why not use titles instead, since that brings more of a translation issue to the table than a transliteration, if Jesus is supposed to be a transliteration not a translation? But, obviously, to promote such an idea is flawed if extrapolated. In other words, one should do their best to pronounce Yahushua Mashiyach during water baptism, when invoking his name over a candidate, or at any other time for that matter, since Yahushua Mashiyach is a more accurate universally transliteration. So, when one baptizes, they should say, "I baptize you in the name of Yahushua Mashiyach." And when immersing the candidate under water invoke his name again, "Yahushua Mashiyach", (baptizing them into/with Mashiyach Galatians 3:27; Romans 6:3). When the Savior's name is written as "Jesus", and pronounced the way Americans do, it does not come very close to the true Hebrew transliterated name. So, yes, one should try to pronounce his name during baptism as accurately as possible. And, with the heart being right and the mind being right, YHVH is well pleased. So then, some may ask, Is this a heaven or hell issue? Ministers often quote James 4:15-17, since it relates to questions like this. Note in the context, James said, "Instead, you ought to say, 'If it is the Lord's will, we will live and do this or that.'" (NIV) and concludes that "Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins." (NIV) James proposed that even making a forward proclamation of what one will do without a proper preface is sin, especially for the person that knows what he ought to do. Therefore, since water baptism is "a doing", rather than an abstinence", then it seems that James 4:15-17 applies. Furthermore, since unforgiven and repetitive sin does prevent an individual from entering into the eternal with YHVH, it seems logical to say that this very well could (eventually) become a heaven or hell issue. "Could become" is proffered because of this one scriptural disclosure/disclaimer, 1 John 5:16-21. How these verses are interpreted may impact on how one views this issue. John does not
clearly identify what the sin unto death is, but most conclude that it is blaspheme against the Holy Ghost (Mark 3:28-29). All other wrongdoing is sin, but not unto death and can be forgiven. Given the nature of this "doing", the act of water baptizing, it seems it would be sin for anyone that knows what they ought to do and then does not "do" what they know they ought to do. For those that do not know, that needs to be left in the hands of YHVH, let YHVH decide, but it seems that errors regarding salvific doings and teachings are inexcusable (Galatians 1:8-9). The hope is, of course, that there may be mercy for those with their hearts and minds in the right place. Conversely, intent does not provide a secure covering for sin relative to salvation, especially from an Apostolic Pentecostal perspective. Think of this in the context of the Apostolic Pentecostal movement proclaiming more truth beyond baptizing in titles. Such church leaders proclaim getting it right is absolutely necessary (heaven or hell), even though the title baptizers may have had their heart and mind in the right place. Does this apply to getting the saviors name correct? It seems to become more important for those who know and do it not, than for those who know it not and do it not. But only YHVH can say that ignorance is a covering for sin. Nonetheless, it is equally important here is to avoid legalism and focus more on learning, teaching, guiding others in the spirit of LOVE revealing a hopeful and brighter future and relationship. As far as being removed from the Kingdom, the past cannot always be undone. For example, when Mashiyach told the adulteress to go and sin no more, he did not say that what was already done could be undone, but it could be forgiven. The hopeful part of Mashiyach's message to her was not just being forgiven (the past), but the bright future of a second chance to get it right. So in this discussion, the past is history and can be forgiven, but more importantly, it is the joy of the future, part of a believers hope, the chance (the privilege) to do it more perfectly. Yes, it may mean adjusting held traditions, but should not this be willingly done for the saviors name sake? This adjustment/correction can/should be done wisely, but wisdom does not give a license to neglect or avoid the issue either. It would be little different than what one expects from potential new converts who come from less enlightened faiths to a higher plateau. Study, learn and when challenged, listen carefully and learn some more. Pastors and ministers are often challenged by "saints", scholars, etc. to which a humble investigation of the matter, in hopes to learn more, should follow. All humans certainly still have much more they can learn, and yes, even from the "laity" and from the mouths of babes. Mashiyach clearly showed that legalism is not the best path. He did not encourage wrong living (behavior) rather the chance for right living. But in this pursuit of right living, one should be sure to not neglect the weightier matters of the law, as illustrated in these two verses below, while trying to get it right:
Matthew 23:23 (Luke 11:42)--Judgment, Mercy, Faith, Love of God was opted for legalism. Mashiyach taught balance, that we should embrace both. He demonstrated this by the following versesJohn 8:10-11. Certainly we see the mercy of YHVH here, but neither did Mashiyach condone a continuance in sin. Life (rather than being stoned to death) gave the adulteress the opportunity to get it right. So Mashiyach wants believers to foster this love and mercy (faith, righteous judgment) style of living within applied faith and within the body of Mashiyach. Then if/when such an issue, such as this, arises, their reactions (etc.) will be more graceful, more like the fruit of the Spirit. And, as believers are given grace and enlightenment, YHVH does expect believers to do their best to get things right. And a Pastor is faced with many challenges and ask, How do I react, with two-way dialogue?, Do I have it right?, In what way will I be held accountable for this I am about to teach?, How do I deliver truth as it is gained?, Do I do so in a large setting or in smaller groups?, or Do I take the prideful approach or the humble approach? (etc.) Obviously, the humble approach usually works best while keeping in mind that ministers are certainly not gods per se, they are fallible and imperfect. Mashiyach certainly did not mind his disciples seeing his humanness. How could it not have been seen living so close together day in and day out? Remember, interactive relationships are superior to one-way dialogue when it comes to discipling, etc. Mashiyach used this method with his disciples, for they were the key to advancing the Kingdom as are all subsequent generations of disciples (our main ministerial responsibility is to make disciples, not saints, per se). Curious (and challenging) minds should be nurtured, cultivated, discipled, embraced, etc., an opportunity for greater growth for both teacher and disciple. Investigate the Elders (council) concept employed by the early church, modeled after the Jewish Elders. It is a very interesting approach, always in flux, ever reaching for higher and greater understanding, so long as scholastic theological methods are not employed. And educating the body of Mashiyach is a vital component of pasturing and more than finding new ways to "tickle" the ears of the saints to keep them coming back another week. Unfortunately, large group psychology actual cripples, even prevents significant long-term changes, relative to life-style, human behavior, etc. Psychologists using group therapy never work with groups larger than 12 (a scientific standard in group psychology technique) since it is counter productive. Through intense guided interaction significant results occur that is less likely (even non-existent) to occur in a large setting. And it is relatively easy to maintain 100% attendance, even when patients often pay money to attend. This small group approach can be used relative to teaching Biblical groups and will produce exceptional results. Granted, there are a lot of traditions (many unspoken) people (and ministers) embrace, but it does not always mean they are right or the best. Of course, it is human nature to want to be right in the eyes of others and people will often go to great lengths to alter the
thinking of those around them to be and look right in the eyes of others. But more importantly is to be and look right in YHVH's eyes. Of course this is like "preaching to the choir", but it applies here and is always more difficult when leaders are challenged to do what they regularly expect from their YHVHs) parishioners (even if not usually achieved). Keep in mind that even though there are many translation or transliteration issues with most Bible versions, this does not detract from the veracity and eternal nature of YHVH's WORD that is forever settled in heaven. The mishandling and imperfections of humanity, regarding translations and transliterations, does not diminish nor alter the original divinely inspired WORD from YHVH himself. Hebrew New Testament The New Testament was originally written in Hebrew, as shall be shown. This, then, raises the question, "Why is it important to ascertain in which language was the New Testament written?" Because a language possesses innate meanings, an inner structure, and idioms of its own, and brings with it a cultural background. All of these elements shape the way of thinking of those speaking it. If one wishes to understand more precisely and with any real depth the language of Yahushua and His disciples, one should read His words either in the original language, as do the Jews with the Tanakh, i.e., the "Old Testament" (Covenant), or try to reconstruct it from the language one has at hand. In addition, a language's idioms are only fully comprehensive in that language and in no other. To precisely translate the idioms of a language into another language only makes it absurd and reveals its foreign origin. All of the above issues should be considered when one tries to answer the above question about the importance of the original language of the New Testament. For example, the issue of idioms, what does "you have a long neck" mean in English? Nothing at all, since it is from an idiom in Tagalog, "kapag ikaw ay mataas-ang iyong leeg", meaning "you like to cheat". In order to translate it dynamically, then, one has first to know it was originally in Tagalog, and only then one may try to find an equivalent idiom in English, as shown. The New Covenant's original language was neither Greek nor Aramaic, as popular wisdom goes, but Hebrew, the same Hebrew language as the Tanakh, the "Old Testament", was written in. Not only is it logical that it should be Hebrew, since Yahushua and his disciples were from a Hebrew speaking country, only in a latter period of its history. Furthermore, Yahushua was living in Judea, surrounded by Jewish disciples, who had as their sacred text, a Tanakh written almost entirely (except for a few chapters in Daniel (2:4-7), in Hebrew. But that is not all, there is more, much more. Are there any proofs that the original language was Hebrew, and not Greek or Aramaic? Yes, there most definitely are: there are internal and external proofs. We will deal with
the internal proofs firstsince they are decisive. Proofs Found Within Scripture Itself Scriptural proofs for Hebrew being the original language spoken by Rab Yahushua are equally direct and even more convincing, for one can take the New Testament (Covenant) and prove this question right away, no matter your language. There is no need for experts to tell a person what to believe. First of all, Scripture itself says the language of the Rab Yahushua and His disciples was Hebrewnot Greek, nor Aramaic/Aramit. Luke 23:38: And a superscription also was written over him in letters of Greek, and Latin, and Hebrew, THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS. IF Yahushua and the Jews spoke ARAMAIC, as many have come to believe, why is not Aramiac listed rather than Hebrew? After all, this sign was written for the vast majority of Israelis, including the common folk. Yochanan/John 5:2: Now there is at Jerusalem by the sheep market a pool, which is called in the Hebrew tongue Bethesda, having five porches. Notice that the Greek says here, as in every one of the quotations below, hebraisti, (obviously), Hebrew. Yochanan/John 19:13: When Pilate therefore heard that saying, he brought Yeshuah forth, and sat down on the judgment seat in a place that is called the Pavement, but in the Hebrew, Gabbatha. Yochanan/John 19:17: And he bearing his cross went forth into a place called the place of a skull, which is called in the Hebrew Golgotha. Yochanan/John 19:20: Many of the Jews then read this title: for the place where Yeshuah was nailed was near to the city: and it was written in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin. Acts 21:40: And when he had given him permission, Shaul stood on the stairs, and beckoned with the hand to the people. And when there was made a great silence, he spoke to them in the Hebrew language, saying... Acts 22:2: (And when they heard that he spoke to them in the Hebrew language, they kept the more silence: and he saith,) Acts 26:14: And when we had all fallen to the earth, I heard a voice speaking to me, and saying in the Hebrew language, Shaul, Shaul, why persecutest thou me? it is hard for thee to kick against the goads.
