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Verifiable Secret Sharing

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Verifiable Secret Sharing

CMSC 652: Cryptology, Spring 2009 Presented by: Vivek Relan


Motivation Applications of VSS Types of VSS VSS scheme by T Pedersen (1991) Commitment scheme Conclusion


Shamir's secret sharing scheme assumed that dealer is reliable But, in reality dealer may misbehave and can deal inconsistent shares to the participants Thus, k participants will unable to reconstruct a secret Verifiable Secret Sharing (VSS) scheme addresses this issue

Verifiable Secret Scheme

Shares are verifiable without revealing shares and secret Convinces shareholders that their shares are kconsistent

Each shareholder assures that every subset of k out of n defines the same secret

Detects malicious dealer or malicious shareholder


End-to-end auditable voting systems Threshold software key escrow Secure storage

Types of VSS

Interactive VSS

Interaction between dealer and shareholder is needed for verification e.g. Goldwasser-Micali Scheme (1985), Benaloh VSS scheme (1986)

Non-interactive VSS

No interaction between dealer and shareholder is needed for verification e.g. T Pedersen's VSS scheme (1991)

T Pedersen's VSS Scheme

Non-interactive and information-theoretic secure verifiable secret sharing Published in

Crypto'91 Springer'92

Citation count 661


Discrete logarithm problem

Let g, h Gq and x Z (set of integer) gx % N = h Given g, x and N, it is easy to find h But, it is hard to find x from g, h and N

Let p and q be prime and p = 2q+1. Z/pZ forms a group. We will restrict our attention to quadratic residue in this group.

Math overview

G = (g, h)

A = (a, b)

C = (c, d)

A + C = (a+c, b+d) n*A = (n*a, n*b) GA = (ga * hb) Let's consider a polynomial f(x) and g(x)
f(x) = a0 + a1x + a2x2 + a3x3 + ... + ak-1xk-1 g(x) = b0 + b1x + b2x2 + b3x3 + ... + bk-1xk-1

F = (f, g) Fm = (am, bm)

F(m) = (f(m), g(m))

Math overview (cont)


= GA = ga * hb = (ga+c * hb+d) = (ga * gc *hb *hd) = (ga * hb)*(gc * hd)

commit(A+C) = GA+C = G(a,b)+(c,d) = G(a+c, b+d)

commit(A+C) = commit(A)*commit(C)

(+, *) - Homomorphic property

Commitment scheme

Commit is hiding

Given commit(A), one has no idea about A It is hard to find A' such that commit(A) = commit(A') Based on discrete logarithm problem

Commit is binding

VSS: Sharing Protocol

Dealer chooses F = (f, g) randomly, where f, g are (k-1)-degree polynomials and f(0) = a0 and F(0) = (a0, b0)
f(x) = a0 + a1x + a2x2 + a3x3 + ... + ak-1xk-1 g(x) = b0 + b1x + b2x2 + b3x3 + ... + bk-1xk-1

a0 is secret a1, a2, ..., ak-1 and b0, b1, ..., bk-1 are selected randomly in a finite field

VSS: Sharing Protocol (cont)

Dealer computes Ai = commit(Fi) i=0,1, ..., k-1 and broadcasts all these commitment Ai to n participants Dealer computes Xi = F(i) and sends this value Xi to participant i, for each 1<= i <= n. Moreover, also sends signD(Xi) to person i

VSS: Verification phase

Each person Pi verifies the following

LHS equals RHS by (+, *) homomorphism property of commitment scheme

VSS: Verification phase (cont)

If verification fails for participant Pi,

Broadcast accusation (Xi , signD(Xi)) to all other participants

There are two cases in front of other participants

Dealer D is faulty Participant Pi is faulty

VSS: Verification phase (cont)

Dealer D proves that he is not faulty by broadcasting Xi to all participants Each participants can verify his share Participant Pi aborts if he sees at least k such accusation or his check fails

Dishonest dealer

Lot of trust is placed in a dealer Instead of choosing prime numbers to construct a quadratic residue subgroup, dealer might pick his phone number. Dealer can find the discrete log before distributing the shares and can manipulate the shares. How do we totally remove trust in the dealer ?

Linear combination of shared secrets

Let two instances of VSS scheme are running with same participants

By combining above these two procedures

Secret E0 + F0 = (x+y) Each person receives E(i) + F(i) = Xi + Yi

Linear combination of shared secrets (cont)

Due to (+, *) homomorphism property,

Combining two VSS procedure yields

Linear combination of shared secrets (cont)

Assume each participant acts as dealer and picks F[i], 1<= i <=n and principle of adding functions to have a secret that's sum of secrets shown above is applied n times:

If any one of the participant is honest and unbiased, the above scheme will be uniform and unbiased


Non-interactive verifiable (k, n)-threshold scheme protects the secret to be distributed unconditionally for any value of k (1<= k <= n) Correctness of shares depends on the assumption that dealer can not find discrete logarithm before the distribution of shares Linear combination of shared secrets is easy which removes the implicit trust placed in a dealer

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