Altera PWM
Altera PWM
Altera PWM
Section II of this volume provides instructions on how to use SOPC Builder to achieve specific goals. Chapters in this section serve to answer the question, "How do I use SOPC Builder?" Many chapters in this handbook provide design examples which you can download free from Design file hyperlinks are located with individual chapters linked from the Altera web site. This section includes the following chapters:
Chapter 6, Developing Components for SOPC Builder Chapter 7, Building Systems with Multiple Clock Domains
Revision History
The following table shows the revision history for Chapters 6 7. These version numbers track the document revisions; they have no relationship to the version of SOPC Builder or the Quartus II software. Chapter(s)
6 7
Date / Version
February 2005 v1.0 February 2005 v1.0
Changes Made
Initial release. Initial release.
Altera Corporation
Section II1
Section II2
Altera Corporation
This chapter describes the design flow to develop a custom SOPC Builder component. This chapter provides tutorial steps that guide you through the process of creating a custom component, integrating it into a system, and downloading it to hardware. This chapter is divided into the following sections:
Component Development Flow (see page 63) . Design Example: Pulse-Width Modulator (PWM) Slave (see page 68). This design example demonstrates developing a component with a single AvalonTM slave interface. In this section, you will start with a ready-made HDL design, package it into a SOPC Builder component, and then instantiate it in a system. If you have a development board, you can download the design to hardware and see the PWM work. Sharing Components (see page 628). This section shows you how to relocate component files to use them in other systems, or share them with other designers.
Hardware files: HDL modules that describe the component hardware Software files: A C-language header file that defines the component register map, and driver software that allows programs to control the component Component description file (class.ptf): This file defines the structure of the component, and provides SOPC Builder the information it needs to integrate the component into a system. The component
61 Quartus II Handbook, Volume 4
editor generates this file automatically based on the hardware & software files you provide, and the parameters you specify in the component editor GUI. After you create the hardware and software files that describe the component, you use the component editor to package those file into an SOPC Builder component. You can also use the component editor later to re-edit the component, if you ever update the hardware or software files.
Building systems with SOPC Builder. For details, see the Introduction to SOPC Builder and Tour of the SOPC Builder User Interface chapters in Volume 4 of the Quartus II Handbook. SOPC Builder components. For details, see the SOPC Builder Components chapter in Volume 4 of the Quartus II Handbook. Basic concepts of the Avalon interface. You do not need extensive knowledge of the Avalon interface, such as transfer types or signal timing, to use the design example(s) provided with this chapter. However, to create your own custom components, you need a fuller understanding of the Avalon interface. For details, see the Avalon Interface Specification.
Design files for the example design A hyperlink to the design files appears next to this chapter on the SOPC Builder literature page. Visit Quartus II Software version 4.2 or higher Both Quartus II Web Edition and the fully licensed version will work with the example design. Nios II development kit version 1.1 or higher Both the evaluation edition and the fully licensed version will work with the example design. Nios development board and an Altera USB-Blaster download cable (Optional) You can use any of the following Nios development boards: Stratix II Edition Stratix Edition Stratix Professional Edition Cyclone Edition
If you do not have a development board, you can follow the hardware development steps, but you will not be able to download the complete system to a working board.
You can download the Quartus II Web Edition software and the Nios II Development Kit, Evaluation Edition for free from the Altera Download Center at 1 Before you begin, you must install the Quartus II software and Nios II development tools.
This section provides an overview of the development process for SOPC Builder components, covering both the hardware and software aspects. This section focuses on the design flow for components with a single Avalon slave interface. However, these steps are easily extrapolated to components with a master port, or multiple master and slave ports.
Write HDL that describes the hardware in either Verilog or VHDL. Test the component hardware alone to verify correct operation. Write a C header file that defines the hardware-level register map for software. Use the component editor to package the initial hardware and software files into a component.
Instantiate the component into a simple SOPC Builder system module. Test register-level accesses to the component using a microprocessor, such as the Nios II processor. You can perform verification in hardware, or on an HDL simulator such as ModelSim.