HERE (above) IT SAYS DIRECTLY, WITHOUT ANY DOUBT WHATSOEVER THAT YAHUSHUA DID NOT SPEAK GREEK NOR ARAMAIC, BUT HEBREW! Whom should one trust: man or Yahushua Himself? Revelation 9:11: And they had a king over them, who is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew language is Abaddon, but in the Greek language he hath his name Apollyon. Revelation 16:16: And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Har Meguido (Mount Meguido)/Armageddon. What did Yahushua refer to when He said in Matitiahuh/Matthew 5:18: ...not a jot/yoot nor a tittle (the little crown on top of the yoot) will pass...? Both refer to the Hebrew alphabet. Why would Yahushua refer to Hebrew with an audience who spoke Aramaic, and thus would not have understood Him? If an English speaking audience was told, that Yahushua should be accented on the u, very few people would understand, since accents are almost non existent in English, except for a few words like fianc, etc. Despite this ample scriptural proof, various translations, especially the NIV, have falsified the original Hebraisti (which does not require one to be a Greek scholar to understand it says "Hebrew") for "Aramaic." Why? Is it the same reason they have changed the name of Yahushuas half-brother Yaakov to Saint James? Was it perhaps to honor Englands King James, who was about to supply the monies for the translation of the Bible, and finally did not? In spite of the many scriptural proofs in the New Testament (Covenant) itself, and those from the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Talmud and those of Josephus, there are coins and inscriptions from the time of Yahushua that nail "the Aramaic coffin" shut once and for all, for those who are after facts. For example, in the book, by Bivin and Blizzard, Understanding the Difficult Words of Jesus: "The evidence provided by coins is also important in trying to evaluate the linguistic situation in the time of Jesus. Yaakov Meshorer, curator of the Numismatic Department of the Israel Museum, and its numismatic expert, has listed 215 Jewish coins in his catalogue. Of these, 99 have Hebrew inscriptions, only one has an Aramaic inscription! From the fourth century B.C. (later Persion Period) until the end of the Bar-Cochba Revolt in 135 A.D., the entire history of Jewish coinage, only one Jewish coin, minted uring the reign of Alexander Jannaeous (103-76 B.C.) is inscribed in Aramaic." (Bivin and Blizzard, 1988). "At Masada, Herod`s stronghold overlooking the Dead Sea, archaeologists excavated from 1963 to 1965 under the direction of Professor Yigael Yadin. The epigraphical evidence is staggering: fragments of 14 scrolls, over 4,000 coins, and more than 700 ostraka (inscribed pottery fragments) in Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek, and Latin. Here too, the ratio of Hebrew to Aramaic exceeds nine to one." (ibid.) This is why it is significant that Yahushua asked for a coin (Matthew 22:17-21) when
challenged with a tribute (tax) question. When a Roman coin was brought to him, he asked about the inscription and from that he differentiated between what belonged to Rome as compared to what belonged to Israel, to YHVH. It is also interesting to note that there are over 5366 manuscripts of the New Testament in Greek, each differing from the other and containing several hundred variants. However, in each one of these manuscripts there are idioms (Hebraisms) which are almost meaningless in any language-including Greek--except in Hebrew! How can such a thing be explained unless it is because the original New Testament was written in Hebrew by Hebrews (Jews)? There are many of these Hebraisms, one of which, being the most common, is "Son of man". What does "Son of man" mean in English, Spanish, German, in any language? Absolutely nothing--except for Hebrew. The expression "Ben Adam" means literally "son of Adam" and by extension "son of man", and "man", Adam, being, of course, the first man alive. In any street corner in Israel one might hear the idion, "here comes this Ben Adam", meaning "here comes this man." This example, which occurs no less than 92 times in the Tanakh and 43 times in the New Testament (Cruden's Concordance) is obviously the same Hebrew idiom. Some may argue that the New Testament (Covenant) was written in Koine Greek, (common Greek), because it is found to be a poor kind of Greek. But when these many Hebraisms are are found within the text, one begins to understand that it is not Koine Greek lying there, in the substratum of the text, but a Hebrew original which was almost literally translated into Greek, which makes it sound like poor Greek. Here is another Hebraistic idiom example, "Peace be to you". It appears twelve times in the New Testament (Covenant). What kind of a greeting is "Peace be to you" in French, English, Spanish, or any other language--except in Hebrew? Again, it is meaningless. Only in Hebrew does it make any real sense. This is the most common, everyday greeting in Israel today, the wordwide famous "shalom", literally meaning "peace", but really an everyday greeting meaning anything from "Hi", to "How are you?", depending on the intonation and the mood of the speaker. The third and final scriptural proof (one of which is already mentioned above for a similar but different purpose) of the Hebrew character of the New Testament (Covenant) is the use of two very Jewish ways of speaking, i.e., the repeating of things twice, and the answering of a question with another question. Yahushua did both of these quite often. In Matthew 27:46: "...My Elohim, my Elohim, why hast thou forsaken me?" and in Luke 20:2-3: "And spake unto him, saying, Tell me, by what authority doest thou these things?" or "Who is he that gave thee this authority?" And he answered and said unto them, "I will also ask you one thing and answer me..." What is important to stress here is that these two characteristics, especially the former, comes with the Hebrew, not something commonly found with other languages. It does not appear in the English, or in any European language, for instance.
External Proofs There are several external sources, i.e., outside of Scripture, pointing to Hebrew as the written language of the New Testament (Covenant), as many outstanding scholars have already and most eloquently provided. These sources are as follows: The Dead Sea Scrolls The Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered by an Arab shepherd boy in the caves of Qumran, in the Judean wilderness in 1947. It contained a huge treasure of Scripture: some 40,000 fragments of rolls, with 600 partial manuscripts, both scriptural as well as non-scriptural. Of the ten major non-biblical scrolls published to date, only one, the Genesis Apocryphon, is in Aramaic. The most recently published scroll, and the longest to date (28 feet, equivalent to over 80 Old Testament chapters), is the now famous Temple Scroll, also written in Hebrew. If one compares the total number of pages in these ten sectarian scrolls, they would find a nine-to-one ratio of Hebrew to Aramaic (179 pages in the nine Hebrew scrolls to 22 pages of Aramaic in the Genesis Apocryphon)." (Bivin and Blizzard). In one translation of the Dead Sea Scrolls, the authors state: Prior to the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, the dominant view of the Semitic languages of Palestine in this period was esssentially as follows: Hebrew had died; it was no longer learned at mothers kneee. It was known only by the educated classes through study, as as educated medieval Europeans knew Latin. Rabbinic Hebrew...was considered a sort of scholarly invention...artificial, not the language of life put to the page. The spoken language of the Jews had in fact become Aramaic..." (ibid.) The discovery of the Scrolls swept these linguistic notions into the trash bin...the vast majority of the scrolls were Hebrew texts. Hebrew was manifestly the principal literary language for the Jews of this period. The new discoveries underlined the still living, breathing, even supple character of that language...proving that late Second-Temple Jews used various dialects of Hebrew. (ibid.) Another quote: What was the language of ordinary life of educated native Jews in Jerusalem and Judaea in the period from 400 BCE to 150 CE? The evidence presented by Mishnaic Hebrew and its literature leaves no doubt that that language was Mishnaic Hebrew. (ibid.) The Dead Sea Scrolls were so determinant and the evidence so overwhelming that no less an authority than The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, in its first edition, in 1958, stated that Hebrew had ceased to be a spoken language around the fourth century B.C. (ibid.) However, in its third edition, in 1997, it had changed completely to: Hebrew continued to be used as a spoken and written the New Testament period." (ibid.)
