Template For Gap Analysis
Template For Gap Analysis
Template For Gap Analysis
Preface: How to use this template This document is a template designed for the purpose of standardizing the documented results of the work of the HITSP Technical Committee. This document is the first of several documents that, when taken as a whole, will represent Implementation Instructions. This first segment of the documentation pertains to the list of standards required to implement the events in a specific Use Case, and the identification of gaps and overlaps in the standards that are required. This document contains instructions and guidelines which are written in blue italicized font. These should be deleted when using the template to create the final deliverable. The black unitalicized text represents headers that should remain as you convert the template to the specific Gap and Overlap Analysis for each use case. In some pages you will find double brackets with indicated titles or words inside, for example <<Name goes here>>. You should delete the brackets for your final draft and insert the appropriate information in the suggested font. Finally, this preface should be deleted. Additional Note: The template includes additional clarification based on the peer review.
Table of Contents
1. USE CASE GAP AND OVERLAP ANALYSIS REVISION HISTORY TABLE..............................................3 2. INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................................................................4 3. THE POOL OF STANDARDS REQUIRED BY THE USE CASE.....................................................................4
A. SUMMARY OF STANDARDS.....................................................................................................................................5 B. STANDARDS BY USE CASE.....................................................................................................................................6
4. ASSUMPTIONS MADE IN CREATING THE POOL OF STANDARDS.........................................................1 5. USE CASE OPEN ISSUES......................................................................................................................................1 6. DUPLICATIONS AND OVERLAPS IN STANDARDS.......................................................................................1 7. GAPS IN STANDARDS ..........................................................................................................................................2 8. STANDARDS TO BE PROFILED IN IMPLEMENTATION GUIDES............................................................2 9. RESOLUTION RECOMMENDATIONS..............................................................................................................2 10. NEXT STEPS..........................................................................................................................................................3 11. TECHNICAL COMMITTEE MEMBERS..........................................................................................................3 APPENDIX A - <<TITLE OF USE CASE>> .........................................................................................................5 APPENDIX B HITSP TAXONOMY OF HEALTH STANDARDS...................................................................5 APPENDIX C STANDARDS READINESS LEVEL 1 ANALYSIS....................................................................5
1. Use Case Gap and Overlap Analysis Revision History Table Version Number
Identify V#
Description of Change
Provide details of each update here to help others in the organization follow changes
Name of Author
Name of the person who actually made the changes
Date Published
Date the version was finalized
Assigning Versions Numbers should be done in a consistent manner. Each major new version of a document should be assigned a new Version Number (i.e., V1.0, V2.0, V3.0, etc). Every minor adjustment made to the document should result in an increased sub-version number represented by the number following the decimal point (i.e., V1.1, V1.2, V1.3, V1.4, V1.5, etc).
2. Introduction The purpose of this document is to communicate to the Health Information Technology Standards Panel (HITSP) the results of the work of the HITSP Technical Committee for << Use Case Name>> . The Technical Committee was charged with identifying and analyzing gaps and duplications within the standards industry as they relate to the events in this Use Case. Specifically, each Technical Committee has: Provided a listing of all standards that satisfy the requirements imposed by the Use Case Provided a listing of all assumptions made in creating the pool of standards. Provided a listing of Use Case open issues identified while developing the pool of standards. Provided a description of all duplications and overlaps among standards for the Use case Provided a description of the gaps, including missing or incomplete standards Submitted recommendations for resolving the gaps and overlaps to the HITSP for review, approval, and resolution. The information is this document pertains to the following Use Case. << Include the description of the use case taken from the final AHIC Use Case. It is repeated here to provide context for the reader of this document. It should not be altered from the original text. An example of what it may look like --- Transmit essential data on ambulatory care and ED visit, resource utilization, and lab result data from electronically enabled health care delivery and public health systems can be transmitted in standardized and anonymized format to authorized public health agencies within 24 hours.>> << Include a very concise synopsis of the events and perspectives in the use case. For example, The Biosurveillance Use Case represents five unique perspectives: 1) Healthcare Provider, 2) Local Public Health Department, 3) State and Federal Public Health Agencies, 4) Consumer/Public, and 5)Resource Supplier. Each perspective includes three events: 1) Populate the information system, 2) detect a threat, and3) monitor active threats .>> The complete << Use Case Name>> is provided as Appendix A to this document. 3. The Pool of Standards Required by the Use Case This section presents the standards required to support each major Use Case event and organizes the standards within an agreed upon standards taxonomy. The definition and examples of each category in the taxonomy are provided in Appendix B to this document. The standards selected for inclusion in the pool were examined using HITSP approved Harmonization Readiness Characteristics depicted below.
A graphical representation of the approved work of the Readiness Characteristics Committee will be inserted into this template.
Any standard that was considered and disqualified from consideration based on the Readiness Characteristics are documented in Appendix C of this document.
a. Summary of Standards This section lists a summary of the standards that will be further refined in the next subsection. This section will list each standard considered in the context of the standards taxonomy. In this section, a standard will appear at most one time in any particular category. In the detailed section to follow, a standard may appear multiple times in a category if that is appropriate to support multiple actions/transactions identified in the use case. <<The following is an example only. Each committee will insert the applicable list of standards.>> Table 1: Standard Summary Category Standard Version/Date <<The date represents the date when the standard was approved>> 2.07 (December 9, 2004) 3.0 (2004) 2.5 V3 References
HL7 RIM ANSI 1000-1039-ADA ASTM 1239-1784 DICOM HL7 HL7 X12 Business standards NCPDP ebXML ICD CPT LOINC RxNorm TLS HTTPS WSS SAML FEIN HIPAA National Provider Identifier Payor Identifier ISO Draft Standards
b. Standards by Use Case The table in Exhibit 1 lists the standards required for <<Use Case Name>> at the detailed level of each event identified in the use case and each action/transaction identified by the Technical Committee.