10. If a microprocessor will be used to control the component, write driver software. 11. Iteratively improve the component design, based on in-system behavior of the component: a. b. c. Make hardware improvements and adjustments. Make software improvements and adjustments. Incorporate hardware and software changes into the component using the component editor.
12. Build a complete SOPC Builder system incorporating one or more instances of the component. 13. Perform system-level verification. Make further iterative improvements, if necessary. 14. Finalize the component and distribute it for design reuse. The design process for a master component is similar, except for software development aspects.
Hardware Design
As with any logic design process, the development of SOPC Builder component hardware begins after the specification phase. Coding the HDL is an iterative process, as you write and verify the HDL logic against the specification. The architecture of a typical component consists of the following functional blocks:
Task Logic - The task logic implements the component's fundamental function. The task logic is design dependent.
Register File - The register file provides a path for communicating signals from inside the task logic to the outside world, and vice versa. The register file maps internal nodes to addressable offsets that can be read or written by the Avalon interface. Avalon Interface - The Avalon interface provides a standard Avalon front-end to the register file. The interface uses any Avalon signal types necessary to access the register file and support the transfer types required by the task logic. The following factors affect the Avalon interface: How wide is the data to be transferred? What is the throughput requirement for the data transfers? Is this interface primarily for control or for data? That is, do transfers tend to be sporadic, or come in continuous bursts? Is the hardware relatively fast or slow compared to other components that will be in a system?
Figure 61 shows a block diagram of a typical component with one Avalon slave port. Figure 61. Typical Component with One Avalon Slave Port
Component Hardware
Register File
ApplicationSpecific Interface Signals Status Register Control Register1 Control Register2 Avalon Slave Port Signals
Task Logic
Other Registers
Software Design
If your intent is for a microprocessor to control your component, then you must provide software files that define the software view of the component. At a minimum, you must define the register map for each
slave port that is accessible to a processor. The component editor lets you package a C header file with the component to define the software view of the hardware. Typically, the header file declares macros to read and write each register in the component, relative to a symbolic base address assigned to the component. The following example shows an excerpt from the register map for an Altera-provided UART component for the Nios II processor. Example: Register Map for a Component
#include <io.h> #define IOADDR_ALTERA_AVALON_TIMER_STATUS(base) #define IORD_ALTERA_AVALON_TIMER_STATUS(base) #define IOWR_ALTERA_AVALON_TIMER_STATUS(base, data) #define #define #define #define ALTERA_AVALON_TIMER_STATUS_TO_MSK ALTERA_AVALON_TIMER_STATUS_TO_OFST ALTERA_AVALON_TIMER_STATUS_RUN_MSK ALTERA_AVALON_TIMER_STATUS_RUN_OFST __IO_CALC_ADDRESS_NATIVE(base, 0) IORD(base, 0) IOWR(base, 0, data) (0x1) (0) (0x2) (1) __IO_CALC_ADDRESS_NATIVE(base, 1) IORD(base, 1) IOWR(base, 1, data) (0x1) (0) (0x2) (1) (0x4) (2) (0x8) (3)
Software drivers abstract hardware details of the component so that software can access the component at a high level. The driver functions provide the software an API to access the hardware. The software requirements vary according to the needs of the component. The most common types of routines initialize the hardware, read data, and write data. Driver software is dependent on the target processor. The component editor lets you easily package software drivers for the hardware abstraction layer (HAL) used by the Nios II processor development tools. To provide drivers for other processors, you must accommodate the needs of the development tools for the target processor.
For details on writing drivers for the Nios II HAL, see the Nios II Software Developer's Handbook. It is instructive to look at the software files provided for other ready-made components. The Nios II development kit provides many components you can use as reference. See <Nios II kit path>/components/.
Unit Verification
To test the task logic block alone, you use your preferred verification method(s), such as behavioral or register transfer level (RTL) simulation tools. Similarly, you can verify all component logic, including the register file and the Avalon interface(s), using your preferred verification tools. After you package the HDL files into a component using the component editor, the Nios II development kit offers an easy-to-use method to simulate read and write transactions to the component. Using the Nios II processor's robust simulation environment, you can write C code for the Nios II processor that initiates read and write transfers to your component. The results can be verified either on the ModelSim simulator or on hardware, such as a Nios development board.