The Talmud To the Jewish people, it was Hebrew that was the Holy Tongue whereas Aramaic was seen as the language of the Evil Force. (ibid.) The Talmud states: Four languages are of value: Greek for song, Latin for war, Aramaic for dirges, and Hebrew for speaking. (ibid.) Thus, HEBREW WAS FOR SPEAKING, just as the N.T. says in over a dozen verses above. A father was to speak to his sons in Hebrew and to teach him the Torah. Not to do so, would be as if he had buried him. (ibid.) Whoever makes personal requests (in prayer) in Aramaic, the ministering angels pay no attention, since angels do not understand Aramaic. (ibid.) The same Rabbi Gamaliel who was spoken of in Maasim ha Shlichim/Acts of the Sent ones/Acts 5:34-40, is quoted in the Talmud. When shown an Aramaic translation of Yov/Job he told the person who brought it: bury it under the rubble. (ibid.) Such was the low opinion of Jewish scholars of Aramaic vis-a-vis Hebrew. The Testimony of the Church Fathers Papias, bishop of Hierapolis, c. 150 A.D. said: "Matthew put down the words of the Lord in the Hebrew language, and others have translated them, each as best he could." Irenaeus (120-202 A.D.) Bishop of Lions, France. "Matthew, indeed, produced his Gospel written among the Hebrews in their own dialect." IRENAEUS must have known the difference between HEBREW AND ARAMAIC, AND/OR GREEK. Origen (c. 225 A.D.) said: "The first Gospel composed in the Hebrew language, was written by Matthew...for those who came to faith from Judaism." Eusebius, Bishop of Caesarea (c. 325 A.D.) "Matthew had first preached to the Hebrews, and when he was about to go to others also, he transmitted his Gospel in writing in his native language" (Ecclesiastical History III 24, 6). And, also, Ephiphanius, Jerome, translator of the Scripture into Latin, the so-called called Vulgata version, said the same.
Flavious Josephus Josephus was a witness to the Second Temple period and says that when news of the death of Tiberius is given to Aggrippa, the news is given in the Hebrew tongue (glosse te Hebraion (Gr.). (Antiquities 18, 228). In another place he writes: Hebrew means... Ant. 1:34) and the Hebrew tongue... (ibid.) In conclusion, relative to the external evidence, both the Church Fathers as well as the recently discovered Dead Sea Scrolls state quite clearly and without any equivocation that Hebrew WAS the language spoken and written at the time of the Rab Yahushua Mashiyach. If this is true, one may ask, how did it come about that scholars thought that the New Testament was originally written in Greek or Aramaic? The assumptions and prejudices leading to both the Greek and Aramaic theories. First of all, the issue of the New Testament being written in Greek or Aramaic was nonexistent prior to the Fourth or Fifth Century A.D. It has been a rather modern theory. Thus, the questions are: What basis does the "Aramaic theory" have? What are its external and internal proofs? The answer is almost none. There are a few, isolated words in Aramaic present in the New Testament (Covenant), which are far outweighed by Hebrew words. It is like claiming that in the Philippines, the English is the main language, because they say festival, and concert! Aramaisms were exaggerated and still are, as the noted Jewish lexicographer Moses Segal states: Aramaic influence on the Mishnaic Hebrew vocabulary has been has been the fashion among writers on the subject to brand as an Aramaism any infrequent Hebrew word...Must of the Aramaisms are as native in Hebrew as they are in Aramaic. (Segal, 1994). J. Lee demolished the so-called Aramaism in Luke 6:7, maintained by scholars like Black, Fitzmayer and Wilcox to be an Aramaic construction, quoting 23 parallel constructions in Greek literature of the period!, as author Brent Minge tells it. Time and again the Aramaic assumption has turned out to be a lemon, prompting Semitist Kenneth Kitchen to observe that some Aramaisms are actually Hebraisms in Aramaic. (Lee, 1991). Continues to enlighten us Brent Minge: What is more, merely because a word does not appear in the Old Testament Hebrew Bible, does not automatically make it a candidate for the Aramaic club. Hosanna and gehenna are words not found in that form in the Hebrew Old Testament. Yet both occur in Mishnaic Hebrew, and are found, in identical form, in the modern Hebrew dictionary. Yet they were once claimed to be Aramaic. (Minge, 2001 )
Finally, the in-famous Talitha cumi! in Mark 5:41. Kumi is the imperative form of the Hebrew verb laakum. Talitha has nothing in itself that makes it Aramaic! The late Professor David Flusser says, regarding Aramaic, in David Sterns commentary on this expression: On this subject Professor David Flusser, an Orthodox Jewish scholar in Jerusalem, writes: Until recently, it was believed by numerous scholars that the language spoken by Jesus disciples was Aramaic. It is possible that Jesus did, from time to time, make use of the Aramaic language. But during that period Hebrew was both the daily language and the language of study. The Gospel of Mark contains a few Aramaic words, and this was what misled scholars. Today, after the discovery of the Hebrew Ben Sira (Ecclesiasticus) [a book of the Apocrypha], of the Dead Sea Scrolls, and of the Bar Kokhba Letters, and in the light of more profound studies of the language of the Jewish Sages, it is accepted that most people were fluent in Hebrew. (ibid.) It can even be argued that what Yahushua actually meant by that expression is: Taalt, Talitha, takumi! (Get up, Talitha, arise!) in Hebrew in the imperative tense and with a certain sense of humor, which is characteristic of Elohim, for those who know Him up close. (ibid.) As far as the "Greek theory" is concerned, the only basis one can think of is the fact that the versions that are left are in the Greek language, and not one single copy remains of its Hebrew originals. One of the last Hebrew originals (of Matthew) was burned publicly in Tours, France, in the mid-fifteenth century. This is, admittedly, a good enough basis, provided all we have said above would not exist, i.e, the above statements by the church fathers, the Hebraisms, the idioms, the discovering from the Dead Sea Scrolls, Josephus, etc. The Catholic Church: A history of anti-semitism Throughout history, the Catholic Church and her daughters have had a consistent record of being very anti-Semitic most of the time over its 2,000 years of history. For example, the Inquisition, with hundreds of thousands of Jews (and real Christians) tortured and slaughtered simply because of their being Jews. For another example, the anti-Semitic statements by the fathers of the Church, such as Chrysosthom, Eusebius, Origen, Cyril, Hyppolitus, and, yes, even Marthin Luther, the father of the Reform, including a couple of brief paragraphs from the sermons of the Martin Luther that he wrote just four days before he died. "The Jews deserve the most severe penalties. Their synagogues should be razed to the ground, their homes destroyed. They themselves should be exiled to living in tents, like the gypsies. Their religious writings [the Old Testament and the Talmud] should be taken away from them. The Rabbis should be forbidden to teach the Torah (the Torah). They
should be forbidden to do any profession. Only the hardest, most strenous work should be allowed to them. Their fortunes should be confiscated from them..." (Gritsch, ). "A Jewish heart is as hard as a stick, a stone, as iron, as a devil." (ibid.) The famous historian, the late William Schirer, author of The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, on page 294, says, "one of the two factors explaining the behavior of the German Church towards the Jews during the Holocaust is Luther's influence." Throughout the centuries there has been a Satan-led motion away from anything Jewish. In this spirit, the Church was forbidden to celebrate Passover on the "Jewish", i.e., scriptural dates set for it, and had to do it on any other date EXCEPT the Jewish one. Even today the Church celebrates "Easter," not Passover. Those who insisted on celebrating Pessakh on the correct date were called "quatorcediman" from the fourteenth day of the first month, where Passover was ordained by Elohim to be celebrated. The Jewish sages' wisdom in the many-volumed Talmud, from where the Rab Yahushua drew countless parables and examples was condemned by all within the Church, including Luther, as we just quoted; not merely condemned but burned and their owners with it. A sustained campaign of dejudaization began which continues to this day. Here are some brief highlights: *The Jews were accused for twenty centuries of kidnapping Christian children and drinking their blood for Passover meals. (The last time this accusation surfaced--would you believe it?-- was in 1992 in the Soviet Union.) *The appropiate name for the land of Israel was obliterated for the last 2,000 years at the bidding of Emperor Julius Cesar who swore to wipe the name of Judea from the face of the earth-- and he succeeded. Even Christian authors RIGHT TODAY call Israel "Palestine"! Check the maps at the end of your Bible and see for yourself! Go to a Christian or Roman Catholic map inside an enciclopaedia and check whether the name Israel or Judea exists. IT DOES NOT! It will sayALMOST UNANIMOUSLY PALESTINE, although that name was imposed by Emperor Hadrian after the year 70 A.D. (after Mashiyach), and should, therefore, not be valid for the period when Yeshua was living in Israel and Judea. *The true name of our Lord was Yahushua. According to any Hebrew-English dictionary, Yahushua means: salvation, victory, deliverance. What we have is a very Gentile-sounding "Jesus". What does Jesus mean? Nothing at all! You will say: It is a translation. Then, how does Matitiahu/Matthew 1:21 come to mean anything: And they will call His name Jesus, because he came for salvation of his people. THAT VERSE DOES NOT MAKE SENSE, unless you write Yahushua there! *The name of the Rab Yahushua's half-brother was Jacob--apparently too Jewish for them--although there is a Jacob in every known language--so the anti-semites gentilized it
to "James", as in the book of "James" [Where in Greek it says quite clearly EPISTOLE IAKOBUS.] Marcion, a historically recognized heretic within the Church created two Elohims: A Jewish Elohim, the Elohim of the "Old" Covenant, "Yahweh", aking to a small deity, severe, for the Jews; and a Gentile God, Jesus, the God of Love. (How many Elohim are there? However, the spirit of Marcion lives on the Church to this day. *There are several references to Yahushua speaking Hebrew in Scripture and Shaul speaking Hebrew. Westcott and Hort, two New Age occultists (See "New Age Versions of the Bible by G.Riplinger, A.V. Publications, 1993.) changed the word *hebraisti* for Aramaic, besides 5000-8000 other alterations on the Greek text from which versions are made. *Statements by almost all of the Fathers of the Church like Chrysosthom, Hippolytus, Origen, Cyril, Eusebius ("Abraham was a Christian, he was not a Jew".), Bishop Agobard, Luther. The above shows us the "Aramaic" and "Greek" theories were not isolated mistakes or misconceptions, but very definitely, part of a worldwide, centuries-old dejudaization campaign by the anti-semites within the Church to make it judenrein, despite the fact that Jews adore a Jewish Elohim of Israel and the promised Mashiyach of Israel. Yahushua is a Hebrew name and is the properly transliterated name of Mashiyach. The following are some examples of the many transliterated renditions of Mashiyach's name: Jeshua, Yeshua, Yeshuah, Yehshua, Yehshuah, Yeshouah, Y'shua, Y'shuah, Jeshu, Yeshu, Yehoshua, Yehoshuah, YHVHShua, YHVHShuah, Yhvhshua, Yhwhshua, YHWHShua, YHWHShuah, Yhvhshuah, Yhwhshuah, Yahvehshua, Yahwehshua, Yahvehshuah, Yahwehshuah, Yawhushua,Yahawshua, Jahshua, Jahshuah, Jahshuwah, Jahoshua, Jahoshuah, Jashua, Jashuah, Jehoshua, Jehoshuah, Yashua, Yashuah, Yahshua, Yahshuah, Yahushua, Yahushuah, Yahuahshua, Yahuahshuah, Yahoshua, Yahoshuah, Yaohushua, Yaohushuah, Yauhushua, Iahoshua, Iahoshuah, Iahushua, Iahushuah, YAHO-hoshu-WAH However, the proper transliteration is explained quite skillfully at this webpage: The above website is not endorsed by WCMA, but it does provide good information on the proper transliteration on Mashiyach's name.
