SPMS Packaging Brief
SPMS Packaging Brief
SPMS Packaging Brief
PROPERTY -------ALLUSERS = 1 ARPNOMODIFY = 1 ROOTDRIVE = C:\ REBOOT = ReallySuppress ISCHECKFORUPDATES = 0 LIMITUI=1 In General Information ---------------------- check INSTALLDIR has been set, else need to set INSTALLDIR (usually in Program Files) - check ProductName E.g App_Manufacture_App_nameX_Version_MC_7x64_EN_B1 E.g If package name is "Adobe_ReaderX_10.1.0_MC_7x64_EN_B1", so set Prod uctName to "Adobe Reader X 10.1.0" This name will appear in Program/Feature entries - Author = IBM Software Platform Management Services - Subject = <package name> (e.g "Adobe_ReaderX_10.1.0_MC_7x64_EN_B1") - Stream comments = Packaging Best Practices v1.4.pdf - Install Condition (this is already effective as per Azlan's email: Process Upd ate - Serve OS detection Add new condition MsiNTProductType=1 message:This package is not intended fo r server installations Feature ------- for vendor app preferably not to change anything on the Feature unless request ed - if app repackaging strongly advised to use single Feature only i.e Complete fe ature => single Feature will facilitate self-repair Components ---------- set key path for most components as possible especially components containing critical file (dll, ocx, exe) - try setting 1 entry per component if possible - remove empty component - identify HKCU registry, preferably to place in CurrentUser component - don't forget to associate newly created component to Feature - check Component path (Destination) to ensure files properly installed in corre ct folder Shortcut -------- should be advertised - no shortcut on Desktop or Startup folder unless specified in prf - place shortcuts in AllUsers (ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs
) unless specified in prf Automatic updates will be disabled and no desktop or quicklaunch shortcuts will be included unless specifically requested Others ------ rename cab file correspond to package name (if there is any addition of file t o c:\programfiles\ then it will create a cab file in media table. rename it expl ained below) E.g If package name is ""Adobe_ReaderX_10.1.0_MC_7x64_EN_B1", locate Media tab le and rename Data1.cab to "Adobe_ReaderX_10.1.0_MC_7x64_EN_B1.cab"
- briefly check IsSelfregister / Selfregister table (just to ensure it's related to Merge Module files - usually automatically cre ated when using merge module) E.g If the table contains atl.dll, check where it is located in the msi. Let say it is located in ProgramFiles\App folder, the entry in the table s hould be removed to prevent the file to be self-registered during installation this may affected co-apps installed on the machine which might be referring to the same file. - create Log folder in ProgramFiles and copy tag file in the Log folder (tag filename corresponds to package name - e.g "Adobe_ReaderX_10.1.0_MC_7x64_ EN_B1.tag") Signature file location & name: C:\Program Files\Logs\<Package Name>.tag - custom action - e.g to grant permission E.g to grant write/modify permission, use below. Select New EXE > Path referencing a directory Working Directory: SystemFolder Filename or Command Line: cacls "%INSTALLDIR%\Config" /T /E /G users:W Install Exec Sequence: After PublishProduct Condition: NOT REMOVE Select Synchronous(Ignore Exit Code), Deferred Brief lockdown testing under standard user ------------------------------------------ launch all shortcuts under standard user to ensure they are launched correctly as compared to Administrator logon - if difference found, most probably related to permission privilege - try unlock corresponding file referring to the shortcut and test the shortcut again ***************************************************