See AN351: Simulating Nios II Embedded Processor Designs for more information.
System-Level Verification
After you package the HDL files into a component using the component editor, you can instantiate the component in a system, and verify the functionality of the overall system module. SOPC Builder provides support for system-level verification for RTL simulators such as ModelSim. While SOPC Builder produces a testbench for system-level verification, the capability of the simulation environment is largely dependent on the components included in the system.
During the verification phase, including a Nios II processor in the system can be useful to get the benefits of the Nios II simulation environment. Even if your component has no relationship to the Nios II processor, the auto-generated ModelSim simulation environment provides an easy-to-use base that you can build upon to verify other logic in the system.
This section uses a pulse-width modulator (PWM) design example to demonstrate the steps to create a component and instantiate it in a system. This component has a single Avalon slave port. In this section, you will perform the following steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Install the design files. Review the example design specifications. Package the design files into an SOPC Builder component. Instantiate the component in hardware. Compile the hardware design in the Quartus II software, and download the design to a target board. Exercise the hardware using Nios II software.
Perform the following steps to setup the design environment: 1. Unzip the contents of the PWM zip file to a directory on your computer. This document will refer to this directory as the <PWM design files> directory. On your host computer file system, locate the following directory:
<Nios II kit path>/examples/<verilog or vhdl>/<board version>/standard Each development board has a VHDL and Verilog version of the design. You can use either one. Table 61 shows the names of the directories for the available Nios development boards.
Tutorial Directory
niosII_stratixII_2s60_es niosII_stratix_1s10 or niosII_stratix_1s10_es niosII_stratix_1s40 niosII_cyclone_1c20
For demonstration purposes, the figures in this chapter show the case of the Verilog design on the Nios Development Board, Cyclone Edition. 3. Copy the standard directory to a new location. By copying the design files, you avoid corrupting the original design. This document will refer to the newly-created directory as the <Quartus II project> directory.
PWM Design Files Functional Specification PWM Task Logic Register File Avalon Interface Software API
In a typical design flow, it is the designer's responsibility to specify the behavior of the component.
Contains HDL files describing the component hardware. Contains the core of the PWM functionality. Contains logic for reading and writing PWM registers. Instantiates task logic and register file, and provides an Avalon slave interface. This file contains the top-level module. Contains C files describing the software interface to the component. Contains header files defining low-level hardware interface. Defines macros to access registers in the PWM component. Contains HAL driver files for the Nios II processor. Contains HAL driver include files. Declares function prototypes for accessing the PWM. Contains HAL driver source code files. Defines functions for accessing the PWM. Contains an example program to test the component hardware & software.
/pwm_sw /inc avalon_slave_pwm_regs.h /HAL /inc altera_avalon_pwm_routines.h /src altera_avalon_pwm_routines.c /test_software hello_altera_avalon_pwm.c
Functional Specification
A PWM component outputs a square wave with modulated duty cycle. A basic pulse-width waveform is shown in Figure 62. Figure 62. Basic Pulse-Width Modulation Waveform
clk pwm_clock_divide = 10 (+1) pwm_duty_cycle = 7 pwm_out
The task logic operates synchronously to a single clock. The task logic uses 32-bit counters to provide a suitable range of PWM periods and duty cycles. A host processor is responsible for setting the PWM period value and duty-cycle value. This requirement implies the need for a read/write interface to control logic. Register elements are defined to hold the PWM period value and duty-cycle value. The host processor can halt the PWM output by using an enable control bit.
The PWM task logic consists of an input clock (clk), an output signal (pwm_out), an enable bit, a 32-bit modulo-n counter, and a 32-bit comparator circuit. clk drives the 32-bit modulo-n counter to establish the period of the pwm_out signal. The comparator compares the current value of the modulo-n counter to the duty-cycle value and determines the output of pwm_out. When the current count value is less than or equal to the duty-cycle value, pwm_out drives logic value 0; otherwise, it drives logic value 1.