Mashiyach The translisterated title "Mashiyach" is a far more accurate transliteration than what is used in the King James Version for Messiah and/or Christ. The Book of Daniel (Daniel 9:25-26) reveals the proper Hebrew usage as Mashiyach (as transliterated from the Masoretic Text) referring to the coming of the Annointed One. This same usage is also found in New Testament (NT) scripture in John 1:41 and 4:25. However, these two NT passages are the only two scriptures found in the KJV that is accurately transliterated in this manner. All other passages in the KJV NT use "Christos", undoubtedly an added Greek epithet ("annointed") for Mashiyach used by Greek translators. It is highly unlikely that the Apostles used the epithet "Christos", but found its way into Biblical translations anyway and remains there until this day in most Bible translations and versions. 1. The word "Lord" comes from the old English spelling of "Lard" which comes from "Lar/Larth Lares," Estruscan and Roman deities associated with Sun-worship. The Greek word "Kurios" was originally a title for the Greek and Roman Sun-deity "Helios" and was called "The Kurios (Lord) of Heaven and Earth." The Hindu god "Krishna" is also known as "Lord." The title "Lord" was eventually applied to all heathen deities. Most Bible translators continue to use the title "Lord" as a substitute name for YHVH. YHVH is the Name given to Moshe/Moses in Exodus 3:15. It is the Name of the Elohim of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, which appears in the Hebrew manuscripts, and is to be known by His people throughout all generations. 1 Corinthians 8:5 admonishes YHVH'S people to know only the Father and no other "gods" or "lords." 2. The word "God", Gad, Gud are all interrelated names. God was a common TeutonicGermanic word that was applied to superhuman beings of heathen mythologies. Later the word "God" was adopted by Christianity as the generic name for the Supreme Being. It has become the most popular translation for the Hebrew word "Elohim." As a result, most of Christendom believes that the Name for Elohim is "God" and does not know that the personal Name of the Father is YHVH. Gad was the Babylonian/Canaanite/Syrian deity of "Good Luck" or "Fortune," also called "Meni," the god of "Destiny" who was regarded as the "Lord Moon." The city of Gad was named after this deity. Gad was identified with Jupiter, the Sun-deity, and applied to Nimrod whose general character was that of a Sungod or Sun-divinity. Gud was the Anglo-Saxon name for "good god" vs. an "evil god." El/Eloah/Elohim are the proper Hebrew terms in the singular "El/Eloah" meaning "Mighty One" and plural "Elohim" meaning "Mighty Ones." NOTE: Traditional Rabbinical Judaism still utilizes the substitute titles of "Adonai, HaShem, G-d" for the Name YHVH. Even though the four letters known in Greek as the "Tetagrammaton" appear in the Scrolls, the tradition of not speaking the Name came into being during the Rabbis' exile into Babylon. It was learned from the Babylonian religious practice of not speaking the names of their Sun-deities for fear that their names were too "holy" and would bring disaster on their nation if they did so. The practice of not
speaking a deity's name, hiding it from the people, and substituting titles for the name is called the "art of ineffability" and is based purely on fear, superstition, and manmade tradition. 3. The epithet "Christ"/"Christian" come from the Greek word "Christos" meaning "anointed/anointed one," and was used in the pagan Greek and Roman religions to give reference to their Sun-god, "Helios." Roman Emperor Constantine worshipped "Christos Helios" which means "Christ-The-True-Sun." Christos originates from the Greek word "Chrestos" which means "good" and alludes to the Greek/Roman god "Chrestos." "Chrestos" can be seen on a Mithras (Roman cult) relief in the Vatican. "Chrestos" as reverenced by Greeks and Romans was none other than "Osiris," a Sun-diety of Egypt. Heretic Gnostics during the time of circulation of the New Testament scriptures also used the title of "Christos" for their purposes. Christian comes from the Greek word meaning "good men," but was derogatorily applied in mockery to Messianic believers because they worshipped "Mashiach/Messiah of Israel" or the "anointed one of Israel" and not the "anointed" Greek god "Chrestos." Mashiyach is the proper Hebrew word that should be used in reference to the "anointed one" of YHVH, Son of YHVH, our Savior. The English term Messianic comes from the title "Messiah" and pertains to followers of the "Mashiyach" of Israel who worship YHVH, and abide in His Word, Torah. 4. The words Divine/Divinity, Deity, Theos are all related words. The Greek words "dios" and "Theos," and the Latin word "deus" all refer to pagan gods: Greek "Dieus/Zeus, Teutonic-Germanic "Ziu," Roman "Diovis/Jovis/ Jupiter/Zeus were all names for Sungod deities that "shine, have brightness." 5. Architectural Obelisks, Spires, Steeple, Church Towers all come from the pagan worship practices of Babylon and Egypt called Sun-pillars. These are objects are shaped in various tall aspiring shapes appearing to reach up to the heavens. Ancient Babylon built Sun-pillars that held phallic (male genitalia) symbolism incorporated into their pagan worship. Egypt also built obelisks as part of their Sun-worship. Exodus 23:24 states that YHVH commanded the Israelites to break down these pillars. An obelisk or Sun-pillar still stands at the entrance of St. Peter's Basilica in Rome which was erected as a memorial to the merger of Sun-worship and the Messianic faith to become Rome's "universal" church or "universal worldwide religion." Church steeples, towers, and the Washington monument are modern day replicas of the original obelisks, which stood for Sun-worship. True Believers should understand the origin of pagan words, and how their continued use has adulterated the True historical Belief of the Mashiyachim.
Addendum References
Bivin and Blizzard Jr. (1994). Understanding the difficult words of Jesus. Missouri: Treasure House.
Celsus on the True Doctrine, A Discourse Against the Christians, R. Joseph Hoffman.
Cruden, Alexander. (1968) Cruden's complete concordance to the Old and New Testaments. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House. Gritsch, Eric W. ( ? ). "Was Luther an Anti-Semite?" Christian History Magazine, Vol. 12. Lee, J.A.L. (1991). "A Non-Aramaism in Luke 6:7", Novum Testamentum vol. 33, 1, 28ff. Minge, Brent (2001). Jesus spoke Hebrew: busting the Aramaic myth. Cannon Hill, Australia: Shepherd Publications. Riplinger, G. (1993). New Age Versions of the Bible. A.V. Publications. Schirer, William. (1990). The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. New York: Simon and Schuster Paperbacks Segal, M.H. (1978), Grammar for Mishnaic Hebrew. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Briggs Empire Elimination Matrix used to identify the Eighth Head of the Scarlet Beast Chart 1.0 - Phase One
Kings Egypt Assyria Babylon MedoPersia Greece Rome Ottoman (Turkey) Fallen at Time of John Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Is at Time of John No No No No No Yes No Not Yet Come at Time of John No No No No No No Yes Once Was at Time of John Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Now Is Not at Time of John Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Belongs To The 7 prior to John Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No L(f), L(g) L(g) Exclusion Reasons L(a), L(b), L(c), L(d) L(a), L(b), L(c), L(d) L(b), L(c), L(d)
This exercise reduces the choices for the Eighth Head down to two choices, either Medo-Persia or Greece.
