Homework of The Week: Colegio Gimnasio Campestre San Sebastián

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Colegio Gimnasio Campestre San Sebastin

Homework of the Week

>English Subjects


July 29th to August 1st

Tuesday (English)

>Teacher: David D Avila

Wednesday (Social/ English) Thursday (Math/ English)

Monday (Science/ English)

-Draw these sentences in your English notebook: a) I was listening to music b) She was playing a guitar c) They were eating hot dogs.

-Write sentences using Past Continuous Tense and these words in your English notebook: a) battery; b) screen; c) keyboard; d) club; e) puppet. For: Friday -Draw images about these sentences using Demonstrative Pronouns, in your English notebook: a) That is my new videogame; b) These are my favorite jeans; c) Those are my best friends; d) This is my English dictionary; e) These are my toys. -Create a collage -Use your Tangram to about Alanis Morissette create five figures and in your Social then draw them in your notebook. Math notebook. For 6th A: Wednesday (next) For 6th A: Friday For 6th A: Thursday (next) For 6th A: Thursday (next)


For: Wednesday! -Draw the water cycle and write a description about this in your Science notebook. -Give magazines, scissors and glue for the next Science class to create examples about chain food. For 6th A: Tuesday For 6th A: Tuesday

For 6th A: Wednesday For 6th A: Wednesday


-Draw a picture about one of these ecosystems in a piece of color paper: ocean, desert, arctic, or jungle. -Give magazines, scissors and glue for the next Science class to create a diagram about the different kinds of ecosystems. For: Monday

-Write ten sentences -Create a collage -Print and solve the extra using Imperatives in your about Brian Adams in worksheet (7th Grade) English notebook. your Social notebook. about Sudoku and paste it in your Math notebook. For: Wednesday For: Wednesday For: Thursday (next) (next)


-Create an article about the importance to avoid the different kinds of pollution in the planet, in your Science notebook. -Give magazines, scissors and glue for the next Science class to create a collage about the kinds of pollution. For: Monday

-Create a conceptual -Create a collage map about the different about Shania Twain in kinds of verbs patterns in your Social notebook. a piece of color paper. For: Wednesday For: Friday (next)

-Print and solve the extra worksheet (8th Grade) about Abstract Reasoning and paste it in your Math notebook. For: Thursday (next)

Colegio Gimnasio Campestre San Sebastin

7th Grade Math Extra Worksheet Name: _______________________________________________
1. Complete the text using the words bank - solution - grid - unique - objective - digits - provides - Number
Sudoku It was originally called _______________ Place, is a logic-based, combinatorial number-placement _______________. The _______________ is to fill a 99 _______________ with digits so that each _______________, each _______________, and each of the nine 33 sub-grids that compose the grid (also called "boxes) contain all of the _______________ from 1 to 9. The puzzle setter _______________ a partially completed grid, which typically has a _______________ _______________.

Teacher: David D Avila

- row -puzzle

- column

2. Solve these Sudokus

Colegio Gimnasio Campestre San Sebastin

8th Grade Math Extra Worksheet Name: _______________________________________________ 1. Complete the text using the words bank - jobs - reason - require - indicator - visual - intellectual - skills - numbers - words - sometimes -diagrams Teacher: David D Avila

Abstract reasoning tests Abstract reasoning tests, or diagrammatic reasoning tests as they are ________________ called, are psychometric tests which use ________________, symbols, signs or shapes instead of ________________ and ________________. In other words, they are ________________ questions. And because they ________________ good visual thinking ________________ rather than verbal or numerical skills, they are often considered to be a very good ________________ of a person's general ________________ ability. For this ________________ they are given to applicants over a wide range of ________________.

2. Select the correct option for these Abstract Reasoning Tests

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