The task-logic structure is shown in Figure 63. Figure 63. PWM Task Logic Structure
Modulo-n Counter
Reset Avalon Slave Port Signals Enable Control Register Clock Enable Master Clock Up Counter
PWM Output
Register File
The register file provides access to the enable bit, the modulo-n value and the duty cycle value, shown in Figure 63. The design maps each register to a unique offset in the Avalon slave port address space. Each register has read and write access, which means that software can read back values previously written into the registers. This is an arbitrary design choice that provides software convenience at the expense of hardware resources. You could equally design the registers to be writeonly, which would conserve on-chip logic resources, but make it impossible for software to read back the register values.
The register file and offset mapping is shown in Table 63. To support three registers, two bits of address encoding are necessary. This gives rise to the fourth register which is reserved.
00 01 10 11
Read / Write Read / Write Read / Write -
The number of clock cycles counted during one cycle of the PWM output. The number of clock cycles in which the PWM output will be low. Enables/disables the PWM output. Setting bit 0 to 1 enables the PWM.
To read or write the registers requires only one clock cycle, which affects the wait-states for the Avalon interface.
Avalon Interface
The Avalon interface for the PWM component requires a single slave port using a small set of Avalon signals to handle simple read and write transfers to the registers. The component's Avalon slave port has the following characteristics:
It is synchronous to the Avalon slave port clock. It is readable and writeable. It has zero wait states for reading and writing, because the registers are able to respond to transfers within one clock cycle. It has no setup or hold restrictions for reading and writing. Read latency is not required, because all transfers can complete in one clock cycle. Read latency would not improve performance. It uses native address alignment, because the slave port is connected to registers rather than a memory device.
Table 64 lists the Avalon signals types required to implement these transfer properties. The table also lists the names of each signal as defined in the HDL design file.
Table 64. PWM Signal Names & Avalon Signal Types Signal Name in HDL
clk resetn avalon_chip_select address write write_data read read_data
1 1 1 2 1 32 1 32
input input input input input input input output
Clock that synchronizes data transfers and task logic Reset signal; active low. Chip-select signal 2-bit address; only three encodings are used. Write enable signal 32-bit write-data value Read enable signal 32-bit read-data value
For details on the behavior of Avalon signals and Avalon transfers, see the Avalon Interface Specification.
Software API
The PWM example design provides both a header file that defines the register map, and driver software for the Nios II processor. See Table 62 on page 610 for a description of the individual files. The driver functions are listed in Table 65.
Prototype Description
Initializes the PWM hardware Activates the PWM output Deactivates the PWM output Deactivates the PWM output
2. 3.
You will return to the HDL Files tab. The component editor immediately analyzes each file to read I/O signal and parameter information from the file. 5. Ensure that both the Simulation and Synthesis boxes are turned on for all files. This indicates that each file is appropriate for both simulation and synthesis design flows. Select pwm_avalon_interfave.v: pwm_avalon_interface in the Top Level Module list to specify the top-level module.
At this point, the component editor GUI displays error messages. Ignore these messages for now, because you will fix them in later steps. Figure 64 shows the state of the HDL Files tab. Figure 64. HDL Files Tab
Signals Tab
For every I/O signal present on the top-level HDL module, you must map the signal name to a valid Avalon signal type using the Signals tab. The component editor automatically fills in signal details that it finds in the top-level HDL source file. If a signal is named the same as a recognized Avalon signal type (such as write or address), then the component editor automatically assigns the signal's type. If the component editor cannot determine the signal type, it assigns it to type export. Perform the following steps to define the component I/O signals: 1. Click the Signals tab. All of the I/O signals in the top level HDL module pwm_avalon_interface appear automatically. Assign the Signal Type settings for all signals, as show in Figure 65. To change a value, click the Signal Type cell to display a drop-down list, and select a new signal type from the list.
After you correctly assign each signal name to a signal type, the error messages should disappear. Figure 65. Assigning Signal Names to Signal Types
You assign type export to the signal pwm_out, because it is not an Avalon signal. It is intended to be an output of the SOPC Builder system.