Briggs Empire Elimination Matrix used to identify the People of the Prince Chart 1.1 - Phase Two Empires and Peoples that desolated the City of Jerusalem and/or its temple
Empires or People Desolated the City of Jerusalem Desolated the Temple Mount Currently has land mass equal to ancient times Was excluded by John or by Daniel Was a World Empire Qualifies as less than an empire, i.e., People Is currently part of a nation, continent or entity with a land mass equal to one of the first five empires Yes No Yes Yes No No No Yes No Yes P(a) P(a) P(b) P(b) P(c) Exclusion Reasons
Egypt Assyria Babylon Medo-Persia Greece Seleucids Rome Persia/Turkey Caliphs (Islam) Ottoman (Turkey)
No No No No No No No No No No
Legend P(a) = Did not desolate either the City of Jerusalem or the Temple Mount P(b) = Does not exist anymore P(c) = Became an empire post John This exercise identifies three possible identities of the people, Babylon, Caliphs/Islam or Ottoman/Turkey
Briggs Empire Elimination Matrix used to identify the Eighth Head of the Scarlet Beast and the Prince Chart 1.2 - Phase Three Final Elimination Phase
Excluded by Daniel
No No No No No Yes Yes No
Is part of a nation, continent or entity with a land mass equal to one of the first five empires Yes No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Through its member compatriots
Exclusion Reasons
Legend E(a) = Does not exist anymore E(b) = Is excluded by other prophecies E(c) = Is excluded by John (see Chart 1.0 above) E(d) = Is excluded by Daniel by virtue of the phrase that will rise E(f) = Is not part of a nation, continent or entity that has a land mass equal to or greater than any of the first five world empires E(g) = Is not affiliated/linked with the people
This final phase brings all the inclusions reason minus the elimination reason together resulting in only one eligible empire for resurrecting as the Eighth Head by and through the OIC. Furthermore, given that the Two-Horned Lamb is Iran (i.e., its Ayatollah or President), and given that Iran is a member state of the OIC and has close working relations with the OIC, it all makes scriptural sense.
Fourth Head (Was) Rev.17:10 MedoPersia Four Persian Kings 70 Week count begins 445 B.C.
Sixth Head (Is) Rev.17:10 Rome Rome Conquers Greece 69th Week ends 10th of Nissan, 32 A.D.
(See C-6A3D)
Eighth Head (One of the first five) Rev.17:11 Persia/OIC The OIC is Conquered by Mashiyach 70th Week Begins 2019 A.D.
(See C-8A3D)
Daniel 1112
Daniel 8
TwoHorned Ram/MedoPersia
(See C-4A6D)
Shaggy Goat/Greece
Daniel 7
Bear/3 Ribs in
(See C-5A-5D)
(See C-6A5D)
Daniel 2
(This was not Daniels dream)
2 Legs/Iron
10 Toes/ Clay-Iron/
(See C-9A6D)
C-4A-4D (Daniel saw things to comeAnd he emphatically identified these beasts himself--Babylon already WAS and was only 3 years away from destruction at time of this dream) C-4A-5D (Daniel saw things to come (Daniel 7:17Kingdoms that will rise)Babylon had already risen and was only 3 years away from destruction at the time of Daniels dream) C-5A-5D (Greece spread wider east and west than previous empires and devoured into all three previous empires. C-6A-3D (A parenthetic gap is inserted YHVH turns to Gentiles.) C-6A-5D (Rome ruled over four major provinces led by Legatus Legionishand picked leaders by the emperor). C-7A-3D (When Islam set up the Abomination that causes Desolation691 A.D.; The 1260 Day (year) protection ended in 1290 A.D.; The 1290 Day (year) count ended in 1981 A.D. and begins the last 45 Day (year) count of the 1335 Days (years).
A.D. C-7A-4D (Ottoman/Caliphate dissolved politically into Turkey in 1923, but still exists religiously/politically) C-8A-2D (Istanbul sits between the two Seas) C-8A-3D (69 Week Covenant Breach2022 A.D.; End of 70th Week2026 A.D.) C-8A-6D (Mixed People and not well bonded, two major religious beliefs/factions) C-9A-4D (Possibly an Ayatollah or Caliph) C-9A-5D (Possibly an Ayatollah or Caliph) C-9A-6D (Represents the 10 OIC Secretary Generals and remotely possible, the 10 caliphs/ayatollahs)
Future Events Chart 2.0 FUTURE EVENTS Daniels Last Week Daniels Middle of the Week Proclamation Angel One Proclamation Angel Two Proclamation Angel Three First Seal Fifth Seal Sixth Seal Seventh Seal/Golden Censer and initiation of the Seven Trumpets Angel One Angel Five with Trumpets Beast Covenants with Israel Beast Covenant Breached Final Abomination that Causes Desolation Enforced Beast Image Worship Enforced Mark of the Beast Beast Oppresses Saints (Unsealed Jews and Believers) 1260 Days of Protection for Jews only whose names are found written in the book Angel Six/Trumpet Six/Second Woe/(Angel with Little Scroll and the Two Witnesses) First Angel Sixth Angel with Plagues/Bowls/Beginning of the summons to the Battle of Armageddon Seventh Angel/Seventh Plague/Seventh Bowl Destruction of the Whore Mystery (salvation by the gospel of Yahushua Mashiyach) of YHVH ends (in the days when the Seventh (Last) Trumpet is about to sound) Angel Seven/Trumpet Seven/Third Woe/Last Trumpet The Great Day of YHVH Almighty (Armageddon) 1000 Years (only the believing martyrs will be resurrect from the dead to rule and reign with Yahushua Mashiyach - the first resurrection) The New Jerusalem TIME TABLE 2019 A.D. 2026 A.D. +/2022 A.D. +/32 A.D. 2026 A.D. +/2019 A.D. 2022 A.D. +/2019 A.D. 2022 A.D. +/Pre 2022 A.D. +/- and possibly pre 2019 A.D. back to John +/Pre 2022 A.D. +/- and possibly pre 2019 A.D. +/Pre 2022 A.D. +/Pre 2022 A.D. +/- and possibly pre 2019 A.D. +/2019 A.D. 2022 A.D. +/2022 A.D. +/2022 A.D. +/2022 A.D. 2026 A.D.+/2022 A.D. 2026 A.D. +/2022 A.D. 2026 A.D. +/2022 A.D. 2026 A.D. +/2022 A.D. 2026 A.D. +/(Third Woe is coming soon) SCRIPTURAL PROOF(S) Daniel 9:27; 12:11 Daniel 9:27; Revelation 13:5 Revelation 14:6-7 Revelation 14:8 Revelation 14:9-13 Revelation 6:9-11 Revelation 6:12-17 Revelation 8:1-5 Revelation 8:6 chapter 9:12 Daniel 9:27 Daniel 9:27; 8:5 Daniel 9:27; Revelation 13:14-15 Revelation 13:16-18; 14:6-13 Revelation 12:6,17 Daniel 12:17; Revelation 13:5-10 Revelation 12:6 Daniel 12:1,7 Revelation 10-11:14 Revelation 11:2,14
2022 A.D. 2026 A.D. +/- Demons Revelation 15-16:16 are sent forth to summon the kings of the earth (a process). Around 2022 A.D. +/Post 2026 A.D. +/Revelation 16:17-21; Revelation 1719:4 Revelation 10:7; 6:10-11; Romans 11:25; 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4
Revelation 21
Empire Time-Line Empire Glory Days Original Empire Capitol Is Original Capitol Still a City Current Empire Capitol GDP of current capitol GDP of closest current country and Debt Other Comparisons
MEDO-PERSIA 8000 B.C. 2007 A.D. 550 330 B.C. Perepolis (richest city of ancient empires, the Gate of all nations) No Mekkah (current OIC Headquarters) $6.133 Trillion (OIC) $6.133 Trillion (OIC) ?? % of GDP USA 13.3 Trillion EU 11.8 Trillion China 10.17 Trillion No (Yes, Indirectly) Darius Iran + OIC Yes Lion w/eagle wings and Two-Horned Ram N/A Head Four Chest with two arms Egypt, Assyria and Babylon Yes (the only country with two exchanges) Yes (via Turkey)
No Baghdad
$68.8 Billion $107 Billion 102% of GDP 1.7% of the $6.133 Trillion combined OIC GDP No Too many to list Egypt No N/A N/A Head One N/A N/A No No
$88 Billion $635.6 Billion 25.3% of GDP 10.3% of the $6.133 Trillion combined OIC GDP Yes Sennacherib Part of Iraq, Iran & Syria No N/A N/A Head Two N/A Egypt No No
$54 Billion $87.9 Billion 330% of GDP 1.4% of the $6.133 Trillion combined OIC GDP Yes Nebuchadnezzar Iraq No N/A N/A Head Three Head Egypt and Assyria No No
Empire Member of OPEC Ruler During its Glory Days Closest Current Country Resting place of the Ark Which Beast in Daniels Vision Which Beast in Johns Vision Which Head in Johns Vision Which Body Section in Nebuchadnezzars Vision Current/Former Empires Under its Rule Does Empire have a Stock Exchange Stock Exchanges in
Cities sitting on Seven Hills Current World Organization Memberships Empire debt to IMF Empire public debt Predominant Religion Origins of Predominant Religion Past/Current Global Influences
WTO, IMF, UN, OIC Unknown 102.9% of GDP Islam Nanna (Moongod), Zoroastrianism and Romanized Mashiyachianity 1. Saved Israel from extinction 2. Pyramids 3. Arts 4. Perfected mummification
UN, OIC Unknown 25.3% of GDP Islam Nanna (Moongod), Zoroastrianism and Romanized Mashiyachianity 1. Nineveh
UN, OIC Unknown 330% of GDP Islam Nanna (Moongod), Zoroastrianism and Romanized Mashiyachianity 1. TBD
WTO, IMF, NATO, UN, OIC Unknown Unknown Islam Nanna (Moon-god), Zoroastrianism and Romanized Mashiyachianity 1. First Human Civilization 2. First Empire in the world 3. Weight, money and measurements were standardized here 4. Mother of all modern languages 5. Original homeland of Chaldeans and Origins of the Sumerians 6. Liberated and protected the Jews 7. First domesticated animals 8. First known money 9. Egyptians migrated from Persia 10. Invented the cross for punishment 11. Pioneers in Astronomy 12. First religion that still exists today that influenced and/or beguiled the world. Yes (via Iran) Yes (with Russia via Iran)
Empire that claims to be the mother of all religions. Empire Covenanted With Other Super Powers Relative to Israels Destruction Empire Most Likely to be Associated with the WHORE. Empire Most Likely to Hate the WHORE Empire Most Likely to Hate Israel
No None known
No None known
No None known
Empire Member of OPEC Ruler During its Glory Days Closest Current Country Resting place of the Ark Which Beast in Daniels Dreams Which Beast in Johns Vision Which Head in Daniels Dreams Which Head in Johns Vision Which Body Section in Nebuchadnezzars Vision Current/Former Empires Under its Rule Does Empire have a Stock Exchange
N/A Too Many to List Italy/Turkey No Leopard with Four Wings N/A
N/A Ottoman (Dynasty) Turkey Yes No animal symbol given but has iron teeth and bronze claws with 10 horns. N/A
Head Five Head Five Belly Egypt, Assyria, Babylon and Medo-Persia Yes
Head Six Head Six Two Iron Legs Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, MedoPersia and Greece N/A
Head Seven Head Seven Ten Iron/Clay Toes Portions of Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome (mostly Media-Persia) N/A
Stock Exchanges in Cities sitting on Seven Hills Current World Organization Memberships Empire debt to IMF Empire public debt Predominant Religion Origins of Predominant Religion Past/Current Global Influences
No WTO, IMF, NATO, UN None N/A Greek Catholic Polytheism, Nanna (Moon-god) and Zoroastrianism 1. Forced monogamy to protect the wealth of the political elite, yet allowed polygamous common law relations providing no rights for the common law wives. 2. Architecture 3. Sports competitions 4. Philosophy and the arts 5. Sports with nudity (Olympics) 6. Homosexuality and bisexuality 7. Paganism especially: - Mithraism - Agranian - Artemis - Zeus - Hades No None known
N/A N/A N/A N/A Roman Catholic Judaism, Mashiyachianity, Greeks, Polytheism 1. Adopted mutated Mashiyachianity as State Religion. 2. Crusades 3. Helped spread mutated Mashiyachianity around the globe. 4. Impacted the modern calendar used by most of the world. 6. Herod helped restore the Jewish Temple. 7. Scattered the Jews in 70 A.D.