Exhibit 1 Pool of Standards Required for <<Use Case Name>> <<This table contains examples only. Each committee will include the applicable standards per event using this table as an example.>>
Standard Categories Example Standards for category Context (Information Model) HL7 RIM ANSI 10001039- ADA ASTM 12391784 Information Interchange DICOM HL7 Messaging X12 Business standards NCPDP ebXML Terminology ICD CPT LOINC SNOMED RxNorm Security & Privacy S WSS TLS HTTP Identifier (Individual and Organization) FEIN HIPAA National Provider Identifier Payor Identifier ISO draft standards Functionalit y & Process Workflow Clinical Guidelines Business Process Other
Event Code
<< This section should list the standards that are required for each Use Case event, categorized using the taxonomy of standards created by the Inventory of Inventories Committee and approved by the HITSP at the March 13th meeting.>>.
6. Duplications and Overlaps in Standards This section describes all the instances where there are duplications or overlaps, among standards for the Use case. Duplication refers to instances where one or more standard can equally meet the requirement. Overlaps refer to instances where some of the requirements are met by multiple standards. In both instances, the duplication or overlap is only relative to the specific Use Case event.
<< Each subsection should list an instance where there are duplications, overlaps, or
competition among standards for a specific event. The purpose of this section is to provide enough information to support resolving the duplications and overlaps through dialogue and commitment of the SDOs.>>
Event Code ) Event Description
Standard Duplication/ Overlap
7. Gaps in Standards In this subsection we provide a description of the gaps, including missing or incomplete standards, in standards that are required for the events in this Use Case.
Event Code Event Description
Standard Gap
8. Standards to be profiled in Implementation Guide s In this subsection we provide a list of projected profiles for any standards that may note be used as is. For example, HTTP is a technology standard that will be used without any changes, DICOM will require profiles/implementation guides specific to a the use case or interaction.
Event Code Event Description
Standard Gap
9. Resolution Recommendations
<< In this section you will tie together the overlaps and gaps and present alternatives for
resolving them. We assume that the gaps and overlaps can be related. Until we see more data on the gaps and overlaps, we cannot fully define how this section will be structured..>>
Event Code ) <<Action/Transaction> > <<Action/Transaction> > Event Description
Standard Duplication/ Overlap/Gap Resolution
10. Next Steps Each Technical Committee will refine the information contained in this document based on the review and comment of the HITSP (the Panel). The document will be updated to reflect the input and direction of the Panel. Technical Committees will reconvene to analyze the standards, refine the commitments of industry to resolve gaps and overlaps, and publish a final listing of standards selected for adoption when implementing the events in this specific Use Case. The selection will be based on Level 2 Readiness Characteristics and the results of negotiations and formal commitments within the standards community. Upon Panel approval of the selected standards, Technical Committees will initiate activities toward creating and testing specific Standards Implementation Instructions1. 11. Technical Committee Members
<< This section will contain a table that lists the volunteer membership by name and indicate the member organizations. Please list all names in alpha order by last name. Indicate co-chairs with an asterisk.>> See attached spreadsheet. Technical Committee Member Name <<name of member>> <<name of member>> <<name of member>> <<name of member>> <<name of member>> <<name of member>> <<name of member>> <<name of member>> <<name of member>> <<name of member>> <<name of member>>
HITSP Member Organization
<<HITSP member organization that this person represented>> <<HITSP member organization that this person represented>> <<HITSP member organization that this person represented>> <<HITSP member organization that this person represented>> <<HITSP member organization that this person represented>> <<HITSP member organization that this person represented>> <<HITSP member organization that this person represented>> <<HITSP member organization that this person represented>> <<HITSP member organization that this person represented>> <<HITSP member organization that this person represented>> <<HITSP member organization that this person represented>>
<<name of member>> <<name of member>> <<name of member>> <<name of member>> <<name of member>> <<name of member>> <<name of member>> <<name of member>> <<name of member>> <<name of member>> <<name of member>> <<name of member>> <<name of member>>
<<HITSP member organization that this person represented>> <<HITSP member organization that this person represented>> <<HITSP member organization that this person represented>> <<HITSP member organization that this person represented>> <<HITSP member organization that this person represented>> <<HITSP member organization that this person represented>> <<HITSP member organization that this person represented>> <<HITSP member organization that this person represented>> <<HITSP member organization that this person represented>> <<HITSP member organization that this person represented>> <<HITSP member organization that this person represented>> <<HITSP member organization that this person represented>> <<HITSP member organization that this person represented>>
Appendix A - <<Title of Use Case>> <<Project management will provide this section>> Appendix B HITSP Taxonomy of Health Standards <<Project management will provide this section>> Appendix C Standards Readiness Level 1 Analysis << This section will contain the results of using the Level 1 characteristics on the pool of standards
identified. It will discuss the risks associated with each standard that may be de-selected. For any standard that was considered and disqualified from consideration, please discuss the rationale. Possible reasons may include (but are not limited to): no existing commercial implementations existing standard is in the process of being deprecated other standard(s) are deemed more relevant (enumerate why) The exact format and content instructions for this section will be provide by Project Management after the Level 1 Readiness criteria are approved by HITSP.>>