Interfaces Tab
The Interfaces tab lets you configure the properties of all Avalon interfaces on the component. In this case there is only one Avalon interface, as specified in the section Avalon Interface on page 613. Perform the following steps to configure the Avalon slave port: 1. Click the Interfaces tab. The component editor displays a default Avalon slave port that it created automatically, based on the toplevel I/O signals in the component design. Type control_slave in the Name field to rename the slave port. This name appears in the SOPC Builder GUI when you instantiate the component in SOPC Builder. Change the settings for the control_slave interface as listed in Table 66 below. Figure 66 on page 619 shows the Interfaces tab with the correct settings.
Registers This setting is appropriate for slave ports used to access address-mapped registers 0 This setting means that the slave port responds to read requests in a single clock cycle (i.e, it does not need read waitstates.) This setting means that the slave port captures write requests in a single clock cycle (i.e., it does not need write waitstates.)
Write Wait
3. 4. 5.
Browse to the directory <PWM design files>/pwm_sw/inc. Select the file altera_avalon_pwm_regs.h and click Open. Click the Type cell for altera_avalon_pwm_regs.h to change the file type. A drop-down list appears. Select type Registers (inc/). Repeat steps 2 to 6 to add the file <PWM design files>/pwm_sw/HAL/inc/altera_avalon_pwm_routines.h and set its type to HAL (HAL/inc/). Repeat steps 2 to 6 to add the file <PWM design files>/pwm_sw/HAL/src/altera_avalon_pwm_routines.c and set its type to HAL (HAL/src/).
6. 7.
Figure 67 shows the SW Files tab with the correct settings. Figure 67. Software Files (SW Files) Tab
In the Tooltip cell for clock_cycle_reg_init, type: Initial Duty Cycle After Reset
Click Preview the Wizard to preview how the component wizard will appear when instantiated from within SOPC Builder. Close the preview window when you are done.
You are ready to instantiate the component into an SOPC Builder system.
3. 1
Perform the following steps to add a PWM component to the SOPC Builder system: 1. On the SOPC Builder System Contents tab, select the new component pwm_avalon_interface under the User Logic group in the list of available components, and click Add. The configuration wizard for the PWM component appears. If you want to, you can modify the parameters in the configuration GUI. The parameters affect the reset state of the PWM control registers, but have no affect on the outcome of the steps in this chapter. 2. Click Finish. You return to the SOPC Builder System Contents tab, and the component pwm_avalon_interface_0 appears in the table of active components. Right-click pwm_avalon_interface_0 and choose Rename. Type z_pwm_0 for the component name and press Enter. (This name is unusual, but it minimizes effort later when you update the Quartus II design in section Modify the Quartus II Design to Use the PWM Output on page 623. You must name the component exactly as directed, or else later steps in this chapter will fail. Click Generate to start generating the system.
3. 4.
After system generation completes successfully, exit SOPC Builder and return to the Quartus II software.
1. 2.
3. 4.
If you performed all prior steps correctly, the Quartus II compilation will finish successfully after several minutes, and generate a new FPGA configuration file for the project. 1 You can only perform the remaining steps in this chapter if you have a development board.
Perform the following steps to download the hardware design to the board: 1. Connect your host computer to the development board using an Altera download cable, such as the USB Blaster, and apply power to the board. Choose Programmer (Tools menu) to open the Quartus II Programmer. Use the Programmer window to download the following FPGA configuration file to the board: <Quartus II project>/standard.sof.
At this point, you have completed all the steps to create a hardware design and download it to hardware.
In this section you will perform the following steps: 1. 2. 3. Start the Nios II IDE and create a new Nios II IDE project. Build and run the C test program. View the results.
To complete this section, you must have performed all prior steps, and successfully configured the target board with the hardware design.
3. 4. 5. 6.
7. 8. 9.
After the IDE successfully creates the new project, the C/C++ Projects view will contain two new projects, hello_pwm and hello_pwm_syslib, in addition to Nios II Device Drivers, as shown in Figure 69. Figure 69. New Projects in the C/C++ Projects View
The project is now ready to compile and run. Perform the following steps: 1. Right-click hello_pwm and choose Build Project to compile the program. The first time you build the project, it can take a few minutes for the compilation to finish. After compilation completes, select hello_pwm in the C/C++ Projects view. Choose Run (Run menu). The Run dialog appears. Under Configurations select Nios II Hardware, and click New. A new run/debug configuration named hello_pwm Nios II HW configuration appears. If the Run button (in the bottom right of the Run dialog) is deactivated, perform the following steps: a. b. c. Click the Target Connection tab. Click Refresh next to the JTAG cable list. From the JTAG cable list, select the download cable you want to use. Click Refresh next to the JTAG device list.