N/A N/A N/A N/A Islam Arab Polytheism, (with Judaism, and Mashiyachianity influences) 1. Spread Arabic language throughout the Middle East and beyond. 2. Spread Islam throughout the Middle East and beyond. 3. Spread many elements of Persian culture. 4. Rebuilt Constantinople now named Istanbul.
Yes N/A Unknown Unknown Islam Arab Polytheism, (with Judaism and Mashiyachianity influences) 1. Working with the Middle East Peace talks (2007).
Empire that claims to be the mother of all religions. Empire Covenanted With Other Super Powers Relative to Israels Destruction Empire Most Likely to be Associated with the WHORE. Empire Most Likely to Hate the WHORE Empire Most Likely
No None known
No None known
Yes Pending
No No No
No No No
Yes No Yes
to Hate Israel
APPENDICE SEVEN WAQF (ISLAMIC TRUST) The meaning of the word waqf is an inalienable religious endowment in Islam. Said endowments are usually comprised of buildings, land and sometimes money. Its origins reach back into the Caliphate dynasties. It is similar to US trusts and foundations that protect the properties of rich and powerful deceased people from taxation and loss, which also allows surviving family members to derive an income. The Jerusalem Waqf is a thirty-three (33.5) acre compound (Temple Mount to the Jews and Haram al-Sharif to the Muslims), perhaps the most contested piece of real estate on earth, where the first and second temple of the Jews were built, including what is known as Herods Temple. During the centuries of Jewish absence caused by war, the Dome of the Rock (Masjid Qubbat As-Sakhrah) was built in 691 A.D. (see below), which became a waqf, and is the third most holy spot on earth for the Muslims. In November 1947, the UN voted 33-13 (with ten abstentions) in favor of Resolution 181 to partition Palestine into an Arab and Jewish state. Jerusalem and Bethlehem were to be an enclave under international auspices. Of course as early as 1948, Zionist forces invaded and occupied 84% of Jerusalem contrary to UN Resolution 181 and in December 1949 Israeli Prime Minister David Ben Gurion unilaterally declared Jerusalem as capital of Israel. A week later, Resolution 303 intended to confirm the UNs intention to place Jerusalem under the permanent control of an international body. To this day, the UN does not recognize Israels invasion as legitimate and claims said take over as occupied land.
After the six day war in 1967 (Ariel Sharon, Yitzhak Rabin, et al. were commanders), Israel had gained control of the Sinai Peninsula, the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, eastern Jerusalem, and the Golan Heights. The results of the war affect the geopolitics of the region to this day. Israel granted control over the Temple Mount to the Wakf Council (Islamic Trust). Of course this was integral political maneuver to satisfy the UN resolution 303 (ratified on December 9, 1949), but secures the abomination.
Herods Temple Model from Wikimedia Commons. (See actual outer wall ruins below.)
Approximate Briggs' SSE Calendar Dates 0 0 90 195 242 243 285 355 420 582 647 834 890 947 1000 1016 1518 Gregorian Calendar Dates 0 4004 3913 3808 3762(61) 3761(60) 3718 3648 3583 3421 3356 3169 3113 3056 3003 2987 2485 Jewish Calendar Dates 0 -243 -153 -48 -1 1 42 112 177 339 404 591 647 704 757 773 1275 Creation of Adam, time not relevant Expulsion of Adam from Eden, time becomes relevant Seth was born when Adam was 130 (Gen. 5:3) Enos born when Seth was 105 (Gen. 5:6) Jewish Calendar Jewish Calendar Cainan was born when Enos was 90 (Gen. 5:9) Mahalaleel was born when Cainan was 70 (Gen. 5:12) Jared born when Mahalaleel was 65 (Gen 5:15) Enoch born when Jared was 162 (Gen 5:18) Methuselah born when Enoch was 65 (Gen 5:21) Lamech born when Methuselah was 187 (Gen 5:25) Adam died when 930 (Gen 5:5). Enoch's Rapture when 365 years old, 669 years before the Flood Beginning of second 1000-year (Day) Noah born when Lamech was 182 (Gen 5:28) Shem born (Gen 11:10). (Noah born 1016 SSE. He was 600 when flood began. Flood was in 1616 SSE. Shem was 100 two yrs after Flood, so was 98 when Flood began. Therefore, he was born 1518 SSE when Noah was 502) - Jewish Oral tradition says Shem was Melchizedek 1611 1616 1618 1653 1683 1717 1779 1809 1838 1956 1968 2000 2043 2392 2387 2385 2377 2447 2286 2224 2194 2165 2047 2035 2003 1960 1368 1373 1375 1410 1440 1474 1536 1566 1595 1713 1725 1757 1800 Lamech died at 777 (Gen 5:31), 5 yrs before the Flood Lamech died at 777 (Gen 5:31), 5 yrs before the Flood Arphaxad born to Shem 2 years after the Flood when Shem was 100 (Gen 11:10) Salah born when Arphaxad was 35 (Gen 11:12) Eber born when Salah was 30 (Gen 11:14) Peleg born when Eber was 34 (Gen 11:16) Serug born when Reu was 32 (Gen 11:20) Nahor born when Serug was 30 (Gen 11:22) Terah born when Nahor was 29 (Gen 11:24) Peleg died when 239 (Gen 11:18,19). "in his days was the earth divided," the continents split apart. Abram born when Terah was 130 (Gen 11:26-32; Gen 12:4; Acts 7:4). Beginning of Third 1000-year (Day) Call of Abram, left Haran when 75 (Gen 12:4), Terah died at 205 (Gen 11:32) This was when Abram was promised the land of Canaan/Israel. Gen. 35:12: "And the land which I gave Abraham and Isaac, to thee EVENT
equals 1000-year Days. equals 70 yrs of all nations servitude equals 70 yrs of Temple desolation equals 483 yrs to Mashiyach being cut-off equals 1290 & 1335 days/years count
(Jacob/Israel) I will give it, and to thy seed after thee will I give the land." Beginning of the 430-year Dispensation 2053 2054 2067 2068 2073 1950 1949 1936 1935 1930 1810 1811 1824 1825 1830 Abram married Hagar when he had been in the land 10 years (Gen 16:3) Ishmael born 1 year later when Abram was 86 (Gen 16:16) Abraham was 99 (Gen 17:16,17) 13 yrs later,when promised a son by Sarah Isaac born 1 year later when Abraham was 100 (Gen 21:5) and Sarah 90 (Gen 17:17) Ishmael cast out (Gen 21:8-10) and Isaac weaned when 5. Call of Abram in 2043 SSE + 430 = 2473 SSE (Gal 3:17) the Exodus. AH 2473 - 400 = 2073 SSE (Gen 15:13) 2105 1898 1862 Sarah died 32 years later when she was 127 (Gen 17:17; 21:5; 23:1) and when Isaac was 37 (127 - 90 = 37)
Isaac married Rebekah 3 yrs later when he was 40 (Gen 25:20) Jacob and Esau born 20 years later when Isaac was 60 (Gen 25:26) Abraham died 15 years later at 175 (Gen 25:7) Esau married 25 years later when he was 40 (Gen 26:34) Jacob left home 37 yrs later for Padan Aram when he was 77 (Gen 30:25). When Jacob was 91 and had served Laban 14 yrs, Joseph was born. (91 - 14 = 77)
Jacob married Leah and Rachel. He served 7 years before marriage for Leah and 7 years after for Rachel (Gen 29:21-28,30; 30:1,22,25,26; 31:38-41)
Joseph born 7 years later when Jacob was 91 (Gen 30:25; 31:38-41). Jacob had served Laban 14 yrs when Joseph was born (91 - 14 = 77) (Gen 30:25)
2225 2236 2248 2249 2256 2258 2275 2329 2390 2393 2433 2473
1778 1767 1755 1754 1747 1745 1728 1674 1613 1610 1570 1530
1982 1993 2005 2006 2013 2015 2032 2086 2147 2150 2190 2230
Jacob returned to Canaan 6 years later when he was 97 (Gen 31:41) and Joseph was 6. Joseph sold to Egypt 11 years later when he was 17 (Gen 37:1) Isaac died when 180 (Gen 35:28) Joseph stood before Pharaoh 13 years later when he was 30 (Gen 41:46) End of 7 years of plenty (Jos 37; Gen 41:47). Joseph was 37 (Gen 41:29,30) Jacob went to Egypt after 2 yrs of famine (Gen 45:6) when 130 (Gen 47:9), Joseph 39 Jacob died 17 yrs later at 147 (Gen 47:28). Joseph was 56 Joseph died 54 yrs later at 110 (Gen 50:26) Aaron was born Moses born 64 yrs after Joseph died Moses fled to Midian 40 yrs later (Ex 2:11-15; Acts 7:23-29) Exodus 40 yrs later when Moses was 80 (Ex 2:23; 7:7; Acts 7:29-30) in 1530 BC. Beginning of the 1559-year Dispensation of Law
Moses died when he was 120 (De 34:7) (2393 SSE + 120 = 2513 SSE). Entry into Canaan after 40 years in the wilderness (De 29:5; Jos 5:6: Acts 7:36)
Division of land after 7 years of war Jos 21:43: "And the LORD gave unto Israel all the land which he sware to give unto their fathers; and they possessed it, and dwelt therein." Acts 13:19,20 says, And when he had destroyed seven nations in the land of Chanaan, he divided their land to them by lot. And after that he gave unto them judges about the space of four hundred and fifty years, until Samuel the prophet." From 2520 DDE, the period of the Judges extends to 2983 SSE, when Saul became king, a space of 463 years (or about 450 yrs).