3. 4.
d. 6. 7.
Sharing Components
The Console view in the IDE displays messages similar to the following: Hello from the PWM test program. The starting values in the PWM registers are: Period = 0 Duty cycle = 0 Notice the pulsing LED on the development board.
Congratulations! You have finished all steps for the PWM design example.
Sharing Components
When you create a component using the component editor, SOPC Builder automatically saves the component in the current Quartus II project directory. To promote design reuse, you can use the component in different projects, and you can share your component with other designers. Perform the following steps to share a component: 1. In your computer's file system, move the component directory to a central location, outside any particular Quartus II project's directory. For example, you could create a directory c:\my_component_library to store your custom components. The directory path name cannot contain spaces. If the path contains spaces, SOPC Builder might not be able to access the files. In SOPC Builder, choose SOPC Builder Setup (File menu). The SOPC Builder Setup dialog appears, which lets you specify where SOPC Builder searches for component files. Under Component/Kit Library Search Path, add the path to the enclosing directory of the component directory. For example, for a component directory c:\my_component_library\pwm_avalon_interface\, add the path c:\my_component_library. If there are pre-existing paths, use "+" to separate the path names. Click OK.
This chapter guides you through the process of using SOPC Builder to create a system with multiple clock domains. You will start with a readymade design that uses a single clock domain, and modify the design to use two clocks.
Input Stream
Output Stream
Figure 71 does not show example design features that are not directly related to the issue of multiple clocks, such as a JTAG UART communication peripheral and timer peripheral used by the Nios II processor.
Design files for the example design A hyperlink to the design files is located with this chapter on the SOPC Builder literature page. Visit
Quartus II Software version 4.2 or higher Both Quartus II Web Edition and the fully licensed version will work with the example design. Nios II development kit version 1.1 or higher Both the evaluation edition and the fully licensed version will work with the example design. Nios development board and an Altera USB-BlasterTM download cable (Optional) You can use any of the following Nios development boards:
If you do not have a development board, you can follow the hardware development steps, but you will not be able to download the complete system to a working board.
You can download the Quartus II Web Edition software and the Nios II Development Kit, Evaluation Edition for free from the Altera Download Center at 1 Before you begin, you must install the Quartus II software and Nios II development tools.
In this section, you will start with an example hardware design provided with the Nios II development kit and create a multi-clock system. You will perform the following steps: 1. 2. Copy the hardware design files to a new directory Modify the design in SOPC Builder to create a multi-clock hardware system Update the Quartus II design to use the new clock domain Compile the hardware design in the Quartus II software, and download the hardware design to a target board
3. 4.
In your host computer file system, locate the following directory: <Nios II kit path>\examples\<verilog or vhdl>\<board version>\standard Each development board has a VHDL and Verilog version of the design. You can use either one. Table 71 shows the names of the directories for the available Nios development boards.
Tutorial Directory
niosII_stratixII_2s60_es niosII_stratix_1s10 or niosII_stratix_1s10_es niosII_stratix_1s40 niosII_cyclone_1c20
For demonstration purposes, the figures in this chapter show the case of the Verilog design on the Nios Development Board, Cyclone Edition. 2. Copy the standard directory to a new location. This document will refer to the newly-created directory as <hardware files directory>.
3. 4. 5.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Start the Quartus II software. Choose Open Project (File menu). Browse to <hardware files directory>. Select standard.qpf and click Open. Choose SOPC Builder (Tools menu) to start SOPC Builder.
The SOPC Builder window appears, displaying the contents of the system, which you will use as a starting point for your design.
5. 6. 7.
9. w
Type write_bufferr to rename the component. You must name the DMA and memory components exactly as specified above (dma_0, read_buffer, and write_buffer). If you name the components differently, later steps will fail.
Figure 72 shows the state of the connections panel after all components have been correctly connected. Figure 72. Correct Connections Between Master & Slave Ports
After the DMA controller is connected properly to the on-chip memories, the error messages disappear from the SOPC Builder messages window.
2. 3.
In the Clock list for the DMA component, select fastclk to assign the 100 MHz clock to the DMA component, as shown in Figure 74. Repeat step 4 for the read_buffer and write_buffer components, as shown in Figure 74.
Figure 74. Assigning a Different Clock to the DMA & Memory Components
6. 7.
Click Generate to start generating the system. After system generation completes successfully, exit SOPC Builder and return to the Quartus II software.
To complete this section, you must be familiar with the Quartus II Block Editor.
1. 2.
Select the std_<FPGA> symbol, and click OK. See Figure 75.
Move the mouse to position the symbol between the pin symbols, then click the left mouse button to place the symbol. Look at the symbol, and notice the new clock input, clk_fastclk, and the old clock input, which is now named clk_clk. Reconnect all previous connections to the std_<FPGA> symbol, except for the clock inputs clk_clk and clk_fastclk. You will connect the clock inputs in later steps.
Figure 76 shows the new symbol reconnected to all signals except for the clocks. Figure 76. Updated Symbol without Clock Connections
At this point, the Quartus II software might display a benign warning: "Delay shifts (time delay elements) are no longer supported in the Stratix PLLs." If you see this message, click OK. 3. Click Next until you reach page 6 of 15 of the wizard flow, shown in Figure 77. Click Use this clock. Select Enter output clock frequency. Under Requested settings, type 100 and select MHz.
4. 5. 6.
Click Finish to jump to the final stage (page 15 of 15) of the wizard flow. Click Finish again to return to the Quartus II software.
Right-click the sdram_pll symbol and choose Update Symbol or Block. The Update Symbol or Block dialog appears.
10. Click OK to update the selected instance of the symbol. The PLL is now configured correctly to generate a 100 MHz output clock.
For further information on using the PLLs in Altera devices, see the handbook for the target device family.
3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8.
The two nodes are now linked symbolically (by the name dmaclk) via a conduit alias.
Follow the instructions below to complete the remaining clock connections. Depending on which Nios development board you are targeting, the remaining PLL connections to the PLL(s) are slightly different. This section gives instructions to accommodate all Nios development boards. w Be sure to use the instructions that apply to your board, or else the design will fail in hardware.
For the Nios Development Board, Stratix II Edition, Stratix Professional Edition, and Stratix Edition, connect the PLL according to Table 72.
Connects to
clk_clk on std_<FPGA> clk_fastclk on std_<FPGA> PLD_CLKOUT pin
The BDF for the Nios Development Board, Cyclone Edition contains a second PLL symbol named connector_pll in addition to sdram_pll. Connect both PLLs according to Table 73.
Table 73. PLL Connections for the Nios Development Board, Cyclone Edition Node
c0 on sdram_pll c1 on sdram_pll e0 on sdram_pll c0 on connector_pll e0 on connector_pll Nothing
Connects to
clk_fastclk on std_<FPGA> SDRAM_CLK pin clk_clk on std_<FPGA> PLD_CLKOUT pin
Figure 78 shows an example of the BDF for the Nios Development Board, Cyclone Edition with all connections completed using conduit aliases. Figure 78. Symbolic Conduit Aliases Connecting PLL(s) to System Module
If you performed all prior steps correctly, the Quartus II compilation will finish successfully after several minutes, and generate a new FPGA configuration file for the project.
You can only perform the remaining steps in this chapter if you have a development board.
To download the hardware design to the board, perform the following steps: 1. Connect your host computer to the development board via an Altera download cable, such as the USB Blaster. Choose Programmer (Tools menu) to open the Quartus II Programmer. Use the Programmer window to download the following FPGA configuration file to the board: <Hardware files directory>\standard.sof.
You have completed all the steps to create a multi-clock hardware design and download it to hardware. This design is based on the Nios II processor, and therefore you will have to run a software program on the processor to exercise the hardware.