49th year of first Jubile cycle. (2473 SSE + 49 = 2522 SSE) Jubile Year and also the first year of the second Jubile cycle, a 49-year cycle Beginning 1st servitude under Chushan after 13 years (Jg 3:8) (Joshua-Judges chasm: there are 13 years between the end of the book of Joshua and the beginning of Judges. Joshua and the elders ruled 13 years.)
Rest by Othniel after 8 years servitude under Chushan-rishathaim (Jg 3:8) 2nd servitude under Eglon after 40 years of rest by Othniel (Jg 3:11) Rest by Ehud after 18 years of servitude under Eglon (Jg 3:14) 3rd servitude under Jabin after 80 years of rest by Ehud (Jg 3:30) Rest by Barak after 20-year servitude under Jabin. Judgeship of Shamgar (Jg 3:31) included in 20 years of 3rd servitude under Jabin (Jg 5:6,7)
2739 2746 2786 2789 2812 2834 2852 2858 2865 2875
1264 1257 1217 1214 1191 1169 1151 1145 1138 1128
2496 2503 2543 2546 2569 2591 2609 2615 2622 2632
4th servitude under Midian after 40-year rest by Barak (Jg 5:31) Rest by Gideon after 7-year servitude under Midian (Jg 6:1) Usurpation by Abimelech after 40-year rest by Gideon (Jg 8:28) Judgeship of Tola after 3-year usurpation by Abimelech (Jg 9:22) Judgeship of Jair after 23-year Judgeship of Tola (Jg 10:2) 5th servitude under Ammon after 22-year judgeship of Jair (Jg 10:3) Judgeship of Jephthah after 18-year servitude under Ammon (Jg 10:8) Judgeship of Ibzan after 6-year Judgeship of Jephthah (Jg 12:7,8) Judgship of Elon after 7-year Judgeship of Ibzan (Jg 12:9) Judgeship of Abdon after 10-year Judgeship of Elon (Jg 12:11)
6th servitude under Philistines after 8-year Judgeship of Abdon (Jg 12:14) (Judgeship of Samson 20 years (Jg 16:31) incl. in 40 years of 6th servitide) (Jg 15:20)
Judgeship of Eli after 40-year servitude under Philistines (Jg 15:20) Judgeship of Samuel after 40-year Judgeship of Eli (I Sam 4:18 End of the period of the Judges, Reign of king Saul after 20-year Judgeship of Samuel (I Sam 7:2) Beginning of fourth 1000-year (Day) Reign of king David after Saul reigned 40 years (Acts 13:21) Reign of king Solomon after David reigned 40 years (2 Sam 5:4,5; I Chron 29:27) Temple begun., The 480 theocratic years--YHVH's clock running: I Kings 6:1 says, "AND it came to pass in the four hundred and eightieth year after the children of Israel were come out of the land of Egypt, in the fourth year of Solomon's reign over Israel, in the month Zif (Iyar 2, II Chronicles 3:2), which is the second month, that he began to build the house of the LORD." These 480 years were Theocratic. The remainder of the years constituted the periods during which Israel was out of fellowship with YHVH. Hence these were not Theocratic years. YHVH's clock stops when Israel is out of fellowship. Some do not agree with this concept, but YHVH's clock obviously stopped in Daniel 9:26. Also, the Exodus in 2473 SSE + 480 + 114 years of Servitude = 3067 SSE when the Temple was begun, and this agrees exactly with the listed years for the Judgeships and the Servitudes
Temple finished, Solomon's house begun Reign of Rehoboam and Jeroboam after Solomon reigned 40 years (I Ki 11:42; II Chronicles 9:20) Reign of Abijam after 17-year reign of Rehoboam (I Ki 11:43; 14:21) Reign of Asa after 3-year reign of Abijam (I Ki 15:1,2) Reign of Jehoshaphat after 41-year reign of Asa (I Ki 15:9,10) Reign of Jehoram 25 years later, Solo-Reign (4 years Co-Reign with Jehoshaphat, 1 year reckoned to Abaziah, ,= 8 yrs) (I Ki 22:50; 2 Ki 1:17; 3:1; 8:16,17)
Ahaziah Solo-Reign after the 3 years Jehoram was Solo-Reign Reign of Athaliah after Ahaziah was Solo-Reign 1 year (2 Ki 8:25,26; 9:29) Reign of Joash/Jehoash after Athaliah reigned 6 years (2 Ki 11:6,12-16) Reign of Amaziah after Joash/Jehoash reigned 40 years (2 Ki 12:1) Interregnum after Amaziah's 29-year reign (2 Ki 12:21; 14:1,2; 17:22) Reign of Uzziah after 11-year Interregnum Approximate times of Isaiah the prophet
Reign of Jotham after 52-year reign of Uzziah/Azariah (2 Ki 14:21; 15:1,2 Reign of Ahaz after 16-year reign of Jotham (2 Ki 15:32,33) Hezekiah Co-Reign with Ahaz 2 years Hezekiah sole king after 16-year reign of Ahaz (2 Ki 15:38; 16;1,2) Approximate times of Jeremiah the prophet
Reign of Manasseh after 27-year reign of Hezekiah (2 Ki 16:20; 18:1,2). (Hezekiah's total reign was 29 years (II Ki 18:2), but 2 of these were Co-Reign with his father Ahaz)
593-571 3445 3447 3474 558 556 529 (610) 3202 3204
Approximate times of Ezekiel the prophet Reign of Amon after 55-year reign of Manasseh (2 Ki 20:21; 21:1) Reign of Josiah after 2-year reign of Amon (2 Ki 21:18,19) Proposed Destruction of Haran; 16th year of Nabopolasser's reign; In the Stele of Nabonides, Nabonides himself tells that the destruction of Haran took place 54 years before the year of his ascension.
528 (609)
Proposed date (609) when only Babylon is left in control; from 3475 to 3545 equals 70 yrs (Jeremiah 25:9-12) Proposed date when Assyrian King finally defeated, one year after Haran was destroyed.
3477 3478
3234 3235
Reign of Jehoahaz (3 months) (II Ki 24:31) Reign of Jehoiakim after 1 year (II Ki 24:34). The 31st year of Josiah (2 Ki 21:23-26;22:1) included the 3 months of Jehoahaz' reign
523 (604)
Proposed date (523) by others that Nebuchadnezzar beseiged Jerusalem and beginning of 70 years of servitude. But this was his First year (604), thus his 19th year would have been (586). Jeremiah 25:9-12 is different than the 70 years the Jews would spend in Captivity (Jeremiah 29:10-14)
Proposed Date (604) by some other researchers of Babylon's seige on Jerusalem Proposed 3rd year of Jehoiakim (Dan. 1:1); 1st year of Nebuchadnezzar (Jer. 25:1) 3481 3488 3489 522 (603) 515 (596) 514 (595) 3238 3245 3246 First year of Nebuchadnezzar as Solo-Reign, 4th year of Jehoiakim Reign of Jehoiachin, 3 months (II Ki 24:8), after first 10 of Jehoiakim. First year of epoch of Jehoiachin's captivity Reign of Zedekiah after 1 year (add 11th year Jehoiakim (2 Ki 23:36), which includes the 3 months of Jehoiachin's reign (2 Ki 24:6-8) 3493/94 510 (586) 3250 Proposed date (586) of Babylon burning the City of Jerusalem and its temple; the beginning of the 70 years of Temple desolation from 3493 to 3563 (Ezra 6:15). From 3493 to 3540 = 47, plus 9 years of Cyrus, plus 8 years reign for Cambyes, plus 6 years of Darius = 70 years; Beginning of 70 years of indignation (Zech 1:7,12,16). 11th and last year of Zedekiah (2 Ki 24:17,18) in which Jerusalem was taken by Nebuchadnezzar and Zedekiah's captivity began (2 Ki 25:1-21) in 19th year of Nebuchadnezzar. Same as 12th of Jehoichin's captivity and 20th of the 70 years of servitude, 4th of 70 years indignation. 3491 3519 507 (579) 479 (561) 474 (556/557) 456/457 (539) 3246 3274 Other Proposed date for Beginning of 70 years of indignation (Zech 1:7,12,16) Reign of Evil-Merodach after 25 years (from 12 to 37th year of Jehoiachin's captivity (2Ki 25:27), 45th year of the 70 years of servitude, 29th of 70 year indignation. 3522 3540/46 3279 3297 Proposed by some (C.H. Clever) as the date of Haman's decree (April 17, 474 B.C.); an alleged center of the conflict on earth. Proposed date (539) by others as First year of Cyrus, when he conquers Babylon; it was not until his 3rd year (536/535) when his title changed from "King of Countries" to "King of Babylon", proposed date by some when he issued the "rebuilding of Jerusalem" decree; End of 70 years that the "whole land shall serve the king of Babylon" (Jeremiah 25:9-12) Proposed beginning times (539-534) by others as Daniel's prophetic writings years Proposed by some as year 54 of the 70 years of indignation (Zech 1:7,12,16) 3549 3550 452 (537) 453 (538/537) 452 (536/535) 3306 3307 Proposed by some as the beginning of Daniel's 49 years (Daniel 9:25) Proposed ascension year of Cyrus as Medo-Persian Emperor (Ezra 1:1), Even though Darius the Mede was put in charge of Babylon (Daniel 5:31; 6:1; 9:1), but Cyrus was supreme king over all. 3551 3308 Actual date of Cyrus' 1st year as "king of Babylon" which was actually his 3rd year of his reign; this then, is the year of Cyrus' decree permitting the Jews to return to their homeland. It took, a year +/- to publish, post and gather the Jews animals, etc. (Ezra 1:5-6); It Was a Sabbatic Year; Beginning of the 70 weeks of Daniel 9. It took another year for the Jews to actually travel to their homeland (Ezra 2:1) since a direct route was prohibited. From 3551 SSE - 4034 SSE = 483 years. The 483 years ended 31/32 A.D. 3551/52 451 (534) 3309/10 The Jews finally arrive in their homeland. From 3481 to 3551 = exactly 70 years. This is the Jeremiah 29 seventy year period. Jeremiah 25:9-12 is different than the 70 years the Jews would spend in Captivity (Jeremiah 29:10-14) Proposed Date (451) by some for the Beginning of 483 year count (Daniel 9:24-26) from Artaxerxes' proclamation 3558 445 (520) 3315 Proposed Date by some (Artaxerxes Longemanis announced that the city of Jerusalem would be restored to the time Mashiyach would be restored to the time Mashiyach would be hailed as Mashiyach (10th of Nissan 32 A.D.) (Daniel 9:24-26)). 3562/63 3565 441 (516) 438 (513) 3320 3322 Proposed end date (516) of 70 years indignation (date Temple completed under Darius, 6th year) Proposed date by others for the last of the 70 years of indignation (2nd of Darius) after 16 years in which these reigned: Cyrus (Ezra 1:1), Ahasuerus (Cambyses) (Ez 4:6), Artaxerxes (Pseudo-Smerdis) (Ez 4:7), Darius (Darius Hystaspes) (Ez 4:5). Foundation of 2nd Temple laid 3569 3570 3575 3583 434 (509) 433 (508) 428 (503) 420 (495) 3326 3327 3332 3340 2nd Temple finished Ezra returned to Jerusalem after 5 years, in the 7th of Artaxerxes (Darius Hystaspes) Esther saves her people (Ez 7:8,9). Nehemiah comes to Jerusalem after 13 years (Nehemiah appointed as Pekah of Judah in 20 Artaxerxes (Neh 2:1; 5:14) 3595 408 (483) 3352 Nehemiah returns to Babylon after 12 years, in 32nd year of Artaxerxes (Nehemiah's administration from 20-32nd year of Artaxerxes) (Neh 5:14; 13:6) 3597 406 (481) 3354 Nehemiah's reforms after 2 years for Nehemiah's visit to Babylon, and return to Jerusalem after spending certain days there, vis. 1 year (Neh 13:6) 3598 3673 3685 367 332 320 3355 3430 3442 Proposed by some as end of 49 years of Dan 9:25. (3598 SSE - 3549 SSE = 49) Alexander the Great Conquers Palestine from the Persians and captures Jerusalem Ptolemy I Captures Jerusalem
Syrian Seleucids Rule The Hasmonean Period (During which Antiochus IV Ephiphanes profanes the temple General Pompey captures Jerusalem Construction started on Herod's Temple Birth of Yahushua (probably Sept. 4, 5 B.C.) The Magi were not 100% sure (0-2 year margin), perhaps due to calendar conversion issues, thus Herod killed all male babies in Betheleham region ages 2 and under (Matthew 2:1-18)
Beginning of fifth 1000-year (Day) Tishrei 1, BC 2 to Tishrei 1, BC 1 = 3760 Jewish Tishrei 1, BC 1 to Tishrei 1, AD 1 = 3761 Jewish. (There is no zero year between BC 1 and 1 AD) A.D. 2; Yahushua Mashiyach is four years old. Proposed date by some as the end of the 483-year count. Proposed date by some as the end of 483-year count. True End of 483-year count (Cyrus Decree - 3551 SSE) when Mashiyach was 33 years old and was "cut off". Yahushua died for us as prophesied in Dan 9:24-26, which said that "after...(the 483 years) shall Mashiyach be cut off (Hebrew, killed), but not for himself." 4033 SSE is our 31/32 AD. Yahushua was crucified the following Nisan 13. (April 6, 32 A.D.), when the Passover lambs were being slain; Nisan 16: the Resurrection, on the Feast of Unleavened Bread; Sivan 6: Pentecost, birth of the Body of Mashiyach, the Church. Beginning of the New Covenant (Jeremiah 31:31-34; Joel 2:28-32; Acts 2:16-21; etc.)
63 66-73 90 95
Herod's Temple complete (possibly as late as 67 AD), Approximate time of Book of Acts being written. The great revolt (during which Titus destroys Herod's Temple Approximate time John penned Revelation Other proposed time of John writing Revelation (5-year Offset)
4134 4137 4326 4616 4627 4630 4631 4640 4693 5000 5012 5101 5189 5194 5221 5246 5262 5519 5919 5950 5960 5969 5983
132-135 135 324-638 614 625 628 629 638 691 998 1010 1099-1244 1187 1192 1219 1244 1260-1517 1517-1917 1917-1948 1948Current 1958 1967 1981
3891 3899 4083 4373 4384 4387 4388 4397 4450 4757 4769 4858 4946 4951 4978 5003 5019 5276 5676 5709 5717 5726 5740
Bar Kochba's freedom war and Jerusalem once again becomes the capital of the Jews Emperor Hadrian's total destruction of Jerusalem The Byzantine Period, control of Jerusalem changing from one kingdom to the next Persia (Iran) conquers Jerusalem Byzantine reconquers Jerusalem Benjamin of Tiberius join Heraclius and conquers Jerusalem Heraclius re-enters Jerusalem as the head of his army The early Muslim Period (led by Omar six years after Mohammed's death The Dome of the Rock completed Beginning of 6th 1000-year (Day) al-Hakin destroys synagogues and churches in Israel The Crusader Period led by Godfrey de Bouillon Kurdish General Saladin captures Jerusalem Failed attempt by Richard Lion Heart to re-capture Jerusalem Sultan Malik-al-Muattam burns the city walls Khawarizmian Turks Capture Jerusalem The Egyptian Mameluks capture Jerusalem The Ottoman Turkish Period led by Ottoman in a peaceful takeover of Jerusalem British Period led by General Allenby's entry into Jerusalem Israeli Period Anno Hominis' 6000 th year The Six-Day War Iran become a religious government with multiple deaths of Iranian presidents, etc., 1290 "days" after the Dome of the Rock was "set up"
Beginning of Briggs, SSE 7th 1000-year (Day): 6000 years from Adam's expulsion. January 1, 2009 (4th of Tevet, 5769) Evil prince confirms a peace covenant with "many" which also allows Israel to resume Temple Mount worship Evil prince breaches peace covenant
Battle of Armageddon, 1335 "days" after the Dome of the Rock was "set up" Start of the 1000 years of peace, 2000 years after Yahushua's crucifixion 2000th Year after Yahushua's Crucifixion & Resurrection Satan is loosed for a little while, a time of retesting, perhaps 1000 years Battle of Gog and Magog, Satan cast into the lake of burning sulfur, White throne judgment, the New Jerusalem The River of Life, New Heaven and New earth and Time shall be no more, YHVH first acts after his 1000 year rest; 4000 years after the crucifixion of Mashiyach
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The Ottoman/Caliphate conquered the Middle East and Beyond. It nearly exceeded the reaches of Alexander the Great. View the map links below for greater detail.
Russia is the only country left with larger land mass than the OIC. Additionally, Islam has a growing presence in Europe, Russia, USA, Canada, India, China, Isles of the seas and South America.
NOTE: There are a total of 57 OIC Islamic member Countries. This map does not show all the member countries (islands) outside of the Middle East.
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