In this section, you will run a program on the Nios II processor to exercise the multi-clock domain hardware. This program sets up and initiates a DMA transfer using the Nios II processor, and measures the time for the DMA transfer to complete. 1 There is nothing special about this program that makes it specific to multi-clock domain systems. Because the Avalon switch fabric abstracts the details of clock domain crossing, the Nios II processor benefits from the fast performance of the DMA controller without needing to be aware of the system clock domain properties.
You will perform the following steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. Install the example software design files. Create a new Nios II IDE project using the software files. Build and run the program. Analyze the results.
To complete this section, you must have performed all prior steps, and successfully configured the target board with your multi-clock hardware design.
dma_xfer.c Contains main(). init.c, init.h Contain initialization routines to set up memory buffers, and initialize the timer. settings_check.h Provides basic error checking to verify that the hardware contains the necessary DMA and memory components.
The file contains example software files packaged as a Nios II IDE software template. Perform the following steps to install the files: 1. Extract the contents of into a new directory called multi_clock. Move the multi_clock directory under the following directory: <Nios II kit path>\examples\software
The files are packaged as a Nios II IDE template only to minimize the number of steps required for you to run the software. Using a template is not a necessary part of writing software for multi-clock domain systems. Using the template automatically provides the following functionality in the Nios II IDE, which you otherwise would have to perform manually: 1. 2. 3. Imports source files into a new project directory. Sets up the system library settings. Sets up the project settings.
Under Select Project Template, select Multi-Clock Domain Tutorial. Ensure that Use Default Location is turned on. Click Browse under Select Target Hardware. The Select Target Hardware dialog box appears. Browse to the <hardware files directory> directory where you created the hardware design earlier. Select the file std_<FPGA> .ptf . Click Open to return to the New Project wizard. The SOPC Builder System field is now specified and the CPU field now contains the name of the CPU in the system, as shown in Figure 79. Click Finish.
4. 5.
7. 8.
After the IDE successfully creates the new project, the C/C++ Projects view contains two new projects, multi_clock_0 and multi_clock_0_syslib, in addition to Nios II Device Drivers, as shown in Figure 710. Figure 710. New Projects Displayed in the C/C++ Projects View
Initializes the read and write memory buffers, filling the read memory buffer with random values. Performs timer initialization to accurately measure how long a DMA transaction will take. Sets up a DMA transaction to copy the contents of the read buffer to the write buffer. Starts the timer, initiates the DMA transaction, and waits for the DMA to generate an interrupt. Stops the timer when the DMA transaction finishes. Verifies that the write buffer contents are correct. Reports the duration of the DMA transaction.
To build and run the program, perform the following steps: 1. In the Nios II IDE C/C++ Projects view, select the multi_clock_0 project. Choose Run As > Nios II Hardware (Run menu) to build the program, download it to the board, and run it. The IDE automatically builds the program before attempting to run it. The build process can take several minutes. After the build completes, the IDE will download the program to the target board and run it. View the results in the Console view.
The Console view will display results similar to the following: nios2-terminal: starting in terminal mode (Control-C exits) Hello from Nios II! Starting DMA transfer... Starting a DMA transfer of 4096 bytes of data. DMA transfer completed. It took 34.3600006104 useconds to complete the transfer. Comparing send and receive buffer data... Data Matches. Program completed successfully.
See the Nios II IDE online help for more information on building and downloading projects. In this example, the DMA achieved approximately 120 MBytes per second (4096 bytes / 34.36 usec). The source (read) and destination (write) buffer memories have zero wait states, and therefore can perform a maximum of one transfer per clock cycle. For successive 32-bit transfers at 100 MHz, the theoretical maximum DMA transfer performance is 400 MBytes per second. The 34.36 usec time includes the following processor overhead, which accounts for the difference between 400 and 120:
Time spent in the DMA driver setting up the DMA transfer. Time spent in the interrupt handler after the DMA flags that it has completed the transfer. Time spent entering the DMA callback function to capture the finish time.
Congratulations! You have completed all tutorial steps in this chapter to create a multi-clock domain system with SOPC Builder and exercise the system in hardware.